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Shadowess - February 12, 2023

At first, when Warren heard Sam's outburst, he averted his gaze out of shame. Of course, he hadn't meant to betray him at all. But then he noticed Insanity and his eyes lit up with joy. He'd been so worried for him but seeing him alive and free filled him with utter relief. He didn't even care that his King seemed to carry himself differently or that he was accompanied by an Angel. After all, Warren had sworn loyalty to him, no matter what that would entail.

Only moments later, they were standing in the German Castle once more. Warren's heart sank when Insanity seemed to give himself up. "But I just got you back!" he blurted out. Then his face turned red and he lowered his eyes awkwardly. "We.... We just got you back, is what I meant." he said quietly and shyly. He then stepped forward when Napoleon did, also standing in front of Insanity. "If you take him then you must take me too!"

Hannes looked at them all in shock. Then anger. Then he seemed conflicted as he hesitated to answer. His eyes landed on Napoleon and he glared at him in annoyance. "Do you know the position you put me in!? This entire population in, for harboring him? You didn't get authorisation to release him, did you!?" He ran his hands through his hair as he tried to think. "I've only just got my wings! I'm still on probation! If I lose them, I'd have to go back to Heaven and away from..." he looked at Jean then back at Napoleon. "Get him out of here!" he pointed at Insanity while glaring at Napoleon. "Get him away from my people! Before-!" Hannes's face turned pale as he trailed off and stared behind the group. Into a terrified face at the end of the corridor. "Niko!"

Niko was frozen with fear as he stared directly at Insanity. He made no sound nor any movement for what seemed to be a long time. He was holding his breath and his eyes were dark. Haunted. As soon as Insanity would move or say anything, Niko would begin screaming uncontrollably. He bolted away from them, running as fast as his vampiric speed would allow. Forgetting that it was the middle of the day outside, or not caring, he ran for the main doors. The guards there tried to stop him but he'd already sped passed them and shoved his body at the doors out of sheer desperation to get away. It was only when the overwhelming heat hit his skin that he realised his mistake...

(Is Sam still at the colloseum or did he get dragged along?)


Bob grimaced at the taste of the shot again but then whooped excitedly as he picked up another. Then another. Soon his vision was swimming but his fun didn't seem to slow down. Between periods of time that he already could barely remember, he vaguely recalled dancing with Grim. Being utterly amazed by his first experience with using a toilet. Laughing at the smell of the soap as he washed his hands. More dancing. Another drink. More dancing. Then finally, sitting on a bench outside while smoking another joint with Grim. "So wait..." he slurred. He was smiling goofily as he stared intently at Grim. "Let me get this straight... the guy flies around... in a (hic) blue box, but he's a doctor, not a wizard? How does the box fly then?"

Across from them, just as drunk but more mellowed out, Lilly was sitting on another bench with Pain. She seemed tired but she was smiling away as she rested her head on his shoulder.


Layla watched the foliage take shape around them and gradually felt less nervous. Yet she stayed close to Nil as an irrational fear made her wonder if the trees might forget she's with him if she strayed too far from him. Once inside, she stared at his new crown in wonder then burst into tears, covering her face and falling to her knees. Now that they had a moment of peace in what seemed to be a safe location, the shock had subsided and their situation had finally sunk in. "What've we done?! We're deserters! AWOL! We'll be hunted for the rest of our lives! If we get caught, we could be trialled for treason!"


Cindy shrugged as she kept dabbing at the baby powder to clean it up. "I'm fine, I just..." she sighed and sat straight to look at Kite. "Part of me wishes that I could remember him so that I can understand where he's come from but from the things that I learned about him I don't think I'd want to anyway..." she shook her head. "I know he said he's trying to be better and maybe I should give him the benefit of the doubt but..." she glanced between their children sadly.


"If it turns out he's doing this to fool me then I can deal with that... I just don't want them to get close to him if he's just going to end up hurting them later." she brought her eyes back to Kite's as she finished her sentance. Making it clear that her wariness around her brother was more out defensiveness for their children than herself. "I want to believe that he's really changing, I do... I guess I'm just not there yet."


Malone smiled back and nodded, happy to have helped Jeremy feel more at ease. He finished off his burger and when Jeremy was finished with his he started up the car again, heading towards the precinct.


"Maybe." Alex smiled as he cuddled Gary. "Maybe she's a Guardian Angel? Watching over other firefighters to make sure they don't get into trouble while they save lives?" he suggested, hoping that this thought would bring Gary some hope.


The leader didn't lift his eyes from the documents as Sawyer was being frisked. When they were satisfied that he wasn't bugged, they shoved him back down into the chair and gave their boss the OK in Japanese. Finally, the leader looked at Sawyer with mild confusion. "Why would we want the supernatural to die when they could make us so much money?" he asked him seriously. He held up the documents, shaking them at him. "We will use this knowledge to develop weapons to sell to the highest bidder. We have no personal stake in this. It's just business."

He said something in Japanese to one of the men who promptly bowed before leaving the building. He then turned back to look at Sawyer. "This information you have brought. It is useful. We could do business. I trust I don't need to tell you what would happen to you if told anyone of this. Go with Katsura now. We will be in contact again soon, Red Fox." Accompanied by his entourage, the leader left the building.

