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Sara sadly smiled, "I actually wish Ellesse could have stayed. I was considering a baby shower but I don't know anyone else except for her and you."


Death sighed, "Honestly. I cannot believe this behavior." He was walking to the throne room with Azrael right behind him. "It's going to be a challenge teaching my children discipline and respect." He stopped when he saw her. "Lily? Is something wrong?"


Samson flicked the bullet out of his hand, "Oh I get it. You missed this, didn't you? And you got off on it when we killed those men. I like you. You're my favorite person."


Ben clenched his fists, "Just go! Like you said, you told us everything. Just leave us...." He headed into his room and slammed the door shut. In there, he would sit next to Jessica and keep her close as he did his best to comfort her.

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"A baby shower is a great idea." Amelia smiled. "If you want to make some new friends, I know a few people we could invite. And don't worry about Ellesse. Mid-wives are usually too busy to stick around for too long but I can get an invitation to her if you want her to come."


Lilly jumped, having not noticed Death and Azrael catching up to her in the hallways. She looked at them with an obviously guilty expression and she panicked. "N-no, father," she answered him nervously. 
Azrael raised and eyebrow at her. "Lillian." he said simply but his tone was sharp and stern enough to get her attention. "Please don't lie to us."
Lilly hugged herself and avoided looking either of them in the eyes as she shivered, knowing there was no point in hiding. She was fearful of their reactions when they found out but also felt guilty enough that she wanted to tell the truth anyway. "I-I'm sorry, Father. I'm sorry, Azrael. This was all my fault. It was my idea that we look for Raven's boyfriend in the archives. We both snuck in and looked through the books together. We were going to come and tell you but then Raven knocked some books over and we panicked and ran. Raven went ahead to tell you it was just him before I could stop him... by the time I got there to tell you..." she trailed off. The rest was obvious.


Damien found himself speechless for a moment. Samson had hit the nail right on the head. He did miss it. He just didn't realise how much until they were practically ankle-deep in gore. An annoying niggling feeling of guilt crept in but Damien was so keen to savour feeling like himself again that he instinctively and unconsciously pushed it deep down. "You weren't so bad yourself out there." He smirked. "I saw you zipping around, running circles around them. You looked like you were having fun." he grinned as he recalled the memory and then looked down at himself. He sighed. "What a mess... I can't go home like this. My roommate will throw a fit." he looked back up at Samson thoughtfully. "I don't suppose I could borrow some clothes?... and your shower?" he chuckled.


Shezmu left them to their sorrow and paused outside of their home for a moment before teleporting to wherever Jean might be. "Excuse me, I may require your gentle manner," he said immediately. "I wanted to get to know the other Blood Gods here and I seem to have um, what is the expression? Placed my foot into my mouth. They are upset with me and I'm not sure how to correct this."

Jessica held on tightly to Ben as she sobbed into his chest. She had just started to get her hopes up that they could settle down and have a family. That maybe they could finally have some semblance of normalcy. But if what that other Blood God told them was true, then having a child of her own would be impossible now. Not only that, but she felt guilty for having doomed Ben to the same fate.


"Of course. I'd love for her to be there. After all, she was there to help me too." ,said Sara. Ophelia reached out again as she was in her mother's arms now. She began to cry when she couldn't reach Amelia. Suddenly, tiny wings sprouted from her back. She flew around and giggled.

Sara reached out to her, "Ophelia! Please get down from there!" Ophelia flew away and jumped on Amelia's head. Sara chuckled. She took Ophelia back in her arms. "I think it's safe to say she likes you. I just wish...." She frowned. "I wish I could give her a father."


Death took another deep breath. He spoke, "Go to the archives right now and tell the reapers there that you are to clean the entire room from top to bottom with Raven. No magic involved. Only simple human cleaning tools." Before she would have left, he said, "At the very least, I'm glad he can trust you as family."


Raven would have been still organizing some books leftover. Once Lily would show up, he would sigh as a reaper handed him a mop and bucket. "I really hate chores but I kind of deserve this."


Samson grinned, "Of course." He cupped his chin. "And maybe something a little extra for me? I'm not talking about blood either."


Jean was now wearing a flowing red dress to keep up appearances while also maintaining a sense of appropriate dressing. He flew over, "Oh dear. Can you please explain everything? Don't leave out any detail."


Smiling at Ophelia, Amelia tickled her little tummy. "You're going to be a handful, I just know it." She chuckled. She then looked at Sara. "You were literally born today and just had what I can only guess is some kind of miracle birth. One thing at a time. Just focus on getting used to being a mother and figuring out who you are first. Romance can wait. Trust me, it's not the kind of thing you want to rush into."


His last comment brought Lilly little comfort as she nodded guiltily. Knowing she'd disappointed the one being who had taken her in as family was too much for her. "Yes, father. I'm sorry." She said before turning and walking back to the archives.

Azrael watched her leave and turned to Death. "I don't know much about child rearing but I think you handled that perfectly. From what I know, it's only natural for children to occasionally test their boundaries." He said, hoping this would bring him some comfort. 


"We both do..." Lilly replied as she accepted a feather duster and headed towards the older section of books as pointed to by a Reaper. "I'm sorry." She said to him. "I shouldn't have dragged you along."


