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Balance The Realms Nov 2020 - May 2021

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Denix Vames - February 24, 2021

Vincent lifted her off the ground with a smile. He placed her over his back so that her legs rested over his shoulders.

"Let's take the cameras out then. You can grab them yourself. Wouldn't want to touch your belongings without your permission." ,said Charles.

"Everyone's gotta take a smiley picture then a funny face one and then a funny pose one! Or one where we all wave!" Carter chuckled. "Easy there, Elliot. We'll get to them one at a time." Elliot blushed. "Oh alright."

shadowess - February 24, 2021

"Alright..." Tom said as he opened the taxi door and routed around for a bit. Having detached one of the hidden cameras from the back, he handed it to David, being careful not to sever the wire. He then climbed into the drivers side, checking the settings on what look like a radio before stepping out.

"Alright, it's set to constantly take photos. It's snapping around thirty images per minute so more than enough to get us all. Just point it at whoever... When we're done, I'll send the footage." He walks back over to them and takes the camera off of David, pointing it at them all and passing it around so they could take whatever pictures they wanted.

Denix Vames - February 24, 2021

As everyone started passing the camera around, they were smiling, making those funny faces, and whatever else.

Carter zoomed to the taxi and placed the camera on the side of the hood. Aiming at everyone. "Gather around!" He zoomed back to them and reached for some friends. Pushing them into the shot. The others did their best to get in the line of sight. Vincent pulled Tom in for the last photo.

They smiled.

shadowess - February 24, 2021

Once they were all done, Tom took the camera and threw it back into the taxi before fiddling with the dials on the radio again. "Aaaand done." He said before stepping out again and looking at them all. "They'll have those immediately. Security in that place is probably going nuts right now! We... uh-" He then turned pale as he seemed to remember something urgent. "-might want to get away from this vehicle! Like, now!" He started running away from it like crazy.

"Wha- oh shit!" Amelia realized what he meant and started running after him. Sebastian and David followed. Just as soon as all of them reached a safe distance from the car, it exploded. Causing alarms from the cars around it to start going off simultaneously. They watched the burning wreck from their safe distance. "I forgot!" Tom panted. "Fail safe! If security get wind...that a watcher is compromised...they can remote detonate the vehicles!" He said between breaths and looked up at them. "They won't leave anything to chance!"

Denix Vames - February 24, 2021

"They're a bit off in the head, aren't they?" ,said Charles. "We should go before people notice we're here." ,said Vincent.

They held each other's hands once again and appeared in Carter's office. "Let's bake a cake for them! We can also do some mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, corn on the cob, turkey-" "One dish at a time. I can't imagine there's that many of them." ,said Carter.

shadowess - February 24, 2021

"Um..." Tom hesitated at Carter's comment.
"Tom?" Amelia turned to him, still a little shaken from the car blowing up. "Out with it!"
"There's-...it's just...the complex...it's pretty big..."
"It can't be! They've just started coming back!" Amelia snapped, not wanting to believe him.
"...I've been working for them for two years..." Tom answered after a minute as though gathering up his courage. "and they've been re-growing and rebuilding since way before then...I'm pretty sure since just a year after the last one burned down...always keeping a low profile...in case they...you" He looks at Amelia "came back...You're looking at a couple hundred employees...most of them I haven't even met!" He shook a little. "That's what I was doing before you brought me here...trying to find out if you were the same woman who burned down the first ones...They have all their watchers out looking out for you and the red haired man."
"You...you waited until now to tell us?" Sebastian stared at him.
"I thought you knew! I mean...did you really think a small group could afford to give each employee a cyanide tooth each?! That shit aint cheap! Not to mention equipment to spy on people and blow up cars from a distance!" He took a breath as he looked between them all. "From what I know though, this is the first complex to actually get back up and running since the others were destroyed. It's the only one that exists right now. But they're looking at possibly expanding."

Denix Vames - February 24, 2021

Vincent stepped forward. "I have an idea then. We are to call in every demon, devil, vampire, werewolf, and human who is willing to come with us to meet with these people. We get as many as we can to prepare the dishes and drinks. To take them with us and show the ADIEU that the world has changed since the 1800s. People don't fear us anymore. They accept us."

"He's not wrong. So many humans have fallen in love with the idea of dating anyone who isn't human. Nowadays, there's humans that are dating vampires. Elliot's practically dating Vincent who's a devil. With enough people and food, they're bound to see that there doesn't have to be this ongoing war between humans and us." ,said Carter.

shadowess - February 24, 2021

"Ok, no." David said suddenly. "You are living in a fantasy if you think approaching the complex with hundreds of supernatural beings won't result in a massacre!" He became angry. "They won't think 'Oh hey, here come some friendly looking people with food and drink for us'! They'll think you're an army! They'll feel threatened and they'll react as every human group, cult or army has ever reacted when feeling threatened! Violently!"

He stepped up to Vincent and stared him in the eyes. "Please listen to me, this will not end well if you continue down this road! Think rationally! Have some tact and make a proper plan! These people are DANGEROUS! Just ask Amelia and Sebastian or have you forgotten what they both witnessed?! You didn't even know how big the facility was because you didn't even bother getting the correct information from the man you kidnapped before you began making these absurd plans! And now you may well have put us all in danger with that stupid photo idea!!"

Amelia was quiet, watching David and Vincent nervously. Making David this angry was incredibly rare. She wasn't sure how to react to it.
Tom also looked between them nervously. Feeling guilty for having not told them enough information sooner.
Even Clementine seemed wary of David.
Sebastian was just as tense as the rest. He also had very strong doubts about this plan.

Denix Vames - February 24, 2021

"Fine! If none of you will listen to me then I'll do this on my own!"

Vincent pulled Tom away from them. Both men disappeared. They reappeared in the facility. Vincent let him go. He took his hood off.

He nodded at the men who stood in front of him. "Hello there. I am a friend of Tom. I came here to talk to you all about what you are doing is wrong."

shadowess - February 24, 2021

"Vincent wait!!" Amelia had screamed.
Tom had cried out when Vincent grabbed him. In a second they stood in the main hall of the large and pristine white building. Several guards stood by holding large automatic weapons. As soon as Vincent spoke, all scientists in the area ran behind desks and other furniture and the guards took aim. Tom literally pissed himself.


"For goodness sake!" David had snapped and vanished as well.


As shots rang out, David appeared in front of them. He grabbed Tom and Vincent, wincing as he felt a couple of shots hit his lower back and they teleported back to Carter's office.
The second they arrived Tom fell to the ground, spasming and choking as blood poured from his throat.
David began screaming, the bullets feeling like they were made from fire. He fell to his knees in agony. "GET THEM OUT! GET THEM OUT OF ME!!" He screamed, trying to reach around to his back where blood poured out of the bullet holes.

Amelia ran to him and dropped to her knees, pulling his shirt up and seeing why the bullets were causing him so much agony. The skin around the wounds being burnt and irritated as well as smoke seeping out of him. "Angelic Steel?!" She gasped. "They have bullets made of Angelic Steel?!" She looked around wildly at anyone who could help. "Someone get some tweezers or something! They'll destroy him if they stay in him!"

"Move!" Clementine barked, marching over. "Give him something to bite down on!" She said before plunging her tiny fingers into the wounds, making David scream in pain. She dug into the wounds until she felt the tips of her fingers begin to burn and she knew she'd found the bullet. She pulled it out and tossed it away from her, waving her fingers to try to cool them off before reaching into the next wound for the second bullet.

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Denix Vames - February 24, 2021

Elliot ran to Tom's side. He lifted him up. "What's going on man? What's wrong?"

As Vincent watched this all unfold, he wondered why David had risked his life like that. Were those men really about to kill him? Did words mean nothing to them? Did peace, love, and happiness mean anything?

He tossed the half crystal aside. Letting it fall on the floor. "Vincent?" Carter turned to him.

Vincent fell to his knees as he growled. "LISTEN TO ME!" "Vincent! Stop! Take a deep breath!"

But he did not listen. He quickly transformed into his flying skeletal form. He disappeared and found himself in the secret base again. All of their weapons heated up. Causing them to drop their guns. Those guns had melted.


He let out massive flames from his mouth that began to burn the men there.


shadowess - February 25, 2021

Sebastian watched helplessly as it all happened. Vincent had vanished with Tom and then David vanished right after. Only a moment later, they all returned but David was apparently hit by Angelic bullets which Clementine was currently trying to dig out of him with her little fingers and Tom was rapidly bleeding out from a wound in his neck. Vincent had then thrown his half of the crystal away from him before transforming and disappearing again.

Now he watched as Amelia wept hysterically by David's side, holding his hand, begging him not to die and Elliot held Tom in his arms, seemingly unable to comprehend that he too was dying. "He's bleeding out!" Sebastian had gasped and he knelt by Tom and Elliot, looking at the wound quickly then tore a piece of this shirt off to press down on it. "He's been shot. Looks like the bullet passed straight through but it must've hit an artery. He's losing a lot of blood, fast." He says, trying to keep pressure on the wound without choking him but it was no use, he was still losing a lot of blood. They now practically sat in a puddle of it. He looked up at Carter desperately. "It won't stop!"

"Got it!" Clementine announced, flinging the second bullet away from them. "He'll be fine. He won't heal as quick as we normally do but he'll live."
"Amelia, listen to me." David says weakly. "Don't let him go alone. They were prepared for Demons, prepared for Devils and he has lost control. Either he'll be a risk to any prisoners they have in there or he's in danger of any other weapons that they have made with Angelic Steel."


The room filled with the screams of the guards as they caught fire and ran around desperately trying to put themselves out. An alarm sounded and a red light flashed on and off in the room. A robotic voice sounded throughout the building announcing a Code 52 was in progress. The scientists who had been unfortunate enough to still be in the room when Vincent reappeared were now hammering on the doors, begging to be let through as the building went into lockdown.

A far door opened and three large, heavily armored men ran into the room with massive guns. The barrels of which were about the diameter of a car wheel. They ran around Vincent, splitting up so he couldn't focus on all of them at once and they each fired a round at him. What they fired were huge, weighted metallic silver-white nets. Each net made of thousands of Angelic Steel wires to render any Demon or Devil powerless under it's weight. If hit, Vincent would be trapped, pinned to the ground and forced to revert to his human form where the wires would irritate and lightly burn his skin.

Denix Vames - February 25, 2021

Elliot took his shirt off and wrapped it around his neck. Carter ran to them. "Maybe we need to turn him to save him?!"
Vincent flew past the nets. His mouth opened as he caught one of the men. Crunching down on his body until he heard a sickening crack. He let his body go. The flames he had caused were now growing by his pained heartbroken cries.

Melting the walls along with the other two men. He flew out of the melted wall. As he made his way through the facility, he began to burn and melt everything in his way.


shadowess - February 25, 2021

Sebastian hesitated at Carter's suggestion then looked down at Tom. They were running out of time. Tom was looking at them with wide, terrified eyes. His tanned features were now a sickly grey color. "Tom, I'm sorry. You're dying and there's only one way we can save you. I just need a yes or a no." He watched him carefully as he spoke. "Do you want to be what we are?"

Tom stared at them both but so afraid of death and feeling himself getting weaker, he nodded his head. "Alright. Just hold on." Sebastian said quickly. Then lifting Tom's arm, he bit into it. He couldn't take much. He'd lost so much already. He just needed to make sure his venom was in his system before he could feed him. Letting go of his arm, Sebastian looked at him and could see his eyes rolling, his body beginning to relax.

He looked at Elliot, recalling what Carter had gone through when he'd turned. "You may want to get back for this part." He then brought his own wrist up to his mouth and bit into it, ignoring the feeling of his venom, he pressed his wrist against Tom's mouth. "Carter, he's going to need a bag...or two." He said, wincing as he felt Tom start to drink from his wrist. "Elliot, he's going to be in a lot of pain in a minute. That's normal. It's part of his transformation. Listen to me carefully. Do not approach him to see if he's ok until after he's had the blood bags, do you understand?" Or he'd wind up seeing Elliot as food instead.

As all of that was going on with Tom, Amelia was gawping at David. "But-"
"Amelia, please. He needs help. I'll be fine." David argued and Amelia got to her feet. She looked between Charles and Clementine uncertainly. She really didn't want to leave David after something like this. "Take care of him for me?" She said shakily before vanishing.


Amelia arrived in the very hot facility. Alarms, flashing lights and a tannoy going off. She saw burned corpses scattered around the place. Walls and guns melted. The sheer shock of what she was seeing caused her to falter as she turned around to look at what had happened. Then she heard Vincent's screams and she turned to face the direction it came from before racing towards the source.

"Vincent!!" She screamed as she ran, following the trail of destruction he was leaving behind. "Vincent!! Stop!" She ground to a halt at the sight of his skeletal form. "Vincent, wait! The prisoners! You need to stop! You need to calm down!! Think!" She pleaded with him.

Denix Vames - February 25, 2021

Carter nodded. "On it!" He ran to the fridge and came back with two blood bags. Setting them on the floor near Tom.

Elliot took many steps back until he was in a corner. He lowered himself as he started hyperventilating. Carter knelt by his side. Placing a comforting hand on him. "Hey, it's alright. Everything's going to be ok. I promise."

He gave him the half crystal. "Vincent will need this when he gets back. Hold on to it for him. Can you do that?" Elliot nodded.

Charles helped David to the couch. "You can rest here until you feel less like shit."
Vincent heard her voice.


He continued flying through the many corridors. Repeating his actions.

shadowess - February 25, 2021

Tom suddenly let go of Sebastian's wrist with a gasp and began writhing on the floor. Sebastian watched him carefully, feeling just as helpless as he had when watching Carter change. It could take up to a couple of hours for this part to end. "It'll be alright. This is normal. It'll be over soon." He tried to say to him comfortingly as Tom began groaning and crying out from the pain he was in, turning this way and that on the floor and clawing at the floorboards. Sebastian stayed near him to make sure he stayed close to the bags and didn't end up going after Elliot. He looked over at Carter sadly, knowing he was going to have as much trouble adjusting to the change as Carter had.

David groaned as he moved to the couch then leant against the arm of the chair, his back in too much pain to be able to sit back normally. His breathing was shallow. He looked up at Charles and nodded. "Thank you." He breathed and stared off at the ground. He was worried for Amelia and Vincent. Both of them alone in that place. Either the humans are a danger to them...or they'll be a danger to each other with Vincent being as angry as he was.

Clementine looked between David and Charles. She glanced back at the vampires and Elliot then looked back at Charles. "Do you really feel comfortable letting them go to ADIEU on their own?" She felt helpless. She hated feeling helpless.


"Vincent, no!" Amelia screamed and watched him continue on his path of destruction. "Oh for God's sake!" She snapped, knowing she was going to have to do something drastic to stop him and save any prisoners trapped in this building from his wrath. She couldn't transform so she would only be able to rely on the powers she had in her current form.

She ran after him and ran ahead, coming to a stop, blocking his path. Her eyes were glowing red. "Vincent, I am warning you!" She shouted. "Stop this now or you'll leave me no choice but to knock you back to your senses!!" She really didn't want to hurt him. She was praying that he'd just stop and listen to her. That he'd calm down enough to realize what he was doing. "Vincent! Don't make me fight you!"

Denix Vames - February 25, 2021

Charles smirked. "From what I saw and heard, it seems that Vincent doesn't have any trouble killing those bastards."

Elliot suddenly started sobbing. Carter sat next to him. Gently rubbing his back.

Charles shrugged. "Did I say something wrong?"
Vincent didn't listen to her. Or maybe he couldn't think what she was saying anymore.

He only thought of chaos.

shadowess - February 25, 2021

Clementine held no interest in the man sobbing in the corner. Crying only ever seemed to annoy her. She thought about what Charles said and she too didn't think Vincent would have much problem. Not with how easily he took her down in her doll form. She noticed the Crystal horse on the coffee table and wondered how long ago Amelia had used so much energy. She walked over to it thoughtfully and stroked it's snout while admiring it. "And Amelia?" She asked.

David had watched her and his eyes widened. He had forgotten about that horse completely. She'd be exhausted! Forced to fight and utterly exhausted. "Amelia!" He gasped and tried to get up then groaned, flinching before falling back to sit on the couch again.

Sebastian was so focused on making sure Tom was alright that he didn't hear the conversation. He was vaguely aware of Elliot sobbing but he needed to keep his eyes on Tom who was still writhing around, crying and groaning.


He didn't seem to be stopping. Amelia was afraid of this. She took up a fighting stance and tried to make herself a weapon. She only managed to make herself an unshaped handful of crystal before she felt the effort become too much for her. She was sweating and a little breathless from it. "Fucking horse!" She cursed and deciding she had little choice but to defend herself, she ran forward while throwing the crystal to the side and aimed to tackle him to the ground. Looks like she was going to have to do this with just her fists.

Denix Vames - February 25, 2021

"You better rest easy. I'm sure Amelia will be fine. She's been through worse and still somehow managed to survive even with very little energy." ,said Charles.

Carter pulled Elliot in for a hug. Trying his best to keep him calm.
Vincent didn't expect her to try and attempt to pin him to the floor. He struggled with a great force that made her shake. Crying out in pained sadness and anger.

Denix Vames - February 25, 2021

"You better rest easy. I'm sure Amelia will be fine. She's been through worse and still somehow managed to survive even with very little energy." ,said Charles.

Carter pulled Elliot in for a hug. Trying his best to keep him calm.
Vincent didn't expect her to try and attempt to pin him to the floor. He struggled with a great force that made her shake. Crying out in pained sadness and anger.

shadowess - February 25, 2021

Charles was probably right but Amelia was still David's daughter and he worried for her. He gripped the arm of the chair tightly, regretting sending her away. What if he loses her too?

Tom's screams became a little louder and Sebastian tilted his head a little to one side as he reached over to pull the shirt away from his throat. The bullet wound had healed. He was going to be just fine. "Make it stop!" Tom sobbed. "Oh God! It hurts!" He felt hot. He could feel himself sweating through his clothes and he began clawing at them, desperate to take them off and try to keep cool.
"It'll be alright. It'll stop soon. We're here. We're not going anywhere." Sebastian said calmly, trying to comfort him.

Sebastian glanced over at Elliot and could see he was distressed. He looked at Carter then nodded at the ceiling, suggesting taking him out of the room altogether might be better for both Elliot and Tom.


Amelia tried to grapple with Vincent. This was difficult enough with him being made of bone, making him hard to keep a grip on. But he pushed back, fighting her and his strength was shocking to her. But then, she supposed, the body he was in possession of was far older than she was and therefore might be stronger. "Vincent! Please!" She tried, pushing him back.

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Denix Vames - February 25, 2021

"Tell you what? I'll go check on her." ,said Charles. He disappeared.

Carter nodded at Sebastian. He carried Elliot upstairs and to his bedroom. Placing him on the bed. "I'll stay here with you. You can tell me anything that you need to get off your chest."
Charles appeared at the scene that was unfolding. He quickly himself on top of Vincent as well. He gripped his neck. Making him look at him.

"Enough of this! You and I have to switch back! You can't handle this kind of power!"

Vincent shouted, "LISTEN TO ME!"

"No! You LISTEN TO ME!" Charles's eyes became red. There was a sudden flash of light before both men had collapsed.

Charles instantly sat up. He was now in his original body. Naked. He looked at Vincent who was in his original body too. It seemed as though he had passed out from the process.

"We have to get out of here!" He grabbed both of their arms. They all disappeared then reappeared in the living room.

shadowess - February 25, 2021

Thankful that she was basically flame proof, Amelia could feel her clothes begin to singe as she continued to fight Vincent with her bare hands. She struggled with him as hard as she could, trying to keep him from moving any further into the complex. She heard Charles's voice and she looked up to see him gripping Vincent as well. "Charles!" Was all she had time to gasp when both men collapsed, Vincent falling right out of her grip. The heat in the room evaporated and through the blaring alarms she could hear guards beginning to approach now that it was safe enough to do so.

She knelt down hurriedly and tried to shake them both awake. Vincent (now Charles) sat up and she looked at him warily for a moment before he spoke and gripped both of them. She could heard thudding footsteps approaching just before they vanished and knew they'd escaped in the nick of time. She stared at Charles, ignoring the fact he was naked and stared into his eyes as if searching. She had heard him say they needed to switch bodies and she wondered if it had worked this time. "Ch-Charles?" She asked, then flung her arms around him. Hugging him tightly, her whole body shaking.

Denix Vames - February 25, 2021

Charles wrapped his arms around her. "I'm here my dear. I'm right here."

Vincent slowly opened his eyes. He sat up with a groan as he clutched his head. He gasped as he saw his hands were different. He soon noticed that everything about himself was different.

He ran to the bathroom upstairs. He screamed at his own reflection. He punched the mirror. Pieces of it scattered everywhere. He picked up a large piece. He ran to Charles. "Give me back my body! That was me! Mine!"

Charles ran at him at the same time. He dodged the shard and gripped his wrist. Flipping him over.

Vincent cringed as he hit the floor. Charles was on top of him. He slammed his hand down. Making Vincent lose his grip on the shard. Vincent's eyes were wide with rage. Glaring at him. "It was my power! My power!"

"It was making you sick! You lost control! I told you not to kill anyone and look at what you did!"

Vincent maniacally laughed. "I know! Wasn't it fun?"

shadowess - February 25, 2021

Comforted by his words, Amelia relaxed in his embrace. Just happy that they were all alive. Something about his voice now. The way he spoke along with the accent just sounded...right. All she felt in that moment was pure love for him. Hearing Vincent's scream, she pulled back in alarm and watched as Charles handled him with ease.

She watched as Vincent laughed at what he'd done and called it 'fun' and she felt disgusted. She looked at him now and knew without a shadow of a doubt that she felt no attraction to that body whatsoever. This made her realize that it had truly been Charles that she had fallen for and that the body hadn't mattered.

But this realization was vastly overshadowed by the anger she felt welling up within. "Fun?" She snapped. "Fun?! My dad was almost destroyed because of you!" She raged and gestured towards Tom who was still writhing around and screaming. "Tom almost died because of you! You killed people! Burned them alive! And you call that fun?!"

Denix Vames - February 25, 2021

"Oh c'mon! Where's your sense of humor?" ,asked Vincent. He grinned.

Charles raised a hand at her. "Don't be mad at him. Because he's back in this body, his views are different. We might need to make him realize again that violence is wrong. Something that you should only use when it's needed."

"Don't even think about locking me up bitch!" "Ooh! What a feisty word. It's not like I haven't heard that one before." ,said Charles sarcastically. He shook his head. "I have a better idea."

He snapped his fingers as a new set of clothes appeared over his body. Now fully dressed in a white cloak and blue robes. He lifted him off the floor with ease. Placing him over his shoulder.

An adult sized baby cage appeared in a corner of the living room. He threw him in it. The gate closed and locked. Vincent grabbed at the bars. Trying to get himself out. "Hey! What are you doing?! Get me out of here!" "Not until you understand the difference between right and wrong."

He grit his teeth. "Theo was right! I can become a Devil! Once I drink your blood, I'll be unstoppable!" Charles flicked his nose. "Go ahead and try. I'll just keep killing you until the body pile reaches the moon."

He walked away. Vincent tried to get the gate again. He cried out. Frustrated with his situation. "You bastard! I'll gut you like the rest of them!"

shadowess - February 25, 2021

Amelia growled at his remark but paused when Charles held up a hand. She listened to what he had to say and looked at Vincent's crazed eyes. He was right. He'd regressed, big time. She then watched as Charles created a cage from nothing and threw Vincent inside without any difficulty. She was amazed by his sheer power and knew that he was right about Vincent having not had any idea about how to use or control it when he'd had it.

