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Balance The Realms Nov 2020 - May 2021

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Shadowess - May 12, 2021

The nurse nodded and smiled, relieved to see him laying back again. "I'll give her a call for you now." she assured him. "Try to relax, I'm sure she'll be here as soon as she can." she said gently before leaving the room.

Jessica had just gotten back to her hotel room and put the food into the mini fridge when her phone rang. She looked at the number and wondered if it was Ben...but calling at this time? She answered it. "Hello?....what? oh, my God!...ok...ok, I'll be right there!" she hung up, her heart beating a little hard as she closed the fridge door, grabbed her jacket and her hotel key before running out of the hotel. She managed to get herself a taxi and got a ride to the hospital.

Within just a few minutes, Jessica was being lead into Ben's room where she hurried in and sat in the chair next to him. "I came as soon as I could. The nurse told me what happened. You saved so many people!" she said, in awe of him. First this man saved her from falling of a building, now he'd saved dozens of people in the cafeteria from a drugged up shooter! He was fast becoming a literal hero in Jessica's eyes.


River chuckled at their conversation. "The kid is smart, I'll give him that. Pretending not to know you while you're in uniform to keep his patrons at ease...clever." River wondered if Hades could still hear him or if he'd lost the ability to hear him when he put him into Will. "Well? come on then, we don't have all night. Ask him for a bag so we can get going...you don't want to let your hunger get the better of you...I mean -I'd- enjoy it but I'm pretty sure that kid would find it a good enough reason to kick my ass if you lost control under my watch."


Theo watched Kite run into the dome and open the backpack. He stood just outside, then watched in shock as Kite began shifting back into a human. He looked up at the moon then back at Kite. He should be stuck as a wolf until at least morning! They still had a few hours of night left! He whined and cried a little while staring at Kite, his tail between his legs. What kind of wolf is he?! This isn't normal!!


Oscar sat down opposite him when Leo explained how the government had found out about ADIEU's destruction so quickly. He then frowned, his eyebrows furrowing when Leo slammed his fist on the table and asked if he really thought the supernatural people in the government would be allied with ADIEU. "No, I don't. It's the humans in the government I don't trust." he answered simply. "There is such a thing as a corrupt politician- I've punished my fair share to know... I'm not trying to question your decisions, Leo. I'm just concerned that there might be more here than meets the eye...Alright, so your explanation makes sense. But do you want to know what else doesn't make sense to me? ADIEU's funding. They've been taken out time and again and always manage to reappear with well hidden facilities and in numbers. They seem to have an awful lot of money for a company that keeps having to rebuild and rehire, don't you think? -Someone- or something has to be behind that. Has to be funding their operations from a safe position and patenting their new weapons." He sighed, sitting back in his chair and staring at his food. The conversation putting him off his meal but he needed to get these concerns off his chest or they'd eat him up inside. "I'm not saying to not trust the government here...but I am saying, be careful who the government let work for them...not everyone who'd manage to get in will have good intentions..."


David frowned. the library was the only safe place in Hell but he could see why it might be boring to some. There wasn't much else to do apart from read books. He stood. "I suppose I could bring something from Earth to help keep you occupied for one evening. Is there anything in particular you'd like me to get for you?...within reason." He added the last part to make it clear he wouldn't be able to grab anything ridiculous or outlandish.


Denix Vames - May 12, 2021

Ben chuckled. "So I've heard. Anyway, how's your day been so far?" He blushed and cleared his throat. "Anything interesting happened?"


Will grit his teeth. "How much is it for a blood bag?" "Twenty bucks." "Twenty-?!" He sighed and pulled out a twenty dollar bill. Placing it over the counter. "Fine."

Hades bent down to open the mini fridge near his shoes. He took out a blood bag. Holding up with a pink silly straw in his other hand. He smiled. "Did you want a silly straw with it? It's free. Just for today."


"No, I don't want a silly straw! What do I look like? Five?!" Will grabbed the blood bag. He nipped into it. Drinking before getting a bit on his chin. He glared at him. "Give me that damn straw!" He snatched it out of his hand. Sticking the straw where he made the hole in. He began slurping as he walked over to a lone chair. Keeping his head down so he wouldn't look at anyone.


When Kite finished, he sighed as he pat his stomach. "Now, I gotta ask you something. Just what the hell were you fighting me for? I thought you were going to hurt Cindy but apparently not. Is there any way you can tell me?"


Leo's eyes glowed. The table began to shake. "Did you ever think that maybe ADIEU has one of those black market companies that supports them?! The US government isn't always to get everybody! Not to mention, there's plenty of other governments!"

The entire mansion began to shake. The walls and floors cracked but did not collapse. Leo's dish flew off. Breaking against a wall. He stood from his chair which fell back. Hitting the floor. He clenched his fists. "And what's wrong with humans?! Some humans can be trustworthy! Take for example that hillbilly guy in the overalls!"

He clutched his head. "I finally find a decent job! Even if it means being a soldier!" Bitter tears fell from his eyes. "I told you everything! I tried my best to be better! AND YOU DON'T TRUST ME?!"

The windows shattered. He disappeared. Heading back to the Whitehouse.


Ricky sighed and rolled his eyes. Still, he tried to think of something nice and simple. "TV."


shadowess - May 12, 2021

Jessica hesitated before answering. She was tempted to say 'no' but knew it wouldn't be fair on either Ben or Greg if she didn't bring it up. "I met up with a friend...I only met him a couple of days ago..." she started. "I told him about what happened. About my brothers and their friends...you saving me...but then he started asking about you." she explained, knowing how weird it was sounding but she needed to know for herself if he really was the same guy Greg had dated or if he had the same name by pure coincidence. Weirder shit has happened...

"He asked for your name and when I told him he said that you two used to date...that he thought you were dead. He kept asking for your number and even suggested going to your apartment. Don't worry, I haven't given him any of those details...I just told him I would when I had them so he'd relax and stop asking...I wanted to tell you about it first. See what you thought because...I duno, he seemed to be acting weird to me...I didn't feel comfortable at all. His name if Greg Fuller. Do you know him?"


"Eh, it's not all bad...at least it's a nice color." River chortled. "Matches our eye..." it teased. "So, now that you got the thirst all quenched, what's next on the to do list tonight?"


Theo tilted his head and whined at Kite in response, making it clear he had no way of communicating just yet. He was still in shock at how quickly Kite had gotten himself under control and returned to human form. This should be impossible. He squeezed himself through the hole leading into the dome and trotted over to Kite, sniffing at him curiously. He smelled like a normal wolf...this didn't make any sense! He walked around him, sniffing at him as he did and took a step back, barking and whining then shaking his body before staring at Kite. He just didn't understand what was happening here.


Oscar wasn't intimidated by Leo's outbursts. He sat quietly, frowning with his eyebrows furrowed as Leo shouted at him. This was what Oscar had been afraid of. This was why he'd been nervous to bring it up. When Leo vanished, Oscar looked around the room at the mess, his face a little red and tears stinging his eyes. He looked back down at his own plate and sighed, getting to his feet. "I'm not cleaning this shit up..." he muttered angrily. He left the room, wiping at his eyes then leant against a wall with his arm folded as he thought about what Leo said.

Maybe Leo had some good points but it was like he just wasn't willing to listen to Oscar or consider that Oscar might just be worried about him. He seemed to think that Oscar doesn't trust him when that couldn't be further from the truth...ironically, Oscar felt like Leo didn't trust -him-, especially with how quick he was to jump to conclusions about him. Oscar began questioning their relationship again. It just seemed to Oscar that Leo was ready to drop him or hurt him at every turn. He needed to get away again to calm down. If he didn't, he had half a mind to take his dragon form and burn the whole damn mansion to the ground out of spite. He vanished as well, returning to Hell.


David flustered a little at the request. "I could bring a TV and some game consoles? or perhaps a DVD player? Otherwise, I'm afraid there's no signal in Hell...all you'd get is static..."


Denix Vames - May 12, 2021

Ben frowned. "No offense to that guy but we've never met. Though I feel bad for him. Maybe I can talk to him? Clear his mind so he can somehow move on."


Will left the bag on the table but kept the silly straw in his pocket. He headed out. Getting into the cruiser. "Now, we park somewhere and wait for shit to happen."


Kite seemed worried. "Hey, what's wrong man?" He rubbed his head. "You ok?"


"Hell yeah! Action movies and Mortal Kombat!" ,said Ricky as his eyes lit up.


Shadowess - May 12, 2021

Relief washed over Jessica at Ben's words. She felt bad for Greg but she also couldn't help feeling her heart lift when he said he didn't know him. "Sure, I think that might help him get some closure." Jessica said as she took out her mobile. "I could give you his number? or you can borrow my phone if you wanted to talk to him now? Though I think he said he was going to work when he left earlier, so I don't know if he'd answer."


"...Really? Is that it?" River sighed. "And here I thought being a part of a cop would be exciting..."


Theo didn't move when Kite rubbed his head, just continued to stare at him while whining. He backed up a bit and looked up at the moon then back down at Kite. He did this a couple more times to try to signal to Kite that he was confused because he shouldn't be human yet. He padded his front paws into the grass nervously then took a step forward and sniffed at Kite again, still trying to figure out how this was possible.


David nodded with a small smile. "I'll be right back." he said and vanished.

It took a couple of trips but David managed to bring back a TV, a couple of games consoles and some action movies that a few humans were kind enough to inform him were the current big hits. Otherwise, David wouldn't have had a clue which games or movies were good and might have come back with a few movies from 1940. David liked to think that he was up to date with current trends but admittedly, some things occasionally slip through the cracks and he sometimes confuses what's popular now with what was popular when he'd been alive. After figuring out how to set up the TV in a part of Hell that had no electrical mains, (a generator had to be brought in), Ricky was all set to play as many games and watch as many movies as he wanted.

"There, that should keep you from getting bored." David said he stood from the generator. "Alright, you're all set. I'll come back in the morning. Have fun." he vanished, leaving Ricky to it. Little did he know that the noise from the TV would soon attract nearby Demons to the room. Before long, Ricky would have a few Demons asking to either watch the TV with him or play games with him. As long as he was in the library, non of the Demons seemed threatening, because they were all aware of the law regarding the building. A few Demons brought in Demon Brew to make a party out of it. A couple popped back to Earth and came back with drinks and food that Ricky could enjoy as well. Something like this never happened in Hell so they all jumped at the chance to have a good time. Before long, Ricky would be making quite a few friends in Hell.


Denix Vames - May 12, 2021

"I think I'll just have his number." Ben looked around. "Where did that nurse leave my phone?"


Will rolled his eye. "You'll get some action when I need to be a part of it." He drove down the road until he reached a space between buildings. A much large alley that was meant for cars besides people. He parked his car there. Waiting.


Kite looked up at the moon. "I'm guessing I'm supposed to be a wolf right now." He shrugged. "But you shouldn't be so worried about it. It's not like I'm a monster. Or would this be better for you?"


He turned into his wolf pup form. He barked as he ran around. Wagging his tail. Getting all pumped up.


Ricky started getting drunk with his new Demon friends as they were playing games and watching movies together. He soon passed out from all the booze.


Vincent and Elliot appeared in the living room. "We're back!" ,said Elliot. Charles held up a finger as he said, "Shh! Neva's sleeping." "Oh. Sorry." Vincent smiled. "So, how was she?"


shadowess - May 12, 2021

Jessica glanced around then got to her feet. "I'll go ask for it." she said before heading out of the room and looking for the nurse. A few minutes later, Jessica returned with his phone in her hand and passed it to him. "She'd forgot to put it back in your uniform pocket after she called me. She had it on her." she explained as she sat down again. She took out her phone and pulled up Greg's number, passing it to Ben. "Here you go."


"Fun..." River sulked. "In that case, give me a shout when things get interesting...I'ma play some snooker for a while..."


Theo was beginning to relax about the idea as Kite reassured him. He figured he could always talk to him about what happened when he changed back in the morning. He then jumped back and let out an alarmed cry when Kite changed into a wolf pup. He moved back hurriedly, watching him run around in shock until his backside hit the side of the dome and it wobbled and shivered from him touching it. What the hell was going on?! How did he do that?! Theo watched him running around for a minute before running up and sniffing at him again, his nose nudging him and accidentally knocking him over as he did.


"Good as gold." Amelia replied as she got to her feet with a grunt, a hand on her belly. "You two are lucky. She's such a sweet, well behaved child." she complimented. "Did you guys have fun?"


Denix Vames - May 12, 2021

"Thanks." Ben put the number in his phone. He gave her phone back. He set his phone on the drawer near him. He sighed. "I wish I could get out of bed. It feels so empty being here."


As he said this, a speeding car passed by. "What luck." Will started driving towards the car with his sirens and lights on.


(mind if you play as the speeding driver?)


Kite transformed back as a human. He stood and dusted himself off. "Geez man. You really need to calm down." He grabbed the bag of clothes. "Anyway, I'm done playing werewolf. I just want to go home."


"Surprisingly yes. He seems to know a lot about gothic and emo history." ,said Vincent. "Yeah, he's really smart." ,said Elliot.


Shadowess - May 12, 2021

"Did they say how long you had to stay here?" Jessica asked.

"Just tonight." Nurse May said as she walked back into the room holding a clipboard. She looked at Will. "We have your X-Rays back, looks like your ribs haven't been broken or fractured from the impact, so that's good. We'll need to keep you overnight though, as I said. Just to keep an eye on you and make sure you're alright. If all goes well, you'll be able to leave as early as the morning."

She then turned to Jessica. "In the meantime, I'm going to have to ask visitors to leave for now so patients can rest. I understand that you just got here but it is very late in the evening and your friend here is in good hands. You can come back in the morning, I'm sure he'll need a hand getting home." She turned back to Ben. "I'll write a prescription for some pain relief for you and would strongly recommend you stay away from driving or heavy lifting until your bruises have healed."



"What was that?" River asked as the sound of cue balls hitting each other rang through Will's mind.

The driver in the speeding vehicle was a man of around twenty years old. He had very short, bright orange hair. Pale, freckled skin and blue eyes. The car had been heavily modded and had a spoiler on the back. When he heard the sirens, he cursed loudly through his blaring music and put his foot down on the acceleration. Weaving between cars dangerously to try and lose Will.


Theo stood back as Kite changed back into a human and went for his clothes. He tilted his head at Kite and rolled his eyes when Kite referred to this as 'playing werewolf'. Theo was looking forward to explaining a few things once he was human again. When Kite said he wanted to go home, he tilted his head in the other direction then looked at the hole they'd climbed through, wondering if Kite would fit through in the form he had now. Theo ran over to the hole and climbed through ahead of him, waiting on the other side. He turned to face Kite and barked, wagging his tail a bit, ready to follow.


Amelia grinned. "Oh, that's good. You guys will have to explain it to me sometime...for now though, I'm pretty tired." she chuckled and looked at Charles. "I think it's about time we headed home and got some rest ourselves." she then walked over to Vincent and Elliot, giving them each a hug. "You guys give us a call if you ever want another night off. Or if you just want to catch up. I'd love to come visit again." she said as she hugged them.

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Denix Vames - May 12, 2021

Ben nodded. He held Jessica's hand. Brushing a thumb over her hand. "Jessica. Take care and see ya tomorrow." He smiled. "I can't wait to see you again."


"Can you stop playing whatever game you've got going on?! I'm chasing someone!" Will hit the gas pedal. Trying to catch up with them.


He picked up the little speaker that was part of the interior of the car. "Pull over the vehicle! Now!"


Kite put on some briefs, jeans, and a white shirt. He zipped up the bag full of meat and put it over his shoulders. Doing the same with the empty bag.

He walked over to the large dugged hole. He crawled under. Struggling a bit but getting out. He looked around. "How do we get home?" He sniffed the air. "Everything smells new. I don't recognize any of this. There's no way we'll be able to head back to the city."


"That be mighty fine." ,said Elliot. "We would be happy to see you two again." ,said Vincent. Charles awkwardly hugged them both.

Charles and Amelia soon disappeared. Appearing back home.


Shadowess - May 12, 2021

Jessica felt her heart flutter as Ben took her hand. She blushed and smiled as she felt his thumb move over her hand and could feel herself melt as he said he couldn't wait to see her again. "You too." she said softly, "Good night, Ben." she said before reluctantly letting his hand go and leaving the hospital. She paused in the entrance of the hospital and sighed with a small smile. She felt that light feeling again and she was looking forward to coming back in the morning. She took out her pack of cigarettes and went to take one out. She paused, looking at them for a moment before changing her mind and placing them back into her bag. She then called a taxi to take her back to her hotel room.


"Oh, shit. Really?!" River said as it began paying more attention to what Will was doing again. "Oh damn, your heart is beating so fast! Go get 'em boss!"

"Oh, shit! Oh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" the driver was beginning to panic as he heard Wills voice over the speaker. He just wanted to get into street races. He didn't want to go to jail! He continued trying to flee, turning a tight corner and narrowly missing the building. He ended up driving a bit on the pavement before managing to pull back onto the road.

"He's a little all over the place, isn't he?" River noted. "This guy's guna hit someone if he's not stopped soon. Can't you shoot out a tire or something?"


Luckily for Kite, Theo hadn't had the luxury of being teleported out here. So he knew exactly which way to go to get back to the city, or at the very least, a road they can get a taxi from. He started leading the way, looking back at Kite briefly and barking to let him know he should follow. He lead Kite through a small portion of the woods until they reached a long stretch of road. He trotted alongside the road, staying close to Kite as they walked. The road was dead, with not a single car in sight. So much for a taxi or hitchhiking... Guess they'd just have to hoof it.

As they walked closer and closer to the city, the sky began to brighten. Theo could feel the moons power beginning to weaken until finally, he darted off into a nearby bush as his form began to convulse and shift involuntarily. He let out a couple of pained cries and grunts before standing up again, breathing heavily. "Oh, thank fuck for that... That has to be the longest full moon I've ever gone through..." He breathed as he stepped out from behind the bushes to walk alongside Kite again. He lifted a hand to his ear, feeling the chip in it and cringing a bit. "Great...another scar to add to the collection...At least you know you're not a push over as a wolf..." he laughed and held out a hand to Kite.

"We never got a chance to introduce ourselves. My name is Theo. No hard feelings, by the way. I was trying to warn you off of hunting humans and I think you took that as an invitation to a fight... If I'd backed down, you would have wound up being my Alpha..." He looked ahead, at the city just a short distance away. "We got a bit of a walk ahead of us..." he said, nodding towards the city. "So, if you wana ask any questions, I don't think there's a better time."


Amelia was still smiling as they appeared back in their apartment, in London. They'd all come a long way since they first met each other. She recalled her first encounter with Vincent. How crazy he was and how, over time, he became a perfectly sane man with a family of his own. She grinned a little, remembering when they'd first met Elliot in the vampire club. When she pissed everyone off by scaring him with her prank. He was still a little fainty, but he seemed a lot stronger and braver than when they'd first met. She couldn't imagine her life without them in it.

She looked at Charles, grinning still. "I think I needed that. It was nice to see them again." she said softly, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.


Denix Vames - May 12, 2021

"This isn't Mission Impossible! If I shoot out any tire then he'll crash into someone!" ,said Will. He grabbed the radio. "This is Officer Will. I'm at Bucking Road. Attempting to stop a speeding driver who will not comply. Send any available units as backup."


Kite shook his hand. He raised a brow. "What the fuck is an Alpha? Is that a sexual thing? Because I'm already taken."


Charles placed his hands on her waist. Smiling at her. "It really was. I finally have a family again." He kissed her. "I'm just hoping I won't lose any of you guys."


shadowess - May 12, 2021

"Well, shit...I duno, then. This whole thing is your area of expertise" River said.

The driver continued to drive erratically. Still panicking when he looked in his rearview to see Will was still on his tail. He made another sharp turn, aiming to drive down an alley in the hopes of losing Will.


Theo couldn't help chuckling at Kite's question. "I know you're taken, man. I was there when you saved her." he laughed. "No, it's nothing sexual. It's a pack thing...See, I was born what I am and I used to be part of a pack. I grew up with the rules and etiquette they had. Since being on my own, I've found that other packs generally tend to have the same or similar rules and they're very close to the kind of rules that actual wolves follow. A pack is like a family. We protect each other. Stick together. Especially under a full moon. The Alpha keeps the rest of the pack in line. Stops them from hunting humans, leads hunts for food and guards the pack when they're resting. That kind of thing...Like, a leader. Also, wolves aren't supposed to turn a human unless they get permission from the Alpha. Sort of a population control thing so we can stay off the human's radar and avoid being hunted during the full moon."

He then clicked his fingers, his cheeks turning red as he remembered some vital information this new wolf should know. "Oh, and...considering your new... and you have a girlfriend...be careful in the run up to the full moon. Our sex drive goes through the roof and, as males, our venom isn't the only thing that becomes potent during those couple of days. So, if you really gotta get it out of your system, make sure you wear protection...not unless you -want- a set of twins or triplets running around..." he laughed.


Amelia smiled into his kiss then looked at him with softened eyes when he voiced his concern for them. "I hope we don't lose anyone either. I don't know what I'd do without you." she said softly. "This. All of this...it just feel so right, doesn't it?" she grinned. "I never thought I'd ever be this lucky."


Denix Vames - May 12, 2021

A few police cars soon came to Will's aid as he still driving. Continuing to follow the speeding driver.


"That sounds like a lot of dumb rules and the weirdest system. No offense but I rather not be a part of that. And for your information, I don't eat humans." ,said Kite.


His face went red as his eyes widened. "Me and Cindy had uh...." He cleared his throat. "It was the heat of the moment."


"Me either." ,said Charles.

Jasper appeared with flyers. "Wedding invitations! And we're not pushing the date back any more than we already did!" He shoved a flyer on Charles who took it. He handed a flyer to Amelia. "Wedding's gonna happen tomorrow morning so be ready for it!"


shadowess - May 12, 2021

The driver sped down the alley but the corner ahead was another sharp one. To make matters worse, the driver could see flashing blue lights getting brighter around the corner and knew he was trapped. He hammered on the breaks, the car stopping just mere centimeters from the wall. He jumped out and ran, climbing up and dumpster in desperation and then jumping for a fire escape ladder.


"Oh, uh...fair enough." Theo said, a little disappointed that Kite didn't want to be part of a pack. Theo hadn't been part of one for so long that he'd been beginning to miss what it had been like. The closeness. The feeling of belonging and knowing you were watched over and protected. "I get it...I've been a lone wolf for the better part of ten years...We don't eat humans either by the way. When we hunt during the full moon, it's for deer or other animals as means of sustenance. The only wolves that eat humans are either mad or are going through their first full moon and can't control themselves. That's when an Alpha is needed the most. They can keep new wolves under control and take down the crazy ones before they can cause damage..." he explained, hoping to clear up any misunderstanding he might have caused.

He then paused and looked at Kite sympathetically when Kite admitted he and his girlfriend had already been intimate over the past couple of days. "Damn...Well...I guess there's always a chance that it didn't- that's she's not..." Theo's face turned a little red and he faced forward, letting out a deep breath as he patted Kite on the shoulder. The truth was, the chances of conception for wolves was very high but they wouldn't know for certain until she could get tested. He didn't want to end up giving Kite false hope. "Sorry, man...I don't know who turned you but they should have told you all of this already...Being changed and then left like that with no clue? Just asking for trouble..." He shook his head.


Amelia jumped a little when Jasper appeared and handed them flyers to an apparent wedding. She stared at Jasper for a long moment, trying to remember whether she knew him or not but for the life of her, couldn't recall ever meeting this strange cowboy. Of course, this was because she and Charles had moved to London shortly before Jasper's arrival in the group. "Um, thank you?" she chuckled as she looked at the flyer, then noticed the name of Jasper's husband to be. "Wait, Carter? As in, related to Travis Carter?" she looked up at Jasper.


Denix Vames - May 12, 2021

"Damn it!" Will stopped his car. He hopped out. Heading up the ladder as well. "Make this easy for yourself and give up!"


Kite moved himself away from his hand. "It was one of you guys. Some werewolf bit into me but he was trying to go after Will. I stopped him but...." He shook his head. "I don't know where he is now."


Jasper flustered. "Uh...." "We're friends of Carter. So yes, we'll go." ,said Charles. Jasper awkwardly rubbed his arm. "Shit! I didn't realize we never met? I just felt that you guys were connected to Carter in some way. But yeah, Beau Carter is his many great grandfather. We're getting married. Ever since we met in eighteen something, we've been together."


Ben was sleeping in bed. Dreaming of Jessica. They were hanging out near a business. Sitting at a table with their meals. It seemed like everyone was happy. Smiling and enjoying the company.

Then he heard gunshots and watched her eyes widened as blood sprayed everywhere. He turned to the shooter who he had taken down at the cafeteria. Another shot rang out. There was a flash of light before he woke up screaming.

He caught his breath. He was sweating. His eyes were wide.


Shadowess - May 12, 2021

The male continued climbing up. Sweat pouring off him as he tried to out climb Will. "I can't go to jail!!" he screamed back, still climbing.

"So, er...you remember that you have inhuman speed, right? You don't have to go all supernatural on his ass but you could always use just a little that it'd still be undetectable to anyone watching." River suggested.


"Ok, stop." Theo said, getting agitated by Kite's racist attitude. He walked in front of him and stopped, blocking his path to face him. "Look, I'm sorry that this happened to you, alright? But do not lump the rest of us in with the crazies! I just told you that most of us have codes and rules to stop this sort of thing happening. Whoever bit you wasn't following those rules, so if you want to blame anyone, blame that. Specific. Wolf. Not all of us. Even us lone wolves have a code, otherwise we put ourselves in danger of being discovered. When we do turn a human, we make sure that human knows what they're getting into and that they -give consent- to it. We don't go around attacking and biting humans for the fun of it, alright? To suggest that we do is insulting." He shook his head a little and turned away from Kite, walking ahead of him. Granted, Theo had been crazy like that before his death. But even when he'd been mad, he still stuck to the principle of not turning humans against their will. It was the main reason Vincent was never turned. Of all the horrible things he did to Vincent...he could never do that to him.


"I suppose it was a lucky guess, then." Amelia chuckled. She then grinned at his explanation. "Oh, wow! For that long? That's so romantic! Congratulations!" She beamed and held out her hand for him to shake. "My name is Amelia. I know Carter through his boyfriend, Sebastian. This is my boyfriend, Charles."


Nurse May had been reading charts at the desk, not too far away from Ben's room when she heard his shout. She put the charts down and walked over to his room, poking her head in and looking in on Ben. "Everything alright?" she asked gently. It was still the early hours of the morning. The sun had barely risen yet. At this time, Jessica would still be sound asleep in her hotel room.


Denix Vames - May 12, 2021

Will got to the rooftop when the suspect did. He ran a bit quicker than him. Tackling him to the ground. "Don't even try to fight back!"


Kite clenched his fists. He remained silent. Following him behind.


Jasper shook their hands. "Nice to meet ya'll. Have ya met my grandson? His name's Elliot." "We have actually." ,said Charles. "So, can ya'll help me get everybody to Texas so that we can have the wedding?"


Ben nodded. He sat up. He ran his hands through his hair. "Just dreaming. That's all."


shadowess - May 12, 2021

The male sprinted across the rooftop, not really knowing where to run to and just wanting to get away from Will. He was trying to figure out what he was going to do when he'd reach the ledge when he was suddenly knocked to the ground. He felt Will already having a hold of him and heard the order to not fight back. "No! Don't! I can't go to jail! I can't!" he screamed, struggling to get out of Will's grip.

"Is it just me, or does this kid just love doing the opposite of what you say?" River observed.


Theo and Kite continued to walk in silence until they were a lot closer to the city. Theo would need to go off and find his clothes before finding somewhere safe to lay his head for a while after such an exhausting night. He glanced back at Kite and sighed heavily as he slowed to a stop. "I'm sorry I snapped at you...You don't know what it's like...having other races make assumptions about you all the time based on your specie...It's not just humans that get us wrong and hate us, either. We're...misunderstood..."

He turned and looked at Kite, seriously. "I know you said you'd rather not be a part of a pack, but if you ever want to hang out or ask me any questions, I wouldn't mind you contacting me...I er-...Don't really have a phone or an address right now but...well, you should be familiar with my scent by now." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Good luck...with your girl. Hope she's alright after last night. Take it easy." he turned and started walking away from the road and towards the trees.


"Of course!" Amelia answered. "We'd love to help." she supposed there was always time to rest afterwards. "Though, Just so you know, I currently can't teleport anywhere. My powers are gone while I'm pregnant." she explained and placed a hand on her belly.


Nurse May gave him a kind smile. "Would you like me to bring you some water?" she offered.


Denix Vames - May 12, 2021

Will pressed his knee against his back. He handcuffed him. He pulled him by the back of his shirt. "Now follow me and do exactly as I say or you're going to get charged for even more shit!"


Kite frowned. He watched him leave. "Should have never saved Will." He continued walking. Searching for his apartment. He soon found himself there. He stepped into the building. Heading to his door. He knocked. "Cindy? You in there?"


"That's fine. I'm gonna teleport everybody to where the wedding is. Tomorrow of course. I want everybody to get ready to dress up in them fancy suits and dresses." ,said Jasper. "And you're going to give everybody these flyers?" ,asked Charles. "Well sure." Jasper waved. "Speaking of which, I gotta go."


Ben hesitantly nodded. "Sure. I guess I could use some."

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shadowess - May 13, 2021

The male struggled a bit as Will handcuffed him and dragged him to his feet. He glared a little at Will when he ordered him to follow him but didn't argue. He knew he'd fucked up and was currently surrounded on all sides by police by now anyway. He lowered his head and followed Will.

"Nicely done, boss. And you barely had to use any powers." River complimented.


After the events of last night, Cindy was sleeping lightly and jumped awake at the sound of knocking on the door. She heard Kite's voice and felt her heart lift. "Kite!" she said happily, and pushed herself to her feet. She stumbled a bit, still recovering from what ADIEU had done to her as she made her way to the door. She leant against it for a moment, resting before unlocking it and opening the door. She flung her arms around Kite and held onto him tightly. "You saved me again." she cried into his shoulder.


Amelia chuckled. "Alright then, we'll see you tomorrow."


The nurse smiled and nodded before walking away. She came back few a few minutes later with a glass of water and handed it to Ben. "There you go. I'll just be out here if you need anything else, ok?" she said kindly before leaving the room again. The whole hospital seemed quiet this late at night. The majority of patients were fast asleep with only a few new cases trickling in. The doctors and nurses on duty were trying their best to work quietly so the sleeping patients could rest undisturbed.


Denix Vames - May 13, 2021

Will guided him until they reached the ladder. "Damn it! Can one of you guys help me get him down?"

A tall cop held out his arms. Will let the suspect go who was caught by the tall cop then set on his feet. He began going down the ladder.


Kite wrapped his arms around her as he sobbed. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop them!"


Jasper disappeared. He began leaving flyers where his friends could find them.


Ben nodded. He drank some of the water then set it the glass on the drawer. He frowned. He covered his face as he silently cried.


Shadowess - May 13, 2021

(Maybe we could catch up with the other two once it's 'morning'?)

"Wait, what are you-? You can't be serious! Don't drop me down- ahh!" the male protested before Will let him drop down to be caught by another cop. "You're fucking crazy!!" he shouted up at him after the taller cop caught him. Thankfully, the building wasn't actually that tall. Two stories at the most.

"Well, I mean...he was the one who chose to go to a rooftop with a ladder and no stairs...wait, there aren't actually any stairs up here, are there?" River questioned, thinking it odd that the only way to get down from the roof was via a fire escape ladder. Wasn't there usually a door that lead to a set of stairs in the building?


Cindy cried into his shoulder as Kite held her and she shook her head, gripping his shirt tightly. "That wasn't your fault! Besides, you came for me! You came and saved me from that awful place! Not just me! You saved everyone!" She started kissing his shoulder and his neck, just happy that they were together again. Happy to be in his arms. Happy that they were both safe. All she wanted now was to just be with him. To forget what happened in that facility. She'd do anything to not have to think about what happened there or how much it had hurt. "Oh God, I love you Kite!" she kissed his cheek then rested her head against his. "I love you so much! You're amazing! You were so heroic! You saved so many people!"


Denix Vames - May 13, 2021

(thats fine)

"Whoops! Didn't think about that." Will shrugged. "Oh well." He went down the ladder. The suspect was being placed in the backseat of the cruiser after being read his rights. Everybody else drove off while that cruiser was taking him to the PD.

Will went back into his cruiser and drove down the road. "Well, that was something else. Been a while since I've had to go on a roof."


Kite smiled. "I did, didn't I? I didn't think about it like that. But I"m glad I saved them. And I'm glad I saved you."

He kissed her passionately as he caressed her cheek.


Shadowess - May 13, 2021

River laughed at Will's response to not taking the stairs. "I'm guessing criminals aren't usually stupid enough to climb up to them?" River asked once they were in the cruiser. "Well, what's next boss?"


Cindy smiled into his kiss, running her hand through his hair. "My hero." she whispered with a smile before kissing him again just as passionately. Her passion building as they kept going. She ran a hand over his chest, then down over his stomach and back up, under his shirt. She slipped her tongue into his mouth.


Denix Vames - May 13, 2021

"Now, we park somewhere else and wait for shit to happen." And Will did just that. Parking himself between buildings. Waiting for a passing driver to make a mistake.


Kite lifted her off the floor. Letting her legs wrap around his hips. He brought her to the couch. He slipped his bags off. He kissed at her neck before taking his shirt off.


Shadowess - May 13, 2021

"Fun..." River yawned, thinking the chances of another idiot breaking the law in front of them tonight would be slim. "Well, while we wait, I'm guna take a quick snooze...wake me up if things get exciting again."


Cindy loved the way Kite could lift her so easily, like she weighed nothing. She continued to kiss him as he took her to the couch, the front door closing as they walked away from it. She tilted her head back and let out soft, shaky breaths as he kissed her neck. She watched him take off his shirt while biting her lip excitedly. She leant forward, kissing him deeply while caressing his bare chest. She tugged her hospital gown off before continueing to kiss him.


Denix Vames - May 13, 2021

"Will do." Will watched out. Waiting for someone to do anything.


Kite started kissing her chest. Going further down. He unbuckled himself. Taking the rest of his clothes off. He sat her up. Pressing her against himself. Kissing her as his hands went to her waist.

(private time)


Gabriel was laying naked under the covers. He was on his side. Relaxing.


