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An Unlikely Alliance Part 2


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Ahhh, this might have to be in three parts actually...lol




It had only been an matter of days since the incident but to Sebastian, it felt much longer. His hunger gnawed away painfully and he spent most of his time huddled in the foetal position on the ground. This hunger was impossible to ignore and as a result he had not slept in about two days. Not that he could sleep before anyway. Every time he closed his eyes he'd see Patience dying in front of him again.
He was so hungry...even his teeth ached. He wondered if he'd be able to control himself when they finally threw their poor victim to him. He hoped he would. He might not be able to resist feeding but he'd like to have enough control to snap their neck before doing so. They couldn't turn a dead human and Sebastian figured it would be a mercy in comparison to the alternative. He'd have to be fast though. The second they realised the human was dead they would no doubt storm the cell to take his meal away.

Laying on the ground, he listened to the Doctors just outside of his cell. They were chatting excitedly about the new subject they'd chosen from the human part of the Asylum above. Apparent this poor bastard was due to meet Sebastian in a couple more days. They were eager to see how it was done, particularly as this procedure hadn't been performed in...how long? Did he really hear that right? By God...that would make him over one hundred and fifty years old! Had he really been stuck in this torture chamber for a hundred and thirty years or so? He hugged his legs tighter. He'd never given much thought to how long he'd been here before. He knew it had been years but...Jesus Christ...He tuned out the rest of the Doctor's conversation as they began talking about something called EastEnders and someone named Peggy...he couldn't even begin to fathom what that was all about. He was a little more concerned with how long vampires lived for anyways. He truly dreaded the thought of spending centuries at a time in a box and being poked and prodded whenever it took the Doctors' fancy.

Red lights flashed into his cell suddenly from the little round window. Alarms similar to the ones that sounded when he'd attacked the Doctor were now blaring around him deafeningly. He sat up slowly. For a horrible moment, he had been back in that room with Patience. He blinked. No, he was still in his cell...what's going on?
He got to his feet, heart pounding, looking towards the door anxiously. He had only ever heard the alarms sound once and that several days ago. Never in the time that he'd spent here had they gone off for any other reason. Was another creature fighting back the way he had? Was it a jailbreak? His heart leapt for just a moment at the thought. No...he wasn't that lucky.

Still though...maybe he could hear what was going on? But he didn't need to use his enhanced hearing to hear the commotion that was very quickly making it's way closer and closer to his cell. Gunfire. Screams. Orders of attack and retreat being yelled. His heart beat faster. It's either a jailbreak or someone making their way through the asylum to kill off everyone and everything here...either way, it's a way out of this hell, right?
He remained still, just staring at the door. Listening to the commotion get closer. Louder gunfire. That was right outside his cell! He held his breath. Voices! He could hear voices! One male and one female!

"Damien, check this out!" The female voice said.
"Woah...heavily armoured much?" The male, he assumed was this Damien, replied. He could feel tears sting his eyes. This is it! It's all over! Whether I live or die now, I'm saved!
"You don't think-?"
"Look there, a window! Go check it out!"

Sebastian's heart leapt once more. He shifted around the room to look at the window as he heard weight on the metallic ladders outside his cell. Within seconds he was looking into blue eyes of the blonde haired female. He beamed at her, tears falling down his cheeks. For a moment, she looked disappointed but seeing how Sebastian smiled at her, her eyes softened and she smiled back.

"Hold on! We're getting you out of there!" She shouted into the window and then she was gone. He heard the rattling of the ladders as she hurried down them.
"Is it him?!" Damien sounded excited.
"No, but this guy looks like he needs help too!"
"Woah, woah, woah! Wait a minute! Amelia, WAIT. A. GOD. DAMN. MINUTE!"
Sebastian could hear clambering on the door and he turned to face it.
"Amelia! Think about this! The room is armoured for a reason! What if he's dangerous!?"
"You didn't see the way he looked at me! Besides, I've got you, haven't I?" Amelia replied.
"Not the point!"

But Sebastian got his point. He was dangerous. These people were trying to do the right thing but that girl didn't seem to realise just how hungry Sebastian was! The moment that door opened, he'd have trouble controlling himself and he knew it! "Wait!" He started to call out but too late, the door opened...but not in a way Sebastian had expected. The girl tore it off it's hinges and it fell heavily to the floor with a bang. She seemed a little out of breath as she stood in the doorway, one foot on the frame, both hands on the frame on either side of her.
She was grinning at him, seemingly proud of her accomplishment. Sebastian stared at her then backed up into the corner of the cell, far away from her. Her expression shifted to confusion. "Please, stay back..." He says shakily. Her scent wafted into the cell. It was like nothing Sebastian had ever smelled before. It was sweet. Too sweet. Oh God, he wanted her. He wanted to drink from her. He wanted it so badly. "Please, leave me alone!" He cried.