Vincent's next words disturbed Amelia greatly. He now seemed to agree with Theo and seemed to think he would become a Devil by drinking his blood. Thankfully, this wasn't the case. The only way he'd become a Devil is if a full blooded Devil (Such as Charles or Amelia) granted him the power or a Blood God (Such as Parker) turned him in the same way a vampire turns humans. Amelia and Charles currently had no intention of granting him such a gift and Parker was stuck as an oblivious human until his death. Thankfully she didn't have to worry about him trying to go after Parker with him being stuck in that cage.

Maybe they could turn him back around? Teach him how to be a good person again? She hoped so. She'd grown quite fond of the Vincent she'd gotten to know and it hurt her to see him like this. To hear him agree with a monster like Theo...Theo who'd attacked her...who'd tried to...She shivered and took her eyes away from Vincent, trying to hide her tears. The trauma still very much fresh in her memory.

Clementine had been watching all of this silently. Never taking her eyes off of Vincent. Her mind and emotions completely blocked off from both him and Charles. She seemed to just want to observe as she stood near David who was still leaning against the arm of the chair, looking pained and weak.

Amelia got to her feet and turned to look at Tom and Sebastian. Tom had stopped screaming and was now laying on his back, sprawled out, breathing heavily. His entire body drenched in sweat. "It's almost over." Sebastian said sadly, looking at Amelia. "He's going to need a lot of support..."

Denix Vames - February 25, 2021

Charles snapped his fingers. Elliot and Carter appeared. "Wha-?! How the hell are we here?" ,said Elliot. "I teleported you here. I needed you to see Vincent. Hopefully, you'll put some sense back into him."

Elliot hesitated as he looked at who he use to call Charles. "That's Vincent?" "This is his original body that he's now back in. Talk to him for however long you need to."

Charles turned to Clementine and David. "I recommend that you both return to Hell." He snapped his fingers and they were gone.

shadowess - February 25, 2021

"With you and Carter to teach him, I'm sure he'll be fine." Amelia said to Sebastian reassuringly. She then turned to see Charles snap his fingers, apparently summoning Carter and Elliot to them. Her mouth fell open in surprise. Just how powerful is this guy?! Would she get that powerful in time? She was just as shocked when he snapped his fingers again, sending David and Clementine away. She understood why he was doing it but she wasn't entirely comfortable with the way he could take control of others so easily. She sighed, rubbing her temples, too tired to want to think on it further. This had been one hell of a day and she longed to spend the rest of it alone with Charles, in his arms.

Tom sat up weakly. He was shaking and every muscle in his body felt sore. He looked at his hands as if expecting to see anything different. He felt different. He looked up at Sebastian and tried a weak smile then flinched, feeling something sting his lower lip. He brought a hand up and felt the new fangs. He froze, his finger still on one of them. Sebastian picked up one of the bags and gave it to Tom who looked at it tearfully. "It'll help." Sebastian said gently.

Tom took it off him and looked at it uncertainly. "How do I-?" He started and trailed off when he looked up and saw Sebastian smirking at him in amusement.
"How do you think?"
"Oh..." Tom looked back down at the bag and brought it up to his mouth nervously. Meekly, he bit into it and then moaned as the liquid gushed into his mouth. He drank it quickly, dropped the empty bag and picked up the second bag, feeling starved.
Sebastian sighed in relief, looking over at Carter. Tom might take to vampirism easier than he thought.

Denix Vames - February 25, 2021

Elliot slowly walked over to the cage. He knelt. "Vincent?" "Elliot." Vincent grinned. "Help me get out of this now, won't you?" "What happened to you?" "I'm better than I was before. A demon again but a killing machine."

Tears dripped Elliot's eyes. His hands were shaking. He took out the half crystal from his pocket. "I-I saved this for you." Vincent was stunned for a moment before turning away.

"Do you honestly think I need that anymore? What I need is a way out of here! And you can help me with that." He touched his fingers which were gripping parts of the cage. Looking into his eyes as he smiled. "Then we can be together."

Elliot shook his head. "I trusted you. When I was scared, you were the one who made me realize that everything was fine. That none of these people were going to hurt me. The only one that has hurt me is you."

Vincent glared. "Stop it!" "I loved you, Vincent! I did!" "I said stop it!" Elliot threw the half crystal at him before running upstairs.

Vincent glanced at the half crystal before picking it up. Examining its shape and color.

Carter sighed as he walked over to Tom and Sebastian. "Hey buddy. Welcome to the vampire life."

shadowess - February 25, 2021

Amelia watched everything between the vampires as well as Elliot and Vincent. She sighed and walked towards the back door, stepping out into the garden and sitting on the bench, looking up at the fading stars as the sky began to lighten up. She just needed some peace for a little while. Some fresh air to clear her head.


Tom lowered the now empty second bag and stared at it. "Yeah...Guess this really is my life now..." He said in reply to Carter. He was still coming to terms with everything that had happened.
"I know it probably seems overwhelming right now but it's not so bad." Sebastian said to try and comfort him.

Tom shrugged "My life was over the second I decided to help you...They were going to hunt me like they hunt you guys anyway...guess it's only fitting that I become like you guys too..." He brought his eyes up to look at Sebastian and Carter, looking a little lost. "What do I do now though? Like...how do I live? Where do I go?"

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Denix Vames - February 25, 2021

Carter smiled. "You can stay with us. You can sleep on the couch or in one of the bedrooms. We're more than happy to let you live here. We've got enough blood for us all. And if we run out then we can always buy more."

shadowess - February 25, 2021

Nodding, Tom smiled and looked between them. "Thank you...um...do ya mind if I head up to one of the rooms now? I feel really tired...and sore..."
Sebastian smiled and looked towards the curtained windows thoughtfully. "Changing is exhausting...that and it's almost daylight out. Which reminds me, don't let the sunlight touch you. If the stories about vampires got anything right, it's that we burn in the sun."
Tom nods uncomfortably. "Got it...no more sun bathing on the beaches..." He shakily got to his feet and headed towards the staircase. "Well good nigh-....day? Good day, I guess..." He said before walking up the stairs and disappearing into one of the spare rooms.
Sebastian sighed heavily and leant against Carter, resting his head on his shoulder. "Now I really can't wait to go travelling!" He commented wearily.


Feeling a little calmer than she had a moment ago, Amelia stood and took a deep breath. She really wanted a drink and a smoke after everything that had happened today. But she wanted something else more. Or rather, someone else. She headed back into the house and looked at Charles. Walking over to him, she wrapped her arms around him again, just wanting to be held by him. "Can we go back to your place?" She whispered, wanting to get away from everything for a while.

Denix Vames - February 25, 2021

Elliot sat up from his bed when he saw the door open. "Oh, it's you." He glared. "Do you have any more secrets up your sleeve? Or did you tell us everything?"

Carter pinched the brim of his nose as he was fighting off a migraine. "Me too." His legs were a bit wobbly.
Charles nodded. He smiled. "Of course." They appeared in the condo. He kissed her. "How are you feeling?"

shadowess - February 25, 2021

Tom jumped at the sound of Elliot's voice and he hesitated. "-Um! Sorry, I didn't realize this room was taken..." He said quickly, still standing in the doorway then paused at the questions. "I...I told you guys everything I know..." He said looking at the ground guiltily. He felt awful about everything that had happened.

Even though he didn't know just how bad ADIEU were, he still felt responsible. In fact, he'd been planning on waiting until just after the sun had set to slip away quietly. He'd already brought these people enough trouble without burdening them with taking care of him as well. "I'm-...I'm sorry...I'll just...I'll just find another room..."


Sebastian helped Carter to his feet and hugged him. "Blood bag and bed?" He suggested with a small smile. "Then maybe we can start coming up with ideas on where we want to visit first."


Amelia kissed him back and smiled. Her blue eyes glowing a little and her cheeks shimmering. A reaction that only Charles seemed capable of getting from her. "Better now." She answered softly, still smiling. It was true. Back at Carter's office, she'd felt nothing but a deep sadness. Her close friend had lost his mind and was now a raving lunatic sitting in a cage. Her father had come close to complete destruction and was now dealing with injuries that could take days, if not weeks to recover from.

That's not even mentioning all the people she'd seen burn to death or that Sebastian had had to turn another human into a vampire. But now that she stood in Charles's condo, in his arms and looking into his eyes...it felt like all of those worries were melting away. Like all that mattered right now was simply being here with him. Like they were the only two people in the world. She kissed him again. Softly, then deeply, then passionately. Lifting a hand to run her fingers through his hair.

Denix Vames - February 25, 2021

Elliot sighed. "No, wait a minute. Come here. You can....sleep on the bed. I'll take the floor. Besides, the other room belongs to Sebastian and Carter."
Carter held a small smile. "Definitely." He soon drank from a bag which made him feel somewhat better. Him and Sebastian headed upstairs and into their bedroom.
Charles became lost in those kisses. He placed his hands on her hips. Keeping her close as he led her to the couch.

shadowess - February 26, 2021

Lifting his hazel eyes to Elliot he entered the room sheepishly and closed the door. "Oh...oh, you don't have to do that." He said, now feeling bad that he was going to make someone sleep on the floor. "I could...I could sleep in the chair? I don't mind." He suggested.


A small moan escaped Amelia as she felt his hands on her hips. Her body pressed against his as they kissed. They moved around the room until she felt the back of her legs touch the couch and she giggled a little as she sat down, bringing him down with her. She slid a hand under his robe to run her fingers over his chest while caressing his tongue with her own. Utterly lost in the moment.

Denix Vames - February 26, 2021

Elliot shook his head as he got off the bed. "At this point, you deserve the bed after everything that just happened to you." He shrugged. "Besides, I don't usually sleep with people unless I'm really close to them."
As Carter was sleeping, he found himself in another nightmare. One that felt so surreal.

Vincent, in that skeletal form, was flying above. Roaring. Fire spread everywhere. Carter began to run. Trying to get away.

Men in white grabbed him by his arms. He struggled but they seemed to be stronger him. They strapped him to a hospital bed. A surgeon cut him open. He screamed.

He hadn't realize but in his sleep he was mumbling with panic in his voice. Sometimes, he screamed. Yet, he was still stuck in the nightmare.

He was suddenly in darkness. He could hear children screaming. "Carter!" ,said Jack. He looked around to find him but couldn't. Then he saw a burning house. His house. Being engulfed by Vincent's flames.

"Jack! Kids! I'm coming! I'm here!" He ran towards the house. The building collapsed into blood that pushed him into his own coffin. He jumped out of it. Finding himself in a cemetery where he faced himself. It was like clone. The only difference was that its eyes were red as it grinned. It laughed at him then pounced.

He gasped awake. He fell over the bed. Trying to get away from whatever he saw. He was sweaty and shaking. Hyperventilating as he tried to breath. Tears were down his cheeks.
Elliot soon pulled his own cloak and robes off. He gently pushed her forward so that she laid on the couch. Pressing himself against her. He moved his lips to her neck. Kissing there.

shadowess - February 26, 2021

Tom chuckled at his last comment. "Guess that makes two of us" he lowered his eyes to the ground. "Thank you..."


Sebastian had been woken up by Carter's screams. He sat up, startled and tried to shake him awake. "Carter! Wake up! It's just a dream, you're ok!" He said while trying to wake him up. When Carter awoke and jumped from the bed in fright, Sebastian jumped to his feet as well and placed his hands on his shoulders. "It's ok! You're ok! It was a nightmare! Just a dream! I'm here. You're alright." He said soothingly, wiping the tears from his face before pulling him in for a hug. That must've been one Hell of a dream!


(Private time lol)

shadowess - February 26, 2021

((Forgot to add this in.))

Once everyone had gone to bed. Once Amelia and Charles left. Clementine re-appeared in the room where Vincent was being held prisoner. She tilted her head at him with a small smile then knelt on one knee, bowing her head to him. "My allegiance is to you. Not Charles or Amelia." She spoke quietly, being careful not to wake the others and lifted her head to look at him.

"I think you'd make a fine Devil." She tilted her head once more. "Did you know, as a telepath, you have the ability to hide your thoughts and emotions from others? Even Devils." She grinned. "That's what I do. Any thought or emotion you or Charles have felt thus far has been deliberate on my part."

Denix Vames - February 26, 2021

Elliot awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, I guess so."
He took a pillow and a bedsheet. "Anyway, I'll be sleeping down there if you need me." He laid on the floor with the pillow under his head and the sheet over himself. He was on his side with his eyes closed.
Carter soon calmed down when he heard Sebastian's voice and felt his touch. His breathing slowed down. "S-Sebastian.....I thought....I don't know what I saw. But I don't want to see it ever again."
Vincent glared. "What do you mean by deliberate?"

shadowess - February 26, 2021

"Alright" Tom said, watching Elliot settle himself. He then moved over to the bed and lay down. It didn't take him long to fall asleep.


Sebastian rubbed his back and held him tight. He kissed the side of his head. "It's ok. It's over now. C'mon, lets sit on the bed for a bit." He guided him over, intending to just cuddle him and listen to anything he wanted to say for however long he needed to feel better again.


"I mean anything you ever heard me think or feel was something that I wanted you to know at the time." She stood to watch him carefully. All the while listening intently in case someone approached. The moment she heard any footsteps approaching them she'd vanish back to Hell before she could be discovered. "This does not change the fact that I am loyal to you. Just some information about your own powers that I thought you might find interesting, given your...predicament." Her eyes moved over the cage that he sat in. It being made by a Devil, she had no power to be able to release him or she'd have done so by now. He'll need to use his cunning to get himself out. She brought her eyes back to his.

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Denix Vames - February 26, 2021

Elliot, while sleeping, was shivering. Gradually, he began to shake from the cold.
Carter listened. Sitting right next to him at the edge of the bed. He massaged his temples as he was thinking. "I really need a smoke right now."
Vincent grit his teeth. "Are you saying that you've been making me and Charles feel different by putting your thoughts into our heads?"

shadowess - February 26, 2021

Being a light sleeper and having a little trouble sleeping through nightmares about getting shot repeatedly at the facility, Tom woke up when he heard Elliot shivering. He looked over at him with a frown and looked at the thick duvet on the bed. He was barely using it anyway. He didn't quite feel the cold like he used to. Lifting it, he pulled it off the bed and draped it over Elliot gently before laying back down on the bed, staring at the ceiling and praying he could just sleep without the nightmares.


Sebastian hesitated. He really hated smoking, drinking or doing anything that could harm your body but Carter had a right to choose what he could and could not do. If smoking helped him to stay calm through all this madness, then he couldn't really deny him that. "You still can, you know..." He said while holding him. He sighed. "If it helps you...you can still smoke."


Clementine sighed impatiently. "No." She answered him. "I can't fake thoughts or emotions. That is beyond my power. I can only hide them or direct certain thoughts in your direction while keeping them hidden from other telepaths. Like a private conversation."

She then concentrated. 'Like this. If there are any other telepaths in this house, they will not be able to hear what you can hear me think right now. My point is, you are fully capable of doing this as well.'

Denix Vames - February 26, 2021

Elliot quickly became warm with the blanket. Having an easier time sleeping.
Carter smirked as he shook his head. "I wish. I don't have any damn cigarettes. I threw them out after that talk in the kitchen we had. Remember?"
Vincent grinned. "Good to know. You really do make a remarkable servant. Perhaps you could help me in my mission to destroy that facility." He stood. "Before, I would have gone in there without thinking. Now, I have an idea."

shadowess - February 26, 2021

"Oh yeah..." Sebastian smiled, rubbing the back of his head with embarrassment. "Well...at least now you know." He said, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "So...where did you want to travel to first?" He asked, hoping to take Carter's mind off the dream he'd had.


Clementine smiled, happy to see he finally got it. She placed a hand on her chest and bowed her head at the compliment. "You flatter me. I would be honored to help you in your endeavor. Unfortunately..." She stepped up to the cage and flicked the bars. "I don't have the power to release you...You need a Devil to do that. Which means you'll need to convince either Amelia or Charles that they can trust you enough to let you out."

She then smiled slyly. "I may also have a lead on those Angelic items that were stolen in Hell. If I can find them before David, would you prefer that I gave them directly to you? Amelia and Charles don't need to know you have them."

Denix Vames - February 26, 2021

Carter frowned. "I'm sorry Sebastian but I can't think about having a vacation when there's still that god damn organization. Running around and kidnapping people to do whatever sick fucked up things they've been doing."
Vincent nodded. "Those items will be of good use to me." He thought for a moment. "Though I'm not too sure how I can convince either one. They're very stubborn."
Charles had left after his personal time with Amelia. Leaving her alone in the bed as she slept.

He soon came back with a smile on his face. He gently shook her awake. "Oh dear. I have a surprise for you."

shadowess - February 26, 2021

Sebastian's smile slipped. He had meant for after they'd taken down the organization but he saw Carter's point. It might not be such a good idea to try making any plans before they knew they were safe again. He nodded. "Then we'll come up with a way to stop them first. Amelia, Charles and Vincent must've seen some of the layout. Maybe we could use what they saw to our advantage?"


Clementine glanced at the staircase warily. She felt she was beginning to push her luck with this secret meeting. "Charles might be more difficult but Amelia is not a telepath. Her thoughts and memories are an open book to you. Perhaps you could use that to your advantage?" She glanced back and smiled. "You are a smart man, Vincent. I trust you will find a way. For now, I believe I have some Angelic Items to find."


Amelia's eyes flickered open. She had been sleeping soundly with a small smile. Hearing Charles's voice, she looked up and her smile grew. "Hey you." She said sleepily, rubbed her eyes and sat up. Waking up a little more, she looked at Charles curiously. "Oh?" She asked, wondering what he meant.

Denix Vames - February 26, 2021

"Something tells me that those three don't need our help. Especially Vincent. Though, I guess now it would be Charles. I never knew a guy like that could have so much power." Carter bit his lip. "I don't mean to sound like one of those hunters but it's terrifying."
Vincent nodded. "Good luck finding them. I have a feeling that Bryce may be the culprit. But that's just a feeling."
Charles sat at the edge of the bed. "I freed the last surviving prisoners and put them in Carter's house. I killed all of the hunters and destroyed their facility. Leaving no trace of them behind. It's nothing but rubble and ash now. I told them the prisoners everything that they needed to know. I said they can return to their homes if they had any. Many did leave. I guided them to their places. However, there's an interesting fellow that I think we should all meet. A rogue angel by the name of Naoutha. But he prefers to be called Nate. It's much more simpler he says."

shadowess - February 26, 2021

"I know what you mean..." Sebastian agreed. "Thank God he's on our side, right?" He then looked a little thoughtful. "Did you see how...Amelia and him? You don't think they're-?" He stammered, unsure of how to phrase the question. He'd noticed how Amelia had hugged him and they'd vanished together and couldn't help wondering if there was something between them. While he was happy for her if they were together, he also worried for her considering his level of power. But then, he supposed he'd probably worry for her no matter who it was. She was like family to him at this point.


Frowning, Clementine nodded. Recalling Bryce's unpredictability and ruthlessness, she knew she'd have to be wary of him if he did have them. That dagger could destroy her just as easily as it could destroy any Devil. Especially now that she had his book locked away in her lab. "Then I will search for Bryce first. Good luck on gaining your freedom, Vincent." She vanished, in search of Bryce in Hell.


Stunned into silence, Amelia listened until Charles finished speaking. Her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open a little. At first she found it difficult to believe but as she thought on it and about how powerful Charles seemed to be, she felt an immense relief wash over her. It was over. Everything with that wretched organization was finally over with! She broke into a wide smile and shook her head a little, overjoyed. "How-? y-you-? You did all that? I-it's only been a few hours! Th-that's amazing! You're amazing!" She threw her arms around him, laughing joyfully. She couldn't remember the last time she felt this happy.

Denix Vames - February 26, 2021

Carter nodded. "Yeah, I can tell. It doesn't seem like a bad mix though. They seem to genuinely care about each other."
Vincent laid down and closed his eyes. "What a annoying predicament I am in."
Charles smiled as he held her in his arms. "We can meet him now if you'd like."
(i can describe the angel for you if you want. i had an idea in my head already)

shadowess - February 26, 2021

(Sure  Shall we have Clementine find Bryce or did you want to wait a bit for that?)

A little comforted by Carter's words, Sebastian smiled and laid back on the bed with his hands behind his head. "I guess so." He looked at Carter. "I guess it's just a bit surprising. I've known her for years and she's always turned down people who tried to ask her out. Never thought she'd be the type to have an actual relationship...but then again...there's been a lot of firsts going on lately."


Amelia was both excited and nervous about the idea of meeting an Angel. Any Angel she'd ever come into contact with she'd had to either fight for her life or run from to survive. But with Charles by her side, she felt a little more confident that they'll be safe. "Yes! I'll just get dressed..." She said as she sprung to her feet and began gathering her clothes that had been thrown about the room during their passionate time together earlier that day.

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Denix Vames - February 26, 2021

(that would be fine. we can start that now.)

"There always seems to be." Carter laid next to. Resting his head over his chest. "I'm sorry if I scared you earlier."
Bryce wasn't sure where he was. He just knew he had the items that he needed to capture any Devil.
Once Amelia was dressed, Charles and her appeared in Carter's house.

Sitting crisscrossed on the living room floor was the angel. He had on a white hospital gown. His left eye was nothing but white. A faded scar was over it. His hair was dark brown and wavy. He somewhat had a beard. Barely growing.

He was muscled but not extreme. There was dry blood all over his gown. He was playing Solitaire. He had bruises and whip marks just about everywhere. His one good black eye looked at them.

"Don't be alarmed by the blood." He focused back on the game. "Charles let us....express our anger towards the experiments by having a little chat with the scientists before he tore that prison to the ground."

shadowess - February 26, 2021

Lowering an arm to wrap around Carter, he gently stroked his arm with his thumb. "You don't need to apologize." He kissed the top of his head tenderly. "I just hope you're alright. That must've been one hell of a nightmare that you had."


Deadman's Desert. An orange 'sky' with no sun. Never nightfall. Sand for as far as the eye can see and large, sharp, jagged rocks sticking out of the ground here and there. Souls who didn't know how to traverse Hell well often ended up here. Stuck to walk in the seemingly endless desert until they either went mad or a Demon found them and put them out of their misery.

Clementine found herself standing near one of those sharp rocks, she saw Bryce in the distance, looking just as lost as any soul here would. She approached from behind and maintained a safe enough distance. He might be just a soul, but even without those items, he was a particularly dangerous one. "Mr Heathcliffe. Such a pleasure to see you again." Clementine called out pleasantly. "I'm going to need those items that you stole. Perhaps we can come to some sort of arrangement?"


Once they were in the house, Amelia couldn't take her eyes off the Angel. Instinctively, she felt afraid of him. She moved slowly and nervously over to Charles, and wrapped an arm around his waist, wanting the comfort of his arm around her as she swallowed her fear to try talking to the Angel. She was shivering a little. 'Just be nice. There's nothing to fear. He's on our side.' she thought to herself to try and calm herself down. "H-hi...I'm Amelia..." She began, staring at his injuries and the blood on the gown.

The wrath of an Angel isn't something new to Amelia. Although the humans liked to depict them as these gentle, patient creatures, the truth was they could be just as vengeful as any Devil was capable of being. It only made sense given that most of them were soldiers of God and technically speaking, Devils were just another form of Arch Angel. "S-sorry...this is new...never talked to an Angel who didn't try to kill me straight away before...not including that one Angel but back then I wasn't...what I am now..." She rambled a bit out of nerves.

Denix Vames - February 26, 2021

Carter smiled. "I'm fine now. It was fucked up but I'm ok." He closed his eyes. He sighed. "I just want to forget about it."
Bryce turned around. He smiled. "No, thank you. I plan to give these to Amelia. You see, I know what you truly are. After all, it's hard to trust someone who looks like a bitch."
Nate stopped. "Let's get one thing straight. I'm not on your side, the human's side, or God's side. I'm on my side. Because I'm the only one who hasn't abandoned myself."

