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Everything posted by Shadowess

  1. Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 The hitman dropped the lockpick. He glared. "Smart thinking. Was I really that obvious?" He unstrapped his holster and threw it aside since the gun was in it. "You won't stop me from covering my tracks. You've got me here but sooner or later, I'll get the upper hand. Kind of makes me wonder how would Will's head look like on a stick." He said that last remark just to get a reaction out of him. Shadowess - April 20, 2021 Parker remained silent as he watched the hitman throw his weapon to one side. Parker tried to remain professional. He was still a detective after all. But the hitman's words had gotten to him. Despite his efforts to hide his emotions, his gun rattled from him shaking again and a look of anger flickered across his features. He glared at the hitman, keeping the gun trained on him. "On your knees and put your hands behind your head." he ordered him while reaching for the handcuffs in his pocket. Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 "Whatever you say Detective Alex Parker." Indicating that he knew who he was. That he was this quick about obtaining information on who he was after. He did as he was told. When Parker grabbed one of his wrists, he swung at him. Shadowess - April 20, 2021 For a moment, Parker hesitated. It's only been a few hours since Will was shot. How did he find out who he was so quick!? He knew the color had drained from his face but he tried his best to ignore it. He had him. It was over. All he needed to do now was put the handcu- Just as Parker grabbed one of the hitman's wrists, the man had swung a fist at him and it connected with his stomach, knocking him to his knees, winded. Straining to get his breath back and blinking through tears, Parker tried to keep hold of his wrist while attempted to strike him across the head with his gun. Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 The hitman grabbed his wrist before he had the chance to hit him. "You really have no idea who you're messing with, do you?" He headbutted him. Making him drop his gun. He picked the weapon up. "I killed so many people and yet you're still dumb enough to face me?" He hadn't bother to notice that the silencer was near Parker. Too caught up in his own ego. He chuckled. "Will sure does pick the stupidest guys to work with him. It's not wonder he'll be dead soon. So much for that promotion he was getting. Heard it was called Chief. What a lousy job." shadowess - April 20, 2021 Parker gasped and tried to pull his arm free when his wrist was grabbed. He fell back with a grunt, holding his nose after the hitman head-butted him. His nose was bleeding and he winced as he glared up at the Hitman through tears. As the hitman had been talking, the hand Parker was using to prop himself up had found the handle of his weapon. "GO TO HELL!" Parker shouted at him suddenly, in a dark and monstrous voice that had once matched the one he used when shouting at Amelia in Bryce's basement. For a fraction of a second, his eyes turned crimson. He pulled up the silencer and aimed it in his direction, pulling the trigger four times. Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 The hitman's eyes widened when he heard his voice change and saw those red eyes. He collapsed when those bullets hit him. A pool of blood pooled under him. He had soon died. Shadowess - April 20, 2021 Parker watched as the Hitman collapsed and stared at his body for a moment before somewhat coming back to his senses. He was in shock as he took his phone from his pocket. He knew he should call the police but in his stupefied state he dialed Carter's number instead. "C-Car-Car-Carter-!" He stammered, trying to talk and feeling his breath catching in his throat. He gasped and began hyperventilating, dropping the phone and pulling his knees up to hug them, still holding the silencer in his hand. Rocking back and forth as he wept. Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 Carter picked up the phone. "Parker? Parker, what happened? Parker!" He ran out of the house and got into his car. "Don't move. Just try to take some deep breaths. Tell me where you are. Please." shadowess - April 20, 2021 Parker kept sobbing and rocking. He could hear Carter's voice through the phone on the floor and as much as Parker was struggling to pull himself together, he knew he needed help right now. He kept his face hidden in his knees, not wanting to look at the body again as he tried to take some breaths. "A-a-apartment-!" was all he managed to get out before he ended up going into another fit of hyperventilating. Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 Carter sighed before cursing under his breath. "Alright. Just hold on. Ill be there." He looked around. "Jasper?" Jasper teleported him to the apartment. At the open the door of Parker's place. He disappeared. "Holy shit!" Carter knelt by Parker's side. "It's going to be ok. Just give me the gun and try to calm down. I'll call the police." shadowess - April 20, 2021 Hearing Carter's voice, Parker looked up tearfully at him. His nose swollen and his shirt now drenched from it bleeding. He barely moved but he let Carter take the gun from him as he strained to control his breathing. He was shaking violently. "I-I tried...to arrest him...I d-d-didn't want t-to k-kill him!" he stammered through his tears. Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 Carter placed the gun aside. He brought his hands over his shoulders. "Hey. Look at me. Police try to avoid these moments but sometimes there's no way of doing that. Sometimes you have to defend yourself. To pull the trigger when it's absolutely necessary. This is one of those times." He hugged him. Gently patting his back. "You did nothing wrong." shadowess - April 20, 2021 Parker listened to Carter and rested his head on his shoulder when he hugged him. His breathing slowed down, almost to normal. He looked over at the corpse. At the pool of blood. He'd taken a life again. He knew what Carter said but seeing that pool of blood just brought back memories of killing when he'd lost his mind. All he could see was blood...blood everywhere...he could almost smell it. "I think I'm guna be sick!" he suddenly pushed Carter from him and ran for the bathroom, vomiting into the toilet. Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 Carter frowned but let him be. He called the police. Doing his best to explain everything. A few officers soon came over along with paramedics. They had taken the body while Carter answered questions. Shadowess - April 20, 2021 Parker sat near the toilet during while the police asked Carter questions. He leant against the bathtub with his head resting on it's edge, staring off into nothing as he thought about everything that happened. The way he'd lost it at the hitman. The look of fear on his face right before he died. The blood. He shakily lifted a hand to his mouth and felt around his teeth but he didn't have fangs. 'Did I just imagine it?' he thought, lowering his hand and hugging himself. 'Is this what PTSD is like? It felt real...I could swear I could smell his blood just now...or maybe...I was just remembering what blood used to smell like?' Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 Carter lightly knocked on the bathroom door. "Parker? They want to ask you some questions. When you're ready." shadowess - April 20, 2021 Parker glanced at the door when he heard Carter's voice and he sighed. He supposed he'd need to get this over with sooner or later. "Yeah...Just give me a minute, I'll be right out." He wiped his mouth with some tissue and threw it into the toilet, flushing it. He then stepped up to the mirror and frowned at his reflection. His neck and shirt were covered in blood when when his nose had been bleeding. His nose still swollen. He lifted his thumbs to either side of his nose, then grunted and gasped as he reset it. He got some more tissue and held it to his nose for a minute, waiting for it to stop bleeding again before throwing it away and carefully rinsing his face. He sighed again as he dabbed his face dry on a towel. He still looked a mess but he guessed it was understandable given what he'd just gone through. He hesitantly opened the bathroom door and stepped out, looking between Carter and the Officers. "Ok, I'm ready." Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 Carter gave him a reassuring look. Letting him know that he would be there for him. "Take your time Detective. Just start from the beginning to the end. I need every detail that you can recall." ,said the officer. Shadowess - April 20, 2021 Parker nodded and swallowed nervously. He started telling them what happened. From being followed at the hospital, to grabbing his gun, their confrontation, trying to arrest the hitman, their struggle and finally shooting the hitman before he could shoot him. He left out the part where he'd shouted at the hitman right before shooting him. "That's when I called Carter..." he finished, rubbing his arms as he hugged himself a bit. Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 The officer wrote everything down. "Alright. Thank you. We'll take it from here. I'd suggest living somewhere else in the meantime. We need to investigate this apartment." Carter nodded at Parker. "You can live with me for a bit." shadowess - April 20, 2021 Parker nodded then looked at Carter. "Thanks." he said quietly as he walked over to him, ready to follow him out. Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 Both men headed out of the apartment. "Listen. If you ever need to talk about this then please let me know. You can tell me every word and I'll try my best to say some decent advice." shadowess - April 20, 2021 Parker sighed and put his hands in his pockets as they walked to his car. He unlocked it and climbed in. He then waited for Carter to get in before driving them back to Carter's office. As he drove, he wound his window down for a bit of air and sighed. "I had flashbacks while I was in there..." Parker admitted. "They were so real that I had to double check that I'm definitely still human..." he gripped the steering wheel tightly. "I just-... I think I just need a drink and some sleep..." Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 Carter had gotten in the car. He listened to Parker during the drive. He shook his head. "Some water and a nap. Alcohol isn't the best option. I learned that from my days in rehab." shadowess - April 20, 2021 Parker rose a brow but didn't say anything. He was sure Carter had only been in rehab for a day at the most before he busted out. Regardless, he sighed. "Maybe you're right..." he muttered. He soon pulled up outside Carter's office and parked the car. Turning off the ignition, he climbed out and followed Carter inside. "If it's alright, I'm guna go take a shower and head straight to bed." --- Now this was more like it! Jessica had been tempted to go and get drunk again. She felt useless lately and had just wanted to forget her problems for a while and go to a club. Instead, she found herself a gym that was open 24/7 and signed herself up. She was determined to make herself useful in some way. Maybe the first step to that was simply getting in shape? She started off simple. With something she knew, and stepped up to a treadmill, starting off at a steady jog. Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 Carter nodded. "Sure. I don't mind." He went into the kitchen and made himself a quick sandwich. Eating it with a glass of water. --- Greg, wearing his glasses, has a beard, green eyes, and short brown hair. He was in a shirt and shorts. He wanted to try and get rid of these random thoughts in his head by working out. He went to a treadmill himself. Jogging lightly. Shadowess - April 20, 2021 Parker headed upstairs and climbed into the shower. When he got out, he sighed at his clothes as he realized he hadn't brought any other clothes with him. He supposed he'd just have to put them back on until morning when he could go out and buy himself some new ones. He put his shirt to one side and put his pants back on before climbing into the spare bed and trying to get some sleep. --- Jessica barely noticed anyone around her as she got into the zone. Staring at the wall ahead of her as her jog sped up, into a light run. She didn't know if this would help her but she had to try something. Right now she just felt so useless and most of the time she even felt invisible. She thought back to when she'd been in Hell. Running across those rooftops. The thrill of jumping from roof to roof, knowing she could die if she made so much as a single misstep. The wind rushing through her hair as she moved. The way her muscles got hot from the running and jumping. Man, what a rush! She hadn't done anything like that since her return to Earth. The only reason she'd done it in Hell was because the place just felt so empty...no one around to gawk at her. To panic over her safety. She'd been free to be herself completely. Not like here...God forbid she just stand on a rooftop, anyone below would think she was about to commit suicide! Oh, but she wanted to feel that rush again. She wondered if she'd feel more free when she finally died and became a Devil. What would that even mean for her anyway? Would she get powers? Would she be able to change her shape? Fly? She pondered over the possibilities as she continued to run. Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 Carter finished up and decided to get some sleep too. "Sebastian? You around?" --- "Geez ma'am. You really need someone to talk to. Don't you?" ,asked Greg when he listened to her thoughts. Shadowess - April 20, 2021 Sebastian had been reading a book in the main bedroom. Sitting on the bed and relaxing. When he heard Carter calling for him, he smiled and put the book down before getting up and heading to where Carter's voice was coming from. "Right here." he said as he approached him. "You alright?" --- Jessica was stirred from her thoughts when the guy on the treadmill next to her spoke to her. She turned her head and rose a brow at him, not slowing down. "What? What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" she snapped and panted. Who was this guy?!
  2. Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 Leo breathed heavily. "H-He has it. It's gone!" He smiled. "I can't hear thoughts anymore!" --- The officer looked over the ID before giving it back to him. "Alright. You can come in." He opened the door for him. Shadowess - April 19, 2021 Oscar half laughed out of a mixture of relief and nerves. He'd been so frightened for Leo but now he was glad he was alright. He hugged him tightly, his eyes watering. "God, I was so scared for you...I felt so helpless!" he glanced over at David who was still face down on the floor. "We should probably move him somewhere more comfortable..." he chuckled. --- Parker took the ID back and nodded "Thanks". He put his ID away while walking into Will's room. He glanced behind him, back at the officer's curiously before heading straight in. 'Maybe I'm just being paranoid...I should really try and get a decent night's sleep for once...' he thought to himself. Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 Leo looked at David. "Yeah, we really should." He hopped off of the bed. His wings went into his back. His eyes stopped glowing. He picked David up and carried him into one of the bedrooms. Placing him on the bed. "I hope he won't be mad at me when he wakes up." --- Will on his side. His back facing Parker. There was a tray of mashed potatoes, peas, and a slice of turkey covered in gravy with a bottle of juice there. It appeared to have been untouched. He had been silently crying. Shadowess - April 19, 2021 Oscar followed Leo as he carried David and leant against the doorframe while watching him. "I'm sure he'll understand." Oscar smiled at Leo kindly. Once David was on the bed, Oscar walked into the room and wrapped his arms around Leo from behind. "Now, c'mon. Let's get you relaxed, hmm?" he kissed his cheek. "We'll do anything you want to do. Eat, play games, chill out in the hot tub or pool...you name it. Whatever helps." --- Parker saw the food and the way Will way laying and frowned. 'He must be taking this pretty hard...' he thought. "Will?" he said gently as he stood to one side, waiting for Will to respond in his own time. "I came back." Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 Leo smiled. "Thank you, Oscar." He thought for a moment. "Maybe we can be in the hot tub? I missed that." --- Will said, "I should have seen it coming. I should have kept my guard up." shadowess - April 19, 2021 Oscar grinned and gave Leo a lingering kiss on his neck. "Sure." he whispered and let Leo go to take his hand, leading him out of the room with a smirk, heading towards the hot tub room. --- Parker shook his head as he walked further into the room. "How could you possibly have seen something like that coming?" he asked gently. "You said it yourself, the guy was supposed to get life. How could you possibly have known?" He sighed and walked over to the bed, pushing the trolley with the food on out of his way a bit. He lay a gentle hand on Will's arm. "You can't blame yourself for something like this...you'll end up driving yourself mad...and trust me...I know madness..." Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 Leo blushed. He followed him to the hot tub. When they were there, he took his robe off and dipped into the tub. He sat there. Leaning against it as he sighed. "I remember being here for the first time. It was so strange but comforting." --- Will sat up. "Yeah but now you're in danger. I don't care what happens to me but I care about what happens to you." His stomach growled but he ignored it. Shadowess - April 19, 2021 Oscar watched him getting in with a smirk before taking his own clothes off and climbing in after him. He eased himself into the seat next to Leo with a sigh, loving the way the hot water felt. He looked over at Leo when he talked about the first time they got into the tub together. Oscar remembered it being really awkward and closely followed by them arguing...but, he supposed, that argument helped to fire up new emotions they felt for each other. So, it wasn't necessarily a bad memory. "Yeah? I think I know what you mean..." he relaxed into his seat and rested his head against the edge of the tub, closing his eyes. "Whenever I used to come to Earth, I'd never normally bother socializing...I'd prefer to bury my head in a comic book or escape to a video game than talk to people..." he opened his eyes and glanced over at Leo. "You were the first person, in a very long time, to spend so much time with me...Instead of just leaving after hanging out for an hour or so..." --- Parker sighed and couldn't help smirking knowingly. If only he knew...But that was part of the reason for his visit, after all..."I think it's time I told you about me..." he started then glanced back at his food. "Did you want to eat something first, though? It's a pretty long story..." He hoped that knowing Parker could now come back if he died might help Will to relax a bit. Parker was still nervous about this hitman though. Even if he could come back...he can still feel pain. Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 Leo looked into his eyes before kissing him. He got on his lap. Deepening the kiss as he cupped his cheeks. His wings suddenly sprouted. He jumped. "Sorry about that." He tried to get his wings to go back in but they didn't. Then they started vibrated. He blushed. "What the hell is going on?" --- Will shook his head. "I'm not hungry." He lied. Shadowess - April 19, 2021 Oscar kissed him back and moaned a little as Leo sat on his lap. His hands began to wander across his chest, one hand dropping down, under the water to grab his ass. Then he jumped as well and quickly moved his hands back, gripping the sides of the tub as he looked up at Leo's wings. He watched Leo try to put them away then gasped and moaned, tilting his head back as he felt the vibrations coming from Leo. He hadn't felt this kind of pleasure in a long time! He bit his lip excitedly and smiled at Leo, chuckling at the way he blushed. He lifted his hands back to Leo, one around his hips (being careful not to touch his Angelic wing) and one under his thigh as he moved them towards the center of the hot tub. "It's ok." he gasped in a soft tone, trying to contain his excitement. "This is a sexual thing we can do." His own wings sprouted and he began vibrating his as well while grinning at Leo. "Just relax and get ready for the best sex of your life!" he kissed Leo deeply and passionately, slipping his tongue into his mouth. --- Parker looked at Will dubiously before nodding and sitting down in the chair. "Alright...then I guess I should just go right into it..." he took a deep breath to steady his nerves before telling Will his story. From knowing nothing about the supernatural world, to meeting Carter, to being kidnapped and turned by Bryce, everything that happened with him, his memory loss, being split into two people and finally, having taken the potion to revert him back to a half Demon just a few hours ago. When he'd finished, he watched Will quietly and tensely. Unsure of how he'd react or what he'd think of him now. Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 Leo was surprised to see wings coming out of Oscar's back. He suddenly felt a rush of vibrations as well. He moaned loud. His arms wrapped around his neck. Smiling into the kiss when he thought about what he said. (private time) --- Will was shocked. He had no words to say. He looked at his food. "I think I'm glad I didn't eat anything." He shook his head. "Wow! So all of that happened to you huh? Just....wow." He scratched the back of his neck. "I don't even know what to say. Honestly." shadowess - April 19, 2021 Parker fidgeted with his hands again out of nerves. "Mhmm..." he hummed quietly as he thought about everything he'd gone through. "I'm not proud of those things that I did...I know some of that was Alex but it'd be selfish and irresponsible to say it was all him..." he shook his head a little while looking away. "Sometimes I can't help thinking about it all...the shame and regret that I feel...It makes me feel sick...I try not to let it get to me...to keep pushing forward but...It's hard." He blinked when he felt a tear drop onto his hand and he looked down at it in surprise. Then wiped his face to find he'd started crying. "Huh...I think this is the first time I've actually talked about it like this..." he looked at Will. Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 Will frowned. "Come here." He pat on the bed. Shadowess - April 19, 2021 Parker looked at where he was patting on the bed and got up shyly, moving over to sit on the edge of the bed. Looking at Will with a mixture of curiosity and nervousness. Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 Will caressed his cheek and looked into his eyes for a moment before kissing him slowly. "I know that you did some pretty fucked up things in the past but I can see that you're not the same man that you use to be. You're so much better. You're you." shadowess - April 19, 2021 Parker froze when Will caressed his cheek. His heart beat so hard, he was afraid Will would hear it. He couldn't take his eyes off him when he leaned in and as Will kissed him, Parker shivered and closed his eyes. Feeling himself melt into the kiss. Then the kiss broke and Parker was left staring at Will, his breath caught in his throat at his words. Speechless, a few more tears fell from his eyes. He leant in and kissed Will again, unable to express how he felt in any other way in that moment. Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 Will slipped his tongue in his mouth. Kissing passionately. He ran his hand through his hair. Holding on there. There was a sudden click of a camera which turned out to be one of the officers' phones. Will gave an annoyed look at him. "Richardson! You better delete that right now or else I'm making you do fifty push ups." "Sorry Captain." The officer deleted the picture. Will cleared his throat. He looked at Parker. "Sorry about that." shadowess - April 19, 2021 Parker had been losing himself in Will's kiss. So content in that moment that he'd forgotten the world around him...until he heard the click and he froze, his eyes snapping open. He turned his head and looked at the officer who'd taken the photo. How long had they been there? He hadn't even heard the door open! He'd made sure it was closed before coming in, didn't he? What if they heard what he'd said to Will?! Will apologized for the officer and Parker looked back at him, smiling stiffly. "It's ok." he lied. Inside he was both angry and shaken. He felt vulnerable. "I er-..." he cleared his throat while standing up. "I should probably head back now anyway...I could use some sleep..." He hesitated to leave. "I-...I'll be back tomorrow." he said softly, wanting to reassure Will that he wasn't put off from him. Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 "Ok. Yeah. We should both get some rest." Will held his hand for a moment. Gently squeezing it then kissed the top of it. "I know you won't have to really worry but stay safe either way." shadowess - April 19, 2021 Parker cheeks turned red as Will kissed his hand and when he told him to stay safe he nodded. "I will." he said softly with a small smile. "And...I know you've got guards and everything, but you stay safe as well." he reluctantly pulled his hand away. "I'll see you in the morning." he said before turning and leaving the room while trying to avoid eye contact with the officer that had taken their photo. He headed straight out to the parking lot and climbed into the car. He sighed heavily, knowing he had a lot to think about in the night ahead. He turned on the ignition and began driving away from the hospital and towards his apartment, figuring it best to not go near the others until this hitman was taken care of. He was frightened, sure. But he wasn't about to put others in danger because he was scared. Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 A dark car with tinted windows had followed him to his apartment. Shadowess - April 19, 2021 Parker couldn't be certain but when he checked his rearview mirror during the drive, he could swear he'd seen the same dark car back at the hospital. His heart beat a little harder. Would this guy really make a move that fast? Or was Parker just so scared that he was being paranoid? His mouth felt dry and every so often, he double checked his mirrors to see if the car was following him. When he pulled up at the apartments, he moved casually but quickly. If he was being followed, he didn't want to tip them off that he was on to them. He headed up the steps to his floor and hurried over to his door, unlocking it and running in before locking the door behind him. He headed straight into the bedroom and pulled out the gun he'd had stashed in the bedside table. Making sure it was loaded before quietly moving towards the bedroom door, listening out for any movement from the front door in the next room. He was shaking and sweating a little. He knew he'd come back as a Devil if he died but still, death was something he really wanted to avoid. He hadn't even wanted to take the stupid potion in the first place! He'd wanted to stay human! 'Focus Parker!' he thought to himself as he strained to listen for movement. Holding his breath. Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 The hitman, bald, dark eyes, rough features, muscle t-shirt, and jeans was picking the lock. He had his silencer right in his holster. Once the door was opened, he would take out his silencer and walk in. shadowess - April 20, 2021 Parker heard the rustling noise at his door and his heart rate increased. He had to hold his gun with both hands to stop it rattling from his shaking. When he heard the door latch give, he knew whoever it was now had the door open and was likely creeping into his apartment. 'It's now or never.' Parker thought to himself. It wasn't like he had a lot of other options. There was literally no other way in or out of this apartment. He flung himself around the corner and aimed his gun at the hitman. "Freeze! Put your weapon on the ground!"
  3. Shadowess - April 18, 2021 "Leo, stop. Breathe." David said soothingly, although he'd jumped at the sight of his mismatched wings. . "Ok, let's try something else...Here." He tapped a simple beat on his own leg. "Listen. Just listen to the the beat. Try to concentrate on the rhythm and follow it. Block out all other sounds and just focus on the beat." He kept it up while staying quiet for a moment to give Leo a chance to get used to it. "Now, I want you to try it. Tap a beat onto your leg or onto a surface and focus on it...and whenever you feel like other peoples thoughts are getting too loud for you, start tapping and focusing to help get yourself used to tuning it out." --- "Thank you...and I got it, don't worry. See you soon..." he said before hanging up. He thought about heading straight out but was hesitant. It had been several hours since Will was shot. More than enough time for the hitman to prepare another attack. He'd need to be cautious, now more than ever. Carter was right, he couldn't risk going outside if he didn't need to. He wondered if he could get some help to avoid leaving the hospital then. He slipped into the men's room, out of view of the security cameras. 'Vincent? Jasper? I'm guna need help from one of you...I'm in grave danger here guys.' he thought desperately. Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 Leo started listening to the tapping. Trying his best to focus. The world around him soon fell silent except for the tapping. He started tapping on his own leg. As he tapped, the sound began to resemble a bell sound. He closed his eyes and imagined himself at his old home with his family. That same bell. It was the meal bell....the train station....the moving door at any business....It was his entire life. Then he heard a church bell. He covered his face. "It was....18...55...." Flashes of radium products showed up in his head. "So why am I remembering that?" He could see dead bodies. Corpses laying in front of him. "Did they send me to observe? Unless it was before...." He shook his head. "Their bones! Breaking apart! They're screaming for help!" He lifted his head up as his eyes widened. "Someone in this area witnessed people dying by radium." --- Jasper appeared. "Vincent's busy with his family. I'll help ya out." He held his arm and brought him to Carter's office in a second. Shadowess - April 19, 2021 When it seemed to work and Leo started tapping as well, David and Oscar relaxed a bit. Oscar even smiled a little, seeing Leo learning to control his new power. David nodded. "That's it." he whispered. "Now you're getting it..." Then both he and Oscar frowned, watching Leo cover his face. They listened to what he said and both of them became horrified by what Leo was describing. "But...this area is full of huge houses and mansions, all blocks apart from each other...that would make the radius on your gift huge!" Oscar said aghast. "It's no wonder you were in pain!" David gasped. Then thought for a moment on what he'd said. "1855? If they're still alive then that means they're either Demon, Angel or Vampire..." --- "Thanks buddy, you're a literal life saver." Parker sighed in relief then looked over at Carter. "I'm guna be needing that vial then." He said, his features held a grave seriousness. Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 Leo shook his head. "Not that person's year. 1855 was when I was with my family at home. But I don't want to think about these thoughts. Please David. Take this away from me. This isn't a gift. It's a curse." --- Jasper smiled. "You're welcome." He disappeared. Carter nodded. "I'll go get it." He walked upstairs. Heading into his office. He took one of the vials out of a drawer. He came back downstairs and gave it to him. "Keep it safe." shadowess - April 19, 2021 David frowned and glanced at Oscar who frowned back at him. He looked back at Leo and sighed. "I guess this power just isn't for everyone...alright, I'll take it. Just prepare yourself though...it's going to hurt...a lot....Make yourself comfortable. You'll likely pass out as soon as we're done. When you're ready, we'll begin." David would then give Leo a moment to prepare himself. David, himself, was nervous about this. He knew it was going to hurt him just as much as it was going to hurt Leo. He was about to pull a power out of Leo and force it into himself and that's never an easy thing to do. In fact, it can only be done if both parties are willing participants otherwise it becomes quite dangerous for the both of them. Giving a power was one thing, but taking a power from someone? Leo would need to be absolutely certain that he didn't want this power and by the way he'd been acting, David was confident that that was the case. "Alright, now try to relax." David said gently, placing his hands on either side of Leo's head. "Close your eyes if you have to. Take some deep breaths...ready? here we go..." David would then begin focusing on pulling Leo's telepathy from him. The entire experience would be excruciating for the both of them and would last several, long minutes. --- Parker was relieved to have the vial in his hands and as soon as Carter told him to keep it safe, he was tempted to down it there and then. But he couldn't do that to Carter. Not at least without an explanation first and Parker hoped he'd understand. "Yeah...about that..." he looked from the vial to Carter. "Hear me out here. David said these potions revert a being back to what they were when they were born, right? So, if my theory is correct, then I wouldn't go back to being a Blood God. I'd go back to what I was before Bryce even got hold of me...I'd be a half Devil again. Which meant, if I died, I'd become a full Devil instead of a Blood God...I think I could handle that...after all, it's not as powerful as a Blood God and the part of me that went mad in the first place was Alex..." He sighed heavily. He had known about this theory from the moment David brought these vials to Carter, but he'd hoped he wouldn't need to resort to using one. "I was there when Will got shot. We had no warning or time to react...which means, if this killer does come after me...I might not have time to drink this before he kills me...but if I drink it now and the killer manages to kill me, then at least I'll have the ability to come back...rather than...just being stuck in Hell." Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 Leo took some deep breaths. Doing his best to stay calm. When he felt the pain, he cried out. Memories of the experiments that had been done on him in ADIEU and recently had flashed through his mind. David was suddenly sent back. Hitting the wall. The room shook as the walls cracked but did not crumble. He breathed heavily as he cried. --- Carter stood. "I guess it doesn't sound like the worst idea. But get ready for the process to feel like a bitch. It was worse than any other hangover that I use to have." shadowess - April 19, 2021 David had been gritting his teeth and whimpering as he tried to keep the process going. He was so focused on what he was doing and trying to hold himself together that he was taken completely by surprise when Leo flung him across the room. He hit the wall and when he'd hit the ground he was unconscious. Alarmed by what he'd watched, Oscar hurried over to Leo. Climbing onto the bed and pulling him into his arms. "It's ok, it's ok. I'm here. I've got you." --- Parker nodded. He looked back at the vial and licked his lips nervously before popping off the cork. "Here goes..." he muttered before knocking it back and cringing as he forced himself to swallow it. Almost immediately he felt the pain coursing through his body and he dropped to his knees, crying out and whimpering. He had flashbacks of when Bryce had turned him, the pain had been similar. He grit his teeth and tried to breath through the pain but ended up crying out again as his whole body tensed. Thankfully, the process didn't last anywhere near as long as when he'd turned into a Blood God and pretty soon he felt the pain ebbing away. He stayed on his knees for several minutes, panting. Wiping sweat and tears from his face, he stood shakily and looked at his hands. He half laughed. "I don't exactly know what I was expecting...I don't feel any different...of course, I don't...I'll still be as powerless as a human until I die..." He looked up at Carter, still breathing heavily. "God, I hope that worked..." Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 Leo buried his head against his chest. "I-I didn't mean to! I hurt him but I...! The pain! It was like before!" --- "From what I heard, it sounded like it did. Are you alright?" ,asked Carter. Shadowess - April 19, 2021 "Shhh...it's ok. Don't worry, he'll be fine." Oscar said gently. He frowned and kissed the top of Leo's head lovingly. He held one arm around Leo's back and his other hand cradled the back of his head, stroking his hair a little. "It's ok. It's over now. Just breath..." he glanced down, concerned for Leo. "Did it work?" he asked quietly, worried Leo might've thrown David away from him before he could finish the process. --- "Y-yeah..." Parker replied shakily and nodded. "A-and thanks...for trusting me with this..." he'd been worried Carter would be fearful of him risking turning back into a Blood God and refuse to give him the vail. He sighed and glanced at the windows. "I said I'd go back as soon as I was done here..." he said nervously. "I said I'd...explain some things about myself to him...before...our second date..." he sighed, his cheeks turning pink and he looked back at Carter. "Got any advice?" he tried a smile. Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 Leo clutched his shirt. He shut his eyes. "I-I still hear the thoughts! I couldn't wait! I just want it to go away!" --- Carter smiled. "Well, you're not your brother." He nervously chuckled. "Ya know, I'd recommend getting advice from Sebastian. It took me a long time to tell anyone my secrets. And the first person I ever told was him." shadowess - April 19, 2021 Oscar frowned and sighed. He held on to Leo tightly and continued to stroke his hair, trying to comfort him as best he could. "Okay, okay. David is out of it right now...so, we're probably going to have to wait until he wakes up to get any help from him...unless you know anyone else that knows how to help with this stuff? First things first, let try and get you to cope with it for now...just until we can take the power away, ok? What David showed you earlier...did that help at all? Maybe we could do something similar?" He looked down at Leo's face. His heart ached. He hated seeing him in pain like this. --- "Yeah..." Parker chuckled to Carter's comment. Sebastian had been trying to relax on the couch during their conversation. Jessica, feeling awkward, had left shortly after Leo and Oscar had with barely a word. When he was mentioned, Sebastian lifted his head from resting it against the back of the couch and smiled at them. "Honestly? I was just being myself...Aside from being honest from the get go, that's all I can really advise you to do..." he said with a shrug. "Just be myself?" Parker rose an amused brow. "Yep!" Sebastian chuckled. "I know. Sounds cliché, but trust me. It's the best thing you can do. Pretending to be someone you're not just complicates things needlessly." Parker nodded. "Thanks." he chuckled and started towards the door. "I guess I'll see you guys later then. I'll keep you updated." He stepped out and nervously looked around before heading to his car and setting off towards the hospital again. Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 Leo's eyes widened. "There's a scientist walking down the street. He worked in ADIEU before. They almost killed him. He was running with his friend. There wasn't enough time. His friend pushed the button. The scientist was the only one that made it out. Security killed his friend. He tries not to look back. Tries not to think about it. About what happened. Greg Fuller. He needs this curse. Maybe he wants it. He works in cancer cell research now." --- "Good luck." ,said Carter. There were two officers standing by the door leading to Will's room. One stood on either side. Shadowess - April 19, 2021 Oscar stared at Leo and blinked. He didn't know much about ADIEU and what he did know was the little amount he'd learned from Leo...and it wasn't good. But it sounded like he'd found another survivor of their horrors with his new power. "You think your power will help him?" Oscar asked uncertainly. "I don't know how you'd pass it on to someone else completely though...I know that Demons, Devils and some Angels can give a weaker copy of their power to others but passing on a power in it's entirety? Maybe...maybe it's like what David was doing but you're pushing it into someone instead of them pulling it out of you?" he suggested, hoping Leo knew what he meant. Surely he'd felt David trying to pull the power out of him through all that pain to know what it feels like? --- When Parker arrived at the hospital he was relieved to see the security outside Will's room, although he didn't recognize them. 'Must be new...probably mine and Carter's replacements...' He thought as he approached them and stopped, unsure if these officers knew he'd been at the scene when it happened. "Hi, um, I'm Parker. I was with Will earlier today...I called the ambulance and spoke to some of your other officers." he explained. "Is it ok if I go in and see him?" Denix Vames - April 19, 2021 Leo shut his eyes. "Just want to give it to him! Let him have it! Let him have it!" Greg had been looking back as he was walking. Making sure no one from ADIEU was following him. He still thought they were around. A sudden migraine hit his head. He clutched his head and cried out before passing out over the pain. Leo screamed as the room started shaking again. Then it soon stopped. --- One of the officers said, "Let me see some ID." shadowess - April 19, 2021 Oscar watched Leo scream and the room shake, unsure of what to do. "Leo?!" he looked back at Leo, worried while still holding on to him and leaning over him a little to shield him in case the roof fell in. Thankfully though, the room stopped shaking and Leo stopped screaming. "L-Leo?..." --- "Uh- sure." Parker said, a little taken aback. But then again, if it was a hitman they were keeping an eye out for then he could understand why they'd need to see ID. He took out his ID card from his wallet and passed it to the officer that had asked for it.
