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The world was already chaotic with a secret society of supernatural creatures hiding their existence from humans to simply survive. Throw in the afterlife and alternate universes and you've got some realms in desperate need of balance.


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Groaning, Parker lifted a hand to rub his eyes before squinting at them all. "Hey..." he sighed weakly with a slightly confused look on his face. For a moment, still dazed from waking up and the drugs in his system, he had forgotten what he was doing here and wondered why everyone had been watching him sleep. Then he remembered the quake, the pain and the fear. With a sinking feeling in his stomach, he looked down at himself. Oddly, he could swear he could still feel his leg there. Even wiggle his toes. But it was a false sense. Nothing but a memory of what he used to have. His face contorted as he struggled to hold back his grief. "Oh..." he sobbed, covering his face with his hands. 


Surprised at being slammed into a wall and threatened, Mr Mitchell gawped at James. He was infuriated but seeing as James was slightly taller and much leaner than he was, he knew a fight would not work in his favour. Instead, he turned his head to look at Nurse May, about to ask if this hospital condoned James's behaviour but being met by her cold stare, he got the impression that she might.
"Oh, get off me!" Mitchell huffed while shoving James's hand away. "Fine! I'll go back to the waiting room but your staff better hurry up!" he snapped, trying to save face as he stomped away.
May let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you." her voice was still shaking from the encounter and she looked close to tears.


Rickster held on to the kiss for a moment before letting go and glancing around. "You don't need to go anywhere," he said. "You just need some fortification spells. I can write a few down for you."
"Oh, I can help with the incantations!" Desi chimed in, eager to help. 
"Good. The ingredients are easy enough. It's mostly salt and sage. It's based on the very basic stuff." 
"Write a list and I'll get what we need," Atma said as she hurried over to the little side table near the wall and pulled out a notepad from its drawer.
After listing all the ingredients and incantations, both Desi and Atma headed off together to enchant each room of the mansion. 
Oscar had rushed off to update Leo on Rickster's return.
"I'm sorry to be a pain, but I don't suppose you have anywhere I can put these two to sleep?" Cindy asked Ricky. "I read that it's not safe to leave them sleeping in strollers for too long."


Mon had been crying silently as Salvo told them he was proud and named Bern his successor. Amelia looked at Galiel as he spoke. She wasn't familiar with merpeople and their customs. The topic was rare, even among the history books of Hell's Library. "What do you need? Is there any way we can help?" She asked. 
"You're a merman?!" David blinked. In the short time he'd been staying at the mansion since losing his memory, the topic had never come up. So it was like he was learning this for the first time again. 
Amelia glanced very breifly at her father before returning her gaze to Galiel. She didn't know how they'd do it yet, but as soon as they're done with this portal business, she was determined to restore David's memory... somehow.


"Imagine her, like you did for this place," John said as he got to his feet as well. "I'll see if I can teleport us to her." he held out his hands for Adam to take.


What Sam seemed to have already deemed as madness, Shezmu only saw a warrior fighting for survival. It was instinctive in a world as harsh and difficult as Hell. The boy was still alive as well. Shezmu could sense it. He could hear his heartbeat hammering like a war drum. To have survived here for so long was impressive and Shezmu smiled as he saw a potential in this child to become a great fighter. But first, something was bothering him that he would need to take care of urgently.

He laid a gentle but firm hand on Sam's shoulder, signalling him to stay put. He then walked ahead of him and raised a hand to show Dariel that he meant no harm. "I hope you don't mind but I am terribly parched..." he greeted him politely then lifted his hands in front of him with his palms facing upwards. As he did, the blood that covered Dariel from head to toe started to lift away from him. It was as if an invisible force was pulling the droplets from his skin and his clothes to form a long, stream in the air that arched its way to Shezmu who opened his mouth wide to drink it until Dariel was completely clean. Once finished, Shezmu wiped a little of the blood that had dripped onto his lips with his finger. "...and I'd much rather talk to you than drink you," he said before licking the last bit from his finger. 

"Mm, that's better. Now then, young Dariel, I see you have grown into quite a fierce warrior during your time in Hell. I can help you to hone your skills. To help you learn to direct your anger to those who would harm the innocent. You would find no greater teacher, than I." He offered before stepping to one side to reveal Sam behind him. He gestured to him. "In return, I ask that you return to Earth with your beloved. A man by the name of Warren has requested that I ensure your safe return. I believe you're familiar with him?"


"Wait-!" Lilly started to run after him but was stopped by Azrael who had gently taken her arm. 
"Princess-" He began but Lilly turned to him. 
"I don't understand, what happened?" She asked. 
"There is something that you need to understand about our world." He said urgently. "Death is powerful but our world is the stronghold of reality." he tried to explain. Seeing Lilly's confused expression, he pressed on. "Lives come and go. Planets, stars and solar systems come and go. But our world MUST persist. Because of The Balance."
"The Balance?" Lilly said slowly. 

"Death is the end of things but there cannot be death without life and there cannot be life without death. If one should fall, all will follow. Understand? So, it is imperative that we defend our realm at all costs from those who would do it harm. Or all lives will suffer for it. Sometimes this means we have to make difficult choices for the sake of all. And this, as you can imagine, can be a heavy burden to our King." he let go of her arm. "You ought to know that before you speak to him about what happened here today." 
Lilly paused and stared at the ground for a moment in thought. She then brought her eyes back to meet Azrael's and nodded. "I-... I understand... I think."
"It's a lot to take in. But we'll teach you more about The Balance in time. For now..." he gestured to the door that Death had left through. 

Following after Death, Lilly found him at the fountain and approached him from behind. "Azreal told me about The Balance..." she told him calmly. "I'm sorry if I made you think you had upset me. I just don't know how things work here yet. But I'll learn, father. I want to learn." she took a step towards him. She'd barely registered that she had called him father so naturally. "Teach me?"  


"Hmmm," Tom purred with a smirk. "An elegant emerald colour? Or regal blue?" he turned his head to look at Nate. "Passionate red?"


Carter immediately took a seat by his side. Across from Will's side. He gently touched his arm, "Hey it's going to be ok. You're still the strong private detective that I know." Will held Parker's hand, "And we'll be here for you. No matter what."


Still thinking like a soldier, James gripped her shoulders. "Are you alright? Do you need a medic to check you?" Realizing what he said, he stood back. He frowned and flustered, "I apologize. My soldier habits are still hard to get rid of. You're a woman. I should treat you kinder." He held out his hand, "Would you like to take a break?"


Ricky awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, "I only have beds. No cribs around. Sorry." Kite replied, "I'm sure we can manage. It's alright."


Galiel gave a heartbroken expression to David, "What?" Salvo walked over to David, "My friend. You don't remember? You were helpful to us. You made me realize that I could be a good person. At least, don't forget that you're a good man." He turned to Galiel, "Is there a way to turn into a merman?" Galiel blinked out of his thoughts, "I'm not sure. Now that I think about it, there must be something though." He thought for a moment, "My scales! He needs to get cut by my scales! Only then will my DNA mix with his." "We need to find a safe ocean then." ,said Salvo.


Adam took a deep breath, "Ok." He closed his eyes. Imagining himself with Eve.


Dariel nodded, "Warren. He helped me." He pointed the axe at Sam, "But I don't want to be near him! He abandoned me!" "Don't you get it?! I'm not good for you! I'm not good for anyone! All I do is hurt people!"


Death was surprised, "I thought....How can you show me such kindness after what I have done?"


Nate smirked, "Nice one but definitely a royal blue."


Parker continued to sob and squeezed Will's hand as he listened to him and Carter. Nodding at their words, he took a few breaths to try to calm himself down. It felt like a bad dream but he knew that it was real and it was something he was going to have to live with. Damien watched this with a pained expression. He stood at the end of his bed and gripped the metal footrest tightly. "Draven, we'll help you to adjust. Anything you need, just tell us," he said and paused for a moment to think. "I once knew a Demon that was skilled at making life-sized dolls. If I can find her, she might be able to build you an enchanted prosthetic... if you want."


May couldn't help but laugh nervously as James had asked her if she needed a medic. "Um- no, no, that's fine. Thank you. Besides, I kind of am a medic..." She then raised an eyebrow at his follow-up comment. "I believe there are women soldiers nowadays," she replied while trying to straighten up her scrubs. She was still close to tears and even as James asked her if she wanted a break she felt close to the brink. But she wiped those tears away before they could fall and took a long, deep breath as she looked around the hospital. 

"I don't have time for a break. None of my staff do. We're likely going to be overwhelmed for the next few days... maybe more if those damned riots keep up." She rubbed her eyes. It was clear that she was frazzled and exhausted by now but she was also determined to help anyone who needed it, even at the cost of her own health. "I'm sorry, I've held you up, I should get back to work."


Cindy and Kite headed off to one of the rooms to get the kids settled and rest. This left Rickter and Ricky alone for a moment. Rickster smiled at him and wrapped an arm around his waist. "I'll need to go soon, too. But I promise I'll be back. Just as soon as I've got my wings."


"I did?" David said in surprise as Salvo told him what he'd done. "Huh, and I always thought becoming a Demon for Lucifer would have changed me into something terrible."
"All part of the Redemption Programme." Amelia told him and David turned to look at her, intrigued. "You were the first person to believe in me and support me. Charles helped us make it a reality but you were always there as a source of knowledge. We couldn't have done it without you, too."
With a little smile, David glanced off in thought. The gaps in his memory were hard on him too but knowing he helped to make a positive difference was comforting.
"Galiel, you know the oceans of Earth better than any of us here. Tell us where you need to go and we'll teleport you there." Amelia said as she turned to look at him once more.


John and Adam appeared in a dense, dark forest. John looked around but he didn't recognise the landscape, yet he could sense that they were still in Hell. He also got a sudden sense that they were being watched. He lifted a finger to his lips to signal to Adam to stay silent. After all, there could be Demons lurking in these woods who had yet to pledge their allegiance to Amelia or Charles. This put John in particular danger as he couldn't risk dying in this plain. 
Leaves rustled and a twig snapped to their right. John strained to see through the darkness but he could just about make out the silhouette of a slender woman. 

