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Balance The Realms Nov 2020 - May 2021

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shadowess - March 6, 2021

"No worries." Parker smiled, leaving him to it, sure he'd be fine. He headed back into the living room and looked over at Carter. "So, is there anything you want me to do? Work wise?" He asked, eager to get started. Considering Parker could go out in daylight, it meant he could do things during the day that Carter otherwise would be unable to do.


David hesitated at the suggestion and Amelia stared at Vincent. Her fingers gripping the book tightly at the thought of Theo being on the loose again. David looked between Charles and Amelia dubiously before putting the book he was holding down onto the table. He walked over to Vincent and sighed. "I think I'd want to see it for myself. No offense Vincent but you two have a history. For all I know he could just be trying to manipulate you."

"Dad, you're still recovering." Amelia reminded him, worried.
David held up a hand and looked back at her with a calm smile. "Relax, as long as he's still behind those bars I have nothing to worry about. Besides, if what Vincent is saying is true then I won't have to worry anyway."

Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

"Unfortunately, no one knows about this business. We need to somehow get the word out there that we're here to help." ,said Carter.
Vincent nodded. "I understand but don't worry. He's a new man now." They soon reached Theo. "Look who's here."

shadowess - March 6, 2021

When Carter explained that he still needed to somehow advertise his business, Parker looked around the room thoughtfully. His eyes landed on one of the boxes with the business cards inside and he smiled, picking it up. "Well then, I guess I could visit the local businesses and distribute these? That might help get the word out." He suggested. It wasn't exactly an exciting job to do but if it would help them to actually get some work. "I'll swing by the vampire club and give them a few too. Don't worry, I'll be careful." He added the last part to settle any apprehension they might have about him going near other vampires.


Theo turned to look at David and knew he'd have to convince him to let him out.
"Vincent says you're a changed man." David says, looking at Theo suspiciously.
"He's right." Theo said, stepping up to the bars. "I've seen the error of my ways and I want to do good. I'd like to get on that Programme of yours."
David was staring hard at Theo, trying to read him. "You tried to hurt my daughter." He growled.
Theo placed a hand on his own chest and looked at David with a sorry expression. "And I'm sorry for that. I'll happily apologize to her as well when I next see her." Theo placed his hands on the bars, looking pleadingly between the two men. "Please. Please let me out. I promise I'll do better."

David was hesitating. He wanted to believe that Theo had changed but something in his gut was telling him that something was seriously wrong. Unfortunately, unlike Vincent or Charles, David was simply unable to read minds so he could only judge someone by their words or actions. This was tough. David was usually so good at telling if someone was lying to him but if Theo was lying, he was hiding it very well. He sighed, he couldn't find a reason to fault him and therefore it would be unfair to keep him locked up if he really wanted to change. He turned to Vincent, the only one in this room that he currently trusted. "You know him better...Is he telling the truth?" He asked. His hand was holding the key in his pocket.

Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

"Sounds like a good idea. And you'll be fine there anyway. It's day time. The only vampires you'll see are the fake ones." ,said Carter. Elliot had finished his glass. He walked to the living room. "Hey ya'll. What'd I miss?"
Vincent smiled. "Without a doubt."

shadowess - March 6, 2021

"Good point." Parker chuckled. When Elliot came back, he smiled at him. "Not much. I'm just about to hand these out around town. Did you want to come with me? Keep me company for a bit?" He offered, wondering if getting Elliot out of this house and distracting him from thinking about Vincent for a while might do him some good.


David nodded then looked back at Theo, pointing a finger at him. "You try anything stupid and there won't be a third chance. Do I make myself clear?" He warned and Theo smiled with a nod.
"You have nothing to worry about." He reassured him. David lowered his hand and took out the key. Theo watched him eagerly as he unlocked the cell and opened it up. David then stepped to one side, giving Theo room to step out, key still in his hand as he watched Theo warily.
Theo walked out of the cell and tilted his head back, closing his eyes. He took a deep breath and smiled wide. "Ah...freedom..." He sighed and looked at Vincent with soft eyes. "Thank you, my beloved."

Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

"Sure. That sounds like fun. Can I get a fancy business?" "You can keep one." ,said Carter. "Cool!"
Vincent grabbed his hand. "C'mon!" He pulled him to a corner of the area. He quickly threw his clothes aside as he kissed him.

(private time)

shadowess - March 6, 2021

Parker grinned and started heading towards the door. "We best get going then." He called to Elliot then waved at the others. "See you guys later."
Sebastian sighed with a small smile. "Well, a bit of a rocky start but I think this morning is getting better."

"I er...I'm guna go take a nap." Tom said, getting to his feet. He threw the empty blood bag he'd been holding in the trash before heading up the stairs. He felt emotionally exhausted after everything that had happened that morning and also wanted to be alone as he worried over whether or not Nate would return.


David arrived back in the Library, his cheeks having turned red. "They could've at least waited until I'd left..." He muttered, shaking his head as he tried to get the image out of his head by picking up one of the books. "Have you managed to find anything while I was gone?" He asked Charles.

Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

Elliot followed. Leaving the house with him. "Where should we start?"

Carter leaned against the couch and sighed. "At least that's over with." He watched Tom leave. "Hope he's doing alright."

Nate appeared when he saw him in bed. He laid next to him. "I'm sorry about what you went through. I should have been concerned but I wasn't." He slid his hand under his shirt. Finding comfort in touching him. "It's hard for me to learn how to be human but I'm trying."
Charles shook his head. "Unfortunately no."

He laughed when he looked at him. "Saw something that you weren't supposed to see?"

shadowess - March 6, 2021

"Small businesses, I guess?" Parker suggested as they started walking.


Sebastian nods with a small sigh. "It's going to take time but he seems to be ok now. We just have to hope he'll talk to us if things get too much again."


Tom opened his eyes when he felt the bed move as Nate lay next to him. He heard his voice and sighed in relief, just happy he'd come back. "It's ok." Tom whispered, moving his hand over his shirt to cup Nate's hand underneath. "It doesn't matter now. I'm just happy that you're here." He said softly.


"Yeah..." David's cheeks turned a slightly deeper shade of red. "Guess those two missed each other..."
Amelia was biting the nail on her thumb, completely engrossed in the book she was reading. So much so, she didn't pay much attention to Charles or David.
David began reading the book he'd picked up as well. The room becoming quiet as they each did their research.

Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

"Then let's get to it!" ,said Elliot.
"In the meantime..." Carter moved closer to Sebastian. Wrapping an arm around him. He smiled. "How about me and you get busy?"
Nate kissed his cheek. "I want to care about the things that you care about."
It took Charles a long moment before realizing. He raised a brow. "Missed each other? That's strange. Elliot's with Vincent. Unless...." His eyes widened. "Vincent told us how abusive Theo was. This has to be Theo manipulating his mind. And you freed him!"

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shadowess - March 6, 2021

Parker and Elliot spent most of the morning heading around the local businesses and handing out the cards before heading for the club. He stepped in with Elliot and looked for the lady that had tried to serve him drinks the night before.


"Oh?" Sebastian grinned, looking into Carter's eyes. "What did you have in mind?" He asked playfully.


Smiling at the kiss, Tom shivered a little as he always does whenever Nate touched or kissed him. "I just don't want to hurt anyone. I was so scared when I realized what I'd almost done...it could have so easily ended differently...If I'd hurt any of them...I don't think I could forgive myself." He explained.


David's heart sank. He didn't want to believe Vincent would fall for such a trick. "Now, let's not assume anything!" He said, putting his book down. "By the way they were acting, I had no idea Vincent was still with Elliot or I'd never have stood for it. When I spoke to Theo he seemed to genuinely want to change his ways." He explained although now that he thought on it, he hadn't felt comfortable from the moment Vincent teleported them to the cells.

Amelia had also stopped reading. She was a little pale at hearing David had actually freed Theo. "Dad, he's bat shit crazy! and he's clearly had years worth of practice at manipulation!" She shook her head. "I don't believe for a second that that monster has changed his ways this soon!"

David looked between them, faltering. His own concern growing the more he thought about it. "Per-perhaps we should check on Vincent? Make sure he's alright." He then said, beginning to seriously doubt his decision to let Theo loose.
Amelia put her book down and stood "Ya think?!" She started walking towards them, not hesitating to go with them to make sure her adopted brother didn't get hurt.

Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

Elliot looked around. "Wow! This place looks so much different when the sun's up."

Blaire walked over. "What are you guys doing here?" He held out a card with a smile. "We're here to tell ya that Carter's a private detective and he's opened for solving crimes."

A fake vampire eyed Elliot. He walked past him as he kept his eyes on him. Almost about to just grab him and do whatever he wanted. Blaire noticed. She walked over to Elliot and took the card. "Yes, well thank you. I'll be sure to get the word out in the club."

She turned him around and pushed him out the door. "Just be safe now."
Carter kissed him slowly. Letting the moment linger. "You know what I'm talking about."
Nate moved his hand further up to his chest. He whispered, "I understand now. I won't let you hurt anyone. I promise." He kissed his ear.
They all headed over to the cage. Vincent and Theo were gone. "Damn it! They must have went to earth." ,said Charles.

shadowess - March 6, 2021

Parker chuckled as Blaire pushed Elliot out of the door. He handed quite a few cards to her. "Here, for your customers. Just so you know, Carter's business is open to the supernatural who might need help too. We'd appreciate it if you got that word out as well. I'm sure the supernatural community would appreciate a detective on their side." He then turned and left so as not to leave Elliot alone. "Well, we're all out of cards...What do you want to do now?"


Sebastian kissed him back, loving how he made him feel. He grinned at his response and got to his feet, taking his hand and pulling him towards the stairs. "Maybe you could show me?" He asked coyly, biting his lip as he looked back at him. He lead Carter to the empty bedroom.

(Private time)


His touch and his kiss sent even more shivers through him and Tom bit his lip, thinking of what he'd love to do with Nate right now. "Thank you." He whispered, turning his head to capture his lips.


"Vincent, sure. But Theo is still just a soul. He's bound to Hell and cannot leave...not unless he becomes a Demon or Devil and he'd need one of you two to do that...no, they couldn't have gotten far..." David said as he looked around the cells warily.
With her powers acting up, Amelia felt vulnerable and hearing that Theo was on the loose in Hell again didn't make her feel any better. But she wouldn't believe that Vincent meant any harm. Surely he's just a victim in this? She really didn't want to see him get hurt. She walked further into the prison, glancing into the cells as she went. "Vincent?!" She called out, worried.

Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

"Barbecue! We gotta go to a place that sells barbecue." ,said Elliot.
Nate ran his hand through his hair. Kissing passionately as he pressed himself against him.
"Are you sure? Is it possible that he didn't just find a loophole? Maybe he can possess Vincent." said Charles.

shadowess - March 6, 2021

(What if Theo took Vincent's half crystal while they were 'busy'? lol)

Parker chuckled and nodded. "Sure! I know just the place!" He said excitedly, beginning to walk.


A soft moan escaped Tom's lips as he felt Nate pressing himself against him, driving him mad with passion. He kissed Nate just as passionately, utterly lost in the kiss and moved a hand to Nate's hips, gripping them gently.

(Private time for these as well lol)


David shook his head. "Still just a soul and they don't have any power. They're only as strong as they were when they lived and Theo was just a werewolf on Earth."

Amelia rounded a corner, out of sight from Charles and David while they were busy talking. "Vincent?" She called again, looking around warily at the dark corners and shadows in the prison, recalling that was how Theo had snuck up on her last time. "Vincent?? Please answer me!"

Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

(yeah sure. ill just have vincent go crazy)

Elliot followed. "Hope there's some beer there."
Charles frowned. "I wonder what Theo has done to him."

Vincent laughed in the darkness. He swung his knife at her. "Peek a boo!"

shadowess - March 6, 2021

"There usually is." Parker smiled. "Though I probably should lay off. For all I know we might get a job and I'll have to be sober for it." He then grinned at Elliot. "You knock yourself out though and have fun. I'll make sure you get back safe."

They soon arrived.


Seeing the flash of a knife, Amelia gasped as she stumbled back to get away from it. She tripped but before she could fall back, she was caught. Theo's arms wrapped around her upper arms and torso tightly and she heard him chuckling in her ear, making her face turn pale. "Vincent?!" She stared at him in disbelief. Why was he doing this?!
"Got her, let's go!" Theo said to Vincent hurriedly, fully aware that Charles and David were very close.
"No!" Amelia screamed, struggling to break free from his grip.

Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

"Alright!" Elliot raised his arms. "I'm gonna drink all the beer I can get my hands on!"

He ran inside. Once he smelled the barbecue he licked his lips. "I can already picture the ribs now."
Vincent placed a hand over Theo. All three of them disappeared. Charles ran over. "Shit! They're gone!" He shook his head. "Theo must be doing something to him to make him help."

shadowess - March 6, 2021

"Go nuts buddy." Parker said with a smile as he walked in as well. He ordered himself a glass of water and sat at one of the tables to relax, still deciding on what he wanted.


Hearing Amelia's scream, David had run over as well and saw them just in time for them to vanish. "Amelia!" His heart was in his throat. His daughter was in great danger and he was responsible! "This is my fault!" He said shakily. He looked at Charles, his eyes full of fear. "We need to find them!"


They arrived in an abandoned looking hospital somewhere in Lost City. Theo still had Amelia in his arms who was looking around, then she looked at Vincent with a mixture of confusion and fear. "Vincent, I don't understand. Why are you doing this?"
"This had better work" Theo growled. "This one said she couldn't make people into Devils."
"Are you seriously still on about that?!" Amelia snapped angrily. "Let me go!"

"Shhh. Not yet. We need you to motivate your other Devil friend to change us. Nothing personal, but one wrong move from your boyfriend and I'm afraid we're going to have to hurt you." He picked her up and flung her onto one of the beds. She screamed and struggled as he forced her wrists and ankles into the restraints, tying her down so tightly that the leather hurt her skin. Once she was strapped down, Theo frowned at her and leaned close to her hair, sniffing it for a moment. "You smell...different." He commented before walking away from her to lean against a set of cabinets.
"Vincent!" Amelia looked at him desperately. "Vincent, please! Don't do this. You're better than this, I know you are!"

Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

Elliot spoke to a waiter. "I want like a ton of ribs with extra barbecue sauce and a large glass of beer! Just keep them coming until I'm dead! The beer I mean."
Vincent flinched. He pressed his hands against his head. A part of him was trying to fight his insanity.

"A-Amelia....?" He cried out as his head pounded.

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Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

(forgot to add this in)

Charles growled. He clenched his fist. "I swear I'm going to crush every single one of his bones."

He disappeared. Imagining himself as to where they are.


Shadowess - March 6, 2021

Laughing, Parker shook his head a little at Elliot's order. "You know what, that actually sounds good. I'll have the same, minus the beer please."


Amelia had tried several times since she was brought to the hospital to teleport away but just like all of her other powers, this one was failing her too! She saw the way Vincent behaved and a little hope was sparked in her. "Vincent! Vincent, please help! Please!" She begged him, her eyes watering.

Seeing his beloved falter, Theo walked over to him and placed his hands on his shoulders. "My love, don't listen to her. Do you not see how she and her friends have been brain washing you? Help me, my love. We can be powerful together." He smelled a familiar scent and looked over to see an angry Charles and David appearing in the room.

Growling, he darted over to Amelia and hovered over her throat. His mouth elongating and his teeth sharpening. "That's close enough!" He growled, his voice coming out inhuman. His eyes turned yellow. Amelia had turned her head away from Theo whimpering and she stared at Charles and her father fearfully. 'I can't teleport!' She thought at Charles desperately.


Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

The waiter wrote the order and left. He soon came back with their meals and Elliot's glass of beer. Elliot grabbed one of the big ribs and tore off at the flesh. Eating like an animal as he drank his beer sometimes.


Vincent caught his breath as his insanity won over him again. He grinned. "Powerful? I just want to create art."

He readied his knife as he saw David and Charles.

Charles's voice was filled with panic. "Leave her alone! Take me instead!"


shadowess - March 6, 2021

(I think we could probably catch up with Elliot and Parker again later lol)

"All in good time beloved." Theo promised Vincent. First he had to ensure they were both powerful enough to be able to fight back if either of these Devils ever came after them again. He then grinned savagely when he heard the panic in Charles's tone. Seeming to gain a sick pleasure from the situation.

"Vincent, enough of this! What's wrong with you?!" David barked at him.

"Either of you take another step and your lady friend here becomes part of my pack!" He let out an deep growl that made Amelia tremble and close her eyes tightly, whimpering. "Now then. I'm more than willing to let her go unharmed." Theo then says, maintaining his sharp teeth as he brought a finger up to stroke her cheek, making her recoil in disgust. "For a price." his eyes flicked back to Charles.


Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

"I know what you want." Charles lowered his head. "And you can have it as long as you don't hurt her."

Vincent looked at what Theo was doing and saw Amelia's frightened expression. "Theo? Maybe we shouldn't do this?"


shadowess - March 6, 2021

Theo shot Vincent a dangerous look. It was a look he gave any time Vincent ever questioned or disobeyed him. A warning to not overstep him. He then looked back at Charles, grinning when he heard he could have what he wanted as long as Amelia was unharmed. "You have my word. I won't harm a hair on her head." He then glared. "But if you try anything funny." He shook his head, baring his teeth. "All it takes is a nip!"

"Vincent. You can't let him-" David started but was cut off by Theo roaring at him.


David held up his hands, frightened Theo might hurt Amelia if he pushed his luck any further. Theo then looked back at Charles, calming down a little but was still very visibly angry. "Do we have a deal?"

'Charles, he won't stop. Don't give him what he wants!' Amelia tried to think to Charles, she was so frightened that her thoughts kept getting jumbled with other thoughts. Thoughts about the book she read. That the reason she'd been weak lately is because she might be carrying his child. A side effect of pregnancy in Devils, Demons and even Angels is their rapid transition into a human after only a day or two from conception. There was still no certainty that that was the case. For all she knew she might only be sick... but it couldn't be ruled out.


Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

Vincent dropped the knife. He fell to his knees as he clutched his head. Crying as he was scared.

Tears fell from Charles's eyes as he heard her thoughts. He appeared then reappeared in front of Theo. Wrapping his hand around his neck before he had the chance to bite her. He slammed him against a wall.

His aura appeared as he transformed into his skeletal form. "Get away from my FAMILY!" He began to burn him slowly as Theo's bones started to break.


Shadowess - March 6, 2021

Hearing the knife clatter, Theo momentarily took his eyes off Charles to glare at Vincent. "What are you doing?! Get up! Pick up your knife and help m-" He was cut off mid shout by Charles who had apparently taken this momentary distraction to grab him. Before he knew it his bones were breaking and his body was burning.

He let out horrid, agonized shrieks as he struggled to get out of Charles's grip. All he knew was pure agony until he either lost consciousness from the shock of his injuries or died depending on how badly Charles burned him. As his clothes burned, a hole formed in his pocket causing Vincent's half crystal to fall out and drop to the floor.

David had run forward when Charles had grabbed Theo. He ran to Amelia's side and quickly loosened her restraints, helping her off the bed and away from Charles and Theo. He was about to teleport them away when Amelia stopped him. "Wait." She said shakily then looked at Vincent. "Vincent, come with us." She held out her trembling hand to him, not giving up hope that he was still a good person.


Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

Theo was dead. Charles let his burnt contorted body go. He stomped on the half crystal.

He turned to Vincent. Seeing only him as an enemy.

Vincent took Amelia's hand. "DON'T TOUCH HER!" Charles flew to them but missed as they disappeared.


Shadowess - March 6, 2021

David had been tempted to take them to the library but with the way Charles was now, he'd probably burn it down. Instead he teleported them to the abandoned school in Lost City. Oh, the memories in this place...This gym is where he'd found Amelia...and her dying mother. At least if this place burned down, he wouldn't miss it so much. He could do without the constant reminder of what had happened to Amelia's real mother.

Amelia stayed in front of Vincent, her hands on his shoulders as she looked at him. She still had tears streaming down her face and she was still shaking from what had happened. "It's alright. It's ok." She reassured him. "I know you didn't mean it. Theo tricked you. I know you're still a good person inside. I just know it." She pulled him in for a hug. "You're still my brother. Do you hear me? I won't let anything happen to you."

"Amelia, he'll follow us." David warned her, worried about Charles's current state of mind.

"I know..." Amelia said, pulling away from Vincent to keep her eyes open for him, ready to jump between Charles and the others when he arrived. "I just need to talk to him..."

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Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

Vincent nodded as he was still shaking.

Charles appeared. "MUST PROTECT!"


shadowess - March 6, 2021

As soon as Charles arrived, Amelia stepped between him and the other two. "Charles, that's enough. I'm safe! You saved me! The threat is over!" She said, looking at him as if this form he was in was no different from his other form. Her eyes softened.

She felt a new burst of energy from deep within come bubbling forth as she spoke to him. Her eyes glowed blue and her wings appeared along with a new calming aura that flowed from her and around them all. Yet she continued to look at him as if completely unaware that she was doing anything different. "Please, Charles. Enough."


Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

Vincent's eyes widened at the sight of her new appearance.

Charles froze. Seeing everything about her had changed. Something about it had affected him in some way.

He walked over as his skeletal form began to faded away. Leaving him naked. His head rested over her shoulder. "Fairy...." He passed out.


