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Carter loomed over Sebastian as he rubbed himself against him. Knowing that he would make his moment memorable.

(private time)


Life snapped his fingers and a book popped out, "You might want to read this before going." He handed her the book which read, 'Ways To Socialize.' "Nothing against you. Just figured you'd might need it."


Charles was sitting on the couch with the TV on. He smiled, "Ah Amelia! I take it everything went well?"


Salem smiled, "Of course Grandma."

Blake immediately shook himself out of his silence, "Uh yes ma'am. Salem handed it to him in person." He awkwardly picked at his sleeve. "Excuse me ma'am for that kiss she gave me. I didn't make her do it."


Will gave the signal. Everyone went in. Firing at anyone who wasn't a police officer or a victim in all of this chaos. Despite probable injuries or deaths, the police wouldn't stop until this organization was done. Luis had a chance to grab a guard's head and smashed it into a wall. Smirking as the brain matter exploded out in the open.


Raven said, "I could always eliminate anything living here if that helps."


Conrad clenched his fists but listened. He looked up at them, "When....When could I visit him?" "Right now I imagine. If you'd like." ,said Death. Conrad nodded, "Please." Death handed him the five passes. Conrad put them all away in his pocket except for one. "So, how are we traveling?"


Gabriel summoned a glass of water and took a swig of it before spitting it out with a shocked expression. He whispered, "You're kidding me! Holy shit! Don't you get it? I have to tell him! Once Nate knows about it, he'll help you get a less terrible punishment."


Ash turned around. To the naked eye, he was a young handsome gentleman. However, his power said it all. He might not have had the same feared appearance but his power still held in greatness. He laughed, "It's good to know I can still scare anyone. I had to stop by and check on things." He raised his hand and brought the blood from the floor to his own mouth. Absorbing it so that his deer-like appearance came back. "Now, what is it that you desire?"

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Ellesse's face turned a little red as Life handed her the book. She turned to him, feeling a little awkward. "I- um... Thank you, Sire," she said, then walked away with the book tucked under her clipboard. She'd never admit it, but she would spend a little of her free time glossing over that book.


"Everyone's up for it!" Amelia cheered as she plopped herself onto the couch next to him and cuddled up to his side. "We just need to let them know when and where. How's Oliver been? Is he asleep?" she asked, noting the child wasn't in the room and the place was quiet apart from the TV.


"Oh, pish!" Aunty said to him with a dismissive wave. "You're both young! I might be a stickler for manners, but I am certainly no prude! I had many a fella in my day. The odd dame too. I could tell you stories!" She chuckled. "Life is short and can be taken away at a moment's notice. So, make the most of these experiences. As long as you don't go breaking her heart, we'll get along just fine." She told him then reached into her pocket and pulled out a crumpled slip of paper with shaky handwriting on it. "These are the instructions for the bracelet. See that Kris gets this, would you? Had a lovely Demon stop in here back in '82... said he'd escaped an Angel that had called it a 'prototype' before slapping it onto his wrist. He had to cut his own hand off to give it to me. He said that only the person who places the bracelet onto someone can remove it, and it drains the power of the wearer, leaving them practically human. He seemed really glad to be rid of it, and then he went on his way. For the life of me I couldn't get the damn thing to open all these years and then last year, click! It opened. I'm guessing either the Demon met his demise or the Angel who had placed it on him had. Either way, it's Kris's to use now."


Among the officers were Lang, Malone and Henderson. They charged in on Will's signal, and a gunfight broke out. The building was a chaotic mess of shouting, running and bullets flying in all directions. 
Malone saw Luis's brutality and stopped to shout at him that this wasn't supposed to be a killing spree. As he did, a stray bullet ricocheted off a wall and struck the back of his leg. Causing him to cry out and fall. Lang rushed over, pulling Malone behind a crate for some cover as he tried to quickly heal his wound. 
Henderson was screaming and laughing in an unhinged way as he charged ahead and fired off his gun towards criminals, not aiming at anyone in particular. His senses had been completely overwhelmed, and right now, he wasn't himself at all.


"I don't think anything is even living here at all," Lilly answered. "I'm alright. It just... reminds me of things..." she said as she picked some more flowers. "I think I have enough to head back now. What about you?"