At the suggestion, Damien held his breath a little while staring up at Samson. It had been obvious, at least to Damien, that he had had an attraction to him from the moment they'd met in the club. But after Samson's attack, he hadn't been so sure that the attraction had been mutual. So since then, up until this point, Damien had assumed he'd simply been played. Now he wasn't so sure. Feeling a little flustered but hiding it under a mask of confidence, Damien smirked then asked coyly; "Like what?"


Shezmu, in his awkwardly serious way, did his best to explain the events to Jean. "I realised these Blood God's were new and with no Blood God elder to guide them I wondered how much of our kind they knew. I thought it only appropriate that I step in as an elder to educate them but had not realised they not only were unaware that our kind do not procreate conventionally, but that they may have had their hearts set on doing so until I'd told them it was impossible. I apologised and offered more of my knowledge but they were too distraught to hear me. I'm not certain how I can rectify this and make them aware that my intentions were not malicious."


Ophelia laughed at the tickles. Sara nodded, "Would it be alright if I made one of the rooms for Ophelia? Perhaps you could help me in renovating it. I'd love to enjoy some quality time with another mother. You could teach me what you know."


Death sat on his throne, "It's only natural as well that they would keep secrets. These children have been through so much. No one should have to suffer like they did. I must let them know me." He thought for a moment then turned to Azrael, "What do parents do with their children? Are they any activities that may bring us closer?"


Raven shook his head, "I would have probably done something stupid by myself. Between the both of us, I don't think we had any bright ideas." He began mopping throughout the hall. "I'm as much to blame. I still can't seem to trust Father. I keep thinking about how I got here and I still feel like I need to keep my guard up."


Samson chuckled, "Playing coy, are you? Well, if I must explain, it will be sexual. Nothing romantic for I see no use in love. Only power. And a little bit of pleasure every now and then." He caressed his cheek. "How about you keep that blood on you? I like it. Perfect for the bedroom."


Jean's eyes widened, "Blood Gods can't give birth?!" He took a moment to recollect himself. "Uh I mean..." He cleared his throat, "I'm glad you told me. I appreciate your courage and willingness to improve. Follow me. We'll go back to their room and make things right."

Once the two would appear in front of the door, Jean would knock. "Hello? Ben? Jessica? It's Jean. I understand that you and Shezmu got off on the wrong foot. I came here with him to explain everything. Can you please open the door?"

The door opened. Ben stood there with recent tears and memories of dry ones. He only glared. Jean smiled, "May we come in?" Ben glanced at Shezmu before nodding. Allowing them inside because Jean was there. He had more trust in him.

Jean gently floated down. Standing on his feet. "Now, I understand that you two received some unfortunate news. I'm sorry to hear that. I wished I had known too but that is why Shezmu is here. We might have met in stressful circumstances. However, he is a kind strong and thoughtful person. He may not know modern socials but he genuinely wants to help."

Ben replied, "That all sounds nice but I want to hear it from him. An actual apology." Jean turned to Shezmu and gave him a thumbs up. Letting him take the lead. 


"Of course." Amelia nodded. "With Charles currently out of commission, until he recovers, I'm pretty much the only person in charge of Hell at the moment though. So, I'm not sure how long I'll be able to hang around. But I would love another mummy to hang out with! What kind of theme were you thinking for the room?"


Azrael thought for a moment. "They are barely children anymore, your Grace." he pointed out. "But perhaps there is still time for them to have a chance at a proper childhood under your care. I'm afraid I'm not knowledgable on these matters but perhaps we can ask someone who has children, or rather teenagers, of their own?"


Centuries worth of dust flew up around Lilly as she wiped the books with the feather duster. She coughed for a bit and waved a hand in front of her face to waft the dust cloud away. "I know it's not easy." she breathed. "I was kind of like that when I arrived. Even though I was saved when I stepped out of my world, it was hard to trust the people looking out for me after..." She trailed off for a moment as she remembered her and Bob being constantly on the move in her own world. Terrified of being found out and burned alive every second of every day. "Where I came from... it left scars." she finished.


"Just as well I'm not looking for love then." Damien chuckled. An excited shiver ran through him at his words and as he touched his cheek. "You'd be the first man to ever seduce me," he admitted and gave him a playful look. "I hope you have no intentions of being gentle. Because I won't show you any mercy either."


Shezmu had been ready to argue that he'd already apologised earlier but the look he got from Jean made him pause. With a sigh, he stepped forward to look Ben in the eye. "I apologise for the pain that was caused. I only meant to offer my knowledge. I had hoped, being the few remaining of our kind, that we could form a sort of kinship between us."
By now, Jessica was feeling numb as she sniffled from her seat on the couch as she watched them. "You wanted to be our friend, you mean?" she asked.
Shezmu looked over at her with softened eyes before nodding. "I had no idea of how much or how little you knew. Had I known, I might've been more delicate on the subject." he looked back at Ben. "What can I do? How can I make amends?"


Sara replied, "I'm not sure. She did appreciate the gifts. Maybe something to do with crystals? I don't suppose humans sell a theme like that to mothers?"