Shadowess - March 7, 2021

David hadn't seen those wings nor felt that aura since before she changed herself into a Devil. He'd thought her transformation had completely take this ability away but perhaps not. He watched anxiously as Charles paused before walking towards her, changing as he did. When he collapsed and he saw Amelia try to hold him up, he rushed forward and helped her to hold him. Amelia had blinked when Charles had spoken and once his head was on her shoulder she saw her reflection in the glass in the door behind him. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight, this was the first time she'd ever gotten a glimpse of her own wings. Yet as she watched, they quickly dimmed and faded as if they had been made of pure light. Her eyes returned to normal and the aura faded as well. She suddenly felt exhausted.

"Here, apparently women in your condition shouldn't be doing any heavy lifting..." David said as he pulled Charles off her, pulling his arm around his shoulders. Amelia looked at David in surprise and he merely smiled at her. "No one read THAT book just for the fun of it." He commented before turning to Vincent and sighing. "Amelia needs to stay on Earth for a while...Hell isn't safe for her while her powers dwindle. Vincent, do me a favor? Keep an eye on her. Make sure she stays safe."

Amelia also turns to Vincent and she offers him a small smile. "I'll ask Nate if he can get you another crystal." She said as she laid a hand on both David and Vincent. David smiled at them both then teleported them to the living room of Carter's office where he lay Charles down on the couch. Amelia sat close to him, waiting for him to wake up while David walked into the kitchen to make tea. He wanted to stick around just a little while longer to make sure everyone was alright.


Denix Vames - March 7, 2021

Vincent threw his coat over Charles. He sat on the coffee table. He frowned. "Theo's still roaming in Hell. We have to kill him. We don't have an option anymore. None of us can wait for him to be better. I know it's not going to be happen."

He clenched his fists. "I know that now. And I know that it will never happen for me. I have to die too."


Elliot was stumbling out of the establishment with Parker helping him walk. Elliot had that silly grin on his face. He reeked of beer. "You're pretty cute." He kissed his cheek.


Shadowess - March 7, 2021

Amelia slowly looked over at Vincent as he spoke. When he finished, she stared at him with fresh tears in her eyes. "No." She shook her head, her voice breaking a little. "Don't say that. Don't you dare!" She scolded him while crying. "Theo is a vile, rotten, manipulative bastard! You are nothing like him! You are better than him! I know you are! You didn't even have the crystal on you but you still tried to fight your old self! Vincent, you have the capacity to be good! So, please don't give up on me."


David was waiting for the water to boil in the kitchen and heard the entire exchange. He sighed and stood in the doorway, looking in at them. "I wouldn't be too worried about Theo now anyway." David shrugged. "Even if he is a lunatic, he would have to be utterly stupid to try something like that again after what Charles did to him." He shook his head. "No. I think he's probably hiding somewhere in Hell with his tail between his legs after that." He turned and walked back into the kitchen while calling back. "And Amelia's right. You're not a lost cause. You just need time...and to stay the hell away from Theo."


By the time they were leaving the place, the sky was just beginning to turn dark. Parker had had fun with Elliot, despite the fact that only one of them drank any alcohol. He had Elliot's arm over his shoulder as he helped him walk back towards Carter's office. He blushed at the compliment and flustered to respond, then froze when Elliot kissed his cheek. He came to a stop and turned his head to look at Elliot with a frown.


"Elliot, I appreciate it but...I don't think that's a good idea. Do you?" He asked gently, trying not to hurt his feelings. "I had fun today, don't get me wrong...it's just...you have Vincent and...well...I'm just not ready to commit to anyone just yet...not after my last relationship..." As much as he hated Bryce for what he put him through, a part of him still couldn't help but love him. He knew that because of this, it would be unfair to get into a new relationship while he still hadn't gotten over Bryce yet. He sighed. "C'mon, let's get back so you can sleep this off..." He started walking again.


Denix Vames - March 7, 2021

Vincent cried over his hands. "It's not right. I'm like some fucked up two sided thing!"


Elliot frowned. "Vincent and I are barely close. We try to be but I can tell he doesn't want me anymore. Things just aren't the same."


shadowess - March 7, 2021

"So, let us help you!" Amelia cried. "Vincent, I don't want to lose anyone else!"


Parker looked at Elliot sideways with a sad expression. "I'm sorry, man..."


Denix Vames - March 7, 2021

"Don't you get it, Amelia?! No one can help me! I'm a lost cause!"


Some tears left Elliot. "I shoulda never come to this city. Nearly died and got my heart broken."

He covered his mouth before pushing away from Parker. He vomited over someone's lawn.


Shadowess - March 7, 2021

"Stop it!" Amelia shouts "Just stop! That's not true!"

David comes back into the room a little hurriedly. "Keep it down. You're going to wake them up!"

"I don't care!" Amelia cries then turns back to Vincent. "I refuse to give up on you! I know you can be a good person!"


Watching Elliot being sick, Parker frowned. He knew his emotions were being exacerbated by the drink. "C'mon Elliot..." He walked back over to him and placed his hand on his arm gently. "You'll feel better after some water and some sleep..."

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Denix Vames - March 7, 2021

"Just leave me alone!" Vincent disappeared.


Elliot slowly nodded before letting Parker guide him. Vincent suddenly appeared in front of them. "Oh, what do you want?" ,said Elliot. Vincent flustered. He didn't know why he appeared in front of them. He just knew he had wanted to get away from Amelia and David.

He cleared his throat. "Um I just appeared."


shadowess - March 7, 2021

"Vincent!" Amelia stood when he vanished, feeling lost now that she couldn't just follow him.

"Amelia." David said gently, walking over to her and placing a hand on her shoulder. "He'll be alright. He just needs some time away to calm down. It's been a hell of a day for everyone..." He tried to reassure her. She looked at him tearfully and for a moment he felt like he was looking at his little girl again. He pulled her in for a hug and stroked the back of her head. "It's alright. Everything's going to be alright." He said to her soothingly as she cried quietly into his shoulder.


Parker and Elliot had paused when Vincent appeared. When Vincent answered the question, Parker chuckled. "No shit." He then frowned when he saw the tears. "...You alright, man? You look upset."


Denix Vames - March 7, 2021

Vincent rubbed his eyes. "Just had an argument with Amelia. It's a long story." He looked at Elliot. "Are you ok?"

Elliot stumbled over. He glared. "Oh! Now you suddenly care?!" "I never stopped caring! You just can't be with me anymore." "And why the hell not?!" "Because it's dangerous to be around me! You're human and I'm a Demon. I would be putting you in more danger than you already have been." "Just let me deal with it!" "NO!"

Elliot punched him. Vincent stumbled back. Shocked. He hadn't expected that.


Shadowess - March 7, 2021

Parker could only watch awkwardly as they both argued. When Elliot struck Vincent, Parker stepped in. He placed a hand on Elliot's shoulder. "Woah! Hey! Let's just calm down a bit?" Parker then looked at Vincent. "He didn't mean it. He's had a lot to drink..." He then tilts his head and smiles a little. "Though you gotta admit, he kinda just disproved your point there... Elliot seems pretty capable of handling himself if he needs to."


Denix Vames - March 7, 2021

"You're damn right!" ,said Elliot. Vincent glared. "I'm not going to be with someone who hits their own boyfriend."

Elliot frowned. "I didn't mean it like that." "Shut up!" Vincent disappeared. Elliot kicked a rock. "God damn it! Can't catch a break anywhere!"

Vincent appeared in Carter and Sebastian's bedroom.


Shadowess - March 7, 2021

Parker was a little confused by Vincent's comment. Couldn't he see that Elliot was just drunk? He never knew about Theo so had no idea about Vincent's experience of having an abusive relationship. He sighed heavily. "C'mon...let's get you back... I think we could both use some rest after today..."


Sebastian had already been woken up by Amelia and Vincent's yelling downstairs. He was trying to go back to sleep, cuddling into Carter's back when he caught Vincent's scent. Blinking his eyes open, he squinted over Carter's shoulder to see Vincent standing there. He sighed and lowered his head back to the pillow. "Whatever sexual fantasy you have in mind...the answer is 'no.'" He said sleepily.


Denix Vames - March 7, 2021

"It's not that." ,said Vincent. He slid to the floor. Sitting here with his back against the wall. He sobbed. Carter slowly opened his eyes and lifted his head up. "What's going on?"


They soon reached the house.


Shadowess - March 7, 2021

Hearing Vincent, Sebastian lifted his head again to get another look at him. He watched as Vincent sat on the floor and began sobbing. When Carter woke up and asked what was going on, Sebastian shrugged. "No idea..." He answered and rolled over to pick up his pants that were laying on the floor next to the bed. He pulled them under the covers and pulled them on discretely before climbing out of the bed and walking over to Vincent. He knelt down in front of him. "Hey, what's wrong? What's happened?" He asked gently.


Parker opened the door and helped Elliot in. Once inside, they saw Charles naked and unconscious on the couch with just Vincent's jacket keeping him covered. Amelia sat in a chair close by him, watching him quietly with tears rolling down her cheeks. A faraway look in her eyes and David standing nearby holding a cup of tea.

"What the hell did we miss?" Parker asked as he walked in.

Amelia didn't look up but David walked over to them, talking to them quietly. "Amelia will need to stay on Earth for a while. She's slowly turning human so she's going to need friends to look out for her."

"Wha-? How did that happen?!" Parker asked just as quietly, looking at David confused.

David hesitates but decides there was no point in hiding it at this point. "She's pregnant." He sighs. "There's more. There was an incident in Hell. Theo got loose. Stole Vincent's crystal and manipulated him into helping him bribe Charles into making him a Devil...using Amelia as a hostage."

"Who's Theo?"

"Vincent's abusive ex." David glances around the room momentarily before looking back at Parker and Elliot. "We...obviously managed to get away unharmed but both Amelia and Vincent are very shaken up by what happened." He finished explaining. He looked at Elliot. He could smell the alcohol from the minute he stepped through the door. "Perhaps you'd like a coffee to help you sober up a little?" David asked kindly.


Denix Vames - March 7, 2021

Carter sat up but stayed under the covers. Vincent barely lifted his head up. "Theo tried to become a Devil. I helped him." "You what? Why?" "I-I didn't want to! He took my crystal and made me feel different. Like the killer I use to be." He breathed heavily. "I hated it."


Elliot's eyes widened. "Whoa! Back up! She pregnant?" He nodded. "Think I'm gonna need coffee after all this."


shadowess - March 7, 2021

Sebastian was quiet for a moment after he spoke. When he began breathing heavily, Sebastian placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's ok. You're back and you seem to be in your right mind. I'm guessing he didn't succeed if you're here, so that has to count for something, doesn't it?"


"Yes." David answered his question then smiled and nodded. "Then I'll make you some. Have a seat, I'll bring it through shortly." He then turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Parker sighed. That was a lot of information to take in at once. He helped Elliot to one of the chairs. Amelia still hadn't looked up from watching Charles. She had lifted her hand to move his hair out of his face lovingly though.

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Denix Vames - March 7, 2021

Vincent nodded. "Charles tortured and killed him. He's unconscious. He used a lot of energy. He's sleeping on the couch right now."

Carter read his face. "What else?" Vincent hesitated before saying, "Amelia's pregnant."


Elliot looked at Amelia. "Guessing your day was no better than mine. Sorry about what happened."


shadowess - March 7, 2021

Hearing what Charles did to Theo was a little unnerving but Sebastian supposed things must run a little differently in Hell. He was even more surprised at the news about Amelia. "What??" He gasped, his mouth dropping open. He stared at Vincent for a moment in disbelief before being unable to contain a small smile. "but...that's good news, isn't it?"


Amelia looked up at Elliot as if just realizing he was there. She then glanced at Parker and then back at Elliot. Wiping her tears away she strained a smile and nodded at Elliot. "Thanks..."

David came through just a minute later and placed Elliot's coffee on the little table in front of him. He then turned to Parker. "Apologies, did you want a drink as well?"

"No thanks, I'm good."

David nods and walks over to another chair to sit down with them. Parker leans against the nearby wall with his arms crossed, unsure of what to say or do.


Denix Vames - March 7, 2021

Carter was shocked. "Excuse me? Did I hear that correctly?"

Vincent nodded. "The problem is that she's turning humanish. I think she might be back as a fairy. Either way, she can't be in Hell while she's still vulnerable. Her devil powers aren't working. I've been ordered by David to stay here and protect her. But I can't stand to be near her right now because of our argument."


Elliot nodded. "You just let me know when you need help."

He took the cup. "Thanks." He chugged the coffee. Trying to forget for one moment that he was feeling like shit. Once he was done, he burped out loud.


Shadowess - March 7, 2021

Amelia was turning human? or even fairy? This was certainly some news. Sebastian listened as Vincent told them he was ordered to protect Amelia but that he couldn't go near her after an argument they'd had. Sebastian nodded understandingly. "Well...I heard her voice earlier so that must mean she's here...which means she's safe. It's only natural that you'd need time to cool off after an argument...especially after what you went through... so while you do that, we'll watch her for you." He offered Vincent a reassuring smile.


At Elliot's words, Amelia's smile became a little more genuine. She nodded and kicked her shoes off before bringing her feet up onto the chair to hug her legs, making herself more comfortable on the little armchair and feeling tired after the day's events.

Parker chuckled at Elliot's burp. "Dude!" He laughed.

David tried to look unimpressed by the burp but couldn't contain his smirk.


Denix Vames - March 7, 2021

Vincent hugged his legs as he rested his head over his knees. "Ok."

Carter quickly got dressed. "Let me see how everyone's doing. You can stay here with Vincent if you want to." He left the room.


Elliot blushed as he smiled. "Sorry."


Kite Ryder, an officer, had some short long brown hair. He looked as though he never sleeps. He had a five o'clock shadow. He reeked of whiskey. Part of it covered half his face. He knocked on the door. "Hello?! Is anyone in there? Got a call about this house!"


shadowess - March 7, 2021

Sebastian nodded at Carter. He had a feeling Vincent needed a friendly ear for a while. When he'd gone, Sebastian moved to sit next to Vincent, with his back against the wall. He rested his forearms on his knees as he looked over at him. "Do you mind if I ask what the argument was about?" He asked gently.


Amelia, Parker and David all looked towards the front door when they heard the knock and the voice. Amelia tensed, knowing things might appear bad with Charles passed out naked on the couch, Elliot stinking of booze and herself with tears and fresh bruises on her arms, wrists and ankles. David saw her expression and held a hand up to quiet her. He got to his feet and straightened out his suit before walking calmly to the door, hoping he could convince the officer that all was well. He opened the door, only enough that the officer could only see him and nothing behind him. "Ah, hello officer. How can I help you?" He asked pleasantly.

Parker hovered against the wall nearby, listening in.


Denix Vames - March 7, 2021

Vincent bit his lip. "I told her that I should die because I'm a danger to everyone else."


Carter headed downstairs. He looked at everyone there. He was about to say something when he heard a knock at the door. He watched David go there. Talking to the officer.

"Yeah sir. My name is Officer Ryder. I got noise complaints from neighbors that are about this house. Is everything alright?" Though the officer looked a bit bulky from the bulletproof vest, he was on the lean side. Having just enough muscles to do his job. He leaned against the wall near the door with his hand on his hip.

"And are you the owner of this house?"


shadowess - March 7, 2021

"I see..." Sebastian said thoughtfully as he lowered his gaze to the ground. He then shook his head, looking back at Vincent. "Yeah...I don't see it." He said bluntly with a small smile. "Do you want to know what I DO see? I see a completely different guy to the one we met back in that abandoned school. I see someone who has strived to make up for their wrong doings. Who helped to save my friends more than once. I see someone who cares deeply about those around him and genuinely wants to do the right thing. I see a man who could do a great amount of good...if only he'd forgive himself first."


Crap, they hadn't changed the deed to the house and it wasn't like David could go get Vincent to say he owned the house. Not with him being wanted for murder. David didn't outwardly panic though. Instead, he maintained his calm appearance and hoping his confident tone would convince the officer that there'd be no need to do any background checks.

"Me? Oh no, this is Carter's new office." He pointed to the name that was frosted into the glass on the door. Thankfully the glass was the type of frosted white glass that you couldn't see through. "I'm a relative, visiting from the UK. Long lost cousin. We did one of those family tree things, you know the ones? Well, I thought I'd bring my little family over to meet him. I apologize for the noise. My son and daughter occasionally have quite vocal disputes. Sibling rivalry, you understand?"

Behind him, you could cut the tension with a knife as everyone remained silent. Listening and waiting. Amelia had started biting the nail on her thumb again out of nerves.


Denix Vames - March 7, 2021

Vincent paused. He wasn't so sure what to say. "Do you really think so?"


Kite smiled. "Really? Detective Travis Carter himself? And he's part British? That's awesome! Is he around? I'd like to come in and have a couple of drinks with him. It's no big deal. This could be our little secret. Trust me. I know how to drive even when I"m drunk."


shadowess - March 7, 2021

Sebastian continued to smile as he nodded to Vincent's question. "Wouldn't say it if I didn't."


"That's the one!" David grinned, happy that the officer seemed to buy the lie. He then hesitated as the officer asked to enter the house for drinks with Carter. "Uh- I'm afraid you just missed him." He chuckled. "He just nipped out to er- buy a couple of celebration drinks. We opted to stay behind and rest after our long journey here. I believe you might be able to catch up to him at the local grocery store though." David chuckled again and shrugged. "Please, do forgive me but we are rather tired." He hinted politely, hoping the officer would leave.

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Denix Vames - March 7, 2021

Vincent smiled a little. "Thank you. That....means a lot."


"Oh damn it! Seriously? Well, I'll head over there before he leaves. Would love to get involved in this party. Anyway, just try not to make too much noise now. Have fun and welcome to New York."

Kite got into the cruiser and drove off into the direction of the grocery store.


Carter frowned. "That was Kite. I haven't seen him or anyone really since I quit the force. He lost his girlfriend to a car accident. He's been drinking ever since."


shadowess - March 7, 2021

"You're welcome." Sebastian smiled. "Did you want some time to yourself or are you ready to rejoin the others? There's no rush. You do whatever you feel is best for you right now."


"Thank you officer!" David waved him off with a smile before closing the door and leaning against it with a sigh of relief. He heard Carter's explanation and stepped back into the living room, nodding at him. "I see...Well, if we don't want him snooping around here again we might want to sell this story I just made up...Carter, do you think you can beat him to the store? You'll need to pick up some alcohol to make it look like I was telling the truth. Oh, and if he asks, my name is David Magpie. Not Sedley. Don't need him looking up the Sedley name...and...one more thing..."

He hesitated before continuing hurriedly. "I told him I have a daughter and son. Amelia is the obvious choice for daughter but understandably my son would need a British accent too...you may have to pretend that Sebastian is your cousin in front of him..." He finished, awkwardly. If he'd had more time to prepare a different excuse, he'd have used one. But he didn't so now they were stuck with the lie he'd told. "If at all possible however, try to put him off from visiting again." He gestured to Amelia and Charles. "I don't think anyone here is in much of a position to 'party'..."


Denix Vames - March 7, 2021

"I think I need some rest. I'm going to stay here for a bit."


Carter sighed. "Guess I'm gonna have to somehow get there before him. Don't know how but I'll try. Also, you could have said you guys were my employees. Now, this is just weird."

He took out his car keys. He headed out of the house and hopped into his car. He began the drive to the store.

Elliot rubbed his head. He flinched. "Think I've had enough drinks for today."


shadowess - March 7, 2021

Nodding, Sebastian got to his feet. "No problem. Take your time. We'll see you when you're ready." He said with a gentle smile before leaving the room to let Vincent rest on his own.


David watched Carter out of the door and shook his head a little. British employees? That'd be just asking to have background checks run on them, if only to simply check they're working in the US legally. "Can't vampires run faster than cars?" He asked out loud when he heard the car engine outside.

"Hey guys." Sebastian greeted them as he descended the stairs. "What did I miss?" He then asked as he saw the looks on their faces.

"If this wasn't serious it would almost be funny..." Parker commented before David began explaining the situation to Sebastian.

"You said what??" Sebastian gawped at him. "You seriously couldn't have said ANYTHING else?"

"Relax. It's only one officer...and with this groups track record it's only a matter of time before he learns the truth anyway. But better to do that when we have a little more control over the situation, hmm? In the meantime, you are Sebastian Magpie. Understood?"

"For fucks sake!" Sebastian huffed, storming off into the kitchen to grab himself a blood bag.


Denix Vames - March 7, 2021

Vincent laid on the floor and closed his eyes. He fell asleep.


Elliot laughed. He suddenly stopped. "Wait a minute? What does that make me?"


shadowess - March 7, 2021

"A drunk Texan!" Parker laughed then shrugged. "I guess we'd just be friends of Carter." At least that wouldn't be a lie.

Sebastian stayed in the kitchen while he drank the bag, staying out of Elliot's sight. When finished, he threw the empty bag into the trash and walked back into the living room where he gave Amelia a quick hug. "Congratulations by the way." He said quietly to her before standing straight and giving David an annoyed look.


Denix Vames - March 7, 2021

Elliot smiled. "Guess so." He thought for a moment. "Hey, are we gonna have one of them kid baths?" Nate appeared. "I think you mean a baby shower." "Yeah! That's the one!" "I don't know. It all depends on her."


shadowess - March 7, 2021

Shortly after, Tom also came down the stairs with a yawn. "Baby whatnow?" He looked at them all a little lost.

Amelia blinked at them. She hadn't considered a baby shower. The news hadn't really sunk in for her yet that she was going to be a mother. "Um...I don't know yet..." She said quietly. She didn't want to think about that right now. She just wanted Charles to wake up and to know that Vincent was alright.