"Adam?" The figure whispered but kept its distance. Wary of tricks. 
John lifted his hand and summoned a ball of light. Instantly, the woman lifted her arm to shield her eyes. She looked similar to Adam but her hair was longer and unkempt. Considering she was created from Adam's rib, it would make sense that she looks like she might be his sister. She was wearing hastily stitched-together clothing from a mixture of cloth and fur that barely kept her covered. "Put that away! Put it out!" she hissed at them hurriedly. A hint of fear in her voice. "They'll see!"


"Quiet." Shezmu looked between the pair calmly. "I am only familiar with the parts of your journey that you briefly shared with Warren, but it matters little to me. I gave my word that I would find his family, and found them I have. Sam, you will find the safety, love and comfort that you seek if you join Warren in his new home. Dariel, my offer stands. You can return with me to Earth and I will train you to become a great warrior. Whether you two decide to stay together or part ways once on Earth is entirely your choice." He stood between them and extended a hand to each of them. "But you must come with me, now."


Lilly thought for a moment before moving to sit on the edge of the fountain, near him. "Because of what Azrael told me about what would happen if this world ended... I think that's what happened in my universe," she told him. "There was no afterlife there. Just pain, sickness, despair and finally, nothing. I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone. So, I know what's at stake. I understand that if there is any potential threat to this world, you can't take any risks. Even if that means that sometimes, you have to do things that might seem cruel or cold." she looked up at him. "So much depends on you. But you don't have to do it alone anymore. Teach me how to use my powers and I will share your burden."


"Mmm, I like the sound of that." Tom grinned as he pulled out a couple of outfits. "We should get ready then. We don't want to miss the show."


Carter awkwardly looked at Damien, "You might need to find someone else. She was killed after we found out she was trying to destroy Amelia."


"Wait!" James grabbed her wrist. Immediately, he let go when he noticed what he was doing. He blushed and nervously ran his hand through his hair. "Uh I mean...I don't think a medic should be by their patients when they are in an emotional state. Perhaps, you could take five minutes outside?"


Ricky smiled, "I'm just glad you're ok." Leo appeared, "Never thought I'd see you until later. Guess this whole riot thing has got everyone on hands?" He threw an arm around him as if they were old pals. "Gotta say, I actually missed your company. If you need anything, let me know. I am a Leviathan after all."


"My home is Brazil. The ocean there." ,said Galiel. Salvo smiled, "Then Brazil it is."


"Eve!" Adam ran to her. Hugging her tightly, "I'm so sorry about what happened all those centuries ago. But you don't have to be afraid anymore. We can take you away from here. Somewhere safe and peaceful. Whatever is out there won't ever hurt you now that I'm here."


Dariel continued to glare but accepted his hand. Sam couldn't look at Dariel. He only grabbed Shezmu's hand.


Death held her hand gently, "You truly are a daughter to me. I am honored to have taken you in. I shall teach you to hone your abilities until my guidance is not needed. If there ever comes a time when I am no more, then I wish to make you my successor. I believe in your will."


Nate snapped his fingers. They were dressed in their suits in a flash. He blushed, "I said I wasn't going to use my powers but I guess it's a hard habit to break." He winked, "Unless you wouldn't mind teleporting there."


"What?" Damien said quietly while looking at Carter in surprise. That he not only knew who he'd been referring to but also the news that someone who he'd once considered a friend had been destroyed for plotting his sister's demise was quite a shock. 
"It's true," Parker said. His voice was still breaking from crying. "You meant Clementine, right? Charles and Nate destroyed her."

Damien looked down, staring hard at the fabric of the bed sheets for a moment as he came to terms with this news. He guessed he'd missed more than just his children's lives during the time he'd been in oblivion and he was long overdue a catch-up with Amelia. For now, though, Parker needed him here. He lifted his gaze back to them and nodded. "No matter. I'll find someone else. Someone skilled who can give you nothing but the best."
"You don't have to-"
"I owe it to you. Let me do this. Let me be here for you."

Parker paused and then looked down at the teddy next to him. He lifted it with a small smile. He looked at Will first, then Carter. But the look of Damien's slightly reddened cheeks told him all he needed to know. "You got me this?"
"I er-...well,..." Damien stammered while lifting a hand to scratch the back of his head awkwardly. 
"It's thoughtful. Thank you." Parker told him as he looked at the bear again and Damien visibly relaxed. Relieved that his son had liked his gift. 


Taken aback by James grabbing her, May turned her head to look at him. She bit her lip while glancing around hesitantly. "You may have a point," she said slowly while bringing her eyes back to his. "I- but all these people..." she said and gestured around them. "They need help and I feel guilty for wanting to take a break. It just all feels unfair. One minute they're living normal lives and the next..." 

She stopped and shook her head, rubbing her eyes again. "No, you're right. I'm tired and it's all getting to me. I can't help people like this. I'll let the other nurses know to cover me for a few minutes." She stepped towards him and placed her hand gently on his arm. "Thank you," she said softly before turning and walking away, hoping to get a few minutes rest in one of the rooms designated for nurses to sleep in when on long shifts.


"That's right." Rickster nodded at Leo then looked at him in surprise when he said he was a Levaithan. "I thought you were something else!" he admitted. "Didn't those scientists make you into like, a new specie?" A thought then occurred to him. "Actually, you might be able to help me earn my wings. You have ties to the CIA, right? I'll bet they've got agents everywhere trying to keep things calm, or investigate the portal. Maybe you could get me in touch? I could help them and in a wider sense help civilians too."


"To Brazil, then." Amelia smiled and held out her hands for them. "My telepathy isn't so great but Charles is in a league of his own with this stuff. Try to imagine it so that he can see it and teleport us there. Just don't think about locations that are underwater. You're the only one here with gills." she said to Galiel. 


Eve hugged Adam in return. She still wasn't completely convinced that this wasn't some kind of illusion to mess with her, but it had been so long since she'd seen him that she didn't care. At his words she cried. "No-where is safe..." she told him in a broken voice. "We will never stop being punished."
John had opened his mouth to speak but before he could get a word out something had caught Eve's eye and she'd shoved Adam out of the way just as another woman had darted out from the bushes to attack them. The dark haired woman was wearing a torn and dirty, long red dress. Growling ferally, Lilith brandished a knife and swung it at Eve with nothing but pure loathing in her eyes. The tip of it had caught Eve's arm but she reacted by lifting a makeshift wooden spear to block the next swing. 

Just as the knife chipped the wood, John dove forward to grab both Adam and Eve before teleporting them to their new sanctuary, away from Lilith's murderous intent. He looked at Eve who was now holding her injured arm. "You'll be safe here. I've enchanted the building and grounds... are you alright?"
"Fine." Eve answered shortly. She looked around them, clearly doubful of John's claim that they could possibly ever be safe here.
"Who was that woman. I couldn't even sense her. She didn't seem to be a Demon."
"Lillith. She started hunting me a day or so ago." she then shrugged. "But I'm used to being hunted now. I'm used to being hurt. It's our punishment and it will never end."


"Good." Shezmu said once both boys had taken his hands. He teleported them straight to Warren's room. Warren jumped to his feet from the couch at the sight of the two boys. "Sam! Dariel! You're safe!" he exclaimed in relief. He then looked at Shezmu with a puzzled look. "But Donnie? Insanity? Where are they?"
"Take a seat. All of you. This news will be difficult to receive." Shezmu told them as he let go of the boys hands. "I regret to tell you that the one you know as Donnie has been destroyed. The particular details of his destruction are not known to me but his destruction has been confirmed by Insanity. Additionally, Insanity will not be joining you here either. In his greif he has rid himself of his own powers and Devil status. The act of doing so has drastically altered his appearance to that of a child-like creature."
"W-What?" Warren said in shock, staring at Shezmu in disbelief.
"He asked that I deliver a message to you. That he is well and will see you again once he has recovered." Shezmu told him. 


Lilly smiled at Death's words. "I hope that time never comes but if it does, at least I'll know I had a brilliant teacher." she looked around at the little town going about it's day like it was any ordinary place. It seemed utterly surreal that the after life could literally be a life after death. That it could operate so similarly to Earth or even the world she had come from originally. Only the atmosphere here was different. There was no chaos here. No pain, starvation or the continuous need to strive for survival. "Peaceful..." she muttered softly. "I don't think I'll ever want to leave."


Tom gave him a playfully disappointed look. Barely able to conceal his smirk. "You're so naughty sometimes." he chuckled as he put the now empty hangers back on the rack. "And I was looking forward to giving you a tease by undressing in front of you. I guess I'll have to settle for a strip tease when we get back." he grinned and wrapped his arm around his. "Oh, I don't know. It could be romantic to take a casual walk over there. Just you and me and the stars."


Will smiled at Damien, "Nice idea. Da-" "Nope!" Carter shook his head, "Definitely not ready for that." Will shrugged, "Yeah you got a point. It's way too soon. And I'm not exactly use to saying that anyways." He nervously chuckled, "Sorry about that."


A part of James wanted to ask if he could join her but he knew better. This alone time was meant for her. If he even had the courage, maybe he could ask later about hanging out when things aren't so chaotic. Instead, he watched her leave while he tried to understand why his heart ached.


"Long story short, I became a Leviathan. But yeah, I could totally inform them about you." Leo stepped back and saluted, "Guess I'll be seeing you at work soon." He disappeared. Planning on telling his fellow agents right away.

With Leo gone, Ricky suddenly grabbed at Rickster's face and kissed him.


Galiel chuckled, "Of course."

With everyone appearing at the beach, on the sand, Galiel looked around. He smiled at the sight of the ocean. He stepped forward into the water as he slowly transformed into his merman form. Inside the water, he waved at them. Salvo stepped forward and began taking his clothes off as best as he could. Once naked, he dropped his cane. Stepping into the waters until he was floating. Galiel spoke, "This will hurt but it'll be over before you know it."

Galiel pulled out one of his scales as he flinched from the pain. He pressed the scale against his arm as it pierced into his skin. Digging under and being pushed inside. Salvo grit his teeth. Suddenly, his body glowed as he transformed. Once the light died down, Salvo could be seen as the vibrant young man that they knew. Only he had a tail this time that had replaced his legs. He suddenly laughed, "I can't believe it! It actually happened!" He wrapped his arms around Galiel, "Oh thank you!" He turned to the others, "Take care guys. Don't be a stranger. I don't mind visits. And Bern? I know you'll do great." Bern nodded with tears in his eyes, "Thanks boss."