  4. Denix Vames - April 18, 2021 Jasper did a casual wave. "I'm fine. I'm a spirit. Remember?" Carter's phone went off but he didn't wake up. --- The paramedics were finally able to bring him back. Yet, Will was breathing slowly. They brought him into the ambulance. Taking him to the hospital. Shadowess - April 18, 2021 Jessica tried to shake Oscar awake again. "Oscar? Oscar?" Oscar groaned again and lifted a hand, shoving Jessica's off him. "Dammit, what?" he complained sleepily. "Leo needs you." Jessica replied and Oscar seemed to remember where he was, sitting up suddenly to look at Leo. He still felt exhausted. His head was pounding and his stomach ached but he couldn't rest while Leo needed him. He turned to face Leo and gently moved to hold his shoulder. "Hey" he said gently. "Hey, it's ok. I'm here. I'm right here." ----- Parker had taken Will's car keys as he was being placed into the ambulance. Figuring he'd appreciate not getting a ticket if his car got left here, Parker climbed in and drove it to the hospital. He then sat in the waiting room while the doctors made sure Will was stable and patched up his wound. Denix Vames - April 18, 2021 The red bubble disappeared as he heard Oscar and felt his touch. He opened his eyes which were still red and blue but did not glow. He started crying as he threw himself into his arms. --- It was hours before a doctor showed up. "I understand that you're Will's friend? Well, it's fortunate for me to tell you that he's alive. He's in critical condition but we were able to save him. He's sleeping right now. However, his left eye was severely damaged. We had to take it out. There will be a possible eye transplant. But it will be a while before we can get some new eyes. Until then, he's wearing an eye patch to keep the socket clean of all bacteria from outside the protective wear. You can see him now if you'd like." shadowess - April 18, 2021 "It's ok. It's ok." Oscar whispered as he held Leo, rocking with him a little. "You're safe. No one is going to hurt you. I love you." He kissed his head as a few tears fell from his eyes. "I'll never let anyone hurt you again. I'm sorry I couldn't get to you in time. I'm so sorry!" --- Parker listened to the doctor and nodded almost numbly as he said he could see Will now. He followed him into Will's room and walked over to the chair beside his bed, still in shock over what had happened and feeling awful at the thought of how Will must be feeling right now. "Hey." he greeted him in a soft tone. "How are you feeling?" Denix Vames - April 18, 2021 Leo clutched his shirt. Sobbing uncontrollably. "I-I'm....sorry....I-I ran...." --- Will slowly opened his eye. He looked over at him. "Parker?" He sat up as he placed a hand over his eye patch. His eye widened. He breathed heavily. "W-Why can't I....?" Tears fell from his eye. He started shaking. "My eye! Where's my fucking eye?!" shadowess - April 18, 2021 "Shh" Oscar held him tightly and rubbed his back, kissing his head again. "You did nothing wrong. Absolutely nothing wrong." he said this softly but firmly. "Never blame yourself for this. Do you hear me? This was no ones fault but that scientists." Oscar opened his eyes and glared across the room at the wall, his eyes turning red. "And he'll pay for what he did soon enough." he growled. "He's already dead." Sebastian said, sitting back in his chair. "Carter shot him when he came after me." "Yeah...I wasn't talking about what I'd do to him on Earth." Oscar replied darkly. --- "Didn't the doctor tell you?" Parker felt annoyed at the doctors for not talking to Will before letting visitors see him. He quickly got up and sat on the edge of the bed, taking Will's hands and doing his best to ignore how red his cheeks were turning. "Calm down. Breathe. You-...you were shot...the bullet destroyed your eye...the doctors are waiting for a new eye to give you a transplant though..." Parker was shaking a little. "Y-you stopped breathing...I thought you'd..." he trailed off and gulped. "The police were searching for the shooter. I haven't heard anything back from them. Will, do you know anyone that might want to hurt you?" Denix Vames - April 18, 2021 Jasper said, "You shouldn't focus on revenge. Help Leo first." Leo looked at his wrist where the wristband was. He tore it off and burned it up in his hand. While it burned so too did the scientist's body until it was nothing but ash. He clenched his fist. "I should have stayed my ground. I should have ignored Carter." --- Will gripped his hands. He started calming down when Parker was close. He thought for a moment. Trying to think. "Two years ago....There was this killer that I put behind bars. He was supposed to serve a life sentence. He killed over a thousand people. He was a hitman. His name's John Keller." He started breathing heavily again. "And if he's out there and you're here." He laid back on the bed. Going pale. Shadowess - April 18, 2021 Oscar looked at Jasper and stared at him for a moment before looking back at Leo, watching him burn the nametag. When he spoke, Oscar sighed. "Stop it." Oscar said gently. "You had every right to go and calm down in your own way. C'mon, how about we go home now? Would that help you feel better? Help you relax a bit?" --- Parker listened to Will, his concern for him growing. "You think he's out already?" he asked then became even more worried when he saw Will lay back, turning pale and breathing heavily. "Will? What's wrong?" Denix Vames - April 18, 2021 Leo nodded. "But first...." He appeared over Carter. He wrapped his hands around his neck. Carter's eyes shot opened. "As of right now, consider me fired. Because I will NEVER work for you ever again!" He disappeared into the mansion. Carter sat up. He rubbed his neck as he looked around. "Oscar, I didn't mean to do this. I'm sorry. Tell him that I'm sorry." Feeling the tension in the room, Jasper disappeared. --- "He shot me! He's out right now! If he knows that I'm still alive then he won't just go after me! He'll go after you!" ,said Will. Shadowess - April 18, 2021 Oscar and Sebastian jumped to their feet when Leo grabbed Carter around the neck. "Leo, stop it!" Oscar had shouted. "Get off him!" Sebastian had rushed forward to try and pry Leo off of Carter. When he disappeared, Sebastian sat next to Carter and held him. In shock, Oscar looked at Carter and nodded before vanishing, following Leo back to the mansion. Feeling unsure of what else to do, Jessica went into the kitchen then came back with a glass of water for Carter which she offered to him silently. --- "Wha-? Why would he come after me?!" Color drained from Parker's face. He suddenly felt afraid. It wasn't like he had Devil DNA to fall back on anymore. If he died, that was it. He'd wake up in Hell as just a regular soul. Thanks to his great grandfather's contract with Lucifer, Hell was a certainty for him when he died. But maybe that didn't have to be the case? Maybe he could change that? He had an idea, but he'd need to get back to Carter's office in one piece first. He tightened his grip on Will's hands while a look of determination filled his eyes. "Then I need to take precautions...I need to go now but I'll be back later, I swear. I'll call Carter. See if he can get you some security in the meantime and if anything happens, I want you to call either me or him." Denix Vames - April 18, 2021 Carter nodded. "Thank you." He accepted the glass of water. He turned to him. "Please Sebastian. Don't be mad at him." --- Leo was in the bedroom. Sitting in the corner with his knees against his chest. Staring blankly at the wall as he hit the side of his head against the wall over and over. --- "Because he saw you with me." Will nodded. "Just be careful. Please. I don't want to lose you." He brushed his thumb over his hand. "I-I know we barely know each other but I swear I'm going to kill him if he kills you." shadowess - April 18, 2021 Jessica stood back and hugged herself, not sure if she could be of any more help but also didn't want to leave in case they needed her for anything. Sebastian looked at Carter and shook his head a little with a sad expression. "I'm not mad." he said gently. "Just concerned...for the both of you..." --- Oscar appeared in the bedroom and saw what Leo was doing. His eyes widened in alarm and he rushed over to him, kneeling in front of him and holding his head in his hands to stop him. "Leo, what are you doing?!" he asked in concern. "Stop that." --------- Parker's cheeks turned crimson at Will's words and the way he brushed his thumb over his hand. He blinked and smiled nervously, looking down at their hands. Then half laughed at himself. After his past experiences, he hadn't expected to feel like that towards anyone again. But here he was. He looked back at Will, his expression shifting back to a serious one. "I'll be careful. Don't worry...and if we make it out of this in one piece...we should really have a talk before our next um... date...There's a few things about me that you should know before we go out again." He sighed. He could barely think about that now with this killer out there. He needed to get moving. If this guy was serious, then there was no time to waste. "I'll be back soon. Try to relax. We'll get this guy." he smiled. "We always do." Gently, he let go of Will's hands and got up, leaving the room. He took out his phone again and saw Carter still hadn't gotten back to him. He dialed his number again and held his breath as the phone rang. Denix Vames - April 18, 2021 Carter sighed. "The only thing we can do is let Oscar help him." He drank some sips of water. He answered his phone when it started ringing. "Hello?" --- Leo's hospital gown burned off without burning himself or anyone or anything else. "I keep hearing everyone's thoughts. I want it to stop. Please make it stop." --- Will smiled back but was still worried. He did his best to stay calm. Closing his eyes and trying to relax. Shadowess - April 18, 2021 "You have telepathy?" Oscar realized and studied Leo for a moment. "It's alright, Leo." he said gently and moved to lift him into his arms. He'd take him over to the bed and set him down so he could be more comfortable. "It's going to be ok. Let's get you dressed then we can call David to us. He'll know what to do." ---------- "Carter! Thank God! I'm guessing you didn't get my message...Will's been shot. He's in hospital, the bullet destroyed his eye. He thinks it could be a hitman he put away a couple years back. There's something I need to take care of... We're guna need some security over here for Will." Parker explained quickly. Denix Vames - April 18, 2021 Leo clutched his head. "Just get these thoughts to shut up! Make your head stop thinking! I'm tired of listening!" --- "I'm sorry Parker but that's out of my jurisdiction. This is a hitman that you're talking about. By now, the police are already assigning two officers to keep an eye on him. Making sure he's safe. The police have everything under control. Trust me." ,said Carter. Shadowess - April 18, 2021 "That's a little difficult but I'll try." Oscar chuckled. He moved over the to wardrobe quickly and pulled out a bathrobe. "Here, put this on." he said, handing it to Leo. He'd wait until Leo was covered before calling out; "David, guna need your help with this one..." David appeared and looked between them briefly. "What have I missed this time?" he asked, looking over at Leo. "Leo...went through something pretty traumatic...long story short, he's got telepathy." Oscar explained briefly, not wanting to distress Leo further by bringing up what happened again. "He's having some trouble controlling it...is there a way to take it away?" David looked at Oscar for a moment then at Leo and sighed. He moved over to Leo and sat next to him on the bed, looking at him carefully. "Leo, look at me." He said gently. "I want you to focus. Focus on tuning out thoughts like you would certain sounds. Can you do that for me? Give it a try, it's easier than you think." If he could teach Leo how to control his new power, that would be better for him than taking it away. --- Parker sighed heavily. He didn't like it but he couldn't argue. "Alright...In that case...Will said this hitman might also come after me...because he would've seen me with him...so, I'm coming over. I need a favor. You know those vials David gave you? The cures? I'm guna need one ready when I get back...Just in case." Denix Vames - April 18, 2021 Leo put the robe on. He growled as he tried to push the thoughts back. "I can't! It hurts! Make it stop!" His wings sprouted. His eyes glowed. "Make it go away!" He cried out. --- "Alright. You can hold onto one of the vials. But I'd recommend being careful. Only go outside when you have to. Make sure you're not being followed. I can't have one more of my friends get hurt again. Will's lucky that shot didn't kill him. Most of the time it kills anyone." ,said Carter. He drank some more water.
  5. Denix Vames - April 18, 2021 Leo stopped the sound. Carter collapsed. Relieved that it was gone but exhausted from it. Leo moved his attention to Oscar. With his mind alone, he threw him out of the bubble. Making him hit the ground. He threw some debris at him. --- Jasper flustered. "Sorry. I still don't know how these things work." --- "Thanks." Will took a bite out of his sandwich. He suddenly rolled his eyes as he moaned a bit. He immediately stopped. Feeling like his face had gone even redder. "Sorry about that. This food is just really good. I'm guessing you've got a decent sandwich there too?" shadowess - April 18, 2021 As soon as Carter collapsed and after Oscar had asked if they could move in the bubbles, Sebastian attempted to move into Carter's bubble. If that didn't work, he attempted to push his bubble around in the hopes of rolling them both out of the building. Oscar was thrown out of the shield, a look of surprise on his face as he hit the ground. He saw the debris coming at him and knew drastic measures were needed. He half-shifted into his second form so that his skin would be replaced by dark, green scales. His sharp tail sprouted. As did his large, leathery wings. The only part of him that didn't shift was his head and face as he didn't want to freak out Leo too much. This shift was purely intended for self defense and evasion. "Leo! I'm not here to fight you!" He shouted at him while diving out of the way of the debris, swiping at some of the rocks with his tail to cut them in half before they could hit him. "I'm here to help you!" He dove back at the shield, attempting to get in again. --- Jessica shrugged as she held her phone. "It's cool. I could show you, if you want?" --- Parker rose a brow at Will's reaction to his sandwich. He couldn't help his own face turning a little red. He chuckled when Will apologized and nodded to his question as he swallowed what was in his mouth. "Yeah, you weren't kidding about these sandwiches." he chuckled as he took another bite. Denix Vames - April 18, 2021 Too distracted by Oscar's attempts, the shields had disappeared except for the one that still surrounded Leo. A tree was plucked out of the ground. Being thrown at Oscar. --- Jasper smiled. "That'd be nice." --- Will continued to eat. "And wait till you taste the coffee." He sipped some of his tea. Shadowess - April 18, 2021 As soon as the shields around Sebastian and Carter dropped, Sebastian rushed over to Carter. He scooped him up into his arms and fled from the crumbling building. Only stopping at a safe distance from it. He looked back at the building, concerned for Leo and Oscar but knew it was too dangerous for them to go near them right now. Oscar swung his tail at the tree. The sharp spine cleaving through it like it was made of paper. "Leo! Please!" he tried again to get into the shield. When he couldn't get through, he teleported into it again. Standing next to Leo. "Leo, you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you!" he tried. "I love you! I'll do anything to help you!" he slowly tried to reach out to him, bringing his arms up to hold his shoulders. "Let me help you." he said softly. --- Smiling, Jessica stood next to Jasper as she showed him all the basic things that he could do with a phone. Such as texting and internet searches. She showed him how he could call someone from it as well as look up videos and music. --- Parker tried the coffee and grinned. "Damn, that's good!" He continued to enjoy his meal until his plate was clean. He sat back in his chair, satisfied and drank some more of the coffee. "So, what do you think about it all?" Parker asked after a quiet moment. "Finding out everything wasn't what it seemed?" Denix Vames - April 18, 2021 Leo's eyes widened at his touch. He suddenly saw flashing memories of Oscar and himself together. "O-Oscar...." The bubble disappeared. Making him fall. His eyes were closed. Having passed out from the sudden energized power that he had exhausted from the battle. --- Jasper was intrigued by the many things he learned about phones. "Ya see we had phones but nothing like this. Honestly wish we had these instead. Could have saved us some trouble back in the day." --- Will sighed. He leaned against the table. "Honestly? If it weren't for you and your friends, it would be a living hell just to know about it. But having you around...." He shyly looked at the empty plate in front of him. "It makes things make sense. Like I don't have to be scared. Ya know?" shadowess - April 18, 2021 Oscar smiled at him when he saw him coming around and saying his name. Then he had to move quickly to catch him before he could fall to the ground. Beating his wings hard, he flew rapidly through the flames and falling debris until he was above the building. He looked around quickly. Spotting Sebastian and Carter, he flew over to them. Landing beside them, he touched Sebastian's arm and teleported all of them back to Carter's office. --- "I'll bet!" Jessica chuckled in response. When Leo, Oscar, Sebastian and Carter appeared in the room, Jessica jumped. "Holy crap!" she'd exclaimed but then froze at how Oscar looked in his altered form, as well as Leo's new wings. "What the hell!?" Having been teleporting all day between trying to save Leo and the incident with the Angel, Oscar was now utterly exhausted as well. Still holding Leo in his arms, he fell to his knees and panted. He barely noticed that Leo's Angel wing had been burning his arm this whole time. Too concerned with getting him to safety to care. Feeling faint, he carefully set Leo down on the floor before passing out next to him. His body shifting back into his human form as he hit the floor. Sebastian set Carter down on the couch and looked between them all, looking a bit pale. He too was panting a little. Partly from having just run out of a burning building with Carter in his arms and partly from the adrenaline coursing through his system. "I-It was ADIEU...there was an ADIEU scientist...did this to Leo..." he panted as he hurried off into the kitchen to grab a blood bag. He quickly bit into it, trying to calm himself down as he drank it. Jessica looked confused and looked between Sebastian and Jasper. "What's ADIEU?" --- Parker thought about his response for a moment with a frown. He knew how he felt but unfortunately, his sense of security had been a false one when Parker had learned the truth. Instead, the man he'd placed his trust in had betrayed him and dropped him the minute he'd lost interest. Parker hated Bryce for what he'd done but the damage was still very much there. This, of course, resulted in some trust issues when it came to relationships. He fidgeted with his hands nervously, trying to tear his mind away from those memories. "I'm glad you feel like that." he said sincerely, smiling a little. "A-and I don't mind, if you ever want to talk about things...you know..." his cheeks turned a little pink and he flustered a little, struggling to put what he wanted to say into words. Denix Vames - April 18, 2021 Leo's wings went back inside him when they felt someone's touch. Jasper shrugged at her. "Must be a bad place." Carter started mumbling in his sleep as he tossed and turned. --- Will smiled. "Y-Yeah. That'd be nice." He glanced at his hands. Wanting to hold one. To be close to him but he knew he needed to take his time. He took out his wallet. "So I guess I should pay for this. You can go to the car. This won't take long." shadowess - April 18, 2021 Sebastian walked back into the living room, having finished his blood bag. "Bad is an understatement..." he said as he took a seat in the chair next to the couch. He reached over and gently rubbed Carter's arm. "They used to capture supernatural beings and conduct inhumane and cruel tests on them...I was a test subject...Patience was my cell mate at the time...they made me watch her die when they injected wolf venom into her system just to see what it would do...they ignored all of our warnings that it would be fatal. Thought we were just saying that to get out of another test..." Sebastian's eyes wandered over to Leo. "Leo was a test subject too...they brainwashed him...altered his DNA and made him kill his own family before making him into a supernatural hunter...their weapon..." He shook his head. "We saved him from that and helped him get his memories back...but I guess one scientist survived and wanted to finish that work they'd started on him..." Jessica didn't know what to say. She was stunned and deeply disturbed by this news. --- Parker hesitated when Will said he'd pay for their meals. "It's cool. I can pay for my meal." he offered, feeling a little uncomfortable at the thought of Will feeling obligated to pay. He wanted him to know that he didn't expect him to pay for the both of them and that he was quite happy to split the bill. Denix Vames - April 18, 2021 Jasper held an angry expression. "I think I'm glad they're all dead." Carter soon relaxed. Tears fell from Leo's eyes as he curled up. A red bubble surrounded him. Keeping him safe. --- "Oh! Um Right. Sorry." Will put his half of the bill on the table. They soon left the diner. "So, did you want to do anything else or-?" He was interrupted by the radio. He frowned. "Sorry about this but I've got to go. I had a great time though." shadowess - April 18, 2021 "I -hope- they're all dead!" Sebastian said. This whole experience had left him shaken. If this guys survived and had his own lab, then who else survived?! He watched Leo with a frown. Then looked at Oscar and then to Carter and sighed. "They're all probably going to be out for a while..." --- "It's cool." Parker chuckled and paid his half as well. As they left, he looked at Will as his radio went off. "No worries. Me too, we should hang out again sometime." he suggested, feeling his cheeks grow warm again. Inwardly, he cursed himself for being so awkward and nervous. Denix Vames - April 18, 2021 Jasper sat near Leo. "Why did he leave?" --- Will nervously chuckled. "Yeah, we should. I wouldn't mind a second....date." A red dot reflected on his shades. Sitting on his left eye. A bullet immediately went into it. He fell back. Hitting the ground. Bleeding from his wound. (by the way, he's going to still be alive. I'm just gonna have it where it seems like he's dead but then he gets resuscitated by paramedics and ends up in hospital) shadowess - April 18, 2021 (No worries) Sebastian had been deep in thought. He wondered whether Adrian really had been the last scientist. What if others had survived? What if there were more test subjects like Leo out there, unable to remember their pasts and stuck following their orders? A more frightening thought occurred to Sebastian suddenly. If they'd been modifying people, like Leo, with Wolf, Vampire, Angel and Devil DNA...then what about fairy? That's the only other specie that Sebastian was aware of that existed and as far as Sebastian was aware, they were practically extinct...except for one...and she's now pregnant. What if the surviving scientists found out about Amelia? She and her child would be like some sort of trophy to them! Sebastian shuddered to imagine the kinds of experiments they'd put them through! Jasper's question stirred Sebastian from his thoughts and for a moment, he didn't know what he meant. "Huh?" he looked up, confused. "I think he means, how did Leo end up getting caught?" Jessica guessed. "Oh uh..." Sebastian shifted in his chair uncomfortably. "Leo and Carter had a disagreement...Leo went out to calm down and Oscar went after him...then we got the call from Oscar when he got those runes all over him." Sebastian answered. --- "Will?!" Parker knelt down next to him and looked at the wound, then looked around wildly to try and see where the shot had come from. He quickly took out his phone and dialed the emergency services while removing Will's glasses. "I-I need an ambulance, right away! An officer has been shot!" He said hurriedly into the phone, keeping a hand on Will's shoulder while still looking around, trying to spot the shooter. Denix Vames - April 18, 2021 Jasper looked at Leo. "Poor guy. Wish someone would have stopped him." He reached out. Easily, he went through the shield. He placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Leo's eyes shot opened. He sat upright. Glaring at Jasper before sending him out of the bubble. Jasper went through the wall. Leo suddenly went back to sleep. Jasper stepped into the house. "What the hell did that bastard do to him? I've seen him be defensive but this is something else." --- Will had stopped breathing. Paramedics and some police had soon arrived. The police checked the area. Trying to find the sniper while paramedics worked on Will. Trying to bring him back while keeping his wound covered. Making sure to bandage it. Shadowess - April 18, 2021 "Are you alright?!" Jessica asked, alarmed after Jasper was sent flying. "He did that to Oscar too when he tried to get close to him...managed to calm him down after a while, I guess. We had to flee the building because it was collapsing. Oscar came out holding him. My guess is, Oscar has the best chance of talking to him when he comes around." Sebastian shook his head. "You see? This is what ADIEU does to people...They screw them up until you think they can't possibly do any more harm to them...and then they outdo that..." Jessica knelt next to Leo and Oscar. Sebastian sat up and tensed. "Be careful!" he warned her. She looked at Leo warily for a moment. She felt bad about what had happened the night before and just wanted to help in some way. She'd figured out by now that he and Oscar were together and hearing that he needed Oscar, she did what she thought might help. She placed a hand on Oscar's shoulder and shook him gently. "Oscar? Oscar, can you hear me?" Oscar groaned a little but was otherwise unresponsive. --- Parker had begun panicking when he noticed Will's chest wasn't moving. He checked his breathing and began giving him mouth to mouth. Shortly after, the paramedics arrived and pulled Parker off Will. He stood to one side, watching and feeling helpless as the paramedics tried to bring Will back. He answered a couple of questions with the police who immediately began their search for the shooter. Crying, he took out his phone again and dialed Carter's phone. When it went straight to voicemail, he left a frantic message that Will had been shot and where they were.
  6. Denix Vames - April 17, 2021 Jasper nodded before disappearing. The scientist was still working on making food when he heard the sounds outside. He stopped and headed out. He smiled at the sight of a new test subject who was passed out in the net. "Just what I needed." He ran over to Carter. --- Jasper appeared near Oscar. He set his phone on the coffee table. "Sebastian knows about it already." He heard knocking on the door. He walked over and opened it. "Nows not really the best time to be visiting." --- Kite deepened the kiss. Running a hand through her hair. Slipping his tongue into her mouth. --- Will chuckled. "I can't imagine solving Supernatural cases. I already deal with enough of normal cases. I could barely deal with the one case I worked on with you guys in the first place." He parked at the side of the road near the diner. Paying the parking meter for two hours just in case. "I'd recommend the sandwiches by the way. Just a suggestion." shadowess - April 17, 2021 Seeing the scientist run towards Carter, Sebastian's fangs sprouted, he jumped out from his hiding spot and charged at him, growling angrily. Aiming to grab him and throw him against the wall. If he'd known or had any hint that the scientist was from ADIEU, he might have been more cautious in his approach. But as far as Sebastian was aware, ADIEU were completely wiped out. --- Jessica blinked at Jasper and rose a brow. "Why what's-" she broke off when she heard Oscar's pained groans coming from inside the building. "What's going on?" she asked Jasper, trying to see past him. "Is it something I could help with?" --- A small moan escaped Cindy when Kite's tongue slid into her mouth. She kissed him back, matching his passion. Her hands slid down to his pants, beginning to undo them. --- Parker smiled. "You get used to it after a while...Especially when your introduction to the supernatural world is as crazy and fucked up as mine was...I'm now at a point where I can't imagine going back to a normal job. Just seems impossible to me." When they parked up, Parker got out of the car and followed him into the Diner. At Will's suggestion, Parker grinned. "Sounds good to me." Denix Vames - April 17, 2021 While the only scientist left from ADIEU was there, he hadn't been prepared. Or at least he couldn't be. He only had what he had. Unfortunately, he met his match. He had left the taser down in the basement. Not expecting anyone else. So when he was slammed into the wall, there was true fear in his eyes. His lab coat had his ID Card hooked to it. Adrian Basket Level 4 Clearance 9060 --- Leo was banging the side of his head on the wall of the cell. Sitting there as he hugged his legs. He couldn't do much damage to his head because of the cushion but he still did it anyway. Just to try and forget. --- Jasper was about to tell her no but realized she must have felt left out. "Well, you can keep wetting the rune markings on him. Make sure they're cold so he doesn't feel too bad." --- Kite ran his hands under her blouse. Taking it off. He brushed his hand over her bra before sliding it down to her thigh. Kissing her neck. --- They stepped into the diner and soon found themselves a booth. Will sat across from him. "I could never do what you do. Honestly, I think you did a better job than me when we were handling that case." A waitress walked over. Giving them both menus. "And just to let you know, the Couples Milkshake is available. It has a nice blended flavor of assorted berries, mango, and banana." Will blushed at her assumption. "Uh no thank you. We're just friends." "Oh! Sorry." She shrugged. "Friends can have it too. I'll just be back with you folks in a second." She left. Will tried to hide his smile by keeping the opened menu in front of him. "Sorry about that. So, what food's on your mind?" shadowess - April 17, 2021 Sebastian grabbed the Scientist by his coat and held him against the wall. He'd been about to say something when he caught sight of the ID Card. His face turned pale and his eyes widened. His breath caught in his throat and he was overcome with a mixture of terror and rage. He growled furiously at the Scientist then threw him towards the tree roughly. "Get him down!" He barked at him, balling his hands into fists and having to resist the urge to beat the man to death. "Get him down, right now! Then you're going to take me to Leo, you sick fuck! And you're going to release him. Is that clear?!" --- "Runes?" Jessica walked in to the living room and saw what he meant. "Oh my God!", she hurried off to wet the towel again. Oscar had had to lay down on the couch again. In far too much pain to stay sat up. Jessica hurried back and placed the wet towel gently on the marks, causing Oscar to groan a little louder. His face contorting in pain. Jessica glanced over at Jasper. "My ma used to talk about symbols like this. She used to talk a lot about things like Tarot and Ouija...I always thought it was a load of bollocks...you know...before I met you guys..." "Is there a point to this story??" Oscar growled through grit teeth. "Maybe!" Jessica snapped back then turned back to Jasper. "Yarrow and Goldenrod. They're herbs. Me mother told me they used to be used to heal wounds. She said that witches used to use them to counteract wounds inflicted via magic." --- Cindy moaned at his touch. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, letting out shaky breaths as he kissed her neck. She bit her lip, sliding her hands under his shirt to feel his chest before pulling his shirt off him. (Private Time) --- Once sat down, Parker listened to what he had to say then couldn't help smiling and shaking his head a little. "Are you kidding? I thought you handled it like a pro. You helped to keep things under control and everyone listened to you. The most I did was sit around in Hell waiting to come back and help." When the waitress came over and assumed they were together, Parker could feel his cheeks getting hot again and he quickly lifted his own menu to hide them. "Eh, it's cool...I duno, maybe a club sandwich? That looks pretty good..." Denix Vames - April 17, 2021 Adrian quickly nodded. His hands were raised. "Ok ok ok! I-I'll do it!" He took out a scalpel and cut off the ropes. Carter hit the ground. He flinched at the sudden pain. Groaning, he slowly opened his eyes. --- Jasper said, "Where do I find all that stuff?" --- "Cool. I think I'll go for a Grilled Cheese Tomato. Probably have a cup of tea to go with it." Will hesitated. "Unless you want to try that new smoothie?" shadowess - April 17, 2021 As soon as Carter hit the ground, Sebastian ran forward and helped Carter to sit up. "Carter! Are you alright?" --- "I-I duno.." Jessica answered. "Oh, great. That's super helpful. Thank you!" Oscar groaned sarcastically. "Oh, c'mon! I'm trying here! I told you I didn't used to believe this stuff. So, it never occurred to me that I might need this information!" Jessica replied defensively. "Uhm...Yarrow...I think she said that grows in England or Ireland...mostly in the marshes...I duno about Goldenrod..." --- "Um-" Parker flustered a little at his suggestion, feeling his cheeks warm up a little again. "I er- I think I'll just stick to coffee for now. Thanks." he closed the menu and placed it to the side. Denix Vames - April 17, 2021 Carter rubbed his head. "I think so." Adrian ran at Sebastian with the knife in his hand. Ready to kill him. "Sebastian! Look out!" Carter grabbed his gun and fired. Shooting Adrian in the head. Adrian collapsed. Blood pooled from his head. --- "Well, what they look like?" ,asked Jasper. --- "Uh Yeah. That's cool." ,said Will. When the waitress returned, she took their orders then took their menus. Leaving. Will played with his watch. "So uh....What's new with you? Any hobbies that you have?" He scratched the back of his head. Shadowess - April 18, 2021 Sebastian jumped when Carter shouted and he whirled around in time to see Adrian getting shot in the head. He saw the way he was holding the scalpel and could guess he'd tried to use Sebastian's moment of distraction to harm him. He turned back to Carter and kissed him, overcome with passion and gratefulness in that moment. When he broke the kiss he moved over to Adrian and began routing through his pockets for keys. "H-he's an ADIEU scientist." Sebastian quickly explained. "That explains the odd security measures. We have to find Leo. God knows what he's been doing to him here!" He pulled off Adrian's tag and handed it to Carter. "Maybe he uses his ID number as a passcode or something?" He suggested. Sebastian couldn't rule anything out. It'd been preferable to still have Adrian alive in case they needed passwords but they couldn't help what had happened. All the could do was make the best of what they had. Once he'd found his keys, he got up and made his way carefully but quickly to the building, letting Carter lead the way with the gun in case there were more nasty surprises waiting inside. --- "I duno..." Jessica admitted. "For fu-..." Oscar groaned. "Google. It. C'mon! I'm an old ass Demon and even I know how to use the damn internet!" He complained. "Oh yeah!" Jessica pulled out her phone just as Oscar silently imitated her 'Oh yeah!' in a sarcastic way. He, of course, didn't mean to be so snappy with her. He was simply in a great deal of pain and full of worry for Leo, which meant he had little to no patience left. Jessica looked up images of the Yarrow flower and passed her phone to Jasper. --- Parker smirked at the question and could tell Will was trying to be cool. "Well...I don't exactly know if it is classed as a hobby but I learned to speak and read the demonic language while I was in Hell." He then shrugged and glanced out of the window. "I was stuck, sitting in the library for my own safety so there was nothing to do but read while I was there...I guess now I have a taste for reading really old books..." He looked back at Will. "What about you? What do you do when you're not working?" Denix Vames - April 18, 2021 Carter's eyes widened at the sudden kiss. When it broke he said, "Remind me to start bringing handcuffs to the bedroom." He stood. "ADIEU? There's no way any of them are still alive! This better be the last guy. I swear I'm going to kill those bastards if they're still around." He slowly walked into the house. Keeping his gun ready. A red circular shield had suddenly surrounded Leo. The runes suddenly cracked. Breaking apart. The house began to burst into flames. The ceiling had caved in. Just when Carter was about to shield Sebastian from the falling debris, they had been placed in the same red bubbles. Leo was visible above them. His eyes were closed. His head was down as he hugged his knees. His wings remained out there. "Leo? Leo! It's us!" Carter banged against the shield. "Listen to me!" Leo's eyes glowed. One being blue while the other was red. He glared. Feeling as though everyone was out to get him now. He sent an ear piercing sound to him. Carter covered his ears. Flinching as he heard it. Falling to his knees, he cried out. --- Jasper tried to grab the flowers from the screen. "I can't take them!" He raised a brow at the runes disappearing. "They did it! They got Leo!" --- Will blushed. "Well....I go to the gym. I cook and clean. I uh....watch old cop shows. I know it's ironic." He sighed. "I'm a really boring person, aren't I?" The waitress soon came over with their meals and drinks. "Here you two are. One coffee, one tea, a club sandwich, and a grilled cheese tomato sandwich. Enjoy!" She left. Shadowess - April 18, 2021 Sebastian looked around in confusion as the house crumbled and burst into flames around them. He didn't understand why it was happening and as far as he could tell, these red bubbles, whatever they were, were protecting them from harm. When he saw the way Leo was and how he was hurting Carter, his eyes widened. "What did he do to you?! Leo! Stop! We're here to help!" --- Oscar was at the point of despairing when Jasper tried to take the flowers from the phone. He'd been about to lose his patience completely when his pain was suddenly relieved. He gasped and looked down at himself. The moment Jasper said they'd got Leo, Oscar vanished. Jessica sighed in relief and reached out to take her phone back. "I was just showing you what they looked like." she chuckled. --- Oscar appeared in Leo's shield and looked at everything going on in utter confusion. He then looked at Leo and his heart sank. He was different and he was clearly in a great deal of distress. "Leo." he said softly as he bent down to hold him. "Shh, it's alright. I've got you. You're safe." He looked down at Carter and Sebastian. "Can you move in those?" he called down to them. If they were able to get themselves out then Oscar could focus on getting Leo out and keeping him calm. --- "That's not boring." Parker shrugged. "I'm pretty sure most of us at the agency do ordinary things in our down time. Gotta relax somehow. I guess I'm just a little odd when it comes to hobbies but...then again, after all the crap I went through, it's kind of expected." He took a bite out of his sandwich and his eyes lit up. For something so simple, it was pretty good.
