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Everything posted by Shadowess

  1. Denix Vames - May 5, 2021 Nate's rage was more calm. "My oh my. It seems like someone's forgetting that there's two angels standing in front of him." He walked over to his wings. He grabbed one of them. Ripping it off with his bare hands. "Whoops! Oh well! It's not like you needed it anyway. So tell me..." He glared at him with glowing eyes. His blue aura surrounding himself. "Where is Michael?! TALK NOW!" The building began to shake. --- Charles sighed as he felt her aura. His aura soon disappeared. "Yes, I know. I'm sorry." He nodded at David before he watched him leave. --- "You're name is River." ,said Will. He looked at Parker. "Hold on." He held his hand. He closed his eyes. They soon appeared in front of Carter and the others in the living room. Will stumbled a bit. Carter jumped as he dropped his phone. "Those wings! What the-?! When did you become a Devil?!" "Blood God actually. By the way, I need a blood bag. I'm going to get one." Will headed into the kitchen. Blaire pinched Hades's ear. "Ow!" "You have a lot of explaining to do! I swear you're going to be grounded for your entire life!" She dragged him over to the couch. He sighed. "Sorry mom." Carter cleared his throat before speaking again. "Now, I need someone to find out where Michael is. David, can the Angelic Authorities track him down for us? We can attack him when he's on our sight. No mercy." shadowess - May 6, 2021 The Angel let out a horrid scream when Nate tore one of his wings off. He'd tilted his head back, crying out and sobbing. He stared up at Nate fearfully when he demanded to know where Michael was. "Th-th-the states! He's gone back to the US. He knows that the kid that came through would have tipped the others off by now...H-he and the others are on their way to arrest them all once they're all together!" --- Amelia chuckled at Charles as her own aura dissipated. Once David was gone, she looked back at him and smiled. "It's ok. Seeing you get all heated and defensive kinda get me hot in other ways anyway." she winks. She then stood up, taking her half eaten pickle toast to the kitchen. She walked back to Charles and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him. "As long as I've got you, I know me and the baby are safe." she said softly. --- "Wait- Blood God?!" Parker stared at Will as he left to get a blood bag. David was thoughtful for a moment. "I've informed Patience. I imagine she'll already be getting the Angelic Authorities involved." he answered. Denix Vames - May 6, 2021 "Shit! We don't have time! I have to go there now!" Nate placed the weapon over the angel's head. Ripping his head off. He disappeared. --- Charles chuckled at her comment. He smiled in her embrace. "I can't wait to see what the baby will look like." --- Nate appeared. "I need everyone to stay behind me!" Hades walked over. He pulled out his sword. Nate held his weapon. Will, after drinking up from the blood bag, had ran over with a kitchen knife. Blaire took a step back away from them. Carter pulled out a pure white gun. Ready to kill any angel who dared enter his office. James zoomed over to them. He readied his fists. "This is it. The battle between rogue angels and us." ,said Hades. "Then let's give them hell!" ,said Carter. "I know this ain't gonna be easy, River. But you have to trust me on this one. We both have to work together." ,said Will. Denix Vames - May 6, 2021 (i meant to say he pulled out a black gun lol) shadowess - May 6, 2021 Grinning, Amelia relaxed in his arms. "Neither can I. If it's a boy, I'll bet he'll be as handsome as his father." she said dreamily. ----- Patience followed Nate and appeared in the office as well, standing with everyone else. Her sword still drawn. Sebastian stood behind Carter. Parker remained beside Will and drew his own gun. David stood by, ready to fight. River replied to Will; "Oh, don't worry. I'm sure that we're more than capable of dealing with this together. Just remember, if you wana destroy any of them completely and take their power for your own, all you gotta do is drink up! Other than that, you can always mind control them by focusing on their eyes and giving them an order. I won't control what you do unless you're knocked out and your life is in danger. So, anything you do while you're conscious is on you." Within seconds of their arrival, all hell broke loose. The sound of glass smashing came from behind them and David looked behind them to where the sound had come from to see what had been thrown through the window and was now rolling towards them. "FLASHBANG!" he alerted the rest while covering his ears and shutting his eyes. The stun grenade went off not even a second later, emitting a bright light along with a loud noise. Patience had done the same as David and managed to avoid being blinded or deafened. Parker had shut his eyes but hadn't brought his hands up in time and was now clutching his ears, feeling like they were bleeding. Sebastian hadn't known what one was to know what was coming and was completely stunned by the grenades effects, his eyes shut tight with tears streaming down his cheeks and clutching his ears like Parker, grimacing from the pain. Ten Angels, not including Michael, poured into the office, all wearing the same armor and all carrying a pair of handcuffs on them. One went to grab Blaire, pulling her away from the others and pressing her against the wall, attempting to force the cuffs onto her wrists behind her back. An Angel stood between Hades and the the Angel trying to cuff Blaire. He underestimated the child and tried to go straight into grabbing him to pin him down and cuff him. One went after Carter, trying to flank him and get a hold of him from behind. One managed to grab Sebastian in his disoriented state and he cried out, still unable to open his eyes yet as they pinned him to the ground and attempted to handcuff him. Two went after Nate, working together at fighting him to try and tire him out. One tried to grab Parker's wrist while he was still clutching his ears but Parker growled angrily, gritting his teeth through the pain and hit the Angel in the nose with the handle of his gun before bringing it around and firing at the Angel. Another went to try and surprise Will by jumping on him from behind, trying to make a grab for his wrist. An Angel with a bat went after James, attempting a swing at his head to knock him out. David avoided being grabbed by an Angel and instead grabbed the Angel's wrist, twisting and pulling it sharply to break it as well as pull the Angel forward a bit. As the Angel cried out, David rapidly brought his knee up to strike him in the abdomen, winding him and causing him to fall to his knees. He then punched the Angel across the back of the head to knock him out before going to help Nate with the two Angels. Patience had rushed over to Sebastian with the intention of getting the Angel off him when she was grabbed by Michael who appeared in the room during the chaos. She struggled in his grip and managed to stab his hand with her knife which only seemed to piss Michael off. In one smooth motion, he flung her across the room and she struck the wall, leaving a large crack in it before falling to the ground, unconscious. His enormous wings sprouted, gilded in gold. He took out a pair of cuffs and began walking over to her. Everything was going the way Atma predicted it would. There would be a struggle but with Michael present, they would all ultimately either die by his hand or end up captured. But one thing Michael didn't count on in this raid, was interference from a Spirit. Before Michael could reach Patience, Atma appeared in front of him. Smiling thinly. "Hello dear." she'd say before jumping up and clinging to his neck. "VINCENT, NOW!" she'd yell as Michael moved to grab her, attempting to pull her off. Denix Vames - May 6, 2021 "Or beautiful as his mother." ,said Charles. --- Hades disappeared. Only to reappear between the Angels. He pulled out his second sword. Chopping their heads off. Blaire collapsed to the floor. "How pitiful that these creatures would even remotely think that we could not harm them in any way." Carter rolled away from the Angel and fired. Shooting him in the head. Taking him down. "Sebastian!" He ran over to his side. Nate smirked. "I sort of missed this." He jumped back and placed his weapon over one of their heads. Ripping the Angel's head off. He glanced at David. "Nice to see ya there. Mind taking care of this one for me?" Will grit his teeth. He tried to push the Angel off of him. He slammed him against the wall. His aura glowed red. "GET OFF OF ME!" He growled as boney spikes came out of his wings. Stabbing the Angel. James ducked. He grabbed the bat and twisted the Angel's arm. He gripped his arm and ripped a chunk of meat off of his neck. Vincent appeared. Hades shouted, "Long inter falcarios!" Vincent's knife suddenly turned into a scythe. Without hesitation and some tears on his eyes, he swung the scythe at both Atma and Michael. Slicing them in half. Shadowess - May 6, 2021 Amelia blushed and pulled back a little to smile at Charles before kissing him. ------------ The second Angel that had been attacking Nate looked at his fallen comrade then between David and Nate. He growled backing off a little and drawing his own gun. David had initially smiled and nodded at Nate but seeing the silver-white gun, he was hesitant. Especially as he was unarmed himself. The other Angel that was on Sebastian had managed to close the cuff around one of Sebastian's wrists when he noticed Carter coming after him. He quickly knelt on Sebastian's back to keep him pinned and drew his own gun, pointing it at Carter. "Stay back or I'll shoot!" he warned. Their orders were to take prisoners alive where possible but looking around, at their seven dead allies, the Angels that were left were growing desperate. It was at this point that Vincent's scythe struck Atma and Michael. A look of utter shock on Michaels face as his upper half fell away from his body before his legs fell back as well. Atma's upper half rolled away from Michael and lay on her back, blood oozing from her mouth but she was grinning. "We did it." she said weakly, beginning to feel her veins burn. She looked over to smile at Vincent. "It's alright. I wanted this." she said gently. She then caught sight of Hades. Catching a glimpse of his eye under his hair and her eye widened. "Ch-child!" she breathed urgently and lifted a hand to her eyepatch. "T-take it...before it's destroyed...take it! Don't let the mortals see it." Under her eyepatch was her greatest secret and power. She always kept it hidden for two reasons. Power hungry people with ill intentions might steal it and because mortals who happen to catch sight of it usually end up losing their minds. Her eye can help her to see what is, what was and what might come to pass. But as she explained to Vincent earlier, she usually only gets the odd image or just a few seconds of someone's future played out before it's gone. With no telling when or how it will occur. Very few immortals have an eye like hers. She was the first. If Hades were to lift her eyepatch, her eye would look to be a black orb containing a miniature galaxy within. Their galaxy. Seeing their boss slain, both the Angel between Nate and David, and the one facing Carter would quickly realize their defeat. They'd both put their weapons on the ground with their hands held up to show their surrender. The one on Sebastian would quickly move off him as well to stay knelt next to him with his hands on his head, watching Carter. This would leave seven dead Angels, not including Michael. One unconscious Angel and two alive, surrendering Angels. The two who were alive and still conscious would be looking between the group nervously and uncertainly. Denix Vames - May 6, 2021 Charles returned the expression. He caressed her cheek. "It feels weird being at peace with you right now. But I'm glad we're somewhere safe." --- Hades grabbed the eyepatch. He put it over his left eye. His eye widened. He fell to his knees. Clutching his head as his other purple eye became brown. The symbols on his arms had became a purple mist that moved to his covered eye. All of his powers were being put into his left eye. Keeping those powers hidden. He was now a Spirit of Darkness. Vincent did his best to smile at her. "Thank you." Carter shouted, "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" He shoved the Angel against the wall. He opened his mouth. Revealing his fangs. "Whoa whoa whoa! Hold up everybody!" ,said Gabriel who appeared. He wore his own suit of armor and had long flowing sandy brown hair. His eyes were green. He snapped his fingers. Bringing all three surviving Angels to him. Making them stand. He slapped the unconscious one awake. He tsked as he shook his head. "You spineless pitiful damned things." He chuckled. "Ya know! I gotta hand it to you folks. Ya really know how to start things." A pike appeared in his hand. "Anyway, I've got orders from God to execute you guys so sorry but we really don't need anyone else ruining these peace treaties." He raised the weapon. He smiled. "Bye bye!" He swung. Cutting their necks open. Watching the blood leave their bodies before stabbing each of them in the head. Their blood stained his armor and got all over his face. Yet, he still smiled. He waved at Nate. "Hey Natey boy! How's it going?" "What the hell is wrong with him?" ,said James. Nate shrugged with an awkward smile. "I might have been a bad influence on him." shadowess - May 6, 2021 (The eyepatch is just an eyepatch lol It's what the eyepatch was hiding that Atma was referring to. Her eye. lol ) shadowess - May 6, 2021 "I know what you mean." Amelia said softly, her cheeks shimmering a little at his touch. "I'm just making the most of this peace. Knowing my track record, trouble is bound to catch up sooner or later. I just want to enjoy these quiet moments with you while I can." She then pulled a bit of a funny face before chuckling. "Baby wants ice cream...and peanut butter. Am I even allowed peanut butter while I'm pregnant?" she seemed unsure for a moment. There was a knock on the door. A new Spirit of Life had been sent to act as replacement Midwife for Amelia and to deliver the news of Atma's passing. --- Having passed her eye on to someone Atma believed could handle it's power and her mission accomplished, Atma smiled as she let the flames consume her. Which was a far more peaceful than the way Michael was handling it. He screamed, writhing as the flames took him as well, until his body finally crumpled and collapsed, turning to dust. Just as Atma said would happen, shortly after her death a mysterious 'Jane Doe' was found naked and unconscious outside the hospital. She looked identical to Atma but would have two blue eyes now. Her memories completely and irreversibly erased. She'd be completely human and ready for a new life. Sebastian squinted, blinking through tears. His eyes still trying to recover from the stun grenade. His hearing was still muffled so he had no clue what was going on or whether he was still in danger. "C-CARTER?!" he shouted, barely able to hear himself. "CARTER, WHERE ARE YOU?!" David watched Gabriel execute the last few Angels. Under any other circumstance he might've argued that they should be arrested and put to trial, but it would seem, according to Gabriel anyway, that these Angels had already been deemed guilty and sentenced to death anyway. "Wow...I guess justice really is swift in Heaven, huh?" he said, looking over the bodies. Parker squinted at Gabriel, knowing Nate had a history with Heaven's apparent legal system. "So, I'm assuming Nate's had some kind of pardon from the big guy then?" he asked Gabriel before crossing his arms. "Or do we have to fight you too?" he finished, making it clear that they were all prepared to fight for Nate if necessary. Once again, Parker seemed absolutely unbothered by the fact he was just a human facing something that was definitely stronger and faster than him. Denix Vames - May 6, 2021 (omg why do i keep doing this?! >< so sorry XD) Before Charles could answer her, he walked over to the door. Opening it. He raised a brow. "Yes?" --- Carter ran over to Sebastian. He uncuffed his wrist. He brought him close. "I'm right here, Sebastian! I'm right here!" Gabriel chuckled. He poked Parker's nose. "You're cute!" Will walked over. His wings went back into him. He wrapped an arm around Parker and cleared his throat. Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Yes, I know. He's your boyfriend. Don't worry. I won't fuck him." Nate ran over to Gabriel. He hugged him. "I missed you man!" Gabriel rubbed his back. "So did I." He stepped back to talk to everybody. "And you guys have nothing to worry about. God's fine with Nate. But he does want to talk to him." Nate's eyes widened. "God wants to talk to me?! He never wants to talk to anybody! That guy's always being a Zeus all over the world!" "I know but this time he wants to ask you something." "So I'm allowed back in Heaven?" "Yep!" Gabriel held out his hand. "This will only take a moment gentlemen. Make sure to get rid of those bodies." Nate took his hand. They disappeared. Shadowess - May 6, 2021 (Lol no worries xD ) When Charles would answer the door he'd see a nervous looking, young girl. She looked to be no older than seventeen. Her black, curly hair in a tight pony tail. She looked as if she was dressed for a job interview. Holding a piece of paper in her hands with a hurriedly written little speech on it. She had been given practically no time to really prepare beforehand. This was one of her first assignments on her own as a Spirit of Life and it was one of the most important ones to ever be given. These two Devils are practically royalty in Hell and their child would be the first full blooded Devil to be born naturally in centuries. Needless to say, this was a very big job to undertake, so understandably, this girl wanted desperately to make a good impression. "H-hello, my name is Ellesse O'Quinn." she began, reading from her bit of paper. "I-I regret to i-inform you, that your previous M-Midwife has passed away. My condolences. I-in light of this, I w-will be a-assuming her p-position as Midwife and I l-look forward to h-helping you bring your b-bundle of joy into the world." she finally looked up from the paper and gave Charles a nervous smile. --- When Gabriel poked his nose and complimented him, Parker's cheeks turned red and he took a step back, away from him. Shaking his head, flustering a little until he felt Will behind him and he relaxed. He hadn't been expecting that kind of a reaction! Sebastian jumped when he felt someone grab him but when he felt them pulling him into an embrace and caught Carter's familiar smell, he relaxed, holding on to him tightly until his eyesight and hearing returned. He looked around at all the bodies, then up at the unfamiliar Angel in confusion. He'd missed all of it! He'd felt so utterly helpless and frightened. He hated feeling so weak and vulnerable! In this moment, he wished with every fiber of his being, that he hadn't taken that damn cure! He turned his head to bury his face in Carter's chest, crying silently out of frustration. David looked around at the bodies once Nate and Gabriel had left and sighed. "Alright...Carter, I can see you've got your hands full with Sebastian. That's fine. Let us take care of the rest. Vincent, would you mind making sure Patience is alright for me? She took quite a hit...Hades?" he turned to the kid, raising a brow at his new appearance and wondering if he was alright. "You may want to check on your mother, make sure she's ok. As for you three;" He looked at James, Parker and Will. "I'm going to need a hand shifting these bodies out of here and burning them. Then I'm sure we could all use some rest."
  2. Denix Vames - May 5, 2021 Nate growled. "Fine. I'll see you there I guess." He stomped his foot on the floor. Breaking it. "I swear if it's that Michael bitch, I'm going to take out all his teeth and feed him to a Leviathan." He disappeared. --- "Powers? He's a fifteen year old teenage boy! The most he can do is make you feel like shit." "Yeah? Well, there's another option that he can apparently do." ,said Carter. "What?" "He's something else. We're not sure what but he has powers too." "Are you kidding me?! Does that mean he's doing some supernatural mission or something? What's going on?" "We're not sure but we'll get to the bottom of this. I promise you that." --- Leo moaned when he kissed him. He smirked as well. "Go ahead then. Punish me like the bad guy I've been." He took his own jacket off and jumped on him. Wrapping his legs around him and slipping his tongue in his mouth. Kissing him. --- "A-Angels! There were angels. Only they were trying to capture Hades, I think. And then I showed up. Those purple hands killed two angels and threw Michael somewhere. That's when we left." Will shook his head. "I don't understand any of this." Hades was sleeping on the couch in Carter's living room. Blood was dripped from his red eye as it was out in the real world. Shadowess - May 5, 2021 "Leviathan?" David muttered thoughtfully, then shook his head. He could always read up on those later. For now, he had work to do. He vanished. His first stop was telling Patience what had happened. Her reaction was as expected and she soon took off for France to visit Tom and help Nate if possible. He then teleported to London where he approached the apartment Amelia and Charles were staying. Stepping up to the door, he knocked on it lightly. He was overdue a visit with his daughter anyway. --- Sebastian sat feeling awkward as the conversation unfolded. Blaire clearly had no idea that Hades had powers until now. He wanted to tell Blaire what he knew but didn't know if that would be stepping on Carter's toes or if Carter was waiting to get more information before telling her anything. So, he sat quietly, watching and listening. --- Oscar held him and moaned into the kiss. He teleported them to the bedroom where he gently threw Leo down onto the bed. He vanished and returned a second later with a small whip and a few other BDSM toys. He threw those onto the bed as well and unbuckled his own pants while smirking at Leo. "By the time I'm done with you." he purred, his eyes burning with passion as he looked at him. "You'll barely be able to walk." (Private Time) --- "What the fuck? Why would Mickey want to capture Hades?" Parker stared at the child for a minute, trying to fathom why an Angel who'd helped them take out a crazy rogue Angel would want to capture him. "I wonder if Hades did something to piss them off? He said something about a greater threat before disappearing on us and I'm not being funny here but he initially assumed we were a threat too before he actually decided to speak to us..." he suggested though he frowned. "I don't like any of this...I'm guna call Carter, see what he thinks..." he said, taking out his phone to dial Carter's number. The energy approached Hades on the couch and tried to shake him awake. "Kiddo? C'mon. You're really starting to freak me out here..." He shook him a little harder. "Kid?! Hades! How are you passed out here?! This aint right! If you're dying, I can't be here!..." he paused and stood, staring at Hades. "I shouldn't be here...I should only be in a vampiric body! Kiddo, what if -I'm- killing you?Fuck...That would make this an involuntary suicide..." He knelt by Hades. "Look...You don't have to die...let me go..." he flustered for a moment, then thought of something. "I know, I know! You don't want me going nuts and trying again at world domination, I get that. But look, I know you have the ability to kill me. So...let's make a deal, huh? Find me a suitable host. Someone that wouldn't mind me being in their head and can handle me and if I step out of line or go crazy then you come kill me, deal?" He stood and took a step back, watching the kid worriedly with his hands on his head. "Don't die because of me..." he then flustered again, his cheeks turning red and he averted his gaze. "N-not that I care about you or anything...you know?...I only care about me..." it lied. Denix Vames - May 5, 2021 Nate was standing near an officer's desk. Talking to them. He turned. "Patience. I haven't seen you in a while." The officer walked over. "Excuse me ma'am but you'll have to give me your information. We can't have anyone walking in here without identifying themselves." Charles opened the door. "David?" He looked worried. "What's wrong?" --- "Can't I come with you guys?" ,said Blaire. "Here's the thing, we don't-" His phone started ringing. Carter answered. "Hello?" --- "How the hell should I know?! It's not like those Angels were ever trustworthy to begin with!" ,said Will. He gently shook Hades. "Hey kid! Wake up!" Hades listened to the Energy. "You appear to be stronger than me. It seems that a Leviathan cannot hold you for long. Yet, a human who is half of what I am may be able to." Hades opened his eyes. He plucked Will's purple eye out of his socket. Will screamed. Hades plucked his red eye out. Placing the red eye in Will's socket as he placed the purple one in his. Will's wings sprouted. They changed as the red eye began to attach itself to him. Its black feathers fell off. Turning into these bleeding naked and burning looking wings. He blinked as he looked around. "I can see still. Just what the hell were you thinking though?! You could have warned me!" Fangs sprouted from his gums. He touched them. "Are you kidding me?!" Hades stood. The purple eye was now in place. "Enjoy the company that you have. Use their power wisely. Michael is our enemy now. And anyone who decides to work for him. I will let everyone in your group know of this." His eyes glowed as did the symbols on his arms. He leaned his back. Raising his arms. He spoke to all their minds. 'MICHAEL IS THE ENEMY! HE ATTEMPTED TO KILL ME! HADES! HE WILL ATTEMPT TO KILL US ALL!' shadowess - May 5, 2021 "Hello Nate." Patience said as she walked straight over to him and gave him a hug. "I came as soon as I heard. Is he alright?" she asked, letting go of him. She then turned to the officer and nodded, digging into her pocket. "Of course." she handed him an Angelic identification card that stated she was a Vampiric Angel involved in the peace talks between Heaven and Hell. "Tom is from my bloodline. That technically makes him my family." she explained. She then paused as she heard Hades' voice and her eyes widened. She glared at the ground in enraged confusion. "Michael?!" her eyes darted to Nate and she had a cold look in her eyes. "I know what you're thinking." she began and turned to face him. "and I'm going with you." --- David smiled sadly at Charles. Was it so obvious that he had bad news? "May I come in?" he asked. Inside the apartment, Amelia was resting on the couch, eating pickled gherkins on toast. Her cravings going haywire lately. By now, her belly had grown just a little. Enough to just about be noticeable. David then flinched when he heard Hades. Having not been involved in the group for a while, Amelia hadn't heard a thing. David's eyes had widened a little and he looked at Charles. "Oh, this just got much more serious. There's something important you two should know." --- Sebastian had been listening quietly when Carter's phone rang. He watched Carter answer it, curious to know what was going on on the other end of the phone when he suddenly heard Hades' voice in his head. He jumped and gripped his head for a moment, having not been expecting it then relaxed, lowering his hands as Hades' message ended. He looked at Carter in alarm, wondering if he'd heard that too. --- "Wha-? They helped us take out that psycho Angel, remember?" Parker pointed out as he waited for the phone to ring. He then watched in horror as Hades quickly swapped eyes with Will, causing Will to sprout a set of fangs. "What the fuck did you just do??" he asked Hades, not realizing Carter had answered the phone. No sooner had Hades told Will to enjoy the company he had than the energy made itself known to Will. "Hey man. How's it going?" it asked coolly, as if this was completely normal. Confusingly, it was still speaking using a mimic of Parker's voice. "So...first things first buddy, you're a Blood God now. Basically a Vampire Devil. Or Vampire 'King'...depends on who you ask... Congrats by the way. But don't worry, me and Hades there made a deal. If I try to make you go crazy and 'world dominate-ey' then he'll destroy my ass...y'know...if I -had- an ass...So, instead I'll just give you guidance on how to use your new powers here and there, cool? Oh and I know you'll have the vampire's thirst now but try not to drain people dry...you know...unless you -want- to destroy their souls and steal their powers...So...Any questions? Also, if this shit is weird for you, I can change my voice to whatever voice you prefer to hear. Same goes for my appearance when we meet up in dreams." When Hades stood and said Michael is their enemy, Parker seemed deflated. "Well...I stand corrected, I guess." he muttered. "You think you know a guy..." He then realized he was still on the phone to Carter. "Shit! Sorry Carter...Crazy shit happening here...I'm guessing you heard all that...as well as Hades just now?" he then looked at Hades while putting the phone on speaker. "I don't understand though...did he say why he was attacking you?" Denix Vames - May 5, 2021 The officer nodded. Handing her ID back to her. She looked at them both. "Good luck you two." Nate disappeared with Patience. Appearing the office building in Egypt. His weapon appeared. He looked around. "Alright! You son of a bitch! Show yourself!" He brought the weapon down on one of the few angels in the office. Ripping their head off. --- Charles nodded. "Alright." He guided him to where Amelia was. He poured some hot tea into a cup. Handing it to him. "I was having some myself. Care to join?" --- Carter's eyes widened. As did Blaire's. "Shit! Sounds like Michael's the bastard that's trying to take us down! Looks like he doesn't like the fact that we exist or whatever the hell is going through that stone faced brain of his." "Hades?! Did I just hear him? Where is he?" ,said Blaire. --- "I'm fine, Parker." Will placed his eyepatch over his red eye. "We've got bigger fish to fry here. I'll worry about your voice and appearance. For now, welcome to team. You better help out when you can." Hades walked over to the phone. "I'm fine mom. Michael wanted to arrest and judge me. He said that if I was found guilty then I would be placed in ADIEU." --- Carter grit his teeth. He stood. Hot angry tears burst from his eyes. He walked over to a wall. "You're telling me that ADIEU still exists?!" He punched a hole in the wall. "You can try and eliminate a parasite but it will always come back. However, I can get to these locations and eliminate them all. With only my Leviathan powers in my body, I am indestructible to everything they throw at me. I can eliminate them all." ,said Hades. "Then I order you to do it." --- Hades disappeared. Shadowess - May 5, 2021 Patience drew her own sword, ready for a fight when they arrived. There had only been a couple of Angels left in the office building when they got there. Unfortunately, after the incident with Hades, Michael and the majority of his followers had already abandoned the office in Egypt to find a more secure base of operations. Patience and Nate cut through the few Angels that were left until there was only one left. Patience broke his leg and then his wing to prevent his escape before tying him down to a chair. "Your boss ordered an attack on my family." she growled, gripping his hair and yanking his head back to look at her. "You're going to answer a few questions of ours and if we don't like the answers, we'll just have to hurt you." she said darkly. "Tell us the truth and I'll see about handing you over to the Angelic Authorities for Treason." She looked at Nate, giving him the opportunity to take the lead in questioning their new captive. --- When David saw Amelia, his eyes lit up at her little bump. "My goodness! Has it been that long already?" he asked happily and turned to Charles, grinning at the cup of tea. "Ah, you know I'd never say 'no' to a cuppa, Charles." he said as he took the cup from him. "Thank you." Amelia was smiling, her mouth full of toast and pickles before swallowing. "Mhmm! We'll be able to find out the sex soon if we wanted to." she announced happily. She then frowned a little. "What's up, Dad? You've got that look you get when you're worried and trying to hide it." David sighed through his smile and chuckled. "Yeah, I need to talk to you both." he took a seat next to his daughter and looked up at Charles. "There's been an incident involving Angels. I believe they're rogues just like the last incident. But now it would seem there is a complication. I just found out that one of the Angels involved is on the board in the negotiations. Michael. I can only assume he's going against his superior's orders of cease fire. He and some other Angels attempted an attack on Tom and a young boy named Hades. Nate is with Tom now and Patience was on her way to see him the last time I saw her." Amelia stared at David in disbelief although she knew he was telling the truth. "Michael?" she asked and turned to look at Charles. In the couple of times they'd met Michael, he'd seemed to be genuinely interested in helping to bring peace between their realms. Friendly, even. He'd even asked about Amelia's pregnancy the few times they'd met while waiting for the talks to begin. Had he really been plotting against them the whole time?! --- (I'm guna need at least one ADIEU facility to be missed out for something else I have planned with Rob xD) Sebastian blinked and stared at Blaire. "Wait...'mom?'" he asked. He'd always assumed Hades was just a kid she'd hired rather than her son. He then watched as Carter punched yet another hole in the wall. "The dryline guys are going to love us...pretty sure they're making a mint from all the holes they have to patch up in this place..." He muttered as he watched Carter give Hades the order to destroy ADIEU. "What are we going to do about Michael?" he asked, getting to his feet. --- The energy replied to Will. "Myself, I'm limited on what I can do. You, however, are in full control of my powers. I'll give you advice and explain your powers when you ask. Otherwise, I'm literally just company...Try not to die or get hurt though, ok? Because whatever happens to you, happens to me too." Parker raised a brow when Will seemed to talk to himself. He was still lost as to what Hades had done to him. Was it his wings again? He then watched Hades vanish and listened to Sebastian's question over the phone. "Yeah, ready and waiting here too, boss." he said, letting Carter know he was prepared to follow orders. Denix Vames - May 5, 2021 Nate smiled. He walked over. "I'm sure you recognize me or have heard of me. I use to fuck and kill any angel that wanted to come close to me." He gripped his neck. "Now, what is little Mickey planning next? Where is he and his bitches? Tell me! Or else I'll skin you alive." --- Charles grit his teeth. His fire aura surrounded him. "If he goes near my family, I will give him a slow and painful death!" --- (yeah sure) Hades had gone off to eliminate every ADIEU facility that he found. All except for one. This facility knew of his race existence. They knew the symbols that would keep him out of their facility. That would keep them hidden. --- Blaire nodded. "I adopted him when he was seven. He use to eat rats on the streets. I always wondered why he never got sick from that. I guess now I know why." Carter turned to them. "Listen up everyone! And that means you guys over the phone. I want everybody to come to my office. Anyone who's available. Once we all meet up here, I want us to make a plan. Is that clear?" Hades appeared. "ADIEU is officially extinct." Carter smiled. "Thank you." Blaire smiled as she ran over to him. "Oh my god! Hades!" She wrapped her arms around him. Hades smiled. Returning the hug. --- "Good to know." ,said Will. He walked over to Parker. "Please tell me we can teleport." He said to the Energy. Shadowess - May 5, 2021 The Angel in the chair glared at Nate, though he was shaking. He gasped a little when Nate gripped his neck and when he was done asking his questions, the Angel spat in Nate's face. "Traitors! Both of you! You'll both rot in ADIEU for your crimes!" he growled angrily. Patience's eyes lit up, enraged. "ADIEU?!" She looked at Nate. Both of them had endured the horrors that ADIEU can inflict so she knew Nate, of all people, would understand her sudden rage. "Answer his questions now or I'll fucking remove something you'll miss!" "Fuck you, Demon fucking slut!!" the Angel snapped back. --- Amelia's calming aura suddenly radiated from her at the sight of Charles becoming protective. "I'm not fire proof anymore, honey." she reminded him, leaning away from his aura warily yet she still appeared calm around him. Not the least bit afraid. David nodded at Charles. "As would I, Charles. I'm going to head back to help the others track him down. I just came here to make you're aware and make sure you were both alright." He stood and quickly drank his tea before taking the cup to the kitchen and setting it down. He walked back over to Amelia and gave her a hug. "Stay safe, both of you, and call me if you need me, alright?" he said gently before letting her go and looking at Charles. "We'll take care of it. I'll let you know once the matter has been dealt with." He then vanished, appearing in Carter's office. He tugged lightly on his sleeves, straightening up his suit. "So, where do we begin?" he asked, looking at Carter. --- Sebastian smiled at the reunion of Hades and Blaire. "Well, you sure kept this little secret hidden well, huh?" he said, grinning at Hades. "Glad you're ok." he nodded, looking a little more serious. --- "We'll be over asap." Parker replied and ended the call. He looked at Will as he approached him and continued to talk to himself. The energy replied; "You're part Devil now. Just focus on a place or person you're familiar with and imagine being there. If you want to take people with you, make sure to place a hand on them or get them to hold onto you. Oh, and when you get a chance, do you think you could think up a name for me? I don't really have one and my imagination for something like that is a little lacking...Oh, and if you want to avoid the thirst, you may want to ask Carter for one of those silly little blood bags. They're not as good as the fresh stuff but it'll help stave off your hunger. Especially when you get a whiff of other Devils or even Angels."
  3. In the hotel room on Drumond Kaas, Morpheus Baelfire had difficulty sleeping. He still couldn't believe that all of this was real. It still felt like some kind of dream. As though, at any moment, he would wake up and be a slave on Narr Shadaa again. Serving his cruel Devaronian owner, Mellukh Drisol. His owner worked for another Devaronian that Morpheus had never met but would hear the name of continuously, Cho'mash. Thankfully, he couldn't remember when he'd been branded. According to Alekya, his mother, Mellukh had gotten the branding iron ready as soon as he'd heard that she was in labor with him. Eager to claim his new property, right out of the womb. "I never want to hear a baby scream like that again." she'd said. It had been a miracle that the branding hadn't left him blind in that eye. Mellukh had wasted no time in putting the young Morpheus to work. As soon as he was old enough to stand on his own and follow simple instructions, the Deveronian would take him to one of his factories to work, cleaning in the hard-to-reach places and fetching parts that had fallen off the line. Sometimes the parts were still hot or they were sharp enough to leave his hands cut up. But he'd learned quickly to not complain or cry about it. Because the beating he'd receive if he stopped working was always far, far worse. He never saw his mother much then. By the time he was sent home for the day, his mother would be leaving for her work. Always dressed in minimal clothing and sometimes with a red feathery scarf. She'd never tell Morpheus what her job was but as he grew older and learned certain things, he came to realise why he might never learn who his father was. But considering the men who would pay his mother for her 'services', he decided that perhaps he was probably better off not knowing. As he grew older, the more senior slaves at the factory took him under their wing and trained him to use the equipment. Gradually, his role went from cleaner to machine operator. At the age of sixteen, he went home to find his mother sobbing. She was pregnant again. Mellukh was there and he was ecstatic. He was praising her for being a free source of additional labour and that if she 'pumped out a few more' then he'd promote her to 'breeder' and provide her with fine foods and drink while she 'worked'. The Deveronian had made Morpheus sick to his stomach but he didn't dare ruin his good mood. Mellukh ended his visit by popping the cork on an expensive bottle of champagne, pouring them each a glass and then leaving with the bottle. Once he was gone, Morpheus tried to comfort his mother but she became aloof and walked into her bedroom while saying she wanted to be left alone. Sometime later, Morpheus fell asleep. He awoke in the early hours of the morning with an awful feeling in his gut that something was wrong. Horribly wrong. He sat up and looked at their little table. One of the glasses of champagne was missing. He called out for his mother but when he got no answer, he walked over to her room and pulled the curtain back. She was sat on her mattress which was on the floor, with her back against the wall. There were long vertical slits down both of her arms from where she'd broken the glass and run the sharp edge into her skin. Not content that this would do the job, she had also taken to eating the glass, leaving half of it broken and bloodied on the mattress beside her. Her mouth and lips were a mess of deep cuts and blood. She was staring vacantly across the room. For a moment, Morpheus stared at her in numb silence until he finally found his voice and began screaming. He cried, shouted for help and knelt by his mother's side, begging her to not leave him. Losing his mother was bad enough but Mellukh blamed Morpheus for her death. He had him beaten repeatedly for not stopping her. It was a miracle that he survived all the blows to his head but he ended up knocked out so frequently that he completely missed the vigil that the other slaves had held for her. When he was finally able to go back to work, he was depressed, nihilistic and angry. When he wasn't working, he was drinking homemade spirits and getting into fights. His wild hormones didn't help matters. He would step out of line regularly and be beaten by Mellukh for his rebellious behaviour. Finally, Mellukh had enough of his attitude and in an effort to make him submissive again, he slapped a shock collar on him. The more Morpheus acted out, the higher the level of shock he'd receive. On some occasions, Mellukh's cronies would shock him for the fun of it but when Morpheus would get angry with them and run his mouth off, they would increase the voltage and shock him for longer periods. Once they had shocked him for so long that he'd lost control of his body and they'd laughed cruelly at him as he sat humiliated, crying in his own waste. Shortly after he'd turned twenty, Mellukh had selected him along with a few other slaves to clean a luxurious-looking apartment. Mellukh had warned them to be on their best behaviour that day. That the man they'd be hosting in this apartment was a Sith Lord who had every right to kill them if they so much as looked at him wrong. Morpheus hated his life but not enough to lose it so he obeyed and went about dusting the surfaces. Shortly after, the Sith Lord walked in. Apparently catching Mellukh by surprise as he'd arrived earlier than anticipated. Morpheus continued to clean but he watched the Sith in fascination as he and his owner greeted each other. He'd only ever heard of Sith up until now. As he stared, he caught the man's eye. Worried he'd be reprimanded, he quickly averted his gaze and continued to clean in a more hurried way. Then he heard a sentence that he'd always dreaded. "How much for him?" Mellukh turned and stared at Morpheus in contemplation before turning back to the Sith. "Normally I would charge more." Mellukh lied. He'd never 'rented' Morpheus before today. "But as it is you, my lord, fifty credits for an hour. Two hundred for the evening." "And to buy outright?" "And take away a source of my income, my Lord?" "The evening then." Morpheus's heart sank and his cleaning slowed. He felt a cold shiver run down his spine. He didn't know what this Sith had in store for him but if his mother's life had been anything to go by then it wasn't something he wanted. But he didn't have a choice. Even without Mellukh's earlier warning, Morpheus knew that this man could kill him if he disobeyed. He couldn't explain it but he simply felt it the moment he'd entered the room. Later that evening, once the Sith had concluded his business elsewhere, he'd returned to the apartment. Morpheus had long been left to wait for his return, after having a somewhat crude pep talk from Mellukh. Morpheus stood against the wall, awaiting orders. He kept his eyes on the ground and shivered as the Sith approached him. He felt sick from nerves. But the Sith didn't come any closer that a few feet from him. "I can sense your anger." the Sith had said in an almost amused tone. "Among other things..." Confused, Morpheus lifted his eyes to the Sith who was staring back at him with a determined smile. "I feel you might not belong under the rule of your owner. I sense the force in you. You could accomplish great things but as long as you remain under the thumb of that insufferable Deveronian, you will always be a slave." "...What?" Morpheus stammered. "N-no, that can't be right... I don't have any force sensitivity. I'm nothing like you. I- Please forgive me but I think you might be mistaken, my Lord." "I am not." the Sith answered simply. "Come..." Over the next week, the Sith paid to 'rent' Morpheus. Although Mellukh assumed that it was for the Sith's carnal pleasure, what was happening behind closed doors was the farthest thing from it. The Sith was teaching Morpheus to hone his latent gifts. To use them for simple tasks such as levitating objects across the room. Morpheus had been dubious at first but the more he listened to the Sith and reached out to the force, the more it made sense. At the end of the week, Mellukh sent Morpheus to the Sith's apartment as usual with a cheery pat on the back for earning him so much money. He'd made an offhand remark about Morpheus finally being good at something, which irked him a bit. But he ignored it, eager to head to the Sith's apartment to learn more force tricks. But when he arrived, the apartment was bare and droids were leaving with the Sith's luggage. His heart dropped to his stomach as his eyes landed on the Sith who appeared to have been waiting for him. "You're leaving?" "My work is done here." The Sith replied with a nod and stepped forward to hand him a card. It was a shuttle pass to Korriban. "But this isn't the end of your training. I told you that you could be capable of so much more but you need to break free of this life first. That anger that you feel festering in your soul? Use it. Unleash it on the one who owns you. Break your own chains and then continue your training on Korriban. Only once you have done this and passed your trials can you become Sith." "Me? Sith?" The Sith placed his hand on Morpheus's shoulder. "Take control of your own destiny. I hope to see you again. On another world, carving out your own future." Morpheus watched the Sith leave with a sad expression. Once he was alone in the apartment, he looked at the shuttle pass. For the first time in his entire life, he could imagine having a completely different life. One where he wouldn't be beaten for talking out of turn. One that he had more control over. It excited him. It granted him hope. He knew in his heart that this was exactly what he wanted but the Sith had been right about one thing. Mellukh would never let him just leave. He needed to take his destiny into his own hands and break free from his bonds. He looked at the door that the Sith had left through. "Until we meet again... [REDACTED]" Morpheus went back to his owner's quarters to confront him. Mellukh had raised an eyebrow in surprise at seeing him. "Back so soon?" he asked. "You didn't do anything to embarrass me or put him off, did you?" he demanded, already looking agitated. "I'm leaving," Morpheus replied simply and for a moment Mellukh was taken aback but then erupted in laughter. "Good one! You had me going for a second there!" he cackled. "Now if you're done 'servicing' his Lordship, go and scrub the factory floors. There was an incident about an hour ago and now the floors are sticky... and I'm down a slave." he waved dismissively. "If only your mother hadn't decided to eat glass. I'd have a few replacements ready to go by now." Morpheus glared at Mellukh. "Don't talk about my mum like that!" he growled, clenching his fists. "Now, now Morp. Calm down. Do I need to shock some sense into you again?" "Fuck you! I'm done with this! I'm done being a slave! I'm leaving and I'm going t-" Pain shot down Morpheus's spine. His muscles tensed as electricity coursed through him. He gagged, gasping. He gripped the collar around his neck and fell to his knees in agony. "Leave me?" Mellukh laughed as he stood from his couch. A remote was in his hand and he kept his finger on the button that caused Morpheus's shock collar to shock him repeatedly. "And where will you go, hm? With what money? You. Are. Mine! You were mine from birth and you were mine from the minute a client pumped you into Alekya! You will be mine until you expire! Do you hear me slave? You're nothing but property and that's all you will ever be!" Rage. That's all Morpheus knew. All Morpheus had become. He forced himself to stand despite the pain and reached an arm out to Mellukh who was grinning at him evilly. "What's that Morp? You want me to stop?" he mocked. Having assumed that Morpheus was reaching out to beg for mercy. "Have you come to your senses yet, boy?" Glowering, Morpheus focussed on the intense hatred that he felt for his owner. He felt the force shift and move around him so he focussed on tapping into it. He wanted him to feel the pain that he was feeling. He wanted him to feel the burn of the electric volts charging through his every limb. He wanted him to suffer the way he'd made him suffer. Static snapped around his fingertips. Seeing this, Mellukh's smile slipped but he didn't have time to react or move before purple lightning erupted from Morpheus's hand and ensnared him in its current. Mellukh dropped the remote while letting out a loud shriek. The relief was immediate but Morpheus was so consumed in his hatred and he maintained the stream of lighting that he'd thrown at his owner. Bolt after bolt struck Mellukh and his screams were like music to Morpheus's ears. He loved every second of it as joyful tears slid down his cheeks. He kept it going until his screams died out and all that was left of Mellukh was a smoking, smouldering corpse. The entire ordeal had only lasted seconds but to Morpheus, it had felt like a lifetime and now that it was over, he quickly became aware of his surroundings. The alarms. The approaching shouts from Mellukh's men who were rushing to help him. Morpheus knew that he wasn't skilled enough yet to take them all on so he hid and at the first opportunity he snuck out and made his way to the shuttle for Korriban. An Imperial trooper accepted his pass after seeing which Sith Lord it was from, then made arrangements to have his slave chip and shock collar removed before he could get onboard. It was happening. It was really happening... the start of his new life! Morpheus Baelfire felt reborn as he looked through the window to see a sea of stars and ships. He chuckled to himself as tears dripped onto his shirt. He was free... finally. Of course, he was terrified of what his trials might entail. He'd heard a few stories during his trip from other would-be acolytes but he didn't care. Anything was better than the life he'd just come from. He realised during this trip that this would be an opportunity to re-invent himself. He could be anyone he wanted to be. Maybe-... He stopped mid-thought as he felt as though he was being watched. He looked away from the window and met eyes with a red-skinned woman who was smiling at him. He stared back uncertainly, wondering who she was or why she would show any kindness to him. Little did he know at this point, that during their trials on Korriban, she would become a valued friend.