All the men got into several large, black and very clean cars that looked expensive. Their windows were tinted, so it was impossible to see them once the doors were closed and soon, all the vehicles had left the warehouse. All but one. Leaning against the car, Katsura was smoking a cigarette as he waited for their newest member. He was strongly built and his sharp suit fit snugly over his muscles. He was wearing black sunglasses despite it being the middle of the night. His silken, black hair was semi-short and didn't pass his ears in length.


Oliver giggled when Adam pointed at him. Apparently the child took after his mother when it came to not easily being scared by beings that were not human. The toddler took another large bite out of the fruit and the purple juice started to stain his little shirt.

"He's my son." Amelia patiently told Adam again. She held a small, proud smile when looking at her little one. "Charles and I made him when we fell in love. That makes him the Prince of Hell. I just hope we raise him to be a compassionate ruler." Amelia moved some of Oliver's now sticky blond curls out of his face while he ate.


"What about the vampire?" Damien asked. Occasionally he would glance towards the windows in a paranoid way. "What if he's lurking out there? Should you get some officers to search the area or something?" he asked. Try as he might, he couldn't hide his uneasiness. In fairness to Damien, he had no way of sensing if the vampire was still around or not.


Denix Vames - February 13, 2023

Insanity reached out. "I-" His eyes widened at the sight of Niko willing to place himself under the Sun. He appeared and grabbed him before appearing in front of them. He placed Niko down. Jumping back instantly with tear filled eyes. He covered his mouth. Feeling disgusted by his actions. "I'm so sorry. I...What I did was inexcusable." He nodded. "I will leave. I must leave!" He raised his hand at Warren. "No! You cannot follow me. You don't realize now but I did terrible things to you too. You should be fearing me. Not loving me." He disappeared.

Napoleon glared and pointed at Hannes. "He's progressing! Why can't you see that?!" Jean covered his mouth at the argument. He was unsure of where to stand but he was frightened.

(he's still at the colosseum)


"Well, the whole show's about science so I'm gonna guess it's science!" ,said Grim. He took another puff.

Pain smiled at her. Happy to see that she was enjoying her night. "It's getting kind of late and we're pretty hammered. Maybe we should go home?"


"No." Nil turned to her. "I won't let that happen. Her will not let this happen. So long as I have my powers, I will always protect you." He held her and looked into her eyes. "You have nothing to fear."


"Sometimes it takes a while to build up that kind of trust. It's fine to do that. If it helps, I feel like he's a good guy." ,said Kite.


Jeremy looked out the window. "Do you ever get the feeling that something isn't right? That venom....What did that kid get himself into?"


Gary beamed a smile. "That sounds like something she would do. I wonder if I'll see her in the next situation. I wouldn't mind talking to her again. I'd like to know how she's been."


Sawyer glared at Katsura. He crossed his arms. "I came here to seek revenge on the Supernatural! To rid them from this world! Do you have any idea what those vampires did to my wife?!" He held back tears and turned his head away. "I-I'm sorry. It's just...It's been hard without her."


"Quick question. Are brothels still going to be open?" ,asked Adam. Bern rolled his eyes. "You're supposed to stay away from that stuff." Adam sighed with a wave. "I know. I know."


"We will get officers around here to check the perimeter. What's more important is that I take you somewhere safe." ,said Will. He held out his hand. "We're going to the precinct."


Insanity appeared where David was. He could see that Florian had done a number on him. He grabbed David and appeared in the Library. He placed him on a couch. "Are you....alright?"


shadowess - February 20, 2023

Still screaming, Niko freaked out even more when he realised he was in Insanity's arms. The second he was set down, he scrambled frantically away. "H-HANNES!!" He screamed. His voice was brimming with terror. He was so consumed by fear that he didn't feel the few burns on his face and hands that had been caused by the sun during his brief exposure. Of course, the second Insanity had brought him back inside, the guards pulled the doors shut again.

Hannes immediately knelt by Niko and placed his hands on his shoulders. "I'm here, brother," he told him quickly. When Insanity left, Niko calmed down a little but was now in the throes of a full-blown panic attack. Hyperventilating and sobbing, he clung to Hannes's shirt for dear life while searching the halls with wide eyes. As if expecting Insanity to reappear and snatch him away at any moment.

It was in the midst of trying to calm Niko down that Hannes found himself staring up dumbfoundedly at Napoleon. He stared at him with a mixture of disbelief and anger before pulling himself to his feet, ignoring Niko's protest of letting him go. Hannes then did something that he didn't even register until it was too late to take it back. He struck Napoleon across the face. Hard.

Hannes blinked, realising what he'd done. Then he regathered himself and glared at Napoleon while gesturing to the still distraught Niko. "Look at him. You take a good look at him! Was bringing him here worth it?! You're not the one dealing with his aftermath! You're not the one who will have to pull my friend back together! Get out! And be grateful that I don't report you to Archangel Raguel!"

Warren, who had been stunned by Niko's abverse reaction to his King as well as Insanity's words and abrupt departure, finally spoke in a wavering, fragile voice. "What did he mean?" he looked at Niko. "What did he mean?" he asked again, fearful that he already knew the answer. "Did he-? No... But... I-I..." he shook his head. "No... NO! I- this isn't right! None of this is right! It's upside down! I don't want- I-!" he gripped his head. "Sire? Sire?! Don't leave me here!" he called out, stumbling around now and looking like he was close to going absolutely mad as his mind tried to repress the truth. "I want to go home! Let me come home, sire?! I love you! You want me to fear you? I'll fear you! I'll do what you want! I'd do anything for you! Please! Please!"


