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Balance The Realms Jun 2021 - Dec 2021

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The world was already chaotic with a secret society of supernatural creatures hiding their existence from humans to simply survive. Throw in the afterlife and alternate universes and you've got some realms in desperate need of balance.Worlds.png

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  • Shadowess


Shadowess - June 1, 2021

Neva giggled at her dads as Vincent cleaned up Elliot.

Parker smiled at Will. "Maybe." he agreed. "I'll be happy to help in any way that I can if you need it."

At Kite's request, Cindy blushed. She finished off her own glass and placed it down before smiling at him. "Like I said earlier, I don't know how to dance either. But we can always figure it out together." she shrugged. She glanced around and saw Beau and Jasper slow dancing. "That dance doesn't look too hard, I bet we could get the hang of that one pretty quick." her eyes softened as she watched them for a moment longer. "It looks romantic." she said softly before turning back to smile at Kite, taking his hand.

Alex took a sip of his own beer then smirked at Gary's suggestions. "I'd love that." he purred, looking at him seductively.

Tom was quiet as he listened to Nate and Billy talking.

Jessica giggled when Ben kissed her neck then looked at him, feeling herself melt a little as he called her beautiful. Drunk and overwhelmed with emotion, she kissed him passionately.

Listening to Leo's explanation, Oscar smiled gently. He finished his sandwich then sat back, relaxing a little while wrapping an arm around Leo. "She's lucky to have you to look after her." he said gently.

Ellesse chuckled at Charles's comment then shook her head. "They're really strict. I've seen a few souls getting turned away because they couldn't handle the stress. In their eyes, if you couldn't handle the training then you sure as hell wouldn't be able to handle the job."

Amelia had put some pickles onto a plate and began to nibble on them, relaxed.

Sebastian stifled a moan, kissing Carter back and leaning against him while running a hand through his hair. Stars above them, music around them, for a moment it felt like they were the only two here. Breaking the kiss, he rested his head against Carter's with his eyes still closed for a moment. He opened them to look into Carter's while caressing his cheek. "I love you." he whispered.


Denix Vames - June 1, 2021

Elliot began drinking his beer. Vincent sat down. He ate some caviar on crackers. "So Neva. I was thinking that maybe we could all go to the zoo together." "Ya mean the place where they keep all them wild animals?" "Yes Ellie. That's the one." "Whoo! I love me some animals!"

"Thank you." Will thought for a moment. "Actually, I was wondering if you could come to the ceremony? Only if you have the time. I don't want to force you."

Kite smiled. "It sure does." He followed her to the middle of the area. Trying his best to follow her footsteps and copy the married couple's dance moves. He stepped on her foot. "Oh! Sorry about that! I didn't mean to!"

Gary drank some of his beer then licked his lips. "And I might have a few toys."

Billy shouted, "Ya'll can go home whenever ya'll want! Me and the rest of the gang are gonna go now!" He waved at Nate and Tom. "Nice talking to ya'll. I might just come back to hang out with your group." Nate waved back. "It was nice meeting you."

Billy walked over to the other cowboys and cowgirl. They turned into balls of light. Heading up to the sky. Nate wrapped an arm around Tom. "What do you want to do now?"

Ben dropped everything in his hands to grip her waist. Returning the kisses. He moved his hand to her ass. Squeezing gently.

Leo shyly smiled. "You really think so?" Allie leaned her head against his arm. Quickly falling asleep.

"Then that must mean you have a lot of strength. I'm impressed." ,said Charles.

Carter brushed his fingers over his lips. "I love you too." He looked behind himself. "Why don't we go home? It seems like everyone's getting kind of tuckered out."


shadowess - June 1, 2021

At first, Neva looked a little confused then her eyes lit up as they mentioned seeing wild animals. "Yeah! I wana go!" she beamed excitedly. "What kinds of animals are there?"

Parker grinned and kissed Will's cheek. "I'd love to."

"Ow!" Cindy flinched and grimaced a moment then, as Kite was apologizing, she began giggling. "It's ok, it was an accident. Slow down a bit more, focus on me and just sort of sway with me." she said softly, looking into his eyes. Her hands rested on his shoulders as they started to move again.

Alex stared at Gary lustfully and bit his lower lip a little. It was at this moment that Billy had announced they could leave when they wanted. Shortly after Billy and the rest had gone, David and Patience stood in the center. "Anyone who wants to go home who cannot teleport, myself and Patience would be happy to drop you off. Just approach us when you're ready to go!" David announced.

Alex glanced at David then back at Gary. "I'm kinda eager to see what toys you have." he grinned.

Tom caressed Nate's cheek. "Go home and uh- 'have some dessert?'" he said with a playful grin.

Jessica gasped softly but continued to kiss Ben, pressing herself against him and wanting to lose herself to him. David glanced at them and cringed a little before looking over at Patience hurriedly. "Would you mind?" he asked and Patience chuckled before making her way over to Ben and Jessica quickly before they could completely forget where they were.

She stood next to them and faked a cough into her fist to get their attention. "I suppose you two are ready to be dropped off at home now?"

Still smiling, Oscar looked between Leo and Allie as she fell asleep against him. "I know so." He replied. "Shall we take her home and get some rest ourselves?" Oscar suggested.

Ellesse smiled shyly. "Thank you."

Amelia put down her plate and drank some water before hugging Charles. "I don't know about you but I'm getting pretty tired." she smiled.

Sebastian loved the way Carter's fingers moved over his lips and he kissed them slowly while maintaining eye contact with Carter. He nodded at the suggestion of going home, wanting nothing more than to be alone with Carter in the comfort of their own home. "Sure."


Denix Vames - June 1, 2021

Vincent held Neva in his arms. Elliot held his hand. "Well, there are lions, tigers, zebras, and so much more." They disappeared. Appearing in the local zoo he had mentioned. It was closed but it was for the best. They could still see the animals without people seeing Vincent.

Will stood. He pulled him close. Kissing him. "Wanna go back home?"

As Kite began to move again with her, he started to get the hang of it. Never taking his eyes off of her. He frowned. "Cindy. I need to tell you something. But I want you to know about this when we're at home."

Gary smirked. He stood. "Sure thing." He took his hand. Walking over to David. "Hey man. We're ready to go."

Nate lifted him off the floor. Holding him in his arms. He kissed him slowly. "Savor your dessert cause it's going to be a very sweet one." They disappeared. Appearing in the washroom.

Ben smiled at Patience. "It'd be a treat if ya could." He burped out loud then laughed about it.

Leo picked Allie up. Holding her in his arms. "It's probably for the best if we do. She has a schedule to keep up with." He appeared back in her bedroom where he laid her on the bed. Placing her on her side.

Charles kissed her cheek. "Let's go home then." He looked at Ellesse. "It was fun hanging out with you." They appeared back in their apartment.

Carter held his hand as they walked over to David and Patience. "We want to go home."

Jasper and Beau held hands as they turned into balls of light. Always staying near each other when they floated to the sky.


Shadowess - June 1, 2021

They arrived in the Zoo and Neva looked around excitedly. She looked through some bars in a nearby enclosure and saw the huge, dark silhouettes of elephants. "They're sleeping!" Neva gasped and whispered. "What are they?" she asked, still whispering.

She then looked into another enclosure nearby and saw luminous eyes watching them in the dark. They unnerved her a little but she couldn't take her eyes off them, wondering what animal they belonged to.


Parker kissed him back, caressing his cheek as he did. "Sure, I'm pretty tired." he said with a smile.

Dancing with Kite was a new peaceful bliss that Cindy never knew she could have. She moved with him in time to the music and even felt comfortable enough to step a little closer to him, resting her arms on his shoulders and holding her wrist behind his head, resting her head against his. All the while looking into his eyes. It felt like they were the only two here. Then Kite frowned and spoke, causing Cindy to study him carefully for a moment, a little concerned by how serious he seemed.

Her heart fluttered a little out of nerves, hoping that whatever it was wasn't bad news. "Ok." she said softly with a short nod before going back to resting her head against his, trying to enjoy this dance with Kite while she still could. They danced a little more before Cindy teleported them home, although as they arrived, she suddenly felt a little light headed and tired, as though she'd been teleporting all day. Odd...this was the first time she'd used her power in quite a while...She was glad she was already sort of leaning on Kite, because she now needed him for support for a moment until her dizziness passed. "I'm ok." she reassured Kite as she let go of him and moved to sit on the end of the bed. "Just a little tired, I guess." she laughed it off then looked up at him, concerned. "What did you want to tell me?"

David looked at Alex and Gary, smiling. He nodded, "No problem." He took their hands and teleported to Gary's house. "Good night boys. Take care." he said kindly before vanishing, returning to the wedding location. Alex turned to Gary. "So, where do we begin?" he grinned.

Tom loved it whenever Nate lifted him like this. Being lifted in such a way usually ended with them having a lot of fun together. So, naturally, Tom became excited once he was in his arms. He kissed him back, enjoying the moment and shivered excitedly at Nate's words. Arriving in the washroom, Tom grinned. His fangs grew and he looked at Nate seductively. "I can't wait." he whispered to him.

Jessica laughed as well. Patience rolled her eyes with a small smile. "Alright, close your eyes for a moment. Being as drunk as you are, it might make you feel ill if you keep them open." she said with a sigh before placing a hand on both their shoulders. She'd wait until they were ready before teleporting them to Ben's apartment. "Alright, you can open them. You're home. Good night you two, stay safe." she said before vanishing, returning to the wedding location to stand with David again.

Jessica opened her eyes and looked back at Ben, biting her lip a little. "I think I'm ready." she told him quietly, meaning she was ready to go all the way with him if he wanted it.

Oscar followed Leo and watched him taking care of Allie with a small smile. Finding it sweet how he cared for her. Once she was in a safe position in her bed, Oscar walked over to Leo and wrapped his arms around him from behind, kissing his shoulder. "You're beautiful to me, you know that?" he said softly into his ear. "I love you so much." he kissed his neck.

Amelia smiled and looked back at Ellesse. "Good night, Ellesse." she said kindly before Charles took them home. Ellesse had smiled back at them both and nodded, waving them off as they vanished. She then glanced around briefly at the others going home before sighing and vanishing too.

Amelia sighed once they were home and kicked her shoes off, relieved to be out of them even if they'd been flat. Her feet kept swelling occasionally due to the pregnancy and it could sometimes get a little painful. She looked down at her belly and smiled, gliding her hand along it thoughtfully. "Someone's quiet tonight." she said with a chuckle.

Sebastian followed Carter to David and Patience who smiled at them as they made their way over. "Alright." David nodded, placing a hand on their arms. He teleported them back to Carter's office then caught his breath a bit. "Oh, I'm going to sleep well after all this teleporting..." David laughed. "Good night. I'll see you when I next visit." he said before teleporting back to Hell's Library. Meanwhile Patience teleported back to her own home now that the wedding guests had all gone.

Sebastian turned and hugged Carter, holding him close for a moment. Just wanting to hold him in his arms. He then pulled back and kissed him slowly.


Denix Vames - June 1, 2021

"Those are elephants." ,said Vincent. "Can we pet one of these guys?" ,asked Elliot. "Perhaps. But they're still wild animals. We need to be careful." They began walking around. Looking at all the animals that were there.


Will and him appeared in his apartment. He yawned and stretched. "Well, that was one hell of a party." He looked at the roses in his hands. "I think I know just the place for these guys. You don't mind if we make a quick little visit, do you?"


Kite took a deep breath and swallowed. He paced about the room nervously. "Well, there's a chance that...." He stopped and looked at her. "We haven't used protection and because I'm a werewolf, Theo told me that you have a chance at being pregnant." He ran a hand through his hair. Tears burst from his eyes. "I'm so sorry. I should have used protection. You don't have to have the baby or babies. We can go to a clinic and take care of this."


Gary ran his hands through his hair. "With this." He slipped his tongue into his mouth. Kissing him passionately.


Nate laid him on the washer. He got on top of him with his wings out. He kissed his neck as he unbuttoned his shirt.


Ben smirked before picking her up. Having her legs around his waist as he kissed her passionately. Keeping her steady while he walked into the bedroom.


Leo smiled. He touched his arm. They appeared in the mansion. "And you're special to me." He turned around. Placing his arms over his shoulders. "This dress is gonna take a while for you to strip off. You know that, right?"


Charles gently rubbed a hand over her belly. "Probably from all that partying." He frowned and turned away from her. "Amelia? Do you think I'm ready to be father? It's just that I've lost and loved before but....I don't know. I just don't know if I'm right the father figure for this little one."


Carter slipped a tongue into his mouth as he continued to kiss him. Moaning. He moved his hands to under his shirt. Feeling up his hips.


Shadowess - June 1, 2021

As exciting as it was to see all the wild animals and even petting a couple of them that were not too dangerous, Neva became very tired after a little while and started to rest her head on Vincent's shoulder as he carried her around, barely able to keep her eyes open. She fought hard to stay awake, determined not to miss anything. But as hard as she tried, she eventually closed her eyes for just a little too long and she fell asleep.


Smiling at the roses, Parker had a feeling he knew where Will planned to go. He took Will's arm, looking at him lovingly. "I don't mind at all." he said softly.


For a minute, Cindy was quiet. What Kite was telling her, slowly sinking in as she stared at him in shock. She slowly looked at the ground, recalling Kite not wanting her to drink alcohol and it suddenly made sense that he was doing it to protect any potential child she might be carrying. "N-no...that can't be possible though..." she said slowly. "S-Succubi...we can control our fertility...I've been doing it out of habit every time we-..." she trailed off. Her mind going to the day Kite became a werewolf. When he'd saved her from the other wolf and they made love in the heat of the moment.

She swallowed nervously, her eyes widening a little. She'd gotten tired from just one teleport tonight and the first sign of pregnancy in any Demon, Devil or Angel was the waning of their powers. Tears filled her eyes as she slowly looked back up at Kite, shivering a little. "I-...When you fought off the wolf and we-...I don't know if I did...I can't remember if I did...It happened so fast...we were so caught up in the moment..." her tears slid down her cheeks. "I'm just as much to blame..."

She lowered her gaze to the floor once more, thoughtful. Shakily, she wiped away her tears. "I don't know...I don't know if I could-...-If I could just get rid of it like that...I don't think I'd feel right..." she brought her eyes back up to Kite's, nervous about his answer to her next question. "What about you? What do you want to do?"


Alex moaned and kissed Gary back just as passionately. He placed his hands on his hips, hooking his thumbs into Gary's pants and pulling him close.


Tom's eyes lit up at the sight of Nate's wings. He tilted his head back a little, letting out a shaky breath as Nate kissed his neck. He grazed Nate's neck with his fangs, taking in the intoxicating smell of his blood. As gently as he could, he sank his fangs into his neck and took a small amount of blood from him. Only enough to fill his mouth once before he pulled back, savoring his taste before swallowing the hot, sweet liquid. It wasn't much, but already he felt Nate's blood warm his whole body, sending pleasurable shivers through him and leaving him with an overwhelming sense of lust. He licked the small amount of blood from Nate's bite mark, shivering a little as he did then retracted his fangs.

He began to unbutton Nate's shirt as well while capturing his lips with his own, kissing him deeply. He ran his hands over Nate's chest, loving his warmth and how his body felt. He wrapped his legs around Nate's waist, one hand sliding down and around Nate's body to grip his backside. "Oh, the things you do to me..." He breathed with a grin then kissed him again.


Gasping a little then giggling as Ben lifted her up, Jessica kissed him back. She ran her hands through his hair as he carried her into the bedroom. She didn't care that the room was spinning. She didn't care that they would probably have bad hangovers in the morning. She wasn't worried that they were both incredibly drunk. The only thing she could focus on in this moment, was Ben and how much she wanted him.


Oscar grinned at Leo and looked down at his dress thoughtfully. He brought his eyes back up to meet Leo's. "That's fine. We'll just have to go nice-" he kissed his jaw. "-And-" he kissed his neck. "-Slow." He kissed his collarbone before lifting Leo into his arms, carrying him into the bedroom.

He carefully set him down on the bed then climbed over him, taking his arm and kissing slowly from Leo's wrist to his shoulder, all while staring into his eyes. "I want to kiss every inch of you." he purred before kissing him deeply. He kissed down Leo's neck, his chest, over his dress, all the way down to his thighs.

He placed hand under Leo's knee to bring it up a little. He stared up at Leo lovingly while kissing his thigh. He smirked then slid his hands under his dress, carefully and slowly lifting it up and over his hips. He then sat up, taking off his jacket and throwing it to one side. He took off his tie, throwing that down too. He then unbuttoned his shirt, throwing it down with the jacket and tie.

Once he was completely topless, he sprouted his wings. Next he'd take Leo's hands and pull him up to sit on his lap, his hands moving to Leo's back while he'd kiss him passionately, slipping his tongue into his mouth. While they'd kiss, he'd unzip Leo's dress carefully and very slowly.


Amelia had smiled at the way Charles rubbed her belly. She then became concerned when Charles turned from her and asked if he was ready to be a father. She frowned and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I believe you'll be an excellent father." She said honestly. "Honey, I'm frightened too. I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to kids!" she chuckled. "There weren't even any other kids around for me to play with when I was growing up...But, I think, as long as we have each other, we'll be alright."


Sebastian let out a soft moan at the feeling of Carter's hands on his hips and his tongue in his mouth. He caressed his cheek with one hand while his other felt his chest through his shirt.

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Denix Vames - June 2, 2021

Vincent smiled at her sleeping. He looked at Elliot who nodded. They held hands and appeared in Carter's house. Vincent carried her upstairs as Elliot followed. He laid her on a bed in one of the rooms. He kissed her forehead before heading towards the door with Elliot. They smiled at each other then looked at her. Vincent gently closed the door.

Elliot led him to other bedroom where he closed the door. They got to the bed where they did their best to be quiet as they were having a private moment.

(private time)


Will and Parker appeared at a cemetery. Will walked over to one of the graves which read,

River Balconi

July 2, 1988 - October 14, 2014

'A brave officer and loving friend'

He smiled at the tombstone. "Hey buddy. I know it's been a while since I've visit. I'm sorry. I've been really busy. But I brought some flowers for you." He placed the bouquet in front of the tombstone. "And I brought someone here. His name's Parker. He's my new boyfriend. I hope you don't mind. It sounds ridiculous to say that but...."

Tears fell from his eyes. He rubbed them off. "I still miss you." River appeared from behind him. He reached out to touch his shoulder but didn't. Instead, he lowered his hand and disappeared.

(river's a ghost btw)


"I don't know! I'm not ready to be a dad! I shouldn't even raise kids!" KIte breathed heavily as he covered his face. He fell to his knees. "This is all my fault! I'm putting you under so much stress! Why did this have to happen?!"


Gary lifted him off the floor. Continuing to kiss him as he moved to the bedroom where he placed him on the bed. He opened the drawer. Pulling out a long red silk rope. He left it at the foot of the bed. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Revealing his chest while giving him a seductive gaze. He wanted to strip for him. To tease him.

"You don't get to touch until I say so. How does that make you feel?"


Nate moaned. He turned him over so that Tom was on top of him while he was laying on the washer. "I want you to take over this time. Show me what you can do." He unbuckled his pants. Rubbing his hand over his pants.


Ben brought her to the bed where he kissed her neck. He unzipped the back of her dress. Pulling it down quickly. As he did, he kissed every exposed bit of her skin.


Every kiss and every caress of his body made Leo moan. He became lost in his touch. Melting like butter. He moved a bit when he sat on his lap. Rubbing himself against him. He gently bit his lip. "Oh god...."


Charles wrapped his arms around her. He held a small smile. "You're probably right. And I'm sure David could help us."


Carter unbuttoned his shirt. Pulling off his coat and shirt. His fangs sprouted. He grazed them over his neck. Kissing there too. He moved his lips to his collarbone. Making a little nick so that blood dripped from there. He licked it up. "That venom. We could use it if you want to."


shadowess - June 2, 2021

Parker stood next to Will as he spoke to the grave. He frowned as Will cried. He didn't see nor notice the ghost that had briefly appeared behind them as his focus was on Will. He wrapped an arm around him comfortingly and rubbed his arm. Staying quiet while Will had his moment.


Cindy cried quietly as she watched Kite freaking out. When he was on his knees, she moved over to him, kneeling down next to him and wrapping her arms around him. She cried into his shoulder for a moment, her whole body shaking. "I don't know..." she cried. She pulled back and wiped away his tears, looking at him. "Let's try to calm down...we don't even know if I am-...we- we should get a test or something as soon as we can...I could call in a supernatural Midwife and she can tell us if I am...and we should think this through rationally." She looked at him for a moment, brushing his hair out of his face.

"It's not your fault. Not completely. I slipped up too...and I'm sorry for that..." she bit her lip and thought for a moment, wiping away her own tears. "What if-..." she paused, hesitant. "What if this is a good thing?" she tried optimistically. "I've lived for centuries without ever knowing what it was like to have a family...to be loved the way you love me...and if I am pregnant then that would mean that this child...it was the direct result of our love...and personally? I think you'd make a great dad." she placed a hand on his cheek. "I love you, Kite...and there's no one else in Heaven, Hell nor Earth that I would rather settle down and start a family with. I'd do anything for you..."


Alex watched him from the bed, wanting him. He bit his lip a little as he watched Gary undress slowly. "It makes me want you so much more!" he replied, staring at Gary lustfully.


Tom moaned, excited by Nate's request as well as his touch. He was a little nervous too, having never been the one to take control before. Yet the blood coursing through his veins pulsed pure lust throughout him. He kissed Nate deeply. He worked on removing Nate's pants first and then his own. He leant over Nate, pressing his body against him and kissing down his neck to his collarbone before running his tongue back up to his mouth. While kissing him, Tom's hands caressed his body until he slid one hand down to Nate's hips. Tom smiled into the kiss, knowing exactly what he was going to do.

(Private Time)


Jessica tilted her head back, shivering excitedly and let out soft sighs as Ben kissed her neck. She moved a little, under him, to make removing her dress easier. She then bit her lip and let out a soft moan as he continued to kiss her. "Oh, Ben..." she sighed, her breath shaking a little. She ran her hands through his hair while wrapping her legs around him. She sat up a little and pulled off his shirt, throwing it to one side. She let her hands wander over his chest while looking at him seductively before kissing him deeply, pressing herself against him.


Oscar moaned at Leo's movements. He kissed his neck while his hands went down to grip the bottom of his dress, starting to slowly pull it up and over his head. He'd throw the dress to the side of the bed and continue to kiss his neck. One of his hands caressed Leo's thigh while the other gripped his backside. He kissed from Leo's neck, back up to his mouth. He slipped his tongue into his mouth and kissed him passionately. Pulling back, Oscar would smile at Leo while reached a hand down, between them to unzip his pants. "Let's see how long we can last." he grinned, his wings beginning to vibrate.

(Private Time)


Amelia relaxed in his arms, always finding comfort in them. "Of course I am." she replied playfully and grinned at him cheekily. She chuckled and cuddled into his chest. "Plus I'll bet he'll be more than happy to babysit if we ever need a break. If there's anyone who knows how to raise kids and keep them safe, it's David."


Sebastian let out shaky breaths as Carter moved his fangs over his skin. He smiled, excited by Carter's approach and gasped softly as he felt the small cut in his collarbone. He then moaned when Carter licked at his blood. To Carter's suggestion, Sebastian grinned, his own fangs growing. "That sounds exciting." he whispered. He then purposefully bit his own tongue with one of his fangs, drawing blood before flicking his tongue over Carter's lips playfully. He'd then kiss Carter deeply, slipping his tongue in so that his blood became a part of the kiss.


Denix Vames - June 2, 2021

Will looked at Parker for a moment before looking back at the grave. River had then appeared behind his own tombstone. He picked up the flowers. Will gasped. His eyes widened.

River smiled. "Thank you. And now I'm free because of him." He nodded at Parker. "Take good care of him." "River! I love you!" River smile seemed to have sadden. "I know you do but it's been years. And you need to move on. For both our sakes." Will reluctantly nodded. "I know."

"Goodbye." ,said River as he turned into a ball of light. Floating to the sky. Will fell to his knees and sobbed.


Kite caught his breath. He nodded at her. "Y-Yeah. We can't jump to conclusions." He held a small smile. "That means a lot. I can't imagine myself raising kids. But with you? It might be a great scenario."


Gary chuckled. "That's the idea." He threw his coat and shirt aside. Taking off his tie, he bit into it before slowly unbuckling himself. He threw the tie at him. He bent down to show the shape of his ass then slowly stood as he moved his hips.


Ben unbuckled himself. Pulling his pants down as he kissed her. Moaning into the kisses. He nibbled at her neck. Kissing her chin and then her chest. Leaving a trail of kisses there. "Jessica....You're so beautiful."


"Would that make our baby his grandchild then? I wonder how he'll feel about changing diapers." Charles chuckled.


Carter moaned at the bloody kiss. He began taking off Sebastian's coat and shirt along with his own. He lifted him off the floor. Taking this upstairs and to a bedroom where he placed him on the bed. He was on top of him. Kissing his chest as he left small trails of blood which he licked up.

He unbuckled him. Rubbing his hand under his pants. "I fucking love you."


shadowess - June 2, 2021

Parker froze at the sight of River and he watched silently as he picked up the flowers. When River said he was free because of Parker, his eyes widened a little and he nodded when River told him to take good care of Will. "I promise, I will." he'd replied then watched as River convinced Will to let him go. When River was gone and Will fell to his knees, Parker knelt down next to him and wrapped his arms around him, holding him gently and silently to comfort him. He kissed the top of his head before resting his head against Will's, rubbing his back.


Cindy smiled a little, still shaking a little and she leant her head against his. "I'll call in the midwife first thing in the morning..." she said quietly. "We should try to get some rest." she caressed his cheek, looking into his eyes lovingly. "We'll be ok. No matter what, we'll be ok...because we have each other. I love you, Kite."


Everything Gary did, how he teased Alex with the way he undressed was utterly captivating to him. He grinned as the tie hit him and he picked it up without taking his eyes off Gary. Bringing it up to his face to take in Gary's scent from it and brushing the wet part that had been in Gary's mouth against his lips. "Oh god, you're so fucking sexy!" he purred as he lowered the tie from his lips, watching Gary's hips move intently before bringing his eyes back up to Gary's eyes.


As Ben nibbled her neck, Jessica tilted her head back once more and let out a soft moan. His kisses sending shivers through her. Her hands wandered over his arms, his chest and his hips, feeling as much of him as she could reach. She melted at his words, wanting to lose herself to him completely. She bit her lip, relaxing and letting him take control.


Amelia grinned, chuckling. "I guess it does. I don't think he'd mind. I'm not exactly his first kid." she said then looked a little sad about that fact. "Though I wouldn't bring that up around him...it's kinda painful for him." His real daughter was roaming Hell somewhere and refused to speak to David because of their family's history with Lucifer...at least, that's what Amelia assumed. David and Damien had never really liked to talk about what had happened between them.


Sebastian tilted his head back against the pillow as Carter kissed and licked at his chest. He then let out a moan, gripping the sheets as he felt Carter's hand. He grinned at him and chuckled a little before replying. "Well, I fucking love you too!" He looked him over while gently biting his lip. "I've given you a taste of me. Now, how about you give me a taste of you?" he purred then licked his lips slowly.


Denix Vames - June 2, 2021

"I never realized how selfish I was. Keeping him here because I couldn't stand the thought of losing him. What's wrong with me?" ,asked Will.


"I love you too." Kite kissed her before getting up with her. He walked over to the bed where he got undressed until he was in his briefs. He laid under the covers and sighed as he tried to feel sleepy.


Gary chuckled. "I know I am." He made his way over to Alex. Getting on his lap. He whispered into his ear, "Would you mind tying me up pretty boy?"


Ben stripped himself before kissing her chest. Getting lower and lower until he reached her panties. It was almost hard to believe that he found someone he could love like this. Yet, here she was. And he was going to show her what love truly meant for him.

(private time)


"Don't worry. I won't. I promise." Charles's eyes widened. "Oh god! I just realized that I'm going to have to change those diapers too." He cringed. "I can already smell it now."


Carter smiled. "I wouldn't keep you away from my blood." He laid on the bed so that Sebastian could get on top of him. "Drink away."


shadowess - June 2, 2021

"You loved him and there's nothing wrong with that." Parker said reassuringly. "I don't think you were forcing him to stay..." Parker then said thoughtfully as the continued to hold Will, still rubbing his back. "I think he chose to stay to make sure you'd be ok...but he doesn't need to anymore so he chose this moment to say goodbye."


Cindy removed her dress and blushed. Before Kite had told her about how she might be pregnant, she'd sort of planned for tonight to be romantic and had worn black lace lingerie underneath her dress. She rubbed her arm a little with a small smile. "It was going to be a surprise..." she said softly then shrugged and chuckled. "Surprise?" she cheered then turned towards the drawers and took out a small nightdress, draping it over her to cover up the lingerie, assuming Kite would no longer be interested in being romantic tonight. She climbed into the bed next to him and cuddled up to him, knowing she probably wouldn't be sleeping well that night...if at all.


Alex grinned, running his hands up Gary's sides. At Gary's request, he bit his lip and reached out to grab the silk rope, pulling it to them. "You might have to teach me some good knots. Don't want you wriggling free, do we?" he whispered back then licked his earlobe slowly.


Amelia laughed. "Yep! Me too...but hey, at least it won't be forever and I'll bet we'll be desensitized to it soon enough." She took his hand. "C'mon, we should try to get some sleep." she said while leading him towards the bedroom.


Sebastian climbed on top of Carter and kissed him deeply, moving his kisses down to Carter's neck before sinking his fangs into him as gently as he could. He took just a little blood before pulling away and swallowing what he'd taken then licking Carter's bite mark clean. Their venom would intensify any pleasurable sensations they felt and knowing this, Sebastian's hand wandered down to Carter's pants, slipping under them as he kissed him before baring his own neck to Carter with a smirk.


Denix Vames - June 2, 2021

Will stood. "This whole entire time, he's been watching over me. I never thought he had done it until now." He gently squeezed Parker's hand. "We should go home."


Kite smiled. He kissed her. "You look sexy."


Gary moaned. "Course not." He showed Alex a tight knot that could still untied when they were done.


Charles yawned. "I'm already getting tired." He soon undressed himself until he was in a long men's nightgown. He got under the covers. "Should we decorate one of the rooms as a bedroom for the baby soon?"


Carter moaned at the venom and Sebastian's touch. He lifted his legs up. Wrapping them around him. He sank his fangs into his neck. Drinking some of his blood.


Shadowess - June 3, 2021

Parker offered Will an small smile and nodded as he said they should go home. He was still trying to process what had happened himself. Though his focus was a little more on providing comfort for Will, knowing how something like this might be very emotional for him. He rubbed his thumb over the back of Will's hand softly. "Let's try to get some rest." he said in a gentle tone.


Cindy smiled into the kiss and blushed a little more. "Thank you." she whispered, caressing his cheek. "So do you." she said coyly then kissed him again.


Alex watched Gary carefully then smiled as he took the silk rope and moved behind Gary, tying his hands together while kissing his neck. He moved his hands around to Gary's front while still kissing his neck. One hand gripping his hip while the other felt his chest and stomach. He nibbled Gary's earlobe a little before whispering into his ear; "I'm going to take my time. I want you to shiver with ecstasy for as long as possible." He kissed his neck again, then his shoulder. He let go of him for a moment while he undressed himself completely, then wrapped his arms around him again, pressing his body against his. His hands moving down to Gary's hips while he gently nibbled at Gary's shoulder.

(Private Time)


Amelia got undressed as well, albeit a little slowly. She took out a maternity night dress and draped it over herself before climbing into the bed after Charles, cuddling into him. She smiled at his question. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure my 'nesting' instincts are going to end up kicking in soon anyway. Though I might have to stay away from any paint fumes...but I can help with constructing the crib and stuff." she then chuckled. "We should make the most of all the sleep we can get...I don't think we'll be getting much once the baby arrives."


Sebastian gasped then moaned as Carter's fangs sank into his neck. He bit into Carter's neck again while he was drinking so they would both be drinking from each other. Their combined drinking, along with the venom caused a strong euphoric feeling to wash over them both. Sebastian moaned again while swallowing some of Carter's blood. He pulled away reluctantly then smirked at Carter before kissing him again. His hands on Carter's hips, taking hold of his pants and beginning to remove them.

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Denix Vames - June 3, 2021

Will nodded. They appeared in his house. He suddenly stumbled back. Clutching his head. "My head...." He never realized how much energy could be taken from just teleporting. He collapsed to the couch.


Kite kissed her fingers. "Good night."


Charles smiled. "You're not wrong about that." He kissed her. "Sleep well."


(private time)


shadowess - June 3, 2021

Parker hurried over and sat next to him on the couch. "What's wrong?" he asked, looking at him worriedly.


"Good night, Kite." Cindy whispered and closed her eyes. Though her eyes were closed, it would be hours before she would finally be able to sleep. Thoughts about whether or not they'd be parents or what they should do if they are were constantly playing through her mind. She knew she'd love any child she had with Kite but she was terrified that she wouldn't be a good mother or role model. That she might mess up the child's life or heaven forbid; she loses it. She didn't know how to feel and her emotions constantly swung from joy and love to absolute terror. When she did finally fall asleep, she had nightmare after nightmare about spawning evil children or losing the child during it's birth.


Amelia kissed Charles back with a smile, then cuddled into his chest while closing her eyes. "You too. I love you." she whispered before falling asleep.


Denix Vames - June 3, 2021

"I-I'm fine. I think teleporting just really took a lot out of me." ,said Will. He carefully stood. "I need to put something away. I can't let my exhaustion get the best of me." He headed upstairs where he placed the photo back in the album then put the album in the closet. "Goodbye."

He turned to Parker who had no doubt followed him. "It's going to take some time to think about what happened but as long as you're here, I know that I can get through anything." He smiled.


Shadowess - June 3, 2021

Parker had followed Will quietly to the bedroom and watched him put the photo away. He smiled back and nodded, walking towards him and gently holding his hand. "Take as much time as you need and do whatever you need to do. I'll be here to support you." he said in a soft tone.


(This is just a little something as more of an introduction to these two characters )

It had been a long week for Viktor and Helena Steinheil. After a home invasion that resulted in their parents being murdered, they were now traveling into New York towards their new home. Helena seemed to be staring out of the car window as they sat in traffic, a set of headphones over her ears as she listened to music from their parent's old cassette player. Viktor was drumming his fingers on the steering wheel nervously. He glanced at his sister and tapped her lightly on the arm. She lowered the headphones and turned her head in his direction, her milky white eyes looking just past him. "Are we there?" she asked in German.

"Not yet. I wanted to talk to you before we get there." he said gently, also speaking German.

"Alright..." Helena's fingers traced the cassette player a moment until it found the correct button and she pressed it. It gave a very audible click as the music she was listening to stopped playing. "What's up?"

Viktor hesitated for a moment. "I just want to go over what we agreed on... to keep us safe."

"Why do we have to change our names again?"

"Just our last names...because I saw one of their faces, remember? They know who we are and they'll come after us if they know where we went. So...What's our last name again?"

Helena shifted uncomfortably. "Smith..."

"Right. I know it sounds silly but Smith is such a common name out here that we'll practically be invisible, alright?" He rubbed her arm comfortingly before removing it quickly to drive again as the traffic moved.

"Ok..." Helena frowned.

"I'll keep you safe, I promise."

Helena smiled a little, weakly. "You're a good brother...I must be such a burden..."

"You're not a burden! Don't you ever say that!"

Helena was quiet for a long moment. "So what's the new job you have again?"

"Uh-..." Viktor's eyes darted between Helena and the road quickly. "It's a night shift. Warehouse work. Loading and unloading stock for stores...that kind of thing...I'll still be able to take care of you during the day. I should be home in the early hours so I'll have time for a quick nap before you get up."

"You're going to work yourself to death!" Helena said worriedly. "I can take care of myself. I just need to get used to my new surroundings, that's all!"

Viktor smiled. "I know...but until then, I'll help you. Ok? It'll be fine..." He stared out of the window, at the cars ahead of them. He couldn't tell Helena the truth...she believed the break in had been random. A robbery gone wrong...it wasn't. They had been targeted. By the Steinheil family's oldest enemies...Vampires.

Viktor had only learned the family secret a few years prior and had begun his training into becoming a Vampire Hunter. Turns out, the Steinheil's had been Germany's version of Bram Stoker's Van Helsing. They had been hunting Vampires for generations, so much so that Viktor doubted that there was a Vampire alive nowadays who didn't know the name Steinheil. For this reason, and for his sister's sake, he needed to keep their real name a secret. His sister had been blind since birth. Because she was dependent on Viktor and their parents, they had decided not to tell her the family secret. To spare her from that life so she could have as much of a normal life as possible. When the Vampire's had attacked their home, Viktor had only had time to grab Helena in the confusion and flee.

After getting Helena to a safe place, Viktor returned to their home in the hopes of saving their parents...but what he found was a massacre. He packed their things as quickly and quietly as he could, hoping the vampires were no longer skulking around their home. He then returned to Helena, doing his best to make sure he wasn't followed, and told her the terrible news that he couldn't save their parents.

He then made up the lie that he'd seen one of their faces and they'd seen him before police came and frightened them off. He told her that the police had told them to lay low while they search for the murderers and that they were advised to change their names and move far away until the killers were caught. His lie then grew when he told her he'd gotten a job in New York and they had to move to America. He hoped this would be far enough away that they wouldn't be followed. He used their parent's credit and debit cards to buy their plane tickets and rent a small apartment which they were on their way to now.

He had no intention of getting a job however. He'd made a vow to his parents that he would avenge them by murdering any Vampire he found. So his 'Night Shift' work, was just a cover for his hunts. He figured he could just take the money from any Vampires he killed. He'd been on hunts with his parents before...so it wasn't like this was brand new to him. He just had to be careful. Helena shouldn't have to suffer because of their family's history.


Denix Vames - June 3, 2021

"Thank you." Will kissed him. "I think I'm going to sleep off this night. How about you?"

(damn. sounds interesting. I can definitely see a lot of conflicts are going to happen)


shadowess - June 3, 2021

Parker kissed him back then nodded. "Yeah, I think we could both use some sleep. Especially before tomorrow." he smiled, taking his hand and leading him towards the bed.

(Right? lol I dreamt up this duo while staring off into space at work xD I'm not entirely sure where they'd fit in but I'm sure we could work something out as we go along. Did just have an idea for a funny side-plot of where Helena mistakes Theo for a stray dog and 'adopts' him while Viktor is out hunting, opting to try training him to be a guide dog. Theo wouldn't mind cos free food and belly rubs xD )


Denix Vames - June 3, 2021

(that would be cool. also I was thinking of Ben arresting Viktor for murder if he ever gets caught)

Will slipped off his clothes until he was in his boxers. He slipped under the covers and sighed. "I'm really nervous. I just don't want to make myself look like an idiot. What if I mess up my lines? I'm supposed to repeat after the previous chief."


shadowess - June 3, 2021

(That might be interesting)

Parker undressed too, climbing into bed next to Will. "You'll do fine." he said reassuringly. "I know you will, and when it's finished, maybe we could go somewhere to celebrate?"


Denix Vames - June 3, 2021


"That'd be great. I'm not sure where we would go. A bar maybe? A club? I haven't celebrated anything in a while except for that wedding recently." ,said Will.


Shadowess - June 3, 2021

Parker shrugged. "Wherever you want..." A thought then occurred to him that Will wouldn't be able to eat or drink human foods anymore with being a Blood God. "There's a vampire club we could go to?" he suggested. "They serve blood there as well as human drinks and as long as I'm with you, I should be safe."


Denix Vames - June 3, 2021

"That place? I've been there before. River....The Energy in my eye recommended the place. It wouldn't be such a bad idea to go there." ,said Will.

(also im having a busy day today so i might not respond back for a while)


shadowess - June 3, 2021

(That's cool. It's pretty late in the day for me here anyway. I'll be going to bed in a couple of hours)

Parker smiled and nodded. "Then it's a date." he winked and settled down in the bed, cuddling up to Will.


Denix Vames - June 3, 2021

(alright. also who should we focus on now since these two guys are gonna sleep?)

Will kissed him slowly before kissing his head. He smiled. Looking into his eyes. "Our second date." He caressed his cheek. "Have some sweet dreams."


shadowess - June 4, 2021

(hmm...Not sure lol. We could probably skip to the following morning at this point seeing as everyone is either asleep or having a private moment. Unless you wana catch up with Gabriel and Rob? Although I'm not sure what they'd be doing.)

Parker returned the kiss and blushed a little as Will looked into his eyes. He smiled at his words. "You too." he said softly then closed his eyes, ready to drift off into peaceful sleep.

River was debating talking to Will in his dreams but was still hurt by what he'd said at the wedding. He decided against it, leaving Will to dream normally while he continued to sulk in his subconscious.


Denix Vames - June 4, 2021

(yeah. it seems like Gabriel and Rob are just chilling. i was thinking of giving Carter another nightmare. I wanted his issues to really build up and effect his livelihood but I don't know if that would be too cliche for you. Don't want to make things annoying)


shadowess - June 4, 2021

(That's fine. If it makes sense to your character, then go for it.)


Denix Vames - June 4, 2021

(alright cool. ill have it that when he wakes from the nightmare it'll be morning just to move the time)

Carter was having another nightmare. Dreaming of running from The Leviathan. It called out to him in a variety of voices. All resembling his friends. It chased him in the cave. He suddenly appeared in his living room where Jack and his kids were playing Jenga.

In a flash, they were on the floor. Dead. The Leviathan loomed over them. "NO! You bastard!"

He began to sweat in bed. Tossing and turning as he mumbled.

The Leviathan's face changed to that of Sebastian's. Whispering the words, "You failed!"

He screamed awake. He breathed heavily with tears in his eyes. He covered his face. "God damn it! I just want these nightmares to stop! Why won't they stop?!"


shadowess - June 4, 2021

Sebastian woke up to Carter's frantic movements and mumblings. He frowned, watching him for a moment. Another nightmare...He placed a hand on his arm, shaking him gently to try and wake him. When he screamed and woke up, Sebastian wrapped his arms around him, stroking his hair. "You suffered some horrible traumas...it's natural for it to affect your dreams..." Sebastian said gently. He kissed his head and simply held him to try and comfort him. "It's going to take time, but we can get through this together. You're not alone, ok?" he kissed his head. "Maybe I should go ahead and book that holiday now...maybe getting away for a while might help? What do you think?"


Denix Vames - June 4, 2021

"Will everyone else be fine without me? I'm in charge of this detective agency. What if something bad happens? What if we lose someone? I can't fail them. Just like The Leviathan told me." Carter gripped his arm. Squeezing it with a shaky hand. "I-I failed my family. I don't want to let my new family down."


shadowess - June 4, 2021

Sebastian gave Carter an understanding smile. He could see that Carter both wanted and needed such a break but that he was clearly worried about things going wrong if he did. "Carter, you can't control everything all the time. That would drive you insane. They'll be fine without you for one week, I'm sure. You need this. You need a break from everything to help yourself recover. And don't listen to the Leviathan, it's just fucking with your head." He said gently and continued to hold Carter while stroking his hair in a comforting way. "C'mon, deep breath and let's think. You're going to want to put someone in charge while you're not here. Who do you trust to be able to run things for you? Someone that you know would take care of and protect everyone else? And if it makes you feel any better you can call to check in on things once per day while we're away."


Denix Vames - June 4, 2021

Carter took a deep breath. He nodded. "Ok. That sounds like a good idea." He leaned into his caress. "Parker. I've always trusted him. Will's going to be too busy these days to be in charge of the agency. He's got his own people to watch over now."


shadowess - June 4, 2021

Sebastian smiled, relieved to see Carter starting to relax. "Alright, so I'll book the holiday and you give Parker a call to let him know. Now the only thing we have left to worry about is where we're going to travel to." he smiled at him. "I'm thinking Thailand. They have beautiful beaches and great nightlife. What do you think?"


Denix Vames - June 4, 2021

"Thailand would be just fine." Carter picked up his phone from the floor. He called up Parker.


Will groaned as he heard the phone ringing. He turned over. Placing the pillow over his ear.


Shadowess - June 4, 2021

While Carter called Parker, Sebastian grabbed his own phone and began booking flights and a hotel.


Parker groaned as well and squinted in the direction of his pants. He got up and stumbled sleepily over to them, taking his phone out of the pocket before answering it. "Hello?"


Denix Vames - June 4, 2021

"Hey Parker? Me and Sebastian are going to be on vacation for a week. I need you to take charge of the agency. I only trust you as the temporary manager. Can you do that for me?" ,said Carter.


"Is that Carter? Ask him if he knows what sleeping in means." Will was of course joking around. Yet, mornings weren't exactly his favorite anyway.


Shadowess - June 4, 2021

Parker smirked at Will, picking up one of the pillows and throwing it at Will's head playfully. "Uh, sure. I can do that. No problem. Hope you have a good week." he replied to Carter.


Denix Vames - June 4, 2021

Will was a bit surprised by the pillow but went along with the joke. He said, "Man down! Man down!" in a dramatic smartass way.


"Alright. Thank you, Parker. I know you'll do fine. Just know that I'll be checking in once in a while. Have a good day you two. And tell Will that I said congratulations." ,said Carter before he hung up.