Galiel hooked his arm under Salvo's, "C'mon! Everyone in the village is going to be so happy to meet you!" The men dived in without a care in the world.

Charles quickly turned away. Hiding his tears, "No need to worry about him now. Let's go back to our business." He did his best to pretend his leaving didn't affected him.


Adam caressed her cheek, "It's not like that anymore. This is real, Eve! Me and John found a place where we could be safe. We could Eden without God's bullshit. We can be free!" He kissed her forehead, "Please. I know things have been hard for us but we finally have a chance. You could help me make this happen. This could be our new home."


Sam awkwardly looked away. Not sure how to feel about all of this news. Dariel's eyes sparkled from the tears, "They really did care more than I realized." He set the axe aside. "Thanks for telling us. We appreciate it. I think we'll need some space before we can talk again. Just so we can accept all of this. If you don't mind."


Death smiled. He stood, "Sometimes you might have to. Just to greet new souls though. To make them understand that death is not the end." He held out his hand for her take, "Only the beginning of another journey."


Nate sighed at himself, "Right. No powers. Maybe you could remind me every now and then? In the meantime, let's get that walk started." He opened the door for Tom.



Damien looked awkwardly between them all. He felt like the odd one out but then again, in comparison to the other two, he had a long way to go to earn Parker's trust and love. "Um, is anyone hungry? thirsty? I can pop out quick to the vending machine?" he asked. He was starting to get the munchies from the weed in his system but also he was looking for an excuse to step out for a moment and regather himself. 


"I'm not hungry." Parker shook his head with a small frown. The drugs in his system were actually making him feel a little nauseous. That and the grief he was feeling didn't help his appetite. 
"Maybe some water, then?" Damien suggested. "You'll need to keep hydrated."



Smiling into Ricky's kiss, Rickster wrapped his arms around him tightly. They had no way of knowing how long they had together before he'd need to leave again, so Rickster wanted to make the most of whatever time they had. He kissed him passionately, slipping his tongue into his mouth. 



Amelia rubbed Charles's arm comfortingly. "I'm sure we'll see them again one day." She said to him in a soft voice. 
Mon had cried and waved goodbye to their former boss. Then stood, admiring the horizon next to Bern. "I sure am going to miss him..." he sniffled then smiled at Bern. "What now, Boss?"


Meanwhile, David was staring at the ocean. He'd also been moved by the departure of their friend but despite his lack of memory, he felt the loss just as keenly as if he could remember their friendship. He lifted his fingers to wipe at his eyes then stared at the tears with a puzzled expression. 


Eve embraced Adam again and cried into his shoulder. She couldn't even remember the last time they'd been together. To see him now, feel his touch and take in his scent again. It was all too much. "What do you mean?" she cried as she pulled back to look at him tearfully. "How?"
John gave the pair some space. He figured they would need some time to catch up. He also thought it best if Adam were to explain their plan to her. She seemed more inclined to listen to him whereas she had barely made eye contact with John since they'd met.



The news had been a hard emotional blow to Warren who was staring at the ground and struggling to process what he was feeling. He barely noticed Dariel speaking. 

Shezmu smiled at the boy and nodded. "Of course, young one. Don't forget my offer. Seek me out when you are ready. I shall remain within the castle walls for now." he told him before leaving the room to find an empty home that he could claim.
"I-I'll look after you." Warren's voice cracked as he lifted his head to look at the boys. "I-if you want. You can stay here with me and I'll take care of you."



Lilly took his hand and rose to her feet. Matching Death's graceful movement after having observed it. "You make it sound so easy," she commented, ready to follow him. "But I imagine a job like that could sometimes be difficult?"



"I'll do my best." Tom chuckled. "Thank you." he grinned as he walked through the door, feeling like a prince being waited on. 

In the lobby, just out of Nate and Tom's field of view, Tuzo was also ready to go out on the town. Feeling the need to let his hair down, so to speak. He was checking his phone when he noticed his Uber had finally arrived. Just before Nate and Tom could reach the lobby, he'd walked out of the front door and gotten into the vehicle. Missing them both by a mere few seconds. The vehicle would pull away just as Tom reached the main desk and turned to Nate. "Oh, by the way, I've gotten much better at French while you were away. The madame at the library said I sound more and more natural every time I go in! I'll practically be a local in no time!"



"Just snacks and drinks for us then." ,said Carter. "But some water for Parker would be a good idea." ,said Will.


Ricky moaned at the kiss and hopped on Rickster. Wrapping his legs around him as he knew Rickster would hold him tight. He ran his hands through his hair and returned the passionate kisses.


Charles smiled at Amelia and kissed her head, "Always that heart of yours takes me away."

Bern smirked at Mon but straightened his tie. Giving everyone a serious expression, Bern said, "Now we go back to the mansion and get the guys to help out. Anyone they find who needs medical help, we got our doctor for that. If it's too critical then we take them to the hospital. As for supplies, we've got money for that."


"We'll get many women and men who wish to be our partners. To help create new and better life. We can transform this sanctuary into something beautiful. Before we know it, we'll have enough power to get rid of Hell and have our Eden back!"


Sam shamefully looked down with his arms crossed, "You don't have to do that anymore. I'm not your King. I never was. I was just some kid with problems." Dariel sighed and stood, "I'm going to get some training done. I'll let you guys talk."


Dariel appeared in front of Shezmu. "Needed to get out of that awkward conversation those two had. So, when can we start training? Or should I wait? It looks like you're still trying to get comfortable in this castle."


"It can be at first. Overtime, you learn to grow with it. However, I know you will do just fine." ,said Death. The two walked back to throne room. He smiled at Azrael, "It is good of you to inform her about these things. I appreciate it."


Nate waved his nonchalantly, "That's great! I can't wait to hear all the words that you tell me..." He whispered into his ear, "In private."


"You got it." Damien nodded and headed out of the room. 
Parker sighed, a little relieved. He appreciated Damien's effort but it all felt so awkward right now. "I can't believe this is happening..." he said quietly. He tried to sit up and groaned as pain shot up his leg from his knee. 

On his way to the vending machines, Damien spotted James looking a little lost in thought. "Everything ok, buddy?" he asked as he walked over to him. "I'm heading to the vending machines, want to come with?"


Holding Ricky up, Rickster didn't stop kissing him as he walked over to the nearest wall to pin him against it. It wasn't exactly private but in the heat of the moment, he didn't care. One of his hands gripped his thigh while the other wandered under his shirt.


Amelia blushed. Her cheeks shimmering for just a moment as they always do when Charles makes her feel loved. She grinned then looked back at Bern and Mon who seemed to have their own mission now. "We can take you back. You seem to have things in hand so we won't hold you up but Charles and I should head to Heaven now to liaise with Raguel on what the plan is with the portal." She turned to David and saw his tears. "Dad?"
"I'm fine," he answered quickly and wiped them away before turning to face them. "I'll come with you both to- did you say Heaven?"
"I swear to you, we will find a way to restore you memory." She told him seriously before smiling. "But yes, we're going to visit Heaven."


"I don't understand." Eve shook her head. "This sounds like madness."
"It's not. There is a way to restore Eden." John interrupted, earning a suspicious glance from Eve. Trying not to let her stare throw him off, he pressed on. "You've both lived for aeons, cursed to live a truly immortal life. But is it really a curse? Or an opportunity to take back the life that was promised to you yet so harshly ripped away?" Eve lowered her gaze thoughtfully as she listened. "Eden was transformed into Hell but it can be reversed! It took for life to be stripped from it to make it what it is now. So we need to bring life, NEW life here and Eden will flourish once more!"

"That's not possible." Eve shook her head. She looked between Adam and John. "Eden is gone. Our home is gone. It withered when the fruit trees withered."
"It's not gone. Not completely. I've seen it. Adam has seen it. The current Queen of Hell brought her child and one of the fruit trees bloomed as soon as the babe touched the soil. She fed it to him, nourishing him." he glanced at Adam. "I had been hiding at the time but watching from afar." it had been during the time he'd been searching for Adam and found him at the Library but not before witnessing Amelia appearing with Oliver and feeding him the fruit. "I overheard her tell you that she grew up in Hell and had also eaten the fruit to survive," he told him then turned to look at Eve again. "This is the key! The more new life is brought into existence in Hell, the more the plant will grow. Then everything else will fall into place."

"New life?" Eve said slowly then looked back at Adam. "This is what you meant by bringing people to be our partners? To... breed?"
"To build a community." John corrected her in a gentle tone.


"King, shming." Warren shook his head. "I don't care about that! You were- are my family. Sure, we're not a normal family. Yes, we fucked up. Yes, we all did some stupid or messed up things. But it doesn't matter anymore. None of it does. We became a family and families look out for each other, no matter what. So, we start again. But this time, we look out for each other." he watched Dariel leave with a small frown. 


"You appear to already have some powers. Good, that will save us a little time." Shezmu smiled as he looked at Dariel. He moved over to the couch and sat down, then gestured for the boy to sit in the chair across from him. "I never allow myself to become too comfortable in any given place," he commented in response to Dariel's words. "Now, to business. I offered you the opportunity to become a great warrior and I always keep my word. But there is, of course, a catch." He snapped his fingers and a small scroll appeared in his hand. He flicked his wrist so that the scroll would unravel to reveal blank parchment. Then, using his free hand, he pulled out a small knife from his pocket and slit his wrist so that his blood would drip down onto the paper. 

Before Dariel's eyes, Shezmu's blood would move and dance across the paper into a complicated-looking language. Once done, Shemzu licked his wound to heal it and within seconds the blood had dried on the parchment. "This is my contract. I believe you've seen one similar before. My terms are simple. I vow to train you to become a powerful warrior. In return, you are forbidden from using your skills against me, you vow to complete one task of my choosing to be determined at a later date and finally, you swear to pledge the first-born of each generation from your line to my servitude. The last one is mostly for formality, they may very well end up living their entire lives without ever meeting me." he explained simply.


"Your Grace. Princess." Azrael greeted them with a short bow as they re-entered the throne room. He smiled at Death as he stood straight again. "Of course, I am happy to offer the princess my council, should she need it. I don't suppose you've had a chance to discuss the upcoming 'festivies' with her yet?" by this he meant the coronation to officially crown her as his heir. 


