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Balance The Realms Nov 2020 - May 2021

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The world was already chaotic with a secret society of supernatural creatures hiding their existence from humans to simply survive. Throw in the afterlife and alternate universes and you've got some realms in desperate need of balance.


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Denix Vames - November 22, 2020

was wondering if any of the things on my profile peak your interest as something you can roleplay with me. if not, we can still be friends. and also id like to try roleplaying with you anyway on the things that you're interested in.

shadowess - November 22, 2020

Sure, we could give rp a go. Just so you're aware upfront, I'm not comfortable with anything sexual. Most rps I'm into now are purely story driven. Do you have any ideas in mind?

Denix Vames - November 22, 2020

detective stories mostly. do you do video games? cause id still like to do evil within 2 if you know that game. and thats fine. we dont have to do anything sexual.

Denix Vames - November 22, 2020

i was thinking of a murder mystery. maybe you can give me some details as well? also take a look at my profile for descriptions of my character.

shadowess - November 22, 2020

Haven't played that game. A murder mystery sounds interesting. I have a couple of characters from previous rps that might suit the role if you're interested? I have a Devil or a Vampire who could just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and wind up trying to clear their names? Or would you prefer no supernatural abilities? If so, I could make either of them human for this purpose as they both have a history of being human before their transformations so this story could take place before that happens.

Just looked over your character, I think this would be very interesting 

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Denix Vames - November 22, 2020

vampire sounds terrific. and thanks. wrong place and wrong time sounds nice. also can we have it where the vampire and detective slowly fall in love? like im talking like an actual romantic situation. it doesnt have to be sexual. and i want it to be gay. i dont want to pressure you. just asking if you're ok with that.

shadowess - November 22, 2020

Sorry it took a while to respond. Was proof reading an old bit of writing that I was posting on the Blog. That sounds fine! I'm perfectly happy with romantic situations as long as it doesn't turn sexual.

Denix Vames - November 22, 2020

that's ok. i understand when people get busy. im a writer myself. and thats great. so i want to know if you want to be the one who starts first or me? also did have a city in mind cause my go to one for roleplay is NYC. idk if you wanted something different.

shadowess - November 22, 2020

NYC sounds good. You go first. It'll give me a chance to get back into the mind of my Vampire character.

Denix Vames - November 22, 2020

oh i see. ill do my best. please keep in mind that its been a while since ive roleplayed with an original story.

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shadowess - November 22, 2020

lol It's cool. It's been a while since I've rp'd too.

Denix Vames - November 22, 2020

Detective Carter was following a lead about a suspect when he heard a woman screaming. He had been walking down the streets of New York around midnight. When he heard her, he immediately pulled out a handgun and a flashlight. He went deep into a dark alleyway where it smelled like bad chinese food he recalled leaving in the fridge one day. There was a mess of certain puddles that he avoided stepping on besides the dumpsters and occasional rat as he shined his light on everything he saw in front of him. He could see the woman's body laying there. Another figure stood near her. "Freeze! Get down on the ground! Now!"

shadowess - November 22, 2020

Sebastian had been wandering the streets of New York, visiting from the United Kingdom. He hadn’t thought much of his accommodations but then again, he hadn’t exactly splashed out on this trip. Even at night, the hustle and bustle of people on the streets was intense! As though it was somehow still midday to these people. This was nothing like home. Back in England, the streets would be utterly deserted by now, the only hope of a snack being the local drunks in the pubs or those partying in night clubs. That or the homeless...which...were definitely not a favourite of Sebastian's. Those people have it hard enough already without monsters like himself making meals out of them.

Eyes the colour of honey glancing at his reflection in the windows of shops, Sebastian thought how much more he seemed a part of the humans world than he ever had. Not some stranger hanging around in the middle of a deserted street in the middle of the night. Another face in a sea of faces under street lamps. Blended in perfectly. He could stay here…

The wind barely ruffled his short, brown hair. He felt a couple of specks of water hit his pale cheeks. It was starting to drizzle yet the air was still warm. It was certainly summer here. Sebastian estimated he had around five hours before the sun rose and he’d have to get back to his hotel. Plenty of time to find a suitable donor to satisfy his thirst and take in the sights. First he would need to find somewhere quieter. These streets were far too busy to not get noticed. So he decided to go for a walk first, find some quieter areas to work.

He’d walked for around half an hour before finding an area that was actually calmer. Didn’t exactly look like a good neighbourhood either. A young girl with a black eye and barely any clothes began walking towards him. Sebastian grimaced. He couldn’t imagine the kind of torment her life consisted of. Perhaps relieving her of her life could be considered a mercy? Just as he put on his most charming smile and was
about to approach her, a scream erupted from an alley nearby. While this wouldn’t be something that would normally bother Sebastian, the world is cruel and that is an unfortunate fact of life, but the girl he was about to make his dinner was frightened off by it. She took off in the opposite direction and although there weren’t many people around, there were still too many eyes around for him to just chase her down. He had to let her go.

Clenching his fists, he ran towards the source of the scream. Angry at whatever had just cost him his meal. He reached the body in no time at all but whoever had committed the murder (and the loss of Sebastian’s supper) was nowhere to be seen by the time he got there. “Fuck!” He hissed under his breath out of frustration and rubbed his face. It’s fine. This is fine. There’s still four hours left! He’ll just walk away from this body before anyone sees and find a different- "Freeze! Get down on the ground! Now!"

“You have got to be kidding me!” Sebastian seethed. His accent a thick Norther English. He threw his hands up and faced the stranger that had just entered the alley with him and was now pointing both a torch and a gun at him. “Look man, I just got here! And get shut that damn light out will you? It’s hurting my eyes!” In all fairness to this stranger, Sebastian probably looked like something out of Jack the Ripper...Clothes wise anyways.

Denix Vames - November 22, 2020

Carter looked at this guy and figured he was one of those gothic fanatics. He shouted again as he walked closer. "I said get down! Put your hands behind your head and lay on your stomach or I'll shoot!"

shadowess - November 22, 2020

For a moment, Sebastian debated running up and snapping the male's neck. Who would know? Better yet what if he made this man his meal? It would certainly save him a lot of time. From the looks of him, the man seemed tired, unshaven. Trouble sleeping perhaps? Even from here, Sebastian could smell the smoke and liquor. Grimacing, Sebastian didn't like the idea of feeding from someone who poisons their body but he was beginning to get desperate. If he wanted to get close enough to feed without drawing unwanted attention, Sebastian was going to have to play along until this officer was close enough for him to grab. Calmly, he placed his hands behind his head and knelt down. "Alright, alright. Let's try to keep things calm, huh?" He tries, glancing at the officer. "My name is Sebastian Walker. I'm just here on a holiday and found her like this. I swear."

Sebastian looks down at the dirty alley floor and cringes. "Do I have to lay down? It's so dirty, I don't want to muck up this jacket..." As he complained he glanced at the dead woman and froze, staring. There was a faint burning smell coming off of it. Like burning skin. "Oh officer..." He calls out, still staring at the body. "Just out of curiosity...have you had many murders in this area lately?" Slowly, he lowers a hand from his head and reaches out to lift the girls jacket a little off her shoulder. "And did they all get their shoulder branded?"

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Denix Vames - November 22, 2020

"Just lie there and shut up!" Carter was getting more pissed off with this guy's smart ass attitude. He walked up to him and shoved him against the ground. He tucked his gun away and placed handcuffs over his wrists. Out of curiosity, he went to the body. He looked at where Sebastian had spotted the mark. Seeing the letter 'Z' branded on her shoulder. "Son of a bitch!" He glared at him. He forced him up. "We're heading to the station. Now."

Denix Vames - November 22, 2020

He shoved him into the backseat of his car before calling the station about the body. Soon, a team would arrive to secure the area.

shadowess - November 22, 2020

Being shoved to the ground was not what Sebastian had expected. Warranted maybe, but not expected. In honesty, Sebastian had been too taken aback by the discovery of the branding that he'd stopped paying attention to the officer. Feeling the cold cuffs around his wrists, Sebastian realised he may be in a far more difficult spot than he'd first thought. The last straw was being told they were going to the station. That couldn't happen! If so, he could wind up waiting for hours in an interrogation room and if by some miracle he was released he wouldn't be able to just leave because they might release him in the middle of the day! Or worse! What if the room they interrogated him in had windows?? A very toasted Sebastian is what would happen! "No! No! No! No! You can't do that! I didn't do this! You've got the wrong guy!" He started struggling. Putting his weight down and refusing to move.

He realised he was probably just making himself look like any other guilty murderer so decided on a different tactic and began talking rapidly. "Look! I can help you! Th-the mark! I'm familiar with it- no not like that!...There were a string of murders in England too with the same branding! Then Pff! Stopped! The murderer has clearly come here to stop police catching up! I can help you catch the bastard! I have skills you could use! I want him gone as much as you do!!" Which isn't wrong. He was killing off Sebastian's livestock after all...

shadowess - November 22, 2020

OOC: Damn, didn't see your second post until I posted mine. Let's just say he's successfully in the car now, albeit with some difficulty lol

Denix Vames - November 22, 2020

Carter thought for a moment. Clearly, this guy was trying to save his own skin but if he did know something then it wouldn't hurt to hear. "You're telling me that you know all kinds of shit about this? Does that mean you know where the killer could be?"

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Denix Vames - November 22, 2020

(thats fine. next time ill reread my stuff before sending it so i dont do that. honestly we can just leave it out cause it was my bad)

shadowess - November 22, 2020

Sebastian stared at the officer. now close enough to see just how tired he really is. The stubble on his chin. The darkness behind his eyes which intrigued Sebastian...the smell of this man's blood was only slightly overpowered by the stench of cigarettes and booze. "No." Sebastian answered honestly. "But I'm one hell of a tracker! I can find out."

Sebastian leaned in a little with a serious expression. "Let me out of these cuffs and I'll help you track the real killer down. The more time we waste here, the further away he's getting!" God, Sebastian was hungry! But now he had a new victim in mind. The killer.

Denix Vames - November 22, 2020

Carter knew that doing this wasn't part of the rules but at this point he didn't care. He was tired of the restless nights and constant dead women coming to the precinct's doorsteps. He just needed five minutes of sleep for once. "Alright. I'll take them off but if you try anything then I'll kick your ass. Got it?" He uncuffed him.

Denix Vames - November 22, 2020

(ttyl ill reply tomorrow when im free)

shadowess - November 22, 2020

A sigh of relief left Sebastian's lips followed by a chuckle at the officer's threat. "I like you." He admitted with a grin. Granted, this man had no idea what Sebastian really was yet but a vampire being threatened with an ass whoopin' from a human was a rare thing indeed.

Once the cuffs were off, Sebastian brought his hands around to his front and rubbed his wrists a little. A deal was a deal, even non formal ones. His eyes falling on the dead woman. He walked around her until he was on the opposite side to the officer, at which point he looked back up at him. "My methods are...a little strange. Just, trust me on this. I know what I'm doing, ok?"

Kneeling down, Sebastian gently lifted the deceased's hand to his face and seemed to sniff it, taking in deep breathes. "Lighter fluid. The branding was done with a lighter. I'm guessing whatever he used to brand her was something small, portable. Inconspicuous. Like a piece of jewellery. Her perfume...also Cologne...Ralph Lauren Polo..."

Carefully placing her hand back on the ground, Sebastian stepped over the body, to stand near the officer again but seemed to look past him. He was still taking in deep breaths as though smelling the air. "I haven't seen or heard a car since I arrived but I can smell the petroleum... faintly...it's almost gone but..." He turned his head in the direction of the scent. "Northeast...What's northeast?"

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shadowess - November 22, 2020

OOC: No worries, laters 

Denix Vames - November 22, 2020

Carter rolled his eyes at his statement. Who does this joke think he is? ,he thought. When he said his methods were strange, he said, "Wait, what?" He quickly became disgusted by what he had done. "What the hell is wrong with you? Do you think you're a wolf or something?" Once he got the question about Northeast, he quickly said, "Uh...! Over there!" He pointed to his right. "But couldn't we just take my car if he's that far?"

shadowess - November 22, 2020

When the officer pointed in the direction and said "over there" Sebastian looked back at the officer with an amused smirk and a raised eyebrow. Humans... "No shit "over there", that's why I said Northeast!" He chuckled. Fair enough, this man had probably already had a drink tonight, plus lack of sleep... plus he'd just watched another man sniff a corpse like some sort of animal. Sebastian guessed he could be forgiven for not thinking straight in the moment. "I was asking what's in that direction that a killer could use as a potential hideout. Abandoned house, warehouse, junkyard...? I'm not from around here so you already know more than me in regards to locations."

With that Sebastian spun on his heels to face the street and began walking. Still smirking. "And to answer your question, yes a car would be most helpful right now. I take it you're not too inebriated to drive? Oh and..." stopping and turning back to look at the officer once more. "Don't ever call me a wolf again. Ugh! Gross! What do I call you anyway?"

Denix Vames - November 22, 2020

Carter was bewildered by this man's way of acting. He quickly brushed that off before saying, "There's some kind of abandoned mall. City's been meaning to take it down for months now. It's still there." He headed to his car where he pulled out the keys. He gave him an irritated look. "And I'm the one who's going to drive. Not you." He opened the driver's door. "You can call me Carter by the way. I'm not really sure why you don't like wolves but I really don't give a damn. Just keep your piehole shut until we get there."

Denix Vames - November 24, 2020

(hey is everything ok? I just wanted to know if youre just busy or if somethings wrong.)

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shadowess - November 24, 2020

(Yeah, I'm ok. Just a combination of busy with work and not feeling well when I get home lol I'll try to reply later if I don't pass out.)

Denix Vames - November 24, 2020

(oh ok i understand. sorry to hear about that. just make sure you get plenty of rest)

shadowess - November 27, 2020

(Thank you  )

shadowess - November 27, 2020

An abandoned mall? Sounds too perfect for a hideout...it'll be big. Very easy for the murderer to hide or slip by them in such a big building. They're going to have to be careful on how they approach this. When Carter said he'd be the one to drive, Sebastian merely smirked as he walked around to the passenger side of the car.

"Carter, huh? Well Carter I can certainly remain silent if you wish but I feel it pretty important for us to plan our approach, wouldn't you agree? After all, it is quite an elusive murderer that we're tracking down." Sebastian suggested as he got into the car and buckled up.

"Ohh, If I were to list all the things I don't like about wolves we would be here all night." He grinned and looked at Carter sideways, almost playfully. "Perhaps, a conversation for another night?" He winked then chuckled while turning to look at the road ahead.

"Now then, you mentioned an abandoned mall. This could be tricky. We should be careful to not draw attention to ourselves. If we spook them, they may have plenty of places to hide or skirt around us. How do you propose we approach the building?"

Denix Vames - November 27, 2020

"We? You're just here to let me know where they are and stay behind. I'm the detective here. Not you." Carter then thought for a moment as he started the engine. "Besides, I don't need Criss Angel bothering my ass while I'm taking down a suspect." He began the drive once Sebastian got in. "You want to talk some other time? Then get on my good side."

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shadowess - November 27, 2020

"I'm afraid that won't be possible. A job as elegant as this requires co-operation and stealth." Not to mention a hungry and angry vampire but he couldn't say that part out loud. At the mention of a name, Sebastian glanced over curiously at Carter "Who?"

The frosty response from Carter regarding a possible future conversation made Sebastian pause for a moment. "Not really a people person, are you? Go on then, what's your story? Why the dark circles around your eyes as though you haven't slept well in years. I hear sharing such things with others makes for great therapy."

Denix Vames - November 27, 2020

Carter gripped the steering wheel. He grit his teeth. "My problems aren't your concern."

Denix Vames - November 27, 2020

(hope I write this before you respond, so this is for earlier in the conversation)

Carter rolled his eyes. "Hmph! What elegance? I get a case like this all the time. All you do is arrest the killer and take him to the station. That's it." He raised a brow. "I'm surprised you don't know who he is. He's like this gothic magician or something. Calls himself a man with real magic."

shadowess - November 28, 2020

Sebastian smirked at the way Carter reacted to his probing question. "So there ARE problems." He remarked as he watched the road. "Interesting."
What was even more interesting though, was the mention of an apparent magician. Telling mortals of their power, Sebastian was certain, was a huge no-no among the magic users. He glances carefully at Carter, watching him intently. By his attitude towards the murderer they were tracking, even the magician he mentioned, Sebastian could tell that Carter thought the world as simply black and white.

"You doubt that it's real magic, I assume?" Sebastian asked, curious to see if what he thought about Carter was true. If it was, this would be a very interesting night indeed. Not just because this human doubts the existence of the supernatural even when it looks him in the eye, but also because Sebastian suspected the murderer they were tracking was also a part of the supernatural world.