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Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

"Amelia's pregnant. She's back to being a fairy." ,said Nate. "Geez! You know that already?" ,said Elliot. "I can read minds." "Oh."

Charles slowly opened his eyes.


Shadowess - March 8, 2021

"Oh wow, really? Wait- fairy??" Tom was even more confused.

Seeing Charles opening his eyes, Amelia put her legs down from the chair and climbed off to kneel next to him. "Charles!" She whispered, smiling at him while caressing his cheek. Her eyes watered a little again but she kept smiling. Her emotions a mess of fear, happiness and love. Mostly, she was thankful that they were safe. That he'd saved them and that he was alright.


Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

"Well look who's awake now." ,said Elliot.

Charles held a weak smile. "Amelia, you're safe." He frowned. "David....Where is he?"


Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

"And Vincent?" (forgot to include this)


shadowess - March 8, 2021

"Thanks to you." Amelia said softly with a smile. At the mention of Vincent, Amelia frowned uncertainly.

"I'm here." David said, stepping forward a bit.

"Vincent is resting upstairs." Sebastian chimed in. "He was shaken and very upset but he'll be alright." He added, seeing the worry on Amelia's face.

Amelia's features relax a bit out of relief to hear that Vincent would be ok.


Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

Charles groaned. "Everything aches." "Been there. Done that buddy." ,said Elliot.

Carter opened the door a bit. "Um hey guys? Kite wants to join us."

Nate immediately grabbed Charles. "I'll take him upstairs." He disappeared.


Shadowess - March 8, 2021

Amelia also ran up the stairs, not wanting to be seen in the state she was currently in. She ran into the bedroom where Nate and Charles would be.


David fixed his suit once more and stood next to Sebastian. "Remember, you're my son. Carter's cousin. Last name Magpie." he whispered

"Got it..." Sebastian whispered back, still annoyed by the situation.

Parker looked at Elliot. "Do you want to go upstairs too? I have a feeling there's going to be some drinking involved."

Tom stood near one of the walls, watching everything in mild confusion. He didn't know who Kite was but he heard enough from Sebastian and David's whispers to figure out he wasn't supposed to know about them.

"Carter! Welcome back!" David then called through to give Carter the go ahead to bring him in.


Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

Elliot nodded. He followed Parker upstairs to where the others would be.

Nate touched Tom's shoulder before teleporting him to the bedroom.

"Hey David. Brought plenty of beer for the party." Carter held out two six packs. Kevin held a bottle of whiskey and tequila. "Got some more right here." He smiled.

They set the drinks on the coffee table. "Nice horse statue by the way. Is someone in the family into horses?" "Uh yeah. She gave it to me as a gift." "Nice." Kevin opened up his flask which he pulled from his pocket. He dunked a big gulp before sighing.

"Let's get this show on the road then."


Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

(so i meant to write Kite instead of Kevin. I have no idea why i typed kevin but sorry lol)


shadowess - March 8, 2021

(lol No worries)

Amelia sat up on the bed, next to Charles who was now covered by the duvet. Parker and Elliot soon joined them. Parker being careful not to make any noise. Shortly after, Nate arrived with Tom who was looking a little confused about what was going on.


David looked at all the alcohol nervously. Now being the only one out of the three of them who was able to drink it, it was quite daunting. It had been decades since David had gotten drunk, too! Carter and Sebastian would just have to pretend to be drinking to keep up the lie. Sebastian gave Carter a worried glance while Kite was too distracted by the horse to see.

"Of course, although we may want to keep it down now. My daughter was very tired from our journey and has decided to turn in early." David explained Amelia's absence as he moved to take the beers from Carter. "I'll just put these in the fridge to keep them cool."

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Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

Nate put a finger to his lips. "Human who doesn't know us is around."


"I'll go get some glasses then." Carter opened one of the top cabinets in the kitchen. He soon set three glasses on the table of the living room. "Sure thing. I'll keep it down." ,said Kite. He sat on the couch. Leaning back as he took a deep breath.

"Man, it feels good to relax sometimes." He opened the bottle of whiskey and poured some into the glass with a mix of tequila. He took a quick sip before shaking his head as the bitter flavor got to him. "Damn. That's some good shit."


shadowess - March 8, 2021

In the bedroom, there was silence. All of them looking between each other nervously.


David had poured himself some of the whiskey, remembering that as the drink that he'd liked during his life. He then sat down on one of the armchairs. Sebastian also poured himself a small amount and sat close by, staring into the glass with a bit of a frown. He wondered if there was a way to quickly get this guy so drunk that he'd need to leave before they could talk about anything that might slip them up. He also wondered if anyone remembered to lock the back door. God forbid he decide to go into the garden for fresh air and see the human sized mound of dirt in the middle of the grass from when they buried one of Amelia's bodies. "So, you used to work with Carter?" David asks, trying to keep the mood relaxed.


Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

Carter sat. He poured himself a bit of whiskey as well.

Kite continued to drink. "Work? More like have fun. This guy was always the jokester around. Being silly and whatnot. We use to do the most randomest shit in the precinct all the time."

He watched the liquid move about in the cup. "Before that Christmas day."

Carter frowned. "I told you that I would never talk about it." "Hey, I'm not here to bring up shitty memories." Kite drank some more. Feeling the buzz already. He poured himself more tequila with some whiskey.

Carter noticed how fast he was trying to get drunk. He raised a brow. "Then what are you here for?"

Kite burped. "First, I'm going to get drunk. And then second, I'm going to kill myself." Carter paused. "Wait, what?" "You heard me." "Is there a reason?" "Should there be?" "Most of the time yeah." "Well, maybe this time there isn't one. I mean, why do you think I came here? You're my only friend these days. The other guys don't get it."


shadowess - March 8, 2021

Sebastian and David stiffened in their chairs when they heard what this man intended to do. Sebastian looked over at Carter hurriedly then nodded towards the kitchen, wanting a word.

David shook his head at Kite, placing his untouched glass down onto the coffee table. "Kite, why do you want to end your life?" He asked gently.


Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

Carter followed him. "What is it?"

Kite shrugged. "Got nobody anymore. I mean, what's the point of being a cop when you've got no one to protect? Stacy's waiting for me on the other side. I just know it. So I'm going to her. No matter what. She's my girlfriend after all."


shadowess - March 8, 2021

"You believe in the afterlife?" David asked. It was a little surprising to find genuine belief nowadays.

Sebastian paced the kitchen a moment before whispering to Carter. "We can't let him hurt himself. M-maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to...you know...tell him about everything? If we're honest with him we might be able to help him out of that dark place that he's in."


Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

"No but it's worth a try. I've got no other options." ,said Kite. He drank some more. He was beginning to feel more drowsy. Slurring his words.

"We don't need to tell him the truth to make him feel better. Plenty of humans have gotten out of depression without a family of undead creatures giving them therapy. We just have to keep an eye on him. Like a Suicide Watch." ,said Carter.


Shadowess - March 8, 2021

"There are always options. Some more difficult to see than others." David replied gently.

Sebastian gestured to the living room. "This. What we are doing now. Is not going to end well. It's literally a matter of time before he figures out that something here isn't right or one of us slips up and he goes snooping. You've seen how humans react when the truth is suddenly dropped on them. This is our opportunity to tell him in a calm and gentle way."


Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

Kite smirked. "You don't think I haven't tried?" He set his glass down. "Anyway, got a bathroom? I need to take a leak."

Carter sighed. "Maybe you're right. I guess we could try."

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shadowess - March 8, 2021

"Um..." David hesitates. He didn't know this house well enough to give directions and he'd never needed to use the bathroom since he died. He glanced back at Carter and Sebastian, who were chatting in the kitchen, uncertainly.

Sebastian nodded "It is for the best." he said gently. He then walked back towards the living room with Carter.

Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

Kite raised a brow but ignored the hesitation when Sebastian and Carter walked in.

"Hey, where's your bathroom?" "Why?" ,said Carter. "I've got to take a leak." "Bullshit! I can read it in your face man. I know what you're going to do."

Kite glared. "Fine then." He pulled out his gun. Carter snatched it out of his hand. Knowing he would be too drunk to react in time. "Hey! Give it back!" Kite stood then immediately fell over.

"Just stop this crap! Alright?! Just stop! Doing this isn't going to make her happy! You think she'd want to see you after what you plan on doing?" "I figured you of all people would get it!" "Oh I do. But this isn't the answer. You shouldn't do this!" "Yes it is! This is what I have to do!"

shadowess - March 8, 2021

"No, it's not!" Sebastian chimed in. "Just-...Kite, please take a seat...We need to talk to you..."
David had watched everything in silent alarm, his concern increasing a little when Sebastian said they needed to talk. He gave them both a questioning look.

Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

Carter kept his hand on the gun. Making sure that it didn't leave his side as he sat.

Kite hesitantly sat too. "If this is about hiring some damn shrink then I'm out of here." "No, that's not why we want to talk to you." "Then what is it?"

shadowess - March 8, 2021

David watched Sebastian and Carter anxiously, wondering what they were up to.
Sebastian sighed heavily and looked at Kite. "We want to help you...but if we're going to do that then we must first be honest with you." He began and David's eyes widened a little.
"What are you doing?" He asked, lowering his voice a bit.
"I'm afraid we lied to you when you first arrived, Kite." Sebastian gestured to David. "David isn't a relative of Carter's and neither am I. David is a friend and I am...well..." He looked over at Carter and smiled. "I'm Carter's boyfriend." He then hesitates before continuing. "Kite, please believe me when I say, we mean you absolutely no harm...David is a demon and we are vampires." Sebastian and David watched Kite carefully.

Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

Kite paused for a moment. He looked at the bottles. "I'm definitely drunk right now." "I mean you are but we're telling you the truth." ,said Carter. "And how can I believe that?"

shadowess - March 8, 2021

David sat back in his chair, defeated as he watched the conversation. He wasn't so sure this was a good idea but it was too late to go back now. Besides, Carter and Sebastian seemed to be doing an alright job of it so far.
Sebastian hesitated when Kite asked how he could believe they were telling the truth. He glanced at David who shrugged at him. "Don't look at me. Any demonstrations I give would terrify him." David said honestly.

Looking back at Kite, he took a deep breath and sighed heavily. "Alright...Just remember, we don't mean you any harm, ok? We just want to help you." He said seriously, wanting to make it absolutely clear to Kite that regardless of what he saw he wasn't in any danger. He gave one nervous glance to Carter before looking back at Kite nervously, glad that Carter was the one with the gun and not Kite. Sebastian opened his mouth and slowly let his fangs grow so that Kite could see them. He'd let him get a good look at them before retracting them and closing his mouth again. "You see?" He said nervously, offering a small smile. "No big deal..."

Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

Kite shrugged. "Ok." Carter raised a brow. "Excuse me?" "I mean if you guys are vampires and he's a demon then whatever. Still doesn't change what I'm going to do."

shadowess - March 8, 2021

"Even though you now know that there is an afterlife?" David asked skeptically.
Sebastian looked at Carter, unsure of what to say or do, he was utterly baffled by Kite's response.

Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

"I mean that just means I get to be with her." "But that doesn't make it-!" Carter pinched the brim of his nose as he shook his head. "Can somebody us else tell him?"

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shadowess - March 8, 2021

David shifted uncomfortably. The topic of suicide and how it affects you in the afterlife is a touchy subject. If it were hundreds of years ago, the powers that be in the afterlife would still have considered it an act of murder and therefore a sin but now? As Earth's moralities have progressed, so have Heaven and Hell's. Now it is no longer deemed a sin because the person committing the act is simply not well and in dire need of help for even considering such an act. When that change came into effect, anyone in Hell who had otherwise lived a good life was immediately ascended to Heaven to receive therapy. Now the only thing that affects an individual's judgement in the afterlife is whether or not they committed grievous sins prior to their death, no matter how they died.

As David thought on this, he realized that Kite had already mentioned he didn't want therapy. He folded his arms and leant back in his chair while looking at Kite seriously. "You already said that you would rather not go into therapy...but I can guarantee you that if you take your own life, therapy is all you will get for however long it takes you to get well...whether that's days, weeks, years....decades...even centuries. what I cannot guarantee is that you will be reunited with your beloved before that therapy is successful...and you won't be able to simply bluff your way out of it either. Not with telepaths and empathics monitoring your every move."

He sighed. "And it is like your friend said earlier. Do you think your beloved would approve of your choice or even want to see you if you went through with it? Take my advice, there are better ways you can spend your life than at the bottom of a bottle. Now that you know there is an afterlife, why not do everything in your power to go to Heaven as a hero? Help people who need help. Be there for others who have no one else to turn to, if no no other reason than you know what it is like to be alone."

Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

Kite slammed his fist against the table. "When has the people ever thanked us for what we've done? They never accepted us!"

He flinched at the force he used. Carter put the gun aside. He gripped his wrists. "Hey! What are you doing?! Let go!" He rolled up one his sleeves. Revealing old cuts and recent ones. "I knew it! You're still doing this crap." Kite pulled his arms away. "You're one to talk! Me and you use to drink together all the time. What the hell happened to that?"

"I'm a vampire! I can't drink alcohol!"

shadowess - March 8, 2021

Hearing arguing downstairs, the others in the bedroom looked between each other quietly. "What the hell is going on down there?" Parker whispered.


"Gentlemen!" David barked. "Calm yourselves." He looked between Kite and Carter for a moment before looking back at Kite. "Kite, you're getting the wrong idea. No one who truly wants to help people do so for the 'thanks' they'd get. They do it because it is the right thing to do. They do it because no one else will help."
Sebastian kept quiet, watching the whole thing unfold and feeling a little helpless. Unsure of what to say that David wasn't already saying.

Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

"I don't know but it sounds like it's getting good." ,said Nate.
"Then maybe I shouldn't even be a cop." Kite stumbled to the door. Carter walked over. "You don't mean that."

Kite glared. "How could you just abandon me?! When I needed a friend, you weren't there!" "My family was killed!" "We could have talked about it! Hell! I wouldn't have mind talking about my problems. But you left me in the dust!"

Tears dripped down his cheeks. He clenched his fists. "You left me to die." Carter frowned. He gently pulled him in for a hug. Kite's head rested over his shoulder. His eyes were closed. He hesitantly placed his hands on his back.

"I'm sorry. I'll do better. But you have to promise me that you'll do better." Kite said, "Deal."

shadowess - March 8, 2021

When Kite had begun walking towards the door, both Sebastian and David had stood up. They watched as Carter went after him and managed to calm him down. After a minute of them hugging, David faked a cough into his fist to get their attention. "Now that he knows about us, I'm sure the others would like to come out of hiding?" He suggests, pointing towards the ceiling.
Sebastian laughed. "I almost forgot they were still here!" he then looks at Kite. "You may want to brace yourself. Some of our friends can be a little intense."

Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

Kite raised a brow. "Others?"

Nate appeared with his wings out. "Hello darling." "Whoa! You have wings?!" Kite touched them. "Yes I do but don't have fun with them for too long. You'll make someone jealous."

Everybody else headed downstairs. Charles was fully clothed in a dark purple cloak and dark red robes.

Nate put his wings back inside himself when Kite ran over to the stairs. "Parker?! Is that you?"

shadowess - March 8, 2021

Amelia, Tom and Parker descended the stairs. Tom moving to stand next to Nate and Amelia standing with Charles, taking his hand. When Kite ran over to the stairs, Parker paused halfway down and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Uh...yeah...Hi, Kite..." He said nervously. Sebastian walked over to stand next to Carter and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Well, I suppose introductions are in order..." David said as he gestured to each person. "Nate, Tom, Elliot, Charles and my daughter, Amelia." He then lowered his hand. "And I see you already know Alex. There's Vincent as well but I believe he's still asleep so may not be joining us this evening."

Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

"Hey there!" Elliot hugged him. Surprising Kite. "Uh hey."

Vincent appeared. "I'm fine now." "What the-?!" Kite pulled out his taser. Vincent raised his arms up. "Whoa whoa whoa!" ,said Carter who stepped in before the taser could have shocked Vincent. He flinched at the electric pain but was able to stand.

Kite stopped. "What are you doing?! He's a killer! He's the one who murdered your entire family!" Carter pulled the plugs off with a flinch. He let them fall. "Was a killer. But he's changed since he died. He's a demon now."

"Seriously? You're not fucking with me?" "Not in the slightest."

shadowess - March 8, 2021

"Dude, no!" Parker tried when he saw the taser come out. They all held their breath as it struck Carter instead of Vincent then watched as Carter explained that he'd changed.
"Forgiveness is a hell of a thing." David commented.
Amelia nods. "Upon his death, Vincent was enrolled in the Redemption Programme in Hell. Now he's spending his new life making up for his sins by helping others." She explains then smiles at Vincent. "He has become a good person and a great friend."

Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

Kite rubbed his forehead. "I think I'm gonna need a minute." "Take all the time you need." ,said Charles. Kite picked up the plugs and put them back in place. Placing the taser in its holster. He took his gun and placed it in its holster too.

"Where's your bathroom? And this time I mean it." Carter pointed up. "At the far end to your left. You can't miss it."

Kite walked upstairs. Heading into the bathroom where he opened the cabinet there. He took out the scissors and started cutting his hair. Keeping it at a somewhat long length but making sure it only stayed nearly close to his shoulder.

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shadowess - March 8, 2021

Once Kite went upstairs, Amelia sighed and turned to Charles. Happy to finally get a moment of peace to do what she'd been wanting to do since he woke up. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and hugged him tightly.

Parker sighed in relief that everything was calm again and walked over to the couch, sitting down.
David looked between them all. It seemed everything was finally in order again and his daughter was in capable hands. "Well, this has been an interesting day." He looked at Vincent, Charles and Amelia. "I'll be returning to Hell, then. Take care of her for me?" He then looks at Charles. "I'll be sure to visit and keep you updated on any Hell related matters. If you need my assistance again, I'll be happy to help." He then pauses as he turns towards the door. "Give Atma my regards when you see her." He smirks.

Tom kissed Nate's cheek before heading into the kitchen, wanting to drink a bag to keep his hunger under control.
Sebastian walked over to Carter, looking at him worriedly. "Are you alright?" He asked, recalling what it felt like to be tased.

Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

Charles smiled and kissed her.

Vincent nodded. "I won't let anyone hurt her." Charles raised a brow. "Atma...?"

Carter smiled. "I'm alright. At the police academy, you're tased so that you can resist the shock and pain in case a suspect somehow gets your weapon."

Kite splashed some water on his face and took a deep breath. "This is not something that I was expecting but I guess I've seen weirder shit."

He headed downstairs. Elliot held a coke for him. "Here." "You know little redneck, not every guest wants a coke. Sometimes, they want to just fu-" "Coke's fine. Thanks." Kite took it. "I do need to go though. Everybody at the precinct is gonna expect me to get back."

shadowess - March 8, 2021

"She's a spirit. Like an Angel or a Devil but somewhere in between. Neutral." David explained. "Atma Tuo Vitae. Roughly translated her name means The Spirit of Life."
"But most Demons and Angels know her as The Midwife." Amelia finished then sighed. "I've met her before...She wanted to replace my memories and place me on Earth once I was old enough to leave Hell. Before I became a Devil."

"But Amelia... being my daughter...managed to give her the slip as soon as they arrived on Earth, keeping her memories." David chuckled. "She'll be visiting you soon, no doubt." He then waved a hand and headed towards the door. "Take care all." He called as he left, teleporting back to Hell's library as soon as the front door closed behind him.

Seeing he was fine, Sebastian smiled as well. Although he didn't much like the idea of being tased to build up a tolerance. Parker grinned when Elliot took a coke to Kite, recalling it had been what he'd done to welcome Alex when he'd arrived. When Kite also explained that he would need to leave, Sebastian turned to him with a kind but serious expression. "Just be sure not to tell anyone about us. They may think you're crazy or do something worse. But you're welcome to come back and visit if you need someone to talk to."

Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

"Just consider me your personal bodyguard." Kite opened the door. "Well Carter. Guess you got yourself a new family. I'm glad to see that your doing a lot better." He frowned. "Maybe someday I'll have my own family."

"What are you talking about? You're already part of this one." He smiled. "Thanks Carter." He hugged him. "Anytime. Just stay safe." "You too. See ya guys around!" He left.

Getting into his cruiser and driving away.

shadowess - March 8, 2021

Parker sighed and half laughed. "Well...that was interesting!"
"You can say that again..." Tom said as he came back into the living room, having finished his bag. "Oh! and uh-" He looked over at Sebastian and Carter, pointing his thumb into the kitchen. "We've got like, one bag left. Where do we get more from? I can't imagine there's a vampire grocery store..."
Amelia smiled, resting her head on Charles's shoulder.
Sebastian smiled at Carter as he came back in after seeing Kite off. "Guess it's time to do another run to the club. Maybe we should take Tom with us? Show him what to do."

Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

"Sure but let's make sure that he doesn't get flirt on by any vampires who want to take his clothes off." ,said Carter. Elliot chuckled. "That never happened to me. I was good being in there." Nate said, "There was a human dressed like a vampire who wanted to fuck you." Elliot paused. "Oh."

shadowess - March 8, 2021

Tom chuckled and shook his head. "I'm sure I can handle myself. Besides, there's only one man that I have eyes for." He smirked at Nate.
Feeling tired from the day's events, Amelia let go of Charles to sit on the couch.
Parker had poured himself some of the whiskey. "Eh...if no ones wants it..." He chuckled as he sat back and took a sip. He immediately made a face at the taste, having never drank something so strong before.
Sebastian chuckled as well, both at Tom and at Parker's reaction to the drink. "Well alright, there's no time like the present. You two ready?" He asked Tom and Carter, ready to get going.

Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

"Sure. Let's just hurry before it turns into day. We can get there by running." said Carter.

shadowess - March 8, 2021

"Running?" Tom asked, looking a little confused. "Woudn't it be easier to drive?"

"Relax, it's still pretty early in the night. We have hours yet." Sebastian said reassuringly.

Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

"Fine. Guess we'll take the car. And by the way, vampires can run super freaking fast. We're gonna have to teach you that at some point."

They all got in the car. Carter started the engine and drove into the direction of the vampire club.

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shadowess - March 8, 2021

"They can?!" Tom asked in awe as he followed them out to the car. Once in the car, Sebastian thought on what things they would need to teach Tom. He glanced at Tom in the rearview and it occurred to him just how little they know about this man in the backseat. "How old are you, Tom?" He asked curiously.
"Huh? Oh! uh...twenty two." Tom replied, thinking nothing of it and scratched the back of his head while looking out of the window.
Sebastian blinked and glanced back at him. That made Tom only a couple years older than Parker.


Amelia rubbed her eyes and looked up at Charles while Parker continued to drink next to her. "Shall we go back to your place and rest up?" She asked Charles with a small smile. Parker finished his drink and poured himself another. He then looked up at Nate and Elliot with a smirk. "You guys guna make me drink on my own?"

Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

"Pretty much." Carter read Sebastian's face. "What's on your mind?"
Charles smiled. "Sure thing." They disappeared.

"I can't get drunk and I don't need to consume anything to stay alive." ,said Nate. "Well, that's disappointed." Elliot walked over. "I'll join then!" He sat next to Parker and poured himself a glass. He started drinking.

shadowess - March 8, 2021

Sebastian shook his head a little. "Oh, it's nothing. Was just thinking of what we should teach Tom..."


Outside the club, skulking in the shadows was a small, very thin girl. She looked no older than fifteen. Wearing some very worn out jeans, a dirty hoodie with the hood up and slightly ripped up trainers. She was watching the club entrance and hanging around the ally nearby.

Whenever some drunk stumbled past her, she'd slip their wallets out of their pockets or their purse from their bags without them noticing her and hide them under her hoodie until they'd gone. She'd then take out any cash, pocketing it before throwing the wallets and purses into the nearby dumpster.


Amelia looked around them when they arrived with a small smile. It felt odd to her that her relationship with Charles was still so new yet she felt like they'd been together a lot longer. She looked back at him, still smiling, her heart swelling with the love she felt. She gave him a tender kiss before stepping away from him to pour herself a glass of water.


"Oh..." Parker raised his eyebrows at Nate. "Huh..." When Elliot said he'd join the drinking, Parker grinned and then looked over at Vincent. "What about you? You wana join in?"

Denix Vames - March 8, 2021

"Alright." Carter parked the car near the club.

Kite was in a white shirt, jeans, and brown jacket. He had gotten off duty before and decided to go to that one vampire club. Just to see how it felt to be in there with real vampires.

He decided to get drunk. Sitting at the bar while he was having a few bottles of beer.
Charles walked over. "How do you feel?"
"Sure, why not? It's been a while." Vincent sat next to Elliot who poured him a glass. He took some sips. Nate disappeared. Staying in one of the bedrooms.

Vincent and Elliot were soon finding themselves more drunk. And once the buzz was kicking in, they were seeing each other in a completely different light.

shadowess - March 9, 2021

Sebastian and Tom got out of the car and headed towards the club with Carter. "A night club?" Tom asked, looking at them both in mild confusion. Neither Sebastian or Tom noticed the pickpocketing teenager nearby who now seemed to be looking for the perfect opening to get into the club unseen.


Amelia took a sip of the water then put the glass down on the counter. She turned around to lean against the counter with her hands on the sides as she looked at Charles with a smile, blushing a little. "A little tired but otherwise fine..." She replied honestly. She still found their current circumstance a little difficult to believe. She'd read the book but it didn't feel quite real yet. She then looked at Charles with a little concern. "What about you?" She asked softly.


Parker could see something going on between Vincent and Elliot and didn't want to intrude on them so he kept drinking until he started to feel drowsy. Before long he'd sat back on the chair and fallen asleep, still holding the now empty glass loosely in his hand which rested on his lap.

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

"Yep! It's the only place where we can get our blood." ,said Carter.

He grabbed the teenager by her sweater. "What the hell are you doing kid? You want to get arrested?"
Charles nervously scratched his neck. "Just a bit confused about all this. You know, it's still hard to believe that I'm going to be a dad."
As Vincent and Elliot were still drinking, they suddenly stopped. They started kissing. Elliot had his hand on his thigh while Vincent was keeping a hand on his waist.

Vincent kissed his neck as Elliot moaned. They disappeared.

Soon, the bed was making lots of noise as it was being shook along with the wall as the bed was hitting it.

(private time)

shadowess - March 9, 2021

When her hoodie was grabbed, the kid whirled around to look up at who had grabbed her. The streetlights illuminating her dirty face, short white hair and dried, cracked lips. Her brown eyes widened at the man fearfully as she quietly tried to pull away from him. Failing that, she had to resort to attempting a swift punch between his legs to make him let her go. She didn't want to go back into the system. She just couldn't.


Amelia laughed nervously and licked her lips. "Yeah...I know what you mean..." She shrugged her shoulders and looked towards the ground. "I-...I'd kind of hoped I'd be a mother one day...Just wasn't expecting it to happen so quickly..." she admitted then looked up at Charles with an uncertain expression. She was a little scared. She was excited to be having a child, sure. But she was also very frightened. Frightened that she won't be a good mother. Frightened that she'd lose either Charles or the child. Frightened that the child would become a target for those who might want to hurt them. "We'll be ok, won't we?"


Parker was woken up by the banging coming from upstairs. Still very drunk and having only been snoozing for a few minutes, he groaned and stumbled to his feet. The room spun and he started to feel a little ill. He wandered to the bathroom where he left the door open and tried to sober up a little by washing his face in cold water. When he brought his face up and looked in the mirror he froze, his heart skipping a beat and his features turning pale. For just a moment, he saw himself looking utterly different. Pale. Red eyes. Grinning with fangs protruding. He looked absolutely menacing but then his reflection shifted and he was looking at his normal but now very frightened and dripping wet face. He caught his breath and shook his head a bit. "Now I'm seeing shit...great...Stupid booze..." He slurred, gripping the edge of the sink.

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

Carter let her go. He groaned as he covered his crotch. He fell to his knees. "Fucking...!"
Charles held her hand. "I promise that I won't let anyone or anything harm our child. And I can assure you that you will be a great mother."
Nate appeared behind him. "You alright?"

shadowess - March 9, 2021

"Hey!" Sebastian had shouted when the kid hit Carter and he fell to his knees. The kid had already run off, darting around the corner and vanishing into the shadows. He hurried forward and knelt next to Carter, his hands on his shoulders. "Are you alright?!" He asked, still looking around to see if he could see the kid anywhere. Tom had also run up to make sure Carter was ok, looking towards where the kid had disappeared. "What the hell was that about?"
Sebastian helped Carter to his feet. "C'mon, lets go in and see if Blaire can get you an ice pack..."


Hearing his words, Amelia's heart melted and she smiled at him. In just a few words he managed to make her feel safe and loved. That having a family with him while still remaining safe was entirely possible. She leaned into him and gave him a tender, lingering kiss. Raising her hand to cup his cheek as she did. When the kiss broke, she looked into his eyes and whispered for the first time; "I love you."


Parker jumped at the sound of Nate's voice and whirled around to face him only to stumble back drunkenly and almost fall over, ending up leaning against the wall instead. "Yeah, I'm good..." He lied, his words slurring. He was still a little shaken from what he'd seen in the mirror. "Just...need some water, that's all..." He stumbled towards the stairs and shakily made his way down towards the kitchen where he poured himself some water and took a few gulps of it. He couldn't stop seeing that face...it had been haunting...and he'd do anything to forget that he'd seen it. He took another sip of the water and put the glass down, wiping the water from his chin.

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

"Y-Yeah, I'm alright." Carter walked slowly into the bar. "Some weird looking girl was trying to get in the club. She had white hair too. It was so bizarre."

Kite was clearly seen at the bar with a vampire lady sitting next to him. She flirted with him. Trying to get him to comply. Once she got him to kiss her, she brought her fangs out. Getting ever so close to his neck.
Charles touched her hand. He said, "I love you too."
Nate appeared from behind again. He wrapped his arms around him. "Maybe I can help?" He smiled.

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shadowess - March 9, 2021

Sebastian helped him over to the bar and waved Blaire over.
"Hey, isn't that Kite?" Tom said as he followed them in and had been looking around the bar.
Sebastian looked over at Kite as well and saw the woman about to bite him. "Hey!" He called out, leaving Carter on the stool while he rushed over to Kite's side. He placed a hand on the woman's shoulder and gave her a warning look. "Excuse me, this man is my friend." He then turned to Kite. "What are you doing here? It's dangerous for humans!"


Amelia smiled when he said it back. She kissed him again, her kisses gradually getting more and more passionate.


Feeling arms around him and Nate's body against his, Parker shivered. In his drunken state he wasn't thinking clearly and was unable to hide his arousal. He brought his hands up to hold his arms and leant his head back against Nate's shoulder. "W-wait...what about Tom?" He slurred into a whisper, just about having enough sense to recall seeing Nate and Tom together. Right now, there wasn't a shadow of a doubt that Parker wanted Nate. Only physically of course, he had no interest in forming a relationship with anyone yet. But he also didn't want anyone to get hurt.

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

Blaire ran over. She examined Carter. "I'll get an ice pack and some blood for you guys. I have a feeling you didn't just come here for a visit."

The woman glared before leaving them. Kite raised his glass. "I just figured it'd be ok if I came here since I'm friends with you guys now. Ya know? Getting use to the new crowd and being comfortable in it."

He fell off the stool. Knocking it over along with his drink. He flinched as he rubbed his head. "Shit! That really fucking hurt."
Charles placed both hands on her waist as he continued to kiss her.
Nate kissed his neck. "I still love him. I'm just doing this so you can feel better. I use to do it for the humans years ago."

shadowess - March 9, 2021

"But you had no idea we'd even be here! It was only by dumb luck that we were or you'd have been that woman's snack for the evening!" Sebastian scolded him. He then saw him fall off the stool before he could catch him and tutted, helping him to his feet while calling over to Blaire. "Blaire, we're going to need another ice pack..."


Feeling his hands on her waist, Amelia moaned quietly and kept the kiss going. The hand on his cheek moved to his hair while her other hand moved to his chest, slipping under his robe. She brought her leg up, placing her foot against the counter behind her, her knee bent and resting against his hip.


Parker shivered a little more when he felt Nate's kiss on his neck and he bit his lip. Although Nate's words didn't exactly sound right, in his current state Parker couldn't put his finger on why. The only thing he could focus on was how his voice was like silk. "If...if it's ok then..." He slurred, turning his head to drunkenly look at Nate.

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

Kite leaned against the counter. "Well geez! Didn't think she was gonna bite my ass."

Blaire came back with two ice packs and a gift bag with the cooler of blood bags inside. "Here ya go. Also, I changed the price for blood to 16 only for you guys. But don't tell anyone." She winked.

Carter took an ice pack and placed it over his crotch. He sighed as he felt it sooth that area.
Charles leaned further in. Slipping his hands under her shirt as he moved his lips to kiss her neck. Getting to her collar bone.
Nate smiled. He cupped his chin. "Of course it is." He slipped a tongue into his mouth as he kissed him.

They appeared in the only bedroom available. Nate had Parker on the bed. His wings sprouted. He was on top of him. Continuing to kiss him as he began to unbutton his shirt.

shadowess - March 9, 2021

Sebastian smiled at Blaire and handed her his card. "Thanks Blaire. Uh, this is Tom by the way." He nodded his head to Tom who waved at her awkwardly. "He's new to being a vampire. "And this is Kite." He then said, looking over at Kite. "Kite is human but he knows everything." He explained. "Could you do us a favor? He ever decides to come here for drinks on his own again, could you give one of us a heads up?"

Having not seen the man who'd grabbed her earlier, the girl had returned to the club and managed to sneak her way inside. She skulked in the shadows of the club, slipping money out of people's pockets and replacing their wallets and purses without them noticing.


She felt his hands on her bare skin, his kisses moving down to her neck. She tilted her head back, shivering at his touch and letting out a shaky breath. Smiling and moaning softly from how he made her feel. She kissed the side of his head as his kisses moved to her collarbone. Her hand under his robe moving down to undo it and push it off his shoulders.

(Private Time)


Nate kissed him and Parker felt his tongue caressing his own. He kissed Nate back, becoming lost in his passion. Before he knew it, he was laying on a bed with Nate on top of him. He looked up and saw his wings, the sight filling him with excitement as he continued to kiss him back. He knew his shirt was coming undone and moaned excitedly, lifting his hands to also remove Nate's shirt.

(And Private time as well lol)

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

Kite pressed the ice pack on his head. He flinched as it touched him.

Blaire swiped the card then handed it back to him. She waved at Tom. "Hey." She gave a look at Kite. "I think I've met him long enough." She gave a thumbs up. "I'll be sure to let you know."

"Hey! That bitch is stealing everybody's money!" ,said Hades who pointed at the teenager.

Carter quickly threw the ice pack at the teen. Hitting her hard on the head. Knocking her out. He took the money out, wallets, and handbags. Giving them back to everybody. He lifted her off the floor. Putting her over his shoulder. "Looks like we've got another case. I'm going to have to take her into the officer for questioning. We should head home now."

shadowess - March 9, 2021

When Hades pointed the girl out, Sebastian and Tom had whirled around to look in her direction as well. Spooked, the girl started running towards the exit when the icepack struck the side of her head and she fell to the floor with a grunt.
Sebastian had winced when he saw how the icepack had hit her but guessed she deserved it after hurting Carter and stealing money from people. He nodded and they headed out to the car. "Do you want to sit in the back with her to keep an eye on her while I drive?" He suggested in case she woke up in the car. His nose creased at her smell. She smelled like she hadn't bathed or washed her clothes in a while.

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

"Sure. It'll give me a good excuse to punch her if she tries to escape." Carter nodded at Kite. "By the way, you're coming with us. We need a bodyguard for this." "Woo!" Kite followed them. Sitting next to Carter who had buckled the teen in the backseat.

shadowess - March 9, 2021

"Maybe don't be too rough with her?" Sebastian suggested. "I know she hurt you earlier but look at her...she's just a kid." He took Carter's car keys and got into the drivers side. Tom sat in the front passenger seat. As they drove, Sebastian had already had the forethought to lock the doors in case she woke up and tried to open the door to escape. Thankfully, she didn't start coming to until they were pulling up at the office. Just as he turned the engine off he heard her groaning in the back seat, her eyes not open yet as she moved her head a little woozily. He unlocked the doors and got out. Tom followed.

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

Carter sighed. "Fine. I'll be careful."

He lifted her out of the car and over his shoulder again. "Wakey wakey kid. Time for you to answer some questions."

Kite followed inside the house as everybody was now in. Carter set her on the couch. Once the door was locked, Kite took out some cuffs and placed them over her wrists.

"Good thinking Kite."

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shadowess - March 9, 2021

By the time the kid was blinking her eyes open, she was already on the couch with her hands in cuffs. Sebastian was sitting in one of the chairs close by and Tom was leaning against the far wall, all eyes on her. Realizing she was in an unfamiliar place and surrounded by strangers, her eyes widened and she immediately started looking around for the nearest exit, planning on running.

Her own pockets felt lighter and she knew they must've taken all the money she'd stolen. She became both angry and frightened. Angry because she'd been collecting that money all night and frightened of what might happen to her if she didn't deliver that money to her 'boss'. She looked up fearfully and guiltily at Carter. She recognized him as the man she'd punched earlier.

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

"Now, take a deep breath and calm down kid. We don't want to hurt you. We just want to know why you're pick pocketing people at the club. But if you try to escape then we will have to tackle you. Got it?" ,said Carter.

shadowess - March 9, 2021

The girl didn't move. Just stared at Carter as if frozen to the couch. Now that they were in a well lit area, Sebastian could see the state she was in. How thin she was. How dirty she was. This was a familiar sight to him. He'd been in this position himself when he'd been human. "You're homeless, aren't you?" He asked gently. The girls eyes darted to him but she didn't answer. He kept a steady gaze. "When was the last time you ate something?" This question gained a reaction. Albeit a small one. Her lower lip quivered for a second as though she wanted to cry but she took a breath and kept her composure, staring hard at Sebastian silently.

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

"I'll go see if I can find something in the kitchen."

Carter went over there. He whipped up a sandwich and brought it over. "Here. I made this. Figured you'd want that."

He set it on the table. "Now, I've got to ask. Would you mind if we helped you out?"

shadowess - March 9, 2021

They were quiet as Carter dipped out to make some food for the girl. The kid's eyes moved from person to person suspiciously. The cuffs on her wrists rattling a little was the only give away that she was shaking. This wasn't normal. Any other police officer would have taken her to the station where she'd be put back into the system. What was this place? Who were these people?

When Carter set the food down in front of her, she immediately leant forward and starting eating it hungrily. Too starved to care about her position while there was food in the room. Sebastian watched her, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth, resting his elbow on the arm of the chair as he watched how desperate she was to simply eat something. He glanced over at Carter, giving him a worried look as she ate.

When she'd finished she looked back up at Carter and hesitated. "H-how?" She asked quietly.
"Let's start with something simple?" Sebastian suggested, lowering his hand from his mouth. "What's your name?" The kid hesitated again, looking between them all nervously. "It's alright. We want to help but you need to talk to us first." Sebastian said gently, seeing her fear.
"N-Neva..." She replied in a quiet voice.
"How old are you, Neva?"
"F-fif-fifteen..." Her eyes began to water.

"It's ok. It's ok." Sebastian said softly, seeing her tears. He then looked at her more seriously. "You were pulling in an awful lot of money for one kid...you could've stopped at one or two but no, you just kept going...so, who's the ringleader?" He asked sternly. Neva's eyes widened fearfully and she flustered. "H-how-?"
"I've been in your position." Sebastian explained. "If there was one thing I learned, it's that kids who pickpocket that much usually report to some kind of leader who keeps most of the profit and distributes a small amount among their 'workers' so they can just about survive but have to continue to rely on the leader to get by." The kid had turned pale and looked terrified. This caused Sebastian to frown. "You don't need to be afraid. We won't let them hurt you."

"I-I can't..." She shook her head.
"It's ok-"
"N-no, you don't understand!" Neva started to cry. "H-he'll kill me!"
As the girl began to panic, the lights in the living room flickered. The temperature of the room dipping just a little.


Panting and covered in sweat, Parker lay sprawled out on the bed, smiling and staring at the ceiling which seemed to be spinning a little. "Woah..." He breathed, in awe of how Nate had made him feel. As he felt his heart rate returning to normal and he caught his breath, he soon felt a little sick. Not just because he was drunk, but because he was beginning to realize what he'd just done and how Tom might react if he ever found out.

His heart rate increased a little again and he began to feel incredibly guilty. "I...I shouldn't have done that..." He started slowly then lifted his hands up to grip the sides of his head. "Oh god, I shouldn't have done that!" His nausea got the better of him and he flung himself from the bed, racing to the bathroom to vomit into the toilet. The entire time he was throwing up he was convincing himself that he should never tell anyone about this. Tom can never know what they did!

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

Kite started rubbing his arms as he shivered. "I-It's freezing!"

Carter placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey Neva. It's alright. We'll protect you from him. We're not humans. We have powers."
Nate gently rubbed his back. "I only did it to make you feel better. You don't have to worry about what Tom thinks. I'm sure he would understand."

shadowess - March 9, 2021

Neva had flinched when Carter touched her shoulder then looked at him as she realized he wasn't about to hurt her. Concealed by her hoodie were dozens of bruises covering her arms and torso. Instead, he told her they'd protect her and that they weren't humans. She blinked and looked between them for a moment. "Y-you're not?" She asked quietly between breaths. She seemed to think for a moment and as she began to calm down a bit, the lights and temperature returned to normal. "T-Tricky Ricky..." She said the name, almost fearful that the name itself would hurt her.

Tricky Ricky (Aka Rickster the Trickster) was fast becoming a notorious criminal that has evaded arrest numerous times. Currently wanted for theft, drug dealing, pandering sex workers, assault, rape and suspected of a number of murders. Yet anytime any officers get close to finding him, he slips through their grasp as though he just vanishes before they can reach him. "H-he's not human either." Neva said, shaking. "He has powers too...and he uses them to hurt people...I-if we disobey him, he hurts us...if we try to run or rat him out...h-he...he..." She lowered her head to her hands and started crying again, absolutely terrified that he might find out that she snitched on him.


Parker gripped the toilet seat tightly as he threw up some more while Nate spoke to him. He was shaking and crying. He shook his head a little and tried to catch his breath so that he could speak. "N-no..." He slurred into a groan. "Th-this will hurt him...we betrayed him...w-we shouldn't have done it...it wasn't right..."

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

"S-So....cold....." Kite collapsed.

"Check on him, Sebastian." Carter held her hand. "Don't worry. We won't let him hurt you. We'll put a stop to his bullshit. You can stay here for however long you need to. If there isn't enough room here then you can stay at my other house. I'll have someone guard you."
"I don't get it! I do this as a service for humans! So that they can feel better! You're not feeling better! Why don't you like this? I don't understand!" Nate's wings fluttered rapidly as the mirror cracked and the door splintered.

