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Balance The Realms Nov 2020 - May 2021

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Denix Vames - January 23, 2021

(sure, maybe they wake up in Carter's bedroom? seems more better that way. also i was thinking that at some point they go grocery shopping at night at a store. and theres a security guard thats a vampire. once he sees Carter, he gets hooked immediately on him)

Carter wrapped his arms around his neck. Finding himself captivated by him. By this moment. He moved his lips to his neck. Wondering if this was ok but at the same time hoping he was making the right move by leaving little kisses there.

Denix Vames - January 23, 2021

(ive thought of a name! Bryce Heathcliffe)

shadowess - January 23, 2021

(Nice! I like it lol and I love the idea)

Sebastian gasped softly when Carter's kisses moved down his neck. He smiled, loving the tingling sensations he was causing and gently kissed the top of his ear. He lost himself utterly in Carter's passionate embrace.


Sebastian awoke sometime in the late evening and stared up at Carter's bedroom ceiling. He felt light. All of his previous worries evaporated. He found himself feeling hopeful about the future, which was a new feeling for him. He'd always been on guard around everything and everyone but right now, he felt he could finally relax.
He turned his head to look at Carter while he slept and smiled. This was the start of a new chapter. Maybe now, Sebastian can finally have the happiness he'd been looking for for so long.

Denix Vames - January 23, 2021

Carter slowly opened his eyes. He recalled the love they made earlier. It had almost been so hard to believe that he met someone again after all these years.

Yet here was Sebastian laying right next to him. Under the covers.

A flash of a memory appeared. Jack had taken Sebastian's spot. He smiled. "Morning Apples."

Carter blinked the memory away. Knowing that he was gone. He was gone. "Apples..." He had said this word out loud. He put himself in Sebastian's embrace. Resting his head over his chest. He tried not to think about what he said. Why did he do it? Say that one word. The nickname.

He hated himself for it. He hoped to brush it off by bringing something else up.

"I'm going to take a shower, ok? I'll be downstairs for dinner. I'm planning on making it unless you have a different idea." He smiled.

Denix Vames - January 23, 2021

(awesome thanks)

shadowess - January 23, 2021

He could see something bother him for a moment, but any concern Sebastian had melted away as Carter lay his head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around his shoulders and kissed the top of his head. This was peaceful. He almost didn't want to move. When Carter spoke, Sebastian smiled down at him. "Well, I won't be needing to eat but I'd be happy to take you out to dinner, if you want?" He suggested.

He was thankful he had bought those bags of blood from Carter's friend. Now he didn't need to go out and hunt, instead he could just have a bag while Carter showered before disposing of the bag discretely. Actually, speaking of shower. "Although, I may want to borrow your shower as well before we go anywhere." He chuckled.

Downstairs Amelia was already up and about, making more coffee and waiting for the other two to wake up so that she could say her goodbye's. She figured she'd been putting off her own problems for too long now. As good of a distraction as this was, it was about time she got back to her own life.

Denix Vames - January 23, 2021

Carter chuckled. "Going out for dinner would be nice but maybe not right now. I'm lacking on a lot of groceries. I don't even know if I have anything besides condiments. We might need to go the groceries."

He sat up. The sheet fell off his bare chest. He yawned as he stretched out his arms. He rubbed his eyes.

"I wonder how Amelia is doing. I hope she's alright. I know that the situation last night was more than just the case I was working on."

shadowess - January 23, 2021

"A trip to the shops it is." Sebastian says, grinning. He didn't mind. After all, he'd have plenty of time to spoil Carter with meals out and such. Maybe going shopping with him might make him feel a little human again? Who knows.

He found Carter's minor concern for Amelia adorable. Although he'd only known Amelia a few years, he knew she was more than capable of handling herself. Sitting up, Sebastian couldn't resist wrapping his arms around Carter's torso from behind and kissing his cheek. He'd momentarily debated kissing his neck but for now decided against it. He didn't want to accidentally spook Carter. Maybe this is just one of those things they can warm up to gradually as Carter becomes more and more comfortable with what Sebastian is.

"I'm sure she's fine." Sebastian sighs happily, resting his head against Carter's. "From what I know, she was practically raised in Hell. So I doubt there's much she can't handle." Sebastian started to become aware that he could smell Carter's blood again and gave him one last kiss on the cheek before pulling away, getting out of bed and getting dressed.

The fight he'd had with the werewolf the previous night had been a rough one, so it was inevitable that Sebastian's hunger would start getting strong again today, like it had the previous night before they'd gone to the club. Sebastian wanted to nip that in the bud now before it became too strong for him to control himself, particularly around Amelia but especially around Carter. Amelia, at least, had enough strength to fight him off if it came to it.

"I'll see you downstairs then, I'm going to have a bag now before I get too hungry again. Then I should be good to go." He explains, swooping in to give Carter a quick kiss on the lips before making his way downstairs.

Denix Vames - January 24, 2021

Though Sebastian said she would be fine, he still worried. After all, he hadn't had friends like them in a long time. Especially Sebastian.

But he smiled anyway. "Alright. I'll take your word for it."

When he felt those arms around him, he touched his hands. Breathing the intoxicating air in the room.

After who knows how many kisses, he watched Sebastian then headed to the bathroom.

He stepped into the hot steaming shower. Finding himself relaxed in it as he washed his hair and everything else.

He soon stepped out. He found himself looking at the recent scars on his chest. His torture flashed back into his mind.

The slow pain that never seemed to end, the blood dripping from his wounds, and the demented smile that his captor had.

He took slow deep breaths before leaving the bathroom all wet with a towel wrapped around his waist. Heading for the bedroom.

Maybe he wasn't over it but he'd like to think he was. He wanted to be. For his family, for Amelia, for Sebastian.....And for himself.

He changed in the bedroom.

He walked downstairs in a navy blue buttoned rolled up sleeve shirt and black pants. His scent was that of a musky forest smell from his cologne.

"Hey Amelia! Can you check and see if I even have food in the fridge?"

shadowess - January 24, 2021

Amelia had been sat at the kitchen table with a black coffee in one hand and her phone in the other. Not doing anything on it, just staring at the screensaver with a frown and a faraway look. When Carter entered the room and asked her to check the fridge she looked up with a sly smile. "It's the main reason I'm drinking my coffee black, Carter." She bantered. Content that if the fact there was no milk in the fridge was anything to go by, it was safe to guess there was no food in there either. "Speaking of which, it's fresh if you want any."

Sebastian then wandered in with his now empty bag, having drank it out of the way, in the living room. He put the bag in the bin and proceeded to rinse his silly straw under the tap. Amelia had watched him with mild amusement. "What the hell is that?"
Sebastian paused, water still running over the straw as he looked at Amelia as if he'd just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "...Silly straw?"
"Were you seriously just drinking blood through it?"
Amelia chortled. "Goof!"
Sebastian grinned, glancing at Carter and winking at him before turning the tap off and shaking the water off the straw into the sink, placing it on the draining board.

Amelia placed her phone on the table with a sigh. "Well, it's been nice fellas...But uh...I think I'll leave you guys to it. I've gotta try to catch up with Damien anyways."
"Oh? You've heard from him then?" Sebastian looked over at Amelia, recalling she'd originally arrived to see if Sebastian had seen him.
Amelia's smile slipped and she glanced at her phone briefly before putting on a smile. It was the same expression she used to hide her true emotions every time she felt something was off.
"No, but you know him...I'm sure he's just doing his usual..."

Denix Vames - January 24, 2021

Carter put on his black tie. Leaving it on crooked like a bad habit.

He could feel his cheeks turn red at his winking. He still found it unbelievable that Sebastian was able to make him blush. But then again, their time together like this barely started anyway.

He smirked at her comment. "Then I guess it's black coffee for dinner." He poured some into a cup for himself.

"Damien's your brother right? And you're looking for him? I could help you find him. I am a detective after all."

He took a quick sip. "Besides, I wouldn't want to leave ya in the dark."

shadowess - January 24, 2021

Drying his hands on a little towel, Sebastian watched Carter putting his tie on and smirked at how it ended up looking a bit crooked. He was half tempted to go over and fix it but kind of liked Carter's rugged look as well. He could smell his cologne, making him want to go over, hold him close and kiss him again. Instead, he leant against the counter with his arms folded, trying to keep it cool and pay attention to the conversation.

Amelia gave Carter a more genuine smile. It was rare to find a human who didn't want to kill her as soon as they found out what she was. Even less so for a human to offer to help her kind of their own accord. It was nice. "That's sweet of you, Carter. But you may have trouble tracking him down if he's decided to pop back into Hell for a while."

She stood, shaking her head a little and placing her phone back into her pocket. "I'm sure he's fine. Devils have all eternity to look forward to, so it's only natural that we occasionally isolate ourselves for a few centuries. I mean, look at Lucifer...He vanished around twenty five years ago..." She shrugged and Sebastian nodded, recalling they'd been searching for him when they'd found him in the Asylum. That being said, with only the three of them left in existence and two of them vanishing without a word, Amelia was worried. Particularly as they were hunted relentlessly by Angels whenever they stepped foot on Earth... and that's not even mentioning what a fanatic or supernatural research organisation would do if they managed to get their hands on one.

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Denix Vames - January 24, 2021

Carter gave them each a look with a raised brow. "Lucifer? As in Lucifer with his pitch fork and comical mustache? That Lucifer?"

He shook his head. "You know if I wasn't planning on going outside, I would have been drunk ages ago."

shadowess - January 24, 2021

At Carter's question Sebastian chuckled while Amelia grinned, amused. "Only some of the stories you humans pass around are actually true, you know. Lucifer isn't some red skinned goat man with a pitchfork. He looks just like any other man...He's now the oldest Devil in existence. He made Damien his student and changed him. I've never met him myself so I can only go off of what Damien has told me and the most important rule about Lucifer is; When he says something, you ALWAYS take him seriously." Not that there was a chance these two would ever meet him but you never knew with Lucifer.

To Carter's statement, both Sebastian and Amelia looked at him.
"I know it's hard. The path to recovery. It's not going to get easy overnight either but I know you're strong enough to get through it. I'll help you, if you need help." Sebastian says softly. Amelia smiles at the pair. It was nice seeing Sebastian with a purpose and so happy for once. She picked up her cup and drank what was left of the coffee, then placed it back onto the table.

He then walked over the Carter and held out a hand for him to shake. "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Carter. Thanks for letting me stay for the night." She then went over to Sebastian and gave him a quick hug. "You've got my number if you need me. Just bare in mind, you won't reach me if I'm in Hell." Letting him go she took a step back and smiled at them both. "Take care of yourselves and each other. And don't do anything I wouldn't do." She winks and a second later, she'd vanished.

Denix Vames - January 24, 2021

Carter smiled at him. "Thanks Sebastian. And thanks guys for rescuing me."

He shook hands with her. "Anytime you want to come over, you just do it."

He chuckled at her comment and her disappearance. "I swear you two surprise me more and more." He looked at Sebastian with those loving eyes.

"But that's a good thing."

shadowess - January 24, 2021

Sebastian grinned at Carter. "To this day, she and her brother still find new ways to surprise even me..." He moved closer to Carter, placing his hands gently on his waist. "I can hear your stomach growling." He chuckled. "I think it's time we got you some food in, don't you think?"

As mundane of a task as shopping was, Sebastian was kind of looking forward to it. When he'd been alive he'd never been able to afford simple groceries and now that he was immortal with stacks of cash, he'd never really had the need to buy any.

Maybe he could make this one of his new hobbies? Learning recipes, shopping for their ingredients and then cooking all sorts of new and exciting meals for Carter. Just because Sebastian couldn't eat, didn't mean he couldn't enjoy improving the experience for his beloved.

Denix Vames - January 24, 2021

Carter smiled. "Sure. Just let me get my...." He headed upstairs. "Damn it! Vincent must have pulled off my coat when he tied me to the chair. Guess I'll have to take a different one."

He stopped. "Wait a minute." He turned his head slightly to him. "The bodies....Someone would have found it but....No." He thought for a moment. "You burned them. Didn't you? You hid the evidence. Like you said, no one can know about your identity or hers."

shadowess - January 24, 2021

His coat! Sebastian just realised that during the whole ordeal, he hadn't actually seen Carter's coat since he ran out of the club. He doubted Amelia would have just left it if she'd seen it. Maybe they both missed it and it ended up burning with the rest of the school?

He nodded, "Yes, there should be no trace of any of us having been there. I imagine the school is nothing but rubble by now. Amelia is thorough and experienced in her placement when it comes to arson..." Not exactly something to be proud of but if it kept them all safe...

A thought occurred to Sebastian. What if Carter's wallet had been in his coat? "If your wallet was in it, I'd be happy to pay for your groceries tonight. Perhaps you can request a new card from your bank in the morning? Say it was stolen or something?"

Denix Vames - January 24, 2021

On any given day, Carter would have been pissed about someone trying to hide evidence. But these last few days weren't ordinary.

"Yeah, I'd appreciate that. I'll get a new one tomorrow."

He soon came back downstairs wearing a black overcoat. "You can drive. I just...want to relax. Look out at things that I never noticed before, ya know? But I'll tell you where the store is. The one I go to. It's a large place called Fresh Foods."

He pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He took one out and stuck it between his lips.

Jack suddenly appeared. He frowned. Taking the cigarette out of his mouth. "C'mon Apples. You know smoking's bad for you. Did you have a rough day at work? Is that it?" He hugged him. "Why don't we pop in a movie and have some popcorn?"

That memory left. Carter took out the cigarette from his mouth. Placing it back in the box and in his pocket. He headed to the front door. "We should get going."

shadowess - January 24, 2021

There was that look again. Like he'd seen a ghost. Sebastian had watched Carter silently as he'd gone to smoke but then seemed to change his mind. Not that Sebastian wasn't glad, but the way he'd done it was a little concerning. Seeing Carter was tired, he figured that perhaps now wasn't the best time to ask him what was on his mind.

He nodded, smiling kindly and picking up the car keys. "Alright, then. I'm quite looking forward to this." He admitted with a grin. "I've never been shopping before." He opened the front door for Carter before heading to the car, getting in and starting it up. There was a slight chill to the air tonight in comparison to previous nights.

Denix Vames - January 24, 2021

"It's not much. Just grab whatever looks tasty. That's about it." Carter got in the passenger side. He leaned against the window.

As he told Sebastian where to go, he thought about his car rides with Jack. They were rare but on his days off, him and the kids would go to the park, or he would pick up his kids, or he would buy some groceries. Sometimes, the whole family went together.

He bit his lip. Preventing tears from leaving his eyes. Holding in the painful memories.

He suddenly blurted out, "There's a cereal box called Count Chacula." His face flustered. He just wanted to get rid of the tension he felt but that random comment right there really made him want to bury himself in some dirt.

shadowess - January 25, 2021

You could cut the tension in the car with a knife. Sebastian, for the most part, was quiet. Every now and then he'd glance over at Carter with concern. Did he regret the night before? Sebastian tried to push that thought out of his head while following Carter's directions.

When Carter mentioned a certain cereal brand, Sebastian couldn't help the chuckle that had escaped him as he momentarily rose an eyebrow at Carter. "Noted." He laughed. "I'm guessing it's one of your favourites?"

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Denix Vames - January 25, 2021

Carter was taken aback. "What?! No! I was just um...." He nervously cleared his throat as he scratched the back of his head. "Commenting on stuff."

He sighed. "I'm not really good with car ride conversation. You already saw that from our first meeting with each other."

He nodded at the store. "We're here. Just park anywhere that doesn't have a symbol on it. I don't need a parking ticket right now."

shadowess - January 25, 2021

Sebastian grinned at Carter's awkwardness. "It's alright, Carter. If you prefer to spend car rides in silence, then that's fine. Don't feel obligated to make conversation if you're not feeling up to it." He tried to reassure Carter. He followed Carter's instruction to park the car before turning the engine off.

Eager to get started, he hopped out of the car and went to grab them a trolley. He wondered what Carter liked. He'd already said to grab anything that looked good but to Sebastian that could literally be anything. He figured he'd take Carter's lead and follow him around the store so that he could observe which things capture his interest.

Denix Vames - January 25, 2021

Carter chuckled. "Yeah, maybe I should."

He stepped out of the car. He followed Sebastian inside with the cart.

The security guard standing nearby was lanky and thin but tall. He had red spiky hair, yellow eyes, and a bare face. He sniffed the air for a brief moment.

He found Carter's blood to be intoxicating. He wanted oh so badly to drink from him right there and then but he restrained himself. Instead, he examined him from afar. Looking at his rugged handsome features, his muscled figure, his soft looking black hair, and his crotch.

He held his fangs back. He tried to imagine the scent of foul garbage to calm himself. When it worked, he waved at Carter and said, "Hello!"

Carter nonchalantly said, "Hey."

He didn't think much of it.

shadowess - January 25, 2021

When the security guard said hello to them, Sebastian had smiled with a nod to be polite. At first, he didn't think anything was amiss. As the entered the store however, something in Sebastian's gut told him that something was off.

He glanced back at the security guard for a moment then shook his head and continued to follow Carter. Must just be his imagination. They'd been through so much in the last couple of days. He supposed it was only natural that he would be a little jumpy.

"So, where to first?" Sebastian asked. "Bakery, butcher, vegetables?" He listed, reading the various signs hanging from the ceiling.

Denix Vames - January 25, 2021

"Butcher. Definitely butcher. I need some steak in my life again."

They headed over there. An array of fresh meats sat behind a protective glass case. The butcher smiled at them. "What can I do for ya gentlemen?"

"Gimme some steak." The butcher raised a brow. "How many cuts? And do you want something else too?" Carter held his chin in thought. "Uh....God, I never really picked out this kind of stuff before."

The security guard made sure not to be seen. He followed them from a distance. Wanting to admire Carter's beauty at every second he could get.

shadowess - January 25, 2021

Sebastian chuckled under his breath. Carter's indecision was a little adorable. He glanced at the various meats behind the glass, unable to really tell what was good or not. He looked back up at the butcher. "We'll take the best cuts. Enough to last a week." He then glances at Carter questioningly. "And perhaps some bacon and sausages too?" He asked, not wanting to assume what he liked. He wasn't bothered by how much this came to, as long as Carter was happy and eating well.

There was that feeling again. That feeling of being watched that raises the hairs on the back of your neck and sends shivers through your spine. Sebastian frowned, his eyebrows pulling together a little as he glanced behind them, looking down the aisles but couldn't see anything that appeared suspicious. 'Maybe I'm losing it...Maybe I need to rest a while.' He thought to himself as he brought his attention back to Carter and the Butcher.

Denix Vames - January 25, 2021

Carter smirked. "Sure, why not?" "Alrighty then. I'll get to wrapping these for you." The butcher placed each cut of meat on a large thick paper. Wrapping and tying it over each one to make sure it would stay fresh and clean from all things outside the store. He put them all in a plastic recycling bag.

"Here you go." Carter accepted the bag. "Thanks."

He placed it in the cart. "Let's go find some dairy." They headed to that aisle. There was a difference going on. A retro trend that had been brought back. "Milk in glass? Huh! Guess a lot of people really miss the fifties."

The security guard wondered how he would taste. Surely, his blood would be sweet. And those kisses. He couldn't even fathom how amazing they would be.

Carter took a glass of milk out of one of the fridges.

"Daddy!" He immediately dropped the bottle. It broke into pieces as the milk splashed on the floor. He whipped his head to find a father and his daughter walking by with their own cart. The little girl was pointing at some ice cream.

He returned his attention back to the mess. He sighed. "Damn it." He bent down to pick up the pieces when he flinched. "Shit! He dropped some of the pieces of glass. Blood trickled from the cut on his finger.

The security guard walked over. "Oh geez. That looks pretty bad. How about I take you to the security office? I've got a first aid kit there. You'll be back with your buddy in no time."

"Oh! Uh sure. Thanks." Carter nodded. "I won't be gone for long Sebastian. Just keep looking at groceries. See what you think I should eat. Might as well get your recommendations."

Both men headed off to a door that was in a far corner of the store.

shadowess - January 25, 2021

Meat sorted, they headed to the dairy aisle. To Carter's comment, Sebastian smirked and kind of wished he'd been out of the Asylum during that time to know what he meant. As you can imagine, learning that the world had been plunged into not only one but two world wars was quite the shock to Sebastian when he'd finally been freed from his prison.

Carter then dropped the bottle which smashed on the floor. He'd followed his eyeline to see what had startled him then brought his eyes back to Carter sadly. He couldn't even begin to imagine what that kind of torment was like.

The smell of Carter's blood suddenly filled the air around them and Sebastian hurried to Carter's side to see if the wound would need dressing or stitches. Inwardly, he was thankful he'd already seen to his cravings before they'd come out. "Carter, are you alright?"

No sooner had he asked the question did the familiar voice from earlier chime in. Sebastian looked up at the security guard and eyed him suspiciously. For someone who was watching the entrance, he got all the way to the dairy aisle very quickly. Something about this guy wasn't right.

Before Sebastian had a chance to question this, he'd already offered to patch up Carter in the security office and Carter had agreed. 'It's fine.' Sebastian told himself. 'This is fine. It's just a cut and he's just some helpful employee...' He'd watched them walk out of sight anxiously, holding on to the carts handle tightly.

'This is ridiculous!' He thought to himself. 'I'm imagining things!' He pushed the trolley around a corner but he wasn't paying attention to anything on the shelves anymore. He just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. 'Alright! Alright! I'll just go to where I saw them go...see if Carter's ok. That'll prove I'm imagining things...then maybe I can relax again...' He reasoned with himself as he started wheeling the cart towards the door he'd seen them go to just a couple of minutes ago. There he'd leave the trolley by the door as he knocked on the door out of manners, pushing it open.

Denix Vames - January 25, 2021

"Name's Bryce Heathcliffe by the way."

Bryce began to patch his finger up. "Travis Carter but I'd prefer if you just call me Carter." "Carter eh? You know I gotta say, you're pretty handsome."

Carter chuckled. "Really? Well, thank you but I'm already taken."

"Oh?" Bryce caressed his cheek. "Is that a fact?" He looked deep into his eyes. Carter tried to move but couldn't. As if he was in a hypnotic trance.

Bryce smirked. He pulled his collar back. Revealing his neck. He could hear his heart beat. His blood pumping.

He opened his mouth. Revealing his fangs. Getting ever so closer to his neck.

The moment he heard a knocking, his fangs immediately went back in his gums. He turned to the door opening. Seeing the annoyance that ruined his time with his future husband.

Carter blinked out of the trance.

"Your friend is as good as new. Isn't that right?" "Uh...yeah. He was a life saver." Carter smiled before leaving the office.
"Have a good shopping day you two."

"Thanks." Carter looked at Sebastian. "Hey, let's focus back on the groceries."

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shadowess - January 25, 2021

At first glance, everything seemed fine. Carter seemed to be alright. He was smiling anyway. Sebastian smiled at him and held the door open, relieved he was ok. His relief was short lived as Carter passed him and Sebastian noticed his collar was a bit more of a mess than usual. He looked back at the security guard and glared hard at him for a minute in silence, protective over Carter.

He then turned and started following Carter, letting him push the cart this time. Sebastian watched him carefully, unable to explain why he felt there was something deeply wrong with what just happened. "I'm glad you're alright." He says softly when he was comfortable that they were away from the security guard. "Did..." He started, unsure of how to phrase his question. "Did that guy seem...I don't know...odd, to you?"

Denix Vames - January 25, 2021

"Odd? Nothing odd about him. Just a regular guy." Carter had quickly said. He walked over to the cereal brands. "Look. This is the cereal I told you about. It doesn't taste great but the mascot looks pretty funny, doesn't he?"

He hoped to distract Sebastian from what happened earlier. He felt cold and pale from the fear that giving him goosebumps. But he tried not to show it. He did his best to stay calm even though his heart was racing.

Bryce merely glared at Sebastian who was standing near Carter. He had to get rid of him or at the very least, take Carter away from him. Clearly, he need a better man. A better vampire.

shadowess - January 25, 2021

(In case it helps for future posts, I'd imagined the vampire venom works on other vampires too, as a way of incapacitating them.)

The way he answered quickly. The slight shake to his voice. Carter insisted nothing was the matter but Sebastian wasn't convinced. He stayed quiet while Carter tried to show him the cereal he'd mentioned earlier. Barely listening. Listening instead, to his heart.

Why was he acting weird? Scared? What happened in that room? He glanced back thoughtfully then brought his attention back to Carter. "Sure..." He answered absently then placed a hand on Carter's. "Shall we wrap this up? It's been a hell of a couple of days and I think we could both use a decent rest." He suggested. Maybe Carter might be more willing to talk about what's bothering him when they were away from the store?

Denix Vames - January 25, 2021

(good to know. thanks)

"After we get a few more things. It can't all just be meat." So they grabbed some vegetables, fruits, a bit of dairy, and bread.

Sebastian, of course, payed for everything.

"Have a good night." ,said Bryce as he waved. Carter nearly dropped one of the bags. "Y-You too."

They headed to the car where both men put the groceries into the trunk. "Can I drive? It's been a while so I figured why not?"

shadowess - January 25, 2021

They shopped in silence after that. Sebastian almost constantly looking over his shoulder while occasionally looking at Carter. Trying to think of what might have happened in that room and why Carter was acting so strange now. He watched the way Carter had reacted when the security guard wished them goodnight. As they walked to the car, Sebastian turned his head to glare at the security guard once more. He got an awful feeling about this guy.

Sebastian helped but the shopping into the car then nodded at Carter's request to drive. He got into the passenger side and stayed quiet until they were on the road. "What happened?" He said finally, unable to contain his suspicions any longer. He didn't look at Carter as he asked, merely kept his eyes on the road in front of them.

Denix Vames - January 25, 2021

Carter's hands were shaking as he was driving. "Nothing. Everything's fine."

He didn't want to worry him. He just wanted this day to be a decent one. A time in which he could relax. He nearly missed a red light. Hitting the brakes immediately.

They soon reached the house. The moment he parked the car at the driveway, he unlocked the door and ran inside. He headed to the cupboard where there was one last bottle of whiskey. He poured some in glass. He was about to take a sip when he found himself unable to do it.

He desperately put it to his lips but no matter how bad he felt, he just couldn't do it. He grit his teeth. "God fucking damn it!" He knocked the filled glass and the bottle over into the sink where its contents dumped down into the drain.

He silently cried as he sank down to the floor. Sitting there and hugging his knees.

shadowess - January 25, 2021

Sebastian looked at Carter with a frown when he answered. He was lying! He felt a little hurt and angry but mostly he just felt worried. But it wasn't like Sebastian could force him to tell the truth. He just wished he didn't feel so damn helpless!

They pulled up at the house and Carter ran inside. "Wha-? Wait! What about the shopping?" Sebastian called after him, getting out of the car and following him into the house. There he watched Carter pull out a bottle of whiskey. "Carter...?" He half-whispered, unsure of what to do or how to help.

Holding his breath, Sebastian watched Carter try to drink it only to pour it away. As relieved as Sebastian was that he hadn't resorted to drinking his problems away, he was still very concerned with how he was acting. He watched him sink to the floor, his heart aching at the sight. Walking over to him calmly, Sebastian sat next to him on the floor and wrapped his arms around him, one hand on the back of his head, holding him to his chest. "It's alright. You're alright. You're safe. What is it? Please, tell me. I want to help you." He whispered softly. "Please don't shut me out..."

Denix Vames - January 25, 2021

Carter slowed his breathing. Finally founding himself calm enough to speak. He rubbed his eyes before looking at him.

"Sebastian? Can vampires make people....freeze?"

shadowess - January 25, 2021

Finally, Carter seemed to calm down enough to talk to him. But what he asked had Sebastian staring at him for a moment. "Um..." He was caught off guard by the question and looked Carter over as if thoroughly inspecting him for any damage. Unable to see any physical damage apart from his cut finger and the scars from the night before, Sebastian relaxed a little and answered him.

"Some...yes. Very few though...from my understanding, they're an incredibly rare breed. I've never met one myself. In fact I didn't learn about them until a couple of years ago. I think it's a sort of mild telepathy... they can even use their powers against other vampires...some...even feed on other vampires." Suddenly Sebastian felt glad that he'd decided to go and check up on Carter in that office. He knew something had been wrong! "Is that what happened?" He pressed. "Was it that guard?" He couldn't help his tone becoming defensive and a little angry at the thought. The nerve of that guy!

Denix Vames - January 25, 2021

Carter sighed. "What happened already happened." He turned away. "He tried to seduce me. To get me to want him. And when that didn't work, he tried to...." He bit his lip. "Turn me."

He slammed his fist against the drawer near him. Feeling the impact and the pain that vibrated in his nerves.

"All I wanted was a normal day. Just to feel like my life was fucking normal. I want everything to be...." He took out his pack of cigarettes and threw them.

"I still see the memories, Sebastian! I see what Jack use to do for me!" He put his hands over his face. "I even thought I heard my own fucking daughter in that store. But they're all dead. I don't know why my mind can't get it. I don't know why this shit is happening to me. Why the hell am I target for those species anyway?"

He shook his head. "First, it was a werewolf and now this."

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shadowess - January 25, 2021

Sebastian's own heart beat hard and he had to swallow his anger as Carter told him what had happened. Perhaps, when Carter was asleep, he might pay this security guard a visit and tell him to back off. With his fists.

He let Carter vent his frustrations and listened to what he had to say about his family. He sighed as Carter questioned why he seemed to be a magnet to vampires and werewolves. The sad truth of it was though, as soon as you discovered those species actually exist, the more you either notice them or attract them to you.

"I won't let anything happen to you." He says sternly, his eyes soft as they looked over Carter. Then, in regards to him seeing his family; "These things take time...unfortunately, it's just not one of those things you can rush. But like I say, I'll help you if I can." Sebastian climbs to his knees and offers a hand for Carter to take. "I think we should get the shopping out of the car before it spoils." He offered a kind smile. It wasn't much, but Sebastian didn't know what else to do.

Denix Vames - January 25, 2021

Carter took his hand and stood. He held a small smile. "Yeah, I'm starving."

They went to the car. Taking the bags out and inside the house where they put some of the food in the fridge.

"I'm not too sure what to make. Chicken? Eggs? A sandwich? It's been a while since I've had a homecooked meal."

shadowess - January 25, 2021

Glad to see Carter was a little more relaxed now, Sebastian helped him carry the shopping into the house. To Carter's statement, Sebastian chuckled. "If I knew how to cook, I'd offer to make something..." He then grinned. "Something to add to my 'To Do' list. Buy a cookbook." He winked.

Denix Vames - January 25, 2021

Carter chuckled. "I'll definitely make a note of that." He pulled out a pan from the cupboard and placed it on the stove. "Guess it wouldn't hurt to try."

He cracked an egg open. Letting it fall into the pan where it immediately sizzled.

shadowess - January 25, 2021

Sebastian took a seat in the kitchen, watching Carter cook his meal intently. At least he could learn something as basic as cooking an egg. "I assume you'll be needing to report back to work soon?" He asked, as if suddenly remembering that Carter had a job. "Will you be up for going back so soon or do you think you'll need some time off?"

He was clearly worried that Carter might need some time to try to get his head straight before diving back into detective work. He also wondered if he should check out of the hotel he'd booked when he'd first landed in the US, but he wasn't sure if Carter would want him to move in with him so soon.

Denix Vames - January 25, 2021

He quickly put the cooked egg on a plate. He was about to crack another egg but stopped when he heard him.

"The job doesn't care whether or not I need a vacation. Tomorrow morning, I've got to be there and explain to my Captain where the hell I've been these past few days."

He cracked the egg open. Letting a second one fall in.

"But when I'm done with my shift, when I get back home, I want to see you again." He watched the egg move a bit as if it was dancing from the heat. "I want you to hold me like you did when we were in bed."

He closed his eyes for a moment. Recalling the intimacy they shared. "It made me feel safe."

shadowess - January 26, 2021

"Have you thought about what you're going to say?" Sebastian asked when Carter said he'd have to talk to his Captain. He couldn't exactly tell him the whole truth after they'd burned the bodies. But it also wasn't like his injuries from that night would vanish overnight either. He'd have to explain where he got them somehow.

Sebastian's heart fluttered when Carter said he wanted him to be here when he got back from work to hold him and that he made him feel safe. He smiled, looking over Carter. Tempted to get up and hold him from behind while he cooks but didn't want to distract him in case he burned the eggs. "I'll be here." He says lovingly.

