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Balance The Realms Jun 2021 - Dec 2021

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shadowess - September 16, 2021

"You really think they'll let a living skeleton out into your world? I got the impression that such a thing didn't exist here." Lilly pointed out.

"Oh! But that guy wanted me to be in his band! Where'd he go anyway?" Bob said excitedly.

"I'm afraid your friend has a point. I don't think the CIA will be too eager to let a walking, talking skeleton loose to frighten people." Simon said uncertainly.

"Oh dear, that's a shame. Well bye, Bob." Lilly said sarcastically and for a fraction of a second, her lips twitched into a smirk as she started walking away from him.

"Wha-? No! I can't stay here! I got fame and fans just waitin' for me! You'll see!" Bob chased after her.


David tilted his head a little. "Of course not." he smiled. "All I want for you is what any father would want for their child. That you and Storm talk things through and plan things properly, making sure you're prepared before bringing a child into the picture. But that being said, if you two did have a...little surprise, I would still love you and support you." he said gently while walking over to her and placing a hand on her shoulder. "But I'd still nut shot Storm for it," he said jokingly, unable to help himself as he chuckled.


Sebastian paced and shrugged. "I-I dunno..." he said tiredly. "I want to try and get some rest but I just know sleep is going to be a struggle..." He looked into the living room, at the TV and the sofa. "Maybe we could watch a movie? Try to distract ourselves for a while until we fall asleep?"

He looked at Carter. Seeing the cigarette in his mouth and the tired expression. He was immediately reminded of how he was when they'd first met. He licked his lips and glanced at the ground for a moment, before walking a little closer to him. "A-and maybe I could...make us a couple of mugs of...hot blood," he said as he slowly brought his eyes back up to meet his. Strangely, of all times for it to happen, he felt the same electric attraction now as he had when they'd shared their first kiss.


River appeared in Will's mind, standing outside the cage and glaring at him. "Well, what are you waiting for?" he said sourly. "Here's your chance to get rid of me. That's what you wanted, isn't it?!" his voice broke and he turned his back on him. "And here I thought I actually meant a damn to you! I should've known... Something like me doesn't get the luxury of 'friends'...I'm just a tool...an instrument...a weapon...nothing more..."

He sniffled then stiffened and wiped at his face, looking at the liquid on them. "That's weird...I shouldn't be able to cry in here...it's not real..." he wiped at his eyes again. "It won't stop!" he sobbed. "Why can't I stop? What have you done to me?!"


Unaware of what was happening in his head, Parker approached Will cautiously, holding on to the rose. "Will?" his voice was soft, almost a whisper. "Will, please say something. Please look at us."


Desi laughed heartily at Blaire's comment. "I think you'll be fine!" he chuckled. "Generally if you've lived a good life, you'll go to Heaven. But because Heaven wouldn't be 'heaven' to you, you'll go exactly where you want to go." he shrugged. "But if you wanted to play it safe you could always ask a Devil to make you into a Demon."


Amelia glanced into a room through glass doors and saw a bookcase. She shrugged. "I've seen weirder in this world..." she agreed and walked into the room. She walked over to the bookcase and tried pulling on all the books to see if they unlocked any secret doors. "Well, that rules that out..." she sighed. "Maybe he has a safe or-" she gasped and doubled over before falling to her knees.

The pain shooting up her back and around her stomach. She gripped her stomach and grimaced for a long moment before catching her breath then looked at the wooden floor underneath her, seeing a puddle growing around her knees, drenching her nightdress. "Bryce..." she said shakily and looked up at him, panic in her eyes. "I don't think they're Brackston Hicks..."


Donnie's smile grew a little, feeling like his ploy was working. "I've trained Blood God's before. Centuries ago before Lucifer made everyone believe they were all mad and had them destroyed." he lied. "No, I don't have a room here. I'm a wanderer. I travel from place to place, helping those that I sense need my help. I sensed you and your beloved. I sensed her maker and knew you both had little to no real guidance. I don't want to intrude on your life, so I will impart my wisdom to you telepathically so that you can take that knowledge and teach your beloved too. Please, I cannot leave here knowing I haven't been able to help." he kept his arms open to him, beckoning him. Planning on using his telepathy, once he got close enough, to unlock Ben's lost memories instead, thereby staying true to the deal he'd made with Greg.


Denix Vames - September 16, 2021

"Wait what? I didn't mean outside. I meant a room in here." ,said Adrian who followed them.


Hades giggled. "Just try not to be too hard on him. Anyway, I've got talk to Bob. He's supposed to meet with the band. I'll see ya later dad." She kissed his cheek and gave him a quick hug before disappearing.

She appeared in front of Bob. "Hey man. C'mon. We've got to meet the band." She held out a hand.


Carter nodded. "Y-Yeah. That sounds like a good idea." He locked eyes with him. Getting closer. "And maybe we could make fun of that stupid Twilight series again."


Will began to chant in Latin. His non-red eye glowed purple suddenly.

In the cage, he was slowly breaking apart like a paper being slowly ripped into pieces. Flowing in the wind. He looked at River. "I give my body to you. I give my body to you. I give...."

The red eye suddenly came out and instantly began to transform into a man who resembled somewhat like Will but not entirely. It would be River in his new body. Will suddenly passed out.

Balconi placed a hand on his chest. "He's still alive. Just exhausted. I've never seen this before though. Making a person like that?"


"And how does that happen? Do I just have to die or something?" ,asked Blaire.


Bryce's eyes widened. "Fuck me! I've never deliver a baby before! What the hell am I supposed to do?!"


Ben slowly walked over. He cried out when old memories that he never knew he had until had rushed back into him. He collapsed. Catching his breath as he clutched his head. "What the hell....?"

He looked around. "Greg! Where's Greg?! What did you do with him?!"


shadowess - September 17, 2021

"Take care," David said warmly while hugging Hades goodbye. Once she was gone, he frowned and walked over to the window. He placed a hand on the glass and looked out across Hell's landscape. "Where are you?" he whispered, sounding pained.

"No take backsies!" Bob chuckled as Adrian chased after them. He then came to an abrupt stop when Hades appeared in front of him. Not recognizing Hades, a wolf whistle came from Bob's skull. "That Hades fella never said he had babes in his band!"

"Hold on!" Lilly stopped and walked back to them. "If you need Bob, you'll have to take me with you."

"I knew you wasn't guna leave me!"

"We're stuck together...It's part of the spell that keeps him alive...I can explain it later." Lilly continued, ignoring Bob.


Sebastian half laughed, lost in Carter's eyes. He could feel Carter's body heat now from standing so close to him. Feel his warm breath on his skin. He felt like he was being drawn to him and he didn't fight it. He didn't want this feeling to stop. Letting the feeling take control, he stood closer to Carter and captured his lips with his own, holding on and savoring the feeling.


"Will?" River turned around, alarmed. His face was wet with tears. "What are you doing? Stop it!" He looked down at himself, feeling strange. "No, I don't like this! Will, please!" he ran towards the cage, reaching out to grab the bars. "I don't want to go! Will-...!" River faded away mid-thought.

River opened his new eyes and coughed. Hacking and throwing up a strange liquid as his lungs began to work. He gasped and inhaled sharply, breathing heavily and shivering violently. "C-cold!" he managed to gasp the word out. "I-I'm c-cold!" he curled up into a ball, trying to keep himself warm. He looked up at Will on the bed and sobbed. "I d-didn't m-mean it! I w-was just s-sore with you!"

Parker had watched the whole thing in shock, standing near Will's bed with his back to the wall and staring at the new body. "R-River?"


Desi nodded. "Unfortunately. It's part of the process. Sort of like a rebirth. Devils can turn souls into Demons but if a Devil is skilled enough and kills a human with the intention of changing them into a Demon, then the human will simply change there and then. It's tricky but it's possible." he looked at the TV thoughtfully. "The last Devil I ever saw perform that trick was Lucifer..."


Amelia placed a hand on the coffee table near her and eased herself back to her feet slowly. She looked at Bryce, shaking. "Well, for starters, don't panic. Because if you panic, I'm going to panic..." she said then looked around. "Ok, we need to think of a new plan but right now, I need to focus on the baby. Help me back to that bedroom. I need to try to relax."


Donnie grinned. This was perfect! Having him leave Jessica for Greg would be the perfect revenge against her. "I haven't done anything to him. In fact, here." he took out his phone and offered it to Ben. "Why don't you give him a call? He's been waiting so patiently to hear from you."


Denix Vames - September 17, 2021

Charles was blowing fire wherever he was. Shouting Amelia's name. He had soon come into David's view. Not seeing him and only focused on his girlfriend.


Hades's rolled her eyes. "It's me! Hades! I just had a sex change. And sure. I don't mind having you around. You seem pretty cool." She held their hands. They appeared in the storage room where the band was currently sleeping. Snoring loudly.

There were crushed cans of beer lying around that had been drunk. Weed filled the air and lots torn papers everywhere.


Carter crushed the cigarette in his hand. Putting it out. He cupped his cheeks. Slipping a tongue into his mouth as he passionately kissed him. Running a hand through his hair while he pulled him in close. Pressing himself against.


Balconi waved a hand at River who was now wearing a jacket and some sweats to keep warm. "It's alright. Will just wanted you to be free." He knelt and placed a gentle hand on his arm. "He feels guilty for putting you through so much pain. He doesn't want you to suffer anymore. That's why he was able to create that body for you. His powers were strong enough for a moment."


"I'm gonna guess by the sound of your tone that Lucifer wasn't the lovable plushie that I use to sleep with when I was seven." ,said Blaire.


Bryce took a quick breath before nodding. "Ok." He helped her to the room where he brought her to the bed. "You're going to have to tell me the process here. As best as possible. I have a feeling that you're in more pain than I ever was when I died from the sun."


Ben hesitantly took the phone. He dialed Greg's number. Greg answered. "H-Hello?" "Ben! Is that you?! Do you remember me? It's Greg!" "Of course I remember you!" Tears dripped down Ben's cheeks. His voice was breaking.

"I can't believe it! I thought we were never going to make it out of ADIEU but here we are!" "I just want to hold you right now. Please come home." "Where do you live?" "Donnie knows. I have a good feeling he does. Just tell him to take you there. I live in an apartment." "O-Ok. I'll let him know." "And Ben?" "Yeah?" "I love you." He covered his mouth for a moment before answering with a tearfilled smile. "I love you too!"

Once the call ended, he looked up at Donnie. "Greg said that you could take me to his home. Is that right?"


Harley Poe was recently declared as dead due to hanging himself in his own office. After the funeral, his ghost has been roaming not the precinct he worked at but where his brother did. Feeling guilty for making themselves so distant from each other. His last note before death was, 'It's all my fault. I'm sorry Jean.'

Harley was invisible to everyone's eyes. He wallowed in sadness and guilt. Wandering the halls just today. He noticed that an Officer Lang was looking at his photo. Not emotionally broken but he could see that he was sad by the news. Saying that he was a good cop and that he did such great things.

Pissed by his assumptions, he suddenly made the computer crack.


Shadowess - September 17, 2021

Seeing Charles in the distance looking frantic and shouting for Amelia sent shivers down David's spine. "No..." he whispered and teleported to Charles's side. "Charles! What's happened?" he said while looking at him worriedly. As he looked at him, he got the strangest sense of deja vu. But right now he was so focused on finding out what was wrong that he couldn't put his finger on what Charles was reminding him of.

At that same moment, Ellesse appeared and also seemed to look panicked. "I can't teleport to Amelia! Where is she? What happened?!"


"Wait, you can do that?!" Bob gasped.

Once they arrived in the storage room, they looked around at all the sleeping bodies. Lilly crinkled her nose and covered it with a hand. "Ugh, what is that smell?" she asked in a hushed tone.

"I don't smell nothin'," Bob said in a regular volume.

"Because you don't have a nose, bonehead!"

Bob gasped and covered where his nose should be with his hands. "You know I'm self-conscious about that!"


Sebastian moaned, caressing Carter's tongue with his own and matching his passion. He couldn't get enough of feeling Carter's body against his. One hand slipped under Carter's shirt to feel his torso while the other hurriedly knocked things off an end table so he could perch himself on the edge of it.


River sat up and looked at his clothes. He was still shivering a bit but only because he wasn't used to being outside, in the real world. He looked at Balconi tearfully then looked back at Will. He suddenly felt alone. Unable to project his thoughts directly to Will anymore. Cut off from him mentally. To River, who was so used to having a direct connection to a host, this was an awful and frightening feeling. "Wha-what do I do now, though? I'm-I'm alone...I don't know what to do..."


Desi chuckled. "Depends who you ask... He was..." he thought for a moment, wondering how to describe him. "I think he was simply misunderstood," he said finally. "Sure, he ruled with an iron fist and collected souls through his contracts to keep himself powerful... he could be very cunning...fierce...but he was fair." he nodded. "That was the thing about him. He never lied and if he gave you his word he would go out of his way to ensure he kept it. I know the war against Heaven was awful but he did everything he could to keep his world and his Demons safe."

Desi frowned. "Just a shame people only seem to remember his anger, brutality, and wrath...But at least towards the end, before he vanished, he showed a bit of humanity. He made Damien into his apprentice but few know that he also took the boy under his wing as though he was his own son. He didn't show it to anyone but I think he really loved him. In his own way...But who knows...maybe that ended up being his downfall in the end..."


Amelia chuckled as she set herself on the bed and tried to make herself comfortable by propping herself up with the large pillows. "I'm alright until the next contraction hits..." she sighed. "And when they get closer together, I might not be able to think straight...I might even say some things that I don't mean, so...y'know...sorry in advance." she laughed nervously.

She looked around the room, getting used to her surroundings. "Ok...so, we're going to need some towels and a bowl of warm water to clean the baby once it's out. You're also going to need something to tie off the cord and something to cut it," she told him quickly. "You go get those things, I'll be fine here for a minute."


Donnie nodded, grinning at how well this was going. "That's right," he said and held out his hand for Ben to take.

At that moment, Jessica sleepily moved her hand over where Ben had been sleeping earlier. She lifted her head and opened her eyes to find he wasn't there. "Ben?" she groaned, looking around the room. The en suite door was ajar so he wasn't in there. "Ben?" she stood, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and starting to worry about where Ben might have gone. She saw figures in the garden through the window and she wandered over to it to get a better look. Seeing Ben with Donnie, her heart jumped into her throat and she flung the window open to yell out at him. Hoping to stop him in time. "BEN! NO! DON'T TRUST HIM!"


Lang jumped and looked at his monitor in alarm. He looked around the room but saw nothing. "What the-?" he stood and continued to look around. "Is someone messing with me? It's not funny, I still have work to do you know!" he called out then started mumbling in annoyance about having to file for a replacement computer monitor and that he was going to have to share a monitor with someone else until he gets a new one.


Denix Vames - September 17, 2021

Charles shouted, "DONNIE TOOK HER!" He rammed himself against a building. Intent on breaking it down. "BASTARD!"


The band members groaned awake at the noises. They were immediately surprised to three strangers in their place. Especially when they saw Bob.

"Whoa! Is that a real life talking skeleton?" ,said Pain. "Maybe we smoke too much." ,said Storm who chuckled. Hades walked over. "Hey Storm. I brought in our new a mascot. A walking talking skeleton. His name's Bob."

"Bob huh? And how many poses can Bob do?"


Carter tore his shirt off. He got on top of him. Kissing his neck and leaving marks there as he dug his hands under his shirt. Feeling up his chest.


"You're never alone. You've got us. But if it really bothers you that much that you're in a person's mind then I can make it so that you can go into mine. And let me assure that I have the capability of dealing with your powers." ,said Balconi.


"Ha! As if!" Blaire sat on a chair. "No offense to the big guy downstairs but he could have easily done whatever he wanted and no one would bat an eye. Because even if they did, they'd be dead."


"Right!" Bryce ran out.

He soon brought a couple of towels, a bowl warm water, and a pair of surgical scissors. "Alright. What do I do now?"


Ben turned to her shouts. "Jessica?"


"LIARS!" The lightbulbs suddenly shattered. Lang was pushed off balance. Hitting the floor. Harley glared.

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  • Shadowess


Shadowess - September 17, 2021

"What?!" David turned pale. "Wha-?! When?! How?!"

"Who's Donnie?" Ellesse asked. She then looked between them both, looking very alarmed. "We need to find her! My patient alarm went off! She's in labor!"

"Wha-?!" David became even more panicked then immediately looked incredibly serious. "Wait! Shh! You two hear that?!" he paused for a minute, hearing Jessica's telepathic cries for help. His eyes widened and he looked at Charles. "We get to Donnie, we find Amelia!"


At Pain's question, Bob bowed in a theatrical way. "In the bone, baby!"

Lilly rolled her eyes at him and leaned against the nearby wall with her arms crossed. "All this attention is going to go right to his skull!"

Bob didn't hear her, too excited by all the attention he was receiving. "Any pose you like, my man. Hell, I can take parts off and rearrange 'em if you like! By the by, just putting it out there, but I think what would really pull my look together would be a black top hat. Can you dig it?"


Sebastian tilted his head back and let out ragged breaths. Moaning a little and enjoying the way Carter made him feel. He ran his fingers of both hands through his hair, gently gliding his nails over his scalp. "Oh, Carter!" he breathed excitedly, moving his hands down to feel his back, his sides, and then the rim of his pants. He bit his lip a little.


River hesitated. He was tempted but it felt wrong to give up this gift that Will had given him. Especially after it seemed to take so much energy to do so. He looked at his hands. Brand new skin. No blemishes. Lifting them, he felt his face. Tracing the details with his fingers. Eyes, nose, eyebrows, lips...he caught sight of himself through his reflection in the glass on the door and stared at himself for a minute.

He thought about Balconi's offer. He thought about how his presence had affected Parker and Will. He shook his head. "N-no..." he said quietly. "Never again...it never needs to happen again..." he looked at his hands again. "That's why he gave me a body...Others can't handle me...but I can handle me...I am my own being..." He tried to stand but these legs had never walked before and he stumbled, struggling to hold up his own weight.


Desi smiled at her. "Well, it hardly matters now. He's been gone for years and it doesn't look like he's coming back..." he sat back in the chair and seemed thoughtful for a minute. "It's kind of funny though... the new ruler of hell seems to have fallen for a man with some resemblance to him." He shrugged. "Only minor details, mind you. Blond hair, blue eyes. Flaming skeletal second form... although Lucifer's skeletal form was humanoid... But I'm sure it's just a coincidence."


By the time Bryce had come back, Amelia looked like she was in intense pain again. She was laying with her head tilted back, beads of sweat forming on her face and she gripped the bed sheets tightly. After a minute or two, she seemed to relax a bit and caught her breath.

"Now we wait until it's the right time..." she said through heavy breaths. "Shouldn't be long...contractions are getting closer together." she flinched and groaned, moving a hand to hold her stomach. A couple of tears slid down her cheeks. "I want Charles...he should be here..." she cried.


Donnie looked up and glared at Jessica before turning hurriedly to Ben and moving towards him, intent on teleporting with him.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HIM!!" Jessica screamed and an instant later, she'd appeared next to Donnie, striking him across the face with her fist, taking him by surprise, and knocking him to the ground.

Jessica took a step back from him and thought quickly, sending out her thoughts to anyone who might hear her. 'He's here! Donnie is here! Please help!' She then turned to Ben, a little panicked. "He's the one who kidnapped me! Ben, we have to go! Now!"

Donnie growled angrily, lifting himself to his feet and turning to glare at the pair. His nose was bleeding a little. "You stupid bitch!"


Lang lifted his arms to shield his head as the bulbs shattered overhead. He was then knocked off his feet and in his moment of surprise, his wings burst out through the back of his uniform, cushioning his fall. He looked up, his eyes widening. He could swear he was seeing the dead cop glowering over him. "You-? Wait, why haven't you moved on??" Lang gasped, shuffling away from him.


Denix Vames - September 17, 2021

Charles suddenly appeared in front of Donnie. "Give her back to me!" He blew fire in his direction. Ben ran over to Jessica. Scared by the whole situation.


"Hell yeah!" ,said Pain. "This is just what we need to make our breakthrough." ,said Grim. "All we need is to get him a couple of more outfits. Something that says I'm dying on the inside and I'm already dead." ,said Storm. "Let's go to Hot Topic then." ,said Hades.


Hades whispered into Storm's ear before he nodded and chuckled. "Hey funny bones!" She lifted her shirt up. Flashing him then put it down. "Just a little motivation for ya. And I wanted to see the look on your face." She laughed.


Carter kissed every part of his chest before moving to his belt. He unbuckled him. Rubbing his hand under there. "Sebastian....I love you."


Balconi helped him stand. "We'll teach you how to walk. It's not too difficult to learn. You'll get the knack for it like everyone else."

Will slowly opened his eyes. He had a full set of purple eyes now. "Parker?" Tears dripped down his cheeks as he frowned. "Oh god! Parker! What did I do to you?! I shot myself in front of you! In front of my friends! What the fuck is wrong with me?! I'm so sorry!"


"Wait a minute. There can be new leaders? Since when was this a thing?" ,said Blaire.


"I know but unfortunately I can't even bring him even if I tried. But just try to focus on me, ok? I'm right here. I'm a friend." Bryce caught his breath. "I'm sorry for what I put you through. I deserved all the things that your friends did to me. I can't even forgive myself. That's why I'm going to help you."


Harley was taken aback by Lang. "Wait a minute. You can see me?!"

He shook his head. "It's not like it matters. You're all liars!" He grabbed the photo of himself and ripped it up. Letting the pieces fall. "Stop talking about me!"


shadowess - September 17, 2021

Donnie's eyes widened when Charles appeared in front of him and he jumped out of the way of the fire before it could hit him. "How did you find me?!" he snapped, and before he could do anything, David appeared next to him and struck him in the stomach. He doubled over, wheezing a little. He then growled and grabbed David's arm, yanking it one way while he drove his elbow into the side of David's face.

Jessica took Ben's hand and ran with him out of the line of fire, towards the building just as Niko was running out to see what the commotion was. "What's going on?!" He shouted towards them then turned pale at the sight of Donnie. Memories of what he and Insanity did to him forcing their way into his mind and leaving him a shivering, terrified mess.

"We need to get out of here, take my hand!" Jessica shouted and once Niko did, she'd teleport the three of them back to Ben's apartment.

Helena sat up in her bed, woken up by the noises outside. She turned to face where Allie normally slept. "What's that noise?" she whispered in alarm.

After a couple of blows to each other, Donnie headbutted David and he fell back. He was about to aim a punch for his head when Ellesse appeared and grabbed his wrist with both of her hands. "Enough!" She shouted at him, though her voice quivered fearfully.

"A Midwife?" Donnie blinked at her then grinned viciously. "Then it's almost my time!" he said triumphantly before backhanding her and knocking her to the side. She squealed and landed on the lawn, holding her face.


"But I'm more alive than ever!" Bob said to Storm then turned to Hades. For a moment, he didn't move, and then his jaw dropped off from his skull and clattered onto the floor.

Lilly's eyes widened a little and she quickly turned her gaze away. Her cheeks turning pink. "How crass..." she said, trying to hide her awkwardness. She then faked a cough into her fist and snapped at Bob. "Pick your jaw up! Someone might slip on it!"

"'Eah, 'eah..." he mumbled and picked his jaw up from the floor, clicking it back onto his skull. He turned back to Hades and snapped his fingers before pointing at her "Consider me motivated, baby!"


Sebastian gasped and then moaned at Carter's touch. "I love you too!" he breathed shakily. He unbuckled Carter's pants as well before wrapping his legs around him. Pulling him to him and slipping his tongue into his mouth again. He slid a hand into his pants and squeezed his backside.


River leaned against Balconi as he tried to find his balance. He looked at him with a thankful expression. "You're kind..." he said softly. "I'm proud to have been named after you."

As soon as Will spoke, Parker looked at him and his grip on the rose tightened a little. As he saw Will begin to cry over what had happened, Parker finally found himself able to express his emotions. He couldn't stop it. Everything simply came pouring out of him. He began sobbing almost uncontrollably as he flung his arms around him. He buried his face in his chest and gripped him tightly. "Will!" he wept, clinging tightly to his shirt. "Oh, Will! I forgive you! I was so scared I'd lost you! I didn't know what to do! Will, I love you so much!"


Desi sighed. "Oh, since always." he chuckled. "Fun fact, most of what you humans recorded about the afterlife is either made up, muddled up information, or mostly incorrect. It's like the world's longest game of Chinese Whispers!" He scratched his chin thoughtfully.

"Like 'the Devil's name' for instance. You all seem to think that it's one Devil with a dozen names. Actually, it's just whatever Devil that was the leader at the time! Before Lucifer, there was Satan. And way before Lucifer and his kin were sent down to Hell there were the naturally occurring Devils. Back then, there was Beelzebub and so on..." he waved his hand a little towards the end of his sentence. "Before Lucifer disappeared, he took Damien in as his apprentice. Basically ensuring he had an heir before he up and vanished. Then Damien adopted Amelia as his sister. This technically put her next in line so when Damien was destroyed, Amelia found herself inheriting Hell." he sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

"Poor dear. I don't know if she ever found time to grieve. The gossip among Demons is that she and Damien were very close. You'd never think they weren't blood-related. Amelia herself never showed any signs of wanting to rule, either. She preferred running off to Earth at every opportunity to find 'adventures'...one such adventure was taking down the ADIEU facilities." He shrugged and looked back at Blaire. "To be perfectly honest, I was very much a part of the Lucifer fan club. I was very loyal. So, when Amelia began making her changes in Hell, I-...was resistant to change. But I think I get it now. I think the worlds need this. It's about time we all strived for peace."


Amelia looked at Bryce. She was shaking. Her pupils dilating from the pain she was feeling but she tried with all her might to hide it. She listened to what he said while occasionally wiping away some tears. She reached out a hand, wanting him to sit with her on the bed. Finding some comfort in him being there.

"I'm sorry too." she cried. "For burning down your house. No, listen. It doesn't matter what you did, I was angry and I reacted poorly. I'm supposed to be a leader. I'm supposed to be rational and not let stupid, petty things like revenge get the better of me. I'm sorry!"

She gasped and tilted her head back again, gritting her teeth. She writhed a little and groaned. Gripping the bed sheets tightly with one hand and squeezing Bryce's hand with the other. When the contraction eased off, she caught her breath and relaxed a bit but whimpered. "Bryce, I'm scared!"


"Lying about what?" Lang asked, getting to his feet and holding his hands up. "Look, maybe I can help you. Do you know what it is that's stopping you from moving on? Poe, please. I'd like to help."


Denix Vames - September 17, 2021

"I don't know." Allie ran out of her room and went to one of the big windows. She opened it. Frightened by what she saw she shouted, "Leo! Help!"

Leo appeared in front of Donnie and high kicked him. He did a spinning kick once he was in the air before stomping his feet on him. Bringing him straight to the ground where he made an imprint on the ground.


Ben caught his breath. "What the hell's going on?! And where's Greg? I need to call him! I have to let him know that I'm alright!"


"Wait a minute. How are we going to get him to the store without people freaking out?" ,asked Grim. "Huh. I hadn't thought of that. Maybe you could draw us some designs on clothes you were thinking of having? Remember it has to be gothic and punk." ,said Storm. He handed him a notepad and a pen.


Carter sank his fangs into his neck. He let his blood drip down. Licking it up before taking his pants off.


Balconi smiled. "Thanks. But I think I have you to thank for looking out for him."

"I love you too Parker!" ,said Will. He tried to move. "Hey! Why am I-?" "I can't free you unless I know you won't try to kill yourself again. I know now you regret it but I don't know what you're going to be like in the future. The other angels can run tests on you. Just to make sure." ,said Balconi. Will sighed. "Ok."


"Uh wow. I just felt like I was watching one of those war movies. Anyway, I'm gonna hit the hay. You can watch whatever. I really don't care." ,said Blaire.


Bryce gently squeezed. "It's going to be ok. I'm right here. You can squeeze my hand as hard as you can. I can take it."


"I was never a good cop! I couldn't save my own fucking brother from his mistakes! It's all my fault!" Filing cabinets opened up as papers flew out of them.


Shadowess - September 17, 2021


"Allie, where are you?" Helena called in a shaking voice after hearing Allie calling for Leo from the corridor. She had gotten out of the bed and was feeling around the room blindly, trying to find her.

Donnie grunted as Leo kicked him to the ground. Donnie's skin had shifted into black, armoured scales. His mouth and nose elongated into a snout with sharp, protruding teeth. His eyes turned red. He gasped, a little winded but recovered quickly and grabbed Leo's leg with both hands. He jerked the leg rapidly at an awkward angle, aiming to break it or at the very least cause a fracture. "This is ridiculous! Where are you all coming from!?" he raved in frustration then quickly jumped back to avoid a jet of fire aimed at him by Oscar who had come with Leo, then ducked to dodge another swing from David.

"Don't let him teleport! He's got Amelia captive and she's in labour!" David shouted to Leo and Oscar.


"Who is Greg?" Niko asked, looking between them with a confused expression.

"Wait, Greg?" Jessica looked at Ben. "Why would you want to talk to him after what he tried to do?"


"I don't know what either of those things are but I know I look dapper in a suit." Bob shrugged.

Lilly sighed. "If it helps, I used to say his walking around was some kind of trick. Like he had hidden machinery under his clothes or something. The technology we had in our world was crude and mostly steam-powered but it existed. They were far more likely to believe it was an illusion than admit to themselves that what they were seeing was real."


Sebastian moaned a little louder when he felt Carter's fangs sink into his throat and his venom enter his system, then let out ragged breaths as he watched him licking blood from his chest. "Oh fuck, that's hot!" he breathed and leant forward, running his fangs over Carter's shoulder towards his neck, leaving faint scratches. He bit into Carter as well and licked the blood from the wound. He then bit into his own tongue before slipping it back into Carter's mouth for a deep and bloody kiss.


River blushed and scratched the back of his head shyly. "Just trying to live up to my name." he chuckled.

Parker looked at Will sadly and lifted his hands to help wipe his tears away. "It'll be ok," he said softly. "I'll stay here with you. I'm not going anywhere. No matter how long it takes."


"Um, ok," Desi said, feeling a little awkward. He worried he'd been boring her. "Where shall I sleep?" he asked, looking at her curiously. Wondering if he'd have to sleep on the couch or if there was a spare bed somewhere for him to retire to.


Amelia nodded, trying to take deep, steady breaths as another contraction started within just a minute or two after the last one. "Oh, fuck!" she groaned and gripped his hand tightly. Her entire body tensing from the pain. She suddenly felt a deep urge and instinctively acted on it. This resulted in her gritting her teeth and letting out a long, low groan and gradually increased into a pained cry. Her entire body shaking violently from the tension. When she stopped, she took a minute to catch her breath and couldn't help sobbing a little. "Oh God, this is it." she breathed between sobs. She focussed on a part of the wall across the room and took some steady, deliberate breaths in preparation. Beads of sweat rolling down her face.

When she felt ready, she tensed again and grit her teeth. Grimacing against the pain as she groaned until she was crying out. Squeezing Bryce's hand so tightly and at that moment knowing nothing but pain, yet she didn't let up. She kept going, even doubling over as much as she could while practically screaming until she felt it finally happen. Letting go of Bryce, she stuck her hands between her legs, under the nightdress and caught her son as he began to cry loudly.

Without wasting time and ignoring her exhaustion, she made sure his mouth wasn't obstructed before pulling him to her chest, simply holding him to her as she laid back against the large pillows. Her body relaxing now that the hardest part was over. Tears streaming down her face, she couldn't help but laugh. Overcome with so much joy and love. She didn't care that he was still covered in her blood, she was simply glad that he was there. Alive and safe. She looked at Bryce tearfully, unable to stop smiling. "Thank you." she cried. Then looked at the child, gently supporting his head with her hand. Amazed at how small he seemed against her. "Hi there," she whispered. "It's nice to finally meet you."


Lang jumped as papers flew up and around him but he kept his eyes on Poe. "What mistakes? Talk to me. Maybe we could see him and figure this whole thing out?"

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Denix Vames - September 17, 2021

Allie ran back to her room. "Helena! Please stay inside. I have to help my friends." She helped her to the bed and closed the door. She gasped at the sound of Leo crying out in pain.

Leo's leg bone was partially sticking out. Broken. He screamed bloody murder. Writhing in pain as tears ran down his cheeks. Allie continued to make her way out of the Whitehouse until she reached the gardens. She held a pool table stick. Running towards them.

She swung at Donnie who made her fall. She dropped the stick and grunted as she hit the ground. She pushed herself back as she watched him get ready to kill her. Crying at the sight of it all. "Please don't!"

"Allie!" Leo suddenly appeared in front of her. Taking the piercing blow which penetrated his heart. He gasped before blood poured out of his mouth. His eyes held a lifeless expression. His body hit the ground. Allie crawled over to him. "LEO!"

She sobbed over his body. Holding him close.


"Greg's my boyfriend. I remember now." Ben glared at her. He stood. "And you never tried to encourage me to talk to him! You never tried to help! You're selfish!"


"Wait what?" ,said Pain. "Basically, people will think he's a robot." ,said Hades. "Oh that makes sense." "Then let's go." ,said Grim.

Everyone would get into a messy smelly old van. Storm was driving.


"Fucking christ!" Carter tore his pants off. Ready to give Sebastian what he needed. (private time)


"Couch. But I can give you a couple of sheets or blankets to feel comfortable." ,said Blaire.


Bryce quickly cut the cord and fixed everything up as best as he could. He damped a towel with some water before gently placing it over the baby's head. He smiled. "He's handsome. Looks just like you."


"He's gone! He's never coming back! He's in Germany! I drove him away! I did this!" Harley's voice sounded more demonic with each sentence. The coffee machine suddenly burst with boiling coffee.


Shadowess - September 17, 2021

Jessica's eyes widened. She felt both hurt and angry at the accusation. She also felt incredibly worried that Ben was about to leave her for a memory. "Are you kidding me?!" She snapped back. "I told you about Greg as soon as he said he thought he knew you! YOU said you didn't know him! I gave you his fucking number so that you could speak to him! Even when he came over and threatened to tell everyone about me, you said you didn't know him! And I believed you! I trusted you when you said you didn't know him! I thought it was some mad coincidence or that maybe Greg was just crazy!" her eyes filled with tears. "Ben, I love you! You can't tell me that what we had wasn't real! Are you really going to throw that away?!"


Lilly sat in the van, crinkling her nose again and feeling a little squished in the now crowded van. "What is that strange smell?" she asked.

"I don't smell nothin'," Bob said again and Lily rolled her eyes.

"You've already done that bit, Bob."

"What bit?"

"The 'nose' bit."

"Knows what?"

"No. 'Nose'."

"No 'no's'? Sounds good to me. 'Yes' is my favorite word anyway."

"What? No! That is not-"


"...Give me strength!" Lilly mumbled and rubbed her temples. She then looked around at the others, trying hard to ignore Bob. "No, -"


"...-but seriously, what is that smell? I smelled it in that other place and it seems to have followed us here. Is it something to be concerned about?" Lilly finished her sentence while glaring at Bob. If it weren't for the fact that he was already grinning, she had a feeling he would be right now. Bob seemed to find annoying her as much as possible incredibly entertaining.


"That would be lovely, thank you." Desi smiled.


"Woah! Slow down!" Lang tried then yelped and jumped out of the way of the exploding coffee machine. "Easy! Take a deep breath! I'm sure we can work this out! Look, why don't we just go to Germany and see how he's doing, huh? Talk to him! It's not too late! It's never too late!"


Once the child was clean and wrapped up in towels to keep him warm, Amelia wasted no time in feeding him. Ensuring that he was given as much strength as possible, quickly. She smiled at him lovingly while watching him drinking from her. "I can see his father in him." She whispered, stroking his little arm with her finger. She cupped one of his feet in her hand and felt her heart swell at how small it was in comparison to her hand. "Gosh, he's so tiny!" she chuckled. She frowned and let out a heavy sigh. "I can't let Donnie get his hands on you. I won't let anyone hurt you," she said softly, though her tone had a hint of fierceness to it. She lifted her hand to look at it, feeling a tingling sensation wash over her as her powers returned.

Looking back down at her child, she gently brought him away from her chest and covered herself up again. She lifted him and kissed his head softly. "I love you. With all my heart," she whispered to him before looking at Bryce. "I need you to watch him for me," she said, her tone had a sense of urgency. "My powers are back and I believe..." she looked around, towards the ceiling. "that the act of bringing life into the realm of death might have weakened whatever spell Donnie put on this place. I can feel it. Like a hole has been punched into an invisible shield." she looked back at Bryce with a serious expression. "Take him. Take Patience. Teleport somewhere safe. I'll come and find you when Donnie isn't a threat anymore." Amelia pushed the child into his arms, making it clear that she wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer. "Do this for me. Please," she said before pushing herself off the bed and stepping away from them. She gave one last look to her child as if memorizing him, before vanishing.


Donnie tore Leo's heart out with his clawed hand before letting it drop to the floor. "LEO!!!" Oscar screamed and turned on Donnie, letting out a furious battle cry as he charged at him. When it came to Angels and Demons, such a strike from another Demon would merely cause them to re-awaken in either Heaven or Hell. But with Leo being what he was, this possibility was uncertain. Because Oscar had no way of knowing whether or not Leo would recover from his wound, he reacted as if he'd just watched him die permanently. By now, both Donnie and Oscar had shifted into their reptilian forms. Both were very similar with the only difference being the color of their scales. Oscar's were green while Donnie's were black.

Donnie glanced back and ducked out of Oscar's way before rapidly bringing his own tail around and whipping it across Oscar's throat. Oscar slowed to a stop with wide eyes, simply staring ahead of him in shock. A second later, a slit formed across his throat with blood spraying and gushing out of the wound. He lifted his hands to his throat, trying in vain to stop the bleeding as he fell to his knees before falling forward onto the blood-stained grass. His form shifting back into a human as his body twitched for a couple of minutes, before falling still. His eyes were glassy and staring across the garden. His mouth hanging open.

"No!!" David ran at Donnie next, managing to land a couple of punches to his face and sides. Donnie backed away from him, lifting his fists to shield his face. He flicked his tail at David but he'd backflipped away from it before it could swipe him. David then ran back within striking distance and aimed a few more punches at Donnie. "Do you mean to tell me that you still don't have a second form, David?!" Donnie mocked him while darting left and right to avoid David's punches. "Honestly, it's like you're only half a Demon!"

"That's still half more Demon than you'll ever be!" David retorted before attempting another punch towards Donnie's face.

This time, however, Donnie manages to snatch David's wrist and flips him around, kicking one of his knees out from under him and holding his arm at an awkward angle. Donnie then brings his tail down on David's shoulder where its sharp edge became embedded. David let out a pained scream while Donnie laughs. He grins evilly at Charles. "Are these supposed to be your best fighters?! You're fucking pathetic for a leader!" Donnie yanks his tail out of David's shoulder, gaining another scream from him. "But don't worry. I'm not going to kill this one yet. I want this traitorous bastard to see his world fall completely apart before I end him!"

It was at this moment that Amelia appeared in front of them. In nothing but a very bloody nightdress and the crystal that hung around her neck. She looked around at Leo and Oscar's bodies. She glanced at Charles and gave him a small, reassuring smile. 'He's safe. And he's beautiful.' she thought to him as she turned her attention to Donnie and what he'd done to her father. She glared at him dangerously while he looked at her in confusion, wondering how she'd managed to teleport out of the mansion. She held up three fingers. "Three important things you should know about me," she said calmly. "One. I'm the Queen of Hell." she tucked in one finger, leaving only two up. "Two. Don't. Ever. Fuck with the people I love." she tucked in another finger, leaving just one more. "And Three." she brought her hand to her necklace, tearing it off and holding it out to one side. "I have Devil's Rage." she dropped the pendant. Within seconds, the whites of her eyes had turned black while her iris's had turned a deep crimson. A low growl slipped through her lips as she reared herself up, preparing to propel herself forward.

"Devil's Rage?!" Donnie gasped, loosening his grip on David and taking a step back. This was bad for him. Now that she'd allowed herself to slip into the rage, he was her primary threat and she would not stop until he was utterly destroyed. "Fuck-!" he let go of David completely, intending on teleporting out of there immediately. Amelia looked as if she was about to run forward but instead teleported from where she was to right in front of him, carrying forward that momentum to grab Donnie's throat and slam him into the nearby brick wall. Knocking bricks out of the wall and leaving a hole from the impact. She then dragged him along it for a minute, more bricks flying out and crashing to the floor as she went before flinging him back into the gardens, seemingly towards Charles.

David had never seen something like this happen before. Usually, when someone under the Devil's Rage goes into a frenzy, it is extremely unwise to get involved in case the Devil in question mistakes you for another threat and targets you as well. But Amelia seemed to have retained some control and was giving Charles an opportunity to get some hits in on Donnie mid-rage. Co-operating with the goal of destroying a major threat.

Once Charles would get his hits in, Amelia would recapture Donnie and throw him around like a ragdoll. Flames engulfed her as she darted across the grounds, kicking him around like he was a new soccer ball. Her hair glowed yellow as if made of pure sunlight. The sounds of Donnie's breaking bones and screams echoed into the night. At some point, Donnie's injuries became so great that he could no longer keep up his second form and involuntarily changed back into his human form. He cried out and screamed with every hit. Unable to move quick enough to block her attacks or flee. Finally, she grabbed hold of one of his arms. He screamed and writhed as her flames burned his skin. She flung him towards Charles whilst keeping hold of his arm, hoping that Charles would grab his other arm so they could literally tear him apart. 'For our friends. For everyone, he's ever hurt. For the safety of our son!' she thought to Charles as she pulled with all her strength.


Denix Vames - September 17, 2021

Ben frowned. He looked down. "No. I still love you. Even now with my memories back. I guess Greg is unstable these days. It's unfortunate for me to hear but I know it's true."


"Oh that's called weed. It's something people smoke when they want to relax." ,said Storm.


They reached a local Hot Topic. "Here we are. Trust me guys. You're going to wish that you could live here."


Blaire took out a blanket and sheet from the closet of her room. "Here you go." She handed them to him. "These should be warm enough. If you need anything else, let me know." She walked into her room.


Harley studied his face. "But how? I'm dead. And I know he wouldn't want to see me." He covered his face. "I know he hates me."


Bryce nodded. "I will." With the baby in his arms, he went to Patience and helped free her from her binds. "Let's go to Carter's house. It's safe there."


Charles pulled at the other side. Enjoying the torture that they were bringing on Donnie. Once they tore him apart, he dropped the piece that he held and caught his breath. Exhausted, he collapsed.

Allie continued to sob over Leo. Hugging his head. "Please Leo! Wake up! Uncle! C'mon! You can't leave me!" A sudden ray of light showered on Leo who floated up. She gasped. Standing back as she watched a purple aura surround him. His body began to regenerate before black wings sprouted. His eyes were glowing purple before he was gently placed on the ground where he was sleeping. The light had disappeared.

"Wha....What happened?"

It was God who had given Leo a second. chance. Leo wouldn't be a hybrid but rather a Leviathan. Something that he knows Leo could handle.


Shadowess - September 18, 2021

Niko sat in a nearby chair, feeling a little awkward and unsure of what to do as the two of them spoke.

Jessica sighed, her shoulders dropping a little. Relieved that Ben still loved her but still troubled over whether Greg would try to come between them again. She knew what needed to be done, for Ben's sake, even if she was reluctant to do so.

She walked over to him and gently placed her hands on his shoulders, looking into his eyes. "Maybe we should try talking to Greg? Together. Peacefully. If we don't, then I don't think something like this is ever going to stop following us...I think you both need some closure."


"Hey Lilly, you should smoke some weed!" Bob announced. "You're never relaxed! Heck, I don't think I've ever seen you smile!"

"Bob..." Lilly rubbed her temples, shutting her eyes and shaking her head.

"Not like me! I'm always smilin'!"

"You don't have-! You know what? No. I'm not getting sucked into another idiotic conversation with you..." she got out of the van in a huff and walked towards the store. Bob looked over at Storm and nudged him with his elbow. "Don't suppose this weed stuff could be slipped into her food?" he said quietly with a chuckle before climbing out and following Lilly into the store as well.


"Thank you." Desi smiled and took the blankets. Once she was gone, he sighed and lay down on the couch, pulling the blanket over him and worrying over what he was going to say to Cindy.


"Being dead doesn't mean you're stuck," Lang said gently. "And you don't know that. Things might've changed. Besides, talking to him might do you both some good." he held out a hand. "I can take us there now. Please, trust me on this."


Patience had been looking at the chains in confusion. She felt the spell around them give out and on top of that, her chains became flimsy and powerless. She'd found herself able to snap them easily and shrug them off of her. She struggled with the ones around her wings, unable to reach them. That's when Bryce hurried into the room with a small bundle in his arm and suddenly, it all made sense as to why the chains and the spells in the mansion had lost their power. "Is that-? Oh God, where's Amelia?" she asked, worriedly while Bryce helped to pry the chains from her wings.

Hearing him, she looked at the baby and frowned. She didn't want to potentially leave Amelia behind but she was too weak to fight anyone right now and they had to worry about protecting her child. Nodding, she gently wrapped her arms around them and teleported them into Carter's living room. It being so late at night when they arrived, Neva was fast asleep in her bedroom. The baby squirmed a bit and whined, a little uncomfortable from the teleporting but otherwise fine. Patience let them go and stood back a bit to look at the child properly. "Oh, he's beautiful," she whispered.


Once Donnie had been ripped in half, Amelia dropped the half of him she was holding too. Her flames died out. Her hair and eyes returning to normal. Tiredly, she stumbled over to her necklace and picked it up before stumbling over to Charles and laying with him on the grass, trying to catch her breath. "No one...fucks...with my family..." she breathed. "Charles..." she lifted herself to look at him, stroking his cheek. "You should see our son." she smiled, tears filling her eyes. "He looks so much like you."

David managed to pull himself to his feet. He watched as Leo was brought back to life and recognized the bright light that accompanied his healing. He glanced up towards the sky and smiled. "Thanks." he breathed then tried to walk over to them. He stumbled but was caught by Ellesse who helped him walk the rest of the way. "You might want to let Oscar know you're alive," David said, nodding towards Oscar's body. "He tried to charge at Donnie head-on when you were struck down. No doubt he's in Hell somewhere, grieving. I'm sure he'll be relieved to know he hasn't lost you." David then looked towards Donnie's body. "The bastard got what he deserved."


Denix Vames - September 18, 2021

Ben nodded. "Yeah. You're right. I'll call him. Tell him to come over here so that we can talk." He pulled out his phone and called up Greg. Telling him to get to the apartment. Once the call ended, he took a deep breath. "I never thought I'd be doing this."


"No can do. Not unless you want a lawsuit on your hands." ,said Storm. Everybody got out. Walking into the store. "Tell me what catches your sockets." ,said Hades.


Harley looked at his hand before taking it.


"He is, isn't he? Amelia's fine by the way. She went to go help the others against Donnie." ,said Bryce.


Tears streamed down Charles's cheeks as he smiled. "I'm a dad! I have a son!"