  4. shadowess - May 4, 2021 "For my own good?! Who are you to decide that?!" Rickster snapped. David looked off to one side as he heard Nate. After a moment, he looked back at Ricky and Rickster. "Ricky is right. You might not see it right now, but you will." he said gently. He then placed a hand on Ricky's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Ricky but I'm afraid we have to wrap this up for now, there's somewhere that I'm needed urgently. Say your goodbyes for today and I'll bring you back tomorrow." he said gently while sending a mental message to Nate to hold on a moment as his hands were currently full. Once Ricky would be done saying goodbye, he'd teleport them to the Library. "There are only the couches to sleep on but you should find them to be comfortable enough...I'm sorry, Ricky but I'll be back as soon as I can. We'll discuss your plan when I return and go visit Rickster again tomorrow. Feel free to browse the books. I believe there are a few here and there from Earth..." He'd then teleport to the penthouse, facing Nate. "I got here as soon as I could. What's happened?" --- Sebastian kissed him back then cringed a little himself when the kiss broke, recalling Carter had thrown up not too long ago. He chuckled at Carter's apology. "It's alright. Guess I'll just have to kiss you anywhere other than your mouth for now then." he winked. --- Patience's cheeks turned a little pink at his explanation. "Ah! I see." She chuckled. She stood and faced him. "I can leave you to rest if you want? Now that I know everyone is alright, I suppose there's no reason for me to hang around here." --- Parker stared at Hades after Leo left. He'd mentioned that Leo should've burned the wings that are now on Will but didn't bother to explain why. Apparently deciding there was no point in explaining it. Leo didn't even seem all that bothered about not finding out either. He just seemed eager to leave which Parker could admittedly understand. "I am...so confused..." he muttered. --- Oscar had sent the girls away in cabs, making sure their fares were covered. He'd been walking down the street, hands in his pockets and lost in his thoughts when he heard Leo calling out to him. He came to a dead stop, eyes wide as he stared forward, listening. He bit his lip, holding back tears as he glared hard at the ground. He clenched his fists and didn't move for a couple of minutes as he debated whether or not he really wanted to see Leo right now. Letting out a sigh, he teleported into the mansion with his back to Leo, folding his arms and refusing to look at him. "Talk then." he said coldly. --- In an office building somewhere in Egypt, Michael was staring out of the window with his arms folded. The door opened and a male Angel with dark hair, wearing silver-white armor walked in. "Sir, Rob is here." he said. Michael turned around to look at him, his face as expressionless as ever. "Send him in." The male Angel nodded and walked out. A moment later, Rob knocked on the door before limping into the room. He was covered in cuts, one of his wings bent out of shape and a pair of fang marks on his lower left arm. "S-sir?" he addressed Michael nervously. "Report." Michael said, his eyes burning into Rob's. "W-we tracked the fugitive and his partner to France...We've lost Clemons and Novak, sir..." "You underestimated Nate." Michael said. Rob hesitated before saying. "A-actually sir...Nate wasn't there when we made our move..." Michael rose a brow at Rob. "Three Angels defeated by one vampire?" He asked skeptically. He shook his head a little. "We should keep an eye on that one..." "...We er-...we can't anymore, sir...When Nate found out what had happened he alerted the French authorities...Tom is under lock and key. We can't get anywhere near him." Michael's features didn't budge but there was a subtle glint in his eyes that made Rob shudder fearfully. Rob had known Michael long enough to know when he was angry, even if he never outwardly showed it. "Then what of the other operation?" Rob stiffened a little, nervous to answer. "The plan was going without a hitch...we spiked her drink so she'd get drunk faster. Novak manipulated her thoughts so she'd be stuck ruminating on negative thoughts all night and we followed her to the building where she climbed up like you predicted she would. I was getting ready to literally swoop in and save her..." Michael studied him carefully. "Why do I have a feeling this plan failed as well?" he said and though his voice was monotone, Rob picked up on the agitation. "A cop saw her... He followed her and caught her before she could fall. He took her back to his place..." Michael turned away from Rob and rubbed his chin thoughtfully, trying to keep his composure. "Get yourself cleaned up and move on to the third plan." he ordered then turned his head a little to stare at Rob. "And Robert. Do not fail again." he warned. Robert gulped but nodded and left hurriedly. Denix Vames - May 5, 2021 Ricky turned away. Frowning with tears in his eyes. He nodded at David. "I'll see what I can find that's readable." Nate crossed his arms. Glaring at him but not because of him. "Some little angel bitches tried to kill Tom. I told the police and they have him guarded now. They're going to investigate this case. They have the tools to do it. What I want to know is who's the bigger bitch that's sending these fucking angels after my god damn boyfriend?!" --- Carter laughed. "I guess so." --- James frowned. "Maybe I should leave too. I don't want to be an inconvenience but I really have nowhere to go." --- "You and me both." ,said Will. Hades placed his sword back in its sheath. "I will not take your powers from you. I am only doing this because I can sense a greater. And you are not a threat. But please use the power you have wisely." He nodded at them. "Take care. Both of you." He disappeared. Will raised a brow. "A greater threat?" --- Leo bit his lip before speaking. "I work for the CIA. That's why I wanted you to think that I was dead because of the fact that you'd be in danger too. I'll be making lots of enemies just by working with them. But me and every other politician....Even the president. We're working on a law that would protect people like us. All kinds of creatures. Some of the people who work in the Whitehouse. They're not all human. They understand what it's like to be outcasted. Some have even be in ADIEU!" Tears ran down his cheeks. His voice was starting to break. "I'm sorry, Oscar. I should have told you. I just didn't want you to get hurt. I realize now that I've been pushing everybody way. That I've been isolating myself. That I've broken your heart. And I've scared all of you. I'm sorry. I....You don't have to take me back. We don't have to be together if you're still mad at me. But I still love you." --- Hades appeared in the office building. He shouted, "Clypeus!" (shield) "You cannot fight me. What I want is a conversation. Are these God's orders or are you disobeying your master? Disobeying the potential treaties? Don't think for once second that I wasn't listening. I can read everyone's minds and organize their thoughts in my head." shadowess - May 5, 2021 ((Aahhh shit lol Sorry, this was my bad. I should've been clearer and let you know. The last part with the office was purely expositional. Just something happening in the background to show that Atma's predictions were coming true. For that storyline to work, the other's need to figure out what these Angels are doing before the final confrontation with Michael. 😕 )) Denix Vames - May 5, 2021 (ok ill make sure to keep that in mind when you write a scene like that next time. sorry lol) shadowess - May 5, 2021 (lol No, it's ok. That was my fault, not yours. I should've let you know before you posted. I'm just a little concerned that the group won't have anything to solve with Hades confronting the Angels. Does Hades have any weaknesses they could exploit to get him to back off for a bit?) Denix Vames - May 5, 2021 (i was going to have him become weak because he has the Energy eye. eventually it would make him become. like he's dying. honestly, i just made him into an indestructible being. but since he has some kind of Blood God in him, I can imagine that wolf venom would be a possible weakness. maybe even angel feathers and their weapons since a Blood God is both vamp/demonic) shadowess - May 5, 2021 "What?!" David was shocked to hear the news. He folded his arms and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Alright, we'll figure this out." he sighed. "I'll need to inform Patience of this so she and the other Angels in the negotiations are aware...Do you know if they said anything specific or left anything behind that might give away what kind of group they're in? Like a calling card? God, you don't suppose it's The Devine all over again, do you?" David speculated, trying to figure out why Angels would randomly attack Tom. He didn't look forward to telling Patience about this. To Patience, vampires made from her bloodline were like family. She wasn't going to be happy when she found out. She may even get angry or protective. "Oh, and for the sake of letting Patience know, is Tom alright? Would she be able to visit him where he is?" --- Sebastian smiled and kissed his cheek, then slowly moved his kisses down to Carter's neck. Both his hands slipped under Carter's shirt to feel his chest and hips a bit before pulling his shirt off him. He began moving his kisses down from Carter's neck to his collarbone, to his chest while gently pushing Carter to sit back on the couch. --- Patience smiled at James kindly and shook her head a little. "But that's what this place is for. People who are lost and have nowhere else to go. I'm sure Carter and Sebastian won't mind you staying here after what you've done to help them. Here, use this bedroom to rest in. I'll go and let you get some rest. I have my own work to do anyway. If you or the others ever need help though, just call my name. I'll be here as soon as I'm able." She then vanished, leaving James alone in the bedroom. --- "Great...now I'm even more confused than I was a second ago!" Parker rubbed his temples in frustration. "I think I'm actually getting a headache from all this..." he sighed and looked at Will. "Wana go back to bed?" --- Oscar didn't move or speak while Leo was talking. He continued looking away from him, not turning around even as his own tears started to fall. When Leo was finished speaking, Oscar gave away that he was crying by sniffing. Then he spoke, his own voice broken and angry. "How could you do that to me?" He turned and faced him, his tearful eyes glaring into Leo's. "You know what it's like to lose someone you love. You know that I've lost someone before too. How could you make me think that I'd lost you too? I gave my heart to you. I TRUSTED YOU! I wouldn't have cared if you'd joined the CIA. I'd have supported you! I know you're strong and I trust that you can handle yourself, why couldn't you do the same for me?!" He folded his arms again, turning his head and looking away as he tried to calm down a bit. "I love you, Leo..." he said finally. "But I don't know if I can trust you after that..." he said honestly. He desperately wanted to hold Leo in his arms again but he was too hurt. --- (Cool, I can work with that.) Michael rose a brow at Hades. "Disobeying? I am proving that the Devils cannot be trusted as it would seem Heaven has forgotten this very basic rule." The energy in Hades stirred when it sensed Michael and listened in carefully. "Uh...kiddo? I have a bad feeling about this." it warned. Michael snapped his fingers. "Of course, for our plan to work, we cannot allow you to return to your friends." A couple of Angelic guards entered the room. One holding a pair of handcuffs, the other holding some kind of dart gun. "But don't worry. We won't bring harm to you. You will be judged fairly, as the others will. If you are innocent you will have nothing to fear and we will let you go. If found guilty, I'm sure the ADIEU will find someone like you quite fascinating." Michael then gave off a strong aura that surrounded Hades, making him feel as if the gravity around him was increasing. Pulling him to the floor. "I would advise that you don't fight. It'll only hurt if you do." Denix Vames - May 5, 2021 "There were handcuffs and their bodies but that was it. Tom is fine. He's in a room that keeps angels from entering. It's in the police department. She can visit but she need to identify herself as will any visitor. Whether or not, they're friend or foe is up to the cops." The ceiling suddenly fell apart when Nate started to glow. He gripped his own arms. "But I swear that when I see more of those angelic fucks! I'm going to rip them apart! Limb from fucking limb until they start SCREAMING!" --- Carter started moaning at his touch. Leaning back as he let Sebastian's kisses overtake him. There was a sudden knock at the door. He sat up and grabbed his shirt. "Give me a sec." He threw his shirt on. Buttoning up as he walked to the door. He opened it. A concerned Blaire stood there. "Blaire?" "Carter!" She was in tears as she ran inside. "Hades's has gone missing! He didn't show up for work today! He never misses a day! He didn't even call me or anything! I tried to call him but he never answered! Please! You have to help me find him!" "Alright. It's going to be ok. Just calm down and have a seat." Blaire sat at a chair. He hand her the glass of water he hadn't drank. --- James sat at the edge of the bed. He looked around. "Hmm....Maybe this place is a sanctuary." --- "Gladly." Will stood to follow him but stopped in his tracks. He clutched his eyepatch as he fell to his knees. Gritting his teeth and flinching at the pain. He was sweating. His purple eye glowed. "What the-?! What's going on?!" --- Leo reached out but clutched his hand. Keeping himself from touching his shoulder. "I know. I understand. I should have realized that you were capable of handling yourself. It's just that...You reminded me so much of her. My wife. She was strong but not that strong." He clutched the fabric of his shirt. "I was the one who killed her and my daughter. I was scared that I was going to kill you too. But not the way I did to her. Just....Everywhere I go, I leave nothing but death and destruction. I thought killing criminals made sense but now nothing does. I feel so lost without anyone to guide me. And I did the same to you. I realize now what I've done." He threw himself on him from behind. Wrapping his arms around him. "I'm sorry, Oscar! I'm so sorry! I should have never hurt you! I can't stand not being near you! All of our friends see me as a bad person now! As a monster! And they're right! They're all right! And so are you!" --- Hades dropped to his knees. He cried out as he tried to get himself to stand. "What's going?!" He spoke to the Blood God in his head. "This shouldn't affect me!" His eyes widened. "Unless....!" Blood dripped from the red eye. He touched the blood. Looking at it. "Of course!" He fell to the floor again. He cringed as he lifted his head. "Summone Amicus!" (summon friend) Will suddenly appeared. "What the hell?!" The purple hands grabbed the angel with cuffs and the angel with the dart gun. Shoving their heads against each other's which popped like cherries. Splattering blood all over. "Ok! Apparently, we're doing this?!" The purple hands grabbed Michael. Throwing him out the window. The aura left. They grabbed Hades and teleported both men back in Will's house. Hades was unconscious. The purple hands disappeared. Will fell to his knees. Taking deep breaths. "What the fuck?!" shadowess - May 5, 2021 "Handcuffs? Why would Angels looking to kill Tom have handcuffs?" David thought aloud while scratching his head. He then nodded when Nate told him where Tom was and that Patience would have to identify herself first. "I'll let her know..." David jumped a little and stood back as the ceiling began to cave in. He held up his hands, trying to calm Nate. "Well, we have to find them first and that'd be difficult without keeping a cool head! Nate, I'd suggest going back to France. If the authorities there are as good as you say they are then maybe you can help them find the Angels? In the meantime, I'll let Patience know what's happened so she can alert Heaven and avoid this whole thing putting the negotiation in jeopardy. Then I'll inform Charles so he knows any attacks from this group of Angels is not on behalf of Heaven. The last thing we need on top of all this is a new war...When I'm done, I'll come to France to help wherever I can, alright?" --- Sebastian had been kissed Carter's chest and gradually making his way down to his stomach, his hands toying with Carter's pants as he went. He'd been about to unbuckle his belt when the knock on the door interrupted them. He froze then pulled away from Carter with a slightly disappointed look to let him put his shirt back on. He couldn't help overhearing Blaire saying that Hades had gone missing. He tensed, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. Did she not know about him? When she sat down and Carter passed her the glass of water, he shared a concerned look with Carter. "Uh...Blaire, do you know if Hades has any powers?" he started, wanting to know if Blaire was aware of Hades being supernatural first. --- Oscar stiffened when Leo wrapped his arms around him and he tried to look away, trying to stay angry but his anger was wavering as Leo apologized and called himself a monster. He sighed heavily and brought a hand up to hold one of his arms, caressing it with his thumb a little comfortingly. "You're not a monster." he said softly. He then turned his head to glare at Leo. "A fucking idiot, maybe." he scolded then shook his head and said more softly; "but not a monster." Pushing his arms off him, Oscar turned around to face Leo once more. He caressed his cheek, his eyes softened. He opened his mouth to say something then paused. He then suddenly pressed his lips hard against Leo's, kissing him passionately while wrapping his arms around him to hold him tightly to him. "Oh, fuck it...I still love you!" He breathed between kisses, then pulled back and stared into his eyes intensely, smirking a little. "You have an awful lot of making up to do." he said seductively as his wings sprouted behind him. He kissed Leo's neck. "I'm going to have to punish you." he whispered into his ear. "I'll have to make you scream." he chuckled, then nibbled gently on his ear. --- Parker stopped and look back at Will when he heard him fall to his knees. "Will?!" He moved towards him, reaching out but within seconds Will had vanished. "Wha-?! Will?!" He looked around for a minute, frightened and having no clue what had just happened, where Will had gone or if he'd see him again. Thankfully, he didn't have to wait long. Just as he'd taken out his phone and been about to call Carter, Will reappeared with an unconscious Hades. "Will! What happened?! Where did you go!? What's wrong with Hades?!" he said, rushing forward to kneel next to him, wrapping his arms around him briefly before pulling back to look them both over carefully. The energy in Hades paced in a replica of Carter's living room. "Didn't I tell ya I had a bad feeling? Angels...and you're part Devil now so you gotta be careful around them! I don't know if I told ya this but if you die while I'm in here, -I'll- die too!" he wasn't angry, but by the tone of his voice and the look on his face, he seemed concerned. "Hey, kiddo? You're ok, right?"
  5. Denix Vames - May 3, 2021 Ricky followed David. He looked at the ground. Nodding, he said, "Ok. But...what if he never changes?" --- Carter smashed his fists against the coffee table. He glared at him. "DO YOU?!" He looked around. "Do any of you?!" He shook his head. "I don't even know myself anymore..." Nate raised a brow. "Do you know how many times I have to replace your coffee table?" --- "Don't act as though you were this innocent child with a lollipop. All I needed was information." Hades walked over to Will's side. "He should not have this power. It was given to him by mistake. He is merely a human. Was. But now, he is like me. Only partially so." He carefully lifted the eyepatch up. The purple eye suddenly opened. Glowing. He jumped back. "What the-?!" ,said Will who sat up. He turned to his left. "Who the hell are you?!" A glowing purple hand reached out to capture Hades who jumped aside. Easily dodging every attempt to capture him. He shouted, "Spike Versus!" (spike swarm) Purple spikes appeared. Firing themselves at him. A sudden shield formed around Parker and Will. The spikes broke against the shield. "Why are you trying to take my eye?! What's going on?!" "Hmm. Perhaps we should talk about this instead." shadowess - May 3, 2021 David glanced back at Rickster briefly, who was watching them curiously from his cell. "I'm guna let you in on a little secret." He said with a small smile. "There was another couple that came through Hell not too long ago. Similar dynamic to your relationship. One wanted to become a better person and the other just wanted to lash out at everything and everyone." He sighed with a frown. "Unfortunately, their relationship ended soon after. But they're both on Earth now, having changed for the better and earned their redemptions in their own way. One has even moved on to getting a family of their own." He nodded towards Rickster. "Perhaps I can handle your case a little differently to try and avoid you two separating?...but like I said, you'll need to be strong and very patient. He may lash out at first. He might say some hurtful things. Things he might not actually mean. But, if you remain persistent and we make sure he doesn't feel abandoned, then maybe you two could stand a chance of succeeding together?" --- Sebastian jumped and was taken aback by Carter's response but he soon sat up straight, looking at Carter with a resolute expression. "Yes." he replied, unwavering. "Travis Carter. You are a good man with a strong moral compass. You've been through Hell but your passion to help others in need has never wavered. You'd defend your friends and loved ones until your last breath. You can be a stubborn ass sometimes but you have a heart of gold. You care so much about doing what's right that when you slip up, no matter how small, you really take it to heart. If that's not a sign that you're truly a good person, then I don't know what is! It's your strong sense morality and how deeply you care that drew me to you in the first place. I -know- you're a good man, Carter. I believe it with every fiber of my being." --- "For once, it isn't myself I'm trying to defend. Just letting you know to bear that in mind in case you ever run into another Blood God...they don't -all- lose their minds. Some just need some care and guidance, that's all." The energy defended. It then fell silent as it watched the rest unfold. Parker woke with a start at the commotion and sat up hurriedly, looking at the kid in alarm. "Is it too much to ask to have one quiet night?!" he complained. "Who are you? What are you doing here and how the hell did you get in here?!" he barked the questions at the boy, not the least bit concerned that he was the only one out of the three of them that was powerless. He then squinted as his eyes adjusted to the dark. "Wait a sec-...I know you! You're the kid that works in the Vampire Club!...What the fuck is going on?!" Denix Vames - May 3, 2021 Ricky hesitated before nodding. "Alright. I'll do this." --- Carter looked at him before sighing. He smiled. "Come here." Nate walked over to James. "We should go." "Go where?" "Upstairs silly! Where do you think? Now shoo!" He waved his hands at him. Leading him upstairs to leave Carter and Sebastian alone. --- Hades sighed. "Does everybody know me as that? My name is Hades. Named after the God of the Underworld himself." Will looked at Parker. Placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's ok. Me and him are going to talk. The fighting's stopped. You'll know when something happens when it does. Trust me." shadowess - May 3, 2021 David offered him a kind smile and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You're doing the right thing, Ricky. For the both of you...just-" he glanced at Rickster once more, this time warily. "I worry that he might try to pull the same tricks the other guy did...Rickster is already pretty skilled at manipulation and we need to be careful of that. When he realizes that I won't let him out until I know he's ready to change, he might try to sweet talk you into convincing me he's changed. Just...be careful what you believe for a while." --- Sebastian smiled and moved to sit next to him on the couch. He lifted a hand to caress Carter's cheek. "I love you. With all my heart." Patience was resting on the spare bed upstairs. The rune that had been carved into her had long since healed over and she was no longer in pain. She lay on her side, staring at the wall as she waited to hear from David, worrying for their safety. --- Parker looked at Will uncertainly. He was worried but knew Will could handle himself. Reluctantly, he nodded. "Alright." he said then turned to look at Hades, "But if I hear any signs of a struggle, I won't hesitate to back Will up." Denix Vames - May 3, 2021 Ricky sighed. "Good to know. So....what should I do now?" --- Carter touched his hand. "I know you do." He kissed his cheek. "I love you too." Nate opened the door. "Oh hello. I didn't realize someone was here until now. Everything's fine by the way. David took care of the situation." --- "I can assure you that when I want to eliminate someone, they won't even have a chance to blink. I can see however that you are obviously close to this man. So for the sake of being....cooperative. I will allow you to listen." He stepped out of the room. "I will be downstairs in the living room. Waiting for you two to be clothed and ready." He left. The shield disappeared. Will grabbed his briefs. "Well, I guess we have to hope he doesn't go all dark lord on us." shadowess - May 4, 2021 At the question, David sighed a little. "Now? We break the news to Rickster that he'll be staying here a while. Until he's no longer a danger to others. But we also let him know that we'll visit him every day so that he's not alone and that if he wants to talk to us, we'll be there to listen. Then after that, you and I will head to the Library where you'll be staying while you go through your own redemption process. We'll have a little chat about what to expect and what your new plans will be. Then I'll leave you to relax for the rest of the day. The library is the safest place in Hell. You might encounter Demons there but they are forbidden from hunting within the building." He gestured towards Rickster. "This news might be better coming from you." --- Sebastian blushed a little when Carter kissed his cheek. He rested his head against Carter's and sighed. "Not being able to go with you...waiting here and not knowing what was happening...or whether you'd come back..." he shook his head a little. "I hated it. I miss being what I was..." He looked into Carter's eyes. "I know it's not an easy thing for me to ask after what you went through today...but please... will you turn me tomorrow? Before anything else happens?...I want to be able to stand by your side. No matter what." As soon as Nate and James walked in, Patience sat up and looked at them. She sighed with relief when Nate said everything was fine now, though she looked behind them briefly, trying to see if it was just the two of them. "That's good. Where is David?" --- Parker watched Hades leave, his words not making him feel any less defensive around him. Once he was out of he room, he sighed and got out of the bed, picking up his clothes and putting them back on. "I guess so..." he agreed with Will. He felt very uneasy about this whole situation. As soon as they were both ready, he'd follow Will to the living room. --- In France, Tom had just gotten back to the hotel room after a quiet day of visiting the museum. Without Nate around, he thought he'd have to learn French. But it turns out David must've known some French when he pushed the knowledge of the Demonic Language into his head, because Tom discovered he understood some things people were saying around him. He used this little jump start to his advantage and began practicing speaking to the locals, learning more and picking up new words or slang that the locals used. He was getting better and better the longer he stayed in Paris. But now, a little mentally exhausted from learning, he closed the hotel room door behind him and headed straight to the bed where he planned on taking a brief nap. He'd just reached the bed when there was a knock on his door. Curious, Tom turned and looked at the door for a moment. Maybe it was room service come to clean a bit? Or one of the locals he'd made friends with? In the time he'd spent here, he'd never had any reason to worry. Walking over to the door, he opened it and saw a muddy-blond haired gentleman who didn't seem to be much older than Tom was. The stranger's brown eyes regarded him for a moment before he spoke. "Excusez-moi monsieur, êtes-vous Tom? Je dois délivrer un message." "Uh..." Tom flustered a moment, only understanding the first part of what the man had said. "S-sorry, I'm still learning." he explained in English. "Yeah, I'm Tom...what was the second thing?" The man chuckled a little then spoke with a slightly Scottish accent. "Ah, no worries pal. I said I needed to bring you a message. "Oh? And you are-?" "Robert McGregor, Rob for short." "And this message?" The male smiled. ========= BLACK OUT ========= Some time later, Tom came to. Standing in the middle of the hotel room and having no recollection of what had happened between now and when he'd answered the door. He was panting, trying to get his breath back. His whole body was shaking. His heart was racing as if he'd just run a marathon. He was covered in blood...but non of it was his own. The room was a mess. Broken furniture. Two bodies of brutally beaten men on the ground. Both looked muscular and had large white wings which were stained in blood. Neither of which looked like the man who'd been at the door earlier, Tom noted. In fact, looking around, Tom couldn't see him anywhere. He realized his fists hurt and he looked down at his hands. His knuckles sore and bloody from the apparent fight. One of his wrists had a handcuff attached to it. It looked like Tom had managed to fight them off before they could grab his other wrist. His lip hurt. He brought a hand up and felt where it had been busted open. He caught sight of himself in the broken mirror on the vanity table. His hair was a mess. His lip busted. One black eye. His bloodied clothes torn a bit here and there. His mouth and chin were coated in blood and that's when he realized he could taste the Angel blood in his mouth. Shifting from panting to hyperventilating, looking around him with a mixture of fear and confusion. He backed up until his back hit the wall. Tears falling from his eyes. "N-N-NATE!!!" he screamed and lifted his hands to either side of his head. "NATE!!!!" Denix Vames - May 4, 2021 Ricky nodded. He nervously rubbed his arm. "I'll try my best." He walked over to Rickster's cage. "Hey Rickster? You're going to be here....for a while. Until you don't want to hurt people. But I'll come visit you everyday. Me and David will. I promise." --- Carter frowned. He looked away. "I don't know. If there's any trace of that Blood God left then I don't want to put some of that in you." Nate suddenly disappeared. "I don't know but I'm sure he's fine." said James. --- Once they were both dressed, they headed downstairs. Hades was sitting on the couch. His swords were in their sheaths. He enclosed his hands. Having elbows rest on his knees as he looked at them directly. "Please have a seat." Will hesitated before sitting across from him. "What do you want?" "Your eye. You weren't supposed to have this kind of power. It was a mistake." "Yeah? Well, blame it on the wings. They gave it to me." "Wings? Who cut off their own wings?" "Some prick named Leo." "Leo. Such a special kind of person. There were rumors of ADIEU creating such a soldier. And they were almost this close to making him stronger than anyone else. The fact that he cut them off proves he hates the idea. Yet, I have a few words to say to him." "I wouldn't recommend it. He works for the Whitehouse now." "Is that so? Well, it's easy for me to summon him. I am a Leviathan after all." "A what?" "Nam Neque Leo!" (leo appear) Leo appeared. He looked around at his surroundings. "What the-?!" Hades covered his purple eye with his bangs. Leo glared at him. "What the hell are you?! You bastard! You can't just teleport me like that!" He zoomed towards him. Ready to punch him. Hades pulled out his sword. He kicked him off of his feet. He loomed over him with his sword pointed at his neck. "Let's have a conversation." --- Nate appeared. "Son a bitch! This isn't supposed to happen!" A phone appeared in his hand. "France's laws keep all creatures safe. I'll have to call the police for this. Just try to stay calm, Tom. I promise everything will be ok." Police soon arrived. Some of them took the bodies out. Placing them in bags after taking some evidence and pictures of the room. Tom was uncuffed. He was placed in the backseat of a police car but not cuffed. Nate sat next to him. They were driven to the station where a female officer guided them to a room. "Until this matter has been resolved, we cannot let you get into harm's way again. We have rooms for these scenarios." She opened the door. Revealing a room with a bed, bathroom, kitchen, and closet. It was like a motel room but neater. There was even a TV. There were many markings all over the wall. "These symbols will keep angels from entering. If any try then they'll get bounced back. And we'll be able to identify who tried since our surveillance cameras have improved a lot." "Listen to me Tom." Nate caressed his cheek. "I know it's going to be hard being away from me but I'll come visit when I can. Just make sure you stay here, ok?" He kissed him. Shadowess - May 4, 2021 David stayed by Ricky's side as he spoke. Rickster glared at them both. "What?! You can't just leave me in here like some kind of rabid animal! I was right! He -has- turned you against me! I thought you loved me!" --- Sebastian gently placed a hand on Carter's cheek, turning his head to look at him again. "I don't think you will. According to Nate, Hades pulled the Blood God out of you and when he checked your mind he said he couldn't sense it at all." He then sighed with a frown. "But I understand why you're worried. I wouldn't want that risk either. So...I guess we could just wait a while then. See how things go...and if you're happy that it's really out of your system, then we'll do it...but only then." he gave him a gentle smile. "I don't want you to do anything that you don't want to do." Patience nodded. She was a little concerned with how suddenly Nate left and assumed that it must be important. "He's probably in Hell, making sure those two don't have a way of doing the same to some other Demon..." she said, sitting up on the bed and raising a brow at James. "What're you two doing, coming in here in such a hurry, anyway?" she asked curiously. --- Parker stood next to Will as he sat on the chair. He watched Hades carefully with his arms crossed. Staying quiet as they spoke until Hades summoned Leo into the room. When Leo was knocked back and Hades pointed the sword at him, Parker lifted his hands "Hey! Take it easy!" he looked between Leo and Hades nervously. "Leo, don't push it with this kid...he's stronger than he looks." he warned. --- While the police took photos, collected evidence and took away the bodies, Tom clung to Nate. Trying to keep himself calm but the fact that he couldn't remember what had happened just freaked him out even more. In the car, he stared off at nothing, in shock. He was still somewhat in shock as the police showed him to the safe room and they told him of the security measures. He only seemed to snap out of it when Nate spoke to him and he looked at him tearfully. He held on to his kiss for as long as he could, not wanting Nate to leave him. When the kiss broke, he wrapped his arms around him. "Ok..." he cried. He was still shaking a little. Denix Vames - May 4, 2021 "I do! But this is for your own good! You have to understand that!" ,said Rickster. --- Carter leaned in. Kissing him. "Thank you, Sebastian." He cringed. "Sorry about that. I just realized I have the worst breath right now." --- "We had to give a little privacy to Sebastian and Carter." ,said James. --- Leo glared. "You bastard! I don't care what you are! I didn't give those wings to him! I just wanted them off!" "Then you should have burned them." "Why?!" Hades put his sword down. Taking a step back, he sighed. "You really don't know, do you? What's the point in telling you anything then? I'm not even going to try and punish you at this point." He yanked Leo's mask off. "Hey!" ,said Leo. "You don't need this. You work for the CIA, don't you? So, it really doesn't matter when you hide your face. They'll always hide it. Besides...." He pointed at Parker and Will. "You've forgotten who your friends are. And it's time that you talk to Oscar about what you've been doing." Leo disappeared. "Hmph! I didn't even need to take him there. He wanted to go." --- Leo appeared in the mansion. He stood there. His head was down as he spoke. "Oscar....Where are you? Please talk to me. I'm sorry. I can explain everything now." --- Nate held on to him for a bit longer before letting him go into the room. "I'll be back. I promise." The officer shut the door. Locking it. Nate disappeared. Appearing in the penthouse. "David, we need to talk. Tom's been targeted by some angels. He managed to kill them before they could. The police in France are investigating the case. They know about us but they're protective of creatures. They have laws that protect people like us. I need you to know that."