"The passes work by simple teleportation. Simply hold one in your hand and focus on the mental image of your beloved. You will appear near them instantaneously. After twenty-four hours, your pass will teleport you back here and will evaporate so that it cannot be used again. So once you use one, be sure to make a note of the time as that is when you'll be brought home the following day." Uriel explained. "If you want to stay for longer than twenty-four hours at a time, simply hold the relevant number in your hand before you teleport. Two passes will let you stay for forty-eight hours before bringing you back, three would be seventy-two hours, etcetera, etcetera... Raven will also be getting five, so he can visit you here if he'd like. This is only a temporary solution. If you boys are happy to, we can arrange a pass that would allow you to teleport to and from each other as you please." 


"Take this seriously." Raguel groaned at Gabriel's theatrics with the glass of water. "You cannot!" he said sternly, with his voice kept low. "Gabriel, I am serious. If word gets out that I am his father, then it is only a matter of time before the Angels I had worked with back then put two and two together. There is no less terrible punishment for this. I directly interfered with His plan by completely destroying the first attempt at creating humanity, and His wrath for such a crime will be unbridled. Gabriel, please. I know you are his close friend, and I am asking a lot." 


It would seem Shezmu's hesitation to leave had resulted in this Devil finding him faster than he would have liked. He eyed the being cautiously as he contemplated how to answer. "Ah, you must be the Devil that stole Abbadon's powers," he surmised, given the immense power he could sense from him. He debated allowing this Devil to sense his own power to let him know that he wouldn't be easily intimidated, but by now, he had realised who he was speaking to and preferred not to risk this Devil becoming interested in potentially taking Shezmu's powers for himself. So he kept the volume of his own powers hidden so as not to tempt him.  

"I have not come to seek violence. My name is Shezmu, and I am interested in negotiating a deal," he explained. "I recognise that my species once hunted yours for sustenance. But now, it appears that the numbers of both of our kind have dwindled to a dangerous level. Therefore, I propose we come to an arrangement that might benefit us both. I would require but a few drops of Devil blood once every few days. But I wonder, what can I offer you to make this a fair deal? Therefore, I must pose your own question back to you; what is it that you desire?" The way he spoke to this Devil was smooth. Confident. There was no longer a hint of fear in him at all.


Charles replied, "I checked on him earlier. He's doing just fine. Lights out for him I guess. He's sleepy at the moment. Looking at him there in his crib, I cannot imagine him becoming the King of Hell someday. Yet, I won't deny him of that when he's old enough."


Blake nodded, "Thank you ma'am. I'll be sure to let him know." He accepted the note. Hesitantly, he asked, "When do you think I could see your granddaughter again?"


Dick jumped from criminal to criminal as he shot them before grabbing Henderson and knocking him out. Dragging him around the corner. Luis's wings sprouted as he grinned. While the shots were flying, he began punching his way through every enemy. Destroying instantly with his strength. Leaving nothing but a mash of meat behind.

Will glared. He found himself surrounded his own aura. His black feathery wings sprouted. A purple glow showered everyone. Freezing the enemies in place. He growled, "Luis! Stay with Malone while I take Lang with me. Now!" Luis glared back but headed to Malone's side. Will smirked at the scared enemies, "Didn't think I wasn't going to bring any magic tricks?"


Raven practically held a bouquet of flowers, "I think we've got plenty. Let's go." He turned to leave when he froze. Conrad stood across from him. The flowers fell from his hand. Raven was shaking as his heart raced, "Conrad? My prince? Is that you?" Conrad had tears running down his cheeks, "It is. Death helped me reach you." He began walking towards him when Raven suddenly ran over.

Both boys were soon in each other's arms. Kissing deeply as it felt like they would never see each other again.


Conrad nodded, "I'll discuss this with him. Thank you. You had no obligation too but I am glad you helped anyways." Death replied, "He is my son now. His worries are now mine." Conrad smiled at his words. He soon took a deep breath and closed his eyes. His body glowed along with the pass. Suddenly, he wasn't there anymore.

Death nodded at Uriel, "Thank you for your help. Could we possibly be of assistance? Or is that all?"


Gabriel crossed his arms and sighed, "Ok. I...I won't tell. But if I won't then maybe you'll have a chance to talk to him someday. At least think about it, ok?" He leaned against the bars, "Anyways I guess we could play charades while waiting for this whole trial business. Or are you into poker?"