Leo slowly opened his eyes. He sat up. "Huh? What happened?" Allie threw herself to him. Wrapping her arms around him. He was taken aback by this. "Don't you ever leave me again! I thought I was never going to see you! You dummy!" She sobbed over his shoulder.

He placed a hand on her back and smiled. "It's ok, Allie. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."

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shadowess - September 18, 2021

(I think I made it look like David was talking to Ellesse xD He was actually talking to Leo. Ellesse is just helping him walk.)


Denix Vames - September 18, 2021

(oh lol ill write something down real quick)

Leo nodded. He looked at Allie. "Hey, I'll be back soon. I just have to talk to Oscar. Ok?" Allie nodded. "Please stay safe." "Don't worry. The fight's over." He disappeared.

Appearing wherever Oscar was. "Oscar? It's me. Somehow, I'm alive."


shadowess - September 18, 2021

Jessica hugged Ben. "It needs to be done," she reassured him. She then walked over to the couch and sat down to wait. Her stomach was in knots from nerves. She figured she'd let Ben and Greg do the talking unless spoken to directly and only intervene if things get too tense.


"Depends, are they comfy?" Bob asked, assuming a lawsuit was a type of clothing. He walked in and looked around. Lilly was already admiring some of the clothes on the racks. She seemed to be quite content. Bob, on the other hand, was a little overwhelmed. "Uh... I'm not sure... I'm so used to wearing suits... I'm not familiar with these styles..."


Lang teleported them outside the castle and held his hands up when the startled Vampire Watchers aimed crossbows at them. "We're just visitors!" Lang called out to them. "We've come to see Jean Poe. This is his brother, Harley Poe." The Watchers looked at each other uncertainly before turning back to them. "Stay where you are. We'll find out if we can let you in. We had an incident here during the day so we're currently on high alert." one of the Watchers explained while the other ducked into the castle and headed for Hannes's home. He knocked on the door and waited patiently for an answer.


Patience looked at Bryce in alarm. "But she just had a child!" she gasped, trying to keep her voice low so as not to wake anyone up or startle the baby. "She'd be exhausted already!"


Amelia laughed softly out of happiness. "We have a baby!" she whispered excitedly then gave him a gentle, lingering kiss. "Let's go and see him," she said as she pushed herself to her feet and held out her hand for Charles.

Ellesse watched Amelia and Charles with a small smile. "I need to go with them. I have to make sure the child is healthy and everything before I get reassigned..."

David looked at Ellesse and nodded. "Might as well bring me along. I'm eager to meet my new grandchild." he chuckled. He looked back at Allie, feeling awkward that she would be being left on her own. "Would you like us to escort you back inside first?" he offered.


Oscar had been sitting on what looked like a beach. The waves from the blackened sea crashing gently in front of him. He'd been hugging his knees and sobbing into them, wondering what he would do with his life without Leo. Until he heard his voice and whirled his head around to look at him. He gasped and shot to his feet, wrapping his arms around him tightly. "Leo! Thank God! I thought I'd lost you!" he wept. "I tried to get him, but he was too damn fast!"


Denix Vames - September 18, 2021

Greg knocked on the door. Ben let him in. They walked in the kitchen. Whispering to each other before a slam of the door could be heard. Ben walked over to her. Alone. "He's....not taking it too well. But he's never going to bother us again if that helps."


"Why don't we pick out the clothes for you? See what looks good on you?" ,said Hades. Pain took a jacket with spikes. "Try this on." He helped him into the jacket and guided him to the body mirror.


Jean rubbed his eyes before sitting up. "Give me a moment!" He got dressed before heading to the door. He opened it. "What's going on? Hannes is asleep. He's really tired from....before."


"Something tells me a different story. I think she's doing just fine." ,said Bryce.


Charles and Amelia appeared where they were laying on the floor. Charles helped Amelia up. He smiled at the baby. "My son." Bryce handed the baby to him. Charles held him close. Kissing his head. "Hey buddy. It's your father. I'm right here."


"I don't really have a choice. My dad would have a fit if I didn't have someone keeping me safe." ,said Allie. She headed back to the Whitehouse with David and Ellesse following her. Once she was back in her room, she hugged Helena.

"Hey it's me. Everything's fine. I had some help. There's no more danger."


Leo burst into tears. Returning the hug. "It's ok Oscar. That bastard's dead. I don't know how I'm still alive but I'm glad I'm here."


shadowess - September 21, 2021

Jessica had expected them all to talk, so was surprised when Ben took Greg into the kitchen for a more private conversation. She was a little more surprised when she found she couldn't even hear their whispers. Not that she was trying but she heard a small static noise drowning out their whispers. Like an untuned radio or running water from a faucet.

She sat tensely, waiting for them to come out. The static stopped and a door slammed, making her jump. Then Ben walked back into the room and she stood. She frowned at his words then hugged him. "I'm sorry. I was hoping we could all just talk things out and get along...I guess that was just wishful thinking...Are you alright?" She asked while pulling back a little to look at him, worried about how all of this might've affected him.

Niko was a little skeptical about how all of this happened. He'd been sitting in the chair quietly. Simply watching and listening. Like Jessica, he hadn't heard the conversation, and he had actually been trying! Wanting to keep his oath to protect Jessica, he wanted to hear what they were saying to make sure Jessica's heart wouldn't be broken.

He'd been wary when they'd decided to speak in private then became suspicious when he found he couldn't hear them at all despite only being one room away. Still, he kept quiet. Simply watching for the moment but he was determined to keep a very close eye on Ben from now on. He was even considering tailing Greg on occasion, just to make sure he really was just letting this go and wouldn't cause any issues later on.


"Oh. My. God!" Bob said as he looked at himself in the mirror. "I look just like those guys!" he spun his skull 180 degrees to look at Lilly. "Hey! Hey, Lilly! Look! Don't I look like those guys?! You know! Those guys! With the spikes and the big axe sword thingys!" he yelled excitedly across the store to her.

Lilly turned red and slowly hid behind some clothes racks while groaning out of embarrassment. "You remember?! When they flung that one guy into the air and cleaved him in half on his way back down?! Those guys!" he clicked his head back around to face himself in the mirror and admired himself again. "Good guys. Good times. Made one hell of an ale." he said to Pain and Hades. "I like it!"


The Watcher bowed his head quickly and looked at Jean. "Apologies for disturbing you. There are people outside the castle requesting to be let in. One is an Angel and the other claims to be your brother. What would you like us to do?"


Amelia stood and watched with pride as Charles took their child into his arms and kissed his head. She walked over to Bryce and gave him a hug. "Thank you," she said softly before letting him go and turning to Charles. She hugged his arm and looked at their son with him, smiling at him lovingly. "We need to come up with a name." The baby squinted at them both. His bright blue eyes were not used to looking around at the outside world yet. He wriggled a bit inside the towels and made little cooing noises.

Relieved to see they were alright, Patience stood by and watched the scene with a tearful smile. Hearing some commotion downstairs, Neva crept out of her bed and tiptoes to the top of the stairs to peer down at the small crowd in the living room. When she saw Amelia, Charles, and the bundle in his arms, she gasped then hurried down the stairs excitedly. She opened her mouth to speak then hesitated, not wanting to startle the baby by suddenly being loud. "You got your baby!" she said quietly, her eyes lit up.


David and Ellesse followed Allie back into the building and made sure she got back to her room safely. Helena had been sitting on the bed, waiting anxiously for news when Allie wrapped her arms around her. She hugged her back tightly. She was shivering a bit, reminded of how frightened and confused she'd been when her family home had been attacked by vampires. "I was worried!" she said, relieved. "What happened? What was all that noise?" she shivered. "And that...screaming?"

David frowned, looking in on them and noticing the blind woman. "An evil Demon attacked the building. Those screams you heard were him being defeated. You're safe now." he said gently.

Helena looked up, in the direction of his voice. "Who are you?"

"My name is David. I helped fight off the Demon," he said simply, then looked at Allie and nodded. "I think it's best if we left you both to rest. If you ever need help and for whatever reason you can't get through to Leo, feel free to call on me."


Relieved, Oscar kissed Leo's cheek and then kissed him passionately. "I'm glad too." he cried. "God, Leo...that was a close one." he shook his head. "We can't let something like this happen again. He was the same kind of Demon that I am but he still moved too quickly for me to track him...and the way he fought...those were some serious skills. David said before that they trained together once..." he looked thoughtful. "Do you think he could train us like that? Maybe then we'd stand a better chance if an enemy like him ever turns up again."


Denix Vames - September 21, 2021

Ben's brows furrowed. He stepped away. "I don't know. Did I do the right thing? I remember what me and Greg had. It was special. ANd what I have with you is special too." He placed his hand on his head as he walked away a bit. Facing the front door. "I don't know who to choose. Maybe I need to think for myself for a little while."

He stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I think we need to take a break. Just until I can sort things out."


Hades took the jacket off. "Then we'll take that. Let's try another one." "Here." ,said Grim who placed black denim jacket over him that was made to look like it was ripped up.


Jean gasped. He covered his mouth. Tears peeked from his eyes. "Harley?" He quickly nodded. "Please let them in. I have to know if it's really him."


Bryce smiled. "No problem."

Charles smiled at Neva. He knelt. "Would you like to hold him?" Once he helped her, he placed a hand on her shoulder. "I was wondering if you could name him. If Amelia's alright with that."


Allie nodded. "Thank you." She hugged herself. "I've never seen him....die before. It felt awful. But then that light came. I'm not sure I know what I saw."


"I'm sure he has plenty of time to do that now. Let's just hope that nothing like Donnie shows up anyway." ,said Leo. He sighed and shook his head. "I still can't believe that even with all my training from ADIEU, he was able to take me out like that." He clenched his fists. "Makes me feel weak. Like I'm some big fuck up."


shadowess - September 21, 2021

Jessica was speechless. She hadn't been sure of what to expect when Greg came over but it hadn't been this. She opened her mouth to speak. Wanting to try to talk to Ben. Maybe talk him out of it. But her words caught in her throat and she found herself feeling sick. Her heart hurt and she didn't want to lose Ben but at the same time knew that this wasn't an easy situation.

She didn't want to risk pushing him further away by letting her emotions get the better of her. She covered her mouth, unable to stop a quiet sob from slipping out despite her effort to try and hold herself together. After a moment of trying to hold back her tears, she managed to say the words "Whatever you need." before she ran off into the bathroom to cry. It was obvious by the tone of her voice and the strain behind it that it had been a difficult thing for her to do.

Niko stood and sighed. He'd originally suspected that Ben might try to go behind Jessica's back and see Greg in secret. But now he saw that Ben was truly torn between two loves. He couldn't be angry at him. Especially after doing something that difficult. He wasn't happy that Jessica was upset but he respected Ben for being honest. He walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look. "Can we take a walk and talk in private?" he asked gently. "I think Jessica might need some time alone to calm down anyway... And there's something that I want to ask you...If that is ok?"


"Ooo! It looks nice...but..." Bob said, turning his body left and right to try to see himself at all angles. "It's a little uh-...ripped?" he looked at them, wondering if the fabric was supposed to be torn.

Lilly watched them all around Bob with a small frown...not that she smiled much anyway. She watched them all fawning over him, dressing him up, and talking to him excitedly. It was a sight she'd have never seen back at home. Back there, if people figured out that he was a walking skeleton they would panic. Worse still, if those same people figured out that she was behind his resurrection, she would be arrested then burned as a witch...

Lilly and Bob had spent years hiding and moving carefully from town to town. Fearful of this possibility. It was nice to find people that were eager to befriend Bob like this. Still, she couldn't help but feel like something was missing. Or that perhaps all of this was simply too good to be true.

She kept expecting something to go horribly wrong at any moment and was almost constantly looking over her shoulder. When she'd first arrived here, she had been so disoriented by all the different technologies, magics, and species that she had been convinced that she was dreaming. It had been the main reason that she'd been so relaxed about everything. But now she knew it was real but still questioned whether she could truly relax here.


The Watcher nodded. "I'll escort them to your home at once," he said before turning and heading back to the entrance. There he whispered into the other Watcher's ear, who seemed to visibly relax, before turning to Lang and Harley.

"Please follow me. Jean has agreed to see you. I will show you to his home." he said then held the doors open for them. Lang walked into the castle and stared around them in awe of all the decorations on the walls, as well as how big the interior of the castle was. Once they'd stepped inside, the Watcher walked them to Jean and Hannes's house. There he'd knock on the door again to let Jean know they'd arrived.


Patience sat down on the couch wearily. Amelia smiled widely as she watched Charles gently place their son in Neva's arms. Neva was grinning from ear to ear but was standing rigid as Charles placed the baby in her arms and she held him as gently as she could, frightened that she would hurt him in some way.

"He's so cute!" She whispered excitedly, her eyes wide and full of joy. She then looked up at Charles with her mouth hanging open a bit as he asked her to name him and she looked up at Amelia who chuckled at her expression. "That's fine by me," Amelia replied then winked at Neva. "Pick something good though. He is technically a Prince. No pressure."

"U-umm..." Neva hesitated and looked at the baby who looked back at her with furrowed eyebrows as he tried his best to take in her features. "What about...Oliver?" she suggested, looking back up at Charles.


"I know seeing something like that can be terrible...but Leo is strong. I'm sure he'll be fine..." David said, trying to reassure her. "I'll check on him for you though if you want. As for that light..." David smiled knowingly. "Well, let's just say Leo has friends in all the right places." he chuckled. He then turned to Ellesse. "Now, I do believe I have a grandson to meet."

Ellesse smiled and nodded before teleporting them to Carter's house.

When they arrived, David stared in awe at the baby then smiled tearfully at Amelia and Charles. "Congratulations! Both of you!" he said happily.

"David?" Patience said and slowly stood up again. David turned rapidly to face her with wide eyes. Both of them burst into tears as they hurried over to hug each other. Crying into each other's shoulders. David pulled back then kissed Patience passionately. Patience stiffened at first, then relaxed into it, kissing him back.

"Well...so much for conflict of interests..." Amelia chuckled, but she was glad to see them finally getting their relationship out into the open.


Oscar shook his head. "I know how you feel...all those years as a Punisher Demon...we're supposed to be some of the best fighters...but it all counted for nothing against him..." he sighed and placed his hands on Leo's shoulders. "But we can't blame ourselves for that... David and Donnie were trained by Demons who were far more skilled...and far more frightening than any Punisher Demon could hope to be..." he paused and shivered.

"Lucifer's Soldiers... They were the elite. Without THAT kind of training, we simply didn't stand a chance." he let go of his shoulders and glanced up towards the black sky. "Which is why we should ask David to train us...properly...the way he was trained. Because He and Donnie weren't the only Demons trained that way and who knows if or when another one will snap?... We need to be ready...just in case."


Denix Vames - September 21, 2021

"Uh sure. What is it?" They left the apartment. Ben walked beside him.


Storm laughed. "That's the whole point. It's cool to have ripped clothes. Especially when they're jeans. But they look good on jackets too."

Hades waved her over as she held a top that said, 'My Dark Soul.' She smiled.


Harley bit his lip. Wondering what Jean would say to him.

Jean opened the door. Both brothers were surprised to actually see each other. "Jean?" "H-Harley!" Jean threw himself in his arms. Sobbing over his chest. Harley wrapped his arms around him as he cried too. "I'm so sorry about what I told you years ago. I didn't mean it. Not one bit."


"Oliver it is then." Charles stood. He smiled at David. "His name's Oliver."

Vincent and Elliot came walking down the stairs with a lazy walk as they had just woken up. Elliot scratched the back of his head. Revealing lots hickeys on his neck. "What's going on here? I'm trying to-" His eyes widened as he pointed at Oliver. "Holy shit! That's a baby!" Vincent seemed frightened. He took a step back which led him to falling on the stairs.

"Hey man. You alright?" Elliot reached out to help him but Vincent ran back to the bedroom. Recalling what he use to do to children and their families. He had also killed infants. Something that he was now ashamed of and scared to do to Oliver. Even though there was no way of that happening these days.


Leo thought for a moment then nodded. "Alright. Let's go see him."

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shadowess - September 21, 2021

Niko rubbed his own arm awkwardly. Wondering how to phrase the question that he wanted to ask without it coming across the wrong way. He glanced back at the apartment then turned to face forward as they walked, waiting until they were out of earshot before he'd speak.

"I can see that you're torn." he started. "I might not have been involved with what happened but I'm very good at paying attention to things that happen around me... I can tell that you love them both in the same way..." he hesitated and came to a stop, turning to face Ben and looking at him nervously.

"In my old home...we were very open to all kinds of love. I don't know what you would call it out here but...there was a way of making something like this work...but it depends on whether Jessica and Greg would be happy with it too..." he scratched the back of his neck and looked away, his cheeks turning a little red.

"Some relationships back home...had more than just...two people...some had three...maybe even four..." he shrugged. "I just thought that it might be another option for the three of you to consider. That way...no one loses anyone...But what you all choose to do...would be up to each of you..." He looked back at Ben. "Is that something that...you might be interested in?"


Bob turned his head to look at Storm. "'Cool'?" he looked down at himself and admired the way the jacket looked again. "Huh...cool...I think I like it."

Lilly looked at Hades and saw the shirt. She couldn't read the words but she liked the way it looked. Seeing Hades smile, she couldn't help the corner of her mouth twitch a little into a small smirk. She walked over and looked at the shirt more closely, running her fingers over the letters. "What does it say?" she asked.


Satisfied to see that the visitors were telling the truth about their identity, the Watcher left them to it and returned to his post. Lang stood by awkwardly and watched the reunion with a small, sad smile.


"Daddy?" Neva called after Vincent. Amelia frowned, watching him run away. She kissed Charles on the cheek then followed after him. On her way past Elliot, she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder to reassure him. She hurried up the rest of the stairs then headed towards the bedroom door, knocking on it lightly. "Vincent? It's ok. Let me in and we'll talk about it." she called through the door in a gentle tone.

Neva looked at Elliot and smiled at him. "Daddy, come and see Oliver! Isn't he cute?"

David and Patience had stopped kissing and sat on the couch, resting. Both of them were still wounded and tired but they watched the baby with small, proud smiles on their faces.


Oscar nodded and gently took Leo's hand in his before teleporting them to David's location...to find themselves in an already crowded room with a baby! "Woah! Wait, is that the new Prince?" Oscar asked, looking at Charles, apparently forgetting in an instant what they had teleported there for. He beamed and covered his mouth with both his hands out of excitement before turning to look at Leo happily. "Well, at least there is some good news after what happened today!"


Denix Vames - September 21, 2021

Ben's face went red. "Are you talking about a three-way? Isn't that wrong?"


"Then we'll take that one too." ,said Storm who took it off. He grabbed some jeans covered in chains. "Try this on. I think you'll good in it."

"It says 'My Dark Souls.' I think you'll like it. Seems like everything here is your style." ,said Hades.


Both brothers separated from the hug. "So, how have things been at work?" ,asked Jean. "Good. Pretty good." Harley scratched the back of his head nervously. He frowned as he looked away. "What is it?" ,asked Jean. "I...I need to tell you something. It's about what I did at work recently."


Harley leaned against the doorway. He hugged himself. "I don't know how to tell you this because I don't want you to think that it's your fault." "Tell me what?" He glanced at Lang before placing a hand through the wall. Jean's eyes widened. "Wha....?" "Jean, I....I killed myself."

Jean covered his mouth as he fell to his knees. Sobbing uncontrollably. "I never had any ideas to do it. It just happened because I felt like I let you down." "Let me down? Look at what I did to you!" "Jean-" "I made you feel like you were wrong just for being a cop!" "But I made you feel miserable! That's why you always broke the law!"

Harley knelt. Jean grabbed his hand. Holding it close. "But there has to be way! You can't be dead!" Harley brushed some tears off with his thumb. "And there is. I know that because of what I know now. So, you'll see me again."


"Aww! He's so adorable." ,said Elliot who held him. "Ain't he a cutie?"

Leo smiled at the baby. "Let me take a look at him." When he picked him up, Oliver immediately started crying. He held an annoyed expression. "Never mind." He handed Oliver back to Elliot. "Don't worry. Ya'll just gotta do this."

Elliot tickled his stomach. He smiled at Oliver's laughter. He stopped tickling and began to do baby talk. "You're the Prince of Hell. Yes you are. Yes you are. And you're gonna kick some ass when you get older."

Vincent turned to the door. "I killed babies! Babies for god sakes! I can't do this! I can't look at him without thinking about it!"


shadowess - September 22, 2021

"Not where I am from," Niko answered simply. "It's quite normal, actually. But understand, it is not just sex that I'm referring to. It's the relationship as well. For it to work, Greg and Jessica will need to love each other in the same way that you love both of them. These kinds of relationships were rare back at home but the ones that lasted were the ones where all partners loved each other equally and shared each other with the other. Does that make sense?" he sighed and glanced back at the apartment. "So, if this sort of thing interests you. The tricky part would be getting your loves to fall in love with each other as well. But I suppose you could propose that the three of you try dating slowly? See if it would work?" he shrugged. "After all, there's no way of knowing unless it is tried. Just remember, clear communication is essential."


"Did you rob this off a prisoner?" Bob chuckled, running his hand under the chains. "Wait, why are these chains so dinky? They wouldn't hold a dog!" he looked up at Storm. "Is this 'cool', too?"

Lilly's cheeks turned a little pink and she glanced around the shop at the other clothes. "I suppose it is..." she gestured to her black, industrial-style dress. "I took this to blend in with a factory when Bob and I were trying to escape some people that wanted to hurt me. I didn't take it off, even though I didn't need it anymore. I guess I like things that are dark and rough." she frowned a little and glanced at Bob. "But then I suppose that suits my power too." she sighed. Then she looked back at the shirt and smiled a little at Hades. "But perhaps it's time for me to try on something different."


"He's right," Lang said gently. "Now that you two have reconciled, Harley here can move on. He'll be going to Heaven and I'm sure he'll earn his wings and be back, visiting Earth in no time." he winked. He turned to Harley and smiled. "Oh, when you get there, could you remind Gabriel that he still owes me a drink from the bet he lost? It was decades ago but I like to tease him about it." he chuckled.


Oscar chuckled and wrapped his arms around Leo from behind. "You looked cute with a baby in your arms," he said and kissed his cheek.

"Could I hold him, Elliot?" David asked from the couch. "I'd get up but it's a little painful."

Neva ran up to Charles and hugged his legs. "Will you bring him over to play every day?" she asked excitedly. "I'll share my toys with him!"

Amelia sighed and leaned against the doorframe with her arms crossed. "I know you did..." she said gently. "But I still trust you, Vincent. Because I know that that isn't who you are anymore. You're a completely different person now. You're one of my best friends. My brother." she paused, listening carefully for a moment. "Please come out, Vincent. It would mean the world to me."


Denix Vames - September 22, 2021

Ben thought for a moment. "I'll think about it." He disappeared.


Storm smiled. "Yeah. This is pretty cool."

Hades handed her the shirt. She pointed out a changing room. "I'm sure you'll look good in this."


Harley smiled. "I'll be sure to." Jean hugged him. "I can't believe it. After so long, we finally don't hate each other." "I'm glad we don't. See ya later bro." Harley faded away. Jean smiled. He stood and hugged Lang. "Thank you."


Leo smiled. "Thanks babe."

"Course." Elliot handed Oliver to him. "Ya think I can take him to mud slides when he gets older?" Charles nodded at her. "Whenever we're not tired that is. Being a parent is definitely going to wear us out."

Vincent slowly opened the door before facing Amelia. There were tears running down his cheeks.


Denix Vames - September 22, 2021

Yami was holding a local bank at gunpoint. Keeping the customers and employees there as hostages. He was able to stuff some stacks of bills in his backpack before the cops came.

The officers at the scene had their cars there like a shield as they held their guns at the bank. "Malone, I need you to talk to the suspect." ,said Will who handed him the megaphone.

(decided to bring this in cause why not?)


shadowess - September 23, 2021

Niko watched Ben vanish and nodded to himself as he turned to face the apartments. "That is all that I ask..." he sighed before walking back. He got back into the apartment, closing the door behind him, and walked over to the bathroom door. He knocked softly. "Jessica?" he called through. No answer came but he could hear her crying quietly inside. "Please open the door, Liebchen...It will be alright," he said gently. He heard movement, then stood back a little when he heard the lock on the door click. Jessica opened the door slowly to look at him. Her cheeks were wet from tears. "How do you know?" she asked sourly.

Niko frowned, looking at her for a moment before simply opening his arms to her. "I don't...but I'm here for you," he said gently. Jessica broke down again and walked over to him, hugging him and sobbing into his shoulder. Niko embraced her, stroking the back of her head to comfort her. "I gave him everything he wanted..." she wept. "I would've done anything for him! I love him so much..."


"I'll take your word for it," Bob said, taking the pants and shoving them over the ones he was already wearing, which was very easy to do given he was all just bones. The chains dragged the pants down and Bob had to keep hold of the hem of the pants to stop them from falling around his ankles. "Ah...no flesh to hold them up...I would need a belt," he said but admired himself in the mirror just the same. "But otherwise, not too shabby."

Lilly took the shirt and looked towards the changing room awkwardly. She looked at Hades again for a second to get some reassurance then smiled and walked in. She then realized that she didn't have any pants to wear as she was currently wearing a dress, so she lowered the top half of her dress to her waist and tied it off to make it more of a skirt before putting the shirt on. Cheeks red and a little shy, she stepped out to show Hades.


"Oh! um! You're welcome." Lang chuckled, taken aback by the hug. He hugged him back briefly before letting him go and looking around. "Harley was worried about you. But I gotta say, it looks like you've done really well for yourself! This is a very nice home you've got."


"I can help! I could babysit him!" Neva offered eagerly.

David chuckled at Elliot's question as he smiled at Oliver. "Maybe. You'd have to ask his parents." he lifted a hand to hold Oliver's hand between his fingers. "Hello, there little one...I'm your grandpa...but er-...don't call me grandpa, ok? David is cool." he grinned. He watched the way Oliver's eyes closed then reopened slowly and he chuckled again. "Getting sleepy huh? Well, I suppose it's been a very long day for you and your mommy."

Ellesse walked over to David, knelt down, and held her hands over the baby for a minute or two. She had her eyes closed and her head bowed with a look of concentration on her face. Then she stood and turned to face Charles with a smile. "He's perfectly healthy," she announced then her smile became a little sad. "Well, this is it for me then. Now that Oliver has been born and I'm happy he and Amelia are healthy, I will be reassigned to the next Angel, Demon, or Devil expecting a child. It's been a pleasure working with you and I sincerely wish you all the best for the future. Is there anything else you need from me before I leave?"

Amelia looked at Vincent with a sympathetic frown. "It'll be ok," she said gently, taking his hand and offering him a smile. "I know it won't be easy to see him but I trust you." she tilted her head and looked at him thoughtfully. "After all, Neva is going to want to play with her cousin a lot. Especially when he grows a bit...and honestly, I'd be proud for you to be his uncle."


(lol Fair enough)

"M-me boss?" Malone asked, taking the megaphone nervously. He'd never been in this kind of situation before, nor had he ever tried to negotiate with theft in progress. He gulped to steel his nerves before stepping forward and pulling the megaphone up to his mouth. Pressing the button, he winced at the loud feedback before speaking. "Attention! We have the bank surrounded! But this doesn't need to get ugly. No one needs to get hurt. Come out with your hands behind your head."


Denix Vames - September 23, 2021

Ben found himself appearing in Hell. In a place where there were abandoned cars. He didn't know why this place called to him but he decided to get into one of the cars where he laid there. Intending to sleep.


Grim held out a checkered belt. "This should work."

Hades clapped happily. "You look great! Maybe you could try out some jeans too? And a couple of other shirts?"


"Thank you. Um...." Jean stepped back a bit. "Do you want a tour? I wouldn't mind."


"That's very thoughtful of you. Thank you." ,said Charles. He walked over to Ellesse. "Yes actually. We would like to invite you to Oliver's first birthday party. If you have the time of course. We have yet to get the materials that we need but it shouldn't take us long to set everything up."

Vincent's eyes widened at the idea of being an uncle. He looked at her hand before taking it and giving her a smile.


Yami jumped out of the bank with his backpack in his hands. He was high in the air before he jumped on cop. Making him fall. He jumped to other cops as shouted, "Whoo hoo!" Whacking them with the heavy backpack or sometimes kicking them while he was in the air. Jumping on cars or on cops.

Will whacked the back of his head with the megaphone he had taken from Malone. Yami stood but with some stumble. "I-I'm on....top of....the...mountain....!" He passed out on the ground. "Let's get him to the PD."

Yami was a werecat so he could deal with hard blows like that. There were no injuries on his person except for a bruise which wouldn't last long. When he had been handcuffed and placed in the backseat of Malone's cruiser, he unconsciously curled up like a cat. Sleeping with purring coming from himself. Something that no one expected.


Shadowess - September 23, 2021

One of the souls that had been driven from Desi's harem had been wandering Hell in constant terror. They'd been in that harem since they stumbled into it centuries ago. So, they had no idea that things in Hell were changing and that most Demons didn't torture souls anymore. This soul was female. Looking to be in her mid-thirties. She was very pretty, with curly, shoulder-length brown hair and dark brown eyes.

In life, she'd been a black widow and a gold digger. Marrying rich men then, during their honeymoon, killing them in a way that made it look like a freak accident. Then she'd sell his properties, change her name, transfer the money left to her in the will to her new bank accounts, travel to a new location, and do it all over again. She died when it turned out a man she'd been trying to seduce was already married and the jealous wife tracked them down on one of their dates, murdering them both.

That's how she ended up going to Hell. She learned quickly to hide from Demons but if it was absolutely necessary, she could bribe a demon with her body to get out of torture. This didn't always work but most of the time, it did. Then there were the few occasions when a Demon would take her up on her bribe, only to torture her afterward anyway.

There was never any way of telling if it would work, but it was the only thing she could use to try to protect herself. Then she found the harem and for a while, she felt safe. She became comfortable...but now? Now the harem was no more...and she was right back to wander Hell's various landscapes. Constantly looking over her shoulders.

By the time she reached the part of Hell with the abandoned cars, she was starving again and her bare feet were bleeding. She stumbled tiredly between the cars and glanced behind her to make sure she wasn't being followed. She kept glancing into the cars. To the comfy-looking seats.

They seemed safe enough...maybe this would be a good place for her to rest for a while? She'd be well hidden and she might actually be able to get some sleep. Exhausted, she stopped and opened up one of the car doors. She climbed in and closed the door behind her. She then lay down, trying to get herself comfortable.

As she closed her eyes and began to settle herself, the seatbelts slowly snaked around her. Moving silently and carefully, as if they were alive and fully aware of the soul's presence. In a flash, they'd snapped themselves tightly around one of her wrists and one of her ankles, making her gasp.

Confused and alarmed, she tried to pull herself loose. That's when the car's alarms began going off loudly. She panicked, clawing at the belt around her wrist desperately to try and get it off. "N-no! no! Shh! Shush! Shut up!" she hissed at the car frantically while trying to pry herself free.


"Thanks, bud." Bob took the belt and hooked it through the pant's loops. He checked himself out. Turning this way and that. Then he turned around completely and spun his head around so he could see his back. "I gotta say fellas, you certainly know style!"

Lilly's smile grew a little more. "I think I'd like to do that," she said, glancing around at the clothes.


"Thank you. Um...." Jean stepped back a bit. "Do you want a tour? I wouldn't mind."

"Is that ok? I don't want to put you out of your way." Lang said, looking back at him. "I've never seen any place like this one...It's not every day you find a whole building that acts like a village!"


"You mean his 'zero-th' birthday party?" Oscar smiled. "Seeing as he's technically zero years old..." his speech slowed down a bit as he became a little awkward from explaining his joke.

Ellesse gave Oscar a playful smirk then looked back at Charles and nodded with a wide smile. "I would be delighted to attend his first birthday. I have to go for now but call on me when you have everything set up."

Her eyes softened and her smile became a warm one. "Thank you...you and Amelia. You've both been so kind and patient with me...this was definitely an interesting first assignment and one I will never forget. Take care. All of you." She vanished.

Happy that Vincent seemed to calm down and relax, Amelia nodded to him before turning and walking with him to the stairs. She glanced back at him, giving him a reassuring smile before turning and walking down them with him. When Neva saw Vincent re-emerge, she ran up to meet him halfway, holding her arms out to him. "Daddy!" she beamed. "Oliver is going to be my best friend!"

Amelia smiled at Charles and walked over to him once Vincent would have Neva.


Malone glanced back at Yami and rose a brow. He looked at his partner in the seat next to him. "I know there are supernatural people out there but...Is this normal?"

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Denix Vames - September 23, 2021

"What the hell?!" Ben raised his arms. Ripping apart the seatbelts that were trying to keep him there. He hopped out of the car. Running over to the screaming of a woman.

He tore the seatbelts off of her and helped her out of the car. "Are you ok?"


After getting some clothes for both Lily and Bob, they headed out of the store with a few bags. Getting to the van.


"I don't mind. I don't think I've ever had a visitor that's been out of Germany." Jean guided him inside. Showing him the place. "My boyfriend's sleeping so we should try our best to stay quiet."


Vincent picked Neva up. "That's good to hear. I'm glad." Elliot placed a hand on his arm. He kissed her before they went to Oliver. Vincent handed Neva to Elliot.

"May I...?" Once Oliver was in his arms, he smiled at him. "Hey little guy. It's me. Your uncle. My name's Vincent." Tears streamed down his cheeks. "I-I've never met a baby before because....But things are different now. For the better. And now I can see you."


His partner sighed. "Why do I get the feeling that this guy isn't normal?"

Once they were at the precinct, he gently shook Yami who yawned wide and stretched out all his limbs. He smacked his lips before rubbing the back of his hand against his own head. As if he was cleaning himself. He licked his hand and began doing just that when he got on all fours.


Shadowess - September 25, 2021

At first, the woman assumed that Ben was a Demon coming to torture her. So she screamed and struggled against the belts to try to get away. She was then taken by surprise when he ripped the belts off her, pulled her out, and asked her if she was alright. She looked at him warily while backing away a little. "I-is this a trick?" she asked then looked around hurriedly to see if there was an escape route available to her, should she need to run. She looked back at him, hugging herself. "Are you going to hurt me?"


Lilly followed the others back into the van. She was quiet as she thought about everything that had happened. She also thought about how she and Bob would fit into this world. Whether she could really relax here...settle in... She watched Bob and the way he happily told the others a story from their world, about the time he had to hide his body with parts of various theater costumes in a hurry before an elderly rich woman with terrible vision mistook him for her valet and tried to get frisky with him.

"I hid in that pantry for so long, I knew all the rats in there by name by the time Lilly came to get me!" he joked as he finished his story.

"You were the one who named them..." Lilly rolled her eyes.

"Yeah...I miss those fuzzy little guys...They were really smart too! Followed us around for a couple of days after!"

Lilly leaned towards Hades and said quietly; "They only followed us out of there because he had a bread roll jammed between his ribs and they could smell it..."


"No problem," Lang said quietly with a nod. He looked around at the decor of Jean's home.

Hannes awoke naturally. By now, his body had completely healed and his hair had grown back to what it had been before he'd been burned by the sun. With his eyes still closed he rolled over and placed his hand on the spot where Jean had been sleeping, expecting to drape it over him. When he felt that Jean wasn't there, however, his eyes snapped open and he looked around frantically. Reliving the awful moment he'd woken up to find Jean had been taken. "Jean?!" he called out, his voice laced with panic as he threw himself out of bed and hurriedly pulled on a bed robe.


Oliver looked up at Vincent curiously. Looking at his features and taking everything in. Despite all the new faces and the different voices around him, he seemed calm. Simply curious about everything. After a minute or two of Vincent holding him, his eyebrows furrowed a bit and he let out a small cry. Amelia chuckled and walked over, gently taking him in her arms. "He's just tired..." she said softly. "We've had a lot of excitement today..." she watched the way Oliver turned his head to her chest and opened his mouth and she chuckled again. "And maybe he's a little hungry too..." she turned to Charles, not really wanting to feed the child in front of everyone. "Maybe we should go home now?" she suggested. There she could feed Oliver in peace and they could all rest after such a stressful day.


The werewolf officer in the precinct stared at Yami with a mixture of disgust and confusion. "Man, this shit is weird. Even for me!" she said from her desk. Malone was leaning against the bars of the holding cell. "What are you?" he asked Yami while watching him warily.


Viktor appeared outside Bryce's apartment. He was bored and kind of sick of hearing the noises coming from Rick and Rickster's room. He also missed Bryce a bit, even though they only saw each other during the day. He enjoyed his company and always felt at ease with him.


Denix Vames - September 25, 2021

Ben raised a brow. "Hurt you? Why would I want to hurt you? What happened?"


Everyone was enjoying his story. Hades chuckled. "He's definitely a looker. Maybe we could introduce him to a reaper? I think he and them would both have similar interests."

Storm drove back to the abandoned storage room. "We're going to be doing some practice. You can hang out and listen. We've got plenty of snacks and beer."


Jean ran to Hannes. He placed his hands on his arms. "It's ok Hannes! I'm right here. This is a friend from the police department. His name's Officer Lang. I was just giving him a tour of our home."


"Of course." Charles held her hand before all three of them disappeared.

Elliot coughed. His eyes widened at the sight of blood on his hands. "What the hell?!" Vincent ran to his side. "Elliot! What's-?!" He saw the blood. "David! Something's wrong!"


(so i was thinking of giving Elliot some kind of illness and in order to save him he gets turned into something. not sure what type of supernatural creature would fit his personality though)


Yami sniffed the air. He hissed at the werewolf officer. "Bitch!"

He stood. Making his way to the bars. He smirked. He placed his fingers on his neck. Whispering, "Whatever you want me to be officer."


Bryce opened the door when he sensed him. He was drinking a bottle of venomed blood. Getting drunk after dealing with a terrible situation. "Oh hey Viktor! How the fuck are ya?!"


shadowess - September 26, 2021

The woman faltered. She stared at Ben for a good long minute. "So...you're not a Demon then?" she asked, taking a cautious step towards him. "Does that mean you're like me? A soul?" she looked around again before looking back at him. "M-maybe we could stick together? Watch each other's backs? We might stand a better chance if a Demon finds us." Or she might just throw him to a Demon so that she could save her own ass. Either way worked for her. What she didn't realize was that Ben was now, technically, a Devil. Which meant that at any point, he could look into her past to see why she was damned in the first place, just by looking at her and focussing on seeing her for who she really was.


"What's a Reaper?" Lilly asked curiously. She and Bob followed the others back into the storage room. When they opened the door and stepped in, they saw a man sitting on the floor with his back to the far wall. He looked up slowly and glared directly at Hades as she walked in. Donnie was absolutely seething from his defeat back at the Whitehouse. Though being torn apart hadn't destroyed him, it had left his new body feeling sore. But that was nothing compared to the damage done to his ego. Beaten and thrown about like a rag doll by a woman who had just given birth! This was a new low for him and he was left with such a sour taste in his mouth that he felt he needed to do something to relieve his anger.

His eyes locked onto Hades as he growled while slowly rising to his feet. Though his eyes were still angry, the corner of his lips twisted into a sickening smile while he raised his hand to show her the black heart that was still there. "I remembered," he growled into a chuckle. His smile slipped. "I remembered you taking away something dear to me." his eyes moved slowly over to Storm. "Give me back my Insanity or I'll take something dear to you." he threatened.

"Who is this creep?" Lilly asked, glaring back at the Demon with the demented stare.

"Who cares! No one talks that way to a lady!" Bob said, marching forward to stand between Donnie and the others. Donnie's eyes widened. He hadn't noticed the skeleton. Or rather, he'd assumed he was some kind of prop and not an actual walking, talking being. "What the hell?!" he gasped as Bob marched over to him and prodded his chest with a boney finger.

"Now listen here, bub! You apologize to the lady and we won't have a problem, you dig?" Bob demanded.

"I don't-! Who-?! What-?!" Donnie was flustered.

"The words are 'I'm' and 'Sorry'! It's not that hard! Now are you going to do it or do I have to ram my femur up your ass?!"

"He'll do it too," Lilly added. "I've seen him do it. It's not pretty."

Donnie stared between Lilly and Bob for a second, completely taken aback before glaring at Hades. "My Insanity. Or else," he growled before vanishing.

"What a creep!" Bob scoffed and turned back to face the others. "You all alright?"


Hannes looked at Jean as he ran in. He was relieved but his heart was still beating quite hard and he'd started to sweat. He felt a little embarrassed that he'd panicked so quickly. "R-right...right..." he swallowed hard and nodded, barely looking up at Lang as he tried to calm himself down again.


Lang rose an eyebrow. The watchers had mentioned that something had happened during the day and he wondered if it had something to do with Jean and Hannes by the way Hannes was behaving. "It's nice to meet you," he said politely while still standing in the living room and looking in on them.

Hannes nodded then let out a long, slow breath. He placed his hands over Jean's and kissed his cheek softly. "I'm going to get dressed then head to our kitchens to see if they have anything fresh. Maybe you could show Officer Lang to the hall and meet me there? The kitchens would be happy to cook him some freshly caught veal if they have it. Do you remember the way there?" Hannes suggested.


"Daddy?" Neva said nervously, looking at Elliot with worry.

Oscar had been about to talk to David when Elliot had begun coughing. But he stopped when he saw the blood and exchanged a worried glance with Leo.

David had jumped to his feet, ignoring the pain, and marched straight over to Elliot with a serious expression. He looked at the blood on his hands then placed his hands on either side of his head. With a look of concentration, he moved his hands down and hovered them over his chest for a minute before his eyes widened a bit and he took a step back. He looked at Elliot with shock and sadness then looked at Vincent and Neva with the same expression. "I'm so sorry..." he said quietly, shaking his head a little. "But this isn't something that can simply be healed...I don't even think humans have found a cure for this yet..."

"What is it? What's wrong?" Patience asked, leaning forward on the couch and looking at them tensely. David stared at Neva for a minute and sighed. He didn't want to frighten her. "Patience, could you take Neva somewhere for a little while?" he then turned to Leo and Oscar. "Would you two mind giving us some privacy as well?"

Oscar nodded quietly and took Leo's hand. Teleporting them back to their mansion. Patience stood and took Neva into her arms. "No! I don't want to leave daddy!!" she began to cry. Patience shushed her softly. "It'll be alright. They're just going to talk, ok? I'll bring you back right after. Come on, there's a perfect little park in Heaven that I could take you to for a little while. It's safe and there are lots of different toys and things to play with." she vanished with Neva.

David placed a hand over his own mouth and rubbed his chin for a moment before gesturing to the couch. "You two might want to take a seat. This isn't easy and it's going to come as a shock to you both." When they were both seated, he sat across from them with his hands clasped together, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. He stared at the carpet with a serious expression for a minute as he gathered the courage to tell them what was wrong. Finally, he looked up at them somberly. "Elliot, you have lung cancer," he said, getting straight to the point.

"I don't know how long it's been there but it's grown and become aggressive. You have months...maybe a little under a year left...maybe a little longer if you get treatment but you don't need me to tell you how... 'uncomfortable' that treatment would be...I'm sorry..." He sighed and sat up, looking between them. "The only thing I know that can destroy this illness is a drastic change to your DNA...that is... to change into something else...like a vampire, or werewolf... I know that's a lot to ask... and I know you would need time to think about it... but it's either that or...I don't know... Maybe in a year's time, you could apply to become an Angel when you've...you know..." David trailed off and lowered his eyes back down to the carpet.


"The fuck did you just call me?!" The werewolf officer snapped back, getting to her feet and marching over to the bars.

Malone cringed and moved away from Yami quickly. "Not interested," he said while giving him a hard glare. "And you stay out of this. I can handle him. You go back to your own reports." he said to the werewolf officer before turning back to face Yami again. "Now I suggest you start talking. What are you? Where did you come from? What's your name?"


"Bryce?" Viktor looked at him in confusion as he stepped into his apartment. He wrinkled his nose at the smell of venom on him. "What's that smell? and...are you...drunk? How?" he asked. As a hunter, he'd known about the venom that vampires could subdue their victims with but he'd been unaware that vampires could milk their own venom then drink it like it was a spirit drink.


Denix Vames - September 26, 2021

Ben's eyes widened as he stepped back. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Why would you kill them just like that?"


Storm glared at Donnie before he disappeared. Hades covered her mouth. Shocked by his appearance. She ran into Storm's arms. Silently crying as he held her close. "We have to tell David."


Jean smiled. "Yeah I do. Come on Lang. There's some nice dishes if you're hungry." He guided him to the kitchens.


Leo's heart sank. He fell to his knees. Looking at the floor as a tear fell. "She's not a creature. Allie's human. Somehow, she didn't gain her dad's DNA. That's why I couldn't let her..." He recalled dying at the hands of Donnie. "I don't know what to do."


With both men seated, they listened. Elliot squeezed Vincent's hand. Worried about his decision. "Is being any of those things easy to manage?"


Yami looked at his nails. "A Werecat, San Francisco, and I'm Yami Stag." He smiled at Malone. "So, who's going to interrogate me?"

Walter, another officer, stepped in. "Could I possibly? I need to get some practice."


Bryce raised his arms as he spun around. "I'm soaring high!" He fell on the floor. Dropping the bottle. "Ow...."


shadowess - September 26, 2021

(Figured now that he's seen her past he would immediately just know her name lol)

Beatrice blinked, taken aback by the question. "What do you mean-?" she then paused, a looked of realization followed by horror crossed her features. "Oh...oh, God..." she took a step back, away from Ben. "You ARE a Demon!" she turned and ran from him as quickly as she could.


Lilly looked at Hades. "Who was that?"

Bob tilted his head. "And what did he mean by his 'Insanity'? The guy seemed plenty insane to me!"


When they arrived in the hall, near the door to the kitchens, a couple of passing Warriors saw them. One of these warriors was Egon. "Jean!" he called out to him as he walked over to greet them. "How do you feel? You look better than you did before." he then looked at Lang and a raised brow. "Is this a friend of yours?"

"Officer Lang." Lang held out a hand for him to shake. Egon looked at it skeptically for a second before shaking it.

"Pleasure to meet you."

It was at about this time that Racheal woke up. She looked around and saw the presents she'd received the night before had already been delivered to Elimar's home. She stood with a small smile, remembering what Elimar had said to her the night before, as she made her way over and opened one of the boxes containing the clothes and dresses she'd been gifted. Picking out an outfit, she took it with her into the bathroom where she bathed and got dressed. She put the makeup on in the same way that Larissa had shown her the night before, before stepping out of the bathroom.


Oscar looked at Leo, a little confused at first but thinking on what he said, he thought back to their fight with Donnie, as well as Leo's earlier concerns about changing his career and he frowned. He knelt and placed a hand on Leo's back, rubbing it a bit to try to comfort him. "Think it over," he said softly. "Whatever you decide to do, I'll be right here with you to support you." he sat on the floor with him and turned to face him, cupping his cheek with his finger and thumb. "I mean...if you really want, I could even join you...in whatever you decide to do."


