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Everything posted by Shadowess

  1. Denix Vames - November 28, 2020 (thank you. ill do my best then) Carter became even more pissed at his paranoia. He shouted, "Look! I told you to stay in the car! So back off and let me do my job!" He ran towards the noise while keeping his gun out. "Whoever you are! You need to come out with your hands-" The werewolf slammed him against a wall. Carter was instantly stunned by the impact. He could feel the pounding in his head. The gun fell out of his hand. Going off. The werewolf stood in front of him with his hand wrapped his neck. He sniffed. "Ugh! You smell terrible!" He shrugged. "But I am hungry." Carter tried to look at the man in front of him. Squinting his eyes to get a good look but all he could make out was a blurry face. He winced at the pain. He uttered out, "Fuck..." shadowess - November 29, 2020 "Oh, you stupid human!!" Sebastian finally lost his temper as Carter ran towards the noise while shouting commands at the wolf. Before Sebastian could move forward to pull him away however, the wolf had already struck, throwing Carter against the wall and strangling him. Sebastian could just leave...non of this is his problem. Not really. But a part of him felt responsible for leading Carter here. Oh, what does he care?? He's just a human! A human who seems intent on poisoning himself! He ignored Sebastian's warnings! His stubborn, ignorant ass had this coming! What does Sebastian owe this man? Absolutely nothing! ....Why then, did Sebastian run up and punch the wolf in his smug jaw? Knocking the dark, messy haired male back. Why did he immediately turn to Carter and bark the order "Run!" at him with such an intense glare? Why did he tackle the beast to the ground when the wolf got back up and attempted to go after Carter once more? Well, there's no point in dwelling on it now. Now all Sebastian had to focus on was staying alive! The wolf had managed to roll on top of Sebastian and was pummelling away while growling angrily. Sebastian was doing his best to block the blows and land a few himself but he was more concerned about the wolf's sharpening teeth which were coming at him as well. Sebastian manages to hold the wolf back with one hand under his chin but this left him with only one hand to try to defend himself against the persistent strikes from the wolf's fists. The wolf seemed to be wearing very ragged, loose and torn clothes. Through which his defined muscles were clearly visible. The ferocity with which the wolf attacked, to any onlooker who may not know any better, made him look like a man with steroid induced rage. From Sebastian's very up close and personal perspective though, he could see the fangs elongating, his jaw stretching out inhumanely and his grey eyes beginning to glow ever so slightly. "No you don't!" Sebastian gasped, trying his best to keep the beasts mouth away from any part of him. He felt blows to his head, arms, side and ribs. Each impact forcing a gasp or a groan from Sebastian as he fought desperately to stay alive. A hoarse chuckle came from the wolf; "What's the matter, nightling? You scared of a little nip?" Denix Vames - November 29, 2020 Carter fell to his knees. He blinked his vision back. He was surprised to see the suspect's strength. He was even more surprised to find Sebastian fighting against him. He was going to run but then he recalled who he was. A detective. He also remembered that he wasn't going to leave an innocent person to die. He picked up his gun and fired at the wolf. Several bullets went into his back but none of them took him out. "What the hell?!" shadowess - November 29, 2020 The sound of the gun shots echoed throughout the mall. The wolf barely flinched as the bullets pierced his back. "N-no! I told you to run!" Sebastian shouted but it was too late. The wolf had stopped hitting Sebastian and was now grinning evilly down at him. "No..." Sebastian shook his head at the wolf who merely continued to grin back. "Excuse me a moment nightling. There's something I need to take care of." "No, no, don't!" Sebastian tried but the wolf aimed one direct punch to the side of the vampires head, causing him to roll in a dazed state to one side with a groan. The wolf stood tall and turned towards the human. His jaw and nose elongated a bit too much now to look human. His glowing eyes landed on Carter as he bared his now sharpened teeth and growled. "I'll give you a five second head start human." His voice was gravelly. His grin widened and his eyes looked crazed. "I do love a good hunt!" Denix Vames - November 29, 2020 Carter took a step back. He continued to walk backwards as he shivered. His blood ran cold. He had never seen something like this before. This beast or monster. Whatever it was, it almost seemed unbelievable. He tripped over a crushed can. He fell back. With shaking hands, he raised his weapon and pulled the trigger. No bullets came out. He breathed heavily. His heart raced. "Wh-What are you...?"