Denix Vames - January 26, 2021

Carter placed the second cooked egg on the plate next to the first one. "I'll just say some sick fuck cut me up and robbed me. Then I ended up in the hospital for a few days. At that point, they wouldn't care so long as I get back on the field and do my damn job."

He switched the stove off. He put a slice of bread in the toaster. "As far they're concerned, I've given them no reason to like me anymore. It's better for them and me."

He poured himself a glass of orange juice.

He slightly turned his head. Smiling at him. Giving him that look of wanting to stay in bliss with Sebastian. To just be alone with him in this house for however long he felt like it. He wished it was possible.

"I'm glad."

shadowess - January 26, 2021

Hearing what explanation he planned to give his Captain, Sebastian nodded. It was a simple story and not one to draw too much attention. Although he was a little worried about Carter having to return to work so soon after something so traumatic. Who knows, Sebastian thought to himself, maybe Carter finds it easier to get on with life when he's distracted by work? He returned Carter's smile, content to spend time with him. He looked forward to holding him again. Feeling his lips on his own.

Denix Vames - January 26, 2021

The toast popped out. Carter spread butter over it. He placed it on the plate as well. Setting it on the table along with his drink. He sat across from him.

"Finally! Something that isn't chinese takeout." He began to scarf down the food as if he hadn't eaten in days. He finished it off with a chug of orange juice.

A sudden burp came out of him. Immediately, he covered his mouth and blushed. "Uh....My bad."

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shadowess - January 26, 2021

Sebastian sat quietly as Carter ate, looking at the ground so as not to put him off his food. When he belched, Sebastian couldn't help chuckling then shrugged at him. "As most people seem to like saying; better out than in." He wondered when he'd have to go to work. Whether it'd be in the morning or afternoon.

Either way, Sebastian would be stuck in the house until his return. Maybe he could occupy himself by keeping the house clean for him. Maybe watch a little tv, learn some recipes from the cooking channel and surprise Carter with a home cooked meal for when he got home.

Denix Vames - January 26, 2021

Carter yawned. "Damn. Is it midnight already? I better hit the hay." He got up from the table. He walked over to him and pat his back. "You coming upstairs?"

shadowess - January 27, 2021

Getting up, Sebastian stood close to Carter. He probably wouldn't be able to sleep for a few hours himself, but he wouldn't mind going to bed with Carter. He gently brushed his lips against Carter's for just a moment. "Sure." He whispered.

Denix Vames - January 27, 2021

Carter smiled. His cheeks tinted red. He held his hand as they went upstairs together.

In the bedroom, he took off his clothes and changed into a white shirt and pale blue boxers. He raised the covers of the bed. Getting under them.

He shivered. "Hey, can you fetch a blanket from the closet?"

shadowess - January 27, 2021

Sebastian allowed himself to be led to Carter's bedroom. A lustful smile playing on his lips. Once in the room, he watched Carter undress. His eyes taking in every detail. He took off his own shirt, his muscled torso had scars here and there from his time in the Asylum. He was so used to them being there now that he barely gave them a second thought. When Carter shivered and requested a blanket, Sebastian nodded.

He couldn't feel the cold like Carter could and often forgot that humans get colder more easily. Fetching the blanket, he draped it over the duvet. He then removed his jeans and climbed into the bed with Carter. If Carter wanted it, he was happy to make love to him again. Regardless, when Carter would fall asleep, he would just lay there with him in his arms, watching over him until early morning when Sebastian, himself fell asleep peacefully.

Denix Vames - January 27, 2021

Carter examined the scars. Tracing them with a hand. He almost forgot about them. The wounds from Sebastian's past.

Some tears fell from his eyes. He imagined the pain being like his own. The same pain that he endured from what Vincent had done to him.

He rubbed his eyes. "I-I'm sorry. I know you said you've moved on but I can't help it. I see them and i just...." He couldn't find the right words for what he was feeling. Anger? Sadness? Fear?

He buried his face on his neck. "I want to forget for a moment. Forget that any of those horrible things happened." A passionate kiss leapt from his lips.

He looked into those caring eyes. He wanted him. He needed him. "Let's do it again. The way you made me feel....That undying love I felt. And those eyes." He smiled. "Fuck, those eyes. They do things to me."

shadowess - January 27, 2021

((Guna go ahead and just skip ahead until they're both asleep after this one lol))

When Carter became upset over Sebastian's scars, he couldn't help feeling touched. Smiling warmly, he gently took Carter's hand from his torso and brought it up to his lips, kissing it. "They are a reminder that I survived and escaped." He whispered. He didn't like to dwell on the negatives if he could help it. He was pretty sure that if he allowed himself to, he could wind up in a deep depressive state for countless years.

Sebastian held Carter as he felt his breath on his neck. He kissed the top of his ear, his smell utterly intoxicating. Carter kissed him and Sebastian returned the passion, letting his tongue slip through to caress his. This thing that they had. This raging romance. It was new to Sebastian. Exciting...and tonight...would be perfect.

Denix Vames - January 27, 2021

(thats perfectly fine)

It was a little after their "moment" together. The night still hung over the world. Both men were fast asleep. Exhausted from what they did.

Bryce crept into the house by the window. He carefully made his way to Carter who he noticed was under the covers naked. It thrilled him to see him like this.

So vulnerable. So innocent looking and handsome.

He sniffed his neck. Causing Carter discomfort as he was in a deep sleep. No doubt, it was another nightmare. But Bryce paid no mind to it. Instead, he licked his neck. Savoring the sample taste he just took.

He started drooling over him. His fangs were out. "Soon, you'll be mine. My own husband. Carter my dear. You will know true love." He caressed his cheek.

Carter mumbled something. His brows furrowed as he tried to move. To wake up. But he couldn't. He felt sick from his touch. Weak somehow.

Bryce chuckled. "I finally have you." He leaned in as he was about to sink his fangs into his neck.

shadowess - January 27, 2021

The room had been dark and all was quiet. Carter's body was so warm against Sebastian. Even in his sleep, he basked in his presence. He'd never known such peace until now. A light breeze disturbed him, bringing discomfort for only a moment. He pulled the covers over them a little more tightly, getting comfortable once more.

Sebastian was a light sleeper. Having spent so many years practically sleeping with one eye open meant he could never fall into such a deep sleep as Carter had. His eyes still closed, he felt himself waking. But there had been nothing to wake him. No noise. No movement from Carter. What had-?

Then he heard a faint whisper and became all too aware that someone else was in the room with them. His eyes snapped open in time to see white fangs hover over Carter. Sebastian reacted without hesitation and flung himself out of the bed, jumping over Carter at the attacker. His own fangs bared as he roared angrily, moving to pin the trespasser against the far wall. Not concerned in the slightest that Sebastian was also completely nude. "How dare you?!" He'd roar, aiming to bite the stranger's neck or shoulder.

Denix Vames - January 27, 2021

Bryce glared. He kicked him back.

"How dare I?! You don't deserve him! I can treat him so much better! I would never let anyone touch him but me!"

He ran up to him. Reaching out. Hoping to knock him out or get his own fangs in him just to take him out for however long he could. Long enough to take Carter away from him.

Carter gasped awake from the commotion. "What the-?!"

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shadowess - January 27, 2021

The intruder's kick landed in a particularly sensitive area, causing Sebastian to stumble back, slightly double over with a yelp. He gasped, feeling a little sick from the pain as he heard the other vampire yell back at him. "You're crazy!" He snapped at him before having to defend himself from the trespasser's next attack.

Still a little sore from the kick, Sebastian fell back as the other vampire attempted to bite him. He fell onto his back, one hand gripping one of the vampire's wrists to stop him striking with that fist, his other hand pushing at his shoulder to try to keep his fangs away.

He heard Carter's voice and looked around at him frantically, momentarily taking his eyes off the vampire. "Carter!" He gasped, unsure of if he was going to be able to hold this vampire off for long. "Run!" He'd then bring his eyes back around to look into the intruder's yellow ones. "You'll leave him alone! Do you hear me?! I'll kill you if you touch him!" He growled threateningly.

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

Bryce laughed. "Oh? Is that a fact?"

He easily fought off against his grip. Sinking his fangs into his neck. Drinking some of his blood as he could feel his grip getting loose.


But he knew better. He knew he wouldn't be strong enough to fight him. So he ran out of the room, grabbed himself a bedrobe, and threw it on himself as he headed downstairs.

Bryce followed him.

Carter slipped on a step. Causing him to fall over and hit the floor. Knocking himself out.

Bryce smiled. He reached out to him. Barely grabbing him before he felt something hit his face. Did he not drink from Sebastian long enough? Or was this vampire stronger than he thought?

Not wanting to know about piece of information any longer, he left Carter where he was and ran out the front door.

shadowess - January 28, 2021

(Is someone else in the house?)

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

(no, i meant that sebastian had enough strength to throw something at bryce which surprised him so he ran away)

shadowess - January 28, 2021

(lol That would actually tie in with what Sebastian would do haha!)

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

(really? XD cool, glad i put that in then)

shadowess - January 28, 2021

How rapidly Sebastian was overpowered took him by surprise. Granted, Sebastian hadn't met many other vampires since his escape from the Asylum but he'd been under the impression that their strengths were more or less the same. But this vampire...this was something else!

He'd felt the familiar pain of the fangs plunging into his throat, forcing a gasp from him. It wasn't a feeling you can get used to. As soon as he felt the pain begin to evaporate, Sebastian knew the vampire's venom was at work. Numbing and weakening him. He heard a couple of gulps. This cheeky bastard was stealing his blood too! He groaned, flailing weakly, trying and failing to push him off.

It was only when Carter had run from the room that the vampire seemed satisfied he'd rendered Sebastian too weak to continue fighting. He felt the fangs retract from his throat suddenly, another gasp escaping him as they left. "B-bastard..." He cursed him weakly, watching him run after Carter.

The next part was tricky for Sebastian. After having vampire venom forced into his system, Sebastian felt very drunk. Either that or very high. He forced himself to his feet and immediately fell over, knocking something off the nightstand which he heard smash near him. Too concerned with saving Carter, he didn't see what it was. He used the nightstand to steady himself back onto his feet hurriedly, felt around and found the lamp which he dragged with him into the hallway.

Sebastian felt heavy but strangely, he also felt light. As though he was floating, even though he knew he was struggling to simply stay on his feet. The scenery around him wobbled and shook nauseatingly. He forced himself to focus. Making out Carter's figure, laying at the bottom of the stairs. He saw another figure reaching for him. The vampire! Using up the last of Sebastian's strength, he hurled the lamp in the vampire's direction. It missed completely. Smashing against the wall where a large shard of it ricocheted into the vampires face. "Fucking..." He slurred "GOAL!!" He threw his fists into the air and fell onto his back, laughing. "Yeah...you better run..."

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

Carter soon groaned awake. Light seemed to be coming from outside. "Shit!" He forced himself to deal with the pain as he ran to the door. Shutting and locking it.

"Sebastian!" He ran to his side. He pulled him into his arms. "Oh my god! Sebastian, can you hear me?"

He carried him to the bedroom where he placed him on the bed. He took careful steps down the stairs to fetch a bag of blood from the fridge.

In the bedroom, he stuck the silly straw in the opening of the bag of blood. "Here. Drink up. This stuff makes you feel better, right?" He put the tip of the straw up to his lips.

His hands were shaking but he made sure to keep the bag still. He grit his teeth. "Don't leave me! Not like this! Not after all the things we've been through!"

shadowess - January 28, 2021

When Carter had come running to Sebastian, the venom had only just started wearing off. He was still very much 'drunk' and had spent the last hour or so singing 'Old McDonald' to himself loudly and terribly. Unable to move as he couldn't feel his legs anymore.

When Carter asked if he could hear him and lifted him, Sebastian sloppily placed a finger on Carter's lips while shushing him then began chuckling to himself at how funny he thought this action was. "Hi, my sExy hUmAn!" He slurred, trying and failing to sound seductive. "You smell real good..." His eyes fell on Carter's neck. Too 'drunk' to do anything however, Carter was very much safe from Sebastian's hunger.

Before Sebastian even realised Carter had momentarily left him, there was a silly straw being placed at his lips. With a delighted "oh!" Sebastian began sucking through the straw as hard as he could, feeling absolutely starved after the other vampire had stolen some of his blood.

He paused in his drinking to give Carter a raised eyebrow. "I'm not going anywhere..." He says confused. "I'd never leave you, Carter..." His eyes welled up, looking at him. "You're the only person I've ever loved...My first..." He sighed, suddenly feeling far too much emotion than he could handle. He tried to ignore the tears falling, placing his lips around the straw again, embarrassed about being so open about his emotions.

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

Tears fell from Carter's eyes too. He chuckled. "You're gonna have to explain to me what the hell just happened to you."

Once Sebastian had finished, he dropped the empty bag and brought his head over his chest. He clutched his shirt. Sobbing over him. "That fucking bastard. I'll kill him for this."

He felt something wet drip from his neck. He touched his skin there. "Saliva? Did he....?" His skin turned pale as his eyes widened. "He was about to turn me. He almost did. If you hadn't...." He let out a frustrated sigh. "I can't even be safe in my own damn home?!"

shadowess - January 28, 2021

"Ish'th Venom..." Sebastian slurred, trying to explain, becoming sleepy and wiping the tears from his eyes. "Vam...Vam-(belch)-pire venom. When you get bit (for some reason he makes the gesture of scissors at his own throat)...and...if you fight it...." He gestured to himself while giving a very goofy smile. Trying to convey in the only way he could right now how the venom can make the victim have symptoms similar to either alcohol or even drugs.

Sebastian was moved by Carter's devotion to him. His protectiveness over Sebastian made him admire the human greatly. His lower lip quivered and he had to take a couple of deep breaths to stop himself crying again. He then watched Carter wipe his neck and come to the conclusion that the vampire had been very close to achieving his goal of turning Carter that night.

He became enraged at the thought. He tore his eyes away from Carter, staring hard at the ground and breathing deeply to try to calm himself. He gripped the bedsheets, his fangs lengthening a little from his rage. "I'll kill him myself." He seethed. "The nerve! The wretch! I'll hunt him down for this!"

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

"Vampire venom? I didn't even know a vampire could do that to another vampire. That's insane."

"No! Not today. You need to rest and I have to go to work." He locked the window and put the curtain over it.

He began to get dressed as he spoke. "The sun's already up so there's no way you'd be able to go out anyway. I'll be at work the whole entire time so you don't have anything to worry about. Besides, that bastard can't even go anywhere during the daytime either."

He kissed his forehead. "I'll be back real soon. I promise."

He kissed him before heading downstairs and leaving the house. He locked the door behind himself.

shadowess - January 28, 2021

He wanted to warn Carter of this vampire's strength. He wanted to admit that for the first time in a very long time, he felt utterly frightened. Sebastian tried to argue with Carter but every time he opened his mouth to object, Carter cut him off. The end result was Sebastian sitting on the bed, having watched Carter leave while unable to shake the awful feeling of impending doom.

He'd attempted to crawl out of bed when he heard Carter locking the front door but was so exhausted he'd just wound up turning on his side, having not left the bed at all and falling asleep right there, with his hand hanging off the end of the bed. Thanks to the venom, Sebastian would sleep deeply for the first time in over a hundred years...

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

At the precinct, Carter walked in to everyone's surprise.

"Carter! Come over here!" ,shouted Captain Winters. Carter followed him inside. Winters was a round hefty man with a buzzcut. "You better have a damn good explanation for not being here for the past three days.

He nervously scratched his neck. "Well sir, it's a long story." "I've got plenty of time."

Carter had then given him the story that he made up. Winters nodded as he thought about what he said. "Alright. Good enough for me. But make sure you call in case something like this happens again. Got it?" "Yes Captain." "Good. Now, I want you and Detective Parker to head over to the Sweet Dice Strip Club. Looks like there was a murder there. The crime scene's already been isolated so you can check it out with him. He should still be at his desk." "I understand. Thank you sir."

Parker drove to the crime with Carter at the passenger side.

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Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

(not too sure about this scene here. maybe you could play as parker or just keeping going as sebastian and write out what he's doing at home?)

shadowess - January 28, 2021

(Sebastian is guna be out like a light until it's completely dark outside lol)

The car ride had been silent on the way to the club. He wasn't sure what to make of Carter. The man had one hell of a history and had given himself a reputation of being an angry drunk over the years.

Yet sitting with him in the car now...if the guy was drunk, Parker couldn't smell it! He parked at the curb just outside, where a couple of officers were standing to ensure no civilians entered the building. Sighing, he took the keys out of the ignition. "I never get used to this part..." He muttered, referring to the part of the job that involved inspecting a fresh corpse.

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

Carter would have ignored him but these days, things weren't normal for him.

"I use to be numb to it until...." He let Parker fill in the blanks. Knowing that everybody at the precinct knew about his family's deaths.

He stepped out of the car. Slamming the car door shut.

One of the officers walked up him. "Carter! Never thought we'd see you again. I see you've got Parker with ya." "Yeah. So, where's the body?" "Further in the strip club. A female stripper by the name of Stacy Morgans was stabbed in the restrooms. You can take a look yourselves."

As Carter walked inside, he began staring off into space. Wishing he could be back at home. Right in the arms of Sebastian.

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

(alrighty then lol)

shadowess - January 28, 2021

Parker became uncomfortable. He wasn't sure what to say to something like that so he kept quiet. An officer greeted them and gave them the brief details. Parker pulled out his little notepad and pen, ready to follow Carter's lead on the investigation. He followed him into the club and headed to the restrooms. He could see a faraway look in Carter's eyes but didn't know him well enough to ask personal questions.

That and he was sort of afraid Carter would get angry with him for trying. He stood back, looking over the body and couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. Except maybe a lack of blood on the ground for a stabbing but Parker didn't pay that too much notice. Stabbed and left in the bathroom. What a waste...and such a lonely way to go. "What do you think?" He asked. "Jealous partner? Creepy patron? Maybe we should talk to some of the staff about her?" He suggested.

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

"Not sure." He crossed his arms as he looked at the body.

"Might as well talk to the staff." He shrugged.

He glanced at Parker. A jealous held in his eyes. Parkers life was filled with nothing but normalcy. No need to worry about vampires or werewolves.

His grip on his own arms tightened. "How old are you Parker?"

shadowess - January 28, 2021

(Would you mind playing the staff being interviewed as well?)

Taken aback by the question, Parker stammered. "Uh- I-I'm nineteen, sir. Twenty next month." He answered, hoping the more experienced detective wouldn't judge him too harshly for his age. He was fresh out of college and new to the force. He'd had the job for almost a year and in that short time the other officers had told him all the gossip there was to know in the precinct.

Although, seeing Carter in person now, he couldn't help thinking they'd been pulling his leg. He wondered why Carter had asked but then assumed how pale he'd turned at the sight of a body might have given him away as being a rookie. "Er...I s-suppose we should start with the manager of this place then?" He asked, walking back into the bar area.

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

"Nineteen huh? Listen kid. Enjoy life. Go out there and meet people. And always keep your chin up. Don't let anybody shit on you for anything. Got it?"

He nodded. "Might as well."

The bartender and some of the strippers were there. Ready to be interviewed.

The strippers were eyeing Parker with that lustful look in their eyes.

Carter nodded at the bartender. "Hey, you seen anything suspicious before she died?"

The bartender shrugged. "I mean there was this weirdo who went into the bathroom with her. Figured it was a bj thing. Sometimes the ladies do that around here to get more tips."


shadowess - January 28, 2021

The advice from Carter had been unexpected but welcome. He'd been so nervous to be partnered up with him that he'd been tense since that morning. "Y-yessir!" He smiled as they walked then added a "Thanks."

They got to the bar and Parker felt his cheeks getting warmer with the women looking at him the way they were. The corner of his mouth twitched into a shy smirk for half a second before he forced his green eyes to look down at his notepad.

He began scribbling notes as Carter and the bartender spoke. When the bartender finished speaking, Parker looked up inquisitively "Would you mind giving us a description of the individual you saw? Clothes, height, hair colour, any tattoos?"

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

"Well, it was kind of hard to tell what with all the dance lights on all the time this place is opened but...." The bartender thought for a moment. "Really thin fellow. His hair was spiky. He wore a security guard uniform. My guess is that he was there for a quickie before heading to work. Then there's the bandage on his forehead. As if somebody kicked his ass or something."

Carter's face was suddenly pale. He tried not to show his reaction to this list of details. Surely, it wasn't Bryce but the description seemed eerily similar.

One of the strippers, a brunette with hazel eyes, walked up to Parker. "Hey, my name is Lucy." She smiled as she twirled some of her hair around her finger. "What's yours?"

"If you ask me, the girl had it coming." ,said the bartender. Carter raised a brow. "What do you mean?" The bartender shrugged. "She always getting her nose into other people's business. Sometimes, she'd ask a lot of questions to the customers and share the gossip like it was Instagram."

He chuckled as he shook his head. "What a stupid bitch."

Carter was immediately filled with rage. He punched him. Blood spewed from the bartender's nose who was too shocked to reply with anything physical or verbal.

The strippers were looked at the scene in shock as well. As no one had ever stood up for them before.

"Carter!" ,shouted Detective Thompson who was there to keep an eye on things. "Get out! Now!"

Carter glared at the bartender before leaving.

shadowess - January 28, 2021

Parker scribbled notes rapidly, writing each piece of information that they got. Only pausing when he saw one of the women approaching him from his peripheral. He glanced up and stared at her as she introduced himself. His cheeks turning crimson, he half laughed out of nerves, suddenly feeling his throat drying up. He had little experience when it came to anything romantic so became very nervous and didn't really know how to react when approached by a beautiful woman.

"I-I'm-um...D-detective Parker, ma'am." He answered shyly, then tried to look back at his notepad, feeling he should try to focus more on his job. It was at this point that his attention snapped back to the bartender who so readily blamed the poor deceased stripper for her own fate. He was disgusted and angry but swallowed his anger. It was best, if they wanted to get to the bottom of this murder, to remain composed and not-

The bartender hit the floor with a broken nose, Carter standing over him, having struck him. Parker had jumped, having not been expecting to see Carter lash out after he seemed so calm earlier. His mind raced. What should he do? Pull Carter away? Say something? Help the bartender up so they can finish the interview? It's not like he didn't deserve it though...

Before Parker could decide on what action to take, another Detective yelled at Carter to leave the building. Parker watched with bated breath to see what Carter would do. When Carter stormed out of the club, Parker offered the women an apologetic smile before following Carter out. "Carter!" He called after him, trying to catch up. "A-are you alright, sir?"

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

"Carter! What the hell was that about? You know damn well that you're supposed to be a professional!" ,shouted Thompson.

"Where were you guys when my family got killed? Where were any of you when I needed you?!" "God damn it, Carter. We tried our best." "Well, you didn't try hard enough!" He shook his head. "And there's a strip club out here that treats their employees like fucking garbage?!"

"It is what it is." "No, it's not!" Thompson sighed. "I'm sorry Carter but I'm gonna need your badge. You're suspended. I'll send you a letter to let you know how many days you'll be missing."

Carter pulled out his badge and gave it to Parker instead. "Take my advice kid. You want people you can trust? Try somewhere else."

He walked in the direction of the police station. "I quit!"

As he was heading to his car, it had been raining. He let himself get wet. Not carrying about it at all.

He soon get into the car and started the engine. He sneezed. "Fucking weather!"

He drove back home.

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shadowess - January 28, 2021

The two Detectives yelled at each other as Parker caught up. He didn't know what to do so stood there awkwardly like a little kid watching their parents arguing. Thomson demanded Carter's badge and Parker's heart sank. He'd only worked with Carter for less than a day and had started to feel like he could be the kind of Detective to look up to. His heart sank further, into the pit of his stomach when Carter gave his badge to him and said what he did.

He watched Carter drive away, wondering if maybe he was right. Parker had noticed when he'd first arrived that the other officers had done nothing but gossip and belittle each other. He wondered, if it really came down to it, if anything ever happened to him, would they have his back or would they just talk about him behind his back like they had done to Carter.

He had no time to think it over now though. Right now, there was still a murder to solve. He turned with a frown, pocketing the badge and headed back into the club.


It being mid afternoon by the time Carter would return, Sebastian would still be fast asleep. Even snoring a little.

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

"Sebastian? I'm home!"

Carter headed upstairs. He found Sebastian still asleep. "At least you're ok."

He began to take off his wet clothes until he was naked. He could feel his forehead getting hot. He sneezed again. "Freaking rain..." He went under the covers and closed his eyes.

As the day became night, Carter had now felt like he was burning up. His body felt weak as he coughed. Sneezing sometimes. The weather had gotten the best of him.

He sat up. His head was spinning. He pressed his hand against his forehead. "Shit..."

shadowess - January 28, 2021

Sebastian stirred then woke up with a groan. He pinched the bridge of his nose, his head pounding. His stomach turned and he felt like being sick. "Ohhh that's a feeling I didn't miss..." He groaned as he turned to find Carter in bed with him. He smiled then saw the beads of sweat coating his body and how flushed his face seemed. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked, turning to face him completely and gently placing the back of his hand against his cheek. "You've got a fever!" He gasped. "Hang on a sec." He hopped out of bed and stifled another groan, regretting his sudden movements.

He rushed to the bathroom cabinet and opened it. Apart from some toothpaste, it was empty. He then rushed to the kitchen cabinets but couldn't find any medicines in them either. He grabbed a small towel and ran it under cold water, ringing it out before bringing it to Carter to place on his forehead. He seemed antsy for a moment as he wracked his brains on how he could get medication in the house without leaving Carter.

After the attack the previous night, he didn't want to risk leaving him alone, especially in this vulnerable state. "I know! Sit tight Carter, I'll get us some help." He says as he throws some clothes on and goes to look for his phone. But he couldn't find it. He could swear it was in his coat pocke-....No, that's right...he had it in that club where Blaire had given him blood bags. When Amelia had popped in he'd dropped it and they'd rushed after Carter in such a hurry that he'd left it there! "Shit! I've lost my phone!" He looked at Carter. "Could I borrow yours? I think I can remember her number!"

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

"I-I'm fine." He coughed. He got off of the bed as he pulled the sheets without realizing it. Falling off of the bed.

"Pants...." Saying where the phone was.

shadowess - January 28, 2021

Carter had said he was fine and Sebastian gave him an unconvinced look. "Alright, tough guy. Do just five jumping jacks right now for me, THEN tell me you're fine and I'll believe you." He challenged with a playful grin.

"In the meantime..." He picked up Carter's pants, removed his phone and then tossed the pants onto the bed near Carter. "You may want to cover yourself. You've seen how she likes to just 'pop in'."

He dialled the numbers he could remember and pressed the phone to his ear anxiously and waited, listening to the ringing tone. "Come on....Come on..." He mutters impatiently then his features light up. "Amelia! Thank God I dialled the right number! We're...in a bit of a bind..."

"What's happened?" Amelia's voice suddenly came from right next to Sebastian but this time he kept a tight hold of the phone. What was even more startling this time around though, was Amelia was covered, practically head to toe, in blood. She had dark circles under her eyes too, like she hadn't slept since she last saw them. Her eyes even seemed a little red and watery, as if she'd just been crying.

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

Carter groaned at his remark. Knowing full well that he couldn't do shit. He threw his pants on.

He saw Amelia appeared the way she did. "Jesus christ! What the hell...?" He tried to stand but found himself coughing again.

He fell over on the bed. Nearly close to passing out.

shadowess - January 28, 2021

Sebastian's eyes darted from Amelia drenched in blood to Carter almost passing out then back to Amelia again, unsure of which to address first. Satisfied that the bed might be the best place for him to pass out if he was going to anyways, he turned his attention to Amelia. "Well...you see...I'm sorry, but what the hell happened to you, first?!"

Amelia sighed and looked down at herself. She hadn't had much time to clean herself up before coming over and honestly, given everything that's happened to her since the last time she saw them, she was thankful for another distraction. "Oh yeah...Don't worry about it." She shrugs and stares at Sebastian challengingly. It was her way of saying she wasn't ready to talk about it just yet. Sebastian picked up on the hint.

"R-right...ok, so..." Sebastian started and then proceeded to tell Amelia about the attacks since their trip to the store. "As you can understand, I can't leave him alone to get medicine...and if I could be a little more cheeky?" He says and she raises a brow. "I'm pretty sure I'm out of blood bags...So, could I ask you to bring us medicine and blood? I'll give you my credit card, if that helps."

"So, let me get this straight." Amelia asked, folding her arms. "You called me up to be your errand girl for this evening?"
Sebastian faltered for a moment. He hadn't thought of it like that.
"I called you because we need your help and you're my friend." He answers. Amelia studied him for a moment, making Sebastian a little nervous and then she cracks a smile. "Relax, I'm just messing with you. Of course I'll help you, Goof! First things first though..." She gestures to herself.

"Ah...yeah, right..." He turns to Carter. "Don't suppose she could borrow your shower....and some clothes?"

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

Carter nodded. "My clothes aren't exactly-" He sneezed. "Made for women though." Referring to his much larger size.

He pushed his arms against the bed as his head lifted up. He turned his head to Sebastian. "....Sorry for-" He coughed. "Being a burden."

shadowess - January 28, 2021

(Oh boy, Amelia's going on an adventure! lol https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&url=https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/im-going-on-an-adventure&psig=AOvVaw37KSvXUWVihcxlSRifv6f2&ust=1611951506310000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCLDfqr65v-4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD)

"I find men's clothes to be more comfortable than women's anyways." Amelia shrugs with a smile. "More pockets, too." She winks then heads towards the bathroom.

To Carter's apology, Sebastian smiled and walked over to him. He sat next to him on the bed, hearing water running in the background as the shower turns on. Ignoring it, he gently stroked Carter's flushed cheek, gazing into his eyes lovingly. "I don't think caring for the person you love to be a burden, Carter." He says simply.

"I'd move heaven and Earth for you. Hell, I just summoned a Devil for you!" He chuckles, technically not incorrect. "How many men can say their beloved can do that, eh?" In the background, Amelia could be heard singing a very off key 'Mr Blue Sky'.

After a few minutes, Amelia re-emerges wearing Carter's jeans, held to her waist by a belt and a very loose fitting blue shirt. She struts into the room like it was some kind of cat walk and turns dramatically to the two of them. "Who wore it better, boys?"

"Carter..." Sebastian answers then laughs at Amelia's overly dramatic shocked expression. He gets up, pulling out his wallet and handing Amelia his card. "You remember the club you first met us in? Blaire sells blood bags there. I'll need a few. And if you see that bastard at the store..."
"I know, I know. Text you to let you know his whereabouts." Amelia answers, placing his card and the car keys in her pocket and heading towards the door.

"Not just that" Sebastian calls after her. "Be careful. He's crazed and unpredictable." He also knew that the smell of Amelia's blood was incredibly tempting, even to the most restrained vampire.
Amelia smiles confidently. "I'll be fine!" She reassures them as she heads out and closes the door behind her. "First stop, blood bags!"

She drove to the club and almost immediately after entering, spots Blaire. She waves her down with a smile, making it clear she needed a private word.

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

Carter smiled. He laughed at Amelia's little show. Then suddenly coughed again.

He watched her leave then remembered something. He raised a shaky hand. Reaching to him. "St-Strip club. Bryce was at....Last night, he..." He caught his breath. "The crime scene I was at. He killed someone. Drained them."

Blaire was excited to see Amelia again. She ran over to her. "Awesome to see ya pal! What do you need?"

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shadowess - January 28, 2021

Bryce? Sebastian's eyes widened. If he's stalking clubs...He took out Carter's phone again and hurriedly sent a text to Amelia's number. "I've warned her..." He says, sitting next to Carter once more. "All we can do now is wait..." He took the wet towel and pressed it to Carter's forehead whether he wanted it or not. "So, let me fuss over you, please?" He smiled warmly.


Amelia grinned and took Blaire's arm in hers, walking towards the dark room they'd originally met in. "Hey lovely, it's nice to see you too." She says in a hushed voice, as much as she could with the loud music while still being heard. "I need to buy more blood bags off you for Sebastian. He's currently got his hands a little tied so I'm here to do his shopping for him." She quickly explained without giving too much away. She felt her phone buzz but in Blaire's presence, she didn't want to check it just yet.

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

Carter sighed. "Ok." He brushed his hand over his arm. Makin sure that this really was happening. He hadn't gotten sick in a long time. It felt weird to be in bed like this.