Shadowess - June 4, 2021


Parker tried very hard not to laugh at Will while on the phone, his cheeks turning a little red at the effort. "Alright. Thanks, sir. I will." he replied before Carter had hung up and he put his phone away. Grinning and shaking his head at Will, he jumped back onto the bed, tackling Will playfully and kissing his neck.


Sebastian looked up from his phone and smiled at Carter. "All booked. Now all we have to do is pack and head over to the airport. Our plane leaves at three, this afternoon. We might want to drink a couple of blood bags each before we head out as well, the flight will take us around eighteen hours to get there." He then winked. "I got us first class seats."

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Denix Vames - June 4, 2021

Will laughed. He kissed him before slapping his ass. Smirking at him. "C'mon. We've got to get ready for the ceremony."


Carter smiled. "First class? I feel like a king." He slipped into a grey shirt and some black shorts. "I'm going to heat up some blood then. A morning coffee for us I guess." He headed downstairs.


Shadowess - June 4, 2021

It was great to hear Will laughing. Parker laughed too, especially when being slapped on the ass. He grinned at Will as he said they should get ready and nodded. "Carter says congrats." he told him as he jumped back out of bed and started to put the suit back on. "And he's put me in charge of his agency for the week while he and Sebastian go on vacation. About time, if you ask me. They really need it."


Sebastian got to his feet and got dressed as well. He only really had the clothes he came here with but wasn't bothered. He guessed he could always buy something more appropriate once they got there. He took out a suitcase, placing it onto the bed and nodded at Carter. "Sounds lovely." he grinned, excitedly.

When Carter would come back to the bedroom, Sebastian would have packed a few pairs of shorts for him as well as some light shirts. "What do you think?" he gestured to the clothes in the suitcase. "I packed a few clothes for you, I hope you don't mind. I packed a few of my clothes as well but I don't really have anything for the beach...I suppose I could always buy something there..." he said thoughtfully.


(Whether or not there's an interaction here is up to you. If not, they'll just go home after their shopping trip and this can be just an update on their situation.)

They had gotten unpacked and settled in during the night. But now Viktor needed to stock up on supplies for them to live off of. He hoped his parents cards wouldn't be cut off yet. He'd need to stop using them as soon as he could in case the German authorities mistook him to be his parents murderers and tracked him here using their records. But at the same time, he had no other means of paying for their food or new home. He picked up his wallet and slipped it into his back pocket while speaking to Helena in German. "I'm going to the store to pick up some food. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Helena used her hands to feel around the wall, following his voice. She still had yet to get used to the layout of the apartment. "Take me with you! I'd love to get out after being stuck in a plane and a car for most of yesterday! It'll also help me to get used to the area." she replied in German.

Viktor hesitated but relented. She was safer by his side anyway. "Alright. Let me just get your glasses and stick...hold on..." he hurried into the bedroom and found her dark glasses that hid her eyes. He then picked up her extendable stick from her suitcase. He headed back to her and gently put her glasses on, then took her arm. "Alright, c'mon." he said gently as he helped her to walk out of the apartment. "Wait, just gotta lock up." he briefly let her go and locked the apartment door. He extended her stick and gave it to her before taking her arm and walking with her to the store. He described what was around them as they walked. It didn't take them long to reach the store where he was so focused on helping his sister walk around while talking to her about what they should buy that he wouldn't notice anything else around him.


Denix Vames - June 4, 2021

"Oh really?" Will began to get dressed in his formal uniform which was used for funerals, weddings, and ceremonies just like the one he was going to. "Sounds like I'm not the only one who's going to be a big boss." He winked at him.


Carter came back upstairs with two mugs of warm blood in his hands. He smiled. "That's alright. Thanks for packing." He handed him a cup. "I'm sure we can find some nice clothes that'll fit you. Maybe something tight so I never forget that view."


Bryce raised a brow at the two. They smelled different. He had always seen people come and go but he never saw them. He decided to follow but made sure not to be seen.



shadowess - June 4, 2021

Parker grinned. "It's only for a week." he chuckled. "I just hope nothing major happens while he's gone. I gotta admit, I'm kinda nervous." he shrugged then shook his head. "But today is about you. Are you ready?" he asked, having finished getting dressed.


Sebastian caught a whiff of the hot blood and smiled. "Mmm, that smells good." he said as he took a cup. "Thank you." he took a sip and savored it for a moment before swallowing. He then grinned at Carter's comment. "Well, I will need some swimming gear if we'll be going to the beach." he chuckled.


Helena had one hand on the shopping cart. Her head followed Viktor's voice whenever he spoke, turning to look in his direction as he moved around. "We should probably speak English while we're here..." Viktor said in English a little slowly, as he tried to remember the correct words. "Try to get used to using their language if we're going to be here a while..."

"I'm out of practice..." Helena replied in German, her cheeks turning a little red.

"That's alright. There's no better time or place to practice...I guess our parent's putting us through those language lessons paid off after all..." Viktor said thoughtfully.

Helena seemed to think for a moment before saying slowly, in English. "We should...uh...buy something for breakfast?"

"Good!" Viktor praised her effort, then began pushing their cart towards the breakfast aisle. He glanced at her, worried about their situation. He hoped she'd never suffer the consequences of their family secret. He decided he would hunt that night. Once Helena was settled back at home, maybe even asleep, he'd slip out and hunt vampires. For her safety. To avenge his parents. For the sake of keeping the Steinheil name alive. He wondered if they had relatives out here in the states...it was possible. The Steinheil's were a large family that had branched out across the world over the centuries. Hunting and carving up vampires as they went.

He suddenly got the feeling of being watched. The hairs on the back of his neck raised and he glanced around quickly. Yet he saw nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe he was just paranoid after the attack on their home? The idea of vampires following them home made him extremely anxious. But that shouldn't be possible this soon after moving here...no one here knew them...so by that logic, any vampires here would have no reason to follow them home...not unless they had the ability to read minds but that's not possible!... right? He turned his attention back to shopping and tried to push the paranoia from his mind.


Denix Vames - June 4, 2021

"I'm sure you'll do fine. And besides, I have plans to help the supernatural once I'm officially Chief of the NYPD." Will took a deep breath. "Ready as I'll ever be. How do I look?"


Carter sipped some of the blood from his cup. "I'm sure we'll find something for you. And me. I haven't gone to the beach in a while. I don't have any beach shorts." He nodded at the doorway. "We should drink some more downstairs."


Bryce kept a careful on them. He began writing notes of their physical description before walking away. He pretended to have a bad migraine so that his manager wouldn't notice his sudden leave. He headed outside in a pair of jeans and a white buttoned shirt. Heading to Carter's house.

He knocked on the door.


Shadowess - June 4, 2021

"I can't wait to see what you can accomplish." Parker smiled. He then grinned, looking over Will. "You look handsome." he said softly.


Sebastian drank some more of his blood then smiled and nodded at Carter, following him downstairs. "Can't wait to have a dip in the sea with you. It'll be nice to relax on the beach, in some of those long beach chairs..." he said a little dreamily. "Maybe we'll get lucky and see a dolphin."


Neva ran to the door and opened it. She stared up at Bryce, having no idea who he was. She smiled at him and tilted her head a little. "Hello! Are you friends with my dads?" she asked.


Denix Vames - June 4, 2021

Will blushed. "Thank you." He examined him. "You don't look too bad yourself." He grabbed his keys from the drawer. "C'mon. I'll drive."

Once outside, they hopped into the car. Will drove to city hall where at the large long stairs were all of the officers that could be there. Standing ready to watch his ceremony. Ben was even there. "I'm surprised he made it. I figured he would have a hangover."


Carter continued to drink as he went into the kitchen. "I'm not too sure I want to run into a wild animal."


Bryce smiled. "Why yes." He handed her the note. "Can you please give this to them? It's very important."


shadowess - June 4, 2021

"Thanks" Parker blushed in turn. He followed him to his car and got into the passenger side. Parker glanced at Ben and chuckled. "Yeah, he looked pretty wasted last night." he commented as they pulled up. Once parked, Parker got out of the car and made sure his suit was straightened up before walking over to Will. "You'll do great." he said supportively then kissed his cheek.


"Of course not." Sebastian chuckled. "But it might be nice to watch them from afar if we see them." he followed Carter into the kitchen and drank up the rest of his mug.


Neva took the note and looked at it curiously then smiled at Bryce again. "Ok mister!" she said happily before turning and looking towards the staircase. "Dad!!" she called them.


Denix Vames - June 4, 2021

Will nodded. "Thank you." He stepped out of the car. Following Parker to the stairs. He pointed at Ben. "You can stand next to him. You're still a detective to us."

He walked up the stairs. He soon found himself standing next to the old Chief who looked to be in his fifties. The Chief was in front of a podium with a microphone. He cleared his throat before speaking.

"Good morning everyone. As you may all know, I am going to be retiring. However, I have chosen someone to keep the NYPD alive and proud. Officer Will Harrison has shown great strides in being a fellow brother. He has willingly put himself in the line of fire to save citizens and our fellows brothers and sisters. He never ran away from danger and he still hasn't. It is with great honor that I make him into the new Chief of the NYPD."

Everyone clapped then stopped when The Chief turned to Will who stood there sweating. Nervous to mess up. He raised his right just like The Chief did.

"I solemnly swear..." ,said The Chief. And Will followed along with the promise. Sometimes saying it a bit slower or stuttering a little but he seemed to have gotten the gist of it.

"I solemnly swear to lead my brothers and sisters in blue to victory. I will not allow the injustice of criminal activity to go unnoticed. I will do anything within my power to assure the safety and freedom of all of the citizens of New York. I am leader who will never quit. A guardian who will never falter on protecting. I accept the role of Chief and thank the person who once held the title by staying true to this promise."

The old Chief nodded. He shook hands with Will before placing a new badge over the breast of his coat. The old Chief spoke into the microphone. "I now present to you your new chief. Chief Will Harrison." He stepped back. Allowing Will to walk to the microphone.

Everyone clapped and cheered. Will cleared his throat. Hoping that he wouldn't mess up on his speech.


Carter finished his cup. He took out a blood bag. "Quick question and I know this is going to sound stupid but are mermaids real? Or merman? I mean with so many supernatural creatures being out there, there has to be those guys swimming around. Right?"


Bryce left once she got the note. Vincent threw on a pair of pants and a buttoned shirt before going downstairs. "What is it sweetie?"

Elliot groaned at the sound of someone waking him up.


Shadowess - June 5, 2021

Parker stood next to Ben and watched Will with pride. As the old chief put the badge on Will's chest, Parker had to hold back some tears. When Will stepped up to the microphone, he smiled at him widely, hoping that his presence would give him the courage to carry out his speech confidently.


Sebastian paused to think for a moment as he was putting his now empty cup down. "I honestly don't know..." he answered with a shrug. "I've never encountered one...and back when I was a prisoner in ADIEU I was rarely taken out of my cell so didn't really see any other prisoners there...not until I was escaping and even then I didn't have time to stop and pay attention to anyone else." He walked over to the fridge and took out a blood bag as well, still looking thoughtful. "That being said, I did occasionally overhear the scientists talking about searching the seas for Sirens at least. Though whether they were successful, I don't know."


Neva smiled at Vincent. "This man- oh..." she said turning to look at Bryce only to find he'd gone. She paused before shrugging and closing the front door, then held the note out to Vincent. "There was a man. He said to give this to my dads."


Denix Vames - June 5, 2021

Will glanced at Parker. He smiled and looked at everybody. "I am honored today to be given the privilege of becoming the Chief of the NYPD. For years, I've worked as hard as anyone else could. Not to make it to the top but to help civilians when they need us the most. Nevertheless, I am here and I will not abuse the power that I have or waste it. As the Chief, I will make sure that no crime goes unpunished. That a victim's voice will be heard."

His voice began to break. "I'm sure you all have heard of Officer River Balconi. The man that inspired me to become an officer. He taught me that sometimes moving on and starting a new path is the only way to succeed. To live life to the fullest. I went to his grave last night and thought of that piece of advice. Only I wasn't the only one there."

He nodded at Parker. "Standing next to Ben there is Alex Draven Parker. When I first met him, he was the only man who could make me see things correctly. He helped me through my problems. Made me remember why I became a cop. He kept me from losing myself. I wouldn't have gotten to this place here today if it wasn't for him. You have him to thank."

Everyone looked at Parker and clapped.

"And then there's Ben." Ben's eyes widened. "Wha....?" "Officer Ben Collins has recently become a hero on the papers which he really should read instead of drinking all those energy drinks." Most of the audience laughed. "Anyway, he has willingly put his life on the line many times in order to save the people around him. And even when he was scared of being introduced to a new situation, he still overcome that challenge and showed me how far he could go. He reminded me of myself when I was barely starting out as a cop. Playing around but always being serious when the time was right."

A few tears left Will. He rubbed them quickly.

"Ben, I am going to promote you. Obviously, I'll need to sign the paperwork but you can start calling yourself Captain Ben Collins from now on. And thank you all." Will nodded before walking downstairs.

Everyone cheered again as they clapped.

Tears dripped from Ben's eyes as he did his best to process the news. "I-I can't believe he....I never thought...."


"I know human history or myths aren't really factual but last I checked, Sirens liked to eat humans. Or really anything that doesn't have a tail or can't breath underwater. Is that true?" Carter began drinking from the bag.


Vincent took the note. He read it over then ran up stairs. Informing Elliot about everything. Elliot soon came downstairs with Vincent. He was wearing a 'Bauhaus' shirt and some overalls.

"Stay with her, ok? And don't open the door for anybody unless you know that it's one of our own. I'll be going now." Vincent knelt and gave her a hug and a kiss on her head. "I have to go but I promise that I'll be back. Just be a good girl and stay with your father. Alright?"

Elliot cupped Vincent's cheeks when he stood. He held a worried look. "Stay safe or else I'll pinch your ear again." Vincent chuckled. "I will. I promise." They kissed.


Shadowess - June 5, 2021

Parker beamed at the mention, his cheeks turning a little red and he felt his tears fall but he kept smiling at Will. When the speech was over, he clapped with everyone else then turned to Ben and pat his shoulder. "Congratulations, man." he said sincerely. He wiped away his tears and looked over at Will, waiting for him to come over when he'd be done with anything else he might need to do.


Sebastian bit into his bag and drank some of the blood. "I don't know...from the old human tales, they supposedly lure human men with their singing...destroying their ships on sharp rocks. I guess they'd be the equivalent of sharks in the marine world whereas merpeople might be more like dolphins?"


Neva hugged Vincent back "Ok dad..." she said and frowned as she watched him and Elliot kiss. She was worried. Something was happening and she didn't understand what, but she had a feeling it was dangerous. "What's going on?" she asked.


By this time, Viktor had already taken Helena home and put the groceries away. He left her at the apartment while he went out 'for a walk'. Helena sat on the couch in the living room, slowly moving her fingers over the pages of a braille book. Meanwhile, Viktor had found an internet café where he sat inside with a cup of coffee at one of the computers, trying to find relatives in the US. He held his phone to his ear, having already dialed one of the numbers that he'd found.

"Uh, hello? My name is Viktor Steinheil. I'm trying to find my relatives. Is this Daniel Steinheil?...no?...ah...I see...sorry to bother you." he hung up and looked at his phone with a frown. Finding his relatives may not be as easy as he first thought. He tried another number, determined to find his family.

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Denix Vames - June 5, 2021

Will walked over. He nodded at Ben. "Hey man." Ben wrapped his arms around him. Will was a bit taken aback by the hug but chuckled. Returning the gesture.

Ben stepped back as he wiped his tears. "Uh sorry. It's just that this is really something else, ya know?" "It's alright. You can celebrate."

Vincent appeared around the corner. Will detected his smell. He nodded at everyone. "Excuse me but me and Parker have somewhere else to be." He took Parker's hand. Leading him to the scent. "You better hurry up Vincent because anyone who sees me talking to you is going to think that I'm on your side." "Then take this and read it." Vincent gave it to him before disappearing.

Will read over the descriptions. His face went pale. "Are you fucking kidding me? Vampire hunters?"


"Do you think if we do meet one that they'll want to befriend us? I mean, our family is almost one of every supernatural creature." Carter drank some more.


Elliot locked the front door. He took her hand. "It's nothing that you need to worry about pumpkin. Why don't you and I make something to eat?"

Vincent appeared. Elliot raised a brow. "That was fast." Vincent shrugged. "I was only passing the note along to Will."


Ben had gone back to duty. Driving around the street and surveying the areas. His phone buzzed. He read the text from Will which held the description of the two suspects.

He typed back, 'I'll keep an eye out.'

And he looked around as he drove.


Denix Vames - June 5, 2021

(just gonna quickly explain that the only reason why Bryce knew they were vampire hunters was because he can read minds now and obviously the smell threw him off. im having him read minds cause he was put into the program and as a half demon, he's got that ability. I don't know if I'm way too far off with that but yeah)


shadowess - June 5, 2021

(It's cool, I figured he might still have telepathy from when Desi granted him that ability along with teleportation. But that makes sense as well with how he's back on Earth.)

Parker followed Will and was surprised (as well as a little nervous considering the amount of officers in the background) to see Vincent here. He watched the short exchange then looked at Will in surprise when he said there were Vampire Hunters. "Seriously?"


Sebastian shrugged. "Maybe?" he chuckled. "We'll have to see if we can find one first." he drank more from his bag.


Neva was still worried and didn't like not being told what was happening but she took Elliot's hand quietly. She hesitated. "I'm not...hungry..." she lied. Truthfully, she was hungry but she was far too worried to think about eating. Within seconds of her saying that though, Vincent reappeared, seemingly done with whatever he needed to do and just like that, Neva's worry evaporated. She turned back to Elliot with a grin and said "Never mind! I am hungry! Can we make waffles?"


Having finally gotten hold of at least one relative, Viktor had taken note of their contact number and address. He slipped the note into his pocket and hurriedly drank the rest of his coffee. He needed to get back to the apartment to make sure his sister was ok. He stood and left the café, beginning to walk quickly down the road while lost in thought.


Denix Vames - June 5, 2021

"Sorry Parker but the date will have to wait. C'mon." Will ran over to his car. He hopped in and drove to the precinct once Parker was in.


Carter finished his bag. Tossing it in the trash. "Can I really drink more than this? I mean does a vampire's stomach get bigger or something?"


Elliot smiled. "Of course." He led her to the kitchen where he took out the ingredients. Vincent laid on the couch. Resting as he tried to be calm about the situation.

Elliot began teaching her how to make waffles. Letting her put in some of the ingredients and mixing it sometimes.


Ben soon spotted him. He flashed his lights then hopped out of the cruiser. He walked over to Viktor. "Excuse me sir? I'm gonna need you to come with me."


Denix Vames - June 5, 2021

(oh lol forgot about that)


shadowess - June 5, 2021

Parker followed Will, getting into the car. He was a little disappointed that they couldn't have their date but considering their professions, things like this were bound to happen now and then so he wasn't too bothered. He figured they could always go on their date after they catch these hunters. "Can't believe there are really hunters out there..." he said, shaking his head a little. "I mean, now that I think about it, it's kind of obvious they exist, right? But still, just never expected something like this to happen."


Sebastian shook his head a little, finishing off his own bag and throwing it away. "No, but if we make ourselves as full as we can before we go then we'll stand a better chance of staving off hunger when it comes to long flights. If we can't find a vampire friendly bar out there then I'll show you how to hunt the humane way, so no one gets hurt. It's kinda about time you learned anyway. There's bound to be circumstances or scenarios in our future where we'll have to resort to it to survive."


Neva watched Elliot and listened to him carefully as he showed her how to cook the waffles. She mixed up the ingredients the way he showed her and looked into the living room at Vincent, smiling at him. "Do you want some, dad?" she asked while she tried to keep stirring the mix. She looked at Elliot. "Do we have some blueberries? I like those."


Viktor jumped a little at the flash of the lights then turned to watch Ben in alarm as he approached him. He felt anxious, wondering if the German authorities had contacted the US authorities this quickly. He had no way of knowing and in his panic, he tried pretending to be calm while putting on a thick stereotypical German accent in the hopes of throwing the officer off. "Sorry...I don't uhhh-...my English not good?" he shrugged and tried a weak smile. He could feel himself sweating. "Am tourist. Come to see America!"


Denix Vames - June 5, 2021

"The thought never even crossed my mind." Will sighed. "But it looks like those bastards are here." Will parked the car at the lot. He hopped out. "I'm going to get into my uniform. Once Ben confirms that he's detained one of the hunters then I'll take us to their home and question the other one."

He got into the station. Making his way to the locker room where he quickly changed into his uniform. He walked out. "Alright. All the other cops will be here soon. We can't reveal the fact that they're vampire hunters but we can still pin them as murderers if we find the evidence of their killings."

He got into a cruiser. Once Parker was inside with him, he drove to the address he was given on the note when he got the text from Ben. "Those bastards. Sometimes, I wish I could just beat the shit out of my suspects."


Carter grabbed another bag out of the fridge. He began drinking some from that. "The humane way? How can you suck someone's blood the humane way?"


Vincent smiled. "Sure thing sweetie."

Elliot looked in the fridge. He took out a carton of blueberries. "Here we go." He gave them to her. "You can put them in. Just not too much. Ya need to get in the right amount."


"Yeah whatever. As of right now you're being detained." Ben forced him to turn around. Placing handcuffs on him and taking him to the backseat of his cruiser. He slammed the door shut then hopped into the driver's side. He locked the doors.

He quickly texted Will, 'Got the guy.'

He began driving to the precinct.


Shadowess - June 5, 2021

Parker waited outside, leaning against the car while Will got changed. When Will came out and said they'd need to try and pin the hunters as murderers, Parker nodded in agreement. "Right." he said as he jumped back into the car. "Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll give you a reason to use force? If they're hunters then I can only imagine they're trained to fight and considering they'd be used to fighting vampires then I don't think we should underestimate them." he said as they drove towards the address.


Sebastian also took out another bag. "Usually with permission." he chuckled. "Ok, so there's two ways we can do it. One is riskier than the other. The first is, we could find a human who might be willing to sell us their blood. We have to be careful who we reveal ourselves to though. Especially in that part of the world. There could still be hunters out there. But if we find someone we think we can trust, we tell them what we are and make them an offer. Usually money, food or drink in exchange for a bit of their blood. Then we only take a small amount. Just enough to get by for the rest of that day on, and then we let them go back to their life."

He bit into his bag and drank some before continueing. "The second way is far safer for us but it's a little tricky and maybe even morally questionable. We visit the local bars or clubs then wait for someone very drunk to leave on their own. We follow them, knock them out and bite into a...less obvious...part of their body...somewhere they wouldn't notice or think to look. Again, we only take what we need and we make sure to put them somewhere safe so that when they wake up they'll be non the wiser as to what happened to them...Admittedly, I would only use the second option if I was desperate."


"Ok!" Neva said, taking a handful of berries and throwing them into the mix. She mixed them in, the batter turning a little blue in the process. "Like that, dad?"


"What?!" Viktor exclaimed as Ben turned him around. Before he could react, he felt the cuffs being placed on him. Panicking, he began shouting entirely in German while struggling to break free. "No! You can't do this! It wasn't me!! I didn't do it! I didn't do any of it! I used their cards but that was it! You don't understand! Let me go! My sister needs me! She's blind!! She's on her own!!! Let me go!" Once in the back of the cruiser, he began kicking the wire bars between them while continueing to scream and shout similar lines in German, seeming to grow angrier and angrier.


Denix Vames - June 5, 2021

"I'm a Blood God now. Not to mention the Chief of Police. If they even attempted to assault me then I'll be able to charge them anyway." ,said Will.

They soon arrived at the apartment. Will parked the cruiser on the side of the road. He hopped out of the car. Heading into the building. He walked up the stairs. Making it to the right door. He kept his hand on his taser as he knocked on the door.

"This the NYPD! Open up!"


"I would take the first option. Although, it will be tricky like you said." Carter finished his second bag. Tossing it in the trash can. He sighed and pat his stomach. "I think I'm done. I'm not much of a stuffer."


Elliot nodded. "Yeah pumpkin." He picked up the bowl. "Now, I've got to put the mix in." He poured some into the waffle maker then put the lid down.


"Stop kicking or I will tase you!" ,shouted Ben.


Shadowess - June 5, 2021

"I don't doubt it." Parker smiled. When they arrived, he followed Will up to the apartment, standing on the other side of the door as he knocked.

Helena jumped at the knock and the announcement of the police. She hurriedly tried to put her book down on the coffee table, misjudged the distance between the table and the couch, and dropped the book on the floor. "Please wait!" she called, getting to her feet and feeling her surroundings to make sure she didn't walk into anything. She felt her way to the wall and walked around it towards the source of the knock. "I am coming! Please wait! I am not used to this place yet!" she called, worrying they might get impatient as she tried to find the front door.


Sebastian nodded and seemed to struggle with drinking the remaining contents of his bag. "Yeah, I think I'll be more than full after this one too." he chuckled. He glanced at the clock then drank up the rest of his bag a little more hurriedly. "We should make a move." He said, throwing his bag into the bin and heading back towards the stairs to grab their suitcase from the bedroom.


Neva watched the waffle maker eagerly. Her mouth watering at the smell. Neva had come a long way since she was first taken in by the group. Before Elliot and Vincent had adopted her, she had been an almost skeletal, frail and malnourished little girl who ate any food she got defensively and as quickly as she could. Now, she was a much healthier weight.

Her skin wasn't as pale or sickly as it had once been, now that she was getting much more vitamins and nutrients in her diet. She ate much slower and had a hearty love for food, no longer just eating for the sake of filling her stomach, she ate because she liked how things tasted instead. Only recently, Vincent had been trying to teach her 'table manners'. "How long does it take to cook?" she asked.


Through Viktor's shouts and the noise he made from kicking the wire, he barely heard Ben's warning. He continued to kick and scream.


Denix Vames - June 5, 2021

Will knocked harder on the door. "Open up! Now!"


Carter took his suitcase from Sebastian. "Did you call a cab already? I don't think we can run without anyone noticing."


"Not too long but we'll have to wait." ,said Elliot. Once the first waffle was done, he carefully took it out. Placing it on a big plate. He then put another bit of mix in the waffle maker. Waiting for that waffle to be done.


Ben parked on the side of the road. He hopped out of the car and opened the door to the backseat. He pulled the trigger on his taser. The prong gripped to Viktor. Sending volts of electricity to his body.


Shadowess - June 5, 2021

Helena tried to move around the apartment faster but ended up knocking a few things off the shelves as she passed them, her hands on the walls as she felt her way around. "I am! Wait!" she called, a hint of panic in her voice. She finally reached the door and fiddled with it.

She tried turning the handle but it didn't move. Viktor must have locked it before he left! "Oh! Oh no! Wait I need to find the key!" she moved away from the door, searching the wall and shelves next to it with her hands, trying to find the key and hoping it was either in a bowl on the shelf or on a key holder on the wall. She felt tears welling up in her eyes as she panicked. "I can't find it!" her voice shook.

They could hear the commotion of things dropping on the other side of the door and Parker rose a brow at Will. "Something doesn't seem right..." he said.


Sebastian paused, his cheeks turning a little red and he chuckled. "Uh, good point. Hang on." he took out his phone and called for a taxi. A minute later he hung up the phone and smiled at Carter. "Good news. It'll be here in about ten minutes. We should get there in plenty of time."


Neva watched the way Elliot removed the waffle then put more mix into the waffle maker. "Can I try with the next one?" she asked, tilting her head a little while looking up at Elliot sweetly.


Viktor looked around wildly when Ben pulled over, then watched him get out of the car. He'd reared up, ready to try and make a run for it when the door opened but he didn't even get a chance to move before the taser's prong struck him and he cried out as his body tensed and convulsed. "Please!" he cried, this time in English. "My sister! She's blind! She's on her own! She needs me!!"


Denix Vames - June 5, 2021

"Enough of this!" Will kicked the door down. He aimed his taser at Helena. "Don't move or I will tase you! Now, put your hands in the air and turn around!"


"Perfect." Carter headed out of the house. Waiting outside for the cab.


"Alright but be careful. I'll be watching ya just in case." Elliot lifted the lid up. Revealing the second waffle. "Go ahead and try."


Ben yanked the prongs off and shut the door. He got into the car and made sure to lock the doors before driving to the PD. "The Chief's already there to get her. You'll see her again as soon as we get some answers out of you two."

He soon reached the precinct. He parked the cruiser and got out. He opened the door. Gripping Viktor by his arm. Making sure he wouldn't get loose. He forced him to get inside the building. Escorting him to the jail cells on the bottom floor.

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Shadowess - June 5, 2021

Helena jumped when the door was kicked down and she whimpered as Will barked his orders at her. She put her hands up and slowly turned away from the wall to face them, her eyes looking at the wall in between them. "I don't understand." she whimpered. "Why is this happening?"

The moment she turned and faced them, Parker saw her white eyes and felt his heart drop. That's why it was taking her so long to open the door! "Oh, man..." he cringed, staring at her. "This is awkward..."


Sebastian stood with him, holding his free hand as they waited. Before long, they taxi picked them up and took them to the airport. From there, getting through all the security was a breeze and they were soon being offered champagne in the first class lounge while they waited until their plane was ready. "I suppose a little bit wouldn't hurt." Sebastian chuckled as he took a glass.


Neva was hesitant but she tried to remove the waffle the same way that Elliot had done with the first one. She flinched at the heat coming from the waffle iron but it didn't deter her efforts. She managed to take it out and put it onto the plate. "It's really hot!" she said, grinning at Elliot. She took the bowl and used the spoon to pour some of the mixture into the iron.


Viktor cried quietly as Ben got back into the car and drove them to the precinct. He'd leant his head against the door and watched the world pass him by, wondering if he'd ever see it again. One thing was certain, he couldn't say anything about vampires or hunters. They'd think he was crazy and might have him locked away for insanity. Then what would happen to Helena?! He needed to find a way out of this, any way that he could. He walked with Ben into the building and although he didn't resist, he certainly dragged his heels.


Denix Vames - June 5, 2021

"Right now, you're being detained. We'll explain everything down at the station." ,said Will who didn't seem to notice or care about her eyes. He made her turn around and handcuffed her. Taking her out of the room and down the stairs to the cruiser.

He put her in the backseat.


Carter took a glass too. He drank a small sip. He cringed at the taste. "I never had this stuff before but I sure as hell don't think I'm missing out on anything."


"It sure is but that's why ya gotta be careful. Good job by the way." Elliot closed the lid once the mix there.


Ben placed him into a cell. He stepped out of it. Locking the cell door. "Walk over here." Once he did, he was take the cuffs off. Placing them back on his side. "I'll come back later. If you attempt to do anything then you will be tased again."

He walked off. Going to his desk where he sat there. Searching the computer for a Viktor Steinhell.


Shadowess - June 5, 2021

Parker watched with a frown as Will handcuffed Helena as if she was any other criminal. He doubted she'd get very far if she did decide to run, given her condition. He looked around briefly and noticed the glasses and extendable stick on the coffee table. He grabbed them hurriedly and followed Will out of the apartment. He noted that Helena was stumbling now and again as Will took her to the car before placing her in the backseat. He walked over to Will before he could get into the car, wondering if he'd even noticed. "I think she might be needing these..." he said, showing Will the stick and glasses.


Sebastian chuckled while taking a sip from his glass. "I guess it does take a little getting used to." he said while sitting back and relaxing in the large, cushioned sofa.


"Thank you!" Neva beamed, watching Elliot close the lid. "I think I wana be a chef when I'm older!" she said while looking at the waffle iron. She then grinned at Elliot. "I saw a chef on the TV but he was always shouting. He said some funny stuff though!"


Viktor rubbed his wrists once the cuffs were removed and he watched Ben leave. He paced the cell a bit before sitting down, shaking and breathing a little heavily while trying to hold himself together. This was it, he thought. He was about to be blamed for the murder of his parents...and his sister...God, what will become of her?!


Denix Vames - June 5, 2021

Will's eyes widened. "What the hell?! That doesn't make any sense! Was she being held hostage or something then? Does she even know?" He shook his head and grabbed the items. "I'll ask her this crap later."

He hopped into the car. Placing the items on the dashboard. Once Parker was inside, he drove to the precinct.

He soon reached the place. He parked the cruiser. He got out of the car. Taking Helena and guiding her into the station.


Carter took another small sip. "I hope we don't have to deal with a crying baby. Otherwise, I don't know if I keep myself from punching it."


Vincent sat up. Alerted by what she said. Elliot was a bit alarmed. He took out third waffle. Placing it on the plate. "What kind of funny stuff?" ,asked Vincent.


Ben slammed his fist on the desk. "Damn it! Nothing! I wish someone knew more about who they were."

Leo appeared. He was dressed in a tight black long sleeved shirt and leathery pants. "I know you didn't call me but I heard through the grapevine about this case." Ben was a bit startled but wrote down their names. "Just see if the CIA can find info about these guys." He tore the note off of his pad and handed it to him.

Leo nodded. "Got it." He disappeared.


Shadowess - June 5, 2021

Parker shrugged at his questions, knowing as much as he did at this moment. Though he glanced worriedly at the, clearly terrified, blind girl in the back of the car. He got into the car and even though she was quiet, Parker could hear her trying her best to slow down her breathing. He felt awful for her, wondering what it must be like to have no clue what was going on around her.

He got out of the car and looked up at the station. "Uh...did you want me to come in with you or-?" He asked Will, reminding him that Parker didn't actually work there anymore and was a Private Detective. Considering it's Will's case, he would need expressed permission to join the case.


"Carter!" Sebastian gasped and chuckled. "I doubt it. The part of the plane we'll be in is a little more secluded. Plus we'll get headphones and movies if we really want to tune out for a while."


Neva didn't notice the alarm between her parents as she happily continued watching the waffle iron thoughtfully. "He called some people a donut. One man set his pan on fire and the chef took the pan away and called him a 'fucking donkey'!...he was very mad..."


Denix Vames - June 5, 2021

"I want you to follow me." ,said Will. He nodded at Ben. "What do you got?" "Nothing so far. I sent Leo to find out about their family history and to see if there's any evidence that can pin them for the murders. Is she one of the suspects?" "Yeah but it looks like Viktor might have been the only one who killed those people. I'm going to take her to the cells and question the other suspect."

Will headed downstairs. He brought into a cell and locked the door. "Walk to the bars." He tapped on the metal so she could hear them. "Over here."

Ben typed into his computer. "I'm going to ask a judge for a warrant on their apartment. You can hang around unless you're thinking of following Will."


Carter smiled. "Well, that'll be a relief." He looked around. "I've never been to a place with this much people in it unless it was a crime scene."


Elliot spread some butter over the waffles. He drizzled some syrup over and placed a knife and fork on the plate. He walked over to the living room. Placing the plate. "There you go. Why don't ya eat while I make some for me and your dad?"

Vincent sat up. He placed a hand on her shoulder when she sat next to him. "Now, listen to me very carefully. You are not allowed to watch that show anymore. And you cannoy say bad words like fucking. It's rude."


shadowess - June 6, 2021

"You got it." Parker said, following Will.

When Will spoke to Ben, Helena looked in the direction of their voices suddenly. "What? V-Viktor wouldn't kill anyone! He's not like that!" she defended him, her voice quivering. She continued to walk with Will to the cells, not that she had any choice. She was shaking, hearing the sound of the heavy metal bars closing behind her. She turned to the sound of him tapping on the metal and slowly made her way over to it, using her feet to feel in front of her until she felt the bars. "I don't understand why this is happening." she whimpered.

Viktor had been watching quietly from his cell. Silently enraged that his sister was being locked up as well. His heart ached, seeing how terrified she was. He glared at Will through the bars.

"That's cool man. I'll go with Will. I wana see what this hunter has to say for himself." Parker said to Ben before following Will to the cells.


Sebastian glanced around as well. It was a little surprising to see this many people in a first class lounge. But then again, he supposed they'd all be waiting for different flights. "I guess everyone else had the same idea." he chuckled. An announcement for their flight came through the speakers and Sebastian got to his feet, placing his glass on the little table. "That's us. Sounds like they're getting ready to board."


Neva had been unaware that she'd said anything wrong and followed Elliot with the waffles to the living room. "Thanks dad!" she said happily before sitting next to Vincent. When Vincent placed a hand on her shoulder, she paused and listened to him. Her smile slipped and she looked at the ground with a frown. "Oh...sorry..." she said slowly then looked at him worried. "Am I in trouble?"


Denix Vames - June 6, 2021

Will uncuffed her. "Your brother is a wanted serial killer. He has killed several innocent people in the past. Vampires to be exact. Innocent people who were living peaceful lives. Whether or not you knew of this is a different matter entirely. We will question each of you separately so that we can get your sides of the story."

Leo appeared next to Will. Handing him a file. "Looks like they've been doing this for a while." Will opened the file. Looking through the papers. He glared at Viktor. His fangs sprouted. "For generations, your family has been hunting innocent creatures?!" Leo placed a hand over his shoulder.

"I have been ordered by the CIA to send them to a facility that is being kept secret. The agents there will question them. They will not torture unless absolutely necessary." Will glanced at him. "Hang on a minute. I don't think-" "I know. She doesn't seem like the type to do this kind of thing. I'm pretty sure he's the one who's been doing this."

"Parker, get her stick and shades." ,said Will. His fangs went back into his gums. Will unlocked Helena's cell. Leo handcuffed her. Taking her out of the cell. He placed her stick in his pocket as well as her shades. Will walked over to Viktor's cell. "Keep your back facing me and slowly back up."

Once Viktor did that, he would handcuff him then unlock his cell. Forcing him out. Leo gripped Viktor's arm and Helena's. Will took some steps back. "You can keep that file for Carter. We've got copies." Leo disappeared.

"Looks like this is both out of our jurisdiction." ,said Will.


Leo appeared in the facility where the isolated cells were. No bars. Just thick metal walls with what was barely a window of light. The agents there escorted each suspect to their own cell. Leo gave an agent Helena's belongings.


Both suspects uncuffed. Then their cells were automatically locked by keycards. He nodded at the agents who would be guarding their cells before disappearing.


Carter set his glass down as well. He followed Sebastian to the hall leading to the airplane. Once inside, he sat down and leaned back. "Holy shit! My back feels great."


"Of course not sweetie. I just want you to know this so that you don't say it again, ok? You can still enjoy your waffles." ,said Vincent.

Elliot worked on making more waffles for himself and Vincent. Once he was done, he carried the two plates over. Setting one in front of him and sitting down with his own. He switched the TV on to trucks speeding off of ramps and running over average cars.


Shadowess - June 6, 2021

Helena was shocked at the news but then Will mentioned Vampires and her brows furrowed in confusion. "What?!...Is this some kind of joke?! That's madness!" she exclaimed.

"You're right, Helena. It IS madness! These people are insane and they've taken us prisoner for no good reason!" Viktor snapped, still glaring at Will.

He then jumped and stared at Leo in surprise when he appeared out of nowhere. Vampires he was familiar with, but as far as his family were concerned, they'd never encountered Angels, Demons or Devils before. Therefore didn't know that they really existed or that they could teleport. "How-?!" he gawped then watched Leo hand a file over to Will. His eyes widened at the sight of Wills fangs. His face turned pale and he backed up a bit. "Oh, God! They're the police!? They're in the police! How?! It's broad daylight out!!"

Meanwhile Helena couldn't see Will's fangs and could only judge the conversation by what she was hearing. "No! This is wrong! Our family don't kill! We were attacked! Viktor, tell them!"

But Viktor was too busy glaring at Will, in shock and under the belief that Vampires had taken over this city. He also didn't have the nerve to say anything about the attack on their family home, because doing so would admit that they were only attacked by Vampires in retaliation to their family's hunts.

Leo then said they'd be taken to a facility to be questioned and this riled up Viktor more. Though his outrage was more to do with the fact they were going to be taking Helena as well. "You can't do this!! She's done nothing! Look at her! She needs help on a daily basis for the simplest tasks! Does she really look like a killer to you?!"

When Will walked over to his cell and ordered him to back up to him, Viktor recoiled and gave Will a disgusted look. "I'm not going anywhere near you, freak!" he growled. Helena was in tears by this point and she looked in the direction of where Viktor's voice was coming from. "Viktor, please...don't antagonize them...I'm scared." she wept in German.

Viktor looked over at her and hesitated. He looked back at Will, glaring again before turning around and backing up. He looked over at Helena then at Leo. "Don't you hurt her." he warned him.

When they were gone, Parker sighed. "Damn...That was eventful..."


When they appeared in the facility, Viktor was in too much shock at how they'd simply appeared there to react at first. They started separating the siblings and that's when Viktor really lost it. He realized how much trouble they were in and that they might never step foot outside this facility again. He wasn't even sure he'd ever see his sister again and that's what drove him over the edge the most. He started digging his heels into the ground as they took him to his cell. He was screaming at them angrily and trying his best to break free. Wriggling and writhing in their grasp, screaming profanities and accusing them of siding with monsters. Even after he was placed in the cell and locked in, he banged on the door. Throwing his body and fists against it, continueing his furious ranting.

Helena on the other hand could do nothing but cry quietly as she listened to her brothers screams while they escorted her to her own cell. She made no attempts to run or fight back. She couldn't. It's not like she would get very far if, by some miracle, she did manage to break free. Once in the cell, she reached out to the nearest wall and leant against it, sliding down until she was sitting with her back to it. She pulled up her knees, hugging them and continued to cry quietly into them. She still didn't understand why any of this was happening to them. In utter denial about what she had heard so far.


Sebastian sat down as well and relaxed. He chuckled at Carter's comment and pointed at the buttons on the side of Carter's chair. "I'm pretty sure these are massage chairs as well."


Neva thought about what he said and nodded. "Ok dad." she said quietly then picked up her knife and fork, trying to hold them the way Vincent had taught her, rather than with her whole hand wrapped around each handle like she used to do. It wasn't something she'd gotten the hang of yet. So, sometimes while she was too distracted by what was on the TV, she would revert back to the old way of holding the utensils out of habit.

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Denix Vames - June 6, 2021

Will chuckled. "But guess what? We can finally go on that date. I'll tell Ben that our involvement with the case is over." He headed upstairs. "Hey Ben. The CIA's got them and you know what that means." Ben sighed. "Yep. No more work. Then again, that just means no more paperwork for me. I'll go back to driving then."

Ben headed out and drove off.


An agent opened Helena's cell. He helped her. Guiding her to a room that had a table and two chairs. It was dark except for the one lightbulb. He helped her to the chair then sat on the other side.

"Hello Helena. My name isn't important. However, what's important are answers. Now, I can see that you're not a killer. Yet, you still may know a few things. Starting off with, what does your brother do for a living?"


Carter pressed a button. The chair started vibrating. He closed his eyes and sighed. "Oh yeah."


Vincent and Elliot started eating as well.


Shadowess - June 6, 2021

(I think we could leave Elliot, Vincent & Neva to it for a bit. Sebastian and Carter are guna be stuck on a flight for most of a day so we could probably leave that for a while too.)

Parker smiled at Will and followed him. Once Ben was gone, he took Will's hand. "Do you wana get changed before we go to the club?"


Helena didn't resist as an agent took her out of her cell. She could still hear her brother screaming and shouting as they walked away. By the time they reached the room she would be questioned in, she could no longer hear him. She sat down, shivering as she listened to the agent asking her questions.

She hugged herself, her face turned downwards as if she was staring at the floor. "H-He just got a new job in a warehouse." she answered, telling the agent the exact same lie that Viktor had told her. "Moving boxes and things for stores." she paused, wiping some of her tears away. "There must be some mistake? My brother isn't a killer...when he's not at work, he helps me at home...He looks after me...He wouldn't hurt anyone..."


Denix Vames - June 6, 2021


"My normal clothes are at home. I could change back into my formal uniform. Just to show off to everybody that I'm the Chief now. It would probably be best for them to know that someone like them has some authority." ,said Will.


"I'm going to assume that you didn't know anything about your family's vampire hunting job? I've requested them to make a copy of this file in Braille so that you can read all about it. And considering that you seemed to have nothing to do with the murders then we will soon release you. However, your brother is a killer. Whether you want to believe it or not is up to you. But he will stay in this prison for life. You are allowed to visit him. We will talk of a schedule soon. Keep in mind that when we release you, you will have to live in the Whitehouse due to the fact that the vampires who killed your parents may not understand that you're blind. Leo, our best agent, will watch over you. Helping you on your daily tasks." ,said The Agent.


Shadowess - June 6, 2021

"Sure, that sounds like it'd be good." Parker smiled then leant against Ben's desk. "I'll wait for you here."


Helena listened to the agent quietly, struggling to take in all of this new information at once. She lifted her shaking hands to her head. Her fingers in her white-blonde hair as she gripped the sides of her head. Tears streamed down her cheeks. "This can't be real...it can't be happening...Vampires aren't real...it was robbers who killed our parents..." she mumbled, struggling to accept reality.


Denix Vames - June 6, 2021

Will smiled back. He headed to the locker room where he changed into his formal uniform. He walked to Parker. Placing his hands on his hips and pressing himself against him. "Missed me?" He slipped his tongue into his mouth. Kissing him slowly.


"Leo." Leo appeared. "Reveal your fangs and let her feel them. Don't worry ma'am. He won't bite you. He's a friend."

Leo nodded. "Yes sir." His fangs sprouted. He leaned in close to her. "Go ahead. Touch his face and find the fangs." ,said The Agent.