He examined the cards on the floor. "As for the angel bit, well....Let's just say that I've killed a few in the past. I never liked angels either. Just the ones who didn't mess with me. Unfortunately, God has an egotistical temper. He doesn't like it when he's proven wrong. So he threw me into that facility. The damage they did to me was something that I didn't expect."

He breathed in the air with a smile. Recalling the fond memories of torturing those scientists. "But crushing their bones did feel good."

"You should get dressed. We need your help." ,said Charles. "With what?" "Forming a peace treaty with the angels." Nate laughed. "And what makes you think that they'll listen to me after all that I've done to them?" "Because I have this."

Charles held the handle of an angelic blade that was in the shape of a head. An opening was under it with jagged points facing where the neck would be. Nate dropped the cards in his hands and stood. "Is that....my weapon?" "Indeed it is." He walked over as he reached out.

He took the weapon. Examining it. "I thought I lost it to those human bastards. Its capabilities of grabbing a head and ripping it off the person's torso always made me happy."

shadowess - February 26, 2021

Sebastian gave him a comforting squeeze and kissed his head once more. "Whatever you need. I'm here."


Anger momentarily flickered across Clementine's features but she maintained that sickly sweet smile. "A fine time you're going to have trying to do that while wandering around this desert in circles." She teased then tilted her head to one side. "So, you're going to give Amelia those items? Just like that? After you kidnapped her. Tortured her and for all you knew at the time aided in her being poisoned? Or did you mean "give them to her" in the more sinister sense?" Because Clementine would be down for that. "What exactly do you hope to gain, here?"


Ok, rude. Amelia immediately got bad vibes from this Angel. She wasn't sold on whether or not he could be trusted and was a little disturbed by the way he talked about torture as well as the way he fondly spoke of his barbaric looking weapon. She was still holding on to Charles. Still too nervous around this Angel to let him go. She looked between them both momentarily with mild confusion. "Sorry...I'm not following...how does that weapon help us get peace?" She looked at Charles questioningly.

Denix Vames - February 26, 2021

Carter began to slowly fall asleep. "Thank you."
"What I did was out of love. What you do is out of hatred. You despise Amelia." Bryce chuckled. "You're naive. Stuck in your ways. Frankly, I like her a lot more than you. Which is why I will find any other way to give her these items before you can get your dirty little hands on them."
Nate smiled. "He hoped it would calm me. And it somewhat has but I need something else. Then I'll be part of your little merrymen group."

Charles rolled his eyes. "Name it." "I want to fuck someone." He raised a brow. "I'm sorry, what?" "You heard me. I don't care what they are so long as I can fuck them." "Deal but first, you need to get a shower and find some clean clothes." "Fine. Where's the bathroom?" "Upstairs." Nate headed up with his weapon by his side. "I''ll be done in no time."

shadowess - February 26, 2021

"Oh Bryce..." Clementine says in disappointment. "We could've been such a team. I might even have given you the resurrection spell but...I guess you just don't want to exist at all anymore." She grinned, her mouth beginning to widen unnaturally. Her eyes glowing red. "I will be taking those items. I'd have preferred you gave them to me willingly but I don't mind destroying you to get them either." Within moments, she'd transformed just as grotesquely as she had done in the woods. Towering over him, she let out a loud, ear-piercing roar before swinging a fist at him from the side.


Amelia watched Nate leave and she looked at Charles again, still feeling lost. She really didn't trust that Angel and she couldn't help but wonder if this might be some kind of mistake. She hoped Charles would comfort her. Tell her she had nothing to worry about. That she was misreading the body language and general vibe she was getting. "Who do you suppose would want to sleep with him?" She asked, wondering if Charles already had someone in mind and if that person would even want to sleep with Nate.

Denix Vames - February 26, 2021

Bryce was thrown off in the distance. He rolled over and cringed as he landed on his back.

He forced himself to get up. He ran at her with a frustrated scream. The knife was in his hand. Ready to stab her.
Charles shrugged. "You're worrying too much. This is just the aftermath of an angel being tortured. Anyway, I'm not so sure who would do it. Vincent might but I don't know about letting him do it. I could do it since it means nothing to me if you're cool with that."

shadowess - February 26, 2021

Seeing the flash of the blade, Clementine moved rapidly to stand atop the jagged rocks, out of his reach. She hissed at him angrily and aimed a kick at him with one of her four legs, hoping to knock him back.


Amelia's brows furrowed, a little angry at the suggestion. "No. I am not cool with that." She said simply. She then thought, uncomfortable by his suggestion to let Vincent do it either. "Vincent isn't himself right now. He might be crazy but he's still my friend. It wouldn't be fair to ask this of him while he isn't himself."

Denix Vames - February 26, 2021

Bryce jumped back. He quickly stabbed her foot.
"Why don't we bring him to Carter's office and see who's willing to do it?"

Nate soon came downstairs. He was dressed in white pants and a coat along with a black buttoned shirt. The buttons at the top were opened. Revealing some of his hairy chest. He had shaved his sort of beard. He smiled. "I feel good. How about it? Do I look good?"

shadowess - February 26, 2021

Letting out a deafening shriek, Clementine pulled her foot back rapidly. The wound burned and bled. She tore a chunk of rock from the one she stood on and threw it in Bryce's direction.


This entire situation made Amelia uncomfortable but she didn't feel they had much of a choice. Not if they wanted an Angel on their side. Not if they wanted peace. She sighed and reluctantly nodded at his suggestion. She turned to look at the Angel as he rejoined them looking far less like he'd just taken part in a massacre. She didn't answer his question, just lowered her eyes to the ground shyly and waited for Charles to do the talking. She still couldn't shale the feeling that something was off and she just wanted this over with.

Denix Vames - February 26, 2021

Bryce fell over. Dodging the rock. He threw the knife at her. Piercing her chest.
Nate gave an annoyed look. "Hmph! Seems like someone doesn't know fashion when they see it." "Don't mind her. She's just nervous." "Oh don't worry. I wouldn't hurt a fly. Not unless it bothered me. Anyway, we should get going."

His wings sprouted from his back. "We're teleporting." ,said Charles. Nate rolled his eyes with a sigh. "Fine!" His wings retracted back into him.

Charles touched his arm. All three appeared in Carter's office at the living room. " Nate caught his eyes on a sleeping Vincent. "He smiled. Ooh!" Charles gripped his shoulder. Stopping him from going near Vincent. "He's not one of yours. You night as well wait until everyone's awake."

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  • Shadowess changed the title to Balance The Realms Nov 2020 - May 2021

shadowess - February 27, 2021

The knife became embedded in her porcelain armor. Only inches from hitting her heart. It burned her horribly, her armor around it cracking and breaking off. She shrieked loudly and stumbled, falling back off the rocks. Stumbling to her feet, she clawed at it, the knife too small for her giant fingers to grip. She staggered back to her feet, hissing and roaring angrily at Bryce as she stumbled away from him before vanishing, taking the dagger with her.


At her doll house, having transformed back into her child form and pulled the dagger out of her chest, she stumbled to her basement door shakily. Blood pouring from the wound, leaving a crimson trail as she went. She unlocked the basement door then re-locked it behind her. She was going to die from this wound and re-awaken elsewhere in Hell. But before she could allow this to happen to her she had to lock the dagger away so that she could come back for it later.

She slowly made her way to her cabinets, unlocking them and placing the dagger inside. Ignoring the fact that her hand was burning from touching the metal. She closed the cabinet and locked it then hid the key. Gripping the wound in her chest, she wandered over to the wall and leant against it. Sliding down it, she sat and stared at the basement door, struggling to breathe and coughing up her own blood.

That was close. Too close. Had he hit her heart, she'd have been done for! She made a mental note to destroy Bryce at her earliest opportunity. She then had a very sinister thought. One that brought a vicious grin to her face. Bryce wanted to get on Amelia's good side, did he? Too bad she would destroy that chance for him! The icing on the cake would be that he gave her the perfect way to do so. Ensuring her mind and emotions were guarded as normal, she forced herself to her feet and made herself hyperventilate, making herself look panicked before vanishing again.


Amelia had jumped, holding onto Charles a little tighter, her eyes widening and darting to Nate when his wings sprouted. Just like their steel, a single feather from their wings could do quite a lot of damage to a Devil. She only relaxed a little when he put them away again.

When they arrived in Carter's office and Nate immediately tried to approach Vincent, Amelia had tensed and opened her mouth to object but Charles beat her to it. She was relieved to hear him make it clear that Vincent wasn't an option and suggest that they wait for the others.

She supposed she should at least make some kind of effort to be nice. He might be a little rough around the edges but so far Nate hadn't given her any reason to suspect him of anything. Maybe Charles was right. Maybe she was just worrying too much. Maybe she was just so used to being on the run from Angels that she her distrust was just a habit at this point? She was about to offer to make coffee when the small form of Clementine appeared in the room.

She was hunched over, gripping her wound, breathing heavily and losing a large amount of blood. Clementine fell to her knees, feeling herself begin to die. "Amelia! It's Bryce! He has them! He has the items! He attacked me!" She coughed up more blood. Her eyes then shot up to Nate and her face turned an even paler shade of white. "A-Angel!" She gasped, showing true fear.

Light sleeper as he was, Tom had heard the commotion and had wandered downstairs to see what was going on. He stared in confusion between the dying child, the stranger, Amelia and Charles. "Oh, my God! Is that kid ok?! What happened?!"

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

Vincent awoke to witness this all. "Wha-? What's going on?"

Charles glared. He picked Clementine up by her neck. "Don't be fooled by her form. She isn't an innocent little girl."

Nate sprouted his wings. He plucked a feather out from one of of his wings. He flinched for a moment before placing that feather on the end of his weapon. "I know what she is too." He pierced her heart. "And she will never attempt to bring another like Lucifer to reign again."

Charles let her body go. "I'm sorry Amelia but Clementine had plans to kill you and possibly anyone who would stand in her way to make Hell the way she envisioned it. That would mean a constant and perhaps worse war with the angels."

"What a shame. I was planning on killing her too." ,said Vincent. "I know you were." Charles snapped his fingers. The cage was gone. "It seemed that Elliot has helped change your mind about things." Vincent nodded. "Then stay here while I go look for Bryce. I'm going to search Clementine's home as well. I'm sure she's stolen a few things in the past from me or some other devil or demon."

shadowess - February 27, 2021

Gasping, Clementine stared at Charles fearfully as he lifted her from the ground by her neck. She could only watch helplessly as Charles announced she wasn't innocent and the Angel sprouted his wings. Her mental guard broke down completely as she began to panic. "No! Please!" Her last thoughts as her heart was pierced being 'I may have... miscalculated... just a bit...' Her form froze, turning grey.

Every vein in her body lit up as if her very blood had just been ignited. Then piece by piece, her skin began to crack and burn. Embers lifting from her little body before she crumpled and disintegrated completely. Leaving behind nothing but a pile of ash on the floor. The fate any Demon or Devil would endure upon their Obliteration.

Amelia had lifted her hands to cover her mouth and nose. Tears running down her face. She had known Clementine all her life. The news that she was trying to betray her and possibly even kill her was a huge shock. She was shaking and backed up until she felt a chair behind her, feeling like she needed to sit down to try and process this. Everything else happening in the room was soon tuned out as she tried to comprehend that Clementine was a traitor.

Tom was standing against the wall, having watched the whole thing and deeply disturbed by the sight of a child turning to dust like that. Even if she was as much of a monster as they said she was, it was still a very jarring sight. "Wha-? What just happened?"

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

"I saved all your lives. Had she had her way, you would have either been her slave or dead." Charles walked to Amelia. He knelt by her side. Placing a hand over her knee. "I'm sorry but I had to do it."

Nate winked at Tom. "Hey there handsome." Vincent gripped his arm. Stopping him. "That's a bit over the line. Even for myself."

shadowess - February 27, 2021

Removing her hands from her face, Amelia looked at Charles and nodded. She took a breath to calm herself enough to talk and said in a broken voice "I know...I know..." She wanted him to know that despite her grief, she didn't blame him for what had happened. She was just heartbroken by the betrayal and grief stricken from losing what she thought was the equivalent of a family friend. She then leant forward so her head rested on his shoulder as she wept, barely able to contain it and needing to let it go. Needing him to hold her. To just be there.

Tom's face had turned red at the compliment and he wasn't sure where to look. "Uh, hi...um..." He stammered shyly then pointed towards the kitchen with his thumb. "I'm- I'm- I'm just guna...go get..." He trailed off, saying the rest too quietly to hear as he walked into the kitchen. 'What was that?! C'mon Tom! Pull yourself together...you've only been shot, turned into a vampire, watched a demon kid turn to ash and been hit on by an Angel...all in the same day...' He thought as he paused in the kitchen to rub his face briefly.

Shaking his head and taking a deep breath, he opened the fridge door and took out a blood bag, biting into it quickly. His new senses had been going nuts. Particularly smell. Vincent and that demon kid didn't smell that great but the others in the next room? Was that their blood he was smelling? That really sweet smell? Whatever it was, it had been making him hungry and he didn't really fancy joining that demon kid in ash-town. So he thought the best thing to do was fill up on the blood bag instead to eliminate any cravings.

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

Charles frowned. "It's ok. It's alright." He pat her back.

Vincent let him go as it seemed like Tom was stable enough to talk to.

Nate walked over to him. He placed his hands over his shoulders. He whispered into his ear. "You look lovely today. What's a drop dead gorgeous vampire like you doing in a place like this?"

shadowess - February 27, 2021

Amelia took several deep breaths to try and calm herself down. Charles talking to her and holding her the way he did helped her a lot. When she felt calm enough to do so, she pulled back and looked at him. "Do what you need to do." She whispered. "I'll be here when you're done." She didn't want to hold him up any more than she already had.

Coming to terms with what had happened, she knew that what happened next would be important and potentially even vital to their progression towards peace. Whatever Charles decided to do now, he had Amelia's absolute trust and loyalty. She then looked over at Vincent and smirked. "Oi, you. Your sister needs a damn hug!" Despite everything that had happened, she'd been glad to see Vincent was back to himself. The version of him that she had effectively adopted.


Feeling hands on his shoulder and then hearing the Angel's voice in his ear had taken Tom by surprise and caused him to squeeze the blood bag tightly. Sending blood shooting into his mouth and causing his cheeks to puff out a bit. With a little bit of a struggle, he managed to swallow the big mouthful a little painfully and he gasped. Coughing a little and catching his breath a bit.

"I-I do?" He asked, his face red as he looked down at the blood drenched clothes he was still wearing from when he'd almost bled out. "Um...I...I..." He stammered shyly, his mind racing. Turning his head to look at the Angel, he shivered excitedly and then looked at the ground. "Oh man...Y-you smell good..."

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

Vincent smiled. "Needy as always." He walked over to her. Giving her a hug. Charles stood. Watching Tom and Nate's interaction.

Nate caressed his cheek. He smirked. "Really? Thanks. Glad to know that I don't smell like shit." He kissed his neck as he touched his waist. "Wanna be alone with me?"

"The two of can take this crap upstairs!" ,said Charles. "Oh hush!" Nate looked back at Tom. "How about it? You want to go into a room and have some fun?" He pulled him closer by his pants.

shadowess - February 27, 2021

The banter brought a small smile to Amelia's face as she hugged Vincent. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!" She said, holding him tightly. "I was afraid we'd lost you."

Nate's touch sent shivers through Tom. He couldn't help letting out a quiet gasp and tilting his head back a little when feeling him kiss his neck. More shivers passed through him as he felt his pants being tugged. "B-but the bedrooms here...they're all taken." He said, turning his head to look at Nate again. His eyes falling to his lips.

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

Vincent chuckled. "I thought the same until I got that half crystal back from Elliot. It seems like it helps."

"I'm off now. Be safe." ,said Charles who disappeared.

Nate cupped his chin. He leaned in. "Then we'll make our own bedroom." He slipped his tongue into his mouth. Kissing him before lifting him off the floor. Taking him to the washer room down the hall near the kitchen.

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shadowess - February 27, 2021

((You could probably add a few things to what he would find in Clementine's house. But a couple of things he'd definitely find are some books from the library that are specifically various spells that Demons and Devils can perform. Another book which would essentially be alchemy recipes which is where she got the recipe to make the serum that made Alex into a human. The angelic dagger. A few old looking Angel feathers. An entire drawer full of the serum which would mean she'd lied to Sebastian to try to manipulate him into letting Amelia stay human as a kinder way of getting rid of her. Bryce's book. As well as some other potions with various effects.))


Amelia pulled back and wiped away her tears. "That's awesome. Guess the Angel's knew what they were doing when they made those..." She chuckled. "I just thought...with us each having a half of the same crystal it's almost like we have one of those friendship pendant things that you can put together." She sighed and looked at Clementine's pile of ash sadly. "Don't suppose you're still abstaining from drinking, are you? Because I could really use a drink right now..."


Tom wondered what he'd meant by that but then lost all train of thought as he felt Nate's tongue slip into his mouth and caress his own tongue. He couldn't help letting out a small moan, feeling both excited and nervous. He'd never done anything like this before and this man seemed pretty strong. Stronger than him anyway. Which became even more apparent as the Angel lifted him off the ground with ease and began carrying him away to another room.

(Private time for Nate & Tom)

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021


Charles's eyes widened at the sight of the dolls that stood. He glared at them. "So this is what she did to those who disagreed with her?"

He waved a hand at them. The dolls shattered into pieces. "I'm sorry that this happened to all of you."

He stepped into the house with ease. He searched everywhere. Finding the angelic items along with some important books, Bryce's book, and the serum that had been used to turn Alex back into a human.

He grit his teeth as he saw the serum. "That lying bitch."

He let the serums fall. Shattering on the floor. Spilling everywhere. He burned all the books but took the angelic items with him. Once he stepped, he destroyed the house.
Vincent raised a brow. "Really? Never had one of those before."

He stood. "I could use a drink too."


shadowess - February 27, 2021

Amelia stood up and thought for a moment. She then vanished and re-appeared a few minutes later with two shopping bags full of various colored bottles. Some were pre-mixed cocktails, some rum, whiskey and vodka. "Wasn't sure what I was craving so I just picked one of everything." She shrugged and set the bags down. Picking out one of the cocktail bottles, she sat on the couch and relaxed. "Help yourself." She said before opening the bottle and knocking it back. It was nice to have a drinking buddy again.

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

Vincent took two glasses from the kitchen. He set them on the coffee table before sitting next to her. He smiled. "Thank you. I'm sure this will all taste good."

shadowess - February 27, 2021

It was still difficult to believe that Clementine would betray her like that. Amelia had always known her to be closed off and a bit stand offish but to go that far? She'd grown up knowing Clementine. She remembered stumbling upon her house for the first time as a kid. How shocked she'd been to see a living child wander into her home in Hell. The argument between her and David as David made her swear to never tell Lucifer about Amelia. Whenever Amelia had gotten sick or hurt herself, Clementine turned up with one potion or another to make her well again...then promptly scolded her for showing weakness.

Whenever Amelia slipped out of the library to explore and Clementine found her first, she'd spend a moment telling Amelia stories about the area she'd found before guiding her safely back to the library. At that point, Clementine seemed content to nurture Amelia into one day joining them as a Demon or a Devil. It seemed that Clementine's resentment only truly started when Lucifer disappeared and Amelia began convincing Damien that things in Hell needed to change. Then of course Damien was obliterated and Amelia supposed Clementine just couldn't stand the thought of her taking the position of power, making changes in Hell and trying to end the war.

Amelia sighed heavily, trying to push those memories away as she poured the liquid into the glass. She offered Vincent some of the liquid from the bottle she was drinking too. Pouring him a glass of whatever drink he wanted to try before sitting back and drinking from her glass. "Sometimes I wonder if Damien's advice was right...about not trusting anyone." She said sadly, staring into her glass. "I've known Clementine all my life...but she was trying to get rid of me for god knows how long...and I didn't even know...I just thought she had an attitude problem..."

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

Vincent looked into the glass before sighing. "Someone out there is always going to betray us. Not everybody. Just a few. But that's how things are. If we stop trusting people then we stop trusting our friends, lovers, and anyone who's willing to work with us. What Clementine did shouldn't stray you away from trust."

He drank a sip.

Charles appeared. Holding the dagger and handcuffs. "I found them. That snake's house has been destroyed." In his hands, he crushed both items. Shattering them into pieces.

"She had so many damn tricks up her sleeves. I probably should have tortured her before killing her but I couldn't stand her being alive any longer with power like that. If she had a better perspective of the world then I would have spared her."

Vincent frowned. "I don't blame you."

shadowess - February 27, 2021

Amelia thought on what Vincent said as she looked at her glass. After a moment, she smiled a little. "Yeah, you're right. I think I'd go crazy if I couldn't trust anyone..." She then looked up as Charles re-appeared and she watched in astonishment as he destroyed the items seemingly with ease. She found herself wondering again just how powerful this Devil was...and then her mind slipped into thinking how much of a turn on what he just did was.

He then talked about the things Clementine had been hiding and she lowered her eyes back to her glass again sadly. "I don't want to talk about Clementine anymore..." She said quietly, still upset over the betrayal. The whole thing made her feel sick...she lifted the glass to her lips then paused. She didn't want to drink anymore. The smell of the alcohol was also making her feel nauseous. Like, really nauseous. She put it down on the table, her nose creasing a little in disgust at the drink. Feeling a little better as she sat back, away from the smell of it. That was weird. She'd never been put off of drinking like that before.

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

Charles frowned. He walked over. Putting a hand on her shoulder. "Is everything alright?"

Vincent drank the rest of his glass. He poured himself another as he continued to drink. Not wanting to be involved. Instead, he wanted to keep drinking because he was done with stressful situations.

shadowess - February 27, 2021

Smiling at Charles to reassure him, Amelia nodded. She'd wrapped her arms around her own waist. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just feeling a little queasy, that's all. I guess it all just got too much for me...Maybe I just need to lay down for a while." She'd glanced at the drinks in the bag and cringed. Although she'd barely had any, the idea of drinking any more made her feel ill. She looked over at Vincent. "Just make sure you save me some for when I feel better, mr." She smirked.

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

Charles knelt. "Do you want to go to my home and rest there?"

Vincent smiled. "Don't worry. I won't drink it all up. I promise."

shadowess - February 27, 2021

Smiling at Vincent's answer, Amelia looked at Charles and nodded then looked thoughtful. "What about the Angel? Someone will need to explain things to Sebastian and Carter when they wake up." She looked between them then hesitantly added. "Maybe I should stick around for a bit first. I can always rest later." She didn't want to leave all the responsibility to Charles and Vincent. With how important this was, she felt it was also her responsibility to see things through.

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Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

"It'll be fine. Vincent will explain everything to them. They'll see that he's free for a good reason."

Charles held her hand. "Trust me. Things will be fine here." Vincent burped. He raised the bottle in his hand up. "Yeah! I got it!"

shadowess - February 27, 2021

She smiled at Vincent then at Charles. She could see there would be no arguing with these two. She didn't really feel up to arguing either. All she wanted to do right now was lay down and try to feel better. With a defeated sigh, she nodded. "Alright." She said, leaning forward to rest her forehead against Charles's and closing her eyes. "I trust you."

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

"Thank you." Charles held her in his arms. They disappeared.

He placed her on the bed. "If you need anything then please let me know."

shadowess - February 27, 2021

When Charles lifted her, she wrapped an arm around his shoulders. When they arrived in his home and he put her down on the bed, she smiled up at him. "Thank you." Now that she was away from the smell of alcohol, she didn't feel quite as sick. "I think I'm just going to sleep it off for a while." She said as she lay down. She then reached out and held his hand, rubbing her thumb over it with a thoughtful expression before bringing her eyes up to his.

"Thank you...for everything." If not for Charles, there'd still be the organization to deal with. Clementine would still be around and most likely plotting Amelia's demise and she would have still had the burden of trying to achieve peace on her own. She was truly grateful to have Charles in her life. She felt even more fortunate that he loved her as much as she loved him. Despite all the bad things that had happened lately, she felt like there was some hope for the future. That maybe they'll finally reach peace and have a happy life.

