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Balance The Realms Nov 2020 - May 2021

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Denix Vames - February 4, 2021

"Hmph! The good in people eh?" Vincent wondered if Theo would ever become that kind of person. Or would he stay in Hell forever?

He smiled. "Shopping doesn't sound like a bad idea. Although, you are a devil and I am a demon. Can't we just take what we want? I assumed most otherworldly beings did that."

shadowess - February 4, 2021

Amelia wagged a finger at Vincent disapprovingly before writing; 'We don't steal. I have cash.' Devils and Demons had a bad reputation among humans as it was without living up to some of the things they get accused of. She then wrote; 'I'll leave a note so they don't panic when they wake up and find me gone. And also to let them know about the Demon Brew.'

Amelia drank the rest of her coffee and proceeded to write a note for Sebastian and Carter to let them know that the Brew was for herself and Vincent and lethal to anyone other than Devils/Demons. She also wrote that she planned on going with them to the club and she was shopping for clothes with Vincent. Leaving it in plain sight for them, she then wrote on the notepad; 'I'll be right back. Need a shower first.' Because she still looked an absolute mess from the past couple of days. After around ten minutes she came back downstairs, ready to go.

Denix Vames - February 4, 2021

Vincent rolled his eyes but listened anyway.

He finished the rest of his cup and stood from his seat. "Now, I understand that you're a bit tired from everything so maybe I should teleport us. What store are we heading to?"

shadowess - February 4, 2021

Amelia blinked at Vincent. Travelling to and from Hell is one thing but teleporting on Earth is very taxing and she was certain he'd just done it twice already to hide the weed and come back. She wrote on the notepad: 'You still have enough energy to teleport again?' She thought for a moment. If it worked, it worked. If it didn't they could always call a taxi. She wrote; 'Not sure, I was just thinking of browsing whatever shops we find. Any suggestions?'

Denix Vames - February 4, 2021

"Really? That's a real shame. Although, I guess a taxi would be more easier that way if we want to see the shops that are available to us. Maybe there's a plaza?"

shadowess - February 4, 2021

Amelia nods with a smile, eager to get going and keeps hold of the notepad and pen, planning to take it with her so she could continue to communicate while they were out.


Some time later, Sebastian wakes up next to Carter and smiles at the memory of the night before. He cuddles up to him under the blanket. He was quite content to stay there until he noticed the fading smell of burning. With a sigh, he gave Carter a gentle kiss on the cheek before getting out of bed and getting dressed.

Wanting to investigate the smell, he headed downstairs and saw the note Amelia left, as well as two charred looking bits of paper on the kitchen table. With another sigh, he lifts up one of the burnt notes and shakes his head a little. "Amelia..." He mutters and throws both burnt bits of paper into the bin before reading through the note with a frown.

Denix Vames - February 4, 2021

Carter soon woke up after. He noticed that Sebastian was gone.

He headed downstairs with only his jeans on. He held his dark green shirt in his hands as he walked over to Sebastian. He noticed the note in his hand. "What's going on?"

He yawned as he stretched then put his shirt on.

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Passing the note to Carter, Sebastian took the empty cup and glass off the table to wash them at the sink. "Looks like Amelia wants to go out clubbing with us. She and Vincent have gone shopping for clothes. Oh, and don't let Blaire drink any of their Demon Brew. It's like whiskey for their kind but it's poisonous to anyone who isn't a Demon or a Devil." He sighed.

Placing the now clean cup and glass on the draining board and drying his hands. "I don't know...I guess I'm worried for her. She wants to drink Demon Brew and go clubbing, fine, I get that. But we're going to a vampire club after she was attacked by vampires...I don't know. Maybe she'll be fine. I mean, everyone there should be full up on the blood they serve there anyway, right? So, she might not even get noticed. I just worry she might not have recovered enough to defend herself yet." He voiced his concerns to Carter, seeming to have second thoughts about their night out.

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Carter skimmed through the note.

He frowned at Sebastian's worries.

"I'm sure she'll be ok. Those vampires will definitely be catered to. Blaire knows what she's doing. And besides, if any of them were to even try, Vincent would kick their assess. I mean you've seen what he can do. And now that he's sort of on our good side, I don't think he'd let anything happen to her."

He set the note on the table. He wrapped his arms around Sebastian from behind. "You've got plenty of friends here who would be willing to help out. Amelia won't get hurt ever again so long as we stick together."

He kissed his neck.

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Holding his arms as Carter hugged him, Sebastian leant back a little to relax into his embrace. He smiled as Carter kissed him and turned his head to look at him. "You're right." He says softly and rests his head against Carter's. "I'm worrying over nothing." He kisses him lovingly.

The front door was opened and Amelia walked in, waving at the two with a smile while wearing new clothes. She was absolutely thrilled at having found a decent gothic store while they'd been out shopping. She figured that, while it wasn't her usual look, she would at least look the part for the club that they were going to. She wore a black crop top underneath a black mesh shirt. A black and grey plaid mini skirt with laces. Fishnet tights and some black leather boots that came up to her shins. She'd had her make-up done while they were out as well, most noticeable was the deep crimson lipstick she wore.

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Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Vincent stepped into the house. He wore a black suit with a white tie and grey gloves.

"Amelia insisted that I wear something gothic but this is about as gothic as I will ever get unfortunately."

Carter couldn't but smile. "You two look fantastic. And Vincent, you look more like you're going to a business meeting. How about I let you borrow some of my old clothes?"

"Pleas don't-" But it was already too late. Carter was practically half dragging him by his hand upstairs to his room.

shadowess - February 5, 2021

They watched in amusement as Carter dragged Vincent off to dress him up. Sebastian was still a little wary of Vincent's behavior from the day before but was now more relaxed after seeing the way Carter handled himself. He was sure he'd be fine. Bringing his attention back to Amelia, who had closed the front door after having brought in a few more shopping bags, he couldn't help smiling. She seemed happy. "You look like the two of you had fun." He commented.

Amelia grinned and nodded her head enthusiastically. Happy that their shopping was out of the way for now, she headed to the kitchen to make herself some coffee, which she poured another shot of Demon's Brew into. Sebastian watched this while leaning on the table. His smile slipped slightly when she used the Demon's Brew in her coffee. He worried she was doing what Carter had been doing when he first met him. Drowning all her issues away with alcohol. He tried to push that thought from his mind. No, drinking Demon's Brew now made sense because they were going to a club, that's all. That had to be it.

Amelia took a sip but felt awkward with Sebastian staring at her so she wrote on the notepad; 'Your clothes are a little worn down. Maybe Carter has some clothes you could borrow too?'
Sebastian read the note and smirked, looking down at himself. "You probably have a point there...I don't think I've changed clothes since I first met Carter, come to think of it..." He began heading for Carter's room and took one last glance at Amelia, not entirely convinced she was alright. He climbed the stairs and knocked on the door. "Hey, I don't suppose I could borrow an outfit, too?"

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

"I look so stupid!" ,said Vincent. Carter chuckled. "No, you don't! You look awesome. Now, let me put some makeup on you."

Once Carter heard the knocking and Sebastian, he smiled. "Hey Sebastian! Meet the dark and deadly....!" He opened the door. "Vincent Hayes!"

Vincent nervously played with the chain belt that was around his waist.

Everything was black from head to toe. He had a long sleeved fishnet shirt, X shaped tape that covered both his nipples, cybergothic pants, dark red fingerless leather gloves, steel toed combat high boots with skulls sitting in front of the laces, and eyeliner.

His hair had been cut shorter so now it covered the left side of his face. Specifically his left eye. He also wore a spiky choker.

Vincent nervously looked down. "I feel naked."

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Hearing Carter from the other side of the door, Sebastian wasn't entirely sure what to expect when he opened it. His eyes immediately falling on Vincent, Sebastian had to contain a chuckle at how 'all out' Carter had gone with dressing him up.

"You look fine, Vincent." He tried to reassure him. "You'll have no problems fitting in at that club." He then looks at Carter, a little nervous to ask now. "I uh, was wondering if I could also borrow something to wear? The clothes I'm wearing now could probably do with a wash." He chuckled.

Downstairs, Amelia had started writing up rules to drinking games that she and Vincent could play before they go to the club so they wouldn't have to take the bottle of Demon's Brew with them and risk some unsuspecting mortal drinking from it. Once they got a decent buzz from the brew, mortal alcohol should be fine to keep them topped up and that's of course not including the weed they planned to smoke. She thought they'd start with a favorite card game of her; Ring of Fire.

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Vincent sort of smiled. Feeling a bit ok about his new physical appearance. "I'll hang out with Amelia. See what she's up to." He left the room.

Carter smiled. "I've got plenty." He rummaged through an old box filled with clothes from the past. He took out a black leather trench coat. "You weren't the only one who wore this type of coat."

He nodded at the box. "But honestly, I encourage ya to look through yourself. See what connects with you."

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Seeing him pull out a long coat, Sebastian smiled at his comment. They were certainly more his style. He walked into the room and knelt by Carter, looking through with him to see what would suit him. He glanced at Carter, "Will you be dressing up as well?" He asked.

Amelia had managed to find a deck of playing cards in the kitchen. She pulled out the Demon's Brew and placed it onto the kitchen table with three glasses. One pint glass to serve as the 'dirty pint' was placed in the center of the table with the playing cards encircling it, faced down. The other two glasses on either end of the table where they'd be sitting. Seeing Vincent, she'd show him the rules she'd written down for the game with a smile. This game was a sure way to get both of them at least tipsy before going out. She wrote on her pad; 'Want to play?'

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Carter blushed. "I hadn't thought about that." He thought for a moment. "I'm not too sure what would suit me? I'm practically stuck in my forties."

Vincent came downstairs. He walked over to the kitchen where at the table, he examined everything that was there. "What game is this?"

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Sebastian chuckled at Carter's comment, genuinely surprised by his age. He actually thought he was a bit younger and never really asked. "You don't look it." He admitted and rummaged through the box, looking over a mesh shirt and imagining Carter wearing it with a small smile and a hint of pink to his cheeks. "I think most of this stuff would still suit you." He grinned at Carter and leant towards him, kissing him on his cheek. "C'mon. Let's try out a few things and see what sticks."


Amelia grinned mischievously and wrote; 'A game to get the party started'
She passed him the rules so he could read them through, having modified them a little because there would only be the two of them playing;

"Each player takes it in turns to draw a card from the circle. If the ring of cards is broken by a player removing a card then that player must drink the contents of their own glass. Whoever draws the last king ends the game and must down the 'Dirty Pint'.

Ace - Waterfall
the player with the card starts drinking and it goes round the circle, when it gets back to the player they can then stop drinking and then it follows round

2 - You
Other player drinks

3 - Me
Player drawing this card drinks

4 - Whore
Females drink

5 - Thumb Master
The person with the card may place their thumb on the table at any time during the game and the last person to do so has to drink

6 - Dick
Males Drink

7 - Hand
The person with the card may raise their hand at any time during the game and the last person to do so has to drink

8 - Mate
The other player drinks with you

9 - Rhyme
Say a word and go round the circle rhyming with that word, whoever hesitates or can't think of a rhyming word has to drink

10 - Categories
say a word from that category and go round the circle, whoever hesitates or can't think of a word associated with that category has to drink

Jack - Rule Card
Make a new rule for the game

Queen - Question Master
if you ask a player a question and they answer they have to drink, if they answer the question with "Fuck you question master" then you have to drink

King - Dirty Pint
add to the dirty pint.
If the last king is drawn, the player who drew it must drink the dirty pint.

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Carter nervously scratched the back of his head as he smiled. "Really? Thanks."

As they looked, he began to find some old band shirts, mostly leather or fishnet stuff, some coats, some jackets, boots, collars, chokers, wristbands, chains, belts, ripped jeans, and old makeup.
Vincent had read through the rules. "Wow! There are so many rules. But I'm sure this will be interesting. How about you go first so I can get the hang of it?"

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

(forgot to include this in the scene with sebastian and carter. i have not been myself lately lol. kinda going through being sick)

He chuckled. "One can only hope."

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Amelia grinned excitedly and gestured to the chair opposite her. She poured some Demon's Brew into both their glasses then drew a card, laying it face up on the table so it could be seen clearly. An eight of clubs. She pointed to the 8 in the rules that states they must both drink then picked up her own glass, holding it up momentarily as if to say 'cheers' and takes a sip. Tonight could get messy.


Sebastian wasn't one for going over the top with his wardrobe, so the outfit he chose was a little simple. Leather jacket with a band shirt that he liked the look of but admittedly wasn't very familiar with. Ripped jeans with leather boots and a frayed looking belt. He wasn't normally one for makeup but figured a little eyeliner wouldn't be too much. He looked himself over in the mirror, a little uncertain of if he properly looked the part. He looked over at Carter with a nervous smile. "How do I look?"

Meanwhile, by the time Sebastian had picked out an outfit, Amelia and Vincent should be around halfway through their game and beginning to feel giddy from the drinks. After drawing a waterfall card, Amelia had kept her drink going until her glass was empty, playfully forcing Vincent to not be able to stop drinking until she did. She slammed the glass back down on the table and seemed to giggle soundlessly after catching her breath, waiting for Vincent to take his turn. At the point there were only two kings left in the deck.

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Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Vincent took a sip from his cup. He immediately shook his head as he quickly swallowed.

"Whoo! That was powerful!"
Carter smiled. "Like a rockstar."
Vincent never thought he could get this drunk. Not as the human he was before. And now as a demon, he really knew what it meant to be drunk.

He took a card from the deck and flipped it over. It was a king.

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Sebastian grinned bashfully. "Thanks" He replied, looking over Carter. As soon as they were both dressed, he headed downstairs to see what Amelia and Vincent were up to. He could hear some drunken noises coming from downstairs as they'd been getting ready.

Amelia had found Vincent's reaction to the Demon's Brew highly amusing. With him being a newborn Demon, it was understandable that he wouldn't be used to the brew's strength just yet. She watched him draw the king and her heart fluttered excitedly as he added more brew to the pint glass in the middle.

There was only one king left in the deck, so whichever of them drew it would have to drink the entire pint. She drew a card and was about to turn it over when she heard Sebastian tutting. "Ring of fire? Dangerous game..." He shook his head a little with a smile, knowing they were both going to be quite drunk before they even step foot in the club. Tonight might get interesting. He was certainly going to have to try to keep an eye on them both so they don't get into any trouble.

Amelia was grinning as she turned her attention back to the card she was about to flip over. She turned it. King. Her eyes widened a little and she seemed to laugh while fake slapping her forehead. Sebastian laughed. "I'm guessing that was the last one? Looks like you won, Vincent. Drink up Amelia, time to get going." Pretending to scowl at Sebastian, Amelia picked up the pint glass in the middle and proceeded to rapidly drink it's contents, her nose creasing a little as she did so.

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Before they went downstairs, Carter had gotten into a mesh shirt, some leather pants, regular combat boots, painted his fingernails black, wore a bracelet with a cross dangling on it, a belt with a bunch of skulls, eyeliner, and a collar.

Carter smiled as he shook his head. "Did you guys seriously found a better game to get drunk to? I'm kind of jealous."

Vincent clapped his hands like a child. "Yay! I won!"

He turned to Carter and his eyes widened. "Holy shit!" "What?" "You're sexy!" Carter blushed. He looked away. "Maybe save the compliments for your dates."

Vincent stumbled a bit over. "Oh c'mon! Don't be shy!" He wrapped his arms around him. "Give me a hug." Carter pat his back. "There you go buddy. Just take a breather."

Vincent jumped on him. Making Carter reflexively hold him. "Now carry me!" "I'll spin you around. That's what I'll do. You want to see a demon barf?" ".....No." "That's what I thought." He put him down. Vincent rolled his eyes. "You're no fun at all." "I just got through my own temper tantrum back at that mansion. I don't need to carry a heavy ass demon."

Vincent gasped. "Are you calling me fat?!" "No but something's definitely making you feel heavy. I'm wondering if it's those boots I let you borrow."

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Sebastian was only slightly irritated by Vincent's continued antics towards Carter. 'It's fine, he's just drunk and Carter can handle himself.' He thought to himself as he watched in amusement as Carter threatened to make Vincent sick by spinning him. He had to admit though, Vincent did have a point. Carter looked great in what he'd chosen to wear. He couldn't take his eyes off his torso in that mesh shirt. He looked forward to dancing close to him on the dancefloor.

Putting the now empty pint glass onto the table, Amelia got to her feet while swaying just a little. She couldn't stop smiling. She was excited to get to the club. Looking forward to getting high, dancing and maybe even getting a little action for herself. She stumbled over to one of the shopping bags and pulled out a new little notepad attached to a lanyard which she put around her neck. A pen was attached to the notepad.

She then pulled out a necklace with a whistle on the end and also wrapped that around her neck. She'd bought these while out shopping, figuring they would come in handy to help her communicate with the others until she found a way to get her voice back. She turned to the rest, apparently ready to go.

Sebastian looked between them all and clapped his hands together. "Alright you two, time to get going. Remember, behave yourselves. Don't be getting into any fights and-" He looked directly at Amelia as he said the next part sternly. "No drugs." Amelia rolled her eyes with a smirk and mouthed the words 'Yes Dad' as she walked past him and opened the front door, stepping out.

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Vincent did a little dance as they left the house.

"Everybody get in and please don't get vomit in the car." Carter got in the driver's side.

"I know what I'm doing!" Vincent threw himself into the backseat. "Countdown for lift off!"

Carter couldn't help but smile at his drunken spouts.

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Amelia giggled soundlessly at Vincent as they made their way to the car. She had to admit, after spending part of the day with him, she was kind of warming up to him. Her being drunk made her think the way he was acting was funny. They got into the car and she rolled the window down on her side to enjoy a bit of a breeze on her face before they'd get there.

Sebastian sat in the front passenger side and smiled at Carter. "Well, at least we don't have to worry about picking designated drivers..." He chuckled as he glanced back to see Amelia scribbling on her notepad and showing it to Vincent. He rolled his eyes a little. "God...I think they just became friends...Now, we're in trouble." He smirked.

Amelia had written for Vincent; 'A deal is a deal. Here are your tips for getting yourself some fun.
1. Be cool. Don't go throwing yourself at people or you'll scare them off.
2. Have fun. People are drawn to people who can have a good time on their own.
3. If you find you're getting signs that someone is interested, offer to get them a drink or try dancing with them. If you're in the smoking area, offer them a smoke and strike up conversation. Compliment something about them. Eye color, hair style, whatever.'

These were what Amelia thought might be basic steps, but considering how he's been throwing himself at Carter, she assumed going over the basics might be needed.

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Carter smiled. "No drinking for this goth here."

He glanced at the backseat where Vincent was reading the rules. Vincent gave a thumbs up with a smile. "Got it! Only take off my pants when he takes off his."

Carter shook his head as he chuckled. "Boy, you are going to be a real showstopper for everybody."

He began the drive to the club which wasn't too long.

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Amelia laughed at Vincent's answer with a nod then laughed harder at Carter's comment. Not that anyone could hear her but her face turned a little red from all the laughing she was doing. They soon pulled up at the club and Amelia turned to Vincent excitedly and mouthed the words 'Race ya!' with a wink.

This of course was a ruse so they could put some distance between themselves, Sebastian and Carter so they could get the weed and start smoking. Vincent was going to have to show her where he hid it. She then hurriedly jumped out of the car and ran towards the club. Sebastian had watched her, partially concerned and amused. He sighed "They'll be fine, right?" He asked Carter as he climbed out of the car and began walking towards the club.

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

"You're on!" Vincent ran after her.

Carter closed the door as he stepped out of the car. "That guy was literally a serial killer and Amelia....Well, I don't know. But either way, I think they'll do just fine."

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Reassured by Carter's words, Sebastian smiled and walked next to him, holding his hand. "That's good. Because I'd rather only have my eyes on one person tonight." He gives Carter a subtle look. "You look really good tonight." He says, his heart fluttering as he looked at him.
Once in the club and they'd secured the weed, Amelia rolled a couple of joints for them to hide on their person, handing half of them to Vincent to enjoy.

She then gives him a wink, mouthing the words 'Have fun' before heading off to the smoking corall out the back of the club to smoke her first joint of the evening. It was a cool little smoking spot. Fenced off with black metal bars that made it look like they were smoking in a cage. Black leather couches and armchairs. Little coffin shaped tables with candles lit on them. Large black umbrellas over each table. Perfect.

She sat on one of the leather armchairs in the corner and lit her spliff, taking a long drag on it before tilting her head back a little and exhaling it into the air. She felt it soon after. How it made her so calm and happy. Like nothing in this world could ruin tonight. She relaxed, content, sitting back in the chair and watching the few other people in the area also smoking, chatting with their friends. In her state, everything seemed to sway around her. She planned on going inside to dance when she'd finish her smoke, but she was in no hurry.

Sebastian lead Carter to the dancefloor, once they got in, with a smirk. The music was so loud, even as vampires, they'd have to yell at each other to hear one another. Sebastian had only been out clubbing a couple of times, both times with Amelia, so was still very new to the idea. Previously, he hadn't seen much point in it, but now he had Carter he was excited to just have fun with him. Make newer, hopefully happy, memories.

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Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Carter bit his lip as he eyed Sebastian up and down. "You too."

Vincent kept his joints in his pocket. He looked around. Trying to see who would be interested in dancing with him.

Then a tall dark bald man walked up to him in a long kilt, a muscle t-shirt, boots, and a septum piercing.

"Name's Frank. Wanna dance?" Vincent smirked. He brushed his hand over his chest. "I do love me some chocolate."

Frank smiled. "I'm guessing that's a yes." Vincent nodded. Frank began to press himself against him as they danced. Vincent turned around. Keeping his back against him. "I'm Vincent by the way."

Frank kissed his neck. "Well Vincent. It's nice to meet you." He spread his hands all over his chest as they continued to dance. He settled on gripping his hips.

Carter looked around and realized what Sebastian was trying to do. "Oh no! C'mon Sebastian. I don't know how to dance. I barely did any back then."

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Sebastian chuckled and stopped trying to pull Carter along. He stepped close to him, placing his hands on Carter's hips. "Neither do I" He smiled, bringing his lips close to Carter's. "We could always figure it out together. Pretend it's just us." He kissed him and gently swayed their hips in time to the music.

Amelia stepped back into the club and made her way to the dancefloor. Now both very drunk and very high. She barely paid attention to people around her as she rose her hands into the air and began moving to the music, letting the flow of it take over her movements. Her hips swaying this way and that as she moved. Feeling the beat pulse through her.

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Carter leaned into the kiss. He smiled. "I'll try."

He began moving with him. Unsure on wether or not he was doing this right. But it did feel good to have some fun with him.

Blaire popped over to Amelia with a bottle of beer in her hand. She raised it up as she said, "Whoo! Go crazy hun!"

She took a sip before saying, "By the way, Vincent's really getting it on with this guy. They should seriously get a room. I think it would be fun for them."

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Smiling and biting his lip a little, Sebastian stared into Carter's eyes as they moved a little more, getting comfortable with the flow and edging their way further onto the dancefloor.

He wouldn't force Carter to dance if he decided he didn't want to, but he hoped he would stay with him on the dancefloor. That they could keep dancing, kissing and enjoying each others company all night long. Letting their romantic tensions rise and rise, unable to relieve it until they got home later.

Amelia grinned at Blaire and kept dancing. She glanced over at Vincent when she mentioned him and continued to smile, happy that he'd found someone to satisfy his urges so soon. She nods at Blaire with a wink and continues dancing, having fun and not wanting to break her flow just yet.

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Carter ended up following Sebastian to the dance floor as he kissed him.

Blaire took another sip before saying, "I'm going to get the keys for them. You stay beautiful hun! Don't stop!" She went over to the bar.

Vincent and Frank soon ended up in a little room for themselves.

Passionate kisses and taking off their clothes led to some alone time.

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Moving with Carter, their bodies seemingly in sync, Sebastian kissed his lips and his neck softly. Who needs alcohol when you're drunk on passion? He glided a finger up one of Carter's arms playfully and ran a hand through his hair. Their bodies just inches from each other.

When Blaire went to let Vincent and his new friend get some privacy, Amelia stopped dancing for a moment. Getting her breath back. She was sweating a little from moving around so much but she was exhilarated and felt absolutely free.

She went to the bar to buy herself a bottle of beer before taking the bottle with her out to the smoking corall. She sat in the same corner. It was a bit quieter out here but the music could still be heard. She placed the beer on the table in front of her and lit up another joint, taking a long drag from it.

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Carter moaned at his touch. He almost wish he could pick Sebastian up and take him to one of those private rooms but wanted to enjoy this moment.

He continued to kiss him until he lost his breath. He gasped. He took a quick breath before licking his lips. He smiled.

"I never thought I'd be doing this after all these years."

Blaire headed out to the smoking corall. "I was wondering where you were. Vincent and his new friend are busy. Not to mention Sebastian and Carter are having a great time. So I figured I'd hang out with you."

She stood near her. Holding her second bottle of beer.

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Sebastian wanted to savor every moment. Every kiss. Every touch. One hand in Carters soft hair, the other on his hips, gently squeezing and pulling him close. He could smell Carter's cologne and that, along with the way his body moved was driving Sebastian wild.

He smiled at his words and replied "I never thought I'd be doing this ever...I hope this, what we have, never ends." He kissed him passionately and deeply, he almost couldn't contain himself. He had to pull himself back and chuckled, blushing. "Oh, the things you make me feel..." He breathed into his ear, resting his head against Carter's. "I think we should probably get some air before we get too carried away, hmm?" He smirked.

Amelia hadn't really expected to be followed out into the corall. She honestly didn't think she'd even be noticed, but then again her senses were very skewed at the moment.

She was a little embarrassed and almost coughed when Blaire spoke to her, surprising her. She looked up and glanced at her spliff then back to Blaire and gave a weak, caught red handed, smile. She held the spliff up for Blaire and mouthed the words; 'Um...puff, puff, pass?'

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Carter chuckled. "Yeah, I think we should."

They went off the dance floor. Heading to the bar. "Need a glass of blood for me and my boyfriend." Hades poured them both a cup. He seemed irritated. "I swear I always get stuck doing the bar crap."

Amelia smiled. She sat next to her. "Sure. Haven't smoked it in a while." She took a puff then passed it back to her. "Damn. That shit's good."

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Amelia grinned at Blaire with a wink at her comment while taking the blunt back and taking another drag on it. Passing it back to Blaire, she wrote on her little pad; 'Feels good to go wild like this again.'

Sebastian took out his wallet and paid for the drinks. He also handed Hades a hefty tip. "Don't be so down. Things could be a hell of a lot worse." He says to the kid as he takes up his glass and drinks a bit. "For what it's worth, I think you're doing a good job." He then turns his attention back to Carter, lifting his glass. "To everything we've gained." He says happily.

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Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Blaire took a puff and pass it. "You're telling me that you haven't done this for that long? What got in the way?"

Hades sort of smiled. He accepted the tip. "Thanks man." He gave himself a bottle of beer. He raised it before taking a sip. "You guys don't seem as bad as you did before. I always thought Carter here was a douche like his pig friends."