Death said, "First I must see if Raven can meet his boyfriend. It appears that Conrad is in Heaven. Something I wished I had looked into beforehand. I don't know why he didn't ask me to. His worries would have been my worries. I only wish he would have understood that." He sighed as he wiped some tears. "When I first came to be, I had advisors. Those who taught me the way of darkness. Yet, I had no parental figure. Without such a thing, I feel as though I lack the capabilities of being a true father."


Raven bit his lip, "Me and Conrad were running too. Only things were fine before. The problem was there was an evil man who had more magic than anyone else. Darker magic than mine. We had to escape. He was destroying everything and everyone in his path. My brother....sacrificed himself so that the portal could open. He never gave it a second thought."


Samson replied, "Oh believe me. I won't be gentle at all."

They suddenly appeared in his bedroom. His eyes widened, "Well then! So instant is this ability that I'm awfully impressed." He moved his attention back to Damien. He tiptoed his fingers down to his belt and leaned in. "Get ready devil." He kissed him deeply before ripped his shirt opened.


Ben couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You....want to be friends? I...." He stood and held out a hand. "We accept your apology. In return, maybe you could tell us more about our culture?" Jean chimed in, "If it helps there is always adoption. There are plenty of children here who need a parent. We could discuss that later. I understand you want to learn more of what Shezmu knows." "Thank you Jean. That's a nice idea."

Jean smiled and clapped, "Perfect! You did a great job, Shezmu. Now, do you guys need anything else from me? Or should I leave you three to your discussion?"


"Maybe." Amelia shrugged. "There seems to be a theme for everything nowadays. Maybe we could look online and find out?"


Azrael wanted nothing more than to approach Death's throne and comfort him when he saw his tears. But there were too many eyes around, going about their routine as normal. "Sire, if I may, I don't believe that to be true," he said gently. "I saw how you handled your children just now and they both accepted your offer of becoming their parent when you found them, despite all they had gone through prior. We may not be familiar with how parental responsibilities work but I think that has to count for something. They've both been through horrors and it will naturally take time to earn their trust but I think you're already off to a great start." He offered him a kind smile and then thought for a moment. "If Conrad is in Heaven then I could go and request a visitation? I'll need authorisation from Raguel and, of course, yourself, but I could bring Conrad here to see Raven."


Lilly paused and turned on her ladder to look at Raven in surprise. "My friend sacrificed himself for the portal from my world too..." she told him. "There were these creatures. Wraiths. Horrific things. They roamed our world bringing death and disease with them. A single scratch from one was fatal. They had been created by dark magic long before I was born and it caused people of my world to fear all kinds of magic... if anyone had magical abilities and was caught, they'd be burned alive for fear they'd bring another horror to our world..." Lilly's expression became sad as she turned to continue dusting the books. "I lived most of my life on the run. Frightened of being caught and burned. Frightened of being attacked by a wraith. Frightened of starving or freezing from constantly being on the road. I always felt alone and hopeless."


When they suddenly teleported, Damien went from leaning against a pool table to stumbling back to his feet as the table vanished from behind him. He chuckled, seeing Samson was just as surprised as he was. He had forgotten to tell him how teleportation worked but he guessed he'd figured it out by now. His lustful eyes moved to his as Samson moved his fingers down to his belt then gasped a little out of excitement as his shirt was ripped open and buttons flew to the side of the room. The bullet wound in his shoulder was slowly healing itself and was now no longer obscured by his blood-stained shirt. "I'm always ready," he smirked. Impatient to know what it would be like to kiss him, Damien moved his hand up to grip Samson's hair roughly as he passionately pressed his lips against his. 


Shezmu took Ben's hand with a small smile. "I will share with you all I know," he told him then looked over at Jean. "Thank you, I believe our conflict has been resolved."
Jessica, while glad to know there was someone who could teach them things about themselves, still felt numb as she watched all of this. Jean's suggestion of adoption caused her heart to ache more. She knew he had meant to be kind with his words but the mention of adoption was a reminder of the thing that she hadn't yet come to terms with. She still needed time to process the news.


Sara smiled, "Oh yes! But perhaps you could type? I'm not sure about my particular hands.


"Thank you, Azrael. That would be perfect. The hard part will be telling Raven that it is only just a visit. I wonder how he will react to the idea of him and his lover being apart." ,said Death. He rubbed his forehead. "Each passing hour, I feel a tad weak. Not physically unfortunately."


Raven spoke, "Magic was accepted in our world. The problem was who had it and who decided to use it for their own gain." He stopped mopping at another corner as he thought over his words. "And I wasn't any better. I killed people when I came here. Believing that everyone needed to be destroyed. That was my original plan." He suddenly dropped the mop and sobbed on his knees. "I shouldn't be here! Not after everything I've done!"


Samson ran his hand down his chest as the kiss continued. He pinned him to the bed and kissed every inch of his chest. He soon left a bite mark on his abdomen. Licking up the blood that spilled over. In this case, it was his move on making things more steamy.


Jean placed a hand on her shoulder, "Maybe you would like to go out? Have a picnic together and we can talk about things? Just us."

