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Balance The Realms Jun 2021 - Dec 2021

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Denix Vames - June 24, 2021

"Fine. I won't use my powers but I still need to work. I'm the Chief of Police." Will got off of the bed. "I know that you're worried but if I'm not around then who will lead these guys? Ya know?"


Leo blinked out of his memories. He turned to Oscar and couldn't help but smile. He sat next to him. "I think my family would have enjoyed your company."


Ben placed a hand over the one on his chest. He kissed her again. Savoring the moment.


"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm in Germany. At the castle where Hannes lives. Everything's alright. The vampire family knows that they're free. And it looks like one of the CIA agents is a Blood God. But he's not trying to hurt anyone. He's like Will. A very nice person. Well, when he's not pissed off." ,said Jean.

"I know all about the history sir. Now, you may all stand. And why don't I clean that up?" X clapped his hands. The broken glass and its puddle disappeared. "How about a new glass for Jean here?"


An agent knocked on the door.


Shadowess - June 24, 2021

Doctor Evans shrugged. "Look, I'm just here to give you information, advice and meds if you need them. I can't actually stop you from going back to work if that's what you feel is best. I just hope you don't burn yourself out by pushing yourself too hard. 'Cos that'd help no-one." He lay a hand on Will's shoulder and nodded at him understandingly. "Best of luck to you, Chief." he said before leaving the room to let Will make his own decisions.


Oscar blinked at Leo's comment. "Me?" he asked softly then gave him a playful look. "Have you met me?" he chuckled and wrapped an arm around Leo. "Your family sound amazing. I'm sure I'd have gotten along well with them." he said in a gentle tone.


A knock on the door interrupted their intimate moment and Jessica reluctantly broke the kiss to look over at the nurse who had just walked in and was looking at them a little awkwardly. "Um, sorry to interrupt. It's getting late and we're asking visitors to go home for the night so that patients can rest. You're welcome to come back in the morning."

Jessica sighed and looked back at Ben longingly. She kissed him one more time. "Damn..." she chuckled. "Guess I'll be back tomorrow. Do you want me to bring you anything?"


"Germany?! Wait, Hannes is with you?" Parker listened to what Jean said about the CIA agent being a Blood God and was shocked at the news. "So, wait, hang on..." he rubbed his temples as he tried to process what Jean had told him. "Alright, first things first, are you sure you're ok with Hannes there? You know...after what he did? All I'm saying is, just be careful. If he starts acting weird or possessive, get yourself out of there. Secondly, be extra careful around that CIA agent. I know Will isn't crazy but apparently it's super rare for Blood Gods to be able to keep their sanity...cos most of them can't handle how much power they have...I would know...I was one...and I went batshit insane."

Hannes lifted his head to look at X and watched the other vampires slowly get to their feet when they were told it was alright to. The other vampires around them then started filing out, walking towards the hall to get themselves a seat for the discussion. The vampire who had dropped the bottle of blood nodded to X then hurried off to get Jean a new glass. "Then we should head into the Hall to get ready for the discussions. I'm certain our people will be more open to hearing what a Vampire King has to say...some of our people don't speak English, will you need a translator?" Hannes said to X.

Hannes would then turn to Jean and smile at him. "You should join us in the Hall, too. This is your home now, so you have a right to have your say in anything that happens here."


The knock woke Viktor up and he looked towards the door a little nervously. He hadn't interacted with anyone here since Leo had dropped him off and a small part of him worried that they'd noticed he'd vanished for a short time. Curious but cautious, he got to his feet and walked over to the door, opening it a little to look at the Agent on the other side. "Hello?" he said in a small, quiet voice.


Denix Vames - June 24, 2021

Will nodded. "Thank you." He frowned as he realized he wouldn't be able to use his powers. 'Hey buddy. Looks like you're taking a break. Is that ok?'

He began to get changed into his uniform.


Leo leaned his head against his. "Oscar, I'm glad I met you." He kissed him.


Ben's face went red when the nurse walked in."Maybe an energy drink? Preferably Monster."


Jean frowned. "Everything's ok, Parker. Me and Hannes talked. And the agent you're talking about is a good person. Can you just stop judging people?! You're not my dad!" He hung up.

He accepted the drink after putting his phone away. He took a sip. "Really? You want me to be at the meeting? Are you sure I'll even make the right decision?"

X shook his head. "I know all languages." He followed them to the meeting room.


"Are you currently hungry at the moment? I was told to check on you if you needed anything." ,said the agent.


Shadowess - June 24, 2021

'Guess it'll have to be. Don't worry, I've already stripped your powers from you for now. Can't leave it around for temptation, can I? I'm still here though, if you need to talk and I'll be keeping an eye on things to make sure you don't get into too much trouble.' River replied.


Oscar kissed Leo back, slowly and softly. He cupped his chin and looked into his eyes with a smile. "I'm glad I met you too."


Jessica smiled and nodded. "Monster it is." she said. She kissed him once more, hanging on to the kiss for as long as she could before breaking away and standing up. "See you tomorrow." she said softly before turning and walking out of the room. The nurse had been waiting for her to leave and looked at Ben once she'd gone. "Let us know if you need anything. Try to get some sleep." she said before leaving the room as well.


"Wha-? Hey, wait a damn min-! -Jean?" Parker looked at his phone in annoyance. He sighed heavily. "God dammit..." he muttered as he started walking to his car. There wasn't anything he could do for Jean all the way out in Germany but he can at least check on Will. Besides, it sounded like Jean could handle himself...for now. He got into his car and sent Will a quick text to let him know he was on his way back, before starting up the car and driving to the hospital.

He accepted the drink after putting his phone away. He took a sip. "Really? You want me to be at the meeting? Are you sure I'll even make the right decision?"

Hannes wrapped an arm around Jean and couldn't help grinning at his question. "Just say whatever is in your heart. The point of the discussion is that everyone gets to have their say. Or don't say anything and just listen, if you prefer to see how things work first. But if you want to speak up at any point, no one will look down on you for doing so." he kissed his cheek. "You're one of us now. This is your family and even when we don't always agree with everyone here, we all look out for one another. Come, we should get seated." he began walking with Jean towards the hall.

Once in the room, they would see that it was a very large hall that most castles would typically use as either a banquet hall or ballroom. A crowd of vampires took their seats which were lined up and facing on end of the room where a long table was. There were four large wooden, and beautifully decorated chairs set behind the table for each guardian of the castle. A couple of vampires had brought out a fifth, equally beautiful chair for X and when it became apparent that Jean would be sitting with Hannes, a sixth one was brought out as well. Hannes guided Jean to the table and pulled out the chair for him to sit in while smiling at him. Once he was seated, he would then sit next to him.

In the chairs next to them sat Natali, Janik and Sven.

In the crowd, Bianka, Niko and Racheal entered the hall and took their seats with the rest of the vampires. Racheal was looking around curiously. When the room was full and the chatter died down a bit, Hannes stood and addressed them all in English, doing so for Jean and Racheal's benefit so that they could understand what would be being said. A vampire near their table stood and repeated Hannes's words in German. "Ladies and gentlemen. We've brought you all here to inform you of some changes to our way of life and to answer any questions that you might have about how this will affect us in the future." he paused a moment to let the vampire speaking German catch up.

"Some of you were present when our guests arrived at the castle, so will know what this is about. For the rest of you, the human world know about us." he held up a hand to quiet the sudden chatter. "Don't be alarmed. They don't mean us any harm. In fact, they have put laws in place to protect our kind so that we can live side by side in peace. As you can see, we have a special guest with us right now." He gestured to X. "Yes, he is a Vampirkönig but he is also here to help us understand these new laws that we must now adapt to." He turned to X now. "If you wouldn't mind, perhaps you could say a few words?"


Viktor hesitated. He was inwardly thankful that he hadn't been gone for long. Though at the mention of being hungry, Viktor suddenly realised that he hadn't had anything all day. He wondered if it was blood he was craving but it wasn't the same kind of hunger pain. It was more like the kind of hunger he'd felt as a human.

Maybe being...whatever Leo was...he didn't need to only drink blood? Leo had said that vampirism was only a small part of what he was, so maybe they mostly relied on human food to live then? "Um, yeah actually, I am..." he chuckled. "Sorry, didn't realise until just now..."


Denix Vames - June 24, 2021

Will sighed. 'Smary. Very smart.' He texted back to Parker, 'They're letting me go now. I'll meet you outside.' He headed out of the hospital.


Leo placed a hand on his knee. He slipped his tongue into his mouth. Kissing him slowly.


Ben nodded. He turned his head to the window and frowned. "I wish I could get out of here."


Jean and X sat. Jean had finished the rest of his drink. Setting the empty glass on the table. He looked around at the people there. "I feel like I should have gotten dressed for this." ,he whispered.

X nodded at Hannes. He cleared his throat before standing. "Hello everyone. It's good to see all of you. My name is X. I prefer to keep my name a secret due to my job if you don't mind. Anyway, I came here today in order to tell you all something. Every supernatural creature is protected by the laws. I'm sure you've heard of this from the german agents. Now, this does not mean you are allowed to do whatever you want. Human and Supernatural laws also keep many from breaking the rules. If you decide to murder, kidnap, forcibly turn someone, or anything of the sort then you will be arrested. The same will be done for humans as well. As you may or may not know, some humans dress like all of you and drink actual blood. Believing that they are vampires. I'm not sure how you feel about this but I thought you should all know. Moving on from that, you all have rights and freedoms. There are vampire clubs for your kind to go in and drink blood. Not to mention dance. The fashion nowadays is more modern but there are plenty of people out there who still dress Victorian. And all the eateries and shops in Europe have available dishes and products that contain blood. Some human food has been able to turn into safe-to-eat for vampires by mixing blood. Unfortunately, not too many. Still, you can buy blood without any problems. However, it would seem that the german agents brought blood bags as a gift so I guess you won't need to go into those shops until then."


"What do you want to eat? The chef can make anything." ,said the agent.


Shadowess - June 25, 2021

'Just looking out for you, man.' River chuckled.

Parker drove into the parking lot of the hospital and texted Will to let him know where he was. He kept the car running and had a window down. As he waited, he worried over everything. About whether Will was alright. About Jean being all the way out in Germany with a man who abused him. About there being another Blood God out there. He was biting the nail on his thumb nervously as he thought about all of this while staring out of his window.


Oscar supressed a moan when he felt Leo's tongue in his mouth. He didn't want to make any noise in case the little girl in the next room heard. But he kissed Leo back eagerly, matching his slowness while adding a little passion to it. He ran a hand through his hair then with the same hand, cupped his cheek. His other hand was around his waist, his thumb gently gliding over his hips.


The vampires listening to X seemed fascinated and happy by what was being said. Though a few seemed baffled at the idea that some humans believe they are vampires and act accordingly. "Thank you." Hannes nodded at X. He turned back to the crowd and raised his hands a little. "Now, are there any questions?"

"What about the vampire hunters?" One vampire called.

"The law applies to them as well. It is now forbidden for humans to hunt our kind or any other supernatural creature." Hannes answered.

"Until the hunters accept this law, these agents have been kind enough to guard our home to protect our us and our loved ones." Sven added, also standing. "We no longer need to live in fear of the Steinheils."

"Can we trust the human agents?" Another vampire called out.

"I trust them." Hannes nodded.

"If Hannes says they're good, then I trust them also." Sven agreed with a nod. Natali and Janik did not answer. Instead, they gave each other a dubious look but said nothing.

Niko then stood. "And what of our traditions? The ones put in place by our founder? Do you expect us to abandon those?"

A look of irritation flickered across Hannes's features. He knew he was referring to the tradition they'd used when turning Racheal and Jean. By bringing up their traditions and religion, Niko risked forming a divide within the castle. What was he playing at?! Hannes thought carefully before answering. "Some of our traditions are outdated. For us to survive in this new world, we must adapt to it. Therefore, I propose that the tradition of Blutgeschmack should be abolished." As soon as he'd said it, the crowd was in an uproar. Almost everyone stood. Some vampires were shouting at Hannes for Blasphemy while others tried to argue with them that the change needed to happen.

Niko sat back down slowly, smiling at Hannes. Racheal seemed frightened, being surrounded by angry vampires. Niko either didn't notice her fear or didn't care. Even Natali and Janik had broken their silence to yell at Hannes for the suggestion and both outright denied that such a change should happen. Sven tried to back up Hannes's statement and ended up in a very heated argument with Janik. Hannes knew this would be big news but he hadn't expected it to blow up in his face quite like this. Colour drained from his face as he looked around at all the angry vampires screaming at him. He didn't know what to do.

"The Blutgeschmack is a crucial part of initiations! It is a right of passage! The final choice!" Janik had stood and was shouting at Hannes.

"Choice? What choice is there to be had!? It is a farce and you know it, Janik!" Sven shouted back. "The second they taste that drop, their survival instincts take over! They don't get a conscious choice after that!"

"Idiot! If they truly didn't want our gifts they would reject it regardless of what we do! Are we to be blamed if they regret their decision afterwards!?" Natali snapped back.


"Um..." Viktor had to think. He felt awkward asking others to cook for him but it wasn't like he really had much choice and he'd feel rude to reject it now. "I guess something simple...maybe some chicken and mixed vegetables?"


Denix Vames - June 25, 2021

'Yeah, I know you are.' Will walked over to Parker's car. He noticed his nervous features. "Hey. Is everything alright? If this is about what happened back at the house, I'm alright. Doc said that I can't use my powers for a while and to take it easy. Apparently, my seizures are from having too much stress."


Leo laid a hand on his chest. Brushing over his shirt. He laid back. Letting him get on top before moving his hand to under his shirt.


X's voice boomed. "ENOUGH!" The ground shook for a moment. Once everyone became silent, he cleared his throat. "Thank you. Now, I would like to make this clear. It is not necessary to turn humans into vampires anymore. Your secret is not a secret anymore. As we speak, there are vampires out there who have jobs. Vampires who work with humans. In fact, the public will already know about your home so that possible guests can welcome you to the new Germany. Let me make this clear that if you or anyone in this family forces someone to turn then you will be punished just as much as a hunter would be punished for killing a vampire. You will be arrested or executed depending on the case. Do I make myself clear?"

X turned to Hannes. "I will inform the german agents to set up a signal nearby so that you can contact me through the phone. They will give you such a device and teach you how to use it." He looked at Niko with a hard expression. "As for you. I know what your plan is and I would hold my tongue if I were you. Unless of course, you want me to eat it in front of you while you squirm in pain." He smiled.


The agent nodded. "I'll let them know." He left.

At some point, he came back with the tray. Holding the dish which had a glass of blood on the side. He knocked on the door again. "Your food is here."


shadowess - June 25, 2021

"Well, that's one less thing to worry about, I guess." Parker replied, relieved to hear Will wasn't ill and just needed to watch his stress levels. "I'm guessing River's keeping your powers under wraps until you're feeling better?"

'He knows us too well." River commented with a chuckle.

Parker then sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Jean has gone to Germany with Hannes and some CIA agent." he told Will.

Lowering his hand, he looked up at him worriedly. "Apparently the CIA agent is another Blood God...I warned Jean to be careful around both of them and he basically called me prejudiced before hanging up on me."

'Before you ask, the answer is 'no'' River said. 'I know you're guna be worried too but don't forget, you and Parker have other friends you can call on for help who also have powers. It doesn't have to be you jumping all over the place all the time. Delegate.'


Oscar kept kissing Leo and got lost in his touch. As Leo laid back, Oscar moved over him while lightly pressing his body against his. One hand propped him up, over Leo, while his other wandered down to his thigh, caressing it while he kissed him deeply.


The crowd quietened. Natali, Janik and Sven sat in their seats again. As X made it clear that no human was to be forced into turning, it became apparent to everyone that, regardless of what they believed, a Blood God considered their tradition of Blutgeschmack to be immoral. Therefore, they had no choice but to abolish it, like Hannes had suggested.

When X addressed Niko next, a few vampires looked in his direction and Niko glared back at X. His face turned pale at the threat but he held his glare for a moment before averting his gaze submissively while shaking his head a little. As much as he hated being humiliated in front of the others, he was smart enough to know that he wouldn't stand a chance against a Blood God.

Hannes looked at X with a relieved expression and nodded a little. "Thank you." he said quietly and took a moment to recompose himself as he looked back at the now somewhat sheepish crowd of vampires. "Are there any more questions?" he asked and when no one dared to speak he nodded once more. "Very well. You may all return to your homes now. This discussion is ended."

Not one vampire spoke as they all stood and calmly but quickly filed out of the room. Niko had taken Racheal's hand and lead her hurriedly out as well, not daring to look back up at X or the others. Janik, Natali and Sven also left the room, returning to their portion of the castle. Hannes sighed then looked at Jean, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright, meine Geliebte?" he asked, worried that the tension may have frightened him.


When the agent knocked again, Viktor opened the door and smiled at the tray. Particularly the glass of blood which he hadn't asked for but he'd appreciated that they'd considered his needs when sending it. "Thank you." he said with a nod and carefully took the tray from the agent, taking it into the room and setting it down on the nearby desk.

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  • Shadowess


Denix Vames - June 25, 2021

Will bit his lip. "I'll have Nate check on him." He got in the car. "Let's just go to the precinct first. I need to see what's been going lately. Get up to date with things." He thought for a moment. "You might have to tell Nate to check on him. I might get pretty busy."


Leo sucked in some air. He whispered, "Maybe we should stop? Seems a bit unfair that I can't make any noise while we're doing this."


Jean was shaking. He had seen them argue. Had jumped at the sound of X. He covered his ears. When he heard Hannes, he slowly put his hands down. He turned to him and nodded. "I'm fine. Just...spooked. I'm not use to this." "Forgive me. I will refrain from shouting unless it's necessary." ,said X.


The agent nodded. "Enjoy your food. When you're done, just leave the tray out. Someone will pick it up and take it away." He left.


Shadowess - June 25, 2021

"No problem." Parker nodded and started driving towards the precinct. "I should probably do some paperwork at the office anyway. Make sure everything is ship-shape for when Carter gets back. I'll call for Nate while I'm there. Give me a call when you're done and I'll come and pick you up." he pulled up outside the building and looked at Will. "Hope it's not too chaotic in there." he tried a smile, though he seemed a little tired.


Oscar paused and looked at Leo. As much as he wanted him right now, he was simply glad to be spending this much time with him. He smiled and nodded. "If you want." he whispered and caressed Leo's cheek. "I'm just happy to be with you. We always have next time." he kissed him once more before rolling off of him to lay next to him instead. He wrapped his arms around him to hold him close and ran a hand through his hair while smiling at him, taking in his features and adoring him. He nuzzled his face against his and sighed happily. "I love you, so much."


"I'm sorry, it didn't go the way I expected. But at least now they seem to understand what needs to be done." Hannes said to Jean gently then looked at X, shaking his head a little. "If you hadn't, I fear this discussion may have ended badly. I'm thankful that you intervened when you did. You are welcome to stay as a guest if you need some rest. I can escort you to one of the spare 'houses'." he then looked back at Jean. "And perhaps we should get some rest as well? I can show you the part of the castle where I live. You can stay with me if you'd like? Or we could find a 'house' for you, if you'd prefer not to live with me just yet. I want for you to be comfortable."


"Thanks!" Viktor called after the agent and closed the door. He sat down at the desk and started eating. As soon as he took a bite, he eagerly ate the rest quite quickly, apparently feeling hungrier than he thought he was. He'd even drank up the glass of blood thirstily. He sat back in the chair and yawned, still feeling tired from such a long day and he hadn't had long to sleep earlier. He got up and took the tray to the door like the agent had told him to do and after setting it outside the room, he went back inside and lay on the bed again. Within seconds he was fast asleep again.


Denix Vames - June 25, 2021

Will cupped his cheeks. "Get some rest when you're done with all that. And I'll try to take some breaks too. I promise." He kissed him slowly before smiling. "I love you. Stay safe." He got out of the car.


Leo smiled. "I love you more." He soon fell asleep.


"I guess being here for a couple of more minutes wouldn't hurt. They may need me at the facility but they don't always need me." ,said X. Jean nodded. He stood. "I wouldn't mind seeing your room." He nervously rubbed his arm as he blushed. "I'm honestly kind of interested."


An agent grabbed the tray and brought it to the kitchen.


Shadowess - June 26, 2021

"Alright." Parker smiled before kissing Will back. "I love you, too. Don't push yourself too hard." he called after him as he got out of the car. He would then watch Will walk into the precinct before driving back to the office. Once through the door he sighed heavily while leaning against it. "Hey Nate? Do you and Tom fancy taking a trip to Germany?" he called out.


Smiling, it wouldn't take long for Oscar to fall asleep with Leo in his arms.

Meanwhile, after a full day of non-stop action, Rickster was relaxing in the spare bedroom of the mansion with Ricky. He lay naked on top of the covers, coated in sweat, his legs feeling like jelly and still a little out of breath after yet another round of intimacy with Ricky. He was grinning and couldn't help chuckling. "I think...I'm spent..." he said between breaths.

Of course, now that he'd gotten that out of his system and could take a moment to relax, he now had enough time to think a little more clearly and it occurred to Rickster, with some surprise, that he was on Earth...even though he was still supposed to be dead. "Wait..." he blinked and looked at Ricky. "I'm supposed to be a soul still...how did Oscar manage to get me to Earth?"

Little did either of them know, David was currently waiting for them in the kitchen to answer that very question. He knew they'd need to come downstairs sooner or later for food so had made himself comfortable with a cup of tea. He was not alone either. Atma sat at the table with him, though she looked far less comfortable than David seemed to be. In fact, she was a little red in the face after hearing all those noises coming from upstairs. "We couldn't have waited anywhere else?..." she mumbled into her own cup of tea.


Hannes nodded at X then smiled warmly at Jean. He offered him his arm then looked at X. "I'll show you to where you can stay first." he said before starting to escort them towards the East section of the castle. "If you'd like, we can reserve the spare 'house' for you for future visits. That way you'll have a safe place that you can rest in should you ever need it. You will always be welcome in this castle." he said to X as they walked.

"The same goes for your people. Should they ever need shelter, all they need to do is ask. It is a large castle and we have plenty of room. Here we are." He stopped in front of a large wooden door and unlocked it before stepping in. As they walked in, he unhooked the key from the keyring he was holding and passed it to X. "I hope it suits your needs." he then said, allowing X to get acquainted with the room. The room itself was very large and they would soon see why the vampires refer to these rooms as 'houses'. Each room had been sectioned up and fitted to act as a house within the castle.

They currently stood in the 'house's' living room. A door at the end of the room lead to a bedroom and en suite bathroom. To their right was a kitchen and small dining area. Each room was decorated with tapestries, large rugs, velvet and leather furniture. In the living room was a large fireplace with a beautifully designed mantle. Although the windows had been bricked over, someone in the castle had taken their time to carefully paint gorgeous scenery over the bricks to make it look like they could look out over a field of wildflowers. Blue velvet curtains hung over the 'windows' as well.

"We'll leave you to rest. Thank you for all your help X." Hannes said with a smile. "Oh, and if you need anything let me know. I am the authority in this section of the castle. The safety and comfort of those living in this section is my responsibility." Hannes would then lead Jean out and towards his own home. They couldn't miss his door. Large, painted green doors with orange oriental poppies painted on each side. The vines that intertwined and connected the flowers were painted in gold.

Hannes blushed. "I went through a bit of a painting phase..." he explained before unlocking the door and letting him in. The room would be similar to the room he had shown X only a little larger and with an extra bedroom which was currently littered with paints, brushes, easels and half finished paintings on canvases, almost all of them of fields on sunny days or flowers. He turned closed the door behind them then turned to Jean and smiled, letting him look around. "Not exactly the mighty vampire warrior's house..." he chuckled, blushing.


Denix Vames - June 26, 2021

Nate and Tom appeared. They were holding hands. "What's going on now?"


Ricky caught his breath. He chuckled at Rickster's comment. "I think that was the best experience in my entire fucking life." He slowly sat up. "I don't know. But maybe we should eat on it first?" He began to get dressed and tried his best to fold out the wrinkles from his clothes.


X shook his hand after accepting the key. "Thank you. It's a wonderful room. I'll take up on your offer. The same goes for all of you. We have a facility as well that we have accustomed to it as a home to us since we work there practically everyday." He headed into the room and closed the door when the couple left.

Tears formed in Jean's eyes. He covered his face as he quietly sobbed against the door of Hannes's room. "What if they don't want me here? I don't even know if I belong here. I saw all of them and I swore they saw me as a stranger. I don't think I belong here." He hugged himself. He lowered his head. "I feel like I'm in such a special place. That me being here makes your home tainted."


shadowess - June 26, 2021

Parker hesitated at the question, getting the impression that they might be pushing their luck a bit with calling for Nate over every little thing. He sighed again, feeling like he didn't really have any options this time. "Just a check up on someone, to make sure they're safe is all. Long story short, one of the rookie cops was kidnapped, turned into a vampire against his will and raped. The vampire who did this to him was arrested by the CIA but now I'm hearing that the CIA agent took the rookie and the vampire to the vampire's home in Germany. To top it off, sounds like this CIA agent in question is a Blood God...The rookie says he's fine but...well, to say I'm feeling uneasy about all of this is an understatement...The rookie's name is Jean. The vampire is called Hannes and I have no idea who the CIA agent is."


"Maybe I should get locked up more often." he said playfully and winked at Ricky. He got up as well, albeit a little shakily, and began to slowly dress himself. "Still, thank you...I-..." he frowned and paused for a moment before looking back at Ricky. "I don't ever want to end up back there...I don't want to give them a reason to put me back there...I'll do anything...All I could do in that cell was think and I did A LOT of thinking..." he scratched the back of his head nervously.

"L-let's go and get some food first...then-...then we need to talk. I- um...I love you, Ricky." his face turned red as he said it. This being the first time that Rickster had not only talked to Ricky openly but actually admitted how he felt as well. "And...I want us to work...but before we can...there's something about me that you should know..." he hesitated then started for the door hurriedly, as if physically running away from the topic itself. "L-let's go eat first."


Hannes's heart ached as he watched Jean and he hurried over to him while shaking his head a little and saying in a softened tone; "Nein, meine Geliebte! Please don't think like this!" He wrapped his arms around him and placed a hand on the back of his head. Holding him to his chest and kissing the side of his head.

"Hush, sweet one. It is simply an awkward time. Any other time and my family would have immediately welcomed you with open arms. With the commotion with those agents and the emergency meeting, my family didn't have much opportunity to meet you properly, that's all. Just let the dust settle and we'll put together a more traditional welcome for you. You'll like it. It's all very festive. We usually have a bit of a party so that new family can relax while they get to know their new neighbours. Bringing in newly turned vampires is somewhat rare for us so we usually make a bigger deal out of it." he kissed his head again.

"We can get dressed up. You could borrow some of my clothes if you'd like and we'll dance in the hall and drink venom blood. It'll be fun, I promise. For now though, lets just get you settled in. It's been a very long day." He ran a hand through his hair then pulled back to look into his eyes. He cupped Jean's face in his hands and wiped away his tears with his thumbs while giving him a kind smile. "I love you, meine Geliebte. Nothing in the world would make me happier than having you here with me."


Denix Vames - June 26, 2021

Nate nodded. "Alright. We'll be there." They appeared in Hannes's room. "Is everything alright here? We heard a few things and decided to check up on Jean."


Ricky's eyes widened at the statement. He smiled a little. "I love you too." He frowned when Rickster said the last thing. "Ok." He followed him downstairs. Heading to the kitchen.


Jean nodded. "Thank you. That means a lot." His lips were close to his. "I love you too." He kissed him.


Shadowess - June 26, 2021

Once Nate and Tom were gone, Parker headed upstairs to the office to make sure all the paperwork was organised and up to date. He wrote up notes on everything he'd learned about the Steinheil hunters as well as the what had happened between Hannes, Jean, Niko and Racheal.


Hannes smiled into Jean's kiss, kissing him back slowly and tenderly. He then jumped and looked around in alarm when he heard Nate's voice and stared at the strangers in his home in confusion. He turned to face them while moving in front of Jean defensively. "Who are you?"

"Just some friends." Tom answered, his smile never faltering. "Parker got worried and asked us to make sure everything was alright. Fancy place you got here."


As they headed downstairs, Rickster thought on what he was going to tell Ricky. It wasn't an easy thing for him to talk about. He hadn't told a single soul for almost eight years and until now he'd always assumed it would be something he'd take with him to the grave...which, he guessed he technically did...thrice...

"Ah! Finally! We were starting to run out of tea!" David greeted them as they entered the kitchen.

Atma could barely look at them as she held her cup of tea in both her hands. "Good to see you again, Ricky." she smiled a little.

Rickster had paused in the doorway and was staring at David warily. "You haven't come to take me back, have you?" he asked, trying to sound brave but his voice quivered a bit.

"No, you can relax. I've come to get you enrolled onto the programme." David answered. Rickster seemed to relax a little as he headed into the kitchen and opened up the fridge.

"Don't suppose you know how I'm on Earth when I'm dead?" he asked as he took out some eggs, bacon, mushrooms and cheese.

"Oh, that's an easy one. Because you're not dead anymore." David smirked as he took a sip of his tea. Rickster paused and looked at him in shock then exchanged a confused look with Ricky. "In fact, you haven't been dead in almost a week now...Funny that you didn't notice..."

"Wha-? Wait- Wha-? How?!" Rickster stammered, trying to fathom how this had happened.

"When Ricky took the potion to bring him back to life, we also slipped some of the same potion into your food at around the same time. We knew you'd be coming out of the cell at some point so we thought we'd surprise you by bringing you straight to Earth when you were ready. Oh, which, while we're on the topic-" David took out two very small vials of clear liquid from his jacket pocket and handed one each to Ricky and Rickster. Each vial only holding about two drops of the liquid. He looked at Ricky. "I did a little research. Take that and you'll have a more normal life expectancy. So, you won't die of a heart attack at the end of this week-"

"Die of a what?!" Rickster exclaimed and quickly pulled the cork off his vial before downing it. David wasn't phased by the outburst as he continued to smile at Ricky. "You've earned it."


Denix Vames - June 26, 2021

Parker's phone rang. It would be Carter that was calling. Once he would answered the hear, he would hear, "Parker? How's everything at the agency? Is everyone doing alright?"


Jean glared at them. "I don't even know you two." "But Parker knows us and I can assure that we only came here to check if you were alright." "Well, I am." "And what about the CIA agent that I heard about? Is he fine too?"


Ricky smiled. "Thank you, David." He downed the vial before cringing at the taste. "Did you already eat? I was thinking since we're all here that we could have some breakfast together."


shadowess - June 26, 2021

Parker answered his phone and smiled, surprised to hear from Carter. "Oh, hey boss. Yeah, everything's fine. We're all good here. How're you and Sebastian? Are you having a good vacation?"


When Jean said he didn't know them, Hannes felt a little more defensive of him. When Nate asked about the agent, Hannes answered. "What concern is it of yours?"

"Well, we heard he was a Blood God and apparently they're pretty well known for losing their sanity." Tom shrugged.

"I will not stand for your blasphemy!" Hannes became irritated. "Please leave my home!"

"Blasphe-what now? You know they're actually Devils and not Gods, right?" Tom rose a brow. "Like...there is an actual God but he aint a CIA agent..."

"I will not hear it! Leave!"


"If by 'eat' you mean drink practically a pantry's worth of tea? Sure." Atma rolled her eyes at David who chuckled.

"I drink Tea for fun but I don't actually need to eat or drink anything. Thank you for the offer though. However, I can't speak for Atma." David said.

"It's still weird being called that after being called 'Jane' for so long..." Atma sighed and David frowned at her.

"I know...I am sorry that you went through that..."

Rickster glanced between them awkwardly, not having a clue what that was about, before turning and continueing to cook breakfast. Making a bacon and mushroom omelette that was topped with grated cheese.

Once it was done, he passed a plate to Ricky before setting another plate down in front of Atma. He then sat at the table with them with his own plate and began to eat quietly.

"Thank you." Atma said and Rickster nodded without a word as he continued to eat.

"Now then, in regards to your redemption. Ricky, I'd like you to help Rickster on his journey. I think he'd do well with someone he feels more comfortable with. Continue to do what you have been doing. Help the less fortunate wherever you can. I'll send Oscar every once in a while to check in on you both to report your progress." David said once they were both sat down.

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Denix Vames - June 27, 2021

"That's great to hear. Our vacation is going pretty well. We met a merman who tried to get with me but after talking to him, I think we've got yourself a new detective. He's said he's willing to report any strange happenings in New York so long as we can teleport him to the beach. His name's Galil." ,said Carter.


Nate sighed. "C'mon Tom. We should go. It's clear that these guys are super sensitive about their culture." They disappeared. Jean clutched the back of Hannes's shirt. "If Parker wanted to know that I was ok then he would have called me. Why did he send those guys? And why can't he trust me? Ugh! He's so annoying!"


Ricky began to eat. He smiled at the taste. "Thanks baby." His face went red as he listened to David. "Me? I've never done that before. But I guess it wouldn't be hard?"


shadowess - June 27, 2021

"Wh-? Seriously? Mermen are a thing, too?" Parker was surprised but he beamed at the news. "That's awesome! I'll ask David or someone if they wouldn't mind picking him up then."


Relieved when Nate and Tom had vanished, Hannes began to calm down. He heard Jean behind him and frowned. He turned around and hugged Jean to him, simply glad that he hadn't lost him again. "Let's not think on it anymore, meine Geliebte. Let's try to relax again." He moved to cup Jean's face once more, caressing one of his cheeks with his hand. "Is there anything I can get for you?"


Rickster smiled at Ricky as he kept eating. He was quieter than he used to be but it was only because he currently had a lot on his mind. David smiled and nodded and Ricky. "Think of it as having Rickster for a work partner. You'll both be being monitored on your progress so make sure you're each looking out for the other."

He glanced at Atma then looked back at Ricky and Rickster. "Atma here will be staying in the mansion, as long as Oscar and Leo are alright with it. I plan on talking to them as soon as they get back from wherever they are. She still doesn't remember her previous life but now that she knows who she was, she has the choice of whether or not to forget that information. She's chosen not to forget and to help our group however she can." he explained.


Denix Vames - June 27, 2021

Carter chuckled at his response. "They sure as hell are. Also, maybe find a single guy who would be willing to flirt with him? He gets kind of lonely sometimes. Anyway, I think I'm going to hang up now. It seems like you've got everything under control. I'm honestly proud of you, Parker. You're just like my...." He cleared his throat. "Well, like my son. Forget about that comment. Sorry if I made you feel weird."

Nate and Tom appeared in Carter's office. Nate shook his head at Parker. "Jean's alright but they don't even know that a Blood God isn't an actual god. As far as I'm concerned, the CIA agent hasn't done anything bad anyway."

"Wait a minute. What was that? Parker? Is that Nate? Did he say something about CIA and Jean? Who's Jean?"


Jean shook his head. He smiled. "You're all that I need right now." He placed a hand on his chest. He slipped a tongue into his mouth. Kissing him slowly.


"Actually, I'm still the original owner of this mansion. Leo and Oscar don't get a say in the matter. I do. And I say that she can stay." ,said Ricky. He finished up his food. "So, when should we start with the Progamme for Rickster?"


(sorry I didn't do this before. I'll just write the scene now if it's a good time.)


Gary growled. He cried out as his body began to change from the full moon. He hid himself under the blanket. Writhing in pain as he clawed at the ground until there was a sudden wolf pup's bark.

Gary, as a wolf pup, slipped from under the blanket. He began to run around happily as he barked. His tail was wagging.


Shadowess - June 27, 2021

Parker grinned. "I'm sure we could find someone to keep him company." He then felt his face turn red as he heard Carter's comment and he felt his breath catch in his throat. He had to force a cough into his fist to be able to speak again, feeling tears sting his eyes as he blinked rapidly to stop them forming. "Uh-...it's- it's not weird. Thanks, sir. That means a lot to me..." he said then froze as Nate appeared and he felt his face turn a little pale as Carter overheard what he had to say. He rubbed his temples, thinking quickly. He had wanted to wait until Carter came home to update him on everything that had happened so that he wouldn't spend the rest of his vacation worrying or God forbid, end his trip early.

He sighed and shook his head as he stared at the desk. "Yeah, Nate's just updating me on the welfare of a client. The CIA took over a case...actually, probably better to tell you this part now because it could help you guys to stay safe." he then said as it occurred to him that Carter and Sebastian wouldn't know who the Steinheils were. "So, it turns out there's a whole family of vampire hunters that go back generations. Looks like this family is pretty big and they spread themselves out worldwide over the centuries, originating originally from Germany. They're called Steinheils. I've only met a couple of them but they had very similar features, I'm wondering if it's a genetic trait. If so, it might make it easier to identify one if you run into them. White-ish blond hair and brown eyes. Be careful out there, boss. From what I learned, they like using wolf venom in their weapons."


Hannes smiled back and moaned a little when he felt Jean's tongue in his mouth. He closed his eyes and held Jean close to him while kissing him back just as slowly. He ran a hand through his hair and when the kiss broke, he rested his head against Jean's. He was blushing as he bit his lower lip. "Süsser, you make me so happy." he said softly. He shook his head a little while looking into Jean's eyes.

"I don't want you to have to serve me for one hundred years. But I would be honoured if you would be my beloved. I want you to be free to make your own choices. Be my equal and rule the East section by my side." He recaptured his lips and held on for a moment before breaking the kiss and looking at him once more. "I don't know if this would be too much or too quick. I can wait if you prefer but...Meine Geliebte...my sweet Jean..." he caressed his cheek. "It would make me so happy if we were to get married. For the first time, in a very long time, I feel complete."


"Fair enough." David shrugged and Atma smiled at Ricky.

"Thank you." she said quietly as she finished what was left of her breakfast. She was still very skinny but by the slightly healthier glow of her skin, it was clear that she had been eating and sleeping better since they'd last met. Rickster finished up his plate as well and quietly got to his feet, listening in on the conversation as he took his, Atma's and Ricky's empty plates to the sink to wash them.

"Immediately." David answered with a nod then glanced out of the window at the dark sky. "Although, not right now. When you're ready, please begin the programme tomorrow. I'll have to leave to see to other souls in the programme but either myself or Oscar will be back to check in on you both."


(It's cool, I thought the full moon might be another day off anyway lol)

Alex jolted awake when he heard Gary's cries and he looked into the dome worriedly. He glanced up at the full moon and tensed. This was it. He looked back into the dome and prayed it would be strong enough to hold him. Even though he couldn't see him under the blanket, he could see him moving, writhing underneath it and he hated to see him in pain.

He held his breath, not knowing what to expect but assumed he would soon be looking at a large, snarling wolf. Instead, he heard the small bark and out popped a puppy! Alex watched him running around in confusion and chuckled out of relief. And then he started laughing uncontrollably. "Oh, my God!...I wasn't expecting that!...holy crap!...I gotta say though,...you make an adorable puppy!" he said between laughs.


The agents who had been turned stepped into the forest with the werewolf agent. Layla was among them and could sense that everyone else was just as nervous as she was. She knew that, after the pain of the transformation, she would black out and not be able to remember what had happened until she regained control of herself. They stood together in anxious silence as they waited until the moon rose high enough to start their transformation. All at once, gasps and cries broke out from herself and the others as they started to change. Layla dropped onto all fours and clawed the soil. She'd closed her eyes tightly, not wanting to see her body change. All she knew, in the next few minutes, was pure agony.

When she was done transforming, she was laying on the ground. A little shaken but feeling the new energy coursing through her, she opened her eyes and looked around at the others. She stood and growled at one of the other wolves who had come over to sniff at her curiously, warning them that she wasn't comfortable with them getting close to her just yet. Though, she was curious about this pack she was in herself. When they took her hint and backed off, she started sniffing around her. Gradually getting used to all the new scents and warming up to getting closer to each wolf. Sniffing each of them to get to know them.


Denix Vames - June 27, 2021

Carter's grip on the phone tightened. "Good to know. Thanks for the update. I'll tell Sebastian about this. Just stay safe. And if you need me to come back, just say the word and I will. Ok?"


Jean gasped. A smile beamed across his face. He jumped on him. Wrapping his arms around his neck. "Yes! I'll marry you!" He kissed him. "I could never stand being away from you!"


Ricky nodded. He stood from the chair. "I'm gonna assume the same place that I've already been to before."


Gary ran over to Alex but bumped himself against the dome. He flopped over. He got up and shook his head. He barked again as he jumped on the dome. Putting his paws there. He happily barked. Trying to scratch the wall of the dome off so that he could be near him.


The Werewolf Agent had transformed as well. He walked over so that everyone could see him. He lifted a paw. Pointing straight ahead and then slightly running so that they would realize that he wanted them to follow. He even barked just to make sure.


Shadowess - June 27, 2021

"Alright, thanks Carter. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and say 'Hi' to Sebastian for me." Parker said before ending the call. He sat back in the chair and let out a heavy sigh. "Thanks Nate, thanks Tom...I appreciate you guys taking the time to do that. How've you guys been anyway? Feels like forever since we all just hung out, you know?"


Hannes caught Jean and felt his heart lift as he agreed to the marriage. He kissed him passionately as happy tears rolled down his cheeks. "I love you! I love you!" He said between kisses as he carried Jean over to the bedroom. "We'll throw a huge party and a feast for the ages! Oh, my love! You've made me so happy!"


David shrugged. "The assignment is simply to help the less fortunate. If returning to the soup kitchen is easier for you then by all means, do that." David stood as well and placed a hand on Atma's shoulder. "I'll see you again soon. Take care of yourself." he said kindly then turned to Ricky and held out his hand to shake. "Best of luck to the two of you. Hopefully, the next time you see me you'll be ready for me to sign you off of the programme altogether." he smiled. "You're certainly well on your way, anyway."


Alex calmed down a bit but was still chuckling at Gary's antics as he watched him. He placed a hand against the dome, where Gary was. "Wow...I kinda wish I could hold you like that...I'll bet those teeth are just as sharp as any puppy teeth though...we'll have to watch out for that. I don't really fancy changing into anything different any time soon..." he said with a smile. He then chuckled again and shook his head a little. "I'm sorry...I know it's wrong but the temptation to baby-talk to you while you're like that is so damn strong." he laughed, laughing so hard that he fell onto his side by the dome, looking in at Gary.


The wolves had barely noticed the agent at first as they all sniffed around at the ground and at each other. But when he barked, they all looked in his direction. Their ears perked up and facing his direction and they watched as he began to trot in one direction. They began to follow him, Layla catching up to him much easier than the rest. All curious to see where they were being lead.


Denix Vames - June 27, 2021

"Will do." Once the call ended, Carter would inform Sebastian about everything.

Nate chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, I guess it has been. How's being the boss?"


Will was irritated as he was doing paperwork. 'Can you believe this crap? The moment I tell my men about the seizures, they're making me stay in my office. Doing all this crap. And I can't exactly not do it or else they said they would make their i's really crooked which gets my OCD blood boiling.'


Joyful tears ran down Jean's cheeks. He raised a brow. "Wait a minute. But do you have suits for the wedding? Are there clothes for the party that I could wear?"


Ricky shook his hand. He smiled. Holding back tears. "Thanks, David." He suddenly frowned. "I'm sorry that I hurt you and Patience. Back before? What I did was awful."


Gary started trying to dig a hole on the ground. He whined as he wasn't near Alex.


The Werewolf Agent led them to a deer which he chased after. Once he took it down, he ripped its throat out. He began to eat some but not too much. Letting the others eat too. He nudged the deer to their direction.


Shadowess - June 28, 2021

"Honestly? I kinda can't wait for Carter to come back." Parker laughed. "Now I see why he needed a vacation so badly...It hasn't even been a week and I've been shot and had a case taken off of me by the CIA..."

"Could've been worse." Tom shrugged. "Sure, getting shot sucks- I know! but at least you survived and all our friends are still alive."

"True..." Parker smiled a little. "So, how're you two? You've been away for quite a while too."


River chuckled. 'Easy there, Boss. Don't go getting yourself wound up. At least it shows that they care about your health. Oh, by the way, seeing that Carol chick at the wedding gave me an idea and I've sort of been working on something...wana see?" River then tapped into Will's ocular nerves to make him hallucinate so that he could see a version of River in front of him while he was awake, even though he wasn't really there and couldn't interact with anything physical.

'I'm not really here. Just tricking your brain into thinking you can see me. Pretty neat, huh? Oh, and-' River then ran a hand through his own hair and changed the colour from Parker's red to a navy blue colour. 'There we go. Less chance of getting us confused if he's ever in the same room." he said, as if the red eyes weren't a dead give away already. 'Ohh my god! Dude! Do you know what this totally reminds me of? Drop Dead Fred! Ha! Classic movie..."


Hannes beamed at Jean and gently set him down. "My wardrobe is just there, my love. Feel free to wear anything you like." He nodded in the direction of a large, wooden armoire. "Or we could go into the local town and buy you some new clothes? Most of my clothes might be a little... dated."


David's smile slipped a little but he shook his head and continued to smile anyway. "Water under the bridge, Ricky." he reassured him while letting go of his hand.

Rickster had frozen at Ricky's words and he didn't look up. He moved his head a little to glance in David's direction then quickly averted his gaze back to the dishes in the sink. "Sorry." he said quietly then continued to wash the dishes.

David nodded at him. It was a start and by the looks of Rickster, an apology had not been an easy thing for him to give. It was a small gesture but it was a promising one. "Right then. I best be off. Take care of yourselves and I'll see you all again sometime soon." He vanished, leaving a somewhat awkward silence between Ricky, Atma and Rickster.

Atma got to her feet and scratched the back of her head. "Thanks for breakfast. Which room should I stay in? It's pretty late." she asked and as soon as Ricky would point her in the right direction, she'd go off to that room to try and get some sleep, leaving just Ricky and Rickster in the kitchen.


Alex chuckled at Gary as he started trying to dig under the dome. "Hey, don't do that. You'll get all muddy. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere..." he then jumped and shot to his feet when he heard a howl in the distance and he looked around in alarm, trying to see through the trees while keeping his back pressed to the dome. "Oh...right...I guess you're not the only person turning into a wolf tonight...let's just hope the other wolves out there are in control and friendly..." he said a little shakily.


Excited by the chase, the other wolves helped the agent chase the deer until he had it cornered. When he began to eat and nudged the deer in their direction, Layla didn't hesitate. She moved forward and began tearing off chunks of flesh and eating it as if this was the most normal thing in the world. Only growling now and again when the other wolves started eating too close to her, warning them to give her some space. When she'd had her fill she walked away from the carcass so that the other wolves could eat as well and lay down near a tree. She began cleaning the blood off of her paws although she struggled to reach the fur closer to her neck and face.

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Denix Vames - June 28, 2021

"Believe it or not, I'm starting to hate the space. I like being alone with him but I also miss hanging out with you guys." ,said Nate. He glanced at Tom. "No offense."


'The hell is that movie?' ,said Will. He looked over Raven. 'Nice change. I'm guessing that when I can teleport, you'll want me to visit Amelia so you can date Carol. Although, it's going to be awkward just standing there while you two are sort of alone.'


"That's fine. I've never worn clothes like those before. I want to try them." Jean ran over to the closet. He opened it up. He looked at all the clothes there. "Wow! I don't even know where to begin."


"Any room is most likely a bedroom. Just go upstairs and open doors. You'll fine one. Trust me." ,said Ricky. Once he was alone with Rickster, he walked over to him. He leaned his head against his shoulder. Smiling. "It's good to have you here."


When Gary heard the howl in the distance, he transformed into a much larger werewolf. He growled and barked at the howl. "Protect!"


The Werewolf Agent walked over to her. He sat across from her. Wagging his tail. He barked happily. Wondering if he could get closer to her. He walked slightly closer. Sniffing the air around her.


Shadowess - June 28, 2021

Tom shrugged. "Non taken. I get what you mean. Kinda miss being part of the action sometimes."

"Why don't you guys stick around for a while then? Stay in the spare room here?" Parker suggested.