Shadowess - May 13, 2021

Robert had been laying on his back, staring up at the ceiling after Gabriel had had his way with him. He wondered if this was the kind of servant that Gabriel now expected him to be. He turned his head a little to look at him, unsure of how to feel about this whole situation. He'd enjoyed what they'd done, sure. There was a sort of kinkiness in what had happened that Rob had to admit that he found exciting. But he didn't know whether or not he liked the idea of being Gabriel's personal sex slave. Then again, this was supposed to be a punishment for all the things he'd done wrong...so it wasn't like he -could- complain even if he didn't like it. "So..." he started, a little hesitant. "So, what happens now? I mean, what other kinds of things do you want me to do for you?" he asked, hoping Gabriel would tell him what to expect from being his assistant.


Denix Vames - May 13, 2021

"Whatever I want you to do. Like leaving me alone. And how about you go polish my armor?" ,said Gabriel as he yawned.


Shadowess - May 13, 2021

Robert blinked, frowning at how cold Gabriel suddenly seemed. "Oh...o-ok...yes, sir." he climbed out of the bed and put his clothes back on before scooping up Gabriel's armor, struggling a little to hold it all in his arms as he carried it out of the room to leave Gabriel in peace as he'd requested. He took the armor to a large room where he set it all down carefully.

He then went about trying to find polish and a cloth he could use. He searched various cupboards and drawers, unfamiliar with the layout of Gabriel's home, until he finally found the things he would need. He headed back into the large room and began rubbing the polish into his breastplate and buffing it out with the cloth to make the steel shine. He felt tears welling up in his eyes as he had to remind himself that he was lucky to be given this second chance. If not for that, he'd be just as dead as Michael...as the Angels he worked with...as his friends...

A tear fell onto the armor and Rob quickly wiped it off before wiping his eyes on his sleeves and polishing the armor a little faster as he tried to force those thoughts away.


Shadowess - May 13, 2021

(Want me to post as another character as well?)


Denix Vames - May 13, 2021

(sure. im assuming you mean a current character. also ill play Will again)

Gabriel placed his hands on his shoulders from behind. "Yes, you are lucky. But that doesn't mean you're worthless. I probably should have made that clear. I'm sorry. So take a deep breath and look at me."


Will bit his lip before speaking. "Did you ever wondered why I named you River?"


shadowess - May 13, 2021

Gabriel is a telepath?! Robert felt his cheeks redden at the realization when he felt his hands on his shoulders and heart his voice from behind him. He froze and thought about what he 'd said while taking a deep breath to calm himself down. He then carefully set the armor on the table before turning to look at Gabriel.


River stirred once more as Will addressed him. "I wasn't sure if it was something you'd come up with on the spot, to be honest..." it answered, then thought for a moment. "Did you name me after someone, Will?"


Sebastian's eyes flickered open to the sound of birds outside the window. It was early morning. Sebastian still wasn't used to waking up so early in the day. After spending years waking up after sunset, he felt weird waking up after sunrise instead. But considering how broken their sleeping pattern had been lately, it was only natural that his body woke him up once he'd gotten enough sleep, regardless of the time. He smiled at Carter who seemed to be sleeping peacefully still and he cuddled up to him.


Jessica woke up early in the morning. After a quick shower, she got dressed and was ready to head back to the hospital to help Ben to get home. She could barely sleep, thinking through what had happened with Greg, what had happened to Ben and what Ben had said to her before she left him at the hospital. She headed out of the hotel room and got into a cab, heading to the hospital where she went straight to Ben's room. She knocked on the door and smiled at him. "Hey, how are you feeling?" she asked in a soft voice.


Denix Vames - May 13, 2021

Gabriel pulled him into a hug. "I should have never taken advantage of you. I'm just as worse as some of the Angels around here."


Will leaned against the car door. "We were together for five years. His name was Officer River Balconi. He use to watch my matches whenever he had the time to. The first time we met, I took a picture with him. Just like how I use to take a picture with every other fan I said hi to. I was a boxer."

He rubbed his eyes. "But then, he was gunned down by a suspect. Ever since that day, I quit my job and became a cop. That was the only reason why I joined the force."


Carter leaned his head against his. Smiling in his sleep.


Ben looked as though he hadn't slept. Despite this, he did his best to smile. "I'm feeling great. You doing alright?"


shadowess - May 14, 2021

Rob was a little surprised by the hug and he stiffened a little until he heard what Gabriel said. Thinking over his words, Robert returned the hug and hid his face in his shoulder as he tried to hold back his tears. He wanted to tell Gabriel that he didn't hate him, nor was he angry. In fact, he'd found a sort of weird thrill in what had happened and wasn't ashamed of what they did. But he knew that if he opened his mouth to speak, he'd be unable to stop himself from breaking down and sobbing.

The truth was, he was grieving for his friends but felt guilty for grieving for traitors. He wondered if this made him a bad person. Not only that, but he still hadn't really recovered from what had happened at ADIEU. He learned for the first time just how evil that facility was...and the torture they put him through in just those few short hours was nothing compared to the guilt he felt for handing that poor woman in to them. He might've helped to bring the facility down and save people from it, but he still didn't feel that he deserved the redemption he was getting.


River was quiet for a long moment after Will told him his story. It still wasn't used to the idea of 'compassion' or 'sympathy', but it wanted to get along well with it's new host. "Oh...I'm sorry for your loss..." it said, only knowing that that is the typical thing to say to someone who lost a person they cared for. "So, you named me after him...what was he like?" it asked curiously.


Smiling, Sebastian closed his eyes again. Just enjoying being close to Carter. Those bloody birds could sing a little quieter though....oh, it's no use. As much as Sebastian would love to fall asleep in Carter's arms again, he was awake now. He tilted his head up a little and kissed Carters cheek lovingly before easing himself out of bed and heading into the en suite bathroom. He left the door open a little as he climbed into the shower.


Jessica saw how he looked and the way he tried to pass off being fine. She smiled at him gently, although she was a little worried. Walking into the room, she on a chair near the bed and shrugged. "I'm ok. Had a little trouble sleeping, but I'm fine. Are you ready to go?"


Denix Vames - May 14, 2021

Gabriel placed his hand over the back of his head. "After what you've done, you deserve redemption. I can see that you're not like your late friends. You're different. A better Angel. A better person."


Will smiled. "He was a smartass." He chuckled at his own comment. "A funny one though but he knew when to be sweet." He put the sun visor down. Revealing a smaller version of the picture from his personal album.

River's hair was dark brown and short. He had a beard. Wearing sunglasses. Will was holding him as if he were a bride. They were both smiling.

"Every time I look at that photo, it reminds me of who he was before. Of what I can do now. But even then, it breaks my heart to look at his face." He brushed his fingers over the picture. "You'd think I would have moved on by now. Especially since I've got Parker." He sighed. "But apparently not."


Carter rolled over on his side. He slowly opened his eyes. He sat up at the sound of the water running. Smiling when he realized that it was Sebastian who was washing up.

He put on a bed robe. Heading into the bathroom. He leaned against the doorway. "Hey. Want me to make you some breakfast?"


"Yeah sure. Just let me get dressed first." Once Jessica left, Ben carefully put on his uniform. A sudden chill ran up his spine. He rubbed his arms as he saw his own breath.

The drugged up shooter's ghost, Sam, glared at him. He held a wide grin as he went into his body. Staying in him. Ben stepped out of the room. His teeth were chattering. "I'll be glad to leave this hospital. It's so damn cold!"


shadowess - May 14, 2021

At his words, Rob couldn't hold back his tears any longer. His chest heaved and he shook as he sobbed into his shoulder. He couldn't put it into words, not that he was capable of speaking at the moment, but what Gabriel had said was exactly what Robert had needed to hear. After a few deep breaths he managed to say; "I'm sorry for what I did...I want to be better...Please, help me be better! I never want to hurt anyone again..."


River thought about what Will said. It looked at the photo, intrigued by his story. Wanting to bond with Will a little more and possibly relate with him, River decided to confide in him. "I think first loves are the hardest to move on from." it said thoughtfully. "Bryce was Alex and Parker's first. Technically...he was also mine. Back when we were all the same person. You would've thought I'd have wound up possessing Alex instead of Parker..." it chuckled. "Alex was the closest to being 'me' than Parker was. But David put Alex in the human body...I couldn't follow...I could only stay within Parker, forced into dormancy until he finally took the cure and brought me out of my sleep... I'm getting off track a bit. The point I was trying to make was that, while Parker might've managed to move on...I don't think I did. I never really got the chance. I've been asleep for most of the time since Bryce's death. From what I saw of Alex, I don't think he ever fully moved on either. I dread to think what might happen if Bryce ever walked back into his life. He talks tough but Alex isn't as strong emotionally as he likes to think..."

River made an audible sigh. "There was a moment...before Bryce betrayed us...where he riled us all up. Told us we were a mistake. Myself and the part of us that was Parker wanted to kill him there and then. We began to realize what he really was and what he was doing...but Alex...Alex was the part that refused to harm Bryce. Alex refused to believe that Bryce didn't love him back. So utterly consumed by him that the second Bryce said he'd love him again, Alex bought into the lie...It was in that moment that I realized that Bryce truly had Alex wrapped around his little finger. Alex would've set the world on fire if Bryce had told him to...if only to get the briefest glimpse of affection from him."

River paused. Contemplative. "I hope Bryce stays in Hell..." it said finally. "Or at least...I hope he changes his ways and stays the hell away from Alex...I personally hope to never see him again either...If we ever did run into him, I cannot promise that I wouldn't lose my temper and urge you to kill him for me...I don't like the idea of going back on my word and influencing you like that, but that is how strongly I feel about it...I hate him...I still love him...but I hate him as well...It's difficult to explain..." River then hesitated. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go on like that...I suppose I have a lot of issues myself to process..."


Sebastian had just rubbed some soap into his body when he saw Carter standing in the doorway. He grinned, putting the soap onto the soap dish and stepping under the shower again. "Sure." he replied. "I...don't really know what I like...so I guess you could surprise me." he chuckled.


Jessica nodded with a smile and stepped out to give him some privacy while he got changed. When he came out shivering, Jessica frowned. "Really?" she said, looking him over and wondering if he was really ok to be going home. "I don't feel cold...but then again, I guess I just got here..." She said thoughtfully, wondering if they kept the building cool to lower the risk of fevers or something. "Well, let's get you home then so you can get warmed up. I called a cab while you were getting changed, they're waiting outside." she said as they began walking out of the hospital.

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Denix Vames - May 14, 2021

Gabriel looked into his eyes. "I promise that I will do everything in my power to help you become a better you."


Will chuckled. "It's fine. Looks like we both got some issues that we need to work on."

A grenade shaped object was thrown into the opened window of the car. Gas spread out. Getting into his lungs. He coughed as he opened the door. Falling out of the vehicle. He continued to cough as he tried to drag himself away.

It looked like whatever gas it was had finally put him to sleep. A woman in all black, wearing a biker helmet to cover her face, had lifted him off the ground. Placing him in the back of the black van. There was a male driver wearing similar clothing. Once she closed the door, she hopped into the passenger side. The driver drove off.


Carter smiled. "I'm sure you'll like what I've got in store for you." He headed downstairs where he started making some pancakes, eggs, and bacon.


"Good. I can't wait to go home." ,said Ben. He looked at her hand. Wanting to hold it but didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

They got into the cab. Ben continued to shiver as he rubbed his arms again. He leaned against her for some warmth.


Shadowess - May 14, 2021

Rob looked back at Gabriel. When he looked at him, he didn't just see his master anymore. He saw hope. He saw someone who believed he could be saved and it filled him with gratitude. He nodded, blinking away his tears as he regained control of his breathing. "Thank you." he whispered.


"Guess so." River replied, happy that it seemed to be getting along well with Will.

"What the hell?!" River exclaimed as it saw, smelt and felt everything Will was going through. Once Will was knocked out, it pulled him into a dream state. Will would find himself in his own living room with River standing in the middle of the room, looking around the place warily as if it could still see what was going on. It's form flickering between Parker and a dark silhouette as it struggled to decide on a form to take. River looked over at Will and held a finger to it's lips. "Listen. We can't see anything but we can hear what's happening to you...sounds like we're in a vehicle...on the move."

River sighed, frustrated. "We're in danger. Drastic times call for drastic measures. I could try forcing you to awaken but the effects of whatever you inhaled might temporarily hinder you until it's completely out of your system. Or..." it hesitated, uncertain. "I could try taking control of your body and do what I can to flee...if I do that, I'll only be able to control you for a short time before I lose grip, at which point you should wake up. I may end up having to fight to get you to safety...which means I may have to kill to ensure your survival. I'll leave the choice to you."


Sebastian grinned a little wider then went about finishing up in the shower. He washed his hair and face before stepping out and patting himself dry with the towel. He could smell the food as he got dressed and his mouth watered. He knew, even before seeing what it was, that he was going to enjoy what Carter was making. Once he was dressed he made his way downstairs and walked into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around Carter from behind. "That smells so good." he said, smiling.


Jessica jumped a little at how cold his skin felt when he leant against her. "Geez! Are you sure you're alright, Ben?" She said as she wrapped an arm around him, rubbing his arm to try and warm him up. It didn't take long before they were pulling up outside the apartments. She walked with him to his apartment, worried that he might not be well after all. "You should go get wrapped up in some blankets. I'll make a hot drink or something for you. What do you like? Hot chocolate? Coffee? Or I could make a soup?" she said, turning to him once they were inside.


Denix Vames - May 14, 2021

Gabriel leaned in. He kissed him. "You're welcome. Now, how about we relax? Get back to bed and just talk."


"Wake me up. I'll press my panic button. The other guys will know where I am." ,said Will.


Carter smiled. He set the last strips of bacon on Sebastian's plate. Both dishes were ready. "Bet you smell a whole lot better." He blushed. "Was that cheesy?"


"C-Coffee..." Ben walked to the bedroom where he grabbed some blankets from the closet. Sam spread his negativity as pain to him. Ben started coughing. He collapsed to his knees where he coughed up some blood.

He wiped it off with his sleeve. Trying to hide it. He pulled the blankets over himself as he laid on the floor. His eyes were closed.


Shadowess - May 14, 2021

At Gabriel's kiss, Robert felt his cheeks get warmer and his heart beat a little faster. "Ok." he whispered and nodded, entranced by Gabriel as he followed him back to his bed.


River nodded. "You got it, Boss. Good luck and prepare yourself. It'll happen fast." it said before snapping it's fingers and trying to force Will to wake up.


Sebastian chuckled. "A little." He laughed. "But I liked it." he admitted and kissed Carter's cheek. "Thank you for making breakfast." He took his plate and moved over to the table, sitting down and smiling at the meal. "It feels weird not coming downstairs and heading straight to the fridge for a bag." he admitted with a small chuckle before tucking in to the food. His eyes lighting up at the taste.


Jessica hurried off to the kitchen to make him coffee. While waiting for the water to boil, she heard Ben coughing and glanced towards the bedroom, worried. She finished making the coffee and headed into the bedroom to check on Ben. She gasped, seeing him on the floor. Putting the cup down on the bedside table, she rushed over to him and knelt next to him, placing her hand on his arm. "Ben, are you alright?!" she asked. "Maybe we should go back to the hospital?"


Denix Vames - May 14, 2021

Gabriel sat next to him on the bed. "So, do you want to eat something? I know we don't have to but if it's something that you like to do then I can summon some food."


Will's eyes shot opened. His vision was blurry. Yet, he reached for his radio. He pushed the red button. Alerting everybody at the PD of where he was and that he was in danger.

Very quickly. police cruisers would blare their sirens and flash their lights. Chasing the black van which began to speed up. He smiled. "We did it."

He passed out.


Carter sat at the table. "I can't imagine how strange it must feel. For myself, I just wanted to eat some of this. As much as I can which isn't too much." He sighed. "I kind of wasted some of the food." He took a small bit of everything on his plate before heading to the fridge to get a blood bag.


The door slammed shut. The room started to shake. Ben shook his head. He sat up. "No! Leave her alone!" He raised his arms and shielded her as Sam dug his nails into his back. Ripping his shirt and leaving bleeding claw marks.

Ben fell over. Sam appeared.


Shadowess - May 14, 2021

Rob shook his head a little. "I never saw much point in food...Though I used to drink quite a lot...I had a habit of gatecrashing parties to join in on their fun..." he told Gabriel, recalling those memories fondly. Those memories were from before Michael had approached him and his friends. Before they were recruited by him. Back when Robert's life had been simple and carefree.


River watched anxiously and waited until Will passed out again. He pulled Will back into the dream room and watched him from across the room, his form still flickering and glitching. "Nicely done. I guess all we can do now is wait and cross our fingers that we're rescued safely."


"It's like we've swapped places." Sebastian said thoughtfully. He then looked at Carter sympathetically as he watched him get a bag. "It gets easier...for me, it got to a point where I had forgotten what certain foods tasted like for so long that I just simply stopped craving them. I duno, maybe it'll be the same for you?"


When the door slammed and the room shook, Jessica looked around wildly, wide eyed. Confused and frightened. She watched in alarm as Ben shouted at something Jessica couldn't see before his shirt ripped and he fell over. She looked at his back and saw the claw marks before looking up to see a stranger in the room. A ghost?! She shivered, terrified. Her eyes fixed on Sam. There had to be something she could do to stop this ghost from hurting them!

All her life her mother had tried to teach her about magic and the afterlife. Wait a second! She's a Devil! Well, a half Devil who won't get any powers until she dies but maybe this ghost doesn't know that? Besides, what was the use in being a Devil if she couldn't control a soul? She re-gathered herself, glaring at Sam before getting to her feet and straightening up. "Stop! I-I command you to leave us alone!" she said, trying to sound brave and important despite the quiver in her voice.


Denix Vames - May 14, 2021

Gabriel held out his hand. A bottle of wine appeared with two glasses in his other hand. "We could have this then."


"I'm sure they'll take them down." ,said Will.

The chase was long but the cruisers soon caught up to them. Bumping against the van. The vehicle soon lost control. Crashing into a pole. Police could be heard shouting. Aiming guns at the suspects. Then there was gunfire.


A bullet hit his arm. Will gasped awake as he clutched his bleeding arm. He kicked the back doors of the van open. Hopping out. Both suspects were already dead. A few officers helped Will walk away from the scene.


Carter frowned. "I hope so." He bit into the blood bag. Drinking up slowly. His eyes suddenly rolled back. It was as if he was a kid again. Drinking warm milk.


The lights began to flicker. Sam laughed. "Who do you think you are?" The bulb popped. Showering pieces of glass all over the floor.


Shadowess - May 14, 2021

"That's awesome!" Robert grinned. He didn't know a lot of Angels that could materialize things like that. Turns out, it's quite a rare trait and is usually a sign of an exceptionally powerful Angel. This revelation merely made Robert respect Gabriel more.


River watched when Will woke up. He felt the same pain that Will felt in his arm after being shot. "Man, that sucks...still, could've been worse." it said with a bit of a groan. "Who do you suppose they were? And why try to kidnap you like that?" River voiced it's curiousness.


Sebastian chuckled at the way Carter seemed to be enjoying the blood bag. It was nice to see him embracing his new life like that. He finished the rest of his breakfast and took the plate to the kitchen, washing it up along with the pan and utensils that Carter had used to make the food with. "So, what shall we do today?" he asked while washing up.


Jessica shivered when Sam laughed. Then jumped and squeaked, shielding her head with her arms when the bulb exploded. She clenched her fists, lowering her arms to glare at Sam again. No! She couldn't let him frighten her! "A Devil." She answered boldly. "A Devil that you are pissing off! Now leave us alone or I'll- I'll-" she hesitated, knowing her threat would only be a bluff right now. Until she died, she was no more powerful than any other human. "I'll drag you to Hell!"


Denix Vames - May 14, 2021

Gabriel smiled. He poured them each a glass. Handing him one. "Thank you. It's red wine so it should taste decent. Hopefully sweet." He took a sip.


Will was sitting at the back of an ambulance as he was being looked over by a paramedic. He thought in his head, 'I don't know. I don't even know what they look like.'


"Well, we still need to turn you into a Day Walker." Carter threw the empty bag in the trash can. "So we should get Tom to come here."


Sam's eyes widened. He backed up before going through the walls. Leaving the apartment. The temperature went from cold to room temp.


shadowess - May 14, 2021

Robert took the glass and sniffed it a little, not really used to drinking wine. He took a sip as well and looked at the liquid in the glass thoughtfully as he got used to the taste in his mouth before swallowing it. "It's...classier than I'm used to. But I like it." he said, smiling at Gabriel.


"I know...I can see what you see..." River pointed out. "It's still frustrating though...not knowing..." River would never admit it, but the whole ordeal as well as not knowing why it happened or who the suspects were, frightened it. After all, if Will dies...River dies too.


Sebastian turned his head to look at Carter while both his hands were plunged into the water in the sink, scrubbing the pan. "Will we even need Tom this time? If you're a Day Walker now, then theoretically you should be able to turn me with your own blood" He said thoughtfully. After all, if he'd still been a regular vampire the same rule would apply if he'd wanted to turn a human into a vampire himself after Sebastian had made him.


When Sam left, Jessica stood there for a moment. Staring warily at the spot in the wall where he'd left through, half expecting him to come back. When the room warmed back up, Jessica relaxed. Assuming Sam was really gone. She looked at Ben and knelt next to him again, looking him over. "Ben! Are you alright?!" she placed her hand gently on his shoulder.


Denix Vames - May 14, 2021

Gabriel chuckled. "I'll make sure to bring something more casual next time." He drank some more.


The paramedic bandaged his arm before guiding him into the ambulance which took off to the hospital. Will sighed as he leaned against the wall. "This shit never gets any better."


"That's true. I never thought about that. Should we do it now then?" ,asked Carter.


Ben groaned. His eyes were barely opened as he looked at her. "J-Jessica...." He passed out.



Shadowess - May 15, 2021

Robert smiled at him as he took another sip, getting used to how it tasted. "So...if you don't mind me asking...I know you're an Archangel, but what's your job? What were you assigned to do when you got your armor?" he asked curiously, hoping to know a little more about his master. If he was going to be serving him for a while, it might be beneficial to know what to expect him.


"Well, at least it's only a bullet wound to your arm..." River said. "Could've been way worse. We should be in and out of the hospital in no time...my guess is they'll just take the bullet out, stitch you up and send you on your way...Still though, it's probably a good idea to let Parker know what happened, don't you think? He's probably guna be wondering what's taking you so long to get home by now."


Sebastian smiled and took his hands out of the water, placing the pan onto the draining board. He dried his hands off on a towel before walking over to Carter and wrapping his arms around his shoulder, kissing him. "I'm ready when you are." he said softly.


"Ben?" Jessica shook his shoulder a little. When it was apparent that he'd passed out, Jessica pulled his arm over her shoulders. "Ok...c'mon...I can't leave you on the floor..." she muttered as the tried to pull him to the bed. With some difficulty, she managed to pull him to it and lay him on his front with his head facing one side. She took a step back, panting and wiping some sweat from her forehead. "There...a least you'll be more comfortable...now to get you cleaned up..." she left the room and came back shortly with a bowl of warm water and a cloth that she dunked into the water. She then proceeded to clean the blood off his back, being as gentle as she could to not hurt his wounds. "Guess we're going to have to talk about a few things when you wake up..." she mumbled with a frown. Admittedly, while in his company, she'd almost forgotten what she was anyway. So it wasn't like she'd been hiding the truth from him intentionally.


Looking to take his mind off things, Oscar had gatecrashed the party going on in Hell's library. He'd been drinking a lot of Demon's Brew and playing games with Ricky and the other Demons. When Ricky eventually passed out from the drinking, Oscar drunkenly invited the Demons back to Earth where they could continue to drink and play games without disturbing Ricky.

They all continued to party in the mansion. Some dipping into the pool, some chatting in the kitchen and ignoring the mess that was still there and some played games in the living room with Oscar. One Demon was really starting to get on Oscar's nerves at one point. The same Demon, who had short black hair and pink eyes kept trying to come on to Oscar. The first few times, Oscar let him down gently but as the Demon continued to persist, Oscar was growing angry with him and began snapping at him to leave.

After playing a few races on F-Zero X, Oscar had forgotten about the Demon when he got up to get himself another glass of Demon Brew. He stumbled into the kitchen, heading for the bottle when the Demon blocked his path, holding two glasses ready. "You again?! I told you to get out! I'm taken! I'm not interested in you!" he snapped at him. The Demon didn't seem the least bit bothered and held up one glass to Oscar, offering it to him.

"I know and I'm sorry for how I've been acting! I feel really bad about it! I got you a drink as a peace offering! Please let me stay! I'll leave you alone!" he shouted over the music.

Oscar squinted at the Demon, looking at the drink warily. "I take this, you gotta swear you'll leave me alone!"

"I swear!"

Swaying a little on his feet, Oscar took the drink and stumbled back into the living room while drinking it.

The Demon watched him and smirked. "Drink up..." he muttered and took a sip of his own drink, keeping an eye on Oscar from a distance. Waiting until the right moment.

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Denix Vames - May 15, 2021

"Well, I was supposed to be a messenger. I still kind of am but nowadays I kill when I'm told to." ,said Gabriel who poured some more wine in his glass. "Want some more?"


Will pulled out his phone. He called up Parker. "Hello? Parker? I'm fine. I just got shot but I'll be alright. It's a long story. I'm heading to the hospital now. I'll be back home later on."


Carter smiled. He leaned in. His fangs sprouted. Digging into his neck. Drinking some of his blood before digging into his own wrist. Ignoring the venom, he kept a tight hold of Sebastian. Placing his wrist on his opened mouth. His blood dripped into his mouth.


A bandaged Ben was sleeping on the bed. It wouldn't be long before he woke up. His eyes slowly opened. "Jessica?"


Leo appeared in the mansion. He had wanted to apologize for his outburst. His eyes widened at the amount of people there. An apparent party. "What the fuck is this?!"

The mansion started to shake. "GET OUT! All of you! GET OUT!" He continued to walk until he reached the kitchen. He glared at the demon in front of him. Standing between him and Oscar. "Get away from my boyfriend!"

He shoved his arm through his chest. Spreading his angelic aura.


Shadowess - May 15, 2021

"Messenger?" Rob repeated, thinking about what Gabriel was saying. "Wait, so does that make you -the- Gabriel?!" he was surprised. This would essentially make Gabriel a celebrity and Robert hadn't even realized he was the same one from all those old stories. Of course, most of those stories were either recorded incorrectly by humans, altered by humans to serve their political purposes or just generally exaggerated. So the general rule of thumb when it came to the old stories was to take them with a pinch of salt. "Uh- Yes, please." Robert replied, holding up his glass.


Parker had been pacing a little, restlessly. Every so often, he checked the time on his phone. Shouldn't Will be back by now? He began to worry. His phone rang and he answered it quickly. Even though he said he'd be fine, hearing that Will had been shot caused Parker to worry a bit. "Shit! Do you want me to meet you at the hospital?" He asked, wondering if Will would rather not be alone after something like that.


Sebastian tilted his head back and closed his eyes as Carter leaned in. He gasped softly when Carter bit into his neck. He felt his venom taking effect and relaxed in Carter's arms. He could feel himself growing weaker as Carter drank from him but he wasn't worried. He trusted Carter. When Carter pulled back, Sebastian groaned a little as he felt the fresh wound in his neck throbbing a little. He felt tired but forced himself to stay awake as he watched Carter bite into his wrist. He opened his mouth, letting Carter feed him.

He wrapped his mouth around Carter's wrist and drank as gently as he could, despite his body telling him that he was desperate for the blood. When he felt pain shoot across his body, he let go of Carter's wrist and held on to him, burying his face in Carter's chest and gripping his shirt as he breathed through the pain. It wasn't nearly as bad as the pain he'd felt when taking the cure. It still hurt but he was coping with it just fine in Carter's embrace. His body tensing and flinching a little every so often as the pain intensified then ebbed away.

Finally, he relaxed and caught his breath. He pulled away from Carter to look at him, his skin a little paler and his new fangs growing slowly until they were the correct length and sharpness. He smiled at Carter lovingly. He could smell the blood in the fridge from where they stood and knew he'd need to drink as soon as possible. "Thank you." he said softly, brushing his lips over Carter's before letting him go and turning to get a bag out of the fridge, feeling his hunger begin to hurt already. He bit into the bag a little desperately then moaned at the taste, drinking it quickly.


Jessica had been thinking on what had happened and how she was going to explain it to Ben. She'd been sitting on the end of the bed as she waited for him to wake up. When she heard him asking for her, she turned around to look at him, getting to her feet and walking around the bed to sit next to him. "Hey, I'm here. Are you alright?"


Oscar had only managed to start a new race when whatever was in his drink kicked in. He suddenly felt very dizzy, like the room was spinning. He could feel his body growing heavy. "N-need to...lie down..." He mumbled, dropping the controller and trying to get to his feet. He stumbled and fell to his knees. The Demon's around him laughed, assuming he'd just had too much to drink. He felt someone helping him to his feet and heard the familiar voice of the Demon from earlier in his ear. "It's alright, I've got you." he said gently. "You've had too much to drink. You just need to sleep it off."

"N-no..." Oscar groaned, trying to push him away weakly. "Y-you-! Th-the drink!"

"That's right. You drank too much. Remember? Now, let's get you to bed." The Demon could barely contain the excitement in his voice and it was enough for Oscar to recoil, struggling to get away from him.

"N-No! Leave me alone!" he protested while trying to push him off.

It was at this point that Leo returned and as soon as he began yelling for everyone to leave, the Demons partying in the mansion began teleporting away hurriedly. The Demon holding Oscar was spooked and while he was distracted, Oscar managed to push him off before falling onto all fours. The Demon had been about to try grabbing Oscar to teleport away with him when he heard Leo behind him. He spun around in time for Leo's arm to break through his chest. The Demon stared at Leo, blood pouring out of his mouth. He then let out a loud, agonized scream as Leo's aura passed into him, destroying him from the inside out.

Oscar tried to look up at Leo as the Demon disintegrated into a pile of ash. He could barely see straight and could see even less as tears filled his eyes. "L-Leo!" He cried, shaking. "H-he was going to-...He did something to my drink! I-I kept- I kept telling him...to leave me alone!" He slurred, frightened. Then fell forward, his arms too weak now to support his weight. He sobbed, barely able to move and feeling an intense drowsiness washing over him. "I'm sorry..." he breathed, struggling to stay awake.


Denix Vames - May 15, 2021

Gabriel chuckled. He poured some wine for him. "I'm not that big of a deal. All I did was tell Mary that she got fucked by God in her sleep."


Will shrugged. "I mean if it makes you feel better then sure."


Carter grabbed a chair. Quickly sitting down. He rested his head on the table. "I don't think I got use to the venom. Jesus...."


Ben sat up. He flinched as he felt his back. Feeling the bandages there. "What happened? I remember someone attacking us and then...."


Leo's angelic aura went back in him. He helped Oscar up. "I know I know. I'm the one who should be sorry. I should have listened to you."

He carried him to the bedroom upstairs where he placed him on the bed. He caressed his cheek. "Is there any way I can get rid of the side effects of this drug?"


shadowess - May 15, 2021

Rob stiffened a little at the explanation. He supposed it was such a different time back then and humans had barely begun asserting their rights. Robert hadn't lived that long. He was a much newer Angel, having been born only a few decades ago. So his knowledge on how things had been back when humanity was first created was a bit limited. He took a sip of his wine as he looked at Gabriel curiously. "What was it like? Back then? The stories make it all sound so primitive and chaotic."


Parker was a little taken aback by the cold response but he said nothing. "I'll be right there." he said before hanging up. He quickly put on his jacket and left the house, getting into his car and making his way to the hospital to meet him there.

"Yikes." River tutted. "Man, honestly? If you didn't want Parker to come along then you could've just said so."


Sebastian knew what Carter meant. Even with Carter's blood and the blood bag giving him new energy, he could still feel the numbness of Carter's venom in his system. "Yeah...I guess after not feeling it for so long, it feels a little stronger than what I remember." He chuckled as he walked over to the table, sitting next to Carter.


Jessica looked at him sadly, then down at the floor. She'd already cleaned up the broken glass by now. She was wondering how she was going to explain this to Ben without him thinking she was crazy. "I don't know who it was but..." She hesitated, looking back at Ben. "Do you believe in ghosts?...in the supernatural?" she asked.


Oscar looked at him, barely able to follow what Leo was saying. Once he was on the bed, he continued to look at Leo as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I-I duno...I think...I think I just gotta...sleep it off..." he said, straining now to keep his eyes open. He lifted his hand to Leo's, holding onto him. "I-I love you, Leo...please don't go..." he sobbed drunkenly before his eyes rolled as he slipped out of consciousness.


Denix Vames - May 15, 2021

"Oh it was a bit like that. People talked to each other of course but there were wars. Battles and murder. All that stuff. People use to do whatever we told them. I remember when God use to have fun just doing anything to his followers. He'd rape and kill. Sometimes, he would make them kill each other for his name. It use to be funny for us until some of us realized, after Lucifer left, that maybe God was a bit of a dick. It's hard to say what he's like now. No one really talks to him unless he wants them to." ,said Gabriel.


'Did I really sounded cold? It's just that I'm a cop. I got use to being shot at. It's like everyday thing for me. Parker has never been in that situation so it makes sense that he's freaking out. I should tell him to keep calm.' Will thought.


Carter turned his head. "I think I'm gonna take a nap."


Ben suddenly laughed. "C'mon Jessica. You should know better than that. Ghosts aren't real."


Leo frowned. "I won't. I promise." He laid next to him. Keeping him close. "I'll never leave you alone. Ever again."


shadowess - May 15, 2021

"Maybe he's changed as time has progressed?" Rob theorized. "Like how humans on Earth changed and Devils in Hell changed. Maybe everything really is changing now for the better...just wish I'd realized that before Michael approached me...Can't believe I bought into his lies..." he said a little bitterly as he looked away from Gabriel.


"He'll be fine once you explain that. But yeah, it did sound a little cold. Almost annoyed, even. But, I might just be reading into it a little too much. You gotta remember, the only experience myself or Parker have had relationship wise was full of emotional abuse so we might find it hard to read some situations correctly. We might even make mistakes and see problems where there are none. Be patient though, all we need is a little time and understanding."