Still smiling, Lilly nodded at Pain's suggestion. She was so drunk now that she found the idea of sleep to be very inviting. In fact, she was already practically dozing as she relaxed against Pain. Bob, on the other hand, was still as energetic as before. "Already?!" he sounded surprised by the suggestion. "But I'm having so much fun! and I want to know more about this weird space physician!"

"Who?" Lilly asked, groggily.

"The guy Grim was telling us about just a minute ago! What's he called? The Doctor?"

"Doctor... who?"

"Yeah! That's the one!"

"..........What?" Lilly's face contorted in utter confusion.

"The doctor!"

"Doctor who???"

"That's what I said!"

Lilly stared at Bob blankly for a minute before turning to Pain with a defeated look. "I think I drank too much. He's just not making sense to me anymore..."


Layla looked into his eyes and she knew that she trusted him without hesitation. Still, she felt lost. Like the world, she once knew had shattered and all that was left was an abyss of despair, ready to swallow her whole. "That job was my life... I put everything that I had into it... I just wanted to be able to protect people... protect our country." She said in a broken voice.

"I dedicated my whole life to it... I was transformed into a werewolf against my will in the line of duty! But I didn't care because I knew there were bigger things at stake! I'd have given my life if it meant saving innocent ones! ... But what they did to you..." she lifted a hand to cup his cheek. "After all they told us about how ADIEU are evil and should never be allowed to return? Those hypocrites were behaving no differently! And to their own men!" Layla cried. "I don't know what my purpose is anymore...or who I'm supposed to be... What do I do now?"


Cindy smiled at Kite. Her eyes softened and became warm. "It helps." She said softly and wrapped her arms around him. "I trust your judgement."


Malone sighed, shaking his head slightly. "Probably using it as a kind of 'legal high', would be my guess. I hear that stuff has a similar feeling to drinking or smoking weed... That's, of course, assuming that he even knows what it really is... Kid might just be clueless for all we know."

Flicking his signal light, Malone turned onto the street where their precinct was located. "The way his folks went out... they were fighting, no doubt. And I'll bet it wasn't the first time if their kid is going out of their way to get vampire venom just to escape the chaos."

He was guessing, of course. But he'd seen a similar situation before. Only it involved meth and a very unfortunate fate for the kid involved. So he couldn't help comparing.


Alex smiled, glad that he brought Gary some comfort. He cuddled him and buried his face in his hair, taking in his scent. He kissed his head. "I think I like the idea that she might be out there, watching over you and making sure you come home to me, safe. He whispered to him softly. After a couple of minutes of cuddling, he frowned a little. "Gary? I'm nervous... about the moon... I know I transformed in Hell but there was no moon there and I heard first timers don't have control... what if I hurt someone?"


Katsura regarded Sawyer calmly for a moment before responding by flicking his cigarette away with a sigh and gesturing towards the passenger side of his car. "Get in." He said in an emotionless tone. His accent wasn't as thick as the others. He walked around the car and climbed into the driver's side.

He waited for Sawyer to climb into the vehicle before locking the doors and pulling out, onto the road. "If you want to last more than a few days with the Yakuza, you need to wise up. They won't give a shit about your dead wife and if they think for a second that your lust for vengeance will jeopardise their payday then they won't hesitate to put a bullet in your skull. Understand? This isn't some random street gang. It's the fucking Yakuza. So show some respect."


Unaware of what else was happening upstairs in the Library, Amelia blushed at Adam's question but chuckled. "Relax, I'm not as prude as my dad." She glanced briefly at her son, thankful that he wouldn't understand this kind of conversation just yet.

"Before I met Charles, I would party pretty hard myself. So, I get it. Plus I'm sure it'd keep the out-of-work succubi and incubi happy." She shrugged. "I'll see what I can do but something like this can't be abused. It'd need to be more of a recreational service than an escape from responsibility."


Reassured by Will's explanation, Damien nodded and looked over at James. "You coming, too?" He asked as he took Will's hand.


Having still been unconscious when Insanity took him, David groaned and stirred as he lay on the couch. His head hurt like Hell and even as he groggily opened his eyes, his vision swam, making him feel ill. "Where am I?" He asked, disoriented. "Where's Sara?"


With confirmation that one of the Kings had defected, Florin returned to Sam's side. The Prince's takeover, in light of this revelation, seemed to be assured. "Young King." he addressed him urgently. "I think the games are over. Now is all the direr that we find a way to release your other father. We should extract this information from our prisoner while we have him." he told him, referring to David whom he assumed was still hanging by his feet in the next room.

In his human form, Shiva lay on the ground. He gripped the sand and breathed heavily as he recovered from the damage inflicted by Theron before he'd vanished with Insanity. Hatred burned behind his eyes. If there was one positive thing his arrival had achieved though, it was establishing Sabrina's loyalty to Sam, as far as anyone here knew. About the only thing Sam, Florin or any other Demon here would suspect of her, was only that she'd formed a rivalry with Shiva. This meant that, if she wanted, she had the perfect opportunity to embed herself within Sam's most trusted Demons.