Carter immediately broke the glass in his hand. He glared. "What was that?"

Hades raised his hands. "Hey man. I'm sorry. I meant you're not a douche." "No! Not me. Take back what you said about the police." "What? Seriously?"

Carter's fangs came out. "Do it now!" Hades face went pale. "O-Ok! They're not pigs!"

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Taking the spliff back, Amelia's smile slips and she sighs. Her eyes staring at the ground as she takes another drag on the blunt before passing it back to Blaire. There was enough left for one more puff.

Amelia then wrote on her pad; 'A lot of things...' And that was it. That was all she'd write, hoping that it'd be clear to Blaire that she wasn't ready to talk about it just yet. In fact, she didn't even want to think about it.

The kid was being nice...up until his last remark. Sebastian was more surprised by how angry Carter had gotten so quickly. He watched the exchange nervously and for just a moment, saw the angry Carter he'd seen at the Manor.

He placed a gentle hand on Carter's arm and says calmly; "Carter, take it easy. He's just a kid. I'm sure he didn't mean it." He then shoots Hades a quick and stern look as if to say it would be wise to just agree with him. "Hades, we're going to need another glass of blood for Carter. And a cloth..." He says, still maintaining his calm tone. "We'll be outside, getting some air." He says as he nods to Carter, hoping he'd agree to come with him outside so he could cool off.

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Hades quickly nodded. "Sure man. Sorry about what i said."

He poured Carter another drink and started cleaning the bar. Carter took the drink and followed Sebastian outside.

He sighed as he looked at his drink. His fangs had retracted back. "I'm sorry about earlier. Don't get me wrong. Some of the guys on the force are dicks but there are some decent ones too."

He took a sip. "There's a part of me that missing being a detective. Being human."

Blaire took the last puff. "A lot of things is pretty much the case for everybody." She kissed her on the cheek. "But I've got your back."

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Amelia turned her head and smiled at Blaire. She did think Blaire was beautiful and she'd love nothing more than to scoop her up and take her into a private room but Amelia knew it would only result in Blaire getting hurt. She knew from experience that dating someone in your friend group when you have no intention of making it a long term thing was always going to be messy. At the end of the day, she just didn't feel ready to commit to anyone just yet. So, she did nothing. Just smiled at her, maybe even a little sadly. Apologetically. before taking her eyes off her and looking around the corall with a sigh.

She jumped a little at the sound of Carter's voice as she watched Carter and Sebastian enter the corall. She just sat there for a moment, tense as she knew this entire area now stank of weed and the culprit was sitting in an ash tray right in front of them. Sebastian's eyes fell on her almost immediately and he glared at her from the other end of the corall. She stared back, at first she seemed ashamed and then she just glared back, almost challenging him as if to say 'So, I smoked weed when you told me not to. What are you going to do about it??'

Sebastian didn't move from Carter's side or say anything though as Carter's words brought him back to the conversation they were having. He seemed thoughtful for a moment before snapping his fingers with a smile. "What if you could still be a detective?" He began. "You can't go back to the force. That would just be a minefield when it comes to trying to keep what you are a secret. But what if you made yourself into a private investigator instead? That way you'd have more control over the hours that you work. Be your own boss."

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Blaire frowned. She read her face. Knowing that she wouldn't be able to date her for personal reasons.

Carter's eyes lit up. "Really? Do you think people would ask me for help?"

Blaire shrugged. "Why wouldn't they? You were a detective for NYPD."

"I mean it sounds promising but I'd need an office."

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Amelia got up, deciding she needed to dance some more to get back into the party mood. She also wanted to leave the corall before Sebastian could give her an ear full for the weed. Sebastian had glared at Amelia again as she went back inside. He could smell the weed on her and knew she had more hidden on herself. He sighed. Try as he might, she always wound up back on the brew and weed. Telling her 'no' just seemed to push her right towards them again. He didn't know what to do with her anymore.

He tried to take his mind off it for now as he listened in on the conversation they were having, deciding that now wasn't the time for giving Amelia a lecture. It would only ruin the mood. To Carter's statement of him needing an office, Sebastian shrugged. "So, I'll rent one for you." He says simply. "First thing tomorrow, I'll have a look at some listings. See what's available."

Amelia re-entered the club and ordered a new beer. She realized she'd left her other one outside but didn't want to have to walk past Sebastian again. Drinking it quickly, she left the empty bottle on the bar and went back out onto the dancefloor, moving to the music again and doing everything she could to repress all her negative thoughts.

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Carter smiled. "Honestly Sebastian, you've done enough."

"I've got an idea!" Blaire walked over. "What if we ask Vincent? A guy like that has got to have a fancy place somewhere. Not to mention an office."

"Uh I don't know. I mean I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask. Although, I'm not too sure about having an office in someone else's house."

"At least ask him. Might as well." He thought for a moment then shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

shadowess - February 5, 2021

Sebastian glanced into the club at the dancefloor momentarily. "Where is Vincent, anyway?" He asked curiously, having not seen him since he ran into the club with Amelia earlier. To be fair though, he'd had his eyes on Carter for most of the night.

On the dancefloor, Amelia had been trying hard to get back into the mood she'd felt at the beginning of the night but it was growing increasingly difficult. She danced and moved her body to the music but she was annoyed. Who does Sebastian think he is anyway? Telling her what she can and cannot do?? Sure, he might be older than her but she was stronger! She was a freaking Devil! That has to count for something, right??

Then there's Blaire...Amelia felt guilty. She just knew she'd hurt her feelings back there...But relationships were out of the question! Amelia is a Devil and love is one hell of a weakness for someone with so many enemies! She might end up getting killed trying to save the person she loves or the person she falls for might end up dead because of her. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if that happened! As an example, just look at what happened just over the past few days!

Bryce's face flashed into her mind and she stopped dancing, suddenly feeling very ill. She could swear she saw yellow eyes in the crowd for just a second but as she looked around, paranoid, she saw nothing but people dancing and having a good time all around her. She felt claustrophobic suddenly and ran towards the bathroom where she burst into a stall and threw up into the toilet. Coughing and wiping her mouth with some tissue, she stumbles to the sink.

There she throws the tissue into a nearby bin and stares into the sink while leaning against the counter. The whole room felt like it was spinning rapidly. She felt sick again but she held it down. Turning on the tap, she splashed her face with cold water then looked at her reflection. She looked flushed and very drunk. The whites of her eyes were very red from the weed she'd smoked.

She took a few breaths, looking at her neck. The marks were still visible but had almost faded by now. She closed her eyes, not wanting to look at them anymore but as she did she saw that basement again. She sobbed silently, turning away from the mirror to lean against the wall where she slid down to sit on the floor, holding her legs and sobbing into them. She lifted her hands to the side of her head, gripping her hair and wishing those memories would just go away already.

Denix Vames - February 5, 2021

Blaire thought for a moment. "Wait a minute. Vincent and this guy are in a private room."

Carter raised a brow. "Vincent's already with someone?" "Guess he's pretty fast when it comes to picking up guys. Anyway, I'd suggest you ask him when he does get out of there. I'm going to check up on Amelia. I'll see you guys later." She left.

Carter did a quick wave before focusing back on his drink. He took some sips then looked at the stars. "You know, sometimes I wonder where I would have been at if I hadn't met you."

Blaire looked around in the club. "Amelia?! Amelia!"

shadowess - February 6, 2021

For someone who was as intoxicated as Amelia, she sure as hell moved fast when she heard Blaire's voice calling her outside the restrooms. She didn't want to seem weak to anyone anymore so she hurriedly got to her feet and locked herself in one of the stalls.

She practically held her breath, leaning against the stall door so it couldn't be opened. She just wanted to be alone for a while she thought to herself as she grabbed some tissue and dabbed at her eyes, trying to clean herself up as best she could. The tissue turning black from the eyeliner that came off her.

"Well, at least that'll be out of his system now." Sebastian chuckled. To Carter's statement, he stared off at a far wall thoughtfully. "Well, I imagine I'd have just continued wandering. Looking for a purpose." He then chuckled. "Probably would have wound up in Mexico by now."

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Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

Carter chuckled. "Thank god."

He nearly burst into tears when he said that as he laughed harder. "There's nothing good there anyway. Most criminals I use to chase were always using Mexico as a hideout cause the police there are in cahoots with the drug dealers."

He sighed. "Anyway, I'm honestly not too sure where I would have end up. Still drinking?" He bit his lip. "I'd probably be dead by now."

He drank the last of the blood and set the glass on the ground. He brought himself close to him. Pressing his lips against his. "If it wasn't for you..."

He gently nibbled on his neck.

shadowess - February 6, 2021

Once she'd calmed down enough, Amelia left the toilet stall and used the sink and some tissue to tidy up her makeup. Happy that she looked more or less like nothing had just happened, she left the restrooms and went straight to the bar to get another drink. This time she wrote on her pad to ask the bartender to get her three shots of Sambuca. She felt like she needed something stronger than beer. While waiting for the shots, her eyes turned into the crowd, trying to look for someone or a couple of people she could spend the night with. That should distract her from her thoughts...

Sebastian had been listening to Carter and was about to say something comforting when Carter stepped close and kissed him, his last few words making his eyes soft as he stared into Carter's before he began kissing Sebastian's neck. Feeling a sensual shiver run up his spine from the kisses, Sebastian moaned a little and quickly placed his own glass down. He brought his hand up to run it through Carter's hair. "Oh, Carter..." He breathed into his ear, his other hand on Carter's side, feeling his torso through his mesh shirt. He leant back a little, his back against the fence so that Carter effectively had him pinned to it. He bit his lip with a smile, enjoying how Carter made him feel.

Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

Hades had poured her three shots of the very drink she requested.

"Rough night?"

Carter slipped his hands under his shirt. Feeling his hips. He grazed his fangs against his neck.

He moved his lips back to his. Slipping his tongue into his mouth as he cupped his ass.

shadowess - February 6, 2021

Looking back at the bartender, Amelia smirked and wrote on her pad; 'You could say that. My night would be a whole lot better if I could find someone in this place to bang. Or two. Or three.' She flicked her thumb across all three shot glasses, all three glasses lit up with a little blue flame.

Picking one up, she blew on the top to put the flame out before downing the now hot liquid. She passed one of the glasses to Hades to have and held up three fingers while blowing out her second shot to signal she'd want three more.

Sebastian let out a shaky breath, tilting his head back a little as he felt Carter's fangs scratch his neck. He kissed Carter back, matching his passion and moaning again when he felt his hand on his backside.

He couldn't take it. Carter was really driving him wild. He was about one more kiss away from tearing Carter's clothes off. Pulling away, he tried to catch his breath and grinned at Carter. "Shall we go somewhere more private?"

Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

Hades flinched at the hot sensation from the glass. He immediately put it down and gave her three new shots of the same drink.

He shrugged. "Ya know, I could be that guy if you need someone to sleep with you. At like any time."

Carter smiled. "I thought you'd never ask." He held his hand. "Let's go find Blaire."

They entered back into the club. "Blaire?! Blaire!"

Blaire ran over. "Yeah?" She noticed the wrinkles on their clothes and the looks those two had. She raised her hand. "Say no more. I'll go get the keys."

She guided them to a private room. Carter noticed there was a line at another private room. "What's going on there?" "Oh? That? Well, your friend Vincent has been fucking almost every guy here. We've had to charge them because of how long the line is."

"And who's getting the money?" She smiled. "Half for him and half for the business. But he says he does it for the sex."

She unlocked the door. "Anyway, here you go."

shadowess - February 6, 2021

(Privacy time for Carter & Sebastian methinks lol How are you feeling?)

Amelia rose an eyebrow at the bartender with a smirk and quickly looked him over. She wrote on her pad; 'How old are you?' She couldn't help but notice, even in her drunken state, that this guy looked a little young. She lit the next three shots up as well, picking on up. She blew it out and knocked it back.

Sebastian led Carter lead him to the back of the club, still a little breathless with reddened cheeks. Hearing about Vincent made Sebastian chuckle. This guy was REALLY getting it out of his system! At least now he hopefully won't be so full on around Carter.

"Thanks Blaire." He says quickly as they go into the room and he locks the door behind them before turning to Carter, a mixture of love and lust in his eyes. He stepped close to him, kissing him passionately and taking hold of his mesh shirt, starting to pull it up and over his head.

Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

(yes definitely lol)

Blaire smiled. "No problem." She left.

Hades hesitated before saying, "Eighteen?" This was an obvious lie.

"Still trying to hit on the customers?" Blaire was leaning on the bar. Hades flustered. "I'm getting there." "He's fifteen by the way in case you wanted to know." He rolled his eyes. "C'mon Blaire! You're ruining my moment!" "Even devils have standards Hades."

shadowess - February 6, 2021

Amelia rose an eyebrow again at the answer as she had her second shot. She was smirking, as though trying not to laugh. There was no way this kid was eighteen. When Blaire came to the bar and told her he was actually fifteen, Amelia chuckled silently, mouthing the word "oof!".

She waited until Blaire finished speaking before writing on her pad; 'I admire your spirit, kid. Give me a call in about six year and MAYBE I'll think about it.' She laughed and knocked back the last shot. She then drunkenly turned to Blaire; 'Don't suppose you know anyone interested in a threesome or a foursome?'

Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

Hades shook his head but smiled at her words.

Blaire thought for a moment. "Well, Vincent's already banging practically every guy here so you might want to ask the ladies around."

shadowess - February 6, 2021

Amelia rose both her eyebrows at Blaire when she said Vincent was already having his way with every guy in the club. Blimey, he didn't waste time! Also, shoot! She was hoping to have at least one male in her little sexual adventure tonight. Oh well. She wondered if she could beat her record of sleeping with two women at once. With a smirk she wrote on her pad; 'Don't wait up.' before winking and heading back onto the dancefloor.


At the end of the night, Sebastian and Carter were having one last glass of blood at the bar before heading home. Sebastian glanced around the club, which was beginning to empty at this point, but still couldn't see Amelia or Vincent.

He hoped they'd come back soon or they'd have to leave without them. They'd have to head home before the sun arose. He smiled at Carter, both of their clothes were a little creased and messy. Their hair ruffled. Tonight had been a good night.

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Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

"Huh?" Blaire then realized what she meant. Her eyes widened. "Holy shit! Yes!" She ran after her.
Carter sighed as he felt the night's cool breeze past him. "That was amazing."

Vincent soon came out of the club. He was holding his shirt as he walked over to the car. "Hey guys. I see you two had some fun as well." "Yeah, we heard you were fucking every guy there was. How are you not legless?"

"The benefits of being a demon my friend." Carter noticed his back was covered in bleeding whip marks. "Holy shit! Who hurt you?!" Vincent laughed. He put a hand on his shoulder. "Oh Carter. You're such a virgin."

Vincent went to the car.

"Huh? What the hell?"

shadowess - February 6, 2021

Grinning, Sebastian held Carter's hand. "Yeah, it was." He agreed. He couldn't help chuckling as Vincent got into the car. Looks like a good night was had all round. He still couldn't see Amelia and he could feel the air beginning to warm up as daylight approached. "I guess Amelia also found herself some fun...we'd better get going. I'm sure she'll catch up with us later." He says as he climbs into the car. They couldn't wait for her any longer.

Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

Carter quickly got in too.

"Yeah, she's know the place."

He began the drive back to the house. Vincent was resting at the backseat.

"FYI guys. Dog expect me to sit down for a while."

Carter smiled. "I don't expect you to after that crazy night."

They reached the house in record time. Once everyone was inside, Carter locked the door.

He sighed. "That was too close. Maybe I should install some special windows. Keep the sunlight from entering."

Vincent wobbled over to the couch and laid there. "It would be a disaster if I got into a car crash because of you two turning into ash."

A note slipped out of his pocket by accident. Carter could make out some numbers before Vincent quickly picked it up.

Carter smiled. "Who's the lucky guy?"

Vincent blushed. He shrugged. "Just some guy."

shadowess - February 6, 2021

Amelia awoke in a bed that wasn't hers. Her head pounding and her stomach turning from the hangover. She smiled, only vaguely remembering what had happened the night before. She looked around and while none of their heads were turned towards her in their sleep, she knew she'd shared the company of three beautiful women last night. Although she couldn't really remember what they looked like. Score! One record broken! She got out of the bed and got dressed as she recalled the passionate kisses shared between them. How she'd ensured that each woman was fully satisfied before letting any of them take care of her.

Putting her tank top back on, a spliff fell to the floor and she grinned. Just the thing to end this whole experience perfectly. Picking it up once she was dressed, she silently slipped out, careful not to wake the other women and began her walk of pride back to Carter's house. Enjoying the sun on her back and the breeze in her hair as she walked. Sure, she felt like crap. But that was a sign of a night well enjoyed. She paused, wondering for a moment. Apart from the hangover, she felt a hell of a lot better. She wondered...


Sighing in relief once they were in the house and out of the growing heat, Sebastian smiled. "That might be a good idea." He chuckled at Carter's suggestion. He'd laughed at the exchange between Carter and Vincent then grinned at Carter. "Oh, the PI thing!" He begins as he remembers their conversation at the club. "Vincent, I don't suppose-"
Amelia was suddenly standing in the living room, the words 'Sup Bitches!?' Written on the pad hanging around her neck. This made Sebastian jump and lose his train of thought

Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

Carter raised his hands. "Whoo! Ameilia's here!"

Vincent did a tired, "Yayyyy....." as he lifted a thumbs up then immediately put it back down. He groaned. "I think the hangover's kicking in."

shadowess - February 6, 2021

Amelia grinned at the welcome then chuckled at Vincent laying on the couch behind her. She held her last spliff behind her back and wagged it at Vincent as if to tell him it would help with the hangover. "We can smell that, you know." Sebastian says, annoyed. "It's not exactly subtle."

Amelia shrugs and brings it around to hold in her mouth as she strides into the kitchen to open the bottle of Demon Brew, swaying the bottle a little to see how much was left. Sebastian sighs heavily as he watches her walk away before shaking his head and turning to Carter. "I'm guna go to bed. I'm exhausted after last night." He grins and begins heading upstairs.

Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

"Wait a minute. We need to talk. Just for a few minutes." Carter followed. When they were alone in the bedroom, he asked, "What's with you and drugs? I mean I'm not fan of weed but you seem to hate the fact that she's taking it. Not to mention the alcohol."

Vincent waved her over. "Let me smoke some."

shadowess - February 6, 2021

Carter questioned Sebastian on why he hated Amelia drinking and abusing drugs. Which, he had to admit, was a pretty fair thing to ask. He begins talking to Carter in a hushed tone, as if worried Amelia might overhear him. "I just...worry about her. It's like when you were drinking when we first met. To forget your problems. Amelia does it too, only when she goes on a bender she has Devil powers to try to control as well. She's stubborn when it comes to opening up about how she really feels so whenever something happens that's too much for her to handle...she bottles it all up and...does some... questionable things...things she'd never normally do if she wasn't drunk or high." Sebastian sighs. "I guess I'm worried that she didn't just drink and smoke last night because we were going to a club...I'm worried that now she's started again, she won't stop and she'll end up doing something that she'll regret later...It wouldn't be the first time...Because when her addictions get out of control...SHE gets out of control."

Amelia grinned, bringing the bottle into the living room and setting it on the little coffee table. She lit the spliff with her thumb and took a puff before passing it to Vincent. She then took a large swig from the bottle and put it back down on the table. Amelia smirks at Vincent as she writes on her pad; 'Next time, don't hog all the guys at the club. Sharing is caring.'

Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

Carter frowned. "Maybe I should go talk to her about this. After all, I had my own problems before."

Vincent took a puff then passed it to her. "I'll make a note of that for next time." He groaned. "Man, it does not feel good to get laid. Which is weird of me to say but here we are."

shadowess - February 6, 2021

Sebastian knew Carter was trying to help but couldn't help chuckling. "Good luck with that. I've been trying and failing to get her to talk about what's bothering her for years." He then shrugs. "I don't know...maybe she'll listen to you...Just..." He hesitates. "Try not to be surprised or angry when she tells you to 'fuck off'."

Amelia takes the spliff back and grins at Vincent, writing on her pad; 'Because you got too greedy.' She takes a drag on the spliff and passes it back to Vincent. She takes another swig of the brew, starting to feel a little light headed again. She then writes; 'I need to get my voice back...This, writing everything down, shit is getting old.'

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Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

Carter smiled. "I'll make sure to leave then before she starts burning the house down."

He gave him a quick kiss. "Sleep well."

He headed downstairs.

Vincent smirked. "Then talk to me." He pointed at his head after taking a puff. "I've been meaning to tell you that I can read minds. I just didn't want to use so much effort on talking to you in my head. I was saving the mind reading for the guys."

shadowess - February 6, 2021

Sebastian had laughed nervously at Carter's joke. If only he knew how crazy she could get when under the influence...He convinced himself however, that Carter would be fine as he kissed him back then got undressed, crawling into bed.

Amelia stared at Vincent for a moment, squinting her eyes as she recalled having tried to project thoughts to his mind the night before and he'd pretended not to hear her. 'Seriously?! You could hear me the whole time?!' She thought at him. Just like the night before however, she would only be able to hear him if he replied to her out loud. 'Never mind, whatever. Look, don't go telling the other two because I don't want them to worry or come chasing after me. This'll be dangerous. Now that I've recovered, I'm planning on hunting down Alex to get him to give me my voice back! I just need to work out the finer details...I'll have to be careful though...Bryce turning him while he was alive has made him into a newer, stronger Devil. It's only a matter of time before he gets a full grasp on the extent of his abilities.'

Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

Vincent chuckled. "My oh my. That is a sneaky thing to do. Mind if I tag along? Between you and me I sort of missed killing people. Perhaps I can kill the bad ones instead? In this case, a vampire and his devil bitch."

"Hey guys." Carter walked over. "Amelia? Can we talk in the kitchen?"

shadowess - February 6, 2021

Amelia had been about to reply when Carter's voice caught her off guard. She wondered if he'd heard anything Vincent had just said. Leaving the bottle and spliff with Vincent, Amelia got to her feet. 'We'll talk about this later.' She thought to Vincent as she walked into the kitchen with Carter. Taking the notepad from around her neck, she placed it onto the kitchen table while taking a seat, facing Carter and wrote on the pad; 'What's up?'

Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

Carter sat across from her. "I just wanted to know if everything's alright with you? After what happened to you in Bryce's mansion, I can't imagine you feel the same way as you did before."

shadowess - February 6, 2021

Amelia stiffened in her chair at the mansion of Bryce's mansion. She felt nauseous and angry that she had to even think of that place again. Averting her eyes from Carter, her lips thinned a little as she thought for a moment. Sighing a little, she smiles and writes on the notepad; 'I'm fine.' Making it clear that she didn't want to talk about it.

Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

Carter frowned. "You're not fine Amelia. I can tell. Please talk to me. You can tell me whatever's bothering you. I'm a friend."

He sighed. "Look, I've heard about your past addictions. The Demon's Brew and the weed? I've been in that boat before. And I want you to know that you don't have to do all that. We can help you."

shadowess - February 6, 2021

Amelia was uncomfortable as Carter pushed for her to open up. But she became angry when he mentioned her addictions. She knew Sebastian had told him about her habits. She scoffed at his words and mouthed 'Help me?' in disbelief. Oh sure, this vampire is going to help her beat her addictions. Is he going to bring her brother back? Her mother? Is he going to help her find her original heritage and change her back to a half fairy while he's at it?!

Or how about trying to broker a peace treaty with Angels who would rather mount her head on their wall to get themselves a promotion to Arch Angel status? Or how about take up the crown in Hell because the last leader was destroyed at the hands of a traitor? Amelia was convinced that all of her problems were her own. That she was alone and no one could really help her. All of this ran through her mind but she just shook her head coldly. Writing on her pad; 'My problems are my own. So just drop it, would you?'

Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

"Please Amelia. I just want to help. Let me help you."

Carter was deeply worried about her. He didn't know her history but he at least wanted to be there for her in any way he could be.

shadowess - February 6, 2021

Amelia stood, pushing the chair back as she did and began walking away from Carter towards the living room, apparently done with this conversation and just wanting it to end.

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Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

Carter sighed. He stood from his seat and walked into the living room. "If you change your mind then you know where to find me." He headed upstairs to the bedroom.

Vincent smiled. "You have a lot of juicy details in your history. It almost makes my childhood look like a G rated film."

shadowess - February 6, 2021

Sebastian didn't move when he heard the bedroom door open. He just smiled with his eyes closed as he said "Let me guess. Like talking to a brick wall?"


Amelia sat down in the chair she was in before and motioned for Vincent to pass the spliff back. She felt like she needed it. 'Kindly stay out of my memories if you can help it...' She thought at him, annoyed that he'd seen something so private without her wanting him to. 'As for coming to help me...I duno. Some help might be good but I'm more worried about these two catching wind of what I'm up to and trying to stop me...' She glances at Vincent. 'You think you could keep them distracted? If they ask where I am, just say I told you I was shopping or something...I just need to plan how I'm going to go about this...' She takes another swig of the brew.

Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

Carter thought about how he lost Parker. How he quit his job and practically abandoned him on a case.

He had seen what Parker had become. Believe that it was his fault. And he wondered if Amelia would go down a dangerous path too.

Silent tears fell from his eyes. He took his pants and shirt off. He got under the covers and curled up like a ball.
Vincent chuckled. He passed her the blunt. "You know that's going to be hard for them to believe. But either way, I guess it wouldn't hurt to see how far I can cross a line with Carter. I saw what he did at the mansion. And I've got to say I'm intrigued."

shadowess - February 6, 2021

Sebastian turned to Carter when he got into bed and cuddled up to him. "Hey, are you alright?" He asks, concerned.

Amelia took the spliff back and took a drag off it before passing it back. Hearing Vincent, she shot him a look of warning. 'Don't do anything stupid. They're friends, so maybe let's NOT go out of our way to agitate them?' She took another drink out of the bottle and noted she was running low. 'Dammit, running out...and I only have one jump left for today...I need to find out where they're staying. Or draw them out..."

She snapped her fingers and grinned at Vincent. 'I think I've got it, and I might need some help after all. Just to send them a message. A warning. I'll need you to teleport me back to the mansion. With any luck, they'll be keeping an eye on it from wherever they're hiding. We jump there, set the whole thing on fire and jump back before either Sebastian or Carter even know we're gone! It should grab their attention and show them how pissed I am that they stole from me. What do ya say? Up for a little arson?' Her eyes flashed red.

Denix Vames - February 6, 2021

Carter couldn't look at him. He just stared at the wall.

"I already lost Parker. I don't want to lose Amelia too."

Vincent waved a hand nonchalantly. "Don't worry. I'm not going to do anything stupid. After we are the 'good guys'."

He sat up and smiled. His eyes went black. "I thought you'd never ask."

shadowess - February 7, 2021

Sebastian kissed the back of Carter's neck and cuddled him. "We won't." He tried to reassure him. "She knows we're here for her. We just have to trust that she'll come to us when she needs our help."