Denix Vames - November 28, 2020

Carter bit his lip. He did his best not to punch this wise guy in the face. "What are you talking about? Of course none of it is real. It's all sham just to get people's money. The amount of times I've run into so called psychics telling me that they can solve a case that I'm working on is insane." He looked up at the sight of the abandoned mall. "We're here." He parked at the lot under it. He stepped out of the car with his gun out. "You stay here. I'm going to take a look inside. It shouldn't be long before I find that bastard."

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shadowess - November 28, 2020

((Did you already have an idea in mind for the killer?))

Just as he thought. Not so much as a hint of belief from this guy. Well, who knows. Maybe by the end of tonight he might be a little more open to the idea. Carter had already made it clear on their way to the mall that he expected Sebastian to stay in the car, presumably out of his way. Of course, Sebastian had absolutely no intention whatsoever of staying in the car. Hungry and angry that his meal had been robbed of him, he was determined to find this killer and put an end to the murders the only way he knew how...murder.

The second the car was parked and just before Carter took the key out of the ignition, Sebastian slipped out as quickly and stealthily as his vampiric movements would allow. By the time Carter was telling him to stay put, Sebastian was already pressing the button to summon the elevator. "Sorry, can't hear you from over here. Just guna get in this lift and scout around the upper levels, cool? Cool. See you in a bit!" He called over cheekily as the elevator dinged and the doors opened shakily.

Denix Vames - November 28, 2020

(we should do a werewolf. you know the whole vamp vs wolf thing. i think it would be fun. you can make a description of the werewolf. i was thinking it could be a male)
"What the-?! Hey!" Carter let out a frustrated groan. "Smart ass!" He ran to the door next to the elevator which led to some stairs leading into the mall.

shadowess - November 28, 2020

(I almost forgot how much fun I have writing this character rofl. It's like a cross between a vampire from the Originals and the 11th Doctor from Doctor Who lol)

The lift was slow and creaky as it shunted Sebastian upwards towards the next level. He didn't intend to overshoot the officer at all, just avoid any arguments about him staying in the car. They simply didn't have time to waste on something so trivial.

The lift heaved as it came to a stop and the doors squeaked open, making Sebastian wince. The sound was like a needle going through both his ears at once. Quickly and quietly, he stepped out and looked around him. Apart from the odd shelf and a bit of left over litter, the shops were completely empty. It was kinda creepy actually.

Taking in a few deep breaths Sebastian could smell the liquor and cigarettes scent of Carter from here...as well as....something else. Something faint...

A few more deep breaths....
Walk a little further down the mall...
Breathe in deep...
Walk to the left and further down...
That can't be right...Breathe again...

"No...Th-that can't be right..." Sebastian took in a few more deep breathes without moving just to be certain. "No, no, no!" He looked around hurriedly and began running towards Carter's scent. Upon reaching him, Sebastian had already abandoned all notion of stealth. Let's face it, if it is what Sebastian thinks it is, it can already smell them both in it's territory!

"Carter!! Carter! We gotta go! We gotta get out, like, five minutes ago! Let's go!" He moved to grab Carters arm to start pulling but almost immediately stopped and looked around wildly before whispering; "Carter...What time is it?" He, of course meant time as in the lunar cycle but in his panicked and hurried state had blurted out the question with the automatic assumption that Carter wouldn't just look at his watch.

Denix Vames - November 28, 2020

(it seems like youre doing a pretty good job. thats why i asked you to describe the werewolf since i can describe characters but not as good as you)
Carter was pissed at the amount of stairs he had to take to get to where Sebastian was. "I swear if I find that fucker-" He was suddenly interrupted by Sebastian's shouting. He was stunned to find Carter so easily. When he saw him tugging at him and the panic in his voice, he said, "What the hell are you talking about? I've got to find this suspect now." He pushed him. "And get off of me! You need to calm down." He heard some banging of cans from behind. He whipped his head around and aimed his gun at the noise. "Hey! Who's there?"

shadowess - November 28, 2020

(Thanks  And no worries, but please don't be put off from being descriptive yourself. I love a good rp that has both sides adding interesting details, no matter how small they may seem.)

Sebastian was far too occupied on keeping track of the moving scent to notice Carter shoving him away while scolding him. What happened next, to Sebastian, happened quite slowly. The sound of cans being knocked over nearby brought a sudden and tense silence between the both of them. Sebastian stared in the direction of the noise with wide eyes while Carter lifted his gun.

Glancing out of the window, Sebastian looked up into the black sky towards the main source of light; the moon. Waxing gibbous...Good! Not a full moon but it's not far off! Sebastian estimates a day or two before it's full! Still, if the scent Sebastian picked up is right, then that means there is a wolf nearby. Not only that but this wolf, despite it not being a full moon just yet, will be a little stronger than normal because of how close it is to a full moon. Just to make things that little bit worse, a wolf's bite is instantly fatal to someone like Sebastian.

Gulping, he looked at Carter who called out so bravely into the mall, demanding the wolf to make themselves known. He has no idea of the thing he invites to them! Sebastian gently lay a hand on his shoulder and quietly spoke into his ear. "Carter...You remember how I said...I don't like wolves?" He asked, his voice trembling just a little. "We need to go." He then warned, his tone now dark and serious. "Now."

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Denix Vames - November 28, 2020

(thank you. ill do my best then)
Carter became even more pissed at his paranoia. He shouted, "Look! I told you to stay in the car! So back off and let me do my job!" He ran towards the noise while keeping his gun out. "Whoever you are! You need to come out with your hands-" The werewolf slammed him against a wall. Carter was instantly stunned by the impact. He could feel the pounding in his head. The gun fell out of his hand. Going off. The werewolf stood in front of him with his hand wrapped his neck. He sniffed. "Ugh! You smell terrible!" He shrugged. "But I am hungry." Carter tried to look at the man in front of him. Squinting his eyes to get a good look but all he could make out was a blurry face. He winced at the pain. He uttered out, "Fuck..."

shadowess - November 29, 2020

"Oh, you stupid human!!" Sebastian finally lost his temper as Carter ran towards the noise while shouting commands at the wolf. Before Sebastian could move forward to pull him away however, the wolf had already struck, throwing Carter against the wall and strangling him.

Sebastian could just leave...non of this is his problem. Not really. But a part of him felt responsible for leading Carter here. Oh, what does he care?? He's just a human! A human who seems intent on poisoning himself! He ignored Sebastian's warnings! His stubborn, ignorant ass had this coming! What does Sebastian owe this man? Absolutely nothing!

....Why then, did Sebastian run up and punch the wolf in his smug jaw? Knocking the dark, messy haired male back. Why did he immediately turn to Carter and bark the order "Run!" at him with such an intense glare? Why did he tackle the beast to the ground when the wolf got back up and attempted to go after Carter once more?

Well, there's no point in dwelling on it now. Now all Sebastian had to focus on was staying alive! The wolf had managed to roll on top of Sebastian and was pummelling away while growling angrily. Sebastian was doing his best to block the blows and land a few himself but he was more concerned about the wolf's sharpening teeth which were coming at him as well. Sebastian manages to hold the wolf back with one hand under his chin but this left him with only one hand to try to defend himself against the persistent strikes from the wolf's fists.

The wolf seemed to be wearing very ragged, loose and torn clothes. Through which his defined muscles were clearly visible. The ferocity with which the wolf attacked, to any onlooker who may not know any better, made him look like a man with steroid induced rage. From Sebastian's very up close and personal perspective though, he could see the fangs elongating, his jaw stretching out inhumanely and his grey eyes beginning to glow ever so slightly. "No you don't!" Sebastian gasped, trying his best to keep the beasts mouth away from any part of him. He felt blows to his head, arms, side and ribs. Each impact forcing a gasp or a groan from Sebastian as he fought desperately to stay alive. A hoarse chuckle came from the wolf; "What's the matter, nightling? You scared of a little nip?"

Denix Vames - November 29, 2020

Carter fell to his knees. He blinked his vision back. He was surprised to see the suspect's strength. He was even more surprised to find Sebastian fighting against him. He was going to run but then he recalled who he was. A detective. He also remembered that he wasn't going to leave an innocent person to die. He picked up his gun and fired at the wolf. Several bullets went into his back but none of them took him out. "What the hell?!"

shadowess - November 29, 2020

The sound of the gun shots echoed throughout the mall. The wolf barely flinched as the bullets pierced his back. "N-no! I told you to run!" Sebastian shouted but it was too late. The wolf had stopped hitting Sebastian and was now grinning evilly down at him. "No..." Sebastian shook his head at the wolf who merely continued to grin back.

"Excuse me a moment nightling. There's something I need to take care of."
"No, no, don't!" Sebastian tried but the wolf aimed one direct punch to the side of the vampires head, causing him to roll in a dazed state to one side with a groan. The wolf stood tall and turned towards the human. His jaw and nose elongated a bit too much now to look human. His glowing eyes landed on Carter as he bared his now sharpened teeth and growled. "I'll give you a five second head start human." His voice was gravelly. His grin widened and his eyes looked crazed. "I do love a good hunt!"

Denix Vames - November 29, 2020

Carter took a step back. He continued to walk backwards as he shivered. His blood ran cold. He had never seen something like this before. This beast or monster. Whatever it was, it almost seemed unbelievable. He tripped over a crushed can. He fell back. With shaking hands, he raised his weapon and pulled the trigger. No bullets came out. He breathed heavily. His heart raced. "Wh-What are you...?"

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shadowess - December 3, 2020

The wolf's grin only made him appear even more monstrous as he watched the human flail with fright. "The big. Bad. Wolf!" He growled, his voice just barely human anymore. He took three slow steps towards Carter while taunting "Here piggy, piggy."

The wolf then suddenly hunched forward and growled savagely, apparently about to leap after the human when something caused him to stumble with a pained yelp. Sebastian had taken the chance, while the wolf had been distracted, to draw out his concealed knife. He'd stood up and plunged it into the wolf's shoulder. He'd been aiming for the heart but the wolf's sudden movements as well as Sebastian's new concussion had caused him to miss and merely injure the wolf instead of killing him.

The wolf reacted by swinging an arm back and striking Sebastian in the chest, sending him flying backwards. The wolf seemed to be in a great deal of pain and panicking, turning around & around, trying to pull the knife out of his shoulder but couldn't reach. Sebastian grinned. With how dangerous Wolves are to his kind, he'd be a fool not to arm himself with a silver weapon on the off chance he was unlucky enough to encounter one.

Infuriated, the wolf rounded on Sebastian once more and snarled but before he could take another step, blue lights flashed at the mall's windows, growing brighter and an approaching police siren could be heard. Perhaps a concerned citizen nearby heard the gunshots and called it in?

Whatever the reason for the apparent deus ex machina, the wolf was smart enough to recognise when he is too wounded or outnumbered to fight and so took off towards the back of the mall at an inhuman speed.

Sebastian, relieved to no longer be fighting for his life then looks towards Carter and realises the gravity for what he just witnessed. Hurriedly, he gets to his feet and rushes towards Carter, gripping him by the shoulders. "Carter, Carter, listen to me." He says urgently, hearing the other officers below announcing their arrival. "I know what you saw tonight seems crazy, I know! But listen, and this is really important! If you don't want to spend the rest of your life in a loony bin then you'll tell your colleagues it was something else! Doped up hobos, gang war, anything that isn't what really happened, understand?? I swear, I'll explain everything to you. Just get us out of this first. Carter, I need you to trust me on this."

Denix Vames - December 3, 2020

Carter was shaken at first by what had just happened. He couldn't fathom what was going on. He looked at Sebastian with a blank stare for a moment. But then when he heard officers, people he knew, coming over. He realized he had to be less specific. "I-I'll tell them. Suspect....Really strong....Not a wolf....Just person." He could hardly get the words out.

Once back up arrived, Carter explained to an Officer Anderson how the situation went down. Minus the werewolf incident. "That's some adventure you two had." He nodded at Sebastian. "He's got a good keen eye. Wouldn't mind having him on the force." Carter suddenly found himself sane enough to shook his head. "Please don't." He flinched as he clutched his head. Remembering the slam he took. "You need someone to check that?" ,said Anderson.

"No No. I need a drink. Can I go now?" "Yeah sure. You and your friend here. We'll take over from here." "About damn time." Carter headed to the elevator. Walking past the officers that were here. Especially walking fast so he could get away from Sebastian.

shadowess - December 4, 2020

Sebastian let Carter do the talking but watched him carefully in case he slipped up. He was shaken but he managed to convince the other officers of the story he told them. When an officer offered Sebastian a position in the force he was both relieved and a little amused by Carter's answer. Although he was flattered by the offer, most mortal jobs like that are impossible to keep without making the other workers aware of his "condition".

He watched Carter leave hurriedly with a frown and knew his haste was to do with Sebastian's presence. He looked out of the window and estimated how much time in the night he had left. Just over an hour left. He was still hungry too so at least this gave him the opportunity to go and feed in peace now. He would have to do it quickly though and catch up with Carter. He swore he'd explain everything plus he needed to make Carter aware of the new danger they had just put themselves in so he could prepare himself.

About twenty minutes after they'd left the mall, Sebastian had managed to feed and was approaching a little bar where he'd tracked Carter's scent to. Finding where Carter was sitting and hoping he might have calmed down by now, Sebastian sat next to Carter quietly and motioned for the bartender to bring more drinks to them. "They're on me." He says quietly then looks over Carter carefully. "I know you'd probably prefer to be alone but I need to talk to you and I don't have a lot of time." He began and paused, waiting for the bartender to drop off the drinks. Sebastian wouldn't be touching his but having it in front of him in a place like this made him appear human to others.

"We're not out of the woods just yet...The full moon is in the next day or so and we've just made an enemy out of a crazy ass wolf. He's got our scent and he'll be coming for us when he changes completely. When he does, he'll be a lot stronger and faster than we saw tonight so we need to be prepared if we hope to survive." Sebastian pauses once more, this time to let the information sink in and allow Carter to ask any questions he might have.

Denix Vames - December 4, 2020

Carter was in blissful peace. He had been drinking a glass of whiskey after whiskey after whiskey. When he heard Sebastian, he turned to him. He glared. Somehow sobering enough to make things clear. "You listen here you son of a bitch! You and I never met. Got it? Werewolves? They're not real. Not anymore. I'm going to go back home and you're going to do whatever the fuck you want to do. So leave me the hell alone."

He left a tip and walked out. He pulled out his keys but quickly dropped them. "Damn it!" He picked them up. Once he finally got the door opened, he leaned against it. Feeling like he was ready to puke. Drinking all that booze really was a bad mixture on the headache he still had from the mall incident.

"God fucking damn it!" He let out a loud burp. Immediately, he tasted his own breath. He cringed.

shadowess - December 4, 2020

As Carter threw his little tantrum, Sebastian merely sat quietly. Allowing Carter to get his frustrations out of his system. He was clearly drunk by this point but unfortunately they didn't have a lot of time to wait for him to sober up. When Carter got up and began walking out the door, Sebastian sighed heavily, staring at the empty glasses on the bar. "Hard sobering truth it is then..." He whispers to himself as he gets up and follows Carter to his car.

He watches from a short distance as Carter drunkenly fumbles around, trying to open his car door. Then he watches the man lean against it, looking about ready to vomit. Sebastian shook his head. He is in no fit state to drive and would probably cause a fatal accident just trying.

Moving quicker than most humans, Sebastian swooped in and snatched the keys out of Carters hand, holding them out of Carter's reach. "I don't think so." He says, his voice now taking on a colder tone. With that, he grabbed Carter's arm and dragged him back to the passenger door, opened it up and pushed him down to sit in the car. "Point me in the right direction, I'll drive you home." Barely waiting for an answer, Sebastian then strode to the driver's side and got in, putting the key in the ignition. "Seatbelt on." He calls back cheerily.
He might be pushing his luck for time but he planned on getting Carter safely back home before talking to him properly. He couldn't really do it here. Too many eyes and ears about, and what Sebastian planned to do was sure to be noticed!

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Denix Vames - December 4, 2020

"Hey! I can drive!" But when Carter got pushed into the car, he just leaned his head against the window. "1863 Beccam Rd." He moved his head to his shoulder. "It's a neighborhood." He sniffed his hair. "Ugh! You smell awful! Guess I shouldn't have shoved you in that alley." He started laughing.

He got a sudden twinkle in his eyes. "Has anyone ever told you that you look cute?" His face was on his neck. "You know, I had a goth phase too. Had a lot of sex too."