'Nah, it wouldn't work. Like she said, we're not the same. I'm just your hallucination right now. Only you can see me. Whereas she is a literal fragment of her former self who is attached to Amelia..." River seemed thoughtful for a moment. "If there's a fragment of her left...I wonder if there's a way to bring her back? Like, put her back together or maybe even do what the guys did for Parker when they put Alex into another body..." He stared at the ground hard and folded his arms, very deep in thought. "I wonder...could I be put into a body too? Not like I am now with you...like Alex...but leave my powers with you? So, I'd just be human...have a chance at a life of my own..." he quickly shook his head and faked a laugh. "Nah, I'll bet it's not even possible. Just my luck, huh? Oh, and we are SO watching Drop Dead Fred when we get home." he beamed. "Otherwise, all my jokes are going to fall flat!"


Walking over to Jean, Hannes wrapped his arms around him from behind. He found Jean's enthusiasm to be adorable. "What about this one?" Hannes suggested as he pointed to a fine, silver and black Victorian suit. "I think you'd look handsome in that one."


Drying his hands, Rickster smiled. Although his smile was a little strained. He knew it was time to talk to him or he might not get another chance. But he worried what Ricky would think of him. Would he hate him? He couldn't possibly hate him as much as he hates himself. "You might want to sit down, Ricky..." he sighed. "There's something very important I need to tell you." When Ricky would sit down, Rickster would sit opposite him and fidget with his hands nervously for a minute as he tried to find the right words. "...I don't think you ever saw her...but there was a little girl that ran with me and my gang before Carter and his group killed us. She's in their care now...her name is Neva. I trained her to pickpocket and I'd send her out to steal as many wallets as she could every night...anything could've happened to her but I didn't care...I felt nothing for this child...she was just another tool for me to use at the time...I didn't even feel anything when she almost died...I ran, like a damn coward, and left her to die." Rickster covered his face, unable to look at Ricky. He felt absolutely ashamed. "The whole time she was in my care, I terrorised her. I hit her or yelled at her over the most minor provocations and barely fed her. But that's not the worst of it..." He pulled his hands away, revealing the fresh tears that had went his face. He sniffed, shaking his head and staring at the floor. "I'm a fucking monster...she's mine, Ricky...she's my daughter and I didn't give two shits about her!" he sobbed.


Alex gulped as he strained to see through the darkness between the trees. He then jumped again and hopped away from the dome, whirling around to look at Gary. Shocked by his transformation, Alex took a step back nervously then paused when he heard the word in his bark. "Gary?" he gasped. He glanced around himself warily then stepped up to the dome, placing his hands against it to look at Gary. "Are you...you?" he asked, wondering if Gary was aware of what he was doing or if he was just reacting out of instinct.


Layla had been cleaning her front paws and was mid-lick when she noticed the agent approaching her. She turned her head to him to watch him warily and put her tongue back into her mouth. She watched his tail wagging and her ears flicked in his direction when he barked. She watched him try to move closer to her and to show him that she was comfortable with him moving closer, she put her ears back while wagging her tail a little, watching him patiently with her head turned slightly to one side.


Denix Vames - June 28, 2021

"That'd be great. Thanks. And we'll try not to make too much noise or scar you for life." Nate chuckled.


Will frowned. He lowered his head as he looked at the file in his hands. "Is it selfish of me to say that I would miss you? I mean, if you could be free, I wouldn't stop you. I could never do something like that. It's just....You've been one of my voices of reason. You really helped me."


"Ooh! Let me try that out!" Jean began to take off his clothes. Letting Hannes help him into the outfit.


Ricky sat. He nervously waiting for him to speak. His face turned pale at the mention of a daughter. "Where is she now? I know you said, she's with them. But do you know specifically where?"


Gary growled at the darkness. "Protect! Alex!" He started digging through the dirt until there was a big hole. He crawled under the dome. He soon stood near him. Keeping himself in front of him as a werewolf came out from the shadows.

He snarled at it. (mind playing the werewolf?)


The Werewolf Agent soon sat next to her. He gently rubbed his head against hers. Licking her cheek.


Shadowess - June 28, 2021

"No promises, though." Tom smirked.

Parker chuckled and shook his head. "No problem. You guys are always welcome here and I'd honestly be glad of any help you can offer. Seems like we're quiet for now though. Just as well, I feel exhausted." He neatly put the paperwork away in the drawer before getting up from the chair and stretching. "I think I'm guna head home. It's pretty late. Make yourselves at home, I'll be back in the morning."


River looked back at Will and thought about what he said with a small frown. "You mean that?" he asked, looking at the ground thoughtfully. "I thought I just annoyed you." he shrugged. "huh...well, then..." he smiled and looked back at Will. "I'd be happy to stay. Besides, if I made myself human I wouldn't be able to manipulate my surroundings to suit my taste, like in the dream state, and where's the fun in that?" He looked thoughtful once more. "But maybe we could at least look into helping Carol...I mean...Even you must've noticed how she seemed, right? Like she was miserable...and no wonder. Going God knows how long without anyone able to see or hear you...not even the person you're attached to...must be Hell for her."


Hannes helped Jean into the suit. After showing him how to set the Ascot Cravat, he took a step back to look him over. As he did, his pupils dilated in delight. "Meine Geliebte!" he gasped with a wide smile. "You look stunning." he walked over and gently turned him by his shoulders so he could see his reflection in the mirror. He kissed his cheek, and looked at his reflection in adoration. "Didn't I say it would look good on you?"


Rickster shook his head. "No, and that's for the best!" he said hurriedly. "She's safer and happier where she is...besides...she doesn't even know... Her mother died giving birth to her and I wasn't around so she went straight into the system...when I find out about her, she'd already run away from another abusive foster parent...I took her in without telling her who I really was...told her to do everything that I told her, not to tell anyone about our gang and not go to the police or she'd end up back in the system...Then I went to the CPA and told them I was her father and that she was under my care so they'd stop looking for her."

Rickster sniffled as he wiped away some of his tears and stared off at the far wall. "I didn't even know her mother that well...she was just some chick that I'd go to whenever I got...you know...'lonely'...Then she stopped answering my calls and when I went to visit her she'd moved...I guess now I know why...I got her pregnant and she knew what kind of father I'd be so she cut off all ties with me and ran... I don't even remember her name...Stacy...or Tracy...Lacey?...Stevens? No weirder than that...Steener?...Steen-...Stern-...Stein-...no, it's gone...fuck, I am such a fuck up..."


Alex watched as Gary dug under the dome, not sure what to do. He took a couple of steps away from him once he was outside the dome, he then watched as he stood between himself and the new werewolf that came out through the trees. His breath caught in his throat at the sight of the other wolf. He could see it looking past Gary and eyeing him up. His face turned pale as he got the impression that this werewolf didn't have any good intentions.

As he stepped more into the clearing, growling and bearing his teeth at Gary and Alex, Alex could see that his fur had some chunks missing and several scars across it's body. He also seemed to be alone and Alex wondered if this wolf was a rogue...regardless, he seemed to be a wolf with some experience when it came to fighting, considering all his scars and the fact he was still alive. Alex backed up against the dome, too frightened to think straight. The werewolf continued to snarl and growl threateningly at Gary as he prowled closer to them.


Layla's tail continued to wag as he sat next to her. She sat up and rubbed her head against his as well. She kept her ears down submissively and moved her head a little so he could lick her. She sniffed at the blood on his neck and around his mouth and started trying to clean him up, licking at the blood on his neck.


Denix Vames - June 28, 2021

"Sure thing. Just call us when you need us." ,said Nate. He turned to Tom. "What do you want to do first?"


Will shook his head. "I never noticed but I'm sure we could ask David about it. I heard he's an expert in a lot of topics. This is probably one of them." He held a small smile. "Don't let me stop you from being free. I want you to be happy."


Jean looked himself over the mirror. Brushing his hands over the material of the clothes. His eyes sparkled. "You're right! I look amazing!" He turned around to kiss him. "Thank you, Hannes! It means a lot."


Ricky walked over to him. He placed a hand on his arm. "Hey, it's going to be ok. I know you did some terrible things but I did some terrible things too. That doesn't mean you can't make up for it. I think it's best if you tell her the truth. I'll ask David if he can be there so that they know that we're only there to talk. Just for you to say what you need to say. Rickster, you've got a family. I never did. Even when I was a kid, my parents were greedy bastards. And now they're gone because of it. But you? You have a chance here. You shouldn't waste it."


Gary barked and stomped his paws against the ground. Making sure he knew not to get any closer. If he got too close, he would pounce on him. Biting at his neck and clawing at his chest.


The Werewolf Agent happily wagged his tail. He rubbed his nose against hers. He allowed her to clean him up..


shadowess - June 29, 2021

Tom looked at Nate and smiled as Parker headed past them to leave the office. His mind kept going to one specific place while he tried to think of anything else they could do together. "Oh, I don't know. I guess we could watch some TV?..."


"Or we could go see a movie?..."


"It's a full moon tonight, I'll bet the stars look beautiful..."


"Or we could go clubbing?..."

'or washroom?'


River smiled at Will. "I am happy, boss. I like helping you out..." he then shrugged and looked around the room thoughtfully, only really able to see the parts of the room that Will could see in his peripheral. "Though...not now but maybe one day...when you can handle yourself without me needing to give you advice...maybe then?" he looked back at Will.


"It is my pleasure, Jean." Hannes smiled. He kissed him again, slowly and deeply. He held his hips as he moved close to him and slipped his tongue into his mouth.

It was at about this time that Racheal had slipped out of Niko's house while he took a nap. She walked a little slowly down the corridors, limping a little towards the room where she could smell X's rich scent. She had a new, large bruise on her upper arm which was hidden by her sweater. After being humiliated in the hall, Niko had vented some of his frustration on her. In Racheal's mind, however, she blamed herself for annoying him while he was already in a bad mood. It wasn't so bad, she thought. At least she'll heal from it quickly. She held a piece of paper in her hand which had an address written on it. She approached the door nervously but reasoned with herself that this was the least she could do to redeem herself after hunting vampires during her human life. Hesitantly, she knocked on the door.


Rickster shook his head a little and leant against Ricky for comfort, resting his head on his stomach. "But what if I mess up her life more? What if I see her and I still don't feel any love for her? Aren't parents supposed to love their children? She's better off without me...she's better off believing that both her parents are dead...she has a loving family now, anyway...she doesn't need me..." he cried.


Alex watched anxiously. Face pale and trembling. Too frightened to move. He could hear his heart beating loudly in his ears.

The werewolf snarled, baring his teeth. His heckles raised and it's eyes fixed on Alex. He moved forward suddenly and was met with Gary's attack. He snapped and clawed back at him savagely while growling and barking. He aimed a bite at Gary's neck, attempting to fling him around to throw him out of his way, determined to clear a path to Alex. Alex watched the scrapping wolves while lifting his hands to grip the sides of his head, fearing for his and Gary's safety.


Layla cleaned the agent up, carefully licking the blood off from his neck, all the way up to his mouth. She wasn't the least bit shy or embarrassed about what she was doing, so far acting purely on what felt natural. When she was done, she licked her lips and rubbed her head against his again before jumping back in a playful way. She jumped to one side and dipped her front half down a bit while panting at the agent before jumping back up and hopping to one side again. She barked at him happily and mouthed at him playfully, pretending to bite him but putting no pressure behind it before jumping back and barking at him again with her tail wagging the whole time.

The other wolves around them were either doing something similar with each other or napping. One wolf sat by a tree, absent mindedly gnawing on tree bark.


Denix Vames - June 29, 2021

Nate smirked. "I think I know just the place." He lifted Tom off the floor before teleporting to the washroom where he laid him on the washer. His wings sprouted. He slipped his tongue into his mouth. Kissing him passionately while he unbuckled his belt. Placing his hand under his pants.


"Then I hope it's soon. I like your company but I think it would be best for the both of us that we weren't mindfused." Will opened the file. He turned pale at the sight of Jean's smiling face. He was wearing his uniform with his hat on. The paperwork had him as missing. Will shook. "What do I do?"


Jean moaned into the kiss. He whispered, "Make love to me like you did before."

X opened the door. "Yes?"


Ricky gently ran his hand through his hair. "Do you know who's taking care of her? I mean specifically who? Maybe we could talk to them."


Gary yelped as he was thrown at a tree. He stumbled but found his footing. He watched the wolf run at Alex. "NO!" As he was running over, he soon stood between the wolf and Alex as a naked human. He grabbed the wolf by his neck. He threw him on the ground before pummeling punches into his face.


The Werewolf Agent barked happily. He jumped around too. Following her playful behavior by putting a paw on her back like a hug.

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Shadowess - June 29, 2021

Tom moaned into the kiss, his hands slipping under Nate's shirt to feel his torso and hips. "Oh, Nate!" he moaned, "I hope you and I stay like this forever!"


River didn't need to move to see what Will had just seen. He glanced down with a frown and sighed. "Does he have family looking for him?" he asked and scratched the back of his head thoughtfully. "If so, maybe you should find a way to contact Jean and get him to reassure them that he's alive and well? If he's all the way out in Germany then he could come up with any reason for being out there...new job opportunity, etc..."


Hannes bit his lower lip and smiled at Jean. He lifted him into his arms so that his legs could wrap around his hips. He kissed him deeply while walking over to the bed and setting him down gently. He kissed his neck while unbuttoning his jacket and pants. Once his shirt was open, he kissed down his chest.

Racheal was nervous as X answered the door. She stared at him for a moment, wondering if he really was some kind of God like these people think he is. She quietly held out the piece of paper for X to take. The address written on it was for a place that wasn't far from the diner she had fought the other Agents at, in the US.

It was just one of many locations that the Steinheils used to keep werewolves locked up, so that they could farm their venom for their weapons. "You might want to get your people to check out this address." she said seriously. A slight quiver to her voice. "There'll be guards, so they'll need to be armed...but there are also innocent prisoners there, so they should be careful too."


Rickster took a few deep breaths and held on to Ricky. "A human and a grim reaper...That's all I know...I didn't want to look into it too much...I just wanted to know if she was safe and happy...She is..."


"Gary!" Alex screamed then covered his head with his arms when he saw the werewolf lunge at him. He then heard Gary's shout and looked up to see him tackling the wolf in his human form. Alex wasn't the only one who was surprised by this as the werewolf was so shocked by Gary's mid-moon transformation that he left himself wide open to Gary's attacks. As Gary's punches landed, the werewolf cried out and whined. He quickly scrambled to his feet, trying to regain control of the fight by aiming a bite for Gary's arm, wanting to rip at it to cause him pain.

Just as he snarled and opened his jaw to snap however, he was struck across the face by a rock that Alex had thrown. "Don't you fucking touch him, you bastard!" Alex shouted at the werewolf angrily as he picked up another rock and threw it at him. "Fuck off!" he screamed. The wolf jumped back, away from Gary and Alex and growled at them both for a moment, debating trying again. Still weirded out by Gary's change and finding this to be far more hassle than anticipated, the werewolf decided against it and ran off into the trees with his tail between his legs.


Layla barked at him, bucking him off her. Her tail still wagging, she mouthed at his mouth and neck and tugged on his fur lightly. She jumped away from him and jumped back again to mouth at him again while making playful noises, somewhere between half-barks and happy whines or groans.


Denix Vames - June 29, 2021

Nate smiled. "Me too." He unbuttoned his shirt and nibble on his chest.


Will read over the papers. "He has a brother named Harley Poe. Looks like he's an officer to but in a different precinct of this city. Maybe that's why Jean got into the police academy? Because of his brother. Seems like Jean use to break a lot of laws back then. Vandalism and public fighting. He even sold drugs."


Jean moaned at his touch. He clutched his hair. His chest slightly rose.

"Thank you. I appreciate this information. We will discuss another topic when I am available again. Tell everyone that I am busy at the moment." ,said X. He disappeared.


Ricky knelt so that he was looking into his eyes. He placed a hand on his knees. "Rickster, if you don't tell her the truth or even talk to her, this is only going to eat you up inside. I know that from experience. Please at least think about what I'm suggesting?"


Gary caught his breath. He fell to his knees before collapsing. Exhausting from fighting. There were a couple of bleeding scratch marks on his chest and arms. Some bruising was on his back.


The Werewolf Agent tugged gently at her fur too. He then noticed his tail and tried to chase it.


X had informed his agents about the location that Rachael had told him. Once the agents he would be sending with himself had their weapons ready, they drove to the location.


Ready to take down anyone who attempted to harm them first. Keeping in mind that there were prisoners in the building.


Shadowess - June 30, 2021

Tom moaned and tilted his head back, loving the way Nate made him feel. He ran a hand through his hair as he thought about everything that led them to this moment. The day they met. The way Nate had captivated him. All the time they spent together, Tom's love for him growing ever stronger. Their trip to France and their beautiful date. Seeing him all dressed up for the wedding. Tom's heart beat strongly for him and as he whispered the words "I love you." every fibre of his being felt this love with so much strength and purity. To Tom, all of these private moments weren't just sex, they were the most intimate displays of affection that they could achieve together. Bringing them closer to each other every time.


"What?" River stared at Will. He walked over to the desk, even though he could already see what Will was reading, and looked at the file. "That can't be right...Jean? We're talking about the same guy, right? Nervous? Sweet? A little naïve?...I literally can't picture him selling drugs..."


Hannes ran his tongue over his chest, up to his neck. He pulled away and took off his own shirt. He removed his pants and leant over Jean again, pressing his body against his as he kissed him deeply, slipping his tongue into his mouth once more. He ran his hands down his sides until they gripped both his pants and underwear. He stopped kissing him to look into his eyes. His own eyes full of lust and love. "Are you ready, Meine Geliebte?"

"Uh..ok..." Racheal mumbled after he'd vanished and she looked around nervously. She didn't know anyone in this place well enough to just walk up to them and she was worried about how Niko would react if he awoke to find her not in his house. Still, she walked along the corridors, trying to find another vampire to tell them about X.


Rickster was still hesitant but knew Ricky was right. He swallowed and nodded. "Alright..." he said quietly then looked at Ricky carefully. "You don't hate me, then?"


"Gary!" Alex ran over to him, rolling him over so he'd be able to breath easier. He looked him over then hurried over to his backpack, pulling out some clothes and a blanket. He put the clothes next to him and did his best to wrap the blanket around him. "Man, this is crazy..." he cried quietly as he pulled him into his arms to cradle him. "But you saved my ass. God, I love you!" he kissed his head.


(Zoomies xD)

Wound up and over excited, Layla started running around when the agent started chasing his tail. She ran around the pack then disappeared into the trees momentarily before re-appearing, darting to the other side and vanishing through the trees again only to come back and do it again and again, her tongue dangling out of her mouth as she went. Simply loving how it felt to run as fast as she could and the way the wind moved through her fur. Eventually she ran back into the clearing with the pack and dropped to the floor, rolling onto her side and panting happily.


The location was a metallic warehouse in the middle of the forest. Outside were five Steinheil guards patrolling the area while there were five more inside the warehouse to guard the 'stock'. With it being the full moon, the werewolves in the cages had already shifted into their wolf forms and were moping around miserably. To prevent unwanted breeding, they had been split up. The male wolves were in cages on the left side of the warehouse while the females were in cages on the right side. In total, there were at least thirty werewolves being held prisoner. A small portion of which, were only children. All of these wolves had been bred in captivity and didn't know anything about the outside world.


Denix Vames - June 30, 2021

Nate held a loving expression. "I love you too."

(private time)


"I know. It's hard for me to imagine it but looks like he did. Guess I'll have to drive there and talk to his brother." Will stood. Once River was back in his head, he headed out of the precinct. Getting into his cruiser and driving to the next precinct.


Jean moaned louder. Losing his breath to such a moment he loved between himself and Hannes. He nodded. "Always."

There was a vampire roaming the halls. He had spiky red hair and wore a Victorian red suit with a black cloak over himself.


"God no! Honestly, my family's done a lot of fucked up shit just like I did. I'm no better than you. But that doesn't mean we both can't change for the better." Ricky caressed his cheek. He kissed him.


Gary slowly opened his eyes. His wounds were already starting to heal. Turning into scars. "Alex?"



The Werewolf Agent ran around too. He soon stopped and flopped over. Panting. He got to a laying position and closed his eyes. Feeling tired.


The few snipers that had been brought to the scene had all taken out the guards from the outside. The agents moved in. Getting to the door.


Shadowess - June 30, 2021

River stopped the hallucination and watched quietly from within Will's mind.


Biting his lip, Hannes pulled Jean's pants and underwear off, throwing them to one side. He removed his own underwear and pressed himself against Jean, running a hand over his thigh while kissing him. (Private Time.)

Racheal spotted the vampire and her footsteps slowed as she wondered how to greet him or whether he'd understand her. She knew a little German but not enough to hold a conversation. She felt very much like Jean had felt, which was like she was some sort of outsider who might be unwelcome here. Particularly her.

A vampire would only need to take one look at her hair and eyes to know she came from a family of hunters. Maybe they could see past that and see that she was one of them now? But there was no time to dwell on that thought as she approached him. She needed to speak up now or she'd lose her chance. "Um...Guten Abend? (Good Evening)" she greeted him nervously.


Rickster kissed him back and sighed out of relief, holding the hand that was on his cheek. He glanced at the dark sky through the window then looked back at Ricky and smiled. "We should try to get some sleep if we want to be awake enough to help people tomorrow...be honest with me, what's it like? Taking care of other people."


"Hey you." Alex laughed through his tears as he watched Gary's wounds healing, relieved to see that he was alright. "How do you feel?" he asked him worriedly. Several howls could be heard quite a distance away and Alex looked up warily.

A few seconds later, more howls came from the opposite direction but they sounded far away as well. "Woah..." Alex was amazed by the noises and wondered just how many werewolves were in this forest. Or maybe there were regular wolves interacting with werewolves too?


Howls erupted in the distance and Layla lifted her head. Her ears pointing in the direction the howls were coming from. One of the other wolves started howling too. Then another and another. Layla joined in, feeling united by the wolves song.

When the howling eventually died down, she looked over at the agent and got up. She walked over to him slowly with her ears back and sniffed at him calmly before laying down next to him to settle down for the night.


The Steinheil guards inside the warehouse hadn't heard the guards outside being taken out. Despite silencers being used, the werewolves inside had heard the shots and all of them became restless. They sensed something was happening that could potentially result in their freedom and not wanting to waste this chance, they all soon began to howl in order to cover up any noises that the agents outside might make on their way in.

This also served as a distraction for the guards inside the warehouse, who they didn't understand why the wolves were suddenly playing up and were all too focussed on trying to get them to be quiet again. Not long after they started howling, more howls could be heard outside of the warehouse, far off in the distance. This further provided the agents the cover that they needed to act quickly without fear of being heard.


Denix Vames - June 30, 2021

Will drove up to the precinct. He parked there and got out. Once inside, he asked the secretary for Officer Poe who was apparently a Captain. He headed to his desk where Harley had been updating something on the computer.

"Captain Poe?" Harley jumped. He turned his chair. "Ah! Chief, what can I do for you?" Will bit his lip. "It's about your brother. He's not missing. He's in Germany." "What? Why? And how?" "He moved there with his boyfriend. Said that he needed to get a new vision in life." Harley shook his head. He stood. "That doesn't sound like him at all. We don't even have that kind of money to move so far. Just who the hell helped him? Who's this boyfriend?"

"His name's Hannes Strassman." Harley's face went pale. His eyes widened. "Shit!" "What?" He grabbed Will by his arm. Dragging him out of the precinct. "Why the hell did you let him go with a vampire?" Will raised a brow. "You know about this stuff?"


The vampire smiled. In German he said, "Good evening. How may I help you?"


Ricky took his hand. Leading him upstairs. "Well, it was annoying at first. But then I slowly realized how fucked up things were for the poor people."


"Hunky dory." Gary's eyes widened at the howls. He sat up. "Something's happening. We should go." He threw on a pair of jeans and a grey shirt that said, 'Off Duty' the infamous medical logo was between, and the bottom words said 'Save Yourself.'


X clapped his hands. The door became nothing more than a shriveled rolled up metallic small ball which hit the ground. The agents moved in. Shooting on sight any guard.


Shadowess - June 30, 2021

'How does he know Hannes is a vampire?' River questioned. 'Isn't the guy supposed to be from some old ass castle out there? Hey, what if Strassman is a famous vampire name, like the Steinheils are famous vampire hunters. But still, how does Jean's brother know about this stuff when Jean was clueless?'


Hesitating but seeing his smile, Racheal relaxed a little. "I'm sorry...I don't suppose you know any English?" she asked. "I was told to let everyone know that X is unavailable for a while...that's the-...what did Hannes call him again? Vampyr- vampeerkern-..." she was trying to say 'Vampirkönig', which roughly translates to Vampire King. She sighed, giving up. "Sorry...I don't know much German...My name is Racheal, by the way." she held out a hand. "I think you guys would call me a 'new born'?"


Rickster watched Ricky as they walked to the bedroom. "Oh?" he tilted his head a little with a small frown. "I don't get it..." he admitted, currently unable to see why they should care. Rickster had been poor before and he got himself out of it. Why should these people have it easier than he did?


Alex got up and gathered up their things. He looked around briefly. "We already called on Nate to get us here. I don't want to take the piss and annoy him." he said quickly then thought. "David? Yo, Grandad, you busy?" he called out and David appeared, looking mildly amused.


"Alright, calm down old man. I just thought it'd get your attention." Alex smirked cheekily.

"It did." David chuckled and looked around them, hearing the howls. "Want me to take you home?"

"No..." Alex looked at Gary and sighed a little. "We need a new home...somewhere else."

David frowned, looking between them for a moment then clicked his fingers. "Got just the place." he held out his hands for them both and once they'd take his hands, he'd teleport them to a nice looking house in a cul-de-sac. Somewhere in the north of England. It was fully furnished but everything was covered in dust as if no one had lived there in quite some time. David looked around with a small frown then looked at Alex. "This was your father's house, when he was alive. He's not going to need it anymore..." David ran a finger across a nearby cabinet then looked at the dust on his index finger thoughtfully. "It could use a bit of care but once it's cleaned up a bit, it's all yours."


Seeing the door shift shape the way it did caused the guards some confusion. They were so confused and distracted by everything going on around them that they barely put up a fight once the agents moved in. Overall it had been a swift and clean operation. Once the guards were taken out, the wolves started jumping around, barking and howling for freedom.

Most of them thankful and eager to get out of the cages. A few of them were scared and nervous about the sudden change, wondering if these strangers would harm them as well. One of the guards that had been shot coughed and groaned on the ground. Unable to think through his pain and the noise from the wolves. He gripped his side and weakly tried to crawl away from the agents.

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Denix Vames - June 30, 2021

Will glared. "Have you been hiding this stuff from your brother? How do you know all this?" Harley sighed. "I'm a vampire hunter, ok? Now, tell me exactly where he is so we can save him." Will held a death glare. He tackled him to the ground.

Harley struggled against his strength. "Hey! What are you doing?! Get off of me!" "Harley Poe, you're under arrest for murder. I'm sure the CIA will love you." Will handcuffed him. "What?! They're monsters Chief!" He forced him to stand. "And that makes me one too? Huh?" "Wha-? Chief? You're a....?"

Harley shook his head. He seemed defeated. "I can't believe it." Will took him to the cruiser where he placed him in the backseat. He drove to the precinct.


This time he spoke in English. He shook her hand. "That's quite alright. I know what you're trying to say. It's nice to meet you, Rachael. My name is Elimar."


Ricky got to the bed where he took off his clothes. Leaving himself naked as he got under the covers. "You'll understand once you get out there. It took me working just to see it all."


Tears dripped down Gary's cheeks. He clenched his fists as he looked at the interior of this house. "Why can't I just be back with my friends? At my old home? Why do I have to change anything? It's not fair!"


An agent zip tied the wounded guard's hands. He helped him up. X released the locks on the cages with a clap of his hands. Once the cages were opened, he nodded at the agent. The agent threw the guard at the wolves reach.

X smiled. "We'll take you all back to your homes. We're the CIA and the government has changed for the better. First, I think you all would enjoy playing with your live toy."


shadowess - June 30, 2021

'Dude...what a twist!' he then noticed the direction Will was driving in and piped up quickly. 'Don't forget, the other officers at your precinct don't know about the supernatural just yet. You take Harley in there in handcuffs and you're going to have a lot of questions thrown at you that you won't be able to answer. Take him to Carter's office and call Parker to let him know. He said he was doing paperwork there, right? Wonder if he's still there...' Another thought then occurred to River. 'Wait, he said he was a vampire hunter...you don't suppose he's dating or is married to a Steinheil, do you? Or maybe he just knows them? Worth an ask, don't you think?'


Smiling, Racheal took her hand back after he'd shook it and she hugged herself a little. "That's an interesting name. I've never met anyone called Elimar before." she admitted, a little fascinated. This would be the first time she'd socialised with another vampire without Niko watching her every move. It felt...liberating. She felt a little guilty for thinking that but at the same time she reasoned with herself that Niko shouldn't mind her talking to the other vampires in the castle. After all, they're neighbours now!

Her stomach growled and she blushed with embarrassment. "Sorry...I guess it's been a while since I had anything." she said shyly. She then quickly looked around and worried that she might have been away from Niko's house for too long. Then she realized that she didn't recognise this part of the castle, nor did she know her way back. "and it looks like I might have gotten myself lost..." she chuckled.


Rickster got undressed as well and slipped under the covers with Ricky, wrapping his arms around him. He sighed and closed his eyes, resting his head close to his. "I'll take your word for it...Can't say I'm looking forward to it though." he chuckled.


Alex was frowning, not exactly happy either. "Yeah, I'm not over the moon about staying in a house that belonged to a man, who didn't give two shits about me, thanks."

David looked between them, not sure where to even begin with this. He looked at Alex and shook his head. "Your father cared." he said and Alex scoffed. "He did! He just didn't show it. Look..." He opened a nearby drawer and took out what looked like a couple of photos. He passed them to Alex and sighed.

"That one is you..." he pointed to the photo on top which was from an ultrasound. "That one is Jessica." he pointed to another ultrasound underneath. "He wanted you. He wanted both of you... But Lucifer skewed his perception of weaknesses... he feared you would both be used against him by his enemies." David explained. "...Or that Lucifer would find out about you both and come looking for you like he has done with every other member of our family... He left you both and stayed away because he thought that was the only way to keep you both safe."

Alex was speechless, unable to stop looking between the photos as tears stung his eyes. While Alex was looking at them, David turned his attention to Gary and walked over to him. He placed his hand on his shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look. "I know it isn't fair. Sometimes our lives are not easy..." he glanced around the house thoughtfully. "Stay here for now. Make yourselves comfortable...I'll see if there might be any way for you two to return home..." he then gave Gary a serious look. "But I can't make any promises, do you understand? I'll do what I can but you should prepare yourself for the worst...just in case."


The guard groaned as he was pulled up to his feet, fully expecting to be taken prisoner. He watched nervously as the wolves were let loose then cried out fearfully when he was thrown down and referred to as a 'toy'. He got to his knees and looked at the wolves who were growling at him, encircling him. He was trembling as he looked from one wolf to another.

The female wolves were walking towards the exit of the warehouse, nudging the puppies along as they did. The males were growling viciously at the guard. "P-please no..." the guard whimpered and when it seemed like the wolves were going to pounce on him, the largest wolf jumped between them and barked at the others to back off.

He then turned to the guard and snarled, baring his teeth and moving towards him slowly with his heckles raised, eliminating any hope that the guard might have gotten from the intervention. "Oh, God. Please! Please don't let them kill me! Please!" the guard cried pitifully, liquid starting to soak through his pants, leaving a puddle on the floor underneath him. The wolf jumped on him, biting into his shoulder, causing him to scream in agony.

He flung him back and forth savagely like a rag doll before letting him go and standing over him, growling loudly while the guard wept into the floor, gripping his shoulder which had been dislocated from the wolf's sheer force. He groaned, feeling the venom burning through his veins and expecting the wolves to finish him off. Instead, the large wolf barked at the others and began walking away to join the females and pups. The other males followed their alpha, apparently leaving this guard to a more merciful fate.


Denix Vames - June 30, 2021

Will drove to the direction of Carter's Office. "Do you know anyone by the name of Steinhell?" "They're long gone and dead. Heard a group of vampires killed them all. Why?" He sighed. "Boy, have I got news for ya."


"How about I get you some blood first? Come." Elimar guided her to a storage room where the blood was kept. He gave her a bag. "Here. I can take you back to your room once you're done."


"I wasn't either but I think you'll like it. I don't mind helping out these days." Ricky touched his hands. "Good night baby."


Gary nodded. He walked over to Alex. He placed his hands on his shoulders. "Alex? Do you need a moment?"


An agent picked the guard up. Dragging him to a car which they placed him in the backseat of. The driver took him to the facility.

X walked over to the pack. "Do you guys remember your homes? We could help take you all there if you would like." He poked at his head. "And say what's on your mind. I can read people's thoughts."


shadowess - June 30, 2021

'Huh...wonder if he's talking about a different group of Steinheils to the ones we met...does he know how big that family really is? That they're not just limited to the US?" River asked.


Racheal took the bag and smiled. Her smile then slipped a little when he said he would take her back to her room once she was finished. She felt a horrible sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach at the thought of going back to Niko. But she quickly hid her frown by biting into the bag. Inwardly she scolded herself for being ungrateful. Niko had given her a second chance and told her he loved her. So, he hit her now and then...and their relationship started off forcefully... that was just Niko's way of looking out for her, she told herself. She deserved it when he punished her...After all, she'd been a murderer before he came along...he was just trying to make her into a good vampire...

'Good or obedient?' she found herself questioning herself and just as quickly as she'd thought it, she shook it off and repressed it. Burying the thought as deep as she could. She finished the bag and took it away from her mouth, catching her breath a little after having been drinking almost non-stop. She smiled at Elimar shyly. "Thank you..." she said as she placed the bag into a nearby waste bin. "Um...I-I live with Niko Bernbaum. I don't suppose you know him or where his house is?"


"Good night..." Rickster yawned sleepily. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep.


Alex stirred, having been deep in thought. He looked at Gary tearfully then looked back down at the photos and shook his head. "How?" he looked up at David. "How do you know? Did he tell you?"

David sighed and shook his head. "Damien didn't tell anyone how he truly felt. Ever. Not even the woman he considered to be his sister..."

"Then how could you possibly know that he wanted me and Jessica?!" Alex demanded.

"I only stumbled on this place recently...Looks like this was a permanent home for your father...a home away from everything...where he could be himself...by himself..." David looked around the place sadly. "There's a diary in the master bedroom. If you want to know what your father was really like, I'd recommend you read it at some point."

David straightened his jacket and looked between them again for a moment. "Well, I'll leave you two to it. I can only assume that you've both had a trying day already and I should get going to see whether I can get you two home again. Take care of yourselves. I'll be back as soon as I know anything. Oh-! and, your father's credit card is in the bedroom too. Last I checked, it hadn't been cut off yet. I suppose there's no harm in using it to get yourselves anything that you might need." he nodded at them before vanishing, leaving them alone.


The wolves looked at X and all of them thought near enough the same thing. 'Born here.'

The alpha stared up at him after checking on the pups, his thoughts were a little more direct and clear. 'They've been keeping us here and breeding us for generations. They keep the males separated from the females until our numbers dwindle from either old age or sickness. Then they force us into a pen during the week of the full moon...when certain urges become difficult to control. They sedate us one at a time and extract our venom regularly. We don't know any other life. You're the first people we've seen who don't resemble our former masters.'


Denix Vames - June 30, 2021

'Not sure but I''ll ask him questions later.' Will parked on the side of the road. He hopped out of the car and forced Harley to the front door of Carter's office. He knocked. "Parker? You there? There's something important that we need to discuss!"

Harley struggled. "Let me go! You fucking bloodsucker!" "And here I was thinking that you respected your Chief." His face turned red. "Not when he's a monster!"


Elimar frowned. "Oh. Him. Yes, I know where he lives. Come with me." He guided her down the hall. Leading her to Niko's bedroom.


Gary wrapped his arms around his waist from behind. He kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry for upsetting you. We can stay here for as long as we need to. I'll be right here for you."


"Then how about working for the Whitehouse? The pay is good. Enough to buy you all meat. The children would be well protected. Women and men can train under us. We already have our own wolf pack of agents. There are many supernatural creatures that work the government and we protect supernatural creatures. We welcome you all with open arms." ,said X.


shadowess - July 1, 2021

'Yeesh. This whole hysteria the hunters have is pretty deep rooted, huh?' River commented.


Meanwhile, in the building, Tom was relaxing on Nate's chest and could hear the commotion outside. He sighed and chuckled. "Never a dull moment, huh? You think we should let him know Parker's not here?"


Racheal noticed the way Elimar reacted but remained quiet. She followed him and occasionally looked at him curiously, wondering if he and Niko didn't get along or something. She tried to take her mind off of Niko as they walked and she looked around the castle instead. "This place is beautiful." she commented. "I'm so grateful that I was brought here..." she looked ahead and began to recognise the corridors they headed down. They were close to Niko's home.

Within minutes she could see his door at the end of the corridor. She felt nervous but her nerves soon turned to anxiety when she watched as the door flung open and Niko took two hurried steps out before coming to an abrupt stop. His eyes landing on her and for a fraction of a second she recognised the anger in his eyes before he looked at Elimar and his anger seemed to suddenly be replaced (or masked) by worry.

His eyes darted back to Racheal and he smiled widely, rushing over to them. "There you are, liebchen! I was worried. Didn't I tell you not to wander the castle without me? It's so large that you could get lost so easily." he sounded relieved when he spoke to her but there was still a hint of irritation in his eyes as he stared into hers.

"I'm sorry, Niko." Racheal said quickly. "I-I was just curious, that's all. Please don't be angry."

"Angry?" Niko chuckled and shook his head. "Nein, meine liebchen. I was just worried that you'd get lost, walk through a wrong door and end up in sunlight." he gestured towards his home and Racheal took the hint that he wanted her to go inside. She glanced between Niko and Elimar nervously before bowing her head a little and walking quietly towards his door. Once she was behind Niko, she turned her head a little to look at them once more before going inside, wondering what kind of punishment Niko would have in store for her for wandering off without his permission.

Niko looked at Elimar, maintaining his smile although it was a little strained. "Thank you for bringing her back to me, Elimar. I appreciate it."


Alex blinked and looked at Gary in surprise. "You didn't upset me." he said softly. He looked back at the photos with a frown and sighed. "I just-...I don't know what to make of this, you know? All my life I believed he was just some asshole who didn't care about us..." Alex trailed off, deep in thought. He rested his head against Gary's and leant against him. "I don't know if I want to read that diary...I don't know if I want to know what he was really like...because maybe it's easier just to keep resenting him...to keep blaming him for the way things turned out with me, Parker and Jessica...I don't know..."


Having spent their entire lives in cages with no access to education or the outside world, non of the wolves knew what the Whitehouse or 'pay' was. They didn't even know how to read or write. However, they did understand that they would be protected and that there was another pack that could possibly teach them how to properly behave in the world. Their trust in these people had already been solidified by their rescue, so they had no doubts about them. After briefly looking between the other wolves, the alpha looked back at X and nodded. 'We will join your people's pack.'

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Denix Vames - July 1, 2021

"I think we'll let him in anyway. It sounds important." Nate got dressed before heading to the front door. He opened it. Letting them in. Will escorted Harley upstairs and to the office. Finding it empty, he set him on the chair. He called up Parker.

"Hey Parker? Apparently, Jean has a brother named Harley. He's a vampire hunter. I've got him in custody at Carter's office. Can you meet me there right now?"


Elimar forced a smile. "You're welcome, Niko. Just be sure not to accidentally 'push' her or else you might accidentally receive a broken bone or two."


Gary kissed his cheek. "Take your time. No one's telling you to read it. It's just there if you ever decide to. Why don't we do something else to take our minds off of all this?"


X nodded. "We are grateful. You can enter any of these cars. There are limits to the space so someone will need to in other cars but don't worry. You will be back together once you reach our facility. It's where we train but also imprison the most dangerous criminals. So don't look through the cells. We'll try to avoid them."

The agents opened the car doors to the backseat. Letting wolves in to the many cars that were there.


Leo mumbled in his sleep but it was audible. A few tears left him. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. They made me. Ava.....Sky....."


shadowess - July 1, 2021

Tom hurriedly got dressed as well and watched as Will took Harley up to the office. "Wonder what that's all about..." he then heard Will's voice as he spoke to Parker on the phone and his eyes hardened. "Oh."

Parker had been dozing on the couch, waiting for Will to get home when his phone rang in his pocket. He woke up quickly and looked at it before answering. "Hey, what's up?" He listened carefully to Will and shot to his feet. "I'm on my way. I'll be there in five." he said before hanging up and running out to get into his car. He started it up and began driving towards the office.


Although Niko had mastered the art of faking his smile, his pupils shrank with rage at the thinly veiled threat. He chuckled sourly and turned to walk back into his home, placing a hand on his door and looking back at Elimar. "I'll bear that in mind. Oh, and seeing as we're looking out for each other, you know, one 'friend' to another... you might want to be careful about where you go poking your nose. You could end up losing it." he then went into his home without giving Elimar time to react, closing the door quickly behind him.

He locked the door and turned to Racheal who was watching him and fidgeting with her fingers nervously. Her eyes were tearful and she was trembling ever so slightly. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I know you said to wait here. I'm sorry."

"Shhh, liebchen. Come here, it's alright. I forgive you." he said gently and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her. He waited until she'd calmed down a little. Until her heartrate sounded a little more normal and until she stopped shaking before speaking again.

"But, you know I still have to punish you, right? You disobeyed me. I can't ignore that, liebchen." he said in the same gentle tone then broke into a wide, sadistic grin when he heard her whimper into his shoulder and felt her start to shake again. Quickly hiding his smile, he pulled away to look at her sadly. He cupped her face with his hands and wiped away her tears with his thumbs. "I don't enjoy doing these things to you, liebchen." he lied. "But I can't just let you get away with being disobedient, can I? Or you might turn out to be a bad vampire and what happens to bad vampires?"

"Th-they're- they're thrown out into the sun..." Racheal answered in a horrified whisper, reconfirming the lie that Niko had fed her to keep her too frightened to fight back.

"That's right. I don't want to throw you to the sun, meine liebchen. I love you...don't you love me, too?"

"Y-yes! Yes, I love you!" Racheal sounded a little desperate to make Niko believe her. Not wanting him to discard her and leave her for dead.

"Then I must do this. Do you understand? Now...a fitting punishment for walking off without permission...let me see...ah! I've got it. Lay on the bed, liebchen. On your front with the bottom of your feet facing up. And don't worry, I'll make sure you can heal before the ball."

"Ball?" Racheal blinked.

"Didn't I tell you? We always have a ball to welcome new born vampires into our home. It will be in yours and Jean's honour. Now, come on. On the bed."

Racheal nodded and lay on the bed the way Niko had instructed her. Meanwhile, Niko pulled out a small, wooden rod from a cabinet and walked over to her, standing by her feet. "Try not to pull your feet away, liebchen. Each time you do, I'll add another strike." for a fraction of a second, he smirked before he began whipping the bottoms of her feet.


Alex let out a shaky sigh, putting the photos down onto the nearby table. He turned and looked at Gary, caressing his cheek and nodded. He smiled a little and rested his head against his. "I'm just glad I still have you..." he kissed him tenderly then looked into his eyes. "I forgot to thank you...for saving my ass back in the woods." he smiled, running his hand through his hair.


The wolves climbed into the cars. Some of them gently lifting the pups in with them. One of the puppies ran clumsily over to X and barked at him happily, wagging his little tail so much that his entire back end wagged with it. A female wolf stayed close, watching them carefully. The pup's mother. She looked up at X, her hazel eyes looking directly into his. 'Thank you.' the thought resounded in her mind before she moved forward patiently. She nudged the pup playfully with her nose then lifting him into her mouth as gently as she could, carrying him over to the car and jumping in.


Oscar awoke to Leo's mumbling. He blinked his eyes open and looked at him worriedly. It was still very dark in the room. The sun hadn't begun to rise yet. "It's ok..." Oscar whispered, wrapping his arms around Leo and holding him gently, running a hand over his hair. "Leo, it's ok...you're dreaming...you're alright." He heard what Leo was saying and frowned. He wondered if there might be a way to reunite him with his family...even if it's only a short visit...so they could all get the closure that they needed. Maybe he could talk to Patience or Nate about it later...but he'd run the idea past Leo first. He didn't want to assume that something like that would be ok to organise.


Denix Vames - July 1, 2021

Will tucked his phone away.

Nate placed a hand on Tom's shoulder. "Tempting to beat the shit out of him, isn't it? I think we should go somewhere else. Leave them to it."


Elimar glared at the door. He walked away. Halfway down the hall, he heard the noise. A fire in his eyes had lit up. He turned before zooming to the door. He yanked it open with great force.

He hissed as his fangs sprouted. "I told you!" He grabbed a fistful of Niko's shirt and slammed him against the wall. "You bastard! That's not how you treat your life long partner! I'll punish you! I'll tell them all what you have done!"


"No thanks needed. I would do it again for you. Any day." Gary kissed him slowly. He gently bit his bottom lip. His hands moved under his shirt.


X smiled. He gently stroke the pup's fur. "You're welcome." Once the wolves were in the vehicles, the agents closed the doors. The drive there was a bit long but they soon reached the facility.


With the wolves out of the cars, X stood in front of them. "Follow me. The wolf pack should be in their beds already We can meet them." He led them through the facility. Reaching the large room where the werewolves had been placed in so that they could keep them in check when they had first been turning.


Leo's breathing calmed down. He leaned his head against his. He stopped mumbling.


Shadowess - July 1, 2021

"And miss out on the action?" Tom smirked. "It is tempting, but I prefer not to get violent unless I absolutely have to." he took Nate's hand. "Maybe there's some way that we can help them with their case?"

It didn't take long before Parker hurried through the door. He saw Nate and Tom and nodded at them in greeting before running up the stairs, heading straight into the office. He looked between Harley and Will before talking to Will. "Have you learned anything else?" he asked, wondering if Will had already started to question Harley.


Racheal had been crying out and flinching with every strike of the rod. Each hit breaking her skin and leaving long, bloodied lashes across the bottoms of her feet. He'd only struck her three or four times when his door was torn open by Elimar. Before Niko could react, he was slammed against the wall. He glared at him while he was being yelled at and Racheal hurriedly sat up to look at them frantically. Tears had already been streaming down her face. "No! Please don't hurt him! I deserve it! I disobeyed him!" she cried.

Niko grinned savagely at Elimar. "Should've kept your nose out, 'friend'." he growled before moving to strike him across the face with the rod that was still in his hand. "She is mine!" he attempted to strike him again. "I turned her! So she owes me for the next one hundred years! I will do with her as I please! How dare you break into my home!? How dare you try to tell me how to handle my servant!?" with each sentence, he tried again and again to hit Elimar with the rod. Hearing the commotion, a vampire passing by started running towards the East Guard's room to report the fight breaking out. The guard being Hannes.


Alex moaned at Gary's touch and gasped softly when he felt Gary's teeth on his lip. He shivered excitedly and looked into his eyes before kissing him again passionately. He liked it when Gary was a little rough with him. He slipped his tongue into his mouth. He slipped a hand down to Gary's waist and felt his hip under his shirt.


Layla stirred in her sleep. Still in wolf form, she yawned and lifted her head a little. Feeling irritated by the lights overhead. Her eyes then shot open and she looked around the room, realising they were no longer in the woods. Had they been brought back while they were sleeping!? She whined a little, missing the calmness of the woods at night. Her sadness was soon replaced by curiosity and wariness however when an entire pack of new wolves were guided into the room.

There was a tense silence as each pack looked at the other cautiously. The silence was broken by the excited and curious puppies that then spilled into the room and ran around both packs, causing the agent wolves to jump away from them whenever they got too close for fear of somehow angering the parents in the other pack. The alpha approached them cautiously and sniffed at the air around them. He approached Layla and sniffed at her, making her whine nervously and dart over to the werewolf agent, standing behind him shyly. The mother wolf stood near the door, simply watching her pup from afar. Her tail wagging a little as she enjoyed watching her son playing, and the way he was blissfully & innocently unaware of the tension in the room.


Oscar smiled a little, glad that Leo seemed calmer now. He gently kissed the top of his head and cuddled him while closing his eyes once more, hoping to get some more sleep before they'd have to wake up early the next morning.