  7. shadowess - April 17, 2021 A soft moan escaped Amelia when she felt his tongue in her mouth and she relaxed against him, pressing her body against his. --- By the time Carter and Sebastian arrived in front of him, Oscar was barely clinging to consciousness. "D-dart..." he pointed to the crushed dart on the ground. "Someone t-took Leo...d-don't teleport...I tried...this happened..." he took several deep breaths, fighting with all his strength to stay awake. Tears rolled down his cheeks. "N-need to find him!" --------------- Cindy cried softly into Kite's shoulder, feeling comforted by his arm around her and the way he kissed her head. Gradually, she began to calm down again and simply held on to him. --- Every little thing Nate did filled Tom with excitement. He gasped when Nate lifted his thighs, keeping him pinned against the wall and then smirked at his question. "Not -yet-." he answered while wrapping his legs around Nate's waist and kissing him again. Denix Vames - April 17, 2021 Charles slowly walked her to the couch as they kept kissing. He was soon on top of her as she laid there. He brought his hands under blouse. He kissed her neck. --- "Hold on. We'll help you." Carter lifted him up. "And we'll find who did this." He handed him to Jasper. "I need you to bring him back to the office. Try your best to help him as much as you can." Jasper nodded before disappearing with Oscar. Carter pulled out a napkin. He carefully picked up the broken dart. He looked at Sebastian. "Do you think you can smell what was in this? Maybe a whiff of the kidnapper's scent?" --- Jasper set Oscar on the couch. He quickly wet a towel with cold water. He began placing it on the burning symbols. "Sorry to see ya so banged up like this." --- Kite was still a bit shaken up but started to calm too. He didn't know what to say or do. He just remained there. Keeping her company. --- Nate smirked. "Well, you're about to." He pressed his chest against him. Letting him feel his wings vibrate. (private time) --- Will had finished dealing with the bomb incident at the now ruined flower shop. He had been at the precinct, taking a coffee break, when he decided to go outside and call Parker. Shadowess - April 17, 2021 He lay her down on the couch and laid on top of her. She could feel his hands on her skin and she moaned softly as he kissed her neck. She closed her eyes, enjoying the way he made her feel while her hands moved to remove his shirt. She bent her knees, lifting her legs on either side of his hips. --- Sebastian crinkled his nose in disgust and turned his head away from the dart. "Ugh, no need. That shit is so potent, I can smell it from here! Whatever he used to knock out Leo was strong!" He stepped away from Carter and began smelling the air around them. "It's so strong that it's masking any other scent...but...It has it's own trail! I can follow it." He grinned then looked back at Carter and frowned. "Shit, we should've asked Jasper to take us back too...your car is at the office...and you can't run as fast as I can anymore..." --- Once in the office, Oscar lay on the couch. He sucked in air through his teeth sharply and groaned a bit when Jasper placed the wet towel on the burning symbols. "W-when I find out who did this..." He began tearfully, his voice shaking from the mixture of rage and pain. "I'm going to tear them limb from limb!" he finished with a growl. ----------- Once she was calm enough, Cindy gently pulled away from Kite and looked at him while wiping away her tears. She didn't want to think about what had happened anymore. She wanted a distraction. Any distraction. "D-do you want to go home?" she suggested, wanting to be in a more familiar place. --- It had taken all morning to make sure people didn't get too close to the burning shop. When everything was finally under control, Parker decided to go for a walk to get some air and process what had happened. When his phone rang, he slowed to a stop and took it out of his pocket, looking at the number curiously before answering. "Hello?" Denix Vames - April 17, 2021 Charles took her blouse off. He kissed her chest then pressed himself against her. Kissing her. Slipping his hand under her pants. (private time) --- Carter carefully placed the wrapped broken dart in his pocket. "Maybe not." He awkwardly cleared his throat. "Hear me out but maybe you could carry me over there? Just run really fast like you would normally do." --- "I know. You'll get to be the first one to kick his ass." ,said Jasper. He frowned when the cold water didn't seem to work. "There's gotta be a way to make this shit get off." --- Kite nodded. He held her hand. "Definitely." --- Will blushed at the sound of his voice. "Hey uh....This is Will. Sorry I didn't talk to you before. Everything was so chaotic that I kind of forgot." He swallowed his nervously. "Anyway, would you mind going out for some coffee or something? Just to hang out. That's all. Nothing weird or anything. There's this great diner I know. If you're still at the scene, I-I can pick you up and we could go there." He tapped his foot. "By the way, don't think I'm a creepy for knowing your number. I got it off your file and I just-" He sighed. "I needed to talk to someone and you seemed like the type of guy I could talk to about....stuff." shadowess - April 17, 2021 Sebastian scratched the back of his head awkwardly and chuckled. "I guess I could do that..." He sighed. He couldn't see any other way of doing this and the scent was already beginning to fade. He needed to move quickly to keep on top of it. He walked over to Carter. "You ready?" he asked before sweeping him off his feet. He made sure Carter had a good grip on him before running at full speed, following the scent. Eventually, Sebastian came to a sudden stop and gently placed Carter down, on his feet. He stared at the building the scent was coming from and then looked back at Carter. "It's coming from in there." --- Oscar grit his teeth, breathing hard against the pain. "Th-the last rune that was on me needed to be broken...M-maybe the rune...where I tried to teleport..." his eyes rolled and he gasped, blinking his eyelids rapidly, trying to force himself to stay awake. He wanted to stay conscious so he could go straight to Leo, to help him, when he could. --- Cindy tried a smile and teleported them so they were sitting on Kite's bed in his apartment. She rested her head against his and sighed. "I don't want to think about it anymore..." she said softly. She kissed him tenderly. "I'm just thankful that I'm still here with you." --- Parker heard Will's voice and felt his cheeks get a little warm when he heard him apologize for not talking to him earlier. He couldn't help smiling a little and could feel his cheeks growing hotter as Will asked if he wanted to go get a coffee with him. "Um, sure. I er- I'm just a couple of blocks from the scene. Near the park." When Will explained he'd gotten Parker's number because he felt he was someone he could talk to, Parker's face literally couldn't get any hotter. "Yeah, don't worry. I know what that's like...plus, if you think that's creepy, you should hear about my ex..." he chuckled. Denix Vames - April 17, 2021 Carter blushed when he felt himself being picked up. He nodded. A gust of wind immediately hit him. He had almost forgotten how fast he use to be as a vampire. He straightened his clothes out once he was able to stand again. He took out his gun. "Let's canvas the area. See if there's something or someone around first. Then we'll look through the windows." --- Leo soon woke to an unbearable amount of pain. He quickly realized he was able to move. He took the tape off of his mouth. He screamed as pain out from his back. He clutched his head. Letting out continuous screams of agony. Wings suddenly tore from his skin. Sprouting out. They were whites ones covered in his own blood. The scientist smiled. Ecstatic about the result. "Fantastic! I have to examine those feathers!" He ran downstairs. He walked over to the cell. Leo glared at him as he caught his breath. He grit his teeth. The scientist took out a long taser. "Now, I need you to behave. Once you listen to me, I can get you some nice food." Once the cell door was open, Leo shouted. Jumping at him. The scientist shocked him with high volts. Leo cried out. He fell over. Breathing heavily as his wings twitched. He found himself bound by chains to the wall. Regular ones but he was far too weak to attempt escape. And he didn't want to feel that pain again. The scientist cut off one of his wings using a bonesaw. Leo cried out. Tears fill from his eyes. "Oh hush. Now, if my theory is correct. Giving you Devil blood should make your body more stronger. To work well with the Angel blood. A completely different kind of super soldier." He placed a hospital wristband on him with his full name and ADIEU number. "Ya see, I wasn't there when shit the fan. Can you imagine? Not being there during the chaos. I got real lucky! Which tells me that this is my opportunity to make you into a better soldier." He unchained him. Leo nearly fell but leaned against the wall. "So be a good soldier and sit over here." The scientist pointed at the bed. Leo glared before sitting on the bed. The scientist injected him with the Devil's blood. "Good. That wasn't so bad, was it?" Leo grabbed him. Attempting to bite him when he felt that electricity again. He collapsed. "I told you that this could be easy if you listen. Now, get inside." He crawled away. Getting into his room. He went to a corner where he curled up and said nothing. --- "Hold on a gosh darn minute!" Jasper filled a cup with cold water. He dumped it on his face. "Stay awake with me buddy!" --- Kite did his best to smiled. "I'm glad you're safe with me too." --- Will smiled when he made that comment about his ex. "Good to hear. I'll just get there. See ya....later." He hung up. Parker soon saw him in a car. Shadowess - April 17, 2021 Sebastian nodded and began creeping around the building, being careful not to make any noise as he did so. He had a horrible feeling about this place. Every so often, he'd look over at Carter to make sure he was alright and check behind them to make sure no one tried to sneak up on them. --- Oscar gasped when the water was thrown onto his face and he shook his head a little to shake the water off. "Dammit, I'm trying!" He gasped. "This shit fucking hurts!" He tried to sit up on the couch while breathing heavily. "Y-you need to tell Carter and Sebastian...Wherever Leo is, there's runes...the runes need to be destroyed...M-my...my phone..." he patted down his pockets then realized his phone had been on the ground in the abandoned building they'd just come from. "Dammit!" --- Cindy hovered her lips over Kite's. "Give me something else to think about for a while?" she whispered. --- When Parker saw Will's car pull up, he smiled. His face having had enough time to cool down a bit since their phone call. He headed over and climbed into the passenger side. "Hey." he greeted him. Denix Vames - April 17, 2021 Carter had decided to go to the other side of the house. Figuring they would check both sides. As he walked, he accidentally stepped on a button at the ground near a tree that was strangely near the house. He dropped the gun as it sent high volts of electricity into his body. He screamed. A net from the tree suddenly grabbed him. Leaving him hanging up. Having never felt that much electricity before, he was starting to lose consciousness. It would seem that this house had more than one type of security. --- "I'll go find it!" Jasper disappeared. He grabbed it but appeared in front of Sebastian to tell him. "Runes man. Ya gotta find those runes and destroy them. Oscar's in a lot of pain." --- The scientist locked the cell door. But in merely seconds, the Devil blood reacted. Leo screamed as the pain grew stronger. A black fleshy wing sprouted while the white wing started to get bits of black feathers on itself. "Perfect! Absolutely perfect! I'll go fetch you some food." The scientist went upstairs. Going into the kitchen. --- Kite caressed her cheek. "How about the fact that I love you?" He kissed her. --- Will was in his uniform with his shades on. He hoped he wasn't blushing. "....Hey." He started the drive to the diner. "So, how's working with Carter like? Especially since you guys handle Supernatural problems." shadowess - April 17, 2021 Sebastian jumped when Jasper appeared and he listened to what he had to say before hurriedly holding his hands up. "Keep it down. Runes?...Alright, I'll keep my eyes open for them. Just make sure Oscar is as comfortable as possible for now..." he glanced back at Carter again, just in time to see him being electrocuted. "Carter!" Sebastian cried out, he'd moved to run to him then paused. Carter's scream was awful to hear...but it had been loud and Sebastian suspected that whoever was in the building would definitely have heard it and might come out to investigate. Carter was wrapped in a net, hanging from the tree. Sebastian listened carefully to his heart, making sure he was alright. "Just hold on!" he called over, straining to be quiet. He hid himself, waiting for whoever was in the building to come out. He doubted they'd expect a vampire to run at them during the day. Maybe Sebastian had an advantage? He'd wait until whoever was inside to come out to get Carter and he planned on springing out, running at them as fast as his vampiric speed would allow to pin whoever it was against the wall. --- Oscar groaned and continued to take deep breaths. Trying desperately to stay awake. So focused on simply staying conscious that he barely heard Jessica knocking at the door. "Hey, you guys in there?" She called through the door. She could barely remember what had happened the night before, her head was pounding and she had just woken up on the couch in Carter's house. Neva had happily announced that the bad Angel was gone and it'd left her with a lot of questions. But mostly, she just wanted to apologize for the way she'd been acting lately. --- Cindy smiled and when the kiss broke, she giggled. "That'd do it." She ran her hands over his chest while looking into his eyes. "I love you too." she said softly and kissed him again. --- "It can get a bit hectic." Parker admitted. "Carter's a good boss. He does his best given what we're up against most days. But sometimes it can feel non-stop." He shrugged. "I suppose it's to be expected. The supernatural population don't exactly have anyone they can turn to when things go south for them...I'm pretty sure we're the first agency that knows about and works towards helping them. So, it's understandable that we tend to get a lot of work."
  8. shadowess - April 17, 2021 "You really do like it here, huh?" Amelia grinned, keeping her arms around his shoulders. Then she shrugged. "In my experience, if trouble wants to find us, it always will. Regardless of where we are...but maybe a change in scenery is called for? It's definitely been nice to get away for a while..." she said thoughtfully while glancing out of the window at the city. --- "Yeah...he said it was temporary but he didn't say when it would wear off...and I don't really feel comfortable staying out in the open while not knowing when it could wear off." Sebastian said as he jogged over to the car and climbed in. ------------ "Umm..." Cindy hummed in a small voice as she realized she would now have to explain to Kite that she agreed to be bait and he probably wasn't going to like that very much. She sat on the bed and took his hand. "Don't freak out? Th-the Angel is dead. We figured out that I was his next target so we used that to trap him..." She shivered a little and quickly wiped some tears from her eyes before they could fall. "If we hadn't figured it out though...if I hadn't known and I'd just gone on with my day as normal...I wouldn't be here. H-he blew up the shop. He used an Ethereal gunpowder to do it. That stuff is illegal to get hold of in Heaven and Hell because it's flames destroy any soul it touches. Using it is considered a war crime...and-..." her voice caught in her throat and she had to stop to let out a shaky breath to try to calm herself. "D-Debbie's dead. When his plan failed, he lost his temper and shot her." --- Tom hugged Nate back and when he heard what Nate said, he quickly looked around the room. But of course, Mickey had gone by now. "I won't let him touch you!" he said defensively, trying to sound tough even though Nate was far stronger than Tom was. Yet this didn't take away from the fact that Tom meant what he said. He'd fight for Nate, no matter what the odds were. Denix Vames - April 17, 2021 "I know that but I think it would be best if we get out of America in general. No offense to that country. I just want our child to be safe. As safe as they can be." ,said Charles. --- Carter drove them to the house. They soon got inside. Heading upstairs and into the office. "You wanted to see me?" ,said Leo. "Yes, I do." Carter stood in front of his own chair. "Why the hell did you kill the Angel? I wanted to question him. And don't tell me he was a danger to everybody. You were built to take down anything and anyone easily. So tell me why did you do it?" Leo glared. "He was trying to kill my friends! Our family! You agreed to this!" "I only agreed to kill him if it was absolutely necessary. In that moment, it was not." "You don't know that! You weren't there!" "I would have been if any one of you had brought me there to kill him!" Carter had realized he let it slip. Leo's eyes widened. "So that what this is about? Revenge? You're so petty!" "Like you're no better? You killed him for that same reason too!" "Yeah but I'm not over here trying to criticize one of my own men because they did their fucking job!" "You are part of a detective agency! Not a bounty hunting agency! You don't kill unless you have to! And frankly, you've done so much shit that I should fire you now!" He shook his head. "Nothing but a murder." Leo gave a death glare. Tears left his eyes. He threw his knife close to Carter's head. However, the blade merely hit the wall. Carter jumped. He clutched his cheek which had a small bleeding cut. Leo zoomed out of the house. Heading to an abandoned building where he cried. Out of anger, he punched one of the poles. Busting a huge chunk off. There was a scent of a human that alerted him. He looked around. "Hello? Who's there?" He flinched at a sudden pinch. He looked to his left where a dart was on his sleeve. The needle had reached his arm. He pulled it out and examined it. His vision became fuzzy. He began to feel heavy. "D-Damn....it...." He dropped the dart. Collapsing on the floor. A man in a lab coat, brown pants, blue buttoned shirt, striped dark blue tie, and dyed grey hair had taken him into a van. He drove away from the area. Taking him to his house where he held an underground lab. --- At first, Kite was pissed off. He wanted to tell her how stupid she was for doing what she did. How dangerous things could have been for her even more so than they already had been. But when he heard everything, all he could do was hold her close as he silently cried. --- Nate smiled. "Thanks Tom. I appreciate it." He caressed his cheek. "Why don't we go back to Paris? I want to forget about all this. Just for as long as I can." shadowess - April 17, 2021 Amelia's eyes softened at Charles's explanation for wanting to move. She nodded with a smile. "Ok." she said softly. "Then we'll move here. We'll raise our child as peacefully and safely as we can." she grinned and brushed her lips against his. --- Oscar had been eavesdropping outside the office door and when Leo ran by, he'd jumped back and stared after him. "Leo, wait-!" he called after him then looked through the open office door to glare at Carter. "Just so you know, it's not just Leo that was responsible for the Angel's death. We all could've done something to stop him but we didn't. We stood by and just let it happen. We all wanted the Angel dead as much as you did. So, maybe don't put all the blame on Leo?" He said before vanishing to follow Leo. He'd arrived just after Leo had been kidnapped and wandered through the abandoned building, looking for him. "Leo?" he called out as he wandered through then heard a crunch and stopped. He looked down and saw the dart that he'd crushed under his boot. He looked around wildly for a moment, getting an awful sinking feeling in his stomach. "Oh, no you don't!" he growled and vanished again, focusing on teleporting to Leo's side. ---------------- Cindy was still shaking as Kite held her and she let herself cry into his shoulder. "He was crazy...he was really crazy...b-but he's gone now...it's over..." She sniffled and pulled back a little to rest her forehead against his. "M-maybe now I can really pretend to be human?...so we can have a normal life?" --- Tom smiled and looked at Nate lovingly. "Sure. Let's pick up where we left off." he said while bringing up a hand to cup Nate's on his cheek. Denix Vames - April 17, 2021 Charles kissed her deeply. --- Carter sighed as he shook his head. He pinched the brim of his nose. "Fuck me. I don't know what to do at this point." --- The scientist had symbols in his house and lab which prevented Angels, Demons, and Devils from entering. And if they attempted to do so then they would bounce back from where they once were. Leo was in a hospital gown. Strapped to a bed. His wrists and feet were held by leather straps. His mouth was duct taped. He was heavily sedated. Although awake, he could barely move. He tried to get out of the straps but failed. Tears streamed down his cheeks as memories of ADIEU came back to him. It was just like this all over again. Just like before. The scientist took some of his blood out by using a syringe. He placed the tube into a holder. "Don't worry. I'm just going to examine your blood. Once I'm done with that, I'll inject Devil and Angel blood into you. Not at the same time but just to see if your abilities can improve." Leo tried to scream. Yet, it only came out in weak muffles. --- "I failed." Kite grasped her hair. "I should have kept you safe. This is all my fault. I wasn't strong enough to protect you. How can I you be safe around me when I can't even do my damn job?" --- Nate and Tom teleported back to France. To their room. Shadowess - April 17, 2021 Amelia relaxed into his kiss and as much as she was enjoying being in the London Eye, she wanted some time with Charles a little more. Plus, given the shift in time zones they'd suddenly experienced, she was beginning to feel tired. When their kiss broke, she smirked at him. "Maybe we should head back to the apartment for now? We can always explore more of London later." --- Sebastian walked into the office and sighed, leaning against the wall with his arms folded. "Take a break?" he suggested with a small smile. "This whole thing with the Angel has had everyone getting stressed and generally on edge. I think it might be a good idea for everyone to try to relax in some way after what's happened." --- Almost immediately after Oscar teleported he reappeared in the same building but was thrown across the room violently. He landed on the ground and rolled a bit before coming to a stop and groaning. Runes burning his flesh across his body. He breathed heavily and grimaced as he reached for his phone, dialing Carter's number. "H-help! Leo...runes..." he tried to speak hurriedly but it was hard to concentrate with the pain he was in. --- Cindy shook her head a little. "No, Kite, no." she said softly. "You're still healing and he was a complete psycho. You can't blame yourself for this." --- Once they were back in the privacy of their hotel room in France, Tom pressed his lips against Nate's softly. "I love you." he whispered before kissing him again. Denix Vames - April 17, 2021 "Of course. I think I could use some rest too." Charles and Amelia appeared in the apartment. --- Carter nodded. "You may be right. First, you should inform anyone who doesn't know yet that the Angel is dead. I'm going to finish this case file and claim it as Closed." He answered his phone. "Hello?" His eyes widened at Oscar's words. "Where are you? Can you give me an address?" --- Kite pressed his hands against his head. "I don't care! I could have been there. And now someone's dead because of my own faults." He sobbed as he was shaking. "This is bullshit!" --- Nate deepened the kiss. "I love you too." His wings sprouted. He pinned him to the wall. Biting hard on his neck. He began to unbutton his shirt. Denix Vames - April 17, 2021 (hey you dont mind if i write the scenes out about what's happening in the lab, do you? just so you can get an idea as to what's happening to Leo. Nothing major but just some things.) shadowess - April 17, 2021 (I don't mind ) Amelia smiled when they arrived in the apartment and she kissed him again, running a hand through his hair. --- Oscar took a few breaths and turned onto his front, laying the phone on the ground as he struggled to lift himself to his hands and knees. He lifted his head to look around. "A-abandoned...I duno...some abandoned building...place is empty...big pillars...big windows...-oh, fuck!..." he groaned, the pain was unbearable. "h-hurry!" --- Sebastian smiled to see Carter agree with him then nodded when he told him to let others know the Angel is dead. Then he watched Carter answer his phone and he held his breath, waiting to see what was going on. --- "Kite! Listen to me!" Cindy placed her hands on his cheeks to gently hold his face. "There was nothing you could've done! At that time, I was surrounded and being watched by Demons, Angels, Humans and Vampires! And NONE of them managed to reach me in time to save Debbie! It happened too fast and no one saw it coming!" Cindy's voice had been quivering and she shook violently, barely holding on at this point. "Kite, please..." she cried. "I need you right now...I need you..." she broke down and rested her head on his shoulder, sobbing softly against him while holding on to him. --- Tom let out a soft gasp when Nate pinned him to the wall. Then moaned, tilting his head back as Nate bit his neck. When he felt Nate unbuttoning his shirt, he bit his lip while running his hands up Nate's arms until his hands reached his shoulders. Denix Vames - April 17, 2021 (cool) Charles smiled into the kiss. He placed his hands on her waist. Slipping a tongue into her mouth. --- "Alright. We'll be there right away. Just hold on." ,said Carter. He hung up. "That was Oscar. Something's happened to Leo. We need to get there! Is there anyone here that can teleport us?" Jasper appeared on his desk. Standing there. "Well hello there!" He tipped his hat. "Hey! Take us to Oscar." "Sure thing." He jumped off the desk. "Hold on tight ya'll." He held their hands. They soon appeared in front of Oscar. --- Leo lifted his head up. He was able to move just enough now. "Incredible!" The scientist had been looking into a microscope. Seeing how his blood looked under it. "These cells are unbelievable. I've never seen anything like it. I've heard of possibilities but I never thought I would see this up close before." He took a syringe and filled it up with a vial of blood. "Let's try the Angel blood first. Unfortunately, I don't have Arch Angel blood but perhaps with your help, once you become obedient, you can fetch me some." Leo struggled against the straps as his muffled screams continued. "Well, I'm a fool for not doing this earlier." He strapped his neck. Making sure it wouldn't move. He tightened the other straps just a bit. "There. Now, you can't get away." He injected the blood into his arm then sedated him again. Putting him to sleep. "I think it's time you rest now so that the blood can work through on its own. Let it get use to your body." He placed Leo in a padded cell and locked the metal door which had a slot to insert a tray of food into and three thick bars over the small window. "Sleep tight. I'll be keeping an eye on your progress through the cameras upstairs." He left. --- Kite wrapped an arm around her. Hugging her tightly. He kissed the top of her head. "I know....I know...." --- Nate slipped his shirt off. He started unbuckling his belt as he kissed him. Feeling up his chest then lifting his thighs up. "I don't think we've ever done it on the wall. Have we?"
  9. shadowess - April 16, 2021 Amelia grinned and looked up at Charles, her cheeks shimmering as she blushed hard. It was such a cheesy line but she'd be lying if she said she didn't love it. She leaned in and pressed her lips against his passionately. Savoring this sweet, romantic moment. --- Patience knelt low on the roof of the apartments and gestured for Tom and Nate to kneel with her. "Can you hear her?" she asked Tom. Patience could hear her as well, of course, but having both of them listening out would be beneficial. Tom seemed to concentrate for a moment before nodding. "Good." she glanced between Nate and Tom awkwardly. "I'm sorry about Mickey. When he said he would help, I didn't realize it would cause problems." she looked at Nate. "Tom was made by Sebastian and I am Sebastian's maker. In a strange way, that sort of makes us like family. To me, that means more than just words. I'd protect Tom as if he was my son too. I can see that Tom loves you...so, just so you know...if push ever came to shove, I'd chose my family over my profession." In other words, she was welcoming Nate into her family. Parker sat in the passenger side of Wills car and watched the streets intently. He felt a little awkward after their last meeting, especially after the things Carter had said. He tried to concentrate on the job, but it was a little difficult to not think about it. Sebastian sat in Carter's car and fidgeted with his hands nervously. "It's going to be weird...being outside during the day..." he said, his voice quivering a little. Oscar grinned at Leo's resolve. "Then let's go super soldier." he teleported them to the rooftop, watching over Carter's car. Mickey nodded at Jasper's suggestion. "Agreed. You two with me then." he said to Jasper and Vincent as he vanished to the rooftop monitoring Will's car. Once there, he'd glance at Jasper and Vincent uncertainly. "You are certain the Spirit Council will allow your involvement in this? I hear their penalties can be severe." ----------------------- At six in the morning, Cindy left the apartment and began walking as casually as she could towards her workplace. She tried very hard to not look around her as she walked, knowing she was being watched on all sides. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she walked and her senses were on full alert. Yet, during her walk to the florist shop, nothing happened. The morning proceeded as it normally would. Her manager, Debbie, welcomed her and gave her her tasks for the day. She arrange flowers, clipped thorns and took orders over the phone as normal. Then it happened...and it happened fast. The phone rang and Cindy answered it. "You've reached the Rose Garden Flower Shop. My name is Cindy. How can I help?" "Oh, hi! I'd like to order a bouquet of red roses." said an unfamiliar male voice. "No problem, would you like a card to go with that?" "Sure, can I have a personalized message put into it?" "Of course." Cindy took out a paper and pen, ready to write down the message. "Ok, so the first line is; 'A rose in the glass,'" Cindy wrote that down "Ok..." "Then the second line is: 'I shall place one on her grave,'" Cindy hesitated but wrote it down as well. Meanwhile, Sebastian's hand shot to Carter's, gripping it in alarm. "He's calling her!" Patience, Tom and Nate were on a rooftop a couple of buildings over to stay out of sight as the shop's roof was quite low and fully visible to the public. Both Patience and Tom looked at each other in alarm when they heard the phone call. "A-and what's the next line?" Cindy asked, her heart pounding again. There was a pause on the other end of the line before the male answered and Cindy could just tell by the way he said it that he must've been grinning. "Punishment Divine." "Who is this?!" Cindy demanded but the phone line went dead. Debbie walked through from the next room and looked at Cindy with concern, seeing how pale she looked. "Are you alright? Who was that?" Cindy didn't answer. She put the phone down and looked at the Haiku hurriedly, trying to figure out what he'd meant. Then she looked around the shop wildly and froze at the sight of the windows. They were stained glass windows...with roses painted onto them! 'A rose in the glass!' it's going to happen here! Now! "We need to leave!" Cindy said urgently, her voice shaking. "What? Why-?!" Debbie had started but Cindy grabbed her arm and started running for the door while snapping "NOW!" They ran out of the building and Cindy dragged a reluctant and confused Debbie down the street until a loud explosion caused them to ground to a halt, turning to look back at the shop which had erupted into large, purple flames. "My shop!" Debbie had initially screamed then looked at it in confusion. "The- the fire is purple! Why is the fire purple?!" Cindy knew why but she didn't answer. In too much shock at what she was seeing. For the flames to be that color meant that a certain powder had to be used...a powder that creates flames strong enough to destroy a soul, whether they are Angel, Demon, or anything else! She didn't have time to dwell on this or react however, as they'd come to a stop near an alley and while they were distracted by the flames, a figure shot out and grabbed Cindy. Before she could do anything, she saw the gun that his bandaged hand held. She watched helplessly as he aimed it at Debbie's head at point blank range. "No!" was all Cindy had time to scream before the gunshot rang out and Debbie hit the floor. Cindy started screaming and struggling to get out of his grip. Then they were both gone. The whole thing had happened within seconds. Mickey's voice would then be heard on the radios. "All Demons, Angels and Spirits teleport to Cindy's new location now!" Patience nodded at Tom and Nate before teleporting after Cindy. Oscar took Leo's hand and teleported him with him. --- The male threw Cindy down to her knees and aimed the gun at her head. Cindy began crying hysterically and looked around wildly. They looked to be in some sort of meat factory or storage place. The air around them was cold and the meat hanging from large hooks were covered in frost. "Shut up! Just shut up and let me think!" the male shouted at her through his mask. "Oh, you really fucked it up! You were supposed to burn!!" he growled at her aggressively. "How?! How is this shit so hard?! All I want is to bring back the Devine's! To show that their ideals are not dead! So, I decide to start small. How hard could it be? Pick out a bunch of nobodies and pick them off one by one! Easy right?! But no! Each one of you I tried to kill managed to get away!...WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!?! What makes YOU so special?!" "Please! Please, don't!" Cindy cried, shaking. She could tell by the way the gun looked that he wasn't messing around and had come prepared with some Angelic Bullets. He was clearly unstable and she was terrified. The male straightened up and maintained his aim at her head. "Enough is enough. You die today." Denix Vames - April 16, 2021 Charles placed a hand on her waist. Keeping her close as he continued to kiss her. --- Nate nodded and smiled. "Good to know." Carter touched his hand. "Don't worry. You'll be fine." Jasper raised a brow at him. "What Spirit Council?" "Look Mickey. The only one who's our boss is Travis Carter. And if anyone has a problem with that then they can go fuck themselves. And if anyone tries to hurt our family then we'll kill them. It's as simple as that." ,said Vincent. --- "God fucking damn it!" Carter slammed his fists against the steering wheel. He got out of the car and took out his radio. "Where is your location?! NOW!" Vincent answered, "Focus on the situation in front of you. People will talk and try to get closer to the scene. Just handle it. We'll take it from here." Will ran over to the scene. He shouted, "Everybody back up! This is a crime scene! My name is Officer Will Harrison! Nobody is to go near the building!" He flashed his badge. He started radioing in for the fire department and police. He knew he would have to lie but he didn't mind it. --- Jasper rode his horse into the factory. Slamming the Angel against the wall. Making him drop his gun. He jumped off the horse. "Ya really think we'd let ya go?" He tied him up with the ropes. Everybody else arrived. Leo suddenly grabbed him from Jasper's grasp. His eyes turned an orange color. He started slamming the Angel around. Throwing him against the wall. Making him lose some of his teeth, breaking his nose, giving him a black eye, bruising his face, and breaking his hands. He soon shoved him on a hook. Vincent threw the black knife at him which he caught. Leo's canine teeth sprouted. "Thanks." He glared at the Angel. "Fuck you!" He stabbed the blade into his heart then ripped a good chunk of his neck out. "Remind me not to piss off Leo. Ever." ,said Nate. Shadowess - April 16, 2021 Amelia placed her hands around his shoulders, pressing her body against his as they kissed. Simply loving being close to him. --- Parker and Sebastian also ran to the scene, helping Will to keep people away from the burning building. Sebastian looked at Debbie's body sadly. She was just a human in the wrong place at the wrong time...she didn't deserve this. He took off his jacket and lay it over her head. Mickey's voice came over their radios. "Do not allow anyone into that building. Those flames have been tainted with an ethereal gunpowder. Anything those flames burn will burn right out of existence! The fire must be put out completely before anyone can step inside." ----------- Cindy thought this was it for her. In this moment of pure terror, her mental guard slipped and she held her breath. Closing her eyes and waiting for her destruction. Her eyes snapped back open when Jasper rode in and knocked the Angel back. She scurried across the ground, out of their way as Jasper tied him up. When Leo began beating the Angel, his wings sprouted and his flapped them wildly as he panicked. This caused both Cindy and Oscar to back up as far from him as possible. At some point, the Angel's mask had been torn off, revealing his face as he spit out a few teeth and some blood, gasping for air as Leo continued to beat him. Throughout all of this, the Angel barely cried out or screamed. Merely grunted and gasped as Leo lay into him. Mickey, Patience and Tom stood back, seeing that Leo was able to handle him. It was only when Leo threw the Angel onto a meathook that he let out an agonized scream, the hook holding him up by his shoulder and he dangled there, helpless. He watched as Leo caught the black blade and knew what was coming. He breathed heavily and stared at Leo coldly. "L-look at you..." he said shakily and he grinned. "J-just like them...Just l-like me...Merciless." The blade sank into his heart and he gasped, his body becoming rigid. He strained to speak. "P-Punishment...D-Div-" the rest of his sentence became a garbled choke as Leo ripped his throat out and his eyes widened while he suffocated on his own blood. His veins lit up, his skin turned pale and his body froze in place as he began to burn from the inside out. His wings burst into flames and it didn't take long for the rest of his body to ignite as well. Quickly burning to ashes. "I-it's over..." Cindy breathed, quickly re-guarding her mind. Having been huddled up in the corner during the whole thing. Denix Vames - April 16, 2021 Charles soon broke the kiss. Leaning his head against hers. "I've never felt this calm before in a long time." --- Will spoke into the radio, "10-4." Once the firemen came, he told them that this was some kind of special powder. Almost like acid that can burn people's skin if it was taken out. So the firemen sprayed the water at the building. Making sure that it was hosed down. --- Leo fell off. Dropping the knife. He caught his breath as he landed on his knees. His eyes turned back to their normal color as his canine teeth went back inside. "I...am nothing....like you." Nate walked over to Cindy and held out a hand. "How about I take you back to Kite?" --- Vincent spoke into the radio. "Suspect has been killed. Leo's a winner." Carter suddenly held an angry expression. He spoke into the radio. "Tell Leo that he needs to go into my office. Now." "Sure thing." Vincent turned to him. Leo raised a hand as he stood. "I heard." He zoomed out of the factory. Jasper frowned. "That don't sound good." shadowess - April 17, 2021 Smiling, Amelia looked into his eyes lovingly. "Same...it almost feels strange, doesn't it? Like it's a dream." she closed her eyes and sighed happily. "I hope it never ends." --- While Will spoke to the firefighters to warn them not to let anyone into the building while it's still burning, Parker spoke to the police as they turned up about a crazed gunman that had started the fire and shot Debbie before running off. He gave false directions that the 'gunman' had run in then let them arrange for Debbie's body to be removed. Sebastian saw the look on Carter's face and frowned. "It looks like Will and Parker have things covered here. Do you want me to come back with you?" --- Oscar approached Leo slowly. "Don't pay any attention to what he said. The guy was a nutcase. He was just trying to get under your skin." He then watched Leo run off with a frown. He sighed and looked at the others briefly before vanishing and appearing in Carter's office to meet them there. Mickey looked between Patience, Jasper and Vincent. "I'll have to return to Heaven to complete a report about this Angel. I trust you are all capable of cleaning things up from here?" he said. Patience nodded. "I'll take care of it. Thanks for your help." Mickey gave one last glance to Nate before vanishing. Returning to Heaven. Cindy looked up at Nate. Still shaken by everything that had happened. She looked at his hand and the thought of being back in Kite's arms was enough comfort to make her nod and stand, taking his hand. Denix Vames - April 17, 2021 "We could always live here instead." ,said Charles. --- "No, it's alright. I've got this. You just stay here with them. After all, Mickey gave you the ability to not be burned under the sun." Carter got in the car. He was about to drive off when he looked at him. "Unless it's temporary." --- Leo was in Carter's office. Waiting for him. --- Nate took Cindy to Kite who had just woken up. He sat up. "What's going on?" "Uh You can explain this to him." --- Nate disappeared. Going back to Tom. He suddenly hugged him. Sighing he said, "Something tells me Michael is going to tell daddy about me. And he ain't gonna like it. Not one bit."
  10. shadowess - April 16, 2021 Amelia took the lolly out of her mouth and laughed at Charles's reaction. "Yeah, the Brits don't hold anything back when it comes to making their candy sweet...especially all the old fashioned sweets. Here, if you think those are sweet, try this." she dipped her lolly into the crystals and held it out for Charles to try. ---------- Neva frowned but nodded when Nate came to take Vincent away. She knew Vincent was strong enough to help them and come back. He was a reaper after all. She moved to hug Elliot as she stared at the place he'd been standing. "What do we do now?" she asked quietly. Cindy relaxed against Kite when she felt his hand on her waist. She had closed her eyes briefly but then they'd shot back open when Nate arrived. He explained they needed their help and she sat up again, looking down at Kite worriedly. "His leg still hasn't fully healed though!" she pointed out. "If it means getting rid of this psycho Angel then I'm happy to help...what do you need me to do?" --- Finished with his bag, Sebastian threw it into the trash and walked into the living room in time to see everyone else coming downstairs to have their meeting down here. He walked over to Carter with a smile and took his hand, gently rubbing the back of his hand with his thumb. David, Patience and Parker stood by to wait for the meeting to start. Mickey looked around at them all. "Apart from this Kite and Cindy, is this everyone that is capable of helping?" Parker glanced at Leo questioningly. Wondering if he wasn't suggesting Oscar to protect him. Denix Vames - April 16, 2021 Charles sucked off the crystals from the lolly and crunched on them. Making a sour face, he licked his lips. "Damn!" --- Elliot said, "Now, we hope and try to relax." He took her hand. "C'mon. Let's watch something." They walked to the couch where he turned on the TV. "Kite can stay then. But as for you, we need you as a distraction. Don't worry. You'll be under careful watch of your friends. Once they see the Angel coming after you, they'll strike." ,said Nate. --- Carter gently squeezed his hand. Letting him know how much he missed him. He smiled back. Leo glared at Parker then Mickey. "Yes. That's everyone." "Leo-" ,said Carter. "No! You don't get to do this." "I have Sebastian right here with me. You didn't think I would just bring him here if I didn't know he was capable of defending himself?" Leo crossed his arms. He looked away. "I don't want to hear it." Carter sighed. "Look, I know you're scared to lose him but if we don't do this together then that pyscho is going to eventually kill everybody he sees as sinners. Do you want him to get Oscar too?" Leo uncrossed his arms. He frowned. Hesitating before saying, "Fine. I'll call him. Just give me a second." Leo stepped out of the house. He leaned near the door as he called Oscar with his phone. Shadowess - April 16, 2021 Amelia laughed again and began walking with him around the market. "Right? If we ever want a good night's sleep when the little one is born then we should really stay clear of this stuff or they'll never go to sleep!" she chuckled, dipping the lolly back into the bag. "Was there anywhere you wanted to see next?" ----------------- Neva cuddled up with Elliot on the couch and watched whatever shows he put on. Occasionally she'd lose focus on what they were watching and wonder about what was going on before turning her attention back to the TV to try and keep herself distracted. She was far too worried to sleep. Cindy looked up at him when he said they needed her as a distraction and she tensed, hesitant. She glanced down at Kite once more before sighing and standing. If this stopped the Angel and kept Kite safe, then she would do it. She stroked Kite's hair a little and bent down to kiss him on the forehead, reluctant to pull away. When she did, she stood straight and walked around the bed to face Nate and sighed. "Alright...as long as he's safe." --- Mickey looked at Sebastian. "Is this all the vampires?" he asked. Sebastian glanced around but he couldn't see Tom. Having been in Hell though, he didn't know if Tom was able to join them. Parker also glanced around. "Well there's Tom...but I'm not sure if he's able to help and if he is, good luck telling Nate to bring him..." "Hmm." Mickey grunted then walked over to Sebastian, towering over him. "There is a chance we may need your abilities during the day as well. I can grant you temporary protection from the sun." he said as he placed a hand on his head. Sebastian froze, the size of this Angel's hand gave him the impression that he could easily crush his skull if he wanted to. He felt a strange sensation wash through him before the Mickey took his hand away and stepped back. Oscar had been playing F-Zero X when his phone rang. He paused the game and answered it. "Leo, are you alright?" he asked immediately. "How's the case going?" Denix Vames - April 16, 2021 "Very much true." Charles shrugged. "I'm not sure. You said something earlier about a building. We could go there." --- Elliot kept her close as he switched the channel to sitcoms. Letting her know that everything would be alright. --- Nate nodded. He soon appeared with Cindy in the living room. Carter glared at Mickey. Seeing him touch Sebastian's head, he attempted to shove him. "Hey! Back off!" Will held up a hand against Carter's chest. "Carter! Stop! He's just trying to help." Carter still glared but took a step back. Nate looked around. "Oh! You guys are talking about Tom?" He snapped his fingers. Making him appear. "Hey honey. You might want to grab a blood bag before joining us." Leo looked around to see if anyone was watching him before responding. "Everything's fine. I just...." He sighed. "Everybody's saying that we need you for this one last strategy against the Angel. But I..." He could hear his voice breaking as he fought back tears. Shaking a little. "I don't want you to get involved. Who knows what could happen? But these are orders. And if I tell them no then they'll just keep asking and I don't know what to do." shadowess - April 16, 2021 "The London Eye!" Amelia said with a grin. "It's the huge Ferris wheel-type building over there. You can see most of the city when you reach the top! Biggest Ferris Wheel in the world, apparently." --- Cindy looked around at everyone, a little anxious about being among such a crowd. Especially as at least three people here had attempted (and one succeeded) to kill her in the past. Although she did take note that Carter is no longer a vampire, which brought her some relief. The guy was crazy strong when he had been one and she really didn't like the possibility of him drinking from her again if they somehow figured out who she was. Tom looked around in mild alarm when he found himself suddenly standing in the living room of Carter's office. His eyes immediately fell on Mickey and he looked at him warily before nodding at Nate quietly and heading into the kitchen to grab himself a bag. "Oh, and don't worry about granting him sunlight protection. Lucky guy is already immune to the suns rays." Parker said to Mickey who nodded. Tom soon came back after drinking a bag and stood next to Nate. "Who's the big guy?" he asked Nate quietly. Oscar listened to Leo and could hear the pain in his tone. He frowned and put the controller down as he stood up. "Leo, it's alright." he said gently. "I know you're worried about me but you're forgetting the type of Demon I am...I was born for conflict and messy situations. With you by my side as well? Well, I think we'd be pretty unstoppable, don't you?" he smiled and teleported to stand right next to Leo, still holding the phone to his ear. "Don't worry. We've got this." he said as he hung up the phone and took his hand. "Besides, to quote a famous villain; 'this isn't even my final form!'" he winked with a grin. Denix Vames - April 16, 2021 "Sounds amazing. Let's go there." Charles and her appeared near the infamous Ferris Wheel. "Wow! It's huge!" --- Nate glared at Mickey. "Some douchebag Arch Angel named Michael." He sighed. "But he's here to help us. Still, don't get close to him. None of the guys upstairs like me for what I did back then so I would think twice if they didn't like you. Since you're very close to me." Leo hung up his phone before putting it away. He chuckled. "I don't know where that's from but ok." He kissed him. They soon went into the house. Carter looked at them. "I almost forgot. Oscar's a Demon. This could definitely work." "Alright. So that's everybody here." ,said Will. He stepped into the circle. "Now, here's the plan. We need Cindy to walk around the streets. Act like she's going to work. You'll need to walk somewhat slow for this one. Be casual. And everybody else will be watching from the sidelines. Once he shows up, Jasper can lasso him while everybody else will pin him down or knock him out. Whichever one is easy. Carter, if the higher ups in Heaven don't want this Angel as their prisoner, will shoot the Angel. Killing him instantly. Do we all understand the plan here?" shadowess - April 16, 2021 "C'mon!" Amelia said excitedly. She put her lolly into the bag with the crystals and rolled it shut before placing it into her bag, saving it for later. She then ran up the steps to the entrance. Thankfully, it was still early morning so people hadn't started queueing to get on it yet. She paid for their tickets and they climbed into one of the large, oval glass pods. ------------- Tom tensed and took Nate's hand while glaring at Mickey as well, almost as if defensive of Nate. "Noted." They all listened carefully to the plan. Cindy feeling uncomfortable and vulnerable at being used as bait but at the same time the plan they were putting together sounded like it might just work. When Will asked if they understood, Sebastian, Patience, Tom, Cindy, Parker and Oscar nodded. "I don't start work until seven in the morning. So we've got about two hours to kill before I should set off to work. If this guy is going to be coming after me then it's probably best that I go home and pretend that everything is normal. If I set off from here, or if I change my route then he's going to figure out that something is up." Cindy said. "Humans should stay in vehicles so as to stay hidden along Cindy's route to work." Mickey added. "Angels, Demons and- " He glanced at Vincent and Jasper. "Spirits can watch from rooftops and teleport to his location as soon as he makes an appearance." "Do you think we could borrow some walkies from the station for this?" Parker asked Will. "If we're all going to be split up like that, we'll need some way to maintain communication." "One vampire with humans and one vampire with Angels, Spirits and Demons. They have great hearing, they can relay messages between us." Mickey suggested. "If nothing happens before Cindy gets to work, it is important that she go about her day as she would have. If that happens Vampires will listen in to her while she works to listen out for any sign that the Angel might be there." Denix Vames - April 16, 2021 Charles sealed his bag of candy with the snap of his fingers before putting them in his pocket. He followed her into the ride. Sitting next to her. He smiled. "This is going to be exciting." --- Will hesitantly nodded. "I'd have to be careful about this." "No need to take from your place." ,said Nate who snapped his fingers. Conjuring up radios on the table. "I already did that for you." ".....I'm not even gonna ask where you got these." "Probably a good idea." "I hate to say it but Mickey's plan sounds pretty good." ,said Leo. Carter nodded. "We should be ready as soon as possible. I know there's only a few hours before her shift starts but I feel like we should be there already." "Maybe for us humans but with the rest of these guys, it'll only take them half a second to get there." "Carter and Will's cars can be used to keep the humans we have here hidden." ,said Leo. "Smart thinking. We can park them on the side of the roads. Each one on a different side." ,said Will. Leo looked around. "Sorry if I'm being paranoid but how do we know he's not listening in on all of this?" shadowess - April 16, 2021 Amelia sat with Charles on the wooden bench in the middle of the large capsule. She leant against him, unable to stop smiling. Every moment with him was always so perfect. It would take around fifteen minutes for their capsule to reach the peak of the wheel and they could see the city. Able to see Big Ben, Parliament, Tower Bridge, The Shard and all the other famous landmarks in London. Amelia stood and walked over to the window to look out at the city with a grin. "I always forget just how much there is to see in London! This view is perfect!" --- "We don't." Patience sighed. "All we can do is hope they're off somewhere else planning their move against Cindy and have no idea about our meeting here." "Then we put this plan into motion." Mickey said. "Capture if possible but if this Angel is too dangerous then lethal force is permitted. Cindy, go home now and prepare for work. Patience, teleport to the rooftop of her home with a vampire to monitor her. Take a radio with you." Cindy nodded then vanished, returning to Kite's apartment to pretend everything was normal. Patience also nodded and picked up a radio. She looked at Nate and Tom, figuring they might prefer to keep away from Mickey while also staying together. "You two want to come with me?" she asks. Mickey then looks at Will, Carter, Leo, Parker and Sebastian. "Humans and vampire, I trust you will prepare among yourselves how best to place your vehicles. Stay in contact but stay out of sight until it is time to move in." Then he looks at Oscar, Vincent and Jasper. "Patience, Nate and Tom will stay closer to Cindy. We will stay closer to the human's vehicles as we watch from the roofs at a distance." Sebastian took a radio and looked at Carter. "I'll stay in Carter's car." "Then I'll go in Will's." Parker said while also picking up a radio. Oscar looked at Leo and took his hand. "I'll be close by. Don't worry." Denix Vames - April 16, 2021 Charles walked over to her. Looking at the view as well. "This is a beautiful sight but I have a much more magnificent one right in front of me." --- Nate nodded. "We're definitely coming with you." Him and Tom disappeared. Reappearing where Patience would be. Will and Carter left the house with Sebastian and Parker going into their cars. They started the drive to the street near her workplace. Leo gripped his hand. "Me and him are fine staying together on our own. We can be one of the rooftops. I'm sure you can handle yourself. I can too. After all, I was forced into becoming a super soldier. It won't be hard for me to take this winged bastard down." "Ah ah ah! Carter said he'd be the one to do the killing." ,said Vincent who grinned. "And believe me, you don't want me to be the one who does it. I'll just freak out about it and start a massacre. I do miss the simple days when I didn't know about Heaven or Hell though. Minus the murdering of course." Jasper awkwardly smiled. "How about we all just get in our places and be ready for the task?"