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Denix Vames - February 20, 2023

Jean covered his mouth and gasped at what Hannes had done. Yet, when he saw Warren panicking, he had to hold his emotions back. He clenched his fists. "Warren? Please follow me. I'll take you to your room. You're better off without him. I know it doesn't make sense now but you'll understand." He grabbed his arm. They appeared in Theron's room.

Napoleon was shocked when it happened. He pressed a hand against his cheek. When he heard Raguel's name, he couldn't help but let tears escape him. He lowered his head in shame and disappeared.

Theron backed away as he covered his head. "Oh no! I made everyone mad! I'm sorry! I don't know what to do!"

Jean soon appeared in front of Hannes. Glaring with tears in his eyes. "You didn't have to do that. I know Niko is hurting but to hurt someone who was only trying to help! Even if they were naive...." He turned away from him. "Just take Niko to his room. I don't want to see you right now."


Pain laughed. "Doctor Who is the name of a TV show. The Doctor is the name of the main character." Grim headed over to the van as others followed, "Who's the least drunk?"


"You are whoever you wish to become." The vines returned to create a crown for Layla which they placed on her head. "They accept you as one of their own just like they accepted me. Nature will always have a place for you." He held her hand. "I am now another protector of Nature. You can be too."


Kite smiled. "Thanks. I'm glad. It means a lot." He sighed with a frown as he looked at baby Carter. "I can't help sometimes but think about before. It feels like I forced you into this mess. I know I'm supposed to look at the bright side but things still feel off."


Jeremy bit his lip. Wondering if he should have even become a cop in the first place. Was he even the right person for this? When he got out of the car, he stepped into the precinct. Seeing everyone there, he felt like he was being judged.

That's when he saw Will, Damien, and James. He saw how much better they were compared to him. How stronger they were. Will smiled with a wave. Knowing that he was a new cop. He said, "Hey there. It's nice to meet-" Jeremy ran past him and into the men's restroom. Will raised a brow. "Is he ok?"


Gary cupped his cheeks. "You won't hurt anyone because I'll be there. Just like you were for me."


Sawyer thought over what he said. His grip on his arms tightened but he nodded silently.


Adam sighed as he rolled his eyes. "You know, Hell use to be really cool before you guys showed up." Bern glared. "Adam! Apologize!" "Don't start with me! You're not my dad anyway." ,said Adam.


James nodded. He accepted Will's other hand.


"I'm sorry for what happened. I heard that this is the safest place in Hell." Insanity suddenly sobbed. "I'm so sorry for everything!"


Sabrina grinned. She winked at Shiva. "Better luck next time." She walked to Sam. Sam nodded at Florin. "Make him give up the key." She chuckled. "Oh, he doesn't have to. I already took it from him." She threw up the key. Holding it out for everyone to see. Sam cringed but was at least happy that the key was found. "You go unlock his cell then. I'm not touching that. After that, we'll talk about your place in my army." "Thank you, your highness."


Sabrina appeared in front of Donnie. She grinned. "You've missed so much. Your son Sam has been doing just fine as King. Care to see his progress?" She unlocked the cell.


Shadowess - February 21, 2023

(Wait, how did she get the key if Carol swallowed it? )


Denix Vames - February 21, 2023

(shit i forgot about that lol what do i do?? AAAHH)


shadowess - February 21, 2023

( xD It's cool. We could say she swapped the real key for a fake while David was out of it & before Carol showed up.)


Denix Vames - February 21, 2023

(oh ok awesome)


shadowess - February 21, 2023

Hannes watched Napoleon disappear and seeing his tears had already started to fill him with regret. Then he heard Theron's voice and looked over at him worriedly. "Nein, my boy." He said to him gently. "Nein, you did nothing wrong! I-!" but he paused when Jean appeared and he saw how angry he looked. He felt his heart drop before Jean even spoke and when he did, he felt so much worse for what he'd done.

"Meine Gel-..." he started to say but broke off when Jean turned away from him. He hesitated, having been about to reach out to his beloved but thought better of it and pulled his hand back while lowering his gaze in remorse. Silently, he bent down to lift the sobbing Niko into his arms. He gave one last look at Jean and opened his mouth to say something. Then closed it again before vanishing, taking Niko to his room.


"I'm not tired but I don't think that's the same as most sober." Bob laughed in response.

Lilly stumbled and held on to Pain for balance as they followed. She squinted at the vehicle. "Should we be operating such a machine in this state?" she asked.

"I would certainly hope not." Came a voice from their left. The taxi driver that had tried to abduct Damien was leaning against his own vehicle and smiling at them. He might be sketchy and definitely up to no good on most days, but he was still a taxi driver the rest of the time. "Where are you guys headed? I can drop you off."


Layla flinched reflexively when the vines moved towards her and froze as she felt the crown being placed onto her head. She didn't pull away though as she knew that she wasn't in any danger. When Nil spoke and the Vines retracted, she relaxed. "What, like... a guardian of the forest or something?" she asked, looking at Nil.

At first, it had sounded silly to her but as she thought on it more and on all they had been through in just the past few hours, the idea started to seem more and more plausible. After all, she might not be a fairy but she was a werewolf. A creature that was just as at home in the woods as any other woodland creature. "We can do that?" she asked him quietly. "Just live here and watch over the land?...together?"