He lifted his head at the road. "You're supposed to go right here."

His mind was wandering from checking Sebastian out to telling him where to go. All that alcohol was finally starting to overtake him. He couldn't help but put a hand on his leg.

shadowess - December 4, 2020

Relieved that Carter was giving him directions and not trying to fight to drive, Sebastian began moving the vehicle in the direction of Carter's home. When he commented on the smell and recalled pushing Sebastian over back in the alley, Sebastian couldn't help but smile too. It's been a funny ol' evening...Certainly interesting.

The sudden shift from the officer's abrasiveness to affection was a little jarring to Sebastian, but then again, the man was very intoxicated. The attempt to relate to Sebastian as well as the brag about his sex life was incredibly amusing but Sebastian just kept watching the road with a smirk, trying not to chuckle.

He followed Carter's direction then tensed a little at the feeling of Carter's hand on his thigh. He glanced down at Carter, taken aback, then smiled warmly and continued looking at the road. "I er...I'm flattered Carter. You've had a lot to drink though and I'm sure sober you would greatly appreciate if I didn't take advantage." Also, he wasn't sure Carter would still be interested once they got to his home and Sebastian had to drill the truth into him.

To reassure Carter that he wasn't put off however, he didn't remove his hand and glanced back at him, this time giving his most charming smile. "But hey, one step at a time. Maybe we could get a drink first?" The car rolled to a stop in the neighbourhood. "We're here. C'mon, let's get you in." He says while unclipping his belt and opening the door.

Denix Vames - December 4, 2020

Carter's mood suddenly shifted. He started recalling his first years as a detective. "I use to be a damn good detective, ya know?" He frowned. Tears suddenly left his eyes. "I lost a lot of good people. I should have done more. Jack's family didn't have to lose him! It should have been me who took the bullet! I got nothing for myself! Why the fuck did he jump in front of me?"

He started sobbing.

"God damn it, Jack! Why did you have to go and be a hero?!"

shadowess - December 4, 2020

Sebastian paused, his hand on the door handle, the door slightly ajar. He stared at Carter for a moment, watching him cry and lament his past, uncertain of what to do. With a sigh, he quietly got out of the car, closed the door and went around to the passenger side, opening the door and helping Carter to his feet by placing his arm around his shoulders while holding his waist to steady him.

"C'mon, ups a daisy...Let's get you a nice hot cup of coffee, eh? I'll stay with you until you feel better, ok?" He says softly, walking Carter to the sidewalk. "Now...which one is your house?" He looks around uncertainly. "1863 you said earlier...a-ha!" He spots the numbers down the side of a house and begins walking Carter towards the door. He was now a little anxious to be getting indoors, away from the steadily rising sun. The sky was still dark but Sebastian could already feel the air around them warming up.

Denix Vames - December 4, 2020

"Key's under the mat."

They were soon inside the house. The curtains were down. Covering all the windows. It had been like that for Carter on purpose. He couldn't stand seeing people going about their day like everything was ok. Not to mention, the sun always hurt his eyes whenever he woke up.

"Back at the mall, I shot it for a reason. You're not gonna die. Not while I'm around." He stopped himself from vomiting. "Ain't gonna lose another one."

He touched his hand. "I don't know what it is but....you really get me." He pinched the brim of his nose. "Maybe I'm being an idiot."

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shadowess - December 4, 2020

Oh sweet cool relief! They were inside and even better; the whole house was completely dark, with only electric lights to keep everything illuminated. He gently kicked the door closed behind them and walked Carter over to the nearest comfy looking chair. He sat Carter down then knelt in front of him "I'll go put on some coffee-" He started but was cut off by what Carter said. He fell silent and watched him carefully.

At his last statement, Sebastian chuckled shook his head a little with a gentle smile. "You um...you remind me of someone I knew...a long time ago...she was troubled too..." for a moment, he stared off to the right, a faraway look in his eyes. "Tough as nails too." He chuckled and looked back at Carter. Perhaps he didn't need to be so hard on him after all? Maybe, in this fragile state, Sebastian could reason some sense into this man?

"Look...Carter..." He starts then looks around quickly and pulls up a chair to sit facing him. With a heavy sigh, he decided there really was no easier way to explain this. "You said you lost a lot of good people...wish you could have done more...Carter, you need to hear me out on this. Because in the next couple of days, that man we fought tonight is going to go on a rampage. We'll be on his hit list, sure. But who do you think he'll go after when he's done with us? Another night worker? Someone's daughter? Someone's son?...." Sebastian then tilted his head and put emphasis on this next question; "Someone's father?" Recalling he'd mentioned that this Jack fella had had a family.

"It's real Carter, all of it! Werewolves....Vampires..." Sebastian trailed off, watching Carter carefully with anticipation.

Denix Vames - December 4, 2020

Carter found himself sobering up. He looked him straight in the eyes. "Alright. I'll help. But I want the truth out of you. I want to know who you really are."

shadowess - December 4, 2020

Finally! He was getting somewhere with this stubborn bastard! Who was Sebastian? Well, if he were to answer that they could be here all day. No, not such intimate information just yet. Sebastian lifted a finger patiently. "No, not who. That's not the correct question here, Detective." He says playfully. Lowering his hand back to his lap, he stared at Carter intensely while sitting back in the chair comfortably.

"Think it through. When you found me, what did I do? How did I know where to go? How did I know to try to warn you of the wolf's presence before we saw him? How did I reach you so quickly? Why did my little knife work when your bullets did nothing? and...how did I find you in that bar after we'd gone our separate ways?" Sebastian wanted Carter to figure it out. He knew he was smart enough to know that there was definitely a question to be asked of Sebastian, but that it did not start with the word "who".

Denix Vames - December 4, 2020

Carter recalled the fashion sense this guy had. He remembered seeing him in the elevator before he even had the chance to finish his sentence. Then there was the knife. He didn't even think about it back then. And just now, he barely started thinking about the fact that Sebastian found him so quickly.

His eyes widened. "Vampire..." He stood up which he immediately regretted. He fell back. He glared at him. "You said you want to take this damn thing down. But how do I know you're not just gonna kill me after all of this is over?"

shadowess - December 4, 2020

Still smiling, Sebastian's smile looked a little more sinister for a fraction of a moment as he watched Carter begin to realise what Sebastian really was. Finally! Sebastian was even a little proud of this human. He'd known a few mortals who didn't clock on to what he was all the way up until he was baring his fangs. This just proved that even in a drunken state, this man had some sharp senses.

At Carter's question, Sebastian leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees with his hands clasped together in front of him. He looked at Carter with a smug grin and replied; "Because if I'd wanted you dead, you already would be by now. How many opportunities did I have to feed from you? I even had the opportunity to feed you to the beast while I could've made my own escape." He admitted with a shrug, then his expression shifts into a more serious one. "But I didn't. Instead I risked my own neck to save yours. Sustained several injuries from that brute and even still, here I am nursing you back to sobriety and trying to help you survive the beast's inevitable second attack instead of having you for dinner myself. Besides..."

He sat back again, his posture relaxing once more. "The only people I kill are the truly awful. Those who would happily cause pain and grief to others and who would never be missed by anyone. Failing finding one of those and I'll merely borrow a few sips from an innocent, unconscious person, leaving them non the wiser while I go on my merry way." Sebastian then sighed, glancing towards the heavily curtained windows. "We're not all monsters, you know..."

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Denix Vames - December 4, 2020

Carter thought for a moment. He stood carefully. "I'll admit. You did save my ass back there. And yeah, you haven't tried to steal my blood or whatever." He loosened his tie. Trying to relax. "Maybe. I don't know. Maybe you ain't such a bad guy. Honestly, I've met worse. Sick bastards you can't even begin to imagine. Their homes? Basically pictures them like the terrifying shits they are."

He glanced at the kitchen. "I'm guessing you don't drink human drinks? I was planning on making myself some coffee." He looked at him with a different feeling. An almost want feeling. He hoped that whatever he was feeling wasn't obvious.

shadowess - December 4, 2020

Sebastian sighed with a relief he hadn't realised he'd needed. There had certainly been a tension in the room from the minute Carter realised what he was, sure, but he hadn't expected to actually care about what this human thought about him. Yet, apparently he had.

He watched Carter loosen his tie and looked away casually. Not wanting to make Carter uncomfortable by inadvertently staring at his neck...or the small amount of chest he could now see. When Carter mentioned some of the evil people he'd encountered previously, Sebastian smirked and glanced back up at Carter "Well, perhaps you could *ahem* point me in their general direction? I'd be happy to take them off the streets."

At the mention of coffee, Sebastian shifted uncomfortably in his seat and seemed to debate the question. "I can, and do occasionally consume human foods and drinks. Only in small quantities though or it makes me ill." He then smiled. "A coffee would be nice, Carter. Uh...sorry to be a pain, I don't suppose you'd mind me crashing here for the day?" He asked, not wanting to assume it was automatically ok but also not really having much of a choice in the matter anymore. He casually points a finger towards the curtains and grins awkwardly. "The sun's up..."

Denix Vames - December 4, 2020

Carter chuckled. He nervously scratched the back of his head. "Yeah well, maybe. That all depends on if you can be completely silent when you're taking care of those guys."

"Oh. Good to know. I can give you a smaller cup then."

He looked at where he pointed. "Sure. It'd be really suspicious for my neighbors to find a pile of ash on my doorstep and not on an ash tray."

He headed into the kitchen. He started putting some water in the coffee maker and some coffee grounds in the other compartment. He pushed the button. There was a heavy hum coming from the machine.

The kitchen was a mess. There were piles of dirty dishes in the sink. Some take away chinese and assorted burger boxes on the counter. It reeked of those leftovers. A smell that Carter had gotten use to.

shadowess - December 4, 2020

Chuckling along with Carter, Sebastian winked "Ohh, you'd never know I was even there!" Sebastian was a little excited for this cup of coffee. It wasn't often that he drank a human beverage just for the fun of it. His ability to consume human foods and drinks was purely for the purpose of camouflage. Seeing a vampire eating and drinking like a human makes mortals more comfortable and distracts them from any suspicions they might have had.

The comment about him being a pile of ash on his doorstep caused a little laughter to erupt from Sebastian. He certainly enjoyed his wit. Feeling awkward being left to sit on his own though, he got up to follow Carter into the kitchen. While Carter was busy preparing the coffee, Sebastian looked around at the mess. Running a finger along a countertop and inspecting it briefly before wiping it on a nearby towel. When Carter would eventually turn in and get some sleep, maybe Sebastian could give this place a once over? It'd be the least he could do for being allowed to stay in his house for the day.

"Nice place..." He comments while looking around. He, of course, meant the size and layout of the house rather than the state it was currently in. "Pretty big for one person though...you don't have any room-mates that might randomly walk in, do you?"

Denix Vames - December 4, 2020

Carter paused. "I...had a husband. Had a family." He watched the coffee drip into the decanter. His hands were shaking. "Jack took care of the kids. I was busy with so much work that I didn't even realize what would happen next."

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shadowess - December 4, 2020

Sebastian stared at the back of Carter for a moment after he'd explained who Jack had been to him. He was just trying to make small talk. He hadn't meant to drag up Carter's past. "I'm sorry..." He says softly. "Really...I'm so sorry."

He turns and leans against the table with his arms folded, staring down at the floor. "Where are the kids now?... If you don't mind me asking." He looks up towards Carter, patiently.

Denix Vames - December 4, 2020

Carter clenched his fists. "They were just kids. None of them deserve it." He teared up. "Vincent Hayes considers himself to be an artist. He uses his victims body parts and blood to make his 'artwork.' When I got back home, I found the door to be opened. The kids were....He gutted them like a fish. I still remember the carnage. That sick fucking smile he had. He was getting off on what he was doing.

He aimed a gun at me. Said that I wasn't worth the work. That's when Jack...."

The coffee maker beeped. He took out the decanter. Setting it on the counter. "I survived because he got pissed off over it. Saying that his work was ruined. So he left. But I never forgot his face. And neither did the city. He's gone now though. I don't know where he went."

His grip on the handle of the decanter tightened. "If I ever see his face again, I'm going to kill him myself."

shadowess - December 4, 2020

While Carter told his story, Sebastian listened in silence. The more Carter went on, the more horrified and angry Sebastian felt. Those poor children...He felt truly awful for Carter. To live through something like that...Sebastian now understood why Carter lived the way that he did. Why he would want to escape to the bottom of a bottle every night...

Stepping away from the table, Sebastian approached Carter slowly and lay a gentle hand on his shoulder, squeezing a little in a comforting way. "Well..." He started then smirked at Carter, though his eyes still had some sadness behind them. "Did I happen to mention that I'm an excellent tracker? Maybe if we survive this wolf business, I'll help you get some reven-I mean... closure..."

Denix Vames - December 4, 2020

Carter turned his head to him. "You'd do that for me?" His lips quivered. He took a quick breath before speaking again. "Th-Thank you. Thank you. I'd appreciate that."

shadowess - December 4, 2020

Sebastian smiled "It'd be no problem." He says as he walks back towards the living room and stops in the doorway. "Like I say, I make a living getting rid of those who truly deserve it. I guess, in a weird way, that gives us something in common." He says with a smirk, referring to Carter's occupation.

He then heads into the living room and sits on the couch, giving Carter a moment alone as well as leaving him to finish up the coffee. He looked around the living room and as he did, he saw very subtle signs everywhere that this was once a family home. Funny that he hadn't noticed it before...

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Denix Vames - December 4, 2020

Carter soon brought two cups of coffee into the living room. He hand him the smaller cup. He sat across from him. "Is it alright if I ask you some questions?" He hoped to forget about the memories. Maybe entertaining Sebastian with some funny thoughts would help.

shadowess - December 4, 2020

"Thank you" Sebastian says as he takes the little cup from Carter and looks at it eagerly. It smelled strong and Sebastian wasn't entirely sure if coffee was something he liked but was interested to give it a try!

When Carter asked if he could ask him some questions, Sebastian looked up from his cup of coffee at Carter who now sat across from him. "Uh, sure. I don't see why not." He says with a smile. He could understand Carter might just be trying to distract himself but at the same time understood that Sebastian wasn't exactly a normal guest and the questions he'd get were inevitable.

Denix Vames - December 4, 2020

"Is Twilight like a comedy for you? Also does every vampire wear black? And do you guys have orgies all the time or blood raves like in that movie called Blade?"

shadowess - December 4, 2020

The questions came quickly and not a single one were the kind of question Sebastian had been expecting...at all! So much so that by the time Carter was done, Sebastian was leaning forward slightly, staring at Carter with his mouth agape in utter silence for what felt like a solid minute before he burst into laughter, having to hurriedly put his coffee down on the little table so as not to spill it.

Sebastian laughed so hard and so much that by the time he calmed down enough to get a word out, he had tears streaming down his face. "Alright...alright...um...let's see...." He starts off between breaths as he tried to regather himself.

"Yes, yes it is an absolute parody. In fact I'd say, to my kind, it is the equivalent of the movie "The Room", it is so bad that it's very funny! No, we don't all wear black, I'm just a bit weird. Some of us do, I guess? Depends what their kinks are...although outright vampiric parties are forbidden. Our survival as a species depends on our secrecy." He chuckled. "I have to hand it to you Carter, I have never had such imaginative questions asked of me before! What a mind you have!"

Denix Vames - December 4, 2020

Carter smiled. "What can I say? Guess my goth heart never left me." He drank a sip. With sarcasm he said, "So, here's an actual question. Is that whole garlic and crosses thing true? I don't want to end up accidentally killing you by having garlic breath."

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shadowess - December 5, 2020

Sebastian chuckled at the humour, picked up his little cup again and took a sip. His nose creased a little at the taste but he continued to smile. "Never had coffee before." He says while looking at his cup. "I think this may be an acquired taste."

Looking back up at Carter, he laughed. "No, just a silly myth!" Some of us retain our Christian or Catholic beliefs after we turn and I hear garlic bread is quite a popular human food among our kind." Sebastian sits back in the chair, content in the presence of this human.

"Listen, about this wolf business. There's something you should know about me." He begins, his features becoming serious once more. If they were going to help each other survive this attack, Carter would need to know of his weaknesses. "Wolf bites are extremely venomous to vampires. Even when in their human form. There is no anti-venom and if I were to get bitten, I'd be dead in mere minutes." Horribly painfully too. "You will need to avoid his teeth too. I'm sure you've heard the myths regarding a werewolf bite? They're true. It's the reason their venom does not work on a vampire. Because it was only designed to change humans."