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

Charles knelt. A few tears left him. He kissed her hand. He brought her hand over his cheek. "I'd destroy the moon for you."

shadowess - February 27, 2021

The way he looked at her. How he kissed her hand. She saw his tears and when he placed her hand to his cheek she used her thumb to wipe some of the away. His words touched her deeply and for a moment she was speechless, feeling her heart beat a little harder as she looked at him. She smiled and sat up to kiss him tenderly. Pulling away, she kept her lips close to his while looking into his eyes and grinned as she whispered. "I'll settle for peace instead."

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

Charles smiled. "A good choice I'd say." He stood. "I'm going to go eat. I'll save something for you."

shadowess - February 27, 2021

"Alright. Thank you." Amelia smiled as she lay back down. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to relax herself. It didn't take her long to fall asleep.

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

Charles was in the kitchen. Cooking salmon along with cheesy potatoes and seasoned green beans.
Vincent had put away a few of the bottles of alcohol in the fridge. Leaving two bottles for himself to finish.

He began singing but terribly. Waking up everybody in the house.

shadowess - February 27, 2021

The smell of salmon reached Amelia's nose and while she'd normally love that smell, for some reason it just made her nausea feel a little worse. She turned on her side with a groan and stuffed her face into the pillow to block the smell. After a few deep breaths to settle her stomach again, she quickly fell back to sleep.


Sebastian was woken up by the god awful singing coming from downstairs. He groaned and rubbed his eyes. "Can we ever get a full day's sleep?!" He complained as he sat up.

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Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

Charles frowned. He could tell that something was wrong. He just wasn't sure what was making her feel this way. Maybe it was Clementine's death? It seemed that way.

Once he finished up, he saved some leftovers for Amelia and ate his own share.
Carter sat up too. He cracked his knuckles. He had enough of this. "I got it."

He stormed downstairs. He stopped when he saw that Vincent was sitting on the couch. Free from his cage. "Sebastian! Get down here!"

shadowess - February 27, 2021

Hearing the urgency in Carter's voice, Sebastian flung himself out of bed and raced down the stairs. Not stopping to put a shirt on first this time as he assumed it was an emergency. He ground to a halt when he saw what Carter was seeing. "Wha-?! Where'd the cage go??"

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

Vincent stumbled out of the couch. "Charlie boy freed me. I'm the good guy now. Yay!" He fell on Carter who caught him.

The bottle slipped out of Vincent's hand. "You're....cute...." He fell fast asleep. Carter sighed. "Alright. Time for bed." He lifted him off the floor. "Better tell Elliot about this."

shadowess - February 27, 2021

Sebastian rolled his eyes at Vincent. He could smell the booze and his last remark just went to prove that he was back to his old, randy self. He sighed and nodded at Carter before looking around the room curiously. They hadn't had a chance to clean up the mess from the previous night but he was pretty sure some of this mess was new.

He made a mental note to ask Vincent about it when he was sober. With Carter's hands full, Sebastian lead the way upstairs and headed towards the spare room where he knocked on the door and called out "Hey Elliot, you awake? We might need a hand here, buddy."

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

Elliot sat up and yawned as he stretched. He walked over and opened the door. "What the-?! How is he-?" "It's a long story but you're safe. He seems to be fine now."

He frowned. Examining his face. "He was going on about drinking blood. Getting more powerful and all that crap. How is he fine now?" "We're not sure but that's just how it seems."

shadowess - February 27, 2021

Sebastian stepped to one side to let Carter through with Vincent so he could put him on the bed. "Yeah, it looks like he's back to how he was when he was good." Sebastian agreed. "We just found him drunk off his ass downstairs, rambling about how Charles let him out. The cage was gone too. Look, I know you two had a bit of a falling out earlier, but maybe it'll help if you tried talking to him again when he's sober, now that he's not bad anymore. Would you be up for doing that?" Sebastian then glanced around the bedroom and noted the empty bed as well as the bedding on the floor. "Hey, where's Tom by the way? I thought he'd come in here with you?"

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

Elliot hesitated. He crossed his arms. "Fine. Just put him there."

Carter placed Vincent on the bed.

Elliot shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe he's downstairs in the kitchen?"

shadowess - February 27, 2021

Sebastian looked at Carter worriedly. The sun was still up, so he couldn't have left the house. He didn't see him downstairs but then again, they only really saw one room and were distracted by Vincent at the time. "You think he's ok?" He asked uncertainly. Sebastian was worried that after everything Tom had gone through that he might do something drastic or that he might not know how to handle his new senses just yet and might feel overwhelmed. A small part of him wondered if having Amelia's blood in his system when turning Tom might have had any sort of impact on his transformation, though he doubted there was much risk there given the low dosage.

Denix Vames - February 27, 2021

Carter frowned. "I don't know. Let's go look around." "Guess I'll go back to sleep then. Hope you find him." ,said Elliot.

Carter and Sebastian headed back downstairs where they started their search.

shadowess - February 28, 2021

They looked around downstairs. As they did, Sebastian called out "Tom?" a couple of times. He walked into the kitchen and found the empty blood bag on the floor. "Carter, come here!" He picked it up. "Looks like he got up at some point for a drink..."


Still out of breath from their fun, Tom was hurriedly trying to dress himself when they'd heard Sebastian calling out for him. He looked over at Nate, his cheeks red. "I- I-...That was...um...I don't normally do things like this..." He flustered.

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Denix Vames - February 28, 2021

Carter ran over. He sniffed. "Looks like the scent leads over there " He pointed to his left.
Nate, still naked, smirked.

He stood from the floor where there were many scattered feathers around from before. He cupped his chin. Looking into his eyes. "Oh c'mon. What's the rush? They can wait."

shadowess - February 28, 2021

Sebastian looked at Carter then at the door to the washroom. He stepped up to it cautiously and knocked. "Hey, Tom. You in there? Are you ok?"


Tom couldn't take his eyes off of Nate as he approached. He stood close and the way he cupped his chin and looked at him sent shivers through Tom. His scent was utterly intoxicating and the commanding presence he had made Tom weak at the knees, unable to help blushing like crazy. He couldn't deny that he had an overpowering physical attraction to him.

His words made Tom bite his lower lip, unable to resist his temptations. He heard the knock on the door and Sebastian's voice and without really thinking about it he called back; "Yep. Busy! Please go away." He never once took his eyes away from Nate.

Denix Vames - February 28, 2021

Carter sniffed again. "Wait a minute. Is that....?" His eyes widened. He became red all over his face.

He pulled Sebastian away from the room. "I don't know that new scent but I can definitely smell something else. And for both our sakes Sebastian, I think we should leave those two lovebirds alone."
Nate chuckled. "See? What'd I tell ya?"

He brought a hand under his shirt. Caressing his chest as he kissed him.

shadowess - February 28, 2021

It took him a moment but as soon as Carter pulled him away, Sebastian also became aware of a couple of different scents. He too became red and chuckled embarrassed. "Right, yeah." They walked back to their bedroom in silence. Once in the bedroom, Sebastian closed the door, leaning against it and chortled. "Wow...that was a close one."


Tom kissed him back and moaned a little when he felt Nate's hand slip under his shirt. He took his shirt off and threw it to the side, wanting to feel Nate's bare chest against his own again and kissed him deeply. He placed one hand on his waist while running his other hand through his hair.

Denix Vames - February 28, 2021

Carter crossed his arms. He shook his head. "Something about that mystery guy's scent was off though. It's like it's really rich. Like a diamonds kind of rich. I mean do werewolves smell like that? Is there anything else that could smell like that?"
Nate's wings sprouted. They slightly curved forward. Keeping themselves like a shield on Tom. With the washer turning on by his own magic, the vibrations of it were going like crazy. He smiled into another kiss. Knowing what he was planning to do on that washer to Tom.

(private time)
Carter blushed. "Are they seriously....?" He covered his face as if he had seen it happen. "I don't even want to picture it."

shadowess - February 28, 2021

(lol Nice)

"I know what you mean" Sebastian commented thoughtfully. He shook his head a little. "I don't think I've..." He then paused, he'd been about to say he'd never smelt anything like it but that wouldn't be true. He'd smelt something similar once before. Albeit, it was somewhat masked by the smell of death and dozens of other scents from a variety of different species but he'd smelt it at least once. "No wait...I think I have smelt that before...back when Amelia and Damien set me free...when I went to help them and...there was a dead Angel on an operating table..."
Hearing the washer turn on, Sebastian's face became very red. Carter's reaction making him burst out laughing. "Kinda jealous we didn't think of it though." He laughed.

Denix Vames - February 28, 2021

"I am never doing it on a washer. I honestly don't think I'll be able to wash my clothes there anymore." Carter shivered. He tried to put the thought aside. Focusing on what he said earlier."

"So, you said an angel? Does that mean that this one is ok with us? From what I've been told, it seems like angels are dicks."

shadowess - February 28, 2021

Chuckling at Carter's reply, Sebastian nods. "Yeah, we might need to buy a new washer after today..." He then thought for a moment, walking over to sit on the end of the bed as he did. "Maybe. Vincent said Charles set him free...maybe the Angel arrived with him? I know there's a war between Heaven and Hell but Amelia is always talking about ending that war...Maybe this Angel wants to help?" He sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "Guess we'll have to wait to ask."

Denix Vames - February 28, 2021

Carter sat next to him. "An ongoing war? Even to this day?" He chuckled. "And I thought us humans were bad with our wars."

shadowess - February 28, 2021

Sebastian chuckled at Carter's comment, turning to face him as he sat down. "Yeah, apparently the afterlife know how to hold a grudge..." He laughed. "It's why Amelia's always been so jumpy about crossing paths with Angels. She never normally stays in one place for long for that reason. Apparently it's a kill on sight rule that they have and Amelia being Amelia, she doesn't want to fight if she doesn't have to. But if this Angel came here with Charles then maybe they're ok?"

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Denix Vames - February 28, 2021

"Cupid's literally banging a vampire. Something tells me that he doesn't care about God's rule book and his fellow angels."

Carter laid back. "Besides, I'm pretty sure God's an egotistical prick anyway. He probably enjoyed watching me suffer when I lost my family."

shadowess - February 28, 2021

Sebastian shrugged with a frown. "Who knows. Maybe we're all just ants to him at this point. Too many to keep track of and too small to really care about..." He was fiddling with a frayed piece of thread on his jeans as he spoke. He didn't like to think about the afterlife. Too depressing and too many unanswered questions that he never really dared to ask. "I don't know...humans and all other species have come a long way since we were created...In terms of societal progress...maybe the afterlife and God have ways of progressing too? I'd like to think so anyway...otherwise, it all just seems a bit...bleak."

Denix Vames - February 28, 2021

Carter glared at the ceiling. "If and when I die, I rather go to Hell."

shadowess - February 28, 2021

After his comment, Sebastian was quiet for a moment. Still frowning as he looked up and stared off at the wall thoughtfully. He placed a hand on Carter's leg and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Me too." He admitted quietly then sighed. "But not as someone who committed a sin...I'd be lying if I said I'd never given my death any thought before...and knowing what I know...I've thought about what I'd rather happen to my soul..." He glanced back at Carter momentarily, almost hesitant before looking away and saying "I'd want to be a Demon. So I could stick around to help Amelia. I kind of feel that I owe it to her after she saved me from the Asylum. No Angels came to rescue us. But Devils did." He then tilted his head a little and smiled. "Also because she's a good friend."

Denix Vames - February 28, 2021

Carter sat up. "I'm not even so sure what I would be. A demon or a devil? Feels weird just to think about it."

shadowess - February 28, 2021

Looking back at Carter, Sebastian shrugged. "I think it'd be a lot harder to become a Devil...and then there's the control aspect of it. All that power. I mean, you saw how much Vincent struggled to control his anger and Amelia has to keep a special Angel crystal on her at all times in case she 'hulks out'... Maybe it's something we can ask Amelia about when we next see her? Know what our options are..."

Denix Vames - February 28, 2021

Carter sighed. "Yeah, that shit was crazy. I've never something like that before. But that makes me wonder..." He looked at him. "If souls down below can become demons or devils then can souls above become angels?"

shadowess - February 28, 2021

Sebastian thought about that possibility for a moment. "Maybe...I mean, it'd make sense, wouldn't it?" He looked down at the bedsheets in contemplation. "I never really thought of that before..." He admitted.

Denix Vames - February 28, 2021

Carter frowned. He placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm making you focus so much on this."

He leaned his head against his. "We should be resting right now."

shadowess - February 28, 2021

Half laughing, Sebastian grinned at Carter. His kind eyes looking into his. "I don't mind. I like being able to talk to you like this." He brought a hand up and caressed his cheek. "If there is one thing that I truly want when we die. It's to be able to spend our afterlife together too." He brought his thumb down and lightly brought it over Carter's lower lip. "I'd travel the endless expanse of Hell just to stay by your side."

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Denix Vames - February 28, 2021

Carter smiled. He blushed. "I wonder how vast and wide Hell is." He kissed him.

shadowess - February 28, 2021

Kissing Carter in return, the hand that was on Carter's cheek rose to run his fingers through his hair before coming to rest gently on the back of Carter's head. His kisses strayed from Carter's mouth to his cheek and then to his ear where he carefully and playfully nibbled his earlobe. "Not nearly vast enough to keep me from you." He whispered into his ear then brought his kisses down to Carter's neck. Then to his shoulder. Then his chest, working his way down.

(Aaaand private time xD )


Waking up a couple of hours later, Amelia sat up and rubbed her eyes sleepily. She got up and went into the bathroom to splash some cold water on her face. She didn't feel sick anymore, which she was glad of. Maybe eating now wouldn't be such a bad idea. She made her way to the kitchen and smiled at Charles on her way through. "Hey, you been up to much while I was passed out?" She said as she poured herself a glass of water.

Denix Vames - February 28, 2021

(yep lol)

Charles was fighting the dizziness he was feeling. His body felt weak. He tried not to show it as he smiled. "I've been doing just fine. I made some food for you. It's in the fridge if you want to reheat it."

He made his way to the couch when he nearly fell. He leaned against the counter. "I-I'm fine."

shadowess - February 28, 2021

Amelia had been about to head to the fridge when she saw how Charles was. She rushed over to him and put his arm around her shoulders. She'd smiled at his attempt to reassure her but her eyes reflected the worry she felt. "Don't be daft." She said in a gentle but firm way, letting him know she wasn't buying it. She helped him over to the couch to sit down. "What's up?" She asked, looking at him worried. "Is it because of what you did with the organization? Did you overexert yourself?" It would make sense. Charles had used far more power than she'd ever thought possible before.

Denix Vames - February 28, 2021

Charles frowned. He was frustrated that he had a limit. He was able to do so much. But now? Seriously?

"....Maybe?" He fell on his side. Laying on the couch. His breathing was slow as everything seemed to be fading away. "Water. Some water."

shadowess - February 28, 2021

"On it." She said, bending down to give him a quick kiss on his forehead before hurrying back to the kitchen. She poured water into a jug and grabbed a glass. Bringing both into the living room, she poured the water from the jug into the glass before setting the jug down onto the coffee table. She then knelt by Charles and tried to help him up so he could have a drink. "Here. You just need to rest." She smiled at him "Guess it's my turn to take care of you."

Denix Vames - February 28, 2021

Charles drank some sips. He sighed. "Yeah, it seems like it. But you don't have to. I'll be alright. You just enjoy yourself here. Relax."

shadowess - March 1, 2021

Amelia gently swept some of his hair out of his face with her fingers while looking into his eyes with a small smile. "I don't mind." She said softly then stood and bent down to leave a lingering, tender kiss on his forehead. Standing straight, she looked into the kitchen. "I'm going to eat now, but if you need anything else I'll be happy to get it for you."

She then walked into the kitchen towards the fridge and took out the plate he'd made for her. She smiled at it. "This looks great, thank you." Amelia then went about re-heating the plate before sitting herself at the table and eating it. When she was done, she washed her plate and headed back to the couch to sit near Charles, rubbing his back soothingly.

Denix Vames - March 1, 2021

Charles smiled at her touch then frowned. "We need to talk to Carter soon. He's planning on finding Alex. He wants to talk to him. Get him to remember without having him turn back into a Blood God."

shadowess - March 1, 2021

This news troubled Amelia. "We'll talk to him when we next see him. We both need to try to rest for now." She reassured him. She could see why Carter might think it'd be a good idea but Amelia new it wouldn't be fair on Alex. He'd already had the chance at an oblivious human life snatched away from him once. Doing it again would just be cruel, even if that's not the intention.

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Denix Vames - March 1, 2021

Charles sighed. "Fine. I'm sure they're still sleeping anyway."

He tried to sit up but grew dizzy. "I wish I'd knew when this crap is going to wear off."

shadowess - March 1, 2021

(I might have to write up what Alex has been up to since he was found outside the station xD Been thinking it over all day and have a few ideas.)

Amelia smiled, gently holding Charles to steady him. "For me, whenever I push myself too far, it usually only lasts for about a day." She wasn't so sure about Charles though. He might recover just as quickly for all she knew but it was apparent that he had far more power than she did.

Denix Vames - March 1, 2021

(well at least you got some ideas)

Charles closed his eyes. "I'm hoping for less."
Day soon became night. Carter had gotten himself dressed. He put on his jacket. He made his way downstairs. Quickly, he sank his teeth into a bag before making his way to the front door.

shadowess - March 1, 2021

(lol Mkay, I'm typing up Parker's experiences now. This should be interesting xD Might take a little while.)

Denix Vames - March 1, 2021

(alright. do you want Carter to make it to the station? cause i was thinking of him and Sebastian having an argument about going there.)

shadowess - March 1, 2021

(Carter could go looking for him at the station if he wants but he won't find him there. I was thinking maybe Blaire could call Carter to let him know she saw Alex was snooping around the Vampire club? lol)

Denix Vames - March 1, 2021

(that would be something. ill write that scene down.)

Carter stopped when he heard his phone ringing. He quickly answered so as not to wake anyone in the house.

"Blaire? What's up?"

Blaire was whispering as she spoke. "Big problems here. Alex is around. The guy you told me wasn't a vampire anymore? Well, now he's coming here and asking questions. I think a part of him still remembers something or maybe he wants answers? Either way, he's going to be a target if you don't come here and stop this."

"I'll be there as soon as possible. Just try to distract him." "Easier said than done but alright." She hung up.

Carter closed the door. He zoomed his way to the vampire club which he was glad he could detect by scent nowadays. It made traveling in this city a lot easier but sometimes really smelly.

He soon made it to the club where Blaire was trying to coax Parker into some drinks.

He stepped inside. "Parker?"

shadowess - March 1, 2021

Parker had been suffering from nightmares since he was found laying unconscious outside the police station a few days ago. His memory of the couple of days prior completely gone. Like he'd blacked out or something. He frequently woke up crying, as if he'd lost something important. Unable to even really remember his dreams. The only thing he could recall from his nightmares being piercing yellow eyes.

The precinct had made him see a therapist when it became apparent he had no will to live, and as a result he was given anti-depressants which he never took. But still, he went to work the next day as if life was normal. That was until his superior gave him a missing persons job. He opened up the file, looked at the photo and his face went white as a sheet. Red hair and yellow eyes. Name; Bryce Heathcliffe. The local grocery store reported him missing when he didn't turn up for work and didn't answer their calls.

Parker held his head in his hands and felt breathless. The room swam and his head felt like it was splitting in two. He closed his eyes and the moment he did, he saw the man standing in front of him. "Come now. We have to start the wedding soon." He heard him say and just as quickly, he was gone again. Alex gasped and opened his eyes. It was so surreal. It was like he'd actually been standing in front of him, talking to him. Wedding? What wedding?! This was weird. Had he known him?! He needed to find out! What if this guy has something to do with his blackout?!

His investigations soon led him to the burned up mansion. He kicked through the ash and debris until he found the stone steps that lead down into the basement. The memories that were triggered there...

First, he looked at the chains on the wall. Again, his vision blurred and his head pounded. He closed his eyes and saw a woman chained there with what looked like a cloth in her mouth. Then she was gone. A little dizzy, he made his way further in and found something shiny in the ashes. He picked it up and saw it was a half charred police badge.

Breathing heavily, he gripped his head and groaned as another memory forced it's way to the surface. It was another detective arguing with the captain outside of a nightclub. The Detective placed this badge into Parker's hand and said; "Take my advice kid. You want people you can trust? Try somewhere else. I quit."

Then he was gone too and Parker was back in the burned up basement. He stumbled back and leant against the wall, catching his breath. He needed to keep going. He needed to know what happened. He left and headed for the club he'd seen in that memory.

While at the club, he saw a familiar face. He recognized her but couldn't remember her. The girl however, seemed to remember him. She approached him and they got talking. Parker explained to her that he'd lost some of his memory and he was trying to get it back. The girl, Lucy, seemed to show pity for Alex and she told him everything she remembered from that day over drinks. That he'd come here with a Detective Carter to investigate the murder of one of the other girls that used to work there. That Carter didn't like the way her boss talked about them and punched him in the face, as a result got suspended from work but then quit. She hadn't seen Parker again since then.

The night went on and they continued to drink and talk. Eventually they both stumbled back to Parker's apartment where one thing led to another. That night, Parker had the most vivid nightmare yet.

He was curled up on a bed, crying. He looked up and saw Bryce with a phone in his hand, smiling at him. "Did you hear that Parker? We're going to a vampire club. How fun is that?"
Next he was in his arms but the world was passing them by so quickly that he couldn't focus on anything that they passed. Frightened, he buried his face in Bryce's neck and heard him say; "Aww! Feeling a little scared? Well, it's nice to know that you're relying on me for support."
Then they were stood outside somewhere. Parker was staring up at the stars, the other male holding him. He heard the words "You are now mine."
They were outside next, running at impossible speeds in the warm sunlight. Laughing. Smiling at each other. "I'm impressed. You're quick at this." He heard Bryce say.
Then they stood facing each other. Bryce began; "So let it be known that Bryce Heathcliffe and..."
"Alexander Draven Parker"
"Stand here together to promise that the other will sacrifice themselves in order to save the other one. That there is love and happiness in such a bond. One that can never be broken."
Then he was sitting across from Bryce in his own apartment. Bryce looked severely injured but he leant forward and kissed him despite his pain before saying; "You're the only one that I love. The only one who I will ever love."

"Bryce!" Parker gasped awake, sitting bolt upright. He looked around his bedroom in confusion then looked at Lucy next to him whom he'd just woken up. She was looking at him in an annoyed way. "Who's Bryce?!"
"Uh...I'm not sure..." Alex admitted but Lucy scoffed and jumped out of his bed, snatching up her clothes and getting dressed.
"Wait, what are you doing? It's three in the morning!" Alex asked as he watched her.
She glared at him while putting on her shoes. "When you get over your ex, give me a call. But I am not going to be your rebound!" She snapped before storming out of his apartment.

Rubbing his face with his hands he thought over the dream. Most of that couldn't have been real. It was impossible. Probably just dream stuff...but one thing he heard Bryce say...Vampire club...He was sure there was a club where gothic fanatics go to pretend to be vampires. Maybe he could ask around there...maybe someone there knows where this Bryce character went...


Alex felt like he'd met this woman before as well. She seemed pretty insistent on getting him to buy drinks but the more she tried, the more on edge he felt. "Look, I just want to know if anyone has seen a guy matching this description. I don't want a drink, I'm trying to work." He said, beginning to get agitated with her. He just wanted to be left alone so he could scope the place out. Then a familiar voice caused him to pause and he blinked. He'd heard that voice before. He turned and looked at the man. "Carter?" He asked, remembering him from that small flashback he'd had.