He soon found his eyelids to feel heavy. He closed them just to rest. Just to rest. But already he was fast asleep.

Blaire smiled at her adorable face.

"Sure thing hon. I'll go get it." She brought back a cooler filled with blood bags but this time it was in a gift bag.

"Don't want you getting stopped over something like this. By the way, how's Carter doing?"

Bryce watched from one of the dark corners of the club as he was drinking a glass of blood. Listening in on the conversation.

shadowess - January 28, 2021

Seeing Carter fall asleep, Sebastian was a little worried and hated seeing him so helpless but knew he'd be fine. Human immune systems were far better now than they had been several decades ago and with a little medicine in his system, he'd be better in no time! Besides, now that he was asleep, he could focus on trying to bring Carter's temperature down without him causing a fuss.

He moved Carter into a more comfortable position without covering him with the blanket. A blanket would be counter productive at this point. He then brought a glass and a glass jug full of water into the room in case he needed a drink at any point. He would then spend however long re-rinsing the towel in cold water and holding it to his forehead.


Amelia waited patiently as Blaire fetched the blood bags and couldn't help giggling a little when brought the gift bag. "That makes sense, I guess" She chuckled at the explanation. "Thank you, so much!" She took the bag then hesitated to answer her question. "Oh, he's fine!" She lied. Not wanting to cause unnecessary alarm.

"He and Sebastian sent me on this little errand run while they have some alone time. You know what it's like, right? New love?" She giggles and pulls out Sebastian's card. "How much, sweetie?" It was a shame she had to lie to Blaire. Amelia felt she could get along very easily with this woman. Ah well, maybe she could check in on her when things calm down again?

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

Carter sometimes woke from a dream or a nightmare only to see Sebastian and feel water running down his throat.

He was happy to find himself in a point of his life where he could be this vulnerable with a man that he knew he could trust.

Blaire gasped. "They did not!" She clapped. "Oh my God! I'm so happy for them!"

She swiped the card on the reader. "Sixteen dollars." She handed it back to her. "Have a good night now."

Bryce smirked. He could easily tell that she was lying. He had a feeling that the side effects of the venom was working. Not to mention, Carter must have been weak from before.

He assumed all of this and zoomed out of the club. Heading to Carter's house.

shadowess - January 28, 2021

"Really?" Amelia questioned. After what Sebastian had told her, she was expecting the blood to be quite a bit more expensive but she wouldn't question it further as she took the card back with a smile. Just as she was about to say her goodbye's, Hades knocked on the door, followed by a red headed stranger with green eyes. For a split second, Amelia's heart skipped a beat as she thought she was looking at Damien, only to see it was a completely different, if not slightly younger, person.

"Sorry to interrupt." Hades says in a monotone voice. "But I've got a Detective Darker-"
"Parker" The stranger corrected him.
"Detective Parker, here to see you..." He then left, his expression as bored and disinterested than ever.

Detective Parker entered the room and looked between the two women a little unsure of himself for just a moment then began speaking as if he'd said the following lines a dozen times already. "I'm sorry to interrupt. As you probably know, there was a murder in a club not too far from here. We're on the look out for a perp and would be grateful if you could contact us if you see someone matching the following description..."

Amelia listened to the description and her eyes shifted between them before she hurriedly pulled out her phone to see a text Sebastian had sent her around ten minutes ago. Her heart sank as she read it;

'Murder in a club last night. Pretty sure it's him. Might be stalking other clubs. Be careful. - S'

"...Miss?" Amelia heard the Detective and looked up to see him staring at her suspiciously. "Are you alright? Have you seen this man?"

"Uh...no." She answers hurriedly. "I have to go." She then rushes past him, ignoring his calls to wait a minute as she rushed to the car, started it up and gunned it to Carter's house. Completely unaware that the Detective, suspecting her of lying, was now in pursuit.

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

Bryce made it to the house where he knocked on the door as a distraction.

Once he heard footsteps, he zoomed to the window where he busted it open. Pieces of glass shattered everywhere. He grabbed Carter. Taking him in his legs and leapt out the window.

Headlights soon came to his view. It was Amelia followed by another car. Parker poked his head out the window. "What the hell?!"

He stepped out of the car and pointed his gun at Bryce. "Let him go! Now!"

Bryce chuckled before running off. Parker was in disbelief. He had just seen someone run like the Flash.

shadowess - January 28, 2021

(That's guna piss Amelia off lol)

Sebastian heard a knock on the door and glanced towards the front door anxiously. His first thought was that it might be Amelia. But she hadn't been gone long...and also, Sebastian couldn't smell her. He got to his feet apprehensively and began making his way towards the door. What happened next, happened rapidly.

Sebastian looked through the peep-hole but saw no-one there. Before he could even feel the shiver run down his spine, he heard glass smashing upstairs. "Carter!" He gasped and began running towards the bedroom.

Amelia saw the blur of a man, with what looked like Carter, zoom past them. She hammered on the brakes and heard a car behind her do the same. Was she being followed?! No time to dwell! She jumped out of the car and saw Detective Parker point a gun at the vampire who matched the earlier description with Carter! The vampire was moving too fast for the human to keep up with but for Amelia, this was child's play!

She focused on the spot immediately in front of where Bryce would be and teleported herself to stand in his way, aiming a punch to his gut to catch him completely by surprise. "That is my friend, you bastard and I am in. No. Mood!!" She growled at him threateningly, her eyes turning a deep crimson.

Only a fraction of a second later, Sebastian had run up behind him and stopped, growling as well. "Let him go!" He demanded.
Detective Parker, meanwhile, watched all of the commotion with wide, unbelieving eyes. He was shaking and sweating. Unsure of who to point the gun at while questioning his very sanity.

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

Bryce flinched. He let go of Carter. "Fine then."

He zoomed to Parker. He quickly punched him. Making him drop the gun. He knocked him out with an elbow to the face. He caught him in his arms.

"Then you either give me Carter or I drink this one in two days. The choice is yours."

He left for home.

shadowess - January 28, 2021

Before Parker realised what was happening, he was doubled over. A gun shot rang out as he'd accidentally squeezed the trigger before dropping the gun. The wind had been knocked out of him and he strained to breath, his chest and stomach in so much pain. A second later, everything went black.


Sebastian had rushed forward to catch Carter but flinched, gripping his side as he heard the loud bang of the gun. Amelia's eyes widened, taking in the severity of the situation and darted to stand between her friends and the crazed vampire holding the now unconscious Detective Parker.

When he took off, she stared after him with a glare before turning her attention to Sebastian and Carter. Her eyes returning to their normal blue colour. "Are you two alright?" She asked. Sebastian was bleeding heavily from his side but he seemed to be ignoring his wound to hold Carter. "F-f-fine." He answered shakily, just glad that Carter was safe. He then looked up at Amelia. "That kid..."

"What about him? Seems like a fair trade to me..." Amelia answered callously which made Sebastian glare at her. He often forgot how harsh Devils could be in their reasoning. But at the end of the day, their very genetics didn't really allow them to put others survival above their own...to trust no one...usually. Amelia seemed to be a special case as she frequently challenged that core instinct. Not today though, apparently.

Seeing Sebastian's glare, Amelia crossed her arms uncomfortably. "Well!..." She started but immediately trailed off. "I mean...we don't even know him!" She tried to reason but Sebastian kept glaring. "He's...he's..." She stammered, beginning to falter. "Collateral damage! We sacrifice him and Carter's home free, right? Right??" Sebastian's glare held.
"He's an innocent life, Amelia." Sebastian said darkly. "Are you ready to have that on your conscience? Do you really think he'd stop after killing that kid?"

Amelia began tapping her foot rapidly, unable to bring herself to look into Sebastian's eyes anymore. Feeling guilty, she threw her hands up in a frustrated way. "What exactly do you propose here, Sebastian?!" She snapped. "Do you really want to hand Carter over?"
"Of course not!" Sebastian snapped back. "But why should we have to sacrifice both?!"
Amelia pauses, lowering her hands slowly to look at Sebastian. "What then?"
"You tell me..." Sebastian wheezed a chuckle. "You're the one whose good at setting traps..."
Amelia smiled. "Thank you..."
"For what?"
"Reminding me that I still have a heart..."
Sebastian smiles in a pained way. Amelia looked over him. The bullet hit his side but it's not fatal. He could pull it out. It'd be painful and he'd be very thirsty afterwards but at least they had blood in the car that'll take care of that. She walked over to Carter, took him out of Sebastian's arms gently and with surprising ease for a woman who was a little smaller than Carter was.

"I'll get him inside." She says quietly, more calmly. "There's blood in the car. You should take care of that wound and hunger before you come to the house..." She then takes Carter back to the house. Placing him in his bed and watching over him until Sebastian re-joined them. There, they would wait until Carter came out of his fever dreams to run the situation by him and get his thoughts on the matter.

shadowess - January 28, 2021

(Thinking it might be interesting to write Parker's perspective on his time as Bryce's hostage until their next run-in lol)

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

(im definitely gonna do that)

Bryce had set Parker on the bed. He watched his chest rise and fall. Admiring how beautiful he was.

He caressed his cheek. "Kind of like a younger version of Carter. Still naive and innocent."

He sniffed his neck. "And smells just as sweet as him." He sighed. "But you're still just a bargaining chip. Soon, I won't have no use for you."

The two were in Bryce's home which was a fairly large house that had rich decorative items from the 1800s to when he was once an aristocrat.

Carter slowly opened his eyes. He looked from his left to his right. "Amelia? Sebastian? What's going on?"

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shadowess - January 28, 2021

Parker's head and stomach hurt from where he'd been struck and they were the first thing he felt as he slowly came to. Groaning, he turned his head a little before opening his eyes. Emerald eyes scanned the beautifully decorated room before falling on yellow ones. The same yellow eyes he'd seen right before such pain was inflicted on him! His eyes shot open and he gasped, trying to crawl backwards away from him on this...was this a bed?! Where was he?! How did he get here?!

"Who-?..." He stammered, terrified. "How did I get here?!" He demanded. "Where am I? and who are you?!" He looked around frantically before letting his eyes fall on the stranger once more. A stranger whose spiked up, vibrant red hair made him seem utterly out of place in such an ornate and intricately styled home.

Then remembering some details from the previous night, mainly how quickly everyone he'd seen had moved he asked the most important question; "What are you?!" He then reached for his gun but his hand just ended up gripping his empty holster, recalling he'd dropped his gun earlier. His terrified eyes fixed on the other male, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he shook. Without fully understanding what was happening, his every instinct told him he was in grave danger.


Seeing Carter regain consciousness, Sebastian stopped pacing about the room and rushed to Carter's side, holding his hand. Amelia, who had been leaning against the wall near the broken window with her arms folded, looked over with a cool smile. "Ooooh boy, did you sleep through one hell of a crazy night!" She chuckled.

Sebastian strained to smile, happy that Carter seemed alright right now but worried for the boy who'd gotten caught up in their mess. "We have a slight situation..." He began.

"You know someone called Detective Parker?" Amelia piped up. "This vampire psycho is demanding a trade. You for him. We have other ideas. Kid seems too nice to let die, apparently." She shoots Sebastian a playfully annoyed look before looking at Carter seriously. "And we're, of course, not about to give in to a terrorist's demands...You in on this crazy ass, potentially suicidal scheme of ours?"

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

Bryce walked calmly to him. He smiled. "Why my dear human, I am a vampire. My name is Bryce Heathcliffe. I was once a praised aristocrat and now I'm a puny security guard at a grocery store."

He got to the bed on his knees. His eyes keeping Parker from moving. He pulled him in as he gripped his chin. "And you are the reason why I'm going to have my future husband. Carter."


Carter's eyes widened when he heard Parker's name and the whole story. "No No No No!" He jumped out of bed and grabbed some clothes. He nearly fell over when his head reminded him of how sick he was. He took a quick breath before slipping into a new pair of dark brown jeans, a dark grey shirt with only a few buttons at the top that were opened, exposing his collar, and had rolled up the sleeves. He threw on a dark green jacket.

"I have to go! I have to go find him!" Panic rose in his voice. He thought about his first time meeting the rookie detective. He barely paid any attention to him. Just giving him some kind of advice and storming off as if he didn't care. But deep down, he did."

He felt as though a big hole was left in his chest. He grit his teeth as a few tears left him. He punched the wall. Making a large hole there because of his anger.

"I won't let anyone else die because of me!"

He took his fist out of the hole. Revealing little bloody cuts on his knuckles.

His voice lowered. "Never again."

shadowess - January 28, 2021

Vampire?! "Th-there's no such thing!" Parker had blurted out almost immediately, unable to comprehend what was being said and for just a moment only able to accept that this man before him was clearly out of his damn mind! The male began approaching him, climbing onto the bed with him and Parker felt an intense sense of dread. He knew he couldn't let this man get near him. He had to get away!

So why couldn't he move?! He tried. He tried so hard but his efforts were in vain. The only give away that he was fighting whatever had come over him was the terrified way he stared at the male as well as the sweat that dripped down his face. He was pulled close to the male, every part of his body shook but he still couldn't resist. Still couldn't fight him off. He tried to scream but he couldn't even move his mouth nor his vocal chords. Stuck, tormented in stillness and silence.

Parker could feel his skin crawling at his touch and when he mentioned Carter, something familiar reflected in Parker's eyes. He suddenly became frightened for this man he'd looked up to just a few hours ago. The man who's badge was still in his pocket, like some sort of keepsake.


Amelia rolled her eyes as Carter began dressing himself frantically while Sebastian tried to talk to him, reason with him but his words seemed to fall on deaf ears. Only when Carter punch the wall and slowed down did Amelia tut loudly at the theatrics.

"You are one for the drama, aren't you?!" She snapped. "Didn't you hear what I just said? I said we have. A plan. Would you like to know what it is, or are you planning on redecorating your bedroom with more fist-holes?" She asked sarcastically, earning her another glare from Sebastian who she just shrugged her shoulders at with a "What?"

Denix Vames - January 28, 2021

Bryce raised a brow. "Oh? You know him, don't you? I can see it in your eyes."

He ran a hand through his soft blonde hair. "Then tell me this. Is he a good kisser?"

He opened his mouth. Revealing his fangs. "You know, it's hard not to sink my teeth into you but I always keep my word." He took a deep breath at his scent. "You are quite the delicacy, I will say. Your blood has a most unique smell. One that would even make God himself jealous of."

He whispered in his ear, "And those devilish looks."


Carter thought for a moment. He nodded.

He turned around. "Whatever it takes to find this son of a bitch before he lays a finger on him. I'm all ears."

shadowess - January 28, 2021

(Is Parker allowed to talk while unable to move to answer his question? lol)

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

(sure, why not? need him to talk at some point anyway)

shadowess - January 29, 2021

Tears welled up in Parker's eyes as he stared at Bryce, unable to tear his eyes away. He became aware, as Bryce spoke to him that he was whimpering and realised he could speak again. His face was so close to his, their red hair seemed almost the same shade. When Bryce asked if Carter was a good kisser, Parker cringed, still shaking. "W-wouldn't know..." He stammered, feeling the tears beginning to fall down his cheeks. "D-don't like him like that..." He admitted.

He saw the fangs and his eyes widened, air catching in his throat at the sight of them. He watched the vampire breath in his scent, his entire body trembling in his grip. The way he spoke about the way his blood smelled and the way he spoke about how he looked... he felt his cheeks getting a little warm and he tried so hard to tear his eyes away from the vampire. "Oh G-God..." He whimpered. "P-Please...n-no..."


"Well for starters. You're still sick. So I'm going to use that to my advantage and go get your medicine." Amelia began then held up a hand to quieten Carter if he wanted to interject. "While I'm there, I'll obtain the phone number for this Bryce. Someone at his place of work should have it." She looked between Carter and Sebastian. "That's step one of Plan A. From there, I arrange a negotiation between him and myself where the two of you can ambush him." She finished explaining.

Sebastian placed a fist to his mouth and faked a cough into it to remind Amelia there was more. "Yes, yes, I'm getting there!" She snapped then looked back at Carter. "Like I said, that's Plan A..." She walked up to Carter and looked at him seriously. "Plan B...is going to require all of your trust in us... You would be bait. We hand you over and track you down to his hideout, where myself and Sebastian will do everything in our power to free you both."

Sebastian sighed. He was clearly not happy with plan B as he re-iterates for Carter "But that is a LAST resort...and...to be able to track you down..." Sebastian pauses, uncomfortable. "I'd need to...drink from you...just a little! You see, a scent is fine to follow but it can be lost...but if I know how you...well...taste..." He trails off, making it obvious that being able to find him again after feeding from him would be easier than just tracking his scent.

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

"Ah what a shame! Oh well. I can always find out once they give him and you're let go."

Bryce brushed his lips over his. "Mmm...What a kisser you are though."

He dragged one of his nails over his neck. Cutting just barely enough to let a drip of blood seep through. He licked it off.


"Medicine?" Carter then realized something. "I really don't keep medicine, do I? Huh! Probably a good thing considering mixing alcohol with pills never ends well for anyone."

His brows furrowed. "I'll put my life on the line for him. For anyone. If it means saving an innocent life then I'll do it. So either way, I'm going to be the bait."

He looked at Sebastian with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. I promise I'll be careful."

shadowess - January 29, 2021

Feeling Bryce's lips on his, Parker tensed up. His own lips clamping shut. If he could close his eyes, he'd close them tightly and pray he was somewhere else right now. Pray that all of this was just some terrible dream. He felt something sharp scratch his neck and he gasped loudly, feeling a little warmth seep from the pain and knew he was bleeding.

He groaned out of disgust when Bryce bent down to lick the wound, completely unaware that his blood wasn't entirely human at all. That not only would his blood would have the ability to grant it's drinker a large amount of power, but that it would also become addictive if too much was to be taken. "S-stop!" He begged, crying. "Stop this! Please! I-I don't want to die!"


Sebastian nodded but pressed on. "But don't forget. That is a last resort. I'll take some of your blood now, just in case it all goes to shit later. But Carter...whether or not Plan B is initiated is entirely on you. So please, only do so if things become truly dire! If it looks like there's no other way..." He finished.

He needed to really get it across that both he and Amelia were placing a lot of trust in Carter as much as he was trusting them. One wrong move from just one of them and they were all done for! He stepped close to Carter, placing a gentle hand on his cheek, while Amelia headed out to the car. With no time to lose, she would head over to the store right now. Sebastian rested his head against Carter's very hot one. "You're probably going to be out again until Amelia get's back..." He sighs. "I'll be as gentle as I can...Are you sure you're ok with this?"

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

Bryce's eyes widened. Then he glared. "You! What are you exactly? Half vampire? Half werewolf? What?"

He left another scratch on his neck. Licking the blood off again. "Your taste is quite addicting. I wonder...."


Carter nodded. "I got it."

He smiled. "I said that we would do something like this at home. You already fulfilled that promise. There's no one else who I would want to do this except for you."

He touched his hand. "I have to do this for him. I need to be a better hero. A better person. I can't leave anyone in the dark."

He pushed his collar back. "So go ahead. Drink me."

shadowess - January 29, 2021

When Bryce starting snapping questions at him, Parker just stared at him, terrified and thinking that this man, vampire, whatever he was, really had lost his mind! "I don't know what you're talking about!" He cried.

When he heard Bryce talking about how his blood was addictive and seemed to trail off, Parker's fear soon gave way to panic. "Please! Stop! Please!" He began to scream.


Sebastian kissed Carter's lips passionately, then his cheek, then down his neck, to his shoulder where he was sure he would not hit an artery. He paused, hesitant, and then as if to remind himself, whispered "Just a little..." before biting down hard and fast into Carter's shoulder. His aim was to get his venom into Carter's system as soon as possible so he wouldn't feel the pain as he drank a couple of mouthfuls before letting Carter go.

He pulled back and had to force himself not to bite him again, his blood had been so intoxicating but now was not the right time. He closed his mouth to hide his fangs as he held Carter at arms length and examined him. This was what he'd meant by he'd be 'out'. Sebastian didn't take enough to make Carter weak but with the venom in his system, it was going to be at least a couple of hours before he was sober enough to fight again. By then, Amelia should be back with the medicine and they can begin part two of Plan A.


Amelia drove the car to the store where she parked hurriedly and ran in to buy the medicine. While at the checkout, she spoke to the cashier, putting on a convincing American accent and pretended to be Bryce's ditzy cousin, back in town to visit and wouldn't you know it, she lost his number! & would the cashier help a gal out?

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

Bryce glared. "If you keep making more noise then I will kill you!"

Carter enjoyed their moment together until the bite. He was taken aback by the pain and then the immediate sleepiness that overwhelmed him.

He felt himself becoming weak and numb. He blinked slow. Seeing the room turning into a blur.

He nearly fell when Sebastian caught him. He looked at him. "F-Feels....weird...." His eyes closed.

"Sure thing." The cashier scribbled Bryce's number down and handed it to her. "And tell him that he owes me a beer."

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shadowess - January 29, 2021

At the threat, Parker's screams soon ceased and were replaced by quiet whimpers and deep breaths as he tried desperately to keep his panic under control enough for him to stay quiet.


Sebastian smiled at Carter sadly as he saw how the venom reacted in his system. "I know..." He says softly, placing one of Carter's arms over his shoulders so he could walk him over to the bed. "Just sleep it off, you'll be fine. I'll be right here watching over you..."


"Aw, thanks hun!" Amelia beamed, placing the number into her pocket and picking up the bag with the medicine in it. "Oh, I will!" She chuckled as she began walking out of the store and back to the car.

She climbed in and debated calling the number now but had to remind herself that she would need both Carter and Sebastian for this plan to work. Sighing in frustration, she began driving back to Carter's house with the medicine, deciding she'd dial the number when Carter was feeling well enough to fight again.

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

Bryce smiled. "I have an idea. I'll make them think that I'm going to give you back and once they give me Carter, I'll pull you back inside. I'll have to fight them off but a little exercise never hurt anybody."

He kissed his neck. "Maybe after all this is over, I can make you into my servant. Have you do everything for me. Especially these moments in bed."

Carter fell into a deep sleep. Unable to speak or move. Just laying there. Breathing heavily as he had never experienced this before. He was fine. Only anxious. The fever didn't exactly help.

shadowess - January 29, 2021

Whimpering, Parker wanted so much to cry out. To call Bryce a monster. A bastard. And every other name under the sun. His eyes lit up a little out of anger but he bit his lip, desperate to keep himself quiet, too frightened to challenge this being who could stop his movements by simply looking at him. He felt Bryce kiss his neck and he shivered, trying to hold back a disgusted groan.


Amelia entered the house and ran to Sebastian and Carter in the bedroom. She looked between Carter on the bed and Sebastian sitting next to him, looking over him. It was clear that Sebastian had taken some blood and she wondered how quickly he would recover. Given that he was an alcoholic prior to their meeting, she was willing to bet it wouldn't be long.

She handed Sebastian the bag of medicine and he quickly got to work trying to feed him a little cough medicine and give him flu tablets. Meanwhile, she took out her phone and as Sebastian listened in with his breath held, Amelia dialled the number.

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

Carter drank some cough syrup. He cringed at the taste but pressed to dry swallow two tablets. "Thanks."

Bryce chuckled at his fear. He groaned at the sound of his phone ringing. He let Parker fall back on the bed. "Wait here."

He took his cell phone out of his pocket and answered. "Hello?"

shadowess - January 29, 2021

Sebastian smiled at Carter, helping him to drink more water if he needed it. He knew it was good for humans to stay hydrated when ill, and water may help to sober him up. All the while he tried to remain quiet so as to listen in to and not disturb Amelia.

Amelia had been holding her breath as the phone rang. Anxiously hoping that the cashier had given her the right number. When she heard the familiar voice on the other end, she smiled. "Bryce, Bryce, Bryce...." She tutted, making herself comfortable in a nearby chair and folding one leg over the other.

"You've been quite the naughty boy, from what I hear." She says pleasantly and sat back in the chair. "I'd like to have a chat with you. Perhaps over a drink. So that we can sort this little mess out in a more civilised way. What do you think?" She paused briefly before adding. "Carter will be there." It wasn't exactly a lie but she hoped it would help coax the vampire into the meeting.


Parker fell back onto the bed, relieved to no longer be in the vampire's arms. He felt able to move again as he propped himself up on his elbows shakily to watch Bryce anxiously. His eyes darted to the door then back to Bryce but he didn't move.

He wanted desperately to run for his life but knew that the vampire would catch him before he could even clear the length of the room and he dread to think of what he might then do as a punishment.

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

Carter smirked at Amelia's words. He had a feeling she was enjoying this. He didn't blame her. She got to be a badass person.

He touched Sebastian's hand. Giving him a look which read that he had enough water.


Bryce raised a brow. "Oh? And how do I know that this isn't a plan to take me down?"

He walked over to Parker and grabbed his arm. Gripping his wrist tightly. "Need I remind you that I have this fragile one here?" He put the phone to his lips.

He moved his arm. Nearly close to breaking it so that Parker could let out a cry for them to hear.

Carter sat up. He clenched his fists as he glared at the phone. "You fucking bastard! If you even-"

Bryce laughed over the phone. "Relax. I'm not going to do anything." He let Parker's arm go. "Not unless you come to my doorstep like a present for me to unwrap my dear." He licked his lips. "A present that I can ravish."

Carter shouted, "Go to hell!"

shadowess - January 29, 2021

Parker had been watching the vampire anxiously and felt his fear bubbling up as he walked back over to him while still on the phone. The vampire grabbed his wrist and when he was referred to as 'fragile', he had a sickening sense of what the vampire intended to do.

His arm was pulled and twisted in an awkward way, causing him to cry out from the pain. His wrist wasn't broken but the way it was being held was far from pleasant. He writhed a little, trying to pull his hand back instinctively, sobbing when he couldn't break free from Bryce's grasp. When Bryce let him go, he fell back onto the bed, turning onto his side in the foetal position and holding his wrist while crying quietly.


Amelia's pleasant demeaner evaporated as soon as she heard the detective screaming and crying on the phone. She glared silently at the ground, trying to keep herself composed. Her eyes shot up to stare at Carter when he shouted at the phone. His outbursts might risk this entire plan. "Enough!" She snapped at the two of them. "We will get nowhere with this!" She stared hard at Carter, in a silent way she was warning him to not give in to his anger as it seems to be what Bryce wants.

"Bryce, there is no need to harm Parker. We'll meet somewhere public, where neither of us can do anything funny." She says, trying to salvage the plan. She knew it was risky to do something like this somewhere public, but she had at least one idea on how they could get away with it. "The vampire club. We'll meet there. In one of the booths. There is no reason we can't handle this like reasonable adults." This, of course, meant that they would need to forewarn Blaire that shit might go down and that it would be dangerous for her to be there.

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

Carter bit his lip. As much as he was shaking from the anger building up inside him, he held back once he heard Amelia shout.

Listening in silence.

"Ooh! A little play date?" Bryce turned to him. "Did you hear that Parker? We're going to a vampire club. How fun is that?"

He heard his crying. "Oh now. Don't be afraid." He brushed his tears off. "I'll make sure the other vampires don't suck you dry." He laughed.

He spoke in the phone again. "I look forward to our meeting. Me and my date will be heading there. Now. Goodbye. Oh! And I can't wait to see you, my dear Carter."

He hung up.

"That fucking....!" Carter got off the bed. "I swear when I see him I'll....I'll...." He grabbed Sebastian''s hand. Squeezing it tightly as he felt worry grow inside him more than anger.

He didn't know what Bryce had done to Parker. He was concerned about what he would see.

"What's going to happen to him when we do save him? If he knows that vampires exist then....What?"

shadowess - January 29, 2021

A vampire club?! Like in Blade?! Parker shivered, not that it was very noticeable through him already shaking like a leaf! Bryce brushed his tears away, causing Parker to flinch and recoil at his touch. He turned his head so that his face would be half-buried in the bedsheets, as if hiding. "N-not real..." He whimpered to himself. "N-not real. Not real. J-just a nightmare...I have to wake up. Please...please wake up."


Amelia put her phone in her pocket and looked between Carter and Sebastian. For once, she looked a little nervous. When Carter asked his question, she glanced at Sebastian who sighed sadly and shrugged his shoulders. "I guess, the same as you...we tell him what he needs to know and...and give him a choice...What he decides from there, is up to him." He answers.

Amelia stands and starts pacing a little. "We have no time to lose. They're probably already on their way to the club...We need to warn Blaire to get out of there. I'm pretty sure he knows you're friends and I don't think he's above using her as another hostage if he had a chance to...I was hoping to arrange the meeting a little later so that you could recover first, Carter...How are you feeling now, anyways?"

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

Bryce frowned. "Oh but dear Parker, I most definitely am real. Or do you need proof?"

He scratched his cheek. Letting the blood fall as he licked it clean. He chuckled at Parker's fear. He lifted him off of the bed and carried him outside. Zooming to the club.
Carter leaned against Sebastian for a bit of support. "I'm fine. The medicine will kick in soon. But we don't have time to waste here. I can-"

He felt something strange on Sebastian's side. He lifted his shirt to reveal some bandages. "Wha-What happened? Did he do this?"

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shadowess - January 29, 2021

Parker yelped a little when Bryce scratched his cheek, having not been expecting it. He then groaned in disgust, trying to turn his face away as the vampire licked at his blood. He felt angry that this sick man was finding his fear amusing but he was too terrified to try fighting back.

Without warning, the vampire was lifting him up and for just a second, he'd gasped at the shock of being lifted with such ease and feebly tried to claw at the bed to stop him. Then they were moving too fast for Parker's eyes to keep up with. It was so nauseating that he had to shut his eyes tightly to stop himself being sick. Without really meaning to, he hid his face in Bryce's neck out of fear.


Sebastian shifted uncomfortably as Carter asked about his wound. Honestly, with everything else going on, he'd almost forgotten about it. "Um...sort of. Parker was holding a gun when Bryce attacked him. He dropped the gun and it went off..." He shrugged. "Just one of those freak accidents. I got the bullet out and I've had some blood so I should be fine. In a day or two you wouldn't even know I'd been shot!" He offered a reassuring smile.

Amelia looked between the two. With Carter sick and high on venom...and Sebastian wounded by a bullet...she had a terrible feeling about this meeting. But they had to try something. She was just glad this Bryce character didn't know enough about her to know any of her weaknesses. (That was the last thing they needed!) So, she supposed, with herself around, they kind of had an upper hand already.

"Right! C'mon! We have to get moving! Sebastian, help Carter into the car. We put the kid's gun in there, ready to go, so you can use that if you need to. Carter, on the way there, call Blaire and tell her anything you have to to get her out of there!..." She sighed. "I'll drive us there. We'll pull up a little walk away down the road where you two can hop out and find alternative ways into the club. Remember, don't attack until Parker is out of Bryce's reach. I'll then go ahead to meet Bryce and see what the situation is with Parker. Let's go."

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

Bryce smiled. "Aww! Feeling a little scared? Well, it's nice to know that you're relying on me for support."

He stopped at the club where he set him on his feet. He held his hand. "Act like we're a couple. And if you try to do anything, I will kill you."
With everyone in the car, Carter started calling Blaire.

"What's up?" "You need to get out of work! Today! There's this vampire that we're dealing with. He's got someone there that we're trying to-"

"Hello there waitress." There was a familiar voice. "Hello?! Blaire?"
Blaire stared at Bryce. Knowing that he was one of the frequent customers here. He noticed the frightened person next to him.

"We need an isolated dark room if you don't mind? We're waiting for some....friends."

"S-Sure thing sir. Right this way."
Carter's eyes widened. He immediately hung up. "They're already there! Blaire wouldn't call anyone sir. Shit! We've got to keep her from getting involved!"

shadowess - January 29, 2021

Parker barely heard Bryce over the wind roaring past his ears, not that he could really do much. He stayed where he was, too scared to move in case Bryce dropped him. They stopped and Parker felt his stomach turn a little, trying to get used to not moving quickly anymore.

His face had turned a little pale, if not slightly green from the experience. Panting a little to stop himself being sick, he slowly pulled his head away from Bryce to look up at the club. He knew this place! He'd been here earlier! This was a vampire club?! All this time?!