Shadowess - June 6, 2021

Parker wrapped his arms around Will's shoulders. He smiled and moaned softly into the kiss, running his fingers through his hair. Loving the way Will's body felt against his. "I always do." he said softly when the kiss broke. "Let's go celebrate." he grinned. "Chief."


Helena lowered her arms and stared towards where the agent's voice was, wondering if they were serious. She then reached out with her hand, finding Leo's shoulder. She swallowed, nervously moving her hand up to his face, gently spreading her fingers out so she could feel his eyes, nose and mouth. Getting to know what he might look like first. When she found his mouth, her fingers shakily found his teeth and immediately she felt the shape of one of his fangs. She shivered, her face turning a little pale but she kept her finger on the fang as if coming to terms with how real it was. She then flinched, having found the sharp point and pulled her hand back quickly, cradling her finger. Knowing, without being able to see it, that there was a small ball of blood forming from the puncture in her fingertip.

Interestingly, although it would only be a very small amount, she was more or less unaffected by any venom that might've gotten into her system. This was a genetic resistance that ran in her family. Something that helped them to hunt unhindered, even if they end up getting bitten in a confrontation. For a Vampire to render a Steinheil incapacitated, they would need to bite one at least two to three times consecutively in order to give them a much higher dosage of venom. "R-real...y-you're a-?..." She muttered, staring at where she'd felt his face. She suddenly felt sick. "My family..." her voice broke a little. She closed her eyes, more tears falling as she bowed her head, sobbing quietly.


Denix Vames - June 6, 2021

Will smirked. They headed out. Getting into the vehicle and driving to the club. "The last time I was here, I got looks from vampires that seemed like they wanted to pounce on me in a bed. But I'm sure they won't do that when they see that I'm the Chief. At least I hope not."


Leo's fangs went back into his gums. He frowned. He took out a band aid. "Here. I'll help you." He wrapped the band aid around her finger. Covering the small cut.

The Agent stood from his chair. He handed Leo her belongings. "Take her to the Whitehouse. We'll talk with her brother now." Leo nodded. He helped her up. "C'mon miss." Both of them disappeared.

"Send in Viktor." Two agents took Viktor out of his cell. Forcing him to the interview room. They made him sit on the chair. Handcuffing his hands from behind and handcuffing his feet. They stepped out. Locking the door.

"Let me make this clear that we didn't give her the same treatment that we're going to give to you. We treated her as a person. Something that you have not done to the lives that you have taken away. What I want to know is when was your last kill? And where did you hide the bodies?"


Leo and her appeared in a hall of the Whitehouse. "Your room is this way." He guided her to a door. Opening it. Allie sat up. "Hey Uncle!" She raised a brow. "Who's this?"

"She's going to be under our protection from now on until we can get the vampires to understand that we've got everything under control." He placed her walking stick and shades on the drawer. "I'll be watching over you both. Her name's Helena." Allie hugged her. "Hey Helena! My name's Allie. It's so nice to meet you. I'm here if you ever need anything, ok?"


shadowess - June 6, 2021

Parker followed Will to his car and got into the passenger side. He chuckled at Will's words. "I think they might see it as more of a kink." he teased. "But I doubt anyone will hit on you once they see we're together too."


Viktor stopped screaming when the agents entered his cell. He backed away from them and after a short scuffle, was dragged to the interview room forcefully. He continued to try fighting them off, even as they handcuffed his hands and feet.

Panting a bit, he stared at the agent interviewing him as the other two left them alone. He listened to the agent quietly and glared at him as he asked his questions. When he finished speaking, Viktor spat at him, making it clear that he would be refusing to speak.


Helena wiped away her tears as Leo guided her to the room she'd be staying in. She was still coming to terms with what she'd learned and although she believed that Vampires existed now, she still found it surreal that she was being escorted by one. She had so many questions but she feared what else she might learn about her family if she asked them. Maybe she was better off not knowing?

They entered the room and Helena looked up towards the sound of a new voice calling Leo 'uncle'. She was taken aback by the hug after Leo had introduced her but she was also a little thankful for it. Shakily and hesitantly, she lifted her arms to lightly hug Allie back. "Th-thank you..." she said quietly.


Denix Vames - June 6, 2021

"Yeah. You're probably right." Will parked the car at the lot before getting out. He held Parker's hand. Walking inside the club. Blaire looked as though she had been crying earlier. It seemed like she hadn't slept in days.

They walked over. "Hey Blaire. Where's Hades?" Blaire kept her head down. "He's....unavailable. What would you both like?"


The Agent took out a handkerchief. Wiping away the spit. He stuffed it in his breast pocket. He walked over to Viktor. As soon as he got close enough, he punched him in the gut.

"Now, let's try this again. Where are the bodies?"


"I'll leave you two alone." Leo closed the door as he left the room.

Allie said, "No problem. So, do you want to get your nails? Maybe I can give you a glam look. Or we could watch a movie? Oh! I know! We could go to the mall and do some shopping."


shadowess - June 6, 2021

Parker frowned at Blaire then rose a brow at Will. Hadn't Will said Hades sacrificed himself when he came back from rescuing Carter in Hell? Why would he bring him up like that? Did he forget? "Uh...I'll just take a beer, thanks." he said to Blaire, not wanting to dwell on that thought.


As the Agent got up and walked over to him, Viktor had an idea that things weren't going to go well for him. But he refused to give these people anymore information on his family than they already had. He watched him warily, still glaring as he got closer. He then doubled over as much as he could, grunting at the punch then wheezing a little as the wind was knocked from his body. "Fucking Vampire lover!" He growled in German.


Helena frowned at all of Allie's suggestions. She sounded so excited by all of those suggestions that Helena felt bad about having to break the news to her. She found Allie's hands and gently held them, looking at where she thought her face was judging by where her voice was coming from. "Allie." she said softly. "I can't see...I'm blind."


Denix Vames - June 6, 2021

"Well, he should be coming back soon. After all, he's gonna get his wings." ,said Will. Blaire lifted her head up. She opened up a bottle of beer and poured a glass of blood. Placing them on the counter. "It's on the house."

Will grabbed his drink. She placed a hand over his. Looking into his eyes. "Thank you." He nodded before they headed to a table.


"The President has ordered that we protect all innocent civilians. That includes supernatural creatures." ,said The Agent in German. "Do you know what The President is?"


"That doesn't mean you can't have some fun. I mean, what do you like to do?" ,asked Allie.


Shadowess - June 6, 2021

Parker looked back at Will, surprised but proud of him. He followed him to the table and smiled at him. "That was kind of you." he said softly.


Viktor's eyes shot up to look at the Agent in surprise when he began speaking to him in German. He remained quiet when the Agent asked his question, staring at him with the feeling that he was about to be told anyway.


Helena was surprised that the news of her blindness didn't deter her from wanting to do something fun with her. She hesitated before answering shyly. "I-I don't know...I don't usually go out or anything. My parents would never let me. They gave me music and braille books to read to keep me from getting bored."


Denix Vames - June 6, 2021

Will sat there. He drank a sip. "Thank you but I thought she knew. I guess not. At least she does now."


"The President is a Nephilim. Yet, he knows right from wrong. He's been doing his best to keep the peace ever since he became elected. So tell me this vampire hunter. If vampires really are dangerous then why isn't Leo here to drink your blood?" ,said The Agent.


"I have some music." Allie grabbed her phone. "We could listen to some Britney Spears." She tapped the screen. The song 'Toxic' started playing.


Shadowess - June 6, 2021

Parker was thoughtful. "I honestly didn't know either." he admitted. "When an Angel, Demon or Devil dies they return to either Heaven or Hell...but if they're destroyed, well...that's it...they cease to exist. I wasn't sure if Leviathans followed the same rules or if he'd been destroyed as opposed to killed...but then again, even David didn't seem to know a lot about Leviathans and he's usually pretty good at knowing this stuff...maybe there's just a lot about them that we still don't know..." he took a sip of his beer.


Viktor stared at the Agent. He wasn't sure what a Nephilim was. His parents had only ever taught him about Vampires. Everything else had been irrelevant. He glared at the question. He hadn't realized that the man who'd brought him here had been a vampire as well. "He's clearly your pet!" he replied. "Vampire are dangerous but they're not like wild animals. They're smart. Organized. That's why there are hunters around to keep them in check and stop them taking over! And you're letting them into your ranks you idiots!" he raved, spouting the beliefs that his parents had engrained into him, just like their parents had done to them, and so on. Viktor had come from generations of brainwashing and almost cult-like behavior. Getting him to change his views, while not impossible, would be incredibly difficult.


Helena tilted her head a little. "Who?" she asked but then the music started playing and Helena listened intently. She smiled a little. "It sounds...strange. I'm not used to listening to music like this..."


Denix Vames - June 6, 2021

"Oh? Then I hope I'm right." ,said Will. He drank some more. "Otherwise, I'll never forgive myself for giving her false hope."


"He is not our pet. He willingly became a secret agent. Hunters are not needed to keep anyone in check. Vampires have laid low for centuries. Any vampire who decides to harm a human is excluded from the group. Nowadays, there are bars for vampires. Humans are willing to donate their blood so that they can live. Travis Carter is a private detective who is a vampire. His agency is all about solving cases. Protecting supernatural creatures and humans alike. Now, if you won't tell me anything then fine. It's not like you're going to leave anyway."

The Agent snapped his fingers. Two agents uncuffed Viktor's feet. They escorted him back to his cell. Uncuffing him and then locking the door. One agent handed him a one piece dark blue prison outfit. "Hand over all of your clothes and belongings when you're done changing." ,said an agent.


"We could listen to One Direction, Justin Timberlake, or Katy Perry. There's so many good songs here!" ,said Allie.


Shadowess - June 6, 2021

Parker placed a hand over his and smiled at him. "I like to believe you are. I don't think Hades would up and leave his family like that without a way to come back." he said gently.


Viktor merely continued to glare at the Agent, refusing to listen to reason. When the Agent said he wasn't going to leave and two more Agents came back into the room, Viktor became angry. "You can't do this! You can't just keep me here!" he shouted, beginning to struggle again as he was dragged back to his cell. "It's not right!"

The moment he was uncuffed, he whirled around and tried to run out of the door before it'd close but it seemed like the Agents were faster. He stared at the Agent handing him the prison suit before throwing it onto the floor. "Fuck you! I'm not doing shit for you!"


Helena found Allie's enthusiasm a little refreshing and she hoped she realized just how much she was helping her to cope with what had happened to her. "Um...I don't know them...but I'll listen to anything you want to listen to. It sounds like interesting music."

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Denix Vames - June 6, 2021

Will kissed his hand. "You always know what to say."


The two agents opened the door. A few more agents came. Locking themselves in the cell with Viktor. They pinned him to the floor. Forcibly taking his clothes off until he was in his underwear. They put the prison suit on him. Once that was done, they slipped his shoes and socks off then put white socks over his feet and black shoes.

An agent opened the cell door. Taking his clothes away. The other agents kicked and punched him. Beating him down until he was too weak to move. They all left the cell. One agent locked the door.


"Really? Thanks." Allie hit play on One Direction. She placed the phone at the foot of the bed and started dancing.


Shadowess - June 6, 2021

Parker smiled and blushed a little. "Maybe we should focus more on celebrating you becoming Chief." he chuckled, not wanting to think about death any longer. He held up his glass for Will. "To a great leader and to a future of helping the innocent, no matter their species."


Viktor backed up when all the Agents entered his cell and locked the door. "N-No!" he cried out when he was pinned down and proceeded to scream as they stripped him and forced the prison suit onto him. He struggled against them as they did this and just when he thought it was over, the Agents then began beating him. He cried out, writhing and flinching with each strike.

Each time he tried to get to his feet, he was knocked back down. This went on until Viktor stopped trying to get up and he lay on the ground, whimpering, wheezing and coughing up a little blood. He was left in the cell where he curled up into a ball where he lay, shaking, groaning and crying from the pain he was left in as well as the humiliation he felt from having his clothes changed.


Helena listened to the music with a small smile. She could hear Allie moving around but had no idea she was dancing.


Denix Vames - June 6, 2021

Will raised his glass. It clinked with his. He drank some. "Hey everybody! Drinks are all on me!"

The vampires cheered before running to the bar where they were requesting drinks. Will sighed but kept his smile. "My bank account is going to hate me after this."


Leo appeared in his room. He was sitting on the bed. "Hello. My name is Leo. I will be protecting Helena from now on. Right now, since you can't do anything, I would like to talk to you."


Allie took her hands. "C'mon. Let's dance." She began to help her move a bit. Showing her how to dance to the beats of the song.


Shadowess - June 7, 2021

Parker laughed at Will's last comment and shook his head a little. "I suppose it's a small price to pay to get the local vampires here to respect you." he said, drinking more of his beer. "It might not seem like much, but I'll bet they appreciate it and remember you if they ever need help now."


Viktor jumped a little at Leo's voice. Still shaking and breathing heavily from the beating he'd just gotten, he moved his head a little to look at him. "That guy... s-said you're... a Vampire..." he said between breaths. He glared. "S-stay...away from...my...sister!... Blutsauger!"(Leech/Vampire/Bloodsucker)


Helena moved the way Allie showed her to, although she was shy as well as nervous about accidentally knocking things over. She felt her cheeks getting warm but she smiled as Allie danced with her.


Denix Vames - June 7, 2021

Will finished the rest of his drink. "Yeah, I guess so." He was suddenly bombarded by many vampires asking him for autographs and pictures. To which, he succumbed to. Allowing them to take photos of himself with them and signing their notepads and napkins. It was just like before. When he was a boxer.


Leo chuckled. "Do you really think that I'm just a vampire?" He stood and knelt so that Viktor could face him. "I was experimented on by ADIEu. My DNA is that of werewolf, angel, and demon. With a bit of vampire here and there." He poked his nose. "And don't worry about your sister. She's having a great time hanging out with Allie. The President's daughter. I've sworn to protect them both. Even if that means sacrificing myself."


Allie blushed. She seemed to be having a lot of fun with her. "Hey, do you want to eat something? I don't know if you already had anything before. We've got plenty of food."


shadowess - June 7, 2021

Parker watched what happened next unfold with a mixture of amusement and pride. The Vampire community were really welcoming of Will and seemed ecstatic about having one of their own as the chief of police. Some asked Will questions, wanting to know how he managed to walk around in daylight to be able to keep such a job. Whether there were any night positions open in the force. What he planned to do about hunters that had been rumoured to be around lately. Would he be protecting their rival specie, the werewolves, as well?

Parker chuckled a little, seeing how popular Will had suddenly become. He figured now was as good a time as any to top up their drinks. He kissed Will on the cheek to get his attention back for a moment. "I'm just guna get us some more drinks." he said before getting up and heading over to the bar.


Viktor's eyes widened at his words. If there was one thing the supernatural and the Steinheil family could agree on, it was that ADIEU were not to be trusted. That they were a force capable of horrific evils and should be stopped at every opportunity. He flinched when his nose was poked then continued to stare at Leo warily, trying to make sense of what he was just told. "W-what...do you want...from me?"


Helena stopped dancing and looked towards Allie's voice, a little out of breath. "Yes, please. I haven't had anything since this morning." she replied.


Denix Vames - June 7, 2021

Will answered their questions. Stating that he wasn't fully vampire but a Blood God. He told me that he would do everything in his power to keep everyone safe. To arrest hunters and have them taken to the CIA where a secret prison would hold them just like the ones that Will brought up about. Yet, he did not reveal their names.

Will smiled at Parker. "Alright."

Blaire poured another glass of blood for Will and gave Parker his second bottle of beer.


"I just want to know where you buried those bodies. The families need to bury their relatives. Have some closure. Imagine your parents bodies. You can't even bury them because of those vampires. Obviously, they deserved it but now the vampires who killed your parents won't even let you go near them, will they? Imagine how those other families must feel. No closure. Not being able to bury one of their own. How awful is that?" ,said Leo.


Allie typed something into her phone. "Our meals will be ready soon. The chef makes the best dishes."


shadowess - June 7, 2021

"Thanks Blaire." Parker said before taking the drinks over to Will. He reached the table in time to hear one sceptical vampire pipe up; "Prison?! Hunters have been terrorizing Vampires for centuries. They deserve the chair, not prison!"

Parker shook his head at the vampire and passed Will his glass quietly before taking a sip of his beer.


Viktor listened to Leo and averted his eyes to the floor as he spoke. For a long time after Leo stopped talking, Viktor didn't say anything. Just stared into the stone floor with a faraway look in his eyes. He closed his eyes tightly, a couple of tears dropping from them. Just when it seemed like Viktor wouldn't answer him, he spoke. "My parents...they took me out to...to 'train'...'it's tradition' they said...I'd be trained the same way that they were trained... any one that I'd choose to marry would go through the same training... to keep the family 'strong'..."

Viktor kept his eyes closed. He swallowed. He could see it happening all over again as he spoke. "We tracked down vampires who were out on their own...chased them down...cornered them...my parents beat them...th-then they handed me the crossbow...traditional execution weapon of the hunters...it had been passed down over generations...they had me aim it at a vampire's heart...h-h-he looked at me...it felt like his eyes could see right through me...he looked scared...but he couldn't be...he's a monster...they told me he was a monster...I tried to pull the trigger but I couldn't...my parents started screaming at me to do it...to hurry up...I-I was shaking...I was crying...and the vampire was crying too...my parents were so angry...my father snatched the weapon from me and ended it...then my parents beat me...and then they comforted me...told me I'd do better next time...they burned the bodies...in a clearing in the woods...said that's how hunters hide their life from other humans... They took me out again when I healed...same thing...I froze...they killed the vampire...they beat me for being a coward...they comforted me...burned the bodies...said I only get one more shot at hunting or I'd be exiled from the family..."

Viktor opened his eyes but didn't look at Leo. "To be exiled...is to be hunted yourself...they can't risk estranged family members spouting their family secrets all over the world...I had one last chance to prove that I could be trusted...as soon as I'd heal from my beating, they'd take me out again...we were supposed to go out that night...that's when it happened...that's when our house was attacked...My parents screamed at me to help them fight...said to leave my sister behind...that she wasn't strong enough to survive in our world...In that moment...I had to choose...help my parents and fight....or save my sister and run..." Viktor covered his face and sobbed into his hands. "I chose her..."


Helena blinked, looking a little confused. "That fast?" she asked, amazed. "How do they know?"


Denix Vames - June 7, 2021

Will took a sip. He frowned. "I'm sorry but that's up to the CIA. And there are laws nowadays. We can't just simply execute anyone. No matter the crime. Besides, we've been able to rehabilitate people who use to see supernatural creatures as monsters. Some of them are our friends."


Leo placed a hand over his arm. "You did the right thing. A real family would have tried to save her." He thought for a moment. "When Hades, a Leviathan, had to fight off his father in order to save his family. He did the one thing that he knew would work. Killing himself so that his father could die. So that everyone could live. We don't know where he is now but what he did was brave and noble. And for you, I think what you did was exactly that. You see, I was taught by ADIEU to become a super soldier. Not feel anything. Just kill without questioning anything. I only woke up from that because an angel named Nate broke the spell. If it wasn't for my new family, I'd still be killing innocent creatures."


"Well, I texted them and they have a device there. So they'll read our order and soon our dishes will be delivered to us." ,said Allie.


Shadowess - June 8, 2021

Most of the vampires were happy with Will's reply. Only a few seemed to be sceptical still, having been around for centuries and done things differently, they were a little hesitant to change their methods. As the crowd around Will began to disperse a bit, Parker sat back down next to Will. He took another sip of his beer and smiled at Will.


Viktor continued to sob into his hands. He flinched when he felt Leo's hand on his arm. He didn't know the people that Leo was talking about but he listened. Still sobbing, he was overcome with conflicting emotions. One the one hand, he felt guilty and full of grief that he left his parents to die. On the other, he didn't regret saving his sister and was beginning to accept what Leo was telling him. Yet, at the same time, he was deeply suspicious that this was all some kind of trap to get him to betray his other relatives. He moved his hands to the sides of his head to grip his white-blonde hair. His brown eyes staring into the floor. "I don't understand!" he cried.

"They told me you were all monsters! Said you'd take over humanity, given the chance! It was our place in the world to maintain order! They said you'd kill us if you ever found out who we were!" He closed his eyes, curling up into a ball as much as he could. "But you're not! You said you're keeping Helena safe and you're telling me that you're...you're not bad?! I don't understand! Is this a trick?! Is it real?! Oh god, they're dead! I can't even ask them because they're dead! They died because of me! I turned my back on them when they needed me! But what was I supposed to do?! She couldn't fight! She couldn't even see them! I can still hear the way she screamed when one of them grabbed her! She was so scared and confused!"


"Oh, that's handy." Helena smiled. She fidgeted with her hands a moment shyly, blushing a little. "Allie? Would you mind if I-...um...I'd like to know what you look like. Would you mind if I felt your face?" she asked nervously.


Denix Vames - June 8, 2021

Will sighed. "I thought I was about to have a riot on my hands."


Leo disappeared. A few minutes later, he reappeared. "They're letting you see her now. She's going to visit you soon. I'll tell her." He disappeared.


Allie's face went red. She smiled. "Sure." When she felt her hands, butterflies were in her stomach. Leo appeared. "Helena, they're allowing you to visit your brother. You can take my hand and we can go there now."


shadowess - June 8, 2021

Parker chuckled. "I think they know better than to try picking on a Blood God." he said as he took another beer. "You're basically the stuff of legends to them. A Blood God that hasn't gone mad...I'll bet there hasn't been many of those in history."


Viktor barely noticed that Leo had vanished. He continued to sob, consumed in his grief.


Helena nervously lifted her hands to Allie's face and began feeling every detail. From her eyebrows, to her nose, her lips..."You're quite beautiful." Helena smiled, blushing a little. She then jumped a little, her hands quickly moving away from Allie when she heard Leo's voice. She hesitated, frowning. "...I don't know..." she hugged herself. "You said he'd murdered people...that all this time he knew about...about vampires...I don't know if I can face him after he kept those things from me for so long...knowing what he did...I don't know if I'm ready..."


Denix Vames - June 8, 2021

Will frowned. "I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe if there are any other Blood Gods around, I could help them." He drank some of the blood.

His phone started ringing. He picked it up. "Hello?" His face turned pale. "What?! When?!" His hands were shaking. "I-I'll be there!" He put the phone down. His wide eyes were glued to the table. "Ben's....More guys in black. They took him and left a note. I have to go to the scene."


Leo nodded. "I understand. I do want you to know that he is starting to realize that he was wrong for doing what he did. Take your time to think this through. You don't have to visit him now. Just tell me whenever you want to."

There was a knock at the door. "Sounds like our food is ready." ,said Allie. Leo disappeared.


Leo appeared near Viktor. "Viktor, I can't imagine being in that situation but the fact of the matter is your parents would have let you died if it meant saving their own skin. Don't think twice about saving your sister."


shadowess - June 8, 2021

Parker shrugged. "Doubtful. I think it'd be rare for a vampire to turn a half devil to begin with. Pretty sure I just got unlucky when it happened to me." he said thoughtfully. "But I guess you'll know how best to handle it if one ever did turn up." he smiled. He then watched as Will answered his phone and his features shifted to that of worry when Will seemed to be alarmed. "What?!" He exclaimed when Will got off the phone and explained what had happened. "Guys in black? Did they say what the note said?"


Helena thought about what Leo said. She was worried about Viktor, of course. She still loved him. She was simply too hurt by what she'd learned to want to see him just yet. She continued to hug herself. Thinking about her family and wondering how frequently they lied to her face. She was so lost in thought over this that the news of food arriving barely stirred her.


Viktor had calmed down a bit by the time Leo returned. He was still laying, curled up on the floor though. His eyes still tearful. When Leo spoke, he looked up at him and was quiet for a moment. "She's not coming...is she?" he asked finally. He lowered his eyes back to the floor. "That's ok...I wouldn't want to see me either...I think I want to be alone..." he said in a broken voice. At this point, Viktor's grief and guilt had overtaken him so much that he'd started to fall into depression. He knew that when the guards would eventually pass him food or water, he'd most likely turn them down.


Denix Vames - June 8, 2021

"They're willing to let Ben go if I surrender myself to them." ,said Will. He stood from his seat. "I have to go there. I can't let them kill him."


Allie opened the door. She thanked the butler then rolled the tray of food over. She placed a hand on her back. Helping her to the bed. "I'll get you your dish."


She placed the tray over her lap. "There's a medium rare steak with mash. I told them to get us coke as drinks. We have the same meals." She placed the fork and butter knife in her hands. "I put your drink to your left. It's on a drawer."

She sat next to her. Eating her food.


Leo frowned. He nodded. "Alright but I'll be back later on to check on you." He disappeared.

An agent shoved a tray of food into the slot of the cell door.

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Shadowess - June 9, 2021

"Woah, wait a minute!" Parker shot up from his seat, dropping his beer on the table and gripped Will's sleeve. So long as Parker had a hold on him, Will couldn't teleport without risking taking Parker with him. "Slow down! Who's taken him? Who wants you to surrender? Maybe we could come up with a plan?"


Helena walked over to the bed as Allie helped her. She sat down and felt the tray on her lap. "Thank you." She said quietly with a small smile. "It smells wonderful. She began eating slowly. Taking her time to find her food with her utensils and cut up the steak as best she could. She took a bite of the steak and was immediately reminded of home. The sounds of her parents laughing and joking. Viktor's voice as he'd help her now and again with her meal and talk to her about her day...what book she'd been reading lately...Helena swallowed the bit of steak then slowly put her utensils down on the tray.

She remembered the loud crash. She'd been in her bedroom at the time. She remembered hearing the shouts of angry men. Her parents shouting something from another room. She couldn't hear what they said. Viktor shouting too. He sounded scared. Footsteps thundering into her room. Someone grabbed her hair and pulled her to the ground. "Let's see how they like it when we take one of theirs!" She heard the male growl into her ear.

She screamed, terrified. She felt something sharp graze her neck. She heard Viktor screaming 'No!' then a loud bang. The hand let go of her hair. She heard something heavy fall onto the floor next to her. Then jumped and screamed as a pair of hands grabbed her until she heard Viktor's voice in her ear. "It's me! It's ok! You're ok! We have to go! Now!" He pulled her to her feet and clumsily, they ran. They kept on running and running, Viktor telling her to keep going and not slow down as they did.

Helena lifted a hand to her mouth as tears filled her eyes. She was shaking. "I'm sorry..." she breathed, worried she was insulting her host.


Viktor wouldn't move from where he lay. He could smell the food but he had no appetite. However long it would be before Leo came back would be how long Viktor remained exactly where he was. Staring at the floor, feeling hollow.


Denix Vames - June 9, 2021

"There's no time for that!" Will yanked him away. "Now get off! I have to go!" He ran out of the club. Heading to his car.

Blaire wrote the tab that he owed.


Allie gently rubbed her arm. "Hey, it's ok. There's no need to apologize. It's alright to cry sometimes. Just take some deep breaths."


After some time, Leo appeared. He glanced at the uneaten food then looked at him. He knelt. His voice became stern. "Starving yourself isn't going to get you anywhere. You'll never forgive yourself if you don't help yourself first."


shadowess - June 9, 2021

"Will wait!" Parker was starting to panic. He didn't want Ben to die but he didn't want to lose Will either. Forgetting everything else, he ran after him to his car. "Will, please! Let me help!"


Helena wiped away some of her tears while taking a few deep breaths. "I could hear it all happening again...it was like I was home again and they were breaking in...I was so scared...I thought I was going to die..." she said between breaths as she tried to calm down.


Viktor didn't respond, nor did he move.


Denix Vames - June 9, 2021

Will gripped the handle. "You don't get it! Everyone's counting on me now! I'm their boss. The one guy who needs to tell them that everything will be alright. If I can't even save him then I've failed. This isn't teamwork anymore. A Chief has to stand on his own two feet. I can't keep asking you to risk your life like that."

A tears left him. "I can't lose another cop."


Allie leaned her head against hers. "I'm sorry to hear that. I can't imagine what that must have been like. But you're safe here. No one can hurt you."


Leo let out a frustrated sigh. "Killing yourself doesn't do anything for you. It sure as hell doesn't do anything for us. There's no benefit in dying." He walked over to where his face was. "Look at me, Viktor. I've done some fucked up shit and it's taken me a while to forgive myself. Sometimes, the memories still hurt but I've grown from my past. I'm not the same man that I was before."


Denix Vames - June 9, 2021

a few tears*


shadowess - June 9, 2021

"But I don't want to lose you!" Parker cried suddenly. "You're not asking me to do anything! I'd stand by your side regardless of the dangers!" he then gave Will a stubborn look. "I can't stop you from going. But you can't stop me from following you! I'll find a way. You can count on that." he took a step towards Will with a determined look in his eyes. "I made a promise. I intend to keep it!"


Helena took comfort in Allie's words and relaxed a little with their heads together. "Thank you." she said quietly.


Viktor's eyes moved to look at Leo for a moment, then back down at the floor. "I don't know who I am anymore..." he said hollowly. "My whole life...I was brought up to believe-...but it was all a lie?...we were the monsters?...I don't have a home anymore...I don't have a family...my sister doesn't want to see me...Even if I somehow made it out of here, I'd be hunted by my own family for being a traitor...hunted by vampires just for having the Steinheil name...there's nothing left for me..."


Denix Vames - June 9, 2021

Will smiled before shaking his head. "You're too good to me." He caressed his cheek. Looking into his eyes. "Let's go then."

With both men in the car, Will drove to the scene where Ben's cruiser has crashed into a streetlight. The front end was squished. The windows were shattered. All car doors were opened. Some blood was on the sidewalk and road near the car. A few lavender petals were there too.

Police had been taking samples. Placing them in ziplocs.

Will parked his car a bit away from the scene. He ran over. "Any signs on where they could have headed?" "I'm afraid not, Chief. Looks like we might be expecting a phone call." ,said an officer. Will sighed. "That's just great." He pointed at the petals. "And what's this? A trademark?" "No sir. It would appear that Officer Collins had bought a bouquet of flowers for his girlfriend Jessica. I can only assume he planned on giving them to her when he arrived back home."


"Of course. That's what friends are for." ,said Allie.


"We can keep you safe. No one knows about this place except for the CIA-" Leo raised a brow. "Wait a minute. Did you just say family? How many more of you guys are out there?"


shadowess - June 9, 2021

"Jessica!" Parker gasped. He'd almost forgotten that Ben was dating his sister. "I gotta call her, she'll probably be getting worried!" He said and stepped away from the others while taking out his phone, ready to dial her number.


"The only friend I'd ever had was Viktor..." Helena said thoughtfully then smiled. "You're a good person, Allie. I feel lucky that you want to be my friend."


Viktor shrugged. "Family has been growing for centuries...spread out across the world..." He then glared at the floor. "But I guess they're hard to find even for other Steinheils...I tried to find relatives that could help me when I arrived in America..." he went to put his hand in his pants pocket then remembered he was wearing the prison suit that the guards had forced onto him. "M-my pants...there's a note in the pocket. I managed to get hold of one relative. Their phone number is on the note."


Denix Vames - June 9, 2021

"Don't!" Will placed a hand over his phone. "If you call her now then she's going to try and get herself involved. It's best that she doesn't know. Once this is over, Ben will be back home before she even knows it."


"Thank you. I'm glad that I met you. You seem like an awesome friend too." ,said Allie. She started eating her food again.


"Viktor, I've got an idea. How would you like to take down that relative? The ony way we can capture him is if we lure him. Can you call him for us and set up a meeting location?" ,asked Leo.


Shadowess - June 9, 2021

It didn't feel right but he supposed Will had a point. Jessica was a little too hot headed and would likely get in the way while trying to help. Reluctantly, he nodded and put his phone away. He turned back to face the car then spoke to Will quietly. "I'm guessing they won't be looking for any supernatural clues. We should probably get a closer look at the car, see if we can spot anything they wouldn't normally notice." he then thought for a moment. "Maybe River could help you, too?" he said, referring to the energy in Will.


Helena went back to eating as well, feeling a little more relaxed than she had moments ago.


Viktor brought his eyes back up to Leo's and he squinted. "You want me to betray a relative?" he asked then seemed thoughtful. If he was going to be stuck as their prisoner, it might not hurt to stay on their good side. Maybe he could do some good while he was at it to make up for his past...and it wasn't like his family didn't deserve it..."Alright." he said finally. "I'll do it."


Denix Vames - June 9, 2021

Will shook his head. "There's nothing supernatural about this. These are the same guys that tried to kidnap me. I know that they're human. I smelled it. We'll only know their location when they give us a call or another note."


Leo helped him stand. "Then we need to get you back to your normal clothes."

Once he talked to some of the agents, they gave Viktor his clothes back. Allowing him some privacy in order to change. Then they opened the cell door. Taking him to a closet where there was a payphone on the wall but no need to put coins in.

"Call them and give them this location." ,said Leo who handed him a note that had the address to a diner.


Shadowess - June 9, 2021

"Well..." Parker thought for a moment. "What about scent then? If you already know what these guys smell like, maybe we can track their scent from here?" he suggested, knowing that Will's sense of smell would be a lot stronger now.


When Viktor had gotten changed, he followed the guards to the payphone and took the note with the phone number out of his pocket. He looked at the second note from Leo with the meet up location on it. Sighing, he nodded and put the phone to his ear while dialling the number. After a few rings, a male answered the phone. "Who is this?"

"Pierce? It's Viktor." Viktor said nervously.

"Viktor? This isn't the same number you called me on before...what's happened?"

Viktor glanced anxiously towards Leo then stared at the wall, thinking fast. "I had to get rid of my old phone. Anything that could be used to track me."

"Smart. You're still in trouble then, I take it?"

"Y-yeah...I lost Helena..."

"...I'm sorry to hear that kid. It's not an easy life even if you're not disabled...I know it's not what you want to hear but trust me, this is for the best. Keeping her around would've been dangerous. Might've gotten you killed. You're better off sticking to other hunters that can fight."

Viktor had to bite his tongue. He took a quiet breathe to calm himself down. "About that...I never got to finish my training with my parents...I don't suppose you could complete my training?"

"Was hoping you'd ask!" Pierce chuckled then paused. "Say, you sound awfully nervous. Everything alright?"

Viktor's eyes darted back to Leo then to the wall again. "O-of course I'm nervous!" he said irritably. "I just lost my entire family and I'm out here on my own!"

There was another pause. "Heh, sorry kid. I know you've been through Hell...You know what it's like. We gotta be careful. Alright then, I'll pick you up. Where are you?"

Viktor smiled and read out the address on the note that Leo had given him.

"That far out? How'd you get there-? You know what? Never mind. You can tell me everything when I come to get you. Look for me pulling up, I'll be in a red pick-up. Should take me about two hours to get there, ok? So, hang tight. Get yourself something to eat, I'll pay for it when I get there."

"Alright, thank you Pierce."

"No problem. I'll see you later." Pierce hung up.

Viktor put the phone back onto the receiver and breathed a sigh of relief as he looked back at Leo. "He bought it. He said he'll be there in about two hours. Said to look for a red pick-up. His name is Pierce, by the way."


(Just as an introduction)

Pierce sat in an old, moth-eaten brown recliner. Brown eyes stared at his phone with a frown. He was a burly man who had a unshaven look and receding white hair. He sighed and dialled a new number. "Hey man. Gather up the crew. You remember that Viktor kid I told you about? I think he's in trouble...Hell if I know, he didn't sound right though. Said he lost his sister but didn't sound too broken up about it. Maybe them bastard vampires followed him over and are planning something. Maybe they're holding her hostage and using him to set a trap. Either way, I don't like how this feels and better safe than sorry...bring the bows...venom dipped...and if the kid's in on it, shoot him."


(Just as an introduction)

Speaking of vengeful vampires following the Steinheils, it was at about this time that a pair of German Vampires were walking through the airport, having just gotten off a flight. Niko, a man of average height with dark blue eyes and short, brown hair looked at Hannes with a serious expression. "You'd better be right about this." he said in German.

Hannes was taller than Niko. He had short, dirty-blond hair and his eyes were just a slightly lighter shade of blue. "Our officer friend said the Steinheil's credit card had been used recently in this city. It's only a matter of time before we catch their scent. Now, it is the hunters who will become the hunted." He grinned.


Denix Vames - June 9, 2021

Will sniffed the air. "Possibly. Let's see how far it goes. You drive. I'll tell you where to go." They got in the car. He told him which directions unti they reached a warehouse.


Ben was tied up to a pole. His upper torso and arms were the only parts of him that were tied. He had a left black eye. Bruises were all over his face and exposed torso. His bottom lip held a small bleeding cut. His nose was bloody.

What was left of the gang had their guns in their hands. Waiting for the next step of their plan. One of the guys was about to grab their phone.


"They heard the whole conversation. It's time we get there. Now, try to act normal when you see him." ,said Leo.

Several agents drove in black cars. Leo was in one of them with Viktor. He opened the door and got out. Letting Viktor out. "We're here. I'll stay somewhere close but hidden. The agents will do the same as well. If worse comes to worse then we'll execute him or any possibly party that we suspect he may bring should he decide to try and eliminate you. Then we'll cover up the scene and claim it as something else."

The agents parked their cars at places where they could be seen as normal. Leo zoomed to an alley. Waiting in the shadows.


Shadowess - June 9, 2021

Parker kept his headlights turned off so as not to alert anyone that they were approaching. When he saw the warehouse in the distance, he slowed the car to a crawl so keep the sound of the car hidden. He pulled up just a short distance away, not daring to get any closer in case the car gave their position away. "They must be in there." Parker said, turning off the engine. He took a deep breath and took out his gun. "Alright, What's the plan?" he looked at Will.

Ben's phone rang in his pocket. Jessica was growing worried as he hadn't come home yet and was trying to contact him. No one had told her he'd been abducted.


Viktor nodded and followed him to the black car. He sat quietly, his stomach in knots from nerves as he thought about what he needed to do.

Inside the diner were a couple of men sitting at the counter, separate from each other. There was a woman sitting in one of the booths. One woman was behind the counter, wearing an apron and pouring coffee for one of the men. A young man in a similar apron was chatting to the woman in the booth, holding another pot of coffee in his hand. The young man looked up and saw the black cars. He saw Leo and Viktor talking before the cars drove off and Leo run towards the alley. He didn't seem bothered.

Viktor took a deep breath to steady his nerves and walked into the Diner. He looked around at the other customers nervously before picking out a booth by the window to sit in. He heard the woman in the apron behind the counter call over to the young man. "Patrick, are you guna stand around chatting all night? The dishes need washing, hop to it!"

The young man wrapped up his conversation hurriedly and turned around, heading into the kitchen. "Yes, ma'am." he said on his way to the back.

Viktor paid this little attention as he stared out of the window, waiting for the vehicle Pierce told him about. Ten minutes passed. Then twenty. Then thirty. Then an hour. Viktor had been leaning his head on his palm with his elbow on the table when he heard the sound of wheels of gravel. He looked out of the window and his heart skipped a beat. It was the red vehicle. He watched as Pierce hopped out and locked his car. He didn't seem to be armed. Pierce walked into the Diner with a small smile and nodded at the woman behind the counter. "Long time, Kelly. How're the kids?" he heard him say on his way in. Viktor gulped watched Pierce walk over to his table. He sat down across from him and smiled. "Hey, kid. How're you holding up?"

Viktor shrugged. "About as well as I can."

Pierce looked him over carefully. "You sure got roughed up pretty good. How'd you get away?"

"I'd rather not talk about it." Viktor said darkly.

"Right, right." Pierce held his hands up. "When you're ready, then. Did you get a chance to eat yet or did ya just wana go?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Alright, let's go then and don't worry, you're safe with me." Pierce winked as he stood.

Viktor stood too, though there was something about Pierce that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Like he knew he couldn't trust him. Still, he needed to lure him out to the others so he walked with Pierce towards the door. Pierce opened the door then stood to one side, gesturing to Viktor to walk out first. Viktor hesitated but didn't want to give anything away so he walked out of the door first. Just as he stepped out, he felt Pierce's hand grip his shoulder tightly and something hard press into his back. Viktor stiffened, his face turning pale and his breath catching in his throat. "You, or any of your pals here, make any sudden moves and you're dead. We're going to walk calmly to my truck and you're going to get in, then we're going to get out of here to some place where you can answer my questions without your new friends listening in, understood?"

Viktor gulped and nodded. He was looking around wildly, trying to see Leo or any of the agents as Pierce started forcing him to walk rigidly towards the vehicle.

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Denix Vames - June 9, 2021

Will sniffed. "Wait a minute. I smell his blood." He stepped out of the car. His fangs sprouted. His red eye glowed. "They seriously think they can hurt one of my men?!"

He zoomed to the doors of the warehouse which he knocked off their hinges. Making them fly. Hitting two of the guys. The others started firing at him but his shield protected him. His wings sprouted. The horns on his head became clear. His skin was red.

He zoomed towards all of them. Slashing them with his claws and ripping their throats out or their limbs.


In the blink of an eye, Leo yanked his armed hand away from Viktor. He kicked the gun out of his grip and handcuffed him. Pinning him to the ground. One of the black cars pulled up. An agent opened the door. Leo threw Pierce into the vehicle. The doors were immediately locked.

The agent spoke to Pierce. "We're with the CIA." He flashed his badge. "Should you attempt to fight back then we will execute you. We want answers and you will give them to us. Now, where are the others? There's no way you would come here alone."


shadowess - June 9, 2021

Parker jumped out of the car after Will and ran towards the warehouse as well. Being only human though, by the time Parker reached the doors, Will had already transformed and was tearing his way through the men with ease. He stopped and couldn't help staring at Will as he killed the men. For a moment he couldn't help wondering if the way Will looked now was where humanity originally got their depiction of the Devil from. Shaking his head to snap himself out of his thoughts, he ran into the warehouse towards Ben and started untying him. "Hey man, it's us. We're getting you out of here!" he said as he worked on trying to get him loose.


In the blink of an eye, Leo yanked his armed hand away from Viktor. He kicked the gun out of his grip and handcuffed him. Pinning him to the ground. One of the black cars pulled up. An agent opened the door. Leo threw Pierce into the vehicle. The doors were immediately locked.

The agent spoke to Pierce. "We're with the CIA." He flashed his badge. "Should you attempt to fight back then we will execute you. We want answers and you will give them to us. Now, where are the others? There's no way you would come here alone."

Pierce yelled as Leo grabbed him and threw him into the vehicle. Viktor had stumbled a little but he was relieved to not be at gunpoint anymore. He nodded at Leo thankfully. Inside the car, Pierce grinned maniacally then chuckled. "No, I most certainly did not." he said proudly and within a second of him saying this, the car was struck by heavy gunfire from within the Diner. Pierce used the ensuing chaos to his advantage, headbutting the agent then kicking the car's door open, running towards cover.

At the windows of the Diner, the two men, the woman and even both the servers were firing round after round at the cars, the agents, Leo and Viktor.

Venom tipped arrows came from the trees on the opposite side. Having mistaken Leo for a regular Vampire, these arrows were mostly aimed at him. Just as a barrage of arrows were set to strike him, Oscar appeared in front of him with his armoured wings outstretched, his skin covered in scales which caused the arrows to bounce off. "Totally not stalking you." Oscar winked with a grin. "Hey, honey. Need a hand?"

Viktor had raised his hands over his head as he began to run towards cover. A stray bullet struck him, through the centre of his back and he fell forward, coughing up blood. He landed on the ground, letting out an agonised and frightened groan as blood started to pool underneath him.


Shadowess - June 9, 2021

(Fuck. Forgot to delete your post from my reply again xD God dammit...)


Denix Vames - June 9, 2021

Will had stopped. He fell to his knees when he thought he was finished. One survivor held his gun at Ben. He pulled the trigger.


Leo smiled. "Definitely."

The other black cars had driven up. All of the agents came out. Firing back at the shooters with machine guns and handguns. Aiming at them with precision.

"Viktor!" Leo grabbed him and zoomed to an alley. "Viktor, you're bleeding out! I don't have a choice! I'm going to have to turn you!"

An agent noticed Pierce. He started firing at him.


Denix Vames - June 9, 2021

(thats alright)


shadowess - June 9, 2021

Parker had just managed to get Ben untied and was helping him to walk away when he looked towards Will and saw the survivor nearby, aiming a gun in their direction. "Get down!" he shouted and pushed Ben to the ground, taking the bullet instead. He felt the impact in his abdomen just as he lifted his own gun, aiming it at the survivors head and fired back.

He then gripped his stomach and fell to his knees, trying to keep his breathing steady. He knew he'd been hit and knew that if he panicked his heart would beat faster and if it beat faster, then he'd bleed out fast. He tried his best to put pressure on his wound, the adrenaline he got from being shot temporarily numbed the pain. It was either that or Parker was going into shock. "B-Ben...A-ambulance..." he said shakily, fumbling in his pocket to grab his phone which slipped out of his fingers as soon as he pulled it out.


Pierce had been about to run for cover and join his friends in the woods when his cover was bombarded by gunfire from a nearby Agent. He cursed and remained crouched behind the car, pinned down. "God dammit, I aint even armed!"

More arrows were fired into the parking lot. Most hit vehicles, a few hit agents. With the tips of the arrows being coated in wolf venom, the non-vampire Agents who were hit non-fatally hit the ground, groaning from the venom in their system as it began to change them.