Denix Vames - December 5, 2020

Carter lowered his drink. "I won't let that damn thing take any more lives than it already has. You can be sure of that. As long as we both got each other's backs, we'll be fine."

The room began to seem like a merry-go-round. He shut his eyes. Trying to get rid of the dizziness. "Sorry man. I think I'm kind of tired." He stood. "I'll go-" His mug fell out of his hand. Breaking at the floor. Its contents spilled.

He stumbled to the set of stairs before collapsing. Exhausted from overworking and emotional stress.

shadowess - December 5, 2020

Sebastian watched Carter carefully. Seeing him finally succumb to his exhaustion wasn't a surprise given how much he had had to drink as well as the excitement they'd had that evening. Placing his own cup on the table, he moved quickly to catch Carter before he could hit his already injured head on something. "Oh dear Carter..." He mumbled as he lifted him with ease and began taking him upstairs to a bedroom. "What are we going to do about your drinking?"

Once in the room, he placed Carter down on the bed gently and covered him with the blanket before leaving the room silently. Leaving him to rest, Sebastian got to work cleaning up the house of all dust and grime, being careful not to move anything that might be sentimental to Carter, such as picture frames.

Once everything was as clean and tidy as Sebastian was going to get it, he settled down on the couch. Needing to get some sleep, himself.

Denix Vames - December 5, 2020

Carter found himself back at the mall. He held his gun by his side as he looked around. Walking carefully through the halls and corners. "Sebastian? Sebastian, where are you?!"

A flash of something pass him by. He turned to the werewolf who was suddenly clawing at Sebastian. Biting into his neck. "Stop it!"

His gun was gone. He was back at home. Back when everything was normal. He smiled at Jack. Glad to see him and his children safe. They were playing Jenga.

In a flash, his kids were dead. Lying on the floor with their organs out. A gun was pointed at him. Vincent smirked. "You aren't worth my artwork. You're useless."


Carter screamed himself awake. He breathed heavily as he looked around. "Jack! Sally! Nate!" He got out of bed. "Jack!"

shadowess - December 5, 2020

The noise from upstairs woke Sebastian with a start. A fleeting glance at a clock told him the sun had not long set. Jumping to his feet he raced upstairs to the source of the shouting and burst into Carter's room. He saw Carter out of bed, looking panicked and approached him cautiously. "Carter, are you alright?"

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Denix Vames - December 5, 2020

At first, Carter didn't say anything. He was focused on knowing whether or not his family was ok. But when he looked at Sebastian, he realized that they were dead. He knew what had happened to them.

"I...I thought..." He massaged his temples. He was frustrated. Tired of recalling memories. "I keep having the same goddamn nightmares. For a second, I just thought that I had chance at saving them. And then there was that monster. The werewolf killing you. Everywhere I look, I'm losing everybody and then there's nothing. Nothing..."

He swallowed his pain. He walked past Carter. "I need a drink. I need to forget." He took out a packet of smokes. He put one in his mouth as he headed downstairs.

shadowess - December 5, 2020

Sebastian watched Carter carefully as he spoke about his nightmares, feeling pity for the man. The pity was short lived however as the human walked past him taking about getting another drink.

For a second, Sebastian didn't move. Then, after a big sigh he raced past Carter and within another second was already at the bottom of the staircase with his hands on either side of the banister, blocking Carter's route.

"I'm sorry for what happened to your family, I really am. I can understand why you feel the route you are taking is the only one but I can assure you it is not! Consider this your intervention. No more drinking. Not while I'm here. I need you focussed and ready! I need you sober!" Sebastian scolded him.

Denix Vames - December 5, 2020

Carter lit the cigarette. He took a puff before blowing the smoke into his face. "You know how many times my therapist told me to move on and stop drinking? Too many damn times. My own captain decided to give me a shrink. I didn't need that shit. There's nothing left for me except for a broken home. And I never wanted that. So move it."

His tone grew soft. "Please."

shadowess - December 5, 2020

The stubbornness and arrogance from this man was simultaneously endearing and infuriating to Sebastian. He was so angered that he gripped the banisters tightly and his features were hard as he stared Carter down for a moment before reacting.

He removed his hands, lifting them and took a step back while saying in a cold tone; "You want to slowly kill yourself? Fine. Go right ahead. Don't let me stop you." He turns towards the front door then pauses, raising a finger as if in thought while turning his head slightly to glare back at Carter. "Just a thought though...Suppose Jack could see what you're doing to yourself now? What do you suppose he'd think on the matter?" Sebastian shrugs while heading towards the door. "Think about it. I'll be waiting outside."

He slammed the door behind him, the cold night air hitting him. His heart was beating a little harder and he still felt hot from the anger as he paced around the lawn, waiting for Carter. As his anger subsided, he realised what he'd said and began to regret his words. Perhaps they were too harsh? Dammit! Why did he get so wound up like that? What exactly was it about this human that made Sebastian care so much? He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, gently biting his lower lip out of nerves, unsure of how Carter would react to the way he'd spoken to him and whether this would affect their co-operation in the night to come. "Fuck...." He whispered to himself. "Fuck, fuck, fuck...oh you've gone and done it now Sebastian. Couldn't just let him have a drink, could you? Had to just go and stick your nose right into his business!!...........Fuck........"

Denix Vames - December 5, 2020

Carter paused. He reflected on what he said. Jack and his kids were the only thing keeping him from becoming this way. Jack would always talk about being in good health and was the one in charge of making the meals.

He went to the kitchen. Thinking about whether or not, he should have a drink. He froze at the sight of his kitchen being clean. Everything was spotless. All of the dishes were in the cabinets. Trash was where it should be.

The thought soon came to him that Sebastian was doing the exact same things that his husband had done for him so many years. Taking care of him. And he did it because he cared. Did that mean Sebastian cared about him too?

He glanced at the front door.

He stepped outside. His tie was straightened and his top buttons were buttoned. He had on his overcoat. His hair was slightly damp from some water that he used to pull it back. Making it look as decently clean as possible.

"So, where are we headed too?" He stomped the cigarette out.

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shadowess - December 5, 2020

'I'll apologise', Sebastian thought to himself. 'As soon as he comes out I'll say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made it so personal. It was wrong of me to go there. Yeah, that's what I'll do...'

He heard the door behind him open and turned to Carter to speak but found his words catching in his throat as he saw the way Carter looked now. He stared at the buttoned up shirt, the neatly done tie, his slicked back hair. Blimey! Had his words actually made a positive impression? He looked...well...good!

Carter asked where they were going and Sebastian somewhat snapped out it while starting his response with "Uhhh...." Then shaking his head with a fake cough into his fist to try and hide his blush; "I'd suggest a gun store. We're going to need weapons. The hardest part though is going to be ammunition. I doubt a standard gun store will sell silver bullets. Any ideas? There's also a chance this beast might wind up in close range so we might also want to consider melee options"

Denix Vames - December 5, 2020

Carter walked over. "Guns aren't a problem. Silver bullets? There's plenty of those at the Undead Freaks Club. It's a goth club that I use to go to. You can buy silver bullet necklaces and earrings. And last I check, your knife seemed to have done wonders. Maybe we can get some silver ones too."

He hit the button for his car which opened. He smiled at him. "You know, I never thought I'd see the day when I could kill a werewolf. It'd be awesome to have its teeth as a souvenir."

shadowess - December 6, 2020

Listening to Carter as they approached his car, Sebastian smiled. "Sounds good. I know silver isn't exactly cheap so I'll put everything on my card." A perc of being a vampire was taking any money or valuables from the victims they killed and being the age that Sebastian is, he'd managed to squirrel away quite a lot of money, despite his rough looking clothes.

Recalling when he'd used his knife, Sebastian tutted. "Yeah...knives are good in a pinch. Not exactly easy to come by one that is made of silver and isn't just for display...I had to get mine custom made for me. Too bad the wolf has it now." and with any luck, it's still stuck in his shoulder!

Looking over at Carter, Sebastian smirked then grimaced at the thought of having wolf teeth for a souvenir. "If you really must, just be sure you de-venom them before wearing them. Don't wana accidentally turn yourself for the sake of a trophy!" Sebastian got into the passenger side of the car and buckled up. "That being said, I know I said I don't like wolves but that's purely an evolved instinct to survive on my part. It's actually pretty rare to find a wolf go rogue and who starts killing recklessly. They usually stick to their packs and look out for each other to make sure they keep a low profile." So in other words; Just like Vampires, Werewolves are not all monsters.

Denix Vames - December 6, 2020

"Really? Interesting." He started the car. He was soon driving on the road. "Maybe I'll hold off on the souvenir thing." He glanced at him. His heart started to race. He was unsure if Sebastian could hear it. How nervous he was around him. They had gotten to know each other as friends and yet he still had those butterflies in his stomach.

"By the way, thanks for cleaning up the place. That was....nice of you."

shadowess - December 10, 2020

((Hey, figured it's only fair to keep you updated. I might drop out of activity in the run up to Christmas and possibly for a few weeks after. It's a pretty sensitive time and I'm currently dealing with almost daily panic attacks. Best if I mostly focus on myself for a little bit. If I have a good day, I'll still post but you know...just in case you wonder where I'd vanished to lol))

Denix Vames - December 10, 2020

(I'm sorry to hear about that but I'm glad that you were able to trust me with that information. I hope things get better for you. And I'll be here waiting for you. I don't care how long it takes. I just want you to focus on yourself. Hope the holidays treat you well.)

shadowess - December 12, 2020

Sebastian smiled when Carter reconsidered his souvenir idea. He couldn't get mad at him for having thought of it. After all, it wasn't like he had been aware of Sebastian's world previously. How could he have known? He stared out at the road ahead of them as it dawned on him that Carter still had so much more to learn and now that he was aware, there was no going back. Other's of Sebastian's kind or even the wolves might not take too kindly to a human knowing of their existence. Their secrecy was vital to their survival.

Maybe that was a conversation for if they survived? Whether Carter lived on, keeping this information secret or...? Sebastian shook his head a little as if shaking those thoughts from his mind. No. He couldn't think on things like that!

He could hear Carter's heart beating quite quickly. Maybe he was nervous about the fight to come? Facing your own mortality is daunting for anyone. Even Sebastian was nervous. But Sebastian barely paid attention to why his heart might be beating quickly. He was too busy listening to it's rhythm while fighting his off his hunger that had just started gnawing away at Sebastian.

Sebastian was focussing so hard on ignoring his urges that he almost didn't hear Carter thanking him. "Huh?" Sebastian momentarily snapped out of it, a single bead of sweat running down the side of his face. "Oh! Uh, it was nothing." He gave his charming smile then immediately looked away and out of the passenger side window, not wanting to risk his hunger returning while looking at Carter.

What was that?? Why did it come on so intensely? He'd handled his hunger just fine the previous night! It was only after thinking...no, no, no! Sebastian needed to get a handle on this! He needed to be able to concentrate! "Carter?" Sebastian says suddenly with a slight urgency to his tone. He still didn't look away from the passenger side window. "I-er...don't suppose we could make a quick pit stop at one of those criminal's houses? I...I need to..." He trailed off, the hunger starting to gnaw at him again. He hoped Carter understood what he was getting at.

Denix Vames - December 13, 2020

Carter kept his eyes on the road. Making sure that they were on the right track. He glanced at him. He took a second look at his face. Reading him.

"Are you...hungry?" He noticed his fangs. "Oh god! Ok! I've got an idea. We should head to the goth club first. The Undead Freaks cater to not just goths but vampires as well. Fake ones of course who like to think they are. Who knows? You might run into a few friends. Anyway, they serve blood from donors who are willing to give it to the club as a drink. They get paid hundreds to do that kind of job. There should be plenty there."

He soon reached the club. "We're here. Do you need me to help you or can you walk there yourself?" He opened the passenger door for him.

shadowess - December 13, 2020

Every muscle in Sebastian's body ached as the hunger deepened. He hadn't felt the hunger get this bad since he was a new born vampire. He'd almost forgotten what it had felt like. Then it occurred to him. Of course! He'd taken one hell of a beating from the wolf the night before! His body had healed quickly but the price for that was a far worse hunger than Sebastian was used to.

He hadn't meant for Carter to see his fangs. He hadn't even realised his mouth was open a little but as soon as Carter reacted the way he did, Sebastian closed his mouth hurriedly, feeling a pang of guilt and shame for putting Carter through this.

He listened carefully as Carter suggested the gothic club as a source of blood. It sounded a little too good to be true but Sebastian kept quiet. Not wanting to look a potential gift horse in the mouth. Something about what Carter said sounded eerily familiar though. It sort of put Sebastian on edge but for the life of him, he couldn't think why. He was so lost in thought about it that he didn't notice that they had parked up until Carter opened his door as asked if he needed help.

Having been looking out that window until it was abruptly opened, Sebastian's eyes immediately shot up to look at Carter. Then to his throat. They lingered there for a moment. His hunger deepening again, painfully.

Without warning, Sebastian sprung up and darted past Carter towards the club. He wouldn't let Carter touch him while he was like this. He knew he was just trying to help but in this instance, his help would put him in danger.

He flew past the would-be bouncer before they could even realise he was coming and charged up to the bar. When the bartender, dressed in all black and looking like he was barely out of his teens, noticed him he approached the semi-starving Sebastian like it was any other day. "I hear you sell glasses of blood to vampires." Sebastian says, just about able to control himself to match the posture and tone of everyone else around him.

"$50." The bartender half yawns.
"For a glass??"
"Do you want it or not, Dracula?" The bartender now taking on a condescending tone.
Sebastian glared at the bartender for a moment but he was too desperate to argue. "Don't suppose you sell it by the bag?"
The bartender became hesitant and looked Sebastian over, as if really looking at him for the first time. "You know it's dangerous to drink too much, right?"

Sebastian had had enough time wasting at this point and pulled out his wallet. He took out several hundred dollar bills and slapped them onto the bar in front of the bartender whose eyes widened at the amount.
"Bag. Now." Sebastian barked, then smiled charmingly. His fangs on full display. "Please."

shadowess - December 13, 2020

((Lol! Literally had to stop myself writing. I was getting well carried away!))

Denix Vames - December 13, 2020

(thats ok. i like it XD)

Carter's eyes widened. He hadn't suspect Sebastian to run by him that quickly. He made sure that the car doors were locked. He ran inside. Finding Sebastian drinking from a bag filled with blood. A straw was between his lips.

"Your boyfriend got dehydrated or something?" "He's not my....He's a friend. And yeah, you could say that." Just then, a waitress ran over with an empty tray.

She was in her mid forties but from her gothic makeup, she looked a lot younger. Maybe twenties. She smiled. "Oh my god! Carter, is that you? It's been a while!" Carter gave her an embarrassed smile. "Yeah, it has been. I see you never grew out of the goth phase." "Ain't a phase if you're an adult at this point." She looked at Sebastian. "Who's your boyfriend there?"

He rolled his eyes. "He's just a friend." "Oh alright. I get it." She winked. She walked to Sebastian. "His name's Sebastian and he's kind of busy." She frowned. She set her tray on the bar. "Hades, watch this for me. I'm going to help out."

The bartender crossed his arms. "Whatever. He better not hog up all the blood. We need that for the other customers." She glared at him before taking Sebastian's hand and leading him to a dark room where the lights were more dim than at the bar.

"I'm not an idiot, Carter. I know what he is." "Wait, what? What do you mean? You could tell he was a vampire from the beginning?" She guided him to a beanbag. She was shocked to find out that Carter hadn't realized the truth.

"Dude seriously? Did you think you and I were hanging out with just the fake ones? I've got still friends who are undead. You should meet my girlfriend."

"I feel like I really missed out on something." "Well, the point is you guys came here. And I'm assuming it's not just for blood." "Uh, yeah. We actually need some silver bullets. Preferably without holes." She raised her hands as she ran over to the bucket of bullets in the storage room.

"Oh my god! It's happening! It's actually happening!"

She soon came back with a party bag of bullets. "The limit is twenty. Sorry." He sighed. "That's alright. Whatever works." He took it. "Also, try to keep this down ok?" "Sure thing. Your secret's safe with me." She imitated locking her own mouth.

"And if you come back Sebastian, we can give you a few extra pints to save. Lately, we've been getting more donors so you and I have nothing to worry about when it comes to this business and your hunger."

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shadowess - December 13, 2020

It even came with a silly straw!! Sebastian was sure this was some sort of attempt by the bartender to mock him but he didn't care. He was drinking blood through a damn silly straw! How delightful!! His mood lifted so much that he couldn't stop smirking goofily at the bartender, almost as if rubbing it in that the straw only brought him joy. Who wouldn't be happy with this?? It has three loops in it! THREE!!!!