Denix Vames - July 1, 2021

"Only if he won't tell the truth. But I think they might have this. Why don't we watch something?" ,asked Nate.

Will nodded. "He thinks the Steinhells are dead." "What?! They're alive? But how?" Harley tried to pry the cuffs. He glared at Parker. "You! You were claimed as missing! I knew something was up! Traitor!"


Elimar lost his grip on him as he was being hit. He kept walking backwards. Blood spewed from his nose and lips. A few cuts were on his cheek. He tried to grab the rod but found it impossible. He took a chance and tackled him. He gripped his wrists. Keeping him from using the rod. He headbutted him.

Jean sat up when he heard a knock at the door. He covered his chest with the sheets.


Gary moaned into the kiss. He pulled his shirt off. His lips planted on his neck. Nibbling there and then kissing his collar. His hand wandered all over his chest.


The Werewolf Agent walked over to the Alpha of the pack. He sniffed at him before sitting. He raised a paw as if to say hi.


Elliot couldn't sleep after some time. He woke and went downstairs to the living room. Vincent followed him. "Why is this such a big deal? I was able to go out with you and her!" "Yeah! When no cops were around! Just face it, Vincent! She's better off with my family than here! She'd be more safe there!" "You don't know that! And we can make this work! I know we can! You just can't do this to me! Especially not to her!"

Tears dripped down Elliot's cheeks. He took his cap off and scratched his head. "I don't know. I just don't want to live in constant fear anymore." Vincent wrapped his arms around him. Holding him close. He caressed his cheek. "You don't have to." Elliot looked at him before burying his face against his chest.

Throughout the conversation, it was quite audible enough for Neva to hear.


Shadowess - July 1, 2021

"Alright." Tom smiled. "Hey, have you ever seen Kill Bill?"

"Yeah, and then I came back with amnesia for a while." Parker replied with a shrug, unphased by his outburst. He shrugged and took off his jacket, hanging it up before leaning against the wall and looking at Harley for a long moment, wondering where to even begin with this. He looked back at Will. "I'm guessing he doesn't know about Jean, yet?"


Hannes sat up as well and looked at Jean. The knock had sounded hurried and there were usually very few reasons for vampires to call on him like this, and they almost always involve violence. "Stay here, my love. Where you'll be safe. I need to do my duty as a guard." he said softly and kissed Jean tenderly before flinging himself out of the bed and hurriedly getting dressed. He ran out of the bedroom and headed to his main door. After answering it and hearing what the vampire had to say, he ran out of his home and headed straight for Niko's house. As he ran, he called upon a couple of warriors to follow him.

"Stop it! Please stop fighting!" Racheal shouted at them, crying.

Niko ignored her and grunted when Elimar head-butted him. Hearing a crunch, blood burst from his nose and Niko knew it had been broken from the impact. He growled and struggled to wriggle his wrists free. Growing frustrated and angry, his own fangs sprouted and he let out a furious roar.

Hannes ran into the room shortly after and saw the scene. He saw both Niko and Elimar covered in blood. The bloodied rod in Niko's hand. Racheal crying on the bed. Then he saw the lashes on her feet and his eyes moved slowly over to Niko with a mixture of silent rage and deep disappointment. "Niko..." he said sombrely then gestured for Elimar to get off of him. Niko would sit up and look at Hannes desperately. He quickly pointed to Elimar, lapsing into German. "Hannes, this vampire broke into my home-!"

"Niko!" Hannes cut him off, his eyes lit up angrily. "You broke. Your vow!" he replied in German and gestured to Racheal's feet. "Upon giving Racheal our gift you vowed to protect her! That includes protection FROM YOU!"

Niko glared at Hannes. "Oh, this is bullshit and you know it! First you abolish one of our oldest traditions and now you're trying to twist the interpretation of our laws-!"

"Enough! Niko, enough...I cannot save you from this one...my friend..." Hannes shook his head sadly and Niko suddenly seemed frightened. Even a little desperate.

"No...Hannes, you can't-!"

"You've broken one of our most sacred laws..."

"Hannes please-!"

"I'm going to have you taken to a cell..."

"Hannes, I'm begging you-!" Niko struggled for a moment as the warriors with Hannes had stepped forward and each took one of Niko's arms.

"-where you will await trial for your crime..."

"Hannes! You're supposed to be my friend! My brother!"

"May the Blood King forgive you."


"What's happening?" Racheal cried softly, unable to understand what was being said but was growing increasingly concerned with how frightened Niko seemed to be.

"No! Hannes, you can't take me away from her! She needs me!" Niko pointed to Racheal, trying to use her to worm his way out of trouble.

Hannes shook his head gravely. "She's not your responsibility anymore." He answered simply and Niko's face turned pale.

"You can't-..." Niko shook his head.

"You broke your vow, therefore she is free from your bond. Her one hundred year servitude to you is null and void. So, we will find a more suitable teacher and protector for her."

"You son of a bitch! She's mine!!" Niko raged but Hannes ignored him and turned to Elimar.

"You came to her aid, even though she was not yours to protect. Would you want to take her under your protection? To teach her how we should live? In peace and without fear of one another. All the things Niko failed to teach her."

Niko's eyes shot to Elimar furiously and he shook his head. "Don't you dare! Don't you fucking dare! She's mine!! She'll always be mine! She belongs to me!"

Hannes nodded at his warriors who proceeded to drag Niko out of his home, kicking and screaming all the way to the dungeons below the castle.

"So, what do you say?" Hannes asked Elimar. "You don't have to say yes. I'm sure there are a number of other vampires who would be willing to take her in."

Racheal had watched Niko being dragged away with a worried expression. She looked back at Hannes and Elimar tearfully. "I don't understand. What's happening? Where are they taking him? Niko?!" she cried and tried to stand up to follow him, momentarily forgetting about the lashes on her feet then crying out in pain and collapsing to her knees as soon as she tried to place her weight on them. "Is this because of me? Because I wandered off?" she cried to herself, beginning to blame herself for Niko being taken away.


Alex gasped softly and shivered, moaning at every touch. He tilted his head back, enjoying everything that Gary made him feel. His own hands wandered over Gary's torso and up his back. He let one hand slip down to grip his ass. "Maybe we should go get more comfortable?" Alex suggested a little breathlessly with a smirk.


The Alpha tilted his head at the Werewolf agent and assumed that this wolf must be the Alpha of the other pack. He sniffed at the air around him then nodded to return the greeting. He turned and looked at his own pack then barked at them before laying down to show that he was comfortable in the presence of these new wolves. This showed the other wolves that they could relax and greet the agent wolves without any fear.

The rest of the pack approached the agents wolves slowly and sniffed at them curiously, getting used to their strange scents and becoming more and more comfortable with them. The puppies were still running around, chasing each other playfully. With only a few hours left until sunrise, each wolf was eager to see what the other wolves looked like in their human forms.


Neva didn't move from her bed. Her eyes were open and staring into the darkness of her room. She'd heard Elliot and Vincent and although she didn't fully understand what they were talking about, she had a horrible feeling that she might lose one or both of her dads. She buried her face into her pillow and cried quietly into it, shaking a little. This was the first time she'd ever truly felt like part of a family. Like she had parents that really loved her and wanted her. The idea of losing either of them was far too painful for her to bear.

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Denix Vames - July 2, 2021

Nate smiled. "Yes and it's still fucking awesome." They walked over to the couch where they sat there. He snapped his fingers. The movie appeared in the screen.

"I already know! And I know what happened to him! He's being used right now as we speak!" Harley stood. "You bastards!" He ran at Parker but stopped in his tracks when Will tased him. He cried out before falling over. "Enough! Now sit down and listen to us!" ,said Will. Harley caught his breath. "Never..."


Elimar got off of Niko. He slid against the doorway. Sitting there. Exhausted from the situation. He nodded. "Yes, I will teach her. And I will protect her."

He made himself stand. He walked over to her. Picking her up and holding her in his arms. "You did nothing wrong. It is Niko who has harmed you. We do not abuse one of our own. Whatever he told you was false."


"First, we have to find out where the bedroom is." ,said Gary.


The Werewolf Agent walked over to the puppies. He wagged his tail and barked happily.


"What should we do?" ,asked Elliot. "Let's just try, ok? Try to deal with obstacle." "But what about what you've done? Will we ever tell her?" "I don't know. Let's just wait that out." He nodded. "Ok."

They walked upstairs. Vincent stopped him. He pointed at her door. Elliot covered his mouth. Shocked and worried that she had heard them. They headed to the door. Vincent gently knocked. "Neva dear? May we come in?"


Denix Vames - July 2, 2021

Jean nodded. "Please stay safe."

He got dressed after a moment. Getting into his regular clothes. He slightly opened the door. Poking his head out as he heard the commotion. "Hannes?!"

(wanted to write this in but totally forget to lol)


shadowess - July 2, 2021

(lol No worries)

Tom settled onto the couch with Nate, resting his head in the rook of his shoulder while laying a hand on his chest. He watched the movie with a small smile, content where he was. He glanced up at the ceiling when he heard Harley getting tased. "Oof. Sounds like this guy is in for a long day..." he commented then looked back at the TV.

Parker rose a brow and then stepped away from the wall, taking a hurried step away from Harley when he ran at him. He watched him getting tased with a frown and waited until he caught his breath before sighing. "What do you mean 'being used'? You're jumping to conclusions, Harley. We've checked up on Jean and he's perfectly safe. Happy, even. What I don't understand is, why you've chosen to become a hunter? Who trained you? The Steinheils? Because not only are they wrong about vampires, they've been murdering innocent people, yes PEOPLE, for centuries and it's time for that to stop. I mean, if vampires are supposed to be as bad as the Steinheils believed then why haven't you been killed or turned yet? Hmm?" Parker questioned him with his arms folded.


Racheal looked at Elimar as he lifted her up and she looked back at the door where Niko had been dragged out moments before. She shook her head a little, tears rolling down her cheeks. "N-no...that can't be...H-he loves me...He said he loves me...he wouldn't lie to me..."

Hannes sighed sadly and looked at Elimar. "He seems to have done quite some damage to her. This might take some time and patience." he said to him in German before looking at Racheal and shaking his head, speaking to her in English. "I'm sorry...But I don't believe that he ever really loved you. I'm sorry that I didn't see it sooner..."

Racheal shook her head some more, refusing to look at either of them. "N-no...no! You're wrong! He loves me..." she cried, sounding a little heart broken. "H-he said- he said he was going to marry me...that we'd make a family...he made me and gave me his name...I'm Racheal Bernbaum!"

"Nein, Racheal...That was false, too." Hannes said gently. "The Blutgeschmack, the tradition he used to turn you, does not require you to take his name. That was just something he imposed on you...at first I thought it was because he wanted to give you a clean slate upon entering your new life...but now I see that he was just being possessive over someone he considers to be his 'property'."

"N-no..." Racheal cried softly, closing her eyes and turning her head away from Hannes, hiding her face in Elimar's shoulder.

"You're still Racheal Steinheil." Hannes said then lay a gentle hand on her shoulder. "But you're not one of those monsters. You're still one of us and we'll do everything we can to help you recover."

Racheal was quiet for a moment before looking at Hannes worriedly. "Where have they taken him?...What's going to happen to him?"

Hannes hesitated to answer, but after what she'd been put through, she deserved to know. He removed his hand from her shoulder as he spoke frankly to her. "In striking you and intentionally causing you pain, Niko has broken a very sacred law...as well as his vow to keep you safe...He's been taken to the dungeons where he will await a trial. He will be judged by myself and the other three castle guards... Rulings for this kind of thing can vary. In the past, some vampires have been banished while the more dangerous vampires have been tossed out into the sun and locked out."

Racheal's eyes widened and her face turned pale. "That's barbaric!" she gasped.

"That's how we've always done things." Hannes shrugged.

Racheal thought quickly. She was desperate to save Niko somehow. Still believing that she was in love with him. "N-no! You can't do that!" she gasped then she remembered. "That's not how the law works anymore! You have to hand him over to the German authorities! Or X! You don't have to do your own trials anymore! They'll judge his actions and lock him away if he's guilty!"

Hannes blinked then his eyes widened. In the heat of the moment, he'd forgotten that they were no longer on their own in the world. That there were laws outside of their own. "Fine." he nodded. "I'll contact the authorities. In the meantime however, Niko will remain in the dungeon and you will go with Elimar. He is to be your new teacher and protector."

"What?! No! Niko is-!"

"Niko is a criminal and an abusive, conniving wretch! You are better off without him! Now, you will go with Elimar and I will not speak anymore on the matter!" Hannes snapped, momentarily losing his patience.

Racheal didn't reply this time. She turned her head away from Hannes and quietly sobbed into Elimar's shoulder while thinking about how Niko had been with her. Hannes frowned, realizing what he'd done. It wasn't Racheal he was angry at, it was Niko. He opened his mouth to apologise but then sighed and looked back at Elimar. "I'll leave you to take care of her. Come to me if you need anything." he said sadly before turning and leaving, heading back to his own home.

He spotted Jean looking out of the door and couldn't help smirking at his curiosity and concern. "I'm alright, meine Geliebte." he tried to reassure him, although his voice broke a little as he approached the door. He walked inside and closed the door behind him before pulling Jean into his arms and hugging him tightly. Running a hand through his hair while crying into his shoulder. He couldn't ever imagine treating Jean the way Niko had been treating Racheal. The very idea of striking him hurt Hannes to his core.


Alex gave Gary a lustful smirk and took his hand, taking him to the staircase. "Then let's start looking." he grinned.


Layla sniffed a couple of wolves from the other pack who sniffed her back in greeting. She was happy to meet so many other werewolves during her first turning. There were even puppies! Layla was amazed that the werewolf children turned too but thinking about it, she wasn't exactly sure what she'd been expecting. They sure were adorable though! She watched happily as the Agent played with them. Finding it amusing when the puppies ran at him at full speed to chase him when he'd barked at them. All of them trying to tackle him, biting at his ankles and fur playfully. The Alpha from the other pack remained laid down and watched contently, happy to relax and watch the others while waiting for the sunrise to change them all back.


Neva didn't answer. Not wanting them to see her crying. She kept her face buried in the pillow and threw the blanket over her head to hide herself under her covers.


Denix Vames - July 2, 2021

Nate wrapped an arm around him. He chuckled. "I guess getting tased isn't his kink."

Harley's face went red. He stuttered as he spoke, "It's cause I've been smart. They haven't caught me yet." Will took the prongs out. Harley flinched. He was surprised to find himself being helped to the chair. "Look Harley. Whether or not you want to believe that your brother is happy is up to you. But he is. And you should meet his boyfriend."

Will frowned. "I was like you in that moment. I lashed out at them. I almost killed one of them." He set the taser on the desk. He placed his hands on the wood. Keeping his back facing him as he held back tears. He sighed. "I'm not proud of what I did but I know now that these are good people. They always have been."

Harley lowered his head. "I haven't talked to him in years. I kept checks on him when he joined the force. I was surprised to find out that he was a cop. He use to hate the police. He would talk shit about them and break enough laws to get himself noticed by them. When I became a cop, he yelled at me. Told me that I was a traitor to my own family. To him. He said how corrupt they were. I argued back. Said that he was worse than them. That he wasn't even my brother. We went our separate ways after that."

Tears fell. He shook as he sobbed. He lifted his head to look at Will who now faced him and Parker. "Please! I just want to see him again! To let him that I didn't mean what I said back then!"


Elimar nodded. "Come. Let me show you your new home." He carried her down the hall. They soon made it to the door which he carefully opened. Once opened, he placed her on the bed to rest. "Make yourself comfortable." He closed the door.

Jean placed his hands on his back. He gripped the back of his shirt. He shut his tearfilled eyes. "It's ok. It's going to be ok."

X appeared in front of Niko's cell. "I had a feeling that you would do something stupid." He smiled. "I guess that means I'll have tongue for breakfast."


Once they found a bedroom, Gary would pick him up and kiss him passionately. Placing him on the bed where he took his pants off. He soon stripped himself too. He kissed his chest then got lower to his thighs. "I'll never let anyone hurt you."

(private time)


The Werewolf Agent laid on his back. He gently placed his paw on them. Sometimes biting their fur but not too hard. Or licking them.


Vincent nodded at him. He opened the door. They walked over to the bed. "Neva, we're sorry if you heard any of that." He sat at the edge of the bed. He placed a hand on her arm. Elliot stayed close to him. "We're not going to leave each other. We could never do that." "Yeah. We just gotta talk about some things. That's all. Ain't nothing to it. We still love you." ,said Elliot.


Shadowess - July 2, 2021

Tom chortled at Nate's comment. "Please tell me that's not really a thing!" he laughed, unable to imagine anyone getting off on being electrocuted but then again...there were a lot of strange fetishes in the world.

"Smart?" Parker chuckled. "You got handcuffed and taken into custody by one!"

'Heh! I was guna say that!' River chuckled.

Parker then listened to what Harley and Will had to say with a small frown. When Harley begged to see Jean, Parker walked around to face Harley while sitting on the edge of the desk. "We could probably arrange something...but first things first...One; we need to know that you're not guna go out and kill any vampires. Two; You're going to tell us everything you know about vampire hunters. How you got into it, who trained you, everything and finally...and this one might come as a bit of a shock to you but you need to know so...prepare yourself, ok?" Parker sighed again before just coming right out with it. "Your brother is a vampire now, too."


Racheal wiped away some of her tears and looked around his room shyly. She looked down at her feet, her lower lip quivered at the sight of the red marks across the bottoms of them. She could see them healing slowly but seeing what Niko had done to her was a little jarring. She moved a trembling hand to one of her feet and placed a finger near one of the cuts, recoiling and sucking air through her teeth at the sharp pain. She looked up at Elimar nervously, not sure about how to feel about the arrangement of him being her new protector. She wondered what Elimar would expect of her as his pupil and she also wondered if she would ever be reunited with Niko. How would she even feel about that?


It took Hannes a couple of minutes to calm down. He took several deep breaths but didn't let go of Jean, finding comfort in their embrace. "He was my friend...I've known him since we were children...I thought I knew him... he's become so angry...so hateful...I don't recognise him anymore..." Hannes cried. "He was hurting her...this whole time, he was tormenting her behind closed doors...he was supposed to be her protector...How can this happen? How did I not see it?" he shook his head a little and swallowed. "But I see it now...He doesn't love her...she was just a trophy to him...A literal 'fuck you' to anyone named Steinheil…He's messed with her head so much that she doesn't understand what he did wrong...he was caught red handed whipping her raw and she doesn't understand what he was doing was wrong!"


Niko had been digging his heels into the ground as the warriors dragged him into the dungeons. He'd been screaming death threats the entire way until he was thrown into the cell and locked inside. He shot to his feet and ran at the bars, holding on to them as he yelled at the warriors who would now stand guard over him until either a trial was called or they would be given a break by the second set of warriors...whichever came first. "Idiots!! Don't you see what's happening?!" Niko raged in German at them. "Our traditions! Our laws! Our religion! Our very way of life is in danger! They will strip it all from us! You'll see! They'll have us abandon everything that makes us who we are! Then there'll be no place for our people in the world! We need to put a stop to this! We need a new leader! We need-!"

Niko then jumped and shot back, away from the bars in surprise when X appeared. His face turned pale at his words and his mouth opened and closed a couple of times as he failed to speak for a minute, out of sheer terror. "N-no...no, there n-needs to be a trial! Y-you can't-! You can't just-! You can't-!" his words failed him as he backed up in the cell until his back hit the wall. He looked over at the warriors for help but they'd both knelt as soon as X entered the dungeon. Both of them bowing their heads as low as they could. Niko knew he was in trouble and that no vampire here would help him. Not one of them would ever defy the word of a Blood God, even if it went against their own laws. Because to this particular group of vampires, a Blood God's word had a much higher authority than their mortal laws. His eyes snapped back to X fearfully. He was sweating, his heart racing and he was trembling. He shook his head at X, trying to think of someway of talking himself out of the trouble he was in but the only words he could muster were; "Y-you can't-!"


At some point in the early hours of the morning, as if they could sense it despite not being able to see outside, some of the wolves from the other pack let out short, rhythmic howls. It almost sounded song like. Immediately, the puppies stopped playing with the agent and ran over. Some of them running so fast that they toppled over each other clumsily but quickly got back up, shook themselves off and continued to run towards the wolves. The wolves then encircled them, blocking any view of them from the other wolves. At first, Layla was confused by this but then she felt a tingling sensation rush through her body. This was it. They were all changing back! Of course! Those wolves were the children's parents and they were guarding the children as they changed back. Which made sense, considering the wolves were at their most vulnerable when they were mid-turning.

A few minutes later, Layla shakily got to her feet from her hands and knees. Now a completely naked human woman. She tried her best to cover herself with her hands, feeling her face grow hot from embarrassment. She glanced around and saw that where the alpha male had been, there now stood a very muscular male, with black hair that reached his waist and deep brown eyes. He didn't seem the least bit ashamed or shy about being completely nude. In fact, non of them did. She watched as he turned and walked over to his pack, going from person to person to make sure they were all alright and that they'd changed back without any issues. She looked over at the agent and chuckled shyly.


A sniffle could be heard from under the covers and Neva's broken voice came through, sounding so fragile and concerned. "Talk...about what?" she cried.


Denix Vames - July 2, 2021

Nate smirked. "You're missing out."

Harley's face went pale. He was shaking more. His mouth gaped open. Shocked by the news. "J-Jean...? But-" "He's doing fine. His boyfriend is helping him learn how to be a vampire. How to control the animal instincts. They drink from blood bags these days. Human blood that people willingly give to vampires. A lot has changed. You really missed out." ,said Will.


Elimar placed a hand on her shoulder. "You may rest for as long as you need to. Let me know if you need anything."


Jean frowned. "I'm sorry. I don't know what to do but say I'm sorry. My brother always knew how to make me feel better but he's....gone. We weren't close enough to stay together I guess."


X held out his hand. "Give me a knife." When one of the guards did, he appeared in Niko's cell. He gripped his jaw. Forcing his mouth opened. He grabbed his tongue once it was out. "You should have thought about that before you disobeyed me."

He cut his tongue off. He appeared near the guards. "Stand up." Once they did, he handed the tongue to one of them. "Cook this for me. When it is done, place him in shackles so that he can watch me eat it at the dining room."


The Werewolf Agent smiled at her. He clapped his hands. "Alright everyone! Now, we don't have normal clothes here so suits will have to do for all of you. Even the little ones. Looks like we're going to be looking like penguins for a while. But we'll buy normal clothes for everyone soon. Come this way now."

He led them to the changing room where he did his best to give them the right size of suits.


Vincent pulled the covers off. He lifted her up. Holding her in his arms. Elliot sat next to him. "We're not going to break up or leave each other. It's just that sometimes parents fight or argue. But we talked things out. Everything's fine now." ,said Vincent. "It's normal for pops to get mad sometimes but then we get along just fine. Ya get it?"

Vincent poked her nose. "So you see? We're not going anywhere. We still love you." He kissed her head. Elliot wrapped an arm around her. Giving her a tight hug.

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Denix Vames - July 3, 2021

(forgot to include this)

Harley hesitated before nodding. “Fine. I won’t try to kill anyone. And for your information, I was trained by my late father.”


shadowess - July 3, 2021

"Seriously?" Tom chuckled.

"Your father?" Parker rose a brow. "Wait...so, is hunting a thing in your family too? Should we be on the lookout for Poe hunters as well as Steinheil ones?" Parker exchanged a worried glanced with Will. How many more families out there, are secret hunters? He scratched the back of his head and glanced around the room. He was going to have to update that paperwork as soon as they were done here!

He looked back at Harley and nodded. "Alright. We'll arrange some way for you to see your brother. Give us a day to make arrangements." he glanced at the window. "The sun is coming up soon anyway so we're better off waiting until this evening. In the meantime..." Parker shrugged and looked at Will. "I duno, what do you think? Should we let him go? If he breaks his word the CIA would be all over his ass anyway. Especially if we let them know he was a hunter, they'll likely keep tabs on him to make sure he doesn't go hunting again."


Racheal nodded and wiped away more of her tears. "Thank you." she said softly, glad that Elimar seemed to be kind. She looked up at him again. "If I'm staying with you now...if I'm to serve you...what sort of things would I need to do for you?" she asked curiously. With Niko, it had been more like having a boyfriend than a master. The only things he'd ever wanted from her involved the bed. She wondered if that kind of behaviour was standard between new vampires and their makers or if Elimar would just expect her to clean and do odd jobs for him.


Hannes ran his hand over Jean's hair and closed his eyes. "You don't have to say anything, meine Geliebte. I just needed to hold you...for you to hear me..." he moved back so he could rest his forehead against Jean's, looking into his eyes. "Just having you with me is all the comfort I need...my sweet man..." he said softly and caressed his cheek. "I'm sorry to hear about your brother." he then said, letting him know that he'd been listening. "If you would like to talk about it, I'm here for you."


The second X appeared in his cell holding a knife, Niko found his words but they were not clever explanations for why X should be letting him go. He was far too panicked for that. "Please no! Please! I'm begging you!" Then X grabbed him and he tried so hard to resist. Trying in vain to keep his jaw shut but X had a more powerful grip than any vampire could achieve. He gripped X's arms, trying and failing to push him off. When X grabbed his tongue, Niko's panic hit the tipping point and he started screaming and desperately trying to pull away.

His screams became less fearful and more agonised as X sliced through his tongue. With the tongue being one of the toughest muscles in the body, it wasn't exactly a single, clean slice either. When X let him go and appeared outside of his cell, Niko dropped to his knees. His screams having died down to a whimper as he held his trembling hands over his mouth in shock. He couldn't completely cover his mouth with his hand, due to the blood pouring out.

It was gone. The only hope Niko would have of having a tongue is if he had his own placed back into his mouth and allowed to re-attach. So, if X cooked and ate the tongue as he'd said he would, Niko was never going to be able to speak again. He watched helplessly as X gave the order for his tongue to be cooked then sobbed, looking at X pleadingly when he said he'd force Niko to watch him eat it. Niko groaned, sobbing and rocking back and forth a little while shaking his head. He crawled over to the bars hurriedly and stared tearfully at X. He tried to beg him for mercy but his words were just gargled noises. Hearing the noise he was making, Niko groaned again and rested his head against the bars, sobbing.

"As you command." one of the warriors said and they walked away. Niko desperately reached an arm through the bars, reaching for his tongue as they walked away with it and let out a frantic cry.


"What's a penguin?" one of the children asked.

Layla was glad to be wearing clothes again. She, the other wolves and agents however, felt thoroughly exhausted after their changes. The agents split up to return to their normal rooms to rest up while the werewolves were shown around and taken somewhere where they could rest as well.


Neva listened to her fathers and looked between them as they each spoke to her. She wiped her tears and sniffled, feeling a little better knowing that she wasn't losing her family. She hugged them both and cried softly, clinging to them. "I love you both, too!" she cried.


Denix Vames - July 3, 2021

"I'm guessing that's not your cup of tea." ,said Nate.

Harley shook his head. "My father only started hunting after he lost our mom. She was killed by a vampire. Police said it was a maniac who believed he was one. But my dad didn't buy it. He wanted to know who did it. Then he taught me. He never mentioned this to Jean because he labeled him as a worthless ally."

He was surprised at first but thought for a moment. "The CIA huh?" He nodded. He stood from his seat. "Then I'll accept the new laws. After all, I am an officer. I may not like the rules but that doesn't matter when it comes down to enforcing them." "We'll still make sure they know about you." ,said Will who uncuffed him.

Harley massaged his wrists. "I don't expect you not to."


"All I ask of you is to learn our culture. That is all." ,said Elimar.


"Thank you but...." Jean glanced off. "I rather not think about the past." He looked back at him. "Instead, I want to focus on the future. Our future." He bit his lip. "And I'm tired of being weak. I want you to teach me how to fight. I always get pushed around. It's time that I stop it."


"Your wound will heal. If you want to bring up the idea of having a new tongue then we need to talk about your attitude. You can think your words and I'll hear them." ,said X.


The Werewolf Agent pulled out his phone to look up a picture of a penguin. Once he got it, he showed it to the child. "That's a penguin. They're birds that can't fly but live in extreme cold."


Elliot and Vincent smiled. "Now, what do you want to do? We can do whatever you want today. Just the three of us." ,said Vincent.

(so i feel like nothing happens to Elliot and I was thinking of someone randomly attacking him. like a robber who's trying to take everything from his pockets. you can pick any kind of basic weapon. also have him be injured, not killed. might as well give some plot for these characters)


shadowess - July 3, 2021

"Technically, I wouldn't know. It's not something I've ever thought about trying." Tom admitted. His cheeks turning a little red despite his amused smirk.

Parker nodded. "The vampire responsible must've been a rogue. While most vampires try to live in harmony with humans, some can still be pretty bad..." he said honestly. "Just like humans. There's the innocent...and the not so innocent. That's where the CIA and Carter's Agency comes in. We take care of the criminals when it comes to the supernatural. With any luck...in time..." Parker looked at Will and smiled. "We won't have to keep any of this a secret anymore and the police will be able to get involved." he then shrugged and looked back at Harley. "Hell, the hospital is already doing it. They've started training their staff to tend to both human and supernatural ailments. They're really good at being subtle about it, too. So that the human patients don't freak out."


Racheal lowered her gaze to the bed slowly. "Oh..." she said quietly, though there was no hint of disappointment in her tone. She was simply surprised. Surprised that he didn't expect her to do anything other than learn. That he wasn't immediately spouting rules along with threats of punishments for breaking said rules like Niko had done.

She wasn't sure how to feel about this. One the one hand, she felt like a weight had been lifted and that, for once, she was safe. On the other hand, she couldn't help wondering if this was somehow too good to be true. That it was some kind of trick or a test. She was so used to Niko's abusive habits that she was hesitant to relax.

Thinking things through and feeling much calmer than she had a few minutes ago, she nodded slowly. "Alright." she said quietly and glanced back up at him. "I'll do my best." she tried a smile. She was still worried about Niko but there was nothing she could do for him right now. Now, she had to focus on her new life with Elimar and just pray that Niko's sentence isn't severe.

She looked down at her feet and saw the lashes had reduced to small scratches. Her feet were still a little sore but she bet she'd be able to walk on them now. Albeit, with a bit of a limp, but she'd still be able to walk. She swung her legs around to the side of the bed and stood gingerly. She winced but she remained on her feet.

Sighing, she looked at the ground sadly. She opened her mouth a little then closed it, still trying to make sense of everything. "H-he..." she hugged herself. "He wasn't supposed to hurt me..." she said slowly, as if telling herself. "...he said it was for my own good...to teach me how to behave...because he loved me...but he wasn't supposed to hurt me...was he?..." she looked up at Elimar tearfully. "Why did he hurt me?" she whispered.

Although she was looking at Elimar, she was still talking to herself. Asking herself the questions that she'd been too afraid to ask herself while in Niko's care. For once, since Niko turned her, she was thinking for herself. "...Did he love me at all?...did he really care?" tears slowly started to roll down her cheeks. She recalled their meeting in the alley. 'Your family owe us this much!' she remembered Niko saying as he'd pushed her against the wall, trying to unbuckle her belt.

Recalling the event, Racheal realised that if Jean hadn't decided to run back, Niko would likely have just had his fun with her before killing her. She shivered, her breath caught in her throat and she lifted a hand to her throat, remembering Niko biting her there three times to sedate her. She closed her eyes, struggling to breath as she began to accept reality. "He hates me!" she gasped. "He didn't turn me because he loved me! Or because he was trying to 'save' me! He just wanted to get back at my family! Oh, God...Oh, God! I'm such an idiot!" Racheal covered her face and began to weep.


Hannes was taken aback by Jean's words but he took him seriously. He caressed his cheek and moved some of his hair from his face as he thought it over. Finally, he nodded. "If you want to learn to fight, then I will teach you. First, we will get Niko's trial out of the way..."

Hannes then smirked. "And the ball. Then we will start a training routine to build up your skills." Hannes seemed thoughtful for a moment. "There is a training regime specifically for the Castle Warriors. Perhaps you'd be interested in that? The Warriors are sort of like the human police. They watch everything in the castle to make sure everyone is safe. They know all of our laws and have the authority to arrest law breakers on sight. Warriors all answer to the Castle Guards."


Niko couldn't believe what he was hearing. He stared at X for a long moment. His mouth agape while blood continued to drip down his chin and onto the dungeon floor. He wanted to rage. To slam his fists against the bars and just scream angrily at X for taking his tongue. But he didn't dare for fear of losing any other appendage.

He gripped the sides of his head and looked down at the blood splattered stones while rocking back and forth, groaning and sobbing. He couldn't think straight in that moment. The only things he was able to focus on was the pain in his mouth, his missing tongue, his overwhelming fear of X as well as the fear of what else might happen to him.

He was suddenly filled with regret. But rather than regret hurting Racheal, he regretted turning Racheal in the first place. He regretted not killing her as soon as they'd caught her in that ally. He blamed his entire downfall on her and the rest of the Steinheils. He was angry and hurt that Hannes would throw him away like this. Furious that they hadn't gotten the revenge they set out to get. Furious that Hannes had so easily accepted the news laws imposed on them all by humans.

In this moment, he hated him just as much as he hated Racheal. Given half the chance, in his current rage, he'd likely attempt to kill either of them if he saw them. Hell, why not kill Jean while he's at it? Niko was fairly certain that Hannes had only become soft because of his love for Jean, anyway. So, by that logic, Niko also blamed Jean. Niko was so willing to blame everyone else but himself for everything that had gone wrong for him.


The rest of the children scrambled to get a look at the phone as well. "It looks weird!" one child giggled.

"What's a bird?" Another child asked.

"What's all that white stuff?" A third child pointed to the ice in the background of the picture. Even the adults looked curious.

The questions would make it apparent, very quickly, that none of these wolves had ever stepped outside of that warehouse.

None of them knew how to read and had never been shown any sort of images from the outside world. They were even intrigued by the phone that the Agent held in his hand. Some even struggled on how to put clothes on, being so used to being naked all the time. Every little thing was new and mysterious to them and they all gravitated to the Werewolf Agent, recognising him as one of them and trusting him to show them how to live in this strange new place.


(Sure. I could write in a random 'throw away' robber.)

Neva smiled and wiped at her tears, resting her head on Vincent's shoulder. "Can we go to the park again? I like the swings."


Denix Vames - July 3, 2021

Nate caressed his thigh. "Would you like to?"

Harley walked over to the door. "Then I'll try my best to accept things as they are." "Want me to give you a ride back to the precinct?" He shook his head. "I can do that myself." He headed out of the office. He walked downstairs. He glanced at the two on the couch then turned. "So, what are you guys? Vampires too?"


Elimar sat next to her. He wrapped an arm around her. "Niko never cared about anyone but himself. He's a selfish man."


Jean nodded. "I'd like that." He frowned. "Do I have to be at the trial? I've never been to your kind of trial before. I don't know what will happen."


"I see that you still haven't learned. Oh well. We'll see how things go during your trial. Bye for now." X disappeared.


X appeared. He read their minds. "Ah! I see." He clapped his hands. They all appeared in a large meeting room. "This will be your classroom. A place where you will learn everything that you all have missed. We will hire private tutors to come here and teach you all. We will also provide raw meat to everyone when it is meal time. And you will start living with our pack. Is that alright with everyone?"



Vincent smiled. "Of course." He stood. Elliot did the same. He touched his arm. "Are you ready dear?" Once she agreed, they would appear at the park where the playground was. He brought her over to the swings. Setting her on one of them. Elliot stayed some distance. Able to see them from the side. He smiled as he watched Vincent push her on the swing.


Shadowess - July 3, 2021

Parker sighed and rubbed his forehead tiredly. "Guess I have more paperwork to do..." he said and sat down at the desk. "I can meet you at home if you want to get some rest. Shouldn't take me too long to update these reports." he said to Will then suddenly stood up. "Shit, I almost forgot! David?" he called out and David appeared in the room.

"Everything alright?" he asked and Parker nodded. "Yeah, Would you mind meeting Carter and Sebastian in Thailand? Apparently there's a merman that wants to join our team. He just needs someone to bring him here."

David rolled his eyes with a smile. "If I started charging you lot for all the times you asked for a favour involving teleportation, I'd be rich!"

"Oh, Ha! Ha!" Parker laughed sarcastically and David chuckled, shaking his head a little before vanishing, heading off to Thailand. Parker then turned to Will and chuckled a little. "Oh, and er-...Carter asked if we could set this merman up with someone. Apparently he's pretty lonely."

Tom bit his lip a little and looked up at Nate. "I guess we could give it a try." he said softly, blushing. He then looked over at the officer that came down the stairs and spoke to them. Tom pointed at himself with his thumb. "I'm a Daywalker Vampire. New breed apparently. Tom, by the way." he then pointed to Nate. "and this is my boyfriend, Nate. He's an Arch Angel." Tom smiled, always proud when talking about the man he loved.


Racheal leant against Elimar, crying into her hands. "I really thought he loved me...That he saw past who I used to be...where I came from...of course not! He hates me! He hates me and he's right to! I don't deserve love! I don't deserve to be happy! I don't even deserve to have this new life!"


(Mate, I just now realised how much the functionality of this castle has been inspired by Darren Shan's Vampire Rites...I haven't even read those books in like 10 years and after typing this post up was like 'hmm...this seems awfully familiar...' lol)

Hannes bit his lip nervously and walked over to the fireplace which currently wasn't lit. He looked into the blackened and charred logs of wood that were left in the firebox opening. He frowned while contemplating the trial to come. "It's not mandatory for ordinary vampires to attend, though they can if they choose. Warriors act as jurors so they have an obligation to be there. The Guards are the judges. Our words are final." Hannes paused for a long moment, staring hard at the logs. "I don't know what will happen. Things have changed...If he is guilty, we may have to call upon the German authorities instead of punishing him ourselves like we're used to." he shook his head a little. "I need to speak with the other Guards before the trial...discuss this with them...and I just know that Natali and Janik are going to argue that we should stick to our traditions...they're so stubborn and stuck in the past..."


Niko looked up when X vanished and screamed with both anguish and fury.

Several minutes would pass, in which Niko would continue to rock back and forth, sobbing. Occasionally letting out an angry roar and lashing out at the bars before going right back to crying and rocking. Hearing footsteps, he looked up to see the Warriors returning to the dungeon and marching over to his cell. Both of their faces were expressionless, trained not to show the slightest bit of mercy or even emotion to law breakers. Niko watched one of them unlock his cell and he shook his head, knowing why they'd come. He backed away from them with a horrified expression as they entered his cell. They each grabbed one of his arms and dragged him to his feet, forcing him to walk with them towards the dining hall.

He dug his heels into the ground again but it was no use. They pushed him down in the centre of the room and shackled him to the ground as they had been ordered to do. He looked around and saw that a few vampires who had caught wind of Niko's punishment had slipped into the hall to spectate in silence. Shaking, humiliated and frightened, Niko looked at the Warriors and saw that each of them were now holding a short whip. His eyes widened at the sight of them and he looked at the Warriors questioningly. They had been ordered to make Niko watch. So, their solution to him closing his eyes or looking away would be to whip him until he looked again. He turned to look ahead of him and saw a silver plate with a lid over it at the main table. A single, ornately decorated chair in the centre of the table, where the plate was. A vampire stood by the table, holding a bottle of blood at the ready, like it was wine. Niko groaned, feeling tears stinging his eyes once again at the sight. He didn't even need to see it to know it was there. He could even smell it and it was enough to make him gag.


The wolves all gasped and jumped, looking around them in alarm when their surroundings suddenly changed. They listened to what X had to say then they all looked towards their Alpha who was looking around the place curiously. He nodded to the other wolves to show them they could trust this man before turning to X. "Thank you. This is more than we were ever expecting." he said sincerely, speaking for the first time since arriving at the facility. His voice was deep and gruff.

One of the children had been a little spooked by the sudden jump and he clung to a woman's legs. She picked him up and cuddled him. Both of them had mouse-brown hair. The woman had a kind and warm smile as she turned her head to look at X. Her hazel eyes glistening a little as she smiled.


(Actually, just remembered something I was meaning to do but never found a chance to work it in naturally xD Would you mind if Theo gets involved? I figured he'd been watching the family in secret to make sure they were safe as a way of making it up to Vincent for all the crap he put him through.)

Neva giggled as Vincent pushed her on the swing.

At first, the man in the long, tattered coat and woolly hat just seemed like any ordinary passer by. He saw the family in the park and saw Elliot standing off to one side. It was risky but it was the early hours of the morning, no one else was around, no cops and he was desperate! He walked around the park as if just passing by then stopped when he reached Elliot. He stank of booze and other substances. "'Scuse me, pal. Do you got the time?" he asked Elliot in a friendly tone then while Elliot was busy trying to find out the time, the male pulled out a gun and kept it close to his side, his coat hiding it from view, so Vincent and Neva wouldn't be able to see it. "Don't do anything stupid. Empty your pockets and give me all your cash." he said quietly, in a threatening tone.

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Denix Vames - July 3, 2021

"Nah. I'm going back to work. They're going to need me there." Will clutched his head. He leaned against the wall. "Ok. Maybe I won't go. There's no way in hell I'm going to deal with another seizure. Guess I'll be heading home." He sighed. "I feel so worthless. This is stupid."

Harley's eyes widened. He bowed. "I had no idea. I'm sorry." Nate raised a hand. "It's cool. We don't really want people to kneel anymore to us. That was in the past when God was being an egotistical bastard. Now, he's a lot more chill." "Oh. I see." Harley stood. "Then I guess I'll be going. I'll help out if anyone needs anything." "Thanks but I can take care of myself." He nodded.

He left the house.


The merman, Galiel, was swimming around the ocean. He had long black wet hair. His eyes were brown and his skin was dark. He had a vibrant blue tail. When he saw David appeared, he smirked. "Well hello sailor." He winked.

Carter stood from the chair he was sitting on. "Hey David. Long time no see."

Carter seemed to be a lot more happy. It looked as though he had been sleeping a lot more without any problems. In fact, his figure looked more healthy unlike before when he was a bit on the unhealthy skinny side.


Elimar caressed her cheek. Looking into her eyes. "Yes you do. You deserve a second chance. Everyone does."


(i actually never read that series before)

Jean clenched his fists. He seemed determined. "I want to see his trial. I have to show him that he doesn't scare me anymore. I know that now."


X said, "You're quite welcome." He caught the eyes of the woman. His cheeks turned red as he smiled. He checked his watch. "If you'll excuse me, I'm running late. I have to be somewhere. I'm sure my agents can take care of this now." He disappeared.

The Werewolf Agent stepped forward. "Is anyone hungry? What do you all need? We want to make sure we make you feel right at home."


X appeared at the dining room. He sat once someone pulled his seat back. After the cover was lifted, he took in the scent of the cooked tongue. He licked his lips. "It's been so long since I've had such a delicacy." He nodded at the vampire near him who poured a glass of blood in his cup.

He drank a sip before digging in to the dish. When he took a bite, he smiled. "My compliments to the chef." He never took his eyes off of Niko.


(Yeah sure. That'd be awesome)

Elliot looked up at the sky. "Let's see uh...." His eyes widened at the gun. Then he glared. "What the hell do ya think you're doing?!" He grabbed the gun. "You-!" It accidentally went off. The bullet went into his right side. Blood splattered. He fell back. His hat jumped off.

Vincent turned to the gunfire. "ELLIOT!"


shadowess - July 3, 2021

"You're not worthless." Parker said, walking around the desk to him. He wrapped his arms around Will's waist. "You just need some rest, that's all. Everyone does. Otherwise we'd all be robots." He smiled at him. "Why don't you go warm up the bed?" Parker smirked and kissed him slowly. "and I'll be there soon to join you."

'Aaaaand I'm just guna give you two some privacy.' River said before retreating into Will's subconscious.

Tom watched Harley leave then smirked at Nate. "Where were we?"


Sebastian was resting on a lounger. A parasol over him. Pair of black sunglasses on and his usually pasty, pale skin had been replaced with a lovely, bronze tan. He wore nothing but swimming trunks and a thin ropey necklace that had a small shark tooth on it. He smiled at David and gave him a little wave, looking utterly relaxed.

David immediately regretted not changing his clothes before appearing on the beach. Still in a full suit with the sun blazing overhead, David was soon sweating. He glanced at the Galiel and blinked. "You must be the merman that Parker mentioned." he said and looked over at Carter. "Carter! Sebastian! You're both looking well! I'm guessing this holiday was just what the doctor ordered, then?"


Racheal looked at his hand then looked up at him to see him looking into her eyes. She felt something then and it left her feeling confused. She didn't move, nor did she move his hand away. Did she like this? She wasn't sure if she was really feeling something or if she was just desperate to feel something else after all the pain she'd just gone through.

Was she just looking for a distraction?...would she really care if she was? While she was trying to fathom what she should or shouldn't be feeling, she listened to what he said and a couple of tears dropped down her cheeks as she kept looking at him. "I want to believe that." she whispered. Then a determined fire seemed to light up in her eyes, though she was still shaken and fragile. "I'll do better. I'm going to earn my place here."


(It's pretty good. The whole series is called Cirque Du Freak. I read them all when I was a teen. But yeah, take my word for it, the system I've used in the castle is very similar to the system they use in the books.)

Hannes blinked and looked at Jean in surprise. "You were scared of him?" he asked then lowered his gaze to the ground. "How much more did I not notice? I am a failure of a Guard!"


The woman stared at X with an expression of wonder and she continued to smile at him as he cuddled her child, kissing his forehead. She blinked when he'd vanished and smiled to herself, her cheeks turning a little pink.

The Alpha looked over at the Agent and nodded. "We're hungry and tired after the change. We will need some food and some sleep."


Niko's expression shifted between glaring at X and looking terrified of him. When the cover was lifter, Niko cringed and turned his head to look away. Immediately, the Warrior to his right whipped his back and simply said "Watch." Niko had jumped, gasped and cried out. His eyes snapping back to X, tears rolling down his cheeks. He breathed a little heavily and could feel a little of his blood trickle down his back from the fresh cut. His shirt being sliced open from the impact of the whip. He watched X start to cut into his tongue and he gagged, shutting his eyes.

Another whip.

This time, from his left.


Niko had cried out again and forced himself to open his eyes, looking reluctantly at X and watching him eat. Breathing heavily, he clenched his fists. Feeling furious, disgusted and hopeless all at once. He tried to scream at X. Tried to call him a 'Bastard' and a 'Monster' but his words were unintelligible, gargled roars. Every time X took a bite, Niko turned away or closed his eyes. Every time he did he'd got whipped from one or both sides. The Warriors simply repeating the word 'Watch' in a monotone way.

By the time X would finish his meal, Niko would be on all fours and shaking violently. His eyes fixed on X. He'd fallen silent, the only noise coming from him being his ragged breaths and the occasional quiet groan. His back had been whipped so much that some of his blood had splattered from the whips across the stone floor on either side of him. The back of his shirt was torn completely open and almost all of his back was covered in ugly, bloody lashes.


The male's eyes widened when Elliot grabbed the gun. He hadn't expected him to fight back and without meaning to, his grip tightened on the trigger. He watched Elliot fall then heard the other male shouting. Neva had jumped and turned her head when the gun went off and her eyes widened, seeing Elliot fall to the ground. "DADDY!"

The man panicked and rounded on them, pointing his gun at Neva. "Wasn't supposed to go like this! I can't go to jail! I can't have you blabbin'! I'm sorry!" he pulled back the hammer but just before he could pull the trigger again, something large and furry tackled him to the ground. The gun went off and the bullet hit a nearby tree. He felt something sharp clamp around his arm and he screamed as the wolf bit into him and tossed him around, forcing him to drop the gun before letting go of him.

The male whimpered and looked up at the wolf who growled at him angrily, baring it's bloodied teeth at him. It's heckles raised defensively as it stood it's ground, snarling at the robber threateningly. The robber hesitated, too pumped on adrenaline to feel the venom start to burn in his veins. He then tried one last attempt to grab his gun but the wolf was faster and pounced on him, wrapping his teeth around the man's neck, biting down hard then jerking his head to one side rapidly to break the man's neck.