  11. Shadowess - April 16, 2021 Amelia stood and smiled at Charles as he held her. She was excited to show him her favorite places and candies. "Sure." --- Cindy looked at Vincent and while she maintained a calm expression, her heart rate had increased a little. She knew it was silly to feel fearful when he had no idea who she was but a part of her was worried he'd somehow realize she'd been the demon he'd fought with in Parker's apartment. She nodded quietly and helped him to carry Kite into the bedroom upstairs, laying him on the bed. She sat next to Kite on the bed and watched over him. "Thank you." she said to Vincent quietly. --- David dropped them off at Gary's house then left them to it, returning to Hell straight away. He had a feeling they were going to need some time alone to catch up and he didn't want to get in the way. He sat on the opposite couch to Sebastian and looked between him and Parker. At least he didn't have to worry about these two wandering off. Sebastian was far too worried about Carter to even think about Hell and Parker had absolutely no intentions of leaving. In fact, David strongly suspected that, unlike Alex, he was content to stay hidden as the last thing he wanted was for his ex to know he was here. --- Alex moved to hug Gary again and kissed him once more, just happy to be in his arms. "Oh, you have no idea how glad I am that you came to get me!" he smiled. "I thought I was going to go crazy in that room!" --- Even after Nate had put his weapon away, Mickey continued to stare at him for a moment before turning his attention back to the others. Once Leo had managed to draw the Angel, both Mickey and Patience looked at it curiously. "I don't know this Angel." Mickey said with a frown. "Yeah, I don't recognize him either. That probably just makes him an ordinary Angel then...not someone involved with the authorities..." Patience nodded then looked at Mickey. "That doesn't explain how he was able to get hold of an Angelic weapon though. Aren't only the Angelic Authorities issued with weapons?" "Some Angels are thieves." Mickey replied simply. Patience squinted at him for a moment. She got the feeling he was making a dig at Nate but his monotone delivery made it difficult to read him. "Anyway...do you think this sketch is enough to teleport us to him?" she asked and Mickey shook his head. "There is always room for error with drawings. A small detail might be wrong or the person giving the description might misremember what a part of them looks like. We might end up teleporting to someone that just looks similar to the real suspect. However, the sketch will help us to identify the Angel should we manage to find them." he explained. Patience nodded. "That makes sense...also, I managed to cut his hand with a demonic blade during our last encounter. So we're also looking for a man with a bandage around his right hand." she was beginning to feel more confident about this case by the second. Not only did they have a good idea of what this guy looked like now, but they also had a tell tale sign to look out for if they managed to find him. Denix Vames - April 16, 2021 Charles and Amelia appeared at the market. --- Vincent smiled. "Anytime." He went downstairs. Heading back to Elliot and Neva. --- Gary chuckled. "Well, you're here now. That's all that matters." They stepped into the house. Once inside, he kept him close. Kissing his neck as he gently pressed him against the wall. --- Nate crossed his arms and glared at Mickey. "Is there something that you want to say buddy?" Will slammed his fist against the desk. "Enough!" "You don't get it! These old Angels are nothing but cold blooded monsters!" "From what I've heard, you were no different." ,said Leo. "That was then. I've changed and they haven't." "Nate. Get out." "And leave you with him?" "I'm still breathing, aren't I?" Nate stormed out of the office. "I'm sorry about that. Anyway, is there any way you could detect his presence if you were to search the city?" ,asked Will. --- Carter soon reached the office. He knocked on the door. Shadowess - April 16, 2021 Amelia looked around the familiar market and smiled. The stalls were just opening up and the smell of exotic foods was beginning to fill the air from the various food stalls in the Market building. They'd wander around at a relaxed pace and look at all the weird and wonderful merchandise on sale. From knock off brands to curious collections. One stall that caught her eye had a man making old fashioned note books from parchment paper and leather covers with leather straps. There were the usual tourist stalls with London themed souvenirs. A gothic or pagan stall selling odd bits of dark clothing, crystals, goblets, jewelry, incense and tarot cards. The candy stall with old fashioned, colorful British sweets in large jars. Then of course, Amelia just couldn't help but coo over the stall with baby clothes and toys. Getting especially excited by how tiny the little shoes were. --- Neva pawed at Elliot's hand while looking down at the ground to signal she wanted to change back into her human form but didn't want to do it while he was still holding her. Upstairs, Cindy sat next to Kite while waiting for him to wake up. She bit the nail on her thumb nervously as she thought about everything that'd happened and the kind of danger they were in. --- Alex felt the wall behind him and Gary's body pressing up against his. He tilted his head back and let out a shaky breath as Gary kissed his neck. Her brought a hand up, running it through Gary's hair while his other hand wandered under his shirt, feeling his torso. "Oh God, I missed you!" he breathed and bit his lower lip with a smile. --- Mickey merely stared silently at Nate during his outburst. Patience watched Nate leave with a frown. When she'd asked Mickey for help, she hadn't expected it to cause problems between her friends. Mickey turned back to Will and shook his head. "That would take too long. The Angel might attack someone else in the time that we search the city. Our best bet is to use his plan against him. You know his targets which gives you an advantage and based on Nate's story, it would seem this Angel has been harassing the Demon woman. I'd wager she is his next target. I suggest we allow her to go about her business as normal while monitoring her from a distance. I can understand that you'd want to keep these people safe but by pulling them out of their normal routines you might end up tipping this Angel off that you're on to him and he may then go after someone else to try and throw you off his scent. He needs to believe he's still in control if you want any chance of capturing him. The minute we see him make a move, we surround him." "An ambush." Patience nodded. "He's right. This might be our best chance." she then paused when she heard the knock at the door and glanced between the others uncertainly. "I'll check it out." she said before leaving the room and heading towards the front door. When she opened it her eyes widened. "Carter!" she gasped. "I thought you were in hospital?" Denix Vames - April 16, 2021 Charles smiled. "This place looks interesting. Mind showing me the best candies?" --- "You should set her down." ,said Vincent. "Ok." Elliot did. Watching her transform into a human. "Hey there." Kite moved slightly as he kept sleeping. --- Gary led him to the couch where he helped him sit there. "Missed you too." Wanting to be slow and gentle, he merely unbuckled his belt. Working on pleasuring him some other way. (private time) --- Will frowned but nodded. "It's worth a shot." Carter stepped into the house. "I couldn't stand being cooped up in there while the case is still ongoing. So, have you made any progress?" shadowess - April 16, 2021 Amelia grinned and took his hand, leading him to the candy stall. She pointed out a jar of fine powder in layers of different colors. "That's Rainbow Crystals. It's like a sherbet but sweeter. You're supposed to buy a lolly with it to dip into it." she then pointed at a Jar of small human shaped, powdered sweets. "Those are Jelly Babies. They're famous across the country." she then grinned at a tub of what appeared to be jagged, black shards. "That's bonfire toffee. It's sort of like treacle toffee." Amelia just named the few but there were many more jars and tubs of different sweets in this stall. "Hmm, which ones do you want to try?" she asked, looking at him curiously. --- As soon as Neva was human she hugged both Elliot and Vincent, looking around the room worriedly. "What's happening?" she asked quietly, she'd been having a little trouble following what was going on. Cindy looked at Kite when he moved and lowered her hand from her mouth. She bent down and kissed him on his forehead. "What are we going to do?..." she whispered as she closed her eyes and kept her head close to his while stroking his hair. ------------ Frowning and feeling a little uncomfortable, Patience nodded. She knew it probably wasn't a good idea for Carter to leave the hospital like this but she felt it wasn't her place to say anything. She also hoped that wrapping this case up might help him towards recovering. "We found one of the Angel's hiding places and discovered his list of targets. I've brought in some help from the Angelic Authorities. He's upstairs with Will and Leo now. He's suggested we use one of the Angel's targets as bait to lure the Angel out so we can ambush him in a controlled environment. We also now have a pretty good idea of what the Angel looks like. Apparently he's been stalking one of your friends and she managed to get a look at his face." she explained quickly while walking with him towards the office. Mickey nodded. "You'll need to send word to her to let her know to pretend everything is normal and to go about her day as she already planned. Let her know we'll be watching and that she'll be safe. If you have any vampires in your group, we may need them to join us. Their sensitive hearing might pick up on sounds we might otherwise miss or they can focus to listen in on any phone calls. We will also need all other Demons and Angels you know to stand by as well. Teleportation will help us to close the gap as soon as the Angel makes a move. Try to keep humans out of this unless they're trained and in good health like yourself. In which case they will need to be armed appropriately." Denix Vames - April 16, 2021 Charles was intrigued by the sweets. "They are so many to choose from. I'm not sure which one to pick." He thought for a moment. "I guess Jelly Babies." --- Vincent knelt. "We're a target for someone's list. Someone who wants to hurt us. But you have nothing to worry about. We're right here." Elliot nodded. "Anyone who tries to get close to ya will get the full force of the South." "Let her go.....Cindy...." ,said Kite in his sleep. He seemed troubled. --- Carter nodded. "Well, I'm glad we're making progress at least. But I don't think we should be using a friend as bait." He stepped into the office. "Well, like it or not we have to." ,said Leo. Will pinched the brim of his nose. "What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be in rehab!" "I couldn't just stand by and let you all do this without me! I needed to know if you were all safe!" "We are! And you were safe in that medical center." "Humans that know how to defend themselves can come too. That's what the big guy said." ,said Leo. Carter turned his attention to Mickey. "You better not try anything." "For the last time, stop being suspicious about the tall angel!" ,said Will. "His name is Mickey." ,said Leo. "Whatever!" Leo stood. "Look, we wouldn't be leaving Cindy to die in the dust. We would need to bring any Angel, Demon or Devil, or Vampires that we know of." "So that just leaves out Elliot, Gary, Neva, and Jessica." "Time to tell David that he can kick out the guests." Carter hesitated but said, "Hey David! You can bring everyone from Hell over here! You're done babysitting!" shadowess - April 16, 2021 Amelia nodded and bought a bag of Jelly Babies for Charles to try. She bought herself a bag of Rainbow Crystals and a Traffic Light Lolly to go with it. Once they had their candy, she eagerly dipped the lollipop into the crystals and stuck it in her mouth with a smile. ----------- Neva was worried when they told her what was going on but was soon comforted by their defensiveness. She wrapped her arms around Vincent while he was knelt down and smiled. "I'm safe with my dads." she said quietly. "shh...I'm right here." Cindy whispered to Kite, laying next to him and resting her head on his chest. "I'm safe and with you." --- David appeared in the room with Parker and Sebastian. As soon as Sebastian saw Carter his face lit up. "Carter!" He exclaimed then ran forward and wrapped his arms around him. He suddenly got a whiff of his blood and pulled back sharply, realizing he hadn't had a drink since he first went to Hell. "Hold that thought!" he ran downstairs into the kitchen and pulled out a blood bag, biting into it immediately. David and Parker stared at the huge Angel warily then David looked between Carter and Will. "I'm guessing the danger hasn't passed yet?" Denix Vames - April 16, 2021 Charles sniffed the contents in the bag before taking a Jelly Baby and putting it in his mouth. His eyes widened as he chewed. "They're very sweet! Holy shit!" --- Vincent smiled. He gently patted her back. "Yes you are." Nate appeared. "Vincent, we're calling everyone that can defend themselves well enough against this Angel. You're one of them." Vincent looked at Neva. "Elliot will be here with you. I promise I'll be back, ok?" He kissed her forehead before disappearing with Nate to the living room of Carter's office. Kite seemed to have calmed down. His hand was on her waist. Feeling her presence, he slept soundly. Nate appeared in the room. "Don't be scared but we need both of you to help us take down the Angel. The plan will be explained once everyone's at the office." --- "Sebastian!" Carter smiled as tears fell from his eyes. He was about to savor this moment when Sebastian ran off. "Oh. I guess that was a close one." "Now before you say anything, Mickey is here to help. Ok? Let's make that clear." ,said Will. "Also, I need everybody downstairs and in the living room so that we can have a meeting." Once everyone did, the people that were there were Mickey, Carter, Sebastian, Will, Leo, Patience, Vincent, David, and Parker. Jasper suddenly appeared. "Ya'll didn't think I'd missed this, right?" "Well, now that just leaves Kite and Cindy. Hopefully, Nate can convince them to be here." Will handed Carter a black gun and cuffs. "By the way, you might need this." Carter nodded as he took them. "I'll kill him this time. I won't hesitate."
  12. Denix Vames - April 15, 2021 (you be the angel) "That's fine. We've got plenty of food here." Charles began cooking some bacon and eggs for himself. --- Will looked at Leo. "Let's check this place around further before we leave." Leo nodded. --- "I guess we'll have to call in sick then." ,said Kite. --- Nate appeared. "I don't mean to be rude but I'm gonna need Elliot and Neva. They have to stay at Carter's house for protection." Gary grabbed David's hand. "Please take me to him! I've been worried and I don't know what he's been doing!" shadowess - April 15, 2021 Amelia didn't like to eat alone, so she'd wait patiently until Charles had his breakfast ready as well before digging in. Once he was sitting with her, she ate up her food pretty quickly as she usually does whenever Charles cooked. He always made the food so good that she couldn't help herself. Even if the dish was a simple one, it was always done to perfection. She never left a scrap of food on her plate! When finished, she sat back with a big smile on her face. "Perfect as always!" She said happily. "Thank you. I'll wash the dishes when you're done. Maybe we could explore some of London today? Make the most of our time here?" --- It took several minutes for Patience to talk one of the Angelic Authorities to help her with this case. But Michael Dillard soon appeared with Patience near Leo and Will. Even for an Angel, he was a very large man. He stood at almost eight foot tall, having to bend down a little to fit into the room. His body seemed to be made entirely of muscle. He had very short, black hair and piercing blue eyes. "Will, Leo...this is Michael. He's...and Arch Angel." Patience introduced them. "You can call me Mickey." Michael greeted them in a deep, gravelly voice. "Like the mouse." he added although his features remained unexpressive. Even Patience stared at him uncertainly. She found it genuinely difficult to read whether Michael intended to be humorous or not. --- "Ugh...Debbie is -really- going to hate me for that! I've only worked there a couple of days and already calling in sick? Might as well just ask her to fire me..." Cindy complained, rubbing her forehead. "Looks like I might have to find a new job when all this is over then...whoever said the mortal life was easier is an idiot!" --- David smiled gently at Gary. "You can relax. You really haven't been missing much. I'll take you to him, he'll be happy to see you and when you want to return just let me know and I'll bring you back." He turned to Elliot and Nate and nodded. "Well, it looks like you're leaving as well anyway. Best of luck to you all. Stay safe." He vanished with Gary, taking him to the Library. As soon as he was gone, Neva ran out from under the couch at Elliot, mewing at him as she ran. She wondered where Vincent was. --- Alex had been staring out of the window again, lost in thought when David and Gary appeared in the room behind him. Sebastian was snoozing on the couch while Parker sat in the corner, reading one of the books. Parker had gotten so bored within the first few hours of being in Hell that he'd asked David to teach him how to read the demonic language just so he'd have something to keep him occupied. Rather than teach him the traditional way, David did the same thing he'd done for Nate and Tom by pushing his knowledge into Parker's mind. Hearing movement behind him, Alex turned around curiously and his eyes widened, he broke into a smile. "Gary!" he moved to hurry over to him but flinched and gripped his stomach. "Take it easy, you're still recovering." David said gently. "Don't care, guna hug him!" Alex grinned as he hurried over a little more carefully and wrapped his arms around Gary. Denix Vames - April 15, 2021 Charles ate with her. He smiled at her compliment. "Thank you but I should wash the dishes this time. You already did that earlier. And we can explore soon. Anywhere you like." --- Will's wide eyes stared at Michael as if he was a giant. He swallowed the lump in his throat. Leo jumped back. Keeping his gun by his side as he glared. "Nice to meet you.....Mickey." "Maybe we should go to the office and talk there. Leo, you'll stay out of the room." "What?!" Will gave him a look. "That's an order." Leo sighed. "Alright." He relaxed himself and put his gun away. "Then let's teleport out of here." --- "How about I go with you to work as your bodyguard? I can just explain to them that someone has been stalking you. And I'll call the guys down at the station about it. My leg's already getting better. I can just be there with my gun and uniform." ,said Kite. --- Elliot smiled and knelt to pick her up. "It's alright Neva. We're going somewhere safe for a bit." Nate teleported them to Carter's house where Vincent appeared too. "I heard about the news." Kite tore his cast off. He forced himself up and started walking with a slight limp. "Cindy saw someone holding a feather down the streets one night. She could give you the description of the person." Nate raised a brow. "Really? Give me all the details and don't leave anything out." --- Gary burst into tears. "Alex!" He kissed him. Holding on to those lips for a moment before enjoying the hug. Pressing his head against his. "I missed you so much! It's been hard trying to work without thinking about you!" shadowess - April 16, 2021 "You're such a gentleman." Amelia grinned and she glanced over at the window thoughtfully. "Maybe the London Eye? I'd love to look out at the city from the top! I heard Camden Market is a good district for shopping too." she suggested. --- "Uh..." Patience nodded while thinking. "He's never been to the office before and he doesn't know anyone from there to focus on, so teleporting there might be tricky. I would do it but can already feel myself getting exhausted again just from bringing Mickey here..." She then looked up at Mickey. "Have you ever been to Wesson Street?" Mickey thought for a moment then looked back at Patience. He would've nodded if he'd had enough room to do so. He held out his huge hands for them all to take. "I know the area." he answered while waiting for them to take his hands. Patience placed her hand in his and as soon as the other two did as well, they teleported to the street where Mickey straightened up and cracked his neck, relieved to not have to hunch over anymore. --- "I duno...That's really sweet of you but if anything did happen, I don't want to be the reason you got hurt again." Cindy said with a frown when Kite offered to be her body guard. "If I have to lose my job and start again just to keep us safe, then that's what I'll do. Nothing matters to me more than being with you." When they arrived, Neva remained in her cat form. Feeling too shy to transform back as she didn't know a few people in the room. When Vincent arrived, she perked up a little and mewed at him cheerily from Elliot's hand. Cindy watched Kite, both worried about his injury and simultaneously aroused by his display of strength. Then he told Nate about the stalker and Nate asked her to tell him everything. She looked at Nate nervously, hugging herself and nodded. She'd need to be careful to not let her guard slip. "I was walking home from work after my first shift. The street was empty at the time and I got the feeling like I was being watched. I didn't see anyone at first but then I looked up and saw this guy standing near an alley. He hadn't been there before, so I think he might've teleported there. He had short, blond hair and I think... purple eyes. He kept staring at me. Then he pulled a white feather out of his pocket and stroked his face with it while smiling at me. It was really, freaking creepy." she shivered. "I didn't want to walk passed him so I crossed the road but when I looked back, he'd gone. The whole time I just felt...I dunno...like I was being toyed with. I haven't seen anything like that since though and it's been a couple of days." --------- Alex couldn't stop smiling. His heart fluttering as Gary kissed him. "I missed you too! I want to come home so much!" his eyes filled with tears. Parker had listed his eyes from the book to watch them for a moment before lowering them back to read again. David smiled at them. "Gary, I'll have to give you the same rules that the others follow. Don't leave the library. If you want to leave this room, do not do so alone and stay close to this one so we can hear you if you need to call for help. Demons know not to hunt in this building but there's always a chance that a dangerous soul might decide to take refuge in one of the other rooms, and they don't tend to either know or abide by our laws." Denix Vames - April 16, 2021 Charles took the dishes to the kitchen and began to wash them. "Sure. We could do all that. I can only guess that they have delicious sweets." --- Leo hesitantly took his hand. Keeping a tight grip on it to show that despite knowing he was there to help that he wouldn't hesitate to fight him if he dared to harm any of his friends or Oscar. Will held Leo's hand and Patience's. "This way." ,said Will who opened the door. Letting them go inside. He stopped Leo with a hand. "And I want you to fetch my car." He gave him the keys. Leo hesitated. "But-" "We'll be fine. I promise." He nodded before zooming to the forest. --- Vincent smiled. He held her close. "How's my dear kitten? Doing well?" "Think she's nervous about seeing all these strangers." "Well, you don't need to worry. They're our friends. You just haven't met them yet." Nate held an angry expression. "That bitch! This doesn't even have to do with New Eden. He gets a kick out of it." He nodded at her. "Thanks for telling me all of this. I'll go inform Will about it. In the meantime, no one will leave." Kite glared. "We're not weak! I'm a cop! I know how to handle myself and so does Cindy! She deserves a say in this! We all do!" "She may be strong but she's no match for an Angel!" "And Carter's no better? Or you?" "Look! I understand you're frustrated but-" "We're all leaving!" He nodded at her. "C'mon Cindy. We're leaving." He headed for the door. Nate appeared in front of him. Kite pulled out his gun. "Get out of my way." Nate placed his hand on his head before he had the chance to pull the trigger. Kite suddenly dropped his gun as he collapsed. Falling into a deep sleep that he would soon wake from. Nate nodded at them. "Sorry." He disappeared. --- "Hold on David. I have an idea. There's cameras at my house now. Security. And I've been learning how to shoot. I have my own gun now. Can't I just take him to my house? Please? I promise he'll be safe there. We'll both be." Gary held Alex's hand with a shaky one. "Maybe this is selfish of me but I really want him to come home with me. Please?" --- Nate appeared in Carter's office. "Hey Will, I hav-" His eyes widened at the sight of Michael. He jumped back and brought out his weapon. Ready to fight. "What the hell is he doing here? Ready to arrest me? Cause I'm not going up there! I know what you guys do to Angels like me!" "Whoa Whoa! Hold on a minute!" Will raised his hands up between them. "Is there some kind of beef between you two?" shadowess - April 16, 2021 At the mention of sweets, Amelia's grin widened a little. "Oh, you have no idea how much I've missed Pear Drops! You know they have a giant one in Oswaldtwistle? But that's like...miiiiles away." she laughed. "I saw it once when I was over there for a visit. Huge! But they're nothing compared to the Rainbow Crystals and Rocket Lollies the same factory makes. Now those'll make you bounce off the walls!" she chuckled. --- Neva brought her little, front paws to Vincent's chest so she could look up at him and purr. At his words, she'd been comforted enough to want to change into her human form but then jumped when Nate and Kite began arguing. Her fur stood up on her back out of fear and when the gun was brought out she curled into a ball on Vincent's hand, her little form shaking. Cindy watched uncertainly as Kite and Nate had argued. She wanted to leave with Kite but she was frightened of what this Angel might be capable of. When Kite had nodded at her and told them they were leaving, Cindy remained quiet and followed him. She then froze and held her breath when Nate blocked their path and Kite took out his gun. Then Nate forced Kite to sleep and Cindy rushed forward to catch him. "Kite!" she cried out worriedly. She held him then looked up at Nate before he'd vanished. Looking back down at Kite with a frown, she brushed some of his hair out of his face. --- David frowned but watched the way Alex held on to Gary. He scratched the back of his head as he thought about how miserable Alex had been during his stay here. Stuck in the same room and staring off out of the window almost constantly. He knew that if he continued to stay here then it'd only be a matter of time before his wounds healed enough for him to attempt to sneak out like Jessica had. Only David had a pretty good idea of where, or rather -who- he'd end up trying to go to. Reluctantly, he nodded. "Alright. But if you get so much as a feeling that something isn't right, then I want one of you to call for me and I'll come to get you." --- Patience's eyes widened in alarm when Nate appeared and reacted the way he did. Mickey merely glared at him, unmoving. "Nate, please calm down. That's not why he's here." Patience tried to reassure him then shot a serious look at Mickey. "Right?" Mickey looked at her, his face as expressionless as always and he shrugged while looking back at Nate. "You are not my target right now." he replied simply. Patience turned back to Nate. "He's here to help with the case." Denix Vames - April 16, 2021 "Really? You'd need to show me all the candy there is. Tell me which ones are the best." Charles walked over after finishing the dishes. He wrapped an arm around her. "Would you like me to teleport us there?" --- Vincent gave Neva to Elliot who kept her close. He knelt by Cindy's side. "He'll be fine. He's just sleeping. I'll help you take him to a bedroom upstairs if that's alright with you." --- Gary nodded. "Of course. I promise." Once David had taken them back to his house, he smiled at Alex. "I'm so glad you're here. We can be alone together." --- Nate lowered his weapon. "So long as he doesn't try to arrest me then we're good." The weapon vanished. Will sighed. "Alright. Now, what did you want to tell me?" Nate retold Cindy's story. Will shook his head in disbelief. "So, we have the description of our guy. The thing is we need a sketch artist and I ain't no Leonardo." Leo zoomed into the office. "I brought your car back." He tossed the keys which Will caught. Will raised a brow at the drawing of a broken heart on his sleeve. It was detailed with chains and stitches. "Did you draw that?" Leo glanced at it before shrugging. "Yeah? So?" "Would you mind drawing out the suspect's face?" "Sure but we don't even know what he looks like." "Actually...." It didn't take long for Leo to make out a sketch of the Angel's face. --- Carter had gotten dressed into his normal clothes before jumping out of the window of his room. He ran off. Heading towards the direction of his office. He had made sure no one had seen him snuck off. Hoping he would be there without being stalled.