  6. Shadowess - May 2, 2021 David waited patiently for Ricky to get dressed. He glanced at the closet when he said there were women in there. Sighing, he walked over to it while looking back at Ricky. "Although necessary, something like this is never meant to be 'natural'." he said gently. At that point, Oscar walked into the room. "Ah, excellent timing. Close the door." David said, worried Ricky would see Rickster's body in the next room. "Transform back into your human form and make sure these girls get home safely, would you? I'll finish things up here with Ricky then meet him and Rickster in Hell." he looked back at Ricky. "There's a lot we need to discuss." Oscar growled, not happy about not getting to hurt Ricky as well but considering there were two, possibly terrified and confused, girls in the closet, he quickly changed back into his human form. David nodded and opened the closet, looking at the girls with a sympathetic expression. "Sorry about all this. You may want to put your clothes back on. Oscar here will make sure you get home safe and sound. You have my word." He stood back to let them out and they hurriedly got dressed. Both glancing at Ricky worriedly as they put their clothes back on. When they were dressed, Oscar stepped towards them then rose a brow when they both recoiled from him. "Easy. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just guna take you home, ok?" Oscar said as he held out his hands for them. "Just follow me...I guess we'll just get you girls a cab if you're not comfortable with me taking you home..." he then lead them out of the penthouse. David sighed and walked up behind Ricky. Placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'll make it quick and painless. Just close your eyes and try to relax." he said gently before grabbing his head and twisting it around rapidly to snap his neck. Once that was done, he'd teleport back to Hell to meet up with him and Rickster. --- The energy took a step back as the child spoke. When he heard his voice behind him as well as his blade singing, he knew what was about to happen. As he felt the blade cutting through him, he screamed and attempted to get control of their surroundings. Extending his energy to shift the dream state around them. Everything jumped, glitched and flashed for several seconds until the dream state settled on something new. The Blood God Energy found himself on the ground. He hurriedly sat up and checked his body. He was still whole but his torso burned painfully. He lifted his shirt and saw the fresh scar going all the way across his abdomen. He looked around at their new location. This time, they were in one of his own memories. The basement of Bryce's mansion while it had still been intact. He stood quickly, looking around for the kid warily. "Alright!" He raised his hands by his sides. "You've made your point! Bravo! You've shown that I do have a match in power after all!" He turned on the spot, and glanced warily behind the blood barrels. The image of the basement behind them flickered in an unstable way. Half the room briefly changed to the living room in Carter's house then back again. "Enough of this!" he yelled, his fears mounting the longer he couldn't see the child. "Face me! What comes next, child?! Are you going to kill me now, huh?!" He turned around and around, his arms still out by his sides. "I am a conscious being! Do I not have the right to a life as well?!" --- Sebastian had been pacing in the living room when James, Carter and Nate appeared. He gasped at Carter being unconscious and ran over to him. "What happened?!" he asked, looking him over for injuries. He then stood back at gestured to the couch. "Quick, put him here. I'll get him a blood bag!" he said before running into the kitchen and opening the fridge. --- When Ben insisted that she take his bed, Jessica lowered her eyes shyly to the couch for just a moment before nodding and looking back up at him. "Thank you." she stood and looked around briefly. "Uh...which way-?" She asked awkwardly, looking at the few doors in the apartment. Denix Vames - May 2, 2021 Ricky opened his eyes. He slowly sat up. Looking around at his surroundings. He frowned. "I'm back here again." He stood. "Rickster! Baby! Where are ya?!" --- Hades's voice echoed, "You have tormented innocent souls. Innocent beings. You do not have the right to free will. To life. Only I can control your chaos. I can control your wickedness. Either choose death or me. The choice is yours." Hades appeared in front of him. He jabbed his head with the butt of his sword. Easily making him fall over. "I see that this is where you were made. The one called Bryce had changed the man Alex Parker into a monster. And now, you are left alone because both brothers found their place in life. You are alone in darkness. No one to turn to. No place to call home." Hades snapped his fingers. Making Carter's living room settle. "Yet, this is fresh in your mind. It would seem that Carter is your recent memory. The one you possessed earlier. However, evil never wins. No matter how long it exists, it will always die out eventually." He raised his sword. "I recall cutting off Lucifer's finger. Cutting off Satan's toe. They dared to touch me. I showed them how far evil could truly go." He pointed the tip of the sword at one of the Energy's eyes. "So, what will it be? Death or a leash?" --- James placed Carter on the couch. "That probably won't be necessary." Nate frowned. "Sebastian, we saw Carter drinking from Rickster. James stopped him. We killed Rickster and Ricky. But Carter....Before, he was going mad. The same way a Blood God would." "Now, we're not sure if this thing is still inside Carter. We think-" ,said James. "Apparently, Hades isn't just a regular teenage boy. He didn't even seem normal when he was fighting. It looks like he might have taken whatever it was into his own mind so that he could deal with it." --- "Oh! Of course." Ben blushed. "Follow me." He guided her to the bedroom door. Opening it. "Here it is." There were posters of bands like The Cure, Joy Division, and Skinny Puppy. A CD rack was against the wall. The covers held patterns of upside down crosses. He nervously scratched the back of his head. "I know I know. I'm a weirdo." shadowess - May 2, 2021 David appeared next to Ricky with a sad expression. He could tell Ricky that Rickster was no good for him. That he was just using him and didn't actually love him. But something like that can backfire on him easily. It was much easier for both of them if he just saw it for himself. He placed a hand on Ricky's shoulder. "There's something you need to see." he said somberly before teleporting them both to Hells Cells. He placed a finger over his mouth to tell Ricky to be quiet then motioned with his hands for him to stay where he was before walking around the corner to the cell holding Rickster. "Ah, Rickster. Enjoying the accommodations?" He said as he approached him. "Get me out of here, you fuck!" Rickster yelled angrily, slamming his fists against the bars. "Not a chance. Not even a minute in Hell and I find you trying to sneak up on another Demon! You don't learn, do you? What were you hoping to do? Go back and save Ricky?" "Are you kidding?! Why would I go back for him? I'm smart enough to know he's just as fucked as I am!" "So, why go back then, if not for Ricky?" "That's my business!" "That's weird. I was under the impression the two of you were pretty close...If you knew he was going to die anyway, why didn't you just wait for him before trying to go back?" "What is this?! What are you doing?!" Rickster looked David up and down. "Why are you so interested in me and Ricky, huh? What? You want tips on picking up guys? Huh? Is that it?!" David shrugged. "Just curious, that's all. It just seems odd to me that you'd drop someone you love as soon as things became difficult." "Love?!" Rickster scoffed. "Making -a lot- of assumptions here!" "You don't love him?" "He was a decent fuck when I got lonely wandering this empty ass place! There! That what you wanted to hear?!" David sighed. "Unfortunately..." he turned in the direction he'd left Ricky and called out. "You get all that?" --- The energy fell onto his back and gripped his face, groaning in pain. He found it fascinating that he could feel such pain as if he had his own physical body even though they were currently just a mass of energy in an imagination. But, of course, he didn't have time to dwell on this thought as he stared at the end of Hades' sword and heard him telling him his own past. "How?! Y-you shouldn't be able to see into -my- mind! That's impossible!" Did he hear that right?? This kid took on Lucifer and Satan?! Finally, he gave him the ultimatum and the energy stared up at him, shaking. He didn't know or understand what this kid was, all he knew was he was far too powerful to take on. As much as he loathed the idea of becoming a slave, his survival instincts were stronger than his pride. Slowly, watching the child with a mixture of fear and resentment in his eyes, he lifted his hands together with his fists closed, as if waiting for them to be bound in handcuffs. "Y-you win." he said, as if the words were immensely difficult. "I'll serve you." --- At Nate's words, Sebastian hesitated before closing the fridge door and walking slowly back into the living room. His eyes moving from Nate to Carter. "A...Blood God? But how is that even possible?" Sebastian shook his head a little, finding it difficult to believe yet he knew Nate was telling the truth. He then looked at James when he started talking about Hades. "The kid from the Vampire Club?! Well, where is he now?" he looked between them, trying to make sense of what had happened. He then had an idea. "Nate, you're telepathic...isn't there a way that you could...I don't know...pry into Carter's mind and check? If Hades has removed whatever it was that was making him act strange, then we'll be able to help Carter without worrying about that thing taking over him." --- Jessica followed him to his room then when he opened the door she stepped inside, looking around at his decorations in awe. She hooked her thumbs in her front jean pockets and smiled at the posters then turned back to face Ben, chuckling at his comment. "I bet I can outdo you on weird!" She walked over to him, smiling. "Maybe we could listen to a few CD's tomorrow? But for now...I'd better try to get some sleep." She hesitated for a moment. Then, while blushing, she leant in and kissed his cheek. "I'll see you in the morning." she said softly, then winked and added jokingly; "Weirdo." Denix Vames - May 2, 2021 There were tears in Ricky's eyes when he stormed over to them. Glaring at Rickster. "You son of a bitch! After everything I did for you! After what we've been through! You never loved me?! Not even for one fucking second?!" He slammed his fists against the cage. --- Hades lowered his blade. "Good. You will remain in my eye for eternity. In here, you can conjure up anything and anyone just to amuse yourself. When I call on you for your powers, you will listen. That is the deal. Understood?" --- "I'll see if I can try." Nate knelt by Carter's side. He placed a hand over his forehead. He closed his eyes. After a moment, he said, "I don't sense that thing anywhere. I think it's gone." "By the way, I don't know where the kid is." ,said James. "He might still be there." --- Ben's eyes widened at the kiss. He touched his cheek and nervously chuckled. "Have a decent night of sleep." He left. Going back to the couch where he undressed until he was in a shirt and boxers. He threw a blanket over himself. Shadowess - May 2, 2021 "Ricky?!" Rickster looked at him in shock for a moment before turning to David, red faced. "You son of a bitch!" He growled. He looked back at Ricky "I was honest with you from the start! I told you I don't attach myself to one person! I told you I'll do what I want and sleep with who I like, when I like! Did non of that shit not tip you off in the slightest?! And yet, here you are blaming me because you chose not to listen!" "Don't blame yourself for this Ricky." David interjected, sensing that Rickster was trying to get him to doubt himself. "Rickster is a manipulator and a liar. He's only ever cared for one person. Himself." Rickster slammed his hands against the bars again. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" David ignored Rickster's outburst and turned to Ricky. "People like him only ever use people for their own gain. I know it hurts but if you want to stand any chance of moving forward and redeeming yourself then you have to see Rickster for the type of man he really is and leave him behind. Otherwise he will just keep pulling you down to his level over and over again." He held out a hand for Ricky. "If you're ready, we can get you started on that Programme." "Ricky!" Rickster's voice quivered. He knew he was about to be left alone here and he hated the thought of that. "Ricky, don't leave. I-I didn't mean it! I was angry!" He was beginning to grow desperate. "Ricky! Don't listen to him, he's just trying to turn you against me!" --- The energy let out a sigh of relief when Hades lowered the sword, and he slowly sat up a little while still watching him warily. When he gave him his instructions and asked if he understood, he nodded. "Understood." he answered. He might not like this kid, but boy did he respect him now. --- Sebastian watched Nate anxiously as he checked Carter's mind for the suspected Blood God spirit. He sighed and smiled a little, relieved when he said he couldn't sense it and assumed it was no longer in him. "Thank you." he said as he knelt by Carter and took his hand, watching his sleeping features, still a little worried for him. He wasn't sure how he'll react to this news when he wakes up but he knew he'd need to stay close by, ready to comfort him when he awoke. He then turned to look at James with a concerned frown. "If it's really a Blood God that he's taken into himself then he might need help. We've only ever encountered one Blood God and he was pretty vicious..." Denix Vames - May 2, 2021 Ricky stuck his hands into the cage. Placing them over his. "Rickster! We could both join the program. We could hang out. Have some fun. We don't have to keep doing this crap anymore. We can make money without doing what we did before. Please!" --- "Good. I will leave you to explore your surroundings." Hades opened his eyes. He got off of the sword. Placing it back in its sheath. He wiped the blood off of his cheek. "Domum." (home) He appeared in his apartment. It was covered in posters of Fallout Boy, My Chemical Romance, and other emo bands. His furniture was all black. Even the walls and the carpeted floor held the same color. He parted his hair so that only his red eye remained covered. He turned on the TV. Blasting some Hawthorne Heights. --- Nate stepped back. "From what I saw, it seemed like Hades was handling himself pretty well back there." James headed to the front door. "Where are you going?" "Well, it seems like you guys don't need me. So-" Carter gasped awake. "Get away from me!" He kicked Sebastian away. Zooming to the front door. James jumped back. Taking some steps away from him. He raised his hands. "Easy there." Carter clutched his stomach as he recalled drinking from Rickster. The changes and what the Energy had done to him. "Get out of my head!" He covered his mouth before vomiting all over the floor in front of him. Dropping to his knees. Sobbing there. "I-It made me...." He let out a frustrated cry. Shadowess - May 3, 2021 Rickster glared and removed his hands from the bars. "What I had going was great!" he defended. "Why should I change?!" he pointed at David accusingly. "He's turned you already, hasn't he? He's using you to try and get me to be some obedient lap dog! And he calls me the manipulative one!" he shouted. "Well, I won't have it! So, you go ahead. Enjoy being a sheep like everyone else! I'll find a way out of here, you mark my words! And when I do, I'll have the greatest empire the Earth has ever seen! Then you'll wish you'd stayed loyal!" --- Sebastian was taken by surprise at the way Carter woke up. He'd expected him to be upset, but he hadn't expected him to lash out suddenly. Carter had kicked Sebastian away from him, knocking him back. His back hitting the nearby chair. Before he could do anything, Carter had already taken off towards the front door. "Carte-ah!" Sebastian tried to call out while turning to face the direction he'd run in. He flinched though and clutched his chest. The kick having broken a rib. He supposed that in that moment of panic, Carter must've forgotten that Sebastian was no longer as strong as he once was. He relaxed against the chair and rested his head against it's seat, taking a couple of breaths. "Carter, you're alright. You didn't kill Rickster and whatever it was that was in your head is gone now!" he called over to Carter from where he was. "It's ok. You're going to be ok." Denix Vames - May 3, 2021 "N-No! You've got it all wrong! I just want us to be together! I mean, you've gotta love me! Right? And if you love me then I'll keep working with ya!" ,said Ricky. --- Nate placed a hand on Sebastian's shoulder. Healing his broken rib. James brought some paper towels over to Carter. Helping him wipe the bits of vomit from his lips. He threw the trash in the bin. Nate guided Carter over to the couch. He waved his hand at the mess near the front door. Making it disappear. Carter covered his face with his hands. Continuing to cry. "It's alright. We're here for you." ,said Nate. James placed a glass of water on the coffee table. "I-I don't know how I can live with myself. Knowing that I did what I did." ,said Carter. --- Hades appeared in Will's bedroom. Seeing him and Parker lay naked under the covers. "What should I call you by the way?" He whispered to the Energy. "And what of your ablities can help me examine this man?" He pointed at Will. Shadowess - May 3, 2021 Rickster scoffed and turned his back on Ricky, shaking his head. David frowned. Maybe getting Rickster on their side wasn't such a bad idea. He recalled how poorly Theo responded to being locked away like this and wondered if Rickster might wind up going down a similar path of attempting escape or taking someone they care about as hostage. But it was clear that Rickster wasn't willing to listen right now. He was far too angry. "Ricky, might I have a quick word?" he said gently, and nodded to the end of the hall. He'd walk there and wait for him, where he would then speak to him in a hushed voice. "Don't be too upset by Rickster. He's angry and has had his pride hurt when his plan failed once again. I'd like to believe he can be saved...but I'll need your help...and it may take some time. You'll need to be strong. He may not like his situation for a while but I'm hoping that he'll eventually see that all of this was to help him turn his life around. For his and everyone else's safety, he's going to have to stay here. But you and I will visit him daily to let him know he's not alone and that it's not too late to change. Once I'm happy that he's willing to accept change, I'll let him out and he can join you on the Programme. What do you think?" --- "Thank you." Sebastian breathed and eased himself up onto the chair. He looked over at Carter and frowned, hating seeing him like this. "But that wasn't -you-!" He said gently. "You were being controlled! Manipulated! We know you, Carter. I know you. The -real- you!" --- The energy stirred. Having decided to stay dormant until called upon. It saw Will and if it had the capacity of shuddering, it would have. "I don't know...I don't really have a name...never needed one before now..." it answered. "Interesting that you brought me here...it is because of that man that I ended up fleeing into Carter in the first place. As for my powers. If you were a vampire you could inherit the powers of others from draining them. Additionally you'd be able to tell a person's specie by simply tasting a drop of their blood. But otherwise, you should be able to make people do whatever you want by looking them in the eyes and focusing on them while giving an order. You ever see Star Wars? Basically the Jedi mind trick...sort of...that's how Parker thought of it anyway...Oh, and as long as you have me captive within you, you're essentially a Devil. The standard Devil ability is being able to look into a person's past sins by looking at them and searching their soul. Other Devil abilities vary from Devil to Devil...any other skills you gain from my presence will depend entirely on your personality...it's essentially a lottery." It explained as best it could. Admittedly, all of this information was still fairly new to it as well. "Oh, and blood control. I keep forgetting that one...so long as a person's blood is exposed to the air, from an open wound or cut, you can control it. Comes with being Blood God. You can focus on helping the person to heal or cause them more damage...I guess that one depends entirely on circumstance." It paused. "Do you see now why others are quick to destroy me? Not just me, any Blood God that comes into existence. Our kind are destroyed almost as soon as we're born because we're feared. They see our power and all they see is a threat. Granted, the power can make the odd Devil lose control or go mad...but that doesn't mean to say it's the same fate for all Blood Gods, now does it?"
  7. Shadowess - May 1, 2021 While Jasper stood guard, Rickster set up deals for later that day. They were to collect drugs to sell and their next job after that would be to find people they could get to sell them on their behalf. He'd place runes on their drug dealers as well, so that if they ever got caught, they'd never give up their names and locations. Now all he had to do was sit back, relax and wait to get the ball rolling. Rickster relaxed on the couch, drinking what was left of his beer. --- Oscar looked at Carter and hesitated when he gave the order to give no mercy. Then he blinked. Something about Carter had changed. He could sense it. For whatever reason, he now ranked higher than David! Any other time, Oscar might've been worried or question it but because he was granting Oscar what he'd wanted, he merely grinned. "No mercy it is, sir." he nodded and took his hand. David seemed agitated but at this point he'd also realized that something about Carter was different. He couldn't argue although he had half a mind to let Charles and Amelia know about this later. For now, he took James's hand. Oscar offered his other hand to Nate and when they were all ready he teleported them to Rickster's location...only for them all to get stuck and cramped together in the circle as soon as they arrived. "What the fuck?!" Oscar fumed. Rickster looked over and laughed hysterically at the state they were in. --- Jessica looked up at Ben when he placed his hands on hers. Her cheeks grew a little warmer. She smiled at how kind he was being towards her. "Thank you..." she said quietly. "I barely know you but it means a lot to know I'm not alone, you know?" Denix Vames - May 1, 2021 Jasper whipped his head when he swore he saw something out of the corner of his eye. He walked over. "Hello?" Hades cut his head off. He wore a black shirt and cybergoth pants with high combat boots. His bangs covered his eyes and nose. He held a sword. Another sword was hanging on his back. There were black and white witchcraft symbols carved all over his arms. --- Nate crossed his arms. "I was about to say that we should teleport in front of the place instead. Looks like we never learn." Carter let out a frustrated scream. His eyes turned red. His nails turned into claws. He went on all fours as his fangs were out. He jumped at the barrier which bounced him back. He growled. Clawing at the barrier. Slamming himself against it. "It's not going to work! These are runes! We're stuck here." ,said James. "How do we get out? Surely, we can break this." ,said Nate. Hades knocked the front door off of its hinges. "Celer!" (fast in latin) The symbols on his body glowed. He zoomed to the group. "Intermissum!" (break) He brought his foot against the edge of the symbol. The floor shook. Breaking into pieces as the rune was destroyed. He zoomed to Rickster. Swinging his sword at him. Aiming for his head. --- "Of course. I understand." Ben leaned back. He sighed. "Sorry. I'm just exhausted from today. Long day at work. There was that bombing at the flower shop. I had to do the paperwork." shadowess - May 1, 2021 David's eyes widened at the way Carter reacted and he stood still, doing his best to not get in his way but in the already crowded little space, that was hard. He was even more shocked at the sight of Carter's eyes changing to red. How has this happened?! Was he even aware?! Rickster wiped a tear away after laughing so hard. "I had a feeling all of you would get wind of me being back sooner or later. Honestly, I never expected it to happen this soon though..." He looked at David, torn between being angry and impressed. "How did you manage to tell them? My instructions were very specific!" David grinned. "It would seem not everyone you partner up with is an ally to you." A flicker of rage spread across Rickster's features. "Theo...I'll make sure he gets what's coming to him..." He then turned to Oscar who was growling at him. "And -you-...Don't think I forgot your betrayal either. I'm going to need an Angelic weapon to deal with you...and would you look at that!" He turns to Nate. "An Angel! I'll be needing to borrow one of your feathers-" A teenage boy broke into the penthouse and ran over to them. "What the-?! Who-?! Jasper?!" Rickster looked over at the doorway then back at the kid, noticing the markings all over him. "You little shit!" he snapped as he watched the boy break his barrier. This was bad for Rickster. Now everyone who could want to hurt him was loose in this room! "RICKY! ARM YOURSELF!" He screamed as he jumped back, avoiding the kid's sword. Knowing spells wouldn't work on the kid while he had those markings on him, he darted towards a chest of drawers, where he'd left his gun. Oscar teleported in his way, his face shifting into his reptilian shape. He bared his sharp teeth at him. Hissing and growling. Rickster backed away from him, holding his hands up. "No! You can't hurt me! I'm unarmed!" he protested. David ran in the direction of the bedroom, going after Ricky. The energy in Carter saw the chaos as well as felt Carter's anger. It became excited. 'This is it! These bastards hurt your friends and were going to do worse to them and others! Jasper got hurt because of them! You can't let them get away with it! Satisfy your rage and your hunger! Drain him dry and take his powers for your own! Protect the people you love! Show no mercy!" --- Jessica looked at him sympathetically then a little uncomfortably when he mentioned the flower shop, knowing exactly which incident he was referring to. "Uh, yeah...I heard about that...Did they ever catch the guy that did it?" She asked, trying to pretend not to know anything about it. While she wasn't directly involved, she knew all about what had happened. Denix Vames - May 1, 2021 Carter ran off towards Rickster. He jumped on him from behind. Clamping his fangs into his neck. Beginning to drink from him. Hades froze when he witness the entire thing. He didn't find Carter as the drinking-from-a-person type of guy. So, what was going on? "Vide!" (see) He read his soul. "Just as I thought. Carter's being possessed by some form of a Blood God. Not the entirety of it. But it is strong." --- Ricky's eyes widened as he woke up. He grabbed the ladies's hands. Taking them into the closet. "Stay here, ok? You'll be safe here." He closed the doors. He grabbed a lamp from nearby. Ready to fight. --- Ben shook his head as tears formed in his eyes. He pinched the brim of his nose. "I knew the owner of that shop like a friend. We didn't always talk. But when we did, it was relaxing just being there. And now she's gone." shadowess - May 1, 2021 David ran into the bedroom and faced Ricky. He held up his hands and tried to reason with him instead of immediately resorting to violence. "Ricky, listen to me! Come quietly and don't fight. You'll still have to die but it doesn't have to be painful or slow. Once you're back in Hell, we can talk about getting you on the Redemption Programme. Just put the lamp down and come with me." He held out a hand for Ricky. Oscar chuckled evilly at Rickster's protest. "You think I care, sinner?" he hissed at him. "I'm going to have fun with you before I kill you. I'll-" Oscar stopped when Carter jumped on Rickster. Watching, frozen, as Carter attacked him. Rickster had been backing away from Oscar when he'd been jumped from behind by Carter. He felt Carter's arms wrap around him, restricting his movements. He then gasped and cried out when he felt Carter's fangs sink into his throat. "Stop! Get off me! GET OFF ME!" he panicked, feeling Carter pulling his blood from him before the venom kicked in. Because of his new powers and strength from the Blood God energy, Carter's venom was far more powerful than it had been previously. So when it kicked in, Rickster shivered before his whole body became limp, completely paralyzed and at Carter's mercy. He couldn't even speak anymore. His mouth agape as he stared off at the walls, wide eyed. If Carter managed to drain him completely, Rickster wouldn't just die. His soul would be destroyed as well and Carter would inherit all of the powers that he'd had. --- Jessica turned to look at Ben more, feeling awful that he didn't know the full story. But she couldn't just tell him, he'd think she was insane! "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." She put her cup down on the table as well and placed her hand gently on his. "I'm sure the psycho who did this will be brought to justice. They won't get away with what they did..." They already got what they deserved and it was killing Jessica to not tell him that but she supposed that for now, she had to settle for the next best thing. Denix Vames - May 1, 2021 "But you're going to hurt Rickster! To kill him! I won't let you do that! I love him!" Ricky ran at him with the lamp. "Dispello!" (dispel) ,said Hades. Both Carter and Rickster were suddenly thrown off of each other. James zoomed to Carter. Knocking him out with a punch. Nate grabbed the back of Rickster's collar. He looked at Oscar. "Care to do the honors?" --- Ben held a small smile. "Th-Thank you. I guess we're both dealing with some shit right now." He became lost in her eyes. Feeling welcomed by her presence. "I....If you want to stay for however long you do then it wouldn't be a problem." shadowess - May 1, 2021 David frowned at his response but understood his motivation. When he ran at him, David was ready. He moved to one side, out of Ricky's way, slapping the lamp out of his hands before quickly moving his hands up to Ricky's head, trying to snap his neck. Oscar was a little shaken by having watched Carter drinking from Rickster but when Nate held Rickster by his collar, he soon shook it off and grinned at him once more. Though his fun would be short lived. Whatever Carter had done, had left Rickster staring off at nothing while drooling a bit. He had no choice but to put him out of his misery. "Sure." he replied and swiped at Rickster's throat with his tail, his sharp spine slicing his throat open. Rickster couldn't react but his body convulsed a bit as his blood rapidly filled his lungs and poured out of him, onto the floor. As soon as Carter was knocked out, the energy within him became quiet. Retreating into the deepest recesses of his mind. --- "I guess so." Jessica smiled back kindly. She was then taken aback by his offer and she felt herself blushing again, staring into his eyes. There was just something about this guy that made her feel comfortable just being herself. No bullshit pretenses. She felt safe around him...maybe even, wanted? She glanced down at the couch shyly as she smiled and thought about his offer. She nodded a little, bringing her eyes back up to his. "If that's ok? I...really don't want to be alone again..." Denix Vames - May 1, 2021 Ricky struggled. He kicked at him. "NO! Don't kill me! Where's Rickster?! Where is he?!" Hades zoomed towards Carter. "What are you doing?" ,asked James. "I'm going to extract the Blood God from him." Hades placed a hand on Carter's head. "Intra corpus meum! Autem!" (enter my body! now!) Nate threw Rickster's body aside. "That's enough fun for one day. Now, Rickster said something about Jasper?" He stepped out of the penthouse. He looked over at the headless corpse of Jasper. He frowned. "Poor guy." --- "I don't think I would want to be alone either." Ben caressed her cheek. "I don't mind seeing you often." shadowess - May 2, 2021 David ended up gripping Ricky's shirt in a bid to keep hold of him. "Dammit, Ricky. Keep still!" By this point they would've heard Rickster's screams before he'd suddenly gone silent. David looked towards the bedroom door warily. "Ricky, don't." he warned. "Just let me finish this and you can be reunited in just a moment." The energy within Carter laughed. Only Hades would've been able to hear it. 'You wouldn't be able to handle me, child.' it said. 'I'd need a more suitable host...besides, I've grown quite...-attached- to Carter.' it laughed again then burrowed itself deeper into Carter's subconscious, clinging to him. Oscar followed Nate's eye line to Jasper. "Hey, can't Spirits survive something like that? Didn't Atma just put her head back on and walk away? Maybe we just need to help him reattach it..." he moved over to Jaspers body and picked up his head, placing it's neck over the shoulders of it's body, waiting to see if it would work. --- Jessica blushed hard at his words and the way he caressed her cheek. She stared into his eyes some more, wondering if this was real or some kind of dream. Her heart was fluttering in her chest. He'd been so kind to her and now seemed interested in her. She knew she was attracted to him but she was frightened she'd somehow mess this up or he'd get sick of her. If this was real, she didn't want to go rushing into it. She wanted to take things slow and make sure she wasn't about to get hurt first. That and she was still a little drunk, so for all she knew, her judgement right now might be a bit clouded. Still, she couldn't help smiling at his words as she lifted a hand to cup his. "I er-...I should probably try to get some sleep now." she said gently. "Maybe...maybe we could talk more tomorrow?" she said, letting him know she still wanted to be around him but wanted things to slow down a bit. Denix Vames - May 2, 2021 Tears dripped down his cheeks. Ricky nodded. "Ok but....Can I at least put my clothes back on?" "We will see about that." Hades closed his eyes. A purple aura began to form around him. His eyes turned purple. "Et lmago 1 release!" (release power 1!) The Energy was suddenly drained from Carter. Being sucked into the right eye of Hades who endured the painful process as if it were nothing. His pupil soon became red. Some blood dripped from it when the Energy tried to fight. Yet, it failed. He stuck his sword on the floor in the middle of the room. Balancing on the handle's tip with just his boots. He squatted. His eyes remained closed as he raised two fingers to his forehead. In the darkness of his mind, he could see the Energy. He held a sword as he stared it down. "I know what you are. I know what you are capable of. You will not be allowed to hurt anyone anymore. I will kill you. And if not that then I will control you." James picked Carter up. Holding him in his arms. "Guess I should take you back home." He zoomed over to Oscar and Nate. Jasper suddenly cracked his neck. He rolled his shoulders as he said, "Whoo! That was something alright." Nate cut the runes on his arm. Breaking the seal. Jasper flinched. "Thank ya." "Don't mention it. Just stop wandering everywhere like an idiot." "Sure thing!" He disappeared. "We should take Carter back home." ,said James. --- Ben lowered his hand. "Of course. You can sleep on the bed and I'll nap on the couch." Denix Vames - May 2, 2021 (so i kinda messed up on the part where i had ricky said if he can get dressed cause david already grabbed him by the shirt so just forget what i typed. also can you help me find a good picture for Hades? like as an example of what he looks? he's emo obviously and i was wondering if maybe you could find a memorable character that would make sense for him) shadowess - May 2, 2021 (Lol no worries. We could always say that he was only wearing a shirt xD As for a pic for Hades, the closest I could think of was James from 'The end of the fxxxing world'. I'll add a photo under my post of what I mean.) David hesitated but knew there was no way out for Ricky now. He reluctantly let go of his shirt. "Fine. Make it quick though. Nothing worse than prolonging the inevitable." he said gently. The energy fought hard. Using as much of it's strength as it could to hold on to Carter. The energy then found itself in a dream like place of a room it didn't recognize. They assumed it was a place familiar to the boy who'd pulled them out of Carter's mind. Everything around them jittered for a moment as the image solidified and the energy found itself taking the form of it's original host; Parker. He looked at his hands curiously. He was not doing this. He was not in control of this entire situation and for once, the energy was frightened. Fearful that this boy might actually be capable of destroying him. He turned when he heard Hades' voice and saw him standing by with a sword. The energy regarded the weapon for a moment. It wasn't real. Not physical. But he knew, without a shadow of a doubt that being slain by it would still result in his death. He glared at the boy and growled. "No man alive can control me! I will not bend to anyone's will!" Though he seemed angry, his voice quivered just a bit. A subtle give away that the energy was trying to hide it's fear. Oscar looked between James and Nate. "You guys go ahead. I'll stay behind in case David needs a hand." --- Jessica smiled but looked at him a little awkwardly. "Oh, I don't want to take your bed from you. I don't mind sleeping on the couch, if you prefer?" She offered, feeling a little bad that he'd already done so much to help her without her taking his bed from him too. Shadowess - May 2, 2021 James from 'The end of the fxxxing world' Attached Image Denix Vames - May 2, 2021 Ricky put the rest of his clothes on. He took a deep breath before saying, "There's two ladies in the closet. I put them in there to keep them safe. Just letting you know." He stepped forward. "So go ahead. Do what comes naturally." Hades lifted his sword. Keeping it in front of him. The blade between his eyes. "I am neither human or monster. Neither dead nor living. Neither in between. I am...." He appeared from behind. "Infinite." He swung. Slicing him in half. James nodded. "Good luck." Nate held his hand. All three men disappeared. --- Nate, James, and Carter appeared in the living room of Carter's office. --- "It's no trouble at all. Really. I'm fine with it. I just want you to feel comfortable." ,said Ben.
  8. Denix Vames - April 30, 2021 "It's a long story but I'm here to help now. Not hurt." "And why should I believe you?" ,said Carter. James plucked the cyanide tooth out of his mouth. Throwing it on the floor and stomping on it with his boot. Carter paused. "Alright. You're in." --- Jasper was about to pull the trigger when the gun fell out of his hand. He collapsed. Passing out. --- Will slipped his shirt off. He kissed his neck. Nibbling on it as he unbuckled. Slipping a hand under his pants. --- "No problem." After taking an elevator ride, they made it to the door to his apartment. Ben unlocked the door. Letting her in. "Make yourself comfortable." shadowess - April 30, 2021 Happy that Carter seemed comfortable with this wolf now, Theo lowered his arms and sighed. "Well, guess I'll get going now then...excuse me..." he took off the blanket, throwing it back at Sebastian and Carter, apparently not really all that bothered about being nude in front of people. He then turned back into his wolf form and sped off down the road. Sebastian turned back to Carter. "Can't I help in -some- way? I hate feeling so helpless!" he complained, his eyes full of worry. --- Rickster smirked when he watched the spirit lose consciousness. He reached into the seal and grabbed his arm, pulling it just outside the circle so that if he woke up, he'd still be stuck inside with only his arm on the outside. He knelt, pinning his hand under his knee and began carving the rune into his forearm. --- Shivers ran up his spine and Parker tilted his head back, gasping and moaning softly as Will kissed and nibbled on his neck. When he felt his touch he gasped again then bit his lip, smiling. He gently gripped some of his hair, his other hand sliding down his torso until it reached his shorts where he toyed with the elastic, tugging on it a little. --- Walking into the apartment with Ben and looked around curiously. When he told her to make herself comfortable, she smiled and nodded at him before taking a seat on the couch. She felt a little awkward. "Are you sure this is ok?" she asked. "I feel like I'm...I don't know...I just don't want to be a burden...or push my problems onto you...I just met you...I'm a complete stranger in your home..." Denix Vames - April 30, 2021 "There's really nothing you can do. Rickster can easily kill you. I don't want to lose you. I'm sorry, Sebastian. I'll just have to call in some other people." ,said Carter. He then said, "Nate! Oscar!" Nate appeared. "What's going on now?" --- Jasper tried to move as being asleep for spirits wasn't exactly being asleep. The most he could do was a twitch of his hand. --- Will gently pushed him on the couch so that he laid. He left a trail of kisses on his chest until he reached his pants which he pulled down. He slipped his boxing shoes off. And then his boxing shorts. --- Ben walked over to the kitchen. "Believe me. You're not a burden. Everybody deserves some help." He selected a small container of coffee. Putting it in the coffee maker which started to immediately pour out the coffee. Getting into the coffee pot. "Do you want some coffee? If that isn't your favorite, I have water or flavored tea." shadowess - April 30, 2021 Sebastian sighed and moved to sit on the couch quietly, watching the others. When called, Oscar appeared in the room. His skin covered in green scales, tail out and his face looking like some kind of reptile. His arms and mouth were covered in blood. Shaking his head a bit, his face alone shifted back into his human one. "Sorry, I was kinda in the middle of...something." he said awkwardly. "What's up?" --- Rickster was smiling and humming a merry little tune to himself as he worked. When he'd finished, the rune glowed red and Rickster grinned, getting up off his arm and kicking it back into the circle. He snapped his fingers. "Get up." he barked at him. He studied him for a moment. "Listen to me carefully. You will not attack myself or Ricky. In fact, you will do everything within your power to protect us from harm. You will not tell anyone of your rune and you will do nothing to break the spell. You will not ask anyone for help. Now, step out of the circle." --- Parker grinned when Will pushed him down and he shivered some more as he felt him kissing his body. He let Will remove his pants then watched eagerly as he removed his shorts. (Private time) --- Jessica couldn't believe how nice this guy was being to her, even though he just met her. "Some coffee would be great, thank you." she answered him. Although she'd sobered up quite a lot from what had happened, she still felt a little drunk so knew a cup of coffee would be good for her right now. Denix Vames - April 30, 2021 "We have to go stop Rickster and Ricky. Again. I don't know where they are. I probably should have asked Theo that but we're teaming up to stop them. You in?" ,said Carter. --- Jasper glared. He stepped out of the circle when he felt something burning. He grit his teeth. "You son of a bitch!" He ran towards him after picking up his gun. He cried out as he clutched his arm. Feeling the burning grow intensely. He fell to his knees. "Fucking bastard!" --- Ben poured himself and her a cup. He carried them over to the couch. Handing her a drink. "Here you go. I hope it doesn't taste too bad." He sat next to her. Blowing on his drink before taking a sip. "So, do you want to talk about how you feel or just forget that the day even exists?" shadowess - April 30, 2021 "Seriously?!" Oscar growled. "Again with their shit? Oh, don't worry. When I get my hands on them-" "You will only kill them." David said seriously. Oscar glared at David for a moment but hesitated, knowing David's rank. He flustered. "Well...yeah, but when they're dead-" "I will lock them in the Cells." David finished, still giving him the serious stare. Oscar scoffed. "You're no fun..." "And when all this is over, we need to have a chat about your role in Hell." "My role is fine!" "Your role is rapidly becoming obsolete! You're going to need to adapt to the changes we're putting in place if we are to stand any chance of helping damned souls to redeem themselves." Oscar was visibly angered but he bit his tongue. Now was not the time for -that- conversation. "Maybe you could teleport?" Sebastian suggested. "You've all see their faces, isn't that all you need?" --- "Sticks and stones, my newest friend." Rickster grinned. He then tilted his head a little. "And what a handsome friend you are...too bad I'm tapped out for now...but perhaps later." he chuckled. "Now be a good sentry and stand by the door. Watch over us. Protect us. I have a few calls to make..." He smirked as he wandered back over to the coffee table, kneeling down to do another line before standing up quickly and shaking his head with a grin. He took out his burner phone and dialed a few numbers he remembered from his days as a drug trafficker. --- Smiling at Ben, Jessica took the cup from him carefully. "Thank you." she said quietly before taking a sip herself. It wasn't the greatest coffee in the world but it wasn't bad either. Jessica had certainly tasted worse when she'd fallen on hard times financially and had to resort to the really cheap granules. She was quite content to drink what Ben had given her. When he asked her if she wanted to talk about how she felt, she sighed. Weighing her options for a moment. She felt like doing her usual, which was to bottle everything up and pretend it never happened. But she felt like Ben was someone she could talk to. Who knows, maybe talking about how she was feeling might actually be helpful? She sat back, holding her cup with both hands and enjoying the heat emanating from it. "I guess...I just let everything get to me...I came out here to find family that I just learned about. They only seemed to care for about two seconds before forgetting about me...Same goes for their friends that I met...any time I'm in the room with them, I feel like I'm in the way or unwanted. They got into some trouble recently...a fight broke out... and whenever I tried to help I just got yelled at to shut up and stay out of it. Then when I tried to defend a child that almost got hurt, I got hurt...I was knocked out...I don't know how the fight ended or where anyone stands with anyone anymore because when I woke up I'd been left in a bedroom on my own..." Tears started to roll down her cheeks and her expression was somewhere between hurt and angry. "No comfort. No one checking to see if I was ok. No explanation...nothing. Just -left- there...forgotten as usual. So, I just walked out...I wanted to forget about everything so I drank...I was so hurt and angry that when another friend saw me and approached me, I pushed them away. I started to wonder if there was any point in me being here at all...not just in this city...but on this Earth in general..." She glanced at Ben briefly before looking down at the ground ashamedly. "That's when you found me." Denix Vames - April 30, 2021 "Enough of that you two!" Carter looked at him. "Oscar, since you do know their faces, I would imagine you can take us there. And this is my operation. So under my orders, I want you to show no mercy." He took his hand. James hesitantly held Carter's hand. --- "You bastard! They'll come looking for me! They will!" Jasper clutched his arm as he felt like he was being forced to go outside. He stood in front of the door. He put his pistol back in its holster. --- Ben set his cup on the coffee table. "I'm sorry to hear that." He placed his hand on hers. "I'm right here for you if you ever need to talk. I don't mind hearing what you have to say." He smiled.
  9. Denix Vames - April 30, 2021 "Sorry about this man." ,said Carter who worked on breaking the seal. Cutting through the runes. When he was finished, he stood back. "How do you feel? Is that pain gone? Well, the old one?" --- "Care about me?!" Leo glared. "If you actually cared about me then you would have listened to me! You would have let me alone! Pretend that I was dead!" He ran up to the shield but got blasted by its energy. Sending him to the wall. He flinched. "Let him go." ,said Will. The shield disappeared. James looked up at Leo who stood. "Leo..." Leo glared at him. "Whatever we had was nothing! You had some sick twisted ideas in your head! And as for you two!" Leo gripped Parker by his neck. Holding him up. Squeezing just enough to let him stay awake but feel as though he was suffocating. "Everything that I do from now on is top secret. If any one of you try to find out more information then I will have no choice but to kill you by the order of the government. Do you understand?" "Hey! Get off of him!" ,said Will who ran over. Leo threw a knife at him which was knocked away by a purple glowing hand. Leo let Parker go. "Do what you want with that lowlife. I don't have time to kill petty criminals anymore. I've got bigger fish to fry." He took out a black mask which he put over himself. It only covered the bottom half of his face. Just starting from his nose and down. His eyes were the only ones visible as his hair was slightly covering one of his eyes. "And if we ever cross paths then it won't be for any good reason." He raised his hand like a wave. "But please tell Oscar that I said hi." He disappeared. Will ran over to Parker. Helping him up. "Are you ok?" --- "It's nice to meet you, Jessica. How about I drive you somewhere to buy a burger? And then I can take you home." ,said Ben. Shadowess - April 30, 2021 David grit his teeth and cried out a little as Carter cut through his rune. When he stood back, David panted for a minute. He looked down and watched the scar begin to heal itself. "Yeah...much better, thank you." he breathed and looked over at Patience. He knelt down beside her and cupped her cheek gently. "I'm sorry I got you dragged into this..." he said softly, wiping away some of her tears with his thumb. Patience gave him a weak smile and lifted a hand to hold his. "I'll help Carter from here. You stay here and rest." he said, helping her up and into a chair. He turned back to Carter, Sebastian and Theo. "I cannot allow something like this to happen again. It seems like Rickster has taken Ricky under his wing and has been teaching him how to cast spells and carve runes. So, they'll both need to be taken care of. We'll need to be cautious. Something tells me Rickster isn't called 'The Trickster' for no reason. Once I get them into Hell, I can lock them both away in Hells Cells. Nothing can get through those bars!" Theo shivered violently suddenly and gasped. David rose a brow at him. "Sorry...it's been so long since I've felt the power from the moon...and it's getting harder to stay human the closer the full moon gets." "Ah, that's right...there's no moon in Hell..." David recalled with a nod. --- Back at the penthouse, Rickster had left Ricky in bed with the two women after their time together. The party had since died and everyone else had left. Having just done a line of coke, Rickster was using his new manic energy to paint a large rune in the center of the penthouse. He didn't know how long they'd be staying in this penthouse so wanted to put down some sort of security measure for while they were here. They didn't want a repeat of the last time they came to Earth! Should anyone who meant either of them any harm enter, either via teleportation or other means, then this rune would pull them into it and seal them inside it's circle, unable to leave unless Rickster allowed it. He chuckled, picking up a bottle of beer and swigging it as he admired his work. He looked out of the large windows at the city and grinned, wondering where he and Ricky should start when it came to building their little empire. Drug and weapon trafficking were always a good start. They might even get a little extra on the side through trafficking people as well. --- "You were keeping secrets and acting weird! You seriously think we'd just ignore that?!" Parker defended when Leo told them they should've just left him alone. He then gasped when Leo lifted him by his neck. He strained to breath and gripped Leo's arm. When Leo let him go, he hit the ground and coughed, rubbing his throat. When Will helped him up, he shook his head while holding on to him. "I'm fine...just...what the fuck is his problem?!" he said between breaths. --- Jessica hugged herself as he offered to drive her somewhere to get something to eat as well as take her home. Home...she was still angry at the way she'd been left on her own. She doubted any of them even realized she was gone. Fresh tears stung her eyes as she thought of this. She could've died tonight...how long would it have been before any of them found out about it? Would they even care? She nodded at his offer but she was undecided as to whether she just wanted to go back to the hotel room she'd booked or if she should go back just to see if any of them did notice she was gone. Denix Vames - April 30, 2021 "They can't live! I want them dead! And I mean actually dead! This can't happen again! We can't afford to take risks anymore!" ,said Carter. He looked over at Theo. "Then we'll lock him up somewhere if he really can't control himself on a full moon." --- Jasper appeared in the penthouse after roaming the city to see if Leo was around. He couldn't find him but could sense some nasty souls. He tried to get close enough to them. Yet, he became trapped. "What the-?!" He looked at the floor he stood on. Seeing the runes. "Son of a bitch!" --- "I think he's just threatening us so that we can stay out of any danger that he's involved in. Seems a little extreme to me though." ,said Will. "Uh....Can I leave now? I'm kind of done with this whole situation. I rather just go somewhere. Not really where but somewhere." ,said James. "If you really aren't planning on doing anything crazy and don't have anywhere to go then I suggest going to Carter's Officer for a possible job opening as a detective. After all, you seem like a great tracker." "Really? Are you sure that would happen? They did see me try to kidnap Leo." He shrugged. "Try your best." The shield disappeared. "Thank you. And sorry for walking in." James zoomed out of the house by the front door. --- Ben caressed her cheek. Looking into her eyes. "Miss? Is everything alright?" shadowess - April 30, 2021 David shook his head. "Only a Devil would be capable of destroying their souls and last I checked, non of us here were Devils. Besides, if he-" he gestured to Theo "of all people, can change his ways then I cannot give up hope for anyone else! That would be unfair. I need to take them to the cells and see for myself if they are worth saving." Theo looked at Carter. "I can control myself just fine. I just won't be able to stay in human form once that moon rises. Which is around midnight tomorrow...Before then, I'll just go through a few involuntary twitches and partial shifts. It's only new wolves you gotta be careful around." --- Rickster turned when he saw the rune he'd just painted begin to glow red. Then suddenly there was a man standing in it's center that Rickster didn't recognize. He chuckled, amazed. "Well, well! Not even five minutes since I painted it and my web has already ensnared it's first fly!" He said as he wandered around the seal, confident that his new prisoner would be unable to reach out of the circle. "Well, I don't recognize you...Maybe you're an enemy of Ricky's? Either way, it was foolish of you to come here!" --- Parker watched dubiously as Will released James. James seemed to change his tune very quickly. A part of Parker wondered if he'd just said what he'd said to get out of here. It didn't make much sense to him otherwise. After all, not even a minute ago, James seemed hell bent on making his plans a reality. But now he's changed his mind? Just like that? He closed his eyes and sighed tiredly. Leaning against Will. Maybe he was overthinking this? Maybe he should just be glad to finally get some peace to spend time with Will. --- Jessica looked up at Ben when she felt him caressing her cheek. She stared at him for a moment, her cheeks turning a deep shade of red. She looked into his eyes and for whatever reason, she felt like she could tell him anything. "I don't think my friends care about me..." she said quietly. "I could've died tonight...and I don't think they'd have even noticed I was gone..." she admitted and lowered her eyes back to the ground. "I don't want to go back...but I don't want to be alone either...I don't know what to do..." Denix Vames - April 30, 2021 Carter grit his teeth. "Fine! But if this shit happens again then you better destroy their souls!" He glared at Theo. "And no offense but I don't want you anywhere near my friends or Sebastian. You'll have to find somewhere else to stay." --- "Now wait just a damn minute! I was one of the guys kicking your ass!" Jasper tried to get out of the circle. He jumped at the sudden push. "Well shit!" --- Will helped him to the couch. "Here. Why don't we just relax? Hopefully, no more crazy shit will happen." He sat next to him. --- Ben frowned. He thought for a moment. "How about I take you back to my place? I know it's weird of me to do this but I don't want to leave you alone like this. Would that be ok with you?" shadowess - April 30, 2021 "Oh, yeah. I'll get right on that with all the Devil powers I don't have..." David rolled his eyes. "So, are we heading straight there or did you want to bring backup?" Theo was a little insulted but he merely shrugged and rolled his eyes. "Fine by me. I'm guessing I can go now, then?" --- When Jasper said they'd fought before, Rickster wracked his brains for a minute before snapping his fingers. "Of course! The cowboy on the horse!" he laughed. "How could I forget? You stood idly by while your friend literally tore my head off!" He then glared. "I'll need to think of a suitable punishment for you." he growled as he wandered over to the couch, taking a seat while he drank the beer in his hand. --- Parker sat with Will on the couch and rested his head on his shoulder. He sighed again, "I think we can guarantee crazy shit will happen given our groups track record..." he chuckled then turned his head to smile at Will. "But I hope that, at least for tonight, we can finally get some peace." --- Jessica brought her eyes back up to him when he suggested she go with him to his place. Any other time, she might've hesitated and thought it a bit suspicious but considering he just saved her life, she felt like she could trust him. She nodded. Denix Vames - April 30, 2021 "We need a team. But I'm not sure who's available at this point. It seems like everyone's gone off to do their own things." ,said Carter. There was a knock at the door. Whoever opened it would find James standing there. --- "Ah shit! Me and my big freaking mouth! Wish someone was here to help me out." He pulled out his pistol. Firing at the floor. "Well shit. It's gonna take a lot more bullets this time." --- Will brought his hands to his hips. He whispered into his ear. "I can show you a few boxing moves." --- Ben took her hand in his. "I'll drive us there." He helped her into the car before driving to his apartment. Shadowess - April 30, 2021 "Maybe we could summon Oscar or Nate?" Sebastian suggested. Theo had been about to leave anyway when there was a knock on the door. He paused, hesitating, before opening it and seeing the wolf he'd met earlier in the night. "You?" --- "Kindly stop firing that thing in here." Rickster complained. "You'll wake up the others and I was hoping for a bit of peace to do my thinking..." he took another sip of his beer and looked out at the city once more. "Maybe I could use you for profit? Slice you up and sell your organs on the supernatural black market..." he considered then smirked, looking back at Jasper in a sinister way. "Or...maybe I could make a slave out of you too?" he stood, walking over to the seal and grinning evilly. "Your powers could be very useful to me." --- Grinning, Parker shivered excitedly at the way Will held him and whispered to him. "I'd like that." he whispered back. --- Blushing when he took her hand, Jessica climbed into his car and sat quietly in the passenger seat while he drove. She still felt uncomfortable. Like she was making herself a burden on this poor guy who was probably just trying to do his job when her dumb ass decided to drunkenly tight walk a building. Denix Vames - April 30, 2021 "That could work. Both of them would be perfect for the job. But you can't come with me. You're only human. It would be too dangerous for you." ,said Carter. James awkwardly scratched the back of his head as his cheeks went red. "Uh yeah. It's me. I came here looking for Carter?" "It's you from before!" Carter stormed over with his gun aimed on him. "You're the one who was fighting Leo!" James raised his arms. "Well, I stopped. It's a long story." --- "Now wait just a darn second! I ain't nobody's chew toy!" Jasper fired at Rickster. "I'm the Spirit of Fairness!" --- Will kissed him. Slipping his tongue into his mouth, he unbuttoned his shirt. Running his hands over his chest. --- They soon reached the apartment. Ben parked his car. He opened the door for her. "I'll take you upstairs. You can have whatever you want from the fridge." His face seemed a bit red. "Sorry if I didn't talk for a while. Believe it or not. I'm not the greatest at socializing." shadowess - April 30, 2021 Sebastian was visibly annoyed at being told to stay behind. He wasn't used to being left out of these things. "I don't like the idea of sitting on my hands, waiting to know whether or not things went well. There must be -something- I can do!" Theo stood to one side, trying to stay out of the way, his hands up as Carter raised his gun again and watched tensely as the conversation unfolded. Sebastian stood behind Carter quickly as he watched James warily. "Why are you here?" he called over. --- "You're the spirit of whatever the hell I damn well feel like!" Rickster shot back. He walked away to a set of drawers and pulled out a small switchblade, opening it up. "And you'll do as you're told!" he growled as he walked back to the seal and began chanting the spell to knock Jasper out. --- Moaning into the kiss at his touch and the way Will kissed him. Parker ran a hand through his hair. His heart was fluttering in his chest from excitement as he was happy that they finally had a chance to be alone with each other to do what they wanted without interruption. His other hand also caressing Will's bare chest and loving the feeling of his body heat. --- "Something we have in common then." Jessica chuckled a bit as she followed him to his apartment. "Thank you..." she said quietly.