He knew he'd been put down but barely noticed as all this new information made him feel absolutely dizzy. He only snapped back to his senses when he felt Bryce's fingers between his. He looked at Bryce, as if just remembering he was there but didn't dare pull his hand away. Even though he was only holding his hand, Parker got the sense that Bryce could crush his hand just by squeezing it if he wanted to. When threatened, Parker gulped silently and nodded to show he understood.

They headed into the club where Bryce approached the woman he'd spoken to earlier before running after the blonde. This woman was on her phone but soon paid very close attention to Bryce, leading them into a dark and isolated room. There, Parker wouldn't move or even sit down unless Bryce told him to. He didn't want to give him any reason to hurt him anymore. "W-what's going to happen to me?" He asked shakily as soon as Blaire was gone and they were alone again.


Amelia's hands tightened on the wheel at Carter's news. "Fuck! That's all we need...Quick, send her a text. Warn her not to do anything to put Parker or herself in danger. Let her know we're on our way."

As soon as they came close to the club, Amelia parked the car down the road. "Alright. This is it." She turned to look at Carter and Sebastian. "Give me around five or ten minutes before you head in. Stay alert and...Good luck." As soon as they'd get out of the car, she'd drive to the club and park the car, heading inside where she tried to see where Blaire was. Not wanting to get close in case Bryce was watching out for them, she silently asked Blaire from across the room where they were.

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

Bryce walked over to the table and sat. "Please have a seat. Next to me of course. Wouldn't want you to get away. Although, you could never."

He smirked.

Carter quickly text her the situation.

Blaire read it fast. His heart skipped a beat.

She saw Amelia and immediately pointed at the far back corner of the club.

Carter had a hard time sitting still. "We have to go there now before that sick bastard does something to him."

shadowess - January 29, 2021

Sebastian glanced at Carter quickly, keeping his eyes on the building. "I know, I want to rush in as much as you do but if we do that too soon we risk him killing him..." He nods towards the building. "I saw two fire doors the last time we were here. One on the left, one to the right. We need to go slow, don't draw attention to ourselves."


Parker obeyed the order to sit next to Bryce, albeit reluctantly. Bryce hadn't answered his question, which left him deeply concerned. He sat rigidly, keeping his eyes on the ground.

Amelia nodded a thanks to Blaire then held her finger to her lips to signal to Blaire to not draw attention. She then looked at the door she'd pointed out in the corner of the club. Shoot! It was going to be hard for the other two to sneak in. It's too awkward a spot! She quickly sent Sebastian a text before heading towards the door. She knocked so as not to startle the men inside then eased the door open, closing it behind her.

Her eyes quickly scanned Parker who, apart from being scratched & bruised in a few places and looking terrified, seemed otherwise fine. She smiled pleasantly at Bryce, moving to the centre of the room and holding out her hand for him to shake. "Bryce. I believe we never got a chance to meet each other properly. My name is Amelia Magpie. A Devil." At her last words, her eyes flashed red for just a second. She saw Parker's eyes dart in her direction through her peripheral for just a second before he lowered his gaze again. "Sebastian and Carter will be here momentarily with drinks. I was simply too eager to make your acquaintance." She explained, trying to make it seem like she was eager to be there.


Sebastian's phone vibrated just as he was about to start walking towards the club and his arm shot out to gently grab Carter's arm and stop him. "It's Amelia." He said, looking at his phone. "She says the room Bryce is in is in an awkward area...one of us needs to meet them in the room with drinks for all of them...and come up with an excuse for the other one's absence so they can lay in wait outside to ambush him..." He looked at Carter worriedly. This plan was starting to get tricky already and they needed to decide rapidly who was going to be with Amelia in that room with Bryce and get moving.

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

Bryce licked his lips at her words. "A devil eh?" He shook her hand. "Well now, isn't this interesting? I surely cannot wait for the others to arrive."

Carter frowned. He thought for a moment. "Then I'll do it. I'll go in there with some drinks that Blaire will give to me. You can sneak by. Bryce is only going to get suspicious if I'm not around."

He looked at Sebastian's concerned face. He kissed him. "I'll be careful. I've got Parker's gun with me."

He entered the bar. Blaire walked over. "Is everything alright?" "Just get me two glass of blood, water, and whiskey." She nodded. She told Hades the order who poured the blood in wine glasses, the water in a regular glass, and the whiskey in a small glass.

Blaire placed a twenty on the counter. "I've got you." Carter nodded. "Thanks." He carried the drinks on a tray to the dark room. He slowly opened the door before being greeted by the three's presence.

"I've got us all some drinks. Sebastian's a bit bust right now using the restroom but he'll be back."

It took ever fiber in his being to not punch Bryce for the scratch marks that he saw on Parker. Instead, he gave Parker an apologetic look.

"Ah! Carter. It is good to see you." Bryce stood and reached out. Carter took a step back. He glared. "Not until things get done." Bryce was annoyed but smiled. "Of course. I always keep my word." He sat back down.

Carter sat next to Amelia. Bryce took one of the glasses of blood and handed Parker a glass of water. "It seems that this one isn't use to my speed."

shadowess - January 29, 2021

The way Bryce reacted at her telling him what she was made her skin crawl. Usually, when she introduced herself as a Devil like this, the other person practically shat themselves. But Bryce seemed almost...excited. It disturbed her. What was going through this guy's mind?! But she maintained her composure and pretended to be flattered as she took a seat.

The door opened and Carter entered the room with drinks. She watched warily as Bryce attempted to get close to Carter before backing off. She was a little concerned about Carter's excuse for Sebastian considering Vampires didn't really need to use the toilet unless they'd drank a normal drink recently and if by some miracle Bryce bought that it also meant they now had a limited amount of time before Bryce started wondering what was taking Sebastian so long. As well as the fact he'd just bought four drinks for five people. She couldn't blame him if it was his nerves but this could be a huge give away that something was wrong. She thought fast on how to salvage the situation.

Parker had looked up when he heard Carter's voice and he stared at him with a mixture of pleading for help and absolute confusion. He knew vampires existed?! And the lady said she was a Devil...what was that all about?!

When Bryce referred to Parker not being used to vampiric speed, Amelia swallowed her anger and maintained the pleasant smile, turning her attention to Parker. That might work...
"Ah, you're not well either?" She asked him, hinting to the room that the reason Sebastian was in the toilet was due to 'illness'. Although it was rare, it was entirely possible for Vampires to get sick and given Carter himself was displaying flu like symptoms, it only made sense that Sebastian might also come down with something.

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

"Not well?" Bryce let out a low chuckle. "So my venom is that strong eh? Good to know. Which means that dear Carter, you and I will be alone for a long time."

"Over my dead body." He smiled. "I do love it when you tease me." He took a long sip. Savoring the blood and its flavor. "Not as good as Parker's but it will have to do. Although perhaps yours will be far better."

He touched Carter's hand. Carter attempted to move his hand but felt his grip tightened. Bryce's fingers enclosed the space between his fingers.

"My my! You have such strong hands. Yet, you seem to be quite ill. Now, if you were my husband, I would not let anything or anyone harm you. I would take care of you and nurture you back to health. Better yet, I will drink from you until you're-"

He sniffed. "What is this?!" He pulled at his collar. "Hey!" But Carter couldn't fight off his strength. Bryce saw the bite mark. He slammed his fist on the table. Knocking the drinks over. "That no good excuse for a vampire already stole some of you from me!"

Carter rolled his eyes. "You're one to talk. You took little nibbles out of my work partner who I'm expecting will be released once you have me." Bryce glared at Amelia then him. "Not until you answer my question."

"And that is?"

"What is Parker here? His blood is unlike any human blood I've ever had. It's very....addictive. Almost like he's half of something. Yet, I can't put my finger on it."

shadowess - January 29, 2021

When Bryce reached out for Carter's hand, Amelia tensed, watching carefully. Ready to intervene if necessary. It seemed clear to Amelia that he was trying to raise tension in the room. To get one or both of them to react. Her hands gripped the arms of the chair tightly as Bryce seemed to escalate things until he noticed Carter's bite mark.

When he'd pulled at Carter's collar she'd jumped to her feet, pushing him back with a sharp "Back off!" There was a brief exchange between Carter and Bryce before Bryce brought up something very interesting about Parker. She hesitated, her eyes landing on Parker as though studying him carefully.

Parker's eyes had lifted when the commotion started, watching everything with uncertainty. For a minute, she locked eyes with him before slowly turning to stare Bryce down. "Carter..." She began slowly, keeping her eyes on the vampire. "Grab Parker now!" She shouted and flung herself at Bryce, aiming to punch him in the face and hoping to keep him from going after Carter and Parker.

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

Carter ran to Parker's side. Pulling him out of his seat.

"Follow me!" They ran out of the room. Heading straight to the entrance.

Bryce fell back at the shockingly hard punch. He quickly stood. He glared. "You! You took him away from me!"

He opened his mouth as he revealed his fangs. Jumping towards her with great speed.

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shadowess - January 29, 2021

It happened so fast! Parker barely had time to react when Carter was pulling him out of the chair. Next, they were both running out of the room, pushing through a now crowded club and running out of the front door where Sebastian had to stop himself from tackling them as soon as he realised they were not Bryce.

Sebastian breathed a quick sigh of relief "Carter!...and Parker, I assume?" He then looked between them and back into the club. Amelia hadn't come out, which could only mean she was keeping Bryce distracted while they made their escape. "Go, get Parker back to the house. I'll help Amelia..." He then looked at Carter nervously. "And keep that gun handy."


Granted, this was not how she'd envisioned the plan going down. Bryce had thrown them one hell of a curve ball with saying Parker wasn't human. Amelia had her suspicions but she needed to talk to Parker first. At least he and Carter had escaped, now all she needed to do wa-

The vampire had run at her faster than she'd anticipated. Whatever was in that kids blood was making Bryce move a lot faster and hit a lot harder than any other vampire could and according to Sebastian, this vampire was already very strong even before meeting Parker.

She was pushed back against the wall, a head shaped crack appearing in the wall behind her. Dazed, she gasped, her arms reaching up to grip Bryce's shoulders, trying to push him off. Her vision swimming and the only thing she could focus on were angry yellow eyes.

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

Carter shook his head. "Are you kidding me? I can't leave you guys to deal with him!"

But when he got reassurance from Sebastian, he sighed. "Please make it back home."

Some tears left his eyes as he kissed him before heading into the car with Parker at the passenger side.

He touched the gun that was under his pants. Making sure it was still there.

He stared driving back home as he spoke.

"Mind telling me what the hell you are? How long have you been lying about this?"

Bryce gripped her arms. Keeping her from moving as he leaned in. Ready to drink from her.

shadowess - January 29, 2021

In the car, Parker kept glancing out of the windows and behind them anxiously as if expecting Bryce to suddenly appear out of nowhere. Hearing Carter's question he turned his head to stare at him. "W-what?" He asked, his voice breaking a little. "W-why does everyone keep asking that? I don't know what you're talking about!" He cried.

"b-but why do I have to explain anything?! What about you?!" He snapped angrily. "Vampires?! Devils?! You...you knew?!" He started breathing heavily, panicking a little as his eyes darted about the car and out the windows in a paranoid way again. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! WHO WAS THAT?! WHY ME?!"


Sebastian had darted into the room to find Amelia pinned to the wall looking like she was struggling to simply stay awake as Bryce moved closer to her. He had no time to question how that was even possible. He had to help her! "Hey!" He'd shouted, rushing over to pull Bryce off of her before he could taste her blood. THAT would be disastrous for all of them.

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

"Ok Ok Ok! Calm down. Just take a deep breath. I'll explain everything once we get inside."

He parked the car at the driveway. "And let me be clear about something, if I had tried to tell you before, you would have just thought that i was crazy. But now that this has all happened, I can tell you."

He got out of the car. "So please come inside. I'll make you some coffee while we talk."
Bryce glared. "You don't deserve him! You don't deserve anyone! I, on the other hand, have every right to marry Carter! I am aristocrat! My title is power!"

He grabbed Sebastian by the neck and slammed him against the wall. "Just imagine me making love to Carter." He smiled. "Doesn't it get your blood pumping?"

shadowess - January 29, 2021

Amelia fell forward, Bryce no longer holding her against the wall. Shakily, she tried to get up and felt the back of her head. Pulling her hand back down to look at it, she saw it was covered in blood. "Little...shit..." She seethed between breaths.

Sebastian was slammed against the wall and Bryce gripped his throat and yelled at him before taunting him. He growled angrily at Bryce until a familiar smell filled the room. He glanced over at Amelia in time to see her check her bloodied hand. The back of her head, her blond hair stained red.

If Bryce were to catch a whiff of it, it would be similar to Parker's scent, only far stronger and sweeter. Sebastian's eyes darted back to Bryce and he roared at him, attempting to hit him with a flurry of punches and kicks to keep him occupied. Doing everything he could to try and fight Bryce and protect the ones he loved.


Parker hesitated to get out of the car at first but after thinking through Carter's words he got out of the car and hurriedly followed him into the house. He kept glancing over his shoulder to make sure they were definitely not being followed. Once inside, he remained on his feet. Too jumpy to sit down or sit still. He paced a little, occasionally glancing out of the windows. "W-what's going on?" He asks, finally. His voice trembling.

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

Bryce let him go as he dodged his punches and kicks. He ducked as he punched him in the gut. "You never give up, do ya?"

He sniffed the air. He glanced at her. "So that's it? He's half devil." He chuckled. "This will be interesting. I wonder what more powers I can gain from drinking his blood."

He high kicked him.

"Excuse me but I have somewhere that I need to be." He left the room. Soon stepping out of the club as he ran to the house.
Carter set a cup of hot coffee on the table for him and himself.

"Basically, Sebastian is a vampire who saved my life from a werewolf that wanted to kill me. Once I found out about what he really was, that crazy vampire you met called Bryce tried to kidnap me because he wants to marry me. Unfortunately for you, you're also target."

He sat down. "You see once you know the existence of vampires as a human, you become a target for them as a either something to fuck or something to kill. Oh and devils are real too but it seems that not all of them are dicks."

He took a sip of coffee. "Sorry if this all freaks you out. Believe me, it freaked me out too. But you have to stay calm. If we're going to deal with this lunatic then we have to work together."

shadowess - January 29, 2021

The fist connected with Sebastian's stomach and he doubled over, wheezing from the blow. As soon as Bryce had said it, it made sense to both Sebastian and Amelia. The kid had looked very familiar to them. Amelia wondered if the kid knew...Damien certainly hadn't said anything to her... Had Damien even known?! It didn't seem like him to abandon family!

Before Sebastian could recover from the punch and continue fighting, Bryce's foot had connected with his head, sending him across the room to land near Amelia. He was knocked out cold. Then he was gone. Amelia had watched it all happen, unable to pull herself to her feet, her head injury too severe. But she couldn't let Bryce get a hold of Parker again. She just wouldn't allow it.

She gripped Sebastian's arm and attempted to teleport to the house. Their figured blurred for a moment and Amelia screamed in agony before stopping and panting. She'd already teleported twice today. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't do it a third time in such a short amount of time. And that's without trying to take someone with her! Regardless, she tried again anyway. They blurred. She screamed. She stopped and took a few deep breaths.


Parker listened quietly as Carter told him what was going on. When he finished, he stared at the floor. Lost in thought. "Th-this is...madness...absolute madness!" He whispered, trying to take the information in but was having a great deal of difficulty. He looked up at Carter again. "H-how?" He asked. "How are we supposed to fight something like that?! He...he..." Parker stammered, looking like he was about to get worked up again. "A-and I couldn't even move! I couldn't scream! How do you fight something like that?!"

Before Parker could get even more worked up, he was cut off by a woman's scream filling the kitchen. A unfocussed image of badly injured Amelia and an unconscious Sebastian flickered in and out of existence in the middle of the kitchen as Amelia attempted to teleport them both into the house. Knowing this was probably as close as she was going to get however and that she only had split second to get them a message, she grit her teeth through the pain to look between Parker and Carter. "C-coming!" She screamed at them before they both vanished. Back at the club, Amelia hoped they understood her warning as she also loses consciousness.

Denix Vames - January 29, 2021

Carter took out the gun. "I've got your weapon right here. I don't know if this can kill him but I know it can hurt him."

He stood from his seat as he watched Amelia and Sebastian flickering in and out. He heard her one word message. He ran to Parker.

Bryce knocked the door off its hinges. Carter aimed the gun as he stood in front of Parker. "Stay behind me!"

"Well well well! I have you two right here for me take. How splendid." "If you come any closer, I'll-!" "You'll do what? Shoot me? I'll dodge it easily!"

Carter smirked. He point the gun to his own head. "I'll kill myself if you take one more step." "No! Don't!" "You want me that badly huh? Then this must be torture for you. So back off or else! I won't say it again!"

Bryce growled. "You're smart. I'll give you that."
Blaire peeked her head into the room. "Jesus h Christ!" She ran over to Amelia. "Hey, are you all ears? Where's that weirdo and Carter?"

shadowess - January 30, 2021

Still trying to make sense of what he just saw, Parker practically jumped out of his skin when the door all but imploded. The vampire strode into the house and Parker's eyes widened fearfully. Feeling helpless without his own weapon, he hurriedly stood behind Carter, backing away from both of them until his back hit the kitchen counter.

His heart was pounding as he remembered being in the vampire's grasp. He recalled the way the woman and the other vampire looked just now. If they couldn't stand against this monster, what could a couple of humans do?! He then watched Carter pull the gun to his own head and he held his breath, staring at him. Would he really do it, or was he just bluffing? Of course, if he did it, that would just leave Parker alone to fend for himself.


Hearing Blaire's voice, Sebastian stirred. He groaned, gripping the side of his head. "Blaire?...C-Carter's house...He's really strong..." Sebastian tried to sit up and looked at Amelia, concerned. A thin layer of crystal covered the wound on the back of her head. Sebastian smiled seeing this. Even when she's barely clinging to consciousness, she still found enough strength to seal her wound.

He knew, despite her condition right now, that she would be fine. "Blaire, look after her. Don't let any vampires near her. Her blood is addictive and right now, she's vulnerable. I gotta get to Carter..." He forced himself to his feet with a groan and pushed himself to run to Carter's house. He'd protect them both. No matter what it took.

Denix Vames - January 30, 2021

Bryce laughed. Carter glared. "What's so funny?" "You humans are so predictable! You're not that crazy enough to kill yourself. I know you can't do it."

He zoomed to Parker with his hand outstretched. Ready to attack him. "And you never will."

That memory of that night. What happened to his kids....To his husband....It all came rushing back.

Carter threw himself in front of Bryce as he shouted, "Jack!"

Blaire nodded. "I'll keep this room off limits." She locked the door as soon as he left. She moved Amelia to a more comfortable position on the floor. She held her hand. "I know you can hang in there dude."

Blood flew out from Carter's deep long wounds that were coming from his chest. He dropped the gun as he fell back.

Bryce's eyes widened. "No!" He growled. "That's it! I've had it! If you don't me then I'll just go!"

He left the house. Planning on never to be seen again.

Carter coughed up some blood as he clutched his wound. He was losing blood. "We need to call an ambulance!" ,said Parker. "N-No time."

He looked up to see Sebastian hovering him. "L-Losi-" He coughed. "Do it." He weakly pulled his collar back. "....Only way."

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shadowess - January 30, 2021

Parker blinked and it was over. The vampire had lunged at him but Carter threw himself between them, taking the hit. This seemed to anger the vampire who just left. Parker stared after him, at the broken front door in disbelief. He seemed to give up easily. Way too easily. He looked down at Carter, not sure what to do. All colour had drained from his face as he stood there. He heard himself babble about an ambulance but he didn't feel like he was in the room anymore. Like his words had come from someone else. This, all of this, was too much!

Sebastian made it to the house and saw Carter, mortally wounded on the ground. Parker seemed in far too much shock to help but Sebastian's focus wasn't on him. This didn't make sense. After everything that had happened, Bryce just kills Carter?!

Sebastian fell to his knees at Carter's side. Tears streaming down his face. He hadn't wanted it to be this way. He'd wanted it to be something peaceful that Carter chose for himself. Not a last resort. But there was no time left and Carter seemed to know what he wanted. He gently took Carter in his arms and pulled him up to him. He kissed him softly then brought his lips down to his neck. Taking in a deep, shaken breath, he bit down hard. Carter would get a new dose of venom in his system.

Parker watched all of this silently but when Sebastian bit into Carter, that was the last straw. He couldn't take this. He couldn't take any of it! He started running. He ran out of the house, down the street. He just kept going and going. Memories of everything that had happened replayed in his mind and every time he saw that vampire's eyes he ran harder.

He ran until his lungs felt like they were on fire, his side hurt from a stitch he was getting and until he could no longer recognise his surroundings. He stopped, doubling over, holding his side and wheezing. He stumbled to a half wall nearby and leant against it, holding his head in his hands as he wept.


Sebastian didn't need to take much before he could feel Carter's heartbeat start to slow down. He pulled back and hurriedly bit into his own wrist, ignoring the numbing feeling of the venom having been injected into his own system too. He gently pressed it to Carter's mouth, looking down at him lovingly. Tears still rolling down his cheeks.

Denix Vames - January 30, 2021

Carter could feel himself becoming more weaker from the venom compared to the blood loss.

He smiled as this happened. "N-Not your fault." He tried to assure him.

He opened his mouth. Lapping up the blood as he swallowed. He could feel something change inside him. He flinched as that change was becoming painful.

No amount of torture could compare to it.

He curled up into a fetal position and groaned.
Bryce smirked. He knew they were fooled by his acting. He grabbed Parker and clamped his fangs into his neck.

He began to drink from him.

All he needed was a husband. A beautiful husband. If it wasn't Carter then so be it. Let it be Parker.

He quickly bit into his own arm and shoved it over Parker's mouth as he gripped his chin with his other hand. Forcing his mouth open while his blood dripped into his mouth.

"You are now mine."

shadowess - January 30, 2021

(Well...this will be interesting lol)

Sebastian let Carter go when he pulled away, feeling guilty for the pain he was about to go through. One thing you're never prepared for is having your entire DNA code changed on the spot. He rubbed his arm, trying to comfort him while whispering "I know...I know...It'll pass. It won't take long, I promise. I'm here..."


Parker hadn't even had time to catch his breath when his head was pulled back and he felt something sharp strike his neck. He'd gasped and groaned, gripping Bryce tightly and trying to push him off. He then felt a numbness spread through his body. His eyes rolled, staring at the stars above them and his body relaxed against Bryce. His legs growing weaker, unable to support his weight.

He felt the fangs leave him and he groaned again. The blood was forced into his mouth and at first he gagged. But his body reacted to it. He needed it. It was going to save his life. His hands reached up suddenly, gripping Bryce's arm and pulling it to his mouth where he sucked on the wound desperately, occasionally letting out little moans as he felt himself getting his strength back. For a moment, he glanced at Bryce and his eyes shifted to a deep crimson before returning to their usual emerald colour.

Just as suddenly, he let go. His whole body feeling like it was on fire. He gasped from how quickly the pain spread throughout his body and gripped Bryce, burying his head in his chest, shaking, sweating and gritting his teeth against the agony. "M-make it stop..." He gasped. "Make it s-stop! Please! It hurts!"

Denix Vames - January 30, 2021

(yes it will be )

Carter scrapped his nails against the floor. He cried out as the pain grew worse.

He couldn't concentrate on Sebastian's words or his touch. He just wanted the pain to be done and over with.
Bryce smiled as he watched Parker enjoy the taste of his blood. He felt pleasure at the sight of it.

He lifted him off the ground. "I shall take you to your new home. Our home. I've got plenty of bottled blood for you there."

He zoomed to his house where he laid Parker on the bed. He soon came back with a glass of blood. He set it on the drawer near the bed.

He placed a formal victorian wedding suit on the sofa chair. "When you feel well enough to come downstairs, I will greet you in similar clothing for the wedding that we will have in the basement."

He left.

shadowess - January 30, 2021

Seeing Carter writhe in agony, Sebastian felt awful. Sebastian, himself, barely remembered this pain. He'd had both venom and drugs put into his system so he'd been pretty out of it for this part. All he could do was watch and wait. He got up and stumbled to the fridge where he'd put the rest of the blood bags that Amelia had bought.

He pulled out one, thought for a moment, then pulled out a second one. Certain that Carter would feel utterly starved when he'd come through his transformation. He then returned to Carter and sat by his side, on the floor, placing the bags near him.


Parker heard Bryce but couldn't register what was being said. He could hear his own heart throbbing in his ears as the pain went on. He felt himself being lifted and the cold air rushing over them as Bryce ran brought Parker a little relief.

Once at Bryce's home, Parker focussed just long enough to see the familiar surroundings of the bedroom. Dread washed over him just as much as the pain consumed him. Placed onto the bed, he writhed and gripped the sheets. Feeling hotter than ever. He cried out, unable to hold it back any longer.

Bryce was talking again but Parker just couldn't focus. Every movement and breath was pure torment. He looked over in time to see Bryce turn his back and he reached out desperately. "N-no! no no no no! D-don't leave me! Please!" He was gone. And Parker was alone with the agony he had to endure.


It was an hour, possibly two, before Parker felt the pain wash away. He had no real way of telling how long it took but to him it had felt like a day. At some point, while writhing around on the bed, he'd managed to roll off completely. Now he lay against the hard floor, breathing heavily and just glad that the floor was cold against his hot skin.

Shakily, his muscles aching, he pushed himself to his knees to look around the room curiously. His throat was so dry and sore, it felt like he'd recently tried to drink sand. Leaning against the bed, he got to his feet and looked down at himself. While he'd been in pain, he'd ripped his clothes off, having felt far too hot in them. He looked at the sopping wet clothes on the ground, soaked in his sweat.

He could smell the sweat. It was difficult to ignore. But as well as the sweat, he smelled something sweeter. He walked across the room, following it to the glass on the drawer. For a moment, he just stared at it. That can't be-? He cringed but continued to stare at it. He could smell it! He even...wanted it! He took a step back and placed a hand over his mouth then immediately flinched, bringing his hand away.

His lip was bleeding...He brought a finger up and traced the new little puncture wound then found the culprit under his top lip. The sharp tip of a tooth! He pulled his finger away as though recoiling from himself. He felt his heart drop as he slowly began to realise that the events of the night hadn't been some crazy dream after all. He stumbled, feeling dizzy and his eyes fell on the glass again. His eyes started to water again as he walked back over to it, as if pulled to it, a new pain starting to eat away at him and he noticed it was growing stronger by the second. He needed it! It would stop the pain!

His hunger getting the better of him, he snatched up the glass and drank it greedily, then looked at the empty glass with disappointment. It hadn't been enough! He needed more! The pain had eased a little but it hadn't gone! He placed it down moodily and looked around the room once more. It was then he noticed the new clothes. A little dated and fancy, but he supposed it was better than sweat soaked clothes.

He put the clothes on and went to look at himself in the mirror. He stared at himself for a good minute, unable to believe what he saw. He was a little paler than normal and his eyes seemed to shine a little more brightly. He opened his mouth and gasped at the new fangs that had grown. He ran a finger over one curiously. This is real? He had so many questions. He wondered where Bryce had gotten to and whether he would give him more blood to drink than what was in that little glass. One thing he now knew without any doubt, he needed him to teach him how to survive. He left the room, in search of him.

Denix Vames - January 30, 2021

Carter bit his lip as he clenched his fists. He could feel something pierce into his skin. His own blood dripped from the cut he gave himself from the fangs that were now part of him.

He sniffed the air like an animal. Realizing that something sweet was nearby. Something to take away the pain. The hunger.

He grabbed one of the blood bags and sank his fangs into it. Drinking fast as he felt himself getting better.
"Ah! You put it on! Good." Bryce smiled. "I said I would wait in the basement but I just couldn't wait to see you in your suit. Don't we look like a lovely pair?"

He read his face. "Oh? Is someone still hungry?" He poured a glass of blood. "Now, you only get this one if you kiss me. So come just a little closer and let me taste you."

shadowess - January 30, 2021

Carter picked up a blood bag and Sebastian watched him eagerly, with a sense of relief. The pain would be over for him soon, he just needed to drink his fill. Wiping away his tears, he shuffled closer to Carter as he drank and placed a hand on his arm again. "It's going to be alright." He whispered comfortingly. "I'll teach you everything I know."


It hadn't taken Parker long to find Bryce and when we was greeted so warmly, he had to pause. He looked over Bryce suspiciously, wondering what he was up to. He also felt a fury beginning to rise within him. Bryce had not only stolen from him, he'd forced him to become something else entirely and then kidnapped him again!

A lovely pair?! Who was this guy kidding?! Parker now felt nothing but contempt towards his maker. At the same time, Parker was smart enough to know that Bryce was still stronger than he was, especially with how starved Parker felt right now. So he just stood quietly, shivering out of pure rage.

He watched him pour a new glass of blood and his eyes were immediately drawn to it, a hand held his abdomen. His hunger becoming very painful again. When he heard the bribery, his eyes snapped to Bryce as if unable to believe what he was hearing. Bryce was deliberately giving him small amounts in order to keep him obedient. He wanted to argue.

To shout everything he was really thinking and feeling right then. But that wouldn't get him anywhere and he may end up in a worse position than he is now. Besides, he still needed to learn how to live as what he is now. So he supposed it wouldn't hurt to keep Bryce sweet just until he learned everything he'd need to know to make it on his own...and then he'd leave him.

He realised his features may have been reflecting an array of emotions during the short time he stared at Bryce so he softened them and smiled a little. "You...you made me..." He says in a soft tone, as if happy about the fact. "S-sorry...it's just...this is all...sudden...s-so much to take in" He explained with a half laugh then walked up to Bryce, bringing his lips close to his. "My love." He whispers before pressing his lips against them. It took every bit of strength he had left to not gag at the words.

After a moment, he pulled away and took up the glass. His desperation getting the better of him once more and he drank it's contents hurriedly, partially afraid Bryce would change his mind about letting him have it. Swallowing the last bit, he lowered the glass and looked into it with the same disappointment. It brought a little relief but once again, he still didn't have enough. Placing the glass back down, his eyes briefly hovered over the bottle that Bryce had before he looked back at him. Waiting for the next order so he could have more.

Denix Vames - January 30, 2021

Carter turned to him. His eyes were now filled with rage when he examined him.

"He hurt you. He hurt my friends." He stood. His fists were clenched. A deep seated hatred had grown inside himself. A feeling he hadn't experienced like this before.

He walked to the broken doorway as he spoke.

"I'm going to tear out his insides. I'm going to break his bones until he screams."

A murderous gaze was there. Something had changed.
Bryce accepted the kiss. He licked his lips. Savoring the taste. "Perfect. Although, I see someone's a little intense. That's perfectly alright. Especially for the wedding."

He held his hand. "Come now. We have to start the wedding soon. There will be more bottled blood there for us to celebrate after the ceremony. That's when you can indulge yourself. I can imagine that you must be terribly thirsty."

He lead him into the basement where there was barrels of blood stacked on top of each other. The end of the basement was decorated with white. There was a table filled with an array of bottled blood that had labels of which year they were taken from the human.

A book stand stood in the middle of the place with an old dusty book that was opened wide. It seemed to have been there for ages.

"Now, you stand there while I read out the little speech. I would have gotten a priest but I want this to be quick so our bond can be much closer."

shadowess - January 30, 2021

"Carter? Carter wait!" Sebastian got up and followed Carter to the door hurriedly. "Listen to me, we'll get him for this, we will!" He started, making it clear that he felt the same way. "But we need to think things through first. Even if you hadn't just gone through a massive transformation, with Parker's blood in his system, he's too strong and fast for myself or even Amelia to keep up with! We have to wait until it's out of his system...plus we don't even know where he hides...in the meantime..." He turned to look around the house. He'd been somewhat conscious of Parker running past him while he'd been feeding on Carter but he hadn't seen him run out of the house, so assumed he'd just gone into another room to hide. "We need to talk to Parker...I don't think he knows...we realised it when Bryce smelled Amelia's blood...Carter..." He looked back at him.

"He's a half Devil. I think he's Damien's kid!" Sebastian glanced into the living room but there was no sign of him there. "Parker?" He called out, heading upstairs. "Parker?" No answer. He checked the rooms; nothing. Sebastian felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. "Carter!!" He ran down the stairs to Carter, panicked. "He's not here!!" He moved to run out of the house then paused, looking at the steadily brightening sky. No time left. "Fuck!" He cursed, kicking the door. "Carter...get away from the door...we need to wait out the day...We'll come up with a new plan while we wait." He sighed, frustrated.