Tom shivered excitedly and grinned at Nate playfully before heading out of the hotel. He took a breath of the evening air and looked up at the stars. "They're so pretty here. The city back home was too bright to see them most nights but here it's perfect," he said as he wrapped his arm around Nate's and hugged into him as they walked towards the theatre. 


Will gently pushed him back, "Don't overdo it. You're still recovering." Carter replied, "He's right. I know you want to get out of here as much as I did when I was sick but you need to be patient. And yes, I know it's ironic that this is coming from me."

James was taken out of his train of thought when he heard Damien. He bit his lip so hard that blood dripped from the cut he made. Crossing his arms, he caught his breath, "Damien? Can you explain to me what I'm feeling? I was talking to Nurse May after I saved her from a patient being physical. I told her to take a break but for some reason, I wanted to go with her. And my heart won't stop beating so fast. Is something wrong with me?"


Ricky chuckled, "I love your energy but maybe we should go to our room? We do have company here."


Bern said, "That would be great." He pat David's back, "And don't worry. Believe it or not, you're welcomed in Heaven."


Adam shook his head, "You don't have to be a part of that. All I want is for you to stay safe. I can be the one who does all that. I just wanted to find you so that you could be in a new Eden where you don't have to follow rules like that."


Sam frowned, "Look out for each other huh? I feel like all I've ever done is let people down. I've been treating everyone like broken toys. Especially you. I don't know how you can still care about me after all of that."


Dariel was about to sign the paper when he suddenly laughed. Then the laughter stopped as he frowned, "I can agree to most of that but first born? Who would want to have a kid with me? I'm not saying I wouldn't give that kid to you but I don't think I'll ever have one. Feels like I'm just some waste of DNA."


Death flustered, "Um....I was stuck in my own turmoil for a bit." He turned to her, "Apologies for not telling you sooner in advanced but there will be a ceremony for you. In order for you to be my daughter, I must make it official."


Nate's heart fluttered, "Isn't it? It's less stuffy in comparison to the US. No offense to that place." They soon got to their seats at the VIP area once Nate paid for the tickets. Nate sat next to Tom, "I know I said I wouldn't but money is kind of hard to get. Hope you don't mind that I conjured some."


"I know, I know..." Parker sighed, trying not to sound as frustrated as he was. "Could you maybe help me to at least sit up though? I don't wana keep talking to you led down plus it'll make drinking the water awkward when Damien gets back."

Damien listened to James then smirked. "Sounds like you've got a thing for her." he chuckled. "Maybe you should ask her out?" he suggested and then looked around at the current chaos. "Maybe not now though. When things calm down a bit." he started walking to the vending machines. "C'mon, walk with me. Tell me what happened."


Rickster stopped kissing Ricky's jaw and looked around briefly with reddened cheeks. "Oh, right." He grinned while easing Ricky back to his feet then took his hand to lead him towards their bedroom.


"I am?" David said slowly. "I'm sorry, I know I keep asking things that I obviously already knew." he then said quickly, feeling like he was starting to annoy them. "I guess there's a lot that I forgot..."
"By the sounds of it, you lost a good couple of decades of your memory. Of course, there's going to be a lot for you to re-learn." Amelia told him gently. "We'll get there, one step at a time but for now please don't think you're being a burden. None of this is your fault."
David smiled and nodded. "Well, you might not be blood but at least I seemed to have raised you right." He took a deep breath, wondering what Heaven might look like. "Alright. Ready when you are."
Smiling at him, Amelia took his and Charles's hands. Mon took Bern's and David's. Amelia teleported them all back to Salvo's mansion to drop off Bern and Mon. "Good luck boys!" she said to them as David let go of their hands. A second later, she, David and Charles were standing in Heaven. Specifically, Raguel's office which was currently empty. 
"Huh... it looks so... normal," David commented as he looked around curiously. 

"He must still be out helping others." Amelia assumed then turned to David. "You've met Raguel before. He's the head of the Arch Angels here. He represented Heaven when we were trying to negotiate peace." she told him quickly. "He's a pretty serious guy, so no corny jokes. They didn't work the first time you tried them and they won't work now."
"Consider me warned." David chuckled in surprise and stood with his hands behind his back.
"Raguel!" Amelia called out. Immediately, the armoured angel appeared behind his desk to stare at the trio with a serious expression. "Ah, Amelia. Charles. David." He greeted each of them with a nod. David, unsure of whether to nod back or wave politely had ended up awkwardly doing a little of both. 
Raguel lifted a brow at him for a second before looking at Charles with a grim expression. "She's escaped." he told him. Assuming they'd come to collect Lillith as previously agreed. "I believe she may have taken advantage of the quake to slip loose."
"Who?" Amelia faltered, looking from Raguel to Charles. 


"I'm done with bearing children." She said sternly while shaking her head. Tears hung in her eyes. "I just want to be safe. I just want to be close to you." she hugged him again. "Adam, if you think this is possible then I will stay with you but you need to promise me something." she pulled back to look at him imploringly. "Please, please choose partners who are willing. Do not fool them. Do not bring them here under false pretences. They must know and they must want it!"

"We must be careful about how we do this. If we tell people about this place and they change their minds, we will not be able to allow them to leave or they might reveal this location. They might reveal to our enemies what we plan to do and then our hope of rebuilding Eden will be lost." John told them seriously. 

"So you would keep them as prisoners?" Eve turned to look at him with disgust. 
"We will cross that bridge when we come to it but know this; I will do whatever is necassary to bring Eden back and keep you both safe." He answered simply. "Even if those things are morally questionable."


"Because you, Theron, Dariel and Insanity are all the family that I have left," Warren told him tearfully. "I have no one else." He took a moment to gather his thoughts. "We all fucked up. But this place... it's safe. It's secluded. It could be our second chance to be better than we were. We could start again."


"As I say, the physical handing over of the child would not be necessary." Shezmu waved a hand dismissively. "I have no use for infants. Adults, possibly. It depends on my circumstances at the time. Regardless, if you do not have children then this part of the contract will simply not be relevant to you."   


"C-Ceremony?" Lilly replied with a mixture of nerves and curiosity. 
"A coronation, to be more precise," Azrael explained. "Something like this has never happened in our world so it would be quite a big deal. The ceremony itself will require the heads of each world to bear witness. So, Heaven's Arch Angels, Hell's royalty, The Spirit Council, and I believe a couple of Earth's leaders are aware of the afterlife so we may even have to extend an invitation to them-" he paused as he saw Lilly's eyes had grown wider as he'd been speaking.

"Princess, you will do just fine," he reassured her quickly. "You must think of it as an opportunity to become familiar with all the factions of this universe, as you yourself will become an important figure once you are crowned Death's daughter. When we do our work we occasionally need to work together with the other factions."
"Right... ok..." Lilly breathed nervously as she nodded along to Azreals words. 
"Honestly, you will do fine. Afterwards, we will throw a ball in your honour."
"A ball? Could-" Her eyes had lit up but then she hesitated as she looked at Death. "Could my friends come? Just for the day?"
Azrael paused and looked at Death uncertainly. It wasn't wise to have living mortals in the realm of Death, but it was ultimately the King's decision. 


Tom thought for a moment before shrugging. "I guess once in a while isn't so bad, when it's needed." he said as he settled into his chair and leaned into him as the curtains rose for the show.


"Sure thing." ,said Will as he gently brought Parker in a sitting position. Carter asked, "You feeling alright? Nothing moved or opened any stitches?"

James was bewildered by Damien's statement. He followed him, "There was a patient being violent. He was about to hit her but I stopped him in time. My training has helped me in that. But....this felt different. And you're saying I have a thing for her? As in love? That can't be possible. I was trained to be a soldier."


Ricky chuckled, "That's alright. I did miss this." Once they were inside their bedroom, Ricky immediately jumped on top of him. Making them both fall back on the bed. He passionately kissed him. At some point, he got to his side and licked his lips. "How about you show me that trick you did when we first did it?"


Charles clenched his fists, "Lilith..." He adjusted his suit before speaking calmly, "So long as she has that wristband, she is only a danger to humans in terms of what she can do as much as a human can. I will go look and try to reason with her. I know she's not a lost cause. She just needs guidance."

He nodded at Raguel, "And apologies but it would seem that a traumatic injury has caused David to forget most of his memories. Even forgetting you. However, we will do our best to bring his memories back. I can promise you that."


Adam's eyes widened. He stood back from John and kept Eve behind him. "Wait! I never said I would force anyone! Don't you remember what I told you? I don't want to do the same to others!"


Dariel shrugged. He signed the contract and held a small smile. Thinking of what he could possibly do with his life now that he could serve someone greater than him.


Death awkwardly picked at his sleeve, "It's a bit complicated. If they were any other creature like an Angel or Demon then perhaps. However, your friends are human. They cannot enter the realm of the dead. They are alive." He sadly sighed, "I'm not sure there is any way to go about it. Even I do not break such rules."


Once the performance began, both men were in awe. Forgetting all their troubles and anything else going on outside of the theater.


Parker grit his teeth and grunted as Will lifted him into a sitting position. "I don't think so. It just hurts," he answered as he looked down sadly at the curves in the bedsheets. His stomach turned with dread as he considered that he would need to see how it looked eventually. Wanting desperately to take his mind off it, he looked at Carter and Will. "Is everyone ok? No one else got hurt in that quake, did they?"

Damien made a whistling noise to signal that he was impressed by James's story. "Dude, it sounds like you have a decent chance with her. You're like her knight in shining armour!" he chuckled as he popped a couple of coins into the vending machine and pressed some buttons. As the coil started to turn he looked back at James with an understanding smile. "And I was trained to be Lucifer's soldier and heir. That didn't stop me from falling head over heels for Parker's mother. Training can toughen you up. In that, there's no doubt. But it can only go so far when it comes to controlling your emotions. From my experience, love is especially difficult to control. It can hit you out of nowhere when you least expect it and when it does, it hits you hard enough to knock you on your ass." He bent down to pick up the various drinks and snacks then offered one of the soda cans to James. "But that's not a bad thing. Love can make you stronger than any amount of training ever could."