Ben frowned at the sight of her. He nodded, "I think it'd be nice for you. I trust Jean's advice."


"Of course," Amelia said with a nod. "My laptop is at home so I'll be back in a sec!" she then vanished. A few minutes later she reappeared with her laptop bag and went about setting it up on the coffee table. "Alright, let's see what the world wide web can give us!"


"Only temporarily." Azrael pointed out. "Once Raven passes his training, would he not then be able to visit his lover whenever he chooses?" he then looked at Death with some concern when he mentioned feeling weak. "Sire?"


Hearing the clatter of the mop and Raven's sobs, Lilly turned to look at him briefly. Quickly moving her hands and feet to the sides of the ladder, she slid down it rapidly before running over to him. She wrapped her arms around him and brought him into a hug so that he could cry on her shoulder. "I'm not innocent either... but we're here now. We've been given a chance to be something different. Something better. Let's not waste this opportunity. I don't believe Father would have brought us to be his children if he hadn't seen something worth saving in both of us."


Pinned down, Damien tilted his head back, sighing in pleasure as he felt Samson kissing his chest. He then jumped a little, gasping and moaning from the bite. He could feel a small amount of venom there, increasing the sensations he felt as Samson licked up his blood. "Oh fuck!" he moaned as each lap of his tongue on the wound sent a shockwave of shivers through him. "I wonder how you taste." He smirked playfully. He wrapped his legs around Samson's waist and then rolled on the bed so that he'd be straddling him. It was Damien's turn to rip Samson's shirt open and kiss his bare skin. He kissed him deeply then moved his kisses down his neck, to his collar bone then to his chest. He focussed on one of his nipples for a moment, running his tongue over and around it and then he ran his tongue up the centre of his chest, back up his neck and into his mouth.


Jessica gave them all a sad smile and then shrugged. "Maybe later... I just want to be alone right now," she said tearfully, not wanting to be looked at or pitied anymore. She got up and walked into the bedroom, closing the door behind her. 
Shezmu frowned as he watched her leave. "Perhaps she simply needs time? I have other matters to attend to for now... I can come back another time to share my knowledge."


Sara stood by when Ophelia shook the rattle. She opened her mouth and babbled. Sara quickly caught the pacifier. The screen suddenly went to images of spiders, torture devices, and organs. Sara looked at her, "Please Ophelia. Those aren't things that should be in your room. We can't....We shouldn't do that." Ophelia saw that look and began to cry. Making the screen glitch repeatedly."


"Yes, you are right about that. Thank you, Azrael. I can always count on you for advice." Death stood from his throne and walked down the stairs. "Fear not. I am simply being foolish."

He suddenly froze. Thinking of the eons that passed. The turmoil and darkness that entered his life. Despite his duties, it still gravely haunted him. Though he was able to move past most obstacles, the children were another matter. Especially with the way he had interacted with them the first time. Then there was the fight against La Tramoggia. The fact that he had to fight his own brother of all people. He couldn't reveal his relationship. He always had to keep a good head on his shoulders! Don't show emotions but calmness!

He collapsed on his side. Passing out as the stress and memories overwhelmed him.


Raven continued to cry into her shoulder, "I don't know what to do with this ache! I know I'm meant to improve but the pain doesn't stop!"


Samson moaned loudly at Damien's touch. He pulled out his belt and broke the kiss. "Mind tying me up? We both have belts. I think they'll fit nicely on my wrists."


Ben replied, "Probably. I'll let you know when you can come back. Thank you for visiting." He opened the door for them.

Once the door was closed, Jean silently cried in the hall. He clutched his own head, "It wasn't enough. Nothing I do is ever enough. I try so hard but there is always sadness."


"Well, there goes my search history..." Amelia mumbled as she watched the various grotesque images flicker and glitch on the screen. She looked at Ophelia and sighed. "Surely she can't know what these things are yet?" she wondered out loud. "I wonder if it's random..." She turned the laptop off and then pulled out her phone, bringing up another search page. Thinking back on one of the images she saw, she searched for something similar but much more light-hearted. "Ophelia, wouldn't you like something like this?" She asked as she showed some pictures of Lucas the Spider with his adorably large eyes.


"Sire!" Surprised by his collapse, Azrael ran to his side. Hearing a dozen footsteps running towards them, Azrael lifted Death into his arms and turned to address the Reapers that had come to help. "Go back to your duties. The King needs rest. See to it that he is not disturbed for the rest of today." he ordered them before teleporting into Death's room to gently lay him on his bed. 

He sat beside him and brushed some of his hair back with his hand. He clasped his hand in his and anxiously watched him sleep.


Lilly stroked his hair and rocked slightly with him in her arms. "I've got you." she said after a quiet moment. "You're my brother now and we'll get through this together. Let's make a promise to each other, hmm? That no matter what we protect and look out for each other. We comfort each other."