Amelia awoke with a start, gasping and trying to sit up hurriedly. She then hissed in pain and held her head in her hands. She looked around the dark room of the club, her vision still a little blurred. "What happened?" She muttered, her eyes falling on Blaire who'd been sitting by her side. The rest of the club outside this room sounded quiet. No music. No chatter from the patrons. She assumed the club had closed which must mean it was early morning at least. "Where's Sebastian? Carter? Parker?....." Her features then darkened, her tone shifting to an angry one. "Where's Bryce?"


Wedding? Dumfounded by what Bryce seemed to want to do, Parker let him lead him into the basement. There'd been a promise of more blood, which was as much as Parker had expected, but his mind kept replaying that word over and over; 'Wedding.' He felt sick suddenly. He didn't want to be married to this psycho!

They stepped into the basement and the smell of blood surrounded them. To Parker, in his starved state, it was a very overpowering smell that caused his hunger pains to intensify tenfold. He looked between Bryce and the book apprehensively. He wondered if he could talk his way out of this. "Wait..." He says slowly, looking at Bryce nervously. "I-I don't know...I...I've never even had a date before..." He admitted, trying to appeal to any sort of sympathy this man might have...if he had any. "C-couldn't we try that first? Date? Get to know each other first?" The smell in the room was driving him mad and it took all of his strength to ignore it.

Denix Vames - January 30, 2021

Carter glared at him. He listened but didn't care what he had to say. That was until a bit of sunlight touched his skin. Giving him a terrible burning sensation.

He jumped back as he clutched his arm. His eyes widened.

All of the memories he had with his family flashed through his head. Then he recalled his first meeting with Sebastian. His first meeting with Amelia. And Parker...

He didn't crave human food. He didn't feel tired. He couldn't go out during the day.

He fell to his knees as tears poured from his eyes. He cried out in frustration as he clutched his head.
"Whoa! You're fine hon. Sebastian went back to Carter's place cause Bryce was heading there too. Parker's with them. I don't know what else."

She helped her up. "You good?"
Bryce smiled. "A first date huh? I don't see why not."

He poured a glass for himself and Parker. He handed it to him. "Cheers to our future bond." They clinked glasses. He took a sip before placing his hand over his chest.

"It may be a bit early but I'd like to..." He slipped his hand under his coat. Feeling his chest. "Have some fun right now."

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shadowess - January 30, 2021

Seeing Carter burn himself then fall to his knees, Sebastian carefully but quickly made his way around the door to him. He knelt next to him and wrapped his arms around him, holding him. "I'm sorry..." He cried, his voice shaking. "I'm so sorry..." Although he'd had little choice and Carter had made the choice for him, Sebastian still felt terribly guilty.

He felt he'd let Carter down for not being able to hold off Bryce. He felt awful that he'd had to change him under these circumstances and for everything Carter was going to have to adjust to. Although there was nothing he could have done at the time, he also felt responsible for allowing Parker to run off the way he did.


Amelia tried to pull herself to her feet when Blaire told her that Bryce had been on his way to Carter's house and that Sebastian had followed him. She was barely stable, swaying and holding on to the table and Blaire for support. That bastard had really done a number on her head! "I have to get to them! Fast!" God knows if they were still alive by this point!


Hearing Bryce agree to hold off the wedding in favour of dating brought Parker a great deal of relief. He smiled and watched eagerly as he poured them each a glass of blood. It still wouldn't be enough to quench his thirst, but at least he didn't have to marry him for it now!

He took the glass thankfully and just kept smiling, letting their glasses touch to Bryce's toast while he inwardly thought to himself; 'To planning my escape from you, you psycho...'

He brought the glass to his lips and drank it quickly. Oh, sweet relief! His muscles still ached but not nearly as much now. He'd been savouring the taste, knowing there was no guarantee that the next glass would come soon, when Bryce's touch caused him to jump a little. He didn't move or try to remove his hand though. He didn't dare.

He flustered, gripping the glass tightly and gulping hard. His face turning red and he stared at Bryce. "I-er..I don't know how...I've never..." He stammered, "Sh-sh-shouldn't we wait until the wedding night?" He suggested, trying to stall.

Denix Vames - January 30, 2021

Carter lowered his head. "I'm the one who failed. I should have listened to you in the beginning. And now, this is what happens when I'm being stupid."

His eyes slowly closed. Everything seemed so far away. He gripped his arms tightly. Leaning against him.
"I can drive us there." Blaire soon helped her to her car.
Bryce thought for a moment. "Hmm....I guess it would ruin the idea of a Honeymoon. Perhaps you're right."

He poured another glass for Bryce while he was savoring his.

"Soon, you will feel right at home. Your love for me will grow. And you and I will be unstoppable killers."

shadowess - January 30, 2021

Amelia moved as quickly as she could with Blaire's help to her car. As soon as they stepped outside, Amelia had to blink a few times to allow her eyes to adjust to the sunlight. Her assumption had been correct and she had an awful feeling that they might be too late. "Blaire..." She says suddenly while leaning against the car.

"He might still be there...if he is...he's been drinking from Parker...so he should be able to move around in daylight..." She looked over at her with a grim expression. "Bring a weapon to defend yourself..." She knew it would do little for the human but at least it'd be something. She then got into the passenger side and rested her head against the window woozily. She hoped she'd be in better shape by the time they got there, but something in her gut told her that something had already gone terribly wrong.


Bryce agreed with Parker's suggestion and Parker smiled, immensely relieved. His smile widened a little more to see Bryce pouring more blood for him but it slipped a little at Bryce's words. 'Killers'? Did they really have to kill to live??

He took an eager sip of his blood, savouring it this time then looked at Bryce questioningly. "Um...So...I know you're a vampire...and I know you've made me into one now..." He began. "But what exactly does that mean? What are we, exactly? How do we live? Would you teach me?" He asked curiously.

Denix Vames - January 30, 2021

"Already ahead of ya." Blaire pulled out a baton from the glove compartment.

"Got this bad boy from an ex of mine."

They soon made it to the house where Blaire parked the car at the side of the road.
Bryce finished his glass before pouring another for himself. He smiled.

"I'm honored that you would turn to me for answers." He set his glass on the table. "Simply put....Vampires feed off of human blood. You already know this. But what you do not know is that we can't go out in the sun or else we will become nothing but ash. And eating human food will only kill us. Though a little bite every now and then doesn't hurt."

He crossed his arms as he examined him. "Although, you are half human, half devil, and half vampire. I wonder. Could you be immune to the sunlight?"

He took his hand. Leading him to a stone that seemed out of place. He pulled it out. Revealing a bit of sunlight which touched Parker who didn't burn.

He was surprised. "Incredible!" He raised a brow. "I wonder if-?" He put the stone on the ground and stood in front of the sunlight. No burning came.

"I can only assume it must be limited but I am not burning!" He chuckled. "Yes, this is exactly what I need." He put the stone back in its place. "You are definitely going to help me. A lot."

shadowess - January 30, 2021

Amelia took a few deep breaths, steadying her nerves for what she might see inside. She could see the door had been broken in from where they were parked but saw no sign of movement. The whole street seemed eerily quiet. "I have a really bad feeling about this..." She says, glancing at Blaire. "You ready?"

She then gets out of the car and starts walking slowly towards the house. She still felt dizzy, nauseous and her head was still pounding. But she ignored it all, desperate to know if her friends were alright. "Sebastian?" She called out as she got closer to the door. "Carter?...Parker?"

In the living room, Sebastian had been holding Carter. They'd been comforting each other as best they could, given everything that had happened. When he heard Amelia's calls, he stirred, turning to look in the direction of the door. "Amelia!" He responded. "In here!"

Amelia entered the house and stood in the doorway, looking into the living room where she'd heard Sebastian's voice. She sighed in relief to see that they're ok, but then saw how Carter looked a little different. "Oh..." Her smile slipped. "Oh no...Oh, I'm so sorry!" She looked around quickly. "And...Parker?" She asked them, turning to look at them again.


Taking another sip, Parker listened carefully to the information Bryce gave him. When he said they drink human blood, Parker glanced at his glass, then the bottle Bryce was holding. Then at all the containers in the room. It was as if it was only now occurring to him that he was drinking human blood and he dread to think how all of these containers had been filled.

This would be his life now? He could no longer survive off of human food? Just their blood? He thought of what he might have to do when they ran out of 'stock' or if he'd be asked to refill any of the containers. Or what if Bryce takes him out hunting?! He shuddered. He didn't want to hurt anyone.

Then Bryce told him something that caused Parker to stare at him in disbelief. "H-half Devil?" He stammered. He recalled what Bryce had said earlier about his blood. How he'd asked Amelia and Carter what he was. How even Carter questioned him on what he was. He laughed in disbelief. "N-no...I can't be...I was just human..."

Bryce then questioned if he would be immune to sunlight and began pulling him towards a wall. "What are you-?!" He started then gasped and jumped back when Bryce pulled out a brick and sunlight hit him square in the chest. For a second, he'd been terrified that he'd burn but when the sun only felt pleasantly warm, he turned to look at Bryce with a horrified expression. He'd been willing to throw him in harms way to prove his theory!

He watched Bryce then step into the light and saw that he didn't burn either. He supposed it made sense. He had drained Parker earlier after all. "Help you?" Parker asks, still giving him the horrified look. "...Help you, how?"

Denix Vames - January 30, 2021

Blaire nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be."

She walked into the house with her. "Carter!" She ran to him.

Carter's eyes widened. He backed up to the staircase with a dear filled expression.

"Get away from me! I can smell...!" He covered his mouth and nose. Trying so hard not to smell their blood scents.

He ran upstairs and into the bedroom where he hid under the covers.

Bryce caressed his cheek. "You are going to help me kill those little bastards. Carter, Sebastian, and their devil friend. They seem to always be getting in my way. And once they're out of the picture, we can live happily together."

He pulled out Carter's badge from his pocket. "I see you kept this. However, you will not be needing it." He threw it aside.

He smiled. "After all, you have me."

Denix Vames - January 30, 2021


shadowess - January 30, 2021

Amelia hadn't moved from the doorway and she watched Carter run up the stairs with a saddened expression. Sebastian got to his feet with a sigh. "He'll be alright...but it's going to take time...and quite a bit of getting used to..." He says to Blaire. He then looks at Amelia who was now staring at him tearfully, still awaiting an answer to her earlier question.

"H-he ran..." Sebastian answered finally. "Carter got hurt...badly...Bryce gave up on trying to get him after that and just left. While I was...tending to Carter...I guess it all got too much for him and he ran off...By the time we realised he wasn't in the house..." He gestured to outside and Amelia understood. They'd been unable to search for him, stuck in the house.

She bit her lip and stared at the ground, trying to keep what little composure she had left. "He'll have him..." She says quietly.
"He gave up on Carter, what makes you think he'd want Parker again?"
Amelia looked up at him darkly. "He's valuable." She paced a little, angrily. "As soon as you're able to move, find another place to hide. This house isn't safe for you anymore. Something tells me we're not done with this guy yet. In fact, I'm pretty sure our troubles are just getting started..."

Holding her hand out, crystals gathered in her hand and expanded. Moulding together until they made what appeared to be a pretty big hunting knife. She walked over to Sebastian and placed it into his hands. "Just in case."

Sebastian nodded. "What are you going to do?" He asked.
"The cashier at the store was gullible enough to give me Bryce's phone number...maybe she knows where he lives too?"
Sebastian looked at her sceptically, vampires who got jobs never usually gave out real addresses. She shrugged "I don't know, alright?! But it's a start!" She snapped. "We need to find this kid, Sebastian! Before Bryce..." She trails off, afraid of what this vampire could do with an impressionable half devil.


Parker shivered. He wanted him to help him kill those people?! He averted his eyes from Bryce's eyes in uncertainty. "I-I don't know if I can do that..." He stammered nervously. "I've never...killed anyone before."

He watched Bryce throw Carter's badge across the room, conflicted on how to react. He knew he needed to keep up the act of being on Bryce's side for the sake of his own survival, but Carter had thrown himself between them to save Parker. He didn't think, if it came to it, that he would be capable of betraying him like that.

Then there was the matter of the devil woman, Amelia. Parker had just found out what he was, so understandably, he had a lot of questions for her. "Th-the Devil..." He began "Do we have to kill her? She could tell me what I am..." Then he had a thought. One that might just save his ass...and this woman might help him! "B-besides, aren't two sources of Devil blood better than one?" He suggested, implying that they make her a prisoner to feed from for power instead. "Sh-she's a full Devil, right? So, then, wouldn't her blood make you stronger?" It was risky, but once she was their captive, maybe he could release her on the sly and they could fight Bryce together. Then she could be his new teacher!

Denix Vames - January 30, 2021

Carter clutched his stomach as he vomited off the side of the bed. He couldn't stand believing that the scent of his own friends blood was sweet to himself.

"Th-This isn't right. I'm a monster! I'm-" He wiped his mouth with his sleeve. He gripped the drawer near him and threw it with great strength

It hit a wall and hit the floor. Breaking into several pieces. He found himself shocked by the strength he had.

Blaire frowned. "Isn't there any way I could help?"
Bryce laid a hand over his shoulder. "Don't worry. I'll teach you how to kill without mercy."

He listened to Parker's idea. "Why that doesn't sound too bad at all. Thank you. You really do know what to do. That's good. A smart thinker always wins."

He wrapped his arms around his waist. He leaned in and brushed his lips against his neck. Leaving trails of kisses.

shadowess - January 30, 2021

Amelia and Sebastian looked at Blaire, as if just remembering she was there too. "Absolutely not! This is far too dangero-" Sebastian started but was then cut off by Amelia.

"Oh shush! She's seen what we're up against, I'm sure she's capable of deciding if it's too dangerous for her or not. Besides, we need all the help we can get!" She looks at Blaire and thought for a moment.

"Ok...I think I have a couple of ideas for you, but whatever you want to do is up to you, alright? You could stay nearby and watch the house during the daylight and give Carter and Sebastian a warning if you see Bryce heading to the house via text. Or...you could go down to the precinct and ask around about Parker. Get his address if you can and see if he has any family. Parker doesn't know what he is...and I can't help but wonder if his mother does...This information might help us if we see him again."

She walks over to the coffee table and jots down her phone number before handing it to Blaire. "Call me if you find anything or if you ever need any help..." She looks between the two momentarily. "Good luck." She says before heading out the door, taking Carter's car to the store.

Sebastian looked at Blaire for a moment, a little embarrassed that he'd tried to stop her helping. "Sorry...It's been a very rough night..." He sighed and they heard a loud crash above them. "Probably best if you leave the house now...I'll make sure Carter is alright..." He says while staring at the ceiling. He heads to the kitchen and picks up the second blood bag that had been laying on the floor and heads upstairs.

He enters the room quietly and looks at Carter, offering him the bag with a soft look in his eyes. "I know it's not easy." He says, sitting on the bed next to him. "Especially in the beginning. All your senses are heightened and it's overwhelming. The thirst hurts...and the realisation that nothing will ever be how it was is a hard truth to swallow." He placed a hand on Carter's shoulder. "It gets easier." He says softly. "You learn how to shut off certain senses to focus on others. Ignoring scents becomes easier and easier. It all just takes a little practice. I'll help you with all of it. Whatever you need."


Bryce seemed to like his idea, which was a relief to Parker. The Bryce moved closer to him and began kissing his neck. He must've liked that idea a lot! Parker stiffened for a moment, then forced himself to relax. He had to ignore the dread he felt that Bryce might suddenly decide to feed from him again. He needed Bryce to believe that he was happy with moments like this. Placing his own glass down on the table nearby, he placed an arm around Bryce's shoulders and his other around Bryce's waist, holding him to him and moaning softly to make it seem like he was enjoying the kisses.

"Then why wait?" He asked, wanting to get Amelia in the house as soon as possible. "Didn't you hurt her at the club? We should grab her before she gets a chance to recover...surprise her in the sunlight..." He breathed the words into his ear. Then he thought of something he could do to further earn Bryce's trust in him. He leant his head back a little, further exposing his neck for Bryce, offering himself. He dreaded to do so. He knew it would weaken him and render him vulnerable to Bryce but he knew a gesture like this would be sure to remove any doubt Bryce might have of Parker's loyalty. "W-won't you kiss me...a little...deeper, my love?"

Denix Vames - January 30, 2021

"Think I'll just stick to being look out." Blaire accepted the written note. "And thanks. Good luck out there."

She nodded at Sebastian. "That's alright. This isn't exactly my first rodeo. I'll grab some grub for myself and come back here in no time."

She got into her car and drove off.
Carter grabbed the bag of blood. He stared at it. Reading the label.

"I bought this house with my own money, you know? This was where my kids had their first walks, first school days, birthdays....." He hugged the bag as if it were a person.

"This is where my happiness memories are. And I lost those." He gripped the bag. "I'll never be happy again."

He hesitated but reluctantly listened to his stomach. He clamped his fangs into the bag. Drinking slow this time.
Bryce enjoyed hearing his moans. "Yes, I think we will do just that. It would be a fantastic surprise for her. And once we have her trapped, I'll consume whenever I need it."

He smirked. "I can see that someone is enjoying." His fangs grazed against his skin before biting into his neck. Taking only a little as the previous glasses had him slightly full.

He held Parker close as he could see him becoming weak. He ran his hand through his hair. "So precious. So sweet. I'd like to see what's under all those clothes."

He kissed him. "After the wedding of course."

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shadowess - January 30, 2021

Pulling up at the store, Amelia looked at herself in the rearview mirror and realised just how much of a mess she looked. He hair was still matted and stained with blood. There was dust all over her and tiny bits of drywall stuck to her top that she picked off irritably. She couldn't go in looking like this! She stared at the store, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel thoughtfully. Where and how was she going to clean herself up?


Sebastian thought on Carter's words for a while. He'd brought his feet up onto the bed and hugged them, not leaving Carter's side. "Maybe not like you were..." He says thoughtfully. "I know nothing in the world can replace your family, Carter. And I don't intend to do that..." He sighs. "But I hope you can find a new happiness with me..." He looks around the room thoughtfully. "Whatever you want to do...I'll respect you."


The feeling of Bryce's fangs grazing his skin made Parker shiver nervously, then he gasped softly as he felt them plunge into his throat. His grip on Bryce tightened momentarily then relaxed as he felt that strange sensation taking over his body again. He moaned, his eyes closing, listening to Bryce swallowing his blood. He suddenly didn't feel so apprehensive about being in Bryce's embrace anymore. Like, whatever this feeling was that came over him when he was bitten, made him want to be near him. More receptive to his touch.

Bryce pulled back and Parker felt a little pain throbbing in his neck from the wound. He stared at his own blood on Bryce's mouth as he stroked Parker's hair and spoke to him. He returned the kiss and hovered his lips over his. "Yes..." He whispered, almost breathless. "After the wedding..."

He swallowed a little, staring into his eyes and trying to remind himself that he wasn't really on Bryce's side. That he had a plan. "She called your phone earlier, right? Let me call her from it. I'll tell her I stole your phone and escaped you. Lure her out. She'll never see you coming!"

Denix Vames - January 30, 2021

Carter dropped the empty bag. He turned to look at him. He brought himself closer until he an arm around him.

"Right now, I want you to kiss me."
Bryce licked his lips. "A good idea." He handed him his phone. "Go ahead. And when I see her, I'll grab her and lock her here. I have enough chains to keep her down here."

He kissed his forehead. "Remember that I love you. I would never let anything happen to you."

He walked away. Giving him some good distance to have his private conversation.

shadowess - January 30, 2021

Sebastian smiled at him and wrapped his arms around him too, laying his legs flat on the bed to make their cuddling easier. "That, I can do." He whispers and presses his lips to Carters.


Bryce had handed him the phone. Then he'd kissed his forehead and told him he loved him and that he'd protect him before walking away. This left Parker feeling incredibly conflicted. He wasn't sure if it was because this feeling he got from the bite was affecting his judgement but he wondered if he was really starting to feel something towards his maker.

Not wanting to keep him waiting, Parker looked up the last number that dialed the phone and hit the call button. He was going to have to lay it on thick to make this woman believe he had just escaped Bryce. She didn't seem the type to be easily fooled.


Amelia had turned the car around by this point, deciding it best to get washed up and a change of clothes back at the house before even attempting to go into that store. She hadn't even gotten down the road from the store when her phone rang in her pocket.

Hurriedly, she pulled over and answered it, fearful that it was Blaire in trouble. "Hello?"

"I-is this Amelia?" She heard the male voice say and she narrowed her eyes, trying to place the voice.
"Yes, who is this?"
"Oh, thank God! It's m-me! Parker!"
"You gotta come get me! Please!"
"Wha-?! Wait, where are you? How did you get my number??"
"I stole his phone...I took it and ran...Please! Please help me! He's crazy and I don't want to die!!"
"A-alright, alright, calm down. Where are you, I'll come and pick you up."
"The woodland park, j-just outside of town. I'm hiding near the road, I'll come out to meet you when I see you. Please hurry!"
The line went dead. Amelia took the phone from her ear and stared at the phone for a minute. He'd sounded terrified and a little out of breath, as if he'd just been running. It wasn't much to go on, but if he'd just escaped then it'd make sense.

Driving as quickly as she could, she headed towards the park he'd mentioned.


Parker hung up the phone, happy that his little performance had sounded convincing. He went to give the phone back to Bryce. "The woodland park will be secluded. Plenty of trees to hide behind. I'll distract her."

Denix Vames - January 30, 2021

Carter smiled into the kiss. The more they kissed, the more he got lost in the moment.

He found himself clutching his shirt and slipping his tongue into his mouth. As if he wanted more.

Bryce accepted his phone back. He smiled. "Excellent. I'll grab her then as you distract her. Now we must hurry over there but in order to do that, you need to run fast like me."

He guided him out of the basement and to the front door. "I'll teach you as we head there."
Blaire drove back to the house with a a burger, some fries, and a coke. She sat at the table inside and began to eat until she heard the bed creak. She blushed.

"Maybe I should hang out with Amelia."

shadowess - January 31, 2021

(Aaaand giving Sebastian and Carter some privacy now lol xD)

Parker headed out with Bryce, anxious about putting their little plan into action but those nerves were soon forgotten as Bryce taught him how to use his inhuman speed. He got the hang of his new speed surprisingly quickly and couldn't help grinning as they ran, occasionally laughing gleefully as the feeling of adrenaline took over.

They reached the park in no time and Parker now had to solve the problem of slowing down without falling flat on his face. He reduced his speed gradually until he felt comfortable enough to try stopping, only stumbling a little in the process. He looked around at Bryce, still grinning from the experience. Now they had to wait. Parker would wait near the road, only emerging fully when seeing a car slowly approach them.


Amelia had texted Carter's number to let them know she'd 'found' Parker, that she was picking him up and to expect her in the next hour or so. As she approached the area Parker had mentioned, she slowed the car down to a crawl, keeping her eyes on the outskirts of the trees for Parker.

Then she saw someone step out from the trees ahead. There was no mistaking that vibrant, red hair. She pulled up not too far in front of him and climbed out of the car to greet him. "Parker, thank God! Are you alright?" She began to approach him, walking around the open car door but stopped, her hand still on the top of the door as she studied him carefully.

The moment Amelia had stepped out of the car, Parker caught her scent and his hunger grated within him painfully. He grunted, gripping his stomach while staring at her longingly. He noticed she'd paused and knew she now saw what he'd become. "Oh wow..." He gasped. "You really do smell sweet..." He took a step forward, his eyes turning red.

Amelia didn't move, she kept her hand on the door while holding her other hand out in front of her to signal for Parker to keep his distance. "Oh, Parker...What has he done to you?" Parker took another step towards her, his mouth opening a little, his fangs on show and she took a step back, taking her hand off the door. "Parker, listen to me. Take a deep breath. It's going to be alright. We can help you but you have to try to control yourself so that we can get out of here first."

Denix Vames - January 31, 2021

(Lol yeah)

Blaire texted Amelia in the car. Asking if she was free.
Bryce smiled back. "I'm impressed. You're quick at this."

He watched him move toward her. He could see his hunger getting the best of him.

He zoomed to Amelia. Smacking her head against the car door. Knocking her out.

"Perfect. You did a great job. Now, we must get her to the house."

He lifted her off the ground. "Let's go. You will get a chance to drink her soon."

Denix Vames - January 31, 2021

(Lol yeah)

Blaire texted Amelia in the car. Asking if she was free.
Bryce smiled back. "I'm impressed. You're quick at this."

He watched him move toward her. He could see his hunger getting the best of him.

He zoomed to Amelia. Smacking her head against the car door. Knocking her out.

"Perfect. You did a great job. Now, we must get her to the house."

He lifted her off the ground. "Let's go. You will get a chance to drink her soon."

shadowess - January 31, 2021

Parker watched Bryce practically fly out from the trees behind her and smack her head off the car door, the glass in the door's window smashing from the impact and a small dent being left in the top of the door. She'd gone down quickly, once on the ground she only grunted and attempted to move for a second before losing consciousness.

It was a brutal way to knock someone out but Parker supposed she was tougher than a human. His eyes fell on the trickle of blood that was falling from a cut on her forehead. He couldn't stand it. The pain from his hunger was absolutely unbearable.

He smiled at Bryce's praise and nodded eagerly when he'd promised he could drink from her soon. Then something occurred to him. "Wait." He says, walking to the car. He'd been about to start pushing it when he noticed her mobile laying on the passenger seat. He picked it up and dropped it onto the road before stamping on it. He kicked the shattered phone into the grass then pushed the car into the forest so it would be hidden by the trees. He re-emerged, ready to follow Bryce. "So they can't find her." He explained himself with a shrug.

Denix Vames - January 31, 2021

Bryce admired his thinking.

"I'm impressed. I will make sure that you get the first drink of her blood."

They headed back home.

Bryce had placed Amelia in chains. Keeping her on the wall of the basement.

"Now doesn't she look like a perfect meal?"
Carter opened his eyes to the ringing of his phone.

Him and Sebastian were naked under the covers. He sighed as he reached over him and pulled the phone out of his pants.

He answered. "What is it, Blaire?"

"Carter, I think there's something wrong. Amelia hasn't responded to my text. She said she was going back to that store but I can't find her here either. I'm really worried."

Carter looked at Sebastian. Letting him know that there was something.

"Just look for some clues. See if you can find anything. We'll be there when it gets dark."

Blaire sighed. "Alright. I'll let you know if I find anything."

"Stay safe." "I will."

He hung up. "Amelia's missing. Blaire's going to check out the store. See if she can find something."

He gently squeezed his hand. "We'll find her. I promise."

shadowess - January 31, 2021

Hearing the phone ring, Sebastian stirred and squinted his eyes open to look at Carter who had just answered it. He waited anxiously to see who it was. When Carter hung up and told him Amelia had gone missing now as well, Sebastian's eyes widened. Carter had tried to reassure him they'd find her but he couldn't help fearing for her. "How is everything going so wrong?!" He sits up, clearly distressed. "Who the hell is this guy?!"


Parker had watched Bryce chain Amelia up in the basement, as if eagerly waiting to be given the go ahead. He'd follow any orders obediently while they made sure she was securely bound to the wall.

When Bryce had referred to her as a meal, Parker could no longer ignore his pain. His instincts took over. "I can't wait anymore!" He says, rushing over to her and gripping her hair to pull her head back. He clamped his mouth around her throat and felt her blood rushing into him. His muscles felt immediately relief and he let out a moan and he bit a little harder, drinking from her greedily.

Amelia groaned, her eyes flickering open, her features contorting from the pain she suddenly felt in her neck. She realised what was happening as the venom began working through her. She gasped, trying to stay focussed. She could see Bryce in the background, her eyes staring at him in horror as she realised who it was that was feeding on her. She tried to pull away but she couldn't move her hands from where they were shackled. She started to breath a little heavier, beginning to panic. "P-Parker! Stop!" She gasped, beginning to feel herself getting weaker. If this was his first feeding, he'd need to be pulled off of her.

Denix Vames - January 31, 2021

Carter frowned. "I don't know but we'll make it through this. We just have to wait until night."

He looked at his texts when he heard a beep tone.

"She just sent a picture of an abandoned car and a broken phone. She's in the woodland park. It looks like Bryce must have taken her."

He showed the pictures. "But we still don't know where he lives."
Bryce pulled him off of her.

He slapped him. "You idiot! Don't be so greedy! Now I have to wait until I can get some!"

He saw how shocked and heartbroken he was.

He frowned. "Oh dear Parker. Everything's alright." He pulled him into a warm embrace. He brushed his hair with his hand as he whispered in his ear. "I'm right here dear. I'm right here. I still love you."

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shadowess - January 31, 2021

Parker had just gotten another mouthful when Bryce pulled him off, causing Amelia to yelp. He clamped his mouth shut to not lose any of it and was going to swallow when Bryce's hand struck the side of his face. A little of Amelia's blood squirted from between his lips but he kept most of it in his mouth. Again, he was about to swallow when Bryce complained about having to wait to feed from Amelia now because he'd taken too much from her.

He felt guilty. He hadn't known what had come over him, he just knew he couldn't control himself once he got a taste. Tears stung his eyes as Bryce pulled him into an embrace, and Parker wrapped his arms around him. He wanted to make it up to his maker, and he could. He pulled back and pressed his lips against Bryce's, pushing the small amount of Amelia's blood that was still into his mouth into Bryce's. Only when Bryce would swallow it would he pull back and lower his eyes to the ground, shamefully. "Do you forgive me, my love?"

Amelia had watched all of this unfold, barely enough strength in her legs to stand and a little out of breath from the attack. Her eyes fixed on Parker with horror as he called Bryce his love. "Oh fuck..." She groaned. "Oh, Parker no...that's not love...that's Stockholm syndrome! He's brainwashed you!"


Sebastian saw the text and got up from the bed, pacing the room. Uncaring that he wasn't dressed. "This is bad...this is bad!" He became frantic. He glanced at the window, the heavy curtains keeping them safe from the sun's rays outside. They still had several hours. "Dammit, go down already!!" He shouted at the window in frustration.

"As soon as we can get out of here, we need to go to that car! We might be able to pick up on her scent from there if it hasn't faded by then!" He then looked at Carter warily. "...She might be injured when we find her...you should fill up on blood before we go looking or her scent is going to make you lose control."

Denix Vames - January 31, 2021

Bryce was surprised to find Amelia's blood entering his lips the way they did.

Yet, he drank it all up. He cupped his chin. Looking deep into his eyes. "Of course I do. After all, your mistakes are my mistakes."

He whipped his head to Amelia. He glared. "Silence!" He punched her. "This one here Parker doesn't know true love." He guided him to the book stand. "Only you and I do."
Carter frowned at his worry. He walked over. Wrapping his arms around his waist from behind. "Hey, it's going to be ok. I get it. I do. But we need to stay calm. She would want us to do that. To think things through."

He reluctantly nodded. "Yeah, I guess so." He sighed. "I'll go get dressed and head down there."

There was a knock at the wall near the doorway. "Hey! Are you guys decent? Cause I brought Amelia's bashed up phone in a ziploc! Don't ask me where I got ziploc by the way!" ,said Blaire.

Carter raised a brow. "Maybe we won't have to wait long?"

shadowess - January 31, 2021

Had any of this happened right after he was turned, Parker might have felt bad about what they were doing to Amelia. He still did, sort of. But it was overshadowed by a growing resentment he felt toward her. As he spent more time with Bryce, his emotions had shifted. He realised that Bryce had been honest to him the entire time, while Carter, Sebastian and Amelia had only ever hidden things from him. He realised the only reason he'd be getting answers from her now, was because she was his prisoner, nothing more.

Bryce struck Amelia in the stomach, winding her. Her knees bent as hung from her wrists, unable to breathe or stand for a minute. Trying to get her breath back, she glared up at Bryce then looked at Parker pleadingly. "Parker...don't listen to him...you're not like him..."

Parker had been letting Bryce guide him to the book stand, smiling at him as he did. When Amelia spoke, he shot her an angry look. "What do you know?! You don't know me! You don't know anything about me!" He turned on her.

