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Balance The Realms Nov 2020 - May 2021

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Denix Vames - March 12, 2021

Elliot stopped and looked at her. He sighed. "Guess you're right." He picked her up. Holding her in his arms. "C'mon Neva. Let's back inside."

He raised a brow at Parker. "Uh no?" Kite's face grew pale. "The same crow that I saw earlier? Is somebody watching us?" "Yes they are and I intend to find out who." ,said Nate who appeared.


Carter suddenly felt entrance by Bryce. He smiled at him with those loving eyes. "Yes I do."

Carter kicked Sebastian away from Bryce. He glared "Don't you dare touch him!"

Vincent glared. "Fellow bastard." He ran up to him with his knife raised. He dodged an attack as he said, "This Incubus put Carter under a spell! You have to break it!"

He stabbed Desi's arm.


Shadowess - March 12, 2021

Neva had started shaking at the mention of a crow. "S-spy!" She whimpered. Ricky would know where she was and who she was with! Tom looked up when he heard Nate's voice, his eyes softening and his heart beating a little harder. He might have been mad at him, but there wasn't any doubt that he'd missed him terribly. "Boy, am I glad to see you!" He smiled tearfully.

Neva stared at Parker curiously.


Desi had attempted to swing a backhand at Vincent as he ran up to him but missed and wound up with a stab wound in his arm instead. He took a swift step back, grunting then looked at his wound. He grinned, his eyes lit up excitedly as he licked at his wound and moaned softly. "Thank ya sir, may I have another?" He chuckled maniacally, goading Vincent. The next time Vincent would swing his knife at him, Desi aimed to grip his wrist and twist it sharply to break his bones.

At first Sebastian had been confused by Carter's reaction but Vincent told him it was a spell and he turned his attention to Carter while keeping Bryce in his line of vision, not trusting him for a second. "Carter, snap out of it! Bryce is evil! He needs to be stopped! Carter, please hear me! I love you!"


Denix Vames - March 12, 2021

Elliot kept her close. Gripping her tight. "She can't stay here!" "We can head to my apartment. She'll be safe there." ,said Kite. Elliot nodded. He placed Neva at the backseat. He got in the car with Kite at the passenger side.

They drove off.

Neva shyly smiled. "It's good to see you too. And I'm sorry about what I did." He walked into the house. "Can someone please tell me who is after Neva? And why did they send a spy?"


Vincent cried out as he felt his bones break. He kicked him off. "A kiss! It has to be a kiss!"

Bryce glared. "Don't let him kiss you my dear." Carter nodded. He ran up to Sebastian and punched him.

Vincent staggered back. His knife was near Desi's feet. "Damn it!" He clutched to his broken wrist. He grabbed a receiver off a phone and threw it at him.


Shadowess - March 12, 2021

Hearing Nate apologize, Tom smiled and nodded while holding back his tears. His silent way of saying he'd forgiven him. Parker and Tom followed Nate back into the house. Parker had also missed out on the details in regards to Neva so was curious to know what was going on. "Some criminal called Rickster the Trickster. All I know is Neva is terrified of the guy. Says he used to hurt her if she didn't steal for him and that he'll kill her if he found out she ran away and snitched on him." Tom explains briefly. "The kids got powers too. She made the house cold and the lights go weird when she got upset. So if this guy was able to keep hurting her then he might have powers of some kind too."


Desi stumbled back from the kick and chuckled. "Oh, I do love it when they scream." He purred. He'd followed Vincent's eye line to the knife and grinned. He bent down to pick it up when the receiver struck his head and he stumbled back again, gripping the spot the receiver had hit him. He turned and grabbed a nearby lamp, throwing it at Vincent.

Hearing Vincent, Sebastian had stepped towards Carter. Only for Carter to strike him across the face, causing him to turn on the spot and land face down on the floor in a daze. "C-Carter!" He gasped, scrambling to get to his feet to face him again, feeling dizzy from the punch.


Denix Vames - March 12, 2021

"Then he must be stopped. I need a location on him." ,said Nate.


Elliot parked the car at the huge parking lot. "You'll be safe with me here. Don't worry." He held her hand as they followed Kite to his apartment. Taking the elevator and finding their way to his door.

Kite unlocked the door and let them in. He quickly locked it before anyone else could see them. He drew the curtains in. Covering the windows. "Just in case that little birdy tries to look for you."


Vincent shook his head. "And I thought I was fucked up." He ducked. Missing the lamp. He quickly twisted his wrist back in place with a cry.

He grabbed the coffee table and swung it at him.

Bryce chuckled. "You're doing a great job Carter."

Carter wrapped his hand around Sebastian's neck. He slammed him against the wall. His fangs came out. He hissed.


Shadowess - March 12, 2021

"No kidding." Tom said as he took a seat at the kitchen table. He sighed. "That crow was the first sign of any contact from him since Neva arrived. We don't know where he is or what he looks like but we know he's out there looking for Neva."


Neva followed them into the apartment. She watched as Kite quickly shut all of the curtains and locked them in. Frightened that she might be found and knowing that Ricky was looking for her, Neva covered her face with her hands and began to cry. "H-He's not guna stop!" She sobbed.


Desi brought both his hands up to catch the end of the coffee table then swiftly shoved it back into Vincent's chest to force him back and hopefully break a rib or two in the process. He would then throw it to one side where it would shatter from the force of it hitting the wall. He cracked his knuckles, striding towards Vincent. "Time to put you in your place."

Sebastian gasped when Carter gripped his neck. He then cried out and gasped again when he hit the wall. He struggled to breath as Carter pressed him against the wall. Sebastian brought a hand up to grip Carter's wrist, looking at him with pleading eyes as Carter hissed at him. He might not get another chance. Moving quickly, Sebastian brought a fist down on Carter's elbow to force him to release him, then moved forward. Bringing both his hands up to grip Carter's head, he leant in, pressing his lips against Carter's.


Denix Vames - March 12, 2021

"Then you two will stay here and wait for anything or anyone to make their move. I will watch over the city and see what I can find." ,said Nate.


"Not unless I have something to say about it." ,said Elliot. "And I'm a cop Neva. I can get him arrested." ,said Kite.


Vincent grit his teeth at the broken ribs. He fell to his knees as he clutched his arm.

Carter flinched as he let him go. His eyes widened at the touch of his lips. "NO!" ,said Bryce. Carter found himself confused and awake as he looked at him. "Sebastian?"

A man kicked the door down. He wore black pants, tight matching neck sweater, a dark brown jacket, leather gloves, and boots. He held two handguns. He had brown eyes and dark brown bangs.

He aimed at Bryce. Taking him out with one bullet to the head. Bryce collapsed. His skin was turning yellow as he foamed from the mouth.

"Look out!" Carter tackled Sebastian down. They barely dodged a bullet which hit the wall. The man fired a different gun at Desi who collapsed from the angel bullet. He fired again at Vincent who got one on his leg as he threw himself behind a chair.

"We need to take him out! But don't kill him!" ,shouted Vincent.


Shadowess - March 12, 2021

Tom nodded. Parker stood with his back against the wall and his arms folded. "How do we contact you if they decide to turn up here?"


Neva turned to Elliot and hugged him, still crying.


Desi had been momentarily distracted by Bryce's scream when the stranger kicked the door down. He saw Bryce get shot and go down then he felt something strike his stomach. He fell to his knees and screamed as the bullet burned him. "A-angelic steel?!" He cried out as he watched the stranger also try to shoot the others. Well, time to go! Before the stranger could get another shot at him, Desi vanished. Retreating to Hell to get the bullet pulled out before it could destroy him.

Sebastian hid behind the couch with Carter and looked over at Vincent when he suggested they try to take this stranger on. He could see small puffs of smoke coming from Vincent's wound and recalled what Amelia had said when David had been shot. If they didn't pull that bullet out quick, Vincent was done for. By the looks of Bryce, this guy also had the Lupusbolt which would kill either himself or Carter instantly if a bullet hit them. "Too dangerous! We have to get out of here, now!" He gripped Carter and Vincent. "Get us out of here!"


Denix Vames - March 12, 2021

"Through thoughts. I can read anyone's mind." Nate hesitantly placed a hand over Tom's shoulder. "Please stay safe." He suddenly disappeared.


Elliot frowned. "It's alright. I'm right here. You're safe." Kite nodded at a door. "She can sleep in my bed." "Thanks." Elliot carried her over there. Bringing her to the bedroom which was a mess. He placed her on the bed. Sitting at the edge of it.

"I ain't gonna leave ya. Ever."


Vincent teleported them to Carter's house. He squirmed as he groaned. Writing in agony from the bullet embedded in his leg.


The man's eyes widened as he fell over. Having been knocked out by Nate. "I don't like it when anyone hurts my friends." He placed his weapons back in their holsters and picked him up by his collar. He appeared in front of everybody once again.

"I believe you were looking for this man?" He let him fall. "I'll go cover our tracks. In the meantime, you should secure his weapons and tie him up. Question his motives."

He disappeared.

(so this new character is basically the last surviving hunter who knows more than Tom. and I'm gonna have it where he's only still working for a personal reason. I want him to get accepted into the family but it will take time. first I'm gonna make him stubborn. He doesn't have a name. Just numbers. I figured someone will name him once they get comfortable with him.)


shadowess - March 12, 2021

(I like it )

"You too." Tom said softly, watching Nate vanish.

Only a moment later, Vincent, Carter and Sebastian appeared on the kitchen floor. Vincent apparently in pain and all of them looking roughed up. "Holy shit!" Parker stepped away from the wall. Sebastian looked around quickly at Tom and Parker. "Tweezers! Now!" Parker nodded and ran upstairs to the bathroom to search for tweezers. Sebastian then turned to Tom. "Hold Vincent down while we get the bullet out." Tom nodded as well, moving to Vincent's side, gently but firmly holding his shoulders down.

Parker ran back into the room and passed him the tweezers. Sebastian gripped Vincent's leg, pinning it down against the floor. "Someone give him something to bite down on. This is going to hurt." He then pushed the tweezers into the wound, digging into it until he found the bullet and got a good grip on it. He pulled it out quickly and threw it in the sink. He then grabbed a kitchen towel and pressed it against Vincent's leg while nodding to Tom to let him know he could let go now. That was too close.

"What the hell happened?!" Parker asked but before any of them could answer, Nate reappeared with the now unconscious gunman.

"He happened." Sebastian answered, staring at the gunman.

Nate suggested the tie him up and disarm him. Which is exactly what they did as soon as he left. Quickly, they removed all of his weapons and tied him to one of the kitchen chairs, placing him in the center of the kitchen where he wouldn't be near anything.


Neva cried quietly as Elliot sat with her on the bed. She nodded at his words, finding comfort in them. But as long as Ricky was out there and looking for her, she'd never truly feel safe.


Denix Vames - March 12, 2021


Carter pulled his belt off. He placed it into Vincent's mouth. Vincent clamped down on it as the bullet was being pulled out of him. He let out muffled screams as he struggled against Tom's hold.

Once the bullet was out, his grip on the belt loosened. Letting it fall out of his mouth and onto the floor.

Carter bent down to the man's level. "Wake up." He splashed some cold water on his face from a cup. The man gasped as he instantly woke up. He shook his head.

Carter threw the cup aside. He punched him in the gut. Breaking a few ribs. "Ah!" "I said to wake up." The man caught his breath as he looked around. Glaring at them.

He moved one of his tooths. Swallowing it. Nate appeared. He placed a hand on his head. The man struggled to get out of the ropes. The cyanide in his system was gone. His ribs were healed. "I said question. Don't torture unless you have to."

He patted the man's cheek. He smiled. "You're welcome."

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Denix Vames - March 12, 2021

(forgot to add this in)

"Do you need anything?" ,said Elliot who wasn't sure what to do now.


Shadowess - March 12, 2021

Parker had helped Vincent over to the couch to rest while he bandaged his leg.

Carter seemed to grow impatient while they waited for the stranger to wake up. Throwing water in his face was one thing but punching him? "Hey! Take it easy!" Tom had protested. Sebastian did nothing to stop Carter. He was glaring at the stranger while leaning against the kitchen counter.

Their eyes widened when the stranger then swallowed something. "Shit! the cyanide tooth!" Tom remembered. He'd recognized the weapons from ADIEU, so he assumed this man had been a member. Before they could react, Nate had reappeared and healed him. Tom breathed a sigh of relief and moved to stand near Nate.

"Forgive us for being just a bit on edge." Sebastian said in response to Nate while still glaring at the stranger. "He did just try to kill us all. He succeeded in killing Bryce and I can only assume the Demon that was with him is dead by now as well. Vincent was lucky!"


Neva shrugged, hugging her legs. She'd gone quiet again. She lay down and placed her head on the pillow, staring off at the wall as she started to calm down and feel tired.


Denix Vames - March 13, 2021

"Oh? And I thought Tom was the last surviving member of the ADIEU."

The man growled. "For a human, he sure knows how to sound like an animal." Nate looked at him. "Tell me now. What's your name and why did you try to kill my friends?"

The man didn't respond. "Do you want me to get into your head again?" He seemed slightly frightened. He said, "Number 05468. I live to eliminate all monsters in the world. I am to kill myself when it is necessary. I am to accept ADIEU's experiments when it is required. I am to let ADIEU discipline me when I have broken the rules. I am a tool. I am a machine. I am not a human being."

"Jesus fucking christ....Has this guy been brainwashed into becoming some kind of super soldier?" ,asked Carter. "Perhaps." ,said Nate.

Vincent had passed out on the couch.


Elliot placed a hand on her arm. "Do you want me to stay here?"


shadowess - March 13, 2021

"So did I..." Tom said

They all watched intently as Nate questioned the stranger who identified himself by a number. All of them disturbed by what he told them. Tom especially. He knew there had been soldiers in ADIEU but he didn't know they'd been brainwashed like this. It was inhuman. It was wrong.

"Eh, he looks more like a Klaus to me. Anyone else see it?" Parker smirked as he came back into the kitchen from the living room.

"Vincent's asleep. He got pretty beat up though." Parker said, looking between them.

Sebastian nodded. "He was fighting the other Demon..." he explained while pulling out a couple of blood bags, passing one to Carter to help them both heal from their injuries.

"This isn't right..." Tom said, staring at the man in the chair. "To take away someone's free will like that..."

Parker shuffled uncomfortably on his feet, averting his eyes from the others while trying to push away the memories of forcing Amelia to do whatever he said when he'd been a Blood God.

Sebastian sighed, letting his anger at the man subside. "I refuse to call you by a number. You are human, not some mindless killing machine." He said sternly. "And just because some people are different from you, it doesn't make them monsters."


Neva nodded, not wanting to be alone while she felt so frightened and vulnerable. She wiped away her tears and stayed laid down until she eventually fell asleep.


Denix Vames - March 13, 2021

Carter drank from the blood bag. "Klaus? I rather let him choose his own name. At least when he has the sense to name himself."

The man said again, "Number 05468. I live to eliminate all monsters in the world. I am to kill myself when it is necessary. I am to accept ADIEU's experiments when it is required. I am to let ADIEU discipline me when I have broken the rules. I am a tool. I am a machine. I am not a human being."

"Looks as though he's been told to say this when he's been captured. I hope no one minds this but I might be able to get him out of this....whatever it is. I can bring his memories back from before and during his process of becoming an ADIEU soldier. It might 'wake' him up."


Elliot fell asleep next to her.


Shadowess - March 13, 2021

Sebastian bit into his blood bag and started to drink from it.

"Fair enough" Parker replied to Carter with a shrug. Both he and Sebastian then watched what was happening quietly.

"I think at this rate you might have to..." Tom commented when it seemed the man in the chair wasn't going to stop repeating himself. It just seemed so awful that a human being could be forced to give up their humanity in such a way. To have everything that makes them human stripped away, leaving them nothing more than a tool. It made Tom in particular sick to his stomach. To think...if he'd ever gotten the promotion he'd been chasing...he might have ended up like this!


Denix Vames - March 13, 2021

Nate nodded. He placed a hand on the man's head.

The man's eyes widened. Flashes of old memories came to his mind.

He could see his daughter Sky playing games with her mother Ava. The times when he had to drop Sky off to school. He remembered those moments of being alone with Ava. How close they were.

He recalled men in black breaking into his home and kidnapping his family. Telling him that he had the perfect skills as a veteran who was needed for this kind of work. That if he didn't listen then they would kill his family. He always followed what they had to say but sometimes he didn't. That's when the experiments started.

He'd ask for his wife and daughter but they would never say anything.

Nate took a step back. "He's awake." The man had tears dripping down his face without realizing it. He gasped from the flashbacks. He looked at the people in front of him.

"Where are they?" Carter tossed the bag in the trash can. "Where's who?" "Don't lie to me! You're part of the ADIEU, aren't you?!" He struggled to get out of the ropes. Shaking the chair. "Where's my family?! What did you do to them?!"

Nate bent down. Placing a hand on his knee. "It's alright. We're not with the ADIEU. We stopped them from hurting people. Now, we might be able to locate your family if you give us your name." "It's Leo! Leo Knight!"

He frowned. "I'm afraid your family is dead." "What?! That's not true! You're lying!" "Look back, Leo. I saw in your memories what you did. Please tell me what you remember. When was the last time you saw them?"

"I-I...." A flash of Sky's frightened teary eyed face appeared. "I remembered Sky. My daughter...She was crying." He saw his wife bursting into tears. They were chained up by their wrists. "Ava....My wife. They were crying. Chained up for some reason. Then Sky said, 'Daddy stop! Daddy please stop it!'"

As he recollected it all, he became almost surreal. He shut his eyes. He flinched as a pounding headache took him over. "I was holding a needle." "What color was the liquid?" "Red. I hear a voice. It sounds like it's coming from a microphone. Some kind of speaker." "What are they saying?" "To inject the needle into Sky's arm but I don't want to. But why am I not stopping? I can hear her telling me to stop but I can't!"

He starts moving the chair again. "No! I'm putting it in her! Stop it! Why can't I stop?! STOP!" "Leo!" He gasped as he opened his eyes.

He suddenly starts sobbing. "You killed them, didn't you?" "Th-They told me...." He lowered his head. "To put the vampire blood in them. And I did." Nate paused. "Werewolves. You fell in love with a werewolf and she gave birth to a half wolf half human child." "They burned from the inside out! It was horrible!"

He shook his head. "And I killed them!"

He let out a pained angry scream as he leaned back. Facing the ceiling.


Shadowess - March 13, 2021

As Leo's memories returned and he explained everything that happened to him and his family, all the others could do was listen in a stunned silence. Tom had placed a hand over his own mouth, leaning against the wall as tears rolled down his cheeks, fighting the urge to vomit. Parker watched in silent rage at ADIEU, thankful that Charles had destroyed their facility. Sebastian couldn't hold back his own vomit. As Leo described what had happened to his family, he had to hurry off to the bathroom to throw up, having his own flashbacks of Patience's death.

"You didn't kill them." Parker said suddenly, after a few minutes of silence. His voice was laced with anger. "ADIEU killed them. The gun might've been in your hands but ADIEU pulled the trigger. You had no control or choice. They took that from you. Because that's what ADIEU does. I mean, Christ, it's in the damn name! Adieu means goodbye! Fucking monsters! I'm glad they're fucking gone! I hope they're all rotting in Hell!"


Denix Vames - March 13, 2021

Carter followed Sebastian. He leaned against the wall near the bathroom. He frowned. "You gonna be ok?"

"Let's get you out of these." Nate untied the ropes. Leo hopped out of the chair. Knocking it over. He grabbed a kitchen knife out a drawer. "Hey! Stop!" Nate gripped his wrist. He looked into his eyes. "Doing this isn't going to help you or your family. Think about what they would want from you."

Leo let the knife go as he broke into a sobbing mess. He fell to his knees. Nate held him close.

"Parker told you everything. You have nothing to worry about now. And I know that your family is doing just fine in Heaven." Leo's breathing slowed to a much calmer pace as he heard this.


Shadowess - March 13, 2021

Sebastian caught his breath, sitting back from the toilet and wiping his mouth with tissue. He looked at Carter tearfully and shrugged. "I'll have to be." He said weakly. "Just when we thought we were done with them once and for all...But then again they caused a lot of people a lot of damage and grief..." He wiped away his tears. "The weapons Leo had...we have to destroy them. We can't let anyone else get their hands on them or worse, learn of their existence and try to manufacture more...the world is harsh enough for our kind as it is..."

Tom watched as Nate stopped Leo from hurting himself or anyone else then comforted him. With a small frown, he moved to the kitchen cupboards and took out a glass which he then filled with water before bringing it to Leo. "Here..." He said quietly as he knelt down next to them and offered it to Leo. He wasn't sure how else he could help.

Parker had gone quiet after watching what Leo had tried to do. Nate and Tom seemed to have things under control. He sighed heavily and glanced out of the window...to see orange eyes staring back at him. His heart skipped a beat and his mind raced. Without thinking he darted from the kitchen to the front door, swinging it open. "Hey!" He shouted as the hooded figure ran. He ran after them, taking long strides to try to catch up to them. "Stop!" He barked as they leapt over a fence. Parker kept going, jumping over the fence after them. The figure glanced back, seeing Parker still on their tale, they didn't slow down. When Parker got close enough, he reached out a hand to grab the cloak. Just as he gripped it, it fell off the figure and the person that had been wearing it seemed to vanish. Parker ground to a halt, panting. Cloak still in his hand as he looked around, confused. Frowning, he turned and started walking back to Carter's house. Annoyed that he'd been so close to catching whoever had been watching them.


Only moments after Nate had knocked Leo out and taken him to Carter's house, Desi re-appeared in Parkers apartment. Having had the bullet removed, he had bandages around his abdomen and hid in the bedroom of the apartment in case the shooter was still around. Everything was quiet though as he pressed his ear to the bedroom door. Quietly and carefully, he opened the door and looked around. Bryce was on the ground but everyone else had gone. He sighed, looking down at Bryce and watching the red foam drip from his mouth. "Now, I'm not having this...our fun was ended far too quickly." He said. He had no idea if Bryce could even hear him anymore in this state.

He knelt next to him and stroked his cheek before checking his pulse. It was weak but he wasn't gone just yet. A few more seconds and he'd be in Hell again...Which would be a pain in the ass for Desi. Those rituals weren't easy to perform...then there's the contract they signed... "You didn't think I'd abandon my newest project, did you?" He said softly as he wiped the foam away from Bryce's mouth then cut his wrist on a dagger in his belt. He poured his blood into Bryce's mouth. "I don't know if this will even work, mind you. But hey, what better time to find out? and if it does work...well, I think you and I need to have a chat about whether this Carter fella is really worth the trouble, hmm?" He said this as he dug his fingers into the bullet wound in Bryce's head, pulling out the bullet and throwing it to one side.


Denix Vames - March 13, 2021

Carter placed a hand over his back. "I'm sure Nate will be able to destroy them."

Leo took it with shaky hands. He drank slow to savor the water until it was all gone. "Got anything stronger?" "No but I can do this." ,said Nate as a bottle of whiskey appeared. Leo's eyes widened. "You're a lifesaver."

He grabbed the bottle and sat at the table where he poured some of the whiskey in the cup. He drank that down fast. He let out a sigh of relief.

Nate yanked the cloak out of his hand. "That was stupid of you. Especially after what happened to Carter and Vincent." He sniffed the cloak then cringed. "Smells like a trickster."


Bryce's bullet wound began to heal until it reached the tip where it left an X marked scar. He gasped for air as his skin became pale once again. He sat up.

"Wha....? What happened?"


shadowess - March 13, 2021

Sebastian nodded, getting back to his feet. He turned and wrapped his arms around Carter. "I was so scared...I thought I was going to lose you..." He whispered, resting his head against Carter's as more tears fell.

Tom stood back when Nate handed him the whiskey. He moved to lean against the counters as Parker walked back in and Nate scolded him for running off. Parker lifted both his hands by his sides "I'm not going to sit around, twiddle my thumbs and wait for shit to happen. If I see a bad guy, I'm guna chase the bad guy." He huffed as he walked into the living room and threw himself into one of the chairs. He knew it had been a foolish thing to do, but he hated feeling so helpless. As he sat there he heard his own voice in his head. The voice of his other self. 'You would have caught them if you weren't human.' Parker shut his eyes and covered his face while whispering into his hands. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! I don't need you!"

Tom had stepped forward when Nate said he could smell the trickster. "He was here!? I thought that would've been another spy or something!" He glanced out of the windows warily. There was no one there but knowing the trickster had been watching them without them knowing was alarming.


"What happened, my friend, is we just discovered that Demon blood is indeed an antidote to werewolf venom in vampires." Desi said while wrapping his wrist in a towel from the kitchen. "The bullet laying next to you was laced in wolf venom. We were all attacked by some sort of hunter." He then pointed to the bandages around his waist. "Bastard got a lucky shot at me as well. Bullets made from Angelic steel. He knew what he was doing...and I was so close to ending that other Demon!" He couldn't mask the absolute rage in his tone as he talked. "...Another second more and you'd be dead...again. We need to find a new hiding place in case he returns."

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Denix Vames - March 13, 2021

Carter's hold on him tighten. "I'm sorry. I just didn't want anyone else to get hurt. You should have just left me. Vincent wouldn't have gotten hurt." Tears peeked from his eyes. "I wouldn't have fought you."

Nate walked over to Parker. "We need to get rid of that pest that's in your head. You won't be able to help us if you keep hallucinating."

Leo walked over to Vincent. He glanced at the wound on his leg. "Did I do that? Did I shoot him?"


Bryce glared. "We need to eliminate that bastard. I won't have a hunter around to ruin my plans."


shadowess - March 13, 2021

"Not a chance!" Sebastian laughed through his tears. "And leave you at the mercy of that bastard? No. I don't care that I had to fight you to bring you back to yourself. I'd do anything for you." He kissed Carter's cheek lovingly. "I'd kill for you."

Tom had followed Leo to the living room where Vincent, Nate and Parker were now. When he asked if he'd shot Vincent, Tom frowned and sighed. "You weren't yourself when it happened. Just remember that." He answered gently, then added. "He'll be alright though. It might take him a couple of days to heal but he'll be fine."

Parker shivered then became rigid at Nate's words. His hands still covering his face. He breathed into his hands before speaking slowly. "And how do you suppose we do that?" His voice was monotone as he spoke. Tom rose a brow at the way Parker was speaking to Nate.

"I might have an idea." The voice made Tom jump and he whirled around to see David in the house. "I'd visited the office but no one was there. Apologies for not knocking." He then moved into the room and looked over Parker who was still covering his face before glancing up at Nate. "By any chance, have you heard of the story about an Angel named Angel?"


"Agreed. But we won't be able to do that in our current condition. Right now we're both weakened and vulnerable. Come, we need to move." He held out a hand to help Bryce to his feet. After recovering from such a horrendous attack, Bryce would probably need to feed again and Desi would need at least a day or so for his bullet wound to heal. They also needed a new place they could lay low and where they could retreat to if things got out of hand again. "Once we've recovered, we can come up with a new plan. On the bright side-" Desi grinned evilly. "They think you're dead again. Which gives you the element of surprise once more."


Denix Vames - March 13, 2021

Carter chuckled at his last comment. "Let's not find ourselves at that point unless we have to."

Leo frowned. He got to his knees. Being near Vincent. "Hope you wake up soon buddy." He turned to them. "Does he have someone? Anyone who would want to know about this?"

Nate smirked. "That's a funny joke there, David."


Bryce smiled. "Then find us a new place. I'm running out of ideas here."


shadowess - March 13, 2021

Chuckling as well, Sebastian nodded. "Agreed." He then glanced at the bathroom door. "We should probably see how the others are doing."

Parker had become silent. Listening. His hands still covering his face. When Leo asked if Vincent had anyone that would need to know what happened, Tom's eyes widened. He hadn't even considered that! "Elliot!" He gasped and took out his phone. "Do you guys have his number?" He asked Nate and David.

David smirked at Nate's comment and calmly took a seat in an empty chair, folding one leg over the other. "Not a joke. I knew her." He started, glancing at the ground briefly before bringing his eyes back up to Nate's. "Angelica Magpie. But everyone who knew her, called her Angel. When she'd been human, she'd developed a split personality disorder. Only it wasn't just something that was in her head...it was an entire consciousness of it's own. It had developed it's own soul. An entire individual trapped in her head, forced to watch her live her life through her eyes. Occasionally, this other soul would become frustrated and fight to take over Angel's body. Controlling her actions for a short period of time before it became too tired to keep fighting Angel's mind and she'd regain control." David glanced at Parker as he said this. "Right, Alex?" Parker didn't answer. He remained silent and rigid in the chair.

"Angel got tired of fighting. Tired of constantly questioning her sanity. So, when Lucifer visited her town, she saw an opportunity to be free of this other mind. She approached him and they struck a deal. He performed a spell that separated the two. Angel remained in her own body while the other soul was transported into a fresh corpse which was then reanimated. Carol was born...and given the nature of the spell, she was born a Demon." David paused, remembering Carol. Amelia's adopted mother. The woman who'd helped him to raise her when they found her in Hell as an infant. He missed her sometimes.

Stirring himself out of his memories, he pressed on. "Of course, Angel's part of the deal was to give her soul to Lucifer upon her death, adding to his power. What the two didn't count on, was that they'd fall for one another. When Angel died, her soul was damned. Yet she refused to become one of Lucifer's demons. Simply incapable of bringing harm to others. Not wanting his love to suffer an afterlife she didn't want, Lucifer made the ultimate sacrifice. He destroyed the contract...granting Angel her ascension to Heaven. There she worked tirelessly to become an Angel so that she could help people. With the war going on though, this now meant the lovers were on the opposite sides..." David sighed and shrugged. "Not a happy ending, I know. But Lucifer was never confirmed dead and shortly after his disappearance, Angel vanished too. So, who knows... Maybe she finally convinced him to give up his throne in pursuit of a peaceful life?"


Chuckling at Bryce's attitude, Desi turned to leave the apartment, leading the way. He used his telepathy to tap into a man's mind. He saw where the man lived and who he lived with and grinned. Nice looking house. Wife, no kids and no other relatives. The man's name was Terry Sunderland. His wife was Hannah. Taking hold of Bryce's arm, he turned to look at him. "I have an idea. How would you like a little banquet?" He asked as he teleported them outside of the Terry's house. There, Desi changed his form to look identical to Terry. "Terry won't be home for another hour. Follow my lead and we'll have this entire house to ourselves. We just have to get his wife to let us in and they're all yours to feed on." He said quietly before stepping up to the door.

He knocked on the door and Hannah answered. "Hey honey!" Desi said, mimicking Terry's voice perfectly. "I lost my keys! This is my friend from work, he's new to the office. I said he could drop by for a drink. Hope you don't mind." He said as he stepped into the house and kissed Hannah on the cheek on his way past.

"Oh er- I guess not. Hello, I'm Hannah." The woman said and smiled as she held the door open for Bryce. "We've got Budweiser in the fridge if you want one...or we've got juice if you're staying off the booze." She offered, closing the door behind them. She didn't seem to notice Desi going around and closing all the curtains.


Denix Vames - March 13, 2021

"Yeah, we should." They headed to the living room. When Carter heard him, he frowned. "I don't think so. Did anyone ever get his number? Maybe you could tell him Nate."

Nate nodded. He disappeared then showed up with Elliot sleeping in his arms. "He was in bed."

Carter pinched the brim of his nose as he shook his head with a sigh. "You really didn't have to bring him. You could have just told him."

Leo walked over to Elliot. "Is this his boyfriend?" He looked down. "He's going to hate me."

"Yes but I'm sure after he's done trying to kill you, we can take care of some business. First, we need to give Alex his own body. Then we kill the trickster."


Bryce raised a brow. "A banquet?" He listened to what he had to say. He chuckle. "I like that idea."

He smiled. "Hello there."

Once the door was closed, he licked his lips. "I'd like your blood." He tackled her to the floor. Sucking her blood as soon as he did. He didn't stop until she was dead.


Shadowess - March 13, 2021

Tom shook his head, trying to be annoyed at Nate but couldn't help smirking and then chuckling at what he'd done. It just seemed too comical. When Leo spoke though, his smile slipped. "I'm sure it'll be alright once we explain everything to them." He tried to reassure him.

When Nate said they'd need to give Alex his own body, David nodded and stood. "I think I know which spell Lucifer used. I'll be back in a moment with the book...just remember though...you'll need a fresh corpse for it to work." He vanished, leaving them to figure out how they would get a fresh body to put Alex's soul into.

Only now, Parker lowers his hands. He sighed, losing consciousness. His head dropping back against the back of the chair he was in. Exhausted from trying to fight Alex who had tried to take over.


Desi watched Bryce tackle and bite the woman who yelped as she hit the floor. He watched in fascination as she struggled to push him off her until Bryce's venom took hold and her pupils dilated. Her movements becoming slow and feeble, her eyes searched the room. Looking for an explanation to what was happening to her. When they landed on Desi, she reached out to him desperately. "Ter-Terry! Help me!" She gasped.

Desi's mouth twisted into a sinister grin as he changed his form in front of her, changing back into the blond male he had been earlier. Her eyes widened. She stared at him in terror and confusion. She then began to cry and beg for her life only for Desi to shush her. "It'll be over soon." He said softly. He watched her giving up, relaxing into Bryce's grip before going limp. Her eyes becoming lifeless.

He smiled at Bryce. "Feel better?" He asked. "The husband will be home soon. If you're full we can always ambush him and save him for when you're next hungry." Desi suggested, he then looked around the house. "I think if anything, we've done them a favor...no sense of style in this place..." He opened up a cabinet and grinned. "Ahh, that's more like it!" He said as he pulled out the bottle of vodka, opening it up and helping himself.


Denix Vames - March 13, 2021

Elliot opened his eyes. "Huh?" He looked around. "Why am I here?" His eyes widened at the sight of him. "Vincent!" He hopped out of Nate's arms. Stumbling then running to him. He knelt by his side. Tears poured out of him. He rested his head over his chest.

"Why?! How did this happen?" "I'm sorry. I shot him." He turned to him. Glaring. "He was brainwashed to become one of the ADIEU soldiers. I was able to destroy that trance and bring him back to reality." ,said Nate.

Elliot stomped over. Clenching his fists. "I don't care if you cured him of cancer! This bitch almost killed my boyfriend!" "I-" He punched him before Leo could say anything.

Nate was about to heal Leo's bloody nose when he held up a hand. "Don't. I deserve it. I know I do." Elliot wasn't sure what to say about Leo accepting defeat. He silently went back to Vincent where he stayed on his knees and kept his head near him. Crying.

Carter walked over to Parker and gently shook his shoulder. "Hey Parker. You alright?"

"I'll do it." Leo lifted his head up. "I need to make up for what I've done. I'll die in order to save Parker from this other person."


Bryce licked his lips. "I wouldn't mind a little snack for later." He rested on a chair. "This will due as our hideout."


shadowess - March 14, 2021

Tom watched what happened between Elliot and Leo awkwardly. Not knowing what to do.

Being shook lightly, Parker's eyes flickered open and he groaned, bringing his hand up to rub his forehead as his head pounded. "Head hurts..." He groaned in reply to Carter's question.

When Leo offered himself, Sebastian shook his head. "I don't believe David means for us to actually kill anyone. That's not like him." He said.

Although David had been vague, Sebastian and the others had known him long enough to know he wouldn't just kill someone over something like this. He then thought for a moment then snapped his fingers. "The morgue. We just need a body. One that died in the past day..."

Parker scoffed. "What a night...Carter gets kidnapped, Vincent gets shot, we tie a guy up, I chase a guy who'd been watching us...who turned out to be the trickster...and now we gotta go grave robbing..." He sighed heavily. "What the hell is today?"


Swallowing some of the vodka, Desi smiled at Bryce as he placed the bottle down on the nearby table. He looked over Hannah's corpse thoughtfully then shifted his form to look like her. Once he looked identical, he moved towards her, lifting her arm and dragging her towards the basement where he threw the body down the steps. "I'll clean that up later." He said while cracking his neck. He then looked himself over in the mirror. Running a hand through the brown locks. Gliding a finger over the rounded cheeks. "I rather like this form. I may use it for a while...I'm going to need a new form anyway after that little group saw me in that other one. At least they don't know I can shape shift." He said, his voice becoming more feminine.

He looked down at himself, admiring his new curves. "Although..." His new shape then changed slightly. Making his breasts a little more plump and his waist a little smaller. "I wonder if I could have some fun in this form...stir up some trouble..." He smirked, stepping away from the mirror and grabbing the vodka once more. He sat across from Bryce and took a long swig of the bottle. It didn't take too much longer before the jingling sound of keys could be heard behind the front door. "He's here." Desi grinned, his eyes moving from the door to Bryce.


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

"You're sitting this one out. I can't have you passing out on us. Not to mention you're clearly in no shape to be doing anything right now. Go to one of the bedrooms and get some rest. That's an assignment from yours truly." ,said Carter.