Damien looked at Samson's belt and bit his lip. He was a little nervous considering this was the first man he'd ever gone to bed with and he wasn't exactly sure what he was doing. But he figured he'd go with whatever felt right and Samson could always communicate to him what he liked. He took his own belt off and then strapped each of Samson's wrists to the bed. Making sure they weren't too tight but also tight enough to pinch and leave marks. He kissed him again, deeply. Then he bit down a little on his lip, drawing a little blood which sent a sudden shock of pleasure down his spine, making him gasp and pull back to look at him. He looked at the blood on his lip and touched the droplets that had clung to his own. It was only a small nip and Damien could already see it healing. "Too hard?" he asked. He wanted to be rough with him but didn't want to go too far. 


Shezmu raised an eyebrow at Jean's reaction once they were outside. "Why do you hold yourself responsible for the sorrow of others? This is a waste of your energy. Some things cannot be mended merely by words." he said simply, unable to understand how Jean could take someone else's problem so personally. He felt uncomfortable. A leader crying openly had always been considered a weakness in his time. "Thank you for assisting me. I'm going to my home. I wish to meditate to search for more of my kind. I know they're out there. We cannot be the only three in the world."


Ophelia looked at the spider and clapped her hands while giggling. Sara said, "I think that's our winner. Spiders. Though I am concerned about what she thought of. Maybe it has something to do with what entered my body? Not like I have any great thoughts either but I'm still worried."


Tears left Death's eyes as he slept.


Raven looked at her and nodded, "I promise." He sighed, "I wonder if I can talk to Father now. I need to get his advice too."


Samson lifted his chest up at his touch. He licked his lips, "It's just right." (private time)


Jean replied, "You'll understand soon. When you find the person you want to protect and care for, you will know what it means to feel sorrow and happiness." He raised a brow, "Meditate? As in you can contact other Blood Gods by thinking?"


A blonde teenager wearing a red jacket was running down the street. He had just witnessed a vampire kill a human right before his eyes. He was doing his best to get as far away from the scene as possible.


"Well, that's easy to work with. Some gothy curtains, some spider web-themed wallpaper and a Lucas plushy should make her feel right at home." Amelia smiled as she put her phone away. She thought about what Sara said and recalled seeing something rush through the bars shortly before Sara had gone into labour. "What do you remember about that, by the way? Maybe I could try and track down its source."


Seeing his tears, Azrael frowned. He wasn't sure if he could reach him in this state but he would do anything to help him. He emitted his calming aura while he kept watch over him and slowly caressed the back of his hand with his thumb. He couldn't help admiring his beauty as he slept. Leaning forward, he planted a loving kiss on his forehead.


"We should really finish what we came here to do first," she told him while looking around the room. "He might be in a better mood if we can tell him it's done." she stood and helped Raven to his feet. "No more dwelling on the past. We have a whole future together as a family to look forward to," she said, trying to cheer him up as she picked up the mop.


"Correct." Shezmu nodded, completely ignoring Jean's earlier statement about finding someone. "I require a quiet space to concentrate and will call out for other Blood Gods with my mind. It is then up to those who hear me to respond so that I can find them. I need to know that there are more of us out there... that we are not dying out as some of the vampires of this castle have suggested." There was a hint of desperation to his tone but his stoney expression gave no emotions away.


He'd barely had time to wipe the blood from his mouth when he heard the unmistakable sound of someone running away. The vampire had turned their head in time to see blond hair round the corner in a hurry. "Huh..." he paused as he stared after them for a moment. He then looked down thoughtfully at the corpse he'd just made before smirking. "I guess I have room for dessert," he commented to himself and took off after the boy, catching up quickly.


Sara placed the pacifier back in Ophelia's mouth. Making sure Ophelia was getting sleepy. "I-I'm not sure. It felt ancient. Familiar? Maybe only because Charles knew that thing. I don't know any names." She asked, "Is there....something ancient that you have run into recently?"


Death found himself opening his eyes. "Azrael? I apologize for that display of weakness. I had no idea it would occur."


Raven nodded, "Yeah we better finish here." He accepted the mop and continued to work on another spot.


Jean's eyes widened, "You're scared." He hugged him, "It's ok to show emotions. It's alright to be scared. You have every right to be afraid. I can't imagine what it's like to know that your people are a small minority in the supernatural species. It must be hard not having the same family around. But it's ok. I'm here for you if you ever need to talk."


The teen shouted, "Shit!" He continued to run until he ran into someone. He hit the ground and looked up. Seeing a man looming over him. He turned to see the vampire still running. He gave the man a pleading look, "C'mon man! This guy's crazy! You've gotta help me!"


"There's been a few, actually..." Amelia said, puzzled as she thought back to meeting Ash, Abaddon, Adam and others. "They all seem to be coming out of the woodwork now that Lucifer is gone... and Hell's Cells collapsing didn't help much." She sat back on the couch with her arms folded as she thought for a moment. "I could take you to them one by one? See if you sense anything in their presence?" she looked at the sleepy child. "Would you want to leave her with a babysitter or bring her with you?"


"You needn't apologise," Azrael said softly. "We're alone now. You can confide in me. I won't think little of you for it. I know you've been through so much."


"Must you?" Shezmu complained awkwardly as he stood there. The hug made him increasingly uncomfortable. "I am not afraid." He said firmly, agitated that Jean would try to make him appear weak in any way. Or maybe he was agitated because Jean could see right through him. Hard to say with how little emotion he actually allows himself to display. "I request that you unhand me now."