  2. shadowess - November 28, 2020 ((Did you already have an idea in mind for the killer?)) Just as he thought. Not so much as a hint of belief from this guy. Well, who knows. Maybe by the end of tonight he might be a little more open to the idea. Carter had already made it clear on their way to the mall that he expected Sebastian to stay in the car, presumably out of his way. Of course, Sebastian had absolutely no intention whatsoever of staying in the car. Hungry and angry that his meal had been robbed of him, he was determined to find this killer and put an end to the murders the only way he knew how...murder. The second the car was parked and just before Carter took the key out of the ignition, Sebastian slipped out as quickly and stealthily as his vampiric movements would allow. By the time Carter was telling him to stay put, Sebastian was already pressing the button to summon the elevator. "Sorry, can't hear you from over here. Just guna get in this lift and scout around the upper levels, cool? Cool. See you in a bit!" He called over cheekily as the elevator dinged and the doors opened shakily. Denix Vames - November 28, 2020 (we should do a werewolf. you know the whole vamp vs wolf thing. i think it would be fun. you can make a description of the werewolf. i was thinking it could be a male) "What the-?! Hey!" Carter let out a frustrated groan. "Smart ass!" He ran to the door next to the elevator which led to some stairs leading into the mall. shadowess - November 28, 2020 (I almost forgot how much fun I have writing this character rofl. It's like a cross between a vampire from the Originals and the 11th Doctor from Doctor Who lol) The lift was slow and creaky as it shunted Sebastian upwards towards the next level. He didn't intend to overshoot the officer at all, just avoid any arguments about him staying in the car. They simply didn't have time to waste on something so trivial. The lift heaved as it came to a stop and the doors squeaked open, making Sebastian wince. The sound was like a needle going through both his ears at once. Quickly and quietly, he stepped out and looked around him. Apart from the odd shelf and a bit of left over litter, the shops were completely empty. It was kinda creepy actually. Taking in a few deep breaths Sebastian could smell the liquor and cigarettes scent of Carter from here...as well as....something else. Something faint... A few more deep breaths.... Walk a little further down the mall... Breathe in deep... Walk to the left and further down... That can't be right...Breathe again... STOP. "No...Th-that can't be right..." Sebastian took in a few more deep breathes without moving just to be certain. "No, no, no!" He looked around hurriedly and began running towards Carter's scent. Upon reaching him, Sebastian had already abandoned all notion of stealth. Let's face it, if it is what Sebastian thinks it is, it can already smell them both in it's territory! "Carter!! Carter! We gotta go! We gotta get out, like, five minutes ago! Let's go!" He moved to grab Carters arm to start pulling but almost immediately stopped and looked around wildly before whispering; "Carter...What time is it?" He, of course meant time as in the lunar cycle but in his panicked and hurried state had blurted out the question with the automatic assumption that Carter wouldn't just look at his watch. Denix Vames - November 28, 2020 (it seems like youre doing a pretty good job. thats why i asked you to describe the werewolf since i can describe characters but not as good as you) Carter was pissed at the amount of stairs he had to take to get to where Sebastian was. "I swear if I find that fucker-" He was suddenly interrupted by Sebastian's shouting. He was stunned to find Carter so easily. When he saw him tugging at him and the panic in his voice, he said, "What the hell are you talking about? I've got to find this suspect now." He pushed him. "And get off of me! You need to calm down." He heard some banging of cans from behind. He whipped his head around and aimed his gun at the noise. "Hey! Who's there?" shadowess - November 28, 2020 (Thanks And no worries, but please don't be put off from being descriptive yourself. I love a good rp that has both sides adding interesting details, no matter how small they may seem.) Sebastian was far too occupied on keeping track of the moving scent to notice Carter shoving him away while scolding him. What happened next, to Sebastian, happened quite slowly. The sound of cans being knocked over nearby brought a sudden and tense silence between the both of them. Sebastian stared in the direction of the noise with wide eyes while Carter lifted his gun. Glancing out of the window, Sebastian looked up into the black sky towards the main source of light; the moon. Waxing gibbous...Good! Not a full moon but it's not far off! Sebastian estimates a day or two before it's full! Still, if the scent Sebastian picked up is right, then that means there is a wolf nearby. Not only that but this wolf, despite it not being a full moon just yet, will be a little stronger than normal because of how close it is to a full moon. Just to make things that little bit worse, a wolf's bite is instantly fatal to someone like Sebastian. Gulping, he looked at Carter who called out so bravely into the mall, demanding the wolf to make themselves known. He has no idea of the thing he invites to them! Sebastian gently lay a hand on his shoulder and quietly spoke into his ear. "Carter...You remember how I said...I don't like wolves?" He asked, his voice trembling just a little. "We need to go." He then warned, his tone now dark and serious. "Now."