David shrugged. "I wouldn't know in regards to vampirism or lycanthropy...because I've never personally been either. But I'll admit, when I first became a Demon, the new strength and powers were a little jarring. Over time though, I got used to it. Now I couldn't imagine being anything else." he stood and rubbed his own temples for a moment. "I know this is a lot to take in, but please know that you have time to make a decision. Think it over carefully. If you do decide on becoming something supernatural, let me know and I'll see what I can do to help."


Malone looked over at Walter and nodded. "Alright, but I want to sit in with you."


"Bryce!" Viktor gasped when he fell. He knelt next to him and pulled him into a sitting position, supporting his back. "Are you alright?" he asked, hurriedly scooping up the bottle before it could spill too much blood. He sniffed the bottle then recoiled. "What the hell is in this?? Bryce, what's going on?"

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Denix Vames - September 26, 2021

"Hey! Wait a minute!" Ben ran after her. "I'm not a demon! I'm a Blood God! Beatrice! Just listen to me for a second!"


Elliot hesitantly nodded. "Ok. I'll think about it." Vincent guided him upstairs to the room. "Please tell Patience that she can bring Neva back." ,said Vincent.


"It's a long story but let's just say Donnie is a fucked up person. C'mon everybody. We have to go see David." Once everyone held hands, they appeared where David.

"Dad? We need to talk. It's about Donnie."


"I'm doing just fine. I feel much better now. Lang here is hungry. I heard you guys were cooking veal?" ,asked Jean.

Elimar yawned before sitting up. His eyes widened at the sight of her beauty. His cheeks were red. "You're....You're like a queen."


"So long as people like Donnie exist, I have to protect her. But I want to live a normal life. Maybe I could talk to the President about helping Allie become a creature so that she can protect herself." ,said Leo.


"Sure thing."

With Yami soon handcuffed to the table in the interview room, both officers were at the other side of the table. Walter sat across. He cleared his throat. "Now, why did you attempt to rob that bank?"

"Can't a guy get some money so he can help himself?" ,said Yami. He broke the cuffs from the table by just moving them apart from each other. Leaving the cuffs with a broken chain. He got on the table. Flipping over it gracefully as he brought himself close to him.

Walter blushed. "U-Um....Sir I think you should-" "Shhh..." Yami placed a hand on his chest as he brought himself closer to him. With his other hand, he caressed his cheek. "What's so bad about being needy?"

He leaned in close. Getting his lips ever so close to him. Walter didn't know what to do. He entranced by his seductive gaze and touch.


"Have you never heard of venomed blood before? It's some good shit! Like alcohol for vampires! Whoo!" ,said Bryce.


Shadowess - September 26, 2021

Hearing Ben right behind her, Beatrice whimpered. When he'd catch up to her with ease, she'd stop and lean against one of the cars to catch her breath while slowly backing away from him. "N-no, you're one of them! You want to hurt me for what I did when I was alive! Just like the others! I'm not an idiot! I've already fallen for this trick before!" she shook her head.

She then looked him over and licked her lips nervously. If it meant she could walk away from here without a scratch then it was worth a try. "W-wait! I know, let's make a deal, hm? You Demons like deals, right? L-let me go. Let me walk away today and..." she nervously stepped towards him, placing shaking hands on his chest. "I-I'll make you feel good for a while. What you do say? I'm really good at it too. Please?"


David nodded. He sent Patience a telepathic message before vanishing back to the library in Hell. He flopped down onto the couch with a large sigh. He'd only been there for a minute or so when Hades and her group appeared in front of him. He looked at Hades with mild confusion when she brought up Donnie. Then the realization dawned on him. Amelia and Charles had only killed Donnie. They hadn't actually destroyed him! He was still out there somewhere and probably more dangerous than ever after such a humiliating defeat! He stood and walked over to Hades, placing his hands on her arms. "What's happened? Tell me everything," he said urgently.


Egon nodded. "Just through there. The hunters brought in a deer about an hour ago. They're just prepping the meat to cook for the children of the castle and draining it of its blood for the rest of us. If you ask the chefs, they'll be happy to cook you a slice with some vegetables. There aren't a lot of children in the castle so there's plenty to go around." he then gently nudged Jean's elbow and nodded to one side as a hint to speak to him privately. Lang saw this and looked towards the kitchen. "Just through here, you said? I'll go on ahead and meet you in a moment, Jean," he said as he walked into the kitchen.

Once Egon and Jean were alone, he spoke to him quietly. "I spoke with my superiors earlier for you. He'll be coming to meet you soon to talk to you about signing up to becoming a Warrior."

At that moment, Hannes entered the hall and saw Jean talking to Egon. He smiled, visibly relaxing as he walked over.

Racheal blushed deeply and looked at the ground shyly with a small smile. "You're too kind," she said softly. She walked over to the bed and sat on the corner, looking at him with a little eagerness behind her eyes. "I was thinking, maybe we could visit the town today? I could show you the shops and maybe we could visit the beach?"


"What about Allie?" Oscar asked. "Is this something that she would want?"


"Alright, that's enough!" Malone said, getting to his feet and grabbing the back of Yami's shirt, closest to the neck and dragging him back to his chair. "Sit down and stay there!" he barked at him then placed a hand on the table, leaning over to try and make himself seem intimidating. "Now you listen here, I don't care what species you are or who you think you are but you are not getting away with what you did! You're going to sit right here and you're not going to move a muscle while Walter here gets a new pair of handcuffs to detain you with! I'm going to stay here and keep an eye on you to make sure you don't get up to anything, understood?"


"N-no..." Viktor admitted, his cheeks turning a little pink. "I've never really tried alcohol before either...My mother would let my sister and I drink some wine with dinner but that was about it," he said as he looked at the bottle curiously. He licked his lips a little. "C-could I try some?" he asked, turning to look at him.


Denix Vames - September 26, 2021

Ben placed his hands on her arms. "Look I'm sorry that I was judging you earlier. I'm sure you can change just like my friends. And I don't want anything from you but to be a friend. So please let me help you. I can talk to whoever's the King of Hell for you. Ok?"


Tears streamed down her cheeks. "Donnie said he wants Insanity back. That if he doesn't get him, he'll...." Storm stepped in. "He'll take and kill me. That's my best guess because I know he said he would kidnap me."


"Oh!" Jean blushed. He smiled at Hannes. "Hannes? Did you hear?" He hugged him. "I might become a Warrior. Someone's going to talk to me about it."

"As long as it's dark. I'll ask someone if it is." ,said Elimar. He got dressed before opening the front door. He saw a passerby. "Excuse me? But is it dark out already?"


Leo bit his lip. "I don't know. I never asked. But I can't do it alone."


Yami rolled his eyes. He placed his legs on the table. "Whatever you grumpy."

Walter nervously cleared his throat and fixed up his uniform shirt before heading out. He soon came back with brand new cuffs. Yami let him change them. Walter sat back down.

"So um-" "Look, I obviously rob banks because I love money. There's no big mystery or grand scheme. You can even get one of your officers to read my mind. All I do is rob and that's it. So just put me in jail already. I'm getting tired of sitting around here. You're no fun."


Bryce nodded. "Of course. I think you'll like it."


shadowess - September 26, 2021

Having been deceived before, Beatrice simply wasn't buying what Ben was telling her. She shook her head and stepped away from him again before leaning against a car and sliding down to sit on the ground. There, she hugged her legs and began rocking back and forth while crying into her knees. "Just get it over with already!" she cried sourly, her voice shaking. "Stop toying with me and just do it!"


"He would do worse than just kill you..." David let go of Hades and turned away, rubbing his mouth thoughtfully. Then he clicked his fingers and turned back to face them, looking hopeful. "No, this is good! I'll explain. He's angry and humiliated right now. Yes, this makes him dangerous but do you know what it means he's not doing?" he asked them, looking between them all.

"Thinking clearly," Lilly replied simply and David snapped his fingers again before pointing at her.

"Exactly! He's tired, he's hurt, humiliated and he's angry. Right now he's lashing out blindly by threatening you and seeking comfort by demanding his old lover back... and we could use this to our advantage! We could lead him right into a trap! Better yet, we could lead him into a Cell that he'll never be able to break free from!"


"That is wonderful, meine geliebte." Hannes said with a smile while hugging Jean back. Egon nodded to them both before walking back to his partner and going back to his duties with him. "Where is your friend?" Hannes asked Jean while looking at him.

The passing vampire nodded to Elimar. "Has been for over an hour now," they replied then waved and continued on their way.


"Then we'll do it together," Oscar said and kissed his cheek. "We might want to leave it until the morning though. I think they've had enough to deal with for one night and could probably use some time to relax."


"Nope!" Malone agreed with a cheeky smile, then looked back at Walter. "Let's get him to a cell then. I wanna wrap up this paperwork and get home already." he stood and took Yami's arm, lifting him to a standing position and getting ready to walk him to the cells."


Viktor looked at the bottle hesitantly before shrugging to himself, bringing it to his lips, and knocking it back. After a couple of gulps, he lowered the bottle and coughed right after swallowing it. "Woah! That's strong!" he coughed again and blinked a bit as his eyes watered. He licked his lips, tasting the blood, and frowned a little. "That doesn't taste like the kind of blood from those bags..." he said, looking at Bryce curiously. Wondering if he had access to different kinds of blood somehow. "Where did you get it?"


Denix Vames - September 26, 2021

Ben didn't know what do but walk away. Feeling he couldn't help her.


"Is there a cage like that?" ,asked Hades. "Can I throw spitballs at him when he gets locked up?" ,said Storm.


"He's at the tables. We should go there and join him." ,said Jean.

"Great! Thanks." Elimar took her hand. "C'mon. Let's go. We'll take a ride there. I'm sure one of the soldiers of Germany would be willing to take us. We could run but I don't want you to ruin your gorgeous look."


Leo smiled a little at him. He stood. "Yeah. Thanks for helping me out back in that battle with Donnie. I'm just glad we're alone together again."


Yami turned into his cat form which had only black fur and green eyes. The cuffs fell on the floor. He landed on the floor before climbing up Walter's uniform. Sitting on his shoulder where he purred. Rubbing his head against his.

"I can't tell if he actually likes me or is trying to escape?"


"What do you mean? All you gotta do is put your venom in a cup of blood and then boom! You've got a damn good drink." ,said Bryce.


Denix Vames - September 26, 2021

(i think elimar's modern fashion change should be something like this. what do u think?)

Attached Image


shadowess - September 27, 2021

Beatrice stayed where she was for a minute, crying into her knees. When Ben didn't attack her, she lifted her head to watch him walk away, confused. Either this was an extremely elaborate ploy, or he'd been telling the truth... In which case, she would actually be safer going with him than staying here and waiting for another Demon to find her.

Hesitantly, she got to her feet and glanced around before walking after him. She gasped a little from the pain in her feet as she put weight on them again. They were still sore and bleeding from her having been walking barefoot for hours. She leaned against a car while the pain ebbed in her feet. "W-wait!" she called out to Ben, looking at him tearfully. "Did you...really mean what you said? About helping me?" she asked, limping after him a bit. "H-how?...Please don't leave me here..."


"Hells Cells." David nodded then shook his head at Storm. "I'd rather you didn't. As much harm as he's done...he was once my friend...I like to think that maybe there was some real good in him all along...I really want to believe that he can be saved...but I won't have any hope of that if he is antagonized. Understood?"

Lilly scoffed and David turned his head to look at her. "Something to say?" he asked, raising a brow at her expectantly.

"Rotten people don't change," Lilly said simply. "I saw the evil in that man's eyes. There is no saving someone as lost as that."

"Your opinion is noted, Lilly," David said, trying his best to contain his irritation. "But I would like to at least try."

"You're wasting your time and energy. You're better off simply destroying him."

"Again..." David turned away from her. "Your opinion is noted."


Hannes nodded and walked with Jean into the kitchens and dining area where Lang was sat with a plate of veal and vegetables in front of him. He'd already eaten most of it. "Oh, hey!" he greeted them when he noticed them walking towards him. "The chefs here are amazing cooks!"

"They have decades of experience." Hannes smiled then kissed Jean's head before walking over to the window into the kitchen and knocking on the wooden slats. One of the chefs opened them and beamed at Hannes. He was a rounded man with red cheeks and a bloodied, white apron. "Guten Abend!" the chef greeted Hannes. He glanced at Jean briefly with a smile and a nod before disappearing into the kitchen. A moment later, he returned with two milk bottles filled with blood. "Fresh this morning. Enjoy," he said before returning to his work of trying to prepare meals for the castle's children.

Hannes took the bottles from the window ledge and walked over to the table where Jean and Lang were. He passed a bottle to Jean. "It's not as sweet as the blood you get from the bags but it is fresh," he said to him as he pulled the cork off of his own bottle and began drinking from it.

Racheal grinned at Elimar, her heart warmed by his excitement to see the outside world. She blushed and giggled at his compliment before walking with him to the main doors of the castle. There they managed to get a ride from one of the German patrol vehicles that were just about to swap shifts with another, so was on its way out anyway. In the car, Racheal glanced at Elimar. Wondering what he thought of the car if he'd never ridden in one before.

Before long they arrived in the nearby seaside town. Even at this time of night, there were tourists visiting shops or local inns. Restaurants were packed. On the beach was a boardwalk, all lit up with music coming from it. They could see rides and attractions on it in the distance. They were so close to the sea that they could smell and taste the salt in the air. They could also hear the waves crashing nearby.


Oscar strained a smile and scratched the back of his head as he stood as well. "I wasn't much help..." he rubbed his throat, still able to remember what having it slit open felt like.


Malone was losing his patience at this point. "He's trying to escape!" he growled, marching over to them. "Not going to happen furball! I'm putting you away, right now!" he reached out with the intention of grabbing Yami by the scruff of his neck.


Viktor looked at Bryce. "Is that why it tastes weird? But how do you extract the venom? I read that one of my ancestors figured out how to do it but the details are vague...apparently, there's..." he lifted his finger to feel the back of his own fangs then flinched and pulled it out quickly. "Ow!"


He looked at his finger to see he'd pricked it on the hidden fang behind his larger one. He'd also just injected himself with a small dose of his own venom. He burst into giggles, feeling the numbness shoot through his veins. "Oops!" he laughed. He took another swig from the bottle then passed it back to Bryce, beginning to feel giddy from the venom's effects. "I feel weird." he giggled.

(Looks good )


Denix Vames - September 27, 2021

Ben stopped. He turned around. "I-I'm not sure but I'll try to help." He lifted her off the ground. Carrying her. He called out to the silence. Wondering if someone would answer. "Is anyone out there that could help us?"


The band members raised their hands. Including Hades. Storm said, "Murder." Grim said, "Robbery." Pain said, "Abused my ex." "I was a trained killer because of my father." ,said Hades. "Ya see Lily? We all did some fucked up things before we met each other but now look at us. We're doing better things." ,said Storm.

"And anyone judging anybody is just a hypocrite." ,said Hades.


"Thank you." Jean opened his bottle. He drank a sip. "So, how does the castle feel like Lang?"

Elimar's eyes widened as his mouth gaped open. Awed by the visuals in front of him. "Wow! I've never seen this before! There must be so many things to get here."


Leo placed his hands on his shoulders. "Everyone had an important to play in the battle. You included. You did your best just like everybody else. Don't ever doubt yourself because that's how you lose battles quicker."


Yami hissed before jumping on his face. Scratching him up as he growled. He soon stopped and jumped into Walter's arms who had not expected this.

Walter held him tight. Worried about dropping him. Yami purred. Rubbing his head against him. "Aww! He's so cute!" Walter rubbed his belly. He quickly showed a serious expression when he saw how pissed Malone was.

He looked at Yami. "Look buddy. If you really want to be friends then why don't you comply? I can see you tomorrow." Yami gave out a sad meow. As if he didn't want to be alone. "Oh c'mon! Don't give me those eyes! That's too cute!"


Bryce chuckled. "Oh yeah?" He leaned in and kissed his neck. "How about I make you feel right?" He passionately kissed him as he gripped his hair.


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shadowess - September 28, 2021

David looked around at them all with a mixture of pride and sadness. Lilly looked between them quietly, thinking through what they'd said with a frown. She wasn't sure what to think right now but despite their confessions, she still didn't like the idea of trying to capture someone who seemed to be utterly consumed by evil. She had a horrid feeling that something terrible would happen if they tried. Bob was unusually quiet.

David smiled and nodded to the group. "Well said everyone." he praised them then glanced off to one side suddenly. He looked back at them with a serious expression. "Stay here. I'll be back in a moment." he then vanished, appearing by Ben's side where he placed a hand on his elbow and teleported them back to the library with him. Finding herself suddenly surrounded by the darkly dressed group, not to mention the skeleton in the room, Beatrice began shaking even more while looking around at them terrified, thinking she'd been bought into some kind of Demon den to be played with like a toy.

"Ben!" David greeted him, as if just now realizing it was him. He then paused and blinked at him. "Wait, Ben? How-?" David got a better look at him then realized how Ben had ended up in Hell. "Oh no...she didn't?...why would she turn you? Were you in danger?" he asked him then looked at the woman in his arms. "It's alright. We're not going to hurt you..." he sighed. "It seems there are still a lot of souls out there that haven't yet been introduced to the programme...I can't imagine how frightened you must be. But you're safe now. You can rest here and we'll protect you, alright? Then I'll talk to you about redeeming your soul."

Beatrice listened to David. A little comforted by his soothing tone but still very wary. "Y-you mean like...go to heaven?" she asked. "But...what I did..."

"We can discuss all of that soon. I promise." David replied then looked at Ben. "Set her down on one of the couches. Would you mind seeing to her wounds and making sure she's comfortable?" he then turned back to the others. "Alright. We need a plan. We already know that Donnie wants Insanity. We can't lie to him, he'll see right through it..." he sighed and looked at Hades. "Why did he want you to give him back? Didn't you just kill him? He would be wandering Hell if that's the case."


"It's kind of overwhelming!" Lang admitted. "But in a good way. You can tell by how the people here speak to each other that there's like...I don't know...a really strong sense of community. Everyone looks out for each other. It's kind of nice."

"We've all worked hard over the years to make this castle feel safe and feel like a home." Hannes nodded as he put his bottle down on the table. "Will you be visiting for long? We can reserve a room for you if you'd like."

Lang shook his head. "I really should be getting back. I kind of up and left without telling anyone where I was and something tells me my walkie won't work all the way out in Germany." he chuckled.

Seeing the excitement in his eyes, Racheal smiled at Elimar. "Let's start with the shops." she beamed, taking his hand and heading towards one of the clothes stores.


Oscar looked into Leo's eyes as he spoke to him. His words touched him. He was right. Oscar opened his mouth to say something but just couldn't find the words to express how Leo had made him feel. So instead, he cupped his cheek and kissed him deeply. Stepping close to him and running his hand through his hair while his other arm wrapped around his waist.


"Wha-?! Get him off! Get the little fucker off me!" Malone had shouted as he'd tried to pry Yami from his face. When Yami finally jumped off him, Malone held his face a groaned into his hands with a mixture of anger and pain. He could feel every individual scratch stinging his face and small trickles of blood coming from each one.

At Walter's words, Malone glared at the cat, seething. "Cute?! How's this for 'cute'? Assault on an officer being added onto your charges! Walter get the furry little fucker into a cell before I wring his goddamn neck!!"


Viktor shivered when Bryce kissed his neck and he looked at him, finding him irresistible. He kissed him back and moaned a little when Bryce gripped his hair. The shivers of excitement that he felt running up his spine were amplified by the venom. In this moment, he was so swept away by how both Bryce and the venom made him feel that he was content to let himself get completely lost in the passion. He slipped his tongue into his mouth and wrapped his arms around Bryce's waist while laying back a bit.


Denix Vames - September 28, 2021

Ben set Beatrice on the couch. "I wanted to understand Jessica so I let her turn me. Right now, me and her are just...." He frowned. "Taking a break."

Hades placed her hands over her feet. She whispered something in latin before her wounds began to slowly heal. She shrugged at David's comment. "Maybe he doesn't seem to get that? He probably can't think straight because of what happened to him. And I get the feeling that he actually loves that guy now which we could definitely use to our advantage."


Jean walked over to him. "It was nice to see you. Tell everybody at the PD that I'm doing ok." He hugged him. "Stay safe."

Elimar didn't know where to look when they entered the store. "I-I'm not sure where to start."


Leo returned the kiss. He gripped the front of his pants. Pulling at them before unbuckling his belt.


Yami jumped out of his arms. He transformed back into a human. He placed his hands on Walter's shoulders from behind. "Are you really going to let him do that to me? Officer Walter? I thought you cared."

Walter found himself captivated by him. It was no spell but rather pure influence. He wanted to protect him. He pulled out his gun. Aiming it at Malone. "Back off and let us leave!"


Bryce took his shirt off. Kissing all over Viktor's chest before he dug a hand under his pants. Rubbing there as he kissed his neck.


Denix Vames - September 28, 2021

(so the picture on my profile now is inspiration for Walter's appearance)


shadowess - September 28, 2021

Beatrice flinched when Hades touched her feet but when she saw that she was healing her, she relaxed. Maybe they do want to help her?

David frowned at Ben and sighed, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry to hear that." He said gently, then turned to Hades and grinned. "This is why you're my protégé! You're right. This means, if we want any chance of success, we need to track down and capture Insanity before Donnie comes to his senses and goes looking for him, himself." He looked at Storm and the rest of his band. "I'm sorry, but I'll have to ask you all to wait on Earth. Hell is a dangerous place for humans as it is, especially if they're still alive. Hades and I can handle this. You too, Lilly and Bob. You'll both have to go back to Earth with the others."


Lang stood and hugged Jean back with a smile. "I will, you take care of yourself, and if you need anything you can always reach out to us. The PD is species friendly now." He turned to Hannes and offered him a hand to shake. "And it was nice to meet you."

Hannes looked at the hand with a small smile, shook his head a little in amusement then stood and hugged him as well. "Any friend of Jean's is a friend of mine. You are always welcome here." He said as he let him go.

Lang scratched the back of his head and grinned. "Right, well...Thank you. Take care, both of you." He disappeared. But rather than head straight back to the PD, he went to Heaven to see how Harley was settling in.

Racheal looked around then looked at Elimar thoughtfully. "Let's start with shirts and work our way around to pants." She suggested as she lead him towards the menswear. She picked out a few different shirts and held them up to Elimar, trying to picture him in them. When they'd picked up a handful of different styles, she guided him to the changing rooms. "You can try them on in there. See which ones look and feel right to you. I'll wait out here."


Feeling the tug on his pants, Oscar smirked into the kiss. He slipped his tongue into Leo's mouth and his wings burst through the back of his shirt. He teleported them into the main bedroom where he gently but firmly pushed Leo against the wall. Pressing his body against his and deepening the kiss. He brought his tongue out of his mouth then began to glide it across his skin, from his mouth to his neck. There he kissed him as his wings started to vibrate.


Malone raised his hands slowly and tensely while looking at Walter, taken aback by how quickly Yami had manipulated him. "Take it easy... You know I can't do that Walter. Just...look at what you're doing. This isn't you. He's gotten into your head. Put down the gun and we'll talk this out."


The sensations were almost overwhelming. Viktor tilted his head back and let out a moan. "Yes-!" he moaned, bringing his hand around to lightly run his nails over Bryce's back as he bit his lip. His other hand ran through Bryce's hair.

(Awesome )


Denix Vames - September 28, 2021

Storm hugged and gave Hades a kiss before he got with the group of other humans. Keeping themselves close together so that David could take them back to the storage room.

Ben was trying to think things over. "If I were Insanity, where the hell would I go to around here?"


Harley was sitting in a room of Heaven's mental hospital. He was sitting in a corner. Facing away from everything. "Why did they have to put me in here? I'm fine now. I'm better."


Elimar went through some shirts until he came across a white one and a plaid buttoned shirt. He stepped out with both on. "I've never tried this before. It feels weird. Does it look good?"


Leo tightened his grip on the back of his jacket. He moaned loudly. Falling into Oscar's touch.


"Do you hear that? He doesn't think you have a mind of your own." Yami kissed his ear. Walter glared at Malone. "I said let us go!" He fired. Shooting him in the leg.


(private time)


shadowess - September 28, 2021

"It's not like souls have much of an option on where they end up in this place..." Beatrice said quietly. "This whole place works like a labyrinth."

David popped back into the room after teleporting the others back to Earth. "She's right. There's a reason that there isn't a map of Hell. If there was, it would be changing constantly. But, we can do something that always grants us an advantage over all souls in Hell." he smiled and held out his hands to Ben and Hades. "Teleport."

"You're not just leaving me here, are you?" Beatrice sat up, worried.

"Don't worry. You're in the safest place in Hell. It is forbidden for Demons to hunt within these walls. Even if one happens to find you, they won't dare touch you here. Just be sure to actually stay in the building."


Lang arrived in the reception area of the mental hospital and looked around. "Yeah...I should've figured..." he muttered, walking over to the desk. "Hey, Officer Lang to visit Harley Poe?"


Racheal's eyes lit up when Elimar stepped out. "That look...it really suits you!" she smiled.


Oscar pulled Leo's shirt off him and kissed his chest. Wanting to kiss every part of him. He kissed down to his hips then run his tongue all the way back up until he reached his mouth again and kissed him deeply again. His hands moved quickly to Leo's pants. Unbuckling his belt then pushing his pants down. He then gripped his thighs, pulling him up the wall until his legs were around his waist and his hips held him up. He kissed his neck again, nibbling a little to leave a few marks. Fully prepared to show Leo just how much passionate he could be.

(Private time)


Malone cried out and fell on his knees, leaning to one side so as not to put any weight on his now injured leg. "WHAT THE FUCK, WALTER?!" He bit back tears as he looked at the wound before bringing his gaze back to Walter and the gun. The thought that he might not be going home to Travis crossed his mind and made him frightened.

He had to push that thought away to focus on keeping his cool and trying to stay alive. "W-Walter, listen to me! This isn't right! He's manipulating you! You're better than this! Wh-what do you think is going to happen when you walk out that door, huh? You guna take on the whole police department? Over some crook, you don't even know?! Walter...please...just stop and think for a minute."


Denix Vames - September 28, 2021

"We'll be back for you. I promise." ,said Ben. Him and Hades held hands before disappearing.

Insanity was wandering down old abandoned buildings. Lost and wishing he could find Donnie.


"Right this way." The receptionist led him to Harley's room which she opened. "Harley? You have a visitor." Harley turned. His eyes widened at the sight of an opened door. He ran ahead of them. Intending on leaving but the angel caught and threw him back. Since the room was padded, he wouldn't get hurt.

He shouted, "LET ME OUT!"


Elimar blushed. "Really? Ya think so?"


Walter realized the situation that he was in. His hands were shaking. Lowering the weapon. However, Yami helped him aim it at Malone. "Won't you protect me?"

Walter shook his head. "This isn't right!" He turned around. "I won't do it!" Yami frowned. "What a pity." He grabbed his wrist. Forcing him to drop the gun. He cut his own tongue by the use of his cat-like fangs. Making himself bleed. He forcibly kissed him. Putting his blood in his mouth. Walter cringed.

Once the kiss broke, he fell to his knees. Feeling a sudden unbearable pain as if something in him was changing. Yami picked him up. Holding him bridal style. "I think I've had enough fun." He kicked a wall. Breaking it into pieces and exposing himself to the outside. Walter reached a hand out when he saw Malone. He was becoming deeply tired.

"M-Malo..." He passed out. Yami smiled before running out of the building.


Shadowess - September 29, 2021

Lost City. An appropriate name for this part of Hell. This is where most new souls end up when they die because it looks more like Earth than most of the other sections in Hell. A few new souls typically go through a period of denial and would wander this city looking for other people. It would only take for a Demon to hear their calls and they would soon figure out that their death had indeed happened.

David, Hades, and Ben appeared in the center of what appeared to be a market square. Only it was completely desolate. David nodded down the street to the wandering Insanity that had yet to notice them. "Be careful. I don't know whether Donnie granted him any gifts while they'd been together or what those gifts would've been. The plan is to subdue and capture. We'll take him to the cells and plan out how to use him to lure out Donnie." he said quietly to them.


"Yeah, because that's going to get you out of here faster..." Lang said sarcastically. "Look man, you need to calm down. They've put you in here just to make sure you'll be alright before they introduce you to the rest of Heaven...I mean...You did kill yourself, buddy..." Lang entered the room and knelt beside him.

"I'm sorry. I totally forgot about this place or I would've given you some warning back on Earth. But you gotta think of this as a good thing. They didn't put you in here to lock you away, they put you in here because they care about your safety and wellbeing. But you have to work with them if you want them to see you're not a danger to yourself anymore, ok?"


Racheal nodded. Her own cheeks turning pink. "I really like how you look in that. It really does suit you." She glanced back at the clothes racks then looked at Elimar again. "Shall we find some pants to go with that look?"


"Walter?! Let him go! Walter!!" Malone shouted, trying to stand up to go after Yami but he couldn't put any weight on his wounded leg. "Help! Someone! Cheif! Walter's been kidnapped!" he screamed from where he was, hoping that one of the officers in the other room could hear him.


Denix Vames - September 29, 2021

"And how are we going to do that?" ,asked Hades.

Insanity kept walking as tears fell from him.


Harley hugged his knees. Looking at the floor. "I just want to see my brother again."


"Sure. What did you had in mind?" ,asked Elimar.


Will ran in. "What the hell?!" He nodded at an officer. "Take care of Malone here. And you four!" He pointed at some officers. "Come with me! We're taking this fucker down."

With the officers, Will ran out of the manmade hale. Following Yami who he could see was holding Walter. They soon cornered him in an alley. Will aimed his gun at him. "Let him go you fucking bastard!" Yami smirked. "Like it or not, you need me. Walter here is already turning into a Werecat just like me. I need to teach him how to control his abilities. So, what do you say? Partners?"

Will fell to his knees. He looked at Walter. "I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you."

Yami stood. "Lead the way." Will led everyone back to the PD. He couldn't look at anyone. He felt so much shame for being unable to stop him. "Now, let's take him somewhere nice and comfortable." Will took him to the break room where Yami placed Walter on the couch.

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Shadowess - September 29, 2021

David glanced at Insanity as he thought about their approach. "We be assertive." He replied. "We tell him that he will be coming with us and he doesn't have a choice in the matter. He seems vulnerable now but be on your guard, he is still a crazed killer. The first sign of trouble from him, we knock him out. If he complies, Ben, you frisk him and make sure he's not concealing any weapons he could try to surprise us with. We can't afford to take any unnecessary risks. I'll approach from the center. Hades, flank his left. Ben, flank his right. Ready?" he looked between them both then looked back at Insanity. About to give the go-ahead when another person appeared behind Insanity, walking right behind him. David paused and squinted, then froze, his breath caught in his throat and he turned pale.

The male behind Insanity had dark, red hair that didn't quite touch his shoulders and bright green eyes. He looked over at the trio calmly and winked before tapping Insanity on the shoulder. "Excuse me, I seem to be lost. Do you know what happened here? Where is everyone?"

David held a hand up to signal the others to keep quiet and keep hidden until they knew what was going on.


"You will," Lang said gently and placed a hand on his shoulder. "But first you need to prove that you're not a danger to yourself anymore. Shouldn't be long. Then you can apply to become an Angel and visit Jean anytime you want."


Racheal turned and walked towards the clothes racks. After some thought, she pulled out a couple of pairs of jeans. One pair was a typical blue color and the other was black. She also picked up some black trousers for good measure. She walked back to Elimar and handed them to him to try. "What about these?"


Malone had been taken to the break room as well where an officer carefully wrapped his leg in bandages. Luckily, the bullet had passed straight through the side of his leg. He looked up when Yami walked in with Walter and he glared at him angrily.

The werewolf officer had gone along with Will and the others to track down Yami. When they all came back to the precinct, she stood in the doorway of the breakroom and continuously glared at Yami. "Just make one wrong move pussy cat and you're mine," she growled threateningly.

Malone looked at Will. "Cheif, you can't trust this asshole! He manipulates people! He made Walter do this to me! He'll probably try to control someone else."


Denix Vames - September 29, 2021

Insanity raised when he saw the stranger. He shrugged. "How should I know? I don't even know where I am."


Harley thought for a moment before nodding. "Ok."


"I'll try them out." Elimar soon came back wearing blue jeans.


Will kept looking at Walter. "I don't have a choice. He already turned him. I don't know anyone else who could teach him about his abilities but this guy."

Yami winked at the werewolf officer. "You're so funny. Thinking that you can do anything to me." Walter slowly opened his eyes. "Chief?" Yami knelt. He caressed his cheek. "Hello again." "Yami? How could you? You made me shoot Malone." He frowned. "I'm sorry baby. I just didn't want to lose you. Is that so wrong?" He kissed him.

Will slammed Yami against the wall. "You fucking monster! You don't ever touch him!"


shadowess - September 29, 2021

The male looked around them. "Well, this is odd," he said. "It's like a ghost town... Listen, I got jumped by a creepy guy, like way down there but I managed to get away. But you seem like a decent guy. So, I'm thinking, me and you stick together. Watch each other's backs, you know? Now, I was thinking of checking out that building over there to see if there's any food but it's so damn dark in there. Maybe you could come with me and we'll split whatever we find?" He suggested and pointed towards an abandoned building that was very dark inside. The male wanted to know if Insanity would try anything once they were alone and concealed.


"Good." Lang smiled and nodded. He stood. "Alright then. I just thought I'd drop in on my way back to see how you were. I have to head back now but if you want, I can visit again tomorrow?"


Racheal blushed, looking him up and down. "You look good in those," she said with a smile. "Shall we go pay for them? Then maybe we could visit the beach?"


"Hows about I neuter your ass?" The werewolf officer snapped back at Yami.

"Well, how's about this then?" Malone said, glaring at Yami again after Will had slammed him into the wall. "We lock his ass up anyway and when we need the information to help Walter, we question him. We might not know what he's going through but that doesn't mean we wouldn't be able to support Walter better than this creep! And if he wants any hope of ever getting out of jail, he'd better comply!"


Denix Vames - September 29, 2021

Insanity laughed. "Food? I highly doubt there's food." He pulled out a knife. "But you could be my toy." He swung at him.


"....Yeah. Sure." ,said Harley.


"Thank you. But what about shoes? I want try modern shoes." ,said Elimar.


Yami glared. "Fine. But after this, I get to leave." Will's black wings sprouted. A purple hand came out. Wrapping itself around his neck. Will let it hold him. "After this, you are going to be in the CIA's secure prison. but don't worry. I'm sure they'll have plenty of tuna for you there."

Yam turned into a cat. However, the hand matched his size. Keeping him there. He hissed and growled. Crying out his frustrations.


Shadowess - September 29, 2021

The male laughed, ducking out of the way of the blade. He moved quickly to grab Insanity's wrist, squeezing tightly to force him to drop his weapon, then swing him around so that he'd be holding his arm behind him while gripping his opposite shoulder to keep him from moving. "I knew you were still rotten!" He then turned his head to look in David's direction again and nodded his head back a bit to let them know they could approach.

David's legs felt like jelly as he moved from their hiding place to walk towards the male. He couldn't take his eyes off him. His heart beating hard in his chest. Once he was within earshot, the male grinned widely at David. "Sorry I'm late...pops."

"H-how?" was all David managed to say.

The male gave a knowing smile. "Donnie left the door from Oblivion wide open, so I thought...why not? Gotta hand it to him though...piecing your soul back together after utter destruction isn't easy."


Lang hesitated to leave. Looking back at Harley with an unsatisfied frown. He walked over to the door and knocked on it. When the nurse answered his knocks, he left. A few minutes later, after speaking with the doctor assigned to Harley, Lang was let back into the room. He walked over to Harley, knelt behind him, and began unbuckling his jacket.

"So uh, I may have talked the doctor into letting you stay with me for a while...so long as you promise not to do anything to make us regret it. The doc will visit you in the next few days to see how you're doing and if you can show him that you're stable, he'll sign you off and you'll officially be free to get your own home here in Heaven." he helped Harley remove the jacket then helped him to his feet. "C'mon, I'll take you to my home. But then I'll have to visit work real quick to let Will know I'll need a few days off."


Racheal covered her mouth and giggled, blushing deeply. "Oh, I forgot about shoes!" She took his hand. "Let's go find a pair that fits you."


"Good one, Cheif!" The werewolf officer chuckled then turned and went back to her own work.

Happy that Will could handle Yami, Malone turned to Walter with a look of concern. "Hey, how are you holding up?" he asked gently then gestured to his leg. "Oh, and don't worry about this. It wasn't your fault."


Denix Vames - September 29, 2021

Insanity grit his teeth. He glared. Struggling to get out of his hold. "Get off of me you bitch!"

Hades awkwardly rubbed her arm. "I guess that makes you my step brother?"


Harley's eyes lit up. He nodded. "Ok." He stood with him.


After a bit of searching, they settled on black boots. Elimar looked at himself in the mirror. "I'm....not sure how to describe this look."


Walter shook his head. "I-I don't know." He sat up. "Everything's confusing." He turned to Yami. "Hey! Leave him alone!" He grabbed Yami which surprised Will. Making him lose his grip. Walter held him close. "He's not your friend!" "Just get out!"

Will's eyes widened at the sight of his canines. "Walter...."

Walter sat against the wall as he kept Yami in his arms. Crying over him.


Shadowess - September 29, 2021

The male kept a tight hold on Insanity and ignored his outburst as he focussed on David, Ben, and Hades. He looked at Hades with a raised eyebrow then moved his eyes slowly over to David. "She's...yours?"

David looked at Hades and smiled then looked back at the male. He tugged on the collar of his own shirt with a finger, feeling a little awkward. "She's my daughter, yes...Hades...this is Damien...my grandson."

"So, you're more like my aunt." Damien winked at her then chuckled. "Speaking of family. How's my baby sister?"

"She's well. She just had a child."

"No way! I'm an uncle?!"

"I don't mean to put a hold on the family reunion but we need to take Insanity here to Hells Cells." David nodded to Insanity.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. C'mon crazy pants." Damien said as he teleported them all to the cells. He shoved Insanity into the cell and locked it behind him. "Correct me if I'm wrong but you've spent so much time in these cells that you may as well call it home!" Damien mocked him, chuckling.

"Damien, there's no need for that!" David said in a disapproving tone.

"Whatever. So what's the plan now? You really think Donnie's guna be dumb enough to just walk right into a cell after his lover?"

"No. He's not stupid. Which is why we need to be both cunning and careful."

"You've been making this up as you've been going along, haven't you?" Damien smirked.

David's cheeks turned a little red. "Capturing Donnie isn't exactly an easy thing to plan. Especially with such a short amount of time to work with...I'm betting it won't be long before he figures out where Insanity is and if we're not ready...well, it won't be good..."


Lang smiled at Harley and placed a hand on his arm. He teleported them to his home in Heaven. "It's not as big or as lavish as some of the other Angels, but it's home..." he shrugged. "I live alone here...so there are two spare bedrooms upstairs for you to choose from. If you get hungry the fridge conjures whatever your craving when you open the door and the TV has access to all channels on Earth," he explained. "Oh and the wardrobes work similarly to the fridge. When you open the door there'll already be clothes in there that suit your personal style and fit. You know...in case you wanted to change out of that hospital gown."


"Hot..." Racheal said absent-mindedly then blinked, her face turning red as she realized she'd said it out loud. "Uh! Y-you look good, is what I meant. Like, smart-casual? I think it's called...anyway, was there anything else you wanted to get?" she asked hurriedly, trying to take the focus off what she'd said earlier.


Malone couldn't move from where he sat. Not without help anyway. So, he watched helplessly as Walter hugged Yami. "Walter, you can't be serious right now? He manipulated you. Forced you to change into what he is. Kidnapped you and overall has just been a huge dick! We risked our necks to try to save you from him! What are you seeing in him that we aren't, huh?"


Denix Vames - September 29, 2021

"So, what's the plan then? Because I stumped." ,said Ben. "I'm kind of having a hard time figuring it out too." ,said Hades.


Harley looked around. "Thanks for letting me stay here." He looked at him. "When I become an Angel, will I have a new job? Or can I still be an officer?"


Elimar blushed at her comment. He nervously cleared his throat. "Uh no. I think I've got enough."


"I....I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just scared." Yami turned back into a human. He brought Walter close. Letting his head rest against his chest. He smiled. Caressing his cheek. "It's alright. I'll protect you." He winked at Will who glared.

Will lifted Malone from the break room. Taking him out. "Can somebody heal-?" He was about to ask if anyone could heal Malone when he suddenly felt a surge of power go to his hand. Healing his leg wound without trying. "What the hell?"


Denix Vames - September 29, 2021

(forgot to have insanity reply)

Insanity grabbed the bars. Trying to get the cage open. "You fucking bitch! I'll gut you like a fish!"


shadowess - September 30, 2021

Damien smirked at Insanity. "Funny. About a year ago that's exactly what I would've been doing to you." He then looked between David, Hades & Ben and sighed. "Damien to the rescue, I suppose. Do any of you know someone who can cast spells? Maybe we could cloak the aura of this place and disguise it as something else? He won't be able to teleport right into the cell, not without the door open. That's where Insanity comes in. We bind and gag Insanity and leave him close to the back of the cell. When Donnie rushes in to free him, bam! We slam the door shut behind him!"

"I have one issue with your plan," David said with his arms folded, looking thoughtfully at the ground. "Donnie isn't an idiot. If he sees Insanity bound and gagged, he's going to suspect a trap."

Damien looked back into the cell at Insanity. "Then we put him under a spell as well. Make him believe he's somewhere nice and have him lure Donnie in...What about Tiney? She's usually got a few potions laying around!" he suggested, thinking of Clementine.

David looked at him awkwardly. "She uh...she won't be able to help us..."

"Why not?"

"She's gone. She was caught trying to betray Amelia, so was executed."

"Man..." Damien looked at David, his shoulders slumping a bit. "Just how much have I missed?"

"A lot...but like I say...we're pushed for time. Actually, we might know someone who could put Insanity under a spell!" David turned to Hades and Ben. "Would you be so kind as to bring both Desi and Rickster here? We're going to need the both of them."


"For your first few years, you'll be assigned simple Angel duty. Which is basically going to Earth and generally looking out for people. Helping out where help is needed. Some Angels in their first assignments prefer to take up a human profession in order to do this. Like, become a doctor, police officer, firefighter, and so on... Promotions are earned by saving a lot of souls. A Demon death count used to be part of it too but that's been scrapped since the peace treaty with Hell was put in place." Lang explained then rubbed the back of his neck shyly. "I'm...pretty new to being an Angel myself. When I joined the force about a year ago, I had just gotten my wings," he admitted. "Once you're made into an Angel, you're granted a pad of your own up here in Heaven. And it'll usually be designed and created to suit your own tastes."


"Let's go pay then." Racheal beamed and reached into the little purse that hung over her shoulder, pulling out money that had been gifted to her during the party. "What would you like to see next?" she asked as they walked over to the registers.


Malone gasped when his leg healed. As soon as he felt better, he jumped out of Will's arms and moved to run back into the break room. Intent on fighting Yami. "Shoot my leg, scratch my face and fuck up my friend will ya?!" he growled as he barrelled towards them. The werewolf officer had run after him, holding him back under his arms. "Let me go! I want a fair fucking fight!" he shouted angrily.

"Leave it, man! He's not worth it!" she warned him.

"He's twisted Walter's head!! The fucker needs locking up!"


Denix Vames - September 30, 2021

"Wait a minute. Who?" ,said Ben. "I'll fill you in." ,said Hades. She took his hand.

Not a moment later, they appeared with Desi and Rickster.


Harley's face went red. "Then maybe I shouldn't live here at all. You would hate my kind of home."


"The waters. I saw them earlier. They looked so beautiful." ,said Elimar.


"Enough! Malone get a fucking grip!" ,said Will. He raised a hand at Yami and Walter. Both were separated from each other by the purple hands. A square shield formed around Yami. "You may be able to break metal but you can't break through this."

Yami banged his fists against the shield. He glared. "Let me go!"

Walter stood. "What are you doing?!" "This is for your own good." "No! You just hate him!" "Look at what he did to you!" "He didn't do anything wrong! He loves me!" Walter pounded his fists against his chest. "Leave him alone!" "Stop it Walter. This isn't going to help you." "I don't care!"

He punched him which surprised Will. Tackling him to the floor, he punched him a few more times before Will put him in a hold. Pinning him to the floor. Walter struggled. "Get off me!" "Not until you calm down and really think about this situation here!"

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Shadowess - October 3, 2021

David explained the situation as quickly as he could to Desi and Rickster. "So in short, I need Rickster to cast spells on this building and Desi-"

"No," Desi said sternly.

"No?" David blinked. Meanwhile, with the short time they had, Rickster immediately got to work on carving runes into the walls around them.

"I can't... I know what it is you're going to ask of me but I-..." He rubbed his own arm. "I'm not that kind of Demon anymore. I've given that life up, but if I use my power now I'm afraid that I'll relapse into the Demon I once was."

"Oh, brother!" Damien rolled his eyes. "Is this what's been happening to my Demons since I've been gone? Have they all gone soft? What the hell happened to my soldiers!?"

"Damien, you're not helping!" David scolded him then looked at Desi with a look of understanding. "I know I'm asking a lot of you but we are out of time and out of options. We need your help now, Desi. You won't become that Demon again. We'll help you."

Desi seemed torn for a moment. Wanting to help but was afraid of what would become of him if he did. He looked at the way David was looking at him. Imploring and desperate. He sighed and hesitantly nodded. "Fine. Let me into the cell with him and I'll do it. Lock me in and no matter what happens, even if he hurts me, don't open the door again until he's under my spell. Also...stay well back when I begin or you might become infatuated with me."

David nodded and walked over to the cell door with him. Damien put his arm through the bars to shove Insanity back, away from them.

David opened the door to let Desi into Insanity's cell.


Lang looked at Harley and placed a hand on his shoulder with a smile. "That's not necessarily true," he said optimistically. "Just because I like one style doesn't mean I'd hate another. Even if they were polar opposites. Everyone is unique in their own way and that, to me, is beautiful."


Racheal paid for his clothes then looked at him with excitement in her eyes. "The sea!" she said enthusiastically while taking his hand. "Let's go walk along the beach! I'll bet we'd have it all to ourselves at this time at night! Everyone else would be on that boardwalk where the rides are." She headed out of the shop with him and began walking towards the empty beach, carefully stepping down the stone steps towards the sand.

"I love the sea." she sighed dreamily. "That salty smell, the seashells that wash up, the sound of the waves...all of it. Did you know there are still depths of the ocean and sea creatures that have yet to be discovered?" She pointed out, into the horizon. "That's the North Sea. If you took a boat and traveled west you'd reach the united kingdom. East is Norway."


When Yami and Walter were separated and Yami was put into a shield, Malone stopped trying to get out of the werewolf officer's grip and relaxed a bit. He sulked a little at Will's scolding of him but didn't argue. He frowned and watched the way Walter was behaving. He didn't know how else to help.

He'd said all he could say for now and Will seemed to have things under control. He took in a deep breath, sighed heavily, and left the room. He walked straight to the water cooler to get a cup of water and try to calm down. He was still shaking a bit after everything. The werewolf officer, Officer Hayward, remained in the room with Will in case he needed help.