Cindy laughed softly and shook her head while caressing Kite's cheek. "You didn't force me into anything. I had every opportunity to back out but... I wanted this." she looked between their children lovingly and then back to Kite. "I wouldn't give any of this up. Not for anything. I love you and our babies, so much." she rested her head against his. "They are the greatest gifts you could ever give me. This isn't a mess. It's our family."


Malone had walked in behind Jeremy and sighed when he watched him run off. "Tough first call out." He explained briefly. "Poor kid got to see the aftermath of a murder-suicide. Stuff like that's not easy for anyone."

Damien stood by and looked around the precinct while waiting to find out what they should do next.


Alex recalled that night. How frightened they'd both been. The random rogue werewolf that had threatened them. But he also remembered how Gary had dug his way out of the magic dome to defend him. Maybe it was the memory stirring up his emotions or the lunar cycle being so close to a full moon now that it magnified certain natural urges, but he couldn't resist leaning in and capturing Gary's lips with his own.


"Good. You're learning." Katsura smirked then tapped the top of the glove compartment across from Sawyer. "Open that," he told him. While keeping one hand on the wheel, Katsura took another cigarette out of his coat pocket and placed it between his lips. He then took out a lighter and lit his cigarette with it. Placing the lighter back into his pocket, he swapped hands on the steering wheel and rolled his window down by about a crack. He then leaned against the door with his elbow while placing his fingers on either side of his cigarette to take a long drag off it.

Once Sawyer would open up the glove box, Kat would glance at him briefly to see him take out a gun and a photograph of an old man. "You didn't think you'd get into the Yakusa that easy, did you? The Boss wants you to pass a test of loyalty. We loaned that old geezer a lot of money and hasn't paid back a cent of it. Keeps coming up with excuses. So the Boss has ordered us to put the scare on him. Break a few bones. Wave a gun in his face. Take as much money as we can tonight and give him until tomorrow to give us the rest. Think you can handle that, Red Fox?" He said Sawyer's code name in a mocking tone. "Oh, and don't be afraid to use any family members you see as leverage."


Amelia's lips tightened as she held back her frustration as best she could. She had to bear in mind that some souls weren't aware of just how much she'd done to give them a chance at redemption. "Before I 'showed up' Hell was a literal Hellscape. Demons hunted and tortured souls to punish them for their sins instead of actually taking the time to help souls understand what they had done or how to get better."

"It was- and still is in some areas- a very dangerous place where violence, fear and gore is just another day! I should know. I grew up here. Stuck in this building like Hell's version of Rapunzel..." she sighed but looked at Adam patiently. "That's why I want to help the souls that live here. In a way, it's their home too. So why live here in constant fear when they could spend their time here learning from their mistakes? and working towards a better version of themselves?" she offered him a kind smile but his last comment to Bern had bothered her a bit. "Adam? How old are you anyway?"


David's face had turned pale and he glanced around quickly. Then looked at Insanity in alarm when he'd started crying. "Uh-..." he stammered, uncertain. "Don't worry about it?" he lifted himself to his feet but wobbled unsteadily. "So, is he here?" he asked, still looking around shiftily. "And you? Are you one of his servants or something? Did he send you to fetch me, uh-... Sorry, I didn't catch your name."


"Fucking bitch!" Shiva seethed through bitter tears but couldn't move to stop her.

Florin rose a brow at Sabrina but chuckled in amusement. "The sassy one has proven to be invaluable. If you would permit me to advise you, I believe that you should keep that one close, Sire" he said to Sam.


"King?" Donnie looked at Sabrina in surprise. "So then... Insanity? Theron?" he stepped out of the cell. By now he looked dishevelled. His beard had grown a bit and his hair was a mess. As soon as he stepped out of the cell he felt the release of its magical hold. He was free but not completely. He looked down at the angelic band which had sapped his powers and was still snuggly wrapped around his toe. He would need to remove it but first things first. He looked back at Sabrina. "Take me to my son."


Denix Vames - February 21, 2023

Jean appeared in his room and climbed under the covers. Theron ran to a corner of the castle where he couldn't be seen before he sat there and cried.


"Back home everyone!" ,said Grim. Pain told him the address to his house before they squeezed into the taxi. Hades leaned in the passenger seat. "So, how's driving strangers around like?"


Nil nodded. "Yes. Together we can protect this forest."


Kite smiled. He kissed her. "I love this family too."


"Well, try to talk to him and calm him a bit. Meanwhile, everyone else needs to get into the meeting room. I have something important to talk about." ,said Will.


Though surprised, Gary returned the kiss. He wrapped his arms around him before deepening the kiss.


Sawyer glared at his mocking tone. "I'll try not to kill him. I know that would ruin the fun for you and your boss." He smiled. "Kitty kat."


Adam smirked. "You're a quick learner. The name's Adam. As in The Adam." Bern's eyes widened. Adam chuckled at his expression before snapping his fingers. "I love it when the spotlight's on me."


Insanity shook his head. "No one knows that I'm here." He nervously rubbed his arm. "I'm...Insanity. So go ahead. Put me in one of those cells. I know I deserve it." He frowned.


Sam nodded. "You're right, Florin. She seems like she's willing to do anything."


Sabrina said, "Insanity and Theron were exiled for being traitors. Sam is your only loyal son who has shown promise." She placed a hand on his shoulder. They appeared right by Sam who suddenly had Napoleon standing before him with a sword out. Napoleon glared. "Enough of this! This ends now!" Sam only yawned before saying, "Florin, would you get rid of this bug for me?"