Amelia continued to grin and glanced up at the ceiling. 'Now is the perfect time. They'll fall asleep soon. By the time we get back, they might not have even woken up yet.' She thinks at him while bringing her eyes back to him. She holds out a hand, needing him to be the one to teleport the two of them. 'Let's go burn down a mansion.'

Denix Vames - February 7, 2021

"Maybe you're right." He turned over. Meeting Sebastian's gaze. He smiled. "I guess it didn't take long for me to tell you everything."

Vincent held her hand. They quickly found themselves in front of the mansion. "Now I imagine that this should be an easy task for you." He looked at the mansion. "And I get to watch the show. Unless of course, I can do something around here."

shadowess - February 7, 2021

Sebastian gave a gentle smile as he brought a hand up to wipe away Carter's tears. "I guess you needed someone to fall back on and knew you could trust me with that. Amelia has always had Damien to turn to and now...it might take her some time to feel ready to open up like that with anyone again. Even me." He then shrugs "but she's smart. I'm sure she wouldn't do anything TOO stupid or reckless..."


Amelia looked up at the mansion and a combination of dread and fury filled her. Yes, she wanted this place wiped from existence with all of her being! She shrugs at Vincent's words. 'Do as you please. Smash things, burn things, anything that suits you. We'll meet back here to watch the bonfire for a bit before heading back.' She thinks at him before setting off and making her way towards the top floor, deciding it best to start from the top and work her way down.

Grabbing a cloth on the way up, she wrapped it around her mouth and nose, tying it at the back. She might be flame proof but she still needed to breathe so had to be careful not to breathe in the smoke. Entering the bedroom she gripped one of the velvet curtains firmly and a second later it went up in flames. Walking back towards the staircase she held a finger against the walls on either side of her, gliding them along as she walked and leaving a trail of fire in her wake.

(Gotta love a bit of dramatic irony lol also I replied on my phone which I'm not used to doing so please forgive any spelling errors lol)

Denix Vames - February 7, 2021

(dont worry. its all good)

Carter rested his head against his chest. "As long as you say that everything will be alright then I believe you."

He closed his eyes. Listening to his heart beat.
Vincent smiled. "Alright! Let's have some fun!"

At the first floor, he was throwing antiques. The next room was the kitchen where he threw the dishes. Pieces of them shattered everywhere. He clogged up the sinks.

Down at the basement, he began to break the barrels of blood. Leaving a bloody mess. He grabbed some of the bottles and found himself drinking some sips just to see how it tasted like.

He cringed at the taste. "Not as good as it was before when I was human."

He threw the bottles down.

shadowess - February 7, 2021

The house was getting hotter by the minute and the entirety of the upper floor was roaring with the sound of the flames as they consumed everything in their path. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Watching paintings curling and turning white then black as the fire licked at them. Happy that upstairs was taken care of, Amelia made her way downstairs where she smirked at all the valuables smashes to pieces and littering the floor.

She could hear glass smashing in the basement below. She hovered at the foot of the stairs that lead down there but decided not to go down. She felt she couldn't even look at that part of the mansion. Memories of what happened down there flashed through her mind and she had to steady herself on her feet for just a moment.

A thought occurred to her though and she hoped Vincent would hear her thoughts; 'There's a book on an alter down there. Don't destroy it, we'll take it with us. Bring it up when you're done. I want to know if there's anything significant about the wedding I witnessed down there.' A loud crash could be heard from the living room and Amelia glanced in to see the ceiling had collapsed and the fire was beginning to spread onto the lower floor.

'You may want to hurry up. This old house is succumbing to the flames faster than I anticipated. We've only got a couple of minutes before the entire place goes up.' She coughs a little, her eyes beginning to water. She looks up to see black smoke billowing above her, covering the ceiling. 'Bonfire time.'

She makes her way out of the house to watch it burn from a safe distance, waiting for Vincent to join her. She watched the angry yellow and red flames within the windows of the mansion, thick black smoke pouring up into the sky and practically blocking out the sun from where she stood. The entire area was filled with the smell of burning wood and debris. 'It's beautiful...' She found herself thinking as she admired their work.

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Denix Vames - February 7, 2021

Vincent nodded as if she could see it. He grabbed the book. A thin small needle shot out from the wall. Piercing his neck. "Ah!" He clutched his neck.

He immediately began to feel woozy. He guessed that taking the book off of the stand would set off a trap in case anyone were to break in and want it. Was this book really that valuable?

He found himself dropping to the floor. He had to get out of here before the whole house burned down.

The entrance out of the basement was now sealed off by the burning debris.

He shut his eyes and thought about where he wanted to be at.

'Outside. Outside. Outside.'

He had finally appeared in front of the burning mansion near Amelia.

He barely lifted the book off the ground as his vision was fading to black. "G-Got it...."

shadowess - February 7, 2021

Amelia had been captivated by the destruction they had just wrought when she heard Vincent's weakened voice next to her. She turned her gaze to him and her eyes widened. What the hell?!
'Vincent! What happened? What's wrong!' She thought at him frantically, bending down to hold him up. Her heart began beating hard and she felt guilt beginning the grow. Vincent was injured because she decided she wanted to get some revenge and steal a damn book!

Denix Vames - February 7, 2021

Vincent tried to speak but could only think.

'Something sharp. My neck.'

There was a small needle there which stuck out. It was coated with some kind of poison.

shadowess - February 7, 2021

Unable to hear his thoughts, Amelia could only watch him with increasing anxiety as he became unable to speak. She then saw the dart in his neck. Her first instinct was to pull it out but seeing the liquid she thought better of it incase she poisoned herself as well. She was shaking. She kept thinking over and over how this was her fault. 'I don't know what to do!' She realized with horror. 'What do I do?! How do I help you?! Why the fuck did I think this was a good idea!!....The book! Maybe there's an answer in there!' She quickly flicked the book open but found it was written in a language she didn't recognize.

'What the fuck is this?!' She was starting to panic. 'Hold on Vincent! Just hold on! Let me think...' But the more she flustered on how to help Vincent quickly, the more her mind jumped straight to one dreadful conclusion. The only chance she had to save Vincent was to see if the owner of the poison had an antidote or at least knew where to find it...and she only had one jump left. Tears filled her eyes and she shook violently.

'Fuck! Vincent, I'm so sorry! I'll fix this! I'm sorry!' She closed her eyes and imagined Bryce, dreading how he'll react when she materializes near him with his book and a poisoned Vincent all while covered in the ashes from his burning house. The roar of the flames vanished and were replaced by silence. She knew the jump had worked but she hesitated in opening her eyes, wanting to put off the reality of being in Bryce's presence for as long as she could. Slowly, she opened her eyes to see where she and Vincent had teleported to and looked up shamefully at Bryce.

Denix Vames - February 7, 2021

Bryce was sitting on the couch. Drinking some blood from a teacup.

He smiled at the sight of her. "Well, it seems that someone decided to come back for more. Unless of course, if I am correct, you broke into my precious home, stole my book, and burned my house down. I can only imagine that he was the one who retrieved it."

He pointed at him. "And now you want the antidote for the poison that is in him right now. Well, I can tell you that I do feel an itching to kill you right now for destroying my property and stealing my book but his smell does intrigue me."

He stood. "Set him on the couch and I'll get some things from kitchen."

He retrieved a pair of white latex gloves and a needle with a purple liquid inside.

He quickly pulled out the small needle then injected him with the antidote. "There. He'll be fine in a few minutes. Until then, we can discuss some things." He snapped his fingers. Indicating to Alex to grab her.

shadowess - February 7, 2021

Watching Bryce carefully, Amelia listened to his assumptions about what happened and was taken aback by how accurate he was. Had he really expected her to react in this way upon gaining her freedom or...had he somehow planned this?! She couldn't tell but either way, this was not a good situation for her or Vincent to be in.

'My fault.' She kept repeating in her mind. 'I deserve whatever I'm about to get for this...' When Bryce said he wanted to kill her for what she'd done, she wasn't too surprised. She was surprised that he was interested in Vincent's scent though and she felt her dread deepen. Had she just brought Vincent out of the frying pan and into the fire?

Desperate to right her wrong, she lifted Vincent into her arms and placed him on the couch obediently. She then watched anxiously as Bryce gave him what she assumed was the antidote. She breathed a sigh of relief when Bryce told her Vincent was going to be fine.

But the second he snapped his fingers she felt hands clamp around her arms from behind. She hadn't even seen Alex in the room! He gripped her so tightly that his nails dug into her skin a little. She grit her teeth, still unable to make any noise as she watched Bryce warily. What does he want?

Denix Vames - February 7, 2021

Bryce took the book from her hand. "Alex dear, I need you to tell her that she can talk. I want some answers."

shadowess - February 7, 2021

Alex turned Amelia slightly in his arms so that she could see his face. His eyes shone as he said the word 'Speak.' Amelia blinked then looked at Bryce. Guess there was only one way to know if it worked. "W-what are you going to do?" She asked shakily. A part of her was overjoyed to be able to talk again but considering the circumstances, it was somewhat overshadowed by the sheer terror she currently felt.

Denix Vames - February 7, 2021

Bryce walked over to her. "First, I want to know all about what Carter did to me." He unbuttoned his shirt. Revealing large bruises all over his chest.

"He became a vampire but last I checked, vampires aren't that superhuman. So I want to know if he just got lucky or if there's something else going on."

He buttoned his shirt back up.

shadowess - February 7, 2021

Amelia shook her head when Bryce finished speaking. "From what I can tell, he's just an ordinary vampire. Albeit a pissed off one." She answers, her voice trembling as she did. She couldn't bring herself to look into Bryce's eyes for long. Every time she tried she ended up averting her gaze to the ground. It was clear that her time in his dungeon had left quite an impression on her. She was terrified of this vampire.

As she stared at the ground, she wondered if Vincent was conscious enough to hear what was happening around him...or if he'd hear her thoughts. 'Vincent. If you can hear me. I hope you can hear me...Get out as soon as you can. Leave me. I'll be fine. Go to Sebastian and Carter and tell them everything that happened...everything we did...everything I did...most importantly, tell them...I'm sorry. I'm so...so sorry...that I should've listened. That I should've just talked to them when I had the chance...I'm so scared...'

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Denix Vames - February 7, 2021

Bryce walked over to an unconscious Vincent. He examined his face. His smile widened. "Well well...who do we have here? Vincent Hayes? The infamous serial killer? Known as The Artist."

He sniffed. "He smells similar to you but with a bit of a sourness to him. I can only assume a different kind of devil or a demon. Yet to find such a man like him dead and turned into something else is interesting."

He thought for a moment. "I wonder if he was one of the men who was burned in that high school. He smells a bit like ash. Then again, you two did come from burning my house down."

He gripped Vincent's chin. "I'd like take a sample."

Vincent's eyes shot opened. He raised his knife to his throat. He smiled. "What are you doing?"

Bryce chuckled. "I was merely checking to see if you were alright." He released grip and stood as Vincent stood with him. Keeping the knife close to his neck.

"Oh how kind of you but I'm alright now. So if you don't mind, I'd like to rip your vocal chords out." Bryce laughed. "Oh I like you! What a fun killer you are." "Believe me. I'm a real treat."

"I think you and I can do some great things together." "Oh? A little partnering up?"

Vincent thought, 'If he has you then Carter will just have another little temper tantrum and Sebastian will be furious. Besides, I've done but be a burden. I'm a killer after all. It doesn't matter. So just go!'

shadowess - February 7, 2021

The downside of telepathy is it's usually a one sided conversation. While Amelia could focus on words and know Vincent would hear them without truly understanding how, she was simply unable to hear Vincent's thoughts, no matter how loudly he tried to project them at her.

Because of this, Amelia could only watch what happened unfold. Bryce realizing who Vincent was and guessing what he'd become and Vincent waking up and seeming to decide to join Bryce. Her breath caught in her throat. She felt betrayed. She felt lost. She felt Alex's hands tighten on her arms painfully, causing her to yelp. "You hear that?" She heard him say in her ear. "Even your friend here knows a good deal when he sees one. You're better off with us too. Think about it. We're the last Devils. So, why are we fighting? We should be working together."

"G-get off me!" Amelia growled, shakily. Fresh tears welling up in her eyes from the betrayal she felt.
"It'd be a lot easier if you just gave up. I really don't want to have to break you..."
"Get off!" She struggled in his grip but he tightened his hands around her arms.
Alex chuckled. "Not a chance. I still need you for what you know."

An image of Damien flashed through her mind. Specifically the dream she'd had in the basement.
"What was it that I always used to say to you?" He asked, looking at her seriously.
Amelia's eyes lowered to the ground. "Trust no one..." Amelia answered.
"Least of all?" Damien pressed.
"...another Devil..."

Snapping out of it, Amelia suddenly knew what she had to do. She stopped struggling, her cries dying out and she let her arms go limp, bowing her head forward as she sobbed quietly. Apparently giving up. "I-if I..." She swallows nervously. "If I help you...w-will you leave Sebastian and Carter alone?"
Alex's eyes light up and he looks at Bryce excitedly, waiting for him to answer. If they had another Devil on their side. One that was so terrified of them they were obedient, they'd be unstoppable!

Denix Vames - February 7, 2021

Once her head lowered, Vincent pushed Bryce away. He threw his knife at Alex's head. Stabbing him there.

He grabbed Amelia's hand as he saw Alex's grip loosened for a moment. "C'mon!" He dragged her into the bathroom where he locked the door. He cupped her cheeks. Making her look at him.

"You need to get the hell out of here! I don't have enough strength to leave so I need you to go. Just make sure you tell Vincent the word Archer. Ok? Tell him that?"

Bryce banged on the door with his fists. "Come out of there you little shit!"

Vincent turned to the door then her. "Hurry! There's no time!"

shadowess - February 7, 2021

Alex fell back and hit the ground. His eyes, staring at the ceiling, were lifeless. Amelia found herself being dragged into the bathroom by Vincent and she stared at him in confusion when he locked the door. Then he told her she had to leave and she realized he hadn't betrayed her at all. In fact he was doing exactly what she had just been trying to do! Fuck! Their cover was blown! When he finished speaking, Amelia ignored Bryce's shouts outside the door and just stared at Vincent.

"Ok...hang on...first of all-" She whispered then threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "I really thought I'd lost you there!" She pulled back and whispered "And second of all-" Before slapping him across the face. She thought these next words at him, not wanting Bryce outside the door to hear her. 'You moron, you've just blown it for us both! I used my last jump to get us here!! Do you really think that attack killed Alex?? He's a Devil! It's one of the main tricks we have up our sleeve!!'

Alex blinked. He could hear Bryce pounding on the bathroom door and shouting nearby. His head was absolutely killing- oh...He reached up and pulled the knife out of his skull with a grunt and stared at it angrily. "Someone is going to die today." He sang evilly as he got to his feet and turned to face the bathroom door.

'We don't die by normal means! We either wake up in Hell where we can travel back to Earth or we wake up where we fell!!' Amelia thought frantically at Vincent. 'He's going to be out to kill you for this!'
Just as she thought this she heard Alex's voice, tinged with fury, outside the bathroom door. "Beloved, please stand aside."
Amelia had to act fast or Vincent would be dead for real.

She gathered up crystals in her hand to form a blade. 'I can still fool them. But I need you to trust me. I'm going to stab you. I'll miss your heart but it'll be close. Your body will drop here but you'll re-awaken in a new one in Hell. You'll be safe. Find Clementine. She looks like a child but don't be fooled, she's one of the oldest Demons in existence! Bring her to Earth. She'll know what to do.' She looked at him tearfully. "I got you into this. I'm a Devil...I'm supposed to look out for my Demons...Protect them... Let me take responsibility."

There was a hard crash against the door and it splintered a bit. 'Make it look like we struggled.' She instructed him then lunged at him with the blade, aiming to miss his heart by just an inch. She'd then watch him fall, pretending to be in shock over what had happened as she stared at Vincent, shaking. Waiting for Alex to break the door down.

Denix Vames - February 7, 2021

Vincent cussed under his breath for screwing up this whole plan. If he had known, he would have never messed it up. Then again, maybe it was something that came out of the top of her head.

He nodded. He backed up against the toilet as rolls fell over. He gave a gasp and a groan before collapsing.

The door finally broke down.

Bryce smirked at what he saw. "What a pity. He would have been a useful ally." He shrugged. "Oh well. I guess you will do. However, I do not wish to drink from you unless needed. And the same will go for Alex who I can hopefully assume will listen to my word."

He gave him a look.
Vincent instantly woke up in Hell. He had gasped awake. Everything felt different.

He looked at his own hands which had some freckles on them. He touched his own face which felt completely different from his last one.

His eyes caught the gleam of a blood river. He crawled over to it. His wavy reflection stared back.

He was now thin as if he hadn't eaten in days. His hair a sandy blonde short mess. His eyes were green. He wore a long sleeved black shirt, brown pants, and a dark brown hooded cloak. All of this was made out of cloth. There were freckles across his nose.

Tears fell from his eyes as he clutched his stomach. He shook his head. "No No No No! This can't be happening! This can't!"

He covered his mouth. "My voice...." He sounded as if he were from France.

A thought echoed in his mind. "Clementine." He looked around. "Clementine!"

shadowess - February 7, 2021

Amelia didn't turn around when the door broke down. She kept her back to Bryce and Alex as she stood over Vincent's body, praying he'd gotten to Hell alright and he'd find Clementine soon. Lord only knows what these two would make her do while they thought she was obedient to them.

She was relieved to hear they wouldn't be drinking from her although the way he'd worded that, it didn't sound like a guarantee. She knew that if Bryce told her to, while she pretended to be on their side, she would have to offer her blood to them.

Alex was sorely disappointed to find Vincent was already dead but he too was smiling at Amelia. Happy to have another Devil on their side. Someone who can give him all the answers he craves. As soon as Bryce said they weren't going to drink from her however, his eyes darted to him angrily. He'd been looking forward to drinking from her again. He opened his mouth to argue but hesitated upon seeing the look Bryce gave him. Despite his power, he dared not make his husband angry. "Fine." He huffed, annoyed and walked away from the bathroom to sit on the couch, running a finger over the wound in his head curiously.

Amelia was breathing heavily, shaking and still crying. Good. That makes her act believable. Now to finish the job. "I-..." She dropped her knife which clattered on the tiled floor and she looked at her bloodied hands. "He-...What've I done?!"


Far off, in a section of Hell that greatly resembled a wasteland trapped in a permanent night, stood a large mansion. Three stories tall. Within, were dozens upon dozens of life sized porcelain dolls. Men and women, all dressed in formal Victorian outfits. Most were perfect, with only a few that seemed to have either cracked or succumbed to age.

Their lifeless, glass eyes watched every inch of the house. Few souls who find themselves here swear that the dolls watch them. Some swear they've seen the dolls move. The basement door is always locked. It is where the owner of the house keeps all of her experiments, books and inventions. This is the home of Clementine. The fallen cherub and one of the oldest Demons still living.

Denix Vames - February 7, 2021

Bryce ignored Alex's mood. He instead knelt beside Amelia. Laying a hand on her shoulder. "You just proved yourself as a resourceful ally. Now, we're going to burn his body somewhere. And you're coming with us to do it."
Vincent began his walk to wherever he was heading. He continued to sob between crying out her name. "Clementine! Please! I need help! My friend is in danger! Her name's Amelia! She told me you're her friend!"

He soon found himself facing a mansion that was not too far from him. He hesitated but walked to the front door. He looked to his left and right as he saw the dolls watching his every move. He wondered if they were alive.

He bowed his head at them. Worried that he was upsetting something more powerful than him. "My name is Vincent Hayes. I'm looking for Clementine. Amelia sent me here. Please. The world's in trouble and so is she."

shadowess - February 7, 2021

Amelia felt Bryce's hand on her shoulder and she instinctively flinched. She heard his words then slowly turned her head to look at him. Her eyes wide and tearful as if still coming to terms with what had just happened. Her eyes drifted to one side, as though thinking of what he'd said. Then she nods submissively. Amelia wipes her eyes with her wrists, her hands still dripping with Vincent's blood. She moves forward to pick up his body, ready to follow Bryce and Alex.


Hearing the commotion, a small figure appeared at the top of the staircase. Upon first glance, it looked like one of the smaller dolls had moved. Black curls fell to the figure's shoulders. Black, doll-like eyes were fixed on Vincent. Her skin was pale, matching that of most of the dolls around her. She wore a little black and white Victorian dress with a bonnet to match. White tights and shiny black shoes.

Despite her child-like appearance and voice, she spoke with an adults intelligence. "A newborn Demon seeks me? Curious." She began walking down the stairs gracefully. "What has our prospective Queen gotten herself into this time?" She stops just a few steps from the bottom so that she would be at Vincent's eye level. "Well, Mr. Hayes?"

Denix Vames - February 7, 2021

Bryce stood. "Good." He walked to the living room. "Alex, you're driving us to a deserted location."
Vincent lifted his head up. "Please miss. Amelia is in danger. She's been kidnapped by a half demon half vampire and a vampire. They're planning on taking over the world with her powers."

shadowess - February 7, 2021

Sighing, Alex got to his feet and picked up the car keys from a table by the wall. He pauses and stares at Amelia. "Why didn't I die?" He asks, causing Amelia to look up from staring at Vincent's lifeless face. She hesitates for a moment then answers. "You're a Devil...Mortal deaths don't affect you. Your wound will heal in a day. It'll be like it never happened..." She says in a monotone, almost broken voice. Alex grins at the answer.
"Fucking awesome." He says as he heads to the car. "Put him in the trunk." He calls to Amelia before opening the front door.

Amelia does as she's told, barely able to take her eyes off of Vincent's face. She still felt guilty. Even more so now than she had earlier. She placed him in the trunk of the car and reluctantly closed it before climbing into the backseat of the car, staring numbly out of the window as Alex drove them out into the middle of the woods.


Clementine was impressed this Demon didn't immediately speak down to her as most others had. Usually all they see is a child and assume she must think as one. Then they regret it as she painfully turns them into one of her many dolls for the disrespect. At the mention of a half Devil, half vampire however, her eyes narrowed to study him carefully. "You really are a newborn, aren't you? Have you not learned of the different Devils yet?" She tutted then sighed.

"I'm assuming you mean a half breed devil was transformed into a vampire, yes? Then that makes them a Blood God. Now, don't get all excited. They're not really a God, It's just a title, they're still a type of Devil. It's a unique mutation that only occurs when a half breed is turned by a vampire." She explains, as though there isn't any need to rush at all.

"You see, usually, when a half breed dies, they then transform into a full Devil upon their arrival in Hell. Or full human if they live a good life and end up going to Heaven. But if a vampire intercepts them and turns them before they die, they become the Blood God. Do you follow, newborn?" Her eyes then wander away from Vincent, thoughtfully. "Planning to take over the world...This sounds a lot like the Ravios incident..."

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Denix Vames - February 7, 2021

Bryce was sitting at the passenger seat. He fixed the mirror so that he could see her. "Once we get rid of the body, we will have a little celebration for killing one of those rats. And then, we'll kidnap the rest. I need some of Carter's blood. With that kind of anger, I could surely need his power. Sebastian can be disposed of however you would like to Alex."
Vincent quickly nodded. "Yes, I understand all of it but please! We can't wait any longer! Who knows what they'll do?"

shadowess - February 8, 2021

Hearing Bryce, Amelia turned to look at him wide eyed as he spoke of killing Carter and Sebastian. Her heart sinking to the pit of her stomach. Alex grinned and gripped the wheel tightly, excitedly. "Wonderful! I can't wait to try out my new strength!"
Amelia's breath caught in her throat. She'd turned pale. She knew she risked blowing her own cover but she just couldn't betray her friends! She wouldn't! "P-please! I can't do that! I'll do anything else! Anything! But not that! Please!" She pleaded with them.


Clementine sighed then proceeded down the rest of the steps and gestured for Vincent to follow her to the basement. "If it's a Blood God, we must be careful. Their increased power usually causes them to go mad. Become unpredictable. There are a couple of methods we can use to subdue the Devil." She shown him to what looked like an operating table in the far corner of the basement while climbing onto a little ladder.

One section of the room had two cells. One of which was occupied by a half-starved looking damned soul with empty eye sockets, rags for clothes, no hair and his mouth sewn up. "Say 'Hello' Peter." She calls to the soul nonchalantly. She glances at Vincent. "A predator in life. Here the hunter has become the hunted." She explains. On the operating table were a pair of silver-white handcuffs. "Wear leather gloves if you wish to use these. They are quite irritating to our skin. Angelic restraints. Not easy to come by... Throw the cuffs on him and they will render him as weak as a human. Kill him though, and he'll just re-awaken in Hell as a Blood God again, angry and free from the restraints."

She then seems thoughtful as she climbed down from the ladders and walked to a set of drawers in the corner. She glanced at Vincent, as if weighing her options then opened the drawer and withdrew a small vial of red liquid. "Or...you could trick him into swallowing this..." She moved to pass the vial to Vincent. "It's a relatively new concoction. It renders the drinker human for a single lifetime. They will forget everything of their life, giving them the opportunity to have a second chance at a normal, mortal life. When they die, they will regain all of their powers and memories...but perhaps they would be wiser from their experience?" She then looks at him with a serious expression. "You said he's with a vampire? I'm assuming his maker..." She sighs. "It's a wonder he hasn't changed him yet...Perhaps he's not aware he can. A Blood God can make more Blood Gods in the same way a vampire can make more vampires." She shakes her head. "And one is more than enough to deal with. Do I make myself clear?" He needed to act quickly before Alex decided to try making more like himself. "Do you have a plan? If you would like, I can provide a distraction?"

Denix Vames - February 8, 2021

Vincent listened as she spoke. Curious about the angelic handcuffs. And when he heard about the vial, he had a feeling that Carter would want him to do that instead. So he took it. Placing it in his leather pouch which he didn't know he had until he felt it on his hip.

He nodded. "Yes." He thought for a moment. "We have to kill the vampire. But we have to make sure that we give him the vial somewhere that doesn't have anything to do with vampires or us. If we're going to make him forget and be human then we put him near the police station. Carter told me he's a detective."

He hesitated. "Maybe you could kill the vampire? I could take Alex to the police station and give it to him there. He doesn't know that I've changed so I can pretend to be on his side. Tell him that this is Lucifer's blood. That it'll grant him unimaginable powers."

Denix Vames - February 8, 2021

Bryce frowned. "Oh dear. It would seem that our little errand girl doesn't want to complete any of her tasks. What should we do with her?"

Denix Vames - February 8, 2021

(btw i was thinking of doing a spy roleplay. this doesnt mean i want to end this roleplay so quickly. also idk if we could do this one and the spy roleplay at the same time if you can do that. unless you're not interested in spy roleplays at all which is fine. obviously we would need new characters but i can always make my own)

shadowess - February 8, 2021

Amelia shivered, Bryce's eyes seem to pierce into her through the rearview mirror. Her heart pounding as she gripped the edge of her seat nervously when he asked Alex what they should do with her for being disobedient. The car slowed to a stop and Alex glanced back at her coldly. "I guess there's still a little spirit left in her that needs breaking."