The vampire ground to a halt some distance away as he realised his dessert had just run into another supernatural being. "Hey, I saw him first! He's mine!" he called over possessively. He then smirked at the kid. "C'mon, don't make this harder for yourself. It's not all bad. Just a little pinch, that's all."


Sara said, "I rather not take her back there. I'm told she's not safe there. But who could possibly babysit for my daughter?"


Death continued to cry, "It is deafening to know I cannot show emotion! I must remain stoic for my people. Yet, I am dying inside. Crying out for the cage to open. I am tired of hiding. You were right, Azrael. I rather let the realms know than to feel this squeezing anxiety!"


Jean flew back and held a look of hurt. He turned his back on him, "I thought you were better than this." He disappeared into his room to cry.


The trickster helped the teen up, "What's your name kid?" "Uh Blake..." "Blake, I can make this vampire leave you so long as you obey me." Blake looked between the trickster and the vampire. He quickly nodded, "I don't care! Whatever it takes! I'll do any chores!" The trickster walked over. He smirked, "Now little vamp. It's time you leave before I make your night a living hell."


Amelia thought for a moment. "Will you be ok if I leave for a sec? I think I know a couple we can trust but I'd like to check in on them first and make sure they're in a good position to help."


Tears welled in Azrael's eyes. He was worried that their enemies would exploit their love but at the same time, he also felt Death's pain. "My love..." he whispered, cupping his cheeks in his hands as he pressed his head against his. "Then let us break free of this cage and stand in the open together."


Rolling his eyes at Jean's theatrics, Shezmu teleported into his own room. He sat in the middle of the room with his legs crossed and closed his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he relaxed his shoulders and reached out with his mind. Searching from country to country for more of his kind. Sending out his greetings, reassuring them he meant no harm but that he had enough power to defend himself if necessary. He reached out with invitations to meet them and to know what has become of their kind.


"The fuck- Who do you think you are?" The vampire complained. He debated killing them both but for the sake of what would basically be a snack, the trouble didn't seem worth it. "Fuck it! Fine! Have him!" he threw his hands up in the air. Then he had a thought and pointed to Blake while grinning in a sinister way. "These Tricksters aren't to be trusted. Take my word for it. Come and find me when you've had enough of being treated like dirt. I'll give you something those fantasia fuckers only wish they had!- Immortality!" laughing, the vampire took off, content that his parting comment might stir enough temptation in the kid to make them want to wander from the flock. 


Sara nodded, "Of course."


Amelia would find Elliot, Vincent, and Neva at a store. Vincent sighed, "I really don't know about this." Elliot grabbed a game about mud truck riding. It involved competing against other characters for the trophy by ramming into each other and doing cool tricks in trucks. He said, "I know you'll love this Neva!" Vincent grabbed a Sherlock Holmes game, "She should have something more sophisticated and educational."

Vincent turned to Amelia, "Oh hey Amelia. Mind helping us out? Neva wants a video game but I'm trying to find something that could help her build on her skills." Elliot replied, "Truck competitions are all about knowing the lay of the land."


Xenos appeared, "This is interesting. I hope you're not planning on taking over this kingdom. I expect Jean to be the rightful leader. I assigned the title to him when I left the throne."


"Tricksters?" Blake stood. He was suddenly grabbed by the trickster behind him. Suddenly, he found himself in a house. Another man stood across from them. The trickster shoved Blake towards the man, "Hey Kris! Got another one here. Maybe we could finally get an easier time doing stuff around this shit city?" Blake took a step back, "What? I don't want to do this! I said chores! Nothing voodoo!" The trickster grabbed him when Blake started to run for the door, "Don't worry. You'll just be our little errand boy." He pressed a knife against his neck. "And if you want to stay alive then you'll do as we say." Blake was shaking, "I just....I was scared when that psycho chased me." "Then think of it like this, we protect you from the vampires and you keep following our orders. You disobey and we throw you to those bloodsuckers for their next meal. Got it?"

Blake sniffled as tears dripped down his cheeks. "O-Ok. Just...don't hurt me." The trickster laughed at his fear.


The hitman kept watch of the police department. Especially on the officer he saved. He couldn't help but get lost in his handsome features. Once he saw the officer step outside for some fresh air, he immediately jumped down. Behind the wall, he winked at him. "Hey there. How's business?"

He pulled out a box of chocolates and a rose, "Got ya something." He handed the items over. "Hope it ain't too cliche."


"Oh! Um... I'm not sure. I never had those kinds of games at her age... mostly books... a lot of books..." Amelia said distractedly. 
"I like the trucks!" Neva cheered then looked at the game in Vincents hand. "Who's that?" she asked, pointing at Sherlock. "His glasses are broken, he's only got one!" she laughed as she immitated the image by placing her fingers in a circle around her eye. "Is he a pirate?"
Oliver babbled happily as he sat in the little seat on the shopping cart. Smiling, Amelia walked over to him and kissed his forehead. She then stood straight and looked at the little family. "So guys, I know you have your hands full with Neva and Oliver... Can I be a pain? I really need someone I can trust to look after a newborn too. I'm taking her mother to Hell to try to find her father." 