Sebastian awoke several minutes after Carter had already left. Noticing the empty spot next to him, he sat up and rubbed his eyes while looking around the room. "Carter?" He got up and got dressed then made his way downstairs, looking around. He grabbed himself a blood bag while down there and drank it while still looking around the empty rooms, being sure to steer clear of the washroom.

When he couldn't find Carter, he threw his empty bag into the bin and took out his new phone, dialing his number.

Denix Vames - March 1, 2021

Carter was immediately concerned. "What are you doing here?! You shouldn't be here. This isn't your kind of scene." He gripped his arm. "Let's go."

He attempted to take him out of the club.

Denix Vames - March 1, 2021

He heard ringing from his phone. He quickly pulled it out and hit decline then stuffed it back in his pocket. (forgot to include this)

shadowess - March 1, 2021

"What the-?!" Parker struggled to get out of Carter's grip as he ground his heels into the floor. "Let me go! Get off me!"


Sebastian heard the voicemail message and lowered his phone, staring at it a little concerned. Why would Carter just leave the house without saying where he was going? Without even a "see you later."...and why was he now rejecting his call? Something was off here. He tried to call him again.

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Denix Vames - March 1, 2021

"I'm sorry, Parker, but you have to leave."

Carter ignored the ringing as he forced him out of the club. "Just tell me why you're here. Because I know damn well that it ain't hanging out and having a good time."

shadowess - March 1, 2021

Carter had managed to drag Parker out of the club with absolutely no effort, which only pissed Alex off. He'd pulled as hard as he could but nothing seemed to phase this man. When they were finally outside, Parker looked at Carter suspiciously. "Well, in case you forgot. One of us still works for the force and I'm currently following up a missing persons report." He tried again to get his arm out of Carter's grip. "So, why shouldn't I be looking here? Huh? Got somethin' to hide?!"


Voicemail again...that can't be good. This time, Sebastian dials Amelia's number.


Having fallen asleep on the couch with Charles, Amelia groaned at the sound of her mobile ringing. She took it out of her pocket and answered sleepily. "Hello?"
"Hey, Amelia? Carter's gone and he's not answering his phone. Have you seen him?"
Amelia sat up, waking up quickly. "No, but I can probably find him for you." She replied, trying to mask her worry. "Hang on, I'll call you back when I know what's going on." She hung up and looked at Charles.
"I think I'm going to have to stop Carter sooner than expected. How are you feeling?"

Denix Vames - March 1, 2021

Carter glared. "I'm not trying to hide anything. I'm trying to help you. Just get out of here. Whoever you're trying to look for isn't here and there never was a trace of them here either."

He poked at his chest. "I told you to go live your life. To take care of yourself. Not to put yourself in any more danger."
Charles slowly sat up. "I'm a bit better. But I think I should go to in case anything happens."

shadowess - March 1, 2021

Parker stood his ground and glared right back at Carter. Now he knew he was hiding something. "You sure about that? You sound like you know who I'm talking about." He snapped back then blinked at Carter's next words, unable to recall when he'd said anything like that. "When?!" He stared at Carter, growing increasingly frustrated that his memories were all over the place.


Amelia nodded and stood up, holding her hand out for him to take. If Carter's gone looking for Carter, then there's a chance he'd found him by now. They would need to be careful to not teleport too close or they'd risk Parker seeing them appear out of thin air. That might not end well for him.

She pictured Carter in her mind then imagined them being a couple of miles away from him. It meant they'd have to look around for him a bit but at least they wouldn't risk Parker seeing them appear. When they teleported, they were only down the road from the vampire club. Amelia sighed at this realization. "Great...of all places..." They began hurrying towards the club.


Sebastian couldn't just sit by and wait around for a phone call, he needed to go out looking for him. Something wasn't right and Sebastian was going to find out what was going on. He left the house and began running, following Carter's scent.

Denix Vames - March 1, 2021

"I'm not but you can't stay here! It's not safe for you!" Carter raised a brow. "Don't you remember? Back at that strip club? I told you there."

Charles and Amelia ran over to them. "Carter!" Carter glared at them. He grabbed Parker by his arm and started running away from their direction.

"We have to get out of here!"

shadowess - March 1, 2021

Parker fell quiet as Carter spoke. He was suddenly seeing him standing in the women's restroom, a woman's corpse on the floor. Stab wounds. No blood. Carter had asked him how old he was.
Out loud and as if in a trance, Parker mumbled "I'm...nineteen..." He lowered his eyes to the ground, eyebrows knitting together, his head pounding. "T-twenty...next month..." He lifted a hand to his head, looking pained. Before he could recover or make sense of what had just happened, Carter was pulling him along.

He snapped back to his senses and looked behind him at who was chasing them. The male he didn't recognize but the female...he'd seen her before...he recalled his memory back in that basement of a woman tied up with a cloth in her mouth. It's her! Just as quickly, his mind snapped to a memory of her shaking hands with Bryce in the vampire club while saying "Sebastian and Carter will be here momentarily with drinks. I was simply too eager to make your acquaintance." Then the vision was gone again. His head was pounding so painfully, he felt like passing out. "W-what is happening?!" He started freaking out, trying to pull away from Carter. "Why are you doing this?!"

"Carter! Stop!" Amelia shouted behind them, still running after them.
Sebastian appeared in front of Carter, having run the distance as fast as he could. To Parker, he'd arrived so quickly that he seemed to just 'appear'. Seeing Parker in his grasp, Sebastian looked between them in shock and confusion. "What are you doing?!"
Having seen how quickly Sebastian had moved, Parker was gripping his head and gritting his teeth in agony. He remembered getting out of his car and pointing his gun at Bryce who was holding an unconscious Carter while running at an impossible speed. He let out an anguished cry, his nose beginning to bleed. 'I'm going mad!' He thought to himself. 'That's what's happening! I'm losing my damn mind!'

Denix Vames - March 1, 2021

Carter grit his teeth. "Just let me talk to him!"

He lifted him off the ground. He zoomed past Sebastian. Taking Parker to the abandoned mall.

"It's alright, Parker. I'm going to help you."

shadowess - March 2, 2021

"Oh, no you don't!" Sebastian muttered angrily as he sped after Carter.
Both vampires had run far too quickly for Amelia and Charles to keep up and were gone within seconds. "Fuck!" Amelia slowed to a stop and bent over a bit, placing her hands on her knees while trying to catch her breath.

The next thing Parker knew, they were moving at an impossible speed. This was just like in his dream! When Bryce had carried him...Bryce...He heard his voice again; "Remember that I love you. I would never let anything happen to you." He covered his face and sobbed. "Why?!"

He heard Carter's voice and lowered his hands, shaking. He looked around at the abandoned mall then at Carter. "What's wrong with me? My head hurts!" He cried.

Only a few seconds later, Sebastian tracked them down. "Carter!" He barked angrily. His voice echoing through the mall. "Talk to me! What do you hope to achieve here?!"

Denix Vames - March 2, 2021

Charles held out his hand. "We can be there before they even know it."

Carter had placed him on the floor. Having him lean against the wall. "There's nothing wrong with you. You've just forgotten because we made you forget."

He stood. His eyes flashed yellow. "I want to talk to him! After what he's been through, he deserves to know the truth!" His fangs sprouted as it seemed like he was ready to fight.

"You won't keep me from helping him!"

shadowess - March 2, 2021

Standing straight, Amelia nods at Charles. "I was hoping to not freak Parker out but I guess that's already gone out the window at this point..." She said as she took his hand.

They made him forget?! Forget what?! Is that why there's a gap in his memory? What did he do to warrant that?! Parker was hyperventilating. He brought a hand up to his nose then looked at the blood on his fingers, frightened. He felt like his head was ready to explode. He looked up when Sebastian shouted at Carter then he froze when he saw how Carter reacted. Memories forced their way into his head all at once. He remembered Bryce introducing himself as a vampire. He remembered seeing Sebastian drinking from Carter. He remembered Bryce grabbing him, biting him. He lifted a hand to his throat shakily. He remembered drinking blood. How hot it was as he drank it...How it tasted. But that's not right. It can't be right. He's human! He eats normal food. Walks in the sun and goes to work like any other guy. "No...." He muttered, tears pouring from his eyes. He gripped his head. "Not right...It's not right...not real...not me...not real..."

Sebastian was disturbed by what this was apparently doing to Parker. "You think this is the right way to go about it?! Look at him Carter! He's terrified!"

Just as Sebastian had shouted that, Parker sprang to his feet and began sprinting through the mall. He had no destination in mind. He could barely think at all. He just wanted to get away. Get away from Carter. Get away from those confusing memories. Get away from everything.

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Denix Vames - March 2, 2021

Charles frowned. "Unfortunately." They appeared in the mall.

"Because you did this! I was going to talk to him but you all interrupted!"

Carter ran off. Following Parker. "Parker! Please listen to me! I'll explain everything. You just have to calm down. Just stop and I'll tell you."

shadowess - March 2, 2021

Before Sebastian could answer Carter, they'd both taken off running into the mall. "Dammit Carter! Stop this!" He shouted, running after them.

Amelia and Charles appeared ahead of Parker, causing him to skid across the floor to slow down enough to turn sharply away from them. "Wha-! Parker, wait!" Amelia shouted, also taking off after him.

Parker ended up running up a broken set of escalators and just kept going towards a large window. He didn't slow down, apparently intending on throwing himself through it. Wanting to end it all. End the pain in his head that was now torturing him.

Denix Vames - March 2, 2021

"Parker! NO!" ,shouted Carter.

"Enough of this!" Charles snapped his fingers as Parker disappeared. Sending him to Carter's office.

Carter had tripped over a rock. Sending him out the window. He hit the ground. His eyes were wide. A large piece of glass went through from his back and poked out of his chest. The side of his head was bleeding. Blood dripped from his lips.

He was starting to lose vision. Blinking slowly as the world around him grew dimmer.

shadowess - March 2, 2021

Parker didn't hear Carter shouting him. He couldn't hear anything through the voices forcing their way into his mind. All things he'd heard people say to him in the past week but all at once so he could barely distinguish one from the other. It was all just noise and his head hurt so much that he could barely see straight. He ran faster towards the window in desperation to make it end. "Gotta...make it...stop!" He said through gritted teeth as he ran.

Then the window disappeared and instead of running through it, he ran face first into the wall of Carter's office. He stumbled backwards and fell onto his back, losing consciousness almost immediately. The force of him running into the wall had left a crack in the paint, caused a loud bang that could be heard throughout the house and left him with a small trickle of blood falling from his forehead.

The noise had woken Tom up, who'd been snoozing on Nate's chest, the feathers from his wings had kept them warm. He lifted his head to look towards the washroom door. "What was that?"


Parker vanished and Carter tripped. Sebastian watched him tumble out of the window, his heart leaping into his throat as he watched him suddenly disappear through the glass. He skid to a halt over the window and looked down at Carter, his heart beating rapidly and aching terribly at the sight. "CARTER!!"

"Oh, shit!" Amelia also came to a stop at the window, looking down. Without hesitation, both she and Sebastian jumped down, both landing skillfully on their feet near Carter. "Carter! Carter!!" Sebastian started sobbing, trying to lift him to pull the glass out, praying it hadn't struck his heart. Amelia inspected the wound. Being a vampire, it was amazing the kinds of shit they could survive. As long as his heart was intact, he'd live. It would just take him a while to heal and might even make his hunger worse until he'd healed completely.

She looked up at Charles hurriedly. "Alex had been ready to jump to his death. He shouldn't be left alone. I'll help Sebastian with Carter, can you go make sure Alex doesn't do anything stupid?" As she said this she grabbed a nearby shard of glass and sliced her wrist open, hovering it over Carter's mouth. They had no way of knowing how bad his injury was but her blood might help him to heal faster...who knows? It might even save his life. "I think avoiding Alex learning the truth is a lost cause at this point..." She added.

Denix Vames - March 2, 2021

Nate sat up. "I don't know but let's go find out." Both men got dressed. They headed out of the washroom and to the living room.

Nate's wings went back into him. "Looks like we've got company." He knelt by Paker's side. "And I know who he is too. I can see everyone's life story when I first meet them."

He placed a hand over Parker's head. There was a glow and then the wound was gone.

He placed him on the couch. "He'll be fine now. Just needs to rest."
Charles nodded at her. He disappeared.

Carter cringed as he was being moved. The large shard had barely missed his heart. The world seemed to be getting darker. He could hardly breath.

Trickles of blood hit his lips. He slightly opened them. Letting Amelia's blood enter his system.

shadowess - March 2, 2021

Once on the couch, Tom looked at Parker curiously. "Who is he?" He asks, looking back at Nate in wonder. The more he learned about Nate, the more amazed be became by his abilities.
On the couch, Parker stirred. Groaning as his face contorted a bit and he turned his head. Sleepily, he brought a hand up to rub his face.


Seeing him in so much pain was torment for Sebastian who worked quickly to remove every shard of glass he could find from his body so that his wounds could begin the process of healing themselves. He shared a knowing look with Amelia as he gripped the last shard of glass. "Last one...you ready?" He said. Pulling this out will help his body to begin healing itself. But so much damage will have a cost. Carter won't be able to control his hunger.

Amelia nodded. Keeping her wrist close to Carter's mouth. She let out a shaky breath. "If you can hear me, Carter. You're an absolute moron but we don't want to lose you." She scolded him with a shaking voice, holding back her own tears. "So, you take as much as you need from me to feel better. Do you understand?" She took another deep breath and looked back at Sebastian. "As much. As you need." Sebastian yanked out the last piece and they both held their breath.

Denix Vames - March 2, 2021

Nate read Parker's face. "He's a detective of the NYPD. He was once kidnapped by a vampire and forced to marry. Made to do his bidding. He's also half demon. He was attempting to kill himself before someone saved him."

He sat on the coffee table with his wings out. "Hello there Parker. Don't be afraid. I'm an angel. And no, you're not dead."
Carter cried out once the large shard was pulled out of him. He gasped for air. Finally breathing somewhat after that shard came out of him.

"S-Sebastian.....I'm sorry."

shadowess - March 2, 2021

"That's awful!" Tom was appalled by this man's story. He barely looked as old as Tom was and he'd been through all that?! Makes what Tom went through seem like a dream in comparison.
Hearing the voice and coming to, Parker sat up and backed into the corner of the couch. Staring wide eyed at the Angel in front of him. His eyes darted between Tom and Nate. "Wh-who are you people?!" He looked around the unfamiliar house, shaking. "Where am I?!" His eyes snapped back to Nate and at last he registered what he was seeing. What he'd just been told. An Angel?!

His head pounded. He gripped his head again and grit his teeth, curling up into a ball as he saw another memory flash through his mind. He was standing in a room with Bryce. Drinking...was that blood? out of a glass. Bryce was talking. "Although, you are half human, half devil, and half vampire. I wonder. Could you be immune to the sunlight?"
"H-half Devil?" He heard himself say in the memory.
Then he was in another room. A different bedroom. Bryce seemed angry. "First of all, I never wanted your kind! Not really. All I wanted was a husband who I could drain humans with. That's why I chose Carter. But when that didn't work, I became desperate. And so I chose you. Of which I regret my decision completely. You've been out of control. Nothing but a waste of my time."

Parker gasped and looked around wildly. He was back in the room with the Angel and Tom. Tom was watching him with a mixture of fascination and worry. Alex sobbed into his knees. He'd felt it. He'd felt the love he'd had for Bryce and then he felt the heartbreak of losing him all over again. The anger he felt from being rejected. He was rocking a little as he wept. His memories were beginning to make sense and he didn't like any of it. "Make it stop...I just want to make it stop..." He was contemplating suicide again. A variety of ideas running through his head. From slitting his wrists to swallowing as many pills as he could get his hands on.


Relieved to hear him breathing normally and even talking, Sebastian no longer even cared that he had been angry with him earlier. He was just happy to not lose the man he loved. He held him gently from behind so Carter could lean against him and he kissed the side of his head. Smiling through his tears. "Doesn't matter now." Sebastian whispered to him. "You're ok. You're going to be ok. Charles is with Parker. He'll be alright too. We'll explain everything to him..."
"And then yell at you later." Amelia laughed, tears falling down her cheeks. She was still holding her wrist up for him. "For now...just focus on recovering. Parker is going to need all the friends he can get now...and that includes you."

Denix Vames - March 2, 2021

Nate rolled his eyes. "Humans are so dramatic." He placed a hand over his head. Giving him all of his memories back. "And fyi, Bryce was being abusive. Not the type of guy I would cry over."
A few tears left Carter. "Human.....I want to be.....So much pain.....Pain...." His eyes closed. Everything blacked out.

shadowess - March 2, 2021

Alex stiffened when he felt the hand on his head. Then he saw it all. It all played out in his mind and all he could do was watch. He saw, heard and felt all of it as if it was happening all over again. While this truth began to sink in, Parker sat still. Staring off, across the room with his mouth slightly agape. He shivered a little as he sat there, silent. Of all the horrors he'd gone through and the horrible things he did for Bryce, one memory stood out to him. It made him question himself. Question his sanity. While they had been laying low, Bryce had taught him how to bottle blood...which resulted in a death...one that even now, Parker struggled to feel bad about. He'd enjoyed it...and that terrified him. He looked down at his hands. He was human now. How had this happened? "What was in that vial?!" He gasped, recalling his last memory before his blackout being Bryce forcing him to drink the liquid. An burning anger was rising within him. He'd been changed against his will, not just once. But twice.


Amelia lowered her hand and put pressure on her wrist, exchanging a concerned look with Sebastian. Sebastian crumpled, burying his face in Carter's shoulder and sobbing into it. Why hadn't he just talked to him first? Why did he just sneak out like that? The fact he'd gone behind Sebastian's back like that had hurt him. But now he was more worried about Carter's state of mind. Quietly, Amelia placed her hand on Sebastian's arm and teleported all three of them to Carter's office.

Once there, she looked up and saw Nate, Tom and Parker...but no Charles. "Where's Charles?" She asked, looking around the room.
Hearing the female's voice, Parker looked up and stared at her. "Y-you!" He shivered. "You're the woman that we...that I..." he trailed off, looking at the ground ashamedly. "I was a monster..." He whispered, hugging his knees a little tighter.
Amelia shook her head. "You were an inexperienced Devil with a monster for guidance." She said simply. "I've already forgiven you, Alex."

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Denix Vames - March 2, 2021

Nate flapped his wings to stretch them out.

"Are we all done here with the dramatics? I'd really like to sleep now."

"You're staying here while we talk to this man." ,said Charles who stood at the stairs with Vincent and Elliot behind him. Elliot smiled. "Oh wow! Another human like me!"

He ran over to Parker and sat next to him. He wrapped an arm around him for a hug. "Hey! Nice to meet ya."

shadowess - March 2, 2021

Nate's wings flapped and Amelia jumped, recoiling away from them hurriedly. Backing off into the corner of the room. She glared at him "Can. You. NOT?!" She snapped, annoyed. She really didn't fancy being burned by a stray feather.

Parker had watched her reaction with fascination and quickly put together that Angel wings might not be such a good thing for Devils to be around. A good thing to take note of for if he ever became a Devil again. Their eyes then all turned to Charles as he spoke. Parker recalled Charles being the one to bring him the vial, pretending it was Lucifer's blood when he'd been a Devil. He'd never met Elliot before. The other man, he also recognized when Bryce had named him in the penthouse as Vincent Hayes. He remembered vividly, a knife being embedded in Alex's skull.

Elliot's reaction to meeting Parker had taken Alex completely by surprise. He recoiled and stiffened a bit at the hug and stared at Elliot in confusion. "um...Hi. I'm Alex..." He said, trying to be nice. Trying so hard to mask the torment he felt within. He was still trying to come to terms with everything he'd learned and inside, he was beginning to feel hollow. Broken and lost. Angry and heartbroken. Even a little vengeful.

Denix Vames - March 2, 2021

Nate turned to her. "Huh? What's wrong?" "You really don't know? Angel feathers can burn Devils." ,said Charles. "Really?" He plucked a feather out. Nate flinched. Charles displayed the feather on his hand as it began to burn him. He soon let it fall. Nate looked at his hand for a moment. "Oh."

His wings went back inside him. "I'll keep that in mind."

Elliot frowned at his fear. "Don't be scared. We're here to help you." He went into the kitchen and came back with a can of coke. He set it on the table. "Here ya go. Something nice and refreshing."

Nate walked over to Carter. He knelt by his side. He placed a hand over his chest. Slowly healing his wound. "He's really cute."

Charles cleared his throat. "Parker, as may you have notice, our family is strange. And so are you. So, we would like to welcome you to our group as a friend. Being half Devil really isn't that bad. You basically look young forever."

shadowess - March 2, 2021

Relaxing a little when Charles explained why she'd reacted the way she did and Nate put his wings away, she looked at Nate with mild confusion. "Wait...but you used a feather to destroy Clementine. How did you not know it would burn Devil's too?"
Sebastian blinked, looking at Amelia in surprise. "Clementine's dead? What the hell did we miss??"

Parker began to relax a little. He lowered his legs off the couch to sit normally when Elliot hurried off to the kitchen. When Elliot returned, he stared at the can then smiled a little. "Thanks..." He said quietly.

Sebastian watched the Angel approach them. Up until he'd put his wings away, he'd been staring at them in wonder. This being only the second time he'd seen an Angel and the first time he'd seen an Angel still alive. He watched thankfully as the Angel helped Carter's wounds to heal...until he made the comment that he did. Sebastian narrowed his eyes at Nate, feeling his jealousy welling up. "He's also really taken." He said defensively.
The comment had also caused Tom to glare at Nate. His cheeks reddening as he stuffed his hands moodily into his pockets and tore his eyes away from him.

Alex looked up when Charles spoke and he looked around the room at the others before bringing his eyes to the ground thoughtfully. He didn't know how to feel. He was still coming to terms with everything he'd learned and trying to fathom how he wanted to feel about it all. Though, he supposed he didn't have much of a choice given he is now human and otherwise alone since Bryce betrayed him. He wondered what had happened to him after he'd forced that liquid down his throat.

Had he really intended to poison him or had he known it would make him human again? He rubbed his forehead, trying to push Bryce from his mind. Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad thing. Maybe these people can help him to cope with everything that had happened to him. Maybe he could learn about what he is and how to properly use his powers if he ever got them back. He lowered his hand and looked back up at Charles, tearfully. "I...I did some terrible things...how do I make up for that?" and how does he suppress the enjoyment he felt from doing them?

Denix Vames - March 2, 2021

Nate let out a frustrated sigh. "I use to fuck every man that I saw and now I can't even do that anymore."

He soon finished healing Carter. He stood. "Oh, I didn't know I could kill her like that. Charles told me in my head so I did it."

Charles sat on the coffee table. "You're already doing that by being a detective. Detectives help people. So long as you keep doing your job, you'll feel better about what you did. And you weren't exactly yourself when you did do those things."

Vincent held out his hands. He said sarcastically, "Like arresting me for being a bad boy." He chuckled.

Elliot glared. He pinched his ear and dragged him aside. "Ow! What the hell?!" "My momma taught me that."

shadowess - March 2, 2021

"hmm." Amelia took her eyes off Nate, looking over at Parker. She still had trouble trusting him. If he really hadn't known then what had he been doing as an Angel before being captured by the organization? Most Angels who were trained to hunt and kill Demons and Devils knew right off the bat that their best weapons were either their steel or their feathers.

Happy that Carter was healed, Sebastian cradled him in his arms and kissed his head tenderly. He then looked around the room at the humans before looking over at Amelia who had just finished putting a layer of crystal over the cut in her wrist to stop the bleeding. "Amelia-?" He started but she had already started walking towards the kitchen.
"I'm on it. I'm on it." She said as she went. A few seconds later she came back with a blood bag, handing it to Sebastian for when Carter woke up.