Denix Vames - October 3, 2021

Insanity tried to fight against Damien's strength. Struggling as he flailed his arms at him. Wanting to rip his face off.


Harley smiled. "Thanks Lang."


"You know so much! Please tell me all of the modern world. I wish to know." ,said Elimar.


Will let Walter go when he relaxed. Walter ripped his own badge off. He threw it on the floor. He ran out of the PD. "Walter! Walter!" ,shouted Will.

He thought back to Jean and Hannes. Wondering if maybe Yami could become a better person. The shield disappeared. He lifted Yami off the floor. "X..."

X appeared. Will threw Yami at him. X caught the werecat. "Another prisoner for you. Maybe....Maybe you can make things right. Make him understand that he was wrong." Yami was surprised that Will had let him live. He was more surprised that he was talking about seeing the good in him. "I'll try my best." ,said X who disappeared.

Will went into his office where he slammed the door. In there, he broken down into sobs.

(so i was thinking of having a new female character. id be playing as her. i wanted her intro to be her attempted to kill herself from a building. maybe Lang could convince her to get off? i know it sounds a lot like Jessica's one time situation but i want this character as a side helpful one. not sure what species i should place her though. still thinking about it. Was wondering if you would like write out that scene with me? ill send a pic of the woman's reference photo)


shadowess - October 4, 2021

(Sounds good. Do you want to start it off and I'll send Lang over? I've got most of my post written out but ran out of time to finish it xD I'll finish it off and post when I get home from work )


Denix Vames - October 4, 2021

(yeah sure ill write out the intro for it. just give me a moment to finish. it shouldnt take long)


Denix Vames - October 4, 2021

Autumn was tired of the abuse she was getting from her parents. Bother her mom and dad never cared about her. Just hated her. She had ran away from home. Finding a tall building where she stood near the edge. Tears ran down her cheeks. She was ready to die. To end her suffering.


Denix Vames - October 4, 2021

(dang it. i meant to say both her mom and dad lol)


shadowess - October 4, 2021

Damien merely smiled at Insanity as he tried desperately to fight him off. Finding his attempts amusing as he held him back easily with one arm. Devil's and Demon's gifts are random and more often than not what they end up with depends on either the individual, their genes, or a combination of the two. In Damien's case, he ended up with an insane amount of physical strength despite his slim physique. He recalled his first fight against an Angel shortly after Lucifer made him into a Devil. He'd torn their arm clean off from the elbow with a simple tug. He'd since learned how to control his strength so that he wouldn't accidentally hurt anyone he cared about.

Desi entered the cell and David locked the door behind him. Once the door was locked, David and the others stepped back. Damien let go of Insanity and stepped away as well. Desi approached Insanity calmly with his hands raised to show he wasn't armed. "I'm not going to hurt you," he said calmly. Then he began releasing his aura, aiming to put Insanity under his spell. "And you don't want to hurt me either. We're friends, aren't we? I know you want to see Donnie again. I know you feel strongly for him. That's good." he said in a soothing, hypnotic voice. "This isn't a prison. It's a bedroom. Your bedroom. Donnie will be here soon. You want some time alone with him in here, don't you?"

Just as he said this, Rickster, who had been listening in for prompts, turned to the rune he'd just carved and whispered a chant into it. In moments, the room shifted to look like a house. Though Rickster and the others could see the cells for what they really were, they could see the walls and rooms as a transparent image around them. For Insanity and Donnie however, it would all seem very real. "You've been waiting for him here. Where it is safe. You've claimed this house in Hell as your home." Desi went on. "You wanted to surprise Donnie. Show him you could do things for the both of you, yourself. You're excited to show him what you've achieved. You're excited to see him again. To have him alone in this room for a while."


Lang let go of his shoulder and nodded. "No problem." he then glanced off to one side for a second before looking back at Harley. "Listen, I gotta head back to Earth for a minute and let Will know I'll be gone for a little while. Make yourself at home. I won't be long." He vanished.


"We'd be here forever if I did that!" Racheal chuckled then smiled at him adoringly. "Let's start off with something simple." she looked out over the ocean. "There are so many different things living in the ocean. The biggest thing in the ocean also happens to be the biggest creature living on Earth! It's called the blue whale. I'm pretty sure they're docile... but they're also currently endangered." she looked back at Elimar and took both of his hands in hers. "I know! When we get back, I'll set up the laptop and show you how to use it. Then I can show you what they look like. Maybe I could even show you some videos of them. Then you could use the laptop to find out other things about the world. I'll show you how."


River finally arrived back on Earth. He was still sort of getting used to walking but he was getting the hang of it pretty quick. He looked up, towards the sky and smiled. "Thanks, Balconi!" he called out, making strangers raise their eyebrows at him. But he didn't care as he looked ahead and turned towards the police station. Maybe Will wouldn't mind putting him up for a little while? At least until he managed to get himself a job and a place of his own. He also wanted to thank him for giving him the chance to have his own life. He walked into the station and was immediately met with confused stares. He hadn't realized yet that he looked very similar to Will. "Hey, is Will around?" he asked a random officer who was gawking at him.


While Lang hadn't lied to Harley, he felt he needed to make one quick stop on the way to the PD. He appeared behind Autumn on top of the building and looked at her sadly. In a soft voice, so as not to startle her, he spoke. "Excuse me, miss?" he began carefully. He kept his distance so that she wouldn't feel pressured to act without thinking. "I don't know what you're going through, but I'd like to help you. If you'd like? Maybe you could talk to me? Tell me what you're going through? It might help you feel a little better and I'll see what I can do to help." he offered and reached out his hand towards her. "Please?"


Denix Vames - October 4, 2021

Insanity glared at first but then smiled. Lost in the spell. He held a loving look as he thought about Donnie. "Yes! I wish to see Donnie again! He'll be so happy to see our new home!"


Harley nodded. "Sure." He headed upstairs.


Elimar held her in his arms as he spun her around. "Oh yes! That would be wonderful! You truly are a smart beauty under the moonlight."


Will wiped his tears away when he heard River's voice. He stepped out of the office. His eyes widened. "River? What are you doing here?"


Autumn glared. "Liar! You're just like everybody else! Nobody really cares about me! My parents were clear about that!" She rolled up her sleeve to reveal bruises.


Shadowess - October 5, 2021

"Good," Desi said softly with a small nod and a reassuring smile. "When you see him, you'll insist that you both spend some time in this room together," he said as he backed away, towards the cell door. David opened it and let Desi step out before leaving it open, sure that Insanity would wait in the 'bedroom'. "Well done," he said gently to Desi, who frowned and looked away from them all.

"It's not right...this power...no one should be able to control someone else's free will like that..." he shook his head, feeling tears welling up. "You got what you wanted. The spell will wear off as soon as they're both locked in the cell...I'm going." he said sadly then teleported back to Blaire's home before they could stop him. There he sat on the couch, weeping into his hands as quietly as he could so as not to wake Blaire up.

David looked at the spot where Desi had been standing, feeling guilty for making him do what he did. "Leave him. We have other things to worry about right now." Damien said, reading his face. "We need to hide before Donnie shows up!"

"Say no more." Rickster smiled and clapped his hands. He'd just got done whispering a second spell into the runes and upon clapping his hands they began to glow orange, faintly. "There. There's a cloaking spell on both the aura of the building and us. Donnie will only see the 'house' that Desi told Insanity he was in, as well as Insanity. As long as we don't make a sound or let him bump into us, he won't know we're here until we lock him in the cell with Insanity. Then all the spells will break."


Racheal gasped when Elimar lifted her then giggled happily when he spun her around. She blushed deeply, still giggling a little as she rested her head against his. "And you're my knight in shining armor," she said softly.


River beamed at Will when he saw him. "The docs in Heaven gave me the all-clear to come back to Earth. Even ran a sanity check on my after...y'know...my history. Completely sane! Owe it all to you, man! All that time spent working with you... So, er-... I was hoping that maybe I could stay with you for a while? Just until I get a job and my own place."

"Cheif, you never said you had a twin!" Officer Hayward said, sharing the look of surprise with the other officers who couldn't help comparing how alike they both seemed.


"Your parents hurt you?" Lang gasped, appalled as he looked at the bruises. "I'm so sorry that you went through that but I swear, I really want to help you! Please let me help you. I'll make sure no one hurts you. I won't let your parents anywhere near you. I'm an officer. I can put out a notice for their arrest and we can get you the help you need." He paused then placed a hand on his own chest. "My name is Zimo Lang. What's yours?"


Denix Vames - October 5, 2021

Blaire had gotten out of bed when she heard something faintly. She switched the lights on in the living room. "Desi? Is everything alright?"


"Donnie! Oh Donnie! Where are you? I have a new home! Our new home! Please let me show you!" ,said Insanity.


Elimar kissed her gently. "I cannot wait to do so much more modern traditions with you."


Will walked over to River. "I guess I do have one now. It was unintentional and a long story but I don't think I mind. River, you've got yourself a deal so long as you help me. One of my officers, Walter, is outside the PD somewhere nearby. He was convinced by a suspect named Yami that he was being loved by that very same suspect. He was forced to become a werecat. Whatever that is. I need Walter to realize that what Yami did to him was wrong."

Will placed Walter's badge in his hand. "Please River. That's all I ask." River would find Walter sitting in a corner at the parking lot where he was silently crying.


Autumn hesitated before saying, "Autumn."

She clutched her bag. "I just want to stop the pain. Just let me go."


Billy The Kid had suddenly burst in from the ceiling of Carter and Sebastian's bedroom where they were sleeping. He was being chased by Pat Garrett who still thought of him as a heartless criminal which was in fact the complete opposite. However, because of rumors, he intended to kill him and find a way to really kill him.

Carter sat up when he heard the loud noise. "What the hell?!"

(so idk if you know stuff about the old billy the kid story but basically pat garrett is his enemy who did actually thought he was a criminal. so he killed him at some point. in reality, the police were pretty much the crooks while Billy and his friends were just trying to survive the wild west. im only saying this because i was wondering if you could play as Pat? you don't have to if you don't think you can. i could do it myself. just let me know. I've been meaning to include Billy in something really interesting)


shadowess - October 6, 2021

(I think I watched a Mad Lads video on him a while back lol I'll have to look for that again and re-watch it. I'll reply when I finish work today. This should be interesting lol)


Denix Vames - October 6, 2021

(alright cool)


shadowess - October 7, 2021

Desi jumped and turned his head to look at her. His cheeks were wet from his tears. "Oh, Blaire! I'm sorry, did I wake you?" He crumpled and put his face back into his hands. "I just-... I had to do something bad...but If I didn't, innocent people would've been in danger...I don't know how to feel. I know what I did was for the greater good but I took away someone's free will in the process! I controlled them like a puppet on strings and it reminded me of how easy it was for me to do to anyone, back when I only cared about myself." He shivered and sniffled, wiping some of the tears from his face with his sleeve. "I'm scared. What if I slip back into old habits?! What if I go back to being how I was?"


Donnie had been staring at Ben's apartment from a distance, seething. He had a wild, crazed look in his eyes. He'd been thinking of ways to destroy Jessica and Ben when he heard the familiar voice calling to him. His breath caught in his throat and he froze, listening carefully. It couldn't be... Did the Leviathan not destroy his soul? He blinked and looked around, still listening to Insanity's calls. His heart leaping in his chest but a gnawing feeling in his gut told him that this might be too good to be true.

Hesitantly, he teleported into the prison in Hell. Yet what he sensed and saw was no prison, but a house. Although David and the others were mere feet in front of him in the 'hallway', watching him carefully, he didn't see any of them as he looked around in bewilderment. David was practically holding his breath as he watched. Just waiting for him to step into the cell. Donnie looked towards the cell, where Insanity's voice was coming from. What he saw was an open bedroom door. "Beloved, is it really you?" he called out towards the bedroom, wary that this might be some kind of trap.


Racheal's cheeks turned pink when Elimar kissed her but she melted into it immediately. She stared into his eyes when he spoke, a small smile on her lips. He'd kissed her hand before. He'd kissed her cheek before. But he'd never kissed her like this before. This was their first and it had happened so naturally. It had been nothing like what she'd experienced with Niko either. Elimar had been gentle. Loving. She felt his emotion behind it and it had left her feeling warm and light. "Me neither," she said softly. "But maybe we could do some of your traditions too?" she suggested. "Your world is just as new and exciting to me as mine is to you. I'd love to learn more about you and your home...our home."


River looked at the badge with a frown then back at Will. "Another Stockholm syndrome case, huh?" he asked then nodded. "Alright, I'll see what I can do,..." he turned to walk out then gave Will a cheeky smirk. "Bro." he finished then left the building. He headed out and looked around for a moment, half expecting he would have to search a wider radius. Until he heard a quiet sob and turned to see an officer crying in the parking lot. He looked at the badge then at the officer and noticed he had a badge missing. "Must be him..." he mumbled to himself before walking over. "Hey." he began, awkwardly. Unsure of how to go about talking to him. "By any chance, is this yours?" he asked and showed him the badge.


"That's a lovely name. You know, Autumn is my favorite time of the year." Lang said, trying to give her a reassuring smile. He then frowned when she said she wanted to end her pain. "That won't work...trust me...I know," he said gravely. "Please Autumn. There's a better way to stop the pain. Let me help you. I swear, I'll do what I can to protect you. But you have to come down from there and talk to me." he reached out his hand again. "Please." he looked at her imploringly.


Sebastian jumped awake and held on to Carter, fearfully. "What's going on?!"

(Ok, I've done a bit of research. I'll do my best lol)

Pat burst into the room as well and aimed an ethereal gun at Billy The Kid. "I've got you now!" he growled. "Come quietly or am I guna have to put a bullet in ya?!" Unfortunately, Pat had no memory of the night he killed Billy and was still under the impression that Billy had yet to be brought to justice.

(Also, don't you just love it when you finish typing up a reply and go to send it, only to find your internet connection is down? lol)

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Denix Vames - October 7, 2021

Blaire sat next to him. She placed a hand on his shoulder. "Sometimes we have to do things that we don't want to in order to help others. I know it doesn't sound right but there have been times when us humans had to make the hardest decisions in our lives."


"Yes it is! Donnie! My love!" Insanity stretched out his arms. Hoping for a hug. "I've missed you!"


Elimar blushed. He smiled. "Our home. I can't believe you said that." He hugged her with joyful tears. "Thank you."


Will held a small smile before frowning when River left. He took his own badge and looked at it. "What good am I as a chief if I can't even help anyone?"

Walter sniffled. He looked up. "Will?"


Autumn hesitated before taking his hand. Letting him help her away from the edge. She sobbed in his arms.


Billy ran to a wall of the room. "Just stop! I didn't do anything wrong! You're the crook here!"

Carter quickly threw his pants on before pulling out a gun. "Freeze and put the weapon down! I won't have anyone be shot in my own home. Let's just talk about this, ok? Because from where I'm standing I'm fucking confused."

(oh wow that sucks lol)


shadowess - October 9, 2021

"You don't understand..." Desi shook his head, gritting his teeth as he bent forward and cradled his head in his hands. "The power I have...I used to use it all the time. I loved to do it. Anyone I wanted, I could have. Anyone..." He shook. Tears dripping onto his pants. "It was just...so...easy..."


Slowly, Donnie walked over to the open door and looked in. He saw Insanity there, at the foot of a bed. His heart leapt and he smiled widely at the sight of him. "Insanity! You're not gone!" he gasped and ran into the room, throwing his arms around him and hugging him tightly. "I thought I'd lost you! My love! My menace! My perfect one! My Insanity!" Unable to help himself, Donnie immediately began kissing Insanity passionately.


Racheal grinned and giggled happily when he hugged her. She felt like she could float on the air. She hugged him back before looking at him lovingly. "And thank you," she said softly. "I never knew I could be this happy!"


"Boss?" Officer Hayward said gently from behind him. She held out a mug of fresh coffee for him. "You can't control everything all the time. We all know that. And we follow you anyway because you're the best leader we've had in a long time. You respect us, no matter what we are."

Malone had already left the room by this point and had gone to look for Travis. Wanting to just hug him for a while.

"Uh, no..." River said a little awkwardly. "I'm um...his twin. Just arrived in town." He gestured to the low wall that Walter was sitting on. "Mind if I sit with you?"


"It's ok. Everything's going to be ok. I've got you." Lang said gently as he held her and brought them both safely away from the edge. "I want you to know that you can trust me...so, I'm going to be honest with you about what I am right from the start." he began and held her at arm's length to look at her seriously. "Prepare yourself but remember, I won't ever hurt you, ok? I only want to protect you." he sighed and let her go. He then let his wings burst through the back of his uniform while keeping a keen eye on Autumn in case it frightened her. "I uh...I'm an Angel, Autumn. Some of the stories are true...If you want, I could tell you all about Angels and Heaven." He held his hand out to her again. "But first, how about we get you a hot chocolate and a blanket?" he asked while offering her a kind smile.


Pat growled and kept his gun aimed at Billy. He turned his head slightly to glare at Carter. "Don't be stupid, son. Billy here's a wanted man. You don't want to die for the likes of him, so put your piece away or I'll be forced to take you down too."

"How?! You're outnumbered, you senile idiot!" Sebastian snapped back, having also thrown on a pair of pants after jumping out of bed. He stood just a little behind Carter.

"Not for long." Pat bluffed. "Backup's comin'!"

"I doubt that." Sebastian folded his arms and rose a brow at him. "Besides, your gun won't exactly do much to help you anyway."

"Oh? and why's that?"

"For one, you're both already dead! and two, we're not human."

Pat laughed, still keeping his gun aimed at Billy. "Boy, you must've been drinking something strong! What the hell do you take me for?! Already dead! Not human! Ha! Good one! Now stay the hell out of this!"


Denix Vames - October 10, 2021

Blaire wrapped her arms around him. Hugging him tightly. "You're not the same person that you were before. I can see that. Don't think about what you did before. My son could never get over the fact that his dad was always trying to teach him on how to be a killer. His father never cared for anyone. But Hades showed him that he could be a good guy when he kicked his evil ass."


Insanity moaned into the kisses as he ran a hand through his hair while his other hand went to his hip. Gripping there.


Elimar smiled. He looked around. "What is there to do? I wonder what other things are around here?"


Will looked at her. He smiled. "Thanks Hayward." He put his badge back on before accepting the drink. He took some sips.

Travis had finished a sketch. Giving it to an officer. He stood from his desk when he saw Malone. "Malone?" He was surprised by the hug but returned the gesture. Keeping his head against his chest.

Walter shrugged. "I guess."


Autumn jumped back when she saw the wings. She didn't know what to say. She only nodded when he offered hot cocoa. Taking his hand.


"Just shut up!" Billy burst into tears. "I never wanted this life! All I ever wanted was to stay with my family but then my mom died! And my dad left us! Then when I finally found some friends that I could call family, you and those bastards took that away too! It wasn't us trying to take down a group of bandits! It was us trying to defend ourselves from the likes of you!"

He stomped his boot on the floor. Clenching his fists. "All we ever tried to do was survive the chaos that was the world! You all spread rumors and lies about us!"

"Billy, it's going to be ok." ,said Carter. "No, it's not! Until this asshole's really dead!" Billy tried to shove the gun out of his hand but accidentally fired the pistol somehow. The bullet went into his shoulder. He fell to his knees. Clutching his bleeding shoulder. They hadn't known yet but Billy had become an Angel.

Carter shoved Pat against the wall. "That's it buddy! You're getting locked up for this shit!"

Billy slowly began to heal himself as he silently cried.


Shadowess - October 11, 2021

(I've updated the RP Notes blog )

Desi let her hold him. He shook in her arms while hiding his face in his hands. He listened to her while crying quietly. Carefully considering her words. He swallowed nervously. "What if I slip up?" he asked fearfully. "What if I forget myself? Blaire, I don't want to go back to being what I was." He pulled away to look at her, his eyes wide and tearful as he gave her a desperate look. "I need help," he admitted. "Please...if I ever slip back into the old Desi, I need to know that I can count on you to pull me back out of it. Don't let me be that Demon again."


Donnie moaned a little too. He slipped his tongue into his mouth and moved his hands across his back, moving on to gently grip him by the back of his neck as they kissed. A loud rattle, then a bang made Donnie jump and he stopped kissing Insanity to look around, alarmed. With the cell door shut and locked, the spells around them began to break. Including the spell on Insanity. Donnie held him defensively as he watched the walls around them melt away, revealing the familiar cells as well as the familiar faces on the other side of the bars. To Donnie's surprise, one of those faces belonged to a Devil that he'd known to have been destroyed!

Damien had been the one to slam the cell door shut and he looked back at the others with a proud smirk. "Well? You were all taking too long to act! It's almost like you were enjoying watching them get it on." he chuckled.

"What-...?" Donnie stammered as he let Insanity go and looked around the cell, as if unable to believe what had happened. For a moment, he seemed utterly lost and confused. "How-?" he looked back at the crowd on the other side of the bars, then back at Insanity. For a second, he suspected him of betraying him. Then he saw the way he seemed. As if he was waking up from a dream. He looked back at the crowd, enraged. "What did you do to him?!" he demanded. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" he bolted towards the bars. Damien laughed and moved back just in time to avoid being grabbed by Donnie through the bars. Donnie screamed at them furiously while pulling at the cell door. Trying desperately to open it. "LET US OUT!!" he screamed. "LET US OUT OR YOU'LL BE FUCKING SORRY!!"


Racheal looked around as well. Her eyes landing on the boardwalk in the distance. "How about that? We could play some games and try out a couple of rides if you want." she smiled.


Malone gripped Travis's shirt. A couple of tears rolled down his cheeks. "God, I hope your day has been going better than mine..." he sighed.

River smiled and sat next to Walter. "Thanks." He looked at Walter's badge that was still in his hand and offered it to Walter. "I don't know the whole story. I do know that my brother is worried about you though." he began. "He cares a lot about his team. He feels responsible whenever one of you guys gets hurt..." he shifted a little uncomfortably. "Did he ever tell you what happened to his boyfriend? before Parker left the force...what really happened?" he asked, looking at Walter. He then lowered his gaze to the ground, remembering what it had been like when he'd been a part of Parker. "He was kidnapped, brainwashed, and turned by a vampire. He ended up thinking that he was in love with that vampire for a while but their relationship was abusive and Parker's love was not reciprocated... In the end, the vampire betrayed him and broke his heart. It took him a long time to be able to trust Will the way he does now because he was so damaged by his previous relationship...if you could even call it that..."

River then waved a hand dismissively and looked back at Walter. "But that doesn't mean to say that everyone who goes through something similar has the same result. Another officer you might know, Officer Jean Poe? Similar situation, different outcome. He was kidnapped, turned, and raped by a vampire. He was then convinced that he'd fallen in love with the vampire. Strangely, it also seemed like the vampire had, at some point, fallen for Jean as well. Now, after putting what had happened behind them, as far as I know, they're both living in Germany and still together, with the vampire having sworn to protect Jean."

River stood, turning to face Walter. "All I'm trying to say is, whatever it is that you feel right now, it's real. It's valid and you have every right to feel it. But that doesn't mean that what happened to make you feel that way was right. It was wrong. Your rights were violated. But if you really want to try to make things work with the guy that changed you...well, that's your decision. Just make sure you're being safe though and remember, those people in there-" he pointed to the precinct. "-care about you..." he hesitated then held out his hand, offering to help Walter to his feet. "They get defensive and angry, but that's only because they want to protect you and each other. But I think now is a good time to simply talk to each other. Who knows, maybe the guy that turned you could be saved? I've met a whole bunch of people that turned their lives around after doing bad things...and that's not even including myself." he chuckled and winked. "My name is River, by the way."


When Autumn took Lang's hand, he smiled at her warmly. "I'm going to take us to the precinct I work in. I have to report in but I can make you some hot cocoa while we're there and we'll have a word with my chief about making sure you're safe, ok? Now, I don't want to alarm you so I'll give you some warning first. I'm going to teleport us in. It can be a little jarring for people who have never done it before but don't worry, it's perfectly safe. You can close your eyes if it helps you feel a little better. I'll let you know when to open them again. Ready? On the count of three. One, two, three." He teleported them into the middle of the precinct and he looked around, his eyes falling on Will who had just received the coffee from Hayward. Hayward had nodded at Will with a smile after he thanked her then turned to walk back to her desk to finish off her work. She spotted Lang and the girl and walked over to them instead. "Lang! We were wondering where you'd gone! Who's this?" she asked.

Putting an arm around Autumn's shoulders to try to help her feel safe, Lang smiled at Hayward. "Uh...busy day...This is Autumn. She's...had a rough night. Hey, would you mind getting her some hot chocolate and making sure she's comfortable for me? I gotta talk to the chief."

"Of course!" Hayward held out a hand for Autumn to take. "I'll take you to our break room honey, it's nice and quiet in there right now. You can call me Hayward. Do you like marshmallows? I could put some on your drink if you want?"

"I'll be with you again very soon," Lang reassured her then looked over at Will. "Hi, Chief." he then nodded to the office. "Is it ok if we talk?"


The moment the shot rang out, Pat's eyes glazed over as the memory of sitting in a dark room came back to him. He remembered seeing Billy's silhouette just outside the room. Looking in. The same pistol in Pat's hand. Billy asking who he was in Spanish. Pat said nothing and pulled the trigger twice.

When Carter pinned him to the wall, Pat's face had turned pale. He was staring at Billy. Watching his wounds heal and seeing him crying.

Sebastian had run over to Billy and knelt beside him. "Billy! Are you alright?" he'd asked.

A look of realization crossed Pat's features. "You...died..." he said to Billy before looking down at his gun. He dropped it then looked back at Billy. "I watched you...in the dark...just a boy...how could I forget?"


Denix Vames - October 11, 2021

(awesome. ill check it out)

Blaire nodded. "You can bet your ass that me and Hades will make sure that you never become your old self."


Once Insanity got out of the spell, he soon realized what had happened. He reached out. Trying to break the bars. He let out a frustrated scream. "I'll slit your fucking throats! I'm going to tear your guts out! Do you hear me?!"

Ben clutched his head. He let out a low growl. His wings sprouted. "You....YOU HURT JESSICA!" He ram himself into the cage. Attempting to reach them both so that he could kill them.


"That sounds like fun. You'll have to teach me all of them I think." Elimar chuckled. He followed her to the boardwalk.


Travis cupped his cheeks. He wiped his tears with his thumbs. He helped Malone to take a seat. Passing him the sketchpad and pencil. He quickly wrote, 'Drawing helps me.'

Walter hesitantly accepted the badge. He listened to River's story before taking his hand. He stood with him. "River...Um...Thanks for the talk." He placed the badge on his uniform before going into the precinct. He shyly looked down as his face was red. Embarrassed by his earlier actions. He could already feel their eyes on him. "I'm sorry..."

Autumn nodded at her. She went into the break room. Accepting the hot cocoa with its marshmallows. She sat on the couch. Drinking it slowly.

"Yeah sure." ,said Will. He went into his own office with Lang. Setting his drink on the desk. "What is it?"


The house began to shake. Billy stood. Glaring at Pat. He raised a hand. "You want me to be the bad guy? Fine. I'll be the bad guy." His wings sprouted before losing their feathers. Becoming a torn bleeding mess. He made Pat move by using his blood. Making him slam into walls.

He kept Pat on a wall. As he walked towards him, he spoke. "When Paulita found out what happened, she was devastated. She had lost a new family because a coward like you shot me in the dark instead of facing me like a real man. You made her cry!"

A sickening crack came from one of Pat's arms.


Denix Vames - October 11, 2021

(forgot to have autumn reply to lang earlier so here it is)

Autumn closed her eyes before they appeared in the precinct. She sunk herself into his hold when she saw everybody else.

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Shadowess - October 12, 2021

Desi wiped at his eyes and nodded. "Thank you." He looked at her guiltily. "I'm sorry. I woke you up. I'll be alright now if you wanted to go back to sleep."


David watched Donnie and Insanity lose their tempers. Both of them pulling at the bars and threatening them. They really were a match made in Hell. Donnie's eyes widened when Ben's wings appeared, and sensing danger he quickly wrapped an arm around Insanity's chest, running back with him to avoid Ben's reach when he'd slammed against the bars. He stood a little in front of Insanity, defensively. His face shifted a little, giving him sharp teeth and red eyes as he growled at Ben.

Damien was unaware that the Jessica Ben was referring to was his daughter. He was still under the impression that she was safely in Ireland, away from all of this. Unlike Donnie, Damien either hadn't seen the goings-on on Earth during his time in Oblivion, or he simply couldn't remember any of it. He hadn't come back with any new powers as Donnie had either. About the only thing he knew was that Donnie had somehow managed to bring himself back from complete destruction and was now trying to take his position in Hell.

Damien watched Ben's rage with a wide grin and gestured to him while looking at David who seemed worried for him. "Now THIS is what I'm talking about! This man is worthy of my old army!"

"Things have changed Damien!" David snapped at him then looked at Ben sympathetically. None of them were worried about him breaking into the cell because it was simply impossible. Not even Damien, with his insane amount of strength, could ever hope to break those bars. They were made of much older and far more powerful magic. "Ben, stop and take a breath! Think! They're trapped. They can't escape. Which means they can't hurt anyone anymore. We won. Now it is our responsibility to help them!"

"Help them?!" Damien looked at David in surprise. He'd assumed they were going to leave them in the cells to rot. "Why the hell would you waste your energy on that?! They're traitors! Dangerous! They should be either destroyed or left here to rot!"

"That is not how we do things anymore, Damien!"

"It is now!" Damien fired back, agitated. "I'm glad I came back! Because now I can see the kind of shit you've been doing! You're weakening our forces and making us vulnerable! What will you do when God's army comes knocking on our door?!"

"The war is over!" David shouted, turning to face Damien.

Damien faltered, struggling to believe him. "What?"

"It's over. Done. The Angels are our allies now! We brokered a peace treaty! Your sister achieved peace and changed Hell for the better!"

"N-no...that can't be right...The Angels..."

"Don't want to fight us anymore," David said a little more gently. "The war was Lucifer's war...not yours and not Amelia's. Amelia recognized this and made changes that would benefit both Heaven and Hell. It's over Damien. You don't have to fight anymore."

Donnie had listened in on the conversation and a sick grin spread across his face. Delighting in the fact that he currently knew all about each of them and could use this knowledge to divide them all. "But is that what Lucifer would have wanted?" he asked Damien slyly. Damien turned his head to look at him. As did David who glared. "You stay out of this!" he warned him.

Donnie shrugged. "I'm just saying what he's thinking." he smiled. "Lucifer would think this all to be a weakness. He'd think the peace treaty on Heaven's side to be an elaborate trap to gain the upper hand. Maybe Amelia is a traitor all along? Why else would she use her position to try to change Hell into a second Heaven?!"

"Shut up!" David snapped but Donnie kept going. Spurred on by the look on Damien's face.

"She betrayed you. She betrayed Lucifer. YOU were King before she took over! You could rule this world better than she can!" Donnie then turned his head to grin at Ben. "He is no better. Promising to protect your precious daughter. Making her fall in love with him. Taking her newfound gifts for himself...Tell me, Ben, how is GREG?" Donnie chuckled and tilted his head forward a bit, grinning maliciously at him. "Insanity and I wouldn't betray her like that."

Damien now looked at Ben angrily. "What is he talking about?" he asked, his voice trembling a little out of a growing fury.

David rushed to stand between them and faced Damien. "Don't! This is what Donnie wants! We can talk about this!"

Donnie took Insanity's hand in his and turned to smile at him. He leaned in to whisper into his ear. "Enjoy the show," he said before turning back to watch the conflict that he had just stirred up. Yet, he wasn't quite finished yet. "Oh, Damien." Donnie sang cheerily. "Has David told you about his new lover yet? She's an Angel."

"What?!" Damien's rage was growing as he now looked at David, feeling betrayed. "It's no wonder you're siding with them!"

"Stop! This is madness!" Rickster piped up.

"What the fuck did he mean, Ben?!" Damien shouted over David.

"Damien! Calm down!-" David tried to calm the situation but Damien wasn't listening to him anymore.

"Are you messing around with my daughter?!"


"Well, I can try." Racheal giggled as they walked. "I don't know all of them and I'm not any good at most of them but they're fun to play anyway."

Once on the boardwalk, she paid their entree fees and headed for a simple game. She leaned in to whisper to Elimar. "It's kind of an expected thing that some of these games will be rigged so that only a few people win them. Otherwise, they'd be running out of prizes constantly." She then gave him a playful look. "Let's see if we can beat the system and win anyway." she winked as they headed over to a game that involved knocking over cans with a ball. She paid for them each to have three turns. "All we have to do is knock down a whole set to win."

Nearby, a man with white hair and brown eyes had spotted Racheal's tell-tale features that pegged her as a Steinheil. He didn't recognize the male with her. He was about to walk over and greet her like family when he noticed their complexions and her teeth as she spoke to Elimar. He stopped and pretended to be distracted by a nearby attraction. His heartbeat was hard out of a mixture of anger and fear. Slyly, he took a photo of them both with his phone and sent the image to several family members. Branding her a traitor and effectively putting a bounty on her head among the Steinheil hunters. He stayed a safe distance away from them and pretended to play games while keeping a close eye on the pair.


Malone looked at the pad then looked back at Travis, feeling a little awkward. "I-... I'm no good at drawing," he admitted, his cheeks turning a little red. "Whenever I get upset, I usually just clean something..." he shrugged. "I guess today I just wanted to be with you instead... just being near you makes me feel better." he smiled bashfully.

River followed Walter back into the building and smiled at him reassuringly as he apologized to his colleagues. The others looked up at Walter and nodded at his apology. "We're just glad you're safe now." one of the Demon officers said to him. "Hey, I'm guna make some coffee. You want one?"

Hayward made herself a drink as well and sat in a chair close by Autumn. "Are you alright? Feel free to let me know if you need anything," she said to her kindly.

Lang closed the door behind them and stood in front of Will's desk, facing him. "It's Harley Poe, sir. He-...he died. He's in Heaven right now and not exactly in a good way mentally. The psych ward up there said they'd allow him out of there under the condition that I watch over him until he's signed off. So I came to request a leave of absence so I could look after him, just until he's feeling better." He rubbed his arm awkwardly. "That's not all, sir. The girl that I arrived with, I found on the way here. She was ready to throw herself off a building. I managed to talk her out of it but I'm worried about her. She told me she was being abused by both her parents." he sighed, feeling torn. "I want to make sure she's safe. I promised her as much. But I can't hang around to watch over her while Harley needs me in Heaven...I was hoping you could look out for her while I'm gone?"


Pat's eyes widened and he shook. He gasped when he was lifted and cried out each time he hit a wall.

"Billy stop!" Sebastian gasped, having taken a couple of steps away from him out of shock from seeing his sudden transformation.

Pat then let out a pained scream as he felt his arm break. He grit his teeth and whimpered while staring at Billy. "D-Demon! Spawn of hell! God, save me! Save me from this wretched creature!" he wailed. Of course, no help would come from Heaven for Pat Garrett.

"Billy! Listen to me! You don't have to do this! You're better than this! You're better than HIM!" Sebastian pleaded, looking at Billy desperately. "Please! Don't let him turn you into something that you're not!"


Denix Vames - October 12, 2021

"No, it's alright. I don't mind staying here. We could watch some TV if you're interested." ,said Blaire.


"ENOUGH!" ,shouted Hades who sent his own blood at everyone, except for Donnie and Insanity. Having them trapped as if tied up. Only his black blood had hardened. None could break out.

"My oh my." ,said a man with a bowler's and a young face with soft light brown hair. He was walking with a diamond topped cane. Wearing a fine white Victorian suit. "It would seem that we have a little fight on our hands.

"Who the hell are you?!" ,said Hades. "Me? Why I'm Harris Tumbleweed the III." Harris did a little bow. "At your service. I came here after leaving that beautiful brothel that dear Desi had abandoned." He pointed his cane at Damien. "And you my friend are such like an old man. Things have changed for the better. In fact, there are Demons, Devils, and Angels having relations with each other. I'd say that's not the worst idea."

He grinned. "I can already tell that by my voice and appearance, you all expected me to side with such evilness? A long time ago I would have. I killed and raped many women when I was but a human. But now I wander around in search of adventure. And this is one of them."


Elimar threw a ball at the cans. Knocking them down. "It seems like their tricks can't fool me."


Travis blushed before sitting next to him. He leaned in close. Kissing him gently.

Walter looked up. He slightly nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that."

Autumn nodded. "I'm fine." She glanced at her. "So something tells me that you guys aren't normal?"

Will pinched the brim of his nose. Hot tears left him. A purple aura surrounded him. "I made a promise to him that he would see his brother! I promised that I would protect everybody here!"

The police station began to shake as his black wings sprouted. His hands were changing into claws. He transformed into a gargoyle. He screamed at the top of his lungs.


Billy realized what he was doing. The room stopped shaking. He gasped as he fell to his knees. Having let Pat go. He sobbed over his hands. Overwhelmed by what he had done.


A bright light showered on Billy who looked up. His wings were restored before he felt the invisible hands of God brushing his tears. He held a small smile. His eyes widened at the sight of Pat being dragged by his feet into a red portal which was attempting to send him to Hell. "No!" He ran over and grabbed his hands. Trying to pull him out.

"You can think of me however you like but I'm not the kind of monster to let you burn in hell!"


Denix Vames - October 12, 2021

(damn it. i messed up on the pronouns for Hades ><


shadowess - October 13, 2021

(lol It's cool, I knew what you meant xD )

"Sure." Desi smiled and wiped away some of his tears. He sat back on the couch quietly and let Blaire choose what they'd watch.


"What the-?!" Damien struggled, trying to break free from Hades's restraints. Despite his immense strength, even he found it difficult. "What the hell are you?!" he looked at her in surprise.

When the stranger arrived, Damien then looked at him and glared dangerously when he was belittled. "How dare you?! Do you have any idea who I am?!"

"Damien, enough! You're not king anymore and Lucifer is gone!" David snapped and looked at Hades quickly. "We need to get everyone away from Donnie's manipulations. Could you teleport us all to the library?"

"Leaving so soon?" Donnie asked snidely. "But I have so much more to share with you. Like how I so enjoyed having Patience for company." he winked at David, knowing that just the idea that something might have happened when she was his prisoner would be enough to drive him mad. And it worked. Rage quickly clouded David's senses and he fought hard to break free from Hades's blood to try opening the cell door. Wanting so much to fight Donnie at that moment as Donnie laughed mockingly from the safety of his cell.

"Hades, get us out of here!" Rickster said, worried that David would reach the cell and undo everything they'd done to capture Donnie and Insanity.

"YOU MONSTER!" David screamed, desperately trying to break free.

"Oh and Rickster." Donnie smiled cruelly.

"Oh, God..." Rickster muttered, dreading to hear what Donnie might have to say to him next.

"Tell your little one, 'happy birthday' from me." Donnie grinned. "I hope she likes my gift." he winked.

Rickster turned pale. "Neva!" he gasped.


Racheal giggled at Elimar's comment. Blissfully unaware that they were being watched. She threw her ball but missed the cans. "I guess my aim isn't as good as I thought!" she laughed while the game operator stood to one side and gestured to the various prizes on show. "You can take a small prize now or knock down another two sets and you can get one of the bigger prizes," he told them.


Hayward scratched the back of her head nervously at the question. "I guess no one here being phased by an Angel and a girl appearing in the middle of the precinct tipped you off?" she joked with a chuckle. "There are a few humans that work here. They all know about the rest of us now. Lang, as you know, is an Angel. Our boss is a Leviathan. I'm a werewolf...but don't worry, I don't bite." she smiled. "There's a couple of vampires doing the late shifts now and there's even a couple of demons among us. I guess we even have a werecat now...whatever one of those is. I honestly never heard of one before today...but we're all family here. We look out for each other. No matter what we are."

The building began to shake and Will's scream rang out through the precinct. Malone broke the kiss with Travis and looked around warily. "That can't be good..."

Hayward stood, placing her drink on the table and looking towards the breakroom door. "Stay in here with me and do as I say. You'll be fine," she said to Autumn hurriedly.

"That's my cue!" River announced, running past Walter and heading straight into the office.

"Sir?!" Lang had taken a couple of steps back in alarm. Having not expected Will to react this way to the news.

"Will!" River ran in and hurried over to him. "Will, stop! Deep breath! There are innocent people here that could get hurt if you lose control!" he reasoned, hoping that his voice alone would remind him of how it had been when they'd been one and River could talk sense into him. "Easy. Breathe. Talk to me. Tell me what's upset you. I'm here."


Pat had screamed when he felt himself being pulled towards a red portal. He used his one good hand to claw at the floorboards. Trying desperately to stay away from it. He was shocked when Billy grabbed him and started pulling him away. Sobbing, he gripped Billy's arms tightly, terrified of whatever horrors awaited him on the other side of the portal.

The pulling stopped but the portal remained open. "He won't burn." Said Rob, appearing in the room. "Hell has changed. He's not being sent to be punished, he is being sent directly to David. The Demon who can rehabilitate Pat." Rob glanced at Pat then back to Billy. "What he did during his life was wrong. But there is still a chance to save him. He needs to move on, Henry. But he can't go to Heaven. Not just yet." he said gently, calling Billy by his real name.

Pat looked up at the Angel then looked back at the portal, then at Billy. "He's right, son." he wept. "What I did to you and your friends was awful. I'm sorry for what I done. Let me go. Let me atone for my wrongs."

"He won't be harmed," Rob assured Billy.


Denix Vames - October 13, 2021

Blaire smiled. She switched the TV on to a sitcom. Hoping that the jokes would make him feel a bit better.


Harris glared at Donnie and Insanity. He walked up to the cage where he vomited out the fire that would burn their souls into oblivion. Having gone through the metal. The lava melting everything. Insanity screamed as pain radiated throughout his body. He collapsed. Succumbing to his death.

Once both men were actually dead, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. He turned around and smiled. "Problem solved." The black blood melted. Going back into Hades's mouth. Harris grabbed Damien by the back of his collar before throwing him into a cage. Locking him in. "I think you need to be taught a few things. It looks like school is in session."

Hades collapsed to her knees and sobbed. Tired of the fighting.


X wrapped an arm around the watcher's shoulder. He gave him a grin. "We need to talk." They soon appeared at the facility where he threw him in. Letting an agent lock him up.

Some agents had forced the stranger to change into his prison uniform. Having taken his belongings as well.


"What do you think? You can pick which one you like." ,said Elimar.


"Is everything ok? What's happening? What was that scream?" ,asked Autumn.


Travis hugged him. Burying his head on his chest as he became frightened by the noises and movements.

Walter followed River. His eyes widened at the sight of WIll's form. "Chief?" Will screamed at them. He knocked over his own desk. Smashing it into large pieces.


Billy kept his grip on Pat. He healed his broken arm before letting him go. Once the portal closed, he slammed his fists over the floor where he sobbed.

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Shadowess - October 14, 2021

"Neva!!" Rickster vanished as soon as he was free from Hades's blood.

"NO!" David watched helplessly as Harris seemed to destroy both Insanity and Donnie. He looked at him with wide eyes. He couldn't be just a Demon. No Demon had that kind of power. Not even David had that kind of power. "NO! THAT IS NOT HOW WE DO THINGS HERE!" he shouted at Harris angrily. Tears stinging his eyes. Despite his fury and how he'd wanted to fight Donnie not moments ago, he had truly wanted to try saving his soul. Insanity's too if he could help it.

David then watched as Harris threw his grandson into a cell and locked him in while Damien was too much in shock at seeing the destruction to react. When the cell door clanged shut, Damien came back to his senses and glared at Harris. "You have no idea how these cells work, do you?" he asked. Sure enough, within seconds the cell's bars and stone floor within began rectifying itself. "You can torture its occupants all you like but while that door is locked, you can't destroy anyone inside. These cells were made by the kind of Devil that made Amelia into what she is. You didn't destroy Donnie and Insanity. Just caused them a lot of agony that'll probably last until they regenerate their bodies...however long that will take. At least on the bright side, they'll still be stuck in that same cell as long as no one is stupid enough to open the door. Speaking of which." He walked up to the bars and placed his hands on them while glaring at Harris dangerously. "Open this fucking door," he growled.

Not sure of what Harris was and having not grown any trust towards him yet, David watched him warily. He glanced at Hades, seeing her upset and frowned. "Ben, take Hades home while I finish business here. I'll see you both as soon as I can. Can I ask one of you to find Patience for me? See if she's alright...REALLY alright." he said while keeping his eyes on Harris. "As for you. You are not judge, jury, and executioner here. We do not destroy souls unless it is an absolute last resort! They were both trapped. No longer a threat. The only person who gets to decide who lives and who is destroyed is the leader of Hell."

"Amelia..." Damien said somberly, removing his hands from the bars and staring off towards the walls sadly. "You're going to summon her, aren't you?"

"She needs to know what's happened here." David nodded.

Damien looked back at David with a frown but nodded and took a step back. His feelings were mixed. He wanted to see his sister again but he worried how seeing him might affect her after he'd been dead for so long. He wasn't worried about the things Donnie had said about her. Not really. He knew Amelia. The real Amelia...and he trusted her with his life.

"Amelia?" David called. For a moment, nothing happened. Then Amelia appeared wearing pajamas and holding a hand towel, apparently still drying her hands. "Hey dad, sorry that took a minute. We just got Oliver to sleep and-" she froze when she looked up from the towel, her eyes landing on Damien in the cell.

"Hey sis." he smiled at her weakly.

"Th-that's not fair," she said angrily, pointing at him. Her voice trembled and her eyes filled with tears. "Whoever you are, that's not fucking funny!"

"Amelia," David said gently. "It's really him."


"Followed Donnie out of oblivion." Damien shrugged. "He left a trail and I followed it home." he looked at her sadly. "It's really me, lil sis. I'm here."

Amelia ran a hand through her hair and cried softly. Her lips twitched into a smile as she began to believe he was really Damien. She then looked between them in confusion. "Wait-...why is he in there?" she asked then looked at the melted cell that was still regenerating. "What happened here?" Finally, she looked at Harris. "And who are you?"


The male gasped when X wrapped his arm around his shoulder. He immediately recognized him as being vampiric but had no idea he was a Blood God. He glared silently when X spoke then gasped again when they teleported before crying out as he was shoved into a cell. He fought with the agents as they forcibly stripped him and made him wear the prison uniform, all the while shouting at them angrily in German. Demanding to be released. Demanding that they tell him who they were and to give him his property back.


Racheal grinned and bit her lip a little in a playful way. "The pink elephant is pretty cute." she giggled.


"Sounded like the boss," Hayward answered calmly. "At this point, we're kind of used to this kind of madness, kid. I'm sure there's someone with him right now, trying to make sure he's ok. You just stick with me and do as I say and you won't have anything to worry about, ok?"

Malone held on to Travis tightly while looking around in alarm. "What's going on?" he asked one of the other officers.

Walter followed River. His eyes widened at the sight of WIll's form. "Chief?" Will screamed at them. He knocked over his own desk. Smashing it into large pieces.