  13. shadowess - April 15, 2021 Amelia had just finished washing a few dishes when Charles called through and said they'd need to move for a while. "What? How come?" she asked as she walked back into the living room, drying her hands on a towel. --- Patience nodded and followed them to the car. Once at the park, she gave them both her number before splitting up to look around for anything they might've missed. By now, Alex's blood had been cleaned up and from what Patience could see, there was nothing else here that might point them towards who the Angel might be. She wandered around the park and looked in each area carefully while thinking. Did any of these locations have anything in common or were they just random coincidences? Was the Angel just taking advantage of the fact that Alex and Sebastian had been alone at the time? Denix Vames - April 15, 2021 "They've been working on a case involving an angel that's been attempting to murder our friends. Everyone has been put in safe locations. Because we can't go to Hell right now, Patience told us to get out of the country for a bit." ,said Charles. --- Leo and Will split up as well. Looking around the spot where they were at. Leo kept his gun in his hand. Ready to fire when needed. Will merely kept his flashlight on. Shadowess - April 15, 2021 When Charles briefly explained the situation, Amelia's eyes widened. She hated feeling so helpless. Angel or not, if she'd been able to, she'd have teleported to them without hesitation to help. But now she had a budding new family of her own to consider...it wasn't just herself she had to worry about anymore. She frowned and nodded, putting the towel down and moving into his arms. "Ok." --- They searched for what felt like hours but still found nothing new. Patience sent a text to Will and Leo, suggesting that they regroup and try the forest next. Denix Vames - April 15, 2021 "We should pack some things before we go." ,said Charles. --- Will and Leo met up with her at the car. "Hopefully, we'll find something at the forest. I mean that place is pretty big. There's got to be some kind of evidence there." ,said Will. "Murders always make mistakes. There's bound to be anything." ,said Leo. "Right. Let's go." They hopped into the car. Will drove them to the forest. Shadowess - April 15, 2021 Amelia nodded. "I'll go get the suitcase." She kissed his cheek before letting him go and heading into the bedroom. She took the suitcase out of the wardrobe and placed it onto the bed. She then packed a few clothes for them, leaving room for anything Charles wanted to add. --- Patience got out of the car when they arrived and looked around with a sigh. The smell of burnt grass and blood was still in the air. She looked at the spot where her knife had hit the Angel and spotted his dried blood on the grass near the trees. She tilted her head thoughtfully and walked over to it, bending down and picking the blood stained grass. She brought it up to her nose and took a few deep breaths. His scent was faded but she could still pick it up. Her eyes flicked up to look into the forest and she stood. "I think I've got something!" She said excitedly and began warily, but hurriedly walking into the forest. Stopping every so often to take some deep breaths and keep track of his scent. Denix Vames - April 15, 2021 Charles had put in their toothbrushes and toothpastes. He wrapped an arm around her. "Let's go." Once she had the case in her hands, they appeared in a room in London. It looked to be an empty apartment. --- "Really? What is it?" ,said Will. "Looks like she's got his scent. Let's follow her." ,said Leo. With their guns by their sides, they followed her. Shadowess - April 15, 2021 Once they arrived in the empty apartment, Amelia looked around curiously. "Where are we?" She let go of the suitcase and wandered over to the window where she opened the curtains to see the familiar buildings in the distance. She smiled. "Home..." she said with a sigh. "Sebastian's house isn't far from here... I'll bet everything is dusty there now." she chuckled. --- "It's faint..." Patience said as they moved through the trees. "He's long since gone but we might find whatever he left behind...it might help us to find him!" She continued to push ahead, pausing every so often to smell the air again. After walking for what felt like half an hour, the smell grew a little stronger until she spotted something in the distance and came to a stop. "There!" she said in a hushed voice. His scent still wasn't strong enough for him to be present but they couldn't rule out the possibility that the little cabin she pointed at was empty. What they would soon discover, is that they had just stumbled across one of the Angel's hiding places. They wouldn't find any weapons inside. But they would find the same kind of paper the Angel had been using to make the haikus, as well as a few photos on the wall. All taken, apparently, without the person in them knowing. Some even blatantly taken through the window of Carter's office! There was Nate, Tom, Patience, Alex, Parker, Carter, Sebastian, Nurse May, Jessica, Kite, Cindy, Amelia, Charles, Blaire, Elliot, Leo and Oscar. Alex and Sebastian had a red circle around their photos with red crosses over their faces. Parker, Carter, Nate, Tom, Cindy, Leo, Oscar, Charles, Amelia, Patience and Nurse May had a red circle drawn around their photos. While the rest had been placed a little away from the others on the wall with a large blue question mark painted onto the wall next to them. Denix Vames - April 15, 2021 "Really? I didn't know." He looked around. "Are you hungry? Or do you want to get some sleep?" --- "What the fuck?!" ,said Leo. "My thoughts exactly. Looks like everybody's on his bucket list." "No, I mean. Why me? I'm killing criminals!" "Let's not get into that debate. What we need to do is take all of this to the office. Unfortunately, we'll have to move these files and our weapons somewhere else. Not to mention the people. We'll have to call in anyone else who wasn't told about this and put them somewhere safe. That also means placing you guys somewhere as well." "Ok! No! We've been hiding our friends for far too long. I know this is an angel with a god complex but hiding isn't doing us any good. We haven't even caught the guy! And now this? We should all gang up together and take him down at the same time." "He's still an angel. We can't take risks." "Risks? You haven't been long enough to see that we've taken risks! Plenty of them!" "Enough! Let's just grab this shit." Will started taking down the pictures. Leo raised a brow. "Ya know, I'm surprised he doesn't know Gary." "Gary? Who's Gary?" "He's Alex's boyfriend. So far, he hasn't been a target. Maybe the angel never saw him?" "Then we should stay out of contact from him. Make sure he stays safe. If he tries to contact us then we have to ignore." shadowess - April 15, 2021 "Well, I mean...I didn't grow up here. I ended up getting my accent from David...but he used to talk about London so much when I was growing up that when I came to Earth, I ended up spending most of my time here. So I guess between that and David's stories...this place really does feel like home to me." she smiled. She thought for a moment on his question and looked down at herself, placing a hand on her belly. She wasn't even showing yet because it was still so early, but she supposed she was still eating for two. "I could eat." she nodded, turning to face him. It had been late at night in the US but now that they're in England, it was early morning. "I guess it is technically breakfast time." she chuckled. --- Before Will took down the photos and while he'd been busy arguing with Leo, Patience had taken out her phone and snapped a couple of photos of the wall so they could remember it's layout. As Will took them down, she looked at the photos she'd just taken thoughtfully. "He's right. If this Angel is unaware of Gary then we should avoid contact to keep him safe...I wonder why the Angel separated us out like this?..." She sighed. "You needn't worry about 'placing' me anywhere. I fully intend on helping to track down this Angel. I am more than capable of defending myself when necessary." She looked over at Leo. "We need to protect those in our group who are vulnerable. But I agree, the more capable people we have to help us, the better. So we should choose, very carefully, who should hide and who should help." Denix Vames - April 15, 2021 Charles smiled. "I'll start cooking then." He snapped his fingers. Once he opened the fridge, there was food there. He began making some eggs, bacon, and pancakes in the kitchen. --- "Then any Angel will do. Leo, you're an exception from what I've been told so you'll stick around. Any Angel that we know as a friend will report to the office. Anyone living in that house who's weak against the Angel's tactics will be placed somewhere else." "Wait a minute! They don't know about Vincent or Neva. That means they're safe too." "Either way, we should get them out of there. Put them in Carter's house. I've seen it and I know where it is. Seems like the Angel doesn't know." Leo nodded. "I'll transport them there." "Vincent's....something. He can do that himself. I'll just tell him." --- Gary knocked on the door of Carter's Office. Worried about Alex. Shadowess - April 15, 2021 Amelia watched him cook and smiled. She took the handle of the suitcase and wheeled it into the bedroom to unpack their things. Once finished, she walked back into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind, resting her head on his shoulder. "Mmm smells good..." she hummed then smirked. "The food smells nice too." --- Patience nodded then a thought occurred to her. "Vincent and Nate are both telepathic. I could request them both to come here and we can tell them right now. It'd save a lot of time." She then focused, hoping they would both hear her. 'Vincent. Nate. If at all possible, we need you both to come here now. There's been a development in the case and we could use your help.' --- Neva stirred, her sleep disturbed by the knocking coming from the front door. Denix Vames - April 15, 2021 Charles chuckled as he blushed. "Thank you." He flipped a pancake. "So, what are you thinking of naming the baby?" --- Vincent and Nate appeared. Nate seemed like he had quickly put on his clothes. His hair was still a mess from a personal moment. "You kind of caught us at an awkward time. What the hell is going on?" ,asked Nate. "Vincent, I need you to take your family to Carter's house. Elliot is the only target but I want to be safe about this. And Nate, I need your help so stick around for a bit." ,said Will. Nate sighed. "Fine." Vincent nodded. "Thanks for letting me know." He disappeared. --- Gary knocked harder and faster. Hoping to get whoever was inside their attention. Shadowess - April 15, 2021 "I'm not sure..." Amelia said thoughtfully. "I think...maybe Carol if it's a girl? After my mother..." she shrugged a little. "But I mean...that could even just be a middle name...we've got plenty of time to think it over...What about you? Did you have any thoughts on what names we could pick from?" --- When Nate showed up looking the way he did, Patience's face turned a deep red from a mixture of embarrassment and regret. "Sorry..." she said to him while averting her gaze. She looked back at her phone and showed Nate the photo she'd taken of the wall, before Will had taken the photos down. "Here. The Angel seems to have been watching us all for a while. He's put the majority of us together on one section of the wall while separating these four..." she points to the photos of Jessica, Kite, Blaire and Elliot next to the large blue question mark. She looks back at Leo and Will. "I don't suppose you two know about the Devine story? Well, I have a theory as to why he might be separating us this way. The Devine were obsessed with their idea of New Eden. They would choose who would get to survive to see New Eden very carefully and then try to brain wash them into following them. This Angel has repeatedly used the Devine's famous phrase, Punishment Divine. If he is some crazed copycat, then maybe he's also picking out who he'd rather have in his version of 'New Eden'?" --- Neva jumped awake from the knocks and shook Elliot to wake him. "Someone's at the door!" she whispered, her eyes wide and frightened. Denix Vames - April 15, 2021 Charles shrugged. "I'm not sure. I've never named anyone or anything before." He set the pancake on a plate. He placed some eggs and bacon there. He placed some pancake mix on the pan. Getting ready to make another pancake. "Your breakfast is ready unless you want another pancake." --- "Then we have to find those four and get them away from here. Place them in Carter's house. The Angel hasn't been there. If it's possible, I want an Angel to guard them." ,said Will. "I can do that." ,said Nate. "Then go please." Nate disappeared. "And Patience, I need another Angel here. Can we ask one to come here?" --- Nate grabbed the Jessica, Kite, Blaire, and Cindy from their homes. Placing them in Carter's house. "Listen everybody. This is for your protection. No one can get in or out. The Angel has been watching you guys so I'm here to keep all of you safe. I will have to fetch someone else. Stay here." --- Elliot got out of bed. "Don't worry Neva. I'm sure it's just a friend." He headed downstairs. Once he opened the door, he saw a worried looking Gary. "Is Alex alright?" Elliot yawned as he rubbed his eyes. "Last I check, he's still with David. You can ask him if you can visit." "How do I do that?" He shrugged. "Just call him but I'd come in first." Gary nodded as he walked in. "Hey David? Someone here wants to see Alex!" shadowess - April 15, 2021 (Do you want to write as the Angel that Patience goes to for help or would you rather I make one up?) Amelia's eyes were soft as she smiled at Charles lovingly. "Well, there isn't any rush...yet." she chuckled. She then kissed his cheek. "That's plenty, thank you." she said as she picked up the plate. "Although I'm probably going to end up eating more and more the bigger I get." she laughed. Having had around a week alone with Charles, she'd quickly gotten used to the idea of them having a child together. The more she thought about it, the more excited she became. She took her plate to the table and sat down with it. --- Patience nodded. "I can visit the Angelic Authorities. They're very similar to your human police force. I'll ask if they can spare an Angel to help us with this case." she explained. She didn't know many Angels in the Angelic Authority well enough to summon them the way she'd summoned Vincent and Nate. In fact, not many Angels appreciated being contacted that way. Especially from a newborn Angel. "I'm not sure how long that'll take but I'll make it clear to them that it's urgent." she assured him before vanishing. --- Jessica was still out cold and stinking of booze when she was brought to Carter's house. She was placed on the couch where she snored lightly. Cindy, alarmed at being grabbed by Nate, huddled herself into Kite's arms. Understandably, she was still terrified of Nate, considering their last encounter involved him trying to destroy her. At first she was confused when Nate said he'd brought them here for their protection but then he mentioned an Angel watching them and her eyes widened. She exchanged a knowing look with Kite as she recalled the stranger with the feather that had stalked her on her way home that day. If her mind wasn't constantly guarded, Nate might've caught the image of the blonde haired, violet eyed man that she'd seen. Unfortunately, because of her own secrets, she couldn't let that guard down for even a second. Especially around telepaths like Nate. When Nate vanished she looked around for a moment, looking a little lost. "But wait-! What about my job?? I have work in the morning!" --- Neva crept down the stairs to see who it was and saw Gary. She stayed by the staircase, watching tiredly while they talked. A moment later, David appeared. His sudden appearance made Neva jump and within seconds she'd transformed into a kitten and shot under the sofa to hide. David whirled around in confused alarm and looked from the staircase to the sofa. "What was that?" he then looked at Gary and seemed to understand. "Ah, not a bad idea actually. I can take you to Hell to see him. He's been getting restless now that he can move around a little more. Maybe you can distract him from getting any wild ideas about exploring Hell like his sister tried to do...Honestly, I don't know where my great grandchildren get this sense of adventure and mischief from..." he rolled his eyes with a smirk. He knew full well that he'd been the same when he'd been alive. Hell, even during his Demon training with Lucifer's best soldier, he'd been a handful! "Oh, just bear in mind though, once in Hell all communication devices stop functioning...Hell doesn't have any cell towers I'm afraid." he chuckled.
  14. Denix Vames - April 14, 2021 Jasper gently rubbed her arm. "That's ok. Being scared is normal. But it's good to have someone by your side. And I'm right here for ya." --- Leo rubbed his head as he stood. "Uh yeah." He flushed with a frown. "Sorry about that. I guess I lost myself at some point. Literally." He clutched his arm. "But I don't know why." He looked down at his clothes. "What the hell?" He ripped the cloak off and smashed the mask with his boot. Revealing a dark robe-like outfit. "Looks like Angry Leo really likes blankets but I don't. Can we please go to some store? I need a new change of clothes." Nate smiled. "I've got all the clothes you need right here." He snapped his fingers. Making a store appear with no one inside. "I use it to style myself sometimes. Basically, anything that you can think of and it'll conjure up." shadowess - April 14, 2021 Jessica smiled tearfully and sniffled as she closed her eyes, slipping rapidly out of consciousness. "Thank you..." --- Tom gawped at the building that randomly appeared. "Woah! That's amazing!" Once again he was utterly in awe of Nate. David, meanwhile, had looked at the building and then at Nate in alarm. He's just an Angel. How is he THAT powerful?! Not even Arch Angels had this kind of power up their sleeves! Sure, the building didn't really exist and was just an ethereal projection that they could use to summon clothing... but still! If he was powerful enough to pull something that big out of nothing...what else was he capable of?! Denix Vames - April 14, 2021 Jasper smiled. "You're welcome." He stayed with her as she slept. --- Nate smirked. "Well, thank you. I do try." They stepped into the store. Leo was captivated by the clothes around him. "Go to the changing room and think of your outfit. You'll find what you're looking for." He nodded. "Ok. I'll test that out." He went further into the back of the store until he reached the changing rooms. He went into one of them. It didn't take long for him to come out wearing a black leather jacket with white stripes on his both of his sleeves. He wore fingerless leather gloves that had more of a grip on the palms to keep him from slipping whenever he would climb something. He had on dark grey jeans and military shoes. He wore a muscle black t-shirt underneath. He held two handguns in his hands that had laser points on them. He placed in his new holster at his waist. Nate smiled. "Now, don't you look like yourself?" "Honestly? I feel great. Thanks." "Don't mention it. It's what I do. Now, if anyone else would like to get some clothes, you're free to do so. But after that we have to head back to the hotel room." "Actually, I need to go to Carter's office. Check and see how he's doing and apologize. I might be able to clear off that suspension and do some actual work." ,said Leo. Shadowess - April 14, 2021 "I'm good, thank you." David said and checked his watch. He'd already been away from Hell for too long and was growing anxious about leaving a bunch of living people down there on their own. "You seem to have everything under control here. I'm going to head back to Hell to make sure the others are alright. I'll pick up the books from the hotel room before I go." he nodded at Leo. "If you'd like, I can drop you off as well?" Tom watched as Leo came back in different clothing and thought for a moment before shaking his head a little. "I'm good too, thanks. I still like the outfit you gave me earlier." he chuckled and held Nate's hand. He was ready to head back as well. When they'd arrive back at the hotel room, Patience would be just waking up. Groaning and rubbing her head a little. Denix Vames - April 14, 2021 "That'd be helpful. Thanks man." ,said Leo. He soon arrived at the office. "We'll see you guys around." ,said Nate. Both men teleported to the hotel room. He smiled at Patience. "Look who's awake. How's that headache?" shadowess - April 14, 2021 David teleported himself and Leo to the office. "Alright, best of luck with this case. Let me know as soon as it's safe and I'll bring the others back." he nodded before vanishing back to Nate's hotel room. "Don't mind me." He smirked awkwardly as he went about collecting the books before vanishing with them. --- "Pounding..." Patience groaned then watched curiously as David popped in, picked up book and then left. "What did I miss?" she asked, lifting her gaze to Nate and Tom. Denix Vames - April 14, 2021 "A lot. Leo had a problem that we took care of. Everything's under control for now. But I'd recommend you go to Carter's office so that you can help them once you're energized enough to do it." Denix Vames - April 14, 2021 (forgot to include this) ,said Nate. --- Leo nodded. "Thanks. I'll let you know." shadowess - April 14, 2021 Patience nodded and got to her feet. "I'll go there now. I'll still be limited on what I can do for a while but I can at least be there to help in other ways." She looked between Nate and Tom for a moment. "Thank you for helping me and I'm sorry I had to interrupt your holiday like this." she smiled. "I hope you can both pick up where you left off and have a good time. See you around." She vanished, teleporting to the office. --- Patience arrived at the office and headed straight upstairs to Carter's office to see who was on the case now and how she could help. She knocked on the door. Denix Vames - April 14, 2021 "Don't worry. I'm sure we'll think of something." ,said Nate. Once she was gone, he pulled Tom in an embrace. "Now, where were we?" He slipped his tongue into his mouth as he kissed him. Keeping his hands on his waist as he brought him to the bed. --- Leo followed her upstairs. He awkwardly rubbed his arm as he looked at the floor. "Sorry about everything." Will had woken up with a start when he heard knocking. He found himself drooling on his own report that he was attempting to make. "Damn it!" He balled it up and threw it in the trash. With his arm, he wiped the drool off his lips. "Come in!" He used some tissues to soak up the drool on the desk and threw that in the bin. Shadowess - April 14, 2021 Tom gasped softly with a smile as Nate pulled him to him and enjoyed those electric shivers running down his spine that Nate's kisses always caused. Tom kissed back and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, running his fingers through his hair and still smiling as he felt Nate walking him towards the bed, until he could feel the bed on the back of his legs. --- Patience had paused before knocking when she'd heard Leo's apology and she glanced back to see the way he looked at the ground. Her eyes softened and she sighed. "What's done is done, Leo. Let's put it behind us now and focus on moving forward, hmm?" she said kindly. When Will told them to go in, she stepped into the office and looked around briefly. "Where's Carter?" she asked. She hadn't been around when he'd passed out and gone to hospital. Denix Vames - April 14, 2021 Nate began kissing his neck as he unbuttoned his shirt. His hands were all over his bare chest. He started kissing there. Unbuckling his belt. --- Leo nodded before stepping into the office with her. Will bit his lip. "He's in rehab." "What? Why?" Leo walked over. "The smoking and drinking....It finally caught up to him. Right now, I'm taking over but I need help. And that's where you guys come in. I've got what's here but no way of knowing where this angel will strike. I need both of you to help me find him." He frowned. "I was suspended." "Well, you're not anymore. Whatever you did, I'm sure you've learned your lesson. And right now, I need all the help that I can get. So give me suggestions. Any idea and I'll listen." shadowess - April 14, 2021 Tom tilted his head back, his breathing becoming a little ragged as his excitement grew. A small moan escaped him as Nate's hands caressed his chest and his kisses moved. 'I am yours. All yours' he couldn't help thinking as he bit his lip and closed his eyes. 'Mind. Body. Soul. Every part of me. Yours and no one else's.' --- The news about Carter was concerning but Patience had a feeling that Carter would want them to stay focused. After all, the faster they find this Angel, the faster Sebastian could be brought home and Sebastian might be able to help Carter through what he's going through now. She folded her arms and thought for a moment. "Just so you know, I'm still pretty exhausted from using too much of my power earlier today. I might not be good to go, power wise, until tomorrow. So teleporting us anywhere is currently out of the question. Now, having said that, perhaps we could backtrack a little? Revisit some areas that we know this Angel has been to. See if we missed anything else? His next targets are out of his reach but I doubt he'll bother with them now anyway seeing as we have the Haiku's before he could carry out those plans..." she then seems to realize something. "Maybe there's something in the Haiku's that could give away the next target? A theme that we haven't noticed yet?... All of them so far seemed to have been written out for members of this group specifically! What if..." she paused, her eyes darting to the window. "What if...he's watching this building?" she looked back at Will and Leo. "What if his next target is one of us?...or...or someone else who is known to have hung out with or helped this group in the past? If he's not here watching us...what if he's wherever they are?...watching them?" Denix Vames - April 14, 2021 Nate smirked. He tossed his shirt aside. His wings sprouted. "Oh really?" They vibrated. He pressed himself against him. Whispering into his ear, "Then let me show you how far I can really go." --- Will nodded. "Good to know. First, I want an update on Tom and Nate's location." "In France." ,said Leo. "And Vincent, Elliot, and Neva are sleeping in a bedroom in this house. They'll be safe here. Carter's safe in rehab. Anyone else?" "Jasper can take care of himself. Jessica's at home. Gary's at home too or at work." "Either way, they're all safe. So long as we don't bring them with us, they'll be fine. Right now, we need to focus on these haikus." Will laid them out on the desk. "Now, where does this start?" shadowess - April 14, 2021 Tom heard the loud flutter of Nate's wings sprouting then gasped and moaned when he felt Nate's body against his as the vibrations from his wings passed through him. He grinned at Nate's words and shivered excitedly. "Yes!" he breathed and once again lost himself to Nate's passion. (Private Time) --- "There's Amelia and Charles as well." Patience added when they listed everyone Carter knew, having met them not too long ago for negotiations. "They're more of Carter's friends. Amelia is currently powerless but Charles is a full Devil, he should be more than enough protection for the both of them." Patience didn't know anyone else that might be friends with Carter as she hadn't met his other friends. Patience looked at the Haiku's thoughtfully. "Those three are the ones we picked up when the Angel dropped them." she pointed to each of them. "This one was left on the bed when Sebastian was taken...this must be the one that was at the scene when Alex was stabbed..." she read each of them briefly. "There's a pattern. It's not much...but each haiku seems to go from the same formula. The first line hints who the victim will be, the second gives a hint as to how they'll suffer and the last line is the infamous line the Devine used when they sought to strike fear into their enemies..." Denix Vames - April 14, 2021 "So then the next haiku will give us the location?" ,said Leo. "If he's willing. We most likely scared him off. The best thing we can do is check out the scenes. First, we'll start with the park. That's where it all started from there. But I need everyone to be on their guard." Will pulled out a black handgun from the drawer and some black cuffs. He placed it in his holster and the cuffs nearby. Dangling on his belt. "By the way, Charles is a Devil. I can't imagine who would do well against an Angel. Is there any way to contact them and tell them to get out of the country? Or maybe go to Hell?" shadowess - April 15, 2021 "Amelia won't be able to go back to Hell. She's pregnant and by now the barrier to Hell will be in effect. It prevents children or those incapable of knowing right from wrong from entering Hell for their protection. It'd pickup on her unborn child and rebound her back to Earth." Patience explained while shaking her head a little. "I'll call them and warn them of the danger." she said, taking out her phone. With the negotiations ongoing, she'd gotten their number so as to arrange future meetings. She dialed Charles's number and when he answered she quickly explained everything to him and suggested he get them to a safe location as soon as possible until the Angel is captured. When she was done she put her phone away and sighed. "Alright, I'm ready when you two are." Denix Vames - April 15, 2021 Charles answered. "Hello?" He nodded. "Alright. I understand. Thanks for the information." He put his phone away. "Amelia? We'll need to move for a bit." --- "Carter's vehicle is back right now but we'll take my car." ,said Will. They headed out of the house and into his car. He soon drove to the park. "We might have to separate if this park is big. Still, stay on guard. Sounds like this angel doesn't have a problem killing one of his own kind."
  15. Denix Vames - April 13, 2021 Leo stood. "I think I'm gonna go home. I'm tired of everybody thinking that they can just get with me." He stormed out of her room. Leaving the hotel. --- Nate grabbed a book. "Might as well start off with me." shadowess - April 13, 2021 Jessica already felt awful but after what Leo said and the way he left, she felt even worse. She looked down at the little bottles in her shaking hand and dropped them to the floor as tears fell. If she'd known, she wouldn't have bothered! She only tried because he was the only guy that was actually nice to her! And she felt like there could genuinely have been something between them! But now any hope she had of just being friends with him, she'd utterly destroyed! The room span and she felt sick. She hurried off to the bathroom to throw up in the toilet. -Black out- She washed her face at the sink and tried to give herself a drunken pep talk. -Black out- She stumbled down some street she didn't recognize. -Black out- She was dancing in a club, disoriented, and completely missed it when some guy slipped a drug into her beer bottle. --- David stepped up to Nate and placed his fingers onto either side of his head. "This may hurt..." he warned him before pushing his knowledge into Nate. Once that was done, he then turned to Tom. "Uhhh...yeah, that looked like it hurt..." Tom said apprehensively. "Only for a moment." David reassured him and walked over to him. "We need all the help we can get." Tom sighed and closed his eyes. "Fine..." he tensed, readying himself. David chuckled. "Believe me, you're better off relaxing if you can. It hurts less." he placed his fingers into Tom's head as well and pushed his knowledge into him next. When he was done, David stumbled back, a little tired from the strain. Tom also stumbled back a little, gasped and groaning a little as he gripped his own head which was now pounding. Gradually, the pounding pain ebbed away and when Tom opened his eyes again, he looked over at a book and realized in amazement that he could read the title. "Woah!...take that Spanish class!...." he half laughed. "Constant practice my ass..." "Now then..." David breathed as he picked up a book for himself. "There's no time to waste!" Denix Vames - April 13, 2021 Jasper appeared in the bar she was in. "Hello there!" He tipped his hat. "Ya might want to not drink that. Somebody slipped something nasty in there." --- Nate flinched. He groaned but quickly shook off the pain. He opened the book in his hand. "So, what's the name of this spell?" shadowess - April 13, 2021 Jessica stumbled to a stop when Jasper appeared and cheered when she saw him, raising her bottle. But then he told her someone had put something into it and her smile slipped, she lowered the bottle and stared at it with a frown. "They did?" she slurred. Unbeknownst to her, the man that had drugged the drink had been watching her nearby and as soon as Jasper appeared and pointed it out, he hurriedly left the club. "Why-why...why would they do that?" she sounded crestfallen and her shoulders slumped a little then her eyes lit up in anger and she threw the bottle at the wall. The bottle smashed and it's contents spilled to the floor. "God...dammit...I am so sick of people hurting me, leaving me behind or telling me I'm not 'good enough'!" she slurred angrily. Tears stinging her eyes once more. She stumbled about on her feet, barely able to keep her balance. She brought a hand to her head and closed her eyes as her tears fell. "I'm so alone..." --- David rose a brow at Nate. "Can't you read it?" For good measure, he looked over Nate's shoulder. "The convergence spell." David's brows furrowed and he glanced up at Nate momentarily then back down at the book and grinned. By pure luck, Nate had found the correct spell by opening up the first book he held to the correct page on the first try. "It looks simple enough. Gather the fragmented souls into a seal. Chant the spell. The catch is, each part of the soul has to WANT to become one again...also no one else can step into the seal while the spell is being chanted or their soul may become entangled as well." he read further, then frowned. "If any one of the fragments dies before the ritual is complete then the entire soul will unravel...Leo would cease to exist..." David tore his eyes away and glanced at the two Leo's in the room before looking back at Nate and Tom. "Please tell me these two are all the fragments!" Denix Vames - April 13, 2021 Jasper frowned. He lifted her off the floor. Holding her in his arms. "Let's take you somewhere else." He carried out of the bar. He placed her on his horse then hopped on himself. "Hold on to me." --- Nate rolled his eyes. "Geez old man. I was just asking the name of the spell." He nodded. "That's pretty much it. Looks like the rest of his emotions stayed with him." Happy Leo jumped up and down. "Yay! We're going on an adventure!" Sad Leo looked away. "And we might die." shadowess - April 13, 2021 Jessica relaxed in Jasper's arms, feeling too drunk and tired to resist. When he put her on his horse, she looked at it in mild confusion, wondering just how much she'd had to drink. In fact...how did she even get here?! When he told her to hold on, she did. She held onto him as best she could despite the condition she was in. "Yerr! tek me to Hyrule, Link!..." she slurred, delirious. Then began singing, very badly and out of tune, the theme to the Legend of Zelda. --- David chuckled. "Old? For ninety-nine years old, I don't look a day over thirty-five, thank you very much!" Although admittedly, he did get a little carried away when he saw the spell. "I see...and where is the rest of him?" David pressed, trying to drive home that if anything happened to the part of Leo that wasn't in this room then he would be destroyed entirely. Therefore, there -really- wasn't any time to lose! "We need to find him and bring him here. Now." he finished in a very grave tone, trying to ignore the other two Leo's. Denix Vames - April 13, 2021 Jasper rode the horse down the road until they suddenly appeared on a cliff with a full moon up and the sea below. He stopped. "Well, here we are." --- "And I'm centuries old so who's more handsome?" ,asked Nate. He snapped his fingers. Making the real Leo appear who was in his work outfit. He held the head of a criminal. "Are you kidding me?!" He tossed the head aside. "What the hell do you guys want?" "Looks like his anger overtook him when his sadness and happiness were gone." He glared at Nate. "I'm not angry!" shadowess - April 14, 2021 Jessica had closed her eyes. The motion of the horse hadn't been sitting well with all the booze in her system and she felt like she might throw up again if she saw the world passing them by. When the horse stopped and Jasper said they'd arrived, she opened her eyes and looked out, over the cliff. At the moon and the sea. She blinked, confused. It was a beautiful place, sure. But why here? "Where-?" she breathed, hesitant. She paused to get another good look around them. "Where are we?" --- "Well then, looks aside. I'd say you're the old man here then. Careful not to drop your cane..." David bantered back playfully. He then caught the not so subtle side-glare from Tom and couldn't help chuckling. "Oh, don't you worry, Tom. Nate isn't my... -type-." Tom didn't respond and tried to pass off casually tidying up the books to hide his jealousy. David soon moved his attention on to Leo. He rose a brow at the severed head on the floor before looking back at Leo just as he'd announced that he wasn't angry. "-Sure- you're not..." He sighed then looked at Leo with a little more concern. "Leo, being split in this way pauses a danger to your very existence." he said simply. "We can help you rejoin with the other parts of your soul. You need to be aware though, that if any one of you are killed, you will cease to exist as a whole. Do you understand?" Denix Vames - April 14, 2021 Jasper hopped off the horse. "Whenever I had some bad anxiety kicking up, my boyfriend would always take me here to relax. I figured you'd want that too. Don't worry. We're still on earth." --- Leo crossed his arms. "Hmph! Why the hell would I want to do that? I'll still be around. I don't need those two holding me back." Sad Leo said, "Thanks for noticing I guess." "Oh shut up!" Happy Leo walked over. "There's no need to be mean. Just put on a nice smile and give me a hug." Leo swung at him but he did a cartwheel. "Almost got me!" Happy Leo wrapped his arms around him from behind. Resting his chin over his shoulder. He smiled. "We can be best friends!" Leo grit his teeth. "You two drive me nuts!" shadowess - April 14, 2021 Jessica watched him as he jumped off the horse and listened to what he had to say. She looked out over the cliff again and slid off the horse, stumbling over to it but not getting too close. "It's beautiful..." she muttered, still frowning. "I don't know what's wrong with me..." she said quietly, staring down at the sea. "I want to get close to people...I try my hardest to do the right thing but...I always get pushed back...rejected...left behind...sometimes I wonder if there's any point in trying...if I'm just destined to be alone..." She sighed. "Either that or I get so freaked out by the idea that someone might actually want to be around me that I lash out...Like I just can't believe that someone would ever like me enough to want to be around me...I convince myself that they're up to something...so I either leave before they can get the chance to hurt me or...I self destruct...and then they leave me anyway because no one knows how to handle me..." She closed her eyes and a couple of tears ran down her cheeks. "I'm alone...and maybe...I'll always be alone." --- David watched them fighting anxiously. "We need to get them all on the same page or they'll end up destroying each other..." he said to Nate and Tom urgently. "Leo!" he snapped. "You need to listen. If so much as one of you dies then the other two will die as well. Only, you won't just die! You'll all cease to exist! You NEED to rejoin with each other to survive!" Denix Vames - April 14, 2021 Jasper wrapped an arm around her. "Now now. Ya'll probably just got off on the wrong foot. I'm sure if you come back and try talking to any one of them then they'll welcome ya with open arms. Even my many great grandson." --- "I don't care!" ,said Leo. Nate walked over. "Think of it this way. You won't have to deal with them for the rest of your life." "Where do we do this?" Nate teleported everyone to the dessert. Keeping the book they needed in his hand. Happy Leo ran around. Raising his hands. "We're somewhere new!" Sad Leo looked around. "People die of dehydration when they're in desserts." "Hurry before I lose my shit." shadowess - April 14, 2021 Jessica wanted to believe him. She wanted, so much, to feel like she belonged to something. "And what if I fuck up again?" she sniffled. "What if I freak out? Lash out?...or what if I open up...bear my soul only to get left behind again?" she shook her head a little. "I don't think I could take that...not again..." Her brows furrowed a little. "According to my great grandfather...it doesn't matter what we do...how good we are on Earth...We'll all end up in Hell anyway...Because he signed a contract with Lucifer before we were even born...every member of our family...David's bloodline...is bound to Lucifer...any child me or my brothers have, will be bound to serve him...and their children after that...and so on...He sold us all before we even existed..." she stared off at the sea. "If Lucifer ever comes back...we're fucked...and on top of that...my father willingly became Lucifer's apprentice...he turned Devil...Now I'm half Devil...so even if I ever did decide that life got too much for me...even if I decided to throw myself from these cliffs right now...it wouldn't matter...I'd just wake up a full Devil...a true immortal..." She blinked and sighed heavily, feeling light headed as she thought about all of this. "...Where was I going with this?..." she slurred tiredly as her mind suddenly blanked and she became too sleepy to think straight...or... well...straight-er-. --- Once in the desert, David wasted no time. He immediately set about making the seal and instructed all three Leo's to stand within it. He then looked over at Nate and Tom. "Remember; Do not. step. inside. the seal!" he reminded them before turning back to the three Leo's. "And you three, you all need to stay within the seal for this to work!" Only when the three Leo's stood within the seal did David begin the chants. He looked over at Nate and Tom and silently encouraged them to join him in chanting. If they joined in, it would add to the spells power and therefore speed up the process. Denix Vames - April 14, 2021 "That ain't true. Being a Devil ain't a bad thing. Ain't like Angels are no better. Besides, you don't gotta listen to Lucifer. I mean the guy practically up and abandoned ya'll. What's he ever done for ya'll?" He held her close. Helping her to lay on her side. "It's alright. Just relax." --- The Leos all stood in the circle. Nate started chanting. Happy Leo kept hopping as Sad Leo just stood there crying. Soon, the two emotions went back inside Leo who flinched at the pain. He suddenly fell over. Collapsing as the fusion was more painful than he expected. But it worked. Shadowess - April 14, 2021 Jessica listened but by this point she was too tired to respond. He didn't seem to understand the predicament with Lucifer, that if he ever did decide to come back, then her and her family were contractually bound to obey any and every order he gave them... but Jasper at least made one good point...Lucifer did just up and leave...so maybe she doesn't need to be so fearful of his return after all? Still light headed, she felt her legs wobbling underneath her. Thankfully Jasper had hold of her to stop her falling and she held onto him while he lay her down. She looked at him tearfully as he comforted her and she relaxed, feeling the alcohol making her incredibly sleepy now. "I'm sorry..." she cried, exhausted. "I'm just...scared..." --- Once the spell was done, Tom stayed outside the seal and watched David warily until he gave the go ahead to stop chanting and enter it. He then hurried over and moved to help Leo to his feet. "Hey, Leo, are you ok? Do you remember what happened?"
  16. Denix Vames - April 13, 2021 Leo shrugged. "Why not?" He zoomed to an alley where he changed into the same look he had done before when he was trying to lure the angel to him. He came back out. "There. Now no one will know who I am." --- "Course. But right now, we need to head home." ,said Elliot. Vincent took his hand then held out a hand for her. "C'mon." --- "I'm not sure. Maybe? He was at the time of the 1800s. Cops did exist. He must have been one of them. But this could be what he wishes he could do instead of lying in the shadows. Killing criminals." He raised a brow. "What would we even say? And we'd need to make the location sort of close by. We should take a look at some of the addresses." shadowess - April 13, 2021 Jessica looked a little confused for a moment when Leo ran incredibly fast into an alley, but when he came back out she understood what he was doing. She couldn't help staring at him for a moment, her cheeks turning a little red at how he looked now. She shook her head a little to snap herself out of it. "Um...I saw a pub not to far back. I guess we could go there and order some shots to get us started?" she began walking. Unfortunately, the last time she'd seen Leo was when he'd handed her that drink. She'd been either at the hospital or in Hell since then and had no idea that he'd started dating Oscar. If she'd known, she might've been able to resist subtly glancing at him every so often to check him out. --- Neva grinned and jumped off the swing, running over to her fathers. She took Vincent's hand and waited for them to take her home. "Can we watch some TV?" --- Tom considered what Nate said and thought about where they could lure Leo to. "Maybe the abandoned mall? and I dunno...it'd have to be something he cares about...enough for him to hurry over there without backup." Tom scratched the back of his head, thinking hard. "A false lead on a new ADIEU group or something?" he suggested. Denix Vames - April 13, 2021 "Sure." Leo followed her into a pub. He sat next to her at the bar. "So what kind of shots are we talking about? Whiskey? Tequila?" --- They appeared in the office. "That wouldn't be a problem." ,said Vincent. Elliot sniffed the air. "Smells like coffee." He looked at the stairs. "Is somebody up there?" "It's probably Will. Remember he's working on the case." "Oh yeah. I forgot about that." --- Nate shook his head. "This is a different kind of Leo. He wouldn't know about that stuff." He waved a hand. "What if I....?" Leo, for some unknown reason, found himself stepped out of the police station. Heading to where Nate and Tom were. Nate grabbed him before teleporting them both back in the hotel room. Leo smiled. "Hi guys! And why am I here? Either way, it's nice to meet you two!" "Looks like this is his happiness. Nothing seems to phase this emotion. We'll need to get the last one and put these two emotions back inside Leo." ,said Nate. Shadowess - April 13, 2021 Jessica shrugged. "I'm partial to Sambuca, myself. But whatever you crave, I guess." she got the attention of the barman and ordered them six shots each. Six Sambuca for herself and six of whatever drink Leo wanted. Once they were poured and in front of them, she winked at him while picking up her shot glass. "Race ya." she then proceeded to knock each drink back rapidly. "Whoo!" she shook her head a little with a grimace then giggled and gestured for the barman to keep the drinks coming. --- Oblivious to the case and who Will was, Neva ran over to the couch and waited for Elliot and Vincent to join her. She'd happily watch anything they wanted to watch while cuddling up to them. Eventually, she'd fall asleep on them. Utterly content with her new family. --- At first, Tom was immediately concerned that Leo would freak out at suddenly being outside the station. But when he seemed happy and Nate teleported them away, he could see what Nate meant. "How do we even do that? Do you suppose we just push them into each other?" Tom asked, looking at Nate in confusion. Their lives were crazy, there was no doubting that. But this? This was a new level of insanity! He approached the happy Leo and tried a smile at him. "Hey, could you do us a favor, and stay here for a while? Our friend here isn't so well and we need someone to keep her company and make sure she's kept safe." he gestured to the still unconscious Patience. Denix Vames - April 13, 2021 Leo decided to drink the same drink she had. He kept downing each shot but didn't seem to get drunk even when there wasn't anymore in front of him. He frowned. "Looks like I wasn't made to be drunk." --- Elliot sat next to Neva and turned on the TV to cartoons. "I'll be right back. I just need to go see this man." ,said Vincent. "Ok. Don't take too long." He went upstairs and to Carter's office. --- Nate shrugged. "Hell if I know. We'll need David's help on this one once we've got all of them together." Leo smiled. "Of course! I'd be happy to help. After all, I am an officer. And it's my duty to serve and protect." He walked over to the bed and sat there. He gave a thumbs up and big smile before they disappeared. Nate and Tom found themselves in a bedroom in the Whitehouse. Leo jumped out of bed and aimed his gun at them. "Who are you?! What do you want?" "Uh a little help Tom." shadowess - April 13, 2021 "Maybe you just have a higher tolerance? Drink some more." Jessica's words were slightly slurred and she ordered another round in. She downed hers and looked over at Leo. When more drinks didn't seem to work either, she frowned. "Well, that sucks...I duno, man..." she tried to stand up from her stool and stumbled into him. "Oh, sorry..." she said with red cheeks and giggled. "Dammit..." she looked at him curiously and a little drunkenly. "Usually works for me...Do you have any other ideas?" --- Tom held his hands up and flustered a little when Nate asked for help. He thought about running up and snatching the gun off him but remembered that Leo could move just as quickly as he could due to the vampirism in his blood. "Uhhh....Hey Leo! It's us! Nate and Tom. Your friends. Remember? We came to help you!" he tried then shrugged his shoulders at Nate. He literally had no idea what else he could do in this situation. Leo was a match for Tom in both strength and speed...if not more so! Their best hope was diplomacy, as far as Tom could tell. Denix Vames - April 13, 2021 (so i was wondering if the angel's gonna show up at some point or are you waiting for the right moment to bring him back in?) Leo stood. "We might as well head to the office. You being drunk on the streets would be a bad idea." A man wrapped an arm around him. Bringing himself close against him. Pressing him to the bar. He whispered into his ear. "Hey there baby. Why don't we-?" Leo punched him in the throat. Causing him to fall to his knees and gasp for air. "We should go." --- Elliot had put Neva to bed when she fell asleep. --- "Friends?" Leo sniffled. He put the gun down and sat at the edge of the bed. "I don't have any friends." Nate switched the light in the room on. Revealing that Leo seemed to be constantly crying. His tears streaming down his cheeks as more kept coming. "This must be his sadness." shadowess - April 13, 2021 (Yeah, I'm waiting for the right moment lol There's one more haiku and it's guna be a massive slip up on the Angel's part that'll help the others catch him.) Jessica frowned at the idea of going back to the office. She didn't really want to face Will or Carter just yet and especially not as drunk as she was. When the random guy started hitting on Leo, Jessica felt her cheeks getting hot from jealousy. Then she laughed heartily when Leo punched him in the throat. "That's what'chya get, bitch!" she jeered and kicked the stranger over the rest of the way with surprising accuracy. She then chuckled as she leant against Leo for support. "You're fun! We should really hang out more often..." she grinned. When he said they should go though, she hesitated. Then she pulled out a key from her pocket. "We could always go back to my hotel room?" she suggested. "I er-...don't want to go back to the office just yet...not like this." she then admitted. --- When Tom heard Leo, he was confused. Then Nate hit the lights and he saw him. "Oh no..." he frowned, glancing at Nate. "This is awful..." he moved forward and sat next to Leo on the bed. "Of course you have friends!" he said. "We're your friends! That's why we're here! Because we care about you, dude!" he tried. Denix Vames - April 13, 2021 (alright) "Fine. Just hold on to me and tell me where to go." ,said Leo. He kept her close as they left the bar. Following her directions. --- Leo shook his head. He hugged his knees as he backed up into a corner on his bed. "Nobody cares about me." "Better save your breath. His sad emotion needs to stay sad so that he can understand what that emotion is." Nate grabbed Leo's arm and teleported everyone back to the hotel room. Leo rubbed his eyes. "I guess there's nothing that I can do. It's not like anyone would care if I died anyway." "Hey! Put that frown upside down." ,said Happy Leo. "David! We need your help on this one!" shadowess - April 13, 2021 Jessica used Leo for support and stumbled a little as she walked while giving Leo directions to the hotel. Once they got there, she told him the hotel room number and unlocked the door. Once inside, she stumbled straight over to the mini bar and opened up a small bottle of vodka which she knocked back and grimaced slightly. She then sat on the bed and smiled up at him. "Thank you, by the way...for 'seeing' me. Everyone else keeps looking past me...like I'm not even there...or not important..." She kicked her shoes off. --- Tom felt bad but knew there was nothing more he could do here and let Nate teleport them both back to the hotel room. He looked at Nate in concern. "Just try not to overdo it again..." he reminded him. Worried that he would burn out his energy like he had not too long ago. David appeared immediately. "Alright...at least I don't have to worry about anyone wandering- woah, there's two Leo's! Why are there two Leo's?!" His eyes had widened when he saw the apparent twins in front of him. He looked between Nate and Tom. "Why?-What?...Why??" Denix Vames - April 13, 2021 Leo sat at the edge of the bed. "Sorry to hear that. So, you're gonna keep drinking until you pass out?" --- Happy Leo waved at David. "Hi!" Sad Leo looked down. "Sorry if I'm being a burden." "Long story short. Somehow, Leo's happy and sad emotions got out of his body and wandered off. We were able to find but we don't know how to put them back in him." ,said Nate. Shadowess - April 13, 2021 Jessica watched him as he sat down and when he asked if she'd just keep drinking until she passed out, she smirked. Looking him over again and this time making it obvious as her cheeks turned pink. "Unless you can think of some other way to tire me out?" she suggested seductively. --- David looked between the two as they spoke, growing increasingly both worried and confused. When Nate explained what had happened, he blinked at him then looked back at the two Leo's in amazement. "Well...this is certainly new..." he scratched the back of his head then nodded. "But I'll bet there is at least some record of something similar happening in the past that we could use to help us...I know Tom won't but, by any chance, would you have learned how to speak or read Demonic in your past?" he looked at Nate. He knew that some Angels learned the language but not all. He was considering bringing a few books back to this room from Hell's library that he thought might help, and the more people searching for the same thing, the quicker they could be at finding a solution to this problem! Thank God, Lucifer wasn't around to know he was considering bringing some of Hell's books to Earth! David would have been in for a few decades of torture as punishment for just thinking about it! Denix Vames - April 13, 2021 Leo glared. "I'm spoken for." --- Nate shrugged. "A little but only because some of the Angels that I was fucking back then secretly loved it when I talked like that in bed. Pretending that I was a Demon or Devil." shadowess - April 13, 2021 Jessica hesitated and stared at him for a moment. "Y-you are?" She stiffened a little and looked away from him quickly in embarrassment. "um...S-sorry...I didn't know..." she muttered and sat there for a long moment, fighting back tears while her face felt red hot. She stood and stumbled back over to the mini bar, opening it up and pulling out a few different little bottles without bothering to read the labels. Desperate to forget what just happened. "Y-you can sleep on the couch...I'm just guna drink these and go to bed..." she said in a quivering voice as she started opening them. --- David seemed a little uncomfortable but didn't judge. Tom, meanwhile, seemed intrigued. He didn't even know Hell ha it's own language! He didn't even know where to begin trying to imagine what it might sound like! David nodded, eager to change the subject and just get on with the search for a solution to this problem. "Alright, I'll be back in a moment with a few books. It might take me a minute to gather them and I'll need some help searching through them for possible answers." he sighed. "If you really need it, I can transfer the knowledge of the language to both of you when I come back." with that, he vanished. It would take several minutes before David would appear again, holding a tower of books that he had to carefully set down. "Alright...I think that should do it..." "Christ! How many books?!" Tom exclaimed at the sight of them. "Just a few." David smirked. "Well..." he clapped his hands and smiled at them. "No time to lose! Who's first?" he asked, referring to who he would transfer his knowledge to.