Amelia contemplated opening the car door and running for it but where would she run? She was trapped in the middle of the woods with two beings who could easily run faster than her and she dread to think what they'd do if they caught up with her after an attempted escape. "Maybe we should whip her into shape. Literally."
Amelia shook violently. "Please, there's no need for this!"


Clementine thought on Vincent's plan. "Very well. You know the situation better than I do. Are you certain it'll be so easy to separate them? Failing that, while the serum does it's work, the Devil who ingested it will be knocked unconscious. So transporting them from wherever should be easy." She then pauses, studying Vincent once more. "Wait...Changed how?"

shadowess - February 8, 2021

(Hmm maybe. I might have to make new characters for it.)

Denix Vames - February 8, 2021

"Not until after we get rid of the body. I wouldn't want it to raise suspicions or ruin this car."

They soon made it to a nice spot in the middle of the forest. Bryce got out of the car. "Take the body out and put it here." He stood near a clear spot of grass.
Vincent nodded. "I'm sure it will be. Alex is too easy to persuade. I'm sure Bryce's death will most likely depress him. I don't think he would even consider fighting."

He nervously cleared his throat. "Well, Amelia killed me so that I could escape and come to you for help. My physical appearance had changed when I was reborn. I use to have black hair and a suit. I also use to be a maniac who enjoyed orgies. Now, I just feel really sad and want to help people for some reason."

(thats fine. i could always make two characters so you dont have to be so many characters all at once)

shadowess - February 8, 2021

(I don't mind making new characters. My posting times might slow down a bit though. Just as a fair heads up.)

Great. So now it looked like they were planning on whipping her later. With them both paying attention to her as well, it wasn't like she could quietly attempt to slip off when they stopped the car either. When they pulled up, she got out of the car with them and did as she was told.

She took Vincent's body out of the trunk and placed it in the clearing before taking a step back, trying to calm herself down by controlling her breathing but she could still feel her heart beating hard in her chest. She could feel Alex's glare even as she kept her gaze to the ground. Her eyes fell on Vincent's face again and she felt new tears stinging her eyes. 'How could I be so stupid?' She thought, scolding herself.


Clementine blinked and looked Vincent over. Even walking around him to get a look at him curiously. "Fascinating..." She muttered. "This is unusual." She explained. "You were supposed to re-awaken in a new form of your original body, not a new form entirely. And you say your personality has undergone drastic changes as well?" She took a step back, really taking him in. "Fascinating...It's a...well! An afterlife reincarnation! Such a thing should be impossible! I wonder...could you possibly have switched bodies with another Demon??"

Denix Vames - February 8, 2021

(oh thats cool. i dont mind)

Bryce looked at Alex. "Dig. She already did her part. If we're going to work together then we'll each take turns doing so."
Vincent's eyes widened. "Switched bodies? Oh no! Does that mean that demon has my old insane mindset? What if he starts killing people?"

shadowess - February 8, 2021

Alex tore his eyes from Amelia and obeyed Bryce's instruction. He dug a hold deep enough to hide the body within just seconds. No spade was necessary, he just used his bare hands, speed and pure strength. Once it was deep enough, he jumped out and kicked Vincent's body into the hole coldly, making Amelia jump, and proceeded to bury the body. At this point he just wanted this dirty job over and done with. His head was pounding and he was angry. Amelia watched him do this with a faraway look in her eyes. Every so often, her eyes would dart towards the trees as if contemplating running. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of her face.

"Can we make new Devils?" The question came from nowhere and Amelia's eyes snapped from the trees to Alex who was glaring at her intensely. Apparently having been wanting to ask this question since she first arrived in front of them with Vincent and could no longer contain himself.
"What?" Amelia asked, taken aback.
Alex stepped towards her in an intimidating way. "Us. What we are. Is it possible to make more?" He glances at Bryce with a smirk. "An army."
If Amelia's face could go any whiter, it would have at this point. "N-no." She lies and Alex's hand shoots out to grip her throat tightly.
"Don't. Lie to me." His eyes glow, looking into hers. He grins. "Tell me the truth." Amelia's eyes widen. "Can I make new Devils?"
"Yes." Amelia answers involuntarily then gasps at the realization of what he was doing.
"Same...way..." She tried to fight it. "H-h-h-he made you..."


"It's possible..." Clementine shrugs. "I've been a Demon since Lucifer was first cast down and I've only seen such occurrences a couple of times..." Her eyes flicked over him and she hungered for answers to new questions that burned in her mind. "I would love to run some tests...If you would allow me to conduct them."

Denix Vames - February 8, 2021

"That's enough!" Bryce glared at him. He gripped his arm. Taking it off of her. "I make the decisions around here! Not you! A vampire army is what we need."
Vincent hesitated. He tried not to show any fear. He couldn't imagine being experimented on. "Maybe later. Right now, we have to save Amelia."

shadowess - February 8, 2021

Amelia stumbled back a little when Bryce removed Alex's hand from her neck and she caught her breath, rubbing her throat. Alex glanced at Bryce for a moment then smirked, looking back at Amelia. "One last question. Because of what Bryce has made me, would the Devils I make be vampires too?"
"Yes..." Amelia wheezes, looking at him tearfully.

Alex grins. "Get in the car." Amelia hesitates but seeing no escape walked obediently to the car. Alex's eyes followed her as he speaks to Bryce. "You see, my love? We can still make your vampire army. But wouldn't it be better to make a vampire army stronger than a normal vampire one?" He looks at Bryce. "I could do it to you. Make you strong. You would permanently be able to go out into the sunlight unharmed without having to take my blood. You'd be unrestricted. Then we can make the army together. Think about it." He walks to the car and climbs into the drivers side once Amelia is sat in the back again.


Clementine nods understandingly. "Perhaps we should recruit Amelia's friends? We may need more than the two of us if we are to be successful." She says thoughtfully. She had no idea what had happened on Earth to get Vincent here but if it was because Amelia and he were not strong enough on their own, then they would need all the help they could get.

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Denix Vames - February 8, 2021

Bryce glared. He normally gave the orders around. Alex should know that by now. Yet, he had an offer that he couldn't refuse.

He got into the passenger side. "Fine. I shall take your deal. After all, it would benefit us immensely." He gripped a hand over his lap. "By the way, you forgot to whip her." He smiled.
Vincent nodded. "They won't recognize me. Most likely, they'll see us as a threat so be careful. But also, don't hurt them badly. Just let me try to convince them that we're here to help."

He held out his hand. "We can leave whenever you're ready."

shadowess - February 8, 2021

Alex smiled at Bryce, happy that he would become what he is. When he told him he'd forgotten to whip Amelia, he glanced back at her. She was shaking and watching them both warily. "The day's not over yet." He says with a sadistic smile at her, making her shiver. "In fact...I have a better idea. I honestly don't know why I didn't think of it sooner..." He stared into Amelia's eyes as they glowed. "Obey mine and Bryce's every command." He instructed sternly.

Amelia's heart sank. She knew what he'd just done. No matter how much she'd protest or didn't want to, she would carry out any task they asked of her. Alex chuckled, seeing the fear in her eyes. "Good girl. But don't think you're getting out of your punishment. You disobeyed us and argued with us. Tried to conceal vital information. When we get back, you're really going to be sorry you did that."

Turning to Bryce, he smiled at him lovingly and leaned in to kiss him. "Forgive me for stepping on your toes." He whispers. "That wasn't my intention. I just didn't want us to pass up an opportunity to gain an advantage. I'll make you like me once we're in the comfort of our bed." He then turns back to the steering wheel and turns on the ignition. "Amelia." He calls back as he begins driving. "Don't try to escape us." He grinned, knowing she'd obey. He then sped back to their penthouse, eager to make Bryce like him...and whip Amelia bloody.


Clementine rose an eyebrow. "You think they would see a child as a threat?" She says as she lifts her arms by her side to gesture at herself. "Dearest newborn, I've spent centuries lulling people into a false sense of security. I think we should be fine. Just transport us outside their house and we'll knock on the door so as not to alarm them. We can then explain who we really are. I'm sure they will be understanding once you explain the situation. Violence will not be necessary. Besides, I cannot do much in this form. It's my second form that can cause damage and a house is not a big enough space for me to change so you have no concerns there." She then took his hand with a sigh. "Here I go again..."

Denix Vames - February 8, 2021

Bryce accepted the kiss. He caressed his thigh. "I look forward to our personal activities. That will be enough of an apology. However, I do see your perspective in gaining something like this."

He chuckled at the witness of Alex's commands to her.
Vincent held her hand as they appeared in front of the door to the house. He rang the doorbell.

Carter groaned awake as he heard the doorbell constantly ringing. He gently shook Sebastian. "Someone's here."

He threw on a t-shirt and sweats before heading downstairs. "Who is it?!" "It's Vincent! I'm with someone who could help us! Clementine!" "Vincent? You don't sound anything like-" He opened the door. He was taken aback by who he saw.

"What the hell?! Who the hell are you two?" "Please Carter! Listen to me! Amelia's in trouble. She saved me by killing me. She's the reason why I look this way. She told me to find this woman here so we can stop Bryce and Alex!"

Carter grabbed him. Pulling into the living room. Clementine had walked in. Carter shut the door and locked it. "Sebastian! I need some help here!"

shadowess - February 8, 2021

Alex grinned. "Nothing can stop us."
They pulled up at the hotel and he took the key out of the ignition. "Amelia, go to the penthouse and wait in the spare room. Your punishment will commence later." He says as he gets out of the car. He wanted to change Bryce as soon as he could. Amelia's whipping could wait. Amelia got out of the car and obediently began walking towards the penthouse where she headed into the spare room and closed the door behind her. Once there, knowing she couldn't leave the room until told otherwise, she sat on the bed and began sobbing. How could she have been so stupid?! How could she let this happen?!

Alex would head up too and go straight for the bedroom. There he pulled out one of the fresh bottles of blood he and Bryce had filled just a day ago and set it on top of the drawers. He knew Bryce would be starving when he came through his transformation and didn't want to risk the first thing him drinking from to be Amelia. Not when they could still use her and especially now that she would obey any command they gave her. He waited for Bryce to follow him in and would smile, sitting on the bed. "Are you ready to become powerful, my love?"


Clementine was surprised by how quickly this Carter fellow questioned them. She was just as surprised by Vincent referring to the Demon child as a 'woman'. Looking at her, you'd think a stray toddler had just wandered into the house.
Sebastian groaned, not wanting to move. He just wanted to stay in Carter's arms a little longer. He heard the doorbell and felt Carter shaking him awake. "Mhmm..." He groans in response, his eyes still closed. When he heard Carter's commotion from downstairs, he got up and threw some clothes on. He headed down to see what was the matter only to see Carter drag some blond guy into the house while a toddler wandered in. "Carter, what's going on?!" He quickly glanced into the living room and kitchen, noting he couldn't see Vincent or Amelia.

"You two must be Amelia's friends." Clementine says, looking between the two. "I am Clementine. A Demon. And your friend is in great danger...As are all of you if we do not act."
Sebastian blinked at the child. He had to take a moment to really grasp what he was seeing and hearing. "You're a-..."
"Demon. Yes."
"And you look like that...why?"
"Did you get much of a choice in your appearance at birth?"
Sebastian falters. Unsure of how to answer. "I meant...you just look..."
"Like a child, yes, yes, I know." She answers, irritated. "Did you hear what I just said? Your friend is in danger."
Sebastian looked at the stranger in Carter's grip. "And...you're a Demon too?"
"Good grief! Had I known Amelia's friends were so slow, I'd have brought a picture book!" Clementine flusters.

Denix Vames - February 8, 2021

"Excuse me but I never agreed to be bitten into." Bryce glared. "You will not touch me. Not for that reason. You can turn anyone else but not me. I am perfectly fine with my existence as it is."
"This guy here says he's Vincent apparently. Sounds like some bullshit if you ask me." ,said Carter.

Vincent clutched his shirt. "But it's not! I'm telling you the truth! Please!" Tears ran down his cheeks. "You have to believe me!" Carter gently pushed him. "Alright alright. Calm down. I believe you. You said Amelia. The thing is no one else would know about the situation unless it was either of us."

He looked at Sebastian. "I think we should get into more outside clothes real quick before heading out." He gave Clementine a look. "And we'll make sure you don't do anything."

shadowess - February 8, 2021

Alex got to his feet angrily. How had he misread the situation? He thought Bryce wanted to be powerful! How did they plan on taking over the world with only one of them being so strong? He was getting awfully tired of this vampire telling him what to do. "I don't understand." He growled. "I thought you wanted power." He took a step towards his maker. "Strength unmatched. Glory? I can give that to you!" He then scoffed, raising his voice a bit angrily. "You think I wasn't happy with what I was before you made me?? And then I realized how great the change truly is! I realized the significance of what you gave me!"

Amelia could hear raised voices coming from the other room. She sat nervously and looked around the room, wondering if there was anything she COULD do. She spots a hotel phone and has an idea. She would have to be careful though. With them only being in the next room and their hearing being far superior to hers, there was a chance they could hear her and put a stop to her plan. She quietly made her way over to the phone and whispered her request that the operator put her through to Carter's home phone.


Clementine watched them with a raised eyebrow and smiled in amusement when Carter said she wouldn't do anything. "I'm here to help. So I will help, whether you agree to it or not." She says simply. Sebastian was also beginning to believe that this stranger was actually Vincent as he looked between them all. But he just didn't understand how and why all of this was happening. "Woah, woah, woah! Let's just slow down a minute. I don't understand, why do you look like that now? And where is Amelia? What happened while we were asleep?! Vincent, what happened? Tell us everything!

After a few minutes the phone would ring. Whoever answered it would hear quiet sobbing on the other end followed by Amelia's whispered words "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I messed up...bad...They-they control me...Don't come after me...don't stay there...they'll make me kill you...I don't want to kill you...I'm so sorry..." The line would then go dead.

Denix Vames - February 8, 2021

Bryce hissed. "First of all, I never wanted your kind! Not really. All I wanted was a husband who I could drain humans with. That's why I chose Carter. But when that didn't work, I became desperate. And so I chose you."

He shook his head. "Of which I regret my decision completely."

"You've been out of control." He crossed his arms. "Nothing but a waste of my time."
Vincent was shaking as the memories came to him so suddenly.

Carter guided him to the couch where they both sat down. "Hey it's ok buddy. Just start everything from the beginning.

Vincent nodded. "Amelia and I went to the mansion to burn it. It was her idea and I suggested I go. So we started destroying the place but then she told me to grab the book that they used for their wedding ceremony. Said that we should investigate. But when I picked it up, there was a trap. Something happened. I couldn't remember. I blacked out. I did wake up at some point. Finding myself at a hotel where Bryce and Alex were. Amelia was there. I tried to help her escape but she told me she didn't have the strength to teleport. So she pretended to kill me. She stabbed my body but missed my heart. Told me to get Clementine. And this is how I was changed. I just woke up with a new body."

"Then that must mean that she's still there!" ,said Carter. Vincent nodded.

Carter's phone suddenly rang. He picked it up. "Hello?"

His eyes widened when he heard her voice. "Amelia? Amelia, where are you?! We can help you! Just tell us where you are!"

Once he heard her words and the echo of the phone, he put the phone down. His face paled as he enclosed his hands together in a tight squeeze. Biting his lip with anger.

He threw the empty bottle of what was once Demon's Brew at the wall. Shattering it into pieces. "That fucking bastard! First Parker and now her?! I'm going to make sure he regrets being alive!"

shadowess - February 8, 2021

Alex was taken aback by his words. His anger subsiding a little, overpowered by the heartbreak he was feeling. She shook his head a little, not wanting to believe that Bryce meant what he said. He's just saying it out of anger, surely? He's saying it to wound him because he raised his voice at him. To punish him. "Y-you don't mean that..." He shook his head again, taking a step away from Bryce. The sheer hurt he felt was reflected in his eyes.

"Tell me you don't mean it..." He tried to read Bryce for any sign that he was lying. "Y-you're just saying that because you're angry. A-aren't you? I-I'm sorry. I won't act out again... I'll do whatever you want. Whatever you say...J-just tell me that you love me! Forgive me." It was clear by the way Alex acted that Bryce had had him wrapped around his little finger. That Alex was so terrified of losing him that he was willing to believe anything Bryce told him.


Sebastian and Clementine listened to Vincent explain what they did and how they ended up in this situation. Sebastian was seething that they had done something so utterly irresponsible but not only did he not have time to berate anyone for it, he was far too concerned about Amelia being in danger again to really care about telling anyone off.

The phone rang and Carter answered it. They all watched as he exclaimed it was Amelia and tried to get her to tell him where she was. Sebastian watched anxiously until he put the phone down, hoping she'd given them some kind of update, anything that could help them find her. When he had his outburst and threw the bottle against the wall Sebastian just kept staring at him, his fear for his friend mounting. "Carter...What did she say?" He swallowed, almost afraid to ask the next question. "Carter, what has he done?"
Clementine watched all of this silently. She too was interested to know what Amelia had said.

Denix Vames - February 8, 2021

Bryce sighed as he shook his head. "This use to be funny. Amusing. Even wonderful. But now? I just pity you."

He thought for a moment. "Why don't we go to Carter's place together? Find them and kill them? See how that makes you feel?"
Carter broke the coffee table in half by bringing down his fists on it. Vincent jumped. "She doesn't want us to find her. Says that she's under their control."

A few tears left his eyes. Anger rose in his voice. "She was so scared. Have you ever heard her being that scared before?"

Vincent laid a hand on his shoulder as he pulled out the vial of red liquid. "This will turn Parker back into a human. He won't remember anything unless he dies. But even then, I don't know what will happen to him when he does remember. Yet, this seems more easy compared to the chain him up in hell part."

Carter glanced at the vial. "And how are you going to make him drink that?" "I'll pretend it's something else. Lucifer's blood. He can't pass up an opportunity like that. Once he drinks it, he'll pass out and soon wake up like nothing ever happened."

Carter nodded. "Seems like a plan." Vincent hesitated. "This may seem inappropriate to tell you this right now but I'm sorry that I killed your family. I'm sorry that I killed all those people. And I'm sorry that I brought you to this type of life."

He hugged him. Carter could feel the warmth and sadness that went into it. The words that he heard from him. "Why are you telling me this right now?" "Because I plan to stay in Hell for a while. Clementine has told me that a reincarnation for a demon is very rare so she wants to runs tests." "Tests?" Concern raised in Carter's voice.

Vincent raised a hand to quiet him. "If it means I can help someone then I'll do it. Atoning for my sins is what I seek. Maybe I can also convince Theo that being a good guy is the right thing to do."

Carter gave a quick tight hug. "Then I hope you're able to do all of that." "Thank you. I hope you and Sebastian can have a loving lasting life together."

Vincent stood. Carter smiled as he saw his hand reaching out. He stood and held it. "Everyone needs to hold hands. I'll be taking everyone with me. It may be a lot but I know I can do it."

shadowess - February 8, 2021

At Bryce's first few words, Alex seethed. He shook, feeling a raw rage bubbling up within him. Not only had he not taken back what he'd said or told him he loved him, he told Alex that he pitied him. Is that all this relationship is? Pity?! For a moment, he breathed heavily and seemed to be having a great deal of trouble keeping his temper under control. He wanted to lash out. To break things. To break bones. His eyes became crimson as he glared at Bryce dangerously. He was alarmed to feel that in this moment, he wanted to strike him. To make him feel the pain he just made Alex feel. Maybe even kill him.

He then heard Bryce's suggestion of killing Carter and Sebastian. He tilted his head a little, his eyes still red as he considered this. He wanted to kill someone. Anyone. Calming down a little, he smirked, his eyes still very angry. Then he smiled in a deeply disturbing way. "You said you wanted someone to drink with?" He began and glanced at the door to the spare room. "If I help you kill them all, will you love me then?" He says darkly, making his intentions to kill Amelia as well very clear. As far as he was concerned, this argument was all their fault. They were always in the way. Besides, now that he knew how to make more like himself, what did he really need Amelia around for now?

Meanwhile, Amelia had been sitting on the bed, staring at the phone in her hands and anguishing over the fact that she hadn't been able to ask for help on the phone. Alex's order to not attempt an escape meant that she could only try to warn her friends to stay away.


"Wha-? Under their control?!" Sebastian had gone pale watching Carter. He recalled Alex's words in the basement when he rescued Amelia. How she'd been unable to speak simply because Alex had told her not to. Had he told her to obey him now too? This was bad. He didn't want to have to fight her.

He and Clementine watched the exchange between Vincent and Carter. Sebastian being just as worried when he mentioned that Clementine would be running tests on him...if not more so considering his past. Then Vincent held out a hand for Carter to take, telling everyone to hold hands so they could teleport. Clementine didn't move. "You're just going to pop in there, with only the semblance of a plan?" She questions. "What if they kill Amelia as soon as they see you appear in the room?"
"What if they kill Amelia because we didn't appear in the room?" Sebastian shot back.
Clementine glared at him silently then shrugged, not having an answer to that. Holding his hand reluctantly, she looked between them all thoughtfully. "Of all the Devils I've known. Non were so lucky as to have friends like these. I hope she appreciates you all."

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Denix Vames - February 8, 2021

Bryce smiled. He caressed his cheek. "Yes, I will."
Carter smiled at Clementine's words. "I have a feeling she already does."
They appeared in the hotel room. Carter's eyes widened. "Amelia!" Vincent elbowed him in the face. Knocking him down. He kicked Sebastian to the wall.

"I'm sorry but I have to make this work. Have to make it look real."

Carter groaned as he clutched his face. "You could have told me that."

Bryce and Alex walked over. "What's all the commotion about?" He raised a brow at the little girl and thin man. He sniffed. "A demon and a devil? What's going on here?"

Vincent hurriedly pulled out the vial. "We came here on behalf of all demons and devils out there. To give Alexander Draven Parker the last of Lucifer's blood. To have him become our new leader."

"Oh? Is that so?" ,said Bryce. "You see Lucifer was killed. Now, we need a new leader. We had a meeting and came to the conclusion that Alex is the chosen King Of Hell."

Vincent walked over. Presenting him with the vial. "Drink this and you will be the ultimate devil."

Bryce zoomed to Clementine. He knelt. "And who are you little girl?" He flicked her forehead with a smile.

shadowess - February 8, 2021

Amelia jumped at Carter's voice and looked up to see Carter, Sebastian, Clementine and a stranger standing in the room. Considering Clementine was here though then she assumed the stranger might be another demon that happened to be with Clementine when Vincent sent word of her being in danger.

She beamed at them, jumping to her feet and dropping the phone to the floor. She wanted to tell them off for coming to rescue her despite her warning but she was just so damn happy to see them that she wanted to hug them all instead. That was until the stranger hit Carter and sent Sebastian flying into the wall. She heard the stranger say he had to make it look convincing and was about to question what their plan was when the door to the bedroom opened.


Alex was still enraged but he was beginning to calm down as Bryce said he'd love him if they killed the others. It was all he needed to hear. He grinned and was about to walk towards the spare room door when he heard a familiar voice and then a loud bang. He exchanged a look with Bryce and they hurried into the room. While Bryce seemed content to greet the strangers, Alex was studying the entire scene with scrutiny. How did Sebastian and Carter get here and who were these two that smelled so sour?

He listened to the offer and his eyes, which were still crimson, looked at the vial warily as Bryce asked who the child was. At the question, the child merely smiled. "Clementine." She answers. "The fallen cherub." She holds out a hand for him to shake. "I assume you are our new leaders husband. That would also make you king. We have been watching you with great interest and look forward to serving under you." She says politely, attempting to back up Vincent's own act.

She holds her hands behind her back and speaks to him matter of factly. "Forgive us for the abrupt entrance. We noticed these two attempting to break in upon our arrival and took it upon ourselves to defend your lives and your property. It is our sincerest hope that we have not overstepped your bounds in doing so."

"So, let me get this straight." Alex began. "You two are from Hell and you've chosen me, a Devil whom you have never met, to lead you and rule over all of Hell." He tilts his head, his eyes piercing into Vincent's as he gestures towards Amelia. "Why not her? What's so special about me?"

"Too weak." Clementine says coldly. "Look at her. Gets herself captured. Pleads for her life. What kind of a leader is that?" Clementine's eyes momentarily lock with Amelia's as if truly questioning her.
"Oh, alright." Alex says with a smile, taking the vial from Vincent but not removing the cork. Instead he turns to Amelia. "So, you wouldn't mind if I just killed her now then? I mean, it's like you said. She's weak. And I will not stand for weakness in my kingdom. Come here Amelia and don't fight me." Amelia's pupils shrank as she stared into Alex's red eyes and she involuntarily walked towards him until he gripped her throat. Alex squeezed just enough to make her gasp but not enough to crush her windpipe. He was testing them. Trying to get a reaction. He had no idea if Amelia had friends in Hell so had to be certain this wasn't some kind of trick.

Denix Vames - February 8, 2021

"Amelia! No!" Carter ran over. Bryce punched him in the gut.

Carter coughed up blood as he felt ribs break. Bryce gripped his chin. "That's for back at the mansion. And this...."

He grabbed the vial from Alex's hand. He kicked his feet. Knocking him off balance. Sending him to the floor.

He popped open the vial and forced Alex's mouth to open.

"This is for everything else." He poured the vial into his mouth and closed it. Keeping him from doing nothing but swallowing.

shadowess - February 8, 2021

Within a minute, it was all over. And the end result, while it was a success, didn't go exactly as most in the room had hoped.

Hearing Carter shout, Alex grinned evilly, his grip tightening on Amelia's throat as he seethed "I knew it!" He heard Bryce strike Carter behind him and began laughing...until he felt the vial snatched from his hand and his legs gave from the kick. His back hit the floor, he heard Amelia's gasps for air and he felt Bryce's body on top of him. Taken utterly by surprise by the man he thought he loved, his mouth was forced open and he tasted the liquid. This isn't blood! This is something else! They were trying to poison him! And now his beloved was trying to poison him!!

He gagged, trying not to swallow any but some of it he ended up swallowing out of reflex anyway. He tried to spit out the rest but Bryce held his mouth shut. He stared up at him, struggling to push him off, feeling absolutely betrayed. His vision started swimming, his eyes watering. Whether or not he swallowed the rest, the small amount he did swallow was already working. He could feel it. He new his time was limited. Something in him snapped. A blinding rage took over. His eyes darted to Amelia. These Demons who brought the poison were working with her! Well, if he was going down, he was going to take her with him! She was still under his influence, so it wasn't like she could fight back.

Using as much strength as he could he aimed a punch at Bryce's head, fighting to get him off. He grabbed Amelia's leg as she tried to run past them to get to the others and dragged her to the ground. The second he grabbed her she couldn't fight back so cried out at the others for help. Alex pulled her to him where he clamped his mouth around hers and forced the liquid into her. He pulled back quickly and shoved his hand over her mouth, preventing her from spitting it out. Feeling exhausted, his head rested against the floor by her head where he breathed into her ear "Swallow..."
"Amelia!!" He heard Sebastian's shout and felt himself be throw away from her. There he lay, breathing heavily and trying to cling to consciousness. He glared at Bryce until he could no longer keep his eyes open and everything went black.