Too busy quenching his thirst to react to the goings on around him, he merely watches in interest and mild amusement as a woman approaches Carter and they have a brief exchange before the woman grabs his hand and gently pulls him away from the bar. As they headed away, Sebastian looked back at the scowling bartender, apparently named Hades, and grinned mischievously at him until they were in the dark room.

When the woman said she knew what Sebastian was, he almost choked on the blood. Spluttering a little, he let her take him to a beanbag where he plopped himself down with an amused smile while commenting; "Mm! Cushy!"

Seeing this woman and hearing what she had to say, he was immensely relieved that this place wasn't quite as sinister as he'd first assumed. He'd known of places advertising similar practices with the intention of luring in younger, weaker, more naïve vampires to trap. Most sold their captive vampires to secret human institutes who dissected his kind to try and learn more from them while very, very few forced the poor vampires to make paying fanatics into newer vampires. Both of which were now more or less raided and eradicated nowadays but there was always a risk with these kinds of places.

By the time she ran off to fetch the bullets, his bag ran empty and it made a fairly loud and annoying noise, the kind of noise you hear when someone has reached the end of their drink from a fast food cup and they continue to suck through the straw anyway, as he tried to suck every last drop out. Giving up, he pulls the silly straw out and throws the empty bag into a nearby bin.

When the woman came running out with the party bag full of bullets, he chortled at the sight. Particularly as she said their secret was safe with her. "Woman has kept my kind well hidden, even from you, for this long. I think she can keep this secret too." He chuckled. At her offer of more blood, Sebastian smiled and stood up again. He pointed at her while looking at Carter "I like her!" Then looking at the woman; "Thank you, you're very kind. I um, may actually have to take you up on that now. The kind of fight we're going to, I'm going to need some handy in case I get injured... again." He says the last part to heavily imply the reason he was so thirsty when entering the club.

He then looks back at Carter expectantly. "Well??" He asks and lifts his hands by his sides questioningly, silly straw still in one hand. "Are you going to introduce me to this lovely lady?" Then glancing at the silly straw and back to the woman; "Mind if I keep this?" He waves it a little, the end of it now stained red. "One almost never gets an opportunity to drink blood through one!" He grins gleefully.

((I couldn't help myself with the silly straw rofl! I love it when he goes goofy lol))

Denix Vames - December 14, 2020

Carter sighed. "Her name is Blaire. She was my goth friend when we were in high school."

"And I'd be more than happy to give you a few bloodbags. I'll just say there was a little party here and pay for the bags myself. They're in the cold storage room. I can give you three just in case. Oh and you can keep the silly straw. Sorry about Hades. He can be a real jerk sometimes."

She came back with a portable cooler filled with three pints of blood. She handed it to him. "Wanna see Carter's gothic photos?" "What? No! Don't show those-!" "Too late!" She pulled a picture out of her wallet. Showing herself when she was younger and a younger version of Carter who had on white foundation and the usual black eyeshadow and lips. He looked pissed off. His shirt had a gothic band name called The Cure.

There were spiky bands over his wrists. A studded belt was on his ripped jeans. His hair was spiky and poofy at the same time.

Carter blushed. He let out a frustrated groan as he hid his face. "Would you cut it out?" "Oh c'mon! You look so cool! Whatever happened to your fashion sense?" "I grew up!"

Denix Vames - December 14, 2020

(btw the silly straw thing was funny)

shadowess - December 30, 2020

Sebastian smiled at Blaire as Carter introduced her then shook his head at her when she stated she would pay for the blood herself. "Nonsense!" He exclaimed and immediately took out his wallet. "Not that I don't appreciate your generosity, but I'll happily pay you for the blood and the bullets. In fact, I'd prefer to!"

Ahh! A true bestie! Blaire was apparently a very close friend of Carter's to be so ready to humiliate him playfully. Grinning, Sebastian eagerly looked at the photo then looked back at Carter, as if comparing. "When you said you had a goth phase, I never pictured you going all out with it! Gotta say though, you sure do suit the look!" He complimented. He could see Carter's embarrassment but didn't understand why he would be. Surely he was proud of that portion of his life? Happy to have had such freedom of expression? Sebastian would be.

As nice as all this was though, there was one little thing bugging Sebastian. Still smiling, he turned back to Blaire and asked; "You said it's 'finally happening'. Sorry, I'm a little out of the loop. What's finally happening?"

No sooner had that question left Sebastian than a buzzing noise could be heard from Sebastian's pocket, followed by a very muffled song; Devil in disguise by Elvis Presley. His grin becoming a bit more awkward, Sebastian reached for his phone and looked between the two of them for a moment. "Sorry...I gotta take this."

He wandered over to the furthest corner of the room and answered the call. Maybe this will give Carter and Blaire a little more time to catch up properly? Meanwhile, they'd only be able to hear Sebastian's side of his call.

"Hey! I didn't think I'd hear from you for-...you're where?...What're you doing there?? How did you even get in??....Of course you did...Well, see, had I known you'd try to visit me so soon I would've stuck around to greet you!...I'm in America...Because I wanted a holiday, that's why! Wait- What do you mean you're coming over?-"

"I mean I'm coming over!" A new female voice suddenly came from right next to Sebastian, causing him to jump. As he did, he lost grip on his phone, tried to catch it, failed, tried to catch it again and it dropped to the floor with a smashing sound. Not too bothered about the phone though, he looked at the blonde standing right next to him who was still holding her own phone to her ear with a mischievous grin. Sebastian grinned and wrapped his arms around the woman while exclaiming "Amelia!!" Then taking a sudden step back, holding her at arms length and looking at her with a mixture of delight and confusion. "How the bloody hell did you do that!!"
"Secrets." Amelia grinned.

((Introducing, my second character lol Sebastian referenced her briefly earlier on. Figured they might need a bit of help with the wolf.))

Denix Vames - December 31, 2020

(awesome! also its good to hear from you again.)

Blaire smiled. "Well thank you, Sebastian. You're too kind."

Carter blushed at the compliment Sebastian gave. "Really?" He glanced off. Nervously scratched his neck. "Although, I probably should have figured that you would like it."

Blaire jumped excitedly. "My best friend and his vampire boyfriend are going on a werewolf hunt! I've waited for this day!" "Shh! Keep it down." ,said Carter. "Oh. Sorry." She chuckled. "Did you seriously always pictured me as a werewolf hunter?" "I mean you sure do look like one. Maybe you can relate to them well enough to find them." He raised a brow at her. "Bite me." "That ain't my job." He put a hand over his face as he shook his head with an exhausted sigh from her weird comments.

Carter listened as Sebastian talked over the phone. He wondered who could it be on the other line. He assumed it was another vampire like Sebastian. He just wondered if he could trust that vampire too.

When he heard the sound of a woman's voice near Sebastian's, he followed it. "Who's this? She doesn't bite, does she?" "Carter!" Blaire slapped his arm as if he were a child. "Sorry about that. The guy has no imagination. Practically didn't even know you guys existed until your friend, Sebastian, saved him like an undead prince charming." "Can you just stop saying this shit?" ,said Carter.

"I'm Blaire by the way. Heard your name is Amelia. Sorry for eavesdropping. This place isn't exactly big."

shadowess - December 31, 2020

Blaine's answer to his question had troubled him deeply, but with the sudden phone call he had no time to follow up with any more questions.

Amelia froze at the sound of other voices. The way she'd teleported into the room, she had been facing Sebastian but with her back to the others and so hadn't actually known of their presence yet until they started speaking. When Carter asked if she bites and was promptly scolded by Blaine, she turned to look at them with a mixture of amusement and confusion. "Uhm.."

"She's not a vampire..." Sebastian says in amusement. "She's uhh...she's...well..." He seemed to struggle on how to explain what she was to them.
"I guess you could call me a fairy..." She says frankly. "I have some fae heritage anyways." She shrugs as she looks between them all. Sebastian looked at her questioningly for a moment before deciding to just roll with it. It was better than the alternative...
"Right, yeah. Amelia has been a friend of mine for a long time...Got me out of a few binds but..." He explains then he looks at Amelia "What are you doing here? Why were you looking for me? I didn't think I'd hear from you again for a very long time!"

"You haven't seen Damien have you? I have something to tell him."
"No? Last I heard from him, he went to follow up a lead on...you know... with his aunt. But that was about six months ago."
Amelia considered this information with a concerned look, looking about the room for a moment as if deep in thought before bringing her attention back to Sebastian. "And you? Some holiday you're having, saving humans!" She digs playfully. "What's going on?"

Sebastian spent the next five minutes, hurriedly filling Amelia in on the goings on over the past twenty-four hours. He supposed this would be a good opportunity to fully explain what happened to Blaine as well. When he was finished, he looked between them all apprehensively.

"I see..." Amelia says finally, starting to pace the room, fiddling with a blue crystal that hung from a chain around her neck. Out of all the information, the killer branding his victims shoulders stood out. She once knew a certain Devil who did that. Perhaps this was a copy cat? "You sure do have some rotten luck with getting yourself into trouble!" She mocked.
"Tell me about it..."
"So that's your plan? Just grab some silver bullets and weaponry and hope for the best?"
"You got any better ideas?"
To this, Amelia turned to grin at Sebastian darkly. For a fraction of a second, her blue eyes shone red. "We set a trap." She then looks at Carter. "You know anywhere good? It'll need to be big but with at least one choke point and enough space for flanking."

Denix Vames - December 31, 2020

"You're a fairy? You don't even look like one." "What were expecting? Fairy dust and Tinkerbell?" ,said Blaire. She smiled at her. "Love your necklace by the way. It matches your eyes."

"A trap? Look lady, I-" He cleared his throat. "I mean we can't exactly do that. The big problem being we don't know where that werewolf bastard is."

"Obviously Einstein! That's why they need to set a trap to lure him." Blaire shook her head. "Can you believe this guy?" Carter gripped her wrist. He glared at her. "Hey! What are you doing?" He pulled her out of the backroom and shoved her into the bar. "How about you go help out with the drinks? This is a private investigation. Meaning no civilians."

Blaire stuck her tongue out. "You're such a Bella!" His face turned all red. He groaned. "I can't stand her."

He walked over to them. "Anyway, there's plenty of abandoned places. Take your pick. New York likes to start something and never finish unless someone with millions of dollars knows how to complete a project."

shadowess - January 17, 2021

(Sorry to keep you waiting.)

Amelia smiled uncomfortably at the compliment and almost hurriedly tucked her gem under the neck of her shirt. She tended to occasionally fiddle with it absent mindedly, but the topic wasn't exactly a nice one for Amelia. Put short, the pendant felt more like a ball and chain than a piece of jewellery.

Though when Carter began talking to her in a challenging tone before quickly correcting his manners, she turned to look at him with a more genuine smile. That's more like it! She couldn't stand people sucking up to her. She found that the more blunt people were with her, the more likely they were to have honest intentions. That being said, seeing him backtrack on himself was a minor disappointment. She almost welcomed the challenge.

Sebastian raised a brow when Carter dragged Blair out of the room as well as his remark about her. "I thought you two were friends?" He asked. Listening to Carter's explanation, Sebastian nodded seriously and turned to look at Amelia who had crossed her arms and leant back against the wall.

She looked between the two for a moment. "You know this place better than we do, so if anyone here is going to do the picking, it'll be you Detective." She glances at Sebastian and throws her hands up in the air, shaking her head a little. "Alright! Yes, fine! I'll help you!"
Sebastian began to grin and opened his mouth to thank her when she interrupted.
"But! You owe me for this!" She pointed at Sebastian whose smile slips momentarily before he nods.
"Of course. Wouldn't have it any other way."
"Good." She now looks at Carter and sighs. Involving humans was always so tricky. They're just so....squishy!

"And you...there's a few things we need to explain to you before we go teaming up. The most important thing..." She takes hold of her gem again and, without removing it, holds it up so that he can see it clearly. "This. Never leaves my person. Terrible, irreversible things happen when it is taken away from me. Do you understand?"

Denix Vames - January 18, 2021

(thats alright. i was a bit worried but im very patient)

"We are. It's just that she gets on my damn nerves sometimes."

Carter nodded. "Well, me and Sebastian checked out that abandoned mall last time. I assume we scared him off from it. So my guess is that he could be taking shelter at the next abandoned building. That would be the old Lawton High School. Use to be a treat before the massacre. Everybody said there was ghosts and that's why it was left to rot. In all honesty, no one wanted to stick anywhere near where their friends use to be before they got gunned down."

He listened carefully. He put his hands up. "Alright lady. Don't touch the cursed necklace. Got it."

He looked at Sebastian. "Since we've got our bullets and your food supply, we should head to the gun shop for some weapons. Handguns to be exact."

He checked his own gun. "I still have mine. I'll slip some of these in right now."

He pulled out his empty clip. Stuffing each silver bullet that could fit into it. Then he loaded it and quickly placed it back in his holster before anyone could think that something bad was going to happen.

"Amelia, you can sit in the backseat. I can drive us to-"

His eyes caught a man's face. One that he swore had short-long black hair, blue eyes, and that insane smile. Vincent, he thought. But how? Word had spread that he left the city. How was he still here?

Without a second thought, he ran out of the club. Being engulfed into the darkness of the night sky.

"Carter?!" ,said a worried Blaire.

But nothing registered in Carter's head except for finding the killer. He turned down the corner of the club. Making his way into an alley way. He pulled out his flashlight and gun.

"Hmph! Deja vu." He shined the light at anything around him. A flash suddenly showed up. He whipped his head to it. "I've got silver this time you bastard! If this is the same guy from the mall then you're dead!"

"Tsk tsk tsk...I thought I knew you better." He shined a light at the direction of his voice. Seeing the killer right in front of him who was wearing a dark purple suit and wearing red leather gloves.

Carter pulled the safety off the gun. He grit his teeth. Glaring at him. A deep seated hatred came out from his eyes. "You fucking bastard! You killed them! You killed my family!"

Vincent lifted his bloody knife up. Bringing it to his tongue as he licked the blood. He raised a finger. "Not kill. I merely turned them into something greater. Art!" He chuckled. "And yet, you are the naive fool who cannot see true beauty when it is right in front of you."

Carter aimed the gun at his head. "I don't care about your sick twisted models! I'm going to kill you!" "I wouldn't do that if I were you. My boyfriend can be a bit upset when people try to hurt me." Carter raised a brow. "Boyfriend?" The Werewolf slammed him against the brick wall. Carter fought off the headache as he pulled the trigger. The Werewolf whined but quickly punched him.

Hard enough to knock him out. He let him fall as blood dripped from his nose. "We're taking him with us. I want him to be one of my best art pieces yet. I'll take time with him. Enjoying the few moments that we will have together. And afterwards..." He caressed his cheek. "I'll get to spend lots of time with you." He kissed the now human form of the werewolf.

By the time Carter and Amelia reached the alley, they were all gone.

shadowess - January 18, 2021

(I appreciate it. We had a scare in the family but everything is alright now. I'll reply to your post soon. First, I'm going to post some blogs with Sebastian's and Amelia's backgrounds. These may come in handy for when we press ahead with the story. Then I'll send my reply  )

Denix Vames - January 18, 2021

(You're welcome and I'm sorry to hear that. I'm just glad everything's ok for you and your family now. I hope things stay good for a while. And I'll be sure to read up on those two profiles. Honestly, I'd wait years for a reply. I never expect a lot from friends. Just what they can give me.)

shadowess - January 20, 2021

(So a few thoughts on how to proceed? Where did Carter see Vincent's face? Was it through a window in the door looking into the club or a window viewing the alley? Just so I can be accurate with my reply.

Also, had an idea that the kid behind the bar might have something to do with their appearance, maybe? Like maybe he called them to tip them off that Carter and Sebastian had arrived in the club? If not, we can always just say it was the wolf tracking their scent.

I'll be posting up actual biographies soon. Damien's history will be interesting in regards to the branding on the victim's shoulders.)

Denix Vames - January 20, 2021

(in my mind the door is opened. so vincent is walking by. luring carter to come out so he can grab him. the wolf is the one who tracked his scent. no one else is behind this situation except for vincent and the wolf which i believe we should name at this point. do you want me to name him or you?)

shadowess - January 20, 2021

(That makes sense  Thanks. You can name him, if you want.)

Denix Vames - January 20, 2021

(youre welcome. and sure. the wolf's name will be Theo Risewell)

shadowess - January 20, 2021

(Good name!  Also, with Vincent licking blood off his knife; is he what I think he is or is he just straight up insane? lol)

"It's not just you." Amelia piped up at Carter's remark about her necklace. "It's anyone we might come into contact with and if, for any reason, it is taken off me and I start acting insane you need to stay well clear. In fact, it'd be preferable if you ran away altogether!" She warned. If he got in her way after a warning like that, that would be on him.