Sebastian chuckled. "I don't blame you...turning someone isn't exactly easy." He stood and walked over to the curtain. Nervously and hesitantly, he stuck his hand behind it then sighed, relieved when his hand didn't burn. Instead, he felt the gentle warmth of the sunlight on his skin. He turned back to Carter, grinning. This was the beginning of a new chapter for the both of them. He walked over to Carter and held out a hand for him. "Come on, let's nap in bed for a while and let this venom wear off."


Jessica became uncomfortable and she bit her lip while looking at the ground again. She couldn't tell him now...not without any evidence to back her up or he'd think she was crazy. It wasn't like she could do anything to prove it either...she was just as powerless as he was. "Anyway, the attacker is gone now...that's all that matters." she said, looking back at him. She couldn't tell him what had really happened but she wasn't about to lie to him either. "How are you feeling? Do you want me to get you any painkillers?" she said, trying to change the subject.


Denix Vames - May 15, 2021

"Michael was always God's favorite but I think that got the best of him. He was a douchebag anyway. So it's not entirely your fault. He can easily manipulate people." ,said Gabriel.


Will nodded.

They were soon at the hospital where the bullet had taken out. Will was given stitches. His arm was bandaged up. He was laying in bed. He wouldn't be there for long but they had to have him there for a couple of hours.


Carter took his hand. He let Sebastian help him upstairs. He soon reached the bedroom where he collapsed on the bed. He sighed. "Much better."


"Could be better." Ben nodded. "I really want to forget about this pain."


shadowess - May 16, 2021

Robert nodded at Gabriel's words. What he said made sense. As monotone and robotic Michael had seemed, he seemed to know exactly what to say to convince people he was on their side. He also used his size to intimidate his followers frequently. Not one of them ever dared to question him when he gave an order. Thinking back on how he used to treat his minions once he'd convinced them to work for him, Robert was glad he was gone. He took another sip of his wine with a frown. "I er-...I'd rather not talk about...or think about Michael anymore." he said sadly. Thinking about Michael merely served to remind Robert of his guilt.


Parker arrived at the hospital and was soon escorted to Will's room by a nurse. He hurried over to Will's side and gave him a kiss. "Hey, how are you feeling? What happened?" he asked, worriedly.


Once in bed, Sebastian cuddled up to Carter once more. Resting his head in the nook of his shoulder. Smiling, Sebastian closed his eyes. Feeling utterly relaxed in Carter's arms.


Jessica stood up. "Alright, hang on." she said before leaving the room and coming back moments later with some painkillers and a glass of water to take them with. She set them on the bedside table then helped Ben to sit up so he could take them. She sat next to him as he'd take the pills and looked at him worriedly. "If there's anything else I can do, let me know. I don't mind helping you." she then blushed and added in a soft tone; "Especially after you saved me the other day." She sort of felt like she owed him for that.


Denix Vames - May 16, 2021

"I don't mind. I don't like talking about Michael either. He was always an ass." Gabriel drank some more wine. "Why don't we talk about you? What were you doing before all this?"


"I'm fine but..." Will sighed. "Look Parker. Sorry if I came across as ignorant. You just get use to being shot at that you don't even think twice about it. I should have considered how you felt about all this."

He held his hand. "So I'm going to tell you this. I think I'm being targeted by a group. Either that or those two were the only ones in on the plan. They were attempting to kidnap me. But I don't know why. And no, I didn't catch a glimpse of their faces. Sorry."


Carter kissed the top of his head. "Sleep tight."


Ben chucked the pills in his mouth before drinking some water. He blushed at her offer to help. "Well um....I do need to change so I'm going to do that first. But you can just stick around. Try to relax and maybe stay with me? Just sit next to me. We can just....talk. I will have to call my captain first so that I can explain to him why my uniform is in shreds now."


shadowess - May 16, 2021

Robert shrugged. "I was new to Heaven... I was born an Angel but you know how it is. I lived a mortal life thinking I was human until I got hit by a car. Then boom! 'Oh, by the way Rob, you've been an Angel this entire time. Here's your wings...'"

Robert shook his head a little with a small smile. "I hadn't even been assigned a job yet...I was still going through training and learning our rules and history when-..." He trailed off. That's when Michael had approached him and twisted his training, recruiting him for his war mongering purposes.

He took another sip of his wine. "Well, I guess you know the rest...before that though, I'd been a computer programmer on Earth..." He chuckled. "Not exactly exciting, I know..."


Parker listened to Will's apology, his eyes softening as he looked at him. When he finished speaking, Parker gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm just glad your safe." He said softly. "We'll figure this out...we always do." He said, trying to reassure Will. "Do you know any groups you might've pissed off? Criminals you busted that would be able to do what they did?" He asked.


When Ben said he'd need to get changed and asked her to stay with him, Jessica blushed harder but nodded a little shyly. "Alright" she said quietly with a small smile.


Denix Vames - May 16, 2021

"It was still a job." Gabriel frowned. "And I'm sorry that Michael make you think a different way. I could help with your training if you still want to continue it."


Will shook his head. "This is probably some bastards who think cops are nothing but pigs. Yet if that were the case then they would have killed me on the spot. I don't like this, Parker." He squeezed his hand. "I really don't. I know I'm supposed to be brave but....I'm scared."


"You can look away." Ben walked over to the closet where he stripped himself of his clothes except for his boxers. He threw on some jeans and a grey muscle t-shirt.

He walked over to the bed and picked up his phone from his work pants pocket. He called up Will.

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Shadowess - May 16, 2021

Robert looked at Gabriel and blinked, blushing a little. "You can do that?" he asked, having assumed that training Angels was solely the responsibility of Angels who had been assigned that job. He hadn't even considered that Gabriel might be able to continue his training. He turned a little to face Gabriel more, his eyes filling with hope and desire. "That would be amazing!"


Parker frowned. This was just like the incident with the hitman all over again. He took Will's hand in both of his and gave him a determined look. "We'll get to the bottom of this, I swear. I won't let them anywhere near you if I can help it." he said defensively.

"Parker's heart is in the right place but I don't think he realizes that he might be in danger too. If whoever it was that tried to kidnap you knows you're dating him, they might try to use him to lure you out. Like with the hitman only Parker won't have me with him this time to pull the trigger for him..." River sighed. "I don't think he knows...If I hadn't taken over him at that moment, we'd both be dead...Say, is that your phone vibrating in your pocket?"


Jessica closed her eyes and turned her head away to make Ben feel more comfortable. Only opening them again when she felt him sitting on the bed next to her again. She looked at him and smiled comfortingly, placing her hand gently over his on the bed while he dialed his boss's number.


Shadowess - May 16, 2021

(I keep forgetting to ask. Which characters have got the invites to Jasper's wedding? Is there anyone in particular that didn't get an invite?)


Denix Vames - May 16, 2021

Gabriel shrugged. "I mean why not? It's not like it would hurt."


Will smiled. "Thank you, Parker. But I'm more worried about your safety."

He answered the call. "Hello? Ben? What is it?"


Ben smiled at Jessica before focusing on the call. "Hey Will. This is Ben. I just wanted to let you know that my uniform is shredded to shit. I'm gonna need a new one." "Yeah, I know. From the situation at the hospital." "Besides that. There was an intruder in at my apartment. He scratched me up but Jessica was able to scare him off. She's got a lot of fight in her."

Will's eyes widened. "Scratches? Ben, what's your address?" "Huh? Why?" "Just tell me!" "Geez! Ok, I will." Ben gave him his address. "I'll be there right away." Will hung up.

Ben looked at the phone. "What the hell?"


Will hopped off the bed. "New change of plans. You and me are heading to Ben's apartment. Now. I can check myself out. I'm good to go."

(everybody got an invite except for Robert and Gabriel)


shadowess - May 16, 2021

(Awesome )

"Gabriel..." Robert stared at him in admiration. "You have no idea how much that would mean to me...You'd not just be helping me redeem myself, you'd be helping me get back on track too! I would owe you big time for this! You name it, even after I've earned my redemption, I'll do anything for you!"


Parker had been about to assure Will that he could take care of himself when Will answered his phone. He watched Will's half of the conversation curiously then got up when Will did. "What's going on?" he asked, following Will.

"He said he'd been scratched up...Do you suppose he was attacked by something supernatural?" River asked. "Also...Jessica? What is she doing with Ben?...Thought she was at Carter's office...huh...who knew she'd have the balls to fight off whatever it was...Though I don't see how, she's not exactly brimming with powers right now..."


Jessica watched the call then looked a little concerned when Ben questioned his boss before giving him his address. Wait, did he say 'Will'? As in, the same Will that helped her brother's friends defeat that crazy Angel? Of course...he was a cop too! But then, he knows about the supernatural...maybe he can help Jessica convince Ben that what happened was all real, then? "What's up?" She asked when Ben looked at his phone, seemingly in confusion.


Denix Vames - May 16, 2021

"All I want is for you to focus on yourself." He set the bottle on the drawer nearby. He clinked glasses with him. "Promise me that."


Will and Parker were heading out of the hospital. "Ben might have been attacked by a ghost. We need to see if it's still around. And apparently, Jessica's with him.


Ben looked at her. "For some reason, my boss wants to come over. He seemed worried. The thing is that's not really like him. I mean he cares but he's never like this."


shadowess - May 17, 2021

Robert blushed hard and smiled, nodding as their glasses clinked. "I promise." he said softly before taking a sip of his wine. He had every intention of keeping that promise but he knew that if Gabriel ever needed him, he'd still come running. He was so grateful to him.


"What? Wait, what makes you think it was a ghost?" Parker asked, wondering how he'd jumped to that conclusion. It wasn't like ghosts were something that they commonly ran into. He then frowned as he continued to follow Will until they reached Parker's car and they got in. "And why is Jessica there? I thought she was still at the office..." he started the ignition and began driving. "I'm guna need directions. Also, I almost forgot, Jasper popped by earlier. He's invited us to his wedding. The invite's in the glove box. Apparently he's guna teleport everyone there at the right time."


"He's coming here?" Jessica asked, looking around the room briefly. She was so used to people teleporting in and out of rooms that she half expected him to just appear. "Maybe he knows about who the attacker was or something?" she said, looking back at him.


Denix Vames - May 17, 2021

Gabriel smiled. "I'm glad." He took a sip of wine. He pressed his lips against his. Letting the bit of wine enter his mouth. He let him swallow before slipping his tongue into his mouth. Kissing him slowly.


"I've dealt with enough supernatural situations to make two guesses. Either it's a normal intruder or something else." Will opened the glove box. "Huh! You know, I wasn't expecting to be invited. Did I ever met the guy before? I mean, how does he know me?"

He took out his phone. Setting up the GPS that would show how to get to Ben's apartment.


Ben shrugged. "Maybe. Who knows? And if you don't feel comfortable meeting him then you can stay here while I go out there."


shadowess - May 17, 2021

Robert was both surprised and thrilled by the way Gabriel kissed him and pushed wine into his mouth. He shivered excitedly and swallowed the wine before moaning a little when he felt Gabriel's tongue caressing his. He closed his eyes, using his free hand to feel the softness of Gabriel's hair as he kissed him back, trying to match Gabriel's movements. This man was so beautiful to Robert. Absolutely irresistible, particularly in this moment.


"Fair enough." Parker shrugged at the explanation then smiled at Will's surprise regarding the invitation. "I duno...Maybe he knew me and you were dating and added you as my plus one?" he assumed, struggling to recall a moment where Will and Jasper might've met. He followed the GPS directions until he pulled up outside Ben's address. "Well, time to find out for sure what happened..." he said, getting out of the car and looking towards the apartments.


Jessica shrugged with a frown. "You said he's called Will, right? We've met before...I'm only a little nervous because he's dating my brother and like I said the other day..." She trailed off a little and sighed before continueing. "I don't think any of them noticed I was gone or that anything was wrong...I was left to recover on my own after-...after the fight I got hurt in" She said carefully, remembering she hadn't gone into detail about that fight when she'd told Ben she'd gotten hurt while defending a child. "...So, I'm not exactly jumping for joy about him coming over but I guess us bumping into each other again is kind of inevitable...might as well get it out of the way..." She stood up, rubbing her arms anxiously.


Denix Vames - May 17, 2021

Gabriel set his glass aside. He ran his hands to his waist. Getting under his shirt. Caressing his chest as he moved his lips to his neck. Nibbling there.


Will folded the flyer. Placing it in his pocket. "I'll worry about the wedding later." He stepped out of the car. He walked over to the door. Walking inside.

"He told me his number. C'mon." As they were walking up the stairs, Sam floated by. Spotting the uniform on Will, he growled. He shoved him. Will lost his grasp on the railing as he fell back. He screamed.


Ben wrapped an arm around her. "Hey, I'll be with you the whole entire time, ok? You don't have to be scared."


shadowess - May 17, 2021

Rob had to put his glass down as well, worried that he'd spill it's contents as things began to heat up between them. He bit his lip at Gabriel's touch and moaned softly, enjoying the way he kissed his neck. Feeling him nibbling sent shivers up his spine and he moved his hands to Gabriel's hips as well, gripping them a little excitedly. About an hour ago, Robert wasn't sure if this was something that he wanted. Now? Now, he'd never wanted anything so much in his life. Yes. This was perfectly fine by Rob. More than fine. He felt utterly intoxicated by him.


Parker followed after Will, letting him take the lead. He'd been looking up, wondering which floor Ben lived on when Will suddenly cried out and fell back. "Will!" Parker lunged forward to catch him, grabbing the railing as he did so to steady them both. "You alright?" he asked, still holding Will around the waist. He was pretty sure he just pulled a muscle in he leg from the sudden movement and catching Will's full weight but he paid it little attention as he checked to make sure Will was ok and steady on his feet once more.


Looking at Ben, Jessica couldn't help blushing at how close he was standing with his arm around her. She relaxed a little, feeling comforted by the way he held her and spoke to her. She smiled shyly and nodded. "Ok. Thanks." she said softly.


Denix Vames - May 17, 2021

Gabriel took his shirt off. He gently pushed him back so that he laid on the bed. His kisses moved to his chest. Going down until he reached his belt which he slowly unbuckled. Teasing him with a tug.


Will found his footing. He stood. "Yeah, I'm fine." He helped him up. "How about you? Are you alright?" He looked around. "I'm guessing that was the ghost."


Ben smiled. "No problem. You feeling hungry by the way? You can eat anything from the fridge."


shadowess - May 17, 2021

Rob could barely contain his excitement as Gabriel pushed him down and kissed down his body. He let out shaky breaths in anticipation while gripping the sheets and tilting his head back a little. Every touch, every kiss sending shivers of pleasure through him.

He then moaned a little softly and excitedly when he felt Gabriel unbuckle his belt and tug on his pants. He looked down at him, his eyes full of lust and adoration. "Oh, Gabriel..." he breathed and bit his lip a little. "Please, show me no mercy!" he grinned.


Parker nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine." He lied, trying to ignore the pain although he'd now continue to walk with a slight limp. He looked around warily, now being sure to keep a tight grip on the railing. "Great...how do we get rid of a ghost?..."


Jessica shook her head a little. "I'm fine. I'm not really hungry. Are you though? I don't mind making you something to eat if you are." she said, knowing it might be a little difficult for him with injuries on both his chest and his back now. Sure, he'd taken some pain relief but she imagined it still wouldn't be easy.


Denix Vames - May 17, 2021

Gabriel smirked. "With pleasure." He took the rest of his clothes off. Then he threw his own clothes aside. His wings sprouted. He leaned over him. Whispering into his ear, he said, "I'm going to make you scream."

(private time)


"I'm not sure but we'll find out once we get there." ,said Will. As they were getting closer to Ben's apartment, he raised a brow at Parker. "Do you need some help?" He held out his hand.


"Nah I'm good. I'll just grab whatever from the fridge. I don't want to make you cook for me at a time like this." ,said Ben.


Shadowess - May 18, 2021

Parker's cheeks turned a little pink as he limped after Will and looked at his hand. He couldn't help smiling at Will's concern as he shook his head a little. "I'm fine. Just a pulled muscle, that's all. Thanks though." he said as he looked towards Ben's door. "Let's get this over with..." he said a little nervously with a sigh. He wasn't sure how they were supposed to stop a ghost...he supposed they could ask Jessica how she got it to leave but that wouldn't help them to put the ghost to rest if she only knew how to get it to go elsewhere.


Jessica shrugged. "I wouldn't mind, honestly...Or, if you'd prefer, I could order something in? That way we can both rest." she suggested.


Denix Vames - May 18, 2021

Will nodded. "If you say so." He knocked on the door.

Ben turned to the sound. "We'll talk about this later. Looks like they're here." He headed out of the room. Opening the front door. "Hey Captain." He nodded at Parker. "Rookie. Heard you left the PD to be a private detective. What's that like?"

Will stepped into his home. "Let's save the chitchat for later. I'm going to talk to Jessica. Where is she?" "In my room. The door's open." He walked over to the room. He knocked on the wall before heading. "Hey Jessica. I need you to explain to me what you saw."


shadowess - May 18, 2021

Parker stayed stood nearby the bedroom door with Ben, listening in on his sister and Will. Jessica hesitated to answer, rubbing her arms nervously and glancing out of the door. Knowing Ben would hear her. But there was no better time or way for him to find out the truth. Here goes...

"I think it started when we were leaving the hospital. Ben said he felt cold and was shivering even though it wasn't that cold. When we got back he got worse. I was about to take him back to the hospital when crazy shit started happening. The bedroom door slammed shut, the room got colder, the lights flickered...Ben fell. His shirt was cut open and his back scratched up pretty bad...Then a guy appeared in the room. He blew up the light, I think he wanted to hurt us...I'm- I'm pretty sure he was a ghost. I didnt know what else to do, s-so I told him I was a Devil and that if he didn't leave I'd drag him to Hell...I think he believed me because he vanished after that..."


Denix Vames - May 18, 2021

Ben laughed. "I'm sorry Jess but I think you're just really stressed from what happened earlier. The intruder broke into our home, tried to hurt you, but got me instead. Then when you threatened to kick his ass, he ran off."

"Oh?" Will walked to him. "Then how about your front door? The lock isn't broken. Your windows are fine too." "He probably knew how to pick locks." He sighed. "Look Ben-"

Sam appeared. His arm went through Will's chest. He pulled it out. Leaving a gaping bleeding hole. Ben's face turned pale. He was shaking and sweating as his blood turned cold. He took some steps back before collapsing. His eyes were wide and filled with fear. Never blinking.

Will spat out some blood. He fell to his knees. His body began to heal by itself. He growled as a red aura surrounded him. His wings sprouted. His fangs revealed themselves. His nails became claws. He yanked his eyepatch off. Leaving bleeding scratch marks over his lid. From below his forehead to below his red eye.

His growling grew louder as he stood. Letting his rage take him over. He turned around and grabbed Sam who was now screaming at his touch.

A red portal appeared. "No! Stop! Please!" ,shouted Sam. Will shoved him into the portal. Once Sam left, the portal did too. Yet, Will seemed to have lost himself. He turned to Ben as he sniffed his blood. He enjoyed the fear in it.

He slowly walked over.


Shadowess - May 18, 2021

Jessica frowned. There was a lot to unpack when it came to what Ben said next. For starters, based on the story he'd fabricated out of sheer denial, she was glad she'd waited until Will and Parker were here before trying to tell him the truth because, clearly, trying to convince him earlier would have been impossible. Secondly "our home"? she'd known him a day at the most and she had yet to even admit to him that she had feelings for him. She certainly didn't live here...not yet anyway. Maybe that was just a mental slip up on his part?

She watched anxiously as Will tried to reason with Ben. Then her own face turned pale, her eyes widening at the sight of the ghost reappearing and attempting to murder Will.

"WILL!!" Parker screamed, watching helplessly with his hands gripping the sides of his head. He didn't know whether Will's new powers would help him heal and he didn't know how to fight off a ghost. He didn't dare take out his gun in case the bullet passed straight through it and hit either Will, Jessica or Ben.

They then watched in shock as Will changed and dealt with the ghost with apparent ease. Their shock rapidly turning to horror when they both realized Will wasn't himself and was turning on Ben. "Don't you dare! You stay away from him!" Jessica shouted, jumping in front of Will, standing between him and Ben. She glared at him. "Back off! I'm warning you!" she said, clenching her fists. She was terrified and knew she couldn't fight him, but by God, she was willing to try!

Parker rushed forward and placed a hand on Will's arm to try and get his attention. "Will! Snap out of it! It's over! You don't have to fight anymore!" he tried to reason with him.

Even River was growing concerned. "Hey man! Take it easy! You're just hungry from the injury! Don't eat the friendlies! Hades will probably blame me for it and kill my ass if you do and I like my ass where it is, thank you very much!"

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Denix Vames - May 18, 2021

Will heard their voices. He looked at Parker. "P-Parker?" His aura disappeared. His wings went back inside. His claws were now nails. He collapsed on Parker.

Ben remained shaking and pale. Never blinking.


Shadowess - May 18, 2021

Parker groaned, straining to hold up Will's weight, especially on his sore leg. "Dammit...You'd think I'd be more muscular from catching your ass all the time..." he groaned as he shuffled over to the couch while trying to hold Will up, then eased him down gently so he could rest. He then flopped onto the couch next to him, wiping sweat from his forehead and panting.

Jessica was still shaking a bit as well. Her heart was pounding. She sighed in relief when Will came back to his senses before passing out on Parker. She turned to Ben and looked at him worriedly. She'd hoped he would find out in a way that was far calmer than this. How was he going to react now?! Regardless, they were now at the point of no return and a conversation had to be had. She knelt next to Ben and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Ben?" She said softly. "It's alright. I know that was frightening but you're safe, I promise." she bit her lip a little. "We can explain everything. I wanted to tell you...I was going to...I didn't want it to happen like this though..." her voice quivered. She was terrified that he'd somehow blame her for this. That he'd be too frightened to go near her when he learned of what she really was. "This is real. It's all real. That was a ghost. Will is...Well, I'm not sure what Will is..." she looked towards him uncertainly.

"A Blood God, apparently..." Parker breathed, his head resting against the back of the couch with his eyes closed. "That's sort of a Devil, by the way...but like...half vampire...sort of..." he tried to explain. He then lifted his head to look at them. "I'm a half Devil..." he said and nodded towards Jessica. "And so is my sister... We're human though until we die...and then we become full blooded Devils when we arrive in Hell. There...all caught up...any questions?"

Jessica couldn't help glaring at Parker a little because of how blasé he was being about all of this. She was getting really sick and tired of his and his friends attitudes, particularly towards herself and people who might need a little more compassion after something so traumatic. They tend to forget that not everyone is used to dealing with this sort of stuff and that it can really be terrifying to someone who is brand new to the truth.


River pulled Will back into the dream version of his house. "Welcome back...Had us all worried there for a second. Thankfully, you didn't actually do any damage. Jessica and Parker are talking to Ben now..." he pointed to the ceiling, hinting that they can listen in if they wanted. Of course, if requested, River could always wake him up again. "Oh and don't worry about flipping out...You lost a lot of blood. When you're not used to that level of hunger it can be overwhelming. Just make sure you grab one of those gross bag things when you get the chance and you'll be good as gold."


Denix Vames - May 18, 2021

Ben didn't respond. He remained as he had been in his frightened state.


"Are you trying to get me to hate those blood bags?" Will shook his head. "Whatever the hell I was before is something that I never want to do ever again! Isn't there any way to control this crap? Ben won't even say anything!"


shadowess - May 18, 2021

Jessica looked back at Ben, her concerns for him increasing the longer he didn't speak. "Ben? Ben, please say something!" she reached up to gently brush some of his hair out of his face. "Ben, it's ok. I promise, everything is going to be fine."

Parker blinked at Ben, then sat forward and watched him with a serious expression. "Buddy? You good?" he asked, growing worried as well.


"Course not! Whether or not you like them is up to you...doesn't mean that I have to like them though. If there's one thing you can be certain with me, it's that I am at least honest. I have opinions and tastes too, you know?" River crossed his arms and looked away from Will, a little offended. "Yeah, but it's a mixture of will power and keeping your hunger sated. You gotta really want to be in control and focus. You can teleport. I'd recommend popping out and grabbing yourself a bag from Carter's fridge then coming back again. At least then you won't be in contact with anyone for long enough to let the hunger take over again before you can feed. I can wake you up when you're ready, just say the word." he looked at him.


Denix Vames - May 18, 2021

Ben remained unresponsive.


Will sighed. "Fine then. Wake me up." Once he didn't awake, he disappeared. Appearing in Carter's office where he opened the fridge in the kitchen.

He took out the pink straw he was given at the vampire bar and stuck it in the blood bag which he sipped.


Shadowess - May 18, 2021

Jessica's concern grew and grew. She didn't know what to do or how to snap him out of it. "Ben! Ben, please!" she begged him, her eyes filling with tears and she glanced back at Parker desperately who could only watch, just as helpless. "What do I do?! I don't know what to do!" she turned back to Ben and placed both her hands on his shoulders, gently shaking him a little. "Ben, say something. Talk to me." she placed a hand on his cheek. "Please."

Parker and Jessica jumped when Will suddenly sat up and vanished. Jessica turned back to Ben and continued trying to get him to speak. Meanwhile, Parker frowned, looking at the spot where Will had been sitting and wondering if he was alright.


River snapped his fingers and Will woke up. As Will was drinking the bag at Carter's office, he asked; "So, how do you suppose we snap Ben out of his stupor?"


Denix Vames - May 18, 2021

Will threw the bag away after finishing it. He stuffed the straw in his pocket. "We have to make him forget. He clearly can't deal with the truth."

He appeared in Ben's apartment. He walked over to Ben. "Don't worry. I'm just going to make him forget he ever saw that ghost and what it did to me. It's the only way he'll be stable. As mentally stable as a cop can get."

He placed his hand on Ben's head. He closed his eyes. "Forget you ever saw that situation, Ben. There's no such thing as the supernatural."

Ben's eyes slowly closed. His skin held its color once again. He stopped sweating. He felt more warm.


Shadowess - May 18, 2021

Parker and Jessica watched as Will made Ben forget what had happened. "Wha-? So, what is he going to think happened then?" Jessica asked, worried. She also felt a little pained, knowing that telling Ben the truth might result in this happening to him again. He'd never truly know what she was.

Parker faked a cough into his fist to get Will's attention, then tugged a little on his own shirt while nodding at Will's. Signaling that Will's shirt was still bloodied and had a hole on both sides from where the ghost's arm went through. If they wanted Ben to believe whatever Will intended for him to believe, then they were going to need an explanation for that.


Denix Vames - May 18, 2021

"I'm not sure but you'll find out when he wakes up." ,said Will. He walked over to Parker. He picked up his eyepatch then touched his arm. Taking them both in front of the door to Ben's home.

Will quickly put the eyepatch over his red eye. "We're going now. I don't want him to think that we were here. He won't remember the phone call or us being here. I'm going to head to the PD to get him and me a new uniform."


shadowess - May 18, 2021

Jessica frowned and looked at Ben, catching him before he could fall when Will let him go. She lay him down gently then looked around to ask another question, only to see that Will and Parker had already vanished. She grit her teeth, annoyed at them. They wipe his memory and don't even stick around to see if he's ok? Not to mention they didn't even seem to care that they hadn't seen her since the incident with Leo...She bit back tears, trying to bury the bitterness that was growing within her as she turned back to focus on Ben, waiting for him to wake up.


Parker nodded. "Alright. In that case, I'm guna head to the stores and see if I can find us a couple of suits for the wedding..." he paused, glancing back at the door. "You don't suppose Ben would be Jessica's plus one like you're mine, do you? That might complicate things if Jasper is going to teleport everyone to the wedding."


Denix Vames - May 18, 2021

Ben slowly opened his eyes. "Jessica? What happened?"


"We can talk to Jasper about that." Will caressed his cheek. He frowned. "Sorry about before. I was so angry that I didn't realize the fight was over. And then with the bad loss, I needed some blood to drink. I didn't mean to scare anyone. Especially not Ben. Poor guy shouldn't know anything about this."


shadowess - May 18, 2021

Jessica hesitated to answer as she helped him to sit up. "Y-you passed out." She said carefully. "What do you remember?" she asked, wanting to know what she had to work with.


Parker blushed and held Will's hand. "It's fine. I understand what that's like...Honestly? You have way better control over it than I had..." he said with a shrug. He sighed. "We're guna have to be careful around him from now on. It might be worth letting the others know, especially if he's hanging out with my sister..."


Denix Vames - May 18, 2021

Ben rubbed his head. "I remember....shooting the suspect. Being in a hospital and now I'm here?"


Will nodded. "Yeah. I'll inform them once I've got a clean change of clothes." He kissed him slowly. "Stay safe." He disappeared.


Shadowess - May 18, 2021

Jessica sighed. He'd forgotten about the ghost completely. "Uh...I'm not sure if the hospital gave you some pretty strong meds..." she began, making something up on the spot. "You seemed a bit out of it as we were leaving the hospital. You started acting a bit weird, I think you were hallucinating. Then we got back and you passed out. I think you were having nightmares too." she said, hoping her explanation would be reason enough for the injury the ghost caused on his back. She paused, hesitant. "How do you feel now?" she asked softly.


Parker held on to the kiss for as long as he could. Intimate moments with Will were always fleeting. It wasn't anyone's fault, they both just lived very busy lives. "You too..." Parker sighed when Will left. He then headed to his car, driving to a store to find them a couple of decent suits.


Denix Vames - May 18, 2021

"I feel fine. I think. Drugs huh? That hospital really does have something." Ben stood with the help of Jessica. "I'm hungry. Maybe we could make something together?"


Will appeared in the locker room where he grabbed a new uniform and bulletproof vest. He made sure to grab another pair after changing. He appeared in front of Ben's apartment door and knocked. He would leave the uniform there with a note that said, 'Heard you got shot. Here's a new pair of clothes. Take it easy.' - Will.


Shadowess - May 19, 2021

Jessica smiled at him. She was relieved that he believed her story but also saddened that lying was something she'd had to resort to in order to keep him safe. She nodded at his suggestion. "Sure, what should we make?" she asked as they headed towards the kitchen. It was then that they heard a knock at the door. Jessica turned to look at it warily. Feeling a little paranoid after everything that had happened.


Denix Vames - May 19, 2021

"Hold on a minute." Ben walked over. He opened the door. He bent down. Picking up the fresh clean uniform along with the note. He flinched as he moved. He smiled at the outfit. "Looks like Captain Will left me a new uniform. Always good to have a guy like him around."


Carter was dreaming. He found himself in a cave. He looked around. "What the-?!" "I have seen what you can become. You are selling yourself short." ,said a deep echoed voice. "Who's that?! What are you talking about?!"

"Can you not recall on what you almost did to your dear lover?" The memory replayed in front of him. Carter clutched his head. "Stop! Shut up!" "I am the oldest and one of the few Leviathan's left. Join me Carter. Become my vessel. You and I shall conquer the world!"

"No! Get out of my head!" Suddenly, water built up in the cave. He tried to find a way out but couldn't. He flailed about as he was drowning. Then the water became a dark liquid. A black substance.

He was no longer drowning. Instead, he was on his knees. Throwing up the substance.

"You do not have a choice." ,said another version of himself with red eyes. A second duplicate of himself had merely black eyes who walked over. "We will soon become one."

Carter gasped awake after flailing around. He fell off of the bed. Gasping and breathing heavily as he was sweating. He ran. Hitting the wall which he held on to as he fell to his knees. Gagging and coughing up his saliva.


Will appeared in the bathroom of the store that Parker was in. He stepped out. He looked around. "Parker? Parker!"


shadowess - May 19, 2021

Jessica strained a smile. "Your Captain sounds like a good guy." she said, turning away to walk into the kitchen. She hated it but she had to pretend Will hadn't been here with Parker not too long ago. "You said his name's Will?" she asked. "My brother is dating a Police Captain named Will...wonder if they're the same guy." she said, thinking it might be something she would've said if this was what they'd have ended up talking about if the ghost hadn't appeared. "Anyway, what do you want to eat?" she asked, opening up the fridge and looking in.


"Carter?!" Sebastian woke up to him moving around erratically. Another nightmare? They really DID need a holiday! He tried to shake him awake, calling his name until Carter suddenly flung himself from the bed and ran into the wall. Sebastian sprang out of the bed and hurried over to him, placing his hands on his shoulders. "Carter! Are you alright? You were having a nightmare!" he rubbed his back, trying to comfort him and worried about his coughing and gagging. "Take it easy. Slow, deep breaths. You're alright. You're safe." he said gently.


Parker looked up when he heard Will's voice and he smiled at him. "Over here." he called back. He'd been trying to decide between regular ties or bowties. "I've not really been to a wedding before." He said, though he was trying to push the memory of marrying Bryce out of his mind. That shouldn't really count, right? Their outfits during that had been very old fashioned, after all. "Which do you think we should wear?" He asked as he showed them to Will.


Denix Vames - May 19, 2021

"Really? We should go on a double date with them if you're comfortable with that." Ben set his uniform on his bed and came back out of the room.

"I was thinking of some mash with peas and turkey. I know not too many people like peas but I love them." He walked over to her. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "By the way, are you alright? You seem troubled."


Carter strained to hear him but was able to take his advice. He wrapped his arms around him. "A-A voice! It told me that I was destined to.....release it. Leviathan. Black ooze. Water. A cave?"

He clutched his head as he heard the voice again. Calling to him. "Sebastian! I don't want to free it!"


"I've been to too many weddings to count. Believe it or not, cops get married all the time." Will pointed at the ties. "I still want to look professional. No offense but bowties are for guys like Peewee Herman."


shadowess - May 19, 2021

Jessica shrugged. "I duno..." she said uncertainly. "That might be a little uncomfortable since what happened last time I saw them..." she said, referring to the fight she'd told him about. At his suggestion and comment about peas, Jessica chuckled. "I love peas too. I don't think there's a vegetable that I don't like, honestly..."

When Ben placed a hand on her shoulder, she looked at him. Her cheeks turning a little pink and her mind racing for just a moment as he said she seemed troubled. Was she really that readable?! "Um...I guess, between you getting shot and passing out when we got in, I'm still kinda worried for you." she said softly.


Sebastian held Carter tightly, still rubbing his back. He listened to what Carter said and after everything that had happened to them since they met, Sebastian believed that what Carter was telling him was real. "It's going to be ok. Try to relax. We'll stop it, alright? Now, let's think...Didn't Hades or someone mention Leviathans the last time we were all together? Maybe we could ask them about it? Learn what they are and how to stop it." he suggested in a calm voice.


