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An Unlikely Alliance Part 3


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Left turn? Nope. Right turn? Nope! Oh, this place was a lot bigger than Sebastian remembered! Had they expanded it? He paused in his running and doubled over with his hand on the wall, his other hand clutched his abdomen. The smell of blood was all around him but everyone he came across was already dead, he couldn't feed from them. Surely they kept a blood bank around here somewhere? Maybe he could find it? Drink some blood and maybe then he'd be able to think clearer?

A woman's scream rang down the corridors, but after all the blood shed and carnage, that was no surprise. What was a surprise however, was Amelia's scent becoming suddenly a lot stronger. He could smell her blood again but it was as though she was stood right next to him. A dreadful realisation dawned on Sebastian that the woman's scream may have been Amelia and he could smell her so strongly because she was bleeding!
He didn't hesitate, he just ran. Following the scent and going as fast as he could towards the source. In no time, he ran into a room and stopped for a moment to take in the scene. One Doctor and two guards dead, the Doctor's insides strewn across the floor while the guards appeared to have suffered rather large stab wounds. One Doctor cowering in the corner. On the operating table, a dead...wait, is that a fricking ANGEL??

One guard was holding on to what appeared to be the hilt of a sword which was deeply embedded in Amelia's shoulder, pinning her to the wall, twisting it maliciously to make her scream more. Two more guards were trying to fight Damien with their fists, the both of them attempting to pin him down, focussing on his arms as though terrified of what he could do with them if allowed to use them.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" Damien screamed at Sebastian. "I told you not to follow us, moron!!"
Sebastian looked back at Amelia and shouted back in reply; "Figured I owe you for saving my ass. Now, let me save yours!" He strode over to the guard pinning Amelia and yanked him away from her.
"You willing to put that in writing?" Damien muttered to himself with a grin then saw what the vampire was doing. "No, you don't understand!" He heard Damien shouting, but Sebastian ignored him and he bit into the guards neck, quickly drank a little then tore his throat out. Dropping the body, he turned to Amelia who was convulsing. Her hands gripping the sword tightly, blood dripping from her hands where the sword bit into her skin. Her head was tilted back, her eyes shut tightly and her face contorted. For another horrid moment, he saw Patience. Blinked and he was looking at Amelia again.

"Don't touch her!!" Damien yelled.
"What's wrong with her?!" Sebastian turned to look back at Damien, then took a step towards him, intending on helping him with the guards. "Don't!! Just trust me on this, will you?"
"Is your pride really worth it?!"
"Idiot!" Damien scoffs then opens one of his clenched hands a little to let a tiny chain drop. On the end of the chain was a blue crystal. "I swiped this from her when I saw the Angel. You ever see the incredible hulk? Shit is about to get CRAZY! So if I were you, Romeo, I'D GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY SISTER!"
At this, the two guards simultaneously began to realise why pinning Damien had been so easy when so many others had failed. He could have killed these guards by now, but Amelia would need someone to kill to satisfy the Devil's Rage that was currently taking hold. If he killed them, the only people nearby she'd focus her rage on was Damien and Sebastian. They both let go of Damien and backed away from him, looking at Amelia uncertainly. Sebastian too looked at Amelia and backed away to stand by Damien. He figured this might be the safest place to be.

Amelia was growling now. The skin around her eyes turning a little black. She opened them and her once blue eyes shone red while the whites of her eyes turned black. The guards, realising the danger started for the door. Damien snapped his fingers and the door slammed shut of it's own accord! The guards tried desperately to pull it open together.
Amelia began screaming while pulling the sword out of her shoulder. It seemed like a difficult and painful task. Sebastian contemplated going over and pulling it out but wondered if, in this state, she might mistake him for an enemy. "By the way." Damien sounded far too relaxed for what was happening. "What's you're name?"
"S-S-Sebastian...S-Sebastian W-W-Walker..." He replied, unable to take his eyes off the girl.

"Nice to meet you Sebastian. When this is all over, and I mean it this time, do not come looking for us. Do you understand?"
Sebastian glanced at Damien and the red-eyed glare sent shivers down his spine. Sebastian nodded with a nervous 'mhmm!'

The sword clattered to the ground and the guards froze. They both turned to look at Amelia slowly, terrified. "Aww, I wish I brought popcorn. This part is always good!" Damien lamented and a moment later, Amelia was tearing into the guards with her hands. Her nails seemed to dig into their skin like they were little knives. Nothing the guards did seemed to bother her. She tore into them like they were nothing. Ripping one guard's stomach open, pulling out an intestine and quickly wrapping it around his throat to strangle him with.
The entire scene was utterly gruesome and seemed overkill for two guards. Sebastian took his eyes off the carnage to look at Damien who was grinning evilly at the sight. "Why? What is that necklace? Why is she doing that?"

Damien glanced at Sebastian then shrugged. "It's called the Devil's Rage. Some new-born Devils end up with the affliction when they're transformed. It's sort of a self defence mechanism. You know how most species have the fight or flight response? This is the fight response on steroids. It can take a Devil centuries to get under control so in the meantime, we have this handy-dandy little Angel Crystal to help her control it. But if it's taken off her..." A guards head rolled by their feet. "Shit like this happens...Amelia hates it." He admitted. "When the rage takes hold, she no longer recognises friend from foe, so if you get in her way before she gets a chance to kill those she identifies as having tried to kill her, she'll view you as nothing more than an obstacle to destroy. To top that off, she blacks out. So when she comes to in a minute, she won't remember what she did."