A couple of the people in the Diner took cover behind the counter. Popping up every now and then to continue firing. Oscar saw the male that Leo helped to the alley. He didn't know who he was but could see he wasn't an enemy. He glared at the people in the diner, his teeth sharpening and the rest of his head shifting into a more reptilian shape. He jumped into the Diner in one leap and dove behind the counter, grabbing one person and tearing their head from their body.

The other person behind the counter stood, aimed their gun at Oscar with a look of horror on their face and tried to shoot him. But every bullet bounced off of his scales. He growled, inhaling deeply before letting out a jet of flames from his mouth with enveloped the second person. They flailed around, screaming in agony for a minute before falling to the ground, their body continueing to cook. Oscar then ran out of the Diner and ran straight into the woods, hunting down the arrow wielding humans. Oscar roars could be heard, as well as a few screams. The arrows stopped being fired as the hunters in the woods sounded a retreat.

Viktor cried out as he was moved then whimpered as Leo told him he'd need to turn to survive his injury. Only a few hours ago, Viktor was ready to give up on life. But now that death was staring him in the face, he was terrified. He gripped Leo's arm tightly, gritting his teeth against the pain and struggling to breath. He was sweating and shaking. "I-I'm scared!" he cried. "I'm- I'm sorry! I was wrong! I'm so sorry!"


Denix Vames - June 9, 2021

"Parker!" Will transformed back into his human self. He ran over to his side. Lifting him off the ground. Ben forced himself to stand. Leaning on Will. There wasn't time, Will had thought. He needed to get them to the hospital.

He suddenly appeared in the building. "Somebody help! He's been shot! Please!"


The agents followed Oscar towards the running hunters who they fired at.

James suddenly zoomed over. He caught wind of the different smells. Once he saw Pierce, he knew something was up. He could smell him a mile away. He zoomed towards him and bit into his neck. He left him there as he followed Oscar as well. Transforming into his werewolf form as he ripped a few hunters throats out.

Leo sank his fangs into his neck. He drank a little bit from him before biting his own wrist. He placed the bleeding cut above his lips. "Drink it! You'll stay alive!"


shadowess - June 10, 2021

Parker grunted as Will lifted him and he leant his head against his shoulder, keeping one hand on his wound to keep the pressure on it. He started to shiver, feeling a little feverish. "I'm-I'm ok, Will...I'll be alright." he said, half tired and half delirious. He barely noticed their surroundings change. As Will shouted, Nurse May ran over and looked over Parker's condition very quickly.

"We need to get him to intensive care, now! He's going into shock." She helped Will place him onto a gurney which she and several other nurses wheeled away hurriedly. One nurse stayed and placed a gentle hand on Will's shoulder. "We'll take things from here. Try to relax in the waiting room. We'll let you know as soon as he's stable." he said gently.

At the same time that Parker was taken away, a few other nurses had also taken Ben to one of the rooms to treat his various injuries as well.


Because of his genetics, Leo's venom didn't do much when it came to numbing Viktor's pain and he sucked air through his teeth, shivering from the pain as he felt Leo drinking from him. He closed his eyes tightly, grimacing until Leo stopped drinking and he gasped out of relief. He cringed when Leo bit his wrist and brought it over to his lips. He hesitated as Leo told him to drink from it but he knew he needed it to survive now. He closed his eyes tightly again as he opened his mouth and latched onto Leo's wrist, starting to drink.

At first he gagged, but as he swallowed the first bit of blood his body reacted and he felt the overwhelming urge to keep drinking. Instinct took over and he drank from Leo's wrist hungrily, his body beginning to relax as he did. He opened his eyes and looked at Leo with a new understanding. He knew he'd been wrong but now he knew just how wrong he'd really been. They're not monsters at all. They're just misunderstood. He felt a sudden pain shoot through his body that caused him to let go of Leo's wrist. He cried out then grit his teeth, gripping his stomach.

Pierce had been too busy focusing on not getting shot by the Agent that he didn't see James coming until it was too late. He let out a surprised cry as James bit into his neck before dropping him. He choked and groaned in pain, blood pouring from the bite while the werewolf's venom burned in his system. But unfortunately for Pierce, he'd bleed to death before the venom could turn him.

If James were to know anything about the Steinheils, it was that wherever they were hunting, they were sure to have werewolf prisoners somewhere nearby. It was the only way the Steinheil family could keep a large stock of wolf venom to hand. Oscar didn't know this. He continued running down hunters and ripping them apart with either his teeth, his claws or his tail.


Denix Vames - June 10, 2021

Will breathed heavily. He covered as he began to gag. He soon vomited all over the floor. This was a severe panic attack that was keeping him from looking at everything right. The hospital started spinning. He collapsed then started seizing.


Ben tried to sit up. "....Will....Parker...."


Leo caressed his cheek. "It's going to be ok. It'll hurt but the transformation will be done before you even know it."

James did the same as Oscar did. Using his teeth and claws. The agents continued to fire. Not sure how many were there but taking down whoever didn't resemble James or Oscar or any of their men.


Shadowess - June 10, 2021

The nurse next to Will watched him with wide eyes before looking around hurriedly. "We're going to need another bed!" he called then knelt by Will's side. He made sure the area was clear and that Will was on is side to prevent him choking on any more vomit that might come up. "It's ok. Everything's going to be ok. Can you take a deep breath for me? Nice deep, slow breaths. Try to focus on just my voice. Your friends will be fine. You'll be fine. Breathe in...and out...." The nurse continued to talk to Will calmly and when Will was calm enough to be able to move, he'd help him up and walk him into one of the rooms where a bed was waiting. "Alright, just lay down here for a bit and relax. We're going to get you some fluids to keep you hydrated after you threw up. You'll be just fine, just keep breathing and take your time."

The nurses in another room worked quickly to sedate Parker. They took him to an operating room where they worked on removing the bullet and stitching up his internal injuries. They would need to resuscitate him three times during the procedure.


"They'll be just fine. You need to lay down and relax." A nurse told Ben while gently pushing him back down by his shoulder. "Now, do you or the other officers have any next of kin you'd like us to contact?"


Viktor whimpered, tears running down his cheeks as he tried to cope with the pain. He gripped Leo's shirt tightly and buried his face in his chest while he sobbed. "I...deserve...this...pain!" he cried. He groaned, tensed and cried until the pain began to subside. His grip loosened and he started to relax a bit, catching his breath. He heard something small and metallic hit the floor behind him and knew his body had pushed the bullet out. He stared at the side of the Diner in amazement as his vision gradually improved until he could see the insects in the cracks between each brick if he'd really wanted to, despite the darkness.

His teeth ached and his felt something sharp poking his lower lip. He brought up a hand and traced over on of his new fangs with his finger. It had really happened...he'd really changed! The gunfire and screams in the woods had died out by now. He brought his tearful eyes back to Leo, wondering what would happen to him now but mostly, he was just thankful that Leo had saved his life. He felt the first bout of hunger pain, making him wince a little but he tried to ignore it. "Th-thank you...you didn't have to save me...but you did...what happens to me now?"

The woods were dense, making it easy for one or two of the hunters to slip away undetected. Oscar chased down what he thought was the last hunter. It didn't take him long to catch up to him, breaking both of his legs with one sweep of the hard side of his tail. The male cried out, dropping his now empty weapon. He tried to crawl away desperately but Oscar placed a foot on his back, stopping him from moving. He looked back at the Agents approaching them and shifted his face back to human form. "I suppose you might like to keep this one alive for questioning? I'm willing to bet there's a lot more of this group out there than this lot. They seemed prepared. Organised." he said as they got closer.


Denix Vames - June 10, 2021

When the seizure had stopped, Will did his best to take deep breaths. They were shaky ones. He soon laid on the bed. Tears burst from his eyes. He clutched his head. "I'm supposed to be the one who protects them! And I failed my own men!"


Ben raised his arm out as if she were there. "J-Jessica....Wilson...."


"Now, I take you to the Whitehouse. You're not a danger to anyone anymore. I'll show you the ropes of being whatever I am." ,said Leo. He lifted him off the ground and disappeared.

Appearing in the kitchen where he helped Viktor up. "The fridge has many items of food for every kind of creature." He opened the door and took out a blood bag. "Here. Just sink your teeth into it and drink up."


The agents nodded. Two of them carried the injured suspect out of there. One said, "We need you to burn the diner down. Make it look like an accidental fire. We can't let the public know about this."

Any other agents had gone to their injured brothers who were now slowly turning from the wolf venom. A SWAT-like vehicle drove up to take them to the facility.

The injured suspect was taken by a black car to the facility as well. Any dead were thrown into the diner to be burned away.


Shadowess - June 10, 2021

"Don't think like that." The nurse said, patting Will's shoulder. "You can't put so much pressure on yourself. That'd do more harm than good, believe me. We see it every day. Now try to relax, I'll go and get you something to drink." the nurse walked out of the room. A couple of minutes later he returned with a blood bag.

He set it to one side for a moment then closed the blinds as well as the door. "Don't want to freak the other patients out." he explained and then brought the bag over to Will. "Yeah, don't worry, I know what you are...I'm not exactly human either. Drink that up, it'll help. How's your tongue? People usually end up biting it a bunch when they seize up like you did. Any muscle pains?"


"Alright, I'll give her a call for you. I'll just need to borrow your phone for a minute, ok?" The nurse said gently while pushing his arm back down slowly.


Viktor looked at the blood bag hesitantly but his hunger was beginning to grow painful. He took it slowly, his body was still shaking and he stared at the bag sadly. Without a word, he lifted it up to his lips and bit into it, the bag making an audible 'pop' as his fangs pierced the plastic.

The blood hit his tongue and he found himself drinking rapidly, almost desperately. The bag was empty within seconds and he lowered it to look at it, unsure of how to feel. "The hunger hurts..." he said quietly. "I never thought about it before...what it must feel like for Vampires...I was so ignorant..."


Oscar grinned at the Agent. "Fire is my speciality." He looked in the direction of the Diner, thoughtfully. "If anyone asks, there was a gas leak. One of the servers turned on the stove and boom. A tragic accident." He vanished and reappeared in the diner's kitchen where he pulled a gas pipe loose, letting the place fill up. He then went about helping to pull the bodies into the Diner, wanting to get the Agents clear of the Diner as soon as possible to prevent them getting caught in the blast. Once they were gone and well clear of the Diner, he shifted his face back into the reptilian shape and walked back inside.

A few seconds later, the Diner exploded and was completely engulfed in flames. Oscar teleported back to his hotel room stinking of smoke. He shifted back into his human form, laughing gleefully. His singed clothes barely clinging to him. He'd been hoping to catch up with Leo while Ricky was asleep after another long day of helping people in need.

He hadn't expected to get caught up in some of Leo's work, but he wasn't complaining. He'd sort of enjoyed the thrill. He took out his phone and sent Leo a text. 'Diner taken care of. Helped your guys to bag a hunter for questioning. The rest are dead. Hope you're alright, had to get back to my own work before morning. Hopefully will catch up with you tomorrow night. Love you.' He then collapsed on his bed, exhausted from the excitement and knew he only had a few hours left in the night to get some sleep.

The hunter that had been captured was sweating, having no idea where he was being taken. He was already in so much pain with two broken legs and he doubted his captors were going to show him much sympathy.

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Denix Vames - June 10, 2021

Will shook his head. "My head's just killing me." He sank his fangs into the blood bag. Drinking it up. He stopped midway and looked at the nurse. "Parker. Is he going to make it?"


Ben looked at the nurse. "Go ahead."


"Well, now you know. But don't beat yourself up about it." Leo gave him another blood bag. "You're only learning." He looked at the text he had gotten. He texted back, 'Get some rest. And thanks. But we should talk when you're energy's back. It's important.'


The agents placed the hunter on a medical bed. The doctor there worked on setting his legs back and placing a cast on them both once he was done. The hunter was now without his regular clothes. Just a hospital gown as he sat on a wheelchair. He was in a cell room.

The Agent stepped into the cell room. The door was soon locked. "We have much to discuss." He sat on the bed. "First off, how many more of you guys are there? We killed the people that you came with but I imagine you have more than that."


The infected agents were placed into a big room together where they would be trained by a Werewolf Agent on how to deal with their new transformation.


Ricky had stepped out of the motel once Oscar was asleep. He walked down the streets. Looking at some of the homeless there. He gave them some of his money. Having not bothered to eat anything. Not even the soup.


Shadowess - June 10, 2021

The nurse frowned at the question and glanced towards the door. "I can't legally say for certain. But it looks like you got him here quickly which is good. Gives him more of a fighting chance." he answered honestly.

"From how he looked, he was going into shock. My guess is sepsis. Maybe the bullet he got hit with wasn't such a clean one and it's causing his blood to have a reaction...but we're trained to deal with something like this so try not to worry."


The nurse nodded and took Ben's phone out of his pocket, looking up Jessica's name as she left and headed for the front desk to use the phone there. After a few minutes the nurse returned and handed his phone back to him. "She's on her way, she'll be here soon. Is there anything you want me to get for you in the meantime? A drink of water or something?"


Viktor put the empty blood bag into the trash and looked at Leo as he handed him the second one. He nodded as he took the bag and bit into it, drinking this one a little slower as he thought about everything that had happened to him and what Leo had said.

Oscar heard his phone vibrate, having not fallen asleep yet and he looked at the text from Leo. His smile slipping a little at the last few words. He grew a little worried. What had happened that Leo would need to talk to him? He texted back; 'Alright. I'll leave a note for Ricky and come meet you. Let me know when and where is best.' Oscar was unaware that Ricky had left the room next to his and had gone out for the night.


The hunter didn't say a word as the doctor worked on his legs. He only let out the occasional groan from pain whenever his legs were moved and when they were being set until they were put into the cast. Having been changed out of his normal clothes and into the hospital gown, he felt vulnerable sitting in the wheelchair as the Agent came in to talk to him.

But he maintained a stoic expression, refusing to let the Agent believe, not even for a second, how they really felt. Which was frightened and nervous. Once the Agent asked his question, the Hunter merely stared at him. Having no intention of talking whatsoever.


Among the infected agents was Layla Peterson. She sat on a stool, sweating and shivering while a medic worked on easing an arrowhead out of her shoulder. The arrowheads were barbed, making it difficult to remove them without tearing muscle. She sucked air in through her teeth and looked up at the Werewolf Agent with tearful eyes, trying to focus on what he was telling the group. She looked around the room at the others, knowing they were all going through the same transformation.

Everyone else here was sweating and shivering feverishly, like she was. Some still had arrows stuck in their limbs as they waited for the medics to make their way around the room. She felt sick and hot. Her veins felt like they were burning. Groaning as the medic moved the arrow head a bit, she did her best to ignore the pain as she raised her good arm to ask the Werewolf Agent a question. "I-is it true that we'll lose control during our first full moon?" she asked, her teeth chattering a bit as she spoke.


Jane Doe, formerly known as Atma, stumbled a little down the streets. She stopped to lean against the wall and looked at the state of her shoes. They were falling apart and hurting her feet. The clothes she'd left the hospital in so long ago were filthy and now full of holes.

She hadn't been able to remember if she had any family and no one had claimed her. Eventually, the hospital had no choice but to wish her luck and send her on her way with only the clothes on her back. She'd tried to apply for jobs but with no memory of her work history or education, this had been difficult. She'd been living on the streets ever since and had lost a considerable amount of weight, making her frail and sickly.


Denix Vames - June 10, 2021

Will quickly drank the rest of the blood bag before leaving it on the bed. "I need to see him. I can't lose-!" He fell to his knees when he got off the bed. He clutched his head. Flinching. "Son of a bitch!"


"Water..." ,said Ben as tears formed in his eyes. Staining the bed.


Leo texted back, 'Not now. Later.'


"The last person who gave me the silent treatment became our ally." The Agent smiled. "So, we're already off to a great start. Now, what's your name?"


"Yes but fear not. I can lead you all as my pack. I'll teach you how to hunt for animals. We will monitored the area while you hunt." ,said the Werewolf Agent.


Ricky handed her two five dollar bills. "Here. You need them more than I do."


shadowess - June 10, 2021

The nurse hurried over and helped Will back into his bed. "You can see him as soon as he's stable. Right now he'll be in the theatre getting the bullet taken out." the nurse said sternly. "You go barging in there and you'll put him even more at risk! So, back into bed with you." the nurse then sighed. "Look, we're doing everything we can. The doctors doing the surgery are trained professionals. You need to trust us to do our job, ok?"

"I don't see why you're getting so worked up." River said suddenly, having been watching quietly since he heard Parker had been shot. "He's half-Devil, remember? If he dies he'll just pop right back up onto earth with some sweet ass powers. Then the only thing you'd have to worry about is explaining that shit to Carter. So, chill." Although River was trying to comfort Will, he was having a bit of a hard time being gentle about it. After all, he was still sore with Will for what he'd said at the wedding.


The nurse nodded but frowned at the way Ben was behaving. She had no idea what had happened to him but could guess that it had been something traumatic. She left and returned a few minutes later with a cup of water for him, handing it to him slowly. "Here you are."

"Ben!?" Jessica had arrived at the hospital and had practically run into his room after a nurse told her which room he was in. "Ben! Oh my god! What happened?!" she rushed over and leant on the side of his bed, looking at his injuries with a worried expression.


Oscar frowned at the text but left it at that. He put the phone on the little table by the bed then tried to get some sleep, although it would be somewhat troubled now. Had he done something wrong?


Viktor finished the bag he'd been given and threw it into the trash as well. He looked at Leo and rubbed his own arm nervously. He glanced up at the ceiling and frowned before looking back at Leo. "Helena is here, isn't she?...I wonder if she'll ever forgive me...I don't want to see her yet, though. I think it's probably for the best if I give her some space...what should we do now?"


The Hunter remained silent, staring at the Agent. While his expression would do nothing to give away how he was feeling, there were other little hints that were out of his control. Such as; the bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face, his pupils dilating and his body shivering just a little.


Layla tried to steady her breathing. She groaned then breathed a sigh of relief as the arrowhead finally left her shoulder. Just as she was trying to cope with the medic stitching up the wound, she doubled over, gripping her stomach and chest while crying out. A few of the others had done the same now and then as their bodies adjusted to the changes. She grimaced and felt her teeth hurt as they sharpened.

Another agent in the room had also put their hand up, taking deep breaths to steady himself as he tried to ask his question as composed as he possibly could. "W-when is the n-next full moon?"


Jane paused and stared at Ricky, taken aback. She then looked around warily. "R-really? Just like that? No catch? You don't want me to do anything for them?" she asked, clearly a little nervous. It wouldn't have been the first time someone tried to take advantage of her while promising her payment.


Denix Vames - June 10, 2021

Will hit his own head. "Shut up! I don't need to hear this crap from you! The nurse knows better than your sorry ass!"


Ben drank some water before the nurse set it aside. He slightly turned his head to Jessica. He caressed her cheek with a shaky hand. "J-Jessica....They tried to get me to.....but I didn't. Will's safe. Parker....Blood..." He started shaking as his voice was breaking. "I-I couldn't....I'm sorry."


"First off, do you still feel hungry?" ,asked Leo.


"I guess I'll leave you here to relax. If you need anything just knock twice and we'll answer." ,said The Agent. He left the cell. The door was immediately locked.


"June 24. But like I said, you have nothing to worry about. We'll be right here for you the whole entire time. I won't abandoned you because while you are agents, you're still my family." ,said the Werewolf Agent.


Ricky crossed his arms and glanced off. "Several weeks ago, I would have done that but things changed. Anyway, there's a place that gives homeless food. I could show you where it is"


shadowess - June 10, 2021

The nurse raised an eyebrow at Will's sudden strange behaviour. "Um...?"

Meanwhile, Will's words had riled River up. He was now at breaking point. "Alright, you know what? I've had about enough of your fucking tantrums!" River forced Will to slap himself across the face. "Have you any idea how lucky you have it?! When I learned that Hades was dead, do you know what the first thing that ran through my mind was? Taking your body for my own! But no. I decided against that because I thought we were friends! I thought you actually liked me! Turns out, you're only tolerating me, aren't you?!" he made Will slap himself again.

"I try to help you at every turn and what do I get?! You berate me and tell me to shut up! You think I don't care about what you say to me or how you treat me!? Am I not real to you?? You ungrateful shit! The only reason you got Parker here so fast was because of ME! Because without me, you'd be as powerless as Ben! You're. Fucking. WELCOME! In fact, no. You know what?! Let's see how you cope without powers for a while!!" Within seconds Will's body would convulse again as River retreated deeper and deeper into Will's mind, pulling all of Will's powers with it, leaving him as powerless as a human. After this, River would refuse to respond to Will again, simply watching his actions in silence.


Jessica watched Ben carefully as he spoke, her concern growing as she tried to make sense of what he was trying to tell her. She took his hand in both of hers and brought it to her lips where she kissed it gently. "Slow down, Ben. It's ok. Deep breath. Tell me what happened. What about Parker?"


Viktor shook his head a little. "No, I'm fine now I think..."


The Hunter watched the Agent leave in silence. He wanted to cry over the loss of his friends and family but he didn't dare in what he considered to be enemy territory. For all he knew, they could be watching him. Looking for weaknesses to exploit. He had no intentions of betraying his family and resolved to remain silent for as long as he possibly could.


The room was filled with the groans and occasional cries from the turning Agents. Layla had crawled off the stool to lay on the floor, finding comfort in how cold it was against her hot skin. She looked around, breathing heavily and saw others had started to do the same. She felt someone grab her hand on the other side of her and she turned her head to look at the agent laying on the floor beside her, also breathing heavily and looking at her. She nodded at him in thanks, appreciating his effort to try and comfort her despite his own pain. She gripped his hand just as tightly as they tried to ride out the transformation.

Eventually, after a few hours of pain, the sounds of pained cries and groans were replaced by heavy breathing and relieved sighs. All of the agents who had turned were still laying on the floor as they recovered from the pain the endured. Every last one covered in sweat, muscles aching and all of them were a little out of breath.


Jane blinked and seemed to relax at little at Ricky's words. "I admire your honesty...seems like there isn't a lot of that lately..." she said then nodded at his offer. "Yes, please. I haven't eaten anything more than an apple core that I found in two days..."


Denix Vames - June 10, 2021

"NO! Get back here right now!" Will slammed his head against the wall. Over and over. "Give me back my powers!" His head started bleeding. The room began spinning as he collapsed. He passed out.


"Parker...." Ben sobbed. "He took a bullet for me!" He squeezed her hand. "It should have been me! It should have been me!" He screamed as his frustrations and sadden pain became too much for him.


"Would you like to interrogate the suspect?" ,asked Leo as he closed the fridge door.


"All of you will stay here for a while. Please let us know if you need anything. Just try to get back to your beds." ,said the Werewolf Agent.


Ricky looked at the dark sky. He frowned. "The place is probably closed by now. But I still have the soup they gave me. Never ate it. I'll take you to the motel I'm staying at. C'mon."


He led her to the motel. Once there, he opened the door and let her in. He handed her the container of soup. "It's cold but there's a microwave here if you prefer soup to be hot."


shadowess - June 10, 2021

"Stop!" The nurse shouted and tried to stop Will from banging his head. When he passed out, he hoisted him back up onto the bed and shook his head, not sure what to make of what he'd just seen. He went about stitching the cut in his head and cleaning up the blood while Will was out cold.


Jessica's eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat. "P-Parker?!" she gasped.

The nurse saw the misunderstanding and quickly interrupted them to put Jessica at ease. "He's currently in surgery, having the bullet removed. Our doctors are doing all they can to make sure he pulls through."

Jessica looked at the nurse for a moment then back at Ben and she pulled him into her arms, cradling his head against her chest while stroking his hair as tears ran down her cheeks. "No...no, don't say that! Don't you ever say that. It's not your fault. You hear me? It's not your fault!"


Viktor hesitated to answer then quickly shook his head. "I-I don't think that's a good idea...I don't want to face them after-..." he trailed off. 'After they tried to kill me' is what he wanted to say. He also worried that them being family would somehow make it easy for them to get into his head and mess with his emotions. He didn't trust himself enough to face his own family just yet.


Layla shakily got to her feet and stumbled to her bed. She leant against it with her hands as she walked around before climbing in and trying to relax. Within seconds of her head hitting the pillow, she passed out from exhaustion.


Jane took the container and looked towards the microwave. Tears rolled down her cheeks and within seconds she was sobbing into her hand. "I'm sorry...it's just...it's been so hard and you're being so nice...I don't know how to react." she cried. "I don't remember who I was before...I don't even know if I have family. No one came for me and the hospital couldn't let me stay...I had nowhere to go. No belongings...I don't even have a name...they called me Jane Doe because they didn't know who I was so I've just been using that name..."

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Denix Vames - June 10, 2021

Will was in his dreams. Trying to find River. "Where are you?! You bastard! Give me back my powers!"


Ben stopped screaming. He continued to sob in her arms. "Flowers...I bought you flowers but I....It was so supposed to be a surprise."


"I understand. Right now, I'm not needed. We could go shopping. You might need some new clothes." ,said Leo.


The Werewolf Agent and a few other agents stayed as guards for the turned agents.


Ricky's cheeks went red. He wasn't use to seeing someone cry or trying to help that crying person. "You could pick your own name? We could look up female names."


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Although River was impressed that Will could put himself into a lucid dream, he still refused to speak to Will. Too angry and hurt to face him.


Jessica smiled and kissed his head, continueing to stroke his hair. "You're such a sweet guy...how'd I get so lucky?" she said softly. "Don't worry about the flowers...I'm just glad you're still here with me..."


Viktor thought for a moment. He did need some new clothes but after what had happened to him he was hoping to rest for a while. But then again, with Leo working for the CIA there was no telling when he'd next be needed. He supposed they should make the most of their free time while they could to do things they otherwise might not have the time to do. He nodded. "Sure, ok"


Jane paused in her crying to look at Ricky for a moment, then she giggled through her tears. She could tell he was trying to comfort her but hadn't expected such a suggestion. She supposed he was trying his best. Maybe he wasn't used to seeing people cry? She wiped some of her tears away while chuckling.

"Sure, let's do that. I think I'll eat first, though." she smiled at him before walking over to the microwave and heating up the soup. Once it was hot, she took out a spoon and began to eat it while being careful not to burn herself. "Thank you..." she said to Ricky while looking at the soup. "You may have saved my life tonight...I don't know how much longer I could've gone..."


Denix Vames - June 11, 2021

Will looked around. Tears dripped down his cheeks. "River....Oh god, what am I doing? I've been abusing your powers. I let the title get to me. It's just that I wasn't use to this kind of power. I'm still not use to it. I should understood you. I know now that Parker would have been dead if I couldn't do the things that you let me do."

He frowned and slightly lowered his head. "I'm sorry for using you. If you want to get out of my body and go somewhere else then you can do that. I won't stop you."


"Will....Where's Will?" ,asked Ben as he tried to get up again. "I want to see him. I need to."


"Alright. The Whitehouse has their own personal wardrobe downstairs. Let's go." Leo led him out of the kitchen, to some stairs, and a door. He opened it. Revealing casual clothes. "This is their second closet. Just for when they need to relax. The first one is for special events. The third closet is for sleepware. The fourth one is for the beach and the fifth one is for the cold days."


Ricky's stomach grumbled. He clutched it. Trying his best to ignore the pains. "It's a good thing that I found you then. Because I had a mansion but there are some nice people there who would be willing to let you live there."


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River appeared in front of Will and hugged him. "That's all I wanted to hear..." he said in a calm voice. "Just don't forget that I'm not just some tool for you to use...I have my own mind and my own emotions. I care about what you think of me. I care about what you do...and I care about you."

River would then wake Will up, with all of his powers intact.


"You should rest-" the nurse started but Jessica stood up and cut her off.

"Oh, relax would you? Walking to another room isn't going to kill him! God, the nurses here are a bit uptight, aren't they?" Jessica smirked at Ben then took his arm to help him to his feet. "C'mon, I'll help you there."

It was at about this time that Parker was being wheeled out of the surgery room and into a room of his own. He was still out from the anaesthetic but the surgery had been a success. The nurses lifted him from the gurney to his bed and went about making him comfortable. When they were done, they'd leave him with a saline drip and a blood bag attached to his arms.


Viktor looked at the size of the wardrobe then at Leo as he told him there were four others like it. "That many? This one is huge! I've never seen anything like it!" he said in surprise. He then hesitated. "Would they be alright with me using their clothes?" he asked nervously, not wanting to assume it'd be ok for him to just go in and dress himself.


Jane looked at Ricky when she heard his stomach growl and she felt a little guilty. Had this been his dinner that she was eating? He then brought up a mansion and the suggestion that the people living there would let her stay with them and she blinked, taken aback. "You really think they'd let me stay there? But I have nothing to give them...no means of paying rent..." she said worriedly as she took out a second spoon and passed it to Ricky. "Here, I'd feel awful if you didn't eat anything. Let's eat this together." she offered him a small smile.


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Will sat up. 'I'm sorry. I'll keep that in mind.' He looked at the nurse. His wounds had already healed. "I feel much better. Can I go wait somewhere else?"


Ben stumbled a bit but held on to her. When they stepped, they saw Will. "Will!"

Will ran over. "Ben! What are you doing?! You should be in bed! You're not well enough to be on your own!" "I'm not. Jessica-" "I know that but you should still be in bed. C'mon." Will gently brought him back to his room where he helped him to the bed. "Now please take care of yourself first. You won't do yourself or the PD any good by overworking yourself like this. And this is an order from the Chief." He winked.

Ben held a small smile. "Yes sir."


"They wouldn't. I borrowed some clothes from them too when I had to go to someone's wedding." ,said Leo.


Ricky took the spoon. "Thanks." He took a spoonful of the soup. Eating some. "They really wouldn't. They're good people. Rent isn't something that they're after. They're already rich. You go up to them and they'll gladly accept you."


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The nurse looked at him a little concerned but Will seemed to be alright otherwise. "Um...sure. Do you talk to yourself like that normally?" he asked, wondering if it was due to something supernatural or if Will genuinely had an undiagnosed mental disorder.

Jessica felt a little awkward as Will scolded Ben for getting out of bed. She'd only been trying to help but even Will was insisting that he not be up and about yet. She shook it off and looked at Will worriedly. "Any word on my brother yet?"


Viktor thought for a moment then nodded. "Alright." He stepped in and looked around. When he found clothes that would fit him, he took them into a nearby changing room and took off his blood stained clothes. When he stepped out he was wearing a simple, black shirt with jeans and trainers. A simple look but he was never normally the type to go over the top when it came to clothes in the first place. He was holding his old clothes in his hands. "That feels better." he smiled a little.


"I must be dreaming..." Jane said, staring in surprise at Ricky. "Who are these people that they wouldn't care about money? After everything I've experience they sound like Angels!...Would you mind introducing me to them?" She asked before eating a bit more soup.


Well today had been a waste of time! Cindy hadn't been able to get into contact with any supernatural midwives to conduct the test. Something about a 'Spirit of Life Meeting' being held today which meant that all Midwives were unavailable unless it was an emergency. She knew it was too early for a human test to work but she had to try something. But who knows? Maybe, if she is pregnant, her hormones would be stronger due to the Werewolf DNA in the child? Maybe the test would pick that up? Worth a shot. She couldn't stand sitting around at home, waiting.

She was going to pick up a bunch of tests. At least then, even if she turns out to not be pregnant, she could take a test any time they had another slip up, to be safe. At the very least, just having them close by might help her relax a little. She walked towards the store and nodded with a smile at the security guard. If Bryce was on duty, she would have no idea who he was. All memory of him had been erased when Desi split from her. As far as she knew, she'd always been 'Cindy'. She focussed on the task at hand and headed straight for the pharmacy aisle before staring at all the various tests and wondering if there really was any difference between them that would warrant such a variety of price tags.


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"I have some kind of soul inside me that I can talk to. Sorry if I scared you like that." ,said Will.

Will frowned at Jessica. "They told me that Parker's in good hands. That he's in surgery but I just hope I get to see him as soon as possible."


Leo smiled. "Looking good." He took his bloody clothes. "I'll place these in the washer. First, I'll take you to one of the spare bedrooms." He guided him down the hall until they reached a door which he opened. It was a luxurious bedroom with two beds inside. A TV was there as well as some drawers and a window. "The bathroom's not too far from here. And if you ever need to eat then you can use your phone to text them on what you want to eat. Do you have a phone?"


"Well, one of them is with me right now. His name's Oscar. I could try to introduce you to him. It's just that I've never really introduced anyone to anybody before." Ricky awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "Not really use to doing that kind of stuff."


Bryce walked over to her. He glared. "Why are you here?"


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Jessica sat on the side of Ben's bed and held his hand while listening to Will. "I hope he's alright." she said worriedly.

A few minutes went by and a doctor poked his head into Ben's room. "Ah, you're both in here. Good." he said, referring to Ben and Will. He stepped into the room and held out a hand for each of them to shake. "I'm Doctor Evans and I have some good news for you. Mr Parker's surgery was a success and he's currently stable in room 23B. He's still sleeping right now but you're welcome to visit him if you're feeling well enough. He's been given a blood transfusion from the surgery and a saline solution to keep him hydrated. I've also prescribed him with antibiotics to help with the sepsis he'd gotten from his injury. He's to take one three times a day for one week. He'll be free to leave at about that time, depending on his recovery. Now then, how are you both doing? I understand you've been through quite the ordeal."

"No dice! Carter left Parker in charge for one week. What's he guna say when he comes back and finds out Parker got shot not even a day after he left and spent the rest of the time in a hospital bed? He'd never let Parker be in charge again!" River said worriedly. "Maybe we could get one of his friends here to help him heal faster? Like, Nate or that other Angel...what's her name again?...the one who's totally banging Parker's granddad."


At first, Viktor had looked a little confused when Leo said he could request food. Why would he need to eat? Then he remembered; "Oh, that's right... You said you're only a little bit Vampiric...does that mean I am too, now? What else can we do that Vampire's can't?" he said while taking out his phone to show Leo that he still had it after he'd asked if he had one.


Jane smiled at Ricky. "A lot of firsts today, I'm guessing?" she chuckled. "That's alright. Although it is a little late. Maybe we could talk to him in the morning, together?"


Cindy jumped a little at Bryce's voice next to her, having been too engrossed in looking for the right test to notice him approach her. She looked at him a little confused, then quickly looked around the otherwise empty aisle to make sure he was talking to her. She looked back at him, still unsure of what to make of the question. "Um...to shop?" she replied flippantly. She then looked at him in annoyance. "But if that's a problem, I could always go somewhere else."


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Will nodded. "Would you mind taking me there?"

'Sounds like a good idea but does this Doctor even know about Angels? I don't want them questioning why he's suddenly better.'


"Well, you're part Werewolf, Vampire, Angel, and Demon. You can teleport, turn into a werewolf, run fast, and you may or may not get wings. Also, you're able to eat normal foods. And you have an immunity to Werewolf and Vampire venom." ,said Leo.


"Yeah. That sounds nice." Ricky nodded at the beds. "You can take one. I don't mind."


Bryce continued to glare. "Don't act so dumb. As if you don't even know me. You're the scum that tried to kill all of Carter's friends."


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"Yes, he does." Doctor Evans suddenly said while looking at Will then chuckled at their surprised (and in Ben & Jessica's case; confused) expressions. "I'm a human telepath. We've also had a mass hiring of supernatural interns recently so all of our staff are now clued in to what might otherwise be strange to most humans. They know what to look for when identifying different species and how to treat them accordingly." he explained then nodded at Will.

"You're a curious fellow, aren't you? Never heard two voices from one mind before. Not even schizophrenics. But to answer your question, I'll gladly take you there and if you can get an Angel friend to help Parker recover faster, we'd actually be quite grateful. Not only would that be good for Parker's sake, it would also be a relief on the resources we need for other patients who don't have Angel friends to rely on."


"Wow, that's...a lot to take in..." Viktor said, trying to process what Leo told him. He suddenly felt a little overwhelmed and anxious about his new life. He took a deep breath to steady his nerves and looked at Leo. "You'll teach me, though? I'll follow your instructions. I don't want to hurt anyone...never again."


Jane looked at one of the beds then back at Ricky and smiled. "Thank you. It'll be nice to sleep on an actual bed again..." she looked at the soup then offered Ricky the rest of the container. "Here, I guess my stomach just isn't as big as it used to be. I'm full already. Thank you...you've been so kind to me. I really do appreciate it."


Cindy was taken aback by Bryce's harsh words and his eyes seemed to burn through her as he glared at her. She felt both nervous and outraged that he would accuse her of something so horrible. "Excuse you?? How dare you!? I don't have to take this! Get out of my way!" she snapped, moving to walk past him with the intention of leaving the shop.


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Will's eyes widened. "Uh....Wow! Ok then. I guess I never realized how many interesting people there were around here. But lead the way."

He followed the doctor to Parker's room. "Nate? Are you around? We need you." Nate appeared. He studied the doctor's face. "For a second there, I thought my cover was blown." He walked to Parker and placed a hand on his head. Slowly healing him.

"I know this isn't my business but maybe you could-" ,said Will. "I can't just heal everybody. Reapers have dates and times that are set for humans. Besides, I'm not a tool." He frowned. "Sorry."


Leo blushed. "Actually, I was never taught on how to control myself. I sort of just did it on my own when I was freed."


"You're welcome." Ricky finished the rest of the soup. He set the empty container on the drawer and went to the other bed. "Hope you get some rest."


Bryce grabbed her by her arm. "I'm going to take you to Carter." He appeared in Carter's office with her.


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"Progressive times we live in." Doctor Evans said to Nate with a smile. "I'll leave you to it then. Let our reception know when you're leaving so we know to get the rooms ready for other patients." He then left the room.

Parker groaned and opened his eyes, looking between Nate and Will. "Ahh crap, I really did get shot, didn't I?" he groaned. "For a minute there, I thought I'd dreamt it..." He then looked concerned. "Is Ben ok? He looked like he was in a bad way too."


"Oh..." Viktor blinked then scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I can't imagine what that must've been like..." he said honestly then offered Leo a small smile. "But hey, at least you don't have to be alone anymore, right? Silver linings..."


"You too." Jane smiled at Ricky before laying on the second bed, savouring how soft and comfortable it was. She'd almost forgotten what it felt like to lay on a bed. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep.


Cindy gasped when Bryce grabbed her and they appeared in Carter's office which was currently empty. "Get your hand off me!" she shouted at him angrily while trying to pull away from him. "I'm friends with Carter, you moron! I'd never do anything to hurt him or his friends!"

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Denix Vames - June 12, 2021

Will nodded.

He grabbed his hand and squeezed. Tears dripped down his cheeks. "Parker! I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I should have never barged into the the warehouse like that. I let my anger take over me." "Ben's fine. He's awake right now." ,said Nate.


Leo chuckled. "Yeah, I've got a family nowadays. And I'll bet you'll be a part of it soon. Anytime, we run into people under these circumstances, they always end up being our friends."


Ricky soon fell asleep too.


"And how am I supposed to believe that after what we did together?!" ,said Bryce.


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Parker nodded at Nate in thanks then looked at Will, squeezing his hand back a little. "Hey, it's ok. You were just trying to protect your team. If you hadn't, who knows what would've happened to Ben? You can't blame yourself for the shitty situations other people put us through." He gave him a smile. "And I'm still here aren't I? So, regardless of how it happened, it still worked out in the end. Now, then..." he looked at the saline drip and the blood bag still attached to his arm. "How do we remove these? I don't think I need them anymore." he chuckled.


Viktor's eyes lit up a little hopefully, though he was wary of getting his hoped up too much. "You really think they'd take in someone like me?...After what I've done?"


"I don't even know who you are!!" Cindy shouted back, still trying to pull away from him. "I said, let go of me!" She shoved at his shoulder in an effort to get him to let go.


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Nate plucked the needles out of his arm. "Well, since I'm not needed here anymore I guess I'll be going. See ya." He disappeared.

Will placed some bandages over the two small bleeding holes. "I know you're trying to make me feel better about what I did but I'm the Chief. I'm not supposed to let my emotions cloud over my judgement." He caressed his cheek once he was done bandaging him up. "Next time, I'll do better." He kissed him.


"A few of our friends are ex killers so I'm pretty sure you would fit right in." ,said Leo.


Bryce shoved her against the wall. Tears burst out of his eyes. "You used me! You didn't even care about my goals! All you ever wanted was to take over this city!"


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Parker smiled at Will, understandingly. He kissed him back, hanging on to him for as long as he could. Admittedly, Parker had been scared. He knew he could've easily come back but he wasn't quite ready to lose his humanity just yet. When the kiss broke, he looked around the room and saw his clothes draped over a chair. He got out of the bed and walked over to the door, closing it before pulling the blinds shut too. "So...How do you want to spend the rest of the night?" he asked while changing out of the hospital gown and back into his clothes.


"Huh..." Viktor sat on the bed and lowered his gaze to the floor. It would seem he wouldn't be so alone after all. That by some crazy miracle, he was being given a second chance. Tears welled up in his eyes as he smiled a little. "That'd be nice." he nodded and looked back up at Leo. "To fit in, I mean."


Cindy cried out when Bryce shoved her and she stared at him, frightened and confused. "I don't know what you're talking about!" Her voice shook. She feared he might hurt her for something she hadn't done. But she was telling the truth. All the time she'd been plotting with Bryce she'd been 'Desi'. Even when he'd first taken this female form, it had been his mind in control at that point... and he was no longer within her.

Now, the only things she remembered were being in the Harem as a woman then meeting Kite on Earth and falling in love with him, Being held hostage by a crazed Angel, her short time in ADIEU and her rescue. All memories in between were missing. Ripped from her the moment Desi was ripped from her. She didn't even know who 'Desi' was. Having passed out shortly after his mass had fallen from her, she hadn't seen it take his shape and therefore had no idea of Desi's existence. "Please don't hurt me!" she started to cry. "I don't know what happened to you but I swear, I had nothing to do with it!".


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Will leaned against the wall. "I just want to go home. I just-" He started shaking as he fell to the floor. "No! I'm fine!" He collapsed and started seizing.


Leo smiled. "I know what you mean." He looked around the room. "Do you want me to stay for a bit? I've got nothing to do right now."


Bryce let her go. He backed away with wide eyes. "You really don't remember anything. You're not even him. You're someone else. Separated from Desi." He turned away. "I've wasted my time here. I'm sorry if I scared you."


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"Will?!" Parker ran over, placing his hands on Will's chest and watching him carefully. "Will?! What's wrong?" he turned him on his side in case he threw up.

"Again?! What's going on with you, man?" River asked, worried.


Viktor shook his head a little. "That's ok. I think I'm going to try to get some sleep. It's been a really long day..."


Cindy took some deep breaths. She was still shaking and staring at Bryce warily. "Wh-who?" she asked quietly. She then began to calm down when he apologised. Her eyes remained fixed on him as she wiped her tears again. "I-It's ok...i-it was a mistake...Someone hurt you and you're still angry about it...whatever it was, I'm sorry that it happened to you." she glanced around the room briefly and realized, due to all the lights being out that there was no one else in the building. That the whole place was probably locked up while it was empty and she didn't have a key. She couldn't teleport either. She'd tried earlier in the day but nothing had happened. "Um...sorry...W-would you mind taking me back? I can't jump and I really did need to get something from the store..."


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Once the seizing stopped, Will caught his breath. "I-I'm fine." He leaned against the bed as he stood. "Whatever that was was nothing, ok? Just forget about it. Let's just go home."


"Alright. I'll leave you to it then." Leo closed the door as he left the room.


"Desi." Bryce turned around. "His name was Desi. You were once him. But when ADIEU experimented on you, both of you became separate people. That's why you don't remember anything."


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Parker looked at Will with concern but stood up as well. "Alright? Maybe we shouldn't teleport though...take it easy and get a cab..." he said as he took out his phone.

"Dude, talk to me. What's up?" River asked.


Once Leo was gone, Viktor laid down on the bed. Being exhausted from everything that had happened as well as his turning, he soon slipped into a deep sleep. He wouldn't wake until several hours later when he'd grit his teeth, trying his best not to make a noise as his back felt like it was being broken. He'd hurriedly taken his shirt off, throwing it to one side then lay on his front on the bed, gripping the bed sheets tightly. He whimpered and held back a scream as he felt something move under the surface of his skin, starting to cut through. He quickly grabbed the pillow and stuffed as much of it into his mouth as he could to muffle his screams as his new wings continued to cut through his back, growing rapidly. Though they were currently covered in blood, they shimmered with opal-white scales.

He caught site of himself in the mirror and couldn't help staring at them as they grew. Through all his cries, he managed to laugh a little at the thought that they reminded him of the damn dragon from the movie 'The Never Ending Story'...minus the fur. When they stopped growing, the pain began to subside as the wounds in his back healed quickly. He spat out the pillow and just stared at them through the mirror in wonder. He tried to move them, flapping them a little slowly then quickly stopped that when a single small flap caused items in the room to be knocked over from the little gust he'd made. He moved them down by his sides so he could look at them and lifted a hand, running it over the scales. They felt smooth. Like gliding fingers over polished marble. "These are...mine?" he whispered through breaths. He laughed again tiredly then passed out, his wings becoming limp by the sides of the bed.