  10. Denix Vames - April 29, 2021 Carter heard his phone ringing. He went to pick it up but heard the voice in his head. "Give me a second. I'll be right back." He opened the door and froze at the sight of Theo. Dropping his phone. "What the hell are you doing here?!" He took out his gun. Aiming it at him. "And why are you alive?! You're supposed to be dead! I killed you!" --- James rammed himself against a wall of the shield. "Get me out of this, you son of a bitch!" "We're gonna need some answers out of you. Because frankly, I don't know what the hell Leo's been smoking but it's making him act differently." He smirked. "Do you really think this was part of the plan? He's got something else on the side. I'm just here to prove him that he's on the wrong team." "And what team should he be on?" "Mine. That's all you need to know." Will glared. "We'll know more soon enough." Leo appeared. "There you are!" He looked at Will and Parker. "Shit!" A large purple hand suddenly grabbed him. Wrapping itself over his arms and torso. Slamming him against the wall. He struggled to get out of its hold. "D-Damn it! Let me go!" "Not until I find out just what the fuck is going on here!" James chuckled. "Do you see Leo? They're just like everybody else. No one can understand our cause but our own kind. Humans do not know the pain of being monsters. But we'll show them soon enough." "Screw....You!" The purple aura soon made Leo pass out. The hand dropped him. A square shield trapped him too. --- Kite kissed her chest. Exploring it with his wandering hands. He slipped her bra off as he whispered. "Cindy. I love you." (private time) --- A cop with short black hair, a bare face, and black eyes had noticed her behavior. He was going to call her over but she had already made it to the top of the building. So he followed her. When he got up there he said, "Hey! What are you doing here?" shadowess - April 29, 2021 Theo yelped and growled when he saw Carter aiming a gun at him. He shook, recalling how he'd died so quickly when Carter had shot him last time. He didn't want to die again. He quickly transformed back to his human form and held up his hands, staying knelt down. "Don't shoot! Please! I didn't come here to fight! I didn't even know you were here!" Hearing the commotion outside, Sebastian ran out behind Carter and froze when he saw Theo. "What the-?! How is he alive?!" "I-I can tell you! Just don't shoot me again! I don't want to go back! Don't make me go back!" Theo pleaded, sweat rolling down the side of his face. If the energy could visibly smirk, it would. 'So, the once serial killer werewolf is begging you for mercy? How the mighty have fallen. Guess Hell really does work wonders on his kind.' --- Watching everything around him unfold, Parker stood. When Leo was knocked out and placed into a shield as well, he turned his attention back to the wolf. "Alright, enough with all the vague bullshit. Who are you? And what the hell are you planning?!" --- Taken by surprise when the cop called out to her, Jessica whirled around on the spot and her foot slipped. "Fuck!" She gasped as she fell and instinctively grabbed onto the edge of the roof, dangling. She'd dropped her beer bottle and the short pause before hearing it smash gave her some indication of just how high up they really were. Knowing she could die if she fell, she quickly sobered up a little and held on as tight as she could. But she didn't have much upper body strength and already her arms hurt from holding her weight. 'Ok, -now- I'm scared!' she thought as she tried desperately to pull herself up but all she was doing was using up what little strength she had left. "H-help! Please!" Denix Vames - April 29, 2021 "Shut up!" Carter hit himself on the side of his head. "Let me think!" He glared at Theo. "Get inside! Now!" --- "Not what I'm planning. What we're planning." "And that is?" ,said Will. "To take over the world by turning everyone into what we are." "No offense but that ain't gonna work. We can stop you." "It would seem that you're the only one who can match my strength. And apparently Leo's. Although, I smell so many types of creatures DNA in him that it's almost unreal. For him to be beaten by you is very much impressive. Perhaps, you can join our cause." "No thanks. I don't do cults." "Very well. Then I guess I will be taking your eye." James punched the shield. He grit his teeth. Frustrated at not being able to break it. "Try again, Sparky." He growled. "You'll die for this!" --- The cop ran over. He grabbed her hand. "Hold on! I've got you!" He pulled her up. Bringing her back to the roof. "Are you ok?" shadowess - April 29, 2021 Watching the way Carter behaved caused Theo some alarm. He was clearly unstable. Even Sebastian glanced at Carter briefly with uncertainty. When Carter barked at him to get inside, Theo nodded. Keeping his hands up, he hurried into the house then came to a sudden stop in the living room, looking around pale faced. "It's all gone..." he gasped. "It's all different!" He knew it might've changed inside but he hadn't been prepared to actually see it. Sebastian followed them in then hurried off upstairs briefly. He came back down a moment later holding a blanket and nervously held it out for Theo to take. "Here...you're- uh...you might want to cover yourself..." Sebastian said while looking anywhere but at Theo. Theo took the blanket with a nod and wrapped it around his waist to keep himself covered. He looked back at Carter nervously. "I...I didn't know...I thought..." he glanced around the house tearfully. "I thought I still had a home..." he admitted. The house had belonged to Vincent but Theo had lived here with him while they'd been together. --- When James revealed his plan, Parker cringed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Oh man, getting a huge dose of Deja vu right now..." he muttered to Will, referencing his plan as a Blood God to take over the world by turning other people into Blood Gods. Thankfully, this wolf didn't know Parker, what he'd once been, what he'd planned or what he'd done. The only thing this wolf would sense in front of him was a half Devil. "Hate to break it to you but not all species react well to being turned into something else. For instance, Vampires can make half Devils into something called a Blood God and they're insane and notoriously difficult to control as it is...God knows what your venom would do! Your plan is risky and flawed. Doomed to fail. If I were you, I'd give up now while you're ahead and do something better with your life!" he said, trying to talk some sense into this werewolf. --- Jessica gripped the officer's arm when he grabbed her arm and pulled her up. She was breathing heavily from the fright as well as the climb back up. When he asked her if she was ok, she looked at him for a moment before hugging him suddenly. "Thank you!" she breathed. She then crumpled, breaking down into tears. "N-no...I'm not ok...I-I thought I'd be ok...if I died...but when I fell, I realized, I don't want to die!" Denix Vames - April 29, 2021 "Sit down! Now, tell me why you're here and how you're still alive?!" ,said Carter. --- James laughed. "I never said it would just be werewolves. I'll convince every other creature to join our cause. To dominate humanity and tear it down as the abomination it is." Leo's hand twitched. He slowly opened his eyes as he groaned. Rubbing the back of his head. His eyes widened at them. "Shit! I have to leave!" He tried to teleport but couldn't. "What the?! What's going on?" "Looks like this human here has a few tricks up his sleeves." ,said James. Leo glared at them. He banged his fists against the shield. "Get me out of here!" Will knelt in front of him. "What are you planning? Who do you work?" "Nothing and that's none of your damn business!" --- He wrapped his arms around her. "Why don't we get down from here and talk there? I can buy you something to eat." shadowess - April 29, 2021 "Alright! Alright!" Theo said as he sat down hurriedly and kept his eyes on Carter. "I thought this house was empty, I just needed somewhere to stay for a couple of days until I get the full moon out of my system! As for how I'm still alive...it's a bit of a long story..." He glanced between Sebastian and Carter nervously. "I was hiding in Hell. There's this Demon...David. Runs some kind of Programme that helps souls turn good or something...well, I pissed him and his friends off a while ago and I'd been hiding since...then he and this Angel woman pops up in the place where I'm hiding, looking for a couple of souls that had passed through. I watched those souls do something to David and the Angel...I didn't understand what they did at first but then I overheard them talking...they'd put some kind of spell on them to make them obedient and they were talking about getting brought back to life and coming back to Earth..." Theo gulped. "So...I joined them...But I'm not on their side!" he quickly defended, holding his hands up again. "I just made them think that so I could come to Earth too...I figured, if I could break that spell on David then maybe he'll let me stay alive. But he vanished before I could get him alone and I'm not guna be able to go back until this full moon is over because all of my senses today are haywire and tomorrow I'll be in wolf form all damn day!" Theo had no idea that David or Patience could be summoned by calling for them. --- Disgusted in James's plan, Parker shook his head. "Other species are just as capable of committing terrible acts as humans! What you're planning is pure insanity!" he protested. He then turned to Leo when he refused to tell Will who he was working for now. "Give it up, Leo! You're not going anywhere so you may as well just tell us!" he said, growing frustrated with Leo's attitude. "God dammit, we were supposed to be friends! Why don't you trust us anymore?!" --- Jessica let the officer go, her eyes on the ground and her cheeks red with embarrassment. What must this guy think of her? Some drunk stranger who almost fell to her death and started dumping her personal problems on him. She hesitated at his offer. "I-I'm sorry, I'm probably holding you up from something more important..." she said quietly. It was obvious that her sense of self worth was almost completely depleted at this point. She truly didn't believe she was worth anyone's time. Denix Vames - April 29, 2021 Carter grit his teeth. "Ricky and Rickster! Those bastards! I thought we killed them!" He lowered his weapon. "We have to make sure they stay dead. Permanently." He put the gun away. "David! Patience!" When they appeared, he said, "We know what's going on. You don't have to tell us anything. Just let us help you get rid of those markings. And then we need to find a way to make those two stay dead dead. They can't keep doing this like it's the easiest thing in the world." --- "Hmph! You don't get it! You never will!" ,said James. Leo clenched his fists. "Because I don't any of you guys to get hurt!" Will's eye widened. "What?" "I...I don't want my friends to get into harm's way. For Oscar to die." Tears streamed down his cheeks. He clutched his head. "I work for the government! Ok? I'm a secret agent. I've been informing the President and every other politician that works there about the existence of creatures and ADIEU. Some of them were victims of ADIEU. They know the pain. They understand. And they want to help by making sure nothing like that disgusting agency ever exists again. They're even willing to make a law that will protect creatures like us. But I need to keep everything because it's an official government case." "Holy shit...." ,said Will. Leo looked at them. "Do you get it now?! I can't say anything!" James growled. "You idiot! We were supposed to take over the world! We made a promise when we were still in ADIEU!" "SHUT UP!" His eyes widened at his tears and curled up position. "Just shut up. You already won by destroying me. Is that what you wanted?" He frowned. "Leo, I thought you remembered." "Remember what?" "That we were.....together." Leo shook his head. "I forgot everything." --- "Don't say that." He held her hand. "I'm an officer which means that it's my job to help people. You're one of them." He guided her off of the building and to his car. "My name is Officer Ben Collins but you can just call me Ben. What's yours?" shadowess - April 30, 2021 When Carter announced their names, Theo blinked, taken aback. "You know them?? Wait, you killed them too?!" He then watched as Carter summoned Patience and David. He was even more in shock when they both appeared in the room. How'd he do that?! Patience looked tired, her eyes a little red from crying. David just seemed angry but his anger wavered a little when he noticed Theo sitting on the couch and assumed he'd gone to get help for them. Maybe there was a chance to save him after all? Theo looked back at them a little guiltily, not proud of having helped Ricky and Rickster in using them as tools to get back to Earth. As soon as Carter said he knew what was going on and told them to help break the spell on them however, both Patience and David's eyes widened for a moment before they both flinched. Gripping where they'd had their runes carved into them and seeming to be in pain. "What's going on?!" Sebastian asked, looking at them both in alarm. Theo stood, watching them. "It's Rickster. He said he'd lost someone under this spell before because they went to go get help so he forbid them from getting help, telling anyone about them or looking for ways to break their spells." he looked back at Carter and Sebastian. "I think the spell is punishing them for wanting to help you break it!" "How do we break it?" Sebastian asked, having not been around when Oscar's spell had been broken. "Break s-seal!" David gasped as he hurriedly took off his shirt so that the rune was exposed. Patience fell to her knees. Both of them were now gritting their teeth as the pain began to steadily intensify. Patience unbuttoned the first few buttons of her shirt, revealing the rune on her chest as well. Sebastian ran into the kitchen and came back with a couple of knives, handing one to Carter. He walked over to Patience. "Sorry in advance!" he said as she leant back so that she could grip the chair behind her in anticipation of more pain. She closed her eyes tightly then cried out as Sebastian lightly sliced through the seal, breaking the spell. When done, she stayed there for a moment, breathing heavily and sweating a little. Sebastian stood back and watched as the rune, as well as the fresh cut he'd just made, slowly began to heal itself. David remained standing upright. He didn't seem to be in as much pain as Patience. Or at least, he seemed to be handling it better. Several years of training with Lucifer's best can give you quite the tolerance for pain. Though the longer they took, the more his expression contorted from agony. He clenched his fists and waited for his spell to be broken as well. --- "Oh, you have no idea..." Parker muttered when James said he didn't get it. He was then shocked to hear that Leo had been working for the government. He stood there quietly for a moment, letting that information sink in. "M-Maybe we should let him go." he suggested to Will. "If he's gotta be there now, he might get in trouble for being late." he then turned back to Leo. "You still could've told -us-, man...we're you're friends...what did you think would happen when you'd start to keep secrets and act all weird? We got worried...because we all care about you." he said gently. --- Letting him walk her out of the building and to his car, Jessica looked at Ben thankfully. "I'm Jessica." She answered quietly.
  11. Shadowess - April 28, 2021 Parker's cheeks turned red again out of embarrassment. "Oh..." he said, a little deflated. It would have been pretty cool if they'd managed to pull something like that off. He then seemed interested in what Will said next. "Maybe, then?" he sighed. "I duno...this whole thing is kinda giving me a headache..." he chuckled. --- Sebastian listened to him but was confused. "Monster? What monster?" he asked, worried. --- Before Cindy could get close to the door, James had kicked it in. Cindy screamed then watched, terrified as James grabbed Kite. "Let him go!" she screamed at him, shaking. "KITE!" Cindy screamed when James threw him against the wall. Cindy started running towards Kite when James grabbed her and she cried out as he pulled her hair and pinned her to the floor. "No! Get off me!" she panicked, struggling against him. When she heard Kite's growls deepen and get louder, she stopped and looked over at him in time to see him suddenly grow into a larger wolf. She turned her head away, getting sprayed by James's blood when Kite tore his arm off. James ran from the apartment and Cindy was left, laying on her back and staring wide eyed at Kite. She watched him change back into his human form then continued to just lay there for a moment, panting and staring at him. Her heart was still beating rapidly. After a couple of minutes, she sat up and crawled over to Kite, crying. She brushed some of his hair out of his face as she looked him over for a minute, processing what had just happened. Still shaking, she stood and ran over to the door, pushing it closed as best she could. She looked down at herself. She was covered in James's blood. She looked back over at Kite. That was one hell of a growth spurt alright! There wasn't a doubt in her mind anymore. Before the full moon tomorrow, she was definitely going to need to seal him somewhere! She was just glad that he was sane enough today to defend her when she'd needed him. She wiped away a few tears and walked back over to Kite, sitting next to him and waiting for him to wake up. --- Hiding in the bushes, Theo could see Vincent's new family through the window. He didn't dare get any closer though. He could see how happy Vincent seemed to be. He'd really moved on. He didn't need Theo anymore. Theo's ears turns back and flattened against his head sadly. He couldn't help the small whine that escaped him and knew he shouldn't hang around any longer. He'd seen what he'd come to see. There was nothing else for him here and it would be unfair on Vincent for Theo to walk back into his life. He stood and walked away, tail between his legs. It was time that he moved on and found something new for himself. While he was admittedly sad to have to let Vincent go, he was just glad that he was happy. Denix Vames - April 28, 2021 Will set his empty bowl on the table. "Maybe you should relax. I can show you that album I was talking about." He headed upstairs. A couple of seconds later, he had it in his hands. He set it on the table and sat next to him. "I always took pictures with every fan that came up to me." He flipped through the pages so that he could see the photos. There was a photo of himself holding a cop in his arms. That cop was smiling. He had shades on. He had dark brown short hair and a beard. Will quickly flipped through it. Hoping Parker didn't pay any attention to that picture. --- "I don't know! He's in my head. He talked to me in my dreams. Told me that he was there to help but I doubt that." ,said Carter. --- Kite soon opened his eyes. "Hm? Cindy?" --- Vincent looked at the window for a moment. Thinking that there was someone there. He checked but found no one. Focusing back on his family. Shadowess - April 28, 2021 When Will brought down the photo album, he looked through it with Will. He smiled at all the photos of him with fans. He did spot the photo of him holding the cop but also noticed how quickly Will flipped the page. Parker didn't say anything or draw attention to the fact he'd seen it. He didn't know if it might drag up painful memories for Will and he didn't want to put him on the spot like that. Maybe he'll tell him about it one day, when he's ready. For now, he just kept smiling as if he hadn't seen anything as he looked at all the other photos. "This is awesome." he commented, turning his head to smile at Will. He blushed. "You er- you look good in what you were wearing." he said shyly. --- Sebastian listened to Carter for a moment. Staying silent as he tried to think of what it was he was seeing and why it was happening. Eyes still tearful, he took hold of Carter's shoulders and looked at his face. "Look at me." he said gently. "We'll figure this out! We will! We've gotten through everything else so far, right? We'll get through this too. I know what you're like and you know what you're like. So, if you get any thoughts that don't sound right, try to ignore them for now. Do what -you- would do." --- Cindy sat and watched him waking up. When he said her name, she couldn't help starting to cry again though she was smiling at him weakly. "Kite!" she cried, still visibly shaking. She placed her hands on his shoulders, helping him to sit up. "D-Do you remember what happened?" she asked, unsure if he'd been aware when he'd been transformed. Denix Vames - April 28, 2021 Will blushed. "Thanks. My body isn't like that anymore. I'm more on the sort of skinny side of things. But I've still got plenty of muscles." He paused. "I still having my boxing gear. I always try to keep it just because. Do you....Do you want to see me wearing it?" --- Carter nodded. "I-I'll try. But I don't want to hurt you. I'm so scared!" --- Kite looked around. "I remember....Blood. You were screaming. And then he tried to-" He looked down at himself. He quickly covered his crotch with a pillow. "I'm naked!" shadowess - April 28, 2021 Parker could feel his cheeks getting hotter as Will asked if he wanted to see him in his old boxing gear. His eyes lighting up at the thought. "Sure." he smiled. --- "You won't." Sebastian said. He gave him a gentle smile. "I know you won't. I know what happened earlier but you were still you enough to stop yourself from going too far!" he took Carter's hands in his. "I trust you." --------- Cindy frowned as she listened to him try to recollect what had happened. Then she couldn't help chuckling at his reaction to finding himself nude. "It's ok, it's just us two here now...and it's nothing I haven't seen before..." she blushed then frowned again, blinking back tears as she looked at him seriously. "You um...you turned into...well..." she tilted her head a little, awkwardly. "A puppy." she giggled. "Everything was fine but then..." she frowned again. "The wolf that bit you...he kicked the door in and grabbed you. He tried to ask you where Leo was but...you couldn't answer...so he tried to attack me. Then you changed into an adult wolf and...well..." she looked over at the severed arm on the floor, laying in a puddle of blood as well as the blood trail leading out of the apartment. She looked back at him and smiled a little. "You saved me." she said softly. Denix Vames - April 28, 2021 "Cool. Uh...." Will awkwardly cleared his throat. "I'll go change. Give me a second." He went upstairs. He got dressed in red boxing shorts with a white a stripe on its side. The top of the shorts were white. He put on his white boots with red stripes. He carried his white boxing gloves downstairs. His eye patch was still there but he was now shirtless. "So? What do you think?" --- Carter gave his hands a squeezed. "Ok." He leaned his forehead against his. "Thank you." --- Kite looked at the mess. "I did?" He wrapped an arm around her. Pulling her into an embrace. "I did." shadowess - April 29, 2021 Parker waited excitedly for Will to come back. He paced a little where Will had left him until he returned. When he saw him, he blushed and grinned. "You look awesome!" he said walking up to him and looking over his outfit...and his bare chest. --- Sebastian smiled at him lovingly. Lifting a hand to caress his cheek. "Maybe we should try resting for a bit..." he suggested. --- Cindy smiled at him more when he held her and pulled her to him. She looked into his eyes for a moment. There was something about him in that moment that made him utterly irresistible to her. Whether it was because she was feeling a flood of emotions from him saving her, because he was giving off some powerful pheromones, or even both, wasn't clear. All she knew in that moment was that she was grateful to him and she wanted him. She kissed him tenderly at first, then her kisses become more and more passionate. One hand feeling his bare chest while her other ran through his hair. Denix Vames - April 29, 2021 Will's face went red. "You really think so?" --- "I don't know. The last time I slept, I saw him. Whatever he was. I don't want to see him again." ,said Carter. --- Kite moaned into the kisses. He brought his hands to her waist. Getting under her blouse. --- James was still sniffing around. Where his arm had once been was now healed up. Despite only having one arm, he knew how to handle himself. He soon found a scent that was similar to Leo's. He snuck through the upstairs bedroom window. His eyes caught the one that he had been searching before. The human with a weird part of him. A weird scent. Will. Shadowess - April 29, 2021 "Yeah." Parker replied with a smile. He stood close to Will, wanting to be as close as they'd been back at the hospital. "It really suits you." He blushed harder, bringing his eyes back up to Will's while he wrapped his arms around his shoulders. --- "I understand..." Sebastian frowned. "But you can't put off sleep forever...you'll need to get some rest to stay alert...especially with everything else going on." He sighed, caressing Carter's hand with his thumb. " If you're not ready to sleep yet though, then what do you want to do instead?" --- Moaning at the way he held her and the feeling of his hands on her bare skin, Cindy brought her legs around either side of him so that she was gently sitting on his lap. Both her hands now running through his hair and tugging on it lightly in a playful way as she slipped her tongue into his mouth. Denix Vames - April 29, 2021 Will kissed him. He lifted him off the floor. Bringing him to the couch where he laid on top of him. James zoomed over to them. Ready to take one of them hostage. Will's wings suddenly sprouted. Will got off of the couch. Turning to James. "What the hell?" James ran over. Purple hands suddenly formed as an aura over Will's. Outstretching towards James who was grabbed by them. Being thrown at a wall. He hit the floor. A square shield surrounded him. "Uh thanks?" ,said Will. The aura on his arms left as his wings went back in him. "We should call Carter about this." --- "How about we watch some TV?" ,asked Carter. --- Kite squeezed her ass as he now on top of her. He kissed her neck. Taking her blouse off. Shadowess - April 29, 2021 Not wanting to go back to the penthouse until the full moon was out of the way and unable to think of anywhere else he could go, Theo returned to what he thought was his old home. Having no idea that Vincent and Amelia had renovated it and given it to Carter as an office. So, understandably, when he arrived he was shocked at the strange scents coming from inside as well as the door with the frosted glass that read "Carter's". He whined quietly, sniffing around the exterior of the building, unable to believe that his home was no longer his. Yet he could no longer find a trace of his own scent around the building. --- Parker kissed Will back and relaxed against him when he was being lifted. He smiled as Will lowered him onto the couch and climbed on top of him, moaning a little into the kiss and closing his eyes. When Will's wings sprouted, he jumped and opened his eyes again, looking over in alarm at the intruder who'd been attempting to run up at them. He watched Will's new aura take care of the intruder with ease and sat up on the couch, staring at the intruder in the shield. When Will said they should call Carter, he nodded. "Yeah, I'll call him." he took out his phone and dialed Carter's number. --- Meanwhile, back at the office. Sebastian nodded with a small smile at Carter's suggestion. "Sure. Let's go relax and watch something." he kept hold of one of his hands as he stood and walked into the living room. He sat on the couch with Carter and passed him the remote. "I'll watch whatever you want to watch. I don't know enough about what's on TV to know what I like..." he admitted with a small blush. As they began to relax, the energy within Carter stirred suddenly. 'I don't mean to interrupt but do you smell a wolf? Cos I smell a wolf...' --- Tilting her head back and moaning at the way he handled her, Cindy closed her eyes as he lay her down and leant on top of her. She bit her lip as he removed her blouse and smiled, running her hands over his back. She lifted a leg to wrap it around his while one hand wandered down his back to grip his ass. "Oh, Kite!" she breathed, shivering excitedly. --- By now Jessica was drunk and stumbling around. She'd been stumbling down the middle of a quiet road for a little while now. Occasionally mumbling angrily to herself about how she was always left behind and useless. That maybe she'd be better off dead so she could come back with powers. Maybe then her 'friends' might actually give a shit about her. She was in a very dark place, mentally...and she'd probably cling to someone fast for showing the slightest lick of compassion towards her right now. Even if their intentions may not be honest. So long as she'd feel 'wanted', she wouldn't care at this point. She glanced off at the high buildings, squinting and took a swig from the beer bottle she was holding. Recalling her free run through Hell. Maybe if she practiced she could get really good at things like that. Then maybe she might become useful and she'd show her friends she was actually worth being around. "I'll shhowz 'em..." she slurred and hiccupped as she made her way over to one of the abandoned buildings. Slowly, she climbed the steps all the way up to the roof. There, she walked over to the edge and stood there precariously, swaying dangerously as she looked over the edge, finding it amazing that she didn't feel the slightest bit of fear at this height. Casually she took another swig of her beer and began almost tight walking along the edge of the roof. "Gotta...prc'hic'tiss"
  12. Denix Vames - April 27, 2021 Will smiled. "I try to be healthy." He set the cooked tofu off of the stove. Putting it on a big plate. He grabbed two bowls from one of the top cabinets. "Get me some boxed water." He placed some Kale in each bowl then chopped up the tofu turkey flavored. Putting them into each bowl as well. He drizzled some vinegar ranch over it. A fork was in both dishes. "Food's done." --- Kite jumped. Trying to get close to her face so that he could lick her. --- Carter shook his head. "I-I've never had something like you in my head. How am I supposed to believe you?" --- Gary moaned at his touch. His knee pressed against his pants. Shadowess - April 28, 2021 Parker nodded and took out the water for Will, placing both their drinks on the table. He walked over when he said the food was done and smiled at the bowls. "It looks great! Thank you." he said as he took a bowl and moved over to the table. "Smells great too!" he sat down and waited for Will to join him before trying some of the dish. Getting some tofu and kale onto his fork and then putting it into his mouth. He chewed it and his eyes lit up. Once he swallowed, he smiled. "Wow, I should start eating stuff like this more often! It's so good!" --- Cindy chuckled at Kite and the way he was acting. She knelt down and scratched behind his ear. "I wish I knew what to do..." she said softly. --- The other Carter stood and shrugged while placing his hands in his pockets in a relaxed way. "Because everything you feel, I feel as well. If you feel pain, I'll feel pain. If you love Sebastian, I love Sebastian, and if you die, I die as well. So, it's within my own best interests as well to make sure that you are safe, happy and alive." He then tilted his head. "That being said, I do have my own tastes...those blood bags for example..." he cringed. "Those are vile, aren't they? It's ok. You can be honest with me. I know your memories and let's face it..." he gestured around them. "It's not like I can tell anyone." he laughed. "I know how you felt when you drank Amelia dry...when you almost managed to drink that Incubus dry. You felt awful afterwards, sure. But -during-...you loved it, didn't you?" He took a step towards Carter. "How the blood tasted so fresh and how hot it was. How you felt it warming every part of your body. Filling you with energy and power. You didn't want it to end, did you? It's ok. That's natural. That's a part of what you are." he then held up his hands. "Now, I'm not saying to go around drinking from people! So, don't worry. But...maybe the odd criminal here and there who deserves it? The ones you know won't ever change. The ones that would kill you or your friends given the chance. Think it over...and remember, I'm here for you. Now go make amends with the man you love." He clicked his fingers, forcing Carter to wake up and ending the conversation. When Carter would wake up, he'd find that his fangs had already grown back. ---- Hand sliding down Gary's torso to his belt, Alex began to unbuckle it while continueing to caress his tongue with his own. He undid his pants as well and slipped his hand into them. (Private Time) Denix Vames - April 28, 2021 Will sat next to him. He ate some of the dish as well. "It's great, isn't? Maybe if you come by more often, I can make more of this for you." He drank some of the boxed water. "So....About Leo? What's going on in his head? It's like he's got a temper or something. And I don't like the way he was talking about something greater. No offense but that's the classic cliche line of a villain." --- Kite enjoyed the scratches. He whined as he ran to the bathroom where he peed near the toilet. --- Carter gasped awake. Not having a chance to say anything to whatever the hell that was. He touched his mouth. His eyes widened at the touch of his fangs. He ran out of the room. "Sebastian? Where are you? Sebastian! I'm sorry! It was the wolf venom! I don't know what's happening but I don't feel like doing that again! Just....Just stay away from me! Stay with Will or Kite or someone else! Please!" --- James sniffed around. Looking for Will. He had seen him when he was searching for Leo. He could tell he was different by the scent he had. He would investigate what he was. And perhaps even use him as a tool to prove something to Leo. Kite had been a mistake. But Leo was the one he needed to get to understand something. Shadowess - April 28, 2021 "I'd like that." Parker smiled and ate some more of the food. When Will talked about Leo, Parker shrugged while taking a sip of his drink. "I know what you mean...Pretty sure I came out with a similar line when I'd been a Blood God... I've no idea what he meant by what he said though...I guess the only person that can really answer that question is Leo..." --- "Oh, no! Is -that- what you were trying to tell me? Aww, it's ok...don't worry...it's Not like you could help it." Cindy sighed as she quickly stood and looked at the mess he'd made. She quickly grabbed quite a bit of toilet roll and placed it on top of the puddle. While the tissue soaked up the liquid, Cindy headed to the kitchen to put on a pair of gloves and prepare a mop bucket. She went back into the bathroom, grabbing the tissue and flushing it down the toilet before mopping the floor. When done she took off the gloves, washed her hands and went over to the couch to sit down with a sigh. Thinking about whether Kite would still need the spell tomorrow or if a sudden growth spurt might not be a thing. --- Sebastian was woken up by Carter's shouts and he jumped, looking at the bathroom door while listening to what Carter was saying. He stood and placed the side of his face as well as his hand against the door. He closed his eyes, wondering what Carter would do in his position if the roles had been reversed. All the time Sebastian had been a vampire and Carter had been human...Carter had trusted him. Even when he hadn't been at his best, Carter's trust had never wavered. Taking a deep breath, he slowly opened the door to look at Carter. "C-Carter?" He said in a broken voice. "I don't want to go. I don't want to leave you." He cried softly. "I just want you to hold me." --- Jessica had woken up and found herself alone. She was still shaken by what had happened to her and having no one around to comfort her just hurt her even more. She'd slipped out at some point during the night, certain that no one would notice or even miss her. She lit up a cigarette, walking towards town, looking for a quiet bar to drink herself into oblivion in. --- Theo had decided to roam the streets and alleys in his wolf form early. He'd originally gone to a club to try to find someone to spend the night with but he's very picky when it comes to partners...Even if it's only for one night. Instead, he just decided to spend the next couple of days doing something he used to enjoy doing before he'd died. Running around in his wolf form and occasionally scaring the crap out of drunks in the street for kicks. Denix Vames - April 28, 2021 Will nearly choked on some water. "A Blood what?" --- Kite jumped on the couch. Laying next to her with his head over her lap. --- Carter frowned. A few tears left him. He hesitantly said, "Ok." He walked over to him. He let him get closer. Wrapping his arms around him. "I'm sorry." --- Jasper appeared next to her. "Hey!" He smiled. "I really wish you guys weren't in such drama. I have to postpone my wedding because of it. It's like none of ya'll have ever heard of a conversation before." --- James sniffed the air. He zoomed over to Theo. He raised a brow. "Hey? Have you seen someone around wearing all black and having short brunette hair with bangs?" shadowess - April 28, 2021 Parker paused and looked at Will with red cheeks. "Remember? I told you in the hospital? It's what I became when Bryce tried to turn me into a vampire...I went mad..." he frowned and looked down at his food. "Really mad..." he sighed, hating the memories of the things he'd done back then. --- Cindy stroked Kite's head as he lay next to her. She watched him with a frown, wondering what to do. She was tempted to venture out and find the wolf responsible. To confront him and demand answers. But she didn't want to leave Kite alone. She wondered how he must be feeling right now. Quite possibly a whole mess of emotions. But at least he wasn't dangerous...for now. --- Sebastian walked over to Carter and slowly leant against him. He rested his head on his shoulder while placing a hand on his chest, his other arm around his waist. Already, he felt comforted by Carter's arms around him. When he heard Carter's apology, Sebastian hugged him a little tighter. "It's ok." he said softly, a couple of tears falling from his eyes. "I know you didn't mean it..." he pulled away a little to look into Carter's eyes. "We'll get through this." he smiled weakly. "We always do." he then kissed him tenderly. --- Jessica jumped a little when Jasper appeared and she looked at him with a frown when he talked about the group needing to learn how to have a conversation. "Yeah well, to be able to have a conversation, your 'friends' have to actually be around first..." she said sourly before taking a drag on the cigarette. She then sighed sadly while rubbing her temples a little. "Look, Jasper. I think you're a great friend, I really do...but I'm really not in the mood for a lecture tonight...or company for that matter...I just want to be alone and drink myself stupid..." --- When James ran over to him, Theo jumped back and growled. His heckles raised defensively. It was unusual for a wolf to approach another wolf that wasn't from their own pack, especially so close to a full moon and particularly if that wolf had been exiled by their own pack. When he heard James's question, he tilted his head to one side, one ear flopping over a little. He shook his head, which shook the rest of his main before he began trotting away from the stranger wolf. He kept looking over his shoulder to keep an eye on James warily as he went. Denix Vames - April 28, 2021 Will's cheeks went red. "Oh. Right. Sorry, it's just that I've been occupied with all of this chaos. Leo being weird and whatever the hell is inside me right now." --- Kite closed his eyes. Enjoying the petting. His tail wagged. --- Carter returned the kiss before letting go. He sighed. "What the hell's wrong with me? I wish I never got bit by that damn werewolf." --- Jasper frowned. "Ok." He disappeared. --- James sniffed the air. Searching for anyone he had previously bitten. He caught the scent of Kite. He figured if he couldn't find Leo then he could ask him. After all, he was now a werewolf. Surely, he could trust him. He got to the front door and knocked. Kite stood on all fours and growled. Shadowess - April 28, 2021 Parker shrugged. "It's cool, I get it. Our lives tend to get a bit crazy...it can be easy to lose track of what happened to who sometimes..." he ate some more of the food. When he swallowed it, he glanced out of the window. "It's not exactly an honest way to do this but given the way Leo's been acting...maybe we could try planting a bug on him the next time we run into him? Track his movements and conversations from there? We give him a chance to be honest with us first, of course. But if he's not, at least we'd have a backup way of finding things out for ourselves?" --- Sebastian frowned and studied Carter's face for a moment. "Talk to me." he said softly, pulling his arm a little to pull him towards the bed. He sat down, waiting for Carter to sit next to him. "What's going on?" --- Jessica watched him vanish and frowned. No longer sure if she really wanted to be alone or if she's just pushing people away because she's upset. She sighed and took another puff on her cigarette before stomping it out and heading into a bar. She sat somewhere near the back where it was quieter and ordered herself a beer. She sat there, stuck in her thoughts. Wondering if she was worth a damn to anyone or if she was better off just going it alone from now on. --- Cindy had started to doze when she heard the knock. She jumped and looked at the door warily, becoming even more hesitant when Kite started to growl. Her heart began beating hard. If he'd come back for them, would he really bother to knock? "Kite..." she said quietly as she stood slowly. "Go in the bedroom...I'll double check the locks." she then began slowly and quietly making her way over to the door to make sure the locks were secure and to also try to sneak a peak through the peep hole. --- Theo wandered away from James but was no longer in the mood to scare the local drunks. He was feeling nostalgic and lonely. He sniffed around, searching for Vincent's scent but couldn't find it. He decided to head over to Carter's house to skulk around the bushes, sniffing the air to see if he could catch his scent there. He didn't want to Vincent to see him however...he just wanted to see if he was ok from afar. To see if he'd moved on. If he was happier without him. Denix Vames - April 28, 2021 "A bug?" Will chuckled. He ate some of his food. "I don't know who you think I am but the PD doesn't carry around trackers. We're not that important compared to the FBI or CIA." He thought for a moment. "Wait a minute! What if that's what he was talking about? Maybe he works for the CIA? I've seen an agent before. Nothing dressed like him but he sure as hell made it obvious by the way he talked and walked that he was part of something government-wise." --- Carter hesitantly sat next to him. He covered his face with his hands. "There was this monster. It looked like me but it had red eyes and it told me these horrible things! I-I don't want to listen to it! I don't know what's going on anymore!" --- Kite whined before running off into the bedroom. James kicked the door. He zoomed to the scent of Kite who barked at him. James picked him up. "What the hell is this?! I expected to be a werewolf! Not some worthless puppy!" He sighed. "Whatever. I'll deal with this later. Just tell me where Leo is." Kite bit growled and barked at him. "Fine! If you won't tell me then maybe she will." James threw him at the wall. Kite let out a yelp as he hit the floor. He zoomed to Cindy. Grabbing her by her hair as he pinned her down. Kite's growls became more louder as he changed into an adult werewolf. He ran towards them. "Huh?" James turned as Kite bit into his arm. Tearing it off. James cried out. He clutched his bleeding stump and ran off. Kite dropped the arm. Blood dripped from his mouth. He suddenly turned back into his human form. Naked. Exhausted, he collapsed. --- Vincent was sitting on the couch. Drinking some soda that he never thought he would be drinking at all. There was another can of soda on the coffee table. Neva and Elliot were playing pattycake. Vincent smiled as he watched them. Thankful that his family was safe.