She then considered his suggestion of an abandoned school and nodded. "Sounds good. Full moon isn't until tomorrow night so we have more than enough time to scope it out and come up with a strategy. I suggest you guys as the bait and I'll come in to surprise them!" She grinned mischievously.

Sebastian watched as Carter loaded up his gun. Guns were not a bad idea, he'd feel much more comfortable with one of those than a knife! Sebastian started to smirk at the way Carter started to attempt to give Amelia and order when he saw the blood drain from Carter's face. Before he could follow his eyeline to see what he was looking at, Carter took off! "Wha-?! Wait a minute! Carter? Carter!" He looked back at Amelia frantically who looked back with concern. Neither of them realised the door had been open! Who had been listening in?

They both took off after Carter, out of the club and down the alley. They heard a scuffle up ahead but by the time they reached the alley the noise came from, Carter had gone.

"Amelia..." Sebastian panted, looking at her panicked. "It's the wolf's scent!"
Amelia looked around hurriedly. There was some random blood on the ground but other than that, barely a sign of a struggle. She looked back at Sebastian. "Carter's car." She suggested.
"I don't have the key!"
"You don't need one! I'm here!" Amelia snapped, "Now, come on! Before the scent fades!"

They ran back to the front of the club, where Amelia snapped her fingers and the car door unlocked before flinging open.
"You need to tell me how you do that." Sebastian gawps.
"I keep telling you." She got in the passenger side and snapped her fingers again, starting the car. "Secrets. You drive!"

Sebastian got in and rolled the window down, taking in deep breaths as he sped in the scents direction.
"So, this Carter." Amelia starts. "You really like him, huh?"
Sebastian doesn't answer.
"If we survive all this, are you going to talk to him? About his options?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"Are you going to tell him?"
Sebastian glanced at Amelia irritably. She's doing this now?

"I don't know yet..." He answers. "I don't even know if he..."
"Likes you back?" Amelia finished when Sebastian trailed off.
Sebastian paused. "Can we talk about this later?"

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Denix Vames - January 20, 2021

(no, hes just insane)

Carter could hardly see where he was. Everything was confusing. His head was throbbing. He quickly recalled being knocked out by that monster.

He tried to move but found himself tied to a chair. Both of his arms were on the armrests of the wooden chair. "Hey! Let me go!"

"Oh not yet dear detective. Not just yet." Vincent stepped into the one lit space of the moldy messy of a classroom. One of the many that existed in this school to rot in history.

Carter could something tickling the side of his head. Like a rain drop. Had he been knocked out that badly that blood was coming from the side of his head? He tasted some from the nose blood he had gotten earlier. He glared at him as he continued to struggle. "You fucking bitch! Why the hell are you here? Why did you come back?! We're still looking for you!"

"Barely. I mean, after all, isn't it true that the case has gone cold?" "Huh? How do you know about that?" Vincent flicked the tip of his knife. "Information from Theo. My special partner in our lovely projects. He's lived long enough to memorize every bit of information he can find."

Vincent bent forward. His face was inches from his. "Rumor has it that you've been on the deep end. Drinking your sorrows away and isolating yourself from everybody else. All except for one who is apparently a vampire." He chuckled.

Carter seethed through his teeth. "What's so funny about that? Huh?!" "Why are you even associated with him?" "He promised me that he would help me find you." "And do you honestly think that he won't just kill when the moment is perfect?" "He said he doesn't kill innocent people!" Vincent laughed again. Bewildered by what he was hearing.

"And you are taking his word because he just that trustworthy?" "Says the guy who's fucking a werewolf." He brought the knife to his neck. Carter bent his head back. Avoiding the blade. "Influence my dear detective. Influence will get you somewhere in life. But perhaps, you are not capable of such great skills."

He pressed the blade against his cheek. Slowly cutting into his skin. Carter flinched. Feeling the blood from the cut drip down his face. Vincent sat on his lap with his legs out either side. "Fuck you." "Oh! What harsh words to give to New York's greatest artist." He brought the tip of the blade to his shirt. "Perhaps, you need to see what I am capable of."

He slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Relishing every second of this moment. When his shirt was fully opened, he allowed the knife to dig slightly deeper into his chest. Making a much longer cut.

Carter cried out. "Shhh..." Vincent caressed his cheek. "Hush now. I haven't even gotten to the middle of my work." Carter spat at his face. Vincent stumbled back. Shocked by what had happened. He wiped the spit from his face. He glared. "You ungrateful bitch! You have no appreciation for art!"

He snapped his fingers. "Theo. Come here boy." Theo, in his human form, walked over. "Let him know who he's dealing with." Theo cracked his knuckles before punching him.

Carter spat out blood. His left eye immediately held a purple black bruising. No doubt it would last for weeks or months if he would even live that long enough. A tooth sat near the chair. He expected it to be his.

He glared. "You will never break me." Theo punched his gut. Receiving a gagging reflex from him. Vincent clapped his hands. "That's enough. Thank you dear." Theo nodded. He headed back to the corner near the chalkboard.

"Now, I'll try this again. And if you decide to be bad then I will make things far more worse for you than they already are."

Vincent stabbed into his leg. Carter screamed. His head hung low as he tried to endure the pain. "Son of a...!" Vincent pulled the knife out fast. He gripped his chin. Looking into his eyes. "Do you see now? You are far more beautiful this way. Unlike your husband. He ruined everything. What a waste of material he was."

Something burned within Carter's chest. Like an anger that he thought he would ever know. A fire that set him ablaze. "Don't you ever talk about my husband! EVER!" He stood with the chair still attached to him. He headbutted him. Making Vincent fall back as he dropped the knife.

Theo transformed into his wolf self. He let out a roar before running over on all fours. Carter turned around. Once Theo hit the chair, it fell into pieces. Knocking both men away from each other. Carter immediately grabbed his gun which was sitting on one of the desks. He fired at the flying wolf who collapsed once the bullet hit his heart. A lucky shot that Carter never thought he'd be able to do.

He fired the weapon again when he felt something pierce into his torso. Just in the middle. He looked down to find Vincent's knife in his body with Vincent himself wielding it.

Blood poured out from Vincent's suit. Showing that the bullet had hit his chest. He let go of the knife. Laying on the floor as the smile on his face never left.

"Look at you." He spat out some blood. "Do you honestly that anyone ever gave two shits about you? You failed your own family. You couldn't save them because you were too busy focusing work. That's all you ever thought about. I'm only a reminder of your own stupidity."

Carter gripped the handle of the knife. "Shut up." "Why should I? It's all true. Their bodies. How I sliced them open and showed them what they truly are? That was all because of you. You let them die." "I said shut up!" "I was the one who used my own hands! My own tool of art! But you never even once thought about their own safety! And now they're dead because of you!"

Carter pulled the knife out of him. "SHUT UP!" He began to stab him. Over and over. Through his chest as blood splattered everywhere. Getting to his clothes and hands and face.

He stopped when he found himself exhausted. Vincent chuckled. He was barely holding on. Barely breathing. "You're just like me." His head turned as his cold lifeless eyes became present.

Vincent was dead. And so too was the werewolf.

Carter dropped the knife. He rolled over. Getting off of him. He clutched his own wound. Struggling to move as he dragged himself away from them. Heading to the door of the classroom.

He envisioned his kids and Jack. All sitting together. Smiling and enjoying every moment of being a family.

"I-I finally did it. Jack....I killed him. He can't....won't hurt anyone." He turned over on his back. Allowing himself to rest as he continued to lose more blood. Everything was slowly becoming dark.

Sebastian, he thought. You must think that I'm really stupid. Doing what I did. But I did it for them. I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me.

He closed his eyes.

I really wanted to know you more, he thought.


Denix Vames - January 21, 2021

(hey i want to ask you if maybe i should change the scene so while hes still being tortured. there will be time for your characters to swoop in and save the day? i feel like i did too much for this scene. i can repaste but take some things out if thats alright with you)

Denix Vames - January 21, 2021

(im sorry about repasting this. i just wanted your characters to have some spotlight too. hope you dont mind)

Carter could hardly see where he was. Everything was confusing. His head was throbbing. He quickly recalled being knocked out by that monster.

He tried to move but found himself tied to a chair. Both of his arms were on the armrests of the wooden chair. "Hey! Let me go!"

"Oh not yet dear detective. Not just yet." Vincent stepped into the one lit space of the moldy messy of a classroom. One of the many that existed in this school to rot in history.

Carter could something tickling the side of his head. Like a rain drop. Had he been knocked out that badly that blood was coming from the side of his head? He tasted some from the nose blood he had gotten earlier. He glared at him as he continued to struggle. "You fucking bitch! Why the hell are you here? Why did you come back?! We're still looking for you!"

"Barely. I mean, after all, isn't it true that the case has gone cold?" "Huh? How do you know about that?" Vincent flicked the tip of his knife. "Information from Theo. My special partner in our lovely projects. He's lived long enough to memorize every bit of information he can find."
Vincent bent forward. His face was inches from his. "Rumor has it that you've been on the deep end. Drinking your sorrows away and isolating yourself from everybody else. All except for one who is apparently a vampire." He chuckled.

Carter seethed through his teeth. "What's so funny about that? Huh?!" "Why are you even associated with him?" "He promised me that he would help me find you." "And do you honestly think that he won't just kill when the moment is perfect?" "He said he doesn't kill innocent people!" Vincent laughed again. Bewildered by what he was hearing.
"And you are taking his word because he just that trustworthy?" "Says the guy who's fucking a werewolf." He brought the knife to his neck. Carter bent his head back. Avoiding the blade. "Influence my dear detective. Influence will get you somewhere in life. But perhaps, you are not capable of such great skills."

He pressed the blade against his cheek. Slowly cutting into his skin. Carter flinched. Feeling the blood from the cut drip down his face. Vincent sat on his lap with his legs out either side. "Fuck you." "Oh! What harsh words to give to New York's greatest artist." He brought the tip of the blade to his shirt. "Perhaps, you need to see what I am capable of."
He slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Relishing every second of this moment. When his shirt was fully opened, he allowed the knife to dig slightly deeper into his chest. Making a much longer cut.

Carter cried out. "Shhh..." Vincent caressed his cheek. "Hush now. I haven't even gotten to the middle of my work." Carter spat at his face. Vincent stumbled back. Shocked by what had happened. He wiped the spit from his face. He glared. "You ungrateful bitch! You have no appreciation for art!"
He snapped his fingers. "Theo. Come here boy." Theo, in his human form, walked over. "Let him know who he's dealing with." Theo cracked his knuckles before punching him.

Carter spat out blood. His left eye immediately held a purple black bruising. No doubt it would last for weeks or months if he would even live that long enough. A tooth sat near the chair. He expected it to be his.

He glared. "You will never break me." Theo punched his gut. Receiving a gagging reflex from him. Vincent clapped his hands. "That's enough. Thank you dear." Theo nodded. He headed back to the corner near the chalkboard.

"Now, I'll try this again. And if you decide to ruin my work then I will make things far worse for you than they already are."

Vincent stabbed into his leg. Carter screamed. His head hung low as he tried to endure the pain. "Son of a...!" Vincent pulled the knife out fast. He gripped his chin. Looking into his eyes. "Do you see now? You are far more beautiful this way. Unlike your husband. He ruined everything. What a waste of material he was."

Carter breathed heavily. “Don’t you ever talk about him like that! Ever!” Vincent made sure he faced him. “Can you recall how you found them? Your children? Their guts lying all over the floor.” Carter gagged. He looked away. Trying not to imagine it. “Their bodies are now rotting. Your husband and the children. They haunt your dreams, don’t they?”
Without warning, he vomited all over the floor. Vincent smiled. Rejoicing in the reaction he had gotten.

Carter sobbed and sobbed. Realizing that he had lost. He wasn’t able to take him down. He couldn’t avenge their deaths. He failed his family. And he had been an idiot for chasing after him. Not only did he fail them but he failed Sebastian too. He wished he could have told him how he really felt.

shadowess - January 21, 2021

(Thanks, I don't mind  I'll reply after work)

Denix Vames - January 21, 2021

(im glad you're ok with it and alright)

shadowess - January 21, 2021

(On lunch break atm, would you like me to some control of Theo like I did earlier?)

Denix Vames - January 21, 2021

(yes please. that would be helpful)

shadowess - January 21, 2021

As the car sped down the road, Amelia stared at Sebastian's features. Noting how frightened he seemed. She hadn't seen him look so terrified since they first met. "So, what do you think?" Amelia starts and Sebastian dips his nose back into the car momentarily to glance at her. "You said this werewolf could be the murderer that branded his victims. Do you think he's a fanatic?"

"It's possible..." Sebastian admitted, though he was hoping that against all odds, it was just some kind of coincidence. Of course, throughout the course of their friendship, Amelia had told Sebastian hers and Damien's story at some point. Sebastian had even found and read Sara's book.
"You don't think...? What do you suppose they'd do if he realised what I really am?" Amelia asked.
"Hard to say. Last time I saw the guy he looked absolutely insane...Listen, Amelia...I hate to ask but...c-could I borrow some of your blood? With a crazy ass wolf running loose, I'd rather not take risks that can be avoided."
Amelia sighed heavily. "A little. And don't bother biting me, I don't need your venom making me high as fuck while running around after a killer wolf."

They pulled up just a ways down the road from the old school, Sebastian being careful not to park the car too close to the building so that the wolf would not smell them just yet. Amelia snapped her fingers and the cars engine turned off. "The scent is coming from that building..." Sebastian says and watches Amelia cutting into the bottom of her palm with a pocket knife. She hisses a little from the sting then wipes the pocket knife clean on her trousers before putting it back into her pocket.

Offering up her hand to Sebastian, she looks out of her window, not wanting to watch him. Sebastian gently takes her hand in his. He'd almost forgotten how sweet her blood smelled. The moment she'd cut herself the smell filled every inch of the car. Carefully, he placed his mouth over the little wound, being sure to avoid accidentally nipping her with his sharp canines, although admittedly, they wouldn't do much. Patience had told him why the scientists needed a real vampire bite for the transformation to work. The secret was in the venom, which the scientists, at the time, had no equipment small or precise enough to reach....


"What do you mean, my second set of fangs? I only have these..." Sebastian had pointed at his newly sharpened teeth. Patience chuckled at the new born vampire. It could sometimes be fun, watching them learn all this new information about themselves.

"Behind them, Sebastian. Behind your new fangs are much smaller, sharper fangs. Hidden, up near your gums. Those fangs contain the venom. So if you do not want your victim to suffer, you should bite them as hard and deeply as you can. The venom only lasts a few hours but removes all of the victims pains and worries. Making them more willing to give themselves to you."

Sebastian remembered the way Patience had bitten him. The initial pain and then the sudden feeling of her bite deepening before his pain vanished. That euphoria! The way he'd become delirious and so ready to die. He frowned, placing a hand on his throat and looking at the ground.

"I could not stop myself. I was losing control when you came to me. But it was the smallest mercy I could give you...I tried to drink from you quickly. To stop your transformation. But they snatched you from me before I could finish you...I apologise." Patience placed a hand on Sebastian's knee comfortingly. He looked up and saw the guilt and grief in her eyes. She had tried to spare him from the Doctor's torment. He did not blame her for what they did to him. What they did to them both.

"So why did they need you to bite me? Why couldn't they have just bled me and given me your blood?" Sebastian asked and Patience smiled. It was the one little problem that had defeated the Doctors.
"Because the transformation required the vampires venom in the victims system as well. Without it, the vampire blood simply does not take and the victim dies." She sighs "They cannot reach my second fangs to get this venom, so they had no choice but to starve me so that I wouldn't be able to control how hard I bit."


"Hey! I said a little! Damn!" Amelia yanked her hand away from Sebastian who realised he'd been drinking from Amelia while stuck in his own memories.
"Uh...sorry." His cheeks reddened with embarrassment.
"It's fine." She replied, annoyed. "So what's the plan?"
Sebastian sighed. "The wolf is going to smell me coming as soon as I get near...you however...I don't actually know if he has your scent or if he saw you back at the club or not so you MIGHT have an advantage."

"You want me to flank?"
"I want you to try to sneak in and find Carter while I keep the beast busy."
Amelia nods. It was a risky plan but they didn't have much of a choice anymore. They get out of the car and Sebastian looks over at Amelia. "I'll go in first. Draw it's attention. You follow in about five minutes."
"Got it."
With that, Sebastian turned and marched towards the buildings main entrance. "I'm coming, Carter..." He whispered.