"Desi?" Cindy looked down as she tried to remember. She thought back to ADIEU and remembered the pain and fear that she'd felt. She remembered seeing a mass of flesh growing on her rapidly. How heavy it'd felt. The pain she'd felt as their skin separated and it fell from her. But after that? Nothing. After that, her next memory is waking up in the cell feeling weak, sore and vulnerable until Kite and the other werewolf arrived to rescue her. Her eyebrows knit together as she tried very hard to remember what had happened but it was no use. She couldn't recall doing anything under the name 'Desi'. She shook her head and hugged herself. "I don't remember... Wh-when I was him what did I-?" she cut herself off then shook her head hurriedly. "You know what? I don't think I want to know. I just want to get what I came out for and go home...I don't even want to know who Desi was...I just want to live my own life...the one I'm happy in..."

Meanwhile in Hell, Desi was having the time of his life in his harem. Unaware of Cindy and Bryce's reunion. Suffering absolutely no consequences for the things he'd done while on Earth. Drinking wine and having fun with the souls around him. He'd thought about going back to Earth at some point, but felt there was no need to hurry. He could take his time, have his fun then maybe mess with a few humans on Earth later. He still intended to kill Carter and his group at some point, but he wanted to lull them into a false sense of security first. Make them believe he wasn't coming back so he could have the element of surprise later.


Denix Vames - June 12, 2021

Will placed a hand on his shoulder. "No, it's alright. Please. Just let me take us back home."

'Please River. I don't want to talk about it.'


Bryce hesitated before nodding. "Fine." He placed a hand on her arm. They appeared at the same aisle where they were before they had left. "Goodbye." He walked away.


Jean Poe was a rookie cop who was being guided by KIte in the ways of being an officer. He was a tall but childish man with blue eyes and short blonde hair which still had bangs. Partially sometimes covering his eyes.


He held a notepad as he stood in front of the door. He never thought he would have to do this. Tell someone that their loved one has died. But here he was. Doing just that. He took a deep breath before knocking on Gary's door.


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'Fine man, I'll leave it for now but if this shit keeps happening then you'll need to tell us eventually.' River replied.

Parker looked at Will hesitantly. "Fine, but if it happens again I'm bringing you straight back, you got it?" he said in a stern yet gentle tone. He then sighed and wrapped his arms around Wills waist, resting his head on his shoulder. "Let's just go home and try to get some rest."


Cindy watched Bryce walk away with a frown. He seemed lonely to her...maybe even a little sad. She was tempted to call him back and let him know she wouldn't mind if he wanted to talk to someone but then she worried he might start talking about 'Desi' again and she really didn't want to know about who he was.

He seemed to know Carter, so who knows? Maybe they'll meet again one day and would have something else to talk about? "Goodbye." she said softly then looked back at the tests. Taking a deep breath, she picked up a few of the more expensive ones. As well as a few condoms, just for safe measure then headed to the cash registers to pay for them. After this she would head straight home, eager to take a test as soon as possible.


The smell of spices filled Gary's house as Alex attempted to cook something nice for them to eat. He'd been following a recipe on his phone and was engrossed in the cooking process when he heard the knock at the door.

He turned his head to look in the direction of the door momentarily before looking back at the pan. He removed it from the heat and turned the stove off, flinging a nearby kitchen towel over his shoulder before heading over to the door. He opened it up with a smile which faltered at the site of Kite and the new cop. "Uh...hi...everything ok?"


Denix Vames - June 12, 2021

Will ignored River. Instead, he focused on Parker. He smiled. "Alright." They appeared in the apartment. "So, what do you think we should do now? I'm all ears."


Jean said with a nervous voice, "I am sorry to inform you but Gary Dunn has recently passed away during the line of duty. If you would like any more information then please free to ask my supervisor, Officer Kite, any questions. Thank you."


He had been writing off of the notepad. "That was good, Jean. Now, stay in the car for a few minutes. I have to talk to him." ,said Kite. Jean nodded and walked away.

Kite placed his hands on Alex's shoulders. "Now, before you start freaking out, I need you to know that I was able to save Gary just in time. The thing is he's now a werewolf. I'm keeping him safe somewhere so that no one can notice his transformation. I don't want anyone to freak out. But this also means that you two will have to move in order to avoid questions from the firemen and other officers. I can help him learn how to control his werewolf side. Ok?"


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"Sleep." Parker chuckled. "I'm beat...Carter's only been gone for a day and today was really intense...I don't know how he does it..."


Alex's heart dropped when Jean told him that Gary had died. He couldn't breath for a moment, feeling like his lungs were being gripped and felt tears welling up in his eyes. When Kite placed his hands on his shoulders and told him that Gary wasn't dead, he gasped. Finally able to breath, his tears fell from his eyes and he took several deep breaths to try to keep himself calm, all while listening carefully to what Kite was telling him. He nodded, grapping Kite's arms for comfort and to also keep himself steady on his feet as the news had left him feeling weak in the knees. "Wh-where is he? Can I see him?" he asked quietly.


Denix Vames - June 12, 2021

Will smiled. "You should have seen him when he was still with us. Guy wouldn't let any case go. Not even for a second."

They headed upstairs to the bedroom where Will threw his clothes on the floor. Slipping under the covers naked.


Kite nodded. "But the thing is I can't leave Jean and he doesn't know about this stuff. The best thing you can do is call someone else to take you to him. And please be careful. Keep your distance. He's not himself right now."


shadowess - June 12, 2021

Parker smiled, feeling a little proud that a boss like Carter would trust him to be in charge for a while. He also got undressed until he was wearing absolutely nothing and climbed into bed next to Will. He lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling and replaying what had happened in his mind. "I wonder if we'll ever get a quiet day..." he said thoughtfully.


"O-ok..." Alex nodded again and let go of Kite, taking hold of the door. "Th-thank you."

He stepped back into the house, closing the door and leaning against it for a minute with his hand covering his mouth as he cried quietly. Why couldn't they ever catch a break? It always seemed like, just as Gary recovers from one disaster, he's struck down again by another. Alex wasn't sure if his heart could take much more of this.

He wasn't sure sure that he was strong enough. Because every time he gets news that Gary almost died, his heart breaks for him just a little bit more. All he wanted right now though, was to simply be there for him. "N-Nate?" he called out then immediately started sobbing. He didn't just need someone to take him to Gary, he needed a friend too, to comfort him. Someone he knew he could talk to and aside from Jasper, Nate was the only person Alex relied on for that.


Denix Vames - June 12, 2021

"I'm sure it'll happened." Will kissed him slowly before caressing his cheek. "Like right now."


Kite had gone back to his car and drove off.


Nate appeared. He lifted Alex off of the floor. Holding him in his arms. They appeared in the woods where a dome was. Gary was in it. Trying to break out as his claws and canines were out. He was still human. The transformation was slow and painful. He growled as he wanted out. Clawing at the dome.

Nate set Alex on the ground. "I'll be here."


shadowess - June 12, 2021

Parker kissed Will back and then stared into his eyes, smiling at his words. He lifted a hand to his then moved it to his cheek as he kissed him again, slowly and tenderly.


Alex looked at Gary with a worried expression then back at Nate and nodded. "Thank you." he said in a broken voice. He then took a step towards the dome, watching it wobble as Gary struck at it. He placed a hand on it and looked back at Gary, a little disturbed at the sight of him changing. "Gary? I'm here. I'm right here for you." he said shakily, tears still streaming down his cheeks.

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Denix Vames - June 12, 2021

Will slipped his tongue into his mouth. Kissing him passionately as he got on top of him. Moving his hands to his waist.


Gary was drooling. He growled at Alex. Trying to break the dome.


Shadowess - June 12, 2021

Parker moaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Will's shoulders. He moved his kisses to Will's neck, bending one of his knees by his side and enjoying the feeling of Will's body against his.


Alex jumped and stumbled back a little, afraid. He took a deep breath before stepping close to the dome again, keeping his eyes on him. "It's ok." he said shakily. "I can't imagine what must be going through your head but just know that I'm not going anywhere. I want to be here for you. I want to help you through this. We'll get through this...we always do..."


Denix Vames - June 12, 2021

Will moaned at his touch. He caressed his thigh. He bit into the skin of his chest. Kissing hard. Leaving trails of kisses until he reached a leg which he lifted. Kissing there too. "You're so beautiful. It's hard to take my eyes off of you."


Gary got on all fours and screamed. He began to write in pain.


Shadowess - June 12, 2021

Parker gasped softly at Will's bite then moaned and shivered at his kisses. He looked down at Will when he spoke and smiled at him. "You really know the right things to say. Oh, I love you so much." said softly. "The things you do to me... you drive me wild!" he moaned.


"Gary..." Alex placed both his hands on the dome and watched him helplessly. Tears flowing freely as he leant his head against the dome as well. "I wish I could do something...I hate this! I hate seeing you in pain..."


Cindy paced in the living room of the apartment. A test in her hand while she bit the nail on her other hand nervously. She was waiting for the result to show. Her stomach was in knots. She had no idea if it was too soon to show up on the test but she didn't know what else to do to calm her nerves.


Denix Vames - June 13, 2021

Will's wings sprouted. They vibrated. He moaned as he felt the vibrations. He smirked. His hands caressed his chest. "Then let me show you what crazy is."


Gary whined. Tears burst from his eyes. He began to sweat. He ripped his clothes off. Wanting to be cold.


Kite unlocked the door. He stepped into the apartment. "Hey Cindy. Got off of work early. I was wondering-" He stopped when he saw her. His smile lowered to a frown. "Are you...? What does it say?"


Denix Vames - June 13, 2021

(forgot to say private time)


shadowess - June 13, 2021

Alex could do nothing but watch. As Gary ripped his clothes off and appeared to be crying, Alex slid down the side of the dome, leaning on it as he sat next to it. Simply wanting to be as close to Gary as possible. "Everything's going to be ok." he said softly, wiping away some of his own tears. He wanted to comfort Gary in any way that he could. "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere, ok? No matter what, I'll be here for you."


(Literally flipped a coin for this xD )

Cindy stopped pacing to look at Kite, her cheeks turning red. "Nothing yet, waiting for the result to show..." she said, walking over to him and placing herself in his arms with her back against him so she could hold up the test for them both to see. She was shaking a little from nerves. "I don't even know if this'll work...it might give the wrong reading because it's so early...but I couldn't get hold of any midwives today..." she explained, then sighed. "Not just that...my species...when the women get pregnant they lose their powers...they become human while they're pregnant...it's a sort of safety thing..." she turned her head to the side to look at Kite worriedly. "I haven't been able to teleport today..." she admitted. They then watched as two blue lines slowly appeared on the test.


Denix Vames - June 13, 2021

Gary soon caught his breath. He relaxed before falling asleep. "The transformation is done. He'll turn into a werewolf at the full moon." ,said Nate.



Kite wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. When he saw the two lines, tears fell from his eyes. His lips quivered. He was shaking. He swallowed the lump in his throat. "What do we do now?"


shadowess - June 13, 2021

"What happens then?" Alex asked, looking at Nate tearfully. "Will he know what he's doing?...when he changes? Do I need to make sure he's safe, like this again?"


The test fell from Cindy's hand and she turned around, wrapping her arms around Kite. Her own tears fell, her body shaking against his. "I don't know..." she admitted. She took a deep breath then left a lingering kiss on his cheek. "Be parents, I guess?" she tried a small smile.


Denix Vames - June 13, 2021

"Werewolves always lose control when they first turn. He will have to stay here for some time. We can provide him with food and water. Some clothes when he's done with the cycle. And once he's gone past the full moon, he will understand his abilities better." ,said Nate.


Kite gripped the back of her head and sobbed. Pressing his forehead against hers. "I'm not ready for this but I won't let anyone touch you or the baby. Ever. I promise you both."


shadowess - June 13, 2021

Alex nodded, glancing back at Gary. He placed a hand on the dome for a moment before getting to his feet. Wiping his tears away, he was already come up with a plan. "I want to stay near him...I'm guna need to go home and get some camping gear so I can stay close. I could pick up some food from the fridge while I'm there..." He looked up at the tree branches overhead. He couldn't see the stars through them, they were so thick.

He sighed. "It's going to be hard, telling him he'll have to leave his job and move...everyone thinks he died..." he frowned. He didn't know if he had the strength to go with him, wherever he might go.

He'd support him through his change of course but he didn't know if he could just up and leave...he was beginning to question whether or not he and Gary were meant to be or whether this had all just been some wild, whirlwind romance that had been doomed from the start. He wasn't sure anymore.

He knew he loved Gary. That was certain...but something about it just didn't feel...right. Like something was missing. Maybe he was just tired from worrying all the time? Maybe he just needed some time to himself to think it over...He turned to Nate and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Would you mind taking me home so I can pack...I er-...I think I might need someone to talk to, too...if that's ok?"


Cindy smiled and brought her hands up to wipe some of Kite's tears away with her thumbs. "M-maybe we could get some advice from your friends? Some of them are parents, aren't they? They could tell us what to expect...that could help us..." she lowered her hands to rest them on his chest, keeping her head against his as she took comfort in being close to him. "I'm scared." she admitted. "But as long as I have you...I think I can do this."


Denix Vames - June 13, 2021

"Of course. I would recommend bringing raw meat for him." Nate placed a hand on his shoulder. They appeared in Gary's house. "I can conjure some camping gear for you but take what you need here."


Kite nodded. "Charles and Amelia. They're going to have a baby soon." He kissed her nose. "I love you, Cindy. I'll never let that thought go. And I'll share that love with the baby too. We can work together through this. I hope."

(so I wanted to put the rookie Jean Poe into a situation but I don't know what. any suggestions?)


shadowess - June 13, 2021

"Thanks Nate." Alex headed into the kitchen and looked at the half cooked ingredients there. He sighed. It was supposed to be a romantic surprise for when Gary got home...

"Nate?..." Alex hesitated. "Have you ever felt unsure about how you feel for someone before?" he asked, looking towards him tearfully. "I feel awful for saying it...I love Gary but...I don't know if I love him enough...to keep us going...is that wrong?"


"Alright, we'll give them a call in the morning." Cindy said then crinkled her nose a little and grinned at the kiss. "I love you, too." she said softly then chuckled. "Managed to make it this far, didn't we?" she looked into his eyes before kissing him deeply.

(Hmm, well I have a couple of ideas. By the looks of things there's going to be quite a lot of new werewolves to try to keep under control during the full moon. Maybe we could do something with that? Either that or he could stumble on Niko & Hannes as they hunt down a Steinheil hunter?)


Denix Vames - June 13, 2021

Nate frowned. He looked away. "It's alright to hesitate but I would talk about this with Gary when he's feeling normal again. Because I know that in his head, if you were to leave, he would be devastated."


Kite took a deep breath. "Yeah, we have. I just hope I'm the right person to be a father."

(Niko and Hannes sounds good. Would you mind setting the scene? I could the rookie jogging down the street or being on patrol. Whichever one you think would be perfect for this)


shadowess - June 13, 2021

Tears fell but Alex was quiet as he turned back to the fridge. "That's what I'm afraid of...I don't want to hurt him..." He swallowed, hiding his face behind the fridge door. "But what if staying with him ends up hurting him more?...You're right though..." he sighed, pulling out packets of raw steak and minced beef. "I'll talk to him...as soon as he's alright..." He closed his eyes momentarily and the image of Bryce in the park flashed through his mind.

He felt guilty. He still needed to tell Gary about that night...but he still couldn't help thinking about him every now and then. As hard as he tried to push him from his thoughts, he'd pop right back up at random moments. 'Stockholm Syndrome he'd said...' Alex thought to himself. 'That's all it was...it wasn't real... so, stop comparing!' he scolded himself as he pulled out a shopping bag and stuffed the meat into it.

He also packed some other foods for himself to eat as well. He then walked off to the bedroom and pulled out the camping gear from the closet, making sure it was all in the bag before heading back to Nate. He sighed again, wiping at his eyes while unable to bring himself to look at his friend. "Alright...I think that's everything..."


Cindy brought her around up and around his shoulders and she looked at Kite with a loving smile. "I think you'll make a great dad." she then frowned, leaning her head against his again. "I just wish I wasn't the kind of Demon that I am...I wish I'd been born human..." she said, worried that what she was would somehow make her a bad mother.


(After typing up the scene, I guess patrol would make more sense lol)

One of the hunters that had been caught up in the shooting at the diner had managed to slip away through the woods. She and two others had run along a small stream to make sure the Werewolf and Demon there would lose their scent. They then split off in three different directions to make tracking them down a lot harder. This hunter had run towards the city, needing medical care as she'd been hit by one of the stray bullets in the shoulder.

Considering this was the CIA she was running from, it was particularly risky of her to be running through the streets with all the surveillance cameras around. She did her best to stick to alleys and darkened areas as she steadily made her way towards a local vet that she knew would take human patients for the right fee. All under the table, of course. It was the best way for hunters to stay off the police radar whenever one of them got injured on the job.

So far so good, she hadn't been spotted or chased yet and she was only a couple of blocks away at this point. She just needed to be careful, walk around these alleys and- "Well hello there, liebchen!"

The hunter froze and looked towards a dark corner she'd just gone past. She hadn't seen the male standing there, even with the lit cigarette in his hand!

"Guten Abend." Came a second voice from in front of her and she jumped, the second male having crept up on her while the first male had distracted her. He seemed to smell the air before smiling at the other male. "Do you smell that, Bruder?"

"Ja, Steinheil blood. No mistaking it! We're on the right track!"

The hunter took a hurried step back, keeping her eyes on both males and she raised her crossbow while trying her best to ignore the pain in her shoulder. There was no arrow in it. She went to reach for her stock of arrows but the container was empty.

"Steinheils are like a pack of wolves. When they're all together, they're fierce and a force to be reckoned with." One of the men said while taking a threatening step towards her, making her stumble back.

"But catch one on it's own and the odds even out!" The other male said, having snuck up behind the huntress and grabbed her injured shoulder harshly, making her drop her weapon and cry out.

"We're going to have such fun with you, liebchen." the male in front of her said while grinning and flashing his fangs at her.

"The question is, once we've had our fun, do we kill you or turn you? What would you prefer, liebchen? A merciful death or every Steinheils worst nightmare?" the male behind her said into her ear, making her recoil.


Shadowess - June 13, 2021


(Aaaaand just going to put this here...lol )

Viktor got out of bed sometime early in the morning. He didn't bother checking the time. He didn't want to know how much sleep he didn't get. He looked in the full-length mirror at his new appearance. His whitish-blonde hair seemed to have a new silky shine to it. His brown eyes were just a little lighter. His skin paler. That's not even mentioning the opal-white scaled, wings on his back! He couldn't stop staring at them. They were so smooth that his blood had slid straight off and onto the floor after he grew them, leaving just the faintest red stain across them. This was something he would need to get used to. Still, he supposed it was better than being dead. He owed Leo for this...big time.

He sighed, turning away from the mirror and looked at the pools of blood by either side of the bed he'd been sleeping on. He grimaced, feeling bad for making a mess after these people took him in...he should get that cleaned up for them. He walked into the en suite bathroom and found a few small towels which he dampened with cold water. He then set about cleaning up the blood as best he could. When he was finished, he wrung them out in the bathroom sink, leaving them to soak so that the blood wouldn't stain them too badly.

He wondered when Leo would come to see him again. He also wondered what would happen to him next. Leo had said he'd teach him how to handle his new powers and that his friends would likely take him in as one of their own now, but Viktor wondered if the CIA would let him loose, just like that, with no strings attached. He doubted it. In fact, Viktor fully expected them to want to keep him around like they do with Leo...

Maybe he was ok with that.

It's not like he had anything else to go back to anymore and at least it would give him some kind of purpose. Still, there was one more thing that Viktor wanted to do before he could move forward and leave his family behind.

He walked back to the bed and sat on it with his back to the wall and his legs crossed. He took out his phone and looked at it for a moment before opening up the voice recording app. Hesitantly, he hit record and began to speak;

"...My name is Viktor Steinheil...and I really hope I have enough memory in my phone to cover this..." he chuckled nervously. "I want to reveal my family's secrets...their story...My intention is not to make excuses for the things that they do...but I hope what I have to say might help anyone who encounters them to understand where they originally came from and how their minds work...because I don't want to lose hope that more of my family can be saved...like myself and my sister." He sighed heavily and stared at the curtained window thoughtfully. "When I came of age, my parents told me this story. It's the story told to all of us once we are old enough to train and join the hunts. It's the story of how our family came to be the ruthless hunters that we are now...and it goes like this;

'Centuries ago in Germany, in the City of Schiltach, our family were no more than humble farmers. They were a large family, but very poor. They got by on what little they had and worked hard on the farm. Though they didn't have much, they were happy enough. But that happiness would soon come to an end. A community of Vampires had originally founded the City and allowed the humans to live there...as their own cattle. The human government would pay large sums of money to the vampires in the hopes that they would only take what they needed to live. This was all kept a secret from the other humans in the city, of course. They didn't want to cause a panic or do anything that might invoke the wrath of the Vampires.

Back then, the humans had no idea that Vampires could die or that they had weaknesses. To them, they were practically gods with the power to destroy the city if they wanted. Which is why the government did anything and everything to keep them happy...including turning a blind eye to the odd abduction here or murder there...But funds to keep paying them were growing short and the humans that had no idea why the city had no money for important expenses were growing restless. In an effort to appease the Vampires for not being able to pay them as much anymore, they offered some of the citizens to them as a form of payment...this did not go over well. Insulted by the offer and feeling the need to remind the humans of their place, the Vampires attacked the city.

They burned down homes. Kidnapped women. Murdered babies in their cradles and strung up any man who dared try to fight back. The Steinheil farm was hit too. The stables set ablaze... horses and cattle had their throats slit...Johan Steinheil lost everything. His wife. His new-born child. His livelihood. All stripped away from him in the space of a few hours. In the morning, while the others buried the dead and got to work trying to repair the damages, Johan grabbed his bow and set out into the Black Forest. Although he thought he would die, he was determined to kill at least one Vampire for what they had done. He tracked their footprints to their home, deep within the woods.

The Vampires had grown cocky and reckless. They hadn't expected any human to retaliate and therefore didn't bother to cover their tracks. Johan found them sleeping. He also found the women they'd captured, including his wife. Naked, dead, drained of every last drop then piled up and left to rot or be picked at by the scavengers of the forest. Enraged, he crept up to each one silently and aimed an arrow at each of their hearts. Once dead, he cut off all of their heads, put them into a sack and carried them back to the city as proof of their mortality.

The human government were so relieved and thankful to Johan that they rewarded him generously. If he'd wanted, Johan could have lived out the rest of his days comfortably. But Johan said that his work was not yet done. There were more vampires out there, terrorising humans and he would not stand for it. He vowed to bring an end to their existence, even if it took generations. And so the hunts began. Johan used the money to buy weapons and took his surviving sons with him, training them.

He noted that Vampires fangs could secrete venom into their victims, so he captured one. He kept it alive and found a way to extract it's venom, which he proceeded to drink a small amount of once per day. Over time, he increased the dose he would drink and encouraged his sons to do the same so that if they were to ever get bitten while out hunting, they would not be hindered. Members of our family did this over the centuries, until one day our family realised that we had built up a natural tolerance to venom anyway and no longer needed vampire captives. Any captives we had were then executed and burned.

Later on, a direct descendant of Johan met a pack of werewolves and after gaining their trust, discovered that wolf venom was fatally toxic to vampires. Our family bartered for a wolf pup, which they then raised and bred in secret...using their venom to coat their weapons...I'm pretty sure some members of our family still keep wolves captive...anyway, a couple of Steinheil brothers tried to do the same thing Johan did with the wolf venom in the hopes of building up a natural tolerance, but they just ended up turning themselves and unfortunately, became part of the wolf brood the family used to get venom. Since then, the Steinheils were taught to be extremely cautious of wolves and their venom.'

Viktor paused and took a deep breath before sighing heavily. "Well...I guess that's the story...so, as a family, we started off with heroic intentions...I guess something shifted along the way...Vampires became better people...while we remained hunters...When I was told this story, I was told that Vampires were still as ruthless and cunning as they were back then...that they couldn't be trusted, not even for a second. To not fall for their human looks or their charm. That behind their beauty, they were nothing but monsters. Maybe back then...but I don't think that's the case now...and I think the sooner my family realizes this...the sooner everyone can move on and live peacefully with each other...Here's to hoping..." He stopped the recording and stared at his phone for a long, quiet minute.

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Denix Vames - June 13, 2021

(wow! A lot of backstory there. cool)

Nate placed a hand on his shoulder. They appeared at the dome. Gary was sitting there. He seemed confused. "Alex? Nate? What am I doing here? What happened?"


Kite cupped her cheeks. Looking into her eyes. "Cindy, I don't know the first thing about motherhood but I do know that we're not the most perfect people in the world. And everyone else isn't perfect either. We just have to try our best and hope that our kid doesn't grow up to be a dumbass. Ok?"


Jean was out patrolling by himself for the first time. He was excited for this opportunity.

He was walking down the streets when he heard the commotion. He flashed his light at the direction of the noises. He took out his taser. "Freeze! You two need to get on the ground and-!" His eyes widened when he saw their fangs. His skin turned pale. He was shaking.


Shadowess - June 13, 2021

Alex lifted his gaze to Gary, surprised to see him awake. He looked at him sadly, knowing he was now going to have to tell him what he was and what they would have to do. His grip on the bag tightened a little as he thought nervously about the best way to tell him.

"Gary..." he sighed and put the bags down before sitting next to the dome and looking at him. "You-...I don't know what happened exactly but you got into an incident...Kite had no choice but to turn you...from what I understand, it was the only way to save your life...but now...everyone apart from us...thinks you're dead...I'm sorry, but you won't be able to go back to the life you had...you won't even be able to go back to your house...you'll have to move..." his voice broke a little and he had to pause a moment to take a deep breath to stop himself crying again.

"You've gotta stay in this dome until after the full moon...to keep you and others safe...I-...I brought you some food...I brought some camping stuff too...I'm guna stay here with you. I'm not going to leave you alone, ok?" Alex looked into Gary's eyes and his heart hurt. He didn't know if he could tell him about his doubts. He really did love him and didn't want to hurt him.


Listening to Kite with teary eyes, his last few words made her break into a wide grin and she chuckled, nodding a little. "Ok." she said softly. She ran a hand through his hair, looking at him lovingly. She didn't know what she did to land a guy like Kite, but she was thankful for it regardless. All she knew was that she'd fallen head over heels for him and would do anything for him. "I love you." she whispered, nudging his nose a little with hers.


Hearing the officer, Hannes turned around while Niko tightened his grip on the Steinheil girl, pulling her close to him defensively. Seeing him freeze up and turn pale though cause Hannes to grin in amusement. "What's wrong human? Never seen a vampire before?"

"Run! For God sakes, run and get backup!" The girl shouted at him, panicking.

"Shush, liebchen! He doesn't want his buddies to think he's mad!" Niko said, also grinning at Jean. "Do you police man? You don't want to be called 'crazy'!"

Hannes lifted his hands, not as a surrender but in a gesture to try and calm Jean. "There is no need to be frightened. We are not the monsters here. This girl however, is a killer." he turned his eyes to glare at her. "I'll bet she's murdered scores of our kind already. Men. Women. Children. We're all the same to you, aren't we girl? Fucking racist bitch!"

"Don't listen to him! They're killers! Blood drinkers! Blutsauger!" The huntress growled.

"That's not very nice! Sure, we drink blood. But we only kill in self defence!" Niko dug his hand into her shoulder, making her cry out in pain.

"L-Lies!" The girl gasped.

Hannes had turned back to Jean and tilted his head. "Look. This is vampire business. You leave here now, turn a blind eye and let us have our justice and we won't take you with us as well, deal?"

"Please, no! Don't let them do this!" the huntress pleaded.

"Shhh, it's not so bad, liebchen. You might even like it." Niko said before sinking his fangs into her neck, making her squeal then whimper. Niko took his fangs out after only a moment and seemed to savour the blood in his mouth before swallowing. All the while, the huntress had begun to cry. "Shhh, I'm sorry. The first bite always hurts you hunters. The second one will be better, I promise." he said, grinning and hugging her to him, making her recoil again. She writhed in his grip, struggling to get herself free while Niko chuckled at her struggle and anguish.

"Please help me!" she screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks.


Denix Vames - June 13, 2021

Tears dripped down Gary's cheeks. He lowered his head as he hugged his knees. "My life is over. I'll never get to see my friends again. I'll never get to see you again. Because I know that you wouldn't want a monster like me."


"I love you too." Kite kissed her.


Jean didn't know what to do. He just wanted this all to be one big bad dream. He ran until he reached a corner near the alley where he dropped what he held. Vomiting over the sidewalk. He breathed heavily. Trying to comprehend what he just saw. That if anyone in the PD would even believe him. He needed to tell someone about this. He had to.

He shut his tear filled eyes as he heard her struggle and cry for help. He clenched his fists. Sobbing as he didn't know what to do.


Shadowess - June 13, 2021

Alex's heart dropped and his breath caught in his throat. Did he already suspect him of doubting their relationship?! He shook his head. Seeing him heart broken like this was too painful. He couldn't do it. He couldn't do that to him! Not when Gary had stuck by Alex! What had he been thinking?! What was wrong with him?! Of course he could never leave Gary! He loved him too much!

"No!" Alex said suddenly and placed his hands on the side of the dome, looking at Gary. It was like a fire had been re-ignited within him. Like he realized that all this time, he'd been sleeping but now he was finally awake again! "Look at me! I will not leave you! I couldn't care less if you were a Fairy-Wolf hybrid from Mars! With antennas! Because you're still Gary! You're still the man that strolled up to me in a park in the middle of the night and took me out for a drink! Even though I was wearing children's clothes which-" he turned and gave Nate a playfully annoyed look, "Thanks again for that, buddy!"

He smiled then turned back to look at Gary. "I know non of this is ideal but it's not hopeless! I'll help you through this! Wherever you go, I'll be right there with you. Ok? Besides, we have friends that we can talk to. Friends that know what you're going through. They can give us advice. Answer some questions, so we know what to expect. Whatever you need, I'll help you. I promise."


Cindy kissed him back, pressing her body against his while running her hand through his hair.


Hannes smiled when Jean ran away, assuming he was taking him up on his offer. Niko also smirked then grinned widely as the girl started screaming after Jean. "Please! No! Don't leave me with them!"

He pushed her up against the wall where she continued to struggle against him. "Oh, come on. You're family owe us this much!" he said with a sadistic smile as he started pulling on her belt then licking the blood from her neck. She screamed and gripped his hand, trying to stop him.

"Niko, we should leave. She's making far too much noise." Hannes said, looking at her in annoyance.

"Ugh, fine. Let me just sedate her first." Niko rolled his eyes then pushed himself against her, pinning her to the wall while sinking his fangs into her neck again. She groaned, quickly falling silent, but continued trying to fight him off so Niko pulled back before biting her one more time. This time, she gasped. Then shivered, gripping him tightly as she felt the third dose of venom overwhelm her senses. "N-no...please...I don't want...to die..." she breathed weakly before falling limp and staring off towards the end of the alley. A small amount of drool falling from the corner of her mouth. Niko pulled back and smiled at her, swallowing the blood in his mouth before licking his lips. "Is that so, liebchen?" he caressed her cheek. "Be careful what you wish for." he chuckled before lifting her into his arms.


"Are you done?" Hannes looked back at Niko. He'd been keeping a look out while Niko sedated the huntress.

"Not yet. If anything, I'm just getting started." Niko chuckled.

"Then let's get moving. We shouldn't linger in one place for too long."


Denix Vames - June 13, 2021

Nate chuckled at his comment. "No problem."

Gary was surprised. He held a small smile. He crawled over to Alex. Placing his hands there. "Alex. Thank you. And this time, dangerous jobs are off the list."


Kite brought his hands under her shirt. Feeling up her chest as he kissed her passionately.


Jean opened his eyes. He took a deep breath. Even if they were vampires, whatever they were, he was a cop. He couldn't let a possibly innocent person die.

He threw himself back to the alley. "Hey!" He wiped the bits of vomit from his lips with his sleeve. "Whatever you want to do to her, you can do to me instead! And if she is what you say she is then we can find evidence against her! I can arrest her!"


shadowess - June 13, 2021

Alex couldn't help smiling at Gary. He was sad that Gary could no longer do the job he wanted but at least now he'd be safe. There'd be no more sitting at home and wondering if he was going to have to meet Gary in the hospital again...or worse.

It was an enormous relief and one that Alex had desperately needed. He leant his head against the dome, wishing he could hold Gary in his arms again. He just wanted to be as close to him as possible. He nodded at Gary "You and me. No matter what." he whispered through to him.


Cindy moaned into the kiss before slipping her tongue into his mouth. Her hands slipped down to his waist, feeling his hips just under his pants.


Niko sighed irritably when Jean turned up again. "You really do not want to do this, friend. That was not the deal."

But Hannes raised a hand to quiet Niko while smirking at Jean. "Or, we stick to our original deal and we do to you what we will still do to her." he said before running rapidly at Jean, stopping behind him. He'd grab his gun hand, quickly aiming it at the wall and squeezing his hand to force him to drop it while taking hold of his chin with his other hand, forcing him to tilt his head back.

He grazed his fangs over Jean's neck before whispering into his ear. "After all, why should Niko have all the fun? I think you would enjoy our company." He let go of Jean's hand to grip his waist, pressing his hips against his. "Don't worry. We won't kill you. In fact, just for you, I'll be as gentle as I can." He moved to sink his fangs into Jean's throat. He didn't want to take too much from him yet. This was just to sedate him like the girl had been.


Denix Vames - June 13, 2021

"But where should we live?" ,asked Gary.


Kite took a step back from her. He frowned. "I'm sorry. I want to be close but I don't want to give you another baby, ya know?"


Jean gasped at Hannes's speed. He grit his teeth. Struggling against his strength before he watched his gun fall out of his hand. His heart was racing.


He cringed at the touch of his fangs. Shivering. "N-No!" He tried to get out of his hold but found it hopeless. He could feel himself getting tired. His eyelids grew heavy. He soon went limp. Having passed out from the venom.


Shadowess - June 14, 2021

Alex smiled at Gary. "We'll worry about that later. Let's just focus on you first...and don't worry, I'll take care of everything when it comes to moving."


Cindy blinked as Kite stepped back then smiled at his explanation. "I'm-...I'm not sure that it works that way." She chuckled a little then walked over to the shopping bag on the coffee table. "But, if it makes you feel more comfortable, I bought these too." she said, pulling out the pack of condoms.


The huntress was still sort of conscious and had watched what had happened to Jean helplessly. The venom had put her mind into a sort of drunken state so she only really half comprehended what had just happened.

Hannes moaned a little at the taste of Jean's blood and had to force himself to stop drinking from him once he'd gone limp. He held his blood in his mouth for just a moment before swallowing it and smiling at Jean. "So naïve and innocent...it's kind of adorable."

"There, are you happy now? We both have a plaything for tonight. Let's get going before anyone else decides they want to confront us." Niko said, eager to get back to their hotel room for a bit of fun.

"Alright, let's go."

They sped off. It wouldn't take them long to arrive at their hotel room where they slipped inside. Hannes put Jean down on the couch then smirked at the handcuffs on his belt. "Ah, these will come in handy." he took them off his belt and carried him over to the radiator, cuffing one of his hands to a pipe there. Meanwhile, Niko cradled the girl in his arms and sat on the floor, holding her tightly and waiting for her to recover from the venom.

Hannes rose a brow at Niko. "I thought you wanted to 'have fun' with her?"

Niko smiled. "This is part of the fun. Besides, you know I prefer them to be more lively than this!" Hannes rolled his eyes. "Look, we need answers from this hunter bitch and we also need to show this officer that we are not the ones to be feared. So, I'm waiting until they both wake up more."

"You're going to question her in front of him?" Hannes asked and Niko smirked.

"I'm going to do better than that. I'm going to show them both that being a vampire isn't as bad as they think. Once we have them on our side, we'll have two new companions AND the information that we need to hunt down the Steinheils that we came here for."

Hannes smiled at this explanation. "Hmm! I believe you may be on to something there, Bruder."

And so the wait began.


Denix Vames - June 14, 2021

"I want to help too, Alex. Don't forget that I'm a part of this now. I don't want you to do all the heavy lifting in our relationship." ,said Gary.


Kite blushed. "I feel like such a child right now. I've never really talked to anybody about....protection. But it's a good thing you have those. Honestly, I think you should take charge today."


Jean, at some point, groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. His vision was fuzzy for a moment before blinking. He tried to move and heard a jingle. He turned to the sound. Finding himself handcuffed to a radiator.

He looked up at them. Tears dripped down his cheeks. "P-Please don't hurt me! We can talk this out! I promise!"


shadowess - June 14, 2021

Chuckling a little, Alex grinned at Gary. Looking at him in adoration. Even after everything that had happened to him, he seemed so strong. "Man, I really wish I could kiss you right now." He said then nodded. "Alright. We'll figure out how we're guna do it later. For now-..." Alex looked at the dome uncertainly for a minute then looked back at Nate. "Hey, how're we supposed to get his food and stuff in there?"


Blushing as well, Cindy took one out of the box. She walked over to him, keeping it in her hand as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "That's alright." she said softly and ran a few kisses up the side of his neck until she reached his ear. "You just relax. I want to make you feel good." she whispered before gently nibbling on his earlobe. She took his hand with her free one and smirked at him in a seductive way, pulling him towards the bedroom.


Niko and Hannes had been discussing in German what they should do. Niko told Hannes his plan but Hannes was hesitant. He would prefer that the Steinheil die as soon as possible. Keeping one alive was always risky. Niko didn't seem concerned. In fact, the more he thought about his plan, the more he wanted it. Hannes had to admit, he was a little excited about his part in the plan but couldn't help questioning Niko's motives.

"He doesn't seem very brave for a police officer, does he?" Niko said in German.

"Maybe he's new to the job." Hannes replied, also in German. "Kind of cute though."

Niko scoffed. "If you say so. I prefer when they put up a fight. More exciting."

Hannes smiled at Jean and knelt next to him, wiping some of his tears away with his thumb. "Hush, Süsser." he said softly in English. "We will not harm you. However, now that you have seen us, we cannot simply allow you to leave."

"You interrupted us at a very inconvenient time." said Niko who nodded at the woman who was still dozing a little in his arms. "You see human, we are not the monsters that people like this woman would have you believe. We just want to live our lives peacefully. This woman is part of a family of human hunters who track down and murder our kind for sport. Thanks to this family, we have both lost members of our own family. So, you can understand why we might be a little...insistent, on getting our justice. If you had not turned up, we would have executed her for the crimes of her family already."

"But we have a better idea." Hannes said. "Like I said, we cannot just let you go now. So, instead we will show you both that our lives are worth living. Starting with her."

"She has information that we need. We could torture her for the information but what would she learn from it? Nothing. It would only reinforce her twisted beliefs of us. A Steinheil within our ranks could prove useful. Besides, she's not bad looking." Niko smirked at her.

"You will watch quietly so that you know what to expect. Just know that we are being as gentle as we possibly can be." Hannes said before sitting next to Jean with his back to the wall.

It was only a few minutes later that the woman stirred. Having more venom in her system meant that it took her a little longer than Jean to start recovering and when she did she was still a little 'drunk' from the venom that was still in her system. She groaned, turning her head just a little before her eyes flickered open. She looked at Jean with momentary confusion before remembering where she'd seen his face. She then looked up at Niko, realizing she was in his arms and gasped, trying to wriggle free. "L-let me go!" her voice shook, her words slurred a little. Niko kept a tight hold on her and merely chuckled at her attempts.

"But liebchen! Don't you remember? You made a wish!" he grinned, flashing his fangs. "and I would very much like to grant it!"

The woman whimpered, still struggling to get away from him. "N-no! I don't want it! Please don't do this to me!" she cried.

"Shh, it's not so bad, liebchen. You'll see." Niko kissed her cheek, making her cringe and recoil. "I'll take good care of you."

"No! No!" She squirmed as Niko moved his kisses to her neck before biting her once again, this time drinking from her slowly.

She'd gasped and shivered, her body tensing a little before relaxing in his grip. Niko moaned a little as he swallowed her blood, his hand caressing her waist and hip while his other hand supported her back, holding her close to him while he drank. The hunter had closed her eyes tightly, crying quietly as her cheeks turned red. "Please...stop..." she whispered, though she made no more efforts to push him off. In fact, her hands gripped the sleeve of his arm tightly. She shivered again as he swallowed some more and she let out a quiet moan, her head tilting back a little.

Hannes smiled watching them. He placed a hand on Jean's thigh and smirked at him. "Your turn next." he then nodded at the hunter. "This is the best part. If done right, the drinking can be a pleasant, even sensual experience. She's not in pain at all. Our venom takes the pain away. Niko is making sure that the only thing she feels is an-...what's the word?... ecstasy? A sort of blissful peace. See how she's not fighting him anymore? She still could, if she wanted to." he looked back at Jean, lifting his hand off his thigh and caressed his cheek. "I will do the same for you. You will know only peace and pleasure."

Eventually, Niko stopped drinking and smiled at the woman with blood stained lips. She stared back at him, her expression reflecting her confusion. Trying her best to look at him with disgust and fear. "I told you you'd like it." Niko chuckled. At this point, Hannes got to his feet and moved behind Niko, placing his hands on his shoulders. He looked at Jean and said "Now watch this part carefully." before biting into Niko's neck.

Niko gasped and Hannes let him go immediately before standing and walking over to the cabinets. While Hannes took out a glass and pressed his fangs against it to pour some of his venom into it, Niko dabbed one of his fingers into the blood pooling on his neck and painted the woman's lips with it. She flinched as he did so, making him smear it a little. He smirked, unphased. "To give you a taste. Now, the choice is yours. Drink and I'll take you under my wing. I will protect you and teach you how to live your new life. Or don't drink...and die." he pulled her up and held her so that her head rested on his shoulder, facing the wound on his neck.

She looked at his wound apprehensively. She couldn't help the taste of his blood that had been smeared on her lips from getting into her mouth. It caused a reaction within her that awoke a strong urge to drink from him. She wept softly, knowing she wasn't going to be able to resist it regardless of her choice. He had only given her the illusion of a choice but the reality was that the second she tasted what he'd put onto her lips, any self control she had was almost completely gone.

Moving was effort though. Having so much blood taken from her left her weak. Her muscles were sore. Still, she gripped his shirt tightly and pulled herself closer to his neck almost desperately, her mouth open in anticipation. Niko grinned and tilted his head a little to make her access to his throat a lot easier. She licked at his wound, the taste of his blood sending shockwaves through her and a second later she'd wrapped her mouth around the wound, drinking from it with as much strength as she could muster. Niko moaned then laughed. Closing his eyes with his head tilted back, cradling her head to his neck with one hand while keeping his other around her waist.

While she drank, Hannes had finished pouring his venom into the glass and had brought it over, standing nearby and watching her progress with a smile. Little moans mixed with the occasional sobs could be heard coming from the hunter as she kept drinking and drinking. "Hush...liebchen...you're doing so well..." Niko breathed, seeming to struggle a little with how much she was taking.

Finally, she gasped and let him go. She flinched and gripped her stomach, turning to bury her face in his chest, still keeping a tight grip on his shirt as she cried out. Niko took a few deep breaths, a few beads of sweat had appeared on his forehead but he ignored it and looked up at Hannes, taking his hand off her waist to reach out to him quickly. Hannes passed him the glass and Niko pulled the huntress away from his chest, pushing the glass up to her mouth.

"Drink it. It'll help with the pain." he breathed and although she cringed at the smell, she reluctantly drank some of the venom. She then relaxed in his arms, breathing heavily to catch her breath, gripping her stomach. Groaning and flinching every now and then. Niko moved some of her hair behind her ear and smiled at her warmly. "Welcome to my world...The pain will pass soon...what's your name?" he whispered softly.

Tears slid down the hunter's cheeks as she looked up at Niko. In a quiet, shaken voice, she answered him. "Racheal...Racheal Steinheil..."

Niko shook his head, still smiling. "No, liebchen. You are not a Steinheil anymore." he kissed her forehead. She recoiled once more but Niko either didn't notice or he didn't care. "You're now Racheal Bernbaum and you will serve me while I teach you, do you understand? I am Niko Bernbaum. Your maker and master. As payment for what I have given you, you will serve me loyally for a minimum of one hundred years. In turn, I have vowed to protect you and teach you everything I know." Racheal could do nothing but stare at Niko in silent shock. Not that she could do anything about it right now anyway with her body still going through the change but still, did he really just force her into a life of servitude and make it out like he was doing her some kind of favour?!

Hannes looked at Jean. "Just like humans, Vampires have many customs, religions and cultures. This is a tradition from the culture than Niko and I come from. Just like Racheal has become Niko's servant, you will become mine. Now, are you ready?" he approached Jean, kneeling next to him once more and running a hand up his thigh. "I swear to keep you safe. I will teach you everything I know."

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Denix Vames - June 14, 2021

Nate snapped his fingers. The bag of raw meat and bottle of water appeared in front of Gary. "Just like that. Anyway, is there anything else he might need?"


Kite moaned at the kisses on his neck. He smiled. "I can't wait." He soon laid on his back at the bed. Letting Cindy get on top of him.