  3. shadowess - November 27, 2020 "I'm afraid that won't be possible. A job as elegant as this requires co-operation and stealth." Not to mention a hungry and angry vampire but he couldn't say that part out loud. At the mention of a name, Sebastian glanced over curiously at Carter "Who?" The frosty response from Carter regarding a possible future conversation made Sebastian pause for a moment. "Not really a people person, are you? Go on then, what's your story? Why the dark circles around your eyes as though you haven't slept well in years. I hear sharing such things with others makes for great therapy." Denix Vames - November 27, 2020 Carter gripped the steering wheel. He grit his teeth. "My problems aren't your concern." Denix Vames - November 27, 2020 (hope I write this before you respond, so this is for earlier in the conversation) Carter rolled his eyes. "Hmph! What elegance? I get a case like this all the time. All you do is arrest the killer and take him to the station. That's it." He raised a brow. "I'm surprised you don't know who he is. He's like this gothic magician or something. Calls himself a man with real magic." shadowess - November 28, 2020 Sebastian smirked at the way Carter reacted to his probing question. "So there ARE problems." He remarked as he watched the road. "Interesting." What was even more interesting though, was the mention of an apparent magician. Telling mortals of their power, Sebastian was certain, was a huge no-no among the magic users. He glances carefully at Carter, watching him intently. By his attitude towards the murderer they were tracking, even the magician he mentioned, Sebastian could tell that Carter thought the world as simply black and white. "You doubt that it's real magic, I assume?" Sebastian asked, curious to see if what he thought about Carter was true. If it was, this would be a very interesting night indeed. Not just because this human doubts the existence of the supernatural even when it looks him in the eye, but also because Sebastian suspected the murderer they were tracking was also a part of the supernatural world. Denix Vames - November 28, 2020 Carter bit his lip. He did his best not to punch this wise guy in the face. "What are you talking about? Of course none of it is real. It's all sham just to get people's money. The amount of times I've run into so called psychics telling me that they can solve a case that I'm working on is insane." He looked up at the sight of the abandoned mall. "We're here." He parked at the lot under it. He stepped out of the car with his gun out. "You stay here. I'm going to take a look inside. It shouldn't be long before I find that bastard."
  4. shadowess - November 24, 2020 (Yeah, I'm ok. Just a combination of busy with work and not feeling well when I get home lol I'll try to reply later if I don't pass out.) Denix Vames - November 24, 2020 (oh ok i understand. sorry to hear about that. just make sure you get plenty of rest) shadowess - November 27, 2020 (Thank you ) shadowess - November 27, 2020 An abandoned mall? Sounds too perfect for a hideout...it'll be big. Very easy for the murderer to hide or slip by them in such a big building. They're going to have to be careful on how they approach this. When Carter said he'd be the one to drive, Sebastian merely smirked as he walked around to the passenger side of the car. "Carter, huh? Well Carter I can certainly remain silent if you wish but I feel it pretty important for us to plan our approach, wouldn't you agree? After all, it is quite an elusive murderer that we're tracking down." Sebastian suggested as he got into the car and buckled up. "Ohh, If I were to list all the things I don't like about wolves we would be here all night." He grinned and looked at Carter sideways, almost playfully. "Perhaps, a conversation for another night?" He winked then chuckled while turning to look at the road ahead. "Now then, you mentioned an abandoned mall. This could be tricky. We should be careful to not draw attention to ourselves. If we spook them, they may have plenty of places to hide or skirt around us. How do you propose we approach the building?" Denix Vames - November 27, 2020 "We? You're just here to let me know where they are and stay behind. I'm the detective here. Not you." Carter then thought for a moment as he started the engine. "Besides, I don't need Criss Angel bothering my ass while I'm taking down a suspect." He began the drive once Sebastian got in. "You want to talk some other time? Then get on my good side."