Ash transformed into another appearance. A man in his thirties with a small afro, brown casual suit, black fedora, and light skin. He took off the hat and smirked, "Sounds like a tempting offer. I don't suppose you know any good books on how to raise a baby? Or perhaps a present for my wife?" He spun the hat in his hand. "It's a long story but I have a lot to make up for as a father and a husband. I rather do it right."

He suddenly frowned, "And I can't decide on what a father should look like for her."


"Yeah..." Amelia sighed thoughtfully. She recalled the intense fear she'd felt back before she knew Charles and had found out that Damien had been destroyed, making her a Queen overnight. Until that moment, she had been content to assume that Damien would always be there to rule Hell and had not at all been prepared to take over for him when he'd vanished. She had been so desperately against inheriting the throne that she'd even caught herself occasionally wishing that Lucifer would just return out of the blue to demand his throne back, and she would hand it over to him without question. But with David's firm yet gentle guidance, she was inspired to try enacting the very idea that Damien had continually shot her down on for years. And then, of course, she met Charle,s and the rest is history. 

So, she knew the heavy burden that their son would one day inherit and knew that they had their work cut out for them if they were going to build Oliver up to be a competent and confident King one day. "We have so much work to do before then..." she sighed. "We need to continue our work to make Hell more of a place of redemption rather than punishment. There are still Demons out there who refuse to accept us as royalty, are convinced that Lucifer will come back one day and are determined to continue their original work of torturing souls... They will need to be dealt with. We don't want our son to inherit a world where more than half his subjects aren't even loyal to him." She shook her head slightly. "And that's not mentioning bringing up Oliver, too. We'll need to teach him how to rule. To be firm but fair. To not let the power go to his head the minute the crown sits on it... We're going to be very busy for a long time... but at least we have each other for support in getting it done."


Aunty laughed warmly at the question. "Go on back home now. I'm sure it's passed your bedtime, and Kris will likely be putting you to work soon like the rest of his boys. Pop back when you get some time off. I homeschool Salem, and she works in my shop most days. You can always find us here."


"Actually, pig, we was counting on it." The thug chuckled darkly. Now that they had confirmation that at least some of these officers were supernatural and not regular humans, a trap had been sprung. They hadn't needed to move to put the trap into motion. Having seen the chaos through security cameras within the building, thugs elsewhere had flipped a switch. Immediately, the doors became locked down with thick sheets of metal, and speakers began blaring a siren sound that only those with supernatural hearing would be able to hear. Its pitch was so sharp that it caused agonising pain. Enough to bring Lang to his knees as blood trickled out of his ears. Even Henderson, who had lived his entire life believing he was an ordinary human, woke up and cried out from the pain. 

Once the siren had them all disoriented, vents opened up and began rapidly filling the room with knock-out gas. "Those Jap scientists will pay a pretty penny for you pigs. Thanks for bringing them Dick. You did great!" the thug grinned as he too began to lose consciousness. Outside, armoured black vans pulled up to the building. The thugs inside them were awaiting radio confirmation that everyone inside was knocked out before they'd hurry in to tie them up and transport them to Japan.


Lilly watched the reunion with a small smile as she moved forward to scoop up the flowers that Raven had dropped. She waited patiently for them to finish, but when it seemed they might go on kissing forever, she politely coughed into her fist to get their attention. "You must be Conrad." She greeted him. "Raven has told me about you. I'm his sister, Lilly."


"We may call on you to testify at Raguel's trial. But until then, your Grace, we can take things from here." Uriel answered. He was eager to get away and see what Gabriel had managed to find out. "Once again, I apologise on behalf of Heaven for his assault. Please don't hesitate to let us know if there is any way that we can assist you further."


Raguel nodded to Gabriel's suggestion at one day talking to Nate about his true origins but said nothing. He had wanted nothing more than for Nate to know the truth since he was born but he'd been afraid of being found out. Then, as the years went on, he also became afraid of how Nate might react to the news.

He smiled a little at Gabriel's offer to play cards with him. He'd been about to say that he didn't know how to play, given he'd never gambled in his life. But memories that were not his own flashed through his mind, and he realised he knew how to play after all. "You choose," he replied. There was no point in him worrying about the gambling aspect anymore, considering his current situation. He figured he might as well make the most of this time with his adoptive son while he was still able.