  13. Denix Vames - April 27, 2021 "Never but I'll give it a shot." ,said Ricky who was drunk. --- "Hey Parker?" Will blushed. "Would you like to come over to my place and hang out? I just....I don't want to be alone." --- Kite nodded. "Please. We should hurry." When they did arrive, he fell to his knees. Crying out at the pain. His arm became that of a wolf's arm. Some parts of him were becoming more like a wolf. --- Carter's eyes widened. His fangs sprouted. Drool hung from his mouth as he gripped Sebastian's arm. --- Gary placed the badge on the table. He wrote, 'She's gone. I couldn't save her.' shadowess - April 27, 2021 "Good." Rickster grinned and leaned in, kissing him and slipping his tongue into his mouth. The woman to his left began joining in, slipping her tongue into his mouth as well while the other woman took turns kissing Rickster and Ricky's necks. All hands wandered between each body. Pulling away, Rickster took Ricky's hand and led him to the bedroom. The women following them closely and giggling, excited by the activities they were about to take part in. (Private Time) --- At Will's suggestion, Parker smiled a little out of relief. He blushed as well and nodded. "Uh, sure." he replied. --- "Kite?!" Cindy took a quick step back as she watched parts of him shift and change. She felt helpless again and a little fearful as she watched him. "Oh...we really need to get that spell ready..." she said, looking around briefly and wiping a couple of tears away. Wondering if she should take him to a remote location now and seal him in that space. She wasn't sure how long he'd be able to control himself before he became dangerous...if he might need to have the spell done a few hours or half a day before the full moon rises. --- Sebastian was taken by surprise by the way Carter suddenly behaved. His eyes widened as well as he looked at Carter's fangs. He tried to pull his arm out of Carter's grip but he was far too strong. "Carter?!" He'd gasped as he stared at him with a mixture of confusion and fear. "Carter, you're kinda scaring me...what are you doing?" he shivered. "Talk to me, please." --- Alex frowned at the note. He kept his arm around Gary to comfort him. "I'm sorry, Gary. I really am. But you shouldn't blame yourself for this...from what you told me, you did more than anyone else did to try and save her. You did everything you could..." he sighed and gave Gary a gentle squeeze. "I guess, sometimes...we can't always win...we can't save everyone..." he kissed his head again. "I'm sorry." he wasn't sure what else to say to try and comfort him after something like this. Denix Vames - April 27, 2021 Will drove them to his house. "Here we are. I've got plenty of food and drink at the house if you're feeling hungry." --- Kite's legs and arms had changed. His nose and ears were completely different. His clothes ripping from the slow transformation. --- Carter pinned him against the floor. He kept telling himself that this was wrong. But then another part of him kept saying that this was right. What was he supposed to do? What thought was he supposed to believe in? --- Gary leaned his head against his. He placed a hand on his knee. His eyes closed as he just wanted to relax. To forget. But it was so recent that the memories were still there. Shadowess - April 27, 2021 Parker smiled as he got out of the car and looked at the house. Captains salary must be pretty good! The house was huge! It really put his dinky little apartment to shame! "Yeah, I'm pretty hungry actually." he chuckled. "I don't think I've eaten anything all day..." --- "K-Kite...?" Cindy was shocked at how much of Kite was changing and how quickly it was happening. Her eyes widened and she stumbled backwards until her back hit the wall. Transfixed by what was happening. He wasn't changing -now- was he?! The full moon isn't until tomorrow! Seeing how rapidly he was shifting, Cindy knew she wouldn't have enough time to chant the spell to seal him in one place. He'd be on her before she could chant it a few times. Frightened and not thinking straight, she bolted into the bedroom, closing the door behind her and leaning against it to keep it shut while she tried to think of what she could do to help him. ------------ "Carter?!" Sebastian gasped again as he hit the floor and Carter pinned him down. He struggled against his hold while staring up at him, frightened. "Carter, you're hurting me!" tears began to slide down his face. "P-please! Carter! Not like this!" he shook his head quickly. "Please!" 'This is for his own good.' the thought was pushed into Carter's mind. 'But he should be comforted first. He should at least know why.' --- Alex looked at him with a frown as he closed his eyes. He felt his hand on his knee and closed his own eyes. "I'm here for you." he whispered. "I'll always be here for you." he kissed him slowly and gently. "I love you, Gary." Denix Vames - April 27, 2021 "Well, that's fine. I can cook us something." ,said Will. They entered the house. There were posters of male boxers in large frames. Hung about the place. A few winning belts sat atop the fireplace. Will went into the kitchen to make some tofu turkey with kale. --- Kite soon transformed. He ran over to her door where he sniffed at her scent. He barked but it sounded like a wolf pup which was exactly what he was. --- Carter clutched as he stood back. "NO! This is wrong!" He slammed himself against the wall. Breaking his fangs off. He collapsed to the floor. Curling up as he covered his face. Blood dripped from his gums. --- Gary returned the kiss. He caressed his cheek. Shadowess - April 27, 2021 Parker looked around curiously as he followed Will. He saw the belts and rose his eyebrows, impressed. "You box?" he asked, following Will into the kitchen. --- Cindy tensed when she heard sniffing behind the door but when she heard the bark, she was confused. Her eyebrows furrowed and she opened the door a little to look through the crack at the wolf pup on the other side. "Now I know you're a newborn wolf but I didn't think that'd be quite so literal..." she chuckled. She kept the door just closed enough that he couldn't fit through the gap. "You're not going to try nipping me, are you?" she asked. She couldn't help wondering if this was normal for new wolves. Or if he would quickly grow to adult size to match his age. She really needed to study up on this... --- Sebastian scurried back as soon as Carter was off him until his back hit the dresser. He watched Carter while panting, his eyes still wide as he watched Carter tear his fangs out. They would grow back but it was a shocking display nonetheless. Shaking and his heart still racing, Sebastian crawled into the en suite bathroom where he locked the door. Sitting with his back to the tub while hugging his knees, sobbing and hyperventilating a bit. Unable to understand why Carter would lose control like that, especially after he'd only just fed. He didn't know what else to blame other than the venom. The energy within Carter became silent. --- Alex kissed him again. Just as slowly and gently. He stroked his hair a little while holding the back of his head. Denix Vames - April 27, 2021 "Use to. But I decided I wanted to avoid brain damage and got the job of being a cop." The tofu was sizzling on the pan as William moved it about. "They use to call me Black-Eye because I was known for giving people black eyes within a couple of seconds in the ring. Didn't stop people from trying to beat me though." --- Kite sniffed between the crack of the door. Sticking his nose there. He barked as he wagged his tail. Panting with a smile. --- Carter cried himself to sleep. --- Gary slipped his tongue into his mouth. He moved his hand to his knee. Reaching up to his thigh. Shadowess - April 27, 2021 "Wow, that's impressive!" Parker said, in awe. He looked at what Will was doing and smiled. "Did you want me to help with anything?" he asked. --- "Okay, that's freaking adorable!" Cindy said. She opened the door more to let him move around more freely. "Remember, no nipping! I gotta find out more about this..." She placed her hands on her hips as she looked around thoughtfully. "I don't even know if Hell has any books on this...I wonder if the wolf that bit you could answer some of our questions...it seems like our only option right now..." She glanced at the front door then felt a shiver run up her spine. They were home...she'd forgotten...the wolf might have her scent. After biting Kite, he'd definitely have his scent...it would be able to follow them here so easily...and with her having teleported out and back in again, she wouldn't even know if anyone had managed to break in while she was gone. She didn't even check all the rooms! She was too distracted by Kite! She looked around her, paranoid suddenly. 'No, I might just be imagining things!' she thought to herself. 'I'm getting all worked up and paranoid because I'm scared...Just go over to the front door...and check that the lock is still intact...if it is, then we're fine. We're safe.' she let out a shaky breath as she left the bedroom and slowly walked over to the front door to check the lock. --- Sebastian also cried until he passed out on the bathroom floor. In Carter's dreams, Carter would be in his house. At some point in his dream, he'd find himself alone with a second version of himself sitting on the couch. The other version had red eyes and was smiling at him, his fangs on display. "Hi Carter." it greeted him pleasantly. --- Alex moaned softly when he felt Gary's tongue in his mouth. He kissed back, matching his passion and caressing his tongue with his own. He moaned again when he felt his hand on his thigh. He brought his hand over to Gary's hip while his other hand gently gripped his hair. Denix Vames - April 27, 2021 "I can show you my album of photos of my boxing days." Will pointed at the bowl of Kale. "Rinse that under the sink and add a dash of salt and pepper to it. You can pick out a drink for yourself in the fridge." The drinks there would be tea, Kombucha, almond milk, water in a carton, and sparkling water with different flavors. --- Kite barked. He ran around in a circle. The locks to any doors had not been damaged. He ran over to her. He got on his hinds legs. Pressing his paws on her leg as he barked. --- Carter looked around. "What the hell is this?!" He pointed at him. "You're not me! You can't be me! That's not who I am!" --- Gary laid back on the couch. Letting Alex get on top of him. Shadowess - April 27, 2021 "That'd be cool." Parker said as he followed Will's instructions. He rinsed the kale and seasoned it before putting it to one side. He then looked in the fridge at the various drink options. "Wow...Your diet is way healthier than mine..." he chuckled as he pulled out a lime flavored sparkling water. "Do you want me to grab something out for you?" he asked, holding the fridge door open a moment while looking at Will. --- Cindy sighed in relief when she saw that the locks were still in tact. She closed her eyes for a moment and saw those teeth again. She shivered fearfully before realizing Kite was barking. Opening her eyes, she turned to look at him curiously as he leant on her leg. "What is it?" she asked, wondering if he was trying to tell her something. --- The other version of Carter shrugged. "I'm a part of you. Think of me as your advisor. I can help you become strong. I can help you make difficult decisions in tight spots to help you survive. I can give you advice on how to protect the ones you love...like Sebastian." he tutted and shook his head. "Probably would've been better if you'd been a bit more comforting, like I said to be. But at the end of the day, I can only make suggestions. -You're- the one in control...on that note, you might want to apologize to him when you wake up." This version of Carter was trying to get on Carter's good side. To convince him he would be beneficial to keep around. It would be so much easier if they could see eye to eye with each other. --- Alex climbed onto the couch, holding himself over Gary as he continued to kiss him. His hand wandering from his hip, under his shirt to feel his chest.
  14. shadowess - April 27, 2021 Theo lifted both his hands and smiled at Ricky. "I'll be sure to stay out of your way." he assured him. Before long David and Patience returned with the book containing the ritual. "New plan you two. We're bringing him with us!" Rickster said and gestured to Theo. Theo and David held eye contact for a moment before David sighed and nodded. They teleported them out of the harem and to a more deserted part of Hell. Patience had been silently crying the whole time, knowing what they were about to be forced to do. One at a time and six sacrifices later, Theo, Ricky and Rickster were alive again and standing in the abandoned mall on Earth. Rickster turned to David and Patience. "Listen to me carefully. You two will not talk about or so much as hint about us being alive or about your servitude and your runes. Especially not to your friends. Lie to them if you have to but as far as they're concerned, we are still in Hell." "Patience and I have to leave." David said quickly, exchanging a look with Patience. "We're both part of peace talks between Heaven and Hell. We cannot miss a single meeting or it could all fall through. Look, we did what you wanted. Release us and we'll leave you alone!" Rickster chuckled and shook his head. "How do I know you won't go back on your word? No. When you need to go to a meeting then, let us know and we'll let you go. But the same rule applies there. You cannot tell anyone at that meeting about us, your runes or your servitude. You MUST lie." He then looked around at their surroundings. "Now then...we need better accommodation! You-" he looked at David. "Go and find us a nice place to stay. Empty out a mansion or book us a penthouse suite. Anything other than a run down, abandoned building!" David nodded then looked at Patience uncertainly. His rune began to tingle from his hesitation to leave. "Oh, don't worry about her." Rickster smirked. "She'll be well taken care of." "Don't you tou- ahh!" David flinched and clutched his shoulder. "Better get moving. It'll only hurt more the more you put off your job... and the longer you take..." he moved his eyes slowly to Patience who whimpered and hugged herself. "The more ideas I'll get." he said, giving David more motivation to not waste time. Reluctantly, David vanished. Theo watched all of this quietly. He had to keep pretending to be on their side. Even if that meant following orders and doing questionable things in the meantime. --- "Will!" Parker shouted in alarm when Leo sent him flying back. Parker stood back from the fight, knowing he wasn't strong enough anymore to stand a chance if he got caught in the crossfire. He watched them tensely and when Leo disappeared, he hurried over to Will. "You alright?" --- Sebastian shook his head. "We've never had something like this happen before." he explained briefly. Hearing the slap of the blood bag hitting the tiled floor in the kitchen, Sebastian looked around at Carter. "You ok?" he called through worriedly, hoping the wolf venom wasn't irritating or hurting Carter. When Carter drank the hot blood, the energy still disliked it but a little less so than earlier. 'This is still not good enough...but it'll do...for now.' --- Alex spotted something among the debris. He walked over to it, picking it up and brushing off the ashes. He read the letters and his eyes widened. This might be something! He heard a car pull up behind him and he looked around to see Gary getting out of the car. "Gary?!" He pocketed the badge and carefully waded through the debris, leaving the house to greet him. "What are you doing here?? You should be at the hospital! I said I'd take care of this!" he gently scolded him. Denix Vames - April 27, 2021 "My mansion!" Ricky glared. "I swear if they did anything to my poor home, I'll kill them!" --- "Yeah, I'm fine." Will shook his head. He crossed his arms. "So much for trying to get a straight answer out of him." --- "I'm sure you guys can find some place to keep me away from everybody." ,said Kite. Carter quickly nodded. "Yeah, I'm just....Exhausted. That's all." He tried to push those thoughts away. Not thinking about them as he finished his cup of blood. He went upstairs. Going into his bedroom to relax. --- Gary awkwardly smiled. He shrugged. He walked over to the debris. Trying to look for her badge. Shadowess - April 27, 2021 Rickster turned to Ricky and shook his head with a small smile. "In time, Ricky. We'll get it back in time. But right now, we need to stay off of that group's radar completely while we grow our little empire. That means we'll need to stay clear of your mansion for now." he said softly. "But that's fine." he caressed his cheek. "Before you know it, we'll have more mansions than we'll know what to do with!" Theo stood by the window and looked up. He could feel power surging through him and knew the full moon was now less than a day away. "Oh, I've missed this feeling!" he sighed happily as he clenched his fists and closed his eyes. "Tomorrow I change and I shall be glorious once more!" he laughed. A few minutes later, David reappeared. "I got you both a penthouse suite on the other side of the city." he threw them each a key to the penthouse before holding out his hands to teleport them all there. Once there, Rickster looked around at the lavish suite in awe. "You've done well! I think you've earned a night off!" he said as he took out a bottle of champagne. "You and Patience go and relax for the night. Do whatever it is that you do...but be sure to come back tomorrow. There is still so much to be done!" David and Patience vanished quickly and Rickster poured three glasses of champagne. "To our new lives!" he toasted. --- Parker sighed and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "It's been a long day...maybe we should go get some rest?" he suggested. "Try again another time?" --- Sebastian watched Carter worriedly as he climbed the stairs then looked back at Kite. Torn between helping him and following Carter to see if he was alright. "I think I have an idea..." Cindy said suddenly, having been thinking of ways to help Kite for a little while. "I know a few spells from Hell's books. There's one that'll trap you in one space for a set amount of time. No one will be able to go in and no one will be able to come out. You'll be free to transform and get the madness out of your system without fear of hurting anyone!" She took his hands in hers. "I'll stay just outside the boundary so I can be as close to you as possible, ok? I won't leave you on your own. Let's go home so we can prepare...and maybe...get something else out of your system first?" she smirked. Happy that Cindy had this under control, Sebastian left them to it and headed upstairs towards the bedroom where he sat on the bed next to Carter. "Hey." he said softly and lay next to him, wrapping an arm around him. "Cindy's guna use a spell to keep Kite restrained so we don't have to worry." he said as he looked at Carter. "Is that bite bothering you?" he asked, worried. ----------- "I wish we had telepathy like some of our other friends..." Alex sighed as he watched Gary. "Guess there's no convincing you to go back, huh? Stubborn ass." he chuckled. "Well, seeing as you're here, we may as well work together...All I found in this place is this..." he took out the badge from his pocket and showed it to Gary. Denix Vames - April 27, 2021 Ricky raised his glass to his. "Hell yeah!" He took some sips. "We should party!" --- "Yeah, I guess we should. But the fact is, he isn't gonna come back. There's no way he would visit this place twice. Not after what happened today. We'll have to make some new strategies." Will's wings went back in him. He jumped. "Ok? I didn't do that." He then felt as though he heard....something. He raised a brow. "Are you two talking to me? The wings?" He listened. "And when were you going to tell me this? Just save the information for later. I want to sleep." They headed out of the mansion. He put a hand over the eye patch. "How the hell am I supposed to explain this to the doctor?" --- Kite smiled. "I'd like that." They headed out of the house. Walking back home. Carter quickly pulled himself away from Sebastian's grasp. Standing against the wall with his hand on his neck. "I-I don't know. My thoughts are....They're my thoughts but they don't feel right." He frowned. "I'm worried that I'll hurt someone." --- Gary took the badge. His eyes widened at the sight of it. He ran to the debris. Going inside to try and look for her. He moved stuff around. Throwing things aside as he hoped he would find her. But he didn't. Silent tears fell from his eyes as he got to his knees and hands. Still holding on to the badge. His work partner. That's who Cheri was. And he had lost her in the fire. Shadowess - April 27, 2021 Rickster took a sip of his then grinned at Ricky's idea. "Yes, we should! Let's see if we can't invite some ladies over to join us. Wolf, do you know any other wolves that might like to join the fun?" he asked, turning to Theo. Theo had just taken a sip of his champagne and shook his head while he swallowed it. "I was cast out of my pack years ago." he said briefly. "And speaking of wolves...I should probably leave you two for a couple of days while I get the full moon out of my system." he put his glass down and began walking towards the door. "Do you have to leave right now?" Rickster asked with a frown. Theo paused and turned to look back at Rickster and Ricky. "Trust me, the full moon might be tomorrow but you don't want me around tonight either." "Why's that?" Theo hesitated before answering. "The night before a full moon, wolves not only become stronger, faster and have their senses heightened...they go into heat and also become slaves to their Id." "Id?" "Yeah...you know...basic instincts...like hunger, thirst...sex... all the stuff that drive us are sort of...intensified. It becomes a little challenging to control. First time wolves have a much harder time controlling themselves...Unless we're in a pack with an Alpha...then they're the ones that can keep us in line." "So...what you're saying is...your body will be telling you to mate...which is why you're leaving now...to satisfy your needs?" Rickster smirked. Theo hesitated again and blushed. "...Yeah." "So, why are you going anywhere? We're going to have a party here! Get some girls over. I'm sure myself and Ricky will be having some fun with them, I'm sure you could have some fun as well?" Theo flustered. "I'm not...I don't..." "Or if girls aren't your thing..." Rickster's smirk grew. "Well, I wouldn't say 'no'." Theo's face turned a little red and his eyes shot between Ricky and Rickster for a moment before he shook his head hurriedly. "No offense but...you're not my type either." he turned back towards the door. "I'll be back in a couple of days." he left. Rickster couldn't help laughing. "Did you see how red his face turned? Oh...that was funny!" he chuckled as he walked over to the phone. "Now then." he grinned at Ricky. "You know any friends that could party with us?" --- Parker watched Will with a raised brow when he started talking to the wings. Maybe this was what Leo had meant when he said they tried to talk to him? He walked with Will out of the mansion then couldn't help chuckling at Will's question. "Um...Oh, maybe you could say you managed to get a donor eye from a private hospital?" he suggested. Then he tilted his head while looking at Will's back a little curiously before looking at Will. "Hey, do you mind if I ask what they were saying to you?" --- Cindy held Kite's hand as they walked. Occasionally she'd look over at him as she thought on what this might mean for their future now. She was going to have to study up on werewolves if she wanted to stand any chance of understanding what he'll be going through. --- Sebastian frowned and watched him carefully. "I know you, Carter. I don't believe you'd hurt anyone. I trust you completely." he tried to reassure him. "Maybe it's the venom?" He then suggested. "There's never been a vampire to survive wolf venom before...maybe it's like some kind of mild allergic reaction to you? Maybe all you need is some blood and rest?" Sebastian glanced at the window. His day as a human was already almost over but he wasn't so sure that Carter was in the right frame of mind to turn him back just yet. "We can put off turning me back if you want? I don't mind waiting. I'd rather you be feeling well and comfortable with it." --- Alex didn't need words to tell him what had happened. He'd seen that the badge was similar to Gary's but had hoped she'd somehow escaped. When he said she'd vanished, he'd assumed she might've been like Nate or Neva or anyone else they knew that could teleport. But judging by Gary's reaction now...he guessed that wasn't the case after all. He frowned, sighed heavily and walked over to Gary. Kneeling beside him, he wrapped an arm around his shoulders and simply held him for a moment while he cried. "You wana go home?" Alex asked softly, after a couple of minutes of holding Gary. He rubbed his arm comfortingly. Denix Vames - April 27, 2021 Ricky laughed. "You sure had him in a bunch!" He nodded. "Oh I know plenty of people." He would tell him the numbers of businessmen with their own way of bringing ladies. --- "Maybe they'll fall for that." Will shrugged. "I don't know. They said something about me being unknown. That they've never heard of something like me before. They only came to me because they saw me as compatible. But they never thought their forms would change because of me." They got in the car. --- Kite clutched as he growled. "D-Damn it!" --- "I had some blood already. This shit must be getting worst." ,said Carter who grit his teeth. "I just wish I could get rid of it." --- Gary nodded. He held on to the badge as he was helped out of the burnt house. Shadowess - April 27, 2021 It wasn't long before the penthouse was full of people. Beer was flowing. Music was playing. A few people were either smoking weed or doing lines of coke off each other. Women in bikini's were taking a dip in the swimming pool on the balcony. Rickster was having a blast, he was a little tipsy and quite high by this point. His arms around two women as he approached Ricky. "How about we make this party a little wilder?" he suggested with a smirk while nodding towards the bedroom door. "You ever had sex with three people at once?" --- "Huh..." Parker seemed thoughtful as he looked at Will. "Wonder what they meant by that..." He got into the car with him. He wanted to ask if Will wanted go to his place for a quick drink but he was a little nervous. He wasn't used to this and didn't know if Will would be too tired or if Parker would end up being too forward. --- Cindy flinched, feeling his grip on her hand tighten a bit. "You alright?" she stopped and looked at him worriedly. "If you're not up for walking right now, I could always teleport us home?" she suggested, trying to be helpful. --- "Carter, it's ok." Sebastian said gently and got up to lay a hand on his shoulder. "You seem in control to me...I mean, you were in control enough to get yourself some blood from the fridge...come and lay down. I think that venom might be making you a little delirious...Try and sleep it off, see how you feel tomorrow?" The energy within Carter grew concerned that Carter was beginning to guess it was there. It needed him to believe that it's thoughts were his own if it was to continue surviving. Otherwise he might have to leave and find a new host. 'Maybe Sebastian is right.' It forced the thought into Carter's mind in his own voice. Then it had an idea. Sebastian had already mentioned he was meant to be getting turned back into a vampire and the energy now had access to Carter's memories to see Sebastian was very dear to Carter. 'It could just as easily have been Sebastian who was bitten today.' it pushed the thought into Carter's mind. 'But he wouldn't have survived a bite like that because he's human! He'd have bled out! He needs to be turned. For his own safety.' --- Alex helped Gary out of the house and to his car. He drove them back to Gary's house and walked him inside. Bringing him over to the couch where he set a pen and paper on the coffee table before he sat with Gary and held him quietly. "I'm sorry." He said softly and kissed the side of Gary's head. "I'm right here for you. Let me know if you want me to get you anything. Or if you want to just sit with me a while, that's fine too."
  15. Denix Vames - April 26, 2021 "Shut up doll face! I don't have time for screaming!" Ricky pulled her shirt off. "Now, if I can just get this damn symbol to look correctly, I'll have myself an Angel bitch." --- Carter was shocked. His eyes widened. "Y-Yeah. I thought so too. But I didn't. For some reason." Leo glared at them. "God damn it! None of you were supposed to get involved!" He disappeared. --- Kite cuddle into the caress. He kissed her. Shadowess - April 26, 2021 Patience whimpered as Ricky tore her shirt off and looked away from him, her cheeks turning red. "Don't! Don't do this!" she pleaded. Meanwhile, Rickster was making great progress with the rune he was carving into David. It wasn't long before he heard Patience's screams coming from the other room and Rickster grinned maniacally. "Sounds like Ricky is having just as much good luck as I am...Guess you'll both be our servants. Wonderful!" He drew the last line and watched the rune glow red, signifying that it had been done correctly. He slapped David across the face. "Wake up!" David's eyes shot open and he glared at Rickster. "You!" he growled. "Do not attack me!" Rickster said quickly as David lunged at him. Then David let out a cry as the seal on his shoulder sent waves of pain throughout his body. He fell to his knees and stared at the rune with wide eyes. "What have you done?!" Rickster continued to grin. "Made you my obedient slave. Any time you disobey me, that rune will punish you. The more you resist, the more pain you'll endure. Now, follow me and do not interfere with Patience and Ricky." he added as Patience's screams could be heard once more and David looked around wildly. "No...No, No! Leave her out of this!!" David plead and Rickster chuckled. "That's no longer up to me. She should belong to Ricky by now." --- Sebastian hugged Carter, being careful not to hurt the wound in his neck. "L-let's get back to the office...g-get you some blood so you can heal and then we can focus on Kite." He didn't know or understand why the wolf venom didn't work on Carter. He assumed it was something to do with Tom's blood. He was just thankful that Carter was still alive. --- Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, Cindy kissed him back, just happy to have him back in her arms. Denix Vames - April 26, 2021 Ricky started carving the rune on her chest. Once he finished, he looked at it with a raised brow. "Good enough." He threw her shirt at her. "Now get dressed. You ain't special. And don't attack me." He smirked. --- Leo appeared in the mansion. He glared at Parker and Will. He zoomed to Parker. Slapping him awake. "What are you two doing here?!" --- Carter nodded. "Yeah." He followed Sebastian. Keeping him close as they got in the car. He drove back to the office. --- Kite placed his hands on her hips. Kissing her neck. Shadowess - April 27, 2021 Patience had been tilting her head back, her eyes shut tight as she screamed while Ricky carved into her skin. When he'd finished and threw her shirt at her, she could feel the paralyzing spell lifting and she held her shirt, still laying there for a moment as she sobbed and caught her breath. "Oh, for- What the hell is that?!" Rickster had stepped into the room, closely followed by David who looked at Patience. He was desperate to help her but unable to do anything without being tortured himself. "Did it glow?" he asked Ricky as he pressed a hand on Patience's shoulder, keeping her pinned to the ground while he inspected the rune carved into her skin. "For fu-" He brought his knife up and began carving corrections, causing Patience to cry out and try to push him off. "Hold her arms down!" he barked at David and reluctantly, David complied. "I'm sorry!" David cried as Patience looked up at him pleadingly. Patience cried out again as Rickster carved into her and corrected Ricky's mistakes. "We can't risk fucking this up again!" he said as he worked. When it was done and it glowed, he looked at her and said "Obey Ricky." He then looked at both David and Patience. "Listen to me, both of you. You will find a way to bring myself and Ricky back to life. You will then take us back to Earth and you will not seek help or a way to break your runes. Understood?" Both David and Patience glared at him as Patience sat up shakily and David held her. "Well?" Rickster snapped. "Get going!" David helped Patience to her feet and they both vanished to look for the resurrection spell. --- Parker gasped then held the side of his face where Leo had struck him as he stared up at Leo. "We came looking for you!" he replied quickly. "We just- We wanted to help you...let you know you weren't alone!" --- Sebastian watched Carter as he drove, just thankful he was still here and wondering what he would've done if he'd lost him. His heart was still beating hard from what he'd witnessed and he was still shaking. --- Cindy shivered excitedly at Kite's advances and let out a quiet moan when he kissed her neck. She then gently pressed her hands on his shoulders to push him back a little, trying to stop him. "Kite? Maybe we shouldn't do this here?" she suggested. Denix Vames - April 27, 2021 "Sorry if I was never good at art class in high school." ,said Ricky. He went off to fetch his clothes. He threw them on. "This is gonna be a problem. Eventually, their friends will find out that they're gone. And they'll come looking for them." --- Leo's cheeks flustered. He walked off. Heading to the kitchen. "Well, I don't need any help. Nor do I need friends. I'm fine on my own." --- Carter parked the car at the office. "Hey." He caressed his cheek. "I'm here. I don't know how the hell I'm alive but I am." --- Kite frowned. Whining. "Alright." His tail disappeared. He grabbed the bowl of water and drank all of it. He licked his lips. Letting out a loud burp. He blushed. "Sorry about that." shadowess - April 27, 2021 Rickster followed him out into the next room where he pulled his own clothes out of a large vase. He replied to Ricky while getting dressed. "So, we tell them to lie! We give them specific instructions on how to speak and act around their friends and every so often we send them back to visit them to avoid suspicion, and then they'll come back to us to do whatever we tell them to!" Rickster said simply. "The problem with this plan last time is we weren't thorough enough with our instructions. This'll work, trust me!" --- Parker watched Leo walking away, hurt by his cold response. His eyebrows furrowed and he stood, still a little shaky from earlier. "I'm calling bullshit on that!" he called out to Leo, following him into the kitchen. "You're trying to hide it but I can tell, you're still hurting!" he tried to call his bluff. "Dude, having friends is not a bad thing! We -want- to help you! Why are you pushing us all away like this?!" --- Sebastian lifted his hand to Carter's and smiled a little. "Yeah...and I'm glad. I don't know what I'd have done if I'd lost you." he bit back tears as he kissed Carter's hand lovingly. --- Cindy gave him a gentle smile when he whined and reluctantly stopped what he was doing. She giggled a little when he burped then leaned in to kiss his cheek. "It's alright." she said, leaning her head against his and cuddling into him. "I love you." Denix Vames - April 27, 2021 "You say that now but...." Ricky shook his head. "Maybe I am getting too paranoid about this. As long as I've got you around, there ain't nothing that can stop us!" He wrapped an arm around him. --- Leo began making a sandwich. "You wouldn't get it. I'm part of something that's far greater than you could ever imagine. Something more important than what Carter does. Now, if you still want to have a pulse then I suggest you and your friend leave." "Fat chance. We're sticking around. I want to know what's gotten your panties in a bunch." ,said Will. Leo turned around to look at him. At the sight of his purple eye, he flinched. He clutched his chest as he fell to his knees. He grit his teeth. "W-Wha....? Your eye!" "Huh?" Will tied the eye patch back over it. "Do you really hate it that much?" Leo caught his breath as he stood. He glared. "You! Why do you have that eye? Where did you get it?" "I don't know! Those wings you left here just went into my back and crazy shit happened!" "My wings? But why would they be intrigued by you? Did they take a liking to you?" "A liking?" Will chuckled. "You're talking as if they're alive." Leo stepped forward. "That's exactly what I'm talking about. When they were still on me, they spoke. Not verbally but I could tell what they wanted from me. Yet, I couldn't really listen. The power was getting to me. I still have some of the DNA that was put in me. Yet, the wings...They're the real deal. And whatever happened to you is something that they'll be able to tell you when you're ready." Leo grabbed his sandwich. "I should take a bath." He took a bite and walked past them. --- Carter smiled. "I can't imagine dealing with your death either." They got out of the car. Heading inside the office where they saw Kite and Cindy being close. Kite said, "I love you too" to her. "Uh Shouldn't you be-?" "I'm fine, Carter. Sort ok. Although, I wonder if I can use my soon-to-be werewolf skills to help find drugs." ,said Kite. "I doubt it. You'd need to be trained for that, remember? And I can't imagine you attempting to disguise yourself as a regular dog in order to do that." Carter went into the kitchen where he grabbed a blood bag from the fridge. He bit into it. Slurping away. --- Gary was tired of being in the hospital. He had to know where Cheri had gone. He left a note for the doctors and nurses which read, 'Need to find her. I am fine. Don't look for me.' He pulled the needle off and the heart monitor patches. He put on his firefighter uniform before climbing out the window. He had bandages wrapped over his neck by a nurse so he had no reason to really worry there. He kept looking around. Making sure no one was following him. He decided to go home. He would look what information he needed to find on his laptop. Shadowess - April 27, 2021 Rickster smiled at Ricky, not flinching when he wrapped an arm around him. Sure, they might've gotten closer during their time in Hell, but Rickster had already made it clear that he never settles for one person. Not only that, but secretly Rickster was merely keeping Ricky sweet to make sure he stays on his side. Truthfully, he felt nothing for him. "You've got that right." He said, cupping his chin. "Before you know it, we'll be back on Earth. Making millions and sipping cocktails in Thailand. We'll have an industry so vast and watertight, we'll be able to bribe or threaten our way out of anything. We'll be untouchable!" "You're going to Earth?" Came a male voice from near them. Rickster looked over at the blond and looked him up and down suspiciously. "What's it to you?" "I want to get back too. There's something I need to do." The male replied. "I'll do anything you want. Let me come with you?" Rickster thought about this stranger's offer for a moment. He seemed intrigued. "What's your name?" "Theo." The male answered. "I'm a werewolf. So, I could be of great use to you." Rickster smiled and held out a hand. "Welcome aboard, Theo!" Theo took his hand with a smile and shook it. What Ricky and Rickster wouldn't realize is that Theo had watched what they'd done to David and Patience and planned on freeing them the moment they were back on Earth. He wanted to get out of Hell but he also wanted to get on David's good side so he wouldn't be dragged back down to Hell afterwards. Theo was in this for himself and knew from experience that any plan involving hurting David and his friends was destined to fail. --- Parker watched the conversation unfold and looked at Will curiously as it became apparent that his new wings had a mind of their own. He watched Leo walk past them with a frown then walked over to Will, standing by his side. "What do we do?" he asked quietly, looking at him. "He said he was part of something big...what do you suppose he meant by that?" ----------- Cindy chuckled at Kite's optimism about his situation. "Maybe not drugs." she said. "I'd rather you didn't come home with a new addiction...but missing persons and murder suspects? Finding their scent should be a breeze for you, I'd guess." Sebastian scratched the back of his head. "We've still gotta figure out how to make you safe tomorrow...I don't mean to sound like a broken record but, tomorrow you'll lose all control as you transform. You'll be dangerous to yourself and others..." While Carter drank the blood, the new energy within him stirred. It disliked the taste of the blood bag and made Carter feel like the blood he was drinking wasn't good enough. 'This is gross.' he'd hear his own voice in his thoughts, as if they were his own. 'It needs to be hot. Fresh.' --- Alex had long since left the office. He'd left shortly after setting Jessica down on the bed. No one had noticed him leave. Now he stood in front of the burned up house that Gary had been in, looking over the ashes and ruin thoughtfully. Here was as good as any place to start his search. He made a promise to Gary, and he intended on keeping it. He walked up to the ruins. It had stopped smoldering by now and everything was cold. He kicked some ashes aside and moved various debris about, looking for any sign or clue as to who Cheri was and where she could've gone from here. Denix Vames - April 27, 2021 "And you and I can be with some hot ladies!" ,said Ricky who blushed as he felt Rickster's grip. The truth is that he secretly wanted him for himself. He had never felt this way about another man until now. He gave an annoyed look at Theo as he pointed at him. "You better not make a fuss about things." He pointed at himself. "That's my job." --- "I don't know but I'm not about let a suspect walk free." Will ran over to Leo who raised his hand at him. Causing him to be sent to a wall. When Will hit it, a purple square shield suddenly appeared. Protecting him from the possible damage. Leo's eyes widened. Will stumbled to his knees but then stood. "Whoa! That was....something." Leo glared. He dropped his sandwich. He zoomed over. "I need to get rid of that eye!" He pulled out a knife. Will quickly lifted the eye patch up. Leo stopped in his tracks. Dropping the knife. He clutched his arm as he flinched. He fell to the floor. Struggling to get up. Will put the eye patch back over. He handcuffed him without any problems. "I can just disappear from these." "Nice try but they're the same black ones from before. You're part of enough of an Angel so don't think you can escape this one." Leo smirked. "Did you forget that I'm also part Demon?" A red bubble formed around him. He broke his thumb. Slipping off of the cuffs before resetting it back in place. Before Will had the chance to reveal his special eye again, he surrounded him with a red bubble which shocked him. Will cried out. His wings sprouted. Breaking the red bubble. Leo disappeared. Will glared at where he once stood. "What a fucking ass!" --- "I mean, do you guys not have a cage or something?" ,asked Kite. Carter's eyes widened. He dropped the bag. Spilling some blood. He quickly picked it up. He found it almost hard to believe that his desire for fresh blood was there. But maybe he needed something different. He poured the rest of the blood into a mug. Microwaving it so that it would be hot. Once done, he drank that. --- Gary decided to go back to the house since his research did nothing to help. It seemed like the firemen didn't want to tell him anything except to move on. He got his car and drove to the place. Inside the house, where Alex was searching, he would find a burnt badge that barely makes out the letters Che...."