Letting the man's body drop, Theo turned to look at the family. To look at Vincent. Barely able to bring himself to look into his eyes. Neva had jumped off the swing as soon as it had slowed down enough and she was clinging to Vincent's legs fearfully. To try and show Vincent that he wasn't a threat anymore, Theo sat down and put his ears back submissively. He looked over at Elliot and whined, wishing he'd reacted faster to stop him from being shot. He didn't want Vincent to lose what he has. He deserved to be happy.


Denix Vames - July 3, 2021

Will smiled into the kiss. "Sure thing. Stay safe now." He headed out of the house and got into the cruiser. Driving it back to the precinct where he would take his regular car. Taking himself to his home where he got into his boxers. Laying in bed as he fell asleep.

Nate inched his hand under his shirt. Caressing his hip. He leaned his forehead against his. "I believe we were about to try something new?"


"Yep! That's me!" Galiel waved.

Carter said, "You bet. It was all Sebastian's idea. Honestly, I'm glad I took this vacation. I haven't taken one in years. Although, I'm not too sure if I look good in tan. I feel like those douchebags from Jersey Shore."


Elimar leaned his head against hers. "You already have."


(oh alright)


Jean placed his hands on his shoulders. "No, you're not. You're doing your best. That's all anyone could ever ask from you. You shouldn't expect yourself to know everything."


The Werewolf Agent nodded. "We'll bring you some food right away." He left the room. Several agents came back with platters of raw meat. A variety on a moving tray. They set the plates in front of the chairs that were there. Glasses of water were near the dishes. "I hope you may all enjoy." He set a basket of smaller meats in the middle.


Once X finished his meal and drank his cup, he walked over to Niko. He knelt. "I hope you've learned your lesson. Because the next time you so much as pinch someone, I will take your eyeballs next and use them for a martini like olives." He dipped his finger in the blood that was on the ground. He sucked it off. "Tasty."

He stood. "You can put him back in his cell. When's the trial going to start?"


Vincent kept her close. He ran over when it seemed like the situation was safe enough. He went to Elliot's side who groaned. He slightly lifted him off the ground. Elliot was clutching his wound. "Elliot! Stay with me!" Tears ran down Vincent's cheeks.

"N-No problem...." ,said Elliot. Vincent turned to the wolf. His eyes widened. "It's you. Theo!" Elliot groaned. He flinched at the burning pain. "Neva! Grab my arm! We're going to the hospital!" ,said Vincent. He nodded at Theo. "Thank you."

They soon appeared in the hospital. Vincent lifted Elliot off of the floor. "Help! Somebody help me! My boyfriend's been shot!"


shadowess - July 4, 2021

Tom shivered excitedly and smirked, biting his lip. "Well then, what are we waiting for?" he purred, both excited and nervous about what they were going to try.

Meanwhile, Parker finished adding the latest updates to the paperwork then headed downstairs. He barely looked up at Nate and Tom as he walked past them, his eyes were now burning because he was so tired. "See you later guys..." he said sleepily as he headed out and climbed into the car. He yawned and turned on the car, starting to drive towards Will's home while straining to keep his eyes open.


"I-...can't say I'm very familiar with that place." David said uncertainly with a smile. "But the tan does look good on you both." he nodded. Then he turned to Galiel and knelt by the water, extending a hand for him to shake. "Nice to meet you. My name is David...Forgive me, I don't mean to be rude, I'm not familiar with mer-people. Are you able to come out of the water at all or-...?"


His words left Racheal speechless. He leant his head against hers and she shivered a little at how close he was to her. Her cheeks turned pink. But she didn't pull away. She felt confused again. She knew she was feeling some form of excitement from him being so close. She found his words and his gentle manner to be touching. Comforted by his kindness. At the same time, she felt guilty for wanting to be close to him. Even though she now knew that Niko had only been using her and hadn't actually loved her, she still felt like she was betraying him in some way. She feared what he would say or do to her if he ever found out that she'd felt something for someone else. Still, she didn't move away. She relaxed, resting her hand on his chest and closing her eyes. Simply enjoying the quiet moment and the comfort Elimar gave her by simply being there.


Hannes smiled tearfully at Jean and caressed his cheek with one hand while running his other hand through his hair. "But I'm supposed to protect you, meine Geliebte...it is my duty to notice these things." he bowed his head a little and his shoulders shook as he sobbed a little. "To think I trusted him!"


The wolves didn't waste any time. They'd never seen so much food in one place before and after their transformations they were all very hungry. The children were the first to dig in. They ran up to the tables and climbed onto the chairs, grabbing at the meat and eating ravenously. The adults chuckled at the children before following them, helping them to fill their plates instead of just shovelling the food straight into their mouths and getting them to sit down on the chairs instead of standing on them to reach over the table. The adults then helped themselves, filling their own plates and sitting next to the children, chatting excitedly with each other about their escape and what their new lives might be like. Before long, every last bit of meat had been eaten and the wolves relaxed at the table. Some of the parents had to hold the little ones as they struggled to stay awake in their chairs.


Niko's shackles rattled lightly from how much he was shaking. He watched quietly as X got up and walked over to him, recoiling a little fearfully when he knelt next to him. X's new threat made Niko whimper pitifully but he was too terrified to look away from him now. Not wanting to be whipped again. After having been forced to watch him eat his tongue, Niko had absolutely no doubts that X's threats were not as empty as he'd first assumed. When X moved his finger towards the blood on the floor, Niko flinched. He then cringed as he watched him taste his blood from the ground, shivering violently at the thought of him drinking his blood. All vampires here knew that being drained by a Blood God meant certain death. More than that. The destruction of the soul. So the idea that X might want to do that to him made Niko all the more terrified of the man.

The Warriors nodded, moving forward to unshackle Niko before carrying him out by his arms towards the dungeon. A third Warrior in the room had taken the whips from the first two Warriors then bowed to X and answered his question. "Sire, trials usually start a day or two after the arrest. To give the Guards and Warriors time to gather and share information regarding the crime or crimes."


Theo nodded at Vincent in reply before watching them disappear. Once they were gone, he stood up and looked at the body of the robber. He growled a little at it then turned around and cocked his leg, relieving himself on the body's head before running off into the bushes, rather proud of himself.

As soon as Vincent shouted in the hospital, nurses came running over. Within seconds, Elliot was moved onto a gurney and wheeled into a surgery room where he would be sedated while the surgeon worked on removing the bullet. Neva was shaking and crying, still clinging to Vincent's leg. "Is daddy going to be ok?" she cried worriedly.

Nurse May walked over to them once Elliot was on his way to surgery. "Perhaps you two would be more comfortable in the waiting area?" she suggested in a gentle tone. "We'll let you know how he is as soon as we know anything, alright?" she said to reassure them. "In the meantime, is there anything that I can get for you? Some water? A coffee?"


Denix Vames - July 4, 2021

Nate frowned. "Are you sure about this? I don't want to make you do something that you don't want to do."


Carter chuckled. "Good. Keep it that way."

Galiel shook his hand. "Yes and no. I can be out for a few minutes but after that it's a bit hard for me to breath."


"Would you like to sleep now? Can I get you anything?" ,asked Elimar.


Jean cupped his cheeks. Making him look into his eyes. "You were close friends. No one could have ever known that this would happen." He brushed some of his tears off with his thumb. "Please Hannes. Don't blame yourself for this." He kissed him slowly. Holding on to those lips before kissing him again. "I still love you. And I would die for you."


"Now, if you all follow me, I will take you to the resting room." ,said The Werewolf Agent. He led them to where their pack had been before. There were many beds and some flat beds. "Sorry for not having enough to go around but we'll try our best to bring enough beds for everyone in soon."


"I see. That's good to know. Then I shall respect your rules. I'm going to my house. Goodbye for now." X disappeared.


Vincent picked her up. Holding her in his arms. "Daddy will be alright. He's a fighter. He just has to make it." He nodded at Nurse May. "Some water would be nice. And can you give my daughter something to do? I don't want her....thinking about this." His grip on Neva was shaky as his voice sounded like it was breaking.

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Shadowess - July 4, 2021

Tom smiled at Nate and nodded. "I'm nervous but there's only really one way to know if it's something I'd be into."


David looked thoughtful. "Ah...I see." he had hoped that mer-people would be able to shift back and forth from a human form like wolves could but he guessed it wasn't the same rules. "I guess you'd like me to take you to the shores nearest Carter's office then?"


Racheal opened her eyes and nodded, realising she was tired. "I think some sleep would help..." she glanced around the room. "Where did you want me to sleep?" she asked, not assuming he'd let her sleep in his bed. Maybe he had a spare room here that she hadn't seen yet?


Touched by his words, Hannes kissed him back. He looked into his eyes when he said he'd die for him. "Jean..." he whispered and kissed him again, more passionately. He wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close to him and slipped his tongue into his mouth. His kisses became slow but deep.


The parents carried their children. The children were given priority when it came to the beds that they had. The alpha placed a hand on the Werewolf Agent's shoulder and smiled at him with a thankful nod. "This will be fine. Thank you for all you've done for us.

If we can ever help you in some way, we would be happy to." he said before walking to his pack and rounding up the wolves who had no children. Following his lead, they all shifted into their wolf forms and huddled together to sleep on the floor while the parents and children took the beds. The wolf woman with the hazel eyes lay on one of the single beds with her son in her arms. All the wolves soon slept soundly.

Meanwhile, no longer restricted or in lockdown, Layla had awoken early to take a walk. She walked out of the facility and into the woods. She was trying to remember the earliest parts of her first transformation. She was still a little tired but she struggled to sleep in the beds at the facility under those florescent lights.

She ran her hand over low hanging branches playfully as she walked through the forest. Smiling as she remembered how free she'd felt in her wolf form. The wind as it blew through her fur when she ran around. She liberating yet unifying feeling that came when she howled with the other wolves.

She heard the sound of running water and followed it curiously until she walked into an otherwise well hidden clearing. In it's centre was a small pond. Water dropped from the short cliff on the other side, creating a little waterfall. The rocks covered in vines and moss. There was a break in the trees overhead which allowed the sunlight to shine into the clearing, highlighting the greens of the leaves, grass and moss. As well as the crystal blue of the pond water.

The little area was so beautiful and peaceful. She couldn't resist the urge to take a dip in the water. She stripped down completely and carefully folded her clothes, placing them onto a nearby rock before slowly stepping into the pond. She'd gasped at how cold it was but her body quickly adjusted to the temperature as she walked further in. Smiling, she headed over to the waterfall and half stood underneath it, allowing the water to fall over her shoulders and the back of her head, wetting her hair. She felt utterly at peace here.


Janik had been one of the spectators on Niko's punishment. Once X vanished, he motioned for the Warrior to come to him. "Inform the other Warriors of Niko's trial as well as what has happened here. When you're done, tell the other Guards that Janik is calling a meeting to discuss the upcoming trial. We should do everything we can to not keep our King waiting for justice."

The Warrior bowed his head before leaving the hall hurriedly. Janik soon followed, heading to the room that the Guards usually use when calling a private meeting.


Nurse May looked at him sympathetically and nodded. "I'll see what I can find." she said before leaving them to it. Neva hugged Vincent tightly, worried so much about Elliot that the temperature in the room they stood in started to dip. Only a few minutes later, the nurse returned with a couple of cups of water for them and a colouring book with some crayons tucked under her arm.

She set the cups down onto the little table in the waiting room then put the book down as well with the little box of crayons on top. The book had mostly floral patterns inside. "I hope this is ok. It's all we've really got." she said. She stood and looked at Vincent and Neva. "Is there anyone you'd like me to call for you? Maybe someone that could watch your daughter for a while? or that could be here to support you?"


Denix Vames - July 4, 2021

"Then we should do this in a room. Wouldn't want to get you electrocuted to death." Nate held his hand as they walked upstairs. Heading into one of the bedrooms. "I can make the electricity from my hands. Don't worry. I know the limits of a taser so I won't go too far. Just let me know when you want to stop, ok?"

He kissed him before placing him on the bed where he caressed his hips. Slipping his tongue into his mouth. He placed a hand on his arm and zapped him when he stopped kissing.


"Yes please." Galiel looked at Sebastian and Carter. "I guess this means I'll be seeing you two real soon." He winked at them with a wave. "Bye bye!"


"Why in my bed of course. And we don't have to do anything. I thought I should clarify that." ,said Elimar.


Jean moaned. He pressed himself against him. Placing his hands on his hips. Becoming lost in the lust, he tilted his head back. Letting him kiss his neck. Moaning somewhat louder. He felt like jelly in his hold.


The Werewolf Agent nodded. "I will keep that in mind. Enjoy your sleep." He left the room.


Vincent had set Neva on a chair in front of the coloring book and crayons. He covered his face as he was sitting too. He was visibly shaking now. "Is this what I did to those families? All those horrible things that I use to do...."

He broke down. Sobbing as he couldn't say anything any longer. Feeling like no one would be there for someone like him.


Shadowess - July 4, 2021

At Nate's suggestion of going to a room, Tom became even more nervous. But his nerves were soon eased when they got to one of the bedrooms and Nate told him he could let him know if he wanted to stop. He tried to relax in his kisses and moaned at his touch. When the kiss broke, Tom felt the shock and gasped. His body tensed momentarily and he breathed a little heavier when the volts eased off.

He felt his senses heighten a little from the adrenaline and he suddenly understood why some people incorporated pain into their pleasure. If they felt the rush from the adrenaline then they'd feel the pleasure all the more. From a little punishment, came reward. He smiled and kissed Nate deeply, feeling his chest and hips. Moaning from the excitement and the intensified sensations. He laughed a little when the kiss broke, his eyes lit up as he looked at Nate. "Do it again." he whispered and bit his lip a little.


David looked over at Carter and Sebastian as well. Sebastian had stood up and wrapped an arm around Carter's waist, smiling at him happily. "We'll see you when you get home. I hope you both enjoy the rest of your holiday!" he smiled at them then turned back to Galiel.

"Alright, prepare yourself. This can be a little jarring on one's first jump." he said before teleporting them. He was waist deep in the water so that Galiel would be comfortable upon their arrival. "Here we are. You know...There's a library I could visit which has a lot of spell books. I bet I could find something to help you shift into a human at will if you'd like? That way you could come and go between land and sea as you please." he suggested.


Racheal's cheeks turned red when he said she'd sleep in his bed. She was glad that he was respecting her enough not to push himself onto her. This only made him more alluring to her though. She stared into his eyes and opened her mouth to reply and hesitated before saying shyly. "I-...I don't think I'd mind if we did." she admitted then immediately looked away, wondering if she'd crossed some sort of line. "I'm sorry." she said hurriedly. "I shouldn't have assumed-...I'm sorry."


Hannes gripped him gently but tightly. His passion taking over as he kissed Jean's neck, grazing his skin a little with his fangs. He lifted Jean into his arms and carried him over to the bed where he gently threw him down before jumping on top of him and opening his shirt roughly. He kissed Jean's chest, working his way down to his stomach.

Then kissed his hips, taking his time with each kiss. Running his fangs lightly over his skin and sucking a little with every kiss he made. He then ran his tongue up from his stomach, all the way up to his neck, kissing there again. While kissing his neck, Hannes unbuckled his belt and pants before slipping his hand down them.


Nurse May didn't quite know what to do or say. Neva had picked up a crayon with one hand and was wiping her tears with the other, trying her best to focus on the colouring book instead of what had happened. the nurse walked over to the chair next to Vincent and placed a gentle hand on his arm.

"I know who you are..." she said quietly, still in a gentle tone. "I don't know what's happened in your life to lead you to this point but I can see that you're not the man you once were. Your energy is...different. I can't sense any malice in you." She removed her hand and watched Neva colouring for a moment. "Is there anyone you know that you'd want to be here with you? Family? A friend? I can at least ask them if they'll come."


Denix Vames - July 4, 2021

Nate smirked. He zapped him.


Carter smiled as he waved. "Goodbye! Take care!"


Galiel looked at his new surroundings. "Wow! It's so different here!" He smiled at David. "That would be amazing! Thank you." He hugged him tight before kissing his cheek.


Elimar smiled. "That's alright. I know that you've been through a lot." He took some of his clothes off until he was in a somewhat formal sleepwear. He laid on the bed.


As Jean continued to moan, he wrapped his legs around him. His chest rose. He gripped the back of his head. His hot breath hit his lips. He kissed him again.


Vincent hesitated before saying, "Amelia and Charles but I don't have their numbers. I don't even think they have phones. M-Maybe I could call Charles somehow?" He bit his lip before speaking again. "Charles? Please come here."

Charles appeared. He nodded at him before looking at Neva. "I read your mind already and I understand. We will take care of her for as long as you need your space. I promise."


shadowess - July 5, 2021

Tom gasped again, his body tensing again. Then he relaxed and kissed Nate once more, slipping his tongue into his mouth and moaning as he let his hands wander over his body.


David laughed nervously when Galiel hugged him and kissed his cheek. He hugged him back then let him go and tried to fix up his suit as best he could, despite it being soaked now. "You're welcome." he said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have quite a bit of studying to do. Goodbye for now." he said before vanishing.


Racheal looked away out of manners when Elimar started getting undressed. Once he was laid down and seemed comfortable, she looked at the bed. She didn't have any other clothes with her, so she supposed she'd be sleeping in what she had for now. Shyly, she lay down next to him, on her back and stared up at the ceiling. She was tired but she'd been through so much that her mind was still racing and it was difficult for her to relax.


Hannes moaned and smiled into the kiss, losing himself utterly to Jean. He took his hand out to grip Jean's hips as he pressed his against them while they kissed. His hands then gripped his pants and began removing them.


Neva stopped colouring and looked up when she heard Charles's voice. She looked at Vincent, knowing she was going to be going with Charles and Amelia for a little while and she got up, running over to hug her father. "I love you, daddy." she cried.


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Nate moaned into the kisses. He stripped himself and Tom before sprouting his wings. Getting for the ride of a lifetime.

(private time)


Galiel waved. "Goodbye!" He began to swim about. Exploring his new home.


Elimar had soon fallen asleep. Exhausted from earlier.


Jean gasped out the words, "Hannes....Oh god....Hannes....!" Overwhelmed by the passion, he reached for Hannes's pants. Attempting to pull them down.


Vincent knelt to hug her. "I love you too. Please don't worry. Elliot will make it. He's a strong man. Your father wouldn't leave you." He kissed her head before letting her go to Charles who held her hand.

Charles disappeared with her. Appearing in his own home.

Once Vincent saw Neva leave, he covered his face as his sobbing grew more louder. Almost like cries of pain.


Will gasped awake when he heard the loud booming of fireworks. He had completely forgotten what day it was. He clutched his head as he breathed heavily. Recalling the bomb from the flower shop and the gunfire that he dealt with many times in the past. Tears dripped down his cheeks. He was shaking as his eyes widened.


Shadowess - July 5, 2021

Hannes kissed Jean's neck again, kissing him roughly enough that he could feel Hannes's fangs but gentle enough that he wouldn't actually break the skin. He moaned, feeling Jean pull on his pants and he too pulled on Jean's pants. Both of them removing each other's clothes while continueing to caress each other and kiss each other passionately. Once they were nude, Hannes flipped Jean over so he'd be on his hands and knees on the bed, then leant over him. A hand reached around his hips as he whispered into Jean's ear. "Ich möchte dich so glücklich machen... Meine Geliebte...Meine wahre Liebe!" (I want to make you so happy...My love...My one true love!)

(Private Time)


When Charles left with Neva, Nurse May frowned as she watched Vincent's breakdown. She wasn't sure what to do or say, not really knowing him well enough to make any comments. So she simply stayed in the chair next to him quietly and gently pat his back.


Amelia had been resting on the couch with a book propped up on her very round belly when Charles had vanished. When he reappeared, she looked up and was surprised to see he'd brought Neva with him. She was even more surprised to see how upset she looked. Amelia immediately got to her feet and waddled over as quickly as she could. She knelt down and pulled Neva into her arms, cuddling her. "Hey, it's ok." she said softly as Neva started to cry again. "Aww sweet thing! Come on, let's go and cuddle on the couch for a bit." she groaned as she struggled to stand back up and when she managed it she took Neva's hand to walk her over to the couch. She looked back at Charles worriedly as she walked. "What's happened?" she asked quietly.


Parker had just about managed to make it home a few hours before the fireworks went off. It had been a little risky. He'd almost nodded off behind the wheel a few times but he'd just about managed to keep himself awake enough to get himself home. He'd sluggishly walked in and collapsed on the couch, too tired to go any further than that, and had fallen asleep immediately. Parker was so exhausted that he slept like a brick though the fireworks, snoring lightly from the awkward angle that he'd landed on the couch.

'Huh...fireworks...' River said, waking up along with Will. River was then quiet for a moment as he realized what was going on. 'Hey man, it's ok. Breathe...' the image of River appeared in the room, kneeling by the bed and looking at Will sympathetically. "Focus on me. Deep breath in. Slow breath out. You're here. You're home and you're safe, ok?" River then glanced around the room momentarily and seemed a little concerned. "Hey, wasn't Parker supposed to be back by now?...he looked pretty tired, you don't think he crashed at the office for the night, do you?"


Brian knocked on the door of the bedroom that Oscar and Leo were sleeping in. "Hey guys, good morning. There's breakfast on the table. I'll be heading out to drop Heather off at school in about an hour so I'm going to need you guys up, dressed and ready to go for then."

Oscar groaned and slowly blinked his eyes open to smile at Leo. "Good morning handsome." He kissed Leo's head. He could smell the coffee and toast coming from the kitchen.


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At some point, Vincent's cries were soon quieter.


Charles whispered into her ear, "Elliot got shot shot. He's in surgery right now. Vincent looked worse than her when I saw him. He's very devastated about the situation."


Will hopped off the bed. He ran downstairs. Heading to the living room where he found Parker. He shook him. "Parker! Parker!" When he would wake up, Will would wrap his arms around him. Pressing his head against his chest as he sobbed.


Leo smiled. "Morning." He kissed him. He sat up and stretched. "We'll be right here! Thank you!"

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shadowess - July 5, 2021

Amelia paused and looked down at Neva sadly. She became worried for Vincent, knowing how much Elliot meant to him. She worried for him like he was a member of her own family. "Charles, can you comfort Neva for a little while? I'm going to try and call Vincent." she said quietly and let go of Neva's hand.

"Go and sit down sweety, I'll be with you both in just a moment, ok?" she said to her gently then walked towards the bedroom while taking out her phone. She prayed his number was still the same as she dialled it and waited for him to answer.


Parker awoke with a start and for a moment, he had no idea where he was. Then he blinked and looked around at the room before looking down at Will who was crying onto his chest. Alarmingly, he had no memory of getting back to the house.

He jumped a little at the sound of fireworks outside then realised what was happening. He wrapped his arms around Will and ran a hand through his hair. "Hey, it's ok. I'm here." he said softly.


Oscar got up as well, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. When they were both ready, they'd head into the kitchen where Brian and Heather were sat at the table. Brian had an empty plate in front of him with nothing but crumbs left of his breakfast. A half filled cup of tea was also in front of him. He looked up from his phone when Leo and Oscar entered the kitchen. "Hope you both slept well." he smiled. "There's toast if you'd like some or we have some cereal. Help yourselves. The kettle has just been boiled too, so feel free to make yourselves some tea or coffee."

"A brew?" Oscar grinned.

"That's the one!" Brian chuckled. Heather had a half drunk glass of orange juice on the table in front of her and was still munching on some cereal quietly while watching cartoons on the tiny tv on the kitchen counter. She was wearing a school uniform which was a dark blue sweater over a white button up shirt, with blank pants and polished black shoes. Brian also seemed to be in some sort of uniform, wearing a green shirt with black pants. A logo on his shirt read 'ASDA'.


Denix Vames - July 5, 2021

Charles nodded. He sat next to Neva on the couch. Wrapping an arm around her. Keeping her close. "It's going to be ok."


Vincent answered the phone. "H-Hello?"


Will breathed heavily. Hearing the gunshots in his head. A flash of River's face appeared. "Why won't they stop?! I just want them to stop! Stop with the damn fireworks! Those bastards!" His skin became red. His wings sprouted. His horns grew. His red eye glowed. He growled.


Leo cringed at the sight of their clothes. "I'm glad I grew up without having to wear uniforms." He grabbed a bowl and dumped some cereal. Pouring some milk before digging into the dish.


Shadowess - July 5, 2021

Neva hugged Charles as she cried. "I want my daddy..." she sobbed softly, wiping at her eyes.


Amelia breathed a sigh of relief when Vincent answered the phone. "Vincent, it's me. Charles told me what happened, is he ok? Are you ok?"


Parker watched Will change and jumped a little when his wings sprouted. His horns poked his skin a bit but Parker was more worried about Will. "Will! Listen to me! It'll be ok! We can get through this!" He shivered a little nervously when he growled but he kept his arms around Will, still trying to comfort him somehow.

"Yeah man, try to calm down." River added. "It's not like the people setting them off know what you went through. They're just trying to have a good time!"


"What, never?" Brian asked with a raised eyebrow.

Oscar chuckled. "Me neither..." he said as he walked over to the toaster and put some bread in.

"Lucky for some." Brian laughed.


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Charles gently rubbed her back. "I know. I know. You'll get to see him soon. You just have to be patient."


Vincent's voice still sounded broken. "I don't know. He's in surgery. I don't know what's going to happen. I don't even want to look at my book. I feel so lost, Amelia. I don't want to lose him."


Will got out of Parker's hold. He walked over to the door. Gritting his teeth.


"Well, we lived in different times. I honestly don't even know how old I am." ,said Leo.


Shadowess - July 5, 2021

Neva hid her face in Charles's shirt as she continued to cry. "I'm scared."


Amelia listened to what Vincent said and the way he sounded and she felt awful that she couldn't be there to comfort him in person. She walked over to the bed and sat down with a sigh. "Take a deep breath. It's going to be ok." She said gently. "I don't think you'll lose him. You wana know why? Because even if he doesn't pull through, he'll end up in Heaven and just like Jasper and Beau, I think he'll just end up coming right back to you. Maybe even with wings. The guy is so pure, I reckon the big guy upstairs would give him wings on the spot!" she chuckled.

"You won't lose him because he loves you and that kind of bond is difficult to break...even in death. Don't forget, we're fortunate to be what we are and to know what we know. Besides, he's stronger than he looks. He'll fight with everything he has just to keep what you both have now. No matter what." Amelia paused and looked at the ground sadly. "I wish I could give you a hug right now...Being away from you all is harder than I thought it'd be...I miss you all..." she shook her head, blinking back tears. "Vincent, if you ever need someone to talk to or somewhere to go, you know that you're always welcome here, right? Back in Hell's Library...when I said I think of you like my brother...I meant that. So, don't go thinking that you're alone, ok? I'm here for you."


"Woah! Hold on, pal!" River said, running over to stand in his way. But, of course, Will just walked straight through him. "Will! C'mon, man!"

"Will!" Parker shouted, alarmed by Will's current state of mind. He darted over to the door and stood in front of it, blocking Will's path. He tried to think of how to stop Will, but he struggled to come up with anything quickly from already being so damn exhausted. "Stop it! Just stop! This isn't you!"


"Blimey!" Brian blinked as he looked at Leo, unable to imagine not knowing how old he'd be.

Oscar hesitated while spreading butter onto his toast, then looked thoughtful. "I have no idea when exactly I was born...but my first visit to Earth was during the sixteen hundreds...I appeared in Amsterdam...picked up the Dutch language pretty quickly and even learned how to build a few ships...those were weird years..." he laughed. "So, I guess if we're going off how old we are based on our first day on Earth, then I guess I'd be about three hundred and eighty years old...give or take..."

Brian's jaw dropped. "Wha-wait. First day on Earth? Where are you from?"

Oscar blinked and froze mid-spread. His face turning a little red as he turned to look at Brian then laughed nervously. "Um...down under? and...not the Australia kind of down under..." he said carefully, not wanting to frighten Heather who didn't seem to be paying attention to the conversation anyway as she watched the Road Runner foil another of Cayote's schemes on the tv.

'Hell?' Brian mouthed, looking surprised and Oscar nodded.

"Don't worry...humans got the stories about us wrong...mostly..." Oscar then said as he finished buttering his toast and took a bite.

"A-and you?" Brian turned to Leo. He didn't seem frightened. More curious than anything.


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"Don't worry. It's going to be ok. Your father is going to make it. I just know it." ,said Charles.


Vincent nodded. "Thank you. I'll keep that in mind. How's Neva by the way?"


Will pushed him aside. He knocked the door off of its hinges.


"Well...." Leo held up fingers as he said, "I was experimented on by ADIEU so I'm basically part, Angel, Demon, Vampire, and Werewolf. They had plans on putting Fairy and Devil DNA in me but it never happened. They were trying to make me into a super soldier for their sakes."


shadowess - July 6, 2021

Neva started to calm down, taking some deep breaths and still hugging Charles but no longer hiding her face in his shirt.

Amelia got to her feet with a small groan and waddled quietly over to the door, peaking through to look at Charles and Neva. She smiled sadly at Charles then walked back into the bedroom. "She looks a bit calmer now. She'll be alright, Vincent. She's a tough kid. We'll try to keep her distracted with some cartoons and ice cream or something like that. When Elliot is out of surgery, you guys take your time and just make sure you're both ok before you come and get her, ok? There's no rush and she's safe with us."


Parker flew to one side, not standing much of a chance against Will's strength. He hit the wall, fell to his knees and groaned, holding his arm. "Will, stop!"

"How are you even doing this?!" River demanded. "I stripped your powers!" thinking quickly, River reached out within Will's subconscious and tried to take control of Will's muscles, forcing them to stop moving. "Stop it! Enough is enough!" he snapped, now trying to pull Will into unconsciousness.


Brian frowned. "I see...Sorry for bringing that up...I'm glad they didn't get their way though. You seem like a nice couple." Brian then checked his watch and jumped to his feet. "We should get going. Don't want to hit traffic. Come on little miss, time to get in the car! Cartoons off."

Heather groaned and Brian shook his head a little, picking up the remote with a smile and hitting the off switch. "Now please."

Jumping off her chair in a huff, Heather put on her coat and headed out of the door to wait by the car. Brian also pulled on his own coat, making sure his keys were in his pocket before turning to Oscar and Leo. "Do you guys need a lift anywhere? I'd be happy to drop you off."


Denix Vames - July 6, 2021

"Alright but I think it would be best if she can possibly visit Elliot when he's in bed. Not straight away but I just want her to know that Elliot's alright." ,said Vincent.


Will's eyes widened. His form went back to being human. He collapsed. Having passed out from River's strength.


"There's no need to. We can teleport. Actually, I think we've been here long enough. Thanks for letting us stay overnight. It felt good to be back here." ,said Leo. He held Oscar's hand. He smiled at Heather. "Take care. Both of you." He looked at Oscar. "We're going back home."


shadowess - July 6, 2021

Amelia smiled with softened eyes. "Of course. I'm sure everything will be alright. You know where we are if you ever need us and you've always got my number."

Nurse May had been sat next to Vincent while he spoke on the phone. She didn't mean to eavesdrop but it seemed like he was much calmer now than he had been earlier. She looked up in time to see Doctor Evans poke his head into the room.

He looked at Vincent on the phone then nodded at the nurse. She nodded back and placed a gentle hand on his arm, giving him a kind smile before getting up and leaving the room. The doctor stepped into the waiting room and waited patiently for Vincent to end his call.


Parker looked at Will in confusion when he changed back. He watched him pass out and stared at him for a moment, breathing a little heavily. Glancing out of the front door, it didn't look like anyone else had seen what had happened. He ran over and tried to drag Will over to the couch but then he yelped and quickly let go of Will, holding onto the arm that had hit the wall earlier.

A sharp pain had shot down his whole arm from his shoulder and Parker was left sucking air in through his teeth for a moment until the pain eased off. Great...he couldn't tell if his arm was dislocated or if he'd fractured something. He leant against the wall and wracked his brains for a moment. "Anyone able to help me out here?" he called out, not sure who would be available right now to help him.

Meanwhile, River had forced Will's mind into a dream state where he pushed him down onto a replica of his couch and stood over him, glaring. "What the hell, man?!" he snapped. "I tried reasoning with you. Parker tried reasoning with you. You hurt Parker, you ass! Calm your shit down!"


Oscar smiled up until Leo said they'd be going home and he suddenly remembered who else would be there. "Um, actually. Do you mind if we take a walk before we go home? There's something we need to talk about." His cheeks turned red and he scratched the back of his head with mild embarrassment. "Totally slipped my mind until just now, sorry." he looked back at Brian and Heather and nodded at them. "Thank you though, it was nice visiting and you've been very kind."

Brian looked between them hesitantly before shrugging. "Alright. You're both welcome. Take care of yourselves." he said as he headed out of the door as well. He'd wait outside for a moment to see if they'd be walking out with him before locking the door behind them and heading to his car.


Denix Vames - July 6, 2021

"Thank you. I have to go now. I'll talk to you later." ,said Vincent before he hung up. He looked at the doctor. "Is Elliot...?"


Will sobbed over his hands. "I just wanted the sounds to stop! I didn't mean to hurt him! This is all my fault!" The living room became total darkness.

A crime scene appeared. Showing where a body had once been. A badge on the floor sat there near the blood. It read River Balconi. Gunshots echoed.


Leo raised a brow. "Sure." They headed out of the house. "Is it something bad that you need to tell me?"


shadowess - July 6, 2021

"He's fine." Doctor Evans answered immediately to settle Vincent's nerves. "In fact, he has been incredibly lucky. The bullet missed all of his organs and there were no complications during the surgery to get it out, so everything went very smoothly. He'll feel worse for wear for a few weeks but as long as he takes things easy and gets plenty of rest, he should heal up pretty quickly and be back to his old self in no time."

The Doctor gave Vincent a sympathetic look. "I understand this will have been quite a traumatic event for both of you and that you'll be eager to see him as soon as possible. He's currently being cleaned up and settled into a room. He'll still be asleep for about half an hour to forty-five minutes, until the anaesthetic wears off, but you're welcome to wait in his room until he comes to. I'll show you there now. He'll be brought in shortly."

The Doctor would then walk Vincent to the room which was currently empty and gesture to a chair. "Make yourself comfortable. It shouldn't be long now. Let us know if you need anything." he said before leaving Vincent alone. It would be another ten minutes before four nurses wheeled Elliot into the room. One of the male nurses looked over at Vincent. "You might want to stand back to give us some room." he said gently.

They then set to work, gently transferring Elliot from the gurney to the bed and hooking him up to a couple of monitors as well as a Saline drip to keep him hydrated. There was already a blood bag hooked up to his arm to replace what he'd lost after the shooting and during the surgery. The nurses carefully checked everything to make sure it was all in working order before leaving the room.


River watched Will sob then looked around at the changes to the room with a frown. He sighed heavily, glancing at the ceiling. They could still hear the fireworks. He pulled Will into a much deeper sleep and the gunshots slowly faded away. He clicked his fingers and forced their surroundings to change back into his living room. He sat on the couch next to Will and looked at him. He leant forward and rested his elbows on his knees, clasping his hands in front of him. "You lost control. I know you didn't mean to and that you didn't want to hurt anyone. I know..." he said gently.

"and Parker knows it too. This is just one of those things that we'll all need to work on together. You went through something horrific and painful. I can feel that...So, it's not like you can just switch it off when something like this happens...but we can take steps to help you to cope, alright?" he sighed and looked around the room.

"I think Parker is going to need some help...before you passed out, it looked like he was in pain. With your permission, I could put you into a safe, quiet part of your subconscious...like a dream...have you ever had a lucid dream? It'd be like that. So, you can control what happens in the dream to some extent. While you're there, I'll take over your body and help Parker deal with his injury until the fireworks stop. Would you be ok with me doing that?"


Oscar walked a little ways with Leo then stopped and looked at him a little nervously. "...Uh...I'm not sure. Depends on how you see it, I guess..." he stammered, uncertainly and scratched the back of his head. "So, you know I've been doing redemption work with David, right? Well, he put me in charge of seeing to Ricky's redemption. Part of that was also helping to convince Rickster to join the programme too. See, he's been locked in a cell in Hell until he's less of a danger to others. Every day I've been escorting Ricky to the cell to try and show Rickster that, even though he's locked up, he's not alone. It worked...It was slow and he was really freaking stubborn but he eventually came around and we were able to let him out of the cell...On top of that, Ricky's been making a lot of great progress...you wouldn't recognise him now, he's changed that much."

Oscar then hesitated before saying the rest. "I left them both at the house. They're both still doing the programme but they're also alive now. I told David about them and he's probably already met up with them to make sure they're behaving. Considering we haven't heard anything from David, I guess they haven't done anything wrong...I just wanted to make sure you knew they were at the mansion before you went back there. I hope that was ok."

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Denix Vames - July 6, 2021

Vincent stood against the corner of the room to let the nurses do their work. He clutched his arms as he watched them place Elliot on the bed. When they were done, he walked over. He caressed his cheek before kissing his forehead. "Elliot...I'm sorry that I didn't make it time." He held his hand.


Will nodded. "Please."


Leo bit his lip. "I'll try to tolerate them."


shadowess - July 6, 2021

River nodded too and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'll wake you up as soon as it's over." he reassured him then set to work. He concentrated on Moving Will's mind into a dream while he stretched himself out with Will's body, taking control. He'd gasp awake and look around the room before looking at Parker who was still leaning against the wall, apparently waiting for help.

"Will?" Parker said nervously. "Are you alright?"

"Not Will..." River replied as he got to his feet and stumbled a bit, finding his balance. He took in a deep breath and closed his eye, taking in the fresh air.

Parker blinked at him. Confused at first, then his eyes widened a little at the realisation. "...R-River?"

River nodded and opened his eye to look at Parker. He smiled. "Hi, Parker. It's nice to talk to you again."

"...Again?" Parker rose a brow. "We've never met."

"Yes...we have...we'll get into that later. How's your arm?"

"Hurts...I think I hurt my shoulder...but Will-?"

"He's...taking a little break until these fireworks stop. I said I'd help you in the meantime...let me take a look." River walked over and took Parker's arm in both his hands to look it over. He noticed the odd bulge in his shoulder and clicked his tongue. "Ah..."


"It's not broken but this is going to hurt like hell."

"What going to hurt?"

"I'm going to have to reset your shoulder. Here, sit down."

Once Parker was sat down and comfortable, River held his arm in one hand while placing his other hand over his shoulder. "Are you ready?"

"Not really..." Parker answered nervously.

"I'll give you to the count of three, ok?"

Parker nodded and took in a deep breath, mentally preparing himself. "Ok..."

"Alright...One-" He rapidly pulled Parker's arm while pushing on his shoulder, snapping it back into place and causing Parker to cry out in shock and pain.

"What the hell, man?!" Parker snapped.

"Three." River chuckled then laughed as Parker slapped his arm. "Hey man, take it easy. This is a 'rental'!" he joked.


"Yeah, but how does your arm feel now?"

Parker moved his arm around, flexing his fingers and bending his elbow. "Better..." he admitted before grumbling "You're still an asshole though..."

"Yep." River smiled and looked around at the door on the floor. "I suppose I could make myself useful and fix that before the boss man wakes up."

Parker watched him as he walked over to the door. It was strange talking to someone else in Will's body. "How do I know you?"

"I was you...at one point..." River answered simply while picking up the door. "Sorry by the way...I was a little loopy when I was in your head..."

"In my-?..." Parker thought for a moment and River turned to watch him with a small smile.

"Yeah...You'd see me in your dreams sometimes...even in your reflection. That was me...the energy that made Will into a Blood God...that used to make you a Blood God too until I was forced to leave you. Long story short, Hades kicked my ass...who knew that kid had so much power, right? Anyway, he said he'd let me live as long as I swore to only use my powers for good...and well...here we are."

Parker was left staring at River with his mouth hanging open, trying to fathom what he'd just been told.

River set to work on fixing the door. After a little while, Parker got up and made himself some coffee to try and keep himself awake. He brought a blood bag over to River and offered it to him. River looked over his work, nodding at it in approval before turning to Parker and taking the bag with a small smile. "Thanks." he said as he bit into it. He nodded at Parker's coffee. "You sure you wana drink that? You look pretty tired."

"I wana be awake for when Will wakes up." Parker explained and River nodded understandingly.

"Fair enough."

"So...you're in Will's mind usually?"


"So, you see and hear everything he does?"

"And feel everything too...if he gets hurt, I get hurt. So, you know...it's in my best interest to keep him safe, if that's what you're wondering."

Parker hesitated and scratched the back of his head nervously. "So...when me and Will-?...Do you-?" his face turned red, unsure of how to phrase the question and River's face also turned red as he clocked on to what he was getting at.

"Oh! No...I mean...well...yes, but I tend to tune it out...I can slip in and out of dream states in his head." he tapped the side of his head. "So, usually I just dream up my own scenario where those feelings make sense...That way, you guys still get your privacy." River averted his gaze from Parker who was also looking around the room awkwardly now. River faked a cough into his fist to break the awkward silence and nodded towards the tv. "You wana watch something to pass the time?" he suggested and Parker smiled with a nod.


They then each sat on separate chairs while watching the movie 'From Dusk Til Dawn'. The movie was close to it's end when River glanced at the window, noticing that he hadn't heard any fireworks for a while. He glanced at Parker, who was still fully engrossed in the movie, and debated saying goodbye. He smiled to himself, not wanting to disturb him and figured that he'd be happier to just have Will back. He settled into the chair until he felt comfortable and closed his eyes. He focussed on trading places with Will, placing himself back into his subconscious while pulling Will's mind back into the figurative driver's seat. He'd then work on gently waking Will up.



Oscar frowned. "I'm sorry, Leo. I didn't know where else to put them." he said, worried he'd made him angry. He moved to hold his hand. "They really have improved though and, I swear, they're trying their best to become good people. They just need a chance. If they fuck up then I'll take full responsibility."


Denix Vames - July 6, 2021

Will slowly opened his eyes. He frowned when he looked at Parker. "Parker....I'm sorry. I should have kept control of myself. I shouldn't have lashed out like that. It's because of me that you got hurt."


"If they fuck up then I'll rip their guts out." Leo sighed. "Let's just go already."


shadowess - July 6, 2021

Parker's eyes snapped from the movie to Will and they widened a little at his words. "Will?" he asked hesitantly then shot to his feet and ran over, wrapping his arms around him to hug him tightly. "It's ok! I'm fine! River reset my shoulder. It was just a dislocation, nothing major." he said.

His exhaustion making him a little more sensitive than usual, he couldn't help the tears that rolled down his cheeks as he continued to hug Will. "I know you didn't mean it! We'll work on it, ok?" he cried into his shoulder.


Frowning, Oscar nodded and teleported them to the mansion where all would be quiet and still. No one else was awake yet.


Denix Vames - July 6, 2021

Will hugged him back. He sobbed into his chest.


Leo walked as he looked around. He raised a brow. "The fact that it's quiet usually doesn't mean anything good."


shadowess - July 6, 2021

Parker ran his hand through his hair, stroking the back of his head as he held him. "It's ok. It's ok." he whispered softly, then moved back to look at him. He wiped away his tears. "It's been a hard day...I think we could both use some proper sleep..."

Parker especially. He currently had dark circles under his eyes. Even though Will had just woken up, his body technically hadn't actually had much rest either. "Maybe after we get some sleep, we'll be able to think a little clearer?"


"Oh, c'mon Leo." Oscar let out an exasperated sigh. "I get you're wary, but I'm telling you, they've really changed! They're probably just sleeping. It is still pretty early in the morning. I mean, what do you want me to do? Go wake them up and get them to show you they're not bad?"

Oscar was right. In one spare room, Rickster was sound asleep with his arms around Ricky. Atma was still asleep in a second spare room.


Denix Vames - July 6, 2021

Will nodded. "Yeah. You're probably right." He let Parker take him upstairs where he laid under the covers. Once Parker would join him, he would pull him into an embrace. Keeping him close. He kissed him. "Sleep well."


Leo crossed his arms. "Let's just go to bed. I've had a long day."


shadowess - July 7, 2021

Parker cuddled up to Will and kissed him back. "You too." he whispered and closed his eyes. Within seconds, Parker was asleep.


Oscar sighed and headed up to their bedroom without another word. Although they'd only just woken up, Oscar lay on the bed facing the wall. He understood why Leo would be annoyed about them being here. He understood why he would be suspicious of them after everything they'd done. But he was annoyed that Leo seemed to struggle when it came to trusting Oscar's word.


A pair of Warriors followed Sven to Elimar's house. One of the Warriors held a thick black book with yellowed pages, a couple of rolled up bits of parchment tucked under his arm and a couple of pens. By now, a message would already have been delivered to Hannes regarding the trial and the celebration to welcome new vampires. Sven's next stop would be Hannes and Jean, but for now he needed to speak to Racheal an Elimar. He knocked on the door and waited patiently for an answer.


Meanwhile, Viktor had not long woken up and was sitting on the bed. He was staring at his phone and biting the nail on this thumb nervously as he debated sending Bryce a message. He hoped the guards here wouldn't check on him for a while but he debated making it look like he was still in the room by stuffing towels and pillows under the bed sheets in case they did. It was a childish tactic but hey, if it could fool his own parents on several occasions then who knows?

He typed out the text and stared at it for a couple of minutes. He debated deleting it and forgetting about it. Why would someone like Bryce want to hang out with him anyway? But he really did find him fascinating and wanted to know more about what his life had been like. He held his breath and tapped the 'send' button, then immediately started to worry that he wouldn't get a text back. His heart beat a little harder and he stared at his phone, wondering if he'd just made an idiot out of himself.

The text read; 'Hey, it's Viktor. The guy from last night. Do you want to meet up sometime today? I don't know many places here but I don't mind coming to meet you wherever. I'd love to hear more about you.'


Denix Vames - July 7, 2021

Leo slipped out of his clothes until he was in a shirt and shorts. He laid on his side and placed an arm over Oscar. He kissed his neck. "How's everything been by the way? Is that new job of yours pretty easy or what?"


Elimar, fully dressed, opened the door. "Greetings Sven. What's this about?"


Bryce texted back, 'Hey Vikey. I would love to hang out with you. You can come by my place. I'm at home right now. Just think about me and you'll be there. <3'

Bryce's new home would be Parker's old apartment.


Shadowess - July 7, 2021

Oscar took Leo's hand and brought it up to his mouth to kiss it. He sighed, relaxing into Leo's arms when he kissed his neck. He couldn't stay annoyed at Leo. "It's definitely different." he answered. "It can be challenging but...I guess I can see why David does it. It's tough but seeing people turn themselves around and do good things for others is kind of...rewarding." he smiled.

"You know when I helped you out at the diner? Turns out Ricky had gone for a walk while I was gone. He could've done anything. He could've gone right back to being his old self but do you know what he did? He helped the first homeless person he came across. Gave them his food and let them stay in his room for the night. That's not even the craziest part..." Oscar turned his head to look at Leo. "The homeless woman turned out to be Atma! Last I heard, David was taking care of her."


Sven smiled pleasantly at Elimar. "Hello Elimar. We just need to add Racheal to the registry so that she will officially be a part of our community. We've brought the relevant paperwork. We er-...we also need to ask Racheal a few questions about her time with Niko. For the trial. It seems the King has taken a personal interest in Niko's trial so we need to do everything that we can to make sure we have correct information and get things moving quickly. I know this won't be easy for her, but it is necessary."


Viktor read the text and beamed. He jumped up from the bed excitedly and ran into the en suit bathroom to make sure he didn't look, or smell, a mess. He ran back into the bedroom and stuffed the bed to make it look like he was still sleeping in it.

Double checking his reflection in the mirror, he smiled and closed his eyes, thinking of Bryce. When he opened them he looked around himself curiously before smiling at Bryce. "Hi." he said nervously.


Denix Vames - July 7, 2021

Leo's eyes widened. "Really? He did all that? And Atma's back?" He shook his head. "Man, this sounds crazy." He sat up. "I guess he really has changed." He nervously played with his fingers as he looked down. "Oscar? There's something that I want to tell you. I'm hoping that you'll stick by my decision."


"I understand." Elimar walked over to Rachael. He gently shook her shoulder. "Rachael? Sven needs to talk to you. It's important."