"So why did you take it off her, then?" Sebastian scolded. "If she hates it and you guys were handling yourselves fine, why take it off her?! It's overkill!"
Damien shrugs. "Couple of reasons; 1. Fuck you, I do what I want. 2. It's fucking funny! Did you see their faces? 3. She needs to learn how to control this without the crystal! and most importantly, 4...." He nods to the Angel on the table. "If they're able to take down an Angel and have it's weapon in their possession...there's no telling how this fight might have gone. We stood a better chance of surviving with her enraged."

Sebastian considered this and looked back at Amelia who had just finished tearing the second guard to literal pieces. She dropped the body parts and swayed on her feet a little. The darkness in her eyes receding and her eyes returning to a blue colour. She groaned and placed a bloodied hand on her forehead.
Sebastian hurried forward and caught her before she could collapse. Her eyes hovered on Sebastian's features briefly and she smiled as they flickered shut. "Goof..." She whispered, seeming to fall out of consciousness.

"Oh, that's just great!" Damien exclaimed. "Fucking Angelic steel!" He kicked the sword across the floor in frustration. "She's going to be out for hours! Fuck it, you know what? Fine! Maybe you're of some use after all, Sebastian! Do me a favour and carry her out of here for me? Stick close, and no funny business!" He ordered and Sebastian nodded, bending down a little to scoop up the female's legs. The smell of her blood was oozing from the wound in her shoulder and Sebastian gulped hard, resisting every urge he had to sink his teeth into her.
Damien nodded at him then began walking towards the door. He placed a hand on the handle then paused. "Oh yeah..." He muttered as he turned back and approached Sebastian. He carefully placed the chain back around Amelia's neck, fastening the little clasp then tucking the little crystal under her shirt. She was going to be pissed with him when she woke up but Damien wasn't worried. Confident that she'll forgive him. She always does. Sure, he'll get the silent treatment for a while but she always comes around in the end.


Sebastian followed Damien closely, focussing hard on not losing him while the smell of Amelia's blood drove him mad. Finally, they reached the elevator and took it up to the ground floor of the Asylum. Things were far crazier up here than they had been below! Sebastian figured they hadn't actually had as many supernatural prisoners than they did human ones. Up here, all the human 'patients' were running around fighting with the few staff members left alive, breaking things and smashing windows.

They made their way through the asylum until Sebastian noticed something startling. "Damien!" He called out, ducking into a dark corner out of the way of the rioting patients. Damien stopped and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "The sun!" Sebastian exclaimed, nodding towards one of the windows.
Of course! It was early morning when Amelia and Damien set about their attack on the Asylum. "Fuck!" He cursed and looked around the building. He was tempted to take Amelia off him and leave without him. After all, Sebastian wasn't really their problem. But he needed to keep his hands free in case they were attacked and he also needed someone to watch the now incapacitated Amelia while he burned this place to the ground to destroy any evidence of them having been there.

"Alright, stay out of sight and away from the windows, I'll see if there's a safe route out for you!" Damien ordered and ran off. Sebastian crouched down in the dark corner, watching the people around them destroying the place. Now that he'd stopped it was so much harder for him to resist the urge to feed. He could feed on one of the people around them but that would mean leaving Amelia alone in her vulnerable state. He looked down at her desperately. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. A blood soaked beauty. He couldn't help running a finger across her cheek. Her skin was soft. She smelled sweet. So sweet...
He leant down, his mouth hovering over the open wound in her shoulder. He closed his eyes. He shouldn't...Damien would kill him. But he could imagine what her blood tasted like. Not just imagine, he could practically taste it! So sweet, sending pleasant sensations through his every muscle. Filling him. Warming his cold skin. Filling him with life!

Sebastian was thrown across the room roughly, landing in the glaring sunlight. He winced, his eyes darting to an infuriated Damien who was standing over him. Amelia, still unconscious behind him and Sebastian realised what had just happened. He didn't just imagine feeding from Amelia, he HAD been feeding from Amelia. "I-I'm sorry! I couldn't help it! I didn't mean-..." Sebastian trailed off as another realisation dawned on him. "I-...I'm not burning!"

Even Damien hesitated. He glanced between Sebastian, the window and Amelia. Putting two and two together, Damien looked back at Sebastian with a fascinated "huh..."
While Damien wasn't happy about what he'd caught Sebastian doing, it resulted in one problem being solved. "Lucky bastard!" He huffed and walked past Sebastian who flinched as he walked by. "Well, come on then! And bring Amelia, would you?"

Sebastian sighed in relief and hurriedly got to his feet, picking up Amelia carefully and then followed Damien out of the Asylum to their car. Damien looked back at Sebastian and eyed him suspiciously. "Not still hungry, are you?" Sebastian shook his head "Good. Put her in the back. You can ride up front with me. Watch her for a minute, would you? I'm going to burn this place down. Remind me to get you to sign something when I get back."
"Sign what?" Sebastian asked, worried. The last time he was asked to sign a contract, he ended up in that Asylum.
"You've seen and know too much for me to just let you go...If you sign the contract I give you, I won't have to kill you to get you to stay quiet, understand? Then you can go on your merry way, stay the fuck away from my sister but otherwise do whatever the fuck you want." Damien opened the car's back door for him. "Got it?"
Sebastian nodded sadly. "Got it..."

Unlikely Alliance Part 3.jpg

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