"Ah! I almost forgot." Nate picked up the handguns. In a flash, their forms changed. "Now, they're regular handguns that you can use on anyone. Hurts like a bitch but thankfully doesn't kill your friends. Kills your enemies though."

He handed them to him. Leo examined them. "Why do they have laser sights?" Nate shrugged. "I thought you'd like. Also, you can still keep your knife and taser. It's not really a big deal. But I would recommend a better strap." Leo raised a brow.

A chest strap was suddenly over his chest. Holding his knife on one side and one of his guns on the other side. His taser and other gun was in the waist strap which was on.

He lifted his jacket so that he could look. "By the way, it's not winter honey." His neck sweater became a tight long sleeved shirt. "Ok but why am I wearing something out of a night club?" "Eventually, you're going to find someone who wants to see those abs. Not me though. I already have abs that I can look at and they ain't mine."

Elliot had quickly fallen asleep with his head now resting on Vincent's chest. He was exhausted from everything that had happened within these past hours.


Bryce appeared impressed by Desi's words. "You do these things far better than I ever could. I would love to become what you are."

He became alert once he heard the man walking to the front door with his keys by his side. He stood near the door. Ready to knock him out.

"Let him in."

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shadowess - March 14, 2021

"Oh man!" Parker complained. "C'mon, don't leave me behind! I still got some energy in me!" He tried to stand then immediately fell back in the chair as his legs shook under his weight. "Dammit!" he then sighed. "Alright...fine...I'll chill here with Vincent and Elliot..." he said in defeat.

Tom had watched Nate help Leo with his weapons and outfit. His last comment causing his cheeks to turn pink as he smirked at Nate with soft eyes. Sebastian turned to Carter and kissed his cheek. "Someone has to stay behind to watch Elliot, Vincent and Parker while the Trickster is on the loose. I don't mind staying. Just make sure you stay safe."


Desi beamed at Bryce's compliment. "There's time." He assured him. "I can give you mild versions of my powers but a Devil can make you a fully fledged Demon." He explained then sighed. "I might be a sovereign among Incubi and Succubi but I am no Devil, unfortunately."

When Terry was opening the front door and Bryce had positioned himself, giving the order, Desi stepped up to the front door. He opened it just as Terry was putting the key in the lock. "Hey honey." He mimicked Hannah's voice. Terry smiled then blinked. "Hiya honey, uh-...say you're looking good today! Something's different about you..." He said looking her over. Desi pretended to be giddy with flattery, giggling and stepping back to let him in. "I guess all that yoga is working!" She giggled. She'd almost forgotten that she'd altered this shape slightly. "I'll say!" Terry chuckled, stepping into the house. "Say, why don't we put dinner on hold and get an extra little work out in?" He grinned as he stepped further into the living room towards her, not seeing Bryce by the door.


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

Carter smiled. "Don't worry man. We'll be back before you even know it."

Nate winked at Tom. "So, we have Carter, myself, Tom, and Leo coming then? I think this team will be good enough." "I unfortunately know a thousand ways to kill people and hide the evidence. I also know every fighting technique and am efficiently fast."

"Fast as in?" Leo zoomed from the upstairs to the downstairs. Nate blinked. "How come I didn't read this?" "Guess you somehow missed it. But basically I've got some vampire and werewolf blood in me. I'm still human though. Just able to be more stronger and faster." "I think it's safe to say that there's no one like you." "Me too."

Carter didn't like the idea of leaving Sebastian. Even if he was with some of their friends. Everything that had happened from before had him worried. He kissed his forehead. He caressed his cheek. "You be careful too."


Bryce picked up the lamp near him and struck it on the back of his head. Terry fell over. Knocked out. "I will never understand why humans must keep lamps near doors."


shadowess - March 14, 2021

The wink made Tom's cheeks turn redder than they already had been and he grinned. He'd missed the way Nate made him feel. They then watched in surprise as Leo moved impossibly fast for a human, then explained he had both vampire and werewolf blood. "You're essentially a hybrid!" Sebastian had said in surprise. He then looked around at them all with a raised eyebrow. "Well, don't go getting too excited. You're stealing a body from a morgue not breaking into Alcatraz! I doubt anyone you'll come across will be anything more than just some human night security..." He then turned to Carter, smiling at his kiss while lifting a hand to cup Carter's hand on his cheek. "I love you."


Stepping aside as the human fell, she watched the human fall face first onto the floor with cold indifference. Desi then laughed at Bryce's comment. "I suppose we should tie this one up for now." She said as he pulled Terry's arm around her shoulders, lifting him as though he weighed nothing. She dragged him over to the basement door. "Would you mind bringing one of the chairs?" She called back while descending the stairs and carefully stepping over Hannah's body at the bottom.

Once in the basement, she'd tie Terry tightly to a chair and stuff some fabric into his mouth to muffle any noise he might make when he woke up. Grinning mischievously, she'd then drag Hannah's body further into the basement so that she was within Terry's eye line when he'd wake up. "That should do it. He's all yours whenever and however you want him." She said to Bryce, dusting her hands off then climbing back up the stairs to drink from the bottle of vodka again. She debated taking a short nap on the couch. Feeling tired after everything that had happened, and especially after being shot earlier.


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

Leo held a small smile for a moment. "I don't do anything drastic unless I have to."

Carter blushed. His smile beamed. "Love you too."

"Alrighty then. Are we all ready to go?" ,said Nate.


Bryce smirked. "I am feeling rather lonely tonight." He zoomed into the basement where he locked the door.

(private time)


shadowess - March 14, 2021

(Poor Terry rofl)

Tom stepped away from the wall when Nate asked if they were ready to go. "Ready." He said with a nod and a determined tone. He moved to stand next to Nate. Sebastian reluctantly let go of Carter. "I'll call you if anything happens here." He said to Carter.

"Good luck guys." Parker said, looking over at them. He then seemed to hesitate, his eyes wandering across the floor as if listening to something. He frowned then rolled his eyes with a sigh. "Alex says to make sure the body is a hot one..." He said in an embarrassed tone as his cheeks turned red.


Shadowess - March 14, 2021

(I posted up a pic of Carter & Sebastian )


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

(yeah lol. btw loved the picture)

Carter nodded. "I'll do the same." He headed over to Nate. Leo did too. Nate smirked. "Don't worry, Alex. I'm an expert at finding hot guys anyway. Even the dead ones." Carter rolled his eyes. Leo raised a brow. "So, are taking a car over there?" Nate laughed. "That's pretty funny." His wings sprouted. Causing Leo to jump before all of them had disappear.

Appearing inside a morgue.


Shadowess - March 14, 2021

(Thanks, glad you like it )

You would think the morgue would be a hot spot for creeps and wierdos and that they'd need several guards to watch the building during the night. In reality, the morgue was the most boring place on Earth. It was so rare that anything out of the ordinary ever happened in the morgue that there was only ever one security guard on duty during the night shift. On this particular night, Rasheed was so incredibly bored that he sat with his feet up on the desk, playing on his phone and barely paying attention to anything around him.

The first few nights of his shift had been creepy but once you got used to being surrounded by bodies with nothing else going on, the fear was soon replaced by boredom. That was until four complete strangers appeared in the room, one of them apparently being an Angel. Rasheed had yelped and jumped so much that he fell off his chair, which then rolled away from him. "Wha-wha-wha-wha-what-?!" He stammered, staring at the strangers and reaching for his stun gun with shaky hands.


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

Leo zoomed to the security guard and swiped the stun gun from him then knocked him out with one punch.

"Damn. Good job buddy." ,said Nate. "I didn't think anyone guarded this place." "Me either. But we should hurry and pick a body. Just make sure Alex will like it."


shadowess - March 14, 2021

"Here..." Tom turned on the little TV on the desk and switched it to a horror channel. "Put him back on the chair with his feet up again. He'll think he fell asleep on the job and had a nightmare."

Once the security guard was taken care of, they went around the room, opening up the cold storage lockers to look at the bodies. "Remember, it's gotta be someone who died in the past day." Tom said. David had said 'fresh' so it only made sense that the body just be a few hours old.


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

Carter set the security guard on the chair.

Leo cringed at the sight of the bodies. "You know, I don't think I actually ever got use to seeing dead people. When I was brainwashed, I never looked at anyone as a person. I just did the missions. That was it."

"Yeah well, I was told to do the same thing by the big guy in the sky but he's full of shit anyway." ,said Nate.


Elliot was shivering as he suddenly coughed. Waking himself up. He held on to Vincent's hand. Still trying to stay with him.


Shadowess - March 14, 2021

Some of the bodies had been cut open and sewn back up. Apparently having had autopsies conducted to determine their cause of death. Tom also cringed but he cringed at these bodies the most. "Yeah...I don't think Alex will want huge scars across his new body..." He commented.

Pulling open a new storage locker, Tom looked over his shoulder at the others. "Hey guys. This one hasn't been touched yet." He checked the tag. "Died at 5pm today. That's only a few hours old. Cause of death is suspected brain aneurysm."

The body was a slender male with barely any muscle to them. Short strawberry blonde hair. His eyes were closed.


Parker had gone to lay in one of the spare beds upstairs. Meanwhile, Sebastian sat in one of the chairs in the living room to keep an eye on things while the others rested. He looked over when he heard Elliot cough and raised an eyebrow. "You alright, Elliot?"


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

"Then that's the one." Nate grabbed the body. Putting it over his shoulder. "We should go." Everyone gathered near him before they disappeared.


Elliot struggled to keep his eyes opened. "Y-Yeah....I'm fin-" He suddenly fell over. Losing his grip on Vincent's hand. He had passed out. His body was still cold.

All of this nonstop action and no sleep had made him sick. Giving him the flu.


Shadowess - March 14, 2021

"Elliot!" Sebastian got to his feet and placed a hand on Elliot's head. "Dammit, you're burning up." He pulled him into his arms and took him upstairs to the spare bedroom, placing him on the second bed. He then moved into the bathroom where he took out the medicine they'd got for Carter when he'd been sick as a human. He also took out a flannel and rinsed it in some cold water before taking the items to Elliot. He placed the flannel over his forehead and the medicine on the little bedside table next to him for him to take when he'd wake up.

Just as Sebastian reached the bottom of the stairs, on his way to fetch Elliot a glass of water, the others arrived with a corpse. David was also sitting on a chair near Vincent, apparently having been there since Sebastian had taken Elliot upstairs because he was now drinking a cup of tea with an old looking book on his lap. "Oh, wow you guys were fast!" He commented. "Hold on, I'll help. I just need to take some water to Elliot. He's not well."

"No need, Sebastian. You continue caring for Elliot and Vincent. The spell doesn't really need a lot of people involved." David said casually, looking over the book's cover. Sebastian nodded and hurried off into the kitchen to get Elliot's water.

David looked up at them. "We'll need an open space and some paint. Enough to paint a rather large symbol on the ground." He then looked at Nate and Carter. "I'll need you two to keep an eye on Alex once he's in his new body. Let's not forget, this is the Alex that tortured my daughter. He's not mentally stable. Don't kill him and don't use force unless you have to ...he might be a psychotic asshole but he's still, sort of, my grandson...I'd like to hope that he could still be saved...now, that having been said, would someone be kind enough to go wake him up. The sooner we do this, the better."


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

Elliot was breathing heavily as he was resting on the bed.

Nate placed the body on the floor. "Can we do it here?" "Not in this house. And is Elliot ok?" ,asked Carter. "It's the flu. He'll live." "And what color should the paint be?" ,said Leo.

Nate appeared with Parker in his arms. "You really have got to stop doing that. And put those wings away. You're ruining my carpet." ,said Carter. Nate's wings went back into him.


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

(forgot to put this in)

He rolled his eyes. "So pushy."


shadowess - March 14, 2021

Sebastian went back upstairs to Elliot and placed the glass of water on the little table next to him. He then gently tried to shake him awake. "Elliot, I need you to try sitting up. You need to take some medicine to try and keep the fever down." He said gently.

David stood when he saw Nate reappear with Parker. He barely paid much attention to their banter as he tried to keep focused on what he needed to do. "The color doesn't matter. Make it pink if you really want to. All that matters is the symbol is complete with no breaks in the lines. Parker will need to stand in the center with the body face-up in front of him. Their feet together." He sighed and turned back to Carter.

"I'm not going to lie. Pulling the other soul out of him is going to cause him a great deal of pain and he will likely scream." He looked at them all seriously. "But under no circumstance must any of you run into the circle to help him or the spell will fail catastrophically. Do you understand?" He looked each of them in the eyes before looking at Parker. "He needs to be awake. He has to consciously want the spell to work...We should choose somewhere remote, where no one will interrupt us."


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

Elliot slowly opened his eyes. "Hmm....?"

Carter frowned but nodded. "Fine." "Then let's go." ,said Nate who let Parker as he picked up the dead body. Waking Parker instantly. "Wait a-!"

Carter, Nate, Parker, Leo, and David appeared in the middle of a desert. "Minute...." Carter sighed. Leo looked around. "Where's Tom?" "David said he only needed a few people here and I figured he wanted to relax."

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shadowess - March 14, 2021

(What he do to Parker? lol)


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

(i meant to say he dropped Parker so he could wake up)


shadowess - March 14, 2021

(Haha! Brilliant )

"C'mon, you need to sit up. Just for a moment and then you can rest again. Take this medicine to get your temperature down. Maybe drink a it of water to stay hydrated, too." Sebastian said gently as he took out some of the medicine for Elliot to take and held it out for him.


They vanished but Tom remained in the living room. "Wha-? Oh, c'mon!"

Parker was jolted awake when he hit the floor. "Ow! What the hell?!" He rubbed his backside and looked around to find himself sat in the middle of a desert with Nate, Carter, David and Leo. "Wha-? What are we doing out here?" He then saw the corpse and he realized what was happening. "Oh..."

David shrugged. "I was just going to suggest an empty warehouse or something...but the Gobi desert? Smart choice. The sun was only just rising in the US whereas here it has just set. Plenty of time to get this done." David said as he looked around them. "Still need that paint though..." He reminded them.

Once they had the paint and David had drawn out the symbol, he instructed Parker to stand in it's center. They then placed the corpse at his feet, facing up with their feet touching. Parker looked down at the corpse with a frown. "This is so creepy..." he commented.

"It won't be so creepy once the body is alive again." David said casually while reading the book and going over the details. "We're ready. Now don't forget. Do not. Enter. The circle." He emphasized.

"Wait- why would they want to?" Parker asked and David gave him a look. "God dammit, this is going to hurt isn't it?"

"Were you really expecting it to be painless?"

"I don't know...Never seen a spell work before..."

"Fair enough...are you ready?"

Parker took a deep breath and steadied himself on his feet. "As ready as I'll ever be..."

David nodded then began reciting the spell. Chanting the same demonic words over and over in a rhythm. At first, nothing happened but the more David went on, Parker began to feel a sort of ache in his head. The ache spread to the rest of his body. Then, rapidly, the pain intensified until he felt like he was burning alive. He began screaming terribly, struggling to stay on his feet. When he thought he couldn't possibly stand any longer, he found he was no longer holding himself up. Like something invisible was keeping him standing straight. His head tilted back and tears streamed down his face as he screamed and screamed. His screams almost drowning out David's chants. Before long, the sound of his screams doubled, as though someone else was also screaming with him. Then suddenly, the corpse's eyes snapped open. It spasmed then gasped for breath before screaming as well, it's hands clawing the sand.

David's chanting stopped as did Parker's screams. He fell back, laying on the ground. Covered in sweat and breathing heavily. His whole body aching. The other body had also stopped screaming and was breathing heavily as well while it stared up at the stars. Slowly, it lifted a hand to look at it, turning it over to look at his palm. Then he sat up and looked around at the others, shivering. "I-I'm free..." He said slowly then grinned maniacally while laughing in a crazed way. "I'm free!" He jumped to his feet to face them as if ready to fight, then paused. Something wasn't right. He should be a vampire...a Blood God...or a Demon at the very least! But he felt...he felt...Weak. He stared down at himself then turned to David, glaring at him. "What have you done?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!"

David grinned. "After all you've done, did you really think I'd allow you to become as much as a Demon?" He chuckled. "I may have tweaked the spell just a little...you're human, Alex. Barely a danger to anyone anymore."

"YOU BASTARD!" Alex flustered angrily. "YOU HAD NO RIGHT!"

"Sue me." David smirked.

Alex let out an infuriated roar as he ran at David, intending on hurting him anyway he could.


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

Elliot drank a spoonful of the medicine. He cringed at the taste. He then took a sip from the glass of water. "N-Neva....I need to....check...."


Nate had created the symbol with a wave of his hand. Carter could hardly look as he heard David in unbearable pain. Once the spell was done, Nate laughed at Alex's temper tantrum.

Leo zoomed to Alex and high kicked him. Sending him flying back. He put him on his stomach and brought his hands on his back. He pulled out a pair of handcuffs and placed them over his wrists. Nate smiled. "I let him keep the handcuffs. He'll realize there's another use for it."


shadowess - March 14, 2021

"Relax. I'm sure she's fine. We'll make sure she's alright as soon as the others get back. Just try to get some rest for now." Sebastian said kindly, helping him to drink water until he'd had enough. "Try to get some sleep. I'll wake you when it's time to take more medicine." He said as he stood and left the room to let Elliot get some sleep.


Alex was kicked in the chest and fell back with a grunt. When he was forced onto his stomach, he tried to wriggle out of Leo's grip while screaming angrily. He felt the cuffs around his wrists. "YOU BASTARDS! FUCK YOU! FUCK ALL OF YOU! I'LL KILL YOU ALL FOR THIS! YOU HEAR ME?! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!"

Parker sat up, groaning and gripping his head. "Shut the fuck up!...Man, I thought you'd be done giving me headaches once you were out of my head..." He snapped at Alex.

"Now, now, Alex. You just need to calm down. You'll see, we're just trying to help you." David said calmly, closing the book and walking back towards the rest of the group.

"Go fuck yourself!" Alex sobbed sourly.


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

Elliot reluctantly fell asleep again.


Leo put him over his shoulder. Nate chuckled. "Look at his butt." "So, where do you want to keep this drama queen?" ,said Leo.


Shadowess - March 14, 2021

"I will have to entrust him to you gentlemen." David said with a sigh. "With him being human, I cannot take him back to Hell with me. But I trust you will do everything you can to turn him around. Your track record so far is quite promising, after all."

"Dammit! Put me down!" Alex protested then his cheeks became red and he turned his head to glare at Nate. "Fuck off! Ya fucking oversized chicken!"

Parker got to his feet with a sigh and looked over at Carter. "Shit like that. In my head. Non stop..." He pointed at Alex. "Maybe now I'll actually get a decent nights sleep..."

Alex now tried to glare at Parker but from where he was, he couldn't see him. "You can fucking talk! OoOoH lOoK aT Me! i'M pArKeR! aNd i lEt EvErYoNe wAlK aLL OvEr mE BeCaUsE i'M A pUsSy aNd A pUsH oVeR wItH dAdDy iSsUeS!" He mocked him.


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

Nate glared as his eyes glowed. "Oversized chicken?!"

Carter grit his teeth as he heard Alex mock Parker. He stormed over to him. "You don't get to talk about my detectives like that!" Leo jumped far back from Carter who had zoomed over.

Leo tased Alex's back. "Sorry guys but I can't have you hurt him. Violence is only going to make him not want to join us. Besides, you wouldn't want to make the baby cry." He waved his hand at Nate "Would you calm down and conjure up some clothes for him?"

Nate thought for a moment before calming a bit down. He let out a frustrated sigh but said, "Fine!" He waved his hand at Alex. Making him wear a t-shirt with a teddy bear on it, jeans, glow in the dark sneakers, and T-Rex patterned socks.

"We should go back to the house before it gets too early." Leo zoomed to them. Nate flapped his wings before teleporting everybody back to Carter's house.


Shadowess - March 14, 2021

Alex had laughed at their reactions until he felt the taser. He cried out, his body tensing up before relaxing and panting when the taser was removed. When Leo said he couldn't let them hurt him and that violence wouldn't help, Alex chuckled weakly. "This coming from the guy...that just tased me!...Ohhh how lucky I am to have company like you guys..." He said sarcastically between breaths.

When Nate dressed him, Alex couldn't see what he was wearing yet but Parker burst out laughing. "What the hell is so damn funny?!" Alex snapped.

"You'll see." Parker chuckled in reply.

Once they were back at Carter's house, Tom stood up from the chair and looked at them. A confused but amused look on his face when he saw the way Alex was dressed. "I'm guessing it worked then?" He asked.

David nodded and looked at them all. "The spell I used didn't just split the two up. It changed them both human. So even when they both die, neither of them will become Devils or Blood Gods. Just ordinary souls." He looked between them both. He would need to talk to them both one day about who their father was and who David really is to them...but today is not that day. Perhaps it was best to wait until Alex calmed down a bit before having that talk. "But I must be going now. Take care all. I'll be sure to pay a proper visit soon." He said with a smile before vanishing.

By the time they all returned to the house, Sebastian was snoozing in the main bedroom.

Outside, the sun had already risen.


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

"I have to take precautions." ,said Leo. He set him on a chair. "Now, if you be a good boy then I can take those cuffs off of you. But if you keep acting up, I'm going to put you in time out."

Carter snickered.

Vincent groaned as he slowly opened his eyes.


Shadowess - March 14, 2021

Once Alex was sat down he looked down at the clothes he was wearing. "What-!? Is this a fucking joke?!" He snapped. When Leo spoke down to him, Alex glared at him. He growled then spat in his direction.

Tom sighed, watching the interaction. He then turned around when he heard Vincent waking up. "Oh, hey! How are you feeling? You missed quite a bit!"

Parker sat in another chair with a sigh. His muscles were still hurting from the spell.


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

Leo wiped the spit off with his sleeve. "I probably pushed a few buttons there." He stepped out of the way.

Carter walked over. "Look Alex, we're really going to help you get through this. To get you to realize that what you did before was wrong. So you can talk to us whenever you feel like it."

Vincent tried to sit up but flinched. "Wha-? What happened?"


shadowess - March 14, 2021

"Long story short?" Tom asked, then proceeded to explain as quickly as possible. "Leo here was brainwashed to hunt supernaturals. He killed Bryce and the other demon. He almost killed you too but Sebastian pulled the bullet out. Nate helped Leo get his memories back so now he's on our side. Elliot is upstairs with the flu. David visited and performed a spell to split Parker from the other soul he had, Alex, who is now in those handcuffs and ridiculous clothes. Also they're both completely human now."

"Which Alex is pissed about." Parker chuckled, causing Alex to growl angrily again.

"I was born to be powerful! I was born to rule!" He snapped.

"You were born a prick." Parker snapped back.

When Carter tried talking to Alex, he merely glared at him silently. Beginning to give up on arguing as it seemed to be getting him nowhere but he was still too angry to want to cooperate with them just yet. He looked away from Carter in a huff.


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

Vincent's eyes widened. "Elliot? I want to go see him." "Not in your condition. Even I can't heal the wound that comes from angel juice." ,said Nate.

Carter let out a frustrated sigh. He bent down. Pressing his hands on the armrests of the chair. "You know what? We're trying to help you here. But if you want to keep acting like then that's fine. We don't have to get you out of those cuffs but we're not going to starve you. Or keep you from drinking water because we're not like you. We're not a monster. Not like that damn ex of yours who I would like to bring up was with a incubus so let that sink in."

He glared. "Buddy."


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"You should rest. Sebastian is taking care of Elliot so you have nothing to worry about." Tom reassured Vincent.

Alex looked back at Carter and leant back in the chair as he hovered over him. He glared back, having no intention of talking to him until he brought up Bryce and the fact he had been working with an Incubus. His eyes widened a little as he continued to glare. Tears stinging the corners of his eyes. He seethed.

Parker watched this and when Bryce was brought up, he realized just how much he hated Bryce for what he'd done. Yet as he watched Alex's reaction, he soon realized that any love he'd felt for Bryce might actually have been coming from him!

"Don't." Alex growled coldly, shaking his head a little. His voice quivering with rage. "Don't talk about him like that."


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

Vincent frowned. "Alright. But once I'm good enough, I'll go up there and see him."

Carter smirked. "Like what? Did you actually love that sick bastard? Cause he's a dead son of a bitch now. He's probably rotting in hell. Being tortured every single fucking day for the rest of his god damn eternity."

He suddenly smiled. A rage filled in him that made him feel a rush of happiness from doing what he was doing right now.

"You. Are. Pathetic."


shadowess - March 14, 2021

The more Carter spoke, the more Alex glared and the heavier his breaths became as his tears slid down his cheeks. Tom looked over at what Carter was doing, shocked to hear him talking like that but also shocked to see how much he seemed to be enjoying Alex's pain. "Woah, Carter! That's enough! That's not helping!"

Just as Tom spoke, Alex's rage reached boiling point and his rapidly brought his head forward, aiming to head butt Carter in the nose. He screamed angrily and threw himself at Carter. Not caring that his hands were cuffed and he wasn't as strong as Carter was, he just wanted to try to hurt him. He brought both his hands up, clasped together to try to repeatedly strike him with them.


Denix Vames - March 14, 2021

Carter was stunned and shocked by his headbutt. He fell back. Hitting the floor. As Alex pounded his fists into his face, he started bleeding from his nose and mouth. Getting some bruising and cuts on his face. He heard a sickening crack which was his broken nose.

"That's enough!" Leo tased Alex before pulling him off of Carter. Bringing him back to the chair. Carter stood. Leo shoved him back. "You try to hurt him again and I will tase you." "You weren't there Leo! He tortured our friend Amelia! He nearly killed my friends! I'm not going to just forget about that!" "Your whole message in this group is that anyone can for the better. Shouldn't you do that for him? After all, I almost tried to kill you and your friends but now I don't want to."

"That's different!" "Why? Because I'm not under their control. It's not as different as you think it is." "Shut up and get out of my way!" Carter pushed him aside. Leo tased him. Carter suddenly fell over. He hadn't expected the shock to be this powerful.

"I wouldn't stray too far from your sanity Carter. That's what happened to me all those years ago." ,said Vincent.

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Shadowess - March 15, 2021

Seeing blood and hearing bones crunching under his fists brought a sick pleasure to Alex. Until the taser hit him again and his muscles tensed, he threw his head back and cried out from the pain. When the taser was pulled away, he felt himself being pulled back into the chair where his body relaxed, too sore to move. He breathed heavily, trying to get his breath back. He might have found enjoyment in Carter's outbursts if he wasn't too sore, exhausted, grief stricken and emotionally hurt to care anymore. He rested his head against the arm of the chair, closing his eyes and crying quietly into it.

Parker stood. He couldn't watch this anymore. He felt Alex's pain all the more because he used to know how he'd felt. Yet he also resented Alex for making him feel those emotions. Without a word, he headed upstairs to lay on the empty spare bed.


Denix Vames - March 15, 2021

"I'm not going insane!" Carter stood. "None of you understand! None of you get it! You don't know how much pain this bastard put us through! How much he put me through! I'm done with this shit! I'm tired of living in suffering! I just want this all to STOP!"

He punched the wall. Creating a massive hole. Leo was stunned to see the size of it. Tears streamed down Carter's cheeks. "Carter..." Leo watched him run to the door and opened it. "Carter!"

Nate appeared in front of Carter and held him close as his wings protected him from the sun. Glowing. The door closed and locked from the wind in his power. Carter continued to sob in his arms. He gently rubbed his back. "Shhh....It's ok. It's ok."

Elliot barely opened his eyes. "Sebastian? Is that you?"


shadowess - March 15, 2021

"No buddy, It's just me." Parker replied as he entered the room and sat on the empty bed. "Sorry if they're keeping you awake with all the noise..."


Alex's eyes opened when he heard Carter shouting and he watched as Carter punched a huge hole in the wall, making him jump. His eyes widened a bit and for the first time since he was put in this new body, he felt truly weak and vulnerable. The thought that Carter might just lose it and kill him, actually made him fear for his life. They then watched in shock as Carter ran to the door. Tom barely had time to react, having been standing where the sunlight would hit when the door opened. All he had time to do was bring his arms up to cover his head, expecting pain.

Thankfully, Nate stood in the way and the door was closed before the sun's rays could hit them. Shaking, Tom watched as Nate comforted Carter while he leant against the wall, waiting for his own heart rate to return to normal. He wasn't angry at Carter, though. He clearly hadn't been thinking straight and didn't realize that he might've taken Tom out with him.

Having been woken by all the shouting and the bang from when Carter punched the wall, Sebastian walked down the stairs to see Carter sobbing into Nate's arms, Tom leaning against the wall looking a little paler than normal and the body that was once a corpse crying and watching them with wide eyes. "What's going on?" He asked, concerned.


Denix Vames - March 15, 2021

"Them? Ya mean our friends? Didn't even notice." Elliot could feel his muscles tire and ache as he sat up. "I should go see them."


"We put Alex in that corpse then Carter wanted to take his rage out on him but Alex was able to beat him before Leo tased both of them. Then Carter tried to kill himself by opening the door." ,said Nate.

Carter struggled in his arms as he wanted to do it again. To try and the sun to touch him. He sobbed some more. His blood stained one of Nate's wings. Those wings covered Carter. Shielding him from everyone as he continued to hold him.


Shadowess - March 15, 2021

"I don't think now is a good time...besides, you don't look so good. You should probably just chill here for a bit. I'm sure the others can handle themselves for a little while." Parker said while laying back in the bed with his hands behind his head.


Hearing what had happened, Sebastian couldn't take his hands off Carter. When he saw the blood on Nate's wings, he turned to look at Alex, his eyes narrowing angrily for a moment before he brought his attention back to Carter. "Carter?" He started as he walked calmly towards them, no longer able to see him through Nate's wings. "Carter, come and talk to me. Let me help you. Please?" Having calmed down, Tom moved away from them to give them space. He stood at the opposite end of the room.

Alex meanwhile, simply watched them silently. Shaking a little with tears still running down his face.


Shadowess - March 15, 2021

Sebastian couldn't take his eyes off Carter.**


Denix Vames - March 15, 2021

"Mmm....." Elliot 's head fell back on the bed. He slept right away without trying to.


"You can't really blame Alex for this one. Carter was smiling as he was talking shit to him. He seemed to enjoy it." ,said Nate.

Carter sobs seemed to have calmed down when he heard Sebastian's voice. Nate let his grip go. Letting him get into his arms. "S-Sorry....!"

Nate appeared in front of Tom. His wings lowered. "Are you ok?"


shadowess - March 15, 2021

Sebastian didn't quite know what to make of what Nate told him about the way Carter was behaving. He just stared at Carter until he moved into Sebastian's arms. He wrapped his arms around Carter and gently held the back of his head, holding him tightly. Carter might have his flaws but Sebastian still loved him regardless. He knew Carter wouldn't do something like that without some form of provocation. "It's alright." He whispered to him, kissing his head. "I'm here. Just breathe. Let's go and sit in the kitchen or the bedroom, away from everyone else for a bit." He then looked over at Nate. "When you get a chance, would you mind checking on Neva? Elliot was getting anxious about leaving her."

Tom nodded to Nate's question, although he was still shaking a little. "Yeah, I'm good...just a little shaken, that's all." He said as he gripped his own arms. He nodded at Alex "So, what do we do with him now?"


Denix Vames - March 15, 2021

Carter slightly nodded. He was guided by Sebastian to the bedroom.

Nate nodded. "Sure." He turned his attention to Tom. He brought him close. "Now? We try our best to become his friends." He kissed his cheek.

Leo grabbed a kitchen towel and wet it under the sink. He brought it over Alex's hands. Cleaning the blood off. "You ok?"

"I'm going to go see Neva. I'd recommend heading upstairs to see Elliot. Put yourself in some other company." Nate disappeared.


Shadowess - March 15, 2021

In the bedroom, Sebastian brought Carter over to the bed where they both sat down. Sebastian held Carter quietly, gently stroking the back of his head to try to comfort him. "When you're ready, I'm here to listen." He said softly, kissing his head.


Tom had missed being in Nate's arms. Being close to him brought him immediate comfort and he soon stopped shaking. The kiss brought a smile to his face and he looked up at Nate lovingly, nodding at his words. When he'd vanished, Tom went upstairs to sit in the spare bedroom with Elliot and Parker. There might not be any beds left but he'd rather sit on the floor up there than stay in the same room as Alex.

Feeling the wet towel touch his hands, Alex's eyes moved to Leo. Quietly watching him cleaning the blood off them. Leo asked if he was alright and at first, Alex was tempted to ignore him or come out with some sarcastic remark. Too tired and upset to have the energy for another fight though, he decided against it. Instead, he shrugged his shoulders and averted his gaze. His voice broken as he replied. "I guess. At least I'm not trapped in someone else's mind anymore..."


Neva woke up and looked around the room to find herself alone. She frowned, getting out of the bed and walking into the living room, in search of Elliot. When she saw Kite, she asked in a small voice "Where's Elliot?"


Denix Vames - March 15, 2021

Carter pointed at his nose. When his nose was set back in place, he said, "Ah!" before taking some deep breaths.

He turned away. "Alex said some shit but...." He shivered. "What the hell was wrong with me back there? I was taunting him the same way Vincent did to me when I was being.....tortured. And now? I-I'm becoming what I don't want to be."


Elliot turned himself on his side. Mumbling. The wet cloth had fallen off of his forehead. One of his arms dangled off the bed.

Leo nodded. He scrubbed the last bit of blood off. "I know how that feels. I was once brainwashed into becoming an ADIEU soldier. It was like I was someone else." He put the towel on the table. He uncuffed him then held his hands. "Feel any better out of those? It doesn't seem like you need them since you're so tired. Not to mention if you even tried to fight any of us.....Well, it wouldn't end well for you. But look, we're not trying to do that anymore."


Denix Vames - March 15, 2021

(forgot to add this)

Nate appeared. "Elliot was checking on Vincent who got hurt. He's sick now and is resting at Carter's home. Elliot was worried about you so I came here to check." Kevin paused for a moment. "Well, I was about to say I don't know but thanks for the input." Nate nodded. He walked over to Neva. "Would you like to see him?"


shadowess - March 15, 2021

Sebastian helped Carter to reset his nose. Feeling a little anger at Alex for causing him pain. He listened to Carter explain what happened and shook his head a little. "I don't think you're becoming anything. I think having that version of Alex around reminded you of all the horrible things he and Bryce did and understandably, you got angry." Sebastian sighed. "I'm willing to bet he wasn't exactly compliant either, which probably didn't help matters. You can't blame yourself for still harboring anger towards Alex. I'm still angry at him as well and I'll bet he hasn't apologized or even shown the slightest remorse for what he did either. Has he?" He shook his head again. "This won't be an overnight fix. Alex is probably going to be difficult for a while and we should try to prepare ourselves for any bullshit he might try to throw at us until he realizes we're his best chance at redemption. So, let's try not to give him anymore fuel for his fire, eh?"


Tom walked into the spare room. Parker seemed to already be asleep and Elliot was mumbling in his sleep. He walked over to him, picking up the cloth and placing it back onto his forehead. He then moved over to the corner of the room where he lay with his back against the wall, trying to get some sleep himself.


Alex seemed emotionless as he brought his eyes back to Leo. He watched as he took the cuffs off him, his eyebrows raised slightly as he did so. He froze when Leo held his hands and stared at him as he said what would happen if he tried to fight them again. He blinked as Leo then almost went back on his threat by saying they weren't trying to hurt him. Quietly and slowly, he removed his hands from Leo's grasp and hugged himself, curling up on the chair. "I just want to sleep..." He said quietly, looking away from Leo again.


Neva jumped when Nate appeared. She then looked worried when he told them that Vincent was hurt and Elliot was sick. When he then asked if she wanted to see him, Neva nodded.


Denix Vames - March 15, 2021

Carter nodded. "Alright." He clenched the covers under him. "But if I start doing something that I wouldn't normally do then you have to stop me."


"Then you can sleep but you're better off on the couch where it's more comfortable." ,said Leo. "Also, do you need anything? Water? I can bring some spare blankets over."


Nate picked her up. "I'll bring her back when the visit's over."

He appeared in the bedroom where Elliot was still sleeping. He set her on the floor. "He took some medicine for the flu. He'll be fine."


shadowess - March 15, 2021

"Of course" Sebastian said softly then smiled and kissed Carter's cheek. "Just try not to let him get to you." he frowned and sighed heavily. "After all...he probably only came into existence when Bryce turned Parker...which means that's the only example of how to behave that he knows..." He said thoughtfully and with some small concern.


"The couch is a little occupied..." Alex said irritably, referring to Vincent. He then shook his head a little, closing his eyes. "I'm good..."


As soon as they arrived in the spare room and Nate set her down, she walked over to Elliot. She touched his arm and frowned. "He's very warm..." She said quietly. She moved the towel off his head and placed a finger on his forehead. Her brown eyes turned white for a moment as she lowered his body temperature down to a more normal level before removing her finger. Her eyes turned brown again. She then turned to Nate, looking up at him. "Can I see Vincent too?" She asked softly.