The apartment had been cleaned up. Bryce was sitting on the couch. Watching some cooking show on TV. He smiled. "Hello." He stood and gave him a hug. "It's nice to see you again. How are things?"


shadowess - July 7, 2021

Oscar sat up as well and looked at Leo curiously, if not a little worried by his last few words. "What is it, Leo?" he asked gently.


Sven and the two Warriors had stepped into the house and stood by the door. Considering this would be a private and sensitive conversation, one of the warriors had closed the door behind him. The other warrior walked over to the nearest desk and placed the book and parchment down.

Racheal blinked her eyes open and looked up at Elimar before looking around at Sven and the Warriors. "What's going on?" she asked quietly.

"We'll need to ask you a couple of things too, Elimar." Sven said. "So, you might as well stay in the room." He leant against the wall then looked over at the Warrior to see if he was ready with the paperwork. "First things first, Joel over there has a couple of documents for you both to sign. It is our registry, how we keep track of all the vampires who come to live in our castle. It also serves as a sort of 'birth certificate'. You will get a copy for yourself to keep once we're done. Considering Niko is no longer your protector, Elimar will be signing in his place. So, although Niko is the one who blooded you, Elimar will be your maker on paper."

Joel unrolled the parchments and placed the pens down on the desk. "I'll need Racheal to sign here and Elimar to sign here on both copies." he said, pointing to the relevant areas. Racheal got to her feet and walked over to the desk, picking up one of the pens. She looked at the parchments but couldn't read the German words. She looked at where Joel had pointed to her part and she went to sign on the line but stopped when no ink came out. Joel couldn't help chuckling patiently. "Sorry, we forgot to say. These aren't ordinary pens. All of our official documents are signed in blood. The tip of the pen is a needle. Prick your finger with it, then sign."

"Oh..." Racheal blinked and took a closer look at the end of the pen. Sure enough, it had a sharp point. Hesitantly, she pressed it into her index finger and flinched a little when it broke the skin. The pen seemed to absorb the small amount of blood that came out and she took the pen away from her cut to look at it again. There wasn't a single sign that any blood had gotten onto it, yet the ink reservoir inside the pen had turned red. She then moved to sign on the line again and this time, the pen worked. Her blood being used like ink from inside the pen, she signed her name neatly on the line. She did the same with the second copy then gave the pen back to Joel who nodded at her with a smile. "Very good. Thank you." he said as he offered a second pen to Elimar.

Once Elimar would sign, Sven smiled at them both. "Now that that is taken care of, we can start arranging the welcome celebration. I think sooner would be better than later, yes? Something to look forward to after all the nastiness that has happened. We'll hold the ball the night after the trial. Now then...onto the more difficult subject."

Sven walked over to a nearby chair and gestured to it. "May I?" he asked Elimar.


Viktor hadn't been expecting the hug but he welcomed it, hugging Bryce back. "You too." he said a little shyly but his eyes were lit up happily as he let him go. "Pretty good. You?"

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Denix Vames - July 7, 2021

Leo's cheeks went red. He bit his lip. "Well, I've thought long and hard about this for a while now but...." He looked at him. "I want to become a cop and retire from the CIA."


Elimar pricked his finger with the pen then signed his name on both papers. He smiled at Sven and nodded at the chair. "Go ahead."


Bryce shrugged. "The usual. Are you hungry by the way? I've got some leftover pizza in the fridge."


shadowess - July 7, 2021

"Really?" Oscar blinked and studied Leo's features for a moment before smiling at him. "If that's what you want, then of course I'll support you." he wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed him. "Maybe we could call Will later, see if we could get the ball rolling?" he then looked uncertain. "What about Allie? You think she'll be ok?"


Racheal watched Elimar sign the papers and smiled a little. She supposed this was official now. She still felt a little sad that things hadn't worked out with Niko but considering what he'd put her through, maybe this was for the best. At least Elimar seems to be much kinder to her than Niko had been so far.

"Thank you." Sven sat down and sighed. "I know this is going to be...uncomfortable for you." he said to Racheal who looked at him curiously. "But we're going to need you to tell us everything about what living with Niko was like. The King has taken interest in this matter so I cannot stress enough how vital it is that you be absolutely honest with me today. Do I make myself clear?"

Racheal frowned and hugged herself but she nodded.

"Good...Now, it's important to note that any violence within the first day of your turning is not counted in the trial. This is because, due to our old law, the likelihood of a human fighting back when being turned was very high. So, violence within that first day was permitted for the sole purpose of preventing that human from being a danger to themselves, their maker and anyone else they might cross paths with during that time. You were turned while this law was still in effect so, regrettably, we cannot use anything he did to you during that time against him. However, and I want to make this absolutely clear, anything he did to harm you after that day is inexcusable! So, with that in mind, I want you now to list all the ways Niko has hurt you since you were turned. Take your time."

"Uh..." Racheal glanced at Joel who had opened the book and had a pen at the ready, watching her with a serious expression. She looked at the ground as she thought back on her short time with Niko. She shook a little at the memories and her voice quivered as she spoke. "H-he'd only hurt me when we were alone. He said it was to punish me for things I'd done wrong. To make me a better vampire. He's choked me...punched me where the bruises would be hidden by my clothes...wh-whipped me..." her voice broke a little and she had to stop to take a breath.

"It's ok." Sven said gently. "You're safe now." He hesitated before asking his next question. "Niko wasn't just a maker to you, was he? You two were...together. I'm so sorry to ask but did Niko ever...force himself... onto you?"

Racheal shivered and closed her eyes, letting a couple of tears fall. Her grip on her arms tightened a little as she nodded slowly. Sven glanced at Joel who was writing notes furiously then looked back at Racheal. "How many times, Racheal?"

She didn't answer immediately. Trying to calm herself down enough to answer. She wiped the tears from her eyes and sniffled, taking in a few deep breaths. "Th-three...n-not including...the t-two times right after he turned me...I-if I tried to tell him I didn't want it...he'd call me ungrateful...then he'd choke me and-..." Racheal covered her face and wept.

Sven looked at the second Warrior by the door. "Could you fetch us a couple of bottles of blood?" he asked quietly and the warrior nodded before leaving hurriedly. He then looked back at Racheal with a sad expression. "I'm sorry, Racheal. We're almost done here and we'll leave you to rest. Just one more question for you then we'll move onto what happened when Niko was arrested." Sven rubbed his chin a moment, clearly uncomfortable himself with having to ask this next question. "Have you had any signs of...pregnancy, yet? Or would it be too early to tell?"

Racheal stopped crying for a moment to look at Sven in surprise at the question. She let out a sigh of relief and wiped away a couple of her tears as she shook her head. "I'm on contraception. Before he turned me, I had an injection that I get once every three months. It prevents pregnancy."

Both Sven and Joel seemed relieved by this news. They had enough to deal with without Niko trying to use a child to gain sympathy. "Remarkable. This is a new thing the humans have?" Sven asked and Racheal shrugged.

"It's been around for a few years but I guess to you guys it might be new." she answered honestly.

Sven nodded with a small smile. "The wonders of human inventions..." he chuckled "Thank you, Racheal. You can rest a moment." he then looked at Elimar, opening his mouth just as the second Warrior knocked on the door and came back in with the bottles. Sven looked at the warrior then nodded towards Elimar and Racheal. The warrior walked over to them and gave them each a bottle before stepping back to stand by the door again. "Now then..." Sven said, looking back at Elimar. "I'd like you to tell me everything you know about what happened leading up to Niko's arrest. Tell me everything that you heard and saw."


"That'd be great. Thanks." Viktor nodded with a smile. He glanced around the dinky apartment and looked back at Bryce. "I'm guessing this is a lot different than how you used to live?" he asked. He scratched his head a little, nervously. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I kinda imagined you in some kind of Victorian mansion or something." he chuckled.


Denix Vames - July 7, 2021

Leo sighed. "I'll talk to her about it. The entire family will of course be getting a new bodyguard but I'm not sure how she'll react. She probably won't like the idea. That's for sure."


Elimar drank some of the blood. "Rachael was walking down the hall. She seemed lost. She told me that she was hungry so I took her to one of our storage rooms. Giving her a blood bag. I led her back to her home once she was done. Me and Niko had a 'friendly' conversation. Once I walked a bit far, I could hear her crying as he was hitting her with a rod to her feet. Overwhelmed by the sounds, I knocked the door off and fought him. Then Hannes came along."


Bryce walked to the kitchen. He grabbed the takeout pizza from the fridge. "I did have a mansion but some bitch burned it down. Now, I live here." He set the box on the coffee table and opened it. It would be cheese pizza.


Shadowess - July 7, 2021

Oscar nodded and kissed Leo's neck. "I'm sure she'll be fine. If a change is what you need then she'll just have to accept it." he said gently.


"It was a good thing you acted. Who knows how much longer Racheal would've had to suffer in silence." Sven nodded. He then looked at Racheal. "May I ask, why were you wandering the halls alone? Had Niko not been providing you with enough blood?"

Racheal hesitated, looking at Elimar for support before looking back at Sven. "I...snuck away." she admitted. "That's why Niko was...'punishing' me when I got back...he'd told me to not leave the room without him."

"So, why did you?"

"I needed to talk to X...I mean...the King...Before I was turned, I was a-..."

"I know who your family were. That doesn't matter now. Go on."

Racheal seemed relieved and continued. "I knew a location of where my family were breeding werewolves to farm their venom...I wanted to make amends for my past so I gave him the address so that they could be rescued."

Sven nodded in understanding. "I see. You were just trying to do the right thing...I'm guessing Niko wouldn't have understood?"

"He didn't want me to talk to anyone else unless he was there...and I felt too ashamed to tell him what I needed to do."

"You have nothing to be ashamed of. You did the right thing." Sven said.

He looked at Joel who finished writing up the last part before looking back at him and nodding. "Thank you both for your time and I'm sorry that we had to put you through that again. We will be paying Hannes and Jean a visit next to get Hannes's side of the story as well as have Jean sign the document as well. With any luck, we should be ready to hold the trial tomorrow evening. Earlier if we can. We'll let you know. Of course, now that we've gotten this information from you, you are not obligated to attend or make any statements during the trial if you do. Those decisions are entirely yours to make. I'll let you both rest now."

Joel packed up the pens and closed the book. He picked up one of the parchments and handed it to Elimar. "This copy is yours." he said then nodded at Racheal with a kind smile. "Welcome home." he said gently and Racheal smiled a little through her tears. He grabbed the other parchment and the book before following Sven and the other warrior out of Elimar's house. The three of them then headed towards Hannes's home.

Once they were gone, Racheal wiped away her tears and sniffled a bit before drinking some of the blood from the bottle in her hand.


Viktor frowned. He felt a little angry that someone would burn anyone's home to the ground. "That's awful! I'm sorry to hear that...Did they ever get caught?" He sat on the couch and kept his eyes on Bryce as he reached for a slice. "Thanks."


Denix Vames - July 7, 2021

Leo smiled. "Thank you." He kissed him.


Elimar placed the copy in his drawer. He walked over to her. Placing a hand on her shoulder. "It's alright. You're safe now. No one will ever hurt you again."

Jean sat up. He covered his chest with the sheets. He had heard the knocking. "Hannes? What's going to happen this time? The last time there was knocking, you had to...." He wiped away his own tears. Worried about the next situation.


Bryce sat next to him. "I kind of deserved it to be honest. I use to be a dick. Did some really fucked up things before. And I know who did it but I'm fine with them. I don't really care as much as I did before."


shadowess - July 7, 2021

Oscar kissed Leo back and smiled into the kiss. He kissed him again slowly, savouring the feeling of his lips against his. "Do you want to pick up where we left off last night?" he whispered with a smirk and kissed Leo's neck again, nibbling lightly on his skin.


Racheal looked at Elimar for a moment and tried a small smile at his words. Her lip quivered and she leant her head against his shoulder as her tears slowly rolled down her cheeks. "What do you think will happen to him?" she asked quietly. For Racheal, her emotions were a little complicated. She knew now that Niko had never loved her and she feared him. But a small part of her still cared about him and wished that he'd been a better person.

Hannes sat up and looked towards the living room. Unlike the knock he'd heard last time, which had been hard and hurried, this one had sounded slow and relaxed. He turned to Jean and gently pulled him into his arms to comfort him. "It's alright, meine Geliebte. Not every visit is a bad one." he kissed his forehead and smiled at him. "Let's get dressed and find out." he then let him go and got out of the bed, picking up his clothes and putting them on. Once they were both dressed, he'd walk with him to the living room and answered the door.

"Ah, Sven." Hannes greeted him with a smile then spotted the parchment in Joel's arms. "Are those what I think they are?"

"They certainly are, old friend." Sven answered and Hannes stood to one side to let him in. One he and the two warriors were inside, he closed the door behind them.

Hannes then walked over to Jean and wrapped a hand around his waist. "They're just here to register you, Süsser. It will make everything official. You'll be a member of our community and I'll be documented as your maker. They need to do this before they can arrange the ball that I told you about." he explained briefly while Joel unrolled the parchments and took out two new pens, handing one each to Hannes and Jean.

"Like this, Jean." Hannes said and showed him how to use the pen by pricking his finger then signing his name on his sections of the parchments.

"I'll need you to sign here and here." Joel said to Jean with a small smile, pointing to his parts of the register.

Sven stood by until they were done then looked at Hannes. "I'm also here about Niko." he said sombrely. Hannes's smile slipped and he looked at Sven seriously. "The King has taken an interest in his trial..." he continued then hesitated before informing him; "And...he had also already issued a punishment to Niko...publicly."

"What?" Hannes's eyes widened, his face turned pale.

Sven nodded with a grave expression. "It would seem the Kings warning to him in the hall wasn't just something he said to quiet him... He paid Niko a visit in his cell and removed his tongue. He then had Niko forced to watch as he ate it. He was whipped severely anytime he tried to look away."

Hannes covered his own mouth, feeling sick. He leant against the mantle of the fireplace, feeling responsible for what had happened to one of his oldest friends.

"I'm sorry, Hannes. I know you two were like brothers and that this is upsetting." Sven said sympathetically. "That's-..." he sighed. "That's not all. Because the King has an interest in this case, we're working to get this trial started as soon as possible. For that to happen...we have to question all those involved." He looked at Jean for a moment before looking at Hannes. "Would you mind if we spoke to Jean alone for a moment?"

Hannes lowered his hand from his mouth and looked at Sven in disbelief. "You don't think I'd-?!"

"You need to trust me on this Hannes." Sven interrupted him, his expression just as serious. "I don't like it either but Janik and Natali were insistent on conducting this specific interview themselves. I think you and I both know why." Hannes clenched his fists and looked hard at the ground but nodded. "Good. Then I'll need you to leave us alone for a minute while I ask Jean some questions. If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear."

Hannes hesitated, shaking a little but he walked over to Jean quietly and kissed his cheek before walking into the bedroom and closing the door behind him, leaving Jean with Sven and the warriors.

Sven sighed and looked at Jean. "The King will likely be looking into all of this, so I need you to be honest with me. At any point, after the day you were turned, has either Hannes or Niko hurt you in any way?" he asked plainly.

He then held up a hand. "Believe me, I don't like asking that question but it's very important that we record exactly what you have to say for the trial, so that your words cannot be twisted to mean something else. Do you understand?" Sven was telling Jean to be careful about how he answered without directly telling him to be careful about how he answered. That what he had to say might also affect whether Hannes would end up going down with Niko or not.


Viktor ate some of the pizza in his hand as he listened to Bryce. When he finished speaking, Viktor lowered his eyes to the pizza thoughtfully as he swallowed what was in his mouth. "I think I get that. I wasn't exactly a good person before I changed...My parents tried to make me into a killer...they almost succeeded. When they were killed I was hellbent on living up to their name..." he shook his head.

"I'm glad I didn't." he smiled and turned his head to look at Bryce. "Turns out, I actually like the supernatural world..." he grinned. "You can meet some really interesting people when you accept them as they are."


Denix Vames - July 7, 2021

Leo moaned. He smirked at him. "Gladly." He brought his hands under his shirt. Feeling up his hips as he slipped his tongue into his mouth. Kissing him passionately.


Jean hesitantly pricked his finger before signing. His eyes widened at the idea of being away from Hannes. He was more so shocked by X's punishment.

He covered his mouth as tears rolled down his cheeks. "Hannes would never!" He glared. "We had our ups and downs in the beginning but he's been a good man to me! A wonderful lover!" He turned away. "Niko....I was always afraid of him but he never laid a hand on me."


"I guess so. I did meet you." ,said Bryce.


Shadowess - July 7, 2021

Feeling his hands moving over his hips, Oscar moaned into the kiss. He matched Leo's passion and gently pushed him down onto the bed, climbing on top of him. He took off his shirt and threw it to one side before sprouting his wings. He kissed him deeply again and slipped his hand under Leo's shorts. He then used his powers to warm up his hand. Not hot enough to burn him but warm enough to give Leo a new kind of thrill. His wings began to vibrate at a low frequency.


Joel wrote his notes in the book and Sven nodded. "I understand." he said gently. "Thank you for clearing that up. You say you feared him but he never laid a hand on you? Did he threaten you at any point to make you fear him?"


"M-me?" Viktor blushed and grinned. "Nah...I'm not that interesting. I'm just some idiot from Germany. You though...You've really lived!" Viktor's eyes lit up as he looked at him. "I have to admit, I find you...f-fascinating." he said shyly, feeling his cheeks grow a little hotter.


Denix Vames - July 7, 2021

Leo moaned louder. "Holy shit! I didn't know you could do that."


Jean shook his head. "Just seeing him was already threatening enough. It's like I knew something wasn't right about him but I couldn't put my finger on what."


Bryce laid a hand on his knee. He looked into his eyes. "The same goes for you."


Denix Vames - July 8, 2021

Vincent had disappeared. He stole a camera from a shop. He went all over the city. Taking photos of animal's corpses. Something inside him had awoken. Something that became alive somehow. The crystal necklace had been thrown out and stepped on. He found a human corpse and took a photo of it. He walked down the street as he held the camera. An officer noticed him. (mind playing the cop? by the way I'm having it where Vincent's insanity becomes a separate person but can still overtake his mind sometimes. Kind of like with Parker when he was dealing with River in his head.)

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shadowess - July 8, 2021

Oscar smirked and bent down to kiss Leo's neck. "The perks of being a dragon." he chuckled. "Just you wait-" he purred as he took hold of Leo's shorts and started to pull them off him. "Things are about to get so much hotter." he bit his lip while looking intensely into Leo's eyes. He removed his own clothes then leant over Leo again, wrapping an arm around his waist to lift his hips. As he did, his whole body warmed up and he pressed himself against him, kissing him deeply.

(Private Time.)


Sven nodded and glanced at Joel who just finished writing the last sentence. "Hannes! You can come back in." He called out.

Hannes stepped back into the room and looked between them all a moment before walking over to Jean and taking his hand. He kissed him on the cheek then turned his attention to Sven.

He'd heard everything, but the point of him leaving the room wasn't so that he wouldn't hear what was said. It was so that his presence wouldn't effect whether or not Jean answered honestly. Feeling like the conversation is private can be helpful in encouraging people to be truthful. "Thank you, Jean. Your input is more valuable than you think. Now, Hannes." Sven looked at Hannes. "I need you to tell me what happened when you had Niko arrested."

"I had been relaxing here with Jean when Lars knocked on my door to tell me what was happening between Niko and Elimar. Apparently he'd been passing by and heard the commotion. I ran from here to Niko's house immediately...I called upon Gregor and Lukas on my way there to assist me."

Hannes sighed. "What I saw when I arrived...Racheal was crying on the bed with cuts across her feet. Elimar had Niko pinned down. He had similar cuts across his face. Niko had a broken nose and was holding a rod...which he had been using to hurt both Racheal and Elimar. I had no choice at that point. What had happened was more than clear...and Niko didn't deny what he'd done...so I ordered Niko's arrest."

There was a pause and Sven regarded Hannes with a sympathetic expression. "That wasn't easy for you." he observed.

"No...Niko begged me not to...but I simply couldn't allow his abuse of Racheal to continue. It was wrong and had to be stopped."

Sven nodded and there was another brief pause. "Had you suspected him of mistreating her at all up until that point?"

Tears stung Hannes's eyes as he slowly shook his head. "Not at the time now. Looking back now...I realise there were things I missed that I should have picked up on..."

"You can't blame yourself, old friend." Sven said gently. "You two were close friends...which meant he knew how to hide things from you in particular, better than anyone. You are not responsible for his downfall. Only he is to blame." Sven looked over at Joel who nodded at him to say he'd finished writing down everything.

"Alright, I think that about does it. As I said, we're trying to hold the trial as soon as possible so will call on you very soon, once everything is set. We're also thinking of holding the welcome celebration after the trial so that we all have something good to look forward to." Sven said to them while Joel packed up his things once more.

Joel handed one of the parchments to Hannes who nodded and looked at it with a small smile. Sven then looked at Jean and gave him a kind smile. "Welcome home." he said. Joel and the other warrior echoed his words to Jean, both of them smiling at him before all three turned and headed for the door. Once they were gone, Hannes sighed then turned to look at Jean. He smiled a little at him then unrolled the document to look at it proudly, as if admiring a painting. "Do you think we should frame this?" he chuckled.


Viktor swallowed hard out of nerves, unable to take his eyes away from his. He could feel his heart beating quickly and the butterflies in his stomach. His mouth dried up and he found himself too nervous to speak. His cheeks turned pink. He'd never felt like this before. Hell, he'd never dated before. His parents had always been so strict and had sheltered him for most of his life. He didn't know what to do or say. What if he messes it up and makes an idiot out of himself?

What if he was reading this wrong and Bryce was just trying to be a friend? Should he just come right out and say he likes him? That he thinks his eyes are the most beautiful he'd ever seen? But what if he thinks Viktor weird for saying that? What if he doesn't like him back?! God, Viktor wanted to kiss those lips so badly but he didn't know if it was the right time. Although only a second or two had passed since Bryce spoke, it felt like minutes to Viktor as he tried to gather up the courage to say something back.


(Oooo! Alrighty )

Rueben Malone had transferred from LAPD to the NYPD just a few months prior. Although he wasn't new to the job, he was new to this city and was trying his best to fit in. In the years that he'd been on the force, he had heard of Vincent Hayes and frankly was glad he had gone missing earlier in the year. No one really knew what happened to Vincent but most assumed he'd died. Maybe a grieving relative of one of his victims finally caught up to him and dished out some justice of their own? Malone wouldn't mind if they had.

But today, Vincent Hayes was not one of the things that had been on Malone's mind when he started his shift. In fact, Malone had just been thinking of how quiet things had been so far as he walked down the street towards his favourite coffee shop. So far, the most that had happened today was that he'd had to give a few rowdy teenagers a stern talking to when he'd caught them about to spray paint the side of a building. That was it. That was all the excitement he'd gotten all morning. After a few minutes in the coffee shop, Malone stepped out with a latte in his hand.

He started walking down the street and took out his phone to quickly check his messages. Just like his morning, his social life was quiet too. Sighing, he looked up in time to see Vincent, having almost walked into him. "Oh, sorry." he said absent mindedly as he stepped to one side to let him pass. He'd take maybe two more steps before he realized where he'd seen his face before. Holy shit! That was Vincent Hayes! The latte dropped from Malone's hand as he spun around and took out his taser, pointing it towards Vincent. "DON'T MOVE! DON'T TAKE ANOTHER STEP!" he ordered. His mind raced and so did his heart. Was he really about to arrest the infamous serial killer? Just like that? What was he doing out and about in plain view? "GET ON YOUR KNEES, PUT THE CAMERA DOWN AND PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD!"


Denix Vames - July 8, 2021

Jean's tears continued to fall as he wrapped his arms around him. He kissed him slowly. "I want to see it every time I walk here."


Bryce placed a finger on his lips. "I already know what you're thinking and don't worry. I'll let you know what I'm thinking." He cupped his cheek and kissed him.


Vincent grinned. "Officer please. Let me take a picture of you. You look quite handsome. Wouldn't you be honored to be pictured by the infamous Vincent Hayes?" He walked over to him.


Shadowess - July 8, 2021

Hannes smiled. Despite how difficult it had been to talk about Niko and the upcoming trial, seeing that Jean was just as happy about the document as he was cheered him up a bit. "Then that's what we'll do." he said proudly, letting go of one side of the document so he could wrap an arm around Jean's waist. He leant his head against Jean's. "I am happy that you came into my life, meine Geliebte."


Viktor held his breath when Bryce placed his finger on his lips. He watched him nervously as he spoke and could feel his heart beating even harder. Then Bryce's lips touched his and Viktor stiffened for a moment before melting into it. He closed his eyes, simply enjoying this new feeling and the way his kiss sent excited shivers through him.

When the kiss broke, Viktor opened his eyes and looked into his. Without a word, he lifted his hand and caressed Bryce's cheek, finding him utterly beautiful. He leant forward and gently pressed his lips against his once more, wanting to be close to him. Wanting to know him.


Malone's eyes widened a little at Vincent's apparent confidence. He really was mad! He was even more disturbed by the killer's interest in him. "I'm warning you! GET ON. YOUR KNEES! NOW!" he ordered and when Vincent wouldn't listen, he'd fire the taser at him.


Denix Vames - July 8, 2021

"Me too." Jean frowned. "But what about the trial? Am I allowed to be there?"


Bryce brought his hand to his thigh as he slipped his tongue into his mouth. Moaning into the kisses.


Vincent's eyes widened. He hadn't expect Malone to actually pull the trigger. He dropped the camera as he collapsed. It broke when it hit the ground. "NO!" He reached out to the broken camera. "My work! What have you done?! My work!"


shadowess - July 8, 2021

Hannes's smile slipped. "If you want to be there. You have the choice of witnessing what happens. Because I'm a Guard, I have to be there to pass judgement...What happens to Niko depends entirely on whether all four of us Guards can agree on one specific outcome...unless..." Hannes hesitated and bit his lip.

"We haven't had a king attend a trial in centuries...I wasn't even born when the last Blood King lived within our walls. But the law is the same now as it was back then...Blood Kings have the highest authority. If the King has another idea in mind for a punishment, then the Guards are automatically out-ruled...and it would seem Niko has already met the wrath of this King once..." Hannes's was worried for Niko's fate.

"Before the trial starts, the Warriors and Guards hold a meeting to go over the information we have first. That way there is no confusion as to what happened and the final ruling can be as just as possible. Niko would have a chance to have his say..." Hannes sighed.

"I supposed he'll have to write down what he wants to say now...and whether he shows any remorse might have an effect on the final outcome of the trial...he won't get off without punishment completely mind you, but it might not be as severe if he shows he is willing to change his ways and that he is genuinely sorry for his actions."


Feeling Bryce's tongue slip into his mouth, Viktor shivered and couldn't help moaning a little. His hand moved up to feel his hair, gently running his fingers through it. He felt his hand on his thigh and felt more excited shivers run through him. Viktor moved his other hand to Bryce's chest. He wasn't really thinking anymore. Just acting on what his instincts told him to do as well as following Bryce's lead. Every fibre of his being told him that this felt right.


Malone snatched up the camera. "I said hands behind your head!" he snapped impatiently.


Denix Vames - July 8, 2021

Jean nodded. "I understand. But if the King already punished Niko then does that mean he's going to....kill him?"


Bryce moved him so that he was laying on the couch. Being on top of Viktor, he brought his hands under his shirt. He lifted his shirt up and began to kiss all over his chest.


Vincent glared. "You bastard!" He pulled out his knife. He stood and reached out. Attempting to stab him.


Shadowess - July 8, 2021

Hannes's lip quivered as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. "Possibly." he answered honestly. "or...Blood Kings can do something far worse...they can destroy souls..." he quickly shook his head. "I don't want to think that that might be a possibility. It seems too severe...even for the kinds of things Niko was doing. I want to believe that he can be saved."


Viktor let Bryce move him and felt a thrill when he moved on top of him. He moaned when he felt Bryce's hands on his skin, under his shirt. He then moaned a little louder, letting out shaky breaths as he tilted his head back while Bryce kissed his chest. He lifted a hand up to grip the arm of the couch tightly, biting his lip. He'd never felt like this before and he didn't want it to stop.


"Shit!" Malone tried to move out of the way quickly. The knife scratched his arm, making him recoil and drop the camera again. His heart was pounding as he jumped back, away from Vincent. "Enough!" This time Malone took out his gun and aimed it at Vincent. "Put the weapon down or I'll shoot!" he warned. He then reached for his walkie to call for backup.


Denix Vames - July 8, 2021

"A Blood King can do that? That's insane!" ,said Jean.


Bryce kissed his neck. Leaving marks. He pulled his pants down. "I'll be gentle." (private time)


Vincent chuckled. He let the knife go as he raised his hands. "Whatever you say officer. After all, I'd hate to get blood on my suit."


Denix Vames - July 9, 2021

(so i was thinking of having someone being allowed to confront Vincent for killing his parents right in front of him. his name would be Travis Bones and he's mute cause of the trauma so he can only draw to tell. He's an adult now and I would be playing as him. you could have your officer character react to whatever Vincent says to Travis or some other character if you want. thought that would be cool)


shadowess - July 9, 2021

Hannes nodded with a worried expression. "Yes...According to legends anyway. They are the Gods of Vampires, meine Geliebte. This is why we must obey them." he caressed Jean's cheek. "But we should not fear them either. They are our leaders. If they did not take care of their subjects, they'd have no one to worship them. Only the wicked and those deserving of their anger should ever fear a King."


Malone watched Vincent warily, his hand on his walkie as he hesitated to call for backup, seeing as Vincent was no longer putting up a fight. A small bead of sweat ran down the side of his face. He knew the kinds of horrors that this man was capable of and didn't trust him for a second. On the surface, Malone seemed brave and in control of the situation.

But deep down, he was terrified of this particular murderer. He got an awful feeling that Vincent was up to something but seeing as his knife was on the floor, he couldn't see how he'd be able to do anything other than comply. Keeping his gun trained on him, Malone took out his handcuffs and walked around Vincent, moving to grab one of his wrists to handcuff him. "Don't try anything stupid!" he warned.

(Sounds interesting How are they going to bump into him?)


Denix Vames - July 9, 2021

Jean hesitantly nodded. "If he wants to be there, the Vampire King, then who will tell him? Or does he always know everything?"


Vincent smirked. "Handcuffs? How sexy."

(i was thinking like now lol)

Travis Bones had been walking down the street. Looking around as he was trying to find the next idea for his drawings. Everything he wore was black from head to toe. (also i know the new profile pic ill have wont be a total black outfit but we can just pretend)

His eyes widened at the sight of Vincent. He nervously walked over. Catching the attention of the officer. He raised his hands before slowly pulling out a drawing from his messenger bag. Showing a drawing of two people being dead on the ground. Having been gutted like a fish. It was a woman and a man. He pointed at the drawing then himself and then Vincent. Hoping the officer would understand.


Shadowess - July 9, 2021


"One of our Warriors will deliver a message to him so he can attend the trial if he wants. Our history records state that Blood Kings would know of major events without needing to be told but it is good manners to inform them anyway." Hannes replied. He then sighed and rubbed the side of his head. "If they are trying to hold the trial as quickly as possible then I don't think it will be long before the pre-trial meeting is called. They would only need to have asked us, Racheal, Elimar and the vampires I mentioned some questions to gather all the information. I suppose I will need to just wait and be ready to leave at any time."


(Lol it's cool)

"Shut up!" Malone snapped at Vincent. He'd put his gun away while he tightened the cuffs around his wrists. He then looked at the man who approached them and immediately stood between him and Vincent while keeping a tight hold on Vincent's arm and holding his other hand up to stop him getting any closer. "Stay back, this man is dangerous." he warned him then watched as he pulled out a drawing. His eyes widened when he watched Travis point to the picture, himself then Vincent. "Are you a witness to one of his murders?" he said then turned to glare at Vincent. He looked back at Travis and nodded. "Come to the precinct. Your statement would help to put this man away for good."


Denix Vames - July 9, 2021

Jean held his hand. "I'll come with you. I want to be there by your side."


Vincent said, "Travis Bones. It's been a long time since we met. The last time I saw you was when I was killing your parents." Travis's face went pale. He clutched the drawing. "Have you ever thought about getting into photography?"

Travis looked away from him. Nodding at the officer that he would go with him.


Shadowess - July 9, 2021

Hannes gave Jean's hand a gentle squeeze and he kissed him tenderly. "Thank you, Jean. It means a lot to me...You won't be able to come to the pre-trial meeting but the trial will be held in the hall. I'll ask Bianka to guide you there. The castle halls can be a little like solving a maze sometimes." he chuckled.

He glanced towards the door, wondering how quickly the meeting might end up happening. He was willing to bet Sven had paid Racheal a visit before them because of her being so close to Niko. Which meant it wouldn't take him much longer to see to the other vampires who were involved. "Perhaps we should pay her a visit now?" he suggested.


"I'm not the type who believes in police brutality but you're sure as hell making it difficult to not beat you into the ground." Malone growled at Vincent angrily. He then turned back to Travis and nodded. "Alright then, let's go." Having walked here, Malone didn't have his car nearby. So, they would have to walk to the Precinct. Thankfully, it wasn't a far walk. He kept his grip on Vincent's arm tight and started walking him towards the station. Although he was still very wary of Vincent, particularly with how calm he seems, Malone felt a little proud. He was the officer to finally arrest the serial killer that had eluded so many officers before him!


Being wanted for murder as well, Theo had found it easier lately to just stay in his wolf form whenever he wandered the city. He had been skulking around a nearby alley when he'd picked up Vincent's scent. He'd been following him at a distance for sometime. He'd watched him find the body and although he knew Vincent hadn't done the killing, he had been deeply disturbed by the sight of him taking photos of it. What was he doing? Why had he relapsed back into the Vincent he'd known when they'd both been together? He had a family now! Why was he risking throwing all of that away?!

Worried for him, Theo continued to follow him until he started walking on the street. Theo remained in the alleys and kept up as best he could until he heard Vincent crying out over his broken camera. Theo found a small walkway between buildings that was close enough for him to watch unseen as Vincent was arrested and confronted by a past witness. Once they all walked away towards the precinct, Theo whined with his ears back as he retreated back into the alley where no one else would see him. He transformed back into his human form and covered himself with his hands. "David?" he called out, hoping to help Vincent however he could.

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Denix Vames - July 9, 2021

"I guess but I don't know if I could even help. We barely know each other." ,said Jean.


When Vincent entered the precinct, he watched some of the faces of the officers show fear. He laughed at what he had done. "Hello gentlemen." Travis was following behind Malone. He looked around before keeping his eyes on the floor. Nervous about being in the precinct.


Shadowess - July 9, 2021

Hannes was a little confused by Jean's words and wondered if it was because of their slight language barrier. "Uh...sorry. I mean, Bianka will show you the way to the hall for the trial because I won't be able to walk you there myself. She can help you settle in and get used to things here while I'm not around." he explained then offered him his arm. "Come." he smiled at him. "You can meet my cousin properly this time."


Malone pushed Vincent into the holding cell and locked the bars behind him. "Sit down and shut up!" he barked at him then turned and looked at Travis. He gestured towards his desk a little ways away from the holding cell. "Take a seat." he said in a more gentle tone. He, himself sat down and logged into his computer.

He opened up a programme that he would log Travis's statement on and printed a couple of blank sheets from it for him to write on. "Here, I'd like for you to write on here as much as you can about what you remember. Take your time. It's important that it's as accurate as you can remember, ok? Can I get you anything in the meantime? Some coffee or water?" he gave him a pen.


Denix Vames - July 9, 2021

"Oh." Jean followed him.


Vincent said, "What's the matter officer? You've got the cold shoulder?"

Travis pulled out drawings showing an almost scene by scene of what happened to his parents. From them being thrown out of their beds while a gun was pointed at their heads, to them being in the living room on their knees, and to them being gutted. A child was around the corner. Watching. The second to last drawing had Vincent standing near the child who was now holding the camera. Taking a picture of the scene as tears ran down his cheeks. The last drawing had him alone with his dead parents.

Tears poured from him after the last drawing.


Shadowess - July 9, 2021

They walked to Bianka's house and Hannes knocked on her door. After a minute or so, the door opened and Bianka smiled at them. "Hannes!" she said then looked at Jean. "And one of our newest vampires! Welcome Home Jean." she said excitedly then gestured for them to follow her as she walked into her house. "Come in! Come in! I have your gift all ready for the celebration! Are you excited?" she asked, looking back at Jean after standing next to two large, neatly wrapped boxes. "There is, of course, a gift here for Racheal as well. It's tradition to welcome turned vampires with a celebration and gifts."

Hannes smiled and looked at Jean as well after following him into Bianka's house. "You will have to wait until the party to open your gifts." he then looked at Bianka with a more serious expression. "Have you heard about Niko?"

Bianka's smile slipped and she nodded. "I saw his punishment by the King...It was difficult to watch." she said quietly.

"The Guards are trying to get the trial done quickly. I will have to leave for the meeting very soon. Would you mind showing Jean to the hall for the Trial?"

"Of course." she nodded. "That would be fine...Are you alright, Hannes?"

Hannes was quiet for a moment and frowned as he looked away from them. "I should go back to our home and wait for the meeting to be called. Shouldn't be long now." he changed the subject then turned to Jean and wrapped his arms around him. He kissed him slowly, lovingly, before letting him go. "I'll see you after the trial." he then gave Bianka a playful smile. "Please don't embarrass me while I'm gone."

"No promises." Bianka smirked and Hannes grinned, shaking his head a little. "Meet us here when the trial is over, Hannes. Whether we celebrate or mourn, we can at least have some venomed blood together." Bianka then said and Hannes nodded as he headed towards the door.


Malone clenched his fists but did his best to ignore Vincent. Instead, he focussed on Travis as he watched him take out picture after picture. Each one more disturbing than the last. When he reached the last one and began to weep, Malone picked up the box of tissues from the end of his desk and offered them to him. "I'm sorry you went through that." he said gently. "Would you mind if I photocopied these? I'm also going to need you to write down what happened in your own words. These pictures give a good idea but they can still be misinterpreted in court."


While Malone was busy dealing with Travis, David walked into the station in a pin-striped suit while holding a brief case. He walked over to the holding cell and glared hard at Vincent for a solid minute before Malone noticed him. "Hey! Get away from him! He's dangerous!"

David turned calmly and rose a brow at Malone before looking back at Vincent and saying loud enough for Malone to hear him; "My name is Kieran Mccall. I'm a lawyer. Has this officer read you your miranda rights? and would you like me to represent you?"

Malone's face turned a little pale and his pupils shrank in rage. 'Fuck! A lawyer!' he thought.

Meanwhile, David was projecting thoughts of his own to Vincent. 'Play along. We'll talk properly later.'


Denix Vames - July 10, 2021

Jean brushed his fingers over the presents but he did not attempt to open them. "I know I'm supposed to feel at home but I can't the trial off of my mind. I'm sorry."


Vincent walked over to the bars. He smirked. "Do you really think you're talking to Vincent? You have it all wrong, Mr. Mccall. I have taken over him."

Travis nodded. He began to write down his statement.


Shadowess - July 10, 2021

David squinted at Vincent and studied him for a moment. Meanwhile, Malone had gotten up with the drawings in his hands to photocopy them. He'd been watching them carefully the entire time. "Why would anyone want to represent that monster?!" He said out loud, glaring at David's back.

David turned to look at him, his expression was serious. "Because I believe this man is criminally insane." he answered. "And therefore is not fully in control of what he says and does. I will be representing Mr Hayes from here, pro bono. I'd like to speak to him in private as is his right to council."

Malone was shaking out of anger, worried that this lawyer might be able to get Vincent's sentence reduced. "That man is dangerous! I don't think it's a good idea to leave him alone with anyone. I could have an officer sit in with-"

"Are you trying to deny this man his right to council?" David interjected and Malone's face turned red.

"-N-no." he grit his teeth. "Fine. I'll show you to one of the interrogation rooms but I'm going to handcuff Vincent to the table."

"Fine by me." David nodded and Malone sighed heavily, setting the drawings back down and placing a gentle hand on Travis's shoulder. "I'll be right back. Don't worry, we've still got him. You just keep writing your statement, ok?" he said gently then let go of him as he turned back to David and Vincent.

He walked over and David stood out of his way. "Step away from the bars." Malone barked at Vincent and would wait until he'd move before opening the cell door. He'd then take him by his arm and walk him to one of the interrogation rooms with David following behind them.


Bianka gave Jean a sympathetic look. "Maybe it'll be easier once the trial is over?" she suggested. Unlike Hannes who occasionally struggled, Bianka seemed to be fluent in the English language. "Would you like a drink? I have some bottles of blood here if you're thirsty." she offered then gestured to one of the large, cosy looking couches. "Feel free to relax. So, other than the trial, how are you finding it here? I imagine it's quite a bit different than what you're used to."

Hannes had been right about how quickly things would be moving. As soon as he'd reach his own home, he'd see Sven and the two warriors rounding the corner again to walk towards his home. Hannes hadn't even managed to lay his hand on the door handle when he saw them coming. "Is it that time already?" he asked in German and Sven nodded.

"We're gathering all the guards and warriors to hold the meeting now." Sven replied, speaking in German as well.

Hannes nodded and followed Sven.


Denix Vames - July 10, 2021

Travis frowned but nodded. He took a tissue and wiped some of his tears.

Vincent took some steps back. He smiled at Malone as he was being escorted to the room. Once he was handcuffed and alone with David, he chuckled. "Hello David. Unfortunately for you, it looks as though you wasted your time here. Vincent will stay in this body while I roam the city. Doing what I love." He winked at him.


Jean nodded. "Thank you." He accepted a bottle. Taking a few sips before sitting on the couch. He nervously smiled. "It's definitely a lot different. This feels like some place a tour guide would take people to and talk about the architecture. Not to mention the people living in it. They have that, you know? Showing people old ruins."


shadowess - July 10, 2021

Once Vincent was alone with David, Malone walked back to Travis and picked up the drawings once more. "Sorry about that. I'll photocopy these now and then we'll go over what you've written." he said to Travis before walking off towards the photocopier. After a couple of minutes he'd return and hand the original drawings back to Travis. "What a day! First I happen to bump into a wanted serial killer in the street and arrest them and then one of his past witnesses sees us and comes with us to make a statement! Despite the unfortunate circumstances, you gotta admit, that's pretty lucky." he smiled at Travis. "At least now we can make sure that man gets what's coming to him, right? Now then, let's take a look at what you've got." he said as he nodded at Travis's statement.

In the interrogation room, David leant against the wall opposite Vincent and studied him carefully. "Is that right?" he answered then glanced up at the security camera before looking back at Vincent. He was willing to bet it was recording sound as well. Which would mean his cover was blown anyway now that Vincent had called him 'David'. If he was lucky, he could just put it down to the ramblings of a mad man. Still, David was uncomfortable with being watched while they spoke so he clicked his fingers behind his back and the camera short circuited, giving off an electric 'popping' sound before the little red light went out. "Tell me, if you're not Vincent, then what do I call you?"


"The world has always shown a fascination for the things that are old." Bianka nodded as she sat in an armchair near him. "Do you like it here?" she asked him, tilting her head a little then smiled and added; "It's ok, you can be honest."


Denix Vames - July 10, 2021

Travis put the drawings back in his bag. He handed Malone a quick sketch he had made of the officer as a way of thanking him. He shyly looked down.

His statement would describe what had been on the drawings but would also add the fact that Vincent had him take photos of their corpses. Telling him that he was an artist in the making. And then Vincent left to let him cry over his parents.

Vincent enclosed his hands. Resting his chin over them as he grinned. "Insanity."


Jean frowned. "Well, I don't feel strange sometimes. Or scared. I don't know what else is going to happen. It seems like ever since I came along, I've been bringing in so much trouble."


shadowess - July 10, 2021

Malone blinked at the sketch and smiled a little. "Uh, thank you." he said, visibly flattered. "This is really good! Do you draw for a living?" he asked before putting the sketch down on his desk and picking up Travis's statement. The more he read, the angrier and more disgusted he felt. "That bastard..." Malone growled quietly then nodded at Travis. "Thank you. This will really help to get him put away.

"Fitting." David said in an unimpressed tone. "Now then, enough of this nonsense. I will not allow you to hold Vincent prisoner for another minute." He said quickly as he pushed himself away from the wall and gripped Vincent's shirt. Vanishing with him and causing the handcuffs to clatter onto the table, empty. A second later, they'd appear in Hells Cells were David would shove him into one and lock the bars shut behind him.

"It's clear now what needs to be done." David said as he stepped away from the bars, out of Vincent's reach. "I need to pull you two apart and place one of you into a new body...seeing as Vincent is the innocent one and has a family to take care of, I think it would be easier to give him the new body. At least then he won't be a wanted man anywhere he goes. I'll deal with you once Vincent is away from you and safe." David turned away from him and sighed before disappearing in search of a fresh body for the spell.

A minute after he left, footsteps echoed down the prison as a male with short, brown hair and dark green eyes approached Vincent's cell. He regarded Vincent for a moment before leaning against the bars and smiled at him. "Hello there." he purred. "I couldn't help overhearing your situation. Perhaps you'd like some help escaping once you're all... you?"


Bianka shook her head with a small smile. "What happened with Niko and Racheal was unfortunate but it was not your doing. Give it time. Let things settle down and you'll see that this place is a perfect home." she said reassuringly. "I think such a hectic arrival would make anyone anxious but I promise you, you are safe here. Not only that but you seem to have captured the heart of a highly respected Guard. So if anything, you're safer than anyone." she chuckled. "Before you arrived there were quite a few men and women trying to impress Hannes but he just never seemed interested. We were beginning to wonder if he was interested in romance at all."


Denix Vames - July 10, 2021

Travis nodded at the question of doing art for a living. He blushed a little before moving his arms to show how big the precinct was. Then he pointed at a paper and made a motion as if he were drawing. Asking if he could draw out the precinct.

"Hey!" Vincent ran up to the bars. He tried to pull them off. He glared. "You bastard! I'll fucking kill you!"

He smiled at the stranger. "I think I'd like that." He cupped his chin. Looking into his eyes. "You're quite the looker."


Jean blushed. "Uh....Um....Is a Guard here like a King or something? I never thought his position was so important. I don't really know much about vampire culture. Sorry."


Denix Vames - July 10, 2021

(forgot to ask but did you want to choose Vincent's new look. and if so, who's your reference?)


shadowess - July 10, 2021

(That's alright. I don't really have anything in mind for the body David would find if you wanted to choose one.)

Malone hesitated and glanced around. "I guess it wouldn't hurt for you to draw what you see. I won't be able to let you draw out the whole building though."

"Thank you. You're quite the stunner yourself." The male winked and smiled. "My name is Donnie and I don't know about you, but I kind of miss being the kind of Demon that we're known for. I miss the screams. Carving bodies open. The blood. The look in the sinner's eyes as they lose all hope. There's a sort of... beauty in it... Do you know what I mean?"


"Don't worry! You're still learning. No one expects you to know everything right away." Bianka said kindly then thought for a moment on how to describe their system to him. "He's not a King but they are the highest power when a King is not present. Which, up until recently, had been for centuries. There are always four of them and they must all agree on the same thing before making any changes or rulings...Unless a King is present, in which case the King get's the final say. One Guard watches over one quarter of the castle and it's people. They're responsible for ensuring the people in their portion are safe. Mainly from hunters who might try to breach their section of the castle. Guards only change when one Guard dies or is disgraced. Then a vote is held for the vampire who will take their place. Only a Warrior can become a Guard. Once a new Guard has been chosen by the people, they will watch over their section until they either die or are disgraced and on and on."

Bianka paused while she picked up a glass of blood that she'd had on the table next to her since before Hannes and Jean had arrived. She took a sip of it and looked back at Jean. "Warriors are the second highest authority next to Guards. They enforce the laws and can arrest vampires for breaking them. All Warriors answer to the Guards. There are other jobs in the castle too. Such as the Caretakers who ensure the Castle is always clean, the Garden is taken care of and anything broken gets fixed. The Observers who patrol the castle grounds at night and raise the alarm if they see hunters approaching...There's more but I'm sure that's a lot to take in already." she chuckled.