  5. shadowess - November 22, 2020 OOC: No worries, laters Denix Vames - November 22, 2020 Carter rolled his eyes at his statement. Who does this joke think he is? ,he thought. When he said his methods were strange, he said, "Wait, what?" He quickly became disgusted by what he had done. "What the hell is wrong with you? Do you think you're a wolf or something?" Once he got the question about Northeast, he quickly said, "Uh...! Over there!" He pointed to his right. "But couldn't we just take my car if he's that far?" shadowess - November 22, 2020 When the officer pointed in the direction and said "over there" Sebastian looked back at the officer with an amused smirk and a raised eyebrow. Humans... "No shit "over there", that's why I said Northeast!" He chuckled. Fair enough, this man had probably already had a drink tonight, plus lack of sleep... plus he'd just watched another man sniff a corpse like some sort of animal. Sebastian guessed he could be forgiven for not thinking straight in the moment. "I was asking what's in that direction that a killer could use as a potential hideout. Abandoned house, warehouse, junkyard...? I'm not from around here so you already know more than me in regards to locations." With that Sebastian spun on his heels to face the street and began walking. Still smirking. "And to answer your question, yes a car would be most helpful right now. I take it you're not too inebriated to drive? Oh and..." stopping and turning back to look at the officer once more. "Don't ever call me a wolf again. Ugh! Gross! What do I call you anyway?" Denix Vames - November 22, 2020 Carter was bewildered by this man's way of acting. He quickly brushed that off before saying, "There's some kind of abandoned mall. City's been meaning to take it down for months now. It's still there." He headed to his car where he pulled out the keys. He gave him an irritated look. "And I'm the one who's going to drive. Not you." He opened the driver's door. "You can call me Carter by the way. I'm not really sure why you don't like wolves but I really don't give a damn. Just keep your piehole shut until we get there." Denix Vames - November 24, 2020 (hey is everything ok? I just wanted to know if youre just busy or if somethings wrong.)
  6. Denix Vames - November 22, 2020 (thats fine. next time ill reread my stuff before sending it so i dont do that. honestly we can just leave it out cause it was my bad) shadowess - November 22, 2020 Sebastian stared at the officer. now close enough to see just how tired he really is. The stubble on his chin. The darkness behind his eyes which intrigued Sebastian...the smell of this man's blood was only slightly overpowered by the stench of cigarettes and booze. "No." Sebastian answered honestly. "But I'm one hell of a tracker! I can find out." Sebastian leaned in a little with a serious expression. "Let me out of these cuffs and I'll help you track the real killer down. The more time we waste here, the further away he's getting!" God, Sebastian was hungry! But now he had a new victim in mind. The killer. Denix Vames - November 22, 2020 Carter knew that doing this wasn't part of the rules but at this point he didn't care. He was tired of the restless nights and constant dead women coming to the precinct's doorsteps. He just needed five minutes of sleep for once. "Alright. I'll take them off but if you try anything then I'll kick your ass. Got it?" He uncuffed him. Denix Vames - November 22, 2020 (ttyl ill reply tomorrow when im free) shadowess - November 22, 2020 A sigh of relief left Sebastian's lips followed by a chuckle at the officer's threat. "I like you." He admitted with a grin. Granted, this man had no idea what Sebastian really was yet but a vampire being threatened with an ass whoopin' from a human was a rare thing indeed. Once the cuffs were off, Sebastian brought his hands around to his front and rubbed his wrists a little. A deal was a deal, even non formal ones. His eyes falling on the dead woman. He walked around her until he was on the opposite side to the officer, at which point he looked back up at him. "My methods are...a little strange. Just, trust me on this. I know what I'm doing, ok?" Kneeling down, Sebastian gently lifted the deceased's hand to his face and seemed to sniff it, taking in deep breathes. "Lighter fluid. The branding was done with a lighter. I'm guessing whatever he used to brand her was something small, portable. Inconspicuous. Like a piece of jewellery. Her perfume...also Cologne...Ralph Lauren Polo..." Carefully placing her hand back on the ground, Sebastian stepped over the body, to stand near the officer again but seemed to look past him. He was still taking in deep breaths as though smelling the air. "I haven't seen or heard a car since I arrived but I can smell the petroleum... faintly...it's almost gone but..." He turned his head in the direction of the scent. "Northeast...What's northeast?"