Parker laughed at Will's comment. "Fair enough. Ties it is then." He chuckled as he put the bowtie back and picked up a couple of black ties. He was already holding a couple of suits over his arm. "Did you want to try these on before we buy them?" he asked, looking back at Will.

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Denix Vames - May 19, 2021

"Oh, I get it. I'd be worried too if the same thing happened to you." ,said Ben. He reached out at the top cabinets to get some dishes but flinched when he felt his stitches. He touched his chest. "Looks like I'm gonna have to sit this one out. Sorry."


Carter nodded. "But I don't know who that was." He shut his eyes. "And I just wish this thing would shut up!" 'You can't escape the inevitable.' ,said the Leviathan. "SHUT UP!"


"Of course. We'd look like idiots if we didn't get the right outfits for this event." ,said Will. They walked over to the changing rooms. He plucked some suits from Parker. Getting into one of the rooms.

He put on a dark blue suit then stepped out. "What do you think?"


shadowess - May 19, 2021

Jessica turned to Ben when he flinched and said he wouldn't be able to help. She smiled kindly at him. "That's ok. I don't mind cooking. You go ahead and rest. I'll bring the food through when it's ready."


"It's talking to you now?" Sebastian asked, pulling away a little so he could look over Carter carefully. He held Carter's head in his hands and caressed his cheeks with his thumbs. "Don't listen to it. Don't let it get to you. Be strong, Carter. Just until we get some help." he said, urgency in his tone. He then tried to remember who it was that mentioned them but given that it was only brought up very briefly while there was already a lot going on, Sebastian was having trouble recalling who said what.

Sebastian stood and helped Carter over to the bed to sit down. He looked about the room. They certainly needed help, but where do they even start? "Nate? You around? I don't suppose you have any idea on how to help us with this?" Sebastian called out.


When Will stepped out, Parker blushed deeply. "Blue is a great color on you." he said. Personally, he wasn't sure whether to wear blue as well or black.


Denix Vames - May 19, 2021

Ben nodded. "Let me know if you need any help. I'm not disabled." He walked over to the couch where he sat there. Leaning back.


Carter nodded. "I'll try." He gripped the edge of the bed. Nate appeared. "This doesn't look good. I can't do much about this. It's out of my jurisdiction. Carter, do you know where this Leviathan is?" A dark portal opened beneath Carter who sank into it. He was screaming. "Carter!" Nate reached out. Trying to grab him when a claw reached out of the portal. It grabbed his arm. Gripping it as it left scars.

Nate cried out.


Will blushed. "Thanks but we should see if it works on you. We have to match."


shadowess - May 19, 2021

"I know, I know." Jessica chuckled as she took out the ingredients. "If it makes you feel better, we can cook together when you feel better." she called through as he sat on the couch. It took a little while, but when she was done, she dished up a couple of slices of turkey per plate, along with peas and mashed potatoes. She'd also made a small jug of gravy to go with it.

When it was all done, she took Ben's plate to him with a knife and fork. She also set the jug of gravy down on the table near him in case he wanted some after already putting a small amount on her own plate.

She sat next to him with her own plate and smiled at him. "Hope you like it." She said as she began to eat.


"CARTER!" Sebastian screamed when Carter fell into the portal that appeared. He was also about to reach in to try and pull Carter back when the claw came out and hurt Nate. Sebastian quickly grabbed Nate, pulling him away while kicking at the claw to try and get it off. "What the hell is that?!" He cried out then looked back at the Portal. "CARTER!!" He screamed again, tears filling his eyes as he ran forward, fully intent on jumping in after him. "GIVE HIM BACK YOU BASTARD!" In this moment, he didn't care who or what the Leviathan was, he just wanted to get Carter away from it no matter what it took! He was willing to fight whatever it was with everything he had. He was even willing to die if it meant keeping Carter safe.


"Alright." Parker nodded, still blushing. He stepped into a nearby changing booth with the second blue suit and got changed. A few moments later, he stepping out while making sure his suit was straightened. He looked at Will bashfully and smirked. "So, how do I look?" he asked.


Denix Vames - May 19, 2021

Ben smiled. He sniffed the air. "Thanks. This smells great." He poured some gravy over his mash. He cut into the turkey. Eating a piece. His eyes sparkled. "This is delicious! You're a fantastic cook."


"Sebastian! Wait!" Carter reached a hand out before being pushed in by the claw. The portal closed before Sebastian had the chance to get in.


Carter was lost in darkness as he floated to the ground which was a huge puddle of the same black substance. The walls were red. He then appeared in a cave. He was now in Hell. Lost.

He sat up. Looking around. "What is this place? Where am I?" 'Find me and you will set your own path.' He stood. "I'm not going to do shit for you!" 'You do not have a choice. You will soon awaken me. Your true powers.'

The voice disappeared. Carter had no choice but to move forward.


"Hmm. You look good but maybe we should try black instead? For both of us." ,said Will.


Shadowess - May 19, 2021

Jessica blushed at the compliment. "Thank you." she beamed. "I learned everything from me ma...She raised me on her own. We didn't have much...but we made do with what we had. As soon as I was old enough, I helped her wherever I could. Cooking, cleaning...even helping her run her little shop." she said, reminiscing her childhood while she ate.


"CARTER!! CARTER!!" Sebastian became frantic. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he ran to the spot the portal had been. He looked about the room wildly before looking at Nate. "How do I get him back?! Where did he go!? I can't leave him there!" he cried, panicking. "I need to find him!!"


Parker nodded. "Alright." He grabbed one of the black suits that he'd draped over the back of a chair just outside their changing booths. "See you in a minute." he grinned and headed into the changing booth. A few moments later, he'd step out in the back suit and wait for Will to step out of his booth as well.


Denix Vames - May 19, 2021

Ben continued. "Really? What shop was that?"


Nate clutched his bleeding arm. "I-It won't heal." He fell to his knees. "David. We need your help. Please."


Carter found himself a vast area of the cave. The water was more clear. The only sounds there were the drips drops of water and his feet. He suddenly found himself wearing his old detective outfit.

He pulled out his gun. "Who's out there?!" He heard footsteps that were different from his own. He turned around to find himself with red eyes. None of this made any sense.

(was wondering if you could put in some lines for the Carter with red eyes, its like this hallucination that the Leviathan is trying to use to get him to free it)


Will stepped out. He was wearing the black suit. He smiled. "You don't look too bad. Pretty sexy I gotta say."


shadowess - May 20, 2021

Jessica hesitated to answer. Why did she have to bring that damn shop up? Her cheeks turned a little pink from embarrassment as she told him. "Oh, just a little herbal shop. We sold things like incense, herbal remedies, crystals...and me ma was obsessed with Tarot so we sold cards too. Me ma occasionally did the odd Tarot reading as well. I never got into the whole Tarot thing..."


David appeared in the room and took one look at Nate. "Shit. Patience!"

Patience appeared as well and looked at Nate too. "Nate! What happened?!" She hurried over, trying to use her powers to heal him. Meanwhile David turned his attention to Sebastian who was hyperventilating and sobbing. "Sebastian, what's wrong? What happened?"

"Carter! I-It took Carter! I don't know where he is! We have to help him!!" Sebastian cried, gripping the sides of his head and still looking around wildly, hoping to see a glimpse of the portal or something that could help him go after Carter.


(Sure. Though, how is Carter meant to release it? Is it more of a mental thing?)

"Don't fight it, Carter. Rejoice. You have been chosen." The other version of Carter said to him calmly. It took a step towards him, staring at him intensely. "Do what you must and no one will ever bring harm to you or your loved ones again."


Parker grinned and blushed when Will complimented him. "I could say the same about you." he chuckled. "I think we've got a winner here. We should get changed and pay for these. What do you wana do after this?"


Denix Vames - May 20, 2021

Ben finished up. "Sounds like an interesting place. I'm assuming that shop isn't around anymore?" He took his dish to the sink. He poured himself a glass of water which he drank.


"This Leviathan took Carter. From what I read in Sebastian's mind, it wants Carter to free it. But I don't know where it would even be locked up. I figured you would know since it seems like a lot of old creatures live in Hell." ,said Nate.

Nate's wound was slowly but those scars would leave a physical mark.


(basically he would physically go to an area. something like an altar that has the shape of the Leviathan. there he would need to stab himself in order to free the Leviathan by spilling his blood. Once his blood get in the water beneath him, it turns black and the Leviathan appears from the altar. Breaking it. Immediately possessing Carter and healing him so that he can keep his body while still having his soul intact. also maybe you can change the hallucination's appearance sometimes just to make things more interesting?)

"No!" Carter took some steps back. He aimed his gun at him. "This is wrong! You're not real! Whatever this thing is....! It's a monster!"


"Go on our second date. Preferably without any bullets involved." Will changed back into his uniform. Holding the folded suit.


Shadowess - May 20, 2021

Jessica stiffened a little at the question but answered quickly. "N-no. It's been closed down for a few months now..." she finished her meal and got up, taking her own plate to the sink as well, filling it up and beginning to wash the dishes. "So, did you want me to stick around and keep helping you out or did you want me to leave you alone for the night?" she asked, not wanting to assume that she could sleep over again. "I don't mind either way. I like hanging out with you." she added, looking over and smiling at him.


"I actually have no idea what a Leviathan is. I only heard about them myself a few days ago..." David admitted. "I meant to look them up but ended up being too busy to do so. Speaking of which, I must remember to have a word with Oscar when I next see him...but for now..." he turned at looked at Sebastian who was still struggling to calm down. "Let's try to find out where Carter went...I don't even known if these creatures dwell in Hell...even if it did..." He looked back at Nate worriedly.

"Well, I'm sure Heaven works in the same way but...for every new soul that arrives in Hell, the dimension expands in order to prevent overcrowding. It's why Hell always feels so empty when we go there. I'd say that by now, Hell has grown so much that it's possibly reached the size of several Earth's put together...finding a specific place there that we've never been to might be... -difficult.-" he scratched the back of his head and looked at Patience who was sweating a little from the effort needed to heal Nate. "Try to help put Sebastian at ease...I'll be back soon with some books...we'll get to the bottom of this."

David vanished. He needed to get the books from Hell's Library but first things first, he needed some help from Oscar to deal with another issue at the same time. He appeared in front of Leo's mansion and rang the doorbell, not wanting to just appear in front of them in case he stumbled in on something he wasn't supposed to see.


The image smiled calmly, knowing Carter's weapon would be useless here. "Don't you want to keep Sebastian safe?" it asked, shifting into Sebastian's shape. "He needs you. He needs you to protect him from all who would harm him. You don't want to lose him, do you? Like you lost your first family?" it waved at hand at the water in front of them, causing it to ripple as Carter's memory of his family shifted into focus. One second they were all happy together, then the memory changed to their murders. "You couldn't save them because you weren't strong enough." the mirage of Sebastian said as it shifted once more into the shape of Jack.

"But you can save Sebastian." it said, waving it's hand again to show all the happy memories of Carter and Sebastian together. "You just need to right kind of power to protect him..." it snapped it's fingers, the image in the water vanished and was replaced by and image of the alter. The form of Jack pointed behind Carter. "Your salvation is in that direction. When Carter would turn to look at where he was pointing, the mirage would shift back into Sebastian and step close to Carter, giving him an imploring look. "You do love me, don't you Carter? You'd do anything for me, right?" it said, taking Carter's hand. "Even die for me?"


Parker smirked at the comment and blushed at the idea of going on a second date as he too got changed in the booth. He stepped out in his ordinary clothes, holding the suit he'd just been wearing as well. "Sounds like a plan. Where do you wana go?" he asked as they headed to the cash register to pay. He pulled out his wallet as they waited in the small line.


Denix Vames - May 20, 2021

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that." Ben smiled. "I want you to stay here for as long as you want to. Believe it or not Jess, I need you." He caressed her cheek. "You've always been there for me ever since I saved you. And I appreciate that."


Nate collapsed. "L-Leviathan...."


Leo woke up. He rubbed his eyes before zooming to the front door. He opened it. "David? What's up?"


Carter dropped the gun in the water. He reached for it but his hand slipped. "NO!" He clutched his head. Falling to his knees. "Stop it! Shut up! This isn't real! This can't be happening!"


In a panic, he ran off. Going deeper into the cave. "How the hell do I get out of here?!"


Will held the bag containing the suits. "Well, have you ever seen a match before?" He wrapped an arm around his waist.


Shadowess - May 20, 2021

Jessica turned her head to look at Ben as he spoke and her cheeks turned red as he admitted that he needed her. He caressed her cheek and she could feel herself melting within from his touch, her heart fluttering wildly in her chest. She smiled, looking into his eyes. "Thank you." she said softly. "Because you're the first person to really -see- me...someone that actually wants to be around me...and, I guess..." she blushed a little harder. "I guess I want to be around you too...because I care about you...a lot."


Under the circumstances, Patience was doing her best. She moved Nate over to the bed so he would be more comfortable after he collapsed then quickly went over to Sebastian to calm him down. She pulled him into her arms and brought him over to the bed to sit on the end of it, cradling his head to her chest like a mother would for an upset child. "Shhh, it'll be alright. Breathe Sebastian. We'll find him. He'll be ok." she said over and over in a hushed voice while stroking his hair until he calmed down enough to breathe normally, though he continued to sob.


Oscar groaned, his head was pounding. He rubbed his head and sat up. He looked towards the bedroom door just as Leo ran through it to answer the front door downstairs. He could barely remember what had happened the night before.

David looked a little exasperated as Leo answered. "Ah, Leo! I need help from Oscar, is he home? I don't mean to press but I'm a little short on time." he said gesturing into the house as a way of asking to be invited in.


The mirage smiled when Carter began running. It faded away but called out to Carter in Sebastian's voice, sounding panicked. "Carter! Carter! Help! Please! Carter, where are you?!" It made the voice come from the direction of the alter, attempting to bait Carter there. It screamed in Sebastian's voice as if in pain. "CARTER! HELP!"


"No, I haven't." Parker answered with a small smile, he was blushing again at Will's arm around his waist. He put his wallet away after paying for the suits and they walked out of the shop together.


Denix Vames - May 20, 2021

Ben became lost in her eyes. "I care about you too." He leaned in and kissed her.


"He was....drugged by some jackass. He's resting right now." Leo let him in. "Why? What do you need help with?"


"Sebastian?! Sebastian, where are you?!" Carter did his best to follow the voice. "I'm coming!"


"Well, I heard there's a local match that's gonna happen soon. We could buy tickets now if you want." Will kissed his cheek.

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Shadowess - May 20, 2021

Jessica froze a little when Ben kissed her but she relaxed, thrilled that he felt the same way about her. She suddenly felt very vulnerable around him yet she didn't care. She just knew she didn't want this to end. She slowly recaptured his lips with hers, kissing him tenderly and closing her eyes, losing herself in the moment. At the back of her mind, she felt a little guilty for doing this. In a strange way, she felt like she was betraying Greg's trust but she reassured herself that she'd already spoken to Ben about it and that Ben had established they didn't know each other. Besides, Ben said he'd call Greg to talk to him, so the rest was between them. Which meant Jessica shouldn't have to worry. She should just relax and enjoy these new feelings she was having. She absently grabbed a towel, quickly patting her hands dry while still kissing him before bringing a hand up to caress his cheek.


"What?!" David stepped into the house and looked up at the staircase in time to see Oscar stumbling a little down the stairs. "Well, I'm glad to see you're alright now!" David said with a nod, though he looked concerned.

"'Alright' might be a bit of a reach...My head is killing me..." Oscar groaned as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Uh...Well, this throws quite the spanner into the works..." David fumbled, scratching the back of his head a bit. "I need help with a new addition to the Redemption Programme. Ricky. He wants to change his ways for the better... I'm needed urgently to help Carter but I made a promise to Ricky which I intend to keep. I was hoping you could come with me back to Hell's library. There I can do the research I need while you help me with getting Ricky started on his rehabilitation...but considering the circumstances..." David explained and trailed off. He was about to say Oscar should stay home and rest instead when Oscar shook his head, looking at David in disgust.

"Why would I help that creep out!? He helped Rickster and tortured me to make me their personal puppet for a bit!" Oscar snapped. "Besides, I'm a -Punisher- Demon. I PUNISH! I don't give souls fucking therapy!"

"As I said before, when Peace is finally declared between Heaven and Hell, Punisher Demons are going to be a thing of the past! We won't have use for them anymore! So, this is to help you as well! To help you acclimate to the new, improved procedures in Hell!" David argued.

"You'll still need Punisher Demons! Ok, maybe some souls can be saved, but I refuse to believe that there aren't some un-savable souls out there that need to be punished severely for their vile actions!" Oscar argued back. Oscar had completely forgotten that he'd been partying with Ricky at the Library the night before. Most of his memories from the previous night being completely blacked out.


As Carter would get closer to the alter, the screams would intensify little by little. Urging Carter on. When he'd finally reach the Alter, Sebastian's voice would be all around him. Sobbing, groaning and breathing loudly as if he was being tortured. "Carter! Make it stop! It won't stop! Not until you free it! Please! Please help me! I don't want to die!!" It let out another awful scream as if Sebastian was in sudden agony.


"Sure, that sounds like it could be fun." Parker replied, grinning at Will excitedly.


Denix Vames - May 20, 2021

Ben slipped his tongue into her mouth. He brought a hand to her waist. Bringing her closer.


Leo placed a hand on Oscar's shoulder. "Maybe you should give him a chance. After all, our friends gave me a chance. I use to kill creatures but now I'll help them. I work for the CIA. Ricky could be a different person these days."


Carter clamped his hands over his ears. "STOP! I don't know if this is real! Am I dreaming?! Let this be a nightmare! Let it be fake! Where are you?! Sebastian!"


"Let's go then. I'll give you directions while you drive." Will put the bag in the backseat of the car. He got in the passenger side.

He soon gave directions to a gym which sometimes held boxing matches.


Shadowess - May 20, 2021

Jessica shivered a little at the feeling of his tongue going into her mouth. She stepped close to him when he pulled her to him by her waist, but she was careful not to hurt his chest. Keeping one hand on his cheek while her other hand ran through his hair. She kissed him back, matching his passion.


Oscar was riled up but as soon as Leo placed a hand on his shoulder and spoke to him, he calmed down a bit. He looked at Leo, torn on what to do. "Punishing is all I know...It's been my life for centuries...I don't know if I'm ready to let that go..." he admitted with a sigh. "I just...I don't want to feel...obsolete...you know? Like...I don't have a purpose..."

David shook his head a little. "You can still be a great help to Hell. But there really isn't any need for violence and grotesque punishments anymore."

Oscar heard him but didn't respond. It wasn't David he was interested in hearing from. He valued Leo's advice more.


Sebastian's screams continued. Occasionally he'd beg an unseen force to stop hurting him before screaming again. It was now trying to convince Carter that Sebastian was really in danger and break him down enough to do what it wanted.

In Carter's voice, it spoke to Carter again. "You know what it is that must be done. It's your life Carter, or HIS!" the sound of Sebastian's agonized screams erupted around him once more.


Parker drove to the gym, following Will's instructions. After parking the car, he stepped out and looked over at the building curiously before smiling at Will. "I'm guessing you used to come here." he said, walking around the car to walking by Will's side.


Denix Vames - May 20, 2021

Ben moved his kisses to her neck. Slightly bringing his hand under her blouse.


"You're still valued, Oscar." Leo cupped his cheeks. Looking into his eyes with a smile. "Hell still needs you. They just gave you a different position." He kissed him.


Carter reached out to the altar. He walked towards it. Stumbling until he grabbed the knife that was there. He stabbed himself in the chest. His eyes widened. He took out the blade. Letting his blood spilled, he fell to his knees. The water beneath him turned into black blood.

The altar broke apart. The Leviathan went into his body. Possessing him as it healed his body. His eyes turned black. He dropped the knife.

Carter's soul was trapped in his own body.


"Good guess. I'm sure of my old friends could give us a VIP access." ,said Will. He walked into the back of the building. Greeting a coach who he use to fight with. He introduced him to Parker.

The couple went to the front row. Getting some seats.


Shadowess - May 21, 2021

Jessica let out a quiet, shaky breath as he kissed her neck, enjoying how the feeling send shivers up her spine. She could feel his hand under her shirt and she bit her lip, smiling. She turned them a little, while he kissed her, so she was leaning against the counter and he'd be pressing her against it.

She continued to run her fingers through his hair, tilting her head back a little so he could kiss her more while her other hand wandered down his arm. She felt the muscles in his arm as her hand glided down until she reached his wrist where she moved her hand to his waist, running her fingers over the top of his pants, brushing across his skin under his shirt as they went.


"You're still valued, Oscar." Leo cupped his cheeks. Looking into his eyes with a smile. "Hell still needs you. They just gave you a different position." He kissed him.

Oscar was hesitant. He kissed Leo back while thinking it over. When the kiss broke, he stared into Leo's eyes for a moment before nodding. "You're right." he said softly, caressing his cheek. "Thank you..." he looked up at David and sighed. "So, what do you need me to do?"

"Come with me to the Library. I'll explain everything once we get there. I really need us to get going though, we've wasted enough time already." David said, growing increasingly anxious by how long this was taking.

Oscar nodded and turned back to Leo, kissing him once more. "I'll be back as soon as I can." he said softly before letting him go. David and Oscar vanished, arriving in Hell's Library.

David immediately went about searching the bookshelves while Oscar looked at Ricky on the couch. "Oscar, first things first, I need you to take Ricky to visit Rickster in Hells Cells. They're due a visit today. Under no circumstance release Rickster though. Not yet anyway. Then return here with Ricky when you're done and I'll explain the next step." David explained quickly.

Oscar nodded and walked over to Ricky, nudging his leg with his foot to wake him up. The room stank of booze and there was a bit of a mess around the place from where Demons had been partying with him.


(Will you be continueing as the Leviathan now that he's in Carter? I wouldn't know where to begin with it lol)


This was all new to Parker. He'd been to gyms, sure. But not these kinds of gyms. He greeted Will's old friends and followed Will into the gym where they sat in the front row. He smiled at Will then looked at the ring, not really knowing what to expect from the match. It hadn't really been something he'd ever thought to watch before. He knew the basics but wasn't sure if those were universal rules or if it depended on the type of fight.


Denix Vames - May 21, 2021

Ben moaned into the kisses. He slid his hand further up her blouse. Feeling her bra. "Wish we could do more. But I've got these stitches."


Leo nodded. "Take care and stay safe." He disappeared as well. Going to his job since it seemed like Oscar would be busy for a bit.


Ricky groaned as he opened his eyes. "Give me five more minutes. My head's killing me."


(its ok. i can take over. thanks by the way)

The Leviathan laughed as it stood. It looked at its new body. Feeling it so that it could get comfortable.

'You bastard! Get out of my body!' "No can do detective. You wanted this and so I have given it to you."

The ceiling to the cave had broken apart. The Leviathan rose up from the cave. Seeing the rest of Hell. "I am the new ruler of all that exists!" It raised a hand at a demon who began to be covered in black blood. Drowning in it.


There two boxers in the ring. They had just begun the first round. Showing that they were being careful while also getting a few punches in.

"So, how do you like it so far?" ,asked Will.


Shadowess - May 21, 2021

Jessica moaned when she felt his hand moving upwards. She smirked a little when he said he wished they could do more. "I might have a few ideas on how we can be careful and still have some fun." she whispered into his ear before nibbling the lobe a bit, playfully. Gently, she pulled away from him, taking his hand and heading towards the bedroom. Sure, they wouldn't be able to go all the way with him in his condition, but that didn't mean she couldn't make him feel good in other ways.


"Ricky, Rickster is waiting." David said shortly. He really didn't have the time nor the patience to deal with Ricky's entitled ass today.

"C'mon bud. We gotta go. Got shit to do." Oscar said, nudging his leg again with his foot.

"When you get back, you're both cleaning this place up!" David snapped.

"Wha-? I didn't make this mess!" Oscar complained, still not remembering being there the night before...contributing to the mess.

"I really don't have time to argue with you Oscar." David warned.

"Fine! Fuck..." Oscar grumbled and held out his hand for Ricky. "C'mon before he assigns us more chores to do later." he'd then teleport them to Hell's Cells.

Now that they were gone, David could concentrate on researching Leviathans. He found a few books and articles written by Humans about them. They mostly related to the ones mentioned in bibles and 'holy books' from Earth. As always however, David had to take this information with a grain of salt, as humans tended to have limited knowledge about the afterlife and tended to throw in a few myths for dramatic effect. He then found a very old, dusty looking book further in the library. He might've missed it if he hadn't happened to glance up when a Demon upstairs must've dropped a heavy book or something, causing dust to fall from the ceiling. He'd looked up in annoyance and noticed it on top of the bookshelves in the far corner.

Using the ladder attached to the shelves, he wheeled it over and climbed up to grab the book. He struggled a little. The book was very heavy and the pages were very delicate due to age. The whole thing was covered in a thick layer of dust. It must've been sat up there for decades, at least! Carefully, he climbed back down and took the book over to the table. He gently brushed the dust off the cover. There was no title, but there was an image of a large sea serpent imprinted into the red leather cover. Black stones where it's eyes should be. Looking at it gave David the creeps. He recalled several of the human articles referring to Leviathans as some sort of powerful sea monster or behemoth and wondered if this could be related. He opened the book and began to read.

After a few minutes of reading, David's face turned pale and he'd begun to shake a little. This book was old indeed. hundreds of centuries old. The fact that it was still intact and hadn't been reduced to dust yet was nothing short of a miracle. They were stories from old Demons and Angels...from a time before the war. Before the Spirit Council even existed. The text was old and the language was older than David was used to, which made most of it difficult to decipher but he got the general gist of it. Leviathans were like Gods. They were the closest to being as powerful as God himself. The only beings who managed to stand up to a Leviathan and live to tell the tale were Lucifer, Satan and-

"Atma?!" David gasped, re-reading the name but there was no mistaking it. Atma Tuo Vitae had taken down her fair share of rogue Leviathans in her time. Though she was incapable of using deadly force, she always managed to find other ways of defeating them. Such as banishing them to other dimensions or trapping them in prisons she'd make specially for them after deflecting all of their attacks back at them. Some she released when they relented and they went their separate ways not daring to challenge her again...but she was gone now... or so David thought. Little did he know, she was currently wandering the streets of New York as a homeless human with no memories of who she'd once been.

The ground suddenly heaved and the building shook around him violently, causing books to book from shelves. David looked around wildly, stumbling a bit as he tried to keep his balance. It was like a severe earth quake had hit but in this part of Hell, that just never happens. David had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach and that feeling worsened when he heard rumblings coming from outside. He walked over to the window and saw that it was raining. He looked up at the dark storm clouds, his face turning a little paler. This isn't right! Any weather in Hell was fake and in this part of Hell there simply was no weather...ever! "Oh, I have such a bad feeling about this..." he groaned as he watched the storm rolling by with a frown.


Oscar and Ricky arrived in Hell's Cells and they walked over to Rickster's cell. Rickster glared at them both as they approached. "So, it's not bad enough that you've teamed up with the Librarian guy, now you're siding with the man who got us both murdered?...TWICE?!" Rickster snapped.

"To be fair, you had it coming." Oscar shrugged his shoulders. "You tortured me, a Punisher Demon, to make me obedient. What did you think was guna happen? Did you really think I'd keep playing your games and -not- try to find a way out to kill you?"

"Shut up! Don't you speak to me, traitor! Don't you even fucking look at me!" Rickster snapped.

"I'll do and say what I want." Oscar glared at him. "And you should both count yourselves lucky. If Lucifer were still ruling this place, I'd have been skinning you alive right now with a huge grin on my face. So don't take this second chance for granted!"

"You hearing this shit?!" Rickster looked at Ricky. "These are the people in charge of making us 'good'?! Christ! I don't trust them one bit! I'll bet they're just waiting for the slightest excuse to write us off and carve into us!"

Oscar didn't answer, merely continued to glare. Truthfully...he wasn't wrong. In regards to Oscar at least. He was willing to try helping souls to turn themselves around but admittedly, he was finding the sudden change of job difficult to wrap his head around.

At some point during their argument they were cut off by the sudden earthquake which shook the entire prison. Oscar had a look of alarm on his face as he looked around wildly. When the building stopped shaking, he looked up a the ceiling when he heard thunder. "That's-...not normal!" he said, his voice shaking a little as he raced out of the prison to look outside. He stopped in the main doorway and watched the heavy rain beating the ground. Dark storm clouds overhead with the occasional flash of lightening. "What the fuck?!"


Even Desi was shocked when his harem rumbled and shook. The souls around him cowering, crying out in fear and holding each other for comfort. He held onto the souls he'd been spending time with to comfort them as well as they waited for the earthquake to pass. When the shaking stopped, he looked out of the ornate windows at the downpour of rain in bewilderment. The souls around him continued to cower, watching the rain in fear and confusion. Jumping when the thunder clapped above them. Desi didn't move from his large cushion, simply staring at the storm outside in shock while shaking a little. Something in Hell had gone terribly wrong!


Parker watched the way the fight was going and he smiled at Will's question. "It's interesting." he answered. "Though, I gotta admit, I'm not really too familiar with the rules." he said with a small chuckle as he looked from the fight to Will then back again.


Denix Vames - May 21, 2021

Ben smirked. "You're definitely something else." He sat on the bed. Leaning on the pillows.


Ricky stood. He rubbed his head. "Alright alright."

He smiled at Rickster when he saw him but frowned at his comments. "Enough! Both of you! This isn't-!" His eyes widened as he felt the ground shake. "What the hell is going on?!"


The Leviathan continued to walk as he left a trail of death and destruction in his wake. "All of you will bow before me! Or else you will face punishment!"

He sent out a message to all the Demons and Devils minds.



Will smiled. "You'll understand it soon." He suddenly clutched where his eyepatch was. His eye was throbbing as he heard the message. He nearly fell off of his chair when the same coach helped him up.

"I'll take him to the locker room. Come on."

At the locker room, he placed Will on a bench before giving him an ice pack. Will took it but squished it in a matter of seconds. Making it almost explode as it crumpled. He let the destroyed ice pack fall. He was sweating and shaking. Turning over on his side, he had gone pale.

"Should I call for an ambulance? I've never seen him like this before."

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shadowess - May 21, 2021

Jessica giggled a bit as she followed him onto the bed, leaning over him with her hands by his sides so as not to put any of her weight on him. Her knees either side of his hips as she leant down to kiss him deeply, slipping her tongue into his mouth. She sat up briefly to take her shirt off, throwing it to one side before leaning down again to keep kissing him. Balancing her weight onto her knees and one arm, she moved her other hand to caress his cheek for a moment before bringing it down to unbuckle his belt.


"I duno..." Oscar answered nervously as he re-entered the building. "There's a storm outside..."

"So?" Rickster rose a brow and Oscar looked at them both worriedly. "This part of Hell doesn't have the capacity for 'weather'!...Something's not right...something's gone wro-" he was cut off by the message. His eyes widened, his face turned pale and he gripped the sides of his head. "No...no, no, no!" he shook. "We're in danger...All of us! Demons, Souls, even Devils!"


David gasped and stumbled back, sitting on a nearby couch as he heard the message. "No..." he breathed shakily. This couldn't be happening! They weren't prepared for this kind of attack! Hell, Leviathans have been gone for so long that most Demons think they're a myth! Never mind the peace treaty! This could be disastrous for all plains of existence! David suddenly feared for Charles and Amelia, them being the current 'Rulers' of Hell and what this Leviathan might do to them if it found them. He also worried that most of the Demons in Hell might bow to this creature out of fear.


Desi heard the message and stood, turning pale. Having no loyalty to the current leaders of Hell, Desi would be quick to align himself with whatever was powerful enough to cause a storm in Hell! He wasn't about to risk his neck for a lost cause in his opinion. "Dearest ones!" he addressed the souls. "Do not be afraid! It is just a sign that a new ruler of Hell has arisen. Pledge yourselves to him, obey his every command as I will. Do not anger our new king!" he said, although he too was wary of this new ruler. He had an awful feeling they might end up being far more cruel than Lucifer had been.


Cindy jumped awake and sat bolt upright at the message. She gripped her head, her face turning pale and her pupils shrinking from fear. "Oh, no!" she shook her head. "No, that's not right! How can this happen?!"


Even Amelia, despite her pregnancy rendering her human, heard the message and she froze in the middle of mixing cake batter. She put the bowl down on the side quickly and leant against the counter, feeling light headed and trying to make sense of what she heard. She looked over at Charles in alarm. "Charles, something's wrong!" she said, worried. This sounded like someone powerful was attempting to take over Hell. She turned pale as she looked down at her bump and gently rubbed it with one hand. "Oh, God...We're in danger..." she realized, trembling with fear.


"Will?!" Parker stood and followed the coach to the locker room with Will. When he asked if they should call an ambulance, Parker hesitated, knowing Will wasn't exactly human anymore. "N-no! That's ok. This happens sometimes. PTSD. He was shot." He said quickly then pointed to his own eye to indicate that Will had been shot in his eye, hence the eyepatch. "Just give us some time and space, he'll be back to normal in no time." he tried to reassure the coach to get him to leave so that he could ask Will what had happened once they were alone.


Denix Vames - May 21, 2021

Ben continued to moan. He shivered at her touch. "Fuck...."


"We need to find out who's doing this!" ,said Ricky as he ran off.


Kite sat up too. Having been awoken by her worries. "What's wrong, Cindy? What's going on?"


Charles ran over to her. He held her close. "It's going to be ok. We'll get through this. We've always fought against evil before. We can do it again."


The coach frowned. "Sorry to hear that but I'll give you two some space." He left the room.


Will ripped the eyepatch off as his red eye glowed. "It's coming! It's coming!" He fell off the bench. He clutched his chest.


The Leviathan appeared in the Library. "David. A man that Carter can trust when it comes to the business of Hell. It's a shame that his dear friend of yours is gone. Well not entirely. His soul is with me but do not worry. He's safe."

Carter forced his own voice out. "David! Help me!" The Leviathan glared. "Quiet you!"


shadowess - May 21, 2021

Jessica smirked at the way he reacted to what she was doing to him. "When you're better, sure." she said with a wink before slipping her hand into his pants, wanting to pleasure him as best she could.