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Carter laid back. He pulled out a pack of smokes and lit one up. Taking a long puff before letting it out. "Yeah, I know. I just wish this shit would end."


"Sorry about that. Kind of forgot he was there. He's really quiet right now since he's, well, sleeping." Leo opened the closet nearby. He pulled out a blanket. "Here." He brought it over him. "At least stay warm."


Elliot was starting to breath normally as he felt much better than before.

Nate shrugged. "I don't see why not." He guided her downstairs to the couch where Vincent was sleeping.


Shadowess - March 15, 2021

Watching Carter smoke, Sebastian sighed. "I know...I think after everything we've gone through we deserve some kind of break..."


Alex opened his eyes again and looked down at the blanket that Leo had draped over him. "Thanks..." He sighed then looked up as he heard the floorboards in the stairs creaking. Neva walked down the stairs with Nate and went to walk over to Vincent. She paused on her way past Alex and stared at him uncertainly. Alex stared back, a little irritated by her silent stare. "There a problem, pipsqueak?" He asked coldly. Neva merely kept staring, apparently unbothered by his question. "You have a black heart." She said quietly before walking away towards Vincent.

Taken aback, Alex stared after her. "Hey! That wasn't very nice!" He complained.

Neva looked at Vincent, just as worried as she had been about Elliot. She wanted to hug him but could tell he was very hurt and she didn't want to hurt him by mistake. She then thought of a way she could hug him without putting much pressure on his chest. She shifted into a little, fluffy white kitten and climbed the arm of the couch with her claws until she was by his head. Now that she practically weighed nothing, she then tottered onto his chest where she curled up and purred.

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Denix Vames - March 15, 2021

Carter took another puff before curling up. "A long ass break." He let the ashes fall on his hand. Burning his skin. "Got an ash tray?"


Nate glared. "Leave her be."

He smiled at her cuddling near Vincent who slightly moved when she hopped on him. Leo's eyes widened. "What the-?! You're a shape shifter?"


shadowess - March 15, 2021

Sebastian watched him, concerned. When he asked for an ashtray, he got up and looked around the room. This being Carter's house and Carter having been smoking for years, there was at least one ashtray in the room which Sebastian grabbed and brought over to him. He saw the ash on his hand and brushed it off him with a sigh.


In her current form, Neva was unable to talk. So when Leo asked her if she was a shape shifter, the most she could do to answer him was lift her little head to look at him and meow.


Desi woke up late in the morning. Sun in the sky, she knew they were limited on what they could do. Unless his blood also made Bryce immune to the suns rays but Desi didn't know that for certain. Besides, Bryce was still in the basement at the moment. While waiting for his return, Desi wandered the rest of the house. She checked out Hannah's wardrobe and groaned at the style she'd had.

Deciding she needed a new wardrobe, she locked up the house to ensure Bryce would remain safe before heading into town. She'd return sometime in the late afternoon with a whole new wardrobe after having 'convinced' a man she met on the street to buy the clothes for her. While putting on her new makeup, looking into the living room mirror as she did so, she thought of a great way to gather intel on the group they were after so as to better plan their attack. She may even have some fun in the process.


Denix Vames - March 15, 2021

Carter tapped his cigarette against the ash tray. Letting the ashes fall before taking another puff.


"Aw! That's so cute." Nate scratched the back of her head. Leo walked over. "I've never met someone like you before. Well, not alive unfortunately. Is it just a cat that you can do? Or can you form into any kind of animal?" "Don't worry. Think about it and I reply to him." ,said Nate.


Bryce came back from the basement. He was fully clothes with his hair being a mess. "I see you enjoyed yourself as well. However, with something that even I don't really get."

Kite had left the apartment to start his shift. He was in the cruiser, in his uniform, near the house where he was waiting for the red light to turn green. Unaware of their presence. Bryce sniffed. "There's someone out there who's been near Carter."


shadowess - March 15, 2021

Sebastian moved to lay next to him. Maybe he just needed some time away from everyone for a while to relax. If he still needed to talk, he'd be here. But if he just wanted to enjoy his company in a quiet area, then that was fine too.


Neva moved her head into Nate's hand as he scratched the back of her head. She'd never been 'pet' before but now she knew what it felt like, she could see why normal cats liked it so much. When Leo asked her more questions and Nate told her to just think of her answer, Neva thought to him 'Just a cat...that I know of anyway. I'm still learning what I can do.'


Seeing Bryce, Desi smiled widely. "Good afternoon." She said pleasantly. "I've been thinking of a way we can get intel on that little group. Perhaps with some inside information we can come up with an effective plan. They've met me as an Incubus but in the form I have now, my scent will shift slightly, into that of a Succubus." She turned and gestured to her outfit and makeup. "Which I will use to my advantage. Meet Cindy Hodges. She's a Demon with a big heart and a tiny brain. Looking to find her 'true love'." She winked. "Any information I get I'll bring back here and share with you."

When Bryce said he could smell someone who'd been near Carter, Desi grinned and looked at the door. She adjusted herself so that her top showed a lot more cleavage. "Then that's my in." she looked back at Bryce and smirked. "Don't wait up." She said playfully. She headed out of the house and looked around briefly, noting the police cruiser. She began walking casually up the street, waiting until she was walking close to the cruiser before subtly breaking the heel of her shoe, making herself fall with a yelp in full view of the officer in the car.


Denix Vames - March 15, 2021

"I think I can see why Alex hates me. I fucking hate myself anyway." Carter breathed in a bit long for the next puff before he suddenly started coughing.


"She said she's still learning." "Really? You know if you improve on this ability then we might be able to use it to our advantage. This will definitely benefit us." ,said Leo. "I don't think she would want to do that unless she needs to." "Oh. Sorry."


Bryce smiled. "An idea that can easily fly right by their heads."

He hid himself so that he wouldn't be seen just in case it was someone he had already dealt with.

Kite parked on the side of the road. "You alright ma'am?" He hopped out of the car and ran to her side. Helping her up.


Shadowess - March 15, 2021

Sebastian looked over at Carter and rubbed his back when he started coughing. "Now, stop it." He said gently but firmly, referring to what he'd said. "Alex, from what I can tell, is just an angry and hateful person in general." He shook his head a little. "What is there to hate about you? All you've ever done, since I've known you, is try to do right by others."


'I just want to be me...' Neva thought sadly. She was so tired of people either wanting to hurt her for having powers or use her powers for their own gain. All she ever really wanted was a normal childhood and a loving family.


As soon as the male jumped out of the car, she could tell he was human. Interesting. She would need to be careful about how she revealed what she is to him. After all, she's pretending to be a Demon, pretending to be a human to 'find love'. She let him help her up, stumbling a little as she stood. "Oh, darn it!" she complained. "And I just got these shoes!" She then brought her eyes up to look into Kite's. Making herself blush. "Thank you, officer."


Denix Vames - March 15, 2021

"Doesn't feel like it. Feels like I let everyone down." He crushed the cigarette in his shaky hand before letting it fall into the ashtray. He covered his face as he started crying again.


Nate frowned. "She really doesn't want to use her powers for anyone. She's had enough of people using her." Leo frowned. He glanced off. Not wanting to look at her. "Oh, I'm sorry."


Kite blushed. He nervously chuckled. "Well, they look nice ma'am and you're welcome. Just make sure you be careful when you walk in those. You don't want to break an ankle."


shadowess - March 15, 2021

"Oh, come on." Sebastian said gently. Wrapping his arms around him to hug him from behind. "You've helped everyone we know, one way or another. We go through shit. We sometimes fuck up. That's normal. No one is perfect. But it's not those things that define who we are. It's the good things that we do despite everything else."


Neva looked at Leo, tilting her little head slightly. She didn't really know who this guy was but she could tell he was a good person. She wasn't angry at him. She stood and leapt off of Vincent, onto the floor. Stumbling a little upon her landing as her little body wasn't used to such leaps yet. She then changed back into her human form and walked over to Leo, wrapping her arms around him and hugging him. "You're not a bad person." She said quietly.


"You're right! I'll just take 'em off then!" Desi said cheerfully and immediately took both of her heels off, holding them both in one hand and standing barefoot in the street. She couldn't walk in them anymore after breaking the heel on one of them anyway and she needed to come off as a bit of a ditz. "I'm Cindy, by the way. I'm new to town."


Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

Carter touched his hands. He sighed. "You're probably right."


Leo was surprised by the hug. When he heard her words, tears dripped down from his cheeks. He smiled as he returned the hug. "Thank you."


Kite raised a brow at her odd way of handling the high heels problem. Yet, he smiled. "I'm Officer Kite Ryder. It's good to meet you Cindy. By the way, you might want to wear at least something to cover your feet. Shoes or sandals?"


shadowess - March 16, 2021

Sebastian chuckled "I know I am." He kissed Carter's cheek and his neck a couple of times before relaxing into the hug.


Alex watched them silently.

After a minute, Neva pulled away from Leo and smiled up at him. She then turned to Nate before lowering her eyes a little, unsure how to ask. She fidgeted with her hands nervously. With the Trickster, asking for food or saying she was hungry was seen as 'begging', and begging the Trickster for anything always resulted in punishment. She knew she didn't have to worry around these people but she was still getting used to not having to constantly walk on eggshells. "I'm-..." She started quietly, swallowing her fears. "I'm hungry..." She said finally. As small as this seemed, simply saying it was an achievement for Neva.


Now that Desi got a good look at this human as well as his name and managed to make an impression, she would be able to find him again anywhere and could pretend to bump into him again. Perhaps later tonight? For now, she needed to end this little meeting to make things appear natural. She smiled when he introduced himself, then giggled when he suggested she wear something on her feet. "Duh! Right? Or my feet will get dirty!" She then turned to walk away. "Well, I'll go home then and get some different shoes. Thanks again Officer Kite!"


Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

Carter held a small smile at the kisses before falling asleep.


Leo held her hand. "Let's go into the kitchen and make something." He guided her there. "Ever had a BLT sandwich?"


Kite waved. "You're welcome Cindy! S-See ya later!" He cursed himself under his breath for being so freaking nervous. He hopped back into the car and drove off once the light had turned green.

Bryce grinned. "I was able to take a quick peek before feeling a little burn. Demon blood doesn't last long as protection. I will say that he does look quite physically appealing. Perhaps I'll have my way with him when I get a chance."


shadowess - March 16, 2021

Following Leo into the kitchen, Neva looked up at him curiously and shook her head a little. "What's that?"


Back in the house, Desi chuckled at Bryce's words. "Well, I hope you don't mind if I have him first, then. I may need to bed the guy to gain his trust and worm my way into his group of friends." She looked towards the curtains over the windows thoughtfully. "I'll give it a few hours before Cindy 'bumps into him' again. Then I'll really work my charm."


Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

"It's basically a sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes, and bacon. I think you'll like it." He started taking out what he needed from the fridge. He soon began chopping up vegetables as the bacon was sizzling on the pain.

Nate appeared in front of Tom. He lifted him off the floor. Holding him in his arms. He kissed his head. "Hey there."


Bryce shrugged. "If it means that it'll be beneficial for our plan then why not? Although, how are you going to bump into him again. Officers are only at crime scenes or their station. I don't believe that you'll be able to drop over when there's an active crime scenes."


shadowess - March 16, 2021

Neva watched as Leo made the food. The smell of bacon making her mouth water as she watched. "Can I help?" She asked, wanting to learn how to cook.


Woken by Nate's kiss, Tom's eyes fluttered open and he grinned at him sleepily. "Well, hello to you too."


"When he's off duty, of course." Desi smiled, unbothered by Bryce's skepticism. "I'm sure I can think of a good excuse for running into him again. Thankfully, Demons can teleport up to a certain radius of a person. Meaning I'll be able to survey the situation from afar before actually running into him. Giving me plenty of time to come up with a good excuse for our meeting." She said as she looked at herself in the mirror once more. "Besides...I caught a whiff of alcohol on him while I was out there. Chances are, this man spends his time at a bar when he finishes his shifts. What better time to get close to him than over a few drinks?"


Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

"Sure. You can start cutting the tomatoes." He went to the bacon. Flipping them over. "Sorry but I don't want you getting burned. You're still a kid and this is a hot stove with some grease."


Nate smiled. "Want to get away from this all?"


"Cops drinking alcohol? This new trend is a benefit that I never knew I needed." ,said Bryce.


Shadowess - March 16, 2021

Neva nodded and took over slicing up the tomatoes. "Okay." She replied quietly as she concentrated on what she was doing. "How many should I do?" She asked, pausing to look up at him.


"I'd love nothing more." Tom whispered, grinning at Nate.


"Right? It makes things so much easier." Desi said, turning back to Bryce. "Now then, before we put this little plan in motion. Is there any specific power of mine that you'd like. Bear in mind that any power I gift you may not be as powerful as my own." She offered. Usually, she wouldn't offer such gifts to anyone but she wanted to see just how far this vampire was willing to go to get what he wanted.

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Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

"Just three but if you cut anymore then that's fine. I need to eat anyway. I'm starving." He placed the cooked bacon on one of the bread slices that were on a plate. He put lettuce over then the tomatoes and put the other slice of bread on top.

He handed it to her. "There you go. Hope it tastes good."

He started cooking some more bacon so he could make himself a sandwich too.


"How about we go into the washroom?" Nate and him appeared. The washroom suddenly turned on. (private time)

Leo quickly turned the TV on. Putting it to a game show called Jeopardy.


"I would like to teleport. All this running around is exhausting."


shadowess - March 16, 2021

While Nate had been busy with Tom and Leo was also busy showing Neva how to cook, Alex silently slipped out of the house. He needed some air to clear his head and think. He didn't care that his clothes made him look ridiculous as he walked around. He just needed some space for a while. He walked as far as he could from the house before slowing to a more relaxed pace. His mind raced as he tried to decide what kind of a life he wanted to live now that he had a body of his own.

Nodding, Neva cut up a few more so that Leo could have some too. When he passed her the sandwich, she grinned. "Thank you." She said quietly and sat down to eat. Watching the TV with Leo while utterly oblivious to what was happening in the washroom.


"Smart choice." Desi grinned. "Though, I'm not sure how close you'd be able to get to your target. You might be very limited to how frequently you can do it in a day as well. Your version of teleporting won't be anywhere near as strong as a Demon...but you will be one of very few mortals who can teleport at will...and it would certainly come in handy if you ever need to make a quick getaway." She approached Bryce and placed her fingers to his temples, the same way she had when she gave him telepathy.

"You know the drill." She smirked, reminding him that it would be painful. She then forced some of her energy into him. With this type of power being a little more complicated and taxing, it would take a few minutes to transfer that kind of power to Bryce. When she was done, she pulled away and breathed a little heavily. Needing to rest, she'd then walk over to the couch to relax. "Done. Have fun with your new gift." She breathed.


Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

Leo soon finished up making his own sandwich. He walked over to Neva where he sat next to her and watched TV as he ate.

Vincent opened his eyes. He sat up and flinched at the pain. "Rest easy. You shouldn't be walking on that." "I don't care." Vincent forced himself to stand. Leaning on his good leg. He swiped some white fur off of his suit. "Did we have a cat around here?"


Kite was driving by when he spot Alex. He waved at him with a smile. Just trying to be nice.


Bryce flinched and clenched his fists. He did his best not to make too much noise. Once it was done, he leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. "I'll use this when I need it the most."


shadowess - March 16, 2021

Neva smiled at Vincent when she saw him wake up. Then hid her face a little behind her sandwich, grinning at him as he asked if there had been a cat. "Sorry." She giggled.


Seeing Kite waving at him in the cruiser as he went passed made Alex raise his eyebrow. Kite hadn't seen this body yet, nor was he there when his soul was put into it. Maybe he knew the previous soul that had occupied this body? Now, that would be weird! ...and a bit awkward... Alex continued to walk, shaking his head a little to refocus on his earlier thoughts.


"Probably for the best..." Desi breathed then forced herself to her feet, looking at the clock. "Well, I best go choose an outfit for tonight." She said before heading back to the bedroom where her new clothes were sat in shopping bags. She had a few hours to kill but she wanted to be sure she'd be wearing the perfect thing to really get Kite's attention.


Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

Vincent raised a brow. "That was you? You can turn into a cat? That's....kind of cute." He touched his chest. Realizing what she did. "Thanks. I enjoyed the company."


Kite checked the rearview mirror. "Do I look scary? Or do I look like a weirdo? I swear I think I'm scaring the civilians."


Bryce laid on the couch to relax as he watched some TV. A horror movie channel to be exact.


Shadowess - March 16, 2021

Neva grinned at Vincent, happy that he liked what she'd done. She just hoped Carter didn't mind the tiny claw marks she'd left in the arm of the couch.


Several hours passed and before long the sun had set outside. In that time, Neva had happily been relaxing and watching TV with Leo. By this point, she was leaning against his arm as her eyelids started to get heavy but she struggled to keep them open, not wanting to stop watching TV just yet.


Having been walking almost non-stop, Alex sat on a bench in some random park he'd walked into. He sat back, looking around him. Still deep in thought. He looked up at the stars and sighed. "God, I miss you...you bastard..."


Finally! Desi sat up on the bed, having been snoozing to pass the time. She stood and fixed her outfit, ready for the night ahead. Eager to put her plan into motion. She descended the stairs and smiled at Bryce. "Well, wish me luck. Might I ask how you'll be keeping yourself occupied tonight?"


Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

Vincent had limped his way upstairs. He knew Elliot was there because he could sense him. Reading his mind. He soon laid next to him. Getting as close as he could without pushing himself too much.


Leo kept her close as she started falling asleep. "I think it's time you go to bed."


Gary was walking through the park as he was smoking. Having gotten off from work at the fire station, he felt like he needed a walk. He had red short longish hair, hazel eyes, and sideburns. He wore his dark blue uniform which had the logo on the back. He wore the casual jacket. Keeping himself warm.

He noticed Alex. "Hey man. You might not want to stay for too long. Cops don't seem to like it when people relax in the dark." He took another puff. Letting the smoke out in his direction by accident.


Bryce switched the TV. "I might just drank a bit from that man in the basement. Just a little snack." He chuckled. "Good luck with your date."


Kite had just gotten done with his shift. He was sitting at a bar in a black jacket, grey shirt, and dark blue jeans. He was drinking some whiskey.


Shadowess - March 16, 2021

"Mmm..." Neva hummed, her eyes half closed as she struggled to keep them open, trying to stay awake.

Opening his eyes, Parker sat up and looked around the room. He smiled at Vincent and Elliot before getting up and heading downstairs. He looked around briefly, only seeing Leo and Neva in the living room. "Where's Alex?"


Alex's eyes moved over to the stranger and he rose a brow. He barely blinked as the smoke was blown into his face. "Should a firefighter really be smoking?" He asked in a cold tone.


Hearing what he had planned, Desi chuckled. Finding a sick delight in the suffering Terry was probably going through down there. When he wished her luck, she winked. "Thank you. Have fun with your little toy." She grinned, heading out of the door and vanishing.


Appearing outside a bar, Desi glanced in and could see the back of Kite as he sat at the bar drinking whiskey. She took a moment to adjust her cleavage again and headed inside. Her heels clicking as she walked. "Oh, hey! Officer Kite?" She said with a grin, approaching him as if just noticing him there.


Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

Leo's eyes shot opened. He looked around. "Damn it! Where the hell is he?! I've got to find him!" He placed Neva on the couch. "Watch her for me." He strapped his belt on before running out of the house.


Gary shrugged. "I don't know. Should a stranger really be asking that question?" He took a puff. "Anyway, I'm just here to warn ya. Not to arrest you. I could care less if you lay your cute butt on that bench."


Bryce smiled. "I will." He zoomed into the basement where he began to drink from him.


"Cindy? I didn't expect to run into you again. How's that ankle of yours?"


shadowess - March 16, 2021

"You got it." Parker said as he sat with Neva who had rested her head on the arm of the couch.


The sass made Alex chuckle and he grinned mischievously at the stranger, looking him over. "I'll take your warning under consideration. Perhaps I just need the proper motivation to move."


"Oh, it's fine! I didn't twist it, thankfully!" Cindy said before gesturing to the stool next to him. "Do you mind if I join you? I don't really have anyone to drink with and you seem like a cool guy."


Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

Leo started looking around as he sniffed the air. Trying to catch his scent. He soon followed it.


Gary smirked. "Maybe you do."


"Really? I'm cool?" Kite nervously chuckled. "Well, why not? Go on ahead. I'll buy you a drink or two."


shadowess - March 16, 2021

"Buy me a drink?" Alex said coyly, looking him over again and making his interest obvious.


"That's so sweet of you!" She said as she took a seat. She looked over at the bartender "I'll have a Strawberry Daiquiri, please!" She then smiled at Kite. "So, how long have you been a police officer? I bet you save lots of people everyday!" She leant against the bar, resting her chin on her hand while looking at Kite in an admiring way.


Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

Gary stomped his cigarette out. He wrapped an around his waist. Bring him close. "With pleasure."

"There you are!" Leo glared. "You're supposed to stay in the house! What the hell are you doing?!" "Is this your boyfriend or something?" ,asked Gary.


The bartender made her drink and gave it to her. Kite was trying really hard not to look at her breasts but rather keep his eyes on her face. He blushed as he scratched the back of his neck. "Well, I've been a cop for ten years now. And sure, on occasion I have saved some people."


shadowess - March 16, 2021

Being pulled into his embrace, Alex's eyes wandered to the Gary's lips while he bit his own. Excited that he might get lucky in this new body. That was until he heard Leo's shout. "Fuck!" He hissed under his breath while rolling his eyes. 'Damn cockblock!'. When Gary asked if Leo was his boyfriend, Alex muttered "More like a prison warden..." before turning to glare at Leo. "Dude, relax. I can handle myself." He then smirked viciously, chuckling as he added; "Just ask Carter's nose!"


Desi drank her cocktail quite quickly and gestured for the bartender to keep them coming. While these drinks barely did anything for her in reality, a part of her plan was to pretend to become intoxicated so as to make Kite feel responsible for her safety and not want to let her stray away from him in such a state. "That's awesome!" She gushed as he told her he'd saved people during his time in the force. "You're like a real life hero!"


shadowess - March 16, 2021

(I just realized I put "the Gary's lips" and couldn't help laughing my ass off. I just did a 'Lord Commander' without even meaning to rofl)


Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

Leo glared. "Look buddy, you don't want to be near this guy. Alex is a different story. He's a jackass." "And you aren't?" He rolled his eyes. "Tell you what? I'll have Alex here at home by nine dad as long as you let us enjoy our time together."

He crossed his arms. Wanting to grab Alex and take him back to the house. Yet, he knew he couldn't do that without being seen as suspicious. "Fine. But you better keep your word" He walked away.

"Geez. That guy needs to get laid." Gary squeezed his ass. Getting a feel for it.


Kite smiled. "Thanks. I guess I am." He took a shot of whiskey then poured some again before taking another shot. Getting just as drunk as she was.


Shadowess - March 16, 2021

Alex glared at Leo but smiled when he agreed to leave them to it. He chuckled at Gary's comment then gasped softly, shivering a little with excitement as he felt him grab his backside. He brought his eyes back to Gary, falling on his lips once more. "I don't even know your name!" He chuckled, grinning. "Also, drink first, buddy."


With Kite slamming back the drinks, Desi realized this might be easier than she anticipated. She drank just as quickly but had to pretend to be getting as drunk as he was. Giggling, she leant in to whisper in his ear, being sure to slur her words a bit. "I think you're pretty hot. Especially in your uniform." She then bit her lip, looking into his eyes as she whispered "Have you ever used those handcuffs for fun?"

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Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

"It's Gary. And sure, I don't go that fast. Not unless you want me to." They headed down the street to a bar.


Kite started flustering. He was suddenly getting excited about her comments. "Appreciate it. You look really beautiful." He shook his head. "Never used them for that even once. I have them back at home though. If you want, I can drive us back to my place."


shadowess - March 16, 2021

Alex grinned, chuckling at his comment. "I might." He said playfully as they headed towards a bar. Once inside, they sat in one of the booths. "I'm good with either a beer or whatever you're having." He said, relaxing in the seat.


"Thank you!" Desi grinned, making herself sway a bit on the stool. "I'd love that." She slurred as alluringly as she could while pretending to be drunk. "But do you think it's safe for you to drive? Shouldn't we order a cab?" She asks. God forbid, they get into an accident and he dies before she can get any information out of him...


Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

"We'll do beer." Once they had their bottles, they started drinking. "So? What are you into? Cause I never hold back."


"P-Probably...." Kite was leaning against her. He started stumbling off of the stool. "I don't know the number for any cabs."


shadowess - March 16, 2021

Alex drank his beer and relaxed a little more once the alcohol hit his system. He played with the neck of his bottle and bit his lower lip as he thought on Gary's words. "Let's just say I er-...I'm still discovering what I like." He said, bringing his eyes back up to Gary's. He'd only ever known Bryce and that relationship had been short lived. "But I like the idea of having no mercy given." he grinned playfully.


Him leaning against her and stumbling from the stool caused her to stumble back off her own stool and lean back against the bar, him practically pinning her there. She was surprised by the muscles he apparently had hidden under his shirt and jacket. Even a little excited by them. She brushed her lips against his and nodded towards the bartender. "I think the bar guy might know a few numbers." She slurred, her lips close to his.


Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

Gary smirked. "Good to know. Because sometimes I like it when people get....tied up." He licked his lips after taking some slow sips.


Kite kissed her. He smiled. "Oh really?"

The bartender called them a cab which soon arrived. He held her arm as they went outside. Heading to the vehicle.


Shadowess - March 16, 2021

Alex's cheeks turned red as he stared at Gary with a playful smirk. Watching him lick his lips made his excitement grow. He drank some more of his beer while looking him over again, imagining him having his way with him. "I like the sound of that."


They headed to the cab and while in the backseat with Kite, Desi started kissing him passionately. Even as they pulled up to Kite's apartment, she followed him inside and continued to kiss him, pressing her body against his.


Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

Gary set his empty bottle down. "Does that mean you're ready to go now?"


Kite became lost in the heated moment. Those kisses driving him to want see her naked even more. He soon unlocked the door to his apartment. Taking her to the bedroom where he grabbed the cuffs.

He found himself shirtless as he grabbed her wrists.


Shadowess - March 16, 2021

At the question, Alex smirked and drank the rest of his beer, setting the bottle down. "Yes." He said, staring into Gary's eyes, his own lit up excitedly.


Their kisses continued as he lead her to the bedroom and she watched him remove his shirt, biting her lip at the sight. She watched him pick up the handcuff then let him grab her wrists. She giggled, leaning in to kiss his neck while he restrained her.

(Private Time)


Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

"Then let's go." They walked to Gary's house. The moment Gary locked the door, he pinned Alex against it. Passionately kissing him with his hands on his sides.


Shadowess - March 16, 2021

The movement had been sudden but it had thrilled Alex as he felt the pressure of Gary's body against his. He moaned softly, kissing back with just as much passion. Caressing his tongue with his own while he slipped his hands under his shirt to feel his hips and chest.


Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

Gary kissed his neck a few times before lifting him up. Keeping his legs around him as he took him to the bedroom. He placed him there and opened the drawer nearby. Taking out some rope. He unzipped his pants. "Let's have some fun."

(private time)


Denix Vames - March 16, 2021

(do you want me to type something in or do you want to do that next?)


Denix Vames - March 17, 2021

(i feel so dumb. i should be already typing something tbh lol. its been one of those days)

Leo returned to the house. He seemed concerned and pissed at the same time.


Shadowess - March 17, 2021

(Lol don't worry about it. I'd fallen asleep at that point anyways.)

Parker looked up when he saw Leo come back. "What happened?" He asked when he saw the look on his face and noticed Alex still wasn't with him.


Denix Vames - March 17, 2021

(oh lol)

Leo set his weapons belt on the table. "He's with some guy. They're on a date. I couldn't take him away or else that person would have thought that I was going to do something bad to him. I told him to just come back when he's done hanging out with him."

He sighed as he shook his head. "I just hope he'll listen."


shadowess - March 17, 2021

(Yeah lol It's like 8am here now xD)

Parker blinked at the explanation. "Blimey, that was quick!" He commented then hesitated. Alex might be an asshole but he'd been a part of him only a few hours ago. He still sort of felt a connection to him. Almost like he was a brother or something. This made him worry for Alex's safety. "And the guy he was with...did he seem ok to you?" He asked, watching Leo. "I mean, Alex moving that fast, I get...but, I mean...his taste in men isn't exactly great...He fell head over heels for a complete psychopath, after all...and now he's on a date with someone he just met?"


Denix Vames - March 17, 2021

(wow damn)

Leo sat on the chair. Feeling exhausted. "He seemed fine. He was just a regular human. And to be honest, it seemed like all he wanted was to get with him. I guess that doesn't matter if Alex was willing to go."

He rubbed his temples. "Freaking head is killing me."

The memories of torturing his family came back into his head like flashes. He lowered his head as he flinched. "Ugh....!"


shadowess - March 17, 2021

Parker nods. He was still uncomfortable at the thought but he supposed it was Alex's choice in the end. He then looked up when he saw Leo looking like he was in pain. "You ok?" He asked, getting to his feet and leaving Neva to nap on the couch.


It was at about this time when Sebastian was beginning to wake up.


Denix Vames - March 17, 2021

"Y-Yeah, I'm ok. I just-" Leo cried out as his headache started to get worse. He fell off the chair and on his knees.


Carter was snoring.


Shadowess - March 17, 2021

Seeing him cry out, Parker rushed forward and knelt next to him, placing his hands on his shoulders. "What is it? What do you need? How can I help you?" He asked, his mind racing.


Sebastian looked over at Carter and smirked at his snoring. It was kind of cute. He then heard a shout come from downstairs and his eyes opened fully. He hopped out of bed, pulled on his shirt and ran down the stairs to see what was going on. "What happened?" He asked as he reached Leo and Parker.

Neva had also been woken up and she was peering over the arm of the couch at them, nervously.


Denix Vames - March 17, 2021

"N-No....I'm ok....I'm....." Leo fell over on his side. It had been a while since he had gotten a break. He was overworking himself to keep everybody safe. Not to mention what he had been doing before he met them. And the memories didn't help either.

He curled up as he breathed heavily.


Shadowess - March 17, 2021

"You're not ok." Parker said sternly as he tried to help him up. "C'mon. Let's at least get you over to a chair."

Sebastian also moved forward to help Leo move to a chair where he might be more comfortable.

Neva had brought her legs up onto the couch to hug them as she watched with concern.

Once sat down, Sebastian pulled over the blanket that Leo had gotten out for Alex to drape it over him. Meanwhile, Parker went into the kitchen and poured a glass of water, bringing it over for Leo.


Denix Vames - March 17, 2021

Leo felt the chair under his back. He clutched onto the blanket as he fought the urge to pass out. He took a few sips of water before leaning his head against the chair.


"Th-Thank you...." He lost his grip and passed out.


Shadowess - March 17, 2021

Sebastian shook his head as Leo passed out. He frowned "I think everyone is exhausted lately. We could all use a break of some kind..." He looked over at Neva and smiled. "It's ok. He just needs some rest, that's all."

Parker had taken the glass back to the kitchen and set it down on the counter before returning to the living room.

Sebastian was looking around thoughtfully. This house wasn't safe for Neva to stay in, especially with everyone being either too tired or sick to protect her properly.

He didn't know where Kite was at the moment to ask him to watch her and the office wasn't safe either. "Of course..." He said, taking a key out of his pocket. He'd been checked in to a hotel since he first arrived in the country. All this time, he'd kept forgetting to check out and had been paying for the room. He supposed it was lucky he had been because now it might actually come in useful. "C'mon, you two. Let's leave these guys to sleep. We need to get you somewhere safe for a bit." After packing up some food and leaving a note without detailing where the hotel was, Sebastian, Parker and Neva left.


A couple of hours went by and Alex lay on Gary's bed. Exhausted after their fun. Gary was certainly very intense, which had thrilled Alex immensely. Still tied up, sweating and trying to catch his breath, he grinned at Gary. This little adventure had definitely helped him to relieve some stress. He almost didn't want to leave but knew some of the group might end up looking for him if he took too long to get back. "That was amazing." he breathed then chuckled. "I'm guna need you to untie me now, though. I should be getting back."


Denix Vames - March 17, 2021

Nate had been holding Tom close ever since they finished. He only now just woke up. "Hey Tom? How have you been feeling since everything that's happened? Are you alright?"


Gary had been smoking after their moment together. He too was tired but not as much as he could see Alex. He smirked. "Sure thing." He untied him. "If you ever want to come by here again or call me then I'll give you my information." He wrote on a notepad his address and phone number.

He ripped the note off and handed it to him. He leaned against the wall as he kept smoking. "I gotta say. It's been a while since I met a guy like you. I'm actually glad you're here."


shadowess - March 17, 2021

Being in Nate's arms again, kept warm only by the feathers from his wings. To Tom, this was bliss. He'd been sleeping soundly and only woke up at the sound of Nate's voice. "Mmm?" He hummed sleepily, tilting his head up a little to blink at Nate. "Oh, uh...Alright, I guess. I try not to think about it too much...I just wana focus on what's ahead of me." He then studied Nate's features carefully. "What about you?"


Once he was untied, Alex began getting dressed while Gary wrote his information on the bit of paper. When he gave Alex the note, he folded it and slipped it into his pocket. Hearing his words, Alex smirked "Me too. Can't wait to come back." he said as he approached him, giving him one last, deep kiss. "I'll see you real soon." He whispered, stepping away.

Alex headed out of the house and began his walk back to Carter's house. It would probably take him a while, being so far out, but he didn't mind. The longer it took him to get back, the better. He didn't exactly want to rush back. Besides, some air after such intense fun would surely do him some good. As he walked, he felt much lighter on his feet. His thoughts weren't as gloomy as they had been earlier in the day. He couldn't stop smirking.

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Denix Vames - March 17, 2021

Nate thought for a moment. "I don't know. I always seem to have myself prepared but things are far different than they use to be. Back when I was still in Heaven, I use to kill or fuck angels until God threw me out." He sighed. "Things have been hard for me but I'm trying to do better."

Leo had been dreaming about the experiments that had been done on him. The ones who made him as to what he is. He was shaking. Mumbling until he started shouting, "LET ME GO! STOP IT! STOP!"


"Woo hoo!" A cowboy with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes was riding on a brown horse. "Time to catch those thieves!" He ran through Alex as he faded away with a resonating gunshot.


Shadowess - March 17, 2021

Tom listened to Nate, watching him as he did. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the screams coming from the living room. His eyes widened as he whirled around to look in the direction of the door. "What the-?!"


Hearing the shout, Alex looked up in confusion at a cowboy apparently racing towards him. He didn't have time to run away, shouting "JESUS CHRIST!" with his hands covering his head as the apparition phased right through him. He'd gasped as it felt like someone had dumped a large bucket of ice water over him, yet he was completely dry.

He turned in the direction the cowboy had gone and had jumped at the sound of the gunshot, but he could no longer see him. "W-what-?" He stammered, turning around and around to see if he could see him anywhere. "What?!" What the hell was that?! A ghost?! Wait, they're real too?! "WHAT?!" He looked this way and that, shivering. Still feeling ice cold from when it had passed through him. He started running, inwardly freaking out and just wanting to get back to the house as quickly as possible.


Denix Vames - March 17, 2021

Nate quickly got dressed before running out of the washroom. He went to Leo's side who had been shouting and moving about. He shook him. "Leo! Wake up! Wake up!"

Leo gasped awake. Breathing heavily. "N-Nate?" "You're not there anymore. You're free." Tears streamed down his cheeks as he threw himself into his arms. Nate kept him close. Hugging him. "It's alright now. It's alright."


shadowess - March 17, 2021

Tom also got dressed and followed Nate into the living room. Standing back and watching him comfort Leo who had apparently had a nightmare about ADIEU. He frowned, unable to imagine the kind of torment he'd gone through when he'd been unable to control his own actions.

Just as things were calming down in the living room, a muffled scream came from outside and the door handle had flicked violently down then back up before silence fell. Tom caught a couple of scents. "Alex!...I don't know that other scent!"


Alex reached the lawn just outside the house and doubled over to catch his breath, his hands on his knees. He was sweating and still felt incredibly cold. He coughed, shivering. "Seriously? I've been in this body like, a day! And I'm sick already?!" He mumbled to himself as he began walking towards the front door. At least there was some medicine in the house he could take-...

Just as he placed his hand on the door handle, the hairs on the back of Alex's neck stood on end. He felt like someone was watching him. He paused, getting the horrid sense that someone was right behind him. Just as he began turning his head to look, a hand grabbed him around his mouth and nose, muffling his scream and cutting off his breathing. An arm gripped him around his torso. He tried to pull on the handle, causing it to jerk a bit but he was pulled back so suddenly that he lost his grip. Just a second later, they vanished.