  7. Denix Vames - November 22, 2020 "Just lie there and shut up!" Carter was getting more pissed off with this guy's smart ass attitude. He walked up to him and shoved him against the ground. He tucked his gun away and placed handcuffs over his wrists. Out of curiosity, he went to the body. He looked at where Sebastian had spotted the mark. Seeing the letter 'Z' branded on her shoulder. "Son of a bitch!" He glared at him. He forced him up. "We're heading to the station. Now." Denix Vames - November 22, 2020 He shoved him into the backseat of his car before calling the station about the body. Soon, a team would arrive to secure the area. shadowess - November 22, 2020 Being shoved to the ground was not what Sebastian had expected. Warranted maybe, but not expected. In honesty, Sebastian had been too taken aback by the discovery of the branding that he'd stopped paying attention to the officer. Feeling the cold cuffs around his wrists, Sebastian realised he may be in a far more difficult spot than he'd first thought. The last straw was being told they were going to the station. That couldn't happen! If so, he could wind up waiting for hours in an interrogation room and if by some miracle he was released he wouldn't be able to just leave because they might release him in the middle of the day! Or worse! What if the room they interrogated him in had windows?? A very toasted Sebastian is what would happen! "No! No! No! No! You can't do that! I didn't do this! You've got the wrong guy!" He started struggling. Putting his weight down and refusing to move. He realised he was probably just making himself look like any other guilty murderer so decided on a different tactic and began talking rapidly. "Look! I can help you! Th-the mark! I'm familiar with it- no not like that!...There were a string of murders in England too with the same branding! Then Pff! Stopped! The murderer has clearly come here to stop police catching up! I can help you catch the bastard! I have skills you could use! I want him gone as much as you do!!" Which isn't wrong. He was killing off Sebastian's livestock after all... shadowess - November 22, 2020 OOC: Damn, didn't see your second post until I posted mine. Let's just say he's successfully in the car now, albeit with some difficulty lol Denix Vames - November 22, 2020 Carter thought for a moment. Clearly, this guy was trying to save his own skin but if he did know something then it wouldn't hurt to hear. "You're telling me that you know all kinds of shit about this? Does that mean you know where the killer could be?"
  8. shadowess - November 22, 2020 lol It's cool. It's been a while since I've rp'd too. Denix Vames - November 22, 2020 Detective Carter was following a lead about a suspect when he heard a woman screaming. He had been walking down the streets of New York around midnight. When he heard her, he immediately pulled out a handgun and a flashlight. He went deep into a dark alleyway where it smelled like bad chinese food he recalled leaving in the fridge one day. There was a mess of certain puddles that he avoided stepping on besides the dumpsters and occasional rat as he shined his light on everything he saw in front of him. He could see the woman's body laying there. Another figure stood near her. "Freeze! Get down on the ground! Now!" shadowess - November 22, 2020 Sebastian had been wandering the streets of New York, visiting from the United Kingdom. He hadn’t thought much of his accommodations but then again, he hadn’t exactly splashed out on this trip. Even at night, the hustle and bustle of people on the streets was intense! As though it was somehow still midday to these people. This was nothing like home. Back in England, the streets would be utterly deserted by now, the only hope of a snack being the local drunks in the pubs or those partying in night clubs. That or the homeless...which...were definitely not a favourite of Sebastian's. Those people have it hard enough already without monsters like himself making meals out of them. Eyes the colour of honey glancing at his reflection in the windows of shops, Sebastian thought how much more he seemed a part of the humans world than he ever had. Not some stranger hanging around in the middle of a deserted street in the middle of the night. Another face in a sea of faces under street lamps. Blended in perfectly. He could stay here… The wind barely ruffled his short, brown hair. He felt a couple of specks of water hit his pale cheeks. It was starting to drizzle yet the air was still warm. It was certainly summer here. Sebastian estimated he had around five hours before the sun rose and he’d have to get back to his hotel. Plenty of time to find a suitable donor to satisfy his thirst and take in the sights. First he would need to find somewhere quieter. These streets were far too busy to not get noticed. So he decided to go for a walk first, find some quieter areas to work. He’d walked for around half an hour before finding an area that was actually calmer. Didn’t exactly look like a good neighbourhood either. A young girl with a black eye and barely any clothes began walking towards him. Sebastian grimaced. He couldn’t imagine the kind of torment her life consisted of. Perhaps relieving her of her life could be considered a mercy? Just as he put on his most charming smile and was about to approach her, a scream erupted from an alley nearby. While this wouldn’t be something that would normally bother Sebastian, the world is cruel and that is an unfortunate fact of life, but the girl he was about to make his dinner was frightened off by it. She took off in the opposite direction and although there weren’t