He disappeared.

shadowess - March 9, 2021

Sebastian immediately knelt by Kite and checked his temperature and pulse. "Bloody alcohol!" He cursed. The alcohol had lowered his body temperature already so combining that with how cold this room had gotten so quick may have caused minor hypothermia. "I'm sure he's fine but I'll take him to the hospital just to be safe." He said as he picked him up and ran rapidly with him to the hospital.

Neva looked up tearfully as Carter told her they'd protect her and she leant her head against his shoulder, wanting to hug him but the cuffs on her wrists making that difficult. She flinched again at the smashing noise upstairs. Tom looked up at the ceiling briefly, wondering what was going on up there. Then brought his attention back to the girl as he stepped away from the wall and stopped in the middle of the room. "Maybe staying at your other house isn't such a bad idea...I'll go with her, if you want. Keep an eye on her?" He said to Carter then looked at Neva. "Would you like a drink of something? I can go get it for you? I could make you a hot chocolate?" Neva looked over at Tom hesitantly then tried to smile as she nodded her head. "Okay." Tom nods too then heads into the kitchen to make the drink for her.


Looking up at Nate as he seemed to lose his temper, Parker's eyes widened and he covered his head with his arms when he started moving his wings, damaging the mirror and the door. When he'd gone, Parker looked around the little bathroom fearfully. It took him a couple of minutes to calm down again. Once he was a little calmer, he flushed the toilet and stood, stumbling towards the door while trying not to stand on any splinters with his bare feet.

He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the shattered mirror and gasped, backing up against the wall with wide eyes. It was that face again. Grinning at him as though it had some sort of twisted pride in what he'd done. Parker shut his eyes tightly and shook his head a little then opened his eyes. When he looked back at the mirror, his reflection was back to normal. Breathing a little heavily, he left the room, wanting to get away from the mirror. He went back into the bedroom and crawled under the sheets, crying into the pillow until he passed out.

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

Kite was shivering in Sebastian's arms. He clutched his shirt. "D-Dark.....So dark....."
"I don't think you need these anymore." Carter took the handcuffs off of her. He nodded at Tom. "That's a good idea. There's still plenty of food in the fridge there and enough blood bags for you that we had to leave when the house was attacked. Thankfully, we don't have to worry about that."

He gently rubbed the back of her head. "Hey, I'm going to check on that noise. You stay here with Tom. Ok?"

He headed upstairs and went to the bathroom. "What the-?!" He saw the damage that had been done. He knocked on one of the bedroom doors. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

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shadowess - March 9, 2021

"Just hang on, Kite. We're almost there!" Sebastian said as he ran. He was listening to his heartbeat the whole time to make sure he would make it. They arrived at the hospital and Sebastian had to slow his running down drastically to avoid being caught on cameras running at such a speed.

He walked through the doors and immediately shouted at the nurses nearby to help him. They rushed over and fussed over Kite, hurriedly placing him on a stretcher and wheeling him away. Sebastian stood around helplessly, waiting to hear if he's alright. All the while he kept looking out of the windows, making sure he wouldn't run out of time to stick around. He would need to leave when the sun started to rise.


Neva smiled when Carter took the cuffs off her. She rubbed her wrists then nodded quietly at him when he told her to stay put. It didn't take Tom long to return with the mug of hot chocolate. He set it down in front of her and sat in the nearby armchair. Neva picked it up straight away and Tom lifted a hand. "Be careful! it's still very-" Then he trailed off as he watched her blow onto the drink, her eyes turning white as she did and the hot chocolate cooled down to her desired temperature. When she stopped blowing, her eyes returned to normal and she took a few big gulps of the hot chocolate with a smile. Tom grinned, looking at her in amazement. "Ok, that's pretty cool." He said and Neva raised an eyebrow at him. He chuckled. "No pun intended..."


Parker was out cold but his dreams kept him tossing and turning.

He was back in the penthouse, looking around in confusion. "Guys?" He called out, walking around. He tried to leave but the door wouldn't budge. He tried opening the balcony door too but it was stuck fast. "Guys?!" He called out again, turning around to walk back to the door only to come face to face with himself. He stared at himself in confusion. The other version on him was paler. His eyes turned red. He grinned at the way Parker looked at him and Parker saw the fangs. This was the other version of Alex. The Blood God version. The insane version.

"I'm getting tired of waiting, Parker." Alex said to him and Parker took a step back.
"Waiting for what?"
"For you to die." Alex's arm shot out and gripped the scruff of Parker's shirt. "Because until you do, I'm stuck in here!" He pointed to Parker's head. "Stuck to watch you flail about in a human life. Clumsy. Naïve. Pathetic!"
"Get off me!"

In reality, Parker's sleeping body stood up from the bed and began walking towards one of the windows.

In his dream, Alex had pulled Parker close to him. "I want you to die. I NEED you to die. The world needs to know who it's true ruler is! Hell needs a stronger leader than that weak woman!" He growled at Parker.
Parker struggled to pull away from him, staring at him in terror. "Get off!"
"My time is now." Alex gripped Parker's hair, yanking his head back as he plunged his fangs into his throat. Parker yelped and struggled to break free, feeling the venom begin to weaken him.

Meanwhile his sleeping body had unlocked the latches on the window and climbed up onto the edge, ready to jump.

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

Kite was in a hospital bed covered in a few blankets. He was starting to become more warm. His temperature was rising to its normal numbers. His heart rate was stable.

A nurse walked over to Sebastian. "He's stable but sleeping so you won't be able to talk to him. You can still see him if you would like to."

Carter opened the door when he heard the commotion. "Parker!" He yanked him from the window. Making both him and himself hit the floor.

shadowess - March 9, 2021

Sebastian nodded to the nurse and followed them into the room where Kite was sleeping. Glad to see he was alright, but was disappointed that he didn't have a lot of time left. Not if he wanted to make it back to Carter's in time. So wouldn't be here when he woke up. He went down to the little gift shop and bought him a get well card which he signed from them all at Carter's office. He then put his and Carter's number at the bottom so that he could call them as soon as he felt better. He left the card in the room with him before running back to Carter's office.


Parker's still sleeping body fell next to Carter's.
In the dream, when Carter had shouted his name, Parker heard it coming from the penthouse door. Parker continued struggling to get out of Alex's grip. Growing more and more desperate. "CARTER! HELP! PLEASE HELP!!" He shouted back, tears streaming down his face.

Back in the bedroom, Parker turned his head this way and that while mumbling in his sleep "Help...h-help me...help..." A moment later, his eyes snapped open and he screamed, hurriedly backing up across the floor until his back hit the wall. He looked around the room wildly until his eyes fell on Carter. "Wh-what happened?" He looked around the room again, terrified that this was still a dream and Alex was lurking somewhere nearby. "Where is he!?"

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

Carter stood. "Where's who?" He walked over. "You should sit down. Just take a deep breath and relax."

shadowess - March 9, 2021

Parker was shaking as he caught his breath. His body drenched in sweat and the open window making him feel cold. He looked at Carter when he asked who he was talking about but didn't answer. How do you explain that you were just attacked by yourself in a dream? He nodded at Carter's suggestion to try to relax and he stood up, walking over to the bed where he sat down and tried to steady his breathing. "I-it was just a nightmare..." He said finally, wiping the sweat from his face. He looked up at Carter with an expression of mild confusion. "What were we doing on the floor?"

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

Carter locked the window before sitting next to him. "You almost jumped out the window." He shook his head. "Parker, tell me what you saw in that nightmare. It might help if you explain everything to me."

shadowess - March 9, 2021

Hearing what Carter said about him almost jumping out of the window, Parker tensed and stared at him with wide eyes. When he suggested he tell him what happened in the nightmare, Parker nodded, shaken by what had happened. He took a deep breath and explained what he'd seen in his dream. What the other version of him had said and what he did.

By the time he was finished he was shaking again. Now seeing a relation to what Parker had seen in the mirror earlier, he also decided it was probably best to tell Carter about that too. "Th-that's not all..." He'd said slowly. "Earlier, before coming to bed...I went to wash my face and...my reflection in the mirror...it was just for a second but I swear it was him! The other me!"

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

Carter sighed. "Listen." He wrapped an arm around him. Bringing him close. "You can't let that part of you get to you. He's already dead. You're not. You're better than him. Stronger than him. You've got a family and he's got nothing."

shadowess - March 9, 2021

Parker listened to Carter, comforted by what he said. Maybe he was right. Maybe this was all just in his head. Just something he needed to work through. Parker nodded with a small smile. "Thanks Carter." He said quietly then looked around the room warily. "I should probably try to get some sleep but...what if I sleep walk again?"

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

"I'll sleep on the floor and keep an eye on you. I'm going to get myself a bag real quick and tell the others downstairs that I'll be staying with you. In the meantime, just hang in there."

Carter headed downstairs. He walked to the kitchen where he grabbed a bag and drank it all up. He threw it in the trash can with a sigh. He walked to Tom and Neva. "Hey, I'm going to keep an eye on Parker. You two should head to the house right now. I'll give you the address and my number in case anything happens. You can take the car there."

He tossed the keys at Tom. "My house key's attached to that chain too." He wrote down the address and his number on a notepad then gave the ripped page to him. "Anyway, stay safe guys. I'll check on you two later."

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shadowess - March 9, 2021

Tom got to his feet when Carter came back and told them to go to his house. He nodded and caught the keys. Neva quietly got to her feet and stood near Tom. "Is he alright?" Tom asked, concerned. As soon as he asked this, the front door opened and Sebastian hurried in, sweating a little as the air outside had started warming up with the rising sun. He saw Carter, Tom and Neva standing in the living room as he walked in, panting a little. "Kite's fine. Mild hypothermia. He's resting up at the hospital now." He explained and saw the look on Carter's face. "What's happened?"

Upstairs, Parker waited for Carter to get back before even attempting to lay down. Knowing he'd fall asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He looked at the window, shivering at the thought that he'd almost flung himself out of it. He looked out at the sun rising on the horizon. "Oh, right!" He said as he remembered Carter would be coming back in a minute. He hurriedly moved over to the windows to draw the heavy curtains closed. Shutting out the sunlight.

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

"He's going to be fine. He just had a nightmare. That's all."

Carter raised a brow at Sebastian. "Looks like you'll have to hold off on the trip. Seems like the sun is out."

He smiled. "No need to worry. Like I told Tom, he just had a nightmare but he needs someone to be there with him. So I'm heading over. I'll see you guys later."

He headed upstairs and into the bedroom. "Hey Parker? I'm back. How are you feeling right now?"

shadowess - March 9, 2021

Sebastian watched Carter head up the stairs and then turned to Tom. "Who had a nightmare?"
"Parker. A pretty bad one by the sounds of it. Heard something smashing earlier..." Tom explained and Sebastian nodded before looking at Neva. "And how are you feeling now?"
Neva simply smiled and nodded. "She seems to be alright." Tom said when she stayed quiet. "I think she's just shy."

Sebastian nodded once more and looked her over. "Hmm...When Vincent and Elliot wake up, I'll see if they wouldn't mind going out and buying you some new clothes...in the meantime, I'm sure we have some spare clothes somewhere..."
Sebastian wandered into the laundry room where he found some clothes that looked like they might fit Neva and brought them back into the living room. He passed them to Neva and pointed up the stairs. "The bathroom is upstairs. Feel free to get yourself washed up. Bring your old clothes down when you're done and I'll get them washed for you."

Neva took the clothes and stared at Sebastian as he pointed her towards the bathroom. "Thanks..." She said quietly before going up the stairs.

Once she was gone, Sebastian sat in one of the chairs "Are we ever going to just have a calm day where nothing happens?" he said with a heavy sigh. Tom also sat nearby, chuckling at Sebastian's comment.


Parker had been pacing a bit when Carter walked in. He relaxed and nodded at Carter. "I'm alright. Just tired." He replied, heading over to the bed and laying down. His eyelids feeling heavy as soon as he rested his head on the pillow. "Thanks Carter. I really appreciate this." He said sleepily as he began to doze off.

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

Elliot groaned as he walked slowly downstairs. "Freaking hangover is killing me." There was redness around his wrists as if he had been tied up.
"No problem." Carter sniffed the room. "I don't mean to bother you but was Nate here a couple of minutes ago or so?"

shadowess - March 9, 2021

"Ah! Speak of the devil..." Sebastian said, getting up and grinning at Elliot, trying not to look at his wrists. "Elliot, when you've had some breakfast, I have a favor to ask. If that's alright?"


Thank God Parker wasn't facing Carter or he might have seen how pale his face turned at the mention of Nate. His guilt rose in him again and he couldn't help his heart flutter a little from nerves. "I-I don't know..." Parker lied. "Pretty sure he's used both bedrooms at some point..."

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

"Yeah sure." He walked into the kitchen. He started whipping up some scrambled eggs and bacon.
"I worked in law enforcement long enough to know that you're not telling me the truth, Parker." Carter frowned. "Please be honest with me."

shadowess - March 9, 2021

Sebastian poked his head into the kitchen as Elliot began cooking. "Any chance you could make two portions? We have a very hungry guest who'll be rejoining us very soon. I'm sure she'd appreciate some more food." He asked politely before sitting back down in the living room.


Parker brought his hand up to bite his thumb nail nervously as Carter called him out on his lying. He felt his face grow a little hot as his heart beat a bit harder. "He was here..." He said shakily. His stomach ached from the guilt he felt.

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

"Sure thing. Tell Amelia I said hi." Elliot started making more scrambled eggs and bacon.
Carter sat at the edge of the bed. "Take a deep breath and just calm down. Now, what was he doing here?"

shadowess - March 9, 2021

"Amelia?" Sebastian called back. "Oh, no. It's not Amelia...it's- oh here she is now."
Neva had come back down the stairs wearing the jeans which were too baggy for her and held up with a belt. She was still wearing the dirty hoody but carrying the rest of her old clothes. Sebastian got to his feet and looked at her. Apart from the hoodie, she looked a lot cleaner. Her white hair was vibrant now that it wasn't caked in grease and dirt. "That's better! Although, you're jacket could do with a clean as well, don't you think?" He suggested and she lowered her eyes to the ground. "C'mon, it's alright. I'm only going to give it a clean. You can have it back after." He tried to reassure her but she shook her head shyly.

Tom got to his feet and walked over as well. "It's ok. You're with friends here. You can trust us." He tried in a soft tone, coming to a stop next to Sebastian.
Neva hesitated then put her clothes down and unzipped the hoodie. She wore the clean shirt Sebastian had given her underneath but as she pulled it off, both Sebastian and Tom's eyes widened at she amount of bruising which covered both her arms. Neva put the hoodie with the rest of her dirty clothes and passed them to Sebastian who took them off her silently. "Right...um...so, Elliot is making some breakfast. Feel free to take a seat and relax. I'll just put these through the wash..." He said before walking towards the washroom.
Tom placed a comforting hand around her shoulders and walked her towards the kitchen. "Elliot, this is Neva. She's going to be staying with us for a little bit while we help her."


Parker took a few breaths to try to calm himself down. There was no fooling Carter. He was going to have to be honest with him. "I...got really drunk...While you guys were out...and Nate...he came onto me..." Parker explained, feeling sick. "I'm sorry..." He cried. "I fucked up!"

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

Elliot jumped and nearly dropped the spatula. "Why does she have white hair and why are her eyes so....cold looking? Like ice or something? And are those bruises?"
Carter sighed. "No, it's not your fault. You were drunk. Nate was the one who was being a jackass. I'll have a talk with him about this. I've got to go downstairs and tell Tom though. I know you're not going to like that idea but I can't lie to him about this. You can come with me and talk to him if it'll make you feel better about the situation."

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shadowess - March 9, 2021

With how Elliot reacted to seeing her, Neva became very self conscious and hid behind Tom shyly. "Hey, easy man. She's been through a lot." Tom said calmly and turned to look at Neva. "It's ok. He's nice, I promise."
Sebastian came back through the kitchen after putting Neva's clothes through the wash. "Hey Elliot, so about that favor. Once you've eaten of course. Would you and Vincent mind going out and getting Neva some new clothes? I'd go but it's daylight out."


Parker covered his face with his hands and cried into them as Carter told him it wasn't his fault but Tom would need to be told. He knew he was right but didn't have the nerve to face Tom right now. He shook his head while wiping a few tears away.

Denix Vames - March 9, 2021

"Oh! Sorry about that. I won't be asking any more questions then."

Elliot put the scrambled eggs and bacon on two plates. There was enough for both of them. "Sure. It'd be nice to go out and do something different."

He handed her a plate. "Here's your breakfast." He placed a spoon on the plate. "Hope ya like it."
Carter gently rubbed his back. "I'll be back to check on you."

He went downstairs. He walked into the kitchen. He nervously cleared his throat. "Hey Tom? I need to talk to you privately."

shadowess - March 10, 2021

Neva took the plate and looked at the spoon with a smirk. "Thanks." She said quietly and when Elliot moved into the living room, she subtly switched the spoon for a fork. She then walked into the living room after him and sat down, eating the food just as hungrily as she'd eaten the sandwich that Carter had given her earlier.
Sebastian watched Carter curiously but stayed quiet as he also moved into the living room to sit with the others. Tom looked at Carter and could see by his expression that whatever it was that he needed to talk to him about, it was serious. "Okay?" He said and followed Carter quietly.

Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

Elliot started eating. "Whoa. Slow down there. You want to savor the flavor."

Carter sighed. "Look, I really don't know how to say this but...." He swallowed. "Nate and Parker had sex." He raised his arms as if he was ready to get yelled at. "Now, don't blame Parker for this. Apparently, he was drunk and Nate came onto him."

He lowered his arms. "I'm sorry that any of this happened."

shadowess - March 10, 2021

Neva looked up with a mouth full of scrambled egg when Elliot told her to slow down. She looked back down at her plate thoughtfully. So used to eating quickly in case her food was snatched from her, she couldn't remember the last time she'd been able to relax and eat at her own pace. Swallowing what was in her mouth she nodded at Elliot with a small smile then started eating the rest a bit slower.


Tom stared at Carter as he broke the news. Is that what the noise and the 'nightmare' had been about earlier?! His eyes had widened and his face grew very red as he just stood and stared in shock at Carter while he quickly defended Parker. He brought both his hands up to cover his mouth while he leant against the wall and slid down it to sit on the floor. It felt like his heart was tearing open in his chest as he began to sob quietly. He was both furious and heartbroken.

Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

Elliot smiled back. He continued to eat. Nate appeared. He flapped his wings. "Looks like Neva's here. Nice to meet you." "Don't be scared. He's one of us. He can read minds by the way in case you wanted to know."
Carter sat next to him. He gently rubbed his shoulder. "Hey, it's going to be ok. You just need to talk to Nate about this."

shadowess - March 10, 2021

When Nate appeared, Neva looked up and stared at him. Her eyes moving to his wings and she stared at them in wonder. She was gripping her fork tightly as she stared. She'd never seen an Angel before. "H-hi." She mumbled nervously then went back to eating what was left on her plate.


"Talk about what?!" Tom snapped, unable to control his emotions. "How he stabbed me in the back?!"

Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

Nate turned to the shouting. He walked into the kitchen. "Tom?" He frowned. "Tom, I didn't do it to betray you. I did it to help Parker. I'm a Sex Angel. I use to do this for many humans for decades. It makes them feel happy."

Carter stood. He silently left them along to converse. He went back upstairs to Parker. "They're talking."

shadowess - March 10, 2021

"He was drunk!" Tom yelled at him. "How exactly does fucking him help him!?" He got to his feet and faced Nate angrily. "If you wanted to help him, you could have just talked to him! helped him sober up! anything other than sticking your dick in him!" Tom was breathing heavily, his fists clenched and tears streaming down his cheeks as he glared at Nate.


Parker hadn't slept yet, worried about how Tom was going to react. He heard Carter come back into the room and tell him they were talking. Only a second after he'd said that, Tom's yelling could be heard coming from downstairs. "Fuck..." Parker groaned and covered his face again.


Sebastian turned towards the kitchen when Tom started yelling at Nate then looked back at Neva and Elliot hurriedly. "I think now might be a good time for you to do some shopping. Take Neva with you, she shouldn't be here for this. Here..." He passed his credit card to Elliot. "Buy whatever she needs."

Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

Tears started streaming down Nate's face. He turned away. "I was assigned that job. I was made to do this. I'm sorry if I'm still trying to understand humans but it's not exactly easy."

His wings started flapping as the glass in the kitchen broke and shattered. He glared. "Do you think I wanted to be this type of monster?! To be made like this? I want to know you better! I want to know that what I did was wrong but I don't!"

He frowned. "I don't...."
Carter rubbed his back. "Don't worry. I've had arguments like those before. I'm sure they'll resolve things at some point." He frowned. His grip on his shirt tightened. His lips quivered. Tears silently ran down his cheeks.
Elliot set his empty plate on the table. "Alright. I'm sure things will be fine when we get back." He put the card in his wallet. He grabbed the keys to Carter's car and took her hand. "C'mon Neva. Let's get you some overalls so you can look like Uncle Elliot here."

They left the house.

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shadowess - March 10, 2021

Tom opened his mouth to say something when Nate said understanding humans wasn't easy when the glass in the room began to shatter around him. Making him jump and shield his face with his arms. He stared at the way Nate looked at him and shook, listening. When he'd finished speaking, Tom started sobbing. He was still angry but he knew that there was no point in yelling.