Alex was thrown into the center of a stone room. He looked around in alarm. There were three other people in the room with him. A very large, very muscular bald man with beady black eyes. Alex was sure this was the guy that had grabbed him. A tall, thin woman with long, sharp black fingernails. Dark eyes and very short, black hair. Then there was the guy in the worn looking, black robe. He had short, silver hair. One of his eyes were red while the other was green. Despite his silver hair, he appeared to be quite young. He was looking down his nose at Alex who glared right back. Something about the way this guy held himself. Like he was more important than the other two. "I take it you're the leader of this little group..." Alex said as he got to his feet. The male merely smiled. "The fuck do you want with me?"

"A trade." The male said simply. "Your friends took something of mine. So I took something of theirs."

"The Trickster?... Ha! You're not too bright are you? They're hardly what I'd consider friends. Most of them hate my guts."

"That's a shame..." The male said with a frown. Tilting his head a little. "Then I suppose we have no use for you..."

The big, bald man cracked his knuckles and Alex's eyes shifted between them uneasily. "Whatever. It doesn't matter. Because now that you have me, the Angel and Demon can teleport to wherever I am." Alex grins evilly. "Which means your time is limited."

The silver haired male chuckled. "That won't be a problem. You see those runes?" He pointed to the walls at the markings engraved into each side. "A barrier. Anyone, other than who we want, attempting to teleport here will be thrown back to wherever they teleported from. They won't even get a glimpse of this place before they're thrown out."

Alex's smile slipped. He faltered.

"But the fact that you think the Angel and Demon would come to your rescue is interesting. Perhaps you'll be of some use after all...You may as well make yourself comfortable. As long as our little Neva isn't returned to us, you'll be going nowhere."

"You can't leave me in here...I'm sick, I need medicine!" Alex looked around the room, seeing no sign of a door or even any food. "I'll need food or I'll starve!"

The male shrugged. "Not our problem. Perhaps it will serve as motivation for your 'not friends' to help you."

"You bastard!" Alex ran forward angrily, wanting to attack the Trickster but before he could reach him, the Trickster and his accomplices had vanished. Leaving him alone in the stone room, with no bed, no food and not so much as a blanket to keep warm. "Ohhh...." He looked around the room as the gravity of his situation began to sink in. "Fuck..."


Denix Vames - March 17, 2021

Nate opened the door. He found Alex to be gone along with whoever took him. "I'll find him."

He attempted to teleport. For a moment, he was gone. And then he was thrown against a wall in the house. He fell over as runes burned into his skin. His wings had singed from the bottom. He groaned. "Th-The Trickster! He has him!"


The cowboy rode past Alex again. Once he hit the wall, his horse neighed wildly as it went on its hind legs. "Whoa!" He fell off his horse which ran off. Trying to escape.

He hit his head on the ground. Flinching as he did. "Damn those bandits!" He rubbed the back of his head as he sat up. "Where the hell am I?"


shadowess - March 17, 2021

Tom watched as Nate vanished, holding his breath to find out if Alex was alright. Then Nate re-appeared and was thrown against the wall. He saw the singes in his wings and the burn marks on his skin. "Nate!" Tom cried out as he ran forward to see if he was alright. He placed an arm around his waist and tried to help him back to his feet.

As soon as Nate said the Trickster had taken Alex, a new voice in the room laughed. "Indeed I have. You must be the Angel he mentioned." The Trickster stood in the living room, looking between them all. He wasn't really in the living room, however. This was merely a projection and any attacks would pass right through him. He wasn't stupid enough to walk right into enemy territory like that. A stone with an engraving hung around his neck, protecting his thoughts from any telepath he might meet. "Now then. I'm more than willing to give your friend back to you. In exchange for the girl. The longer you wait, the less of him you'll get back." He warned.


When the cowboy rode past Alex, he yelped and covered his head again and stared with wide eyes as he watched the horse throw him off. He then flinched as the horse ran around them, trying to leave the room. He stared at the cowboy in disbelief. How had he followed him? Why had he followed him? How did he even get into this room and was it the runes that were now preventing him from leaving?! "Am I going mad?!" Alex gasped, leaning back against the wall and staring in disbelief at the cowboy. "I-I don't know where this is...I'm being held prisoner...who are you?" He replied, wondering if this ghost could see or even hear him.


Denix Vames - March 17, 2021

Leo stumbled but stood. Glaring. He pulled out his gun. "You bastard! You don't have the right to use people! No one does! That poor girl doesn't deserve what you've done to her!"

Nate weakly held his weapon. He walked from Tom. Ready to attack The Trickster. "I'll get Alex back and I'll kill you no matter what! I won't let you keep doing this!"


The cowboy stood. He had a big grin on his face. Holding out his hand. "Howdy there! Name's Jasper. What's your name?"


shadowess - March 17, 2021

"Kill me and you'll never find him." The Trickster said calmly, holding his hands up as Leo pointed his gun at him. Yet he continued to grin as though he was completely unbothered by the threats. Tom bared his fangs and growled at him, angrily. "Then I guess we'll just have to get you to tell us where he is."

The Trickster merely chuckled. "Oh dear, a vampire too? This is quite the strange little group you have." He tilted his head forward, his grin becoming a little more sinister. "Would be a shame if those curtains were to suddenly open during the day." He snapped his fingers, all the curtains in the house snapping open as he did even though it was still night out. This was just to demonstrate what he could do without needing to touch anything. Tom continued to glare but he shivered at the thought of himself, Sebastian and Carter suddenly being bathed in sunlight while they tried to sleep.

"Like I said. You don't have a lot of time. For every day that you waste, I will remove something from Alex. The longer you take, the less of him you'll get back." The Trickster laughed then vanished.


"A-Alex..." Alex replied and hesitated to shake his hand, remembering how cold he'd felt when he'd passed through him earlier. He just kept staring at him, his own features turning pale. "Are you a ghost?"


Denix Vames - March 17, 2021

"B-Bastard....." Nate collapsed. Passing out as he the runes continued to burn. Almost like a disease.

Leo lowered his weapon. He started pulling the curtains inwards. Making sure that every window was covered. He glanced at the note which he read. "Sebastian took her somewhere else. To keep her safe. We need to tell him." He turned to Tom. "And don't worry. I've already got a plan."


Jasper was a bit weirded out by Alex's objection to a handshake. He put his hand. "Ghost?" He laughed. "That's real funny. I ain't dead. And you're wearing the weirdest clothes. No offense."

He walked around as he looked up at the ceiling. "Wow! This place is huge!" He soon shouted, "Hello! Is anybody out there?! We need some help!"


shadowess - March 17, 2021

"Nate!" Tom caught him as he fell and looked over his burns. "They're not healing! What do we do?!" He looked up at Leo as he read the note that Sebastian had left behind. He pulled Nate over to the couch to lay him down then looked around at the curtains uneasily. "We need to warn Carter and Sebastian. Maybe board up the windows?" When Leo mentioned a plan, Tom looked back at him. "Which is?"


Alex continue to watch him, growing more and more confused as the apparition seemed to think he was alive. He rose a brow, observing the cowboy attempt to shout to anyone outside. "Like I said, I'm a prisoner here. Anyone out there is not a friendly person, trust me." He stepped away from the wall and took a few steps around him, looking him up and down curiously. "What year do you think this is?"


Denix Vames - March 17, 2021

"I don't know how we're going to help him. I can only guess that The Trickster knows how to take care of it. First thing we'll do is make him think that we're going to give her back. And then I'll strike the moment he's about to grab her. The rest of you who are strong enough can hide and attack once I do. We'll ambush when he least expects it. The problem is we need to do research on his weaknesses. We'll still need information from him on how to heal Nate and I need to find the rest of the people who are working with him. We need to kill them all. If an angel is easily thwarted by these guys then I can only imagine how strong they must be."


"Then you must have done something real bad. Although, I don't know why I'm here or why you've got yourself a fancy cell here." He cocked his head. "Is that supposed to be a question? It's 1888 of course!"


shadowess - March 17, 2021

Tom looked at Nate, hating how helpless he felt. Clenching his fists he looked at the ground while listening to Leo's plan. It might work..."Maybe Vincent or David might be able to find some information on those runes? Apparently Hell has a library with most of the world's and Hell's information...and, I hate to bring it up but..." He brought his eyes back up to meet Leo's with a serious expression. "Maybe Neva knows something that might help us fight the Trickster? She used to live with him apparently. Maybe she learned a bit about him in that time?" While he didn't like the idea of pressing Neva for information, it might be their best chance at keeping both her and Alex safe.


"Hey, I admit I'm no saint but I didn't do anything to these guys to deserve being put in here!...just hung out with the wrong crowd, I guess..." Alex said, annoyed. "And fancy? There's fuck all in here apart from some runes in the walls!" His eyes widened a little as he said this and he glanced up at the runes as if realizing something. "Huh...I wonder..." He looked around the room and found a small jagged rock. "Hopefully, this works..." He said as he walked over to one of the walls with the rune on it. "Oh, and by the way. The year is 2021 and you're definitely a ghost...but try not to freak out too much...that actually might come in handy for me..." He chuckled as he began scratching the rock feverishly across the rune, trying to scuff the engraving enough to break the barrier. The rock he was using was a little sharp and the more he worked, the deeper it dug into his palm until a bit of his blood trickled down his arm. But he kept going, desperate to get out one way or another.


Denix Vames - March 17, 2021

Leo nodded. "I'll go wake up Vincent." He headed upstairs.

He soon came down with Vincent and Ellis. Ellis ran over. "Shit! That looks real bad." "And it won't stop burning. Vincent, we need your help. See if you can find research on a Trickster's weaknesses. And tell David to come here and take us to Neva." Vincent nodded. "On it." He disappeared.


Jasper raised a brow. "What the hell are you talking about?" He ran over to him. "Give me that!" He grabbed the rock from his hand and threw it across the room. "You're doing it wrong. Step back." He pulled out a pistol and fired at the rune. The bullet went straight through. The rune soon collapsed into several pieces. Hitting the ground.

He blew air at his gun. Placing it back in hits holster. "And that's how ya do it."

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shadowess - March 17, 2021

While Leo went to get Vincent and Elliot, Tom also ran up the stairs to warn Carter of what was going on. He knocked roughly on the door. "Carter? Carter! We need help, man!" He called through the door.

A few minutes after Vincent vanished, David appeared in the living room and looked at Nate's condition. "I was told this is an emergency. What's happened? What do you need?"


Alex flinched as Jasper took the rock out of his hand, having felt his cold fingers against his hand as he took it. He then flinched again and jumped back as Jasper shot at the rune and to his surprise, it shattered! Alex's features lit up. "Haha! Yes! Now the others will be able to teleport into this room!...if they haven't tried to already..." He then looked over at Jasper. "You could tell them for me! Find my frie- uh-" He seemed like he was going to throw up. "You need to find my fr- urgh!" He gagged harder. 'Dammit, get it together Alex. You need their help!' "You need...to find...my fr-r-r-r...my fr-nnn!.....the people I hang out with! God dammit!" He gasped as if trying to say that one sentence had been the hardest thing in the world. "They're Carter, Parker, Sebastian, Elliot, Vincent, Tom, Nate and Leo. Tell them the barrier is broken and they can come get me!"


Denix Vames - March 17, 2021

The runes on Nate's body suddenly disappeared. "Well, I was going to say that he needs help but never mind. Anyway, I need you to teleport Elliot to where Neva is. As far as I'm concerned, she seems to like him more than the rest of us. So I need Elliot here to ask her how we can beat The Trickster."

Elliot stood. "Me? I-I don't know. I never pry into anyone's business." "Elliot, this is our only chance to beat this guy! We've got to stop him!" He sighed. "Alright alright. Let's just hurry before shit gets worse."

Carter was missing.


"Slow down there buddy. Now, is there a door somewhere? Cause I don't know how you expect me to get to them when there's no way out of here." ,said Jasper.


Bryce had tied Carter to a chair in the middle of the living room. Having used some ripped sheets on his wrists and feet. He duct taped his mouth. Carter was unconscious.


Shadowess - March 17, 2021

David nodded quickly and held a hand out for Elliot before teleporting to Sebastian's location.

After not getting an answer, Tom had opened the door to find the room empty. He rushed downstairs. "You don't suppose Carter went with Sebastian, do you? Because he's not here..."


Neva, Parker and Sebastian had been watching the little TV when Elliot and David arrived. Take away food sat on the little coffee table. As soon as she saw him, Neva jumped to her feet and ran over to Elliot, wrapping her arms around him happily. Sebastian looked at them a little more questioningly. If David pops into a room without knocking on the door, it's usually some kind of emergency. Parker also seemed curious about their sudden arrival.

"Alex has been taken. We need to ask Neva a couple of questions to help us get him back." David explained briefly then turned to Elliot. "Go ahead Elliot. No time to lose."


Alex was beginning to lose patience with this ghost. "Seriously? Alright, let me ask you one quick question." He said agitated, turning to face Jasper. "How the hell did you GET IN HERE?!"


"Well, well. So much for a quiet night in." Desi chuckled, having appeared in the room. She'd left Kite a note with her number while he slept, explaining she had to leave for 'work'. She had marks on her wrists from using the handcuffs. "How did you slip by them all?" She asked, sitting in a chair and watching with fascination. "Also, if you still want to kill the rest, that human's mind was filled to the brim with information." She changed into her male counterpart in case Carter woke up and saw her female version. Her clothes changing as well. David nodded quickly and held a hand out for Elliot before teleporting to Sebastian's location.

After not getting an answer, Tom had opened the door to find the room empty. He rushed downstairs. "You don't suppose Carter went with Sebastian, do you? Because he's not here..."


Neva, Parker and Sebastian had been watching the little TV when Elliot and David arrived. Take away food sat on the little coffee table. As soon as she saw him, Neva jumped to her feet and ran over to Elliot, wrapping her arms around him happily. Sebastian looked at them a little more questioningly. If David pops into a room without knocking on the door, it's usually some kind of emergency. Parker also seemed curious about their sudden arrival.

"Alex has been taken. We need to ask Neva a couple of questions to help us get him back." David explained briefly then turned to Elliot. "Go ahead Elliot. No time to lose."


Alex was beginning to lose patience with this ghost. "Seriously? Alright, let me ask you one quick question." He said agitated, turning to face Jasper. "How the hell did you GET IN HERE?!"


"Well, well. So much for a quiet night in." Desi chuckled, having appeared in the room. She'd left Kite a note with her number while he slept, explaining she had to leave for 'work'. She had marks on her wrists from using the handcuffs. "How did you slip by them all?" She asked, sitting in a chair and watching with fascination. "Also, if you still want to kill the rest, that human's mind was filled to the brim with information." She changed into her male counterpart in case Carter woke up and saw her female version. Her clothes changing as well.


Denix Vames - March 17, 2021

Leo's eyes widened. "Are you kidding me?! Did The Trickster take him too?"


Elliot returned the hug before kneeling down. "Neva, I've got to ask you something. Now, I understand you're afraid of him but we're need your help. Do you know if the Trickster can get hurt somehow?"


Jasper shrugged. "I don't know. One minute, me and my bounty hunter friends were chasing after this gang and the next minute, I find myself here. Now, let's stop arguing and start looking for a door."

He walked over to the other side of the room.


"I took my chances and they didn't bother to stop me. It seems as though they're occupied with other things. And which human are you referring to? The one that you slept with?"

Carter slowly opened his eyes. His eyes widened as his heart raced. Seeing Bryce who he had expected to be dead and the Incubus. He struggled to get out of the chair. Letting out frustrated screams which were muffled.


Shadowess - March 17, 2021

"Now what?" Tom asked, he was ready to fight but wasn't sure how they should proceed.


Neva's eyes widened a little and she hesitated but she saw how worried they all looked. She didn't want to be afraid anymore. She wanted to help them fight the Trickster. She thought for a moment. "He...he wears a stone with funny writing on it...on around his neck and one on his..." She points to her wrist, meaning it was worn as a sort of cufflink, but she didn't know what it was called. "I don't know what they are but he never takes them off...he told me that if I ever touched one, he'd take one of my fingers off as punishment...His friends have them too. A woman and a man. They both look scary. The man can turn into a bear and the woman can turn into a black bird...The Trickster can turn into a big dog."


Watching Jasper look for a door, Alex pinched the brim of his nose. Inside he was screaming. "I'm going to fucking die in here..." He muttered sourly.


"Lucky for you." Desi smirked. He then chuckled at the question. "Jealous?" He asked playfully. Carter soon awoke and began screaming into his gag. "Good evening." Desi says pleasantly, getting to his feet. He looks over at Bryce. "Would you like my assistance once more?" He asked, offering the use of his aura to make Carter compliant. "At least now you won't be interrupted."


Denix Vames - March 17, 2021

"We have no choice but to wait. If The Trickster has Carter too then we'll need Nate's help. Only if he can do something. It seems like trying to get there was a bad choice for him. I don't know if anything's different now."


Elliot raised a brow. "Wait a minute? Does that mean....you're a Trickster too? I mean what kind of gang is this? Why do they do this crap in the first place?"


"Ah ha!" Jasper pushed a large button which opened a door. He was about to call for Alex when a giant man loomed over him. ".....That's a big fella!" He was immediately picked up by his neck. He flailed around as he gasped for air. Trying to get his hand off.

He pulled out his pistol and fired at his face which caused the big man to let go. He coughed up before forcing himself to stand. He ran over to Alex and whistled. "C'mon Mary!"

The horse neighed as it ran over. He hopped on her back. He held out his hand. "I've got an idea!" He pulled Alex onto the horse before riding towards the big guy. Screaming with all the energy he had as he rammed into him. His horse busted the rune around his neck.


Bryce rolled his eyes. "Hardly."

Carter lifted his right arm as he broke the armrest. Taking it with him. Bryce grabbed a hole of his arms. Keeping a tight grip as Carter fought. Glaring at them.

"Helping now would be a benefit!"


shadowess - March 18, 2021

(Just to give you some more detail if you wanted to do the accomplices; The one around the neck protects their thoughts from telepaths. The ones on their cuffs give them a sort of 'force field' around their bodies, protecting them from physical damage.)


Tom nodded and began pacing around, waiting for their friends to get back with some information. Every so often, he glanced at Nate in a worried way.


Neva stiffened and became uncomfortable when he asked if she was a Trickster too. "I think that's just a name he calls himself...I don't know what I am...I don't know what they are...I-...I don't know..." Her eyes watered. "He used to say that he would make me one of them...when I was older...stronger..." She started crying. "But they hurt people and I don't want to hurt people! Please don't let him take me away! I don't want to go back!"

"I believe that's all the information we need. Elliot, stay with her. Make sure she stays safe. If anyone tries to gain access to this hotel, you let us know immediately. Parker, stay with him. Sebastian, with me." David said and Sebastian stood, walking over to David and taking his hand. When they arrived back at the house, David immediately told Leo and Tom everything Neva had told them.


Alex opened his eyes and turned when he heard Jasper's exclamation. His eyes widened at the sight of an open door with the big man from earlier gripping Jasper. He watched as Jasper tried to shoot the man, which made him let him go but otherwise the blast seemed to bounce off his face. When Jasper then jumped up onto his horse and held out a hand to Alex, he glanced back at the big man before taking it while muttering under his breath "I must be going crazy!". Once on the horse, he held on tightly to Jasper and shut his eyes as the horse ran them both to freedom.


"What would you do without me?" Desi chuckled, watching him struggle with Carter for a moment, apparently in no rush. He began emitting his aura, focusing it onto Carter and looking him in the eyes. "You don't really want to fight us, do you Carter?" He asked in a soothing voice. "We care about you, Carter. Look at your beloved, Bryce. Don't you just want to be in his arms?"


Denix Vames - March 18, 2021

(good to know. but i dont think i could play as them. i feel like you play as them a lot better)

Elliot hugged her. "It's alright. You ain't like them. You're you. That's all ya need to be." He watched them leave before sighing. "This isn't fair. Why can't I help? I can fight!"


"Then we'll have to destroy those runes in order to take them down." ,said Leo. Nate opened his eyes. His wings had healed. He sat up. "Nate-!" "Don't bother. I already know what you're thinking. And I'll be there to fight them. I'm good to go." He picked up his weapon.

Vincent appeared. "I'm guessing you guys already got everything and I just wasted my time reading those boring ass books?"


Somehow, Alex and Jasper had left the prison. Finding themselves on the street near Carter's house. "Whoa! What the hell happened to the houses? Am I even in New York anymore?"


Carter seemed to have fallen under trance. He looked up at Bryce with those loving eyes. Bryce smiled. He untied him and took the tape off of his mouth.

"Come now dear Carter. Let me embrace you." He held out his arms. Carter stood from the chair and walked into his hug. His fangs sprouted. He suddenly ripped his throat. Spitting out as blood flew.

Bryce's eyes widened as he choked on his own blood. Collapsing on the floor. Carter stomped on what was left of his neck. Beheading him. He licked his lips.

He zoomed to Desi. Wrapping his hand around his neck as he slammed him against the wall. He held a wide maniacal grin as he giggled. His eyes were wide. "The same trick doesn't work twice!"


shadowess - March 18, 2021

Neva cried into Elliot's shoulder but nodded at his words, comforted by them. When he complained about not being able to fight as well, Parker looked over and sighed. "I'm not exactly happy about being on the sidelines either but if we go off and fight too, then who's going to make sure she's safe?" He said understandingly.

Neva had stopped crying at this point and had pulled away from Elliot, wiping her eyes. She'd listened to them both and thought about how brave they were to want to stand up for their friends. She looked at her hands. What good were these powers if she never used them to protect those she cared about? "I could fight too?"

"Hell no!" Parker said, looking over. "The whole point of everyone fighting them is to keep you safe. Kind of defeats the point if you go running into the middle of the battle zone..."


Tom wrapped his arms around Nate as soon as he got up. Glad to see he was alright again.

"Glad to see you looking better." David said with a nod.

Sebastian was looking around the room, curiously. "Has Carter not gotten up yet?

When Vincent arrived in the house again, David chuckled at his question. "That depends. Did any of those books give any information as to which runes grant which powers? We only know they wear them, we don't know what they mean or do."

It was at this point that shouting and a huge roar that shook the glass in the windows came from outside.


Opening his eyes and looking around, Alex was relieved to find them back in a place he knew. "Oh, thank god..." He breathed then chuckled at Jasper's comment. "Told ya man, 2021..." He then glanced back just in time to see the big man appear behind them, looking pissed off. He immediately began transforming into a huge grizzly bear. "Behind us, man! Bear! Big Bear! FUCKING BIG FUCKING BEAR!!" He started panicking as the bear roared, causing the glass in nearby windows to shake violently. Only one word on the bear's mind, repeated over and over; Kill!


At first, it looked like it had worked. Carter's expression shifted and he seemed to calm down. Desi watched with a grin as Bryce released him and Carter got up to hug him. Then everything went to shit. Stunned by what he was seeing, Desi watched as Carter tore out Bryce's throat with his teeth before beheading him. Before he had a chance to react, Carter was on him. He brought his hands up to grip Carter's wrist as his hand wrapped around his throat. His head and back hit the wall, the impact caused him to cry out. His bullet wound still sore.

He stared at Carter, the way he was acting. The blood coating his mouth. His fangs. He needed to get out of his grip if he didn't want to suffer a similar fate to Bryce. He struggled, straining to breath. What kind of blood was this vampire drinking?! Has he been putting steroids in his meals?! When Carter spoke, Desi glared at him angrily. "Good to know!" He wheezed, then aimed a swift kick for Carter's stomach to try and get him to let go.

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Denix Vames - March 18, 2021

"Now hold on a minute Parker. I know that a lot has been going on but she wants to do this. This is her decision. She finally gets to make the calls. And if she's just as strong as those other guys are then I think she can do it." ,said Elliot.


"We think he's been kidnapped by the Trickster." ,said Leo.

"Apparently, the cuffs give them a force field while the one around their neck protects their thoughts." ,said Vincent.


"Holy shit! Hold on!" Jasper moved the reins so that they whipped his horse. Getting her to run faster.

Nate ran out of the house. He raised a hand at the bear. He flinched as the rune on its wrist had burned his hand. "I've got this!" ,said Leo who zoomed to the bear's side. He fired at the rune on his wrist. Shooting it off. He hopped on his back.


Carter barely reacted to the kick. He laughed. "That tickles!" He sank his fangs into his neck. Beginning to drink from him.


Shadowess - March 18, 2021

"I duno, it just seems like a really bad idea, man." Parker warned, getting to his feet. "I mean, I get it. I really do. I wana go and help just as much as you two but the second the Trickster sees her, you just know he's going to make a beeline for her!"


Running outside with the others, Sebastian looked up and saw Alex on a horse...with what looked like a cowboy. With no time to question it, he called out to Alex. "Hey! Was Carter with you?"

Alex looked over at Sebastian and shook his head. "No! Just me and this guy!"

Sebastian looked around at the huge grizzly bear. If the Trickster took him, then they might have put him in a different place to wherever they were keeping Alex. Sebastian's heart was racing and he felt sick to his stomach. Worried for Carter's safety.

The bear roared and ran around sporadically, trying to get Leo off his back while swatting at Nate, Tom and Vincent on his way past.

A crow appeared. Rune around it's neck and one attached to one of it's talons. It began flying around Leo, scratching and pecking at his head and face as it did.

David cracked his neck and his knuckles. He almost never got to use his second form. Lowering himself onto his knees, he began screaming. His muscles, bones and general body shape shifting and reshaping itself rapidly until he stood as a golden lion. Almost as large as the bear. He sprung forward, tackling the bear. Both of them biting and scratching at each other viciously.


When the kick did nothing, Desi stared at Carter as he laughed at his failed attempt. "What the-?" He gasped then cried out as Carter's fangs pierced his throat. He struggled against him, trying to push him off. He'd half expected to have his throat ripped out as well, but it seemed like Carter was going to try to drink him dry instead. "S-stop!" He gasped when he heard the first few gulps in his ear, disgusted by the sound. A strong wave of numbness washed through him, and his struggles became weaker as Carter's venom took hold. "N-no..." He clawed at Carter back, pulled at his hair. Trying anything to get Carter to let him go. 'Dear God...' he thought. 'Is this what Hannah had felt like when Bryce was killing her?' Like every effort was futile. "G-get off me!" He panicked, feeling his muscles begin to tire and his heart begin to slow. "E-ENOUGH!" He snapped, teleporting from Carter's grip. Severely injured and dizzy from blood loss, he re-appeared in the same room, crashing into the coffee table and breaking it in two. He was breathing very heavily and shaking. Desperately, he tried to crawl away from him, pulling himself along the carpet towards Bryce's body. When close enough, he gripped the body in one hand and the head in the other before attempting to teleport again. Aiming for Parker's apartment again, as he was running out of options.


Denix Vames - March 18, 2021

Elliot stood. "So what? You're saying that she can't defend herself?!"


"Watch out!" ,shouted Nate who stood in front of them. The bear's claws had left him bleeding from his back and wings as it passed him by. He cried out. Keeling over.

"Nate!" ,said Vincent who ran over.

Leo covered his head with his hands which were bleeding from the crow's pecks. He soon fell off when the bear and David were fighting. He hit the ground. Bouncing off it before landing. Losing his grip on his gun.

Jasper hopped off of the horse and spanked her ass. Making her run off with Alex still on her. "Get him away from this crap! I'm done running when we've got folks to save!" He pulled out his pistols. Aiming at the crow and fired.

Leo forced himself to stand. He placed his gun back in its holster then pulled out his knife. He zoomed to the bear. He shoved David off of him before grabbing the rune around his neck. Pulling it out and throwing it on the ground. Breaking it into pieces. He stabbed the bear in the chest.


Carter walked over to Desi with bloody hands. The corners of lips were twitching. "Guess you lose!" He stomped his head in.

He sniffed the air. Detecting a human in the basement. He zoomed down there and cut his throat. He soon left the house. Running to find his own home.


Shadowess - March 18, 2021

"That's not what I'm saying! I-" Parker was also standing, though he was faltering. "Look, I just don't want to see her get hurt, ok?"

"I want to fight." Neva said, her eyes hardening. Looking between Elliot and Neva, Parker sighed, defeated. There'd be no arguing with these two.

"Alright fine. We'll go help... But Elliot, me and you gotta look out for her as our first priority." He grabbed the keys to the room off the table and took a deep breath to steady his nerves. "You guys ready?"


Tom had also run to Nate's side after he was hit by the bear.

"Hey- what?! No fair!" Alex objected as the horse he was on was sent running.

Jasper's gunshot blew off the bird's leg entirely, it's rune falling to the ground. Screeching horribly, it attempted to fly away. The shock and pain from it's leg being blown off causing it to transform back into the tall woman in mid-air. She fell to the ground, her left leg missing from the knee. She screamed and sat up, gripping the stump which was pouring out blood. Taking a few deep breaths, she began chanting strange words, stopping the blood loss and sprouting an ethereal leg. She stood, growling and facing the others, her nails sharpening and getting a bit longer.

By the time Leo had pushed David off the bear, his golden fur was drenched in red. A mixture of the bear's blood and his own. The bear was equally drenched. Both of them being covered in deep bite marks and scratches. David growled at the bear as Leo attacked it then looked around and noticed curtains in all the nearby houses twitching. Shit! The humans! He rapidly shifted back into his human form and ran to Nate and Vincent.

The bear was so big and muscular that the sword in it's chest barely bothered it. Not quite long enough to reach it's heart. It was like stabbing the beast with a toothpick. The only thing it seemed to do was piss the bear off more as he swatted at Leo with the back of his paw, aiming to send him flying back, away from him.

"We need to do damage control!" David said quickly. "We have telepathy, we should be able to erase this memory from the human witnesses. We're going to need to knock them all out before one of them calls the authorities and we wind up all over the news!"

Sebastian had run towards the thin woman when she fell but was tackled to the ground by what looked like a massive Dobermann. A rune on it's spiked collar. One embedded into it's skin on it's left foreleg, just above it's paw. It had one red eye and one green. Drool dripped from it's massive teeth as it growled and snapped at Sebastian who was trying desperately to hold back it's jaw with his hands. It managed to get a hold of Sebastian's arm and bit down hard, causing Sebastian to scream, trying to push it's jaw open with his free hand. The Dobermann then started violently tossing his head, this way and that while maintaining his grip on Sebastian, tearing into his arm more, breaking the bone and causing Sebastian unimaginable pain as it tossed him around like a rag doll. Any longer and it would sever his arm completely.


Waking up with a scream, Desi looked around himself wildly. The familiar beach with it's black, roaring sea. The son of a bitch did it...he actually managed to kill him...Instinctively, Desi lifted his hands to feel the back of his head and his throat. But of course, being in a new body meant he had no injuries. He waited a few minutes, sitting on the beach and watching the sea as he calmed down. He needed to get back to Bryce to pull his head back to his body to help him start his healing process. That's if Carter hadn't destroyed his heart by now...but he didn't want to teleport back too soon and end up facing Carter again.

Once he was calmer and was sure enough time had passed, he teleported back to that house where Bryce's body lay on the ground. Thank God...it looks like he just left him there...and looking around, he couldn't hear nor see any sign of Carter anymore. He looked over his own corpse with disgust. What a mess...his skull had been caved in like a damn melon. Kneeling by Bryce, he grabbed his head and rested it by his body, close enough for his skin and muscles to begin reaching out and re-attaching themselves. For good measure, he slit his wrist again and poured his blood onto the wound in his throat.

To say Desi was angry with how things turned out would be an understatement. "If you can hear this. Give up this pointless pursuit of Carter. For your own sake. Because the next time I see that bastard, I am going to kill him." He growled. His eyes narrowed and he stared out of the open door. His eyes turning red. "But first, I am going to destroy everything he holds dear. By the time he reaches Hell, he will be a broken shell of a man...and I will hunt him relentlessly for the rest of eternity. Until he begs me to destroy his soul as well."


Denix Vames - March 18, 2021

Elliot nodded. "Hell yeah!"


Jasper's eyes widened. "Uh oh...Sexy scary lady!" He started firing at her neck.

Leo was thrown a good couple of feet away. He soon hit the ground and rolled over while getting skinned a bit on his arms legs. He tried to get up but all he could do was lift his head up before passing out.

Despite his injuries, Nate flew himself up to the sky. His body glowed as did his eyes. In an echoed deep voice he said, "Humans of this area! Sleep until the battle ends!"

They soon heard all of the humans passing out. Nate lowered himself. Collapsing on the ground.

Carter had been running on all fours. He watched as a dog was biting into Sebastian's arm. He bit into the dog's back. He forced his jaw open. Getting him off.

"The runes Carter! The runes!" ,said Vincent. Carter sniffed before ripping the rune out of the dog's leg. He spat it out then sat on the dog. He tore out its throat as he took the collar off.


The attempt was a failure.


Shadowess - March 18, 2021

Parker had been about to head for the door when Neva grabbed his hand and Elliot's. The Trickster and his allies could all teleport and she knew Nate, David and Vincent could teleport too. She wondered if it was something she could do as well and whether it was easy. She closed her eyes and imagined being near Tom, wanting to be standing next to him.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THREE DOING HERE?!" She heard David's voice shouting suddenly and opened her eyes to the battle going on around them. David standing nearby looking at them with a mixture of horror and anger.

Tom had once again run to Nate's side as he collapsed after knocking out the humans.

The woman held her hands up with her nails together as Jasper shot at her. The nails acting as a shield which the bullets pinged off of. She grinned viciously and began walking towards him, flexing her nails like they were weapons or claws. Neva spotted the thin woman and ran after her. "Wha-wait!" Parker had shouted, running after Neva. Neva didn't stop and just as the thin woman was about to swipe her long nails at Jasper, she held her hands out in front of her. Her eyes turning white as a jet of blue energy rushed out of her hands, hitting the woman square in the back. The woman had let out a sharp gasp, her body tensing up before rapidly freezing solid. Recalling her life living with these people, Neva then let out an angry scream, the blue energy turning white and making the air around her turn static. The jolt of electricity caused the thin woman's body to explode into large frozen chunks that scattered across the street.

Parker had ground to a halt to watch this and he held his head in his hands, watching as Neva lowered hers. Her eyes returning to normal. "Holy fucking shit!" He'd gasped then ran forward to catch her as she passed out.

After throwing Leo to one side, the bear had started running at him, intent on finishing him off. Until something moving too fast for it to see sped past right in front of him and came to a stop next to him. The bear had ground to a halt and gripped it's throat, feeling pain and struggling to breathe. It looked at what had run past. Large, beautiful white wings. Long, flowing black hair. Silvery-white armor. The black haired Angel lifted her large broad sword, revealing the bear's blood running down it. She lifted the blade to her face. Opening her mouth to reveal fangs as she licked some of the blood off of the sword. Her black eyes fixed coldly on the bear. No longer able to hold it's form, the bear shifted back into the large bald man. Leo's sword clattering to the ground as he changed. He clawed desperately at the large slice across his throat and fell to his knees. He gurgled a few strange words. The beginnings of a chant to try to save his life. "None of that." The Angel said, lifting a hand so that her palm faced his head. A short sonic boom left her palm and when it hit the man's head it exploded. His body falling back, twitching a little before falling still.

Feeling Carter's fangs in his back, the Trickster let out a whine, letting go of Sebastian and turning it's head to try to see behind it, growling. Sebastian hit the floor and immediately lost consciousness. His arm a mangled mess. Just as the Trickster looked behind him, Carter had already started trying to get the rune out of his leg. He snapped at Carter Angrily, towering over him and baring his oversized teeth, growling. When he heard a bit of commotion behind him, he turned just in time to see Neva destroy the thin woman and an Angel kill his other ally. He was alone! His best fighters were dead! He growled, a monstrous voice hissing out of him. "NEVA!!"

That's when Carter attempted to tear his throat out. Being as large, if not larger than a horse, The Trickster's dog form had very thick skin, making Carter's attempt difficult. That being said, with the Demon blood currently coursing through Carter's veins, such a feat was no longer impossible. The dog whined and yelped, backing up and shaking it's body, trying to free itself of Carter. Teleporting would only take Carter with him. He saw no other way out of this. He quickly transformed back into his human form. The transformation alone would be enough to push Carter off of him and once he was free, he stumbled back, falling onto his back and crawled away from the vampire hurriedly, holding the wound in his neck while spitting up a bit of his own blood. "N-No! Mercy! Please!" He gasped, desperate to put distance between himself and the others.