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shadowess - February 23, 2023

Once the commotion had died down and everyone had gone their separate ways, Larissa stepped out of her home and followed the direction that she'd seen Theron run in. Bianka followed shortly behind. "What are you doing?" she whispered to Larissa, who determinedly continued to walk down the corridors.

"Sticking my nose into other people's business, my darling. As per usual." Larissa answered with a cheery song.

"Rissy, maybe that's not such a good idea, hm? What exactly are you hoping to achieve?"

"Oh, come on! You saw that poor Junge! He is in desperate need of an embrace!"


"Nein! You cannot stop me, love!" Larissa grinned playfully while starting to sniff the air. "A broken heart is calling for help and I must respond!"

"You're hopeless, do you know this?" Bianka rolled her eyes but continued to follow her lover who gleefully giggled in response while playfully swishing her large silk, blue skirt.

"Ja! But you love me!" Larissa laughed and then ran a little further down the corridor before coming to a stop. Her expression shifted to a softened gaze and she proceeded down the hall at a slower pace. "Boy?" she called out to Theron, spotting him in a corner that was blanketed in shadows. "Don't be frightened. My name is Larissa. This is Bianka." she introduced them as she cautiously took a few steps closer before coming to a stop. "Everything will be alright," she said gently, looking at him sympathetically. "Come, talk to us. Please? Are you hungry? I think there is fresh milk in the pantry?"

"He is not a calf, Rissy..."

"But he seems as sweet as one!" Larissa beamed then tilted her head to Theron. "Sweet boy, will a hug make you feel better?"

Hannes had set Niko down on the couch. Niko was still breathing heavily with tears rolling down his cheeks. His burns were slowly healing. He hugged his knees and rocked while looking around the room jumpily. Hannes sat in a chair nearby and buried his face in his hands and let out a long, shaken sigh.

He felt awful for what he'd done but he still felt that it had been justified. After all, there was far more at stake here than just Napoleon and Insanity. He had to consider the safety of everyone else who lived in this castle. The safety of the boy they had taken in. The safety of those who had been victims of Insanity and who had sought sanctuary here. What he did was in defence of them all.

Maybe Insanity was really changing but that was an awfully big maybe considering his past crimes and all that was at stake here. It was too big of a risk. That's not even mentioning the amount of trouble he and Napoleon could get in for releasing him from Heaven without authorisation. In fact, Hannes would be in enough trouble as it was for not turning Theron in. If he was found out he could lose his wings. Or worse, sent back to Heaven as a soul and not be able to see his beloved Jean again.

"Why did he do that?" Niko's quivering voice stirred Hannes from his thoughts and he lifted his head to look at his friend. "H-he could have stolen me again. He could have let me burn. Wh-why?" Niko's voice was breaking from crying. Slowly, Niko looked over at Hannes questioningly. "Why was he here? Why was he talking to you?"


"Why was he talking to you?!"

"Niko, calm down."

"You said I was safe- YOU SAID I WAS SAFE! BUT HE WAS HERE! AND YOU WERE TALKING TO HIM LIKE A FRIEND! AFTER WHAT HE-...After what he did to me..." Niko devolved into more sobbing. "I can't do this anymore! I can't stand this!" he started rocking faster.

Hannes jumped to his feet and sat next to Niko, wrapping his arms around him. "He's gone! He's not coming back!"

"Why was he here though?!"

"He says he's changed-"



"No! Get off me! I don't want you near me! You let him in!"

Niko shoved Hannes away and curled up into a ball at the end of the couch. He'd started counting again and Hannes watched him helplessly, unsure of what to do or how to comfort him.


The driver glanced at Hades and smiled at her politely as he started to drive. If he had a nickel for every time he was asked that question he could retire tomorrow! But this being part of his job, he had to put on a smile and give an answer that he'd already given so many times before. "It's pretty interesting. You meet all sorts of people in all kinds of situations. Never a dull moment."

Lilly had started dozing against Pain's shoulder. With little room in the back, Bob practically sat in Grim's lap. "Hey, you're not tired are ya?" he asked him, slurring slightly. Bob was still very much awake and didn't seem ready to slow down yet.


Layla thought about this a little more. She looked at Nil, then around at the home that had formed around them. She glanced back, out of the 'door' to the forest and thought about the facility. But there was no going back now. She knew that. As sad as she was to be letting go of a life that had once given her purpose, she looked back at Nil with a look of hope. That this would be a new start, with a new purpose. She took a breath and nodded, looking into Nil's eyes. "Ok. I'm with you. Let's do this. Let's make this our life."


Cindy grinned at the kiss and his words. Then her eyes moved over to their daughter as she started to whine and kick her little legs in frustration. "I think someone's getting tired." she chuckled.


Damien looked over at Will, wondering if he and James should be included in this meeting or whether it was about something unrelated to his attack.

Malone nodded at Will and headed towards the men's room. He knocked on the door out of courtesy before walking in and standing a bit away from the stalls. "You ok, kid?" he called out.


Continuing to kiss him, Alex brought his hands to Gary's chest. He lightly traced his fingers over his chest and abdomen to caress his muscles.