Although he rarely showed emotion, Theo loved getting his hands dirty and the attention it gained him from his beloved when he did. He watched the scene before him unfold with a silent thrill up until his beloved sat on the prisoner's lap. He watched him unbutton his shirt and although he knew it was a method of torture for the prisoner, he couldn't help feeling a little jealousy rising.

Just before the prisoner threw up and the room stank of stomach acid, Theo caught a whiff of something familiar approaching the building and grinned evilly. He approached Vincent and brought his mouth close to his ear, a hand on his waist. "Beloved, I smell the vampire coming this way. Would you like me to hunt him down? I want to show you what happens to vampires when I sink my teeth into them." He whispered seductively.

Denix Vames - January 21, 2021

Sebastian's here? Then there's still a chance he could make it out of here.

Vincent smiled. "Leave your mark on them. Let this thing know what happens when they disrupt art." He touched his hand where his waist was. He kissed him. "And there will be a reward waiting for you."

Carter took a quick breath. He shouted, "Sebastian! I'm in here!" Vincent backhanded him. Carter's head whipped to his left. An immediate stinging sensation came to his red cheek. He cupped his face. Keeping a tight grip. Forcing him to look at him.

The tip of his knife was almost to his eye. "Let's understand each other clearly. The only reason why I'm here is because of you. You never let me finish my work. And now after all these years, I have to come back and do the finishing touches. Do you know how that makes me feel?"

He placed another cut near the neck but below. Dragging it along over the collarbone until it reached a pec. Carter grit his teeth. He forced himself to bite his tongue. Worried that if he made any more noises that he would get his eye taken out.

Blood dripped from the cut on his tongue which he created by accident.

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shadowess - January 21, 2021

Amelia watched Sebastian head to the school but didn't hang around for five minutes like he'd suggested. Instead, while looking at the school, she'd noticed a concealed path leading around the back of the building and stealthily hurried over to it. Once around the back of the building she paused, an idea popping into her mind. She opened her hand in front of her and concentrated. It took a couple of minutes and an almost moderate amount of energy but she'd managed to grow herself a crystal dagger. It turned out to be purple. "Not the colour I would have chosen, but ok..." She mutters. It may not be much, but at least it was something! "Shoot!" She hissed to herself. "Probably should've made one for Sebastian too...ahhh, I'm sure he'll be fine..." She shrugs before hopping in through a broken window.


Theo kissed Vincent in return then looked at him with a lustful smirk before running out of the room. Apparently the promise of a reward being enough to send him hunting after the vampire without delay.

Walking in through the front door shakily, Sebastian was sweating. He wasn't entirely certain that Amelia's blood would protect him against a wolf bite. Personally, he'd never had the nerve to test this theory before. But if the last time he drank from her was anything to go by, then it was possible that he might at least stand a better chance of fighting this thing.

Suddenly, Carter's voice rang out and echoed through the empty building. Sebastian's heart leapt. He's alive! "Carter!" He shouted, beginning to run in the direction the voice came from. "Cart-" Something big tackled Sebastian, knocking him through a door and into the gym. Dazed, he sat up and looked around wildly. His eyes immediately falling on the beast and widening with fear. Theo had half transformed, hulking over him. Most of his body having shifted to pure muscle. The lips on his elongated jaw pulling back into a grin, revealing a row of razor sharp teeth.

The wolf laughed, his laugh was deep and gravelly in this form. "Going somewhere, nightling?"
Sebastian hurriedly scuffled backwards as Theo lowered himself to stalk him on all fours, growling and snarling. Drool dripping from his mouth.


Amelia crept around corridor after corridor and silently cursed the fact that she didn't have a heightened sense of smell like Sebastian. Instead, she had to quietly and carefully creep up to every door she came across and peer in in the hopes she'd find Carter.

Then Carter's voice rang out and Amelia turned her head in it's direction. Bingo! Staying quiet and walking as low to the ground as she could, she made her way towards the source until she could hear a new, unfamiliar voice. She slowed to a stop and listened carefully, her heart starting to beat harder. If Sebastian was dealing with the crazy ass werewolf, then who the hell was that?! An accomplice? This was a little more tricky than she'd first anticipated. Slowly, very slowly, she crept up to the door and peered around to get a view of what was happening in there. A strange man in a purple suit...what does he think this is? Gotham?? She couldn't see his face as she looked at him from behind but she half expected it to be heavily painted. Carter was tied to a chair and the sick fuck in purple was carving into him. Carter seemed terrified to make a sound. Perhaps he'd already been threatened? On the table in the far corner, Amelia spotted the gun. If at any point while Amelia was peering in Carter happened to see her, then she'd silently lift a finger to her lips. The last thing she needed was this psycho getting the drop on her.

While looking at the mysterious male, Amelia's eyes turned red. This was merely a side effect of her looking into the man's past. Specifically, his sins. What she saw made her whip her head back around the corner to keep her hidden and bring a hand to her mouth to stop any sound escaping as she gasped. This man was a monster! Gulping as if to swallow her fears, she peered back around the door to get a look at where he was. Her eyes having returned to blue.

(In the next part, whether or not she succeeds in sneaking up on him is entirely up to you.)

Silently, she crept into the room. She hoped to sneak up on the mysterious male and hold her crystal dagger to his throat. If successful, she would say the following in a quiet and commanding tone; "Drop the knife and back away from the man or I'll slit your throat wide the fuck open."

Denix Vames - January 21, 2021

Vincent glared. "Let's get one thing straight. You. Do. Not. Matter. You are merely a tool. And once Theo is done with that vampiric bastard, we will make love near your corpse. A grand finish for one of my greatest art pieces."

He whipped his head to Amelia. Waving his knife at her face. Both blades connected.

"What the hell?! Theo never mentioned a second intruder!"

He chuckled. "No matter. You can be my next sculpture."

shadowess - January 21, 2021

To Amelia's surprise, the man had spun around to block her blade with his own. She held her ground, grinding her blade against his threateningly. "Aw, no face paint? I was expecting face paint..." She complained, seemingly disappointed and moving around in order to move Vincent away from Carter, keeping her blade up defensively.

To his remark, Amelia answered "I don't think so." before leaning close to their blades a little, her eyes flashing red and she sneered "I don't work with HACKS!". She insulted him to try to gaud him into fighting out of anger. One thing Amelia learned over the years was the angrier someone was, the dumber the decisions they make!


Sebastian had been thrown across the room for the second time. Apparently the oversized shih tzu hadn't wanted to kill him immediately. Wanting to take his time beating Sebastian senseless first. He slammed against the wall and shakily got to his feet.

The wolf laughed again, "Your little lover is being carved to pieces as we speak. You cannot win, nightling. I'll have my fun with you and then I'll throw your poisoned body at your lover's feet." He growled.

Panting and swaying on the spot, Sebastian just kept glaring at the wolf. "Nah..." He breathes. "I think I'll throw your body to yours instead." As he finished this sentence his eyes started to glow red. The whites of his eyes darkening. Amelia's blood in his system reacting to his adrenaline.

Denix Vames - January 21, 2021

He raised a brow. "Face paint?"

"Hacks?! HACKS?!" A fire in Vincent's eyes came to life. He pushed her off. "You don't even deserve to be made by my hands!" He ran up to her. He swung his blade at her neck.

"You fucking bitch!"

shadowess - January 21, 2021

Amelia couldn't help chuckling as Vincent pushed her back and began swinging his knife at her. Happy that her jab had struck a nerve. She ducked under his swings and darted by Carter, subtly nicking the restraints on one of his arms with her dagger to give him a chance to free himself while she kept Vincent busy. She side stepped away from Carter, keeping her eyes on Vincent and twirling her dagger around cockily. "Oooh, someone's in a mood!" She taunted. "C'mon then, VINNY. Show me your skills!" She opened her arms invitingly, standing still. "Prove me wrong!"

Denix Vames - January 21, 2021

"Damn it!" He grit his teeth. Frustrated with missing her.

Carter began to untie his other arm. Vincent cried out in anger. "You are beneath me!" He ran over to her. Ready to gut her.

Carter fell out of the chair. He cringed at the impact. Yet, he forced himself to stretch out his leg. Tripping him over. Vincent hit the floor face first. Knocking out a few desks. Busting his lip in the process.

He looked up at Amelia. Realizing how disadvantaged he had become. "Theo! A little assistance please!"

shadowess - January 21, 2021

Amelia watched what happened with calm amusement. This had gone better than she'd expected! "Before I kill you Vincent, I have one question that I am dying to ask. Why the brandings?" Amelia smirked, apparently convinced that they'd already won. She strode over to Vincent and moved to stamp on his hand holding the knife.


Sebastian and the wolf exchanged blows. Theo beginning to sweat as the vampire had seemed to inexplicably grow stronger and faster. Keeping pace with him easily. He'd never seen a vampire's eyes change like that before. This didn't make sense! This shouldn't be possible! "What the fuck are you? How did you get this strong?!" Sebastian grinned maliciously. "I have some pretty strong friends."

Hearing his beloved call out to him and sensing the distress in his tone, Theo turned in the direction of the shout. "Vincent?!" He shouted, distracted. This was all Sebastian needed. He ran up to the wolf and aimed a kick to his lower leg. A loud snap could be heard before Theo let out a pained roar, throwing a punch that sent Sebastian flying again. He roared again in pain, looking down at his leg and seeing his bone protruding, covered in blood. Sebastian picked himself back up and started walking over to the injured Theo. "It's over for you."

Denix Vames - January 21, 2021

Vincent smiled. "You want to know so badly huh?"

He heard Theo's cry of pain. "Theo!" He quickly bit into her ankle. Getting a shocked response from her as she lifted her foot up. He ran to the direction of his lover's distress.

At the gym, he saw the situation as what it was. "My dear!" He ran to Theo. Keeping him close in his arms. Tears dripped from his cheeks. Shocked and saddened by what had happened to him. "No No No No! You must stay alive!"

Carter forced himself up. Leaning against the desk with the gun. He grabbed it. Before Amelia could stop him, he followed Vincent.

He made it to the gym. Aiming the gun at Vincent who was crying over Theo. Trying to console him.

"YOU!" He pulled the safety off. Limping closer to both men. But his eyes were on Vincent. "You are going to die!" Vincent's worried look for his lover shifted to a sickening smile. He laughed. "You never got over it! You wallow yourself in self pity and doubt! Did you hear that Theo? It's all because of himself! Dear detective Carter could never forget the fact that he was too occupied with his job to save his own family!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Carter fired. Hitting Theo straight through the heart. Killing him. "NO!" ,shouted Vincent. He caressed his cheek. "My love...." He sobbed over his corpse. "You're just like me! No! Even worse! You're a monster!"

Vincent ran up to him. "So you'll die like one!"

Carter imagined himself holding Jack on the very same floor. He knew what he had done. The same scenario that he wished never happened to his own family. And now, he had taken the life of someone's own lover too.

He wondered about the other things Vincent had said earlier. About how no one actually cared about him. That he was pathetic. That he didn't know how to be a father or a husband. Were they all true? It started to make sense when he realized what he had been doing to himself and the fact that he did always seemed to be occupied with work when they were around.

He came to the conclusion that this was all his fault. So, he dropped the weapon. Allowing Vincent to tackle him to the floor and choke him.

Denix Vames - January 22, 2021

(if you want to make it so that carter missed his target then you can. just wanted to let you know that you can make some changes if you feel like there should be any. always good to hear suggestions from you)

shadowess - January 22, 2021

(Thanks, I'll see what I can come up with after work  )

Denix Vames - January 22, 2021

(you're welcome. hope all is well at work today)

shadowess - January 22, 2021

(It was alright, ta  Just so you're aware as well, when it comes to fights, anything I write is entirely up to you whether it hits or misses. I generally use terms like "aimed to", "moved to", & "attempted to" etc, so that the possibility of the attack not working is always there  )

Feeling teeth nip at her heel, Amelia backed off hurriedly and watched the murderer scarper. She then looked down at her foot, expecting to see a bite mark but found no trace of an injury. "Oh yeah...duh!" She chuckled at herself, remembering her armoured skin.

She then caught sight of Carter grabbing the gun and going after Vincent despite his beaten state. Although she admired his strength, she rolled her eyes with a sigh and ran out of the room after them both. "Humans!"


Sebastian hadn't gotten much closer to Theo when Vincent came running into the gym. He stared at the stranger, his red eyes seeing nothing but an obstacle between himself and his target. He growled angrily. Theo meanwhile tried to push Vincent away from them to keep him out of danger. "Beloved, you mustn't be here! It's just a broken leg, I'll be fine!" He tried to reason with his distraught lover.

What followed next happened rather quickly.
Vincent was shortly followed by Carter, who had raised his gun and aimed it at Vincent and Theo. Announcing that they would die.
Almost immediately after this, Amelia arrived and ground to a halt behind Carter. She quickly surveyed the situation and was disturbed by the way Sebastian looked. 'Oh God...Is that how I look when I lose it?!' Amelia thought to herself. Realising the danger, she lifted her hands up slowly and took a step towards Carter. "Carter, you need to listen to me." She tried to talk him down, all while keeping her eyes on Sebastian. "Put down the gun and back away, slowly."

But Vincent had to go and open his mouth about his family. He had to gaud him on. Before Amelia could say anything or intervene the gunshot deafened them all and Theo dropped heavily to the ground, his body shifting back into human form.

Only a second later, Carter had dropped his gun and the now enraged Vincent was on top of him, strangling him. Amelia's priority shifted immediately. Being the closest to Carter in that moment, she had no time to worry about whether Sebastian was a danger to them now. She moved to grab Vincent by the hair and yank him off of Carter, moving herself to stand between them. "I'm not done with you wretch! I think I'll bring you to Hell myself!" She held her dagger in front of her, threateningly.

Sebastian had seemed absolutely enraged that his target had been taken out for him but when he saw Vincent strangling Carter, his senses came back and his features shifted to fear. His eyes rapidly returned to normal as the Devil's Rage wore off. If Amelia is successful in pulling Vincent off of Carter, he would run to Carter's side, kneeling by him and ask him if he was alright.

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Denix Vames - January 22, 2021

Bitter tears ran down Vincent's cheeks.

"Go ahead and kill me! You already took away my lover!"

Carter felt numb from everything he witness. All of his wounds had made him realize how horrible of a person he was.

He forced himself up and grabbed the gun. He started mumbling. "My fault...my fault....my fault....."

He put the gun to his head.

Denix Vames - January 22, 2021

(good to know. Thanks)

shadowess - January 22, 2021

"I don't think you quite understand." Amelia smirked evilly. Her eyes still red. "I meant, literally. And oh, the fun I'm going to have getting answers out of you there..."

Sebastian watched Carter with deep concern. He heard his mumbling and shook his head. "No, Carter. You can't think like that..." He says softly. Sebastian's concern gave way to panic when he watched Carter pick up the gun and point it at himself. "NO!!" He screamed, diving at Carter aiming to grab his arm and push the gun away from his head. This outburst caused a minor distraction on Amelia's part as her head spun around to see what the commotion was.

Denix Vames - January 22, 2021

Vincent shoved Amelia away. He ran to the gun which slid from Carter's hand and point it to his own head. The bullet entered his brain. He fell back as if someone had pushed him. He collapsed on the floor. Blood poured from his head. His cold lifeless eyes looked up at the ceiling.

He never wanted his lover to die the way he did. They were going to be together for eternity. Now, he had no choice but to end it all so in hopes that he would be able to see him too.

Carter's eyes widened. "Vincent...." He cringed at the pain. He could do no more than crawl. So he did. He reached Vincent's body. Dragging him to Theo where he placed the two together.

Tears poured from him. He was shaking. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I failed everyone. Jack would have wanted me to forgive. To forget. And I...." He choked on his words.

He clutched his chest. He grit his teeth. Trying to hold on to any strength he had left. He soon found the world fading to black. He fell to his side.


shadowess - January 22, 2021

(Is Carter having a heart attack?)

Denix Vames - January 22, 2021

(no, hes passing out from his injuries)

shadowess - January 22, 2021

(Cool, cool)

It'd happened so fast. Before anyone could do anything, Vincent took his own life. Sebastian stepped back from Carter and let him do what he wanted although he kept a wary eye on the gun. He hated that Carter felt he'd somehow failed. To Sebastian, ridding the world of such monsters was nothing but a success. But then again, the man had been through so much already. It was understandable that something like this might skew his view on morality. When Carter fell, Sebastian moved quickly to catch him, gently taking him into his arms. "I've got you..." He whispered.