He wasn't sure of what to make of Nate's explanation. A part of him still wanted to be angry with Nate for what he did but he was also beginning to understand why he does what he does. As he cried into his hands, he could begin to feel his anger ebbing away, being replaced by a sadness and confusion. He didn't want to get hurt again but he didn't want to lose Nate either. So what do they do now?


Parker had been crying into his hands as Carter tried to comfort him. Sniffing, and wiping some of his tears away, Parker turned his head to look at Carter. "Why are you crying?"

Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

"M-Maybe we should take a break. Think about what we want from each other and then come back and talk. I don't know how long the break should be. But I don't want you to think that you have to make up your mind so quickly."

Nate turned around. His back facing him. "I'm sorry for hurting you. I use to do that to humans in the past but I never realized how bad it was until I met you. I know now that I need to be a better person. But I can't do that if I'm here. I have to be alone. To know what it means to lose."

His wings lowered. "Goodbye Tom." He disappeared.
Carter looked away from him. Enclosing his hands together. "Because I cheated on my husband once. When I still had my family around, I had gone behind Jack's back and slept with Kite. It was just one of those days where everything was shitty and my head was pounding. I just wanted to relax. To forget for one second that the damn city wasn't relying on me. So I had sex with Kite. And everyday, I feel like shit for hurting my husband the way I did. To just do something like that and keep it all bottled up."

He shook his head. "It was so fucked."

shadowess - March 10, 2021

When he suggested they take a break, Tom lowered his hands and stared at Nate. He knew it was for the best but he didn't want to let Nate go. A part of him wanted to reach out and stop him from leaving but he also wanted some time alone to think it all through. Once he was gone, he fell to his knees, crying into his hands once more. His heart hurting so much.

Sebastian walked over to the doorway to make sure they were alright, to see Tom alone and crying on the floor. He walked in quietly and knelt next to him, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. "C'mon..." He whispered. "Let's go sit in the other room. Hmm?" He helped Tom to his feet and walked him over to the couch where he sat him down. He then left the room momentarily and came back with tissues for him. "Take your time." He said gently as he sat close by.


Parker sat up as he listened to Carter's confession. It made Parker realize that, maybe he did understand how he felt right now. It was an awful position to be in. The guilt alone can swallow you whole. Parker hugged him, trying to comfort Carter as well. When he pulled away, he seemed to be listening for a moment. "It's quiet..." He pointed out.

Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

Carter listened too. Waiting for a sound. He looked at the door. "Usually that's a good or a bad thing. I'm hoping it's the first."

shadowess - March 10, 2021

Parker nods and lays back down on the bed. "I'm-...I'm guna try to sleep..." He said quietly as he turned away from Carter and closes his eyes. Now he might have some trouble but he knew there was nothing else he could do right now.

Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

Carter shook his head. "I can't leave you in this room. If you're going to sleep then it's gonna be in the other room."

shadowess - March 10, 2021

Parker turned back to look at Carter again, confused. "Other room?" He asked sleepily. If he meant the other bedroom, he was sure Elliot and Vincent were in there, having not seen Elliot leave. He hoped he didn't mean the living room where Tom probably was. He still didn't want to face him.

Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

"Well yeah. I'll go see if anyone's in there." Carter left and knocked on the door to the other bedroom. "Hey! Is someone awake in there?"

Vincent slightly opened the door. "Hmm?" "I'm gonna need you to switch bedrooms for me. Parker needs to be over here. Just to keep him safe." "Alright. Hold on."

He quickly changed before opening. "I've got to go see Elliot anyway." He headed downstairs.

Carter walked back to the bedroom. "Hey Parker. You can come over and rest."

shadowess - March 10, 2021

Getting to his feet when Carter called him, Parker moved into the other bedroom. "Thanks..." He said to Carter on his way in.


By this point, Tom had calmed down and was no longer sobbing. His eyes were red and slightly swollen from all the crying though. Sebastian looked up when he saw Vincent descending the stairs. "Morning." He greeted him. "Elliot's just nipped out. He's helping a new guest buy some clothes." He explained. "Though be careful if you're thinking of just appearing near him. The guest with him knows about us but she's a little jumpy...and flighty." Tom looked up at Vincent quietly then looked back down at the ground, not in the mood to talk to anyone or have to explain why he was upset.

Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

Carter smiled. "No problem. Just try to get some sleep."

He headed downstairs.
Vincent nodded. "I don't know. I might stay here if he can handle himself when it comes to taking care of a kid." He looked at Tom. "You don't have to tell me anything. I already know what you're talking about. And I'm sorry to hear that."

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shadowess - March 10, 2021

Tom nodded in response to Vincent but stayed quiet. When Carter came downstairs as well, Sebastian got up and walked over to him, wrapping his arms around him. It had been another day full of drama and he felt exhausted both mentally and emotionally. He could see Carter looked a bit upset and wanted to comfort him as well. "Elliot's taken Neva out to get her some new clothes." He explained and pulled away a little to look at him, keeping his arms around his shoulders. "I put her old clothes in the wash...Her arms were covered in bruises..." He shook his head a little, sadly. "We have to find that bastard and put a stop to what he's doing."

Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

Carter pressed his hands over his back. Keeping him close. Resting his head over his shoulder. "We will. I promise you that we will."

Vincent walked into the kitchen. He saw the mess. He whistled. "Geez. This is what I missed huh?"

shadowess - March 10, 2021

Sebastian sighed softly as Carter held him and he rested his head against his, closing his eyes. He kissed the side of his head. "I don't know about you...but I'm exhausted after today..." He said quietly. "I'm sure Neva will be fine with the others for a few hours. Why don't we try to get some sleep?"
Tom stared off into space as Vincent wandered over to the kitchen.


Neva followed Elliot around the stores, almost constantly looking over her shoulders to make sure she didn't get recognized by anyone. Still shy around Elliot, she barely spoke a word since they left the house. The first stop they made was to buy a sweater for her to wear so as to cover her bruises up. The last thing they needed was to get held up by a concerned cop or citizen who saw her injuries and made assumptions.

Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

Carter sniffled then smiled. "Honestly, I could use some." They headed upstairs into the bedroom.

Vincent walked over to Tom and sat next to him. "I'm sorry about my comment. I should have been more respectful." He touched his arm. "Do you want to do something to take your mind off of it?"
Elliot had bought her a red sweater to hide her from the Trickster.

"Now, I'm thinking overalls and a funny shirt. What about you? What sorts of colors do you like?"

shadowess - March 10, 2021

Tom looked up at Vincent curiously. He'd love nothing more than to not have to think about Nate or Parker for a while. "Like what?" He asked.


Walking by Elliot's side, Neva looked up at him when he suggested the kinds of clothes she could wear. Having only ever dressed in whatever she was given or was lucky enough to find, Neva had never had much opportunity to develop a preference. "Okay." She said quietly to his suggestion then looked in the shop windows as they walked past. "I like blue...and yellow..." She said, looking back at Elliot with a small smile. She'd never been shopping before. It was kind of fun.

Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

Vincent shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe we could watch some TV."
Elliot smiled. "Those are nice colors sweetie but we have to get you clothes that don't look like the ones you were wearing before."

He walked into a clothing store that had a gothic style to it. "Like something like this!" He picked out a grey shirt with a grim reaper on it and black jeans along with checkered sneakers and some zombie patterned socks.

shadowess - March 10, 2021

Tom thought for a moment then nodded with a small smile. "Sounds good..."


Neva frowned when he pointed out she had to wear something different to what she'd been wearing before. He was right. She didn't want to be found and she didn't want to go back...she couldn't go back...
She followed him into the store and looked at the clothes he picked out for her. They were vastly different from the types of things she'd usually wear. She looked at the shirt with the picture and then at the rest, a small smile growing. "I like these." She said quietly. Then she glanced around the shop and spotted a black leather jacket with studded spikes on it's shoulders. Her eyes lit up and she pointed to it. "That too?"

Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

Vincent smiled. He switched the TV on with the remote. Flipping channels until he found a sitcom.
Elliot chuckled. "Of course." After getting the jacket for her, they left the store. "Why don't we get some burgers? We can eat them when we get back home. It's best to keep moving just to be safe."

shadowess - March 10, 2021

Neva left the store with Elliot, smiling. She had become relaxed around him as they shopped. When he suggested they pick up burgers before heading home, she grinned at him and held his hand, feeling safe with him. "Okay!" she said excitedly.


A guy dressed in torn and worn out clothes was sitting in an alley some ways behind them. He had been snoozing. He stirred and opened his eyes briefly then they shot open when he spotted the girl's white hair. He squinted, unable to tell if it was Neva or just some other kid that happened to have the same colored hair...then again, hair as white as that wasn't exactly a common trait. Stumbling to his feet, he disappeared into the ally.

Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

They went to a burger joint where he got them both a double cheeseburger and a cheeseburger along with large fries, a shake, and soda to go.

The cashier gave him the bag after he paid. He gave her the shake. "That's yours." He had the food in a shopping bag over his shoulder. Making sure that he could still hold her hand as he held his soda in the other.

They headed to the car.

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Shadowess - March 10, 2021

(Do you have any plans for Bryce? Was thinking he might have a run in with an Incubus/succubus in Hell? Maybe he'd stumble into his harem or something? As well as having fun maybe they could team up to get him resurrected or transformed?)

"Thank you" Neva took the shake with a smile and eagerly tried it. Her eyes lit up at the taste and she looked at the pink liquid inside. "I like this!" She said with a grin. By the way she spoke it may become apparent that Neva had been denied most of these little luxuries all her life. She'd drank water and if she was lucky her boss would occasionally give her one of his cans of beer. That was about it.

In the car, she quietly drank the milkshake as they made their way back to the house. The whole time she was looking out of the window and thinking that maybe being hit in the head with an icepack might have been the luckiest thing to ever happen to her.


Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

(sure. that sounds interesting. so itll be an incubus. and do you want me to start the scene?)

Elliot smiled as he was driving. Their stuff was at the backseat of the car. "Well, I'm glad you like it. Shakes are pretty good on any occasion. Even when it gets cold."

He thought for a moment. "So, are you like a werewolf or something? Unless you don't want to answer cause you don't have to. Don't want you feeling uncomfortable or anything like that."


shadowess - March 10, 2021

(Sure. I was thinking of using this bio; https://roleplay.plus/blogs/16/36/desi-dimitriadis So maybe if they ever visit Earth they can cause some trouble among the group by shapeshifting to pretend to be one of them around the others lol)

"I don't mind..." Neva said quietly. She thought for a moment. "I'm not a werewolf...I don't know what I am...all I know is I can make things cold and I can mess with electricity...oh, and I can turn into a cat...or- well...kitten..." She took another sip of her drink, looking out of the window thoughtfully. "He makes me use my powers to steal things... if I don't or if I talk back..." She trailed off, rubbing her arms. "He helped me get out my foster home...they weren't nice to me...they were scared of me so they hurt me...then he found me and said he could teach me how to use my powers..." She explained. She had a faraway look in her eyes as she spoke.


Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

Bryce was still wandering. Trying to find a place where he could collect his thoughts. Maybe he would run into someone who could help him get back to earth?


"Well, I can tell you that no one in our family is going to hurt you cause you're part of it now."

They soon reached the house where he parked the car.


Shadowess - March 10, 2021

(Oh, and does Bryce still have those handcuffs or did Charles remember to go get them off him? lol)

Desi's harem was a huge stone building with dozens of sculptures, intricate cravings in the columns. Some rooms were bathing rooms with heated pools. Some were beautiful gardens. Some were just filled with lounges and pillows. Any soul stumbling into this place would wonder if they'd gone to Heaven...until they met it's owner. Desi was lounging naked, in one of the rooms filled with pillows. He'd taken the form of a toned and muscular man with long, blonde curls. He smoked weed and drank from a wine bottle while his violet eyes moved over the dozens of souls around him pleasing each other. A somewhat bored expression on his face. The sight of naked bodies and the sounds of moans were something he was used to by now.

When his doors opened and a new face entered his pleasure chambers, he looked over curiously. A new soul had found their way to his home. He smirked, his eyes lighting up. A new plaything. He stood, opening his arms wide and smiling. "Welcome!" He strode over to the stranger, looking him over. "Welcome to my home. Don't mind the others." He paused a little ways off, looking over the soul more carefully. "A vampire!" He grinned then clicked his fingers. One of the souls nearby got up and stood by his side, as if in a trance. He picked up a knife from a nearby table and made a small cut in the souls collar, letting the blood drip down. The soul made no reaction to this. "I imagine you're thirsty. You look as though you've been wandering for ages." He said as he gestured to the soul he'd just cut. "Help yourself. I'm sure they won't mind."


Neva looked over at Elliot as they pulled up and blinked at him. "You mean that?" she asked quietly, her eyes hopeful.


Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

(Charles destroyed the handcuffs a long time ago)

Bryce smirked. "I do love the way you run this place. I imagine you're an incubus. I've done a lot of research before I died. And I want you to help me get back to earth. I need to claim someone. The last lover I had was useless."

He sniffed at the soul. "This will not drug me, will it?"


"Course I do. Why wouldn't I?" They got out of the car. He kept holding her hand until he reached the door and opened it. "Oh! Hey Vincent. Me and Neva are gonna eat some lunch. I bought her some clothes."

Vincent examined her. He chuckled. "And you got them at Hot Topic?" "Hot what now?" He shook his head. "Never mind. It looks good on her. It's like she's a rockstar." "Hell yeah!" Elliot closed the door. He looked at her. "Hey, have you ever heard of AC/DC?" He set the bag down on the table.


Shadowess - March 10, 2021

Desi chuckled at the way the soul carried himself and the question as well. This one could be fun to have around. "Well, well. There's no getting anything by you, is there? Yes, I'm an Incubus. Or Succubus if the occasion takes my fancy." He looked over the soul next to him and smirked at Bryce. "No. He's just used to this kind of thing by now. He doesn't show it, but I can assure you, he enjoys it." He pushed the soul forward so he was standing in front of Bryce.

"It's better than the alternative." He remarked as he walked around Bryce, looking at him as if inspecting him. "Interesting." He considered Bryce's wish to return to Earth. He, himself, hadn't been to Earth. He wondered if he could find some new fun there. "I might be inclined to help you." He came to a stop in front of him again and turned to face him. "But what will you give me in return?"


She grinned as she went back into the house with him. Seeing Vincent, she hid a little behind Elliot shyly. Tom looked over and gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back and relaxed a little, reminding herself that these people were nice. When Vincent said she looked like a rock star, she grinned then looked at Elliot blankly when he asked if she knew what AC/DC was. She shook her head a little. Tom chuckled, guessing this might mean he'll be putting some music on to show her. "Oh, here we go..."


Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

Bryce smiled. "You can roam freely on earth as much as you like. No one can stop you."

He opened his mouth. Letting his fangs out. He sunk his teeth into his neck. Immediately drinking him.


"Aw c'mon! AC/DC's the best rock band ever!" Elliot pulled out his phone and sat on the chair. Vincent muted the TV. He said sarcastically, "I can't wait for this."

The song T.N.T started playing.


Shadowess - March 10, 2021

The soul let out a sharp gasp when bitten then relaxed, tilting his head back and moaning softly. Desi watched in fascination, finding the act a little exciting. "Afraid it's not as good as living blood, but it'll do until I can resurrect you. Just be careful not to drain him completely. He still belongs to me."

He paced a little, watching Bryce thoughtfully. "I can already roam the Earth whenever I please. No, you'll have to offer me something else...I'll need to collect a book from my collection to perform a specific spell to resurrect you. In the meantime, you may enjoy the comforts of my home. Drink, bathe, smoke, make love, do whatever your heart desires. The only rule I have is that you do not destroy my property. That includes the other souls here. You can rethink your offer while I retrieve the book."


Neva walked over to the chairs and listened to the music Elliot played on his phone. The whole time she stared at his phone curiously with her head tilted a little. Tom was resting his head against his hand, his elbow on the arm of the chair as he watched them with a small smile. Neva smiled as the music went on and glanced between them all before looking back at the phone. "I think I like it." She said quietly.

"Come and sit down with us." Tom said kindly as the music came to an end, nodding to one of the seats. "We were just watching some TV."

Neva moved over to one of the chairs and sat down, looking curiously at the TV screen. "What's that?" She asked, talking about the show that was on while looking over at Vincent.


Shadowess - March 10, 2021

(Don't worry too much about coming up with an offer for Desi. He likes making souls squirm lol if Bryce can't think of anything, Desi will.)


Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

Bryce stopped drinking one he felt full. He smiled at the soul. "I think I like this already."

He glared at Desi. "A better deal huh? Guess I've got nothing."


Elliot smiled. "Glad ya like it."

He took out his burger and gave her one too. He took out the fries. Placing them on the table. He started eating.

"It's called Seinfield. It's about a group of friends who deal with adult life. It sounds boring but it's supposed to be funny." ,said Vincent.


Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

(oh ok)


shadowess - March 10, 2021

The soul smiled back and moved backwards to lay himself down on one of the large cushions to rest. Desi couldn't help but smirk at Bryce's arrogance. It made a refreshing change from his obedient pets and the usual cowardly souls he found. "Oh, I think you and I are going to get along just fine." He commented before vanishing, leaving Bryce to relax in any way he saw fit.


"Thank you." Neva took the burger gratefully and had to resist the habit of eating it rapidly. "Oh, ok." She replied to Vincent as she settled back in her chair to watch with them. Not used to eating so much in a day, she was already full by the time she finished her burger.


A short while later, Desi returned, wearing a suit and holding a large and very old looking book. "Here we are." He said, approaching Bryce. "First things first." He reached into his blazer and pulled out an old looking piece of parchment. The writing on it was written entirely in the old Demonic language. "This is a contract. All it details is that I'll resurrect you in return for a single favor of my choosing whenever I want." He lay the parchment onto a nearby table and pulled out a letter opener from the table's little drawer. He held it out for Bryce. "If you want a second chance at life, you will sign this contract with your blood."


Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

Bryce had sex with the soul without thinking. He just wanted to have some fun.


Elliot soon finished his burger and soda along with some of the fries. He burped out loud then awkwardly chuckled. "Sorry about that." Vincent shook his head but smiled. "That's alright. It wouldn't be the first time you did that."


Fully clothed, Bryce walked over to Desi. He looked at the contract and the letter opener before meeting his eyes. "And what favor would that be?"

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shadowess - March 10, 2021

When Elliot burped, Neva giggled. Mid-giggle a little burp also slipped out from her and she paused, her cheeks turning red. "Pardon." She said quietly. Tom laughed and looked over at Elliot. "Careful Elliot, looks like you've got competition!"


Desi shrugged. "I haven't decided yet. But let's say for arguments sake that I one day knock on your door and ask you to kill someone, run an errand for me or torture someone for information on my behalf. You would be contractually obliged to do so." He then waved a hand, "Oh, and don't worry. I know you've done enough research to know what a Devil's contract is. This is unfortunately not as powerful. This is the Demon's equivalent. Instead of signing away your soul, the only thing it does is ensures we both hold up our end of the bargain. So if I don't bring you back to life, I don't get that favor and if you don't do that favor after I've brought you to life, you will die and end up back in Hell. So...do we have a deal?"


Denix Vames - March 10, 2021

"I'd like to see her try." ,said Elliot with wink. "First, ya gotta know your own burps like a tool."

"Do not even think about stinking up the house." ,said Vincent.


Bryce laughed at his deal. Amused by the type of demon that Desi was. He cut his finger. Letting his own blood drip down. "Indeed we do."

He signed his named, Bryce Heathcliffe

(idk if i spelled that correctly. its been a while lol)


shadowess - March 11, 2021

Neva laughed, then laughed a little harder at Vincent's comment.

Tom smiled as he watched them. It was nice to see her becoming comfortable around them.

Neva tried to watch TV again, occasionally rubbing her eyes. She wanted to sleep but she never got a chance to watch TV before so she didn't want to stop watching either.


Desi grinned seeing him sign the contract. Once he was done, he took the letter opener back and pierced his own finger, signing underneath Bryce's signature; Desi Dimitriadis.

Once it was done, he took the contract, rolled it up and placed it back into his blazer. He then picked up the book and placed a hand on Bryce's shoulder. "Then let us begin." He said, still grinning as they vanished from the pleasure room and arrived in a sealed off, stone room. The only thing lighting this room where dozens of candles. In the center, on the ground, was a large seal painted in red. It depicted a deer's skull with large, sharp antlers within a circle. Around the deer were stars and words written in the Demonic language. Desi's own insignia. Desi let go of Bryce and took the book over to the alter, opening it up to the correct page. As he did he called over to Bryce "Stand in the center."

Then he vanished. A few minutes later, he re-appeared with two intoxicated looking women. Both of whom were very much still alive. He pushed one of these women into Bryce's arms with a sharp dagger. "When I tell you to, slice her throat and pour her blood onto the ground."

"Slice my wha-?" The woman slurred, looking between them both in confusion.

"Shhh" Desi placed a finger on her lips. "You don't want to ruin our fun do you?" He asked, emitting an aura that kept these women compliant. The woman shook her head, blushing and giggling as if she was convinced something else was about to happen. He grinned at her evilly then stepped away from them and back to the other one. "For this to work, we need a blood sacrifice to act as a conduit and another life to trade places for yours. This one-" He laid a hand on the other woman's shoulder. "Will be dying so that you can live once more." Desi explained. "Once the blood sacrifice has been completed, I will kill this one and you will feel new life enter your body. Once it is done, I will take you back to Earth."