Sebastian held Amelia and was looking at her, looking lost. She felt Alex's influence on her lift but by this point it was too late. His last order for her to swallow the liquid had been successful. Her eyelids were heavy as she looked between them all, breathing heavily herself and fighting to stay awake as long as she could. "Well...shit..." She chuckled between breaths.
Sebastian looked at Clementine, panicking. "What do we do? Is there a way to reverse it??"
Clementine was watching Amelia with a troubled expression. "No. I'm afraid there isn't."
"Sorry guys..." Amelia breathes, smiling a little, her eyes closing. "This was... my bad..."
She fell still. Sebastian shook her, tears falling, but she didn't react. "Amelia? Amelia, wake up!"
"We can discuss what has happened and where we go from here later." Clementine presses, an urgency to her tone as she stares at Bryce. Reminding them that he was still in the room and very much alive. "We have unfinished business." She says darkly.

Denix Vames - February 8, 2021

"What?! No! You said this vial would turn him human. What's going on with her?" ,asked Vincent.

"Human?!" Carter turned to face her. He picked her up. Glaring at her. "You didn't have to do any of that! We could have taught him how to be a good vampire! I was going to talk to him! And now look at what you've done! You gave it to Vincent! You gave him that idea!"

"ENOUGH!" Carter set Clementine down. Bryce lowered his head. "Take him away. If he becomes human then take him somewhere far away from this." He walked to the curtains. "All I ever wanted was a husband but I didn't know how to go about getting one. Nor did I realize what I was doing. I know now that this wasn't the right path to take."

"Wait! Stop!" Vincent ran over. As soon as he did, Bryce ripped the curtains open. Letting a window shine the sunlight on him. He began to burn until he was nothing but ashes.

Vincent froze. Shocked by what had happened. "He didn't have to do that." He turned to Amelia. "None of us had to do this. Not them! Not Amelia! Not Sebastian! Not Parker! None of it!"

Carter took a careful step to him. Making sure not to walk towards the sunlight. "Vincent, it's going to be ok. Just-" "IT'S NOT!" The floor suddenly shook as if there was an earthquake.

Vincent sobbed as he fell to his knees. He curled up like a ball. "It's not...."

Carter reached out. He lifted him off the floor. Carrying him in his arms. "He's sleeping." He looked at Amelia. "Is she....?"

shadowess - February 8, 2021

Clementine growled at Carter as he lifted her off the ground. "Unhand me oaf! You misunderstand!" She'd shouted then fell silent as Bryce shouted at them. Carter put her down and she watched the rest unfold with a cold expression.

Sebastian barely heard what was being said around them. Only moving hurriedly away from the sunlight, Amelia still in his arms, when Bryce opened the curtains. He hugged her to him, frightened that if he let go, she'd be gone forever. That's when he heard it. As the room became more quiet he heard the ever gentle beat of her heart. He looked up hopefully at Carter and half laughed, still crying. "She's alive!"

"Of course she is." Clementine snaps her fingers and the curtains snap shut, plunging them into darkness once more. "Same as Alex, she'll reawaken as a human but her memory will wiped...I'm just not sure how much of her memory...it is only meant to erase all memories involving supernatural beings...but Amelia was raised in Hell..." She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. "Lucifer is going to have a field day with this! First one prospective successor and now the other..." She says something in the demonic language that sounds like she cursed.

"She is your friend so I will leave the decision to you. You can allow her to live out a peaceful, mortal life at the cost of her memory. Or you can kill her now and she'll re-awaken as a Devil again with all of her memories intact. As I told your friend Vincent here, she will always return to what she was. Same as Alex...as soon as they die. Whether that death is at your hands now or of natural causes later is up to you. I would remind you however, when you make your decision, to think of what is best for HER and not what YOU want." She then holds out her hand while placing the other on Vincent. "Now take my hand, I'm sure a decision like this is best done in the comfort of your own home, yes? I shall transport you. And then I shall explain to you why this method was the safest option for Alex."

Denix Vames - February 8, 2021

"Wait a moment." Vincent got off of Carter. "Thank you but I need to do this on my own."

Vincent lifted Alex off the floor. Carter caressed Alex's cheek. "He wont remember this or me." "Unfortunately yes." "This is probably for the best."

Carter smiled through his tears. "Go live your life Parker. Be the man that I couldn't be."

He stepped back. Letting Vincent teleport to the police station where he placed Parker in front of the big doors. He ran off. Hiding somewhere in the dark. "It seems that I'll have to walk to Carter's instead. I feel weak from everything that I just did."

Carter knelt beside Sebastian. "Sebastian, I don't know what she would want. I do know that she seemed to enjoy spending time with us. She worried about you and saved you before. She saved my life too. I can only assume that she suffered in the past. And I want to know if letting her be mortal. Letting her be human. Would it help her?"

shadowess - February 8, 2021

Clementine watched them quietly. Vincent left to deliver Alex somewhere safe. She just hoped he wouldn't die before he could live out his mortality...or he may come after them for vengeance. Seeing the way he'd controlled Amelia so easily had concerned her. He would be a powerful Blood God when he finally changed back...perhaps he can change for the good before that happens. Either way. Very interesting intel to give Lucifer when she next saw him. As Carter and Sebastian spoke, Clementine had laid a gentle hand on both their arms, transporting them back to Carter's living room where she walked away from them and climbed up onto one of the chairs patiently.

Sebastian looked at Carter as he spoke then lowered his gaze to Amelia's sleeping features. His own features expressed a deep sadness as he tried to weigh up one of the most difficult decisions he'd ever face. He didn't want to lose Amelia...but had no idea if she'd ever wanted a normal life. She'd seemed so happy with what she was. Maybe that was because it was all she'd ever known? Clementine just said she was raised in Hell! A fact not even Sebastian knew! His breath caught in his throat as he brought his tearful eyes back up to Carter. "I-I don't know...I just...I just...W-what happens if we let her be human? Will she have to go away? Where will she go? Will she be alright?"

"I'm assuming her entire memory will be gone when she awakens." Clementine interjects. Her hands clasped together and resting on her legs which barely hung off the end of the chair she was sitting in. "Effectively making her an amnesiac. You could tell her anything and she'll probably believe you. She may not even need to go anywhere...if you really wanted to keep her around." She says, unsure of if it would help the situation. "That Vincent fellow seemed quite fond of her presence. I wonder if he would keep an eye on her while she lives...atone for his sins that way..."
"But what about the tests you wanted to do?" Sebastian looked over at the child demon.
Clementine shrugs. "I never said he had to stay in Hell for those. It just means I'll have to check in on him now and then. Which works out better, honestly. Because then I can spend more time searching for the body he lost...and it's new host..."
Sebastian seemed to consider this as his eyes fell on Amelia again. "If we kill her now...and she decided for herself that she wanted a human life, is there anymore of that stuff? Would it work a second time?"
"It would but that was my last vial..." Clementine answers with a sigh. "I'm no longer certain that more can be obtained."
"So...this might be her only chance to have a normal life?"
Sebastian bit his lip, holding back more tears. He looked up at Carter. "I don't think I could take this chance from her...I don't think she'd want me to..."

Denix Vames - February 8, 2021

Vincent walked in. "You'd be doing the wrong thing." He closed the door.

All eyes were on him.

"Yes she suffered and she endured pain. But she found love and friendship. She found people who respected her as a person. Friends who never saw her as a monster."

He knelt by her side. Pushing her hair back over her ear. "If you let her become human then she'll only be confused and scared. Bringing her back to what she always has been will bring you back a friend."

He looked at Sebastian. "If she had been a mortal, your suffering in that facility would have continued until death."

He turned to Carter. "You would have turned by someone who didn't love you. Someone who would have used you for evil."

He placed a hand over his own chest. "She saved us because she doesn't want to be alone. Because she cares about us. Don't make her forget the great things that she has done. As far as I've learned, being a devil or a demon is not a bad thing."

Carter looked into Sebastian's eyes. "What do ya say Sebastian? Should we bring our old friend back?"

shadowess - February 8, 2021

Clementine remained silent as Vincent entered the house, although the corner of her lips twitched into a smirk for a fraction of a second as he said they were making the wrong choice. She had been correct in her statement earlier. Amelia was fortunate to have friends like these. Her features then returned to it's usual passive expression.

Sebastian stared at Vincent as he entered the house and knelt by them and spoke to them, explaining why they shouldn't let her become human. Sebastian thought through what he said and couldn't fault it. He looked at Carter as he asked if they should bring Amelia back and he smiled then looked down at Amelia and frowned. "H-how do we do this?"
"Any death is fine." Clementine says in a bored tone.
"I mean..." Sebastian shot her a cold look before looking back down at Amelia sadly. "I know she'll come back but...I don't know if I can bring myself to... kill her..."

Denix Vames - February 9, 2021

Vincent pulled out a small knife. "As someone who killed people for pleasure in the past, I will make amends for my sins by killing her for love."

In an instant, he stabbed her.

"She is dead."

"Now what?" ,asked Carter. "Now, she will wake up in Hell and return here when she decides to."

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shadowess - February 9, 2021

In a flash, it was done. Sebastian looked at the small knife as Vincent withdrew it. He nodded in approval before turning his head away and closing his eyes. He was shaking and he didn't want to watch his friend die in his arms, even if it was only temporary. The knife sank into her chest and was pulled out rapidly. The force of the motion had caused Amelia's body to cough up a bit of blood. When Vincent said she was dead, Sebastian couldn't help more tears falling, his lower lip quivering.


Amelia woke with a start in the 'Wrongful Wreckage' part of Hell. A section of Hell resembling a motorway in the middle of a dense forest filled with abandoned cars that were either destroyed or had decayed from age. The road had been taken over by greenery, most of the cars covered in large, thick vines. Looking around at her familiar surroundings while catching her breath, she knew she must have died while on Earth. "Oh...wow..." She panted, sitting in the passenger seat of one of the vehicles. "Guess there's a first time for everything..." She commented before closing her eyes and imagining herself being near her friends.


No time had passed on Earth since Amelia's 'death'. Just after Sebastian had started crying again, Amelia's voice came from near them; "Ohhh that's trippy..." Sebastian looked around wildly, his eyes falling on a living Amelia sitting on the floor not too far away from them looking quite shaken and staring at her body in Sebastian's arms. She then looked at her friends and laughed through some fresh tears. "I really thought I was done for guys!"

Denix Vames - February 9, 2021

"Amelia!" Carter burst into tears. He ran up her. Hugging her tight. "Don't you ever run off without telling us where you are! We thought we were going to lose you!"

Vincent smiled at the sight of the reunion. But then he frowned. Feeling as though he was to blame for this. He did let her go off to the mansion. Not to mention he also volunteered to go too.

"I'm sorry...." He gripped the knife. Keeping it near his chest. "I'm so sorry."

Carter let her go and turned to him. "Vincent?" Vincent shouted, "I hurt you! I hurt all of you! I killed people! Innocent lives! I took them away from their loved ones!"

"It's alright Vincent. We can talk about this." Carter was slowly walking towards him as he was talking. Hoping to convince him to put the weapon down. "You don't need to do this."

"Yes I do!" Vincent looked at the knife as tears flowed down his cheeks. "I can feel their sadness and pain. It's unimaginable." His hands were shaking. "And now there's a demon in my old body. Most likely doing the same terrible things that I've done for years."

Carter brought his hands over his. "Then let's get him together. Let's do this together. Things are different now. You've changed. I've changed. We all have. What you're feeling is something that you don't have to deal with alone."

Vincent's grip had loosened as he listened. Carter was able to take the knife from him. Vincent sobbed into his arms. "It's alright. Everything's going to be fine. I'm here. I'm right here." Carter gently rubbed his back.

shadowess - February 9, 2021

Carter had flung his arms around Amelia and scolded her for running off. She cried into his shoulder while smiling, just glad that she was still around to be able to be told off. She hugged him back, just as tightly and felt a second pair of arms wrap around them both as Sebastian had gently put her dead body down to hug her as well.

She heard the stranger speak and looked at him confused until Carter called him Vincent. Wait, THAT was Vincent?! She looked at him, looked at his eyes and saw the familiar gleem in them. Of course it's him!

She listened to his anguish, the way he blamed himself for what happened and she watched as Carter comforted him. She frowned, feeling incredibly guilty. He shouldn't feel this way. He saved her! If anything, she owes him big time for this!

"Don't you dare." She whispered, staring at Vincent. "Don't you dare, for a second, blame yourself!" New tears rolled down her cheeks. "I was the one who wouldn't listen to Carter. I was the one who wanted to go back to the mansion to burn it- and trust me! Nothing in that moment could have changed my mind! If you hadn't come with me, I'd have gone alone. I'd have been the one to get poisoned and I would've either died or wound up as their prisoner anyway, only no one would've known what had happened to me until it was too late! Vincent, you saved me! You were the one who found Clementine and came to get help from Carter and Sebastian. So don't you dare blame yourself when if there is anyone who should be sorry here- it's me!"

Denix Vames - February 9, 2021

Vincent sobbed even more when he heard her. Carter helped him sit down. Vincent took a deep breath before saying, "Thank you, Amelia."

Carter sat next to Vincent where he placed the knife on the table. Setting it aside. "I think we've had a rough night. How about we get some rest?"

shadowess - February 9, 2021

Amelia offered Vincent a small smile but she was still concerned for him. Still feeling guilt for what she'd put him through...all because she wanted to be petty. At Carter's suggestion, her eyes lowered to the floor for a moment, wiping her eyes and she nodded, despite being in a brand new body, the entire ordeal had left her feeling exhausted.

"Agreed." Sebastian says, also wiping his tears away and taking a deep breath while he stood.
"Very well." Clementine says and Sebastian practically jumped out of his skin. The little demon had been so silent and still that he'd almost completely forgotten she was even there! She'd remained on the chair the whole time, watching everything with the same blank stare. Pushing herself off the chair, she pat her dress down and walked over to Amelia's dead body. "I shall dispose of this. It'd drag up far too many questions, should it be found."
"You're not going to do anything weird with it are you? It's still me, you know..." Amelia says, watching her with a dubious expression.
"Weird is subjective." Clementine says simply, touching the arm of the corpse and they both vanished.
"Pretty sure it's not though...Clementine? Clem- and she's gone..." Amelia sniffs with a slightly amused, slightly defeated look. "Good god, she's going to make me into one of her creepy ass dolls, isn't she?" She asks, smirking at Vincent. Assuming he must've seen her disturbing collection of dolls when he went to find her.

She got to her feet and sat on the other side of Vincent, resting her head against his shoulder. "I'll help you find your old body." She says softly. "It's the least I can do after what I put you through..."
Sebastian smiled at them, his eyes soft as he looked between Carter, Amelia and Vincent. Proud of Carter for how he'd handled Vincent and managed to calm him down. Happy that Vincent and Amelia were safe now. He walks over to Carter and bends down to kiss his forehead lovingly. "Come on...let's try to get some sleep." He says and straightens up.

Denix Vames - February 9, 2021

Vincent smiled. "Thank you. It means a lot."

Carter smiled at Sebastian. "I could use some." He was about to get up but when he barely moved, he flinched. He clutched his chest as he sat back down.

"Shit! I forgot about the broken ribs." He slightly chuckled at his own pain. Trying to act like it didn't hurt like crazy. "Could ya give me a hand?"

shadowess - February 9, 2021

Sebastian smiled but he was trying to mask his concern. Broken rips, or broken bones of any kind can take a vampire several days to heal. Granted, it was still far faster than a human trying to recover from those kinds of injuries but for what they were, it was still quite a long time. He took Carter's arm, pulling it around his shoulder and supported his torso as they stood. He'd then help Carter to the bedroom. "I'll come back down once you're in bed for just a minute to grab us some blood bags." He says to Carter.

Amelia didn't move as she watched them walk away. She sort of didn't want to. She wondered if Vincent would mind that she didn't really feel ready to be left of her own just yet. That she may even have trouble sleeping despite how tired she felt. Although it's not something she would admit to, she also felt she needed a little comfort after everything that happened.

Still resting her head on his shoulder, she brought her eyes up to look at Vincent. His new face. She wondered if he still had the same powers. 'Can you still hear me?' She thought. Could he hear her thoughts like before? She hoped he could. She sort of liked the connection. Having someone close who could see her for exactly who she was. "What happened?" She asks finally. "After I drank that liquid... I don't remember anything. I know what it does and I know what you had to do to get me back...thank you for that by the way." She smiled, letting him know they made the right choice by her, even if it had been difficult to carry out. "What happened to Alex and Bryce?"

Denix Vames - February 9, 2021

Carter nodded. "Thanks for the help."

He carefully laid himself down as he flinched. He sighed once he felt the bed on his back.

Vincent looked at her for a moment. "I can hear everyone's thoughts now. Everyone's emotions....I can feel them." He rubbed his eyes. "It hurts but now I can help people."

He hesitated before saying, "Bryce made Alex drink it. He only felt pity for him. The truth is that he wanted love but he didn't really understood it. And when he did, he opened the curtains so that he could die."

He shook his head. "I don't understand though. Why not be a better person? I could have told him that. Could have saved him. He didn't have to do that."

He placed a hand over his chest. "Then there's Carter. He still feels as though he failed Alex. The detective who's at the police station right now. He doesn't remember anything. I think it devastated Carter but he understands."

shadowess - February 9, 2021

Easing Carter down onto the bed, he waited until he was comfortable before pulling the blanket up to cover him. He kissed his forehead once more and whispered "I'll be right back." before heading downstairs. He glanced at Amelia and Vincent, who both seemed very tired, as he headed into the kitchen to grab the blood bags. He took two out of the fridge and headed straight up the stairs to hand one to Carter. He sat on the bed next to him with his back against the headboard as he drank his. He was lost in thought, recalling everything that had happened. He hoped this was it for all the crazy shit now. That it was truly over and they could all start to relax again.

Amelia thought on what he told her. Her eyes widened a little as he told her he could hear and feel everyone's thoughts and emotions. She couldn't help thinking that it sounded like torture, unable to even fathom how it must feel. She frowned when he told her about Bryce's death. She was having trouble feeling pity for him after what he'd put her through, Alex too, but she had to remind herself that there isn't a soul in existence that isn't deserving of forgiveness and redemption. Even if they did cross her. She sighs heavily, closing her eyes. "When we've gotten some rest...I'll pay David a visit. Let him know to keep an eye out for Bryce." She opened her eyes.

"We couldn't save his life, but we can at least save his soul..." She says softly. "I'll talk to Carter tomorrow about Alex. Explain why that was the best option...We should try to stay away from Alex while he's human but it wouldn't be a bad idea to observe him from a distance for a while. Make sure he's alright..." She felt tired and could feel her eyelids getting heavy while she leant against Vincent. Finding comfort in his presence. "Everything will be alright...things will get better..." She yawned, feeling herself drifting.

Denix Vames - February 9, 2021

Carter looked at the blood bag. "Sebastian? Do you think that everything's fine now? Normally, I'd like some peace and quiet. But now, it's terrifying me that we're even relaxing. I know I should be happy that we resolved everything but I don't. Things still feel out of place."

Vincent smiled as he watched her getting sleepy. "Maybe you're right. Things will get better."

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  • Shadowess changed the title to Balance The Realms Nov 2020 - Nov 2021

shadowess - February 9, 2021

Looking down at Carter, Sebastian smiled. "I don't see why not...But I know what you mean. Something still feels off. Maybe we just feel like that because we've had things happen and go out of control almost non stop for the past week or so..." He says quietly. "Don't get me wrong, I think we all have a long way to go before we feel any kind of normality again after everything that's happened to each of us...But I think we should get through it just fine if we all stick together."

Amelia smiled at his words sleepily, her eyes closing. "I bloody well hope so!" She breathes a half-laugh before drifting off to sleep. Her features relaxed as she fell asleep but her lips remained in a small smile.

Denix Vames - February 9, 2021

Carter slightly smiled at him. "You're probably right. I think I'm just overthinking things."

He took slow slurps of the blood.

Vincent closed his eyes too. Wanting to get some rest as well.

shadowess - February 9, 2021

When finished with his bag, Sebastian disposed of it and helped Carter get rid of his once he was finished as well. He lay down next to him and tried to get some sleep.


Clementine walked through the penthouse and observed the mess they'd left behind. She found one of Amelia's crystal weapons in the bathroom and tutted at how carelessly it had been left laying around. She picked it up, intending to take it with her.

She then walked towards the couches and found the book that Vincent had mentioned. She looked over it curiously. Despite it being half her size, she lifted it with astonishing ease. Happy that she'd gotten what she'd come for and made sure there was nothing around to link these events back to Amelia and the others, she was about to start a small fire to eliminate any forensic evidence when the door to the penthouse opened.

She hurriedly hid behind one of the couches and peered around to see two male figures dressed all in black and wearing black balaclavas entering the penthouse carefully. She remained still and silent as she watched them. They seemed utterly unaware of her presence. One of them picked up the bottle of blood on the set of drawers with their gloved hands. Examining it. He popped the cork and seemed to look through the neck. "Blood..."

The other male who was looking around the penthouse sighed. "Vampires..."
Clementine watched with bated breath as they made their way into the bedroom where Bryce had died.
"Ohh...Hey, come check this out."
The one holding the bottle put it down and walked after the other one into the spare room. "What is it?"
"Oh shit...is that?"
"Ashes...Guess they had a disagreement?"
"Guess so...Question is, where is the other one now?"
"And how did they leave? We've had surveillance on this place, we would've seen them coming or going but they straight up vanished."
"You think it might be the girl we saw with them?"
"Maybe...I'm calling it in. We need to get a team up here to run forensics."

That was all Clementine needed to hear. She couldn't stick around now, not with a team of...whoever these people are, about to fill this apartment. Keeping a tight hold on the knife and book, she teleported back to her mansion in Hell. She would need to warn the others as soon as she was able to teleport back.


Several hours passed. Amelia woke up slowly and looked around Carter's living room. She glanced up at Vincent who seemed to be asleep. She smiled and got to her feet, heading into the kitchen and began making coffee. She stared at the black liquid as she thought about everything that happened. With a sigh, she vanished, leaving the cup of coffee on the table.

She now sat on one of the dusty couches in Hell's library, looking up at a man she considered to be a father. David had paused, hand on a book which was halfway out of the bookcase, having either been pulled out or was about to be put back. His blue eyes stared at Amelia curiously. He hadn't seen or heard from her in a very long time. "There's someone I'd like you to add to the program..." She says quietly and David turns to face her, leaving the book where it was. Amelia sighed again. "Here's what happened..."


About an hour after she left, Amelia re-appeared in Carter's kitchen, sitting at the table and facing her coffee which was no longer steaming. She wrapped a hand around the mug and tutted, noting it was now cold. Concentrating, the liquid inside seemed to stir a little and slowly, steam began to rise from it again. She stopped before it could boil and brought the mug up to her lips, holding it there and just taking in the smell of the coffee.

Denix Vames - February 9, 2021

Carter was in total darkness. He heard the shouts and cries of his friends. More specifically, Parker.

"Carter!" Parker reached out. Carter ran over but the path seemed almost neverending. So long and winding. He tried to catch up to him. To save him but Bryce caught up to him.

Parker's screams of bloody murder echoed before his throat had been ripped out.

Carter froze. Unsure of what to do. Of what to think. Bryce was there and then he was gone. Parker appeared. Smiling devilishly with his fangs out. "You're a failure. You never did shit. You give up so easily. It's pathetic."

Carter clamped his hands over his ears. "Shut up! I saved you! Why is this happening?!"

Vincent ripped his kids open with the knife. It was his old self then his new self. Switching back and forth as the children screamed in agony.

Then Sebastian whispered, "Wake up!"

Carter gasped awake. He breathed heavily as bile rose from his throat. He quickly moved. Keeping a hand over his mouth to keep himself from vomiting. He flinched at his broken ribs. He had almost forgotten about them.
Vincent gasped awake at the same time that Carter did. He began to rub his eyes as tears came out.

"H-He still.....dreams about it. The nightmares. What happened to.....everything."

shadowess - February 9, 2021

"Carter?!" Sebastian sat up, half awake and looked at him worried. "Are you alright?" He asked, then seeing that Carter looked like he was going to be sick, hurriedly brought the little bin to him to throw up in. "It's alright. Slow, deep breaths. I'm right here." He says softly, trying to comfort him.


Amelia had heard Vincent gasp and got up with the coffee still in her hands as she walked to the living room to see if he was alright. She saw him crying, talking about someone's nightmares. She looked up at the ceiling, putting two and two together then looked at Vincent sadly. She calmly walked over to him and put her cup onto the coffee table before sitting next to him again. She wrapped her arms around him, gently pulling him into a hug where she held a hand on the back of his head.

She just held him, letting him cry and trying to comfort him by simply being there. "Breathe." She whispers after a minute of letting him calm down a bit. "Somethings like that take a very long time to heal..." She tilts her head up a little while still holding him to look up again thoughtfully. "I think I know something we can do for him. It might help him. At the very least, it'll give him something else to focus on...something to put his energy into..." She lowers her head to his shoulder. "What do you say?"

Denix Vames - February 9, 2021

Carter continued to breath heavily until he vomited into the trash can. His whole chest felt like it was in agony as the force needed to vomit had also hurt his ribs. His throat was sore from the vomit. His nose was dripping mucus. His eyes were watery.

He shut his eyes. Trying to forget what he just saw. Trying to relax. His lips quivered. He was shaking. "W-Why.....? Just.....need to.....forget....!"
Vincent nodded. "Whatever will help. I just want him to be happy."

shadowess - February 9, 2021

Sebastian hurried to the bathroom and came back with tissue so Carter could wipe his mouth and nose. He handed them to him with a frown, sitting next to him and rubbing his back trying to comfort him. "It's ok." He whispers. "It's alright. You're still healing. That's fine." He thought for a moment, trying to think of what to say that might help Carter through this. "You know...I never really forgot the horrors of the Asylum." He says softly, his eyes on the ground as he recalled the doctors and their relentless testing.

"I still have nightmares now and then. I try not to think about it but I know I'll never truly forget what happened. I think I find it easier to deal with now because I've accepted that it happened. That I won't forget. That it's done and it will always be a part of who I am, what I lived through. My focus now, after having survived it all, is what I can do to stop others going through the same."


Amelia nods, pulling away from him gently to look at him. She offers him a warm smile and wipes away his tears. "I heard them talking at the club the other night. Carter misses his job so Sebastian suggested he become a PI. He seemed thrilled by the idea." She explains. "Do you know any places they could use to set up an office? I was thinking we could spruce it up and get it all ready to surprise him with. Get some business cards ready and everything. If not, we could always just buy an office for him and go from there..."

Denix Vames - February 9, 2021

(were those guys in black in relation to the Asylum?)

Carter wiped his face of any residue of vomit and mucus. He threw the balled up tissue in the bin.