Jean tried to pull the cuffs off. "No! There's got to be another way!" He struggled to get away from Hannes. Trying to kick him away but the venom still left him weak. "I-I won't tell anyone about this! I promise! I'm sorry that I walked in on whatever you guys were doing! Please don't!"

His voice was breaking. Sobbing, he said, "I'm just a cop!"


shadowess - June 14, 2021

Alex looked at the food and smiled. "Thanks, Nate." He then thought for a moment while regarding Gary. "Maybe a blanket or something? It's probably guna get cold overnight. I duno, what do you think?" he asked Gary.


Gently grinding her hips against his, Cindy kissed Kite deeply while removing his shirt. She ran her hands over his chest before sitting up and removing her dress. She went back to kissing him, moving her hands over his chest and down to his pants, starting to undo them then slipping her hand down them and pleasuring him. She would then kiss down his chest, across his stomach and kiss his hips as well. Slowly, while giving him a seductive smile, she pulled his pants off before grabbing the condom. "Oh, Kite." she grinned. "I'm going to really rock your world tonight!"

(Private Time)


Hannes frowned at Jean's attempts to kick at him. He grabbed one of his legs and applied a small amount of pressure while glaring at him. It wouldn't be enough to break his bone but it would cause a little pain and serve as a warning for Jean not to test him. "You are a human who has witnessed us. Not only that but you now also know the names of those who would hunt us. We are left with no other choice. You either join us or you die. Here and now."

Racheal glanced over at Hannes and Jean while Niko was busy watching them. She couldn't let him be tricked into serving them as well! She looked around them. This looked to be a hotel room, which meant there was likely people staying in the rooms near them. People who could call the police. It was risky. They might resort to killing Jean in order to resolve their problem quickly but she had to try something. She started screaming as loudly as she could. "HELP! HELP US! SOMEONE PLEASE!"

Niko's eyes snapped back to Racheal and he glared at her dangerously. "Quiet! You ungrateful bitch!" he growled and gripped her throat tightly, cutting off her airway. She gripped his hands, straining to breath while the pain from her turning continued. She stared at him, frightened as her face started to turn red. "Looks like I'll have to teach you how to respect your master!" he said viciously and let go of her. She gasped and coughed, trying to scramble away from him but he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to her feet while she struggled to get her breath back. He dragged her into the bedroom and shoved her onto the bed. He then turned around, grabbed the door and smirked at Hannes and Jean. "Don't wait up." he winked with a wicked smirk and closed the door.

Hannes shook his head at Niko with a smirk and turned back to Jean. "Now, where were we?" he said, leaning over Jean and baring his fangs, going for his neck.


Denix Vames - June 14, 2021

"A blanket would be nice." ,said Gary. Nate snapped his fingers. A blanket appeared near Gary. "Thank you." Gary took the blanket. Wrapping it around himself.


Jean flinched at the pain. He stopped trying to free himself. His skin grew pale again. He shook as he leaned his head back. Trying to get his neck away fro him. But it was only a good angle for Hannes to sink his fangs into.

"Ah!" He shut his eyes as he felt the sharp pain. Then the venom hit. He bit his tongue. Holding back any moans that came only because of the venom and Hannes's touch. He clenched his fists.


Shadowess - June 14, 2021

Alex smiled, happy to see Gary as comfortable as they could make him for now. He stood and turned to face Nate. Sighing, he walked over and hugged him. "Thank you...We all thank you all the time when you help us but I don't think any of us really say why... It means a lot to me when you do help us. Hell, you've been helping me since I was an absolute nightmare to deal with...You're a good friend, Nate...and I don't think we say that enough." He let him go and smiled at him. "When we move you better be coming to the house warming party." he chuckled. "But for now...I guess me and Gary are all set here if you wanted to get back to Tom and chill out."


Hannes moaned when Jean's blood hit his tongue. He started drinking from him slowly, concentrating on making the experience pleasurable for Jean. He held the back of his head to keep him supported while his other wand wandered over his body. Over his chest, feeling his hips. He moved his hand around to grab his ass as well and felt up his thigh. When Jean's pulse began to weaken, he pulled away and took a quick breath. He then took out a small blade and made a small cut in his own neck.

Hissing a little at the pain, he dabbed his finger in his blood and placed some of it just on the inside of Jean's lips. "Here. Doesn't it taste good?" he whispered, grinning at him. "I promise you, you'll enjoy it." he uncuffed Jean and pulled him onto his lap, confident that Jean was now too weak to fight back or run. He positioned Jean's head on his shoulder like Niko had done with Racheal. "Now. The choice is yours." he said softly while stroking his hair and holding him in a loving embrace. "Just know that I would love you for all time if you became mine. I would kill to keep you safe and your happiness would make me happy."


Denix Vames - June 14, 2021

Nate smiled. "Alright. Just let me know when you need me. See ya guys later." He disappeared.

Gary whistled a tune. "So, what do you want to talk about? I don't really know what to do now."


Jean squirmed in his hold but it was barely a move here or three. He succumbed to the venom. He could smell Hannes's blood. "W-Why...? Please...." The blood mixed with the sweat on his lips. Going down his throat. It was something else overtook him. He brought his lips to his neck. Drinking up his blood without a choice.

He gasped as he moved back. Feeling the unbearable pain in his body. "Wh-What's going on? It hurts....!"


shadowess - June 14, 2021

Alex turned to look at Gary and his smile slipped a bit. He supposed there wasn't really a better time and he'd been putting it off for too long already. He walked back over to the dome and sat in front of Gary, looking down while picking at the grass in front of him, nervously. "Actually...there's something I've been meaning to tell you...and I should've told you about it sooner...I guess I just got scared of what you might think if I told you...I also didn't want to worry you...but what happened today...I realized I wouldn't forgive myself if I ever lost you and I hadn't been honest with you. I want to be able to tell you anything..."

He brought his eyes back up to Gary's and hesitated. "I er-...I saw Bryce...a few days ago...nothing happened." he said the last part quickly, wanting to make that point clear. "He approached me while I was out jogging...he wanted to apologise for what he did to me. I think he just wants to be a better person...anyway, he just apologised and said goodbye. So, I think that's the last time we'll ever hear from him again." He lowered his eyes to the ground again. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner...I'm not entirely sure what I was scared of...I just know that I don't want to lose you..."


Hannes moaned when Jean started drinking from him. He tilted his head back and let out shaky breaths, enjoying the feeling. "That's it!" he breathed with a smile. "Take as much as you need!"

When Jean let him go, he looked at him and brushed some of his hair out of his face. "I know it does, Süsser." he said in a comforting tone. He then reached over to the glass that Niko had left on the floor which still had some of his venom in it. "The cells in your body are changing. This takes time and is quite painful. Here, drink some of this. It will not take the pain away completely but it will make it easier to deal with." he held the glass to Jean's lips. "I am here for you, Süsser. I will help you to adjust. Tell me your name. I am Hannes Strassmann, your loving master."


Denix Vames - June 14, 2021

Gary frowned. He placed a hand on the dome. "It's alright. Ex boyfriends aren't easy to talk to. I would never think that you would do something wrong. And I'm glad you got to talk to him."


Jean drank the venom. He cringed at the taste. "J-Jean. My name is Jean Poe. And you're not my boss. Will is. He'll know about this. People will know that I'm missing."

Fear filled his heart as he realized he had talked back to him. "I-I'm sorry! Don't take me to a room too! I don't want this!"


shadowess - June 14, 2021

Alex looked back up at Gary with tearful eyes and placed his hand on the dome as well, over where Gary had his hand. "Thank you!" he breathed. "You have no idea how much this has been fucking with my head...Ever since I saw him, I keep getting flashbacks of-..." he shook his head and looked away for a moment before looking back at him. "But I'm in a better place now! I have you and nothing else matters."


Hannes glared at first but seeing him quickly apologise brought a smile to his lips. "Shhh, Süsser. I forgive you." he said softly, taking the glass from him and setting it down. "Unlike your new sister, you do not deserve such harsh treatment. You are an innocent man who simply got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your outbursts are understandable. She is simply trying to cause trouble."

He then gave Jean a warning look. "But do not think that I would not punish you if you misbehaved. You are mine now. For the next one hundred years, you are my loyal servant and I will either reward or punish you accordingly." Hannes kissed his forehead and caressed his cheek. "The pain will pass soon. I swore I would take care of you and that is what I will do. But you must work with me. It is impossible now for you to return to your old life but you are right, people will look for you if you are missing..." Without warning, he dove a hand into Jean's pockets and found what he was looking for. He took Jean's phone from him and stood up. Though he didn't look at the phone just yet, simply keeping it in his hand while keeping his eyes on Jean.

"I will take care of your boss...Will, you said his name was? As far as he will know, you will have quit your job. It was too much pressure for you to handle. Now, on your feet Jean. You will need to feed soon." he looked at him and smiled kindly. "Take a look in that mini-fridge." he said, knowing there were blood bags in there that he and Niko had purchased shortly after they'd arrived in the city. "I told you we are not monsters. We don't normally hunt humans. We make an exception for Steinheil hunters because they're dangerous to our kind but usually we drink from bags. Take one when you feel hungry and bite into it."


Denix Vames - June 14, 2021

Gary leaned against the dome. He held a small smile. "I wish I could kiss you right now."


Jean hesitantly stood. He walked over to the mini fridge. When he opened it, his eyes widened. He grabbed a blood bag. His stomach told him to do it. So, he sank his fangs into the bag. Drinking up the blood.

When he finished, he dropped the bag. "Why does it taste good? I don't want it too. I should have food. Like a burger. Can I please get one?" He reached for the doorknob.


Shadowess - June 14, 2021

Alex pulled himself closer to the dome and leant against it as well, resting his head against it. "I wish I could kiss you too..." He looked up at the trees overhead and sighed. "It's a shame we can't see any stars from here...might've been a little romantic..."


Hannes watched him intently with a small smile, finding Jean's eagerness to drink to be adorable. He then frowned when he said he wanted a burger and when Jean went for the door, Hannes quickly put Jean's phone in his pocket and raced over to him. "No!" he slammed the door shut again although it hadn't opened very much and pushed Jean into the wall, pinning him against it. "I'm sorry, Süsser! Did I hurt you?" he looked him over quickly before pulling him into a hug.

"Es tut mir leid! (I am sorry!) The sun will be rising soon and it would burn you to a crisp, meine Geliebte! (My love)" He ran a hand through Jean's hair. "If you behave yourself then I will buy you a burger tomorrow night, I promise. You won't be able to have a lot because it would make you sick but you can still have a little. But you will still have to drink blood. Don't worry, you will get used to it. It's not as bad as it first seems." He took his hand and began leading him to the second bedroom. "Come now, Jean. You have had a long night. You should come and rest."


Denix Vames - June 14, 2021

Gary's smile beamed. "There's plenty of stars in your eyes for me to look at."


Jean gasped at the sudden force. He flinched as he hit the wall. A few tears left him.

Without a choice, he followed him into the bedroom. "But I don't want to be here. Please. I just want to go home." More tears poured from his eyes. His knees became weak. He curled up on the bed. Sobbing as he covered his face.


Shadowess - June 14, 2021

Gary's comment caused Alex to crack a wide grin and he shook his head in amusement, his cheeks turning red . "It's so cheesy but I love it!" he laughed, looking at Gary longingly. "I can't wait to be in your arms again."


Hannes watched Jean curl up on the bed and cry. He sighed and took out a second blanket from the wardrobe, setting it on the end of the bed for a moment before taking out the phone and sending a text to Will, pretending to be Jean.

The text would read, "I'm sorry but I won't be in work tomorrow. I realize now that I cannot handle the stress and have decided to pursue a different career. Thank you for the opportunity and I wish you all well."

Once it was sent, he took up the second blanket and climbed onto the bed with Jean, laying next to him and covering himself with the it. This way they had a blanket each and he hoped that this would make Jean a little more comfortable. "There, there meine Geliebte!" he said gently, rubbing Jean's arm in a bid to comfort him. "I know this is hard..." he cupped Jean's chin and tilted his head up so he'd be looking at him. He looked into his eyes.

"I am sorry that you got mixed up in this." he whispered to him, sounding sincere in his apology. "I want to make you happy. I hate to see you cry." he wiped some of Jean's tears away with his thumb. "I suppose it is not a secret now that I find you attractive. But I will not force you. I want you to want me." he ran his fingers through his hair while keeping eye contact. "I want you to trust me. You -can- trust me, Jean." he licked his lips while his eyes drifted down to Jean's lips longingly. "I just want someone to love. Is that so bad?" he whispered. Then, as if he couldn't help himself, he gently pressed his lips against Jean's in one single, lingering kiss.

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Denix Vames - June 14, 2021

Gary blushed. "Me too. And maybe we'll finally get to sleep together again if you know what I mean." He winked with a chuckle.


Hannes's lips sent shivers down his spine. Jean knew he should have been disgusted by that kiss but something in his head told him that this felt right. His eyes closed as he returned the kiss. Caressing his cheek.


Shadowess - June 14, 2021

Alex chuckled as well. "I don't think there'll be any sleep involved in what we'll be doing together once you get out of there." he said then bit his lip playfully at the thought. "Maybe we could use some ropes again?"


When Jean returned the kiss, Hannes smirked and kissed him again. Slowly recapturing his lips with his own and holding on to each kiss. He ran a hand over Jean's side while slipping his tongue into his mouth, moving his tongue just as slowly while caressing his.


Denix Vames - June 14, 2021

"I think you'll need chains next time." Gary licked his lips.


Jean moaned. He moved himself closer to him. He could feel Hannes's body. His warm chest. Their hips touched. His belt bumped against his. He let his sensual touches overtake him. Moaning a bit louder as Hannes kissed his neck.


Shadowess - June 15, 2021

Alex smirked at Gary, staring at his lips. Seeing the way his tongue moistened them made Alex want to pounce on him. If only it wasn't for this damn dome... "Even kinkier." he grinned, bringing his eyes back up to his.


This was going better than Hannes had expected. Jean seemed to be reciprocating without any need for force. Which was good. That's how Hannes preferred it. His hand wandered across his back while he moved his kisses down to Jean's neck. There was a little dried blood there from where Hannes had fed from him earlier, which he licked off while occasionally sucking on his neck. Every movement Hannes made was slow, gentle and deliberate.

His hand moved down to Jean's hip, feeling the top of his belt before moving around to grab his backside. He moved his kisses up to Jean's ear, kissing the lobe and the top of his ear then moving his kisses back to his mouth, slipping his tongue in again. He paused and pulled back, looking at Jean with eyes full of lust. He caressed his cheek while biting his own lip. "Meine Geliebte, you are beautiful." he whispered before kissing him again, moving on top of him and unbuttoning his shirt to feel his chest.


Denix Vames - June 15, 2021

Gary chuckled. "The only problem is that we need to find a pair of chains. I don't even know if any store sells those."


Jean moaned louder. Overwhelmed his touch. His opened palms rested on the pillow near his head. Side by side. His chest rose a bit at his hands feeling him up. "Wh-Why do you keep calling me that? Meine....? What does it-?" He moaned again.


Shadowess - June 15, 2021

"I'm sure we'll find some somewhere." Alex chuckled then looked at the bags he'd brought with him. He pulled out a blanket and wrapped it around himself before sitting next to the dome again, leaning against it so that he could be as close to Gary as possible. "At least it's not raining..." he sighed, resting his head against the dome. "We should try to get some sleep..."


His moans were like music to Hannes's ears. He smiled at his question and knelt over him while continueing to move his hands over his body. "Meine Geliebte? My love." he answered in a whisper. He moved his hands to his belt, unbuckling it before moving a hand under his pants. "Süsser means sweetie." he moved down the bed and began removing his pants. "And liebchen is Sweetheart."

Once Jean's pants were removed, Hannes stood at the end of the bed, smirking at him. He took his shirt off and unbuckled his own belt, dropping his pants to the floor. "Don't worry. I will teach you how to speak German. When our business in the US is concluded, I will take you to my home. To live in my castle and join our little community." he climbed back onto the bed and moved over Jean once more, kissing from his belly button upwards, towards his chest and then to his neck. "You never have to be alone. They will welcome you with open arms. I have so much to show you." He pressed his body against Jean's as he kissed him deeply. He hooked a thumb under his underwear and paused, looking into his eyes. "Are you ready?" he whispered with a smile.


Denix Vames - June 15, 2021

Gary nodded. He laid down. Keeping his eyes on Alex. "Sleep tight." He winked. "And I love you."


Jean blushed. He seemed embarrassed. "To tell you the truth, I've never done this before. I-I'm a....virgin." He turned his head away. Frowning. "I hope that doesn't make you mad."


shadowess - June 15, 2021

Alex looked at Gary and smiled. "I love you, too." he said softly then adjusted himself against the dome, making himself comfortable before closing his eyes and doing his best to fall asleep.


Hannes blinked, frowning. He let go of Jean's underwear and cupped his chin, gently turning his head back so he could look at him again. "Of course this does not make me mad, Süsser!" he said gently. "Everyone has a first time. It is nothing to be ashamed of or nervous about." he kissed his tenderly, letting the kiss linger for a moment. "I would be honoured to be a part of your..." he moved his hand to his chest, lightly running his index finger down the centre of his chest towards his stomach. "...sexual awakening." He gripped his underwear and began to pull them down, doing so slowly while maintaining eye contact with Jean. "You relax and just focus on enjoying yourself, meine Geliebte. I will take care of everything."

(Private Time)


Oscar awoke to his phone alarm later that morning. Having set one to get him up early so he and Ricky could set off and do more work. He changed his clothes before heading over to Ricky's hotel room door and knocking on it hard. "Wakey wakey, Ricky! A new day and more people to help!"


Denix Vames - June 15, 2021

Gary fell asleep.


Ricky was in the bathroom. Sitting near the toilet with the shattered pieces of the glass surrounding him. He had picked one up earlier. Cutting into his wrists and letting the blood drip from his wounds. He closed his eyes. Waiting for himself to die.


Shadowess - June 15, 2021

Growing impatient, Oscar hammered on the door a little louder. "Ricky! Get up! We've got shit to do!"

The noise woke up Jane who sat up hurriedly and looked towards the door then at Ricky's bed. Seeing him not there, she looked in the direction of the bathroom and saw the door closed. She got up and walked towards the hotel room door, opening it just as Oscar was about to knock again. He froze and stared at the frail, sickly woman he recognised as once being Atma. "Uh-!...hi...what are you doing here?" he stammered and glanced over her shoulder, trying to see into the room. "Where's Ricky?"

"You must be Oscar." Jane said and smiled at him. "Ricky told me about you. I think he's in the bathroom."

Oscar blinked at her, feeling awkward. He knew she wouldn't remember him but seeing her like this felt odd. She looked like she'd been through Hell and Oscar felt bad for her. Maybe they shouldn't have just left her to fend for herself... He walked into the room when she stood to one side and a familiar smell hit his nose. Blood. His eyes darted to the bathroom door and he ran over, knocking on it quickly. "Ricky?! What are you doing in there, buddy?" he called through and tried to open the door.

"What are you doing?" Jane asked, alarmed.

"I can smell blood. Ricky, open the door!" Oscar said quickly.

"You can- wha-? How?! That's not possible!" Jane stammered, trying to comprehend what Oscar just said.

"No time to explain!" Oscar ran back then hurled his body against the bathroom door, breaking the lock and forcing it open. "Ricky!" He ran over, ripping off parts of his shirt and tying them tightly around Ricky's wrists. "You idiot! What were you hoping to achieve?!" he scolded him.

"Oh, my god!" Jane ran over to the phone, picking it up. "I'll call an ambulance!"

"No time." Oscar said again, lifting Ricky into his arms and teleporting to Jane's side. He touched her elbow then teleported all three of them to the hospital. "Help!" he shouted to the nearby nurses who ran over. He glanced at Jane who had turned extremely pale and was staring around them in shock. "Oh, shit..." Oscar muttered as the nurses took Ricky away to see to his wounds. "God, I forgot. I'm sorry Atma..."

Jane's eyes snapped to Oscar, her breath caught in her throat and her mouth opening and closing repeatedly until she finally found the strength to exclaim; "Is that my name?! Do y-you know who I-...I-..." She fainted. More nurses ran over, taking Jane to a room as well. Oscar's eyes widened, his face turning red as he watched them taking her away. "Fuck!" he gasped. "Um-..." He looked around, uncertain on what to do.


Denix Vames - June 15, 2021

Ricky soon woke up with his wounds patched up. He slowly opened his eyes. "Huh? Where-?" He tried to move but found his ankles and wrists strapped to the bed. He squirmed in their hold. "Hey! Let me out of here! What's going on?!"


shadowess - June 15, 2021

"You try telling me." Oscar replied, sitting in the chair near his bed and staring at Ricky. It had taken Ricky a little while to wake up and in the time, Oscar had checked in on Jane who also had yet to wake up but otherwise seemed fine. He planned on going back to visit her as soon as she woke up to explain a few things. In the meantime, he had gone to wait in Ricky's room for him to wake up. And he wasn't alone.

Oscar had to report all of this to David, who was also in the room on the other side of Ricky's bed. He was leaning against the wall with his arms folded, watching him quietly a disappointed look on his face. "Dude, you were doing great. What happened?" Oscar asked.


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Ricky turned his head away from them. He glared at the wall. "Like I need to tell you what's going on. You should have just let me die."

He didn't want to admit the fact that he felt guilty for doing all the things that he did. That he wanted to kill himself because of it. He wished he could just tell them without feeling so vulnerable about it.

Tears dripped down his cheeks. He struggled to get out of the straps. "Just let me go! I'll jump off somewhere! Forget about me!"


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Oscar frowned, shaking his head a little. David stepped away from the wall and sat on the side of Ricky's bed. "What do you think would happen to you then, Ricky?" he asked gently. "I'll spoil it for you. You'll wake up back in Hell having achieved nothing." He shook his head and lay a hand on his. "Ricky, you are doing well. You are making tremendous progress!" he seemed thoughtful for a moment then smiled. "I think I know what's going on." he said knowingly. "I've seen it in some of the other souls who took part in this programme. It's perfectly natural for you to start feeling guilty or even depressed. Believe it or not, this is a good sign. It shows that you're learning from your past mistakes. That you are beginning to understand morality. That you're ready to take responsibility for what you'd done in the past. If this is the case then it also means that you are ready for the next step in the programme. Forgiveness. Before you can move forward and put the past behind you once and for all, you must learn to forgive yourself. This is the hardest step of all but we will do everything we can to help you through it."


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"But I don't deserve to be forgiven! I don't!" Ricky sobbed as he squeezed his hand.


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David took a clean handkerchief from his pocket and wiped Ricky's tears away with it. "Of course you do. Ricky, anyone who is capable of learning from their past and wants to better themselves, deserves forgiveness." He said gently. "Look at me. I have helped murderers, rapists, terrorists, and worse to gain their redemptions. If they can forgive themselves and become better people then I believe you can as well."


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Ricky hesitantly nodded. "But I don't want to be here anymore. Can I please leave? I hate hospitals."


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David nodded but Oscar got to his feet. "First things first. What was Atma doing in your hotel room?" he asked.

David blinked and looked at Oscar. "You didn't tell me you saw Atma."

Oscar's cheeks turned red and he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Uh yeah...she was in Ricky's room when I went to get him. When I found Ricky in the bathroom I kinda forgot she doesn't remember anything and...I teleported her here with us...and called her Atma...The shock made her pass out. She's currently recovering in another room."

"What?! Why didn't you say something sooner?!" David jumped to his feet and marched out of the room, looking for her room. Oscar sighed, watching him go then looked back at Ricky. He walked over and unfastened the straps around his wrists. "Well? How did she end up with you?"


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Ricky gently rubbed his wrists. He began to unstrap his ankles. "I don't know what you're talking about. She said her name was Jane. I gave her some money. Then I told her about this place that gives food to the homeless. But I knew it was closed so I took her to my room and gave her my soup. She suggested we eat together so we did. That's it. I didn't realized she was so special."

He slowly got off of the bed. Finding his balance.


Shadowess - June 15, 2021

Oscar listened to him then rose a brow. "You did that?...without any prompting?" Oscar broke into a wide grin and pat Ricky on the back. "Man, you really are on the right path! Nice one, bud!" he then frowned and leant against the bed. "Atma is her real name. See, there are these spirits who help Demons, Angels and Devils through their pregnancies. They're called the Spirits of Life but most of us just call 'em Midwives. Atma was the oldest one. She's been around since the very first living being was created. They can defend themselves but they can't kill anyone. Literally, any attempts would just fail. But Atma knew a way and she used it to kill a psycho Archangel who would've destroyed us all if she hadn't intervened...but the price for that was that she'd end up losing all of her powers, become a human and completely lose her memory. We all decided she deserved a 'retirement' so let her be in the hopes she'd have a happy, human life..." He covered his face with his hands, feeling awful. "We had no idea she'd end up like she is now...Seeing her in your room...The state she was in...God, we should've made sure she was alright sooner! We just hoped she'd have a simpler life...A happy, normal, human life...Not misery and starvation!"


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Ricky frowned. "Maybe we could make her forget about this encounter? Buy her a house with my money and put her in a different city? We could give her a job. Just enough to help her." His cheeks turned red. He crossed his arms and looked away. "But ya know, it's whatever."


shadowess - June 15, 2021

Oscar smiled at Ricky. "Maybe. I dunno. I guess it's David's call now..." He stepped away from the bed and headed towards the door. "C'mon. I'm sure David can handle it. What do you wana do until he's free? I guess we could sort of use this as free time to do whatever."


Denix Vames - June 15, 2021

Ricky raised a brow. He shrugged. "I don't really know. I use to have....a lot of sex during my free time. Or I would gamble or drink. I honestly don't know what to do."


Will yawned awake. He checked his phone. His eyes widened. "Oh no! God damn it no!" He hopped off the bed and threw on his uniform.


Shadowess - June 16, 2021

Oscar thought for a moment. "Do you want to see Rickster? Or we could go back to the mansion and play some games for a while."


Parker groaned at being woken up by Will's outburst and he rolled over, squinting his eyes open to look at him. "What's up?"


At this time, Hannes would be sleeping lightly with his arms around Jean. Meanwhile, in the living room part of their hotel room, Niko grabbed a blood bag from the little fridge while Racheal sat on the couch. She was staring hard at the floor, shivering a little. Both of them were wearing the bathrobes that had been in Niko's bedroom. "Oh, liebchen. Don't look so down. I promise I will take care of you." Niko smiled at her, sitting next to her on the couch.

Her eyes moved to the blood bag. Her stomach growled painfully as she hadn't been able to drink since she was turned. She then quickly averted her gaze back to the floor in case she annoyed Niko. Niko merely smiled at her and held out the bag for her to take. "You should drink some, liebchen." he said gently and she looked at him, then at the bag before reaching out for it. But then Niko pulled it away and smirked. "First, what do you say to me?"

Anger and disgust flickered across Racheal's expression for a fraction of a second but she quickly hid it and looked at Niko while gathering the strength to say the words. "I love you, Niko. My master." She said quietly, as if the line had been rehearsed.

Niko grinned and handed her the bag. "And I love you, too." he said and watched happily as Racheal drank quietly from the blood bag. "Drink up. We will go back to bed when you're done. We're going to need some sleep before tonight." he told her while stroking the back of her head as she drank.

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Denix Vames - June 16, 2021

Ricky seemed excited when he heard Rickster's name. "Rickster. I want to see Rickster. But where are my clothes?"


"Something's wrong! Jean, one of the rookies, texted me about how he's leaving. But he wouldn't quit like that. He always does everything by the book. Even if he was sick, he would still do his best to do the paperwork. He always checks himself in. This doesn't sound like him at all. I need to figure out what's going on. I have to go where he is." ,said Will.


Jean mumbled in his sleep. He was shaking a bit. Dreaming of himself being trapped in darkness. Not knowing what was going on. He was still unsure with himself about being what he was now. He never wanted it but it's not like he could have escaped. His head turned. His hair had fallen over his face.


Shadowess - June 16, 2021

Oscar smiled and nodded then looked around the room and spotted Ricky's clothes on the nearby chair. "Here. I'll step out while you get changed. Let me know when you're ready and we'll go see Rickster." he said before stepping out of the room, waiting just outside the door.


"You think something happened to him?" Parker asked, jumping out of bed as well and pulling his pants back on. "Do you want me to come with you?"


Hannes blinked his eyes open and looked at Jean with a frown. He sighed and reached up, gently moving his hair out of his face. He then sat up and kissed the top of his head tenderly before sitting with his back to the headboard, staring at the wall opposite the bed as he thought about how Jean had ended up with them. Admittedly, he was happy to have Jean with them but he wasn't a fan of how it had happened. He wished he could be as care free and happy as Niko was but that simply wasn't the way Hannes was.

Tears rolled down his cheeks but he stayed quiet, the only noise he made being the occasional sniffle as he tried not to disturb Jean. This was supposed to be a simple mission. Find the Steinheils that had fled here and kill them to avenge their friends and family. That was it. That was all there was supposed to be to it. Now it had all gotten so complicated...and Niko...something about him had changed...he wasn't the same Vampire he'd known in Hamburg...he was colder...angrier...maybe even a little manipulative...Hannes worried for his friend's sanity.

Having finished drinking the bag, Racheal lowered it and stared at it with a frown. Niko tilted his head a little while still watching her. "It's not what you imagined, is it?" he asked quietly. Racheal's eyes momentarily flicked over to him then back to the bag and she shook her head. "W-when you said I should drink, I thought-...I don't know what I thought." she answered.

"You thought I was going to take you out hunting." Niko said, sitting back and resting his hands behind his head. "It's ok. We used to but there isn't any need to anymore. A detail your family seems to have missed over recent years."

Racheal's lip trembled but she tried to hide her emotions. Niko sighed and glanced away from her for just a moment before looking back. "Come here." he said gently. Racheal looked at him hesitantly and Niko nodded his head to beckon her to him. Awkwardly and a little uncomfortably, Racheal sat closer to Niko who pulled her to him with one arm to cuddle her. Racheal stiffened, her head on his shoulder and her hand on his chest as she stared at the floor, a little confused and concerned.

"It's ok to cry." He said after a minute of silence. "It's ok to grieve for the life that you can never go back to." he rubbed her arm comfortingly. "It's ok to be angry about the lies that your family have fed you, all your life."

Racheal's eyes widened a little, having not expected his sudden shift in temperament. She was confused and uncertain about how she should be feeling. She wanted to hate him and be angry with him but his kind words and comforting hug made that difficult. Before she knew it, she was sobbing quietly into his chest while he wrapped his arms around her and rocked her a little while rubbing her back. "There you go, liebchen! Let it all out. It's ok. I'm here. I will always love you." he whispered into her ear. He shushed her gently and kissed the side of her head as she cried. While she was busy crying, he smirked, knowing he'd soon have her wrapped around his little finger.

After a minute of her crying, he pulled away from her and cupped her face in his hands while looking at her sympathetically. "Ohh, liebchen. Everything will be alright. Hush now." he wiped her tears away with his thumbs. "I'm going to take care of you. You'll be happy with me, I promise. I'll never let anyone hurt you and I would never lie to you. Okay?" Racheal listened to him, looking at him with tearful eyes. She nodded and Niko smiled. "I love you, liebchen. Meine liebchen." He kissed her tenderly and this time, after freezing up briefly, Racheal returned the kiss. Gradually their kisses intensified until Niko lifted her back into his arms and carried her back into his bedroom. Not long after, the headboard of his bed would be rhythmically hitting the wall.


Denix Vames - June 16, 2021

Ricky nodded. He changed into his regular clothes once Oscar was out of the room. He took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes. Trying to find some form of happiness within him. He soon stepped out of the room with his arms raised. "Say hello to Ricky baby! I'm back in action!"


"No! I mean...." Will sighed. "The last time you came with me, you almost died. I need someone who's immortal in some way. No offense."


Jean slowly opened his eyes. He had woken from Hannes's touch. He heard the sniffles and sat up. Turning his head to him. "Hannes? What's wrong?" He moved himself closer to him so that he was sitting next to him. He cupped his cheek and brushed some of the tears out of his eyes with his thumb just like Hannes had done for him.


Shadowess - June 16, 2021

Oscar grinned widely at Ricky. "That's more like it!" he held out his hand. "Alright, let's go see Rickster."

Speaking of, Rickster wasn't doing much. Not that he could if he wanted to. He sat against the far wall of his cell, staring off into space. Bored out of his damn mind.


Parker frowned and his grip on his shirt, which he had just picked up, tightened a little. He averted his gaze from Will, a little upset but thoughtful. "Fine." he said reluctantly and sat on the bed. "Who will you take with you, then?"


Hannes's eyes widened a little when Jean woke up. He looked at him quietly as he asked him what was wrong and brushed away his tears. He couldn't help smiling a little at the gesture and he lifted his hand to hold Jean's while looking at him. "You are such a sweet man, Jean." he said softly then frowned. "You must hate me, for what I've done to you...Please understand...my world is dangerous...I had no choice...it was to protect myself and Niko...The laws of my culture are clear. Any human who discovers us must either turn or die. For this reason, those we turn must become our servants for a minimum of one hundred years...it sounds like a selfish thing, and in some cases it is, but the original intention was so that New-Born Vampires would not be left alone in the world with no guidance. Which is why the law states that Vampire Masters must protect their servants and teach them everything they know."

He swallowed nervously. "I was hoping you wouldn't come back when you ran...I could have turned a blind eye. You only saw us for a few seconds and we would leave no trace behind...so, even if you came back later with others, there would be no evidence that anything ever occurred there. It might have led to you questioning your sanity for a time but at least you could have continued to go about your life..." he bit his lip and shook his head a little, more tears falling.

"But then you came back...and...Oh, meine Geliebte! I admired your bravery and spirit!" He chuckled a little. Then frowned again. "But you coming back made things complicated...now you would know for certain that you really had seen something in that alley...We could no longer allow you to leave...Do you understand?" He then lifted a hand to cup Jean's chin and looked at him imploringly.

"But do not blame yourself. You were doing what was right. You were trying to protect someone in danger. A hero...it was just unfortunate circumstances..." He removed his hand from Jean's chin and brushed some of his hair back from his face, admiring him for a moment. "But I swear to make it up to you. I will take you to my home and do everything I can to make you happy." he smiled. "You will like it there. It is a beautiful place...just please...please don't hate me. By all means, be angry with me. But don't hate me."


Denix Vames - June 16, 2021

Ricky took his hand.


"David is who I was thinking if he's not too busy. Or Tom. Someone who has similar abilities like mine." Will frowned. He caressed Parker's cheek. Looking into his eyes. "I know you don't like this idea but I really don't want to see you the way I did like that ever again. Please. You have to understand."


Jean nodded. He held up a blanket. Covering his chest. "I don't hate you. I understand now. You don't have to cry." He kissed him slowly.


Shadowess - June 16, 2021

Oscar teleported them to Hell's Cells and as soon as he saw them, Rickster shot to his feet. "Ricky!" he seemed excited for a moment before coughing into his fist, trying to mask his enthusiasm. "So, you're back then?" he said, walking over to the bars. "How's 'helping the needy' going?" He tried to sound mocking but his heart just wasn't in it.

"Worst. Actor. Ever!" Oscar announced in amusement while leaning his head back a bit.

"Oh, quiet you! Aren't you supposed to be giving us privacy?" Rickster snapped at him and Oscar chuckled while holding up his hands as he walked towards the end of the corridor.

Oscar walked just around the corner where he would still be able to hear Ricky if he called for him but otherwise wouldn't be able to see or hear anything that they do. He took out his phone and frowned at it. Still no word from Leo yet and with him being in Hell, he wouldn't get any messages or calls anyway until he went back to Earth.

Once Oscar was gone, Rickster looked at Ricky desperately. "I'm going nuts in here, man. I need to get out! You gotta have a word with a Demon or something. I have to get out of here!"


Parker sighed and held his hand. "I know, I know...and I do. Just-..." he bit his lip and stood up, wrapping his arms around Will. Hugging him tightly. "Just make sure you come back to me, ok?"


Hannes was relieved when Jean said he didn't hate him and was touched by what he said, as well as his kiss. He smiled, running his hand through Jean's hair and kissing him back just as slowly. He looked at him, getting lost in his eyes while caressing his cheek when the kiss broke. "Beautiful soul..." he whispered and kissed him again. He hooked his arm around his waist and pulled him over him, to sit on his lap. There he simply held on to Jean's hips while slipping his tongue into his mouth.


Denix Vames - June 16, 2021

Ricky frowned. He grasped the bars. "I'm sorry but they'll only let you out once they know you've changed." He leaned his head against the bars. "I missed you, Rickster. Your voice. Your kiss. Didn't you miss me?"


Will smiled. "I will." He kissed him. He looked around. "David? Can you hear me? If you're not busy, would ya mind helping me out?"


Jean moaned into the kiss. He lowered his blanket.


Shadowess - June 16, 2021

After being stuck in the cell for so long, Rickster was desperate for any kind of contact. He leant against the bars and and pressed his lips against Ricky's, his hands holding his over the bars. When the kiss broke, he leant his head against the bars as well, keeping his face close to Ricky's as he began to weep. "Talk to them. Please, talk to them. I can't stay in here. I have nothing but my own thoughts and it's torture! Ricky, please!" he whispered.


Still busy with Atma, David was unable to respond. Parker looked around the room, half expecting to see David pop in out of nowhere but it didn't happen. "Guess he's already got his hands full..." he said, looking back at Will.


Hannes lifted one hand to caress Jean's chest. He kept kissing him slowly and deeply. He then lowered his other hand to momentarily grip Jean's backside before slipping it down a little further to feel his thigh.


Denix Vames - June 16, 2021

Ricky's eyes widened at his kiss. Surprised that he had kissed him. He nodded. "I'll go try to talk to them. I promise." He kissed him again. Slipping his tongue into his mouth. Moaning into another kiss before their lips broke apart from each others.


"Then how about Tom? Nate? Mind bringing your boyfriend here?" Nate appeared with Tom then disappeared. Leaving Tom there. "Good. Alright. So, I need your help. One of my officers has been kidnapped or worse. I'm sure of it. You and I are going to where he is. We'll fight whoever's got him." ,said Will.


Jean's hot breath hit his lips as he moaned louder. He touched the hand that was on his chest. "Hannes. I want to see your home. I don't mind going to Germany at all. I want to be with you. Forever."


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Rickster moaned into the kiss as well when Ricky's tongue caressed his. When the kiss broke, he looked at Ricky while reaching through the bars to caress his cheek. "Thank you." he whispered as tears rolled down his cheeks.


Tom looked around a little confused for a moment after Nate dropped him off then looked at Will as he spoke. When he explained the situation he nodded. "Alright then, no time to lose then, I guess."

"Be safe, you too." Parker said to them.


Hannes looked into Jean's eyes when he spoke and he smiled and blushed at his words. "Oh, meine Geliebte." he whispered. He kissed his neck and chest. "Oh, Jean. You make me happy. I haven't felt like this in a very long time." he lifted him and gently lay him down, climbing on top of him. He kissed him deeply, caressing his tongue with his own while pressing his body against his and moaning a little.


Denix Vames - June 16, 2021

Ricky smiled and nodded. He turned around. "Oscar? I'm ready to go."


Will nodded. He placed a hand on Tom's arm. They disappeared.

Jean brought his arms over his back. Moaning at his touch. Will appeared with Tom. He glared at the scene he was watching. "What the fuck?!" He grabbed Hannes. Slamming him against the wall. His hand wrapped around his neck. His fangs were out. His wings sprouted.

"First, you turned him and then you raped him?! You sick fuck!" "Will?" Jean sat up. He covered his chest with the blanket. "Wait a minute! Hannes isn't a bad person." "What the hell are you talking about? Look at what he did to you!" "Maybe we can talk about this? I'm sure if you listened to him then you would understand."


shadowess - June 16, 2021

Oscar put his phone back into his pocket and walked over to Ricky, holding out his hand for him. "Alright, man. Where to?"

Rickster watched Ricky quietly and tearfully, hoping he'd keep his word.


Hannes gasped and cried out when Will slammed him against the wall. He stared in shock as this apparent policeman, who had somehow appeared in the room, sprouted fangs. His eyes then widened more at the sight of his wings, his face turning pale as he gasped "Mein Gott!" This translates to 'My God!' which, while it makes sense in this situation to be shouting something like that, Hannes had actually meant it in the more literal sense. He shook his head hurriedly. "N-Nein! No! I did not rape him! You misunderstand! Please!"

At that moment, alerted by the noise, Niko ran into the room having just barely managed to put his robe back on. "Was zur Hölle?! (What the Hell?!)" he exclaimed. Tom had rounded on him, watching him warily and expecting a fight but Niko's eyes were glued to the Blood God, his face having turned pale as well. "Es ist der Vampirkönig! (It is the Vampire King!)" He dropped to his knees and leant forward hurriedly so that his hands and head were touching the floor, bowing to Will.

"Well that's-...interesting." Tom said uncertainly as he watched him. He then noticed the white-blond haired woman who had peeked through the doorway curiously. "Uh...hello there?" he said to her which made her jump and she ran back into Niko's room, slamming the door behind her. "Huh..." he turned to look at Jean. "What the hell is going on here, man?"


Denix Vames - June 16, 2021

"Oscar? Can we talk privately for a moment? Let's not leave yet." ,said Ricky.


Will let go of Hannes who bowed as well. Jean followed the same action. Afraid to disobey or disrespect. Will awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "Well, now I feel awkward. First of all, who are you guys and why did you kidnap one of my men? More specifically, why the hell did you turn him?"


shadowess - June 16, 2021

Oscar rose a brow and looked between Ricky and Rickster for a moment before lowering his outstretched hand. "Uh, sure." he turned and walked with Ricky towards the end of the corridor, rounding the corner before turning to look at him. "What's up?"


Hannes didn't dare look up at Will as he bowed just as deeply as Niko, but he answered without any delay, worried he would anger their God further. "I-it is the law in our culture. Where we are from, if a human witnesses vampires and their activities they are to be either turned or killed to protect the rest of our race."

"He witnessed us capturing one of the Steinheil hunters. We had no choice but to bring him with us as well."

"Wait, hunters?!" Tom looked at Will. "What did I miss?"

"Our law also protects New-Born Vampires." Hannes pressed on, wanting to get their side of the story out as quickly as possible before more misunderstandings could occur. "For a minimum of one hundred years they must serve their maker and in return their maker must swear to protect and teach them."

"Ja, I turned the Steinheil girl as well. Better than killing her. She has come to realise why hunting us is wrong." Niko said shakily.

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Denix Vames - June 16, 2021

"Could we possibly free Rickster from the cage? To me, it seems like he's gotten better as a person. Maybe we could put him in the program?" ,said Ricky.


"Well, I'm glad you guys told me this but why are you bowing to me? Also, can you like stop? It's getting kind of weird." ,said Will.


Shadowess - June 16, 2021

Oscar scratched the back of his head uncertainly. "I don't know...I'm not saying this to be mean but how do you know he's not just trying to manipulate you?"


Hesitantly, Niko and Hannes got to their feet but kept their eyes averted from Will. "You are a Blood God. A Vampire King. Der Vampirkönig...Our culture worships your species as our...uh...wie sagt man... (How do you say...) Deity? We are very religious." Hannes said.

"Holy shit, really?" Tom looked between them in amusement. "So you're like, a literal God to these people." he said to Will.


Denix Vames - June 16, 2021

Ricky frowned. "We kissed. We talked for once. I know he's telling the truth. Please Oscar. You have to believe me."


Will blushed "Now, I feel weird. Um...." He cleared his throat. "Look, we're going to take you two, Jean, and that woman to Carter's Office. The curtains will be closed and everything will be locked. We'll discuss the matter there. Jean, I want you to get dressed."

Jean nodded. "Yes sir." He put on his uniform. "And can someone get that woman over here?"


shadowess - June 16, 2021

Oscar still wasn't sure. He placed a hand on Ricky's shoulder. "Look, I'm just looking out for ya, man. You've come a long way since you started out on your path to redemption. I just don't wana see you fall into old habits if he hasn't changed." He then sighs and cracks his neck a little. "But, if you really think he's telling the truth then I guess we only have one way to know for certain. Alright, I'll let him out for you and we'll wait back at your old mansion for David to catch up to us and get him started on the programme. Ok?" He clicked his fingers and the key appeared in his hand. "Here. I'll let you do the honours then I'll teleport us." he said, handing the key to Ricky.


Hannes also hurriedly put his clothes back on, having been naked the entire time as well. Niko quickly bowed then darted out of the room into his own room. There he managed to convince Racheal to come out from under the bed where she'd been hiding. They changed out of the bathrobes and put their clothes back on before walking back into Hannes's bedroom. Niko had his arm around Racheal's shoulders while she looked shyly between Will and Tom. Hannes walked over to Jean and took his hand, rubbing his thumb across the back of his hand.


Denix Vames - June 16, 2021

Ricky held a small smile. He nodded. "Thank you." He ran over to the cage which he unlocked. Once the door was opened, he threw himself into Rickster's arms. Crying. "I missed you so much!"


Will pushed everyone close to him. Once they were close enough, everybody appeared in the living room of Carter's office. "Now, I want you four to follow me. Tom, I'll let Nate know that you can go back."