"Most interesting indeed." Shezmu agreed as he looked up at the stranger who already seemed to be familiar with this castle. He wasn't from Shezmu's time so he assumed he must've been created or born sometime after he went into his slumber. He got to his feet to regard the other Blood God curiously. "I admit we had our debate over leadership when I arrived but that has since been resolved and Jean still rules this place. I have offered him my knowledge and guidance in return for my staying here," he explained. 
"Where the party at-?! oh..." River announced excitedly as he popped in then paused awkwardly when he saw there was only X and Shezmu. "Man, I thought more of us would show up than this... I kinda assumed it'd be some kind of family reunion type thing..."
"You are a curious one..." Shezmu pointed out.
"I get that a lot." River laughed in response. 
"I mean your soul. I see it. You're only a fraction of a whole. How is this possible?"
"Wait, you 'see' my soul? How powerful are you?"
"Powerful enough," Shezmu answered dismissively. Clearly not wanting to answer that question. He looked despairingly between the two men. "Are there really no more of us than this? Have we dwindled so drastically close to extinction?"


Kris sat back in his makeshift throne of gnarled tree limbs. He had lightly tanned skin. Wore black, circular sunglasses despite the dimly lit room. Short purple dreadlocks decorated his head. A long scar was sliced across his face from his upper right cheek to the left side of his chin. He wore a long patchwork trench coat with military boots.

After watching the display before him for a moment, he simply gestured for his man to release their grip on the kid. "Boy," he said. His tone was deep. Commanding. He gestured with his fingers for Blake to step forward. "Let's get a look at you." he then gestured for the boy to turn on the spot so that Kris could get a good look at what he was dealing with. "You seem healthy enough. Not got any defects that'll slow you down? Asthma? Anything like that?"


Henderson jumped when the hitman appeared. He stared at the rose and chocolates in disbelief. "Are you serious?" he gasped. He couldn't help blushing but at the same time, he seemed flustered. "Do you realise how much hot water you put me in?!" he said in a hushed tone. For reasons he couldn't fathom himself right now, he didn't want his colleagues to hear them or know the hitman was here. "You shot cops. You killed a taxi driver outside the building, which, thanks for that! I'm not going to get the image of that man's exploded skull out of my head anytime soon! And to top that all off you dumped a load of info on my lap before just taking off, leaving me to try to explain things to my boss when he got back and saw that the one task I'd been given I'd failed spectacularly at!" The more he ranted, the redder his cheeks grew. There was an excitement in this secret meeting. Even if he was a little pissed at the mess he'd had to clean up the last time they'd met.


Vincent replied, "He is a great detective. A fictional one but brilliant in every way." Elliot cheered, "Trucks always win!" Vincent pinched the brim of his nose, "Amelia....I don't know. How is this newborn's behavior?"


Xenos replied, "You seem disappointed. I am surprised for a creature of your stature. But yes. Many had to be killed in order to let the world survive. Blood Gods everywhere were attempting to take over the world and annihilate those deemed obstacles."


The Trickster reluctantly let him go. Blake slowly stepped forward. He shook his head, "I'm all good. Never had any problems." He clutched his arms. "Just please. Why do you need me? I'm just some kid."


The hitman nonchalantly waved a hand, "Yeah sure. Just let him shoot your brains out instead. Would you have preferred that?" He continued, "And you don't need to worry about all the details. I can still give your force info on my boss's hideout." He cupped his chin. "For a price. How about a smile? That should suffice."


"Uh... " Amelia hesitated to answer. "Newborn-y? With a teeny tiny hint of... magic shenanigans? She's super cute though." 
"Trucks! Trucks! Trucks!" Neva started chanting and then ran around them excitedly with her hands up, pretending to be turning a big wheel while making truck noises.


"LIES!" Shezmu shouted and all at once his eyes flashed red and the armoire behind him crumpled in on itself as if crushed by an invisible force. 
"Dude!" River had gasped and stared from the armoire to Shezmu who now seemed a little embarrassed as his eyes returned to their usual dark colour. 
"Apologies for my outburst." He said quietly then walked over to the couch and sat down, cradling his head in his hands. "Everyone I ever knew... gone."
"But, I mean... at the risk of pissing you off. It is kinda true though." River broached carefully and when Shezmu lifted his head to glare at him he lifted his hands up. "Hey, I'm not saying all Blood Gods are evil psychopathic nutjobs but I was definitely one before I had my ass handed to me and my soul split a couple of times to handle the sheer level of crazy."
"You were born of trauma." Shezmu sighed. "Your turning. It was violent, wasn't it?"
River frowned as he thought back to being Parker. The night Bryce had caught him on his own. The terror from his prior kidnapping as well as witnessing Carter being shot. He nodded silently. "B-But I forgave him for it. I-It's all cool now."