He listened to Sebastian. He sighed as he shook his head. "I wish we could both forget. But helping others....I never thought about that. Doing something like that to prevent anything similar from happening."

He held his hand. Giving it a squeeze. "All I'm trying to do is know where I am. I'm just trying not to think about it too much. The past."
"My old home. My house. I know where it is. We may have to throw some things out but I'm sure it would be a good office for Carter's work." ,said Vincent.

shadowess - February 9, 2021

(Something similar. All the places posing as Asylums were destroyed by Amelia and Damien. So this would be what's left of those people trying to start the project up again by tracking supernatural activities.)

Sebastian smiled gently, seeing Carter trying to come to terms with what happened while also trying to put it behind him. He nods and kisses the side of his head, trying to ignore the smell of the vomit. He rubs his back a bit and rests his head against Carter's. "I know." He says softly. "I understand." He truly did.


Vincent suggested his old home and Amelia nodded with a smile before getting to her feet. "I'll go let them know we're going out for a while. Save them panicking if they find we're gone..." She says as she heads towards the stairs. "Then we'll go together to get things ready." She headed up the stairs and as she did she wondered if Vincent would be alright visiting his old home. Whether it would bring up bad memories for him. She worried but she tried to swallow her concerns as she approached the bedroom door and knocked on it, calling through. "Hey guys. Sorry if I woke you. Just letting you know Vincent and I are going to be going out for a while. Get some air, maybe do some shopping...try to focus on other things for a bit. We'll be back in a few hours, ok?" She says before walking down the stairs. She wanted what they planned to do to be a surprise for them.

Stepping into the living room, she looked at Vincent and playfully offered him an arm for him to hook his around. "You ready?" She smiled. "Is there anything you wanted to do while we're out?"

Denix Vames - February 9, 2021

(Carter's definitely not going to like them then XD)

Carter took a deep breath before saying, "Thank you."

He felt his head against his. Touched by the kiss. "I love you."

He heard Amelia. "Should we really be letting them go off together after what happened?"

Vincent smiled. He stood and hooked his arm over hers. "I'd like to eat something."

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shadowess - February 9, 2021

(Lol Should be good 😛 )

"I love you too" Sebastian smiles then glances at the door when Amelia's voice came through. Not taking his eyes off the door, he thinks a moment after Carter voices his concern. Admittedly he was also hesitant to let them go anywhere. But what could they do? They couldn't force them to stay in the house. Besides..."I think after what happened, they've definitely learned their lesson." He says with a sigh. "I don't think they'll be up to anything we wouldn't agree with."
He turns back to Carter, looking him over with those soft eyes full of concern. "How are you feeling now? Do you want another bag?"


Blinking at his request, Amelia grinned as she realized she too was hungry. "Not a bad idea." She chuckles. "I don't know about you...but I could murder a curry." She says with a grin, hoping he'd get the reference. Not that it mattered much if he didn't. A second later, they were standing in the entrance of a very classy looking Indian restaurant.

Denix Vames - February 9, 2021

(yeah )

Carter shook his head. "No. No..." He sighed. "I think. I think I'm going to head to the kitchen."

He walked slow so as not to make his chest feel any worse than it already did. He continued down the stairs.

At the kitchen, he started making pancakes despite the fact that he couldn't eat human food. It was almost as if he was making it for a ghost in the past.
Vincent looked at her curiously. "What's a curry?"

shadowess - February 9, 2021

Sebastian watched him quietly. He got up and made the bed before heading down the stairs after him. He heard the sizzling of the frying pan and walked to the kitchen to see Carter cooking. He observed him quietly with a sad expression. He wasn't certain at this point if there was anything he could say or do to help him. Maybe this was just his way of coping? Maybe he needed to get this out of his system? Or maybe he just wanted to do something that made him feel human again for a while.

This last thought caused Sebastian's sadness to deepen. He felt awful that Carter had been thrust so harshly into his world. He'd hoped he would come around to it of his own accord. That when the time was right he would want it and that would make the transition from human to vampire easier to deal with. But then Bryce...Sebastian still felt anger towards Bryce for what he'd done. He wasn't entirely sure he could forgive him. Not after everything he put them all through. Sebastian took a seat at the table quietly and just watched Carter. Letting him do what he had to to cope. He'd be right here if he needed him.


Amelia had been taking in the fragrance of various spices in the restaurant when she heard Vincent's question. She looked at him in disbelief. "You've never had one? A Korma? Tikka Masala?...Dhansak?" She questioned him. In this day and age, who'd never had Indian food? She smiled and pulled him into the restaurant excitedly, requesting a table and being seated.

She ordered a bottle of wine for the table and read through the menu. "If you're not big into spicy food, the Korma is the mildest curry, it has no spicy kick to it at all, it's just all flavor. I think Vindaloo is the hottest." She says to him, wondering whether he'd ever eaten anything spicy. What kind of life did he have that he'd never had something so readily available as a simple curry?

Denix Vames - February 9, 2021

Carter kept making pancakes without acknowledging him.

He made them until there was enough for a family. He set the plates of pancakes at each spot where his kids and husband use to sat. Where he use to sit at with them. And where Sebastian was sitting was where Jack had sat.

Carter sat down at his spot. He cut into a pancake before a small bite. Making sure that he didn't take too much. Once that he tasted the pancake, he could hardly keep a grip on his knife and fork. Silent tears ran down his cheeks.

"Jack use to call me Apples because when we were in high school, I would always eat one everyday. I stopped when they started tasting sour."
Vincent looked around at what he was seeing.

He shook his head at Amelia's question. "I was never curious to try it."

At the table, he thought for a moment. "Then Korma."

shadowess - February 10, 2021

Sebastian watched him from where he sat and didn't move when the plate was placed in front of him. He looked over at the smaller portions sadly, and knew what Carter had done. He then observed Carter eating some of the food warily, making sure he didn't consume too much. He watched as Carter began to cry then listened as he told Sebastian a piece of his history. He offered a gentle smile, unsure of what to say. He knew Carter had loved his family dearly and missed them terribly. Reaching across the table, he placed a hand over one of his as a way of trying to comfort him.


The restaurant was lively with other diners around them. The tables decorated with table cloths in a variety of greens, browns and yellow colors. Each table with a small candle. "Well, let's hope you like it then!" Amelia laughed then ordered their food once they'd both decided what they wanted and not too long after the aromatic dishes were placed in front of them. Amelia practically inhaled her dish, having not realized after everything that happened that she hadn't eaten in a long time.

Denix Vames - February 10, 2021

Carter held his hand. And when he looked into his eyes, he couldn't stop smiling. It felt as though Jack was with him at that moment. That his kids were there too. Telling him that it was alright to move on. That he didn't have to wallow in grief anymore.

He chuckled. "I feel like an idiot for doing this."
Vincent looked at the dish in front of him. He sniffed it for a moment. Like a dog, he wondered about it's taste then took a hesitant bite. It wasn't anything he had ever had before but it didn't taste that bad. He smiled as he began to eat.

shadowess - February 10, 2021

Sebastian grinned at the way Carter reacted, his eyes looking into his in a loving way. "I think I understand why you did it..." He says softly. "Just know that I'll still be here, by your side, while you do whatever you have to to cope."


Dish empty, Amelia sat back in her chair, utterly satisfied. Her mouth still a bit hot from the curry she'd chosen. She loved spicy food, just as long as it was equally flavourful. She poured herself a glass of wine and offered to pour some for Vincent as well. Holding her wine glass she looked around the restaurant a moment before bringing her attention back to Vincent. "I er... I went to Hell earlier...talked to David. He asked how you were." She smiles. "Guess you made quite the impression on him...I told him what happened. He's going to find Bryce and enroll him in the redemption project."

Denix Vames - February 10, 2021

Carter smiled. "Thank you, Sebastian." He stood. "I think I'll save these pancakes for Amelia and Vincent."
Vincent's face flustered. "Oh! That's good. I never realized how David was so focused on my progress. But I am glad. I hope Bryce can do some good. Maybe he can help Theo too. Convince him to be good when I couldn't."

shadowess - February 10, 2021

"I think they'd like that" Sebastian says with a smile. "I'll help get everything cleaned up. Is there anything you'd like to do tonight. Maybe just me and you?" He asks, hoping to distract Carter somehow. It had also just occurred to him that apart from the club, which he wasn't entirely sure counted, they hadn't actually had a date yet. He shrugs, scratching the back of his head while blushing a little at the thought. "I duno, like maybe watch a movie or visit a fairground or something?" He tried to play it off cool.


Amelia took a sip of her wine as he spoke. She smiled at his reaction to David's interest in him. "Well, of course. The program itself is still very new...So it's understandable that he's eager to know if you're making positive progress. Which you are by the way." She winks. "He was also just asking generally how you were. He can be a bit of a softie sometimes..." She chuckles.

Amelia's smile slipped a little when he mentioned Theo. David had given her the report on what had happened and she'd found it troubling. Thankfully, David only has the power to change souls into Demons and not Devils...that right is reserved entirely for other Devils to bestow...except Amelia apparently. Unbeknownst to her at the time, her own transformation had been at the cost of an ancient Devil's very existence so she never attempted to make another Devil in case she had to make the same sacrifice.

She looked down at her wine glass thoughtfully. "Still holding out hope for him, huh?" She asks then brings her eyes back up to meet his. She'd like to think everyone could change for the better but the unfortunate truth is that not everyone can. Some people are just so hell bent on not changing the way they are that they are beyond hope. She tries to smile, though it was a little strained. "I hope so, too." She says and even though she meant it, she wasn't getting her hopes up.

Denix Vames - February 10, 2021

Carter thought for a moment. "I think we should clear out my kids bedroom. Take everything out so I can turn it into a guest bedroom for any friend of ours who decides to come visit. Maybe it'll be a good thing. Me doing this. Especially with you."

He took our some tubberware. Opening it up as he put the pancakes in it.
Vincent frowned. "Even when though was hurting me, he still tried to protect me. He loved me. Maybe its sick to everybody else but at the time I've never had anyone else. To me that was love. And that's why I still think he can change."

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shadowess - February 10, 2021

Taken aback by the idea, Sebastian lowered his hand and nodded at Carter with a smile. He knew what he was suggesting they do would not be easy for Carter, but he was happy that he was trying to move on. He also felt moved that he'd want Sebastian to help him carry it out. It wasn't anything like what Sebastian had had in mind but if this helped Carter in the long run, then he was perfectly happy to help. "Alright." He says softly. "I'll follow your lead. Just let me know what you need me to do."


Amelia thought on Vincent's words but couldn't help thinking that perhaps Vincent was still recovering from such a toxic relationship. She recalled how Alex had 'fallen' for Bryce. How he'd clung to him, convinced he was in love with him, despite the fact Bryce had kidnapped him, hurt him and forced him into something he had never known or wanted. The way the experience warped his mind into believing Bryce was the answer to his problems even though Bryce was the one causing the problems to begin with. 'Stockholm Syndrome' and 'Brainwashing' she'd called it at the time because it had happened so quickly. Amelia dread to think how Alex will react when he eventually gains his memories back and remembers Bryce's betrayal.

But Vincent's case was a little more complicated. Although she didn't know how they met or under what circumstances Vincent learned of Theo's true nature, it was obvious that Vincent had been with Theo for a very long time. Possibly even years. In that time, a lot of psychological damage has been done as Theo continuously tells Vincent he 'loves' and 'cares' for him to get him to stick around while he does as he pleases. Who knows? Maybe a part of Theo really did love Vincent? From Amelia's experiences however, abusive partners were usually incapable of really feeling love for anyone but themselves. She tried to push these thoughts away. They were too depressing. She drank the rest of the wine and got to her feet, wanting to think of something else for a while. "um...Maybe we could visit a print shop first. Decide on how the business cards should look..." She says, trying to change the very uncomfortable subject.

Denix Vames - February 10, 2021

Carter placed the pancake filled container on the counter. He walked out to the closet door that beneath the staircase.

"There are some boxes over here that me and Jack used for moving to this house." He opened the door. Immediately, a bunch of old items and the boxes themselves jumped out as if they were eager to get out that cramped room.

"Let's just say that I was the one who put them away when Jack told me to. And I did sort of promise him that it was organized and neat."
Vincent barely took a sip of his wine before standing too. Not seeking the drink as he use to before. "Sure. I have some color ideas."

shadowess - February 10, 2021

Sebastian grinned at Carter's comment when everything fell out of the closet. "I see." He chuckled. He moved forward, picking up a few of the boxes and helping Carter to carry them up to the kids bedroom. He understood that he didn't want to get rid of anything. Such items are far too precious, holding so many memories. It made sense that he would want to keep them close by. Placing the boxes on the floor, he looked at Carter to see if he was alright and to follow his lead. He lifted a hand to squeeze his shoulder gently to comfort him and gave him a kind smile.

He couldn't imagine the pain that must come with losing children. He'd never had any of his own and never really thought about the possibility of ever being a father. He could see it in the way Carter spoke about them though, that he had loved them with all his heart.


Watching him get to his feet, Amelia found herself feeling concerned for him. Although she tried to push the thoughts from her mind, she couldn't help worrying that he might be utterly crushed if Theo never changed. She looked at him and found she no longer saw the crazy murderer he had once been. Not just because he was in a different body. Now, when she looks at him, she sees someone entirely new. Someone dear to her.

"Vincent..." She says suddenly then trails off a little as though gathering her thoughts. She was sure he probably already knew by now with being able to hear her thoughts but she wanted to actually say it to him. "You're one of the closest friends I've ever had." She says, seeming to finally find the right words. "I just want you to know that...so that you know you can come to me if you ever need to."

Beginning to feel awkward she then begins walking towards the restaurant exit; "Alright! That's enough of that...let's make an office!"

Denix Vames - February 10, 2021

Carter had gathered some of the boxes too. He felt Sebastian's hand on his shoulder. He smiled. "You know, I think Jack and the kids would have liked you. I never told you this but their last Halloween, Nate was Dracula and Sally was a ghost. They were very much into old films. But I tried not to let them watch too many scary movies. I didn't want to constantly wake up in the middle of the night just because they had nightmares."

And despite saying this, he realized he had missed those moments in his life.

They headed upstairs. Soon finding themselves in the kids bedroom. "Just put the small items in the boxes first. Toys and accessories."

He put the boxes down. He took one and placed it over Sally's bed. He locked eyes with a drawing of himself and Sally hanging out together. He was in his detective wear while she was dressed like a police officer. Sally had always wanted to be just like his dad. He knew that once he got that drawing from her.

He tried not to look at it as he grabbed her plushies. Putting them in the box.
Vincent smiled. "Thank you. You're my first real friend too. I'm just glad that I can trust people now. Carter, Sebastian, and you. Maybe I can meet more people too."

He followed her out of the restaurant. "What should the cards look like?"

shadowess - February 10, 2021

Sebastian had smiled when Carter said his family would've liked him and told him about their last Halloween. He couldn't help grinning, hearing that his son had dressed as Dracula. He actually felt a little sad to have never known them, but with the way Carter talks about them, it was like he was getting to know them through him. "I think I would've liked them too. The way you talk about them...it sounds like they were amazing." He says softly then nods at Carter's instruction. He headed to the other side of the room and began placing small toys into the box he'd taken with him. He looked over at Carter, seeing him look at a drawing before putting away the soft toys. He smiled at the picture a little sadly, turning his attention back to the task at hand. It was such a shame they hadn't had the chance to grow up...Sebastian was willing to bet that with Carter as a role model, Sally would've made a decent officer.


Stepping out of the restaurant, Amelia looked up and down the street for a moment as she thought on Vincent's question. "I'm not sure...I was just thinking something simple. Elegant. Maybe some fancy cursive writing...Any ideas?" She asked, looking back at Vincent.


Sitting in a black car not too far from the Indian restaurant sat two men. The one behind the wheel was a burly man with brown eyes, slightly rounded features and brown hair that had been cut into a crew cut. The male in the passenger side was only slightly smaller than his companion, well built with a strong jawline. He had black hair in a similar style and grey eyes. Both men were eating Chinese food out of containers while listening to the radio.

The larger man turned the radio off in a huff.
"Hey! I was listening to that!" The smaller male complained.
"It's nothin' but crap anyways. There's only ever bad news being reported, it's depressing."
"Well, yeah. I mean... but you gotta know what's going on in the world."
"What's going on in the world is never in the damn news! All they ever talk about are petty robberies, which rich fuck is going to run the country next and never about what's really going on!"

There was an awkward pause in which both men ate their noodles in silence. "She's still not talking to you, huh?" The smaller male says after a minute. The bigger man sighs and drops his chopsticks into the box, staring out of the window next to him.
"No...I've been sleeping in a friggin' motel for three weeks now..."
"Oof...What are you going to do?"
"Man, fuck if I know...she won't even answer my calls. I tried to talk to her at the house the other day and she threatened to call the police on me!"
"Can you believe that shit?!"
"Married for four years and one little fuck up and I can't even-"
"Ben!" The smaller male jabs Ben in the side with his elbow.
"What?!" Ben then follows his partner's gaze to a blonde haired female leaving the Indian restaurant. "Holy-...isn't that?"
"The girl from the penthouse!"
"What is she doing here?" Both men watched as a blonde haired man left the restaurant as well and stood near the female who seemed to be talking to him. "Who's that?"
"A date, maybe?"
"Do you think he knows she's not human?"
Both men exchange a worried glance before turning back to watch the pair.

Denix Vames - February 10, 2021

Carter put that box aside once it was filled. He took the drawing off of the wall and grabbed the other drawings of himself, his kids, and his husband in various scenarios with them together.

He stared at them. Wondering. "I'm not too sure what to do with these."
Before Vincent was about to respond, he turned to a black car.

"Someone needs my help." He walked over to the car. He knocked on the window. "Excuse me but can I talk to you for a moment?"

shadowess - February 10, 2021

Hearing Carter, Sebastian turned to see him mulling over several drawings. Smiling, he walked over and looked at the drawings with him. He thought a moment. "hmm...Maybe you could put them some kind of memory book or photo album? So that they're kept neat and you can still look at them whenever you want?" He suggested, looking up at Carter.


Raising her eyebrow, Amelia watched Vincent walk towards the black car curiously. The two men saw the blonde male walk towards them and they both started to panic, worried their cover had been blown.
"Shit, he's coming this way!" Ben had said.
"What do we do?!"
"It's cool, it's cool. We're just a couple of guys eating fast food together in a car. Just act natural, there's no way they know anything."
They watched anxiously as the male reached their window and knocked, asking to speak to them with a thick French accent. They both glance at each other warily. "Maybe he's just a tourist?" Ben says to his partner in a hushed tone. Ben then rolls his window down by a crack. "Uh, sure. You lost, buddy?"

Denix Vames - February 10, 2021

Carter thought for a moment. "Oh! I can't believe I forgot about it. We do have a photo album. I kept it in the closet too. Must have fallen out with the other stuff. I'll go get it."

He left the drawings and headed out to fetch the album.
"Ben, it wasn't your fault. You may have made love with someone else but your wife is also to blame. She stopped loving you a long time ago. I can tell that you're suspicious of her too. And she has seen someone else. A man who has made love to her too. Both of you lost love for each other. But that's alright. You can always find someone else to love."

shadowess - February 10, 2021

Interested to put faces to names, Sebastian waited for Carter to return to see the album. While he waited he continued putting things away in the boxes, being careful to treat each item delicately.


Flabbergasted, the two men sat in silence after the the French gentleman spoke to Ben about his issues with his wife. The male in the passenger seat just stared, squinting at the blonde male. Ben opened and shut his mouth soundlessly, trying to register what he'd just been told. He closed his eyes tight and shook his head a bit before staring out of the windscreen. "She- uh...she's seeing someone else?" He says, his voice full of hurt. He blinked a couple of times before looking back up at the blonde male. "Wh-who are you?... Did she send you? Did she hire you to tell me that?!"

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Denix Vames - February 10, 2021

Carter came back with the photo album. It was fairly large. He set it on Sally's bed. He opened it up to the first page. Showing pictures of when they adopted them as babies and had given them their first bath.

Sally had red hair and freckles. Nate had brown messy hair.

"They always played with the bubbles."
Vincent nodded at his first question. "Yes, she is."

He shook his head. "She never told me. It's hard to explain but I can hear people's thoughts and emotions. So I try to help people by telling them these things."

He looked at the other man. "I want to ask a question though. Why do you fear us?"

shadowess - February 10, 2021

Sebastian walked over to Carter when he came back to the room with the photo album. He smiled at the photos of the children and at how Carter spoke of them. "They were beautiful." He says gently, looking up at Carter.


Both men's faces paled as the French gentleman explained he was basically psychic. They both looked at each other before Ben hurriedly put the car into gear and sped off, away from the blonde man and woman. Once they were a good distance away the smaller male spoke first; "W-what the hell was that?!"
"Right?! He can read minds! Who the hell are these people?!"
"You don't think-? Th-the British institute recorded an Angelic capture right before it burned down. D-do you think-?!"
"I don't know! Fuck! That was too close! We need to call this in!"


Amelia had watched it all unfold with silent curiosity. She was proud of Vincent for trying to help complete strangers. After they drove off she walked over to him with a sad smile. She couldn't blame him for wanting to help someone, but he was still new to being a Demon and therefore still had a lot to learn. "Don't worry about it. Humans usually act strangely when you tell them you're not like them..." She says with a shrug, assuming that's what had happened. "As a general rule though, try not to let humans know that you're different. More often than not they tend to freak out...and we don't want Angels getting wind of our presence on Earth..." She glances around. "I saw a print shop up the road."

Denix Vames - February 10, 2021

Carter smiled. "Thanks." He flipped through the pages and found a blank one. The album was halfway incomplete.

He placed one of the drawings there with the little corner holders keeping it in place. "You can help me put the drawings in if you want to."
Vincent nodded. He thought for a moment then frowned. He turned to her. "Why do angels hate us?"

He continued walking down the street with her.

shadowess - February 10, 2021

Smiling, Sebastian kissed Carter's cheek lovingly. "I'd be happy to." He says softly. He then sits by Carter and helps him to carefully place each drawing into the photo album.


Amelia frowned at the question but supposed it was one she'd have to answer eventually. With a sigh, she guessed now was as good a time as any while they walked down the street. "Well...It's a very long story. Humans...for the most part, got the story right...but it's kind of been passed down through the generations like a game of Chinese whispers. Little details changing here and there gradually until the story becomes something different than how it started..." She tried to explain, while also trying to remember the story the way David and Damien had told her. Even back then, Amelia felt like her brain was melting just trying to comprehend it.

"So, you know the story of Earth's creation, right? Let's skip ahead to when Angels and Humans were made. These were the first beings created, before everything else. After humans began committing sins, Hell was created to ensure they'd be more reluctant to commit them. Demons and the Ancient Devils were made to punish those who sinned during their life. There was no feud back then, both Heaven and Hell only knew peace with each other. Demons and Devils would even regularly take breaks in Heaven because their responsibilities were so taxing. Meanwhile the human population continued to grow and develop. Some evolving into new species, such as Vampires, while others ended up pairing with Demons and Angels to make half breeds."

Amelia sighed. "A few Angels were not happy with the way Earth was being run...No one remembers the exact details of the disagreement but I think they didn't like that Humans had a little more free will to live their lives than the immortals. A group of them convinced Lucifer, God's favorite at the time, to speak to him on their behalf..." Amelia paused, looking up, they were now standing in front of the print shop. She didn't go in just yet, wanting to finish the story. "God got angry. Like, really fucking pissed. He lumped Lucifer in with the rest of the group of Angels that questioned him and cast them down into Hell...The intention was to strip them of their Angelic status and have them punished like any other soul...but as soon as they hit Hell...they changed. They became the New Age Devils...They blamed Lucifer for their transformation and tortured him for centuries. They also slaughtered any Ancient Devil they could find and took Hell for themselves, declaring war on God and Heaven for their banishment...Centuries later, Lucifer broke free of his chains and went on a rampage, destroying all the other New Age Devils...until there was only him, and he took Hell's throne for himself. Angry that he'd been cast down with the others, he did nothing to stop the war. Instead, took to fighting Angels whenever one crossed his path."

She looks at Vincent sadly. "He made Damien...I think as his successor in case he ever fell in a fight...then he disappeared...and now Damien is gone too... I was found in Hell as a living child, something that should be impossible. I have no memory of how I ended up there. David found and raised me. I used to slip away to explore Hell a lot as a kid..." She chuckled. "Used to drive David up the wall! One day while exploring Hell...I found Hells Cells...and the last of the Ancient Devils...That's what I am now." She sighs again, looking at the ground. "I...I don't want to fight Angels but the war is so engrained into our history that they'll attack us on sight...I want to change things...I want to give souls a chance to become good...I want to gain peace between Heaven and Hell again..." Her eyes watered a little. "I feel like I have the entire world on my shoulders...and sometimes, I don't think I'm strong enough to stop it from crushing me under it's weight."

Denix Vames - February 10, 2021

Carter was grateful to have Sebastian help him out. Once they were done, he looked at the last drawing. The one of him and his family together at a beach.

In a low voice he said, "The bedsheets. We have to remove them."

He closed the book then brushed his hand over the album.
Vincent placed a hand on her arm. "It doesn't have to be that way forever. We could talk to them. Tell them that we don't want to fight anymore. That we want peace. War never helped anyone but talking does."

shadowess - February 11, 2021

Nodding, Sebastian gives Carter's back a quick rub with his hand before standing up. It had been sad but nice that Carter had shared his memories with him. Thinking he might need a moment with the album, Sebastian let Carter sit with the it as he got to work removing the bedding and folding them up carefully.


Amelia smiled and blinked away the tears. She chuckled "You sound like me ten years ago..." She shook her head a little. "I'd love nothing more but I'm afraid it's not that simple. We're cut off from God and Heaven completely. They can't hear us at all. Any Angels we do meet tend to draw their blades before we can so much as say "hi"...and watch out for those by the way, Angelic steel is highly irritant to us...a blow to the heart from their steel is enough to obliterate us from existence." She then grimaced and rubbed her left shoulder a little. "I almost learned that the hard way once..." Turning back to the shop, Amelia sighed. "Well...I think that's enough of a history lesson for one day...How's about we get these cards done?" She then walks into the shop.

Denix Vames - February 11, 2021

Carter gave a small smile before focusing back on the album. He brushed his fingers over the thick pages. He recalled first buying it. How empty it was. Until the pictures came along.

Suddenly, he nearly dropped the album. As he caught it, something fell out between the crevices of the last blank pages. "What the-?! How come I didn't see this before?" He set the album aside.

He picked up the photo. His eyes widened.

It was a photo of Jack and the kids. They were playing Jenga. He guessed that the camera must have been on a timer and that's how they were able to take a photo of all three of them together.

His hands were shaking as he gripped the photo. "This was before they were....."

He turned it over. In black ink, it read, 'To Daddy, From Jack and The Kids.'

"They must have been happy. Thinking that they were going to give this to me. Waiting for so long."