Denix Vames - July 10, 2021

Travis frowned. He decided to only sketch his desk. So he began.

Insanity moaned at his words. Rubbing his own crotch. "It's like music to my ears!"


Jean drank some blood. "That's definitely a lot. But thanks for telling me."


Denix Vames - July 10, 2021

basically this

Attached Image


shadowess - July 10, 2021

(Looks good to me )

Malone watched him for a moment quietly then turned his attention to his computer monitor where he began typing out Travis's statement word for word in the document he had open.

Donnie watched him with a smirk and bit his lip. "I think you and I could have a lot of fun together." he purred then looked around warily as though listening for something. "He's coming back." he said hurriedly then caressed Insanity's cheek. "I'll be close. Waiting for the right moment." he said before vanishing.

A minute later, David would reappear with a pair of angelic handcuffs in his hand. "Bring your hands up to the bars. Don't try anything stupid." he said sternly.


"It's no problem. It'll take a little time but you'll get used to things here." Bianka nodded. There was a knock on her door and Bianka glanced at Jean before getting to her feet and answering it. She spoke with someone at the door for a minute before closing it and walking back over to Jean. "It'll be starting soon. They're spreading the word now so that any vampire who wants to witness the trial has time to get there before it begins. Are you sure you want to be there?"

Not too far away from Bianka's room, Joel knocked on Elimar's door to inform them as well.

Meanwhile another warrior knocked on X's door.

While this was happening Gregor and Lukas walked into the dungeons to Niko's cell. Niko was sat in the middle of his cell, staring down at the stone floor when they'd come in but as he heard his cell being unlocked, he knew it was time for his trial. He wondered if it was daylight outside. Would he get very far if he attempted to run? Or would he run straight into the burning rays of the sun? The forest isn't far from the castle. If he was fast, he might just make it to the shelter that the trees provide. He didn't know what would happen if he stayed for the trial but given what he'd gone through already, he wasn't hopeful. The way he saw it, he could either die painfully as a free vampire or die a painful death as a prisoner...or worse.

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Denix Vames - July 10, 2021


Once Travis would be done sketching, he would give Malone the drawing.

Insanity smirked. "Oh? Are we going to do something fun?"


Jean placed the bottle aside. He stood. "I do. I don't want Niko to think that he can do whatever he wants. That includes scaring me. I want him to know that I'm brave now."

Elimar opened the door. Once he got the news, he walked over to Rachael. Asking her if she wanted to go to the trial as well.

X opened the door. He smiled at the Warrior. "Thank you. I'll be there." He disappeared. Appearing at the trial in an instant.


Shadowess - July 10, 2021

Malone saw the paper in the corner of his eye and smiled as he stopped typing to take a look at the drawing. "That's really good!" he complimented. "Say, you ever consider becoming a sketch artist for the police? We could use someone who's got the kind of skills that you have."

David wasn't in the mood to play games. "Hands. Now." he said impatiently and waited for Insanity to lift his hands just behind the bars. He needed to take him to the same place he'd performed the ritual with Alex and Parker. He also didn't want to take any risks and knew the handcuffs would keep him somewhat powerless.


Bianka nodded. "We should go now then. I'll show you where to go." she left the house with Jean and locked her door behind her. She then walked with him towards the hall at a brisk pace. Once in the hall, they could see that the chairs were set up closer to the left and right walls, all facing the Guards table at the end of the hall. A few Warriors stood guard at the main doors, and quite a large group of them stood nearest the Guards table, facing the centre of the hall. Janik, Natali and Sven had already taken their seats at their table. A larger chair was positioned in the centre of the table.

Hannes walked over to X as soon as he appeared and momentarily bowed his head as a show of respect. "Sire, we have a seat ready for you at our table." he said quietly to him and looked over at the large chair. Once X was seated, Hannes would take his seat in the chair next to him. He looked over the crowd that was beginning to file into the room and spotted Jean entering with Bianka. He gave them a weak smile then continued to watch as the chairs began filling up. Bianka showed Jean to the seats where the other Vampires were sitting. The room was filled with hushed murmurs from vampires who were trying to speculate what had happened or were gossiping about Niko's punishment. Some of the vampires in the room almost seemed excited.

Racheal looked up and nodded quietly while hugging herself. She felt like she had to be there. To see what happens for herself. She stood, ready to follow Elimar to the hall.

Gregor and Lukas had placed shackles around Niko's wrists and began walking him towards the hall when it had filled up. They walked through the corridors and as they approached the main doors, Niko made an attempt to break free from their grasp, trying to make a run for the doors. But Gregor and Lukas were prepared and both of them tackled him to the ground before his hand could touch the door handle. Niko cried out and desperately clawed at the ground as they dragged him away from the doors. They each struck him in his ribs, as well as his still very tender back. Niko screamed in pain, tears running down his cheeks as he held his sides.

Gregor and Lukas then forced Niko to his feet and made him walk into the hall where he looked around fearfully at the audience of vampires, at the warriors, the guards who would judge him and finally, X. He gave one last attempt to dig his heels into the ground and pull away from Gregor and Lukas but they kept a firm grip on him as they dragged him over to the centre of the room. There, his hands and feet were placed into large shackles which were fixed to the stone floor.

His eyes met Hannes's eyes and he gave him a pleading look. Hannes seemed pained for a moment then looked away from him. Niko groaned quietly, feeling completely alone now and feeling as though Hannes had betrayed him. The shackles rattled as he shook. Sven cleared his throat and stood, holding the black book that Joel had been making note in earlier. "Niko Bernbaum. You are accused of breaking your vow to protect Racheal Steinheil. A vampire that you made only recently. A statement from Racheal reveals that you repeatedly beat and raped her whenever you two were alone. You then broke another law when you attacked a vampire within the castle."

Niko growled, wishing he could speak. He would have pointed out that Elimar had broken into his home, therefore he was acting in defence of himself and Racheal. But he couldn't. All he could do was turn his head to glare directly at Racheal and Elimar, as if blaming them for him being here.

"These are serious accusations that you have not denied." Sven continued and again, Niko growled. He clenched his fists and glared at Sven. He couldn't deny any of it even if he wanted to- he couldn't speak!

"Before we decide on your punishment, you will have a chance to have your say. A Warrior is going to provide you with a pen and paper. I strongly, STRONGLY suggest that you apologise to your victims and give us a good reason to give you a second chance. This will be your only chance to have your say. Make it count."


Denix Vames - July 10, 2021

Travis blushed. He looked around then pointed at himself. Surprised that anyone would want to hire him into the precinct.

"As you wish." ,said Insanity. He held out his hands.


Elimar had guided Rachael to the place. Jean smiled a little at Hannes. He glared at Niko.

X, in his seat, said, "Tell us whether or not you feel any remorse. Whatever you have written down won't matter because words are just words. Something to save your own skin. Tell me in your mind if you feel deep regret. I'll know if you're lying." He smiled.


Shadowess - July 10, 2021

Malone nodded. "Sure, why not?" he chuckled. "If you want, I'll put in a good word for you with the Cheif."

David squinted at Insanity, half expecting him to try something. He moved to put the cuffs on him and as soon as they were on he paused and looked around warily. He could've sworn he sensed something familiar just now. He shook his head and returned his attention to Insanity as he took him out of the cell and teleported them to the desert. A new seal had been painted onto the ground and a corpse lay in it's centre. A small amount of sand had settled on it in the time it had taken David to get Insanity here. "Stand at it's feet. I want this over with quickly." he ordered him while pushing him towards the corpse. He then looked around. "Patience. Oscar. Nate? I'll need your help for this."

Patience and Oscar appeared and looked a little shocked at the scene. "Um...David?" Patience stammered.

"Oh, that's right. You two weren't around when we split Parker and Alex up. Long story short. Same thing happening here. Vincent has another soul in him so I need to extract his soul and put it in that corpse. The being currently in control of his body is called Insanity and we should be wary of him. He's the version of Vincent that committed those murders. Now, Nate will already know how this works but you two listen closely. We need to stand outside the circle and chant these words." He opened the book to show them. "Vincent will be in pain during the split. That's normal. Do not. Under any circumstances. Enter the circle before the spell is complete. Or you risk swapping bodies, swapping souls...etcetera..."


When X spoke, Sven looked over at him then sat back down quietly. Letting X take the lead in the trial.

Niko's face turned pale at X's words. He knew he wasn't really sorry for what he'd done to Racheal, he was only sorry that he'd been caught and by the smile X was giving him, X knew it too. His breath caught in his throat and he looked around at all the vampires in the room. Every last one of them was looking directly at him. Glaring at him. Judging him. He could hear his own heart beat as it quickened.

He felt like he'd been backed into a corner and there was no way out...well, there was one way out but it wasn't a good one! Niko shivered and looked at the Guards pleadingly, then at X and shook his head, starting to weep quietly. 'Please don't kill me! Don't destroy me!' he thought desperately. 'I'm begging you! I'll change! I won't hurt anyone again! I'll leave the castle and won't return! I'll do anything! ANYTHING! Just please don't let this be my end!' he thought desperately. He dropped to his knees and continued to weep, mouthing the word 'please' every so often while mentally begging X for mercy.


Denix Vames - July 10, 2021

Travis smiled. He nodded.

Nate appeared. "The same old same old huh?"

When Insanity went into the circle, everyone would start chanting. Insanity cried out. He clutched his head. Screaming at the pain until he collapsed. The body had slowly opened his eyes. It was Vincent who gasped for air. He sat up. Being able to breath in his new body, he looked around then at David.

Insanity was passed out on the ground.


X appeared in front of Niko. He knelt and cupped his chin. "Honestly, I had forgotten that I could kill souls until one of these guys brought it up. However, I will give you a chance. If you do fuck it up then I will destroy your soul. All I ask of you is to help people." He immediately broke his neck.

He stood back. "Goodbye for now."

Jean had gasped at the sight of the execution. He covered his mouth. Shocked by the sudden movement.


Shadowess - July 10, 2021

Malone smiled back. "Alright then. I'll talk to him when I next see him." he hesitated and glanced at his monitor for a moment. "I'd better check on Vincent and his lawyer...they've been in there a while now. You can go now if you want. I've got all the information that I need." he nodded as he got up and headed towards the interrogation room. He knocked on the door. "Hey, are you guys almost done?" he called through and when he didn't get an answer, he had an awful feeling in his gut.

"I'm coming in." he called then opened the door to find the room empty and the handcuffs on the table. His eyes widened and for a second he wondered if he'd gone to the wrong room but sure enough, it was the right one. "Shit! He's gone!" he called into the other room full of officers. "Vincent's gone! His 'lawyer' busted him out somehow!" Immediately, all the officers that happened to be in the room jumped to their feet and a frantic city wide man hunt for Vincent and 'Kieran McCall' had begun.

David, Patience and Oscar stopped chanting when Insanity fell. After a minute or so, David breathed a sigh of relief when Vincent opened his eyes. "Vincent?" he asked, looking at him warily. Just as he was about to take a step towards the circle, Donnie appeared next to Insanity and knelt near him. David froze and his eyes widened. His breath caught in his throat. "You!" he gasped.

Donnie grinned and winked at David before grabbing Insanity and teleporting to his home in Hell. David's face had turned pale and he looked as if he'd just seen a ghost. Even more alarming to him, was the fact that he hadn't been able to sense Donnie at all! It was like he wasn't actually there! Even now, David was trying frantically to teleport after him and Insanity but nothing was happening! Thankfully, David had worked the same spell that he'd used on Parker when he'd made Alex human. Insanity would now be human and completely powerless.



Meanwhile, in Hell. Donnie lay Insanity down on a red velvet couch. There were display cases around his mansion, all containing skulls and bones from a variety of creatures. Each one labelled with the specie, date of death and the age they'd been when they'd died. The foyer in particular had a very large skull of some sort of large, horned lizard that the staircase wrapped around. It's label read

'Specie: Dragon

Died: 103 AD

Age: 987 Years.'

Donnie walked over to a little bar in the room and began mixing a couple of drinks. He snapped his fingers and classical music began to play from a nearby speaker. He hummed along as he shook the cocktail in a shaker before pouring the green mixture into two martini glasses.


When X appeared in front of Niko, he'd stopped crying to look at him fearfully. All of his thoughts stopped and he held his breath. At first, he was filled with dread as he thought X was going to destroy him but when X said he'd give him a chance, his eyes filled with hope. Before he could react or think about what X meant, his neck had been snapped and his body fell back, twitching a little before falling still.

Racheal and Hannes had both gasped as well. They weren't the only ones either as no one in the hall had expected Niko's punishment to be delivered so quickly. Racheal covered her mouth then turned to Elimar, placing her head on his shoulder to seek comfort as tears fell from her eyes. Hannes looked as if he'd just had the wind knocked from him as he looked at Niko's body. His closest friend...his brother...he was dead and Hannes felt responsible.

Sven quickly stood and addressed the room. "The trial is over. Please leave the hall in an orderly fashion so that we can dispose of the body."


Denix Vames - July 10, 2021

Travis became alarmed. He stood up when he heard the news. He quickly wrote a note which read, 'Can I help?' He ran over to Malone and showed him the note.

"D-David?" Vincent covered his mouth when he heard the Spanish accent. "Wha....?"


Insanity slowly opened his eyes. "Hmm? Where am I?"


X disappeared.

Elimar gently rubbed her back. Jean ran to Hannes. Hiding his face against his chest. "I'm sorry. I thought I was ready for this."


shadowess - July 11, 2021

Malone looked at Travis when he ran up to him and quickly read his note. "Actually, you can! Do you remember what that McCall fella looked like? If you could draw him up for us we can send out a copy of it to the other precincts so they know what he looks like."

As Malone was talking to Travis, Officer Lang had dialled Will's number to make him aware of what had happened.


David was staring off into the distance, trying to make sense of what he just saw. Oscar ran into the circle, assuming that it was now safe to do so seeing as Vincent's old body had just been stolen. "Hey man, you ok?" Oscar asked and offered Vincent his hand to help him up.

Patience exchanged a worried glance with Nate before walking over to David. "David, who was that?"

Blinking as if snapping out of a trance, David looked between them all for a moment before his eyes rested on Patience. "An old enemy but-...he was destroyed!" David looked confused and worried. "That couldn't possibly be him! It has to be someone else using his likeness..."


"Still doesn't answer the question, man..." Oscar called over.

"His name is Donnie Shadow. He's a Demon." David told them. "Lucifer destroyed him years ago for treason...he tried to start a civil war in Hell in an attempt to overthrow Lucifer. Basically...if you ever thought Lucifer was bad...Donnie was worse...much, much worse. But that can't be him!"


"My home." Donnie answered simply as he turned to face him. He walked over to the couch and handed one of the glasses to Insanity. "I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is you are free of the weak part of your soul which was holding you back from being truly you. The bad news is, that cur David took away your powers in the process, leaving you human." He then shrugged. "But no matter. I will make you powerful again soon enough. Then we can spend as much time as we like carving up souls. For now, we rest and lay low. No doubt your 'friends' will attempt to search for me soon enough...David and I have a...history."


Niko's eyes snapped open and he sat bolt upright, looking around himself in alarm. He was sat on a mould encrusted bed in the middle of what looked to be a dilapidated hospital. Cringing at his surroundings, he got up and took a quick look around. How did he get here? The last thing he remembered was X kneeling in front of him...talking to him...and then-... Niko lifted a hand to his neck shakily. Under any other circumstances, a broken neck wouldn't have killed a vampire...but because the killing blow was done by a Blood God, Niko wasn't so sure that the same rules applied.

So,...does this mean...? A small, frightened whine escaped Niko as he covered his mouth and tried to hold back his sobs. Trying to keep himself quiet. Because if he really was dead then there was no way this was Heaven...and he was probably already being hunted by Demons! He slowly put a couple of fingers into his mouth and felt where his tongue had once been. It being devoured by X must have destroyed it for good, because it was still gone despite his death. Overwhelmed by all that he'd lost, Niko slid down a nearby wall and cried silently into his knees.



Racheal continued to cry, unable to bring herself to look at Niko's body as it was being carried out of the hall. "This is my fault..." she sobbed quietly.

Hannes couldn't take his eyes from Niko, even as his body was carried out. He absent mindedly wrapped his arms around Jean but he had a vacant expression. Natali and Janik gave Hannes a funny look before both getting up and leaving without a word. Sven had a more sympathetic expression as he lay a hand on Hannes's shoulder. "I am so sorry, my friend." he said gently. "I know you were hoping that he would be spared."

Bianka caught up to Jean and looked at the both of them as Hannes held him. "Hannes?" she looked at him worriedly. "Do you two want to come back to my home? We'll have some venomed blood...and mourn together."

Hannes shook his head. He didn't look up at any of them, still staring at the now empty shackles where Niko had been. His voice was a little broken as he spoke. "No, I-...I think I just want to go home..."


Denix Vames - July 11, 2021

Travis nodded. He ran over to his sketch book where he began to draw David's face.

Will groaned awake at the sound of his phone ringing. He soon picked it up. "Hello? Wait a minute. Can you describe what the lawyer guy looked like?" After hearing a description, he sighed. "Alright. Tell everyone at the precinct to get into the meeting room now. They are not to attempt to capture the two men. I'll explain everything when I get there."

He hung up. He threw his uniform on. 'River, for just this one time, please let me use my powers. I haven't had any problems in a while and I need to show the officers who I really am. I can't keep them in the dark forever.'

He kissed Parker. "I'm going to work. I'll see you when I get back."


Vincent took his hand and stood. "Yeah, I think so. Though I'm not too sure how I feel about this new accent." Nate chuckled. "I think it suits you."

Vincent walked over to David. "So, what do we do about this? I know what his plans are. He's going to continue what I use to do as a serial killer. I don't know much about this Donnie fellow but we have to kill whatever that thing is." He thought for a moment. "Does Donnie have any weaknesses?"


Insanity sat up. He accepted the drink. He smiled at him. "Oh? What kind of history? I hope it's intriguing." He took a sip.


X appeared. He held out his hand with a smile. His smile seemed more friendly. No ill will came from it. "Welcome to Hell."


Elimar frowned. "Let's go home." They walked away. Heading to their house.

Jean followed Hannes back home where he sobbed into his arms. "I feel so useless. I can't even make you smile. I don't know what to do."

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shadowess - July 12, 2021

Parker was still mostly asleep when Will got up to answer the phone. "Mmhmm..." he hummed sleepily with a small smile, his eyes still closed when Will kissed him and said he'd be back later.

"Alright, seeing as this is sort of an emergency. But if you start going all weird again, I'll have to take them away again to be safe." River answered and gave Will his powers back.

At the precinct, Officer Lange spread the message and managed to get all the officers into the meeting room. Malone was confused as to why Will would risk letting Vincent get further and further away for a meeting but seeing as Will was his boss, he couldn't really argue. He walked over to Travis. "Hey, the officers are having to hold an emergency meeting. Maybe you could sit in and show my boss your drawing skills?" he pointed to what Travis had drawn so far. "It might help us catch them."


Oscar smiled at Vincent. "Yeah, I gotta admit, it is a little strange that you would pick up the accent of another body...maybe it's a muscle memory thing? Like whoever that was before you spoke with that accent for so long that you're basically stuck with it unless you train yourself to speak with a different one?"

David thought about what Vincent said. "'Whatever that thing is' indeed..." he said thoughtfully. "He was a Demon when I knew him but if he really has come back from Oblivion then maybe he's not a Demon anymore...I wouldn't even know what that would make him...but just now...I couldn't sense him at all! It was like he wasn't even there. And I just now tried to follow him...nothing...like they've vanished out of reality altogether..." He looked across the desert with a worried expression. "And God only knows what he plans to do with Insanity..."

"Insanity?" Patience rose a brow.

"The other 'Vincent'." David answered.

"That's a lame ass name." Oscar chuckled.

"I didn't pick it." David shrugged.


"We trained together as Lucifer's best soldiers." Donnie answered casually. "We started out as close friends. I helped him to settle into Hell when he first arrived. Unlike myself, he wasn't born a Demon and had already lost a great deal before his arrival. I even helped him to mourn the loss of his daughter and granddaughter when they destroyed themselves after they died. Like me, Lucifer was the cause of all that he'd lost. So, imagine my surprise when he chose his loyalty to Lucifer over me." he shook his head sadly.

"I didn't agree with Lucifer's rule. He ruled with an iron fist, there was no denying that. But he wasn't nearly as cruel as he could've been. He made exceptions for people. Had favourites. The hypocrite... Encouraged Demons to torture souls but only for the purpose of punishment. We weren't supposed to actually enjoy it...even when it came to rape he wouldn't hear of it. 'Such degradation is beneath us.' he'd say... He also allowed souls to ascend to Heaven if they repented their sins. Imagine! Souls are supposed to suffer for eternity for what they'd done! No forgiveness!" Donnie took a sip of his drink.

"I imagined a Hell where Demons could be free to enjoy the pain they wrought, with no limits. So, I tried to take over Hell. Had a few followers to back me up as well...I had a plan to destroy Lucifer from the inside and everything was going perfectly...until David stabbed me in the back!" he growled at the last sentence. "Bastard pretended to be interested in my plan...came to all the secret meetings and gathered information about what I was planning and took names of all the Demons involved... then presented the information to Lucifer..." Donnie took a sip of his drink then stood and put it to one side.

"Lucifer destroyed the Demons who were in on it...then he destroyed me...but not before interrogating me, torturing me then punishing me." he took off his shirt, revealing a large 'X' that had been cut across his whole back. The scars looked like he'd been cut and burned at the same time. He turned around revealing the word 'LIAR' which had been cut and burned across his torso, from his collar bones all the way down to his hips. His physique was otherwise quite muscular and defined.

His green eyes looked into Insanity's. "I've been watching you for some time. You. Not the soft version of you. The ruthless one. The Artist. You were not born a Demon but you were born to BE a Demon. My Demon in my Hell. Creating art to your heart's content. Imagine it. A gallery just for you. Your works of art on display for all of the other Demons to enjoy!" He then winked. "Make me happy and I may even occasionally allow you to bring one or two living beings into Hell for your art...or pleasure...or both. All I ask in return? Your absolute, undying loyalty to me."


Niko jumped at X's voice and looked up at him fearfully. He stared at his hand for a moment then looked at the way he was smiling at him. He blinked, seeming a little confused and wary. Was this some kind of trick? Still shaking and swallowing hard, Niko hesitantly and cautiously reached up to take his hand, unsure of what to expect.


Racheal continued to cry quietly as Elimar walked her home. She struggled to not blame herself for what had happened to Niko. As soon as they were back in Elimar's house, she broke down. "I-I shouldn't have wandered off... I should've just told him what I wanted to do... Maybe he would've listened? It's my fault...He brought me here and gave me a second chance and now he's dead!" She covered her face with her hands and sobbed.

Being a Guard wasn't easy. In order to keep the confidence of the vampires you watch over, you have to be able to hide your emotions. Especially during a trial where the outcomes are usually grim. This particular trial had been difficult for Hannes as he struggled to keep his emotions buried until they reached their home. He quickly turned and locked the door behind him before wrapping his arms around Jean. He rested his head on Jean's shoulder and wept almost soundlessly. He heard Jean's words but struggled to speak. He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs out of the sheer pain that he felt but he also didn't want anyone outside of this house to know that he was in pain.

He just held on to Jean, gripping the back of his shirt tightly as he kept crying, feeling like he'd never be able to stop. But he needed to try. He knew Jean was upset as well and he needed to try an pull himself together for him...even if it didn't last long. He tried to control his breathing first. Taking long, deliberate breaths in and slow breaths out until he felt calm enough to speak without sobbing.

"Meine Geliebte..." he started in a broken voice and shook his head as he moved back to hold Jean at arms length. His eyes had gone red and a little swollen from crying so hard, his face was wet with tears and there were still tears falling from his eyes. "You don't need to do anything... Just being here is a comfort to me." he tried to reassure him and caressed his cheek, wiping some of Jean's tears away. "I'm sorry you had to see that, Jean... It was...far more shocking than I thought it would be..." his lip quivered and he closed his eyes, bowing his head a little while gritting his teeth. Trying so hard not to break down again. "I really hoped he'd be spared...that he'd apologise for what he'd done...that he would see how wrong he'd been...I wanted him to pay for his crime but I didn't want him to die...It's my fault...He was my friend...I should've seen it sooner...I could've talked to him...helped him be better before it was too late...but I didn't see it...and now he's hurt people...and now he's gone..."


Denix Vames - July 12, 2021

Travis nodded.

Will appeared in the meeting room. He raised his arms. "Now, don't be alarmed by what I just did because I'm going to explain that very soon. First, I want to mention that Vincent Hayes and David are friends. Let me start from the beginning."

He spoke of a program in Hell that reformed bad souls to become good. Saying that David was the boss of it all. That he was a Devil (i forgot if he was a demon or devil lol).

"Anything that Vincent is doing right now is most likely out of character. Something must have happened to him and I'm going to get to the bottom of this. So yes, Hell and Heaven does exist. The angels and demons are trying to work together these days. And I'm a Blood God. Meaning that I'm half Vampire and half Demon. Normally, Blood Gods are insane and kill anything or anyone they see but I'm rare when it comes to not doing that."

He frowned. "I'm sorry for hiding this from you guys for so long. But I hope you can all understand why I did it."


"First, I need some clothes." ,said Vincent. "On it." ,said Nate who snapped his fingers. An outfit appeared over Vincent. He now wore brown jeans, brown shoes, a long sleeved buttoned white shirt, and a dark green patterned vest over it.

He looked down at the outfit. "This is....something else."


Insanity set the drink aside. He stood. Making his way over to Donnie where he place his hands on his hips. He looked into his eyes with seductive gaze. "I'd do anything for you handsome. Especially if it means seeing that bare chest all day long."


X helped him stood. "Now, first we need to fix your problem." He tore a piece of his own tongue off and placed it up to where he cut off Niko's. It soon reattached itself to him. X's tongue began to slowly grow back.


Elimar brushed the tears out of her face. "Hey. Look at me. Niko was an awful person. He did terrible things to you. I can only assume that he would have been upset if you had woken him up. There was no way out of this. Eventually, he was going to do something stupid."

"Maybe he's not really gone? I mean, if vampires are real then Hell and Heaven? Could they be a possibility? Niko could be in one of them. We could probably contact him the way humans try to contact their loved ones." ,said Jean.


Shadowess - July 12, 2021

(lol Don't worry, River would be quick to correct Will anyway xD )

Malone had jumped when Will appeared and he listened to what he had to say.

River was also paying attention to Will and couldn't help quickly correcting him whenever he gave wrong information. For instance, when Will said that David was a Devil, he simply said the word 'Demon' and when Will tried to explain what a Blood God was by saying they are half Vampire and half Demon, River just said 'Devil.'

"This is some kind of joke, right?" Malone asked hesitantly when Will finished speaking. Other than randomly appearing in front of them, Will hadn't done anything else yet to show that he was anything out of the ordinary and his teleportation could be explained as some kind of party trick. He laughed nervously. "I mean... c'mon boss..." he was at a loss for words, wondering if the Chief had cracked under pressure.

Officer Lang stood from his chair and nodded at Will as he walked up to stand in front of the other officers. Some officers in the room seemed unsurprised by the news, while most of them seemed just as bewildered as Malone was. "It's true." Lang said to the other officers. "And you know what, I'm happy that our chief turned out to be supernatural." he smiled. "Because now I can do this." and out sprang a pair of angel wings from his back.

The officers in the room who didn't seem surprised all broke into knowing grins while all the other officers' jaws dropped. A female officer to the right of the room rose her hand and announced proudly. "Werewolf here. Oh, what? You all thought I took a week off once for month for my period?! Nah bitches! I was running through the damn woods in my birthday suit!" She yelled playfully and the few officers burst into laughs while the humans laughed along a little uncertainly as they stared at her. Another officer to the left of the room rose his hand too. "I'm telekinetic." he said and snapped his fingers, a coffee cup slowly (and carefully) moved out of a human's hand and landed in his. He took a sip and winked at the human playfully while they gawped at him with an amused smile.

One by one, more and more officers rose their hands and announced what they were.

"Another angel here."


"I have mild telepathy..."

"I'm a half Demon."

Malone looked around, his mouth still hanging open as he tried to comprehend what was happening. Was he dreaming? But no, this was definitely real. The more he thought on it, the more amazing this news seemed to be. He looked around and even the other humans seemed to be coming around to the idea as they excitedly asked the supernatural officers questions about them to try and understand them better.

Officer Lang turned to Will and held out his hand. "Thank you for doing this Chief. It's been way overdue." he grinned. "So, Vincent and this David guy...how can we help?" All eyes were now on Will as all chatter slowed to a stop.


"Definitely suits you though." Oscar chuckled.

"Now, we should get you back to your family. We'll need to explain to them why you look...and sound different." David said. "I suppose there is some good news to all of this. For one, you're no longer a wanted man. Secondly, when I pulled your souls apart I took all of your powers out of Insanity and put them into you. No matter where he is, we at least have the knowledge that he is both human and powerless."


Donnie's eyes lit up as he stared into Insanity's. In one swift motion, he gripped his jaw roughly and turned his head to one side, then ran his tongue up his neck to his ear. His other hand gripped Insanity's backside hard. "You can see it as much as you like." he whispered into his ear. "Rule with me. My Artist." he nibbled a little on his earlobe.


Niko watched with a horrified expression as X tore out part of his own tongue. He then flinched and recoiled when X grabbed him and shoved the piece of tongue into his mouth. He stared at X uncertainly for a moment then felt what was left of his own tongue begin to tingle painfully. He groaned as X took his fingers out of his mouth. He shut his eyes and gripped his own mouth as his tongue merged with the part that was in his mouth.

As well as incredibly painful, it felt weird to him. So weird that it had him gagging a little out of reflex. When the pain began to subside, replaced by a dull ache as his tongue began to regrow itself, Niko took some deep breaths to ease his queasiness. "Y-you..." his eyes watered as he sputtered the word, overwhelmed that he was able to speak again but trying so hard to focus on what he wanted to say. That being said, while his tongue was trying to heal, he now spoke with a mild lisp. "Y-you killed me...why?..." he kept his eyes lowered, not daring to look X in his.


Racheal looked at Elimar as he spoke. She had nothing but admiration for him. This vampire who barged into Niko's home and saved someone who was practically a stranger to him. Who then volunteered to look out for her and teach her how to live her new life. "Elimar..." she said in a broken voice then hugged him. "I'm sorry...I got you dragged into all this...I must be such a burden..."


Hannes shook his head. "Only our King would know that for certain." he said quietly. "And if he was killed by our King, that means he has been disgraced as a Vampire. Even if, by some miracle, he came back from the dead, he would not be welcome here again."


Denix Vames - July 12, 2021

"Wait, what? This whole entire time you guys weren't human?" Will shook his head as he smiled. "This is something else." He took out his phone. "I'll call David and asked if he took care of the problem." He held the phone to his ear. Waiting for David. If and when he did or it would lead to voicemail, he would say, "Hey David? How's Vincent? Is he done being insane? I can't imagine he would go crazy after everything he did to become a good person."

Travis ran over to Malone. He hugged him. He was shaking. Frightened by what he was seeing. He buried his face against his chest.


Vincent nodded. "I should explain this to Neva first." He soon appeared in Amelia and Charles's home.


Insanity moaned. He ran his hands all over his chest. "I shall join you."


"Because you abused someone. But now that you're here, you can get in the program in order to become a good person again. Once you finish the program, you'll become a demon but you'll still be a vampire as well so stay away from the sun." ,said X when his tongue grew back.


Elimar gently rubbed the back of her head. "You are not a burden. You never will be. I care about you. I'd do anything to keep you safe."


Jean's face went pale. "Hannes, I don't think the King knew that. He said he knew everything about himself but if that were the case, he wouldn't have killed him. It must have been a mistake. He seems more merciful. More understanding."


shadowess - July 12, 2021

"Well...some of us." Lang chuckled as he glanced at all the human officers who were still deciding on whether they should be freaked out or excited. Though the other supernatural officers in the room were quickly working together to ease their nerves.

Malone held Travis, surprised by him running over and hugging him. He could feel him shaking in his arms and he frowned. "Hey, it's ok..." he said gently as he looked around at the other officers. "I trust these guys, you're safe with us. Trust me."


David answered his phone and as he did he saw Vincent vanish and sighed, unsure about how Amelia and Charles would react to having a stranger pop into their home like that. "Uh...Would one of you mind following him to make sure Amelia and Charles don't get the wrong idea?" he said to Nate, Patience and Oscar.


Sure enough, as soon as Vincent appeared in the living room, Amelia sprang to her feet from the couch, (An impressive feat given her current size), and stood defensively between Vincent and Neva who was sat on the couch. Neva looked around Amelia worriedly at Vincent, no longer interested in watching what had been on the TV. "Who are you?! What are you doing here?!" Amelia demanded. "CHARLES?!"


Meanwhile, back in the desert, David turned his attention back to the phone call. "Sorry about that, Will. Ahh...about Vincent...Apologies, I didn't have time to inform you of what happened at the precinct...nor did I have any time to come up with a different plan. Actually, it would probably be easier if I told you the situation in person. Hang on." he hung up and vanished.

David then appeared next to Will and looked around the room at all the officers in surprise. "O-oh...um..." he stammered then looked at Officer Lang and saw his wings out and he raised his eyebrows. "Oh!" He looked at Will and smiled. "I suppose it's about time, eh?" he chuckled.

"Hey! That's the McCall guy!" Malone pointed at David who turned to look at him with a delighted smirk.

"And here was me thinking that my acting had been atrocious." David said in amusement. "Apologies. My name is actually David Sedley. I am a Demon who specialises in the redemption of damned souls."

"Wait a sec!" Lang turned to him. "You're THE David Sedley?! The Demon helping Hell's new rulers to broker peace with Heaven?"

"The same. But onto more pressing matters." David turned back to Will. "Do you recall Parker telling you how he and Alex were split souls?"

'Ohh boy, I think I know where this is going.' River commented.

"Vincent's soul had also split. His evil self, the one who committed those horrendous murders, had taken over his body and decided to try going back to old habits. His evil self had named itself 'Insanity.' I took him away and moved Vincent's good self into a new body. Before I could lock Insanity away however...an old...nemesis of mine, kidnapped him. Now I have no idea where they are. Vincent has gone to let his family know that he's now in a different body. The good news is that I stripped all of Vincent's powers from Insanity and placed them into Vincent. So Insanity...wherever he is, is powerless."

"Yeah...ok...this is a lot to unpack...even for me..." Lang commented.


Donnie grinned at his words then spun Insanity around, pressing himself against him from behind. He kept a hand on his jaw, tilting his head back while he nibbled on his neck and gripped his pants with his other hand, pressing his hips against his. "You have no idea how long it's been for me." he moaned between kissing and nibbling at his neck and shoulders. "And seeing you. What you are. Your passion. I must have you." His words were lustful growls. He slipped his hand into his pants.


Niko shivered at X's answer as to why he had killed him. He then cautiously brought his eyes up to meet X's as he listened to what X was telling him. "Pr-programme?"


His gentle words and the way he held her comforted Racheal immensely. She relaxed a little and briefly closed her eyes while hugging him. "Why?" she whispered then realised that she must've sounded a little ungrateful. She moved back so that she could look at him, her cheeks turning a little pink. "I'm sorry. I just- I mean...I'm practically a stranger to you..."


"I don't know..." Hannes shrugged and moved away from Jean, walking over to a cupboard where he pulled out a couple of bottles of blood. He pulled out a couple of glasses as well and pressed one glass at a time against his fangs, letting some of his venom pour into them. He then topped up each glass with blood and handed one to Jean. "Here...this is the closest thing to Alcohol that we can drink." he said with a sigh. "I think we both could use one right now...I just-...I don't want to think about it anymore, Jean...What's done is done...and there's no going back... Maybe that's for the best."

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Denix Vames - July 12, 2021

Will nodded. "Makes sense. I guess everything's sort of under control now. I will need a search out for Insanity." He pointed at Travis who poked his head out when he heard Malone. "And who's this guy?"


Charles ran over. His eyes widened but he soon smiled. "Vincent! I'm so glad you came. Neva really needs you right now." Vincent walked over. "Hey my little ice princess." He knelt. Looking at her with a smile. "It's good to see you again. I know I don't look like how I use to but it's still me."

When she did run up to him, he would panic for a moment. Realizing his hands were exposed but become surprise when he didn't kill her by touch. It seemed like his hands were free of that curse. He hugged her tight. "I love you."


Insanity touched the hand that was under his pants. He moaned louder. Leaning into his hold. "Do whatever you want to me. I can take it hard."


"I'll have David explain everything to you. Just wait right here." X appeared in the meeting room. "David? You're need in Hell. There's a new soul who will be entered in the program. He's waiting for you. His name is Niko."

He waved at everyone. "Hello. I'm with the CIA. Just popping in for a visit."


Elimar smiled. "Because I care about you just like I care about everybody else in this castle. You're my family."


Jean looked at the drink before taking a sip. He immediately sat down. "I forgot how weird this feels."


shadowess - July 13, 2021

"I doubt he'll be on Earth if he's with Donnie...but it's worth keeping an eye out for him regardless. He's still quite dangerous and you never know, he might just pop back onto Earth at some point." David nodded.

Malone's cheeks turned a little red when Travis was pointed out as he realised he'd essentially asked a civilian to sit in on a meeting without speaking to a superior about it first. He coughed nervously into his fist to clear his throat. "Uh, his name is Travis Bones, sir. He was a witness to one of Vincent's old murders and he saw me arresting him earlier today. He came with me to the precinct to give a statement. He's interested in the sketch artist job that we currently have open as well and because he already saw David when we thought he was McCall, he's sketched him and brought the drawing with him to the meeting so we could use it to find him..." he hesitated before adding. "Also...he seems to be...mute, sir."

When X appeared, the humans in the room all jumped, not expecting another visitor. "The CIA are open about this stuff too?" Lang looked surprised. "Wow...What a time to live in!"

David looked intrigued by X's explanation and held out a hand for him to shake. "I don't believe we've met but I see you're already aware of me. Pleasure to meet you X and thank you. I'll sign him up right away. Though I will need you to teleport me to him seeing as I haven't met this Niko before." Unfortunately, by the time X and David would arrive back where Niko had been left, they'd find he wasn't there anymore.


As soon as Charles called the man 'Vincent', Amelia looked at the stranger with mild confusion but soon relaxed when she saw the way he spoke to Neva.

Neva also relaxed and smiled tearfully when Vincent spoke to her. Only one person in her life ever called her 'ice princess' and that was her father! "Daddy!" She flung herself into his arms and hugged him tightly as well. "I love you too, daddy." she cried, although they were happy tears. She didn't care that Vincent looked and sounded different. As long as he was still around, he was still himself and he still loved her, nothing else mattered.

Amelia was touched by the reunion, feeling her own eyes tear up a bit. "Damn hormones..." she sniffled with a smile and wiped the corners of her eyes before the tears could fall. "Oh, Vincent...I'm sorry, I had no idea." she said to him, feeling a little guilty for getting so defensive so quickly. "How has this happened? Did you swap bodies with someone again, like you did with Charles?"


Donnie chuckled into Insanity's ear. "Good, because I wasn't planning on being gentle." he growled and nibbled on his earlobe again, this time tugging on it a bit with his teeth. He then paused and looked to one side with a distant stare before blinking and smirking. He ran his tongue up Insanity's neck. "There's something I have to get. Go up to my bedroom and make yourself comfortable. Up the stairs, first set of double doors that you find." His grip on Insanity tightened a little and he rubbed his hips against his roughly. "I want to see you naked on my bed when I get there." he smirked then vanished.


"Ok..." Niko said nervously and watched X vanish. He looked around the room warily, wondering if there were demons here that weren't as nice as X made David out to be. He cautiously made his way over to the door that was ajar and poked his head out to look down the abandoned corridors. Although they were empty, he got creeped out just looking down them. As if expecting something the turn the corner at the end of the corridor, spot him and start running after him. He shivered and hurriedly, but silently, closed the door to lock himself into the room. He leant against the door and turned around to look back into the room again only to see that he was no longer alone. He froze, his breath caught in his throat as his eyes fixed on the dark haired, shirtless male. A little disturbed by the large scar that covered his entire front that read 'LIAR'.

"A-are you David?" He asked uncertainly and Donnie gave him a malicious grin.

"No." he answered simply and began striding towards him. Getting the impression that Donnie didn't have any good intentions towards him, Niko began to panic and quickly turned around, fumbling to open the door again. He felt Donnie's arm wrap around his throat and he managed to let out one strained scream before they both vanished.


At his words, Racheal smiled at him tearfully. She hugged him again and this time she felt far more relaxed as she rested her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and simply enjoyed the feeling of being part of a family. Like she finally belonged. She let out a content sigh as her tears stopped falling and she took comfort in his embrace. "Thank you." she whispered.

A short knock on the door interrupted them. It would be a Caretaker who was going door to door to spread the word of the upcoming welcome celebration. Letting all vampires in the castle know that it was going to be held the following night and that the gardens would be opened and lit up for the occasion. Formal wear would be required and they were even sending out vampires to the city to buy the newest technologies for playing music so that the new vampires could feel more at home. Of course, any advice on the last matter would be greatly appreciated. Such as how to set said technology up and what the latest music trends are. Venomed blood would be provided all night long and according to tradition, vampires must provide one gift to each new vampire.

Once the Caretaker was done delivering the message and handing Elimar a small bit of paper with all these details, Racheal would wipe her eyes and look at him a little worriedly. "I-...I don't have any other clothes..." she said. Her cheeks turning a little pink again.


Hannes chuckled and sat next to him as he sipped his own glass. "I suppose you're still used to the human drinks. Give it a few years and you'll forget what it was like to eat and drink like a human." he said as he wrapped an arm around his shoulders, caressing his arm with his thumb. "You know..." Hannes hesitated for a moment and smirked, his cheeks turning a little red as he bit his lower lip a little before pressing on. "Venom can also have...other...effects." he grinned. "Some vampires like to bite each other during their intimate moments...because the venom makes... certain areas... a little more sensitive. It increases pleasure."

It wouldn't be too long before, they too, would be interrupted by the Caretakers knocking on the door. Hannes would answer it and return to the couch a short time later with the paper in his hand. He'd sit down again and smile at it while taking another sip from his glass. "Well, I suppose it is official. We'll be dancing and drinking tomorrow night." he looked at Jean and grinned. "You will be treated like a prince and given gifts."


Donnie appeared in the basement of his home and shoved Niko into the wall to momentarily stun him as he scooped up a large shackle which was attached to a chain on the ground. He snapped the shackle around Niko's neck like a collar and locked it, quickly putting the key into his pocket and stepping away. Niko sat up and his hands shot up to the collar. He looked at Donnie anxiously. "Who are you?" he asked. "Why are you doing this?!"

Donnie calmly knelt down to Niko's level. "Because you're a dirty sinner who needs to be punished." he said with a smile.

"B-but David-!"

"David isn't coming!" Donnie snapped angrily, then his anger seemed to melt back into that same sick smile. "His little programme is an abomination to Hell. You sinned and you're not even sorry for what you did, are you? You don't deserve redemption. You deserve an eternity of suffering!" He stood. "Besides...I needed a present for my beloved. You'll do just fine." Donnie then turned and walked out of the basement. All the while, Niko screamed for help. Calling for X and David while desperately trying to pry himself free from the collar. But Donnie was right. David wasn't coming. Neither was X. Because here, within Donnie's presence, neither of them could sense nor hear him.

Donnie smiled all the way up the flights of stairs at the sound of Niko's desperate screams. It was like listening to exquisite music. He playfully let his fingers glide over the bone banisters as he ascended the stairs towards his bedroom. He opened the doors and stepped into the room, still smiling. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."


Denix Vames - July 13, 2021

"Lang, put out a search on Insanity. His face is still Vincent Hayes so I'm sure no one will have a problem identifying him." ,said Will. He walked over to Travis and held out a hand. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Chief Will." Travis shook his hand. "And as for the job, well I think you'll have a good chance at getting it." He smiled.


After shaking hands, David and X would appear where Niko had left him. X became alarmed. "Where did he run off to? That little pest! I should have destroyed his soul. He never showed an ounce of regret. Maybe I'm trying too hard?"


Vincent stood. "No. Apparently, I had another soul in me called Insanity. I had to separate from it. And now this is my new body."


"That's alright. We can ask a friend if we could borrow her some of her clothes. These people won't mind." ,said Elimar.


Jean blushed. "O-Oh? Really?"

"Dancing?! But I don't know how to dance."


Insanity laid on the bed. Naked. He smirked. "Oh don't worry. Just listening to that damned soul downstairs was enough to keep me entertained. And I am here naked. Just as you wanted."


shadowess - July 13, 2021

"On it, Chief." Lang nodded, putting his wings away and headed out of the room.

Malone watched Will introduce himself to Travis then beamed when Will told him he'd have a good job at getting the job.


David frowned. He heard X but something else caught his attention. He walked over to the door which was partially open and ran his fingers over the four scratches in the wood, near the handle. Like someone had tried to keep hold of it and ended up scratching the wood as they were dragged away. "These are fresh..." he pointed out then turned to look at X worriedly. "Try teleporting directly to him." he said nervously. "Can you?" When X wouldn't be able to, David's heart would drop.

"Donnie has been here...that's not good. If you're a damned soul and Donnie gets a hold of you, you either join him or become his eternal plaything...there is no in between with that man...But why would he seek out Niko?...is it to taunt me? because you were going to sign him up to the programme?" David speculated while staring at the scratches, deep in thought. "And why take Insanity too?...What is he up to?" He looked back at X. "I need to do some reading...I don't know...maybe there's something in Hell's library that'll help me with this...I really don't know...I just wish I knew what he was doing!"


"You mean like what happened to Parker?" Amelia asked. "So, where is this 'Insanity' now? Should we be worried?" she tilted her head at him sideways, giving him a look. "Be honest."


Reassured, Racheal smiled and nodded. "Alright." she said quietly. She fidgeted with her hands a little. "Elimar? Can I ask...how long have you lived here? Have you ever lived outside of this castle?" she asked, interested to learn more about the man who had taken her in and shown her so much kindness.


"Really." Hannes smiled at him. When Jean admitted he didn't know how to dance, Hannes chuckled. "I can teach you if you'd like?" he smirked. "We could do a little practicing now if you wanted."


"So, I see." Donnie looked at him lustfully. "When we're done here, I have a gift for you." He took his own clothes off until he was completely nude as well. He strode over to the bed and climbed onto it, crawling over Insanity then kissing him deeply and passionately. He slipped his tongue into his mouth while his hands caressed his body. He took hold of his thigh and lifted it while his other arm moved under his hips to hold them up. In his passion, he dug his nails into his skin and pulled on Insanity's lower lip with his teeth. He moaned then started kissing and biting his neck roughly. With how rough Donnie was going to be with him, a limp was almost definitely guaranteed if he could walk at all.

(Private time)


Denix Vames - July 13, 2021

"Everyone's dismissed! Go back to your work." ,said Will. He nodded at Travis. "You will have to fill in the application. Seeing as how you've already gotten to know Malone, he can help you out with that." He walked out of the meeting room.

Ben stepped into the station. He was wearing his uniform and had been officially checked out of the hospital. "Hey guys! What'd I miss?" He smiled.


X attempted to teleport but couldn't. He seemed annoyed. "Could I possibly help? If you need any assistance, I'd be glad to give you some."


Vincent frowned. "I don't know. Donnie took him and vanished. Apparently, he's David's old enemy who was supposed to be dead but isn't. And we can't even teleport to where he is. We're not sure what he is at this point."

He picked Neva up. "But right now, I just want to take her to see Elliot. I'm sure David is already working on this problem right now."


"Oh I've lived here for centuries. I was born here. I never had a life outside of this castle. Unfortunately, there's not much to say. I'm sorry." ,said Elimar.


"Really?" Jean took his hand. "I'd like that."