Parker listened to what Charles said and seemed to think on it a moment before nodding. Maybe he was right. He remembered how he'd felt back then but he didn't feel exactly the same now. He didn't want to raise an army, or hurt people or commit murder. But he also wasn't so sure of what he really wanted anymore. Sure, he could stay a Detective...but after everything he'd learned, could he really stand to work with people who are oblivious to the real world? Wouldn't that drive him crazy?
The corner of his lips twitched into a semi-smile at Vincent and Elliot's antics. He then looked over at Amelia when he heard a sound similar to smashing glass.

She was gripping her wrist which had started dripping with blood again, looking at it confused. "Okay..." She muttered, concentrating until a new layer of crystal formed over the wound. She removed her hand and watched it for a moment. At first, it seemed fine but then it started to crack and then smashed again, turning to dust as it fell to the floor and leaving her wrist bleeding again. First the nausea and now this? What is going on? She gripped her wrist again, applying pressure again to stop the bleeding. "Um..." She sang, heading into the kitchen to grab a kitchen towel to tie around her wrist.

Denix Vames - March 2, 2021

"Or you could work for Carter. He's starting up a private detective agency. You could be that second detective." ,said Charles.

Nate walked over to Amelia. "Here. Let me help." He held her wrist and began to heal it.

Carter turned his head as he mumbled. He seemed to be slowly coming to.

shadowess - March 2, 2021

Parker looked back at Charles as he suggested working for Carter. That's actually not a bad idea. At least then he'd be able to talk freely to someone he worked with. Smiling a little, Alex nodded. "I think I wana do that." He said quietly. Now feeling a lot more relaxed around these people, he felt comfortable enough to open the cola can Elliot had given him earlier.

Amelia shifted uncomfortably on her feet and stared at the floor as Nate held her wrist and helped her to heal her wound. She was embarrassed that she hadn't been able to fix the issue herself. "Thanks." She said quietly. She was still trying to figure out why the crystal kept smashing. As soon as she and Charles would leave for his place again, she'd test out her power. To see if anything she makes out of crystal now will just keep smashing. She looked over at the horse she'd made for Elliot. It seemed just as strong and sturdy as when she'd first made it, making it apparent that it was only new crystals she was making were failing for some unknown reason.

Seeing Carter move, Sebastian held the blood bag across his chest while still holding Carter. He hadn't wanted to let him go all this time. "It's ok, Carter. You're safe. Everyone is safe." He whispered soothingly into his ear, leaving a few little kisses on his head. "I've got you."

Denix Vames - March 2, 2021

Nate shrugged. "No problem. I use to heal guys all the time whenever I went too far in bed."

Carter slowly opened his eyes. "Sebastian? Am I...How am I-?" "Alive? You have Amelia to thank for that. She gave you some of her blood." ,said Charles.

shadowess - March 2, 2021

Amelia tutted at Nate's reply. "Do you ever take your mind out of the bedroom?" She asked, slightly annoyed.
Hearing Carter wake up and Charles's reply to his question, Amelia looked around Nate at him. "Eh, it was nothing. Buy me a pizza and we'll call it even." She shrugged with a smile. "Also, it wasn't just me. Sebastian pulled out the glass, which helped you start healing and Harvey Birdman here healed you up." She jabbed playfully at Nate. "So, you know...pizza's all 'round?"
Sebastian brought the bag up and placed it in Carter's hands gently. "Here, you're going to need this. You might need more but we'll take it one bag at a time." He said softly. "We're just glad you're ok."

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Denix Vames - March 2, 2021

"Only when I'm fighting or sleeping."

Carter frowned. He forced himself to sit up. "No." He set the blood bag aside. "I'm tired of being a vampire. I don't want this life anymore. I want to be human again."

"You could always die and become a demon." ,said Nate. "And what makes you think I'll even go to Hell? I might end up in god damn Heaven." "Guess you'll have to hope if God hates you enough."

shadowess - March 2, 2021

"Even if he managed to become a demon, he'd still have vampiric tendancies due to his life." Amelia said, looking at Carter with a frown. "You're sure that's what you want? To be human again?" She asked him seriously. There might be a way to change him back. Maybe a spell or potion. She'd have to search through Hell's books to find out though. "There might be a way...I'll have to look into it though. If not..." She trailed off uncertainly.

Sebastian was watching Carter with a frown. He was a little disappointed that Carter didn't want to be a vampire anymore but ultimately it was his decision to make and whatever he chose to do, Sebastian would respect it. Listening to Amelia and hearing her trail off, he remembered what he'd wanted to ask her after their conversation about what they wanted to happen when they died. "Amelia...we've talked it over. We want to be Demons when we die...but we don't want to end up having to commit a sin to get to Hell...I was thinking...c-could you draw us up one of those contracts?"

Amelia's eyes widened then she glared at Sebastian. "No." She growls. How could he ask her that? Did he not know? Contracts didn't just damn a soul to Hell upon their death, they bound the soul to the Devil named in the contract. The Devil named in the contract became stronger, more powerful just because that soul continued to exist and the soul only continued to exist as long as they honored the terms in the contract. It was Lucifer's way of gaining as much power as he did when he'd been around. Damien had tried to teach her to use them but she'd refused. It just never seemed like a fair thing to do.

Denix Vames - March 2, 2021

Carter stood. "We're not doing contracts! Heaven sucks but contracts in general are the worse. I'm not letting anyone mess with their own soul."

"Then we'll research on a reversal spell for you." ,said Charles. Vincent smiled. Carter read his face. "Don't even think about it! Just because I turn back into a human doesn't mean that I'm playing that cat and mouse game with you." Vincent frowned. "Aw! You're no fun."

Nate winked at Vincent. "I might."

shadowess - March 2, 2021

Sebastian became quiet, remaining sat on the floor as Carter stood. He rested an elbow on his knee while staring off at the wall. He had a lot to think about. He could see there was no arguing with Carter and the way Amelia had looked at him, it was like he'd just insulted her. He was still upset about the way Carter went behind his back and now it looked like Carter wanted to become Human again too which... he wasn't sure how to feel about it.

Tom had been listening in as well. Interested to know if it was possible to become human again. He hadn't really wanted to change and had only chosen it as a way to survive his injuries. If possible, he'd like to become human again as well. He then saw the way Nate flirted with Vincent and his cheeks became red again out of jealousy. He should've known his time with Nate was nothing more than sex! Sighing in frustration, he stormed off upstairs.

Amelia had nodded at Charles with a small smile. Happy he agreed with her suggestion to research a way to reverse the vampiric transformation. "We'll start looking asap and let you know if we find anything." She reassured Carter then looked at the blood bag he'd put down. "In the meantime, you really should go about your current life as normal. If you put off drinking blood, you make yourself a hazard for the humans around you." She nods at Elliot and Parker.

Denix Vames - March 2, 2021

Nate appeared in the bedroom. "Alright there mr.pouty face. What's wrong?" He dug his hand under his shirt from behind. "You want round three?"

Carter glared at the blood bag. "I hate it." He zoomed to the bedroom where he laid under the covers.

Charles nodded at Amelia. "We should go. I'm sure they can handle this."

shadowess - March 3, 2021

Nate had been pacing in the room and came to a stop when he heard Nate's voice behind him. He felt his hand on his back, under his shirt and he shivered excitedly but pulled away. He'd love nothing more than to experience the things Nate could do to him again but he didn't want to just be a plaything that Nate could call on whenever he couldn't get anyone else to sleep with.

He turned to look at Nate with his arms folded. "I just-...I thought there might...actually be something...between us. But you're already looking for the next guy to bang. I clearly don't mean that much to you." He shook his head. "I don't want to just be some guy you can sleep with whenever you feel like."


Sebastian and Amelia watched Carter with a sad expression. Amelia had been about to walk towards the stairs when she heard Charles and paused. She nodded. He was right. Sebastian could handle this while she and Charles started looking as soon as possible. She walked over to him and then looked around at the others. "See you guys later." She smiled before turning to Charles and holding his hand.

Sebastian got up and picked up the blood bag. He threw it back into the fridge before walking upstairs. Once in the bedroom, he closed the door and sat on the bed next to Carter, quietly. Staring off at the wall. He wasn't sure where to begin, still processing everything that had happened and trying to decide how to feel about it all. So he just stayed quiet until Carter was ready to speak.

Denix Vames - March 3, 2021

Nate frowned. "Tom, I've been alive since I was made millions of years ago. I don't exactly know human connection. I don't know what it means to love someone. Throughout my life, I've done nothing but fuck every guy I could find. I can't give you what you want. I'm sorry."
Charles and Amelia appeared in Hell. "We should start here at the library. I'm sure there's a book that has the right potion or spell."
Carter clutched his stomach as it was starving but he ignored it. He was silently crying. He paused when he smelled Sebastian and heard him walk inside. He felt his presence was close.

"I should have never met you. All of this is because I ran into you on that god damn day." He squeezed the sheets. "You should have just killed me."

shadowess - March 3, 2021

It was a harsh truth but at least it was the truth. At least he wasn't trying to lead Tom on. He bit back disappointed tears and sighed, looking away from him. He sat on the bed then nodded. "Okay."


Amelia nodded. Already running her hand along the spines of the books nearest to her and reading their titles. She was willing to bet Lucifer got most of his tricks and power through these books. "Knowledge is power..." She muttered as she started sliding books out from the shelf. Picking out ones she suspected might help them and piling them onto a nearby table.


His words cut through Sebastian like a knife. He looked over at him, taken aback by the resentment Carter was displaying. "You don't mean that..." He gasped, feeling fresh tears burning his eyes.

Denix Vames - March 3, 2021

Nate hesitated but sat next to him. "Can you....Can you teach me love?"
Charles grabbed a book. "I wonder if I can read this."
"I do." Carter groaned as his stomach got worse. He soon was able to sniff Parker and Elliot's blood from the room. His fangs sprouted.

shadowess - March 3, 2021

Tom looked at Nate as he sat down and asked what he did. He thought for a moment before replying with a shrug. "I don't know if it's something that can really be taught. It's more of an emotion than anything. For some people they feel it instantly. For others it can take a little time for that emotion to grow. Some people don't know they're falling for someone until they realize they can't stand the thought of that person not being around anymore. I'm not sure how to describe it...it's like, you meet someone and suddenly you'd do anything to make them happy and protect them. Because their safety and happiness brings you happiness too...I don't know...maybe it's just one of those things where when you feel it...you just know." He tried his best to explain it but was worried his explanation was falling short of what it really feels like to love someone.


Amelia wondered as she looked over at Charles. It had taken for a powerful ancient Devil to invade her mind for her to be able to read and even speak this language. She wondered if he might be able to read it due to his age or if prying further into her mind might grant him that ability. She also couldn't help but admire the way he looked holding the old book. Like some kind of sexy librarian. She smirked at the thought of him pinning her against the bookshelves, thinking of how hot that would be and had to shake her head to concentrate on the matter at hand again. "Well...just start with the title. Can you read that?" She asked, trying to focus on what they were doing.


"No..." Sebastian cried softly, his tears falling but then he took a breath and said more firmly. "No." He shook his head. "I refuse to accept that. If you hadn't met me, Carter? Vincent wouldn't have died and been redeemed. He and Theo would have trapped you and you'd have been on your own. He'd probably have carved you up! If by some miracle you survived that and escaped, you would have run into Bryce sooner or later. You would have gone through what Parker did, only instead of Vincent and Clementine turning up to make you human and forget, you'd still be his plaything for god knows how long!" He took a few breaths to try to calm himself but he was very upset with Carter right now and struggling to keep himself composed.

"And I didn't WANT to kill you, Carter! If you think I'd have wanted that then you don't know me at all! I'd do anything to avoid killing someone who didn't absolutely deserve it!" He should really have stopped there. He got his point across but by now he was so worked up that everything else spilled out of him as well. He got off the bed and stood, glaring down at Carter under the sheets. "How dare you?! I risked my life for you! On multiple occasions! What do you do?! YOU GO BEHIND MY BACK! Why couldn't you have just talked to me about meeting Parker?! Do you really think I didn't want to do the same?! That I hadn't at least thought about bringing him to us?!"

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Denix Vames - March 3, 2021

Nate thought for a moment. "Hmm..." He moved himself a bit closer to Tom. His cheeks blushed. "Do you um....Do you think you and I could try that? Love?"
Charles blushed. "You have a lot of imagination but no. I cannot read these books unfortunately. I'm not sure why. It's been so long since I've woken up."
Carter growled as he slammed Sebastian against the wall. He stared at him. Hard. Glaring at him. "I'm going to buy some smokes."

He let him go and stormed out of the room.

shadowess - March 3, 2021

Tom blinked at the question, feeling his cheeks getting warm when Nate moved closer to him. His heart had fluttered in his chest excitedly. "Um..." He stared into his eyes, unable to take his eyes off him. "I...I guess we could try dating? See if something develops?" He smiled.


Amelia's cheeks grew red. She kept forgetting that he could see her thoughts. "Sorry...can't help it." She chuckled. She looked over the books thoughtfully. "Guess I'll be doing all the translating then...Maybe I should spend some time translating this whole collection at some point in the future? I'm sure more than a few of these books might come in handy..." She picked up one of the books. "This one says it's a guide to transformations and shape shifting..." Looking at another one. "Resurrections and necromancy..." then another "Soul binding for various purposes..." She moved a few books around, a look of concentration on her face. "A basic potion cookbook for beginners..."


Sebastian hadn't expected Carter to lash out physically. He stared at Carter with a mixture of shock, fear and anger when he hit the wall, the back of his head as well as his back hurting from the impact. When Carter let him go and left the room, Sebastian stayed standing there, staring at the far wall. His heart was beating hard and he was shaking. As he began to calm down a little, Sebastian took in a sharp breath, sliding down the wall to sit down. He brought his knees up and hugged them, sobbing quietly.

Denix Vames - March 3, 2021

Nate smiled. "Well, we've had sex at least twice now so that must mean something. Right?"
"Potion cookbook sounds like it might be the one." ,said Charles.
Carter was walking down the street. He headed to a store. Stepping into it, he realized he could smell everyone's blood. He clenched his fists as he went to the cashier.

He slapped a ten on the counter. "Cigarettes. Now."

shadowess - March 3, 2021

At the mention of what they'd done, Tom blushed harder and grinned. He bit his lip, remembering all the things Nate had made him feel. "Wana make it thrice?" He smirked, lifting a hand to Nate's chest. Although there was no certainty that Nate would end up loving him, Tom knew he would have a hard time saying 'no' to any of his advances. The things he could do...he was just so damn addictive.


Amelia nods and flips the book open, resting it on the table. She poured through it, running her finger along the words and mouthing them in the original written language as she read through it. Her lips tightened a little, then she sighed, flipping through pages before stopping and reading through those in the same way.

She straightened up and scratched the back of her head, still looking down at the book with a frown. "All sorts of handy spells, that's for sure...just nothing on transforming a vampire into a human...maybe something like that is more advanced?" She was beginning to suspect they might be at this for a while.


When Sebastian had calmed down enough, he got up and washed his face in the bathroom before heading down the stairs silently. Not really paying much attention to anyone else in the house. He was replaying what had happened in his mind. Wondering if he'd been too hard on Carter and that's why he lashed out at him? He headed into the kitchen and took out the bag.

Leaning against the counter, he bit into it then recoiled. He looked at the bag. Did it taste worse now somehow? He really needed to stop drinking from Amelia...this was getting a bit much. Reluctantly, he bit into it again and forced it down. When finished, he threw the bag into the trash and just stayed there, leaning against the counter and staring off into space. Occasionally he felt tears welling up again but he blinked them away as he thought on what he was going to do when Carter got back...or if he even wanted to still be around when Carter came back...

Denix Vames - March 3, 2021

Nate raised a brow. He touched his hand. "I don't know. I think I just want to....talk."
"Then there should be a book with more advanced spells and potions." ,said Charles.
Vincent appeared. He smiled. "Sounds like someone's got love troubles." Elliot shoved him aside. "He means to say, what's wrong? We heard ya arguing in there."

shadowess - March 3, 2021

"Oh." Tom was a little surprised but it was a pleasant surprise. It was a start! He smiled. "A-alright. What do you want to talk about?" He asked, looking at him curiously.


Amelia looked around the room at the hundreds of books on the shelves and sighed heavily. This wasn't a small task and looking around at the collection of books made it seem all the more daunting. She moved around the room, reading the titles on the spines. Occasionally she'd pull out one, flip through it then put it back. After several minutes of doing this she came across a book that looked like it might be useful. She pulled it out with a grunt. It was huge!

She needed both hands to hold the damn thing. She walked back over to the table with the heavy book and practically dropped it, causing a noise and making the table shake a little from it's weight. Dust flew up, everywhere, making her cough a little. She breathed a little heavily for a moment then opened the first few pages to read through the contents section. She ran her finger over the words again, mouthing them as she went then stopped about halfway down. She looked up at Charles excitedly. "Reverse metamorphosis!"


Vincent's appearance and voice had made Sebastian jump. He looked between Vincent and Elliot in embarrassment, his cheeks going a little red. "You guys heard that?" He lowered his eyes to the ground, tearfully. "Carter blames meeting me for everything that's happened to him..." He shook his head, trying to fight off the tears again. He was struggling to hold himself together after what had happened in the bedroom. "Maybe I should leave for a little while...give him some space..."

Denix Vames - March 3, 2021

"Well, what do you like to eat? You know, before you became a vampire." ,said Tom.
"Is it a potion? A spell?" ,asked Charles.
Vincent smiled. "You were the one who led him to that mall."

Elliot pinched his ear. "Ow!" "What he means to say is, it ain't your fault. Ya can't just leave either. It'd make him feel guilty too. Ya'll just need to talk things out when he gets back home. After all, every loving has its bad days."

shadowess - March 3, 2021

Tom thought on that question with a small frown. He kept forgetting he wasn't human anymore...and speaking of food, he hadn't had a drink yet either. Not since he was first turned. He thought about what he used to eat as a human. "Mostly spicy foods. Anything with a good kick to it but still bursting with flavor. The Jamaican dish, Curry Goat was my favorite." He said, remembering the dish fondly. "What about you?"


"Hang on...According to the contents, it's might be long winded. It's like, four pages long..." Amelia said as she flipped through the pages to get to the part she needed. She started reacting through it, her eyebrows knitting together. She turned the page to read more and frowned. "It...looks more like a ritual...a complicated one at that..." She turned the page and her face turned a little pale. "I don't think this is what we're looking for..." She said slowly. It would definitely turn a vampire human again but the cost was very steep.

It required a being to 'trade places' with. In theory, once the ritual was completed, the chosen human would be a vampire and the vampire would become human. Interestingly, the chosen human didn't need to be anywhere near the ritual, or even know about it for it to work, they just had to be named and a piece of their hair or blood used in the ritual. It also required a blood sacrifice to work as a conduit for the ritual. "Dammit..." Amelia groaned, slamming the book closed in frustration.


Sebastian listened to them and nodded slowly, still frowning. He was still a little angry at Carter for slamming him against the wall but Elliot had a point. Just leaving before he got back might end up making things worse. They needed to talk things through properly if they wanted any hope of fixing things. "Thanks guys..." He said quietly.

Denix Vames - March 3, 2021

"Oh, I don't need to eat. I'm immortal. Technically immortal. But I don't need food or water to survive." He frowned. "I'm sorry if I brought up any bad feelings."
Charles sighed. "I should have never destroyed those vials. There was more of that stuff that we gave to Parker. I was just so pissed off at Clementine. I wasn't thinking straight."
Elliot smiled. "No problem. We're friends. It's what we do." Vincent wrapped his arms around him from behind. He kissed his cheek. "C'mon. Let's go somewhere else." Elliot chuckled. "Alright. See ya later Sebastian."

They headed upstairs.

shadowess - March 3, 2021

"Oh!" Tom was fascinated by Nate's explanation. With Amelia talking about pizza earlier, he'd assumed they all still needed to eat. Maybe they just eat for fun, then? Or at least, some of them might? When he apologized, Tom shrugged his shoulders with a small smile. "It's alright. I'm still getting used to the idea of being a vampire...I was turned only a few hours before you arrived here...I got shot in the neck and would've died if Sebastian hadn't changed me." He explained. He wasn't sure if Nate already knew this, considering he'd told Tom earlier that he could see a persons past when looking at them, but he felt a little better after talking about it.


Amelia walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "Even if we used those, Carter's memory would've been wiped...and even if we got him to remember everything, he'd re-awaken as a vampire again the minute he died. It would never be a true transformation." She rested her head on his shoulder. She didn't know what else they could do.


Sebastian watched them leave. At least one relationship in the house seemed to be working. He waited until they'd gone before wandering into the living room and seeing Parker fast asleep on the couch. After everything he'd been through today, it wasn't really too surprising that he would pass out like that. He walked to one of the cupboards near the bathroom upstairs then came back down a moment later with a blanket which he draped over Alex. He paused and looked at his sleeping features, this being the first time he could actually take a moment to look at him properly. "You really do look so much like your father..." He muttered while shaking his head and walking away to sit on a chair in the next room. He stared off at the wall while he waited for Carter to return, thinking through what kinds of things he wanted to say to him.

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Denix Vames - March 3, 2021

Nate had already known about what he said but decided to listen anyway. "Well, I'm glad you're still alive." He nervously cleared his throat. "So, what do you think about them? The people in this house?"
Charles frowned. "He still would have a chance at having a normal life." He shut his eyes. Thinking about what he use to do before he became a demon then a devil. "Unlike me."
Carter had walked into the house with a drunken stumble. He had just been at the vampire club. Drinking blood with his venom in it. He was still smoking his cigarette.

shadowess - March 3, 2021

Smiling a little, Tom thought on Nate's question for a moment. "I'm not sure...They seem ok." He shrugged. "I mean, they could've killed me when they met me but they didn't. They tried to help me instead. Made me realize I was working for monsters...and then saved my life when those same monsters tried to kill me. They all clearly have their own issues, but as far as I can tell they're trying to do what's right."


Amelia lifted her head off his shoulder to look at him, tilting her head a little. She'd never had a normal life either but she didn't really understand the appeal. Sure, she'd like to settle down and raise a family at some point but she'd never trade her gifts for anything. Her experiences and the skills she'd gained were all a part of what made her, herself. To Amelia, giving up any part of her current life would be the equivalent of cutting off a limb. This was simply who she was and she was happy with that, even if her origin wasn't a happy one. But, this wouldn't stop her from at least trying to understand. "How did you become a Devil? Were you born that way?" She asked Charles curiously, wanting to know a little more about him.


Sebastian heard the door and walked into the room where Carter was stumbling around. He could smell the venom on him, stinking up the house. He looked at him in disgust and anger. He knew he'd gone out to buy cigarettes but this? "Proud of yourself, are you?" He asked sourly, all the things he'd originally wanted to say to Carter being immediately forgotten.

Denix Vames - March 3, 2021

"They're definitely a lot better than those winged freaks. I can't stand angels. And yeah, I know I am. But they're a lot more worse than me." ,said Nate.
"Died during the Black Plague. I told one of the devils how I wanted to help those people. Immediately, he made me into a Devil. I went back to earth to help but I couldn't. I saved some but lost so many." Tears dripped down his cheeks. "My wife died in my arms."
Carter looked as though he had been crying. He nearly when he leaned against the wall. "No, I'm not." He slid to the floor and put the cigarette out on his hand.

"How do you think I feel?" He rubbed his eyes. "Put you through so much shit. It felt like I was killing you." He pressed a hand against his head. "But I thought none of you would agree to meeting with Parker. It always seemed like all the decisions I ever made in my life were bad. I didn't know if I could ever get you to agree with me."

shadowess - March 3, 2021

Tom watched Nate carefully. When he said Angels were worse, Tom looked concerned. "Really?" he sounded disheartened. Before being brought to this house he'd never thought much on what would happen to him when he died. He'd never been much of a believer. Sure, he'd heard rumors from the organization but he never thought they'd be real. Vampires and Werewolves were one thing but Devils and Angels? And yet it seemed like humanity had gotten them backwards. From what Tom and seen and what Nate told him, it seemed like Devils cared more about doing good than Angels did.