  17. Denix Vames - April 11, 2021 "I think that'd be nice." ,said Vincent. "We ain't got toys for this." ,said Elliot. "Don't need any. The park has its own playground." "Oh. Then yeah, let's go." They got up from their seats. Vincent took her hand while Elliot held her other hand. "I'll teleport us there." --- Nate smiled. "Good to know." He kissed him. "I'm just glad you're safe." --- "Ok but let's try to be less dramatic about things. We've all been in situations that we didn't mean to be a part of." Will soon parked at the office. "Here we are. Guess I'll go see if anyone's in." He walked to the front door and knocked. Shadowess - April 11, 2021 Neva was excited and she took both their hands, smiling up at them. Today would be a good day! They were ready to go when they heard the knock at the door. --- Tom smiled, looking into Nate's eyes. If only Patience wasn't passed out on the bed... He felt such love and gratitude towards Nate in this moment that he could happily lose himself to him again. --- Jessica rolled her eyes at being called dramatic. To her, it's everyone else that has been dramatic around her so far. Considering all the crap she's had to put up with since her arrival, she'd been as rational as she could be. She got out of the car and waited with him by the front door. Denix Vames - April 11, 2021 Vincent opened the door. "Oh? Can I help you?" "I'm Will and this is Jessica. Carter can continue his investigations because he's the hospital right now. Poor bastard forgot to eat and drink for who knows how long. So I'm taking over this case but I need help. Is there anyone that's available?" "Actually, me and my boyfriend were going to take our daughter to the park. Sorry but you can look in Carter's office for the reports." Will sighed. "Thanks." He stepped in and headed upstairs. Looking through every door before finding the office. Vincent took Neva's hand again. They appeared in the park under a tree. "Ya think he'll be good on his own?" ,asked Elliot. "He has Jessica. I'm sure he'll be fine. Let's just focus on relaxing. We all need it." --- Nate pressed his head against his chest. He chuckled. "I'm not in the mood anyway." shadowess - April 13, 2021 When Will introduced them, Jessica waved awkwardly. Finding it amusing that he was introducing her as well, when most people here already knew who she was. Jessica stepped in when he did and smiled at Elliot, Neva and Vincent as she watched them disappear. She then headed upstairs to find Will in the office and stood by the wall. "So, where do we start?" --- Neva grinned at the playground and made a beeline for the swing set. "C'mon!" she called back at them as she ran. Finally, she felt like a normal kid with a normal family. --- Tom chuckled as well, gently holding Nate behind his head and around his shoulders. "Fair enough." He kissed his head, glanced over at Patience then sighed. "So, what should we do?" Denix Vames - April 13, 2021 Will stepped into the office. He cringed at the smell of cigarettes and alcohol. "I've got to buy Carter an air freshener when I get the chance. First, I'll take a look at what he's got so far in his file. You are going to stay by and do nothing or touch nothing until I tell you to." He took out the only file the drawer. Reading it through. "Well, there's not much on physical description except for what's here. Looks like I'll have to go visit Carter at the hospital and fetch the notes there. Stay here and make yourself comfortable. Don't leave this house." He headed out of the house and drove off. --- "Whoo!" Elliot ran after her. Vincent smiled. Being not much of a runner these days, he sped walked over. Elliot stood behind her once she sat on the swing. He began pushing her. Vincent stood nearby. Making sure they were safe and sound. --- "The only thing we can do right now is rest. Once Patience is well enough then she can leave and tell whoever's in charge that we're safe. I might even head over there to help for a moment. I've been using my powers to read his mind and it doesn't seem like he has anyone around to help except for Jessica. I could get Gary and maybe even Cindy to help." Nate frowned. "Well shit. Carter doesn't seem to be doing good. It seems like he's in rehab." shadowess - April 13, 2021 Jessica put her hands up when he told her to do and touch nothing until told otherwise. She gave him a mock salute while sarcastically saying "Yes, sir!" before rolling her eyes. She waited to see what he could find to know if there was anyway she could help but when he told her to stay put, she grew annoyed. "Hey, wait a second-!" She ran after him as he left the house but he drove off without her. "Oh, god dammit!" she folded her arms, still standing on the doorstep as she watched the car turn the corner at the end of the road and disappear. "Ok, you know what? Fine!" She complained to no one. "You guys don't want my help? Want me to stay out of your damn way?! Great! Fine by me! I'll just go get drunk then! Fuck yas..." She grabbed her bag and slammed the door on her way out, lighting up a cigarette as she walked down the road, trying to find any pub or club she could go to and just forget everything for a while. --- There wasn't much of the day left by the time Neva, Elliot and Vincent got to the park but at least there was still some sunlight left. Neva grinned and giggled as she was pushed on the swings, swinging her legs back and forth to try and gain more height from every push. An elderly woman who was watching her grandchildren play nearby saw the new family and smiled. She didn't recognize any of them and assumed they were new to the area. She wondered if anyone had welcomed them yet. Perhaps their daughter might like to become friends with her grandchildren, she thought. She wandered over to Vincent and stood nearby, smiling at them. "What a lovely family." she complimented them. "Have you lived here long? I imagine moving schools wasn't easy for her." she nodded at Neva. "It's never easy leaving old friends behind, but I'm sure she'll make lots of new ones, eh?" --- Tom nodded at first when Nate said they could only rest and that Patience would be able to return once she was better. When he mentioned possibly going over to help as well, Tom naturally began to worry for his safety as well but he soon shook off that fear. As much as he didn't like the idea of Nate going into a dangerous situation, he was utterly confident that Nate could handle himself if he needed to. Then Nate mentioned reading their minds and Tom's eyes widened a little in amazement. "You can pick up their thoughts from all the way over here?!" he gasped and then chuckled. "Oh man, you still find ways to surprise me..." Tom then frowned at the news that Carter had gone into rehab. Things were beginning to look a little dire for the group back home. Tom hesitated, then kissed Nate's head once more, holding him tightly for a moment. "If...if you wana go over to make sure they're alright, I'll be fine here." he suggested. "She might be asleep, but I've got Patience to keep me company... Besides, I'm probably just going to nap on the couch and call it a night anyway." Denix Vames - April 13, 2021 Will soon reached the hospital. He stepped inside. Walking to the front desk. "Excuse me but is a patient by the name of Travis Carter here?" --- Leo had been zooming through streets to find the next criminal when he noticed Jessica walking alone. He couldn't recall meeting her. He wondered if he even did. He landed in front of her. "Hello." He took his mask off. "Do you recognize me?" --- Vincent flustered. Unsure on what to say. "Oh uh....We recently adopted. Our relationship was a bit rocky at first but we've decided to have a child. It seems like we're doing a decent job at raising her." --- Nate smiled and stood. "I'm glad you're ok with this." His eyes widened. "We have a problem. I'm detecting Leo but in three separate places? I think a few of his emotions might have been parted for some odd reason. Maybe you can help me on this. It seems like the two souls are in completely different places. One is in Springfield while the other one is in the Whitehouse." shadowess - April 13, 2021 Nurse May immediately knew who Carter was and where his room was. She'd been keeping tabs on him since his arrival. It seemed like him and his group just couldn't catch a break lately. When the officer she recognized as Will came in asking about him, she looked at him skeptically for a moment. She only knew him from his brief interaction with Carter in the hospital earlier and had no idea that he now knew the truth about the world. Regardless, he was an officer and now seemed genuinely concerned, so she had no choice but to show him to Carter's room. "This way." she said with a nod and began leading him to where Carter was recovering. "I have to warn you, he may not be in much of a mood for guests right now. He wasn't too happy when he was told he'd need to cut down on the smoking and drinking for the sake of his health. She stood to one side and gestured to the door. "He's in this room." --- Jessica had been walking down the street, cigarette in hand. She'd already walked past three bars and just hadn't bothered going into one. Feeling like she should be doing something to help with the case instead, but angry at being left behind once again. She was torn between blowing it all off to get black out drunk for the night, or finding her own way to the hospital to try to figure out what was going on for herself. She'd been close to tears as she marched on. Being left behind or generally not included always made her feel unwanted and she could never help herself comparing that feeling to her father not being around. She was lost in thought when Leo landed in front of her, making her jump back a bit while exclaiming "Jesus Christ!" She then looked at him, at first just annoyed that he'd startled her and then hurt when he asked if she recognized him. Was she really so forgettable?! "Yeah...I was there when you cut through that Oscar guy's scar...You gave me a drink." she couldn't help almost sounding bitter that he'd forgotten her. "Now if you'll excuse me...I have -a lot- of drinking to do...everyone else forgets me...why don't I go ahead and forget me too?" she moved to walk past him. --- The old woman chuckled at the way Vincent answered. "I see...well, she certainly seems happy enough. And when all is said and done, that's what matters most." she said kindly. She looked up as the street lamps lit up around them, ready for the sun to set. "Ah, afraid it's almost dinner time. It was lovely meeting you." she said before moving away to call her grandchildren to her, taking them home for the day. --- "What? How is that even possible?!" Tom gawped. He stood and nodded, ready to help in any way he could. Then he hesitated, glancing at Patience. "What about Patience? Will she be alright if we leave her here?" Denix Vames - April 13, 2021 Will nodded. He stepped into the room. Carter was sitting on a cushioned chair. Looking out the window. He seemed still. Wearing nothing but a blue shirt and grey sweats. He didn't even look at them when they had walked in. "Carter?" He didn't respond. Will nodded at her. "I'll take it from here." He walked over. Taking a seat nearby. "Hey Carter. I'm taking over your case. I wanted to help. I heard you might have something. Where is it?" Carter did a slow turn of his head. His eyes had dark bags under them. His five o'clock shadow was slowly becoming a beard. His hair was a mess. He looked as though he hadn't slept in days. "Jesus christ Carter. What the hell did they to you?" He pointed at him with a shaky finger. Will turned. Finding his overcoat hanging over the chair. He grabbed it. Checking the pockets. He found the haikus and a key. "Thanks man." He set the overcoat on the chair. He hesitated before saying, "Take care." Then he left. Carter looked out the window again. "You too." --- Leo continued to walk with her. "Apologies but my memories seemed to have faded away. Almost as if they were cut off. I was wondering if you could help me find them." --- Vincent looked around. "Hey Elliot. I think it's time to go home." "Oh alright." Elliot stopped pushing. "C'mon Neva. We hafta go." --- Nate frowned. "I'm not sure but we'll take care of this." He waved his hand over the room. "There. No one should be able to detect her. I've locked the door and the windows as well. This spell should work." His wings went back inside him. He took his hand. "Let's go." They soon appeared near the police station. It was tall and large. At least three stories high. "He should be in here but I'm not sure how we're going to go about this. We need to talk to him alone without anyone around. I don't want them to think we're trying to kidnap a cop." shadowess - April 13, 2021 Jessica stopped and looked at Leo skeptically. She glanced around them, almost expecting this to be some kind of prank. Looking back at him, she looked him up and down before giving him a confused expression. "How- sorry...how do we do that?" she asked, trying to wrack her brains, thinking up ways that he could get his memory back but the only thing she could think of was the solution she usually turned to if she was trying to remember something that happened while she was black out drunk...which, ironically, is to get black out drunk again. Hell, worth a shot isn't it? Heh...shot... "We could try drinking? Usually works for me..." she suggested with a shrug. --- "Awww!" Neva complained as the swing came to a stop, then she looked around at Elliot. "Can we come back tomorrow?" she asked, already a little excited at the idea of coming back. Maybe tomorrow they'd get more time to play? --- When they arrived outside of the police station, Tom looked up at it in confusion. "Wait...was Leo a cop before ADIEU kidnapped him?" He couldn't remember if that's what he'd said. So much had happened the day that they met him...and a lot more had happened since. As bad as Tom felt for forgetting this kind of detail, he knew it couldn't really be helped given everything they'd all gone through lately. He thought for a moment then snapped his fingers. "We call in an anonymous tip. Something that'll bring him out to investigate whatever we tell them. That way we have a better chance at controlling the environment."
  18. Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 Elliot tossed some bacon strips on the pan. "I don't want you near the stove for this one. Ya might burn yourself. When you get older, I'll let ya handle the bacon. Why don't ya go with Vincent to the living room? Watch some TV while I do this?" --- "What?! I'm not leaving Tom!" Nate's wings sprouted. "If that bastard wants to try and kill him then he has to go through me. No offense to Hell but I don't want him there. And Heaven's no better. He can stay with me. We're in France. It's not like he's gonna come over here and try to kill him. He doesn't know that we're here. So no, he's not going." --- Carter sighed. "I'm sorry. It's just....This case is really fucking with me. I was so close to catching that sick bastard." He shook his head as he pinched the brim of his nose. "Just stay by my side and I'll take those cuffs off." He parked at the precinct. He took her cuffs off then stepped out of the car. They headed inside. He lit a cigarette. Smoking as he went up to the secretary. "Is Will around?" shadowess - April 11, 2021 "Ok!" Neva replied happily and practically ran into the living room where Vincent was. She sat on the couch and looked at the TV. --- Patience thought about arguing for Tom's sake but the room had started spinning for her. She had warned Carter that she'd already used too much of her powers today and now she was paying for it. She leant against the nearby dresser and rubbed her forehead, looking a bit pained. "Ok..." she sighed. "I believe he'd be safe with you...and it's not like I'm in a position to take him anywhere right now anyway...At least now you two are up to date and have an idea of what he was planning. So, you know what to look out for..." She glanced at the door. "I'll leave you two to it. Though I might have to get myself a room for the night so I can rest. I'll be gone by tomorrow morning, I promise. Sorry to interrupt you guys." She pushed herself away from the dresser and began walking shakily towards the door. --- Jessica glanced over at Carter when he apologized and she listened to him quietly. When he instructed her to stay close and he'd take the cuffs off her, she nodded. "Ok..." she said quietly as she turned to look at the road ahead. When they arrived, she followed Carter into the precinct and waited close by, looking around curiously. Denix Vames - April 11, 2021 Vincent and Neva were watching cartoons while Elliot was making sure that the bacon was cooked but not burned. It didn't take long for the food to be done. "Food's ready!" Elliot set the large bowl of grits, plate of scrambled eggs, and plate of bacon in the middle of the table. Vincent held her hand as they both went to the table. He smiled. "This looks delicious, Elliot. I think we'll like it." Elliot smiled. "Thanks but ya'll haven't tried it yet." "I'm sure it will taste good either way." They sat. "After all, you made it." He blushed. "Go ahead and take a bite." Vincent placed some of everything on his own plate before passing one by one, each dish to Neva who passed it along to Elliot. --- "Hold on a minute." Nate touched her arm. "You should rest here. Just to be safe. I think you used a lot more of your powers than I ever did." --- "Carter?" Will walked over. "What are you doing?" "It's complicated but I need you to keep an eye on Jessica. Can we talk somewhere else? More private?" "Sure." He led them to his desk. "Anyway, she's been making a mess of things. She's not a suspect if that's what you're thinking. We just need her out of our hair so that we can focus on the case. Would you mind having her at your place?" He bit his lip. "I guess it wouldn't hurt. As long as it's temporary. I don't normally have people over. It feels weird. Not unless they're my kind of people if you know what I'm talking about." "Yeah, I get it. But don't worry. She won't be hanging around your place for long. I promise." He nodded. "Then she can stay with me." "Great. I'll-" Just as Carter was about to leave, he suddenly collapsed. Dropping his lit cigarette on the floor near him. "Carter!" Will ran over. He checked his pulse which was slow. "Somebody call for an ambulance and get me a med bag!" He placed Carter on his back. He gently shook him. "Hey Carter. Can ya hear me?" Carter had been working tirelessly day in and day out that he had forgotten to eat and drink. Being dehydrated and starving was never a good idea. Shadowess - April 11, 2021 Neva had been cuddling up to Vincent as they watched cartoons and when Elliot announced that the food was ready, she beamed and jumped to her feet. Vincent took her hand and they walked over to the table where she sat down between them. She watched Vincent put some of each thing onto his plate and when he past the dishes along to her, she did the same before passing the dishes to Elliot. They were soon digging in and she happily ate the bacon first, loving the taste. ---- Patience paused when Nate touched her arm and she looked at him woozily. "She really doesn't look so good. She looks like she's about to pass out." Tom pointed out, seeing how pale her face had just turned. "I'm fi-" Patience breathed as her eyes rolled and her body slumped back against the wall. "Need to...help..." ---- Jessica followed them to Will's desk and when Carter said she'd been making a mess of things Jessica couldn't help tutting, folding her arms and rolling her eyes. Making a mess of things! All she did was do a little free running...and sneak away from David to run around unguarded in Hell... Will agreed to watch her and Carter got up to leave but then collapsed. "Oh, shit!" she'd exclaimed as he fell and she watched as Will checked on him. Her eyes wandered to the lit cigarette on the carpet and she quickly stubbed it out with her foot. She looked around quickly and saw the water cooler. She hurried over to it and poured some water into a cup. She didn't know if it would do much good but she had to try something. She rushed back, being careful not to spill any and handed it to Will. "Here, maybe it'll help?" Denix Vames - April 11, 2021 Elliot put some on his plate. Everybody started eating. "Mmm. This really is good." ,said Vincent. "Aw thanks. I'm glad ya'll like it." --- Nate held her close. Carrying her to the bed where he placed her there. "Why don't you rest here? I'm sure there's still plenty of our friends around investigating." --- "I'm not too sure but it's worth a try." Will lifted his head up and brought the rim of the cup to his lips. "Hey Carter. You thirsty? Cause here comes some water." He slightly pushed it down. Carter was subconsciously drinking until paramedics arrived to take him to the hospital. Will let them take him by stretcher out of the precinct. "I'm guessing you guys came here by car? We'll have to tow it but I think I can get them to take it to the office." shadowess - April 11, 2021 Neva smiled at Elliot between bites, apparently enjoying her food too much to talk as she quickly scooped more egg into her mouth. --- Patience didn't have the strength anymore to argue or resist Nate carrying her. She relaxed on the bed, her head rolling to one side as she quickly lost consciousness. Tom watched her and sighed heavily. "Well..." he scratched the back of his head. "That's...something. Wonder what I did to piss this guy off...from what Sebastian told me, venom is a pretty painful way to go..." he said a little shakily, apparently disturbed by the news that he'd been a target as well. "Guess it's lucky you brought me here when you did." he looked at Nate and tried a half hearted laugh. --- Jessica had watched anxiously as Carter was taken away by the paramedics. She looked back to Will when he asked about the car and nodded. This left Jessica a little concerned. Just just for Carter's health but because if he's in hospital and Parker's in Hell...who was left to try to find the crazy Angel?? She hugged herself. She knew that she might be in danger because of what she is but now she felt even more alone and vulnerable. Left with a complete stranger to watch her. "Now what?" she asked nervously. Denix Vames - April 11, 2021 "Eat slowly Neva. Wouldn't want to choke or get yourself a stomach ache." ,said Elliot. --- Nate sat next to him. He pulled him in for a hug as he silently cried. "What if she's right? Maybe you're more safer down there? After all, your friends are there as well." --- "Now, I take over this investigation with a little help from the people at Carter's office who can possibly help me. I know that Carter would want this case to keep going. He'd want someone to take it over." He headed to the locker room. "I'm going to change into my regular clothes then we'll take his car to the office. I'll see what evidence he's been able to gather. Maybe check his belongs at the hospital room he'll be staying at in case he has something important there. Just stay here for a moment while I go change." He soon came back wearing white jeans, work shoes, and an Aeropostale blue polo shirt with the buttons undone. His shades were hanging over his collar on his chest. "Let's go." shadowess - April 11, 2021 Neva swallowed what was in her mouth and smiled, embarrassed. "Sorry, I forgot." she said before eating the rest of her food a bit slower. --- Tom hugged him back, his body was trembling ever so slightly as he'd been trying his best to hide his fear. When Nate spoke and seemed to question himself, Tom shook his head. "No, you're right. I'd rather be here with you. I don't want to run and hide from every bit of danger that comes our way. I'd rather face it head on and do what I can to help." He pulled back a bit and wiped away Nate's tears. "And that's my choice." he sighed and glanced at Patience. "This has been a great break away from everything...but maybe we should go back and help?" --- When Will said he was going to take over the investigation, Jessica felt somewhat relieved. She didn't know this guy but he seemed like he really wanted to help. As he went off to go change his clothes, Jessica wondered what her role in all of this should be. Sure, she was scared, but she didn't like the idea of constantly hiding from danger. It just wasn't in her nature. She glanced at her own reflection in the window, recalling the thrill she got from jumping across buildings. She smirked. Maybe that's why she's here...maybe there's a bigger role for her to play in all this after all? Or maybe she just inherited a reckless attitude from her absentee father...either way... When Will came back, she smiled at him. "Alright, I'm in!" she said as if they'd just had a whole conversation about it and he'd somehow talked her around. "So, how do we do this? Do I go get my own gun? Do you give me one? or....?" She gave him a cheeky grin. Denix Vames - April 11, 2021 "That's alright. We all make mistakes." ,said Vincent. They continue to eat. --- Nate shook his head. He held his hands. "I know you don't want to be a coward in all this but I can't let you go out there. Not when I know someone is out to kill you." He kissed his hands. "In here, you're safe. But in America? I can deal with that angel there more than you. I just....I'm scared that I'm going to lose you." --- "Uh No. When we get to the office, you're going to stay there where it's safe. From what I've been told, it seems like you would never cut out as a detective in the first place." They got into his car. He pulled out his phone to make a quick call to the local tow truck company. Explaining the dilemma. Once that was done, he drove to the office. Shadowess - April 11, 2021 Smiling, Neva finished her meal and sat in the chair looking at her new family. "Thank you." she said to Elliot when she was finished. Then she looked thoughtful. "Can we go out and do something today?" she asked, being tired of being indoors all the time. --- Tom looked torn as Nate told him how he felt. He really didn't want to just hide and let everyone else do the work but he could see how worried Nate was and it made his heart ache. He sighed and rested his head against Nate's. "I'm not going anywhere. I refuse to leave your side." he whispered gently and kissed him tenderly. "If you want me to stay here...then I'll stay..." --- Ok, the first thing Will said made sense to Jessica. He wants to make sure she's safe and she's very cool with that. But not cut out to be a detective? "Oh, yeah?" She rose a brow and smirked at him once they were in the car. "Hey, officer oblivious, news flash for you. Those guys? They just met me. And so have you. Oh, and please, please tell me what Carter told you that explicitly means I'm incapable of helping? Other than, you know, 'she's been making a mess of things', which frankly, isn't. even. accurate!" She sat back in the seat with her arms folded. "I'm helping." she said stubbornly. Denix Vames - April 11, 2021 "Well, I don't see why not." ,said Elliot who had finished as did Vincent. "We should be careful when we're outside." ,said Vincent. Elliot smiled. "Don't worry. We'll stay safe." He looked at Neva. "Where do ya wanna go?" --- Nate nodded. "Thank you. I'm sorry if I make you feel like I'm locking you up. I just want you to be safe." --- "Give me one good example of you being 'helpful.'" ,asked Will. Shadowess - April 11, 2021 Neva thought for a moment and shrugged. "The park maybe? It looks sunny today." she said. --- "I know...I know." Tom shook his head a little. "Honestly, if roles were reversed, I'd be the same." he chuckled. --- "Mate, that's not fair! I practically just arrived in this city!" Jessica complained. "Swear to God...I came here to find my brother. Turns out I have two. Also turns out the supernatural are a real thing! Next thing I know, one of my brothers has been stabbed and I'm being hauled off to Hell for my 'protection!'" She ranted. "So, forgive me if I'm feeling just a little helpless and wound up!"
  19. Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 "Sure thing. Everybody's gotta learn how to cook at some point." ,said Elliot. Vincent set her down so that she could go. "I'm gonna make some grits. I'll show ya how." --- "There he is!" ,said Carter. He hopped out of the car with his gun. He ran over. Aiming his gun at the angel. "Freeze!" shadowess - April 10, 2021 When Vincent set her down, Neva ran excitedly into the kitchen to learn how to cook. "What's that?" she asked curiously when Elliot said he was going to make grits. --- Parker jumped into action when Carter did, and hopped out of the car as well. Patience jumped out as well and stood by them, a hand on the handle of her second knife while glaring at the hooded figure. The male froze then slowly turned to look in their direction. His violet eyes shimmering in the sunlight. A mask covering his mouth and nose. He seemed to reach for something rapidly. Reacting quickly, Patience flung her knife at his hand. The male cried out, dropping his own Angelic Dagger. A bit of blood dripped from his gloved hand. Patience's knife had not only cut his hand, but it had also sliced a hole in his coat pocket, causing three cards, similar to the ones the haiku's were written on, to fall to the ground. Seeing he was outnumbered and now currently weaponless, the figure vanished. On each card, the haiku's read as follows; 1: A blood drinkers bane, Yellow his skin, red his bile, Punishment Divine. 2: Forsaken Angel, Your lover's death will be swift, Punishment Divine. 3: Former Detective, For your past sins you will choke, Punishment Divine. Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 "Well, grits are made from cornmeal. But on the side, we can have some scrambled eggs and bacon." ,said Elliot. Vincent watched happily as Elliot showed her how to cook the meal. Explaining as best as he could. --- "FUCK!" Carter threw his gun aside and punched a tree. Immediately, he flinched and clutched his hand. "Son of a bitch! We were close! So fucking close! I should have shot him!" shadowess - April 10, 2021 "Oh!" Neva said as she watched him, fascinated. "What can I do?" she asked, eager to help in some way. --- While Carter threw his fit, Patience walked over to the cards and picked the first two up, reading them. Parker also headed over, picking up the last card as well as the male's weapon. "Where are your friends right now?" Patience asked as she stared at the cards she was holding. "I think these might be for Tom and Nate..." she handed them to Carter. "Although, not having these cards might well have cancelled those plans." she pointed out. If this Angel was smart enough to plan his attacks ahead, she doubted he'd attempt a planned attack once the plan was figured out. Parker was still staring at the card he'd picked up. If they were right in assuming that these cards were specifically for members of their group, then that could mean this card was either meant for Carter or himself. He looked up at Carter nervously and handed him the last card so he could see it while Patience picked up her knife and placed it back into her belt. "On the plus side. The knife I used was Demonic Iron. So the cut in his hand won't heal right away. Should make identifying him even easier should we run into him again." she pointed out. Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 "I want you to crack four eggs for me and put what comes out into this bowl." ,said Elliot. He placed a bowl on the counter near a carton of eggs. Vincent wrapped his arms around him from behind. Resting his head over his shoulder as he kissed him on the cheek. Elliot blushed. "You're distracting me, ya know?" "Oh c'mon. I'm sure you know how to focus when there's someone behind you." He immediately cleared his throat. "How about you set the table?" Vincent rolled his eyes. "Alright Ellie." He kissed him before taking out the silverware and plates. --- Carter put his gun away. He read through the haikus. "We need to get Tom, Nate, and you Parker into Hell. But the problem is, I don't know who the blood drinker one is meant for. We barely know any vampires. It's just Patience and Sebastian but he already almost died. Am I forgetting someone?" shadowess - April 10, 2021 "Ok." Neva took the eggs and began cracking them open into the bowl. She giggled at Vincent calling Elliot 'Ellie' as she cracked the fourth egg. "Done! Now what?" she grinned at Elliot. --- "Tom." Parker said in reply to Carter. "Tom is a vampire. We know he's a day walker but maybe this guy doesn't? And we don't know for sure that wolf venom wouldn't kill him the same as any other vampire." "That would explain the second one." Patience chimed in. "Tom and Nate are lovers. The second Haiku is addressed to an Angel with a lover. I think that Haiku was meant to taunt Nate after Tom's death." "That's horrible!" Parker looked disgusted by the idea. "Also, thanks but no thanks. I've already made up my mind about staying here and helping with the case. A stupid poem isn't going to change that! Besides...I don't think it's a good idea for Nate to be in Hell anyway." "He's right." Patience said. "About Nate and Hell. He'd be vulnerable there and his presence would immediately summon other demons to his location. While I'd like to think the negotiations are going well, the demons might see Nate's presence as an attempted invasion and put everything in jeopardy." Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 "Now, you mix them up until they're a yellow liquid. Once that's done, you pour it into this pan." Elliot set a pan on the stove. He gave her a whisk. --- "And Nate's not welcomed in Heaven after what he apparently did. Where the hell are they anyway?" Carter glared at Parker. "And you are going to Hell with Tom. This is an order by your boss. I'm not taking no for an answer. I can't take chances." shadowess - April 10, 2021 Neva took the whisk and began stirring rapidly. At first going a little too fast and causing a small amount of the egg mixture to spill out of the bowl and onto the floor. "Oops!" she said and slowed down her stirring so as not to spill anymore. She then poured it into the pan like Elliot told her to and jumped back a little when the pan hissed, looking at Elliot as if questioning whether that was a normal sound but seeing that he wasn't alarmed would help her to relax, trusting him to tell her if something wasn't right. --- "After some sleep, I could teleport to them for you?" Patience suggested. "Or, by chance, do either of you have their phone numbers?" Parker looked like he was about to argue with Carter but he let out an exasperated sigh instead, knowing there was no point arguing with him. "Fine..." he stormed back to the car and sat in the passenger seat, slamming the door once he got in and rubbed his face tiredly. Patience watched the two awkwardly before following them back to the car and getting in silently. Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 Elliot smiled. "It's alright. Just be more careful next time." He handed her a large spoon. "Now stir it around but be careful." --- "I want to know where their location is now. It's important that we keep them safe. In the meantime, I'll have David take Parker to Hell now." Carter shouted, "David!" shadowess - April 10, 2021 Neva nodded, taking the spoon and holding the handle of the pan as she stirred the eggs around. She'd keep stirring until Elliot told her it was enough. --- Patience sighed and nodded. It will make her extremely tired and might even hurt, but this seemed like enough of an emergency to warrant it. She vanished in search of Nate and Tom. David appeared on front of Carter, looking extremely agitated and holding Jessica by the arm who was wincing at how tightly he was holding her. "Please tell me I can bring them back now..." David said to Carter, already tired of Jessica's antics. "Could you maybe loosen your grip a little, granddad? You're pinching a bit..." Jessica complained, earning a swift glare from David. "Or if not, could I possibly borrow some handcuffs to keep this one from wandering off again? I caught her free running over rooftops of five story buildings...Apparently she's an adrenaline junky..." "Parkour bitches." Jessica grinned proudly. She was still a little loopy from the adrenaline running through her system. Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 "That's enough." Elliot handed her a bag of shredded cheese. "Toss some of it in there then stir again." --- "No and I need you to take Parker to Hell so that he can stay safe. Also, Tom is going to Hell too. We figured who he's targeting. Nate's a different story. I'll have to get him to leave the country for a while. But since Jessica isn't being threatened...." Carter handcuffed her with regular cuffs. "I can get her out of your hair for you. I'll just have Will watch her." shadowess - April 10, 2021 "Ok!" Neva said happily as she grabbed a handful of cheese and threw it into the pan and continued to stir it around. --- Patience landed and fell to her knees in the hallway of a fancy looking hotel. She got up and looked around briefly. She noticed the fire escape instructions on the wall were written in French. "Huh...Guess they might've been safe after all..." she muttered to herself as she looked at the door she'd landed in front of. As much as she didn't want to disturb their apparent holiday, she knew they deserved to know what was happening. She knocked on the door and waited for one of them to answer. --- "Fine by me." David said when Carter handcuffed Jessica. "Wha-? Oh, c'mon! There's no need for that!" Jessica complained as David let her go and walked over to the car. After a moment of talking to Parker in private, David managed to convince Parker to get out of the car and walk back to Carter with him. "He'll be fine." David assured Carter as Parker stared at the floor with a frown. "Good luck..." Parker said quietly, bringing his eyes up to look at Carter. He really didn't want to just leave but he was smart enough to know he might be used against them if he stayed. David glared at Jessica one last time. "Behave." he warned her before vanishing with Parker. Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 "Once they start looking scrambled, that's when you can stop and put them on this plate." Elliot placed the large plate near her. --- Nate opened the door. He raised a brow. "What are you doing here?" --- "Alright. Let's go." Carter helped her into the car before getting in too. Driving back on to the road. Heading to the precinct as he didn't have Will's number on him. Only Parker did. Shadowess - April 10, 2021 "Like this?" She said when she thought they looked scrambled enough. After getting confirmation from Elliot, she'd carefully scoop them onto the nearby plate. --- Patience hesitated and fidgeted with her fingers awkwardly. "Uh, sorry to disturb you guys. There's been a development in the case..." she looked around warily then gestured to the room. "Do you mind if I come in? This concerns both you and Tom..." she said seriously. --- Jessica walked with Carter and sat in the car with no issues. She looked down at the cuffs with a frown then looked over at Carter, lifting her wrists a little. "Is this really necessary? Look, I'll admit it. It wasn't the smartest move in the world but mate, c'mon, I was bored to tears sitting in that library! I needed to burn off some energy, you know?" Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 Elliot nodded. "Yep!" He poured the grits into a big bowl. "And now for the bacon." He looked at Vincent who shook his head. "I can't touch anything without killing it. With food, it would go rotten. I mean I'm wearing these gloves to avoid that but still. I don't want grease on these gloves." Elliot sighed. "Fine. Looks like you and I Neva will be making the bacon." --- Nate hesitantly nodded. "Sure." He let her walk in before locking the door. "What's this about exactly? You said the case has gotten some development? More evidence?" --- "Look kid, if you want to be a Devil so badly then why don't you just kill yourself? You seem to want to do that all the time. I mean I could kill you only if you want me to because honestly? I'm getting sick and tired of some people acting like children. My kids are more well behaved than you and they're dead." shadowess - April 10, 2021 Neva looked at Vincent a little sadly. She recalled what had happened when Jasper was a reaper and he touched the flowers on the grave of one of his friends. When Elliot said they'd be making the bacon instead, she smiled at him. "That's ok! How do you make bacon?" She somewhat remembered Leo making her the bacon sandwich back at Carter's house but after everything that had happened since, that felt like such a long time ago. --- Tom was sitting on the edge of the bed when Patience entered the room. She placed her hands in her pockets, feeling awkward about turning up like this. "Uh, yeah. We almost had the suspect. Carter, Parker and myself. We found out he'd tried to break into the hospital to finish off Alex. So, based on that we staked out another location...where he'd attacked Sebastian..." "Sebastian!?" Tom stared at her worriedly. They hadn't been gone for long but it sounded like they'd missed a lot. "He's fine." Patience said quickly. "He and Alex are being guarded by David in Hell...and well, our assumption that the attacker would turn up to the location was correct. He teleported to get away from us but he dropped three more cards with haikus on them...we think two of them were for you two. One addresses a vampire and describes the effects of wolf venom and the other was addressed to an Angel...as if to taunt the Angel for losing their lover." she finished looking between them. "The last one we think was for Parker, so he's gone to be with David in Hell as well until this whole thing blows over. Carter has suggested Tom should go with him to keep him safe too." --- "What? I don't want-..." Jessica began flustering as Carter spoke but she soon fell into stunned silence and stared at him when he offered to kill her, called her a child and proceeded to compare her to his dead children. She turned her head away from him to look out of the window, pouting. "You seriously need to chill out..." she muttered under her breath.