Leo gasped awake. If this were to wake up Oscar then he would turn his head away. Having his legs hang over the bed. He sighed. "Sorry about that. It was just a nightmare."


shadowess - July 13, 2021

( I don't know why but when I think of the character's failing to teleport after Donnie I can't help but imagine the Windows Error noise xD It's like whenever they teleport I just keep imagining there being an audible 'pop' noise like in DBZA whenever Goku does instant transmission rofl )

Malone stood and nodded at Will with a smile before turning to Travis. "C'mon buddy, let's get that application done. Maybe we could get a coffee while we're sorting that out? There's this nice little café just down the street if you want one?"

When Ben stepped in and asked what he'd missed, most of the officer's coming out of the meeting room chuckled. Lang placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a friendly smile. "You er-...might wana see Will about what you just missed, buddy. Prepare to have your mind blown!" he chuckled before walking back to his own desk. Of course, no one else in the precinct, other than Will, knew that Ben already knew about the supernatural world.


"Actually your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you." David nodded and held out his hand to teleport them both to the Library. "I'd recommend searching for anything related to Obliteration and Oblivion." he said. "Donnie was supposed to have been destroyed...So, I want to know how he's here and what kinds of powers he might've come back with...We'll stand a far better chance when we know exactly what we're up against."


"Really? Weird Dad never told me about any old enemies called Donnie..." Amelia looked puzzled and a little concerned. "Maybe this is something from before he found me..." she tried a smile when he said he was going to take Neva to see Elliot. "I don't blame you. Tell Elliot 'get well soon' from us." she nodded.

At that moment, Patience appeared and seemed relieved when she saw that Neva was in Vincent's arms and everyone seemed to be getting along. "Oh, good!" she sighed. "Sorry for popping in, David had his hands full and asked if either myself, Nate and Oscar could come and make sure Vincent's arrival wouldn't startle you..."

"Okay...It did. But we're fine now, soooo.... why did it take you so long to arrive?" Amelia rose a brow at Patience who seemed to suddenly look very uncomfortable.

"The other two insisted that we play 'rock, paper, scissors' to decide who'd follow him..." Patience admitted and Amelia gave her an unamused look. Further adding to Patience's discomfort about the situation. "Well, I can see that everything is fine here so I guess I'll leave you all to it... Bye then." she said hurriedly before vanishing.

As soon as she was gone, Amelia couldn't help but snortle. "How red did her face just turn right now?" she chuckled.


"Never?" Racheal looked at him with mild fascination. "Have you ever left the castle to see the city?"


Hannes grinned and stood, placing his drink down and walking Jean over to the old vinyl in the corner of the room. He turned it on and moved the needle to the edge of the large disk. He smiled at Jean. "I got given this as a gift when I was elected to be the Guard of the East. It was the newest technology at the time." he said as the old music began to play. He walked Jean towards the centre of the room before stopping and moving Jean's hands to his shoulders. He then placed his hands onto Jean's waist. "Look into my eyes and forget everything else around you." he said softly while looking into Jean's eyes and beginning to move them in time to the music. "Don't think about where your feet are. Just focus on the music and move your body to it while following my movements."


Oscar had not long appeared back in the bedroom after being in the desert. He'd started to undress again, wanting to climb back into bed to cuddle Leo for a bit longer when he suddenly woke up. Oscar had been about half way into the bed at that point and smiled at him, his cheeks a little red. "It's cool, I was already awake..." he chuckled then frowned. "Hope it wasn't too bad." he said as he climbed into the bed the rest of the way and wrapped his arms around Leo. "I got called away. David needed my help with a spell but it's done now." he explained as he nuzzled into Leo's neck.

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Denix Vames - July 13, 2021


Travis nodded. He ran to get his stuff. Throwing his bag over his shoulder. He jumped excitedly. Ready to get some coffee.

"Sorry Lang but Ben already knows." "Knows what?" Ben raised a brow. "About the Supernatural. Well, you probably don't know that you've been working with some. And I'm not talking about me or Kite." His eyes widened. "Really? Everybody else too?" "Well some."


X nodded. "Alright. I'll try my best." He began searching the shelves.


Vincent disappeared with Neva. Appearing by Elliot's side who was now awake. Elliot smiled. "Hey ya'll." "Morning Ellie." Vincent set Neva on the edge of the bed. "Vincent? Wow! What happened to you?" He shrugged. "It's a long story." Elliot smirked. "I've got all day." "I'm sure you do." Vincent kissed him.


Charles chuckled. "I'm wondering if she was secretly hanging out with David."


Elimar shook his head. "I figured there wasn't much to see. But now with all this happening, I'm wondering what I have missed."


Jean nodded. "Ok." He couldn't take his eyes off of him. He did his best to move with him. He swallowed. Nervous about messing things up. "A-Am I doing this right?"


"Oh. That's good." Leo touched his arm. He sighed. "I think I should go see Will about that job."


shadowess - July 13, 2021

Malone chuckled as he walked over to his desk, logging out of his computer then picking up the application forms and a pen before walking with Travis to the coffee shop. "They do the best Lattes at this place." he said a little excitedly. Considering he'd dropped his coffee earlier in the day, he was looking forward to getting another one.

"Oh and if you're hungry, their brownies are pretty good too." Once they reached the coffee shop, he'd look at Travis. "Just point to what you want and I'll get it. Then you can take a seat with these and start filling them out while I wait for it." he smiled at him and handed him the forms and the pen.

Lang blinked at Ben and called over from his desk. "You already knew? You sly dog! Kept that quiet, didn't you?" he chuckled. "I'm an Angel by the way, just so you know. Glad to see you back on your feet by the way!"


"Can you read demonic? I forgot to ask. Most of these books are written in the ancient language." David called over to X as he pulled out a couple of books and flicked through them.


"Dad! I missed you!" Neva beamed when she saw Elliot. She wanted to hug him but stopped herself, looking at his bandages. She frowned at them then looked at Elliot as Vincent kissed him. This wasn't anything new to Neva, nor did she find it gross like most kids her age might. To her, this was normal. "When can you come home?" she asked.


Amelia laughed and shook her head. "Oh, I don't doubt it! Honestly, I'd be happy for him if he was seeing her though... He hasn't had a partner since his wife died waaaay before I was born. It's a really touchy subject, he doesn't like to talk about it. He wouldn't even entertain the idea of dating my mum when she was around...they raised me together but they were never...you know...together."

She then frowned, looking out of the window at the raindrops as they slid down the glass. "I'm worried about him, Charles...I don't think Patience was lying about why she was late here...If one of my dad's old enemies has come back then what if he's in danger? He'd rush to help any of us but if he was in trouble himself, I doubt he'd tell anyone. It's not like him to skip out on making sure we're ok like that...Not unless he really did have something far more urgent to deal with first..."


Racheal bit her lip a little as she thought. She was pretty sure it was still night out but she wasn't sure how much of tonight they had left, nor how far away the nearest city was. "Maybe we could take a trip to the nearest city sometime?" she suggested. "I'd be happy to show you some things. Like, maybe we could watch a movie? or go to the beach?"


Hannes smiled at him with softened eyes. "It feels right to me." he whispered and leant in to kiss him while still moving to the music. Hoping that the kiss would help Jean relax a little more as they moved together.


Oscar groaned with a playful smirk. "Right now? I just got back." he pretended to complain as he kissed his neck.


Denix Vames - July 13, 2021

Travis nodded. He pointed at the caramel latte and the brownies. When they were sitting at the table, he took a bite of a brownie and smiled. Loving the taste. He caught himself staring at him. Blushing at his handsome features. He twiddled his thumbs. Looking down at them before taking a paper out. He wrote on it before sliding it over to him.

It would say, 'I like you. I hope you don't mind.'


"I can read all languages." ,said X.


"When they say I can pumpkin." ,said Elliot. He pat his stomach. "Why don't you turn into a kitten? I can pet you. It's kind of like hugging."


Charles walked over. He placed a hand on her arm. "Would you like me to check on him?"


Elimar smiled. "That would be great. Thank you. But I think we should until after the party."


Jean deepened the kiss. Holding on before resting his head against his chest. Still moving with him.


Leo chuckled. "Maybe you could come with me? Only if you want to."


shadowess - July 14, 2021

Malone bought the things that Travis had pointed to. He also got himself a brownie and a latte. Sitting at the table, Malone took a sip of his latte and sighed happily after swallowing a mouthful. He then noticed Travis staring at him and rose a brow. "What is it, buddy? Have I got something on my face?" he asked, then watched as Travis wrote a note on the piece of paper. When he slid it over, Malone read it and felt his cheeks grow warmer. "Oh! uh-...N-no, I don't mind..." he chuckled nervously. "Thank you. I er-..." he looked at him and smiled. "I like you too."


"Really?" David looked up from a book he was holding to look at X. "Blimey, that must've taken you some time to learn..." he chuckled as he went back to reading. He flicked through a few pages, read some more, flicked through more pages, read some more and then slammed the book shut to shove it back onto the shelf. Growing frustrated that there wasn't nearly enough information about what happens to souls who are destroyed and whether it is possible for them to come back. He picked up another book and began to flick through it. Unfortunately for the both of them, there simply wasn't any record of anyone ever having come back from Oblivion.


Neva grinned. "Oh yeah!" she exclaimed, just now remembering that she could do that. She quickly shifted into her kitten form, mewed and hopped across the bed until she was resting on Elliot's lap, purring. Even in her kitten form, she had grown a bit since she was first taken in by Vincent and Elliot. She was a little bigger than she used to be and not quite a tiny ball of fluff anymore.


Amelia thought for a moment then nodded. She then hugged Charles as tight as she could. "Be safe." she whispered and kissed him tenderly.


"Alright." Racheal nodded with a grin. "What do you want to do now?"


Hannes kissed the top of Jean's head then rested his head against his as they kept moving. Enjoying how close they were to each other and how they moved in sync. Hannes closed his eyes, rubbing his thumbs over Jean's hips while they danced. "I love you." he whispered as he savoured this sweet moment.


Oscar smiled at Leo and kissed him deeply. "Sure." he said softly. "But after that, let's do something romantic." he kissed Leo's jaw a couple of times. "Just you and me."


Donnie pulled his pants on and zipped up his fly. He then threw on a black shirt, covering his scars. Grinning, he turned to Insanity with his hands in his pockets. "Did you enjoy that, my love? I hope I didn't bruise you too badly. Come. I have some gifts for you and I also have a lot to do today."


Denix Vames - July 14, 2021

Travis was surprised by his response. He felt like his face had gone redder. He hid his face behind the latte he had. Smiling at what he heard. He opened his mouth to try and say something but realized he couldn't. He had been trying to say anything for so long. For Malone, he wanted to say something. But when nothing came out, he frowned. He rubbed his eyes.


"It wasn't that hard." ,said X. When nothing was found, he slammed the book he was holding closed. "Looks like I will have to get my men involved. If you can find any piece of clothing that belonged to Donnie or anything really, give it to me. Some of my agents of werewolves. They will be able to track his scent."


Elliot smiled. He stroke her back. "Look at you. Our little pumpkin is growing up." "It makes me proud." ,said Vincent who placed a hand on his shoulder. They looked at each other. Finding themselves seeing that loving look. Their heads rested against each other's before they kissed again.


Charles smiled. "I will. I love you." He disappeared. Appearing where X and David were. "Oh. You found nothing. And X has a plan." X turned around. He raised a brow. "I didn't know they could replace Lucifer. Well, it's nice to meet you. You're more friendly than he ever was."


"We should go to someone's home and ask them to borrow their dresses. I know someone near here. Come on." ,said Elimar. He guided her out of their home. Once he was at a door, he knocked.


When that door would open, he would say, "Do you mind if we borrow a few of your dresses? Rachael has nothing to wear to the party."


"I love you too." Jean thought for a moment. "Hannes? I never want this to end. Us being together. I can't imagine not having you in my life."


Leo blushed. "Alright. But you get to pick what we're gonna do and how we're going to do it. I want you to surprise me." He winked. He soon got dressed. Once they were both in their clothes, they would teleport in the middle of the precinct.


Ben jumped. "Ah!" Dropping his pencil which he was using to make little doodles on his notepad of stick figures playing basketball. He gave an annoyed look. "Can you guys not?! You scared the shit out of me!"


"It was perfect dear." Insanity got dressed. "I can still walk." He walked over. "Oh? Gifts? I'm intrigued." He kissed him deeply.


Shadowess - July 14, 2021

Malone watched him and when he started rubbing his eyes, Malone frowned as well. He could see that he wanted to talk but something like this just isn't cured overnight. He reached across the table and placed a gentle hand on his arm while offering him a kind smile. "Hey, it's ok." he said softly. "One thing at a time. Let's just enjoy these delicious brownies first. Then we'll work on your application then..." Malone hesitated, his cheeks turning a little red. "And then maybe we could grab a drink or something?"


David threw a book onto the nearby table after slamming it shut. "That would only work if he happened to be on Earth. Bringing them to Hell would be a bad idea. Hell acts like a labyrinth so if they didn't get lost, they could end up in the jaws of a beast or worse... Thank you for the thought X, but I'd rather not risk your men like that." He shook his head.

"Besides, Lucifer was a 'leave no stone unturned' kind of guy. When he destroyed Donnie, he destroyed everything he owned as well...so if he does have a home in Hell somewhere, it'll be a new one in a different location... In fact I wouldn't put it past him to have found a way of stealing another Demon's home and disposing of the original owner somehow..."

David was surprised by Charles's arrival and when X then mentioned him being friendlier than Lucifer, David looked at X in astonishment. "You're telling me!" David chuckled. "You knew him, too?" he asked then turned to Charles, a little annoyed. "Charles I appreciate you wanting to help but I really need you to stay with Amelia right now. Especially in her condition. I can handle this." He said in a firm but respectful tone.


Neva continued to purr as Elliot stroked her back and she watched her dad's have a loving moment. She rubbed her head against Elliot's hand then curled up into a ball on his lap. Still purring as she closed her eyes.


Larissa Rosenstock answered the door with a glass of blood in her hand. She was wearing a long, blue night dress. "Elimar! Good evening! Of course, come in!" she stood to one side to let them walk into her home. Bianka was sitting on the couch, also holding a glass of blood and was hurriedly trying to correct her smudged lipstick. She cleared her throat awkwardly when she saw them. "Good evening Elimar. Racheal." she greeted them, nodding to them in turn.

"We were just having a glass or two of venomed blood. I think, after today, it helps to relax the nerves a bit. Would you two like a glass, too? Oh! and I know just the dresses I could lend you! Bianka and I can help you get dressed up beforehand if you'd like? We'll do your makeup and everything!" Larissa said excitedly.

Racheal was taken aback by how energetic Larissa seemed to be but smiled, finding her enthusiasm endearing. "Um-..." she glanced for a moment at Elimar uncertainly before nodding at Larissa. "That would be great, thank you. I don't normally wear make up so I have no idea what I'm doing..." she admitted with a nervous chuckle.

"Oh, that's no problem! It'll be fun!" Larissa squeaked.


His eyes still closed, Hannes smiled. "I know what you mean, meine Geliebte. I hope we always stay like this as well. You have brought me a happiness that I never knew I was capable of."


Oscar smirked at Leo. "Oh, I have a few ideas." he said as he got dressed as well.

When they teleported and made Ben jump, Oscar laughed. "Hard at work, I see." he commented playfully and nodded at Ben's doodles. "Is Will around?"


Donnie smirked and kissed Insanity back. "Yes. I want you to be powerful, my love. As soon as I am able, I will have you made into a Demon and trained the way I was trained. It will be difficult but you will become so strong that no one will be able to stand against you. Until then, I will grant you some powers so you can be free to do as you please. That is what I will be working on today. While I am busy taking care of that, my love, there is something in my basement that can keep you entertained. Come." He took his hand and began walking him towards his basement, where Niko had long since stopped screaming. Only because his voice would give out if he didn't rest it.

Niko watched them enter the room, looking between them nervously. The chain that attached him to the floor was short, so he was forced to stay close to the ground, unable to stand up. "Your gift." Donnie gestured to Niko. "For you to do with him as you please. Whether you use him for practice or break his spirit to make him your pet is up to you. Just be sure not give him any fatal damage, my love. Or he will disappear and reawaken elsewhere in Hell and finding him again might be a bit inconvenient." He smiled maliciously at Niko.

"Y-you can't do this..." Niko stammered, shaking.


Denix Vames - July 14, 2021

Travis smiled a little. He nodded. He continued eating the brownies and drinking some of his latte.


Charles glared. He walked over to David. "I came here because Amelia's worried about you! She wanted to know if you were alright! You haven't visited here in a while! I think I can see that she has nothing to worry about!"


X glanced at David then looked at Charles. Waiting for what would happen next.


Vincent sat on a chair. He scratched the back of her neck. "Do you need anything Neva? Food or water?"


Elimar chuckled. "Sounds like you've already made a girl group to talk to."


Jean frowned. He looked at him. "Hannes, I still want to protect people. That's why I became a cop. But now that I'm here, I want to become a warrior so that I can do the same thing. Can I train?"


"Yeah. He's in his office." Ben pointed at the office that had its own room. They headed over there. Entering the office where Will had been filing paperwork.


Leo cleared his throat. Will looked up. "What's going on with you guys?" "Well...I was wondering if I could become a cop?" "You work for the CIA. Why would you want to quit?" "Being in the CIA is a lot harder than you think. I just want to have a somewhat normal job but still be able to protect innocent lives." "Fair enough. But you can't kill someone unless you have no other option." Leo nodded. "Fine. I'll deal with it."

"I'll have you fill in your application. You don't need to go to the academy since you already know what to do." Will handed him some papers. "Here. Get to it and good luck when you start."


"What a pity." Insanity shrugged. "Oh well. I guess I'll have as much fun as I can get." He walked over to Niko where he knelt. He grinned as pulled out his knife. "Now, let's get started." He pressed his knife against his cheek. Cutting down a little so that some blood would come out.

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Shadowess - July 15, 2021

Malone ate a couple of brownies as well and drank his own latte. "Let me know if you need any help with that application." he nodded then glanced out of the window thoughtfully. "It's funny isn't it? Just this morning, everything was so...ordinary. Boring, even. Then in a space of just a couple of hours... everything just...changed. I wonder how long it'll be before the rest of the world learns what we have...that we're not alone. That there's more out there than we ever realised and it's been right under our noses the entire time!"


David turned from Charles and bit his lip, not answering him immediately. He wouldn't outright say that there was nothing to worry about because that wouldn't be true. David was just glad that Amelia hadn't come into his life until long after Donnie's destruction. Maybe that meant he didn't know about her? If that was the case then both Charles and Amelia were a lot safer staying away from David.

After all, Donnie had tried to overthrow Hell's thrown once already and was almost successful. David had seen his plans. They had been fool proof. Donnie was a cunning Demon with the skills of Lucifer's best soldiers. He wasn't to be underestimated. His only downfall had been trusting David with his plans. If he hadn't, then Hell would have a very different ruler right now. A cruel, twisted and immoral leader.

If he really had come back then David dread to think what he'd do to Amelia and Charles if he became aware of them. He'd see them as competition to be snuffed out...and child on the way or not, he'd be merciless. "Charles, I'll be fine." he said after a tense pause. "Please stay with Amelia." he then turned around and looked at Charles hesitantly.

Whatever happened next, David knew that he might not survive. But he needed to try to protect everyone he cared about. He refused to lose another member of his family and would sacrifice everything to make sure they'd be safe. "Tell her for me... Tell her that I'm proud of her. That I love her and that she will always be my daughter."


To try and tell them that she was fine, Neva lifted her head and shook it, her ears flopping side to side as she did then let out a small mew before resting her head on her front paws. Still purring.


"I guess so." Racheal chuckled nervously.

Larissa hurried over to her little bar and pulled out two more glasses. She poured them some blood with venom in it and handed them a glass each. "Here! To new family!" she toasted then drank some of her glass.

Bianka took a sip from her own glass and Racheal curiously sniffed the edge of her own glass before trying a sip of the drink. She immediately tasted the venom and visibly cringed. Larissa giggled at her expression. "You'll get used to that! Come on! I want to show you the dresses!" she took her hand and started pulling her into the bedroom.

"O-oh, ok." Racheal stammered as she went along and glanced back at the other two before they disappeared into the bedroom.

Bianka chuckled and shook her head a little. "You're probably not going to get her back for a little while. If there's one thing Larissa loves, it's dressing up." she looked over at Elimar and tilted her head. "How is she?" she asked quietly and in a soft tone. "Is she settling in better now that she's away from...him?"


Hannes smiled at Jean and lifted a hand to caress his cheek. "Of course. If that is what's in your heart, then I will support you. I won't lie to you though. The training is difficult. Harsh. It can take years to become skilled enough to earn the title of warrior. You must learn to put all emotions aside so as to make difficult decisions quickly. Your reflexes will be honed. Your initiative tested. This is because there's always a chance that the citizens of the castle might choose a warrior to serve as a Guard if a Guard were to fall. This means that any one warrior has the potential to become a Guard at any time."


Oscar kissed the side of Leo's head. "While you fill those out, I'll go get our date ready." he winked then vanished. He would return when Leo would finish filling in the forms.


Niko shivered as Insanity approached him and watched him fearfully as he pulled out a knife. "D-don't!" he tried to pull away but the chain wouldn't let him move back any further. When the knife cut his cheek, Niko hissed "Hurensohn! (Son of a bitch!)" and his eyes lit up angrily. He balled his hand into a fist and raised it but before he could swing his punch at Insanity, Donnie had appeared next to him. He'd grabbed his wrist tightly and yanked Niko to the floor, twisting his wrist while doing so until he heard a distinct 'snap' and Niko let out a pained scream.

Donnie leant over him so he'd be glaring directly into Niko's eyes. "Raise a hand to him again and I'll break every last bone in your body!" he growled. Niko whimpered, shaking and looked away from him hurriedly. Smiling, Donnie looked back up at Insanity and caressed his cheek. "I'm off to run some errands. I'll be back soon. Have fun with your new toy, my love." he said before kissing him and standing up. As he let go of Niko's wrist, both the broken bone and the cut on his cheek started to slowly heal themselves. Donnie vanished.


Cindy was still a little nervous about the idea of having a baby but as the days went on, she found herself becoming more and more comfortable with it. She'd occasionally catch herself looking at Kite and imagining him playing ball games with a son or doting over a daughter. Such thoughts always brought a small smile to her face. She wondered what it would look like. Would it take after Kite or her? Or a mix of both? She was having one of those moments now. Looking over at Kite in a dreamy way as she folded laundry, smiling to herself.

Donnie appeared standing immediately behind Cindy and quickly wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly. "You must be Cindy. It's a pleasure meeting you." he grinned.

"Wha-? Kite!" Cindy squealed and Donnie held Cindy in front of him, using her as a shield. "Let go of me!"

"Afraid I can't do that. You see, your brother has something of mine and I know how stubborn he can be."

"B-brother?" Cindy looked confused.

Donnie chuckled. "Yes, love. You have a brother." he then looked at Kite with a dark expression. "When he comes looking for her, tell Desi that Donnie wants what is rightfully his. Tell him to seek me out alone and that my patience is already thin. Oh, and..." Donnie grinned evilly. "Tell David, I said 'Hi'" Donnie then vanished with Cindy.


Donnie would appear in his basement once more and shove Cindy to the wall. "Give me your hands." he growled at her.

"Absolutely not!" Cindy recoiled and quickly looked around for a way out, her eyes landing on who she thought was Vincent. "Vincent? Vincent! Help me! Please!" she called out to him, not fully taking in what he was doing yet as her panicked mind only focussed on Donnie.

"I can either shackle your hands or break your legs. Either way works fine for me." Donnie snapped.

"Y-you can't! I-I'm-!"

"Pregnant. I know. Congratu-fucking-lations. Now, GIVE ME YOUR HANDS! OR I'LL BREAK YOUR FUCKING LEGS!" Donnie's eyes turned a deep shade of crimson and his teeth sharpened as he screamed at her. Cindy had jumped, her eyes widening as she stared at him in terror and she shakily held up her hands. Donnie then quickly placed them into the shackles.

"There. That wasn't so hard, now was it?" Donnie said in a more pleasant tone and Cindy whimpered, staring at him.

"What are you going to do with me?" she asked shakily.

"Well, that all depends on your brother. If he delivers what I asked for then I won't need to harm a hair on your pretty head. I'll give you back to your beloved without a single scratch...If he takes too long, however...or he tries anything stupid...I'm afraid I'll have to make an example out of you...which is a shame because..." he moved towards her, placing a hand on her stomach and making her recoil from him. "If there is one thing I value, it is a potential new demon...ah! My apologies." he chuckled "DemonS." he said, putting emphasis on the 'S' with a smirk. Cindy stared at him with her mouth hanging open a little. Her breath had caught in her throat. Donnie took a step away from her and walked back over to Insanity. "She is not to be played with, my love. Not yet anyway. I have just one more errand to run before Desi delivers my property to me. How are you enjoying your gift?"


Denix Vames - July 15, 2021

Travis began to fill in the application. He looked at Malone for a moment then went back to the application. Once finished, he slid it over to him. He wrote another note and moved it over to him as well.

'It's been a long time since someone has been this nice to me. Most people see a mute and shit on them.'


Charles nodded but still seemed angry. "Fine. I'll tell her that." He disappeared. Once back home, he would tell her this.


"Guess that's a no." ,said Elliot. Vincent rested his head over the edge of the bed. Being closer to him. "I think we could all use a bit of rest." Elliot placed a hand over his. They soon fell asleep.


Elimar took a sip. "She's doing alright. Seeing the execution wasn't helpful but overall she seems fine."


"No emotions?" Jean's eyes widened. "Even the police don't need to do that. How can I possibly be so cold to people?"


Leo smiled. After giving the filled forms to Will, he would look at Oscar. "So? What special place are we going to this time? Unless we've got something planned at home?"


Kite's eyes widened. "NO!" He was about to run over when he saw the knife. He glared at him. Clenching his fists as he grit his teeth. "You bastard!"

When they disappeared he said, "Cindy!" He fell to his knees as he sobbed. Parts of himself were changing as his anger got the better of him. "David! Help! Cindy's been taken!"


Insanity laughed. "I'm not Vincent bitch. I'm so much better than him."

Niko's chest was covered with bloody cuts. His shirt had been ripped open. Insanity stood from him. Facing Donnie. "That's a shame but oh well. I still like this little toy of mine." He wrapped his arms around him. "You're so handsome when you get your hands dirty." He slipped his tongue into his mouth. Kissing him passionately.


Shadowess - July 15, 2021

Malone read the note and frowned as he brought his eyes back up to Travis's. "That's awful. I'm sorry, people can be shitty." he then offered him a smile. "But you don't have to worry about that when you're around me. I'll make sure anyone who talks to you treats you with respect." He read over his application briefly then grinned. "This looks good! Let's go hand it in and go get that drink!"


David sighed heavily once Charles left. He hoped he'd understand why he was doing what he was doing. He looked at X and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Uh...sorry about that." he said then turned to pick up another book. Just as he did, he froze as he heard Kite calling him. His eyes widened. "What?!" he then looked at X hurriedly and held out his hand. "A friend is in trouble and I have a very bad feeling that Donnie might be behind it!" he said before teleporting them both to Kite's apartment.

Meanwhile, Amelia stared at Charles in disbelief when he told her what had happened and the message David had told him to deliver. "But-...that sounds like he's going to..." she shook her head, starting to breath a little heavier as tears filled her eyes. "No...No! I can't lose him! Charles, I can't lose him! He's my da- ahh!" Amelia suddenly gripped the bottom of her belly and she bent her knees a little, grimacing as a sharp pain shot through her abdomen and back. She grunted a little then panted after having held her breath for a moment. "I'm fine! It's nothing." she said quickly, then looked at Charles tearfully. "Charles, I can't lose him!"


"I can imagine...I don't think anyone was expecting something like that to happen so quickly." Bianka nodded. "But at least now she can focus on moving forward with her life and with you to support her, I'm sure she'll do just fine." she smiled at him. "I hope she likes her gift tomorrow. I hand crafted the gifts myself."


"What? N-Nein, nein...uh..." Hannes glanced around awkwardly, his cheeks turning red. "Sorry, I meant...How do you say it?... when you have your head level?"


Oscar smiled widely. He was sure Leo would love what he'd just arranged for them. He walked behind him and placed his hands over his eyes playfully. "Close your eyes. It's a surprise." he whispered and kissed his cheek. He'd then teleport them into the middle of the Keukenhof Flower Garden. Near the pond, he'd set up a picnic blanket with a basket which contained a couple of bottles of wine, glasses, cheeses, cured meats, crackers and strawberries. Because it was late in the year, the flowers weren't in bloom.

But Oscar had come prepared. He'd visited an old friend who had given him a way of forcing the flowers to bloom again for one single day. Excitedly, Oscar removed his hands from Leo's eyes and stood to one side. "Ok, you can open them." he said. "Watch this." he winked then took a small vial out of his pocket. He poured a powdery substance into his hand and whispered some angelic words into it before blowing them across the flowers. A gust of wind blew gently over the flowers in the garden and as it passed over them, the flowers bloomed vibrantly. Eager to see Leo's reaction, Oscar watched him as he did this. "So, what do you think?" he asked, hoping this was something Leo would like.


David and X would appear in Kite's apartment and David would immediately look at Kite worriedly. "Kite! Breathe! Focus! I need you to tell me exactly what's happened. Who took her?"


When Insanity stepped away from Niko, Cindy could finally see what he'd been doing and she gasped at the state that Niko was in. Niko was breathing heavily through his teeth. Quiet groaning and sobbing noises coming from him as the cuts across his chest slowly healed up. He was covered in sweat and where his hands lay by his sides were bloody marks from him clawing at the stone in a desperate effort to stop himself lashing out at Insanity. His eyes were shut tight, his head turned away from them.

Donnie smirked and kissed Insanity back, holding him tightly while gripping his ass with one hand. He let him go and then chuckled at Niko. "Do you know what he reminds me of, my love? Those toys the human children play with. What are they called? Where you draw something then shake it so that you can start drawing all over again. He heals so quickly, you'll be able to start again with him in no time!" he snapped his fingers. "Which reminds me. I don't want him becoming starved and attacking you out of hunger. I should get a blood bag for him..." he then gave Insanity a playful look. "Any ideas on who the 'blood bag' could be?"

"No! Please, no!" Niko groaned, sobbing a little harder.

Donnie merely smiled at him nastily. "Playthings keep their mouths shut before they get sewn shut!"

"You fucking monsters!" Cindy snapped at them. "What the hell is your problem!? Why are you doing this?!"

Donnie turned his attention to Cindy, still smiling in a vicious way. "Because it's fun." he answered simply then placed a finger over his lips. "Don't make me fetch my needle and thread, girl." he warned in a pleasant tone. He then seemed to look around a moment, his eyes unfocussing as he stared off at nothing. He then blinked and tutted. "Damn! Missed my window of opportunity... Ah well, I have time yet. All I need to do is bide it." he smiled at Insanity. "Looks like I'm not going anywhere yet. Though if I suddenly disappear, just know it's because I will only have a small window of opportunity to do what's needed to be done. So! What shall we do in the meantime?"


shadowess - July 15, 2021

Keukenhof Flower Garden

Attached Image


Denix Vames - July 15, 2021

Travis nodded. He followed Malone back to the precinct where Will accepted the application. "I'll look this over and see when we can have you start here. Thank you." He jumped excitedly before hugging Malone.


Charles placed a hand on her arm. "Amelia, I can't leave you. If there is someone out there who could possibly hurt you then David's right. I have to stay here and protect you. Both of you. Besides, David has a friend with him. I think he's got enough backup."


Elimar smiled. "That's kind of you." He sipped some more. "I hope no one minds that I don't have a gift. I really don't know what to give her."


"Oh. I see." Jean caressed his cheek. "Hannes? Is it possible for you to be there when I'm training? Just to give me a boost of morality?"


Leo closed his eyes. When he saw his surroundings, his eyes sparkled. He smiled. "Wow! It's so beautiful!" He hugged him. "I love it!"


Kite struggled against his transformation as he spoke. "Don't know! Said something about Donnie wants what Desi's got! That he won't return her until he gets it! And that if he doesn't then he'll...." He succumbed to his transformation as he cried out. He growled.

X took a step back. "Well, this doesn't look good."


Insanity handed him his knife. "Care to join me in my little fun?"


Denix Vames - July 15, 2021

(so the picture i just uploaded is gonna Hades in his new form. ill have him pop in soon)


shadowess - July 16, 2021

(Nice Just a heads up as well, I'm thinking of making Donnie a recurring villain. Like, he can be defeated but he'll skulk away and vanish for a while before coming back later when everyone thinks he's gone for good. This time around though, I'm guna need him to get what he needs from Desi and enact a couple more steps in his plan before he can be 'put down' )

Malone chuckled and hugged Travis back. "C'mon buddy. Let's go and celebrate." he beamed then nodded at Will in thanks before turning to leave. His shift had technically finished over an hour earlier but with getting caught up in everything that had happened, he had barely notice the time fly by. 'Eh, what's a little overtime?' he thought to himself cheerily. At least today had definitely been interesting.


Amelia heard Charles and knew he was right. But still, she couldn't help worrying for her father. Terrified that she'd lose him and frustrated that she could do nothing to help him. "Charles..." she sobbed and leant against him, shaking, wrapping her arms around him while she wept into his chest.


"Elimar! You should've said!" Bianka said in a hushed voice, looking a little shocked. "It's not about whether anyone else would mind. It's about her. She might not be too bothered about whether anyone else gets her anything, but you? You're all she has now. You're the closest one to her!" Bianka thought for a moment then snapped her fingers. "I've got it. When Racheal falls asleep, come to mine. I have the perfect thing that you can give to her. And don't worry about it. You helped me out when that hunter snuck into the castle all those years ago...so, I guess you could call this payback for saving my hide!"


Hannes smiled at Jean and leant his head against his. "When you first start, I can be there. I won't be able to be there as you train all the time though. I may have to take care of my own duties now and again."


Oscar wrapped his arms around Leo and beamed, happy to see how much Leo had loved the surprise. "Today, it's all ours." he said softly. He let him go and took his hand, walking him over to the picnic blanket. He took out the glasses and passed one to Leo before opening the wine bottle. He poured some into his glass and then poured some wine into his own glass. Carefully recapping the wine, he set it back in the basket then raised his glass to Leo. "To you. Leo, you make me so happy. You're intelligent, brave and you care deeply about what's right. I'm glad that I decided to hang out with you that first day in the mansion. You ignited a fire in me that I thought had died out so long ago. I can no longer imagine life without you by my side. I love you with all of my heart. I'd do anything for you."


David thought about what Kite said while stepping away from him as well. "Shit...Desi? The Incubus?...Why Cindy?! Why would Desi care about her?" he looked at X quickly. "You said you have werewolf agents. Would one of them be able to help Kite to calm down? I need to go back to Hell and find Desi."


"Happily." Donnie grinned and slowly took the knife from him, gently brushing his fingers over Insanity's hand as he did so. He then turned to Niko who still had his eyes shut tight but was shaking a little more violently, whimpering and knowing what Insanity had meant by his fun. Niko thought about begging them to not to hurt him but didn't want to test whether Donnie would stay true to his threat of sewing his mouth shut.

Donnie knelt down, placing his knee across Niko's forearm to hold it in place. He then placed the tip of the knife over his arm, above his elbow and slowly began carving a word into his skin. At first Niko groaned through grit teeth but before long he was letting out agonised cries as the knife continued to move through his flesh. His body jerked and flinched with every cut. He clawed at the stone underneath him again. His face became wet with a mixture of tears and sweat.

Cindy couldn't watch and had turned her head away, closing her eyes while she cried quietly. By the time Donnie was done, the word 'Sinner' would be etched into his arm. Smiling, Donnie admired his work while he brought the knife up to his mouth and absently licked the blood from the side of the blade. "Your turn, my love." he offered him the knife while grinning at him.

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Denix Vames - July 16, 2021


Travis followed him to whatever bar they would be going to.


Charles wrapped an arm around her. "Shh. It's going to be alright. Everything will be alright. We can only hope now."


Elimar chuckled. "Alright. I'll be here."


"I understand." Jean yawned. "All this dancing. I never thought it would get me so tired. Don't worry. I enjoyed us being together like this but I think so much peacefulness in this moment has me tired out."


Tears ran down Leo's cheeks. "Oscar....You have no idea how much those words mean to me. Thank you. I love you too. And I would sacrifice myself if it means saving you."


"Not that he would be able to arrive here on time. And he is a bit busy with taking care of the pack. Or should I say two packs actually. Although I could get-"

Hades appeared in his new form. He had black feathery wings. Both of his eyes were purple. When Kite looked into his eyes, he whimpered. Cowering back in fear. Hades's wings went back into him. He turned to other two men. His arms were crossed as he gave a I-don't-care look. He shrugged. "Hey."


"Thank you. You did some excellent work." ,said Insanity. He took the knife. He knelt in front of Niko. He began to carve his own name on to his chest. Once done, he would laugh. "I can do whatever you want! This is perfect!" He let out a cackle.


Shadowess - July 17, 2021

Malone walked with Travis to the bar. He realised that he might be the one to do all the talking as they walked but he didn't mind. He just didn't want Travis to feel awkward if they walked in silence. "You know, it was real brave of you. What you did today. I don't think it's said enough but handing in a police statement isn't an easy thing to do. It sounds easy but most people forget that to do that you gotta relive the hell you went through first and that takes a lot of strength. I admire you for that...I just wanted you to know that." They reached the bar and Malone held the door open for him. "Just point to what you want. I'll get it. Maybe we could sit in one of the booths?"


Amelia hugged him tightly, gripping his shirt as she cried. After a few deep breaths, she began to calm down a little although tears still rolled down her cheeks. "Charles..." she whispered softly. "I-I think I want to be closer to my friends now..." she said, feeling that she needed their combined support in case anything happened. As if surrounded by family during a difficult time.


The door to Larissa's bedroom opened and they stepped back into the living room. Larissa was beaming as she skipped back over to where Bianka was sitting and sat down with her, kissing her cheek as she did. Racheal was still in her own clothes but she was smiling as she walked back over to Elimar. "Sorry! No previews! But we've got the perfect outfit planned for her!" Larissa said excitedly. She took a sip of her drink. "Have her come back here about an hour or so before the party and I'll deliver her looking like a princess! For now though, I think it'd be good if we all got some rest so that we have enough energy to dance all night tomorrow!"


Hannes stopped moving slowly and simply held Jean to him, still smiling. His head still leant against his. "I agree. We should get some rest. Tomorrow is a big day." he said softly. "Go and get yourself settled. I'll turn off the music and join you." he kissed him slowly before letting him go and turning to the record player to turn it off.


Oscar's eyes watered and he blinked back the tears as he leant in to kiss Leo tenderly. Taking his time to savour the moment. When the kiss broke, he'd smile at Leo and clink his glass against his "Let's hope you never have to do that." he said softly before taking a sip of his wine. He nodded to the basket. "We have meats, cheeses, crackers...I also packed some strawberries and tubs of melted chocolate. I remember how much you liked those. We can take our time here and relax for a while. Just the two of us."


David saw the way Kite responded to Hades's arrival and looked at the male curiously, yet cautiously. Not recognising him in his new form. "Who are you?" he asked, a little defensive.


Once again, Niko had been letting out mixtures of groans and cries as Insanity carved into his chest. His only relief came when the carving stopped and he could try to catch his breath. Donnie was smirking at Niko, finding his pain entertaining. He looked at Insanity and wrapped an arm around his waist. "You're perfect, my love." he purred and started kissing his neck a little roughly. While kissing him, he wrapped his hand around Insanity's hand which was holding the knife and started pushing the knife into Niko's shoulder very, very slowly. Causing Niko to let out more pained screams. His other hand gripped Insanity's ass while doing this.


Denix Vames - July 17, 2021


Travis blushed at his words. He nodded at the suggestion of a booth. He pointed at a bottle of beer. Once they were sitting with their drinks, he would write something down and pass the note to him. 'I have something to show you but only when we're alone. It's really important that I tell you. I feel like I can open up to you.'


Charles thought for a moment. "Would you like to see Vincent and his family then?"


Elimar nodded. "I see. Thank you for the hospitality." He set his empty glass down. "Take care now." Him and Rachael soon left her home. Heading back to their home.


Jean smiled into the kiss. "Ok." He soon slipped out of his clothes until he was naked. He laid under the covers. When Hannes would lay in bed with him, he would rest his head over his chest. Cuddling up to him. "Hannes....I feel so lucky being here with you."

(I was thinking of a vampire attempting kidnapping Jean like a damsel in distress. so the vampire's motive would be to want him in a sexual/romantic sense. I don't know if that's something you'd be interested in making scenes of?)


Leo drank some. He set the glass down. He looked over the food. "Chocolate. It use to be so rare for me. Now, I can eat it whenever I want. It's amazing how much time has changed." He grabbed a strawberry then dipped it into the chocolate. He took a bite. Licking his lips of some of the chocolate that got on his mouth.


"Isn't it obvious? I'm Hades. God just gave me this body so people would stop thinking that I was a minor. Now, I don't have to deal with conformists bullshit about school." "And apparently a new attitude." ,said X. Hades rolled his eyes. "Whatever."


Insanity moaned at his touch. He moaned even louder when he heard Niko's cries. He slipped his tongue into Donnie's mouth. Kissing him passionately.


Shadowess - July 17, 2021

Malone bought them each a beer and sat in the booth with Travis. He passed him his beer then took the note and read it. He blinked and looked at Travis curiously. "Um, ok?" he smiled.

"Well then, maybe after this we could go to one of our places? Have some more drinks there? I'd be happy to take you to mine, if you want." he thought a second and then added hurriedly. "As long as that's not going too fast. We don't have to if you don't want."


Amelia nodded, still holding onto Charles. She always found comfort in his embrace but this time she needed her friends around her too.


As they left they heard Larissa calling after them. "Good day! See you both tomorrow!" then Bianka's voice saying 'now, where were we?' before Larissa giggled and the door closed. Racheal followed Elimar with a small smile. Imagining herself in the dress Larissa had shown her. She found herself feeling excited for the ball.


Hannes climbed into the bed after getting undressed as well and wrapped his arms around Jean as he cuddled him. He smiled, closing his eyes while gently caressing Jean's arm with his thumb. "I am lucky to have you here with me, Jean." he kissed the top of his head lovingly. "I love you." he whispered, feeling himself begin to drift into sleep.

(I could do that. It would need to be a vampire outside of the castle though because any vampire living within the castle, kidnapping a Guard's fiancé would be very difficult to miss. xD Maybe they could be a vampire visiting for the ball who used to live in the castle but chose outside life? They could then meet at the ball.)


Oscar couldn't help smirking as he watched Leo licking the chocolate from his mouth. He bit his lip then leant towards him, caressing his cheek. "You missed a bit." he purred playfully, then licked the bit of chocolate that he'd missed from his lips.

Sitting back, he grinned at Leo then took out a strawberry for himself and kept eye contact with Leo while he slowly placed it into his mouth in a suggestive way. He took a bit then quickly cupped a hand under his chin and chuckled as some of the strawberry's juice dripped down. "Damn, these are juicy!" he chuckled as he ate the strawberry.


"I see..." David said in a slightly amused tone. "Sorry, is there something we can help you with, Hades? It's just that, well, we have a lot on our plate as it is. I need to speak to Desi to try and save three people that Donnie kidnapped. So, as you can imagine, time is of the essence."


Donnie moaned too and when the knife couldn't sink in anymore, he began to slowly twist it in Niko's wound, keeping him screaming. Niko was beginning to writhe under them from the pain he was in but Donnie ignored him, lost in Insanity's kiss. His hand moved from Insanity's ass to his crotch, rubbing him over his pants as he kissed him.

Cindy had heard the moans and couldn't help but look over curiously then looked even more horrified at what they were doing. She felt sick watching them and immediately turned her head away from them again. Agonised, exhausted and feeling humiliated by what they were doing as a result of his pain, Niko lost his temper and screamed at them. "STOP IT! STOP IT! YOU SICK FUCKS!"

Donnie stopped kissing Insanity to glare at Niko with a twisted smile. "I think your plaything is jealous, my love." he whispered into Insanity's ear before licking it. "Maybe he's feeling left out?"


Denix Vames - July 17, 2021

Travis wrote on the note, "That would be fine. We could go to your place." He drank some of the beer.


"Alright. Just be ready." ,said Charles. They stood before appearing in the hospital room where everyone was sleeping.


"I imagine you enjoyed their company?" ,asked Elimar. They went into their home.


(that makes sense)


"Love you too." ,said Jean before he fell asleep.


"Here. Let me get that for you." Leo licked up the juices on his chin before kissing there. Moving his kisses to his neck.


"Duh! Why do you think I'm here? I'm gonna help out cause whatever." ,said Hades. "Guess it's safe to say that Kite's a lot calmer now. Let's go then." ,said X. Kite had slowly transformed back into his human self. "Please David. Bring her back to me."


Insanity smirked. "Perhaps you're right." He knelt down. He licked all over his chest. Getting the blood that was left before kissing his neck. Nibbling there.


Shadowess - July 17, 2021

Malone read the note and smiled, nodding at Travis. "All right then." he couldn't help blushing at the thought of bringing Travis home with him. He drank some of his own beer then looked at Travis. "So er, other than drawing, what kinds of things do you like? Personally, I love to cook. There's just nothing more satisfying than making a delicious meal from scratch, you know?"


Amelia looked around the hospital room and covered her mouth when she realised they were all sleeping. Worried that her crying would wake them. Wiping her tears away, she turned back to Charles and whispered. "Maybe we should wait at Carter's office until they're awake?"


"They seem like nice people." Racheal nodded and smiled at Elimar. "Thank you." she said softly. "For everything." she looked around the room briefly. "I think I'll try to get some sleep now. I'm..." she blushed as her smile grew a little bigger as she rubbed her own arms. "I'm kind of excited for tomorrow. I think I'm...starting to feel...like this really could be my home."


Oscar smiled then tilted his head back, letting out soft gasps as Leo kissed his neck. He lifted a hand to run it through his hair.


David looked at Kite. He couldn't make any promises but he was determined not to let anything happen to Donnie's prisoners if he could help it. So, with a resolute expression, he nodded at Kite before teleporting himself, X and Hades to where he assumed Desi's lair was. Sure enough, among the sea of writhing, moaning bodies, sat Desi on a large pile of cushions. He was completely nude and was drinking wine from a bottle. When he saw them, he beamed and opened his arms in welcome. "Gentlemen! Come to enjoy my palace?"

"Do you know Cindy?" David got straight to the point and Desi's grin slipped. He looked at all of their expressions then stood slowly. He snapped his fingers and a couple of souls ran up behind him to drape a bed robe over his shoulders which he proceeded to put on and close, tying the rope around his waist. He did all of this without looking away from them.

"My-...sister. What's happened?" he said seriously. "Is she alright?"


"Wha-?" Niko shivered then his eyes widened as Insanity started licking his chest. He quickly turned his head away and groaned, breathing through his teeth as the movement stung his wounds. "Stop it!" he groaned then recoiled when Insanity started kissing and nibbling his neck. "Stop it!" he said a little more forcefully and Donnie smirked at him before yanking the knife out of his shoulder harshly.

This caused Niko to arch his back, tilt his head back and allowing Insanity more access to his neck as he let out a loud cry. Breathing heavily, Niko tried to move but Donnie held the knife up to his face. "Don't be ungrateful. You should be enjoying yourself when my love gives you his attention." he said with a sick grin then began unbuckling Niko's pants.

"N-no! Stop! Please stop!" Niko begged, beginning to weep. He suddenly realised how he must've made Racheal feel and this realisation only added to his pain.


Denix Vames - July 18, 2021

Travis shrugged as he never had homecooking before. He wrote, 'Watching horror movies and listening to gothic rock. I've never ate a homemade meal before.' He drank some more of his beer.


Vincent slowly opened his eyes. He rubbed them. "Amelia? Charles?" He walked over. "What are you two doing here?" "Amelia needed some company. How's Elliot?" "He's doing just fine. He's a fighter. I'm glad to know that." Charles nodded. "That's good." "Um...Can I talk to you guys outside? Just down the hall. It's really important."


"Well, I'm glad to hear. I think I'll go do some reading. You can rest for as long as you need to." ,said Elimar.