many people around, there were still too many eyes around for him to just chase her down. He had to let her go. Clenching his fists, he ran towards the source of the scream. Angry at whatever had just cost him his meal. He reached the body in no time at all but whoever had committed the murder (and the loss of Sebastian’s supper) was nowhere to be seen by the time he got there. “Fuck!” He hissed under his breath out of frustration and rubbed his face. It’s fine. This is fine. There’s still four hours left! He’ll just walk away from this body before anyone sees and find a different- "Freeze! Get down on the ground! Now!" “You have got to be kidding me!” Sebastian seethed. His accent a thick Norther English. He threw his hands up and faced the stranger that had just entered the alley with him and was now pointing both a torch and a gun at him. “Look man, I just got here! And get shut that damn light out will you? It’s hurting my eyes!” In all fairness to this stranger, Sebastian probably looked like something out of Jack the Ripper...Clothes wise anyways. Denix Vames - November 22, 2020 Carter looked at this guy and figured he was one of those gothic fanatics. He shouted again as he walked closer. "I said get down! Put your hands behind your head and lay on your stomach or I'll shoot!" shadowess - November 22, 2020 For a moment, Sebastian debated running up and snapping the male's neck. Who would know? Better yet what if he made this man his meal? It would certainly save him a lot of time. From the looks of him, the man seemed tired, unshaven. Trouble sleeping perhaps? Even from here, Sebastian could smell the smoke and liquor. Grimacing, Sebastian didn't like the idea of feeding from someone who poisons their body but he was beginning to get desperate. If he wanted to get close enough to feed without drawing unwanted attention, Sebastian was going to have to play along until this officer was close enough for him to grab. Calmly, he placed his hands behind his head and knelt down. "Alright, alright. Let's try to keep things calm, huh?" He tries, glancing at the officer. "My name is Sebastian Walker. I'm just here on a holiday and found her like this. I swear." Sebastian looks down at the dirty alley floor and cringes. "Do I have to lay down? It's so dirty, I don't want to muck up this jacket..." As he complained he glanced at the dead woman and froze, staring. There was a faint burning smell coming off of it. Like burning skin. "Oh officer..." He calls out, still staring at the body. "Just out of curiosity...have you had many murders in this area lately?" Slowly, he lowers a hand from his head and reaches out to lift the girls jacket a little off her shoulder. "And did they all get their shoulder branded?"
  9. Denix Vames - November 22, 2020 vampire sounds terrific. and thanks. wrong place and wrong time sounds nice. also can we have it where the vampire and detective slowly fall in love? like im talking like an actual romantic situation. it doesnt have to be sexual. and i want it to be gay. i dont want to pressure you. just asking if you're ok with that. shadowess - November 22, 2020 Sorry it took a while to respond. Was proof reading an old bit of writing that I was posting on the Blog. That sounds fine! I'm perfectly happy with romantic situations as long as it doesn't turn sexual. Denix Vames - November 22, 2020 that's ok. i understand when people get busy. im a writer myself. and thats great. so i want to know if you want to be the one who starts first or me? also did have a city in mind cause my go to one for roleplay is NYC. idk if you wanted something different. shadowess - November 22, 2020 NYC sounds good. You go first. It'll give me a chance to get back into the mind of my Vampire character. Denix Vames - November 22, 2020 oh i see. ill do my best. please keep in mind that its been a while since ive roleplayed with an original story.
  10. Denix Vames - November 22, 2020 was wondering if any of the things on my profile peak your interest as something you can roleplay with me. if not, we can still be friends. and also id like to try roleplaying with you anyway on the things that you're interested in. shadowess - November 22, 2020 Sure, we could give rp a go. Just so you're aware upfront, I'm not comfortable with anything sexual. Most rps I'm into now are purely story driven. Do you have any ideas in mind? Denix Vames - November 22, 2020 detective stories mostly. do you do video games? cause id still like to do evil within 2 if you know that game. and thats fine. we dont have to do anything sexual. Denix Vames - November 22, 2020 i was thinking of a murder mystery. maybe you can give me some details as well? also take a look at my profile for descriptions of my character. shadowess - November 22, 2020 Haven't played that game. A murder mystery sounds interesting. I have a couple of characters from previous rps that might suit the role if you're interested? I have a Devil or a Vampire who could just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and wind up trying to clear their names? Or would you prefer no supernatural abilities? If so, I could make either of them human for this purpose as they both have a history of being human before their transformations so this story could take place before that happens. Just looked over your character, I think this would be very interesting
  11. The world was already chaotic with a secret society of supernatural creatures hiding their existence from humans to simply survive. Throw in the afterlife and alternate universes and you've got some realms in desperate need of balance.
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