  16. Shadowess - April 26, 2021 When Will found him, Parker let him pull him into his arms. He rested his head on his shoulder for a moment before tensing as Will gripped his shirt and he watched his wings change shape. When he relaxed and began breathing heavily, Parker held on to him tightly. "I-I don't know...I th-think you did something...I feel different...like...lighter..." He sighed and closed his eyes, relaxing against Will. "Like a huge weight was lifted..." --- Rickster lowered his hands with a smile then rose a brow and hesitated, especially at Ricky's words. He glanced down at Nate's crotch then rolled his eyes and sighed. "It would appear so..." he muttered then reached, a little more confidently, for Nate's knife. He pulled it out of Nate's belt then chuckled. "This is going to be fun..." before proceeded to carve the rune, to make him obedient to Rickster, into Nate's side. Lifting up his shirt in order to do so. --- "I'm excited." Sebastian admitted as Carter drove towards the burger place. When they reached the drive thru, the smell of food hit Sebastian's nose like it never had when he'd been a vampire. His stomach growled a little more and he cold feel himself begin to salivate. He took the burger and smiled as Carter drove into the parking spot. "Thank you." he said as he opened the packaging eagerly. He took a bite and chewed it a bit before moaning a little and then chuckling. "It's good!" he said when he'd swallowed it, then looked over at Carter in time to see him clutching his head and flinching. "Are you ok?" He asked, worried. --- Cindy watched Kite chewing on the towel with a raised brow. Well, at least he was getting water somehow! When he sat up, she stared at the wolf ears, taken aback by their appearance and a little disturbed by how they moved. "Oh...I guess some things are going to take some getting used to..." she tilted her head a little at him, wondering if he was calm enough now to talk to her. "How are you feeling? Is there anything else I can get for you?" Denix Vames - April 26, 2021 "Oh? Is that so?" Will chuckled. "That's good. Real....good...." He passed out on him. --- Nate tried to move but couldn't. That sexual feeling had quickly gone away as he woke up. "Hey! What the hell?! Why can't I move?! Get off!" "Ah ah ah! Little chicken here should kiss baby's ass and say good day." ,said Ricky. Nate shouted, "DAVID!" Ricky covered his mouth. "You fucking bitch!" --- Carter nodded. "Y-Yeah. I think I am. Just a headache. That's all." He looked at him. "How's the burger?" --- Kite dipped the towel in the bowl. He bit into it. Sucking more water. His ears changed into their human shape. His nose changed into a wolf's nose. It seemed as though his body was going back and forth. He hesitated. "Steak. Raw." shadowess - April 26, 2021 "Oh!-...God! -Now- you're heavy!" Parker strained as Will's body weight suddenly slumped onto him and he struggled to hold him up. He supposed, now that he was back to being a half Devil, that before his death he was just as strong as any other human...like Jessica. He shook under Will's weight as he moved his arm around his shoulders and held Will around his waist to support him. He then walked slowly into the next room and carefully set him back down on the couch where he sat on the floor next to him, panting and leaning his head back, resting it against him as he too passed out from exhaustion. --- Rickster rolled his eyes at Ricky's comments but when Nate screamed out a name, he paused what he was doing and looked at Nate in alarm. Only a second after Ricky had covered Nate's mouth, David appeared and pulled him off Nate by his shirt, shoving him away from Nate. Rickster quickly stood to face David, holding the knife defensively. "Ricky! Keep him busy while I finish off the Angel!" he barked then quickly turned back to Nate, intending on continuing to carve the rune into him when he found himself facing an angry looking Patience. She struck him in the throat with her fist, causing him to choke and fall to his knees, dropping the knife. "What did I tell you about coming to Hell, Nate?" David called over while attempting to pin Ricky to the ground. "It's dangerous. Especially for Angels!" "Release him." Patience said, glaring at Rickster who was still choking and gripping his throat. She'd drawn her sword and kept it by his neck to stop him running. "Now." "How... do I know... you won't just... destroy me....as soon as...I do?" Rickster wheezed between breaths. "I won't destroy you." Patience said, making no promises for David or Nate however. David looked over. "Release him now and I'll show mercy. You will both be placed into Hells Cells until you can change your ways." "Or I could just destroy you right now and have him released that way." Patience shrugged. "Your choice." Rickster panted and looked between Patience's sword and the half finished rune on Nate's body. He'd wanted to return to Earth so badly, but if the cost was his destruction, he'd rather rot in a cell. Defeated, he muttered a single foreign word and Nate was released from his spell. --- Sebastian studied him for a moment before nodding with a small smile. "It's great! I've never tasted anything like this before!" he said happily as he took another bite. --- Cindy watched his features shift and change. Partly out of fascination and partly out of sheer horror. When he asked for a raw steak, she nodded shakily. "Ok." she said quietly then hurried back into the kitchen and pulled out the new pack of steaks. She walked back into the living room and set it down quickly on the table in front of him before taking a few steps back again. Watching him intently. Denix Vames - April 26, 2021 Will's wings went back in him. --- "Hey! C'mon! This ain't fair!" Ricky stood between Rickster and Patience. He glared. "Get away from him!" Nate hopped off of the throne. "Look buddy. I just wanted to take a nap. You're so sensitive sometimes, David." He disappeared. --- "I'm glad to hear." ,said Carter. He noticed a man in camouflage pants, army boots, a red shirt, tactical gear vest, and a gun on his holster. His knife was at the other side. This man was bald with yellow eyes. Carter nodded at where the man was walking to which was an alley. "Look over there. Think he's our guy?" --- Kite grabbed the raw steak. The towel fell out of his mouth. He started eating the steak with such hunger. Shadowess - April 26, 2021 Patience rolled her eyes and glared at Ricky. David sighed and walked over to them, folding his arms. "Now then. I think it's about time we took you two to the cells. You especially." he glared at Rickster. "We can't have someone with powers like yours running around." "Right, right..." Rickster stood, rubbing his throat a little. While David and Patience had been momentarily distracted by Ricky, he'd already picked up the knife and hidden it behind him, in his belt. "Oh, sorry, before we go I just have one quick question." he said while laying a hand on Ricky's shoulder. "What is it?" David asked with a raised brow. "ADemonAndAnAngelWhoLoseTwoSinnersSayWhat?" Rickster said rapidly. "What?" Both David and Patience said in confusion. "Exactly!" Rickster laughed and he vanished with Ricky, teleporting them to Desi's harem where he proceeded to take off and hide his clothes. "Quick, get naked and blend in!" --- Sebastian looked over and swallowed what was in his mouth. "Maybe? I dunno." he nodded at Carter's window. "He's not too far away, you should be able to pick up his scent from here. Does he smell like Kite did?" --- Cindy silently watched him eat the steak. She leant against the wall, all of her focus on him. She wondered what their lives would be like now. She hoped Sebastian and Carter would be back soon. With the full moon just a day away, she was anxious to help get Kite tied up in order to protect him and others from his transformation. Denix Vames - April 26, 2021 "This is insane!" ,said Ricky who started taking his own clothes off. Throwing them aside. --- Carter sniffed the air. "He definitely does." He drove to his direction. He parked on the side of the road and jumped out. He held up his gun as he ran down the alley. He stopped when he saw Leo fighting James. A knife to knife combat. "What the hell are you doing here?!" "Get away from this! It's none of your business!" ,said Leo who jumped back as James was about to stab him. Their blades hit each others. "Like hell it is!" --- Once Kite was done, he licked his lips. His nose went back to normal. He started whining for company. There were tears in his eyes. Shadowess - April 26, 2021 "Hide them!" Rickster snapped, pointing at Ricky's discarded clothes. "We want to hide in plain site and have them believe we fled from here!" He then turned to the people around them and opened his arms welcomingly with a grin. "Ladies and gentlemen! I have appetites that must be satisfied! I desire at least two men and two women!" he then walked into the crowd, picking volunteers and having them crowd around him, letting them pleasure him as he soon became difficult to spot in the sea of writhing, moaning bodies. Shortly after, David and Patience would appear and both look around in shock at what was happening in this place. Patience's face turning bright red. Neither of them knew where to look. "Oh, my God..." David said uncomfortably and looked at Patience. "Do you see them?" He asked her. "Who can see anything in this?!" Patience looked up at the ceiling. "Maybe they ran?" David looked around carefully, trying in vain to spot Ricky and Rickster but struggled. "Maybe..." he glanced around. "There's a few rooms here. Maybe we could split up and search them?" David suggested and earned an embarrassed look from Patience. "I know... I know... but we can't just let them escape like that! Call me if you run into trouble." he said and darted off to one of the rooms. Patience looked around uncomfortably before reluctantly walking off to one of the other rooms to search it. Watching them from where he was, Rickster grinned evilly. He nodded at Ricky to get his attention. Pointed to himself and then in the direction of David to tell him he was going after him. He then pointed to Ricky, then at a nearby cheese knife and then pointed in the direction that Patience went. After having spent some time with Ricky in Hell, by now he'd have shown him how to carve the rune as well as a few simple spells. So, with each of them going after a target, then surely at least one of them would succeed, right? --- Sebastian wrapped up the rest of his burger in the wrapper and put it back into the bag. He jumped out of the car after Carter and left the bag on his seat. He ran after him into the alley and paused when he saw Leo and James fighting. "What the hell is going on??" --- Cindy's heart ached at the way he whined and looked so tearful. She wanted, with all of her being, to run over and wrap her arms around him. She wondered if he might be safer now that he'd eaten something. "Oh, Kite!" She cried, hugging herself. "I want to come over there so bad! I-I don't know though! I'm scared! Would it be ok? Are you ok now? I don't know how any of this works!" Denix Vames - April 26, 2021 Ricky hid his clothes under the flooring. He grabbed a woman and put her in a room with himself. Having her give him a blowjob. He soon shoved her off. Grabbing the butter knife. He crept up to Patience. Chanting the spell that would paralyze her. --- Leo glared. "Would you two just get out of-?!" James wrapped his hand around neck. Having caught him off guard. He raised him off of his feet. Leo dropped his knife. He gasped for air as he tried desperately to get him off. "You and I had a plan. But ADIEU made you forget. And then you abandoned me." James threw him at the wall. Leo hit the ground. He coughed as he rubbed his neck. "We...." He forced himself up. "We never had any history." "Hmph! You must have forgotten. But I'll make you remember." Carter raised a gun at James. "Put the weapon down!" James zoomed towards him. "Carter! No!" ,said Leo. Carter fired but missed. James bit into his neck. Carter's eyes widened. "NO!" Leo cut at James's side. Making the werewolf drop his knife. James zoomed off. Carter fell to his knees. He clutched his neck. Expecting himself to die. --- Kite nodded. He started a wagging a sudden tail. Shadowess - April 26, 2021 Everything went so perfectly! It was almost too good to be true! Once he and David were alone, Rickster crept behind him and chanted a simple knock out spell. He caught David in his arms and grinned. He set him down and tore of his shirt, quickly getting to work at carving the rune into David's shoulder. Patience walked through the rooms slowly. She was straining to hear movement through all the moaning coming from the next room. She had just walked into an empty room and had been about to turn around when her legs ceased up. "What?" She tried to move but her entire body locked up, then she felt back with a gasp as all her limbs suddenly went limp. "No! David? DAVID?!" she screamed, beginning to panic. But David wasn't coming. --- "CARTER!!" Sebastian screamed and ran to him, kneeling next to him and holding him. Then looking at him with a mixture of relief and confusion when nothing happened. No skin turning yellow. No red foam coming out of his mouth...he was hurt, sure. But he wasn't dying! "Carter! Y-You're ok!" he burst into tears. "I thought I was going to lose you!" --- Cindy tried a smile as she looked at him tearfully. "Ok...I trust you." She said nervously then slowly moved across the room and sat next to him on the couch, looking at his tail curiously then at him. "Oh, Kite..." she said softly, a couple of tears rolling down her cheeks as she reached a shaking hand up to caress his cheek.
  17. Denix Vames - April 25, 2021 Will shivered. Mumbling in his sleep. His eye patch mysteriously fell off. Revealing his prosthetic eye was now a real eye with a purple iris. It closed the moment it saw anything. --- "A lot! A lot of them! But I thought you were referring to my latest one! The one called Leo!" ,said Adrian. "Hello." Leo stepped forward with his hands behind his back. "Good evening Oscar. Due to circumstances and a government official case, Dr. Adrian Basket is now in my protection and custody. However, I can assure you that he will be convicted for his crimes when the evidence has been found." --- Ricky rolled his eyes. He straightened his coat before dusting himself off. "Someone's got some issues." He caught up to him. "Alright. How about baby? Is that better? Anyway, the last time we took a Demon, our plan failed. Why don't we nab ourselves an Angel? We can find some way to lure it here. After all, I heard a rumor that there's this Angel who loves to fuck Demons. Sometimes he comes down here and fucks them in Lucifer's throne. Or so I heard. Apparently, this was decades ago." --- "Whatever he is, I have to go investigate." ,said Carter who went upstairs to change. He came back with his gun ready. His handcuffs in his pocket. He stepped out of the house and got into his car. Kite forced out the words, "Don't....Come....Near....!" His eyes, teeth, and nails were suddenly turning normal. He was fighting the werewolf inside him. Going against the monster that he didn't want to become. He clutched his head as he cried. Shadowess - April 25, 2021 Parker watched his eyepatch fall off and saw his new eye for just a moment. He stared at Will, realizing he must be changing due to the wings. But there was nothing Parker could do about it. He got up and went into the kitchen, deciding to get a glass of water ready for when Will woke up. He didn't know what else he could do. He took a glass out of the cupboard and ran the water in the sink. He then gripped the side of the sink and a wave of nausea washed over him. He could hear his own heartbeat in his ears for a moment. He closed his eyes and swallowed, trying not to vomit. He must really be sick...It almost sounded to Parker, like his heart beat was doubled...Slowly, Parker opened his eyes as he realized he wasn't hearing his heartbeat doubled...he was hearing his heartbeat...as well as Will's heartbeat. He began shaking then quickly shook his head, trying to ignore the sound. He filled the glass with water and turned the tap off before turning and walking towards the room he'd left Will in...and that's when he caught sight of his reflection in one of the glass cabinets. It was him, but his eyes were red. His reflection grinned at him evilly, revealing fangs. Parker's face turned pale as his reflection's lips moved and he heard his words arrive in his head; 'Did you really think I was gone?' "GO AWAY!" Parker screamed and threw the glass at the cabinet, smashing it and sending it's contents spilling to the floor. He backed up hurriedly, feeling like the room was spinning. He leant against the wall and slid down it to sit on the ground where he pulled his knees up to his chest and covered his head with his arms. Rocking back and forth while crying. --- At the mention of Leo, Oscar's pupils shrank and he growled dangerously at Adrian until he was cut off by Leo's voice. He stared at Leo in disbelief for a moment before squinting. "Have you lost your mind?" he asked, genuinely confused. "For starters; Souls cannot leave Hell. It is literally impossible! The only way you'd be taking Adrian out of here is by bringing him back to life- which you can only do by sacrificing two living people...and trust me, you don't want to do that! Secondly, evidence? EVIDENCE?! Leo! YOU are the evidence!!" He turned back to Adrian and growled again at him. "This damned soul is mine to punish! I'll destroy him right here and now if you try to take him from me before my job is through!" he threatened. --- "Do not test my patience." Rickster replied to Ricky's suggestion of being called 'baby'. Though he raised a brow at the new information of an Angel visiting Hell to fuck Demons. "Is that right?" he smirked, looking away from Ricky and glancing across the barren landscape. "Why lure it when it visits Hell so freely? Perhaps we could seduce this Angel into helping us?" he suggested as he slicked back his hair. "Let's visit Lucifer's throne and see for ourselves..." he said as he began to walk. ----------- Sebastian looked at Cindy. "Stay here, keep an eye on Kite. Don't answer the door for anyone." he said as he turned to follow Carter. "Wha-? What are you going to do??" Cindy asked while looking at Sebastian dubiously. "Anything I can..." Sebastian shrugged and left the house, getting in the car with Carter. His heart was racing. With himself being human and no certainty whether Carter would be immune to wolf venom, now was not a great time for a crazy werewolf to be running around. Still, he looked at Carter and couldn't help giving him a small smile, despite the fear in his eyes. "Crazy werewolf on the loose...Just like when we first met..." Cindy looked at Kite and hugged herself. She wanted so much to run over and wrap her arms around him but knew it wasn't safe to do that while he struggled to control himself. "I won't..." she replied softly, letting him know she heard him. "But I'm not going anywhere, you hear me? I won't leave you." a couple of frightened tears slid down her cheeks. "No matter what that means...We'll get through this...This is just another bump in the road..." she tried to comfort him. Denix Vames - April 25, 2021 Will's wings suddenly came out. Making him fly up. His purple eye glowed. A sudden huge light came out of him. Covering the entirety of the mansion. Destroying the insanity that Parker had seen. Destroying spiritual negativity. He cried out at the feeling his powers working. It was his first time doing something like this. His wings lowered him to the floor. He got to his knees. Catching his breath. "P-Parker....?" --- "The CIA wants to talk to him." Leo appeared. Grabbing Adrian from his grasp who turned into a ball of light before being swallowed whole. He landed on the ground then walked away. "I wouldn't interfere with government matters." He tossed his old opera mask at his direction. It contained a note under it which would read as, 'I told the government about ADIEU. I explained everything as best as I could. Some of politicians. Some of these people here aren't human. They understand or some have experienced this kind of torture. There's a case now on the off chance that there are more ADIEU agents scurrying around. We're investigating. But this is still a government official case. I love you Oscar but I hurt you. I hurt everyone. You and I need to be away from each other. Even if it means making you upset. Our paths should have never crossed. I'm sorry.' He yearned to tell him that he still loved him but didn't think Oscar felt that anymore. At this point, he felt like he crossed a line this time. That he broke something between them. With his back facing him, he disappeared. Appearing in the interrogation room where he placed Adrian's soul in a prisoner so that an agent could question him. --- Nate had stopped sleeping with Demons and Devils ever since he fell in love with Tom. But that didn't mean, he couldn't take a nap sometimes on Lucifer's throne. Something that he was doing right now. His back faced anyone who saw him. Making his ass look firm and round. Ricky whistled. "I don't do guys..." He nodded at Rickster. "Unless it's you...but man does he look fine." --- Carter smirked as he shook his head. "This feels like one crazy anniversary." He started the drive down the road with his window opened. Trying to find the scent of a werewolf. "Cindy....I'm....sorry...." ,said Kite who started to develop a fever. He scratched at his own arm which began to bleed from the sudden claws that appeared. Replacing his nails. Shadowess - April 26, 2021 The mansion filled with light and Parker shut his eyes against it, screaming in confused terror. The Blood God energy within him stirred at the threat of destruction. It fought back, straining to maintain its grip on Parker, causing him to grip his head and cry out in agony. The energy knew it would lose if this continued so it released its grip on Parker, separating from him and fled the mansion. Unfortunately, like a parasite, it needed a new body to survive and would now be flung into the next nearest vampire like metal being drawn to a magnet. With it would go the Blood God's thirst for power and Parker's old ability to force others to follow his orders. --- Oscar watched Leo steal his prey from him and while he had no idea how Leo was able to compact Adran's soul like that, he knew enough about how Hell functions to know that it would only be a matter of time before Adrian's soul vanished from Earth and rematerialized back in Hell, regardless of Leo's new abilities. He watched Leo leave with an angry frown then looked at the mask, noticing the note. He read it and felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Something about this didn't sit right with Oscar and he intended to investigate...right after he vented this unrelenting rage! He rapidly shifted into his final form, a large Dragon with green scales, long twisted horns and a very sharp spine running along the length of his tail. He went about thrashing, burning and destroying the buildings nearby. Not caring if there might've been demons or souls inside them. --- Rickster froze at the sight of Nate. He was looking at the back of him but recognized him all the same. To make sure, he held a finger up to his lips at Ricky before creeping around the throne to get a look at his face. His eyes widened a little when he saw his sleeping features and he quickly crept back around to Ricky, shaking his head hurriedly. "This Angel knows me. He was there when I died the first time." He whispered. "Seduction won't work..." He eyes the small knife in Nate's belt. "There's only one way we'll get him on our side..." He licked his lips nervously and tried creeping up behind Nate, slowly reaching out to take his knife, intending on carving his rune somewhere on Nate's body while he was asleep. --- Sebastian looked out of his window, looking into the alleys that they passed warily. "Maybe we should check Kite's apartment? See if it tried to follow Cindy?" Sebastian suggested then gripped his stomach as it growled. "Oh, wow...I almost forgot to human..." He laughed. --- Cindy tilted her head at Kite. "What for? This? This isn't your fault!" She said gently. She could see the sweat rolling off him and knew just by looking at him that he was burning up. She bit her lip, hating how helpless she felt. " Ok, hang on...I'll go get you some water and a damp towel and I'll just set them on the table next to you, ok?" She told him before hurrying off to get those things. When she came back, she watched him carefully while cautiously setting them down on the coffee table next to him. "Here you go..." Denix Vames - April 26, 2021 Will shouted, "Parker!" Worry hit his tongue. He forced himself up. Walking with himself against the wall. "Where are you?! Parker!" --- Ricky watched as Nate's wings sprouted. Protecting him from any demonic touch or possible threat in general. He jumped. "What the-?!" He covered his mouth quickly. Nate mumbled in his sleep before turning over. --- "We can stop by a burger joint real quick if you want to." ,said Carter. --- Kite reached for the glass of water. He broke it the moment he grabbed it. Desperate, he licked up the water from the floor. He gripped the wet towel. Placing it over his head. (I think Carter's the only vamp around at the moment. is he gonna be targeted then by that Blood God guy?) shadowess - April 26, 2021 (Sure, if you want. Either that or I could always make a new vampire character that won't be introduced until much later. Whichever you think would be more interesting. I'm fine with either option. Just a quick note though, because of the Devil DNA, Carter or the vampire would then become immune to wolf bites.) Once the Blood God Energy had left him, Parker had collapsed onto the kitchen floor. His breathing was shallow and his head pounded. Will's shouts woke him and he groaned, pushing himself up onto all fours shakily. "I-In here!..." He shouted weakly. "Will, I'm- I'm in here!" He could no longer hear their heartbeats and the lack of Blood God energy in him had left him the way he should've been when he'd taken the cure- A half Devil. He fearfully looked at the broken glass across the room, at his reflection. Although he looked pale from what he'd just gone through, Parker was relieved to see his reflection was otherwise normal. --- Rickster had jumped as well when Nate's wings sprouted and he quickly moved back a bit so they wouldn't hit him. He held his breath and just stood there for a moment, watching Nate anxiously. He half expected him to sit up and see him...but he didn't. Instead, Rickster watched Nate turn over, apparently still asleep. He let out a silent breath in relief then looked at his knife once more. That had been close. If Nate had woken up and seen what he was doing, then he could only imagine the kind of wrath this Angel would have in store for them. He wiped a bit of sweat from his brow. He was tempted give up on this idea and to turn back...but he was already this close! He could almost taste the Earth air! He looked at is wings cautiously. They reacted when Rickster had gotten close. They might react again if he pushed his luck. He needed to try a different tactic. He lifted his hands, aiming them at Nate and whispered a small chant as quietly as he could. Should it work, the spell should temporarily render Nate immobile. --- Sebastian smiled, feeling a little excited. This would be his first human meal in decades and he'd never had a burger before! "Sure." he grinned, glancing at Carter. --- "Oh, no! Don't do that, Kite! I'll get you another drink. Hang on." Cindy said quickly, worried he'd end up slicing his tongue open on a shard of glass. She hurried out of the room and grabbed another glass then paused. What if he smashed this one too? She looked around momentarily, debating using a cup instead but that'd be no different from handing him a glass really... She then clicked her fingers at an idea she was having. She grabbed a second towel and a small bowl. She filled the bowl with a bit of water then soaked the towel in it, leaving it in the bowl. She walked back into the living room and set the bowl down on the table before stepping back. "There, grab the towel from the bowl and suck the water out of it...it's not dignified but at least you'll be hydrated!" she said, trying to sound optimistic. Denix Vames - April 26, 2021 (cool. we'll have Carter get the Blood God stuff) Will followed his voice. He soon found Parker. His eyes widened at the sight of him. "Parker!" He stumbled over. Falling to his knees where he pulled him into an embrace. His wings forms began to change at the knowledge of Parker's existence. Becoming black feathery ones. He had squeezed the back of his shirt. Overwhelmed by the change. "Damn it!" Once it was done, he breathed heavily. "God! We're both fucked up." --- Nate could not move in his sleep which is something he didn't notice. Having been tied before for fun. In his dream-like state, he thought he was with Tom. Ricky waved his hand at the scent of vanilla and lavender. "This guy seriously thinks he's fucking somebody right now?" --- Carter smiled. "Well, alright." He drove to a burger joint. "I can tell you that you won't be disappointed." He went to the drive thru. Ordering a cheeseburger for him. Once they got the burger, he parked. Suddenly, he clutched his head as he felt something change inside himself. Flinching at this new feeling. "Ah!" --- Kite grabbed the towel from the bowl and started chewing on it. Getting the water in his mouth. He sat up. Leaning against the couch as he seemed to have calm down. As if this was a distraction for him. Wolf ears were on his head now. Replacing his human ears. They twitched and moved about like any other wolf ears.
  18. Denix Vames - April 25, 2021 Will stood. "Yeah, I'm fine. How about you?" He hugged him. He soon helped Kite up. Leaning against him. "It's alright man. You're gonna be fine." Vincent and Elliot did their best to comfort her. Giving hugs and telling her that everything was alright now. Nate frowned. "I don't sense him." "Maybe he's hiding? This has to be some kind of trick." ,said Carter. --- Jasper shrugged. "I don't really know these places. They all look weird to me nowadays." James grabbed Cindy. Pulling her into an alley. He pinned her to the wall. His canines were out. He was about to bite her when Jasper fired his pistol. James yelped and ran off. "Some jerks I swear." Jasper looked at her. "Are you alright?" shadowess - April 25, 2021 Parker hugged Will back then nodded. "A little shaken but alright. What happened to Kite?" Tears still fell from Neva's eyes but she calmed down as Vincent and Elliot hugged her and comforted her. She clung to them both, having been terrified of losing either of them. Oscar was staring off across the desert as Nate and Carter debated what might've happened to Leo. Oscar just kept replaying the way it happened over and over in his head. The apology before he vanished...was this it? Was he gone? Was he 'sorry' because he was leaving? Oscar could feel his heart breaking, tears streaming down his face. "I-I don't under- understand..." He mumbled brokenly. "Come back...please...please?...Leo?..." Oscar was shaking, he began to sob quietly. --- Cindy had initially laughed at Jasper's comment but gasped when she was grabbed and dragged into an alley. Before she could get a chance to react, she felt a wall behind her and looked up in time to see yellow eyes and sharp teeth coming towards her. She jumped and flinched when Jasper fired his gun and watched, relieved as the attacker ran. She was shaking, her face having turned pale when Jasper asked if she was alright and she gulped, nodding. "Y-yeah...Good thing you were here!" she caught her breath and looked at her last resume now laying in a puddle. She must've dropped it when that man grabbed her. She frowned and picked it up by the only dry corner and sighed heavily. "Well, I guess that's it for today then..." she commented as she threw it into the nearby dumpster. She then hugged herself, still shaking. "I-I think I'm guna call it a day anyway. I'm guna go home and give Kite a call...let him know there's some maniac running through the alleys trying to bite people..." She glanced at Jasper and gave him a weak smile. "I'm still trying to abstain from using powers...unless absolutely necessary anyway...w-would you mind walking me home?" Denix Vames - April 25, 2021 "Well, apparently he got bit by a werewolf." ,said Will. Vincent snapped his fingers. Taking them all back to the living room of Carter's Office. "We can discuss about this Atma stuff later. For now, you can all go back to do what you were all doing in the first place." He and Elliot disappeared with Neva. Taking them to Carter's house. Nate held Tom's hand. Teleporting them back to France. Greg stepped towards Oscar. "He's at the mansion. He wanted to pretend that he died so that you and everyone else wouldn't have him as the burden he thinks he is." Will helped Kite to the couch where he laid there. Kite was still in pain. He was crying now. Mumbling Cindy's name. Will leaned against a chair nearby. He smirked. "Guess I'm not use to this kind of workout." He collapsed to his knees. Still leaning against the chair. He breathed heavily. --- "Sure thing. I use to walk lots of people home whenever they asked. Always needing to keep everybody safe." ,said Jasper. Shadowess - April 25, 2021 "We er- should get back to discussing the next meeting." David said to Patience, who nodded quickly. "I agree." she said and they both vanished together. Oscar jumped at Greg's voice and looked at him for a moment, wondering how he knew to go to Carter's office from the mansion and how he'd gotten here so quickly. Then he heard what Greg had said and he simply stared at him in disbelief. He knew Leo wasn't in a good place right now and he was concerned for him...but he also felt hurt and furious that Leo was going to let him believe he was gone like that. He debated teleporting straight to the mansion to face Leo but he quickly decided against it. He was far too angry right now to face Leo and that would only make things worse. He needed to vent his rage first...and he knew just how to do it. There was one man to blame for all of this...and conveniently, he was trapped in Hell. Oscar clenched his fists, his eyes turning crimson. "I'll go to Leo when I'm calmer." he said to Greg simply before vanishing. Parker knelt by Will. "You alright? Do you want me to get you anything?" Alex lifted Jessica and carried her upstairs to lay her down on one of the beds. Sebastian looked at Carter. "We -need- to find out when that full moon is. I'm not just concerned for Kite. If there's a werewolf running around out there and they barely have control over themselves already, then the full moon will only exacerbate that problem." --- Finding Adrian in Hell, Oscar landed next to him, his wings outstretched and making him appear larger than he was. His teeth had sharpened and his eyes glowed red. "Adrian Basket." He sneered. "I'm going to have a lot of fun punishing you." He'd grab him by the shoulders and shoving him hard into a nearby wall. "I thought we'd start with some simple beatings." he growled and grabbed Adrian by the throat. "Followed by waterboarding, pulling your teeth and nails out one by one, flaying and finally burning." His skin began to shift into scales. "How does that sound? Maybe I'll even show you your innards! After all, you -like- dissection, right?" He growled savagely in Adrian's face, bringing his sharp teeth close to him to instill fear in him. --- "Well, I appreciate it. I really do." Cindy said with a small smile. "There are some real monsters out there..." she said as she began to walk. When she reached Kite's apartment, she opened the door and looked around briefly. "I guess he's not home yet..." she said as she turned back to Jasper. "I-I should be fine now. I'll lock the door and only open it for Kite when he gets home. I'll give him a call now to let him know what happened. Thank you. Not just for saving me and walking me home. For hanging out with me as well. It was fun." Denix Vames - April 25, 2021 Greg looked around. "I guess I should leave. I'll need to go to work at some point. There's nothing much for me to do here anyway." He left the house. Heading towards home. Will nodded. "Y-Yeah. Just tired that's all. But we should check on that Leo guy. Sounds like he needs some help." He forced himself up. Heading out of the house. "Come on." Carter pulled out his phone. "The power of technology." He looked up the next full moon on Google. He handed his phone to him. "There ya go." Kite's nails began to grow long, His canines started to appear. He gripped the couch. Piercing into the cushions. --- Adrian shouted, "Please let me go! I didn't do anything wrong!" He started screaming at the suggestions being given to him. Somewhere else in Hell, Ricky was walking around. Searching for someone. "Hello! Pooch! Where are ya?!" --- "You're welcome. And good luck with ya problems." ,said Jasper who disappeared. Shadowess - April 25, 2021 Parker nodded and followed Will out of the house. "Let's just be careful though. I mean, you saw what he can do and neither of us have powers." Sebastian took Carter's phone and looked at the lunar cycle. "Shit! It's tomorrow! Both Kite and this other werewolf are going to be out of control and super powered! We're guna need some heavy duty chains...and we need to find this wolf-" He then noticed Kite's teeth and nails. "Oh, that's happening fast...I wonder if it being so close to a full moon is speeding up the process? ...I've never actually seen someone turn before..." he shook as he looked at Carter. "Please be careful." --- Oscar laughed cruelly as Adrian screamed and protested his innocence. "Didn't do anything wrong?!" He laughed. "That's what all sinners say! Now tell me...do you like heights?!" He gripped Adrian by his shirt and beat his wings, flying up high and dangling Adrian precariously and laughing maniacally at Adrian's fear. "ISN'T THIS FUN!?" He shouted gleefully. "I wonder how many of your bones would break if I were to just drop you?! Would your body be crushed like an insect?!" "Call me Pooch again and I'll make you my bitch." Rickster replied, sitting on a high wall and staring at Ricky coldly. "And I'll do it in my dog form." he then smirked. "What do you want now?" --- "Thanks." Cindy said one last time as Jasper vanished. As soon as he did, she hurried over to the door and bolted it shut. She leaned against it while taking out her phone and dialing Kite's number. "I really hope you're not busy right now..." she muttered as she listened to the phone ring, waiting for an answer. Denix Vames - April 25, 2021 "Yeah, I know. Here." Will tossed him his keys. "You drive." Once they got the mansion, Will held his gun up. Keeping it close with shaky hands. He was sweating. Still exhausted from before. He had never been hit with the kind of powers Leo had. "On my count." They were near the front doors. "One....Two....Three!" He kicked the doors open. He aimed his gun. Looking around. His eye widened at the sight of two bloody wings laying on the floor. He lowered his weapon. "Something tells me he didn't stay long enough." He reached out. Touching the one angel wing. The wings suddenly vibrated. They flew to his back where they ripped the back of his shirt. His vest having fallen off. "What the-?!" The wings dug into his skin as he cried out. When they went inside him, he collapsed. --- Carter nodded. "I will. But what kind of chains can we use?" Kite's phone suddenly rang, He took it from his pocket without any trouble. It seemed as though Kite was fighting the urge to do anything. Carter answered, "Hello?" --- Adrian continued to scream. "Please stop! Stop it! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He flailed about in his hold. --- Ricky blushed. He smiled at him. "Ya know you're kinda cute when you get all crazy like that. Anyway, I was thinking that we could both pass those how-to-be-nice classes that I heard about so that we could be demons. I'm getting real bored just sitting here. And once we get up there, we can make lots of cash by being party planners! I ain't gonna get my mansion back but I know how to make lots of money. So, whadda say? Partners?" He held out a hand. --- Leo wore a pair of dark jeans, a leather jacket, and tight see-through black shirt. His gun holster was by his right side. He had some straps over his shoulders where he kept a knife there. He wore similar fingerless gloves like before. On his back, there were scars where his wings had once been in. He kept brown contacts on. He had decided to work for the White House to avoid being noticed. Protecting the President's family. Shadowess - April 25, 2021 "Will?!" Parker watched helplessly as the wings dug into Will's back rapidly. Once he collapsed, he rushed over and looked him over, looking at the way the wings had broken through his back. "What the fuck? Will?? Are you alright?! Talk to me! Fuck- What do I do?!" --- Sebastian shrugged. "I-I don't know. Finding heavy chains made of silver is basically impossible and they also might hurt them which we want to try to avoid...I guess any large, heavy chains should hold them..." He suggested and then added. "I hope..." --- Oscar leered at Adrian then flung him up a bit to hold him so he was face to face with Oscar. He growled at him dangerously. "WHAT ARE YOU SORRY FOR?! SAY IT!" he demanded. --- Rickster rose a brow at Ricky. "It wouldn't work." he said simply. "They only allow souls who genuinely repent to become Demons...And I'm not sorry for the fun that I had." he smirked and glanced away from Ricky. "Besides, I'm more of a fan of being direct about my intentions. Non of this, snooping around pretending to be something I'm not!" He pushed himself off the wall and landed with his knees bent slightly before straightening up. "You give it a try if you want. I can leave at any time. All I have to do is catch me another Demon..." --- Cindy heard Carter's voice and hesitated. "Carter? Where's Kite? Is he there? S-Something's happened! I was attacked!" she then paused as she rolled her eyes and added "Again!" Denix Vames - April 25, 2021 Will was passed out. His prosthetic eye started to glow. It was becoming part of him now. With it, he could see any soul and identify what kind of creature they are. --- "Where the hell are we going to find chains?" ,said Carter. He went back to talking to Cindy. "I'm sorry but Kite's been bit by a werewolf. He's turning right now. But we're taking care of him. I promise. Just give me info on who or what attacked you." Kite growled as his eyes became yellow. He started ripping the couch cushions out of anger and pain. --- "I'm sorry that I experimented on the test subject!" ,said Adrian who was now shaking and sweaty. His heart raced. --- "Oh c'mon!" Ricky wrapped an arm around him. "Not even if I give your belly some scratches?" He poked at his stomach with a wink. Shadowess - April 25, 2021 Parker looked around anxiously. Uncertain on what he should do. He tried to lift Will, anticipating he'd be a lot heavier now with those wings on his back but to his surprise he had very little trouble lifting him into his arms. "Oh, this does not bode well..." Parker sighed. He'd noticed his enhanced strength when he accidentally crushed his phone but at least that could've been explained away but this? He wondered if his Devil side was beginning to flourish early or if Bryce turning him had sealed his fate and he was changing back into the Blood God. He hadn't felt any hunger though and when he checked he didn't have any fangs...so he hoped it was just the former. He carried Will over to one of the couches and sat by his side anxiously, waiting for him to regain consciousness. --- Sebastian shrugged. "I just know the basics on wolves, I'm not an expert..." --- "Subject? SINGULAR?!" Oscar questioned. "Don't tell me a scientist with your level of clearance only ever experimented on -one- subject!" He shook him a little angrily. "YOUR SPECIES DARE TO CALL -US- EVIL WHEN THEY BREED VILE, PUTRID LITTLE SHITS LIKE YOU! HOW MANY HAVE YOU HURT? HOW MANY TORN AWAY FROM THEIR FAMILIES?! HOW MANY LOVERS TORN APART FOR YOUR 'SCIENCE'?! HOW MANY LIVES HAVE YOU DESTROYED?! TELL ME!!" --- Rickster's eyes lit up angrily and he gripped Ricky's neck before shoving him into the wall forcefully. "Do not. Mock me!" He growled. "You will show me some respect or I will beat it into you, do you understand?!" He then removed his hand and stepped away. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Demon to find and capture. If you really want to get on my good side and join me, then I suggest you help me find one otherwise..." he tilted his head and stared intensely at Ricky. "Stay out of my way." he warned. --- "What?! A werewolf!?" Cindy gasped then hurriedly stepped back from the door and looked at it warily. If a crazed Werewolf had just tried to attack her then it'll have her scent...probably wasn't such a good idea to walk home then... There's a strong chance it may have followed her here to continue it's hunt. "Ok, to hell with trying to pretend to be human! This shit is getting too dangerous! I'm coming over!" A moment later she'd teleported to Carter's office and gasped at how Kite looked. "Oh, God! Kite!" She then looked at Carter worriedly. "I think I was attacked by the same wolf! I wasn't bitten though, Jasper shot at him before he could and he ran off. I don't know if he hit him..." She took a breath. "It happened way too fast, I only had time to see yellow eyes, sharp teeth and dark clothes...If they tried to attack me they probably followed me back to Kite's apartment too...So, I can't go back there for a while..." "It's no wonder it happened too fast for even you to see..." Sebastian said and Cindy looked at him questioningly. "Full moon is tomorrow. In the couple of days leading up to the full moon, wolves get a bit of a power boost. Strength, speed, sense of smell...all of it. And on the day of the full moon, all of that increases again tenfold..." he explained. "So is this wolf just crazy or something?" Cindy asked. "Why is he going around biting random people?" Sebastian shrugged. "Your guess is as good as ours. He might've gone mad or he might be trying to make himself a new pack...or both..." he looked between them.