Nate appeared. Snatching Tom from the scene and disappearing. "Alright. Everybody else follow me." He led them upstairs to the office. He quickly texted Parker, 'Everything's fine. Easier situation than I thought. But we'll be busy for a bit. just relax at home.'


shadowess - June 16, 2021

Rickster watched excitedly as Ricky opened his cell then caught Ricky in his arms. He was too emotional to speak so he expressed his joy by kissing Ricky deeply and passionately. The kissing rapidly escalated and Rickster's hands were moving all over Ricky's body. Oscar watched a little awkwardly, not really knowing where to look.

"Uh...guys?" he said then when he didn't get an answer, he sighed and walked over to them. He gingerly placed a finger on Ricky's back and teleported them into one of the spare bedrooms of the mansion before leaving them to it, closing the door behind him. "Well, they're probably going to be a while..." he muttered to himself while heading towards the living room to play some games for a while.


"Oh, alright then. Bye, I guess." Tom said just as Nate appeared and grabbed him before they vanished.

Hannes and Niko followed Will up to the office. Niko still had his arm around Racheal while Hannes still held on to Jean's hand.

Parker texted Will back; 'Ok, see you when you get home. xxx'


Denix Vames - June 16, 2021

Ricky became lost in his touch. He jumped. Wrapping his legs around his waist as his arms were over his shoulders. He tilted his head back. Moaning at the kisses on his neck as he being placed on the bed.


Will shut and locked the door. He sat at the desk where he folded his arms. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Now, you three will be going to the secret facility for questioning. As for Jean, he will stay as my officer. I'll just need to talk to David about the situation. I'll have him turn back into a human. I'll inform Leo about this."

"Turn me back?" Jean's eyes widened. "But I don't mind being a vampire. And I don't want you to take Hannes away!" "Jean-" "No! I love him!" Will slammed his fists against the desk as he stood. Jean jumped. "You don't love him! He fucked with your head! Don't you see that?! They did the same thing to her too!"


shadowess - June 17, 2021

So wrapped up in the moment and consumed by passion, before he knew it Rickster was carrying Ricky to a bed while kissing his neck. He eased him down and he started unbuttoning his shirt. Very quickly, he worked on undressing them both while continueing to kiss Ricky's bare skin. Whether that was his neck, his arms, his chest, it didn't matter to Rickster. Right now he just wanted to kiss him everywhere he could. Very soon, they were both naked and Rickster climbed on top of Ricky, slipping his tongue into his mouth again and moaning while pressing his body against his.

(Private Time)


"N-Nein!" Hannes gasped and shook his head a little, looking at Will fearfully. He looked at Jean, squeezing his hand gently then widened his eyes a little as Jean said he loved him. He knew he should let Jean go. That this was his chance to have the human life that Hannes had robbed from him but he just didn't have to strength to let him go. Even as Will accused Hannes of messing with his head, he just couldn't bear the thought of giving up Jean. "Meine Geliebte." He said tearfully, in a broken voice. He caressed his cheek. "I love you." he whispered then looked at Will desperately. "Bitte...Please...Please, do not take him from me. I beg of you. Let me take him to my home. I will do anything to make him happy. I will protect him. I have sworn this!"

"Facility? What facility? What is he talking about?" Racheal asked Niko in a shaking voice while clinging to him. Niko wrapped both his arms around her and was glaring at Will defensively. He didn't care if Will was their King, he would not lose what he considered to be his property and be locked away in some cage like an animal! He looked at the locked door then at the curtains over the windows before glaring at Will again. "This is why you brought us here. To trap us somewhere familiar to you." he said angrily. "Knowing we cannot run during the daylight, Hurensohn! (son of a bitch!)"

This outburst caused Hannes to look at Niko in alarm. "Niko! Achtung! (Be careful!)"

"You can't do this! We have done nothing wrong!" Niko continued to argue.


Denix Vames - June 17, 2021

Will's wings sprouted. His fangs came out. He tore the eyepatch off. Revealing his red eye. His claws appeared as his skin turned red. Horns grew from his head. He growled. Stomping towards Niko.

"You turned two people without their consent! You manipulated them! You raped them! And now, none of them know what's right or wrong!" He wrapped a hand around his neck. Slamming against the wall. "You don't deserve to be given a second chance at all!" He rammed his arm into his chest, going into the wall. He forced his arm out. Leaving a gaping bleeding hole and letting Niko fall.

He knelt by his side. "You wanna know how the fuck I became what I am? Because I had no choice! But that doesn't mean I'm going to turn anyone without their permission! I'm fine with what I am now! I am not fine with what you two have been doing for centuries!"

He stood. Turning to Hannes. "And what I mean by facility, I mean the CIA because they protect creatures like us but they also maintain law and order. No matter what or who you are, rape and kidnapping is still a crime. Do you understand?"

Jean began to shake. Tears dripped down his cheeks. He glared. "You're the monster here! Look at what you did!" "Get away from him! Now!" "No!" "You are banned from seeing him and that's final! Or else I'll fire you!" "Then I quit!" He ran out of the room. Heading to one of the bedrooms where he slammed the door shut. He threw himself on to the bed and sobbed there.

Will sighed. 'Got any ideas, River? Couldn't really use the help.'


shadowess - June 17, 2021

They were all in shock at Will's sudden transformation and as he stormed towards Niko, he kept to his oath and quickly pushed Racheal away from them to keep her safe from whatever Will was about to do. He gasped when Will grabbed his throat and before he could react he was pinned against the wall with an overwhelming pain in his chest.

He heard Racheal screaming and sobbing. But his eyes were fixed on Will with a mixture of shock and terror. He could barely breath due to the wound and what was left of his lungs felt like they were on fire from lack of oxygen. He felt blood rushing up and out of his mouth. When Will pulled his arm out, he slid to the floor, still staring at him even as he knelt by him. In far too much shock to move or attempt to speak.

Hannes had been watching him, just as shocked and terrified. Tears dripped down his cheeks while he watched helplessly as Niko slid down the wall, leaving a long bloody smear down it. His best friend since they were both turned centuries ago...if Will had struck him just an inch or so to Niko's left, he would have been done for. Although he hadn't died, he would suffer greatly as his wounds slowly healed from such tremendous damage.

When Will turned to him next, Hannes trembled and took a step back. "B-but I didn't-...I- I-" He stammered, shaking his head a little. He then watched the argument between Jean and Will before Jean ran out of the room. "Jean!" He called but didn't dare try to run after him. Not after Will had made himself clear about Jean staying away from Hannes. He liked his chest where it was, thanks! Still, he stared out of the open door with a pained expression, wanting desperately to comfort Jean.

He looked at Will, still shaking and shook his head once more while looking at him with pleading eyes. "P-please...I didn't...but h-he kissed me back...I wouldn't hurt him." he cried and lifted a hand to cover his own mouth as he wept. He began thinking through what had happened while he and Jean had been alone as he began to question himself.

Was it possible that he'd managed to coerce Jean into sleeping with him without realising he was doing it? Hannes didn't know anymore. Everything was backwards to him right now. As if the shock of meeting your deity wasn't enough, imagine that deity then telling you that the rules you've been living by have all been wrong. "I-I'll go peacefully." he said finally, wiping some of his tears away. "P-please...can I at least say goodbye to him?"

"Hmm..." River hummed thoughtfully. Taking in the scene for a moment. Of course, he'd already seen everything unfold but he took a moment to really pay attention to what each of them were doing. The girl was so traumatised right now that she'd huddled into the nearest corner, hugging her legs and rocking back and forth while sobbing. Before this, River had noted that she'd attempted to run to Niko but was so frightened of going near Will that she simply ended up having a breakdown nearby.

Hannes was crying with the look of a lost puppy. Niko, understandably, was a bit too shocked to do anything but stare. "Honest opinion? You did exactly what I would have done...little shit needed to be put in his place. At the end of the day, sometimes you have to make difficult calls and this is one of those times. Just like any human criminal, they're always going to proclaim their innocence and protest their sentence. It doesn't mean they're right. Misguided? Maybe. But, right? No. Something fucky definitely happened between these four. Besides, as soon as Leo gets wind of these guys, he'd have them carted off to the facility anyway. Better to work together with Leo and it may even help these people become better for it. We'll have to be a bit more sensitive towards Jean and the girl though. They've obviously been through a lot already and..."

River sighed. "I think they both might have Stockholm syndrome. This makes things especially difficult because they really believe that what they feel is real. If you try to force them apart, they'll only fight harder to stay with their abuser. Take it from someone who's experienced it..." River thought for a moment. "The girl is going to wind up going anyway, so I guess the CIA can take care of her. Jean though...if you want him to stick around willingly and be a cop again, maybe suggest that he can still visit Hannes? Who knows? Either he'll snap out of it eventually or they might actually turn out to really be in love. Either way, at least you'll know that Jean would be safe any time he visits Hannes, with all those security guards and all...You can't force him to take the cure though. If you did that, you'd be a hypocrite."


Denix Vames - June 17, 2021

Will thought about what River said for a moment. He nodded. "Alright. Leo!" Leo appeared. "Take these three to the facility. Two of them are vampires who forced one of my men and this woman into becoming one of their own and raped them. The woman is a Steinhell."

Leo glared at the woman. He nodded. "Good to know." He zoomed to each one of them. Handcuffing them with zip ties before placing them over his shoulder like a pile. He disappeared.


Will sighed before stepping out of the room. He walked over to Jean's scent. He tried to open the door but found it locked. He knocked. "Jean? I'm not going to make you turn into a human." "Go away!" "You can still visit him. He's going to be somewhere safe while they question him." "You're lying!" "No, I'm not. And you don't have to work for me. You can be your own person. I'm sorry if I tried to force you into something. I just want you to know that what they did to you was wrong. Ok?"

When he got no response, he frowned. "I'm going to leave the house. You can stay here for as long as you need to. I'll check on you later." He disappeared.


Some of the agents had undressed all three suspects. Placing the prison uniform on them except for Niko who was in a hospital gown. Strap to a bed so that he could heal in peace with no one else in the room except for one agent. Hannes and Rachael were placed in their own cells.

Leo texted Oscar, 'Where are you? I finally have time to talk.'


Will appeared in the kitchen with a cooler of blood bags. "I'm home!" He placed the blood bags in the fridge. He took one of them. Pouring some of the blood in a glass before placing his fangs over the rim. Getting his venom in there.

A few tears left his eyes as he down a shot. Feeling the effects of the venom already. He poured himself some more blood before doing the same process. He sighed. "This really is satisfying."


shadowess - June 17, 2021

When Will identified Racheal as a Steinheil, she looked up and whimpered at the way Leo glared at her. She recognised him from the diner and knew she had a lot to answer for already when it came to the CIA. She was pretty sure a few of her arrows landed in some of their agents. She then glanced at Niko before shaking her head at Will. "N-no. I'm not a Steinheil anymore. I'm a Bernbaum now. Bernbaum!" she said shakily.

She and Hannes then gasped as Leo handcuffed them then lifted them all. Hannes looked alarmed and looked at Will hurriedly. "No! I didn't get to say goodbye! Jean!!" he cried out before they'd all vanished.


Niko sat quiet and motionless in the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling. His wounds had healed enough that he could speak again but he was still trying to process everything that had happened to him.

Hannes was also quiet in his cell. He was laying on the bed, sobbing silently.

Meanwhile, Racheal was frantic. She was banging on her cell door, crying. "Where's Niko?! I want to be with Niko! Please! Let me out! I don't want to be alone! I just wana go to Niko! Please!!"


Oscar read the text and glanced towards the ceiling where Ricky and Rickster were making quite a bit of noise. He cringed. He couldn't tell Leo to come here. He shrugged to himself. Surely they'll be fine on their own for a little while? He teleported out of the mansion and into the local park before texting Leo his location. His heart was beating a little harder than normal. He wondered what Leo needed to talk to him about.


"Take it easy man. I know today was hard but doing this too often can turn into a bad habit, fast." River warned. "Someone as powerful as you and in your position is better off trying to keep his head as clear as possible."

Hearing Will, Parker hurried downstairs and saw what he was doing. "What happened?" he asked, worried.


Denix Vames - June 17, 2021

With Niko fully healed, some of the agents changed him into his prison uniform and took him to a cell. Locking him there. The Agent walked over to Hannes's cell. "We won't keep you here for long but there are some things you have to understand before we let you all out. I will talk to each of you separately. Once we know that you won't attempt to commit any crimes again, we will free you all."


'I'll be fine.' Will downed another shot. "Leo's got them in the prison except for Jean. I let him sleep in Carter's Office." He slumped down to the floor where he poured himself another glass. More tears dripped down his cheeks. "But Jean's all fucked up now. He's got Stockholm Syndrome because of that sick fuck who raped him. Jean's a vampire now. Not even by consent. He was forced."

He drank up his shot and shook his head. "I let him down. I promised I would keep everyone safe but I couldn't protect him. I should have told the precinct about what I am. About the people that live in this city. That they're not all human. So they could understand a few things. But maybe that would only scare them."

He leaned his head back. Resting it against the furniture. "I don't know what to do anymore."


Leo appeared. He walked over to him. "I appreciate what you did for me back at the diner. But I don't like the fact that you were following me. I would hope that you had enough trust in me. Unfortunately, it seems like you don't." He seemed heartbroken.

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Shadowess - June 17, 2021

Hannes listened to the agent but didn't respond. He continued to weep, questioning whether or not he'd really hurt Jean...if he really loved him or had used him. He was consumed by self doubt and guilt.

Niko had been locked in his cell and he paced around, glaring at the door. "Keep me in here like a damn animal?" he muttered angrily in German. "I will not stay here. I will not!"

Racheal was still hysterical.


Parker listened to Will as far as him saying some vampire had forced Jean to turn before raping him, resulting in Stockholm syndrome. He then tuned out, his face turning a little pale as Will's voice became white noise. He couldn't see the room anymore. Just a certain bedroom. And a certain face.

River was also beginning to feel the effects of the venom that Will was drinking. "Dude slow down...I just know this will end badly if we both get drunk...I'm telling you now, I will not be held responsible for the fucked up ideas I put in your head if you get me wasted...speaking of wasted...Earth to Parker? Come in Parker?"


Oscar blinked, dumfounded. "I-...I wasn't following you." Oscar said, taking a step towards him. "Ok, technically I followed you but not for the reason you think! I was going to surprise you while I didn't have any work to do myself...and if you were free I was going to suggest we go out or something...because we rarely get a chance to do anything together...but when I turned up all hell was already breaking loose and I saw those arrows heading towards you. What was I supposed to do?? Let you get hit?!" Oscar was hurt by the accusation but mostly he was worried that Leo had gotten the wrong idea and lost his trust in him. "I do trust you..." he said, crestfallen. "Leo, I do...I'm sorry. I was just trying to do something nice...spontaneous, you know?"


Denix Vames - June 17, 2021

The Agent left. Leaving the suspects to their own thoughts.


Will set the glass down. He placed the blood bag aside. "Parker?" He cupped his cheek. Looking into his eyes. "What's wrong?"


Leo turned away. He awkwardly rubbed his own arm. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I didn't mean to call you the bad guy in that situation. I just..." He sighed. "ADIEU really did a number on me. The effects are still there. I'm still not use to having a partner again. Having my freedom again. I love you, Oscar. Please don't think I'm trying to offend you."

He looked at the crows that were flying by. "We have time now if you want to go somewhere."


shadowess - June 17, 2021

Parker didn't react to Will calling him. But when he felt his hand on his cheek he flinched and mumbled "Don't-!" before seeming to catch his breath. Apparently he'd been holding it since he froze up. He looked around confused for a moment before finding Will's eyes and blinking at him. "Will?" he looked around again, as if making sure this was real. He was trembling. He lifted a hand to hold Will's to his cheek with a tight grip, his lower lip quivered. "I just-...I don't know..." he couldn't look at him as his eyes watered. He pushing himself into Will's arms, clinging to him while burying his face into his chest.


Oscar listened to Leo and sighed. He looked up as well for a moment before stepping forward and taking Leo's hand in his. He rubbed his thumb over the back of his hand and looked at Leo. "I love you, too." he said softly. He thought for a moment. "I duno...is there anywhere you've always wanted to go?" he asked.


Denix Vames - June 18, 2021

Will frowned. He gently rubbed his back as he ran a hand through his hair. "It's alright, Parker. Whatever situation you were in before, you're not there anymore. You're safe with me. I'll never let anyone hurt you." He kissed his head.


Leo bit his lip. "Home. I use to live in London. I never had the accent but I lived in a village there with my family."


shadowess - June 18, 2021

Parker clung to Will's shirt as he spoke and a couple of tears fell from his eyes. "I'm sorry...I thought I was over it...I guess I'm not as strong as I thought..." he said in a broken voice.


Oscar nodded. "Then let's go to London." he said and a second later, they were standing in Trafalgar Square. It was bustling with tourists.


Denix Vames - June 18, 2021

"Shhh. It's ok. Sometimes I think about River. We can't get over the past so quickly but we can try to move on. And I'm right here for you." Will brushed some of his tears. He kissed his nose. "No matter what, I will always love you."


Leo began to tear up as he saw the city for what it was. He rubbed his eyes. "This place. It looks so much different than what it was back then. Something tells me I won't find my old home."


Ben forced himself out of bed. He ripped the IV out of his arm. He threw on his uniform. With a limp, he made his way down the hall. Heading to the entrance of the hospital.


Shadowess - June 18, 2021

Smiling a little at the kiss on his nose, Parker nodded tearfully while taking some deep, steady breaths. "I love you." he breathed shakily and looked at Will. "S-sorry...you were um...you were talking about Jean. Is he ok? Do you think he'll be alright in Carter's office on his own?" He thought about what he'd gone through with a frown and knew that if it had been Parker, he wouldn't want to be alone. But then again, he didn't know a thing about Jean other than he's a rookie cop so had no idea how he'd be handling it.


Looking around at the enormous fountain, Oscar was thoughtful. He looked back at Leo with a sympathetic smile. "Who knows? Most structures in England have been around for centuries...just upgraded here and there to suit modern health and safety requirements. What part of London did you used to live in?"


After having to go home when visiting time had ended during the night, Jessica had gotten up early, ready to go back to the hospital as early as she could so that she could see Ben. She had just reached the doors in the front entrance of the hospital when she looked up and saw Ben headed her way. "Ben?" she said, walking up to him while looking around curiously. "Have they discharged you so soon?"


In the run up to their first full moon, the agents at the facility were going through a few, more subtle changes. They had all been given 'the talk' by the werewolf agent and learned that the next couple of days would make them all feel a little, well...frisky. He'd been sure to emphasise the need for caution for those who intend to act on their urges as it is technically the Werewolf equivalent of 'Mating Season', which meant that both males and females would become far more fertile than normal. Condoms had been handed out to all of them and the women had been offered additional birth control, such as pills, just to give them a little extra protection.

Layla had pocketed the condoms she'd been given but turned down the birth control. She didn't need it. She'd been smart enough to have a coil inserted a long time ago. She was, however, growing tired of the males in the group hitting on her when their urges started to kick in. They were nice enough guys but she had a strict personal rule of never dating the people she worked with. She couldn't deny that she, herself, was beginning to feel the new effects but she was stubborn.

Needing some air and to get away from the other agents for a while, she'd managed to slip out. She just needed a walk, she told herself. Just to wander somewhere and get some fresh air to clear her head for a while. She intended to go back when she felt a little better but for now, she started walking through the woods, listening to her surroundings and taking in the new scents. Simply letting her mind wander for a while.


Denix Vames - June 18, 2021

Will sighed. "I don't know. I really don't. I barely know the guy. Maybe we should both check on him? Only if you're feeling ok."


"It was a village but now I'm not sure where." ,said Leo.


Ben's face went red. He nervously chuckled. "Uh Yeah they did. I'm all better now. See?" He kissed her cheek. "Now c'mon. Let's go home." He limped his way out of the hospital. He clutched his chest for a moment before taking a deep breath. Forcing himself to deal with the pain. "So, did you come here by taxi?"


The Agent walked a bit from behind her. "You know, you shouldn't be out and about like this. At least not yet."


shadowess - June 18, 2021

Parker nodded, although he was still shaking a little. "Maybe if he knew that I went through the same thing...maybe he'll be more comfortable with talking it out and dealing with what happened?" he suggested.

"Huh..." River hummed. "Why didn't I think of that?"


Oscar walked over to a nearby bench that had just become available. He patted the spot next to him with a smile. "Do you remember what the village was called? If it was in London it might've been upgraded to a borough over time but the name should still be the same." he suggested. "Or, if you can't remember, we could just see the sights? Take in some of modern London's highlights."


Jessica watched him nervously, unsure of whether he was telling the truth. But why else would he have been able to change into his uniform and walk out so easily? Surely, if he wasn't supposed to leave yet, someone would've noticed? "Uh, yeah. I guess I should call them back, huh?" she chuckled. "I wasn't expecting you to be able to leave so soon or I'd have asked them to hang around." she took out her phone and dialled the number for the taxi, asking them to come back to the hospital. While they waited in the parking lot, Jessica looked at him carefully. "So, did they give you any pain medication to take or anything?"


Layla jumped at the voice and turned around to look at the Agent following her. She shrugged and kept on walking, enjoying the sound of the leaves crunching under her feet. "I'm not hurting anyone and we've got at least a couple of days before the full moon." she smirked, glancing back. "Don't worry. I don't plan on running off or anything. I just needed some space to breathe...sort of felt like I was suffocating in there."


Denix Vames - June 18, 2021

Will nodded. "Sure. I think that would make sense for him." He helped him stand. "We should compose ourselves first. Maybe take some deep breaths?"


Leo sat next to him. He thought for a moment. "It was Hampstead. Hampstead was my village."


Ben leaned against one of the support beams that were outside the hospital. He held up a fake smile. "Oh yeah. They just told me to buy some Aspirin. After a couple of days, I should be fine."


The Agent followed her. Walking by her side. "I know what you mean. It's not exactly fun being cooped up in that building all day. Especially when I have to interrogate annoying suspects."


shadowess - June 18, 2021

Parker smiled bashfully. "I'm fine. Really." he said, trying to sound more confident. "I'm ready to help."


"You mean, as in Hampstead Heath?" Oscar asked. "I've never been there personally but I'm pretty sure I've seen it on a map before... Maybe we could catch a train there? Take a trip in the ol' London Underground." he winked.


Jessica looked at him worriedly. "Ben, are you sure you're ok?" she asked as the taxi pulled up but she was hesitant about leaving just yet. "You seem like you're in more pain than what Aspirin can take care of...Maybe we should get a nurse to take another look at you..."


Layla glanced at the Agent as they walked next to her. She was a little annoyed but she didn't say anything yet. She had wanted to come for a walk on her own, not have someone tag along to babysit her. "They been giving you grief? Or aren't you allowed to say?" she asked. They were quite far into the woods now. Not that Layla was worried. She trusted her colleagues and had a pretty good head for direction. She was confident that she'd be able to find her way back easily.


Denix Vames - June 18, 2021

Will held his hands. He smiled. "Then let's go." They appeared near the bedroom door which was surprisingly opened. He walked over to find it empty. "Jean?"


He hurried downstairs as he smelled blood. "Jean!" His eyes widened at the sight of him in a different set of clothes. Drinking out of a blood bag.

Jean turned around. He wore a grey buttoned shirt, jeans, a pink tie, black gloves, and a brown jacket with his name, 'Jean Strassman knitted in yellow on the left side of his jacket. His hair had been cut a bit but was still somewhat long. Being on each side of his face. He wore no hat. He finished the blood bag.

He glared. "What the fuck do you want? And what's this? A meal? I'm already full."


Leo's eyes widened. "Really?" He held his hand. "Let's go then!" He seemed eager with a smile.


"N-No, I'll be fine. Look! The cab's here. Don't want to keep them waiting." Ben limped his way over to the taxi. He got into the backseat.


The Agent smiled. "I'm just tired of talking to them. Sometimes, I wish I could take a break but I'm the best agent for interrogation apparently."


shadowess - June 18, 2021

Parker was taken aback by Jean's appearance and apparent attitude. "Um...no. My name is Parker. I used to be a cop too." he said, staying close to Will's side. He wasn't sure if Jean was currently unpredictable or not. "I er-...I got caught up in a similar situation to you a while ago...I was kidnapped by a vampire. He turned me against my will and...manipulated me...made me do things with him...for a while, I convinced myself that I loved him and would do anything for him. Then he left me for dead...I'm safe from him now and I was lucky enough to become human again but the damage he did...I'm still recovering from." Parker paused, swallowing nervously. "I thought you might like to talk to someone who's been in your shoes..."


Oscar chuckled, getting up and heading towards the underground station with him. It wasn't as pleasant as he thought. The underground was crowded, hot and stank of piss in most places but at least they didn't have to spend long down there. The tube arrived fast and before they knew it they were climbing onto another train above ground after getting to the correct station, on the last stretch towards Hampstead Heath station. As soon as they disembarked, they could already see dated houses that looked like they had once been cottages. All had been updated to be more liveable in the current era but for the most part they greatly resembled the houses that once stood there. "This place seems nice." he said, looking around.


Jessica hesitated but followed Ben, not wanting to leave him alone. The moment they were in the cab, they were being driven home. "So, I guess it's a lot of rest for you then when we get back, huh?" she asked. "Do you need me to do anything for you? Make you some lunch, maybe? Have you eaten anything yet?"


Layla chuckled. "Brag much?" she joked as she came to a stop and leant against a nearby tree. "Well, I guess you're getting a break now. So, did you intentionally follow me out to babysit me or are we just a couple of Agents who are shit at sneaking out for a walk?" she asked playfully with a smirk.


Denix Vames - June 18, 2021

"Hmph!" Jean threw the empty bag in the trash can. "Like I'd ever need a sob story from anyone." Will glared. "Jean, this isn't you. You're not acting like yourself. Just hear him out." "I am myself! I don't need you to bring your pet around to convince me otherwise!" "He's not my pet! And you need to stop acting like this!"

Jean crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Whatever."


Tears ran down Leo's cheeks. He covered his mouth. Shocked by the change. "This place. I still remember certain things about it. I'm honestly surprised it's still standing."


Ben wrapped an arm around her. "I'm alright, Jessica. I can do all that myself. Why don't I make us both something nice? It's the least I could do after everything I put you through."


"Babysitting but I guess you're right. I've gotten myself a break here." The Agent looked around. "I never realized how beautiful this place was."


shadowess - June 19, 2021

Parker felt uncomfortable. It seemed like whoever had turned Jean had really done a number on him. Parker wasn't so sure he'd be able to reach him. At least, not right now. But he had to try. "Jean, I get it. When I was with the vampire who turned me, I would've done anything for him. I -did- do anything for him. Some of those things will haunt me for the rest of my life. He made me kill people, Jean. We hunted, we tortured and we killed. But it doesn't have to be like that for you. You were lucky to only have been with the vampire who turned you for a few hours. I was stuck with mine for days. You have to hear me out here, we're trying to help you."


Oscar had picked up a pamphlet about the town from the train station and was reading through it as they walked. "Oh, this place didn't just survive. It's apparently one of the richest parts of London...some millionaires live here." he said, passing the pamphlet to Leo. He smiled at him and kissed the side of his head, wrapping an arm around his waist as they'd walk. "So, do you remember whereabouts your house was? Maybe it's still standing."


Jessica smiled and relaxed a little, resting her head on his shoulder. "Maybe later? I'm not really hungry."


"I see..." Layla rolled her eyes. "So, I'm the agent who is shit at sneaking out. Got it." she winked. She looked around when they did but became a little uncomfortable. "I guess it is." she replied. She was wondering what this Agent was thinking. With her hormones running rampant, she had to be careful. She really didn't want to end up breaking that rule of hers. Even if the idea of a secret fling was a little thrilling to her, she really didn't want it to be with someone that she works with. It'd be even better if she didn't know the other person at all. No strings attached, just pure pleasure.

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Denix Vames - June 19, 2021

Tears burst from Jean. "Help me?! This bastard has Hannes locked up somewhere! He won't even let me see him! And now he's brought a lapdog to make things worse! Well, I don't need to take this shit from any of you! I'm leaving!" "It's not dark yet." "Well, I'll leave when it is!" "No Jean! You're going to stay here and let us talk to you! "Like hell I am!"

Jean slammed Will against the wall. Surprising the Chief. "You're going to teleport me to Hannes and we're both going to go back home! Now!"


Leo grit his teeth. "Millionaires? Those bastards don't deserve to live here. We were peasants when we lived here! So many of us! Struggling to survive!"


"Oh alright. Then we can relax at home. Do whatever you want to do." Ben flinched a little at her touching his shoulder but tried not to show it.


"How long are you planning on being outside?" ,asked The Agent.


Shadowess - June 19, 2021

Seeing the way Jean reacted alarmed Parker. He rushed over to their side and placed a hand on Jean's arm. "Jean, you need to calm down! We can talk about this!"


Oscar frowned. "Read on, Leo. This place became popular because of artists and academics. Likely people who were struggling to live but made their passions into their livelihoods. Because of that, richer people were drawn in and that likely caused the economy here to boom. Factor that in with this place becoming a tourist hotspot... Now even people who aren't rich, who live here, are living decent enough lives. I think some millionaires just decided to stay for the culture. They love this place so much that most buildings here have been preserved over time. Some places still had gas lighting up until recently."


Feeling him flinch, Jessica was still worried. But if he was discharged then maybe he just needed some time to heal up? "I think relaxing would be good. Maybe we could watch a movie or something?" she suggested. "Right after we get you some Aspirin. I can tell that you're still hurting. You don't have to be so brave." she said gently. "I don't mind helping you to get better."


Layla shrugged. "Until I don't feel so wound up, I guess." she sighed. "If I heard another Agent try to hit on me to relieve their urges, I swear I would've punched someone!" she shook her head and looked off into the forest. "Even when I was human, I didn't date colleagues. That's not guna change now that I'm a wolf. To hell with these stupid urges..."


Denix Vames - June 19, 2021

"Get away from me!" Jean backhanded Parker. Making him stumble back. He grabbed his shoulders. Ready to knock his head against his. Will appeared between them. Taking the hit himself.

"Stop this! Please Jean! Listen to us!" Jean shoved him. He raised his fists. "Just fight me already! I know you want to!" "No, I don't! I won't hurt you!" He smirked. "You're an idiot." He punched him. Will never responded. Jean tackled him to the floor. Punching him again and again but Will didn't dare strike. Forcing River to not respond.


Leo skimmed over the pamphlet. "You're right. That's....amazing." He looked at the streets. "But everything looks so different. How will I recognize my own house?"


Ben smiled. "Thanks, Jessie." He kissed her.


The Agent chuckled. "Fair enough. I don't think I'm much of a romantic anyway. Lost my sexual interest after starting work here."


shadowess - June 19, 2021

The strike had made Parker dizzy. He'd almost forgotten how strong vampires could be in comparison to humans. He felt a throbbing pain on his lower lip and knew it had been busted open. The scent of his half-devil blood quickly filling the room from this one tiny cut, although Parker would be oblivious to it. He'd been so dazed by the hit that he couldn't react or defend himself when Jean grabbed his shoulders. Then Will appeared and Jean hurt him instead. "Will!" Parker shouted, watching Jean hitting him and feeling helpless.

River was on alert but every attempt he made to help Will defend himself was blocked out. "What the hell?! Dude! We have to do something! We don't have to kill him but at least knock him back or something!"

Parker took out his gun and aimed it at Jean. "Enough! Stop it! Let him go!" he barked at Jean angrily. "Now!"


Oscar shrugged. "Like it says, most buildings were preserved. Maybe they preserved your house too?" He took Leo's hand, kissing the back of it and smiled at him. "C'mon. Let's take a wander and see if we can't spot it."


Jessica smiled as she kissed him back. It didn't take much longer for the taxi to pull up outside Ben's apartment. Jessica paid the fare then got out and opened the door for Ben. "So, what movie do you wana watch?" she asked as they headed up to his door.


Layla smiled. "Well, at least I know one person who won't hit on me." she chuckled. "Still, it's a little worrying. I know I can trust the people we work with but this is all so new...and it's weird how overwhelming it can feel sometimes. To top that off, apparently our pheromones get stronger the closer we get to the full moon. So, if you're a wolf, your pheromones can make people who already find you attractive want to be with you even more. Even if they're not a wolf themselves...crazy, right? Supposed to be a survival thing from back when Werewolves were still a new species and they needed a way to repopulate quickly to make up for humans and vampires hunting them...I found it was interesting, to learn that wolf venom wasn't even a thing until their numbers got so low that they needed to evolve in some way to survive as a specie." she said while staring into the woods. She really had found wolf history to be fascinating. They'd gone through so many hardships as a race when it simply came to surviving that what they had accomplished was amazing.


Denix Vames - June 19, 2021

Jean stopped and looked at him. "No!" Will got up. Standing in front of Parker with his back to Jean as his arms stretched out. "Don't hurt him! Please! This is my fault! I should have kept him from this!" Jean stood. "I don't need your pity! Just take me to Hannes!" "I can't do that. The CIA has him. That's out of my jurisdiction." "Then talk to someone who can!"


Leo nodded. He held a small smile. "Ok." They walked around the streets until they came across small brown house that was similar to a cottage. He ran over to it. "This is it! This is my house!"


"I think Mission Impossible. It's an action packed classic." ,said Ben. He limped his way to the living room before slowly sitting on the couch. He caught his breath.


"I see you've done your homework. But I can assure you that we'll do everything we can to keep you all safe from each other's sexual advances. Protection is one of the solutions should our attempts be failures." ,said The Agent.


Shadowess - June 19, 2021

Parker lowered his gun, looking at Will worriedly. "This isn't your fault." he said quietly then looked at Jean with hardened eyes. "You need to calm the fuck down." he said angrily. "We can't promise anything but I'm sure we can ask our friend Leo if you can visit him at some point. But first you need to stop for one damn second and realize that we're trying to help you. That we're just worried for you. Personally, I think this Hannes guy being as far from you as possible is for the best. You do not want to end up in the kinds of situations that I was put in. Believe me. But if you really have to see him, then at least take this small piece of advice; be cautious."


Oscar looked at the house and tilted his head at it. "Cute little place." he commented then paused when the door opened. A little girl with dark hair, holding a worn out football, ran out then stopped when she saw Leo and Oscar looking at the house. She seemed hesitant and almost nervous.

Her grey eyes seemed to glow as she quickly turned around and ran back inside. Just as she crossed the threshold, the faintest light flickered behind her in the shape of a pair of purple fairy wings. Then the door closed behind her and she was gone. "Huh..." Oscar walked over to stand by Leo, staring at the door. "Apart from Amelia, I've never seen another fairy...thought they'd all but gone extinct."


"Sounds good to me." Jessica smiled as she headed to the medicine cabinet. She pulled out the Aspirin and passed them to Ben on her way into the kitchen. There she poured him a glass of water and brought it to him as well. She then sat on the couch with him and picked up the TV remote, setting the movie up for them to watch. "Let me know if you want anything else. I don't mind getting up to get it. You just focus on relaxing." she smiled at him as she sat back and relaxed.


"I uh...I always found Werewolves to be fascinating growing up...My favourite movie was 'An American Werewolf in London'." Layla chuckled. "Not exactly accurate information but back then I didn't know that they were real. Fast forward to me getting a job with the CIA and I took every opportunity to study up on them in my spare time...So, I guess I'm not too pissed at becoming one."

She then listened to the Agent saying they'd try their best to protect them from each other. "It's appreciated." Layla said with a smile and she sighed heavily, turning to look back in the direction they'd come from. "I guess we should head back before they miss us too much." she looked at the Agent and smiled at them. "Thanks for not dragging me back." she chuckled as she began walking back. "It was kinda nice to get out for a while and get some stuff off my chest. Say...I don't think we've ever actually spoken before, have we? I'm Layla." She introduced herself. "But you probably already knew that." she chuckled.


Denix Vames - June 19, 2021

Jean glared at Parker before turning away. He was still pissed but didn't say anything. "I won't quit on you. No matter what, I won't let you down." ,said Will. Jean stayed silent.

Will took the gun from Parker. "Parker, I'm glad you were ready to protect me but this is a different case. Please don't hurt him no matter what he does."


"We should go tell her why we're here. I don't want her to think that we're trying to break in." Leo walked over to the door which he knocked.


Ben took his pill and drank some water. "Thanks. I really appreciate it."


With the movie playing, he could finally focus on something else besides the pain. Yet, at some point, he had to use the bathroom.

"Pause the movie for a second. I've got to hit the bathroom." He forced himself to stand. Flinching at the movement. He limped his way over to the bathroom.


"I know all the names of the agents I work but I don't mind an introduction. My name is....X. You can just call me X. I can't say my real name. Sorry." ,said X.


shadowess - June 19, 2021

Parker was a little annoyed at Will taking his gun but he didn't say anything. He would talk to Will about it later but now wasn't the time. Instead, he huffed and walked away towards the bathroom to take care of his bleeding lip. Letting Will talk to Jean.


Oscar followed Leo quietly, interested in seeing the fairy again. A man answered the door. Like the girl, had brown hair and blue eyes. He looked at Leo and Oscar curiously. "Uh, hello?" he said. Behind him, the little girl was peeking at them from her bedroom door.


"Sure." Jessica picked up the remote and paused the movie. She watched him limp into the bathroom with a frown and sat patiently on the couch for him to come back, all while listening carefully to make sure he was alright.


Raising a brow, Layla nodded. She knew the CIA had their secrets so she didn't press the matter. "Well, it's nice to meet you X." she said. It didn't take them too much longer to get back to the facility. Layla headed inside then turned to X and held out a hand to shake. "Thanks again. It was nice having someone to talk to. I should get back to my room now." she would then head back to the room where the other new wolves were staying.

Meanwhile, Racheal had become quiet in her cell. She now sat on her bed and had had enough time to rationalise what had happened to her...by making up scenarios in her mind that never happened and convincing herself that they're real to make herself feel better. Hannes was sitting on his bed, lost in thought and Niko had stopped pacing in his cell. He was now taking a nap on his bed.


Denix Vames - June 19, 2021

Will set the gun on the coffee table. He walked over to Jean. "Jean-" "Just leave me alone! You've already done enough damage!" Jean sat against the wall. Keeping his head down as he silently cried. Will sighed. He walked away. Heading to Parker. "Are you alright?"


"Hello sir. I know this is an odd request but may we go inside? I use to live here with my late family and I wanted to see how things have changed since then." ,said Leo.


After he relieved himself, Ben washed his hands. He turned the faucet off. He clutched his head as a migraine showed up out of nowhere. He grit his teeth. The world seemed to be turning black for a moment. He struggled to stay awake until he suddenly collapsed.


X shook her hand. "Likewise. Hopefully, we can have another walk again."

He headed to Hannes's cell. "Are you ready to talk now?"


shadowess - June 19, 2021

"Fine." Parker answered shortly without looking at him. He flinched a little as he dabbed the cut on his lip with a damp towel while looking at himself in the mirror.

"Yeesh. Maybe shouldn't have taken his gun off him..." River pointed out. "Just a guess at how he might be feeling...you're not his boss anymore and he's supposed to be in charge of whatever happens in Carter's office. I know you didn't mean to but you kinda undermined him when you did that...especially in front of someone that attacked you both."


The man seemed hesitant at Leo's request. "It'd only be for a minute." Oscar said, trying to reassure him. The man looked behind him briefly before turning back to them and nodding, stepping to one side to let them in. He watched them carefully as they stepped inside, not taking his eyes off them. The little girl had gone into her room to hide.


As soon as she heard the heavy thud of Ben hitting the floor, Jessica shot up and ran over to the bathroom. She tried to open the door, but of course, it was locked. She took a step back, looking at the door, determined. She kicked at it and bounced off. Stumbling back, she regathered herself quickly and kicked it again. The second time she kicked it, the lock gave and the door swung open. She ran in and knelt next to Ben, checking his pulse and his breathing. "Oh, you bloody idiot." she breathed, a look of worry on her face as she took out her phone and called an ambulance. When it arrived, she climbed into the back with him and watched him carefully as they were taken back to the hospital.


Hannes looked up when X entered his cell then immediately looked to the ground before nodding. "Yes..." he said quietly.


Denix Vames - June 19, 2021

Will frowned. He walked over. Placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry that I took your gun. I still see Jean as one of my own men. I didn't want him to get hurt even if it meant me being the one who gets hurt. I understand that you're in charge of this agency right now. I shouldn't have forgotten about that. I'm sorry."


As Leo stepped into the house, tears streamed down his cheeks. He looked around. "It's....unrecognizable. So many things have changed." He covered his face. "I don't know what to think of this place anymore."


Ben slowly opened his eyes. He groaned at the pain in his head. "J-Jessica? What's going on?"


"Good." Two agents escorted Hannes to the interview room which they locked once X was inside with him. X sat on the other side of the table where Hannes was handcuffed to on the piece of metal for cuffs.

"Tell me why you don't know about Europe's laws protecting supernatural creatures."


shadowess - June 19, 2021

Parker looked down into the sink as Will spoke. He held the wet towel against his lip, trying to reduce the swelling. "It's fine." he sighed. He turned his head a little in Will's direction but didn't look up at him, still feeling a bit sore. "Maybe arranging a visit with Hannes might be a good idea...but I'm still not comfortable with it.

If Hannes abused him then he's just going to keep poisoning his mind if they stay in contact..." he lifted his eyes to look at Will seriously. "I'd recommend talking to Hannes yourself first. Get him to tell you what his intentions were and whether he can become a good person. We'll have to be very careful with how we go about this. One wrong move could really mess Jean up...even more than he already is..."


Oscar wrapped an arm around Leo's shoulders and gave him a comforting squeeze. He then looked at the man after glancing at the closed door behind them. "Uh, now that we can talk in private. Is that your daughter over there? We saw wings on her earlier."

"Wings?" The man seemed nervous. "Uh-...she was probably wearing a pair of wings from an old Halloween costume. You know how kids are." he chuckled, though his eyes darted between his daughter's bedroom then back again.

Oscar smiled at him kindly. "It's ok. We're not human either and one of our friends is a fairy...In fact, we thought your kind had pretty much gone extinct. Are there more of you out there?"

The man relaxed a bit then looked saddened. "Not anymore..." he turned and walked into the kitchen, leaving the door open. He filled the kettle up with water and turned it on. While waiting for it to boil, he took out a couple of cups. "Would you like a brew?" he asked.

"A what?" Oscar asked, unfamiliar with what the man was asking. The man chuckled and glanced back, looking at Leo while nodding at Oscar. "Definitely not English, is he?" he then looked at Oscar. "A brew. Tea, coffee or hot chocolate...hot drinks in general. Brew."

"Ohh..." Oscar chuckled. "A coffee would be nice, thanks."

The man nodded then looked at Leo. "You?"


Jessica gave Ben a bemused look and shook her head at him. "We're in an ambulance. You passed out in the bathroom. This paramedic here was nice enough to let me know you'd walked out of the hospital without being discharged." She looked away from him in annoyance. "You frightened me, Ben. You lied to me and you frightened me."


Hannes blinked at X. This was news to him. He had to think why such information hadn't reach him or his group of people yet. "I think because I am from an isolated civilization. We have lived in the same part of Germany for centuries, under the belief that we would be hunted if we didn't remain hidden. We have lived by the same laws and followed the same routine. It was only when myself and Niko came to the US that we learned that Blood Bags could be bought but even that seems to be in secret. We only learned that because a vampire we stopped to ask directions told us about it."

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Denix Vames - June 19, 2021

"I'm not too sure that I can talk to him. I'm willing to bet that the CIA are already questioning him. They'll probably get more out of him than I ever could." ,said Will.


"Tea for me. Thank you." ,said Leo. He leaned his head against Oscar's. "My family were werewolves. I was the only human. I lost them to....ADIEU. That business is extinct now but the damage that they've caused has already been done."


Ben frowned. "I'm sorry. I just felt fine so I figured why not leave already? I couldn't stand being cooped up in there. I wanted to work." He tried to sit up but found himself strapped to the gurney. "You have to understand, Jessica. I never meant to scare you like that."


X's eyes widened. "Civilization?" He wrote something on his clipboard. "I'll have to notify the German government about that. Would you mind telling me the location to your group's home?"


shadowess - June 19, 2021

"In all fairness though, it's not like you tried very hard." River commented. "Don't get angry with me for saying it but you did basically hand them straight over without much questioning. I mean, it was the right thing to do but you can't say you tried to question them when...really...you didn't. More like...barked demands and told Jean to stay away from Hannes like an over protective father lecturing his teenage daughter about her 'bad boy' boyfriend...Just saying..."

Parker shrugged. "Then I don't know what else to suggest...Jean clearly isn't in the right state to try talking to him. Maybe we just need to give him some space for a bit..."


His back turned to them while he made the drinks, the man froze up at the mention of ADIEU. For just a second, a pair of blue wings lit up behind him. Quickly recovering, he finished off the drinks and handed a cup each to Oscar and Leo. "I'm sorry to hear that..." he said as he picked up his own cup.

"My wife died about a year ago... She managed to escape one of their facilities... She'd only been home for a couple of weeks before she died...I thought I'd never see her again after she'd vanished...she told me everything when she came back. She'd gone out to buy nappies...this was shortly after Heather was born...black van pulled up and dragged her inside...she was sedated then transferred into their facility...They'd sought her out because of what she was...there aren't many of us left...seeing just one of us in a single human lifetime is a miracle now...so as soon as they found out she was a fairy...she became a target. They experimented on her...I don't know what experiments exactly...she wouldn't say...she was so traumatised by it all and she felt guilty for missing so much of Heather's life...she'd have frequent night terrors and PTSD..." he swallowed and blinked a few times, looking out of the window, into the garden.