(Private Time)


"Ricky!!" Both Oscar and Rickster shouted after him in unison. Both of them getting the feeling that whatever was happening was way out of any of their depths.

"Well?! You're supposed to be watching him, aren't you?! Get after him then!" Rickster demanded and Oscar looked back at him with a smirk.

"Grow some feelings after spending time with him, did you?" Oscar asked snidely.

"Fuck you! Just go after him before he literally runs into trouble!" Rickster snapped back, his face turning red as he gripped the bars.

"Alright, alright. I'll go save the man you love." Oscar said then ran out of the building after Ricky, getting soaked by the rain in the process. "Hey, Ricky! Hold up!" he called after him.


Cindy was shaking as she looked at Kite for a moment before throwing herself into his arms. "Someone's trying to take over Hell...th-there was a voice...the power behind it...Kite, I don't like this!"


Amelia trembled in Charles's arms. She buried her face in his chest as she tried to control her breathing to keep herself calm. "I don't know...this feels...different! Charles, I'm scared!" she gripped his shirt, frightened he'd take off after whoever was attempting to overthrow them and she'd never see him again. Even the baby in her womb seemed to be upset as it had started kicking and moving around like crazy since she heard the voice...had it heard it too?!


"Will?! Will, what's coming?! What's happening?!" Parker urged, his concern mounting as he watched him. He knelt next to him.

"I don't like this, boss..." River said. "Did you feel the power behind that? If I had a body of my own, I'd have crapped my pants by now!"


David shot up from the couch, jumping to his feet when he heard Carter's voice. He whirled around to face him and immediately noticed he wasn't himself. That was even before he heard Carter's real voice begging for help. "Carter?" he said warily, taking a step back from him. "Who are you? Release Carter at once!" he said, standing firm. Judging by how this creature had sent out a message to them all, David could safely assume it was telepathic and quite a strong one at that. He therefore attempted to hide his thoughts and emotions from it so it couldn't use his memories or loved ones against him.


Denix Vames - May 21, 2021

"There's no time! We have to hurry!" ,said Ricky as he followed the voice calling to him. He soon reached the Library. "Hey! Carter, what the hell are you-?!" His eyes widened at the sight of Carter's eyes. "That ain't Carter!"

The Leviathan raised his hand. Sending a pool of black blood to ram Ricky against a bookshelf. Keeping him and the shelf in place. Ricky flinched as he he felt his whole body being hit.

"What a fool to think that he could disobey a Leviathan. Especially when this Leviathan is the new ruler of Hell."

Hades appeared. "Hello father."


Kite gently rubbed her back. "Shh, it's ok. It's going to be ok. Is there anything we can do to stop this?"


Charles ran his hand through her hand. "I won't let go. It'll be alright. I won't leave. I'm sure someone out there can stop this."


"I-It's like Hades! Only it doesn't want to help! It wants to hurt!" Will felt a shock of pain pulsated throughout his body. He cried out. "I-It's trying to take me!"


shadowess - May 21, 2021

"Ricky, stop!" Oscar warned, running after him. He followed him all the way back to the library. The fact that Ricky was able to find it without the need to teleport was amazing...but then again, some Demons speculate that Hell is alive and occasionally helps Demons and souls to navigate it's lands easier.

He caught up to Ricky, running into the room just in time to see Carter pinning him against the shelves with what appeared to be some sort of black goop. He stared at Carter in horror as he identified himself as a Leviathan. "N-no, that can't be right..." Oscar murmured in denial, shaking his head a little. "Th-they're just a myth!"

"Enough of this! You are not the ruler of Hell! I will not bow to you!" David snapped. "Release Carter and let Ricky go!" he demanded.

When Hades appeared and referred to Carter as 'father', David stared at him. "You! You're the kid that helped us take on Michael!" he realized.


Cindy shook her head, shivering in his arms. "Whoever they are, they're powerful...and I wasn't made to fight..."


Amelia calmed down a little but she was still worried. Now she was torn on what to do. "They're our people...all of them...we're responsible for anything that happens to them. Demons and souls alike, so long as they're in Hell, we're responsible. I'm frightened and I don't want to face whatever it is but we can't just let it run rampant in our kingdom!" she cried into his chest, despairing. "I don't know what to do!"


Parker placed a hand on Will's shoulder, looking at him imploringly. "Fight it, Will! Don't let it take you!" he urged him, feeling pained to see Will suffering like this.


"The Hell it is!" River snapped. "Nuh-uh! No way! This is my host! Mine! Dammit! I just got settled in and I'm not giving my boss up without a fight! Hang tight Will, this is going to be one hell of a bumpy ride!" River's voice suddenly turned demonic as it then said; "Say hello to the Blood God!"

River then sent a surge of it's own power throughout Will, giving him the strength to fight back and remain himself as much as possible. But this power came at a cost. He'd take on his Blood God form and would feel a rampant hunger wash over him. "Let's pay this fucker a visit. Control the blood cells in his body to make him dance for our amusement! Oh, and don't feed off of Parker. You'll only blame me for it later if you do and I don't want the headache."


Denix Vames - May 21, 2021

"And I'm the one who's going to end this." ,said Hades.

The Leviathan smiled. "My dear son. Come crawling all this way to apologize and join me?" "Quite the opposite." Hades pulled out his sword. "What a pity. And I thought this was going to be a family reunion. But you know you can't kill me without killing Carter here."

The Leviathan brushed a hand over its chest. "Imagine how devastated Sebastian would be if he found out that poor Carter was slain by the very same person who protected him." Hades glared. "I may not be able to harm him but I can still hurt you!"

He stabbed the sword into the ground. He balanced on it as he closed his eyes. Lifting two fingers up. "Listen to me Carter! If you're still in there then you must fight this! You can fight!"

The Leviathan clutched its head as it growled.

Will appeared with his wings out. His eye continued to glow as his claws were out and his fangs were on display. He growled. He flew to The Leviathan. His aura surrounded him in red.

His skin turned red as his mouth elongated. He zoomed towards it. Some black blood hit him. Knocking him back.


Kite kissed her head. "It's going to be ok. Maybe the others know about this?"


"I'll go then. We can't risk the baby like this." ,said Charles.


Shadowess - May 21, 2021

Amelia shivered, tears dropped down her cheeks as she gripped his shirt tightly and lifted her head to kiss him passionately. "I love you!" She whispered, her voice shaking as she reluctantly let him go. She didn't want him to go but she knew she had to. She needed to trust that he was capable of protecting Hell as it's ruler. To trust that he would come back to her. To be by her side again. Her beloved. Her protector. Her King.


"I hope so..." Cindy replied, calming down a bit. "Or the war will start again...and it'll be even bloodier than it was before..."


"Pick yourself up!" River rallied Will. "Smell that? Smells like blood!" it laughed. "Our specialty!"

"Oscar! Protect Hades! Don't let him lose focus!" David shouted and Oscar nodded, shifting his skin to take on the hard scales before moving to stand between Carter and Hades. "Don't make me hurt you, man!" Oscar warned Carter.

"Carter! Do as Hades says and fight! Fight for your life! Fight for your friends! Fight for Sebastian!" David shouted at him as he picked up a wooden chair and broke off it's leg. He then proceeded to swing it at Carter to try and keep the Leviathan part of him distracted. With each hit he'd yell; "AND. FIGHTING. IS. FORBIDDEN. IN. THE LIBRARY!!!!"


Denix Vames - May 22, 2021

Charles nodded. "I love you too." He disappeared.


Kite kept her close. "We can only hope. But no matter what happens, I will always love you."


Will shook his head. He flew at Carter once again. Charles appeared. He transformed. "Do not hurt Carter! He's still there! I can sense him!" Will growled at him. He zoomed over to Charles. Striking at him. Charles dodged and opened his mouth. Letting out a swarm of fire. The fight was on.

Hades began to swarm Carter's mind with memories that gave him hope. The Leviathan clutched its head. "NO! I'm the new ruler! You are all supposed to listen to me!" It swiped a storm of black blood at David. Knocking him off of his feet. It sent out black spikes at him.

"No!" ,said Carter who stopped the spikes in time. Making them turn into liquid as they dropped. Carter punched himself in the face. "You are not going to hurt my family! And you will not take over any world! This is my body! NOT YOURS!"

The Leviathan cried out as black blood poured out of Carter's eyes and mouth. The black blood soon formed into the shape of a man. Hades opened his eyes. He took out his second blade.

"Everybody get back!" He stuck the end of the blades together. Making a dual weapon. He stabbed The Leviathan before stabbing himself. He glared at it. "Just like old times. Eh father?"

He glanced at the others. "Tell mom that I love her." A swarm of light evaporated them into black dust until it disappeared.

An unconscious Carter began to fall. Charles caught him. Laying him on the ground. Ricky had hit the ground. He groaned. Will saw nothing but red and rage. He zoomed over to Charles who cried out at the sudden bite on his neck.


Shadowess - May 22, 2021

Cindy looked at Kite tearfully. "I love you, too." she said softly and kissed him, wanting to distract herself from worrying about what was going on in Hell right now.


"Wait, I know this guy..." River realized as Will dodged the fire Charles breathed at him.

David cried out in surprise when he was sent back by the black blood, landing on his back. He then covered his head with his arms when he saw spikes heading his way but hearing Carter's shouts, he looked up in time to see the spikes turn to liquid. He jumped back up to his feet, ready to fight again. He paused when he saw Carter physically rejecting the Leviathan, forcing it out of his body.

When Hades told them to get back, David and Oscar hurriedly moved away from the Leviathan. They watched as Hades stabbed the Leviathan and then watched in shock as he then stabbed himself and told the others to give his mother a message, before they had to shield their eyes from the light. When they were able to look again, both the Leviathan and Hades were gone. "Wha-? Did he-?!" Oscar gasped.

"It would seem so..." David replied sadly.

Oscar heard the groan from behind him and hurried over to help Ricky to his feet. "You ok there, bud?"

"Will! Stop!" David snapped when he saw Will lunge at Charles. He hurried forward, trying to pry the Blood God from him.

"Will! Hey! Stop! Remember what we talked about? Don't feed off the frie-...by god this blood is good!- Fuck! No! This isn't right and you know it! If you destroy him you'll regret it forever! And trust me, you are capable of living that long! STOP IT NOW!" River protested then sent a sharp, almost electric pain throughout Will's muscles to get him to stop drinking before he could take too much from Charles.


Denix Vames - May 22, 2021

Kite slipped his tongue into her mouth. Kissing her passionately as he caressed her cheek.


Ricky rubbed his head. "Yeah, I think so. What a douchebag that guy was though."


Will cried out as he let Charles go. He fell into David's arms as he transformed back into his human appearance. "W-Wha....?"

Charles transformed back into his human form. He clutched his neck. "It's not bad but I'm going to have to give him a crystal necklace. It'll keep his powers low until he really needs to use them."

Ricky ran over to Carter. "Looks like he's out of it. Anybody wanna take him home?"


shadowess - May 22, 2021

Cindy moaned when she felt his tongue slip into her mouth. She kissed him back just as passionately. Her hands wandered over his chest and shoulders as he kissed her.


"Yeah, I got him..." Oscar said, walking over to Ricky and Carter. "You might wana get a start on helping to clean this place up...Try to recover some of these books if you can. They're pretty valuable here." he said to Ricky as he lifted Carter into his arms before vanishing back to Earth.

"What? No! Don't put me on a leash! I got him to stop, didn't I?" River complained, knowing that the effects of the crystals would likely weaken it a lot, along with keeping Will's powers under control.

David nodded, helping Will to his feet. "I'll talk to Patience and see if the Angels can spare us some of their crystals. It might be worth mentioning in the next meeting as well that we could use them for our Redemption Programme on the more powerful candidates." he replied to Charles.


Oscar appeared in the bedroom with Sebastian, Patience and Nate. "Special delivery." he said, setting Carter down on the ground as there was no room on the bed with Nate there.

"Carter!!" Sebastian practically jumped off the bed and hurried over to him, looking over him. "What happened? Is he alright?!"

"He'll be fine...one hell of a fighter. The Leviathan possessed him and tried to take over Hell. Carter fought him off and practically puked him out. He's been through literal Hell though, so he might need some help recovering." Oscar answered.

Patience stood. "Thank you, Oscar. We'll take it from here."

Oscar nodded before vanishing, returning to Hell to help Ricky try to clean up the Library.

Patience hurried downstairs and grabbed a couple of bags of blood, bringing them back to the bedroom and laying them next to Carter, knowing he'd probably need them after such a traumatic event.

Sebastian pulled Carter up a bit so he could cradle him in his arms. Caressing his cheek and moving hair out of his face as he waited for him to wake up.

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Denix Vames - May 22, 2021

Kite moaned into the kisses. He grasped her waist. Brushing his thumbs over.


Charles raised a hand. "Hold that thought. Having crystals in the program wouldn't be a bad idea but I just realized something. Whoever's in there was able to control Will. Keep him from going any more crazy than he already did. Will might not even need a crystal."

Ricky began picking up books and setting them on the tables. Waiting for someone to help him with organizing them. Once he saw Oscar, he was relieved. "Do you know which book goes where? I never knew Hell was such a grandma."


Carter began to shake in his hold. Mumbling in his sleep as he dreamt of the nightmares. The recent memories of his possession. Of the darkness and The Leviathan that nearly overtook him.


Shadowess - May 22, 2021

Cindy shivered at his touch, kissing him more. She brought her hands to his shoulders and began leaning back on the bed while gently pulling him over her so he'd be laying on top of her. She then ran a hand through his hair while her other hand glided down his chest to his stomach, then to his waist.


David rose a brow and looked at Will curiously. Meanwhile, River was taken aback. "Wait...you can -hear- me?!"

Oscar clipped Ricky around the ear with his hand at the comment about Hell but couldn't help himself smirking. "This is my home. Don't speak ill of it." he scolded him, then looked over the books on the table. "I'm not so sure there is a system...Usually whenever I come here it always takes a while to find a specific book because they're all just jumbled up. There's no official Librarian here to sort them so books just get put back wherever they can fit usually. I'd probably say though, keep all similar books together. Like this one..." he picked up a fictional book from Earth. "Keep this with the other books from Earth that are fiction. The demonic ones just put with demonic ones and so on..."


Sebastian frowned, seeing Carter shaking and mumbling. He bent down and kissed his forehead gently. He then rested his head against Carters as he whispered to him. "I'm here. I'm right here. You're safe. You're home." he smiled through his tears. "And we're guna go on that holiday. Remember? Somewhere warm. With white, sandy beaches, palm trees and crystal blue seas." He chuckled a bit as he added. "And we'll sip blood out of coconut shells with those funny little umbrellas in them..."


Denix Vames - May 22, 2021

Kite kissed her neck. Nibbling there. His lips moved to her chest. Kissing wherever made her shiver and moan.


Charles pointed at Will. "There's a Blood God in him. It's the same one that Parker had before. But it left and now it's in Will. Making him a Blood God. And yes, I can hear you."

"Ow!" ,said Ricky. He rolled his eyes. "Ok, I get it. Sentimental value is around this place." He nodded at his suggestion. Doing his best to match the books as he put them back on the shelves.


Carter saw a flash of The Leviathan in his nightmare before screaming awake. He backed himself against the wall as he put his hands to his face. Continuing to scream bloody murder. His heart was racing. Sweating. His eyes were wide.


Shadowess - May 22, 2021

Cindy gasped softly, biting her lip and tilting her head back as Kite kissed her neck and chest. Feeling his teeth on her neck sent shivers through her and she moaned with each kiss while keeping one of her hands in his hair. Gripping and tugging a little on his hair gently but playfully. "Oh, Kite!" she gasped, smiling as her body continued to shiver out of excitement. She bent her knees on either side of him, caressing his leg with her foot.


"Eh, less like -left- and more like...-evicted-." River replied then became a little nervous. "Heh...cool...so uh...no hard feelings? You know...about the whole Bryce and kidnapping Amelia thing? I kinda went nuts but Hades beat my ass into shape...Speaking of, I kinda missed what happened while Will was blinded by rage...where'd the little brat go?"

David looked over at Ricky and Oscar as they tried to clean up the library. He sighed and looked back at Charles. "Please excuse me, I need to get back to work. Give Amelia my best, won't you? And it was good to see you again, Charles." he said briefly before walking over to Oscar and Ricky. "A word, you two." he said and motioned for them both to follow him into another room.


"Carter!" Sebastian crawled after him hurriedly, placing his hands on his shoulders. "Carter, it's ok! You're safe! It's over! You're at home!" he shouted through Carter's screams, trying to get him to hear him.


Denix Vames - May 22, 2021

Kite leaned in. Feeling her chest against his. "Cindy, I love you so much." (private time)


Charles nodded. He lifted Will off the ground. Holding him in his arms. He frowned. "I'm sorry but Hades sacrificed himself in order to kill The Leviathan. He saved everyone."

Ricky said, "What's up? We're on a roll with this book shelving thing. I'm sure we'll have this place done in no time."


Carter stopped screaming. Instead, he continued to shake as he covered his face. Cowering where he sat. Keeping his knees against his chest. He didn't know if that really was Sebastian. He couldn't know for sure if he was truly at home.


Shadowess - May 22, 2021

River was quiet for a moment as it registered the information it had just been told. "The little brat's gone?... Like, really gone?... I don't have to be afraid of him killing me for stepping out of line anymore?" River was quiet again as it contemplated taking over Will now that there was no Leviathans around to stop it...but it didn't. It didn't want to anymore. It had sort of formed a bond with Will and knew it had a good thing going. River sighed audibly. "Dammit kid..." River said a little sadly.


David turned to face them once they were in another room and he smiled at Ricky. "I saw, and thank you for that. I appreciate the effort...I'll finish up with the Library...You two can get started on the Programme. Oscar, I've chosen you to be Ricky's supervisor while he works towards his redemption. As already discussed with Ricky, he's going to be granted temporary life. You will then take him to Earth and monitor him as he helps the less fortunate in a variety of situations. From volunteering at hospitals, to food drives, the building homes for people that don't have one...you get the idea. Report his progress directly to me. Oh, and I've already promised Ricky that he can visit Rickster once per day. So, be sure to take him to Hell's Cells everyday as well. You can head back over there now. Something tells me you two weren't there for very long before the storm happened. When you come back, I'll have the potion ready."

Oscar wasn't too happy about the arrangements but he figured he'd have to give it a try if he wanted any hope of still being useful in Hell when everything changes. He nodded and held out a hand for Ricky, ready to teleport them back to Hell's Cells when he was ready.


Sebastian was despairing as he looked at Carter and how frightened he seemed. "Carter, please..." he said gently, stroking his hair. "Look at me. It's ok. You're alright. You're safe now, I promise!"

Patience stood by with a hand covering her mouth as she watched quietly, unsure of what to do or if she could help. She picked up one of the blood bags and knelt on the other side of Carter. "Hey, it's us." she said gently. "No one is going to hurt you. Here, you're going to need this. You've been through a lot." she offered him the bag.


Denix Vames - May 22, 2021

"I'm afraid so. I'll take you both to Parker now." Charles appeared in front of Parker. Placing Will over the bench. "He's alright. Just tired. That's all."


Ricky smiled. When they appeared in front of Rickster's cell, he touched the bars. "Hey baby. Did ya miss me?"


Carter suddenly ripped a sleeve as he dug his fangs into his own arm. Cutting himself. Letting blood drip from his wounds but never drinking it.


Shadowess - May 22, 2021

Parker had been pacing around the locker room nervously. Thankfully the coach hadn't been back to check on them as he wasn't sure how he'd be able to explain Will's sudden disappearance. He had no idea what was happening or where Will had gone and he became a little frantic by the time Charles appeared with Will in his arms. Parker stopped pacing and hurried over as soon as he saw them. "Will!"

River knew from Parker's voice that they were back in the locker room. "Thanks Charles...Ahh, sorry buddy. I'd let you get some sleep but this isn't exactly the place. You might wana get Parker to help you home. Honestly...I could really use a break myself...this shit is tiring..." it then forced Will to wake up.


Rickster's heart had been racing since Ricky and Oscar ran out of the prison. He'd never admit it, but he was worried for Ricky. The fool just ran right towards the danger with no thought for his own safety! Rickster leant against the bars, staring worriedly towards the door they'd left from. When Oscar and Ricky reappeared, he stammered. His face turning a little red as he stepped away from the bars. "Uh- so, you survived then? Bloody idiot!" he scolded him, trying to conceal the worry he'd just been displaying.

"Aw, Ricky. Did you see that? He was worried about you." Oscar smirked, apparently taking pleasure in making Rickster squirm.

Rickster's face grew a little hotter. "Shut it, Demon! I wasn't worried! I don't care!" he snapped.

"'Course you don't." Oscar rolled his eyes. "You've got it bad for Ricky. Even I can see it. You may as well just admit it." he chuckled then placed a hand on Ricky's shoulder. "I'll just be around this corner to give you two some privacy. Call me if you need me or when you're done." he said before walking away, hoping that Rickster might be more open to accepting his feelings if he didn't feel like they were on display.


"Carter!" Patience exclaimed, seeing him biting himself.

"Carter, stop!" Sebastian gasped and tried to pry his arm away from his mouth. "Why are you doing that?! Carter, you're scaring me!" he cried. "Please, just look at me! Please! I was so scared! I thought I was going to lose you! I thought I had lost you! Carter, I love you so much! I don't know what I'd do without you! Please, just look at me!"


Denix Vames - May 22, 2021

Charles disappeared. Will groaned as he sat up. "Parker? Sorry about all that." He frowned. "This was supposed to be our second date. Just the two of us. And I let you down."


Ricky's eyes sparkled. "Were you really worried about me?"


When Sebastian stopped him from cutting himself, Carter hit the back of his head against the wall. His eyes held a blank expression as he kept hitting his head.


Shadowess - May 22, 2021

Parker sat on the bench next to him and kissed him tenderly. "You didn't let me down." he reassured him. "Considering the literal King of Hell just dropped you off...I think it's safe to say that you helped to stop whatever was happening in Hell...and that's pretty damn impressive!" he hugged him. "I'm just glad you're safe!"

"I'm guna go ahead and take a nap...call me if you need me again..." River said before going silent.


Rickster flustered again, trying to look anywhere but at Ricky. He shrugged. "I might've been...you know...a little..." he brought his eyes around to look at Ricky and felt his cheeks growing hot again. "You know, you really shouldn't just run head first into danger like that!" he tried to sound firm again. "You had no idea what you were running towards. You might've gotten yourself destroyed!" he scolded him.


"Carter! Stop this!" Sebastian begged, tears streaming down his cheeks as he tried to grip Carter's head on either side to stop him hitting it against the wall. "Talk to me! Look at me! Please!" he sobbed. "I just got you back! I don't wana lose you again! I don't-! I can't-!" he broke down, leaning forward and resting his head on Carter's shoulder as he sobbed.


Denix Vames - May 22, 2021

Will smiled. He rubbed his back. "It's good to be back." He picked up the eyepatch. Placing it over his red eye. "We should go home."


"Sorry. I was just worried. I mean if it was you that needed my help, I would come running. I've always put myself in danger. But for you? Well, not to be over the top but, I'd die for you." ,said Ricky.


Nate placed a shaky hand on Carter's head. Assuring him that he was here. Clearing his mind by letting him that there was no power giving him hallucinations. That this was indeed real. His hand soon dropped. Hanging by the side of the bed.

Tears dripped down Carter's cheeks. He stopped trying to hurt himself. He gripped the back of his shirt as he looked into his eyes. "S-Sebastian....? Is that you?"


Denix Vames - May 22, 2021


Charles appeared in front of Amelia. He smiled. "It's over."


shadowess - May 22, 2021

"Yeah, I think the match is over now anyway." Parker chuckled. "I'll bet the coach will be glad to see you're alright now though." he said, getting to his feet, ready to follow Will out of the building to his car. Parker would then drive them both home.


Rickster had folded his arms and looked away from Ricky when he'd apologized. Content that his façade was working. At his last few words however, Rickster looked back at Ricky, faltering. "You would?" he asked, his eyes lowering to the ground thoughtfully. His cheeks turning a little red. He was quiet for a minute, trying to process what he felt but he was still convinced that love was nothing but a weakness. Which frustrated him immensely. He rubbed his own face, uncomfortable at the realization that he might actually be having feelings and began to pace in the cell. He shook his head a little, still looking at the ground. "I-I duno..." he muttered. Then grew a little angry. He'd but up this emotional defense for so long, how did Ricky make it start to crumble like that?! He couldn't let this happen! He couldn't allow himself to be weak! "Ricky, I want to be alone." he growled, turning away from him. "I need to think..."


Patience looked over at Nate in surprise when he moved. She thought he was completely unconscious! She watched with a frown as he placed a hand on Carter's head and Carter seemed to come back to himself. She saw his arm then go limp and she sighed, shaking her head a little as she went over to him. "Even as exhausted as you are, you can't resist helping, can you?" she smiled gently as she lifted his arm over her shoulder and gripped him around his side. She'd then teleport with him to Tom so he could rest properly. Quite rightly, the second they arrived, Tom rushed over and helped to lay Nate down on the couch. "What happened?!" he asked Patience, looking at Nate with worry.

"It's a long story..." she answered.

Meanwhile, as soon as Carter spoke, Sebastian lifted his head from Carter's shoulder and looked at him tearfully. He opened his mouth to answer but he just ended up sobbing again as he nodded his head. He then leant his head against Carter's while he tried to catch his breath and calm down.


Amelia hurried over to Charles from the couch. She'd been sitting on it, anxiously waiting to hear from him since he left. She flung her arms around him and hugged him tightly. The baby in her belly was kicking and moving around like crazy. She pulled back a little and started kissing Charles passionately. "I was so worried! Oh, I love you so much! You're amazing!" she said between kisses.


Denix Vames - May 22, 2021

When the coach found Will to be alright, he pat him on the back and told him to get some rest. Something that Will was planning on doing in the first place.

At home, Will collapsed on the couch. "Man, I'm beat. Even River is too." He waved a hand at Parker. "Come here." When Parker did walk over, he would grip his waist and kiss him slowly.


Ricky frowned. He looked at the ground. "....Ok." He walked away. "Oscar? I'm ready to go now."


Nate barely opened his eyes. "I helped."

Carter sobbed as well. Gripping the back of Sebastian's shirt. Wrapping his arms around him. "I didn't know what was real or not! I thought I was never going to see you again!"


Charles chuckled. "I think you're amazing too. I'm sure you would have fought just as hard as I did." He caressed her cheek. "I'm just glad to see you again." He kissed her forehead.


Shadowess - May 22, 2021

River? Parker still didn't completely understand that there was another consciousness within Will but he sort of guessed it and guessed that that's what it was called. That being said, he had no idea that it was the same energy that had once occupied himself. He walked over to Will and sat next to him. He kissed Will back, shivering a little as he felt Will's hands on his waist. He brought his hands up to Will's shoulders. One hand moved up to cup Will's cheek as they kissed.


Oscar turned to look at Ricky with a small frown and nodded. He touched his arm and teleported them back to the library. "Hey, don't beat yourself up over it." he said gently. "I looked into his past. The guy hasn't committed himself to any one person in his entire life. From what I can tell, he just seemed like he was trying to figure out how he felt." he tried to reassure him. "I can tell though, he does care about you. Even if he's not ready to admit it yet..."

"Ah! You're back!" David said, entering the room and pulling a vial out of his pocket. He looked at Ricky and smiled. "Ready to get started?"


"I don't doubt that you did." Tom chuckled. Patience quickly explained everything she'd seen and heard before leaving Tom to take care of Nate. He fetched a blanket to him, making sure he was comfortable. "Let me know if you need anything. I don't mind." he said gently, kissing his cheek lovingly.


Sebastian cried more, hearing what Carter went through. He ran his hands through his hair then wrapped his arms around him in return, hugging him tightly. "I tried to follow you! I tried to- It wouldn't let me! I didn't know where you'd gone or if I'd ever see you again! God, Carter! I thought I was going to lose you!" he sobbed. "I felt so helpless! I'm sorry! I couldn't stop it! I couldn't save you! You got hurt and I couldn't do anything!"


"You're damn right, I would've!" Amelia grinned. The baby gave a hard kick which caused Amelia to grimace a little before chuckling. "Baby agrees." Her eyes then softened, her cheeks shimmering as he kissed her forehead. "I'm glad to see you too." she said softly. "I'm so glad that I met you." she smiled, cupping his cheek with her hand. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that Charles was the perfect match for her. The way he loved her and treated her with respect. The way he protected her fiercely while still being loving and gentle towards her. His morality and the way he stood by her when it came to ruling Hell. She was glad he'd been the one she'd fallen for.

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Denix Vames - May 22, 2021

Will let him go as he took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I'm just worn out from everything that happened."


Ricky smiled at his comment. "Thanks Oscar." He nodded at David then raised a brow. "Is this gonna hurt?"


Nate reached out. "Cuddle with me. Pretty please?"


Carter shook his head. "I didn't expect you to do the impossible. Please don't criticize yourself." He looked at his own arm. "What happened? Did it do this before it left?"


"And I'm glad I met you." Charles held her hands. "C'mon. We should go rest. Let's watch a movie or go to the park. Anything that you want to do. And anything that the baby wants to do."


shadowess - May 22, 2021

Parker smiled at him and shook his head a little. "It's fine." he said gently, caressing his cheek. "Let's go get some sleep." he said, getting to his feet and taking Will's hand to lead him to the bedroom. "Maybe you'll feel better after you get a decent rest."


"No idea!" David beamed. "Never tried this potion before. Let's find out." he handed the vial to Ricky. "As soon as you're alive, you should live for around one week. Then your heart will give out and you'll wind up back here. Then we can discuss your progress and the next step."


Tom chuckled and lay on the couch with Nate, wrapping his arms around him. "Sure. I'd love to." he said softly, kissing his cheek.


Sebastian looked at his arm sadly while wiping away his tears. He shook his head. "Y-you did that...You weren't yourself when you came back. I think all the trauma caused you to have some sort of breakdown..." he said as he reached over and grabbed the blood bag nearby, handing it to Carter. "But you're back now. You're yourself again. Safe. That's all that matters."


"A movie sounds great." Amelia smiled. "My feet are killing me!" she chuckled as she led him over to the couch. "What kind of movie should we watch?"


Denix Vames - May 22, 2021

"I hope so." Will took off his uniform. Leaving only his boxers on. He lazily fell on the bed. Hugging the pillow that was under his head. He closed his eyes. "Would you mind joining me, River?" Immediately, he sat up as his face turned red. "Oh god! I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to say that name! I just-" He sighed. He pinched the brim of his nose.

"I should have told you before."


"The idea sounds nice but I rather not experience dying again. I've already done that twice now." ,said Ricky.


Nate smiled. He kissed him. "You're so cute."


Carter looked at the blood bag. He couldn't believe that he had done this to himself. Yet, Sebastian told him the truth. He silently drank.


Charles sat next to her. "Something lighthearted and funny. It's been quite a stressful day."


shadowess - May 23, 2021

Parker looked at Will in confusion. He assumed he was talking about the energy in his head as that's the only thing he'd ever heard Will refer to as 'River' before. "It's ok." Parker said, sitting next to him on the bed. "I already know there's something in you giving you powers that you call 'River'" he said innocently, tilting his head a little at Will.


"I don't have any other option for you, I'm afraid." David said simply. "You haven't passed enough tests to be granted Demon powers or ascension to Heaven and the resurrection spell is off the table because it requires two sacrifices to work. This is the only way we can get you to Earth for your Programme."


Tom blushed and grinned at the compliment. He kissed Nate back. "So are you." he said softly, kissing his cheek then his neck.


Sebastian watched him drink from the bag. He brushed his hair out of his face and rubbed his back comfortingly. "It's guna be ok..." he said gently, kissing his cheek. "We'll get some rest and then we'll go on that holiday. Get away for a bit and try to relax."


Amelia looked at Charles sympathetically, cuddling into him on the couch as she picked up the remote. "Alright, let's see what we can find..." she said as she switched on the TV and began scrolling through the options.


Denix Vames - May 23, 2021

Will lowered his head. "No. Not that River. The River that I use to date. The man whose name I used to call The Energy that's in me. My previous boyfriend." A few tears left him. "He was a cop who I looked up to. We dated for such a long time that a lot of the guys at the gym thought that we were going to get married." He was shaking as his voice started to break.

"But it never happened. He was gunned down by a suspect. After that, I quit being a boxer and joined the force for him. I tried to move on but it seems like I never got over his death." He looked at him. "I'm sorry Parker. I'm sorry that I'm such a mess. I don't deserve you."


Ricky frowned but nodded. "Alright. I'll do it." He took the vial. He hesitated before drinking the liquid until it was all gone. He immediately dropped the container as he fell over. His eyes closed. He soon gasped awake. Feeling his heart beat.


Nate moaned. "Maybe you can do something for me." He slipped his hands under his shirt. Feeling his chest.


Carter merely nodded as he continued to drink until there were four empty bags. He slowly stood. Looking around the room. "Where are we?"


shadowess - May 23, 2021

Parker listened to Will quietly. Stunned by what he was being told but as Will turned to him and apologized, Parker shook his head a little. He pulled Will into his arms and rubbed his back, comforting him. "You've got nothing to be sorry for." he said gently. "We all have a history...You shouldn't be afraid to talk to me about things like this...I want for you to feel like you can talk to me about anything..." he turned his head to kiss the side of Will's. "It's ok. If-..." Parker hesitated, not really wanting to say the next thing but knew it was the right thing to do for Will. "If you're not ready to move on yet...I can wait...However long it takes...Don't feel like you have to rush into things, ok?"


"Welcome back." Oscar smirked, his arms folded as he leant against the bookshelves.

David was also smiling, glad to see that the potion worked. "Alright, you two. No time to lose. Your seven days starts now."

"On it. C'mon Ricky! We're off to a homeless shelter!" Oscar grinned, helping him to his feet before teleporting them to a shelter in New York. "You're guna volunteer here and help out people in need." Oscar said cheerily, pushing him towards the staff in the building who hadn't seen them yet. "Off you go, then!"


"Oh? What might that be?" Tom asked playfully while he chuckled, shivering at Nate's touch. His own hands wandered over Nate's chest. One hand rested on his hip as he continued to kiss Nate's neck.


Sebastian stood when Carter did, a little concerned at how much he'd drank. The Leviathan must've really drained him! He was concerned still when Carter asked where they were. But then again, he'd just had a traumatic experience and had been hitting his head against the wall...maybe he'd given himself a concussion? "The main bedroom at your office." he replied, watching him carefully.


