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An Unlikely Alliance Part 1 (Aftermath of the Sebastian Walker story)


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Location used for inspiration;
Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Barrow Hospital (Barrow Gurney) previously known as Bristol City Mental Hospital (1850 - 1930).
Closed Down in 2006 & Demolished in 2008.
(For Reference; https://www.countyasylums.co.uk/barrow-hospital-barrow-gurney/)

I ended up having to split this into a two part-er because it wound up being so long lol


The sun shone brightly, warming the once cold and wet United Kingdom. A black car was parked at the end of a road, with the asylum within it's sight. It's radio playing one of the current popular songs of that year, aptly named Crazy and sung by Gnarls Barkley. In the passenger seat, a blond haired woman with a pixie cut and wearing large black sunglasses was staring at the mental hospital. In the driver's seat beside her was a red headed male, his hair long but not quite long enough to reach his shoulders. His fringe almost as long as the rest of his hair and falling to one side of his face. A fashionable look for that year. He too wore sunglasses similar to the female.

"You sure this is the place?" The woman asked, unmoving. 
"According to all our leads..." The man sighs.
"I don't sense him." The woman says after a brief pause.
"Neither do I...but according to our informant, this place has an entire sublevel dedicated to 'researching the supernaturals.' Maybe they have something in the flooring preventing us sensing our kind?"
The woman shivers "Research!" She scoffs. "More like dissections, cruel tests and torture!"
"Mhmm. If this place is anything like the last three, it's not going to be pretty down there..."
"So what's the plan?"
"Same as before."
The woman turns her head a little to look in the male's direction. "Infiltrate and search. If he's not here then we release the 'patients' and burn the place down anyway." He finishes.
"I do love a good bonfire." The female smirks.
"As do I, sis." The man grins then frowns. "I'm worried, Amelia." He confides.
"I know you are." The blonde sighs. "I am too."

"I haven't heard from or seen him in over a decade! I know he has a tendency to disappear randomly but with everything that's happened, I would have thought he'd have popped up to at least check on things...This isn't like him...I just know something is wrong..." He turns to Amelia as he finishes his sentence.
"We'll find him, Damien." She tried to reassure her brother, but truth be told, she was finding that phrase harder and harder to believe herself the longer they search.
Damien turns back to facing the Asylum. Amelia continues looking at her brother for a moment, considering everything they'd gone through so far. They were not brother and sister biologically. In fact, they had only really met each other around five years previously. In that time, they had grown inseparable. Amelia knew all about the tragic story of his family. How his father had vanished shortly before his birth. How his mother went mad and now spends her days in animal form, roaming her new and very wild home. How his sister, overcome with grief at the idea that her soul had been sold before her birth, destroyed her own soul as an act of defiance.

She understood why Damien considered Amelia family. She reminded him of his sister from a time when they had been happy. Perhaps he saw her as a sort of second chance? To have again what he had lost and to protect it, this time, with everything he had. To get it right.
Amelia looked up to Damien. Before him, she had felt lost and woefully unprepared for what she had changed herself into. She barely had control of her new powers and often caused destruction without meaning to. Before her transformation she had been a half fairy. Orphaned when she was too young to remember and raised by a man who had found her beside her dead mother. She knew nothing of her family or home before then, but she often wondered. Maybe she'll find out one day. But she doubted it.

All she could do now was focus on the new family she had right now. That was Damien...and the man they were searching for. The man who had transformed Damien around ten years ago. The man who could teach them more about what they are and how to control their ever growing powers. How to survive in a world that would hunt them if it knew of their existence and what to do with the enemies they had inherited from him.
That's if they could find him...

She turned to look at the Asylum once more. "Do you really think they'd know enough about our kind to be able to block our senses?" She asked sceptically.
Damien shrugs. "I don't know. But it's always possible. I've seen Angels team up with human organisations to hunt us before. Rogue Angels but still..." He says uneasily.
"Jesus, Damien! What if-?"
"I don't want to think about it." He says suddenly, cutting her off. Then sighs heavily and looks at Amelia. "You ready?"

---------One Week Earlier---------

In the cell with the heavily bolted door, deep beneath the Asylum, it was hard to tell exactly how much time had passed. In the quiet moments, when they couldn't hear the Doctors outside the cell, his maker taught him everything she could about what they are. She told him stories to calm him when he felt his sanity slipping. Comforted him by stroking his hair while he rested his head on her legs and sobbed. Sometimes she even sang to him. Neither of them had been given the choice in Sebastian's transformation from human to vampire, but they loved each other deeply regardless. Like a mother and child. Patience, her name was. The name fit her perfectly. Always so calm and quietly spoken.