Desi stared at Bryce's throat. Almost willing it to start healing but nothing happened. Retracting his hand, he held his wrist as he stared at the bodies in confusion. This should be working. His heart was not destroyed. He should be healing himself...why wasn't he healing? "I don't understand!" He seethed, getting to his feet. He kicked Bryce's body out of frustration. "Heal!" He ordered and watched as nothing happened. "Heal damn you!" He shouted angrily. Perhaps this had been the final straw for Bryce? Could Vampires die of a broken heart? Regardless, this meant he was alone in his plan. He refused to conduct the same spell on a being who seemed to have an awful habit of dying before actually achieving anything. What an absolute failure he'd been! Utterly useless! Seething, Desi turned towards the open door. "Guess it's just me then." He growls then grins maniacally. "I guess I'll have to send Carter and his friends a message. Never fuck with a Demon." He marched out of the house, disappearing into the night.

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Denix Vames - March 18, 2021

Jasper had been hit by all of the bullets he had fired. He dropped his pistols and clutched his chest. He expected himself to bleed out but the bullets had suddenly jumped out of him as his wounds healed. "What the hell am I?"

He covered his ears as the woman shattered into pieces.

Elliot's eyes widened at the sight of another angel. "Who the hell are ya?!"

Carter laughed as he licked his hands. He jumped on the Trickster and ripped his head off with his bare hands. As blood pooled from the neck stump, he dropped the head and started licking the ground.

Vincent slowly walked over. "Carter?" Carter growled. He started running towards him. Ready to attack.


Bryce had finally realized that his attempts were not worth anything. He was content with being in Hell. It was far better than being on Earth.

"Go fuck yourself Desi. I really don't give a shit anymore."


shadowess - March 18, 2021

Looking over at Elliot as he asked who she was, the Angel gave him a gentle smile. "Patience." She said, her voice soft as she spoke. She then walked over to Leo who was the closest casualty to her in that moment. She placed her hands on his chest and began healing his wounds. When she was done with him, she made her way over to Nate, placing her hands on his shoulders to heal him as well. She looked around while healing him, at everyone else who would need help when she was done with him.

Having finally gotten the horse under control, Alex had sped back to the battle to find it was practically over. "Just my luck!" He breathed then saw the odd way that Carter was acting and how he started running towards Vincent. Not knowing what else to do, he stuck his fingers into his mouth and whistled sharply to get Carter's attention. "Hey! Dickhead! Still want to settle that score with me!?" He turned the horse around, inwardly questioning his own sanity. Why was he risking his life for these people?! "Catch me if you can asshole!" He kicked the horse, speeding off down the street. While racing away, he desperately hoped someone would stop Carter before he could actually catch him.


Denix Vames - March 18, 2021

"Patience huh?" Elliot watched her heal some of his friends. "So, you're a good angel like Nate? I heard that the rest of you guys were a bunch of jerks."

Carter stopped and turned at Alex. He started running after him. Jasper took his rope out and began to spin it in his other hand. Making it into a circle. "Just like old times!" He threw the rope at him.

It wrapped itself around Carter. Tightening on him. Jasper pulled. Struggling to get him away from Alex. Carter growled. Drool dripped from his mouth.


Shadowess - March 18, 2021

Patience paused, staring at Nate as his name was mentioned. As if just realizing who he was. Admittedly, the only person here that she knew by name was Sebastian. "You're Nate?" She asked him quietly before falling quiet. She finished healing him then stood up, not looking at him. "I wouldn't know." She answered Elliot. "All the Angels I know are decent." She then walked over to Sebastian and knelt next to him. She ran her thumb over his cheek lovingly, her eyes were soft. "My Sebastian...What has that monster done to you?" She whispered and placed her hands over his chest as well, taking a little more effort to repair the extensive damage done to his arm.

Parker had lifted Neva into his arms and took her over to Carter's lawn, away from Carter. Alex had stopped the horse a little distance away and looked back to see Jasper had Carter restrained. His heart was pounding as he stared at him, seeing how angry he was. Blood and drool dripping from him. Alex felt some guilt, feeling partially responsible for pushing Carter to this. While Alex didn't want to die and he was terrified of Carter right now, a small part of him hoped he'd break free and catch him... Maybe Alex deserved whatever Carter would do to him. David stood at a safe distance from Carter and tried to talk him down. "Carter! That's enough. It's over! The fight is over! Everyone here is a friend! You can stop!" He called to him.


Denix Vames - March 18, 2021

Carter continued to struggle as he cried out. Jasper wrapped the rest of the rope over his own wrists. "That's enough padre!" He flipped him over by a one quick tug.

Carter caught his eye on Sebastian. He suddenly stopped struggling. He caught his breath. "S-Sebas...." Tears fell from his eyes. The ropes loosened as he crawled to him. He caressed his cheek. "Sebastian! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

He sobbed over him.


Shadowess - March 18, 2021

Patience watched Carter silently, keeping her hands on Sebastian's chest and continuing to heal him. The bone in his arm snapped back into place and the skin healed, leaving several long, wide scars where the Trickster's teeth had almost torn his arm to shreds. When she was done, she took her hands away and placed them onto the floor to steady herself, feeling dizzy. Sebastian groaned, his head turning just a little. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked up to see Carter crying over him. "C-Carter! You're alright!" He breathed, relieved.

He then turned his head and his expression shifted to utter confusion. His eyes widening and his breath catching in his throat. "Patience!" He gasped. Patience smiled at him weakly, holding back tears. "I'm proud of the vampire you've become, Sebastian." She said softly, getting to her feet. There would be time to catch up later. There were still people that needed healing. She stumbled over to David who looked at her with concern. "Don't you think you should rest a little first?" He asked her and she grinned at him.

"I can rest when I'm dead." She replied and took his hand, healing his bite and scratch wounds. Sebastian looked back at Carter, tears falling from his own eyes. He tried to sit up, wanting to wrap his arms around Carter but as soon as he put a bit of weight on his arm he flinched and sucked in air through his teeth from the pain. He supposed the damage was so great that Patience couldn't completely heal it. Patience finished healing David and moved towards Neva but her legs gave as soon as she tried to walk. David caught her. "That's enough, we appreciate the help but you shouldn't push yourself so hard." He said gently.

"But the girl-" Patience tried to argue.

"Will be fine. She simply used more energy than she's used to. Sort of like you." He smiled at her. She smiled back, accepting his help.

While helping her towards the house, David looked around at the others. "Tom, help Nate inside. Carter bring Sebastian in. Parker, you've got Neva. Alex, get your ass off that horse and help clear the bodies. Billy the Kid-" He looks at the cowboy. "Help bring Leo in. He's the unconscious gentleman over there..."

"Why do I get body duty?!" Alex complained.

"Don't argue!" David snapped. "We all need to work together. That includes you! Vincent, make sure he actually helps, would you?"


Denix Vames - March 18, 2021

Carter helped Sebastian into the house. "I'm right here. Just be careful."

"Name's Jasper by the way, fancy pants." Jasper lifted Leo and placed him over his shoulders. "You should probably got help Tom and his flyboy." He pointed at Nate.

"C'mon." Vincent led Alex to the two men. Watching Alex hold one of Nate's arms. Nate sat at the couch. He turned to the broken windows once everyone was inside. He raised his hand and fixed the windows and their curtains.

With the bodies, they had been transported to a desert. Jasper placed Leo on the floor. "Welp! That's that. I'm gonna see if I can find that gang that I was looking for with my pals." "I hate to break it to you but they're probably dead." ,said Carter. "You don't know that."

Nate glared at Patience. "What do you want? Did you come here to bring me back so they could torture me again?"


shadowess - March 18, 2021

Once in the house, Sebastian sat on one of the chairs and looked over his arm. At the new scars and how swollen and bruised it was. He sighed heavily. It may take a while for this kind of injury to heal completely. At least he didn't actually lose his arm...With his good hand, he held Carter's and gently rubbed his thumb over the back of his hand, looking up at him tearfully. He wanted to ask him what had happened but felt too weak and tired to hold much of a conversation right now.

Tom sat by Nate, looking over at Patience warily as Nate glared at her. Patience headed into the kitchen and pulled out three bags of blood. She headed back into the living room. She passed one to Tom who hesitated before reluctantly accepting it from her. As she walked over to Sebastian, she then heard Nate's question and paused, looking back at him briefly. "No." She answered in a calm tone as she passed one of the bags to Sebastian who immediately bit into it and started drinking. "I didn't even know you were in the area..." She admitted as she then offered the last bag to Carter.


Denix Vames - March 18, 2021

Carter accepted the bag but didn't drink. He frowned. "I'm full." His hands were shaking.

Nate raised a brow. "You must be new then. Those bastards threw me into ADIEU just cause I didn't like God."

Jasper held out his hand in front of Alex. "Nice working with ya man. Hope to see ya some other time."


shadowess - March 18, 2021

Patience didn't reply to Nate immediately. Her kind eyes remained fixed on Carter as he admitted he was already full. Sebastian was looking up at him, seeing him shaking. "Carter?" His voice was soft. Patience placed a gentle hand on Carter's shoulder, looking him in the eyes without saying a word. A subtle way of telling him that she understood what he was going through. She then let him go and turned to look at Nate with just as much understanding. "Yes. I was only granted my wings a few weeks ago." She admitted and walked over to them, sitting in a nearby chair so as to speak at his eye level rather than looking down at him. Hopefully to make him feel more comfortable around her and show him that she didn't believe she was any better than he was.

"I'm sorry that happened to you..." She began. "I truly am. If there is anyone who understands the horrors that ADIEU can put people through, it is myself and Sebastian. I wouldn't wish it on anyone." She sighed, looking around at them all briefly. "Things are changing now. Hopefully for the better. A friend of yours, Amelia? She's been trying to arrange a meeting to discuss peace between Heaven, Hell and Earth. I was chosen to meet with her to find out the details. She told me Sebastian Walker was one of her friends and well..." She smiled over at Sebastian. "I couldn't resist the chance to see the Vampire I made all those years ago...It was by sheer coincidence that I found you all when I did. Who were those vile people?"

Alex hesitated again but sighed, swallowing his nerves and took Jasper's hand, trying to ignore how cold it felt. "Er- you too...thanks for your help and good luck with...finding those bandits?" He said slowly, unsure if Jasper would ever find them or if he was stuck wandering the earth in search of them for eternity.


Denix Vames - March 18, 2021

Carter couldn't look at Sebastian. He set the blood bag on his lap. "I'll tell you later."

Nate laughed. "Peace? What peace? As if they would ever listen to us!"

"Heard they were tricksters. They were using Neva to steal money. Poor girl." ,said Elliot.

Jasper smiled. "Thanks. Good luck with all this stuff. Whatever it is." Elliot ran over. "Wait a minute! Is that....?" "Huh? Do I know?" "I'm your grandson! Well, your great great great great great great grandson." Jasper's eyes widened. "That makes me a great great great great great great grandpa!"

He wrapped an arm around his head and moved his fist around against the top of his head as Elliot's hat fell. "Well then! Come here you! I should have seen the resemblance anywhere."


shadowess - March 18, 2021

Sebastian watched Carter carefully with a frown. When he said he'd tell him later, he gave Carter's hand a gentle squeeze and offered him a patient smile. "Okay." He said gently.

Patience watched Nate's reaction calmly. "They are listening. Or at least, they're attempting to now. What Amelia is proposing makes sense and would be a benefit to all involved. They'd be fools not to at least hear her out." She replied just as calmly, as if they were having a rather pleasant conversation.

Patience then looked over at Neva as Elliot explained the Tricksters had been using her for their own crimes. She smiled up at Elliot kindly. "Well, it looks like she's in good hands now. She's lucky to have friends like you."

Alex watched Elliot and Jasper realize they're related and his smile ever so slowly slipped as he watched them talking. 'Good God, there's two of them now!' he thought in horror, fighting hard to not roll his eyes. He then watched as Jasper noogied Elliot and he grimaced. "Isn't that cold, Elliot?!"


Denix Vames - March 18, 2021

Carter rested his head against Sebastian's shoulder. Closing his eyes as he took a deep breath.

Nate crossed his arms. "Alright but if one of those winged bastards tries to attack me then I'll kill them."

Elliot smiled. "Thanks ma'am." He raised a brow at Alex. "What's cold?" Jasper realized something. "Hey! Wait a minute! Do you know what happened to those bandits that I was chasing with my friends?" Elliot frowned and shook his head. "Sorry. We have pictures of you and some of your pals but that's about it. They never told me your story or showed me all of your pictures. Just the one."

"If this is old history then we might have it in the library or humans might have it in their own library." ,said Vincent.

"Then that's where I'll be heading!" ,said Jasper. He was about leave when he turned. "Uh where's the library?"


shadowess - March 18, 2021

Sebastian rested his head against Carters. "Maybe I should rest on the bed for a bit? I'm pretty wiped out after that fight...Do you want to come with me?" He asked Carter.

Overhearing Sebastian, Parker looked at Neva in his arms. His arms were beginning to get tired from holding her. "I think I'll go put Neva in one of the spare beds for now." he said as he headed up stairs to lay her down. Once she was tucked in, he headed back downstairs to rejoin the others.

Patience shrugged her shoulders in response to Nate's statement. "As far as I'm concerned that would be self defense. So fair enough..."

Alex had hesitated to answer Elliot's question. He didn't know how to describe it and didn't understand why Elliot didn't feel it. "N-never mind..." he said in defeat.

David could see they all had everything under control again and he was no longer needed. He looked over at Jasper as he asked where the library was and grinned. "I can teleport you there if you'd like. Though I'll have to leave you to it after that. I need to return to Hell." he turned to Patience. "I suppose I'll be seeing you and Amelia in a couple of days?"

Patience nodded. "She did say she'd arrange for a message to get to you so that you could meet us. Which is understandable given her current condition. She also said you'd need records of the Redemption Programme?"

"I'll be sure to bring them." David smiled with a nod. He then turned to Jasper, holding out a hand. "Ready when you are."

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Denix Vames - March 18, 2021

"Please." Carter followed Sebastian up the stairs and into the bedroom where he collapsed on the bed. He clutched his stomach. "The Incubus....I drank from him. Then I killed him and Bryce." He started crying again as he curled up. Covering his face. "A-And then I killed a human!"

Nate shook his head. "The only reason he doesn't feel cold to him is because they're related."

Jasper took his hand. "Wait! I want to come too!" ,said Elliot. "Then take my hand already." He did.


Shadowess - March 19, 2021

Sebastian watched Carter as he sat on the bed, growing more and more confused by what he was telling him. "Wait a sec...Didn't Leo kill those two? We thought the Trickster had taken you when he took Alex!" He rubbed his forehead, his head starting to hurt. "I don't understand. So, they weren't dead?? Carter, tell me everything! What happened?"


"Oh..." Alex replied to Nate's explanation. He guessed that made sense.

David nodded and once they both held hands, he teleported them to the library. "Alright, I must be off then." He said, looking between Elliot and Jasper. "Good luck find what you're looking for." He said before vanishing, returning to Hell.

Parker took the keys to Sebastian's hotel room out of his pocket and looked at them for a moment thoughtfully. "If Sebastian asks, I'm heading back to his hotel room to get some rest." he let the others know before heading out of the house.

Seeing Parker leave of his own free will, Alex looked shiftily towards the door. "Uh, yeah, and I'm just guna head back to the office to sleep in one of those spare beds..." he lied, heading towards the door. He hated being human and wondered if there was enough time left in the night to head to the vampire club and pay someone to turn him.

Tom rose a brow at Alex's excuse to leave. He wasn't a mind reader but even he could tell Alex was lying about where he was planning on going.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Carter was shaking. "T-Teleport.....Dark.....Red....Blood....."

"Thanks man." ,said Jasper.

Nate waved a hand. "Fuck him. It's not like he ever did anything good." "You're one to talk." ,said Leo who got up from the floor. He flinched as he clutched his head. "I can tell that you've done some shit. I can't read minds but I can tell when someone's lying."


shadowess - March 19, 2021

Sebastian watched Carter, his concern for him growing. "Hey, it's alright. It's over now." He said, resting his good hand on Carter's arm. "Look, I don't know what happened but I do know that if it's Bryce and the Incubus we're talking about, then I'm pretty sure they deserved what they got. As for the human you killed? I can only guess it was one of the Tricksters in which case, they deserved it too!"



Tom then turned to raise his brow at Nate. "He stopped Carter from attacking Vincent not ten minutes ago. That's a start, isn't it?" He glanced at the door anxiously. "Do you know where he's going?"

Patience looked between them awkwardly. She didn't know these people well enough to get involved in their drama. When Leo got up and flinched, she stood and walked over to him. "Let me help you, you should be resting." she said softly, gesturing towards a chair.


Alex practically ran in the direction of the club. He didn't know what time it was or how long he had left so his best bet was to hurry.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Carter flinched at his touch. "Innocent.....Human....."

Nate sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine." He appeared in front of Alex and picked him up. "How about you hang out with your lover Gary? Sex can get your mind off of this crap."

He appeared in front of the house.

"No No No. I'm fine. I just need a drink." Leo went into the kitchen where he poured himself a glass of whiskey. He took a long sip before sighing.


Shadowess - March 19, 2021

Sebastian hesitated, staring at Carter. Feeling a little ill, he hoped Carter wasn't saying what he thought he was saying. "C-Carter?...Carter, please look at me." his voice shook a little.


"Hey! What the-?! Oh, God Dammit!!" Alex cried out when Nate appeared and grabbed him. "What-?!" he started but soon shut up when they teleported again and they were looking at Gary's house. "Are you crazy?!" he whispered, outraged. "I was only here a few hours ago! If he sees me out here this soon he's guna think I'm some creepy ass stalker or something! Why couldn't you just let me do what I wanted?!"


Patience watched Leo head into the kitchen with a frown. She wouldn't stop him though. If he wanted to drink then that was his decision. She looked back at Tom and smiled, nodding at the bag that was still in his hands. "You should drink that. It'll help." Tom sighed, looking away from her. Patience's smile never faltered. "Sebastian made you, didn't he?" Tom looked back up at her. "I can smell his blood on you. Carter too..." She looked away thoughtfully. "I suppose in a strange way...it sort of makes us like a family." She smiled at him once more before heading into the kitchen.

Tom watched her walk away thoughtfully before looking down at his bag, sighing and then biting into it. Something about the way she smiled at him...Almost like she was sad about something.

Patience watched Leo drink with a small smile, taking a seat at the table. "Does it help?" she asked curiously.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Carter shook his head. "I didn't know what I was doing. I felt like I had no power over myself. But that doesn't excuse what I did!" He pulled out his gun.


"Not unless you tell him that you need to talk to someone." ,said Nate.


Leo shrugged. "Right now? Not so much. But usually yeah." He took another sip.


Shadowess - March 19, 2021

Listening to him, Sebastian opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he saw the gun. Instead diving over him to try to grab it off him with his good hand. "Carter! Stop!"


"Shh! Would you keep your freaking voice down?!" Alex despaired in a hushed voice, desperate to not get caught outside Gary's house. "And talk to him about what exactly?! He's human! I can't just go in there and tell him all about us, he'll -really- think I'm crazy then!" He growled under his breath. "Forget it! Just take me back to the house if you have to! But this won't stop me! You can't stop me from doing what I want! I might've failed tonight but there'll be other nights!"


"I can't remember the last time I drank a human drink..." Patience said thoughtfully. She'd been resting her chin on her hand with her elbow on the table. Suddenly, she looked towards the ceiling. "Excuse me. My children are fighting." She said pleasantly before vanishing.

She appeared in Carter's bedroom, shoving Sebastian away from Carter and snatching the gun from his hands. "Sit down. Take a few breaths and calm down." she said gently but sternly to Carter. "I know what you've done. I've seen that look before. I know that there was at least one innocent life taken tonight as a result." She broke his gun and dropped it onto the floor.

"Listen to me and listen closely. While what you did is solely your responsibility, what you do in the wake of such an act is equally as important as trying to avoid it. Accidents happen. Sometimes what we are makes controlling our rage difficult. Sometimes we do things we wouldn't normally do because we lose control. Is that the 'real' us? Does it make us 'monsters?' No. Not if you are truly sorry for what you've done. Not if you do everything you possibly can to avoid something like that happening again."

She sighs. "What exactly do you hope to achieve by hurting yourself in such a way? Because I can give you one solid guarantee; it will not make anything just 'go away'. Whether you are in this world or the next, you will still have your own mind to cope with. So why not spend your time in this world trying to make a difference? Why not spend your time helping others who might suffer as you have? Or let others help you?"


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Nate shrugged. "Then talk to someone in Carter's house. I don't know."

There was a scream coming from inside Gary's house.


Carter glared. "Just leave me alone! Let me die! I'm tired of this! I wanted to be human but nobody can find anything on to how reverse! And now with what I've done, I don't know what to do anymore! I want to die! I just want to die!"

Leo sat as he started drinking some more.


Shadowess - March 19, 2021

Alex sighed, glad he didn't have to be skulking around outside the house anymore and waiting for Nate to take them back when they heard the scream. Alex's head turned to look at the house, his heart beating a little faster. "You heard that too, right?" he asked hesitantly.

"M-maybe he's watching a scary movie with the volume all the way up?" He suggested, desperately hoping that was the case. Because if not...well then, Alex would know for certain that he had a particular type when it came to men...and it wasn't a good one...


For a second, Patience's eyes narrowed then her features relaxed as she took a deep breath and sighed. She sat next to him and pulled him into a hug. "No." she said simply. "You may think that I don't understand, but I do. I've killed innocent people without meaning to. Because I wasn't myself. I had no one to help me. I was alone. I was so desperate to find a 'cure' for my Vampirism that I turned to ADIEU for help...I spent decades wishing for death...and when I finally got it...nothing changed."

She pulled away from him, looking at him. "Even in death, I was still a vampire. I was still stuck with my thoughts and my guilt. After years of coming to terms with what I had done and earning my redemption, I finally got to where I am today. But before I could get here, I had to forgive myself." She wiped away his tears. "Do you understand?"


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Nate appeared in the house with Alex. He set him down and walked to Gary's side who was bleeding out from his stab wound which was at his stomach. Blood was coming out of his mouth.

"Someone came here to rob him. Not to kill him but they did it anyway. They didn't get the money. Now, they're running."

He placed a hand over the wound and began to heal him. Gary just kept staring at the ceiling. His body twitched as he seemed to be coming back.


Carter could only nod as he sobbed.


Shadowess - March 19, 2021

Seeing Gary in the state he was in, Alex grew angrier and angrier as Nate told him what had happened. While Nate was busy healing Gary, Alex looked around quickly. The only possible route out of the house would've been out the back door. Nate said they were running. They weren't going to get far if Alex had anything to do with it.

He ran through the house and picked up a kitchen knife on his way through, bolting out of the back door and following the path around to the direction the robber would've run. "You messed with the wrong human tonight you fuck!" He growled furiously under his breath as he ran. He only had one thing on his mind; murder.


Offering Carter a kind smile, Patience nodded in turn then stood. She bent down to kiss his forehead. "You are part of my family now, Carter. I will be here for you when you need me." she said gently then smiled at Sebastian who had been crying silently while watching them, frightened of losing Carter. "For both of you." She vanished.


Patience re-appeared in the kitchen and sighed heavily, sitting down at the table once more. "Perhaps one wouldn't hurt?" She smiled at Leo. She might only be able to have a small amount, but after that she felt like she could use at least one drink.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

"Alex! Wait!" Nate grit his teeth. "Damn it!"

The robber was still running. Once he heard Alex behind him, he tried his best to run faster.


Carter just laid there on the floor. Not knowing what to do at that point.


Leo poured her some from a smaller cup then poured himself some more. He drank some. "I can't tell what's worse. The ADIEU shit or this crap."


shadowess - March 19, 2021

Seeing the figure running ahead of him, Alex's grip on his knife tightened. "GET BACK HERE YOU FUCK!" he yelled angrily. He was sort of getting a thrill from the chase. Gaining on the figure ahead of him, knife in hand, imagining what he'll do if he managed to catch up to them. It all filled him with a sick excitement. He began chuckling evilly as he ran, his face twisted into a psychotic smile.


Quietly, Sebastian slipped down from the bed to sit next to Carter and leant his head against Carter's shoulder. He continued to cry quietly, just wanting to be near Carter.


"Thank you." Patience smiled at him as he poured her a drink. She stared down into it as he spoke. The memories of what she'd endured in ADIEU still haunting her. "ADIEU..." she said quietly, not taking her eyes from the drink. "What is happening now, we can overcome...but what happened in ADIEU....it never truly stopped for me....I relive it every time I close my eyes." She admitted then took a small sip of her drink, wanting to savor what she had. Her face scrunched up at the taste, she even coughed a little, then chuckled. "How do humans drink this stuff?"

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Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Nate appeared in front of the robber. He knocked him out with a wave of his hand. He yanked the knife out of Alex's grasp. "It's time you stop acting like a child and start acting like an adult. After what happened to your boyfriend, you should be there for him. Not doing this."


Carter leaned his head against his as he closed his eyes.


Leo frowned. "I did some horrible things to people like you. To my family.....That's why the flavor doesn't matter." He drank some more. "It numbs the memories."


shadowess - March 19, 2021

Grounding to a sudden halt, Alex glared at Nate when he appeared, knocked the robber out then snatched his knife from him. He grit his teeth and growled but didn't have a retort, his face even turning a little red when Nate referred to Gary as Alex's boyfriend.

Scoffing, Alex turned on his heels and began marching back towards the house, still a little out of breath from running. As he walked, he once again cursed the fact that he was human. If he'd been a vampire, he'd have caught the robber with no problems and torn his throat out. "I fucking hate this..." he seethed under his breath.


"Forgiving ourselves is the most difficult part of redemption." Patience said sadly. "It sounds so simple to do but it is not...yet, that is what is truly needed for us to be able to move on. To push past it all and be able to help others effectively." She brought her cup up to her lips. "I had to learn that the hard way." she took a small sip, cringing a little as she did.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Nate grabbed the robber and disappeared.

Gary blinked slowly. He sat up without any indication as to there being a wound except for the scar on his stomach. He looked around. "What happened? I remember that thief and then-" He looked up. "Alex? What are you doing here?"



shadowess - March 19, 2021

(Did you mean to only post Gary's reply? )

"Uh-..." Alex stammered, looking around. Nate had apparently left them, taking the robber with him. 'Dammit Nate...' he thought in annoyance and looked back at Gary, scratching the back of his head nervously. "I uh...needed to get away from my family for a bit...they were driving me nuts..." At least it wasn't a complete lie. "I heard you scream when I got here...found you like this...I guess the robber got away..." He had to try to hide the anger in his voice while saying the last part then looked at Gary with concern. "Are you alright?" he held out a hand to help him up.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

(damn it. i was really tired last night)

Gary took his hand. Once he stood, he touched his stomach. Seeing blood on his hands, he lifted his shirt up. "Damn! That stab wound must have healed up pretty quickly. That's some real luck there." He sighed. "Although, I'm now gonna have to clean this shit up."


Leo smirked. "I don't think I could ever forgive myself." He stared at the liquid in the cup. Wondering what to do.


Shadowess - March 19, 2021

(lol It's cool)

Gary's words confused Alex. He'd just been stabbed, how did he expect to have healed within minutes? Wait, he IS human, right? Alex watched Gary carefully, looking for any tell tale signs that he might not be human after all but being human himself, this was practically impossible. "Uh...do you want me to get you a towel or something?" he asked, unsure of how to help him.


Patience watched him quietly for a moment. Thoughtful. "It took me years to fully forgive myself..." She admitted then reached across the table, placing her hand on his gently, wanting to provide him with some small comfort. "It's not easy, I know. So don't feel the need to rush. If you ever want someone to talk to about your experiences, I'd be happy to lend a patient ear." She offered him a kind smile after saying this.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

"That would be great. Thanks. I'm just gonna go change." Gary headed into his bedroom.


Leo glanced away from her. "I'm sorry. It's just that....You remind me so much of my wife. She was just like you. So caring and sweet. Understanding anyone." He gently squeezed her hand. "I miss my family."


shadowess - March 19, 2021

Nodding, Alex wandered to where he thought the towels might be kept. His thoughts wandering as he went. Trying to recall any detail about Gary that might give away if he's really human or not. His words echoing through his mind. 'That stab wound must have healed up pretty quickly...' What an odd thing to say after being stabbed... He pulled one out and slung it over his shoulder, then took out a smaller one which he took to a sink. He wet the smaller towel and wrung it out so it would be damp. That way Gary could use the damp cloth to clean the blood off himself and the dry one to dry himself off with. He then headed towards Gary's bedroom where he knocked on the door before pushing it open. "I got that towel for you..." he said as he opened the door.



Tom had finished his bag and threw it into the trash. He sighed heavily, laying on the couch and staring up at the ceiling.

Hearing what Leo told her, Patience's smile slipped. She lowered her gaze to the table quietly. "I'm sorry for your loss." She said softly. She rubbed her thumb over his hand gently for a moment before slowly pulling her hand away, feeling she may have crossed a line that she hadn't been aware had existed. The last thing she wanted was to make anyone feel uncomfortable around her. Feeling a little awkward, she picked up her cup again and took another small sip. Then she stared into her cup, wondering if there was a way to make the small amount of alcohol last a little longer. She stood and wandered over to the fridge, pulling out a blood bag for herself and pouring some of it into the cup, mixing it with the whiskey. "I suppose that'll make it last a little longer. Hope you don't mind." She chuckled, drinking the rest of the bag so it wouldn't leak.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

(i didnt mean to make gary seem suspicious. his character is still human. i just thought that it would be a normal thing for him to say XD)

Gary was shirtless and his pants were just unbuckled. He turned to Alex with a smile. "Thanks." He took the wet towel and rubbed it all over his stomach and chest. Glistening with the water. He hand it back to him before using the dry towel on himself.


Leo shook his head. "Nah, I'm fine with it." He stood. "I've got to go check something out. Tell everybody that I'll be back." He headed out the front door.


Shadowess - March 19, 2021

(lol It's cool. Alex's thoughts still fit as he's quite a paranoid character as is lol)

Alex stood by quietly as Gary cleaned himself up. All his previous thoughts evaporated when he saw Alex's bare chest. He watched the water coat his skin and bit his lip, his eyes wandering down to his pants. His eyes then snapped back up to Gary's as he handed him the wet towel back and took the dry one.


Patience watched him get up, pulling the now empty bag away from her mouth. "Alright." she said while watching him leave curiously. She wondered where he was going but still didn't know anyone here well enough to get herself involved. She threw her bag into the trash and began drinking slowly from the cup she had. Savoring the mixture of blood and whiskey.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Gary winked. "Appreciate the help." He took the rest of his clothes off without warning. He threw on a dark grey shirt and black sweats.


Leo zoomed past the neighborhood. Finding and searching for any trouble. But near an abandoned building, trouble soon came. It was a typical gang that was attempting to rob him. And he knew what to do when he pulled out his guns.

He pulled the trigger.


Shadowess - March 19, 2021

Alex smiled then his cheeks turned red as he watched Gary getting changed. He didn't realize how tightly he was holding the towel. "Uh...I'll just-..." He started, shaking his head a little to snap himself out of it. "Where's your laundry basket?" he asked, looking around for somewhere to put the towels.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

"When you get out of this room, it's to your right. It's always opened so you can't miss it." Alex headed to the kitchen. He called up a pizza place.


Shadowess - March 19, 2021

Nodding, Alex left the room and put the towels into the basket. He then went looking for Gary, finding him in the kitchen. He waited for him to end the call, leaning against the counter as he did so. When Gary finished ordering pizza, Alex scratched the back of his head again out of nerves. "I hope you don't mind me dropping in like this...I know it might seem a bit weird at this time of night." He said, looking at him.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Gary put the phone down. He grabbed a kitchen towel and wet it. "I don't mind. I get it. Sometimes, you just need some company." He kissed him before washing the blood off of the floor.


Shadowess - March 19, 2021

"Yeah..." Alex muttered after his kiss and watched Gary start to clean up the mess. "Do you want to call the police about this?" he asked, gesturing to the mess. "You know, report it?..." Inwardly, Alex wondered why he felt the need to help him. Why he felt the need to help anyone lately. 'Damn it! That damn group is softening me up...' He thought angrily. 'If it weren't for Nate's meddling, I'd be at the club by now and doing anything I could to convince a vampire to turn me...but then of course, if he hadn't brought me here...then Gary would be...but do I really care about that?!' Just as he thought this, he felt a pang of guilt for even considering it. '...Oh, damn...maybe I do...' His emotions and thoughts conflicted. He rubbed his arm awkwardly, questioning who he really was. 'Well it doesn't matter...so what if I feel something for someone?...I'mma still find a way to turn...that doesn't change who I am and what I want!...who knows...maybe Gary might want to join me?'


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Gary shook his head. "Nah. Besides, there's no evidence now except. Not to mention, police and firefighters don't exactly get a long in this city."

He dumped the dirty towel in the laundry basket then went back to Alex. Wrapping his arm around his waist. "Wanna watch some TV while we wait for the pizza?"


shadowess - March 19, 2021

"Oh..." Alex had replied then was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Gary wrapping his arms around him. Her brought his own hands up to rest on his shoulders as he smiled at the suggestion. "Sure. Don't suppose you're into scary movies?" he asked with a smirk.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

"Um love them. But maybe some other time? I did just get stabbed."

They headed to the couch where Gary popped in an action movie.


Shadowess - March 19, 2021

'Fuck!' Alex thought as his cheeks turned a bit red. "Uh...right, sorry." He said, embarrassed as he followed him over to the couch. He sat back next to Gary and watched the movie, only really half paying attention as he inwardly scolded himself for not thinking before speaking.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Gary smiled. "It's alright." He wrapped an arm around him. He kissed his cheek then moved to his neck. "It's hard to stay upset when you're around."


shadowess - March 19, 2021

Gary's arm around him, his words and his kisses put Alex right at ease again. He sighed softly, biting his lip and tilting his head back a little, enjoying the way his kisses sent shivers down his spine. He brought a hand up, running it through his hair.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Gary brought his hand under his shirt as he continued to kiss his neck. The doorbell rang. "That must be the pizza."

He went to the door and opened it. In the delivery boy's hand was a large pepperoni pizza, a smaller box of french bread sticks, and a large coke bottle. He took them and placed on the coffee table before paying the delivery boy who left.

He locked the door. "Man I'm starving."


shadowess - March 19, 2021

Feeling Gary's hand on his skin, Alex let out a soft moan. The way he held him and kissed him filled him with excitement. He didn't want it to stop. So much so that he was disappointed by the doorbell interrupting them. While Gary was busy paying for the food, Alex took a moment to catch his breath and cool off a bit. The smell of the food hit him and Alex realized just how hungry he was as well. Particularly in this new body. In fact, had he even eaten while in this body yet? He couldn't recall. "Me too." He chuckled, waiting for Gary to rejoin him before eating with him.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Gary sat next to him. He opened the pizza box. "Then let's dig in." He scarfed down on a slice.


Shadowess - March 19, 2021

Alex ate his fill of Pizza and breadsticks. It wasn't the same as drinking blood but until he could find a way to turn himself, he supposed he'd have to make do. At least it didn't taste bad. In fact, what he did eat, he enjoyed. Once he was full he sat back on the couch, smiling. His eyes on the movie. "Thanks."

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Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Gary pat his stuffed stomach and sighed. "No problem." He placed the sort of drank bottle of coke in the fridge. "Never thought I'd feel like a pig in such a long time."


shadowess - March 19, 2021

Chuckling, Alex looked over at Gary. "Well, I guess it doesn't hurt to treat yourself once in a while."


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

"Yeah. Especially after what happened before." Gary frowned. "I should probably set up some security cameras soon."


shadowess - March 19, 2021

Alex's smile slipped. "That's probably for the best. If you want, I could help you set some up in the morning?" Technically it was already morning but the sun was barely over the horizon just yet. Plus he was willing to bet that Gary hadn't had the chance to get any sleep yet...much like Alex. He stood and walked over to Gary, placing his arms around his shoulders. "In the meantime...I'm here with you." he said softly then pressed his lips against Gary's.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

"Yeah, that'd be nice." Gary smiled into the kiss. Placing his hands on his hips. He deepened the kiss. "You don't know how much it means to me. Having you here right now."


shadowess - March 19, 2021

Alex kissed him back just as deeply. When the kiss was broken and he heard Gary's words, Alex smiled and caressed his cheek while looking into his eyes. "Maybe you could show me?" He smirked, leaning in to kiss him again. Slipping his tongue into his mouth to caress his.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Gary enjoyed the moment until he stood from him. "Sorry Alex but I'm still pretty tired. I think I'm just gonna go to bed." An alarm rang out from his pocket. He pulled out his phone. "Shit! I've go to go to work. I'll see ya later."

He headed upstairs and changed into his uniform. He ran out of the house and into his car. Driving off to work.