Denix Vames - May 23, 2021

Will cupped his cheeks. "I want to move on, Parker. I really do. I still love you. I just don't want to hurt you. And that means showing you his picture. The one photo that I tried to hide from you."


Ricky's eyes widened as he was pushed into the shelter. He waved a hand at the air. "It stinks here!"


Nate ran a hand through his hair. "Pleasuring me in any way possible. Don't worry. I'll do the same for you when you get this tired."


Carter walked over to the door. He opened it. "I have an office?"


shadowess - May 23, 2021

Parker placed his hands on Will's, looking at him when he told him he still loved him. When he said he needed to show him the photo, Parker's mind immediately went to the photo he'd managed to catch a quick glimpse of before Will had turned the page hurriedly. He had a feeling it was that photo that he was talking about. "Alright." he said softly, nodding. "Let's go take a look."


"Just think how people living here must feel!" Oscar retorted as he followed Ricky in. "C'mon, I'm sure those nice ladies will have some work for you to do!" he pointed to the staff. "Chop chop! No time to lose!" he grinned.


Tom grinned and brought his kisses to Nate's lips. "Anything for you." he said softly. He then kissed down Nate's neck again, working his way down to his chest, climbing under the blanket to keep kissing downwards until he reached his hips and began lowering his pants.

(Private time)


Sebastian watched Carter and his concerns deepened as Carter didn't seem to remember having an office. "Yeah. For your Private Detective work? Don't you remember? Amelia and Vincent redecorated the place for you so you could use it. It used to be Vincent's home."


Denix Vames - May 23, 2021

Will nodded. He walked over to the closet where he took the album out from the top shelf. He placed the album on the bed. Opening it to that photo.

The photo had him in his boxing gear. He was smiling as he held Officer River in his arms as if he were a bride. The officer himself was smiling too. Holding roses in his hands. He had dark brown short hair and a matching beard. He wore sunglasses.


Ricky flustered as he looked at the staff. He awkwardly waved. "H-Hey, I came here to help."


Carter shook his head. "No, I don't. I don't remember anything." He stepped out of the room. Looking around. "I'm sorry. I only remember you."


Denix Vames - May 23, 2021

(forgot to add this)

Will's tears fell on to the picture. He rubbed his eyes. "I'm sorry. I thought I was ready to see it again."


shadowess - May 23, 2021

Parker looked at the photo carefully. "You look happy...both of you." he commented before looking up at Will. "I'm sorry that you lost him." he said gently. "Do you want to talk about him? I don't mind if you do. I'd like to know what he was like...when you're ready though."


One of the staff turned to face Ricky. She wore tacky make up, her mouse brown hair in a messy ponytail and she was chewing gum, looking at him as if he was something she just stepped in. "Go to the front counter and fill out some forms." she said bluntly and went right back to chatting with her colleague.

Oscar frowned at them but maybe this would show Ricky the kinds of people that the vulnerable and down on their luck have to deal with. He'd follow him silently.


Sebastian was shocked as he watched Carter. "Nothing? Well...what about our friends? Do you remember any of them? Parker? Elliot? David?" he asked, following him out into the hall. "Maybe we should sit down and try to go over a few things that happened lately?" he suggested.


Shadowess - May 23, 2021

(Ah shit lol I didn't see it. I think it still sort of fits to Parker's reply though )


Denix Vames - May 23, 2021

(ok cool. thats fine)

Will sat at the edge of the bed. His hand brushed over the photo. "He was funny and serious at the right times. He had such a smartass personality." He held a small smile. "But you could still get a long with him."

He cried some more as he took the photo out. Holding it close. Revealing the back of the photo held a month/date/year and both of their names along with a heart between those names. "Sometimes I wonder, if he were here, what would he think of me now?"


Ricky rolled his eyes. "What a bitch." He walked over to the front counter where he filled out some forms.


"I don't know their names. Sorry." Carter nodded. "That would be a good idea." He looked at his bleeding arm. "Although, I should get this patched up first."


shadowess - May 23, 2021

Parker watched Will carefully. He smiled a little when Will remembered how River used to be then frowned as he cried some more. He moved to sit closer to him and rubbed his arm comfortingly. He smiled at him kindly. "I'll bet he'd think you make an awesome cop...and that's not even mentioning the kind of man you are outside of work."


While Ricky was filling out the forms, one of the members of staff behind the desk looked at Oscar curiously. "Are you helping too?" She asked and Oscar blinked. "Wha-? Uh- oh, no! I'm just here to watch him do it!" Oscar flustered and pointed at Ricky. The woman shook her head and tutted. "If you want to be able to follow your friend around while he helps then you'll have to sign up too! Here you go, fill these out." she said, shoving a new set of forms into his hands.

"Wha-? Seriously?!"

"Seriously." the staff member walked away and left them to fill out the forms. Oscar started mumbling grumpily as he realized he'd have to pitch in with the work as well if he had any hope of keeping an eye on Ricky's progress.


"No need. Look." Sebastian said as he held Carter's arm gently to show him the bite marks slowly healing themselves. "You're healing up nicely. Just needs a good clean, that's all. Hang on..." he hurried into the nearby bathroom and came back out a moment later with a small damp towel. "Here you go. C'mon...let's go sit down and try to figure this out."


Denix Vames - May 23, 2021

Will leaned his head against his. He kissed him hard. Without saying anything, he continued to kiss him. Slipping his tongue into his mouth. Lost in the roller coaster of emotions.


Ricky smirked. "Ha! Guess we both have to do some crappy work."


Carter's eyes widened at the sudden healing. He kept the damp towel over his arm. He followed Sebastian downstairs and to the living room where he sat on the couch next to him. "How did I do that? Am I vampire? I mean, I was drinking blood so that makes sense."


shadowess - May 23, 2021

Parker shivered and moaned at the sudden passion in Will's kiss and he lost himself to him. Kissing him back and wrapping his arms around his shoulders, running one hand through his hair.


"Shut up..." Oscar grumbled as he finished off the forms and handed his in to the staff member behind the counter. She started inputting the data into her computer and paused for a moment before glaring at Oscar. "Is this a joke?" she demanded and Oscar blinked.


"You've put 'the creation of man' as your date of birth!"

"Oh! Uh-...sorry...force of habit...hang on..." he took the form back off her, scribbling out his date of birth and putting a more believable date down. "Here you go..." he passed it back.

"Weird habit to have..."

"It's an inside joke between me and my friends..." he shrugged and the staff member stared at him for a minute before finishing off putting his information into the computer. She did the same with Ricky's forms then passed them both ID cards on lanyards. "Wear these while working. You've both been assigned to the soup kitchen. Head there now, they'll be just getting started on the set up. Talk to Buster, he'll give you both something to do."


Sebastian sat with Carter and sighed. "You really don't remember, huh? Short answer, yes. You're a vampire. A Daywalker at that...one of just three in existence...you're looking at one of the other ones." he smiled. He then frowned, thinking of where to start. "Ok...let's start at the beginning...do you remember how we met? What we were doing?"

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Denix Vames - May 23, 2021

Will let the photo go. It floated to the floor. He got on top of Parker. Kissing his neck. Biting hard. His hands wandered to his shirt. Ripping his buttons opened. He felt up his chest.


Ricky glared. "Are you trying to get us in trouble?" They headed to the soup kitchen. "Where is this Buster guy?"


"Oh. Wow." Carter raised a brow. "No but I recall us being together. As a couple. I guess that's the one thing I remembered."


shadowess - May 24, 2021

Next thing Parker knew, he was laying down with Will on top of him. He moaned as Will kissed his neck then gasped, shivering and moaned a little louder when he felt Will's teeth on his neck. It was only hard enough to break his skin a little and Parker knew that by the time they were done here, he'd have one hell of a hickey to remember this by. He tilted his head back a bit to give Will more access to his neck while smiling and biting his lip. He gasped again as Will ripped his shirt open. He heard a couple of buttons fall to the floor but he didn't care. He was too wrapped up in the moment to worry about little things like that. He gently gripped Will's hair while he lightly ran his nails over Will's back with his other hand.


"Hey c'mon...It's not like I have to fill out forms often..." Oscar complained. When they reached the kitchen, Oscar headed over to the guy who looked like he was in charge. "Hey, you Buster?"

Then burly man looked between Oscar and Ricky for a moment. "New volunteers?"

"That's us."

"Good, we could use all the help we can get. We're a little short handed today. You-" he looked at Ricky. "Peel and chop onions. There's a box full of 'em in the back." he then looked at Oscar. "And you can help clean and chop the vegetables. Get going, we only have around forty five minutes to get this shit done."

"Alright." Oscar nodded and walked with Ricky further into the fridge, momentarily splitting up so he could retrieve the box of mixed vegetables which he took out of the walk in fridge and started washing at the sink.


Sebastian sighed heavily and leant against the arm of the couch, propping his head up with his hand. "Ok...may as well make yourself comfortable...we've got a lot to go through..." he said then began to tell Carter how they met. From their first meeting in the ally, to the werewolf in the abandoned mall, to Sebastian taking Carter home after he'd gotten drunk and telling him what he really was, to them going to the club to satisfy Sebastian's hunger, to the silly straw, to Amelia's arrival. He stopped there to let what he'd told him so far sink in and to also see if any of this was sounding familiar to Carter.


Denix Vames - May 24, 2021

Will kissed his chest all the way until he reached his belt which he unbuckled. Unzipping his pants and taking them off with force. There were no words to describe this moment for him. What they were doing was enough.

He brushed his thumb over his lips as he looked into his eyes. A loving expression centered on his face. He caught his breath before slipping Parker's and his underwear off. He held him close as he went back to kissing him.

(private time)


Ricky grabbed a crate of onions. Bringing them to a cutting board. "How the hell am I supposed to do this? My guards always did the work for me."


Carter didn't speak for a moment. Imagining the scenarios in his head. "Damn. That sounds like one hell of an adventure. We really did all of that?" He held a small smile. "It almost sounds like a cheesy action romance film."


shadowess - May 24, 2021

Oscar sighed and dried his hands from rinsing the vegetables before going over to Ricky. He picked up an onion and a knife. "Here, watch closely and be careful not to cut yourself. The juices from an onion sting like a bitch if it gets into a cut."

He proceeded to show Ricky how to properly chop an onion before going back to his own job. Wiping his eyes with his sleeve as he went. "Oh, and be sure to wash your hands before touching your eyes after handling them." He called over.


Sebastian chuckled. "I guess it does, doesn't it?" He then sighed, his smile slipping. "But that's not everything..." He then proceeded to tell Carter about Vincent kidnapping and torturing him. Theo being the werewolf and his involvement.

How Amelia helped Sebastian to track him down and rescue him. When Carter shot Theo which resulted in Vincent taking his own life. Sebastian re-told Carter his story about how he was originally turned. Then moved on to the ordeal with Bryce and Parker, being sure to tell Carter of Vincent's return and redemption. He paused once more, giving him a chance to take in this next lot of information. "There's a lot more but I'll continue when you're ready." He said, understanding that this might be a lot to take in.


Denix Vames - May 24, 2021

Ricky nodded. "Thanks." He began to peel and chop the onions. As he was, he could feel tears coming from his eyes. Then he started crying about his own memories and what he had done so far.


Carter clutched his head. "How about we take a break? I want to remember but my head...." He stood. "I'm going to get sleep. Where do I sleep?"


shadowess - May 24, 2021

Oscar glanced over at Ricky after a few minutes to see how he was doing. He saw the tears streaming down his face and smiled at him gently. "It's the fumes from the onions that causes the tears. If you want to give your eyes a break step away from them for a minute or two. We can swap if you prefer?" he said as he sliced through a bell pepper. "Oh, and while we're serving the food, I want you to try talking to a few people. Learn what they have to deal with on a daily basis and try to imagine yourself in their shoes. Remember to try and be kind. They have it pretty rough as it is."


"Sure, no problem. I imagine it's a lot to take in..." Sebastian nodded, getting to his feet as well. "The main bedroom, the one we just came from. That's our room. There's a spare bedroom here too for when our friends need to stay over." he said, beginning to walk towards the stairs. He paused when something on the nearby cabinet caught his eye. He picked it up and his eyes widened. "Oh, wow...well, this should be interesting." he turned and handed the flyer to Carter.

"Looks like we've been invited to a pretty important wedding. Shame we didn't spot it sooner but I guess with everything going on, it couldn't be helped..." he sighed. "You go ahead and try to get some rest. I'll go out and get us a couple of suits otherwise we won't have time...who knows, maybe someone at the wedding might be able to help you get your memory back?" he shrugged, hopeful. "Oh, and if you hear people randomly popping in and out...they're probably friends of ours. They can teleport in and out of buildings and our friends tend to be pretty at home here."


Alex had already gotten suits ready for himself and Gary. Gary was still at the hospital but he was determined to get him to the wedding somehow. In the meantime, he'd needed something to occupy his time and mind in the evenings when visitors were told to go home. Otherwise he'd spend all night fretting over Gary. He figured he should try and stay in shape if he really had no choice but to remain human.

So, he'd taken up jogging. He'd run until he felt exhausted and go home to pass out in bed, getting a good night's sleep for when he'd have to get up in the morning and go back to the hospital. Admittedly, he'd been spoiling Gary a bit when he'd visit. Sneaking in his favorite snacks and handing them to him when the nurses weren't looking. He looked forward to going in in the morning to show him the suits he'd picked out for them. For now though, under a darkening sky, he was running around and through the park. Timing his laps and trying to beat his personal records.


Denix Vames - May 24, 2021

Ricky walked over to Oscar. "Please. I can't take this crap any longer." He wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "Talk to them? I never talked to anybody except to businessmen and lots of fine women. What makes you think I can talk to them?"


Carter nodded. "Good to know. Maybe a wedding would be nice to go." He walked upstairs. Heading to the bedroom that he left earlier. He took off his clothes until he was in a shirt and boxers. Getting under the covers and trying to sleep off the headache he had.


Bryce walked into the park. He soon spot Alex running. He waved at him. "It's been a long time. Hasn't it?"


shadowess - May 24, 2021

Oscar rose a brow at Ricky and studied him for a moment, trying to determine if it was the onions making him cry or something else. "Ricky, you gotta try man. Just start with something simple. Ask them how their day has been. Tell them you want to understand what they go through in order to help them better. I'm sure if you're friendly and talk to them a bit, they'll be happy to open up to you. Start small. I'll be next to you the whole time. If you get stuck, I'll strike up a conversation and you can listen in to learn. Ok?"


Sebastian watched him go upstairs, still a little worried about his memory loss. When he'd disappeared into the bedroom, he sighed, picked up the car keys and headed out of the office to go shopping.


Alex ground to a halt and stared at Bryce in disbelief. He thought his mind was playing tricks on him. His heart simultaneously leapt and ached. "You?!" he gasped, his face turning pale. He quickly glanced around the empty park. He was a fast runner but as a human he knew he couldn't outrun Bryce. Even if he wasn't already tired and sweating a bit.

He looked back at Bryce, trying to fathom how he was alive and how he could recognize Alex in this new body. His eyes welled up and he took a step back, nervous. It was clear that Bryce still held some sort of power over Alex. "You left me!" he accused, his voice a mixture of hurt, anger and fear. His emotions confused him. He always thought he'd try to kill Bryce the moment he saw him again if it were to ever happen but now that he was stood in front of him he just couldn't bring himself to harm him.


Denix Vames - May 24, 2021

Ricky sighed. "Fine." He began cutting up vegetables.


Bryce frowned. "I know. I'm sorry. When I died, again, I had a lot of time to think about things. I realized now that I was too obsessed with my dreams. Impossible dreams." He walked over. "I know now that I hurt you. And I know that this won't make any sense coming from me but I'm sorry I ever did those things to you."


shadowess - May 24, 2021

Oscar frowned but said nothing, he went over to the onions and finished off what was left. When they were done, Buster helped them put the soup together before taking out the large canisters to the cafeteria where Oscar and Ricky were assigned the job of pouring soup into bowls and handing them to the hungry. Oscar nudged Ricky and nodded to one of the people who approached, encouraging him to try talking to someone.


Alex's eyes widened a little as tears fell. His breath caught in his throat and he continued to stare at Bryce, wondering if this was some kind of trick. He shook but didn't move as Bryce approached him, transfixed by him. He thought about what he said and recalled their short time together.

Sure, Bryce forced him into vampirism and ultimately betrayed him in the end but otherwise, admittedly, Alex had enjoyed the rest. He lowered his gaze to the ground, his cheeks turning a little pink. "What if I'm not?" he said slowly, still trying to fathom how he should be feeling right now. This was all very overwhelming and confusing to Alex. "It wasn't all bad..." he reasoned. He looked back up at him, nervous and bit his lip a little, knowing he shouldn't say the next thing but unable to help himself. "I missed you..."


Denix Vames - May 24, 2021

Ricky gave him an annoyed look but sighed. He looked at the person in front of him. He swallowed before saying, "Hello."


Bryce glared. "You shouldn't. What I did was abuse. Stockholm syndrome. None of what I did was right. You of all people should know that by now."


shadowess - May 24, 2021

The blond woman in front of him looked up and smiled. "Hi, there." she said and lifted her bowl a little. "Thanks for the soup. Do you guys make this fresh or is it some packaged stuff? Not that I'm picky." she chuckled.


More tears fell from Alex's eyes and his face turned a little red. "You don't think I don't know that? You don't think I figured that out after all this time?!" he said, his voice full of pain. "I know I shouldn't miss you or have feelings for you. I know this should all be fake but fuck...It sure as hell -feels- real to me!" He gripped his head. "I know what you did wasn't right but I was no better! I followed you and did everything you said willingly! I -enjoyed- our time together! When we were alone and you weren't obsessing over Carter! I missed -that-! Even if you didn't really love me back..." his voice broke and he cried into his hands. "I don't know why I still feel like this...I don't know...I just don't!"


Denix Vames - May 24, 2021

Ricky's cheeks turned red. "Um....Well, we just cut the vegetables earlier."


Bryce sighed before hugging him. "I don't know either. Maybe you just need someone else in your life. Someone who's far better than me."


shadowess - May 24, 2021

The woman's eyes lit up. "So, it is fresh? That's good! Thank you so much for taking the time to do that...not everyone is as kind..." her eyes dimmed a little sadly.


Alex calmed down a little when he felt Bryce's arms around him. He hugged him back, burying his face in his shoulder as he tried to stop crying. He thought about what he said while taking a couple of deep breaths and felt a pang of guilt as he thought of Gary. He hadn't once thought about him, as soon as Bryce appeared, until now. "I've met someone..." he admitted quietly. He pulled away gently, wiping away his tears and looking away from Bryce. "Maybe you're right..." he said sadly. "Maybe this is for the best..."

He glanced at Bryce before looking at the ground once more. "I wish things had been different...that we'd met differently..." he said, rubbing his own arms and taking another deep breath to stop himself from crying again. He looked back at Bryce, a little longingly for a moment. "I forgive you..." he said, wiping at his eyes again. "For everything."


Denix Vames - May 25, 2021

"Oh uh...Sorry to hear that." ,said Ricky.


Bryce held a sad smile. "Thank you but I don't think I'll ever forgive myself." He stepped away. "I hope whoever's with you right now is a good man." He walked away.


Shadowess - May 25, 2021

The woman shrugged. "It's ok. I'm starting to get used to it. It still kind of bothers me though, you know? Some people think I chose to live on the streets...As if anyone would choose to almost freeze to death and starve most days...At least I haven't had anything as bad as Steve over there...some asshole thought it'd be funny to try setting fire to his sleeping bag while he was asleep in it. Luckily he woke up when he smelled the fumes..." she glanced over to the homeless man in particular before looking back at her bowl, some fear now in her eyes. She gripped her bowl tightly then seemed to come back to herself as she looked up at Ricky, faking a smile now. "Anyway, thanks for the soup!" she said hurriedly and walked quickly over to one of the tables. "That was good for your first try." Oscar praised him. "So, now that you've heard what she had to say, how does that make you feel? What do you think about their situation?"


Alex watched Bryce walk away, tears still in his eyes. He wanted to reach out to him or call him back. He wanted to tell him that he still loved him and that he wanted to help him try to forgive himself but he bit his tongue. He could feel himself wanting to sob again as he tried to tear his eyes away from him. Forcing himself to turn around, he told himself that this was for the best, probably for both of them. He started walking home, knowing he'd probably cry himself to sleep but thankful he'd been given some closure at last.


Denix Vames - May 25, 2021

Ricky frowned. He flustered. "Can we stop playing twenty questions and just get this over with?" He had never been under these circumstances before. It was all strange and new to him.


Gary was finally healing from his stitches. A doctor had taken them out once his neck was stable. He could speak again but he was slow about it. Having not talked in a while. It felt strange. He wondered when Alex would show up again.


(just for when Sebastian comes back home)

Carter was dreaming. Finding himself witnessing the murder of Jack and his children. It all phased into his own torture. He could hear screaming and crying. Seeing blood being spilled. Entrails going everywhere.

He found himself pulling the trigger. Killing Theo. He could smell smoke from a fire. The rest of his memories flashed in a second. Like a slideshow.

Then he saw a dark shadow figure in front of him. He was in the caves.

'Join me Carter. Become my vessel. You and I shall conquer the world!'

He looked around. Seeing all of his friends and family members. Morphing into a dark shadow figure which forced his mouth opened. He screamed as it went into his body.

As he was screaming in his sleep, he flailed his arms and legs around. Crying out.

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Shadowess - May 25, 2021

Oscar frowned at Ricky's response. "Fine. But at least think it over. I want an answer by tomorrow morning. Speaking of, I'll be right back. Gotta sort out accommodations..." he said before stepping away. He came back after a couple of minutes and continued to help serve what was left of the soup. "I got us a hotel room each nearby. When we're done here we'll go check in and relax for the rest of the night." He told Ricky.

When the last few people took their bowls, there was nothing left of the soup. Yet Buster walked over with a couple of tubs, handing one each to Ricky and Oscar. "Here, I saved a couple of portions for you as a thanks for your hard work. You've both been a great help today. Will you be volunteering again tomorrow?"

"Maybe. We'll have to check our schedule to see if we have time." Oscar nodded.

"Well, I hope to see you both again tomorrow. If not, take care of yourselves."

"Thanks, Buster. You too." Oscar turned and smiled at Ricky. "Well that sorts out dinner, I guess." he chuckled. "Let's go to the hotel." he headed out and began walking towards the hotel he'd booked. To further show Ricky what it was like to 'go without', Oscar had booked the cheapest, most run down hotel he could find. "I'll knock on your door at six in the morning. We've got another full day of good deeds to do tomorrow so make sure you get plenty of rest." he said as he headed into the hotel. He checked them both in and handed Ricky's key to him. "There you go." he smiled. "And remember. I still want an answer to my questions."


It would be early morning when Alex headed back to the hospital. After his meeting with Bryce, he'd done exactly as he'd predicted, which was to cry himself to sleep. He'd cleaned himself up as best he could but annoyingly, his eyes were still a little red a swollen from all the crying he'd been doing. He knew he would need to tell Gary about what had happened and he was nervous about doing so but he now had a renewed hope for their future.

The closure he'd gained from Bryce was enough for Alex to focus purely on his and Gary's future with no more fear about whether or not Bryce would walk back into his life to take him back to the kind of life they used to have. He picked up the suits before heading out and it didn't take him long to get to the hospital. Walking into Gary's room, Alex grinned at him. He seemed to be doing a lot better. "Hey, you ready for today?" he asked excitedly and showed him the suit he'd picked up for him. "I hope you like it. I wasn't too sure what kind of style to go for..." he chuckled.


Sebastian had had to hunt around for a store that stayed open late at night. He was very lucky to find one and managed to find a couple of decent looking suits for himself and Carter. By the time he was heading back to Carter's office, the sun was rising over the horizon. This no longer bothered Sebastian and he smiled a little as he thought of how he'd used to hurry home before the sun rose for fear that it would burn him.

No longer having that fear felt like a burden had been lifted. He was truly thankful that Tom had shared his gift with them though he knew that all three of them would need to be careful about who they tell and to not flaunt it recklessly. If other, less friendly, vampires got wind of their gifts, they might resort to kidnapping one of them to steal their blood and make more Day Walkers. Or they might even try to kill them out of jealousy. Yes, they would need to be very careful with this.

Arriving back at the office, Sebastian got the bags out of the car and headed into the building. He paused in the doorway when he heard Carter's screams from the bedroom. "Not again..." Sebastian said worriedly, closing the front door, putting the bags down and hurrying upstairs and into the bedroom. He tried to gently shake Carter awake. "Carter! Carter, wake up! It's just a dream. You're ok!"


Denix Vames - May 25, 2021

Ricky nodded. "Want me to make an essay for you tomorrow?" He spoke sarcastically. He walked over to his own room. Unlocking and stepping into it.

He closed the door with a sigh. He looked at the container of soup. He sat down and sobbed. Never realizing how bad it was for lower class people. He hugged the container.


Gary smiled. He got off of the bed. "That's alright. It's better than nothing. Are we going now?"


Carter gasped awake. He turned to Sebastian. Tears burst from his eyes as he wrapped his arms around him. "I-I saw....! Leviathan! People! A cave!"


shadowess - May 25, 2021

Oscar chuckled at Ricky's response as he headed to his own room. He sighed and closed the door behind him. He wondered if Leo missed him or if he knew where he was. It was a shame Leo wasn't such a fan of phones or he'd have sent him a text by now. Oscar smiled as he remembered that he could do something better. He teleported to the mansion, finding it empty. Assuming Leo was at work, Oscar went about leaving a note for him.

He grabbed what looked like a random bit of paper then turned on a lamp and paused. His eyes widened a little. "Fuck..." he muttered as he read the wedding invitation, realizing he only had mere hours left to get himself and Leo ready. He stuffed it into his pocket, grabbed another piece of paper and scribbled a hurried note, slipping it into an envelope with some money. He teleported back to the hotel and slipped the envelope under Ricky's door. He then teleported to wherever Leo would be to see if he'd already seen the invitation or not.

Inside the envelope to Ricky, Oscar's message would be;

'Hey man,

Something urgent and important has come up so we'll have to postpone what I had planned until the day after tomorrow. Take a day off, I guess. If you want to continue helping people at the shelter, that'd be great but if you just want to rest and think over what happened tonight, that's fine too. There's money enclosed so you can buy some food for yourself. The hotel is booked for the week so no need to worry about that.

Chill out and stay out of trouble. I'll catch up with you later and we'll head straight to Rickster from there.

- Oscar.'


"Well, we can go home now if you want. In regards to the wedding though, I think Jasper's guna teleport everyone there when it's time to go. So, we might wana get dressed and ready asap. I'm not sure what the time difference is like where he's holding the wedding." Alex said as he grabbed Gary's coat and held it up for him. "Nice to hear your voice again." He then said softly, looking at him lovingly.


Jessica was sitting in the living room. She'd crept out of the bedroom to let Ben sleep and was looking over the flyer she'd found in her pocket nervously. She was biting her nail a little. She glanced at Ben's bedroom door, wanting to be certain he was in a deep sleep before she'd call for Jasper. "Hey, Jasper?" she whispered to the air. "I hope now's not a bad time...I need to talk to you...be quiet though...I don't wana wake up Ben."


Sebastian held on to Carter, rubbing his back. "Hey, it's ok! You're safe! Now, slow down. Take a deep breath." Sebastian's voice was soft as he tried to comfort Carter. "Looked like you were having a nightmare...take some deep breaths to calm down and then we can talk about it when you're ready." he said gently.


Denix Vames - May 25, 2021

Ricky opened the envelope. He read over the letter. He looked at the money then tucked it into his pocket. "What am I going to do now? What should I do?" He asked himself. Not knowing the full answer.


Leo and a woman with short blonde hair turned to see Oscar in the bedroom. Leo was brushing the woman's hair with her hairbrush. The woman sat in front of the mirror. She had green eyes, freckles, and a beaming smile. She wore a pink nightgown.

"Oh! Hey Oscar. What are you doing here?" She gasped. "Is that the boyfriend you've been telling me about? He's so cute!" He chuckled. "Yeah, that's my boyfriend."

He looked at him. "Anyway, what's going on?"


Gary accepted the coat. He put it over himself. He kissed him. "Nice to hear it too. Especially now that I can tell you so many dirty words when we make love again."


Jasper appeared. He was wearing a white suit. "What's wrong? Can you not come?"


Carter did. Once his breathing slowed, he spoke. "There was....I think I saw all of our friends in this cave. They turned into something. A Leviathan. I remember that word. And then the Leviathan tried to go in my body."

He started shaking as he covered his mouth. "I didn't know what to do! I was so scared!"


shadowess - May 25, 2021

"Uh-..." Oscar flustered a little as he took in the scene before him. Was this what Leo did for work? Who was that woman? His boss? Why is Leo brushing her hair and why is she in her nightgown?? He blushed a little when she called him cute and Leo announced him to be his boyfriend. "Um, sorry to interrupt...I wouldn't have come if it wasn't important..." He said, looking between the woman and Leo uncertainly. He took the flyer out of his pocket and handed it to Leo. "I just found this. If we wana go and look good then we don't have long left to get our outfits sorted."


Alex grinned and kissed Gary back. "I can't wait. Let's save ourselves for after the wedding though. End the night on a bang." he winked. He picked up their suits and looked at Gary. "Ready when you are." he smiled.


"Oh wow, you're looking dapper!" Jessica grinned as she spoke quietly. She then frowned a little. "Ah, well. First things first...I'm sorry that I pushed you away last time we met. I-...let's just say, I wasn't having a great day. Secondly...I really want to! I don't know how though with Ben...if he teleported there, he'd freak out. The last time he ended up learning about the supernatural world, we had to erase his memory because he went completely unresponsive...He just...froze up and nothing could get him to move or speak...I don't know what to do..."


Sebastian listened to Carter and frowned. He looked at him, looked into his eyes and cupped his cheek. "The Leviathan is gone. You've got nothing to worry about anymore. Our friends are safe. You're safe." He said gently. He brushed some of Carter's hair from his face then wiped away his tears. "It's understandable that you would have a nightmare after what you'd been through. But, I promise you, you're safe now and if you ever need to talk about what happened or how you feel, then I'm right here. Ok?"


Denix Vames - May 25, 2021

"Oh sorry for the confusion. This is the President's daughter." ,said Leo. She rolled her eyes. "I have a name, ya know?" She walked over to Oscar and hugged him. "I'm Allie. It's nice to meet you." She kissed his cheek.

She turned to Leo. "And if you need a suit for the wedding then we've got plenty to spare." Leo skimmed over the flyer. "Thanks Allie. We can check the walk-in closet."


Gary chuckled. He wrapped his arm around his. "Let's go." They headed out of the hospital.


"How about we slowly introduce him to the idea of the supernatural? I can talk to him. So far, those that I've talked to seemed to be willingly to comply." Jasper cleared his throat. "Sorry, I've been hanging out with Beau so I'm talking fancy these days."


Carter nodded. He leaned his head against his. "The wedding. I just want to go to the wedding. To forget."


shadowess - May 25, 2021

Oscar awkwardly hugged her back while giving a weak smile to Leo. He wasn't used to such warm welcomes. His cheeks turned a little pink when she kissed one. "Um, nice to meet you too, Allie...Sorry if I smell like onions and boiled cabbage...Had to help out in a soup kitchen today." He explained then blinked at her kind offer. "Thank you! That would be a huge help!"


Alex debated telling Gary about Bryce now but decided it could wait until after the wedding. Right now, he just wanted one day to relax and have some fun. They left the hospital and Alex paid for a taxi ride home. He'd already gotten a shower earlier that morning so it would be free for Gary to use when they got back. Alex was sure he'd appreciate it after spending all that time in the hospital. When they stepped into the house, he kissed Gary passionately. "I'll take the suits to the bedroom and start getting ready." he said before heading off to the bedroom to get changed.


Jessica chuckled quietly. "It suits you." she said then glanced at the bedroom door hesitantly. After what happened last time, she was hesitant to try it but she hated lying to Ben all the time and would love nothing more than to be able to talk to him freely without worrying about him freezing up again. She wondered if Jasper might have more luck in getting him to come around to the idea. "Would you mind? I don't wana put you out when you should be focusing on getting ready for the wedding..." she said, looking back at Jasper and feeling guilty that she was dragging him away from getting himself ready.


Sebastian nodded. "Alright. Let's get ready then. I'll bring the suits up if you wana use the shower first? I think Jasper is teleporting us all there at the right time."


Amelia was wearing the nicest thing she could find in maternity dresses. A sky-blue floral dress that was longer at the back, cutting off just above her ankles while the front came up to just under her knees. She wore her hair in loose curls that fell to her shoulders and also wore light, almost natural looking make up. She'd given herself a French manicure while managing to keep her nails short. She picked up a pair of flat shoes which matched the color of her dress and she sat on the couch and leant forward to put them on. But her belly stopped her from reaching her feet and she had an amused yet slightly frustrated expression as she sat back and sighed with a small smile. She tutted. "It would seem I didn't think this one through..." she chuckled.


Even Cindy was getting ready for the wedding. Putting on a champagne colored dress that reached her feet and hugged her waist. Heeled shoes which matched the color of the dress. She'd put her hair back into a smart bun with just a couple wisps of hair down to frame her face. While her eyeshadow was a natural color to compliment her skin tone, her eyeliner and mascara were a bold black. She wore a deep red lipstick. Looking at herself in the mirror, she picked up the little purse that also matched the color of her outfit and smiled at Kite, twirling a little for him. "How do I look?"


Neva was running around, giggling. Too excited about the wedding to keep still long enough for either Vincent or Elliot to help her get ready. So far, she'd only managed to get her dress on and she was so happy to be wearing one that she couldn't help spinning around and running about just to see how the skirt twirled around her and billowed behind her.


Denix Vames - May 25, 2021

Allie giggled. "It's alright. I don't mind the smell. C'mon. I'll show you the closet. Leo knows where it is but I still want to help." "And I can't leave your side anyway." She sighed. "I know. Don't remind me."

They followed her out of her room. Heading down the hall until they reached a door. She opened it. Revealing rows of blouses, shirts, pants, suits, and dresses. There was even jewelry, purses, and wallets along with watches.


"I'll take a quick shower then. It won't be long." ,said Gary. He headed into the bathroom where he slipped out of his clothes. He got into the tub and soon found himself covered in warm water.