Rickster let out a quiet moan as Ricky kissed and straddled him. While catching his breath as Ricky rolled to the side, he couldn't help smirking. "Oh?" he replied playfully. "You haven't forgotten all the things I can do, have you?" he rolled onto his hands and knees to playfully prowl towards him. "All the things I can make you feel?" he whispered as he brought his lips closer to his. "All the ways I can make your body burn with pure, primal pleasure." he captured his lips then moved his hands across his back. As they move over his spine, little jolts of electricity would spark from his fingertips. Not enough to be painful but enough to temporarily heighten Ricky's sense of touch. Making him feel each sensation far more keenly than normal. 


"Is that so?" Raguel turned his attention to David momentarily with an intrigued expression. "I will request that one of our medical personnel take a look at him. Perhaps we might be able to help?" he suggested as he looked back at Charles. "In the meantime, Lilith-"
"Can wait." Amelia cut in. Earning her a surprised look from Raguel. "We know she's powerless and she's on the loose. Charles can fill me in on the rest of her story later and maybe we can spare a demon or two to search for her. But right now, we should be focussing our efforts on that portal before anyone else wanders through, or worse yet, it gets bigger. Tell me, Raguel, What do you know about the boy that stepped through? Aside from the fact he has green eyes. How big is this portal? Has it done anything besides opening? and how badly did the quakes affect everything?"

Raguel smirked for half a second. With her being mostly out of action from caring for Oliver, and him needing to deal with Charles directly as a result, Raguel had almost forgotten how 'to the point' Amelia could be. "Very well." he gestured for them to take a seat. Obviously, this wasn't a flying visit. 
David sat in one of the large, Irish-green cushioned chairs across but to the side from Raguel's desk. Amelia sat in a similar-looking chair directly across from Raguel. There was one more identical chair for Charles right next to her. 

"The quakes have affected all planes of reality. Earth, Heaven, Hell, Death's Kingdom and even the Spirit Realm. Earth seems to have suffered the worst, but that makes sense considering the Portal's location. All of Earth now is in a state of chaos. Buildings collapsed. Hospitals overrun. Riots sweeping through cities and keeping their law enforcements busy. I have already sent Angels undercover to return the world to order as best they can. Including some rookie Angels-to-be with the promise that this will earn them their wings. My remaining Arch Angels are scouring the Earth for the boy. We don't believe he has left that world. In fact, I doubt he's even aware of the other realms' existence considering he is mortal." Raguel sat back in his chair and folded one leg over another. "We don't know much else about him except that he was not only powerful enough to open the portal, but also teleport at will."

"How do you know he's mortal, then?" Amelia asked critically. 
"The boy. You said you believe he's mortal and still on earth. I don't know many living mortals who can teleport. Granted, I don't know a damn thing about the world or the universe that he came from but assuming it follows the same logic as ours... for all we know, he might be a Devil of his world, or an Angel, or something at least similar."
"Which would mean he'd know our universe has afterlife worlds," David said slowly, coming to the same conclusion that Amelia had. "He could be bloody anywhere!"
"Raguel, we need to expand this search with urgency," Amelia said with a determined look. Raguel, who had been disturbed by this revelation only nodded in response. "Is there anything else we should know? Have you or your Angels found any other way to close that portal?" Amelia asked.
"Hades, I believe is one of your friends? She attempted to attack the portal shortly after the boy had taken off. It-... changed her."
"Changed how?"
"It would be best if you saw for yourself. I can escort you to the infirmary where she is being treated shortly."
"Alright, anything else? Charles said the boy's friend had been killed. Do you have the body?"
"We believe they may have been lovers and no, the boy took his body with him when he teleported. Forgive me, Queen Amelia, you are demanding an awful lot of information but I have yet to see Hell assisting in these matters." Raguel said icily. His sudden shift from pleasant to irritated was jarring. 

David was visibly thrown off but Amelia had retorted calmly. "Why do you think I'm asking these questions, Raguel?" She stood, stepped towards the desk and placed her hands flat against it. She leant over slightly to glare at him. "From what I understand it has been several hours since this portal opened and not only have our forces been under-informed, but it would also seem that in terms of searching for this boy you had placed all of your eggs into one bloody basket and hoped for the best! I think the better question here is, why haven't the other realms been more involved in this matter? Have they been as ill-informed as we have? Did you really assume that Heaven's forces could be the only ones to resolve this? We need to work together, Raguel. All of us!" she stood straight and turned to face Charles, David and the rest of the room. "I call upon the leaders of the Realms to attend! Death, Life, The Spirit Council and the Nephilim President that currently resides in the White House!"

A greying, old woman with curled hair and wearing a grey robe appeared in the room. "Greetings to the leaders of Heaven and Hell. I am Clarity. The Spirit Council regrets that it cannot attend in person, but will speak through me. I will be it's eyes, ears and tongue for this meeting."
"So... you're a telephone?" David asked then caught Amelia's embarressed look. "What?"
"Now look what you've done..." Raguel hissed behind Amelia. He couldn't stand the Spirit Council at the best of times and had hoped to not get them involved.


John faltered, taken aback by Adam's reaction. Given Adam's willingness so far, he hadn't anticipated that he'd react in this way. Eve was glaring at John from over Adam's shoulder but he paid little attention to her. His eyes were fixed on Adam's as he slowly raised his hands. "Forgive me," he said quietly. "I- I suppose I was just concerned that if anything went wrong then we would lose this chance to bring Eden back. I have been dreaming of this for so long..." he told them then looked down at his hands. "The things I was prepared to do... to make it happen, but of course, you're right. You're both right." he took a step towards them and paused as Eve jumped a little. "We don't need to force anyone. We'll find a way to make it work where everyone is happy! Please... please forgive me." He knelt down, bowing to them both. 


Smiling, Shezmu quickly rolled up the contract and pressed it into his chest, seeming to absorb it completely. This was just an illusion, but it ensured that anyone trying to take the contract away from him would assume they'd have to fight him for it. The real contract was quite safe, having been teleported to a securely hidden safe miles away. "Good. We can begin immediately. I will train you in martial combat, and swordsmanship, as well as to hone those hidden powers of yours. I expect you to meet me every morning as soon as the sun rises and not a minute later. We will spar for three hours in the morning. You may spend one hour resting and eating, then we will spend the last three hours studying spells and alchemy before you can rest for the evening." 

He stood and walked over to a desk where he wrote a list in elegant handwriting. Once done he handed it to Dariel. The list asked for simple things such as parchment, quills, ink, and a few book titles regarding alchemy and foraging. But then there were also other items which may be harder for Dariel to get hold of such as a sword, steel armor and chainmail. "Procure these items before our first session tomorrow morning and get plenty of rest. Ask the vampires here, I'm sure they will be accommodating. I look forward to watching you become a formidable ally." 


"Oh..." Lilly sighed sadly as she looked away from him, trying to hide her emotions. "I understand." 
Azrael felt bad for her but as he thought about it, an idea crossed his mind. "Your Grace, I realise that our Princess here is still new and has yet to learn to control her powers. But perhaps we could make an exception for one evening that she be able to return to Earth to celebrate with her friends once our ball here is done?" he suggested. "I would be happy to chaperone her for you to ensure she does not get into any trouble."


"Thankfully no. Looks like everybody's doing alright. We're just trying to help anyone out at this point who needs it." ,said Carter.

James took the can and replied, "But what if she doesn't like me? What if she hates what I am? What if-?" The can suddenly exploded from him crushing it as he was beginning to stress himself out. He seemed annoyed, "I really need to stop doing that."


Ricky moaned, "Oh yes! Give me all you got." (end of scene)


Charles stood from his chair and rubbed his temples, "Enough everyone! I realize that we have every reason to be concerned but let us not forget who we are. We must remain calm and rational for our people." He shook Clarity's hand and smiled, "It is good to meet you. I am Charles. King of Hell as you might have heard. This is my partner, Amelia Magpie. We understand that this sudden call might be a bit much. If we can possibly go to another room where there's more comfort and space, we would be happy to accommodate you. In the meantime, would it be alright if you wait here? We have a friend to visit in the hospital. This shouldn't take long."

Death appeared, "What is the meaning of this?!" He saw the people in front of him. "Oh, I see." He cleared his throat. "If this is about the portal, we are not involved unless death looms close. We already made our fair share of involvement by rescuing those who had died and killing those creatures."


Adam smirked, "That's what I thought. Now, let's go out there and tell those humans everything. If they want that choice then we'll give it to them. Anyone else can just carry on with their day."


Dariel squinted at the list. He flustered, "Uh....Is this a different language?" In his lifetime in school, he was never taught cursive.


Death smiled, "What a wonderful idea!" His eyes suddenly widened. He nodded at Lily, "Forgive me but it would seem that there is an urgent matter to attend to. Azrael, please keep her company." He let go of her hand and disappeared.


Just as Tom and Nate were enjoying the show. In the middle of the performance, there was a scream. The audience and performers froze. A light from above hit the stage. The performers began to run as the seats were shaking. Causing the audience to leave in terror as well. Until there was no one left but Tom and Nate. From their seats, they could see a young male teen in Victorian clothes on the stage. He was sobbing uncontrollably as he floated there.

Nate raised a brow, "Did no one come for him? Aren't the reapers supposed to pick up spirits like a driver or something?"


"Oh, good." Parker nodded in relief then stared off towards the end of the bed. "Good..." he said again absently.

Damien smiled as he slapped another coin into the machine and pressed a couple of buttons to replace the can that James had just crushed. "Relax, man. She might like you back or she might not. You're not going to know until you ask her though. So, I guess the choice you really have here is to either drop it and spend your life wondering what could have been..." he picked up the new can and handed it to James. "Or you can buy her some flowers and ask her if she wants to meet you for a coffee sometime."


With everyone else now on their feet, David felt he should also stand up. He looked between the newer faces curiously and waved at them awkwardly as he had done with Raguel. 
"The Council will not wait." Clarity spoke but her voice was distorted and sounded much deeper than it had a moment ago. "We know who you are King of Hell. We have been watching you and your wife's progress with much interest."
"Charles, we need to prioritise this," Amelia said to him while taking his hand. "Hades is in good hands here but we can't afford to waste time and allow anything like that to happen to anyone else. This is our responsibility." 
"As much as I need to remind you that you are our guests here and for the pair of you to try not to take over my office, I must admit that your wife is correct." Raguel conceded as he walked around his desk.