"The fun is just a bonus," Kat said without missing a beat and seemed unbothered by Sawyer's attempt to get under his skin. "But don't lose sight of the reason we're doing this. We still have a job to do at the end of the day, so don't get sloppy on me. Got it?" he pulled up outside a very run-down apartment building in what was clearly a poorer part of the city. "We're here. Well, Red Fox? Off you go. I'll be watching you closely."


Even Amelia was taken aback. Of course, growing up in Hell, most of the stories that she was told were from the books written in this very library. More than a few explained the origin of Adam, Eve and even Lilith. Almost none were accurate. But if Adam was telling the truth then that would make him not just the very distant ancestor of humans, but of all other species that had branched out from humanity over time.

But this only left Amelia with more questions than answers. "Wait, hang on... so, you're THE Adam? Then... and forgive me for being so blunt... why do you look like...?" she trailed off uncomfortably and gestured to his physique. "And uh... how do you not know what a child is? or were you just messing with us?"

Oliver, who obviously had no idea what any of them were talking about, had finished his fruit and proudly showed them all his juice-stained, but otherwise empty hands. Not that Amelia knew, but the fruit she had survived off of as a child and had innocently offered to her own son was in fact the Forbidden Fruit. Growing from the soil of a world that had once gone by the name of Eden, before it became Hell.


If forgetting Insanity's name wasn't enough to cause to worry about David's current mental state, the next thing he'd come out with would be: "I-... don't know what you're talking about. Look, is Lucifer here or is he just fucking with me again? I don't have time for this!" David then looked defensive as he added while pointing a finger at Insanity. "And he'd better leave Sara alone!" He no longer had the calm demeanour that David was known for. He seemed brash and jumpy. Maybe even a little... younger. Behaviour-wise, at least. He looked down at his clothes and looked bewildered. "And why the hell am I wearing a suit?!"


Donnie was too stunned by the news of his beloved and his son betraying him to react. He felt overwhelmed with a mixture of rage and heartbreak as he struggled to accept this as truth. But he remained as stoic as ever. Maintaining a cold expression as he was teleported to a place he hadn't seen in a few decades. The Obsidian Colosseum. His eyes landed on Sam and he couldn't help grinning at how he seemed to suit a throne. "My boy! Look at you! You've made me proud!" he chuckled.

His smile rapidly vanished when Napoleon appeared and he glared at the Angel dangerously. Florin, however, seemed eager to follow his orders. "mit Vergnügen Eure Hoheit" (With pleasure, your highness) he growled as he stepped towards Napoleon quickly. Rapidly, his teeth sharpened and his face shifted into a monstrous, dog-like shape. He aimed to grab Napoleon's sword with one hand while aiming a powerful punch to his gut with the other.

While Florin was fighting Napoleon, Donnie stepped around them calmly and knelt by his son's throne. "Might I borrow your knife for just a moment, son?"


Denix Vames - February 23, 2023

Theron was nervous when they walked over. Yet, once Larissa introduced herself, he nodded for the hug.


Grim blushed. He nervously cleared his throat. "No, I'm wide awake."

Hades smiled a little. "Must be nice to have a normal job."


Nil hugged her. "Everything will be ok. Let's just rest first."


Kite sighed but smiled. "Want me to keep an eye on Carter?"


Jeeremy had splashed some water on his face. He turned the faucet off before he looked at him. "I'm sorry. It's just...It feels like everyone has a place. I don't."

Will and everyone else went into the meeting room.


Gary moaned as he ran his hand through his hair while reaching under his shirt.


"The apartment number?" ,said Sawyer.


"Remember the classic story of me and Eve? Well, God got mad. More than what people expected. He turned us into abominations. And there never were babies when I was on earth." Adam scoffed, "I can't believe he lets your baby eat the fruit."


"You don't remember? Lucifer left long ago. You're helping Amelia. She's the new leader." ,said Insanity.


Sam handed the knife to Donnie. "Sure thing."

Napoleon jumped back. He swung his sword.

Charles appeared in front of Donnie. He smiled. "By all means, chop off that toe. I want a fair fight. Just you and me."


shadowess - February 25, 2023

Seeing him nod, Larissa smiled at him and nodded. "Alright then! Let Aunty Rissy make it all better!" she sang as she walked over to him. She knelt by his side and wrapped her arms around him warmly.

Bianka stayed a short distance away to watch over them. She folded her arms but couldn't help smiling at the boy with kind eyes. "Everything will be alright, sweet boy! What's your name?" Larissa asked in a softened tone.


Hearing Grim's answer, Bob grinned happily. "Oh good!" he slurred. "Cos, ne-(hic)neither am I. Maybe we can watch some of that doctor stuff while everyone else is sleeping?" he suggested.

"Normal?" The taxi driver chuckled in amusement. "As opposed to an ab-normal job?" he asked jokingly. Though deep inside he felt his stomach churn a bit as he tried to focus on the road. His paranoid mind wanted him to consider for a moment that this girl might suspect or even know him. But his rational mind knew this simply wasn't possible and that she was just another drunken customer making an innocently oblivious remark.


Wrapping her arms around Nil, Layla nodded. She was a little tense but then physical affection hadn't been normal for her up until today. Especially after everything that had happened, she hadn't relaxed any muscles nor let her guard down once since X had first warned her not to go near Nil at the beginning of the day.