"Will! Please!" River tried, moving to stand in front of him again. Placing himself between Will and anyone else he might come into contact with. He glanced back at Walter. "Someone call Parker!" He then turned back to face Will. "Please listen to me! You need to stop and think! Just talk to me! Tell me what's wrong!"

"Sir! You can't blame yourself for everything that goes wrong!" Lang tried. "Shit happens! But we all look up to you to keep us strong when it does!" He looked around, out at the other officers outside the office before looking back at Will. "Please sir, we need you!"


Pat was gone but wouldn't appear before David just yet. Instead, he was transported to the library where he ran into Beatrice, who explained that they would both be safe in the library until David came back to enroll them into the programme.

Sebastian was tearful after having watched the way everything had unfolded. He'd run into Carter's arms to seek comfort while Rob approached Billy calmly. He knelt and offered a hand to him. "C'mon. Your friends are waiting for you," he said gently with a small smile. "He'll be fine. I promise you. If there's anyone that can save that man's soul, it's David." he glanced up, towards the ceiling. "I hear one of your old buddies has a ranch in heaven?"


Denix Vames - October 14, 2021

Ben nodded. He held Hades in his arms before vanishing.

Harris twirled his cane around. "Oh come off it! I did you all a favor." He pointed with his cane at Amelia. "Your brother's been a naughty boy. He doesn't like the idea of bad guys being turned into good guys." He walked over to her. "So, how about this? I take Hell off of your hands and show these people who the real King of Hell can truly be."

He whacked her head. Bringing her to the ground. He jumped over David and smacked the back of his leg.


X walked up to the door. "I think you'll make a fine example of what happens to murders." He disappeared.

Appearing in the meeting room of the castle, his voice had echoed, "Ladies and gentlemen! Tonight, you will all have the opportunity to watch a hunter's execution! The prisoner will arrive here soon!"


Elimar handed her the plush. "Then the pink elephant it is."


Autumn nodded. "Ok."

Travis was shaking as tears dripped down his cheeks. An officer said, "I think it's the Chief. He's....upset again."

Balconi appeared. Having heard the commotion. Will's eyes widened. Surprised to see him. Balconi cupped his cheeks. Looking into his tearfilled eyes. Will slowly began to turn back into his human form. As he did, he began to sob. Feeling ashamed for what he had done. He collapsed to his knees where Balconi embraced him.

A white light showered the precinct. Giving everyone a good feeling.


Carter gently rubbed his back. "Shhh...It's ok. It's ok."

Billy thought for a moment. "Sarah..."


shadowess - October 14, 2021

With seeing her brother for the first time since his death, Amelia's guard had been lowered. So when Harris brought up taking Hell from her, she had looked at him in confusion for a moment before letting out a surprised cry when he struck her over the head. "Amelia!" She heard both David and Damien shout in unison as she fell to her knees in a slight daze. She looked up and saw David attempt to rush Harris, only for him to spring over him and knock him down as well. "Leave 'em alone!!" Damien shouted angrily at Harris, feeling helpless within the cell. David had grunted as the force from the blow to his leg forced him down onto one knee. He quickly stood and faced Harris, taking up a fighting stance, ready for any attack.

Amelia's eyes turned red and she stood slowly while glaring at Harris. "Son. of a-!" she growled before flicking her arm to one side. Just as she did, crystals formed rapidly around her forearm before taking the shape of a machete which she now held in her hand. "Do you have any idea how many assholes have tried and failed to take my throne from me since I took over?!" she snapped at him. "You have some fucking nerve!" She, too, took up a fighting stance, holding her blade up threateningly at Harris. "Hell is my home. Its Demons and souls are my responsibility and I will not give any of it up lightly!"

Damien's expression shifted to a proud smile as he looked at his sister. She had come a long way from the naive, unconfrontational girl that she used to be. Back when Damien ruled Hell, she had openly admitted that she never wanted such a massive responsibility. In fact, she had often run away to drink and smoke whenever life became too real for her to handle. But looking at her now, Damien got the impression that she was willing to do anything to protect the kingdom that she had worked so hard to improve.


"What is this?!" The male shouted in German from his cell. "Where am I?! Who are you people?!" he slammed his hands against the door. "Let me out! Let me out of here!" he screamed, panic beginning to seep into his voice.

Curious and eager to see what X meant, vampires had begun to file into the main hall to see what was going on.


Racheal smiled widely and blushed as she took the toy. "Thank you." she hugged him and looked around. "Do you want to go on the Ferris wheel next?"


Unsure of what to do, Lang stood nearby. Watching with an uncertain expression.

River also watched, unsure. He glanced around and saw that no one else had moved since Balconi's arrival. All of them trying to fathom what had just happened and why they all suddenly felt like they were being hugged by something invisible. Did no one bother to call Parker? He looked back at Will and Balconi. He'd felt helpless. As hard as he tried to talk to Will, he just wouldn't listen to him. He thought it would be the same as when they had both been one and he could talk sense into him any time he lost control. But that simply wasn't the case. Now, River truly felt disconnected from Will. He felt alone and despite the light around them, he felt a deep sadness wash over him. Quietly, he left.


Rob's smile grew a little. "Let's go see her," he said gently.


Denix Vames - October 14, 2021

Harris took a step back. Not knowing that she would bring out her own weapon. He raised his hands in fright while disappearing. Leaving his cane as he was not thinking clearly.


X had brought the prisoner into the castle where he was helped by the guards in order to chain him up. "This here is a hunter that I can see will never change his ways." He held out a hand. Accepting the axe that he had received from a guard. "And I will do the honors of killing him."


"Sure. What is it?" ,asked Elimar.


Balconi appeared in front of River and placed a hand on his head. Giving him the memories that Balconi and Will had when they were once together. He even gave the memories of when Will was mourning over Balconi's death. Having been going to strip clubs and spending all his money on men and booze.

"Now, you know him better. And he knows you." He disappeared.

"River!" Will ran over to him. "River! Wait! I'm sorry!" He stopped when he stood in front of him. "I....I keep failing you and everyone else. I almost got people hurt. I know that I need to be on my own. It's better for everybody if I leave for a while. But the thing is, I need someone to take my place so that the public can't know about this."

He handed him his badge. "Help these people. Do what I couldn't. You're a lot smarter than me."

Walter ran over. "What happened wasn't your fault! Why can't you understand that?! Everybody keeps telling you!" Will ignored him as he walked away. "Tell Parker that I'll be ok." He disappeared. Walter clutched his head as he silently cried.

(so idk if i messed up on this scene. im assuming you meant river teleported. if thats the case we can change the character who gets the badge)


Billy nodded. They appeared at a farmhouse in Heaven. Sarah was moving some hay bales. She smiled and waved at them. "Well, howdy ya'll! How's it hanging?" "Sarah!" He ran over and hugged her. She patted his back with a chuckle. "Always good to see friendly faces."


shadowess - October 15, 2021

Once Harris was gone, David and Amelia remained where they were for a moment. Both of them still alert. When it seemed like he wasn't trying to pull a fast one, they both relaxed a little. David limped over to Damien's cell and quickly opened the door while Amelia walked calmly over to the cane and picked it up, looking it over curiously. "Tell me what happened here," she said as she looked around at the melted cell. Its bars and stones had now completely regenerated and two, red slimy mounds had begun to take shape behind the bars. "Tell me everything."

By the time David and Damien had told Amelia everything that had happened, from Damien meeting the group in Lost City to her arrival here, the two masses in the cell had taken two humanoid shapes. Neither seemed to be conscious yet and both currently lacked skin that had only just begun to grow across their bodies.

"They're not going to be the same when they wake up..." Amelia sighed, looking at them. "They might even be more insane than they had been going in...fucking idiot," she growled then turned to Damien. Her features softened and she walked over to him, hugging him tightly. "I never thought I'd see you again." she wept. Damien's eyes remained dry but his lip quivered as he hugged her back.

"I'm sure you have a lot to talk about..." David said quietly. "I'll leave you two to it. I need to check on Hades then see to two new souls that need to go onto the programme." he looked at Damien with a serious expression. "Damien, it's about time you saw them," he said, sure that Damien would know what he meant. "They deserve to hear your side of things." he nodded before vanishing, leaving Amelia and Damien to catch up.


The male struggled when X grabbed him then stared around in awe when they arrived in the castle. He'd never seen the inside of it before. He quickly came back to reality when he was chained to the floor with his arms chained down, either side of him. Keeping him in a knelt position. He watched X speak then saw the axe. "N-nein!" he shook his head quickly, shaking. He tried to crawl back but the chains kept him in place. "Nein! Bitte! BITTE!!!" he looked around at all the faces staring at him. He was surrounded and cornered with no hope of fighting his way out. He looked back at X with wide, terrified eyes.

"P-please!" he said, trying to speak English nervously. "I will give names! homes! all! Please!!" he tried to pull away from the chains again out of reflex. His fear making him desperate to run. He sobbed, hoping X would understand what he'd meant with his broken English. He looked around at the other vampires. Surely they mainly spoke German? They would know what he was trying to tell him! He began shouting to them in German, desperately. "Please tell him! I'll give you anything you want! All of you! The names of my family! The other hunters! Where they live! I'll even tell you about their plans! They're planning another attack on the castle! Please! I'll do anything!!"


"It's that big wheel there." she pointed to the Ferris wheel that overlooked the ocean. "It moves around slowly but when you reach the top you can see around you for miles." she hugged his arm as they walked over to it. "It...could be romantic," she suggested, her cheeks turning pink.


"What?!" River gasped when the memories were pushed into his head and he stumbled back a bit. He watched Balconi disappear in stunned silence then turned when Will ran to him and told him he needed to leave for a while. "What? N-no-!" he tried to protest when the badge was placed into his hand. He walked a bit after Will, intent on stopping him from leaving. "No! Will, don't leave!" When he was gone, he looked down at the badge tearfully.

"But I don't want this..." he mumbled. "I just wanted to have a brother...I just don't want to be alone...I can't handle this..." he cried. Fear beginning to wash over him as he recalled what happened the last time he felt he had any power. "I'm not the right person for this!" he shouted into the street. "I can't handle something like this!! What if I lose my mind again!?" He lost his breath suddenly, feeling like his heart would beat right out of his chest as a panic attack quickly took hold. "I-I can't-! I can't-! I can't-!!" he tried to speak between breaths but it was getting harder and harder for him to breathe.

(It's fine, I did have him just walk out xD)


Robb stood by, watching the heartwarming reunion from a small distance with a little smile. He knew that Gabriel would be somewhere nearby, having watched his 'solo mission'. "So, how did I do?" he muttered, knowing he'd hear him. "Master," he added playfully with a smirk.


Denix Vames - October 15, 2021

The cane held powers that benefited the wielder. More specifically, it could destroy souls.

Storm was holding a crying Hades close in the abandoned storage room. The band members were playing a soft song in hopes that it would make her feel better.


X smiled. "What a fool you. The german government are ready for anything. They're here to protect us." "Wait!" ,shouted Jean who ran over. "Please Blood God. We shouldn't do this. We're not like them. You taught me once that violence only leads to anger." He turned around. Looking at the vampires. "Can't we show mercy?"


"I can understand that. I have been on top of the castle many times before. There's such a wonderful view to see." ,said Elimar. They walked to the Ferris Wheel.


Walter rubbed his eyes. He realized that no one didn't know what to do. That something had to be done. He took the badge from Parker's hand. Raising it up. "I'll do it! All I ever did was feel sorry for myself and make the Chief feel worse for it. It's about time I do something for everyone here."


Gabriel appeared next to him. Placing a hand on his waist. "Not too bad. I might just reward with something hot and sweet later." He winked at him.

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Shadowess - October 15, 2021

Once caught up, Amelia and Damien went their separate ways. Promising to meet up again soon. Damien had to go to Earth to finally meet his children and explain to them where he'd been all their lives. Meanwhile, Amelia teleported into a remote part of Hell to look over the cane more carefully. She could feel the power emanating from it and it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. She had no use for such a weapon. Devils had the power to destroy souls already. But she worried about what would happen if something like this were to fall into the wrong hands...again.

A Demon or a soul, hellbent on domination or destruction...or both. She sighed. It needed to be destroyed. But how do you destroy something this powerful without it blowing up in your face? She was also annoyed that Harris had escaped. God knows what that slippery bastard will get up to next! One thing at a time, she needed to hide the cane first, somewhere it couldn't be reached by any average demon or soul. Then she needed to get home to her family. She'd have to worry about finding Harris another time. She paced in the abandoned building that she had teleported into, thinking hard about where to hide the cane.


Lilly sat quietly in the corner, watching Hades with a frown. She was half tempted to remind Hades that she'd warned them that some people could not be changed but got the feeling that right now was not the correct time for an 'I told you so.'

Bob sat a little away from them and tried cracking a few jokes in an effort to make Hades laugh. Even doing a few physical jokes that involved popping off a few bones here and there, like when he took out a few ribs and proceeded to play them like a xylophone with his fibulas, riffing to the music that the rest of the band was already playing.

David appeared in the room and looked at Hades with a sad smile. "It's over," he said gently while limping over to them to sit in the empty chair next to them. "Donnie and Insanity are not dead but they're still locked up. I dread to think what their minds will be like when they wake up..." he hesitated then pressed on. "Damien was...well, I suppose he must've been a little confused and overwhelmed after being in Oblivion for so long... I think a small part of him still thought that he was King or that he still had to impress Lucifer somehow...He didn't mean what he said or to lose his temper...and it might take some time for him to adjust but he's trying." He placed a hand on Hades's shoulder. "You kept your cool and you stopped us all from doing something stupid in the heat of the moment. I'm so proud of you, Hades and you should be too." he offered her a reassuring smile. "I'm sorry that it all got a little out of hand."


The male couldn't understand what was being said but he got the impression from X that his pleas were falling on deaf ears. He whimpered and tried to back away again. Still held in place by the chains. When Jean stepped forward and spoke, he again didn't understand what was being said but he picked up on one word that he recognized and knew immediately that Jean was trying to save him. 'Mercy.' Desperately, he nodded and pointed to Jean while looking at X. "J-Ja! M-mercy! Mercy! Bitte! P-Please!"

Hannes watched Jean speak. His heart swelled as Jean once again showed him a trait of his that Hannes had fallen in love with. Yet, when he looked around the room, he saw uncertainty and hesitation among the other vampires. Most wanted to see the hunter beheaded as penance for the loved ones they had lost to hunters over the years. Some listened to Jean and seemed willing to consider his words. Everyone in the room, however, was fearful that Jean had just spoken up in open defiance of their King's wishes. On his own, Jean's words would seem like little more than a naive notion, spoken by someone too innocent to consider such harsh punishments. He needed support from someone the others respected for his words to truly land.

Stepping forward, Hannes stood by Jean's side and bowed his head a little to X before speaking. "I agree with Jean," he said resolutely. "This is not an army of hunters but one terrified and unarmed man. We have already proven once that a Steinheil can be changed. That they can become accepting of our world. Why can't we change this one's mind too? And what would Racheal think of her newfound family when she comes home to learn that we executed someone from her old family without even giving them a chance to prove that they can change?" he questioned as he looked around at the others before bringing his eyes back to X's. "I will not stand in your way, sire, if you truly wish to end this man's life. But I beg of you to consider an alternative."


"Really?" Racheal looked at Elimar in fascination. "You'll have to show me sometime!" she beamed. The wheel stopped in front of them and they were let through to sit in the rickety, metal seat. The metal bar was pulled down in front of them and moments later, the wheel began to turn, lifting them up slowly and gradually until they sat at the top, looking out over the ocean.


River watched Walter when he took the badge from him and declared he would do the job. He was relieved but at the same time felt like he'd failed Will again. Still breathing heavily, he sobbed and simply stood there watching Walter with a lost expression. He couldn't talk sense into Will. He couldn't stop Will from leaving. He couldn't even do as Will had asked. What good was he? Maybe coming back had been a bad idea. Maybe he should've just taken Will giving him his own body as a hint?

Anytime River got involved, it seemed like all he ever did was make things worse. And now he had the God-awful task of letting Parker know that Will had up and vanished on another of his tangents. He couldn't do it. He couldn't face him with something like that. Not after all the pain, he'd already caused him in their past. He began walking, with the same lost look on his face. Past Walter and past the precinct. Not really having any sort of destination in mind.


Robb bit his lip a little and grinned, blushing. "I can hardly wait." he purred, looking at Gabriel adoringly.

Meanwhile back at Carter's, Sebastian looked around the now empty room while still in Carter's arms. He was still shaking a little and feeling a bit emotional after what had happened. He stared at the floor thoughtfully for a moment as his heartbeat slowed back down to normal. Slowly, he lifted his head from Carter's chest to look into his eyes and brought a hand up to caress his cheek.

He smiled at him, his own eyes softening. "You know what?" he chuckled. "I've thought about it...and I mean REALLY thought about it and even after everything that's happened...I want to have a family with you," he said softly then shrugged with a chuckle. "I mean, we both know how chaotic Amelia's life is but she still managed to have a baby through it all...Why can't we?"


Denix Vames - October 15, 2021

Gary jumped out of bed when he saw Damien. He raised his fists. Ready to fight him. But then he saw his face. "Is this some kind of trick? I heard you were dead."


Harris appeared from behind her. Slapping her head from behind. He caught the cane. "Thank you for holding on to it for me dear."


Hades smiled a little. She rubbed her eyes. "Thanks dad." She giggled at the sight of Bob.


X thought about their words. "Guards, take this prisoner to the cells. Make sure he learns that vampires are not monsters." He cut his finger with the tip of the axe before walking to Jean. He forced his blood out. Letting it become crystallized before handing it to him. Jean took it. Holding it gently. "You are truly a merciful soul. My gift to you here will be my blood. An award for such bravery. I bless you both in your love."

Jean smiled. "Thank you."


An agent appeared in front of him. She said, "Your friend Balconi explained the situation to me. He recommended you to us for the problem that we have. You see, Yami Stag, the werecat that you might have heard of. Well, we need some help with him. This might be a bad time but would you mind coming with me?"

If he decided to go, they would appear in a kids bedroom that was made to be in the facility. Yami was sitting on the floor. Playing with firetrucks, police cars, and other vehicle toys. There were some plushies around along with all kinds of kids games to play. Coloring books and crayons sat aside. A decent drawing of a house fire was sitting near him. It had a sad stick figure looking at two stick figures with X's on them. His parents.

It seemed as though he had gone back to being a child mentally because of the overwhelming guilt of what he had done to Walter. Yami shoved two trucks against each other. Imitating a crash sound.

(also lets just say that the werewolf group was taught those educationl subjects. cause there's no way we're doing long scenes of teaching students about anything XD)


Gabriel smirked. They disappeared.

Carter shook his head. "Everyone else is more responsible than me. I couldn't even save my own kids." He lowered his head. Tears dripped down his cheeks. "I can't let another child die because of me."


shadowess - October 15, 2021

Damien watched Gary jump out of the bed then saw Alex sit up, covering himself with the covers. He looked between them both nervously for a moment before his eyes landed on Gary's red hair. "Are you Alex?" he asked, his voice shaking a little.

"I'm Alex," Alex responded, his own voice shaking as well. They looked at each other for a long, quiet moment. "R-right...Y-you must be the...twin..." Damien nodded, looking around his old bedroom a little awkwardly.

"David told me about your split personality...that you had to be separated. Said one of you was staying here but didn't tell me which..." He pointed to the bedroom door. "I'll um...I'll go make some coffee...let you two get dressed. I'm sure you have a lot of questions for me," he said before leaving the room quietly and closing the door behind him.

Alex sat there for a minute, staring at the bedroom door, shaking. "I-is this real?" he whispered and looked at Gary. "This is a dream, right?"


Amelia grunted when Harris slapped her and snatched the cane from her grip. She stared at Harris in surprise, looking around briefly before looking back at him. "How-? You followed me?!" she demanded then paused, looking at the cane. Now that she knew what it was, she knew how dangerous it was.

Ordinarily, this wouldn't have deterred her from fighting him, but now she couldn't help but think of Charles and Oliver. Of the possibility of never getting to see them again. She faltered, watching him warily. "Back off," she warned him, trying to sound as brave as she had earlier but now that she was alone, her voice quivered, giving away her fear.


David's smile grew a little when Hades smiled and he stood, happy to see she was doing better. "I need to go find Patience...I need to know what happened when Donnie held her captive...he might've just been saying it to rile me up but I need to hear it from her..." he sighed, looking around with a worried expression.

"Oh and that gentleman with the cane?" he looked back at Hades with a serious expression. "If you see him, you summon me immediately, do you understand? He's dangerous. He waited until Amelia was called then tried to snatch her throne from her. He failed but he got away. He is not to be trusted."


Hannes smiled proudly at Jean when X praised him for his mercy and awarded him for speaking up. He bowed his head a little to X. "Thank you, sire." he said before wrapping an arm around Jean's waist and kissing his cheek lovingly. "Meine Geliebte, I'm so proud of you," he said to him in a soft tone.

The male didn't struggle as the warriors unchained him. He hadn't understood a word that had just been said but judging by the fact that X hadn't swung the axe at him and he was being removed from the chains, he quickly came to the conclusion that his life had been saved by the two blonde vampires standing near him. "Danke!" he called to them as the warriors took him by each arm and started walking him towards the dungeon. Tears streamed down his cheeks. Crying out of sheer relief. "Danke! Meine Helden! Danke!"

Hannes smiled at the Steinheil as he was taken out of the room, then nuzzled Jean's cheek lovingly. "He just called us heroes," he told him.


River blinked and jumped a little when the agent appeared. He stopped and listened to what he had to say with a dumbfounded look on his face. "Do I look like I'm capable of helping anyone right now? I couldn't even help the man whose mind I'd been living in for months!" he said and wiped some of his tears away in frustration as they continued to fall regardless. He ran a hand through his hair and bit his lip a little thoughtfully. "You know what? Fine. I'll try to help you. But I'm not guaranteeing anything, ok? Hell, I'm struggling to hold MYSELF together right now!"

When they appeared in the room, River looked around curiously before his eyes landed on Yami. He sighed heavily and glanced upwards for a moment. "You really like to test me, don't you?" he mumbled silently before walking over and sitting in front of Yami with his legs crossed. "Yami? My name is River."

(Hahaha! Yeah, I kind of figured that they'd be done with basic life lessons and already out in the world by this point.)


He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sebastian only considered being a parent when Carter suggested it first. Before that, he had been content with the life that they already had. But now that he'd thought about it, he'd found himself longing for a family of his own. He'd gotten his hopes up but now they were being dashed by the same man that had put those hopes there in the first place!

Sebastian's lip quivered. His eyes watered as he shook his head a little. "N-no. No, you can't think like that. Carter, that won't happen! How much shit have we gotten through together? When we work together, we can deal with anything! And all the friends we have now? Any child we have will be safe!" Sebastian cupped Carter's face in his hands, looking at him pleadingly. "Carter, please."


Denix Vames - October 15, 2021

Gary sat at the edge of the bed. "Honestly at this point, I believe it. What are you going to do? I mean whatever you decide, I'll support you no matter what." He placed a hand on his. "I just want you to know that I'm here for you."


Harris chuckled. "Aw! What's the matter? Afraid I'll destroy your soul?" He tap danced towards her in a silly manner. He poked her nose. "You just need some forever sleep. That's all."


Hades nodded. "I'll make sure to do that." The band stopped playing. They walked over. "We'll protect her man. We promise." ,said Grim. "Yeah." ,said Pain.


"Hero...." Jean hugged the crystal as he pressed against Hannes. "I'm a hero!" Joyful tears ran down his cheeks.


X smiled. "Indeed you are." He disappeared.


(oh they are definitely living their lives right now)


Yami clapped his hands happily when he saw him. "River! River!" He grabbed a paper and drew blue swirls to indicate water. "River!"


Carter looked into his eyes before taking his hands and placing them on his chest. Holding on to them tightly. He smiled. "Ok. Let's do this."


shadowess - October 16, 2021

Alex smiled at Gary, though his eyes reflected his uncertainty. He sighed heavily and looked towards the door. "I wana hear him out...I wana know why he was never around when I was a kid...everything..." he squeezed Gary's hand a little before letting go and standing up to get dressed. "I don't know if I'd want him around after...but, I just need to know...you know?"


Amelia jumped back when he poked her nose, bumping into a nearby desk and she glared at him as shivers ran up her spine. She was tempted to call on Charles for help but with the cane being such a threat, she didn't want to risk him being destroyed or risk them leaving Oliver an orphan. She didn't want to call for anyone else either, in case they were destroyed as a result. She was alone but she couldn't let Harris take her throne. Her heart was beating hard as she closed her eyes slowly to take a deep breath. "I think I know what it is I have to do..." she said calmly. "There's a power that I have...I don't like using it...Damien calls it 'super nova'..."

She chuckled as a tear slid down her cheek. "I suppose that's accurate..." she opened her eyes to glare at Harris, her irises having turn bright yellow. Like a fire had been lit behind her eyes. "Once I start it, I can't stop until it is done. It's like I become a mini nuclear explosion that sucks up and eats up everything within a certain radius. The intense flames that I create destroy everything. People...." she looked at his cane. "Objects..." she looked around the room. "buildings..." she looked back at Harris. "Everything...all wiped from existence. So, I suppose what I'm saying is...if you attempt to take me down..." She turned her body to face him, looking at him intensely. "I'll take you and your cane down with me!" she held out her hand. "Now hand it over."


"Thank you, boys." David smiled at them. Even Lilly stood. "I don't understand you most of the time," she said to Hades. "But you took Bob and me in when we had nothing and treated us with respect. I'll do what I can to protect you."

"I've always got my femur." Bob joked then paused for a moment as he realized he couldn't wink at her. "Wink..." he said out loud.

David smiled at Hades. "Looks like you're surrounded by good people. I'm glad but if you can all help it, try not to fight him yourselves. For someone who is not a Devil, he seems to have the ability to destroy souls. Call on me, as soon as any of you see him." he looked around at them all, hesitant to leave. "Be safe," he said finally before vanishing.


The other vampires had started leaving the room to go back to their own lives once X had vanished. Hannes grinned at Jean and wiped his tears away with his thumb. "You were so brave, meine geleibte. Meine helden." he kissed him passionately. "How should I reward you, hero?" he asked while caressing his cheek.


"Yeah..." River strained a smile as he looked at the drawing. "Just like the water..." he sighed and reached over, placing his hand over Yami's to stop him from drawing. He looked at him seriously. "Yami, do you remember who you are? What you are?" he asked gently.


Overcome with happiness, Sebastian smiled widely as tears fell. Overjoyed as he imagined them with a child of their own. Their own little family. Sebastian kissed him deeply. "God, I love you Carter!" he breathed before kissing him again.


Denix Vames - October 16, 2021

Gary began to get dressed too. "Yeah I get it. Sometimes I wish I could tell my friends that I'm ok. But maybe that's completely different than this." He shook his head. "Sorry, I didn't mean to put my problems on you."


Harris's face went pale. He shakily hand over the cane before falling to his knees. Bowing to her. "I'm sorry for disrespecting you, your highness."


Hades stood. She looked around. "Alright. Now let's rock out!" The band members cheered. They went back on stage along with Storm to blast some songs.


"Please tell me it's dark out. I want to make love in the gardens. They're so beautiful. And being with you there is like paradise." ,said Jean.


Yami thought for a moment. He grabbed a cat plushie and made its hand wave. "Abomination! Daddy and mommy said so." The truth is his parents had adopted him. Not knowing what he was. But soon finding out, they held no respect for him. So he was taught that being different meant being hellish.


Carter smiled into the kisses. He raised a brow. "Wait a minute. Are we adopting a human child or a us child? Like how is this going to work? Cause I don't have a problem with both. I'm just curious."

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Denix Vames - October 16, 2021

(at some point i was gonna include this so ill do it now)

Will appeared in front of Parker. He held a sad expression. "I'm sorry Parker. I failed everyone. I failed you. I don't think I'm cut out to be a leader. I have to go. I have to leave everyone so that I don't do any more stupid crap to anyone else. Parker, you were better off by yourself. I only caused you pain."


shadowess - October 17, 2021

After putting on a pair of jeans, Alex threw a plain, black shirt on. He then walked over to Gary and wrapped his arms around him. "I want to go home..." he sighed. "I don't know how but...fuck it, we can figure something out. I miss everyone too." He looked at Gary and shrugged. "Maybe we can explain everything... Maybe it'll be ok?" he thought aloud.

He let him go and walked over to the door. He placed his hand on the handle and paused nervously. He took a deep breath and let it out shakily. "Here goes..." he sighed as he opened the door and headed down the stairs towards the kitchen. Damien was sat at the kitchen table with three cups of coffee in front of him. When he saw Alex and Gary enter the room, he moved two of them slowly across the table to sit in front of the chairs opposite him.

"I wasn't sure how you took it so I just made it black." He said while wrapping his hands around his own cup, unbothered by its heat. Alex sat in one of the chairs and looked at the coffee briefly before looking at Damien. There was a tense silence between them for a moment before Alex finally got up the courage to ask him. "Why now?...you weren't there for me my whole life. Why'd you choose now to come into it?"

Damien hesitated to answer. Lowering his gaze to his cup and fidgeting with its handle. "I feel like...I owe you an explanation." he shrugged, his eyes wandering across the table then to the floor. "and...maybe after all this, if you want me in your life then I'd like to be a part of it...but if not, I understand."

Tears stung Alex's eyes and he gripped Gary's hand under the table for support. "Why did you leave my mom? Why did you never bother to come and see me before now?" he asked, unable to help a small amount of anger slip into his tone. Damien looked at Alex with a frown. Again, he was hesitant to answer but seemed to push himself to do so. "It was...complicated. I was already living a double life when I met your mother. I was seeing another woman in Ireland then... It was nothing but a one-night stand with her at first. I didn't want to get into any relationships because of...well... because of what my life was like. I was still Lucifer's student back then. Being trained by him and living a very dangerous life. I didn't want to put anyone in danger by simply being around me...so I had no intention of my relationship with her being anything more than a fling. Then she contacted me and told me she was pregnant and the child was mine...Jessica." Damien sat back, closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose, and furrowing his brows as he tried to hold back tears. "I thought I'd been careful..." he sighed heavily. Letting go of his face and blinking a few times to fight back his tears.

"But as soon as I learned that I would be a father, I wanted to be a part of her life. I defied Lucifer and lived with Jessica's mother in secret. Lucifer didn't know about my relationship with her and she didn't know about my life as a Devil's apprentice. No, I didn't love her. But for the sake of our daughter, I was good to her. Treated her right and bought her everything she asked for... and she asked for much." Damien picked up his mug and took a sip of the bitter drink. Staring into the black liquid, he continued. "I was called away. Lucifer had tracked down a group of archangels and wanted me to help him corner them. I told Jessica's mother that I was going away on another business trip. I guess she got suspicious of all the 'business trips' that I was taking. She thought I was cheating on her...she had no idea that I was keeping my life as a Devil a secret from her. I didn't want her to know that part of my life...She sent a private investigator after me." he glanced out of the kitchen window then looked back at Alex.

"That's when I met your mother... After an intense and bloody fight with the Arch Angels, I went to relieve my stress by drinking alone in a local bar... She caught my eye. Dancing on the dance floor." Damien smiled a little to himself. "I knew it was wrong but I felt something for her that I'd never felt for anyone in my life. I was drunk, which I suppose didn't help in my decision-making... I bought her a drink...we danced...then I woke up next to her in her apartment." he frowned. "The PI had followed us. Jessica's mother had the photos before I even landed back in Ireland. I arrived to see her burning my clothes in the front garden. Screaming at me. Telling me to never come near her or Jessica again... She thought it had been going on for months... I didn't even know where to begin to explain...not that she would let me. She took out a restraining order so I couldn't go anywhere near either of them. She refused to listen to or speak to me...I had lost access to my child."

Damien stood suddenly and turned away from them, staring out of another window intensely as he struggled to contain his emotions. He'd been burying them deep down for so long. "I went back to your mother. As soon as I got there she was waiting for me with a positive pregnancy test in her hand." he ran a hand through his hair. "I was so frightened of losing you too that I didn't tell her about Jessica. But I did tell her what I was. I wasn't about to make the same mistake twice. It was difficult at first but she soon came around. I loved your mother... it broke me when she died giving birth to you." Damien leant forward, his hands on the counter as he closed his eyes again. "I had you with me for no more than two days when Lucifer came looking for me. He'd worried I'd been snatched by Angels.

When he saw me with you in my arms I worried that he'd be angry..." he lifted his head and opened his eyes, looking out of the window again. "But he wasn't. He understood... I think, maybe, he'd been in my shoes before... He knew that a life like ours was too dangerous for a baby. You would be constantly targeted by Angels looking to hurt us. Particularly in the position that I was in at that time...we were sitting ducks... I needed to sever any link that you had to me and disappear...so that you could have a chance at a normal life. He helped me care for you and kept us hidden while I contacted your grandmother. She took you in and I said goodbye to you." Damien's voice almost broke and he stopped to take a couple of deep breaths. After a quiet minute, Damien spoke again. "I convinced myself that if being away from you both kept you safe, then maybe it was for the best that neither of you knew who I was. I told myself that I would see you both again to explain what you really are and why I left...but the longer I left it...the harder it became to do...I was a coward..."


Amelia took the cane then cringed as Harris bowed to her. She never did like it when people actively treated her like royalty. She knew her role was important but she still saw herself as equal to everyone else. "Get up!" she snapped irritably. "Now you listen to me, you little shit. Being the ruler of Hell isn't some glamorous trophy to steal! It's a burden! Ever since I inherited the throne I have been constantly, CONSTANTLY defending myself! And I've worked damn hard turning this place and its people around for the better, so I am not about to give it up for anyone, do you understand?! Backed into a corner I will not hesitate to burn everything and everyone to the ground if it meant keeping this world safe from those who would abuse their power!" The cane burst into flames in her hand. "You're going to tell me where you got this weapon," she growled dangerously, taking a step towards him. "Then maybe I'll think about showing you some mercy."


Hannes smiled mischievously and looked around the room. "It's still dark. Come on, let's slip out now. The warriors will be busy seeing to the hunter. We'll have the gardens all to ourselves." He took his hand and eagerly led him towards one of the side doors that led to the gardens.


River frowned and stared at the plushie for a moment before gently taking it out of Yami's hand. He continued to stare at it while pretending to stroke its head. "Your parents were wrong, Yami," he said carefully. "You're not an abomination. No one is. You're just a little different, that's all. But that's never a bad thing." he looked up at Yami and showed him his fangs in a calm way.

"Sometimes, something different seems scary but it's not. Like, I have these fangs but I would never use them to hurt someone. My powers scare people all the time, but when they see that I only use them for good then they know that I'm not bad. Do you understand?" he sighed, looking at Yami sympathetically. "I'm sorry that your parents said that about you. That was wrong. I think you could be a really good person." he passed the cat toy back to him.


Sebastian thought for a moment. "Well... There isn't really an 'us' child out there. There are vampire children but as far as I know, you, me, and Tom are the only daywalkers so far." he shrugged. "Outside of surrogacy, maybe we could adopt a human? Then if, when the child grows up, they decide they want to be like us, we give them our gift?" he suggested.


Parker had just finished folding laundry and was carrying it towards the bedroom when Will appeared. At his words, Parker's heart sank. He dropped the laundry and threw himself at Will, clinging to his shirt. "No! P-please don't go! We can talk about this. Please, don't leave me again!"


Denix Vames - October 17, 2021

Gary brushed his thumb over his hand. He kissed his head. Hoping that he was giving him some comfort. He looked at where Damien stood. "I can't imagine that any of that was easy for you."


Harris stood but kept his head down. "It was Clementine. We were friends before she was killed. She let me use some of her items before. She gave me the cane as a gift."


Once they were in the gardens, Jean looked up at the stars. "I can't believe it. This moment with you....It's real."


"Like a superhero?" ,asked Yami.


"A human child sounds alright. Although it's going to be weird to bite their neck when I'm their dad." ,said Carter.


Tears dripped down Will's cheeks. "I have a problem, Parker. I know that now. I can't control my anger. I'll hurt someone again. I just know it. But I don't want to." He was shaking. "I'm scared."


shadowess - October 18, 2021

Alex squeezed Gary's hand gently as he stared at Damien. "All my life... I thought you didn't care about me... that you got my mom pregnant then just left her..." He said, tears rolling down his cheeks. Damien sighed and turned around, sitting back down at the table. His eyes were a little red from when he'd had to hold back tears. He looked at Gary and nodded. "Out of everything I have ever done. All the gruesome, grueling tasks that Lucifer had me do...letting go of my children was the hardest." he looked at Alex. "I'm s-s-" he stopped and suddenly looked at the table, glaring. Apparently finding it difficult to finish his sentence. He ran his hand through his hair out of frustration then sighed again heavily.

"Old habit... Lucifer's training... Trust no one, don't ask- demand and never apologize..." he sighed and looked back up at Alex, swallowing hard. "Alex. I'm sorry. I never wanted to leave you or your sister but I should have left you both with something to explain who I was...but things are different now. David and Amelia explained about the peace treaty and Amelia has taken the throne so I don't need to worry about ruling Hell anymore. Which honestly...is a huge relief..." Damien glanced around the kitchen. "I know this is a lot to take in so I'll give you some space to think things through. I need to go see your brother and sister next anyway and I have a similar conversation. But like I say, I want to be a part of your life...If you'll have me."

"Wait," Alex said as Damien stood, causing him to pause and look at Alex curiously. "...How...how did you...die?"

Damien hesitated, biting his lip momentarily before answering. "My great aunt. Jade Sedley" he said somberly. "She was power-hungry and wanted to take my place. She got it into her head that Lucifer would come back and make her the new heir if she destroyed me. I was so wrapped up in trying to find Lucifer that I trusted her when she said she'd tracked him down. But it was a trap. She had lured me away from Amelia. Got me alone. Then stabbed me in the back... literally, with an angelic blade. It went straight through my heart and I died immediately."

Alex's eyes widened. Damien shook his head and gave him an understanding look. "She's not a threat anymore," he reassured him. "When Amelia discovered what had happened she...' took care of her.'"


The cane continued to burn in Amelia's hand as she glared at Harris. "That traitor..." she seethed, letting go of the cane to let it burn upon the ground. She marched forward and grabbed Harris by the collar of his shirt. "I trusted her! And all the time she was trying to get rid of me! Always telling me that I wasn't strong enough!" she said angrily, teleporting them to Hell's Cells where she'd shove Harris into the cell right next to Donnie and Insanity's cell.

Donnie was sitting in the corner of his cell. His skin had almost completely grown back. He lifted his head to glare at Harris with red eyes. Amelia held on to the door, threatening to lock him in, and continued to glare at him. "What else did she give you, huh? Do you have some of her potions stashed somewhere?! One of her fucking dolls serving you?" Then Amelia remembered Clementine's stash of Angelic weapons and restraints. "Did she give you anything Angelic? Tell me now and I won't lock you in here!"


Hannes smiled, walking with him until they were in a small, circular clearing in the gardens, surrounded by rose bushes. He picked out a rose carefully, plucking it from its stem. He then took off any thorns before walking over to Jean and brushing its petals across his cheek.

"Yes, meine geliebte. This is real and it's our moment. Ours alone." he moved the rose down a bit, slowly. Brushing it along his jawline and then down his neck. "I want tonight to be tender, my beloved. A night that we can cherish for the rest of our lives." he stepped close to Jean and kissed him slowly, sweetly. Moving the rose around to brush against his arm while his free hand caressed his cheek.


River smiled a little at Yami. "If you wanted to be, sure. I don't see why not." he looked around the room. "But to be a superhero, you've gotta grow up a bit." he looked at one of the guards. "Maybe these guys might be able to offer you a job? They're sort of like superhero's themselves..." he glanced at Yami and smirked. "Like a 'Justice League'." he winked.


Sebastian chuckled and shrugged. "No weirder than changing their nappy when they're a baby," he said and ran his hand through Carter's hair affectionately. "For Patience, when she made me she thought of me as a son. The only love between myself and her was purely familial. Whereas, when turning you my love for you was sensual and romantic. The bite is whatever you make it. But let's not get too ahead of ourselves, for all we know they might just prefer to stay human and we've got to be ok with that too."


"So, we'll get you help. Therapy. Counseling. Cathartic exercise. Whatever you need! Just please don't leave! I don't think I could handle it if I lost you again." Parker sobbed, resting his head against Will's chest. His entire body was shaking as he remembered how broken and numb he'd felt when Will had died in front of him. "Please, Will! Please!"


Denix Vames - October 18, 2021

Gary stood from the table. He walked over to Damien. He held out his hand for a shake. "Thanks for coming here and telling us. My name's Gary Dunn by the way."


Harris was silently crying as he had cornered himself. Shaking and holding on to the bars. Never looking at her. "Some cuffs and a blade. She told me to keep them safe. I have them in my home. I can tell you where my house is. I won't do anything. I promise. I just don't want to die!"


Jean moaned at the touch of the rose. The kisses soon became passionate. He wrapped his arms around him before letting Hannes bring him to the ground where he let him take over.


Yami raised his arms. "Yay!"

A guard whispered into River's ear, "We need him to remember how old he is. About recent memories. Is there a way that you can do that?"


Carter's face went pale. He sat at the edge of the bed. "But then we'd have to see them grow old and die. How....How can I do that?"


Will wrapped his arms around. "You still remember how I shot...." His sobs became louder. "I'm so sorry that I did this to you! All I've done is make you feel awful! You never deserved that!" He fell to his knees. "I'll stay only for you. But christ! What have I done? Even Balconi said he was disappointed in me. That should already tell you everything! He hates me! And I know that eventually you'll hate me too!"

He covered his face with his hands. "You probably do." A squared shield formed around them as his wings sprouted. There were cracks slowly getting to the walls.


Shadowess - October 18, 2021

Damien took Gary's hand and shook it. "Gary Dunn," he repeated and glanced at Alex. He smiled and looked back at Gary while letting go of his hand. "Damien Sedley." he introduced himself properly. "And I'm glad that Alex has someone looking out for him." he sighed and looked between them again. "I'll come back once I've spoken to Jessica and the other Alex."

"Draven" Alex nodded.


"He's using our middle name as his first name...saves confusion. But mostly he just goes by 'Parker'."

"Ah. That makes sense." Damien nodded too. "Alright then. I'll see you both again soon and thank you...for hearing me out." he vanished, planning on visiting Jessica next.

Alex sighed heavily and sat back in his chair, wiping his tears away. He laughed through his tears. "Wow... I just met my dad!"


Amelia glared at Harris for a moment while she considered his plea. Donnie was watching the scene play out from where he sat and he narrowed his eyes at Harris. At the mention of Dolls, he'd realized who they'd been talking about. If he'd been friends with Clementine, then she may have shared more with him than he's letting on. Donnie had also known Clementine. They hadn't been close however as Clementine had been a devout follower of Lucifer during the time that he'd tried to overthrow him.

Still, if Harris was anywhere near as cunning as that Demon child had been, then Amelia should be wary of him. Not that he'd warn her about that. With Amelia out of the way, he might have a chance of persuading Harris to let him out. Then he would stand far more of a chance of taking over Hell. Perhaps he could put his foot in the door now, so to speak? He stared at Harris who was clinging to the bars facing him and smirked to catch his eye. Within the few seconds that Amelia was focussed on Harris and thinking about what he'd told her, Donnie discretely mouthed the word 'potion'. He winked then pretended to scratch his head. A hint that he knew of one of Clementine's concoctions that made its drinker forget who they were and render them human.

Amelia stepped into the cell. Her eyes were on Harris, watching him carefully. "Take me there." she growled "Show me where they are and no funny business, do you understand?"


Hannes took off his jacket and lay it down on the ground so that the cold stones wouldn't make Jean uncomfortable. He moved over Jean and continued to kiss him passionately. He put the rose down for a moment while removing Jean's shirt. He smiled at him lovingly while kneeling over him and moved the rose up his arm, across his chest, and down the center of his torso. He bent down and kissed his chest, down to his stomach, slowly and sensually. Then moved his mouth across his hips, lightly gliding his teeth across his skin while unbuckling his belt.


River flustered at the guard's request and hurriedly whispered back. "I'm not a telepath...or a psychologist..." he then remembered a power that he'd had back when he and Parker had been one. "But maybe..." he looked back at Yami and took a deep breath. "Yami?" he said, getting his attention so he'd be looking directly into his eyes, which at that moment had flashed red. "You need to snap out of your regression now," he said, focussing on getting Yami to obey his command. "It's time for you to grow up." he finished, his eyes returning to normal as soon as he stopped talking.


Sebastian frowned and hugged himself. "I don't like it either... but if we have a kid and that's what they want, we'd have to be ok with it...but who knows? Maybe they'll have kids of their own one day. And then their kids have kids and so on...we could watch over each generation of our family." he suggested then sat on the bed next to him and sighed. "Or...we try to find out about adopting a vampire child but be careful to never let them go out in the sun..." Sebastian placed his face in his hands, resting his elbows on his knees, and sighed. "No matter which way we do it...we have to compromise with something..."


Parker despaired, looking in at Will worriedly. "No! I love you! I love you so much that it hurts to see you in pain! Will, I want to help you! Please, let me in! Let me be here for you! That's all I want!" he sobbed, his voice breaking as he gripped his shirt tightly. "It's all I ever wanted. Just for you to know that I'm here. That you're not alone. That you can talk to me about these things. Please...stop shutting me out...it hurts when you shut me out...Please, trust me...I love you."

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Denix Vames - October 18, 2021

Ben had appeared in front of Jessica with Greg who seemed sad. "Jess...Greg wanted to say something to you. And I have a lot to say to you too. Please listen to us first." Greg nervously cleared his throat. "I'm sorry for what I did to you and Ben. What I did was unforgivable. I realize now that I could have done things a lot differently."

Ben stepped in. "We talked for some time. We still love each other but we don't really see each other the way we use to. I still consider him as a friend and the same goes for him." Greg said, "I want you both to be happy. And if that means going away then I will. I don't want to do any more damage than I've already done. I'm sorry."


Gary walked over. He sat next to him. Caressing his cheek. "I'm glad you did." He thought for a moment. "Maybe we could go on a date? To make this day even better?"


"Donnie wants me to turn you human and forget who you are! He just signaled me!" ,said Harris who hugged Amelia's legs. Too frightened to seek revenge or anything of the sort. He only wanted to obey her.


Jean's chest rose. He moaned loudly. Gripping his back as he whispered, "Oh Hannes....Your touch....Your hands....Oh god....!"


Yami held a blank stare before he blinked. He looked at his surroundings before facing Alex again. "What the hell's going on? Where am I?"


Carter sighed. "I don't like this. I really don't. I feel so lost about this now."


Will's wings went back in. The shield disappeared as the walls stopp cracking. He took a deep shaky breath. "I love you too. Parker, I never meant to keep these secrets from you. But I'll be honest from now on." He gently kissed him.


Shadowess - October 19, 2021

Jessica and Niko had drinking mugs of hot blood in the living room. Jessica had added venom to her own and cried quietly while taking occasional sips. Niko watched her in silence. He'd tried to cheer her up but her heart was simply too shattered for her to be distracted by anything. When Ben and Greg appeared, she glared at them both through her tears. She and Niko sat quietly as they spoke. Niko looked between the two men with an expression of respect while Jessica seemed a little lost, and not knowing what to say.