"I could go and check in on this Hades." David offered. "I mean, I gotta see some doctor Angels anyway so might as well kill two birds with one stone." Amelia paused and stared at David wide eyed for a moment. How could she forget to tell him?! Noticing this, David squinted slightly. "What? What's that look? What have I forgotten now?"
"Dad... it's Hades..."
"Oh no... who is he to me? Enemy? Friend?"
"You uh-... you know how you adopted me?" Amelia started and David's eyes widened as he began to realise what she was saying. Then Amelia confirmed it by saying "You adopted her too."
"Her?" David blinked. He'd been assuming Hades was male based on what little he knew of Greek myths. "I have another daughter?" he smiled for a second before it slipped and he gave Amelia a hurt look. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"It- it never came up and with everything else going on-... I'm sorry. 
David opened his mouth to say something then shook his head and looked at Raguel. "Could someone show me to the hospital?"

"Gabriel!" Raguel called. "Please escort Mr Sedley to our hospital." he then turned to the others. "We have a larger office just down the hall. And yes, Death, this does require your presence as well." Raguel told them.
"Speaking of Death, isn't there also a representative of the Midwives? The Spirit of Life?" Amelia asked after regathering herself and having looked around the room, noting that they had yet to arrive. 
"I imagine they're currently indisposed. We should head to the meeting room now. They can catch up when they arrive." Raguel said as he headed out of the room to escort the group to the meeting room. 


John looked up at him quickly. "We still need to be careful," he told him. "If we spread the word too far then eventually that word will reach the ears of Hell's rulers. Heaven. Raguel. We need to avoid their attention. At least until your new children are born. Until then, on my own I won't be powerful enough to protect you if they discover us. These spells prevent outsiders from finding us but we cannot run the risk of discovery before we're ready." he stood. 

"I am happy to escort you to Earth to find your partners. We must start small and convince just a handful to join us here. If we cannot convince them then perhaps I can erase their memory of ever meeting us. To be safe." He took another step towards them, careful not to spook Eve who was hugging Adam's back shyly. "I swear, as soon as we're ready we will spread the word to Earth of our new Eden and bring many new followers to your kingdom. But first, we must build that kingdom, together." he offered his hand to Adam.


Shezmu stared at Dariel for a moment before gently taking the list from his hand. "Should I add sophistication and elegance to your curriculum?" he asked half-jokingly as he waved his free hand over the paper. The page would seem to shimmer before Dariel's eyes before the words would re-arrange themselves to become more readable. Another illusion. He handed the paper back to him.


Tom watched what happened and kept his voice low as he watched the boy on the stage. "What should we do?" he asked Nate. Ghosts were nothing new to Tom, after his stay at Carter's office back when he'd first turned. He felt bad for the boy. How horrible it must be to be left to wander Earth with no guidance to the afterlife. 


Carter placed a hand on his shoulder, "Hey it's going to be ok. Just talk to us. Tell us anything you want to say."

James took the can and spoke, "I guess I don't have a choice. Is there a specific flower I should get? I don't know how this works."


Gabriel appeared and nodded at David, "Right this way." He led him to the hospital. Once there, he would take him to Hades who was now a Hellhound. She would be strapped to the bed for the safety of everyone while being monitored. She was currently asleep. "You should know that since she is a Hellhound, she can only take commands from the rulers of Hell. That includes their right hand which is you, David."


Life would be waiting in the meeting room, at the middle chair, with a smile on his face. He leaned back and relaxed, "Thanks for inviting me. No autographs today. Just trying to relax." Death glared at him, "This matter concerns our people. Not your selfish desires." Life stood, "I'm the one here who brings life. You just make everything all mopey." Charles's scales suddenly appeared, "Enough! Must I tell what are supposed to be wise individuals to stop acting like children?!" Death pursed his lips. Silencing himself. Life nonchalantly waved a hand, "Don't worry about it. I'm the best you've got."


Adam raised a brow, "Fine." He took his hand. "So, where should we start? Probably those churches. Anybody over there believes in us."


Dariel read it over. He nodded, "I'll come back once I have everything." He disappeared.


"Follow my lead." ,said Nate. Both men stood. They appeared in front of the boy. The ghost glared and shouted, "Get out!" "Young man, I am an angel. I can help-" "I don't want your help! I want her!" "Who?" "Anne! My love! She needs to come here. I am trapped in this theater. I must see her!" Nate spoke again, "If you're from that era I'm thinking of then she's most likely dead. She's probably in Heaven right now." "You lie! She lives!" The boy pushed the men against the seats. "Leave me!"

He turned away from them and continued to sob.


"Was I selfish?" Parker asked them in a broken voice. "Damien gave me an out but I didn't want to lose my humanity yet. But now I'm going to be such a burden on everyone!" 

"Hmm, maybe roses are usually good. I think red is traditional." Damien said as they walked back towards the room. "But like I said, you might wana wait until things calm down first. Maybe you could use that time to think over what you're going to say when you ask her out?"


"Gabriel?" David gawped excitedly as he followed him. Not taking his eyes off him as if he could hardly believe it. "Like, THE Arch Angel Gabriel?" 
When they arrived at the hospital he stared at the creature that was supposedly his daughter. He listened to Gabriel then shook his head sadly. "She should be her own person..." he sighed heavily. "She must've meant a great deal to me if I adopted her." he turned his head to look at the Arch Angel. "Is there nothing that can be done to help her?"


"We'll see about that." Raguel positioned himself at the other end of the table from Life. He'd only met this spirit once but he got the impression that he could be reckless. Amelia sat at the table, near Charles. Clarity sat in the first available seat, nearest the door. 
"Now then, thank you for attending this impromptu meeting." Raguel addressed them all. He'd briefly given Amelia an annoyed look when saying the word 'impromptu'
"Apologies for the lack of warning, but given the chaos our worlds are facing, I think we can all agree that our collective attention is required," Amelia spoke up, subtly sniping back at Raguel who could only conceal his reactive smirk.

"Indeed." He replied then turned his attention to the others. "Death and I witnessed the cause of this portal and his subsequent escape." he narrowed his eyes slightly, turning to look at Death. "I recall there being a girl there. The girl from the first portal. She attacked us, allowing this boy." he said while maintaining eye contact with Death. He was insinuating that Lilly may have been involved in the second portal being opened. At this, Clarity had also turned her gaze to Death. Watching in silent judgement. "You struck her down so am I correct in assuming that this girl is within your custody and available for questioning?"


John winced at the suggestion. "Not churches, no. Too many of His eyes and ears there. But you might be on to something." he said as he teleported them to a corridor of a community centre in a small town that had barely been touched by the same chaos ravaging the rest of the world. Eve had been left to wait in the safety of their new home.
Walking down the corridor slightly he looked through the glass of a pair of double doors and smiled. "Perfect." he turned to look at Adam. "A bible study group. All human from the looks of them. I'll follow your lead. If they need a little proof of who we are, just give me the word and I'll pop my wings out."


Tom stood from the seat he'd been pushed into and gingerly approached the stage again while giving Nate a quick wary look before turning his gaze back to the boy. "Talk to us," he said gently. "We want to help you but we need to understand what happened first. Tell us your story. What's your name? What happened to you?"


"You won't be a burden. Parker, you can still get a prosthetic leg. That's something that humans do." ,said Carter. Will held Parker's hand, "He's right. Look, it'll be ok. We would never think of you as an obstacle. You'll always be important to us."

James bit his lip, "Maybe you could teach me? I never talked to someone about anything other than work."


 "I'm afraid not. We're not aware or use to this kind of power. It's different from our realm." Gabriel sighed, "I can tell you one thing. She won't be happy to know that you've forgotten her. So be understanding with her."

Hades slowly opened her lids, "David?" She smiled as her tail wagged, "I missed you! Are you ok? Is everyone alright?" Gabriel replied, "Don't worry. Everyone is safe and sound. We took you to Heaven's hospital for clearance. However, you are stable." He waved a hand as the straps on her let go. She lifted her hand up, "What happened to me?" "That's the thing. When you tried to close that portal, you became a Hellhound." "A what?"

Gabriel summoned a hand mirror and gave it to her. She carefully sat up and took the mirror. Once she got a good look at her own face, she gasped. The mirror fell and hit the floor. Shattering into pieces. She sobbed into her hands.


Death was about to raise his voice but caught himself. He calmly spoke, "It seems that things are a lot more complicated. It would appear that the woman called Lily is in relation with my powers. Therefore, I have claimed her as my own daughter. She will be a princess. I have declared her innocent. For she was not the one who opened the portal. She only joined me to stop the chaos. The boy is the one who is to blame for all this madness. He must be apprehended."

Charles chimed in, "Let us not forget that this is still a boy. A boy with powers yes. Yet, he clearly needs guidance. We must understand that he is still young and impressionable. I am not advising taking down our offensive tactics. I only suggest that we see if there is a way to reach him."

Life snapped his fingers to get everyone's attention, "Who cares about the feelings of this brat? Just kill him on sight. I can do that with no problems." Death clenched his fists. Charles put himself in before Death could say anything, "Need I remind you that this is a child? We must have some compassion." Life rolled his eyes, "I don't get why we're having this meeting." He stood. "Just let me find the bastard and take him out. Problem solved."


 "Don't worry. I can't make this sexy body glow like Heaven." Adam stepped inside. He winked, "Good evening folks! Name's Adam. First Man as you already know. I come here offering a spot at my new Eden. If anyone's interested in making babies and turning Hell into Eden than the listing is opened!"


Nate stood by Tom just in case. The boy clutched his head as tears dripped down his cheeks, "My name.....Oliver. Oliver Archibald. I use to sneak into this theater so that I may watch Anne's performances. She was so lovely and sweet. I took every chance I had to talk to her. Yet....there was a day when I didn't see her. I came to the conclusion that she fell in love with one of the backstage lads that I had seen her talk to so often." He clutched his chest, "I couldn't bear the thought of her heart being taken from me. I felt as though I had lost myself. That all hope was lost. So I jumped from the seats that you had seat in before. My neck broke. That's how I succumbed to my demise."