"I know what you are!" Amelia tried to argue.
"Yeah? Well so do I, NO THANKS TO YOU!" His angry shout took on an almost inhuman tone to it. His eyes flaring red as he stared at her. She just hung there, taken aback by his shout. In any other circumstance, she'd have been able to break free of these shackles to fight them but he'd taken so much blood from her that she was too weak to use her strengths. Parker and Bryce, on the other hand, had just gained one hell of a power up. Parker, particularly.
"He-...But he's just using you..." Amelia tried, her eyes watering. "You see that, don't you?"
Parker sighed, frustrated and looked at Bryce. "I don't suppose we have something we can gag her with? I'm getting bored of hearing her voice." He says callously.


Sebastian wiped at his face, he'd been crying again. But he nodded at Carter's words. He was right. If Amelia had been here, she'd have snapped at the both of them three times over by now to calm down and just think. He could picture her, standing in the middle of the room, coming up with some elaborate plan in a commanding tone. He smiled sadly. Guess they were going to have to try to think like her, for once.

He gasped at the sound of Blaire's voice and hurriedly threw his clothes back on. Then he grinned, hearing that she had a ziplock bag with Amelia's phone in it. Opening the door once himself and Carter were decent, he invited her in and immediately could smell Amelia's blood on the phone, even though there wasn't a spec to be seen. She must've been injured near it before being taken.

The phone was smashed up so much that the screen no longer worked. "She must've been taken by surprise...What was she doing all the way out there?" He says aloud thoughtfully. He looked between them. "This is a start...as soon as the sun goes down, we need to check out the car. See if we can track her scent from there. There's no blood on the phone but I can smell it, which means she might have bled near the car somewhere...Although not good for Amelia, this is a good thing for us because it means there'll be a strong scent to follow when we get there. We just need to think of a plan on how we're going to save her and Parker when we arrive...if he's taken any of Amelia's blood...and I'm willing to bet he has by now, then he's going to be a tough bastard to take down..."

Sebastian wandered to the nightstand where he'd left the knife Amelia had made for him before she left. He picked it up. "Amelia made this...As far as I know, the only thing that can shatter the crystals she makes are other crystals that she makes...so, this might actually help us fight him..." If her blood doesn't grant him the ability to do the same, that is...He then turns to the both of them with a dark expression. "If it comes down to it...if there is really no other way out...you remember that crystal she wears around her neck?" He pauses, hesitantly. "Take it from her, if you can."

Denix Vames - January 31, 2021

Bryce's eyes widened. He was impressed and shocked by the power he had witness from Parker.

He smiled at the thought of using him as a weapon.

He chuckled at Parker's comment about a gag. "I'm sure we can use something." He pulled out a napkin then forcibly placed it in her mouth.

"There. Is that much better?" He looked at the opened book. "Now, why don't we start the wedding?"
Carter kissed where his tears were. "We'll find her. I know we will."

Once he heard Blaire, he had quickly gotten dressed. He smiled. "What would I do without her?"

As soon as Blaire walked in, he immediately covered his own mouth and nose and ran downstairs. Heading to the fridge where he grabbed a bag and drank from it.

Blaire shrugged. "Hell if I know. Maybe she was lured there?"

Carter came back up, still drinking halfway the pint. "From what I smelled, I'm gonna assume that Amelia's blood is like a five star meal."

His eyes widened at Sebastian's suggestion. "Hold on a minute! What about us being in the crossfire? Not to mention, how do we put it back on her? I just got turned into a vampire. I'm not exactly ready to be a crime scene."

shadowess - January 31, 2021

(I can see Bryce and Parker becoming a couple of formidable, recurring villains lol)

Bryce approached Amelia with the napkin and Amelia tried to turn her head away from him as he got closer. "Don't you dare!" She barked at him then began slinging a string of insults at the two of them, most of which became muffled as Bryce forced the napkin into her mouth. She glared after him as he walked away from her and asked Parker if they should start the wedding.

Parker smiled at Bryce and moved to hold his hands. "I'd love nothing more." He says lovingly. Since being with Bryce, he'd had a lot of time to think about how he felt about everything that happened. As far as he was concerned, Bryce was the only person who was honest and loving towards him. He had gained so much thanks to this vampire in terms of power and knowledge. With said power and knowledge, he planned to do great things with Bryce. Grand things. Things befitting the kings they were meant to be. He was excited to share these plans with Bryce, just as soon as their marriage bound them to each other.

Amelia watched the pair helplessly. Unable to break free of these chains and no longer able to even talk to them. She was just glad she no longer wore the crystal in such an obvious place. It took for Damien to slip it off her one too many times for her to learn that lesson. She dreaded to think what would happen if these two found it on her without knowing how dangerous she really was without it. 'So this is what it's like when a Devil goes rogue...' She thought to herself. 'Left on Earth with no information about what you really are...no one to guide you...It's no wonder he's clinging to the first person to show him an ounce of affection! If only we'd gotten to him sooner...If only Damien were still around..." She felt fresh tears rolling down her cheeks.


Sebastian watched Carter run out of the room, momentarily concerned. He'd already had two blood bags in the past few hours and at the mere smell of Amelia's blood he was running for a third. He worried whether Carter would be able to handle it when he came face to face with her. When he came back up and cracked the joke about Amelia's blood being five stars however, Sebastian couldn't help chuckling. "Try a ten star meal..." He exaggerates jokingly. "It's the reason she's only let me have a couple of sips on just two occasions..."

To Carter's concern about ripping off Amelia's necklace, Sebastian sighed. "I don't like it either...but if we have no other choice... better that than a crazy vampire perked up on devil blood running around. God only knows what he can do with an unlimited resource to that kind of power..." It was at this point that Sebastian's eyes shifted quickly to Blaire as he realised what he'd said. Blaire had only been told that Amelia was a fairy! His breath caught in his throat. He'd let it slip! He looked down at his hands hurriedly, then the rest of him, expecting to turn to dust or something...but nothing happened. Why?! Damien had been very explicit! He would cease to exist if he told anyone what he or Amelia was unless..."No..." He recalled Amelia arriving in the room, covered in blood. The way she'd dodged their question. He brought his eyes back up to Carter, tearfully. "He's gone...I-I'm free from the contract but...that means... he's gone..."

Denix Vames - January 31, 2021

(lol that would be something)

Bryce read through the book as he said the words out loud.

"To the darkness of the night, we give our undying blood so that we may live in eternal matrimony.

We call to our ancestors for the bond we are about to link ourselves to.

As it is not only a bond with us but a bond with our blood.

So let it be known that Bryce Heathcliffe and....."

He nodded at Parker to say his full name.

"Stand here together to promise that the other will sacrifice themselves in order to save the other one. That there is love and happiness in such a bond. One that can never be broken."

He pulled out a knife made of silver and gold with red jewelry.

"Hold out your hand. This will only be for a second."

He brushed the knife against his palm. Blood seeped from his cut. Bryce quickly did the same to himself. He grabbed Parker's hand and placed both of their palms over the bronze bowl.

Their blood poured into it. Bryce lifted the bowl and took a sip. "Now you. Quickly."
Blaire's eyes widened. "I'm sorry? Devil what?"

"It's a long story."

She crossed her arms. "Of course it is."

Carter suddenly felt himself tearing up. He had lost friends before in the past. He couldn't imagine how Sebastian must be feeling. If Damien was ever his friend to begin with.

"Sebastian....I'm sorry." Carter held him close as he gently rubbed his back. "Its good to hear that you don't have to worry but I can imagine he must have been a good friend."

Blaire turned around. Letting them have their privacy as she waited.

shadowess - January 31, 2021

The wedding seemed strange. Almost ritualistic. But then, Amelia supposed, weddings were a sort of ritual in their own right anyway. She wasn't sure if there was any sort of power behind those vows. She hadn't seen anything like this before. If she ever managed to get free, she made a mental note to check the archives in Hell's library for wedding spells.

Parker didn't falter when the vows were read out. So, they had to protect each other for life? That sounded like a win-win to him. "Alexander Draven Parker" He says proudly when prompted to state his name and he followed all instructions Bryce gave him without hesitation. Taking the bowl, he drank from it, keeping his eyes fixed on Bryce. He would wait until Bryce finished the wedding ceremony, following any other instruction obediently until it was complete. Then, stepping close to Bryce, he'd kiss him passionately, stroking his cheek softly.

Pulling back, he hovered his lips just over Bryce's. "My love." He'd whisper seductively. "Rule the world with me. With this Devil in our possession, what could stop us? We'd sit in our rightful place, as kings above all humans." He glanced at Amelia and smirked. Amelia shook her head. Alright, Parker was clearly a lost cause and shit was officially getting crazy. She needed to get away from the both of them. Now.

She tried to teleport again. Too weak from her head injuries and blood loss however, she ended up doing exactly what she did back at the club. Only this time, she wasn't strong enough to re-emerge on the other side for even a second. Just flickered and screamed into the napkin in agony. Parker's smile dropped as he watched her, his eyes fixed angrily on her as she tried at least two more times before running out of energy to try again. She hung from her wrists, panting and sweating. "You!" He snapped, marching over to Amelia and snatching the napkin out of her mouth. "I saw you do that at the house! I thought it was some weird astral projection but you were actually trying to get there, weren't you?!" He gripped her hair, pulling her head back sharply so she'd be staring up at him. "You can disappear and reappear in different places at will, can't you? CAN'T YOU?!" His inhuman voice came back, his eyes glowing again. Amelia shivered, looking up at him fearfully. Her lower lip quivering. "I can do it too, can't I? How? Tell me how I can do that!"

Although she was terrified and tears ran down her face, Amelia just closed her mouth and smiled up at him as he yelled at her. Indicating that she had no intention of telling him how to control his powers now. Enraged, Parker gripped her chin with his other hand harshly and stared directly into her eyes. "You will tell me. Or I swear, I will feed you pieces of your friends every day until THERE IS NOTHING LEFT OF THEM!" Amelia's smile disappeared immediately and for a moment, she just stared at him, trying to see any sort of hint that he might be bluffing. "...P-picture a location or a person in your head...imagine you're standing in that room or next to that person and focus on believing that it's true..." She explains when she couldn't see any sign of him bluffing.

Parker smirked "Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Amelia didn't answer. Just continued to stare at him, shaking. He took a step back from her, letting her go. "So, my next question is. Why can't you do it now? What's stopping you? What would stop me or Bryce from doing it?"
Amelia looked between them both nervously. She didn't want to give them this information but she also didn't want to be the reason they go out hunting for her friends. "Because it takes up a large amount of energy to do. Usually I can do it up to twice per day...unless I'm injured or...suffer significant...blood loss..." She says the last part slowly, realising as she said it why Parker's smile was widening. They now knew how to keep her captive.
"Thank you, Amelia. That will be all for now." Parker says pleasantly while shoving the gag back into her mouth and walking back to Bryce, taking him in his arms and kissing him passionately again. He guessed he had a real flare for this vampire...or Devil...thing. It became clear to him that he was no longer the nervous boy he had been just a day ago. No, that part of Parker died in the street when Bryce drained him. "Now, my beloved. I believe there was some mention of us having fun after the wedding?"


Sebastian held Carter tightly, unable to stop his tears falling. "He was a dick!" He laughed through his tears. "But he was a good friend...Why didn't she say anything? She knows, she has to! Why is she suffering in silence? She was closer to him than I was!" Sebastian tried to fathom it but all he could think now was that she was going through this loss while trapped in an unknown location with a psychopath vampire. "Carter, I don't want to lose Amelia too!"

Denix Vames - January 31, 2021

"The wedding ceremony is complete." Bryce set the bowl down. He bandaged both of their hands.

He returned the kiss.

He watched Parker in all his glorious chaos. He laughed at the sight of Amelia's fear and Parker's threats. "This is some interesting information."

He smirked. "Aren't you quite the handful?"

He moved his hands from his waist to chest. Unbuttoning his coat. "Indeed there was."

He led him out of the basement which he locked.

They went into the bedroom where there was a bottle of blood there and two wine glasses waiting for them. "I prepared everything for this special moment."

He took off his own coat and partially unbuttoned his long sleeved white shirt. He poured them both a glass.

He pulled Parker's collar back and poured just a little bit of the blood on his neck. He began to kiss there. Licking it clean off.
Carter kissed his head. "Shhh, it's ok. I'll make sure that doesn't happen."

Blaire sighed. "Have ya'll never heard of sunscreen?"

shadowess - January 31, 2021

"There isn't a brand of sunscreen on this earth with a factor high enough to protect a vampire. Otherwise vampire's would be buying up all the stock and filling up the streets on a daily basis." Sebastian answered, a little annoyed by the human's ignorance. "Stepping into daylight, for us, is like stepping onto the surface of the sun itself." A slight exaggeration sure, but it gets the point across. He glanced at the clock. "We don't have long now anyway. An hour or so, tops. It'll still be a little toasty for us but it should be safe enough..."

He looked at them both. He had butterflies in his stomach just thinking about the danger they were going to be putting themselves in. "What do we do when we find out where they are?" He asked them. "We need to have some sort of plan ready. We can't just go running in, hoping for the best."


She heard the lock in the basement door when Bryce and Parker left and knew she was locked in. Amelia was stuck with her thoughts...and the occasional, questionable noise coming from upstairs that made her cringe. She wasn't sure that her friends would be able to find her. She hoped they would but she had no way of knowing. She cursed herself for falling for Parker's act. For believing he was in danger and wanting to help him. Damien was right...you can't trust anyone! How stupid she was for thinking, even for a second, that the kid was in any way innocent...She couldn't stand this. Being chained up, helpless. Frustrated, she pulled at the chains violently, screaming through the napkin angrily as she did. Desperate to free herself...or at the very least, vent some of anger she felt.


Although Parker had been new to all physical pleasures, he soon became a natural. By the time the two were done, they both lay naked under the covers, panting. Both with blotches of blood on them here and there and each with at least one bite mark on them where they'd gotten carried away, their venom intensifying everything they felt. Parker lay on his side, propping his head up with his hand as the fingers of his other hand traced Bryce's lips. "Aren't you glad..." He breathed with a smile. "That you chose me, now?" He smiled, leaning in for another passionate kiss. He pulled away with an annoyed groan, rolling his eyes when he heard Amelia's muffled screaming coming from downstairs. "Does she have to ruin every moment?" He looked back at Bryce with an evil smirk. "I think we need to tire her out more, my love. I believe it's your turn."

Denix Vames - January 31, 2021

Blaire frowned. "Sorry, I didn't know that."

She snapped her fingers. "I've got an idea! You can use me as bait." "What?! There's no way I'm letting that happen! You're my friend!" She rolled her eyes. "What choice do we have? We gotta save her, right? Not to mention, that Parker guy."

She glanced off. "Besides, I don't want her to die either." She gripped her own arms.

Carter sighed. "Fine. Whatever works, we'll do it. So long as we can get the jump on them."

He raised a brow at Sebastian. "Are you really sure? I rather not have us both be ashes at my doorstep."
Bryce smiled. "Indeed I am."

His smile widened as he heard the suggestion. "I can barely wait." He put on a red silk robe. "Wait right here. It'll only be a moment. And when I'm done, we can be alone together once again."

He headed into the basement where he saw her freeze. He licked his lips. "This is going to be exciting."

He gripped her head as he sank his fangs into her neck. Slowly drinking from her to savor the taste. He stopped at some point. Not wanting to drain her fully.

He wiped the blood off his lips and licked his own fingers. "My oh my. I am impressed by the flavor. You truly a treat to keep and cherish."

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shadowess - January 31, 2021

Sebastian didn't like that idea either but like Blaire said, what choice did they have? It wasn't like Sebastian or Carter had come up with any other ideas either. He thought for a moment and nodded. "I think I've got it. Blaire, you be the bait, as you said, and try to distract Bryce. Do whatever you have to to get his attention. Carter, you hang out nearby and keep an eye on her. Step in if it looks like she's in trouble...I'll try to slip by him and find Amelia and Parker. The moment I get them out safely, try to get away or regroup. I think it's best, if we do have to fight, that we try to stick together."


Amelia stopped screaming and pulling on the chains when she heard the sounds of the locks in the basement door being moved again. She stared in the direction of the door, holding her breath. Part of her desperately wanted it to be Sebastian or Carter. When Bryce entered the room her heart dropped and she felt cold, looking at him. She saw the way he licked his lips and knew immediately what he'd come down for. Shaking her head as he strode towards her, she muffled refusals at him until he pulled her head back and she felt his fangs sink into her throat. She'd cried out, trying to pull away and trying to pull on the chains. Her eyes closed tightly and her face contorted.

She got a new dose of venom, numbing the pain and working through her. The last dose hadn't had enough time to wear off yet so this bite ended up making the venom have a much stronger reaction. Her movements slowed and her body began relaxing. She could hear him swallowing her blood slowly and she tried telling him to stop, repulsed by the sound but her words were lost in the napkin, sounding more like moans than words. She felt herself getting weaker and weaker. Her breathing getting a little more laboured. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

It felt like he was going to drink her dry with how long he kept it going but finally, he pulled back before he could take too much. Her eyelids were heavy as she stared at him, terrified. Watching him savor even the blood on his lips. His words terrified her further and a little hope died in her eyes. What if no one comes for her? What if this is her life now? Trapped and forced to give her blood to these monsters forever? She sobbed a little and tried to say something again, the gag making it impossible to get anything she wanted to say across.

Denix Vames - January 31, 2021

Carter nodded. "Sounds like a decent plan."

"Not too sure how I'm going to distract him but maybe I can flirt." She pulled out her black lipstick and a mirror. Reapplying some on her lips. "Pretend that I have a kink for blood sucking. That might work."

He paused for a moment as he silently looked at her with a raised brow. "Yeah...? I guess that could work?" She shrugged. "It's the only idea I've got."
Bryce chuckled at her squirming. "Parker will see you once again when you have more blood in your body. Until then, you can rest. For now."

He stepped out of the basement and locked the door. Heading back to the bedroom. He loosened his robes as he crawled onto the bed. Looking into Parker's eyes. "Now, where were we?"

shadowess - February 1, 2021

Bryce left Amelia in the basement again after telling her that Parker would be next to feed on her as soon as she was ready again. She'd watched him leave tearfully, knowing that considering how quickly she recovered from blunt force trauma the night before, it wouldn't be long before her body recovered from this too. Possibly a day at minimum, which meant she'd be in for a daily feeding from each of them. Once she was alone again she cried quietly and miserably until she passed out from exhaustion.


Parker had been sat up in bed, waiting for his beloved to return. He watched Bryce enter the room and smirked at his blood stained lips. He watched lustfully as he climbed onto the bed, his eyes wandering over every inch of him. "I believe I was showing my gratitude for the gifts you have given me." He grinned and pulled Bryce down playfully so he'd be laying down and Parker would be hovering over the top of him. He kissed him passionately, caressing his tongue with his own and moaning a little at the taste of Amelia's blood in his mouth. He began kissing Bryce's cheek, nibbled his earlobe a little playfully then kissed his neck. "I could stay here with you all day." He whispered lovingly, then ran his tongue from Bryce's collarbone, up his neck and back to his mouth to kiss him again. "I'll give you the world, my love. Oh! and..." He smiled. "I'd prefer if you called me Alex." Because being called Parker would just be a constant reminder that he was once human.


Sebastian also raised a brow at Blaire but didn't say anything. "I guess that's that then...Now we just have to wait until dark..." He looked at Carter. "If we wait until just after sunset, when the sun dips just below the horizon but the sky is still a little light, we'll be fine. It's just that the air will be a little warm and uncomfortable for an hour or so, that's all." That was a slight understatement. They'd be sweating through their shirts within the first ten minutes of exposure and Sebastian knew it. "...Might want to put on a lot of deodorant." He grins half-jokingly.


"Tch...I thought I trained you better than this!" A familiar voice echoed in the basement. Amelia opened her eyes and looked up. For a second, she trembled, thinking she was looking up at Parker. Then she recognised Damien and stared at him in disbelief. "Look at you...chained up. Weakened. Held captive to be a source of power for others...pathetic!" He scolded her. Her eyes watered, she was hurt by his words. Damien sighed and marched over to her, snatching the cloth from her mouth. "Well? What do you have to say for yourself?"
"D-Damien?! B-but...you-?"

"Don't change the subject!" Damien snapped. "How did you allow this to happen to you?! To allow yourself to be the prisoner of a pair of crazy ass vampires?!"
Amelia's lower lip shook a little as she fought back her tears. "Damien...They're not just vampires...one of them...he's your son!" Amelia began crying. "I'm sorry! I tried to save him! I wanted to take him in like you did for me! Train him how to be a Devil properly! B-but he..."

Damien sighs, his angry features softening a little. "I know...that doesn't matter now." Amelia stared at Damien. "What was it that I always used to say to you?" He asked, looking at her seriously.
Amelia's eyes lowered to the ground. "Trust no one..." Amelia answered.
"Least of all?" Damien pressed.
"...another Devil..." A realisation seemed to spread across Amelia's features as she looked up at her brother. Damien merely smiled.
"Forget the sentiments. You know what you have to do." Damien says quietly.
Amelia continues staring at Damien for a long moment. "...You're not really here, ...are you?"
Damien's smile became a sad one. "Oh...I don't know about that...Here right now, talking to you? Definitely not. But here?" He shrugs, still smiling. "Who knows."

Amelia shivered and opened her eyes, looking around the basement hurriedly for a moment. Just a dream...She was still alone...still gagged. She wondered how long she'd been asleep. With no windows in the drafty basement, there was no way for her to tell the passage of time. She'd been hanging from her wrists as she slept, having been too exhausted and weak for her legs to support her weight. Now that she'd had some time to rest, she shakily stood up, beginning to feel a little stronger than she had earlier and winced. She glanced at her wrists and cringed at the bruising & scratches she'd gained by hanging from the shackles. She thought on her dream and what Damien might have meant.


Alex lay in the bed with Bryce, thoroughly exhausted from their activities. Having gotten all of their passion out of their system, they relaxed. This gave Alex more than enough time to think through how they could achieve his goals. An arm around Bryce's shoulders, holding him close, Alex's other hand was holding Bryce's, intertwining their fingers. "I've been thinking." He began. "If we want things to go smoothly, we don't need our little power source downstairs trying to run off at every opportunity. We need to do something a little more permanent. Perhaps force her to rely on us somehow...and I'm going to need her to talk to me more freely if I am to get her to tell us how to use our powers. There has to be a way to break her spirit somehow." He glances at Bryce thoughtfully. "Any ideas?"


The sun dipped over the horizon at last and Sebastian volunteered to step out of the house first to show Carter that there was nothing to worry about. He took a few steps outside and turned to face Blaire and Carter with his arms outstretched. There you see? Nothing...oh wow..." He breathed, tugging his shirt a little to get a draft on his torso. "Nothing to worry about...Now we just...I'm sorry, excuse me..." His forehead had already broken out in a sweat and he hurriedly took his shirt off, wrapping it around his waist. His bare chest also beginning to sweat. "Just a little toasty!...as I was saying...Now we just....Blaire, do you have air conditioning in your car??"

Denix Vames - February 1, 2021

Bryce became lost in their lustful activities.

He moaned at every touch and nerve that Alex had hit.

He caught his breath when their love making time soon ended.

He smiled. "I'm not quite sure how to keep her here. Perhaps, we should do our own research on devils. After all, we have access to information on a single search on the internet. Or maybe they don't have it. Maybe there's a library of information about them."
Carter couldn't help but stare at Sebastian's bare sweating chest.

"Wow...." Blaire couldn't take her eyes off either.

Carter smiled. "Yep. That's my boyfriend."

Blaire walked over to the car. "Uh yeah I do."

Carter followed and found himself sweating too as he stepped out. So he took his jacket and shirt off.

Blaire giggled. "I feel like I'm the luckiest woman right now to have two shirtless vampires in my car."

Carter rolled his eyes. "Just drive."

Blaire turned the engine on. She cranked up the AC and drove to the woodland park.

shadowess - February 1, 2021

Hearing Bryce's suggestion, Alex considered it for a moment thoughtfully. "Maybe...that's not a bad idea...the hard part is going to be separating fact from fiction writers though...a lot of crazy, imaginative humans out there...I mean, just check out any website to do with aliens..." He mulled this over a little more.

"That'll help us in the long run but we'll need something for now...Then there's her friends, which I have a feeling will probably be out looking for their missing Devil by now..." He smirked evilly. "You remember how she looked at me when I threatened them? I wonder if dropping their heads at her feet might make her lose the will to fight back? Isolate her completely. Make her believe the only thing she has left in this world, is us..."


Seeing them both staring at him made Sebastian a little self conscious. He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. When Carter called him his boyfriend, he looked at him and smiled. Then he practically ran over to the car when Blaire said she had AC. When he heard Blaire's quip about them both being shirtless, he turned and grinned at Carter who had also exposed his chest due to the heat.

The air conditioning in the car was heavenly as they drove, he almost didn't want to leave the car when they pulled up by where Blaire had found the abandoned car and smashed phone. About five minutes from where they parked was where they began smelling Amelia's scent again. Sebastian had glanced back at Carter to see if he was alright and to ask "Did you remember to bring any blood bags?"

Stepping out, the first thing Sebastian saw was the shattered glass on the road. Following Amelia's scent into the trees, they soon found the abandoned car. It's driver side door a little dented at the top and it's window smashed. "Well that explains the glass on the road..." Sebastian comments as he pulls the door open and sees a little blood dried to the dent in the top. He ran his finger over it and brought his finger to his nose for a second. "Hers...That must be how he got her...must've snuck up on her when she stepped out." He sighs angrily.
He walked back to the road and sniffed the air, turning his head in one direction. "Scent goes that way...but it's fading, we'll need to be quick."

Denix Vames - February 1, 2021

Bryce nodded. "I see. You do have a point."

He chuckled. "You always seem to amaze me with your ideas. I like that but I was thinking of drinking a bit from Carter. You see, I had my eyes on him before I met. At the very least, I'd like to drink from him just to see what he tastes like."

Bryce had other plans with Carter too but wouldn't say because he knew better than to upset his husband. He needed him around for power.
Carter realized he hadn't brought any blood bags. "Fuck!" "That's ok. You can drink from me when you get tired." "What? No way! Why would I do that?" "Oh c'mon! Don't be a crybaby about it. I let some of my friends do that. Nothing ever goes wrong."

"Oh really? And where are the bite marks?" She hesitated. "You don't wanna know." He shivered. "I think I'll pass."

Blaire parked the car. Once Sebastian got the scent, she started it up again. "Alright. Tell me when to stop."

She continued the drive.

shadowess - February 1, 2021

Alex studied Bryce for a moment before looking away thoughtfully. "Whatever you want." He shrugs, trying to hide his jealousy. He then recalled the last time he saw Carter and remembered quite an important detail. "I think that Sebastian guy turned him. He looked in bad shape after you hit him and before I ran Sebastian had started feeding from him."

He glanced at Bryce, reading his expression. He realised this might come as bad news. "I didn't understand what was happening then, but I do now." Getting up from the bed, he began getting dressed. "There's a few more things I need to ask Amelia. About what I am. I mean...for all I know, I could be related to this woman." He glanced at Bryce and smirked. "Would you care to join me?"


Sebastian had the window down, his head poking out a little and sniffing the air. Trying to catch what was left of Amelia's scent. Just as he thought he was losing it, it began getting stronger again. They passed a sign stating there was some kind of manor ahead and Sebastian pulled his head back into the car.

"Slow down." He says and looks around at Blaire and Carter. "I think it's coming up, the scent has been getting stronger again. Let me and Carter out before you get to the road leading up to the Manor. We'll hide wherever we can and follow you the rest of the way." He turns to Carter. "I'll break off and try to get inside while you watch Blaire. See what I can find."

Denix Vames - February 1, 2021

Bryce frowned. "Oh. That's a bit disappointing."

He got dressed himself. Putting on a casual Victorian outfit. "I like to wear my original clothes in this household. Makes me feel comfortable."

He smiled. "It would be a missed opportunity if I didn't join you."
Blaire slowed down. She whistled. "A mansion huh? Never thought I'd get to one so up close and personal."

She gave a thumbs up. "You got it."

Carter frowned at the idea. "Just please be careful, Sebastian."

Both men soon got out of the car with shirts back on.

Blaire drove a bit slower to the manor but not that close just in case.

shadowess - February 1, 2021

Watching him dress, Alex smiled. "They suit you." He compliments, looking over Bryce with the same lustful look as earlier. Happy that Bryce would be joining him in questioning Amelia, he strode over to him and kissed him. "Perhaps when she is ready, we can drink from her together?" He asked, gliding his thumb over Bryce's lips and admiring his jawline.

He found it amazing that just a day ago he'd feared these lips, those teeth. Now they only filled him with excitement. Taking his hand with a playful smirk, he began walking out of the room and towards the basement. Fully intending on getting a few answers out of Amelia today, no matter how much he had to hurt her to get them.


Smiling at Carter with uncertainty, Sebastian nodded and replied softly "You too, Carter." His stomach felt like it was doing backflips. No idea how or in what shape they were going to find their friends...or even how to get them out safely.

Once they were out of the car, they began making their way towards the manor stealthily by hiding behind the trees lined the road leading up to and surrounding it. He motioned for Carter to stay on the right side of the road so he could watch Blaire while he kept on the left side and crept closest to the manor's entrance. They waited for Blaire to make her move.

Denix Vames - February 1, 2021

Bryce smiled. "Thank you."

He kissed his fingers as they touched his lips. "That wouldn't be such a bad idea. Although, we would have to keep in mind that we need to avoid killing her."

They entered the basement. He chuckled at the sight of Amelia. "Alex has a few questions. I suggest you answer each one of them clearly."
Carter crept up to the right. Worried that Bryce's eyes would be on him even though he imagined that Bryce wasn't even looking out the window at all. But he still wanted to be safe.

Blaire stopped her car at some point. She got out and strode over there.

She knocked on the door with the big heavy knocker.

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shadowess - February 1, 2021

Alex entered the basement with Bryce and grinned at the way he spoke to Amelia. He looked over her briefly, his features reflecting a mild curiosity that had come over him. He marched over to her and gripped her chin. She whimpered as he got close to her and stared up at him frightened but he didn't pay attention to that. Her cheeks looked a little rosier than they had after he'd fed from her and he assumed she'd looked even paler after Bryce had had his turn. He turned her head to one side, looked at her neck and grinned. "Well, would you look at that, Bryce?" He sounded delighted. Bryce's bite mark was still very much visible but Alex's had almost completely faded. "Our little treat here heals pretty quickly! It's been- what? Half a day? If that." He let go of her chin. "Good to know."

He then snatched the napkin from her mouth and noticed her lips had cracked a little. "Thirsty?" He asked, almost mockingly but she didn't answer. Just glared at him. He didn't seem the least bit phased. "Answer my questions and maybe we'll let you have a drink of water, then. First things first." He took a few steps back and leant against the table. "Are we related?"
"Are you related to me in any way? You're literally the only other Devil I know. Are you an aunt? cousin? long lost sister I don't know about??"
Amelia looks between him and Bryce for a second before answering. "No."
For a second, Alex seems almost disappointed but pushes ahead.
"Are there many of us? Do I have family out there that are Devils?"

Amelia hesitates, her eyes filling with tears. As much as she hated him right now, he had a right to know at least this much. "No...I believe, you and I are the only ones left..."
Alex's eyes widened and for a moment he seemed crushed but then his eyes started to glow red again. "You're lying." He accused, his tone full of anger.
Amelia shivered and shook her head, her own eyes widening as she watched him. Realising she was in danger just because this guy was in denial. "I-I'm not!"
Alex stood suddenly and with that monstrous voice of his he bellowed "LIAR!" He began walking over to her angrily, growling. Amelia whimpered, shaking her head, panicking and trying to back up but couldn't move.

It looked like Alex was about to strike her, Amelia flinching at the movement, when he froze at the sound of knocking. Everything went quiet, with the only sound in the room being both Alex and Amelia breathing a little heavily as they both started calming down. All of them straining to listen and Amelia praying that whoever was at the door could help her escape. Alex calmed down enough to lower his hand slowly and turn to Bryce. "Are you expecting anyone?"

Denix Vames - February 1, 2021

"Interesting. What a useful bit of information. We'll have an endless supply of her blood all to ourselves."

He read her face. "I believe she's telling the truth. Looks like your species is nearing extinction."

Bryce shook his head. "No but stay here. I'll see what the commotion is about."

He headed out and walked to the front door which he opened. He raised a brow. "Can I help you?"

Blaire smiled. "Yeah actually. I heard around these parts that you're a vampire. And well, I was wondering if you could drink from me? It's a little fetish of mine."