It was at that moment that Damien appeared, causing Niko to hurriedly put his drink down and jump to his feet. "Who are you?" he snapped, standing between Damien and Jessica. Damien's eyes landed on Jessica and he froze, staring at her. "Jessica?" he asked shakily.

Jessica looked up at him, startled. She looked at Ben for a second then back at the stranger. "Y-yes?"

Damien broke into a small smile then looked at Niko with mild confusion. "Who are you?"

"I asked first," Niko replied, clenching his fists.

"I'm Jessica's father." Damien said and looked back at his daughter. "and...we have a lot to talk about."

Jessica dropped her mug in shock, spilling its contents onto the carpet, then shot to her feet to glare at Damien tearfully. "Is this some kind of sick joke?!" she snapped. "Well, it's not funny! I-I can't take this!" she cried then ran past them all and out of the apartment where she marched down the street, not really knowing where she was going.

"Jessica, wait-!" Damien had turned to follow her but Niko stood in his way defensively. "She doesn't know you." Niko then looked at Ben. "You might have a better chance of getting her to calm down and listen."


Alex smiled at Gary. He lifted his hand to hold the one on his cheek. "I'd like that," he replied softly while looking into his eyes.


Amelia pulled back a bit. Surprised by Harris's movement. She stared at him for a moment before bringing her eyes up to glare at Donnie who stared back at her with a smirk before blowing her a kiss. Amelia cringed and looked back down at Harris. "Get up," she said as she took another step back from him. "He can't hurt anyone anymore and with the way, he's behaving he's probably going to stay in that cell indefinitely," she growled while glaring at Donnie again.

"Now take me to your home. I need to confiscate the angelic objects before any unsavory demons find them," she said to Harris while still eyeing Donnie warily. Now under the impression that he would make a beeline for them if he ever managed to break free from his cell. As unlikely as that was, she still had to be careful. Donnie and Harris aren't the only Demons to try taking her throne from her and she knew they wouldn't be the last.


Hannes slipped their pants off and slowly moved the rose over Jean's thighs. He smiled at Jean's moans while grabbing one of his legs under the knee to bend his knee a bit. Lifting the leg and leaning down to kiss the inside of Jean's thigh. Kissing upwards, back towards his hips. He kissed Jean's body, all the way up to his neck then to his mouth where he slipped in his tongue to kiss him deeply and passionately. He pressed his body against his and slipped his hand under Jean's underwear. The pleasure he gave him only just beginning.

(Private time.)


Alex sat back, relieved that it had worked. "That's...actually a pretty good question. I don't even know where we are...just some CIA facility somewhere..."


Sebastian sighed heavily and sadly. "Yeah...now that I think about it...either choice comes with some sort of heartbreaking drawback..." Sebastian hesitated and glanced at Carter. "What about... what if we asked someone we know to carry one of ours? Through-...what's it called again? artificial insemination? Then the child would be at least half of what we are. They'd be able to go out in the sun and I'm guessing they would age the same as any natural-born vampire?"


Parker sighed in relief when Will calmed down and made it clear that he wasn't leaving anymore. He kissed him back slowly. Hanging on to the kiss for as long as he could and cherishing the feeling. When the kiss broke, he looked at him and caressed his cheek. "It's all I want," he said softly. "I'd do anything for you," he whispered and kissed him again, slowly and gently.


Denix Vames - October 19, 2021

Ben sighed before nodding. He wasn't sure if he could do much after what he and Jessica went through but he had to try. He ran over to her. "Jessica! Wait!" He stood in front of her. "Look, I know this is frustrating. And I'm sorry I ever did what I did to you. But this guy we just met, I think he's telling the truth. Can't you just hear him out?"

Greg blushed. He looked away from Niko and Damien. "I feel like I should leave."


Gary pulled out two invitation letters. "Apparently, the firefighters here have little parties every once in a while. They're having one at some local venue. This is going to be a first for both of us. So..." He smirked. "Would you like to go to the dance with me?"


Harris stood. He held out a hand for her take. He gently held her hand. "Yes your highness." They appeared in front of a mansion. "All angelic objects that I have are in the basement. We may go there now." They were suddenly in the basement.


He walked over to a chest which he opened. He stood back from it and bowed. "They're all here."


"He is right. You're in a secret prison. But after examining what we've seen now, we don't find you as a threat anymore. River, I want you to take Yami back to the precinct. I understand the situation that had occurred there. X believes that Yami can talk to Walter about it." ,said an agent.


Yami covered his mouth as tears dripped down his cheeks. He shut his eyes. "Walter...."


"We'd have to find someone who's willing to do that. I can't imagine pregnancy ever being an easy thing." ,said Carter.


Will's eyelids grew heavy. He gave him a slow kiss. "I feel so tired for some reason. I think I used too much of my powers."


shadowess - October 19, 2021

Damien rose a brow at Greg. "Who-?" he started but was cut off by Niko.

"Nein. Stay," he said, shaking his head then looking at him. "This matter is complicated but it is important that you make peace here. Or these issues might never be resolved. You all deserve closure." He looked at Damien suspiciously for a minute. "You are really her father?"

"Yes. I just want to talk to her. Explain why...why I wasn't around." Damien said, looking right back at him.

Niko seemed to think about his words for a moment while studying him carefully. "You might want to take a seat. It might be a while for Ben to convince her to come back. She has had a difficult time already lately." he looked at Greg and sighed. "Come. Perhaps you can show me how to use the gadgets in the kitchen to make you both a hot beverage? I imagine hot blood is not to either of your tastes."

Jessica stopped and stepped back, away from Ben. Glaring at him a little drunkenly through her tears. "He can't be...my dad is dead! David said so..." she wept, "And you! I gave you everything! Anything you asked, I did it! Because you were the only one to see me...actually see me..." she buried her face in her hands, sobbing into them. "I just wanted to be loved...you should've just let me fall...Why'd you have to save me?... I'm nothing... I don't matter... I never did..."


Alex grinned and blushed. "You weren't going to go before?" he asked, realizing that Gary must've had the invitations for a little while if the party was tonight. That and his comment about it being a first for him tipped him off. "I'd love to go with you," he said softly and kissed his cheek. "What would we wear to something like this?"


Amelia kept a keen eye on Harris. Watching him warily the entire time. Being addressed as 'your highness' made her visibly cringe but she said nothing. Then she watched him bow to her and she sighed. "You really don't have to do that." She said after a moment of silence. She wasn't angry at this point. Just weary. "'Amelia' is fine. I might be Queen of Hell but you really don't have to behave any different around me. All that I ask of anyone is that you don't be a dick or try to take over Hell."

She turned to face the chest while shaking her head. "I can't stand the kinds of leaders that would lord their positions over their subjects. All I ever want to gain from my position of power is the safety and security of my people..." she turned her head to look at Harris again with a serious expression. "That includes you. Do you understand now?" she sighed and turned back to the chest, looking thoughtful. "This life is difficult and dangerous...but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Not as long as my work continues to help those who just need that one chance to prove that they too can be saved..." she moved forward, towards the chest to retrieve the items.


River nodded and got to his feet. He hesitated then reached his hand out to help Yami to his feet. "It'll be ok. I've met others who made similar mistakes that you have and they all found a way to make up for what they did," he said, trying to be reassuring. "The first step is apologizing...and there's no time like the present."


"Well no, but there are some ladies out there that help out with this kind of thing," Sebastian said hopefully. "Maybe we could start with our friend group then branch out if that falls through? I'm not saying it would be an easy conversation but...you never know unless you ask, right?"


Parker looked at Will and smiled a little. "Well that makes sense...you've been using them a lot in a short space of time..." he took his hand and started leading him towards the staircase. "C'mon. Let's go take a nap together. I'll bet we'll both feel better after some decent sleep for once."


Denix Vames - October 19, 2021

Greg nodded. "I know how the coffee machine works." They went into the kitchen where he made himself and Damien a cup of coffee.

Ben placed his hands on her shoulders. "I needed time to think about things. Yo have to understand. But I know now. I know who I really love." He held her close and kissed her head. His wings sprouted. Using them as a way to hug her again. "I love you Jessica. I do. And Greg knows that too. He doesn't want to hurt you anymore. He just wants to be friends. As for you father, I think he wants you to know everything. Please come back home. Let us talk."


Gary blushed. "Well um....I'm not sure. I've never been to one before. Maybe we'll dress like we did at Jasper and Beau's wedding?"


Harris seemed surprised by her words. "Do you think that I can be saved? I never really was. I lied about that. I was made a long time ago. Long enough to rule under Lucifer and befriend Clementine."


Yami took his hand and stood with him. When they appeared in Will's office where Walter was filling in for him, Walter stood. Surprised to find Yami here. Once River gave them some alone time, it was visible for everyone to see that Yami and Walter were talking. Not a moment later did they embrace each other and kissed. Both had tears in their eyes.


"I guess so. But I'd say Amelia's out of the question. I rather not put her through that since she already gave birth recently. Who else would be a possibility?" ,asked Carter.


"Yeah. You're probably right."

Will plopped himself on the bed without having taken off his uniform which had his weapons on his belt. He needed to undress and keep his weapons on the drawer but was far too tired to do much of anything.


Shadowess - October 19, 2021

Niko had watched in fascination as Greg made the coffee. "How does this thing heat the drink?" he asked, looking around the machine for the heat source. "Jessica and I had warmed blood on the stove. But I don't see a fire in this..." It was obvious that Niko was still trying to get to grips with certain modern appliances. He understood the concept of electricity but he didn't quite understand how things like a coffee maker worked.

A part of Jessica wanted to pull away from Ben and yell at him. But as soon as she felt his arms around her and the warmth of his embrace, she melted into the hug. Sobbing into his chest. She heard him but she was so overcome with emotion that she couldn't do anything but cry as she nodded. She clung to his shirt, hiding her face in his chest. She knew, even without looking, that he had wrapped his wings around her too. Adding another form of comfort and warmth to Ben's hug.


Alex grinned and gently nudged Gary's nose with his own. "Sounds good. Can't go wrong with a smart suit and you look really good in a suit." he chuckled.


Amelia took out the objects. She strapped the knife to her belt and put the cuffs into her pajama pants pocket. It was then that she realized her shirt had just become wet. "Oh, for-...!" she muttered, her cheeks turning red. She quickly folded her arms across her chest to hide the wet patches over her breasts and turned to look at Harris. "Of course. If you are willing to change then there is hope for you." she nodded then looked away, biting her lip a little as her eyes watered a bit. "I just wish I could save everyone..." she said quietly.

Her voice was full of remorse as she recalled the way Clementine had died. She sighed and closed her eyes briefly before taking a breath to calm herself. Opening them, she looked at Harris. "If you're serious about changing your ways, then you should go find David and apologize. He can help you. As for me... I'm pretty sure it's time to go home and feed my son...again" she chuckled before vanishing.


River watched them with a small smile. He looked around the precinct briefly and his smile faded as he recalled the way Will had left. He guessed he didn't have anywhere to stay now. That maybe it would be best if he stayed away for a while. He felt like his appearance may have made things worse and decided he would find somewhere else to stay for a while.

He recalled the way Hannes and Niko had behaved around Will when they saw him as a Blood God. Remembered them talking about a German Castle filled with other vampires. He smirked mischievously. What he really wanted was a distraction from the pain and general feeling of abandonment that he felt inside. But he couldn't bring himself to acknowledge that that was the reason he would do what he did next, as he teleported into the middle of the main hall in the German castle and lifted his arms up by his sides. Grinning from ear to ear as he looked around at the startled and confused vampires. "People!" he announced giddily. "Your King has arrived!"


"Agreed." Sebastian chuckled. "Something tells me she wouldn't be too quick to get pregnant again...hmm...Maybe you could ask Blaire? Or there's Jessica...Patience...Atma...I think that's everyone we know..."


Parker watched the way Will lay on the bed tiredly. He smiled a little as he walked over and leant over him. "Here," he said gently and unbuckled his belt. "I could never pass up an opportunity to undress you." he chuckled and winked at him.


Denix Vames - October 19, 2021

Greg began to explain how a coffee maker worked to him.

Ben gently rubbed her back. "It's ok. Everything's ok now. I'm right here for you."


Gary raised a brow. "Do we still have our old suits?"


Harris bit his lip. He appeared in front of David and lowered his head. "I would like to apologize for my previous actions. Amelia talked to me. I understand things better now and would like to be in the program if it is possible."


Jean's eyes sparkled at the sight of who he thought was Will. "Will!" He smiled as he hugged him tightly. "It's so good to see you!"


"Sounds about right. When should we even start asking?" ,said Carter.


Will smiled and chuckled a little. He mumbled out the words, "Naughty."

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shadowess - October 20, 2021

Niko listened to Greg while staring at the coffee maker. Damien continued to sit patiently in the living room. He sat back and stared at the front door with a sigh. Thinking through his words and wondering if Jessica would be just as willing to hear him out as Alex had been.

"Ben..." Jessica cried, now wrapping her arms around him to hug him. "I want to go home now..." she sniffled. A second later, she'd accidentally teleported them into their living room. Damien shot to his feet. Looking at Ben uncertainly. Unable to see Jessica through his wings. "Jessica?" he said tentatively. He was shaking a little but his posture and expression hid his fear well.

Jessica jumped a little and while still holding on the Ben, not wanting to let go, she turned her head to peer over Ben's wings at her father. "Are you really my dad?" she asked tearfully and Damien nodded soberly.

"You might want to sit down. This is a pretty long story...but I promise, I'll explain everything and if you don't want anything to do with me after, then I'll respect your wishes." He said.

Hearing the voices, Niko's smile at Greg slipped and he glanced into the living room. Cautiously, he walked to the doorway to listen to Damien's story as well.

Jessica hesitated before nodding. She looked at Ben and briefly let him go to sit on the couch with him where she cuddled up to him again for comfort. Damien sat down again as well and took a deep, slow breath before proceeding to tell Jessica the same story that he'd told Alex and Gary.


Alex hesitated then sighed. "Crap...we left everything we owned behind..." he then glanced upwards thoughtfully. "But maybe my dad left some suits here from when he lived here?" he asked. In fact, there was an entire wardrobe dedicated to fancy, expensive suits in the spare bedroom. Because Damien had once kept that room pristine and ready for whenever Lucifer would visit, and Lucifer's favored clothes? Suits. Always suits. Anyone who ever met him would see where David got the idea of wearing such an outfit all the time.


David jumped when he saw Harris. He watched him carefully. He had just been in the middle of telling Beatrice and Pat about the program when Harris had turned up. "You've tried to trick me before. How do I know this isn't another trick?" he asked sternly. His eyes were a little red already. Apparently, David had been crying before talking to Beatrice and Pat.

Beatrice glanced over David's shoulder at Harris then looked back at him. "With respect, Mr. Demon, Pat, and I lived bad lives too. But you'd trust us over him?"

"His betrayal was far more recent." David justified.

"I tried to kill Billy all over again just a few hours ago." Pat shrugged. His arms folded. "Missy here has a point."

David flustered. Glaring at Harris but knowing the two souls were right. "Fine!" he growled. "But if you try anything funny, I'm throwing you straight into a cell. Understood?" he told him before gesturing to one of the chairs. "Now please take a seat. You haven't missed much."

Beatrice smiled at Harris from the couch, happy to have been listened to. Pat was sitting in one of the armchairs with his arms crossed and waiting for David to continue with what he'd been telling them.


River flinched then frowned at Jean. "Oh...right...I forgot..." he mumbled then gently pried Jean from him while giving him an awkward smile. Hannes wasn't far behind. Having snuck back in from the gardens with Jean. Both of them a little pink in the cheeks. At this time, Racheal and Elimar would be walking through the main doors of the castle, after having had a great time at the fair.

"Sorry, Jean...I'm not Will." River said gently. "I'm River...the soul that was in his head for a while." he pointed to his head. "You remember how his eye was red? That was me. He was only ever a Blood God because I was a part of him. But...he wanted me to have a life of my own so he made this body for me...so that I could walk and talk in the real world." He glanced around the castle. "I'm trying to find where I fit in in this world and then I remembered about this place so...here I am...What do you think? Would you guys want a Blood God around? I promise I won't go nuts."


Sebastian squeezed his hand gently and looked at Carter with soft eyes. "Let's sleep on it," he said gently. "Then maybe we can ask someone tomorrow?"


Parker grinned, removing Will's belt and placing his tools and weapons on the nightstand next to him. "You love it," he replied, playfully. He leaned forward and kissed Will's neck a couple of times, lovingly, while unbuttoning his shirt.


Denix Vames - October 20, 2021

Greg sat across from them. Listening in but not talking into the conversation. Ben's eyes widened at the story. He said, "It seems like we all went through something crazy."


"Probably. Let's go look for some." After Gary and Alex took a look around, they found the spare bedroom closet to contain suits. "Uh...Maybe something that isn't so pi-zazz. Ya know?"


Harris sat nearby. He said, "Please forgive me sir. I am telling you the truth. As you can see, my cane was destroyed. I did not fight for it again. Not for long that is. If you were to talk to her when she is not busy feeding her young one, she will tell you everything."


"Oh." Jean was a bit disappointed but raised a brow. "Why would you go crazy?" Elimar walked over to the commotion. "Another Blood God? I wonder how many there truly are."


Carter nodded. "Yeah." He slipped out of his pants before getting under the covers.


Will softly moaned. He brushed a hand over his.


Shadowess - October 21, 2021

Once Damien had finished speaking, Jessica stared at him for a long, quiet moment. She thought through his side of the story while also thinking back and remembering the horrid things her mother had said about him. "She always blamed me..." she said finally, her voice weak and trembling. "For you not being around. She said you left because of me. That you didn't love either of us. That I ruined what you had with her when I came into your lives." Jessica sobbed, hugging Ben. "I always had to walk on eggshells around her. If I so much as breathed wrong, she'd get mad and start yelling at me. She'd hit me. Tell me I was a mistake. That I didn't matter. That she wished I hadn't been born or that I'd just die already!"

Niko's eyes widened and he looked at Jessica sadly. Her intense loneliness, lack of self-worth, and desperation for affection suddenly made sense. She'd spent her entire life being denied any sort of love or acceptance. Damien had turned pale. His eyes were wide with rage. He had left Jessica under the assumption that she would live a safe, normal life with her mother. Not this. He gripped the arms of the chair that he sat in so tightly that his knuckles had turned white. "And where is your mother now?" he asked. Barely able to contain the sheer fury in his voice.

Jessica wept into Ben's chest. "She's dead! I couldn't take it anymore! I don't even remember how I did it! I was just so angry and hurt!"

Damien paused, staring at her. His grip on the chair eased and his eyes softened. Slowly, he stood and walked over to them. There he knelt in front of her and took her hand while tilting his head a little to look at her sadly. "Well, if you hadn't done it, I would've..." he admitted flippantly. "I'm sorry." he then said softly. "I should have come back. I should have taken you from her...against my better judgment, I trusted her to take care of you. I thought she would love you... I'm so sorry, Jessica."


Alex laughed and took out one of the black suits with a white button-up shirt. It looked like it had been fitted and pressed professionally but the thin layer of dust on it gave away that none of these suits had been touched in a while. "Oh, c'mon! We'd be the flashest guys there! Christ! Look at these cufflinks! I'm pretty sure they're real diamonds set in there...These suits must've cost a fortune!"


David was hesitant but sighed. "I'll speak to my daughter later," he said irritably before continuing with what he'd been explaining to Beatrice and Pat. "As I was saying... The programme is in place to help souls who are willing to change, redeem themselves. It won't be easy. The hardest thing any of you will ever have to do is face the sins that you committed and take responsibility for them. There is no harsher judge in the world than you will ever be to yourself. Just don't forget to forgive yourself as well. Forgiveness from the ones you hurt is important, but forgiving yourself is just as important. Never forget that." David said. He'd said these lines a dozen times before to other souls starting the programme but he stood firmly by these words. "Now then. As part of your journey, you will each be assigned a Demon that has been trained to help you through the programme. Pat and Beatrice, because you're both still only souls, you will both remain in Hell for your programme."

"Your Demon will take you to a new facility we've opened up for souls in Hell. Thanks to our continued co-operation with Heaven, you will find a few Angelic psychiatrists there. Your Demon will give you tasks every day for you to complete. At the end of each day, your Demon will talk to you about your progress and you will work with them to set yourself goals. Once per day for an hour, you will have a session with an Angelic doctor, where you can talk to them about anything that might be on your mind. They will help you to cope with the emotional and mental challenges that you may face as you work towards becoming a better person. When both your Angel Doctor and your Demon are happy enough to sign you off, you will be given a choice. You can either apply for a second chance at life on Earth, become a Demon and help other souls go through the same programme, or ascend to Heaven to live out eternity in peace and comfort. The choice is entirely yours." He then turned to Harris. "You're already a Demon so the programme for you is slightly different. Stay here a moment while I get these two set up then I'll return to explain what you can expect from your version of the programme." he turned back to face Pat and Beatrice, holding his hands out to them. "If you please."

Pat stood. Not wanting to waste any more time and took David's left hand. Beatrice stood as well then waved at Harris. "Good luck!" she beamed and took David's right hand. The three of them vanished. A few minutes later, David reappeared in the room and stared hard at Harris. "I still don't trust you," he said sternly. "But I promised my daughter that I would at least try to save those who asked for help." He rose a finger at Harris warningly. "But if you ever try to trick me or hurt the ones I love, I will string you up and grind you into mince over a boiling vat of fat. Do I make myself clear?" he threatened. David was already on edge after everything that had happened with Donnie and he had been ever more stressed after speaking with Patience. So he was a little angrier than usual at this point.

Still, David managed to reign in his anger just enough to give Harris the benefit of the doubt. He stood straight and lowered his hand. "Now then, about your programme. You will go to Earth. I'm going to put a Demon and an Angel in charge of overseeing your progress as well. So in that respect, your version of the programme will be similar to the souls. You will sit down with the Angel for an hour a day for counseling and the Demon will set you tasks to complete. You will then discuss your progress with the Demon at the end of each day. When you are redeemed, you will simply be signed off. Then you can choose whether to help with the programme in Hell as one of the Demons that get assigned to a soul or you can choose to stay on Earth to help maintain peace between Heaven and Hell."


River looked at Jean awkwardly when he asked about why he might go crazy. "Because that's...unfortunately something that Blood Gods are known for. The amount of power that they have can make them go nuts... Like I did." he admitted then scratched the back of his head. "But I'm ok now! Took some time in Will's mind to set me straight...that and getting my ass kicked by an angry, hormonal teenager." he chuckled. He then looked at Elimar when he spoke. His eyes landed on Racheal who seemed nervous about him and he knew why. "That wasn't me," he said to her gently. "I look like him, but I'm not the one who ripped a hole in Niko's chest." he then looked at Elimar. "There's not that many of us... I was created entirely by accident." he looked around the room briefly. "As I say, I'm trying to find my way in this world. Where I fit in. So, if you guys will have me, I'd like to stay awhile."


Sebastian took his pants off as well and climbed into the bed next to Carter. He cuddled up to him and smiled. "I really hope this all works out," he whispered.


Parker caressed Will's chest for a moment before kissing down his neck to his collar bone, then his chest, and then his stomach. He paused and looked up at Will lovingly. "Let me relieve some of that stress for you," he said softly while pulling down his pants. He wanted to use his mouth this time. This was one thing that Parker hadn't tried yet and he was a little nervous about whether he'd be able to do it right. He kissed around Will's hips while taking hold of his shorts and glanced up at Will to make sure that this was something that he wanted to happen.


Denix Vames - October 21, 2021

Ben smiled a little. "But it's ok now because you have a new family, Jessie. You have us. We won't let anyone hurt you. Not ever again."


Gary rolled his eyes but smiled. "You really want us to be the disney couple in this party huh? I guess we could try. How about you pick one out for me? I want to see what you think looks good on me." He winked.


Harris began shaking as he hugged his knees. His clothing changed to that of a black sweater and jeans with converse. His hair was dark brown which covered his eyes. He began to sob. "Just throw me in the lava already! I know what I've done! Kill me already!"


"I don't see why not. Although, this will be a bit awkward for our current King. He comes by sometimes. He calls himself X." ,said Elimar. Jean raised a brow. "Will can make people? How?"


Carter smiled. "Me too." He kissed him before falling asleep.


Will continued to moan. "Go for it."


shadowess - October 22, 2021

"Ja, Ben is right, liebchen. You are not alone." Niko nodded in agreeance.

Damien's eyes moved over to Ben then back to Jessica when he spoke. He could see how much she depended on Ben for comfort. He stood and sighed. "I'm sorry," he said again. "I know this is a lot to take in and I'm sorry that I brought back those horrid memories. I can see that you're loved here and safe." he looked between them all briefly. "I would like to be a part of your life but I will leave that decision to you. Whatever you choose, I will respect it."

Jessica looked up at Damien and considered his words for a moment. Then she let go of Ben and stood, wrapping her arms around Damien who was stunned by the gesture. He hesitated then wrapped his arms around her gently while looking at Ben in shock. As if questioning whether this was really happening. "Dad..." Jessica cried quietly into his shoulder and for the first time in years, Damien allowed himself a moment of weakness by letting his tears fall. He smiled while holding her tightly and sobbed the words "My daughter...my little girl..."


Alex smirked and rummaged through the wardrobe. Most suits looked very similar. Except one that stood out from the rest. It was black pants and a black jacket with a blood-red button-up shirt. Instead of diamonds set in the cufflinks, they were rubies. "What about this one?" he said, pulling the suit out.


David was taken aback by Harris's reaction and he stared at him for a moment. Finding his choice in clothes and mannerism now to be eerily similar to his long-dead daughter, when she'd been a teenager. He felt like he was failing her all over again. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair while taking a step back from Harris. "I'm not going to do that," he said in a gentler tone. "Not when you could be saved..." he thought for a moment then walked over to the couch, sitting in it and looking at Harris thoughtfully. "Tell me about yourself. How did you end up like this? What did you hope to achieve when you attacked us?" he asked without a hint of judgement in his tone. "Help me to understand so that I know how to better help you."


River's eyes widened at Elimar's comment about X. "Oh... I didn't know... Well, I'm not here to take his place... you don't think he'd see it that way, do you?" he asked then looked at Jean and nodded. "Well, not too long ago he found out that he's actually a Leviathan. They're pretty powerful too. It took a lot out of him but he managed to grow me this body then put my soul into it so that I could have my own life."


(Private Time)


Denix Vames - October 22, 2021

Ben's wings back in him. He smiled at the family moment that he was seeing. Greg stood. "Maybe we could all use a break? I wouldn't mind taking us to a mini golf park or something like that. Only if everyone's interested." "That doesn't sound like a bad idea."


Gary blushed. "Oh! Um....It isn't a bit much, is it? Will this actually look good on me?"


A dark aura surrounded Harris but he didn't do anything. It seemed like the aura was expressing his pain, sadness, and guilt. He lifted his head but didn't look at him. "I wanted to rule Hell. Believing that it would be wonderful to have all the power. But then Amelia told me a different story. Now, I don't know what to do anymore."


Jean's eyes widened. "That incredible!"

"I don't think our King will see it that way. He knows everything. I'm sure he'll understand why you're here." ,said Elimar. Jean said, "Do you want some blood? I wasn't sure if you were thirsty or not."


In Leo's dreams, he saw his family. He began to splash water on his face after some long hours of chopping wood. There was a mirror in front of him. Showing himself when he was a lot younger.

Suddenly in bed, a purple light glowed over him. His physical appearance, while sort of the same, had changed. Making him look as though he was in his twenties.

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Shadowess - October 22, 2021

Damien hesitated to answer. Looking between Greg and Ben awkwardly. It wasn't that he didn't want to go, it was just that he felt obligated to visit Parker now that Jessica had heard his story. But then Jessica pulled away a bit and grinned at him. Her eyes lit up excitedly at the idea of playing a family game with her family. "That sounds like it could be fun!" she beamed and Damien found it difficult to say 'no'.

"What the hell." he shrugged. "I'll play a few rounds with you. I guess it'd be better if I visited Draven in the morning instead. It's getting a little late now."

"I'll go get my coat!" Jessica said excitedly and let go of Damien. She kissed Ben on the cheek before running off to the bedroom. Niko turned to Greg and held out a hand to him. "I would take that to mean she's happy to have you around, too." he smiled.

"So," Damien said as he turned to look at Greg and Niko while wiping away his tears and straightening up his suit again. "What's the situation here? You guys her friends or something?"


Alex ran his hand through Gary's hair while admiring it. "I think you'd look sexy in it. It'll go with the colour of your hair."


David listened to Harris. Letting him speak and giving him a moment to process for himself what he'd told him. "I assume she told you about her difficulties since inheriting the throne? She didn't accept the role straight away, you know. She would frequently run off to get drunk and stoned to forget that she'd lost her brother and inherited an enormous responsibility. Honestly, I'm glad she found Charles when she did. I don't think she realised how much she was beginning to spiral when he walked into her life and helped her back to stability." David shook his head suddenly. "Apologies. Thinking out loud. But we were talking about you, weren't we? Tell me about your past. What lead you to this point? How did you come to find yourself thinking of taking the throne for yourself?"


Hearing what Elimar had to say brought some relief to River. He then beamed at Jean at the offer of blood. "That would be great! I haven't had anything all day." he relaxed. Though River had no idea that the vampires here drank animal blood instead of human blood, and he'd had a hard enough time getting used to the blood bags Will used to drink.


Oscar was undisturbed by the purple light while sleeping next to Leo with his back to him. Deep in his own sleep with his arm hanging off the side of the bed. He wouldn't realise Leo's appearance had changed until they both woke up.


Rickster appeared outside Carter's old house. It was late at night and Neva would be fast asleep in her bed but Rickster needed to warn her parents of Donnie's threat. He'd rushed towards the front door when a large wolf burst out of the nearby bushes, growling at him with its heckles raised defensively.

"Oh, shit!" Rickster gasped and fell onto his backside. He backed away slowly from the approaching wolf with his arm up to shield himself. "N-nice wolfy..." he said shakily. The wolf was Theo, who had just returned to guard the house after failing to find a pack to join. He figured watching over his ex's family might help him to find some purpose in his new life. He had no idea that Rickster meant no harm.


Denix Vames - October 22, 2021

Greg shook Niko's hand with a smile. He turned to Damien and said, "Pretty much. We met in the weirdest and strangest moments but we've gotten to know each other. Jessica has helped me realize something. Maybe I should look for someone else in my life? I'm going to try. But today, it's all about having fun."

Once everyone held hands, they appeared at a mini golf course. Greg had paid for their hours of being there. Having enough golf balls and golf clubs for everybody.


Gary chuckled. "Thanks. I'll try it out." He took the suit and went into the bathroom to change. He came out. Walking towards Alex. "How do I look?"


"Clementine always criticized Amelia's leadership. The idea of her being the Queen of Hell was the most ridiculous thing she could have ever heard of. She said she and I could rule together. Only as friends but that we would have the power. That we could destroy Heaven and make humans our slaves. I kept thinking about that when I found out she died. I decided then and there to do what she couldn't." Harris shook his head. "What was I thinking? I was stupid."


Jean poured some in a glass for him and hand it over. He saw his facial expression and frowned. "Don't you like it?"


Leo slowly opened his eyes. He stretched as he yawned before kissing Oscar's cheek. "C'mon man. We gotta do something today. I'm getting tired of sleeping. Believe it or not."


Vincent appeared in shorts and a shirt. "That's enough Theo. Thank you but he's a decent person now. He's not here to harm." He brushed his hand over Theo's head before scratching his cheek. "Good man."


shadowess - October 23, 2021

Damien nodded at Greg's explanation. "Then I hope you find what you're looking for." Niko looked around at the course and the club he held in his hand.

"You may have to explain the rules of this game to me. This wasn't something we ever played back at the castle..."

"Castle?" Damien looked at Niko. "You royalty or something?"

Niko grew awkward and avoided eye contact with him. "Nein... I used to live in a large castle with other vampires... But I'm not welcome there anymore."

Damien opened his mouth to ask why and sensing this may ruin the mood, Jessica walked over and took her father's arm, pulling him away from Niko. "C'mon! Let's get started! Where's the first round?" she asked, looking around at the various numbered flags.


Alex had changed into one of the black suits while waiting for Gary to come out of the bathroom. He looked over when he heard his voice and his eye lit up. "That looks so good on you! Like you're a dark, mysterious stranger, come to steal my heart." he winked.


David shook his head. "Clementine had been around since before Lucifer's fall. If I recall the story correctly, she'd been a cherub who'd fallen shortly after he did. So, she knew how to talk her way in and out of most situations. Despite her size and appearance, she had enough charisma to bend most people to her will without much effort. But I can guarantee that she had no intentions of sharing the throne. She was using you to get into power. I don't doubt that she would've thrown you away the moment you achieved it, so she could take it for herself. Either that or use you like a puppet while she ruled from the shadows. She could be very manipulative... Just look at how long Amelia and I trusted her before she was found out. And to think...if it hadn't been for Charles's ability to see people for who they really are, and Vincent's loyalty to his friends, she might have succeeded in her plans." He stood and offered a hand to Harris. "You were just as much a victim of her deceit than the rest of us. She got into your head, even after her death. She was very good at that."

(I'm kinda tempted to make the memory of Clementine haunt Harris xD Like, I'd play Clementine now and then but she wouldn't really be there. It would all be his imagination. What do you think?)


River watched as Jean headed over to what looked like a buffet table filled with large bottles of blood and dozens of clean glasses. He followed, as did Hannes. Racheal stayed by Elimar's side and watched curiously. River took the glass from Jean thankfully and eagerly took a sip. He then froze, his face turning a little green but he didn't want to spit the blood out in case it offended the vampires around him. He struggled but managed to force the liquid down his throat then coughed into his fist as a way of trying not to gag. "N-no, it's- it's fine, really. I just-" he couldn't help gagging then quickly turned his head away out of embarrassment while covering his mouth.

His eyes watered and after a couple of breaths, he managed to speak again. "I-I'm not used to...this kind of blood...I'm sorry, have you got anything that came from...something with less than four legs...if you get my meaning?" he asked, wiping his eyes and setting the glass down on the table.

Hannes rose a brow but nodded. "The German authorities gave us bags of human blood but we're so used to veal that we've barely touched them. I'll ask the kitchen to fetch one for you. Elimar, would you be so kind as to show our new guest to one of the vacant houses? I'm sure he'll be more comfortable resting there."


Oscar chuckled and opened his eyes, then looked at the clock with mild confusion. "You want to do something in the middle of the night?" he asked with a chuckle then turned to look at him and froze. "Leo!" he gasped and lifted a hand to touch his cheek as if making sure that what he was seeing was real. Sure enough, all of the subtle age lines that Leo had had were gone. "Your face! You look...younger!"


Theo jumped and stared at Vincent, unsure of who he was looking at. He hadn't been around when Vincent's soul had been placed into a new body but he recognised his mannerism and tone anywhere. He flinched a little when Vincent reached out to pet him but he remained still and simply stared at him for a moment. He rubbed his head briefly against his hand with a short whine then turned and began walking back to the bushes.

"Wha-? I've heard of guard dogs but guard werewolves?!" Rickster exclaimed, getting to his feet and brushing himself off. "You guys never cease to surprise me, you know that?" he looked at Vincent and his expression became more serious. "We have a problem. Donnie's tipped me off about something he's sending to Neva. He didn't say what, only that it would be a 'birthday present'..." Rickster hesitated and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Speaking of which...Neva's birthday is in two days...It was never celebrated so I doubt she even knows when it is... She'll be eight."


Denix Vames - October 23, 2021

Greg began to explain how the game worked to Niko.

Ben headed over to a course with a tower which had a spinning wheel. "Let's try this one." He hit the ball with his club. Aiming at the hole. He whacked it fast and hard. The ball bounced from the tower to Ben's forehead. He clutched his head but laughed. Feeling red in the face. "I think I might have overdone it."


Gary blushed. He wrapped an arm around his waist. "You look pretty good too." He kissed him.


(i think that would be a great idea)

Harris took his hand and stood with him. "Was she ever a good person?"


"Of course." Elimar guided River to an available house. Opening the door for him. "This is your new house."

Jean looked at the bottle in his hand before dropping it. He clutched his head. Breathing heavily. Suddenly recalling how he was kidnapped. The whole room felt like it was spinning. He soon fainted.


"Huh?!" Leo ran into a bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. Shocked by what he had seen. "But why? I never asked for this!" He could see himself with his family again through the reflection. He glared. "I never wanted this!"

The mirror suddenly cracked. He fell to his knees as he looked at his hands which were glowing purple. His aura had appeared. He breathed heavily.


"Can you help us move out then? And there's one more thing I was wondering you could. Can you turn Elliot into a Trickster. He's dying from lung cancer. I need to save him. Please." ,said Vincent.


Shadowess - October 24, 2021

Niko got the gist of the game once Greg had explained it and Damien chuckled when Ben's ball bounced back and hit him. "I'm guessing you're not used to your strength yet?" he said as he stepped forward and placed his ball down. Jessica had run over to Ben and kissed his cheek, smiling at him then brushed her thumb over the part of his head where the ball had struck him.

"I'll be honest, when I became a Devil, it took me a little while to get used to mine," Damien added, glancing back with a smile. He tapped the ball just hard enough to get it up the small hill. Just missing the windmill blade and passing through the little hole at its base. They walked around to see Damien's ball roll down the little hill on the other side of the tower where it came to rest at the very edge of the hole. Damien tutted while resting his chin on the end of his club. "Damn...so close."


Alex's heart fluttered as Gary held him and kissed him. He'd blushed at the compliment. He rested his head against him with his arms around his shoulders. "So, where is this party?" he asked softly.


David thought about his question for a moment, as if uncertain himself. "I don't know." he finally admitted. "Looking back...I can't help but wonder which of her actions were motivated by love or ambition...If she truly cared about anyone, then she kept it well hidden." He looked around in thought before nodding to himself. "I think I know just the Demon to watch over you." he then teleported them into the police station break room where an officer had just sat down with coffee.

The officer had long silky black hair that was in a ponytail and sharp, blue eyes. There was just the faintest hint of black eyeliner along his bottom eyelid. He wasn't large but his muscles were not subtle under his uniform either. He looked up in alarm at first but then relaxed when he saw that it was David. "David." he greeted him with a nod then looked at Harris. "You have an assignment for me?...wait..." he paused, looking at Harris a bit more carefully. "Oh, he's a Demon too? Is he joining the programme too?"

"In a way," David answered and took a seat across from the officer, folding one leg over the other casually. "This is Harris. He needs a Demon mentor for the programme. I will also be assigning an Angel for a one to one session, an hour per day." he looked up at Harris then gestured to a seat next to him. "This is Officer Kodi Hammond. He will be monitoring your progress on Earth."

"Yeah, this might not be a great time, to be honest," Kodi said awkwardly. "The boss up and disappeared and now the precinct is being run by a guy that just became a werecat. It's only a matter of time before a replacement chief is assigned by the governor who might not be aware that most of us here are supernatural..."

David seemed troubled by this news. "I see..." he said quietly, sitting back and rubbing his chin in thought. "When did this happen?"

"Earlier today."

"It's late now...Let me try talking to Will in the morning for you. See if we can't get all of this cleared up. In the meantime, I will need you to take Harris in for me. Are you almost finished with your shift?"

"About five minutes ago. I was just stopping to get a coffee before heading home."

"Good. I will leave Harris in your capable hands then. Talk him through what to expect and what his tasks will be. I'll visit again when I can to see how he is progressing."

"You got it." Kodi nodded.


"Thanks," River said and stepped inside. He looked around the living room in awe. "Holy-! I can see why you call them houses and not rooms..." he chuckled.

Hannes had just alerted the kitchen staff that River had requested a blood bag be sent to his room when he heard the bottle smash from the dining hall. He looked over and saw Jean in the middle of what appeared to be a panic attack. "Jean?!" he ran over and reached him in time to catch him before he could drop. "Jean?" he brushed his thumb over his cheek.

Seeing that he'd passed out, Hannes lifted him into his arms and carried him back to their home, but not before requesting that a bottle of blood be brought to their room as well, figuring that Jean would need it when he'd wake up. Once at home, he lay Jean down on their bed. He left the room and came back a moment later with a bowl of cool water and a small cloth.

Hannes then sat on the edge of the bed and wrung the cloth in the water until it was damp before pressing it lightly to Jean's head. "You have been through so much, my sweet man..." he said softly. "I wish I knew how to heal those mental scars..." Hannes glanced at the mirror and saw the dark hooded figure that he'd seen when he'd almost died from his burns, standing behind him.

His heart skipped a beat and he turned to look behind him. But no one else was in the room with them. He looked back at the mirror and the figure was gone. "I wish I knew how to heal my own mental scars too..." he added, a little breathlessly as he turned his attention back to Jean. Lightly dabbing his forehead with the cloth.


Oscar ran into the bathroom after Leo and knelt beside him. He didn't know what to say or do so he wrapped his arms around him, trying to comfort him. "M-maybe it's a power you have?" he suggested. "Maybe you can reverse it? You just need to calm down and try to focus."


"He is?" Rickster looked up at the house. Even Theo had come to a stop and stared towards the building, letting out a saddened whine. He padded the ground with his paws anxiously, no longer wanting to leave but unsure of how he could help. His mind was on the poor little girl who would be upset over losing a parent.

Rickster looked back at Vincent and scratched the back of his head with a saddened expression. "I'd love to help but a Trickster is something you're born into...it's not something you can just become... Even if it was, we're not immune to human diseases either... he'd still have cancer even if I managed to find a way to change him..." he flustered, wanting to help. "I'll help you guys move... Neva won't be happy about it but it's for her own safety... and I don't know... maybe I can find a spell to slow down the Cancer's progression? I won't be able to cure it, but I can at least buy you guys more time...If you want?"


Denix Vames - October 24, 2021

Ben smiled at her. Greg walked over to the course. "Let me try." He hit the ball. Only making it as far the spinning wheel which knocked it back. Sending the ball to his feet. He sighed. "There's a reason why I stopped playing this game. It can get on your nerves sometimes.


Gary gave him the address. They soon appeared at a large party filled with the entire Firefighter forces. He looked down and bit his lip. "I feel like everyone's looking at us."


Harris kept his head down as he put his hood over. "Uh....Hi...."


"Yeah. They're quite amazing. Anyway, I'll leave you to enjoy your home." ,said Elimar who walked away.

After some time, Jean slowly opened his eyes. "Hannes...?"


Leo took some deep breaths. He closed his eyes. Imagining his older self. However, nothing happened. "Did....Did it work?"


"That would be helpful. Thank. David suggested turning into a werewolf or vampire. I'm not sure which Elliot will decide but I'll support him." ,said Vincent.

(do you have an idea for what the gift is?)


shadowess - October 25, 2021

"My turn!" Jessica sang happily. She put her ball down but, like Ben, misjudged how hard she'd need to hit the ball and it went flying up, past the tower and into the next course where it landed in the hole. "Oops!" she giggled.

"A hole in one but I don't think that one counts." Damien laughed.


"So they should!" Alex beamed at him, squeezing his hand a little. "We're hot!" he winked at him. "C'mon, introduce me to some of your co-workers."


"Take care, both of you." David nodded while getting to his feet. He then vanished.

Kodi tilted his head at Harris with a small smile. "Hello," he replied in a gentle tone. "Don't look so worried, I don't bite. You'll be staying at my place while you're on the programme. I have a spare bedroom set up for when a soul or a demon is assigned to me. Did you want a drink or something before we head there?"


Racheal looked up at Elimar while holding his arm. The pink elephant in her other arm. "Tonight has been fun," she said softly. "Do you think we have time to visit the top of the castle? I'd like to see the view."

"Jean. It's ok, you're safe." Hannes said softly. All of his focus was now on his beloved as he continued to dab his forehead with the damp cloth.


Oscar looked at him. His eyes filled with worry, knowing how Leo will react when he told him it hadn't worked. He opened his mouth but found himself unable to bring himself to say it so he shook his head slowly and braced himself for Leo's reaction.


"I guess that's not exactly an easy decision to make." Rickster sighed.

Theo paced anxiously then walked behind the bushes. A few strained and hushed cries later, he stood in his human form with the bushes just about covering his manhood. He looked over at them a little breathlessly. "V-Vincent," he said shakily, lowering his gaze shamefully from his. This was the first time he'd spoken to him since he came back to Earth. "I... I want to help, too. With the moving. I want to make up... for how I treated you."

(Yeah. Was thinking it could be a murderous clown hired to kill the whole family or something.)

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Denix Vames - October 25, 2021

"Let me show you how a real master does it." ,said Ben who pretended to spit on his hands and rubbed them together. He did a little shake of his butt. Clearly joking around about his expertise before hitting the ball. It went through the windmill and into the hole. His cheeks went red. "Uh...Can we pay for that?"

Greg laughed. "Even back then you were always clumsy."


Gary smiled. "Sure thing." He walked over to some people. "Hey guys. This is my boyfriend Alex. Alex, this is Taylor, Richard, and Pete. They're some of the guys who became my quick friends."


Harris gripped his own arms. "Um...." He jumped at the sound of Autumn imitating an airplane as she was on Travis's back. A piggyback ride around the desks. They stopped when they saw Harris. Autumn got off of Travis. She smiled. "Hey. I'm Autumn and this is Travis. He can't talk but he can hear you." "Oh...Um...I'm Harris." Harris slightly smiled at them.

"Wanna play hangman?" Travis smiled. "C-Can I do that?" ,said Harris when he turned to Kodi.


"Of course." ,said Elimar. He guided her until they reached the top.


A few tears left Jean. He looked away. "I've embarrassed you. Haven't I? I always try to be a strong person but no matter what, people will always push me. I let Tristan do that."


Leo sobbed against his chest.


Vincent covered his mouth as tears dripped down his cheeks. He suddenly hugged him tight. "You don't have to feel bad anymore." He caressed his cheek. "I forgive you." He thought for a moment. "Theo, will you please turn Elliot? At this point, he's running out of options. He's scared of dying. Please."

(wow thats nightmare fuel. my idea was having the spirit of Phineas Gage under a spell who is sent to kill the family. its just a suggestion and is probably the weirdest idea but there you go XD)


Denix Vames - October 26, 2021

(i dont mean to change my mind but the more i think about the more it feels weird. maybe we should just stick with the clown bit? it makes more sense. sorry)


shadowess - October 26, 2021

The others laughed too. Damien shrugged. "Apparently my bank account is still open, so don't worry. I'll pay for the damages."

Niko stepped up next, looking a little nervous about taking part but still smiling from seeing the others having fun. He tapped his ball which rolled up the hill, reached the peak and then rolled back down again to rest by his feet. "Ah..." he chuckled.

"You're supposed to tap it a little harder." Jessica laughed.

"I didn't want to tap it too hard in case I overshot or damaged something," Niko admitted bashfully. "Also, I was a little distracted. The air feels a little warmer, I believe the sun is beginning to rise. I will have to leave very soon to shelter for the day."