Angry, Amelia had waited silently until Sebastian held the unconscious Carter before walking up to the corpses and kicking Vincent. "This isn't over. You can run you slimy bastard, but you cannot hide! You're in my domain now and I'll see you soon enough."

"Amelia..." Sebastian sighed, looking at her sadly. Amelia's dagger disintegrated into a fine sand and she placed her now free hands into her pockets. "I think we should talk to him. About...you know..."
Amelia nodded at the suggestion. Given everything that happened, the only way Carter could move forward now was with a little clarity. She sighed and paced around the bodies. She picked up the gun and tucked it under her jeans.
"Take him to the car, would you? I'll meet you there in a minute. Can't have anyone finding evidence of our presence here..."

Sebastian nodded and left the building, carrying Carter. He took him to the car and gently placed him on the backseat, laying down. He got into the front drivers side and waited for Amelia. The night's events running through his mind. The sky was starting to brighten but he wasn't worried. Amelia's blood would stay in his system at least until tomorrow night so until then, the sun would not burn him.

He stared at the school, resting his head on his head which he'd propped against the window. A few minutes went by and the school remained quiet and dark. Gradually, an orange flickering light could be seen growing from within the windows. He could smell the smoke from here, even with the windows rolled up. He watched Amelia emerge and walk to the car. Once in the car, Sebastian drove them to Carter's house.

There, Sebastian lay Carter down on the couch and sat in a chair nearby. Watching him and waiting for him to wake up. Nervous about the conversation that they now had to have. The horrible decision he had to give him. The truth that Amelia had yet to reveal to him that would hopefully help him forgive the most important person in all of this; himself.

Amelia, meanwhile, stayed out of the way for now. Giving them a little privacy until she was needed. She sat in the kitchen, keeping the coffee hot. Assuming Carter might want a cup when he awoke. She, herself, had a cup sitting on the table in front of her and she was staring at the black liquid with a faraway look in her eyes.

Denix Vames - January 22, 2021

A patched up Carter began to mumble in his sleep.

He saw himself in the gym. Seeing Vincent crying over Theo's body. Holding the gun at both of them.

He held the gun at himself and Jack. As if there was another version of himself. He tried to stop himself but it was like he had no control.

His chest rose heavily as he was panicking. Tossing his head side to side. Trying to get out of this nightmare. It couldn't be true! There's no way he was doing this!

Then Sebastian stood in front of him. He fired the gun without hesitation. "NO!" He gasped awake. Immediately sitting up which he deeply regretted the moment.

shadowess - January 22, 2021

He was having nightmares. Sebastian watched helplessly as Carter slept until he awoke with a start. "Hey, hey, easy. You're alright. You're home. Try not to move too much." He whispered, leaning forward to place a comforting hand on his arm. "Amelia made coffee, if you want any."

Sebastian leant back in the chair he was in and watched Carter. His expression soft and his eyes full of worry. "I know you probably don't feel up to it right now, and you have every right to feel the way you do...But, we need to talk."

Denix Vames - January 22, 2021

He ignored the idea of getting some coffee. Although, it was tempting.

He glared at him. "Talk? Talk about what?! About how I killed those two without a second thought?!" He looked away. He couldn't stand to his face. Not after what he had done. "I'm a murderer. I couldn't even be a damn good detective." He blinked some tears away. "I couldn't save anyone."

He clutched his own arms. "Vincent was right. I'm a monster."

shadowess - January 22, 2021

Amelia heard Carter's outburst from the kitchen and sighed. They'd get nowhere until she'd talk some sense into him first. Leaving her cup on the table, she walked into the living room and sat in a chair, facing Carter. She did this quietly, watching Carter with a serious expression. For a moment, she simply watched him. Sebastian had been looking at her since she walked in, hopeful that she could talk Carter around.

"First things first." She said finally. "Carter, I must apologise to you." She glanced around the room briefly before bringing her gaze back to Carter, as if the simple act of apologising was embarrassing for her. "At the time, I didn't know whether I could trust you. Whether you'd be understanding. I'd just met you, after all..." She sighs. "I lied to you. I'm not a fairy. I used to be. But not anymore. I'm a Devil, Carter. I judge and punish the damned."

She paused. Giving Carter a chance to let that information sink in before pressing ahead. "I have an ability. A sort of telepathy but instead of reading minds I just see the sins that a person has committed in the past. This helps me to identify whether or not someone is evil enough to warrant going to Hell when they die. If you'd like, if it will put you and your conscience at ease, I can look into yours for you now. But I have to say, regardless of whether or not you, yourself have sinned, those two that we fought today deserved everything they got and will deserve everything else that's coming to them."

Denix Vames - January 22, 2021

Carter clenched his fists. Shaking as he spoke with a rage seething through his teeth.

"You lied to me?" He looked at Sebastian. A heart broken tone left him. "I trusted you. I told you about everything and you still didn't tell me a damn thing! Knowing that you're a vampire is one thing! But this?"

He forced himself to stand. Clutching near his neck. "How long will it be before I can actually trust you enough to give me the facts?"

He shouted, "And now you're telling me that they're going to hell?! Well, don't! Don't do it! I've forgiven them! I know what I saw! It was myself and Jack right there!"

He pointed at the spot near the front door. "Just like in the gym and just like three years ago!"

He shook his head. "I was wrong to think that you know about loss. About pain."

He flinched. His wounds had finally told him enough was enough. He fell to his knees.

He took a quick breath before saying, "You used me."

shadowess - January 22, 2021

Sebastian sat silent as Carter berated them. He watched Carter with a mixture of shame, anger and fear. Ashamed that he'd had to keep secrets from him, angry that Carter though he'd simply used him and frightened that he would lose him as a result of all this. Tears stung his eyes and threatened to fall as he looked on. When he'd said Sebastian didn't know anything about loss or pain, Sebastian turned his head suddenly to stare at the wall, his lower lip trembling and tears falling down his cheeks. He was gripping the arms of the chair tightly and shaking, trying so hard not to take the accusation personally but given Sebastian's past, that was hard.

Amelia on the other hand simply watched Carter with a calm expression. She allowed Carter to vent his anger as that would be good for him to get it all out of his system but couldn't help but see him as just being dramatic. When he accused Sebastian of lying as well, Amelia's features hardened.

She waited until he was on his knees before piping up; "Are you done? Sebastian didn't have a choice in the matter. When he first learned what I was, my brother forced him to sign a contract. He was sworn to secrecy and the punishment for breaking a Devil's contract is that your soul basically unravels and you cease to exist. So the only one here you should be pissed at Carter, is me." Her tone was stern. Then she stood, towering over him angrily. "You can forgive them all they want. They're still going to Hell and they will be punished for all the atrocities they committed! Because at the end of the day, the only ones who had any control over whether or not their souls ended up damned was themselves!"

Taking a breath to try to calm herself, Amelia then bent her knees so as to be at eye level to Carter. Now she speaks softly. "Carter, you are NOT like them. You didn't kill because you found some sick pleasure in it. You knew what they'd done. What they were capable of. And what..." She turned her head slightly "they would have done to someone else, had you not stopped them." She nodded. "You know it's true. If you hadn't intervened, someone else's family would have suffered. And another family after that. Another after that and on and on it would have gone..." She offered a hand to help him up. "If it's any consolation, even in Hell, souls still have a chance at redemption. Whether or not Vincent and Theo choose to take it will be entirely up to them."

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Denix Vames - January 22, 2021

Carter listened silently. Taking every detail she said.

Did this mean he'd have to sign a contract too? Couldn't he just keep it a secret without signing at all? He didn't want his soul to get fucked over this shit.

He accepted her hand and stood. He read Sebastian's face. "Then tell me everything. From the beginning. Please tell me...."

shadowess - January 22, 2021

Relieved to see Carter somewhat calmer and willing to take her hand, Amelia rose with him and offered to help him sit down on the couch again.

Sebastian heard Carter but didn't look at him at first. Still hurt by the earlier accusation. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself and wiped away his tears with a hand. Feeling calm enough to speak again, Sebastian looked at Carter and nodded before proceeding to tell him his life story. Of course, now that Amelia had spilled the beans on the existence of Hell and Devils, he was safe to tell Carter as much as he wanted. He told Carter about how he'd spent his mortal years living on the streets. The asylum, the awful treatment and the cruel tests. The way he'd been tricked into becoming a Vampire. Patience...all about Patience. It was clear in the way that he spoke that he'd once held a deep love for her.

He told Carter about her murder with immense difficulty, having to stop every so often to calm himself before continuing. Then he told him about Amelia and Damien, the way they'd aided his and other supernatural creatures escape from that nightmare. Damien's contract was touched on briefly to explain why the secrecy was necessary to protect Amelia and Damien. At this point Amelia interjected with a wink "Don't worry, I'm not like my brother. Believe it or not, I'm the nice one. So, I won't tell if you don't." and finally, Sebastian mused over his shock at how much the world had change since his incarceration. The entire time he'd been talking, Amelia had been dipping in and out to pour coffee for herself, and if he'd wanted any at any point, Carter as well.

Denix Vames - January 22, 2021

As Carter listened, he was becoming more and more shocked. Surprised at how much pain and loss Sebastian really had endured.

He covered his mouth. Unable to think straight. He almost had the sense to vomit but with nothing to come out, he just sat there. Silent for what felt like an eternity.

"We did this. Us humans, we...." He ran his hands through his hair. "I need some coffee."

He accepted the drink from Amelia. He took an immediate long sip. Allowing the hot bitter flavor to run down his throat and into his stomach. He set the cup on the small table near him before he could drop it.

"I'm sorry." He found himself crying again. Unable to think clearly about everything he had heard. "I'm so sorry. This whole entire time, I've been-"

The nightmare he had of killing Sebastian flashed through his mind. Then the idea of a human....of any humans at all....experimenting as if Sebastian was a wild animal. All those horrible things he heard about. It continued to make him feel sick. All he wanted to do was die.

He clutched his head. "And my own kind! They were-" He tried to speak but found his lungs gasping for air. The living room began to look fuzzy. He gagged as he clutched his chest. Wheezing as he tried to breath.

He was having a panic attack.

shadowess - January 22, 2021

By the time Sebastian had finished speaking, it was early afternoon. Amelia sipped her coffee quietly, beginning to feel tired after everything that happened. Unlike Damien, for whatever reason, she still had the mortal needs to eat and sleep.

Sebastian saw the way Carter reacted and frowned. He hated seeing him so upset. As Carter began to have a panic attack, he hurriedly shifted from his chair to sit next to Carter on the couch. He turned to face him and places his hands on Carter's arms gently. "You mustn't think like that. There isn't a species alive that doesn't have it's own monsters among them. Humans have them. Werewolves have them. Vampires have them..."
"Even Devils..." Amelia sighs, staring at the floor.

Sebastian shrugged. "What's done is done and I harbour no grudges against humans for it. If not for those experiences, I'd never be what I am now. I'd never have met Amelia and I'd never have met you." He finished with a soft tone, looking into Carter's eyes.

Amelia saw the look he was giving Carter and smiled. Sensing Sebastian would need some privacy for the rest of the conversation, Amelia placed her cup on the little table and got to her feet. She coughed into her hand to subtly get their attention. "Uh, Carter...I don't suppose I could sleep over? I'm pretty beat after everything that's happened. If you have a spare room, I'll head there now...give you guys some space. I'm sure you have a lot to talk about..."

Denix Vames - January 22, 2021

Carter found himself immediately calm when he felt his touch. He locked his gaze on him. Unable to take his eyes off.

"Y-Yeah. Upstairs. Down the hall. Right."

Referring the kids bedroom which he hadn't changed in years. But the past wasn't in his head anymore. It was Sebastian and his golden eyes. That loving smile and that vibrant brown hair.

Sebastian was beautiful. Even better. He understood him. And he understood Sebastian as well. He felt as though this vampire knew the right words. The ones he wished he could say too.

Carter leaned his head against his. Breathing in whatever smells he had. Despite the awful scent from, no doubt, what had happened in the past few days, it reminded him of the challenges that faced. Reminding him of who had been by his side.

shadowess - January 22, 2021

Still smiling, Amelia made herself scarce. She headed up the stairs silently and made her way to the bedroom. She was a little taken aback to find it was a children's bedroom but considering there were no other options, she went ahead and closed the door behind her. She was careful not to disturb anything in the room, simply picking out a bed to lay on top of to try and get some sleep.

Sebastian let Carter move closer to him, feeling his breath on his face. They both didn't smell very pleasant but Sebastian didn't care in this moment. He lifted a hand to run it trough Carter's hair before bringing it down to caress his cheek. Letting his desires get the better of him, he moved to capture Carter's lips in his, being careful not to accidentally nip him. After a minute or two of getting lost in the kiss, Sebastian would pull back gently, catching his breath and looking Carter in the eyes once more. His features showing his nerves. There was one more thing they had to talk about. It was time.

"C-Carter..." He says a little breathlessly. "I have to ask you...do you want to stay human? Or...." He trailed off, gulping. Then worried that Carter might think he was trying to push Vampirism onto him he hurriedly added "It's your choice. I'll respect you, whatever you want." He whispers to him, unable to take his eyes off his lips, wanting so much to capture them in his once more.

Denix Vames - January 22, 2021

Carter's stomach filled with butterflies. He wanted to stay like that just for a little longer. That kiss. It was gentle and sweet.

He was taken aback by his question. "But I'm a....Would I even....Could I even have control over my own actions when I become a vampire?" He didn't want Sebastian to think he was calling him a monster. He was only worried about hurting people. Hurting anyone.

"All my life, I've lived as a human. Hunting down murderers and throwing them in cuffs." He touched his hand. He could still feel the mental imprint Sebastian had made on his cheek. He never realized how soft his hands were.

"I don't know what to think about. This decision you're giving me? I'm scared about it. I don't want to do anything wrong."

shadowess - January 22, 2021

Sebastian smiled kindly. "Like I say, it's your choice. If you don't want it, it's fine. If you need time to think, that's fine too. But if you do choose the transformation, just know that I'd be there to guide you. I'd never expect you to get the hang of things right away, but you'd have all the time in the world to learn."

Even just talking about it, Sebastian longed to drink from Carter. Hold him close. He wanted him to be by his side forever. He could smell his blood and it was intoxicating. But Sebastian would stay true to his word and respect Carter's wishes. He'd never do anything to harm him.

He gently bit his lip, not hard enough to draw blood and continued. "It's only fair that you should know. The supernatural world are not huge fans of humans knowing of their existence...Humans vastly outnumber us. Most would be fine around you as long as you respect them and don't go spreading the word about their existence but some..." Sebastian trailed off then shook his head a little. "But I'll stay with you. I'll protect you. I swear it."

Denix Vames - January 22, 2021

Carter kissed him. Holding on for a moment until he spoke. "Then you must make a promise to me." He closed his eyes. Listening to his heart beat. "When the right time comes, when I decide to say yes, I want us to be here. Right here. So that I can move on. So that I can heal."

"And if you're going to be with me throughout out these years then I'll do the same for you. I won't let anything or anyone hurt you either." He clutched his shirt. "I care about you too."

shadowess - January 22, 2021

(I'll reply in the morning. I gotta try to get some sleep now lol Good night  )

Denix Vames - January 22, 2021

(ok then. good night. have some well rested sleeping time)

Denix Vames - January 23, 2021

(just sending this message now to get it out of the window here. im not expecting to respond immediately. i only want you to know that im suggesting the idea of a vampire being obsessed with carter and wanting to make him as his husband. right now, i dont have any ideas for a name but once you see this, maybe you can come up with one? or ill just grab one from a name generator)

Denix Vames - January 23, 2021

(i meant a different vampire. not sebastian. XD)

shadowess - January 23, 2021

(lol Ooh! Carter getting a creepy stalker that Sebastian has to protect him from? I like it lol Can't think of anything right now name wise though. Also, looks like things may be getting hot & heavy between Sebastian and Carter lol If you want them to have made love at this point, that's cool by Sebastian. We can just skip ahead a few hours to when they're just waking up.)

Sebastian kissed Carter back then listened to him carefully. It wasn't a yes but it sounded like it was a 'not right now'. Sebastian's hopes lifted. He gazed into Carter's eyes and in response to his request he smiled. "I give you my word."

Carter swore to protect Sebastian too and this touched him. He felt him gripping his shirt, sending shivers through him. It was like there was something in the air around them. A pure electricity pulling them together. In all the years that Sebastian had lived, he'd never felt this way for anyone. "Carter..." He whispered, leaning in and pressing his lips against his, carefully but hard. All of his passion barely contained. He wrapped his arm around Carter's torso while his free hand cupped his cheek, wanting to pull him close.

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