Leo brought his hands under his chest. Brushing his thumbs over his hips as he bit into his neck. His fangs pierced. Injecting some venom into him so he could this sensual moment could feel even more better.


"Basically, Cindy and a few others have been kidnapped by Donnie. Not sure if you know who this man is but he was apparently killed by Lucifer. Somehow, he's back. And no matter who we are, we can't teleport to his home. It's as if he has a force field that's keeping us from entering his place." ,said X.


Insanity slipped his hand under his pants. Rubbing his crotch as his tongue slipped into his mouth. He moaned.


Denix Vames - July 18, 2021

(so i was thinking of having a mob giving a message to the detective agency that they own their business. obviously this situation would be happening after the Donnie problem is resolved until he comes back. So i already made the character for the mob boss. He's a warlock. Also maybe David could meet him when and if he confronts him about the threats he's been making. David reads his mind and realizes that he lost his family which explains why he's so aggressive and wants to own everything because he doesn't want any of his employees to die since he cares about them like family. Then that's where Galiel can finally get a date. Things will go slow. I think introducing them as like friends would be nice. what do you think?)


shadowess - July 18, 2021

Malone read the note. "You're braver than me!" he chuckled. "I could never watch horror movies, not without a pillow I could hide behind anyway." he laughed. "I like rock music too and don't worry, I'd be happy to cook for you if you want. My speciality is chicken wings. I love making my own marinades and flavouring the wings before cooking them. Barbeque, Cajun, Moroccan, you name it!"


Amelia looked at Vincent. At first she was worried that they'd woken him up but her worry was replaced by curiosity when he said he needed to speak to them. "Of course." she said gently and would follow them both down the hall. "What's up?" she asked.


Racheal nodded. "Good night, Elimar." she said softly before walking over to the bed. She removed her shoes before climbing on top of the covers and resting her head on the pillow. Tired from such a long, emotional day, it didn't take her long to fall asleep.


Oscar gasped, jumping a little when he felt Leo's fangs sink into his skin. He let out shaky breaths then moaned when he felt the venom move through his system. He tilted his head back and relaxed, finding the simplest touch by Leo was suddenly intensified. He moaned again and slipped his hand under his shirt to feel his chest, his other hand stayed in his hair and gripped it gently. "Oh, Leo!" he breathed shakily. "Oh, yes!"


Desi's breath caught in his throat and he stared hard at the trio. "You're sure it's him?"

"I only saw him briefly but it looked like him and he's claiming to be Donnie." David confirmed.

"How is that possible?"

"I don't know, but we don't have a lot of time to ask questions. He has Cindy and is holding her hostage until you return something to him. What do you have that he wants?"

Desi's face turned pale and he hesitated to answer. "Books. H-His spell books. When Lucifer found him out he approached myself and Clementine to keep them safe for him. I thought it was because he assumed he could talk his way out of Obliteration but I guess he must've known he'd be able to come back one day...They're not the kinds of books you'd find in the library. They were originally written by his ancestors and they are of powerful dark spells..."

David was agitated by this news. It meant that both Desi and Clementine had been Donnie's allies back then but had somehow managed to stay off of his and Lucifer's radar. But he had no time to dwell on this fact. Right now, he needed information and to move quickly to save innocent lives. "Spells? Shit...and I'll bet he's already pissed about Clementine's house being burned down...that's one set of books he's already lost. Why would he go through so much trouble for spells?"

"I think those spells might've helped him in his return...and...this is just a guess, he might also use them to make himself into a Devil...to try to take over Hell once again."

David's eyes widened. "...Like the spell Amelia used...I thought that was destroyed when it burned up in the fire of her transformation..."


Niko's eyes widened and his body stiffened but he couldn't do anything but whimper as Insanity kissed him. He clenched his fists, wanting so much to strike him or to bite down on his tongue but feared what Donnie might do if he did. A combination of whimpering and quiet moans escaped him.

Despite his fury, disgust and fear, he couldn't help the way his body reacted to Insanity's touch, feeling himself swell at his movements. Adding shame to his cocktail of emotions. Donnie grinned and moved behind Insanity, kissing his neck and grinding his hips against his as he reached around him to slip his hand into his pants. "This is going to be so much fun!" he moaned, excited by what they were doing. Niko closed his eyes tightly, trying to imagine that he wasn't here. That what was happening to him was happening to someone else.

(Sure, that sounds like fun. Maybe Carter and Sebastian could be home in time for all that to kick off?)

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Denix Vames - July 18, 2021

Travis smiled. He drank some more before writing, 'Maybe I can get you to watch one with me?'


"Well, I've been meaning to propose to Elliot but I don't know how I should do it." ,said Vincent. Charles blushed. He awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "Um...I'm not exactly the right person for that kind of advice. In my time, people only got married because everyone was quick to fall ill. We did our best to keep the human population growing."


"Good night." Elimar went into his reading room where he held a book in his hand as he sat on a cushioned chair.


Leo pulled his shirt off. Kissing all over his chest. He soon took his own shirt off. Pressing himself against him as he kissed him passionately.


"Maybe we can make up a plan to fool him? Isn't there a spell that can trap him? I mean he's still has to be one percent demon or whatever. Once he gets closer to the books, we'll trap him and put him down like a conformist dog." ,said Hades.


Insanity moaned. He broke the kiss. Moaning much louder. He knew he would have some fun.

(cool. also do you want to put private time for these characters or are we not going to have them continue? this scene is a lot different so i dont know what should go next.)


shadowess - July 18, 2021

Malone read what he'd written and blushed. "Um, sure. I-I guess I could try to watch one with you." he smiled then drank some of his beer nervously. "As long as you don't mind me hiding behind you now and then." he laughed.


Amelia beamed at the news. "And I've never been engaged in my life so I'm not exactly experienced at this." she chuckled. "But, if I were to guess, I'd assume the best way to do it is during a private, intimate and romantic moment. Maybe you could take him out on a date and surprise him with it? Take him somewhere he'd love to go. Have fun together and just enjoy each other's company, and then when you're both feeling all loved up and 'in the moment', ask him then." she shrugged. "Whatever feels right for you two, I guess."


Oscar kissed Leo back and wrapped his arms around him, running his hands up and down his back and sides. Moaning and loving the feeling of his bare chest against his. He slipped his tongue into his mouth, keeping their kiss passionate. He then moved his hands down to Leo's belt and started to unbuckle him.


David rose a brow at Hades. "That...might actually work." he said thoughtfully.

"David, do you remember how he was?" Desi asked, looking a little frightened. "Donnie was no fool. He'll have something set up for us in case we managed to trick him. An ambush or a spell trap for when we arrive wherever he's holding them hostage."

David looked at Desi and nodded gravely with a sigh. "But what choice do we have?"


Desi thought for a moment then nodded reluctantly. "I can take you to where the books are stored."

"And I know just the person who knows how to use runes to trap people." David nodded and looked at Hades. "I suppose you're familiar with Rickster? We're going to need his help."


When the kiss broke, Niko turned his head away from them and stared hard at the wall across the room. Counting the bricks while he wept quietly, desperate to distract himself from what was happening. Unable to help gasping and moaning. He could hear them both moaning as well. He also heard the gentle sound of fabric as they began to undress. He felt his pants being pulled off him. Niko was strong. He could endure losing his tongue, being whipped mercilessly, dying and then being tortured. But this? Niko knew this was going to finally break him. Yet he did nothing to fight back anymore. He didn't beg for mercy anymore either. He simply accepted it. Feeling utterly lost and hopeless as the words 'I deserve this' played over and over in his mind.

(Private Time.)

(It's cool, I got it.)


Denix Vames - July 18, 2021

Travis shook his head. Showing in his face that he didn't mind. He finished his bottle. 'Do you want to get another bottle? I don't know how much you're allowed to drink as a cop.'


"Hmm. I see." Vincent nodded. "I'll keep that in mind then. Thank you. Do you want to come back inside? It wouldn't be a problem."


(private time cause i ran out of ideas and alright)


Hades nodded. "Yeah. I'll go get him." He appeared in the room. "Hey Rickster? David needs you for a plan."


shadowess - July 19, 2021

"That's not a bad point." Malone nodded. "Personally, if I'm going to drink at all then I prefer not to have more than one. Need to keep a clear head in case I'm called in, you know? But it's ok if you want another one. I'm happy just to get a coke or something."


"Are you sure?" Amelia asked hesitantly. "We could always stay at Carter's office for a while if you guys need to rest."


Rickster had been at the soup kitchens with Ricky. He'd stepped into the walk-in fridge to fetch more vegetables for chopping when Hades appeared. At first, Rickster eyed him cautiously but when he said that David needed him, he relaxed a little. "Um, ok. Hang on, I just need to let Ricky know I gotta go." he nodded and put the large box of onions down before stepping out of the fridge. He headed over to Ricky, wrapping an arm around him and glanced around them quickly to make sure they wouldn't be overheard. "Hey, looks like I'll have to skip soup duties today. David's calling for me apparently."


Denix Vames - July 19, 2021

Travis shook his head. He wrote, 'I was wondering if we could go to your place now?'


"I'm only suggesting. If you feel like you shouldn't then you can do that instead." ,said Vincent.


Ricky frowned. "Alright." He caressed his cheek. "Just stay safe, ok?" He kissed him.


Shadowess - July 19, 2021

"Sure." Malone smiled and finished off the last of his beer. He got up and waited for Travis to follow him. "I don't live far. It's in an apartment about five minutes walk from here." he said as they began to walk. Sure enough, it hadn't taken them any longer than five minutes to reach the apartment block. He walked up the stairs and unlocked his door, opening it to let Travis in.

"Uh, I hope you'll excuse the mess...I wasn't expecting to bring anyone home today." he blushed, although his apartment was practically spotless, apart from a coffee mug left on the table from that morning and some neatly folded shirts on a chair that he hadn't had the chance to put away yet. Needless to say, Malone was a little meticulous when it came to keeping his home clean.


Amelia blinked back tears. She was trying so desperately to stay strong. "It's ok. I don't want to make you guys uncomfortable while you're trying to rest. We'll stay at Carter's office and come back tomor-" Amelia gasped and doubled over, gripping her stomach. The same sharp pain she'd felt earlier had shot through her again. She held her breath, grunting quietly as she tried to ride it out. "I'm ok." she strained.


Rickster nodded and kissed him back. "I'll be back as soon as I can." he said before turning and walking back to Hades. "Alright, I'm ready."


Denix Vames - July 19, 2021

Travis looked around. He liked his home and found it funny that he worried about keeping things clean. He walked over. Making sure he stood in front of him as he pointed at his arms. He wrote, 'The secret. Please don't judge me.'

He took a deep breath before taking his jacket off. He rolled up his sleeves. Revealing past and recent self harm scars.


"Are you sure? I think you should see a doctor." ,said Vincent. "Vincent's right. Let's go see if a doctor is available." ,said Charles.


Hades nodded. They appeared where David and the others were. "Here he is."


shadowess - July 19, 2021

Malone closed the door behind them then watched as Travis showed him his secret. He blinked at the scars with a frown then approached Travis slowly. He gently took one of his arms in his hands to get a better look at his scars. He lifted his eyes to look into his and he shook his head a little. "You were in pain." he said softly. He looked back down at his scars and gently brushed his thumb over one of the older ones. "It's ok." he whispered and looked into his eyes again. "You're not alone. Not anymore and you never have to be again. If you ever need to talk or vent about how you feel, I'd like to be here for you."


Amelia tried to straighten up, taking a couple of deep breaths. Admittedly, she was concerned about these pains. Particularly as it was too soon for her to go into labour. She took Charles's hand and nodded as the pain started to ebb away again.


"What's going on?" Rickster asked when they arrived and David was quick to fill him in on what had happened and what their plan was.

"I have a private room where I normally cast my spells." Desi explained. "I'll take the books there and then call to him to lure him there."

"We'll need you to go there first and put down some runes that would trap Donnie there as soon as he teleports in. Then we can get him to tell us where he's holding his prisoners."

Rickster nodded. "Alright. Then there's no time to lose. Show me to this room."

Desi walked over and placed a hand on Rickster's shoulder. They both vanished. This left Hades, David and X in Desi's harem, surrounded by curious souls who had stopped what they were doing to watch them quietly. David ignored them and turned to the other two. "We should prepare for a fight. As soon as he realises he's trapped he may become violent. I'm not exaggerating either when I say that he is a competent fighter."


Donnie was pulling his pants back on in his basement, smirking to himself. He could hear quiet sniffles from Niko behind him as he wept into the floor. He'd curled up into a ball the moment he and Insanity had let go of him. In front of him, Cindy had turned her head away from them and was shivering, her eyes closed tightly as tears slid down her cheeks. Donnie tilted his head back and stared at the ceiling. He had that faraway look in his eyes again and a minute or two later, he gasped as he lowered his head back to a normal level and his eyes widened a little. He let out a maniacal laugh then turned to look at Insanity. "How does one beat a trap, my love?" he asked playfully.

He turned and opened his arms to him with a wide grin. "With another trap, of course! My nemesis thinks he's clever. He doesn't realise the gift I acquired when I was pulled from Oblivion. I can see him. I can hear him. No matter where he goes. No matter what he does, I will always be one step ahead!" he then growled and stare off at the wall to his left angrily. "But I need those books!" He scratched his head and paced the room for a minute then snapped his fingers. "I can give you some of my power. My love, I will need your help. Can I trust you?"


Denix Vames - July 19, 2021

Tears ran down his cheeks. Travis ran into his arms. Pressing his head against as he was shaking from his sobs. He clutched his shirt.


Charles guided Amelia to a nurse. "Excuse me? I was wondering if my girlfriend could have her belly checked. The baby's been giving her lots of pain."

Vincent had gone back into Elliot's room.


X nodded. "I'm well aware." Hades rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Donnie is a conformist prick."


Insanity grinned. "Yes! Give me power! I will do whatever it takes to gain our thrones!"


shadowess - July 19, 2021

Malone was surprised by the hug but he wrapped his arms around him, stroking the back of his head gently. "It's ok. It's ok." he whispered softly, trying to comfort him.


Nurse May looked between Charles and Amelia worriedly. She doubted that it was the baby giving Amelia pain but still, any pain in the abdomen during pregnancy was worth looking into. "This way." she nodded and grabbed a nearby empty wheelchair for Amelia to sit in.

"Oh, no. It's ok. I can walk." Amelia tried to protest but May was having non of it.

"Nonsense. I can see you're in pain. It's better for the both of you if you took the pressure off for now." she said gently but firmly. Reluctantly, Amelia nodded and sat in the chair.

May then wheeled her towards a room where Amelia was then told to sit on the bed. Once she was comfortable, May lifted her shirt to look at her belly and listened to the baby's movements through the stethoscope for a minute. Without a word, she nodded and moved over to a large machine and turned it on. She took up an array and poured some gel onto it before placing it onto her belly. Within seconds the machine's screen was alive with a sonar image of a baby's outline. They could see it's little heart beating rapidly and hear it through the machine's speakers.

Amelia stared at the image, her eyes watering as she felt an overwhelming amount of love bubbling up inside her, only so slightly tinged with worry until the nurse smiled and said. "Everything seems fine to me." May turned her head from the monitor to look at the parents. "Have you heard of Braxton Hicks?" she asked and Amelia shook her head. "They're fake contractions." May said simply. "Your body's way of preparing for the real thing. They can happen anytime between your second and third trimester. You just need some rest and some water. That's all." she said gently with a smile. She looked back at the monitor. "Seems to be perfectly healthy to me...I can tell you what you're having if you'd like?"

Amelia looked at Charles, not sure if he'd want to know before it's born. Amelia was curious but if he didn't want to know yet then she was happy to wait.


David then turned back to Hades with a raised eyebrow again and smirked. "You might be an adult now but you've definitely still got that teenage attitude, haven't you?" he chuckled. "You realised almost everyone in the universe conforms to something, right? We all have our cliques. Some worse than others." He didn't mean this to sound condescending. This was how he used to talk to Damien when he'd been going through his rebellious phase.

Desi reappeared in the room. "Rickster is carving the runes into my walls now. I'll teleport the rest of you in. If you need to bring weapons with you then I suggest you grab them now. I'll get the books once you're ready."


"Marvellous!" Donnie walked over to him, cupping his face in his hands and kissed him deeply. "I knew I could count on you! The process is painful but when I am done, you will be able to teleport at will and you will have telepathy. I will also grant you my ability to see and hear people from afar so you can plan your movements better. If our plan is a success and I get my books then I will grant you so many more powers, my love! We will be unstoppable!" He then held up a finger. "But first, you need to know my plan. I need those books for a spell to make us Devils. I don't remember the exact words or the precise ritual but I do know that we'll need a Devil to be able to complete the ritual. A live one. One that we can bend to our will. As luck would have it, there is one such Devil to be on Earth." He then shrugged. "I was hoping to grab the pregnant one and take her child for my own but her beloved won't leave her alone now that he's aware of me...and before we can complete the ritual I wouldn't stand a chance against one as powerful as him. No. That's far too risky. But...BUT...and this is absolutely delicious! David has half blood great grandchildren." he chuckled with dark glee.

"I've been watching them. To have any hope of making them obedient we'll need the weakest willed one. Unfortunately, his great grandson has already endured traumas and torture which might otherwise break a weaker soul...but his great granddaughter?" he grinned. "She seems just about unstable enough to not need much work. Her brothers and friends often overlook her, making her feel isolated already. All we have to do is play on that. Make her believe that we're better for her than they are. That we care more for her then they do...and then we can have her do whatever we want! Do you want to know the best part?" Donnie smirked and lifted his hands to Insanity's head and let him see the memory he'd taken from Jessica of her bludgeoning her mother to death then burying her right before she bought plane tickets to America to find her brother. "She's already a killer."

Niko wasn't paying any attention to their conversation at all as he tried to cope with his current trauma by continueing to count the bricks in the walls. While still silent, Cindy had turned her head to stare at the two. Listening to their conversation with a horrified expression. With his back to her, Donnie wouldn't notice as he continued to talk to Insanity. "So, here's my plan. I need those books but I'll need to spring the trap in order to get them. While I am gone, you are to capture Jessica and bring her here. You and I are the only ones who will be able to teleport in and out of this house. Then unshackle your little pet there and lock her in the room with him. Take Cindy upstairs and tie her to a chair or something in the meantime. As soon as I spring the trap, I'll let David know that he only has a limited amount of time to let me go before Niko's hunger takes over and his precious great granddaughter becomes a crazed Blood God as a result of Niko's guilt after draining her. That should motivate him to let me go quickly and if not, well...it would still work in our favour to have Jessica become as mad as possible. Oh, and for a little more motivation, if I take longer than let's say....ohh...two hours? You can go ahead and Kill Cindy. Be sure to drop her body at Kite's feet when you do and let him know that David was to blame. But first, close your eyes and try to relax. This will hurt but it won't last long." he said as he lifted his hands to either side of Insanity's head and focussed on pushing some of his power into him.

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Denix Vames - July 19, 2021

Travis looked into his eyes. He pressed his forehead against his. His lips were nearly close to his.


"Not at all. I want to know the gender too." ,said Charles.


"Hmph! Whatever conformist." ,said Hades. He cut his wrist with one of his nails which had grown sharp. Black blood oozed out. Transforming into a large black sword with a bone hilt. His wound healed. There was a wide eye above the hilt.

"I already have my powers." ,said X.


Insanity nodded. "I understand." He cringed at the pain. "Ah!" He clutched his head. Once he had the powers, he breathed heavily. "Fucking christ! That was painful!"


shadowess - July 19, 2021

Feeling his breath on his face, Malone stared into Travis's eyes as well. He could feel his body heat, he was standing so close to him. He gulped nervously and lifted his hand to caress his cheek. He could hear his own heart beating and felt his face growing hot. Slowly, he moved to press his lips lightly against Travis's. It only lasted a second before he broke the kiss to look into his eyes again, his heart fluttering and he felt butterflies in his stomach. He hoped that this was ok and that he hadn't just crossed some kind of line with him.


May smiled at them both and Amelia nodded. "I'd like to know." she said softly and took Charles's hand, squeezing it a little excitedly. May watched the monitor carefully while moving the array around to get a good look at the baby. "Congratulations." she said with a grin and looked at them again. "You're having a boy."

Amelia gasped softly as happy tears rolled down her cheeks and she stared at the image on the screen lovingly. "Just my luck!" she laughed. "Surrounded by boys!"


David chuckled and shrugged at Hades to show he wasn't bothered. When Hades and X were ready, David took a deep breath then nodded at Desi. "I am capable with or without a weapon." he said. Desi sighed and approached them, holding out his hands for them to take. "Let's get this over with then." he teleported them into the circular stone room where he had originally resurrected Bryce. Rickster was using a chisel to carve the runes into the walls. He was sweating a little from the effort. "Never thought I'd be doing this again..." he mumbled as he worked.

"I'll be back with those books." Desi said then vanished. When he came back, he placed the books into the centre of the room and looked at the others nervously.

Rickster jumped down from the ladder and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve. He was breathing a little heavily but soon caught his breath. "That should do it."

Desi nodded and gulped. "Donnie?" he called out. "I have what you want. They're yours. Come and get them. Just please...let Cindy and the others go."


Donnie smiled at Insanity understandingly. "It is done. You have enough power to give yourself an advantage against your enemies. Try spying on someone you know when you get a chance." he suggested.

He then stiffened and stared off at the wall with a faraway look again. "Do you see them, my love? The trap they've set for me? They seem nervous." he smiled. "They should be."

He looked at Insanity and kissed him deeply again. "The time is now. Go. Seek out Jessica. Ensure she is alone and grab her. Bring her here and do what I asked. I'm counting on you." he said hurriedly then vanished.


While Ben was at the Precinct, Jessica had gone out to do some exercise in a secret spot she'd found while free running. When Ben had been in hospital, she'd been spending her down time free running and had stumbled into an abandoned apartment during her time out. She had since set the apartment up with a pull-up bar, a punching bag and dumbbells.

She hadn't told Ben because she didn't want to worry him, considering that to get in she had to free run across several rooftops then dive in through the broken window from across an alley. This was her private little place, away from everything. Where she could be alone and vent her rage through training. Currently, she was using the pull-up bar and had counted to fifty-two out of her usual one hundred.


Donnie appeared in the room and looked around at the others. "Desi. I said you were to be alone, did I not make myself clear?" he said in a scolding tone.

"It's over, Donnie. You won't be able to teleport out of this room. You're trapped. Now, tell us where our friends are."

"Or else?" Donnie grinned, clearly amused.

"We don't have to resort to violence. There's still hope for you but you need to free our friends first." David tried to reason with him.

"Listen to you." Donnie said, his tone turning acidic as he spoke. "Trying to be the 'good guy'. You're not fooling me, back stabber!"

"Donnie, listen to me-"

"No, you listen! You're aware of the Artist, the disgraced vampire and the pregnant succubus in my grasp-"

"Pregnant?!" Desi's eyes widened but Donnie ignored him and kept going.

"But who else is missing, David? Hmm? Have a good think about it. Who do you know and love that has gone missing recently. Or I suppose the better question is...who wouldn't you even notice go missing? Who in your family barely get's a moment's thought from anyone close to them? All except the one they live with anyway."

"What are you-?" David's mind raced and his face turned pale. He hadn't been aware that he'd taken anyone else.

"I'm not an idiot, David. I knew this was a trap. So, I set one of my own." Donnie chuckled darkly. "Either you destroy that rune up there and let me leave with those books- and soon, I might add- or not only will Cindy die and lose those twins growing in her belly, but your beloved great Granddaughter will be transformed into a Blood God to join my army!" he laughed, an insane glimmer in his eyes. "Tick tock! The more time we waste here, the less time I have to get back and stop it from happening!"


Denix Vames - July 19, 2021

Travis hesitated before kissing him deeply.


Charles chuckled. "I can't believe it! I wonder what we should name him?"


Insanity had appeared where Jessica was. He grabbed her then teleported back home. "Don't even try to fight back! If you do then I will kill you!" He did what he was told to do by Donnie. Waiting for his return.


Hades gave an annoyed look at Donnie. "You're such a conformist. Why don't you just die already? This time permanently." He leaned back. Letting the sword touch the ground before black spikes popped out from his body. He swung his sword at him.


Shadowess - July 20, 2021

Malone held on to the kiss for as long as he could. Savouring how his lips felt against his. When the kiss broke, he held him close for a moment while resting his head against his. "Do you um...do you want to watch a movie or something?" he asked softly, not wanting to let Travis go but also not wanting to move too quickly with him.


"I don't know." Amelia grinned at him. "But we have plenty of time to figure it out. I can't wait to finally meet him though!"

May smiled at them and pushed a button on the machine. After a minute or two more, she removed the array and cleaned the gel off of Amelia's belly before turning the machine off. "Come and meet me at the reception desk when you're ready. I'll have some images of the ultrasound printed out for you." she said gently then got up and left the room.


Jessica gasped as she felt an arm wrap around her while she was mid pull-up and yank her from the bar. She hadn't heard anyone coming. She hit the ground in the basement and watched as who she assumed was Vincent, unshackle a man on the floor after snapping at her to not fight back. "What?!" she stared at him confused as she got to her feet. As he then moved over to Cindy, who was too frightened to say anything in case her mouth was sewn shut, Jessica looked around the room in utter confusion.

"Where are we?" she asked and turned in time to see him pulling Cindy out of the room. Cindy was giving her a terrified look and Jessica immediately knew that something was seriously wrong. "Wait a minute!" she demanded and ran over to the door just as Insanity closed it. She heard heavy locks on the other side and even as she pulled on the handle, she knew it was no use. She was trapped in here with...who was that? She turned and looked at Niko who was still naked and counting the bricks in the wall. He'd counted the bricks in the same wall at least twice now and was counting them once again.

She turned back to the door and hammered on it. "Hey! Vincent, what the hell?! Why are you doing this?! Let us out of here!!" she shouted through the door. When it became obvious that he wouldn't be opening the door, she turned again to look at Niko. Feeling pity for the state that he seemed to be in. She walked over to him cautiously then knelt down next to him. "H-hey." she whispered. "Do you know what's happening? Why are we in here?" Niko didn't take his eyes off the wall.

Tears dripping from his face to the floor as he mouthed numbers in German. "What's your name?" she asked quietly, frowning as she reached out to lay her hand gently on his arm. As she did, Niko gasped and flinched. His eyes shot to her face and he stopped counting. At first, his expression reflected his confusion and curiosity. Wondering who this woman was. Then he caught her scent. The rich, sweet scent of half Devil blood. From the torture he'd endured and the amount of blood he'd lost to Insanity and Donnie's 'fun', Niko's hunger was difficult to ignore. The smell of her blood only made it even more difficult to resist his instinct to feed from taking over.

"I'm sorry." Jessica said softly, slowly pulling her hand away. "I didn't mean to scare you...What happened to you?" She watched the way his expression shifted to hunger as he lifted his head to look at her and she began to feel even more uneasy. "...Are you ok?" she asked then her eyes widened as she saw his fangs sprout in his open mouth. She heard his stomach growl and quickly realised why he was looking at her the way that he was. Shivering, she backed away from him cautiously then got to her feet and ran back to the door, hammering on it more furiously than she had earlier. "Let me out! Vincent, please! Let me out! Let me out!!"

On the other side of the door, Cindy was watching Insanity warily from the chair that she was tied to. She too was shivering. Every so often her eyes darted from him to the basement door, worried for both Jessica and herself. She licked her lips nervously, frightened of provoking Insanity's wrath but also desperate to try anything to stop this madness. "P-Please." she whispered shakily. "Y-you don't have to do this. You don't have to hurt any of us. You're better than this. You could be a good person. I've seen you be a good person! Don't let that Demon manipulate you." she had no idea that Vincent and Insanity had been split apart and currently believed that Vincent was still in there...somewhere.


"Hades, No!" David yelled.

Donnie smirked and dove out of the way, he then made a pushing movement with his hand in Hades's direction. Attempting to throw Hades across the room, in the direction of X and Rickster, without actually touching him.

"Oh, and did I mention that the vampire who will be turning your great granddaughter will be Niko? He'll be nice and starved by now. Especially after all the holes I poked into him earlier." he gloated with a chuckle. "And Insanity has been itching to make art the way he used to. I imagine his patience will be wearing thin soon. Poor Cindy. Poor Kite. Poor unborn children. Better make your mind up quickly! Which do you value more? Their safety or my capture?!"


Denix Vames - July 20, 2021

Travis nodded.


They headed out of the room. Finding May with the pictures. Charles smiled at them. He brushed his hand over the photos. "I can't believe this is happening. It's almost too good to be true but it's real."


Insanity laughed. "You're such an idiot! Vincent and I are not in the same body anymore. He's somewhere else. This is my new body." He brushed a hand over his chest.


Hades's eyes widened. X and David had fallen over from the impact. X quickly stood. He seemed frightened. "Can't you do anything David?! Anything at all?! Please! Something!"


shadowess - July 20, 2021

Smiling, Malone walked him over to the couch and handed him the remote. "Here, uh...if you want to watch a horror movie, we can. I can't promise I won't be a bit of a pussy though." he chuckled.


Amelia hugged Charles and looked at the photos in his hands. "I'll bet he's going to be just as handsome as his father." she said happily. She turned her head and kissed him lovingly. "Let's go get some rest before my body decides it's time to start 'practicing' again." she chuckled.


Cindy's eyes widened. She could hear Jessica screaming for him to open the door, sounding more and more desperate by the second, but she kept her eyes fixed on Insanity. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice quaking. "Why are you doing this?"

"PLEASE!! LET ME OUT! PLEASE! VINCENT!! SOMEONE!! HELP!!" Jessica continued to pound on the door. She glanced behind her and jumped, seeing Niko standing near her. Staring at her throat. Her screams died and she slowly turned to face him with her back against the door. "Please don't." she said shakily. "Please..." her lip quivered as she struggled to hold back tears and she shook her head a little. Niko lifted a hand and brushed a tear away with his thumb but Jessica recoiled. "Liebchen...Meine Liebchen..." he mumbled, still staring at her in that hungry trance.

"No..." she groaned. "I-If you really have to do this...please...please just let me die...please...I don't want to-...you don't know what I'd become...I-I don't know if I could control it..." she cried quietly, trembling. But Niko couldn't hear her over the sound of her heartbeat. How it beat so quickly now. He couldn't really see her either. In his starved state, he only saw Racheal. The human Racheal. The hunter Racheal...He whispered to her in German. "I'm so sorry...I wasn't fair to you...I'll put it right...my second chance...I'll do better this time..." He leant towards her, opening his mouth.

Horrified, Jessica slapped him across the face and tried to run away from him. His delusional state was rapidly replaced by feral hunger and he growled savagely at her while diving at her. Jessica let out a loud scream as Niko tackled her to the ground and pulled her under him. She struggled against him, doing her best to throw punches at him wherever she could land a hit. "GET OFF ME!! GET OFF! PLEASE! DON'T!" Niko managed to grip her wrists and pin them down. Jessica continued to writhe and wriggle under him, trying to kick him as well.

"GET OFF! GET OFF! GET O-..." Her screams were interrupted by her gasp as Niko's fangs plunged into her throat. Her eyes widened and she stared at the ceiling as she felt the venom rush into her system, making fighting him off almost impossible now. At the taste of her blood, Niko moaned loudly then began drinking from her quickly, almost desperately. "Sto-...stop..." she groaned then let out a moan of her own, turning her head to one side and closing her eyes as her breathing became more and more laboured.

Cindy had heard the commotion and as soon as Jessica's screams were suddenly cut off, she looked at Insanity desperately. "This is insane! You can't let this happen! Please do something! Stop this now!" she begged him.


"Yes, David." Donnie taunted him with a wide grin, holding his arms out. "Can't you do anything?"

Behind him, David saw the briefest movement where the books were and saw Desi quickly backing away from them before Donnie could notice him. He caught David's eye and winked at him, nodding. David looked back at Donnie and got to his feet, pretending to look defeated. "You win this time Donnie. If we let you leave, you swear to let them go?"

"What am I if not a Demon of my word?" Donnie smirked.

David had to bite his tongue, knowing full well that going back on his word was the very reason for Lucifer -literally- branding him a liar. He nodded and turned to look at the others with a grave expression. His back to Donnie. "Destroy the rune." he said then winked at them, hoping they'd understand that they needed to let him go for now but thanks to Desi, perhaps all was not lost.


Denix Vames - July 20, 2021

Travis smiled. He switched the TV on. Leaning his head against Malone's. He had found a channel that was doing a classic horror movie marathon.


Charles kept her close. "Sure." They appeared back home. "Maybe we could draw the layout for the baby's room soon?"


"Shut up!" Insanity slapped her.


X nodded. He reluctantly raised a hand. Ready to destroy the runes. "Wait a minute." ,said Hades. He cut his wrist with his sword. His black blood sprung out. Getting to Donnie's right hand, atop it. It shaped itself into a heart. Staying in his skin. "It doesn't do shit. Just figured you'd want to remember me bitch."

X clapped his hands. The runes were cracked. Making their seal broken. He kept his glare on Donnie.

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Shadowess - July 20, 2021

Malone watched the movies with him. Some were not so bad. The costumes and effects almost comical compared to the more recent movies. Though some old movies were very good at using their limitations to their advantage. Up until 'An American Werewolf in London' came on, Malone had been doing well at keeping himself together. The howls on the moors had made him jump. Watching the transformation scene freaked him out a bit and during the scenes were the wolf attacked people, Malone jumped again and this time he hid his face in Travis's neck. He was shivering a little and could feel his heart beating hard.


Amelia looked around and sighed. Oh well...maybe they could try again at being around her friends later? Hopefully they would be awake by then. "Maybe." she nodded then frowned. She knew it was necessary to keep them safe but being so far away from everyone...she couldn't help but feel a little isolated. She wished they could live closer to her friends.


When Insanity struck her, Cindy's head shot to one side and she'd let out a squeal. Her cheek stung but she paid it little attention as her eyes fell on the basement door again. Tears rolling down her cheeks, feeling that she'd let Jessica down.

In the basement, Niko sat up and tilted his head back. Licking his lips and savouring the sweet taste he'd just experienced. Breathing heavily to catch his breath after drinking from Jessica greedily, simply relieved that his body no longer ached from his starvation. Slowly, he came back to his senses and remembered where he was. He stared at the walls, dreading to look at who he'd just fed from. Donnie had threatened to feed him a person earlier but Niko hadn't been sure that he'd been serious.

Hesitantly, he looked down at the beautiful red head, who looked to be asleep in his arms, and his breath caught in his throat. "N-no..." he groaned. "No, no, no, no, NO!!!" he screamed, horrified by what he'd done and began to rock with her in his arms. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it! I didn't! God! I don't even know you! You must've been terrified!" he wept in German then paused when he saw her eyebrows furrow. He held his breath as he listened carefully to her heart beat. It was faint but it was there! He hadn't killed her!...yet...

Sobbing, feeling guilty and ashamed, he lifted her to hug her to him while still rocking and rested his chin on her head. He glanced around warily to see if he was being watched but apparently he'd been left alone with her. Maybe he could get away with it? Looking back down at her, he brushed her thick, messy hair out of her face then caressed her cheek. "I can fix this..." he whispered to her in English then bit into his wrist. "I-I can make it up to you." he opened her mouth and pressed his wrist against it. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry you were dragged here. I'm sorry if I frightened you. I didn't know what I was doing..."

Jessica groaned. The muscles in her face twitched as she became aware of what Niko was doing. She tasted the blood and before she could pull away and tell him to stop, her body reacted impulsively. Her mouth automatically clamping onto his wrist. She swallowed his blood mouthful after mouthful without any control over what she was doing. Her eyes had opened and she looked at him tearfully. "It's going to be ok." Niko said softly to her, trying to bring her some comfort.

"Wh-where I come from...when we make a vampire, we make an oath to them...We swear to protect them and teach them how to live their new life for at least one hundred years..." he hesitated. "I broke my oath to the last vampire I made...that's how I ended up here...But I won't with you. I'll do better with you. I swear. I...Niko Bernbaum... swear, I will protect you..." He glanced around warily. "...As best as I can...I swear I will teach you how to live as a good vampire. I won't let you down."

Tears rolled down the sides of Jessica's face as she stared at him while still drinking from his wrist. He had no idea what he had just done...


David turned back to look at Donnie just as Hades's blood hit Donnie's hand. Donnie recoiled then frantically shook his hand to try and shake the blood off of him, a look of disgust on his face. He glared at Hades for a moment, his eyes full of suspicion. He then grimaced and nodded. "Cute." he said sarcastically then walked over to the books and picked them up. He turned to them once more and grinned evilly. "Until next time." he said smugly then vanished.


As soon as he was gone, David ran over to Desi. "What did you do?" he asked hurriedly.

"Placed a tracking spell on the books." Desi answered. "We might not be able to teleport to where he is but we can at least get close enough to find where he's hiding now!"

"Then there's no time to lose. Donnie takes hostages but he's not exactly known for giving them back!"

Desi nodded and held out his hands for them all to take. "Hang on tight, this is going to be a bumpy ride!"

"When we find him, show no mercy!" David growled as he took Desi's hand.

When they teleported, they would be standing in what appeared to be a volcanic crater. On the peak of the volcano was a large mansion that seemed to be made of bone. It looked to be quite a hike to get there. David looked around at the pools of lava warily. "Be careful. This isn't ordinary lava, it's Hell's lava. You fall in and your soul is destroyed." Despite the air inside the castle being very comfortable, the air outside was so hot and sulfuric that breathing was difficult. David took out a handkerchief and held it to his mouth and nose then motioned for the others to protect their airways as well before he started walking towards the castle.


Donnie appeared near Insanity. He kissed him passionately then grinned. "It worked!" he laughed maniacally. "The idiots! They let me go!" He put the books down and smirked at Cindy. He'd taken a threatening step towards her and was about to say something when Jessica's agonised screams rang out from the basement. Donnie looked in the direction her screams were coming from and grinned widely.

"It would seem your pet has made us proud, my love!" He announced then walked over to the basement door and unlocked it. He stepped inside to look at Niko who was desperately trying to comfort Jessica who was writhing and screaming in his arms. He had no way of feeding her his venom to numb her pain, so could do nothing but simply try to comfort her as she changed. As soon as Donnie and Insanity would step into the room, Niko would look up at them and the colour would drain from his face. "Please! Please, don't hurt her!" he begged, still sobbing from what he'd done. "Please, this is my fault! It's all my fault!"


Denix Vames - July 20, 2021

Travis placed a hand over his back. He kissed his head. Letting him know that it was alright.


Charles yawned. "Today's been pretty exhausting. Why don't we both get some rest? We can talk about the baby's room some other time."


X covered his mouth and nose with his own handkerchief. Hades took a deep breath. He smiled. "It smells sweet." He frowned. "Ow. My face hurts. I shouldn't have smiled." He shrugged. "Let's just keep going."


"Perfect! We're getting close to becoming winners!" ,said Insanity.

Insanity walked over to Niko. He smirked. "Hurt her? You've done exactly what we needed you to do. Thanks to you, she'll finally become one of us. Be a part of our plan."


Will took his eyepatch off. He pinched the brim of his nose. Feeling exhausted from the work he had gone through. Silent tears rolled down his cheeks. His sobbing was a bit vocal. Just only enough for a passing Officer Lang to hear.


Shadowess - July 20, 2021

Malone looked at Travis and gave him a shaky smile then cuddled into his chest while turning his head a little to peek at the TV screen. Feeling a little more comfortable to watch the rest while in Travis's arms.


Amelia nodded and headed over to the bedroom. She kicked her shoes off then lay down, staring at the ceiling. "A little boy..." she said dreamily. "I wonder how tall he'll grow...what kind of person he'll be..." she smiled. "I wonder what kinds of things he would like...if he'll love chocolate...what his favourite colour will be..." She closed her eyes, sighing happily and placed a hand on her belly where she felt him kicking her. "He's going to be a strong little guy...that's for sure..." she giggled.


Desi pulled out a heavily stained cloth from his robe pocket and covered his mouth and nose as well. "Don't ask..." he chuckled. "And yes, it's clean."

David shook his head at Hades with a smile as they walked. "You sure you're not at least part Devil?" he asked jokingly. "Dragon, perhaps? They do love a bit of sulphur."


Donnie grinned as he watched the way Insanity spoke to Niko, who looked absolutely shocked and devastated that he'd unknowingly helped them towards their goal. "N-no..." Niko cried quietly, shaking his head and holding on to Jessica tightly. She wasn't screaming right now but one look at her face would tell anyone that she was still in a significant amount of pain. "No, you can't have her." he said defensively, though his voice quivered, full of fear.

"She's already ours." Donnie said and tilted his head as he watched her carefully. "She's a part of our family now. We'll take far better care of her than those fools ever did." he said. Of course, he was only saying this because he knew that Jessica was still able to hear them and he wanted her to believe that they cared about her. He looked at Insanity and winked at him. Niko caught this and shuffled away from them, still holding her to him tightly. "No! You're going to use her! You're going to hurt her!"

"Don't insult your masters!" Donnie snapped and moved forward, pulling Jessica out of his arms.

"NO!" he screamed and tried to keep hold of her. When Donnie kicked him away, he doubled over briefly and gasped then tried to go after her again. "GIVE HER BACK!"

"Insanity dearest, please discipline your pet. He's being awfully disobedient. As soon as she's changed, I'll get started on the ritual."


Officer Lang had been walking past the office, on his way to photocopy a document, when he heard the sniffles coming from inside. He paused and hesitated before walking back towards the office. He knocked on the open door and poked his head in. "Uh, Chief? Everything ok?"


Denix Vames - July 20, 2021

After sometime, Travis fell asleep.


Charles laid next to her. He smiled. "And I'm sure he'll be smart just like his mother."


Hades shrugged. "I don't know. Leviathans don't even know what they are either." They continued walking.


"With pleasure darling." Insanity grabbed Niko by his neck. He slammed him against the ground. "You better fucking listen or else I'll sew your fucking mouth!" He pressed the knife against his side. Cutting a bit there.


Will's eyes widened. He quickly rubbed the tears off and cleared his throat. "I'm fine Lang. You can go about your business. I'm just....thinking."


shadowess - July 21, 2021

Amelia opened her eyes and turned her head to smile at Charles. "Our little family." she whispered proudly and held his hand, wrapping her fingers between his.


"Must be frustrating sometimes..." David said, looking at Hades sympathetically. He then looked up at the castle in alarm when the sound of Jessica's screams erupted from it.

"I think we're definitely in the right place." Desi commented. "Though by the sounds of it, it's already too late to stop your relative from turning...I just hope we're not too late to save the others."

David clenched his fists and glared up at the castle. "That bastard..." he growled and began sprinting up the trail, being far less careful about the fragility of the crumbling stone path. Determined to reach the castle and put a stop to Donnie's madness.


Niko yelped when he was slammed into the ground. He groaned and whimpered when he felt the knife cut his skin. Shivering as he recalled the way Insanity carved into his chest earlier. He averted his gaze submissively and blinked back tears. "I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he whimpered, frightened that Insanity might decide to start cutting into him again. "Pl-please don't...I'll be good...I'll be good, I'm sorry!"

Donnie took Jessica into the living room, placing her on the rug near the fireplace. He smiled at her and brushed her hair out of her face. Though she was still in pain and breathing heavily to try and cope, she looked up at him fearfully. "The pain will pass soon." Donnie said in a soothing voice. "Then you'll be a part of my family. I won't ignore you or forget you like your so called 'friends' do. We will do great things together. I'll make you powerful in my kingdom. A figure of authority to be respected and feared."

Jessica flinched and gripped her stomach. She turned onto her side and let out a pained cry. When the pain dulled again, she caught her breath and sobbed into the rug. "Ben..." she wept, wondering how he worried he might be when he'd get home to find her missing. She wondered how long they'd keep her here. Would she ever see him again?

"Shh...save your strength." Donnie said with a smile. "You will see him again. We will help you to keep him safe too. But right now, we need you here." he got up and walked over to the books. He opened one up to the correct page and spent the next few minutes reading the instructions carefully. When he was confident that he knew what he was doing, he then went about moving the furniture around in the living room, clearing a large space around Jessica.

He gathered up materials and painted a large seal around her, painting over the rug. At some point, while he did all of this, Jessica had stopped groaning or crying out and was simply laying there. Catching her breath and resting after her transformation ended. She had curled up into a ball, hugging herself. Her clothes drenched in her sweat and clinging to her. She watched Donnie moving around her quietly.


Lang rose an eyebrow at Will with a small smile. "Must've been thinking pretty hard then. Could've sworn I just saw some of those thoughts leaking out of your eyes." he said playfully.

The hallucination of River appeared in the room, leaning against the far wall with his arms crossed. He was smirking at Lang. "I like this guy." he chuckled.

Lang seemed to hesitate for a moment before stepping into the office. "Is it anything that I can help with, sir?"


Denix Vames - July 21, 2021

Charles kissed her before they fell asleep.


Hades caught up to him to make sure he wouldn't fall. X followed behind with Desi. "Be careful David! I understand your frustrations but we can't be hasty."


Insanity got off of him. "That's much better. Know your place." He left the room. Locking the door behind himself.


"No." Will shook his head. He rubbed his temples. "I'm just exhausted, ya know?"


shadowess - July 21, 2021

Niko waited until Insanity had left the room before daring to get up. He stood and gingerly walked over to the door. He knew, without even trying it, that the door was locked and he was trapped in the room once more. He placed his hands on the cold metal door then pressed his face to it and cried quietly. "I don't even know your name..." he whispered, thinking about Jessica. "Yet, I've already failed you...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...I wasn't strong enough...you deserve better...just please...please don't let them use you...get yourself out if you can...but don't trust them..."

Jessica's eyes shifted from Donnie to the direction of the basement. Realising she could hear Niko's whispers from where she was. Still unmoving, she looked back to Donnie and watched as Insanity entered the room. Donnie turned his head, while still painting the seal, and smiled at Insanity. "The transformation is over but she has yet to move or do anything. I think our newest friend might be in shock...no matter. I'm almost done here. In the book are the words to chant. I gave you the ability to read the demonic texts. Go ahead and read them. Try to memorise them. Using Jessica as the conduit, we will soon share her power."

While Insanity would read the spell, Donnie would finish painting the seal. Taking his time to ensure that every intricate pattern is perfect so there was no room for error. When he was done, he'd throw the paint brush to one side then stand over Jessica. He held his arms out over her for Insanity to hold. "Come my love. Let's become Devils. Let's become kings!" he beckoned him. When Insanity would take his hands, they would both begin chanting.

David slowed down a bit and panted, feeling out of breath from running up the steep climb. As he did, he stepped on a part of the ground that was particularly fragile and slipped as it crumbled under his weight. He gasped and instinctively grabbed the ledge before he could plummet into the pool of lava underneath. He looked down and watched his handkerchief float down into the crater, bursting into flames before it even hit the molten rock. "Fuck!" he panicked and looked back up to see the rocks he was clinging to start to crumble as well.

To top off this already dire situation, a red light began to shine through the windows of the mansion above them and the ground around them began to quake. David looked at the others desperately. Knowing that if they wasted time trying to save him then they risk Donnie getting what he wanted and becoming a far greater threat. "Go!" he shouted at them. Though his voice was tinged with fear, his expression was resolute. "Leave me! Stop him and save the others!"


"I get it." Lang nodded. "In all the time I've worked for you, I don't think I've ever seen you take a day off...except when...y'know..." he pointed to his own eye to refer to when Will was shot. He lowered his hand and shrugged. "I mean...Just a suggestion here but, have you considered maybe taking a vacation? I hear it does wonders for stress. Maybe you could take your boyfriend with you somewhere?"


Denix Vames - July 21, 2021

X nodded. "It's been an honor working with you." Tears rolled down Hades's cheeks. "Hey David? You're not really a conformist. You're a pretty cool guy."

Insanity held Donnie's hands. He began to chant with him. Suddenly, X and the others barged in. Knocking the door down. Hades swung his sword at Insanity. Slicing his head off. X shoved Donnie against the wall.

"Desi! Get your sister and the others out of here! I've got this!"


Will looked at him with a sad smile. "I wish I could but I'm the Chief. I shouldn't abandon my men. Not when they need me."

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