Carter slightly nodded. "I'll do that first." He headed out of the room. Getting into the bathroom where he started his shower.


Charles stepped out of the door. Revealing his golden cloak and violet clothes. "Here. Let me help." He bent down to place her flats on. He smiled at her. "You look beautiful."


Kite was wearing a black suit. He wrapped an arm around her waist. Looking into her eyes, he smiled. "Drop dead gorgeous."


Elliot was wearing a suit with his tie crooked. Some of his buttons were unbuttoned. His sleeves were rolled up. He had his coat on the couch. He wasn't much of a fancy guy. Since living in the South, he never needed a suit.

Vincent was wearing a dark blue suit. He held the flower crown that was meant for Neva who had been selected as the flower girl since she was the only child in their group.

"C'mon Neva. We have to put this on your head."


shadowess - May 25, 2021

(Missing Jasper's reply lol)


Denix Vames - May 25, 2021

Jasper stepped into their home when Jessica let him. "Where is he?"


shadowess - May 25, 2021

"Does that mean you're her bodyguard?" Oscar asked Leo as they followed Allie out into the hall. He looked around at the various clothes and accessories in the room in awe. "All of these look really expensive! Are you sure this is ok?" he asked, turning to look at Allie, worried they'd be taking advantage of Leo's position in some way.


Alex got changed into his outfit. A black suit with a black tie. He fixed some cufflinks to his cuffs and straightened his tie while looking at himself in a mirror.


Jessica lead Jasper into the living room and gestured to the couch. "He's still asleep. Wait here and I'll go get him."

She then headed back into the bedroom and kissed Ben on the forehead to gently wake him. "Ben? I hope you don't mind. One of my friends is here...he wants to talk to you. He's in the living room." she said softly.


Sebastian headed downstairs and picked up the bags he'd left by the door. He headed back to the bedroom where he put Carter's suit onto the bed and took his own suit out, laying it out ready.


Amelia blushed as Charles helped her to put her shoes on. She couldn't help feeling like the Devil equivalent of Cinderella. She blushed a little more when he said she looked beautiful. "Thank you." she smiled, looking at him lovingly. "And you look very handsome."


Cindy grinned, resting her hands on Kite's chest as he held her around her waist. "You look really sexy in that suit." she purred. "Can't wait to take it off you tonight."


Neva stopped when she saw the crown and her eyes lit up at how pretty it looked. "Ok, dad!" She ran over and stopped in front of Vincent, beaming up at him while waiting for him to place it onto her head.

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Denix Vames - May 25, 2021

"I'm the President's family bodyguard. I protect all members. Including him." ,said Leo.

Allie waved a hand at Oscar. "It's no trouble at all. C'mon! Let's get you two into some french suits." She grabbed their hands. Pulling them into the closet.

She started showing them a variety of suits that they could try on. Recommending watches, cuff links, and shoes.


Gary had a towel wrapped around his waist when he stepped into the bedroom. His chest still gleaming from the water. He smirked. "Don't you look tasty."


Jasper sat on the couch. He nodded.

Ben groaned awake. "Hm?" He rubbed his eyes as he yawned. "This late at night? Alright then." He stepped out of the room with her. Wearing some sweats and a shirt.

He raised a brow at the man in the white suit. "Is it someone's wedding?" "Mine actually. And you're invited." Jasper stood. Holding out a hand. "I'm Jasper by the way." Ben shook his hand. "Ben."


Carter walked over to the bedroom. He smelled fresh and had some cologne on. He picked up the suit. "I haven't been to a wedding in so long. I hope I don't look like an idiot."


Charles kissed her head. "Thanks." He held out his hand. "Ready?"


"And I can't wait to slip that dress off." Kite slipped his tongue into her mouth. Kissing her.


Vincent placed the flower crown on her head. He smiled. "There. You look beautiful." He lifted her off the floor. Holding her in his arms. "Doesn't she look-" He turned to Elliot but gasped.

"What?" ,said Elliot. Vincent sighed as he shook his head. "Would it kill you to dress nicely for once?" He set her on the floor and walked over to Elliot. Helping him roll his sleeves down, buttoned up, and fix his tie. "Yes, it would." Vincent gave him his coat. "Smartass." Elliot smiled. "I know what you are but what am I?"

Vincent chuckled before kissing him.


Shadowess - May 26, 2021

Oscar nodded at Leo in understanding. He smiled as Allie pulled them further into the closet and showed them the different suits. He soon picked out a dark grey suit with a matching tie. Polished black shoes and a pair of silver cufflinks. "I think I'll go with these." he said after trying on the suit and stepping out to show Leo and Allie.


Alex looked over and grinned, his cheeks turning pink at the sight of Gary in a towel. "I could say the same about you." he said before picking up a pair of shoes and sitting down to put them on. While he was tying the laces, he glanced up at Gary, hoping to watch him get dressed.


Jessica walked over to one of the chairs and leant against it's arm while watching them anxiously. She started biting the nail on her thumb as she stayed quiet and prayed as hard as she could that this would work.


Sebastian grinned and shook his head a little. "I'm sure you'll look handsome." he said, swooping in to give Carter a quick kiss. "You smell great." he said before heading into the bathroom himself. A few minutes later, Sebastian also stepped out of the bathroom, rubbing his hair with a small towel to try and dry it. He looked over at Carter with a smile while picking up his suit and putting it on. "I'm looking forward to this. It'll be nice to unwind for a while."


Amelia took his hand and groaned a little while standing up. "Almost, just need..." she looked around quickly then spotted what she was looking for. "Ah!" she smiled, waddling over to the counter and picking up the little blue purse with a silver chain and placing it over her shoulder. "Ok, now I'm ready." she grinned, taking Charles's hand again.


Cindy moaned a little into the kiss, finding it difficult to resist Kite while they both looked and smelled this good. She chuckled when the kiss broke. "You're lucky this lipstick doesn't smudge!" she grinned then bit her lip a little, looking at him seductively. "Let's try to save ourselves for later...as hard as that's going to be." she giggled a little, gently tapping the end of his nose with her own and hovering her mouth over his. "And God, it's going to be hard." she sighed, still smiling. "But I'm sure it'll be worth it." she briefly captured his lips with hers before resting her head against his, enjoying their closeness.


Neva continued to grin as Vincent said she looked beautiful and hugged him when he lifted her up. She then giggled at Elliot when Vincent scolded him for not dressing properly and began fixing up his suit. She ran over to a mirror while they were kissing and looked at her dress and flower crown in wonder. "I wana get married when I grow up!" she announced happily, imagining herself in a wedding dress.


Denix Vames - May 26, 2021

Leo smiled. "It suits you." "Oh my god! You're so adorbs! I've got to take pictures of you two before you guys go!" He chuckled. "One thing at a time." His eyes caught the gleam of a black leather suit. "Whoa...."

He walked over to it. Taking it off of the rack. "Where did you get this?" "Oh? That one? Some guy with purple eyes left it a long time ago. Supposedly, he was best friends with Lincoln."

He froze. "Purple eyes?" She raised a brow. "Uh yeah. Why?" He shook his head. "No reason. Just curious." She shrugged. "Whatever. Just go try it on. I'm sure it'll work on you."


Gary pat his chest dry before letting the towel drop on the floor. Allowing Alex to watch as he got dressed. "Enjoying the view?"


"So, I need to explain a few things." ,said Jasper. "Ok?" "Well, one I'm a spirit. Spirit Of Fairness. And two, lots of spooky stuff is real. But the spooky stuff ain't spooky. It's nice spooky stuff."

Ben looked at her. "Is he high?" He pointed at him as he turned back to his direction. "Are you high?" "Nah but let me show you what I mean." Jasper put his hand through the couch. Ben jumped back. His eyes widened. "What the-?! How the hell did you do that?" "Like I said, I'm dead. And I invited all of my friends to my wedding. It's gonna be in Austin, Texas. Somewhere in the desert."

"Get the hell away from me!" He grabbed a pencil from the coffee table. "Now look here buddy. I ain't trying to hurt ya. I just want to invite ya'll to my wedding. Everybody's coming. We got Sebastian, Elliot, Carter, Will-" "Wait a minute! Captain Will? And Private Detective Carter?" Jasper smiled. "Yeah! Pretty much."

Ben lowered the pencil. He thought for a moment. "Alright. I'll go to this so called wedding. But if I even see anything out of place, I will shoot." "No problemo."


Carter smiled at the kiss. "Thank you." He soon got dressed. "So? How do I look?"


"Should we teleport ourselves there or should we wait? I don't want to be rude." ,asked Charles.


Kite gently rubbed her back. Keeping that smile. "You always know what to say."


Elliot nearly fell over when Vincent caught him. Vincent's face was red. He cleared his throat. "That's nice honey but one thing at a time. Ok?" He fanned Elliot with his hand so that he could stay alert. Elliot blinked his fainting spell away. Taking a quick breath before smiling at her. "It's a nice thought."


Will's eyes widened as he sat up. "Shit! Are we late?!"


shadowess - May 26, 2021

Oscar blushed at both of their comments then he rose a brow at Leo's interest in the leather suit. "As much as I love seeing you in leather, do you think it'd be the smartest thing to wear in the middle of a desert?" he asked with a chuckle, imagining Leo sweating like crazy once they get there.


Alex raised his eyes from Gary's body to his face in a seductive way and he grinned. "Yes." he answered simply. He sat up once his shoes were tied and leant back in the chair and rested his hands behind his head as he watched Gary getting dressed. He was smiling a little as he watched him. A thought occurred to him. "Will you be able to drink or would it irritate your throat?"


Jessica watched their conversation and observed Ben's reaction carefully. "You don't have to worry, Ben." she said softly. "They're friends. It might seem a bit weird but there's nothing sinister going on, I promise." she said, trying to put him at ease. "My brothers are going too. Alex Parker and well...Alex Parker." She rolled her eyes a little, knowing it would probably take too long to explain why they both have the same name so she opted for the easier explanation for now; "Different mothers, same asshole of a dad...I'll tell you the whole story another time." She sighed then added "But you can definitely trust Jasper here...he's one of the few friends I have that hasn't been an ass to me."


Sebastian turned to Carter while fixing up his own tie and smiled at him. "You look amazing!" He complimented. He finished getting ready and stood after putting his shoes on. "There." he grinned, walking over to Carter and wrapping his hands around his shoulders. "


Amelia hesitated with a small frown. "That's a good point. Jasper said he'd teleport everyone there. I guess we have a little time to relax first then."


Cindy's grin widened a little and she brought a hand up to caress his cheek. "So, are you any good at dancing?" she asked, wondering if they were guna end up dancing together later that night.


Neva whirled around to look at Elliot when he almost fainted again. She watched Vincent's and Elliot's reaction with mild confusion, not really understanding why they were acting strange. "You two are silly!" she giggled.


Parker's eyes snapped open when he heard Will and he looked around hurriedly before sighing a little. "Well, we're not waking up butt naked in the middle of Texas, so I guess not." he chuckled. "Still though, we might wana get dressed pretty quickly. Looks like the sun has been up for a while now and I'm not sure what time we're guna get teleported." he said, jumping out of the bed and grabbing the bags with their suits in, bringing Will's over to him.


Tom stepped out of the bathroom after having had a shower. The water made his curls seem a little looser than normal and they bobbed a bit as he walked. Steam rose off his chest and shoulders, his skin still a little hot from the shower. He wore nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist as he headed into the bedroom and looked at Nate. "How are you feeling?" he asked softly, knowing they'd only had time for a few hours of sleep.


Denix Vames - May 26, 2021

Leo sighed. "You have a point." "Here." Allie walked over to a black sparkly dress with a poofy gown. "You can really show yourself at the wedding with this." He blushed. "A dress? I've never worn one before. I wouldn't even know how to get in one." "It's ok. I can just show you."

After explaining to him, she let Leo go somewhere alone where he put on the dress. He nervously stepped out of the changing room.

The black large gown had silver stars in a pattern which sparkled. The fabric of the dress was smooth. He had straps over his shoulders and wore the black long gloves that came with the crown.


Gary shook his head. "The doctor I could drink and eat. I'll be fine."


Ben nodded. "Well, if you say so." "It's good to hear that ya'll will be going to the wedding after all. I'll wait for the two of ya to get dressed. I'll bring some other friends." He disappeared.

Ben raised a brow at her. "Uh....I don't have any suits. At least not for weddings. I only have one that's meant for when a cop gets a big promotion that they need a ceremony."


Carter wrapped his arms around his waist. "I just want to kiss you and never let go." He leaned his head against.


Kite blushed with a smile. "I'm afraid it's been a long time since I did any kind of dancing."


"And we smell like sex!" Will grabbed a bottle of cologne from the drawer nearby. Spraying it over his own neck and then Parker's. He soon got dressed.


Nate rubbed his eyes. "A lot better than I was before." He sat up. "And don't worry about the suits. I can conjure us some."


Jasper had teleported anyone who was dressed to the wedding. The wedding had tables with chairs that were decorated in white. There was a bouquet for each table.

Plenty of food and drinks were on a separate table. The two cowboys and cowgirl were standing near the altar. Hanging out as they talked to each other.


Shadowess - May 26, 2021

Oscar stared at Leo. This wasn't exactly something he was used to but he wasn't against the idea either. "Well, it's different but I gotta say, you actually look good in that." he smiled.


Alex smiled. "I guess we're in for a pretty good day then." he said, getting to his feet and stretching a bit.


Jessica thought for a moment. "Yeah, I don't exactly have a second set of clothes with me either..." She then stood and took Ben's hand, smiling. "C'mon. Let's run to the shops and see what we can find! They should be open by now."


Tom grinned and walked over to Nate, bending down to kiss him while caressing his cheek. "We best get ready now then. We don't want to be late." he said in a soft voice.


Parker chuckled at Will as he hurriedly sprayed them both with cologne, not too bothered about it stinging the hickey on his neck a little. He got dressed quickly and as soon as they were completely dressed they found themselves at the wedding. "That was lucky..." Parker muttered to Will, assuming they'd gotten dressed just in time. His heart was racing a little and he couldn't help smirking at Will, finding it a little amusing that they'd gotten ready so quickly.

Sebastian smiled. He closed his eyes momentarily as he savored the moment then opened them to look directly into Carter's eyes. "I know the feeling." he whispered to him. He blinked, looking around them and blushed. "We're here."

Chuckling, Cindy kissed Kite's cheek. "That's ok. I don't really know how to dance either." she admitted. "We can look silly together." she winked. She then glanced around them, finding that they were no longer standing in Kite's apartment. "Oh, wow! Look at this place!" she beamed.

Neva ran over to Vincent and Elliot when they were teleported. She was excited but she was also shy around the few people she hadn't met yet. She felt more comfortable standing close to her parents until she'd get to know them. Despite her shyness, she looked over at Jasper and waved at him with a smile.

Amelia looked around when they were teleported and soon spotted Sebastian and Carter. "Hey guys!" she called to them and hurried over.

"Amelia!" Sebastian smiled then his eyes fell to her stomach and widened. "Has it really been that long already?! Look at you! You've got a baby bump!!" He said excitedly and Amelia beamed, hugging each of them. "I know! It really feels real now! Little one keeps kicking my ribs!" she laughed.

David and Patience also arrived. David wearing a light grey suit and Patience wearing a pale yellow dress. David walked over to Amelia and the rest of the group, giving Amelia a quick hug as well and greeting the others. "It's nice to have plenty of good news for a change." he commented with a smile. "I think it's going to be a good day."

Amelia waved over Vincent and Elliot, grinning at them.

Meanwhile Patience also hugged Sebastian and Carter to greet them. "You two look very handsome." she said proudly.

Sebastian blushed. "Thanks." he then looked between them all. "We should greet the grooms. Wish them luck and all that." He said, taking Carter's hand.


Denix Vames - May 26, 2021

Leo blushed. "Thanks." "And now for some makeup and shoes!" He raised a hand. "No makeup." "Please? At least a smoky eye look?" He sighed. "Ok. Fine. Just that." "Yes!"

She gave him some black heels to slip into. Leo started walking slowly back to her bedroom as she guided him there with a hand. "These shoes are killing me." "You'll get use to them."

She helped him to the chair where she began doing his eye makeup. Using the color black and adding gloss over his lips. "This is just to make your lips shine. I'll add some lashes for your eyes too. Try not to touch your eyes for however long you're at the wedding." "Oh great. I'm going to be in Hell." Leo added some sarcasm to that remark.


Alex and Gary had been teleported to the wedding.


Ben took her hand. "I have my car. I could drive us there."


Nate stretched before standing. He waved a hand over him. Giving him a black suit over his body which already fitted. He snapped his own fingers as he wore a black suit as well.

They appeared at the wedding. "And just like that, my work here is done."


"Yeah. No kidding." Will looked around. He nervously scratched the back of his head. "Maybe this was a bad idea. What if I mess up?"

Kite's eyes lit up when he saw the wedding. "Damn. Jasper really did something around here."

Jasper waved back. Smiling at them. He walked over. "Nice to see ya'll here." "We wouldn't miss it for the world." ,said Vincent. "And thanks for making Neva as flower girl." ,said Elliot. Jasper knelt to face her. "Well, she's part of the family now which means she's my distant relative." He poked her nose.

Carter raised a brow. "David? Are you and Patience a thing? I never thought you guys would end up together. Although, I never thought about it either."

Carter nodded at Sebastian. He followed him to Jasper. "Hey buddy. Where's soon-to-be-husband?" "Over there." Jasper pointed at a tall man with a curly mustache and black slicked back short hair. He held a masquerade silver glittery mask.

His dress was Victorian. A large poofy white dress with swan feathers pointed up behind his neck. Acting as his collar. There was silver glitter all over his dress. Making him shine. He wore a diamond necklace. His face held some makeup which was blush, glittery grey eyeshadow and glossy pink lips.

Carter's eyes widened. "That's....my grandfather?" "Many great but yeah." "I....How are we related? I could never have the balls to wear that." Jasper shrugged.

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Shadowess - May 26, 2021

"What's wrong with Hell?" Oscar rose a brow and tried to give him a serious expression. Then broke into a smirk, signaling to Leo that he was winding him up. "You look beautiful." He then said softly. He looked at Allie, "Thank you for this." he then seemed to realize something. "Hey, if we're off to a Wedding, is someone going to take over protecting you while Leo's gone?"


"Then let's go!" She grinned. They'd then hurry to the nearest store to find something nice to wear. After a few minutes and Jessica trying on a couple of dresses, she settled on a long, green dress with small straps. The color of the dress complimenting her eyes. She bought the dress, matching shoes, some makeup and a green purse. Once they'd get back to Ben's apartment, they would hurriedly get ready.


Parker looked at Will and gave him a kind smile. "Mess up? You won't." he chuckled. "These are our friends, you can relax. Let's go say hi to them..."

River would stir when Will's eye would briefly land on Amelia as he looked around. "Hot mama mama! Who is that?!" he asked, referring to a blonde woman that no one else would be able to see who was standing next to Amelia. She wore a short red dress that clung to her frame and had a bored expression as she glanced around the place. "...I don't think the others can see her...no one seems to be paying her any attention at all...wait, did Patience just walk right through her?! Dude! She's like...if spirits had spirits! Spirit-ception! or-...or..." River suddenly realized something. "Holy crap boss! I think she's energy! Like me!! At least she doesn't seem dangerous...just bored by the looks of her...She's hot though...like Uma Thurman hot!"

Alex blinked then looked around in surprise when he found they were no longer in Gary's room. "Wow, this place looks awesome!" he said, grinning and taking Gary's hand. "Let's go greet the others."

"Right? It's lovely!" Cindy agreed. She took Kite's hand and started walking towards the rest of the group, waving at them as they approached. "Hi guys! You all look wonderful!"

Neva giggled when Jasper poked her nose. She beamed when he said they were family now and she felt an overwhelming sense of happiness, knowing that she'd gotten exactly what she'd dreamed of getting since she was an orphan. To be surrounded by a loving family. "Does that mean I can call you granddad?" she asked sweetly.

David's and Patience's cheeks had turned bright red at the question and they both flustered, answering, very quickly, in unison "No." They looked at each other very briefly before looking back at Carter. "We're just friends." Patience said.

"That would be unprofessional considering we're both representatives in the peace talks." David said before clearing his throat awkwardly.

"Right. That would be a conflict of interest." Patience forced a chuckle.

They both glanced at each other before Patience walked away, heading towards Nate and Tom just to put some distance between herself and David.

Tom chuckled at Nate's comment and looked between them both. "Nice!" he said. "You always know just what to pick!" He looked over at Patience who was still a little red in the face as she approached them. "Hey!" he greeted and hugged her when she wrapped her arms around him. She let go of Tom then hugged Nate next. "You two look handsome." she smiled at them. She looked at Nate with a little concern, recalling he'd been passed out the last time she saw him. "How are you feeling? Better, I hope?"

Meanwhile, David stayed by his daughter's side. He looked at Amelia who was smirking at him knowingly and he gave her a warning look while shaking his head. Knowing his daughter, she was just itching to wind him up over it. "Please don't." he said shortly and Amelia chortled.

Sebastian looked over as well. "I'd say that personal preference might not be genetic but I'd rather not get into the whole nature versus nurture debate...The look suits him, though. You both look nice. Are you excited?"


Denix Vames - May 26, 2021

Allie shook her head. "My dad only trusts him." She smiled. "Which means...." Leo sighed. "Yes, you can come with me. I can't exactly leave you here." She squealed and skipped to her personal closet. Taking out a pink sleek dress. "I've got the perfect outfit! And it goes great with these adorable shoes! Also, this fox fur scarf! Oh but the wedding's in Texas so I need to get my pink scarf! Totes matches with everything! And then I should put on some dark pink shadow and lips!"

Leo raised a hand. "We'll leave you alone for a moment to change." He stepped out of the room with Oscar. Allie closed the door. He rolled his eyes. "I'll never understand her."


Ben had gotten himself a black suit. Once they were all dressed, he hooked an arm over hers. Keeping her close. Jasper appeared. "Stay still and close your eyes. This will be over in a second." Ben did. "Ok...." He placed his hands on their shoulders.

They appeared in the wedding. Jasper walked back to Neva. "And yes, you can call me granddad."

Will nodded at where Amelia was. "Parker, I think there's someone standing there. Like The Energy in my eye but no one can see her. It looks like she invited herself to the wedding. I'm going to greet River to her."

He walked over to the woman. "Excuse me ma'am? I have a friend who would like to meet you. His name is River. He pointed at his red eye.

"Thanks. I'm doing just fine. Just needed a nap and a little alone time with Tom." Nate smirked. "That's all."

Carter took a deep breath. "If by exciting, you mean nervous out of my freaking mind then yeah I am." He held his hand. "Here goes nothing." They walked over.

Beau turned to them. He had been talking to Billy. "Oh? You must be my many great grandson." Carter raised a brow. "How did you know?" "My good man, I know a handsome face when I see one. It's good to know that my genetics have stayed within our bloodline. And I can only assume that this is your partner. I'm charmed to meet him."

Beau did a curtsy. "My name is Beau Carter." "I'm Travis Carter just to give you that quick detail. This is Sebastian...." Carter's face went red. "I'm so sorry! I forgot about your last name!" Beau chuckled. "It's quite alright. I understand that you live in an era where proper manners are not an important detail in one's life anymore."


shadowess - May 26, 2021

Oscar chuckled at Leo's comment. "She seems like a sweet girl."


Jessica looked at Ben and smiled. She kissed his cheek. "You can open your eyes now. We're here." she said gently.

Neva grinned and threw her arms around him happily.

Parker's eyes shot over to Amelia. "Really?" He couldn't see her at all. He followed Will, curious to know who she was and why she was here.

Amelia looked at Will and rose an eyebrow when he spoke to the empty space next to her. "Uh...You ok?" she asked.

Meanwhile the woman next to her looked at Will in surprise. She looked around momentarily, unsure of if he was really talking to her. She looked back at him and spoke but no sound reached Will's ears. However, her lip movement gave away that she was asking; 'You can see me?!"

River sighed. "Dang, even I didn't hear that. It's like she's on mute or something...hang on...let me try something..." River's energy focused on reaching out to her, making her aware of his presence. Her expression shifted to a look of realization and then deep thought. She touched Will's arm and though he would feel nothing, he would suddenly hear her voice clearly. "Can you hear me?" she asked.

"Ohh I can hear you pretty lady, and your voice is as hot as I'd imagined!" River said, not expecting her to hear him but she did. She seemed taken aback for a moment and then laughed.

"Oh, I understand! You have someone else in there too!" she said.

"I'm River. The guy whose arm your touching is called Will. He's taken...I'm not!"

The woman laughed again and shook her head. "My name is Carol!" she said, smiling at Will. Overwhelmed with happiness that someone can finally see and hear her after all these years.

Patience's cheeks had barely regained it's normal color when they suddenly turned red again at Nate's comment. Tom's cheeks also turned a little red but he was smirking as well. "Uh- Well, I'm glad to see you're feeling better." Patience flustered. "I'm just guna greet the other guests...It's nice to see you two again." she said before turning and walking away.

Sebastian was a little irritated by Beau's last comment, feeling it was some kind of dig at Carter's generation. But he continued to smile to hide it. He knew Carter was just nervous about meeting his ancestor. "Sebastian Walker. It's nice to meet you." he said politely while giving Carter's hand a comforting squeeze.


Denix Vames - May 26, 2021

"Oh believe me. This is just her at Level 1 of her sweetness scale. You really don't want to see her when she gets mad." ,said Leo.

Allie opened the door when she was dressed up. "Done! Now, let's go." Jasper appeared. Grabbing them both. Leo grabbed Oscar's hand before they disappeared.

"And now everybody's here!"

Gary's eyes widened at the table of food. He licked his lips and ran over.

Ben slowly opened his eyes. He looked around. "Uh....Wow. This is definitely something else."

Jasper picked her up. Hugging her with a smile. "Be sure to get your basket of rose petals so that you can throw them behind you when you're walking down the aisle."

"Sorry Amelia. There's a woman standing next to you. And yes, I can hear you now. I can also see you." Will rolled his eyes. "River, have some respect for her. That's not how you get a date." He pointed at his other eye. "It's nice to meet you, Carol. This is weird to say but you can go in this eye if you want to meet River."

Nate chuckled. "The look on her face was priceless."

"It's nice to meet you as well. Perhaps, I can walk Carter down the aisle when you both get married." ,said Beau. Carter's face went red. "Uh....Um....It's a bit quick to think about that right now." "Oh nonsense. It's never too quick to discuss marriage."


shadowess - May 27, 2021

Oscar rose a brow but before he could ask what he meant, Allie came out of the room and Jasper appeared. Next thing he knew they were at the wedding and he was looking around in awe. "Wow, this place looks great!"

Alex caught Gary's arm and gently pulled him back. "Might want to hold off on that for a minute. I don't see anyone else eating or drinking yet. They might be waiting until after the ceremony." he said to him quietly.

Jessica smiled. "Isn't it?" she said excitedly. "C'mon, lets go say hi." she started pulling him towards the rest of the group.

"Ok!" Neva grinned and looked around for the basket.

"Sorry." River said quickly. "I don't meet many energies like me..."

Carol looked at him a little confused then looked at Amelia whose face had turned pale and she sighed. "I'm afraid I'm not like you River. I can't go in your eye either Will...I'm bound to Amelia. Attached to her...ever since she became a Devil." she heard David's question and smiled at him sadly. She looked back at Will.

"My name is Carol Magpie. I helped David to raise Amelia when he found her in Hell. I fought against Satan to protect her and he destroyed me...wanting to stop anyone else from being destroyed at his hands, Amelia conducted a spell that an Ancient Devil had taught her...she was so stricken with grief at my loss though, that she held on to my ashes when she conducted the spell...She didn't know it but that's where she succeeded in the spell where so many others had failed...if she hadn't been holding my ashes, the spell would have destroyed her instead of changing her. Instead, I became the 'sacrifice' for the spell and she became a Devil who destroyed Satan before he could cause more harm...What was left of me was bound to her after that...She doesn't know...she could never figure out why the spell had worked for her..." Carol explained.

Amelia was a little surprised when Will said there was someone stood there that she couldn't see. But her face turned very pale when he called her Carol and she stared at him, beginning to feel a little faint as she listened in as much as she could.

Even David was staring at Will now at the mention of Carol. "Wait a second, Carol? Carol who??"

Tom couldn't help chuckling as well. "You're so bad!" he whispered to him, grinning. "Should we join the others?"

Even Sebastian flustered at the question, his cheeks turning red. "I'm in no hurry. I'd rather wait until Carter's ready." He said quickly.


Denix Vames - May 27, 2021

Allie started running around as she greeted everyone. Telling them how cute they were and how lovely their dress was. She would say how handsome a person looked in their suit. Leo had to constantly follow her. Getting surprised looks from everyone. He blushed. Staring down but still following her.

Gary frowned. "Well, what are we supposed to do?"

Ben hesitantly followed her. Still nervous. He looked around at the people. "Will's dating Parker? I didn't know that."

"The basket is near the altar. You can help her find it. I'll go see my finance." ,said Jasper. "Sure thing." ,said Elliot. Vincent and him followed Neva. Vincent grabbed the basket of rose petals and handed it to her.

"Carol Magpie. She told me the whole story." Will placed a hand on Amelia's shoulder. "She's still here with you." Charles glared. "That's enough!" He shoved him. "You have no right to make her feel so terrible on a day like this!" Will glared. "I'm just trying to help!"

"I wouldn't mind talking to someone." Nate pointed at Billy who was leaning against a table. Observing everyone. "He looks cute." He smiled and said, "Just kidding. You know I only love you." He held his hand. "Let's go see the infamous cowboy." They walked over.

Jasper walked over to Beau and them. "Ah! Jasper my dear. Have you met your second great grandson?" "Second?" "Well, when we get married, our two families shall become related to one another." Carter's eyes widened. His cheeks flustered. "Related?!"

Elliot fainted when he heard the news. Vincent immediately caught him. Fanning him with a napkin.

"Indeed. I thought this was obvious?" ,said Beau.


Shadowess - May 27, 2021

Oscar stayed by Leo's side, hoping to support him as he followed Allie around. He took his hand and gave him a comforting smile as he walked around with him.

"I dunno, mingle, I guess?" Alex shrugged. "I've never really been to a wedding before." he admitted. "C'mon, let's go say hi to the others...looks like some drama is getting stirred up..." he said, nodding towards Charles and Will.

Jessica nodded. "Yeah, Parker's also my brother..." she said then nodded towards Alex. "And the guy over there with the blonde hair is also my brother...and he's also Alex Parker..." She chuckled, knowing it was a little confusing. She stopped just short of the others when Charles shoved Will, watching the tension uncertainly.

Amelia gasped softly when Will said Carol's last name, her eyes filling with tears briefly. "That's impossible!" David gasped, staring at Will wide-eyed. Amelia was a little comforted by Will saying she was here with her but then looked between Charles and Will, a little alarmed, when Charles became defensive of her. Parker stepped forward as soon as Charles shoved Will, standing in front of him, defensive. "Back off, he hasn't done anything wrong!" he said, staring Charles down.

Amelia immediately stepped between Charles and Parker, turning to Charles and placing herself in his arms, hugging his chest. "It's ok. Really." she said gently.

David overcame his shock to glare between the three men, "That's enough, all of you!" he said in an angry hushed voice. "For crying out loud, we're at a wedding! Show some respect to the Grooms!"

Parker flustered, his face turning a little red as he looked between David and Charles. Knowing David was right, he sighed. "Sorry..." he muttered to David, then turned to Will and took his arm. "C'mon, we might wana find a seat..." he glanced to one side and his eyes widened momentarily at Carol. He decided now wasn't the best time so he chose not to say anything more and to continue leading Will away.

Amelia then leant against Charles a bit, feeling a little light headed. "Charles, I need to sit down..."

Carol had watched the whole thing play out with a frown. She watched Amelia, concerned. She let go of Will's arm shortly after Parker had seen her then continued to follow Amelia, watching over her.

"I wouldn't mind talking to someone." Nate pointed at Billy who was leaning against a table. Observing everyone. "He looks cute." He smiled and said, "Just kidding. You know I only love you." He held his hand. "Let's go see the infamous cowboy." They walked over.

Tom's cheeks turned a little red and he glared while still smiling at Nate before shaking his head. "I hate that you know how to make me jealous!" he grinned. He walked over with Nate, a little nervous. "Um, hi." he greeted the cowboy as they approached.

Neva ran over happily to the alter to look for the basket. She turned to see Vincent picking it up and handing it to her. She took it with a wide smile. "Thanks dad!" She looked inside at all the petals and their beautiful silken colors. "They're so pretty!" she exclaimed and sniffed the basket. "And they smell nice too!"

She then watched as Elliot fainted at the news that they would become related to Carter. She looked over at Carter and tilted her head curiously. "So...would that mean you'll be my uncle?...or cousin?..." trying to think of how they'd be related confused her a little and hurt her head a bit to think about. She then turned her attention to Beau and grinned. "Your dress is pretty!" she beamed.


Denix Vames - May 27, 2021

Leo let out a sigh of relief when Allie was done complimenting everyone. "Can we please sit somewhere? My feet are getting tired." Allie walked over to a table. "Mine too." They sat there.

Gary and him walked over to the situation. When the matter was done, they went to Will and Parker who was sitting at a table. Will was still pissed. "Hey guys. Is everything alright?"

Ben looked at the drama going on. "Even in supernatural weddings, there's drama coming out of nowhere."

"It's alright. I'll fetch you some water." Charles led her to a chair where he helped her to sit. He came back with a cup of water. Setting it in front of her and sitting down next to her. He placed a hand over her back. "I'm sorry. I just....I worry about losing you in any way possible. I don't want you to feel bad about anything."

Billy sighed. "Go ahead. Ask away." Nate raised a brow. "I know plenty about you but I'm sure Tom would love to ask you some questions." "Oh? So, he doesn't want to fuck me?" "What?" "Do you know how many times I get asked by both men and women if they can have sex with me? Too many damn times. I figured you guys were one of them." "Well no, we aren't. Sorry to hear about that." Billy waved a hand. "That's what happens when you get famous. Everybody wants ya."

Vincent smiled. "I'm glad you like them."

Carter pinched the brim of his nose. "I don't even want to think about it." Beau smiled at Neva's comment. "Why thank you miss. You are most polite little girl. What is your name?"