Without further waiting, Desi turned to the book, double checking the details before turning back to the circle, staying outside of it and began chanting a few Demonic words over and over. After a short while, he looked up at Bryce and nodded, not breaking his chant. Signaling him to kill the woman. Once her blood was poured onto the ground, his insignia would glow red. Still chanting, he'd then walk over to the other woman, standing just within the insignia and in one swift movement he would tear out her heart with his hand. Crushing it as her body fell then dropping the heart into the insignia as well. This would send new energy into Bryce, bringing him to life. It is at this point that Desi would stop chanting and just stand back to watch.


Denix Vames - March 11, 2021

Elliot looked at her. "Hey Neva. You seem really tired. How about I drive ya to Carter's house? I can stay there with ya so you're safe and sound."


Bryce grinned. "I cannot wait."

He brought the knife to her neck and instantly slit her throat once he got the signal.

He let her body and the knife go as he felt a swarm of energy enter his body. He caught his breath. He could hear his own heart beat. He touched his chest. Patting it all over. "Oh my. I really am alive." He licked his fangs. He snickered. "I'm sure Carter will be thrilled to see me."


shadowess - March 11, 2021

Neva looked over at Elliot when he suggested they go to Carter's house. She thought for a moment with a frown. She didn't want to stop watching TV...but maybe there was a TV at Carter's house too? She nods sleepily with a smile. Tom looks over from the TV and smiles at them. "Guess I'll see you guys later then. I'll come over to visit when the sun goes down."


Seeing Bryce's reaction made Desi grin. "Perhaps you would like an extra advantage?" Desi walked into the insignia and stood in front of him with his hands out by his side. "As a gift, this time. Something to show my appreciation for giving this bored Demon some new ideas for fun." He lowered his hands. "Nothing too drastic. I can make you telepathic. I couldn't help but notice from your memories a certain Demon that I know who is also a cunning telepath. If she is still hanging around your 'friends' on Earth, then you will need a means to guard your thoughts and emotions. To hide your intentions as well as your presence. Wouldn't want you dying too soon after this little ritual, now would we? The choice is yours."


Denix Vames - March 11, 2021

"Can't wait to see ya." Elliot raised a brow. "Anybody know his address?" He accepted the written note from Tom that Carter had given him. "Thanks."

He stuffed it in his pocket before taking the car keys. "C'mon. Let's get you there before you fall asleep on yourself." He held her hand. Guiding her to the door.

"Wait a minute." Vincent walked over. "What?" "I really don't like the idea of leaving you two alone. I'm coming too." "Why? You don't think I can fight?" "Elliot, this guy isn't exactly human. You need someone with special powers." Elliot rolled his eyes. "Fine but you're sitting in the backseat. Neva gets to ride shotgun." Vincent smiled. "That's fine by me."

They soon got into the car and drove off.


Bryce held his hands. "What a lovely gift. This will definitely come in handy."


shadowess - March 11, 2021

Neva took Elliot's hand and walked with him to the car. Feeling safe with both of these men, she no longer felt the need to constantly look over her shoulder. Once they were driving, she rested her head against the window, looking out at the passing world. Wondering how her life will turn out now that she wasn't living on the streets and being forced to steal for a bad man. Her eye lids grew heavier and heavier as they drove and she couldn't help falling asleep before they even reached the house.


Once they were gone, Tom had turned the TV off and had settled on the couch, ready to sleep. He had just started dozing off when he heard movement in the garden. He looked towards the curtains and cursed the fact that he couldn't check because of the sunlight. He listened carefully for several minutes but heard nothing else. Maybe it was just some wildlife getting into the garden or something? Whatever it was, it must've gone because he couldn't hear it anymore. He settled back down and went to sleep.


Desi caressed the back of Bryce's hands with his thumbs and smiled at him as he stepped closer. "Close your eyes." He whispered and let go of his hands. He brought his hands up to either side of Bryce's head, placing his index and middle fingers onto his temples. "This will only hurt for a moment." He then focused, pushing some of his power into Bryce. When he'd finish, he'd lower his hands and place them onto Bryce's shoulders to steady him on his feet. "You can open your eyes now, beautiful one." He said then thought to him. 'Can you hear me?'


Denix Vames - March 11, 2021

Elliot parked the car. He smiled. "Look at that. She's asleep."

They got out of the car. "She does look adorable." ,said Vincent. Elliot carried her into the house where he placed her on one of the kids beds upstairs. "I'm going to stay with her." "I'll guard the house then." ,said Vincent.

Elliot kissed him. "Stay safe, ok?" Vincent nodded. "I promise." He left the room. Elliot laid on the other bed. Sleeping there.


Carter yawned as he headed downstairs. He needed to get out of bed. Do something. Maybe watch TV? He noticed that Tom was sleeping. He quietly headed into the kitchen where he saw the mess.

Cleaning then, he thought. Some long ass hours of cleaning.


Bryce cried out as the power went into him. He nearly fell when Desi kept him from being wobbly. He opened his eyes.

He smirked. 'Yes, I can. And don't try to seduce me. My eyes are only set on Travis Carter.'


shadowess - March 11, 2021

Chuckling at Bryce's thoughts, he let go of his shoulders and took a step back. "Shame...he's a lucky man." He commented then shrugged. "But I suppose there are plenty more bodies on Earth for me to conquer. Now then, before we head there I need you to do one more thing. Practice shutting off your thoughts and emotions from others. This is vital to your survival. Imagine an barrier in your mind that protects your innermost desires. I will try to read your mind as you do this."

Once Desi was satisfied he'd gotten the hang of this skill, he would then step forward again and place a hand on his shoulder. "Wonderful. Then we are ready." He'd teleport them to Earth. Having never set foot on Earth himself, Desi used Bryce's memories that he'd seen earlier to guide him. They ended up standing in front of the penthouse he'd been staying in with Parker. Desi looked around curiously then back at Bryce. "So this is Earth...I feel I may enjoy it here." He grins evilly. "In regards to your plans..." He then shifted, his body taking the shape of Amelia. His voice mimicking Amelia's perfectly, including her accent. "Perhaps I might be of assistance?"


It was a few hours after Carter had gotten up when Parker woke up as well. He spent several minutes gathering up the courage to leave the room. Nervously, he headed down the stairs and saw Tom was asleep. He was a little relieved but knew it was only a matter of time before he woke up and he'd have to face him. He heard a bit of clattering coming from the kitchen and poked his head in to see Carter cleaning. "Hey." He greeted him, scratching the back of his head. "Do you need some help with that?"


Denix Vames - March 11, 2021

Bryce imagined this barrier that he mentioned. As if there was someone knocking on the door, it seemed like Desi was trying to get in but couldn't.

He opened his eyes when he heard some praise. "I'll be sure to keep this skill in mind."

He smiled. "I believe that it will not be difficult to get the door open once they see you."


Carter jumped. "Ah!" Nicking his thumb on one of the shards. He licked his finger. Getting rid of the blood. He awkwardly cleared his throat. " "Uh yeah."

"I wouldn't mind some helping hands.

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Shadowess - March 11, 2021

Desi grinned at the thought of them simply letting him in with this disguise. "Yes, I believe I could have quite a bit of fun causing chaos between them." He said while inspecting the nails on one of his hands. "While I have them at each other's throats, it shouldn't be too difficult for you to slip by them and do whatever you want." He lowered his hand and looked back at Bryce. "Do you think they'd still be staying at Carter's house?" He asked. From what he'd seen of Bryce's memories, it had been the last place he'd seen any of them before the penthouse.


"You alright?" Parker stepped fully into the kitchen. When he said he wouldn't mind some help, Parker nodded and walked past him to the washroom. He returned a moment later with a dustpan and brush to sweep up the smaller shards of glass on the floor.


Denix Vames - March 11, 2021

"Not after what I've done. No. Although I'm not sure how we will be able to find their hidden location." ,said Bryce.


"Y-Yeah. Just a little cut." His mind was still haunted by the memories of his torture, of his family's deaths, and knowing the truth about his own human race. That asylum crap. He could never forget those things. They will always haunt him.

The room seemed to be spinning. He leaned against the wall. He breathed heavily. "I-I'm sorry. It's just....Memories. Guess I've got some bad memories that I still haven't gotten over yet."


shadowess - March 11, 2021

(Sorry to keep you waiting. I decided to try to learn a new skill and spent most of today practicing drawing on my laptop. I'll post up the pic I finished in a mo. I based the drawing off of Bryce lol I wanted to finish it before replying. Feel free to have it if you like it.)

Desi's eyebrows furrowed as he thought about how they could track them down. He then snaps his fingers. "I have an idea, but you will need to lay low until I return. I'll pay that club a visit and see what I can find. You're better off staying away in case the barwoman recognizes you. We don't want to lose the element of surprise. I can meet up with you elsewhere when I'm done. Any ideas where you can hide out for now?" He asked, shifting back into his blond, male form. Not that it mattered much to Desi, he could just imagine Bryce and appear in front of him no matter where he went. The question was to prompt Bryce to think about safe locations that he could lay low in for now.


Parker had started sweeping up the glass. He caught a glimpse of his reflection in a large shard and his heart skipped a beat when he thought he saw red eyes looking up at him. As soon as he blinked, they were back to his usual green. He looked up with concern when he saw Carter lean against the wall. He took a deep breath and sighed, propping the brush up against the wall before going over to rest a hand on Carter's shoulder. "Guess that makes two of us..." He said quietly, unable to shift the image of the red eyes from his thoughts. "Why don't you go sit down for a bit? I don't mind finishing up here." He suggested as he moved back to the broom and picked it up again.


Denix Vames - March 11, 2021

(wow! thats so cool. ill be sure to take a look at it when it gets posted)

Bryce shook his head. "This is the only place that I can think of. I do have a mansion but it's been so long. I don't know if anyone's occupied it yet."


Carter slightly nodded. "Sure. I could probably use a break." His cut had already healed. He still had a hard time believing that he could heal this quickly. He just wished it was mentally too.

He sat on the chair and sighed. He closed his eyes. Trying to relax.


Shadowess - March 11, 2021

( Thanks. I hope you like it! I might use our other characters as references to practice with as well. I'll post them up whenever I finish one )

Desi rose a brow. "The mansion the devil girl and that demon burned down?" He then shook his shoulders and turned away. "I'm sure you'll find somewhere. In the meantime, there is no time to waste. I am eager for a bit of action. Wherever you end up, I will come and find you as soon as I've figured out their location. Good luck, beautiful one." He then vanished.


Parker continued cleaning the kitchen. He got rid of all the broken glass, slipping out of the backdoor to throw it into the trash can. While he was out there, he noticed a crow sitting on the fence. It seemed to be watching him curiously. He stared back at it for a moment then shook his head and went back inside. Maybe it was just looking for food? He then set to work cleaning all the surfaces.

It was shortly after Parker re-entered the house that Tom yawned and opened his eyes. The couch was comfy but being in the same position for so long was starting to cramp him up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes then looked over at Carter. "Oh, hey." He yawned. "You alright?"


Denix Vames - March 11, 2021

(omg yes please! i would love to see what elliot and carter look like)

"Burned?" He grit his teeth. "They'll all die. Except for him." He appeared in Parker's old apartment once Desi left.


Carter rubbed his eyes of the sleep they had. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just..." He sighed as he pinched the brim of his nose. "I just wish I could drink some coffee right now."

He looked around. "Hey, where's Neva?"


shadowess - March 11, 2021

(Hehe! No worries! I'll let you know when I do them and ooooh man! I just had an idea xD Hope you don't mind if I take control of Lucy 😛 )

Desi arrived at the club and walked in. The nearby Vampires seemed to be both repulsed and intrigued by his scent as he walked in. Ahhh, that could be a problem if he wanted to try to fool the other vampires in that particular group...It would be pointless disguising himself as a Vampire, Human or Devil if he happened to smell like a Demon...Oh well, something to figure out later.

He wandered over to the bar, wondering how best to enquire as to their whereabouts when something on the bar caught his eye. Business cards with the name Carter written across them. Desi smiled and picked one up, looking over it curiously. It seems this group are not hiding after all...


"Know what you mean..." Tom chuckled. When he asked where Neva was, Tom sat back on the couch, still a little sleepy. "She's with Elliot and Vincent at your house. I said I'd swing by later to see how they are. She seems to be getting along with those two really well. They actually managed to make her laugh while they were here. It was kinda sweet." He explained. Hearing some noises coming from the kitchen, Tom looked over and saw Parker cleaning. Either Parker hadn't seen him yet or he was trying very hard to not look in Tom's direction. Either way, Tom quickly looked away from him and back to Carter while trying to hide the anger he felt. He knew it wasn't Parker's fault but he couldn't help feeling sour towards him for what happened.


Neon pink high heels. Neon pink pleather mini skirt and tank top. Neon yellow fishnet tights. Hair up in long pigtails, Lucy climbed the steps towards Parker's apartment after her shift at the strip club. She'd been mad at him since he called out his ex's name in his sleep but having thought on it for a while, she decided she might have over-reacted. Maybe he was just having a hard time getting over the guy? She didn't know his story...plus he did say he had amnesia...she felt a little guilty for storming out on him the way she did. Maybe it's not too late?

He'd been so sweet and caring during the short time that they spoke. Then there's his certain gift in the bedroom that she hadn't been able to get out of her head since that night. She paused at the top of the steps. What if he's already moved on? What if it had just been a one night stand? What if he hated her for what she said?? She shook her head. No! He was a good guy and she'll be damned if she let's an opportunity to be with a guy like that pass her by! She marched up to Parker's apartment door and knocked on it.


Denix Vames - March 11, 2021

(uh sure. didnt even know who lucy was until you wrote that scene)

Blaire walked over to him. "Can I help you sir?"


"Really?" Carter smiled at the thought of it. He frowned when he saw the way Tom looked at Parker. "Hey, he's not the bad guy in this situation. Besides, I'm sure you and Nate can probably put this past you guys."

He pulled out his phone when it started ringing. He answer. "Hello?" "Hey Carter! I'm out of the hospital and back on duty. Just wanted to let you guys know that. Thanks for the Get Well card by the way. Really appreciate it." "What? I didn't-"

He immediately stopped himself and realized that Sebastian must have given it to him. He cleared his throat. "Uh yeah. You're welcome. So, are you safe?" "Yeah of course. Nobody's following me if that's what you're asking. I'm fine. Anyway, I've got to go. I'm still working but I'll talk to you later. Bye."

Kite hung up. He whistled as he was sitting in his cruiser on the side of the road. Watching the streets for any suspicious activity.


Bryce's eyes lit up. He wondered who it was. Parker seemed to have stopped living here a long time ago. If it was a human, he would drain them as he was hungry at the moment.

He slightly opened the door. "Hello?"


shadowess - March 11, 2021

(Lol Yeah, I figured some exposition might be needed. It's been a while lol)

Desi looked up from the card and recognized the barwoman from Bryce's memories. He smiled pleasantly, pocketing the card. "Pardon. I'm new to town, just taking in the sights. Could I have a glass of red wine?" He asked politely and seated himself at the bar, not wanting to look suspicious by taking a business card and leaving immediately. He then turned to a nearby vampire who seemed to be looking him over. He smirked. "Buy me this drink and I'm yours, beautiful." He winked. The vampire, seemingly excited, promptly took out his wallet, ready to pay for Desi's drink.


Tom shifted uncomfortably as Carter spoke to him about Parker and Nate. "I know...I know..." Tom sighed, bringing his hands up to rub his eyes. "I just-...I guess I'm still sore about it...Y'know?" He then watched as Carter answered the phone. "Who was that?" He asked curiously.

Parker, having finished cleaning the kitchen, walked into the living room. He paused when he saw Tom who looked up at him briefly before turning back to Carter. Hesitant, he moved to sit on one of the chairs. "T-Tom?" He started.

"Parker." Tom replied sourly.

Parker licked his lips nervously and glanced at Carter briefly before lowering his eyes to the ground. "I'm sorry...for what happened...I-...I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt-"

"It's fine-"

"No, it's not." Parker insisted after Tom interrupted him. "It shouldn't have happened. I know I was drunk but I accept responsibility for my part. I want you to know that. Because I am truly, very sorry."

Tom looked up at him, his eyes filling with tears. He could see Parker was upset as well, visibly doing his best to hold back his own tears. Tom sighed, his anger melting away. He knew he was telling the truth and there was no point in holding on to this anger. "It's ok, Parker. I forgive you."


As soon as the door creaked open, Lucy started talking. "Hey, Parker. I'm sorry abo-" She then paused when she heard the voice. That wasn't Parker's voice. She squinted and stepped closer to the door, trying to see the person through the gap. "Wait...Who are you?" She demanded. Was it Parker's friend? Had he moved on already?! Was it his ex?? Where was Parker?


Denix Vames - March 11, 2021

(i see. if i knew what exposition meant, i would have understood that)

Blaire placed a glass of red wine in front of him. "It's not that hard to find someone here. These vampires only ever come here to fuck or get drunk or both."


"It was Kite. He's doing fine now. He's actually working. Believe it or not."

Once Carter saw the entire conversation unfold, he stood from his seat. Not wanting to pry on something personal. "I'm going to see how Sebastian's doing." He headed upstairs.


Bryce grabbed her by the arm and pulled her in. He shut the door. He pinned her to the floor and sank his teeth into his neck. Slowly draining her.

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Shadowess - March 11, 2021

( No worries. It's when a character explains something integral to the plot without breaking the fourth wall or when they summarize the plot so far.)

"So, I see." Desi chuckles as the vampire next to him had paid for his drink and eagerly moved over to sit next to him. "Yes, I think I'm going to like it here." He said as he lifted his glass to the vampire. "Cheers, beautiful." He took a sip. Before long, his glass was empty and he was letting the vampire lead him to one of the private rooms for some fun.


Sebastian was cuddled up to one of the pillows when Carter entered the room, sleeping lightly. He heard the door click and blinked his eyes open while looking over his shoulder with a smile. "Hey." He breathed sleepily. "You're awake early."


Lucy had yelped when she was pulled into the apartment. The door was slammed shut and she felt herself being pushed down before she could react or even see who was pushing her. He'd been moving too fast for her to see him. "What the-?!" She'd started then inhaled sharply when she felt the pain in her throat. She struggled but it was like trying to move concrete. Whoever he was, she just didn't have the strength to push him off. "S-stop it!" She'd gasped then felt a wave of numbness wash over her, making her too tired to keep fighting.

She stared up at the ceiling, confused and frightened as she felt herself growing steadily weaker. "P-Parker! Help! Please!" She cried deliriously. She could hear the stranger swallowing her blood as her breathing became a little harder. She groaned as she came to an impossible realization. "V-Vampire! N-no!" She groaned again, tears rolling down the sides of her face. "P-please...I don't want to die..." She begged, her vision beginning to swim. "P-please! I'll do anything!"


Denix Vames - March 11, 2021

(i get it now)

Blaire raised a brow as the two went into the private room. She had her suspicions but wasn't so sure if she was right. Still, she had to do something about this. "Take over for me Hades."

She stepped out of the club and leaned against the wall near the parking lot. She called up Carter.


Carter smiled. "Yeah. Figured I had enough sleep. Kite's fine by the way. I got a call from him. He's working right now."

Just as he mentioned about a call, his phone rang again. He answered. "Blaire?" "Carter, there's someone here but I don't know if they're just a customer or something else." "What do you mean by that?" "This guy came in. He didn't seem like the vampires. I don't know. He gave me some weird vibes. I think you guys should come down here. Just to be safe." "I'll be there with a few of us. Please stay safe and don't try to do anything. Stick to being the bartender in this situation." "Got it." She hung up and headed back into the bar.

He sighed. "For one day, I'd like to get some peace and quiet. Just for once." He looked at Sebastian. "That was Blaire. She wants us to head over to the bar right now. Apparently, there's a weird man hanging around the bar. She said he didn't seem human but he was nothing like a vampire. My money is on demon but that doesn't make any sense. Why would a demon be at a vampire club?"


"Anything huh?" Bryce stopped drinking. He sat up. "Then I need you to help me find Parker. It's the only way I can find his friend Carter. Do you have his number?"


shadowess - March 12, 2021

"Oh, that's good." Sebastian smiled sleepily at the news that Kite was alright. He watched as Carter answered his phone again then chuckled when he heard what the call had been about. He shrugged. "Even if it is a Demon, that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. The ones we know aren't the only ones who spend time on Earth. According to Damien, Earth is full of Demons who occasionally like to pretend to be human and spend a lifetime on Earth. Some just visit for the fun of it. Who knows. Maybe this Demon just happens to have a vampire fetish?" He then got up and stretched, picking up his clothes and putting them on. "If it makes you feel more comfortable though, then there's no harm in checking it out."


The fangs left her neck and she heard his words, shivering at his question. She felt drunk from his venom and her muscles ached from the blood he took from her. Tearful eyes looked at him fearfully, seeing her own blood on his lips. Woozy and whimpering, she sat up, covering the wound in her neck with one hand while she reached for the little purse, that she'd dropped when he'd grabbed her, with her other hand. Clumsily, she gripped the strap and pulled it across the floor to them where she opened it and passed him her phone. She was shaking violently. "H-he hasn't been answering my calls though." She slurred. Her eyes darted to the door and then back at him. "Y-you're not going to hurt him, are you?"


Denix Vames - March 12, 2021

"Really? I had no idea." He threw his jacket on. "But either way, I still want to make sure everything's alright there. So many things has happened to us that I just need to be careful." He sniffed at his jacket. "I really need some new clothes."