He turned it back over. Seeing their smiles. He chuckled as he shook his head. "Nate's got whipped cream on his nose. And Sally's making a funny face. Jack is....He's telling me that he loves me with that smile. I can always tell the difference."
Vincent frowned. He hoped for the possibility of meeting an angel and possibly talking to them. Letting them know that there doesn't have to be a war anymore. But he focused back on what they were doing for Amelia's sake.

He nodded. "You said cursive and black ink. Something simple, right?"

shadowess - February 11, 2021

Finished with the bedding, Sebastian turned to look at Carter when he heard him almost drop the album and find a new photo. Hearing that it was their very last photo, Sebastian frowned. He watched Carter carefully, knowing it was probably not easy looking at that photo. Seeing him chuckle though made Sebastian relax a little. He walked back over to him and looked at the photo over his shoulder.

He sat with him and wrapped his arms around him from behind, resting his head on his shoulder and kissed the side of his head. He looked down at the image of Jack with the kids and smiled. "He really is, isn't he?" He whispers. "I'll look after him for you, Jack. I give you my word." He says to the photo then gives Carter another kiss on the head, this time letting it linger before pulling back and resting his head against Carter's.


Amelia shrugs, looking at the different styles and colors that they had available. "Unless you think it's too bland?" She says in response. She looked at the examples and images of brands that had used the shop before. "Do you think we should put a logo on it or something? Something memorable to catch the eye?"

Denix Vames - February 11, 2021

Carter felt his heart warmed at his kiss. He touched his hands. He slightly turned his head. "It's good to have you here, Sebastian."
Vincent shook his head. "It's not bland at all but maybe putting a crooked tie in the back would look nice. He always has one. Or had one. I don't know if he'll wear one again."

shadowess - February 11, 2021

Sebastian smiled and just held Carter a little longer, not wanting to move just yet.

Finishing the room took no time at all. When they were done, everything that belonged to the children sat in the boxes that they had yet to put away somewhere. The room was now completely bare. He looked at Carter, holding his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze as they looked at their work. "Where did you want to store the boxes?" He asked softly.


Amelia grinned at Vincent's suggestion. "That's a good idea! Let's do that."

They ordered the cards and Amelia paid. After several minutes they were walking away from the shop with a couple of small boxes filled with the new business cards. They were a chrome silver with embossed black ink for both the writing and the logo. Amelia had decided to go for the more expensive options in order to really make the cards something that would stand out and be hard to forget or misplace. She'd even gone as far as paying for a bit of brail at the bottom of the cards.
She stopped walking and turned to Vincent. "Alright, that's the cards done. Now to do some spring cleaning. You'll need to take us there."

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Denix Vames - February 11, 2021

Carter looked at the empty bedroom. Recalling his kids having once been here. However, he seemed ok with Sebastian by his side.

He smiled. "In the attic."
Vincent nodded. He place a hand over her arm.

They appeared inside a house that had some modern rich looking decorations and disturbing paintings.

He frowned. "I don't like the way it looks."

shadowess - February 11, 2021

Kissing Carter's cheek, Sebastian nodded then let go of his hand to pick up one of the boxes. He'd help Carter carry them up into the attic and place them down gently wherever Carter felt was best. Once done, he'd give Carter a hug while being careful not to hurt his chest. "You've been incredibly strong today, Carter. I know this wasn't easy." He says gently. "I'm proud of you."


They stood in Vincent's old home and Amelia looked around at the décor. She heard his comment and sighed a little. "Well, that's no surprise...you're not the same person you used to be..." She responds and looks at him with a small smile. She wondered how being here might affect him. "Looks like we have our work cut out for us. How's about we put on some music and start stripping the place? I'll follow your lead."

Denix Vames - February 11, 2021

Carter found himself feeling good about this day despite what they did.

"No, it wasn't easy but I had you by my side." He caressed his cheek. Looking into his eyes, he smiled. "All I ever need now is you."
Vincent set his box on the coffee table.

He raised a brow. "What kind of music?"

shadowess - February 11, 2021

Sebastian smiled, touched by his words. His cheeks turned pink as Carter caressed his cheek and he leaned in to kiss him. Gently at first and then deeply, being careful not to press himself too hard against his chest. "I love you." He breathed, taking a break from the kiss to catch his breath.


Amelia shrugs, putting her own box down as well. "What've you got? I prefer rock music. Disturbed being my favorite. But I'm happy to listen to most other music, too." She then takes out her phone, a new one she'd bought when they last went shopping together, and unlocks it. "Shall I order us some coffee or something before we get started?"

Denix Vames - February 11, 2021

Carter found himself lost in the kiss. He felt so lucky to have a man like Sebastian wanting to help him no matter what. And when he heard those three words, he said back, "I love you too."
"I'm not sure what music I would like. When I was killer, I loved classical but now I don't know." ,said Vincent.

His eyes sparkled at the thought of food. "Oh yes please. I would like a pastry. Something sweet."

shadowess - February 11, 2021

Now that they had done the most difficult task, Sebastian wondered how they could spend the rest of the evening. The other two still hadn't returned yet and while he was mildly worried after everything that happened, he tried to push that worry from his thoughts. Maybe they were just having fun somewhere? He hoped so. "I guess we still have the house to ourselves for a while." Sebastian says with a playful smirk, looking into Carter's eyes. "What would you like to do next?"


Listening to Vincent, Amelia thought for a moment. She liked classical music but it wasn't something that she'd purposefully go out of her way to listen to. It also wasn't something, she supposed, that would go well with such a heavy task as completely gutting an entire house. "I'll play some music from my phone in a minute then." She chuckles. Hearing his request for food, she grinned. He's still hungry after their meal? Well, it was well over an hour ago by this point..."You got it." She says as she orders herself a coffee. "Would a pain au chocolat do?" She asks, looking at the small selection of pastries available. "I'll also need you to type in your address..."

Denix Vames - February 11, 2021

"Well unfortunately, something that isn't physical." Carter placed a hand over his chest. Indicating as to why they couldn't have some fun time in the bedroom.

"But I have some movies that we could watch in the living room."
"I don't know what that name means but you said chocolate so yes."

He thought for a moment. "Hold on." He went outside to look then came back in. "It's 1754 Wesson St."

shadowess - February 11, 2021

"Damn." Sebastian chuckled as Carter explained they couldn't have any physical fun. Then his eyes lit up at the mention of movies. "That could be fun." He smiled. "I watched a couple of movies when I came out of the Asylum but I usually don't get a chance to just sit and watch anything." He was excited to cuddle on the couch and watch movies with Carter. Maybe he'll learn some of the references that Amelia tends to like throwing around that occasionally confuse him.


"Basically a chocolate pastry." Amelia chuckles, ordering it on her phone. She then raised her eyebrow as he dashed outside to double check the address but typed it in regardless. She guessed it had been a while since he was last here and may have forgotten. "Alright, done. It should be here in ten minutes apparently. I'll just put on a playlist and we can get started. Where do you think we should start?" She says while selecting a playlist on her phone. She set it to play songs in a random order and hit play. The first song that started playing was 'I'm Alive' by Disturbed.

Denix Vames - February 11, 2021

Carter and him headed to the living room. "Well, I have more family movies than adult ones because of my family. So there's some kid movies to pick."

He bent down to check the shelf of movies near the TV but flinched. He came back up. "Guess cleaning up was enough for me."
"Oh." Vincent looked around. "Maybe take the decorations down or whatever they are. The statues and the frightening paintings."

shadowess - February 11, 2021

Sebastian saw Carter struggle to reach the movies with his injury and helped him back to the couch. "Let me get them." He said softly. They then spent the next few hours cuddling on the couch, picking and watching a couple of family movies that Sebastian hadn't seen before. Turned out, Sebastian was quite the fan of the Disney or DreamWorks movies. He found them captivating and couldn't help laughing at the well hidden adult jokes here and there that would have gone right over a child's head.


Amelia glanced at Vincent uncertainly. 'Or whatever they are'? Had it really been that long since he'd been here that he couldn't remember decorating the place? Was he even the one to decorate it when he lived here in the first place? Or perhaps he was just trying not to remember...trying to block out any memories this place might be bringing up. Nodding, she set about helping him clear the house of all the decorations and paintings. Their food order arrived shortly after they started and they paused briefly before getting back to work. At some point she made a few phone calls to arrange for an office door to be delivered, with fogged glass and Carter's name on it. She had to offer quite a large tip to get it delivered within the next few hours as opposed to the next few days. She wanted this job completed today.

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Denix Vames - February 11, 2021

Carter smiled. "You know having this injury sort of reminds me of the force. Back when I was a detective. Maybe it seems sick to think of something like that after getting ribs broken into but that's what I thought of."

He wrapped an arm around Sebastian's shoulder. "You know, I've been meaning to try boiling blood. Making it like a hot cocoa kind of deal. I just figured it wouldn't hurt to try. I mean, have you ever done it before?"
Vincent enjoyed the taste of chocolate. It was almost very addictive.

When they went back to taking out everything that wouldn't stay, he glanced at her. "I remember but I don't wish to remember. The horrible things that I've done. These decorations only serve as a reminder of my crimes."

shadowess - February 12, 2021

Sebastian thought on Carter's suggestion with interest. "I never have...never really occurred to me but maybe we could try it?" He wondered if it would still be good for them if they boiled it. Whether it would be like drinking blood right from a vain as opposed to the cold blood out of a fridge. It might be a way of making them feel like they're drinking fresh blood despite it not really being 'fresh'. "I could try boiling some now, if you'd like? Although I might have to stop if it starts smelling up the house. Don't want neighbors calling police thinking there's an undiscovered body here." He chuckles.


The door had arrived and they'd set it to one side as they continued to empty the house of all the decorations. Amelia turned to Vincent when he spoke with an understanding smile. "I thought as much...speaking of, what did you want to do with them? I could find a way to sell them if you want or we could make a little bon fire in the garden later? Might be cathartic for you?" She suggested, not wanting to assume what he wanted. He might not want to remember but at the end of the day, these items belonged to him therefore it was only fair that he decide what happened to them.

(Just a heads up, I kind of have something planned for Theo in Hell when these all go to sleep at some point. Fair warning; It'll be extremely violent and you may wind up loathing him by the time it's done lol It's just a little piece just to demonstrate that not everyone who had been evil in life can be saved. There's no rush to get this lot to sleep though. Just thought I'd give you a heads up about it beforehand.)

Denix Vames - February 12, 2021

Carter smirked. "You know I hadn't realized about the smell until now. Maybe we should be extra careful about it. Let's just take a little bit then. Just enough to boil. It doesn't have to be in extreme temperatures. Just something like a cocoa."
Vincent gripped his own arms. He shook his head. "No one should have these tainted items. We should burn them."

He hesitated. "Amelia? Can I appear in Hell without having to die? I want to talk to Theo. I want to let him know that he can be a good person."

(oh damn lol. alright that's fine. but I'd like to include Vincent in this if you don't mind)

shadowess - February 12, 2021

Smiling, Sebastian kissed Carter's cheek before getting to his feet. "Alright, let's give this a try. You stay there and relax, I'll take care of it." He says before heading into the kitchen. He pulled out a little saucepan and measured two mugs worth of blood before pouring it in. He set it to a low heat to warm it up gently. When it was hot and just before it could boil he turned the heat off and poured the blood into the mugs. He then took them through to the living room and passed one to Carter before sitting down. He looked at his mug dubiously and smirked at Carter "Well, time to find out if it's any good."


Amelia nodded when Vincent said he'd rather burn the items. She'd pile everything up in the garden soon. She looked at him sideways when he suggested going to Hell to talk to Theo and thought for a moment. "Yeah, we should be able to teleport to and from Hell easier than on Earth. Once we're there we can teleport as much as we want, too. If you want to talk to Theo though, it's best if I come with you. You'll need to give my clearance to David before he'll let you approach him after what he did."

(That might actually work out better. I was going to have him sneak up on Amelia to demand she make him a Devil. A short exchange would occur and they'd end up fighting before she manages to fight him off and force him to flee. Maybe Vincent can catch up and intervene instead of Amelia's alternative? lol)

Denix Vames - February 12, 2021

"Oh C'mon. I'm sure I can-" Carter attempted to get up. He immediately sat back down. He frowned. "Never mind."

Once Sebastian came back with the cup of warm blood, he moved the cup a bit to see the blood move. He nodded. "It's now or never." He took a slow sip. At first, it was strange until he tasted it some more.

His eyes sparkled as he smiled. "Holy shit! This is pretty good."
"Oh I see. So, when can we go see him then?" ,said Vincent.

(yeah that would make things interesting)

Denix Vames - February 12, 2021

(so i had this idea for a new character to join in. basically, itd be this country guy who's traveling to see NY. He starts exploring and he's at the vampire club. Blaire ends up calling Carter or Amelia for help on convincing him to leave cause he thinks he's at one of those clubs where people dress like vampires and aren't one. He's gonna be this innocent human who doesn't know what's going on and is just really friendly. and when he leaves the club eventually after some talking between the group and him then he leaves. Once he leaves, this werewolf, in human form, tries to get him to come with him for some little action time and plans on killing him as well. This time I don't want this character to turn though.

fyi i can make the name and description for him.

we dont have to role with this scenario if you dont want to.)

shadowess - February 12, 2021

(Sounds like a good idea. Might be good to hold off until after the Theo thing & after Carter sees his new office otherwise it might be too much to keep up with lol)

Sebastian took a sip at the same time and stared at his mug. It -was- good. He smiled a little and his cheeks turned a little pink as he agreed with Carter. "It's really good...it's like..." He hesitates. "It's like it's...'fresh'...but without actually needing to bite anyone..." He says, aware that the only blood Carter has ever had that's been directly from a person was when Sebastian turned him and fed him his blood. "I think we may end up being regular buyers at that club." He chuckles, content to drink this way going forward.


That was a good question. Amelia ponders for a moment before replying. "We'll try to finish this off first and then we'll go together. Shouldn't take too long. Just need to move everything to burn into the garden, re-arrange the furniture a bit and put up that door. Keep things simple for now. We can always repaint the walls and redo the floors another day. Maybe once Carter's little business is up and running. You know what?" She grins excitedly. "I'm actually half tempted to help him with the work. Maybe help with finances or give him a hand in the field. I've always wanted a human job as a guise...What do you think? Reckon he'd hire me?" She chuckles.

Denix Vames - February 12, 2021

(that's true. Wouldn't want to go all over the place with this storyline)

Carter smiled. "Yeah, I could get use to this." He kissed his cheek. "A nice warm cup of blood with my boyfriend by my side watching Disney movies."

He thought for a moment. "Maybe the next thing to do is make some blood ice cubes."
Vincent nodded. "Ok."

He frowned. "Carter always seemed to work alone even when he was human. I'm not so sure if he would want assistance. It's hard to read his thoughts as they are always filled with pain and sadness. It's like I can hear him screaming for mercy."

shadowess - February 12, 2021

Laughing, Sebastian looked at Carter, surprised at the thought of putting blood into an ice cube tray. "Aren't you just full of ideas tonight?" He chuckled "I suppose we could try making slushies next for the summer." He half joked. He was actually curious to see if it would work. His eyes softened, looking at the man he loved. This was a nice moment. This was one of those little moments he'd cherish for all time and he hoped there would be plenty more like this to come. Right there, cuddling Carter, drinking warm blood and watching children's movies was where Sebastian stayed until it was time for them to turn in for the day.


Her smile slipped at his words but she supposed he had a point. Who knows, maybe he'd need help with the admin work in the future? She'd like to think she could help out. Maybe she'd ask him if it ever popped up but she was a little less hopeful than she had been a moment ago. She hoped the work they were doing today would also help Carter feel a lot better after what Vincent had just told her. She was worried for her friend.

The rest of the work seemed effortless after they moved all the paintings and things into the garden. They replaced the front door with the new door and re-arranged the furniture to resemble more of an office building than a house. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, Amelie turned off her music and placed her phone into her pocket before heading out into the garden with Vincent. The sky was beginning to lighten up again. "Well...it's bon fire time. Did you want to light it or shall I?"

This, of course, meant that they would be going to Hell soon. Amelia wasn't exactly looking forward to it but she would go for Vincent's sake. She wasn't convinced Theo could be talked to but who knows? Maybe he'll be able to talk some sense into him? Maybe there is some love there that Amelia just couldn't see. She wanted to believe that but at the same time she worried Vincent might get hurt from this experience.

(When they get to Hell, I'll take control of Theo  Also, any thoughts on what movies they would've watched? Might have Sebastian reference them later lol)

Denix Vames - February 12, 2021

Carter chuckled. "Hey, that doesn't sound so bad. I wouldn't mind trying it out."

When they were in bed, he found himself relaxed. For the first time in his life, he felt as though he could finally sleep for once. He just hoped that was the case.

Although, he was disappointed that he couldn't lay on his side just yet. Having to rest on his back because his ribs were still healing. It was so dark in the room. This moment reminded him of when Bryce tried to turn him.

He sighed. Great! So no sleep tonight? He guessed. Maybe he could think about something else. Something happy.

He reached his hand out to Sebastian. Caressing his cheek. He smiled at him. "Sorry but I can't seem to sleep."
"You should do it. I'm sort afraid of fires. I'm not sure why. I can only recall that my flesh had burned at some point in my old body."

He soon watched the flames engulf the pile.

(alright and id say movies like Monsters Inc, A Bug's Life, and maybe a few princess films from back then)

shadowess - February 12, 2021

The room had been quiet. After a nice day with just the two of them, Sebastian was feeling quiet light as he lay next to Carter in bed. He'd had his eyes closed, facing Carter. It took all of his will power to not drape an arm across him to cuddle him in case he hurt his chest. He hadn't fallen asleep yet but he was beginning to doze off when he felt Carter's hand caress his cheek. Opening his eyes, he looked at Carter with a sleepy smile. Hearing he couldn't sleep, Sebastian lifted a hand to hold his and brought it to his lips to kiss. Letting go, he propped himself up onto his elbow, leaning his head against his hand as he looked at him. "What's on your mind?" He asks in a soft tone.


Amelia looked at Vincent as he told her he had a fear of fire since he'd been burned before. A little guilt welled up in her as she recalled taking him along to the mansion to burn it down. She wondered if he'd been afraid while in there when she'd set it alight. More guilt washed over her when she remembered all the trouble that occurred following that which she entirely blamed herself for. Pushing those memories away, she set the paintings and decorations alight and they stood by, watching them burn. Amelia was making sure the fire remained contained.

When the flames died down and the decorations were nothing but ash and embers, Amelia turned to Vincent and sighed. "Alright. Guess there's no time like the present." She says while offering him her arm again. "Let's go to Hell." She focused on the image of David, knowing he was the one with the key to access the building Theo was being kept in. They wouldn't get very far without him.

They arrived in Hell's Library where they were greeted by both David and Clementine. They had seemed to be having an urgent discussion and when Amelia and Vincent had popped up into the room. Both of them immediately stopped talking and looked at them gravely. "What's happened?" Amelia asked straight away, concerned.
"Theo has broken loose from his chains and is roaming around Hell somewhere." David began with a heavy sigh, he then shot Clementine an angry look.

"...and that's cause for alarm? Just find him and throw him in Hells Cells. He's not stronger than Demons and those Cells are powerful enough to hold Ancient Devils."
"It's not that simple." Clementine says "After disposing of your body, I went back to Earth to retrieve the book Vincent had mentioned so as to study it. When I returned home, I found that my mansion had been ransacked and my Dolls were destroyed."
"...So he made a mess of your house?" Amelia questions, still struggling to see why this was an emergency.
"My basement was broken into and a couple of items were stolen from me. Items that could be dangerous, if not lethal to you."

Amelia narrowed her eyes at the Demon child. "Please...please tell me you didn't have angelic weaponry down there."
"A set of handcuffs..." Clementine says, then pauses hesitantly. Clementine recalled when Vincent had come to get her help and she'd hesitated before getting the vial of liquid out of the drawer...she'd hesitated because she had been tempted to give him the weapon she had also had in her possession which had been laying in the drawer as well. "And a dagger." She added.

A chill ran up Amelia's spine and her eyes flashed with anger. "You kept Angelic steel in Hell? Are you insane?!" She hissed at her.
"I kept it to see if I could develop weaponry of our own to match it. Or better yet find a way of neutralizing it's effects on our kind!" Clementine tries to defend herself.
"And now a crazed werewolf soul hell bent on becoming a Devil and taking over Hell himself has them! You fucking idiot!" Amelia raged. "We need to find him. Before he causes real damage! Find him! Capture him if possible. Take those items from him and throw him into Hells Cells! Move!"

David and Clementine vanish and Amelia turned to Vincent, worriedly. "We need to find him before he hurts anyone. Vincent, come with me. Maybe if we find him first, you could talk him into handing the items to you? We'll head to the 'Lost City'. It's full of empty buildings that he might use to hide in. It's huge though so we might have to split up to search it quickly. Let's just be sure to not stray too far from each other..." She holds out her hand for him. "And if it's absolutely necessary, we can always 'kill' him. He's already dead so he won't actually die, not unless I go out of my way to destroy him. Which I won't, I want to help him too if I can. He'll just wake up somewhere else in Hell but he'll wake up without the items. Alright?" She says the last part to try to reassure him that Theo was in no real danger. At least not unless he did something to really deserve being obliterated, but Amelia would keep her word. She would do all she could to try to help Theo...for Vincent's sake.

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Denix Vames - February 12, 2021

Carter smirked. "What isn't on my mind?"

He frowned. "I should feel safe here but I don't. And I want to. I so badly want to. But ever since that fuck Bryce came along, things have been creepy for me."
Vincent was nearly in tears when he heard everything. "No! I know that I can talk to him. He'll understand. I know he will."

He followed her to the Lost City. He looked around. "Theo?! Where are you? It's me! Vincent! I just want to talk to you! Let's talk! Please!"

shadowess - February 12, 2021

Sebastian chuckled at Carter's first comment then looked at him in with gentle understanding as Carter explained he didn't feel safe since everything that happened with Bryce. He sighs a little. "I know what you mean..." He had never been so frightened than the night he'd woken up to see Bryce hovering over Carter. Even though he'd managed to fight him off, it had left Sebastian feeling a little apprehensive about falling asleep in this room. If he could sneak into the house so easily, who else could? "We've been through a lot...but Bryce is dead" He then chuckles "And I don't think we made any more enemies lately, do you?" returning to his soft expression; "I think we just need some time to readjust. To try to relax a bit...maybe, if it'll make you feel better, we could also set up an alarm system in the house?"


During their search for Theo, Amelia found herself wandering alone through the 'Lost City'. A section of Hell that resembled a run down and abandoned city. Vincent wouldn't be too far away, they'd decided to split up to cover more ground. She felt uneasy as she walked past the empty buildings, looking around warily, aware that any one of these buildings could be being used as a hiding place. She heard a door creak nearby and whirled around to face where the sound had come from. She held a crystal short sword in her hand, ready to fight if necessary. She walked backwards a bit while keeping her eyes moving around her surroundings, looking for any sign of movement.

She saw a figure run through the windows of one of the buildings and she darted towards it, her heart pounding. "Hey!" She yelled as she ran and burst through the door. This building looked like some kind of bare café. "Theo, if that's you, come out and place your weapon on the ground. There doesn't need to be any trouble if you just come quietly." She orders into the darkness. The majority of the building was shrouded in shadows, making it difficult to see who was hiding in there.

She walked through quietly, staring into the shadows, looking for any silhouettes or signs that someone was hiding. "Theo?" She called out as she walked. "Just talk to me, Theo. This doesn't need to get ugly." Just as she said that, she felt someone grip her hand from behind her and rapidly slam it against the nearby counter, causing her to drop her weapon with a gasp. Before she could react, they had brought her arm around her chest to hold her to them tightly. She began to struggle, bringing her other arm up to try and pry his hand off her wrist when she saw the flash of a silver-white blade being brought up to her throat. She froze and heard the male chuckle into her ear. "You came looking for me on your own?" He tutted. "That was foolish of you. For a Devil, you're not very smart, are you?"

Amelia kept her eyes on the dagger being held to her, her heart beating hard. "...Theo?"
"I remember you. I saw you there...before he shot me. You're the reason I'm stuck here. You're the reason my Vincent changed! You turned him against me! But you're going to make it up to me. You're going to make me a Devil, like you. Do this and when I go to slaughter the others, I'll spare you." He growled into her ear, making her shiver.
"Don't be ridiculous!" She snapped. "You will never be a Devil. You will never even be a Demon if I can help it! You don't deserve it!"
"I. Deserve. Everything!" He yelled angrily then pressed the flat side of the blade to Amelia's shoulder, causing her to cry out as it burned her skin. She tried to pull away but he brought the blade up to her throat again. "Give me what I want." He growled dangerously. "Or Hell will just have to go without ANY Devil rulers!"
Her arm still hot and very sore, Amelia sucked air in through her teeth as she tried to breathe through the pain. "I can't."
"YOU WILL GIVE ME WHAT I DESERVE!!" He pressed the blade to her neck, it burned as it scratched into her skin a little, drawing a bit of blood. "I can't!" Amelia snapped back. "I don't have that power! Even if I did, I'd rather fucking die!"

Theo was shaking with rage and desperation as he held her tightly and kept the dagger close to her throat. He thought on her words and decided she might be telling the truth. Frustrated, he pressed the flat side of the blade to another part of her arm to vent his anger. Amelia screamed and just as she started trying to pull away again, he brought the dagger up to her throat again to keep her from trying to escape him. He knew that if he let her go, she could destroy him if she wanted to. He had the handcuffs too but what could he use those for-...? An evil grin spread across his features as he thought of another way he could rule Hell. "You can't make me into a Devil...but you can make Devils..." He says slowly. Amelia wasn't sure what he meant until she felt him slip the dagger under the arm strap to her shirt and pull it to rip it off. She shivered violently, feeling his mouth on her now bare shoulder as he began kissing her up to her neck. She grimaced, turning her head away from him.

"Oh God, no." She says in disgust. Theo stops kissing her and brings the dagger to her cheek, forcing her to turn her head towards him where he hovered his face just inches from hers. "Shhh, it'll be alright." He whispers to her. "I'll be good to you. I won't hurt you unless you don't behave. Then, I'm afraid, I'll just have to put you back in your place. We can rule Hell together. You and me. I'll have to keep you tied up until you learn to love me, though." He grinned maliciously, some of his teeth sharpening. "And you will learn to love me."
'Ok, no.' Amelia thought to herself. 'I'd rather die.' Theo hurriedly put the dagger into his belt and reached for the handcuffs. As he did, Amelia seized her chance and rapidly brought her head back then forwards to head-butt him in the nose, hard. She heard a crunch and saw blood pour from his nose as he let go of her and fell back with a cry of surprise.

Infuriated at his attempt, Amelia dove on top of him and aimed two or three punches at his face. She struck him hard and he grunted, spitting blood across the floor before growling and punching her across the face and causing her to fall to the side with a yelp. She landed on her side and felt her lip stinging, tasting blood, knowing there was now a cut there. Before she could pull herself up, he was on top of her, punching her in the face and head angrily. "Fucking bitch! I'll fucking teach you to raise your hand at me!" He raged. Amelia gasped for breath between hits and tried to block his strikes with her arms. She gained a black eye and several bruises across her face and arms.