Shadowess - March 19, 2021

Although disappointed, Alex understood. "Ok, no problem." He'd said, stepping away to give him a little space. When his phone rang and he said he needed to work, Alex frowned but nodded. "Alright, see you later then." he'd called as he ran upstairs to get changed. Alex sat on the couch and watched as he ran out of the house. He sighed, sitting back, feeling a little frustrated. Not only had he missed his chance to get to the club before sunrise, he also had been unable to relieve his stress with sex. "Dammit..." he muttered, turning off the tv and laying on the couch. He supposed there was nothing left to do now but sleep until Gary came back. He closed his eyes, trying to relax.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Hours later, Gary hadn't arrived. Nate appeared in front of Alex. "How are you feeling?"


shadowess - March 19, 2021

Nate's voice woke Alex up with a start and he blinked, looking around the room. The sun was bright outside the windows. Looking at the clock, it was around midday by this point. "Um...good..." He said slowly, sitting up and looking around some more. He hadn't heard Gary come back.

Maybe he'd come back in quietly to not wake him and went straight to bed? He got to his feet and headed up the stairs. He knocked on Gary's bedroom door. "Hey, Gary? You home?" When he got no answer, he opened the door. He's not here. His heart sank.

No, maybe he's ok. He did say he was pretty tired, maybe he was taking a nap at work? At the fire station...After dealing with a fire... He swallowed, his mouth becoming dry as he was becoming nervous. He headed back downstairs and looked at Nate, his face full of concern. "He hasn't come back...he had to leave for work at like, the crack of dawn and he's still not back. How long do fires take to put out?"


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Nate placed a hand on his shoulder. His wings went back inside him. They appeared in front of a hospital. "He's still alive. They're taking care of him right now."


shadowess - March 19, 2021

Being outside of the hospital, Alex's face turned pale. Nate's words weren't quite sinking in. He shook his head. "N-no..." he stumbled back, away from him. "No...he's not...he..." he lifted a hand to his face and wiped away a few tears that had started to fall, then stared at the tears on his hand as if struggling to understand why they were there. "But I just met him...why do I feel anything for him??"


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

"Because you finally understand what it means to be human. What it means to love and care for someone. And right now, he needs that from you. He's in a coma but I'm sure that with you by his side, he'll pull through."


shadowess - March 19, 2021

"But this is crazy!" Alex said, trying to hold back his tears. "I-I already know what it feels like to love! I've loved before! And before you go saying it wasn't real- it was real TO ME." He cried. "And it's happening again...My heart hurts AGAIN!" he stared at his hands angrily. "What am-am I just cursed or something?! Is everyone that I give my heart to going to get hurt, die or fucking betray me?! I hate this! I DON'T WANT TO BE HUMAN! I DON'T WANT TO FEEL!" he kicked a nearby metal trash can to vent his anger then cried out, hopping away a bit, pretty sure he'd broken a toe or two. "FUCK!" he stumbled over to a bench and sat down with his head in his hands, sobbing into them.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

Nate sighed. He sat next to him. Placing a hand over his shoulder as he healed his broken toe. "These things happen. People get hurt all the time but that doesn't mean you should quit caring about anyone. You were there for Gary when he was stabbed. Don't abandon him now. Not when he was there for you."


shadowess - March 19, 2021

It took Alex a few minutes to calm down again. After a little while, he lowered his hands, wiping away a few tears before gripping the edge of the bench, taking a few deep breaths to try to calm himself. He looked up at the hospital. Although all the soppy parts of what Nate had said made him cringe a bit, he did have a point. He couldn't abandon Gary. He just didn't have it in him to walk away.

Taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly and steadily, he stood, turning towards the hospital. "Come with me?" he asked Nate quietly, his voice shaking. He wasn't particularly keen on the Angel's company but right now he didn't want to be alone...and as much as Alex would hate to admit it, Nate was currently the closest thing he had to a friend right now.


Denix Vames - March 19, 2021

"Of course." They stepped into the hospital. Nate walked to the nurse at the front desk. "My friend here wants to visit Gary. He's his boyfriend."

The nurse immediately guided them to his room after seeing his beautiful face.


Shadowess - March 19, 2021

Alex's eyes remained on the floor as he followed Nate once they were inside. He shivered as they followed the nurse to the room and paused outside the door, trying to mentally prepare himself. He didn't know what kind of damage Gary had taken. Whether it was just a case of smoke inhalation or whether he'd been burned...and if he'd been burned, how badly? He felt sick but he swallowed hard to keep it down. 'No matter what...he can't be alone...' he thought to himself, gathering up his courage. When he was ready, he placed his hand on the door handle and opened the door.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

Gary laid in the bed with tubes that were down his throat. Keeping him alive and breathing. His heart monitor was stable. There were bandages on his left arm and one on his right cheek. It seemed as though the nurses had cleaned off the ash that was on his face but there was still just a bit to tell what happened.

"He was with his other friends. Putting the fire out. Someone was calling for help. He went in there and saved them but not before things got worse."


shadowess - March 20, 2021

Staring at Gary, Alex entered the room silently. He heard what happened but didn't respond, unable to take his eyes off Gary. He felt a little numb as he walked further into the room. He walked over to the right side of Gary's bed and hovered over him, looking down at his face. Shakily, he brought a hand up to gently brush some of the ash from his hair. "I'm here." he whispered to him.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

Gary's hand twitched at his touch. "He knows. He wishes he could kiss you." ,said Nate.


Shadowess - March 20, 2021

Seeing his hand and hearing Nate, Alex smiled a little sadly. He bent down and kissed Gary's forehead softly. "I'm not going anywhere. So, you just focus on getting better and then you can kiss me as much as you want, ok?" he whispered.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

Nate said, "He says that he won't leave either. That he loves you."


shadowess - March 20, 2021

Alex's breath caught in his throat and he had to take a few breaths to stop himself from sobbing. Fresh tears rolling down his cheeks. "I love you, too." he whispered, his voice breaking. Then he left one more lingering kiss on Gary's forehead before pulling away and sitting in the chair by his bed. Not taking his eyes off him, even as his tears kept falling.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

Nate walked to his side. "I won't leave until you leave."


shadowess - March 20, 2021

"I'm not going anywhere." Alex said quietly. "Not until he's well enough to come with me." He looked up at Nate then down at the floor. "Thank you..." Although it seemed like a simple thing to say, for Alex it was a small achievement. Because by thanking Nate, he was admitting that he'd needed help. "you don't have to stick around though...I'm probably guna be here a while...I'm sure Tom will be missing you."


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

"Tom will understand. The problem is when the nurse tells you that visit time is over. It's good to see him sometimes but you need to focus on yourself too when you have to."

Nate looked at Gary. "He says that I've been through worse. I'm a firefighter. This isn't nothing. I'm like Elvis."


shadowess - March 20, 2021

"Then I guess I'll just stay here until the nurse tells me to go." Alex replied with a shrug, wiping away his tears. When he heard what Gary was saying, Alex couldn't help laughing a little at the last comment. He then frowned, realizing what this now meant for him. That he was so prepared to love this man and wanted to be with him. It meant that at some point, he was going to have to be honest with him. About everything. About who he really is and all the things he'd done. His stomach turned at the thought. He wondered how he'd handle learning everything about him. Whether he'd want to stay in Alex's life after that...


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

Nate gently squeezed his shoulder. "We'll see. We'll see."


shadowess - March 20, 2021

Alex sighed heavily and nodded. Settling back in the chair, prepared to begin his wait by Gary's side.


Bodies disposed of, Desi had gone out of her way to fake emails and calls to let anyone who knew Hannah know that she and Terry had 'moved' to a new state. Not only would this eliminate any possibility of their deaths being discovered and her cover being blown, but it also meant she got a hefty payday from selling Hannah and Terry's house.

Now she was free to purchase a small apartment under the name of 'Cindy Hodges'. If someone were to recognize her as Hannah, she could pass it off as one of those freak things where two people look very similar. After all, when she'd let Kite see her female form, she'd tweaked her appearance slightly. Now she just needed a job to complete her cover. So she spent the morning 'convincing' a local florist to hire her as an apprentice.

Now that that was done, all she had to do now was wait for Kite to call her, as she'd left him a note after their night together explaining that she'd had to leave for 'work' and had left him her number. It was a lot of work for just step one in her plan to destroy that group, but considering most of the work was ensuring her cover was water tight, she felt confident that the rest should now come naturally.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

Kite, during his break, had decided to call her up.


Shadowess - March 20, 2021

While relaxing in a park, wearing sunglasses and enjoying the sun, Desi felt her phone ringing in her pocket. Smirking, she took the phone out and answered it. "Hello?"


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

"Hey Cindy. I just wanted to call and see how you're doing?"

There was a man who sat at a bench across from Desi. He wore dark shades, had on a rich looking white suit with an orange floral buttoned shirt under, shoes that were a dark brown, and a few rings on his each of his hand. His hair was a short messy dyed silver. He grinned with a cigar in his mouth.

He couldn't help but whistled at her.


Shadowess - March 20, 2021

Hidden by her sunglasses, Desi was glaring at the man who whistled at her. But she had work to do so she resigned to ignoring him for now and focusing on the phone call. "Oh, hey! I'm doing good. Just on my break. Had to take a late break today, we were a little short staffed this morning. What about you?" She replied, sounding excited to hear from him.

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Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

"Oh you know. Tired as usual. I'm on my break too. Things tough at your place all the time?"

The man walked over to her.


Shadowess - March 20, 2021

"Uh-..." Desi grew concerned as the man began to approach her. Regardless of what he did or said, she would need to try to stay in character. She stood and began casually walking along the path, away from the stranger. "Not usually. It's just a little flower shop. But we have our odd days. Aww, sweety! Do you want me to get you a sprig of fresh lavender? I hear the smell can help you sleep if you hang one in your room." She continued talking to Kite as if nothing was happening. Although she was beginning to get a little creeped out by the guy in the park.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

"Flowers huh? I guess I could have one in my house. I was never really much of a flower type of a guy. No offense."

The man continued to follow her. He changed his expression from wanting her to a more serious one. Nodding her to come over.


Shadowess - March 20, 2021

Seriously, what was this guys problem? Desi had been occasionally looking back to keep an eye on the stranger. She shook her head at him a little and waved a hand at him as if shooing him away while continuing to focus on her conversation. "Aw! I love flowers. I love their colors and how nice they smell! I'll pick up a sprig for you. Maybe you'll like it once you smell it?" she giggled. "By the way, I had fun last night. Do you maybe wana go out again? I was thinkin maybe we could go out to eat or see a movie?"


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

"I probably will. And sure. That sounds like fun. You can come over to my house and we'll drive from there." Kite looked at the time on his phone. "Sorry but I have to go. My break's almost over. I can't wait to see you though. Bye."

The man pointed at his own head where his left eye. Trying to indicate that he had a problem that he needed her to fix. He mouthed out the words, 'I know what you are.'


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

*where his left eye was*


shadowess - March 20, 2021

"Ok! I can't wait! See you later!" Desi replied cheerfully before hanging up the phone. Now that that was done, she sighed irritably and glared at the man who had been trying to get her attention. Her voice shifting from the cheerful tone she'd had to a more annoyed one. "What was so important that you felt the need to harass me while I was trying to have a private conversation?" she snapped.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

The man smirked. "Don't play dumb with me toots." He stepped closer. "I know what you are and I want ya to help me fix a bad deal."


shadowess - March 20, 2021

"You call me 'toots' one more time and I'll tear your arm from it's socket." Desi growled immediately and folded her arms, turning to face him a little more while looking at him. "Oh? and pray tell, what's in it for me if I help you?"


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

"Fame and fortune baby! I've got the money. I can make you into a model. After all, a succubus needs a bit of loving every now and then. Am I wrong?"


shadowess - March 20, 2021

"Really? Fame and fortune?" Desi asked unimpressed by his offer. "If I wanted fame and fortune, I could walk into any studio and seduce my way to the top. I wouldn't need you. I might be a Succubus but do not make the mistake of taking me for some gold digging, dumb slut." She turned a little more and lowered her head a little, her glare becoming a little more intense. "Because if you did, I might have to take exception to that." she warned.

Lifting her head again to look at him normally, she unfolded her arms and placed her hands on her hips. "So, now that we have that out of the way. Perhaps you would like to try a different offer. Like, oh I don't know...A favor of my choosing redeemed at any point with no questions asked? I am quite partial to those."


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

He rubbed his chin in thought then smiled. He clapped his hands. "Tell ya what? Help me destroy the contract that I made with Lucy and you can have my soul! If any devil is going to keep me around, I rather it be one that actually sticks around and doesn't leave a demonic pinkeye on their clients."

He slightly pushed his shades down. Revealing red veins over the side of his head which connected to his left eye that had now become red with his pupil being black. Pulsating.


Shadowess - March 20, 2021

Desi's interested was peaked as the man revealed his eye. She didn't move as she studied him in contemplation. "Lucy?" she rose a brow. "Are you seriously trying to pit a Succubus against a Devil? You know Succubi's are only Demons, right?" She asked, tilting her head to one side a little. "If you have a contract with a Devil, the only one who can destroy that contract is the Devil that wrote it up. Same rule applies for Demonic contracts."


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

He grit his teeth as he put his shades back on. "Then I need ya to help me look for the big horned guy himself. Once he destroys it, you can have my soul. I just want this shit out of my fucking eye."


shadowess - March 20, 2021

Desi laughed. Starting at a chuckle and then escalating into full blown laughter. When she calmed down enough to talk again, she chuckled as she spoke. "If the Devil you signed a contract with is who I think it is, then your chances of finding that bastard are about as equal as finding a needle in a haystack. Not only is he ridiculously powerful, he's also been missing for decades. No one in Heaven, Hell nor on Earth has seen nor heard from him since he named his apprentice his successor! And considering your contract is still in effect, I suppose we can rule out the possibility of him being destroyed which means he REALLY doesn't want to be found. Face it sweety, you've made your bed. Now you must lie in it." She then grinned maliciously. "Oh, and by the way." She leaned forward a little, still grinning. "Hail Lucifer." She growled, making her true allegiance known. Then she tilted her head a little. "Also, horned? Lucifer never had horns...Satan on the other hand..." Contrary to what most humans assumed, Lucifer and Satan were, in fact, not the same being.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

He slapped some angel handcuffs on her wrist then the other one. "Listen bitch! You're coming with me! Whether you like it or not!"

A limo drove up to the side of the park. Two men in black ran over and grabbed her. Dragging her towards the limo with the man following behind.


Shadowess - March 20, 2021

It would seem the mortal had taken the opportunity while she'd been talking to slap the cuffs onto her. She'd paused and recoiled when he'd moved but hadn't realized what he was doing until she heard the cuffs clicking and felt the metal irritating her wrist. She gasped and tried to pull away, attempting to strike his arm with her free hand only for him to catch it and restrain that hand as well. She felt her powers being sapped as soon as the first one had clicked closed around her wrist, leaving her no more powerful than any average human. "What are you-?!" She'd started and he'd interrupted her.

She turned her head and saw two men running towards her from a limo. She struggled to try and pull herself free as they grabbed her and began screaming, trying to get the attention of anyone nearby. "LET ME GO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! YOU BASTARD! GET OFF OF ME!! LET ME GO!!" She screamed and struggled all the way to the limo and even as they tried to push her in, she tried to jump back out only for one of the men to shove her back in forcefully. She scrambled across the seat and tried to open the opposite door but it was locked.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

Kite had been driving down the road when he heard her screaming. He hopped out of his car and ran over. "Cindy! Cindy!"

He aimed a gun at the man. "Drop the weapon and let her go!" The man smiled. "Nice try." He fired. Hitting Kite in the chest who fell back. The man jumped into the backseat next to her. "Step on it!"

The limo driver sped off.


Shadowess - March 20, 2021

Hearing Kite's voice, Desi had turned her head and saw him running over from out of the back window of the limo. She brought her hands up and banged her fists against the window hysterically. "NO!!!" she screamed, seeing Kite getting shot. As soon as the man jumped into the backseat with her and the limo started driving, she screamed at him angrily, trying to hit him her her fists. "You bastard! Do you know what you've done?! I'll fucking kill you!"


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

He tisked her as he pointed a gun at her. "Don't even think about it. I've already got some of my guys getting your boyfriend. He'll be joining us shortly unless you want to make his life a lot shorter of course."


shadowess - March 20, 2021

Desi backed off, pressing her back against the locked door with her eyes on his gun. If this guy was prepared enough to have angelic handcuffs, then the chances of him having angelic bullets as well were pretty high. She didn't fancy taking her chances and finding out. "What do you want?" she asked, her voice shaking.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

"What I want is the goddamn eye to stop being this shitty! If I torture your boyfriend's ass then maybe you'll find a loophole for me. Destroying the contract yourself. Or else your boyfriend will go bye bye."

He poured himself a glass of scotch. Drinking some of it.


Shadowess - March 20, 2021

"There is no loophole!" Desi complained. "Only the Devil that wrote the contract can destroy it, I already told you that! What you're asking for is impossible!" She then held up her hands in front of her, fearing this may anger him. "Look, I-I can't destroy that contract and the Devil who made it is long gone but m-maybe I can find a spell or something that'll at least minimize the damage? I-I gotta go to Hell for that though. There's a library there with all the spell books, maybe I can find something?" She suggested.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

"You ain't tricking my ass! I'm in business! I know how this shit works! There's always a loophole!"

They soon made it to his mansion. He stepped out of the limo. The driver of a car that drove over was a tall large man who had KIte over his shoulder. Kite's wrists and feet were tied. His mouth was taped over. He seemed to be unconscious.

A few of the men in black guided Desi into the mansion as the man walked ahead. "By the way, name's Ricky. Thought we should get to know each other before I fuck up your boy toy."


shadowess - March 20, 2021

Desi growled. "You're a fool if you think Hell's contracts are as weak and easily manipulated as the ones made by man! Lucifer was no idiot. If it really was him you signed a contract with then his contracts are fool proof. You really think he'd risk losing a soul that was bound to him due to a damn loophole? Idiot, it is signing your soul over than gives him power! What you gain from the contract is of very little importance." She was practically pushed into the mansion after Ricky. "Just you wait until I'm out of these cuffs! Lucifer will be the last of your fucking worries!"


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

Ricky laughed at her comments. "Whatever toots."

They were taken to a dark room with minimal light. There was an array of tools on a table. A man placed two chair in the middle. There were a few men who stood to bodyguard.

Ricky yanked the tape off of Kite's mouth once they set him on the chair. Desi was set on the other chair. Kite cringed as he woke up. Groaning from the pain in his chest. Ricky gripped his chin. Making him look at him. He pointed his gun.

"Now, let's get started. Shall we?" Kite's eyes widened. "Wha....What is this? What's going on?! What do you want with Cindy?" "Didn't ya hear? She's been a bad girl!" Ricky walked to the table. Setting his gun down as he grabbed a ice pick. "And her little toy needs to be punished for it." He stabbed into his leg.

Kite screamed.


Shadowess - March 20, 2021

Desi sat in the chair and watched everything unfold silently. Tears stung her eyes and she shook, staring at Kite. This asshole was going to blow her cover wide open to get what he wanted...even if what he wanted was literally impossible. "Stop it!" She snapped, glaring at Ricky. "Just stop! You don't need to do this! Just let him go and I'll get you want you want!" At this point she just needed a way to get both of them out of here. She could figure out what to do with Ricky once Kite was out of here and she was no longer wearing cuffs.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

Ricky pulled it out. Kite placed his hands over his bleeding wound as he whimpered.

"Then call him up! Tell Lucy to get his ass over here or burn the contract yourself! Either one! I really don't give a shit as long as I can get that damn contract destroyed!"


shadowess - March 20, 2021

Desi was despairing. This mortal just wasn't accepting the difficult truth that Desi had been telling him from the beginning. "I. Can't." She said, putting emphasis on the words. "I already told you that I can't!" tears rolled down her cheeks. "No one knows where he is! Non of us can even sense him anymore, he's that powerful! Even if I did find him, he'd destroy me just for asking! Never mind what he'd do to me if he caught me attempting to so much as steal the contract from him! Going against him is suicide!" She shook her head at him. "Why won't you just listen to me? I'm telling you the truth! The contract is a lost cause! J-just, please, let me go and I'll try to find a spell...there -has- to be something else that I can do!"

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Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

Ricky snapped his fingers. A man heated up a rod with an R at the end of it. Another man loosened the bulletproof vest on Kite then unbuttoned his shirt.

"Looks like I'll have to show how serious I am." Ricky took the rod and pressed the heated R on Kite's chest below his collar. Kite cried out.

He breathed heavily when the rod was taken off. A burned R remained on his skin. His head lowered. He was sweating and trying to catch his breath.

"Now he's my cop." He gave the rod to one of the men who walked away. He walked to her. "So maybe if you take me to Hell and let me destroy the contract then I won't kill your boyfriend."


shadowess - March 20, 2021

Branding? That's a pretty specific method of torture. A familiar one at that. Desi, herself, had a brand scar in the shape of a hook on her left shoulder blade. Lucifer's mark. A sign that she too had at one point signed a contract under Lucifer. Unlike Ricky however, Desi remained the ever loyal follower of Lucifer. When the rod was removed and she watched Kite trying to catch his breath, she stared at him tearfully.

Maybe she could still maintain her cover? She was supposed to tell him she was a Succubus at some point anyway..."Kite, I'm sorry! I was going to tell you..." she cried. When Ricky walked over to her, she recoiled in her chair, leaning away from him. "Fine. Just don't hurt him anymore." She said shakily then lifted her trembling hands to him. "I can't teleport us there with these sapping my power." She said, hinting that she needed the cuffs to be removed.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

"T-Tell me....what....?" ,said Kite.

Ricky glared. "Fine! But if you try anything, I'll shoot ya in the head!" He uncuffed her then pulled her into his hold. Keeping an arm around her neck with his gun pointed at her. "Take us there now!"


shadowess - March 20, 2021

She kept her hands up as he uncuffed her then yelped as he pulled her up and wrapped an arm around her neck. She stared at his gun whimpering, her hands on his arm. Her eyes moved back to Kite, more tears falling. She looked genuinely terrified. "I-I'm sorry." is all she said to him before she and Ricky disappeared.


They arrived in the library in Hell. David was in the building but not in the same room so had no idea they were present yet. "L-let me go. I know the book I need." she whimpered, staring at his gun.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

Kite was barely holding on.


"Nah! We're going there together. So slowly walk over there and I'll follow. No fucking slick moves."


shadowess - March 20, 2021

Gulping, Desi took a brief look around the room and spotted the book she was after. "O-over there..." She nodded in the direction of a particular bookshelf and began slowly making their way over to it. She pulled out the heavy book. "T-table..." She whimpered, the book being too big to support in her arms.

She moved over to the nearby table and dropped the book onto the table, opening it up. The book was written in the ancient demonic language. She skim read the contents then flipped to pages to a particular spell. "H-here..." she pointed to the page. "This spell would force someone else to trade places with you...so your name on the contract would be replaced with someone else's." she suggested.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

Ricky smiled. "Well, ain't that a pretty picture? Got anybody around here that we could nab for that?"


shadowess - March 20, 2021

"It would have to be someone who doesn't already have a contract with a Demon or Devil..." Desi said, staring at the book. "I have followers in my home who would do anything for me. Most of them are just damned souls with no contracts to their names yet..." she closed the book and lifted it into her arms. "I can teleport us there now. Just prepare yourself...it IS a Succubus' mansion after all..."


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

"I don't give a shit if it's your mom's house. Just take us there!" They soon appeared in the mansion. Ricky's eyes widen at the sex that was happening all around him. "What the fuck?!"


shadowess - March 20, 2021

"Yeah...Living in Hell as a Succubus for centuries with a literal harem will get you a few followers..." Desi looked around her home and as soon as the souls around them realized they were in the room, they stopped what they were doing to glare at Ricky for holding a gun to Desi's head. Desi held her hands up. "I'm going to need a volunteer! Who is willing to put their unlife on the line to save mine?" Several souls raised their hands. "Well...take your pick, I guess."


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

He pointed at a bald guy. "That one! Now let's hurry up with this shit!"


shadowess - March 20, 2021

"You got it..." Desi replied irritably and gestured for the soul to join them. She took the soul's hand and they teleported into Desi's ritual room. The same room she'd resurrected Bryce in. "You're definitely going to need to let go of me for this next part." Desi said. "You and the soul need to stand in the center of the circle. I cannot be within it while the spell takes place or it'll fuck it up." She then added with sarcasm. "But please, do feel free to continue pointing your gun at my head."


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

Ricky reluctantly let her go. Shoving her away. "Just get to it already!" He walked into the circle with his gun still aimed at her.


Shadowess - March 20, 2021

"Fine" Desi stumbled as he pushed her and she took the book over to the alter. The soul had already positioned himself in the center with Ricky, glaring at him the whole time. Desi opened the book and found the page she wanted. She looked over the details briefly before starting to chant the demonic words. Desi hadn't been completely truthful about what the spell would do. Although it would mean the soul would be contractually bound to Lucifer instead, there was only one real way to do that. Switch their bodies. Desi added a little extra spell to the one she was already chanting that would also knock them both out. Once they were knocked out, she could safely walk over to take away the gun and Ricky would be stuck as a soul in Hell.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

Ricky suddenly collapsed. Losing his grip on the gun.


Shadowess - March 20, 2021

Desi strode into the circle once they had both passed out. She bent down, picking up the gun and hissed a little as it burned her hand. Even the gun was made of Angelic steel. Where had he gotten these items?! Tearing off some fabric from the skirt of her little dress, she wrapped it around the gun's handle so that she could hold the gun without it burning her.

She then took a few steps back, holding the gun up, aiming it at both of them while she waited for them to come to and realize what had happened. She planned on leaving Ricky to wander Hell while using the soul to trick Ricky's guards into letting her and Kite go. "Don't fuck with Demons." she seethed.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

Ricky groaned as he woke up. He placed a hand over his face. He smiled as he realized that the veins were gone. He could see normally again. "Ha! It's gone!"

He glared once he saw her with the gun. "You bitch! You're gonna ruin my reputation! I've got to head back to that beautiful mansion of mine! Count my money and fuck all the women I want!" He stood.


Shadowess - March 20, 2021

Desi chuckled when Ricky realized what had happened to him, then laughed as he realized she had the gun. "Oh, you are going nowhere. You've switched bodies with a damned soul. You're trapped in Hell now. The soul you switched with on the other hand..." she smiled as she watched Ricky's old body looking over his hands and feeling his face. "HE gets to go to your beautiful mansion, count your money and fuck all the women you wanted."

"Guys..." Ricky's old body says.


"I prefer guys..."

"Oh, well super. C'mon 'Ricky' you have a mansion to get back to."

Ricky's old body stood and walked over to her, standing beside her as she continued pointing the gun at Ricky. "You know, I -was- contemplating using a resurrection spell on you too...but you fucked up that opportunity when you dragged Kite into this. I was already a Demon on the warpath...all you did was stoke my flames some more! Have fun in Hell, asshole!" She took the new 'Ricky's' hand and they vanished, leaving the real Ricky trapped in the ritual room where he would likely starve to death before re-appearing elsewhere in Hell to begin wandering.


Desi and the new Ricky appeared back in the sex room where she quickly ran him through her plan to trick his guards into letting her and Kite go. As reward, Desi informed him that he would inherit everything the real Ricky had had on Earth and get a new opportunity to live on Earth again. All caught up and happy to get another chance to not only live but live in luxury despite his appearance, the new Ricky agreed to the plan.


Once they arrived back in the mansion, he pretended to be convinced that Desi had been telling the truth all along and that he should just live his life with what he had rather than waste it chasing an unachievable goal. He then ordered the guards to release both Kite and 'Cindy' under the condition that neither of them tell anyone about what had happened or try to contact him in any way again. 'Cindy' agreed to this and before long she and Kite were dropped off at the park, after dark, with black sacks over their heads during the ride there to hide the mansion's location. Once they were at the park and the limo had sped off, she removed their sacks and looked over Kite tearfully, looking at the branding. "Oh God, I'm so sorry..." she cried.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

"Get back here you fucking whore!" Ricky ran over but they vanished. He fell and let out a frustrated scream.


Kite's vision was beginning to blur. The wound on his leg was losing a lot of blood. "C-Cindy....." He was starting to lose consciousness.


Shadowess - March 20, 2021

(Don't suppose Alex and Nate would still be at the hospital, would they? 😛 )

"Kite? Kite!" She tried to hold him up as he began to slouch. She walked him over to a bench hurriedly and took out his cell phone, having dropped hers when Ricky had cuffed her earlier. She dialed the emergency number and asked for an ambulance. "Hang on." She cried, rubbing his arm, trying to comfort him. "Help is on the way."

When the ambulance arrived, she rode in the back with him as the paramedics started patching up his leg, seeing to his burn and injecting him with drugs to numb the pain. She told the paramedics who he was, that her name was Cindy and that they were attacked by a gang because he was a police officer. She insisted on staying with him, even as they arrived at the hospital and took him to his own room.


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021


Kite was laying in the bed now. Hooked up to a heart monitor and IV bag. He had an oxygen mask over his mouth so that he could get some air back into his lungs.

Nate appeared in front of her. "You!" He slammed her against the wall with his hand wrapped around her neck. "How dare you be here?! I will kill you for what you have done!"


shadowess - March 20, 2021

Desi had been watching over Kite, unaware of Nate's presence in the building at the time. She was biting the nail on her thumb anxiously. If Kite dies then her whole plan, all the effort she'd gone to so far was for nothing. Her eyes rested on his face, her heart beating hard from nerves. Slowly, she'd lifted a hand and reached over to brush some of his hair from his face but just as she touched him she was grabbed and slammed into the wall.

She gasped, gripping Nate's wrist and trying to breath. She looked up at him, terrified. The Angel?! What?! How?! How did he know they were here already? What she'd done?? Did he know about the whole Bryce thing?! No...that couldn't be possible! She always had her thoughts guarded in case a telepath nearby could rumble her. Not only that, but she'd been in a completely different form with a different scent when she'd been seen with Bryce. So then, what the hell was he talking about?! "I-I didn't-!" She choked then pointed shakily at Kite. "I S-s-saved him! W-we were a-attacked! P-please-!"


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

Nate's wings sprouted. "Only one way to find out." He let her fall. Once he placed a feather on her skin, it burned her. He smirked. He placed the feather at the end of his weapon. Aiming it at her. "You do not impress me."

He pierced it through her heart.


Shadowess - March 20, 2021

(I'd rather she didn't die that quickly lol)

When Nate's wings appeared, Desi flinched. She stared up at them fearfully. When he let her go, she dropped to her knees, coughing and choking as she tried to catch her breath again. She then cried out and backed off into the corner of the room when he'd touched her with a feather.

She gripped the part of her arm where it'd burned her and shook violently while watching him ready his weapon. "No, please! I swear I didn't do this! I saved him! Please! Please, don't kill me!" she begged hysterically, backing into the corner as far as she'd go. When he'd aimed the weapon at her, her eyes widened and she vanished just as he attempted to kill her. She appeared in her flat, sat in the middle of the living room, still shaking and crying. Well...fuck...


Denix Vames - March 20, 2021

(oh ok. no offense. its just that im not really into Desi as a character anymore)

Nate grit his teeth. Glaring at the floor where she had sat. "Damn it!"

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shadowess - March 21, 2021

(Oh...ok. I was kind of hoping she'd get up to a bit more mischief before finally getting caught or maybe even have some character development where she does start developing feelings and becomes conflicted in her motives. But if you want I can retire her from here. Maybe have her retreat back to the life she had in Hell?)


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

(i really dont want you to do that if you dont want to. rp is about being a team in this. so if you still want to play as her then go ahead)


shadowess - March 21, 2021

(Thanks. Maybe we could just give her a break for a bit then? Use Kite being in hospital as an advantage and only have her come back when he's well enough to leave the hospital? After what Nate did, she'd be too frightened to go anywhere near the hospital again anyway.)

During the commotion in the other room, Alex had been snoozing on the chair next to Gary's bed. His head leant back against the back of the chair as he slouched in it.


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

(alright then)

A floating reaper was getting close to Kite. His heart monitor flat lined.


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

(damn it! i meant gary, not kite)


shadowess - March 21, 2021

(lol Dude, I'd literally tried to go to bed right before you replied. I just got up again because I'm still wide awake even though it's like 2am...xD Oh well...more wine and posting for me until I get tired, I guess. lol)

The solid tone from the monitor disturbed Alex's sleep. His eyebrows knit together and he blinked his eyes open, confused as to what that sound was and where it was coming from for a moment. But then he jolted himself awake, remembering where he was and jumping to his feet. He stared at the monitor, his eyes widening then he looked at Gary. "No, no, no!!" He started to panic and slammed his fist into the alarm that would summon nurses to them before starting chest compression on Gary to try to start his heart again. "NATE!!" He screamed, tears started to stream down his cheeks. "NATE HELP! PLEASE!" He cried, looking down at Gary's face as he kept trying to restart his heart. "Please, don't leave me! Please!"


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

(oh no. hopefully youll fall asleep at some point cause you should really get some rest)

Nate appeared. He waved his hand at the reaper. Sending his energy to it. The reaper screeched in pain before disappearing. His wings went back into himself and his weapon disappeared once a crowd of nurses came to help.

One of them took Alex out of the room as Nate followed. The other nurses were working on Gary. Beginning CPR and using the defibrillator every now and then until the heart monitor was finally beeping a stable heart rate.

The nurses left with the equipment they brought in. Leaving both men alone. "A reaper tried to take him. It seems like it may be his time to pass but I won't let that happen."


shadowess - March 21, 2021

(Eh...this isn't anything new lol I tend to have insomnia flare ups now and then. Thankfully I'm currently on holiday so don't have to worry about getting up for work tomorrow.)

Alex was a little hysterical as the nurses ushered them out of the room to let them work. He didn't start to calm down until he heard Gary's heart rate return to normal. Once the nurses left, he hurried to Gary's side, still crying. When Nate spoke, he was a little alarmed at hearing that a reaper had come for him. Maybe humans can't see them? Alex hadn't seen nor heard any reapers while Gary had been flat lining. He then thought back to the way they'd found Gary the night before. He'd been stabbed and was bleeding out. Then he gets called out to a fire that almost kills him...and now a reaper was trying to take him? "Th-they won't stop trying to take him, will they?" He asked, his voice breaking as he looked up to stare at Nate. "W-what if we did something? Change him? Make him a vampire or a demon or something?" He was shaking, his eyes full of desperation. "I don't want to lose him..."


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

(i see. well good that you have holiday at least)

Nate looked at Gary. "That was a reaper you felt. It's trying to get your soul. It seems like it's time for you to cross over." He nodded. "I understand." He turned to Alex.

"He says that he'll make sure to fight. But he doesn't want to become a monster. He just wants to be human." Gary's hand twitched. "He says that he wants to hold your hand."


shadowess - March 21, 2021

Alex looked back at Gary, despairing. He didn't want to lose him but didn't want him to have to spend his entire life fighting off reapers either. He took Gary's hand when Nate told him it was what he wanted and squeezed it a little, gently. "Whatever you want to do...I'll support you..." Alex said reluctantly. He didn't like it but he couldn't deny what Gary wanted. He had to respect his wishes.


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

"He says that everything will be ok. That you shouldn't worry. We'll make it through this." ,said Nate.


Shadowess - March 21, 2021

"I hope so." Alex replied, rubbing his thumb over the back of Gary's hand. By now, Alex's eyes had dark circles from lack of sleep. He desperately needed sleep and also wanted a drink after all of this but refused to leave Gary's side. What if he needed his heart restarting again and Alex wasn't there next time? No, he wasn't going anywhere. It was also getting to the point where the nurses were getting annoyed that Alex had already stayed way past visiting hours.


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

Nate placed a hand on his shoulder. "Alex, we should go. You need to rest. You haven't even drank yet."

Gary's hand twitched. "He says to go. That he wants you to take care of yourself. That if you don't then he's going to put you in an uncomfortable position when you two have sex again."


shadowess - March 21, 2021

Sighing heavily, Alex was ready to argue that he wanted to stay. Until he heard what Gary was telling him. He couldn't help chuckling at the last part. "Fine..." he bent down and kissed Gary's forehead gently. "But don't you go anywhere... I'll be back soon..." he whispered before standing straight and reluctantly removing his hand from Gary's. He took in a shaky breath then turned back to Nate, nodding to say he was ready.


Shadowess - March 21, 2021

(Hey, so I guess the other inbox thread we had going has reached it's limit for my laptop being able to load it without crashing lol Thought I'd start a new thread so we could keep going. )


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021


Nate and him appeared in Gary's house. "I figured you'd want to keep an eye on it for him. And there's plenty of food and water for you here."


shadowess - March 21, 2021

Alex looked around the house. It felt so empty without Gary here with him. He nodded, still looking around. "Thanks..."


Back at Carter's house. Sebastian was awake and had gone into the kitchen to grab himself and Carter a bag of blood. Tom had gone into the yard for some air. During the day, he'd been unable to sleep so had been messing around with a curtain just to see how much the sunlight hurt...and made possibly an awesome discovery. Neva was watching TV with Patience in the living room, every so often looking over at Patience curiously. Parker was just pulling up in his car, outside.