"Wait a minute." He sniffed the air. "I recognize you. You're from the club."

Blaire thought to hersellf, well shit. Bryce surprisingly chuckled. "I wouldn't mind if it means a free meal. Though I'm a bit full. You can stay at the living room for a bit while I take care of some business."

"A-Awesome. Thanks." Blaire hadn't expected it to be this easy.

Carter clenched his fists. He was about ready to jump out of the bushes and grab her before she could go inside.

shadowess - February 1, 2021

As soon as Bryce left, Alex continued glaring at Amelia who stared at him silently. He stuffed the napkin back into her mouth and held a finger to his lips. "Not a peep from you or I'll have to start breaking bones. Do you understand?" He says quietly in a dark tone. Amelia nods, terrified. Alex thought about what Bryce had said about Amelia telling the truth. He stared into her wide eyes, as if looking for a hint of deception in them. The way she'd answered him though. The way she'd looked at him when he hadn't believed her. Maybe she was telling the truth.

But what does that mean now? That after all of this, after everything he learned...it just ends with them? This truth infuriated him. He wanted to get more answers out of her. He wanted to know what happened to the other Devils. Why did they die out? Why is it just them left? He grew frustrated as he leant against the table and waited for Bryce to get rid of the unwanted guest upstairs. He kept his eyes on Amelia, who stared back.


'What is she doing?!' Sebastian mouthed the words in Carter's direction. If she goes into the house with him, not only will they lose visual on Blaire, they'll lose the opportunity to get around him to search his house! Just as he was debating pulling out on the plan and grabbing Blaire, he had an idea.

Hurriedly, he motioned to Carter to watch Blaire through the windows while he'd sneak around the back and try to break in. He hoped the signs he made with his hands made sense...he never was any good at charades...Seeing now as his only chance, Sebastian then hurriedly and silently made his way around the back of the manor, towards the backdoor. Now he just had to try to remember how to pick a lock...

Denix Vames - February 1, 2021

Carter shrugged. Figuring that Blaire didn't recall most of the plan.

He raised a brow at Sebastian's hand movements as he never even knew code signs anyway. Yet, by some miracle, he crept over to the front window. Peeking into the mansion where he could see Blaire sitting there with Bryce standing nearby.

Bryce called out. "Alex! It would appear that we have a guest! She is requesting something that I think you should hear about!"

Blaire was sitting on the couch as she looked around at the fancy decor.

Slightly nervous about being around here.

shadowess - February 1, 2021

Hearing Bryce call for him, Alex sighed and stepped away from the table. He walked over to Amelia and gripped her chin again harshly. "Remember." He whispered, his eyes flashing red. "Not. A. Peep." He then let go of her, turned and left the basement. He made his way to where he heard Bryce's voice coming from and found him in the living room with a familiar looking girl sitting on the couch. His steps slowed to a stop near Bryce as he stared at her curiously. "You?" He looked the woman over. "You were in the club...Why are you here?"


Sebastian worked as quickly and silently as he could with the lock. With nothing to work with but some random, thin metal wires that he found near the little garden shed. They were flimsy but just about study enough. He just had to be careful not to snap them. He could smell Amelia's scent so strongly now that it overpowered most other scents in the area. He was so anxious about sneaking around as well that his heartbeat thudded loudly in his ears. Yet he listened intently for any footsteps or movement near him. Just one more little movement and- *click!* Sebastian paused, wary that this old ass lock might have been a little loud. Either that or he was so terrified of making a noise that it just seemed loud to him. Either way, he paused for a second, listening intently to make sure no one was coming to investigate it before getting up the courage to push the door open.

It squeaked a little and he stopped, heart pounding and wide eyes staring through the crack in the door for any movement within. 'First the old ass lock and now the creaky door hinges...Has this guy not heard of WD40?!' He thought to himself as he very, very slowly opened the door a little further. Carefully, he crept into the house and followed Amelia's scent. He could hear voices nearby and figured it was Bryce and Blaire in the living room. Now that he had a rough idea of where they were, he steered clear of that room.

He found himself at the top of some stairs, leading down into a basement. 'Because of course he'd keep her in the basement! Creepy bastard...' He thought as he slowly and silently made his way down. He opened the door at the bottom and stepped into the large room. His eyes immediately falling on the messy, blonde figure chained to the wall. Gasping, he ran over to her and held her head in his hands. Her eyes widening at the sight of him and were filled with hope. "Amelia! Hang on!" He says, taking the napkin out of her mouth and moving to look at the shackles. He paused, seeing the bite marks on her neck and frowning. "Shit...he's got your strength..." He gasps then looks around the room hurriedly. "Where's Parker? Is he keeping him in a different room?"

Denix Vames - February 1, 2021

Blaire's eyes widened at the sight of Parker's appearance.

Carter glared at Bryce. A sudden rage filled within him. He knew what he had done to Parker. And he would make sure that he would pay.

He jumped into the window. Shattering it into pieces. Blaire ran off into a corner of the room. Hiding from the scene.

Carter's eyes became cold and blank. Void of any emotions. "You took Parker's life away." Bryce smirked. "And? What are you going to do abou-"

Carter lifted off the ground by his neck. His grip there was tight as he squeezed. "You hurt my friends. You hurt my boyfriend." He threw him at a wall. Bryce cringed at the sudden impact and hit the floor. He couldn't believe how strong Carter was. Why wasn't the blood he took from Amelia helping him out?

Bryce forced himself to lift his head up as his shaking arms tried to support him. "Listen, we can make a-" Carter grabbed his foot and tossed him to the other wall. He zoomed over and punched him in the gut. Bryce gasped for air as blood spewed out of his mouth and nose. His ribs could be heard breaking.

Carter threw him at the other side once again. He walked over to an injured Bryce. He laughed low then loud as he sounded maniacal.

"How does it feel to be on the other end of it all? To be the one to fall?" He cracked his own neck. Stretching himself out.

"So this is what it's like to be this powerful?" He raised his arms. "It feels GREAT!"

shadowess - February 2, 2021

Amelia had tried to speak. To hurriedly tell Sebastian that Alex had partnered himself with Bryce. That he was too corrupted. But as she went to simply start by saying his name, no sound escaped her. She tried again but her vocal chords simply would not work. She started panicking, the only sound coming from her now were the sharp intakes of breath as she sobbed. Sebastian had watched her, confused and then concerned. "Amelia? What's wrong??" He felt helpless watching her try over and over again to simply say "Sebastian." Going as far as to scream it, her face turning a little red from the effort but still no sound was formed. "Hang on, let's get you out of here first." He says as he gets to work, hurriedly picking the locks on her shackles. Amelia didn't understand why she was suddenly unable to make any noise but then she recalled how Alex had left her. The way his eyes glowed when they looked directly into hers as he said the words "Not a peep." Had he done something to her?? Was this one of his own inherited powers? Had he even realised what he'd done?

A loud crash, some commotion followed by laughter came from upstairs, making them both jump. As soon as Sebastian had heard the crash, he'd worked faster, glancing over his shoulder repeatedly to make sure no one had come down to the basement. "Well, guess that's our que to get the hell out of here!" He says as the last shackle unlocks and he quickly moves to catch the exhausted Amelia. She could barely stand on her own. Sebastian wondered if she'd been made to stand this entire time. He'd of course seen the sores and bruising all around her wrists and assumed she must have been too tired at some point to keep holding her own weight up. Seeing her in this state infuriated him greatly. Holding Amelia as his prisoner, Bryce clearly hadn't shown her the slightest hint of compassion. She clung to him, trying to walk and he could feel her shaking as she did so. "It's alright, we're here now, let's get out of-" He stopped when Amelia's eyes widened and she pointed behind him at the basements entrance. "Parker? What are you doing?!"


Carter's entrance through the window had taken them by surprise. Or at least, it had taken Alex by surprise. Bryce had seemed calm and was even about to answer back to Carter when what happened next truly shocked them. Carter flung Bryce around like a ragdoll and beat him. Alex hadn't had any time to react, left to watch the whole thing unfold, his face turning pale as he watched Bryce take hit after hit.

Seeing Carter stretch himself out, apparently content to keep going, Alex figured this was the only chance he was going to get to intervene and save his beloved from Carter's rage. He glanced at the girl, looking at her in a frightened way and held out his hand. "Hurry! Take my hand!" He'd say, making it appear like he was getting ready to run out of the house with her to safety. When she'd take his hand however, he'd smile maliciously and pull her rapidly into his arms. One arm around her front, gripping her tightly and the other gripping the top of her head. "That's enough!" he'd shout at Carter. "Don't move, don't make any sudden movements or I'll snap her neck!"

He would then edge his way around the room towards Bryce, using the girl as a meat shield to stop Carter getting near him. All the while being sure to stay out of arm's reach of Carter. Beads of sweat had formed on Alex's forehead, making it clear he was nervous about this entire situation. When he'd reach Bryce, he'd then push the girl at Carter. Moving quickly to take advantage of the short time it would take Carter to catch her, he'd bend down to lift Bryce up by putting his arm over his shoulder. He thought of Amelia and followed her advice on imagining standing in the same room as her. A second later, he and Bryce vanished from the living room and were staring at another surprising sight in the basement. Amelia out of her chains and being held by Sebastian. How had he slipped past them??

Amelia's eyes widened at the sight of them and pointed at them. Sebastian turned hurriedly and then paused, uncertain of what he was seeing. "Parker? What are you doing?!"
Alex growled, irritated that their source of power was being stolen from them. He watched though, as Amelia had attempted to shout something at them angrily but no words actually escaped her. He grinned evilly, realising what he'd done. He'd told her to be quiet, so now she can't make a sound. Interesting. "I see you're keeping quiet like I told you to. Good girl." he talks down to her, making her scowl at him through bitter tears. Sebastian's expression shifts from confusion to realisation and then to anger. "You did this?! Why?!"

Alex didn't answer him. He knew he didn't have long until Carter figured out they'd only gone to the basement and followed them down so he had to act quickly. Amelia had said she was able to teleport twice in a day. Considering Bryce had just taken quite the beating, that only left Alex with one jump left...he figured he'd need to think of somewhere this lot wouldn't find them anytime soon. But first, this looked like the perfect opportunity to cause some psychological damage. Perhaps some damage that may even form a wedge later in Amelia's friendships. He kept his eyes on her, still smiling. "They're no different from us, you know. Your so called 'friends'. They'll drink from you any chance they'd get too." He tilts his head at her. "At least we were honest about our intentions towards you." Sebastian's face reddened from the rage he felt. Although he couldn't let go of Amelia, he used one free hand to draw out the crystal knife she'd made him and pointed it at him threateningly. "SHUT UP! YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT!"
Alex ignored him, still smiling at Amelia. "Think about it." He winked and then imagined them being in the only other safe place that he knew. His old home. Then, they vanished. Leaving Sebastian and Amelia standing in the basement, seething.


Alex set Bryce down on the old, moth eaten couch. They were on the third floor in a run down apartment complex. Before his little adventures with Bryce, being a rookie detective straight out of college, he'd just about been making ends meet. "This was my grandmother's apartment." He explained as he looked around the room uninterested. "She's dead now. She took me in when my mom died...I never met my dad." He sighed and looked at Bryce. The state he was in. "I'll get you something to clean yourself up with...Then...you have some explaining to do." He said as he walked towards the bathroom, making it clear that he was a little irritated with Bryce as well.

Denix Vames - February 2, 2021

Carter chuckled. "Not such a bad idea. Threatening to kill one of my own friends so you can save your scummy husband."

Once he had Blaire, he shoved her aside. Blaire hit the floor. He didn't care anymore. This entire situation really went over his head.

He zoomed up the stairs to the second floor. "Where are ya?! Huh?!"

He began to throw the furniture around and punch the walls. Believing that he would find Bryce or Alex somewhere.

A wide grin was on his face. "Come out! Come out wherever you are!" A painting of Bryce from the Victorian era caught his eye.

"What a fancy looking bastard! I think this painting needs a few finishing touches!"

He punched a hole through the painting then ripped it apart. He laughed.

"I'm gonna kill you Bryce! Do you hear me?! I'm gonna kill you!"

Blaire ran over to him. "Carter! Stop this! This isn't you!" Carter grabbed her by the neck. "You're wrong! This is the new and improved me!"

He threw her across the across room. She hit a wall and collapsed.
Bryce clutched his chest as he groaned.

He had listened to Alex's life story but didn't care.

"Explain about what? I don't even know how he was able to do that."

shadowess - February 2, 2021

Bryce and Alex had vanished and Sebastian had a feeling they weren't the problem in this house anymore. Both he and Amelia looked at the ceiling as they heard shouting and crashing noises continuing. Amelia shivered in his arms and Sebastian looked at her with concern, unsure of what they'd be walking into when they reached the top of the stairs. With a nervous sigh, he motions for Amelia to start walking with him. "Come on...I think there's something wrong..." He mutters as he guides her up the steps.

Once they left the basement, they looked around and into the living room, seeing it look a bit trashed. More crashes came from upstairs, making Amelia jump. Sebastian helped her to a nearby chair so that she could rest properly and wait. She looked at Sebastian with concern.

"You'll be alright. I think they're gone...I'm going to go and try to calm Carter down. You just sit tight, ok? We'll be out of here soon." He then ran up the stairs, following the debris in search of Carter. He entered a room but Carter must've left it already because he didn't see him in there. What he did see however, was Blaire passed out against the wall. He ran to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking her gently. "Blaire? Blaire? Can you hear me?? What happened?"


Alex heard Bryce's reply but he didn't respond immediately. He frowned and entered the dingy little bathroom. He picked up a small towel and some bandages from the medicine cabinet before heading into the kitchen where he filled the bowl with warm water. He took these to Bryce, placing the bandages to one side and dipping the towel in the water.

Ringing it out, he began cleaning the blood from his face and torso. "You were adamant, before you wanted me, that you were going to be with Carter. Be his husband. Drink from him. Turn him." He began, his cheeks flushing a little from jealousy as he dabbed at Bryce's injuries without looking him in the eyes. "Even after you had me...you still said you wanted to drink from him..." He now lifts his eyes to stare into Bryce's angrily, tears tinting the corners of his own.

"Do you think I'm stupid? What's so special about him?" He practically threw the now red towel into the bowl, spilling some of the water onto the rancid green carpet. He picked up the bandages and toyed with them in his hands for a moment, staring at them and trying to hold back his tears. "Do you even love me at all?"

Denix Vames - February 2, 2021

Blaire slowly opened her eyes. She groaned at the headache she was having.

"C-Carter....He's gone crazy. Seeing Parker like that must have sent him over the edge. Maybe he assumed that you were hurt too. Or worse." She frowned. "I don't know what to do. I always knew what to do."

Carter ripped the closet door off in Bryce's bedroom. Breaking it in half with his knee and throwing it aside. He turned over the bed with ease. "I know you're around here somewhere!"
"Oh hush now." Bryce caressed his cheek. "The only reason why I wanted to drink him in the first place was because I found him attractive. But I've moved on from him."

He struggled but sat up. He leaned in close and kissed him. "You're the only one that I love. The only one who I will ever love."

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shadowess - February 2, 2021

Sebastian listened to Blaire speak while also hearing Carter destroying rooms in the background. "Can you stand? Amelia is downstairs but she's in a really bad way. She'll need help walking. If you can, help her get out of here. Take her to your car and wait there. I'll try to calm Carter down but if you see him before I get a chance to, just take Amelia and leave."

He dread to think what Carter would do in this state if he saw Amelia or caught her scent, especially now that...now that she can't make a noise to alert them! Shit! "Hurry." Sebastian then says quickly, his voice shaking. He stood and went into the hallways, looking down them to try and figure out where the noises were coming from. "Carter?" He called out nervously.


Feeling Bryce's hand on his cheek and hearing his words, Alex let a couple of tears fall, lifting his own hand to cup his. He had a horrible feeling that Bryce was just using him as muscle or to use his power as his own. He wanted desperately for Bryce to love him. He was so desperate for it in fact, that as soon as Bryce told him he loved him he simply accepted it as truth.

He kissed Bryce back then chuckled embarrassed, his cheeks a little red. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...I don't know what came over me. You love me, of course you love me! You made me! I-I guess I was just...scared to lose you..." He kissed him again then pulled back, wiping away his tears. "R-right, let's get you patched up." He says, pulling himself together again and proceeding to apply the bandages carefully to Bryce.

Sitting back down once it was done, he looked over Bryce worriedly. "What are we going to do? We'll be safe here tonight but it'll only take Carter one trip to the precinct to find out where this apartment is. We'll need to move...How are you feeling? Do you need blood?"

Denix Vames - February 2, 2021

Blaire nodded. She forced herself to stand. "Good luck. I'm not so sure what I would have done."

She ran downstairs. "Hey hun." She helped her up as she placed her arm over her shoulders. "Let's get you into a nice cold car." She guided her to the front doors.

Leading her to the car.
Carter sniffed the air. He smirked. "Hiding behind a door? How cowardly of you."

He kicked the door off its hinges. Not realizing that he had knocked Sebastian over who laid underneath the door.

He tilted his head with those wide eyes staring.

"I'm just dying to kill you!"
Bryce smiled. "Of course I love you. I would never lie to you."

He chuckled. "It's alright. Sometimes being doubtful is a good thing."

He looked around the apartment. "Hmm.....We could find an abandoned building." He sighed. "I use to have so many fond memories in that mansion."

shadowess - February 2, 2021

Seeing Blaire hurry towards her, Amelia smiled widely. She tried to say 'Thank you', momentarily forgetting that she couldn't speak then looking a little crushed when no words escaped her and she remembered.

She leant on Blaire as they walked as quickly as they could, Amelia simply unable to go any faster. They left the mansion and she could just see the car at the end of the road. Aming for it, she tried to walk a little quicker, desperate to be away from that mansion forever.


Sebastian heards Carter's voice and turned towards the door it had come from. "Carter?" He called as he reached for the handle only for the entire door to hit him and knock him down. Momentarily dazed by the force it had hit him with, Sebastian heard Carter's words and his tone and questioned whether that was really Carter talking, unable to recognise him. "Carter! What are you talking about?! It's me! Sebastian!" He pushed the door off of himself and crawled backwards a little away from it and looked up at Carter. The anger he saw behind Carter's eyes unnerved him greatly. "...Carter? What's got into you?" He asked quietly.


"I love you too." Alex smiled at Bryce, looking into his eyes. When Bryce mentioned hiding in an abandoned building, Alex shifted uncomfortably for a moment. "I don't know...been some weird things happening in abandoned buildings lately. There was the crazy homeless guy attack in the abandoned mall and then two idiots got burnt to a crisp messing around with fire in the abandoned school...Burnt the whole place down...I still have cash in my bank account. If we're careful and I withdraw all of it in one part of the city, we can then spend it on a hotel on the other side of the city. Make tracking us difficult and we'll be a little more comfy than a drafty, empty building full of weirdos." Alex thought aloud.

He then watched the way Bryce talked about his home and felt angry that they'd had to abandon such a beautiful place. Alex placed a hand on Bryce's to try and comfort him. "We'll make them pay...somehow...and when we do, we'll go back and make new memories there."

Denix Vames - February 2, 2021

Blaire helped her into the car. "Sorry about what happened to you." She got in the driver's side. She held up a bottle. "I've got some water if you need it."
Carter glared. "Don't fool me! I know your tricks! You're using the powers you gained from Amelia, aren't you? All that devil blood really got you something huh?"

He wasn't thinking straight. The rage of seeing Parker as a vampire, what Bryce did to him, and the fact that Amelia had been kidnapped had sent him over the edge. He felt like his whole world was falling apart.

He reached out. About to grab Sebastian. "You killed all of my friends so why don't I kill you? Might as well try that devil blood."
Bryce thought for a moment. "That's strange. Two incidents involving abandoned buildings? We should look into this. But yes, a hotel at a different city would be a good idea. However, I would like to do some research on these incidents."

He shook his head. "For two abandoned buildings to have that much activity within such a short amount of time? It doesn't make any sense."

shadowess - February 2, 2021

Amelia sat in the passenger side and stared at the manor from the car, terrified that Bryce or Alex would appear out of nowhere to claim her again. Blaire held up a bottle, offering her water and Amelia nodded hurriedly, clearly desperate for a drink. She accepted the bottle and drank the majority of it's contents, still shaking from everything that had happened and because she was still frightened that maybe it wasn't over just yet.

Lowering the bottle, catching her breath from drinking almost non-stop until she felt a little better, she froze when catching a glimpse of her reflection in the wing mirror. She slowly raised her fingers to trace the marks on her neck. Wincing a little as they stung when she touched them.

Memories of Alex and Bryce feeding from her forced their way into her mind. Hearing them swallowing her blood. Feeling her strength leave her gradually. The venom forcing her to relax. Her pleas falling on deaf ears. Feeling absolutely helpless. Her lip trembled, her eyes filling with tears again. She cried silently, covering her eyes with one hand.


His words were madness. Sebastian kept crawling away from Carter when it became apparent that he didn't believe it was really him. "Carter, no! It's really me! Listen to me! We did it! Bryce and Parker are gone! Amelia is safe! She's with Blaire! Carter, you have to listen!" He attempted to get to his feet and had to jump back to get away from Carter's reach.

He backed up, down the hall. Facing Carter and trying to talk him down despite his heart practically beating out of his chest. He hated seeing Carter like this. It just hurt to see him so lost. "Shapeshifting isn't even one of Amelia's abilities!!" He shouted at Carter. Then muttered to himself; "I don't think..."

He came to a stop at the end of the hallway, the window overlooking the road behind him. "Alright...alright...you want me to prove myself? Is that it? The first night we met, you mistook me for a murderer!" Sebastian grinned through his tears and raised his hands by his side. "And even though we both almost died that night, it honestly was the best night of my life, because I got to get to know you!" Sebastian closed his eyes tightly. Trembling. Unsure of what to expect next but having nowhere else to retreat to now. "I love you..."


Alex rose a brow to Bryce's sudden peaked interest in the abandoned buildings. To Alex, when those calls came in, they had just been another day on the job. He'd failed to see anything significant about them. Maybe Bryce knew something Alex didn't?

"What do you think it was?" He asked curiously then thought for a moment and shook his head. "We can't risk being found here. We need to move tonight if we want to be safe. I'll check us in with a hotel with wifi...maybe we can do some digging online when we get there?"

Denix Vames - February 2, 2021

Blaire frowned. She gently rubbed her back. "I'm sorry this happened to you. But we'll make it through this."
As Carter continued to walk over, Sebastian's words began to dive into his mind.

He clutched his head. Confused about what he was doing.

The memories began to flood into his head. How he first met Sebastian, their confrontation with Theo, his first time with Sebastian, and how he was saved by him from Vincent and Theo.

And when he heard that statement, "I love you," he had come out of his episode.

He blinked the tears away but more came. He just stood there. Staring at Sebastian without saying a word until, "I-It's you."

He stepped closer until he sank he fell forward. Pressing his chest against his as his arms were tightly wrapped around him. "Sebastian....You're alive!"

He began to sob. "You're alive!"
Bryce shrugged. "Or you could teleport us into a hotel room if you still have enough energy to do so. Also, I'm not quite sure. All I know is that these events seem strange."

shadowess - February 2, 2021

Sebastian had half expected to be pushed through the window or worse. But he was immensely relieved when Carter hugged him, realising that it was really him. "'C-course it's me!" Sebastian half laughed, tears now falling from his own eyes as he hugged Carter back tightly. "You'll never get rid of me! For a long moment, he just stayed there. Holding on to Carter and crying into his shoulder.

After they'd had a minute to calm down, Sebastian gently pulled away and placed his hands on Carter's cheeks, gazing into his eyes. "W-we did it!" He smiled, trying to reassure Carter. "We got Amelia out safely and I think you may have frightened those two off for good. No one had to die today." Meaning that no matter how it happened, today was a cause for celebration. He wiped away Carter's tears lovingly. "I told them to wait in the car. We should go let them know we're alright and we can leave."


Alex fidgeted with his fingers when Bryce suggested they teleport to the hotel room. "Amelia said she could only teleport twice in a day...I used up my first jump trying to get Amelia so that you could heal from her blood...but that bastard, Sebastian already had her!" He seethed, recalling the theft.

Then he smirked remembering the way Amelia had silently yelled at them. "But...I think I learned a new trick. She can't make any noise since I told her not to. I don't know how just yet, but maybe that could come in handy..." He hoped Bryce might have some ideas.

Denix Vames - February 2, 2021

Carter smiled as he nodded. "Ok." There were still some tears but he found himself relieved that everything had gone well.

As they walked downstairs, he thought about what happened. "I'm sorry for hurting you. For hurting Blaire. I promised myself that I would protect my friends. That I would protect you. But in the end, I did the damage."
"What a pity. It seems that we'll have to travel by foot."

Bryce smirked. "Or maybe we can take someone's car. If you can tell her what to do then perhaps you can tell someone else what to do."

shadowess - February 2, 2021

Sebastian walked with him down the stairs and out of the manor towards the car. After hearing his words, he shook his head a little. "I know you weren't being yourself. I'm pretty sure Blaire knows it too. Although, you may have to buy her a drink or something after today." He chuckled at the last part, implying Blaire might be just a little miffed about being thrown against a wall.

As they got closer to the car, he saw the state Amelia was in through the window and sighed. "She can't speak..." He says sadly. "I don't know what they did to her in that basement...but she hasn't been able to make a sound since I got to her. I think Parker had something to do with it..." He sighed again, this time out of frustration. "I guess we were wrong about him...You should've see the way he spoke to her before he left..." He clenched his fists angrily. When they were within a certain distance to the car, he gave Blaire a thumbs up to signal Carter was alright now.


A wide grin spread across Alex's face at Bryce's suggestion. Of course! Why didn't he think of that? "I fucking love you!" He exclaims and gets to his feet, eager to try out his new gift on some unsuspecting fool.

He held out a hand for Bryce to take. "Then let's not waste any time. Oh, and let me know if you have any requests to tell our new servant when we find one."

Denix Vames - February 2, 2021

Blaire nodded. She was relieved that Carter was alright but didn't want to leave Amelia's side.

Carter clenched his fists. He fell to his knees. He was shaking. "No matter what I do or how hard I try to save anyone, things just keep getting worse and worse!" He sobbed into his hands. "What's the point when everything's always going to go to shit?"

Vincent appeared. He had on a dark blue suit and white gloves. "Oh don't be such a quitter. I'm sure you'll think of something."

Carter's eyes widened. "How the-?!"
Bryce smiled. "I may have a few requests but only once I know that we're far enough from those little brats."

He stood from the couch and kissed him. "Now, let's go find us a car."

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shadowess - February 2, 2021

(Just double checking, is Vincent really there or just something Carter is seeing? lol)

Denix Vames - February 2, 2021

(vincent has now become a devil since his previous appearance. hes here to help out cause he turned good after he got sent to hell)

Denix Vames - February 2, 2021

(hes not a hallucination)

shadowess - February 2, 2021

(Sounds interesting lol Might make a little more sense if he's a Demon rather than a Devil though. Like Devils would be a much, much higher rank than a Demon and a lot harder to create which is the main reason for their rarity. Demons are still pretty strong though and if he plays his cards right there is always a possibility of a Devil granting him enough power to become a Devil himself. I was also debating bringing in a couple of Demons from my character archives at some point who kinda have a history of knowing Amelia. Mainly one called Clementine who might be a lot of fun later lol)

Denix Vames - February 2, 2021

(then he'll be a demon. lol i dont know the system you built so i had no idea. also including Clementine would be kind of nice but we already have so many characters at this point that i feel like it would be hard for me if we add someone else to the story. maybe Blaire could die at some point so we could include Clementine in?)

shadowess - February 2, 2021

(lol It's cool. I used to run a rp group where these characters were originally created so most of their lore is based on that 😕 and lol don't worry! I wasn't thinking of just throwing in a character for a long run. Like maybe a cameo here and there when they have quiet moments to explain all things Hell related while keeping the flow of the rp natural.)

Denix Vames - February 2, 2021

(oh ok. i understand.)

shadowess - February 2, 2021

Amelia had started to calm down by the time Sebastian and Carter were walking to the car. She watched quietly as Sebastian gave them the thumbs up. Then he said something to Carter and suddenly Carter dropped to his knees, seeming to be in anguish about something. Amelia could only look on in bewilderment until someone familiar seemed to appear out of nowhere. She couldn't believe her eyes!

This man was dead! She'd burned his body! He should be wandering Hell in torment! Why and how was he here?! She wanted to get out of the car to demand answers but was too weak to move anywhere and she without the ability to speak wouldn't have been able to ask him anything anyway.

Sebastian had been about to console Carter when he heard the familiar voice. He felt a chill run through his spine as he looked up and saw what should definitely be a dead man. He quickly drew the crystal knife and stood between Carter and Vincent defensively. "You died! How are you here?!"


Returning the kiss, Alex smiled and began heading out of the apartment. He went down to the street and when he found a parked car with someone sitting inside texting, he bent down a little and knocked on the window to get their attention. The gentleman in the car rolled his window down by a mere crack and snapped at Alex with a "What?!"

Inhaling sharply through his nose to keep himself calm, he continued to smile pleasantly as he spoke to the person inside, trying to remember exactly how he'd spoken to Amelia. "You're going to get out of your car, hand me the keys and then you're going to walk home, feeling like you've done a charitable thing for two complete strangers." His eyes glowed as he said this and when he stopped talking there was a pause in which he held his breath.

The gentleman took his keys out of the ignition, stepped out of the car to which Alex stepped back patiently, placed the keys in his hand and began walking away without a word. Alex stared at the keys in his hand for a long moment before beaming at Bryce excitedly. "I feel like a freaking Jedi!" He says as he gets into the drivers side and places the key in the ignition. He then had another idea. With this gift they could literally check into any hotel they wanted for free! He turned to Bryce and grinned. "How does a five star hotel sound?"

Denix Vames - February 2, 2021

Vincent rolled his eyes as he waved his hand at them. "Oh don't be so scared. I'm a demon now. See?"

He flashed his black eyes. He pulled out a knife made out of bones. "I even got this little guy here. Doesn't it look awesome?"

"So you're not here to kill us?" "That was all in the past dear Carter." He winked at him. "Now, I'm here to help out."

Carter stood. "And why would you want to do that?" "Because I can redeem myself. Duh! Not to mention, I couldn't stay away from you. You're so cute!" He blew a kiss at him.

"....Ok but I'm already dating someone." "Of course, I know that. That still doesn't mean I can't help you. Anyway, I was watching the whole entire thing unfold. Now, it seems like-" Carter glared. "You were watching when you could have helped?!" "Don't act like that. I honestly thought you guys had it under control. But apparently, being a vampire has really changed your attitude. You were a bit more insane than I ever was."

He turned away. "Just shut up and get in the car if you're going to help." "Alright but it'll be a bit of a tight squeeze."
Bryce raised a brow. "What's a Jedi?"

He smiled. "A five star hotel sounds perfect."

shadowess - February 3, 2021

(Shall we give Bryce and Alex a rest for a bit so we can concentrate on the rest? One or both could then probably pop back into the story a little later. I'd say, in the meantime, Alex would basically follow any instruction or guidance from Bryce. Effectively putting his plans for world domination on hold while he tries to learn his vampiric/devil skills and just goes along with whatever Bryce has planned instead. Up to you. I'm happy either way tbh.)

Still too tired to move much, Amelia watched the exchange from the car. But she also wanted to hear what Vincent had to say so she rolled the window down a bit to listen in. Apparently, someone in Hell had managed to upgrade Vincent from Damned Soul to Demon. That should be impossible seeing as only Devils should be able to grant that kind of power and the only Devils left in existence that she was aware of were herself and Alex.

Then again, it wouldn't be the first time a Devil who was supposedly dead suddenly crawled out of the woodworks to try and take over. She recalled Damien telling her that Lucifer thought he was the only one left for centuries until Ravios made his appearance and tried to enslave humanity. Then, several years later, Satan appeared and tried to take over Hell. That's not even mentioning the ancient and long forgotten Devil in Hell's Cells who gave Amelia the spell to make herself into a Devil by stripping himself of every bit of power he had, giving it all to Amelia until he no longer existed.

Then another possibility occured to Amelia. Several years ago, she and Damien had had a heated argument as to how Hell should run. Damien maintained that nothing should be changed as the current system had worked for millenia whereas Amelia argued they had a moral responsibility to at least try to put some souls through a kind of therapy. Help them learn the error of their ways and give them a choice as to what they want to do next once they truly repented and earned redemption. To move on to Heaven or stay behind as a Demon to help others change their ways too.