"And why would that matter? You never cared about him. You're a slut who displays your naked body for money." He took her phone and called Parker up. "Hush now. I have to make an important call."


shadowess - March 12, 2021

Sebastian chuckled. "That reminds me, I need to get my card back from Elliot. Maybe, if everything is alright, we can go shopping later?" He said as they made their way downstairs. Tom also seemed to be getting ready to go out when they got down there.

"Hey, just guna swing by your place and check on Neva now that the sun's down." He said when he saw them.

Sebastian nods. "We're just going to check something out at the club. We'll be going over there as well when we're done."


When he'd finished having his fun with the vampire, Desi wasted no time. He quickly redressed himself, not wanting to spend any more time here than he had to. The vampire lay on the bed, panting, covered in sweat and smiling up at him in a drunken state. "Do you have to leave?" He slurred his complaint and Desi turned to smile at him. He walked over, bent down and kissed him passionately. "Yes, sweet lover. But don't worry. There's always a chance that you'll see me again." He whispered as he stood straight again.

"Can I get your num-?" As the vampire asked this, Desi vanished. He blinked, looking around the room before letting his head drop back onto the pillow in a huff. "Great...guess not..." He groaned.


His words had hurt Lucy and she could do nothing but stare at him as her tears fell. Too frightened to make a noise in case he hurt her for it and feeling too drunk and weak to be able to make a run for it. Hand still on her neck, she shuffled away from him to lean her side by the wall, bringing her knees up and turning her face to the wall as she cried quietly. Her entire body visibly shaking.

She saw movement in the corner of her eye which made her jump and she looked up to see a new stranger with blond hair leaning against the front door with his arms folded. He looked at Bryce with the phone to his ear and smiled. He then turned his head towards Lucy and smiled a little wider before holding a finger over his lips, signaling to her to stay quiet. While Bryce was on the phone, he looked back at him and took out the business card he'd found. He passed it silently to Bryce.


After their conversation, Parker had decided to get a little air. He was glad Tom forgave him and having spoken to him had done them both some good. Tom hadn't really said it but Parker could tell he was starting to heal from it. Parker walked down the street with his hands in his pockets, just taking in the cool air. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he came to a slow stop, taking his phone out to look at who was calling. Lucy again. Parker sighed. He supposed she wasn't going to stop until she got either a solid 'no' or an explanation of what happened that night. He answered it and immediately began speaking. "Lucy, you really need to stop this. Look, you were right, ok? I'm not over him so it wouldn't be fair on you to start something. My heart just wouldn't be in it..."


Denix Vames - March 12, 2021

"Hello there dear Parker. It's me. Your previous lover, Bryce Heathcliffe. Now be a good boy and bring Carter to me." He brought the phone over to Lucy and gripped her arm. Twisted it so that she felt pain but did not break it.

"Do you recognize this scream?" He let her go once he felt like it was enough. "If that got you to understand then here's what I want. You will not show panic. You will convince Carter that you need his help. Anything that will make sense to have two people needed for a situation. And you will bring him to an alley. Desi will grab him for me. Don't worry about who he is. Once he has him, I will let Lucy go on the fact that she will promise to never speak of this. And you will never speak of this. If they ask about Carter then tell them that he killed himself. We'll stage his death. Get a vampire to burn under the sun so that they don't feel the need to search for him. Do you understand?"

Once he got his answer, he smiled. "Good. Now, run along and get him before it's too late. Tick tock Alex."


Carter smiled. "Definitely. It'd be nice to get some fresh outfits for my work. And it would mean a date for us."

He stepped out of the house with Sebastian.


Shadowess - March 12, 2021

When Bryce had grabbed her arm and twisted it, Lucy let out a scream. She struggled to pull away, crying loudly while screaming at him "GET OFF ME! LET ME GO! PLEASE, LET ME GO!!" When he did let her go, she scrambled away from him into a far corner, curling up and crying into her knees while gripping her now sore and bruised arm.

When Bryce hung up the phone, Desi did three slow claps. "Wonderful!" He chuckled. Still holding the business card, he once again tried to pass it to Bryce now that he wasn't busy on the phone. "I found piles of these in that bar. It would seem Carter has set up a little business for himself. There are contact details and an address on the back. Perhaps they might be useful?" He looked over at Lucy and smirked at how frightened she seemed. "You seem to have things under control. I will follow your lead."


Parker's breath caught in his throat when he heard the voice on the other end of the phone. His features turned pale and when he heard Lucy screaming his heart beat harder. By the time Bryce asked if he understood, he was breathing a little heavier. "Y-yes..." He answered, his mind racing as he heard Bryce speaking again before hanging up the phone. He stared at his phone, his hand shaking. He felt tears welling up. What should he do?! He can't lie to Carter! Carter can tell when he's lying anyway! And he didn't want Bryce to get hold of him! He didn't want anyone to go through that! But he didn't want Lucy to get hurt either! His breathing became more and more rapid and he looked around, half expecting to be being watched. He turned and ran back towards the house, panicking. He burst through the door but when he looked around, no one was home. He paced in the living room, his hands on either side of his head as he struggled to breath. Crying. He had to do something! He just had to think of something! He had to save Lucy! He had to protect Carter! He had to-!... He had to...The room span rapidly and before he could do anything else, he collapsed, passing out.


In Parker's mind he was back in that penthouse. Facing the other version of himself who was lounging on the couch and grinning up at him. "You need me." He gloated.

"No." Parker shook his head, fearfully.

"Yes, you do. You can do it all you know. Save your friends. Save the girl." Alex's smile slipped and he looked more angry. "Get revenge."

"I don't need you...I don't need revenge and I don't need you!" Parker turned and hurried to the door, trying to open it but just as before, it was locked.

"You need me." Alex said again, smiling once more. "When you've exhausted all your options and you see that you can't win as you are now...you'll do what you need to to win." Alex grinned. "You'll release me and we'll feast on him together. We'll destroy that son of a bitch once and for all and it will be..." Alex took a deep breath "brilliant!" he sighed.

Parker leant his head against the door, crying. "I won't...I won't..."


Sebastian grinned at Carter when he said it'd be a date. He held his hand as they made their way to the club.


Denix Vames - March 12, 2021

Bryce took the card. He read it over. "Hmm. I might be able to use this business for my own benefits." He grinned. "First, we wait for Bryce to fetch Carter. Then we let Lucy go and you will kill a vampire. They need to be in ashes to make this look real. And if he takes too long then we'll go there ourselves and kill them all except for Carter of course."


Kite knocked on the door. "Hello? Is anyone there? I came here to visit."


Elliot rubbed his eyes and yawned as he woke up. He looked across from himself. Neva was still sleeping. He smiled. Glad to see that she was at peace for once.

He made sure to not cause any noise as he headed down the stairs to see Vincent.


Carter brushed his thumb over his hand sometimes during the walk. Once at the club, they walked.

"Ya missed him. Looks like he was just another guy who wanted to fuck a vampire. He did grab your card though. So be prepared for that interaction at some point." ,said Blaire.

He said sarcastically, "Oh, that's great. Just what I need. Another demon who wants to fuck me." "Could be worse." ,said Hades. "You could be wearing pink."


shadowess - March 12, 2021

"Whatever you want." Desi smiled, knowing Bryce preferred to be in control. Desi didn't mind letting him take the lead. It made a nice change from being in charge all the time, plus he was eager to see the kind of chaos this vampire could create. He looked over at Lucy. He was half tempted to use his aura to settle her down but where was the fun in that? No, he quite enjoyed seeing the fear in her eyes as she stared back at them. "How long would you like to wait before slaughtering them?" He asked, moving to sit on the little couch with one leg over the other.


Parker woke with a start at the sound of knocking. He looked towards the door, momentarily confused as to where he was. He looked around the room and couldn't see Alex anywhere. Just a dream. He then remembered what Bryce had said and his heart started beating hard again. He felt sick. He heard Kite's voice through the door and looked over again. Kite! Maybe he can help? He hurriedly got to his feet and rushed over to the door, opening it and looking at Kite with a frightened expression. "Quick, get in!" He said, opening the door enough for him to step into the house. Once he was in the house he'd shut the door behind him and start pacing. "I-I need help! H-he's guna kill her! I-I don't know where he is but he wants Carter or he's guna kill her!" He started rambling then paused, remembering the he and Kite were just human. "Th-the others...we've gotta go get the others! Th-they'll be at Carter's house. W-we gotta go! N-now!"


Tom arrived at Carter's house and knocked on the door. He called through, "It's just me. Just seeing how you guys are doing."

Shortly after Tom arrived, Neva woke up and rubbed her eyes. Sleepily, she sat up and looked around the unfamiliar room. This must be the house they talked about. Climbing off the bed, she made her way to the stairs, looking around her curiously as she went. She descended the stairs and smiled at the others. "Hello." She said quietly.


Sebastian blushed when he felt Carter's thumb move over his hand. He found it amazing that Carter could still make him blush the way he did when they first started dating. They arrived at the club and Sebastian chuckled at both Carter's and Hades' remarks. "Well, there we are then. False alarm." Sebastian said cheerfully and looked at Carter. "How about we head to your house to get my card and we start that date, then?"

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Denix Vames - March 12, 2021

Bryce sat across from him. He glanced at her. "Oh. Not too long."


Kite was shocked by his panic and what he was saying. He raised his hands. "Alright. Just slow down. Take a deep breath and tell me everything from the start."


Elliot and Vincent had been having a private moment together of cuddling and kissing on the couch.

They heard the knock on the door. Vincent opened it. He smiled. "Hey Tom. Good to see you. So far, nothing has happened."

Elliot smiled at Neva. "Hey there. Slept well?"


Carter sighed. "Sorry about that." "Hey, I don't blame you. Now have fun you two lovebirds." ,said Blaire. He rolled his eyes but smiled. "We will!"

They left the club.

"So, what store are we thinking of shopping at?"


shadowess - March 12, 2021

Lucy heard them talking and when Bryce looked at her she shivered, whimpering, her eyes widening a little. She knew she only had a short amount of time left to live if Parker didn't meet his demands. She had little hope of him succeeding too. Why would be bother saving someone like her? She started looking around for ways to escape or places she could hide. She couldn't get to the door without having to run past them and he would catch her before she'd reach it anyway. Her eyes moved towards the bathroom. She might be able to buy herself a bit of time by locking herself in there. Maybe if she opened the window in there she could scream for help...

Desi grinned at his answer. "Good. I am itching to have some fun!" He laughed.


"There's no time! We have to find the others! They'll know what to do! C'mon! Let's go!" Parker despaired, gesturing towards the door, tears running down his face. "Please! If we take too long he'll kill her!!"

Outside, the crow was perched on a nearby fence, watching the house intently. Waiting to follow the next person to leave.


"Oh, that's good!" Tom said as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him. He looked up and smiled at Neva as she came down the stairs. "Hey kiddo!" Still smiling, Neva waved at Tom and nodded at Elliot. "Can we watch some more TV?" She asked in a small voice.


Sebastian grinned at the question and turned his head to look Carter up and down as they walked towards Carter's house to get Sebastian's card from Elliot. "Well, Detective Carter, we need to get you some decent suits. You'll need to look presentable for your business after all. I was thinking...some Martin Greenfield suits." He joked. A single one of those suits could cost upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Sebastian wasn't exactly strapped for cash but he wasn't a millionaire either. A shame really, he'd love nothing more than to treat Carter to such fine things. "I think you'd look pretty dapper in one of those!" He chuckled. "Perhaps we could visit one of the local tailors?" he then suggested.


Denix Vames - March 12, 2021

"Don't even bother. I can read your thoughts and I know what you're about to try and do, Lucy." ,said Bryce. He chuckled.


Kite placed his hands on his shoulders. "Ok! Look! If this is a hostage situation, the last thing we want to do is tell a whole lot of people about this. How about I disguise myself as the person that they apparently want? You can hide my face by blindfolding my eyes and mouth. Tying me up. All that crap. Once they get me to their place and loosen everything, I'll open fire on their asses. Trust me. I'll know who's the bad guy in this scenario."


"Of course. Let's see what we've got." Elliot sat on the couch with Neva as they were watching an old cowboy show called Rawhide.


"Oh god!" Carter rolled his eyes. "I rather not be wearing a monkey suit. I'll stick to no coat and rolled up sleeves on the added bonus of putting my tie on however I want it."

He raised a brow. "Tailor? Nobody does that anymore. It's pretty rare to find a tailor these days."


shadowess - March 12, 2021

At Bryce's words, Lucy hesitates. Staring at him with wide eyes as she realized she couldn't hide any intentions from him. "Why are you doing this?!" She cried, not moving from the corner. Desi didn't move nor speak. Merely watched with mild interest and feeling a sense of pride in Bryce for using the gift he gave him.

"L-look, you don't have to k-ki-..." She couldn't bring herself to say it. "J-just let me go. Please. He doesn't have to know that I'm not here! I'll skip town. I won't tell anyone about this, I swear! I'll do anything you want! Anything! Please!" She tried, her desperation to survive growing.

Desi couldn't help chuckling at her begging. "Ahh, the bargaining stage! Back your prey into a corner and they'll promise the world to save their own skin!" He tutted. "So selfish."


Parker stopped pacing when Kite placed his hands on his shoulders and he paused to listen, taking some deep breaths and trying to think as he did so. In theory, not a bad idea. There was just one problem. Parker shook his head. "He's a vampire though, and if I know Bryce, he'll kill you as soon as he realizes you're not Carter. Lucy too. Not only that but he mentioned someone else was with him so for all we know there are two vampires that can move faster than us and are stronger than us!" He shook his head again. "If we can't tell them all, we could at least tell one of them! We can't do this alone!"


Neva grinned and ran excitedly to the couch, flopping herself onto it next to Elliot to watch TV. She didn't seem to mind what was on, as long as she actually got to watch it. To Neva, this was a luxury that she wasn't used to yet.

"She seems to be getting more confident." Tom noted before heading into the kitchen and heading towards the fridge. He took out one of the bags and leant against the counter to drink it.


Sebastian laughed out loud at Carter's comment about the suits. "Just as well, I think that look suits you!" He chuckled, swooping in to kiss his cheek. He then blinked at Carter as he told him that Tailors weren't a thing anymore. "Oh, really?" he sounded disappointed. "That's a shame. Oh well, I guess you'll have to show me your preferred stores for what you want to wear." He smiled.

It didn't take them too much longer to reach Carter's house.


Denix Vames - March 12, 2021

Bryce walked over and knelt in front of her. "I need Carter to come back into my life. Once he's with me, you can go. And if he's not with me then you can die. That's it."


Kite sighed. "Fine. I'll drive over there." He stepped out of the house. He jumped at the sound of a crow. He swatted at it. "Get away from here! Shoo!"


Vincent walked over to the kitchen. He smiled. "That's pretty good. It'd be nice to bring her to a mall. Let her have fun."


Carter shrugged. "I don't really have any. But I'll show you which stores I normally go to."

He knocked on the door. Elliot opened it. "Well hello! Good to see you two." "Hey Elliot. Mind if we have Sebastian's card back?" "Sure thing." He handed it back to him. "Thanks man. We're just about to go out right now." "That's awesome! Hope ya'll enjoy it."

Carter got a sudden ringing on his phone. He handed Sebastian the card and picked it up.

"Hello?" "Hey dear Carter! It's so good to see you." He tensed up as he heard his voice. "Who is this?" "Oh my. Did you forget your dear old lover? Bryce?" "What do you want?" "Well, I got tired of waiting so I thought why not call you? Anyway, if you don't come here then I'm going to kill this woman here." He glared. "And why should I believe you?"

He heard a woman's scream. He walked away from Sebastian. "Alright. I'll go. Just don't hurt her." "That's the spirit. Now, I want you to go somewhere where no one can see you. Once you do that, I'll have Desi fetch you. Now go."

He put his phone away as the call had ended. He looked at Sebastian with those loving but sadden eyes. "I'm doing this to protect you guys. Don't come looking for me."

He zoomed past them. He made it to the corner of a fence. He suddenly felt a hand cover his mouth and grip him tight. He struggled as he disappeared with his captor.


Shadowess - March 12, 2021

Relieved that Kite agreed to get help, Parker left the house with him. He couldn't just sit around and wait for news. He rushed over to the car while Kite was preoccupied with the crow. "Kite, c'mon! Forget the bird!"


With his card now in his pocket, Sebastian was looking forward to spending the evening shopping with Carter. He watched Carter answer his phone and as Carter seemed to become more distressed, Sebastian had a sinking feeling in his gut. Something was wrong. Very wrong. When he hung up the phone and turned to them, Sebastian's breath caught in his throat. "What? Carter, wait-!" Carter ran past him and he turned to face the direction he'd run in.

"CARTER!" He shouted, running after him. Carter rounded a corner ahead of him but when Sebastian reached it, Carter was gone. His scent running cold. He looked around and around, panicking but saw no sign of him. "CARTER!!" He screamed, an awful feeling in the pit of his stomach. As he began to breathe heavily, he picked up another scent. A sour scent. "Demon!" He gasped. Then recalled the Demon that Blaire had called them about. "N-no..." He groaned, still looking around. He ran back to Carter's house. Tears streaming down his face and arrived in time to se Kite and Parker pull up. "Someone's taken Carter!" He cried, though his eyes were full of fury.

Stepping out of the car, Parker had heard Sebastian and knew it had to be Bryce. "Bryce called me! He has Lucy. He wanted to trade Carter for her-" Sebastian's furious eyes landed on Parker who immediately put his hands up. "-So, me and Kite came here to get help!" he finished. Sebastian's angry eyes seemed to soften a little. Of course Parker wouldn't betray them. "A distraction..." He assumed, seething. "He called you first as a distraction...That has to be it..."

Neva had been poking her head out of the door to see the commotion. She didn't notice the crow on a nearby rooftop staring at her. The same crow had followed Kite's car.

"He has a Demon helping him." Sebastian said. "I caught the scent when Carter vanished. They must've teleported away because the scent went cold." He clenched his fists. "I'll kill him for this." He growled. His eyes, which were usually soft and warm were now cold and dark.

Tom had also stepped out of the house when the commotion had started. Hearing it was a Demon who took Carter made him wish Nate was still around. He looked back at Vincent. Vincent could teleport. "Well, I'm ready for a fight. How about you?" He asked.

"No." Sebastian said, looking over at Tom. "Bryce is mine." He growled then looked at Vincent. "Can you take me to them?"


Desi let go of Carter once they were back in Parker's apartment. "Your prize, beautiful one." He announced upon their arrival. Lucy was still huddled in the corner, cowering and whimpering. When she saw Desi and Carter appear in the room, she looked at Bryce tearfully. "Please let me go. Please."


Denix Vames - March 12, 2021

The crow's head was mysteriously cut off.

Vincent frowned. "If this is two versus two, I guess it would be a fair fight. But I need someone to protect Neva." "Can I come too?" ,asked Elliot. "Absolutely not! You have to stay here with her." "Why not?" "Because I don't want you to get hurt!" "So what? You're saying I can't protect myself?" "I'm not having this conversation right now with you."

Elliot glared. "You know what? Forget it!" He stormed out of the house. Going down the street. "What are you doing?!" "Taking a walk! So leave me alone!"

Vincent sighed. "Somebody please stop him. I don't want anyone to take any more of us."

He placed a hand on Sebastian's arm. "C'mon." They disappeared.


Bryce opened the door. "As promised, you can go." He watched her leave then locked the door.

Carter glared. "You son of a bitch! I don't know how you're alive right now but I'm going to make you dead!"

He swung a punch. Bryce dodged many of them. He grabbed Carter's arm and kicked his gut. Carter gasped and coughed up a storm. Bryce wrapped a hand around his neck and slammed him against the wall.

"Oh dear. I really didn't want to have to do that. You have such a pretty face." He leaned in and sniffed him. "But you left me no choice."

Carter grit his teeth. He gripped his wrist. "Go to hell!" He spat at him. Bryce wiped it off with his sleeve. He chuckled. "So feisty. I like that." He licked his cheek. Carter cringed.

Bryce let him fall. Carter coughed as he caught his breath. "Now, I need to find a way to make you listen. Desi? Would you mind helping me out here?"


shadowess - March 12, 2021

Sensing danger and just when it seemed it had been killed, the crow vanished into a puff of smoke.

"I got it." Tom said and before he could start running after Elliot, Neva had already run ahead and gripped his hand. She didn't try to stop him or pull him back but she rested her head on his arm while walking alongside him. Sighing, Tom caught up to them and walked along with him as well with his hands in his pockets. "Hey man, I get you're angry but it's not a good idea to wander too far from the others." He looked down at Neva. "For her sake."

Parker had been staring at the rooftops in confusion. "Did-...did anyone else just see a bird randomly explode?..."


Desi watched, amused, as Bryce fought Carter and pinned him to the wall. "I have just the thing." he said as he stepped forward and helped Carter to his feet, emitting his aura to make Carter more compliant. Whether it worked or how well it worked would depend entirely on how strong Carter's willpower was though. He turned Carter to look at Bryce, "Don't you want to hear what Bryce has to say, Carter?" He asked in a soothing tone.

Sebastian and Vincent appeared in the room and as soon as Sebastian's eyes landed on Bryce, his pupils shrank in rage. "You!" He growled and unable to stop himself he lunged at Bryce furiously.

Desi turned to look at the other Demon and grinned. His mind was always blocked to others so he had no worries there, although he couldn't help but notice that Vincent's mind was also blocked. "Fellow Demon." He greeted, almost pleasantly. His aura still being emitted.

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