"Hey, man." Tom called over as Parker was getting out of the car.

"Hey. Anything crazy happened today?" Parker asked as he began walking to the house and paused in the yard to talk to Tom.

"Nah, nothing yet." Tom chuckled, then looked a little worried. "Though I haven't seen Nate since last night...have you seen him?"

"No, sorry. Maybe he just had something to take care of?"


"So, what're you doing out here?"

"Just needed a little air. It's getting a little crowded in there, ya know? Also, I kind of needed to think..."

"About what?"

"Well..." Tom hesitated, scratching the back of his head. "So, I wanted to see how much the sunlight hurt...because I haven't felt it since I turned."

"...right?" Parker rose a brow, it was obvious he thought that wasn't such a good idea.

"I know, I know. I was curious, ok? But, see...the thing is...I didn't burn."

Parker's eyes widened a little and he looked Tom up and down briefly. "What?"

"Yeah! I started with just a finger and sort of poked the light quickly...when that did nothing, I stuck my hand in...then my arm..." Tom hesitated, knowing the next part had been an even stupider risk. "Then I opened the front door and stood outside..."

"Tom!" Parker was alarmed.

"Look, I'm still here, aren't I?!" Tom said, gesturing to himself.

"...Right...but how?"

"Well...I'm not sure...but I think I have a theory...see, the night I was turned...Amelia was there and right before I was shot, when she thought Carter and Sebastian were coming with us to ADIEU, she gave them both some of her blood...then I got shot and Sebastian turned me to save my life..."

"So...?" Parker seemed to struggle to follow.

"So, Amelia is a Devil, right? What if, having some of her blood in Sebastian's system somehow changed the outcome of me being turned?"

"You sure it won't wear off?"

"She only gave them a little of her blood. If it was going to wear off, it would have done days ago..."

Parker lifted his hands to the sides of his head as he looked at Tom a little excitedly. "Holy shit! You know what this means, right?" Tom rose a brow at Parker and shook his head a little. "You're like...a real life Blade! A Daywalker!"

Tom's eyes widened a little excitedly and he laughed. "Holy shit, dude! I hadn't thought of that!"

"Have you told the others yet?" Parker asked and Tom shook his head.

"Wasn't sure how to bring up the fact that I just voluntarily stood in the sunlight..." Tom admitted, his cheeks turning red from embarrassment.

David appeared next to them, making them both jump. "Apologies!" He chuckled at their reaction. "I hadn't been expecting anyone to be outside of the house."

"No worries, man. You good?" Tom smiled.

"Better than good. Is Carter and Sebastian home? I have something to show them. You too, if you're interested?"

"Uh, yeah they're home. What've you got?"

Still smiling, David pulled three vials from his pocket. All three filled with a strange green liquid. "A cure. It took days of combing through the library but I believe I've finally found what Carter was after. This potion will return a person to their original specie. So in your, Carter's and Sebastian's case...human."

"Dude!" Tom looked ecstatic for a moment then looked thoughtful. "You know what?...I think I'm happier as I am now...Thanks though. Good to know it exists if I change my mind..."

David nods understandingly. "No problem." he stepped up to the door and rang the bell.

"You don't just walk in?" Parker asked with a raised brow.

"That would be rude." David replied, still smiling.


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

"I'll leave you alone for a bit. Please try to get some rest." ,said Nate who disappeared.


Jasper and Elliot appeared when the horse neighed as it appeared. Jasper pulled at its reins. Stopping it. They got off the horse which disappeared.

Jasper held a sad look. Elliot's was no better but he tried to hide it with a fake smile. "Hey guys. What's this all about?"

Carter, shirtless, had opened the door. "Hmm?"


shadowess - March 21, 2021

Seeing Elliot and Jasper, Tom waved at them. "Hey guys! Just chilling and chatting." he shrugged his shoulders. "You guys ok?"

When the door opened, David turned back to the house from watching the others and grinned at Carter. "Good evening. I have some good news for you. Might I come in?" As David said this, Tom looked over his shoulder at Carter as well. He was debating saying something about what he'd discovered but was hesitating because he knew how stupid he'd been when making the discovery. Seeing Tom's hesitation, Parker rolled his eyes and looked over at Carter. "Tom wants to share some news with us all too." he said and Tom looked at Parker in disbelief.

"Oh, c'mon man..." Tom complained.

"Better sooner than later. Just tear off the band aid, dude. Get it over with." Parker replied with a shrug.


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

Elliot nervously rubbed his arm. "And we've got something to say too."

"Jesus christ. Everybody's got something to say huh? Well, why don't you all come in then?" He opened the door further. Letting everyone walk in before locking it.

Jasper put his hat down. "So, what's going on with you?" He didn't speak. Elliot said, "Jasper's gang....They're all dead." "I'm sorry to hear that." "They were shooting at the thieves when they finally caught up to them. It seemed like everyone shot each other. No one was left to survive."

"Damn man. I'm really-" "I don't need your pity!" ,shouted Jasper which surprised Carter. He shook his head then turned away. Facing down. "I don't need it. I just need to see where they were buried."

Nate appeared. "I could help you find them." He wrapped an arm around Tom before giving him a quick kiss. Jasper nodded. "But I also need to find fancy man's grave too." "Who's fancy man?" He blushed. "Well....while I did have a wife waiting for me back home, I was getting kind of lonely and met this aristocratica or whatever. He said he was from England. We got together and one thing led to another."

"And what's his name?" "Beau Carter." Carter pinched the brim of his nose. "Wait a minute. You fucked my many great grandpa?" "Oh! I also have some news." ,said Nate. "Later. I need an explanation here."

Jasper shrugged. "What's there to say? We met. We fucked. That was it. And he gave me something before he left." He pulled out a diamond heart shaped necklace from under his shirt. "That's the reason why my many great grandpa had to marry someone else! His parents wouldn't let him marry that woman he was with because he lost the heirloom! Are you kidding me?!"

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shadowess - March 21, 2021

Sebastian had walked into the living room with the blood bags, listening quietly to what was going on. He held a bag out for Carter while biting into his own. Patience muted the TV while they talked and Neva was also looking up to watch them. Parker leant against the wall, listening patiently. His eyebrow rose a little when Nate appeared and said he also had news. Damn, everyone has something to say today! Tom smiled at Nate when he arrived and kissed him in return, glad he was back.

Sebastian looked between Carter and Jasper uneasily, unsure of what to make of the news. David awkwardly lifted a fist to his mouth and faked a cough into it to get their attention. "Pardon the interruption but I don't have a lot of time to hang around." He pulled out the vials again, showing them to everyone. "It took a lot of time and research but I found what you were after, Carter. A single dose of this liquid will revert it's drinker back to their original specie. It'd be painful mind you. But I imagine changing into a vampire was just as painful as changing back would be. If it is still something that you want, the option is here."

At this news, Sebastian stared at the vials in shock. Slowly lowering the bag from his mouth. It does exist! For a moment, he imagined what his life might be like if he changed back too. Even Patience was sitting on the edge of her seat, looking at the vials curiously. Finding out that such a potion exists, to them, was like seeing a unicorn. They never thought it would ever be possible!


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

Carter took a vial from his hand. He examined it. "Geez...It's really here huh? Right in front of me. This isn't even a joke." He frowned. "I'm....not sure what to say."


shadowess - March 21, 2021

"Not a joke, no. It is very real." David replied with an understanding smile. "You don't need to say anything. Amelia insisted that I continue looking for it while she is unable to visit Hell. I will entrust the other two vials to you in case anyone else would like to reverse changes done to them. If you require more, let me know." He passed the other two vials to Carter as well.

Parker poked Tom's arm. "I think now is as good a time as any." he encouraged him.

Tom sighed and nodded, looking around at them all nervously as David seemed to be getting ready to leave but was patiently waiting for an opening to do so. "Um...I think I made a discover during the day..." he started hesitantly. "So, uh...I couldn't sleep...and I got curious because I've never actually felt how the sun burns us during the day...so I...I let the sunlight hit my hand to see what it felt like...and it didn't burn me. Then I stuck my arm in...and then I stepped outside...I think I know why it didn't burn me...you remember when you turned me?" he turned to Sebastian, who at this point was staring at him with a horrified look. "Amelia gave you some of her blood right before I got shot and you turned me with her blood in your system...I think that might have affected how I changed."


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

"You did what?! What the hell is wrong with you?! That was idiotic and dangerous! You're lucky that you didn't turn into ash!" ,said Carter.

He set the vials on the table before dropping them.


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

(meant to say before he could have dropped them)


shadowess - March 21, 2021

"I know! I know!" Tom said, jumping a little as Carter scolded him for his stupidity. "But look, the point is, I didn't burn in the sun! This means it's possible to make day walking vampires after all! Who knows! Maybe any vampires I'd make might be able to walk around in daylight too?" He pointed out.

"It was still incredibly stupid." Sebastian said, shaking his head a little. He then sighed and looked at Nate. "Well, I guess that just leaves your news."


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

"Kite's in the hospital." "What?!" ,said Carter. "He was tortured by the Succubus. She managed to escape when I attempted to kill her. I don't know where she is now." "That fucking bitch!"

Jasper walked over. "Easy there-" Carter punched him. Jasper clutched his bleeding nose. "What the hell Carter?!" ,said Elliot.

Carter's phone suddenly rang. "What?!" "Uh Carter. You might want to check the news." ,said Blaire. Carter grabbed the remote control and switched it to the news where he unmute it.

"Local authorities believe an unknown man by the name of The Agent has been killing criminals left and right with a sense of justice. He has been described as a shadow in the darkness. No one can seem to catch a glimpse of this man's face. He is said to be very fast and stronger compared to anyone else in this city. Police are on the hunt for The Agent. However, the community seems to be praising him for his acts of punishment."

Nate said, "Leo....He's trying to make up for what he did before."


shadowess - March 21, 2021

"Wait... what Succubus?" Sebastian rose a brow. "What the hell did we miss??"

When Carter punched Jasper, Sebastian placed his hands on Carter's shoulders. Neva had jumped at the sight of violence, instinctively changing into her kitten form and hiding under the couch. Tiny kitten growls coming from underneath. Before Sebastian could say anything, he answered his phone and they all watched the news.

"Great...so now Leo thinks he's Batman?" Parker commented. "Is it so much to ask that we have one day without drama?"

Tom looked up at Nate. "What should we do?"

Patience stood and immediately vanished, already in pursuit of Leo.


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

Elliot frowned. He walked over to the couch and knelt. Reaching a hand out to Neva. "Hey, it's alright. You don't have to worry about anything. The fighting's over."

Nate shrugged. "I guess we let Patience do her thing."


Leo had broken into a house full of drug dealers. He killed everyone and cleaned himself up before leaving the house.

He wore all black. Having a leather pants and leather jacket while keeping that tight shirt on. He had leather gloves on and boots. His face was covered with a phantom of the opera mask.

He kept his handguns by his sides.


Shadowess - March 21, 2021

Sebastian kept his hands on Carter's shoulders and sighed. "Do you want us to go see Kite at the hospital? Get out of the house for a bit?" he suggested, thinking it might be a good idea to keep Carter and Jasper away from each other for a bit and also that Carter might be concerned for his friend.

Tom nodded and kissed Nate's cheek.

Parker watched in amazement as Neva gingerly crawled onto Elliot's hand. Her kitten form so small that she easily fit into his palm. "Wait...she can turn into a cat??"

David meanwhile was heading towards the door. "Well, I should get going. I need to get those reports ready to meet Amelia tomorrow. I'll see you all another time. Good luck with..." he gestured to the news on the TV. "That..."


Patience appeared next to Leo. She paused, looking over his outfit. "Well, I don't think much of the mask but the rest certainly suits you." She commented casually as she walked beside him. "What are you doing, Leo?"


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

"Isn't the sun out?" ,said Carter.

Nate took his hand. "C'mon. Let's go upstairs." He led Tom to a bedroom.

Elliot kept her close. Gently petting her. He smiled. "Pretty much. Ain't she adorable?"

He waved at David. "Good luck."


Leo was caught off guard by her presence. Nearly shooting her. "Oh, it's you." He kept walking. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm putting these criminals where they belong."


shadowess - March 21, 2021

"The sun went down two hours ago..." Sebastian chuckled. Although admittedly it wasn't any wonder he'd lost track of time. They hadn't left the house since fighting the Tricksters and their sleep pattern was all over the place.

Tom bit his lip and followed Nate to the spare bedroom, excited to have a little alone time with him.

Neva snuggled up to him as he pet her, tiny purrs vibrating from her as she hid her little head in his hand. Parker chuckled, seeing her. "Yeah, that is pretty sweet..." He then glanced around the room briefly. "Hey, where has Vincent gotten to lately? I don't think I've seen him since...you know..." He wanted to say the fight with the Tricksters but didn't want to actually bring it up in case it upset Neva.

David had left.


Despite Leo's reaction, Patience didn't seem at all phased by him almost shooting her. She continued to walk beside him as if this was all completely normal. "I see...and you think this is the correct course of action?" she asked casually.


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

"Oh." Carter blushed. Feeling embarrassed about losing track of time. "I guess I'll change then." He headed upstairs.

Nate kissed him in the room as he ran his hand through his hair. Then he moved his hands to his waist.

Elliot was suddenly worried when he heard him ask. "I-I don't know. He left. Said he was going to do something but I don't know." A few tears fell from him. "What if he's hurt? Or worse?"


Leo put his guns back in their holster. He shrugged. "Pretty much." He zoomed to an alley way where he leaned against the wall. Relaxing.


Shadowess - March 21, 2021

Nate's kisses, feeling his hand in his hair and his other hand on his waist sent shivers through Tom who kissed him back passionately. It had only been a day or so but he'd missed this so much. The way Nate always managed to make him shiver excitedly. He slipped his hands under Nate's shirt, feeling his torso.


Sebastian chuckled and gave Carter a subtle, cheeky pat on the backside as he walked away. He waited for him to come back, leaning against the front door.

Parker scratched the back of his head a little awkwardly. He had only asked out of curiosity and hadn't meant to worry or upset Elliot. "Geez, sorry Elliot. I didn't know. Dammit, we could've asked David or Nate to teleport and check up on him..."

Neva jumped from Elliot's hand to the couch and stumbled a little upon landing. She then changed back into her human form and looked between them. "I can teleport." she suggested. She was also worried about Vincent after hearing he'd left without saying where he was going. Although, if Vincent happened to be in Hell, she wouldn't be able to teleport there.


Patience rose a brow when Leo ran off to an ally. She sighed and teleported by his side once more, leaning against the wall next to him. She remained quiet for a moment before speaking again. "I have a hypothetical question for you." she began. "Say one of the criminals you hunt down were coerced or forced to commit crimes for fear of their own or their loved ones lives..." she turned her head to look at him. "How would you know?"


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

Nate's wings sprouted. He brought him to the bed where he was on top of him. He planted kisses all over his neck as he slipped his belt off.


Carter was a bit taken aback by the slap on his ass. He awkwardly smiled before leaving. He soon came back downstairs wearing a grey shirt, blue jeans, and a plaid jacket.

"Really? Then take us there." "Hey, if you can teleport people then can you help me find my crew and my boyfriend?" ,said Jasper.


Leo sighed as he shook his head. He crossed his arms. "Don't start this crap with me."


shadowess - March 21, 2021

Seeing Nate's wings brought a little more excitement to Tom and he smirked as he was taken to the bed. Laying down, he closed his eyes and let out a shaky breath, biting his lip a little and tilting his head back to enjoy how Nate made him feel. He ran his hand through Nate's hair while his other hand wandered down his chest to his hips, to run a finger along the edge of his pants playfully. He heard the belt buckle being undone and smirked, removing his shirt and losing himself to Nate's passion.


Smiling at Carter, Sebastian opened the door for him. "I'll drive if you want." he said as they walked to the car.

Neva smiled and stood then hesitated when Jasper also made his request. "Um...I'll try...but I'm still learning and if they've gone to Heaven or Hell then I don't think I can go there..." she replied honestly. She held her hands out for them to take. Wanting to help any way he could, Parker took Neva's hand as well. She concentrated, trying to imagine being near Vincent...


"Start what?" Patience said innocently while smiling at him. "I'm just having a hypothetical conversation with you." she crossed her arms and rose a brow at him. "And you haven't answered my question."


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

(private time)


Carter smiled. "Thanks Sebastian. I'd appreciate that." He got in the car.

Elliot held Parker's hand while Jasper held Elliot's hand. They appeared in Carter's office. Crying could be heard from upstairs.


Leo rolled his eyes. "You don't think I've never been interrogated? I've dealt with that crap plenty of times. So no, I don't want to answer your question. End of story."

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shadowess - March 21, 2021

Sebastian nodded as he got into the drivers side of the car. Once they were in and buckled up, he began driving towards the hospital. "So...what do you think? About that potion David brought? You going to change back?"


Parker looked around then towards the stairs when he heard the crying. He looked between Elliot and Jasper, concerned. He placed a hand on Neva's shoulder and smiled reassuringly at her. "You stay down here. We'll check it out, ok? Watch some tv or something, I think there are still snacks in the fridge..." he then looked at Elliot seriously before letting go of her and heading towards the stairs, following the sound of crying to it's source.


Patience looked away from him with a frown. "Fine." she sighed. "But I'm not going anywhere." she warned him.


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

Carter leaned back against his seat with a sigh. "I don't know. I'm thinking about it but...I'm really not sure."


Vincent was curled up near the top of the stairs. His sleeves were rolled up with several cuts on both of his arms. Bleeding from them. "Oh my god!" Elliot ran to his side. "What the hell did you do?!" Vincent hid his face by his hands. "I-I...."


"That's fine." A robber was running at him with a knife. He fired a shot through his head without looking. "You can just stand back and watch." He zoomed from the alley.


Shadowess - March 21, 2021

Nodding understandingly, Sebastian looked over briefly and smiled at him before turning back to watch the road. "Well, don't feel you have to rush the decision. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little tempted myself...it's not exactly a small decision though." They pulled up at the hospital and Sebastian sighed as he turned off the ignition. "You ready? Maybe we can pick up a get well card or something for him on the way in?"


It took Parker a moment for what he was seeing to sink in. He knelt in front of him and exchanged a worried glance with Elliot. "Hey, it's alright. Take some deep breaths and tell us what happened. What's going on?"


Patience watched the murder, her features barely moving. When he ran off again, she rolled her eyes. She stayed there a moment, thinking of how she could help him understand that what he was doing wasn't good. A small smile crept across her lips as she thought of something that might at least give him some insight as to whether a criminal is truly bad or not.

She appeared next to him again and this time moved to stand in front of him, blocking his path. "I can't force you to stop what you are doing." she began, looking him in the eyes. "But maybe I can help you decide who really deserves to be punished?" She pulled out a small compass like pendant and held it out for him to take. "If the needle points to black, the person is too evil to be saved. Grey, they have sinned or are flawed but they are still savable. White, the person is pure of heart." She explains briefly. "You only need to hold the back of it against the person's chest. I hope this helps you."

If Leo decided to take the compass and use it on Patience, her result would be grey.


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

Carter nodded. He got out of the car. "Yeah, we could do that. It's the only thing I can think of. Giving him flowers or a teddy bear would just send the wrong signals." He looked up at the night sky. "And believe me, I don't want to do that."


Vincent continued to sob. "I tried so hard not to let anything get to me but I can't do that! Not anymore! It hurts. The memories....It hurts." "Why didn't you talk to me?" Elliot pulled his shirt off. Using it to put pressure on his cuts. "You could have said something!" Tears burst from his eyes.


"The hell are you talking about? Criminals are criminals. What makes you think that a murder would even have a heart of gold?" ,asked Leo.


Shadowess - March 21, 2021

Having no idea what Carter was referring to, Sebastian chuckled at the comment as he got out of the car as well. Thinking it was a joke. "Let's just get a card then." he said as he walked around the car and took his hand, beginning to walk towards the hospital. "C'mon. We'll swing by the little gift shop on the way in and sign the card together."


"Elliot's right. You can always talk to us! Don't let things get on top of you." He turned to look at Elliot, seeing him try to stop the bleeding. "Let me see if there's a first aid kit somewhere around here." he said before rushing off to try to find medical supplies.


"I don't." Patience said simply, still holding the compass out. "and you of all people should know that criminals are not just criminals." Although Patience was blatantly scolding Leo with her last few words, her tone gave no indication whatsoever of being angry or annoyed. "Some people end up in situations where they are manipulated or threatened into doing things they wouldn't normally agree with. Those people, Leo. Those people need help. Not punishment. This compass will help you identify the savable from the hopeless."


Denix Vames - March 21, 2021

Carter squeezed his hand to keep himself calm. "Yeah, let's do that."

After buying the card and signing it, they went up to his room where he was sleeping but with no oxygen mask on. It seemed like he could breath on his own.

Tears dripped down Carter's cheeks. He ran to him. "Kite!" He held his hand. "Fuck me. I'm so sorry. I should have been there. I could have helped you. I should have called. Checked to see if you were alright or not. God damn it. This is all my fault."


There was a first aid kit in the bathroom. Elliot kept pressure on the cuts.


Her words made him recall what he had done. What he had been forced to do.

He reluctantly took the compass. He placed it over her chest and watched it go to grey. His eyes widened. "Holy shit..."


shadowess - March 22, 2021

Sebastian placed the card on the little table by Kite's bed as Carter rushed to his side. Then he moved over to Carter's side and gently placed his arms around him from behind. "Hey, it's not your fault." he said to Carter softly. "You can't blame yourself for this." he gently kissed Carter's cheek. "We can wait here for him to wake up if you want. If he's up to it, we could ask him what happened. See if we can find out where this Succubus might've gone."


Parker grabbed the first aid kit and hurried back to Vincent and Elliot. He opened it up and took out the bandages. "Here, let us help you." He said softly, passing some of the bandage packets to Elliot while he went to start bandaging one of Vincent's arms.


When he finally accepted the compass, Patience smiled. Then she stood still as he placed it over her chest and she watched his reaction. Her eyes became a little tearful as she continued to smile at him. "I have my flaws." she admits. "and though I have earned my redemption, I obviously still have a ways to go...I have found very few people who gain the white result...though even fewer have black." She lifts her hands to cup them gently around his on the compass and pushes the compass towards him. "Keep it. Think about what I said. There are people out there that just need to be shown the right path...because not everyone is able to find it for themselves..." She gently took her hands away and stepped away from him, still smiling as she vanished.


Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

Carter looked down. "You don't get it, Sebastian. When I left the force, I left him to fend for himself. To deal with his own problems. He turned to alcohol and self harm to forget about the pain. To forget about....what me and him had together."


Elliot started bandaging up the other arm. "Sorry! I'm sorry!" ,said Vincent. "You have nothing to be sorry for. We're gonna get ya all fixed up. Alright?"


Leo hesitated but placed the compass over himself. He looked at it. Seeing grey. Tears fell from his eyes. He placed the compass over himself. Holding on to it around his neck before running off.


Shadowess - March 22, 2021

At the last few words, Sebastian turned his head to look at Carter and pulled away a little. His eyes studied his face for a moment. "Carter?" he asked in a soft voice, turning his head to look at Kite then back at Carter. "Is he your ex?..." then another pressing question came to Sebastian. "Did you break up with Kite...before you met me?" He needed to know this.

He needed to know that he didn't just swoop in and romance Carter without knowing he was already with someone. The idea that he might've taken Carter away from someone else was too much to bear. He thought back to when he first met Kite...how he'd proudly announced he was actually Carter's boyfriend...what that must've done to Kite...even though he might've hidden it well...


Parker gently bandaged Vincent's arm and when he was done, he pulled away and looked at their work. He then looked at Vincent. "Hey, it's ok. We're here now. Let's go sit down downstairs and talk about this. You know...get what's bothering you off your chest. We don't mind listening, that's what we're here for." He offered him a kind smile and stood, offering a hand to help him up.


Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

"I....cheated on Jack." Carter shook his head. "I never wanted to hut him. It's just that there was a bombing at the local bank. And when Kite's girlfriend...." He covered his face. "Everything just seemed so fucked. It just felt right to do it."


Vincent hesitantly took it. He stood. He walked downstairs with them. Jasper looked at them. "Back then, you would have been called insane or a coward for doing that." Vincent gripped one of his arms. "And now?" Jasper frowned. "Well, nowadays you ain't a coward or insane."


shadowess - March 22, 2021

Sebastian sighed. A part of him was relieved because judging by what Carter was telling him, what happened between him and Kite had happened way before Carter had met Sebastian. He was a little concerned that Carter had cheated in a previous relationship though. Still frowning, Sebastian was still studying Carter as he asked his next question. "Do you still have feelings for Kite?"


"C'mon, let's sit down and talk..." Parker said, trying to guide Vincent to the couch. Neva came through from the kitchen, having been raiding the fridge for snacks. When she saw how Vincent was, she ran over and wrapped her arms around him.


Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

Carter gripped his own arms as he walked away from Kite and Sebastian. "No, I don't. But what we had brought us close enough for me to understand him." He leaned against the wall. "I just wish I wasn't here. Wish he wasn't there on that bed." He bit his lip. "Whoever the fuck did this is going to die."


Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

(hold on a second. i forgot to write Vincent's stuff. it might take a bit of time)


Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

Vincent smiled. "Thank you Neva." He soon sat down. Elliot sat next to him. Holding his hand. "Why?" "Because of what I've done. And because of what's been going on. I tried so hard not to show emotions. To show how badly this shit was getting to me. I didn't want that part of me to disappear. The calm and collective one."


shadowess - March 22, 2021

Sebastian watched Carter walk away from them and listened to what Carter had to say, trying to ignore how hard his heart was beating. Now was not the time to get emotional. Sebastian recognized how important it was that he try to remain calm and to try to be rational. When Carter had finished speaking, Sebastian thought through everything Carter had said for a minute before slowly walking over to Carter.

He gently laid a hand on his arm, tilting his head a little to try to look at his face without being intrusive. "Thank you..." he whispered softly. "For telling me...For trusting me enough to talk to me...I imagine that wasn't easy..." he moved to try and pull Carter into a gentle hug. "It's ok...We'll wait for him to wake up and see if he knows where that Succubus is...then we'll go get her together, ok?" he kissed the side of Carter's head.


Neva sat on the other side of Vincent, cuddling up to his side quietly. Parker smiled at the way she clung to Vincent. She really seemed to like Vincent and Elliot. He wondered if she looked up to them as sort of guardians. He sat in a chair nearby and listened to what Vincent had to say. "You really don't need to do that though, buddy. C'mon, you're with friends. We're not going to judge you for having a break down once in a while! It's natural...especially after all the shit we've all been through...You're a good person who has every right to get upset when things go to shit. Not some robot..."


Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

Carter accepted his embrace. He nodded before kissing him deeply.


"Parki's right man. You gotta let us know when you're feeling down." ,said Jasper. "What pops said." ,said Elliot. He kissed his cheek. Making Vincent smile and blush. "Thank you." He looked at Neva. "All of you. It feels so weird to have people right here near me like this. But I don't mind."


shadowess - March 22, 2021

Sebastian was a little taken aback by the kiss but he relaxed into it quickly, savoring the moment. His heart fluttering in his chest as he kissed Carter back just as deeply. He pulled back to look at him, looking into his eyes. He lifted a hand to caress his cheek before moving some of his hair out of his face. "I love you." he whispered, resting his head against his. "So much."


"We all care about you, Vincent." Parker said with a smile. "It's like we're a weird, sort of messed up family. We gotta look out for each other." He then got to his feet and stretched a little. "Well...I don't know about you guys but whenever I used to get upset, my gran would make an awesome hot chocolate to try and help me feel better. Who's up for one?" he smiled at them.

Neva grinned and raised her hand a little.

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Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

Carter closed his eyes. Thinking back to when they first met. To what all of this led up to. "Sebastian, I don't want to do it. The cure? I don't want to take it. I want to be with you. I love you too much to let go." He touched his hand.


"Sounds like a blast." ,said Jasper. "I'll take one!" ,said Elliot. Vincent chuckled. "I guess I could try one."


shadowess - March 22, 2021

Hearing what Carter said, Sebastian couldn't take his eyes off of him. Touched by what he'd said, he felt tears begin to fill his eyes. He kissed him again, as deeply as before while holding him close. When the kiss broke again, he nodded. "If that's what you want. Just know that if you ever change your mind, I'll support your decision. I will always be here for you. No matter what." he captured his lips in his once more. "I only ever want you to be happy."


Parker grinned. "Alright. I'll be back in a minute." he said as he walked into the kitchen and began making the hot chocolate. He found some mini marshmallows in the cupboard and whipped cream in the fridge. Taking out a little tray, he put the cream and packet of marshmallows onto it with some teaspoons.

When the hot chocolates were done, he placed them onto the tray and carefully carried it into the next room where he placed it onto the coffee table. "Careful, they're really hot." He said as he took a mug for himself, putting cream onto it and sitting back in the chair.

Neva took one excitedly. She also added cream and some marshmallows before using her power to cool her drink down a little.


Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

Carter became lost in those kisses. He smiled. "The same goes for you." He placed his hands on his waist. Slipping his tongue into his mouth as he continued kissing him.

"Uh guys? I'm awake." ,said Kite.


Jasper dumped some cream and marshmallows in before drinking it without any problems. Elliot put in the toppings but waved his hand at the drink to try and cool it. Vincent picked up his carefully after placing the toppings in. He blew some air on the drink.


Shadowess - March 22, 2021

Smiling, Sebastian closed his eyes and lost himself in Carter's kiss. A small moan escaping him when he felt Carter's tongue slip past his lips and into his mouth. Then his eyes shot open, his face turned red and he froze upon hearing Kite's voice. Smirking, he pulled back, keeping his head close to Carter's for a moment as he whispered to him with a chuckle; "To be continued..."

He then turned around to face Kite, scratching the back of his head, a little embarrassed. "Sorry Kite...How are you feeling? Are you up for telling us what happened?"


Neva looked around at how everyone was trying to cool their drinks down. Parker saw the way she watched everyone and chuckled. "Yeah...everyone else has to do it the long way..."

Neva smiled and looked at each of them. "I can cool them down a little if you want?"


Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

Carter's face went red. His eyes widened as the kiss broke. He awkwardly cleared his throat. He turned to Kite. "Uh yeah. Anything would be helpful."

"Well, it's a long story but some rich douchebag kidnapped me and my girlfriend." He looked around the room. "Where is she anyway?" "You have a girlfriend?" "Yeah. Her name's Cindy. Did you guys see her?" "No actually. We didn't." He held a worried look on his face. "Just please look for her. I don't want that bastard to take her again."


"Yes please." ,said Vincent. "If ya don't mind." ,said Elliot. "Thanks but I'm good. I like the heat." ,said Jasper who drank some more.


Shadowess - March 22, 2021

Sebastian glanced at Carter momentarily, holding the same worried look. "What does she look like? We could see if we can find her. Make sure she's ok for you...the guy that kidnapped you both, did he say why he did it?" He asked, trying to understand what had happened.


Neva grinned and touched each cup momentarily with her finger. Parker held his cup out as well and when she was done she went back to drinking from her own cup. Their drinks would still be hot but cool enough to drink without it burning them. When she lowered her cup, she was still smiling and had some cream on her nose.


Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

"She has blonde hair in a ponytail. Casual clothes like a tank top and jeans. Blue eyes I think. The guy who took us...." He rubbed his head. "He said something a contract that he needed her to break."


Elliot chuckled. "You're like a deer with a white nose." Vincent stuck his finger in his drink. Taking some cream and putting it on his nose. He smiled. "You too." Elliot did the same thing to him. "You three."

Jasper put some cream on his own nose. "Don't count me out."


shadowess - March 22, 2021

When he mentioned a contract, a look of recognition flashed in Sebastian's eyes for a moment and he exchanged another look with Carter. He had a theory about what had happened. He then turned back to Kite. "Alright, first things first. We need to make sure your girlfriend- Cindy, is alright. Do you have her number? We could go pick her up? Ask her to fill in the blanks for us?"


Neva laughed at how silly they were being. Parker was chuckling, watching them all. It was a nice moment. Good to see them all smiling and laughing like this. He took a sip of his drink, being sure to give himself a creamy mustache as he lowered his cup. "Yo, who do I remind you of?" he asked, laughing.


Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

"Yeah sure. My phone's over there." Carter picked it up from the chair. He sniffed the air suddenly. He stepped out of the room. "What the....?"

He walked to the room next door and slowly opened the door. He saw a man on the bed in what appeared to be a coma. "Sebastian? I think Alex has been here."


"The KFC guy?" ,said Elliot. "One of my buddies?" ,said Jasper. "I'm honestly confused." ,said Vincent.


Shadowess - March 22, 2021

Sebastian followed Carter out of the room and into the next one. When Carter said he could smell Alex, Sebastian sniffed then looked at the man in the bed. "Oh, Christ...What has that psycho kid been up to now?" he muttered then looked at Carter. Seeing as they weren't in the same room as Kite, he felt now would be a good time to run his theory by Carter. "We'll corner Alex later and ask him about this...as for Kite's girlfriend, I think I have a theory. I don't know enough about Succubi's to judge their relationship but if the guy that kidnapped them wanted her to break a contract, what if he'd somehow found out she was a Demon and Kite got caught up in it? I can only assume he'd meant a Devil's contract...we need to find Cindy and ask her about it."


Parker clicked his fingers, smirking and pointed at Elliot to say he'd gotten it right before taking another sip of his drink. "What's KFC?" Neva asked, looking just as confused as Vincent had been.


Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

"Right." Carter nodded. "I'll go call her." He left the room. Leaning against the wall, he called Cindy. Waiting for her to answer the call.


"Only the most best crispy chicken in town!" "Crispy chicken? Ya mean fried chicken? I love that shit." ,said Jasper. "I'll go call them up for takeout." ,said Elliot who took out his phone. Calling the business.


Shadowess - March 22, 2021

By this point, Desi had already replaced her lost phone and arranged to have her old number reactivated onto her new phone. She'd spent the first few hours in her flat, terrified that the Angel would follow her. When he didn't show, she started to seriously rethink her plans. Maybe this group was too much trouble? If they have an Angel on their side then that makes things fatally dangerous for her and she wasn't about to risk her unlife for petty revenge. Not when she could just as easily flee to another part of the world and have fun without the danger.

She'd been debating packing a suitcase and ending things with Kite when her phone began ringing. She looked at the screen, seeing Kite's caller ID and she bit her lip. Her hand shook, as she stared at it. Tempted to find out if he was alright but frightened it would be the Angel, trying to find her. But she genuinely wanted to know if Kite was ok. Kite hadn't done anything to warrant her wrath and after everything that had happened, she actually felt bad that he'd gotten mixed up in it. "Fuck sakes Desi...get it together..." she whispered to herself. "Oh...what does it matter now?" she took a deep breath then answered the phone. "K-Kite?" she asked shakily.


Parker grinned "Awesome! I haven't had their chicken in ages!"

Neva also seemed excited. Having barely eaten yet today, her stomach growled at the thought of food.


Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

"Hey Cindy. This is Kite's friend. Travis Carter. I'm a private detective and was wondering if you could come by the hospital so I can get your side of the story on what happened to you and Kite. Would you mind?"


Elliot finished the call after ordering a bucket of chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, some biscuits, and macaroni and cheese. "This is going to be one hell of a feast." "I remember when me and my pals use to eat fried chicken for special occasions." ,said Jasper.


Shadowess - March 22, 2021

At the sound of Carter's voice, Desi's breath caught in her throat as she had a flashback to him drinking from her and killing her. She almost didn't hear what he said as she slowly and shakily sat down on a chair before she could collapse to her knees. Her mind was scrambled as he spoke and she tried to think. It seemed like he didn't know who she really was. "Is Kite ok?" she asked, her voice trembling. Then what he'd asked her sank in and she wanted to say she'd be there but the idea of running into the Angel again frightened her. It was too big of a risk. "N-no, I-I don't think that's such a good idea..." she said, gripping the arm of the chair tightly.


Standing next to Carter, Sebastian could hear the conversation. When he heard the tremble in her voice and the way she quickly refused to come to the hospital, he looked up at Carter and whispered to him; "Nate said he tried to kill a Succubus...She might be too frightened to come back in case he's still here..."


Finished with her drink, Neva cuddled up to Vincent again. Happy to be with her friends.

"This is guna be awesome!" Parker said, placing his cup onto the coffee table as well and sitting back in his chair. He then looked up at Jasper when he mentioned his pals again. "You talk about them a lot. I'll bet you have a few stories to tell. Do you have any that are kid friendly?" he nods to Neva, wanting to keep any stories told age appropriate. It might also be an interesting way to pass the time until the food arrives.


Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

"Kite's fine but if you don't want to talk here then I can meet up at your place. What's your address?" ,asked Carter.


Gary's hand twitched. He was trying to tell them something but unfortunately couldn't say anything or have Nate to tell them.