Nate stepped forward, "Are you sure?" "What?" "Are you sure she was willingly talking to that man?" Oliver floated back, "What are you saying?" "I have been able to look through memories as you have told me everything. It doesn't look as though she made the decision to leave. The man you mentioned had taken her." Oliver's eyes widened, "No! Then that means...." The ground shook. "No! It's not true! It can't be!"


Parker burst into tears. Overwhelmed by their support and his grief. Simply unable to hold it back any longer. "It's not fair!" he sobbed as he lifted his hands to cover his eyes. "Life was just starting to get back to normal! What else could go wrong?!"

"There isn't much to teach. It's kind of one of those things you need to figure out on your own." Damien admitted. "But if I could offer some advice? Don't pretend. Don't act like something you're not just because you think she'll like you better for it. Just be yourself. Talk to her like a person. A friend, even. Then make your move when the time feels right. It'll come naturally, trust me." he paused outside of Parker's door and took a breath, steeling himself before going back in. "Who wants snacks?" he sang, putting on a cheery smile to try to lift Parker's spirits. Then he saw his tears and frowned. "Hey, it'll be ok," he said gently as he laid the food and drink cans on the table nearby. 
"Fuck you! Don't patronise me!" Parker snapped.
Damien walked over and sat on the end of the bed, looking calmly at him. "Parker, look at me," he said gently. When Parker didn't, he spoke again but his tone was a little firmer. "Draven."
Moodily, Parker dropped his hands to glare at his father. "You're angry and upset-"
"No shit-!"

"Let me finish!" Damien barely stopped himself from snapping. He then sighed to calm himself. "You've every right to be. This is a shock and it's life-changing. You're scared and you're lashing out. But listen to me. You are strong. You're stronger than I was at your age. You didn't just lose a limb today. You took control of your life. You could have come with me and become a Devil. It would have been so easy. Too easy. But I know what that would have meant to you. This is your one chance to have a normal, mortal life. So, you've faced some mortal challenges, that's the beauty of being human. And what is this if not another challenge for you to overcome in your human life?" he smiled, looking at Parker lovingly. "My boy. I didn't get to watch you grow up and you may still hate me for that but I'm proud of you all the same. You've grown into a better man than I could ever be. You should be proud of that." Damien stopped and blinked. He'd felt his own eyes welling up as he'd been speaking and he suddenly felt self-conscious about it.
Meanwhile, Parker had calmed down while listening to him. Though tears had continued to stream down his cheeks. His scowl had softened as he stared at his father wordlessly. 


David's stomach turned as Gabriel told him how much the news of his amnesia might upset Hades. He watched the exchange tensely and couldn't help smiling at Hades awkwardly as she reacted happily to seeing him there. Then she discovered what had happened to her and he watched her sob with a frown. It was instinctive, his reaction to this. He walked over with no fear of what she was or what she could do to him in this form and he wrapped his arms around her. "We'll figure this out. I promise."


Clarity stood from her chair. Her voice boomed in an older, more refined tone. "Life and Death. You and your kin are forbidden from interacting with this entity. The Balance must take the highest priority. If you or yours should encounter them then we would advise you to call upon Heaven or Hell's forces and retreat. Death, you will remain with ourselves once this meeting concludes to submit a report and discuss this new daughter of yours." 'Ourselves' meaning Clarity.

"What? We need as many of us searching for this boy as possible-!" Amelia piped up but Clarity cut her off. 
"We can forgive your naivity as you have not been a ruler for long, but The Balance has existed since the dawn of time and must not be jeapordised."
"Queen Amelia, with respect, they're right," Raguel said begrudgingly. He then turned to look at Clarity. "But I do also understand Amelia's concern. Council, it has come to our attention that this 'problem' may not be confined to Earth as we had first thought."
Clarity's stern yet glazed-over gaze snapped to Raguel. "Explain."
"The boy can teleport. Which means his universe might function similarly to our own and if that's the case then the boy could literally be hiding anywhere. He could be on Earth, in Heaven, in Hell or even in Death's kingdom." Raguel looked between them all grimly. "Nowhere is safe as long as this boy is on the loose."

"But he is still just a boy, as Charles said!" Amelia now stood, leaning against the table. "I have not spent the better part of my reign in Hell preaching redemption and forgiveness just to end up hunting a child like some kind of beast!" 
"Take a seat, Amelia." Clarity's voice switched to a man's as her head snapped to glare at her. Amelia glared back for a moment before reluctantly sitting back down. "Your emotions get the better of you. We must act logically. If the boy can be apprehended peacefully then do so, but if his presence or actions cause the portal to open more. Or if The Balance is put in danger, then you must be prepared to use any means necessary. There can be no room for error when the risks are so great." 


The small group began laughing at Adam as he entered the hall and spouted what they assumed to be absolute madness. All except one young woman who sat in a floral dress and watched Adam with a sympathetic look. She also thought he was mad but she didn't want to be cruel by laughing with the others. Her orange hair was tied in a loose ponytail. The rest of the members here seemed to range from middle aged to elderly. 
Seeing their reactions and biting his lip a little, John had a feeling the humans of this time would be harder to convince. Even the more religious ones. He stood close by and waited for Adam's word but otherwise did not intervene.


Tom looked between the two, only able to piece together the rest of the story from their conversation. But even then, it left him with more questions than answers. "What man? What did they look like?" he asked. He stumbled a little as the ground shook but did his best to keep his balance while focusing on helping the boy.


James simply crossed his arms and watched everything unfold. Observing as he had always done in the past. Carter gave a thumbs up, "Not too bad for your first try as a dad. I'd give that an A." Will held an encouraging smile, "I think things are going to be ok Parker. Besides, if your dad is able to say something that nice to you then we're definitely winning at this point."


Hades leaned her head against his chest. Sinking into the hug as she continued to cry. Gabriel nodded, "I can teleport you both to Hell's Library if you wish. It is a safe place where no one is allowed to fight. David, you take care of that place with proper. It is where you had raised Amelia."


Death suddenly burst into tears and stood up. His fist slammed on the table, "It is a child!" Charles's eyes widened. He hadn't expected Death to react this way. Death continued, "Do we even know who he really is? All we are saying is that he knows everything! But how do we know that?! We are simply making things up!" Life appeared right next to him. He wrapped a hand around Death's throat, "I knew you were too much of a coward to get the job done. It's time you step down and let me run things like it should have always been, brother." He threw him to the wall. Death cried out and hit the floor. Charles appeared between the two. He glared at Life, "There will be no fighting! This is a meeting! Not a battle!"

Life raised his hand and smirked, "Do you really want to mess with me?"


Adam waved John over. "And here's a very good friend of mine. He's an angel. A lovely one too. John? Care to show them your wings?"


Oliver floated to the floor, "Why does it matter now? He's probably dead too. I've wasted my whole life. And even my after life! I am pathetic." Nate reached out, "Don't say that. You can still go to Heaven." "Why should I even bother? Things have probably changed since I've roamed this theater. I'll only be gawked at like a circus performer."


Parker wiped away his tears but kept staring at Damien who had now averted his gaze and seemed to be trying hard to not let himself look vulnerable. "I don't hate you," Parker said, and this prompted Damien to look at him again. There was a light behind his eyes that Parker hadn't seen until now. He looked surprised but mostly hopeful. "I was pissed at you but I don't hate you. I'm- I'm glad you're here." Parker finished. 
Damien had already been fighting hard to stop his own tears from falling but those words brought him to the brink. It wasn't an 'I love you, Dad' but it was as close as he could get for now. He wanted to hug him but knew it was too soon for Parker to be comfortable with that. So, instead, he smiled and nodded to him. "For as long as I can help it, I will always be here for you." he stood and walked back to the table to grab a bottle of water to give to Parker. 

Sometime later, after coming to terms with what had happened and feeling more secure with Will, Carter & Damien's support, Nurse May came back to the room. She smiled at James before knocking politely on the door and entering the room. By now the hospital was still busy but not nearly as chaotic as it had been. Some patients needed to be reallocated to other hospitals and what was left was gradually being seen to. The nurse looked between the men with a sympathetic expression, completely missing the subtle smile Damien gave James. "I understand it's been a very long day for all of you and you'll be reluctant to leave but I'm afraid visiting time is up. You'll need to leave so that Parker can rest. He's in good hands so you don't need to worry and you're welcome to come back tomorrow to see him again." she had already given a similar speech to several other families today. 
Damien nodded to her and then looked at Parker. "I need to find someone to make you that prosthetic anyway. I'll be back tomorrow though, I promise."
"I'll give you all five minutes to say your goodbyes," May told them before turning to leave the room. 


"In that dusty old place?" David asked perplexed, looking at Gabriel in surprise. "Wait, you know me too, don't you?" he then looked sadly at Hades, knowing how these questions might sound. "Man, it's like I've stepped into a crazy dream... but I can't leave just yet." He looked back at Gabriel. "I need to talk to a doctor here. I need to get my memories back."


While Death's outburst had been a surprise but Life's immediate reaction of violence was shocking. Amelia had once more jumped to her feet, ready to attempt to break the pair apart. Charles had been faster, however. He'd appeared between them and at Life's words, Amelia bristled. Tiny embers escaped her lips as she spoke. "Try it and I'll knock you into next year!" she warned Life. 

Having seen enough, Clarity stood and snapped her fingers. In the blink of an eye, everyone was sitting back in their seats as if nothing had happened. Any bruises Death had were gone. Any damage to the room was reversed. Amelia had gasped, looking around the room in confusion. All eyes now on Clarity who was glaring back at them. Just how powerful was this council? Amelia had heard they weren't something to be messed with but that was an insane show of strength! 

Calmly, silently, Clarity sat back down. Then looked at Raguel who had been staring back at her warily with a slightly paler complexion. "Where are your forces, currently?" she asked in a pleasant sounding, male voice. 
"Split, councelman. I have sent Angels to aid the mortals on Earth. My Arch Angels are hunt-... in the process of locating the boy. Also on Earth."
"Earth's chaotic state is resolving. Call your Angels and Arch Angels back. You will split them between all plains to search for this boy. Whether or not killing this boy will affect the closure of the portal is uncertain. So, until we can rule it out you will relay the order that this child is to be captured, unharmed."