They'd often talk about what they'd do if they ever managed to escape. The places they'd visit. The things she could teach him then. It wasn't much, but it kept them both hopeful. Sebastian supposed it could be worse. He doubted he'd have managed to remain sane if they hadn't been allowed to stay in the same cell. If she hadn't been able to tell him everything about what he was...He'd thought he'd been turned into a monster at first but after everything his new mother had told him, he now knew different. The only monsters in this whole building were the ones walking around with clipboards!

Once again, she sat with her back to the wall, her legs straightened out in front of her, stroking Sebastian's hair as he lay his head on her lap. It was peaceful. The Doctors hadn't bothered them in what felt like weeks, other than to throw in bags of blood to keep them alive. This worried them both. What if they'd learned everything they could learn about Vampires? They would have no use for them anymore. What would happen then? Nothing good, that much was certain.

Just as this thought crossed Sebastian's mind, they both flinched at the sound of the door's locks scraping and unfastening on the other side. They both got to their feet and looked at each other uncertainly. Patience took Sebastian's hand and squeezed it a little comfortingly. His heart pounded as it always did when the Doctors came to conduct strange tests on them, and now with his enhanced hearing, he could hear Patience's heart beating just as quickly. Over the years, the humans had learned new ways to get them to co-operate with them via a variety of new weapons designed to punish them painfully if they showed any resistance. One such weapon Sebastian feared was the electric stick. They called it a 'taser', a long metal pole with two prongs sticking out of the end and when those prongs hit your skin...Sebastian shuddered. He always tried not to give the humans a reason to use it but they always managed to find a reason anyway. Like they enjoyed inflicting pain on them.

The Asylum guards escorted them out of the cell and to a large, white testing room where they were both bound to upright metallic slabs. They were made to face each other. This was unusual. Normally, they only took one out of the cell for testing at a time. One guard stood next to each of them. Two doctors stood at a desk. Each where tapping on what sounded like a type writer but the things in front of them were thin black panels. Computers, Sebastian had heard them being called. Over the years, he had seen how these computers had evolved as technology progressed. First type writers, then large white boxes, now slim black panels. Always seeming to get smaller. Whatever next? A book sized pad that they poke? Sebastian smirked at the thought. That'll be the day!

Finally, they both stopped typing. One took up a clipboard and began scribbling notes while the other left the room. Sebastian didn't dare speak, even though he desperately wanted to know what they were up to today. He had learned the hard way that speaking out of turn earns you a shock from the taser. All they could do was watch and pray that what they planned to do today wouldn't be fatal or scarring. A couple of minutes later, the second Doctor returned. He was pulling a trolley into the room with various vials, all labelled with numbers and a couple of syringes in strange packaging. The packaging made little sense to Sebastian. It used to be that they would wash and reuse the same syringes when conducting tests but now the syringes came in sealed packets and were thrown away after every use.

A weird smell filled the room. The humans didn't seem phased or even notice it but to Sebastian it was powerful and sour. The kind of smell that burns your nostril hair. He cringed, wondering what it was and looked at Patience. She'd turned paler than normal and was looking at him with wide eyes. He stared at her, both concerned and confused and then she mouthed a word that made him realise just how much danger they were now in. 'Wolf.'
They'd gotten hold of a Werewolf? Is that what's in one of those vials? Their venom? Did they not know what that would do to a Vampire? Patience had been sure to warn Sebastian of how dangerous their kind were to Vampires. He began shaking. They needed to know! They couldn't put that into one or both of them!

He looked at the Doctor who had opened up a syringe and was now filling it with the yellow liquid. "H-hey!" He called out to get their attention. The guard next to him rolled his eyes and unhooked the taser hanging from his belt.
"How many times do we have to shock you, bat? Shut up!" The guard says but Sebastian doesn't take his eyes off the Doctor.
"You can't put that in us! It'll kill us! You can't-" Sebastian was cut off, his entire body tensing painfully as the electric current ran through him from the taser being jabbed into his side. It caused so much pain but he could never scream or even breathe while the current passed through him. The taser was pulled away and Sebastian's head drooped forward. He groaned then pulled up his head, a little out of breath. Tears starting to well up. "Y-you have to listen to me." He pleaded, the Doctor having stopped to observe the commotion he'd caused. "Please, it's toxic to us! It'd kill us immediately. Please."

"I said shut up!" The guard snapped and once again jammed the taser into Sebastian's side. His head leant back as far as it would go. His teeth clenched and his face contorted in pain. His body twitched involuntarily. The only noise being a loud ticking noise coming from the taser as the volts passed into him.
"That's enough." The Doctor says and the guard nods, pulling the taser away. Sebastian's head falls forward again and he breaths heavily. Tears rolling down his cheeks. "And why should we take your word for it?" The Doctor asked. "For all we know you could be saying that to try to get out of these tests. No, we must see the effects with our own eyes. The test will go ahead as planned."