"Kid friendly? Well, I've got stories about executions and shootouts." ,said Jasper.


Shadowess - March 22, 2021

"Uh..." Desi looked around her flat a moment, hesitating to give them her address. She guessed she didn't have anything here that tied her to the incident to Bryce so shouldn't have anything to worry about. She licked her lips nervously. "Um...ok...it's-" She proceeded to give him her address. Her heart was pounding as she did so. A part of her was frightened he'd figure out who she really was and she'd have nowhere else to run to if he decided to attack her while he was here.

Because he'd been looking at Carter while he was on the phone, Sebastian didn't see Gary's hand move. Not that he'd know what it meant if he had seen it.


"Um, anything that doesn't involve a gory death?" Parker suggested.

"What's a shootout?" Neva asked, looking up at Jasper curiously and Parker pinched the bridge of his nose. Kids...


Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

"Alright. Got it. I'll be there as soon as possible." ,said Carter who hung up.

Gary forced his nerves to listen. Squeezing palm into a fist as he suddenly slammed it on the bed. Carter jumped. "What the hell?!"


Jasper laughed. "You're telling me that you can't take a story about killing somebody? Back when I was still alive, there were kids her age that were excited to see crooks getting hanged and sit around a campfire when they were being told about bounty hunters going up against outlaws."


shadowess - March 22, 2021

Nerves all over the place, Desi began pacing with the phone in her hand as she waited for Carter to arrive. What if this was some kind of trap? What if giving him her address was a mistake??


Sebastian turned to look at the guy in the bed when he heard the thump. He saw his hand balled up into a fist and walked over to the bed, looking over him curiously. "I think he might be trying to wake up!" He said, looking over at Carter.


Parker sighed, defeated when it looked like Neva might be more interested in the kinds of stories Jasper had to tell anyway. He shrugged his shoulders and sat back in the chair while looking over at her. "Alright, but if you give her nightmares, you're dealing with it." he warned.

Neva, still cuddled up to Vincent, was looking at Jasper with fascination.

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Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

Gary was tired of being useless at this moment. He needed to let them that Alex had nothing to do with this. That it was one of those days at work that just went bad. But how?

He imitated writing. Carter quickly pulled out a pen and notepad from his pocket. He placed the pen in his hand and placed the notepad near it. Despite not seeing, Gary was able to write. But he did it short.

Writing, 'Alex is bf. Coma is work.' "So Alex is your boyfriend and you got this coma from work? How?" 'Fire.' "Fire?" Carter realized. "You're a firefighter!" 'Yes.'


"Say no more." ,said Jasper. "So, there we was. Me and Billy The Kid himself going into town to get a few things from our list of stuff to buy for the trip we was taking with the gang. Then all of sudden bang! Some lousy no good shooter decides to try and kill Billy. But we ducked and I yanked Billy out of the way before he could get some lead into him. We hid behind the saloon and began firing. I soon shot the man but not before Billy shot his neck. Double tapped that son of a bitch."

"Damn! What a shot you two must have been back that." ,said Elliot. "I still got it." The door rang. "I'll get it!" Elliot ran over to the front door where he grabbed the takeout that he ordered and paid for already.

He brought the food over. "Now, who wants some grub?"


shadowess - March 22, 2021

"Of course!" Sebastian tapped Carter's arm and pointed to the firefighter jacket that had been folded and slung over the back of a chair. "Should've seen the burns and put two and two together..." Sebastian then walked over and placed a hand on Gary's uninjured shoulder. "Sorry this happened to you...we'll be sure to check on Alex for you when we can." he then turned back to Carter. "In the meantime, I guess we have a Succubus to interrogate..."


Neva listened quietly as Jasper told his story. Even Parker seemed interested as he spoke. When the food arrived, the whole house was filled with the familiar smell of KFC chicken. To Neva, this was new but her mouth watered just the same and she sat up excitedly when Elliot brought it through. Parker grinned, also sitting up eagerly. "Awesome! Thanks Elliot."

"Thank you." Neva said quietly.


Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

Gary gave a thumbs up before dropping the pen and letting his hand rest. Carter nodded at Sebastian. "Let's go." He stuffed the two items back in his pocket.

They soon drove to the house where Desi was.


"No problem. I'll go get the plates." Elliot came back with five plates. Jasper took his gloves off. He licked his lips. "I can't wait to eat this stuff. I really miss it." He shoved a chicken leg in his mouth. Sucking all of the meat and skin off until it was just a bone in his hand. He chewed it all up then soon swallowed. He sighed.

"Whoa! How the hell did ya do that?" ,said Elliot. Jasper blushed. He awkwardly cleared his throat. "Just something me and uh....Beau did in our time together."


shadowess - March 22, 2021

They pulled up at the address and headed up to the apartment. Sebastian knocked on the door.

Desi stopped pacing and looked in the direction of the door, her heart rate increasing. Nervously, and praying that Carter doesn't somehow figure out who she is, she walked over to the door and opened it a little. The little chain on the door preventing it from being opened all the way as she peered at them through the crack.

Sebastian gave her a kind smile when he saw her. "Cindy? I'm Sebastian. This is Detective Carter who you spoke to earlier. Can we come in?" So far, Sebastian was oblivious to her real identity.

Desi nodded and closed the door briefly to remove the chain before opening the door again and standing back to let them in.

"Thank you." Sebastian said pleasantly as he stepped inside.


They began eating and when Jasper ate his, both Neva and Parker paused to stare at him. When Jasper gave his explanation as to how he did it, Parker tried to hide his cringe while taking a bite of his chicken. Meanwhile, Neva just looked at him in confusion. "...You ate chicken a lot?" she asked as she picked up a chicken leg for herself, her innocent question causing Parker to choke on the bit of chicken he was eating.


Denix Vames - March 22, 2021

Carter smiled and nodded at her. "It's nice to meet you." He looked around the place. "So, how long have you been dating Kite?"


"Slow down." ,said Vincent. Jasper cleared his throat again. "Uh yeah I did. Ate a lot of chicken back in my day. It's pretty good, ya know? You can never have too much of it."


shadowess - March 23, 2021

Once they were inside, Desi closed the door after them and stood by awkwardly with her eyes on the ground. She rubbed her arms as Carter asked his question. Sebastian stood near Carter with his hands in his pockets, watching her. "W-we um...we hooked up last night..." Desi answered. "We were going to go on a real date tonight but..." she shook a little, remembering the handcuffs being slapped around her wrists. How helpless she'd felt. How fast it had all happened. "We were jumped..."


Parker managed to clear his throat and he put his plate down, hurrying off to the kitchen to get himself some water to wash it down. Subtly chuckling at Jaspers reply along the way. Neva seemed happy with his answer as she looked at the chicken she was eating. "I like chicken..." she said as she ate.

Right after her comment, a snortle could be heard coming from the kitchen closely followed by "Oh, God! It went up my nose!" then some coughing. Neva couldn't help laughing at how silly Parker seemed to be acting.


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

Carter began to take notes. "And who kidnapped the two of you?"


"Just settle down there. Don't want to choke up on any more of this stuff." ,said Elliot. Vincent placed some mashed potatoes and gravy on his plate along with a biscuit. He ate some of the mash. "This is really good."


shadowess - March 23, 2021

"Before you answer that..." Sebastian began. "You should know that we know what you are. So don't bother with giving us an explanation that would satisfy a human cop. Just tell us what happened. Truthfully."

Desi looked between them for a moment. It seemed like they really had no idea who she really was. Good. Maybe she might actually get away with keeping her secrets? She nodded at Sebastian and moved over to one of the chairs where she sat down, looking thoughtful. "Some rich guy. Called himself Ricky. I don't know how but he knew what I was and thought I could help him destroy a contract he'd signed with Lucifer...I tried to tell him it was impossible. That I was just a Demon." her voice began trembling again as she talked about it.

"I told him that no one knows where Lucifer is and even if I could find him, he'd destroy me for even looking at any of his contracts...but he wouldn't listen...I don't know where he got them from but he put angelic cuffs on me..." she lifted her hands to show them the thin burn mark around both her wrists. Tears welled up in her eyes. "I tried to get free. I tried to fight him off but he had guys waiting. They grabbed me and pulled me to his limo...Kite saw them grabbing me...I guess he was patrolling the area when it happened...he tried to stop them...they shot him..." She paused a moment to take a few breaths, closing her eyes and letting a few tears fall.

When she opened them again, she stared at the floor. "He was wearing a bullet proof vest but the shot knocked him out...so they brought him with us. He took us to his mansion and said he'd torture Kite until I agreed to help him...I tried to tell him again that it was impossible...that it was just not within my power to do something like that...he didn't like that...he stabbed Kite in the leg...then branded his chest...I couldn't stand it...So, I said I'd take him to Hell to try to find a loophole in the contract..." She looked up at them, shaking.

"H-he...he had a gun...he had Angelic bullets...even the gun is made of Angelic steel! He held it to my head and we went to Hell..." She looked down at the floor again. "We went to the library...I told him I knew a spell that would help him get out of the contract...he couldn't read our language so he took my word for it...told him we'd need one of the damned souls for the spell to work so we found one and started the spell...I tricked him...I made them switch bodies and knocked him out so that I could get the gun off him...then I made a deal with the soul in his body...that if he pretended to be Ricky and release Kite and myself, then he could get another chance at life and live in Ricky's place." she brought her eyes back up to look at them. "He agreed to the deal. As soon as we got out of there, I called for an ambulance and went to the hospital with Kite...a-and t-then...I was attacked by an Angel...I think he thought I hurt Kite...I tried to tell him...he wouldn't listen either..." she lowered her head into her hands and began to cry. "He was going to kill me so I just left! I left Kite at the hospital!"


Parker re-entered the room, a little red in the cheeks as he made his way back to the chair and sat down. "Sorry about that..." he muttered as he picked up his plate again and dug in.

Neva also helped herself to more food, almost forgetting to slow down herself and eating as if she hadn't eaten in days. In actuality, she just had a very hearty appetite.


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

Carter continued to write his notes. Writing Nate's name down in a circle. To keep up the act, he said, "Can you describe the angel?"


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

"It's alright. So, are you guys going to do anything?" ,asked Vincent. "Hell yeah. After this, Neva here's gonna help me find my friends graves." ,said Jasper. "Really?"


shadowess - March 23, 2021

Oh, he is good. Desi knew that he knew who the Angel was but 'Cindy' didn't. She needed to play along. She cried into her hands for a moment, then nodded and wiped away her tears. "Um...he had dark, wavy brown hair. One black eye and one white. H-He had a scar over his white eye..." She hugged herself, staring at the floor.


Neva shrugged, looking between them uncertainly. "I don't know if I can but I'll try." she said quietly.


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

Carter wrote the description down. "So it seems like our latest lead is the angel. Alright ma'am. I think we've got enough. We'll look for this winged bastard." He placed a hand over her shoulder. "Why don't you come with us? We can protect you in case he tries to look for you again."


Jasper frowned. "But you brought us here. How can't you do the same for my friends?" "Pops, this is the first that she's used her powers for herself and not just for anyone else. I think she's barely teleported these days." ,said Elliot. Jasper nodded. "Right. I guess I can understand."


shadowess - March 23, 2021

Desi instinctively flinched when he placed a hand over her shoulder. She still felt uneasy around Carter after he'd attacked her. Calming herself down, she wiped her eyes a little more and looked up at him, nodding silently. "I'd really like to see Kite." she said.

"If you want to follow that lead, Carter. I don't mind taking her back to the hospital." Sebastian suggested, knowingly.


Neva nodded when Elliot explained she had barely teleported before. Parker put his plate down, full from all the food. "Yeah, I'm sure she's happy to help if she can. But let's just bear in mind that she's still learning and try not to push her too hard." Parker said, glancing between Neva and Jasper.


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

"Thanks Sebastian. I'll call you when I find the guy. You can take the car if you need it."


Jasper hesitated. He stood. "I think I'll go look upstairs. Never seen a future house before. Looks nothing like the ones I use to when I was traveling." He headed upstairs.


Shadowess - March 23, 2021

Nodding, Sebastian walked over and offered a hand to Desi. "It's ok. I'll make sure you stay safe." he said gently. Desi looked at his hand hesitantly then took it, getting to her feet. She followed them out of the flat and locked the door behind her. While she was locking the door, Sebastian gave Carter a quick kiss on the cheek. "See you soon." he said softly.

When Desi turned around, he lead her to the car and started driving her to the hospital.


At the hospital, Alex had slipped by the nurses to get to Gary's room. He closed the door so they wouldn't see him and relaxed into a chair next to Gary with a sigh. "I know I should be at home resting, but I couldn't sleep knowing you were here on your own..." he said to Gary as he leant forward and rested his head on the side of the chair. "I...also need to tell you something...It's not easy...and I'm not proud of it...not anymore...but you should know...you have a right to know." he sighed.

"I want to be honest with you...I don't want to keep anything from you...and if...if when you wake up, you don't want to have anything to do with me...then I'll understand..." Alex was shaking a little as he looked at Gary. After taking a moment to gather his courage, he began telling Gary his story. About Bryce, kidnapping Amelia, going crazy with power, his soul splitting... everything.


Parker watched Jasper head upstairs and glanced around at Vincent and Elliot. "What do you suppose he'll be surprised by first?" he chuckled.

Neva put her plate down too, feeling full. She settled back on the couch, beginning to feel a little sleepy again.


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

Carter smiled. He zoomed his way back to his office.


Gary had listened carefully. Understanding everything that he was being told. At first, he started shaking. Gripping the side of his bed with his good hand. But then soon, he reached out. Waiting for him to hold his hand. And once he would, he turned his head towards the sound of his voice. Giving a squeeze on his hand.


"Holy shit! Ya'll got soap as a liquid?!" ,said Jasper. "I guess that." ,said Elliot.


Shadowess - March 23, 2021

Sebastian pulled up at the hospital and looked over at Desi who was staring at the building apprehensively. "It'll be ok. I promise." he reassured her and she nodded. They got out of the vehicle and headed into the hospital. When they reached Kite's room, she hurried ahead. "Kite!" she cried and wrapped her arms around him. "God, I'm so sorry!"

Sebastian stepped into the room after her and leant against the wall. "Carter's just following up a lead." he updated him.


Alex looked up when he he saw his hand moving and he reached up the hold it. He gasped when he saw Gary move his head and a few tears fell from his eyes. He leant forward to rest his head on the hand he was holding. Crying softly into the bed. "I'm changing...I know I am...I don't want to be the monster that he made me anymore...I want to be better..." he cried.


Parker chuckled, glancing over his shoulder towards the stairs. "I gotta admit...this is pretty awesome."

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Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

Kite flinched she hugged him. "It's alright babe but please be gentle when you hug me, ok?" He frowned. "A lead? I guess that's a good thing but I really don't want him to get. That asshole wasn't a joke. He really fucked me up."


Gary's eyes seemed to be moving under his lids. He was trying so hard to move but couldn't. He couldn't even open his eyes. This caused a bit of stress on his body. His heart monitor seemed to beep faster.


Vincent smiled. "It is, isn't it?" "Why ya'll got a rubber ducky?" ,asked Jasper who squeezed the duck. Getting a squeak out of it. "It's for company when you take a bath!" ,said Elliot. Jasper came back downstairs with the duck. "Really? Can I keep it?" Elliot shrugged. "Don't see why not." Jasper smiled. "Well alrighty then." He looked at the duck. "I'll call you Beau Jr."


shadowess - March 23, 2021

"Oh! Sorry!" Desi let him go and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah..." Sebastian looked at Desi expectantly. "I don't think that's going to be a problem..."

Desi glanced at Sebastian with a frown then looked back at Kite tearfully. "I...I was going to tell you...I was just afraid you'd think less of me if you found out what I am..." she began nervously, lowering her gaze. "I'm...I'm a Demon, Kite. Specifically...I'm a Succubus." she then quickly brought her eyes back to his as she added "But I swear, I didn't use any tricks on you! I just...I wanted to know what it was like...to have something real for once...Then th-that guy...I don't know how...but he figured out what I was and-" Desi proceeded to tell Kite the same story she'd given Sebastian and Carter. When she finished she was crying again. "I'm sorry! You got hurt because of what I am!"


Hearing his monitor, Alex looked up and watched his face for a moment before squeezing his hand a little. "Hey, it's ok. It's ok. Relax." he said, wiping away his tears hurriedly. "Don't push yourself so hard. We can talk when you're feeling better, ok?" he gently lifted his hand and kissed it. "I'll be alright. I'll just have to wait, that's all."


Neva giggled at Jasper with the rubber duck. Parker was smirking, finding the whole thing amusing. When Neva rubbed her eyes, Parker looked back at her and sighed. "Well, if you want to try and find your friends, we might want to make it quick before she falls asleep."


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

Kite couldn't believe it. "Are you fucking kidding me? You lied to me?" A few tears fell from his eyes. He shook his head. "I don't want to talk to you right now. Just get out. Leave me alone." He lowered his head. He pressed a hand against his head. "I loved you Cindy and you lied to me."


The heart monitor showed a stable heart rate as Gary calmed down. He brushed his fingers over his cheek when he felt that kiss.


Jasper quickly stuffed the duck in his satchel. He ran to Neva and held her hand. "Take me to my friends! Now!"


shadowess - March 23, 2021

Desi's eyes widened at his reaction. She was even more surprised that she was hurt by it. She'd expected him to be a little angry, but she hadn't expected him to tell her to leave or that she'd genuinely be upset by that. "Kite..." she gasped, tears still falling as she reached out a hand to his. "Please! I wanted to tell you! I just didn't know how!"

Sebastian had turned his gaze away from them, finding it difficult to watch.


Feeling his fingers move against his cheek, Alex smiled. Holding his hand to his face lovingly while resting his head on the side of the bed. "I love you." he whispered, closing his eyes and beginning to drift off to sleep once more.


Neva flinched when Jasper ran over to her and Parker got to his feet, placing a hand on Jasper's shoulder and then shivering at how cold it felt. "Hey, take it easy. She's still recovering from all the crap she went through."

Neva got to her feet as well and looked over at Vincent and Elliot. "Are you coming with us?" she asked them quietly.


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

"Just get out of here!" He slapped her hand away.


Gary's hand moved before he fell asleep too.


Jasper nodded. "Sorry." Elliot held out his hand; "Sure thing." "I might just sit this one out." ,said Vincent.


Shadowess - March 23, 2021

Jumping a little when he slapped her hand away, Desi stared at him tearfully for a moment before running out of the room towards the public restrooms where she locked herself into a stall to cry. Sebastian watched her run out of the room with a frown then looked over at Kite, feeling a little awkward. "Do you um...do you want to be alone for a minute?" he asked.


Parker glanced at Vincent. He was still a little concerned after how they'd found him. "Do you want some company?" If so, Parker would opt to stay behind.

Neva took Elliot's hand and then Jaspers, seeming to be unaffected by how cold he felt. She waited to find out whether or not Parker would be coming too before closing her eyes and trying to picture the gravestones of Jasper's friends. This is difficult enough considering she had no idea who they were or what their graves looked like. But she tried her best.


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

Kite glared. "What do you think?"


Vincent nodded. "I'd like that." Jasper waited with his heart racing. He couldn't wait to see his old friends. Maybe he could even find Beau.


Shadowess - March 23, 2021

Sebastian held up his hands and left the room, standing outside and keeping an eye on the door to the women's restroom in case 'Cindy' came back out. He took out his phone and text Carter. 'I hope you're having better luck than me. Kite mad & Cindy upset.'


"I'll stay here then." Parker smiled and sat back down.

Neva smiled at them and closed her eyes, trying to focus. "I don't know if it'll work...I don't know what your friends look like..." Regardless, she kept trying.


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

Carter texted back, 'Really? What happened? And I told Nate to back off for a bit but then he got mad. So he and Tom are now fucking. Let me tell you when I say that I won't ever forget about the noises. Not even when I'm a thousand years old.'


"Oh that won't be a problem." ,said Jasper who pulled out a torn page from what looked to be a book. He held out a picture of four men. A few were either standing or kneeling. Holding their guns.

From left to right, it was Jasper, Billy The Kid, a cowgirl with braids, and a cowboy with a big mustache. There was a signature on the photo which read as, 'Photographed by Beau Carter.'


shadowess - March 23, 2021

Reading Carter's text, Sebastian couldn't help snickering before texting back. 'Lol Glad I wasn't there! Apparently Cindy hadn't managed to tell Kite the truth about what she really is yet. She told him everything and he lost his temper. Told her to get out. She's currently crying in the women's bathroom and I'm standing outside the room because he wanted to be alone...'


Neva opened her eyes and took a good look at the photo. Trying to memorize all their faces as best she could. "Ok...here goes..." she held their hands tightly, her hands sweating a little from nerves. She closed her eyes once more and tried to imagine standing near those men in the picture...


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

Carter texted back, 'Keeping secrets never ends well for anyone. If she really is sad about this then maybe we can help them? Do some kind of counseling? It can't be me though. Jack was always the negotiator.'


They soon appeared in a cemetery in front of four graves. Jasper's eyes widened. "They're here! They're actually here!" He knelt. "All my pals." He frowned. "But I can't talk to them."


shadowess - March 23, 2021

Sebastian sighed heavily. He really didn't think it was his place to get involved with something like this but seeing the both of them upset was horrible. 'I'll see what I can do but I'm not sure how much help I can be...' he texted Carter back. He then stopped a nurse on her way past. "Excuse me, miss? I have a friend in there, she's pretty upset. Would you mind just checking on her for me? Her name is Cindy. Blonde hair, blue eyes." He said and the nurse smiled and nodded. "Of course." before walking away towards the restroom.

Looking back into the room where Kite was, Sebastian thought about how to broach the subject before taking a deep breath and just heading back into the room. "Hey, how are you feeling? Do you want to talk about it? Vent a little?" he asked kindly as he stood by the wall.


Neva looked at the graves sadly, wondering why his friends had managed to move on but Jasper hadn't. She glanced up at Elliot, frowning.


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

Carter texted back, 'Just try your best. Good luck.'

Kite glared. "Honestly? I feel like kicking someone's fucking ass."


Elliot frowned too. Not sure what to make of this. Jasper pulled off one of his gloves. He brushed some plants that were over one of the graves. Suddenly, that plant rotted. He jumped at the sight. "What the hell?! How did I-? Did I seriously do that?"


shadowess - March 23, 2021

Sebastian nodded understandingly. "I can imagine..." he sighed. He walked over to a chair and sat down, thinking through what he could say. "Being...supernatural...I know it's not easy telling a human what you are...It took for a werewolf to attack us before I told Carter what I was...it's dicey. You never know how it's going to turn out, especially when it's a human you've just met."

He then held his hands up before Kite could say anything. "I'm not defending her by the way. You're right, she should have told you before dating you...all I'm saying is...if she thought you were a regular human who didn't know about our world...then maybe she was just scared? Scared that you...well...you would react...the way that you did...or worse...believe it or not some humans become violent when they find out what we are...It's always a gamble."


Seeing what Jasper did to the flower by touching it, Neva gripped Elliot's arm and hid behind him a little. Apprehensive about holding his hand again. If he could do that to a flower, what could he do to a person?


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

Kite frowned. "I hate this so much. What couldn't she have been an actual dumb blonde? This would have made things so much easier."


Elliot smiled at her. "It's alright Neva. You're with me." "What? But I'm not going to hurt ya'll! I'd never!" "Pops. The ground." Jasper looked at where his hand was. On the grass where parts of it died by his touch. "No!" He grabbed his glove and ran off.


He sat against a tree. Both gloves were on now. He hid his face over his knees.


Shadowess - March 23, 2021

Sebastian shrugged with a sigh. "I don't know about dumb...but she seems sweet...and being what she is shouldn't affect who she is..." Sebastian shook his head a little. "Look, I don't know her well enough to know what kind of person she is, but I do know that the first thing she asked when we spoke to her was 'is Kite ok?'. Sure, she fucked up by not telling you the truth right away...but her heart seems to be in the right place." He sat back in the chair and shrugged again. "I don't know. Maybe this is something you two could talk out between yourselves when you're calm enough?"


Neva was shaking as she watched Jasper. She was frightened of what he could do but she also felt terrible for him as she watched how he reacted. She watched him run off towards the tree and when he sat down, Neva hesitantly left Elliot's side to walk towards him. She paused a little ways off, watching him silently before moving to sit next to him. Looking over at him sadly.


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

Kite looked at his bandaged leg. "I don't know. Maybe."


Tears fell from Jasper who hugged his legs. "Get away from me. I don't want to hurt you."

Elliot walked over. "You won't. I know this is scary but we can help you." "Help? My friends are gone. I don't even know where Beau is and you think you can help me? You must be out of your damn mind."


shadowess - March 23, 2021

The nurse that Sebastian had stopped earlier knocked on the door. He looked over at her then back at Kite as he stood up. "Take your time and think it over. I'll be back in a minute." he said before leaving the room.

"Hey, is she ok?" Sebastian asked the nurse once he got outside the room.

"She's still upset but she's calming down. I took her to the cafeteria so she could sit down and have some coffee." the nurse replied and Sebastian nodded.

"Thank you. I'll go and check on her."

He headed down to the cafeteria to look for her but when he got down there he couldn't see her at any of the tables. On one table he saw a full cup of coffee that had been left there. "Shit..." Sebastian cursed under his breath and took out his phone to text Carter. 'Kite calming down but Cindy gone AWOL. Think she's still upset. Going to look around hospital for her but have a feeling she might have gone home.' he put his phone away and started looking around.


Neva continued to watch him sadly, then she looked at the ground thoughtfully. "What if they're in Heaven or Hell?" she asked quietly. "Could Vincent or Patience take you to them?"

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Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

Carter texted back, 'I'll go to her apartment and check.'

He soon arrived there. Knocking on her door. "Hello? Cindy? Are you there?"


"HELL?!" "Now hold on a second pops! Things have changed. You don't-" "No! You listen here! My friends don't deserve to burn! We took down crooks! Thieves and killers! They should get their damn wings! Ain't no hell for them!"


shadowess - March 23, 2021

A suitcase on the bed, Desi was stuffing clothes into it hurriedly when she heard the knocking. Wiping tears from her eyes, she paused to look over at the door. "Leave me alone!" she shouted back, storming into the next room to grab a few more items to throw into the suitcase. "I shouldn't have come here! I should've just stayed in Hell! But no! I wanted to know what it was like! I wanted to experience something different! Well, I got different alright! All these...Feelings! Why does it hurt so much?!" She threw more items into the suitcase then threw herself into a chair where she sobbed into her hands.


Neva jumped when Jasper started shouting, her eyes widening at him and filling with tears. She had only been trying to help. She didn't mean to make him angry. Beginning to cry, Neva jumped to her feet and began running in a random direction away from them.


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

"Maybe because you're finally understanding a couple of things about being on this planet. It's not all sex and games. It's something a whole lot more. And I know it hurts now but I'm sure once you and Kite calm down and talk things out, I'm sure you'll enjoy it." ,said Carter.


"Neva!" Elliot turned to him. "Wait right here. I'll go get her." He ran off after her. "Neva! Wait up!"


shadowess - March 23, 2021

Desi held her head in her hands, still crying. "He doesn't want to talk to me! You should've seen how he looked at me! He hates me! and he's right to...I'm no good for anyone..."


As she ran, Neva's mind was stuck in the Trickster's lair. Remembering how Ricky would yell at her for so much as talking without permission. The yelling always lead to her crying and her crying always lead to Ricky getting angrier. Then she'd get hurt and cry some more...and he'd hurt her some more until she passed out. She kept running, as if trying to outrun the memories themselves, unable to hear Elliot behind her. She tripped and landed on her knees, then sobbed as she turned to hold them, the skin on both knees being grazed.


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

"You're wrong Cindy. He just needed some space. I'm sure if you go down there now then he'll want to talk to you. So please open this door and let me take you there." ,said Carter.


Elliot caught up to her. He knelt. "Hey, you're alright. You're gonna be just fine. Pops didn't mean to yell. He just misses his friends. That's all." He looked over at her knees. "Why don't we go home and get that taken care of?"


shadowess - March 23, 2021

Taking a few deep breaths, Desi began to calm down. She wiped away her tears and hesitantly got to her feet. Sniffing a little, she made her way over to the door and removed the chain before opening it. She looked at Carter for a moment before lowering her gaze to the floor. "You really think he'll want to talk to me?"


Neva gripped her legs just below her knees and continued to cry as she looked at the blood trickling down from the grazes. When Elliot suggested going home, she nodded and held her arms out, wanting to be hugged.


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

Carter smiled. "I'm positive."


"C'mon." Elliot lifted her off the ground. Holding her in his arms. He walked over to the tree. "Hey pops! We're going. You can apologize when we-" He froze. "Shit! He's gone."


shadowess - March 23, 2021

Taking another deep breath, she wiped her eyes once more and glanced behind her at the suitcase before bringing her gaze back to Carter, as if weighing her options. She then nodded. "Alright...let me just get a jacket..." she stepped away from the door, leaving it open for a moment while she put a coat on and picked up her flat keys. She stepped outside and locked the door behind her. Sighing, she turned to Carter. "Ok, where's your car?"


Neva wrapped her arms around Elliot's neck as he held her and she rested her head on his shoulder. She looked around when he said Jasper had gone and she felt a pang of guilt for upsetting him. "What do we do?" she asked quietly, her voice a little broken from crying.


Denix Vames - March 23, 2021

"Don't need one. I'm already faster than a car. I can just carry you there." ,said Carter.


"First, we should take care of you. We can come back here later. Let's just go, ok?" ,said Elliot.


Shadowess - March 23, 2021

Desi hesitated then smirked, holding out her hand. "Or I could just teleport us there?"


Nodding, Neva closed her eyes and imagined being back in Carter's office with Parker and Vincent. By this point, Parker had been helping himself to some of the booze that was left in the fridge. When he saw Elliot and Neva appear he hurriedly put his glass down on the coffee table. "What happened?!" he asked as he jumped to his feet. "Hold on, I'll go get the first aid kit from upstairs." he hurried off, up the stairs to grab it, then hurried back down to help patch up Neva's knees.


Shadowess - March 24, 2021

(Just had a thought. If you ever want to rp as any of the souls in Hell at any point, I could always make a new Demon/soul or have Theo meet them. Just let me know )


Denix Vames - March 24, 2021

(sure. sounds like it would be interesting. we could do it whenever so i guess now. idk if i could make myself a character for that so yeah it would be cool if you made a soul for Theo to meet. although i figured Ricky would be meeting him at some point anyway. idk, whichever works)

Carter awkwardly chuckled. "Or that too." He held her hand.


Elliot set Neva on the couch. "We went to see pops' friends graves. But when he went to take some plants off of one of them, they went dead. Neva got scared and he ran off. We didn't see him after that. I want to go back and find him later when Neva feels alright."


Jasper appeared in Gary's room in an all black outfit. "So I'm supposed to be the new grim reaper huh? Then I guess I might as well finish the job here."


shadowess - March 24, 2021

(Well, as well as making a new demon or soul, I could do Rickster the Trickster or one of his minions. You've always got Bryce in Hell as well. Maybe Ricky could meet the Trickster and they team up to take a Demon hostage to get out of Hell?)

Once he took her hand, Desi teleported them outside the hospital, in the security camera's blind spot. Just as they arrived, Carter's phone would alert him of a new message from Sebastian stating he still couldn't find Cindy and was growing worried. Desi looked up at the building apprehensively and took a deep breath to steady her nerves. "Ok...here goes..." she said as she started heading inside and towards Kite's room. She hovered outside the door for a moment, nervously. Then she knocked on the door softly, looking in. "Can we talk?" she asked quietly.


Once Neva was on the couch, Parker began patching up her knees. He cleaned them up with an antiseptic wipe which made her hiss in pain. "I know, I'm sorry. But we gotta keep them clean or they could get infected." Parker said gently then took out a couple of big square band aids and placed them over the cuts while listening to Elliot. He looked up at Neva worriedly then back at Elliot. "Honestly, you're probably better off going looking for him with someone else who can teleport. Neva's looking kinda tired and I think this is the most she's ever teleported in a day. Let's not push her too hard."


Alex had been snoozing. He kept jumping himself awake whenever the sound of Gary's monitor started to fade as he began falling asleep. Terrified that it would flat line again while he was sleeping. He still had his head on the side of the bed with his eyes closed, holding on to Gary's hand and every so often caressing it with his thumb. When he recognized Jasper's voice in the room, he froze. When he heard what he said however, his eyes shot open and he jumped to his feet, leaning across the bed to make himself a sort of shield. "Don't you dare!" he growled defensively at Jasper. Then he shook his head, his eyes tearing up. "Don't take him from me. Please."


Denix Vames - March 24, 2021

(i had Bryce give up on his crap. Ricky and Trickster teaming up would be cool)

Carter texted back, 'She's here. I brought him to Kite. They're going to talk.' He nodded at her. "Good luck."

Kite lifted his head. He shrugged. "I guess."


Elliot nodded. "Right. Guess I could get Nate to help me. I'm figuring he's at Carter's office."


Jasper held no pity in his eyes. He was through with it all. Losing his friends and boyfriend. He was done with love. "Sorry fella but he's on the list." He walked over to the bed.


Shadowess - March 24, 2021

(No worries Just guna think up a Demon they could take hostage lol)

Silently, Desi nodded and slowly walked over to the chair by his bed. She sat down and took a deep breath before sighing. She could barely look him in the eyes. "I'm sorry." she started. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you straight away. I should've. I-..." She looked around the room briefly, holding back her tears. "I've never been to Earth before...I only really had a vague idea of how things worked here before I arrived...and I didn't know if you were a human that already knew about us...I thought you might think I was mad...or that you might think worse of me because of-...because of the type of Demon that I am...we don't exactly have a great reputation when it comes to relationships as it is..." she looked down at her hands while she fidgeted nervously.


"You mean his house?" Parker asked as he stepped away from Neva and stood facing Elliot. They were already at the office, after all. "I'll come with you. I'm sure Neva will be fine here with Vincent for a while." He said while glancing at Neva who was currently making herself comfortable on the couch, looking as if she was about ready to fall asleep.


Alex didn't move. If anything, he leant over Gary a little more, trying to get in Jasper's way. "No! Please Jasper! You don't understand! I don't know if I could handle it! He's the only person that's keeping me sane! If I lose him I don't know what I'll do!" He wept although he could already feel a dark rage deep within him trying to resurface. He was using every ounce of will power he had to keep himself from getting angry. "Jasper please! I love him! Please don't take him from me!"


Denix Vames - March 24, 2021


Kite sighed. "I probably would have thought you were crazy if I had never gone to see Carter again. Honestly, I really don't know what to say to you. I'm disappointed but I'd be lying if I didn't say that you've been the best thing that's happened to me recently." He enclosed his hands together. Staring at them. "The truth is that I was losing hope in living until I found you."


"Uh yeah. His house." ,said Elliot. Vincent nodded. "I'll keep her safe." "We're gonna have to walk though."


"I don't really care what you want." ,said Jasper.

Carter opened the door. "What the-?!" Jasper turned to him. "Stay out of this." Carter went in as he closed the door behind himself. "What's going on? What are you doing?"


shadowess - March 24, 2021

Desi listened to him and as he finished speaking, she slowly brought her eyes back up to look at him. Lost for words. She felt a horrid guilt that he didn't know who she really was but she had already decided that she would die before that truth got out. Hell, if that truth came out, she'd probably be killed for it anyway. She'd certainly done enough against this group to warrant them wanting her head if they ever found out. She sniffed and wiped at her eyes, brushing away the tears before they could fall. "Do you...do you think that maybe...we could start again?" she gave him a shaky smile. "We never did get to go on that date..."


Parker nodded at Vincent. "Thanks" then turned to Elliot. "Ah, that's fine. Honestly, with how frequently we all end up teleporting everywhere it's a wonder we haven't put on weight from lack of exercise!" he chuckled as he started making his way to the door. "I wouldn't mind a decent walk anyways."


Hearing how callous Jasper had become, all Alex could do was stare, shaking and crying. Being human meant he could do very little to protect his beloved and he hated that! When Carter walked in, Alex's eyes shot to him pleadingly. Sure, they weren't exactly on good terms right now, not after what happened the last time they were in the same room together, but Alex prayed he'd help him anyway. "Carter! Jasper is a reaper! He's trying to take Gary!" he cried out, his voice full of pure desperation.


Denix Vames - March 24, 2021

Kite smirked. "I guess we never did, did we?" He slightly smiled. "I wouldn't mind trying things again."


Elliot chuckled. "I never thought about that part." He stepped out of the house. "But yeah. I guess it's a good enough walk."


"I'm going to call Sebastian." Carter dialed up his number. "Seb-" Jasper appeared from behind and wrapped his around his neck. Lifting him off the ground. Carter dropped the phone as he gasped for air.

"Don't mess with reaper work."

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