Hearing his story, Amelia's eyes widened. "Oh God..." she whispered then brought her hand up to gently wipe away some of his tears. "I'm so sorry..." She said quietly. With how she felt for Charles now, she could understand why he would disappear into Hell for centuries after something like that. She couldn't stand the thought of losing Charles. It was the very reason she'd spent most of her life trying so hard to not get attached to any lover that she'd had. Then along came Charles who captured her heart with next to no effort. How vulnerable she felt now, by allowing herself to love him, terrified her to her core. But she was even more terrified of losing him. Yet all of that fear was vastly overshadowed by the love she felt for him. Strange how a seemingly simple emotion could make you feel so much all at once.


Sebastian had crossed his arms while looking at Carter angrily. As Carter spoke though, his eyes softened. He didn't move, watching Carter as he told him how he'd felt. When Carter finished, Sebastian sighed heavily and moved to sit next to him on the floor, his legs spread out in front of him with his hands resting on his legs. "The things we go through...they define us. Make us who we are." Sebastian looked at Carter, tearfully. "I don't regret meeting you. Not for one second. Since I started loving you we've gone up against a lot of challenges...yet we've always managed to come out on top...and all the more stronger for it...If I had to go back and do it all again, I would."

Sebastian looked away from Carter, turning his head to face forward. "You still should've talked to us...talked to me...trusted me...We might've been able to work something out..." He shook his head. "But that doesn't matter now..." He nodded to the other room, where Parker was sleeping on the couch. "He seems to be doing fine...seemed like he wanted to work for you too...so maybe don't feel too bad? It might've been a messy way to do it but at least it all worked out in the end."

He looked back at Carter, his tears had rolled down his cheeks as he'd been talking. "Don't do that again...going behind my back like that..." He shook his head, his eyes reflecting the hurt that he felt.

Denix Vames - March 3, 2021

"Pretty much." Nate wrapped an arm around him. "Sorry if you're disappointed. Believe me. I was too." He leaned his head against. "But it is nice to be here."
Charles touched her hand. "It's alright. She's probably happy in Heaven. I hope."
Carter shook his head. "Wants to work for me huh?"

He caressed his cheek with a shaky hand. "I promise I won't do it again. I'm sorry that I ever did. And I'm sorry for hurting you like that. I never thought I could get pissed off in that way."

His lips quivered. "It's not something that I'm proud of."

shadowess - March 3, 2021

With Nate's arm around him and their heads touching, Tom closed his eyes with a small smile. Finding comfort in his presence. "Yeah it is..." He sighed. There was that scent again. With Nate being so close to him it was as if his scent enveloped him, intoxicating him. He breathed in, enjoying his company. Opening his eyes, he looked back into Nate's. "You're so beautiful..." He found himself saying, not really realizing he was saying it out loud.


Amelia offered him a small smile and nodded in agreement. Because everything from Hell was barred from Heaven, Amelia didn't know for certain but there were more than enough stories, particularly in the books in this library, that support the idea that good souls got everything they could ever want or need when they reached Heaven. She hugged him again, bringing a hand up to the back of his head as she did. "I think we should probably get some rest." She said quietly. She also wanted to test out a couple of her abilities to see what else wasn't working right. If her crystals were breaking like they had been, then what else could fail?


Sebastian brought his hand up to cup Carter's on his cheek, turning his head to it and kissing it while fighting back tears. "I-it's ok" he cried. "I shouldn't have yelled...I was no better..." He moved closer to Carter and cuddled up to him, resting his head in the nook of Carter's shoulder. Just wanting the comfort of his arms around him.

Denix Vames - March 3, 2021

Nate blushed. "Thanks. All angels are supposed to be attractive. It's how we lure victims in. I always hated doing the things that the archangels told me to do. I use to use my looks for sex. But hearing you say that makes me feel like my looks mean something better."

He kissed him. "You're pretty hot too."
Charles really wanted to keep searching. He wanted to help Carter but he figured that they had done enough browsing for one day. "Maybe you're right." He raised a brow. "I'm a bit more worried about you. What's going on with your powers? Did you use too much of your energy?"
Carter placed a hand over the back of his head as he leaned his head against his. He stifled a chuckle as he smiled. "God! We're so bad at this relationship crap." Tears snuck by him.

shadowess - March 4, 2021

Realizing he'd spoken out loud, Tom blushed. But Nate seemed to like the compliment, which relaxed Tom. He wondered what he'd meant by Angel's luring in victims but soon lost track of that thought when Nate kissed him. He kissed him back then smiled, blushing more when Nate complimented him as well. "Thanks." He said softly, resting his head againsts Nate's again.


Amelia didn't break the hug. She was also worried and felt a little better in Charles's arms. "I don't know..." She admitted. "I know I've had enough time to recover...and I haven't used that much of my energy today." She pulled back enough to look at him, keeping her arms around his shoulders. "I want to test a couple of my powers out when we get back to your place...and try to figure out what's going on..."


Sebastian cried softly as Carter held him, feeling a little better after their conversation. He heard Carter's comment and half laughed as well. "I don't know about that...still together aren't we?" He smiled.

Denix Vames - March 4, 2021

"No problem." Nate wrapped an arm around his waist. Letting his hand get under his shirt there. He kissed his cheek.
Charles nodded. "Sure. And whatever's causing this, I'll help in any way that I can."

They appeared in his home.
Carter sniffled. He smiled. "Of course." He kissed him and held on for a moment.

shadowess - March 4, 2021

Nate's touch, as well as the kiss, made Tom shiver excitedly. He ran a hand through his hair, admiring how soft it felt. He gave him a lingering kiss, loving the feeling of Nate's lips on his own.


Once in Charles's home, Amelia looked around the room and sighed. "Alright, first things first..." She said as she let him go and cupped her hands together. She concentrated for a moment. Trying to form just a basic shape with her Crystal. Just something simple and small that didn't take up a lot of energy. She opened her hands to reveal just a plain crystal disk resting in the palm of her hand. She watched it warily. Just as she suspected, after just a few seconds the crystal cracked then disintegrated into nothing more than a fine powder.

Sighing, she dusted her hands off into a nearby trash can then walked into the bedroom. Returning a moment later with a candle. She focussed on the wick, willing it to light itself. For several painful seconds, nothing happened. Sweat rolled down the side of Amelia's face from the effort. Very, very gradually, the wick began to glow orange. Then a little flame sparked to life in the candle. Sighing, feeling a little tired, she stopped focussing on it. That had taken far too much effort to light. But as Amelia watched the candle, the flame quickly died again. Her eyebrows knitted together. She was both frustrated and growing increasingly worried.


Sebastian didn't want to move. He just wanted to stay in Carter's arms for a while longer. He felt himself calming down as they cuddled each other. He kind of wished the bedrooms weren't both taken, feeling like they could both do with sleeping this off. He closed his eyes tiredly, content to simply rest here for a bit.

Denix Vames - March 4, 2021

Nate moved his hand further up to his chest. He kissed from his cheek down to his neck. Nibbling there.
Charles was trying to stay calm as he watched her fail. He caught his breath and gripped her hands. "If you need energy then tell me. I can give you some of mine."
Carter whispered, "Good night Sebastian." He soon fell asleep.

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shadowess - March 4, 2021

Tom tilted his head back as Nate kissed down his neck. Feeling him nibbling his skin and his hand on his chest, Tom let out a shaky breath and a quiet moan. He bit his lip, smiling while he let his other hand wander over Nate's torso and down to his hip, tracing the rim of his pants with his thumb. Filled with pure desire for Nate.
(Private time)


Looking at Charles with a frown, Amelia shook her head a little. "I...I can't be sure but I don't think energy is the issue..." She looked over at the closed bedroom door and removed one of her hands from Charles's. She concentrated and clicked her fingers. The finger clicking wasn't really necessary but more of a concentration or comfort thing. She was trying to open the door without touching it. She often forgot she had telekinesis, only really using it when absolutely necessary but now she was beginning to get desperate. The door didn't budge.

She clicked her fingers again. Nothing. Then again. The door handle twitched a little but that was about it. "I don't understand..." she sighed. "It's like...all my powers are just...fading away..." She suddenly felt incredibly vulnerable. She hoped this was just some temporary thing...maybe she was sick...wait...that actually could be a possibility! Especially for Newborn Devils, like herself, there were a variety of illnesses she could get that would leave her in a weakened state for certain periods of time. She recalled feeling nauseous the day before and although it hadn't lasted long, that might have been the start of whatever was happening to her now.

She looked back at Charles. He would be fine. Having lived as a Devil for so long makes him practically immune to these kinds of illnesses. Either that or she's-...no, that can't be it...surely... "I think I just need to rest...I have a theory what it could be but we'll need to do some research in the library. It's weird though...apart from the lack of powers, I otherwise feel fine..." She shrugged. Maybe they'll find some answers when they go back to the library. It's a good thing they needed to go back to try to find a spell or potion for Carter anyway. In the meantime, she felt some sleep might do her good.


Smiling sleepily when he heard Carter whisper, Sebastian whispered back "Goodnight." It didn't take him long to fall asleep in his arms.

Denix Vames - March 4, 2021

(lol yep)

Charles was still concerned but nodded. "Ok. I understand. We can rest in the mean time."
Hours passed and soon Carter was awake. He groaned as he pressed his hand against his head. Rubbing his right temple. "Fuck...." He had completely forgotten that he had gotten drunk last night. The hangover was now finally telling him.

shadowess - March 4, 2021

Seeing that he was concerned for her was touching but she didn't want Charles to worry. Apart from her powers vanishing, she felt fine. She offered him a small smile, trying to put off her own worries for now. There was no point dwelling on it while they currently could do nothing about it. She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head against his. "We should try to get some sleep." She said softly, looking into his eyes. Though she knew she'd probably struggle to sleep for a while.


Hearing Carter, Sebastian stirred and woke up as well. His body feeling a little stiff and sore from the way they'd slept against the wall. "Hey..." He whispered sleepily, still waking up a bit. He lifted his head and kissed Carter's cheek.

By this time, Alex had already woken up and poured himself a coffee. He'd been sitting on the couch he had been sleeping on, wondering who put the blanket on him and thinking about what he was going to do now that he'd recovered his memories. He planned on heading to the precinct to hand in his resignation...that's if Carter agreed to employ him.

Denix Vames - March 4, 2021

Charles nodded. They went to the bedroom where they laid under the covers. He kept her close. Kissing the top of her head. "Sleep well dear."
Carter smiled a little. "Morning." He flinched as his head pounded. "Got a cure for a hangover?"

shadowess - March 4, 2021

In the bed, Amelia cuddled up to Charles, enjoying being close to him as well as his body heat. She smiled when he spoke and whispered back "You too." before falling asleep.


Sebastian chuckled while moving to sit up. He winced, his muscles aching from the awkward position he'd slept in. Stretching out, he looked around the room thoughtfully. "For us? Not sure... I guess I could warm up a bag of blood? See if that might help?"

Denix Vames - March 4, 2021

Charles took one good look at her before he fell asleep too.
Carter rolled his eyes in the back of his head as if he was already drinking it. "Yes please! That would be fantastic."

He leaned against the wall as he forced himself to stand up. "Damn balance."

shadowess - March 4, 2021

Sebastian chuckled as he stood up, still stretching out his arms. He grunted as a few joints audibly popped. "I think we may need to talk about living arrangements with there being so many of us..." He said on his way to the kitchen.

Alex looked up when he heard Sebastian's voice enter the room. He was still sat on the couch, holding his cup of coffee in both hands. "Oh, hey." He greeted them awkwardly.

Denix Vames - March 4, 2021

"Some of them could live in my house." ,said Carter.

He slowly walked in. Seeing Parker, he awkwardly waved. "Slept well?"

shadowess - March 4, 2021

"Yeah... thanks." Alex wasn't sure how to broach the subject.
Sebastian smiled at Alex. "Have you had any breakfast yet, Parker? I could make something for you if you want?" He offered, trying to help ease the awkwardness.
"I'm good, thanks..." Alex smiled at him thankfully.
Sebastian nods then turns to Carter and kisses him on the cheek. "I'll get started on our breakfast then." He says before disappearing into the kitchen.

Alex looked into his coffee briefly before looking back up at Carter. "Um...I'm sorry, for the trouble I caused...you got hurt..." He shifted a little in his seat, uncomfortably. "And...I'm sorry...about everything else I did when-...before I lost my memory..." He looked back down at his coffee.

"I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't come to get me at the club...I wasn't even supposed to do any investigating on my own...I er-...When they found me outside the station with memories missing, they made me see a therapist...then they confiscated my gun and said I couldn't work alone because I was a risk to myself. It was that or I'd have been made to take sick leave... Then I got the missing persons report...and I started getting bits of my memory back...and I just had to know what happened to me...So, I went looking for answers on my own..." He wanted Carter to know he wasn't at fault for looking for him. That he might actually have saved him by simply turning up when he had. Alex also wanted him to understand what he went through...he needed someone to understand.

Denix Vames - March 5, 2021

Carter smiled for a moment from the kiss. Then he lost it. He sat down next to Parker and nearly broke into tears. He pressed his hands against his head as he heard what he said.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. This is all my fault. Me meeting you and me quitting? It made you too curious for your own damn good. I should have stuck by you. I should have made sure you were safe. I don't know what I was thinking. And now I'm stuck under these circumstances."

He ran his hand through his hair. "I wanted you to be safe. I never wanted you to go through what i went through. Just us being humans and doing a little detective work. Eating those fast food burgers and drinking some shitty coffee. That's all I ever wanted to do."

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shadowess - March 5, 2021

Parker shrugged. He didn't take his eyes off his coffee. "I don't think it would have made much difference if you hadn't quit...Bryce was pretty determined to get to you. He'd have seen us working together sooner or later and tried to use me to get to you anyway..." He couldn't help his eyes tearing up when he talked about Bryce. His heart still hurt whenever he thought about how he used Alex then tried to kill him. By now Alex had realized that despite his own emotions, Bryce hadn't really loved him at all.

He removed a hand from his coffee and quickly wiped his eyes to get rid of the tears before they could fall and he sniffed a little. "I can't go back to working at the station. Not after everything I've learned...or well...remembered. I don't think I could handle working with people who have no idea what's really going on in the world..." He glanced up at Carter. "Could I work here? For you?"

He then shrugged again. "As good as it is to be human, I don't think it'd be such a bad thing to be a supernatural detective...especially when you work for yourself. You could be the first detective to do work for supernatural clients. Someone they could come to when they need help and can't just turn to the human police?" Parker suggested.

Denix Vames - March 5, 2021

Carter's eyes lit up. "A supernatural detective? I hadn't thought of that." He smiled. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind helping some supernatural people out." He turned to him. "Welcome aboard."

"Hey ya'll! Is it morning already? What are we talking abou-?" Elliot was running down the stairs when he fell. Tumbling at the last steps.

Carter raised a brow. "Are you ok?" Elliot smiled as he stood. "Never been better. Last time I hit my head was on the fourth of July. Or was it my birthday?"

Vincent rolled his eyes. "You really should be more careful." He rubbed Elliot's shoulders for a moment. Elliot turned around and fixed his hat. "Ah I'm fine. Ain't nothing to it." He pulled on his tie. "Why you wearing that?" Vincent took it out of his grasp. "I found it. It felt like it suit me." "Awful fancy for ya. But you are a fancy man."

Carter gave Vincent a look. "That's my tie." Vincent took it off. "Oh alright." "Ooh! Can I try it on?" "You want to learn how to make a tie?" ,said Carter. Elliot jumped like a kid high on candy. "Yeah! Yeah!"

Carter chuckled. "Alright. Just calm down and get over here."

Elliot sat on the coffee table. Carter placed the tie over his neck. "So this is how you start...."

As he began to explain and show the steps of putting on a tie, Elliot watched closely.

shadowess - March 5, 2021

Hearing that Carter liked his idea and that he was happy to have him work for him, Parker beamed. "Thanks!" His heart lifted, feeling that he had some hope for the future now. Maybe now he could do some good and start making up for all the bad things he'd done. He then watched as Elliot and Vincent joined them. Smiling as Carter patiently taught Elliot how to do his tie, almost like a father figure teaching a kid. His smile slipped a bit but he hid it well. Alex wished he'd known his own father. Had a normal upbringing... Maybe he might've turned out different if he had?

Tearing his mind away from that, he drank up his coffee quickly and set the cup down on the coffee table before getting to his feet and stretching a little. Eager to start working for Carter as soon as possible. "Well, I'd better get going then. Got a resignation to hand in if I'm going to be working here." He walked around the table, heading towards the door. "I'll see you guys later."

Sebastian hovered in the kitchen doorway, smiling at them all. Everyone seemed happy this morning. It made a nice change. He looked over at Carter and winked, then nodded his head back towards the kitchen to subtly tell him their breakfast was ready. He was still wary about drinking blood in front of Elliot in case it made him uncomfortable.

Denix Vames - March 5, 2021

Carter stood. "Elliot, you can practice some more if you want. I'm going to the kitchen." "I'm hungry too!" "It's...not that kind of breakfast." There was a long awkward pause. "Oh." "Yeah."

Elliot thought for a moment. "Ya'll still got regular food?" "I think so." "Then I'm making me and my human friend Parker some pancakes! He'll be so happy to see them when he comes back."

All three men walked into the kitchen. "Look Sebastian!" Elliot pointed at his tie with a big smile. "I'm a fancy man." "More like fancy boy." ,said Nate who appeared. "And fyi, I probably fucked one of your ancestors. A cowboy named James."

Elliot glared. "Who invited the winged freak?" "Alright! Enough! Save this crap for when my hangover is gone." Nate smirked. "What happened? You let your feelings get in the way?" "Hey! Don't talk to him like that!" ,said Elliot. "Why? Are you gonna do something about it?"

Elliot clenched his fists. He took a step forward before Carter stood in between them. Carter held his hands up. "Enough! Both of you! You little brats are tiring me out!"

Carter glared at Nate. "You can go back to Tom and do whatever with him. Just leave the kitchen." He turned to Elliot. "And as for you! You need to learn when to shut up and ignore someone's comments. Fighting doesn't solve shit unless you're dealing with psychos. Do I make myself clear?"

Elliot nodded. Nate rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He disappeared.

shadowess - March 5, 2021

Sebastian grinned at Elliot's idea to make pancakes for himself and Parker. "I'm sure he'll like that, Elliot." He agreed. He then grinned when Elliot pointed to his tie but frowned when Nate appeared and talked about fucking one of Elliot's ancestors. "What exactly is your problem?!" Sebastian had asked with his arms folded.

But the more he watched, the more it seemed like Nate was determined to pick a fight. He was glad when Carter stepped in the way he did and Nate vanished. Breathing a sigh of relief, he picked up the hot cups of blood and passed one to Carter. He then hesitated. He'd forgotten that Tom was one of them now. "Ahh...maybe I should've made one for Tom too..." He muttered as he looked into his cup.

He couldn't help wondering how he might be coping with the change...but then again, it seemed like he'd been distracted by Nate lately. Seeing the way Nate was with everyone just now though, Sebastian worried that maybe Tom might end up getting hurt by him. Sighing, he took a long sip from his cup. Finally! This blood tasted a little better than it had been recently.

Denix Vames - March 5, 2021

Nate kissed Tom's cheek. "Hey babe. You've got to drink. It's morning already."
Elliot pinched his nose when he smelled the blood. Nearly vomiting. Carter helped him to the stove. "Here. Why don't you stand here and I'll go get the things for the pancakes?" Elliot nodded. Carter poured some coffee into a mug and hand it to him. "Just keep smelling that and you'll be fine."

"Sure thing." Elliot took some whiffs. Carter drank some sips of the hot blood. He licked his lips before opening the fridge to take out the ingredients. He set them near the stove and took some utensils and dishes out of the top cabinets.

"Do you know how to make a pancake?" Elliot shook his head. "Ma always did all the cooking." "Well, today I'm going to teach you how to make some." "Really? You know how to cook?" "Of course I do. I wasn't the best at it but I have some decent pancakes."

Elliot took a sip of the coffee then set it on his side of where the stove was. ":Let's get to it then."

shadowess - March 5, 2021

Blinking his eyes open and smiling at Nate's kiss, Tom looked up at him as he slowly woke up. Even as Nate told him he needed to drink, he could feel his hunger begin gnawing at him. Rapidly growing worse. Having not had any blood since he was first turned, he found the hunger now to be quite painful. He grimaced, smelling the hot blood in the kitchen even from all the way up here. His hearing had also become sensitive, picking up all their heartbeats. It was almost deafening.

His fangs sprouted and his eyes glazed over a little. He flung himself from the bed, away from Nate while shaking his head to try and stay focused. Finding the smell of Nate's blood particularly overpowering. Completely forgetting to dress himself, he began stumbling towards the bedroom door naked, trying so hard to focus on getting blood from the fridge instead of from anyone he came across. "G-gotta...get to...f-fridge..." He breathed as if to keep himself reminded.


Seeing how Elliot reacted to the smell of their drinks, Sebastian drank his rather quickly before rinsing out his cup in the sink to try to eliminate the smell. He then leant against one of the counters to watch them cook with a small smile. He glanced over at Vincent. "You guys got any plans for today?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

Denix Vames - March 5, 2021

Nate opened the door for him. "Try not to fall on your ass."
Vincent shrugged. "We never had plans. All we've done is hung out together and have some privacy to ourselves."

Elliot flipped a pancake. "Ooh! We could go-!" "No." He frowned. "But you didn't even let me finish." Vincent sighed. "I know that you're going to say rodeo. And I get it. You love the South. But can we just do something that's less dirty?" Elliot sighed. "Alright."

Vincent's eyes widened. He grabbed his arm. "Elliot! I need you to leave the kitchen now!" "What? Why? What's wrong?" "Because-!" A hungry looking Tom was soon in their view.

shadowess - March 5, 2021

Things were calm again. Happy. Sebastian watched the conversation unfold with a small smile. That smile soon vanished when Vincent seemed to be on alert and warned Elliot to leave the kitchen. Before he could say why, Tom stood naked in the doorway as if in some kind of trance. Sebastian recognized what was happening immediately. He'd forgotten to drink for too long and now he was losing control. Tom stood there woozily for a moment, his eyes landing on Elliot. He couldn't think straight anymore. All he knew was pain and hunger. He just needed to drink blood, no matter where it came from and he'll be fine. He heard all their heart rates collectively increase when they saw him. The noise and smell was driving him wild. His lips twitched over his fangs and he growled dangerously.

Sebastian stepped in front of him with his hands up, blocking his path to Elliot and Vincent. "Carter, grab a bag from the fridge. Quick." He said calmly, keeping his eyes on Tom. "Tom, listen to me. You just need to breathe, ok? Breathe and think. This isn't you. You don't want to hu-" Sebastian was cut off as Tom attempted to lunge past him at Elliot. Sebastian reacted quickly and tackled him back, pushing him away from the kitchen and back into the other room. Tom stumbled back then growled again, attempting to run past him again. Sebastian dove after him and tackled him to the floor where he struggled to keep him pinned down. "Carter! Quickly!"

Denix Vames - March 5, 2021

Elliot's eyes widened. He grew immediately pale and was shaking as he saw Tom try to go after him. He raised his arms and closed his eyes. Vincent held his knife out as he stood in front of him. Ready to fight.

"I'm coming!" Carter took out a bag of blood from the fridge. He ran over and placed it near Tom. "This is what you do pal. You drink from the bag. Not from the person."

Elliot was nearly in tears as he heard Carter speak. Vincent put away the knife. He held him close. "It's alright. He'll be calmer now once he has that blood in his system."