Shezmu was intrigued by Ash's requests. He pondered on them for a moment while rubbing his chin. "I'm afraid my knowledge on rearing young is a little beyond me. I've never had children. However, I believe I may be able to locate suitable reading material to assist you with your venture into fatherhood," he said thoughtfully. Already he thought of the library with the German Castle. Granted, those volumes may be more directed towards vampiric children, but Shezmu supposed it couldn't be that much different than raising a Devil child. 
"Regarding your appearance and intent to woo your lady, I may be able to provide advice." he offered then looked at Ash expectantly. His advice wouldn't be free and he'd already told him what he wanted in exchange.


Charles wrapped an arm around her, "And we have our friends to be there for us too. This time, we won't be alone in this journey." He kissed her cheek.


Blake nodded, "Of course ma'am. Thank you." He disappeared.

Appearing in front of Kris's now rebuilt door as he knocked. With the door open, he handed the note. "Audrey said this is what the last person who wore it wrote down. Apparently, the person who puts it on someone's wrist can be the only one to take it off."


Dick's eyes widened, "No!" He lifted his gun and tried to shoot but faltered. Falling over like everyone else.

Xenos appeared in front of the black vans and smirked. He manipulated the vans and transformed them into nothing but metal balls. Expecting gun fire, he appeared behind one thug and ripped his head off. He zoomed past the others and sliced them up like sushi.

After killing them, he appeared at the main control room where he shut the gas off and the siren. He pulled out his phone and called for his agents.


The whole police force would find themselves laying in their own precinct. Once everyone began to wake up, Xenos would be standing. He sighed, "You should have called us you know."


Raven grabbed Conrad's hand and practically dragged him over. "I nearly forgot to introduce her!" Conrad smiled at the joy he saw in his boyfriend. He nodded at her, "It's nice to meet you. Did you get here like us? You don't seem like you have the same presence as everyone else. Pardon me if that sounds rude."


Death nodded, "I'll let you know." The duo disappeared.

Gabriel jumped at the sight of Uriel appearing before he had a chance to pick out a game. He nervously chuckled, "Hey buddy old pal! So, I don't know about telling you....stuff? It's sort of complicated."


Death took a deep breath before sitting on his throne. "Quite the day ahead of us, wouldn't you say?"


Ash chuckled. He pulled out a razor before poking his finger, "Come and take your fill. Preferably without the sensual part of the business. I'm taken."


Not drunk but not quite sober anymore, Kris answered his door and looked at the messily scribbled note as he listened to Blake. "Huh... Verrry interesting. That old woman is a wonder for collecting random magical relics. Thanks kiddo. Go to the bunks now, ok? Get to know your new brothers and get some rest. You've done good today, alright? But you need to be up bright and early tomorrow to start your training. Go chill." he put the note between the fingers of his hand that was also holding the half-empty bottle of rum, then used his free hand to ruffle the boy's hair before closing the door. He wandered over to the evergreen rug on the left side of his room and sat on it with his legs crossed. Insence was burning on a little wooden locker in front of him. He placed his bottle nearby and rested his hands on his knees as he began deep breathing and meditating.


"Wha-What happened? Why does my head hurt so much?" Henderson groaned as he slowly came to. 
"Oh man, I feel hungover..." Malone said with a gag as he held his head in his hands. "Fucking gas..."
"....WHAT?!" Lang shouted, making the officers around him jump. He was barely able to hear the others as his eardrums had burst from the siren.

Meanwhile Xenos's agents were busy cleaning out the building, removing the sirens and the gas cannisters from the vents. They stormed the remote location and began decrypting and downloading all the files they could get from the computers. By the time they would be done both locations would be completely empty of equipment, cleaned from top to bottom and the bodies disposed of. Leaving no trace behind.


"I see." Uriel said though he looked between the pair with suspiscion. Raguel glared back at Uriel. He didn't trust him at all and considering what Gabriel had told him earlier had a strong suspicion that he was manipulating Gabriel for his own means. 
"Gabriel, perhaps I could speak to you in Raguel's office for a moment?" Uriel asked him as he turned away from Raguel's white hot stare.
"Why Uriel? Don't want me to hear you talking about me?" Raguel growled. 
Uriel merely glanced back at him and responded sassily. "It's classified and you're no longer my superior officer so..." he nodded for Gabriel to follow him before turning on his heels and strutting towards the door. 
Raguel seethed for a moment but as Uriel's back turned, he quickly looked at Gabriel. He pointed towards Uriel and mouthed 'watch out for him!'