Alex smiled at each of them as they were introduced. "It's nice to meet you all," he said.


Kodi smiled at the interaction. "The programme encourages the creation of social bonds, so sure. I'm in no rush to go home if you want to stick around and play a couple of rounds." He sat back in his chair, relaxing while taking a sip of his coffee.

"Pfft...Children's games..." Clementine's voice said suddenly. She appeared, leaning against the wall behind Kodi. "Do you remember how the other Demons used to try belittling me with such things?" She smiled but her eyes reflected her agitation. "Remember what I did to them for it?"


Once on top of the castle, Racheal looked around them in awe. For miles, all around them, they could see the tops of the trees and in the distance were the warm lights coming from the town they'd just been to. She placed her hands on the brick half wall and gasped softly. "It's beautiful!"

"Nein," Hannes said gently, using his thumb and forefinger on Jean's chin to turn his head back to look at him. He caressed his cheek and wiped away his tears. "What we went through was horrific, meine geliebte. So, no one can blame either of us if we find a moment to be too much to handle." he bent down and kissed Jean's forehead lovingly. "But we have each other. We both understand what the other went through. My love, I am here for you if you need to talk about it. Do not let something like this eat away at you in silence."


Oscar held him. He stroked his hair and rubbed his back to try to bring him some comfort. After a minute or so of letting Leo cry it out, he pulled him back a bit so that he could look at him. "Hey, listen to me," he said gently and used his thumbs to wipe away his tears.

"So, you look a little younger...so what? How you appear doesn't change who you are. It doesn't make you someone else. You're still the strong, kickass, sassy as hell secret agent that I fell in love with. Hell, you could get hit with the ugly stick tomorrow and I'd still love you! Because you would still be you at the end of the day."


Theo flinched and froze when Vincent threw his arms around him suddenly. His eyes widened as he listened to what Vincent said and he found himself shuddering as tears rolled down his cheeks. He hugged him back tightly, gasping as he sobbed into his shoulder. The forgiveness from Vincent turned out to be such a large relief for Theo that he never realised just how much he'd needed it until it was said.

'I never deserved you.' he thought as he struggled to let him go and caught his breath again. He wiped at his tears and looked at Vincent apprehensively when he asked him to turn Elliot for him. He glanced at the house then back to Vincent. "I-I don't know..." he replied. "You know me, Vincent. I'd never turn someone unless they asked me themselves... It's gotta come from him..." he then nodded. "But if it's what he tells me he wants to happen... then yes, I'll do it... for you. You deserve to be happy."

(It's alright lol It's not a bad idea, though. Maybe we could save that idea for a separate side plot?)


Denix Vames - October 26, 2021

"Oh my god! I almost forgot! You can stay at our place. It really wouldn't be a problem." ,said Ben. "Give me a second Jess. I'll be back." He placed a hand on Niko's arm. Appearing in their apartment. "Just make yourself comfortable. It's no problem having you here. Besides, I wouldn't want to burn either."

He appeared in front of Jessica and the others. "He's home. Hopefully, he finds a way to entertain himself. It wasn't exactly fun living alone before I met you."


Taylor, Pete, and Richard were smiling at them. "It's nice to meet you too." ,said Pete. Richard gave a smirk. "We've heard a lot about you." He winked. Taylor elbowed him on the side. "Play nice." Richard chuckled. "I'm just kidding. But seriously, Gary had a moment in the break room where he wouldn't stop talking about you. All I ask was if he was dating anyone and then he starts going Romeo about you." Gary blushed. "Give me a break Rich."


"There she is! It's Clementine! We can't let her try again!" ,said Harris. Autumn raised a brow. She looked at where he pointed. "I don't see anyone." "What?! How can't you see her?"


Elimar placed his arms around her from behind. He kissed her head. "Just like you dear."

"But why does this keep happening? Every time I try to fight, I always end up down." ,said Jean.


Leo smiled a little. "Thank you but it's not that. It's just....I use to look like this before. When I still had my family....I don't want to remember every time I look in the mirror. I'll just keep missing them."


Vincent nodded. "Thank you." He led them both in the house and upstairs to the bedroom where Elliot was laying in. He coughed again for who knows how many times. He was pale and sweating. Shaking.

"V-Vincent...?" Vincent sat at the edge of the bed. He placed a hand on his. "These are some of our new friends. Theo here says that he can turn you into a werewolf if you want him to." "I-I don't want to die! Please!" Elliot turned to them. "Please turn me." Vincent kissed his head before standing back. "You can do it, Theo. It's ok now."

(yeah sure. also i was wondering if we could pair Theo with someone? thinks he deserves a boyfriend after many scenes. i had greg in mind but idk. what do you think?)


shadowess - October 28, 2021

Niko had little time to respond before he was standing in Jessica and Ben's apartment alone. "Perhaps next time..." he mumbled, a little down about no longer being a part of their fun. He went around the apartment, carefully closing all curtains and blinds so he wouldn't be harmed by a stray ray of sunlight. He then tried to relax by watching TV. He felt tired already but the dread of the dreams he'd been having lately was enough to make him want to try to stay awake. He didn't want Jessica to know how damaged he really was. He was supposed to be her protector so how can he do that if she finds out he couldn't even protect himself?

Jessica was thankful but she seemed worried. "I hope he'll be ok on his own," she said, hugging Ben.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. Maybe he'll be asleep by the time you both get home." Damien suggested then looked around. "Who's turn is it?"


Alex blushed and looked at Gary. "You did?" he asked softly with a smile.


Kodi rose a brow as well and looked at the wall. He looked back at Harris with a worried expression. "There's no one there, man," he said, getting to his feet. "You clearly need some rest. We should head back to my place now."

"Traitor! I thought you were my friend!" Clementine stomped her foot angrily, glaring at Harris. "I trusted you with my plans and you've betrayed me!"


Racheal blushed and smiled, relaxing into his hold. She watched the horizon for a little longer before turning her head to look at Elimar and realising just how much he meant to her now. Slowly and carefully, she turned in his arms to face him with her arms on his shoulders. She was a little nervous but she followed her heart which was telling her that now was the perfect moment. She lifted a hand to caress his cheek while looking into his eyes. "I-... I think... I'm in love with you." she admitted nervously then smiled and pressed her lips against his.

"Oh, meine Liebe! You can't be torturing yourself like this." Hannes said softly, running his hand through Jean's hair. "You are stronger than you think but you just need to give yourself time to heal." Hannes paused for a moment in thought. "Maybe we could talk to the Warrior trainer today? Would that help you?"


Oscar frowned and glanced off to one side thoughtfully before looking back at Leo. He bit his lip hesitantly before speaking. "Your family...they'd be in Heaven, right? What if you saw them? Spent some time with them? It might bring closure to you and to them." he suggested. "I don't know if you're able to go to heaven, being part Angel and all...but maybe if you can't, an Angel might be able to make arrangements for you?"


As Theo and Rickster followed Vincent into the house, Neva, who had been woken up by the commotion outside, peered at them from her bedroom door which was only slightly open. She scowled at Rickster when she saw him. On the way in, Theo had grabbed a blanket that had been draped over the couch and had quickly wrapped it around his hips to cover himself before they had ascended the stairs. Once in the bedroom, Theo and Rickster looked on at Elliot with a sad expression, seeing how sick he was.

When Elliot begged to be turned, Theo stepped forward with a frown and sat on the edge of the bed, taking his hand. "You've been good to Vincent," he said softly. "I can see he loves you dearly... I'll turn you. Prepare yourself though. The transformation is very painful. You will then be able to change at will except when it is a full moon out...then you'll be stuck as a wolf for the evening. You're first full moon will be difficult because you won't have full control over yourself. You'll be dangerous to anyone that crosses your path. Usually, a pack would keep you under control but seeing as neither you nor I have one, it would be best if you found a way to isolate yourself just for that one night." he explained.

Rickster glanced back and saw Neva watching them from her door. He then looked at Vincent worriedly. "This will be tough to watch. You got anyone that can look after her until it's over?" he asked, knowing by her scowl that attempting to take her away himself so that she wouldn't see what happened was out of the question.

Meanwhile, Theo continued to explain to Elliot exactly what to expect when he changes. "In days leading up to the full moon, we become gradually stronger and faster. I'll uh...let Vincent explain what else happens to us near a full moon. I'm sure he remembers how we get around our 'mating time'." he chuckled. "You'll love it though. That's all I'm saying. Are you ready?" he asked and when Elliot would say yes, he'd let his teeth sharpen and gently bring his hand up to his mouth. He wrapped his mouth around Elliot's wrist and applied just enough pressure for each of his teeth to pierce his skin just a little. This was the gentlest way to get enough venom into him to change him and the bite he'd left on his wrist was barely visible due to his teeth not going that far in. He then pulled back and gently let go of Elliot's hand. His teeth returned to normal. "There. The bite will burn and itch at first and then it'll start quickly. Would you both like me to stay until it's over?"

(Sound good to me )


Denix Vames - October 28, 2021

"Maybe I should stay with him?" ,asked Ben. Greg frowned. "It sounds like you should. Since I can read minds these days, I....know a lot about his history. He's not exactly feeling great."


Gary nervously scratched the back of his head as he shyly smiled. "Well, maybe just a little." Taylor said, "I could write a book about it." "But enough teasing. How's the party going for you guys?" ,asked Pete. "It's...ok. I'm not really a party person. Believe it or not. Last time I was drunk at a party, I took my clothes off and got kicked out. It was not a pretty sight for anyone." Richard laughed. "I'll bet."


"You used me! You never wanted me to work by your side!" Harris punched the wall she leaned on. Travis ran over. He placed a hand on his shoulder. Harris shoved him away. Travis hit the back of his head. He clutched there. Tears threatened to leave his eyes.


Elimar swallowed nervously. "I love you too. My dear..." He returned the kiss.

Jean nodded. "Please. I need to train. I want to."


"I'm a Leviathan now. I don't even know if I can go to Heaven. But whatever you can do to let me see my family, please do it. I have to apologize to them." ,said Leo. His voice was breaking. "For all the things that I've done."


Vincent frowned when he noticed Neva was watching. "Charles..."

Charles appeared. He lifted Neva off the floor and brought her to his apartment.

Elliot cringed at the itch and its pain. He groaned. Clutching his stomach as he felt himself changing. Tears poured from his eyes. Vincent placed a hand over his arm. "Its ok. You're going to be ok." However, the sight of him like this was overwhelming. "Please stay with him. I can't-" He headed out of the room. Sobbing over his hands.

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Shadowess - November 8, 2021

Jessica frowned, troubled by this news. "We should all go. He shouldn't be alone," she said, looking at Ben imploringly. She then looked at Greg and walked over before wrapping her arms around him. "I'm sorry too...I wasn't as good a friend to you as I should have been," she said softly. She pulled away and smiled at him awkwardly. "We should all play golf or something again another time," she suggested then walked back over to Ben, taking his hand and looking at Damien. "Dad?" she asked when she noticed Damien seemed to be acting a little aloof.

"It's fine. You guys go, I need to see your other brother now anyway." he faked a smile to hide his nerves. "I'll come and visit you again soon, I promise. I'm not going anywhere this time, ok?"

Jessica frowned but nodded, squeezing Ben's hand a little, seeking support. She was frightened she'd never see him again. That now that he'd seen her, he'd leave again. "Ok, dad..."


Alex laughed and squeezed Gary's hand, looking at him lovingly. "Do you wana dance with me, party animal?" he purred.


"Travis!" Kodi ran over and looked at Autumn. "Go get officer Malone!" he told her then looked at Travis. "He didn't mean it, buddy. Are you alright?" he then turned to look at Harris.

"You're going to take a traitorous Demon's words for it?" Clementine questioned, seemingly unbothered by the hole in the wall by her head. "This is DAVID we're talking about. I told you how much trouble he caused Lucifer when he signed his soul away. How hard he fought to be free himself and his family from him- and failed. Now Lucifer vanishes under mysterious circumstances and David's daughter is ruling Hell. That sound like a coincidence to you?"

"Harris!" Kodi got up and ran over, pulling Harris's arms behind him and pinning him over the table, facing away from Clementine. "There's no one there! You need to stop! Think for a sec!"


Racheal felt light on her feet as Elimar told her he loved her as well. Unlike their previous kiss, this one was slower and sweeter. She rested her head against his when it broke, keeping her lips close to his, and smiled. "You make me feel safe," she whispered softly. "I never want to leave your side."

"Alright, let's get you cleaned up then. You'll need to wash up and put on a brave face. Show the trainer that you are capable of controlling your emotions." Hannes said gently as he stood and offered Jean his hand. "They will not be lenient with you, my love. Not with so many lives on the line. You must find your strength and wear it like armour. And just know that I believe in you."


Oscar bit his lip and nodded. "Ok," he said softly with a short nod. He moved Leo's hair from his face and ran his fingers around the frame of his face, caressing his cheek. "Let's get dressed. You should wear something smart...like a suit or something...look nice for seeing them. Not that you have to try very hard." he chuckled with a wink, trying to bring a smile to Leo's lips. He hated to see him so upset. "I'll go talk to David...see if he can pull some strings and arrange a visit."


Rickster was about to follow Vincent when Theo placed a hand on his shoulder. "Stay with him." He nodded backwards to Elliot. Rickster glanced at him nervously then back to Theo. "You sure that's a good idea?"

Theo's eyes narrowed. "He won't have venom for several hours. Right now he's not a danger to anyone and just needs comfort." he said irritably before heading out of the bedroom while mumbling to himself; "Racist twit..."

He caught up to Vincent and stood in front of him. "Vincey-cent. /Vincent/..." he quickly corrected himself and glanced away for a second. "He needs you right now...I know it hurts to watch...I know it's not easy..." He could never have done it to Vincent when they'd been together. "You need to be strong for him." he rubbed his own arm and kept his eyes averted. Almost as if frightened to look into Vincent's. Afraid he'd see his shame, his regrets and think little of him for them. He was also afraid that if he looked into his eyes, he'd realise he'd never stopped having feelings for him. "Do for him what I could never do for you. You're already a far better man than I ever was."


Neva had gasped when Charles had lifted her before appearing in the apartment in London. Accounting for the time difference, while it had been the very early hours of the morning back in the US, it was already around 7 am in the UK. Amelia had already been awake for roughly three hours by this point, thanks to the newest member of her little family who was currently laying on his back on a blanket in the middle of the living room. A small arch with soft toys dangling from it was over his head. He could easily reach the soft toys if he reached up to grab them but right now his attention was completely on his mother who relentlessly blew raspberries onto his exposed belly, causing him to laugh, giggle and kick his little feet gleefully.

Thanks to Charles's telepathy and empathetic abilities, Oliver was almost always a happy baby as his parents never needed to try to guess what each of his cries meant. Neva looked over and though she smiled at Oliver's infectious laugh, she couldn't help tears rolling down her cheeks. As hard as she tried to stop herself from crying, a small gasp escaped her as she watched Amelia and Oliver playing. This caused Amelia to look up and frown at her with worried eyes. "Neva!" she gasped softly. "What's wrong?"

Neva's face turned red and she hid it in Charles's shirt as she continued to cry. "I w-want my daddies!" she sobbed.


Denix Vames - November 8, 2021

"It's alright now. I think we've all changed for the better." ,said Greg. Ben nodded at her. "C'mon with us. It'll give you a better start at going home rather than all the way here." Greg took his hand. Once all three were back in the apartment, Greg said his goodbyes before leaving.


"Uh sure. I'll try to." ,said Gary as he was taken to the dance floor. "I hope I don't look like an idiot in front of everyone."


Autumn ran to where he was. "Officer Malone! Help! Something's happening!"

Travis got up as tears rolled down his cheeks. Harris struggled against Kodi's hold. "Let me go! She's there! She's right there!" He screamed as a dark aura filled the precinct. Making everyone cry.

Walter opened the door. Letting Yami run over there as a cat. He jumped on Harris's shoulder and began to rub his head against him. Purring. Harris soon caught his breath. The aura he had released was gone. He fell to his knees where he laid on the floor. Letting Yami cuddle against him. He breathed slower. Everyone's emotions were normal again.

Walter walked over. "He told me that it was the only thing he could do that was good for anyone. So I let him try. Glad to see that it worked."


"I never want to leave you either." Elimar looked at the sky. "We should head inside before the sun rises."

After getting prepared, Jean took a deep breath. He kissed him. "Thank for you being here for me. I just hope I can become a Warrior."


Leo smiled a little. "If you saw the clothes that I wore back then, it really wouldn't matter at all." He got to one of the closets. Throwing on a dark blue buttoned shirt but leaving a v shape opening so that it was more casual and wearing black pants.


Vincent turned to him. He nodded. "Thank you." He kissed his cheek. He finally felt love for him but as a friend. He stepped into the bedroom where he held Elliot's hand. Keeping him close. "I'm right here. I'll always be."


"Neva, look at me." Charles held her close. "Your father is dying but right he's being saved. He's going to turn into a werewolf so that he can live. Once it's safe to be near him, we can return. You have to understand that a werewolf's transformation is not easy. He is going through some rough changes. And when he is ready to see you, you must be there for him. Do you understand?"

(im not sure how we're going to get Theo and Greg to meet each other. got any thoughts?)


shadowess - November 10, 2021

When they appeared back in the apartment, Niko jumped and looked up at them. One of the Lord of the Rings movies was on the TV and it looked like it had just started. "You're back so soon?" Niko observed, wondering why they'd come back so quickly after he'd just been dropped off.

"Are you alright?" Jessica asked him gently, surprising him.

"Me? I'm fine Leibchen." he lied. "I was a little disappointed that I had to leave the game so soon but it couldn't be helped." he shrugged.


"You look fine," Alex reassured him while placing his hands on his shoulders to dance with him. "You look great to me, Mr romantic." he then said playfully with a smirk and a wink.


"Pathetic." Clementine vanished.

Malone ran in and wrapped his arms around Travis. "I'm here. Are you alright?" he asked him softly.

Kodi nodded at Walter as he watched Yami calm Harris down. "He's my assignment from David for the programme..." he explained then realised Walter might now know what that meant yet. "Um...it's my responsibility to make sure he's rehabilitated and becomes a better Demon... I might need some time off to watch him... especially after today. I think it'd be best if he's nowhere near this precinct until he gets better. I also need to ask David about psychosis... I think Harris is seeing and hearing things that aren't there. Whatever it is that he's seeing, it clearly upsets him."


Looking towards the horizon, Racheal's smile slipped and she gave a small sigh. "Yeah...you're right." she sounded a little down. She frequently forgot what she was now and missed being able to walk around in daylight. "Let's go home," she said softly, taking his hand.

Hannes kissed him back with a smile. "I know you'll do well," he said encouragingly. "Come, Meine geliebte. I think it's about time you met the Warrior superior. Der Kapitän" he took his hand and led him out of their home. They walked the castle corridors until they came to a large set of doors in the southeastern corner. The doors lead to a large, empty room full of various apparatus and several men running around, doing laps around the court. All of them seemed to be holding a large weight in their arms. In the centre of the room was a burly man with a thick red beard and cold eyes. He watched the men running around with a stern expression. "Run faster you useless prats!" he shouted at them in German. "The sun will have risen and it'll be fucking lunchtime before you carry those wounded home!" He referred to the weights in the men's arms as the running warriors seemed to be pretending that they were wounded, warriors.

Seeing Hannes and Jean enter the hall, the gruff male's expression melted into a wide, warm smile. "Hannes! Good to see you! And you brought your fiance with you. To what do I owe the honour?" he said in English.

"Guten Abend, Gunnar." Hannes greeted him. "I believe one of your Warriors spoke with you already about signing Jean up?"

"Ja, Egon put in a good word." Gunnar turned his head and nodded at Jean while extending a hand to shake. "Gunnar Reinhart. I am Captain of the Warriors. I must warn you, the training is not for the faint of heart."

One of the running warriors who'd been wheezing and sweating profusely passed out and dropped his weight. The other warriors ran around him. "Case in point...Please excuse me a moment." Gunnar rolled his eyes and turned to look at the fallen warrior. He marched over and picked up a nearby bucket of water. He dumped its contents over the passed out Warrior who jumped awake with a gasp.

"You and the wounded vampire you were 'saving' are now burning alive in the sun! You died, you delicate fucking flower! Now pick up that weight and get your ass on the bench!" Gunnar screamed at him in German. The warrior's face turned red and he visibly struggled to hold back tears as he lifted the weight again and shuffled over tiredly to the benches to rest.

Gunnar walked back over to Hannes and Jean while shouting at the remaining warriors who were still running. "Any of you slip on that water and you'll be joining him!" he turned to look at Hannes and chuckled. "God, I love being the boss."

"Being yelled at was certainly one of the things I don't miss about the training." Hannes chuckled then nodded to the upset warrior. "Will he be alright?"

"Don't tell me you've gone soft! I thought I trained you better than that!" Gunnar laughed. "He'll be fine. Just needs to grow some thicker skin, that's all. He'll either shape up to be a fine Warrior or he'll quit his training by the end of the week. Some vampires simply don't have enough discipline to handle this life. What about you, eh?" he nodded at Jean, looking at him intently. "You're a tough vampire. You've been through some terrors. You can hold your own. You're not going to flake out on me and waste my time, are you lad?"


Oscar got dressed as well but couldn't help staring at the way Leo wore his shirt. Staring at the part of his chest that he could see. "Man, I can't to have you to myself tonight." he sighed with a smirk while bringing his eyes up to meet Leo's. "Do you want to come with me to see David? Or did you want to wait here?"


Theo had held his breath as Vincent kissed his cheek. He lifted his eyes to watch him walk back into the bedroom but didn't move. He remained standing in the hallway for a minute and lifted his hand to his cheek. He gulped and lowered his hand before walking slowly back into the bedroom where he stood near the door. He leant against the wall with his arms folded over his chest, not looking at the others but sticking around to make sure Elliot's change went smoothly.

Rickter looked between them all awkwardly. "I-Is there anything I can do? I kind of feel useless just standing here. Should I get him some water or something?"

"Meat," Theo said hollowly. "He'll be craving raw meat soon enough. Steak, pork, chicken, doesn't matter what."

"R-right..." Rickster looked at Vincent. "Permission to raid your fridge to bring him raw meat?"


"Neva, look at me." Charles held her close. "Your father is dying but right he's being saved. He's going to turn into a werewolf so that he can live. Once it's safe to be near him, we can return. You have to understand that a werewolf's transformation is not easy. He is going through some rough changes. And when he is ready to see you, you must be there for him. Do you understand?"

Neva listened to Charles and although she wasn't happy about not being able to be with her fathers right now, she nodded. "Yeah..." she said in a broken voice. She sniffled and wiped at her eyes.

"Neva, come and say hello to Oliver. It's been a little while since he's seen you." Amelia smiled, hoping to distract Neva for a little while. "He likes playing peek-a-boo."

(Maybe they could bump into each other in the street? Theo would be leaving soon too and he'd likely shift back into his wolf form.)


Denix Vames - November 10, 2021

Ben sat next to him. "I know something's wrong. I'm a cop and well a Blood God now. What's on your mind?"


Gary chuckled. "Thanks." He kissed him before placing his hands on his waist. "I wonder if werewolves can get drunk? If so, I wouldn't mind giving you a show at home again."


Travis sobbed into his chest. Hiding his face. "M-Malone!"


Walter nodded. "You can take some time off. I don't mind. This seems really important anyway." He looked at Harris before sighing and heading back to the office. Yami ran after him and went back into his human form. Hugging his arm as he leaned his head against his.


"Don't worry dear. You have plenty of days to look at the sky." ,said Elimar. They headed back inside. "Would you like to go home and rest?"

Jean shook his hand.

He said, "I-I um....want to protect Hannes and my new family. I don't want to be weak. But I was wondering if I could ask you something?" He bit his lip before asking, "Could you be nice to your friends? They know what they're doing. They understand how dangerous things can be but I think it would be good for them to have a leader that they can look up to."

He placed his hand over his own heart. "I've learned that love and kindness is more important than fighting. And yes sometimes we do have to fight. But sometimes we can show kindness too." He took out the red crystal. "The Blood God showed this to me. He understood what I told him." He nervously smiled.


Leo blushed. "Hold your horses there." He thought for a moment then nodded. "I want to come with you."


Vincent nodded. "Go ahead. It's alright." He kissed Elliot's forehead. Elliot squirmed from the pain. He squeezed his hands.


Charles set her near Amelia. "I'm sure he misses you."

(that would be fine. when do you think we should do this scenario?)


Denix Vames - November 13, 2021

(so i was thinking if you wanted to do the Greg and Theo scenario now that i could describe the scene if you want me to. also I thought of having Phineas attempt to get Harris because Harris would be the one who kept him under his control in order to have a servant. So I was thinking that after some kind of fight between Phineas and the police that he would be taken down by a taser since he's never been tased before. then he would be knocked and once he wakes up, they'll have to deal with his aggressiveness. do you want that scenario to be in there?)


shadowess - November 14, 2021

(Pretty soon. Theo will only leave as soon as he knows Vincent and Elliot will be ok. That's when he could run into Greg in his wolf form. The Phineas idea is good. You'd have to play as him though cos I wouldn't have a clue on how to write him lol Also, sorry for the delay. This week has been pretty full-on. I've written up some of my reply and I'll be finishing it off when I get home from work.)


Denix Vames - November 14, 2021

(thats alright. and I do want to play as Phineas. I'm really excited to. also if you haven't heard about his history, I would recommend watching a video about it. He's such a cool person)


Denix Vames - November 14, 2021

(decided to write the scene now just in case. hope you dont mind)

Phineas Gage was a well dressed man in his late twenties. His left eye was permanently sown shut but his right eye remained open for himself to use. He held an iron rod in his hand with the tip pointed up. He appeared in the precinct with a blank stare. Controlled by a spell. He picked up Harris. Throwing him over his shoulder. Harris tried to push him off. "Phineas! Stop it! You don't have to do this! Stop!" Phineas headed to the front doors.

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Shadowess - November 14, 2021

Niko frowned and inched away from Ben a bit on the couch. His body tensed as his eyes darted momentarily between Ben and Jessica. He didn't want to appear weak in front of Jessica. He wanted her to believe that he was capable of protecting her. "N-nein..." he said nervously, looking away from them both and shaking his head a bit. "I-I'm not ready to..."

"Please." Jessica pressed, looking at him now with more concern. "Niko, you're one of us. Our friend. Let us help you. You need to tell us what's wrong." she bit her lip a little as she thought about what could be tormenting Niko's mind. "It's them, isn't it? Back when we were in that mansion...in Hell... I remember you trying to protect me from them... but you were so scared of them."

Niko looked away from her, ashamed. "Please...I c-can't..."

"You want us to trust you, right?" Jessica asked, folding her arms. This made Niko look up at her again. "Well, how are we supposed to trust you if you keep things from us?"

Niko gave her a guilty stare before lowering his gaze back to the floor. He was shaking and breathing a little heavier now, out of fear. "I-I don't...want you to think less of me..." he said quietly.

"Before they brought me to you...what did they do to you?"

Niko hesitated then answered hollowly, keeping his eyes lowered. "Gave me exactly what I deserved."


Alex chortled and relaxed into Gary's embrace as they danced. "Just as long as you don't start stripping here. I want that show all to myself." he flirted and lightly nudged Gary's nose with his own in a playful way.


"Hey, it's ok. I'm right here." Malone said gently while holding Travis and rubbing his back.

"Thanks." Kodi nodded to Walter then watched him and Yami as they walked away. He turned his attention back to Harris just as Phineas appeared and grabbed him. "Hey!" he called after him and darted into his path, blocking the doorway with his body. Kodi wasn't familiar with who Phineas was to be able to recognise him. "Put him down immediately!" he ordered.

Meanwhile, Malone was staring at Phineas in awe. "It couldn't be!" he'd gasped.


Racheal tilted her head at Elimar, then nodded. She'd almost forgotten that Elimar had never left the castle before today. She assumed he must've been born as a vampire and therefore might not know the sunlight the way she used to know it. The only thing he might ever know is that it would cause him great pain and likely even death if he stepped foot in it. She suddenly realised how fortunate her life had been. At least, in a way, she'd had the best of both worlds now.

Now she had to accept this new life, along with its sacrifices. But at least she'd have Elimar at her side. She took one last look across the trees and smiled. Holding on to Elimar's hand, she walked with him back inside. "Elimar? I've been thinking...about how I could fit in here..." she said thoughtfully. "I meant what I said, back at the party. I want to make up for my past... so, maybe I could put some of the skills I'd learned as a human to good use here? Maybe I could apply to be one of the warriors? or one of the ones that stand guard outside? or the ones that scout the forests to keep an eye out for threats? What do you think?"

Hannes's eyes widened a little when Jean spoke and though he was proud of Jean for staying true to his beliefs, he understood why Gunnar trained his men the way that he did. He remained quiet, knowing full well that Gunnar would explain it all himself and would be able to explain it far better than Hannes could. Gunnar broke into a wide grin at Jean's words and his eyes lit up as Jean showed him the Blood God's crystal.

When Jean was finished speaking, Gunnar erupted into hearty laughter that caused the training warriors to stop in their tracks and watch. Gunnar noticed this and immediately turned to them, seemingly angrily, as though a switch had been flipped in his emotions. "DID I FUCKING TELL YOU TO STOP RUNNING?! GET TO THE BATHHOUSE THE LOT OF YA! THE SMELL IN THIS ROOM COULD PEEL PAINT! I WANT TO SEE YOU ALL BACK HERE AT THE ASS CRACK OF DUSK!! ANYONE LATE WILL BE SCRUBBING THE EAST WING STAIRCASE WITH THE FUCKING CARETAKERS!"

With relieved groans, the vampires wiped away their sweat and filed out of the gymnasium, taking the vampire who had been sitting on the benches with them. As soon as they were all out of earshot, Gunnar chuckled and shook his head at them. "Not even in my training yet and you've already made a bunch of friends! They'll all be drinking to you for getting them home early today," he commented then looked back at Jean with a softer expression. "I know what you're saying, I do," he said calmly and gestured towards the benches before walking over himself to take a seat. Hannes walked over as well and sat down nearby.

"I don't yell and scream because I hate my men or wish ill on them. Far from it. I do it because I care. I know how dangerous it is out there. Sure, we have the German authorities looking out for us now but it wasn't always like that and our foes could be absolutely ruthless! And just because we have people looking out for us now, it doesn't mean they always will be or that they'll be available when the shit hits the fan. Then who will we have?" Gunnar shook his head. "We should be ready for anything. We cannot just blindly trust that others will protect us."

"Off-topic, Gunnar," Hannes commented.

"Ay, you're right." Gunnar nodded and looked back at Jean. "You're right. We should always seek to achieve a peaceful resolution, wherever possible." he nodded with a serious expression. "But sometimes, that's not possible. And it's those times that I train my men for. Do you understand? There are times when you must abandon hope of peace and simply strive to ensure that yourself and your family survive whatever horrors that the enemy might wish to inflict. Those times are the hardest, most brutal times that you will ever have to face. I sincerely hope that you never have to make such an awful decision and that my training does go to waste...but in case you do, wouldn't you rather have the strength to do what is necessary? For the sake of protecting the frail and the innocent?"


"Then let's go." Oscar smiled and took Leo's hand. A moment later, they were standing in what looked like an old bar in the middle of Hell. It was filled with cigarette smoke and the heavy smell of Demon's Brew. "What the-? Is it bad that I was expecting him to be in the library again?" Oscar questioned as they walked through. The smoke in the air stung his eyes as he tried to see through it while looking for David. "What would he be doing here?"

"You boys want a 'brew'?" The bartender asked while cleaning one of the glasses.

"We're looking for someone actually. David Sedley?"

"Over there. He's been making all of my regulars feel uneasy with that angelic dagger but so far he's just been staring at it while drinking...I've never seen him like this."

The hairs on the back of Oscar's neck stood on end. "Come again? We're talking about the same guy, right? Smart suit. English. Always speaks in a proper way and always in the library?"

"Sweety, every demon who was ever unfortunate enough to work for Lucifer directly knows who David Sedley is. He's over in that corner. Hasn't said anything to anyone since coming in. Just took one of my bottles over to that table and stayed there with that dagger..."

"Uh...thanks?" Oscar looked over and through the heavy smoke, he could just about make out David's shape sitting in a circular booth. A silver-white blade resting on the circular table in front of him. He looked tired. His hair was a mess. His suit was askew and the first few buttons of his shirt were undone. The bottle in front of him, also on the table, was already half empty.

Oscar grew nervous and looked at Leo. "He looks rough...What do we do?"


Rickster nodded and hurried out of the room. Theo lifted his eyes to the back of Vincent's head, then to Elliot. "You seem to have things under control here... I should go... Just remember to make sure he's secure for his first moon. It'll get easier from there... " he moved to the doorway and paused with his hand on the frame. "For what it's worth, Vincent... I'm sorry for hurting you all those times... I didn't deserve you. You have a great family here. A man who loves you. A beautiful daughter. I'm happy for you... I really am. If you ever need my help again, you can come to me any time... but honestly? I think it'd be for the best if I stayed away from now on... Take care of yourself and never take what you have here for granted." Theo hesitated then forced himself to leave.

Rickster almost ran into him on his way back up the stairs and he paused, holding packs of meat in his hands as he stared after Theo. "Wait, you're leaving?" he asked but Theo ignored him, whipped the blanket off his waist and onto the couch before walking out of the front door.

Rickster shrugged to himself then ran the rest of the way to the room where he stood by with the packs of meat. "Ok, I didn't know what he'd be craving so I got one of everything you had," he said nervously while watching Elliot.

Once outside, Theo took in a deep breath. He walked over to the bushes and hid behind them while he shifted back into his wolf form. A few minutes later, he darted out and ran down the street.


Amelia smiled at Neva and placed an arm around her as Neva wiped away some of her tears and smiled at Oliver. "Hello, O-Oliver." she sniffled. "Remember me?"

Oliver looked at Neva, then Amelia, then Charles, then back to Neva. His eyes were wide and full of wonder and although his eyesight hadn't developed enough to see their faces fully from where they were, he recognised their voices and was just happy to be surrounded by friendly voices that he knew.

He giggled then his expression shifted to amazement at the sound of his own voice. He made another noise, then another. Then he made a noise as loud as he could before giggling to himself. He did it again and then giggled again while kicking his legs happily and getting used to how his own voice sounded. "What are those noises you're making, Mr?" Amelia asked playfully, grinning in amusement.


Denix Vames - November 14, 2021

Ben's eyes widened. "Oh my god! They violated you..." He shook his head in disbelief. "I'm so sorry. No one deserves that."


Gary let out a happy dog sound from his smile. He blushed. "Uh....! Didn't know I could do that."


Travis's eyes widened at the sight of Phineas too. Not knowing what to do but look.

Phineas let Harris go but only to jab his weapon at his direction. He missed as Kodi dodged. He continued attempting to harm him until he finally whacked him on the side of his head. An officer suddenly tasered him. He cried out. Dropping the iron rod. His screams were as though he had been stabbed by a thousand knives. He collapsed. Passing out where he had fallen.

Harris crawled over to him. He placed a hand on his head. "I'm sorry that I did this to you. I have to undo this somehow."


Elimar bit his lip. "If this is what you want to do then I won't stop you. All I can ask is that you be careful." He kissed her hands. "We can take to one of the guards now about this."

"No!" Jean stood from where he sat. "I don't believe that! I'll become strong but I won't lose the idea that peace can be used. You'll see it. The world becoming a better place. It will happen."

The red crystal suddenly glowed for a moment. He gasped at the sight of it. "What was that? It's never done that before."


"I'm not sure." Leo walked over. "David? What happened? Why are you...here? This isn't like you."


Vincent nodded. "That's alright. I'm glad you were prepared." Elliot saw one of the meats being steak and grabbed it. He ripped the plastic off and began munching on the steak.

Greg had been walking down the streets. Heading for home when he saw Theo. Though he could read his mind, he didn't want to frighten him with that knowledge. Instead he said, "Oh hello there!" He smiled. Kneeling down to his level. "What's a big guy like you doing here? Don't you have a home?"


"I think Oliver is starting to realize that he can speak too." ,said Charles who smiled. He began tickling his stomach. "Isn't that right little one?"


shadowess - November 15, 2021

Surprised that Ben had managed to guess what had happened to him, Niko looked at him then quickly looked away, ashamed. He couldn't even bring himself to look at Jessica now who had gasped at the revelation and covered her mouth with her hands. He could feel her staring at him and knew she'd be looking at him with pity. He shivered, then tears fell and he leaned forward to sob into his hands. "No! I deserved it for what I'd done! I have failed you! I was supposed to be able to protect you! I made an oath to you! But how can I do that if I couldn't even protect myself?!"


Hearing the noise, Alex blinked at Gary in surprise then grinned. "Oh, wow!" he giggled. "That was actually kind of adorable. I wonder what else you can do."


Kodi did his best to dodge Phineas's attacks but when the rod struck the side of his head, he fell to his knees and sucked air sharply through his teeth. He gripped the side of his head. Tears stung his eyes from the pain as he looked around and watched Phineas being hit with a taser. He then watched as Harris moved over to him. "This was you?" he asked. "What did you do to him? Who is he?"


"Of course," Racheal said softly, then blinked when he suggested that they speak to the guards now. "Oh, no. That's ok." she chuckled. "We've had such an amazing night together. I'd rather just go home for now and relax with you. I could always talk to them tomorrow."

Gunnar watched Jean calmly when he stood and refused to listen to him. He glanced at the crystal momentarily then back to Jean. He was fascinated by the Blood God's gift, of course. But right now, he needed Jean to see sense if he really wanted to become a warrior. He sat back and leant against the raised benches behind him while staring at Jean. "I knew a lad like you once," he said somberly. "Head in the clouds. Refused to believe that some people are just plain evil. Wanted to save everybody."

"Gunnar," Hannes said in a warning tone and Gunnar lifted his hand to him dismissively.

"No, he needs to hear this. If he really wants to be a Blood God, then he needs to know what kinds of dangers are out there." Gunnar said darkly. "Lad was born in this castle. Dreamed of living in the outside world with the humans. Wanted desperately to help the hunters see that we're not the monsters that they think we are. One day, he walked out of the castle. Unarmed. Determined he would convince the Steinheils that we could achieve peace. We all warned him. Told him he'd die if he went after them. He didn't want to listen..." Gunnar paused then got to his feet and stood in front of Jean. Staring at him with an intensity that would make the toughest warriors tremble.

"Do you have any idea what those monsters did to him?" he asked quietly. "He had no weapons. Nothing with him but his words and a promise that he wouldn't harm any of them. And what do they do? They beat him senseless. For days. They took fingers and toes from him. Chunks of flesh too, to feed to their dogs. They tore out his eyes and destroyed them. Tore out his tongue too, when they got sick of hearing him forgive them over and over. Finally, when we'd given up hope of ever seeing him again, they walked him up to the front of the castle in chains. They wanted us to see what they could do. To make an example out of him. They forced him to his knees. Poured oil over him...then struck a match."

Gunnar turned back to the benches then sat down and looked back up at Jean. "We gave them hell after that. That fight right outside this castle lasted at least a week following his death... Then things went back to their usual routine... they hunted us... we took any of them out that wandered too close... that was normality back then... but that was at least a couple of hundred years ago... But I can still hear his voice and see his face when I close my eyes... as clearly as if it happened yesterday." Gunnar lowered his eyes to the floor. "He was my son." he lifted his eyes back to Jean with a determined look. "I will not fail any of my men like I failed him. Do you understand? I'm NOT saying that they're all evil. I think, especially since Racheal's arrival, we all know now that some Steinheils can be saved... but those humans who took my son? The ones who hurt him and murdered him?" he shook his head. "Pure. Evil."

Hannes had looked away from them while Gunnar had been talking. He was quiet. Brooding. He knew the story but it had been before his time so he hadn't known just how terrible it had been or that the vampire in question had been related to Gunnar. Gunnar sighed and stood again, placing his hand on Jean's shoulder. "I'm sorry if I frightened you, lad. But if you want to become strong, you have to accept that sometimes... sometimes, you have to make the hardest decisions... not just that, you have to live with those decisions too. BUT-!" he held up a finger and gave Jean a sideways look with a small smile. "Never give up on the idea of peace either. Some people CAN be saved. It's all about learning the difference. Knowing who is genuine... and who will be trying to use your own empathy against you. It's about balance. The greatest soldiers, the ones who would make history, are the ones who can achieve that balance."


Oscar followed him and watched David nervously. David didn't look up when he heard Leo's voice, but he scoffed drunkenly at his words. "Isn't like me..." he muttered sourly. "If you think I'm just the Demon who knows a lot and lives in a library then I'm afraid you've only begun to scratch the surface on who I really am..." he didn't take his eyes away from the blade.

"I went to war... twice. Once on Earth. Then again in Hell. I rammed a bayonet into a German soldier in France with so much force that I snapped his spine like a twig. I knew immediately what had happened. I could feel his body weight on my gun...ripping him open more as gravity dragged him down the blade..." He picked up the bottle and took a long swig before lowering it and staring at the dagger again. "Before he could fall off I pulled the trigger and watched his insides paint the ground behind him," he said hollowly. "No idea who he was. God knows I didn't feel a damn thing for him. Pushed him off my gun and pressed onwards. Shot the next man in the head. Then onwards across the sand..." he took another swig.


Rickster jumped a little when Elliot grabbed the steak and he watched, cringing a little, as he devoured it. "Uh... so, what's the plan?" he asked nervously, unable to take his eyes off Elliot. "About Neva, I mean. I have no idea what that sick bastard has even planned. I just know it'll be on her birthday."

Theo froze when Greg spoke to him and wondered if he'd lost his mind. After all, for all Theo knew, Greg was just a random human who was walking right up to a wild wolf and talking to it like a pet. Maybe he needed reminding that wolves could be dangerous? He backed away a bit and growled at Greg to warn him away. Thankfully, Theo wasn't an ordinary wolf or Greg might've been mauled horribly already. In Theo's mind, he was doing Greg a service by preventing this human from getting too close to wild animals in the future.


Oliver laughed happily and kicked his feet more when Charles tickled him. "Uh oh! I guess we'll have a chatterbox on our hands in no time!" Amelia joked. Neva couldn't help but smile as well as she watched Oliver and found his laughter to be infectious.

"It sounds like he's trying to sing!" she giggled.


Denix Vames - November 15, 2021

Ben gripped his shoulder. "Niko! Look at me! No one deserves that! No matter what they've done! Everybody should have a second chance. What they did to you was unforgivable."


Gary rolled his eyes. "Oh god. Please don't tell me you're going to scratch the back of my ears now?" He smiled.


"His name is Phineas Gage. The man who had an iron rod shot through his head and survived. Back then, I saw him as a perfect servant for myself. Just to do my bidding. I made him kill countless people." Tears fell onto Phineas's suit as Harris loomed over him. "I'm a monster for what I've done. When I take him out of this spell, he'll try to kill him. I wouldn't be mad. I'll let him do it. I know I deserve it."


"Alright then. I am getting tired myself." said Elimar. Once at home, he sat on the chair. Sighing with relief from being off his feet.

Jean covered as he heard his story. Tears rolled down his cheeks. He was shaking. He suddenly hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry. I promise that I'll train as hard as I can. I'll do it for your son. For the love that you two had for one another."


Leo sat next to him. "I did some things too. Killing many of people like you. People like who I use to be. I lost myself because of that. But I only realized that I could make up for the terrible things that I did by helping people. Our friends taught us that. You taught everyone this. If it wasn't for you, none of us would have been a family." He looked at him. "David, you've done so much for this world and its people. You shouldn't continue to hate yourself for what you did before. Like you said, it's all about forgiving ourselves and helping others. So let us help you."


"I'm not sure but we have to move. I don't really know where though. I heard Europe is accepting of all supernatural creatures. We should find a place there that we can live in. Maybe you could help us find an affordable house or apartment?" ,asked Vincent.

"It's ok. I know who you are. You see I can read minds but don't be alarmed. I only want to help you. My name is Greg. I understand that your name is Theo. I see that you have no home and....Well, I know this is sudden but I was wondering if you wanted to come home with me?"


Charles stopped tickling him. "I wonder what he'll sing about when he gets older. I use to sing about many things with my previous family. Would you like to hear a song, Oliver?"

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shadowess - November 18, 2021

(Hey, just a heads up. I'm working on my post whenever I get spare time. It's taking a little longer because David is basically telling his life story lol)


Denix Vames - November 18, 2021

(oh i understand. thats ok. it's nice to know that you take the time to make this story interesting. i love reading your messages. its like we're sort of short long story together)


shadowess - November 21, 2021

Though Ben meant well, his words only made Niko feel far worse. "Meine Gott! You're right!" he despaired. "I was a fool to think I could be forgiven!"

Niko, what are you talking abou-?" Jessica started, taking a step towards them.

"I don't deserve your kindness!" Niko cut her off and stood quickly, weeping. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm a monster! I deserve pain! I deserve death! I should have stayed in their prison!" he ran to the door and swung it open. The sun hadn't quite risen yet but by the beads of sweat already forming on Niko's face, it wouldn't be long now. He moved to run out into the open but was pulled back inside by Jessica who quickly slammed the door shut. "Niko, stop!" she gasped, trying to hold onto him but he writhed wildly in her grip.

"DON'T TOUCH ME, LEIBCHEN! I'M NOT SAFE!" He screamed, managing to wriggle from her grasp and bolt into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Jessica looked at Ben, feeling lost as the sounds of Niko's pained sobs came through the door. "Niko?" she called through but Niko didn't answer. Her heart was pounding and her mind was racing. What had he meant? Jessica had an idea of what Niko might've done but a part of her didn't want to believe it.


"No," Alex replied, coyly. He gave him a playful smirk. "But if you're good, I might rub your 'belly' later." he chuckled.


Kodi knelt by Harris and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I won't allow that. You must remove this spell for the sake of his freedom but anyone who can learn from their mistakes is worth saving. No matter what they've done."

Malone looked at Travis. "We should go. I've got a feeling it won't be too safe in here once he wakes up."


Racheal smiled at the way Elimar had sat down and she moved over to the vanity table on the other side of the room. She sat in front of the mirror and giggled at the sand in her white hair. "It was fun to go out and see the town tonight," she said as she started to run the brush through her hair to get the sand out and untangle it. "Maybe we could go again soon? I'd like to visit the beach again." She carefully placed the brush down and turned on the stool to look at Elimar. "You said you've lived here all your life. Does that mean you have family here?" she asked curiously.


Gunnar was taken aback by the hug and he froze, looking down at Jean in surprise. "Uh..." he chuckled nervously. "I uh...I appreciate that, lad," he said softly.

Hannes beamed at them, his heart warmed by Jean's caring nature. Gunnar faked a cough into his fist then gently pushed Jean back to hold him at arm's length before letting him go. He nodded at him with a smile. "Now enough of that, you hear me? I don't want the other lads to think I've gone soft or have any favourites. You start your training tomorrow evening. Five o'clock sharp. Anyone running late is made to scrub the stone floors in the hallways for the first hour with a brush and bucket of water. Prepare yourself, Jean, because I will not be going easy on you. Do you understand?"