  19. Denix Vames - April 24, 2021 Everybody was confused. Vincent could see that. He stood in the middle of the group. He cleared his throat. "Everybody listen. I brought you all here because I need everyone to be clear of one thing. You can trust Atma. And I know this sounds weird of me to say but things have changed. She has changed. And she is sorry. You can trust her now. She is a friend." Kite mumbled out the word, "Yellow" at Sebastian's question. "And how are we supposed to believe any of that? She wasn't exactly a welcomed guest. Do you remember the last time we saw her?" Carter glared and grabbed Vincent. "She hurt some of my friends! Let's not forget that she hurt you!" "I understand but-" He shoved him. Vincent easily caught his balance. "We're not siding with her!" "What the hell is this about?" ,said Will. Shadowess - April 24, 2021 "Is that a joke?!" Alex protested when Vincent said they could trust Atma. "That bitch pinned me to a wall and spoke down to us all like we were trash!" For once it seemed Carter and Alex were on the same page about something. "Wait...eye-patch lady?" Jessica looked at Vincent. Recalling him stabbing her and Nate ripping her head off. "I don't know man...this whole thing reeks of a trap to me..." Parker said apprehensively. "She seemed like she could be ruthless, given the chance..." "The Midwife?" Patience rose a brow, seeming shocked by what she was hearing. "Of course you can trust her!" Sebastian looked at Patience, suddenly torn between supporting Carter and believing Patience. "Sure, she can come off as snobbish but as far as I'm aware, she's literally incapable of taking a life. Anytime I've met her, she's always had people's best interest at heart..." Patience continued. "She's...also Amelia's Midwife currently." David added. "I doubt Amelia would let her anywhere near her if she didn't trust her." "Okay...I'm a little lost here...What's the problem with Atma?" Oscar rose a brow at them all, having missed the time the group had met Atma for the first time. Sebastian suddenly looked at Kite then tugged on Carter's arm. "Carter. I really need you to describe that smell. I think I know what bit Kite!" "Yeah...I was kinda wondering about that...what the hell happened?" Alex glanced over at Kite and Will questioningly. --- Cindy was out and about in town, handing out her resume to different stores. She'd need a new job now that the flower shop had been burned to the ground and it's owner was murdered. Denix Vames - April 25, 2021 "I know what she's done but please listen to me!" Carter glared at Patience then him. "None of you get it! She's a no good bitch who would put her own life before anyone else's! She's hurt us before!" "And you're sure about that?" ,said Elliot. "You've never met her so you wouldn't know. But she deserves to rot in a pit." ,said Nate. "Yeah! How do you expect any of us to trust her?! She's nothing but a-!" ,said Carter. The arguing had grown and grown. Carter couldn't focus on Sebastian as he was pissed off. Everybody else was argumentative too. Kite sniffed the air. Smelling everyone's scent. Yet, he only rolled off the couch. Falling on the coffee table which broke at his strength. He cried out. "ENOUGH!" Leo had shouted. The whole house shook. He fell to his knees. Covering his knees. Every person there was now trapped in a red bubble. His canines had came out. His wings sprouted. His eyes glowed. Tears rolled down his cheeks. "Just stop! Stop arguing! Why do we have to keep doing this?! Why?!" He curled on the floor as he sobbed. --- Jasper appeared next to her. "Hey ya! Whatcha doing?" Denix Vames - April 25, 2021 (meant to say covered his ears) shadowess - April 25, 2021 Alex and Parker sided with Carter and Nate. While Patience and David sided with Vincent. Jessica and Oscar stayed quiet, unsure of who to side with as the argument unfolded. Sebastian was watching Kite and growing more and more desperate to get their attention, feeling helpless now that he was human. Neva was beginning to shake from watching everyone shout and she clung to Elliot for comfort. When they were all suddenly trapped in bubbles, the shouting finally stopped. Oscar looked over at Leo and frowned. "Leo?" He called to him as he tried to move his bubble closer to him. He rested his hands against it's sides and looked at Leo worriedly. "Leo, breathe!" He teleported into Leo's bubble and wrapped his arms around him, trying to comfort him. "It's ok. I'm here. Just breathe." he said softly. "What happened to him?" Alex asked, now staring at Leo's new wings. Having missed the whole ordeal with the scientist. "Not now, Alex..." Sebastian replied gently. He then looked back at Kite. At least he was safe in that bubble...he looked over at Carter. "Carter, I think I know what bit Kite." he said again. "Look at him. He's changing. He's not human anymore..." he looked at the table that was now smashed. He then looked over at Patience who was staring back at him, apparently just now realizing he wasn't a vampire anymore. "The scent on him, what is it?" he asked her urgently. Patience glanced at Kite and sniffed the air then wrinkled her nose in disgust and turned her head away a bit. "Wolf!" Sebastian's heart sank and he looked back at Kite. "Oh man...I'm so sorry..." he looked back at Carter. "We need to find out when the next full moon is. When newborn wolves turn for the first time they lose control...they become a danger to everyone. After that though, he'll find it easier to control himself and will be able to shift whenever he wants." --- Cindy jumped when Jasper appeared and she looked at him for a moment before smiling. "Hi, Jasper." she lifted the pile of papers in her arms. "I'm trying to get a new job...Since my old one burned down...I'm trying to live a human life for a while. Tell you what, trying not to use your powers everyday is quite the challenge. I don't know how humans do it!" she chuckled. Then tilted her head at Jasper. "What brings you here, anyway?" Denix Vames - April 25, 2021 Leo sent Oscar slamming to the wall. Trapping him in a bubble. "Shut up! I want everyone to shut up!" Elliot knocked on his own bubble. "Leo! Ya don't have to-" A sudden shock of electricity was sent to him. He screamed before collapsing. Leo stood. Glaring at everyone. "I'm sick and tired of this! All we ever do is argue! Why can't any of you just agree on ANYTHING?!" The house shook again. Kite groaned. He slammed his fist against the floor. Will grew concerned. "Just hold on!" He suddenly covered his ears as he fell to his knees. Crying out at the high pitch sound. --- "Oh I just wanted to get away from everybody. They're all having a bit of an argument. I was gonna invite them to the wedding but guess we'll have to postpone that. But anyway, can I help?" ,said Jasper. Shadowess - April 25, 2021 Once again, Sebastian's attempts to help Kite were drowned out by everything else going on. At least now, Patience was aware. Oscar hit the wall and groaned when he hit the floor, his back and head hurting as he tried to sit up, looking at Leo tearfully. Neva screamed when Elliot was shocked and she turned to glare at Leo. "DON'T HURT MY DAD!" she yelled at him angrily and the temperature of the room dropped significantly. Frost began to form over their bubbles. --- "Oh...sorry to hear that." Cindy said as she started walking again. "I guess you could if you wanted...Not sure how though, I'm just handing these out to all the stores in town. Hopefully I'll hear something from at least one of them." she then shrugged. "If you've got nowhere else to be, you could just tag along while I hand them out? Hang out and chat for a bit?" She smiled. "You said you're getting married? Congratulations. Why don't you tell me a bit about your partner?" Denix Vames - April 25, 2021 Will collapsed when the sound stopped. Leo glared at Neva. "SHUT UP!" He sent something at her. "NO!" ,said Vincent who forced himself out of the bubble. He ran in front of the power. Saving her in time but getting hit in the process. He fell over. His eyes were closed. Having been put in a coma. Leo and everyone else had been teleported to a desert at night. He wanted to deal with this somewhere where the area felt more spacious. --- Jasper continued to walk with her. "Well, he's a fancy man. His name is Beau Carter. We met while he was traveling back in the 1800 something." He smirked. "He sure did know how to do some pretty neat stuff in bed." shadowess - April 25, 2021 Neva jumped when Leo shouted at her and she whimpered, stepping back until her back pressed against the bubble as Leo sent something in her direction. But then Vincent took the hit instead and she watched him collapse. She screamed and ran forward, falling to her knees and pressing her hands against the bubble, as close to Vincent as it would allow. She looked between Elliot and Vincent and sobbed. Once in the desert, Jessica glared at Leo. "Are you happy?!" She shouted at him. "Jessica, don't!" Parker warned her, watching Leo warily. Jessica struck her bubble with her fist in frustration. "You attacked a child and made her cry! You fucking asshole!" "Dude, seriously!" Alex looked between Jessica and Leo. He also seemed nervous. "Stay out of it!" "No!" Jessica snapped. "I don't give a shit if I'm human! I don't give a shit that you all think I'm useless! I'm not going to stand on the sidelines and do nothing while this prick abuses his powers!" she struck her bubble again. "What? does it make you feel big?! huh? I bet you feel real tough right now, bullying a little girl!" she scolded him. "Jessica, shut up!" Oscar snapped at her angrily. "You're not helping!" --- "Oh?" Cindy chuckled at his last comment as they approached one of the stores. "He wasn't half incubus was he?" she laughed then placed a hand on his arm, "I'm kidding." she said quickly, worried she'd offend him in some way. Although she was a Succubus herself and knew they weren't as bad as their reputation made them out to be, she was so used to her kind being judged harshly that she worried about what people thought whenever she brought them up. "I'm just guna head in here and drop one of these off. I'll be right out in a minute and then you can tell me more about you and Beau." she said before heading inside and looking for a manager to give her resume to. Denix Vames - April 25, 2021 Leo clutched his head. He grit his teeth at her yelling. He glared at her. Her body was suddenly covered in claw marks. "Leo! Please! Look at what you've done! I promise we'll do better! We'll be better! You just have to let us try!" ,said Carter. Leo slowly began to turn into his werewolf form which still had his wings. Nate popped his bubble. He took a step forward. "I know you feel. I use to get angry all the time. Blaming everyone for what I became. Killing without mercy." He continued walking over. Leo growled at him. "But it doesn't have to be like that. Not anymore. We can resolve our differences without fighting. Without arguing. And we will find a way to stop arguing. But you have to understand that it does happen. That it's natural." He popped everyone else's bubbles with a wave of his hand. "He needs us now more than ever! We have to let him know that we're his friends!" Leo took some steps back as he continued to growl. --- Jasper smiled at her joke. "Alright. I'll wait here." shadowess - April 25, 2021 Jessica had been about to strike her bubble with her fist again when she gasped and tensed up, looking down at herself in shock as fresh cuts covered her body, blood seeping through her clothes. She fell on all fours, shaking and groaning from the pain. As soon as the bubbles burst, Parker and Alex ran over to Jessica. Parker catching her just in time for her to lose consciousness as her blood dripped onto the sand. Neva ran over to Vincent and Elliot Crying and trying to wake them both up. Sebastian ran over to Carter and watched anxiously as Leo shifted. Tom also stood back anxiously. He knew wolf venom was toxic to vampires and although he was a Day Walker, he had no idea if Leo's venom would still be fatal to him. "Leo, listen to Nate. He's right. We're all here for each other. We need to work together, not fight each other!" He tried from where he stood. Oscar groaned as he got to his feet and walked a little closer to Leo. "Leo, please stop this." he said shakily. "We can talk about this. There doesn't need to be any more violence." Patience took a step forward as well. "We'll listen. Just please calm down. Non of us want to fight." David nodded. "It's natural to get angry but we should not let our anger get the better of us." he said gently but sternly. "Breathe. Come and talk to us. All we want is to help." --- After a brief chat with the manager, Cindy left the store with a small smile. "Alright...on to the next one!" she said as she began to walk again. "So, where were we?" she asked, glancing at Jasper. Denix Vames - April 25, 2021 When Leo heard their words and listened to the pain around him, he cried as he shifted back to his human form. A bubble surrounded him as he floated up. Suddenly, Jessica's wounds had healed. Vincent and Elliot opened their eyes. Will did the same. They all looked on as Leo appeared in front of Oscar. He caressed his cheek. "I'm sorry." He kissed him before fading away. --- Jasper started telling her about his fun adventures with Beau. James was following them. Shadowess - April 25, 2021 Parker looked over at Will as soon as he saw him wake up and then back to Jessica, feeling torn. Alex gently pulled her out of his arms and smiled at his brother. "It's cool. I got her." he said and Parker gave him a grateful smile before rushing off to Will's side. "Are you alright?!" he asked as he reached him, his eyes full of worry. Relieved to see her parents waking up, Neva threw her arms around them each while still crying and shaking after what had happened. Oscar watched Leo with a concerned frown. When he appeared in front of him, Oscar lifted a hand to cup Leo's and he gave him a loving smile when Leo said sorry. He kissed him back and had been about to tell Leo that it was alright. That he wanted to help him and be there for him...but watched in speechless confusion as Leo faded away. It hadn't been like a teleportation. It happened too slowly...his breath caught in his throat and he stared at the spot where Leo had been standing, his heart dropping and he got an awful sinking feeling in his stomach. His eyes filled with tears. His voice breaking a little as he spoke. "L-Leo?" --- Cindy listened intently to Jasper's stories. Having missed the cowboy era entirely, she was fascinated by how different the Earth had once been. She was so engrossed in Jasper's stories that she completely failed to notice they were being followed. "Well, one left..." She said as she came out of another store. "Could be the lucky one. Where do you think I should hand this one in?" she asked, looking up at Jasper.
  20. Shadowess - April 24, 2021 Sebastian had to stop and think for a moment when Carter asked him if he wanted to be a Day Walker as well. He glanced at the closed curtains again. Although he'd managed to keep his cool for the most part when Mickey had given him temporary immunity, he had been utterly terrified in that car while they waited for the sun to rise. But then that was understandable when you've lived over a decade, hiding from the sun for fear of being burned to death. He'd been silently thrilled when it hadn't burned him alive once it had risen, even though that thrill was somewhat tainted by the fear of Mickey's power wearing off before he could find shelter. But now he thought on it, maybe it's time for an upgrade? He looked back at Carter, imagining them fearlessly going out in the sun together and he smiled. "Yes." he said softly. "I'd like you to turn me..." another thought then crossed his mind and he smirked. "But first...Seeing as I'd have to take the cure anyway, I'd like to spend a single day as a human...just to remember what it was like...it's been so long that I genuinely can't remember." he chuckled. --- Oscar watched the conversation unfold. His interest peaked when he heard about this James Keller that apparently once had a connection to Leo and even more interesting, Leo didn't seem to remember him. "I guess I missed out on all of that...I only learned about ADIEU when I met Leo. I learned a little more when Leo was kidnapped not to long ago... Even then, that was just one escaped scientist on his own...Judging by that, I don't think we need to worry too much about whether there are more facilities out there...however, this James guy..." Oscar looked worriedly at Leo, remembering what he'd told him about when the group had first met him and helped him get his memories back. "What if he's running around out there with no memory or free will like you were?" --- Jessica grinned. "That'd be great!" She felt a sort of weight lifting. Maybe Greg knew what he was talking about! "What can I do?" Neva asked, looking at them. "I want to help!" --- Alex watched him writing and when he began repeating himself, he looked up from the notepad and saw Gary breaking down. His heart ached for him and he reached over, gently placing his hands on Gary's. He quietly looked into Gary's eyes for a moment. He didn't understand what Gary was trying to say. He had a horrible feeling that the girl, whoever she was, didn't make it. But he didn't want to assume the worst and right now Gary needed him. "I'm here. When you can talk again...and when you're ready, I'm here. I always will be." He swallowed hard and glanced around the room momentarily, trying to fight back his tears. "So, What did the doctors say? How long will you be in this time?" he slowly removed his hands so that Gary could write again. Denix Vames - April 24, 2021 "Of course. The vials that are still here. I kept them in my office. We can go there now." ,said Carter. They went into his office. Carter unlocked the drawer and took out the vial. "Here it is." --- "It's a possibility but I haven't heard anything about mysterious deaths." ,said Greg. "I'll go and look for him. Someone has to find him." ,said Leo. "Normally, I'd say it's too dangerous. But considering what I know, I think you're fully capable of doing this." Greg stood. "And I think I've been here long enough. I better go home or else I'll be late for work." He gripped the chair. "Wait a minute. Oscar, do you know if my boyfriend's in Heaven or....?" --- Elliot smiled at Neva. "You can decorate the whole place." They stepped inside the house where Vincent stood there with his arms crossed. "We need to talk. And I'm going to call everybody else here. So make yourselves comfortable cause this is going to be a long conversation." --- Gary wrote, 'A while. Until stitches heal. Until burns heal. Want to leave. Want to help. Cheri needs my help.' --- Will, having gotten out of hospital with his prosthetic eye but still the eyepatch over, was roaming the streets. He had parked his car. Deciding on walking for a bit to check if everything was clear. He heard some noises in an alley and walked towards them. His hand was on his holster. Ready to take out his gun. When he heard nothing else, he turned around. Not seeing James who was slowly walking towards him from behind. Reaching out with his mouth opened. "Captain!" ,shouted Kite. He ran over. Getting in between them. James bit into his arm instead. Kite cried out as he fired off his gun. Will fired at James but missed. The werewolf ran off. Will knelt by Kite's side. He wrapped his arm up in some bandages. "It's alright man. We'll get this sorted out. Let's take you to Carter right away. Something tells me that guy didn't have rabies." As Will drove them to Carter's office, Kite began to feel strange. He kept a grip on his arm. Leaning against the window as he tried to deal with the pain in his body. Shadowess - April 24, 2021 Sebastian followed Carter and looked at the vial a moment before gently taking it from Carter's hand. He stared at the liquid inside and half laughed. "Hard to believe this little drink is going to make me human..." He took a deep, shaky breath before smiling at Carter nervously. "Well...no time like the present, I guess." he said as he popped off the cork and held the vial up a bit. "Cheers." he then drank it quickly, forcing himself to swallow the liquid and cringing at the taste. Sebastian looked at Carter tensely for a moment, wondering how quickly it would happen. Then not even a moment later, he felt the pain surge through every part of his body. Through every muscle, bone and vein. The intensity of it took him so by surprise that it knocked the wind out of him and he fell to his knees, gasping. He hugged himself and clenched his fists. Gritting his teeth and straining to not scream. He shut his eyes tightly as he tried to bear the pain and ended up crying out as the process became agony. He was uncertain how long it took before the pain faded but to Sebastian it had felt like hours. Finally, he opened his eyes and found himself laying on Carter's office floor. His body covered in sweat. He simply lay there for a moment and tried to catch his breath as the last of the pain ebbed away. He could feel his heart still racing. Shakily, he lifted his hand to feel inside his mouth but his fangs were gone. He gasped then half laughed, sitting up slowly and looking at his hands. His skin had a little more color to it than it had when he was a vampire. Not nearly as pale. He looked up at Carter, wondering how different he might appear to him now. "I'm...human!" he grinned. --- "I'll go with you." Oscar said, turning to Leo. He then looked back at Greg and hesitated before answering. "It depends...when he was alive, did he knowingly commit any serious sins?...If you give me a name, I could go to Hell and check but it might take me a while..." --- "Oh boy..." Jessica said when they stepped into the house and Vincent told them he was calling a meeting with the rest of their friends. She glanced at Elliot then lifted the shopping bags a little. "Maybe we should put this stuff away first?" Meanwhile, Neva had run up to Vincent and flung her arms around him. --- Alex frowned at the note. He looked up at Gary. "Is Cheri the girl you were talking about? Where is she? Maybe I can help her for you?" he offered. Denix Vames - April 24, 2021 Carter ran over to his side. He knelt there. Making sure he would be there for him. "Sebastian? I'm right here." His eyes widened once the transformation was done. He scoffed. "I can't believe it! I've never smelled this part of you before." He raised a brow. "That sounded really weird." "Hey! We need some help!" ,said Will who kept a good hold of Kite. Letting him lean against him. He knocked on the door. "Please! Something's happened to Kite!" --- Greg squeezed his own arms. "His name's Ben Collins. But I doubt he'd be up in the clouds. He worked ADIEU just like I did." Leo shook his head. "Oscar, I'm not putting you in any more danger. I know you have your own abilities but this is a werewolf. I don't want you to get bit. I'm already a freak by having this much DNA in my system. You shouldn't have that same fate." --- "Put them away then." ,said Vincent. He picked Neva up with a smile. "How's my little ice princess doing?" Elliot followed Jessica into the kitchen where they placed the groceries in the fridge and some in the cabinets. --- Gary wrote, 'Yes. She-' He hesitated before writing 'Houdini' as a way of saying she vanished. Hoping to get the message across. Shadowess - April 24, 2021 Sebastian couldn't help laughing at Carter's last comment. He then turned towards the source of the commotion with a frown when they heard Will shouting. If Will had brought Kite through the door just a few minutes earlier, then Sebastian would've been able to smell the wolf venom from here...But that was no longer the case and Sebastian now had to rely on Carter to pick up on such things. He got to his feet shakily and would follow Carter down the stairs to see Will and Kite. "What's happened?" --- Oscar looked between Greg and Leo. He then frowned at Leo's words. "You are not a freak." Oscar said, defensive of him. He stood, placed his hands on Leo's arms and sighed. "I can handle myself...but if you'd prefer to find him yourself then I trust you in your own abilities...I know you'll be safe." He cupped his chin, looking at him lovingly. "There's something in Hell I need to take care of anyway...I'll try to find Ben while I'm there..." he glanced at Greg. "Is there anything you want me to say to him when I find him?" --------- "I'm good! We got ice cream!" Neva announced happily while hugging Vincent. She then leaned back a bit in his arms to look at his face. "We're guna have a party!" She said excitedly. Jessica helped Elliot to put the food away. All the time wondering if he wanted her to stick around as well or whether she would just be 'in the way'. Once done, she'd follow Elliot back into the living room, where Vincent was. --- Alex rose a brow at the note. "Houdi-..." he started reading the word aloud then paused as he realized what Gary must be trying to say. "Do you think she's an Demon? Angel?" he whispered. "What does she look like? I'll see if I can find her." Denix Vames - April 24, 2021 Will took Kite to the couch where he helped him lay there. Kite clutched his stomach. He groaned at the unbearable pain that was growing. "I don't know! Someone bit him!" Carter flinched at the smell. "Whatever did this to him left an awful scent unless he didn't shower." "Oh ha ha!" ,said Kite who grit his teeth. "Son of a....!" --- Leo nodded. "I'm going to get changed before I go out." He headed upstairs. "Yes." Greg hesitated. "Tell him that I'm doing ok. That I'm safe. I'm working in a normal job. And maybe see if he can come visit me. Find a way to do that." --- "Well, that's nice. A party sounds like fun." ,said Vincent. He snapped his fingers. Summoning everybody in the group to the living room. This excluded Gary, Greg, and Cindy. "I have gathered you all here today for an important discussion." He put Neva down and sat on the couch. Leaning against it. He took a deep breath. "That really took a lot out of me but I can still talk. Now, I know this is all sudden but it's necessary to discuss about this now." Denix Vames - April 24, 2021 (forgot to include this) Gary wrote, 'Black hair. Ponytail. Green eyes. Pale skin. Don't know what she is. Please find her.' He let his hand go before caressing his cheek. Shadowess - April 24, 2021 Sebastian looked at the bite mark on Kite's arm curiously. Then as soon as Carter mentioned his smell, he became a little alarmed. "Wait, Carter. What scent? Describe it to me!" he said hurriedly, taking a step back from Kite. If it was a wolf bite then the scent would be overwhelmingly sour. Enough to bring tears to your eyes in much the same way an onion does. If that was the case then they would need to find out how close the next full moon is. A newly turned human is harmless until their first transformation. After the pain of their DNA changing during the first few hours after the bite, they'll just feel uncomfortable and sore in the lead up to the full moon. The first transformation would be dangerous for anyone who gets in Kite's path...after that though, he would find it easier to control his transformations and what he does while shifted. "Kite, this is important. The person that bit you, did you get a look at their eyes?" --- Oscar watched Leo head upstairs then looked back at Greg and nodded. "I'll tell him...but..." he shook his head with a frown. "I'm afraid, once a soul is in Hell, they're stuck there. The only way to get them back to Earth would be the resurrection ritual which...I don't recommend. The cost of bringing one person back to life is the sacrifice of two others..." He then seemed thoughtful and added. "But...I know a Demon that might be able to help him gain redemption? Once he passes all of David's tests he'll be given the option of either ascending to Heaven or becoming a Demon with the purpose of helping others in their journey to redemption. If he becomes a Demon, he could come and go as he pleases." --- Alex read the note and nodded while looking back at Gary, placing his hand over his. "I will. I promise, I'll help her however I can." he said seriously...Then suddenly fell to the floor as the hospital vanished around him and was replaced by Carter's living room. Having fallen due to the hospital bed suddenly no longer being under him. "OK, WHAT THE SHIT?!" he snapped as he got to his feet and turned around to see the room full of their other friends too. All of whom looked equally confused. Sebastian looked even more alarmed than he had done earlier as he looked around at the others. Glancing warily between everyone then at Kite. Parker was still holding a toothbrush in his mouth, shirtless and looking around at the others with red cheeks when he was teleported to the living room. His cheeks turned even more red when he noticed Will was here as well. "Well...this isn't the bathroom..." he mumbled as he walked towards the kitchen. He threw the brush into the sink and spat the paste down the drain, running the water momentarily to rinse it down and then walking back into the crowded living room. Jessica stood back, against the wall. Feeling a little uncomfortable with the sudden crowd. Neva jumped when Alex had shouted and ran over to Elliot to hold his hand. She looked at Kite worriedly, sensing something was different. Patience and David had been standing very close together and as soon as they realized where they were, David took a hurried step back and faked a cough into his fist. "So er-...That's what we should discuss in the next meeting..." He then looked around at the others warily, Patience's cheeks had turned bright pink as she also glanced around. "What are we doing here?" Oscar gasped and looked around when he found he wasn't in the mansion anymore. "Not being funny, but I was kind of in the middle of something!" he complained. Thankfully, Tom had just been buttoning up the last few buttons on his shirt when he looked up and found they weren't in the washroom anymore. "Uhh..." his cheeks turned red and he couldn't help smirking. "That was...pretty good timing..."
  21. Denix Vames - April 23, 2021 Carter snatched the bag from him and drank it all up. He awkwardly smiled. "Sorry." --- Nate moaned loudly. "Fuck! Tom, you're so good at this." He kissed his chest. He suddenly turned him over. Ropes appeared. Wrapping around his wrists. "Time to really have some fun." (private time) --- Greg knocked on the doors of the mansion. Leo tensed up. "W-What do we do? I always have a plan for everything! I always know what to do! What the fuck do I do?" --- Elliot looked over the groceries. "I'd say so. C'mon. Let's go pay." They headed to one of the cashiers. Bryce stood nearby. Dressed in his security guard outfit. He raised a brow at him. "What the...?" He did his best not to pay attention at him as he paid for the groceries. But Bryce wasn't caring about what he was doing. Not really. He just leaned back against the wall. Enjoying a simple job and a simple life. --- "Wait a minute! I have so many questions. Like who's going to the new Spirit Of Life? Why do you want to retire? And can I trust the next spirit to obey the rules? Why my family? You could do this for anyone else but you decide her? I'm so confused." ,said Vincent. --- Gary had been working. Stopping a fire in a house. Unfortunately, the fire had burned through his mask. Burning partially his face. He nearly died but got saved. In the hospital, he laid there with bandages on the left side of his face. He had gone through surgery because his fellow firefighters had to make a hole in his neck just so he could breath with the machine they had to help save him. There were stitches on his neck. Being covered by bandages. He was hooked up to an IV bag and heart monitor. Shadowess - April 23, 2021 Sebastian chuckled. "It's ok." he kissed him tenderly then rose a brow and cringed a little at the sudden noises coming from downstairs. "Well...I think at this rate we're going to need to hire a cleaner to go into that washroom!" he chuckled. Even through her earbuds, Jessica could hear noises coming from the house and she squinted at the building then rolled her eyes. 'Seriously!? Everyone in this place is getting laid except me!' she thought in annoyance as she headed out of the garden and around the front to the street where she began walking towards town, just to get away for a while. --- Oscar held Leo tightly. He couldn't see who was at the door from here and was a little alarmed at how jumpy Leo had gotten. "It's ok. Relax. Breathe." he said soothingly and kissed the top of his head. "You stay here, I'll got and see who it is, ok?" He'd slowly let go of Leo and get up from his chair, walking over to the doors. He glanced out of the peep hole but didn't know who Greg was. He opened the door and looked at him curiously. "Uh, hello? Can I help you?" --- Neva looked up at Elliot when he began acting a little strangely. "You ok?" she asked, looking around briefly. Not knowing who Bryce was though, she looked past him without giving him a second thought. --- Atma smiled patiently as Vincent got all of his questions out of his system. "Is it not obvious? Neva and I would effectively be trading places. Not immediately mind you, she's still got some growing up to do. But with two loving fathers, perhaps, by the time she takes on the role, Neva will have the social skills and capacity for empathy that I never had...Oh, and don't worry. I'm not the only Spirit of Life...not anymore at least...Just...the -oldest-." She glanced around the cave for a moment and frowned. "There's a group of Angels coming to 'arrest' your family and friends for harboring a fugitive...You've already met one of them. ADIEU are not gone either. They just got a lot better at staying hidden." She turned her head slightly to look at Vincent seriously. "This group of Angels want nothing but power and the downfall of Hell. They have been opposed to the peace treaty from the beginning. They plan on 'arresting' your friends and family to 'prove' to the Angels heading the negotiations that Hell cannot be trusted...and they plan on then selling their prisoners to ADIEU in exchange for weapons and protection for Angels from any of ADIEU's experiments." Atma shook her head with a look of disgust. "The Spirit Council want us to do what they always want us to do...nothing! I've had enough. I'm sick and tired of watching helplessly as year after year wars, torture and greed destroy innocent people!" "I need you to convince your friends that I'm on their side. I can only help them if I am close to them. I-..." She paused and gently lay a hand over her eye patch while looking away sadly. "I've seen the possible futures...It's never always clear and most of the time I only see a small part of a specific future but this...My death, if I proceed down this path...is certain." She lowered her hand and looked back at Vincent. "But with my death, life is also certain. The lives of all of your friends and family." She sighed and for the first time, her eye reflected some fear that she felt. "I can only die by a Reaper's Scythe...When I have the enemy within my grasp. Their leader. Only when I have a firm hold of him...Kill me...and don't hesitate...not even for a second." --- As soon as he heard the news, Alex rushed over to the hospital. This was the second time a fire had almost claimed Gary's life! He practically ran through the hospital, being yelled at to slow down by Nurse May on his way past. He reached Gary's room and his breath caught in his throat at the sight of him. "Gary!" he cried as he rushed in to sit on the bed next to him and held his hand. Denix Vames - April 23, 2021 Carter rolled his eyes. "Why can't they just do that in France? They seemed to be having fun there already." --- Greg, in a plaid brown shirt and jeans, said, "I'd like to speak to Leo. He's the one who gave me the ability to read minds. My name is Greg Fuller. By this point, I already know that you know who I am. And no, I'm not here to hurt him or kill him. I just want to talk to him." --- Elliot smiled with a nod. "I'm alright. Let's go before the ice cream melts." He carried the groceries. Both were walking home. --- Vincent glared. Thinking about the fact that they had destroyed their building. He figured it was their only building. He grit his teeth. "For you and everyone else, I'll make sure that your death is quick and hopefully painless. The audacity that these bastards have! To think that we are mere monsters!" He shook his head. "My days of being a killer just look like candyland compared to what they've been doing." He nodded. "I'll do my best to convince them." He raised a brow. "Wait a minute. Who is the leader?" --- Gary smiled but didn't say a word. He lifted the notepad up which read, Hi. He gave his hand a gentle squeeze. Shadowess - April 23, 2021 Sebastian chuckled. "How do you feel now?" he asked, looking over Carter carefully. --- Oscar faltered when Greg told him who he was. He glanced back, towards the dining room where he'd left Leo. Then looked back at Greg hesitantly. "Um...maybe give us a minute? If you just come walking in it might freak him out...Let me go talk to him first..." he said before closing the door and walking over to the dining room. "Leo?" he began, hesitant. He walked over and sat next to him again and sighed. "Stay calm? H-he's here...That Greg guy. He says he just want's to talk...what do you think?" he asked then reached out and held his hands. "Whatever you decide, I'm with you. But just know, I'd never let anything happen to you." --- "Yeah!" Neva held on to Elliot's arm as they walked home. Further down the road, Jessica noticed them and she thought back to what Greg had said the night before. 'Maybe this is my chance to show I'm not useless?' she thought as she smiled and walked towards them. "Hey, would you like a hand with those bags?" she called over as she got closer. --- Atma watched Vincent and waited patiently for his reaction. When he asked who the leader was, she glanced around uncomfortably. "Michael Dillard..." She then sighed heavily and held up a finger. "But you cannot intervene, don't forget. This means you won't even be able to tell your friends who it is that I need to protect them from...and that's not all...this will be complicated...not just because you won't be able to intervene...but also because I cannot kill. Comes with the occupation...Even if I managed to strike someone lethally, they wouldn't die...but they sure as hell would be mad that I tried. This is why it is important that you only strike me down once I have the leader in my grasp. My destruction will also be theirs." She then seemed a little frustrated as she crossed her arms and stared off at the ground thoughtfully. "I also can't tell your friends...Nor will I be able to protect them from Michael's henchmen. The moment I raise a hand against any of them, the Council will realize what I am doing and put a stop to it...We can't risk them stopping me before I can take out Michael. But don't fret..." she looked back up at him. "I've only seen bits and pieces of what is to come but always it ends with all of your friends lives still intact. They are clever, your friends. I'm certain they can figure things out on their own and defend themselves before Michael makes an appearance." --- Alex half laughed through his tears at the note. "Hi..." he replied. He then frowned. "This isn't fair! I -just- got you back! Why does this shit keep happening to us?" he cried. Denix Vames - April 23, 2021 "A bit weird but....I'm fine. I feel just fine." Carter caressed his cheek. "And I have you right in front of me." He kissed him. --- Greg nodded. "Sure." Leo bit his lip. "I...I want to talk to him. I want to tell him everything that I can remember." He looked at him. "Please." --- Elliot smiled. "That wouldn't be a problem." He handed some of the bags. "Just follow us. We're heading back home." --- Vincent sighed. "Fine but then, what can I tell my friends?" --- Gary wrote down, 'Part of the job.' He drew a heart. Shadowess - April 24, 2021 Sebastian smiled at his answer. It was understandable that he might feel strange for a while but he was happy that he otherwise felt ok. He then grinned at Carter's last comment before kissing him back slowly and deeply, running a hand through his hair as he did. --- Oscar studied Leo for a moment then nodded. "Ok." he said softly and gave Leo a comforting smile. "I'll be right here with you." he then said before getting up and heading towards the front door again. He opened it and looked at Greg. "He wants to talk to you...follow me." he said before walking away and leaving the door open for him. He headed back to the dining room and sat next to Leo, holding his hand and squeezing it reassuringly. --- Smiling, Jessica took some of the bags from Elliot and walked alongside them. "We've got ice cream!" Neva told Jessica happily. "You do? That's awesome!" Jessica smiled back at her then glanced at Elliot uncertainly. Maybe now was also a good time to put another of Greg's ideas into action? "Hey, Elliot? I was thinking...Everyone in the group has gone through so much lately...and by the sounds of it, they went through even more before I even arrived...I was thinking of maybe putting a bit of a party together? Nothing huge, just something where everyone can relax and have fun for a while...do you think that's something the others would be interested in?" --- Atma frowned. "Just that they can trust me." she shrugged. "Lie if you have to. Tell them I apologized for my earlier behavior and didn't want them thinking ill of me. Anything that will stop them attacking me instead of the Angels when I make my appearance." --- Alex read the note but continued to frown at it. Tears sliding down his cheeks. "What were you doing in the house? Was someone inside?" he asked. He didn't know what the procedures were for firefighters but he always assumed that they generally stayed away from the fire as they tried to put it out unless someone was in danger...and even then, if it was far too dangerous for a firefighter to go in and save them then they had no choice but to leave them inside...as harsh as it is, it's better for only one person to die than two. Denix Vames - April 24, 2021 Carter smiled into the kiss but then stopped. Looking at him. "Do you want to do this too? Became a Day Walker?" --- Greg closed the door behind himself. He followed Oscar to the dining room. He sat down at one of the chairs. Leo frowned. "I'm sorry for killing your boyfriend. He was one of the security guards. You and him had plans on telling the everybody the truth about ADIEU. About escaping and telling the government. I remember that assignment. The one I was tasked to do. To kill both of you." Tears hit the table. "Just know that I never wanted to do those horrible things. They took me and my family away. Forced me to kill them. They used me as one of their soldiers. Experimenting on me. I wasn't myself. I was never myself when I was with them." He clenched his fist. Squeezing Oscar's hand. "I-I'm so sorry." Greg gripped his arms. He sighed before speaking. "I was really going to punch you but honestly, I think I deserve a good punch more than any of you guys." "What? Why?" "Because I was part of those continued experiments on you. I didn't give it a second thought until I saw that connection you made with one of the test subjects. A werewolf by the name of James Keller." "James? I don't..." He raised a brow. "Well, that's shocking. He's still alive by the way. As far as I know. He was on the list as a future ADIEU soldier. I'm not so sure if he's still around now." "What?!" Leo stood. "But that building was destroyed! What if he died in the fire? Or what if he's one of the survivors that were let loose?" Greg shrugged. "Beats me. I only know what I know. And you said you destroyed their building? Well, I'm hoping that was the last one. Because those damn bastards know how to hide pretty well." --- "A party? That'd be awesome! I'm sure everybody will love it. I do barbecue sometimes at my family's parties. Maybe I could do some of the cooking." ,said Elliot. --- "Alright. It won't be easy but I'll try." Vincent awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "And sorry for stabbing you when we first met. Back then, I kind of missed killing people. It was the only hobby I ever had. But good luck with your business. Hope you get what you want." He disappeared. Appearing back in the house. --- Gary wrote, 'Couldn't let her die. Workers said no one was there. Bullshit. I saw her. Standing there. I grabbed her and then the fire grew. She was gone but I felt burning. Pain. She was there. She was she was she was she was she was....' He burst into silent tears. Shaking. He shut his eyes. Seeing the flames.
  22. Denix Vames - April 23, 2021 Carter sighed. "Ready as I'll ever be." He raised. "So, who gets to drink this stuff? You or me?" --- Nate leaned against the couch and gave Tom a seductive look. "So, mind ever drinking from me? I think you'd like it." --- Leo dug into his waffles. He took a bite. With a big smile, he said, "This stuff tastes delicious! You're so great at cooking!" --- Elliot petted her. "Oh alright. You can come with me. Just be careful." He set her back in his pocket. Continuing his walk to the local grocery store. Shadowess - April 23, 2021 "You. I'll drink from you first, then feed it to you. Then I'll feed you my own blood after that to complete the change." He set the cup down, being careful not to confuse it with the cup he'd been drinking from earlier. He turned back to Carter and smiled. "First, let's get you comfortable." Once Carter would be laying in the center of the bed, Sebastian would lay next to him, looking into his eyes. He'd bring a hand up to caress his cheek before kissing him, deeply and slowly. He'd continue to kiss him while his hands caressed his arms and chest. Then, he'd bring one hand up to run it through Carter's hair as he began to slowly and tenderly work his kisses from his mouth to his cheek, his jaw and finally, his neck. Sebastian took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of his blood and growing excited. His fangs sprouted and he kissed Carter's neck a couple more times before sinking his fangs into it, quickly but carefully. He'd hold the back of Carter's head with one hand and wrap his other arm around Carter's torso to support him as he drank from him slowly. Savoring him and the moment. Unable to resist moaning a little at the taste of his blood and the way it warmed him. He'd only take enough to cause Carter's heart to slow down a bit before pulling back and taking a breath. Now, working quickly but still gently, Sebastian picked up the cup and held it to Carter's lips to help him drink it. Only putting the cup back down once it was empty. He then bit into his wrist, ignoring the numbing feeling and gently pressed it to Carter's mouth. He'd moan again a bit as Carter would drink and rest his head against his while looking into his eyes, smiling lovingly. This was how it was meant to be. --- Tom blushed and looked at Nate. "I think I would like to..." he smiled. "You've smelled really good to me since we first met." he then admitted. --- Oscar smiled while chewing his own. He swallowed what was in his mouth then nodded. "Heh, thanks. Picked up this recipe in Amsterdam." he winked. "We should go there sometime. Place is so relaxing it's unreal." --- Neva mewed happily and sat comfortably in his pocket as he walked, peeking out at the street from the gap and watching the world pass by as Elliot walked. Denix Vames - April 23, 2021 Carter moaned at his touch. He gripped the sheets as he could feel his fangs overtaking him. Beginning to feel numb, he did his best to drink all of it. And then he slurped up Sebastian's blood. Before he knew it, he could feel a slight bit of pain. It grew just a bit. He flinched and clutched his stomach but the pain wasn't as bad as before. This time, he could do this in peace with the man he loved. The man that he knew he was going to always be with. "Sebastian....I love you." --- "Same goes to you." Nate pulled him into an embrace. He lifted him off the floor. Bringing him close. He whispered, "I want you to bite me. Right here and now. On this couch." --- Leo smiled. "I'll try not to let work get in the way of a good vacation then." He sniffed at the chocolate. "Ya know, this use to be a rare find. You would see it in stores but it was expensive. Except for strawberries since our neighbor was a farmer. Those were the good old days." He drizzled the chocolate over the waffles then took another bite. His eyes lit up at the taste. Bringing tears in his eyes. "If my family can see me now, they'd be shocked about this treat. I wish I knew where they were right now." --- Elliot went into the grocery store. He began looking around. Grabbing food items that were needed. Meat, dairy, bread, and soda. And then he stopped at a frozen aisle. Ice cream sat on those shelves. He took her out of his pocket. "Take your pick." shadowess - April 23, 2021 The moment Carter flinched, Sebastian knew he'd had enough blood to turn and gently took his wrist away to let the transformation take hold. He watched carefully, with soft eyes as Carter's pupils dilated from the pain and he gripped his stomach but he seemed to be handling it far better than last time. When he spoke, Sebastian smiled at him lovingly and lowered his head to rest his forehead against Carter's. "I love you too, Carter." He said in a soft voice. "And I always will." This moment was so perfect. Just the way he'd hoped it would be. --- Tom's breath shook from excitement when Nate lifted him, as he looked into his eyes. He couldn't deny that he'd been tempted from the day he'd met him to taste his blood. But he'd always managed to resist, fearful of hurting him. Maybe now was different? They'd grown so close over time, and maybe the fact he'd been able to resist for so long meant he had more than enough strength of will to pull himself away from Nate, before he could get carried away? Not only that, but Nate was so much stronger than Tom was. So, Tom was sure Nate would be strong enough to push him off if he wanted. Now Tom had the most important thing of all from Nate; permission. "Oh, Nate!" he breathed excitedly and kissed him passionately. One hand running through Nate's hair while the other cupped his cheek. He kissed down Nate's jaw to his neck and hesitated, still fearful of hurting him. His scent was so intoxicating and the idea of drinking his blood had caused his fangs to sprout. He pushed the fear down and kissed his neck a couple more times, closing his eyes and taking in his scent. "I love you." he whispered, the quickly but as gently as he could, he sank his fangs into Nate's neck. The moment his blood hit his tongue, Tom's eyes rolled and he moaned at the taste. He only took a couple of mouthfuls but he took them slowly. Making the moment, and that taste last as long as he could. When he swallowed it, he could feel it warm him up inside and send tingling sensations throughout his body. He even felt aroused by this. Reluctant for it to end, Tom forced himself to pull back, taking his fangs out and gently licking the little bit of blood from the bite mark he'd left. He leaned back a bit, enough to look Nate in the eyes once more and his own were now full of love and lust. Meanwhile, in the garden, Jessica had put in some earbuds and lay down on the bench with her head resting against the iron arm. She closed her eyes and listened to music from her phone as she waited until it was safe to go back into the house. --- Oscar listened to Leo with a small smile as he ate. Seeing his reaction to the taste of chocolate was heartwarming but he knew Leo missed his family terribly. "They're likely in Heaven." Oscar said gently. "Like Carter's family..." he seemed thoughtful for a moment. "I don't know how the Angels would view you, given you're...I guess, part Devil now? But if David's negotiations continue to go well and peace is finally accomplished, then maybe you'll be able to visit them one day?" he suggested. He then tilted his head. "That's a point...I wonder if you managed to pick up any other powers...Maybe, you can teleport now?" --- Neva mewed happily at the sight of the ice cream, then quickly looked around to make sure the other shoppers weren't paying attention. She pawed at his hands and looked down at the ground as a way of asking to be put down so she could change back to her human form. Once she was able to do that, she took Elliot's hand and looked at the ice cream tubs. "That one?" she asked and pointed to the chocolate flavored ice cream. Nearby, pretending to browse the shelves while watching the two subtly, Atma smiled. "That's a rather charming family you have there, Vincent." she spoke to nothing quietly, knowing Vincent would hear her. "You must be quite proud." her smile slipped a little as she pretended to look at frozen peas. "We need to have a little chat. You and I. Nothing bad. But it is rather important." Denix Vames - April 23, 2021 Carter shut his eyes. He took in a deep breath. His fangs sprouted. He could smell everyone's blood. --- Nate moaned at his touch.The numbness was such a desire that he never knew he wanted. He kissed him. "Oh fuck! This is perfect." He took Tom into the washroom. --- "I could really see them? That'd be amazing." Leo raised a brow. "I don't know. To be honest, I rather not use the powers that were forced on me. I've been unintentionally using them just by instinct alone." He recalled the tasing, the straps, and the needles. He dropped the fork and covered his mouth. Tears streamed down his cheeks. He couldn't look at him. "I'm sorry. I just....I thought I could leave it all behind me. But no matter what happens, people will always want to use me." --- "Sure thing." Elliot placed it in the cart. Vincent appeared next to Atma. "If you hurt them, I'll break your bones." shadowess - April 23, 2021 Seeing Carter's new fangs, Sebastian smiled. His transformation must be complete. He quickly grabbed one of the bags from the bottom of the bed and brought it up to Carter's hands, urging him to drink before his instincts to hunt could take over. He kissed his forehead and whispered. "My boyfriend, my love. The handsome vampire." --- Tom grinned at being taken to the washroom again. It was as if Nate's blood had reacted as a powerful aphrodisiac in him. He could barely contain himself. Utterly filled with desire and passion that it almost completely consumed him. He kissed Nate, deeply and passionately. Sliding his hands under Nate's shirt and feeling his chest and hips. One hand slid around to his backside and he gave him a gentle squeeze. ------------ "Oh, no. No, no, no, no!" Oscar put his fork down and got up from his chair, walking quickly around the table to sit next to Leo and pulling him into his arms to hug him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up! I didn't mean to upset you!" He stroked his hair and kissed the top of his head. "It's ok. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again, you hear me? Anyone even tries, I'll fucking destroy them. You'll get through this. I'll help you anyway I can, ok?" he kissed his head again. "I'm sorry." --- "Yay!" Neva grinned happily and hugged Elliot's arm as they continued to shop. Atma chuckled at the threat, unable to contain her grin. "I don't doubt you would." she said then looked at him seriously. "I'd never bring harm to them. The child especially. You forget, I'm the spirit of Life. My whole thing is helping people to -Live-." She sighed and lowered her eye a little, staring off to the side. "They are, however, in danger." she brought her eye up to look at Vincent again, staring at him as if staring into his soul. "Neva's name is still in your book, isn't it? Don't worry, I'm not going to lecture you on how to do your job...I want to help you save her." She glanced around warily. "We can't talk here. Too many ears." Denix Vames - April 23, 2021 Carter blushed at the compliments. He sank his fangs into the blood bag. Enjoying every bit of its taste until it was nothing but an empty bag. --- Nate's wings sprouted. He kissed his neck as he unbuttoned his shirt. His wings vibrated. He unbuckled his belt. --- Leo shook his head. "No, it's ok. I-" He suddenly recalled a memory that he never thought he could. (The Execution) Leo was running alongside by some security guards. They were chasing after a guard and a scientist. Both men were Ben Collins and Greg Fuller. Ben hit the button that had opened the front door after inputting the code. Greg was near the door. "GO! Get out of here!" ,shouted Ben. "Take the shot!" ,said a guard. Greg ran out of the building as Leo fired at Ben. (End of Memory) He pressed his head against his chest. "I did it! I was the one who killed Greg's boyfriend! Back when I was still in ADIEU! He's gone because of me!" --- Elliot nodded at her. "What ya think? We got enough stuff here?" Vincent gripped the book. "Follow me." He appeared in a dark cave. Shadowess - April 23, 2021 Sebastian pulled up the second bag. "Are you still hungry?" he asked, offering the bag to him. --- Moaning, Tom tilted his head back as Nate kissed his neck. He moaned a little louder when he felt the vibrations from Nate's wings passing through his body. He hurriedly threw his shirt to one side then ran a hand through Nate's hair while his other hand moved to Nate's pants, sliding his fingers just under the rim to tease him while he smirked and bit his lip seductively. --- Oscar blinked and looked down at Leo with a frown. He shook his head a little. "No, he's gone because of ADIEU." he said softly but firmly. He cupped Leo's face to look at him. "You weren't -you- when that happened. Never forget that. You weren't -you- because of -them-." he shook his head a little again while looking into Leo's eyes. "Anything you did while they had control of you was not -your- fault. It was never your fault. It was theirs. They knew what they were doing when they took your free will from you. They were entirely to blame." he brushed some of Leo's hair out of his face and caressed his cheek. "Don't blame yourself for it. You, this Greg person and his boyfriend...all three of you were the victims. But ADIEU are gone now. You're safe. No one will ever make you do things like that again. I won't let them." --- Neva tilted her head a little while looking in the cart at all the groceries. "I think so..." she said unsurely. --- Atma appeared near Vincent in the cave and looked around briefly. "Hm...I suppose this'll do..." she said as she adjusted her eyepatch into a more comfortable position before taking out a cigarette. "You don't mind, do you?" she asked Vincent before lighting it up and taking a drag on it. She exhaled the smoke away from him and leant against the wall of the cave. "There's only one way to remove a name from that book once it's in there...find a willing replacement." She began and then sighed. "I've never died. I was brought into existence as a spirit before life had even started on Earth...Because of such a life, as well as my faithful service since the literal dawn of time, my 'retirement' would take the form of reincarnation. Sort of...I'd awaken as a 'Jane Doe' on Earth. Human. Mortal...and without memory of what I once was." she flicked her ashes away. "You can see why I have been reluctant to retire. But still, I suppose it's better than ceasing to exist altogether..." She dropped the cigarette and snubbed it out with her shoe, despite it only being half smoked. "I'll get to the point. I want to trade my life for Neva's...Neva gets to live and I get to..." she sighs. "'Retire.'" she then lifts a finger. "But, I want to go on my own terms...as I've already said, your family and friends are in danger...and as you are well aware, as Spirits, we are forbidden from getting involved in the politics of Heaven, Earth and Hell." She then smirked. "So, I'm going to get involved...so that you don't have to. Then, by the time the council realizes what I've done, it'll be too late and I'll be safely living a new life on Earth with no memory of my crime while you get peace of mind that the people you love are safe."