"I guess she just couldn't take it anymore...Nothing I did ever seemed to help...She'd told me she was going out to get some shopping in...the police found her car in the local pond about an hour later...she was still inside..." He wiped away some tears then covered his mouth as he tried to compose himself. Sniffing, he stared into his tea as he lowered his hand. "She was pregnant..." he bit his lip. "It wasn't mine...it explained why she wouldn't let me hug her when she came back..."

Oscar was glad he'd never been unlucky enough to suffer through what ADIEU could do. He was even more glad that they were no longer a threat. "I'm so sorry...that's awful." Oscar said, feeling both upset and angry.

The man shook his head, wiping away more of his tears and looking back up at them. "But you said they're gone now? That's a relief." he looked at Leo. "I really am sorry for your loss. I know how evil that organisation was."

The little girl had crept into the kitchen as they were talking. She saw the tears falling from Leo's eyes and she silently held her teddy up, offering it to him to comfort him.


"Well, you did." Jessica responded simply, without looking at him. "Oh and-" she looked back at him, her eyes looking straight into his. "The paramedic didn't actually tell me anything...they couldn't, it would've been a breach of confidentiality. I'm not stupid. I'm pretty good at figuring things out. I got good at it when everyone close to me started leaving me out of things or lying to me. I get that you just wanted to come home and be able to work again but don't ever lie to me again...Not you, Ben. I get enough of that from everyone else..."


Hannes hesitated. Fear flickered across his expression momentarily before he spoke. "Please...also let them know that the people they find are not dangerous or evil. They're just frightened. We have been terrorised by the Steinheils for centuries. So, they might react unpredictably when strangers turn up on their doorstep. Most vampires you'll find there just want to live in peace with their families." he took a deep, shaky breath to calm his nerves before he gave him the address to his home.

"Harburg Castle...in Hamburg..." He then leant forward, looking at X imploringly. "There are children living there. Please, let them know." he said, worried that innocent lives might be put in danger because of him. He sat back and looked at his cuffs sadly. "I left my home to get revenge...The Steinheil family had been singling us out and picking us off when we went out to feed..." his eyes watered and he shook his head a little.

"We hunted animals in the nearby forest...we didn't dare go near the human world...but they made us out to be murderers and killed us for crimes we did not commit!...My brother...and Niko's half brother...they slaughtered them...This was the last straw...So, myself and a few other vampires banded together to get rid of the Steinheil threat. We tracked them to their house...killed the parents but the brother and sister ran. Niko and I followed them here...to the US..." he shook his head again and tears dripped down his cheeks.

"I don't care about revenge anymore." his voice broke. "I don't want to kill...I just want to know if Jean is alright...Did I really hurt him? I didn't want to hurt him! I really thought he loved me...Is it not real? Did I twist his mind somehow?! What have I done?..." he sobbed, clearly questioning himself and feeling a great deal of guilt.


Denix Vames - June 19, 2021

Will turned away. Trying to conceal the tears going down his cheeks. He sighed as he pinched the brim of his nose. "I didn't even help at all. I just made things worse. I yelled at him. I was just so caught up in the moment. Hearing what those bastards did to him....It was hard to take it all in."


Leo blew on his cup. He drank some. "Thank you."

He set the cup on the counter when he saw her. He got to his knees and took the teddy bear. He looked at it for a moment before hugging it tight. Sobbing as he imagined the bear to be his daughter.


Tears threatened to leave Ben's eyes but he held them back. "I'm sorry, Jessica. I should have never lied to you." He bit his lip. "And just to let you know, I'm making an educated guess that I might have a concussion."


X nodded. "I understand everything sir. We will make sure the agents in Germany greet the vampires with a gentle approach and explain to them everything. We will advised to have bodyguards for the vampires in case there are any Steinhells left. Should any Steinhell come near your home, they will be shot on sight."

He sighed. "Yes, you did tainted his mind but I can assure you that now that you know what you've done, things won't be as worse as you think they are. We will let you talk to Jean. In fact, we'll need you to convince your friend, Niko, that we mean no harm. Even Rachael can join. All four of you will be needed to let your family know that we only wish to help. Is that clear?"


shadowess - June 20, 2021

Parker sighed and walked around Will before wrapping his arms around him, hugging him. "It's been a difficult day. Let's give Jean some space and try to rest for a bit. We'll come back later to check on him and contact Leo to see about letting him talk to Hannes..." he pulled back at pointed to his lip. "You don't suppose this'll need stitches, do you?"


The man nodded then watched with a sad expression as Leo hugged his daughter's bear. Oscar's heart ached as he watched Leo sobbing and he knelt down as well to wrap his arms around him. Heather frowned, her own little eyes tearing up to see Leo so sad. Her eyes glowed and her purple wings light up behind her. She reached out and wiped away Leo's tears while saying "It's ok. Don't cry."

A relatively weak aura emanated from her, providing a soothing effect to help Leo feel some form of comfort. The man sighed and shook his head. "Sorry, she's still learning how to control her power. Sometimes she does it without realising she's even doing it." he explained.


Jessica's lower lip quivered for a second as she tried to hold back her own tears. She sighed and took his hand in both of hers, holding on to him.

The paramedic, that had been sitting quietly next to her, nodded. "Yeah, you do. But don't worry, it's only minor. You'll just need some fluids and some rest for at least forty-eight hours. You know, if you hadn't have left the hospital too early you would've been getting out earlier than you will now." The paramedic gently scolded him.


Hannes listened to X and was relieved when he said they'd be careful when approaching his family and that he could talk to Jean. Then he frowned when X told him he'd need to convince Niko to co-operate. He hesitated to answer. "I don't know about the girl but Niko might be difficult. He...hasn't exactly been himself since the death of his half brother... he's been...angrier...maybe even a little- how do you say?- deranged...unstable. Don't get me wrong, I was just as eager to get revenge on the Steinheils as he was but...he seemed to enjoy tormenting that girl far more than I expected..." Hannes looked at the table with a saddened expression. "He wasn't always like that. I hope he can be like the man he once was again..." he then nodded. "But I will try. If I can do something good, then I want to help."


Denix Vames - June 20, 2021

Will studied his face. "Probably." He clutched his head. He took a couple of steps back. Getting away from Parker. "P-Parker....It's-" He suddenly collapsed and started seizing.

"Will!" Jean ran to his side. He began to breath heavily as he didn't know what to do. "Will! What do we do?!"


Leo sniffled. He began to calm down as he soon stopped crying. "Thank you."


Ben sighed. "You're probably right about that." He gently squeezed her hand. "I love you. I should have never put you through this."


"I see. Well, I'll have an agent contact the German government. You and I are going to be heading to Niko. I'll have you talk to him." An agent opened the door and placed Hannes clothes on the table. "I'll leave you to change. Just knock when you're done."

X and the agent left the room.


Shadowess - June 20, 2021

Parker's eyes widened as Will started having yet another seizure. He watched Jean run to him and he thought quickly. "Don't panic. Give him some space, make sure there's nothing around him he could hurt himself on." he said gently but urgently as he took his jacket off and rolled it up before placing it under Will's head.

He gently turned Will's head to one side so he wouldn't choke of his spit or any vomit that might come up. He then looked at Jean "Call an ambulance. Don't worry. The staff at the hospital know about the supernatural. They're trained on how to treat us. Just don't open the door when they arrive. Leave that to me. Don't want you getting burned." He then watched Will carefully to make sure he would be alright.

"Dude, you're actually starting to freak me out with this shit now. What's going on with you??" River said worriedly.


Heather smiled at Leo then ran over to her father, hugging his legs. The man smiled down at her then looked at Leo and Oscar. "So, are you two on vacation? Because, if you need a place to stay, you can use the spare bedroom here if you want. Cheaper than a hotel and I honestly would mind the company."


"I love you, too." Jessica said then she smiled at him cheekily despite the tears in her eyes. "And no, you shouldn't have you bloody idiot." she rubbed her thumbs across his hand. "Guess I'll just have to come up with a way to punish you for it when you eventually get home." she winked at him.


Hannes nodded and watched the Agents leave the room. He quickly changed back into his normal clothes then took a deep breath. He wondered how Niko might react to him co-operating with the people that locked them up. Whether he might want to help them or if he would be difficult. His mind wandered to Jean and what he wanted to say to him when he saw him. He rubbed his face and shook his head to refocus himself before walking over to the door and knocking on it.


Denix Vames - June 20, 2021

Jean nodded. He pulled out his phone and called for an ambulance. He zoomed upstairs into the bedroom so that he wouldn't get caught in the sun rays when paramedics were taking the now unconscious but not seizing Will to the hospital.

'I-I don't know what's happening!'


"That would be wonderful." Leo stood. "I wonder if the marks are still here."


Ben blushed. "Maybe don't mention this in front of the paramedic?"


X opened the door. He guided him to Niko's cell. "You have a visitor." He stepped back.


The germant agents drove several cars to the castle. One of them used a speaker to notify the vampire group. Speaking in german, she said,

"Do not be afraid of our presence! We are the German government! We have come here to tell you all that supernatural creatures have the same rights and freedoms as humans do! You are all protected by the law! And we will give you all guards in order to keep you safe from the Steinhells should any arrive! These guards are ordered to shoot on sight if an intruder attempts to harm any one of you! Please friends! This is the 21st Century and supernatural creatures have been free for centuries now!"


shadowess - June 21, 2021

As the paramedics strapped Will to the stretcher and wheeled him out to the ambulance, Parker ran upstairs to the room Jean had gone to. "Hey Jean, I'm going with Will to the hospital. I'll be back later to make sure you're ok. Help yourself to the blood bags in the fridge and if you need to contact me, here's my number." he called through the door before sliding a piece of paper, with his number on it, underneath it.

River pulled Will's consciousness into a dream version of his house. "Try to calm down." he said while pacing a bit and thinking. He'd taken the shape of Parker, it being the only shape he was comfortable with for now. He clicked his fingers. "Back when Bryce had kidnapped Parker he took him to the club to negotiate with Amelia and Carter. Amelia had made an excuse for Sebastian not being there so he could flank Bryce later. She said he was sick and Bryce seemed to buy it. Maybe that's what's happening. Maybe it's possible for vampires and Blood Gods to get sick...but then, why don't I feel sick when it happens? I'm conscious through all of it..."

Meanwhile, the paramedic in the ambulance had attached a blood bag to Will's arm to keep him 'hydrated' until they could run some tests at the hospital. They had also given Parker an icepack to hold against his lip until they could get him stitched up.


"Marks?" The man questioned curiously. "Take a look." he then shrugged. "I've only been living here for a few months mind you so I've yet to notice anything like that."

Oscar stood when Leo did.

The man then chuckled to himself. "You know, it just occurred to me. I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Brian."


Jessica giggled, her cheeks turning red. The paramedic rolled his eyes and looked away from them. "Don't worry. I've heard worse."


Niko groaned, waking up and sitting up in the bed. He looked over to see Hannes enter his cell wearing his normal clothes. "How the hell did you convince them to let you out?" he asked Hannes in German.

"By co-operating." Hannes answered in German as well. "They want you to help as well."

Niko scoffed and hopped out of the bed, striding over to Hannes. "I see what you're doing." he said, nodding as if he'd just figured out Hannes's plan. "You've made a deal, haven't you? We do something for them, they let us go and we can finally get our reveng-"

"-No." Hannes cut him off, staring at him stoically. "We can't keep chasing the Steinheils, Niko. All of that it over."

"Are you joking?" Niko stared at him angrily. "We came all the way out here...They murdered Jonas...Hannes, they killed Richard!"

"And we got them." Hannes said simply and Niko was taken aback. "Niko, the parents did the hunting. You saw how the brother and sister were when they fled the house...did they look like killers to you? We got our revenge. It's time to let it go."

For a moment, Niko looked absolutely furious but he bit his tongue and turned his back on Hannes. He walked away from him a bit as he thought things through. Hannes watched him with a frown before walking over to him and resting a hand on his shoulder. "Niko, this is for the best. Our people will be safe-"

"How?! We've always been hunted and we'll always be hunted!"

"Not anymore."

Niko turned his head a little to look back at Hannes. "What do you mean?"

"The human world has changed far more than we thought. There are laws now...protecting our kind and any other supernatural being. The German authorities will be informed of our castle. They'll be told to approach carefully and to let our civilisation know about these new laws. Niko, they've said they'll protect our people from the Steinheils. Hunters are going to be a thing of the past." Hannes explained.

Niko stared at him quietly, processing the information. "So, what do they want from us?"

"To help our people understand that the humans want to help."

Niko seemed suspicious. "And that's all?" he asked. He thought for a moment before turning around and staring at the Agent at the door, wondering if they understood what they'd been talking about. "I want my liebchen. I refuse to do anything for these people without her on my arm."

Hannes smiled at Niko. "You've fallen too, haven't you brother?"

Niko ignored him and walked past him, stopping a few steps away from X. "I want to see Racheal." he said in English.


The windows in the castle had been bricked up for years to prevent sunlight from getting in. In Germany, the sun was only just setting. So, the vampires living within it's walls were not exactly rushing to answer the voice that boomed through the speaker. Still, the Vampires who had been left in charge felt they needed to respond in some way to let them know they'd been heard. After some debating, a little arguing and a few stifled yawns, the large main doors to the castle were opened by a crack. No one inside stepped out though as it was still too bright. The Vampires inside stood well back from the doors so as not to be struck by the light. This was a silent invitation for the humans to step inside to talk.

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Denix Vames - June 21, 2021

Jean looked at the paper. He took it without saying a word. He soon called Parker. "Parker? Can you tell Will that I'm sorry?" His voice began to break as he sobbed. "I didn't know what I was doing! I didn't mean to hurt him! I'm sorry!"


'I'm still partially human in some way.' Will had sat on the couch. 'Which means I can still get sick. But I don't have Epilepsy so I don't know what this is all about. Why am I suddenly getting seizures?'


"I'm Leo. I'm a CIA agent so your secret is definitely safe with me." Leo held a small smile.


Ben laughed. "I'm sure you have."

Once they were in the hospital, he frowned. Looking at his surroundings. "I really hate coming back here."


X smiled as he held up a pile of Niko's clothes. "First, I'll let you and your girlfriend get dressed. It would be awkward to wear those prison uniforms when you're clearly not one." He handed him his clothes.

He walked over to Rachel's cell. He knocked. "Everything's fine now. I've brought you your clothes. Just change into these and I'll unlock the cell. You four are going on a trip to your boyfriend's home. You're free now."


The agents had left their vehicles and weapons. The female agent only brought her speaker. Leading all the agents into the castle. Once they were in a place that was dark enough for the vampires to come close to them, they began to greet them with gentle handshakes, hugs if they allowed it, and kind words. Introducing themselves as well.

Doing their best to explain to them that the human world was completely different. That supernatural creatures were now protected as people as well.


Shadowess - June 22, 2021

Parker was at the hospital when Jean called him. He'd been sitting in the waiting room while the nurses took Will to conduct various scans and tests. His lip had been stitched up and he'd been given local anaesthetic which had numbed part of his lip, giving him a slight lisp while he spoke. "It's ok, Jean." he said gently. "I'll let him know when he wakes up. But don't worry, we know you weren't yourself. Just try to relax for a while. We'll talk to you when we get back, ok?"


"I wouldn't rule out Epilepsy. It's still possible to end up with that later in life." River said as he sat on the couch. "But I duno, man. This has got me stumped. Whatever it is, it only seems to be effecting you while I'm forced to just watch...What's changed recently that might've triggered them, do you suppose?"


Brian raised his eyebrows for a moment. "CIA? You're a long way from home then." he commented. Heather ran past them to her bedroom where she began quietly playing with her dollhouse, leaving the door open.


Jessica squeezed his hand as she followed them to Ben's new room. "I know...You'll be back out before you know it, and I'll be here every day to keep you company." she said gently.


"Wonderful." Niko grinned as he took his clothes and began to get changed.

Racheal shot up from the bed and ran over to the door as her clothes were passed through. "Really?! I can see him? You're letting us go home?" She sounded excited, her eyes a little wild.


"Hurry up, meine liebchen! You don't want to make me wait, do you?" Niko called through the cells and Racheal hurriedly started to get changed.

"N-no, Niko! I'm coming!" she called back quickly, the slightest hint of anxiety in her tone. Niko grinned and once he was dressed, he stepped out of his cell to join X and Hannes in the hallway. Not long after, Racheal knocked on her door. "I'm ready!"


Stepping within the walls of the castle would be akin to stepping back in time. Tapestries and medieval style weaponry hung on the walls. Most, but not all of the vampires who greeted the agents wore dated clothing from a similar era. A few wore more Victorian style clothes while just one male wore a more modern outfit.

At first, the vampires had been cautious. Being careful not to get too close but as they listened to what they had to say they became more and more comfortable with the human presence. A few curious children had run up to them to ask them questions, despite the words of caution from their parents. While turned vampires remained the same age that they turned, those who were naturally born aged at the same rate as humans up until they turn exactly twenty five years old. Scientists still have yet to figure out the cause of this phenomena.

Additionally, until this age, naturally born vampires are a little more immune to sunlight (though they sunburn very easily. Even on cloudy days.) and don't require as much blood to survive, mostly relying on human food which makes it far easier for them to pass as human until they 'mature'. This is the main reason that even turned vampires can still stomach a little human food before it makes them sick.


Viktor paced the bedroom he'd been left in. He'd been in there all day, wondering when Leo would come for him. He didn't dare step out in case he ran into his sister. That and also because he had absolutely no idea how to put his wings away. Occasionally he'd catch himself staring at them in the mirror across the room but then, who wouldn't stare at these beautiful bastards on his back?! He smirked and shook his head.

He'd considered that anyone might think they were Angel wings from a distance but then you get a closer look and realize they're scales, not feathers. He sat on the bed, finding it a little overwhelming...thinking of everything that had happened to lead him to this moment. One minute, he's a trainee vampire hunter and the next he's...well...whatever he is now...

He pulled up his legs to hug them, resting his feet on the edge of the bed. His wings automatically curved around him, as if to hug him. He smiled a little at the thought. Then closed his eyes. He wondered what became of his parents home...his parents. He could still see their bodies...when he'd left Helena in a safe place so he could go back to try and save them...blood covered the varnished wooden floors...covered the walls too.

He shouted for them as he ran through then came to a dead stop in the foyer. He could still hear the ropes creaking...the blood dripping from their bodies. He looked up and saw them swinging from the second floor banister...upside-down...hanging from their feet. Their heads missing and a large hole in both their chests, where their hearts would have been. He hadn't lingered for long after that. Almost immediately, he'd turned tail and ran as fast as he could. He remembered throwing up in the woods before running again, back to his sister to get out of Germany.

Viktor lifted his head from his knees and wiped away his tears. He then looked around him with confused horror. He wasn't in the bedroom in the Whitehouse anymore. He was home. Back in his parent's manor. It had been cleaned up and their bodies were gone. All that remained was damaged furniture and police tapes that read 'Do No Cross'. Viktor shot to his feet and began breathing heavily. He turned around and around with his hands on his head. How had he gotten here??

He'd only been thinking about it, he didn't actually want to be here!! He stopped and shut his eyes tightly, covering his face. He wanted to be anywhere else. Not here! Anywhere! He didn't know how to do it again, though! What if he can't do it again?! What if he's stuck here?! He'd rather be anywhere else right now! The Whitehouse, the CIA facility...Hell, he'd even rather be in that stupid grocery store he and Helena had visited that one time!-


"Wha-?! No! How did I even do that?!" Viktor gasped as he stared at the canned produce on the shelves of the grocery store. He then realised that the lights overhead were off and there were no shoppers around him. The only source of light nearby was coming from the open door security office. Viktor held his breath and stared in the direction of the light nervously.

That must mean the store is closed...They'd probably only just closed for the night...but this technically meant that Viktor was now breaking and entering...and he still had no idea how to teleport back out. He glanced up at the security cameras and became a little more nervous at the sight of the little red light on them, indicating that they were currently on and working. "Fuck!" he whispered. He tried very hard to teleport again. Trying to focus on one place but once again he struggled through his panic. He just couldn't think of any one place long enough to focus on it.


Denix Vames - June 22, 2021

Jean nodded. "Ok but can't I see him now? I want to go outside. I don't want to be stuck having to go out at night."


"I honestly don't know. I mean, what causes seizures anyway?" ,asked Will.


Leo chuckled. "I guess I am." He looked at the bear. "I should return this to her. Excuse me." He walked over to her bedroom. He gently knocked on the door. "Hello. I was wondering if I could come in?"


Ben smiled. "Thank you." They had Jessica leave for a moment so that Ben could change into a hospital gown. Once done, she was allowed back inside. "Now, I feel naked. This is awkward."


X opened her cell door. "Does anyone know where Jean is? We'll need him for this trip."


The female agent said, "My name is Selene. Is there a sort of boss around here? I just want to let him or her know about our guards so none of you get spooked. You see, we're planning on giving this property guards to keep intruders away so that everyone remains safe. Not to mention, we can provide blood bags. Humans these days willing give their blood in order to keep vampires hunger-less."


Bryce appeared in front of him. "Oh my. I assume you barely got turned into whatever that is. But look, I'm a friend and I want to help. All you have to do is remain calm and think of where you want to go. Then you'll appear."

He pointed at the camera. "And don't worry about that. I'll just destroy the evidence." He smiled.


Shadowess - June 22, 2021

"Uh...hang on, let me check." Parker said and walked out of the waiting room to look outside. "I'd advise against it but I can't stop you right now so the best I can do is give you some advice; It's still a little light out but I think the sun is just under the horizon. I can't see it anyway. You might be safe but you might get a bit sweaty before the night cools off. If you feel too hot, get back inside immediately. Don't take unnecessary risks. Stick a finger or something out first to make sure it's safe."


"What do I look like, a doctor?" River answered with a shrug. "I have as much knowledge about the world as Parker does...We're better off finding out from a professional but there's some stuff I read on the internet a while ago...Epilepsy, alcohol, high levels of stress and in some very rare cases...tumours. But, you know...internet...so take it with a grain of salt."


Heather looked up at Leo and smiled, nodding.


"I think I'd prefer it if you were naked." Jessica joked with a cheeky grin when she stepped back into the room. She had tactfully waited until they were alone, this time.


Hannes thought for a moment and recalled the office that Will had taken them to. "I don't know." he said worriedly. "We had been taken to some kind of office before being brought here. We didn't see much of it, just one room."

Racheal ran out of the cell and hugged Niko, who grinned at the attention. He stroked her hair soothingly and whispered private things into her ear, making her blush and giggle into his shoulder.


The few vampires that had gathered looked between each other uncertainly for a moment. "We're more like a family here." said the vampire who was dressed in modern fashion. "No official leaders. We discuss things among the oldest vampires from each section of the castle; who are all here."

He pointed to one of the males with short, black hair. "This is Sven, he watches over the north section." Next he points to a woman with long, orange hair. "Natali, she watches the west." then at a man who looked similar to the woman with the same shade of hair. "Janik, from the south and finally-" he now points to another female who had short, brown hair. "Bianka, who watches the east. She is currently filling in for Hannes who went out to hunt down the Steinheils after their last attack on our people."

To say the castle was huge would be an understatement. Within it's walls, the sections of the castle had fitted every room to act as a 'home' to every vampire family living there. This meant that it's corridors acted as 'streets'. "We are relieved you will be providing safety from our hunters." Bianka said. "Though we've grown accustomed to drinking blood from animals that we hunt in the forest, we will gladly accept the human's donations. Our family is large and animals only go so far when it comes to feeding everyone here."


Having not seen (or noticed) Bryce during his last trip to the grocery store, his sudden appearance in front of him had made him jump. So much so, that his wings shot back into him rapidly, almost knocking him forward in the process. "Huh!" he gasped. "That felt a lot weirder than I was expecting..." he commented then looked at Bryce, getting a good look at him for the first time.

He suddenly felt a little nervous around him. His mouth felt a little dry. His heart was beating a little harder than normal but given what he just went through, that was understandable. Still, he was a little fascinated by this vampire that could apparently also teleport and was giving him tips on how to do it himself. "Um...Danke- I mean-...thanks." He said bashfully. "Wh-who are you?"


Denix Vames - June 22, 2021

Jean sighed. "Fine." He moved his finger to under the curtains of the window near him. He cringed at the heat. Putting his finger back. "Looks like I'll have to wait a bit longer. This just isn't fair."


"Damn it! Well, can you at least wake me up?" ,asked Will.


Leo stepped inside. "Here." He placed the bear near her. "I figured I should return this." He walked to a corner of the room that had faded marks made by a knife. Almost as if someone was measuring a child's height. He brushed his fingers over them. "They're still here."


Ben blushed. "Honestly, I didn't forget about that night."


"Alrighty then. We're all heading there. Be ready everyone." X clapped his hands. They appeared near the door where Jean was talking over the phone. He could hear his phone. He knocked. "Jean? I'm X. I'm a CIA agent. Me, and the people you were with before are here to take you to the castle. Hannes feels bad. I promise."

Jean jumped. He frowned. "I'll have to call you back. I have some business to take care of." He hung up. He glared at the door. "Go away! I don't want him anywhere near me!"


X nodded at Hannes. "You might be able to convince him. Try your best to apologize."


Selene nodded at them. "Well, I'm glad to meet all of you. The guards should arriving shortly with vehicles carrying blood bags to last you all years. Should you go empty on the supply, please let one of the guards know and they will contact us immediately."

An agent whispered in her ear. Her eyes lit up. Surprised at the news. "Oh! I've just been informed about the Steinhells. "Two are dead. And it would seem that two have been imprisoned by the CIA. I'm not sure if there any more out there but we will still keep the guards here."


"I'm Bryce Heathcliffe. I was once an aristocrat and now I'm a security guard which kind of sucks but honestly I don't miss the fame as much as I use to."


shadowess - June 22, 2021

"I know, buddy. Just try to relax until we get back ok? We can talk about your options then-" Parker said then stopped to listen carefully as it sounded like more people turned up at the office. "Wha-? Wait, what business? Who's there? Jean?" he lowered his phone after Jean had hung up on him and he sighed.

"Fuck..." he said under his breath. He hesitated for a moment before running out to the front desk to let a nurse know to tell Will that he'd had to go back to the office. He then left the hospital in a hurry. Having to get a taxi because he'd gotten a ride there from the ambulance.


River looked around the room thoughtfully. "mmm...not right now. You hear that humming noise? They've got your head in a machine. My guess is to do some kind of scan. Best to wait until they take your head out of it."


"Thank you." the girl said quietly then watched him walk over to the corner to look at the scratches in the wall. She picked up her bear and hugged it while walking over and looking at the marks. "What's that?" she asked curiously.


Jessica grinned and bit her lower lip. Her cheeks turning pink as she recalled their night together. She walked over to his bed and took his hand in hers. "Me neither." she said softly.


Hannes frowned at Jean's words. His heart ached at the thought of him being angry with him. He nodded at X then stepped close to the door, placing his hand on it before sighing heavily. "Jean..." he said shakily. He licked his lips and tried to keep his eyes from watering. "I was wrong...I-...I didn't mean to take advantage of you...or coerce you in any way...I told you why I did what I did...but it doesn't make it right and I know that now."


He leant his head against the door and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry that I kidnapped you...I'm sorry that I changed you...I'm sorry if I made you feel that you didn't have any choice...that wasn't my intention...But Jean-..." Hannes bit his lip for a second before pressing on. "Those quiet moments we had when we were alone...I don't regret those. When I told you I would do everything I could to keep you safe and happy...I meant it...becau-because...Because I love you, meine Geliebte..." he stepped away from the door slowly, letting his hand fall away from it. "I won't force you to do anything that you don't want to do. Jean, I swear to respect you...whatever you want."


"There are generations worth out there..." Natali replied, seemingly unimpressed that only two of the Steinheils had died.

"Imprisoned?! They should be executed! Their family has been hunting our people for centuries! They've killed countless vampires!" Janik added, seeing the imprisonment as injustice.

"Enough! These people have been kind enough to keep us fed and provide safety! Do not insult them by questioning their methods!" Bianka snapped at Natali and Janik.

"Things are changing. Revenge might not be necessary anymore." Sven added.


"Really?" Viktor asked, seeming to forget his current predicament for a moment due to his fascination. After all, it wasn't everyday you met someone who lived through that time period! "You were famous? What was that like? What was it like back then?" Viktor suddenly found himself brimming with questions.

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Denix Vames - June 22, 2021

"Son of a bitch! I hope it's not a tumor or anything else that's deadly seriously. That's the last thing that I need." ,said Will.


"Me and my wife....We would measure our daughter's height to see how far she was growing. She was always excited to see herself go an inch up. The last time we checked, she was....4ft." ,said Leo.


Ben slowly sat up. Leaning close to her. He kissed her slowly.


Jean thought for a moment. He rubbed his eyes before unlocking the door and opening it. "Do you mean that?"


"Sven is right. We and any other secret agency that's part of the government can arrest the Steinhells or any hunter. Depending on the circumstances, they can be executed or imprisoned. Generally, prisons for criminals who are wanted by the government will be far away from the public. Their cells have thick metal walls with barely any sunlight from the small window. We feed them but they are only allowed to leave the cell when they need to relieve or wash themselves. At all times, they are escorted by guards to ensure that they do not attempt anything. Should they try to harm or escape, they will be shot on the spot. As I have said before, the guards you will have will not hesitate to shoot someone who they see is attempting to harm you or your family."


She winked at the others. "And you might get a perfect view of that execution. We also welcome you all to official executions when it is possible for you."


"We should probably take this conversation in my office instead. I need to destroy that tape. Follow me." Bryce led him into the security office where he took the tape out. It burned in his hands until it was nothing more than a charred version of itself. He dumped it into the trash can then placed a new tape in the recorder.

He sat on the chair. "Now, I use to sleep with a lot of men and women. I would hosts balls, go to plays, and sign autographs for adoring fans. Being rich was the highlight of my life. I even got to try new inventions first before anyone else."


shadowess - June 23, 2021

River shook his head. "Try not to think like that. We don't know anything yet and the chances of it being a tumour are extremely low, especially for a Blood God." He then stood, staring at the ceiling while he listened to what was happening around them carefully. "Alright, I'm going to wake you up. I'll try and do it slowly this time, just in case. Ready?" He then went about trying to wake Will up gently.


"That's big." Heather said, looking at the markings. She looked up at Leo and smiled at him innocently before turning around and running back over to her doll house to play.

Oscar was leaning against the doorframe, looking in on them while still holding his cup. "Are you alright?" he asked Leo.


Jessica sat on the side of his bed as Ben sat up. She kissed him back, savouring every one while lifting a hand to caress his cheek.


Hannes looked at Jean when he opened the door. At his hair, the clothes he wore and the name tag. It all disturbed him. Was this what Hannes had driven him to?? Tear rolled down his cheeks as he nodded. "Look what I did to you..." he gasped. "Jean, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." he cried. "I should have been better... You don't deserve what I did to you...Such a sweet man...I don't deserve you."


The Vampires seemed to like Selene's explanation, all of them being a bit more at ease with the idea that Steinheils would be either executed or rounded up to spend the rest of their days in a well guarded cell. Bianka approached Selene and held out a hand for her to shake. "Thank you. We greatly appreciate your help and understanding. Should you or any of your people need somewhere to stay, you are welcome within our castle."


"Oh, yeah!" Viktor said as he remembered where they were and followed Bryce. He watched him destroy the tape then looked at him with fascination once more as he talked about his life as an Aristocrat. While in awe, he absent-mindedly sat in a nearby chair, never taking his eyes off him. "That sounds awesome!" He said with a smile. "What kinds of inventions? and were the parties as extravagant and beautiful as the movies and books make them out to be?"


Denix Vames - June 23, 2021

Will took a deep breath. He nodded. His eyes soon slowly opened.


Leo jumped at Oscar's voice. Not expecting him to be there. He took his hand off of the markings. "I'm sorry that you had to see me like that. Back in the kitchen? I feel like I worry you too much."


Ben slipped a tongue into her mouth. Moaning at the now passionate kisses.


Jean's tears fell. He threw himself into his arms. "I'm just glad that we both realized how fucked up things were. But it's alright now. I still love you. I realize that now. I know I do. It's not just some lie anymore."


Selene shook her hand. "Thank you. The offer is much appreciated." She nodded at her agents. "Let's go now. I believe we've helped enough. Goodbye friends."

The agents followed her out of the castle. Suddenly, vehicles parked at the castle. Out came the guards and the cases of blood bags they had brought. They stepped into the castle. Giving the vampires the cases.


Bryce smiled. Feeling appreciated for once. "Well, I tried the first typewriter. And the parties I hosted involved some manners but when you have alcohol, you're going to do whatever you want. There were many fights and wild situations. But I enjoyed them very much. The decorations were unlike in the films but I did my best to make them look beautiful."


shadowess - June 23, 2021

(Not sure where to go with Will. Not entirely sure where you're going with those seizures or if human doctors would even be able to figure it out. lol)


Oscar shrugged, he was smiling at Leo with a softened expression. "Don't be sorry. I'm not worried." he stepped into the room and gave Heather a quick, kind smile before looking back at Leo and the markings. He wrapped a hand around Leo's waist while looking at them. "There's nothing wrong with remembering... They were your family. A huge part of your life. They're the reason we came here, right? So, you could remember them...and all those good times that you had with them." He looked at Leo, studying his expression carefully. "I know it's not easy either. That's fine too. You do what you need to do. Just know that you're not alone. I'm here for you. Ok?" he smiled then quickly kissed the end of Leo's nose.

"I really wana say 'take your time' here, but your tea is going cold and Brian said Heather needs to go to bed soon..." he chuckled

Then he chuckled even more when Heather looked up at him and complained "But I'm not tired yet!"

"Hey, don't look at me! Your dad's rules. Not mine." Oscar shrugged at her.

Heather stuck her tongue out at Oscar and he feigned shock before pulling a face and sticking his tongue out at her as well, making her laugh.


Jessica moaned a little as well and rested a hand on his chest. She pulled away and looked at him longingly. She bit her lip while staring into his eyes. "I can't wait to get you home." she whispered with a smirk.


Hannes wrapped his arms around Jean and cried into his shoulder, relieved to hear Jean tell him he loved him. He was just happy to be holding Jean in his arms again. He ran a hand through his hair, treasuring how soft it felt between his fingers. He kissed his neck then his cheek, not the least bit bothered about the tears he was kissing too. He left kiss after kiss on his cheek, his head, his neck and on his mouth before holding his face in his hands to look into his eyes. "I'll do better. I promise, I'll do better by you." He said, wiping away Jean's tears with his thumbs. "Meine Geliebte. My love. I swear to bring you nothing but love and protection. Always."

"Barf..." Niko yawned and rolled his eyes. Racheal giggled and gave him a playful tap on the shoulder. Her smile quickly slipped and she looked away from him hurriedly when Niko then shot a glare at her. "Sorry." she whispered so quietly that it was barely audible. Just as quickly as Niko's glare had appeared, it disappeared as he looked around the room with a bored expression.


Not even a moment later, the front door downstairs could be heard opening and closing before Parker called; "Jean?!" Within seconds, Parker was running up the stairs with his gun drawn but by his side, having no idea what to expect.


Viktor smiled at everything Bryce told him. He tried to picture what it might've been like and what Bryce might've looked like back then. The smart, Victorian clothes he must've worn... Being home-schooled, Viktor's parents had made him read a lot of books as he grew. He remembered gaining a fascination for all things Victorian when he saw a depiction of the fancy balls and dresswear in one of the books that they'd made him study.

"Wow...I wish I could've seen what it was like..." he said a little dreamily then blushed a little, realizing how he must seem in front of someone he'd only known a few minutes. "Um- I'm sorry." He said, getting to his feet. "I didn't mean to bombard you with questions like that...It's just-...I've never met anyone who lived through that time and-" he was about to admit his obsessions but stopped himself, not wanting to seem like some kind of creep. "I should probably let you get back to your work...I've wasted enough of your time already."


Denix Vames - June 23, 2021

(oh sorry about that lol. Will's seizures comes from extreme stress)


Leo smiled. "Alright. Let's go." He nodded at Heather. "Good night." He headed to the kitchen where he took his cup of tea. Drinking some.


Ben smiled. "Honestly, I want to see what happens when I let you take charge."


Jean smiled at the kisses. He glared at Niko when he heard his comments.


"Let's leave before we make a scene." ,said X. He clapped his hands. All of four of them disappeared but soon appeared. They were now in the castle.


Bryce placed a hand on his shoulder before he could leave. "You're not bothering me at all. Do you know how long it's been since I've told anyone my story? It feels great to hear someone ask these questions. Honestly, I love it. But if you have to go now then you can. Just remember what I told you. Imagine the place and meditate on it. Then you'll appear there."


shadowess - June 23, 2021

Doctor Evans was looking over Will's charts when he noticed his eyes flickering open. "Ah, you're awake." he said, tucking the clipboard under his arm and walking over to the side of his bed. "How're you feeling? Any pain? Dizziness?"


Oscar followed Leo out and waved at Heather. "Nighty-night kid!"

"Good night!" Heather called after them.

Once in the kitchen, Brian smiled at them and nodded a little. He drank the rest of his own drink before nodding towards a door, nearer the back of the house. "That's a spare room. Feel free to use it tonight. I'm going to get my daughter tucked in then I'll be heading to bed myself.

I have to be up early tomorrow to get her to school before I go to work. Hope you don't mind but I'll need you guys awake and ready to leave at the same time." He pointed to another door. "That's the bathroom and help yourself to any food or drinks while you're here." he then headed towards Heather's room. "Good night, you two. We'll see you in the morning."


"You won't be disappointed." Jessica purred, lightly tapping his nose with her own and hovering her lips over his.


Niko smirked at Jean's glare, his eyes a little wide with excitement, seeing his glaring as some kind of challenge.

The Vampires in the castle jumped when X and the others arrived in the castle. As soon as they realized Hannes and Niko were back, they began to crowd around them excitedly. Asking them where they'd gone, who these new people with them were and what had happened when they left to hunt the Steinheils. All of them were speaking only in German.

Niko smirked at Racheal who was clinging to him while looking around nervously at all the new faces. "It's alright, liebchen. These are your new family. This is my home."

Hannes held Jean to him and looked around at the other vampires while quickly wiping away his tears. He looked at Bianka who hurried over to him. "We're grateful for your safe return!" she said to him in German. "We have a lot to discuss. There are humans guarding us and providing us with blood!"

"I know." Hannes said in English, making Bianka blink in surprise. "We learned about how much the world has changed while we were gone. We no longer need to fear the human world knowing about us. We no longer need to give humans the ultimatum of death or vampirism when they see us. We should talk about this in the hall with the other guardians. Have them and our people gather there. We'll begin the discussion in an hour."

Bianka nodded before hurrying off to inform the others. Hannes then turned to Jean with a smile. "This is the castle I was telling you about. I am a guardian here. I look out for those living within the East section of the castle. That was Bianka...my only living blood relative now. She's a cousin on my mother's side. She was looking after my section while I was gone."

"I live in the East section as well." Niko said then smiled at Racheal, taking her chin between his thumb and forefinger to make her look at him. "Or should I say, WE live in the East section. Come liebchen, I'll show you my 'house'. You'll love it." he began walking away from them, towards the East side of the castle, with an arm around Racheal's waist.

"Do you need anything, Jean?" Hannes asked. "I know this might be a little overwhelming. We can get you some blood and I'll be happy to show you around after the discussion..." Hannes then turned to X. "Would you join us for the discussion in the Hall?"

Meanwhile, back at the office, Parker had reached the top of the stairs to find no-one there. He checked all the rooms, moving from room to room quickly. "Jean?!" he called out. "Jean?! Are you here?!" his heart was pounding. He was getting no response from anywhere and he couldn't find him anywhere in the office.

Starting to breath a little heavier, he ran back downstairs and out of the office to run around the building, looking for any signs that Jean might've somehow ended up in direct sunlight. He was relieved when he didn't find any ash but it still didn't explain where Jean had vanished to. He thought about what Jean had said then quickly took out his phone and selected re-dial on Jean's number.


"Really?" Viktor blinked, blushing a little. He looked away from Bryce and thought for a moment, hesitating to leave. He'd spent the entire day in that room with nothing but his own thoughts for company. He was glad to have some time away and even happier to know he could talk to someone so interesting while he was out. Still, he was a little worried that they'd soon discover him gone and come looking for him.

Maybe he should return for now, before they could miss him, so that he could come back another time? He looked back at Bryce. He didn't have any doubts that he found him to be utterly fascinating and would love another chance to spend time with him, talking about his life. He suddenly felt a little nervous but buried those nerves quickly so that he could ask; "C-could I see you again? Maybe get your number? M-maybe we could hang out when you're not working and you could tell me more about your life back then?"


Denix Vames - June 23, 2021

Will slowly sat up. "No, I think I'm alright. Mind telling me why I've been getting seizures lately?"


"See ya." Leo finished his cup and set it in the sink. He went into the spare bedroom. "My friends would come over sometimes before....They would stay here if they were visiting longer."


Ben blushed. He brushed his lips against hers. "Something tells me I won't be."


"Some blood would be nice." ,said Jean. He looked down at his pocket where his phone was ringing. He picked it up and answered. "Hello?"

X nodded. "Of course. After all, it's technically part of my job so I might as well. But if we're going to have an honest and open discussion then I guess I might as well reveal myself." He snapped his fingers. The spell had wore off. Revealing his identity to be that of a Blood God. He was the only one out of two. The other being Will.


"That would be just fine." Bryce wrote his number down and handed the note to him. "There you go. I look forward to seeing you again. We could plan a day together. Or a night. Whichever you prefer."


shadowess - June 24, 2021

"Of course. We ran several tests and the good news is, it's not epilepsy or a tumour. You blood tests just came back and you seem to have a high level of cortisol. This indicates that you're under a large amount of stress. Believe it or not, stress can be a trigger for seizures. I'd strongly recommend that you take some time off of work to try to keep these cortisol levels down."

"Don't do anything strenuous or anything that might be stressful for at least a couple of weeks. No teleporting for two weeks either. Using powers can also cause a lot of stress on the body. If you have another one and it lasts for longer than five minutes, you'll need to come back to the hospital. If it only lasts for under five minutes though, you'll be fine to stay at home with someone who can look out for you. Just make sure you're comfortable for the rest of the day." The doctor said after looking at his charts again.

"If you need any pain medication, I can prescribe them to you now but otherwise, you're free to go home as soon as you feel ready. Oh, and a message was left for you from Mr Parker. He apologises for not staying and said he had to go back to the office to see to an emergency."


Oscar finished his own drink and followed Leo after setting the cup down. He looked around the spare room curiously. He smiled at Leo, staying quiet while he listened so that Leo could reminisce without interruption. He walked over to the bed and sat down, watching Leo with a small smile.


Their lips so close to each other that Jessica could feel Ben's breath on her skin, her cheeks turned pink. She could easily forget that they were sitting in a hospital room. It felt like there were only the two of them in the whole world right now. She caressed his cheek with one hand and ran her other hand over his chest, loving how close they were to each other. Closing her eyes, she gently pressed her lips against his once more.


Hannes nodded and looked over at one of the nearby vampires who nodded back before running off. The vampire came back a few seconds later, holding a bottle of veal blood. They would be saving the blood bags from the CIA until their stock of animal blood ran dry. He poured the blood into two glasses and handed one each to Hannes and Jean.

When Jean answered the phone, Parker sounded relieved; "Jean! Thank god. Where are you? Are you alright?"

As soon as X revealed what he was, the vampires around him gasped and immediately fell to their knees, bowing to him. The vampire holding the bottle of veal blood dropped it in his shock. The glass smashed on the stone floor, creating a large puddle of blood under him. He also dropped to his knees, ignoring the blood now getting into his clothes and bowed so low that his nose almost touched the puddle under him. "Forgive my wastefulness, Vampirkönig!" he said fearfully.

Hannes was taken aback but after his experience with Will, did not bow this time. "You're a Vampirkönig?" he gasped. He looked around briefly at the other vampires, then looked back at X and bowed his head. "Our people worship your kind as Gods. Our little civilisation was founded by a Vampire King centuries ago, when all that was here was forest. He gave us the laws to follow to keep us safe and that we lived by until now."


Viktor took the note, excited by the idea that he could see Bryce again. "Thanks, I'd like that." he smiled and slipped the note into his pocket. He wasn't sure when he'd be able to meet Bryce again but now that he had his number he was sure they'd be able to figure something out. "I'll call you." he nodded then closed his eyes to help him focus. He thought about the bedroom at the Whitehouse where he'd spent most of the day and focussed on imagining himself being there. When he opened his eyes, he was looking at himself in the full length mirror again. It was that easy?

He couldn't stop smiling. He took the bit of paper out of his pocket and looked at the number. Grinning, he slipped it back into his pocket and flopped down, onto the bed to stare dreamily at the ceiling. He then closed his eyes and tried to imagine being at one of the balls that Bryce had told him about. Imagining wearing a suit, drinking from fancy, crystal glasses and talking the night away with Bryce. Eventually, his imaginations became dreams as he fell asleep with a small smile still on his lips.

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