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shadowess - May 27, 2021

(Dammit, I keep leaving parts of your posts in my replies lol Can tell I copy & paste into a notepad, eh? xD )

Cindy took Kite over to the only table that didn't seem too crowded. They sat with Oscar, Leo and Allie. "Hey, mind if we sit with you guys?" she asked, pulling up a seat.

Parker shrugged at Gary's question and looked at Will, hesitant. "I saw her...for just a moment, when I took your arm." he said quietly. He shook his head. "Maybe if they saw her too, they might understand?" he suggested.

Alex sat with his brother and nodded with a smile as Jessica and a new guy joined them.

River was still riled up a bit as well. "He didn't need to do that. Like, how were we supposed to know, man? But damn...if lady aint hot for a mom. MILF alert. Just a shame neither of us have a body...Oh well, guess I'll just stick to fucking in lucid dreams...Heh! I just realized, I could totally just imagine her up in a dream...yep, ok. Guna do that...Oh, right! Yo, Will. You can totally still have a drink while we're here if you want. You can have a small glass of whatever to fit in but if you press your fangs into a glass of blood, you can drink your own venom to get a pretty decent buzz." River waffled.

Jessica chuckled. "Guess so...Let's go sit with my brothers." she said, leading him over to their table. Mainly because she simply didn't know Amelia or Charles.

Patience and David sat at the same table as Charles and Amelia, although they sat on the opposite sides of the table from each other.

"Thank you." Amelia said, taking the cup from Charles and taking a few sips from it. She smiled at Charles, finding his worry over her to be sweet. She shook her head a little. "You can't protect me from feeling sad sometimes." she chuckled. "and don't worry-" she kissed his cheek. "I don't plan on going anywhere." she winked. She glanced over at the tabled Will and Parker were sitting at and sighed. "When the ceremony is over, we should try to make amends. I don't believe he intended to upset anyone." she said, looking back at Charles.

Tom was horrified when Billy assumed they'd wanted to sleep with him. He felt a little bad for him that he could go through life thinking everyone just wanted him for sex. He glanced around. "Looks like everyone's taking a seat." he said, starting to feel awkward about the conversation they just had.

Sebastian tugged on Carter's arm once Beau became occupied by Neva. "C'mon, we should find our seat for the ceremony." he said, sure that Carter would be glad to break away for a bit.

Neva's eyes were lit up as Beau spoke to her. "I'm Neva." she grinned then pointed towards Elliot and Vincent. "They're my dads." she said proudly.


Denix Vames - May 27, 2021

(lol its alright)

Leo shrugged. "It's no problem." "Oh my god! You and him are so cute together!" ,said Allie. Kite blushed. "Uh Thanks." His eyes widened. "Wait a minute! You're the President's daughter!" She sighed. Giving him an irritated look. "Can we not make that such a big deal? This is about someone's wedding today." He frowned. "Sorry."

Ben awkwardly said, "Uh Hey. Jessica told me you guys are siblings?"

Will slammed his fists against the table. "Just shut up! I need everyone to shut up!" He stood from his seat and walked away from the crowd. Hoping to get some time away from everyone. "And you being quiet, River. Let me think."

Gary looked at Parker. "Is he going to be ok? Maybe you should talk to him."

Charles sighed. "Yeah, I know. I realize that now. I'll make sure I apologize once the wedding's over."

"Guess we should take some seats too. Ya'll can sit with me." ,said Billy. They headed to some empty spots. Sitting there.

Carter nodded. He followed Sebastian to a few empty seats. Once he sat down, he relaxed. Sighing. "My great grandfather is a completely different story. It's almost hard to believe we're related. Although, I did use to dress gothic so maybe I have a bit of his personality in me? It's weird to even think about that. On top of all that, me and Elliot will be related? It just feels so bizarre."

"Well, it's nice to meet you Neva." Beau looked at where she pointed. He smiled. "Some more of my grandsons. How wonderful." He nodded at the altar. "It's almost time for you to start walking and throwing those petals. Now remember that I walk first and you walk behind me. Leaving a trail of rose petals as if I make the world shine."


shadowess - May 29, 2021

Cindy placed a hand over Kite's and gave him a small smile to reassure him before looking back at the others. She looked at Leo, still smiling. "You look lovely in that dress by the way. It really suits you." she complimented.

Jessica had jumped a little when Will slammed his fists into the table. They watched him get up and walk away. Parker sighed and nodded at Gary's suggestion. "Yeah...sorry about this guys." he said before getting up and following Will.

Alex then turned back to Ben and nodded, standing and holding out a hand for him to shake. "I'm Alex, one of Jessica's brothers." he then smiled at his sister. "I didn't know you were dating someone."

"There's a lot you don't know about me..." Jessica mumbled, unable to help herself.

Alex heard her and gave her a confused look for a moment as he sat back down. "Well, I'm glad to see you're alright after what happened...we were worried about you."

"Worried enough to leave me completely alone for when I woke up?" Jessica snapped. She was suddenly hesitant about joining their table. She'd wanted to put it behind her but seeing them all again had brought back the resentment she felt towards them. Particularly seeing Leo again who had been the one to hurt her so badly in the first place.

"We all had shit to do." Alex defended, a little irritated. "What are you complaining about anyway? You're fine, aren't you?"

Jessica bit her tongue and held back tears. Non of them had any idea that she almost died the day after.

Parker caught up to Will and approached him slowly. "Hey" he said softly. "Talk to me, what's wrong?"

Amelia smiled at him gently then rested her head against his, leaning on him a little. She then jumped a little at Will's outburst from the other table and she watched as he stormed off. She sighed. "I think sooner might be better than later..."

Tom sat with Nate and Billy. He took Nate's hand, caressing the back of it with his thumb and smiled at him.

Sebastian chuckled at Carter's words and kissed his cheek. "Try not to over think it. I think, if anything, it would only make you and Elliot distant relatives at most considering how many generations are between you and your great grandfather." he looked over at Elliot and Vincent, then at Neva who seemed to be getting along really well with Beau. "I guess that would technically make you and Neva related too." he pointed out, thoughtfully. "After what that kid has been through, I think she deserves all the family she can get."

Neva grinned excitedly and held her basket at the ready. "Ok!" she said eagerly, getting ready to follow Beau.


Denix Vames - May 29, 2021

Leo's face went red. He awkwardly smiled. "Uh Thanks."

Ben shook his hand. "I'm Ben Collins." He pat her arm. "It's alright, Jessica. I'm sure they had their reasons. We can talk about it later. Right now, we're in someone else's wedding. Why don't we go sit somewhere else?"

Will placed a hand over his red eye. "I wish I never had this damn thing! If I had never touched those fucking wings, I'd be normal! I wouldn't have him bugging me all the time! And now that I've mentioned Carol, all of a sudden I'm the bad guy here!"

Charles nodded. "I'll go talk to him." He walked over. "Will? I wanted to apologize for my behavior. I was only trying to keep Amelia happy. I didn't want her to feel terrible. I'm sorry." Will's cheeks became red. He glanced at him. "Sorry huh?" He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "I'm kind of sorry too. I shouldn't have mentioned her." Charles shook his head. "Amelia's happy about it. Not excited but she's fine with the knowledge of her being close. You helped Amelia know where Carol was and still is." "I did?" He uncovered the red eye. "I really did, didn't I?"

Nate kissed Tom's cheek.

Carter smiled. "Yeah. You're probably right. I just hope she doesn't ask me to do piggybacks. Even as a vampire, I'm too old for that."

Billy got up. He walked over to the altar. "Can I please have the best man and the bridesmaids come over here?" "Best man? Bridesmaids?" ,said Jasper. "Oh my! We forgot to decide after so much planning and work that we put into this beautiful wedding!" ,said Beau. "Might as well pick it now." ,said Elliot.

"But who? I'd say you should decide Jasper. I hardly know these people." ,said Beau. "Sure thing honeypie." Jasper looked around. He pointed at Jessica, Cindy, and Amelia. "Ya'll are the bridesmaids." He pointed at Ben. "And you the best man cause why not?"

Ben's eyes widened. He swallowed. "Excuse me?"

"Alright everyone! Let's chop to it!" ,said Billy. Jasper stood at the altar where he would wait for Beau. Beau walked over to Carter. "Since my parents never approved of this marriage and still don't, I want you to walk me down there."

Carter stood. "What? Really? But I'm not a dad." Beau shrugged. "We're still family."


shadowess - May 29, 2021

Jessica flustered, her face turning a little red but she nodded at Ben's suggestion and followed him to a different table. Alex watched them leave and rose a brow, turning to Gary with a confused look. "Man, I don't know what's wrong with her lately..." he said, a little worried.

As Will expressed his frustrations, River retreated into the depths of his subconscious, a little hurt by his words.

"You're not a bad guy, Will. It was a misunderstanding! We just gotta talk to them and straighten it all out when the wedding is over..." Said Parker, trying to comfort Will. No sooner had he said this than Charles walked over and Parker looked at him warily.

While Charles spoke to Will, Amelia watched them from her seat and gave Will a reassuring smile to let him know she had no hard feelings about what had happened. She then looked at Charles with a mixture of pride and love.

Parker sighed in relief to see them both make amends. "You see? A misunderstanding. Thank you, Charles." Parker said and gently took Will's hand. "Let's go sit back down and enjoy the rest of the wedding." he smiled at him.

Tom blushed and grinned at Nate's kiss.

Sebastian laughed at Carter's comment. "I think she might be a little too old for those anyway." he chuckled.

"Really?" Cindy gasped softly but stood, barely able to contain her smile as she gave Kite a quick kiss on the cheek before she headed over.

Jessica's eyes lit up and she chuckled at Ben's reaction. "C'mon, you'll be fine." she kissed his cheek and stood, walking over to where Cindy and Amelia would be.

Amelia's cheeks turned pink at being asked to be a bridesmaid. Not wanting to let the Grooms down, she got up from her chair with a smile and headed over with Cindy and Jessica.

Sad to hear Beau's parents still didn't approve of this marriage, Sebastian was proud of Carter for standing when Beau asked him to walk him down the aisle. "You'll do fine, Carter." he said to him quietly, hoping to encourage him.


Denix Vames - May 29, 2021

Will held his hand. He smiled. "Sure." They headed back to the table.

Ben followed her to the altar. "If you say so."

Carter kissed Sebastian. "Thank you. I hope I do this right." He hooked his arm over Beau's. The rest of Jasper's gang started humming the wedding song as both men made their slowly down the aisle.

Neva would be throwing the petals behind them.

Nate had some tears in his eyes. He quickly wiped them off. "I hate weddings."


shadowess - May 29, 2021

Neva scattered the petals as she walked behind Beau and Carter. Smiling as she went and being sure to sprinkle the petals around behind Beau while being careful not to tread on his dress. She briefly looked over at Elliot and Vincent, smiling at them.

Tom smiled at Nate with softened, loving eyes. It was his turn to kiss Nate's cheek. "It's normal to cry at weddings." he whispered then nodded to Sebastian, then Amelia. "You're not the only one here who's a little tearful."

Cindy and Jessica were both smiling at Beau and Carter as they made their way down the aisle. Amelia was holding back tears while inwardly blaming her pregnancy hormones for her wanting to cry. Unseen by all except Will, Carol stood beside Amelia. Patting her back comfortingly, not that she could feel it.

Even Sebastian was a little tearful but he smiled through as he watched Carter with pride.

David glanced at Patience, then quickly looked back at the wedding when she glanced at him.

Alex wrapped and arm around Gary as they watched, smiling.

Parker momentarily tore his eyes away from the ceremony to take a steady breath. Fighting back his own tears before he looked back to continue watching.


Denix Vames - May 29, 2021

Nate smirked. "Guess not."

Once Beau made it to Jasper, Carter walked back to his seat. Billy cleared his throat. "We're gathered here today to bring these two into holy matrimony or something like that. If any of ya'll don't like the idea of these two getting married then I'll shoot ya on the spot. Any objections?"

There was silence.


"Good. Anyway, it's time for these two to say sweet stuff to each other. Any one of ya'll can go first."

Jasper cleared his throat. His voice was a little shaky as he had tears in his eyes. "Beau Carter, when I first met you, I thought you were the most ignorant rich bastard there ever was. It wasn't until I got to know ya that I realized that you know more than any other rich person I ever met. Ya made me see a different kind of world that was out there. And I never stopped loving you even when ya had to leave. I thought of you everyday and every night. Now that we're here together, I can finally be happy once again."

Carter started crying as he was reminded of his own wedding with Jack.

Beau smiled. "Jasper Jones, I thought you were the most filthiest sexiest dirtiest smoking hot delicious man there ever was. And that fact still remains to be true. You introduced me to the old west. Cowboys, saloons, and so much more. Having been apart from you was a constant living nightmare. I'm so relieved to find ourselves together again. And this time, it will be forever."

"The rings ya'll." ,said Billy. He handed Jasper and Beau the rings they would place on each other. One held a large diamond while the other one was a golden simple one.

"With this ring, I seal our marriage." ,said Jasper who put the diamond ring over his finger. "With this ring, I seal our love." ,said Beau who put the golden ring over his finger.

"Then by the power invested me, ya'll can kiss!" ,said Billy.

Beau grabbed Jasper and dipped him back before kissing him.

Everyone clapped.


Denix Vames - May 29, 2021

(forgot to add this)

Vincent and Elliot smiled back at Neva. Both men were crying.


Shadowess - May 29, 2021

Sebastian wrapped an arm around Carter to comfort him, rubbing his back a little. He used his free hand to wipe away his own tears.

Amelia was trying hard to not let her own tears fall in case they ruined her makeup. She glanced at Charles and grinned, knowing she must look a little silly. She looked back at the Grooms to watch the ring exchange.

Neva stood by the bridesmaids while the wedding took place. She didn't quite understand why a few people, including both her dads, were crying. Weren't they supposed to be happy? She clapped with everyone else when Jasper kissed Beau.


Denix Vames - May 29, 2021

"Now, ya'll can eat! Everybody dig in! We've got foods and drinks for every kind of creature and human!" ,said Billy.

Allie continued to sob into Leo's shoulder. "They're so beautiful!" Leo raised a brow.

Nate walked over to the altar. A bouquet of roses appeared in his hand. "Wait a minute. Beau, you're supposed to let everyone gathered around so that you can throw this behind yourself. Whoever catches it will be the next to get married whenever they decide to have a wedding."

Beau nodded. He took the flowers. "I would love to do that."

(who do you think should get the flowers? I want to hear your opinion first. I was thinking of Jessica or Gary or Will)


shadowess - May 29, 2021

(Hmm, not sure. Although I have an idea lol We could use this and leave it to chance?; https://pickerwheel.com/tools/random-number-generator/

So, let's say;

1. is Jessica or Ben

2. is Gary or Alex

3. is Will or Parker

4. is Tom or Nate

5. is Amelia or Charles

6. is Sebastian or Carter

7. is Cindy or Kite

8. is Elliot or Vincent

9. is Leo or Oscar

10. is Allie )


Denix Vames - May 29, 2021

(it was 3. so then would you like me to write that Will caught it?)


shadowess - May 29, 2021

(Sure lol)

Oscar chuckled at Leo's expression as Allie cried on his shoulder. Tom's cheeks turned red and he couldn't help grinning as Nate handed Beau the bouquet, because he knew there would be a bit of a scramble to catch the flowers. Still, he stood when everyone else did and gathered with them.

Amelia stood with everyone too but stood nearer the outskirts of the crowd, not wanting to get caught up in the middle in her condition.

The crowd was a buzz with both excitement and nerves.

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Denix Vames - May 29, 2021

Beau threw the bouquet up in the air. Everyone was trying to get ready to catch it except for Will.

Yet, it headed in his direction. On instinct, he caught it. He blushed. "What the-?!"

Carter elbowed his side playfully. "Looks like you got lucky there."


shadowess - May 29, 2021

Parker looked up at where the flowers landed and saw Will holding them. His face turned red.

Cindy chuckled at Carter's comment. "To the victor goes the spoils. Be sure to invite us, will you?" she teased Will playfully before heading over to Kite. She kissed him. "Let's get something to eat."

Alex relaxed a bit and smiled at Gary. "-Now- you can raid the food." he chuckled.

Amelia smiled at Will then walked over to Beau and Jasper. "Congratulations, you both seem really happy together."

Neva ran over to Vincent and Elliot excitedly. "Did you see me?! How did I do?!"

Tom walked back to Nate and wrapped his arms around him. "That was sweet of you." he grinned.

Jessica headed back over to Ben. "Wana get a drink?"

Ellesse appeared and walked over to the grooms with a friendly smile. "Pardon my intrusion and my sincere congratulations to the both of you. I hope you don't mind me dropping in." She held out a hand for them. "My name is Ellesse. I'm Amelia's midwife. Just here to keep an eye on her to make sure she remains safe during the party. I'll be sure to stay out of the way. You'll hardly notice that I'm here." she assured them.

Amelia looked a little annoyed but didn't want to cause a scene so bit her tongue and put on a smile. She supposed this must be part of a Midwife's job whenever their clients are around alcohol.


Denix Vames - May 29, 2021

Will frowned. He suddenly remembered the photo of River holding the exact some bouquet. His hands were shaking. Making the flowers shake too.

Tears streamed down his cheeks. He hugged the flowers. "I'm sorry. It's just....River had these too. He was going to propose to me when he got that call."

No one else was around to hear this except for Parker as they had gone off to the table to get some food.

There was cubed raw meat on a tray with toothpicks at the end. Kite picked one up. Eating it off. "Mmm. This is extra juicy. I love it."

Gary smiled wide. "Hell yeah!" He stormed over there. Stuffing chips and deviled eggs into his mouth.

"Why thank you ma'am." ,said Beau. "Yeah. We're sure happy all right." ,said Jasper.

Vincent picked her up. Spinning her around before holding her in his arms. "You were amazing!" Elliot pushed some of her hair back. "Our little angel is a flower girl."

Nate shrugged. "I just figured since it's tradition then they might as well." He glanced at Will. "I think I might have brought back some old memories by accident. I should have used lilies instead of roses."

"Yes please. I miss drinking. I never get to because of the job." ,said Ben. He grabbed a glass of wine. Drinking a few sips.

Beau gave an annoyed look. "Hmph! Just try not to ruin my wedding." Jasper nervously chuckled. He shook her hand. "What he means to say is we're glad you're here. Have some fun."


shadowess - May 29, 2021

Parker frowned, seeing Will's tears and hearing why he was upset. He wrapped his arms around him, being careful not to crush the flowers. "It's ok. It's ok." he whispered to him, trying to comfort him.

Cindy watched Kite eating. She was smiling, happy to see him enjoying himself but also wondering if she'd ever get used to him being a wolf. She picked up a couple of cocktail sausages and began eating as well. "They really have everything for everyone here."

Alex laughed a little at Gary's enthusiasm as he followed him over at a more relaxed pace. He helped himself to a couple of sandwiches before pouring them each a beer. He handed one to Gary.

Neva giggled and laughed as Vincent spun her around. She grinned and hugged them both as they fussed over her.

"Lillies are a funeral flower." Tom pointed out then shrugged. "Besides, how could you have known?" Tom looked over to see Parker trying to comfort Will. "I think he's in good hands. So, don't worry about it, ok?" he looked back at Nate and gave a loving smile.

Jessica walked over with Ben and picked up a glass of wine for herself as well. She took a sip and smiled. "Oh, wow. No expense spared, huh? This wine is really good. I'm willing to bet it wouldn't take much to get hammered on." she chuckled.

Ellesse became hesitant at Beau's comment but relaxed a little as Jasper greeted her. "Th-thank you. I'll- I'll just be over here..." she glanced at Amelia apologetically before hurrying off to a far table to sit down and observe.

Amelia's cheeks were a little pink and she sighed before looking at Jasper and Beau. "I'm sorry. I had no idea she'd be dropping in like that." she said, shaking her head a little. "Anyway, I'll leave you two to it. I hope the rest of your day goes great. I'm really happy for you both." she said kindly before turning and walking back towards Charles. She hugged him and hid her face in his chest. "That was just slightly humiliating..." she sighed and chuckled.


Denix Vames - May 29, 2021

A red circular shield formed over both men. Will continued to cry into his shoulder. His wings sprouted. His red eye glowed.

"Pretty much. It's good to know that they were keeping an eye out for everyone's diet." ,said Kite.

Gary nodded. "Thanks." He drank some then stuffed a sandwich in his mouth.

Vincent and Elliot walked over to the table. Vincent pointed at the food. "What do you want to eat first?"

Nate smiled a little. "Alright." He placed some caviar over a cracker. Eating it.

Ben smirked. "Wanna try?" He finished his first glass and grabbed another.

Allie started getting drunk by taking shots. "Whoo! You're all my friends! I love you guys so much!" She nearly fell over when Leo caught her. "Alright. That's enough for you." He helped her to a chair. "Aw! But I want more!"

Charles gently rubbed her back. "Doesn't she know that you can take care of yourself? And I"m here too."


shadowess - May 30, 2021

Parker rubbed Will's back until the wings sprouted, making him jump a little. He continued to hug Will though, trying his best to simply be there for him. "Hey, look at me." he said gently, pulling away so Will could see him. "It's ok to feel upset. It's ok. No one could've known this would upset you. Take a deep breath. Do you wana sit down? I could bring a drink over for you, if you want and we can sit together for however long you need."

Cindy smiled at him. "It sure is." she said before popping another cocktail sausage into her mouth. As she swallowed it, she reached over the table to grab a glass of wine, having no idea of the conversation that took place between Kite and Theo.

Alex drank some of his beer then chuckled. "Hospital food that bad, huh?"

Neva looked at the buffet table as they approached and scrunched up her nose indecisively. "mmm...some chicken wings?" she said, looking back at Vincent.

Tom picked up a champagne flute filled with blood and took a sip.

Jessica chuckled. "Oh, this isn't going to end well!" she laughed before drinking up the rest of her own glass and picking up another.

Oscar came back to the table with a glass of wine each for himself and Leo. He set them down on the table and looked at Allie before sighing. "How about some food, Allie?" he asked, hoping food would sober her up a bit. "Aren't you hungry? I could bring something over for you if you want. I don't mind."

Amelia shrugged and glanced over at Ellesse who gave her a small, awkward smile. "I think she does. She doesn't exactly look comfortable being here...maybe she doesn't have a choice and has to be here as part of her job? She said she'd try to stay out of the way anyways but I kinda feel bad for her sitting in the corner like that."


Denix Vames - May 30, 2021

Will took a deep breath. His wings went back into him. The shield disappeared. His red eye stopped glowing. He nodded as he rubbed his eyes. "I'm sorry. I ruined the suit."

Kite placed a hand over the glass of wine. "How about we stick to non-alcoholic beverages? Something like soda or water?"

"I mean you were there for a while. What did you think of it?" ,said Gary.

"Chicken wings it is then." ,said Elliot who grabbed a plate and put a few wings on it. They headed to a table where Vincent placed her on a chair with her plate in front of her. "I'm going to get some more food for us Ellie. I'll be back." He kissed him. "Alright. Just make sure ya come back with some beer." "I will" Elliot sat next to Neva.

Nate wrapped his arms around him from behind. He kissed his neck. "If you wanted to drink some blood, you could have just asked me."

Ben dunked his glass. "Not unless we do this right." He took another glass.

Allie raised a thumbs up before her head slumped on the table. Leo sipped some of his wine. "Her father's going to hate me for this."

"She does look really lonely. Maybe we should go talk to her? Or have someone else hang out with her?" ,said Charles.

Carter grabbed a chair for support as he clutched his head. Recalling the nightmare of seeing all of his friends surrounding him in that cave. Becoming the monster that still haunts his mind. He breathed heavily. "This is really inappropriate of me. I have to go." He headed away from the party. Continuing to walk on the desert.


Shadowess - May 30, 2021

Parker gave him a gentle smile and caressed his cheek. "It's fine. Honestly, I'm willing to bet that either out of drinking too much when the party gets going or what we'll get up to when we get home, our suits are probably going to be ruined by the end of the night anyway." he chuckled. "But that's ok. The main thing is that we try to have a good time in the moment. Now c'mon, let's get you a drink."

Cindy was taken aback by Kite not wanting either of them to drink alcohol. She looked at him confused for a moment and then smirked. "Oh, I get it." she said coyly while putting the glass back down, then she chuckled. "You want to be able to remember what we get up to later, right?"

Alex paused before answering with a smirk. "Yeah, fair enough..." he chuckled, recalling his time in hospital.

Neva began to eat her wings happily, though some of the sauce was beginning to cover her cheeks.

Tom smirked, blushing at his kiss and the comment. "I figured we'd save that for the bedroom." he said, turning his head a little to grin at Nate. "After all, you know what your blood does to me."

"There's a right way to get hammered?" Jessica laughed, knocking back her glass then picking up another one. Already she was beginning to feel giddy and a little numb.

Oscar chuckled at Leo's comment. "I'll go get her some food to nibble on. We'll get her some coffee or something before we take her home. Shame we're not going to be able to do much about the hangover though. On the plus side..." he kissed Leo's cheek. "She's in safe hands, so he can't complain too much. Do you want me to bring some food over for you?"

"I guess we could...I don't really know who here would be interested in hanging out with her..." Amelia said, looking back at Charles.

A little alarmed, Sebastian chased after Carter after having watched him with concern. "Wait a second! Where exactly are you planning on going?" He asked, running out to stand in front of him. "There's nothing here for miles. Come and sit down. Talk to me. What's going on?"


Denix Vames - May 30, 2021

Will held a small smile. "Ok." He sat at a table. Parker soon came back with a glass of champagne. He took a sip. "Thank you, Parker. I'm glad you're around for moments like this. Back then, it use to be so bad. I would punch holes in the walls."

Kite blushed. "Uh Yeah! That's exactly right."

"Hey! Look at what I can do." ,said Gary. He placed a glass of beer on his head. He attempted to balance it on there but then it soon tipped over. Splashing the liquid on him as the glass hit the floor. Breaking. He wiped the beer off of his face with his hands. "God damn it!"

Nate cupped his chin. "Oh don't I know it." He slipped a tongue into his mouth as he kissed him.

Ben laughed. "Maybe?" He continued to drink as well. Getting slightly drunk.

Leo nodded. "I wouldn't mind something before we have to go."

Charles and her walked over to Ellesse. "Hey there. Did you want anything? Some food? Drinks?"

Carter glared. He wasn't mad at him but felt irritated by the continuous flashbacks of that incident with The Leviathan. "You already know what this is about. You've seen me. The way I wake up. I just want to be alone with my own thoughts."

He bumped shoulders with Sebastian as he walked by.


Shadowess - May 30, 2021

"Hmm...I wonder if you use the same dry line company Carter uses for his office..." Parker commented jokingly then chuckled. "No kidding, in the time I've worked there, there have been so many instances of holes being punched into walls or worse...There's still scorch marks on the ceiling near the staircase from before I got there!" he said with a small laugh. He then looked at Will sympathetically. "But it's cool though. We do what we need to to cope. I'm just glad I can help."

Seeing him blush made Cindy chuckle a little and she picked up a couple of glasses of water instead, handing one to Kite. "Well then, here's to a night to remember!" she said with a wink, holding her glass up a little to him.

Alex laughed as he picked up a napkin and handed it to Gary. "Here, you goofball!"

Tom had to stifle a moan as Nate kissed him and he felt his tongue slip into his mouth. He put his glass down and relaxed against him. When the kiss broke, he chuckled. "You really know how to tempt me, don't you?" he whispered.

Jessica raced Ben through a few more glasses until she began to feel a bit dizzy. "Oh, I think I need to slow down." she laughed, slurring her words a bit.

"I'll bring over a mix then." Oscar said and kissed Leo before walking off to the buffet table. He'd put a variety of foods onto a couple of plates before taking them over to their table and setting them down.

Ellesse looked between Amelia and Charles awkwardly. "Oh! You don't have to worry about me! You can just pretend I'm not here if you want. I don't mind."

Amelia tilted her head a little at her. "Don't be silly." she said gently. "Just because you're my midwife, it doesn't mean you don't have the right to have a little fun now and then. Keep an eye on me if you want but don't be afraid to mingle and get to know our friends while you're here."

Ellesse hesitated. "I-I don't know...I don't know anyone here..."

"Then come with us while we get some food. We'll introduce you." Amelia smiled.

Nervous, Ellesse nodded with a small smile and got to her feet. Ready to follow them over.

Sebastian was a little hurt and stumbled back as Carter pushed past him but he couldn't just let Carter walk off into the desert like this. He ran after him again, stopping in front of him once more. "Fair enough but you can't just walk out into the desert!" he sighed. "If you want to go home then fine. We'll ask one of the others to teleport us back and then I'll leave you alone if that's what you really want." he tried to mask the hurt in his tone but towards the end of his sentence it became difficult to do.


Denix Vames - May 30, 2021

Vincent soon came back with two plates of food and a glass of beer balanced on his head. He set the plates down then put the glass down near Elliot. "Oh Neva. You've gotten dirty. Here. Let me help." He took out a handkerchief. Placing it over her cheeks to get the sauce off. "She's just like you." "I clean up nice and easy." ,said Elliot who began munching on some wings. Getting the sauce on his fingers and face.

Will nodded but sighed. "Tomorrow is the ceremony where I'll be given the title of Chief. I don't know if I'm the right person for this job. After everything that's happened, maybe I should retire."

Kite clinked his glass with hers. He smiled before drinking some of the water. "Refreshing."

"Thanks." Gary wiped himself off with the napkin. He looked at Vincent. "Show off."

Nate smirked. He let his fingers walk over his side. "I know how to make you beg." Billy tapped his shoulder. "Look ya'll. It's good that you two are enjoying each other's company but ya can't be getting all sexual at a party."

"Not me! I'm the king!" Ben began taking shots. "Whoo!" He ripped his shirt and coat off. Leaving himself shirtless with his tie around his neck. He raised his coat. Moving it in fast motion. "I'm at the top!"

"Thanks." Leo put a sandwich up to her nose. Allie sniffed it before taking it. Eating it slowly. He began eating a sandwich too. "Thank you Uncle Leo." "Anytime."

"So, how long have you existed?" ,asked Charles.

Carter sighed. "No. That's not it." He cupped his cheeks. Looking into his eyes. "I just don't want to be a burden to you. I already made you deal with my nightmares. I don't want you to feel exhausted." He leaned his head against. Tears streamed down his cheeks.

"I just wish I could be happy here but I'm not. I feel like I failed everyone."


shadowess - May 30, 2021

Neva giggled gleefully at Vincent as she watched him walk over with the beer on his head. She sat still as Vincent cleaned her up and laughed at Elliot after Vincent said they were the same and he'd begun to eat just as messily. "Thanks dad." She said politely when Vincent finished cleaning her up.

Parker took Will's hand, looking into his eyes. "I think you're perfect for the job. Especially after everything that happened. You're in a unique position where you could help people like us. Anyone else might brush off issues like what we went through as 'crazy stories'. But you would know better."

Cindy smiled too as she took a sip. "Especially in this heat!" she chuckled.

Alex shook his head but chuckled and picked up another couple of beers, handing one to Gary before wrapping an arm around his waist. "Wana sit down for a bit?"

Tom had been lost in Nate's eyes, shivering a little at his touch. He'd bit his lip, blushing at his words then jumped a little at Billy's voice, his eyes widening as he remembered where they were and his face turned red. "Uh-! Sorry..." he flustered. 'To be continued, I guess.' he thought to Nate with a smirk.

Jessica's face turned red but she couldn't help laughing as she hurried over to Ben and placed a hand on his arm to lower it. "Oh, my God! Calm down a bit, you'll get us kicked out!" she chuckled in his ear, leaning against him a little.

Oscar rose a brow at Leo with a small smile. "Uncle?" he asked quietly, sitting down at the table with them and picking up a sandwich.

"Um, well, I died in the 1800's. I requested to join the Midwives after earning my wings in Heaven but getting into their ranks isn't easy and training takes decades to complete. I didn't officially get in and start my training until around fifty years ago...You're the first couple that I was assigned to on my own." Ellesse explained.

"Wow...your training must've been pretty thorough to take that long?" Amelia asked, surprised by how long she'd been a trainee.

"Yeah, we had to learn all about our history, the anatomy of every specie in existence, the very specific procedures for every situation, how to maintain neutrality...it's like getting a human's medical degree but for every specie imaginable, a history degree and a law degree all rolled into one..." Ellesse nodded while grabbing herself a glass of water, wanting to stay sober.

Sebastian felt his own tears threatening to fall as he looked at Carter. He lifted his hands to run them through Carter's hair. "You haven't failed anyone! And you're not a burden! You'll never be a burden to me! I love you too much to let you think that you have to be alone in this! We'll get through this, I know we will. I will always be here for you, no matter what!"

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Denix Vames - May 30, 2021

"You're welcome." Vincent rolled his eyes at Elliot. "Now, look at you!" He grabbed a napkin from the table. Wiping off his face. "Hey!" ,said Elliot. "I swear I'm raising two kids." ,said Vincent.

Will gently squeezed his hand. "You're right. I never thought about it like that. Maybe some other cases could get solved. Taking down more murderers would be the best feeling ever. And maybe I can find his killer."

"Yeah." Kite finished his glass. He shyly looked at the ground. "Hey Cindy? I know I didn't want to before but would you mind teaching me how to dance?"

"Sure. I'm tired of standing around anyway." Gary and him headed to a table where he sat there. Drinking some of his beer. "So, I was thinking that we could have some fun back at home. Maybe use that old rope again? Or better yet....Some silk?"

Nate chuckled. "Oh well." He turned to Billy. "What are you going to do after this?" Billy shrugged. "Same old same old. Have fun up in Heaven."

Ben lowered the coat. He turned to her. Wrapping an arm around her waist. "Alright alright." He kissed her neck. "You look so beautiful under the night sky."

Leo blushed. "Her father's always busy with work. The same goes for her mother. So, when I was assigned to her, I had to be with her everywhere. I still do of course. I guess having each other as company gave her a chance to find someone as family." He smiled a little. "To be honest, it feels nice to have someone to call family again. I have a niece in a way."

"I can't imagine learning any of those subjects. I think I would be sleeping in class." ,said Charles.

Jasper and Beau began to slow dance.

"Sebastian....." Carter kissed him. Slipping his tongue into his mouth. Savoring every kiss. He brought his hands to his waist. Pulling him close.

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