"Yes, your Grace." Andi agreed as she stood to the side. She was at ease but continually on alert as his guard. 

"I don't mind." Lilly chuckled. "Sort of. I came through a portal from another world, too. Long before you two arrived. But I was being chased by a Wraith. I'm so sorry, I think that's why the humans reacted to you the way that they did. They thought you might be another Wraith coming into this world. They are terrible, fearsome creatures. I wouldn't wish them on any world." 

Feeling a little awkward after explaining this, Lilly glanced around for a moment before showing him the flowers that they had been picking. "We were collecting these to trade for goods in the market nearby. We're trying to get a gift to cheer up our father's beloved. Would you like to help us?" she asked, and then, realising that these two might want to spend some time together after their ordeal, she quickly added. "But you don't have to. If you two want to catch up and go for a walk or something, I don't mind going back to the market myself."


Shezmu didn't move. Knowing the strength of this Devil, he wouldn't risk getting too close just yet. Not until he could trust him, and he doubted that he ever truly would. Also, stepping so close and feeding would leave him open to an attack. With a small, cunning smile, Shezmu lifted a couple of his fingers and summoned Ash's blood from the small wound, lifting it into the air until it formed a floating mass the size of a golfball. He then levitated this ball over to himself and opened his mouth, allowing it to stream down his throat. He was a little sad that he didn't get much of a chance to actually taste it this time around, but at least he managed to get what he needed. Swallowing it with visible relief, he looked back at Ash. "Thank you. I had been quite starved of a proper meal for some time now." He walked casually towards the Library before stopping to admire the architecture for a moment. That this building was still standing after all this time was nothing short of a miracle. 

"A deal is a deal, and I am a man of my word. You wish to woo your wife? Earth has an abundance of gifts and sights that you can treat her to. Visit a florist. Select a bouquet of delicate and elegant flowers. Give these to her as a gift. Then, choose a destination to visit with her. Somewhere breathtaking to create a memory that she will cherish for all time. But most importantly?" he turned to look at Ash. "Use the time and her company to get to know her. As a person, not a conquest. Create a bond with her. Respect her as you would wish to be respected. After all, if she is to be your mate, then she is to be your equal in all things." He then gestured to Ash's appearance. "As for how a father should look. I'd expect that as long as she adores how you look as a husband, then she would logically like how you appear as a father." Meaning, if she already liked him as he was, then he didn't need to change anything.


Blake smiled, "Yes sir."

He headed to the bunks. Finding everyone in bed either asleep or still talking to each other. He got undressed until he wore only his boxers. Climbing under the covers and sitting there before saying, "So none of you guys want to challenge me or kill me?" He found it odd that he wasn't meant with hostility when he first met them.


Xenos rolled his eyes. He sent out his words into their heads. Letting them know the CIA was taking care of everything. That Dick was placed in federal prison too. There was nothing to worry about anymore. They could go on with their usual lives.


Gabriel gave a thumbs up to Raguel before following Uriel. Once inside the office, he took a deep breath. "Let me guess. You want me to tell you everything otherwise I'll be tortured?"


Conrad said, "Actually that sounds like fun. I'd love to help and spend some time with your sister, Raven." Raven held his hand. He took some of the flowers from Lily so she wouldn't hold so many. The trio headed out of the forest and to the market. Raven said, "I can't wait to show you everything!" Conrad replied, "I only have twenty fours to spend time here so let's make this count. I wish to see everything!"


Death tapped against his armrest, "Should I be supervising their visit? They are young after all."


Ash replied, "Well well! Sounds like the all powerful ancient being knows a few things about being a considerate person. Maybe there's hope for you yet." He walked over and pat his shoulder, "Don't quit on the idea of having a friend now." He snapped his fingers, "Cause just like that! You've got me as a potential friend." He walked away, "And I know what you are so don't worry about us getting to know each other. You can try to hide all you want but I sensed it the moment you appeared. I must say I am impressed." He tipped his hat, "Call on me when you require my blood again. Free of charge from now on." He disappeared.

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