  23. Shadowess - April 22, 2021 "I wish so too." Parker said while smiling a little sadly. "While I'm here and not currently busy, if there's anything you need, just let me know. Anything you want me to bring to you. I don't mind." --- Sebastian looked at him for a moment. Studying him carefully, making sure Carter was certain that this was what he really wanted. Sebastian couldn't deny that he was a little excited to get a second chance at turning him. The first time around had been disastrous thanks to Bryce but this time...this time he'd actually be able to do it the way he'd originally intended. Gentle, relaxed, just the two of them. Apart from the pain that comes after, the lead up would certainly be romantic. The way it should be done. "If this is what you want..." Sebastian began, caressing his cheek. "Then I'd be happy to do this for you. We'll call Tom over when you're ready and we're prepared. If my theory is right then we should only need a vial of his blood. I only had a small amount of Amelia's blood in me when I turned him...To turn you, you'll need a full blood transfusion. I'll have to take quite a lot from you and give you enough of my blood to replace it. If you drink the vial first and then my blood...that should do it." he then shrugged. "Failing that, we ask Parker or Jessica if I could borrow a small amount of their blood and try to replicate what happened when I turned Tom." --- Oscar had been laying on his back. They were still in the hot tub room, on the floor. The heat from the steam of the tub kept them warm. He opened his eyes a little and watched Leo stretching with a small smile. Leo's wings, although odd, seemed to fit him perfectly. Oscar had a couple of light burns here and there from accidently brushing his skin against Leo's Angel wing but Oscar didn't mind them at all. After all, this wasn't the first time he'd dated someone with Angelic feathers as part of their body. If anything, by now, the light burning sensations had become a sort of kink for Oscar. Spurring him on whenever he felt a feather graze him. Once the wings went back into Leo and he watched him lay on his front. Oscar sat up and leant over him, bending down to kiss his shoulder and neck lovingly. "We should probably eat something." he whispered between kisses. "Do you want me to cook us something while you rest?" Denix Vames - April 22, 2021 "Thanks but would you mind coming over here? Just for a second." ,said Will. --- Carter nodded. "Nate! Mind getting Tom over here?" Nate appeared with him. "Don't tell me. I already know what's going on here. I'll be downstairs." Nate left the room. --- Leo smiled and barely opened his eyes. "Something sweet and savory. And....could you check on David?" shadowess - April 22, 2021 "Uh, sure." Parker blushed as he got up and sat on the edge of the bed next to Will. --- Tom appeared with Nate in the room, looking a little confused as always. Whenever Nate took him anywhere it was usually with very little notice or explanation. Tom didn't mind this. He was sort of used to it by now. When Nate left the room, Tom stood there awkwardly, guessing he was the one that was needed. "Uh-...you guys ok?" "Carter told me of the offer you made him." Sebastian began and Tom realized why he'd been brought here. "Oh, yeah. I'm guessing you want to go through with it, then?" Tom asked, turning to Carter. --- Oscar smiled and brought his kisses up to Leo's cheek. "Of course." he whispered into his ear and kissed his earlobe lightly before getting to his feet and putting his clothes back on. He headed over to the bedroom where they left David to find it empty. "Hmm...maybe he just went back to Hell?" He thought aloud as he headed downstairs to the kitchen where he almost jumped at the sight of David sitting at the island counter and drinking a cup of tea. "Good morning." David greeted him with a smile. "I wanted to be sure Leo was alright before I left." he explained when he saw the surprised look on Oscar's face. "Yeah, he's fine now. Just...tired." Oscar moved over to the fridge to get the ingredients for their breakfast. "Would you like something to eat?" He offered and David shook his head, finishing off his tea. "No, thank you. I don't really need to eat or drink. I just drink tea occasionally as a treat and when I want to put others at ease." David explained. "Besides, now that you two no longer need me and Leo seems to be doing alright, I'll need to get back to Hell. There's another peace negotiation coming up and I want to make sure I have everything prepared." "Oh, yeah. I almost forgot you were a part of those..." Oscar said as he began putting ingredients into a bowl and mixing them. "How are they going?...If you're allowed to say?" "Well, we've only had one so far. Although, I think it went well, it is still early days. Something like this could take months or even years until everyone is happy and there is no more conflict. Until then...we just have to work hard at maintaining the cease fire and try not to give the Angels any excuse to start hunting Demons and Devils again." "Can't imagine that'll be easy...I'll bet there's a few groups of Angels out there that are outraged by the idea of Heaven and Hell being equals again..." "There are...but we still need to be careful in how we handle them. All it would take is for one of them to piss off the wrong Demon, get themselves killed and become a martyr for the rebelling Angels...then everything we've worked towards would crumble around us." "How do you cope under all that pressure?!" Oscar turned and looked at David. By now he'd poured the batter mix into a waffle iron and started frying bacon strips in a pan. David had already washed up his cup. David shrugged. "We just have to...Luckily, we now have the best leaders for the job and more and more Demons than ever are really started to get behind the idea of peace. Anyway, I'm getting carried away. I'll let you two rest. If you need me again, you know what to do. Take care." David smiled with a nod. "Bye, David." Oscar smiled and David vanished. Oscar finished making the Belgian waffles, carefully placing the bacon on the side of the plates. He placed a couple of strawberries on each plate as well as a little cup of melted chocolate that they could drizzle on the waffles or dip the strawberries into. To anyone who'd never been to Amsterdam, this might seem like an odd combination. But to Oscar, this was Breakfast Heaven for anyone who loved sweet and savory! He set them aside and headed back upstairs to the Hot Tub room and leant against the doorway while smiling at Leo. "Breakfast is ready. David has gone back to Hell. He was fine, just worried about you." he said reassuringly. Denix Vames - April 22, 2021 Parker cupped both of his cheeks and kissed him passionately. He suddenly stopped and smiled. "Just teasing you for what we could do when I get out. And let's just say I've got a thing now for guys named Parker." He leaned back against the headboard of the bed. "See ya later." --- Carter nodded. "I'm not getting younger. I want to be with Sebastian." He looked at his boyfriend. "For eternity." --- Leo smiled. "Really? That's nice. I'm glad he's alright. And I can't wait for breakfast." He got up. "I'm going to get dressed. I'll be there soon." He headed into a walk in closet. He put on a black shirt and tight grey shorts. He soon came downstairs. "Hey Oscar! Where are we eating?" shadowess - April 22, 2021 Parker kissed him back and when Will stopped him suddenly again, Parker looked at him a little breathlessly as he told him he was teasing him with the thought of what they would do once he was discharged from the hospital. Will's kiss and his words had left Parker with red cheeks and a very strong desire for him. He bit his lip and smiled as Will said he'd see him later, hinting it was time for Parker to go for now, and he nodded. "S-see you." he said breathlessly as he got up and left the room. He made his way to the car almost dreamily, gently touching his own lips as he remembered the way Will had kissed him and he couldn't stop smiling. One thing was for sure; after this particular visit, Parker was going to need a -very- cold shower to cool off. --- Sebastian's breath caught in his throat at Carter's words. His cheeks turned pink and he was so touched that his eyes watered a little as he smiled at Carter. Tom smiled at both of them then nodded. "Alright. I er- I don't need to be here for the turning part. I think you two might appreciate the privacy, right?" "Right." Sebastian chuckled. "So...uh, you got anything I can pour some of my blood into for you guys?" Tom then had an idea. "Hey, and if this works. If you end up immune to sunlight too, then maybe we could do the same for Sebastian? He'd have to be cured first of course, but then I'd just give my blood to you again and it'd be Carter's turn to turn Sebastian?" he suggested. Sebastian looked away from Carter to Tom then towards the curtains. He'd never even considered that he might be able to change too. He'd been this way for so long that it never really occurred to him to try it. --- Oscar nodded and headed back downstairs to where he'd left their breakfast. He sat at the island counter and waited for Leo, not touching his food yet. When he heard Leo's voice, Oscar called out; "Well, I'm in the kitchen but I mean...it is -your- big ass mansion." he chuckled. "Where do you wana eat?" Denix Vames - April 22, 2021 "Only if Sebastian wants to. And I'm sure you can put it in one of the cups downstairs." ,said Carter. --- "Our mansion! And why don't we see what the dining room looks like?" Leo followed his voice until he found him. "I should really see if there are any closets filled with black clothes around here." --- Elliot stepped out of the house. "Alright ya'll. I'm going grocery shopping. I'll see ya'll later." shadowess - April 22, 2021 "On it. I'll be right back then." Tom said before hurrying out of the room and downstairs into the kitchen. He took a cup and picked up a small knife. He cut into his hand and held it over the cup, letting his blood drip into it. Meanwhile, Sebastian had brought his eyes back to Carters and he smiled lovingly. "This won't be like last time." he said softly. Leaning in close to him and resting his head against Carter's. "This time will be far more relaxed. Intimate." he kissed him tenderly. "Loving." he looked into his eyes. --- "Alright." Oscar replied, picking up both their plates and carrying them towards the dining room. "The dining room it is, then." He then shrugged as he set Leo's plate down and set his own down across from him at the table. "Even if there aren't, we could always go get some. I've had a savings account racking up interest for decades." he chuckled. "Almost forgot about it too..." --- Neva had taken her kitten form and hidden herself in Elliot's jacket pocket. Although not too well as her tail stuck out of the corner a bit. Denix Vames - April 22, 2021 Carter smiled. "Yeah. It's almost hard to believe that we finally got this chance." He kissed him deeply. Caressing his cheek. "Although I'm gonna love the pain." --- Leo smiled. "I wish I had done something like that when I was a lumberjack back then." --- Elliot stuck his hands in his pockets. "What the-?!" He took her out of his pocket. "How did you get there?" He chuckled. "I've got to go shopping ,squirt." shadowess - April 22, 2021 Sebastian chuckled at Carter's last comment. "Yeah...but now that you know what it feels like, maybe it'll be easier to cope with?" he said, trying to ease Carter's nerves. Although he had no idea himself what the pain was like. His change had happened when he was either passed out or too drugged up and delirious to remember. That part of his memory was a little fuzzy. Downstairs, Tom walked from the kitchen with the cup of his blood as well as two blood bags ready for when Carter would need them. He entered the living room and was heading towards the stairs when Jessica walked in. Tom paused and looked at her warily for a moment as she too stared at him with all the blood in his arms. "Uhh...thirsty much?" Jessica asked. "Carter's going to be turning. You might want to stay downstairs for a while but ideally..." he trailed off and a look of irritation crossed Jessica's features. "But I -just- got here." she complained. "and you'll be -just- dying if Carter decides your blood smells better than this bagged stuff. Which, by the way, being what you are, it does." He began walking towards the stairs again. "Choose not to listen to me if you want but it's on you if anything bad happens." he warned. Jessica sighed and rolled her eyes. But given what she'd been told about Vampires mixing with half Devils, she knew it was safer to just leave. She opted to wait it out in the garden instead. She didn't really have anywhere else to go for now and she thought she might be safer as long as she was outside. She lounged on the bench and scrolled through various social media sites on her phone to pass the time while wondering how long it takes to make someone into a vampire. Someone'll come out and tell her when it's over, right? Tom knocked on the bedroom door before walking in. He set the two blood bags on the bed and gave the cup to Sebastian. "Alright, you guys should be all set. I'm guna hang out downstairs with Nate until you guys are done." He said briefly, heading back towards the door. "See you later." he closed the door behind him and headed downstairs to where Nate was. Sebastian looked into the cup, at Tom's blood and sighed before looking back at Carter with a smile. "You ready?" --- Oscar chuckled as he started to cut in to his waffles. "To be fair, when I set mine up they were still fairly new and I'd only really intended to use them at that point in time...I'd forgotten about it until my next visit and I realized I'd earned interest in my absence. I told the bank tellers I was a son or grandson of the original account holder and they signed the account back to me...been doing that ever since. Although, admittedly it's gotten a lot more complicated to claim the account over time. Now I have to forge birth certificates, death certificates for the 'deceased relative' and a will..." he chuckled and shook his head a little. --- When Elliot's hand reached into the pocket, Neva squeaked a small meow. When he brought her out and held her, she looked up at him with big brown eyes while purring, then meowed again.
  24. Denix Vames - April 21, 2021 Will sat up. He smirked. "I'll say." He set his phone down. When he felt that kiss, he didn't hold back. Running a hand through his hair, he slipped a tongue into his mouth. His other hand was unbuckling his belt. Getting his hand under his pants. He suddenly stopped. Looking into his eyes, he caressed his cheek. "Is everything alright? You crushed your phone but....people don't normally do that. And I know you're not like most people but I'm kind of worried." --- "Oh, I see." Greg drank some sips. "The past is hard to forget. I lost....someone who was dear to me. My boyfriend was shot. I couldn't save him." shadowess - April 21, 2021 Parker moaned at Will's touch, the feeling of his tongue on his own. He was so lost in the moment that he was surprised when Will suddenly stopped. He was a little breathless as Will asked him if he was alright and Parker frowned a bit. "Uh-..." he hesitated, not wanting to ruin the moment but he supposed it didn't make much sense for him to break his phone the way that he had. "N-no..." he admitted. "While we were talking...I had a flashback...of him." he lowered his eyes. "For a horrible moment, it felt like he was in the room with me. It freaked me out a bit." He then shook his head and looked at Will, a new look of determination in his eyes as he lifted his hand to cup his on his cheek. "But he's gone and I refuse to let him continue to rule my life. Will, I want you. I -want- you to do those things to me." He bit his lip and rested his head against Will's. "I want to know what it's like to -really- feel loved." --- Jessica blinked and looked up at him when he brought up his boyfriend. "Oh..." she frowned. "Oh, I'm so sorry." she said softly. "That's awful...did they get the person that shot him?" Denix Vames - April 21, 2021 "Then let me show you." Will kissed him. His hands went under shirt. Feeling up his chest. --- Greg shook his head. "Those people always get away with everything. Try to look for them and they're already gone." He stared at his drink. Recalling the entire incident. "Sometimes, I wish that I could forget." shadowess - April 21, 2021 A soft moan escaped Parker once more as he relaxed into Will's kiss and enjoyed the feeling of his hands on his chest. He brought a hand up to run it through Will's hair while his other hand slid down his arm, then down to his side, under the sheets to rest on his waist, feeling the shape of his hip to tease him a bit. --- Taking a sip of her coffee, Jessica listened to him and tilted her head sadly when he said he wished he could forget. "You make it sound like these guys are the mob or something..." she said. She had only ever heard of ADIEU once and didn't know just how spread out or powerful they'd been before they were all but wiped out. So, it only made sense that Jessica's first impression of what Greg described to her was that this was some sort of human mob or gang that was responsible. "Well...I can't help you with forgetting...but I don't mind being here if you need someone to talk to?" she gave him a kind smile. "You seem like a good guy...I'm -really- sorry I was a bit of a bitch to you earlier...But I mean that, if you need someone to talk to then, here..." She pulled out her phone and jot down her number onto the napkin before passing it to him. "Feel free to call me whenever." she then shrugged. "Haven't exactly got much else going on right now." Denix Vames - April 21, 2021 Will grabbed his ass. Bringing him in closer as he laid back on the bed. He unbuttoned his shirt. He moaned into the kisses. He pulled his pants. "Fuck...." --- "They're worse than any gang that's ever existed." Greg took the napkin. He smiled. "Thank you. I'll be sure to call whenever I need you." shadowess - April 21, 2021 Moaning, Parker continued to kiss Will. His excitement growing as Will pulled on his pants. He shivered as Will spoke. He kissed him deeply before pulling back a little while playfully and gently hanging on to Will's lower lip with his teeth before letting it go. "Oh God, I want you so bad." Parker whispered then started kissing down Will's neck. --- Jessica had no idea what kind of gang could be that bad but she hoped she'd never have to find out. When he took the napkin, she smiled and picked up her cup. "Or just to hang out." she shrugged. "You know...if you want to..." she then added, feeling her cheeks turn a little pink again. She wasn't used to making friends so wasn't sure if she was being pushy or not. She knew she could be a bit 'full on' sometimes and hoped she wasn't putting him off hanging out with her. Denix Vames - April 21, 2021 Will gripped the back of his head as he moaned loudly. "Wish we could do it here." He dug his other hand under his pants. Keeping it there. --- Greg placed the napkin in his workout bag. "I'd like that. I just have to find the time since I have a busy job. But I'll tell you when I'm free." shadowess - April 21, 2021 "Me too." Parker moaned and brought his kisses back up to Will's mouth. Nurse may had been doing her rounds and was walking past Will's room when she heard the moans and stopped in her tracks. She rolled her eyes and sighed heavily before looking at the closed blinds. She stepped up to the door and knocked on it hard. Parker jumped a little at the knocks and pulled back, looking at Will with red cheeks. He smirked and bit his lip bashfully as he quickly jumped up and made sure his pants and belt were refastened and that Will was decent again before walking over to the door. He opened it to see an unamused Nurse May, arms folded and foot tapping. She stepped in quickly and closed the door so as to prevent eavesdropping and maintain their dignity. "Gentlemen." she began sternly. "Might I remind you, this is a hospital?" she turned and opened up the blinds again before looking back at them. "Let's keep these open unless a doctor says otherwise from now on." She nodded at them before leaving, content that the blinds being open would deter them from that kind of activity. Parker turned to look at Will and put his hands in his pockets. "Oops." he chortled. He then walked back over and sat in the chair next to Will, needing to adjust himself a little before he could relax. "Um...when do you think they'll discharge you?" he asked, wondering if a doctor might have let Will know what was going on with his eye by now. --- "Oh, yeah. Of course." Jessica smiled when he said he'd need to find time with his job. She drank more of her coffee and glanced around the café briefly. "You said I needed to talk to someone...Do you mind if I asked what it was about me, that you saw in my mind, that made you think I needed to talk to someone?" She asked as she brought her eyes back to Greg's. Denix Vames - April 21, 2021 Will blushed as well. He sat up. "Guess we can do it some other time when we're not here." He shrugged. "Doc said that I can go once they put a prosthetic in my socket. I'll get the eye once they say they have it. But they told me that I need to keep the eye patch on so the prosthetic remains clean and safe." He sighed as he leaned back. "And my boss is reluctantly letting me come back when I get discharged from here." --- Greg drank some more. "From what I can read, it seems like your friends barely notice when you're gone. That you've always wanted lots of friends to notice you. To ask you for help." shadowess - April 22, 2021 Parker nodded as Will told him he was waiting for a prosthetic first then rose a brow when he said his boss was reluctant to let him come back. "Why are they reluctant? it's not like the hitman is a threat anymore." he asked. He couldn't see why they would have a problem with Will going back to work. --- Jessica's face turned a little red and she looked down into her coffee as he spoke. He'd hit the nail on the head! She sighed, "It's not so much that I want them to ask me for help...I just want to be seen as someone they can turn to if they need someone...but it doesn't seem like any of them need me at all. Even my brothers pay me very little attention and I came all the way out here just to find them!" She blinked back some tears. "Maybe I should just go home...back to Ireland...back to that stupid shop...I doubt they'd even notice." Denix Vames - April 22, 2021 "Believe it or not, I'm getting a promotion. But they want me at my best. They're....worried about me. It's the first time I've gotten this kind of treatment. They're probably only doing it so that they can have a stable Chief. Maybe the eye patch will make us look bad in the papers. Either way, I'm going back to work." Will frowned. "Just wished you'd still work there. Honestly, I feel pretty bad about what you went through. None of us believed you. I even attempted to fire you at one point. Told the boss about it but he got mad at me for not understanding that you had gone through some shit. Whatever it was. He didn't exactly know either. None of us did." He sighed as he shook his head. "I use to think I was such a big shot just because of my position. And now look at me." He touched the eye patch with an open palm. "I deserved this." --- "Maybe you need to try something else. Get to know them by getting involved in what they do. You could always throw a party. Nothing crazy. Just a little get together." ,said Greg. --- Carter woke up. He threw on his bedrobe and headed downstairs. In the kitchen, he made some coffee. Pouring himself a cup with a yawn. He came back upstairs with a tray holding his cup of coffee and a cup of hot blood. He set it on the drawer nearby. He smiled at the sight of Sebastian sleeping. He kissed him before saying, "Hey Sebby. Wake up. I've got your favorite. Hot blood." shadowess - April 22, 2021 Parker listened to Will quietly. He hadn't shown any surprise when Will said he was getting promoted. After all, the hitman had already told him that much. Although, he'd been a little angry that Will had tried to get him fired while he'd been suffering from amnesia. But he quickly let that go as he knew too well what it was like to realize when you'd been in the wrong and try to change your ways. It's hard. Frowning, Parker sighed and shook his head. "No one deserves to go through what you went through just because of how they behaved in the past. The fact that you're willing to take responsibility for your past and work towards improving yourself makes you a good person." He sighed and offered him a small smile. "Take it from someone who knows...I'm pretty sure I did waaay worse than you. But I'm fortunate enough to get a second chance...and I intend on not taking that chance for granted...I think, knowing what you know now, you'd make a great Chief." --- Jessica sighed and leant her head on her hand, her elbow on the table. "I tried that..." she said when he suggested she try getting involved and she remembered trying to help Oscar, only for him to continually lose his patience with her and in the end, he didn't even need her help anyway. She then looked thoughtful. "But you might have something with the get together idea...it's worth a shot." she tried a smile. "Maybe, if you get time, you could help me with it?" --- Sebastian blinked opened his eyes and smiled at Carter's voice. He soon caught the smell of hot blood and broke into a wide grin. "Oh, you legend!" He said happily as he sat up and took the cup from the drawer, inhaling it's scent with a smile. "You're in a good mood today." he noted, smiling at Carter. He took a sip of the blood and sighed happily, leaning his head back against the headrest. "Oh, I missed this. It's been too long." Denix Vames - April 22, 2021 Will couldn't help but smile. His cheeks went red at Parker's thoughts on him being Chief. "Just hearing you say it...." He chuckled. "It's almost hard to imagine but it makes me feel better. Maybe you can call me that when we're alone." He winked. --- Greg finished his drink. "I'd be happy to. Just call me when you want me to get started." He checked his watch. "Looks like I've got to go but I'll see ya later." He stood from his seat and walked away with a wave of his hand. "Bye!" --- Carter shrugged. "Who wouldn't be in a good mood after they just made love to you?" He sat at the edge of the bed with his cup when he suddenly flinched. Clutching his back. "Guess I'm not getting any younger. Being in your forties really does hit you like a bitch." shadowess - April 22, 2021 Happy that he'd helped Will to feel better, Parker smiled. He then blushed at his suggestion but smirked. "Maybe I will, Chief." he winked back then chuckled. --- "Alright, thanks for your help!" Jessica waved back at him with a smile then turned back to what was left of her coffee. Alone again but at least now she felt like she had some hope of actually having friends here. She sighed and sat back in her chair, relaxing as she finished her coffee. Being in no rush to be anywhere else right now. --- "I already am." Sebastian winked. He then looked a little concerned when Carter displayed pain in his back. He frowned a little. One of the hardest things about being what he was, was watching those you love grow old without you. He tried to push that thought away though as he offered Carter a sympathetic smile. "And yet you don't look a day over thirty." he said as he gently brushed some of Carter's hair back with his fingers. "My handsome boyfriend." he said in a soft, loving voice. "Maybe I should give you another back massage later?" Denix Vames - April 22, 2021 Will smiled. He shook his head with a sigh. "I wish I was out of here already." He looked out the window. "I wonder what the guys at the PD are doing right now." --- Carter blushed at his comment. He smiled. "I'd like that." He touched his hand. "But I think we should discuss about Tom's offer. Maybe you should turn me now before I'm in another situation again." --- Leo, still naked, yawned as he stretched when he woke up. His wings stretched as well then went back in him. He laid on his stomach. Resting his head over his arms as he still felt exhausted from before.
  25. Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 Carter rubbed his eyes. He was getting tired. "Just had one of those days." He stumbled before leaning against him. "Mmm. It's a long story that I'll tell you later. Right now, I want to go to bed." He leaned his head against his. "With you." His lips brushed over his. --- Greg's eyes widened. "I didn't mean anything by it! I just meant that you have some issues and so do I. And that you really need to talk to someone about them." shadowess - April 20, 2021 Sebastian held Carter when he leant against him and smiled when he said he just wanted to go to bed with him. "Alright." he whispered and kissed him. "Let's go and get more comfortable then. We can talk about it tomorrow." He kissed him again and continued to kiss him as he picked him up, taking him to the bedroom. He set him down on the bed and lay next to him, holding his waist while moving his kisses down to his neck. --- Jessica slammed the 'stop' button on her treadmill and slowed to a stop so she could turn to look at him. "How could you possibly know if I have issues or not?! Hmm? I've never even met you before!" Had this guy been spying on her?! Jessica felt vulnerable and wary of him. Especially after everything that had happened since she arrived in this city. Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 Carter moaned into the kisses when he felt himself being picked up. He leaned his head back. Giving room for those kisses on his neck. "I didn't know going to bed would get me this. Maybe I should sleep more often." He gripped his waist. Tugging at his belt. --- Greg stopped his treadmill too. He sighed. "You know what? Forget I said anything. I'm sorry." He grabbed his bag and left the gym. Shadowess - April 20, 2021 Sebastian moaned when he felt Carter pulling on his belt. He moved over Carter so that he was on top of him, and continued to kiss his neck. He lightly scraped his fangs over Carter's neck, upwards to his chin. The stuck out his tongue and licked from his jaw, up to his earlobe, sucking on it lightly before whispering into his ear. "I think we both should." He kissed him deeply, slipping his tongue into his mouth while his hand slid under Carter's shirt, feeling his chest. --- "Hey! Hold up!" Jessica grabbed her bag and ran after him, out of the gym. She ran in front of him, blocking his path. "You think I'm guna let you make a comment like that and just leave?!" He poked his shoulder with her index finger. "You have some explaining to do, mate! Just who are you, huh? Have you been spying on me!? Why would you say something like that!? As if you know me!" She was a little freaked out but she wasn't about to just let this go. If there was one trait Jessica had that was consistent, it's that she was stubborn. Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 Carter squeezed his ass. He moaned at his touch. He unbuckled his own belt. Unzipping his pants. He cupped his cheeks. Stopping him for a moment as he looked into his eyes."You know, Tom said he could give you some of his blood. So that whenever I decide to go back to being a vampire, I can walk out in the sun. Would you....mind that?" --- Greg glared. He slapped her hand off. "I can read minds, ok? This damn hybrid gave it to me because he couldn't deal with that one ability. And now I have to listen to everyone's thoughts. It gets annoying after a while." shadowess - April 20, 2021 (I'll be back to reply as soon as I can. Currently at the hospital and been here all day. Boyfriend had a seizure this morning and he's never had one before. Just waiting for some tests.) Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 (sorry to hear that. hope things go well for him) shadowess - April 20, 2021 (Thank you. He's ok now. Docs couldn't find anything amiss today so he's going back in two weeks. I just have to keep an eye on him in the meantime.) Sebastian moaned when Carter grabbed him ass and he was so ready to lose himself to Carter. He was a little surprised when Carter stopped him and looked at him for a moment before speaking. When he told him what Tom had offered, Sebastian thought for a moment before smiling. "No." he said softly. "I wouldn't mind. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." he lifted his hand from his chest to caress Carter's cheek. "I'd do anything for you." --- When the man slapped her hand away, she placed her hands on her hips with a pout. Then she faltered when he said he could read minds. Her features softening a little as she understood why he'd said what he'd said. "Oh..." she lowered her hands, her shoulder's slumping a little. "Sorry..." she thought on what he'd said back on the treadmill. He'd told her that he had issues too and said she needed to talk to someone. Had that been an offer? Had he actually been trying to be nice to her? 'Typical! I actually meet someone who doesn't look right through me and I push him away before they even get a chance to be nice!' she inwardly scolded herself and sighed. "Look, I'm sorry about that..." she rubbed her arm awkwardly. "I guess I'm not used to people talking to me without an ulterior motive...And...you were right...I could use someone to talk to..." She shrugged and pointed behind her with her thumb. "You er-...you wana get a drink with me?" she gave him an awkward smile. "As a peace offering?" Denix Vames - April 20, 2021 (dont take my word as fact but ive heard of people having sudden seizures due to high levels of stress. not suggesting anything here. just saying what ive heard. and you're welcome) Carter smiled. "I love you." He kissed him again. Unbuckling his belt and pulling his pants down. He ran his hands through his hair. Tugging as he passionately kissed him. --- "Actually, I don't drink. Not since that day. But I wouldn't mind going to a cafe and hanging out there." ,said Greg. He held out his hand. "Greg Fuller by the way." Denix Vames - April 21, 2021 (hey wanted to say sorry because i feel like i said something inappropriate since none of this is my business. so i do apologize and hope everything's alright now) shadowess - April 21, 2021 (Hey, it's cool. You didn't do anything wrong as far as I can see. Sorry for vanishing suddenly. I ended up falling asleep on the couch after everything.) Sebastian kissed Carter back, just as passionately. "I love you too" he breathed between kisses. He moaned softly at Carter tugging on his hair and pulled back a moment to remove his shirt, throwing it to one side before going back to kiss him. His hand wandered over his chest and stomach, travelling down towards his hips... (Private Time) --- Jessica frowned at first when he said he didn't drink. But then she smiled again when he suggested going to a cafe instead. She took his hand, her cheeks turning a little pink. "Jessica Wilson" she introduced herself, then let go of his hand and stepped aside to walk with him. "So, how long have you been hearing other people's thoughts?" She asked as they walked. Denix Vames - April 21, 2021 (well I'm glad I didn't make a mistake) Will called up Parker. Waiting for him to answer. --- "Since last night. And I'm already getting tired of people's problems. I had enough of that at my last job." ,said Greg. Shadowess - April 21, 2021 Parker was woken up by his phone and he groaned as he sat up to pick it up. He saw Will's caller ID and answered the call without hesitation. "Will?" he asked tiredly. "Are you ok?" --- At his answer, Jessica began to feel awkward. She was a little confused. He'd been nice to her because she needed someone to talk to and now he was saying he was tired of hearing other people's problems. She put her hands in her pockets and stared at the ground as they walked. "What was your last job?" she asked. If it was to do with hearing other people's problems, she assumed he either worked as some sort of doctor or therapist. Denix Vames - April 21, 2021 "Am I clingy bitch if I say that I missed hearing your voice?" ,asked Will. --- Greg flustered. "Oh! I uh....was a scientist before. My co-workers would complain about minor things in the workplace." shadowess - April 21, 2021 Parker chuckled and flopped himself down on the bed, still holding the phone to his ear. "No." he chuckled. "I miss you too..." his smile slipped a bit as he remembered what had happened the previous night. "Has...has anyone told you yet? The hitman...he's dead." --- Jessica tilted her head a little to look at him when he answered. She smiled a little as she realized her guess had been close. "Yeah, I can understand why you'd be sick of it then." she chuckled. "I'd probably lose my mind if I were surrounded by people who complain all the time." She looked ahead of them. "Do you know any good cafes? or should we just pick a random one?" she shrugged. "I'm not really from around here..." she chuckled, knowing her accent would be a dead giveaway. Denix Vames - April 21, 2021 "Uh yeah. I heard. I'm sorry to hear that you did it. I can't imagine you were fine and dandy after that." ,said Will. --- "Well, there should be one up ahead." Greg pointed once they further. "That one!" They came to a stop at a small cafe. Shadowess - April 21, 2021 "No...But, I think I'm ok now though..." he said as he stared up at the ceiling. "I'm just glad it's over..." he sighed. "and you're safe." --- Jessica smiled and walked into the café, taking a seat in one of the little booths and looking over their drink menu briefly. "I think I'll just get a coffee. What do you want? I'll buy." She figured it was the least she could do after practically accusing him of stalking her earlier. Denix Vames - April 21, 2021 "Yeah. Me too." Will paused. "If we were alone together right now, like if you were physically here....What would you do to me?" He blushed. "Just a thought." --- Greg smiled. "It's alright but if you'd like to pay then that's fine." He read the menu. "I'll have a latte." shadowess - April 21, 2021 Parker felt his face grow hot very quickly and he flustered a little. "Uhm-!...I-I don't know..." he chuckled shyly. "I'd kiss you?" --- Jessica smiled and nodded. "Alright, I'll be right back." she got up and walked over to the counter where there was a small queue waiting to order. When she placed her order she was given a little plastic table holder with a number on it. She took it over to their table and placed it where the servers would be able to see it clearly. "They'll bring it over when it's ready." she said and sat back in her seat. "So, you said you were a scientist in your last job. What do you do for a living now? If you don't mind me asking." Denix Vames - April 21, 2021 Will smiled. "I'd kiss you too. And then I would hold you. Keep you close. Bringing my hands to your waist. Caressing your thighs." --- "Well, I still am a scientist. Just on a different field. Nowadays, I focus on all cancers. Trying to find cures for every one of them." ,said Greg. He frowned. "Something tells me you had a job." shadowess - April 21, 2021 Parker grew hot and shivered out of excitement at the way Will was talking to him. He blinked and looked down at himself, then smiled and closed his eyes, biting his lip a little as he tried to imagine Will being here with him. "I'd kiss your neck. Run my hands through your hair. Then bring them down to feel your chest." --- "That's awesome!" Jessica said, impressed. Then flustered a little, looking away from him for a moment and waving her hand dismissively. "Oh, it was just at me ma's shop...Sells crystals, incense, tarot...all that kind of stuff..." she shrugged. "I-I don't talk to her much anymore...and it was never my thing anyway...I've always wanted a job that was more...exciting, you know? Something that matters and really makes a difference..." The server came over with their drinks, setting them on the table. Denix Vames - April 21, 2021 Will licked his lips. "God Parker. I'd show you no mercy. Gripping your ass and biting down hard on your neck. Leaving impressions that would last for days. Just to let everybody know that you're mine." --- Greg blew air on his cup. "Interesting but I meant the flower shop. Either way, I'm sure you'll find something that will satisfy what you're looking for." shadowess - April 21, 2021 Parker shivered again and gripped the sheets as Will spoke. But as he imagined Will doing those things to him, the image in his mind kept flickering between Will being passionate with him and Bryce biting him. Particularly as Will said the last part and Parker couldn't help remembering Bryce feeding him his blood while saying "Now you are mine." Parker's breathing picked up a little suddenly and he ended up gripping his phone so tightly that he crushed it. When he heard the crunching noise and felt the phone give in his hand, he sat up hurriedly and lifted his hand to look at his phone. It was destroyed. The screen had gone black and was smashed and his phone was practically bent in two. "Oh, fuck!" he complained, knowing he would have suddenly cut Will off of the phone call. He lightly hit the back of his head against the headrest in annoyance. "Why brain?!" It was then that he suddenly had an idea. He needed to rid himself of these bad memories and what better way to do it than replace them with good ones? Besides, Will would probably need an explanation for suddenly being cut off anyway. He sprang out of bed and got dressed hurriedly, then practically ran downstairs and went outside. He jumped into his car and drove to the hospital. When he got there, he headed straight to Will's room. Now that the hitman was no longer a threat, there wasn't any security outside his room anymore. Good. He could really do without them sneaking in while they're alone, like last time. He walked in and smiled at Will. "Hey, sorry." he said a little breathlessly and showed him his broken phone. "I guess I got a little too excited." he chuckled as he locked the door behind him and shut the blinds. He headed over to Will's bed, sitting on the edge and kissed him. --- "Flower shop?" Jessica rose a brow. "I think you must be picking up someone else's thoughts." she chuckled. "I've only ever worked in me ma's shop in Ireland." She looked at her coffee and wrapped her hands around her cup, enjoying it's heat. "But yeah, I hope so..." she said a little dreamily with a small smile.
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