Damien had laughed at her ideals and challenged her to prove him wrong. He said that if she could choose Demons to help set it up in one portion of Hell, he'd grant one Demon the power to oversee it and choose who could ascend or who could become Demons in their absence. After all, they were still so busy trying to find Lucifer at the time to stick around in Hell to see it through. Amelia could think of no better Demon for the job than David. Damien's grandfather. Not only had David raised Amelia, he had a very strong moral compass and could spot a liar a mile away. Having been trained in Hell by Lucifer's finest to become a Demon Soldier and having read through many of the books in Hells Library, he knew the ins and outs of Hell thoroughly. Then it was agreed. David would be a 'stand in' for them when it came to providing therapy to souls and giving them the all important choice.

So, as far as Amelia was concerned, he either made a deal with a Devil they didn't know about yet. Possibly making himself a Demon to help him get back at herself, Sebastian and Carter for his and his boyfriend's death. Or he was selected to trial the therapy route she'd set up all those years ago and was granted his transformation to Demon after passing David's tests. As for him having "watched" everything. That could mean he was either already on Earth and watching things from a distance or his new Demonic abilities allow him to see and hear events within a certain radius. Because as Amelia knew all too well, you can't see or hear anything on Earth from Hell.

Now, if she was going to place any kind of trust in this man, particularly after his history, she needed to ascertain how exactly he became what he is now. With some effort, she opened the car door before any of them could get in, shakily got out and stared Vincent dead in the eye while leaning on the door. Her features hard as she tried to read him. She couldn't speak, instead she slowly mouthed the words so he would understand her question; 'Who made you a Demon?'. The only answer that would gain her trust, of course, being David Sedley.

Sebastian had been listening to the entire exchange with strong suspicion as well. He kept his eyes on Vincent and didn't move from where he stood. Just kept staring Vincent down and holding his knife out defensively. After everything they'd gone through, he didn't trust this man at all. Even if he is a Demon. As Sebastian had learned from Amelia; Demons and Devils don't necessarily mean 'Good'. When he saw Amelia step out of the car to stare at Vincent and mouth the question at him, he stared between them tensely. He might not trust the word of this man, but he trusted Amelia. If she knew who made him, then maybe it's not as bad as it seems?


Hearing the question, Alex had turned his head to stare at Bryce in shock then grinned. "Oh, we are so having a Star Wars marathon when we get a hotel!" He chuckles and begins driving. Now this is luxury! Penthouse suite. Hot tub. Huge TV. Beautiful views. Massive bed and a swimming pool on the balcony! The staff were convinced they were some sort of billionaires and practically rolled out the red carpet for them. There was champagne brought to the room, despite them not being able to drink much of it.

Alex figured it helped keep the staff convinced they were human. Alex had looked around the room in amazement, a huge grin on his face. "Never thought I'd get away with it!" He laughed and flopped himself down on the bed which felt amazingly soft. He'd had a lot of fun using his new gift but felt it had caused a huge drain to his energy. He felt exhausted and knew from this feeling that he had to be careful not to overuse it. Perhaps going forward, he'd only use it in emergencies or extreme cases.

Denix Vames - February 3, 2021

(ok but I'm still gonna respond to that part)
Vincent waved at her. "Hello!"

He raised a brow. "Oh dear. Can this one not speak?"

"Just answer the question." said Carter.

Vincent rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Fine! It was a David something. Nice little fella. I tried to kiss but he slapped him." He shrugged. "Oh well."

Carter crossed his arms. "What's with you being so....horny? Amelia doesn't even do that crap. And I'm pretty sure that most demons don't act like you."

Vincent was about to hug him as he winked. "Then maybe I'm unique?"

Carter stepped out of the way. Letting him fall over.

Vincent stood and dusted himself off. "Well you're no fun."

"I'm taken. Why don't you get Theo?"

Vincent glared at him. "Don't ever say his name ever again."

Carter frowned. "Sorry I brought him up."
Bryce felt as though he was seeing the human version of Alex.

Him talking about a Star Wats binge and the whole situation at the hotel. It's almost like he invited a kid over for Christmas.

He just hoped that Alex would have enough energy in his system to be able to do what needed to be done.

shadowess - February 3, 2021

(Cool. Gives them a great way to pop up 'unexpectedly' later lol)

Hearing the name, Amelia visibly relaxed and smiled. Even appearing to chuckle soundlessly at the comment of him slapping down the now overly horny Demon. Yep. That sounded like David. Seeing Amelia smile brought a smile to Sebastian's face as well. He relaxed too, putting away the weapon. It was nice to see her able to smile after everything that she'd gone through. At Carter's comment about Vincent's increase in sexual interest, Amelia sort of looked away from them with a small smirk uncomfortably. Truth was, the change affected different people differently in a variety of ways. As an example, according to David and very much to Damien's embarrassment, Damien used to be a huge flirt with women during his life but when he changed into a Devil, his interest in sex just sort of...dropped off.

Amelia, herself, had experienced a slight increase in her interests. She remembered barely being interested in romance at all while she was human but as soon as she changed she'd occasionally have the odd one night stand with either men or women...sometimes both at once. When it came to full blown relationships however, she was a little hesitant to trust anyone with her heart...and even less trusting when it came to the idea of marriage. It's because of this reason that most of her relationships ended up failing. Who knows. Maybe she'll open her heart up to someone enough to settle down and give her hand to them. Maybe. While thinking on this an image of Bryce entering the basement in that red dressing gown flashed through her mind and she gripped the top of the door tightly, trying hard to repress the image as well as the gag when she felt sick.

As soon as Vincent went to hug Carter, Sebastian bristled. Annoyed, he watched Vincent fall on his face then moved to stand next to Carter while glaring at Vincent. The way Vincent reacted to hearing Theo's name made Amelia frown a little. Looks like maybe Theo wasn't so successful when it came to the therapy, perhaps? Not that it matters now. Amelia was exhausted and eager to get the hell away from this mansion. She tapped the top of the car door impatiently and nodded at the car before climbing back in and closing the door with a sigh. She gave Blaire a small smile, a way of reassuring her that she was feeling a little better than she had been...and she was. She was just happy to be surrounded by her friends again...Alex had been wrong. Her friends aren't using her! She just knew it...

Denix Vames - February 3, 2021


Blaire smiled back. "Awesome. That's what I like to see."

She started driving to Carter's place.

They all got in the car with all the three men being at the backseat. Carter sat next to Sebastian with Sebastian sitting next to Vincent.

Vincent frowned as he looked at Carter. "I'm sorry that I killed-" "Don't! Don't you even say it." "But I thought you...." He didn't want to finish that sentence. Worried that he would upset him even more.

Carter gripped his arms as he kept his eyes on the window. "I tried."

Vincent lowered his head as he clasped his hands together. Looking at them with shame and disappointment.

Blaire could feel the tension. She casually turned on the radio. The Cure was being played.

shadowess - February 3, 2021

The car ride was incredibly tense and awkward. The music gave them something else to focus on for a little while. A nice little distraction for them all. Amelia barely heard it. She had one arm hugging herself around her waist while the other was holding the side of her neck as she leant against the window and tried to close her eyes. She was so tired but everytime she closed her eyes for more than a few minutes at a time, they'd snap back open because she kept seeing the faces of Bryce and Alex. She knew she was safe now and probably wouldn't see them again for a long time... but in her mind, it was still happening and she didn't know how to make it stop. Her stomach growled and she winced a little but otherwise didn't move or make any indication that she needed anything.

Sebastian had literally been stuck in the middle of Vincent and Carter's exchange, uncertain of what to do. He'd been a little squished in the middle of them and had resorted to twiddling his thumbs to keep himself occupied. Seeing Carter was upset, he glanced at him and moved one of his hands to rest on his leg, near his knee. He rubbed his thumb against his leg as a way of trying to comfort him subtly.

When they finally reached the house, Amelia wearily followed the rest inside. She glanced at the door, remembering when herself and Blaire had rushed to the house after the attack at the club. It had only been a day...felt like forever ago. She looked around the living room, seeming to be searching for something before turning to the rest and pretending to draw on her hand.

Sebastian had watched her, concerned. "Uh, Carter? Do you have some paper and a pen that Amelia could borrow?" He then looked at Amelia, still with the same look of concern. "Is it something urgent? You should probably rest a while...you look tired." Amelia's expression shifted to that of annoyance before she shook her head and pretended to write on her hand once more. "Fine, but could you at least sit down? You really do look like you're going to pass out..." With a roll of her eyes Amelia sat on the couch in a huff. Sebastian had looked at the door on his way in. "Maybe we should patch that up before the sun rises?" He then glances around at the rest of the house, wondering if they were really safe here anymore.

Denix Vames - February 3, 2021

Carter had felt himself becoming exhausted. He had never used his vampiric abilities before until now. It was a strange and tiring experience.

He could barely squeeze Sebastian's hand. It seemed as though this whole situation really tired everybody.

At the house, Blaire ran into the kitchen. She nodded at Amelia. "I'll make us some sandwiches."

Carter went to the coffee table where he kept a notepad and pen there. "Yeah sure." He handed them to her. "Here."

Vincent snapped his fingers. In a split second, the broken door was now attached to its new boney hinges.

"There! All done!"

Carter nearly fell as he clutched his head. Still weak from the fighting he did. Vincent went to his side and touched his arm. "Let me help you."

Carter pushed him away. "I don't need your help!" "But I-" "You think that just because you died and became this demon thing that everything's just suddenly better?! You killed innocent people! You killed my fucking family!"

"I'm trying to be a better person!" He slammed him against the wall. "I don't care what you're trying to be!" "But I've been through a lot too! I know what it's like to feel this way!" "Bullshit! Don't give me your fucking sob story! The fact that you think that you can just casually come up here and say hello is what pisses me off!"

He was about to punch him.

Vincent flinched. "Stop it Theo!" Carter was taken aback by this. He stopped himself and let him go. Vincent ran past him. Going up the stairs and into the kids bedroom.

Blaire set the plate of sandwiches and glasses of orange juice on the table. He walked over to Carter and immediately slapped him.

Carter's eyes widened as he looked at her. Blaire glared. "Now, I don't know jack about vampires or werewolves or demons or whatever the hell else that exists but I know damn well that you need to apologize to him. So get your ass over there and do it. Do ya hear me?"

Carter slowly nodded. "Yeah." "Good. Now go."

He headed upstairs without saying another word.

Blaire shook his head. "I swear I don't understand men."

Denix Vames - February 3, 2021


shadowess - February 3, 2021

It's funny how just three words can make something so messed up suddenly make a lot of sense. When they'd heard what Vincent cried out, all eyes had been on him and silence had enveloped the house as he ran upstairs.

Sebastian had watched, feeling guilty for having not intervened. Instead he'd stood by and watched, having understood and agreed with what Carter in that moment. Amelia hadn't been able to do anything. She had wanted to calm down the whole situation but without a voice or enough energy to simply stand, all she could do was look on.

When Blaire had stepped in, Amelia had watched in admiration. She understood that striking your own friend and telling them how it is is not exactly an easy thing to do, even if it is sometimes required.

Sebastian watched as Carter went up the stairs after Vincent and after briefly looking between Blaire and Amelia, followed him up too with the intention of hanging around outside the door to make sure they were alright... And to also get out of firing line of Blaire's backhand. Seriously, for a human that looked like it hurt!

Amelia chortled at the comment then wrote on the pad; 'Join the club...' Along with; 'Thank you for the food.'
She smiled at Blaire then took up a sandwich, practically inhaling it. She had gone through so much that she hadn't really noticed how hungry she'd gotten. After a sandwich or two, she then wrote on the pad; 'I'm sorry I lied to you about what I am...I have a lot of enemies...I always have to be careful about who I tell.'

Denix Vames - February 3, 2021

Carter checked his bedroom but couldn't find him there. Then he went to his kids bedroom.

He slowly opened the door. "Can I come in?"

It looked as though Vincent had been crying. Despite not being able to see his face, he could tell. Vincent shrugged. "It's your house. You can enter any room."

Carter sat next to him on Sally's bed. He hesitated before speaking.

"I"m sorry. I didn't know Theo was...." Vincent chuckled. "I always covered it up. Pretending that what he did was normal. It's not like I was any better."

He looked at his opened palms. "Killing people because I thought it was art. Because I got a sick kick out of it."

He clenched his fists. "I'm still a little messed up but not like before."

Carter frowned. "What happened to him?"

Vincent sighed. "He didn't want to become a demon. He wanted to be a devil. He attempted to steal some books from the library. Saying that those could help him after David refused to turn him into a devil." He bit his lip. "I told him that we could do better. That we could be better. That's when he tried to kill me."

He hesitated. "David stopped him but....Theo's in chains now. He can't get loose unless David knows that he's a changed person."

He looked at the toys and other items in the room that reminded him of the kids he killed. "But a guy like that can never change. Not really."

Carter placed a hand on his shoulder. "Look...Whatever you're dealing with or whatever's going on, I just want you to know that....You have my back."

Vincent threw himself in his arms as he wrapped his own around his neck. Carter brought a hand over the back of his head with his other hand on his back. He could feel him crying until he heard him sniff.

Vincent smiled. "You smell like an old castle." Carter smirked. "Well, you smell like you've been through some damned souls." Vincent chuckled. "Touche."

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Denix Vames - February 3, 2021

Blaire smiled. "Hey, no problem. And you really don't have to worry about that. We all got our little secrets. It's a woman thing."

She ate her sandwich as well but couldn't stop staring at Amelia. She thought about how cute she looked. Wondering if she thought the same thing about her.

shadowess - February 3, 2021

Sebastian had heard the conversation through the door which was left open by a crack. He thought it best not to intrude so just waited outside until they were ready to come out. When he heard them talking about smells he peered through the crack in the door and rose a brow with a smirk at the sight of them hugging. Well, at least they weren't trying to kill each other anymore. Sebastian wasn't too worried about the hug. He trusted Carter. He just hoped Vincent would respect them enough to not push his luck.

Amelia started getting full after her third sandwich and she guzzled down the orange juice in no time. Feeling a lot better, she sat back on the couch with the pad in her hand. She glanced at Blaire and caught her staring. Smiling a little, she began to write on the pad again; 'I bet I look a mess...I'll see if I can borrow Carter's shower again after some sleep.' She then paused.

She looked around the house briefly as if troubled. Even glancing at the heavily curtained windows as if expecting to see shadows on the other side. She doubted she'd be able to sleep but she'd need to try. 'Do you think we're safe?' She writes and looks at Blaire with concern.

Denix Vames - February 3, 2021

Vincent leaned in to kiss him. Carter pressed his hand over his face. "Nope." Vincent sat back. He nervously smiled. "Sorry." Carter sighed. He pinched the brim of his nose.

"Look man, how about I help you find someone?" "Really? You'd do that for me?" "Of course. But I do need to know your type. I can't imagine it being werewolves these days." "Well, that all depends on how 'big' those vampires are." Carter flustered. "Uh yeah."

"Hey Sebastian! How big are you?" "What?!" Carter turned to the door. Was Sebastian seriously there? And how did Vincent even noticed?

Blaire waved a hand. "Oh you're alright hun. Though you could probably use a shower anyway. That house didn't exactly smell like peaches and blossoms."

She thought for a moment. "I'm sure we are. I mean I saw how Carter was beating the shit out of Bryce. There's no way they'd be interested in putting up fight until they've taken care of themselves. And I don't even know when that's gonna happen."

shadowess - February 3, 2021

Sebastian had clenched his fists silently as he watched Vincent trying to make a move then relaxed a little when Carter pushed him off. He was quite a bit pissed at Vincent but figured emotions were running high enough without adding jealousy to the mix. He tried to calm himself as he listened in until he heard Vincent talking to him through the door. Shit! For a second, Sebastian didn't react.

He knew he'd come up to make sure they were ok but now he felt like it would look different. Oh well. No going back now. He sighed and pushed the door open the rest of the way slowly and stared at Vincent from the doorway. "You seriously need to calm your shit." He scolded him.

Amelia chuckled silently at Blaire's comment about how the house smelled and she had to agree. She then looked at little troubled by her answer about whether they were safe. Her hand shook a little as she wrote; 'They hurt me bad. Took a lot of blood. I may need a couple of days to recover. I don't know how long my blood will make them strong. I've only given Sebastian a sip before and that lasted about one day...they each took quite a lot from me...'

She looked at Blaire, clearly still shaken by everything that had happened to her. She wondered how pitiful she must look to this human. A Devil in a weakened state and frightened...She felt ashamed of being so weak.

Denix Vames - February 3, 2021

"Oh c'mon!" Vincent stood and crossed his arms. He smirked.

"It's just a simple question. And besides, what's so wrong about fucking somebody?"

"Maybe Blaire should take him to the vampire club."

"A vampire club huh? That would be nice." He thought of the hot sexy vampires he would see there. Imagining them having their way with him.

Blaire frowned. She pat her back. "Don't worry. As long as we're around, you'll be ok. You could always hang out with me sometimes. Have a little girl talk every now and then."

shadowess - February 4, 2021

Sebastian didn't answer Vincent's question. He wondered if he was trying to get a rise out of Sebastian. Instead, he just narrowed his eyes a little then looked at Carter thoughtfully as he suggested the vampire club.

"Hmm, that's actually not a bad idea. For all of us to go out and let off some steam, I mean. Let's face it, we've had one hell of a stressful week. Might be good to do something that feels normal for a little while. We can help Vincent find someone while we're there. Probably best to leave it until tomorrow night though. I think we could all use a break today." Admittedly, Sebastian kind of liked the idea just so he could see if Carter would be up for dancing with him on the dance floor.


Blaire was trying her best to comfort Amelia. She could see that. She appreciated it greatly and wished she could believe she was safe. Unfortunately, she was having a great deal of trouble with that.

Maybe she'd feel better after a nap? Be able to think a bit clearer? She had to try. She wrote on the pad; 'Thank you, I'd like that. You've been very kind to me. I think I'm going to try to get some sleep now." She held up the notepad for Blaire to see with a little smile.

Denix Vames - February 4, 2021

"Aw! What a day it has been." He shrugged. "Oh well. I guess it wouldn't be such a bad thing to sleep."

Carter clutched his chest as he nearly fell over. He leaned against the bed.

Vincent raised a brow. "What's gotten into you?"

"I-I don't know." All that fighting had really tired Carter out. Especially by the fact that he had used his vampiric abilities for the first time.

He sniffed the air. "Ugh! Your blood smells awful!"

Vincent stuck out his tongue. "Well excuse you!" He walked out of the room. Feeling offended.

Blaire smiled. "Of course. What are friends for?" She nodded at the couch. "I'd guess you could sleep there. Unless you already found a spot for yourself."

shadowess - February 4, 2021

When Carter seemed to collapse, Sebastian entered the room and went over to him. He sat by him with a hand on his back. "Ah...right. This is what happens when you overexert yourself." He chuckled softly. "Let's get you into bed. I'll bring us up a couple of blood bags. You'll be fine after a drink and a sleep."

Amelia smiled and wrote on the pad; 'Here should be fine.'
She'd then set the notepad and pen down on the table and rest her head on the arm of the couch, trying to get comfortable. She could already feel her heavy eyelids closing so she relaxed and allowed herself to slip into a light and troubled sleep.

Denix Vames - February 4, 2021

Carter was led by Sebastian into his room where he sat at the edge of the bed.

"Thanks." He wasn't really happy about the idea that he needed to drink blood to survive. It was just something that he was still trying to get use to.

His mind wandered off to what happened to Parker. He blamed himself for it. Wishing he could go back in time and stop it all from happening.

He thought about Blaire and wondered if she should even be around them. He felt like he only ever brought people bad luck.

A few tears left his eyes.

Blaire kissed her head as she was about to leave. "Sleep well hun. And take care." She left. Driving back home.

Vincent waited until Amelia was in a deep sleep. He whispered into her ear. "You asked me once what that symbol meant. The 'Z' burned into every victim of Theo's. The truth is that it was nothing but a way to mark his territory. To show people who owned this city."

He frowned as silent tears rolled down his cheeks. "That's all he ever cared about."

He disappeared.

shadowess - February 4, 2021

Sebastian had slipped past Amelia who he noticed was in a deep sleep on the couch. Vincent and Blaire had probably left as he couldn't see them anywhere. He headed to the kitchen where he pulled out two blood bags, then picked his silly straw up off of the draining board with an amused smile before heading back upstairs.

When he stepped into the bedroom, he noticed the fresh tears rolling down Carter's cheeks. "Carter?" He stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He then sat next to Carter on the bed and offered him the bag. "Are you alright?" Sebastian was worried. He knew this week had just been a whirlwind of bad luck after bad luck.

Carter's entire life had changed in such a short space of time. It was understandable that he'd be a little overwhelmed. He just hoped he wouldn't try holding it all in. That he'd feel comfortable enough to tell Sebastian what was troubling him so he could get it off his chest and they could talk things through.

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Denix Vames - February 4, 2021

Carter took the bag but didn't drank it. He shook his head.

"None of you should be near me. I just make things worse for everybody."

shadowess - February 4, 2021

Sebastian sighed and popped a hole in his bag with his straw. "That's simply not true, Carter." He shook his head. "Sure, this week has been rough and the troubles seem to have been never ending...but rather than looking at the bad things that have happened or what we've lost, just look at all the things we've gained." He offered Carter a smile.

"For starters. You and me. Before you, I never thought I'd ever feel this kind of love. I didn't have any plans for the future at all...I was just...wandering. Alone. Then you pointed your gun at me in an alley and suddenly I couldn't imagine my life without you." He chuckled a little. "If not for meeting you, I never would have met Blaire. From what I can tell, she's a fantastic friend and I feel lucky that she's been so accepting and friendly toward me since the first night we met in the club- which was your idea to go to by the way!" He grinned at Carter.

"And finally, without you having met me, you never would have met Amelia. And believe me on this, she may seem like she warmed up to you immediately but she is a difficult woman to get to trust you...and she trusts you. Let's face it, it's not a half bad idea having a Devil as a friend. Especially in a pinch and she has gotten me out of a few!...Kind of feel like I may have repaid her a bit by saving her this time around...huh..."

Denix Vames - February 4, 2021

Carter couldn't help but chuckled at his words. He rubbed his eyes.

"I swear you just know the right words that get me going."

He looked at the bag then him. He smiled. "That silly straw huh?" He shook his head but kissed him.

That kiss was full of emotions as he held on tight before moving lips for another passionate kiss. He leaned his head against his as he caught breath.

"I feel so god damn lucky to have met you."

shadowess - February 4, 2021

Sebastian was relieved to see Carter smile and when he mentioned his silly straw, Sebastian smirked at him playfully. "Maybe we should get you one." He kissed Carter back with just as much passion. He brought up a hand to caress his cheek as they kissed.

He grinned, giving the end of his nose a quick, playful kiss. "Likewise." He then nodded to Carter's bag. "C'mon. Drink up. Then I'll show you something vampires can do in the bedroom." He says suggestively as he gently pulls away to drink up his own bag.

Denix Vames - February 4, 2021

Carter smirked. "I don't know about that."

He blushed at the nose kiss.

His heart skipped a beat when he heard him say that. He wondered what Sebastian would do. He was more excited now than ever to get into bed with him.

He bit into the bag and began to drink. As he did drink, some of the blood dripped down his neck.

shadowess - February 4, 2021

Finishing his bag, he placed it into the bin, remembering to remove the straw and place that to one side to wash later. He turned to Carter and waited until he too finished drinking his bag, smirking at the little mess he'd made on his neck. When he'd finish, he'd run a finger up his neck to gather up some of the spilled blood before licking his finger clean, smirking at Carter.

"Our venom doesn't just numb pain." He explains before he reaches his finger around the back of one of his fangs, pricking his own finger on the shorter, sharper fang hidden behind it. His pupils dilated a little, the venom reacting quickly but not enough was injected to render him 'drunk'. "It intensifies pleasure." He finishes and waits for Carter's reaction. To see if it was something he would want to try himself or if he wanted to wait before trying something like that.

Denix Vames - February 4, 2021

Carter's face went completely red as he watched him suck his finger. Butterflies danced in his stomach.

He listened to him talk about the venom. He leaned in and whispered. "You had me at 'pleasure.'"

shadowess - February 4, 2021

Amelia's chest rose and fell quickly as she dreamed. She lay on the couch, her head turning this way and that. In her dream she was running. Having been attacked again by Alex and Bryce, she managed to escape and ran to Carter's house as quickly as she could. She burst through the front door and began calling for Carter and Sebastian. She made her way into each room frantically but couldn't find any of them. Oh no! They must've taken them! She had to go rescue them, she couldn't leave them to suffer!

She ran out of a room and heard something click, feeling something tight around her wrist. She looked down at the silver-white handcuff that had been slapped around her wrist and the hand that held it. She looked up to see who it belonged to, and looked into Alex's eyes. "Do you like them?" He asked her. "I pulled them off an Angel, just for you." She tried to pull away and felt the metal begin to irritate and burn her skin a little. Any power she had left drained immediately, leaving her no stronger than a human. He laughed and out from the shadows behind him came Bryce, Carter and Sebastian to leer at her.

Amelia jumped in her sleep and fell off the couch. She lay there for a minute, catching her breath before sitting up and looking around. Alright, enough was enough. It was a nightmare! Nothing more! She'll have none of it! As soon as she got her strength back she had every intention of teleporting to those two bastard vampires and beating the living daylights out of them for what they did. She will not live in fear! She refused.

Getting to her feet, she wandered to the kitchen. She noted that the house was very quiet and still. For a heart wrenching moment, she thought of how similar it had looked to the version of the house in her dream then quickly shook her head as if shaking the very thought from her mind. She glanced at the clock. 3:30pm. That explains it. It was late evening to early morning by the time they got back last night, so understandably, everyone else would still be asleep right now. With a sigh, she made herself some coffee and sat at the kitchen table, knowing full well that she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep now.

Denix Vames - February 4, 2021

Vincent appeared. "Boy you sure do have the worst nightmares, don't you?" He poured himself a cup of coffee. He took a sip and gagged at the taste.

"Ugh! This is what he use to drink? How filthy." He sat at the table. He sighed. "Anyway, I was wondering if you knew anything about flirting. I mean I flirt sometimes but I really want to reel a hot vampire in for some BDSM playtime."

shadowess - February 4, 2021

Amelia had been holding her cup in both hands, the intense heat from the liquid inside actually feeling quite pleasant to her. She had been mulling over the dream she'd had when Vincent's voice pulled her from her thoughts. She watched as he helped himself to some coffee before sitting with her at the table. She only half paid attention to his remark on how the coffee tasted as she was still registering his comment on her nightmare.

She wondered if Vincent had developed the gift of telepathy when he'd changed. It was rare but not unheard of. These gifts usually depended on what kind of person was changing. But she could think of no other reason for him having seen what she'd dreamt of. To test her theory, and also because she'd left the notebook in the living room, she tried to focus on things she wanted him to hear; 'Are you a telepath?' She started with, staring at him for a moment.

She wasn't one herself so she wouldn't hear anything from him if he decided to send thoughts to her. So he would have to respond by actually speaking to her. If he didn't react, she'd sigh and get up to fetch the notepad while holding up a finger to him as if asking him to wait a moment.

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Denix Vames - February 4, 2021

Vincent gave her an annoyed look.

"Are you just going to stare at my beautiful face all day or are you going to answer my question?"

shadowess - February 4, 2021

Yeah, ok...he's not telepathic. That's a shame. Could've come in handy. Amelia returned after a moment with the notepad and pen and sat down at the table, scribbling away for a minute before holding it up for Vincent to see; 'I don't think Carter is interested...He's also taken so you should back off.'

Of course, Amelia hadn't heard the conversation in the room upstairs so had no idea yet that they planned on going to the Vampire Club later that evening. So she assumed Vincent was referring to Carter whom she'd seen him repeatedly try and fail to flirt with the night before when they were at the manor.

Denix Vames - February 4, 2021

Vincent rolled his eyes.

"I'm not talking about Carter." He smiled. "Although it would be nice to see him tied up."

He focused back on the subject. "I'm talking about flirting with the vampires at the club. Carter suggested I should go there to find myself. And Sebastian thought of the idea for everyone to go. Tomorrow night that is."

shadowess - February 4, 2021

Amelia's eyes widened a little and a look of excitement momentarily flashed in her eyes. She couldn't remember the last time she went clubbing and she felt she really needed to distract herself somehow. To feel something different other than fear. It might help her forget her worries, even if it's only for a night. Some weed and Demon's Brew wouldn't go amiss either! Help her relax a bit. Who knows? She might even get lucky. It's been a while since she had a ménage à trois!

She began scribbling on the notepad quickly; 'I'm coming to the club too! I'll give you some tips while we're there if you do something for me? Get some Demon's brew for us to pre-drink. Maybe even some weed? But don't tell Sebastian about the drugs. He gets judgy.'

She shown him the notepad and when she was certain he'd read it, she tore out the page, crumpled it up and it burst into flames in her hand. She controlled the little fire so that it would stay within her hand and die out once the paper was unreadable. She didn't need Sebastian or Carter knowing she planned on getting high. She could imagine the lecture from Sebastian already.

As for the Demon's brew, that was necessary for both she and Vincent if they hoped to get even the slightest alcohol buzz for the night as human alcohol simply isn't strong enough to affect them. It is poisonous to mortals though and for that reason it's only available in the Demon's Barracks section of Hell. Seeing as he's now a Demon though, popping in and out of Hell should be a breeze. They'll just have to make Blaire aware that she can't drink the same drinks as them.

Denix Vames - February 4, 2021

Vincent smirked. He leaned his hand against his head.

"Planning to enjoy yourself, are you? I can understand that."

He bit his lip. Wondering the possibilities of what he could do at the club.

"Alright. I'll be back in just a sec."

He disappeared.

He soon came back with a bag of weed and some paper. There was a bottle of Demon's Brew in his other hand.

"Where should we hide these for the club?"

shadowess - February 4, 2021

Amelia grinned at his remark and even more so when he reappeared with the drugs and Demon's Brew. His question however, left her a little troubled. She hadn't thought that far ahead and knew they'd need to hide it before Sebastian and Carter woke up. They'd also need to try and mask the smell of the weed which was strong despite it being in the bag.

Conscious of the vampires upstairs and their very keen sense of smell, she hurriedly wrote; 'Not here. Keep brew here. Hide weed near club. We'll pick it up on the way in." After holding it up for Vincent, she'd burn this note in the same way as the previous one.

Denix Vames - February 4, 2021

Vincent nodded. He stashed the brew in one of the bottom cabinets. He disappeared and placed the weed in a corner of the club in a small secret compartment that he quickly made to hide it.

He reappeared in the kitchen with a bottle of wine. "I missed this stuff."

shadowess - February 4, 2021

When Vincent returned, Amelia smiled at the bottle of wine as he commented on it. She then got to her feet and retrieved the Demon's Brew. This stuff, she wasn't so worried about Sebastian and Carter finding. She figured they'd drink too if they could while going to a club, so why shouldn't she?

She opened the cap and poured a shot into her coffee before putting it back in the cupboard. After the past couple of days and the nightmare she had, she needed something to take the edge off. She sat down and wrote on her notepad; 'So, how are you finding the change? Any questions?' She slides it into Vincent's view before sitting back in her seat and drinking the coffee.

Denix Vames - February 4, 2021

He poured a glass of wine for himself. "Just one. Why me? I did some pretty fucked up things and yet your friend David picked me to be the one to clear my sins and all that nonsense."

He drank a sip. Savoring the taste.

shadowess - February 4, 2021

Amelia thought for a moment with a small smile. Her eyes softened as she thought about her adoptive father. Then she wrote; 'David has a talent for seeing the potential for good in people...even when they don't see it themselves. That's why I chose him to lead the project. He must've seen some good in you, despite your past deeds.' She then gave him a stern look as she wrote; 'Don't let him down. This is a second- and final chance.'

She sighed, her eyes wandered the kitchen. She drank some more coffee and began to feel a little more relaxed. Maybe even a little adventurous as the Demon's Brew gave her false courage. She brought her eyes back around to grin mischievously at Vincent before she wrote; 'We're going to need outfits for the club. Want to go shopping with me?'

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