"You can't!" Sebastian cried out, lifting his head and seeing the Doctor walking towards Patience with the syringe. "Please, no! Don't do this! It'll kill her! I don't want to be alone! Please! STOP THIS!" Sebastian became more and more frantic the closer the doctor got to Patience who watched him in silent terror. Fighting and pulling against the restraints, screaming for the Doctor to stop. He could see Patience visibly shaking. She was crying too. Just as the Doctor drew the syringe up to her arm, the guard had had enough of Sebastian's outcries and had struck him across the face.

His head had spun to one side from the force of the blow and he fell silent, dazed. "Fascinating!" He heard the Doctor say and coming back to his senses, Sebastian looked up and froze at the sight before him. Unable to take his eyes off of Patience whose skin had turned a sickly yellow, all the veins in her body were an angry red and protruding slightly. Her eyes had rolled to the back of her head, her head tilted back a little. Her body convulsed violently and red froth dripped rapidly from her mouth. Blood seeping out of her eyes, nose and ears.

The Doctors did nothing to try to save her. They just stood back and wrote their notes excitedly. Sebastian watched the whole scene in anguish, unable to do anything else. His chest rose and fell heavily. He felt as though he'd been punched in the gut and had his heart ripped out simultaneously. He watched his beloved mother fall still, her head dropping forward and knew she was gone forever. All sound in the room suddenly faded, replaced by white noise as he stared at her lifeless figure.

He didn't hear the Doctors talking excitedly about this new revelation or the opportunity of future tests that this created for them. He didn't hear them consider that they now needed a new vampire to replace the one they just lost in case Sebastian died and agreed on taking blood from him then starving him to create a new one the same way Sebastian had been made. He didn't see one of them leave and return with a tourniquet, rubber tubes and an empty blood bag for the procedure.

It was only as the guard stepped to one side to let the Doctor approach him and he felt the Doctor touch his arm that he snapped back to reality and stared at the Doctor furiously. He was only vaguely aware that he was screaming. No words. Just guttural, angry and agonised screaming. The Doctor had jumped and stumbled back a little, but he'd had no time to react to what happened next. Sebastian had pulled so hard and so suddenly on his restraints that they gave with little resistance. The enraged vampire took hold of the Doctor and bit into his throat as deep as he could. His arms squeezing the Doctor's arms and chest, bones cracked and shattered under the pressure. The Doctor was screaming. Sebastian's own venom not having enough time to numb the pain he was inflicting. But Sebastian wasn't biting to feed, he was biting to kill. Just as rapidly, his jaw closed around the Doctor's throat and he pulled his head back, tearing the throat wide open. Screams became gurgles. Blood spewed out of the wound, covering Sebastian.

The room was flashing red and an alarm rang out as Sebastian dropped the body and turned to face the other Doctor. Baring his fangs and growling angrily, marching towards them. She looked terrified, hugging the clipboard to her chest and backing away towards the farthest wall. Good. She should be. She deserved nothing less than death.
Pain that started in his right side and shot through the rest of his body caused him to pause with a grunt. Too angry to feel it like he had earlier, Sebastian turned to growl at the Guard who stared back at him with an expression of both fear and anger. Before Sebastian had the chance to strike however, another jolt of electric pain consumed him from his left side and this time, the pain was strong enough to bring him to his knees with a shriek.

Within moments, guard after guard had run into the room and piled themselves on top of Sebastian, pinning him to the ground. It seemed there were two guards for each of Sebastian's limbs. Two sat on his back. The first two continuously jabbed him with their tasers wherever they could reach, over and over and always both together. He screamed and screamed, tears falling freely as he clawed at the ground, trying in vain to stand up again. To fight them off but it was no use. There were too many of them. His screaming devolved to loud sobs, his head turned to stare at Patience's body. As the guards with the tasers backed off, his sobbing became quieter and he lay still, defeated.
He heard a guard ask the female Doctor if she was alright.

"I'm...I'm fine..." He heard her answer. Her voice shook but she had an authoritative tone. "Our security and restraints have been too lax around these creatures, it would seem...Take him back to his cell. From now on, we keep our Vampiric subjects in separate cells. It is clear that they cannot be allowed to become attached to each other...And after we make a new one, reduce their daily blood intake. He was stronger than he should have been for those restraints to hold him. We need to keep the Vampires weaker from now on."

Broken, Sebastian did not resist as the Guards dragged him back to his cell and practically threw him in. He then spent an unknown amount of time starving and crying. He'd lost the only friend he'd had in this God forsaken place and to top that off, they were starving him in order to do to someone else what they had done to him all those years ago. He couldn't stand this. He couldn't stand being here anymore. He couldn't even stand living anymore.

Unlikely Alliance Part 1.jpg

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