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shadowess - March 5, 2021

Tom couldn't hear anything over their heartbeats but as soon as he saw the blood bag and the smell of it hit his nose, he snatched it up and bit into it desperately. He moaned at the taste and drank the bag within just a couple of minutes. Once it was empty, he let it go and caught his breath. Sebastian was still pinning him to the ground in case it wasn't enough.

As Tom got his breath back, the sound of their hearts faded. As did the hunger pains and he began to think more clearly. He could barely recall what he'd just done but as he realized he was being held to the ground and looked up to see the looks on all their faces, he knew what had just happened. His own face turned pale and he began shaking. "No...oh, God no...What did I do?! Why did I do that?! I-I'm sorry!" He began crying. "I-I didn't mean it! I'm sorry!"

Satisfied that he wasn't a danger anymore, Sebastian let him go and watched him sit up, pulling his knees up to both cover himself and to comfort himself as he hugged them and rocked a little. "It's alright. No one was hurt." Sebastian sighed. "Tom, you need to try to remember to drink more frequently, that's all." He placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, looking at Carter. "We'll help you." He then looked over at Vincent and Elliot in concern. "Are you two alright?"

Denix Vames - March 5, 2021

Carter knelt. "Yeah. Don't sweat it kid. It was difficult for me to get use to being a vampire."

"Elliot's just shaken up but we're all good." ,said Vincent.

shadowess - March 5, 2021

Nodding at Vincent, Sebastian got to his feet and grabbed the blanket from the couch, draping it around Tom. "It's alright, Tom. C'mon, it's probably best that you go get dressed. When you come back down, grab yourself another bag if you're still hungry and you'll be fine." Tom was quiet, not daring to lift his eyes to look at any of them. Feeling ashamed for what he'd tried to do. At Sebastian's suggestion of getting dressed, he nodded and got to his feet, walking quietly up the stairs towards the bedroom while sniffling and wiping his eyes.

Sebastian looked at Carter, unable to mask his concern. "Thank you...He'll be alright. I think with us two to guide him, he'll do just fine. It just might take him a little while to get used to it." He then looked into the kitchen, smelling the pancakes cooking. "Might want to flip those or they'll burn." He called over to Elliot, hoping that getting him to focus on the food again will distract him from what just happened.

Denix Vames - March 5, 2021

Nate smiled. He hugged Tom. "I knew this would happen but I knew you wouldn't be able to hurt them."
"Yeah, I guess. But I'm not very good at teaching." ,said Carter.

Elliot slowly turned to the stove. He hesitantly flipped the pancake. Vincent stepped away as Carter walked over. Carter placed a hand on his shoulder. "No one's going to let anyone bite you. I promise. Ok?" Elliot nodded.

"I'm going to be here. Making sure that those pancakes look good." He placed a plate near the stove.

shadowess - March 5, 2021

Tom was shaking as Nate hugged him. He wanted to feel comforted by his hug but a part of him was disturbed by the fact that Nate just let him go in the state he was in. Why? Why would he do that? How could he possibly know he wouldn't hurt anyone? God, if Sebastian and Carter hadn't been there... He buried his face in Nate's chest, trying to calm himself down again.

Sebastian was right, he would need a second bag when he went back downstairs. He was still hungry, taking in the smell of Nate's blood. When he was calm enough, he pulled away quietly and started getting dressed without a word. He didn't know how to respond to the way Nate just let him go like that. He'd made no attempt to stop him. No attempt to help him and this baffled Tom.


"Oh, I don't know about that." Sebastian gave Carter a kind smile. "You seemed to do fine just then." He went back to watching Elliot and Carter making pancakes. Elliot having gone quiet since the whole ordeal. If only it wasn't daylight out. He'd suggest they all go out somewhere to take their minds off it.

Perhaps Vincent could take him out somewhere to help him feel better? Just as he was about to suggest this, he heard the front door open and close, followed by Parker's voice calling through. "It's just me." A moment later he appeared in the kitchen doorway, smiling. "Something smells good." He commented, seeing the pancakes in the pan.

Denix Vames - March 5, 2021

Nate frowned as he watched him leave. He followed him a bit before stopping. "You think what I did was wrong. Don't you?"
Elliot set the pancake on the plate. Carter helped him pour another pancake shaped batter on the pan.

Carter turned to Parker. He smiled. "Elliot and I are making pancakes. He figured you and him would like some. Isn't that right, Elliot?"

Elliot was still shaken up by what happened. He did his best to speak. Stuttering out the word, "P-Pancakes!" He held a small smile.

shadowess - March 5, 2021

Once Tom was dressed, he'd started walking out of the bedroom and towards the stairs. He only got as far as the top of the stairs before he heard Nate's question and stopped in his tracks, his hand on the banister.

He turned his head to look back at Nate with a frown. Hesitating to answer. "I-I don't know...I don't know what to think right now, Nate..." He admitted and looked down the stairs. "I just want to drink another bag and try to forget that it happened..." He started walking down the stairs.


Parker saw how Elliot was acting and frowned. What had he missed? He wanted to ask but a look from Sebastian told him this might not be a good time. So, he put on a smile and nodded to the pan. "They look great. I can't wait to try them."

He left the kitchen doorway and headed over to where he'd left his coffee cup on the table then began walking back to the kitchen with it, intending on making himself a fresh cup. "Do you need a hand with anything?" He asked on his back in.

Denix Vames - March 5, 2021

Tears fell from Nate's eyes but he didn't go after him. Instead, he disappeared as the door to the bedroom slammed shut.
"Actually yeah. Elliot could use some help. Make sure he doesn't burn them." Carter whispered into his ear, "Try to make small talk. He's been through a lot."

He walked over to the table where he finished the rest of his cup. "Damn. That was good."

shadowess - March 5, 2021

Tom paused halfway down the stairs when he heard the bedroom door slam. He looked back, his heart aching. He hesitated, unsure of whether to go back to the bedroom or continue down the stairs. Feeling bad that he might have upset Nate, he hurried back up the stairs and opened the bedroom door only to find the room empty.

Now he felt guilty for hurting Nate. No longer concerned with what Nate had done or why he'd done it. He sighed and bit back more tears as he turned and left the room again, worried that Nate might not come back now. He made his way down the stairs slowly and towards the kitchen.


Parker put his cup down and paused when Carter whispered to him, his eyes darting to the back of Elliot as he spoke. Seriously, what did he miss? Nodding, he walked over to Elliot and watched him cooking. "Hey Elliot...I wanted to thank you. For making me feel welcome last night..." He smiled at him. "I noticed your accent, whereabouts are you from?" He asked, trying to keep him distracted and cheer him up. Sebastian walked over to Carter and kissed his cheek lovingly. "Feeling better?" He asked, smiling at him.

Tom paused in the kitchen doorway, seeing Elliot, Vincent and Parker, he hesitated to enter the room. Lowering his gaze, he quietly walked to the fridge where he took out another bag, then hurriedly left the kitchen. He intended on slipping by Carter and Sebastian quickly to head back up the stairs where he'd probably hide in the bedroom, feeling too guilty and ashamed to be around anyone right now.

Denix Vames - March 5, 2021

Elliot flipped the pancake. "....Texas."

Carter walked over. "Hey Tom. Why don't you have a seat?" Elliot dropped the spatula. He breathed heavily as he backed himself into a corner. He was shaking as tears fell.

Vincent kept him close. "Hey, it's ok. He's not going to do that again. He will never. It's alright. Just try to stay calm."

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shadowess - March 5, 2021

Just as Carter asked him to have a seat, Tom heard the spatula fall and looked back to see the way Elliot reacted to his presence as well as how defensively Vincent held him. He gripped the bag tightly while fresh tears fell as he stared at them speechlessly. 'I'm a monster...' He thought as he looked at them.

Parker watched as it all unfolded. Looking between Elliot and Tom, putting two and two together. He quickly took the pan off the heat before the pancake could burn then picked up the spatula to rinse it off in the sink. Tom backed away from them and looked towards Carter, shaking his head a little. "I-I don't think that's a good idea..." He glanced at the stairs, just wanting to run away and hide from it all. He contemplated going up and pulling the curtains open on himself but knew he was too much of a coward to actually do it.

Sebastian frowned at him. "No, c'mon. Come and join us. It'll help show Elliot you're better now. That you're yourself again." Tom hesitates, not sure of what to do and Sebastian sighs. "No one is forcing you. But we know it was an accident. That you didn't mean to do what you did."

Having cleaned and dried the spatula, Parker held it out for Elliot. "It's ok. We're safe with them." He said gently, then looked at Vincent. Then towards the others and shrugged. "I've seen what they'd do for their friends...I trust them. All of them." He glanced back at the pancakes before looking back at Elliot with a smile. "Now, c'mon. Let's see if we can't make a big pancake tower!"

Denix Vames - March 5, 2021

Carter placed a hand on his arm. "Hey, it's alright. The sooner we get use to each other the better."

Elliot nodded at Parker. He smiled a little when he talked about a pancake tower. He took the spatula. He began pouring another amount of batter into the pan.

"I'm going to relax over there for a bit." ,said Vincent who went to the living room where he sat on the couch.

shadowess - March 5, 2021

Looking back at Carter, Tom considered what he and Sebastian said before nodding a little and moving over to one of the chairs to sit with them. Sebastian gave Carter an approving smile. Tom looked between them all nervously. Especially when Vincent came into the room to sit on the couch. He then lowered his gaze to the floor as he brought the bag up to his mouth and bit into it, drinking it's contents slowly. Parker watched as Elliot began making pancakes again, glad that he seemed calm again. "How big do you reckon we can make it?" He asked, grinning. "We could have like our own pancake eating competition!" He chuckled.


Amelia was dreaming.
She was back in the library, sifting through all the books, trying to find the answers for what was happening to her. Growing frustrated, unable to find anything, she threw a book across the room with a growl.

"Well, look at this mess you've made!" A woman's voice came from the doorway.
Amelia looked over at the blonde haired woman and blinked, surprised. "Carol?"
"Hello, sweet thing." Carol cooed as she stepped into the room, carefully stepping over the books strewn across the floor. "Oh, David would have a field day if he saw what you were doing to these books! You know how he likes to keep things tidy..."
"Yes..." Carol said sadly then tilted her head a little with a curious expression. "But also, no." She walked over to Amelia and placed her index finger against her forehead. "I'm in here, sweet thing." She said softly. Then removed her finger and waved a hand dismissively. "Although, not in the same way Damien said when you hallucinated him...Now, THAT was weird, wasn't it? I saw the whole thing...Poor dear..."
"Sorry...hang on...what are you saying?"

"Ohhh... don't worry about it." Carol winked then walked over to the bookshelf and took out a book.
Amelia looked at her confused. "You don't know how to read that language..."
"You do." Carol smiled, looking over at her then back at the book. "So, I do now too."
"What?" Amelia was getting more and more confused.
"Have you read this one? You might find it interesting." Carol glanced at Amelia knowingly.
Amelia walked over to her to look at the title of the book then looked back at Carol in confusion as Carol simply stared back at her with a sly smile.

Amelia woke up and looked around the room then at Charles. She cuddled into him, unable to sleep anymore after such a strange dream.

Denix Vames- March 5, 2021

Elliot chuckled. "I don't know. I've been in a few eating contests myself. Let's see how far we can go." He flipped the pancake.

Charles held a concerned look. "Are you alright?"

shadowess - March 5, 2021

While Parker and Elliot focused on making the pancakes, Sebastian breathed a sigh of relief to see everyone was a lot calmer now. He looked over at Vincent and smiled, remembering what he wanted to suggest earlier. "Maybe you and Elliot could make the most of today? Just because we're stuck indoors during the day doesn't mean you have to be either." He gestured to himself, Carter and Tom as he said this.


Nodding, Amelia sighed. "Yeah, just a weird dream...I dreamt I was talking to my mom...not my real one...my adopted one. She helped David raise me when he found me...I've never dreamt about her before. It was like she was really in front of me...talking to me like...like she'd never...left..."

Denix Vames - March 5, 2021

Vincent shrugged. "What would we even do? I can't exactly show my face around or else people will know that I never left the city. I'm still a wanted killer."

"What?!" ,said Elliot. He turned. "Shit! Probably shouldn't have said that." Elliot handed Parker the spatula. He walked over to Vincent. Glaring at him with crossed arms. "When were you going to tell me this?" Vincent nervously played with his knife. "When the right time came?"
"I understand. After my wife died, I use to have dreams about her. They soon stopped after a while but it's hard not to remember." ,said Charles.

shadowess - March 5, 2021

Sebastian, Tom and Parker felt awkward as Vincent announced he was a wanted killer and Elliot confronted him about it. Sebastian most of all for suggesting they go out in the first place. Tom lowered his now empty bag and just watched them all silently, not sure what to do or even where to look.

Parker just kept making pancakes, not sure if he could really do anything else and Sebastian sighed heavily. "Alright, can we just all try to stay calm? Elliot, you may as well take a seat. Just know that we all have our histories here...some worse than others but now we're all working together to do good and that's what is more important now. Vincent, I don't think there's ever really a 'right' time for that kind of chat so the sooner it's out of the way, the better."


Amelia buried her face in Charles's chest, loving his warmth. "We were in the library...she wanted me to look at a book..." She lifted her head to look up at Charles, hesitating before speaking again. "I think I might know what's happening...but I need to find that book and read it to be certain." She bit her lip. "If...if I'm right...or well, if Carol is right...then it might not be such a bad thing..."

Denix Vames - March 5, 2021

"We all got history. We ain't got deaths!" "I was a killer." "That don't make it right!" Vincent stood. Glaring at him. "It's not like you ever told me anything!" Elliot stepped forward. "I don't got anything to hide! Ask away!" "Oh really? Well, how about when you were five years old and you killed your own sister?!"

Elliot turned pale as his eyes widened. "Th-That was an accident! I wasn't trying to!" "But it happened and you did it!" He clamped his hands over his ears. "Shut up! Just shut up!" He shut his eyes. "I don't want to hear it anymore!"

Vincent rolled his eyes. "Why did I even bother with you?" He disappeared.

Elliot fell to his knees as he sobbed.
"Do you want to go back to the library now?" asked Charles.

shadowess - March 5, 2021

They watched the argument until Vincent vanished and Elliot was left sobbing on his knees. Sebastian had a hand over his mouth as he watched it all unfold, then muttered to himself "I'm beginning to think that maybe I should just keep my mouth shut..."
Tom was staring uncertainly between Carter, Sebastian and Elliot.

Having finished off the pancakes and turned the stove off, Parker left the kitchen. He'd heard the whole fight and was looking at Elliot with a frown. He walked over and held a hand out for Elliot to help him back onto his feet. He wasn't much of a hugger anymore. "Come and sit down..." He said gently. "Sebastian was right. We all have a past...If you think what you or Vincent did was bad... you should hear about what I did..." He shook his head. "I'm not proud of it. But I want to be better. I want to make up for what I did...C'mon, we can talk it out. Clear the air."


Amelia smiled and nodded. She was eager to know if her suspicions were right. She kissed him before she got out of the bed. making sure she was dressed and ready before they could head back to the library.

Denix Vames - March 5, 2021

Elliot sat on the couch. He shook his head. "No! I don't want to remember!"

Carter sat next to him. He pulled him in for a hug. "If you don't tell anyone then you'll keep this bottled up inside you forever." Elliot sniffled. He rubbed his eyes.

"I-I got my dad's keys. I wanted to drive. Always use to see him drive that truck. Really loved that car. So I got in and started it. But I couldn't really see who or what was in front of me. Then I heard my ma screaming. Turns out, I had run over my sister. Didn't even know she was there."

He covered his mouth. Seeming to get sick just from thinking about it. "I don't know why she didn't move. Maybe she didn't see me but i can't forget about it. Not ever."
Charles got out of bed too. Both appeared in the library. "If this is what I think is then I don't know how I feel about it."

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shadowess - March 6, 2021

They were quiet as Elliot told his story. When he'd finished, no one was sure of what to say. After a quiet moment, Sebastian spoke. "Like you said, that was an accident. You were only a little kid, you couldn't have known any better." He said gently. He then sighed, looking a little hesitant before adding. "Well, while we're all getting it out there...When I was locked away in the asylum, I tore out a scientists throat with my teeth for horribly murdering someone close to me."

Tom fidgeted with the empty bag in his hands, not lifting his eyes from it. "You all already know what I was doing before you met me..."

Then Parker looked over at Elliot, taking a seat as well. He sighed heavily before speaking. "You know Amelia, right?" He started. "Before I lost my memory...I went crazy...I kidnapped and tortured her. I also tried to kill her, Vincent, Sebastian and Carter..." He lowered his gaze to the floor. "They all saved me. Now...I'm not the same. I don't want to do those kinds of things ever again." He brought his eyes back up to Elliot's. "No one is perfect. But we can always help each other to get better."


"Me neither..." Amelia admitted. She'd been feeling ill from nerves just thinking about it since she saw the book in her dream.
"Feel about what?" David asked, he'd been stood behind them when they materialized in the library. Amelia turned and hesitated before speaking. "Um...hey. How's your back?"
David rose a brow at the change in subject. "Getting better. What brings you to the library? I'm guessing it was you two who left all the books out?"
"Sorry..." Amelia shifts uncomfortably for a moment. "We need to look for...a couple of things.
"A spell or something to change a vampire into a human."

Amelia heads over to a particular book and pulls it out, holding it in her arms as she looks between them. "This book...I'm going to go read it for a while...would you mind helping Charles find the other thing?"
David's eyes move from the book in her arms back to her eyes. He frowned thoughtfully. "I'll do my best." He nodded.
Amelia smiled and headed over to the couch, opening up the book to read it.
David turned to Charles. "I can read the language. Can you?" David had learned from the Demon that Lucifer had assigned to train him. Though, he had to learn it the hard way rather than gaining the ability easily like Amelia had.

Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

Carter raised a brow. "I hate to break this serious moment but geez. Am I the only one here who hasn't done something terrible?"

Elliot laughed. He rubbed his eyes. "I guess so."
Vincent appeared before Theo. He smiled. "Hello there."
Charles shook his head. "Never had a reason to."

shadowess - March 6, 2021

Sebastian, Tom and Parker chuckled at Carter's comment. Sebastian then looked at Elliot with kind eyes. "The point is, as long as you're willing to take the right path and do some good with your life, then your past doesn't matter." He tilted his head a little. "Maybe bear that in mind when Vincent comes back and tells you his story?"


Theo paused, having been pacing around his cell. He glared at Vincent with some mild confusion in his eyes. "Are you Vincent? or someone else?" He asked, eyeing him up and down.


David sighed and looked around the room. "Alright..." He then went about doing what Amelia had been doing the last time they visited the library. Pulling out books that he thought might help and piling them on the table. He then walked over to Charles. "I can make you learn, if you'd like?" He suggested. "It would only take a moment and might give you a mild headache but you would be able to read and speak the language when I'm done."

Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

Elliot slowly nodded. "Ok. I think I sort of get it." "Well, at least you understand enough." ,said Carter. Elliot's stomach growled. Carter smirked. "Maybe you should start eating those pancakes." Elliot blushed a bit. He chuckled. "Yeah. I probably should."
Vincent leaned in. Getting close to the cage as he began to unbutton a few of his buttons. He smirked. "Oh I'm the Vincent. And I came here for some fun."
"If it'll help me then sure." ,said Charles.

shadowess - March 6, 2021

Parker got to his feet, smiling. He headed into the kitchen and brought back the two plates with big pancake towers on them, passing one to Elliot. "Here ya go. Let's see who can finish first." He grinned, sitting down with his own plate.
Sebastian chuckled at the game while Tom simply watched with a quiet smile.


Theo watched Vincent begin to undress with a smirk. He stepped close to the bars, slowly putting his hand through to run it through Vincent's hair before caressing his cheek. "You want to come back to me, my love?" He leaned in close, seductively. "Then let me out and we can find somewhere more comfortable."


Nodding, David raised his hands and placed his index & middle fingers on either side of Charles's head. He closed his eyes and concentrated. "You might feel a little pain..." He said before pushing the knowledge he had about the language into Charles's mind. It would only last a few seconds before he'd pull his hands away and step back, looking at Charles curiously. He gestured towards one of the books. "Try reading a title."

Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

Elliot grabbed pancake. He licked his lips. "Hell yeah!"

Once the contest started, they were eating like crazy. Carter shook his head. "I think I'm gonna be sick just from watching you two."
Vincent enjoyed his touch. Closing his eyes as he thought about what Theo would do to him. He opened them when Theo wanted out. "Oh? And how can I do that? I'm not a Devil anymore. Unless I can use my demon powers on this little bad boy."
Charles cried out as the knowledge hit him. He rubbed his head before walking to the books. He looked at the one he specifically told him to read. He picked it up.

"The 666 Sex Moves for Devils & Demons Alike."

shadowess - March 6, 2021

Sebastian laughed at Carter's comment as they watched them eat the pancakes as quickly as they could. Parker ate pancake after pancake rapidly but soon slowed down, his stomach beginning to feel full. He looked over at Elliot's plate and could see he was already ahead on Parker. "Dammit!" He laughed trying to force down a few more bites before giving up. Sebastian chuckled, looking at Elliot "I think we have our winner!"


Theo sucked in a bit of air through his teeth as he thought. If he wasn't a Devil, he couldn't get him out. Not unless he managed to slip the key from a Devil or that David guy. "Too bad." he tutted, stepping away from the bars and out of Vincent's reach. "If you got me out of here, I found a good spot where we can be comfortable together." He shrugged and turned away from Vincent. "Until then..." he trailed off, trying to bribe his way to freedom by promising sex.


Amelia looked up from her book at Charles when he read out the book title, her face turning crimson as she tried to conceal her laughter and embarrassment.
David on the other hand was laughing his ass off. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He laughed. "Couldn't resist!" he wiped away some tears that had welled up from his laughter as he shrugged. "But hey, at least now we know you can read these books!" Chuckling, he walked over to the books he'd piled up on the desk. "Now then, let's get to searching, shall we?"
Shaking her head a little while smirking, Amelia went back to reading the book that she had.

Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

Elliot raised his arms up. "Woo hoo!" He covered his mouth when he felt himself getting close to vomiting. He ran to the bathroom where he hurled out the contents of his stomach into the toilet.

Carter cringed at the sound and covered his nose. "I hate that I have heightened senses."
"I know just the person to find for this." Vincent disappeared.
Charles blushed. He set the book down and shook his head. "How immature of you." But he smiled anyway.

Vincent appeared. He smiled. "Hello everyone."

shadowess - March 6, 2021

Sebastian cringed a little. By now he was used to these kinds of sound and smells. Especially given his history where there was no shortage of people vomiting nearby. Tom however, had turned pale and also looked like he was going to throw up. He also covered his mouth and nose, trying to block it out.

Parker chuckled, looking around at them. "Guess that's one thing I don't miss..." He commented as he got to his feet and headed into the kitchen. He poured a glass of water and took it to Elliot. "Here buddy, this'll make you feel a little better."


Theo grinned evilly once Vincent left. "Hook. Line." He turned to look at the spot Vincent had been standing in. "Sinker."


"With eternity at your feet, you have to entertain yourself somehow." David shrugged, still smiling while picking up another book.
"So that's where I get it from..." Amelia commented, her eyes looking up at David with a playful smile.
"Hey, that's not fair!" David chuckled. "Carol was way worse than me!"

When Vincent appeared in the room, David and Amelia smiled at him.
"Vincent!" David greeted him happily. "Come to help us do some research?"

Denix Vames - March 6, 2021

Elliot took the glass. "Thank ya." He drank slowly a few sips.
"Actually, I was wondering if you could release Theo from his cage. He's a changed man now. He wants to do better now." ,said Vincent.

Charles raised a brow. "And are you sure about this?" Vincent nodded. "Of course I am. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't."

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