  20. shadowess - April 10, 2021 "Uh, yeah." Parker replied and took one of Carter's cards out of his pocket, holding it out for Will to take. Patience had gone back into the kitchen to finish the bag she'd left in the sink, being sure to stay out of Will's sight so as to not freak him out further. --- "Are you kidding?" Jessica looked at Vincent. "I was there when you stabbed whats'erface in the chest! The- you know..." she held a hand over her eye to simulate an eye patch. "The one eyed bitch! That one!" She then turned her head to look back out at the city. "Don't worry though, I'm not freaked out or anything anymore...according to my brothers and great grandfather, you're a pretty chill guy usually..." Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 Will took the card. Accidentally touching his fingers. He blushed hard. He cleared his throat. "I'll see you guys whenever." He headed to the door. "See ya. And uh....stay safe." "You too." ,said Carter. Will went to his car. He looked around to make sure he hadn't been seen before driving off. Carter smiled at Parker. "Looks like someone's gone all tongue tied on you." --- "Oh sorry. This job makes me forget about certain names. I've been through a lot of them." Vincent stifled a chuckle. "'A pretty chill guy?' I never thought I would hear that." He shook his head. "But no. I won't be coming back to Elliot ever again. He's better off finding someone better." shadowess - April 10, 2021 Just as oblivious as before, Parker barely noticed how Will took the card from him or that he was blushing. He nodded as he left then turned to look at Carter, ready to get back to the case. That was when Carter made his comment and Parker blinked, turning his head quickly to look at the front door while his own face turned red. "Wha-? No...I don't think..." he felt himself getting a little flustered and shook his head a little. "Uhm, we should probably find out where Sebastian was being held so we can stake it out...or we might miss out chance." he said quickly, wanting to change the subject. --- Jessica tilted her head a little to look at Vincent. "I don't think he's going to do that. He seemed pretty set on waiting for you." She took out a pack of cigarettes and placed one between her lips. She offered the packet to Vincent. "I don't suppose Reapers smoke?" she asked. "And if you don't mind me asking. If you'd forgotten ever meeting me, why are you here?" Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 "Before we do that, I'd like to point out that Will's dumbass self left his own taser and gun here because his mind was on something else. Or more like someone else." Carter handed him the taser and loaded gun. There was a knock at the door. "And now, you can give them to him before we head to the forest." Will swallowed. He did his best to stay calm as he felt silly for not remembering his weapons. --- "Souls hold memories. I was able to sense yours. And no, I don't smoke." Vincent thought for a moment. "He really wants to wait for me? I've done nothing but have been a nightmare to him." shadowess - April 10, 2021 Parker's face turned a slightly deeper shade of red when Carter gave him Will's stuff to hand back to him. "Seriously?" he whispered, still flustering. Feeling put on the spot and not wanting to keep Will waiting, Parker gulped and walked nervously towards the door. He opened it and looked at Will. "H-hi." he said bashfully then held Will's things out for him. "You uh...you left these..." --- Jessica put the packet back into her pocket and took out a lighter, lighting her cigarette and taking a drag on it. She put the lighter in her pocket as she exhaled the smoke away from them. "He loves you, mate." Jessica says simply. "Nothing else to it. He'd rather wait for you than give you up. Dead romantic if you ask me...no pun intended." She took another puff on her cigarette. Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 "Oh....Uh....Thanks." Will put his weapons back in their holster. He nervously cleared his throat. "Listen uh....If you ever need anything, any help with the investigation, here's my number." He quickly wrote it on his notepad before ripping the page out and handing it to him. "Just give me a call whenever. I-I don't mind." --- Vincent appeared surprised. He soon frowned. "Maybe I should check on him when I'm not busy." He nodded. "Thank for you telling me." shadowess - April 10, 2021 Parker took the paper with Will's number on it as he felt his face getting hotter. "Ok, yeah...I will...um...Will..." he faked a cough into his fist to try and hide how nervous he was, although at this point it was kind of pointless. "S-see you around." he nodded and closed the door. He turned and walked back into the living room, looking at the number on the paper in a dumbfounded way. --- Jessica smiled. "No problem." she then seemed to realize something. "Oh, and be careful if you're going to Earth. I don't know if you're still technically a Demon...or whether or not you're already aware, but there's some psycho Angel going around killing people up there... Apparently they have Angelic weapons that they tried to use on Alex. By the looks of things they're not just attacking Demons either. Sebastian looks a mess. They were both lucky to survive." Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 Will sighed as he went to his car. "I sounded so stupid. What the hell's wrong with me?" He got in his car and drove. Carter smirked. "I told you." He headed for the door. "I guess now you have that to think about while we do a stakeout." --- Vincent's eyes widened at this news. He disappeared. Appearing in the living room of the office, he flustered as he saw Parker, Patience, and Carter. He looked away from them. "....Hi." shadowess - April 10, 2021 Parker sighed and put the note into his pocket as he and Patience followed Carter. They froze when Vincent appeared. "Vincent?" Parker said in surprise then smiled. "Hey man, it's good to see you!" Patience also smiled. She didn't know Vincent well, but she could tell he was a good friend of theirs. --- "Oh, ok..." Jessica said while looking around after Vincent vanished. "Bye then, I guess..." she finished the rest of her cigarette while looking out at the Lost City. "Huh...David hasn't come looking for me yet...wonder if their letting me 'lay in'." she chuckled. She looked over the rooftops, debating free running over them again but decided against it. She was still a little tired from her last run. "Eh, I guess a leisurely stroll through Hell couldn't hurt..." she muttered, flicking the butt of her cigarette away from her as she headed inside and began walking down the stairs of the building. Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 Vincent flustered. "Is Elliot here?" shadowess - April 10, 2021 Parker glanced at Carter uncertainly and shrugged. "I...duno. I haven't seen him for a while. We've kinda been busy with a case." Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 "Vincent?" Elliot stood at the top of the stairs. Tears fell from him. Vincent frowned. He looked down. "Hey Elliot." Elliot ran downstairs and hugged him tight. Surprising Vincent. "Oh my god! You came back! I'm so glad you! I missed you so much!" "You're not mad at me?" "Mad? Why would I be mad?" He caressed his cheek. "I just care that you're here." Vincent shyly smiled before being met with loving lips. They savored a kiss. He wrapped his arms around him. "It's good to see that you're safe. I heard about the angel and I didn't know if you were going to be a target or not. I got worried so I came back." "Angel? What angel?" "Some sick bastard thinks he can kill people just because of their so called sins." ,said Carter. "Well, that's dumb. Is he gonna come here?" "Not anymore. And I doubt he's going after humans but just try to safe anyway. Ok?" Elliot nodded. "Good. Now, let's go before we lose him." shadowess - April 10, 2021 Seeing Vincent and Elliot back together was heartwarming and left a smile on Parker's face as he followed Carter out of the house to his car. Patience moved to follow but hesitated, looking at Vincent and Elliot. She noticed the pendant Vincent was wearing and smiled a little, seeming to make up her mind about something. She took out a small black knife from it's sheath on her belt and handed it to Vincent. "To protect your family, should you need to." she said kindly. She would then hurry to catch up to Carter and Parker. As soon as Patience left, Neva appeared at the top of the stairs and grinned at the sight of Vincent. She hurried down the stairs and wrapped her arms around both Vincent and Elliot. Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 Vincent smiled. "Thank you." He took the knife and placed it in his pocket. Tears poured from him as he knelt down to pick her up. Hugging her with Elliot close by who smiled. --- "So would it be better if we drive there or teleport?" ,asked Carter. Shadowess - April 10, 2021 (I think I'm guna change Neva's age a bit. She acts and seems younger than she originally told them she was. I'm thinking about 7-8 years old.) "I missed you!" Neva cried as she hugged him as tight as her little arms would let her. She opened her eyes and looked at Elliot with a smile. "Can we tell him?" she asked, referring to when she asked Elliot if they could both be her dad. --- "As much as I would love to teleport everywhere all the time, as far as Angels go, I'm still just a 'newborn'. Which means I'm not nearly as strong as some of the older Angels. I've teleported several times today already. If I teleport us there, there's a chance I'll be too tired to teleport us back and we'll be stuck walking." Patience replied. Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 (thats fine) Vincent chuckled. "I missed you too." He raised a brow. "Tell me what?" Elliot blushed. "Well, Neva was wondering if we could be parents? I already said yes. So....?" Vincent nodded. "Yes." He looked at Neva. "I'll be your second dad." --- "Then I guess we're driving then." Carter got in the car. He drove once everyone was inside the car. "I've never been to this forest before. Someone here's gonna have to tell me which directions to take." shadowess - April 10, 2021 Neva had been nervous as Elliot told him. When Vincent agreed to it and told her he'd be her dad as well, Neva beamed. Her eyes filling with happy tears as she hugged him again. "I love you both!" --- Having read through what Leo had written in the report when he'd added his bit, Parker gave directions to the site. Once there, they'd need to park the car in a well hidden area where they could watch the scene for movement. From where they were, they could see the blood on the grass, the blood soaked, sharpened branch that had been used to impale Sebastian and the ropes that bound him to the tree, also soaked in blood. It was eerie, sitting there and looking at these things, knowing that Sebastian had suffered here alone. The thought of what this Angel was capable of made Parker simultaneously shiver and his blood boil. They needed to catch this guy. There was no way he could be allowed to do something like this to anyone else. Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 "And we love you too." ,said Elliot. Vincent thought for a moment. "So, I guess we should do something now, right? Is anyone....hungry?" "I could definitely go for something. I can make some of my old family's grub if ya'll want to try." "That would be nice. Thank you." Elliot ran into the kitchen to start cooking. --- Carter gripped the steering wheel hard when they made it to the location. Gritting his teeth. He placed his gun on the dashboard. "I'm going to kill that bastard if it's the last thing that I do." He glared at the blood. "Anyone who touches Sebastian gets to die by my hands." shadowess - April 10, 2021 When Elliot said he'd cook for them, Neva looked at him and smiled. "Yeah!" she cheered happily. As he headed off to the kitchen, she stared after him. "Can I help? You could show me how?" Neva called after him. --- "I believe in delivering death as a last resort." Patience said as she looked at his gun, then her eyes shifted coldly to the blood on the ground. "But I won't stop you." she added. "Yeah...I'm not exactly going to be running to the guy's aid when we find him either." Parker said darkly. --- Several hours passed. By now, the sun was high in the sky and had Sebastian still been here he would definitely be nothing but ashes by now. As soon as the sun rose, Sebastian's blood had combusted, burning the grass where he'd been beaten. On the ropes and sharp branch, there had been gasoline as well which ignited as soon as Sebastian's blood did, making a bright little bonfire near the forest. Patience frowned, leaning forward in her seat, focusing on the flames as she snapped her fingers, extinguishing them before they could start a forest fire. She sighed. Not only had the Angel wanted Sebastian to die, he'd wanted him to die quickly. There was no other explanation for the use of gasoline. Which meant he'd wanted Sebastian's death to be a certain thing. By midday, Parker was beginning to feel tired but did his best to stay awake. That's when it happened. A hooded figure appeared and looked between the smoldering mess on the ground and the unburnt trees. He could be heard screaming angrily as he punched the tree, leaving a splintered dent in it's bark.
  21. Denix Vames - April 9, 2021 Carter shook his head. "Apparently, it's a copycat." He nodded at the kitchen. "Sure. Go right on ahead." Will covered his mouth. Making sure he wouldn't make any noise. He watched through the slits of the doors. Seeing Patience walk almost close by as she headed for the kitchen. --- Leo began rubbing the water over himself. As if the blood was part of the process. "They suspended me so I really don't care what happens anymore." He lifted a leg up and rubbed it. Shadowess - April 9, 2021 "Thank you." She smiled and headed into the kitchen. If it hadn't been for the amount of times Nate and Tom had shared time together in the washroom, Patience might have caught Will's scent. Unfortunately, the only thing she could smell coming from that room was Nate and Tom's scents combined. She ignored the smell and opened the fridge, taking out a bag. She then closed the fridge door and leant against it as she bit into it, closing her eyes. After being starved in a cell for decades, she now always made sure to savor every drop of blood she could get whenever she drank. Parker had a thought and looked back at Carter. "If the angel went back to the hospital to finish off Alex, maybe he'll return to where Leo found Sebastian to make sure his plan worked? We could stake it out and ambush him!" he suggested. --- "What?!" Oscar stepped away from the wall, staring at Leo in disbelief. "Why?!" Denix Vames - April 9, 2021 "That could work but you have to stay close to me. The angel might still think that you're a demon." ,said Carter. Will couldn't believe the conversation that was being had in this house. Just what the hell were they up to? He stepped on a broom and accidentally slipped. Falling against the wall near the washer. "Shit!" He pulled out his gun as the doors opened. "Freeze! Nobody moves! Get down on the ground! Now!" --- Leo shrugged. "They didn't approve of my methods." He grabbed a bar of soap and started scrubbing over his body. Shadowess - April 9, 2021 Parker nodded. "Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid or irrational." he then smirked. "That side of me was Alex..." They jumped when they heard the commotion in the washroom. Being closest to the door, Patience was the first one to open it and ground to a halt when she saw the officer with a gun aimed at her. She was still holding the half-drank blood bag with a little blood having spilled onto her chin. She glared at the gun momentarily then smirked and snapped her fingers, causing it's clip to drop out, onto the floor. Parker wasn't far behind her and his eyes widened when he saw who had been sneaking around. "What the hell are -you- doing here?!" --- Oscar continued to watch him for a moment before sighing and walking into the room, kneeling by the tub to be at his eye level. "What's going on with you?" he asked. "You're wound up and acting weird. Talk to me. I want to be here for you." Denix Vames - April 9, 2021 Will pulled out his taser. "Don't come any closer! I know what you guys are! A bunch of killers who are working for this guy! Helping him somehow!" Carter gripped his arm. Will pulled the trigger. Tasing him but it did nothing. Carter threw him on the floor. Making his shades fly off. The taser fell out of his hands. "We're not maniacs and we don't work for the suspect. Like I said, this is a private detective agency. We work on not just regular cases but supernatural ones. The suspect is a rogue angel who thinks he has the right to kill sinners. And it's not like you can say anything to your guys at the precinct anyway." He knelt. "Otherwise, you'll look crazy and to be honest, I don't think they would appreciate finding out that one of their guys decided to break into someone's house without a warrant. Not to mention that this is my house. Anytime I squeal, they beg for me to stop. So it looks like you're out of luck." Will sat up. He crawled away until he bumped into the coffee table. He was pale and shaking. His eyes were wide. He uttered out, "Wh-Wha....What are you?" Carter walked over. "Just a simple guy trying to help his supernatural friends. That's all." Will started hyperventilating as he was crying. "Please don't kill me!" He pressed his hands against his head. Facing the floor as his knees were up against his chest. Carter had never seen him like this at all. Even under stressful situation, Will was always so calm and collective. Making jokes whenever he felt like it or going to strip clubs. "I'm gonna need some help on this one." ,said Carter. --- Leo shrugged. "What's there to talk about? I got suspended. That's all there is to it." He hesitated before asking, "Can you get my back?" He handed him the bar. Shadowess - April 9, 2021 Patience quickly threw the bag into the sink and used some tissue to wipe the blood off her chin before hurrying back and kneeling next to Will. "Hey, it's alright." she said gently. "We're not going to hurt you. That's not what we do. We help people." She placed a hand on his arm lightly. "I know it all seems strange and frightening but it's not nearly as bad as it appears. Take some deep breaths and try to calm down. We'll be happy to talk to you about this." Parker looked at Carter worriedly. "Didn't that hurt?" he asked, referring to him being tased. --- Oscar studied Leo's features for a moment before nodding and standing. "Sure." he rolled up his sleeves and took the bar off him, sitting on the edge of the tub as he gently ran it up and down his back. "You're lucky I'm not squeamish when it comes to blood..." he said as he handed the bar back to him. It was obvious that Leo simply wasn't ready to open up yet and Oscar didn't want to push too hard in case he shut himself off completely. He stayed on the edge of the bath and proceeded to rub his back and shoulders as well, trying to relieve some of his tension and help him to relax. Denix Vames - April 9, 2021 Will backed up from her touch. Knocking the table behind him over. He started rocking back and forth as he cried. Carter pulled the plugs off of his body. He raised a brow at Parker. "Did they not tase you at the academy?" --- Leo moaned at his touch. He smiled. "I forgot how good you are with your hands." He rubbed his cheek against his arm. He touched his hands. Enjoying their large smooth texture. Shadowess - April 9, 2021 Patience quickly retracted her hand when Will backed up and she sat on the floor, staying where she was. "It's alright. I promise you, you're safe." Parker scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Yeah...Just...forgot what it feels like." he looked over at Patience and Will, seeing that she wasn't getting very far and he sighed, walking over. "Let me try..." he said gently and Patience nodded, standing up and stepping back. Parker knelt next to him and looked at him. "I get it. This shit is scary." he shrugged. "When I first found out that the supernatural exist, I freaked out too. But Patience is right. It's not as bad as it looks...it just takes some getting used to." he shook his head. "They're not all monsters either. That's just some bullshit you see and read in fiction. Most just want a normal life like the rest of us. There are some supernatural criminals, the same as there are some human criminals. That's why we're doing what we're doing. To protect the good ones and help them have a chance at a happy, normal life. Same as humans. Because doesn't everyone deserve that chance?" --- Oscar smiled while he kept massaging Leo's back. "Oh? Well we can't have you forgetting, now can we?" he purred. He bent down and kissed him deeply, moving a hand to cup his chin as he did. When he pulled away, he stared into Leo's eyes seductively. "Would you like to join me in the hot tub? I'll remind you of just how good my hands are." Denix Vames - April 9, 2021 Will's cheeks turned red when he saw him. He slowly started to calm down when he spoke. He sniffled before hesitantly nodding. "I-I guess so." He rubbed his eyes. Carter read Will's face. Wondering if Parker was even ready to have someone feel this way towards him. He didn't think he could handle that being in his life. --- Leo smiled. "I'd like that." He got out of the tub. Nearly slipped, he was caught by Oscar's arms. He wrapped his arms around him as he slipped his tongue into his mouth. Kissing him. Shadowess - April 10, 2021 Parker saw Will's red cheeks but assumed it was because it was due to the shock of it all and the fact he was crying. Parker was a little bit oblivious to the obvious as his mind was focused on getting Will to calm down so that they could carry on with the case. When Will replied and seemed to calm down, Parker smiled and nodded. "It's going to be alright. We can explain everything. Here-" he stood and held out a hand for Will, wanting to help him to sit on the couch rather than the floor. "Let's get you comfortable first. I'll get you something to drink and then we'll talk, ok?" --- Oscar caught Leo as he slipped then melted into his kiss when he felt his tongue enter his mouth. He smirked, running his hands over Leo's wet back and down to his backside, giving him a quick squeeze before bending down and scooping him up into his arms. Still kissing him, he took him to the hot tub room and gently put him down. He broke the kiss momentarily to take off his shirt then kissed him again as he unfastened his pants. (Private Time) --- A fact that Jessica liked to hide well; She's a bit of an addict when it comes to thrill seeking. If she wasn't almost dying then she wasn't living! She slept for a while then woke up and kept her eyes closed. She peeked a little out of one eye at David and watched him reading for a while. Apparently David doesn't need sleep. But he does like to read and he was almost at the end of the current book he had in his hands. When he finished it, Jessica got what she wanted. He put the book back on the shelf and slipped out of the room to grab a different one. She knew he'd only be gone a second so she acted quickly. She got up and stuffed a few books under her blanket on the couch before sneaking out of the building. She just wanted to know what it was like. To explore this vast, dark new world she was in. She ran from the Library. What she did, she knew, would only buy her a couple of hours before David realized she was gone and teleported to her to bring her back. So she had to make the most of it! Before long, she reached the Lost City part of Hell and she looked around in awe at the abandoned looking city. She glanced up at the crooked rooftops and smirked, having an idea. She ran through one of the buildings until she reached it's roof, then proceeded to free run across the tops of the buildings. Diving, jumping, climbing and doing flips as she went from rooftop to rooftop. Her heart was racing. It would only take one misplaced step and it'd all be over. She couldn't help giggling as she went, having an absolute blast. She should do this on Earth more often... When she felt herself getting tired, she slowed to a stop on one roof then bent forward with her hands on her knees while she tried to catch her breath. She leant against the wall, near the door that leads back into the building as she continued to get her breath back and she looked out at Hell...or well, a part of Hell. "Wow...So, I get to enjoy all this when I die, huh? Doesn't seem so bad..." she breathed, talking to herself. Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 Will nodded. He took his hand. Feeling his heart rate quicken. Butterflies were in his stomach. He sat at the couch. Waiting for that drink. Carter gave him his shades back. Will took them but didn't look at him. Feeling embarrassed for what he did before. "....Thanks." "No problem." --- "That all depends on which part of Hell you're at." ,said Vincent who appeared from behind. Shadowess - April 10, 2021 Parker came back a moment later with a glass of whiskey and handed it to Will. "Figured you might need something strong after all this..." he said as he sat in a chair near the couch. "Well...why don't we start with the basics...Vampires, werewolves, fairies, humans with psychic powers...they all exist. The big news is, there is a God after all...Heaven and Hell exist and so do Angels, Demons and Devils." he gestured at Patience. "Patience here is an Angel that was a vampire during her life...I guess whatever you are doesn't change when you get your wings?" "Correct." Patience nodded. "And Demons and Devils aren't all bad either. In fact a good friend of ours is a Devil and she's leading negotiations on Hell's side to broker peace between Heaven and Hell. Apparently she even made some Redemption Programme in Hell so that damned souls still get the opportunity to make up for what they did during their life and go to Heaven..." He paused to let this information sink in and allow Will to ask questions if he had any. --- "Geez!" Jessica jumped and whirled around to look at Vincent. "Need to put a bell on you..." she joked and leant against the wall once more. "Yeah, I kinda figured it's not all like this...Just amazing how big it all is...I thought it'd be super crowded but it's so wide open...it feels empty." She glanced at Vincent curiously. "Anyways, I thought you weren't guna be coming back for a while?" Denix Vames - April 10, 2021 Will chugged his drink then sighed as he set the glass on the table. "I think I need another drink." "Still on the job." ,said Carter. "Whatever. Look, I rather just help out without thinking too much about the afterlife." "Help out? You mean....?" "I'll try not to let the others know about this. Which means I'll have to try and implant some evidence. Make it look like the suspect is human in case something weird turns up." "Thanks Will. I appreciate it." Will scratched the back of his neck. "Not doing this for you." He checked his watch. "I should probably get going. But I'm gonna need to contact you when I do find something." Carter looked at Parker. "Got one of my cards?" --- Vincent raised a brow. "Have we met before?"
  22. Denix Vames - April 9, 2021 "Thanks." Carter placed the frozen peas to his head. He flinched but then soon got use to it. Letting it heal his headache. --- "Oh. I'm guessing he use to be a big scary meanie and now ya'll made him into a teddy bear." ,said Jasper. --- Carter answered his phone. "Hello?" His eyes widened when he heard the nurse's voice. "Alright. Just stay there. I'll be over there right away." He hung up. He looked at Parker. "That was one of the nurses. May. She said she was attacked by the same angel. Looks like he's trying to finish the job with Alex. If that's the case then we need to go down there and ask her some questions. Look for any clues that he could have left behind." He tossed the peas on the chair and headed out the door to his car. "Let's go." shadowess - April 9, 2021 "I have no idea..." Jessica replied, meanwhile Sebastian was nodding a little. "He's tried to kill me and Carter. Then he tried to rape our friend Amelia... later he kidnapped her and used her as a hostage...that last one, Amelia's boyfriend turned up and well...let's just say it didn't end well for Theo." Sebastian explained quietly. "And that's not even mentioning the years of physical and emotional abuse he put Vincent through." "Theo, please." David continued in a gentle tone. "It doesn't have to be this way. We can still help you. You just have to be willing to change." He held out a hand for Theo to take and Theo looked at it for a moment, as if tempted. He then shot to his feet and ran past him, pushing past Sebastian, Jessica and Jasper and running from the building. David watched him run with a sad expression and sighed heavily. "Guess he's just not ready yet..." --- Parker watched Carter answer the phone and as soon as he jumped into action, so did Parker. He followed Carter out to the car then into the hospital when they arrived. When they got to the waiting room, there were ordinary police officers just finishing up taking May's statement and leaving. When she saw them, she gestured for them to enter the waiting room and waited for the other officers to leave before speaking. "I told them what I know without delving into the supernatural side of things...I told them he jumped through the window..." She shuddered and gathered her courage. She quickly went into telling them what had happened as Parker took notes. When she was done, she waited to see what they'd say or whether they might have more questions for her. Denix Vames - April 9, 2021 "Not ready? No offense but it sounds to me that ya'll basically did the same thing that he did to you guys. And I get it. He was a dick who did a lot of fucked up things. But what makes you think he's gonna wanna change now after what you did to him? Guy's practically shitting his pants." --- "Do you mind if we examine the room? See if the police might have missed something?" ,asked Carter. "This is none of your concern, Carter." "Will." Carter turned around and glared at the blonde man who was wearing a bulletproof vest, his buttoned up uniform light blue shirt, and pants. He wore a golden wristwatch and dark shades. He had his arms crossed. "This is our jurisdiction now." "We're just trying to help unlike some people." "What happened to your family was tragic but we had to drop the case. You were making us lose money." "I don't have time to chatter about the past. I need to solve this case. My friends are in danger." "Then you shouldn't even be involved the first place." Will looked at Parker. "What'd you do? Convince the rookie to join your band of merrymen?" "No. He wanted to be a part of this. My detective agency. I'm a private detective which means I can investigate." "But you can't go into places that you're not allowed to go to without a warrant. That could take months." "Same goes for you." He frowned. Seemingly pissed off that Carter got smart. "I'll be seeing you around 'detective.' Don't push your luck." He left. Shadowess - April 9, 2021 "You weren't there..." David said as he stood, turning to face them. "We tried to help him...oh believe me, -we tried-...but each and every time we tried, he tried to kill or harm us in some way." David looked Jasper in the eyes. "He knew exactly what he was doing. Don't let the fact that he's frightened now fool you. Before our last encounter...he was formidable. What we did, we did purely out of self defense." he then sighed. "If we could've helped him and prevented this from happening...we would've...I offered to put him into the redemption program...he tried to use that kindness against me." --- Parker turned and glared at Will as he spoke down to him and Carter. Once he was gone, Parker couldn't help scoffing. "Dick!" The nurse waited until the officer had left before sighing and looking at Carter. "I thought there might be some roadblocks for you guys when our security called the police...I hope you don't mind but I had a quick look around myself when I told security that I needed to use the restroom. Thought it might save you some time..." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a couple of white feathers, handing them to Carter. "It's not much...it's all that was out of place in there. I think the other officers just thought they'd come out of the pillow or something." Denix Vames - April 9, 2021 "Well shit. But don't you think he's finally learned a lesson? Seems like it to me. Maybe this time he just wants to be left alone." ,said Jasper. --- Carter looked at the feathers in his hand. He smirked. Thinking about Will and the police. "What a dumbass." He nodded at her. "Thank you, May. This will definitely help us with our investigations. Just stay safe and take care." He headed to his car as he put the feathers in his pocket. Will had his undercover car parked across the street. He was watching them as he sat there. Seeing them drive off. He followed but made sure not to be seen. --- Leo came back to the mansion wearing a black cloak, a laughing white mask, and brandishing two bloody swords. He was covered in blood as well. Shadowess - April 9, 2021 "I just thought I'd try." David shrugged. "But maybe you're right...As long as he knows we're here to help him when he's ready to change for the better." He looked between them for a moment before frowning. "Where's Alex?" "Oh, he's back in that room you brought us in earlier. He wanted to stay put and I wanted to see the rest of the library." Jessica answered. Seeming a little antsy now, David began walking back to the original room. "Well, I suppose it's time everyone turned in anyway. We might not have real night or day here but we can at least keep a somewhat normal sleep schedule while you're staying here." --- May nodded "You too and good luck, Detectives." she said before leaving to go about her work again. As soon as Carter's car reached the office, Patience appeared on the doorstep to greet them. "I've come back to help. I've brought a few items that might help you in your case as well, courtesy of the Angelic Authorities." she said as she followed them in to show them the various Angelic equipment that she'd laid out on the coffee table. "When I told them that you are a Detective that takes supernatural cases, they wanted to show their appreciation...under the condition, of course, that these be put to proper use and are not abused for political purposes." She lifted the Angelic handcuffs as well as a set of black handcuffs from a pile of three of each pairs. Totaling six sets of handcuffs. "I know you're familiar with these ones." she raised the ones made with Angelic steel. "The steel is an irritant to Demon and Devil skin but more importantly, they are a means of subduing them without resorting to violence. You only need to attach one cuff to their wrist and they will be rendered no more powerful than any ordinary human." she then raised the black pair. "These do the same but for Angels. Made of Demonic Iron. The metals do have more scientific names but I think it's just easier to call them what everyone else calls them..." She put them down onto the table and lifted a compass looking object, the same as the one Leo has. "This is a Purity Dial. Simply place it against someone's chest and it will tell you whether their soul can be saved or if they are simply too lost to evil." She placed it against her own chest to show them. The dial landed on the grey section immediately. "White means the person is pure of heart. Grey means they are not perfect but they still have a chance to become good. Black...they are pure evil." She put the dial back onto the table. "Not many people get the white section. Even fewer get black. You'll quickly find that most people you meet will get the grey result." She then smiled as she lifted a couple of blank slips of paper which she handed to them. "I was told you two might get this reference... The idea for these came from Doctor Who." she rolled her eyes. "They are telepathic papers. Simply think of what you want them to say and whoever looks at them will see it. You could use them to make on the spot warrants or ID cards...etcetera." She then sighed and frowned. "And now for the drastic measures..." she gestures to one black knife and one silver-white. Then one black gun and one silver-white with bullets to go along with them. "Only allow people you trust to make difficult decisions to use these. The Angelic ones have the capacity to destroy a Demon or Devil's soul entirely. The Demonic ones can do the same for Angels...once you use one of these...there's no going back." --- Hearing the door, Oscar paused his game with a smile and headed into the foyer to greet Leo. He then paused and frowned when he saw the state of him. "Leo?...What happened?" he asked uncertainly. Denix Vames - April 9, 2021 "I'm guessing I should go now. Ain't got much to do around here. See ya guys at the wedding. I'll tell all ya'll when we've got a date and time." Jasper disappeared. --- Carter studied the items as she talked about them. He nodded. "We'll keep these locked away in safe at my office." He took the black cuffs. Placing them in his pocket. He grabbed some of the items. "Take some Parker. We're putting these upstairs. Patience, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like you to conjure up a safe in my office. It can be a code type or key one. Whichever works." Will had parked his car not too far from the house. He stayed low as he made his way over. He peeked through the window. Making sure his head was low enough but that he could still see them. "What the hell? Wings? On a person? But how? Some kind of fetish?" --- Leo didn't face him. He continue to walk to the bathroom. "Just did a job. No problem." shadowess - April 9, 2021 When Jasper vanished, both Sebastian and David looked confused. "Wedding?" David asked. "Oh, yeah. Jasper found his old love. They're getting married and he's invited us. That's why he was here." Jessica explained. Sebastian and David smiled. "That's wonderful news." Sebastian said quietly. "It is. Come on then. Time to sleep." David said as he led them back to the other room. It would seem Alex was already one step ahead of them as he was laying on the couch when they walked in and snoring lightly. David smiled gently and pointed to the second couch. "Jessica, you take that couch. Sebastian, I'll try to find some blankets and cushions for you. I'm afraid you'll have to rotate who gets a turn on the couches until this whole thing blows over." Once David got them all a blanket and a pillow each, they were all soon asleep. David stayed awake to keep an eye on them, casually reading a few books to pass the time. --- "Uh..." Patience chuckled. "Nate might be able to conjure things out of thin air, but I'm afraid I don't share the same gifts." she explained. "Although if you can find somewhere safe to stash them in the meantime, I could get one ordered for you?" she offered, feeling bad that she couldn't just provide him with a safe there and then. Parker also took some black handcuffs, putting them in his pocket before helping to take the rest upstairs. "I'd like to help in any way I can. If you don't mind my asking, what information have you managed to gather so far?" Patience asked as she helped them carry the equipment. --- Oscar rose a brow and watched Leo walk towards the bathroom uneasily. "Leo?" he called after him, following at a bit of a distance. "What job, Leo?" he pressed. Denix Vames - April 9, 2021 "Oh." Carter put the equipment in one of the drawers that had a lock on it. Once Parker put the rest of it in, he locked the drawer with a key and put it in his pocket. "Well, the angel has violet eyes. That's about it really. But we did find these feathers." He took them out. Will took out his lockpick. He unlocked the door and slowly closed it. He stood and walked to where the items had once been. "Hmm..." He walked into the kitchen and opened the cabinets carefully. Trying not to make any noise. When he opened the fridge, he froze. Having gone pale, he closed it. "Carter's a maniac. Probably works with these sick bastards so that this attacker can keep doing his thing." He looked around to make sure no one was there. He went to the backyard where he found an impression of a buried body. "This must be the victim. All of their blood must have been drained. Is Carter a blood drinker? Sick bastard." He was about to try his luck with going upstairs when he heard footsteps. He ran into the washroom and closed the door. The smell of the room was awful but he did his best to keep still. --- Leo put his swords aside. He undressed until he was naked. He turned the faucet on. Letting the tub be filled with water before dipping into it. The blood on his body had turned the water red. He looked at one of his hands. Seeing the bloody water run off. "Just killing criminals. The usual." shadowess - April 9, 2021 "Hmm..." Patience looked at the feathers thoughtfully. It wasn't a lot of information to go on and that was concerning. "I could take those to the Angelic Authorities. They might be able to do a DNA analysis on them...Try to narrow down who it could be..." she said as they headed back downstairs. "Oh, I almost forgot." Parker said suddenly, turning to look at Patience. "This Angel keeps repeating the same line. It's been at the bottom of both poems they left behind and according to Sebastian and Alex it was the last thing he said to them before leaving them to die. Punishment Divine." Patience seemed troubled by this news. "I just learned about the Devine from years ago, during my training...you don't think they're back do you?" she asked, turning to look between Parker and Carter. She then winced as her stomach growled and she chuckled out of embarrassment. "Ah, sorry...You don't mind if I take a bag, do you? I haven't had anything to drink all day." --- Oscar watched him worriedly. Leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. After a long, awkward pause he tilted his head a little. "So...how is the case going? Is it safe for me to go out with you yet?" he asked. He genuinely wanted to know. This whole thing had him worried.