A look of concern crossed Amelia's features as she took one step into the Cell.
"Amelia..." Damien said slowly, in a warning tone but she dismissively waved a hand at him.
"It's alright. It's going to be alright." She said calmly, taking another step. "You're a vampire, aren't you?" She then asked.
Sebastian stared at her questioningly before answering. "Y-yeah...how did you?"
"This isn't the first organisation we raided. I've met your kind before...They've been starving you, haven't they?" She asks, her tone softening.
Sebastian sobs a little as he nods. "S-stay back, please. I don't want to hurt you." He begs.
To this, Amelia pauses. Still smiling kindly. "You won't." She answers simply. "Not unless I let you." She holds out a hand and Sebastian flinches. She frowns then closes her hand, keeping it in front of her so that Sebastian could see. After a few moments, she opens her hand to reveal a tiny white crystal in the shape of a cherry blossom. She smiles as she takes another confident step towards him. "My body is armoured with this crystal substance. I can make things with it but more importantly, nothing can break my skin unless I want it to." That or she's caught off guard or is struck by an Angelic weapon, but she's not about to go telling people her weaknesses.

Sebastian stared between the little crystal flower in her hand and the girl in wonder. "What are you?"
Amelia hesitated but figured given everything this vampire had gone through, perhaps he would not be so quick to judge as others might be. "I'm a Devil. But I used to be a fairy. I still have some of my fairy powers, like the crystals but they're mostly gone now..." She looked into his eyes, how weary they looked. "We punish sinners. The truly wicked. We're here to help you and all the other innocent souls trapped here."
Sebastian's lip quivered as he looked at her and he lowered his gaze to the ground. "I'm not innocent..." He admitted. So ashamed to look at her, he didn't see Amelia's eyes momentarily turn red as she looked him over. Nor did he see Damien now standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms folded and glancing behind him at the far door anxiously.

He felt Amelia's hands on his arms and his eyes shot up to look into her now blue ones. God, she smelled so good. His hunger hurt every inch of his body just being near her. He could hear her heart beating and felt his mouth filling with saliva. "Can I let you in on a little secret?" She whispered and he nodded. "Murder by self defence or defence of others, or even the defence of innocents does not count as a sin."
"So, you're good you goof!" She grinned and Sebastian too grinned out of relief then he looked confused.
"Wait, how did-?"
"Secrets." She answered with a wink.
"Yes, and if you're done giving away all of ours, I think it's about time we got moving!" Damien piped up, clearly annoyed. He then looked at Sebastian with a serious expression, his green eyes seemed to burn into Sebastian. "If I were you buddy, I would; 1. Forget you ever saw us or I'll hunt you down. 2. Do not attempt to follow us or I'll kill you. 3. Get the fuck far away from this building as soon as you can because in about an hours time this building is just guna be one big inferno! Amelia, let's go!"
With that he turned and began leaving the room to head back to the corridors. Amelia smiled apologetically at Sebastian then took his hand and placed the flower into it, closing his hand around it. "Good luck." She whispered, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before turning and running after her brother.

For a minute, Sebastian just stood there. Staring at the open door with a hand on the part of his cheek she had kissed. Had this been real? Did that really happen? or was he so desperate to leave that he just dreamt this all up? The longer he stood there however, the more he realised that it really did happen and he now had a limited amount of time to leave or he'd perish in the flames those mysterious people created.
Opening his palm, he looked at the little flower and smiled. He knew then that he would treasure this little trinket for as long as he lived. Pocketing it hurriedly, he ran out of the cell to see the carnage. Dismembered bodies of Doctors, guards and nurses littered each room and corridor. Some had been holding guns, scalpels or other such weapons when they had died. He ran and ran, trying to remember the route he'd taken all those years ago when the nurses had brought him down the elevator.


More creatures released. More rooms raided. Until eventually, they broke into a room and saw something they didn't expect. Damien and Amelia came to a stop near the doorway. On a gurney, strapped down was a dead man with huge, white feathered wings. His abdomen had been cut open, apparently for dissection. Around him were two Doctors in bloody aprons and five guards who had retreated to this room.

"Well, well..." Damien says darkly. "I would be patting you on the back for such an achievement, but given your track record I think it's safe to say you'd dissect a Devil or Demon just as quick if you got your hands on one. That makes us enemies."
"D-Devils? D-demons?" One of the Doctors stammered then seeming to come to the realisation that that was exactly what they were facing points a finger at the pair while barking orders at the guards; "Capture one or both of them alive if you can! We cannot pass up this opportunity!"

"Fucking called it." Damien smirks evilly, both he and Amelia staring at the group in disgust.
"Damien." Amelia says suddenly and Damien follows her eyeline to the one guard holding what he assumed was once the Angel's short sword.
"I see it." He sighs. This might get tricky. As far as the humans were concerned that might just be another weapon to defend themselves with but to Damien and Amelia, it was a deadly weapon in very clumsy and ignorant hands.

Unlikely Alliance Part 2.jpg

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