But now that he embraced her and she accepted that this would be her new life, she finally started to relax which Nil would likely be able to feel as her body became less rigid and practically melted against his. She rested her head against his and started to notice for herself just how tired she was from being on edge all day.


"Yes, please." Cindy smiled and kissed Kite's cheek. "Then maybe once the kids are asleep, daddy can give mommy a special massage?" she winked at him suggestively as she got up and walked over to their daughter. She picked her up and started to gently rock her in her arms while humming a lullaby.


Damien walked over to stand next to James. "Do you think we should go in too?" he asked, nodding to the meeting room.

"Jeremy..." Malone sighed and shook his head with a small smile. "Of course, you have a place! You only feel like that because you're new and, to be fair, your first call-out wasn't exactly an easy introduction..." He walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm not going to lie to you. It doesn't get any easier but you'll learn how to deal with it better as time goes on. And you'll always have the support of your colleagues when things get tough because we all know exactly how this job can make you feel sometimes."


"Oh, Gary..." Alex sighed between kisses. Wrapping his arms around him, he moved back until he would be laying down with Gary on top of him. He kisses up and down his neck while his hands caressed his back, down to his hips.


Kat tapped the photo and then got out of the car without another word. The apartment number would already be written on the back of the photo. When Sawyer would step out of the vehicle as well, he'd see Kat light up yet another cigarette, apparently having just finished the one he was smoking, and then pull out a gun of his own. "Lead the way, Red Fox. Show me what you're made of."


"Left? What do you mean, he left? Lucifer never leaves! He always comes back! Like a damn cockroach!" David snapped then paced around the room manically. "Lucifer?! Lucifer! Why do you keep messing with me like this!?" He yelled angrily into the air but, of course, Lucifer wouldn't come nor answer him. "I signed your damn contract, didn't I?! You got my daughter's signature too! What more do you want?!"

"No babies? How is that poss-?" Amelia began but was cut off by the sound of David's shouts upstairs. "Dad?" she looked towards the staircase worriedly before marching up them fearlessly.


Donnie took the knife from Sam and smiled at him. "Atta boy." he praised him then lowered the knife to his own foot just as Charles appeared. He paused and glared up at him. Already seething from the knowledge that some of his own family had betrayed him, he was itching to vent his anger. He grinned back. A hint of malice behind his stare. "Well if it isn't Lucifer's bastard son. So nice of you to make it easy for me to dethrone you myself," he growled.

"Maybe when I'm done with you, I'll pay your lovely family a visit. Your son I'll dispose of but a pure-blooded Devil womb is hard to come by these days. I think I'll put your fiance's to good use when you're gone!" Donnie sneered. Though there was no doubt that he wasn't bluffing, there was a tactical reason for him saying something like this to Charles. It was to rile him up. Because an angry fighter usually isn't thinking clearly and becomes prone to making fatal mistakes.

Taking a few quick breaths, Donnie held the blade over his toe before placing all of his weight onto it. He couldn't help grunting and gasping in pain. Toe severed, he felt a rush as his powers returned to him but he couldn't allow his toe to 'regrow' or the angelic band would reappear on that one. Rapidly, he brought the knife up to his face and blew a small stream of flames onto the metal until it started to glow.

Then he slapped the hot blade against the stub where his toe had been, barely concealing a cry as the skin sizzled and the wound became cauterised. Catching his breath, Donnie passed the knife back to Sam and picked up the severed toe with the angelic band wrapped around it. "Here, keep this safe for your father," he said as he stood and passed the toe to Sam as well. "To the arena then?" he asked Charles. "We can settle this like true Devils."

Meanwhile, Florin was still fighting Napoleon in the background. He ducked under the sword and laughed at the Angel. "What's wrong chicken man? Can't handle the big bad wolf?" he mocked before snapping at the air near him to try to psych him out. "I'm going to eat you and shit you out, chicken-man," he growled and barked at him aggressively. Florin lunged behind Napoleon suddenly and aimed to grip one of his wings. He ignored the burning sensation from the feathers and would try to twist the wing at an awkward angle with the intention of violently breaking it.


Denix Vames - February 25, 2023



"Sure. We could do that." ,said Grim.

Hades shrugged. "Being in a band is abnormal in most people's eyes. Makes the job more fun. But it has some not so great things. I guess I was expecting a Metallica dream."


As the plants created a large flower bed for them, Nil couldn't help but looked into her eyes.


Kite chuckled. "Sure thing." He made sure Carter got into a clean diaper before picking him up. Cradling him in his arms.


James nodded. He headed into the meeting room.

Jeremy held a small smile. "Thanks."


Gary moaned. He nibbled on his neck as he pulled his shorts off. Caressing his thigh.


Sawyer kept his gun by his side. He went to a corner of the apartment. He looked behind himself. "You know, you really should quit smoking. It's bad for you."


Insanity walked back when he saw Amelia and the others following. "I can explain! I-I didn't do anything! It was my son! But I brought David back here! He doesn't remember anything!"


Charles growled. He blasted fire at him. Sam held on to the toe and watched the fight begin.

Napoleon dodged an attack that was only a bluff. He gasped when Florin grabbed a wing. He cried out as Florin pulled and twisted. He strike the sword into his abdomen. He caught his footing when his wing went off. He turned around with a glare and hot tears in his eyes. He sent out a blast of energy towards him.

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