David didn't seem to hear Leo as he continued to stare at the blade. "It's no wonder he wanted me to sign his damn contract... I was a ruthless soldier. The moment I stepped foot into battle, my emotions vanished." he took another swig from the bottle. "I didn't have the heart to tell Jayla that I'd sold my soul... and then she was gone. The only woman I'd ever felt a connection to and I was too much of a coward to confide in her. Some brave soldier I was... but at least I had Sara, right? The only thing I had left of Jayla. Our beautiful baby girl." David chuckled, not taking his eyes away from the blade. "Oh, but she was more like me than her mother! As soon as puberty hit, she became such a rebel! Always arguing with me. Challenging me... what I wouldn't give to hear her yelling at me now."

David suddenly sniffled then lifted his hand to his face, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I'll never forget the day I lost her respect for good. The day he came to visit. To remind me of my obligations to him. She fought so hard to keep her freedom but I was so scared that he'd hurt her if she continued to defy him, so I sided with him. I had never felt so powerless. And the way she looked at me when he told her that my contract also bound her and any children she'd have to him... She hated me after that. My heart broke when she disowned me and left. He saw how depressed I had become and asked if I was ready to leave my life behind and join his army...then he broke my neck and my new life began. Before I knew it, I was killing Angels and following his every order without question..."

David drank some more. By this point, there was barely any liquid left in the bottle. "I'd earned a name for myself here as Lucifer's loyal soldier. Especially after I'd revealed Donnie's plans. My loyalty to Lucifer was solidified. I did everything that I could to try to forget that I still had family back on Earth and that I'd betrayed them. This was my life now... and nothing else mattered. Until Sara landed in Hell. Then everything I'd left behind... the man I used to be... it all came flooding back... and I found myself spiralling. Questioning who I was and who I had become. Things got worse when Sara's daughter died too. Jessica... my granddaughter whom I'd never met... The woman Damien had named his daughter after. Jessica was a pure soul, through and through. Her death and denied access to Heaven broke her completely. The first chance she got, when she managed to slip away from everyone, she threw herself into the lava and destroyed her own soul. Damien had managed to reach her in time to see it happen, but he hadn't been fast enough to stop her. He told me that some of her final words were along the lines of 'I'd rather not exist at all than contribute to Lucifer's war.'"

David drank the last of the bottle and placed it onto the table, never taking his eyes away from the blade. "When Sara found out... well, it wasn't long before she followed her daughter into the fire. I suppose in her mind, she was finally getting one over on Lucifer." Finally shifting his gaze from the blade, David looked over at the barman. "Another bottle!" he demanded.

"I think you may have had enough." the barman replied, looking between David and his knife warily.

David snatched up the knife and glared hard at the barman who quickly relented and opened up another bottle. He hurried over to the table, staying at a safe distance while placing the bottle onto the table before shuffling back to the bar.

Oscar watched David snatch up the bottle and slam the knife back onto the table before taking another long sip. "David..." he tried while watching him cautiously. "Why do you have an Angelic knife?"

David lowered the bottle slowly. His eyes landed on the blade again as he swallowed the liquid. "I thought-...after all the shit I've been through... things were finally starting to turn around. Lucifer disappeared. I found Amelia. Sure, I lost some close friends along the way but ultimately it lead to achieving something we all thought was impossible... Peace. And then I met her..." David half laughed. "I never thought I'd ever feel that kind of love again... But just like Jayla... like Sara... Jessica... and even Carol... I couldn't protect her!" David shook, seething as he glared at the dagger. "What kind of soldier am I?! I know how to fight. I know how to kill. But protect people?! I'm a failure!" He snatched up the dagger again and looked over its sharp edge with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "I'll kill him for this," he growled. "I'll destroy him and flush his fucking ashes down a toilet! He doesn't deserve forgiveness! Why waste my time trying?! He'll never change!"


"I-... I guess... " Rickster nodded. "I'll talk to Ricky and see if he doesn't mind using some of our funds to help you move as quickly as possible. With her birthday so close, ideally, you'd have to leave tomorrow. And a big move like that can't be cheap. Europe is pretty big... Do you know anyone who lives in Europe? It might make things easier when it comes to narrowing down possible places to move to and also make things easier for Neva to handle if you're moving close to someone she knows?"


Theo listened to Greg and stopped growling out of surprise. He curiously tilted his head a little to one side. Without any warning, he transformed in front of Greg, back into his human form. He remained on all fours for a moment while he caught his breath before standing tall, unbothered that he was completely nude in front of this stranger. "Do you make a habit of inviting vagabond's into your home, Greg?" he asked seriously and stared at him intensely for a moment before smirking to let Greg know he was messing with him. "After all, I'm a wanted murderer. I'm dangerous. Unpredictable, even if you are a mind reader." He took a step towards him in a cocky manner. "I could be trouble."


Oliver didn't understand the question yet, but he felt soothed by the familiar sound of his father's voice as he glanced upwards in an effort to try and see him.

"Were they all French songs?" Neva asked curiously, noting Charles's accent.

Amelia sat back, with her back resting against the couch as she looked up at Charles lovingly. She hadn't heard him sing yet and right now she adored how nurturing he was being with their son. She felt a swell of admiration and pride as she watched him interacting with Oliver and Neva.


Donnie paced the cell, frustrated and angry at having been trapped and left to rot. Part of him blamed Insanity for his capture, so he refused to look at him as he paced around. "Of all the cheap tricks..." he muttered angrily. Every so often, he glanced at the lock in the cell door. He had an idea as to how he could free the both of them, but it wouldn't be pretty. He was trying to think of other ways of freeing them before resorting to that option.

(You have no idea how many times I deleted and re-wrote David's monologue... lol every time I thought I was done, I'd proofread it and be like "...actually, this doesn't sound right, I'ma change it real quick..." xD Anyways, sorry it's late )


Denix Vames - November 21, 2021

Ben lowered his head. "He's ashamed of himself for what he did to his ex lover, Rachael. He would beat and rape her. He got punished for it but I guess he still hasn't forgiven himself. I'm not sure what I could possibly say to him."


Gary raised a brow. "You do that and I'll tickle you."


Harris nodded. He placed a hand on Phineas's head. Releasing the spell from him. Phineas slowly opened his eyes. With the help of the iron rod, he stood. Rubbing his head gently. "What happened? Where am I? Who are you all?" He saw Harris who he glare at. "You!" He jabbed his weapon at him. Harris stood there. Waiting for his fate to be sealed.

However, the iron rod was kicked out of his grip by Kodi. Phineas shoved Kodi against the wall. "Do you work for him too?! Do you know what he's done?" "I'm sorry..." said Harris. Phineas turned around. "What?" "I'm sorry for what I did to you." He grit his teeth. Stomping over there. "You're not sorry! You never were!" He punched him. Harris clutched his cheek.

Travis nodded. He followed Malone to the sketch room.


"Actually, I was found in the forest. It seemed like someone had killed my family or my family had to leave for some reason. No one really knows." Elimar frowned. "I wish I knew."


Jean smiled. "Yes sir."


Leo slammed his fists on the table. "NO!" He stood. "I won't let you give up on yourself! If you kill him then you lose. I'll make sure nothing happens to him. I'm going to protect him from you." His wings sprouted.


"Last I heard, Gary and Alex found a house for themselves to live in. I could call them and ask if they'd be willing to have us for a bit." He pulled out his phone. Ringing up his friends.


Greg nervously scratched the back of his head. He blushed from looking at him. "Well I um....Uh...." He swallowed. Unable to contain his shyness from him. "I'm sorry. You're uh naked. Do you want some clothes? I don't mind bringing you home. I know who you are and I think you're a hot- Nice! I mean nice person!" He cleared his throat.


"Yes but I'm sure you'll like them either way." Charles began to sing softly about Queen Victoria.


Insanity was attempting to break the bars as he screamed out of anger. Running around and trying to bite the bars off.

(thats alright. im just glad i got your message)


Denix Vames - November 21, 2021

(forgot about this)

Gary answered the phone. "Hello? Really? Yeah sure. That wouldn't be a problem. Bye." He hung up. "Vincent said he and his family need a place to stay in europe because of an emergency. You don't mind if they stay in our place, do you?"


Denix Vames - November 29, 2021

(hey are you ok? had a bad dream about you. its hard to remember but i think you were missing. i hope what im saying doesn't freak you out. just worried)


shadowess - November 29, 2021

(Hey, yeah I'm alright Sorry to keep you waiting. Had a hell of a busy week. One of those when by the time you sit down at home you pass out from exhaustion lol Then when you wake up it's already the next day and time to do it all over again. I managed to type up some of my reply here and there whenever I got the chance but concentrating got a little difficult. I've only got Niko, Alex and Kodi to finish up. I'll try and get those done after work today.)


Denix Vames - November 29, 2021

(its cool. im just glad to hear from ya)


shadowess - November 29, 2021

Jessica was shocked to hear Ben's explanation. She wondered if Ben had developed telepathy when he'd changed. She looked towards the bathroom door, still able to hear Niko's sobs inside. Cautiously, she stepped towards the door and knocked on it softly. "Niko? Niko, please listen to me. You're not a bad person. Whatever you did before, that's not you now." No answer, more sobs. "Niko, please open the door."

Niko didn't answer but Jessica caught the faint sound of movement within. "Niko?"

Alarm spread across Jessica's expression when she heard the sound of glass breaking. "Niko?!" She pulled on the door, using all of her new strength to yank the door off its hinges. Inside, she saw that the mirror above the sink had been smashed and Niko was holding a large shard of glass over his chest, ignoring his bleeding hands. His face was wet with tears and he looked at Jessica in absolute despair.

"I won't fail you!" he cried. "I swore to protect you! Even if it's from myself..."

"Please don't! You don't need to do this!" Jessica cried.


Alex had chuckled at Gary's first comment then watched him as he answered the phone. When Gary explained what the call had been about, he raised a brow. "Of course not. Are they alright? Did they say what the emergency was?" he asked worriedly.


"Enough!" Kodi stood between Phineas and Harris. "Look, I get it. You're pissed about what he did to you. You're entitled to feel angry but violence is not the answer! And Harris isn't lying. He's on the path to becoming a better person. If he was really still a bad person, would he have bothered releasing you? Huh? Think about it." Kodi said in an assertive tone. "Everyone deserves a second chance if they're willing to change and I honestly believe Harris is capable of becoming a good person. He just needs a chance."


"Oh, I'm sorry," Racheal said softly, regretting asking her question and potentially upsetting Elimar.


"Well, get going then!" Gunnar beamed then turned to Hannes and waved at him. "Oh, and any news on those Guard positions yet?" he asked, referring to who would be replacing Janik and Natali.

Hannes shook his head. "Haven't had much chance to organise the votes yet. Who knows, maybe you'll be voted for this time?"

Gunnar let out a hearty laugh. "That'll be the day! Now go on! Get some rest, Jean! You're going to need it!"


David glared at Leo and stood slowly from the table while picking up the knife. His other hand gripping the neck of the bottle. Oscar stood as well, watching the two warily. "David, you're drunk. Don't do anything stupid," he warned him.

"Don't try to stop me!" David growled angrily, slurring his words as his anger and drunkenness cut through his previous calm demeanour. He took a step towards Leo but he hadn't stood up once since he'd started drinking so had no idea just how unstable he was until he tried to put his weight on his legs. He stumbled, falling forward clumsily and dropped both the knife and the bottle. Oscar caught David before he could fall. The knife landed on the ground with a clatter and the bottle smashed upon impact with the floor, leaving a large puddle of Demon's Brew beneath them.

Almost immediately, David began sobbing and clinging to Oscar with his eyes shut tightly. "She left me!" he wept. "She said she can't look at me anymore without remembering him and what he did! She turned herself in to the asylum because she's worried she's a danger to herself now! I failed her! I couldn't protect the woman I love! Now I've lost her! Just like I lost Jayla!" Oscar's eyes widened. He realised that David's motivation for killing Donnie wasn't just fueled by vengeance. David was also dealing with a broken heart. Maybe even an overwhelming feeling of helplessness. He looked at Leo worried, unsure of what to do or say.


"What did they say?" Rickster asked, watching Vincent anxiously.


Theo smirked, amused by Greg's bashfulness. "I'm used to being naked. This feels natural to me." he shrugged. "It doesn't bother you, does it?" he asked as he stepped a little closer. Close enough for Greg to be able to hear him whisper to him. "Oh, I'm not nice. In fact, I can be very...rough," he said while keeping eye contact with him and continuing to smirk.


Oliver's giggles and noises quietened to soft coos as Charles began to sing. He looked upwards towards his father in fascination at the shift in his voice. Neva quietly watched Charles as well, listening to the soothing melody. She began to feel more relaxed and within seconds, she'd transformed into a kitten. Padding over to Oliver, who was now fascinated by the furry creature next to him, she began to purr and snuggle herself up beside him. Oliver gasped and looked towards Amelia and Charles with delighted surprise before looking back at Neva and giggling quietly. It wasn't long before Oliver's eyelids grew heavy. Relaxed from Charles's song and Neva's purrs. He drifted off to sleep with Neva, her head resting on his belly.

"Just in time for nap time," Amelia whispered with a smile as she carefully lifted Oliver into her arms, making sure to keep Neva resting on his torso. She carried them both to Oliver's room and lay him down in the middle of the crip, on his back. She set Neva next to him and lay a thin blanket over his legs and belly, being careful to only partially cover Neva. When done, she silently left the room and very carefully closed the door. She then turned on the baby monitor in the room before walking over to Charles to hug him. "You're a wonderful father," she said softly, looking at him in admiration.


Donnie's eyes darted to Insanity in irritation when he screamed. "Go ahead. Break your fucking teeth," he said sarcastically. "What's your name again? Insanity or STUPIDITY?!" he snapped angrily before beginning to pace the cell again. "It's your fault we're in here! No...No, that's not fair..." he then muttered and slowed his steps, looking at the ground with his back to Insanity. "Part of it is my fault... I forgot my training. 'Trust no one.' I should never have trusted you..."

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Denix Vames - November 29, 2021

Ben ran over. He grabbed the glass shard. "Stop!" A force field was put over Niko. Keeping him afloat in place and away from the glass shards. Ben's eyes widened. "What the hell?" He looked around. Realizing that he was stuck in the bubble too.


"Well, apparently Donnie has a surprise for Neva. They don't know what it is so they've decided to move out of the country." Gary spoke into the phone after calling again, "You can stay with us. Yes it's alright. Goodbye." He hung up.


Phineas glared at him. He opened his mouth to say something but heard, "Phineas?" He turned to Autumn who was standing there. Watching the whole situation unfold. She walked towards him. Surprised by his presence. He stood there. Letting her get closer out of curiosity.

She took out a plush of what looked to be Phineas himself holding an iron rod. It seemed to be handmade by her. A tear ran down his cheek. He let her hug him before placing his hand over the back of her head. They fell to their knees. He was crying. "I didn't think anyone saw me as a person."

She caressed his cheek. "But there's videos about you. Saying how those rumors were false. Why don't you know?" "Videos? What are videos?"


"No, it's alright. I know you were just asking. I have nothing against that. I only wish to know who my family was." ,said Elimar.


Jean nodded with a smile. "Of course sir." He placed the crystal in his pocket before holding Hannes's hand. Walking with him.


"Is she still alive? Maybe we could talk her? All three of us." ,said Leo.


Vincent smiled. He nodded. "They said yes!"


Greg swallowed as he looked at him. "I um....You can stay at my place if you want. Did I already say that? Crap! I think I did. Well anyways, I don't mind some roughness. That's cool." He did his best to keep looking at his face and not what was downstairs.


Charles smiled. "I'd say you're a great mother. If it hadn't been for you, I would have never had a chance to have a family again." He kissed him.


"Are you kidding me?!" Insanity slammed him against the bars. Keeping his knife close to his neck. "I sacrifice myself for you! I became your eager eccentric sex boyfriend! And this is how you repay me?! It's not my fault that there were more opponents than I could handle!" He grit his teeth. "You know what?! I don't even want you here! You can leave!" He sliced his throat wide. Nearly severing his head.

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Shadowess - December 2, 2021

(Half of it's written lol working on the rest after work)


Denix Vames - December 2, 2021

(thats ok. thanks for updating me)


shadowess - December 2, 2021

(Eh, my buses were running late anyway. Got it finished while I was waiting lol)

Niko looked around them in shock then. He looked at the bubble, then at Ben, then Jessica. Then he curled up and began sobbing into his knees while he floated. "I'm pathetic! I ruined everything!"

Jessica stepped forwards and placed a hand on the bubble, looking in at them. "Niko, stop it!" she said firmly but gently. "You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. What's done is done. You can't take it back but you can do better." she tilted her head while looking at him. "Is this why you were so desperate to look after me? As a way of making up for what you did?" she shook her head.

"Niko, you've already made me strong enough to defend myself. That's something I've never had before. I also have Ben to look out for me. I've honestly never felt safer and that's thanks, in part, to you. By coming into our lives, you've made us both strong enough to look after each other and ourselves. We don't need defending. Maybe the reason you still feel so guilty is that it's not us you should be focussing on? Niko, have you tried apologising to the person you hurt?"

Niko paused in his sobs and looked up at Jessica, still breathing heavily. "But I c-can't! I'm d-dishonoured! I cannot r-return!"

"Bullshit. That's an excuse so you can keep putting it off." Jessica said in the same firm but gentle voice. "And you know it. Niko, I promise, you won't feel better until you can apologise to the person that you hurt."


Alex was a little confused by the explanation. Having been away from everything, they'd been blissfully unaware of Donnie and his plots. "Who the hell is Donnie?" he asked. "I'm guessing if they're moving here then whatever this surprise it can't be good... wait... that would mean he'd be trying to hurt Neva. That sweet little girl?" He shook his head and glanced away, frustrated. "If only I still had my powers... I'd kick seven shades of shit out of that guy!" he said to Greg quietly.


Kodi watched this unfold and felt sympathy for Phineas. He wondered what it must've been like for him to think that way for so long. "We can show you," he said to him gently. "I was about to take Harris here to my home to help him become a better person. Why don't you come with us? I can look up some of those videos on my computer when we get there."


"Maybe we'll find out someday?" Racheal suggested optimistically. She stood and tried to untie her dress from the back but struggled a little to reach. "Oh...how was this easier to put on than to take off?" she chuckled then looked over at Elimar, feeling her cheeks turn a little pink. "I don't suppose you'd mind helping me to unfasten the back?" she asked.


Hannes took Jean's hand and they headed back to their home. "So, what do you think? I know he's a bit on the...um...what is the word..." Hannes looked away, a little frustrated with himself for a moment. "Hard side?" he questioned, wondering if it made sense to Jean. "But if you listen to him, he will make you strong. He trained me, you know."


In his drunken haze, David became confused over which woman Leo was referring to. He shook his head though, knowing it was useless either way. "Jayla's dead but I don't want to face her... and Patience is in the mental hospital in Heaven, refusing to see me...for good reason..." he sobbed.

Oscar had an idea that might help all of them and looked over at Leo. "He clearly needs a break away from everything for a while and we're going to need another way to see your family. Maybe we could ask one of the Angels we know to help us? They could take David somewhere that he can relax for a bit while they try to talk Patience around to talking to him and also arrange for your family to visit Earth for a day." he said to him quietly.


Rickster smiled out of relief. "Alright. You guys will be safe. I'll stay here and keep an eye out for whatever Donnie had planned. From a distance of course. If I can stop whatever it is, then I will."


Still smirking, Theo maintained intense eye contact with Greg for a moment or two more before nodding and stepping to one side. "Well, lead the way then," he said as he began stretching a bit. "I'll have to change back into a wolf until we get there. Being wanted and all..." Theo then grinned at him playfully. "But maybe you could pretend I'm your pet? If anyone asks, you took me in and now I'm too 'domesticated' to return to the wild. Just don't put a collar on me." he chuckled.


Amelia kissed him back. Her heart was full of love. She pressed herself against him as they kissed and excitement shot through her. Because of the late stages of her pregnancy and having no time once Oliver arrived, they hadn't been intimate in a long time. She ran her hands over his chest while continuing to kiss him passionately, wanting to lose herself in this moment.


"Where the hell were you hiding that?!" Donnie growled at Insanity, taken aback by his rage and the appearance of the knife. Given Insanity's romantic history, he'd half expected him to grovel but this was...better? Strangely, Donnie found a thrill in seeing Insanity take control. Maybe he was suitable to be his King after all? He couldn't help smirking at him as he yelled at him, then a look of surprise spread across his face as the knife slid across his throat and he found himself choking on his own blood. The wound was so deep that he had to lean back and rest his head on the bars to remain standing while he gripped Insanity's arms tightly. The blood rushed out of him at such volume that he knew he wouldn't be able to remain on his feet for long.

Shakily, he lifted a hand to cup Insanity's cheek as a silent apology. He tried to say something but he simply ended up gargling blood. He knew he wouldn't leave this cell, even if he died from this. Just like when they'd melted, he'd remain conscious and helpless until the wound in his throat healed itself. Even death was no escape from these cells. But that didn't mean he hadn't already thought of a way out. Soon enough, he wouldn't be able to feel his limbs. Which, given Donnie's idea for escape, would be ideal. He lifted his hand and pointed at his fingers with his other hand before pointing towards the cell door. He mouthed the words 'Bones...pick...' hoping Insanity would put two and two together and pick the lock in their cell using the bones from his fingers. He may have to break a couple of them to make them slim enough, but it might work. It was better than the idea of being trapped forever.


Denix Vames - December 2, 2021

(cool lol)

"Actually, he's telling the truth. Apparently his home holds really old traditions. He was executed by their King which means he can't return. Like ever." ,said Ben.


Gary frowned. "I only wish. He sounded like an ass from Vincent's tone. But don't worry. I've got my own abilities now. And I'm sure Vincent can protect his family too." A tear fell. He caught his breath. "I almost forgot you were human. I'll have to see you....pass away someday."


Phineas and Autumn stood. "Computer?" He walked over. "I would like to know everything that happened." Autumn took his hand. Harris could see that Phineas had found a quick friend that he could trust.


"Of course." Elimar stood behind her. Helping her loosen the dress so that it may come easily off.


Jean smiled. "I can tell that he holds love in himself too. He's not hard about anything. It's only a shield. Eventually, he won't need it anymore. Neither will the Warriors."


"No! Sky and Ava are family but so is David and everyone else. I can't leave him like this. I want to help. We have to go see Patience together and talk to her." ,said Leo.


"Thank you. I'll start packing." Vincent took a luggage out of the closet before filling it with his and Elliot's recently bought clothes. Elliot was sleeping after having his big meal.


"Y-Yeah sure. That wouldn't be a problem." Greg led him to his house. He opened the door for him. Letting him walk in before locking the door behind himself. "Feel free to use my clothes. They're in my room." He guided him there. His style was more casual but professional too.


Charles's eyes widened but he soon joined in on the moment. They went to their own room.


Insanity cut one of his fingers off. He skinned it before sharpening the bone. He soon inserted it into the lock. After some wiggling in the keyhole, the cage was unlocked. He pushed the cell door.

Lifting Donnie out of the cage. He placed him on the ground before slicing the rest of his head off so that he could appear again. He stood and looked down in shame when he knew that Donnie stood there. "I'm sorry for earlier. I just needed some space from you and I thought you could be free. But like you said, I was being an idiot." He sighed. "I guess no matter what, I'll never take down those bastards or have your love." He shook his head. "I know you don't want me anymore. I can tell. Maybe I was always meant to be alone in my murder sprees."


shadowess - December 4, 2021

Jessica looked at Ben then back to Niko momentarily with a pained expression before her eyes hardened and she became resolute. "No," she said stubbornly. "To Hell with traditions! We owe it to him to at least try to get him a pardon so he can do what he needs to do! He needs this to heal and dammit I'm not going to just let him continue to suffer like this!"

Niko was quiet as he stared between them. He wanted to object because he didn't want to be a burden on either of them, but at the same time, he knew it was what he needed to do and not only that, being Blood God's themselves, they were already in a far better position to get his old family to listen than he ever could.


Alex raised an eyebrow at Gary, although he couldn't disguise the look of concern that crept across his features. "Wait, don't werewolves age at the same rate as humans?" he asked, confused and desperately hoping that Gary wouldn't wind up outliving him. He suddenly felt his mortality the way he used to when he first woke up in this new body and couldn't bear the thought of being so vulnerable. He felt light-headed and gripped Gary's jacket, leaning against him as he tried to hide his panic. "Oh shit... I don't want to die... I don't want to be this weak, defenceless human... I need some air..." he breathed quietly.


"We'll show you." Kodi nodded but looked at him with a serious expression. "But I gotta insist that you don't try to attack Harris again," he said before turning to Harris and offering him his hand. "C'mon. Let's head to my home now. I'll order us all some pizza when we get there."


Racheal held the front part of the dress to her chest to prevent it from falling off while Elimar loosened the back. Once her back and shoulders were bare, she turned to smile at him. "Thank you," she said softly then planted a small kiss on his cheek before heading behind the wooden partition where she could discretely change into a nightgown. When she stepped out, the blue silk nightdress she wore clung to her small frame.


"You're a sweet man, Meine geliebte." Hannes chuckled. "But don't let the other warriors hear you talking like that. Especially while you're new. Just remember, they might come across as mean but they are only joking. It's how they bond. So, if you give them fuel, they will use it."


"How?" Oscar asked gently. "I'm a Demon. He's a Demon. You're a Leviathan. We can't get into Heaven just like that, we need help from someone who can." he explained, unaware that David had already been granted access to Heaven. Despite this, as David had already mentioned, he'd already tried speaking to Patience himself. By this point, David had devolved into pitiful sobs. Being careful not to lose his grip on him, Oscar bent down to pick up the dagger. Not wanting to leave such a dangerous weapon just lying around in Hell. As soon as his fingers touched the metal though, he flinched and dropped it again while sucking air sharply through his teeth. He looked at his fingers and saw the fresh burn marks slowly starting to heal. "I forgot this metal burns us...wait, how the hell were you holding it?!" He asked David and lifted his left hand to inspect it, finding that the metal had in fact burned his hand as well. "Oh. Right. I guess the drink kinda numbed you to it, huh?"

David groaned, pulling his hand away drunkenly. "I don't feel good..." he slurred.

"Well, no. Most Demons can only handle a few glasses of that ale, never mind two bottles- Oh, come on!" Oscar then complained as David vomited over his shirt and pants. "Eww! It's so warm! Ugh! Dammit!" he cringed, scrunching up his nose and turning his head away so as not to look at it. "Let's take him to our house and get him and me cleaned up... We'll figure something out when he's sober!"

"Sorry..." David hiccupped.


Rickster nodded and turned to leave the room. "I guess I'll start my watch then. Take care," he said before heading out of the house. Once out, he took out his phone and called Ricky to tell him what had happened and what he planned to do to help.


Theo had padded alongside Greg until they reached his home. Once inside, he sniffed around briefly before following him to his bedroom. But his interest wasn't in Greg's clothes. He shifted back into his human form and after clicking his neck to loosen himself up a bit after changing so many times in one night, he turned to look at Greg. Smirking, he walked over to him confidently and rested his hand on the wall behind him, by his head. Leaning in close to him. "Let's stop playing around and just cut to the chase, shall we? Are you feeling what I'm feeling or are my senses way off?" he asked him, giving him the same intense stare.


Losing feeling in his limbs, Donnie had slid down the bars while watching Insanity. He hadn't flinched nor displayed pain in any way when his fingers were severed. He watched Insanity work, his eyes rolling back every now and then but unconsciousness would continue to elude him. That was until the door creaked open and he could finally 'die'. He awoke elsewhere in Hell and let out a brief, crazed laugh before teleporting to Insanity. He barely listened to Insanity's self-pity as he walked over to him purposefully while grinning. He took hold of his hips and shoved him against the wall, pressing himself against him. He kissed him suddenly, deeply and passionately before hovering his lips over his. "Never apologise. You have no idea how much your madness turns me on!" he breathed and began kissing his neck, hard. "I chose you for a reason. Never change. Promise me you'll never change!" he said breathlessly as he pulled back to look at Insanity. "I want to make love to you, but not here. We need to find a place to lay low for a while. As soon as those morons discover our escape, they'll be on the hunt for us. We need to be cautious."


Denix Vames - December 4, 2021

"Then let's go." Ben helped Niko up as the shield disappeared. He made sure to hold his hand before holding Jessica's hand as well. He closed his eyes. Imagining himself standing in front of her. Suddenly, they were in Elimar's room where both Rachael and Elimar were. Elimar glared. He stood in front of her. "What are you doing here?! She's better off without you! You bastard! You hurt her and come back after being disgraced by the king?!"

His eyes widened. "More Blood Gods?" He kneeled. "This must be a good reason then for you to bring him here." Ben raised a brow. "Uh buddy. I'm not a Blood God." "Of course you are." "Nah man. I'm just half vampire and half demon. The Blood God name is just a name." "Names hold titles. And we honor yours." He sighed. "So much for convincing."


Gary caught him. "Hey, it's ok. You can turn into something supernatural too if you want. I'll respect that decision."


Phineas nodded. "Alright. I won't." Once they held hands, they appeared in Kodi's home. His eyes widened at what he saw. He reached over to touch the lightbulb near him. He felt such a burning pain which made him jump back. "Damn it!"

A man wearing a top hat and coat had appeared in the precinct. Snatching the iron rod that Phineas had unknowingly left. He disappeared in a flash but clumsily left his business card which held the address of his circus, 'PT Barnum's Revial.'


Jean frowned. "But how can I act like them? I've always tried to be nice. And now I have to joke like that? It sounds difficult."


Leo seemed determined. He picked up the angelic knife. "You take him home. I've got a plan." He disappeared. In Heaven, he was suddenly forced to lay on his stomach by the protection that surrounded this place. Gabriel walked over. "Let me guess. Drama with David and Patience?"

Leo tried to push the weight off. He glared. "Ugh!" Gabriel snapped his fingers. Leo let out a sight of relief. He coughed before catching his breath. "I'm here to return this and talk to her." He handed him the knife. "Alright. Follow me."

They were soon at the asylum.


Ricky said, "Do you need me to drive over there? I can do it right now. I won't let that Donnie bitch lay a finger on you."

Vincent soon finished packing their bags.


Greg swallowed nervously. His face was red. "U-Um....What feeling?" He awkwardly smiled. He really was attracted to him but wasn't the best at expressing it.


Insanity smiled wide. Relieved that Donnie still loved him. "Oh how tempting it would be to kidnap that man!" He had seen from his ability, Phineas Gage. Finding him attractive. "Oh well! Are there any secret rooms in Hell?"

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shadowess - December 6, 2021

Racheal had screamed when Niko appeared in the room with strangers and had darted behind Elimar for protection. She fearfully peered over his shoulder at them. Niko watched her with a guilty expression. He couldn't bring himself to look Elimar in the eyes. Jessica had shrugged at Ben's explanation and muttered to him discretely. "Devil's actually but close enough..." she then looked at the way Elimar was watching them and guessed by the way he spoke about them that his people held a lot of respect for their kind.

"We came to get Niko a Pardon. He wants to apologise to Racheal and come home. He's changed. I promise he's not the same vampire that was banished by your King. We can vouch for him. He saved my life and has gone out of his way to look out for us since he came into our lives." she said directly. "Who is your King? Could you arrange for us to speak to him? We'll do whatever it takes."

Racheal shivered but she stayed quiet as she hugged Elimar's back. She had experienced how manipulative Niko could be, so she wasn't quick to trust that he'd changed. Yet she remained silent. Terrified that anything she'd say might make Niko angry.


Alex looked up at Gary and caught his breath. He thought for a minute. "Really? You'd let me change?" he asked then contemplated his options. "Since I became human, I've longed to be at least a vampire again...but thinking about it...now, I'm not too sure," he said uncertainly. "I wasn't a good person when I changed and I don't want to risk that happening again." he brought his eyes up to look into Gary's. "Maybe...maybe it's fate that my dad came back? Maybe this could be my second chance to be a full-blooded Devil again. Uncorrupted...and really loved this time." he smiled at Gary, feeling his heart swell at the knowledge that he had Gary's support and love.


Kodi smiled. "Careful, they get hot after a while." he then paused. "Wait, weren't there light bulbs in your time?" he asked, looking over his old clothes and trying to guess the era he was from. He turned to his desk in the corner of the room and sat in front of the computer, powering it up. "Make yourselves at home. Harris, there's a spare bedroom upstairs. It's the first door on the right. You can sleep in there while you're staying here, ok?" he said without looking at them as he typed his password into the welcome screen.


Hannes gave Jean an understanding smile. "Meine Geliebte, you're worrying too much. Try to relax. You'll fit in with them, I just know it." he said gently as they reached their door and he unlocked it, letting Jean in ahead of himself. "You must try not to judge them before you get to know them. All I'm saying is, they might have a different sense of humour or way of showing comradery than what you are used to."


One of the angelic nurses paused in his tracks when Gabriel and Leo arrived. "Oh, an Arch Angel?" he muttered nervously, not sure about what to do or how to greet him. Awkwardly, he curtseyed to him then averted his gaze, his face turning a little red. "H-Hi- welcome! Arch Angel Gabriel. How can we help you today?" he asked then spotted Leo, knowing immediately that he wasn't an Angel. "Oh... Have we started the trial already? I didn't think that was going ahead for another few weeks..." he asked, confused.

The trial in question was in relation to Demons being allowed access into Heaven one day. With the peace treaty almost solidified and David's promising trial in regards to his own access to Heaven, the Arch Angels had been negotiating the potential for allowing more Demons into Heaven on a trial basis in the hopes that things could return to the way things had been before Lucifer had declared War. Though the original plan was to invite Hell's royal family up first.


"I'll be fine." Rickster let out a nervous chuckle. "I'll lay low and stick to the shadows. I'll stay in my dog form while I keep watch so I can't be identified..." He spotted a pink ribbon stuck on the branch of the tree in the yard across the street. It billowed a little and looked like it had gotten caught after being blown there in the wind. It caught his eye but it was something so small. Insignificant. He disregarded it immediately. "I promise, I won't do anything reckless." he continued to Ricky.


Caressing Greg's cheek, Theo brought his hand down to cup his chin. He brought his lips close to his and continued to stare directly into his eyes. "This feeling," he whispered then slowly captured his lips with his own. The kiss only lasted a moment as Theo paused to look into his eyes again, gauging whether or not he'd crossed a line or if Greg would reciprocate his advances.


Donnie glanced off to one side to see who Insanity was referring to then grinned. "I suppose we do need to replace the last pet you had. We should plan things better this time so that he doesn't escape," he said while stepping away and looking around them briefly. "Hell is far larger than you can imagine. For every soul that lands here, it expands. Now imagine just how many people die in a day...then imagine how many people have died throughout history. So, there are bound to be areas that have yet to be explored. Some areas might even be brand new. I'm sure we'll find something that suits our needs. Then I'll put down my spells to stop unwanted guests from just popping in. Our first challenge is finding such a place. We can't simply teleport to a place if we have no idea what it even looks like. We'll have to find it manually..."

Donnie chuckled. "And I have a perfect method for travel. Come, I'll give you a 'lift'." he winked as he took his hand and guided him out of the prison. Once outside, he walked away from Insanity then shifted into his reptilian form. Then, within minutes, he grew rapidly into a full-sized, black scaled dragon. He turned his large head to look at Insanity then lowered his body to allow him to climb onto his back, intending to fly across the expanse of Hell in search of their new 'home'.


Denix Vames - December 7, 2021

X appeared. He glared at first but then smiled. "I see what's going on here. However, this isn't how things work. He can't stay. No one would let him live if I even pardoned him. And besides, I rather not have him here. Especially with her living here." He fixed his tie. "I know he's changed but he needs to redeem himself somewhere else. He can, however, apologize to Rachael."

Elimar stood. Keeping her close. "Don't worry. I'm right here and so is our King."


Gary frowned. "But don't you become a Devil by having died? Or is there another way?"


"My family preferred candles." ,said Phineas. His eyes widened at the sight of the computer. He reached out. "It's a computer but don't push it or anything. You don't want to break it." ,said Autumn. "Oh." Phineas looked around then went upstairs. Exploring the rest of Kodi's home.

He realized quickly that his iron rod wasn't in his hand. Wishing that he could get it back. He suddenly found it on the floor in front of him. Not thinking about the weirdness of it, he picked it up. Happy to find it. The mystery man in the top hat had grabbed him from behind. Covering his mouth.

Phineas screamed but it came out as muffles. Still, they were loud enough to be heard. "Phineas!" Autumn and Harris ran upstairs. By the time they got there, he was already gone. Autumn gasped. Harris shook his head. "How? Who was watching us?"

They ran to Kodi. "Something's wrong! We think Phineas has been kidnapped!" ,said Autumn.


Jean smiled. "You're probably right." He sat on a chair. Looking at the crystal again. He closed his eyes. Enjoying this calm feeling coming from it. Something that he could only feel. The crystal suddenly glowed as his hair floated in place. He felt a pure sense of energy fill him. Then the crystal stopped its actions.

His eyes opened. One of his eyes was red.


"This is nothing about that." said Gabriel. "I need to talk to Patience about David." ,said Leo. "He's here as a friend. He's a Leviathan. Something that's made from darkness basically. Would you mind taking us to Patience?"


Greg looked at him for a moment before jumping on him. Kissing him passionately.


Insanity smiled. He got on top of him. Stroking his scales. "You feel really comfortable. I wonder how it would be like to ride on you naked. Then again, I already did that anyway. But more fun is never too much fun."


Will sat at the foot of the bed. "River, if you can hear me then I need to know this. I'm sorry for doing what I did to you. It seems like all I ever did was make you miserable. I never meant to do that. But the truth is I never bothered to control my anger either. I'm going to get a crystal soon from Charles. He promised me one. I need to help myself. I know that. I just want you to know how sorry I am. That I see you as my brother." He looked at his enclosed his hands. "I love you."


Vincent lifted Elliot off the bed. Running down the stairs as the clown chased. He lost his footing. Tripping on the stairs. Elliot had hit the floor while he hit the wall. He forced himself up. Standing in front of Elliot with his knife out. Ready to defend him. "Rickster! Help!"

"That's good to know." Ricky raised a brow. "What was that? Rickster? Wai-!" He looked at his phone. Seeing that Rickster hung up. He sighed.


Shadowess - December 7, 2021

Niko took a step back when X appeared and he lowered his gaze to the ground immediately. When X told them that he could apologise but that he couldn't return, he felt his hopes being crushed as tears rolled down his cheeks. But he didn't argue. He wouldn't dare argue with X. Jessica listened to X but as he would soon come to learn, she could be just as stubborn as her grandmother had once been. Her eyes remained fixed on him, almost challengingly, as Elimar spoke to Racheal. Racheal shook and clung to Elimar while keeping her tearful, frightened eyes on Niko.

When Niko, with his head still lowered, stepped forward to begin his apology, Jessica held out her arm in front of him to stop him. "Wait a minute." she said, her eyes still on X. "You're the King around here? You're just like us. So, what makes your word better than mine?" she challenged.

"Jessica, nein-!" Niko warned her hurriedly, his voice low.

"No. That's not good enough! I know what he did was wrong but you can't take everything, his family and his home, away from him and expect him to just find another way to heal! What is wrong with you?! Redeem himself? He's already redeemed himself asshole! He's done nothing but look out for me since he changed me, even though I'm stronger than he is!"

"Liebchen, please-"

"What about your people, huh? Don't they get a say in whether or not Niko can come back? I think he should get to have a chance to prove that he's changed and let them decide!"

Niko shivered, looking between Jessica and X, knowing what X was capable of. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife but by Jessica's posture and the way she stared at X, it was clear that she wasn't prepared to back down easily.


"I don't know..." Alex shrugged. "I'll ask my dad the next time I see him. But it's not like it would matter much if I did. If I became a Devil, I could just come right back. Then the only thing I'd have to worry about is getting on an Angel's nerves." he joked with a chuckle.


Kodi heard the muffled cries. By the time Harris and Autumn had run to him, he was already on his feet and heading towards the stairs as fast as he could. He reached the part of the hallway where Phineas had been snatched and paused, sniffing the air. "You guys smell that?" he asked, sniffing around some more but the scent was fading rapidly. "What is that?... Trickster?... Sorcerer?..." he ran a hand through his hair. "It's gone..." he said in frustration as he turned to face the others. "Did either of you see anything weird? Notice anyone watching or following us back at the precinct?"


Hannes had watched what had happened in stunned silence until Jean opened his eyes and he gasped at the sight of the red-eye. "Jean?" he approached him cautiously. "Jean? What was that? Are you alright, meine geliebte?"


The nurse hesitated. "She's requested not to have any guests." he told them anxiously, looking between them and feeling bad for having to say 'no'. He swallowed out of nerves, not wanting to make the Arch Angel angry. "B-but maybe I can ask a doctor for you? They have more authority than I do. Please take a seat, I'm sure they'll be with you soon." he suggested while gesturing to the waiting area before hurrying off to find a doctor.

Several minutes later, the doctor approached the waiting room with a confident stride and held out a hand for them to shake. "Doctor Fenton." He introduced himself. "I understand you're here to speak to Patience regarding David." he gestured to the seats before taking a seat himself on one of the chairs opposite them. "Patience has denied all visitors for the time being, but that's not to say she'd keep it that way forever. It's just something that she's requested for now so that she can focus on her own mental health. Now, I understand that you're both worried and I'm afraid I cannot divulge any information about her health and mental state due to confidentiality, however, you can rest assured that she is in safe and capable hands." he explained while giving them a patient smile.


Smiling, Theo pinned Greg against the wall and deepened the kiss by slipping in his tongue to caress his. He gripped his hips firmly then turned him around to walk him over to his bed. He hadn't felt passion like this in what felt like years. All the time he'd spent pining after Vincent, it now felt like all of his desires had built up within him, ready to burst. 'Oh wait!...' he thought and paused suddenly, looking down at himself. "Almost... I guess it's been a while." he chuckled breathlessly while his cheeks turned red. "Maybe we should slow down a little bit." he breathed while kissing Greg's neck. "Take our time. We don't want this to end too quickly..."


Donnie's chuckle would arrive in Insanity's head as all of his communication in this form would be purely telepathic. 'That's an enticing thought, although it can get cold once we get going. Now hold on tight. Don't be afraid of gripping my scales with your nails. They're like armour. I won't feel a thing.' he thought to him as he stretched out his wings, preparing himself for flight. Taking a running start, he beat his wings hard and within seconds, they were in the air. They soared over Hell's plain. Across its seemingly endless expanse.

A variety of versions of Hell passed below them. From deserts to forests, to seas. They even passed through mountains of blood-red crystals. As they passed over a part of Hell that resembled fields, Donnie spotted a group of souls that had apparently set themselves up in a little village. 'This is quite remote. I'll bet those souls have been here for a while, thinking they were safe because it's so far out of the way of anything.' his voice had a hint of laughter to it. 'What do you think, my love? Should I burn it to the ground or do you want to have some fun with them first?'


River sat up. He'd been laying on the bed in the room the German vampires had given him. He glanced at the bottle of blood, still able to smell the venom that he'd poured into it to mask the god-awful taste. "Am I hearing shit? Maybe I drank too much..." he said aloud as he looked around the room. He fell quiet as he listened keenly. He could hear a commotion in one of the other rooms in the castle but he ignored it, trying to hear Will again. When he heard the last few words he gasped and leant back against the headrest of the bed as tears slid down his cheeks. "I love you too..." he said quietly then looked around the room. "What am I doing here?... This isn't where I belong..." he stood then teleported back to the US, standing just outside Will's house where he gathered up his courage and rang the doorbell.


Hearing the commotion, Rickster's head whipped around to look into the house in alarm. "Gotta go do something reckless! Love you honey!" he said rapidly down the phone before hanging up and darting into the house. When he got inside though, he immediately froze as he took in the sight in front of him. Walking calmly down the stairs was a rounded man in heavy face paint. He wore colourful, baggy clothes covered in patches of differently coloured fabrics. His feet were bare and dirty. His hair, what little he had, was bright pink and stuck up with gel in a whacky, spiked, style. It was utterly uneven and misshapen. Like parts of his hair were cut shorter than the rest.

His eyes were red and his tiny pupils were fixed on Vincent. But the most disturbing part of this man was his mouth. His lips had been sheered off completely, leaving his mouth wide open to bear a large grin full of sharpened teeth. Drool oozed from behind those yellowed teeth and dripped down his chin as he lumbered down each step towards them with a dead stare. Slowly, the clown opened his jaw before snarling and snapping his teeth shut at them in a threatening way.

That last movement was the last thing Rickster could stand to watch. He darted towards Vincent and Elliot, grabbing their arms and teleporting them to Carter's office where he took a few steps away from them and bent forward with his hands on his knees, breathing heavily. His face had turned pale and he'd broken out in a cold sweat. He shivered, feeling his skin crawl at the thought of what he'd just seen. "Fuck...clown...I fucking hate clowns!" he breathed. "Holy shit! Is that what he sent?! The sick fuck! That's messed up, even by MY standards!" he took out his phone, barely able to keep his grip on it due to how violently he was shaking as he started dialling Ricky's number.


Denix Vames - December 7, 2021

X thought for a moment. "She's right." Elimar's eyes widened. Ben seemed surprised too. "I'll have everyone gather in the meeting room. You can all join us. We will discuss this matter there."

X appeared in the meeting room. He let out an echo of his voice for all to hear, "Everyone! Come to the room where we discuss! I have chosen you all for a very important task! To vote on whether or not Niko should stay!"


"I know but I've never seen you die before. It's going to feel pretty weird. Not to much a little messed up." ,said Gary.


"Now that you mention it, there was a strange candy smell before we left." ,said Autumn. "If we head to the precinct now, we might find something that can tell us where he is." ,said Harris.

Should they decide to go to the precinct, they would find a business card that hold the address of a circus which was in London.


Phineas was struggling against the ropes that kept him tied up. His mouth had been taped. He had already been trapped by the spell that was in the circus. Keeping all the ghosts that the leader of this show considered odd entertainment for his customers as prisoners. Never able to leave the property.

Tricky smiled at his new finding of another ghost. "I was wondering where you were. Now, you're going to entertain my guests. If you don't listen, I'll have to whip you. Understand?" Phineas glared. He struggled against. Tricky whipped him. Making Phineas flinch and tense. "I believe we get each other."

Soon after, Tricky said something in front of the audience to make Phineas seem even more interesting. Phineas soon stepped out the curtains with his iron rod. Holding a fake smile as he bowed.


"I-I don't know." Jean looked at the crystal. "What is this thing?"


Gabriel glared. He slammed his weapon on the floor. "I need to talk to her. Now."


Greg moaned. "Oh yes!" He gripped his back as he rubbed himself against him.


"I am a bit tired. How about a firework show?" ,said Insanity. Referring to the idea of the souls burning.


Will opened the door and hugged him tight. Tears dripped down his cheeks. "It's good to have you back."


Ricky answered. "Rickster! What happened?" After hearing the situation he said, "You have to take them out of the country now. There's no time to waste."

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