After a few swings, Theo grabbed at her wrists and pinned them above her head. She wriggled and writhed under him, trying to free herself of his grasp. "Stop fucking struggling! Stupid bitch!" He growled at her, his tight grip hurting her wrists. She continued to struggle against him, kicking her legs as well even though it did nothing with the way he'd sat on top of her. 'Good god, is this the kind of shit Vincent had to deal with?' She thought to herself as she seethed, glaring at him as he kept trying to bring her wrists together to pin down with one hand. The horrible thought of how comfortable he seemed to be with his movements crossed her mind. Like he'd done it a dozen times before. "For fuck- Just lay still!!" He yelled into her face and let go of her wrists to punch at her again out of frustration. His hands then shot to her throat where he squeezed tightly. Amelia's mouth opened and she strained to breathe, her face turning a horrid red color which slowly turned blue. Theo's intention was to suffocate her enough that she wouldn't pass out but she would be too weakened and dazed to fight back. A tactic, by this point, he'd mastered. Even as she couldn't breathe, Amelia still tried to fight him off. Her hands balled into fists and being slammed repeatedly into Theo's arms to try to knock them loose. Her eyes watered and her vision soon began to swim. Her movements began to slow.

Denix Vames - February 12, 2021

"An alarm system...." Carter grit his teeth. He covered his face as he felt himself succumbing to his depression. "Why the fuck didn't I think of that before? I'm a detective. I should have known to put one up for them."
Vincent heard the commotion and ran over. "Theo!" He shoved him off of her. "Theo! Stop! We don't have to fight! We can help people!" He reached out to him. Placing his hands on his arms. Tears ran down his cheeks as he looked at him. "Please. Don't hurt her. Don't hurt anyone. Killing people is wrong. It's awful. You shouldn't do it."

He hesitated. "If you still love me then try to be a better person."

shadowess - February 12, 2021

Sebastian's eyes widened a little. He hadn't meant to upset him. He'd been trying to make Carter feel better, not worse! "You can't blame yourself! No one could've known! Alarms aren't even as common as they should be!"


Amelia rolled onto her side when Theo was pushed off of her. She wheezed and coughed as she tried to get her breath back. Her face returning to it's normal color. Her throat and wrists hurt and had hand shaped bruising from where he'd been gripping her.

Theo glared furiously at the blonde male that had pushed him off the woman and began talking to him about not hurting or killing anyone. This kind of talk didn't interest him at all. In fact, it only disgusted him. What a pathetic thing to say! He recoiled from the male's touch and stared at him confused when he mentioned loving him. "I don't even fucking know who you are!" He snapped and withdrew the dagger, pointing it at him threateningly. He looked at the woman choking on the ground. "Is this seriously the best you have?! Your Demons are weak! They need a stronger leader! I should be that leader!"

Denix Vames - February 12, 2021

Carter clenched his fists. "Just forget about it, ok? Night!" He forced himself to roll on his side. Closing his eyes as he tried not to think about any of their conversation.
Vincent realized that Theo didn't recognize him. "Theo, it's me! It's Vincent! I-I changed bodies. I died and came back different. You have to believe me!"

He placed his hands over Theo's which was holding the dagger. Gently pushing it down. He stepped closer to him. Leaning his head against his chest. "Please believe me. I'm telling you the truth."

shadowess - February 12, 2021

Sebastian watched him roll over sadly, his heart aching. He hated seeing him so upset. He bit his lip and started reaching out but stopped before he could touch Carter's arm, thinking that maybe he'd end up making things worse if he didn't let it go. Retracting his hand, he stared at the back of Carter's head feeling awful. "I'm sorry..." He whispers and rolls onto his back, staring at the ceiling. Sebastian wouldn't sleep either.


Taken aback by the male's claim to be Vincent, Theo stared at the Demon. He watched him closely as he pushed his hand down and rested his head against his chest. The body was completely different...as was the attitude, but there was no mistaking the subtle mannerism. "...Vincent?" He says, looking down at him. He saw Amelia trying to crawl towards her dropped weapon. "Don't you fucking move!" He snapped and he pushed Vincent away from him, marching over to stand between Amelia and her short sword. He pointed the dagger at Vincent while glaring at Amelia. "What did you do to him?!" He yelled. "You've ruined him!! Years of work! My progress! Ruined!" He now glared at Vincent. "You were perfect! You were mine!"

Denix Vames - February 12, 2021

Carter heard his sorry. He frowned. Wishing that not everything reminded him of his family. He just wanted to be happy with Sebastian but the memories of the past and recent events felt as though they were suffocating his head. Making his heart sank and his chest feel heavy.

He slept for some time before sneaking his way downstairs and into the kitchen. He thought of an idea. Something that could help him forget about the pain he felt.

He took a blood bag out. He pushed his fangs against the rim of a glass. Letting the venom in. He poured some of the blood and began to drink the mixture. He was starting to feel the effects. Similar to being drunk.

He sighed as he could feel that numbness. He stumbled to the couch where he began to do this process repeatedly until he felt satisfied. Most of the blood from the bag was gone. He was laying on the couch with the empty glass hanging off the edge in his loose grip.

He was sleeping.
Vincent almost couldn't believe what he heard. "Theo....? Don't you love me? Don't you care about me?"

He shouted, "Why do you talk about me as if I'm your property?!"

He was shaking as did the ground. His eyes flashed black for a moment before they went back to his regular green eyes. He hugged him from behind. "Just stop! Please! I love you! Don't do this!"

shadowess - February 12, 2021

Amelia had no choice but to stay where she was on the ground and look on nervously as Theo wielded the dagger like a madman. Both she and Theo stared at the ground and the walls as the room shook, apparently from Vincent's outburst. Amelia's eyes rose to Vincent's form. That was quite some power for just a typical newborn Demon...maybe it's the new body? Then there was the intense ability he described as being able to read minds and emotions... Who did that body belong to?? Amelia's memories momentarily flashed back to being in the spare room of the penthouse when Bryce and Alex had knocked down the door. When Bryce had said "A devil and a demon" upon seeing Vincent and Clementine. She wondered...

Theo stumbled a little but maintained his balance, staring at Vincent as he approached him to hug him. He turned to stare at Amelia, where Vincent couldn't see his face, and smirked at her maliciously. "Of course I love you. I always have my beloved." He says softly. He turned to smile at Vincent, feigning sadness. "But how can you say you love me when you let them imprison me? They changed you Vincent. Don't you want to be how we were? Unstoppable killing machines? I always loved your artwork. I loved watching you work, seeing the delight in your eyes as you carved flesh. Prove to me that you love me and I'll take you back." He took the handcuffs off his belt and held them out for Vincent. "Help me. Then we can rule over Hell together. We'll make ourselves our own little family here. No one can stop us."

Denix Vames - February 12, 2021

Vincent thought for a moment. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

He frowned. He pulled out his own knife and stabbed him in the heart. "I didn't want to do this but you keep hurting people. I can't let you do that." He shook his head. "What I did before was wrong. Why can't you see that?"

shadowess - February 12, 2021

The dagger and handcuffs fell with a clatter onto the ground. Theo stared at Vincent with a mixture of shock and fury. His mouth gaping open and closed, unable to speak as his heart struggled to beat with Vincent's knife embedded in it. His face twitched a little and he began slumping against Vincent, no longer able to hold up his own weight. The only emotion he felt towards Vincent in these last few moments was absolute hatred. He maintained his glare until his eyes glazed over and he became still.

Amelia had watched it happen with bated breath, only feeling relief when Vincent decided the best course of action was to put Theo down. There was a moment after Theo died where she just stared at his body in silence, everything that had just happened replaying in her mind. She knew he'd re-awaken somewhere else in Hell and that they'd still need to find him and capture him, but at least now he no longer had Angelic steel in his possession. She opened her mouth to say something to Vincent but instead sprang to her feet and ran to the nearest trash can to vomit into.

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Denix Vames - February 12, 2021

Vincent's eyes widened as he felt himself falling back at the weight of Theo's dead body. He suddenly screamed.

His pain and anger. All of it made the entire city shook. He was sobbing as he gripped his back. Wishing he didn't have to do that. That he didn't have to kill him even if it wasn't permanent.

He continued to scream as the ground kept shaking.

shadowess - February 13, 2021

Pulling herself away from the trash can, Amelia stumbled quite a bit as Vincent screamed and the city shook. She looked around hurriedly and saw cracks creeping up the walls of the building they were in. This place was going to come down on top of them! She looked at Vincent holding Theo's body and at the Angelic items laying on the ground. She wasn't going to have time to grab both. She dove towards Vincent without a second thought and wrapped her arms around him. She imagined them being in the street just outside the building. A second later and they were there, just as the building collapsed with a huge crash, covering them in dust.

She'd covered their faces as the dust and debris filled the air, only pulling away once everything had settled. Looking down at Vincent, still holding on to Theo's body, she was filled with worry for him. Worried about how this might affect him. She needed to get him to calm down first though, or the rest of the buildings around them will soon follow the first. Amelia held onto Vincent, holding him to her and trying to comfort him. "Shhhh, Vincent. It's ok. It's ok." She says shakily. "Everything is going to be ok." Tears ran down her cheeks, leaving tracks in the dust covering her face. She was trying to comfort Vincent, while she was just barely hanging on herself. "It's going to be ok..." She cried, not knowing what else to say.

Denix Vames - February 13, 2021

Vincent soon stopped screaming. He could feel her arms. Hear her voice. He closed his eyes as he felt tired. Exhausted from what he had done.

He rested his head against her chest. Thankful that she was there.

shadowess - February 13, 2021

Amelia was still shaking after everything that had happened. Vincent had stopped screaming and the city had stopped shaking. Everything was still. Quiet. The only sound coming from them. Amelia sat and cried quietly, holding Vincent. She ran a hand through his hair comfortingly while her other arm was wrapped around his torso. She was resting her head on his with her own eyes closed. Holding onto him like this was bringing her just as much comfort as it seemed to be bringing Vincent. Her heart beat gradually slowed down as she became calmer.

He'd saved her again, she thought to herself. With how David and Clementine seemed when they arrived, it wouldn't have been long before one of them went to Earth to inform her of Theo's escape with the Angelic items. Amelia wasn't so sure she'd have told Vincent if that had been the case. She wouldn't have wanted him to worry and would probably have come to Hell alone to try to recapture Theo...She recalled how they'd fought when he caught up to her...if Vincent hadn't been there to push him off...She owed Vincent her life for this.

Denix Vames - February 13, 2021

Vincent's lips quivered. His voice was shaky. "H-He wouldn't listen to me. He stopped loving me a long time ago. Or maybe....he never loved me at all?"

shadowess - February 13, 2021

Hearing Vincent's words, Amelia was quiet for a moment as she thought on how to reply. "I think the only thing that man ever loved was the violence he created..." She says quietly. She sighs, stroking his hair a little. "I'm sorry, Vincent...I really am..."

Denix Vames - February 13, 2021

Vincent frowned. "I'll never find love."

shadowess - February 13, 2021

Amelia opened her eyes at his next words and looked down at him sadly. For a moment she cursed the fact she wasn't male as she looked at him. This man who had saved her twice and managed to fend for himself successfully might actually have changed her mind on the 'no dating friends' rule that she had. Oh well. She supposed she'll just have to settle for being a best friend. "Don't say things like that." She scolds him gently. "You've only just started on this new path that you're taking and already you have displayed brilliant qualities! You've been brave, loyal, understanding and caring. And you have been oh so strong..." She smiles and kisses the top of his head and gently squeezes him with the arm she had wrapped around him. "Any man would be lucky to have you."

Denix Vames - February 13, 2021

Vincent held a small smile. "Thank you, Amelia." He opened his eyes. Looking at her. "Can we go to Carter's house? I just want to go....home."

shadowess - February 13, 2021

Amelia smiled down at him, her eyes still a little tearful from when they'd cried. "Sure." She says gently. "I'll take you back...then I need to come back to let David know what happened...so they can dig out those items from the rubble before any unsavory souls or Demons find them..." She glances at the ruins of the building they had stood in not too long ago. Then I'll rejoin you at Carter's...Shouldn't take too long..." She looked around them then back down at Vincent and chuckled. "I don't know about you...but I could use some brew after this..." Then they were sat on the floor of Carter's living room. Because Theo had been a soul, his 'body' did not teleport with them. In fact, it was only a matter of time before it vanished completely as the newer version of Theo roamed Hell. If bodies remained solid in the the afterlife, Hell would be littered with them...

Amelia blinked when she looked up and saw Carter sleeping on the couch with a glass hanging from his hand. She wondered if he and Sebastian had had a falling out while they'd been away. Not wanting to disturb him, and also because she wanted them to get cleaned up before either Sebastian or Carter saw them and began asking questions; she looks at Vincent and holds a finger to her lips before pointing to the ceiling to signal they should leave Carter be and try to get some rest themselves in the spare room.

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Denix Vames - February 13, 2021

"Sorry but I don't drink."

Vincent was concerned when he saw Carter sleeping on the couch the way he did.

He reluctantly complied with Amelia. Following her upstairs and into the bedroom. Once the door was closed, he spoke.

"There was an argument. Carter feels bad for yelling at him. He blames himself for everything so he got drunk. I'm not sure how he did it but I know he'll wake up feeling really bad. He doesn't want Sebastian to think that he has to apologize."

shadowess - February 13, 2021

Amelia felt a little guilty at having suggested the brew once Vincent said he didn't drink. Maybe that wasn't such a bad idea...abstaining...as much as she wanted to drink away what had happened, the drink always managed to get her into trouble somehow. She dropped the subject and just walked with Vincent to the spare room. Once inside, she listened to Vincent's explanation and blinked at him in surprise. "You got all that while he was asleep?" She says in a hushed tone. Damn...she really needed to find out who this body belonged to and why they're so damn powerful.

Pushing that thought from her mind she shook her head a little and bit her lip sadly, wincing a little as she accidentally hurt the cut in her lip. She stared off at one of the walls, not sure why they looked different. "I don't know if it's our place to get involved with this one...but I suppose...Carter's still our friend so we could at least try to talk to him about his drinking..." She noted the room looked different and it was only as she brought her attention to it that she realized. "All the kids stuff is gone..." She says, still looking around the room.

Denix Vames - February 13, 2021

Vincent lowered his head. He rubbed his eyes. "Yes I did." He looked around the room. "He tried to move on. To forget. Sebastian was helping but it wasn't enough. He doesn't think that it will ever be enough."

He laid on one of the beds. "They use to sleep here." He curled up and covered his own face with his hands. "And now they're not here because of me."

shadowess - February 13, 2021

Amelia watched him sadly. This had been one hell of a trying day for all of them. Shame it started out so well...When he lay on the bed, she sat behind him and rubbed his arm comfortingly. She sighs and looks around the room. "I don't think the memories are contained to just one room...I don't think Carter will be able to move on completely until he can leave the whole house behind. Otherwise every nook and crevice is going to be a constant reminder of what he had and what he lost. He can truly move on when he forgives you..."

She then looks at Vincent. "But you also need to forgive yourself. I believe there is hope for the both of you yet. You just have to be patient and persevere." She sighs again and stands up. "Try to get some rest...maybe get a shower... we look a right mess." She says, looking down at the dust they were both covered in. "I'll be back soon." A second later, and she was gone.

Denix Vames - February 13, 2021

As Vincent was thinking about what she said, he closed his eyes. He began to fall asleep. Tired from everything that had just happened.

The glass from Carter's hand slipped as he mumbled in his sleep while moving a bit. He soon began to snore.

shadowess - February 13, 2021

It was late afternoon by the time Amelia returned to the house. She appeared near the bathroom and knocked lightly to make sure it was empty before locking herself inside to tidy herself up. She looked at herself in the mirror above the sink and cringed at her various injuries. She could clean herself up, sure, but as soon as Sebastian or Carter saw the state she was in there was bound to be questions.

Her lip was cut, she'd gained a black eye, bruises here and there on her face and arms. There was a knife shaped burn mark on her shoulder and upper arm on her left side. A small scratch accompanied by a burn on her neck. Two big hand shaped bruises that wrapped around her throat as well as similarly shaped bruising around her wrists. Her right hand was a little swollen as well from where Theo had slammed it against a countertop. Sighing at the sight of herself, she turned on the cold water and washed her face, cringing from where her cut stung. She then got into the shower.

Once she was clean and in fresher clothing, she snuck back into the spare room and saw Vincent asleep. Smiling, glad he could get some rest, she lay on the second bed and faced the wall. She wouldn't sleep however. She couldn't as the memory of what had happened replayed over and over in her head. She stared at the wall, tears silently falling from her eyes and being soaked up by the pillow.


Sebastian hadn't slept. He'd pretended to be asleep when Carter left the room and had a feeling he'd chosen to sleep on the couch. Not wanting to cause any more arguments, Sebastian had decided to just leave him to it for the day. Maybe he just needed a bit of space? Still, it had left Sebastian feeling utterly awful. He couldn't stop thinking about what had been said. He felt like he was to blame for the way Carter felt now. Why did he have to go an suggest alarms to him? Was there any way he could've known that would set him off? When the sun went down outside, Sebastian sat up in bed and sighed. They would need to talk about it sooner or later. Maybe he could boil them some blood and they could just talk it out?

Getting to his feet, he crept downstairs and saw Carter sleeping on the couch. He smiled momentarily, thinking he seemed cute while he slept. Then his eyes landed on the glass on the floor that had been stained red. He could smell something sweet in the air around Carter and he frowned. He descended the rest of the steps and walked over to the couch, silently picking up the glass and inspecting it. He could see the clear liquid sitting on top of the small amount of blood that was left in it and knew what Carter had been doing.

He felt angry suddenly. Like everything they had worked towards had just been thrown away. Carter knew Sebastian didn't like him drinking, why would he do this?! He didn't realize how tightly he'd been holding the glass until it exploded in his grip. He blinked at his hand angrily, knowing this would have woken Carter up but he didn't want to even look at him right now. Sebastian was hurt that he would be so damn careless. Without a word, he turned and headed for the front door. He knew he needed to calm down before he could speak to Carter and had decided to go for a walk, unable to help slamming the door as he left.

Denix Vames - February 13, 2021

"What the-?!" Carter instantly sat up. He could feel a headache pounding in him.

He quickly saw the scene as it was. Seeing the broken glass in his hand. "Oh shit! Sebastian, I can explain."

He stood from the couch. "Sebastian!" He watched him leave. "Damn it!" He quickly slipped into his pair of socks from yesterday and his shoes that were sitting by the wall near the door.

He threw his jacket on as he ran out of the house. He shut the door. "Sebastian! Wait up!" He ran after him. "Let me explain! This isn't your fault!"
Vincent gasped awake when Carter woke. He listened as the noises continued.

He frowned. "Sebastian found out. He's mad. Carter doesn't want him to be. He feels bad for doing it. He wants him to know why did it."

shadowess - February 13, 2021

Sebastian kept marching forward, not really having anywhere to go in mind. He just needed to walk. Needed to calm down. He could feel tears stinging his eyes as he glared at the pavement ahead of him. He'd put his hands in his pockets. He heard Carter's shouts coming from behind him but he didn't react. Didn't slow down. Didn't look back. He also made no attempts to stop Carter from catching up or talking to him, a small part of him wanting Carter to help him calm down.


Amelia had jumped at the sound of the glass shattering downstairs and then again when she heard a door slam. She held her breath, listening carefully. She heard Vincent's words and sat up, quickly wiping the tears from her eyes as if trying to hide them and looked around at him. She sighs heavily. "What do you suppose we should do?"

Denix Vames - February 13, 2021

"Just slow down! We need to talk!" Carter finally caught up to him. Standing right in front of him to keep him from walking any further.

"Please listen to me. I just want us both to talk about this. We can't let this thing go like nothing happened."
Vincent shrugged. "I don't really know. I wish I did but I don't. It seems as though those two will have to talk alone together."

shadowess - February 13, 2021

Sebastian stopped dead in his tracks when Carter stood in front of him. At first his eyes looked anywhere but at Carter, feeling too hurt and angry to look at him. Then Carter said he wanted them to talk and he brought his eyes back to Carter's. "Do you realize how incredibly reckless and stupid what you did was?" He says quietly, trying to sound angry to scold Carter but his voice cracked as he spoke. "After everything we've gone through...Why did you do it?"


Amelia sat with her back against the bed's headboard and pulled her legs up to hug them. She worried for them but didn't know what to do. Maybe they should just wait until they came back. But then she was going to have to try to explain what had happened to herself and Vincent. She rested her head against her knees and turned it to look in Vincent's direction. She'd been feeling a little ill for the past hour or so as she'd been stuck replaying the events in her mind. She wanted to ask if Theo had ever been that violent with Vincent. If he'd ever gotten that bad. How naturally he'd moved when fighting her had unnerved her a great deal. Like he'd had plenty of practice.

At the same time, she didn't want to make Vincent have to remember something like that so she kept her questions to herself. She was trying her best to push it all from her mind, frightened he'd hear them, but with the events being so fresh and so traumatizing, it was difficult. He'd only been a mere soul but he'd made her feel so small...so helpless. Thank God Vincent had been there...

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Denix Vames - February 13, 2021

Carter frowned. "I know and I'm sorry. I just-" He sighed. "I just wanted to forget. About everything. The trauma I've been through, the pain, torture, the loss....All of it. Sometimes I think about killing myself."

He held back tears. "Every night, I have the same damn nightmares about my family and about you."

He shook his head. "I'm supposed to be happy and move on but I'm not. I don't even know if I'm ever happy. But when I'm with you, I do feel happy. I feel like I can be me. That I can trust you with whatever I say."

He lowered his head. "So doing what I did doesn't make any sense but at the time it did to me." He hesitated. "I just didn't want to go through with that drama again. Getting upset over the littlest reminders about my family."

He bit his lip. "It wasn't your fault. It was mine. I wanted to do this because I thought it was easy. Now, I realize that it only made things worse. That it made you feel bad. And I feel like I failed."

He looked at him with those disappointed eyes. Disappointed at himself. "I'm sorry. I won't do it again. And I'll try not to let things get to me."

He caressed his cheek. "I don't want your reason of leaving to be because of me. I shouldn't be doing this to you."

"Sometimes he'd do it but not like that." ,said Vincent. He slightly turned his head at her. "He'd only do something like that when I really don't listen."

shadowess - February 13, 2021

Sebastian was quiet as Carter spoke. When he finished he brought a hand up to cup the one on his cheek unable to stop the tears that fell. He closed his eyes, his chest heaving a little as he sobbed silently. Thinking through everything Carter had just said. Wordlessly he leant forward, leaning his head on Carter's shoulder, crying into it and hugging him. "Oh, Carter..." He whispered between sobs when he finally found the strength to speak again. "What am I going to do with you?" He pulled back and held Carter's face in his hands, looking into his eyes. "Next time, just talk to me. I might not always understand but I'm trying! I want to help you. You need to let me help you." He cried.


Hearing Vincent, Amelia felt her heart drop. She supposed having a friend who could hear her every thought was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because she felt she could truly be herself around him and a curse because she had no control over thoughts that might be hurtful to him. The second they popped into her head, it was already too late to try to block them out. "Vincent..." She whispered tearfully. "I'm sorry...No one should have to live through that." She suddenly felt defensive of him. For just a second, she thought of what she'd do if anyone raised their hand to him again. In short, she just wouldn't allow it to happen. Not if she could help it.

Denix Vames - February 13, 2021

Carter's lips quivered. Tears rolled down his cheeks. "I know. I know. But please don't cry. I don't want to be the one that makes you cry. Not for any reason. I don't want to do that."

He touched his hands before kissing him. "I'm sorry."

Vincent smiled. "Thank you. I never realized the friends that I have were here until you started talking to me. It means a lot."

shadowess - February 13, 2021

Sebastian kissed him back and then pulled him into another hug, one hand on the back of his head. "It's alright." He sighed, calming down. "Let's just go home...I'll boil us some blood..." He says softly and lets him go, offering him a comforting smile. He took his hand and turned to walk back to the house, only vaguely taking note of the black van with tinted windows parked at the end of the street.


Wiping her eyes, Amelia smiles and nods at Vincent, happy that he knew he needn't be alone. That he could always talk to her or the other two if he needed to.

Denix Vames - February 13, 2021

Carter tensed up. He stopped. "Wait a minute." He squeezed his hand. "I feel like someone's watching us."
Vincent nervously rubbed his arms as he walked over to her. He awkwardly gave her a hug. Not really sure how to go about making someone feel better.

shadowess - February 13, 2021

Hearing Carter's suspicion, Sebastian looked up and down the street warily. No sooner had Carter said he felt like they were being watched, the black van started up and sped off down the road. Sebastian stared after it, a little startled. Maybe it was coincidence? He'd like to think so, but the way it took off so quickly gave him the impression that whoever was sitting inside may have been able to hear their conversation. "Carter... I have a bad feeling." He says slowly, bringing his eyes back to him, concerned.


Amelia watched Vincent make his way over to her and smiled as he tried to hug her. She noted how awkwardly he went about it but found his effort charming nonetheless. She brought her hands up to his arms, resting her head on his shoulder and hoping he'd relax as she hugged him back. "Thank you." She says quietly, simply being comforted by him being there. "For everything..."

Denix Vames - February 13, 2021

Carter glared at the speeding van.

He looked at him. "Sebastian, I want you and the others to go to Blaire's house. You'll be safe there. I'll stay here and see what's going on. Is that clear?"
Vincent touched the back of her head. "I'm glad I could help."

shadowess - February 13, 2021

Sebastian shook his head and looked at Carter sternly. "Not a chance! You've seen what happens when we don't stay together. Besides, if we're being watched then there's a chance they'd end up following us to Blaire's and we'd wind up pulling her into whatever this is too." He looked at the house. "I wonder if the others are back yet. If they are, they should know what we just saw."


Amelia smiled at him, comfortable in his arms. Already she felt far calmer and safer than she had just minutes ago. Her mind relieved of worry and replaced with a growing admiration.

Denix Vames - February 13, 2021

Carter grit his teeth. "Damn it, Sebastian! I'm trying to-" He sighed. "Fine. We'll tell them if they're there. But when we do inform them, we need to find a safe place for you and them."

They got into the house. "Amelia? Vincent! You here?"
Vincent lifted his head up. Breaking the hug. He heard Carter calling for them. "They're both worried. I believe they saw them. The men near the restaurant."

shadowess - February 13, 2021

Sebastian wanted to protest but ended up just following Carter back to the house. Amelia looked around to the bedroom door when they heard Carter's shouts then looked back at Vincent when he mentioned the men outside the restaurant. She'd forgotten about that! "Wait, why would they see those guys? Weren't they just random people you helped?" She asked, confused and getting to her feet. She left the room to see what was going on, completely forgetting the various injuries she had all over her body. She headed down the stairs to greet them. "What's going on?" She asked.

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