Clarity then looked at Charles and Amelia. "We are aware of the ongoing conflicts in Hell. Therefore we must ask that you summon your most trustworthy demons to aid us. They too will be split among the plains to assist the Arch Angels in this search." She then looked to Life and Death. "Such petty squabbles are of no benefit and beneath you both. All life and unlife depend on both of your survivals. Death, you will house Life in your Kingdom until such time as this threat is dealt with. Until then, Heaven and Hell will provide one each of their best soldiers to act as your guards."
"Azrael is already-" Raguel began but Clarity cut him off.
"Insufficient. Azrael is a resident of Death's kingdom, not your Arch Angel to command." 
Raguel glared but didn't dare argue with the council. "Then Gabriel is my best Arch Angel. I am confident he will protect them to the best of his abilities."
Clarity turned to Amelia and Charles once more. "Which of your Arch Demons will you send to join Gabriel in this assignment?"


"An Angel named John! What next?" laughed a slightly rotund man in a Hawaiian shirt. "You going to take us to a burning bush too?"
"Stop it. He clearly needs help and you're just being nasty." The girl in the floral shirt scolded him while crossing her arms. Her blue eyes glaring at him from behind rounded glasses. 
John stepped forward when called and smiled at them all. 
"I'm certainly not Saint John, but I've been known to work a miracle or two." He said cockily before popping his wings out, making all of them gasp and jump. The orange-haired girl had jumped to her feet, staring wide-eyed. All laughing had stopped. 

"Th-Those are fake!" The large man half-laughed uncertainly. "A costume!"
"By all means, have a feel." John looked at him with a knowing smirk. He watched calmly as the man pretended to confidently stride over, ready to prove them wrong. As he got closer though, and he could see each individual feather, he looked more and more doubtful. John remained still as the man walked around him to look at where the wings had ripped through his shirt. He felt the man's fingers glide over a few feathers for a second before he pulled his hand back with a sharp gasp. The man's mouth opened and closed repeatedly as he tried to say something. Unable to take his wide eyes off John's wings as he lifted a hand to cover his mouth before exclaiming "They're real!"

"Of course they are!" John laughed and then looked at the rest of the people in the room. "Don't be shy! If you want to see for yourself, come and have a feel. My feathers are very soft." 
One at a time, the others in the room shuffled forward in excited awe to get a closer look. After seeing and stroking them for herself, the girl turned to Adam. "He's really an Angel. Does that mean- are you really-?"  


"Nate told you, he's an Angel. He knows what Heaven is like." Tom said to Oliver then looked at Nate. "I can't believe I've never actually asked before but what is Heaven like?" he asked him. Having never died, Nate was the closest he'd ever come to Heaven so he had no idea what was on 'the other side' other than the odd story he'd get told. 


James blushed at the sight of Nurse May. He grew even more redder when Damien gave him that look. Just as May stepped out of the room, he blurted, "Excuse me May? I'd like to talk to you about something important. In private."

Will smirked at as he heard James before turning back to Parker, "I'll probably be busy with work. Considering how this disaster has affected everyone, I might need to lead the team. But I'll try to find some time off and see you again." Carter nodded, "That's alright. I've got free time. I can always come back."


Gabriel nodded, "Of course. Right this way please." Hades sat back. Her eyes widened, "You lost your memories?" Gabriel replied, "It was most likely a physical force so strong that it caused him to forget everything. I'm sure this isn't pleasant news." Hades looked as though she was about to snarl but sighed, "I'm frustrated but David, you were there for me. I need to be there for you too." She placed a hand on his shoulder, "It's going to be ok dad."


"With all due respect Clarity, I fear that Life may have some ill intentions when he does enter my realm." ,said Death as he recalled the words Life had said.

Charles spoke, "You have plenty of reapers by your side. Life may be powerful but you have numbers." Death glared but didn't say more. Charles continued, "As for Arch Demons? Well, we're not sure what qualifies as one. I do have my right hand. Though I am intrigued into trying something. There is a prisoner who appears to be an Ancient Devil. He's in one of Hell's newest cells. I have him bound by an angelic bracelet. I was wondering if I could possibly bring him along as help. I have ways to counteract his powers so even when I do free him from his bounds, he will not be strong enough to go against me."


Adam winked as his body glowed, "In the flesh baby."


Nate looked at Oliver, "It's actually nice. People from all different eras are able to get along and work together. They can have fun or pretend that they're back at home. Working fields and other jobs that they missed doing. Oliver, you'll be happy there. And I know that your Anne will be there too. She seems like she has a heart of gold."

Oliver seemed hopeful now. A white light suddenly cast on him. He smiled, "Thank you. I think I'll go now. But thank you for your kind words." He floated into the light before disappearing all together. Nate smirked, "He sure as hell is going to enjoy his eternity there. Hope he can find her though. Heaven is a big place. I'm sure some Angel will help him."  


"Ok, stay safe though," Parker said to Will, taking his hand and squeezing it a little. He then looked at Carter and Damien. "I'll see you later then. I should probably try to get some sleep anyway."

May looked at James curiously then nodded and looked around. "Sure. All the rooms are full but the staircase is usually pretty empty," she said before leading him there. Once in the door was closed, she looked over him briefly with just her eyes. "Is everything alright? Is there a medical issue you need me to look at for you?"


While following Gabriel, David smiled at Hades and placed his hand over hers to show he appreciated her support. He suddenly stopped and covered his eyes with one hand while his lower lip quivered. "I'm fine. I'm fine," he said, taking some breaths as he stood straight again and removed his hand to reveal fresh tears. With his memories gone, it felt like only yesterday that he'd lost Sara. But now he had two adopted daughters and even though he'd only known about them for a few hours, the way they talked to him, conducted themselves and loved him filled him with so much pride and appreciation for them. It was comforting to know that despite his failures with his real daughter, he had at least done right by these girls even if he couldn't remember doing so. "Alright, let's get my memories back!" He said with renewed determination, ready to follow Gabriel to a doctor that might be able to help him. 


"Life will do nothing to place The Balance in danger. After all, I'm sure that Life will agree that an alliance with yourself will be preferable to a chained confinement in Purgatory." Clarity threatened in the refined voice without so much as glancing in Life's direction. Clarity then looked at Charles. "Time is of the essence. We trust that you will make the correct decision but we must advise you to have a replacement on hand if this Ancient Devil will not comply."
When Charles had admitted he wasn't sure what would be classed as an Arch Demon, Amelia thought for a moment and when Clarity stopped speaking, she looked at Charles sadly. "David would have been perfect... if only he could remember..." 
"David Sedley?" Clarity's eyes snapped to Amelia who look back at her in surprise before nodding. 
"Yes. My father. He lost his memory in a fight. But before that, he was the wisest and strongest Demon I knew. He was my right hand for most of my reign but his memory loss forced him into retirement."

Raguel nodded to Amelia's words and chimed in. "He's an honourable Demon, Counsilwoman. Worthy of the title, if not for his current condition. He helped Amelia and Charles to organise and host the peace talks with myself and Gabriel."
"And his amnesia is the only obstacle preventing him from helping you now?" Clarity asked, this time in the gentleman's voice. 
"Yes, s-sir? Ma'am?... Y-your honour?" Amelia replied, uncertain of how to address the entities clearly possessing Clarity's mind. 
"Councilman or woman," Raguel whispered across the table to them. 
"C-counsilman." Amelia corrected herself awkwardly with a thankful nod to Raguel. 
"Very well." She lifted her fingers and snapped them. "It is done. Arch Demon David will accompany Gabriel to Death's Kingdom to safeguard Life and Death."
"Wait, wha-?" Amelia started but was interrupted as Clarity announced; 'Meeting Adjourned!' before her eyes rolled back and the spirit slumped in her chair before snoring a little. 

"Did- did she-? Did they-?..." Amelia gingerly got to her feet as she looked at each of them before gasping. "Dad!" she ran out of the room. 
"They took over everything, as usual..." Raguel huffed to himself irritably. "Bloody council..." He remained in the room, watching Life and Death carefully after their earlier bickering. They would need to wait for David and Gabriel to escort them back to Death's Kingdom. 


Back in Heaven's Hospital, David suddenly cried out and dropped to his knees while gripping his head which felt like it would explode. Memory after memory flicked through his mind, playing like a two-decade-long movie stuck on fast-forward. He could do little more than whimper and gasp as his mind tried to catch up on all of those meories all at once. 


After seeing an Angel up close, the moment Adam's body began to glow the few people in the room dropped to their knees. some of them cried tears of joy. In total, there were five people in this room, including the orange-haired girl and the large man. The rest consisted of a balding older gentleman in a woollen sweater and two middle-aged women One wearing a pantsuit and the other wearing a modest, formal beige dress. Compared to the rest of the people in the room who appeared to range between the ages of 45 to 60, the orange-haired girl looked to be in her early twenties. 

The girl gasped when Adam glowed and she clasped her hands over her mouth while watching him. She didn't know whether to get on her knees like everyone else, bow or curtsy. "You're really Adam!" she breathed excitedly. Staring at him, she seemed almost entranced by his glow. She suddenly felt she'd do anything he'd ask without question. "I'm... I'm Daisy." she sighed dreamily. 


Tom grinned at Nate. His eyes were full of love as he jumped up, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and resting his head against his. "I'm sure he'll be fine. I'm sure he'll find it beautiful. But my Heaven is right here." 


Will and Carter had said their goodbyes then left.

James nervously spoke, "It's just.....I....Would you like to go out for coffee?" He swallowed the lump in his throat, "When this situation is over, I mean." He awkwardly scratched his neck, "You don't have to. I can understand if you wouldn't want to."


Gabriel got to his knees and placed a hand on David's back, "What's wrong?! What's happening?"


Life clenched his fists but spoke, "Yes councilwoman. I can assure everyone in this room that I will follow orders."

Once the meeting was over, Charles sighed. "C'mon Amelia. Let's meet the Ancient Devil that I had spoke of."

Death merely folded his hands together and closed his eyes. Imagining himself with Azrael. Away from the chaos.


"Well, hello Daisy. It's nice to meet ya." He took her hand and kissed it. "John? Just pick the ones who don't look too old or gross. I think I already found the perfect first one here."


Nate picked Tom up like a bride and spun him around. He nuzzled into his neck before kissing him. "And you are my Earth."

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