"Matters not. Blood Gods must be created with care. With patience, guidance and love. Creating one of our kind out of violence or cruelty runs the risk of their mental stability being broken in the process." Shezmu explained. "These things were once common knowledge among our kind. But since we have been reduced to a mere few, I fear most of that knowledge has been lost."
"So, wait, if our kind were mostly 'not' crazy, bloodthirsty or take-over-the-world-sy... why did we get hunted off?"
"Is it not obvious?" Shezmu smiled bitterly. "Heaven is the domain of Angels. Hell is the domain of Devils. But we Blood Gods claimed Earth as our domain. Yet Angels and Devils have warred for control of Earth before. Caught in the middle and with enough power to hold either side at bay, we became an obstacle. We were 'in the way'. The possibility of one of our kind being born mad was obviously used against us for propaganda... to make the genocide of our kind 'justified'."


"Kids are good for all sorts," Kris answered with a shrug. "They can pickpocket. Spy on our enemies. Look out for potential 'marks'. Run errands." Kris stood and walked over to him. Stopping just a few feet in front of him. "Or they can learn magic and train to become one of the team. Hold up your hands and tell me, you ever managed to do something weird without meaning to? Ever dabbled in the arts?"


Henderson flustered a little more. His eyes darted from the hitman's to the ground shyly as the corner of his lips twitched into a small smile, unable to help himself. He felt a little hot under the collar with the hitman so close to him. "Y-you will? You're ready to do it properly then?"


Vincent sighed, "Alright. Just let us finish up here and we'll head back home."

Later on, Vincent would have bought the game. The family appeared back home where Neva would enjoy her first video game.

Once Amelia appeared with Ophelia, Elliot's eyes sparkled. He held Ophelia and scratched her cheeks, "She's a bird! What a cutie pie! I can't believe it!" Ophelia giggled at the scratches. Her pacifier fell out of her mouth. Hitting the floor. She cried and flailed her arms around. Elliot quickly picked up the pacifier and stuck it back in her mouth before her purple aura could have reached the TV. Vincent walked over, "So that's what you meant by magic." He took the pacifier. "Vincent, what are you doing?!"

"Shh..." Vincent gave the pacifier to Elliot before cradling Ophelia in his arms. Ophelia began to cry but soon calmed down as he hummed a tune.


Xenos raised a brow, "We ruled earth?" He thought for a moment, "This makes so much sense now." He walked over to Shezmu, "In regards of our low population, perhaps you can find someone to pass on your DNA to? A willing participant? Someone you might be able to share the same thoughts with. I don't think it would be a terrible idea if I were to help you. I'm sure River knows more about being social than I do."


Blake raised his hands. "I-I know how to fight. There was this asshole in school. He wouldn't stop picking on me so I punched him. It's the reason why I moved here. At my last school....his brains were all over the ground. I don't know how I did it but his head....exploded." He stepped back. "Please don't. I-I don't want-" The Trickster grabbed his wrist, "We don't care what you want. You're ours now." Blake flinched at the tight grip.


The hitman replied, "I'll give you the info but I won't be put in handcuffs. Besides, those are best for private hot times." He sat on the fence. "And I will guide you lot over there. Otherwise, you'll die like a bunch of squealing pigs. You may be the police but these are assassins. You don't know them like I do."


Death smiled, "Yes we shall celebrate our announcement along with my children's ceremony into my realm. The idea has given me energy once again. I feel ready to leave my quarters and address my people."


"I just know she'd be safest with you both. I know I'm asking a lot..." Amelia said as she watched Vincent soothing the baby with a lullaby. "Honestly, we'll be as quick as we can and hopefully when I come back I'll be able to take little Ophelia and Oliver off your hands." she smiled at her son who was babbling happily to himself while smacking the squeaky button shapes on a toy. She longed to hold him and take him home again. But she had work to do.


Shezmu lifted his gaze to Xenos's. "We must be careful who we turn. Choose carefully. After all, we would need to be certain that they could survive a millennia of existence. They'd need to be strong enough to protect themselves in case there is ever another genocide attempt."

"I think he means more like a romantic partner, dude." River suggested.
"Romance does not interest me." Shezmu waved dismissively.
"Or a companion, then. Someone to keep you company."
Shezmu thought for a moment and sat back in his seat with his arms folded as he crossed one leg over another. His mind briefly went to the boy he'd been training. He shook his head slightly. "I would not turn another in haste, nor out of loneliness. Like I said, such a thing needs to be done with care."


Hearing the boy explain what he'd done caused a wicked smirk to spread across Kris's face. When the other trickster grabbed his wrist, he gave him a stern look. Even through his sunglasses, the other trickster would get the sense that Kris wanted him to back off a little. Turning his attention back to Blake, he lifted his own hands and pressed his fingertips against his. "Shhh." He hushed him gently while using his own powers to 'measure' the boy's through their fingers. "You're going to be very useful to us." he chuckled darkly as he removed his fingers and turned his back on him to walk back to his throne. "Take a look around kid. This is your home now. You work for us. You'll train up those powers and learn how to fight. You'll steal for us. You'll fight for us. Hell, you'll kill for us if we tell you to. You do good enough and we can make life really easy for you. Fuck up though and well, I'm sure that vampire out there would find another use for you."


"Will's not guna like it but fine." Henderson sighed. "I guess you'd better come in and talk to my boss then."


"And I am ready to follow by your side. From here until the end of time." Azrael kissed his cheek and stood from the bed, offering a hand to help Death to his feet.

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