  23. Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 Carter ran over to him. Tears fell from his eyes. "Sebastian!" He sat next to him and immediately pulled him into his arms as he sobbed. "I'm so glad you're ok! I thought I was going to lose you!" --- "Uh No. The only angel that'll be around at the wedding will be Nate and Patience." ,said Jasper. --- Leo knocked him out with the butt of his knife. He zoomed past some buildings before grabbing another angel by throat. Asking her the same questions. Shadowess - April 8, 2021 Sebastian let Carter hold him and he buried his face in Carter's chest, sobbing heavily and gripping Carter's shirt tightly. Parker had to hold back his own tears, particularly at the sight of them both crying like this. A moment later, David reappeared with Patience in tow. "My God!" she gasped and hurried over to Carter and Sebastian, kneeling in front of them. She looked pained as she saw the condition Sebastian was in. She quickly took Sebastian's hand as he remained sobbing into Carter's chest and she set to work healing all of his wounds, broken ribs and bruises. If only she could heal the mental trauma he'd endured as well... She looked angry suddenly and she stood, turning to look at David. "Tell me everything. Who is responsible for this?!" "That's the thing..." Parker said and Patience's eyes snapped to him. "We don't know. Our group is being attacked by some crazy Angel. Keeps leaving haiku's as calling cards." "I'm going to take Sebastian to Hell with Alex and Jessica to keep him safe." David said to try to reassure Patience then nodded at Carter. "As soon as he's ready, of course." "When he's calm enough, he might know something about the attacker that could help us find him and put a stop to all this." Parker said to Carter. --- Jessica tutted and turned to look at the floor in a huff. She knew Nate was taken and she had no idea who Patience was but she assumed she might be taken as well based on how Jasper answered. Alex chortled. "Hey, it's not the end of the world. I'm sure there's someone out there for you." Jessica rolled her eyes then got up from the couch. "I need to stretch my legs." she said while walking towards the door. "Wait a minute! David said to stay here!" Alex shouted after her. "Chill! I'm guna stay in the stupid library, I just wana see more than just this one room!" she called back. --- The second Angel cried out as Leo grabbed her. Her hands shooting up to grip the arm that held her by the throat. "N-no! I-I don't know anything! Don't hurt me!" Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 Carter soon calmed down. He caressed Sebastian's cheek. "Listen Sebastian. I know how you feel. I can't even begin to imagine how fucked up that entire experience was but you need to tell us everything that happened. From the beginning to the end. Don't leave out any details. I'll be here with you the whole entire time, ok?" --- Jasper followed her. "Don't worry. I can babysit." --- Leo knocked her out too. He kept going after angel after angel. Asking the same questions. Hoping to get any kind of answer that could lead him further into finding the suspect. Shadowess - April 8, 2021 Sebastian nodded but it took him a minute to calm down. He lifted his head and rested it on Carter's shoulder, turning his face a little so he could see the others. After a few deep breaths, he closed his eyes and described everything. From being jumped in the kitchen, to the beating, the impalement, being tied to a tree and doused in gas. He described his attacker as best he could. Though the only distinguishing feature he could make out were the violet eyes. "He had everything he needed stashed near a tree...he'd planned this..." he finished, his voice wavering and breaking a little. "I checked the house when the ambulance picked you up." Parker explained to Carter. "I found a little blood in the kitchen. Must've been from when the attacker hit Sebastian...other than that, there were no signs of forced entry...I think they must've been watching Sebastian prior to the attack if they were able to teleport right behind him like that." "I need to alert the Angel authorities about this. Especially with peace negotiations ongoing, we really don't need a rogue Angel stirring up trouble between Angels and Demons..." Patience said and she looked at Carter. "I'll let them know to not get in the way of your investigation and to help you where possible...Though I have to ask, try to capture them alive if possible so we can take them to our own cells...but if you're left with no other option..." She glanced at Sebastian before making heavy eye contact with Carter. "Fatal force is also acceptable." she finished darkly, giving him the subtle hint that that is what she hoped to happen to the rogue Angel. --- "Ugh! I don't need a babysitter!" Jessica complained as Jasper followed her. "I mean, really? What's guna happen? Am I guna get attacked by Hell's most nerdiest soul??" Jessica laughed. "I can handle myself, you know. I did like, a week of Judo lessons when I was ten..." she joked as she walked along and ran her hand along the spines of the books. Alex chuckled at her stubbornness then sighed, leaning his head back against the chair and closing his eyes to try to relax. He chuckled again when he could still hear Jessica yammering away to Jasper further down the hallway. "God, she doesn't half talk...I hope that's not genetic..." Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 "Parker, I need you to call Leo and tell him this information. Then, I need you to update the report. It should be in one of the drawers of my desk." ,said Carter. He reluctantly looked at Sebastian. "And I need you to go to Hell. To stay safe there. I'll have David take you there. I promise that you can come back once the coast is clear." --- "Doesn't matter. You're in Hell. Still gonna be looking after ya." ,said Jasper. --- Leo was starting to lose his patience. He had gotten to another angel. "Do any of you even know anything?! You're dumb as Hell! Actually, those demons downstairs would know a lot more than you!" shadowess - April 8, 2021 "Yes, sir." Parker nodded and took out his phone. Patience lay a hand on his shoulder. "It's fine. I'll go see him. I need to head out anyway." she let him go and then vanished. Parker then headed up the stairs to update the report. Sebastian looked at Carter and shook his head a little. He was terrified. "N-no, I don't want to. I-I don't want to leave you here." "Sebastian, Carter will be fine. He's got Parker, Leo and Patience to help him with this case. But we need to make sure you're safe so the Angel can't use you against them. We can't put something like that past this person. Not after everything they've done so far." David said gently. "You'll be safe with us. Jessica and Alex are already in Hell, waiting. You know how Alex is and from what I've learned of Jessica, she's not much different in terms of attitude. I'm probably going to need a hand keeping them in line and I can't think of anyone better." --- "Pshh!" Jessica waved a hand at Jasper. "At least someone is!" she laughed. She pulled a random book of the shelf and looked up at Jasper curiously. "Can you read any of these?" Alex sighed. He wasn't going to sleep with Jessica's loud voice echoing through the building. He opened his eyes and got to his feet with a groan. Slowly, he made his way over to the window and looked out at Hell's landscape curiously while leaning against the wall. It literally looked like a run down, grey version of Earth. "What? No brimstone?" he chuckled to himself. --- Patience pulled Leo off the Angel angrily and glared at him. "What the hell are you doing?!" she snapped. "How does attacking random Angels help?!" Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 "Please Sebastian. Do this for me. I promise you that I'll be fine. I can take care of myself." Carter kissed his forehead. "You have nothing to worry about. Just go with David. You'll be safe there." --- "Ain't got a damn clue. I was never taught that mumbo jumbo." ,said Jasper. --- "The damn suspect is an angel! And one of them has to be him or knows where and who he is! I don't have time to sit around and find out!" ,said Leo. He shoved her back. "Are a part of his schemes?! Or are you the suspect? Tell me what information you have!" shadowess - April 9, 2021 Sebastian hesitated but reluctantly nodded. He gave Carter a loving, lingering kiss before letting him go and standing up. "I love you" He whispered as he looked at Carter worriedly as David placed a hand on his shoulder. David looked at Carter. "He'll be safe. Good luck with your case." he said before they both vanished. --- Alex continued to look out the window as he contemplated Hell. He wondered where everyone was. Was Hell really so vast that it still seemed so empty despite how many people must've died over the centuries? He found it amazing that he couldn't see any signs of others anywhere. He wondered where their enemies ended up. Ricky, Rickster, Theo, that Incubus, Bryce... Alex stared at the ground outside. 'Bryce...' He thought and sighed. If only he didn't have these stitches...he'd go out there and see if he could find him. He wanted to forgive him. He couldn't help wondering if it was even possible to save his soul at this point...or if he was just too lost. A part of him wondered if he'd be willing to turn him again but he quickly buried that thought as deep as he could. No...he'd probably just kill him. Alex sighed again. Maybe it was for the best that he couldn't go out and search for him. Maybe finding him wouldn't be such a good idea... Jessica tutted in disappointment and put the book back on the shelf. She heard a scuffling noise come from one of the other rooms and glanced at Jasper warily before looking back in that direction and beginning to walk towards the source of the noise. That's when a blond haired man appeared around the corner, apparently unaware of their presence. He stopped in his tracks and his eyes widened at the sight of Jessica and Jasper. He took a step back uncertainly. It was at this moment that David and Sebastian appeared next to Jessica and the man's eyes widened even more so, fearfully at the sight of David. David blinked and stared at the man for a moment. "Theo?" He asked and Theo ran into one of the other rooms. "Bit skittish, isn't he?" Jessica commented and David held up an arm in front of them to prevent them going into the same room. "He wasn't always...stay here. I need to have a word with him..." David said as he slowly and warily walked towards the room he'd gone in. --- At the first thing Leo said, Patience's eyes widened in anger. "You raci-!" she'd started but was cut off when Leo pushed her back and began yelling the same questions at her. Her eyebrows furrowed furiously. It took a lot to anger Patience but Leo had managed to do it in seconds. Rapidly, she grabbed him by the shirt with both hands and shoved him against the wall. Her fangs sprouted and her black eyes boring into his angrily as she growled. "Sebastian is like a son to me." She then teleported them into the middle of the living room of Carter's office where she shoved him down to the ground. She kept her eyes on him as she spoke. "So, you remember those peace negotiations I mentioned earlier? The ones that are so. very. FRAGILE right now?" she turned her head to look at Carter. "You might want to have a word with your staff while I clean up the mess he just made!" she then vanished, taking off to erase the memories of the Angels that Leo had questioned. Denix Vames - April 9, 2021 Carter nodded at Sebastian before mouthing out the words, 'You too.' He walked over to Parker and gave him his wedding ring. "In case anything happens to me, you need to give this to him. Don't ever leave it out of your sight." --- Jasper raised a brow. "I'm guessing he's somebody ya'll use to know?" --- Leo's eyes widened at the sight of her anger. Then he struggled against her. He stood and dusted himself once she was gone. He was about to leave when Carter grabbed him by his arm. "What the hell did you do?" "I had to do what had to be done! If this is an angel then we need to question all of them!" He slammed him against the wall. "You interrogated angels without my permission? Do you know whats at stake?!" "Yes I do! More than you!" "Oh really? Is that a fact? Because let's not forget that angels and devils are having a conversation about whether or not their ongoing childish feud can stop. And you're making it look bad for them." "Devils aren't involved in what I'm doing!" "But angels are! And just because you aren't devil doesn't mean that Heaven will let this slide. Let's not forget that Oscar is on our side and so is David. They'll pin the blame on them. And then what? What do you think will happen?" "This is about the case! Not them!" "This is about everything!" Leo headbutted him. Making Carter fall back who felt dazed for a moment. He headed to the front door. "Screw this! I'm going back to killing those criminals." "ADIEU!" ,said Carter. Leo stopped. "That's what they did too." Carter stood with the help of Parker. "All that questioning and torture. That's exactly what they did to you too. And now you're doing it to them." "It's completely different." "Is it? Or does it just have a different picture on it? Cause I can tell you something right now. I won't let your actions fuck this agency over. Because what I do is nothing like what they use to do. As of right now, you're suspended until further notice. Go home." Leo gave him a death glare. His canine teeth were out. "I don't need your permission." He zoomed out of the house. "Don't bother going after him. Something tells me he's going to focus on humans for a while." Carter rubbed his head. "Definitely gonna need an ice pack though." shadowess - April 9, 2021 Parker had come back down the stairs just in time to see David and Sebastian leave. When Carter handed him his wedding ring, Parker looked at it for a moment before looking back at Carter with a serious expression and nodding. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that." he said as he carefully placed it into his pocket. It was then that Patience appeared with Leo before leaving to apparently clean up after him. He watched as this caused an argument between Leo and Carter and jumped back, out of his way when he saw his canine teeth. Parker looked back at Carter and thought for a moment. "I don't know about ice packs...but I'm pretty sure I saw a pack of peas in the freezer..." he said as he headed into the kitchen then came back with the frozen peas, handing them to Carter. --- The first few Angels had been easy to get hold of and erase their memories as Leo had knocked them out and left them. The last one however, she had to track down and catch before they could report the attack. She managed to tackle them in an ally and pinned them to the ground while she erased the past 3 hours from their mind for good measure. When she was done, she got up and leant against the wall for a moment and sighed heavily. She lifted a hand to her face, rubbing her eyes for a moment. Then, silently, she cried. --- "He's Vincent's ex..." Sebastian answered Jasper. His voice was still trembling from what had happened on Earth. Jessica looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "You ok there, vampy?" "Fine." Sebastian answered and quickly followed David into the room after Theo. David had knelt down in the middle of the room and was looking sadly at Theo who was huddled in the corner, cowering away from him. "I'm not going to hurt you." David said gently. "It's alright. You can relax. No one here is hunting you. Not unless you give us a reason to." --- At the hospital, the nurse headed into the room that Alex had been staying in to tidy it up, ready for the next patient. The moment she walked through the door, she was grabbed. The door slammed shut and she was pushed against the wall. She stared at the masked man who glared at her with violet eyes as he pointed towards the bed. "The man who was here. Where is he?!" He growled at her. "I-I don't know." the nurse replied with wide eyes then whimpered as the masked man pulled out a gun and pointed it at her. "Don't lie to me. I need to know where he is." he said angrily. "H-he discharged himself this morning. I don't know where he went!" The nurse said, her voice quivering. "Stop blocking your mind!" He growled and took a step towards her. The nurse screamed and dove towards the buttons by the bed, slamming her fist into the panic button to set off the alarm. The male let out a furious growl then vanished. Security ran into the room and after telling them she was attacked, they took her to the waiting room where she could sit and have some water while they called the police. As soon as they left her in there, she took out her mobile and called Carter's number. "D-detective Carter? I-it's Nurse May...You need to come over to the hospital right away...I've just been attacked...th-the man that attacked me was looking for Alex."
  24. Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 Leo searched high and low but found nothing. He took his chances and went to a forest. Sniffing around to see if he would catch not only the angel's scent but Sebastian's as well. --- Carter barely uttered, "G-Gon....No...." before passing out. Shadowess - April 8, 2021 By now, Sebastian had passed out from blood loss. The grass underneath him drenched in blood which had poured from his impalement. --- The ambulance arrived and Parker stood back to let them take Carter to the hospital. Happy that Carter was in good hands, he searched the house quickly but could find no signs of a struggle. The only clue he found was a little blood on the kitchen floor by the fridge which he assumed was from when Sebastian had been taken. Which could mean he was taken by surprise, not leaving much time for a struggle to occur. Not sure of how else to help, he took the car and began searching all the abandoned buildings in the area. Particularly their rooftops. Shadowess - April 8, 2021 *10:30 pm Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 Leo zoomed through the forest as he sniffed the air. Catching a lot of Sebastian's scent. His eyes widened at the sight of him tied to a tree. Impaled by a branch. He zoomed to him. He began cutting off the ropes which cause Sebastian to fall over. "Don't worry. I'm going to get you back home." He yanked the branch out of him then placed him over his shoulder. Shadowess - April 8, 2021 By the time Leo found Sebastian it was 11:30pm. Sebastian's breathing was labored as Leo untied him. He hit the ground and groaned, then cried out as the branch was ripped out of him. His fangs sprouted and he stared at Leo. For a moment, he wanted to jump up and sink his fangs into him. No thoughts running through his mind, just the pure drive to feed. His hunger being just as painful as the impalement had been. But there was something off putting about Leo's blood. He could smell it on him. Something that would cause great harm if he drank it. Too weak to stand, he remained limp as Leo carried him over his shoulder. "H-hungry...need blood...so much...pain..." he muttered deliriously as Leo carried him. Right now, he was far too dangerous to be around anyone else. Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 "There's plenty back home where Carter's waiting for you. He's worried sick but I'll get you there." Leo zoomed through the city until he made it back to the office. He quickly handcuffed Sebastian before he could jump on Parker. He set him on the chair and grabbed a blood bag from the fridge. He placed it near his mouth where he watched him drink from the bag. Shadowess - April 8, 2021 Having had no luck in his search, Parker had returned to the office. He'd been pacing around the living room. Trying to think of what else he could do to help find Sebastian when the door opened and Leo walked in with Sebastian over his shoulder. The instant Parker's blood hit Sebastian's nose, he went feral. His hunger and desperation to feed giving him the strength to try and go after him. He sprang off Leo and attempted to lunge at Parker with his fangs out. Parker jumped back in alarm but it seemed that Leo had been ready as he placed handcuffs on him. "Uh, I don't think that's guna do much to hold him!" Parker warned as Leo sat Sebastian down and went to the kitchen. Sebastian was on the chair for a whole two seconds before he was diving at Parker again, growling hungrily. "Shit!" Parker cried out as he stumbled back and had to hold Sebastian by the shoulders to try and keep him at arms length. Thankfully, Sebastian had lost so much blood that he was too weak to overpower Parker. As soon as Leo placed the bag in front of Sebastian, he snapped at it, drinking from it rapidly. Desperate little moans came out of him as he swallowed mouthful after mouthful. Parker watched him while trying to catch his breath. "Jesus Christ! What happened to him?" When Sebastian was done, he threw the bag to one side and stared at Parker again hungrily. "More!" he growled, having just enough sense now to resist jumping at Parker again, although he was struggling immensely with the instinct to do so. Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 "He got tortured so that he wouldn't move from the tree that he was tied up at. I don't know why the angel left him. It was pretty stupid if you ask me." Leo brought two more blood bags to him. "Drink up buddy. Looks like we're gonna put you under protection as well. I'm sure David wouldn't mind a vampire in Hell." shadowess - April 8, 2021 Parker watched as Sebastian drank the bags desperately. "Maybe they didn't expect anyone to find him?" he suggested, looking over Sebastian's wounds which had started to heal themselves very slowly. "Thank God, Carter isn't here to see him in this state...He was tied to a tree? Where at?" Sebastian finished the second bag with a gasp, having been drinking almost non stop. He caught his breath as he came back to his senses then looked between Leo and Parker. Then at his handcuffs and he remembered what had happened. He felt his stomach and flinched, sucking in air through his teeth. The wound was still there, having not healed yet. Tears fell from his eyes and he began to breath heavily as he dropped to his knees, rocking back and forth. Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 "Some forest. And if they didn't expect us to get him then that must mean this angel never even knew I existed. But he does now. Doesn't matter though. I can defend myself. However...." Leo placed an around Sebastian. Giving him a side hug. "David! Can you hear me? Kinda need ya to come up here!" shadowess - April 8, 2021 David appeared standing near them. "Make it quick, it's not a good idea to leave living people in Hell alone-" David began then his eyes widened at the state of Sebastian. "Another attack?" he asked and Parker nodded. "Yeah, but hang on a minute. Sebastian might know information on his attacker that we don't have yet. Maybe we should wait until he's calmer and ask him some questions first? Besides, I think Carter might like to know we've found him." Parker said while looking at Leo. --- Alex and Jessica were left sitting in the Library when David told them he had to go to Earth for a minute. David had warned them to stay within the library. He'd assured them that Demons wouldn't dare harm them in this building but to be wary of souls wandering through who might not be aware of the rules. Still too sore to move much, Alex sat on the brown leather couch while Jessica wandered around and looked at the books. "Well...this is thrilling...I can't even read any of these books! They're all in some weird language!" she complained. "I think it's like...the language they use here..."Alex suggested as he kept his eye on the door to the room. His senses on alert while they were alone as he listened out for any movement in the building. Jessica tutted and glanced out of the window. "I've never been to Hell before..." she began and Alex looked at her. "I wonder what the rest of it is like..." "I really wouldn't. Not unless you want to become a Devil a lot quicker than expected. I don't know if you know but our little group has made a few enemies that would just love to get their hands on us if they found us here. So don't. Leave. The library!" he warned her. Jessica tutted once more and plopped herself into the couch opposite him with her arms folded. "Spoil sport..." "Believe me. I'm as tempted as you are but I'm not going to be much use with this injury if we get into a fight...I won't be able to protect you..." Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 Leo hesitated. "Fine but make it quick. And you can tell Carter that Sebastian is safe in Hell. I don't have time for this sob story bullshit. I'm going to go put this into my own report. Then I'll start my search again for the angel." He zoomed to Carter's office. --- Jasper appeared. He had a rainbow bandanna around his neck. "Ya'll are a bunch of idiots. More or less just Jessie here. You want to leave the Library just because you want to do your little exploring. So you're gonna brush off the fact that you could die? I feel like I've just taken crazy pills here." shadowess - April 8, 2021 Parker sighed and shook his head at Leo when he'd gone. He knelt by Sebastian and tried to calm him down but Sebastian was struggling, still hysterical. "Where is Carter? Maybe he can calm him down?" David suggested. "At the hospital but I'm not so sure that's a good idea. Carter collapsed when he found Sebastian missing, I can't imagine how he'd react seeing him like this." Parker said. Sebastian looked up at Parker suddenly. "C-Carter's where?!" "It's alri-" Parker began but Sebastian shook his head and cut him off. "N-n-no! I need to see him!" He tried to get to his feet and stumbled. David caught him and sighed. "Stay here with Sebastian. Try to calm him down. I'll go and check on Carter." David said as he helped Sebastian over to the couch before vanishing. --- David arrived at the hospital and headed to the front desk where he asked which room Carter was in. --- Jessica jumped and looked at Jasper warily. The last time she'd seen him he'd been wearing black and had one hell of a temper. "What can I say?" Jessica shrugged. "I live for the thrill." she smirked. "Besides." Alex added, seemingly not too bothered by Jasper's presence anymore. "We all almost die all the time on Earth...what difference does Hell really make at this point?" Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 The nurse said, "Room 34C. I can take you there myself." She guided him to Carter's room where Carter laid in bed with an IV bag attached to him. There was a doctor standing in front of the bed. Telling him that his alcohol addiction and smoking habit was the main cause for his panic being more severe than it should have been. Carter tried his best not to listen. He couldn't imagine a life without a cigarette or some whiskey. --- Jasper shrugged. "I guess not." He smiled. "Guess what?" shadowess - April 8, 2021 "I see..." David replied when the doctor finished explaining what was wrong. He rubbed a hand over his mouth and chin as he thought about how Carter might have actually been better off, health wise, as a vampire. He glanced at Carter then back at the doctor. "Excuse me, I'd like to have a word with Carter in private if possible?" When the doctor had gone, David sat next to Carter's bed. "They found Sebastian." he started. "He's at the office with Parker and Leo..." he shook his head a little. "He's had quite the ordeal. He needs you. Now more than ever." --- Alex rose a brow at Jasper and Jessica looked at him curiously. "What?" she asked with a shrug. Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 Carter's eyes widened. His heart monitor started racing. "Sebastian's at the office?!" He ripped the IV needle out along with the patches for the heart monitor. "We need to go there now!" He started grabbing his clothes. A nurse walked in. "Excuse me sir but you cannot just walk out! You have to be excused by your doctor!" "Look lady, I don't give a shit. My boyfriend went missing and now I finally got him back so kindly fuck off." He threw his clothes on. Slipping out of the patient robes. The nurse, while pissed, had a red face when she saw him naked. She stormed away. --- "I found my boyfriend Beau up in Heaven! We're talking and everything!" ,said Jasper. --- Leo zoomed out of the office. He started his search in abandoned buildings and alley ways. Sniffing for angel blood. Shadowess - April 8, 2021 "I don't think that's necess- Oh, lord..." David had started as he stood from the chair when Carter snapped at the nurse. Then as soon as Carter stripped he stopped and quickly turned around to look at the wall. "Alright, I guess there's no stopping you. Once you're dressed, let me know and I'll take you to him. Just prepare yourself...it's not a pretty sight..." --- "Really?" Alex smiled. "That's awesome, man. I'm happy for you." "Aww. That's sweet." Jessica commented. --- The only thing Leo would find in the abandoned buildings would be homeless people trying to find a sheltered place to sleep. The city was full of Angels, most of whom were just innocently trying to experience a human life. The old angel was still in the abandoned church, praying on his rosary as usual. Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 "I don't care. I just want to see him." Carter unbuttoned his top buttons. "Ok. I'm ready." --- "Yeah! And we're gonna get married in Texas! Everybody's invited." --- Leo shoved an angel that was walking by. Slamming them into the wall. His knife near their neck. "Divine Punishment. Do you know what that means? Do you know the angel that's been trying to kill my friends? Answer me!" shadowess - April 8, 2021 David nodded, turning around now that Carter was dressed and holding out his hand for him to take. When they'd arrive at the office, Sebastian was still sitting on the couch. He still looked battered and bruised. The wound through his stomach had mostly closed up by now but was still healing. He was shaking, still crying and breathing a little heavily. His clothes, which had been drenched with his blood, had now dried. Making them stiff and a bit crusty. Parker had draped a blanket around his shoulders and had been sitting next to him, trying his best to keep Sebastian calm. As soon as David and Carter arrived, Parker looked up at Carter sadly and moved so he could sit next to him instead. Sebastian looked up at Carter tearfully. "C-Carter!" he cried. David placed a hand on Parker's shoulder and whispered to him. "I'll be right back." He then let him go and vanished. --- "Awesome!" Alex beamed. "Sweet! That's so romantic!" Jessica grinned then seemed to thoughtful for a moment before asking. "I don't suppose you know any nice, single Angels or spirits that'll be going to the wedding, do you?" --- The Angel that Leo pinned to the wall looked at him with a mixture of alarm and confusion while holding his hands up by his sides. "Wha-? N-no! Get off me you maniac!"
  25. Shadowess - April 8, 2021 Tom had blushed at his comment at the Eiffel Tower. When Nate collapsed, Tom's eyes widened and he knelt down next to him, holding his shoulders. "Are you alright?!" he asked, his eyes full of worry. "What's wrong?" --- Parker's cheeks turned red at what Leo was doing and he rolled his eyes, groaning in embarrassment. Still, they watched and they waited. By now the sky had turned dark and absolutely nothing had happened. "Something tells me this isn't working..." Parker sighed in frustration. Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 Nate did his best to smile. "Must have overdone it with my powers. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Just need to shake this off." He flinched and grit his teeth as he nearly keeled over. --- "Maybe he only goes after demons and devils?" ,asked Carter. He watched Leo shoo some young guy away who wanted a piece of him. When that didn't work, the man tried grabbing him. Leo punched him. Sending the now pissed off man with a bloody nose. "Well, at least we don't have to worry about him." shadowess - April 8, 2021 Tom kept hold of him to keep him steady and frowned. "C'mon. Let's get back to the hotel so you can rest. And no powers this time. We'll take a taxi." he offered him a smiled then slipped his arm around his waist, pulling his arm over his shoulders to help him to his feet. --- "Maybe..." Parker agreed thoughtfully. He chuckled at Carter's comment about Leo then glanced around them. There was still no sign of anyone that might be watching or acting suspicious. Carter's suggestion had gotten him a little worried. What if this psycho used this time while they were distracted to go after his family? "Maybe we should check on Alex? Make sure him and the others are alright." Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 Nate sighed. "I'm sorry I ruined our date. You should be having fun. Not worrying about me." --- "Yeah, let's do that." Carter whistled at Leo. Leo went into a dark corner where he changed back into how he normally looked like. Putting on the mask as well. He ran over to the car. Hopping in. "We're going to the hospital to check on Alex." "Fine by me." Carter drove to the hospital. Shadowess - April 8, 2021 "Are you kidding?" Tom grinned at him. "You didn't ruin anything. Ok, so we have to go chill out now. That's no big deal. Today has been the best day of my life! We're in freaking Paris!" he chuckled. "C'mon. Let's get back and cuddle on that big bed." He got them a taxi back to the hotel and helped Nate back to the room where he eased him down to sit on the bed. He sat next to him and kissed him lovingly. "Today has been amazing. But not just today...everyday that we've spent time together has made me so happy. I never knew I could feel this happy before I met you. I love you, Nate. With all my heart." he whispered to him softly. --- They got to the hospital and Parker hurried to Alex's room where David and Jessica seemed to be getting ready to leave again. Everything here seemed fine. "Hey guys." he said as he walked in. He looked at Alex. "How're you feeling?" Alex shrugged. "Doc says I've got at least another day in here before they'll let me go. They wana make sure I don't get an infection." David smiled at them. "Any luck in your search?" Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 Nate blushed. "Ok. I think that was the cheesiest thing that I have ever heard." He caressed his cheek. "But I love it and I love you too." He kissed him. --- "Unfortunately no. The angel didn't go after Leo." ,said Carter. Leo kicked a passing doctor in the balls from behind when he heard him whistle at him. He heard the doctor groan as he went down on his knees. Carter quickly closed the door as everybody was in the room now. "So yeah, we're thinking that this shithead is only after devils and demons." ,said Leo. Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 (not gonna have scenes of men trying to hit on Leo all the time. just thought it would be funny to write that scene) shadowess - April 8, 2021 (Lol, I thought it was amusing.) Tom's cheeks turned red and he chuckled when Nate commented on how cheesy his words had been. He then kissed him back, his heart fluttering in his chest again when Nate had told him he loved him as well. He felt happy and complete with him. He knew they'd eventually have to go back and return to reality but for now, he was just happy to be spending this time with Nate. Feeling like they were the only two people in the world right now, and nothing else mattered. He was going to cherish the memory of this day for the rest of his life. However long that ended up being. --- Parker rose a brow at Leo's reaction but said nothing as he turned his attention back to his family. Alex tensed at the news. "Fuck..." David seemed alarmed and thoughtful. He looked between Alex, Gary, Jessica and Parker then sighed. "I can keep them safe but I'd have to take them to Hell where the angel won't be able to reach them...I raised Amelia in the Library there with no issues. It's the safest part of Hell. Demons are forbidden from fighting or hunting while on the premises. As soon as you send word that it is safe to return, I'll bring them back." He nodded at Parker. "I'll take him too." "No way! I'm staying here to help with the case." Parker replied stubbornly. Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 (awesome) Nate clutched his chest again. His eyes started to close as he fell back on the bed. "Damn it." --- "Hey that's right! Parker, you could be bait instead. Why didn't I think of that before?" ,said Carter. "Guess I'll be sitting in the car with you then." ,said Leo. Shadowess - April 8, 2021 "It's ok." Tom said gently. "We'll just rest tonight." he kissed his cheek. "There's always tomorrow." He helped Nate lay on the bed with his head on the pillow and then he lay next to him. Cuddling up to his side and closing his eyes. --- "You want to use my great grandson as bait?" David's eyebrows furrowed. "I actually think that might be the best chance we have." Parker replied, defending the idea. "So far, the psycho has only made it clear that they are after Devils or Demons...judging by the poem anyway and the fact they tried to kill someone that was once a Devil. I want to help bring this criminal in. It's my job." David stared at Parker uncertainly then sighed in defeat before he looked between Carter and Leo. "Look out for him." he said before turning to Alex, Jessica and Gary. "Are you three ready? Once we're there, under no circumstance leave the library. Understood?" --- Back at the office, Sebastian was gone. A note lay on the bed. "Test subject vampire, Daylight's fire will consume you, Punishment Divine." The current time was 9pm. Approximately nine hours left to sunrise. Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 Nate smiled before closing his eyes too. Falling asleep. --- Leo nodded. "But it seems like he can look after himself." "Uh I actually have to go to work. Sorry but I don't want to get fired." ,said Gary. He kissed Alex. "I'll see you later when this whole thing blows over. I promise." He left the room. "Alright. We should head back to the office. I think food's calling me." ,said Carter. "I guess a break wouldn't be such a bad idea." ,said Leo. (omg! :O) shadowess - April 8, 2021 ( Mwa ha ha! The countdown begins ) Alex watched Gary leave the room worriedly. "But-..." "I'm sure he'll be fine." David reassured him. "Right now, we need to focus on protecting you two." He turned and glanced at Carter. "You may want to explain Alex's self discharge from the hospital or they might report him missing." he looked at Parker and nodded. "Good luck." David then placed a hand on Alex's shoulder while Jessica took his other hand and they all vanished. When Carter and Leo talked about food, Parker nodded. "Yeah, that's actually not a bad idea. I'm pretty hungry too." he followed them back to Carter's car after they let the nurses know about Alex 'going home'. By the time they'd get back, it would be 9:30pm. Denix Vames - April 8, 2021 At the office, Carter walked in. He smiled. Ready to see him. "Hey Sebastian! We're here for a quick meal. How was sleep?" When he didn't get an answer, he went upstairs. He stepped into the room. His eyes widened at the note on the bed. He picked it up. Reading through. He started shaking as his grip on the note became tight. His heart beat fast. He was sweating. He grit his teeth. Anger and fear boiled within him. "FUCKING BASTARD!" Leo looked up as Carter started running down the stairs. "Carter, what's-" Carter slammed him against the wall. "He took him!" "Took who?!" "That fucking maniac kidnapped Sebastian! He's going to kill him!" "Sebastian?! But I thought he only killed sinners!" "I don't care what he thinks! We need to find him! He's going to die if we don't get to him on time!" "Try to calm down Carter. Just let us read the note. I'm sure we can-" "We don't have time! Sebas-!" Carter dropped the note. He breathed heavily. As if he was slowly suffocating. He stood from Leo who picked up the note. The world was becoming a blur in Carter's eyes who fell to his knees. He clutched his chest where his heart was. He wasn't so sure but for the first time in a long time, he was having a panic attack. "Parker, I need you to call an ambulance. I'm going to go find Sebastian before time runs out. I was built to be a super soldier which means that the skills I have are enough to deal with this. Just make sure that Carter is fine. That angel couldn't have gone that far. I'm sure I can find him." Leo zoomed out of the office. Sniffing the air for an angel's scent. Shadowess - April 8, 2021 Earlier that evening, shortly after the sun had set, Sebastian had gotten up to grab himself a bag of blood. The house was quiet. Everyone had gone out and by the looks of things, Carter hadn't come back yet. He hoped he was alright and that they were making progress on the case. He walked into the kitchen and placed his hand on the fridge handle, then paused. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end and he felt like he was being watched. He glanced behind him but there was no one there. Trying to shrug off the feeling, he turned back to the fridge and opened it, reaching for the bag. Something hard struck the back of his head and he fell to the floor. Dazed, he blinked through tears to see a male figure with their hood up and a mask covering their mouth and nose. Violet eyes glistened as they stared at Sebastian. The male then grabbed Sebastian and teleported him to the outskirts of the woods, overlooking a field. Needing Sebastian to be too weak to escape, the male then proceeded to beat Sebastian mercilessly. By the time he was done, Sebastian's face was swollen, his lip busted. He'd gotten a black eye. A few ribs had been broken as well and the rest of his body was covered in large, ugly bruises. The grass around him was stained in the blood that he'd been coughing up. But Sebastian's suffering was far from over. On the off chance that Sebastian is found and released, the male also planned on making sure Sebastian would be too hungry to distinguish friend from food. For that, he propped Sebastian against one of the large trees and rammed a thick, sharpened branch through his abdomen as well as through the tree behind him, pinning him. Sebastian let out a cry then vomited blood onto the ground in front of him. Sebastian gripped the branch as he watched the male walk around one of the trees and come back with some thick rope that had apparently been stashed nearby. It was at this point that Sebastian realized with horror that this attack wasn't something out of the blue...it had been planned! "Why are you doing this?!" Sebastian screamed at him as the male then proceeded to wrap the rope around Sebastian and the tree, leaving the branch protruding from his stomach. "Who are you?!" The male didn't answer. He tied the rope in a tight knot then walked around the trees again, coming back with a canister of gasoline. "Please! Please no!" He struggled in the ropes as the male poured the gasoline around him and over him. Sebastian gasped and cried out a little as the gas stung his multiple wounds as well as his eyes. The male then stood back to admire his work. Sebastian whimpered and tried to breath through his chattering teeth. "Th-they'll find you..." he cried. "After this...they'll kill you." The male didn't move though his eyes lit up and Sebastian could tell that he was smiling under that mask. The male then checked his watched before looking back at Sebastian. "You only have a few hours. I suggest you use that time to repent." "Repent for what?! I haven't done anything!" Sebastian despaired. The male turned away from him, picking up the gas canister. "Punishment Divine." is all he said before vanishing, leaving Sebastian to suffer. --- 9:45pm at the office. Parker looked up at Carter in alarm as he raced downstairs and raved that Sebastian had been taken. "What?!" He watched as Leo picked up the note as he knelt next to Carter when he clutched his chest. He nodded at Leo and took out his phone, calling the ambulance. When he was done he turned his attention back to Carter. "Carter, breathe! We'll find him! We need to try to stay calm and focus though. C'mon, deep breaths and let's think." He glanced towards the stairs. "Was there anything else amiss in the room?" He hoped there might be some other clue left behind that might help them find him.
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