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Amelia & Tuzo - 3 - The Ulterior Motive


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Raguel had been monitoring the two new Devils closely since Lucifer's disappearance. Particularly Damien as he seemed to be going well out of his way to live up to Lucifer's expectations even without his teacher around. The girl was an unexpected anomaly but so far hadn't given him much cause for concern. Still, given her upbringing, he knew it would be best to keep a close eye on her in case she turned into yet another Lucifer. One was bad enough.

Raguel wasn't stupid either. He knew this might be their best opportunity to put an end to the war once and for all. The fact that Lucifer had disappeared so suddenly gave him hope. If he hadn't been destroyed already then this could only mean that he was weakened and in hiding somewhere. Perhaps these fledgling Devils could be the key to his destruction?

According to his spies, Damien had received at least some training from Lucifer himself prior to his disappearance, so he knew that trying to trick him in any way posed a high risk. Whereas the newest Devil had never met Lucifer, was practically brand new to her powers and was beginning to learn about the world from Damien. Perhaps she was still new enough to be manipulated?

He had heard of an Angel on Earth who was adept at hypnosis and spent most of his time encouraging mortals to procreate either with himself or others. He had ordered this Angel to seduce the female Devil with the intention of gathering any information she learned from her 'brother'. This had been several weeks ago. Raguel now stood, in plain mortal clothing, outside a cafe. He hated hiding his wings but the only way this Angel would report to him was if he met with him on Earth. He glanced over in time to see said Angel round the corner and approach the cafe casually as if he were on his usual stroll.

"Lovely weather." Raguel greeted him.
"let's hope it doesn't rain," Tuzo responded in a tired tone as he pushed open the door to the cafe.
Chuckling, Raguel followed him inside and sat with him at one of the little tables. Being approximately seven feet tall and very muscular, he made the cafe table seem like a toy from a doll's house in comparison. Tuzo sat opposite and stared across the room with a bored expression.
"Any new information from your 'secret lover'?" Raguel asked in a hushed voice.
"Well she just learned the reverse cowgirl but I'm thinking I might change into my female form, get her some mango-flavoured lube and- Oh you mean about Lucifer?" Tuzo responded cockily.
A flicker of irritation crossed Raguel's expression but he maintained his composure. "Yes."
"They still don't know."
Raguel's shoulders dropped slightly out of disappointment.

"But, have you heard of a mortal organisation called ADIEU?" Tuzo asked, his expression suddenly becoming much more serious.
"Why should I care about some mortal affairs?" Raguel sat back and waved dismissively.
"Because these mortals could become very dangerous. For Hell and for Heaven. Dangerous enough that my 'lovely new lady love' practically trembled when telling me what Damien had told her... whether that was from fear, anger or both, I couldn't say."
"And what makes these mortals so dangerous?"
"Look around you," Tuzo said while glancing at the various appliances in the room. "Look how far mortals have come technologically and in such a short space of time. Now imagine a mortal with that kind of ingenuity not just searching for proof of life after death, but hunting it. Capturing it. Experimenting on it without the slightest hint of empathy or morality."
"Impossible." Raguel laughed but Tuzo's expression remained serious.
"Damien doesn't seem to think so. What's more, he's convinced that Lucifer might actually be a prisoner of one of these secret facilities."
Raguel paused mid-chuckle then his facial features dropped into a dark, determined stare. "Tell me everything."

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